#24/7 access to my brain cells
oskea93 · 7 months
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Keep it to Yourself (3 - Part one)
✶ DouglasBooth!Nikki Sixx x OC ✶
Warning: Cursing, physical violence A/N: Hey guys! So, this is kind of just a filler chapter that goes along with the last chapter. I promise things are gonna kick up soon and you'll get to see how everything goes down once Bryant is with Nikki 24/7. I just want to also say thank you to everyone that has been reading! You guys are amazing and I appreciate the love so much!!
Taglist: @fancywasmyname1, @kaitieskidmore1, @xxisxxisxxis, @sparxx27,  @cruecifymesixx, @tempt-ress, @a-sia-san, @x-xinenas, @casualcomputerarbiter-blog​, @makaelahdelvalle
“Okay, well thanks for checking.”
I watched as Doc hung up the phone, his hand moving down his face in exhaustion. That was the fourth person he had called and there was still no sign of Nikki. “Haven’t seen him.” He muttered as he started to pace. “I don’t know who else to call or even know where to look. He could be halfway out of California right now for all I know.”
The party quickly died out after Nikki and I’s explosive reunion. Nobody was really in the mood to party anymore after having to dodge glass bottles and whatever else Nikki could get his hands on.
“I doubt he went very far –“ I started. “He’s high off his ass, Doc. He probably went back to his house to get even more loaded.” Doc shook his head. “You knew this was going to happen – You and I both knew he wouldn’t react well to seeing me.”
“Well, I thought he would have a change of heart.” He rushed. “The bastard hasn’t seen you in a few years – he was fucking infatuated with you – he fucking loved you.”
“She left his ass standing on the stoop outside of his house, Doc.” Vince interjected. “Would you be happy to see the woman that left you the way she left him? He was a fucking wreck because of Bryant – You think this time is going to be any different?”
I turned to look at the blonde, “Everyone forgets the fact that he’d been cheating for months.” Our eyes locked. “But yet I’m the asshole because I stood up for myself and left. I guess I should’ve been like the whores you get with that’ll stay no matter how many women you’re fucking.”
He puckered his lips, earning a laugh from the bimbo attached to his side.
Vince and I never had the type of friendship that I had with Mick and Tommy. We tolerated each other and that was it. I was there the day he showed up to Nikki’s apartment.  His girlfriend led the way into the living room – the arrogance flowing from her like a cheap perfume. She was your typical rich girl from the Valley, who was basically just with Vince to piss off her parents. She bought that son of a bitch anything he wanted – spending thousands of her parent’s money on the man. I guess the coke they spent so much time snorting damaged not only her brain cells but also her judgement.
I rolled my eyes in disgust before removing myself from the couch. Doc had retreated to the backyard, a portable phone pressed against his ear as he walked along the pools edge. I decided that this was my que to leave – taking matters into my own hands. I knew of some places that Nikki frequented when we were together. If he wasn’t at his house, then I would try those places. Unlucky for Doc, he was notorious for leaving his car keys in the ignition – easy access for anyone that wanted to take it. I threw my purse into the passenger seat before climbing in and starting the engine. I tore out of Vince’s driveway – speeding onto the freeway as the warm, night air whipped through my hair.
“You think this is okay – You look like you’re ten seconds away from the fucking grim reaper coming for your ass!” He rolled his eyes as he paced the kitchen – his fists balled up at his sides. “Doc called me and ask-“
“You fucking called her?” His eyes wild as he stared Doc down. “You fucking called her!”
“I had no other choice, Nikki.” Doc was terrified. “You’re getting worse every day and you won’t listen to anyone at this point. I had no other person to turn too - She’s your wife, Nikki.”
“Ex-wife.” Nikki and I spoke at the same time.
Doc let out a sigh, “Wife, ex-wife – It’s all the fucking same. You two were married – you were madly in love with each other. Yeah, it ended badly but I know for a fucking fact that Bryant still cares enough about you to not want to see you like this.”
I kept my eyes on Nikki, “If he wants to kill himself with a needle then that’s his fucking choice.”
“What!?” I winced as Doc grabbed onto my arm. “What’re you saying, Bryant?”
Nikki and I stared at each other – he was still fucked up, but I could see the hatred and emotion coursing through his green eyes. “Nikki’s a grown man, Doc. A grown man that’s acting like a little bitch because of all the trauma that’s fucked up his life. He thinks that a needle filled with a feel-good drug is gonna help his pathetic ass – then let him think that. Who am I to say anything – It’s not like I wasn’t there when the real creative juices were flowing – when Motley was at the top of their game. Nikki’s choice is to be a junky – a fucking junky who’s never gonna reach the top – just the bottom of a 6-foot hole and his name added to the overdose roster..."
I parked behind one of the cars that was here earlier – quickly getting out and running towards the stairs. The door was still unlocked, and the house was still a disaster. I didn’t bother calling out of for him – choosing to run up the stairs and into the bedroom. It was a shock to see the once bright room was now painted a dark red – Tiffany lamps with scarves over them casted a low light across the room. The state of the room matched that of downstairs – the only difference being the random dime bags and needles scattered around. The TV that sat in the corner displayed a shattered screen – looking as if a bullet had gone right through it. Doc had mentioned that Nikki would hallucinate, the drugs telling him that his house was being invaded.
“Where are you?” I whispered as I moved towards the notorious closet.
This was his spot – his safe space to do dangerous things. I took a deep breath before slowly pushing the wooden door – the sight causing my stomach to drop. A collection of used syringes and a revolver laid on the burnt carpet. Bullet holes that matched the one that was put in his TV were displayed on the walls around the small area. This was the room that possessed Nikki – lured him in like a siren out in the ocean. The closet was like a mistress – their relationship buried behind the heavy cathedral doors.
 My head shot up at the sound of the shrill voice. The female’s heavy heels slapped against the marble floor as she continued to scream his name out. I removed myself from the closet, walking out of his room as I looked over the banister. She was petite blonde girl – late teens – possibly early 20s. Her clothing was typical of those that hung out on the strip – black leather, short skirts, and tits out for the world to see.
“Nikki, please baby –“She wined as she searched. “I need you right now, baby.”
“He’s not here.”  
She stopped dead in here tracks, her eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets. It was evident that she was one of his junky whores. She not only got to fuck around with Nikki – but she also got to indulge in the glamorous drugs that his fame brought in.  
Her face twisted into disgust, “Who the fuck are you?” Typical valley girl. “And how the fuck did you get in my boyfriend’s house?”
I couldn’t help but smirk as her feathers ruffled. It was cute that she thought Nikki cared about her. I pushed myself from the frame, slowly walking down the stairs. I kept my eyes on her as I took each step – her body twitching as the last of the drugs wore off.
My slightly taller frame stood over her, “I think the better questions is who are you?”
She shifted away – her mind trying to tell her to act normal but her body betraying her. “I’m Colette – Nikki’s girlfriend.” She spoke so surely. “Now – “ She cocked her hip to the side. “Tell me who the fuck you are and why are you in my fucking boyfriend’s house.”
I took a second, just looking at her and thinking what a shame it was that she was in the position she was in. Colette was a very pretty girl – probably came from a good family – actually graduated from high school and had a bright future ahead before she met Satan on the strip.
“How old are you?” I dodged her question.
She looked confused for a second, “19.”
Nikki – you fucking bastard.
“Why are you hanging around a 27-year-old man who’s addicted to ever drug known to man? You should be hanging out with your friends – going to college – not sleazing around on the strip looking for a fuck and a bump.”
“Nikki loves me-“
I let out a laugh, “You honestly think Nikki Sixx – big rockstar for Motley Crue – loves and cares about some little chick he met at a bar? Honey-“ I stepped closer. “The only thing that man loves right now is melted and injected into whatever vein he can find. You’re just a piece of ass to him – an easy fuck that he’s just gonna forget about when the drugs start to wear off. You and I both know you deserve way better than that – Don’t be one of those girls that are just hanging around and getting fucked up just to brag that you bagged Nikki Sixx.”
Maybe telling someone the cold truth wasn’t best when they’re coming down from drugs. Colette instantly broke down in tears – literally falling onto the floor as loud sobs left her body. I couldn’t help but just stand there for a second – to stunned to even do anything right away. I wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction – I was honestly waiting for her to start throwing punches or to cuss me out.
“Oh my God –“ I muttered as I pulled her off the floor. “I didn’t say those things to make you cry.” Mascara streaked down her face. “I was just trying to get you to understand that Nikki isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.” She was still crying – her eyes puffy and lipstick smeared as she wiped away the tears.
“Why do you even care?” Her voice cracking.
I took a deep breath, “ I was married to Nikki.” Her eyes connecting with mine. “We got together way before he formed Motley – back when things were less hazy. I was in your shoes at one point. I was that little girl that hung around the strip, and I let Nikki talk me into a lot of things that I should’ve never done, but he sucks you in with those green eyes and that smile.” Colette stayed silent as I spoke. “I guess what I’m trying to say is just stay away from Nikki or any guy with long hair on the strip for that matter. You’re too pretty to get strung out and have your life ruined by these guys.”
Just like a typical addict, her demeanor instantly changed and the girl that I first met reared back around. She pushed away from me, smoothing out her leather outfit as she rolled her eyes. “You’re a fucking liar.” She sniffed back the remaining tears. “You’re probably some psycho stalker that’s in love with Nikki and you’re just trying to push me away. I love Nikki and he loves me, and I won’t let you or anyone else for that matter get in my way, you stupid bitch!”
Before I had time to reply or react for that matter, her ring clad fist connected with my nose. Searing pain and the sound of bones crunching rang through my brain as I stumbled back. Not giving me the chance to recover, she lurched towards me once again, my red hair balled in her fist as she brought me to the ground. I’m usually scrappy, but the bitch was still high, making her have the strength that she typically would never have. If I didn’t think fast there was a chance that she could cause more damage or even kill me. Before she could send another blow to my face, I brought my knee up, practically stabbing it into her stomach, causing her to fall beside me on the ground. She moaned out in pain, giving me the chance to bring her equal payback...
I never liked fighting, but I could never stop once I started. I would go into another world – blacking everything out as my fist did the damage.
Colette was a bruised, bloody mess by the time Doc arrived, pulling me off her scrawny body. I didn’t even know it was him until his voice finally broke through the fog I was in. Pretty sure I hit him to as I flailed around as he tried to get me under control.
“God dammit, Bryant!” Doc yelled as he threw me onto the couch.
I heard another voice as I crashed back to reality – the site of jet-black hair kneeling beside Colette catching my eye. Nikki carefully picked up the young girl, carrying her bridal style up the staircase to his heroin den.
“She did a number on you, didn’t she?” Doc muttered as he started cleaning my face.
“Fuck you.” I spat as I stormed off the couch. My face was pounding – blood still falling onto my shirt as I walked out the front door. I knew my nose was broken – her rings wreaking havoc on my face with each punch but how fucking dare Nikki tend to her first! I could feel tears welling up as I paced the yard.
“Bryant, you need to get back in the house.” Doc spoke from the stairs.
“Fuck you!” I yelled. “Fuck you! Fuck Nikki! And fuck that stupid fucking cunt, Colette!”
Good thing Nikki didn’t have neighbors or else they would be getting a free show right now.
Doc trudged down the staircase, grabbing my arm off guard, dragging me back into the home Nikki and I once shared. “Sit your ass down.” He firmly placed me into the dining room chair, placing a rag full of ice on the bridge of my nose.
“Fuck me.” I winced as the weight and coldness of the ice balanced on my face.
Doc let out a sigh, “I was going to kick your ass myself for stealing my car, but I’ll give you a break this time.” I rolled my eyes. “Now, you gonna tell me what happened between you two?” 
I glanced up at him, “Isn’t it obvious.”
“It’s obvious you let her get the first punch in.” He smirked. “But I wanna know why it all started?”
“Well, he’s 6’1 and a fucking asshole.”
Doc looked towards the ceiling, “You’re fighting a fucking groupie over Nikki? I thought we got past that point back in 1982?”
“I told her that she doesn’t need to be hanging around a guy like Nikki. She’s too young to be strung out and hanging on the streets of Hollywood trying to get the attention of junky rockstars.”
“Brya-“The sounds of sires caught our attention as the cars pulled behind Nikki’s corvette. I walked closely behind Doc as he walked back to the front door, the officers halfway up the stairs. “Evening officers –“He was sweating. “What seems to be the problem?”
The officer looked over Doc’s shoulder, his eyes connecting with mine. “Got a call about an assault on a young woman.” He placed his hands on his belt. “Are you Bryant Mitchell?”
Doc spoke up first, “Listen officer, this is all just a misunderstanding.”
The officer wasn’t having it, “Doesn’t sound like a misunderstanding, sir.” His hands going for the handcuffs. “Now, are you Bryant Mitchell?”
He let her call the fucking cops on me. “Yes, sir.” My voice low.
The man nodded his head, pushing Doc out of the way as he reached moved behind me, grabbing onto my arms as he placed the cuffs around my wrists. “Bryant Mitchell, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say could be used against you in the court of law…”
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kaesaaurelia · 11 months
your turn with the brain cell
For @whumptober day 31, using the prompt "setbacks."
This is the last installment of this fic.
Continued from Day 4, wherein Aziraphale receives an unwanted gift of a memory-wiped angel Crowley who is collared and chained and cheerfully obedient, and a tiny bit of hope that the Crowley he knows still exists somewhere in that angel, Day 7, wherein Aziraphale asked Crowley provocative questions, and failed to get the answers he wanted, Day 17, wherein Crowley began to become physically affectionate, and Aziraphale couldn’t handle that, Day 21, wherein Aziraphale decided he couldn’t keep going with this, and came up with a dangerous plan, and Day 24, when Crowley suddenly found himself in possession of all his wits, and a happy, obedient, wrong version of Aziraphale, and was exasperated.
Content note for explicit discussion of sex, but only in the crossed-out portions, so it's fine, right?
I know you're going to be all upset about being back, but I just couldn't get access to the documents I needed with you all bubble-brained. I've enclosed all my notes and my current plan. Also, fair warning, I think the Metatron noticed something the first time you gave me all the responsibility for everything. I've chosen to do it while his schedule's busy, I think, but it's difficult to check when you're not there and I'm not supposed to be there, and I don't know exactly what he's noticing since no alarms seem to go off.
Also. I don't know what you meant by that 'you can do whatever you like with me' thing, but please don't be if you're going to be angry you were all over me and I made a guess about what exactly you meant by that, and I might have been too hasty. I know it's inexcusable if If you wanted to ditch me here I wouldn't blame you. But if you're willing to work with me I'll help, even if you're furious. I care a great deal for I'm not getting you any more books, though.
Good heavens lord Really, Crowley, what did you think I might've meant? I've no complaints whatsoever -- not with your behavior, anyway. I do wish I had more than fuzzy memories of In fact, I would appreciate if you hadn't kept turning the other me down on my account after that first time. Until I read your letter I assumed I wasn't very Of course, if you're not interested, that's one thing, but it seemed to frustrate you, and I know it frustrated other-me.
I wasn't able to get direct copies of the documents but I do hope you can read my notes, they're in shorthand. Also took the trouble of transcribing some of the things before and after in the records, they looked related, but then that officious fellow who's in charge of the scriveners came by and wanted to be Helpful so I had to make my excuses and flee. Noted down the locations and numbers I could recall of other things that looked useful, but Uriel's been on me for neglecting my duties so I haven't been able to get at them. Frankly, I think I do a better job when I'm not in, as it were, and I think we're going to need to hurry up with this, so I'm handing the reins back to you.
You were right about the Metatron being alerted, by the way, but I worked it out! He gave me a very nice pen when I started out, and, as the humans would say, it's bugged. But not for audio, it's got some sort of miracle sensor. Have enclosed it in a miracle-proof seal and I try to remember to feed it bits and pieces of miracle every time I do something innocuous, but I did a few experiments and I think it's been successfully secured. It's in the top drawer on the left, it's the white one with gold filigree, because of course it is.
Oh, and regarding the book situation, I don't think you understand. Voyage of the Dawn Treader is the best one! Please do kindly leave out The Last Battle, nobody likes it. Well, probably the Metatron does.
What part of "I'm not getting you more books" was I not clear about? I just happened to stumble across that Dawn Treader one the last time I had you go on a "fact-finding mission" to Earth but that's it. Also, isn't this the fellow who got a hold of all that correspondence from Hell? It was a great scandal Down There, Dagon got internal stoats for two months over it. Didn't think you'd enjoy novels by such a noted demonologist.
Thanks for the heads up about the pen, I think you were right. Haven't heard anything from him this last time, and I also did some fairly major workings on my own, you'll see what I mean in the notes. I've been asking you to feed it the decoy crumbs of miracles, since I don't know if there's any difference between our miracles anymore.
I think I've got a plan, but we're going to have to distract Michael and get her out of her office for, oh, probably an hour or so, depending. Maybe two. Can you pick locks? The human way, I mean. I'm a bit rusty on it myself. I've outlined the plan in my notes, let me know what you think of it.
On your request regarding things I am allowed to do with you, I hope I've been thanks for clarifying. Also, you don't need to be such a bloody gentleman about that sort of thing when Stupid Me gets all clingy. Just push me away or go with it, I thought it would be clear I was all right with that given what I'd done with you. Where did you get so good at giving head, anyway?
Let me know what you think about the plan.
C.S. Lewis was not a demonologist!
I like the plan. I've made some adjustments re: timing. Had a long meeting with Michael about battle strategies so I could study the case, and I don't think we need to pick the lock, one of us could just take the hinges on the top off with a screwdriver. I think it'd be easiest if you stood on a chair and did it, I'd need a stepladder otherwise, so I think you should be in charge for this.
I've drawn up extra copies of the documentation so if we need to switch off in a hurry we can do that, and I think I've got a way to get Michael out of her office for three hours at least, because that fellow who supervises the scriveners has Ideas he would like to share with her, and good gracious, he can talk forever and say almost nothing. I'm ready to set everything into action as soon as you sign off on the plan; once Michael's out of the office I'll sign things back over to you, and then we can get out of here. Does that sound good?
Regarding... liberties to be taken with our respective corporations, I also appreciated your clarification a great deal.
I think all that bending me over your desk and fucking me really clarified how much you appreciated the clarification, but I'm gonna need more clarification of the clarification because
Good thought about the screwdriver; I swiped one from maintenance, it's in my inside jacket pocket if you need it for anything, but try to remember to put it back before we go through with things.
I'm ready if you are. I expect to be in Michael's office next time I know what the hell is going on. I love Hope this works.
It's all on you, my dearest. Good luck.
There were alarms, and they were very noisy, and they were in Michael's office, and Aziraphale did not feel that any of this was how things were supposed to be. He watched Crowley for a bit; he seemed to be struggling with a large sword, trying to cut the chain that linked the two of them. On the wall was a clear plastic case that had been partially unscrewed, where, presumably, the sword had been hanging for millennia.
"I don't know if we're supposed to be doing this?" ventured Aziraphale, wringing his hands.
"Oh, we definitely are," said Crowley. "God told me to do it."
"Oh!" said Aziraphale. "Well. That's all right, then." He didn't much like the sirens but if Crowley said something was true you could rely on it. Crowley had never lied once. He probably ought to get out of the way, though, and he patted himself down for the book he'd been reading so he could do that more effectively. It had been very exciting. There'd been a sailing ship and a mouse with a sword, and -- "Oh dear, I think I left one of my books in your office. My office, I mean," he corrected, because Crowley told him he should always call it his office, even though he was sure it was meant to be the Supreme Archangel's office.
Crowley sighed, not looking up from his trouble with the chain and the sword. "I told you to gather those up," he said. He stepped on the blade of the sword, but it just flipped flat.
"Yes, but you said I could keep out the one I was reading, and I'm reading it, and --"
"Never mind that, angel, just -- could you stand over there?" said Crowley, "and -- and think about that awful collar?"
"Oh," said Aziraphale, stepping away to stand in the indicated corner. "I'm sorry. Have I done something wrong?" He hoped he hadn't. Crowley was so nice, and he was clearly having a bad day.
Crowley looked at him and sighed. "No, angel, I just need this chain to go taut, you're doing everything right. Hang on..." He raised the sword above his head and brought it down hard, and the chain shattered and sublimated into the air, and everything came back to Aziraphale all at once, and he staggered a bit.
"Fucking finally," said Crowley. "Aziraphale? Are you --"
"Yes, I am," said Aziraphale, thrilled beyond description to be looking at Crowley again -- his Crowley, the real Crowley, Crowley who was good for drunken conversations about dolphins and awkward questions about the nature of evil and, as it turned out, actual heist planning, as unlikely as that had seemed. "Oh, you did it!"
Crowley looked away. "We did it, I was just, all I did was --"
Aziraphale grabbed his tie and pulled him into an impulsive kiss. When Aziraphale released him, Crowley looked like he did not know what had just happened. Well. Served him right, Aziraphale decided.
"Right." Crowley shook his head. "Anyway. You. Er. You take the sword, you know how to use it." He pressed Michael's sword into one of Aziraphale's hands, then grabbed the other one, and hurried toward the door. "Come on!"
They ran through the half-empty corridors of Heaven with wild abandon. Crowley, laughing like a maniac, nearly collided with three angels carrying stacks of paperwork and ran into a fourth on the way to the lifts. Aziraphale hurried to keep up, flailing a bit as he clung to the stolen sword, but if anyone looked askance at them he made it very clear he was going to use it on anyone who tried anything with him. The lift doors closed just in time for them to see Michael run out of the archives, look around wildly, and spot them.
"Well," said Crowley, "she's not going to be having a very good day. Or week. Or eon."
"Good," said Aziraphale. The serene downward motion of the lift felt bizarre after their giddy run through Heaven.
"About, um. When you..." Crowley said.
Aziraphale put the sword safely away into a different layer of reality. "When I what?" Crowley's expression was so serious.
"It's just." Crowley swallowed, and tried to say something, and gave up, and then grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him, and Aziraphale kissed back, pushing Crowley back into the wall of the lift with one hand flat on his chest, parting his lips for Crowley's tongue. It was a good kiss, and thrilling, and much better than the ones he'd had with Not Crowley.
The lift opened, and they parted reluctantly, hurrying to where they'd left their getaway car. It wasn't the Bentley -- Aziraphale had insisted it would be too recognizable, lovely as it was. But he'd let Crowley pick a modern car, so it was a sleek silver Aston Martin.
"Still a bit upset with you about the whole... redemption thing," said Crowley, holding the door for him.
Aziraphale sighed. "I think that's fair."
Crowley hurried around the car and got into the driver's seat. "But, you know, I could probably see my way to forgiving you," he said, pulling the door shut. He pulled Aziraphale in for another, much more heated kiss, and suddenly Aziraphale decided that this late model Aston Martin had, to its surprise, a bench seat with no glovebox in the front, just like 1926 Bentleys did, so it was very easy, actually, for Crowley to pull him into his lap, and very easy for Aziraphale to put his arms around Crowley.
"Oh? Do you really think you could?" Aziraphale asked, as Crowley kissed down his jaw.
"Mm. Maybe. Eventually," Crowley muttered against his neck. "Could see my way to it. S'pose we've got to get away with this first, though." He began to loosen Aziraphale's bowtie.
Over Crowley's shoulder, as Crowley was cupping his arse with almost proprietary interest, Aziraphale saw three or four people in the beiges and whites of Heaven run past frantically. "I think we had better get out of here first, my dear," he said, reluctantly pulling himself out of Crowley's embrace. "But I'm happy to give you my very best apology as soon as we're somewhere safer."
Crowley grinned at him. "I'll certainly consider it," he said, starting the car, "but it might take a few tries before I'm willing to accept."
As the car pulled out, Aziraphale put a hand on Crowley's knee. "And I'm willing to try as many times as it takes."
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Umbrella Corporation file #57620089
Subject: The Examination of Leon S Kennedy.
File author: Dr. William Birkin.
Date: Dec. 26, 2015.
Timestamp: 7:20PM.
In all my years in Umbrella, never have I ever encountered such a amazing example of symbiotic evolution between two vastly different specimens; the human being and the Las Plagas parasite.
The first examination was a bit difficult, as the parasite had fused to the brain stem, becoming almost invisible to the untrained eye. But thanks to x-rays and CT scans, us mere humans are able to see it.
The Las Plagas parasite, in its current state, (on scans, it is coiled around the brain stem) measures roughly three inches long and overall size is smaller than the common praying mantis(Mantis religiosa).
If uncoiled, it's length is estimated to be roughly 7-8 inches long, accompanied by four three inch long leg-like appendages. which on the scan have completely fused to the tissue of the brain, along with what we believe to be the tail of the parasite when compared to its larger counterparts, coiled around the stem going down into the spinal cord.
When I say "Fused", well, think of it as welding two pieces of steel together. That seam you see in the final result? That is what the Plaga appears as in the scans; like it had been welded to the brain tissue. Of course, it was dormant for at least twelve(12) years.
In addition, this explains the drastic changes to Agent Kennedy's brain and body.
According to test results and observation recordings, it is believed that Agent Kennedy has at least three stages of physical metamorphosi depending on how much he uses his abilities, along with near permanent changes of certain physical attributes.
STAGE ONE: Minor. Safe. (Note: this is the permanent state of the subject's body.)
•Visible Tapetum Lucidum of the eyes. (Agent Kennedy must wear sunglasses no matter the time of day nor weather conditions due to light sensitivity.)
•Permanent black pigmentation of the fingernails and dark gradient of the fingers. (Agent Kennedy must wear gloves to hide the pigmentation and gradient of his hands.)
•Severance of muscle and tissue to the face, resulting in a wide "Ear-To-Ear" grin.
•Replacement of Human Teeth (incisors, canines, premolars and molars) with sharp carnivore teeth, resembling those of a Shark or Wolf.
•Replacement of human fingernails with four-inch longs claws.
•Mutation of bone and muscle structure to the lower legs, resulting in reptilian-like feet.
•Mutation of spine vertebrae and tail bone, resulting in a five(5)-foot long tail resembling the Las Plagas parasite tail, complete with stinger.
•Mutation of enzymes in the body transported to the tail, resulting in a venom that is both neurotoxic, hemotoxic and cytotoxic.
(Note: Neurotoxic- destroys the nervous system. Cytotoxic- attacks the living cells. Hemotoxic- attacks the cardiovascular system.)
•Mutation of skin cells and tissue, resulting in the ability to Camouflage with the surrounding area, even brick walls and chainlink fences.
As of date, Agent Kennedy has not yet been cleared to operate in the field until he has full understanding of his abilities and their side effects. Despite being under 24-hour surveillance, Agent Kennedy has been given a wristband that will allow him access to certain areas of the base, including:
-dining hall.
-recreational floor.
-training floor.
-physical and mental evaluation room.
-barracks and showers.
If and when Agent Kennedy will be granted clearance for field operations, he will sadly never live outside these walls again, as everyone he knows believes he is dead. And despite knowing this, Agent Kennedy is content on never leaving. He calls this base home, and calls Umbrella his family.
-Dr. William Birkin. END FILE.
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biblenewsprophecy · 4 months
Nanobots, 666, & Eternal Life?
What are nanobots? Are they being researched for internal human use? Do they have potential to be connected to the internet? Have some claimed that they may be able to give eternal life to humans? What did Ray Kurzweil say? Might they be in place by 2030? Could they have any tie of support to the coming totalitarian 666 beast power? Is it wise for society to have potentially self-reproducing nanorobots reproducing in human beings? Are there things you can do that might extend your physical life? What is the real source of eternal life? Does the Bible teach eternal life as possible without Jesus? What are people to do if they wish to gain eternal life according to scriptures in the New Testament? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these matters and more.
A written article of related interest is available titled 'Nanobots, 666, and eternal life?'
Nanobots, 666, and eternal life?
Many are looking at nanobots to improve health and the human condition. Notice one such report:
Health Spotlight | Nanobots to the rescue
May 14, 2024
The fantastic voyage! Microrobots deployed inside a body were once science fiction and only imagined in the movies. But now, it’s becoming the basis of real science inside a lab.
Medical microrobots are, essentially, microscale devices. So, we’re talking devices five to 10 times thinner than the human hair,” said Dr. Wyatt Shields IV, University of Colorado Boulder. …
The bots are made out of polymer materials that are biocompatible using a technology similar to 3-D printing. They look like small rockets with three tiny fins. …
Although there’s still more testing to do, this work could one day turn what was once science fiction into science that changes the world. https://www.wishtv.com/news/health-spotlight-nanobots-to-the-rescue/
Let me add that back in 1966, my parents took me the the drive-in theater to watch a movie titled Fantastic Voyage where people were somehow shrunk to go into a microscopic submarine to remove a clot in someone’s brain.
While people cannot be shrunk like that, here is some general information from Wikipedia on the nanorobotics:
Nanoid robotics, or for short, nanorobotics or nanobotics, is an emerging technology field creating machines or robots, which are called nanorobots or simply nanobots, whose components are at or near the scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters).[1][2][3] More specifically, nanorobotics (as opposed to microrobotics) refers to the nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots with devices ranging in size from 0.1 to 10 micrometres and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components.[4][5] The terms nanobot, nanoid, nanite, nanomachine and nanomite have also been used to describe such devices currently under research and development.[6][7]
Nanomachines are largely in the research and development phase,[8] but some primitive molecular machines and nanomotors have been tested. (Nanorobotics. Wikipedia, accessed 05/17/24)
While the mainstream does not seem to be too concerned about how nanobots can be misused, Michael Snyder posted the following:
We Are Being Warned That Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Our Bodies “By 2030” And Will Be Used To Connect Our Brains To The Internet
May 16, 2024
Once thousands of nanobots are zipping around inside your body, will you still be in control of your mind, will and emotions or will the nanobots be running the show?  According to Google, a nanobot is “a hypothetical, very small, self-propelled machine, especially one that has some degree of autonomy and can reproduce”.  Scientists here in the United States have been working on nanobots that can travel through our bodies at astonishing speeds, deliver medicines to targeted locations, and even enter our brain cells.  Eventually, researchers hope to use nanobots to connect our brains directly to the Internet. …
Many are concerned that someday nanobot technology could potentially be used to completely enslave humanity.
Even now, scientists are developing nanobots that can actually go inside cells and transmit information to the outside world. …
Some experts even believe that someday nanobots will actually be capable of enabling humans to live indefinitely.  The following comes from an article entitled “Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Your Body by 2030”…
Ray Kurzweil, in an interview with Neil deGrasse, claimed that tiny nanobots in our bloodstreams will prevent us from dying in 2030 …
I certainly don’t want nanobots “flowing through my body” by 2030. …
What would our world look like if most of our brains were directly connected to the Internet by nanobots?
To me, the potential for tyranny would be off the charts.
A central authority with power over those nanobots could wield a tremendous amount of power over our thoughts, feelings and core beliefs. https://endoftheamericandream.com/we-are-being-warned-that-nanobots-will-be-flowing-through-our-bodies-by-2030-and-will-be-used-to-connect-our-brains-to-the-internet/
Being connected to the internet that way would pose many risks. The “by 2030” comment is interesting as a totalitarian system is likely to be in place then (see Could God Have a 6,000 Year Plan? What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? ).
The Bible warns that a totalitarian system will be put in place:
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:15-18)
When Jesus had the Apostle John pen this 1900+ years ago, there was no way to monitor most buying and selling. With computer software, including AI, much is already being done, and more will be done. Perhaps nanobots will be a mark of the beast.
We will see.
The fact that some believe that they will be able to reproduce themselves looks very dangerous from a personal and societal perspective. Any machine that can reproduce itself, particularly in a biological life form, poses dangers that scientists will not be able to thoroughly test for–even if all the intentions around it were benevolent.
Now part of the push for nanorobotics is to extend human life. Notice the following:
Futurists often claim that nanobots hold the key to eternal life. Inventor, author, and Google futurist Ray Kurzweil, in an interview with Neil deGrasse, claimed that tiny nanobots in our bloodstreams will prevent us from dying in 2030. According to Kurzweil, the nanobots will travel inside you on a molecular level, protecting your biological system and ensuring you’ll have a good and long life. 04/03/23 https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/nanobots-will-be-flowing-through-your-body-by-2030
The belief seems to be that nanobots will one day be able to figure out everything that promotes aging and death in the human body and fix it so one never dies.
An obviously worldly hope.
But, no, nanobots do not hold the key to eternal life.
Jesus does:
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
9 … He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, (Hebrews 5:9)
Are there other options to gain eternal life?
According to the word of God, the answer is clearly no. Notice the following from the Apostle Peter:
8 … “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: 9 If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well, 10 let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 11 This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:8-12)
Are there things that you can do to extend physical life?
12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.  (Exodus 20:12)
26 “If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26)
2 … Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, (Isaiah 55:2)
8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)
Notice also:
10 The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away. 11 Who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath. 12 So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalms 90:10-12)
While we can lead a longer life, we will all die, but God has a plan of salvation through Jesus:
27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. (Hebrews 9:27-28)
23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  (Romans 6:23)
So, what are we to do to be saved?
The Apostle Peter told the Jews:
36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” (Acts 2:36)
Notice what happened next:
37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”
38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:37-39)
If God is calling someone, they need to repent, accept and obey Jesus, and be baptized.
The Apostle John was inspired to write:
1 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith. 5 Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? …
11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. (1 John 5:1-5; 11-13)
Nanobots do not believe in Jesus as Savior nor do they have the ability to keep God’s commandments.
While totalitarian forces may use them for nefarious purposes, we who believe in Jesus and keep His commandments are to be granted eternal life.
The Apostle Paul taught:
35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:
37 “For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. 38 Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”
39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul. (Hebrews 10:35-39)
Despite what we see going on in the world, both good and bad, we can have confidence in God and His plan of salvation through Jesus. It is not that nanobots cannot have any positive role, but they do pose risks and most certainly will not supply eternal life.
UPDATE 05/19/24. We just uploaded the following related video:
 Nanobots, 666, & Eternal Life?
What are nanobots? Are they being researched for internal human use? Do they have potential to be connected to the internet? Have some claimed that they may be able to give eternal life to humans? What did Ray Kurzweil say? Might they be in place by 2030? Could they have any tie of support to the coming totalitarian 666 beast power? Is it wise for society to have potentially self-reproducing nanorobots reproducing in human beings? Are there things you can do that might extend your physical life? What is the real source of eternal life? Does the Bible teach eternal life as possible without Jesus? What are people to do if they wish to gain eternal life according to scriptures in the New Testament? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel address these matters and more.
Here is a link to our video: Nanobots, 666, & Eternal Life?
Related Items:
Two Horned Beast of Revelation and 666 Who is 666? This article explains how the COG views this, and compares this to Ellen White. Here is a link to a prophetic video Six Financial Steps Leading to 666?
The Mark of Antichrist What is the mark of Antichrist? What have various ones claimed? Here is a link to a related sermon What is the ‘Mark of Antichrist’?
Mark of the Beast What is the mark of the Beast? Who is the Beast? What have various ones claimed the mark is? What is the ‘Mark of the Beast’?
Proof Jesus is the Messiah This free book has over 200 Hebrew prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus. Plus, His arrival was consistent with specific prophecies and even Jewish interpretations of prophecy. Here are links to seven related sermons: Proof Jesus is the Messiah, Prophecies of Jesus’ birth, timing, and death, Jesus’ prophesied divinity, 200+ OT prophecies Jesus filled; Plus prophecies He made, Why Don’t Jews Accept Jesus?, Daniel 9, Jews, and Jesus, and Facts and Atheists’ Delusions About Jesus.
Is God Calling You? This booklet discusses topics including calling, election, and selection. If God is calling you, how will you respond? Here is are links to related sermons: Christian Election: Is God Calling YOU? and Predestination and Your Selection; here is a message in Spanish: Me Está Llamando Dios Hoy? A short animation is also available: Is God Calling You?
Christian Repentance Do you know what repentance is? Is it really necessary for salvation? Two related sermons about this are also available: Real Repentance and Real Christian Repentance.
About Baptism Should you be baptized? Could baptism be necessary for salvation? Who should baptize and how should it be done? Here is a link to a related sermon: Let’s Talk About Baptism and Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death. LATEST BIBLE PROPHECY INTERVIEWS
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austinmabry · 2 years
Week 3 Blog- Social Media Influence
Social media plays a key role in my life. It has become such a habit to click on my social media apps that my brain will do it unconsciously at times. I would say I spend a combined 2-4 hours a day on Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok, and other various apps. It provides great use for entertainment as well as a way to stay connected with people that I normally don't see on a day to day basis.
I would say constantly having the internet available is a good and a bad thing. If being used correctly, the internet can be a blessing. It makes our lives easier- It is a great resource for information, it is super fast, can be used to send emails, connect on networking sites, and provide entertainment. However, the internet also has many downsides. The internet can make a lot of people lazy or sidetracked. Smartphones can be a huge distraction because of the ability to have internet access 24/7. There is also a lot of toxicity on the internet. A lot of times the media is posting negative things or starting drama that is not necessary in one's life. A lot of times the things we do/ get involved in on the internet can be a big waste of time.
Times where I didn't have access to the internet made me feel very frustrated. After being accustomed to essentially having internet my whole life, I get annoyed and frustrated if I don't have it at times where I want it. When I went camping I didn't have service for nearly 3 days. It was hard to stay up to date on my social media and connect with people I keep in touch with on a day to day basis. This made me feel irritated, but put into perspective how good we have life and just how dependent we are on the internet and technology.
For me personally, I want to start using technology in a more responsible manner. A lot of the times I find myself scrolling on Tiktok or twitter for an excessive amount of time. These apps are essentially unhealthy due to the fact that they make me unproductive. Using these apps for short periods of time to get a "break" throughout the day can be good, but that's not how I've been using them. Like I said earlier, they make me very sidetracked when I am trying to get schoolwork done as well. I need to get in the habit of placing my phone in a different room when doing schoolwork. This can limit my cell phone from being a distraction. This will allow me to be more productive, as well as crank out better work.
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projectsekaiocsblog · 3 years
SEGA release the full version of Buriki no Dance, you cowards-
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hvlloweens-a · 3 years
i’m the queen of opening messages , forgetting that i opened them and not replying for days ( or at all because i psych myself out and swear that they hate me for not replying within 24 hours ) ! 
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xseaxwitchxkpop · 3 years
But Not Today
A/N: Hello y’all. This is a heavier fic and is a way for me to channel me feelings as most of my fics are and will be, especially because it comforts me that people out there feel the same as I do and hopefully through these fics find they are also not alone. I struggle with depression and suicidal ideation/thoughts like many of you do and there’s too many fics that glorify and glamorize the hardships and always end with cure fluffy “I’m always there for you.” No, some people don’t have others to talk to and sometimes the mental illness wins. In all sincerity, if you are feeling like you have no one to talk to, no to listen to you, you can always PM me or send me an anon because I know that feeling well and it’s not a good one. If you want a part two, lemme know, otherwise how it ends is how it ends.
Disclaimers/CW: suicidal thoughts, suicidal actions, pills/overdose, drinking, depression (lemme know if I missed something)
Requested: NO
Group: ATEEZ -- Wooyoung
Word Count: 1,847
This month has been absolute hell and is why you find yourself down the rabbithole. Sure, you have friends who have reassured you that they are there to help emotionally but you’ve been fucked over too many times in the past to truly believe any of that.
Which is why you find yourself where you are now. 
The TV plays on the background but you process none of the audio. The sounds of the city play like a symphony throughout your apartment, but you don’t smile and sway. No, you, on the couch, hunched over with elbows on your knees, staring at a pill bottle and a bottle of whiskey, is how the music finds you, empty.
You don’t have the energy to cry, you don’t have the energy to move, you don’t have the energy to...exist. Breathing is now too hard, and the stillness of your body is reflected in the stillness of the apartment, save for the television.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you rub your hands on your face and then once again take up the staring contest with the pill bottle. After a beat of silence, your right hand moves to take the bottle of whiskey and swig it hard, the familiar burning sensation in your throat doing absolutely nothing for you as it hasn’t been for the past couple of weeks.
Today was a battle that you were on the verge of losing but you don’t know how to accept the loss. Stabbing or cutting yourself is too messy and would you even hit the right vein to die fast enough? You could jump from the apartment complex’s rooftop and would certainly die on impact, but that’s too public, you want to go quietly. Putting a bullet through your brain seemed like a good option, but it’s too much noise and you have no idea the first place to start looking into gun ownership in Korea. You’ve known people you have attempted suicide by pill overdose, and it wasn’t the most effective method of killing oneself, but it was certainly one of the easiest and one of the quietest ways to go, especially if you could die in your sleep. 
In this past month, you’ve been distancing yourself further and further from your friends who began to worry about you dearly, but, to you, not enough. None of them bothered to try to see you, come by your place, just shot you texts and a couple of calls saying they’re always there or some other bullshit. But Wooyoung was extremely persistent in this. He knows you liked your space and the last time he tried to help you emotionally you blew up at him and dug into his heart like a knife, attacking him in such a way that left him in tears rather than you.
Tonight, though, Wooyoung decided to blow up your phone at every chance he could between practice with the boys and eating and doing other errands he needed that day. You might have hurt him in the past, but he still cares deeply for you regardless.
However, you couldn’t be bothered to pick up the phone and answer him, so your cell was on Do Not Disturb. 
You’re not sure what came over you, but you lift yourself off the couch and shuffle to your door, slowly slipping your feet out of your slippers and slowly slipping your feet into your sneakers, leaning down to loosely tie the laces.
Your grip on the wooden door is gentle, twisting the knob and pulling it open a more caring act than it should have been. As the door shut behind you, you, void of keys, wallet, phone, communication, identification, didn’t look back or bother to double-check if it closed all the way. Guided by something, you’re not sure what, you move forward, your feet shuffling towards the elevator and taking a ride down.
At the first floor you step out, a solemn step that holds no purpose, to you at least. Perhaps fate is guiding you somewhere, perhaps you’re guiding yourself, perhaps nothing guides you and it’s all meaningless.
The streets and sidewalks glisten with water, reflecting the neon lights of clubs, the primary colors of 24/7 convenience stores, storing the sounds of honking taxis, shared laughs of lovers, and the bustling of a street corner and the calmness of another. As life goes, as life is, as life will be.
You can’t say that you’ll miss this -- fake order in a world of chaos. You can’t say that you’ll miss that -- imagined purpose for a meaningless existence.
As you wander, you find yourself taking in nothing at all and everything at once, your alcohol-idled mind creating figures that aren’t there and sounds that don’t exist. Yet when your vision clears again, you find yourself standing at the barrier of a bridge on the highway, looking down into the vast expanse of the ocean; you’ve apparently walked for quite a while. 
The depths of the water below look inviting, dark and crashing together, a blanket of sorrow which is oddly comforting to your empty mind, perhaps because it makes you feel something. With your arms folded, you lean your full weight onto the barrier, contemplating whether or not you should jump -- sure, it would be a bit of effort to hoist yourself over said barrier, but it’s a guaranteed death unlike an overdose.
“YAH, Y/N, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” A male voice paired with boots slapping on wet concrete worms its way into your ears, but you have no reaction; the beckoning of the ocean nearly drowns out his voice anyway.
Suddenly, you feel a strong hand grip your upper arm and whip you around, forcing you to stare into the fearful eyes of the owner of the voice. His other hand came up and gripped your other arm just as tightly, searching your face, your eyes, for something...something...a sign of something.
You took a moment to observe this man, taking in the way his eyes were red and puffy, the fear and relief a sharp contrast shaking hands in his eyes, and a shiny upper lip, probably from snot from his crying earlier. 
You feel Wooyoung pull you into him tightly, barely allowing you to breathe. He squeezes you with nearly everything in him, the state of your apartment and the possibilities of what happened running through his head nonstop.
It was nearing 11PM and Wooyoung was genuinely concerned that you weren’t picking up. You were not doing well for a while, he could tell by your abrupt and simple messages, declining every chance to hang out and/or catch dinner, refusing to even take a walk together. But this time was different -- you were flat out ignoring him and not answering any of his calls or texts and this had him greatly on edge. It reminded him of a friend he used to have in high school who was so hard on himself that he nearly killed himself right in front of Wooyoung; Wooyoung couldn’t go through that again.
He decided to tell the boys that he’s going to your apartment to check up on you and the other boys, worried about you as well, told him that they’re here to help in any way they could.
He travelled to your apartment, using the spare key you gave him to get through the lobby door and using your access code for the lock on the door. The scene that met his eyes made his heart drop into his stomach and a sense of dread fell over him.
Your kitchen floor was scattered with shards of porcelain from one or two of your dinner plates, he couldn’t tell. The vase of flowers that he sent a few days ago were knocked over on the counter, creating a puddle on the table and a wet spot on your carpet, the lip of the glass vase chipped. The TV was running, some stupid drama that was out of character for you to watch. But the coffee table and its contents is what made him feel genuine fear for the first time in a long time.
The bottle of whiskey was half-full, sitting next to a bottle of pills. He made his way over, carefully, brushing porcelain shards out of the way with his foot, as he sat exactly where you once sat not too long ago. He took in your cell you left on the floor near the balcony windows and the keys sitting by the TV and your wallet laid in front of your bedroom door that was open.
His attention turned back to the pill bottle and he reached out a shaky hand, reading the label and having trouble keeping his eyes dry. He opened it, hoping against all hope that you didn’t open it, that maybe, maybe you changed your mind at the last second. 
Uncontrollable tears left his eyes and snot started running down his nose and his breathing quickened and his chest constricted as he found the bottle unsealed, meaning you did something he hoped you didn’t do. 
You mumble something and Wooyoung didn’t quite catch what you said, but he could ask later; all he wants to focus on is you, in his arms, very much real, very much alive, very much on planet Earth, very much here. He breathes in your scent deeply as a reassurance to himself and he doesn’t plan on letting you out of his sight any time soon.
Yet you had no reaction. You just stand there, letting him do what he needs to do to convince himself that you’ll still be around after this, that the mix of the pills you took and the alcohol the bottle said explicitly to not take with the pills fogging your mind.
He eventually pulls away, looking back in your eyes for something, something, something. He notices they’re glazed over and out of focus, dread creeping back to him.
He cups your face in one of his hands and asks, “Were you going to jump?” His voice is shaky at best, doing poorly in concealing his fear, his rage, his dread, his every emotion currently.
“Maybe,” is what you answer. You look briefly back at the ocean, craning your neck a little to look directly at the welcoming ocean again then turn your attention back to Wooyoung. “But not today,” you continue. “Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps next week, perhaps next month, perhaps next year. But not today.”
You feel yourself about to collapse from the dangerous concoction in your veins but Wooyoung barely notices, his mouth running about something but you process nothing.
“My dear friend,” you mumble, and the sound of your voice shuts up the man in front of you, grabbing his attention.
“I’m...sleep...slee...wha’s it?...sleepy, yeah...sleepy,” you manage to get out before collapsing onto the boy, your consciousness slipping from you and a huff of air escaping from the other human presence from your impact.
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fulcrum-agent · 3 years
Tumblr media
008. Adroid [FFXIVwrite2021]
"So just...pick a big room?" she asks the punkish apparition, head canting a little.
The redhead nods, smirking a little. "You're a clever girl, Quil - I trust ya won't pick somewhere with so little space, the bulkheads get blown up."
There's the briefest moment of blue screening brain at the compliment, but it's gone in a microsecond.
"'Cept when it comes to that other thing you brought up," she chides, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall. "That was stupid as fuck, and we're gonna be discussin' it when you're done kicking this Miqo'te about."
Quila can't help but wince, giving the Arcadia a sheepish expression.
All the apparition does to such is wave her hand a little dismissively. "I said later. Call your new potential toy - just be sure ta gimme a show~."
Then just like that, Quila's alone again. Sort of. Mostly. Sighing, she reaches up for the linkpearl that's paired to her tomestone. "Karuis...found us a place to train."
"Ah, and here I thought I was gonna resign to watching the rain bounce off the bulkhead. Where am I meeting you?"
Xe has busied xemselves with taking up a curled up position somewhere in one of the Outlaw's more out of the way pieces of real estate, some cross beams nearby to some of the larger guns. Xe hops down from their Miqo accessible locale as xe wait for the exact location, tail flicking idly behind xem.
"You grab a place ground side, I assume?
"Nah. Arcadia's letting us pick a room," she explains but doesn't. "I figure one of the cargo bays is gonna be best, yeah?"
She's already making her way through the massive ship. She's trying to find where the cargo bays actually are, given she's near the bridge out of habit.
"Long as we have permission, that's fine with me. And aye, cargo bay works fine."
Xe didn't really require an explanation, everything after talking house, living through the memories of others, a massive skeleton trying to kill xem, and whatever the fuck the past few moons have been...
Xe assumes the Arcadia is just as alive as anyone else, and she told Quila what room to use. As xe make their way over to the other airship, xe give some idle thoughts to where precisely in the cargo bay they were meeting before deciding that finding out could be the adventure. Xe gives a slight bow of respect as xe come aboard the Arcadia before xe start moving like a shade through the halls, the map the Viera had shown before of this great airship bouncing about between their ears; as xe try to find... oh, there she is. By providence, luck, or maybe just The Arcadia being well designed xe spot the Garlean and give a half-wave, tail flicking behind xem.
"Didn't get lost, did we? Would be a little concerned if you did."
"Pfft, she'd let me if only to watch in sadistic amusement," she chirps as she turns, startling a little physically due to their lack of footfalls. "But, there are multiple cargo bays here. This is just the first one I've found. This ship is MASSIVE, and I feel like it's some sort of game to her to not just...give me a map."
"I could certainly see that; watching people wander around aimlessly can be pretty hilarious." The Seeker blinks at the noise before rubbing the back of their head as xe put on a small smile. "Sorry, someone had the bright idea to put a bell on me when I was young, fucking menace ever since, apparently. But! I have a map.. kind of, at least I remember the floor plans or whatnot. Rika managed to snag, so I mostly know my way around.. but that doesn't stop me from being thankful that I haven't gotten lost.. yet."
Xe glances about the cargo bay for a moment before turning their gaze back to her and motioning to her, finding a nearby support beam to lean on.
"So, what's the plan for today? Am I starting with teaching you the basics of Thavnarian dance fighting, or are we sparring to see where you are in hand to hand generally and working from there?"
At this point, she's in a pair of shorts (black), stockings (dark purple), her almost-trademark boots (black & gold), and one of those tank tops that the Isghardians were handing out to crafters (wine red). While she doesn't have Talekeeper with her, at least, as far as can be seen, she's still wearing the Warmage magicite Locke'd given her as a pendant to the collar she seems to wear 24/7.
When he speaks of the bell, she ends up giggling a little, trying to picture xe with a collar bell...which was surprisingly easy.
"I'm thinking we try some hand-to-hand so you can figure outplacement," she notes with something of a wicked grin, suddenly ramping towards manic. "Just don't go easy on me."
Xe has swapped over to something more warm with their Bozjan coat now missing for The Twelve only know how long. So the Seeker has thrown on a currant purple anemos gambison, some modified jet black strife pants, and one of their constantly swapping pairs of combat boots, these ones an Alliance make in soot black. Xe still has the twin onyx and dark amber revolvers gifted to xem by Locke on their belt though, besides that, xe aren't carrying any type of polearms. The two accessories that stand out are a watch on their left wrist that has a faint hint of aetheric energy coming off of it and a dull grey gunmetal tin clipped on their right, just about the size of a soul stone.
Xe raises a brow at the snickering and just shake their head a little; that smile from before staying before it turns into a grin at she's request.
"I wasn't planning on it; it wouldn't be an accurate assessment if I did take it easy. So I'll give you one warning before we do go; if you're gonna try and flow again, I'll start using my stone. On your mark, Aquila."
As soon as those words leave the Seeker, their demeanour switches with all the effort of a light switch, mismatched gaze narrowing as xe drop into a defensive stance, the style more reminiscent of an Imperial martial discipline than anything else.
"I uh...kinda don't know how to make those moves otherwise, so game on?" she replies as she falls into...absolutely no stance. There's nothing. Her stance is absolutely neutral all around, and suddenly, all but the most necessary of movements evaporates as she begins to focus on xem. It's slow, but there's a pronounced shift in her entire being, down to an aetheric level. A change she doesn't seem to be aware of.
She's almost maddening to fight. Any and all movement happens with barely a microsecond of warning, yet all of them still flow as though she's dancing, not fighting. Even watching the triangle, her telegraphs are tiny as hell; she always falls back to neutral if there's time, otherwise flowing from one motion to the next as xe fight.
And just like that, she blinks into the Lifestream to close the distance, ejecting just in reach of xe - as she had on the deck, only this time with the intent of actually striking him right in the solar plexus.
Xe would have clarified that xe head meant the blinking manoeuvre, but when xe takes in that she lacks stance, any of those thoughts leave xir mind. The Seeker catches the shift instance, their ears pinning back and tail puffing up as xe prepare for that same focus xe encountered on the deck of The Outlaw.
The dance-like flow to the spar thus far and the speed on display put the Seeker right in their element, moving with all of the grace that being both a Miqo'te and professional performer granted them as xe keep in sync with the Garlean. The Seeker shifts between and around styles like breathing the longer the fight goes on, prodding and poking at her defences to find her responses and strengths to certain things. The Seeker seems to favour a style favoured by Doman resistance cells, sending out elbows and fist and knee strikes in rapid succession.
Like a viper, the Seeker waited for that shift in the air as she went into the Lifestream. Xe know that point for point, xe weren't going to be able to match the manoeuvre for sheer speed, so instead, xe rely on the anticipation of the strike's previous flow. With an utter lack of hesitation, the Seeker moves to send out a swift dragoon kick, less focused on power but more on sheer speed as it snaps the air around the two. xir's body twists for the kick and hopefully moves the blow to somewhere less disastrous should it land. Xe was not about to hold back here, she deserved the Seeker at their best, and xe weren't one to disappoint.
Given that xe is a clever catte, xe'll quickly pick up on certain hallmarks of what she's capable of combatively: one of her biggest strengths is the lack of movement telegraphing, as it makes finding any sort of opening complex, at first. While her eyes seem to be unfocused, she locked onto the triangle that's formed by the Miqo'te's collarbones and sternum, that distant gaze seeming to more stare into their soul than past xem.
Blinking back into a kick sends her strike wide, the palm of her hand skimming along the side of his leg as she adjusts to try and block the kick before sliding around the side of Karius' body. Should she slide past him, her next attack is towards the middle of his lower back - another snapping strike with a bit of aether behind it, her second hand following to make a small follow-up strike.
With a better sense of what xe were working with when it came to her, the Seeker decides to switch up tactics. Xe shifts energy from trying to read the Garlean's movements to instead focusing on following through on their own and keeping a sense of spatial awareness in the room. Xe decides to eat the strike to their lower back, the energy needed to counter that far too much of a gamble; the weaker follow-up was a different story, however.
Turning on a dime on their heel, xe move to face she, using the speed and momentum of the rapid turn to try and veer the strike off to their left with their palm. Now fully facing she and the distance relatively short, xe go on the offensive, taking a far more aggressive stance as xe unleash a combination of palm and knee strikes. Xe wasn't relying on all of them to hit but instead overwhelming the other fighter with a complete switch from their previously tight defence. Xir's aim at the moment seemed to get the two of them out to a far smaller section of the cargo bay or at least push them to fight closer to this area.
Surprisingly, she doesn't smile at landing the strike. In fact, her expression is little more than deadpan as xe launch the continuous series of strikes. At first, she manages to keep up on blocking or redirecting the hits, but the longer xe continues the tactic, the more she has to pivot or dodge than she does block. Finally, it's becoming clear xir is going to overwhelm her with the rapid strikes...
...and as the Miqo'te overwhelms her, she blinks into the Lifestream, crossing through xe before flashing back into existence at their back. She's already executing a roundhouse kick as she solidifies, aiming for her opponent's middle back.
The Seeker was not about to let up the advantage of xir's rapid combos as xe continues to press her further into the smaller section of the cargo hold, boots squeaking against the metal floor as their speed increases. xe were, however, incredibly aware that xe couldn't keep it up forever; either she would come right for their throat or-
The sensation of being teleported through gets xem to shiver, warning xem what may be coming alongside dreading that blink. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough time for xem to dodge the strike, at least not in a way that wouldn't give her another big opening to exploit. So xe quickly turn on their heel and brace their arms up to catch the blow, which still sends the Seeker sliding back and does some solid damage. Xe hiss in pain as xe take a moment to centre xemselves before rushing into the Garlean's space. xir's method swaps now to something far faster, using their stone to gather as much momentum and speed as xe can while bleeding into these dancer-like strikes and spins. Thavnairian dance fighting, and xe gave her a crash course like an Imperial locomotive coming down the tracks.
Active learning at this speed is possible for the Warmage, though it was more of a slow build-up rather than a sudden gift of knowledge the way it can be when there's less going on. Falling back to focusing on dodging more than redirecting or blocking, xe would start to notice the more xe does a particular mood or technique, the more likely it is that she works it into her side of the fighting. With movements the Miqo'te's using heavily, she can almost perfectly mirror them; with the less frequent movements, she's a little unstable and erratic, her form nowhere near as tight and proper.
The continued attacks again start to press her, causing her to play defensive more than offensive.
Xe's next high kick ends with a different result: she doesn't attempt to block, redirect, or dodge such the way she has been. No, instead, she just...bends back at the waist, forming an almost perfect arch as her hands drop to the floor behind her. And then she pushes her feet off of the floor, intent of kicking her opponent with each foot as she shifts into a handstand before vaulting from such to her feet - facing xe, but several fulms away now.
As xe starts to notice she putting xir's techniques into her fighting styles and the like, that.. certainly gets a reaction from xem. But, then, something snaps from behind their crimson and amber eyes. The Seeker continues darting into she's space as much as xe can up until that next high kick, eyes going a bit wide as xe watch that arch and then the kick lands.
The hit lands nicely and sends xe sliding back, getting their tail to puff up and to show off their sharp canines, which are considerably sharper and pointed than even a vast majority of Keepers. Unfortunately, this fact doesn't stay in the spotlight for long as black aether sparks around xem as xe concentrates on their stone and go on an onslaught. Xe was going to put pressure on the fact she couldn't precisely copy their techniques perfectly or keep up with their speed to the same extent. If she continued using flow, then xe wasn't going to go easy, sending forth kick after dashing elbow to shin strike. One of the main strikes xe go into xe get right in her face and attempt a sweeping kick the Garlean before spinning into another kick to her midsection.
The initial onslaught causes her to start losing ground rapidly, causing her to dart backwards as she refocuses on trying to dodge as many of the strikes as possible. However, the moment the Seeker starts to focus on her face, she blinks backwards three separate times - putting as much distance as possible between them. Although she retreats, xe' leg sweep fully lands while the second is more of a light graze across her stomach.
She crashes to the floor as she exists the Lifestream the third time, rolling several times due to the force of the impact. Such is only stopped when the back of her upper body slams into the metal wall with a loud clanging thud. For a few heartbeats, she's propped up against the wall before her eyes fully roll back into her head as she falls sideways.
Xe was in the zone and was hard-pressed to get out of it, especially with the amount of blinking around the place that she was doing. Despite the serious expression on their face, xe were having so much fun with all of this. Xe goes to try and bring down another combination when xe hear that crash.
Xe pauses a few fulms away from the Garlean before their eyes go wide, and xe dart over to her side. Then, cursing under their breath as xe tries to force xemselves to not only calm down but try to figure out what might be wrong with their limited medical experience.
"Shit, shit... Aquila, are you alright?"
((Adapted from an RP session with Karuis.))
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The Box [Part 2] (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* PART 2 OF THE BOXXXXXX (please and thank you 🥺) [Read Part 1 of the Box here]
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,536
Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome, angsty??, kidnapping, unhealthy relationship, mention of sex, manipulation
It would be my luck that a global pandemic that resulted in the world shutting down for two weeks would happen right after I got kidnapped. At first, I thought that I was lucky. The guys couldn’t move to Hawaii anymore, which means I could probably escape. Then I found out that the whole moving to Hawaii thing was a joke. They were just moving to a house with a backyard so tropical that it looks like Hawaii. I should have known that they wouldn’t just abandon their lives in Los Angeles like that. Especially with Sam and Jake dating Kat and Tara, who were going to stay here.
They still decided to move during the lockdown. Which worked out in their favor, if I’m being completely honest; Sam, Colby, and Jake got a big moving van for their bigger stuff because they lived in the same building and could share the space. That gave Colby more room in his car for me. I got put into the trunk because everyone decided that it was less suspicious than Colby driving around with me blindfold in the passenger seat. They didn’t want me to know how to get to the new house or the address. For a group of guys who collectively share one brain cell, they’re not stupid when it comes to committing a felony. I’m pretty sure Colby drove around longer than he needed to just to throw off my sense of direction and how far away we are from the apartment.
Two weeks turned into three months of this bullshit lockdown. I almost got lucky when Sam broke his back. I was left Corey and Jake and I thought would be easy because I could appeal to their sympathetic side. Sadly, that didn’t work. I was halfway out before they caught on and dragged me back to Colby’s room.
I say Colby’s room, even though it’s our room because sometimes I don’t feel like I belong here. At least, not at first. Colby moved in some of my stuff into the room so I would feel at home. But being taken here against my will, and finding out that Colby stalked me before we met, takes out of the homely feeling of living with your boyfriend. But the more I'm stuck here, the more it starts to slowly feel like home.
I will say that I’m glad that Colby hasn’t forced himself on me. He understands the gravity of the situation and isn’t making it worse. I now get monitored internet access, which I didn’t have before, and I’m allowed to make YouTube videos now. Colby edits them to make sure I don’t upload subliminal messages. He’s also got me a lot of hobbies that don’t require the internet or social media to keep me occupied while he works and leaves the house. He got me a Nintendo switch with a few games. He put it on parental mode so I can’t go on twitter or anything. He’s been getting me art supplies and stuff so I can be creative. If I want to get anything with my money, I just tell him and he either orders it for me with my card or watches me shop.
If I’m being completely honest, this isn’t as bad as I made it out to be at first. While I mostly don’t feel like this is my home at first, the more I stay here the more it feels like it is becoming my home. I almost don’t want to leave. If the people in my life before Colby gave up so easily when I started talking to them less, then they weren’t really in my life in the first place. My parents didn’t like the idea of me moving to LA when I was 18, but I wanted to be an actress so I left. It was almost like they were rooting for me to fail every time I called home with news about failed auditions. They were happy when I did land roles, but they would always remind me that it didn’t mean I was going to make it. My friends back home were even less supportive, never believed that I was going to make in the first place. I’m pretty sure one of them started a rumor that I was a porn star just to make ends meet. Maybe Colby coming into my life was for the best.
At least I’m not stuck with just the boys 24/7. Tara and Kat would come over every once in a while to hang out with their boyfriends, and I quote, “to give me a break from dealing with the testosterone.” There have been a few times when the whole friend group got together for a party. Those were fun. Despite all the limitations, this situation isn’t all too bad.
“Hey babe, I’m back and I got you some stuff,” Colby says as he walks into the living room. I don’t have to be confined to Colby’s room anymore with a chain on my ankle. I have an anklet that shocks me if I get too close to the edge of the property. It sounds scary and a but I know he does it because he loves me. I don’t really want to leave the house anyway, with the pandemic still going on out there.
“Oh yay! I’ll wait for you to get out of the shower.” I save my spot in animal crossing and continue playing while Colby goes to decontaminate himself from the outside world.
Five minutes later Colby comes back out of the shower in sweats and dripping wet hair. He has a towel around his neck and slowly starts to dry his hair. I quicksave again before shutting off the game to give my undivided attention to Colby.
“You can go through the bags. I’m still wet and don’t want to ruin everything. You can also put the snack stuff in the mini-fridge.” There’s an unspoken rule in the house if you don’t keep it in your room or put your name on it, it’s fair game. So Colby pulled the mini-fridge out of storage to keep my food in the room when we first moved in to keep me happy with the food that I love.
“Was it crowded? You were gone for a long time today.” I grab the bag with stuff from the grocery store and start putting it away first.
By the time I finish Colby is fully dressed and his hair is mostly dry. He going through the remaining bags. I close the fridge and join Colby in the bed. Looking back at Colby now, with his stop blue eyes and steadily growing stubble, I feel bad for how I reacted when the whole thing started. I said mean things to him, things I didn’t mean at the time. I was just scared and mistook his kindness and affection for general creepiness. This is still the same Colby that I fell in love with before I found the box in his office closet.
“It wasn’t that crowded today. I think that everything calmed down from how it was earlier this year. I just made a lot of stops on my way home. I got us lunch too, by the way. Anyway, I know you’ve been getting bored so I got you a few hobbies I thought you would like.” He dumps a bag full of yarn and knitting needles.
“Is this for what I think it is?” I pick up the various colors and marvel at them.
“I noticed how much your eyes light up every time we watch Harry Style’s Today Show performance. And I also saw the look in your eye when you saw people making it on TikTok. So I looked it up and found the actual stitch pattern thing. I thought you would have fun making your own. And then I just got a few things for you to up-cycle your clothes you’ve been watching a lot of those videos. And some tie-dye that we can do together. And a plant to brighten up the room.” He’s trying so hard to make me happy. And it’s working.
“Oh my God! You didn’t have to get me all this stuff. I could have gotten them online or something. You’re so sweet.” I throw my arms around him and kiss his cheek.
“I know this whole situation has been unbearable and not pleasant in the beginning. But you’ve been such a good sport with all of this. I wanted to thank you for being patient and willing to let me in again. I truly do love you, Y/N, and just want the best for you.” He pushes my hair behind my ear and cups my face.
“I know, I’m sorry for freaking out when I first found out. I didn’t realize that you were only looking out for me. I love you too, Colby. I won’t try to leave again, I promise.” And I mean it. I don’t have any reason to leave. I finally have someone who loves me and went this far to prove it, why would I want to?
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addictivegerard · 4 years
why the prolife argument makes no sense
I think it’s hilarious how right wing “facts don’t care about your feelings” activists are almost always pro-life. The argument against abortion as an accessible form of birth control is 100% an emotional appeal, and here’s why:
1. “You have no right to kill your fetus. It’s not your body, the baby is an individual and has the right to life.”: 
Of course, all embryos are human individuals, separate from their mothers. They have their own unique DNA composition, and are definitely alive. But do they deserve the right to life, which would make abortion equivalent to murder?
Pro-lifers are largely okay with IVF, an industry that throws away and destroys millions of fertilized embryos every day. In-vitro fertilization is an uncertain science, so couples are advised to fertilize multiple eggs in the labs in case the first few don’t work out. If a couple succeeds and have extra embryos left, they have the option to continue paying to store them in the lab, donate them to medical research, or destroy them. 
Anti-abortion bills always have exceptions for IVF clinics. Republican, pro-life lawmakers have literally had children via IVF. If a pro-lifer ever tells you that life begins at conception and that every embryo has the right to life, know that it’s bullshit. They don’t care about an industry that kills more embryos in a day than Planned Parenthood does in a year.
2. There are two possible responses to this.
A) “Fine, let’s ban IVF.” Out of all the conservative groups in America, only one major group explicitly stands against IVF – the Catholic Church. The same organization that condemns sex before marriage, homosexuality, divorce, masturbation/porn, the use of condoms, getting drunk or high, and tattoos. At this point, I’m assuming you understand that the Church’s ideas of morality are regressive, illogical, primitive, and… make life extremely boring. IVF is a wonderful science that brings children to parents who want them all over the world and is in no way a bad thing.
B) “Fine. Maybe not at conception, but at [x] months, it’s a baby.” This is the point where most conservatives start arguing about the point up till you should be allowed to have an abortion. Two weeks? Six weeks? Three months? Unfortunately, there is no scientific way to determine when an embryo is no longer just a clump of cells and now a human being with rights.
Since pro-lifers are okay with IVF, we can assume they don’t believe in the right to life at conception. How about the heartbeat theory? At six weeks, the fetus develops a heartbeat, and proponents argue that it is the point at which the fetus is no longer simply a fetus, but a human being. However, having a heartbeat doesn’t necessarily mean you have the right to life.
Legally, if you are brain dead, you’re… dead. You no longer have the right to life, which is why organ donation is possible. All this while having a heartbeat, so that’s clearly not a viable hallmark of an individual that inherently has the right to life. So while it's true that at six weeks a baby develops (what is flimsily termed as) a heartbeat, that doesn't somehow give it rights to life that it did not have before. So far, I haven’t come across any other sensible theories as to “when” an embryo deserves the right to life. It’s a lousy concept to begin with, as blurry as the legal definition of adulthood – not all 18+ year olds are mature and nothing fundamentally changes in a person once the clock strikes midnight. Similarly, embryo development is a process. There’s really no point at which you can logically claim it’s transformed into a human being with rights.
3. Evidently, there are two extremes — life begins at conception, vs life doesn’t begin until birth. 
There’s no “scientific backing” for a point in between, but you’ll never find a pro-choice advocate arguing in favor of the latter, because it’s called an extreme for a reason. The best way to deal with the abortion issue at this point is to leave the science and technicalities alone, and think about the people who are actually getting abortions.
4. “Use protection and you won’t get pregnant”: 
Protection is never 100% reliable. Plus: if two people are irresponsible enough to have unprotected sex, what makes you think they’re responsible enough to have and raise children? The number of children growing up with unqualified, immature, abusive, or neglectful parents automatically disproves the theory that parenthood brings about a sense of personal responsibility. Being raised by bad parents inflicts often irreparable damage on children. Treating babies as some sort of “divine punishment” for irresponsible sex, instead of human beings who deserve a stable upbringing, is harmful on both an individual and collective scale. The data on irresponsible, neglectful, or abusive childhoods/single parent childhoods speaks for itself. In the quest to punish irresponsible parents, most of the damage is inflicted on their children, which in turn impacts the generation that will lead us forward into the future. It is in our best interests to raise as many mature, healthy, and productive young adults as possible, and while not every child born into these circumstances live lives of mental health/psychological/intimacy issues and criminal behavior, a large majority do. Growing up with bad parents is simply not ideal for an impressionable child’s wellbeing. Quality of life > quantity of life.
5. “Don’t have sex if you don’t want to have children.”:
Unhelpful, unrealistic, and telling of no real desire to solve the problem at hand. Telling people not to have sex unless they deliberately intend to have children is like telling people not to smoke, drink too much, or eat unhealthily. People will have sex. What are we going to do to make sure the sex doesn’t lead to unplanned pregnancies?
6. “Okay but what about xyz who had an abortion and has regretted it ever since?”: 
Abortion is a result of unplanned and unfortunate circumstances. Whether it’s because the doctor tells you your baby will be stillborn or born with a fatal illness, or if you were raped, or if you had sex with your boyfriend during your first year of college and found yourself pregnant: these are bad situations, and no matter what you do, there’s always a chance you’ll look back and wish you’d done things differently. Kept the baby? Well, maybe you’ll find that the baby brought newfound purpose to your life. But maybe the baby added an additional financial strain to your life and forced you to quit your job, leaving you destitute and homeless with no way to feed it. Alternatively, if you got an abortion, maybe you end up being able to finish college and fulfil all your goals... or maybe you regret that decision for the rest of your life. There’s no way to guarantee that you’re making the right decision, but being informed about your options, and having options available, makes it more likely that you do. That’s why we are advocating for informed choice. Whether they eventually choose to keep the baby or have an abortion, give women the time and resources to truly evaluate their options and do what’s best for them in their own circumstances.
7. “Why kill the baby? Put it up for adoption.”: 
The adoption system is known for being isolating, exploitative, and unhealthy for children growing up in it. Being adopted into a great family can create healthy, happy young adults. But far too many kids don’t get that opportunity, and pay the price for it. In 2019, 122,216 children in the US adoption system were waiting to be adopted. Young people who age-out of the foster care system without being adopted are over-represented in rates of incarceration, suicide and substance abuse.
Granted, for some kids it’s a better alternative to the families they would have grew up in, but again: it’s an unideal situation. An unideal situation that can very easily be avoided with abortion. Why would a person choose 9 months of labor, plus all the emotional labor of having to give your child away to a system that more likely than not will eat them alive, knowing they will grow up asking themselves why they weren’t good enough for their birth parents, when the person could… simply not have that baby and not invite all that pain?
8. “It doesn’t matter, no one has the right to take another life.”:
Here’s another way of looking at the abortion question: the fetus is in a position where its existence impinges on its mother’s bodily integrity, and it stays in that position until the point of viability (at which it could plausibly survive outside the mother’s body) at about 24 weeks. One person’s bodily integrity will always override another person’s right to life; this is a fundamental truth. Otherwise, we would have mandatory kidney and liver donations. People all over the world are dying due to a lack of kidneys or other organs - why should we be allowed to keep both of ours when one of them could save someone’s life? 
Let’s say I caused a car accident that resulted in someone needing a kidney donation. It’s my fault they’re in that position, and I was negligent - should I be legally obligated to give mine up?
If the idea of being forced to donate one of your kidneys sounds violating, you’re closer to understanding why forcing someone to have a baby is such a barbaric thing to do. Even if the risk is small - kidney donations have a death rate of about 0.03% while childbirth is at 0.02% in the US - it’s still wrong to force something so invasive and risky onto someone against their will. Additionally, there are many complications that can arise from pregnancy short of death, just like there can be consequences to living your life with only one kidney down the line.
To summarize:
It is definitively not in anyone’s best interests to force unwilling and unprepared parents to have an unwanted child. It’s also not a good idea to get too deep into the technicalities of when an embryo is a fetus or when you’re allowed or not allowed to abort it. We need to focus on the women who are actually getting abortions. Having a baby is a huge life adjustment. Keep it, and you’re taking on an 18-year responsibility. You are responsible for another person’s wellbeing, and your life will never be the same. 
In three months (about 12 weeks), a potential mother can: find out that they’re pregnant (missing periods is extremely common. A lot of women only find out they’re pregnant at two months, or 8 weeks), think about their financial, professional, social, romantic, or whatever situation and figure out what would be the best course of action, and then actually get the abortion if she chooses to. 12 weeks is enough, 12 weeks is reasonable, 12 weeks is humane. Nobody wants third-trimester abortions unless there are serious, life threatening complications.
The pro-life argument is reduced down to: well, abortion is bad! That's a little innocent baby. It didn't hurt anyone. Well, we agree: abortion is bad. It’s not a good thing, it’s not something people want to have to do. Nobody looks forward to giving or receiving an abortion, it’s physically painful and often heart-breaking. But is it as bad as forcing a woman to go through hours of excruciating, potentially life-threatening labor for a child she doesn't even want to have? Is it as bad as enforcing serious health, financial, emotional, social, and professional risks on a woman who knows she is in no way ready to give a baby the life it deserves? Is it worse than having to drop out of school with no way to feed your child? Worse than having to give your baby away to an adoption center, where they’re likely to join the hundreds of thousands of unadopted children? There are evils, and then there are greater evils. Abortion may not be ideal, but for some people, it's the best option out there. When broken down, the pro-life argument is nothing but sad, provocative videos & descriptions of surgical abortions intended to pull at your heartstrings. But they’re sometimes the best option for the mother and her unborn baby. Nobody is pro-abortion — we’re pro-choice.
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Blog post #9
Blog Post #9: (2 pages/500 words)
What is your opinion on the connection between social change and social media?
Find two recent news stories to back-up your opinion and one recent news story that would support the position opposite from yours
We hear a lot about social media in the news and about many of its negative effects on our brains, mental health, physical health, sleep and so on. As a young person in a school environment I am more than aware, like most of my generation, of the impacts that those effects can have on individuals, friendships and relationships. In this blog post I want to shine a light on the flip side of the coin and how we can use social media to create a positive impact.
Social media has many functions which have changed the society we live in and how generation Z grow up. It allows people to start conversations and have a voice in many situations when before they could not access that level of communication in the same way. People can ask questions and find solutions, reconnect with old friends, track their exercise and sleep to ensure it is well balanced. They can follow their role models or feel a sense of belonging to a group or community founded online. There are so many things which Social media can allow us to do more easily. Generation Z (the demographic group that came after millennial's typically born in or after the year 2000) have lived with this lifestyle just as ‘part of their world’ while those born before this are experiencing a culture shift. In the 1940′s there was the rise of tuning in to the radio or flipping newspaper pages, followed by the rise of TV in the 60’s. Phones and laptops are now taking those places and filling the gaps of what previous methods couldn’t do. For many people now, especially young people, Twitter is the main source of news, this is how young people are getting involved with issues and ideas in society, communities and the world.In recent years the use of apps and social media such as You Version have changed how many Christians read the bible. With over 260 million downloads more and more people are carrying the Bible in their pocket. 636 million Bible verses have been highlighted and you can share stories and verses with one simple press of the icon. This is just one tiny part of our lives which by having an interconnected society has changed.Generation Z play a critical role politically, socially, economically and culturally in our society. At this stage in our lives young people are building a bridge between childhood and adulthood and during this process we search for our identity, fit in with family and friends and enter a stage of generality. Generality is where we start wishing to build a legacy and we want to guide the next generation. So in order to do this as young people it makes sense for us to use the tools we have to do that. So many young people have the energy, enthusiasm and a dream to make a difference but don’t know how to start. We can use social media to break down those barriers, a user friendly tool to read, share and write content for the real-time world. Participation and engagement is a natural attribute of young people. Gen Z has also been described as, prepare yourself for another fancy world. ‘Philanthropist’ this is one step further than generality as it's not just wishing for making a difference but already doing it. Grace  said, “I believe Gen Z’s strong sense of community consciousness is one of the silver linings of growing up amid the great recession”. Half of the teens volunteer at least once a month and 20% have had plans to start their own charity one day. Over a third of Gen Z see giving charitably as a ‘measure of success’.So how can the motivation among young people lead to social change by using social media to do so? There are many examples of how social media has been used as a catalyst to raise awareness for issues within communities. The Black Lives Matter movement being one example, it began on Facebook in response to the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Another example, Haiti 2010, on January 12th a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit killing over 220,000 people and equaling that number in buildings which were destroyed. After the news hit both Facebook and Twitter both launch fundraising campaigns and by thousands of people clicking share and donating within 24 hours over $7 million was raised for the American Red Cross. Large organisations are able to facilitate fundraising but sometimes it just takes a few people willing to have a bucket of ice cold water chucked over their head! The ALS ice bucket challenge raised $115 million for people suffering from catastrophic lateral sclerosis. A neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Something as simple and viral as that got over 20 million people involved. 2017’s most used hashtag was #MeToo. This became a personal testimony of many women who had experienced sexual abuse and assault. It took place after Hollywood scandals hit the papers. It has been tweeted more than 12 million times and it is more than a hashtag. It’s a wake-up call. It poses questions of what are government officials and the general society going to do about it? This movement has allowed millions of people to have a voice in a world and context where they could not have bravely taken that step. Social media has people talking and has the ability to move society to a better place. Social media is a powerful tool and when used correctly can have mind blowing impacts.Social media has allowed Generation Z and all of society to advocate for Civil rights, immigration rights, voting rights, child labor laws and the list goes on. Social media allows people to put pressure on companies to become more socially responsible.
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taylornock · 4 years
how cell phones made our lives better while simultaneously ruining them
hi fam!! it’s me, again. are you tired of hearing from me? me too. that’s why I’m here to rant about social media / phone / technology. bc i hate it… but in a loving way???
everyone remembers when they got their first iPhone. seriously. why is that such a monumental moment in our lives? i can hardly remember what i felt like freshman year of high school but can pinpoint the feeling of sheer glee unwrapping my iPhone 6 in eighth grade. i have this thing that is attached to me 24/7 - when I go anywhere (even downstairs) without my phone i feel weird. that is f***ing SAD! PATHETIC. i hate feeling that dependent on what is essentially a pocket robot.
for what it’s worth - phones have done INCREDIBLE things for the world as we know it. for example, this quarantine shit has been testing all of us; and our phones are helping us get through it in so many ways. our phones let us see the faces of those loved ones we are missing, our phones provide us with stupid tik tok content to keep everything light hearted, and our phones let us check in on each other. all amazing things! when we are at school, we have instant access to our lives at home . being able to call my mom whenever i want is something i definitely abuse. “mom, I’m on my way home from Thompson right now and i think i have a brain aneurysm but my bio final is at 11am tomorrow will i make it” … an actual conversation i had with my mom at the end of freshman year. needless to say i was medicated shortly after THAT meltdown. I am such a brat that i don’t know what i would do if i couldn’t text my dad and have him immediately get me the password again to our Uverse account…… god forbid i miss an episode of the bachelor. i have this phone, and that’s what i do with it? abuse its powers to ask my parents for medical advice or a password i forgot? have we lost sight of everything here?
throughout life and especially throughout quarantine… my phone is the definition of a possession that is a blessing and a curse. I’m so grateful to have the ability to bother my friends - whenever i want! the options are endless! i love keeping in touch with people i thought id never hear from again, and being able to talk to so many people in my life and make my heart swell. now, when a conversation with someone other than my two roommates (shoutout parents) is so rare ⎯ that phone is my weapon and i use it to help flatten the curve: flatten the curve of covid19 and flatten the curve of my mental illness 🙃 [humor is a coping mechanism okay let me live] but like, i KNOW i’m not the only one that looks at my screen time and immediately wants to die. how can i honestly be looking at my phone for that long? picking it up THAT many times?????? my phone is the best distraction and also the most toxic - it makes me feel better but has a tendency to bring up all my issues and blast them into the reflection of my blue light glasses...... its called fashion look it up.
to give some examples - let’s open up my most used app: snapchat. I go on snapchat with the best of intentions - to see a memory from a year ago that makes me smile. to respond to my friends and see what their mood today is based on the look on their face. to creep on snap stories and see what everyone’s cooking and doing with their lives. somehow, tho, after spending a few minutes on the app.. i end up with a pit in my stomach most of the time. the person i want to respond hasn’t responded in 4 hours. oh god lets overthink this- they don’t like me anymore and are no longer interested in speaking to me and only respond every once in a while out of pity or because they are uncomfortable. everyone hates you. oh and GOD FORBID someone leaves me on open??! I am not funny nor interesting nor worth a reply - suddenly, i have equated my value to receiving or not receiving a photo of someone’s blank stare. this is extreme, and this is dramatic. but trust me —— this is the hamster wheel always turning in my head. I’m not even going to touch on snap maps; that feature is pandoras box and someone better fucking shut it.
second most used app is instagram. i scroll for hours, i have time limits set for the app acting like i’m actually going to listen to them and get off. lmaooooooooo. i love looking at aesthetic stuff and dogs and food and recipes and my friends’ beautiful faces. but you know what i don’t like? constant nudges to compare myself to others. oh look at her having a party with all of her friends even though we aren’t supposed to be. am i a loser for trying to be safe? oh look at her washboard abs, i’m never going to look like that and will never live up to the standard of beauty society has set for me. look at all of these people in their happy relationships. why can’t i have that? it goes over and over and over. its not like i sit there and think of these things just like that, its a precedent in my mind when i stare at everybody else that i am going to size my own life up against theirs. for years i followed every single elite model / VS angel on instagram to motivate me to do better - to start being psycho about what i did to my body so i could be as gorgeous as them. what kind of fucked up mindset is that? i would literally watch their footage of them eating rice and vegetables once a day and try to copy it. i would watch their runway walks obsessively trying to recreate them in heels alone in my house - like that was all i could imagine doing with my life. did i ever stop for a second to look at that photoshoot of gigi hadid and wonder if she was happy? wonder if the constant pictures she saw of herself ever made her insecure? what was i doing? the day i unfollowed those girls was a monumental day in my journey to a better self image. i didn’t realize the people i thought were my “motivators” were actually my triggers. i have grown to a point in life now that i would much rather eat a stack of chocolate chip pancakes that make me dance in my chair like an infant than practice my runway walk and shame my body in the mirror. and i am so freakin happy! 
i could go app by app for hours. but moving on to the next thing i hate about cell phones - how they have destroyed our biological methods of communication. you hear about those psychos who think the world is destroyed by technology and we are going to be overrun by robots. but hey, I’m with the psychos on this one. i have this amazing friend, Trevor Wright, who without fail at EVERY dinner announces “phones off friends on” and collects our phones into the center of the table. yes, we are 20 year old adults. yes, we hand our phones over to Trevor and let him yell at us for trying to see if ~that person~ snap chatted us back. i have so much respect for him because of this. there is nothing worse than staring at your phones when you could be having a good conversation about life, about love, about laughter + memories, about “do you think hellen keller is real?” anything, bro, anything. anything but snapchat messaging your hoe of the week or mindlessly playing tetris to twiddle your thumbs. we all need to start loving a little harder, and the first step to doing that is to communicate better. communicate smarter. I’m guilty of alllll of the above, don’t get me wrong. and I am ADD asf and constantly playing mindless games just to stimulate my brain. but i need to stop that! even writing this is taking some time away from the dumb shit on my phone - and encouraging me to communicate how i     r e a l l y   feel to my homies that will read this. communication - especially body language - is fascinating. I’ve studied it in  psych, I’ve learned the neurological bases of behavior and why we do what we do. I’ve learned how much our life experience impacts who we are as a whole...and it! is! fascinating! i also think that’s why i love film so much. because it can capture the raw moments of your friends just being your friends, of you just being the person you are, and the world around you just existing as it exists. i love the raw moments; and not just because indy blue posted one youtube video of her slow mo laughing and now thats the only footage i find myself shooting. 😚
im not quite sure what this post is, lol. but - just a rant on technology. so listen to me:
take advantage of technology + social media! it CAN BE GREAT. for so many reasons. but, don’t let technology + social media TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. stay true to you - know how to communicate with yourself and your loved ones without the use of a robot. remember that feeling when you setup up your first iPhone? imagine if you could feel that again, with your phone nowhere in sight. if you don’t know how to communicate with yourself yet, start by journaling. WRITE! TYPE! SPEAK! do what you want. getting your thoughts down even without an audience is so crucial to understanding yourself and others. if you don’t like to write, reflect. breathe. meditate. make art. do what makes you feel at peace, and do whatever makes you feel like the world makes a little bit more sense than it does. 
gossip girl
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frankcmcclanahaniii · 4 years
PHABLETOP Why won’t they fuse one thing from three? A laptop tablet telephone Instead of more things I must own To pay for their redundancy? I like screens big enough to see And keyboards like I’ve always known That click instead of thumb beep tones; Empowered connectivity. Why won’t they make an all-in-one I can consolidate for these? I guess it is the extra fees And adspam earned from everyone Who triples down, as I will not To pay for less than what they’ve got. Smartphone and tablet makers have tried a wide variety of combos that seem to be converging on the one thing none of them want to do. On the phone side they make smartphones larger (even with folding screens that never work) and on the tablet side they make tablets smaller and lighter. They also make tablets larger and more powerful, the equivalent of some real computers, and the phones smarter and more capable, but never the equivalent of real computers. What they don’t do is build a real phabletop, that combines real computer features and power into a light laptop with phone circuitry. I am an old man who appreciates a nice sized screen, like perhaps 12” and an actual keyboard. That size is much smaller than I use on my desktop, but large enough for most tasks and easy for an old person to see. I used to have a smartphone but detested both the small size and tiny touchscreen keyboard that have not, to my tastes, significantly improved. I would not buy a new smartphone because it would always be deficient at the kinds of tasks (like spreadsheets) I do on a computer, nor would I buy a new tablet or laptop because none of them are phones. I am not a big phone user nor interested in 24-7 accessibility by undesired others. I would however, appreciate the availability of wireless connectivity whenever I am out of range of my own wifi network. It would also be nice to make calls whenever necessary from my laptop and to receive calls from someone (and only someone) I would be glad to talk to. So, I would be happy to buy a 12” phabletop if it had a really fast cpu, adequate memory and storage, and a spam filter to eliminate the bother of unwanted spam or calls. I have been waiting for years for one woke manufacturer to figure this out and make such a device, but so far, they all seem too brain-dead to do so. Or maybe not. I am aware, as a contrarian curmudgeon, that my views are atypical, and as an old white man, I understand I may not be a member of any desirable marketing cohort. But I suspect that the lack of what I want goes deeper than any of that. Just as the coronavirus has demonstrated the folly of many formerly profitable marketing strategies (e.g., cruising, air travel, just-in-time supply chains, elective surgery, fashionable eating out, theme parks, etc.) the marketing strategies of wireless providers and smartphone manufacturers have evidently settled on multiple device systems that are mutually exclusive in order to sell redundancy rather than utility. Maybe all the necessary Zoom conferences will wake more people to the deficiencies of their overpriced smartphones and crippled tablets. And when more people come to understand that the vaunted hype of 5G will do nothing to alleviate this obvious deficiency, maybe one of the brain-dead distressed manufacturers will be sufficiently shocked to actually innovate and fill the void. Alas, modern sellers already spend so much (billions and billions…) on their various marketing strategies that they may not dare abandon them as sunk costs. Still, it would be simple to incorporate cell phone chips into tablets or laptops of a useable size. And the larger screens would almost certainly increase the demand (and possibly the price) of unlimited data access plans. And despite their disinterest in me, and my cohort, I suspect that we contain far fewer LRUs than most cohorts, and to the contrary, have a great many members who have the money, and I believe, the inclination, to try something practical (from our perspective) even at a high price. So, what’s to lose (besides overpriced redundancy)? Nothing, it seems to me. But I am not a monopolist, and doubtless underestimate the profit potential of redundancy. I further think that adspam advantages of multiple devices probably play a role. When I did use a smartphone I certainly received a massive amount of spam calls and junk e-mails for which no doubt some advertising scheme was generating profitable clicks, despite the irritation caused to me and probably most other people. I can fairly easily evade all this crap with my computer and with email, but it seemed much harder to eliminate via smartphone. I suspect that if smartphone circuitry were included in the phabletop I would like to see, it would be much easier to automatically extinguish. And even if I couldn’t, I would be willing to pay for such a device just to experiment. If the device existed, someone would probably make an app for this very purpose. But I doubt the monopolists would be willing to take the risk to their existing extortion racket, since they all seem willing to provide spam-free or ad-free versions of programs for “only” a larger monthly fee. They call this a premium service. I do not have to pay my neighbor not to dump garbage in my back yard, and if he did, but said he would stop if I paid him, I would consider it extortion, and not a premium service. But marketers have their own special language, like politicians, where they do not mean what you think they mean, but rather say things tested to influence you to think you are acting in your own interest, when in fact, you are acting in their interest, which is decidedly not your own. They love to say that things they sell are “services” which actually means that all you get is the right to pay monthly fees forever, as if they were doing you a favor. So, in their lingo a “premium service” is the right to pay even higher monthly fees forever to get rid of ads and spam you did not want in the first place. And the more devices, the more “services”. Because they have become so skilled in this magic language, the monopolist marketers have figured out that it is easier (and much more profitable) to make you want what they make than it would be to make what you want. Anyway, that’s it. I have described the machine I would like and I think it would be a success if anyone made one. Still, no one has. I am still waiting. © 2020 frankcmcclanahaniii
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rawendurance · 4 years
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Writing this blog on the raw endurance page is my first, so I want to say welcome! What is the importance of blogging and why create blogs on subjects in regards to exercise and issues relating to exercise or physical activity.  These Blogs aims to be a memoir that I'm willing to share, in sharing I wish to open up a Bible of solutions or tools that you might be able to use when coming across difficult situations that You might recognise are hindering your Wellbeing or performance. Sleep might be one of those factors. In my opinion, to say physical activity alone contributes towards better performance would be to refute or neglect that they are other functions the human body performs to enhance or maintain physical exercise.  Fitness to me symbolises a lifestyle of maintaining or possibly increasing mobility and strength to perform daily tasks and enjoy performing tasks during the duration of your lifespan, even increasing your lifespan. That's why sleep is a fascinating subject to take into consideration when performing any daily exercise. If it is in your life or competing as an elite athlete. There's information in journals and articles regards to sleep, but what is the importance of sleep and what effect does it have on exercise?
What Happens During Sleep?
When we sleep at night, we cycle through five stages of sleep, Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) and Rapid Eye Movement(REM). Stage one: is light sleep where the brain produces alpha and theta waves and can last up to seven minutes. Stage two:  increased brain wave activity is known as Sleep Spindles that eventually slow down. Stage three & Four: The beginning of deep sleep where the brain produces slow delta waves. Stage five: This is where rapid eye movement takes place; this starts approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep this stage is important in learning and memory function.
What stage is essential, in relation to exercise?
When we look at what stage is beneficial for exercise, it is stages Three & Four because during this stage the body repairs muscle and tissues, stimulates growth and development, boosts immune function, and builds up energy for the next day. The release of the human growth hormone (HGH) also described in an article as the athlete's steroid during your sleep helps maintain and repair muscles and cells.
What are the benefits of sleep?
The benefits linked to sleep seem to be plentiful but are not entirely conclusive due to its complex nature. The benefits of sleep can be:
Reduced risk of injury
Better immune system function
Muscle Repair and growth (already stated)
Better cognitive performance and Mental Alertness
Better physical performance
Better Mood State
You can argue that the effects are beneficial in conjunction with regular exercise.
What are the recommendations on sleep?
For those who find sleep beneficial, the next question might be, how much sleep should I have? The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has created an independent study detailing the hours of recommended sleep, which I have provided below:
Newborns (0-3 months): Sleep range narrowed to 14-17 hours each day
Infants (4-11 months): Sleep range widened two hours to 12-15 hours
Toddlers (1-2 years): Sleep range widened by one hour to 11-14 hours
Preschoolers (3-5): Sleep range widened by one hour to 10-13 hours
School-age children (6-13): Sleep range widened by one hour to 9-11 hours
Teenagers (14-17): Sleep range widened by one hour to 8-10 hours
Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours
Adults (26-64): Sleep range is 7-9 hours
Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours
These are only recommended guidelines and do not consider athletic performance or high energy expenditure. Some articles even suggest for elite athletes up to 10 hours sleep will be required, especially before game day.
Possible Solutions for a Better Sleep?
We have heard the benefits but how can we get a better night sleep. Solutions could be:
Lower the temperature of the room
Quality of Mattress
Avoid heavy meals before Bed-time, three to four hours before
Turn off electronic devices before bed
Avoid caffeine in the evening
Use black-out curtains
Listen to relaxing music or meditate
Avoid sleeping during the day, if so reduce to 30 minutes nap
Below I have provided a list of references for those who wish to investigate more into the subject. I hope this information was useful and if there are any subjects that you wish to discuss, message me.
Hope you have enjoyed the weekend and stay safe, Rodney Phillips.
Chennaoui, M., Arnal, P., Sauvet, F. and Léger, D., 2015. Sleep and exercise: A reciprocal issue?. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 20, pp.59-72.
Sleep Foundation. 2020. National Sleep Foundation Recommends New Sleep Times | Sleep Foundation. [online] Available at: <https://www.sleepfoundation.org/press-release/national-sleep-foundation-recommends-new-sleep-times#:~:text=Younger%20adults%20(18-25)%3A,8%20hours%20(new%20age%20category)> [Accessed 24 June 2020].
Sleep.org. 2020. Understanding Sleep Cycles | Sleep.Org. [online] Available at: <https://www.sleep.org/articles/what-happens-during-sleep/> [Accessed 24 June 2020].
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pinkforyoongi · 6 years
The Fake Bodyguard | Jeon Jungkook
pairing: commoner!jungkook x princess!reader
genre: fluff au
word count: 1,4k
warnings: swearing, mentions of suicide
a/n: hi :) i’ve been gone for suuuch a long time. i’ve been busy and focusing on studies and myself in general, but i’ve missed writing :) i can’t promise i’ll keep posting more regularly but here, have this. hope it will suffice for now ♥
part 2 
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so you’re a very beautiful princess
and jungkook is a normal commoner
ya’ll don’t know each other (yet) because your castle is very strict with outside contact
but it’s a very well known fact that you’re beautiful and pretty much everyone wants your hand in marriage
in fact a lot of men have already asked for your hand but you’re not looking for a man??? even though your parents the king and the queen tell you you gotta find a suitable husband for yourself
you know- to become the next king of course
so you’ve said no to every single proposal so far
and you’re very known for that too
but apparently it doesn’t stop people from trying their luck
so one day you reject yet another proposal and send the poor heartbroken man home
but this time it’s different
a few days later a messenger comes back from the guys kingdom
and he has a message to deliver
the man had committed suicide after getting rejected by you
apparently he was so in love with you he couldn’t handle it
and of course you and your parents were shocked and devastated by the news
but the messenger also tells that the kingdom got mad and they want their “revenge” on you
so your father freaks tf out
they immediately get better security, more guards all over the castle
and then the king gets the idea to get you a personal body guard
so the king contacts your neighbor kingdom and asks them to send their best body guard
so they send park jimin
as park jimin is arriving to the castle by a horse
a very suspicious jungkook is hiding in the bushes near the castle entrance
he’s looking for a way to sneak in
and when he sees jimin on his way, his eyes focus on a piece of paper jimin is examining
he manages to read the words “castle invitation” and his eyes lit up
so he jumps from the bushes and knocks jimin out
quickly before anyone can see he steals jimins clothes, horse and his invitation paper
he still leaves jimin his old clothes because he isn’t a complete heartless asshole wtf he could die out in the cold
so he hops on the horse and rides to the castle entrance
he introduces himself as park jimin to the unsuspecting guards
and jungkook can’t believe his luck when they let him in
he leaves the horse near the royal stables and soon he realizes he has no idea where he needs to go??
he almost forgot the actual reason he was on his way to the castle
the kids in his village had caught a virus and it was spreading like a damn wildfire
but because a lot of them, including his little brother were poor they couldn’t afford for a proper health care
jungkook got the genius idea to steal from the “wealthy selfish royal pigs”
he always saw your family in a bad light because he thought you should be sharing your wealth with the poor villagers
jungkooks family had been like “you dumbass you can’t steal from them that’s a death sentence!!!”
but jungkook was like “watch me” and left just like that without any kind of plan because he’s a stubborn one
now he was starting to regret the “no plan” part
so he starts to aimlessly roam around your castle hoping to randomly walk in to a room full of gold or some shit
but instead he turns a corner and boom he walks right into you
you had actually seen him coming and immediately noticed he didn’t belong in a place like this
but you were adventurous and curious because you didn’t have lots of friends inside the castle and he looked nice and friendly :) what fun
“hey watch it!” you yell at him
jungkook is about to curse at you but then quickly notices your’re the princess!!!
“s-sorry wasn’t looking”
suddenly he starts sweating because he thinks he’s about to blow his cover
when you cast your eyes down to the invitation paper in his hands
“oh! aren’t you that new body guard? jamin?”
??? so that’s what that guy was here for
“uhh y-yeah. it’s jimin”
“jimin, huh?”
“well... actually... that’s... kinda like my... artist name..? body guard name...? anyway my real name is jungkook”
“kook! like cookie, not hook”
“oh well nice to meet you kookie, i’m (y/n)! :)”
no, not kookie. jungkook!”
“yeah yeah so kookie what are you doing here the meeting room is in the other direction! come with me or you’ll be late”
as you grab his hand jungkook can’t do anything but go with you or else he’d get into trouble big time so he’s like fml
but then he thinks that if he just goes with jimins identity for a short while he might actually gain access to where ever you hold your money
of course you knew he was full of shit you knew what you were doing
whatever he was after he must’ve been hella determined and not to mention good if he managed to get the official invitation letter from the best body guard in your neighbor kingdom
or then this park jimin guy was actual trash
didn’t matter, you had the chance of a lifetime to mess with this guy for breaking in
you lead jungkook to the meeting room where the king and queen are already waiting for you
“ahh you must be sir jimin!” the king greets him
jungkook isn’t completely sure how to act properly and respectfully in front of royalties so he kinda-
“uh yeah? sup”
you fight the urge to facepalm because what a fucking idiot if he wants to blend in he could at least try
so you kick his foot in secret and jungkooks two remaining brain cells light up enough for him to understand that he has to have manners
he bows and introduces himself
“i’m the royal body guard jung- i mean jimin. it’s and h-honor? to meet your highness”
so during the whole meeting they discuss what his job is and the whole time you could visibly see the life draining from jungkooks eyes
and finally when he hears he’s your personal body guard and he has to stay by your side 24/7 his soul finally leaves his body
“i told them to send their most handsome gentleman to protect our precious daughter. i’m very pleased with the select” the queen suddenly compliments and for a second jungkook gets kinda cocky and smirks at you
but as soon as you raise your eyebrows at him he gets reminded of the actuality of the situation and dies inside again
you almost laugh because... well... he got himself into this so he has to suffer the consequences
although you were not planning on having him there for forever
i mean you knew he wasn’t the actual park jimin you were just here trying your hardest to entertain yourself
you didn’t want to be evil, just tease him a little bit, maybe make him leave the castle by his own choice since he technically broke in
so as the meeting ends, jungkook is asked to escort you to your room
he was told to have the guest room right beside yours
“hey, look, um, your highness?” jungkook awkwardly starts when you two are alone on your way to your room
“please. don’t call me that. i’m (y/n)”
“(y/n), listen... i don’t know how else to explain this, but-”
he’s cut off by you suddenly hugging him
he gets frozen and doesn’t have the time to react before you’ve already pulled away with a bright smile on your face
“what was that for?”
“you’re the first person to ever call me by my name when i’ve asked”
and for a moment he’s like “aww” as you continue walking
you turn back around when he doesn’t follow
“kookie? are you coming or what?”
jungkook shakes his head and scurries after you
he decides to keep his identity a secret for a little longer
“it’s jungkook”
should i continue?
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