#4th grade teacher bitch
roseverdict · 2 years
considering starting a therapy group for survivors of (REDACTED) Christian School's 4th grade teacher, the one who started the same year i went into 4th grade and may or may not still be teaching there.
surely one of the alumni is going into legitimate therapy instead of faith-based guilt-tripping
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
ok i wanna jump on the Projecting Specific Injuries Onto Ocean train.
she’s got so much stuff going on w her already,,, but she has One Injury that everyone knows her by. like she’s known for a lot of things and uhhhh this is one. people still talk abt it randomly To This Day bc it’s a pk-12 school and ppl just Remember things (that’s exactly how it is w me).
and that is that she got run over by her teacher in 4th grade.
so before i tell the story,, a bit of context, my teacher in 4th grade was born pretty old and pretty overweight. she couldn’t walk very far.. and to get to lunch we had to walk up a decently steep hill. that being said,, to conquer longer/steeper distances like this, my teacher had a scooter. yknow. like the ones they have in grocery stores.
so ocean didn’t get run over by a car, no, not this time at least,,, she got run over by a mobility scooter :)
and here’s how it happened (this is Exactly what happened to me, just with her name ofc):
ocean was just walking back to the 4th grade section of school at the back of the line right in front of the teacher while talking to someone (probably constance). the teacher tells her to walk a little faster,, but in doing so, she catches ocean off guard,, so ocean stutters and tries to turn around to ask what she said (audio processing disorders will do that to ya) but the next thing she knows SHES ON THE GROUND!!! and there is something very heavy on her right ankle.
(fun fact: my first thought after hitting the ground was abt my water bottle. i had a super sick water bottle in 4th grade-it was shaped like a can-but was actually the 2nd one i had gotten bc the first one broke and i was so worried i’d accidentally broken my water bottle again. spoiler alert: it Did break bc i lost my grip on it and practically threw it like 10 feet when i fell🙃)
anyway back to ocean: she looks down and sees that her teacher has In Fact run over her leg and it still currently On Top Of It,, so the teacher actually had to reverse Off of her leg,,, therefore cutting into her skin Worse :)
oceans crying at this point bc literally What is happening??? also it hurts and she’s only 8 and hasn’t rlly figured out how to deal with pain and all the other things that are happening in tins moment yet. it’s all very overwhelming And She’s Bleeding so the teacher tells her to go to the nurse and for someone to walk with her… which was kind of awkward..
i know ocean said she’s known everyone since pk but i want to Project and say that she didn’t really have Friends until she really got close to constance around 4/5 grade (bc also that would’ve been around the time she started becoming Herself yknow. that’s when she found her record!!) so like she Knew these people but she didn’t really have Relationships with them until then yknow.
that being said,, she didn’t have constance yet,, so she just kinda had to walk w someone who was Concerned abt the situation but didn’t really care.. which made for a rlly tense and awkward walk.
but whatever whatever skip ahead a bit,, she goes to the nurse who patches her up just fine (it was just a surface scrape. cut abt 2 inches on her ankle but wasn’t deep enough to be that worrisome, though everyone was amazed her ankle wasn’t broken.. her teacher really did end up Right On The Bone). her parents get called and notified of what happened but they’re like. oh it’s not that big a deal,, and for once ocean is inclined to believe them!! it rlly doesn’t hurt That bad and it means she gets to sit out of pe for a couple weeks :)
she’s left with a little scar, still visible to this day,, and one Hell of a story to tell (it makes a great 2 truths and a lie answer) however,, a few years later she starts to realize that it hurts to run and that sometimes when she kicks her right leg,, her ankle will crack super loud and Hurt.. she brushes it off like Whatever until abt another year later. she finally connects the dots. her right ankle literally disconnects sometimes bc of what happened in 4th grade. no fucking way. (completely true story) now she does it to freak people out and really Emphasize the story :)
finally,, ya wanna know where noel was during all this? he was there. in the same class, walking back from lunch a few people ahead of ocean.. he watched her fall and throw her water bottle. it landed really close to him, actually,,, and it was very well known oceans water bottle was pretty fuckin cool. in that moment, noel hoped ocean wouldn’t Die,, but would at least be pretty messed up for awhile so he could have her water bottle. he was This Close to actually stealing it,, but he figured that’d be a little too much considering that ocean was in a good bit of pain. given how much people still talk abt oceans injury,, he really hasn’t been able to forget that he thought that. he feels a little guilty abt it,, just bc, wtf she was literally in pain and he thought abt stealing her water cmon.. and it wasn’t until 9 whole years later when he finally told her abt this their senior year. ocean was in disbelief that they lowkey had the same first thoughts.. but that just goes to show how fuckin SWEET that water bottle was.. too bad it broke :/
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izzy-mc-fizzy · 2 years
I need to vent here and you can hate me for what I’m about to say bc I know it’s super unfair but…
I have a lot of misplaced anger towards former gifted kids.
And I KNOW they don’t deserve it, not at all. The system that failed me also failed them, just in a different way. I know we should be on the same side, us against the system ya know? But it’s just hard bc there’s still this unhealed inner child with undiagnosed adhd that sees the was the teachers praised those same gifted kids and yearned for that type of positive attention.
Instead I got reprimand and embarrassment. The gifted kids never got snapped at. The gifted kids never got yelled at because they didn’t understand the problem. The gifted kids never cried in front of the whole class because the teacher was calling you lazy and stupid and a failure because you weren’t applying yourself, you weren’t trying at all. But you were, and that’s what hurt most. You were trying so damn hard but no matter how hard you tried it wasn’t enough, you weren’t enough. But the gifted kids were. The gifted kids were easy, why can’t you be easy like them? Now I see you were easy because it’s easy to neglect the kids who pick up on things a little faster. But a 2 second head start does very little when you’re not even given running shoes, right? But what about a 5 second delay with led weights on your ankles? I guess that eventually leaves us in the same place. The gifted kids stopped on the side of the road halfway through the race to nurse their aching, bleeding feet as I slowly come trudging past, everyone else long gone. We’re both alone now with only each other. There’s no way either of us are winning this race so why even try? Maybe we just ditch the race all together, and get ice cream instead. How ironic, the teachers pet and the teachers pest, laughing and talking like long time friends. As if they weren’t set up to be enemies all along. Maybe they weren’t. Maybe they weren’t set up to be anything at all. The system destined us both to fail so why not fail together? At least then we’ll feel less alone.
Now that I think about it, maybe I’m not as angry at gifted kids as I thought. Maybe I’m more angry at the system that failed us. Maybe I’m more angry at myself for failing. Either way I think I should let it go soon. Probably not today, I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet. But soon, definitely soon.
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eijirousbestie · 1 year
“This supposed to be art?”
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headcannon where Bakugou is friends with an art major
he doesn’t know shit abt art
kinda motivational in a weird way
kaws rug DUPE
* * *
Your knees ache from kneeling on the ground for so long. Black sweatpants now littered with blue and green splotches as you add the finishing touches on your art project. The tarp you laid out on the floor of your dorm sticks to the palm of your hand as you steady yourself on the ground to lean forward and paint this giant replica of your head. Your art teacher thought it would be a great idea to make your class recreate their heads into a 3D model using cardboard and glue guns. It’s supposed to be an abstract piece and thank god for that allowance because what you’ve done so far has made the face look unidentifiable. Bullshitting and calling it an abstract creation on critique day is gonna save your ass. And your grade. Dipping your brush into the turquoise paint you were using for 1/4th of the head, your hand slips a bit as a knock on your door breaks through your concentration.
You grumble a gruff “Come in,” voice slightly gravely from not having talked in a couple hours due to your hyper focus. Facing away, you hear your dorm room door click open, the hinges squeaking a bit. Standing with his hand encircling the door knob is Bakugou, broad build taking up majority of the doorway.
“Called your name like fifteen times and you still didn’t respond. Had to make sure you weren’t up here plotting my demise or some shit.” You give an absent minded hum as a reply, all too focused on applying never ending layers of blue paint on cardboard that continues to suck it up like there’s no tomorrow. Thirsty bitch.
Bakugou watches your uninterested form from where he stands and his face slightly twists in confusion as he tries to discreetly peek over your shoulder at what you’re doing. However all he can see is what appears to be a blue mess. The smell of acrylic paint only now registering in his mind and nose. Deciding to be curious, he takes a step forward towards your bent over form, letting the door close behind him. The plastic tarp you laid out crinkles under his socks, earning a grunt of disapproval from you. “Watch your step. If you track paint on my rug man I swear to god-”
“Nobody’s gonna get shit on your fake ass KAWS rug. Calm the fuck down. Just tryna see what’s got you so holed up in here.” He’s directly behind you now, leaning over your shoulder at a better angle to see what you’re working on.
“Art project. It’s due Tuesday so I’m trying to get as much done so I can chill this weekend,” you say, not once looking away from your creation.
“Well what the hell is it supposed to be?” His brows are furrowed together as he tries to make out whatever the hell it is you’re making.
“My head.”
“Your what.”
“My head. It’s supposed to be my head.”
It’s silent for a moment, until it’s not.
“This the most trifling shit I’ve seen in a minute.” You let out a loud and exasperated sigh, looking at him over your shoulder.
“Didn’t your mother ever teach you if you don’t got shit nice to say, keep your mouth shut?” He’s usually always a dick but today was just not the day to test you. The project is frustrating enough as it is.
He shrugs before speaking. “She taught me not to lie.” He chuckles lightly before squatting near the head, almost level to your seat on the ground. “That was a joke if you couldn’t tell.” You cave a little as you both stare at your nearly finished project.
“Well since you love honesty, tell me straight up if this is ass or not.”
“I don’t know shit about this so my opinion wouldn’t really matter much. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
“But does it even look like art? Like something you’d see in a museum?”
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. “This supposed to be art?”
“Dawg I literally told you it was an art project for my art class.” Your eyes follow his fleeting form as he stands up and heads for the door.
“Well art or not, just keep going til you get it done. Then you won’t have to look at it anymore if you’re not satisfied with it. Problem solved.”
Your eyes retreat back to the blue mess and you nod. “Makes sense I guess.”
“Majority of the things I say usually do. Oh and the next time I have to call you fifteen times I’m blowing your door down and throwing out your fake ass rug.” And with that, he leaves.
You can’t help but shake your head and let out a soft chuckle before resuming your task. Just get it done.
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notanerdyprude · 5 months
fun things i noticed rewatching npmd act 1:
sam sweetly was investigating richies death
richie messed with his fingers absentmindedly
everyone pronounces stephs last name correctly (law-ter) except the teacher (low-ter) because teachers cant pronounce peoples names correctly
pete is almost always curled into himself while steph is almost always sat more like. outward. i dont know how to describe it.
petes plaid on his suspenders and bowtie matches stephs flannel
stephanie wears a lot of jewellery
ruth and richie hold on to pete at the end of “literal monster”’s first chorus
the literal monster choreogrophy fucking SLAPS byw
richie is such a bitch “its LIPSCHITZ 🙄🙄” “i never intended to walk through your hallway”
richie keeps his hands under his armpits most of the time
graces little “mhm. mhm.” after she says “his name is jesus christ” >>>
max and grace nodding at eachother is never not going to be funny to me
kyle is max’s biggest hype-man. homosexual activity if you ask me.
ruth and the nerd in purple enter the stage hiding behind the bleachers during max’s verse
“next time youre going to cheat do it like a lauter and dont get caught” so solomon most likely got to his position illegally
“somebody WALKS to the office with STEPHANIE LAUTER 🙄” richie is a Bitch
ruth cares very deeply about library rules
she immediately stops caring about them as soon as stephanie lauter calls him
ruth rolls her eyes when richie starts his “aot > star wars shit”, so shes clearly heard this a shit ton before
petes jumper also matches stephanies foannel
pete is in the shadows for a good part of cooler than i think i am because he keeps walking through them
as soon as the bridge is done he goes from being in the light to beingbik the shadows again
peter can also be a bitch
max doesnt come from money
max started being a prick in 4th grade
jason seems to be an actually good dude.
max has a major god complex obviously but like. it is bad. it is BAD.
mark, despite being married to her, calls graces mom ‘mother’
graces mom also wears butterfly clips
richies side eye the second steph walks over im DECEASED.
richie looks so horrified by steph touching him
cooler than him tune plays when they walk into the boys bathroom
richie side-eyes people a lot
pete’s “grace 🙄” i love him hes so bitchy
hatchet town tune plays in the bg a lot
richie naruto runs into the waylon place
richie is VERY excited by the plan “WE’LL MAKE HIM SHIT HIS PANTS 😁”
petes a marvel nerd. he does both the hulk and spidermans gestures
richie is ruths wingman confirmed
richie fiddles with the little tassles on petes jacket
max is very good at puns
will is scarily good at sounding like blood is coming out of his mouth
pete has a very short temper
grace actively cheers for ruth after she cuts off max’s nips
stacy calls richie “mr. lipschitz”. for some reason.
richie calls jason jace :(( /pos
“theyre my bros for life” they said ONE nice thing to you get some standards i BEG
richies face immeidately dropping as soon as max says “richieee”
richies wearing 4 layers on top and a pair of shorts. transgender.
max’s blood is sparkly.
max shakes his hand after touching richie
max thinks people in the smoke club are cool
max locks the door on richie
he does the choreo from thriller by michael jackson
richies squeal after max makes him fall
max is heavy projecting onto richie
max seems genuinely pissed when richie says ‘im not a loser.’ he only chills when richie says ‘please don’t kill me’.
he taunts richie by calling him his actual name. he never called richie his real name, only shit-lips. false sense of security type shit.
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idiotfanghost · 3 months
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Usually I like to go back to OC art right after a somewhat large fandom related project. I do plan on sharing more of my OCs on here. I do wanna eventually share more about them in a future post cause the lore is crazy.
Basically the girl on the right is Ciel, she's in her 3rd or 4th year in high-school (I haven't decided yet) and she hates her home-wrecking step-father. The guy on the left is Nathaniel Kreiger (or Malcolm for those who know) and he's a history teacher (and a bit of a bitch).
(This piece of mine is sorta based off my 8th grade history experience but dw abt that <3)
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san-sebastienne · 1 year
I’m so frustrated that American Reform Judaism simps for the state of Israel so hard that it actively derailed my Jewish education. I went to religious school two days a week for YEARS and STILL didn’t learn about some of our own holidays until I was an ADULT. But you’d better believe I learned all about the best vacation spots in/around Tel Aviv and all the words to HaTikvah and how cool it was that our third grade teacher trained snipers.
When I taught 3rd and 4th grade Hebrew school – different congregation, different city – the focus for the year was Vayikra. I had to constantly alter or ignore lesson plans because someone had decided that “laws governing judiasm = what it means to be a Jewish people = medinat yisrael,” so the whole semester was focused on maps of Israel and discussion of the Knesset. I had to go way off book to even discuss diasporic cultures, much less how we’ve decided to practice Judaism in so many ways around the world.
(This was the same shul who had a cultural attaché speak at Yom Kippur services, and he spent his time saying that, though Yom Kippur is for humility, it can also be for pride in your accomplishments. Like how we should be proud of Israel’s defense system.)
This isn’t to argue about ownership of holy land or Jewish roots in Israel – this is to say that ANY state-based nationalism (American and Israeli, in this case) is a hungry bitch that wants your whole attention. Reducing Judaism to a pro/con stance on the state of Israel is antisemitic when goyim do it — why can’t we discuss how hurts us when we do it, too?
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oc-siblings-bracket · 9 months
OC-Siblings-Bracket 1.8
info down there because these posts are long ↓
Justice & Liberty "Libby" Lawson by @attorneybout
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okay so these!! aren't as fleshed out as riley and kiara they're kind of just silly little guys mostly.
libby, 17, is one of kiara's friends, alongside trinity and kat (collectively known as the cool bitch club). libby is very like… calm and chill most of the time she's just vibing mostly. the kind of guy you'd see in a group chat. absolutely hates that she was named liberty eagle lawson that's right her middle name is eagle she's living a nightmare. she was literally born on the 4th of july the universe just said "hey fuck you. get america'd" and she hasn't lived it down yet. anyways the group of friends i roleplay with that i use her in jokes that she would kin sans and tbh…. probably right. she's usually pretty calm but if anyone hurt her brother she'd kick their ass
justice, 10, is just a silly little guy!! just a little silly! he's one of riley's best friends and he looks up to her even though she's only 2 years older than him. he's really silly goofy, very optimistic, tries to see the best in everyone, and overall he just wants to help people whenever he can!! he's like a blorbo to me.
they're actually half siblings! they share a dad. their dad used to be… not distant, and not away on purpose, but during his first marriage, when he had libby, he would bite off more than he can chew and end up promising things that he couldn't deliver, fully thinking he would be able to. it's what led to his divorce. since then, though, he's worked on bettering himself and is a much better father to justice than he was to libby when she was younger. she's not entirely unaffected by this but she can at least appreciate that he's improving.
they also! have a cousin, who's a lawyer. a defense attorney. and justice especially really looks up to him because he also wants to be able to stand up for people and defend people in need like that and justice i think really just wants, at his core, to help people who need help, like one of his main interests is superheroes because that's their whole thing really.
anyways fun facts!!
justice has a really cool racecar bed
libby helped justice try to paint his racecar bed and it didn't go very well but they both have fond memories of it
libby and kiara honestly probably met through justice and riley
libby is really into activism. in a sense both siblings have a strong sense of justice and aim to help those who need it
i mentioned earlier that they had a lawyer cousin but i didn't mention said cousin is phoenix wright of ace attorney fame
libby actually convinced her high school to unionize. her logic is that teachers are evaluated on the grades their classes get- so if a teacher is being unfair or necessarily harsh, the students can go on strike by refusing to do any assignments, forcing the teacher to fail ALL of their students and then get poor evaluations and probably fired. it's been surprisingly effective and she's very proud of the student union
libby is the kind of person who says "stealing from walmart is always morally correct"
justice hasn't been exposed to the nuances of stealing so he doesn't agree but i think once he's been exposed to how companies kind of fuck people over he probably will stop seeing an issue with, like, shoplifting a bottle of water from walmart
libby is a lesbian
justice hasn't had time to fully realize his gender yet but when he gets older he'll realize he's genderfluid i think :3
libby image made using https://picrew.me/image_maker/362653 justice image made by my good friend mar (theowlcastle on tumblr)
Dust & May by @ecleticelectriceccentric
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Dust is the Vessel of the Holy for the Path of Righteousness, a cult/religion. This necessitates that he be excised of all sin and made ready for possession by the Holy- via torture. Also he’s trans and has taken to reciting the Bible-equivalent as a coping mechanism.
May-Salvation-Come-to-this-Wretched-Thing (goes by May, named by the Righteous) is a were-Tasmanian Devil, taken in by the same church. She, too, must be exorcised.
She’s about four years older than him, and they were thrown in the same basement. She became his primary caretaker, and they basically adopted each other. She fervently hates the Righteous, but is determined to protect him at all costs.
When May was about fourteen, the ‘exorcisms’ went too far, the Tasmanian Devil took over, and May died. She then possessed Dust as a ghost and promptly broke them out.
Dust doesn’t remember how he got out, or how May died, and May doesn’t want to tell him. May thinks he should hate her, she hates herself for everything, but can’t bear to lose him.
If they advance I’ll give more Lore :>
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cutestbitches · 1 year
Hey! I'm here to submit some characters!
I think both of the von Karmas from Ace Attorney are pretty spiteful bitches. Spoilers and a bunch of sleep-deprived infodumping ahead!!
First off, there's this asshole.
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Manfred von Karma was a prosecutor who prided himself on his perfect win record. He had a pattern of hiding evidence, using fear and manipulation to get what he wanted, and just generally being a bitch in court so that he could win cases.
However, in one case, it caught up to him. I don't know the full details since I haven't gotten that far into the Ace Attorney franchise, but he ended up getting a penalty in court because Gregory Edgeworth, a defense attorney, exposed his tactics for being Kinda Illegal.
Manfred still won the case! But he got One (1) Penalty, something that had never happened before in his career, and that set him the fuck off.
Long story short, he ended up killing Gregory Edgeworth, adopting Gregory's son Miles, manipulating Miles into thinking he was his father's real killer, changing Miles' entire worldview and making him into a shell of his former self, and then trying to get Miles arrested 15 years later!
All because some guy called him out on his bullshit! Seems pretty spiteful to me.
...And then, we've got Manfred's daughter, Franziska von Karma.
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I love Franziska dearly, but I'll be the first to say that she's also a Spiteful Bitch. She's got a hell of a lot of generational trauma, and has the same incessant need as her father to be the best at everything.
Remember how I said that Manfred adopted another kid, Miles? Well, Franziska had always held great resentment towards Miles, believing that he was always leaving her in the dust and going on to do better things without her. They had a very, very deep rivalry.
Franziska also had a lot of pressure put on her from a very young age because of her father's reputation as a "perfect prosecutor", and she always felt the need to live up to that reputation.
Well, around 2016-2017 in the game's timeline, Both Miles and Manfred were beaten in court by defense attorney Phoenix Wright (Hey! He's the main character!), and Manfred was subsequently arrested and sentenced to death.
When Franziska heard that both her brother and father had lost to Phoenix, she wanted to face off against him in court and win a case against him, so that she could be better than her father and not be left behind by her brother anymore.
Yeah, this game is really dramatic.
So, there's my essay! I hope you consider my submissions.
-Poggay, or Maimmanfredvonkarma
P.S. when I was in liek 4th grade, my teacher would make the class do these division worksheets. when we were done, he would assign us all numbers to go along with the number of problems on the worksheet, and then have us stand up and go in numerological order, reciting the division problem that corresponded with our number.
if someone got the problem wrong, didn't recite it fully, didn't stand up, stuttered, spoke too slowly, or made any kind of mistake, our teacher would chastise the kid and make the entire class start from the very beginning. we would often have these weird division problem recital sessions bleed into our lunch and recess time.
one day, i ended up fucking up this one big streak we had going by getting the problem wrong, and it fucked me up lmao. i went into the school bathroom to cry for, like, an hour.
so yea. that's my 4th grade villain origin story. i thought it'd be kinda funny to include it in a submission about two spiteful perfectionists.
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I can finally show the world the 4th grade villian origin story of the century.
Also Franziska von Karma is in the bracket.
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(This could also count as Manfred von Karma propaganda sorta.)
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wildfoxes-spirit · 11 months
I already hate my highschool
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I'm sorry but your only method of communication is Facebook unless there is a delay or nti day. My mom only found this because the middle/elementary school reposted it which means that a lot of parents aren't going to see it. At the end of 8th grade we had to sign up for classes, BY OURSELVES. We did not take the paper home and discuss it with parents we just signed up. And there wasn't a lot but still, we are MINORS our brains are not fully developed you can't expect us to sign up for things when you don't even have good choices. The arts were: comprehension visual arts ie: drawing, painting, that kinda thing, dance but not the dance team, general band for beginners, concert band for current band people, chorus, and percussion ensemble.
OF COURSE art fills up fast, that is the least shitty option for most people which means that some of the people who actually draw for a hobby and potentially a career someday may not be able to participate. And the electives were nothing special either, I mean really, you can go down a education pathway, administration, support or e-commerce, personal finance, JROTC 1, health science, and vocational.
I have a friend that wants to be a vet, she has to take to take health science for humans. I want to do something with art, digital literacy is the only one even close. And when we went to tour the school they had so many medical classes, which yeah there is a medical, optometry, and dental (eventually) school right there but your still boxing us in. The gym was way to bright, I have NEVER wanted to get out of a near empty room as much as I did then.
The building itself is basically 2 circles, but we don't even know where the student parking lot is. And here's the thing, the middle school was just as bad with communication, i officially started in 6th grade but that was with COVID so in 7th grade when we started 4-h I was so fucking confused and never got a good answer. I ended up having an anxiety attack over the project. Google told me nothing the project counselor told me nothing, the teacher told me nothing, not even my classmates could explain it. And when my sister started it in 4th grade they sent no information to the parents and she can't be trusted to tell the full story because she skips the context needed. But get this- we have to fill out a form for the project and put our parents phone number down, again we did all of this WITHOUT a guardian
Ive already been stressed about starting 9th grade and I can't do it if the school is going to be such a bitch. Please please please send in online school recommendations, preferably before the 8th
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iheartsyaosaku · 6 months
Clear card pros and cons (that i can remember i need to reread it again)
SYAOSAKU DATING ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
idk more content around our fave characters (though not as much but take it as you will)
The wierd ass technology update all of a sudden everyone has iphones (minus syaoran)
It picked up from the og ending where syaoran comes back from hong kong
Unlocked sakura new swag (at the cost of ending her cardcaptor retirement…)
(Anime only) english dub actors of trc syaosaku voice ccscc syaosaku i thought that was pretty cool (syaoran sounds like maybe he went through puberty a little too early but thats okay)
cute art style
Maybe just me but sometimes i get a little emotional seeing sakura in her daily life in middle school because its like !! Wow i remember when you were in 4th grade and now you’re in 7th grade im so proud of you sakura 🥹
Momo (new mascot to make marketable plushie off of)
(Anime only) MEILING COMEBACK ‼️
SYAOSAKU DATING. Btw. Theyre a couple. Theyre dating and theyre in love.
New characters who happen to be mediocre
Akiho is literally just a carbon copy of sakura who is just sad (they refused to touch on the different aspects of her like reading books, singing and from kong kong only very rarely)
Kaito fucking sucks literally worst ccs of all time and THATS A LOT saying theres literal PEDOS in the fucking show but theyre all background characters but they can also piss off
Tbf i got confused along the way
Too many plot holes
Syaosaku angst
Syaosaku couldnt touch for a while 😔
Anyway why did yelan do that (referring to point above)
Some shit does not make sense
Tsubasa/xxxholic references (this is for you oomf)
Syaoran???? Is part of the “im keeping things from sakura” gang???? And it sucks so bad (yes it got resolved in the later half BUT IT STILL SUCKED)
pushes most characters from the og manga aside to focus on akiho and that man 🙄🙄🙄
Clamp forces us to care about them but in reality we really do not gaf
(In reference to point above) Clamp sees that and pushes the nostalgia tactics/references sometimes and its lowkey tiring
The part where the syao/saku/tomo were reminiscing that fuck ass teacher made me ill i genuinely wanted to kms
Still hasnt gotten rid of their p*do ass shit thanks clamp very cool (sarcasm)
Did i mention that the og characters were pushed back? Because they really were
Akiho felt more of the main character of this story instead of sakura
Tbh not much happened in the entirety of this manga ESPECIALLY considering time shenanigans
Im still mad that syaoran hid stuff from sakura tbh
syaosaku dont look but theres an ugly bitch trying to be like you (yunaaki)
Yunaaki becoming borderline canon despite it being a toxic and p*dophilic ship
Kaito still exists in this fucking story and got a somewhat happy ending (befriending syaoran dont piss me the fuck off)
Kero/tomoyo/yue/nakuru/spinnel basically everyone magically involved is pushed back basically useless until the final act (i think i mentioned the character pushback before)
Still major plotholes
Yamazaki tells the truth now
Touya got whitewashed
Akiho still has too many similarities to sakura it still pisses me off. Why cant they make her her own character
My girl sakura developed anxiety
angsty ass middle schoolers
Didnt like the scene where sakuras grandad was basically throwing shade at syaoran comparing his romance with sakura to … sakura’s fuckass dad grooming her mom. What
Syaoran calmed down a bit i miss when he was chaotic af but whatever #middleschoolerthings
Season 2 is taking forever to release good lord
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unnervinglyferal · 5 months
My school honestly wasn’t that bad
I mean I learned nothing but I’m me and I’m not a good measure
I wish I could say that it was only the students who caused issues but beyond my 5th grade teacher there were plenty other shitty staff
Like I get you’re underpaid but a student having daily screaming matches with someone does not warrant the “ok now apologize and make up” attitude you have
It’s highly likely the spawn of satan wouldn’t have been my friend for so long had the school counselor not just brushed aside our literately daily screaming matches
It also would’ve been great if they would’ve noticed me chasing down students so I could smack them upside the head because they were torturing spiders, that was partially my fault probably should’ve told someone but I also already knew the staff didn’t care so…
But also who the fuck sticks two spiders in a container for gladiator fighting and then purposely ignores the known spider guy when he says “hey don’t do that, that’s fucked up” because they knew that hurting small creatures was an easy way to upset and bully me
But Y’know god forbid I do that thing were I balance my chair on its back legs
Which I would like to add I got punished for doing things others were doing way more often??
Like literally the boys would do shit all the time and only get reprimanded if they did it too much
Like disruptive talking?
Multiple times only got noticed once the teacher heard me shushing them because I couldn’t hear
I wasn’t well liked by staff or students
I was also a defensive bitch who was ready to attack anyone who slighted me
I once sorta pushed, not literally but there was perks the having your growth spurt before everyone else, a guy up against a wall because he snatched a clip board from my friend, this dude wasn’t even one of the really assholey guys, just got on my nerves at a time when everyone and everything I hadn’t decided was mine was a threat
I also snapped at anyone who made too much noise in my vicinity when they should’ve been quiet, my nerves were severely frayed by the time I was in 4th grade
Ok yeah I went into this trying to downplay how bad it was because I knew there were worse schools but instead I’ve just complained about how shitty it was
So glad I never got passed elementary school, any further and I would’ve probably punched someone, I wish I had during elementary school
Oh yeah, that's a whole parade of bullshit you had to deal with.
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gracegrove · 11 months
Not super fandom related but kinda adjacent because of points that are constantly used or coopted by the wider fandom and antis.
So about six months ago I decided to do some googling and see what ever had happened to my elementary school bully. I wasn't surprised that I was able to find a mugshot along with his Facebook and that he'd only moved a couple towns away. But it did sadden me because of how little had changed for him compared to me.
I came across this boy beginning in the 4th grade, we had probably been in the same grade maybe even before that but we had no interactions until my best friend started picking on him. This was not something that I realized was going on, as the two of them were in the same classroom and I was in a different class. She and I would then hangout at lunch and after school.
In 4th grade all I knew about him was that he was just another boy in my grade and that he always looked angry. That was it. But then when he and I were in the same class beginning in 5th grade everything changed.
This boy would push me to the asphalt during recess, trip me, shove me, or try to push my head against the wall in the hallways. When we were in the classroom he would make sexually explicit and degrading comments about my body. He'd leave graphic drawings on my desk. He'd verbally harass me, call me stupid, or a bitch.
We sat next to each other because classroom seating was alphabetical. When my mother confronted the teacher about the difficulties this boy was causing me... She placed one student in between us.
One day he made a point of telling me that if he caught me hanging around the school grounds after school that day, that he was going to beat me up. I had been avoiding him the whole day, I hadn't even been in his way. And he said that to me. I was scared for my life. I got very lucky that my neighbor was there to pick up her son and I begged her to give my brother and I a ride home.
During this same period of time I was attending a grief group every few weeks, because my dad had just died that January. And one day when my mom was pulling into the parking lot, there he was. My bully was on the front porch. That night I was trying to stay close to the adults that ran the kids group. But I still wanted to keep to my usual routines. I really liked going into the padded room they had full of pillows and yoga balls for kids that wanted to let off steam. My bully followed me in there. He cornered me. He beat me so hard with a pillow that it ripped, he pinned me to the ground and tried to smother me. The adults weren't paying attention. And they didn't pull him off because I couldn't even get enough air to scream or cry.
When they finally realized he was being far too rough and did separate us. I was in tears and shaking.
I found out later that night that the reason he and his family were attending the grief group was because his mother had died the year before. His father essentially kicked her out. It sounded like there was a lot of interpersonal violence. But when his mom left she had nowhere to go and she ended up dying of exposure on the streets in a different state.
We switched groups immediately after that. But I still had to deal with him in class until he finally moved at the end of the school year.
I also learned that his father didn't really seem to give a damn. He was already dating again. And the women he was dating mostly tended to be blondes.
I was a blonde. I don't think my bully had the capacity to compartmentalize or process his grief or his anger. Granted we were 10 but still... So I became the trigger and the outlet.
As a kid I don't know if I even can say I was angry towards him because I was just so thoroughly scared by him. I remember he lived in the same direction as a friend's house, and I would purposely take a longer obscure route to avoid passing his house just in case. There were times I was certain that he would hurt me if I didn't find a way to escape or at least hang around an adult.... He's one of the reasons that catalyzed my eventual transfer into a private Catholic school. My brother was also being bullied.
Now as an adult I can see better how the things that happened in his life fed into how he treated me. And it just makes me sad. It doesn't make me angry. It doesn't make me want to take back my pound of flesh. It just makes me wish that he had gotten help and support. Because his life is not a happy one.
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miraculoussides · 1 year
DR2 Survivor Incorrect Quotes Cause I can (Can be seen as Platonic/Romantic)
Sonia: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me? Fuyuhiko: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it. Hajime: Three of us saw it, Fuyuhiko. How do you explain that? Fuyuhiko: *points at Akane* Sleep deprivation. *points at Hajime* Paranoia. *points at Kazuichi* Delusional personality disorder.
Kazuichi: You’re a loose cannon, Sonia. Sonia: No, I’m not. I’m a cannon, maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me? Akane: I think you play by your own rules. Fuyuhiko: No way, they think rules were made to be broken. Kazuichi: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon. Sonia: No, I’m just a reckless renegade. Hajime is a loose cannon. Hajime: *smashes a chair* Aah! You shut your trap, Sonia! Fuyuhiko: I’d say Hajime’s more of a cop on the edge with nothing to lose. That’s an entirely different thing. <br>Akane: Now I’m just confused. Is Sonia a loose cannon or not? Kazuichi: All right, put on a pot of coffee. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this. Sonia: *groans* Hajime: Aw, man.
Kazuichi: What's the worst thing you guys have done? Hajime: Rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade. Fuyuhiko: I kicked Akane in the shin- Akane: -So I kicked Fuyuhiko between the legs. Sonia: I burned a town down. Kazuichi: What?! Akane: What the hell is wrong with you?!? Sonia: A lot of things. Fuyuhiko: No shit.
Hajime: What’s something you guys are better than Akane at? Sonia: Mario Kart. Fuyuhiko: Yeah, video games. Kazuichi: Emotional vulnerability.
Sonia: Ah, yes. Here we have a beautiful couple... Akane: I really care about your feelings! Kazuichi: I really care about YOUR feelings! Sonia, turning their head: ...and then there's the disaster couple... Fuyuhiko: YOU NEED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO ME INSTEAD OF BEING AT THE HOSPITAL! Hajime: I WOULDN'T HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME AT THE HOSPITAL IF YOU STOPPED INSISTING ON FIGHTING EVERYONE WHO COMES WITHIN A FIVE FOOT RADIUS OF YOU!
Fuyuhiko: Where's Hajime, Akane, and Sonia? Kazuichi: They're playing hide and seek. Fuyuhiko: Where? Kazuichi: I don't think you get how this game works.
Kazuichi: Why aren't there friend pick up lines? Pick up lines to make friends like- Kazuichi, to Fuyuhiko: Hey, that's a cute outfit. You know where it would look better? On nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual. Akane, to Sonia: Be my friend or I'll set your entire family on fire. Hajime: There are two types of people.
Hajime: Who the fuck broke the toaster? Sonia: It was Akane. Kazuichi: It was Akane. Fuyuhiko: Akane broke it. Akane: Akane: ...yOU PROMISED-
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing* Kazuichi: Would never stab anyone. Akane: Would stab someone in retaliation. Sonia: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Hajime: Would stab without warning. Fuyuhiko: Would stab as a warning.
Akane: You know what? Akane: When I join this friend group I thought you guys would be dealing with my bullshit. *Sonia, Kazuichi and Hajime continue screaming about mold water* Akane: Not the other way around. Fuyuhiko: I dunno, sounds like you need to drink the mold water.
Sonia: Alright Kazuichi, Hajime. Let's go over this one more time. Sonia: If something breaks? Kazuichi: We try to fix it before Fuyuhiko gets home. Sonia: If it doesn't work? Hajime: We blame Akane. Akane: Seriously guys, what the hell?!
*Everyone is giving advice to Akane* Hajime: It's okay to ask for help. Sonia: You're not a burden. Kazuichi: Murder is okay. Fuyuhiko: Your feelings matter.
Sonia: What do you do when someone offers you drugs? Akane: Take them! Hajime: Punch them in the neck! Kazuichi: Say thank you! Fuyuhiko: Offer them more drugs to assert dominance! Sonia: … Sonia: No.
Hajime: Look guys, I need help. Kazuichi: Love help? Akane: Financial help? Sonia: Emotional help? Fuyuhiko: Help moving a body? *Everybody looks at Fuyuhiko* Fuyuhiko: What?
Fuyuhiko, about Sonia and Hajime: My god, would you two just get a room already? Hajime: Excuse me, Fuyuhiko? Fuyuhiko: You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else's misery. So seriously, when's the wedding? Sonia: ... Kazuichi: I ship it! Akane: CAN YOU NOT?
Sonia: Hey, can we stay in your dorm tonight? Fuyuhiko: Why? Sonia: Hajime fiddled with an ouija board and cursed ours. Kazuichi: Akane doesn't know how to banish spirits, so they just throw salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Sonia: How do you connect with a fictional character? Fuyuhiko: What? Kazuichi: What? Hajime: What? Akane: *pulls up a 500 slide presentation* I'm glad you asked.
Hajime: You three, explain right now! Fuyuhiko: It was Kazuichi. Sonia: It was Kazuichi. Akane: It was Kazuichi. Kazuichi: Kazuichi: …fuck.
Hajime: Good night. Kazuichi: Sleep tight. Sonia: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself. Akane: Great, now Kazuichi's crying.
Akane, setting down a card: Ace of spades. Hajime, pulling out an Uno card: +4. Fuyuhiko, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you! Kazuichi, trembling: What are we playing?!
Akane: Your smile? It makes my day. Sonia: Your happiness? I live for that. Hajime: A room? Get one. Kazuichi: Hotel? Trivago.
Akane, about a fight between Sonia and Fuyuhiko: It scares me how many knives were involved. Kazuichi: There… weren’t any knives involved though? Akane: That’s what scares me.
Akane: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE! Akane: *aggressively throws water bottles* Sonia: Uh... what's up with them? Kazuichi: They're trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us. Akane: I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! Hajime, crying: It's working.
Fuyuhiko: Where the devil is Akane? Sonia: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe they melted? Hajime: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Akane: Today at 7 am, Hajime poured a Monster energy drink in their coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing. Sonia: I watched Hajime brew their coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think they ascended into the astral realm. Kazuichi: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me.
Sonia: You need a hobby. Fuyuhiko: I have a hobby! Sonia:: Hitting Kazuichi isn't a hobby.
Hajime: Fuyuhiko noticed only today that they can label their email inboxes, but they took apart their entire bloody laptop two weeks ago. Akane: This reminds me of the Fuyuhiko who couldn’t turn on the coffee maker, but remembers about 500 digits of pi. Hajime: I’ll be delighted to inform you that this is the very same Fuyuhiko.
Kazuichi: Sonia’s gonna kill me. Fuyuhiko: No, they'll probably make me do it.
Kazuichi: Have you done this before? Fuyuhiko: Well, Kazuichi, it's like if you read the script you come better prepared. Sonia: That's not what we do in the US, we don't read things. Kazuichi: I don't read, Fuyuhiko.
Fuyuhiko: So, are you two friends? Sonia: Yes. Kazuichi: No.
Fuyuhiko: Why does Sonia always do the laundry so loudly? Akane: So everyone knows that no one helps them out in the house. Sonia, in the distance: *slams the washing machine shut*
Akane: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Hajime: Did Kazuichi say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Akane: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
Akane: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Hajime? Hajime: No. Kazuichi: I do! Akane: I know, Kazuichi. Kazuichi: I’m sad. Akane: I know, Kazuichi.
Hajime, to Akane: You're not Mario. Lets get something fucking straight, you're Luigi at best.
Hajime: Jesus Saves. Fuyuhiko: Passes to Moses, SCOOOOOORE!
Sonia: Just took a personality test and got an A+.
Hajime: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
Kazuichi, slamming pots and pans together to the rhythm of "Give it to me, I'm worth it": I didn't get no sleep cause a' y'all! Y'all never gonna sleep cause a' me!
Fuyuhiko: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
Akane: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
when i was much younger, my second grade class and i would have movie days and the teachers put on watership down because they thought it was a child friendly movie because animation and cartoons. about halfway through the movie, they had to turn it off because it got really dark really quick and you could hear the whimpers and cries of over two dozen little kids just watching in horror.
anyway, imagine the boys, while having a movie day, sees watership down (or a movie equivalent of it) thinking it's gonna be a fun and happy movie about talking rabbits while yuu goes and gets the snacks ready. turns out, it's a depressing and nightmare fueled movie that should come with it's own warning. yuu immediately turns the movie off and proceeds to put on a completely different movie because these boys are traumatized now.
What is it with elementary school and it's ability to emotionally scar us all? I was in 4th or 5th grade when we read and then watched Where the Red Fern Grows. There was not a moment of joy in that classroom. Also how I learned what Bitch meant. So core memory right there.
"Yuu why would you make us watch all these sad animal movies. Look how upset Jack is!"
"Shut up, I'm not upset! ...But poor Old Dan."
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tricornonthecob · 9 months
Libety Bibbety Kids
LK 104: I Can Has Liberty?
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Abernathy more like Abernasty amirite
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Just want to take a moment of time to show how many historical plantation locations in central VA there are still technically around today (though only a few still do ag,) and these are just the more public ones that are open about them being plantations. Some of them lean on being pretty locations with antebellum architecture where you can host events and gloss the fuck over the history of being fucking slavemills, instead talking about how pretty the furniture is and how wealthy and pretty the family members were. Abby Cox and Cheyney McKnight (Not Your Momma's History) have a fantastic dicussion about plantation weddings and such and you should watch it.
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Henri LeFevbre is the real fucking MVP here, picking up the extremely important document.
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I once heard Richmond, VA described as God's Blind Spot and having lived there, that's still the vibes today even with all the egregious gentrification lol.
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Okay so ya bitch lived in Richmond for seven years and worked in Richmond for an additional four and *still* hasn't gone to any of the historic locations that survived the Confederate Army Completely Disregarding the Proper Way to Burn Down Strategic Buildings While Retreating and Letting Most Of the City Fucking Burn Because The People Impacted Were The Enslaved Location And Fuck Them, Right?
(no, Richmond was not burned by Sherman, it was an attempt by the Confederate Army to burn down some bridges and armories before the Union Army got up in it, and it went awry because they did a bad job of it.)
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Moses, they are your family, too, in a way.
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Henri coming into frame fucking spitting facts.
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Did you just now notice that, Sarah??? How is Henri the most observant out of you three, I stg he's the single braincell keeping y'all on point.
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He really is though.
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Henri, do the Unequivocally Worst Part Of Assassin's Creed 3
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About to fucking show you up at your own job, that's what.
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...do you need some aloe for that burn.
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Yes and its a bit of a crime, in't it?
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He looks kinna dudebro in this not gonna lie.
Also taking a time out to mention that, being an excited nerd who REALLY got into Amrev in 4th grade, I actually memorized the entirety of Patrick Henry's speech for extra credit. The assignment was just a few lines, but I wrote the whole thing out. In cursive because it was 2002 and teachers were still insisting we needed to know how to cursive for college. I was so proud! I was so excited! I was so into it!
Anyway, the teacher got really pissed off and didn't give me the extra credit, then chided me for not following directions. And I had given her drawings I made of the Godspeed and the Susan Constant and little comics about the revolution! I was so betrayed.
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It is so goddamn frustrating to read about all these white folks comparing their lot to slavery while all the people who were enslaved just slowly look at the camera, Office-style. And like I know white abolitionists understood the irony but its just so hard to imagine the amount of mental gymnastics that enslavers forced themselves into to justify continuing their bullshit while going on and on about how Britain was enslaving them.
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Any time I hear no peace I think of the "Peace? No peace!" scene from Independence Day.
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Literally right behind him.
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Cato's got a point. God this scene would be so amazing live-action and with a decent sountrack.
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God this dialogue is written actually pretty fucking good???
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Oh its this fucknugget again.
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Ok honestly? With his sneak and his parkour skills AND HIS FUCKING CARDIO this kid would be hands down the best fucking spy. The Culper ring should have hired fucking Henri Lefevbre amirite.
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...in the loudest way possible, doing burnouts in a conestoga.
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Ok but they came right up to the front door? These are some audacious kids.
To be continued
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