#720p so it's ugly
aaronwhorechner · 23 days
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Ever since we had Jack, I always dread it when you bring me a case involving kids. Why are you telling me this? Every case we work, every case we don't work, comes across your desk. Yeah. And most of the victims are women, and most of them are about your age.
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wolfchans · 6 months
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♡ endless chan gifs ♡ [381 - 387] / ∞ – Super Intern JYP Ep. 3
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cerealbishh · 1 month
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"I relate to Bess a lot. I think that she is someone who is super quirky, I'm a very quirky person! Artist really struggles with feeling validationwith her art and they can be incredibly critical of themselves. And I think that Bess is someone that really cares about other people and I think I care a lot about people, too. Her temper is a little quick, for sure. And that was something that was exciting to play because normally, I try not to make anybody uncomfortable. So I think that was fun, to be a little more sharp and and to find that!" - Brittany on Bess(x)
#little voice#little voice apple tv#brittany o'grady#bess alice king#idc what anyone says i love her#and i wish i caught this while it was still on!#she just wants to take care of and protect everyone she cares about and her heart is so big yet she is unsure of what she wants and needs#i just wanna hug her#she's not perfect but my god she's trying#when she told elaine(?) that she's not gonna let louie get hurt i felt that#also her crying with king of the lost boys in the background bROKE me#i saw someone say that her singing voice is like mandy moore's and i definitely hear it#i'm glad she's surrounded by people who will fight for her and with her for her dreams and aspirations(benny priya louie her dad and samuel#because she also fights hard for the people she cares about#''bess the mess'' is sort of true but so is ''best alice QUEEN'' /hj#i guess by me saying that she's unsure of what she wants and it's that she's unsure if she's even worthy of a successful career#and that she's unsure if she's even worthy of her needs being put before other people's so she rejects those things because she's scared#honestly would've wanted louie and benny's roles expanded if we'd gotten a season 2 and we need to find out where dad is#cw: food#i honestly don't know if this'll make sense but her face looks like a cg disney princess's face... like the eye shape face shape and nose?#she's sooo pretty#actually relearning guitar and piano because of this show#i relate to her so much#it's ugly because it's in 720p rip
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Happy 10th Birthday, Pompeii (by the band Bastille)!
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anders-hawke · 1 year
rip 1080p files... i can’t work with your glitches. get off my computer
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metaldragoon · 2 years
hello! i love your gifs. how do you make them look so good? what settings do you use in photoshop? i'm a beginner when it comes to gifs and i could use some help!
How 'bout go fuck yaself, huh?!
Just kidding. Hello! Thank you for the message, I am easily swayed to do anything in the name of praise. Before I get started, although by the time you've read this I've already finished, feel free to IM me and I would be happy to very finely detail explicitly how I do things for anyone with the nose for knowledge in GIF making.
The first and most important thing is to capture whatever you can in as high as quality it comes in. 720p? Don't even waste my time. So anyways, you've got your crispy beautiful animation imported, it's time to resize it.
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The two important things are to go slightly over the final canvas size you want (500px wide) and to adjust the resample to Bicubic Sharper (or Bicubic, I don't notice any difference). I'm sure it's not universally the best option to use Bicubic Sharper but I've never bothered double checking. Then adjust the canvas size, knock off at least 2 pixels to trim a pixel from the top, bottom, and sides of the GIF. Since GIFs are binary with their transparency, when you resize it the edges can get ugly-looking as some pixels are 100% opacity and some are 0% opacity, that's why I crop that extra pixel from each side. I happen to be using a pretty poor example with my Slam Dunk GIF I'm making since it's not a standard 16:9 ratio, so mine will actually be cropped to 500x268 instead of a standard 500x280. If you're working on something that's 4:3 which is like old school anime style, crop it before adjusting the image size so it's 1440x1080, then resize it and it should be 502x377, to which you would then crop it to 500x375. I actually often crop even wide screen things to a 4:3 ratio because it's usually just unnecessary space on the sides and it makes our focal point pop more!
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This is less relevant with digital animation, it's much cleaner and doesn't have as much noise, but if we're in our hand-drawn era, frames be shakin' and grainy! We only have 256 colours so any non-vital frames should be removed so they're not hogging up our sharp colours. I have quite a small GIF here, 36 frames is no big deal, so the quality won't be necessarily important, but if you're doing something that's 200 frames it'll definitely losing a bit of colour and wasting a tonne of space.
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Again, a tiny 36 frame gif isn't the best, but by picking out shaky frames or ones that have blips you can see a bit of a contrast difference specifically in the clouds in this example thanks to having those extra colours, and the start of the GIF doesn't shake as much. The first GIF is also twice the size (1.92 MB vs 954 KB) which means I could make a GIF twice as long with doing this before worrying about size issues. This is what my final timeline looks like:
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Beyond that, I wouldn't really do anything. I specifically adjusted each frame to match the original speed just so they would sync up the same for my comparison but normally I would have just re-timed every frame to be 0.12 seconds and adjust it using my own personal eye test to see if I think anything needs to be sped up or can be cut out even further.
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You can also add some overlay adjustments if you want, depending on the show I'll bother with that but usually it affects the quality, but dark scenes can sometimes need it. The only four I ever touch are brightness/contract, vibrance, hue/saturation, and colour balance. I don't have any specific numbers I use, I just slide them around until I'm happy with the result. Ultimately, I like to just keep shows as they were originally because my main goal is archival of things I like, but it can be nice to add some pop with brighter colours on shows with a dull palette. But yeah, feel free to message me in IM if you want more help. I'll help with a specific GIF so what I've said is maybe a little easier to understand how to apply things. There's lots of more other things you can do if you are more dedicated like blurs and sharpens but I don't really bother with that anymore.
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habibialkaysani · 5 months
hi and belated eid mubarak!! i love your gifs and they have made me interested in gifmaking! i was wondering if you had any advice/tutorials for a photoshop illiterate who wants to make gifs? thanks!
aw thank you anon - both for the kind words and the eid mubarak :)
so I taught myself photoshop and the first bit of advice I would give is to let yourself be bad at it. I deffo think that is easier said than done esp if you're a perfectionist, but you're going to start out with basic things and you're not always going to get it right. and that's fine because ultimately gifmaking is for fun. for me, anyway, it helps keep me sane, lol, so if there are imperfections in my gifs - which there often are - I don't mind so much. I look back on a lot of my earliest gifs and I just hate them. the colouring, the text, the everything basically. it's so bad. but giffing is something that gets better with practice I think.
I've made a couple giffing tutorials here and here but I reckon you'd need to learn the basics before you can start thinking about selective colouring and sharpening and other things like that.
another tip would be to try and download high quality versions of whatever you're giffing. I'd say at a minimum you need 720p but ideally 1080p because it really makes a difference to your gifs' quality.
logos and watermarks - for the love of god, try to crop those out if you can. I'd much rather see less of a character's head if it means I don't have to see an ugly watermark that can ruin a gif. especially if you then add text on top of that.
if you have poc in your gifs, or even if you don't, just be aware that shows can often wash out characters' skin tones etc. you also don't want white characters to be too pink, lol.
when giffing, if you have any sort of "night light" (yknow the setting that reduces blue light to prevent eye strain) on, make sure to turn it off before you start colouring, as that will affect what your gifs look like to everyone.
I'd say start off with making gifs and focus on how to colour them properly, before you start making gifs with text. when you do make gifs with text, feel free to play around with different fonts - there are loads of free font websites on google you can use.
if you want, you can use something like trello or even a word or google doc to keep track of all your giffing ideas, and try to match the scene to the lyric or poem or whatever quote you're using, if it's that kind of text gifset. and of course remember to proofread the text on your gifs and on your captions.
I'm sure there are lots of photoshop tutorials out there for beginners. am not sure where to direct you for those as I mostly learned it by ear, and it was probably over eight years ago that I started messing around with photoshop myself. but I wish you luck, anon, and am flattered that my gifs made you want to start!
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randomboo256 · 2 years
CTR: Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (2019) Review
[This review is a continuation of my Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy review. Please read that (and by extension my whole Crash Bandicoot review saga) first.]
In 2019, Activision Blizzard released Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, a from-the-ground-up remake of Crash’s racing title. I have mixed feelings about this remake. On one hand, I think it’s great and it’s an objective improvement over the original. On the other hand, I have big issues with it. Both game design issues and moral issues. Let’s just jump into the comparison. 
Firstly, the obvious: graphics. While I had my issues with the artstyle in N. Sane Trilogy, I don’t have them here. CTR barely has you look at your character so your attention is fully focused on the environments you’re racing through, and I think they look incredible. This game can look stunning across the board. Lots of very pretty levels. Coco Park is probably my favorite in terms of visuals. However, there’s a major issue with the graphics, and that’s the performance. As I've mentioned earlier, this game only runs 30 FPS on all consoles, even the PS4 Pro and the PS5 with no next gen update on the horizon. The resolution is decent at least, on PS5 anyway. On Nintendo Switch, the game is locked to an ugly 720p, even docked. Honestly, this is unacceptable. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe looks just as pretty as this game and it runs a crystal clear 1080p and a buttery smooth 60fps on Switch. The fact Crash can’t even manage 60 on PS5 is pathetic. What makes it worse is that Nitro Fueled never got a PC release. So that means that not only is there no official way to play the game on PC, but there’s also no official way to play the game with a decent frame rate. However, that’s not to say there’s no way to play the game at 60fps. Since this game is on Switch, it can be emulated with Yuzu, and it runs flawlessly. On Yuzu, you can upscale the game to 1440p and beyond and you can also apply a simple 60fps patch. Now you can play the game with some decent visuals. You are held back by the Switch’s inherent visual drawbacks, but it’s worth it for the frame rate. If a fan can get this game running at 60fps, then they have no excuse.
Well graphics aside, how well does the gameplay hold up? The gameplay on the whole is mostly unchanged. There are subtle downgrades though, mainly to jumps. It’s simultaneously harder to land high jumps due to awkward collisions and easier to overshoot jumps due to their new momentum physics. There are other changes too, but they’re more subtle. Of course, none of the tracks were redesigned with the new physics changes in mind, so it simply plays worse, much like the N. Sane Trilogy. However, I don’t think it’s a game ruiner here like it was in Crash 1. These changes are, like I said, subtle. They’re only really noticeable if you compare the games back to back. So while Nitro Fueled does have worse gameplay, it’s barely noticeable so it's not a deal breaker. 
Besides, unlike N. Sane Trilogy, Nitro Fueled is far more than just the same game again with prettier graphics and worse gameplay. The N. Sane Trilogy only had one original thing in the whole game, being a post launch level. Nitro Fueled is jam packed with an insane amount of new content. We have an absolutely massive roster with 56 playable characters, all of which having plenty of unique skins. We also have an insane number of kart parts. Between bodies, tires, paint jobs, and stickers the amount of unique kart combinations is limitless. We have 40 tracks, all of which having their own time trials with different time crate placements and the new ring challenge mode with various ring placements. We also have battle mode, which itself has a good handful of maps with a bunch of different battle modes. They even remade all of the content from Crash Nitro Kart and just included it with this game. Combine that with the remade Adventure mode and a ton of stuff I didn’t mention, and this game is fucking insane with how much content it has. Even if the gameplay changes were bad enough to be really noticeable, the amount of content this game has alone would justify playing it. 
This is a great remake! So how did they fuck it up?
When I was just boasting about all this game’s content like its character count and customization options, I left out one crucial detail: how to unlock that content. The vast majority of this game’s content is locked behind the Pit Stop Shop. The Pit Stop Shop is a Fortnite-style store where a small collection of random items will be available for purchase for that day only. The next day everything will refresh. This store is online only, so if you don’t have an internet connection, you can’t buy anything. That means that most of the content on the disc/cartridge can’t be accessed without an internet connection and presumably once the Pit Stop Shop servers go down, so will most of the game. It gets worse though. How do you buy these items? You buy them with Wumpa Coins. How do you get Wumpa Coins? Well, either by grinding by playing online matches to get pitifully small amounts of coinage or by, you guessed it, spending money on microtransactions. Good ol’ Activision Blizzard. We all saw this coming, right? Let’s not forget that the whole reason this company even exists in the way it does today is because Activision wanted to jump on the live service bandwagon. 
However, I wouldn’t blame you for thinking this game wouldn’t have this bullshit considering that, quite literally, one month before launch the developers told us that this game wouldn’t have microtransactions at all. Then the game came out, and no microtransactions in sight. Everyone praised the game for not doing that in their reviews. Then a month after launch, after the positive reviews had gone out and after a lot of people already bought the game and got deeply invested in it, Activision announced they were adding microtransactions to the game. Not only that, but the in game shop “coincidentally” started upping the prices of everything within the shop. They made unlocking basic cosmetics a hell of a lot grindier all for the sake of pushing people into wasting their money on this crap. How utterly despicable, especially in a game aimed towards children. 
On the bright side, at least the online was good, right? Crash Team Racing is a game I’d love to have an online mode so I can play with other people. Adding an online mode to a CTR remake sounds like an incredible idea, and it is! Well, in concept at least. The online in Nitro Fueled was dead on arrival. Not even a few months after launch passed before people stopped playing. Gee, I wonder what happened to this game within a few months of launch that would turn off a lot of players. HMM. Anyway, it would take ages to find a full match, and when you did it wasn’t worth it. The most dedicated players were too advanced and the game had no matchmaking, so casual players will get destroyed and just stop playing. The characters were unbalanced. Every character was assigned an arbitrary class, and some classes were simply better than others. If you were a big Coco fan but you wanted a speed focused character, you were shit out of luck. Large portions of the roster weren’t even worth playing. The online didn’t even have servers! It was all peer to peer, which just made lag and disconnections even more of an issue. It also didn’t help the wait times either. That was all within a few months of launch. Nowadays, the game is completely dead. The only places to find a good race is in private servers with friends. Even worse is that their “live service” gave up not even a year after launch. The game was released in June 2019 and the last update was March 2020. What a joke. 
Keep in mind that these past few paragraphs were based not on my own personal experience. I wasn't there at launch and I based this review off of an offline-only Yuzu version of the game. It's possible that people were exaggerating or maybe some things are fixed now. Feel free to take some of that with a grain of salt, but honestly nothing that I've heard from others then repeated here sounded remotely far fetched to me and a lot of it was backed up by a lot of other people's personal accounts. So while it's possible some of this might not be true, I believe all of it and I would never intentionally lie to people.
In conclusion, Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled was a great remake that was ruined by unbelievable greed. I’d expect nothing less from Activision Blizzard, one of the worst companies making video games today between their anti-consumer practices, their anti-employee practices, and just their general discrimination against marginalized groups. Truly they’re just anti-everyone (except their top dogs). Look, if all you care about is the gameplay and the amount of content that’s technically on display, it’s not an awful game. It is fun and the content is still there, but I just can’t recommend this game on either a product level nor on a moral level to anyone. If you want to experience Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, the best way to is simply emulate the game with 60fps and all the Pit Stop Shop content unlocked from the get go. That will mean that you won’t be able to play the game online, but no one was using the online anyway from what I've heard. Unless you were planning on joining an online private community for this game or were planning on playing it online with your friends, there’s no reason to play this game via the official means. I’m aware that I’m suggesting piracy, but Activision Blizzard is awful so fuck them. Piracy is fine, at least in their case. It’s always moral to pirate games that were being sold by awful corporations.
Now with all that said, I’m done talking about Crash Bandicoot for now. I could go into more detail into the era of games in-between after Naughty Dog left and before the modern day revival began, but I'm honestly tired of this orange marsupial. But still, 6 essay reviews (8 if you count the multiple parts) over the course of 5 days. That's definitely a new record to me. I haven't posted anything on Tumblr here in a while, so consider this an apology I guess.
Oh who am I kidding? No one reads these things.
Well regardless, that's all folks.
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So my not-a-cyberdeck monitor lasted about 12 hours before the second battery was red.
And I plan to have monitor power control. So that's good.
After consideration, I'm going with dietpi, not manjaro on this pi 400- terminal/ tui tools for configuration of wifi and such are important.
Continuing the no-mouse setup, I want a tiling window manager... configurable not to tile. A 10 inch 720p screen is not a multitasker. Qtile... refused to install, because known issues that nobody apparently cares to claim as theirs to fix - so usual dependency hell.
AwesomeWM comes equally well recommended - Lua is one of those languages that is Ugly But Bearable in my view. So now I need to figure out what I can safely tear out of this config - multiple desktops? No. Tiling? Everything that can be maximized will be. No vim-ery. I want my alt+tab lest I be driven mad.
I miss gnomes launcher already. That was good keyboard handling. Even if everything else was pricy.
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miralrd · 2 years
Wallpaper wizard hd wallpapers collection
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1025x2048px tokyo revengers, tokyo manji, mikey, hd mobile wallpaper Tokyo ravens anime wallpaper photo background wallpapers images. Check out this fantastic collection of tokyo revengers mikey wallpapers, with 82 tokyo revengers mikey. Tower, japan, tokyo, hd wallpaper Pinterest tokyo ravens cute neko . Tokyo ravens, tokyo, cool anime picture>.
Sincerely, MacPaw Team.800x1281px, 720p freeload | mikey, art, tokyo revenge, sano manjiro, draken, manga, sano, anime, hd mobile wallpaper | peakpx. Please contact our support team at if you have the additional comments, we will be glad to know it. We would like to inform you, that we are constantly working on improving and filling our collection of wallpapers in order to make it more convenient to all our users. We are really sorry to hear, that you are not completely satisfied with Wallpaper Wizard 2. Mi dispiace di averla pure acquistata a 6€ con lo sconto……….ĭISINSTALLATA IMPIETOSAMENTE……………….SORRY! Non mi funzionava il cambio di foto nel desktop a una determinata ora (Il Roll)……… Le foto non sono granché e la scelta non è delle mie preferite oltre a essere messe un po a casaccio (che me ne faccio di una diecina di foto di biciclette? ecc. come: Hider 2, CleanMyMac e CleanMy Drive 2 e mi sono trovato sempre bene tanto è vero che sono sul mio MacBookPro da diversi anni, ma questa applicazione (Wallpaper Wizard 2) non mi è proprio piaciuta……. Per chi non si ferama al costo e riesce ad andare oltre avrà buone soddisfazioni da questa App. Le foto almeno fino ad ora sono di eccellente qualità su un monitor Apple da 27 pollici retina non si notano ne grana grossa ne artefatti di sorta, queste foto sono in alta risoluzione e quindi danno un colpo d’occhio incredibile. è ben fatta, semplice di bella grafica e immediata, in pochi secondi fai tutto, un plauso va alla zona degli sfondi preferiti che col tempo ti permetterà di isolare quegli sfondi che ti piacciono di più per poterli utilizzare a piacimento con facilità e rapidità, si sa col tempo gli sfondi aumenteranno e quindi questa piccola possibilità ti farà risparmiare tempo, questo e la semplicità d’uso ne fanno un prodottino tutto sommato non male.
Il costo è un alto, però dato che la quantità di materiale è piuttosto buona e viene aggiornata con alta frequenza, direi che alla fine per chi lavora col Mac tutto il giorno avere degli sfondi quanto più vari e belli rompe la monotonia, alla fine ne vale la pena, la App. Get Multi-display as an in-app purchase and literally surround yourself with beauty. Save your best-loved backgrounds to Favorites, so that you never lose themĪnd finally, even if you juggle multiple displays, Wallpaper Wizard 2 will make them all pretty. All desktop wallpapers are grouped into collections for easy browsing Nature, textures, flowers, sea views - anything you feel like today, you got it Or set desktop pictures manually if you don’t like an ever-changing screenĮasily find whatever wallpapers you like: Set Roll to switch your wallpapers as often as you want Add all backgrounds you like to Roll and have the app change them for you Get a new desktop wallpaper every week, day, or hour: All images are in 4K quality to look crisp even on large Retina displays Curated photos only, so no ugly vector art and pixelated pics Over 25,000 wallpapers, with new arrivals monthly Never run out of good desktop backgrounds: Finally, you can spare yourself the pain of sifting through Google Images - with Wallpaper Wizard 2, you’ll have enough fresh wallpapers for your Mac’s entire lifetime. Choose from hundreds of curated desktop pictures in HD, and the app will set you a new background every week, day, or hour.
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ayo-edebiri · 4 years
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inspi (x)
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
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bl dramas + tents ⛺️
- requested by anonymous ♡
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niccolofares · 3 years
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Trollhunter: ToA / Trollhunter: RotT
Ah now you’re getting it.
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mitchmarner · 4 years
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mitch and marty reunited on the world’s lowest quality stream
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goyurim · 4 years
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bangtanger · 5 years
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