#2p hetalia mentioned
What do you think of 2p england? If you aren't into 2ps, what do you think of Canada?
The 2p's? I'm not very fond of them. I want to like them, but everyone seems to write them so differently every time so I honestly feel like I don't know them that well. Idk, I think the fandom might've ruined them for me even before I got to know them.
As for Canada though. I LOVE HIM!! He's such a sweetie, how could I not?
Now, how would I describe him? He's kind, shy, responsible, passive aggressive, sarcastic, and just overall sweet.
I see him as this sweet, responsible Mr. Nice guy who is always willing to help others, especially his friends and family. He is an amazing friend to have, and he will always be there when you need him. And he just has this calming presence and soft, affable, approachable vibe. I feel like sometimes he is seen as the "sweet, angel, perfect child" of the family. But that's not all there is to him. That's just the surface level of Mr. Canada's personality. (Ah, stereotypical Canadian man, too nice for this world yada yada, but we all know there is much more depth behind these stereotypes.)
Canada is also known to be passive aggressive and sarcastic. If you bother to listen to what he says during meetings, you'll find he has something to say about everyone. He's very quite though, so you'll have to really listen closely. And he can be quite the smart-ass too. Most people probably see him as a doormat or a pushover, and I won't lie, he does sometimes let himself get pushed around. But I don't see him as completely spineless. He's clever enough to know when someone wants to take advantage of him, and I think he's smart enough to say "no" if he knows it could get him into a dangerous situation. He is a big strong nation who can handle himself dammit!!
Also, probably not a good idea to get on his bad side when playing hockey haha. Like I said, big strong nation. I don't doubt he is just as strong as his brother dearest. Speaking of which. I like when fanartists depic him as buff and burly. Like, hell yeah!! He built like a lumberjack. That's his coat for the winter babey. And he's tall too. He slouches though, so it may not be noticable just by looking at him. But he were to stand straight, and stand next to Germany or Russia, you'd realize that he is pretty damn tall.
I think that's all I have to say for right now. (And don't worry, I'll make a blorbo sheet for him soon.) If you have anymore specific questions about him that I didn't answer keep them coming!
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ask2ps · 2 months
[ Send “SPOILER!” and I’ll send a spoiler about the storyline. (CLOSED) ]
Possessing the 1P nations can make the 2P nations pretty sick… consider it like an advanced, interdimensional form of jetlag. There’s a variety of side effects, and some are more unpleasant than others. 
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ask2pame · 1 year
Could we see Viktor and Lady?
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she is a small thing
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2p Germany/Lutz Beilschmidt
He gets frustrated a lot, but he’s for some reason probably the one who deals the best, he will let you wander sometimes, if it’s at home he’s somewhat at ease, he’s more worried about when you wander around outside
He starts beating up anyone who looks at you in any way he deems wrong, he wants you to be you, but he is also very overprotective, especially because you’re the only female in the family and you must be protected at all costs. He’s really a hypocrite when it comes to you, because he doesn’t really care about women other than when he wants to fuck, but you are the most precious woman in history and most be protected from all men.
2p Italy/Luciano Vargas
You can wander around his mansion and that’s about it, otherwise you’re forced to have bodyguards with you all the time
if you keep doing it he will end up either following you around himself or asking Flavio to do so, and since he loves to dress you up, you will be occupied for hours. He knows that a lot of men only think of one thing when it comes to women, and he’s not letting that happen to you
2p Japan/Kuro Honda
It drives him crazy, why can’t you just stay in the temple, he even made an area just for you so you wouldn’t have to deal with the assassins, prostitutes and what not
He tries to calm himself but something like this he really cannot take, so you might end up being locked in your area. You’re his only little sister, at least one he actually cares about, he’s not risking that someone tries to kidnap you.
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noell0 · 3 days
back with another fic !!
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lolliepops-rox · 18 days
2p!Australia: Barry/Bazza Kirkland (I am open to other name suggestions)
What you think of when you think of an annoying greens voter from Melbourne
Most people don't respect him enough to call him by his nickname, only suckups and himself calls him Bazza
Has a cultivated Aussie accent
Every cafe within 500km of Melbourne CBD knows his coffee order
Outside of Canberra for work, he spends most of his time in Melbourne
Dedicated Melbourne storms fan, roots for the blues in State of Origin. (Jack is an AFL kind of guy obvis, so Barry is the NRL guy)
Man bun + flora/coloured print button ups
Don't ask him about the boats. Nobody likes his answer.
Went to schoolies with Jack and the nyos (names TBD) ONCE, threw up after like 3 beers, then swore off it (Jack goes every year)
Has no respect for the mining industry (fair), but it makes him be kinda weird about poor people (cringe)
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heta-micronomics · 8 months
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While I get it written down in a more comprehensible way, have some memes for my 2P lore that I had stashed in the folder. They make very little sense out of context, but with the backgound, they're hilariously sad lmao.
For reference, the names I use in these:
Sealand: Andrew Maunsell-Kirkland
England: Oliver Kirkland
America: Alexander F. Jones
France: Antoine Bonnefoy
Canada: Gabriel Williams
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
Have you thought about 2p Port x Eng x Port?
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I changed the dinamic a little bit Anon, so I can introduced them together. Hope you don't mind~ You can ask about your idea later one again XD.
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zombieplaguedoc · 6 months
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I just realized I fell behind in my picrews, I apologize for that.
Picrew found here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/11558
Antis dni please
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milaisreading · 9 months
Imagine in 2p Hetalia x reader, someone hurts and insults Y/N both physically and emotionally but the 2p's are behind them and just saw the whole thing.💀☠️🔪
Warnings: Mentions of murder and I used she/her for the reader.
Hmmm, let me think for a second...
2p!Italy 🇮🇹
2p!Italy, who didn't hear exactly what was said, but saw Yn getting upset.
2p!Italy: What happened? :3
Yn: I just got told that the dress looks hideous on me. I liked the dress- LUCIANO DON'T POINT THE KNIFE AT HIS HEART
2p!Italy: The jugular vein it is then! What did you just say to her?! Repeat that?!
2p!Germany 🇩🇪
Dude, who was talking shit to Yn after he saw 2p!Germany: Who... who is that?
Yn turns around while holding her tears in: Oh... that's Lutz, he doesn't bite
2p!Germany: Yes, I do. Now, care to repeat what you just said?
2p!Japan 🇯🇵
The man doesn't even finish his 1st sentence before 2p!Japan takes out his katana
Yn: Where did you get that?!
2p!Japan: Don't worry your cute brain about it. Now, let me take revenge on the man who insulted your honor
2p!America heard everything while he was stalking watching over Yn, and he held himself back from swinging his bat at the person... for now. 2 days later tho...
Yn: Allen, why is your bat red again? Did Matt prank you again and painted it?
2p!America: Sure! :D
2p!France 🇫🇷
This man would straight up start insulting the person while mixing English and French. Yn would have to hold him back from checking the person who insulted her.
2p!England 🇬🇧
Person: And not to mention that dumb hairstyle!-
Yn, at the verge of crying as the person pulled on her hair a little.
2p!England while stabbing the person in the back: Looks like I will be able to make more cupcakes soon :3
Yn, looking in surprise at the dead man and then up at 2p England: Isn't this an overkill, Oliver?
2p!England: That is not a real thing, poppet!
2p!Russia 🇷🇺
Bold of you to assume he let's Yn get near anyone, let alone a stranger. But, on the off chance she runs into the wrong person and they start insulting her and threatening her physicall well-being... Then Viktor will pull the person into an alleyway and kill them. Then he will pick up Yn and carry her back home.
2p!Russia: This is why you stay home.
2p!China 🇨🇳
2p!China, pretending to clean his ears: I must be hearing this wrong... her? An eyesore? And not belonging here? I must inform you that this is the most beautiful girl in the world! And I will not let some street rat looking asshole insult her! Do you know what she means to me?!
Basically, he starts pestering the man for two hours about what Yn means to him... later on Wang kills him, tho.
2p!Canada 🇨🇦
This man will just pull Yn away and let Kuma deal with the man...
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ask2ps · 2 months
england seems like he is constantly .2 seconds from having some kind of episode ! go (former) king go !!!
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ENGLAND: What are you talking about? I don't have "episodes." I'm collected! And rational. And, and, and... ENGLAND: (Having run out of words to describe his "unfaltering temperament", he is beginning to falter.)
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nooneherexp · 2 months
2p!Russia x female!reader.
Chapter I:
❄a snowflake between sunflowers🌻
A/N: I'm just here to say that in this story I only own the plot, not the characters, nor YOU(the female reader).. The characters belong to Hetalia and you(reader) belong to yourself. If any mistakes are spotted, I'm sorry for those then.. Enjoy~☆ -ash
tw: violence and mentions of it.
Down the snowy empty streets at late night, Viktor walked with a quick pace, taking big steps with his long legs as he hugged his heavy dark gray coat tighter around his body, it was more cold in moscow than usual.. and as it's known, of course, russia always have a harsh winter that have no mercy on any living creature that lives on its land; Viktor let out a heavy sigh as he walked down those well-remembered streets, only to stop by something that was caught by the corner of his eyes, a flower shop..
Viktor stared at the shop for a moment, there were sunflowers for sale.. his favorite flowers. his senses seemed to stop working and time seemed to freeze, he looked down at his watch to see which time is it: 'It's nearly midnight... what shop stays open until this time?' he questioned himself, as he shook his head as he snapped back to reality, he walked towards the shop, his gaze focused on the beautiful sunflowers, it seemed like these flowers were the only thing that picked his interest, but he was wrong.. There was a lady standing between those flowers touching them with a careful touch as her lips moved, was she singing? Was she talking to the flowers? Viktor stopped dead in his tracks as he eyed the lady from the toe to the top of her head..Viktor hesitated for a moment before continue walking to the shop, as he got close, he pushed the door with his big gloved hand, the bell that was attached above to the door's frame rang, signaling someone's arrival, the lady who stood between the sunflower turned her head to the door, stopping what she was doing and walking up to the person with an apologetic smile she spoke in a soft tone.. "uhm.. Sir.. I'm sorry to say this but the shop is closed now.." she looked at him, she really had to arch her neck to just look at his face, as he was incredibly tall, she smiled hoping that he'll understand and leave. But no.. That's not what was in Viktor's mind as it seems, he looked down at her small fragile frame, his face expression remained cold and deadly serious.
As the lady made eye contact with his rubby eyes, she felt a shiver going down her spine, she broke the eye contact and looked down as she started to grow a bit uncomfortable by the tall man's presence.
With a swift motion, Viktor lifted his gloved hand, and pointed at the beautiful-looking sunflowers.  "How much." With a deep voice he uttered those words, which sent another shiver down the lady's spine again. She slowly looked at what he's pointing at, and then a small smile tugged at her lips.  "i..." she started, thinking what to say..
She took a step towards the flowers.  "well... they're not really for sale..yet.. you see, they're still growing.. but if you insist on buying them then i can serve them for you.."  she said while playing with her fingers feeling a bit nervous now. 
Viktor on the other side just stayed silent, deciding what to do while his gaze shifted between the lady and the sunflowers, then with a hum he pulled out his wallet and spoke again.  "I want to buy all. and i want you to care of them until they grow this much.." he put his hand a little above his elbow, as he looked at the lady with dull eyes.
[Name] looked at him in disbelief 'is this man insane or what..?' she asked herself then gave the man an uneasy awkward smile  "w-well.. first, there's over 20 flowers here.. and each bouquet of 5 flowers costs 1500 rubles.. and uhm.. I don't think I can take care of them for you.. I mean..-"   before she can even continue, the man stepped closer, closing the distance between him and her as he then put his heavy hand on her tiny shoulder, his grip was tightening a little by a little, he looked down at the petite lady as he gave her a daring look to keep giving those excuse that he obviously weren't going to listen to.
"you will do as I say, i do not want hear your excuses at all."  he said as his speech held a heavy, thick russian accent and his english was broken a bit, then he smiled a tiny smile, a terrifying one, his rubby eyes held a sick sadistic look as he expected the petite lady to just nod and obey his request.. no, command. Viktor always loved having control over people. He simply...enjoyed it. 
But there again, he was wrong, as the lady did something unexpected, his short enjoyment was suddenly interrupted by a burning pain that exploded on his cheek as she has slapped him, hard.  Viktor's eyes widened at the sudden action, his smile completely dropped, his eyes looked darker now as he frowned letting out a low growl and tilted his head to the side looking into the female's face who was also now frowning and holding a dead serious look.  "hands off...'' She said her tone was colder and harsher than the soft and gentle tone she used earlier.
"and get out of my shop." she added, rather rudely..  Viktor snorted before letting out a sick laugh, he looked like the maniac, this man was definitely insane...  he grabbed the lady's wrists in one hand, she was really tiny compared to the man, as then he released her shoulder that he was holding to keep her in place, he moved his free hand to her face, gripping her jaw tightly and making her face closer to his, she can feel his hot breath tickling her soft skin and as his
breath smelled like a mix of cigarettes and vodka, [Name]'s face twisted in disgust and anger. he chuckled.. And laughed again.. he was an absolute maniac..  "..i like feisty girls like you... They fun to break.." he whispered to her between his chuckles, his eyes filled with a burning fire of sadism and anger while the little lady was still struggling in his grip gritting her teeth and squirming against him.  "..FUCKING LET GO!" she screamed at him before spitting at his face and directly after launching a strong kick to his crotch. 
Viktor let out a loud growl as his grip on her jaw and wrists loosened and stepped back as he held crotch and crouched down a little, and wiped the spit off his face with his gloved hand.. "маленькая шлюха¹..."  he growled again, as he stood up and looked at his glove disgusted by the slight glowing spit on it, he looked back at the lady with an annoyed expression.. Before turning and heading to the door, finally deciding to leave.  "i be back tomorrow...and i want those sunflowers ready. I would like all in pots." and before the lady even could say anything, he left the shop. [Name] fell to the ground and curled up feeling tears roll down her face to drop on the ground, as her brain kept thinking, questioning and trying to process what the hell just happened...
The next morning [Name] woke up on the ground, dry tears still on her cheeks, she sat up rubbing her eyes, then a flashback of yesterday crossed her mind, she flinched at the memories of yesterday's night and got up looking around the shop.. Everything was alright, nothing was ruined, nothing was broken... but her.. she got up shaking off the sad feeling that is overwhelming her, she looked at her phone and thought..  'shall i call the police?...'  she reached for her phone grabbing it but before she could even dial the police's number, the door's bell rang, [Name]'s eyes shot to the door, thinking it will be the man of yesterday, but to her surprise it was just another customer, thankfully...  it was a child with his mother, [Name] gave her best smile to them as she greeted them with the most soft and cheerful tone. The child wandered around looking at every flower kind and wowing at them, the mother leaned on the counter and looked over the sunflowers then she asked: 
"you grow such beautiful flowers in this shop, i want to ask how much a sunflower cos—"
a loud crash was heard in the corner of the shop, both of the females looked towards the noise source with worried expressions. 
It was the kid, he dropped one of the medium-sized pots, the kid started crying as he ran to his mother, clinging to her leg as he apologized between his sobs, the mother picked her son up while patting his back and assuring him that its okay..  The mother looked at the owner of the shop, [Name], with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry for what he did.. I can pay for the broken pot—" but she was cut off by [Name], "—No no no no! It's alright.. He didn't mean to. No need.. That pot was cracked anyway, i remember."  she smiled at the mother reassuringly her, then she opened a drawer that was under the counter, picking out a candy from there and giving it to the kid, "it's okay little one.. it's okay, here have this candy, please stop crying.'' The mother smiled at [Name] and thanked her. Soon more customers started to come and leave the shop, either buying or asking about flowers. 
Those customers made [Name] be distracted from the events that happened to her yesterday with that man, so her day was all good and nice.. That's until a familiar man walked in..
He was tall and looked big boned, almost towering over anything and anyone that was around him. He had dark short hair that was almost black and brushed to the side. He had a round, tired, serious face. His dull rubby eyes are nearly always red and surrounded with dark circles underneath his tired eyes and with a more prominent nose.
His clothes are neat and tidy as he wore a long heavy dark gray and red coat, very dark gray pants, dark brown gloves, and a long red scarf that he seemed to never take off.. And it also seemed that his clothes were never with that many color differences, though, his clothes were kind of royal but a bit old fashioned. 
[Name]'s heart and cheerful smile dropped from the sight of the same man from yesterday... she didn't want to deal with him again.. But—  
'wait.. What..' [Name] looked at him for a moment.. the man was holding a bouquet of Purple and blue hyacinths..  and if you know.. these flowers are always to symbolize constancy, regret, sincerity and asking for forgiveness… 
~{yesterday's night after Viktor left the store}~
After Viktor left the shop, he watched from a far as the lady fell to the ground and curled up in her spot, shaking and crying..  
he stared at her for a moment, watching her in her vulnerable state, he liked how she looked.. He liked the fear he made her feel.. But there was another feeling deep inside him...inside his cold, cruel, dead heart..  it made something deep in his heart ache in pain.. was it guilt? pity? Sympathy?.. Viktor's face twisted in annoyance and anger.. he didn't like the sudden feeling he was experiencing, it was unknown to him.. she was annoying to him now.. But then again.. She wasn't..  
Viktor walked away, at a quicker pace than he did earlier, he didn't know where to really go, he just kept walking.. As he fought his sadistic, maniac thoughts of doing things to her, that no human or any living being wishes to know or see.  
soon, and after walking in a raging state, he found himself in front of his huge mansion door.. he pulled out his keys, picking the right key, he shoved it in the door's hole then twisted it, opening the door kind of aggressively then closing it behind him.. The trio baltics and his sister must be asleep now.. he let out another sigh and quietly walked up stairs, not bothering himself to take his shoes or coat off, as he walked to a specific door, he grabbed the door knob and twisted it, opening it, revealing his organized and neat office. He walked in it, closing the door behind him again and then sitting in his chair, putting his elbows on the surface of his desk and leaning on
them as he put both of his hands on his head.. His thoughts were a mess... his heart was beating fast.. 
he slid one of his hands down his face.. The same face she dared to slap and spit on....  
he gritted his teeth, his jaw and tightened as well as his hand that was on his head, gripping his hair.. his blood was boiling of rage, this woman... this female... the lady that was standing between those sunflowers..
this lady.. she's driving him to the edge of insanity...  she didn't let him sleep. she didn't let him concentrate. she didn't give him a chance to distract himself from her, and if a little... but no.. She had flooded over his mind.. He hates this.. He despised everything that was happening with him all because of her. 
'her, her, her, her......' was all in his mind.. 
Then, faint rays of sunshine lightened his room and hit his almost-like-snow pale skin and rubby eyes, making them glow faintly as the sun rises.. 
_"it's morning already?.. "_  he thought as he raised an eyebrow.. looking at the wall clock.. 
"5 o'clock.." he said lowly as he got up..
he picked up his keys and walked out of his office, locking it then going down the stairs, he was still dressed he just ran his gloved hand through his hair brushing it to the side, as he was about to open the door, a soft girly voice spoke  "Brother?.." the big russian turned his body to look at the person.. who obviously was his dear sister. 
"Анастасия? what you doing awake in early morning?" he asked in his deep low voice as he looked at her walking up to him. 
Anastasia.. Viktor's little sister, Anastasia has long, straight light golden-blond hair, as it's put down and decorated with a big white hair bow in the back of her head like usual. 
She has a round face and a light skin color like her brother, but her face always holds a soft expression as she has beautiful light blue eyes, a small doll-like nose and soft cherry-pink lips.
She wears a light pink dress that was given to her by her only brother—Viktor—that reaches her knees, and her waist is tied with a white waist apron and a ribbon holding it to the dress that is in strawberry-red-and-white stripes, and black mary jane shoes with white stockings. 
She's sweet and known for her deep love and caring towards her family, she's just a sweet ball of sunshine and cuteness. 
She hugged her big brother with a sweet smile, "Доброе утро!²" she said cheerfully and looked up at him as he patted her head with a small smile on his face.  "Доброе утро.." Viktor replied to his sister as she finally let him go.
Even though it was rare for Viktor to smile, he was always to return at least a small smile to his little sister. If anyone else, he wouldn't smile at them. unless… 
"Come, I will make you breakfast."  Anastasia held his hand and led him to the kitchen. The kitchen of Viktor's house has a classic and functional design. It's filled with traditional cooking equipment and appliances, as well as plenty of counter space for meal preparation. The cabinets and countertops are made of dark, sturdy wood, and the overall space is well-organized with everything in its proper place. 
"So, what would you like for breakfast Viktor?"  she asked him as Viktor took a chair and sat down resting both of his arms on the table. 
"...just some сырники³, Спасибо⁴." he answered in a monotone and with a nod of Anastasia she started cooking, Viktor was silent, he didn't get up to help her, which Anastasia found it a bit strange, usually he would atleast get up to help her even if he won't talk much..  
she made the Russian Cheese Pancakes, сырники, Viktor has asked for.  Anastasia topped them with some blueberries and greek yogurt then put them for Viktor on the table, while also taking a seat, facing the russian. 
"Спасибо.." he thanked her, and started eating without even looking at her.  Anastasia frowned a bit as she realized something was bothering her big brother, so it was no wrong for her to check..  "so.. what is wrong?" Anastasia's tone was serious now but still holding some worriedness in it. Viktor stopped eating and looked at his sister, she could see the confusion and pain in his eyes. Something was definitely wrong with him.
with a heavy sigh, Viktor told her everything that happened with the lady that owns the flower shop yesterday.. But he kept the feelings part hidden because he was never the type of man to open up about his feelings, because he believes that 'they don't exist' and that he's 'emotionless'.. 
Anastasia's reaction was confused for a moment but she was definitely not surprised, she knows her brother well, and she knows if he wants something he'll get it in any way possible, with a sigh she got up.  
"Finish your breakfast now, then, I'll tell you what to do. Basically.. You have to apologize to the lady.."  she explained in her soft but serious tone. Viktor frowned at her, he didn't like being commanded around or being told what to do.. but since it was his sister who has been like a caring mother to him.. he just looked down at his food and continued eating without a word. 
Anastasia smiled and looked over the clock that hung on the kitchen's wall. It was 7 o'clock now. 
After Viktor finished his breakfast, he picked his used plate and fork and walked to the sink putting them there then returning to his sister, she wore a fluffy white cap with a veil, similar to traditional mourning dress. Her overcoat is light pink with deep pink flowers, having two sets of stitches going down the front with ribbons at the end of them. The coat's cuffs are frilled with. Underneath her dress, she wears a white button-up garment with a fluffy, white muffler on top of it. She also wore reddish-brown boots and white mittens. She was ready to leave with Viktor somewhere.  "let's go, we're going to another flower shop to buy some flowers for the lady, as an apology." she explained again in her soft tone, Viktor didn't bother himself to reply, he just gave her a small nod and opened the door, walking outside his sister followed, closing the door behind her they both started walking down the cold streets, it was a bit crowded despite being cold in the city. as they walked, they passed by [Name]'s shop.
Viktor looked at the Shop with the corner of his eyes, she was awake now, even there were customers.  She was smiling, laughing.. he looked at her like she's an angel standing there—
"she's really pretty.."  Anastasia spoke, making Viktor snap out of his thoughts, he looked down at Anastasia, they were standing
'How long have we been standing here?..' he thought, embarrassed, as a faint blush covered his right cheek. looking at the lady in the shop for once more, he frowned and started walking again with a quick pace and without even waiting for Anastasia this time. 
"annoying girl..." he muttered under his breath, making sure that no one would hear him. 
Anastasia on the other side was struggling a bit to keep up her pace with Viktor.  "Viktor slow down, you're walking too fast!!" Anastasia complained, reaching for her brother's coat and tugging on it. 
Viktor halted, and looked down at her with an annoyed expression on his face, Anastasia simply pointed at another flower shop, it was also filled with flowers but there were also sunflowers for sale.. but Viktor strangely found it boring.. Unlike the..lady that was between the sunflowers' shop.
They walked in the shop, and there were two guys working there, and a few customers around. 
A guy with brown hair and green eyes walked up to Viktor and Anastasia with a bright smile. "Добро пожаловать в наш цветочный магазин! Как я могу вам помочь?⁵" the guy asked, while the other guy was taking care of the other customers. 
Anastasia smiled at the brown haired guy.  "Добрый день!⁶ I have a question, do you know which flowers symbolize constancy and regret?" she asked the guy, her soft smile and tone never really separate her behavior. 
"Ah yes! purple and blue hyacinths, white roses too. But i recommend the blue and purple hyacinths more.'' The guy answered her kindly as he lifted his hand pointing to the bunch of beautiful flowers he mentioned that were in beautifully decorated baskets with tiny colorful bows on the basket's arched, braided handle. with an amazed gasp and sparkling eyes, Anastasia
walked over to the flowers in the baskets.  "Милый..⁷" the brown haired guy muttered, and Viktor shot him a deadly look; if looks could kill, that guy would've dropped dead. 
The guy froze in his place as he felt awkward and sweating appeared on his forehead.  "w-well!.. would you like me to wrap them for you?'' The guy walked up to Anastasia, but he still could feel Viktor's eyes glaring at him still like it's some sort of laser eyes digging holes in the back of the guy's head, it was very uncomfortable for the guy. However, he made his way to the hyacinths grabbing one of the little baskets and picking the beautiful smelling flowers from it then wrapping them in a big white paper decorated with light pink and yellow dots as he then adorned it with a light blue bow. It looked cute. Handing the bouquet to Anastasia, she grabbed it close to her chest and sniffed it, 
The fragrance of blue and purple hyacinths is delightful and captivating. Blue hyacinths give off a sweet, fresh scent with hints of honey and vanilla, while purple hyacinths emit a slightly more intense and earthy fragrance with a touch of musk and a hint of pine. When combined, the scent is a harmonious blend of these two distinct aromas, with the sweeter notes of the blue hyacinths balancing out the more intense scent of the purple hyacinths. The result is a truly unique and intoxicating floral fragrance that makes Anastasia's nose melt into the smell while her light blue eyes sparkle cutely. 
Viktor's patience was running out; he paid for the bouquet and left the shop with his younger sister.  "Here, you're going to give it to the lady and apologize, okay?" she handed the bouquet to her older brother who grabbed it almost with no care and just nodded at Anastasia who smiled. As they walked, they got close to [Name]'s flower shop. Something tingled in Viktor's heart, but he didn't understand or know what it was yet. his young sister waved at him and said her goodbyes and walked back to the mansion. Viktor looked at his sister as she walked away feeling no worry about his sister walking back home alone, because he knew who hid under her soft face. Turning his head to the shop he tugged his gloved hand at his red scarf allowing some cold air to hit his sensitive neck, then he walked up to the shop, crossing the street, taking those steps who gave a dominant vibes as if he the one who owned russia's streets and land. and he did. pushing that door with his hand, his gaze is only fixed on her. 
~{Back to the present, Today}~
Hey yall, hope yall enjoyed the story, i know its pretty long but yeh..
So uh i think its obvious that this is my first time publishing a story but yeh. I dont even know why did i pick hetalia 2p character. But i did. I just got dragged to the fandom somehow.
little slut.
Good morning!
3. сырники: A traditional russian cheese pancakes!
4.Спасибо: Thank you
5. Welcome to our flower shop! How can I help you?"
6. a formal hello (in belarusian) ((i guess. Lol))
7. Cute
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No worries! I'm just glad you clarified so I can make this post!
Also thank you! I'm not getting better I'm on my second course of antibiotics this year. But they seem to be working now!
Anyway here's the tsundere stuff!
2p allies
2p America/Allen Jones
He tries his hardest to pretend he doesn't like you, which usually ends up with him looking like a complete idiot
2p China/Zao Wang
He's the type to act like he really does hate you. He thinks that if he does this he can control you and he does not realise he likes you
2p England/Oliver Kirkland
He acts very tsundere towards you and then gets super depressed when you don't respond with unlimited devotion towards him.
2p France/François Bonnefoy
He's a slightly abusive tsundere, he only does this to try and keep you away from him. And he also acts like he does not give a single shit about you
2p Russia/Viktor Braginsky
He is the one who usually ignores you and treats you like a pest, he keeps you around tho, he's not overly tsundere in the way he acts around you or others, but he keeps you around a little too much to it being believable that he hates you
2p axis
2p Germany/Lutz Beilschmidt
Oh he is the type who absolutely denies everything and he tries so hard he ends up looking stupid as fuck
2p Italy/Luciano Vargas
Will be a very mean tsundere who has to be pressured into telling his true feelings, which will most likely be a argument! Because that's how he functions. Angry little bastard
2p Japan/Kuro Honda
He is a tsundere who acts cold and uninterested in you and it makes it seem like he actually hates you. But he will straight up torture you because he doesn't understand his feelings and thinks that is the best way to deal with it :D
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twiintaurus · 2 years
One thing I enjoy about the hetalia fandom and it’s relationship with canon is just how much it’s created it’s own canon to the point that the whole fandom just (mostly) unanimously agreed on it. Like before Hima introduced Scotland we all agreed upon a fan design to the point that cosplays were made, fanart was made, and you FREQUENTLY saw Scotland cosplayers at cons. So much so you could even buy Scotland cosplay online. Like how fun is that? Then there’s the whole 2p canon. Hima literally just drew some recolors and mentioned how they looked like they ran an evil organization and the fandom took that and RAN WITH IT.
Idk I just think that’s neat!
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hetaliakinfessions · 1 month
Hey, we’re a 18+ DID system :)! (thought I’d mention that we’re over 18 in case that’s a dealbreaker for some people).
I don’t know if this blog is still active, but we have a few alters that are looking for sourcematws. I myself don’t mind; also, we are not bothered by “doubles”. Majority of our frequent fronters are hetalia & 2p hetalia introjects (unfortunately /lh). We’re mainly looking for fellow hetalia systems, but we’re alright with IRL/DA and fictionkin (if you’re interested in talking to us).
In particular, we have an England introject who’s interested in seeing his brothers/family again (Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, America, etc). I am aware introjects are not source regardless of their source connection, so don’t worry if ‘source memories’ are different :3! We’re open to interacting with other hetalia systems in general.
As for contacting us? You can interact with this post, and we may get in touch with you✨
- 2p Italy ( `= ワ =')ᕤ
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Base Yandere Japan Headcanons: His Sakura Blossom (Hetalia)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter, this one will have 1p Japan! So please Enjoy this chapter!]
(Disclaimer: Japan is not yandere in canon, and the people who are Japanese do not act like this. Japan in this and in the show is a fictional character and it is not how Japanese people act! This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! It is fiction! Just do not be illegal or gross about it. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life!)
-Base Yandere Headcanons with Japan-
.He is a quiet and hardworking man.
.He met you by chance and you stole his heart.
.Japan though is a shy boy which with his yandere side makes him a bit more cautious and hesitant to court you.
.You are just so stunning and beautiful.
.He has admitted he leans more to preferring 2d girls compared to 3d,
.Though with you it is all knew to him.
.He also is very shy when it comes to nudity and intimate actions.
.So he would become very flustered with you if you were showing intimate interest or naked.
.Though he also does love it, so be ready for those nosebleed anime scenes too.
.He also becomes flustered when you hug him or hold his hand.
.It does not take a lot from you to make him flustered and have his heart racing that is for sure.
.He also has a love for food, very much, and indulges in his food.
.Also is not happy with the price of food in the bad economy
(MUFFINS that scene with him saying eggs were expensive! That hits wayyyyyyy too real right now with the egg prices where I am like, Japan! I FEEL YOU!]
.Though he is also a very protective yandere.
.He also would be firm with you and try his best to help you.
.His favorite thing to do with you would go cosplay with each other.
.Also He is a pervert having adult theme mangas and other books.
.Some that put the Hub to shame.
.He also would probably draw you in various new mangas he makes.
.He loves the arts as well but is also very firm on the military side of his people.
.He would most likely be the scariest yandere when he snaps.
.It rarely happens but if he does snap he is scarier than the 2ps or Russia.
.Those torture methods that came out of Japan did not come from anywhere nice.
.Not to mention he is a silent yandere.
.You would not know he was a yandere until it was too late.
.By then you are kidnapped by him and belong to him for the rest of the time.
.He would deal with rivals simply by sneaking into their lives unnoticed and then killing them.
.This man is a ninja when it comes to getting rid of rivals.
.He would be so nervous when confessing to you.
.If you say yes he is so happy he may even smile the brightest smile!
.If you say no.
.Knocked out and kidnapped. No other way about it.
.You are his sakura blossom and he will keep you by his always.
.His prize!
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all my sexy muffins!]
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