#3 M Springboard
regina-del-cielo · 11 months
On today's episode of "sports AUs that cater specifically to my interests and that I won't ever have the spoons to write":
JoeNicky synchronized divers AU
Hear me out
Diving is, at its core, an individual sport. It's just you and your ability to throw yourself acrobatically into the water vs a panel of judges, gravity, and a bunch of other people who are there for the same reason
But together with individual competitions, there's also synchronized diving, with two athletes from the same team diving side by side
So please imagine. Nicky and Joe being pro divers from the same country who are peak Competitive Bastards™️ about each other. In the individual competitions it's like all the others barely exist, as long as they come up higher than that guy it's ok
(They're so busy trying to outcompete the other that they constantly get better until they’re basically top ten in the world, go figure)
People think that if they were left alone in the same room they would murder each other, and then a coach (Andy? Quynh? Oscar Bertone? Who knows) has the brightest idea of the century
Put them together for the synchro competition
Shock, bafflement and scandal: "Why would you pair me with that guy?!"
"You are of similar height and also your styles are very similar, you're just too blinded by your pride to see it"
Listen. They may not stand each other, but they're still Competitive Bastards™️
They are NOT losing the chance for a medal just because they have to work with their mortal enemy
So they dive (heh) into the 'synching our diving routines until we look like a single person' training
And that's where it all goes topsy-turvy because. They are both Intense™️ in a way nobody else has ever really understood, not even the other divers in the team. And turns out they also have a similar sense of humour ("Di Genova, a sense of humour? Who would have thought"). And similar interests outside of the sport. And and and.
And they're training in the tiniest Speedos ever invented and I never said he wasn't attractive but NOW I also like him as a person and it's becoming A FUCKING PROBLEM
And then they compete, and they are ridiculously good, literally breathing in sync, what the fuck
(And then they kiss and become the most feared sync diving team in history)
(While still trying to outcompete the other in the individual competitions but now it feels like foreplay)
Not sure if the springboard or the platform would be more suited, I honestly think it could be either
Springboard is either 1 m (not an Olympic specialty) or 3 m (all international competitions including Olympics), it's 'funnier' because bouncy and also the difficulty of doing a lot of acrobatics in a relatively small aerial space before you get to the water
The platform is 10 m high and it's unhinged imo but also. Those two are canonically unhinged enough to not flinch at throwing themselves down into a pool at that height from a handstand position
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
50 Days of HypnoFetishes - Preamble
Should you wish to just get to the kinky stuff and ignore my ramblings, scroll down to Day 1.
Ella Enchanting made a post where she will go over 50 fetishes over the course of a month.
I happen to be an asexual deeply involved in hypnokink and as a matter of exploring my sexuality, providing context for my partners and giving an opportunity for individuals to springboard off of my concepts and build off of my ideas, I wish to post 50 days worth of scenes and suggestions within hypnoplay and elaborate on why they bring me such joy.
Firstly, I want to make a ground rule clear. I am presently a sex-repulsed asexual. Experiencing physical arousal is a huge negative for me, whether it be a matter of gender dysphoria, trauma triggers or just hating the way my mind and body are impacted, I am deterred by arousal. That alone makes my perspective a little unapproachable to the majority of the community I share. Even sex ambivalent asexuals do not tend to have such a relationship with their sexuality.
For that reason I wish to make it clear, before starting that when I describe things as hot, I am referring to an exalted drive within the heart that multiplies passions and creates a high. The best way I can relate it is the emotional peaks of being at a rock concert or sporting event when the crowd erupt into a frenzy of applause and euphoria. Granted one would not say that it was hot when The Packers pulled off a 2 point conversion in the 4th, so it is not a 1-1 comparison. But there is a firm difference in my body and mind between aroused (good) and aroused (bad) and that's the nearest I can equate it to. I look for emotional climax, not physical. I wish I had better vocabulary for it than that.†
Which is why hypnosis is such a draw for me, because there is so cerebral. I am able to maneuver within a scene on either side of the watch with as much degree of comfort as I wish to be afforded. In fact, scenes where I specifically cannot and do not touch my partner are hot as fuck. My first entry to this challenge will explain further.
During these posts I will make it clear when I am talking from a Top perspective and a Bottom perspective and how I interpret the allure. Pulling someone's hair and listening to them whimper for me is not equal to being put in front of a keyboard and told to stare through the screen and let my fingers type. They are both delightful and scenes that bring a lot of joy, but one has a heat and exchange of passion and power, the other is a release which typically ends with a sudden rush of emotions in an explosive array as the impact of the scene is realized. If you read through my posts you may find that that sense of smoldering intensity drawn out versus the powerful rush of a cluster of emotions are what the majority of my interest boils down to.
That all said, let me share my intrigues with you!
50 Days of HypnoFetish - Day 1: Unwinnable Conditions
Alignment: Top driven desire.
I have written on this topic more than once. Feel free to check some of my prose built off of this intrigue.
I consider myself a Fae. Less a gender and more an aesthetic. I love the idea of binding a partner to a contract and finding that they are stuck between my contradicting messages and see just how they react. Of course, I tend to have things laid out in my head when I begin a scene like that which is designed to draw about the reaction I want.
"There's a difference between a command and a compulsion" is the opening line to one of the stories I wrote about giving a partner the powerful desire to kiss me and hitting them with a freeze trigger. If hypnotists had special moves, this would be my 3-bar Super. The idea is so very simple. Tempt a partner with something they want.
'With every passing second you'll find my lips to become a focus, a temptation. Feel my words lace lovingly around your heart and pull you closer. With every word you wish more and more to kiss me, to taste my lips, to feel my passion match yours. Memories of each kiss can just flood back to the edge of your senses as you continue to desire it, as you feel your lips magnetized to mine. Surrendering all resistance as it is melted away by this powerful desire that overrides your senses. Want turns to desire. Desire turns to crave. Crave turns to yearn. Yearning becoming compulsion. You are compelled. You must kiss. Need to kiss.'
The idea is to build a smoldering fire which catches and turns into a raging inferno all stuck behind the dam of a trigger. That passion and power will continue to increase until given the "kiss me" trigger. Then all that built up desire will erupt in one go and draw a partner close as I forcibly slam them with a single word.
And watch them stop on the spot.
Then I take my time. Admire the look plastered upon their face... particularly their eyes. I have done this suggestion so many times and each and every time I have done it the eyes remain fully animated. I have seen burning desire, pouting disappointment, fierce determination, submissive acceptance and confusion which typically melts into one of the previously listed emotions.
That's when my fun begins.
To orbit a partner (within their comfort level) and tease them delicately in their frozen state, brush a hand down their hair, place my finger to their lips, whisper so close to their ear that they feel my lips graze their skin. Tell them how that desire to kiss is still building. How soon enough they will be given their reward, but I just wish to let them simmer a moment. Perhaps I'll repeat the trigger a few more times, ramp up their yearning until it almost threatens to break the strength of the freeze command.
Every second the intimate connection between hypnotist and hypnotee grows and the hypnotee is kept in a position where they very much wish to obey the original compulsion but are bound by the overriding command.
My downfall is that I often give them the ability to speak and whimper, because I like to hear the pleading as the submissive headspace overrides senses and leads to a scenario where all they have is their words to convince me that I should release them from this teasing cage of my power...
As a note, for a specific partner, this scene works just as well with bondage and being outside of their range of movement. Feeling them struggle against their restraints is quite lovely. Though I much prefer the complete and total control that the freeze offers.
See, with the freeze, it's that flirtation with hubris that truly makes this scene a delight for me. The way that I am tempting fate. The only thing holding my partner back in those moments is their obedience and I am actively courting them to try to break it. At any moment I could lose control of the scene, but at that exact moment, in those powerful teasing moments where I tempt and tantalize-- oh in those moments, I am Alive.
Later in this list of scenes/interests you'll find my affinity for bratting and the back and forth. But here is the difference between the summon/freeze combo and a scene with active bratting. It's the fact that I Win. No matter what. The only winning move is not to play. It's like the suggestion version of a double bind. You kiss me, I win - Good Toy, you obeyed. You stay frozen until I give you permission - That's my obedient plaything, you did just as I instructed.
I get so much fire from creating a scenario where the only way to end the scene is to do exactly as I desire. I feel like an absolute Genius when I have a partner in the palm of my hand, pushed and pulled by my desires.
It takes a deeply imaginative brat to find a loophole in those moments. The kind of brat who listens very closely to your rules and learns the way of the Fae and utilizes your own powers against you.
...Daja has defeated me in this arena once and has saved up a way of escaping it one further time. My weakness is that I love the pleading too much. Sometimes giving your switchy partner their weapon of words is not a good choice for maintaining total control.
But I admit defeat when it comes for me.
Tomorrow I'll talk about my affinity for those battles of wits and how fun it is to lose.
Day 2: Bratting link goes here
Tagging @ellaenchanting as requested.
† - This topic is more complicated than this, I am trying to be clear and understood by removing minutia caused by monthly cycles, mood swings and personality shifts. Anything more specific would be an overshare.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
NXT World's Collide - Initial Thoughts
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Now to part 2 of 3
In NXT UK's last hurrah before taking a hiatus and becoming NXT Europe, what remains of the UK roster are to be integrated into the normal NXT, including their titles. The World's Collide event sees NXT UK cross NXT in battle in our second PPV of the Weekend, All Out will be (somehow) fitted in tomorrow
Spoilers for the PPV
No matches for the Kick-Off, bit remiss given how it's only a small card
Starting with NA title with Pretty Ricky, but Melo with the hanged jerseys mind games, Sikoa among the shirts, Melo has the NA title decal on his knee pad too
The two are very clean in their wrestling, a great double springboard cutter to cancel each other out popped the crowd
Also Stu Bennett has been great on commentary
Melo wasn't sneaky leaving his foot out for Trick to pull like half an inch XD
Good match, probably could've benefitted from story, Trick did bide Melo time but it was the paul smackage when Ricochet landed on his feet for the Shooting Star Press
Oh, so Roddy's dead
There are a lot of bodies for this four way
Ahhh Briggs and Jensen eliminated first by Gallus, so much for the NXT UK Tag Champions
That alliance between PD and Gallus didn't last
Creeds then eliminate Gallus, who don't leave quietly
Julius' hot tag was great
The eliminated teams are fighting in the ramp for some reason which leads to a le sigh ref bump
Kemp then of course uses this to turn on the Creeds
Urgh they had to go with the Zoolander Twins, where was Brutus throughout all of this?
The same promos from Clash are on NXT, does WWE think that we don't watch both?
Tony D'Angelo trying to validate the fact that he lost LDF doesn't work, but he looks to be trying to side with Cameron Grimes who blows him off
You make Meiko come out first!?
Bit too much smoke for Bea/Blair
Mandy arrives in a...car? Sporting USA attire
Someone is screaming far too much
Yeah that list doesn't do Mandy favours
Reminder that Meiko is 42 years old and still amazing
Bit dumb though to wait for Mandy to pose and not take advantage of it
Mandy's gear seems to be struggling to contain her girls
Of course the fickleness of American crowds that they will cheer anyone American against non-Americans
And Rose *URGH* wins, Meiko hits the Scorpion Rising on Blair and after having to set her up, Rose hits both with the running knee
I am absolutely fucking baffled that between Bea Preistley and MEIKO SATOMURA, WWE choose Mandy Fucking Rose to still be their champion
Why do I even bother? They made her beat Raquel, KLR and Io after all, I just expected the better wrestler to win
They moved Axiom vs Nathan Frazer to Wednesday :/
Just be Nikki Cross and Piper Niven already!
First to challenge all active women's championships but won nothing in NXT
Chance is literally so mini compared to Doudrop XD
Toxic Attraction make a distraction which occupied Nikki so that KC2 can beat Piper, even though Piper proved able to handle both women previously in the match
That's 3/4 interferences btw, plus Nikki could've made it, weak match really
Main Roster bias made the tag champs look weak as it is
The Dyad are just weird, why couldn't we have the Grizzled Young Vets?
Still not sure how I feel about Bate with the long Jesus hair
Of course my internet chooses the main event to start blipping out and killing the vid quality, I've seen the buffer bar longer than I saw Bate's entrance
Never been done? Titles have been unified from two different brands and even companies for like decades
Bronn's shoulder was well up from that Airplane Spin slam
Bronn kicks out of the Tyler Driver 97 but Bate gets to the ropes for the Gorilla Powerslam
Bate forgoes the second Tyler Driver attempt to try his rebound Shotei and runs into a spear to lose
Least Tyson Fury didn't come out to sing American Pie, but again it was just, fine? I guess I never quite bought that NXT would give it to Bate
There's something missing as well, I can't quite explain it but it's like that buzz in my chest that makes me into it, Bate and Bronn are great workers, but I feel like they could've done a lot more
Honestly, I would've rather slept. The opener was good but after that it was just a snowball of weak booking choices, I get you wanna make it feel evens but the fact that Pretty Deadly and Mandy became unified champions in succession then postponed a potential best of 3 banger between Ben Carter and A-Kid shows the mentality NXT 2.0 has at play, thew Vince-ism is still there, right down to the 'home team' bias.
I also hope that the NXT UK belts aren't gone, they are WWE's best looking belts, and if they are gone I will happily take the UK title for myself if they name a price.
Overall it was fine, somehow didn't top Clash at the Castle, ball's in All Out's court now. Now I have to have 5 hours sleep...
Match Results (and Predictions)
Carmelo Hayes (c) [w/ Trick Williams] def. Ricochet (Pinfall via Small Package) Pretty Deadly [w/Lash Legend] def. The Creed Brothers (c) [w/Damon Kemp], Briggs & Jensen (c) [w/Fallon Henley] & Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang) [w/Joe Coffey] (Final Pinfall by Prince on Julius after chair shot) - NEW UNIFIED TAG CHAMPIONS Mandy Rose (c) def. Meiko Satomura (c) & Blair Davenport (Pinfall by Rose on Blair via running knee) - NEW UNIFIED WOMEN'S CHAMPION Chance & Carter (c) def. Doudrop & Nikki A.S.H. (Pinfall by Chance on Doudrop via 450 Knee Drop) Bron Breakker (c) def. Tyler Bate (c) (Pinfall via Spear) - NEW UNIFIED CHAMPION
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addpayseo123 · 5 months
Decoding Investment Banking: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Investment banking is a dynamic and complex field that plays a crucial role in the global financial system. For beginners looking to navigate this intricate landscape, understanding the fundamentals is essential. This comprehensive guide aims to decode the world of investment banking, providing insights into its key functions, roles, and the broader impact it has on the financial markets.
1. Introduction to Investment Banking (150 words)
Investment banking serves as a bridge between companies and the financial markets. Its primary functions include facilitating capital raising, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and providing strategic financial advice. Investment banks act as intermediaries, connecting businesses in need of capital with investors seeking opportunities.
2. Key Functions of Investment Banking
a. Capital Markets
Investment banks assist companies in raising capital through the issuance of stocks and bonds. They play a pivotal role in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), where a private company goes public by offering its shares to the public for the first time.
b. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Advisory
Investment bankers advise companies on buying, selling, or merging with other businesses. They evaluate potential targets, negotiate deals, and structure transactions to maximize value for their clients.
3. Roles in Investment Banking
a. Investment Bankers (150 words)
Investment bankers are the professionals who work directly with clients. They pitch ideas, structure deals, and manage the execution of financial transactions. Analysts, associates, vice presidents, and managing directors are common roles within this hierarchy.
b. Sales and Trading
Sales and trading professionals are responsible for buying and selling financial instruments in the financial markets. They facilitate transactions for clients, manage risk, and ensure liquidity in the markets.
4. The Impact of Investment Banking on Financial Markets
Investment banking activities have a significant impact on the broader financial ecosystem. By facilitating capital flows and supporting companies in their growth and strategic decisions, investment banks contribute to the overall health and efficiency of financial markets.
5. Challenges and Risks in Investment Banking
Despite its crucial role, investment banking faces challenges such as market volatility, regulatory changes, and the constant evolution of financial products. Managing these risks requires a deep understanding of the market dynamics and regulatory landscape.
6. How to Get Started in Investment Banking
For aspiring investment bankers, obtaining a strong educational background in finance, economics, or related fields is essential. Networking, internships, and gaining relevant experience are also crucial steps towards entering the industry.
Investment banking is a multifaceted field that involves various functions and roles. This guide provides a foundational understanding for beginners, serving as a springboard for further exploration. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable is key for anyone interested in the world of investment banking.
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ffxiv back to gyr abania
they're torturing krile?? That went dark.
oh so when i pointed out way back when that lyse had narrative potential (i personally doubt her actual potential) to lead, which would have been enhaced if they'd killed off conrad (which i would have been sad of) i was on to something.
ala mhigo is part of eorzea wonder why their aetherytes are different.
why is lakshimi so light colored. she better be hding like 8 snake tails under that skirt.
isn't it kind of dangerous to have the twins and lyse along, they dont have the echo. we never did come up with a good anti-tempering measure...
hmm i genuinely don't know if zenos is going to kill her or not. mmm wait on second thought her character arc and specifically her as a springboard for lyse's character arc isn't over.
interesting parallel set up between alisae and foldora who both seek power.
M tribe! ahhh i miss my red catboy...
i do not understand why the devs did not just open the door on velydona bridge and instead made 2 npcs to warp you from one side of the door to the other. there isn't even a loading zone i can fly right over
ah so this is where they kill off conrad. I'll miss the old man... yup conrad dies to further lyse's character growth as she is forced to step up as a leader where before she's been uncertain about her position in the ala mhigan resistance. she's felt overshadowed by her sister, her father, and those who lived through garlean occupation.
ugggg and they brought back estinien because he's a fan favorite. look he has a face model that they want to show off any everything. i hate it. the garleans took marksmanship classes from the starwars stormtroopers i see.
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i love pipin. I see the 3 grand companies here and there are ishgardian knights around, but is the ishgardian leadership not represented here as well?
baut side story: I liked the point on how the garlean propaganda machine worked so hard to demonize the Resistance that even after meeting them, the people of Ala Ghiri are still in the mindset that the Resistance will be just as brutal as the Empire. At one point I got pretty worried that the story was going to go down the "each person can only be judged by their own actions, the past doesn't matter" which, like that does have several points but writing that story would also fail to account for systemic oppression and how baut even if he was nicer about it still furthered the goals of the garlean empire and thus the invasion, subjugation, and rule of garleans over their occupied territories with all the human rights violations from the forced labor camps to the murders, kidnappings, rape, demotion to second class citizen, or just straight out slavery, human experimentation and torture. that... that ending really took a hard left turn at least everyone else is also reeling at the whiplash.
castrum abania. garleans are just wannabe allegans knockoff discount human experimentation.
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that you must run faster, fight harder, be better already proves how you are not equal and never will be in the garlean's eyes.
so illberd and raubahn are from the same tiny village (childhood friends?) oh they go back further than i thought. why else would illberd also be "sent home" to raubahn's village. interesting that its to the player character that lyse swears a death pact.
no fair lyse gets TWO new outfits. i do think her other outfits suit her better though. she got dancer gear as a monk. but its symbolic and in taking up a leadership postition lyse has in some ways become a symbol of ala mhigan independence.
gry abania seems a mix of middle east and indian with a dash of chinese and some scottish. I heard thavnair is also south asian/middle eastern inspired I wonder how the devs will differentiate the two areas.
aww it all happens offscreen. i would have been nice to be shown how the alliance took the loches. but maybe this is because i'm always hungering for military strategy and political drama.
lyse leading the resistance is great for her character arc and all but does she have any actual leadership skills and qualifications?? when has she demonstrated leadership, management, and organizational skills. she was hanging around the scions which are like free agents and then with the resistance but was mostly observing the Griffin
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athletic-girls · 6 years
Tania Cagnotto - Famous Italian Diver - YouTube
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Nightwing 79 Review
i said i would and i will. i did like this issue! not as striking and attention grabbing as 78, but i think this issue was meant to be a foundation one, laying out the groundwork for the future. overall, pretty good. also there wasn't enough bitewing. as promised, overly extensive metaphors and me reading too much into things under the cut
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i know i've talked about this cover before, but this particular thing is oddly important to me, so i'll talk about it again
this is me, once again screaming about how artists put nightwing in traditionally feminine poses and how every time i see it i just get whiplash. i mean, true, the main reason why is because nightwing is a so often sexualized character, and putting him in these poses just increases the objectification, which is a goal that dc producers have. but there are very few popular male characters that do this. the only one i can think of off the top of my head is deadpool, but that was so obviously a critique and a way to make fun of the media industry. when they draw dick like this, they’re being serious. they’re putting him in appealing poses meant to show him off, and that’s something that’s traditionally only been done to women.
it's a very direct and very loud breaking of traditional gender roles in media, especially for a character as high-profile and historic as dick grayson. colour also plays a factor in this. the entire background is pink. i was absolutely shocked when i first saw it, when the teaser came out, because i cannot think of any comic book covers of male comic heroes this high-profile where pink is even just prevalent in the cover, let alone the majority of the cover. the pink does look beautiful: it offsets and highlights the black and blue of dick's suit gorgeously, but does it with more finesse than orange or red. but the fact that the stylistic choice was made to accent and draw this cover with aesthetic and beauty in mind, completely ignoring traditional hard-set gender rules in art, was a conscious choice and one i wholeheartedly support.
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just another example of the sexualization i was talking about. i remember seeing harley quinn in this exact pose in suicide squad.
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so far, taylor's been pretty dead-set on bringing alfred to the forefront of importance in this series. he wants people to know how much he loves alfred's character, and how much the butler meant to dick growing up. he was dick's father too. but what i adore is how taylor managed to stress alfred's importance in a way that didn't insult or belittle bruce.
this is one of the best bruce and dick interactions i've seen, and it's done in one simple interaction. in this, bruce is tough and harsh. he knocked dick down hard, but then he reached a hand down and helped pull dick back up. let me analyze their dialogue for a minute
on your feet: this is bruce telling dick to get up. he's trained dick, he knows what the younger boy is capable of, he knows his limits, and he knows what dick can do. this is bruce telling dick i know you're strong enough to get up, so get up and prove me right
are you just going to knock me down again?: surface-level, it looks like dick's complaining. he doesn't like bruce's rough training, and he's tired of bruce knocking him down. but look at his face in this. he's smiling up at bruce, knowledgeable and a little hopeful. he knows that bruce is doing this to help dick better himself, he's completely on board with the rough training, because they both know the rewards are incredible. also, he's teasing. he's bantering with bruce. there's an ease in that joking statement, one that belies affection and intimacy. they've only known each other for a little bit, but they're already slipping into a close familial relationship.
it depends on how fast you learn: this is bruce bantering back. this is bruce not being a stoic, unfeeling asshole. instead, he's shown with the dry humor that a good batman writer knows is a staple of the character. he's teasing dick, telling him he'll basically whoop his ass if dick doesn't learn fast enough. it's incentive for dick to train harder, while also being lighthearted enough to tell dick that believes in dick and doesn't want him to push himself too hard.
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gosh i love the titans. also it looks like wally's staring at dick's ass.
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this was cute. a prod at dick's silly and playful sense of humor, while not dumbing him down for the sake of a laugh. instead, he's joking about food, which is stuff everyone jokes about. this is the kind of stuff that'll actually make me laugh, instead of just making me vaguely uncomfortable.
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bludhaven's almost always portrayed as a cesspool of a city. and to be honest, it really is. but this panel gives the city a meaningful history, while also giving us a reason for why dick moved there.
it talks of a time when people still thought they could beat the monsters. that if they fought hard enough, they could win the fight. it was a tentative hope that you could always overcome hardship.
dick's little "i like that it's still standing" shows how he still believes that, despite what the rest of the world thinks. despite everything that he's been through, dick is still tentatively an optimist, and believes he can fight the monsters of the world and win. it's a beautiful testament to his character, and i'm like that they added his signature element of hope back in. it used to be what he symbolized as robin, and despite his growth and character arc from robin to nightwing, this is one aspect of robin that i'm glad nightwing still has.
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remember when i said "things that make me vaguely uncomfortable??" yeahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Shooketh Dick: A Sequel
(the expressions in this series are just,,,,on point)
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this was an incredibly sweet and kindhearted thing for dick to do, but i found it kind of,,,,,,,,desperate? maybe that's just me, but let me explain.
dick's suddenly a billionaire, and he has entirely too much money that he knows what to do with. it's also alfred's money, what the man left to him, so dick forever links it with alfred. in addition to that, he's back and bludhaven and looking at it with "fresh" eyes. (at least, from a different point of view since he got shot in the head. then mind controlled.) he's desperate to do something with the money and he's desperate to help the people around him that so obviously needs up, so he comes up with an on-the-fly solution that's a little impractical and a little crazy, but it still helps and still does some good.
to me, dick seems a little lost. he hasn't completely found his balance yet, and he's trying to do things that will. he tries charity, because that's what bruce did and it's what he knows, even though he admitted that he always thought bruce could have done more as bruce wayne than batman.
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they have a family group chat guys yall were right.
also, do i think that dick would ever actually get his wallet stolen?? no way in hell, he’d notice someone getting ready to pickpocket him a mile away. but i suppose it’s important to the Plot. 
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okay this is getting interesting. first blockbuster, now maroni (+ the weird heart stealer guy). i can officially say that i am intruiged
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this particular artistic quirk is shown a lot in this issue, and from this art team in general, but i feel like this panel is one of the best examples of it. it was stunning enough to take up a full page, and it’s well deserved.
the way they show dick moving is absolutely brilliant. as a reader, i like seeing these smaller versions of dick getting clearer and in more detail as they come closer to the screen. not only do they show depth in the picture beyond what a simple 3 dimensional piece of art does, it also shows the passage of time.
in addition, it showcases dick’s skill. dick spots these mobsters running after a group of petty thieves. he then, and follow me here, leaps off the roof of one building feet first, springboards backwards off the side of the adjacent building with his feet, gracefully continues his backflip, rights himself, shoots a line with perfect timing: just in time to soften his landing but not slow him down, execute said landing on top of a moving bus, keep running on the moving bus without missing a beat, shoot his grapple, use the grapple to swing, use the swing to build up momentum, then use the momentum to deliver a powerful blow to the mobsters. and he did all that fast enough to catch up with the mobsters, even though he was a ROOFTOP OVER. 
d a m n  s o n
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this panel, the very first in the issue, is also another example of that art style, but a little more distinctive. i love the way they showed dick’s different costumes through the ages, along with him simply growing up. it’s a little heartbreaking, but a lot uplifting to see how far he’s come. thank god he got rid of the red. now all we need is the fingerstripes, and we’ll be golden
discowing my beloved. also i can’t clearly see discowing’s hair but it definitely looks like it’s pulled back. it looks like he put it in a ponytail. guys. guys. dick had a ponytail omg. 
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he’s having a Hero Moment
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are you talking about the city, dick, or are you talking about you? the kgbeast, the court, the joker. dick fell to each one of them, no matter how hard he fought. he won in the end, eventually and with his family’s help. but i think he’s feeling a little low, a little defeated right now. it’s almost like he needs a win, he needs to feel victorious, he needs to feel like he helped someone (hence the food and the hotel room), just because he needs to remember what it feels like.
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these lines were supposed to resonate with you, and goddamn they did.
i looked at it from two ways. first, it’s the girl asking, begging nightwing not to hurt them. bludhaven doesn’t know dick the way gotham does, they’re still a little frightened of him. this child was brave enough to step in front of all of the other hurt and homeless kids and ask, to a strange man in a mask, if he was going to hurt them like the other men had. it’s heartbreaking, but commendable, and an echo of the city itself that dick’s decided to protect. they’re bloody and broken and terrified, but still gritty and brave enough to stare what they fear in the eye and ask it not to hurt them.
second, it’s dick seeing the question reflected in himself. recently, he got shot in the head and lost all his memories. while i think that the way ric reacted was a perfectly valid and human response to the situation, i think dick still regrets how callously and rudely he treated his family. then, he was manipulated by the court of owls, then he was brainwashed with a magic crystal by the joker. dick does have a guilt complex. it’s not a big as bruce’s, but it’s there. and right now, with this girl begging her not to hurt them, dick is probably thinking about all the times he hurt people, in control of his own actions or not, bc he “didn’t have a heart.” 
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little ambitious don’t you think, dick?
also just look at the sunset colours loOK at the they could not make this any more obvious oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd
in conclusion, i need more of her
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lunnanunna · 3 years
No Pressure
STRAY KIDS Extra Member AU
Summary: Ollie is competitive by nature, and it shows during the vault jumping on Kingdom’s Sports Day.
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung @galacticstxrdust @boss-baby-jongho @kimonmars @mythicalamphitrite @poutypoutybin @sunflower-0180​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from a taglist.
A/N: I don’t know the exact rules to vault jumping, but let’s pretend like this is totally possible. Also for my story, the third round will have 3 teams; Ateez x Stray Kids x Btob, SF9 x iKon x The Boyz, and then my girls will be their own team. While the first two teams (The original teams) will break up into rap, vocal, and dance, my girls will be just one team/group. Hope this makes sense.
Requests are closed. Please like, leave a comment, or send in an ask. Doing any of these things is one more reason for me to keep writing.
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Excitement coursed through Ollie’s veins as she watched each group have their go at the vault jump. She had cheered on her members, along with the opposing teams, but where she did her hardest cheering was for her girls.
Seeing as everyone was split up by the teams for the third round, Ollie was teamed up with the girls in Kingdom.
She was excited to hear that they were splitting up into teams, three groups in each, then to have subgroups for each position; rap, vocal, and dance. But where she was the most ecstatic, was when Changmin announced a third team.
Apparently fans didn’t just want to see the vocals working together, or the rappers, or the dancers. They wanted to see the girls work together too. Meaning, Ollie was on a team with Miyoung, Bao, Yoori, and Sara, and were given free range on what performance they could do exactly.
Ollie had cracked up when Yoori blurted out (While the cameras were still rolling) that she finally got to be in a girl group. Then everyone joined in on the laughter when indignant squawks and protests came from Ateez.
Only downside to being on this team was the athleticism, or lack thereof. Ollie was the competitive type, so she had to bite her tongue when she saw that vaulting was their first event. Taking a look at the girls, she knew exactly how it was going to go.
Bao was the first one out, not at all to Ollie’s surprise.
The rapper stood at the start line and squinted at the vault, arms folded over her chest. She took one look at Ollie, then pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Sorry, shortstacks. I don’t do these kinds of things,” Bao said, looking at the dancer. She then turned to everyone else and took a slight bow. “That’s it for today. This has been Bao, ‘till now,” she smirked, holding up a V.
Ollie let out a long sigh as she watched Bao walk back over to the girls, clearly unbothered that she just lowered the chances of their team winning. “You were never gonna try, were you?” Ollie asked her.
“Nope. Now if it was baseball, then that would have been a different story,” Bao shrugged, then patted Ollie on the head, “Plus we have you. Other than Stray Kids and us, no one knows the power you hold.”
“No pressure,” Sara snorted, leaning her weight on one foot, hands in her pockets.
“You’re at least gonna try, right?” Ollie asked the youngest.
Sara shrugged. “I will. How far I get, depends on my energy today,” she said.
“Your energy’s never high,” Miyoung sighed, rubbing at her temples.
“There seems to be tension among the team,” Changbin spoke into the mic, earning chuckles from everyone.
Ollie turned to him, offering a fake smile. “Watch yourself, Changbin-ah.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” Changbin said quickly, placing his mic on the table. More laughter was heard.
Ollie turned back to her team. “Let’s at least try, okay?” she said, looking at the girls.
“I’ll try hard, Unnie. I just can’t promise too much,” Yoori pouted.
Ollie chuckled. “As long as you try that’s all that matters,” she patted Yoori’s head.
“Though if you could let your demon come out to help get you over 1.7 meters, then that’d be awesome,” Sara smiled, holding a thumbs up.
“I’m barely 1.5 though,” Yoori bite her lip.
“So are we,” Ollie pointed at herself and Miyoung.
“Unnie and I barely make it to 1.7, we’re all at a disadvantage,” Sara chuckled, signaling to Bao.
“At least it’s not as embarrassing as Jinhwan’s situation. The man refuses to jump,” Bao snorted.
“Bao, be nice,” Miyoung scolded.
“Okay, okay. Let’s just move on. Sara go,” Ollie said, pushing Sara towards the start line.
The younger shook out her limbs then yelled, “I’m going!” Sara then ran, jumped, and flew over the vault. When she landed, Ollie knew Sara was done.
“You’re done, aren’t you?” Ollie quirked a brow as Sara rolled off the mat.
The dancer sheepishly nodded, dragging her feet towards Bao. “This takes way more energy than you’d expect,” Sara said, pointing at the vault. Ollie rolled her eyes.
“Okay, my turn,” Ollie sighed. In less than a few minutes, Ollie had jumped over the vault with ease and joined the girls again.
When it was Miyoung’s turn everyone cheered, watching as she struggled a bit, but still managed to get over the vault. Yoori was a different story.
The poor girl jumped, and latched onto the vault when she saw herself flying towards it instead of over it. She then proceeded to giggle as she climbed up, letting out a victory scream at the top.
“And that’s our demon,” Wooyoung spoke into the mic, grimacing.
Sara and Miyoung didn’t make it past 1.8 meters, but Ollie wasn’t really surprised. She had mentally prepared herself for this. As the vault kept getting higher, so did her motivation, and her jumping.
Soon it was just Chan, Minhyuk, and Ollie. The vault stood at 2.4 meters, and Ollie knew that this would be the end. Either she’d make it here, or she’d make it here. Losing wasn’t in Ollie’s vocabulary when it came to sports.
Sadly, all three failed their first attempt. At the second attempt, Chan and Minhyuk failed again. Now it was Ollie’s last chance.
“Changbin? Tell me about Ollie’s athletic record, because seeing as she’s made it this far, she’s got to have a pretty impressive one,” Eunkwang asked.
“Well she’s our main dancer, of course. Back in school she did track and was the libero on her volleyball team,” Changbin began.
“Meaning the girl is fast and can jump,” Changmin chuckled.
“Exactly,” Changbin nodded with a proud smirk. “She’s also a gym shark, as you can tell by the biceps on display,” he motioned towards Ollie who had stripped down to her tank top as the event went on.
Ollie smirked, then proceeded to flex. “I also have better abs than Changbin could ever dream of having,” she shouted, sending a wink towards the rapper.
“This is true,” he nodded dejectedly, getting everyone to laugh.
“Well, then let’s see just how good she really is,” Changmin smiled.
Ollie nodded, fist pumping the air. She then took a deep breath, and readied herself. When the referee gave her the signal to go, she released her breath then began to run.
As she got closer to the springboard, Ollie realized that she wasn’t going to make it over, but that didn’t stop her. When she jumped, she knew she’d have to use up all of her upper body strength if she wanted to make it over. And she did, in the most Ollie way possible.
She placed her hands on either side of the vault, and sensing that her legs were too low, pushed herself up. Ollie when saw that she had used too much strength, she mentally cursed, but used the momentum to her advantage.
With the amount of strength she used to push, it sent her legs flying up and over her head, basically doing a back walkover. She flipped herself over the vault and landed on the mat on her side, rolling off of it due to the momentum. Ollie managed to stick her landing, surprising herself and everyone around her.
Slowly looking back up at the vault, Ollie gawked at what just happened. “What?”
“She’s just as surprised as we are,” Changmin said in awe.
When the referee gave his approval, everyone erupted into cheers. Ollie grinned wide as Chan ran to her, tackling her in a hug.
“How’d you manage that?!” Chan asked.
“Are you even human?” Minhyuk asked, eyes still wide in shock.
“Unnie! That’s my unnie!” Yoori cheered by the sidelines, standing on a chair. The other girls cheered as well, sending Ollie thumbs ups.
“Ollie, do you think you can make 2.5 m?” Eunkwang asked, almost hesitant. Everyone waited for her answer.
Ollie knew that that was a fluke. It was a fucking miracle. There was no way she’d make the next one. Someday, but definitely not today.
Smirking, she looked at the MCs. “The world may never know,” she made a big show of shrugging, then walked off towards her team.
“Well, now I’m curious,” Wooyoung whined.
“There’s no way she’s human. I need to make sure to never anger her,” Changbin stated in mock fear (Or maybe it was real?), then sent Ollie finger hearts as she walked by.
“See? I told you you’d win it for us,” Bao smirked from her seat as Ollie joined the girls.
Ollie pouted. “I just really wanted to see you jump, Bao.” Yoori giggled, nodding her head in agreement.
“Maybe someday. If the time’s right,” Bao shrugged.
“The heck does that mean?” Sara asked, leaning back in her chair, arms pulled into her hoodie.  She looked about ready to tap out.
“Whatever you want it to mean, kid,” Bao shrugged again.
“This is going to be quite an interesting team,” Miyoung sighed, blinking. Ollie chuckled, because, yes, this team is going to be chaotic. One of Ollie’s favorite things.
Ollie’s Masterlist
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Okay on a short break from work so I’m gonna try and get this out as quick as possible so I can focus on my meetings and not have this rattling around in my brain all afternoon.
I’ve been seeing all the takes about yay Michael is upset, good he should be, and that he did this to himself and while yes, he did, that little preview absolutely solidified my idea that because of what they did with season 2 (and how much was c*rina we’ll never know), they wrote themselves into a corner with Michael and there isn’t a good way to handle f*rlex and his reaction because of it.
If we had season 1 Michael looking sad about Alex moving on, if we saw season 1 Michael being jealous and mopey about Alex moving on it would make perfect sense. Because of who Michael is as a character, we SHOULD be seeing him sad, and jealous about Alex’s new boyfriend. BUT, because season 2 refused to a) allow Michael to put Alex first over m*ria to show that relationship as the most important one (like Max putting Liz over everyone and everything) and in fact did the opposite, and b) let Alex have any emotions even privately that weren’t cheerfully supportive and helpful about m*luca, there isn’t a way to have Michael be sad and jealous like his character should be without him coming off as hypocritical, and an absolute dick after Alex was so supportive of m*luca. Which he shouldn’t have been or we should have at least seen him struggling. I think they tried to play off Michael leaving during the song as him being “supportive” but that whole scene was a mess and didn’t make sense anyway and it doesn’t change the fact that after all he did and the way he reacted during season 2 (which I firmly place on the writer’s shoulders and not on the character), that him being jealous and sad and petty about it now makes it VERY hard to have sympathy for the character. I wanted to see jealous, sad Michael in season 2 when we should have had f*rlex and m*luca happening at the same time and then had the song be the springboard into season 3 Malex. Instead we got *gestures vaguely at a trash bin on fire*
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
Hello Mayra! Hope you're doing well, perhaps a prompt to make you feel better? This is canon adjacent but also kind of AUish. Weresonamy but it takes place in the Storybook world (you knows those games). Sonic is now the big bad wolf and Amy is little red riding hood. At first she's afraid of him which hurts Sonic but there's a bigger threat and he jumps into action protecting little red. So the werehog saves the day and earns little reds trust and he realizes how much important Amy's support is
<3 I could always feel better lol But I’m doing great, thanks for asking! :Db
Also, still not sure if Canon Adjacent means Semi-Canon..? Eh? -help please I’m old and I don’t read fanfiction anymore lolol-
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PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN. You know the drill, don’t send any more prompts until they’re announced to be reopen again! :Db
My response and first impression of this prompt: Pajama Blogs - Prompt Requests Ep. 1 (x - 41:05)
I was told to immediately head to Miss Vanilla’s house with Cream and I’s cookies. I was holding her hand as the path grew dark and strange noises kept crushing the leaves that blew in the full moon night.
I heard grunting at different intervals, and as Cream clung close to me, I stroked her head but couldn’t find the strength inside myself to open my mouth and give her encouragement. Comfort... I greatly needed that too.
“M-Miss Riding Amy?”
She was a kind girl, Cream. A small rabbit, that any predator would make a gruesome snack out of. I was a traveling adventurer who just happened to be fortune telling when she asked me for this favor.
Her mother lived so far out into the enchanted woods... doesn’t she know the stories and rumors? Even in all my travels... I’ve never heard of a forest this dense with evil magic!
“What is it, Little Cream?” I asked, moving the basket from her arm and switching it to my other side, cradling her once burdened arm now tightly within my own.
Escorting was the easy part, but monsters were at the forefront of my worries.
“D-do you think mother is safe living so far from town?” She asked me.
‘How the heck would I know, kid?’ I made a sour face, but kept my slurring suspicions to myself. “She’s your mother, Cream.” I finished my thought out loud, even with the tone of my voice being rather foul. “Which means she’s got to be twice as strong and brave as you! Right?” I bounced her arm in mine, smiling down to her from my red hood with a white rim that coupled nicely with my dress. It was tied tightly around my neck and even looked good with my corset, something I had picked up along my travels. “Now then, stay close, and everything will be alright, okay?” I manipulated my voice to sound assured, the only comfort I had waited for my lips to speak seemed more for myself than anything else.
Still,... I wasn’t going to leave a helpless little bunny to the hands of these deadly forest.
I glared at them, as though warning them that at any wrong move, I’d hammer them!
We continued down the dark path before I couldn’t tell dirt from moss anymore, and the colors dulled into deep blues and blacks, the moonlight no longer helping from the shadow of the trees above...
“Hmm...” I frowned, trying to gauge by the wind if a storm was coming... I squinted my eyes through the cold and thought I saw a shadow turn and inch closer to a tree.
I took Cream’s hand tighter, “Let’s keep moving...” and continued my brisk steps towards where the compass pointed us too.
I didn’t see it till later... but scratch marks revealed the sign had been tampered with, and with the compass pointing north, but the sign saying that her Mother’s cabin was another way... I took the other path.
I shook the compass when it was clear we were walking on grass, with no more trodden down carriage routes, and then...
We heard the howl.
“Miss Riding Amy!” Cream jumped into an embrace at my waist, as I put an arm protectively to her back and looked around. I could hear soft, misty voices as creatures that looked like chameleons began to materialize as though invisible this whole time! Tracking us?! They crawled down the trees with hooks for feet, sharp bluish and purple bodies with horns, and their tongues flung out and wiggled themselves in front of us before they jumped to attack.
I summoned my hammer and threw Cream back behind me, and as my first powerful swing locked onto one of the nightly creatures, my hoodie flung off.
I also didn’t know... that a beast within the forest’s eyes dilated at seeing my face, who had secretly followed us in the hopes of guiding us back on the correct path... hidden this whole time as well, when he saw my face, he immediately disregarded his own reservations at staying out of sight, and used the cover of darkness to swing his massive fists, stretching far and wide, to make it look like my hammer throws were hitting them all.
I didn’t see through his illusion, instead, I thought I was whipping my hammer around so fast that the monsters couldn’t keep up, till one ducked and dodged both our tactics and walloped me right in the chin. I was flung back, with poor Cream’s basket getting thrown in the impact and landed with her cookies that we had spent so long making.
This quest was harder than I thought.
I scooted back on the ground as Cream cried out to me, but the monster tried to ready his tongue to lasso Cream, when an even larger beast finally sprung out into our sights, and began to throw a gorilla-like tantrum with his arms, banging the ground and causing it to shake.
He roared fiercely and grabbed the chameleon by it’s ankles, swinging him wildly as it looked like an unwanted carnival ride, round and round.
His fur shuffled in the wind as he finally released the foul terror and it slammed against a tree, twitching... before it’s misty hide disintegrated back into the forest’s magic power...
I quickly pulled myself up and gripped Cream in fright, but held my hammer out with harsh pants, still not fully quitting without a good struggle first.
The beast relaxed it’s shoulders... then slightly turned its head to us.
I continued to hold my hammer out, before shifting it behind my shoulder, ready to swing at any given notice.
He slowly reached his hand out, letting its true length be known and lifted it above my hammer as I swung to defend ourselves, but we were both surprised when he picked up the basket.
He then swiftly gathered up the cookies with precision in his claws and lengthy fingers, before withdrawing his arm back to it’s normal, monstrous-still size and presented it at our feet.
We were still both laying upon the ground, except my torso raised slightly, before he nodded and was about to walk away when we heard a woman’s voice shriek out in fright.
“Mother!” Cream called, looking behind me and taking off.
“Cream! Wait!” I didn’t even think about the basket, and took off after her. Dust in our wake, I suddenly looked back to see the blue, hairy monster carrying the basket in his mouth, and lowering his head, scooped me up and onto his back. “W-wo-AHH!!” I gripped his back like a baby monkey, just trying to not get jostled off as he raced on all fours with such velocity.
‘He doesn’t look to be hunting Cream.’ I surmised, and then for a moment, actually thought riding this beast was my calling... it was fun, it felt like I was meant to trust him... I only had this feeling when drawing tarot cards, and seeing the fortune of ‘Destined Love’ written upon it...
“I don’t know who you are-!” I immediately shouted out, positioning myself more comfortably upon his back as he dipped his head and was about to scoop up Cream to his back as well, “But let’s save this family!” before another even more frightening beast that looked like a phoenix swooped down and clamped its claws to her. “Ah!” I cried out in shock, it happening so fast.
“Oh no!” The burly voice of the monster had thrown the basket back up to me and I caught it instinctively, before seeing him reach out his hand to extend it again beyond normal means, and grab a branch.
Like a springboard, we were slingshotted to that branch as I let out another yelp of shock.
This... was surprisingly fun! If it didn’t mean my little friend and her mother were in danger.
“Can you go faster!?” I encouraged, and suddenly, the beast seemed to take offense to that.
“Hold on!” he called out, a harsh grumble in his voice he may have not meant to make, and immediately we began swinging and launching ourselves closer and closer to the flying bird creature, when I noticed another--adult--rabbit in it’s other talon.
“It’s got her mother!” I cried out, and his eyes seemed to bleed with the necessity to save them as well. 
“Do you trust a monster?” He asked, dropping to the ground after each failed jumped couldn’t get us close enough to reach them.
I held my hammer at the ready, looking to the strange beasts as though the term ‘monster’ didn’t suit how heroic he was being in trying to help us.
“N-no.” I stated, and he looked down a moment, as though disappointed. “I trust you.” I stated, boldly and point-blankly. “You’re willing to risk life and limb just for a couple of girls... I wouldn’t know a monster that noble, but I do know heroes that stalwart and true.”
His head rose and for the first time, I could see his full face. He looked touched by my words... before nodding with a narrowing of his eyes. “Alright then, Miss Rose Rider. Prepare to ride to wind!”
He shot his arms out and pulled himself back, just like a slingshot position!
“Ho, boy!” I bit on my hammer and kept it between my teeth, realizing I needed to hold onto this ride with both hands....
He strained, before finally whiplashing us both into the air.
“Now, go!” He reached back to grip me, as best he could without injuring me with his brute strength, and threw me like an arrow across the night sky to the belly of the beast.
“HHHAAAAA!!!!” I slammed my hammer into it’s gut and had it coughing up a storm, dropping it’s prey as the woman and her child screamed upon their descent.
“Hero!” I called out, deciding never to use the term ‘beast’ or ‘monster’ again for such a kind soul.
The Hero seemed to understand I was addressing him, and threw out his arms to grab the girls and tucked them into his chest... falling down... Oh no...
“NOO!!” He was taking the plunge for them!
I wasn’t able to think about it long though, as the dark phoenix cried out and came for me, but I whammed it’s beak away from devouring me and grabbed a talon, using its body to take the hit for me on the ground while I remained safe at the underbelly of it’s feathers.
Spitting out said feathers, I then frantically backed tracked further into the forest, before seeing Vanilla and her daughter crouched over the Hero, tears of regret in their eyes.
“He... He took the fall for us. All of it.” Vanilla admitted, seeing that I was the one with Cream.
“Oh, Miss Riding Amy...” Cream wiped her tears, holding her mother’s hand and pulling themselves away from him. “He was the bravest, nicest wolf I’ve ever known!” She then pulled me into that said hug, but my eyes never left the body of the Hero.
His fur swiveled in the breeze... and the forest moaned as if losing something precious.
“N-...No...” My cards never predicted this... I moved the grieving girl and mother apart from me,... crawling to the Hero’s fallen form. “Please... I still want to... I still want to know you... I want to thank you...” My voice began to break, gripping his fur in my white gloves. “I didn’t even know your name...” I sobbed more than I ever thought I could have...
“I... I love you... Mr. Wolf, sir.” Cream began, “Thank you... for saving both me, my mother... and my friend.”
I shook my head, “You and I... we fought like a supersonic comet... that bird didn’t know what hit’em.”
While the sun began to rise... his form twitched and rumbled as though something was happening.
I pulled away only when a bright light flashed and yellow streams of golden ribbons flew around him.
He was lifted into the air and the golden streams wrapped around him before revealing a handsome--more beautiful hedgehog man than I’ve ever seen in all my life--slowly floating down to the ground before blinking his eyes open.
“Who...” he began, rubbing his head and shaking it as he got upright, spooking us all as we were jaw struck. “Who said my name..? And that they... could love a beast?”
We had a big party that night at Vanilla and Cream’s home. Cream explained her mother didn’t like her walking the path at night, due to the trickery of the forest dwelling monsters, but that she always knew a kind, mysterious figure protected her and her daughter every time they crossed.
On this particular day, Cream was attending the Chao Kindergarten in the village and had played so long with the Chao, had forgotten the time. Vanilla was so worried she went in search of Cream, finding the wolf and asking if he was the one that kept them safe all those many years they lived there.
He agreed to go on ahead before finding Riding Amy with Cream, and stalked them to make sure they got to safety, but was too afraid to reveal his cursed form.
The curse could only be broken by someone speaking his name after a declaration of admiration and love. 
“That’s... amazing.” I was still in awe at how handsome the young hedgehog man looked. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, but when he looked at me, my heart raced and I had to look away, pulling up my hood so he couldn’t see my blushing cheeks. “You should-! Ehem.” I was getting too excited... “You should come with me on my travels. I’m sure you could do a lot of good now that you’re not so afraid of what others may think of you.” I explained.
Though, in my heart, no matter what box this beautiful man came in... he was still a hero... just... more dashing in this form!
He smiled to me, and I felt my soul withdraw into his arms at such a sunny-disposition.
“I’ve always wanted to see the world, so that sounds great! But...” He looked to Vanilla.
“We’ll be fine.” She patted his arm. “You’ve been watching over us all in the village for far too long, time we took precautions for ourselves!”
We both didn’t realize that the Chao were formidable fighters... and ended up joining with each villager to protect them come night time, where their little forms could judo slam any monster that tried to trick in the night!
Sonic and I... We... hehe!
Well... The cards are never wrong.
I was destined to ride alongside the spirit of the wind!
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Saturday Morning Session notes
The Morning Breaks
Arise O God and Shine
Choose the Right
 President Russell M Nelson
The Lord directs the affairs of His Church
He will hasten His work in His time
The strength of the Church lies in the efforts and ever-growing testimonies of its members
With the Saviors help we can remove the old debre in our lives – it is a gospel of repentance, hope, healing, progress, and joy
 Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf
God is among us and is personally involved in our lives and loves His children
He offers to all His children something unimaginable – to become hairs of God and joint hairs with Christ
He has not duped His children to stumble through mortality without hope for a bright and eternal future - He has provided instructions for a way back to Him
Instead of dwelling on them and feeling hopeless, we can repent
Our failures do not have to define us – they can refine us
Mistakes do not disqualify us. They are part of our progress.
The Savior always teaches timeless truths – his message is and will always be one of hope and belonging
Love thy God and serve Him
Seek God - Jesus would teach us to open our hearts to God and reach out to others.
Let us not love in word but Love in deed and in truth
Keep searching with Faith and Patience – ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you
God is Among Us
 Sister Joy D Jones
To our HF children have never been secondary – they have always been primary
We value children and we do all we can to combat the evils of abuse – their care is primary to them as it is to us
“we have the greatest opportunity to teach the young
“We have the greatest opportunity with the young. The best time to teach is early, while children are still immune to the temptations of their mortal enemy, and long before the words of truth may be harder for them to hear in the noise of their personal struggles.” – Eyring, The Power of Teaching Doctrine
Teach these things freely among your children – the fall of adam, the atonement of Jesus Christ
We need to have caring conversations with our children so they can understand what they believe as well as why they believe
We need to teach them what to do when they are tempted (by the things which could hurt them)
Children are to be taught by word and example
Help them be equipped with faith, courage, and confidence
Eternity is the wrong thing to be wrong about
 Elder Jan Eric Newman
Everyone deserves to learn – to deepen our conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ
How can we teach more like the Savior
1 learn all you can about the Master Teacher
2 home centered church supported gospel learning
3 remember that conversion must come from within
Come Follow Me is the springboard that allows each of us to dive deeply into the living waters of Christ
Provide a nurturing environment free of thorns
Parents cannot pass on their testimony (you can’t give your immunity to covid to anyone else, they need to get their own vaccine)
Conversion is a personal journey
 High on the Mountain Top
 Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Even if you receive the exact same thing as someone else  - the exact same learning, understanding, etc. you will turn out differently than everyone else because of your experiences
The relationship made the difference
Kindness as a fundamental healing gospel principle – one that can heal hearts emotionally and spiritually, and even physically
Hearts knit together in unity and love
Power maintained with kindness and gentleness, not force
We have a primary responsibility to be role models of kindness, inclusion, and civility is important especially in these times
Loving kind tolerant and benevolent to everyone
Prejudice, racism, and violence have no place in our communities
Use compassion and generosity to help everyone live through this stupid pandemic (my interpretation ahah)
We are under the care of a compassionate caregiver who extends Himself in kindness
The Lord is MY shepherd
 Elder Gerrit W Gong
He welcomes all with room in His inn
The Good Samaritan
Be a good Samaritan like Christ
1 we come to the inn as we are with our imperfections
In Him we find clarity, not dissonance
He trusts us to help make the inn the place He needs it to be
In [Christ], we find cause to be good, reason to do good, and capacity to become better. 
We mourn, rejoice, and are there for each other
2 Make this a place of space and grace with room for all
3 perfection is in Jesus Christ, not of the world
Our savior Jesus Christ knows everything about us we don’t want anyone else to know. And he still loves us.
4 we become part of a gospel community anchored in Jesus Christ
5 rejoice that God loves His children in their different backgrounds and circumstances – with room for ALL in His inn
Disciples of Jesus Christ come from everywhere in every shape, hue, and background
Waiting for the Lord upon His blessings is a holy position. It must not be met with pity, patronizing, or judgement, but instead with sacred honor.
Shall renew their strength like the wings of eagles
Miracles occur when we care for each other as He would
 Teach Me to Walk in the Light
 President Henry B. Eyring
In the temple you can receive revelation
What is your greatest motivation for being worthy of temple experiences?
Unable to see by the power of the holy ghost if you go to the temple unworthily
The temple is where you can be assured about eternal families
What can you do more in the temple?
Build a desire to go to the temple
The Spirit of God
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pod95 · 3 years
Pairing: Finn Balor X OFC (Ciara)
Word Count: 1310
Warnings: Mature to explicit as the story goes on.
Description: After moving to the USA from England to start her career as an NXT superstar, Ciara gets to meet her long time crush, NXT champion Finn Balor. It's clear the pair have chemistry, but when tensions start to rise, will they find they want more than a no strings attached relationship?
So this is the first piece of fanfic I have written literally ever. I will be posting them here periodically, but I already have 6 chapters out on my Wattpad, AO3 and FanFiction pages.
This series will involve romance, drama and (although it will take a little while) some smutt too. Hope you enjoy it! 😊
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Chapter 4: Up Close and Personal
I awoke startled to the sound of my roommate banging on my door. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I checked the time on my phone, 9:36. Shit! I'd slept through both of my alarms and needed to be at the Performance Center by 10 for my first day. I opened my bedroom door and a panicked Alex was standing on the other side.
"You're gonna be late! Quick, take a shower and I'll drop you off on my way to work." She handed me some towels as I gave her a thankful look before rushing into the bathroom to get ready.
I don't normally sleep in but I didn't get back from the party until late and I definitely went overboard with the alcohol. Fergal and I talked way into the night before sharing a taxi back to our respective homes. Nothing happened obviously, despite my drunken attempts to flirt with him. I cringed at the thought of my clumsy pickup lines and awkward attempts at being alluring. I would have to be very careful around Fergal from now on, after all this was the second time in as many days I was trying to wash away my shame with water and shampoo.
I was washed, dressed and in the car in record time, arriving at the Performance Center a little after 10. Not too bad considering how late I woke up.
"Ciara! Follow me," Paul greeted me as I entered the lobby, "so like I said before, you debut in 3 weeks. You'll be entering into a feud between Tegan and Dakota as Tegans tag partner. Obviously you're very experienced in the ring but here in NXT we have our own rules, own way of doing things so you'll be working with some of our trainers today just to help you adapt."
He led me to a ring, where I was taught the basics of wrestling for the WWE.  There were so many rules, some of which didn't even make sense. Obviously certain moves were banned, no blading, no head shots, all the usuals. But then there was a lot of differences too. Matches often have "agents" that help to set up a match, if you wanted to use certain weapons you need written approval, and don't even get me started on the list of banned words. I was starting to become worried that I was out of my depth here.
After going through the rules and doing some initial training, I was introduced to Steffanie (Tegan Nox), Cheree (Dakota Kai) and Victoria (Raquel Gonzalez)
"Oh hey you're working with us right?" Steffanie asked, extending a friendly hand.
"Yeah! I'm Ciara! Looking forward to working with you all." I introduced myself to the girls and got to know them a little better before getting to work on our tag match
We'd been working for a couple of hours and had some good spots perfected. It was just the finish left to go, where I would hit my finishing move ( a Canadian Destroyer I called the "Natural 20") on Dakota and make the pin.
After practicing it a couple of times, I began to feel like someone was watching me. Glancing around the room, I spotted Fergal, leaning casually against a wall and observing our practicing.
Thankfully for my heart he wasn't shirtless today, in fact he wore a baggy hoodie which concealed his physique like a well hidden secret. I gave him a small smile and turned back to the girls.
"If I might offer some advice..." Fergal interrupted.
"Please." I gestured for him to join us in the ring.
He climbed up onto the apron and jumped over the top rope, clearly showing off.
"Your finisher is a Canadian Destroyer right? It's a good move-"
"-But, it's a little overplayed. In WWE alone there's Sin Cara, Adam Cole, Rey Mysterio and Chelsea Green who use it. If you wanna stand out, I'd switch it up a little."
I didn't know how to respond. He was right of course, but I'd always had the same finisher. I didn't want to change it.
"I've always had the same finisher, it means a lot to me. I don't wanna do a different one."
"I'm not saying to do a different one. I'm saying to tweak it a little."
After thinking it over for a few moments, I still didn't have any idea what Fergal was getting at.
"How?" I yielded, knowing that it would result in a cocky smile.
"Have you ever seen anyone do a springboard Canadian destroyer," he smirked.
"I haven't.."
"There's a reason for that. Its not done that often."
He took his hoodie off and threw it into the corner of the ring, revealing a tight vest which hugged his torso.
"Jump at me," Fergal instructed, taking me by surprise slightly. Physical contact with people who are practically strangers wasn't unusual in our line of work, but I still felt nervous at the thought of being that close to him. I did as he told me.
Taking a slight running start, I jumped at Fergal, his strong arms catching me beneath my thighs. As he held me there, explaining the next part of the move to me, two things crossed my mind. The first was that this man was even stronger than I realised. He was holding my full body weight with only his forearms and not even breaking a sweat. The second thought was how close his face was to my chest.
"Right, now I'm gonna bounce your back off the top rope, kinda like a rope assisted powerbomb, only on the rebound, jump over my shoulder into the Canadian Destroyer. OK?"
He spun me around and bounced me off the top rope, but I didn't quite have enough momentum and ended up bashing my chin on his shoulder blade.
"Ahh!" Fergal put me down gently before inspecting my chin.
"Are you OK? Can you move your jaw?" he asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine, don't think it's injured at all, just hurt a bit."
Relieved, he backed off a little, seeming a little guilty that his suggestion had hurt me.
"Shall we try again?" I smiled at him, hoping to reassure him that I was fine and he had nothing to feel bad about.
"OK, but this time you need to really just dive over my shoulder OK? It'll be easier with the girls cause they're smaller."
We went again, and this time I used my full body weight to push myself back off the top rope, Diving elegantly over his shoulder and completing the move. It was a little clunky due to never having done it before, but after a few more attempts, I was able to do it perfectly.
After we'd finished practicing, I collapsed in the ring exhausted. Fergal handed me a bottle of water before sitting cross-legged next to me.
"Good job today. You worked really hard."
"Things are a lot different here in the big leagues huh?" I commented, sitting up and taking a much needed sip of the water. Fergal chuckled.
"You'll get used to it. I can see why Paul likes you."
It was only upon hearing this that something occurred to me.
"Wait, you were here to train too right? Damn, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to talk up all your ti-"
"Dont even worry about it. I came here today to keep an eye on the newbies, " he smiled, reassuringly.
"I know but you could have been helping the others and instead you were stuck with m-"
"Are you hungry?" Fergal interrupted "I'm starving. Come on, I'll treat us to dinner," he stood up, helping me to my feet and leading me out of the training room before I had a chance to refuse, not that I would have done.
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convoy914 · 3 years
It‘s all rather emblematic (if that’s what that word means) of the problem with RWBY‘s earlier Volumes (context sort of in my last post), and yet why some people are so puritanical about them: They left SO much undefined beyond the basics that the characters knew at first, SO much left painfully vague yet clearly building to SOMETHING. And the release schedule, over a few YEARS before we started to get said explanations, what happened is that people used the vague springboard provided here to write their OWN stories. To come up with their own, wildly different, explanations for everything. I refer to RWBY Volumes 1-2 as a sort of “mystery box play pen”, which I suspect was-intentionally or not-part of the appeal for some people. And it’s understandable WHY it was so limited at first, both cause of the kind of show this is and cause Volume 1 only had 5 animators, it’s a minor miracle it was even MADE. Didn’t exactly have a large budget back then, hence using Beacon as the springboard.
And then Volumes 3-4 onwards, they actually started delving into the plots, explaining what they left so vague yet very obviously always planned for. And well, the people that got attached to their own versions, their own ideas, well we all know how THEY’VE reacted. But there’s one more piece of the puzzle here: The idea that Monty Oum was some kind of sole visionary, and that M&K “took over” after he passed (psst, they were there from the beginning and actually helped to develop the world and characters quite a bit). It thus provides an excuse for them to attack the show, for them to claim that THEIR vision is somehow truer, as if they’d know. The truth is they don’t. They just couldn’t tell the difference between their headcanons and ACTUAL canon, and they were given a convenient-and quite disgusting-excuse. I don’t know I’m probably repeating what others have already said and I probably didn’t explain it very well, but nonetheless. All I know is, when I first watched RWBY in mid 2016, I only really liked Volume 3 (Tho if you view all 3 as a long Season...)
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scourge-sympathiser · 4 years
for your Squirrel/Crow au, I would like to know how the kids relationship is with their parents? Is crowfoot happier?
in a word- yeah!
both squirrelflight & crowfoot r definitely a Lot happier in his relationship thn thy r in canon! i think their relationship would strike a good balance of teasing to genuine, stopping eachothr from falling too much into self doubt... i think the fact tht their relationship would be an active choice thy hav both made 2 fight 4 n continue having would do a lot of good for the kitz!
crowfoot still haz a bit of an emotional distance from his children, partially born from the conflicted discomfort the whole ordeal of pregnancy brought him, howevr- he rly doez care very deeply 4 thm & is able to show it much better thn canon crowfeather did to breezepelt...... like he bounced from the nursery as soon as it waz possible, but from there still visited near daily
course the 3 still feel a little Abandoned, not by any purposeful actionz of course but tht doesnt make sleeping without their parent any less painful....... but crow is still the first to go to bat for junipershade [somthing tht is equal partz appreciated & annoying as hell 4 him] givz suncloud tipz on how to use his bulker shape to his advantage [second hand- he asked squirrel 4 tipz whn he noticed him struggling in training] sitz with midnightbreeze & actz as a mostly silent springboard 4 her ideaz [she tend to overthink wht the optimal way of doing any such thing would be] tho of course there r dayz where seeing his kitz remindz him of how squirrel n him r in different clanz & he tendz to avoid thm thn.. this inconsistency causez the 3 a bit of grief, it can be hard to deal with not knowing if yr dadz gonna take one look n run away or if hez gonna share tonguez n be vv caring on any given day
squirrelflightz relationship with the 3 m still unsure of.... idk when or how thy find out about her n stuff like tht is very important to how thingz shake out in the end! in any case from her side she Hatez having to watch her kitz grow up without her- it doeznt help tht her n crow actively try to avoid interacting very frequently at gatheringz... but she doez go out of her way to try n start up conversationz- learn who her kitz evn R
therez also the matter of nightcloud! the assumed othr parent- course, she isnt, and her n crow nevr talked about her taking tht role... whn the 3 were first born she avoided thm bcuz her n crowz friendship waz on the rockz- by the time she realized tht this waz her chance to be a mother, which she greatly wanted, the kitz were already apprenticez- tho she doez try to reach out to thm? midnightpaw SUPER lookz up 2 her, sunpaw feelz a little awkward around her but is genuinely happy about her making the effort to be in their livez evn if itz late, n juniperpaw is Bitter & also clashez with her as he haz the tendency to seek out malice in actionz where there is none...
as for brindlefoot!!!!! his relationship with squirrelflight is a bit odd in tht squirrel treatz him like her son [of course] but brindle seez her as & treatz her like an aunt [very painful 4 her] hez resentful towardz his bio parentz for leaving him behind n feelz a void in his life despite squirrelz best attemptz... but he is a good deal less? murder-y? thn in canon? 
brindle n crowz relationship for sure startz off like. soo super bad- he feelz rly hurt by the fact tht crowfoot didnt keep him but did keep his siblingz, as at som point he somhow findz out about who his father unbeknownst to any1 else & startz building a resentment towardz crow bcuz he THINKZ wht happened waz tht crowfoot left him 2 die bcuz he didnt want him, as he isnt aware of squirrel being his mother && the case being tht she actually just wanted him so much
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ariyadaivaris · 3 years
yeah yeah 205 etc heres notes i took while watching 4/2 ep
-commentary talking about devlin being "longest reigning cw champion of all time back to wcw" and talking about his legacy as though, aside from Everything Else, he has ever done anything as a champion at all, is absolutely fucking infuriating. he didn't do anything as champion before covid and he hasnt done anything as a champion because he was Taking Some Time Off while people decided you couldnt do TOO much about sexual assault, if you do anything to address how prevalent and widespread this shit actually is, how embedded it is into fucking everything, then Maybe You're Going Too Far ! its just. its so. i fucking hate this
-tony wincing in pain after his and ariya's punchy entrance routine. you are both so dumb <3
-"daivari said if he ever heard me speak before tony entered the arena, he'd have a few choice words for me. i am trying to stay on daivari's good side" what is wrong with that man. i love him (ariya). DON'T talk to me before i've had m
-it feels like tony and ariya are constantly arranged so one of them is Above the other doing their own thing not looking at their friend and the other is looking up and smiling at them. what do they mean by this.   -i will TELL you what they mean by this. just kidding i don't know but it feels like they are just a little out of step cosntantly. they are in the same BOOK and they COULD be on the same page but they constantly think the other is on a different page. ariya thinks that tony doesn't think he's a threat and that he needs tony to win and resents it a bit even if they are friends again. tony thinks ariya's great! just dandy. kind of a dipshit but tony's willing to forgive that bc it's not a big deal to him, really. they're very very close but they also don't always see how much they mean to the other person. very tragic...very sad...a heem heem
-bollyrise storyline my beloved
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-gossips. teehee   -tony leans in like this to talk to ariya before matches a lot its very cute. i think ariya does it a little less, he initiated it before the soft reset a few times i think and was literally whispering and giggling behind his hand when he did. i love cartoon bullies
-ariya carelessly messing with the tag rope on the turnbuckle. i love when he is bitchy
-ariya is kind of a Cold Rage/Simmering person and tony is more like...idk a word right now. theyre like. its a difference between a rival character and a villain character you see. tony gives people a hard time, drags on them, and ariya cuts across them. if tony is there to give people a hard time, ariya is there to make their life miserable. tony doesn't have that same sharp killer instinct to him unless he's actively seeking revenge. which he isn't right now. tony employs revenge quests with thought and time. ariya seeks revenge against EVERYONE. ariya sees the entire world being against him. (it kind of is)
-i love 205 (i used to anyway) but it feels so long since ive been excited about anything on it...its very slice of life rn which is fine, there are still stories happening, but they are almost all woven offscreen and nothing like...BIG happens. yknow? very few consistent feuds, very few...PLOTS. the potential for something more but it's never fulfilled. i don't think it's just the pandemic (it should be. there should not be wrestling right now) especially because, like, cruiserweights on nxt are doing ladder matches and shit. i think dissolving most of 205's mainstays, like King Of Street Fights Akira Tozawa, means there's just...not a lot of thought given to like. i don't know! something that feels like a big deal! /i/ feel like some things are big deals but that's because i am constantly overthinking ariya's character development all the time! these moments aren't carved out in the space intentionally! it's so............sigh. i want to be excited about 205 again. i want to feel like there's something to look forward to besides my own internal storytelling and understanding of the cruiserweights as they could be/once were
-tony really is a good wrestler
-IM BOILING ariya gets wins dirty AND clean and people are constantly cheating to beat him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! who is telling off grey!!!!! who is telling off samir!!!! commentary goes booooooo we hate your ariya with no provocation and ignores his record and everyone else cheating to beat him is all "oh well turnabout is fair play ^_^ you understand how it is" I HATE IT HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
-i mean i also love that bollyrise actually got a win good for them!
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Midland Class 1000
One very small thing I enjoyed about Dearg’s post on G.N.R. #85 Merlin was learning that the GNRI Class V were created as “compounds”... and the video she shared specifically mention the Midland Railway 1000 class as a model/inspiration/relative for the design.
The MR 1000 class already had a bit of a place in my heart because: 
1) As the video mentioned, one of very few UK compounds “that worked.”
Thus, they put Midland Railway in the rail history books, which makes me really proud. The M.R. was mostly known (mocked?) post-1900 for its “small engine policy”—the contemporary rhyme was M is for Midland with engines galore/Two on each train and begging for more! (TTTE sidenote: Topham Hatt I is originally from the Midland region... and is clearly portrayed with some Midland instincts! Midland only ever got one “big engine”—and that was a unique ten-wheeled four-cylinder’d banking engine called “Big Bertha” special-ordered to help run trains up the fearsome Lickey Incline. Besides Bertha, Midland never saw the need to go beyond 2-6-0, 4-4-0, or 4-2-2-sized engines. Of course, the M.R. was regrouped the very same year that the N.W.R. acquired Henry and Gordon... so, if the M.R. had retained their independence, they too might have also decided to join the 20th century; who knows—!)
However, in their class 1000s the M.R. pulled off an engineering feat that no other British railway did (until of course Merlin’s class springboarded from their design... the L.M.S. also continued/improved the design). The 1000s even earned the humble Midland a spot in the British Isles’ 1980s’ “historical locomotives” postage stamp series: 
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2) They weren’t the most visually interesting design in the world? And yet, somehow they tended to photograph crazy well:
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3) They kinda struck me as an unlucky bunch. <3 This isn’t an insanely high number of “incidents” for a 44-member strong class that put in 50 years of service... but it’s not an insanely low number either. And these “incidents” tended to be on the serious side! 
See for yourself: 
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Shout-out to poor 1010. And what is with Little Salkeld, seriously??
Bonus: I didn’t realize till I re-read this for this post, but No. 1040 and No. 41040 would, of course, be the same locomotive, just pre- and post-nationalization. Oh, Forty, you disaster engine you... 
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