#moon attempts ps
alessiamalfoyzabini · 20 days
To Love You
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Pairing | wanted!Jimin x princess!Reader
Word Count | 16,1k
Warnings | +18, angst, smut, Jimin is a wanted outlaw, mention of dead parents and conspiracy, the new king is a slimy being, mention of hatred, painful feelings and abandonment, many tears, Jimin is allergic to romantic feelings 💀, murders (sword, poison, torture…), attempted rape, lots of kissing and touching, breast worship, love marks, talks about having a baby, impregnation kink, sex in the woods, virginity loss, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, licking pussy, forcing orgasm, mild fantasy!AU toward the end, this is not for minors.
⤷ Summary | You have been separated from your beloved and your kingdom is under the rule of a heartless man, but all is not lost.
➢ Author's Note | I wrote this story because after Dark Moon I found it hard to part with Jimin, and at the same time I wanted to bring some sweetness to heal my heart a little, I hope you enjoy this story ❤️
ps: all images used for the banner belong exclusively to me!
Permanent Taglist: @katherine-kookie @btsuga-d @reallygenerouskoala @velvet-stardust2002, @takemeaway5402 @angelicsmilesworld @pantara @ke1k029 @btssimpjaneth
⋆。 ゚ ︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ゚ 。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚ ︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ゚ 。 ⋆⋆。 ゚ ︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ゚ 。
"The multi-murderer Park Jimin here, the rebel leader who has been sowing terror in our lands for years, stealing from our families and killing our children, is sentenced to capital punishment, tomorrow at dawn the gallows will await his head."
A buzz rises in the room, all the attention of those present is focused on the commander of His Majesty's Royal Guards, the man is reading an official communiqué, with every word your heart receives a painful, deafening stinging.
Your eyes are steady on the blond-haired boy, kneeling in the middle of the hall, his mischievous gaze on the king, your uncle.
"The condemned man will be escorted immediately to his cell, where he will remain until the following morning, in the hope that he will repent of his deplorable deeds and ask God for forgiveness."
The boy’s grin deepens, in his ice-colored eyes that contributed to his fame, shines an amused spark, you know what it means… it’s that attitude of his that made you fall in love with him, your Jimin.
"Deplorable is forgetting the poor people you have killed for your own interests, mine was only justice, my lords...there should be someone else in my place, you all know that," the barb aimed directly at the king makes everyone present hold their breath. including you.
To address a tyrant ruler like your uncle in that way is simply insane, by your side you see the man in question clenching his fists and narrowing his gaze, but he dare not go on a rampage, not in front of his subjects, at least.
"Take him to his cell, that's where such a beast deserves to be," the king hisses, and when the guards badly pull Jimin to his feet, he finally looks at you-it's only an instant, but it's enough for you to notice his expression change from mischievous to wistful.
You barely hold back the tears as they take him away, unable to say or do anything, you promised him, you promised him you would do nothing foolish or dangerous, but your heart clenched in a painful grip calls out to him and longs to feel his embrace again, but yours is a secret that must be kept silent and hidden.
You feel a hand wrap itself around your shoulders and you shudder, watching your uncle's dark eyes stare at you suspiciously, the crown jewels shining wickedly on his head, as if mocking you, a princess forgotten by her people.
"Is there something you would like to say, my niece?" his words creep disgustingly down your spine, you want to spit in his face, but you hold back.
You clutch your robes in your hands, imprinting your best smile on your lips.
"No, Your Highness, I am calmer now, finally that outlaw has been caught" uttering those words kills you inside, it is before you the real outlaw, the one who plotted against your father to usurp his throne, you are alive only because you are a sweet and important pawn in your uncle's game, if you want to conquer a new country without shedding blood, you need a precious bargaining chip, no?
And in your veins runs the pure blood of a princess, an opportunity too tempting for your uncle who is already itching to give you away in marriage to who knows what spoiled, deadbeat prince.
You sense a gentler hand pulling you away, it is your wet nurse, sweet old Harun, she curtseys to your uncle and when he turns his attention to the other nobles in the room, the woman finally speaks, "Come, my lady, you must rest now" you let yourself be dragged away from her like a shattered rag doll, once this woman could patch you up, now you doubt that playing another of her games to cheer you up will have the desired effect, the love of your life will be executed tomorrow.
"It's over, Harun," you say with a sob stuck in your throat, "It's really over..." Harun stares at you with tears in her eyes.
After all, she witnessed your love; before he was an outlaw, Jimin was the son of a knight of the king, one of your father's best friends, you grew up together, you watched him practicing with his sword in the imperial gardens, hidden among the hedges as a princess should not have done, he loved practicing with you during dance lessons, you were very close and Harun had never dared to push you away, aware of the importance of a young love like yours.
After your uncle killed the king, Jimin's father rebelled by not accepting the new ruler and found death awaiting him, his family was stripped of its noble title and robbed of all wealth, throwing Jimin into a spiral of hatred and revenge.
He found ways to stir up trouble for the new king and his court by looting their homes or killing important members of their families, you on your side knew he was alive because of the whispers coming from the servants, with regret you realize that you saw his handsome face again as he was kneeling at the new king's feet and it will probably be the last time as well.
Harun gives you time to enter your bedroom, "My lady, Jimin never blamed you for what happened to him."
You smile softly, "I know, he... he is good, Harun, Jimin is good."
The elderly woman nods understandingly, it is when you sit on the bed that you notice something. Before you leave, Harun deliberately lets something slip among your things; it's a key.
"I hope you can both be happy, princess," she says before closing the door behind her.
With slow, tentative steps you reach for the key, you look around fearfully, almost expecting your uncle to pop out from somewhere, ready to accuse you of treachery, but when you grab the key to the castle dungeons nothing of what you imagined happens, you look out your window, the moon in the sky is high and motherly, almost inviting you to follow your heart, and with a salty smile you clutch the key to your chest.
Just for the thoughts invading your mind you deserve condemnation, but what do you have to lose now? If the love of your life dies tomorrow at dawn, then you will stand by his side, not among cruel people looking down on him.
Take a last look at your room, you spent a wonderful childhood within those walls; on the bed wrapped in tulle and silk you embroidered with your mother, on the carpet with your family crest you played while Harun braided your hair, good-naturedly reprimanding you if you spoke a little too loudly and smiling sweetly you remember at the window a young and cunning Jimin climbing a tree to join you in your rooms, that's how your first and only kiss happened, it was a light and chaste touch, but it was enough to leave you with your heart wrapped in joy.
Then it was all over, no more games, laughter or shy hugs at every corner of the castle. The new king ruined everything.
The night welcomes you and slips with you as you move like a shadow within the castle walls, after years of dancing your step is so light that the heels of your shoes do not make the slightest noise, you clutch the light shawl you have carried with you over your shoulders, shivering at the draught that penetrates through the draughts of the dungeons, you have found no guards as you pass, they are all focused on protecting the king and his apartments, the fear of possible revenge from Jimin's men is too vivid for them.
You descend the stone steps covering your nose with your shawl, the smell of mold is strong and makes your eyes water, drops of water whose origin is unknown to you fall from the ceiling, it is so dark that you are forced to take a torch from the wall and use it to light your way, the flame dances sinuously with your every movement and you finally access the last part of the long and winding corridor. A sickening smell of urine overtakes you as you approach the filthy cells, Jimin is locked up in such a place, another wicked way of trying to humiliate him.
There are five cells in all, in front of them you notice a wooden table with two chairs, that's where you immediately go, take the bottle of wine and swallow, you have to.
It's something you've always thought of reserving for your uncle someday, but Jimin's life is more important, so you firmly detach the thin chain you've been wearing around your neck since your father's death from your neck, you look one last time at the silver pendant with your family crest, then you open it with a small click and its contents are revealed, you throw a few pieces of the wolfsbane root into the wine, hoping that the guards will drink it before they realize what had been done, and with a shuddering breath you hide the necklace in the pockets of your dress.
Then, as if you hadn't just poisoned the bottle, you slowly make your way to the dirty rooms enclosed by old iron bars, you illuminate the cramped space of each cell by the torchlight flame, you notice beds of dirty, old straw and dark stains on the wall, you don't even want to imagine what it could be.
You notice a soft humming, it is gentle and sweet, you swallow recognizing the melody, he is there.
You approach the last cell with your heart in your throat, you haven't seen him in years, you don't know exactly how he will react to your presence, you repeat Harun's words in your head as you use the key she gave you to open the cell, the noise is creepy as you open the rusted iron door, the shadows inside are even more so.
You take a step in there, your feet meet more straw, it is so dark that you can only rely on the torch you clutch in your hand and the moonlight filtering through a tiny barred window, you try to look around but suddenly the flame goes out, the loss of light provokes in you the instinct to scream, but one hand rushes to close your mouth while another grabs you by the side, holding you to a warm body you didn't think you could touch again.
You shudder when the tip of his nose lightly brushes your neck, and you are inflamed to realize that he is inhaling your fragrance. You feel him smile against your skin before leaving a kiss on it that makes you lose several beats and your hair stand up pleasantly.
"What's a princess like you doing in a place like this... with someone like me?" he whispers in your ear as the tempting devil would, you'd be lying if you said he had no effect on you, your mind and body are hopelessly drawn to him.
His hand releases your mouth and reaches down to your neck, tightening it in a deliberately weak grip, you lick your lips before responding.
"I'm here to set you free, Jimin," you say softly, this makes him snort in amusement.
"Set me free? Oh, Y/N... I'm not afraid to die" you tremble when he says your name and turn in his arms, you try to look into his eyes but the only thing you catch is the dangerous glint in them.
"I do, I am afraid! I don't want you to die, Jimin..." you whisper in a broken voice and finally allow yourself to embrace him, rest your head on his warm chest and although he doesn't reciprocate, he does nothing to stop you.
It's a strange feeling you feel, he left you he was a skinny little boy full of rage, now he is a man facing death head on, but you are not ready to let him go one more time.
"And I don't want you to be here when the guards come back, this is high treason to the crown, Y/N," he growls looking at the open cell door and clutching your shoulders, he wants you to leave, you know.
"Do you think I care? No, Jimin... I stopped being a princess when my father and mother died, when you were forced to leave and left me alone" you say the last word bitterly, "If I die saving you, I will accept my fate."
He slowly pushes you back, each step brings you closer to the light filtering through the small window, and when you end up with your back to the wall, you can finally see clearly the face of the man he has become and your breath catches, his peculiar eyes hold a torment that does not shine through in his brazen voice, you raise a hand to his face and shyly brush the line of his jaw, his golden locks shine under the moonlight glow, it is shocking.
"You don't even know what you're saying, you're a silly princess who's read too many books and now thinks she can save an outlaw" he laughs softly shaking his head, "Go back to your room, Y/N and forget me" when he turns away from you and you lose the little hold you have on him, the world comes crashing down on you.
Forget him? He has no idea how many years you spent waiting for him, hoping he would take you away from your uncle's clutches, he never came to get you and yet you never stopped hoping, you shake your head looking at him sorrowfully. It is easy for him to say such a thing, after all, he has already left you in his past, a past he has turned his back on.
"You're probably right, I'm a silly princess who has read too many books and now wants to save an outlaw, but I won't forget you," you hiss feeling a sudden surge of anger, because if you gave in to the sadness that now clutches your heart you would find yourself crying on your knees and he doesn't deserve that, "It may have been very easy for you to make me disappear from your mind and heart, but don't think we're the same in this."
He does not answer you, you know he is gritting his teeth by the rhythmic click of his jaw, you thought you had found him and instead you are looking at a stranger.
"You've grown ... and you've changed," you whisper before turning toward the exit with a chill in your body, "The cell is open and the guards are focused on protecting the king, you pretty much have the coast clear."
Before you can leave, his voice stops you.
"What will happen to you? Every action has a repercussion, princess."
You smile without amusement; it's ridiculous how he avoids facing your feelings by pretending they don't exist.
"Don't waste your time on me and go, it's not even certain that they will find out," you sigh with one last look at the man who stole your heart and soul before freezing you, he now has his hands clasped around the bars of the window, as if he refuses to look at you. It is stupid what you are about to do, but you need one last test.
You let your shawl slide to the ground; if it is still in the straw tomorrow, you will be condemned in Jimin's place; if, on the other hand, the guards do not find it, it means the boy has taken it with him. You know you are being selfish, but you wish a part of you would stay with him, even though he would probably like not to think of you again.
"Jimin!" one of his friends notices him, and relief is immediate in the group.
They welcome him with open arms as he collapses to the ground, tired but happy to still have his head attached to his neck.
"We were already prepared to intervene during the public trial, but this changes everything! How did you escape?" Hoseok asks him with wide eyes, Jimin brings a hand to his damp and dirty hair, seriously in need of a bath after spending a night running through dirty streets and dirt.
"I was helped ... by a friend, let's say," he replies through clenched teeth, gratefully taking the water bottle Yoongi is handing him.
"A friend? Some servant girl you've had fun with in the past?" asks Taehyung smoothly, receiving a blow on the head from Namjoon.
It is Seokjin who notices the shawl that Jimin has tied around his waist, masterfully takes it before the boy can even notice and ignores the latter's protests.
"I'd say a princess," he says with a smile, spreading the fabric and displaying the royal family crest under the sunlight, "I knew it, she-"
"Stop. I know what you are going to say and I urge you to go no further," Jimin growls taking back your shawl, "She belongs in that castle."
"Kidnapping a princess is easy, so what's your problem?" in a not at all gentle way, Jungkook voices the question that has always crossed everyone's mind.
"Her place is not in that castle, everyone in the kingdom knows that ever since Cobra killed his brother and sister-in-law, he wants to use his niece as a bargaining chip with all countries provided with an heir" Namjoon looks at him sternly, but Jimin sighs.
"She is a princess, that is her duty."
He clutches your shawl tightly before getting up from the ground and heading to his tent, your place is not by his side, you are safer in that castle, whoever went against that foolish new king met his death, he will never forget the life in his father's eyes that faded away, nor the flames that burned his house and the king's guards that captured his mother and brothers, you will not end up the same way because of his selfishness, if leaving you by your uncle's side will preserve your life, then he will give up on you.
He clutches tightly at the fabric that still carries your sweet scent of vanilla and cookies, it was devastating to have had you next to him again without being able to hold you as he would have liked, for a moment the memories of childhood lulled him tenderly, but you are two different people now, he is different and must let you go, it is for your own good he thinks as he ties your shawl around his duffle bag, trying not to think back to the pain in your voice as you left the cell.
Someday, when you have a family of your own, you will understand the reason behind his every action.
The walls tremble at the king's shouts, he is furious.
Everyone in the hall looks at each other nervously, you keep your vacant and tired gaze, it has been three days since Park Jimin's escape and your uncle shows no sign of ending his fury, he has executed five guards and two nobles of his court suspected of helping Jimin with the escape. The reason is the poison found in the wine that killed the sentries who were on guard that night; it is a plant found only in the royal gardens and only the king and the nobles of his court have access to it.
"Who dared to betray the king?" is the question circulating among those in the hall as you crinkle the skirt of your gown with nervous fingers, not regretting helping Jimin, but breathing the heavy air of these days is not easy.
"Who do you think could have done it, my niece?" when your uncle whispers the question in your ear you stiffen.
"I don't have enough evidence to accuse anyone, Your Majesty, the only thing I can say is that it must have been a fool with no conscience," you reply in as firm a tone as possible, your uncle scrutinizing you from head to toe before nodding.
"Yeah, a fool..." he hisses shifting his gaze to his nobles, out of the corner of your eye you notice Harun looking at you from the front door with sadness.
She expected Jimin to take you away with him, and truthfully you had hoped for that at first too, but you can't force a person to love you, it's a good thing things turned out this way, you can finally stop chasing a ghost and wishing for something you will never have.
When that day's reunion ends, you can finally be free to wander around the castle, what you don't expect is to find the king in your safe place, your mother's private little garden.
"Sire..." you whisper strangely, the king never dared to enter there, everything about those lush plants and flowers carries the memory of your mother, a beautiful and sensitive woman, but also very strong. She did not shy away from her brother-in-law's sword when he pointed it at her chest.
"Y/N, you are doing a very good job here," he nods in the direction of the white lilies in the height of their bloom, you do nothing to approach the man, you have always discreetly driven away his presence, but it is one thing to leave his halls, another to leave a place you consider your own, this may make him too suspicious.
He, however, seems not to notice your lack of response, too busy studying the many plants in the small garden.
"Go ahead and sit down and read one of your books, nephew...I'm just here to find some peace...I confess, Park Jimin's escape troubles me," he casts you a little glance and you clear your throat.
"You are the king, he cannot harm you in here, Sire."
The man nods weakly, but still looks tense.
"Oh, I know I am the king, my dear niece, but the idea that a traitor could live within the walls of my castle does not let me sleep at night."
You grit your teeth.
His castle? The castle he forcibly wrested from you and your family?
This is another humiliation to which you cannot respond as you actually want to, you swallow the knot in your throat.
"Precisely why I'm so disappointed... in you" you squint, possible...  "Y/N, I kept you alive when I took the throne years ago, you were such a pretty and malleable child, but maybe not enough" he continues before shaking off the dark cloak and pulling out something that locks your breath in your lungs.
In his fist he clutches your necklace, the one that contained the poison and that you thought you had hidden in the sewn folds of your dress, you don't know what to say, so you try to pretend.
"Oh! You found it, I've been looking for it for days," you exclaim in the most surprised tone you can imitate, but the man doesn't seem to be playing along with you.
"Don't lie to me, Y/N, this necklace was found inside the cell where Park Jimin was locked up, I had heard rumors about your childish feelings for that outlaw, but to go that far? To go so far as to betray me? I spared your life, I never denied you and your title of princess! I raised you as if you were my own daughter!" he shouts, violently pulling off a wolfsbane root hidden among the lilies.
Something snaps inside you at his insinuations, an anger you've been hatching for years that has never found an outlet.
"Raised as a daughter? You killed my father and mother for a crown! You put power and wealth first, you deprived me of a family, you did the same to Jimin and claim to pass as a victim now! You are a vile monster!"
Your uncle is quick to draw the same sword with which he had remorselessly severed your father's head, he points it at your throat and it is so close that you feel the blade press against your skin enough to scratch it, you inhale deeply trying to block the fear that makes your heart gallop against your rib cage.
"I am the king, I don't allow a foolish girl to judge my actions, I realize I was wrong to spare you that night...but what should I do with you now? Should I kill you now or..." a mad light flashes in his eyes, "Of course... a condemned will be there, you will take the place of your beloved Jimin," he hisses in your face, a slow smile makes room on your cheeks contrary to what the man expected.
He expected you to burst into tears and fall to your knees begging him to spare you, but you will not, you will honor your mother's memory.
"You're just a coward," you whisper amused, at which the man's face turns red with fury.
"Guards! Guards!" he shouts at that point, six men enter by breaking through the glass door from which you enter to reach your mother's garden, shards of glass surround you along with the soldiers, you have no escape and so you merely chill the king with your gaze, "Lock her up in the highest and most isolated tower of the castle, I sentence the princess to death for helping the dangerous fugitive Park Jimin escape from my prisons!"
"Your day will come, too, Uncle," you hiss furiously, "And when you find him before your eyes, you will fall to your knees begging him to spare your life, but he will not be so merciful," you announce proudly, not needing to utter Jimin's name to alert your uncle, the way he suddenly whitens is already an answer for you, you keep smiling as an austere-looking man tugs you badly, forgetting that he has a princess on his hands, or maybe they don't care, it's the king who matters to them.
As you are thrown to the floor inside what will be your final chamber, darkness engulfs you once the door is closed.
You cough hard involuntarily inhaling the air thick with dust and dirt, your eyes burn and you do not know whether from tears or from the irritants in the room, the only thing you are sure of is that tomorrow your entire kingdom will know of your death sentence.
They will probably learn of that news with indifference, wondering why the king did not kill you earlier, along with the rest of your family.
You often ask yourself that too, if he had killed you then, you would have died basking in the thought that Jimin loved you and would remember you forever.
"Let's move, we need to refuel in town before we leave," says Seokjin starting to saddle his horse, Namjoon on the other hand is busy cataloging all their stuff to avoid losing anything after yet another move.
"Taehyung's not back yet?" complains Hoseok snortingly, picking up the "stupid guy's" bag, Jungkook shrugs in response.
They sent Taehyung to check the situation in town, moving in a group would have been dangerous; it's always better to check one at a time that the coast is clear.
"Strange, he should be here already," Jimin whispers as he squints, their momentary safe place in the heart of the forest is now almost completely clear, only Taehyung is missing.
"Maybe he's found something interesting," murmurs Yoongi crossing his arms and staring at an unspecified point toward the horizon, everyone staring at him in confusion before hearing Taehyung's voice.
"Jimin!" exclaimed Taehyung coming galloping in a breathless gallop, Hoseok cursing.
"I hope no one saw you running and screaming like that, you asshole," he growls, but Taehyung overtakes him with wide eyes and a paper clutched in his hand.
"Jimin, it's about the princess!" silence instantly replaces the protests of the others, Jimin stiffens as he stares guardedly at the paper Taehyung is clutching so desperately, "That fool of a king-" is interrupted by his friend who snatches the flyer from his hands to read it himself.
A boulder falls into his stomach and the ground is as if shaking beneath his feet, the king has sentenced you to death, you will end up hanging with a noose around your neck for helping him escape, he clutches the piece of paper tightly, shaking with fury.
You should not have helped him, you should not have risked your life for someone like him, when he thinks of how he treated you before you left he feels only immense shame.
"We should have kidnapped her when I proposed it," Jungkook sighs before saddling his horse as well.
"Saving her is the more appropriate term," Yoongi corrects him, adjusting his leather vest before turning to Jimin, "What do you want to do now?"
Jimin lets out a laugh full of malice, his adamantine eyes shining as he observes the king's seal in the communiqué.
"Are you still convinced that leaving her in that castle is the only way to keep her safe?" asks Namjoon sarcastically, Jimin shakes his head.
"In light of the new events, I would say no," he sighs reluctantly, handing the communiqué to Hoseok.
"The execution is in two days, we have to find a way to get into the castle and find her."
"He probably locked her up in the most isolated tower, he did the same with her mother before he killed her, it's as if he enjoys seeing them wallowing in fear," the blond man forcefully clutches a twig picked from the ground before snapping it in two, wishing he had the king's neck in his hands.
"Now with all those guards circling her it will be harder to kidnap a princess, but nothing is impossible for us," sneers Jungkook, but Jimin doesn't seem thrilled at the idea of having you back by his side, filling him with unease and remorse, reminding him of all the years he was absent and didn't really care how you might feel sitting side by side with the monster who killed your parents.
Someone squeezes his shoulder in comfort, it is Jin who is looking at him with a smile, "Hey, if you explain everything to her she will understand, from what you told me, she seems like a smart and intelligent girl."
Jimin grins slightly and nods.
"She is."
You look out the small tower window with tears in your eyes, you don't know how many hours you have been crying now, what your uncle did was deplorable and cruel.
You were allowed to sleep with your sweet old Harun beside you, you had to imagine that behind that concession was the cruel promise of a snake.
‘With the princess dead, there is no need for a wet nurse anymore’ is what the king said before ordering the guards to carry Harun away to the outside, exactly in the direction of your window, before they began to slaughter her amidst the screams of both of you, you shook the bars at the window of the hope of breaking them and reaching her, but it had all been in vain, Harun died almost immediately, she preferred not to withstand the blows to spare you the suffering of watching her fight like an animal for who knows how long.
Your throat burns as you sob, her body is still there, no one has gone to cover her, they are simply waiting for the ravens to arrive.
You slowly fall to your knees letting go of your grip on the bars, your hands are encrusted with blood and your nails are broken, you clutch your hands to your chest remembering your wet nurse who apologized to you the night before for encouraging you to free Jimin, repeating numerous times that she firmly believed you would run away together.
You feel guilty, perhaps if you had not requested Harun's presence, she would not have come into the king's sights, you find yourself wishing the hours would pass quickly, you do not want to be alone with your thoughts, they are too scary, death in comparison seems like a sweet promise.
Suddenly you hear the creak of the old door opening, for a moment - your despite yourself - you brighten up, believing you'll find Jimin ready to help you, but the dream soon shatters once again, it's not Jimin, it's one of the guards, and then you frown, what is he doing here? The king has expressly ordered that no one should speak to you again.
"What do you want, sir?" you ask with a strange feeling in your stomach, the guard sneers.
"A change of room, the king has ordered it," you stare at the open door, then back at the guard, it's a boy who looks familiar to you, he has black hair and droopy eyes.
You don't ask any further questions, you get up from the floor and shaking off the dust you let him grab you by the arm, though you grit your teeth in anger you dare not say anything, it's still better than having chains on your wrists and ankles.
He takes you outside urgently, you don't see the other guards and it makes you suspicious, you remember there were at least three outside the door, what is going on?
It is when you get to the fourth flight of stairs that you feel a violent grip on your shoulder before you are forced into a small, dark room, perhaps a closet used by the servants to store items, you scream with all your might, but the man's slimy mouth immediately covers yours, it is disgusting as you try to force his tongue between your lips and with a firm conk in your throat you bite it off with all your might.
This makes him flinch away with a yelp, it's dark and you can't see anything, you can only imagine him probing his tongue with his fingers to make sure it's still attached, you spit out his blood shuddering.
"You know..." he begins panting, "I've never been with a princess, I must say you are much better than servants," he laughs like a maniac returning again to his intent, trying to lift your dress skirts, but every time he tries to sneak his hand in, he always finds a kick to hit it badly.
With your heart engaged in a mad rush, you try to defend yourself as best you can, you've never been in a situation like this, but you won't let this happen, ever.
You desperately grope for something behind you, his wine-smelling breath twisting your guts and when he comes to lick your neck you manage to hold on to something cold and spiky, you don't even need to ask for forgiveness for what you are about to do, you don't even feel a hint of guilt as you start hitting him viciously wherever you can, with a snarl he tries to block your hands but you manage to knock him unconscious with one last blow.
You open the door to the small room to escape and the man's body collapses to the floor, you finally recognize him, he is the son of the guards' captain, and a rush of satisfaction fills your chest as you think back to what they did to Harun, then you suddenly realize you are free.
You don't know exactly where you're going to go, but you have a chance to escape and you're not going to miss a golden opportunity like that.
To enter the castle they used an old and dense series of underground tunnels leading to every corner of the palace, to be on the safe side Jimin chose the one that would lead them to the kitchens populated only by servants at certain times.
"Well, we're in," Hoseok snorts, shaking cobwebs from his clothes in disgust, "Now what?"
"We should split up and check every single tower, just in case," proposes Seokjin nabbing an apple from the basket in the large kitchen, Jimin looks around wistfully, brushing against the massive old wooden table he remembers all the afternoons spent with you stealing cookies with the complicity of Harun and the cook, with the old housekeeper always at your heels repeating to you to go back to the lessons with the riding teacher.
"Be careful, the castle is swarming with soldiers," the blond warns them before going on his way, refusing to take anyone else with him.
He moves through the shadows of the palace, making sure to avoid every corner illuminated by the light of the flashlights hanging on the walls of almost every corridor, his stride is light despite the leather boots he is wearing, he is getting closer and closer to the throne room and he shouldn't, he is there to save you, but... if he kills the king you will ascend to the throne.
He tries to calm his breathing, the idea of coming face to face again with the man responsible for his downfall is too much for him, it would be delightful to sever the head from his neck and proclaim a new ruler, one man's death would be enough to end both of their nightmares.
Before he can even really realize it, he has reached the vicinity of the throne room, hidden behind a secluded corner he watches the guards lurking at each corner of the door.
Opening his palm he slowly slides a dagger down his arm to his wrist, grasps the handle foretasting the moment when he will plunge the blade into the living flesh of the two soldiers in the king's service, one of them yawns sonorously and keeps his eyes almost completely closed, receiving a shove from the other.
"Hey, I'm going for a check-up, try not to fall asleep as usual, you boar," he growls before putting his hand on the sword hilt and walking away looking around.
Jimin sneers as he licks his lower lip, drops his cloak hood and calmly approaches the displeased man.
"Why do I always have to stay on guard?" he hears him mutter, "That prick really turns my-" the words stop in the middle of his throat while Jimin is cutting it, it is such a smooth movement his that it now seems remarkably natural.
The man doesn't resist, he moans in a hushed voice as he collapses to the ground accompanied by the blond man who doesn't mind the blood smeared on his cloak, the stench of alcohol the soldier exudes, he can swear he was too drunk to try to react in any other way, everything seems to be going in his favor and he can't help but bask in the pleasure of what is about to take place.
When he enters the great throne room, he cannot help but think of the time when he found himself kneeling before the king in a humiliating position, but that night everything will be reversed.
The young man remembers the walls finished in gold and silver, but the frescoes proclaiming King Cobra as the victor are new, depicting hunting scenes and valiant battles to feed the man's narcissistic side, but they are all lies, Jimin knows and so does Cobra himself.
The king's back is turned and he is holding his hands behind his back, he is carefully watching something from the high windows of the throne room, perhaps he does not sense the presence creeping behind him or simply ignores it, the fact is that when Jimin points his sword at his back, the man does not move an inch, he remains ice cold.
"I knew you would come back for her, Jimin," there is an amused note in his voice, Jimin thins his gaze.
"For her? I came back to kill you," the boy growls, pressing the gleaming blade harder.
"Um..." the man brings a hand to his face to smooth his long beard, "So you don't care about Y/N or what might happen to her at this very moment."
A trace of insecurity quickly passes through Jimin's icy eyes, he grits his teeth before uttering the words he would not want left his lips, "Exactly, I'm just here to settle a score."
"Oh, well ... then, before you settle this unfinished score, why don't you enjoy the show with me?" the sardonic question awakens Jimin's sixth sense, as he lifts his gaze over the king's shoulder and toward the stained glass windows, just outside the garden that would later lead inside the bramble forest.
Immediately he feels the blood freeze in his veins, he rolls his eyes and tries to keep his calm demeanor, but inside he is dying.
You are there.
You're running toward the forest with a soldier behind you gaining more and more ground, you're too tired and petite to outrun him, you won't make it.
"So what? Will you take my life and satisfy your revenge or will you run to save the princess in danger?" chuckles Cobra, Jimin hisses strengthening his grip and tearing at the king's gaudy robes with the tip of his blade, he knows what he has to do, the answer is so obvious, but letting go of such a being is unthinkable for him, unbearable.
With a snarl he pushes the king away, who rolls badly to the ground, and before he can even comprehend what has just happened, Jimin puts his sword to his throat, the blade shining under the dim light of the candles and longing for the young man to go forward, to pierce the flesh of that worm and sever his head from the rest of his body, but all that does not happen.
Jimin's eyes are now as dark as darkness, he uncovers his teeth like a snarling wolf, "I will return, Your Majesty... and when you see me again, you will pray for God to save you, for I will have no mercy on your dark soul," he hisses, hurling a slash toward the king, then heading quickly and in a blind fury toward the exit of the hall.
Cobra with wide eyes grazes his own face, slowly a wound opens under his left eye and blood stains his hands.
You hiss in pain with every thorn that sticks in your legs, your dress is torn in several places and you try to catch your breath as you pray that the soldier will not find you.
You have ended up in the bramble forest so feared in your kingdom and every movement of the wild plants that inhabit it makes you tremble with terror, everything is dark and cold, you can only hear the cry of the owls that watch your silent struggle mocking you.
You manage to crawl painfully behind a large and imposing tree, lift your skirt and observe the pitiful condition of your legs, bite your lower lip with tears in your eyes, your skin is full of scratches and blood, but you can still run.
You try to pick yourself up, but noises of broken branches block your every movement, you stand with bated breath as someone wanders through the trees.
"Come here, little flower... let's go back to your room," you hear him humming with amusement, "I don't know how you got out, but you won't be punished, you're still a princess after all."
You tremble with cold and fear, it is obvious that the man is not telling the truth, you have seen your uncle's men act before and you know they know no kindness or mercy.
"Our sweet..." you frown as you follow the man's footsteps with your ears, you can't make out which direction he is coming from, "Princess..." you see something moving quickly out of the corner of your eye to your right, you spontaneously throw yourself to the left to avoid it, believing it to be the guard, but to your horror you realize it is a small fox, "... Y/N! " you scream with all your might when hands yank you away, you manage to free yourself only because the man's grip is weak, at which point you run away again.
"Run, princess, run! I'll find you again anyway!" he laughs excitedly at the idea of hunting after months locked in the castle protecting the king's life.
You are tired, your eyesight is getting more and more fatigued, you just want everything to be over as soon as possible. You don't even know where you might go in case you escape the man, you will always be hunted down by the king and his array of soldiers, the idea of giving up everything and accepting the end you will make crosses your mind, even if it means saying goodbye to Jimin for good.
Bramble bushes once again block your way, they stick to your skin and dress, they seem to be on the side of your assailant, you can no longer escape, it's over.
"Gotcha, princess" you feel his heavy breath on your neck, his arms grip you tightly before he lifts you up by weight and throws you into the shaggy, dry grass, "Look at you... actually you don't look like a princess anymore, you look like a dirty peasant girl" he chuckles, kneeling down in front of you, he touches your hair and you glower at him.
"Don't touch me, you dirty mangy dog" you growl, slapping his hand, the man's expression changes, it is no longer cheerful, now he looks resentful.
"You have such peasant language, your mother didn't live long enough to teach you manners, but I'll teach you a good lesson," he says before lifting a hand, ready to slap you in the face.
As your wide eyes stare at the man's heavy hand, your ears feel something move across the grass and stomp on it, then the sound of a slash lashing the air and suddenly you are free, the man falls to the side holding his neck but desperately reaching for the dagger hidden in his leather belt amid curses and expletives.
"Jimin..." you whisper as you see a golden flash in the darkness of the forest, the shadow falls hard on your assailant and you find yourself forcefully closing your eyes to avoid looking at that gruesome spectacle, you listen in disgust to the intense barks of the dying man.
Then everything falls silent.
You feel Jimin's presence approaching your huddled figure on the ground and you don't know how to act.
He has certainly saved your life, but he has just killed a man and you are the granddaughter of the king who took everything away from him; he is no longer the Jimin of when you were an innocent child.
"Are you all right?" he kneels at your side with a certain formality and coldness in his tone of voice, as if trying to keep his distance, hurting you.
You slowly rise up avoiding looking him in the eye, "I'm alive, so yeah... I'm fine," you whisper dimly, hissing when you try to stand up and your legs resume burning painfully, you clench your flayed fingers into small fists and when he notices them he cannot forbid himself a barely concealed dry breath.
"One moment, let me see," he offers, already grabbing a flap of your torn dress, instantly freezing when he meets your eyes wide with embarrassment.
What he was about to do is disgraceful as well as incredibly intimate.
"It's nothing, I can still walk... can you help me reach the village? I might find someone willing to let me board by ship," you ask gritting your teeth, the forest finally gains some light and you can make out the young man's surprised expression.
Your gaze falls on his black robes, although it is not very clear you understand that the darker stains correspond to the blood of the man he has just killed and to whom you dare not even cast a glance, you swallow wondering why apart from your disgust at the blood, it does not bother you at all.
"I am here to save you, princess," he murmurs decisively, "Going to the village is not safe, you can only trust me," at his words you tighten your lips into a tight line.
"If you really want to save me, then stop talking to me in that tone, we grew up together as friends, stop pulling away from me" you whisper sadly, the boy shows a flash of displeasure as your words sink into his heart, behind him several men on their horses begin to approach, one of whom is unridden.
"Jimin, more guards are coming!" exclaims a boy with hair as dark as a raven's feathers and tenacious eyes, and tossing him the reins of the riderless horse, the animal is magnificent, its coat as white as milk and its mane shining like the most precious gold.
With tears in your eyes you recognize the foal your father gave Jimin for his 12th birthday. He is much bigger and more majestic now, a force of nature in every way.
"You must come with us if you want to save your life, princess," says another, his shoulders broad and posture proud, he looks like the leader of the group, a large bow protrudes from his back.
You send down a knot in your throat when Jimin extends a hand toward you encouragingly, "We must go, don't be afraid of them, they are my trusted comrades, Y/N."
Your name uttered by his sweet lips shakes you to the core, he may not be aware of the effect he still has on you and you want to cry like a little girl when he helps you up from the muddy ground and hoist you onto Orobel, if he somehow notices your glazed eyes, he says nothing, probably blaming the wounds on your legs.
You really wish it were that way.
Jimin is chopping wood with an axe, he is shirtless and you watch from a distance, sitting on the grass and wrapped in a clean, heavy cloak, it is the only thing the boys have found suitable for you to protect you from the evening wind.
You notice a few drops of sweat sliding down his neck and then down to his muscular chest as he flexes his arms to strike yet another wooden stump, you swallow with a slight blush dusted on your cheeks, you didn't remember his physique being so grown up, it's all new to you as well as incredibly embarrassing.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice Yoongi picking some herbs not far from you, it makes you feel uncomfortable to have to live with so many men; when your uncle took you into custody, he didn't allow any boys to get close to you, he wanted to keep you pure for his plans. Thinking back to the man who didn't think twice about sentencing you to death paralyzes you. You have to hold on until you find your own place to stay, you doubt that Jimin will ever want you by his side; therefore, you have to think personally about your future, even if it is painful to think about.
Being with them, you get a little insight into everyone's roles within the group.
Seokjin is certainly the leader as well as an experienced archer. You have observed him several times taking aim and hitting his intended target accurately, plus he has an aura around him that inspires confidence and trust. On the other hand, Taehyung looks a bit like the jester of the situation, but you have seen him wielding daggers to catch various animals and never wished to take their place, it is clear that behind that sunny smile he hides a soul as dark as the others.
Namjoon would rather observe and devise traps than take part in an actual confrontation, but it is clear that he would never back down in the face of a real threat, just as Yoongi, who plays the role of doctor in the group, helped you bandage your fingers and legs when you arrived at their camp and was incredibly quiet, not that you felt like talking still upset after the events of the night.
Then there are Hoseok and Jungkook, both of whom are the hunters, their job is to find and kill all possible threats in the surroundings, lest their lair be found and besieged by the king's men.
Also, you found out that Jimin is a master of swords.
He masters his steel blade so lightly and sinuously that it seems to dance when he moves and lashes the air.
You are in the midst of wolves, but it doesn't scare you too much, you know they won't hurt you, or so you assume after those five days spent in their company.
You feel a figure stop behind you, you raise your head and have to squint to avoid being blinded by the sun's rays, slowly you make out the form of Yoongi who bends respectfully at your height. His feline-cut eyes seem to invite you to listen to him.
"I can see you are tired, princess, and I know you haven't slept well since you've been here," he begins with a thoughtful look, "Taehyung has managed to find suitable clothes for you and there is a safe lake nearby, I invite you to freshen up and put on something clean before resting, you will surely feel better," he says with a small reassuring smile.
You frown, undecided about what to do, the idea of a bath tantalizes you almost overbearingly, but the embarrassment if one of them were to see you naked would be too much to bear, and Yoongi seems to understand that.
"The lake is far enough away from the camp, none of us here are planning to go to that area at the moment, it is completely safe and isolated, you need not fear anything," he hastens to specify, "I will just accompany you, I will be back here immediately."
"I... thank you, Yoongi" you smile gratefully, finally trusting the boy.
"I'll go get you those clothes, wait here for a moment," you nod, sighing slightly; you turn back to Jimin, but find to your disappointment that he has disappeared.
Yoongi leaves you by the lake, the path back to the camp is not difficult; so, you assure the man that you will have no trouble. He leaves you with a shadow of doubt etched on his face, but you pay no attention to it; you walk to the lakeshore and breathe in the air at the top of your lungs, enjoying the blue sky and the fluffy clouds that sail across it like ships.
When you finally reach the lake, you feed on the sight of the crystal-clear water, the temptation to undress is very strong, but tightening your lips into a line you look around suspiciously.
Stripping off completely would be too much, so you decide to stay in your petticoat, shivering at the breeze rattling the tree foliage, you hang your clothes from the branch of an old felled log nearby.
You turn toward the shore and treading over the small stones and grass you finally slowly begin to enter the water, sighing at the almost freezing temperature.
As the water reaches your belly you hear something emerge noisily from the lake, widening your eyes you find yourself screaming and covering your chest as best you can, wordlessly you see Jimin with his eyes closed bringing back his blond, golden-strand-like hair, the movement is magnetic, and you are practically naked. No, both of you are naked.
You flinch down with the water now up to your chin and your heart in your throat, peering warily at the boy who notices you only at that moment and stares at you wordlessly at first, you notice his jaw snap rigidly and his clear eyes darken, before turning away.
"I'm done, I'm leaving right now," he says raising his voice slightly to be heard, "I just needed to get the sweat off of me," he looks uncomfortable as he tries hard not to let his eyes slide to you.
A squeeze in your stomach is all you get from his words.
"Jimin..." you call out to him as he begins to swim toward the shore, the bitter feeling like gall at seeing him move further and further away from you once again has become unbearable, "So that's it? You don't want me?" his bare shoulders tremble slightly, and you don't know whether from the cold of the water or from your words.
You don't really expect to see him coming back toward you, but that's exactly what he does by moving at an extraordinary speed, he almost looks like a water creature, then he is in front of you in his full height, water droplets glide along his perfect skin and you swallow trying not to look at his bare chest or even lower, suddenly feeling like a little girl under the icy depths of his eyes.
"You're going to get sick, Y/N... Look, your lips are already purple," he whispers, brushing your lower lip with his thumb, stroking it gently, and you feel yourself suddenly go on fire.
"Can't you just answer me to end this suffering?" you beg him with moist eyes, Jimin sighs before shaking his head, reaching up to brush your hair.
"I am not suitable for you, Y/N," he mutters it almost angrily, wishing to put an end to this.
"Or am I not suitable for you, maybe that's what you think" you smile sadly and bitterly, "I'm sorry to still be a bother to you."
"You are not a bother" he almost growls those words and you sigh shaking your head.
"Then I will be soon, you will meet a beautiful woman, marry her and have your own family, that same woman will then wonder when I will disappear from your life forever and at that point there will be no place for me even in your memories," you say shakily, "That is, if there are still memories of me in your heart."
You follow the movement of his neck as he tilts to let his eyes peer deep into your soul, his serious, thoughtful expression leaving you interjected.
He doesn't seem to want to deny but not even admit your words; it's as if he, too, is as confused as you are.
His gaze moves further down, there where your thin robe has stuck to your body because of the water, you realize with shame that it has become transparent and revealing, but you decide not to cover yourself.
You want him to look at you, to see that you are no longer a child, that you have grown up and that your body is that of a girl in her prime.
"My real problem, Y/N ... is that I'm sure I've met that woman before, but I don't feel worthy to be around her, not when I abandoned her in a castle to pursue my revenge," he whispers, the sky-blue color of his eyes seems to become more watery, "I can't forgive myself for putting her on the back burner, that's the truth," you hear the pain in his voice, the one that was missing that night in the cell when you freed him.
The need to hug him and hold him to you suddenly becomes more suffocating, with a sob you throw yourself into his arms and this time he doesn't stay stiff as marble, his arms wrap around you like a silk blanket and you find refuge in his chest.
His skin is warm against your cheek and it's a feeling you didn't think you would experience again, the boy sinks his face into your hair and leaves a kiss on your temple, before brushing the tip of his nose against you and smiling softly.
"There will never be a woman who will make me forget you," despite his words, you feel sad, still incomplete.
You sigh against his neck and close your eyes, you have gotten used to the temperature of the water and its warmth helps to relax you.
"But there will be a woman who will take you away from me" you point out in a colorless voice, when he doesn't respond you decide to loosen your sudden embrace, "I'm tired of waiting for you, Jimin" you let go of the ripples in the water, swimming back to the shore without taking your eyes off the boy who still seems to be in doubt, then a small, amused smile stretches across your face, "I'll have to find a real man who knows what it means to love a woman," you taunt him, reaching down to a shallow spot in the lake bottom, wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine.
You begin to lower the straps of your now useless robe, abandoning all symptoms of shame, you want him to react or get angry in some way, you want a reaction from him and you get it, "Maybe Yoongi? I have to admit, he's very charming and he certainly knows what he wants, he could give me-" before you can even finish speaking, Jimin pulls you toward him grabbing you by the wrist, you only have time to make a surprised sound before his lips manage to cover yours in an impetuous, possession-filled kiss.
You hear your heart beating at a rapid pace in your ears, you did not expect your second kiss to happen this way, he seems exasperated as he presses himself against your mouth for more direct and intimate contact, you open your mouth slightly when his tongue dabs roughly on your lower lip.
It is a man who is kissing you, no longer the kid of your memories, and he seems more than willing to let you know it when one of his hands comes down to tenderly squeeze your throbbing neck, he smiles against your lips when he realizes that your heart seems to want to leave your chest and he separates himself from you with one last caress of his softest petals.
"I haven't even kissed you properly and your heart is already exploding," he chuckles with a spark of mischief in his clear eyes, "And who would you like to give such purity to, Yoongi?" he shakes his head hissing those words like an angry snake ready to attack.
You clench the hand that is still wrapped around your neck and strengthen his grip, wishing that the feel of his fingers on your skin would stay with you, "I've always wanted it to be yours, Jimin," you say softly, tilting your head at the slow descent of his hand.
"I'm very different from the nobles you grew up with, Y/N.... Don't expect me to catch you with a petticoat on," he continues by caressing a thin strap, lifting the fabric just a little, "Or for me to look away while you undress," he leans down to kiss the corner of your lips, reaches down to your chin and continues along the entire line of your neck, as water you adapt to the touch of him until he reaches your breast, your nipples turgid from the temperature of the water and his attentions are raised against the transparent fabric, the man can practically see their shape and color, he cups one breast as he pushes his head against your chest, kissing the soft, tantalizing flesh.
He adores you with his mouth and your sighs make him feel like a lion in a cage, his golden hair captures the last light of dawn as he pushes you against the shore and gets between your legs, studding you with kisses and caresses, returns to your mouth and finally with his tongue captures yours, inviting you to follow him.
You encircle his neck with your arms, trembling with excitement at the way he lets you touch him and the way he touches you, takes you by the hips and holds you against his massive, secure body.
"Jimin" you whisper in his ear as you feel something heavy and stiff against your inviolate intimacy, he mumbles something unintelligible, he seems lost in his bubble continuing to lick and kiss your neck, you tremble feeling incredibly hot, an unknown force urges you to rock against him and cling to his back with your fingernails, groaning suddenly.
This seems to awaken him and the spell is broken.
He flinches away, staring at you with agitation, in his gaze remorse is the one thing you don't want to read, but it's there.
"You need to get dressed," he warns you dangerously and with difficulty before pulling away from you completely, hurting you.
"H-Have I done something I shouldn't have done?" you ask bewildered, still with chills in your body from what his hands were capable of doing to you, this version of Jimin completely opposite from the boy who was kissing you only seconds ago is like a punch to the stomach.
"I said get dressed, Y/N! " he abruptly blurts out, "And stay away from Yoongi, I don't want to see you flirting with him, you're not a village woman," he runs a hand through his damp hair nervously, before stepping out of the water without caring about his nakedness, you turn your head away from him, the feeling of shame has returned to invade your limbs, and with a stone in your heart you bring your arms to your chest, stepping out of the water and groping for the dry clothes that Taehyung and Yoongi kindly gave you.
You don't see Jimin move away from you, clenching his fists and hitting the trunk of a tree until his knuckles are mangled, finding himself staring at the blood rushing to the grass with resentment, trying hard to forget your mouth begging his to be taken or the softness of your body that has enslaved him at an embarrassing speed.
You are worse than a circle of hell for him.
When you return to camp with your face pulled into an indecipherable expression, the boys study you in confusion noting also the strange attitude of Jimin who walks a few steps ahead of you.
The two of you seem farther apart than before and this certainly does not go unnoticed by the others, Yoongi tightens his lips as he reaches for the blond man who is walking back into the forest in search of more wood.
"Hey!" he exclaims behind his friend, "What happened at the lake?" he asks, Jimin snaps an eyebrow up.
"So you knew I was there?" he curls his upper lip over his teeth appearing menacing, but Yoongi's hard gaze doesn't lower.
"She's crazy about you, so it's clear that the fight stemmed from you, am I right?"
This simply rattles the blond more, "I didn't do anything at all, don't play cupid, man, because it won't stick with me."
"Or maybe it was a one-way conversation and you didn't even give her a chance to talk, you're such an asshole! She doesn't deserve a bastard like you, a guy who doesn't grab a chance like that when he has it at his fingertips," Yoongi blurts out, starting to turn back, but those words turn on a red flag in the younger boy who grabs the older one by the leather vest.
"And what would you like to do, Yoongi? Seize the opportunity yourself? I've seen how you watch her pretend to gather herbs for your infusions," at which point Yoongi chuckles wryly, his black eyes twinkling.
"I won't lie, I like her. But I also know to whom her heart belongs, and as a doctor I can well say that if you continue to keep her on the edge like you're doing now, that heart will get sick," he sighs, flinching, "Don't make me punch you, Jimin... you're no fool."
"I'm a criminal and she's a princess," he says without emotion on his handsome face, Yoongi snorts as he rolls his eyes.
"You are her hero, the crown wants her dead and you saved her, now she's a woman like any other and nothing forbids you to be with her," clarifies the older man with a raised eyebrow, as he walks away Jimin remains frozen in place.
‘She's a woman like any other.’
No, you are not like all the others, you are his princess and will remain so forever, which is precisely why he cannot allow another man to lay his hands on you.
Abandoning himself against the bark of an old tree he wonders if being with you would be worth it as a form of protection, he would never hurt you and would ensure you protection for life, the very idea of giving you his love has always terrified him, anyone who ever loved him is dead and he wouldn't want anything horrible to happen to you because of him, but now things have changed, you need him and he... needs you.
He finds you sitting in front of the fire, you're focused on the crackling flames, and if you notice his presence, you don't show it at all, you pull the blanket tighter over your shoulders.
Your thoughtful, melancholy expression suggests to him that you are still remembering the events of a few hours ago, recognizing that he was a real jerk for the way he treated you earlier, kissing you like a lover and then rejecting you like a cheap whore. He still feels ashamed and makes sure that each of his friends is asleep in their own tent before sitting silently next to you.
He hears you wince a little and out of the corner of his eye notices you turn your head away, refusing to acknowledge his presence. He smiles slightly, even as a child when you were offended by something you would puff up your cheeks and turn your head to the side, just as you are doing now.
Yes, you are still his lovely princess.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, moving a few millimeters closer to you, "I shouldn't have spoken to you and I especially shouldn't have touched you like that."
You frown in annoyance, snorting slightly through your nose.
"I don't object to the way you touched me, but you should keep quiet a little more," you mutter venomously, "You have the hands of an angel, but the tongue of a devil," you say casting a glance at his hands, you see the wounds and your heart sinks, you want to kiss them and curse that thought.
Those words trigger two completely different reactions in Jimin, on the one hand they help make him feel guilty, on the other he finds himself smiling internally, because you really don't know how devilish his tongue can be, if used in the right way.
"And you a mermaid's lips," he says taking your chin between two fingers, staring at you with such intensity that you feel naked.
He mirrors himself in your glossy irises and sighs, "Forgive me, after so many years of believing I'm not right for you, I forgot the most important thing."
"The most important thing?"
"Yes, you."
You gasp in surprise, registering his words only after a few moments of unbearable silence.
"You're saying that..."
"I am saying that I want to stay by your side, to be your protector and also your lover, if you will still allow me to be, Y/N."
His irises as clear as the waters of the lake gently brush against you, you feel your eyes tingling, and before he can see the tears streaming down your face you rush toward him, embracing him as if your life depended on it.
In a way it does, because without Jimin, your last piece of happiness that endures from childhood and which you have finally found again, you would have wandered in the void of loneliness for who knows how long.
You think back to your parents, to Harun, to all that you have lost and come to the conclusion that you were not yet ready to lose Jimin too, but he is here. You smile, pulling up with your nose before resting your lips on the boy's soft ones, who more than willingly accepts to surrender himself in your arms that are as small as they are warm and that scream familiarity.
"So you haven't forgotten me," you whisper, pulling away slightly, the blond shakes his head, snorting.
"Never, I tried to protect you by keeping you away from me, the king wants me dangling on a rope ... or at least it was until you made the mistake of saving me" he utters the last words with a note of reproach in his voice, staring at you sternly for the way you put yourself in danger.
But you don't lower your gaze, you won't feel guilty for saving the man you love.
"Now the two of us are here, together, do you want to blame me so much?" you murmur softly and his heart melts like snow in the sun.
He shakes his head, no, he cannot blame you. He, too, for love has made foolish and terrible decisions, and he will not let go of the chance to make up for all the pain he has caused you.
"I could never," he hisses almost painfully, closing his eyes as your fingers graze his hair and his lips reach for you, snapping another kiss.
You let him embrace you and he hold the back of your neck with one hand as he tries to deepen your contact, making it more intimate and slower than the more feverish kisses the two of you exchanged at the lake.
Your heart vibrates like the wings of a hummingbird, happy to give yourself in that way to the one man you have always loved and whom you know for certain you will love all your life. You would never have agreed to an arranged marriage; you hoped with all your heart that your uncle would never find a suitable suitor for you, and fortunately it did.
A commotion from one of the seven tents surprises you both suddenly, you separate slightly and cast a glance toward Namjoon's tent.
"He must have dropped one of his swords," Jimin mutters irritably, you, on the other hand, are traveling with your imagination, imagining sharing the tent with Jimin for the first time and blushing, since you were rescued the boys have taken turns to stand guard and let you have their little station, although strangely enough Jimin's guard duty was lasting for too many days, and as a result you have always used his bed made of furs and straw. Not quite like the one in your room at the palace, but by now you were well used to it,  considering the tower where your uncle locked you up.
"Come with me," he offers you his hand and you stare at it for a few moments, before extending yours and linking your fingers in a secure grip, "I know a place a little more... peaceful" the word slips between his teeth persuasively, you don't know what will happen tonight, but if he asked you to throw yourself off a mountain, you would do it as long as he stayed by your side at all times.
"Is it far?" you ask raising your skirt slightly, trying not to trip over tree roots and stones.
The blond looks ahead without letting go of your hand, "Just a little bit" he turns to you with his laughing eyes and you are enchanted at their color, he is lighter and more affectionate, he almost looks like that child Jimin you have missed so much.
You walk just enough to reach the thick, lumpy roots of a large tree, its branches entirely covering the night sky that until moments before was towering over you with its stars.
"Jimin... is ..." you try to say, but there is really no doubt.
The man nods.
"We are inside the lovers' forest, Y/N... this is the tree where according to legend their marriage was celebrated."
You look around, almost hoping to see the blooming arch where the first king and queen of your kingdom were married, eventually giving birth to your dynasty, but you see none of it, disappointed to realize that it is just a clearing of grass and flowers that seems to bow its head to the great tree that towers above it all.
"That's not how the stories described the place," you mumble slightly, your mother and Harun's stories spoke of magical creatures as spectators, flowers of every color and every shade decorating the lawn and the guests' walnut chairs, not to mention precisely the large archway on which roses and climbing plants had grown in honor of the two newlyweds.
You hear Jimin chuckle behind you, his hands encircle your hips and your back rests against his chest, you feel his warm breath on your neck, and goose bumps cause you to shiver.
"I never believed those stories and you know it," he says in a clear, amused tone, "But as I grew older I realized that something really happened here," he whispers in your ear.
With an elegant hand he lifts your chin slightly, bringing your gaze to the trunk of the large tree, you sharpen your vision and finally notice them.
"Runes," the boy confirms, "This is the Lignum Vitae, the tree of life according to the legends, little princess," he chuckles as he turns away, his leather boots hardly audible among the uncultivated grass and damp earth.
"You don't believe that either?" you snort with a smile, you know you've always been the one to believe in everything your country's legends have handed down, but you would expect some cooperation from him, after all, he was the one who brought you here.
"I don't believe in magic, but I believe that lovers gathered here to bring offspring into the world, relying precisely on this tree," he explains with a shrug.
In fact, talking about a marriage in the stories was much easier if you wanted to tell something about the origin of the royal family to innocent children.
"They succeeded, didn't they? Look at me!" you laugh, pointing with a little bow, and Jimin does, looking at you with an affection and love that until morning he jealously kept to himself.
He walks to the tree and touches the runic symbols gently, in his mind an idea takes an increasingly clear and tantalizing shape.
"If magic really existed and we strengthened our ties to the tree, would everything fall back into place?" he wonders softly with furrowed brows, not wincing when you hug him from behind, as if expecting your closeness.
"We cannot get back what was taken from us, Jimin... even magic is useless in the face of death," your hands are intertwined over his heart, you feel it beating hard and fast, like a free and powerful horse.
"Life is what interests me," he admits, turning toward you.
He takes a few steps forward and you are forced to take as many steps backward, you don't see one of the raised roots of the tree and fall back with a little yelp, Jimin is quick to catch you before you can hit your head, and you both square off with wide-eyed stares.
"If I asked you to give me the gift of a child, here and now, what would your answer be?" he asks seriously.
You don't think about it for a single moment.
"I would answer that it is one of the desires that bind me to you, Jimin."
Another kiss comes, followed by another and another, his mouth demanding yours with such need that it seems almost savage, as if he wants to feed on you after all the years spent lusting after you in the shadows, fleeing like a wanted man of the worst kind.
He accompanies you on the damp grass and reacquaints himself with your neck, using the softness of his rosy lips to tease your tender skin, with the tips of his pearly teeth biting it lightly, and this causes an outcropping of dark, purple stains along the column of your throat, amused at imagining how others might react the next day once they set their gaze on you.
You don't even care, his attentions are a novelty, you welcome his mouth and tongue on your body as a blessing, you wouldn't turn him away from you for anything in the world, let them accuse you of being a prostitute, you and Jimin know the truth, which is that your body and soul have always belonged to the blond and no one has ever touched you as he is doing.
When he gets to the modest bodice of your dress you do something that must be strange to him, or at least you sense this from his gaze when you lift your skirt and stand helpless in his hands, like one of the wooden logs he cuts daily.
"What are you doing?" he asks with a furrowed brow.
Agitation clouds your cheeks, what's wrong?
"You said you want a baby," you say almost shyly, perhaps you misunderstood? But no, he had made it clear earlier....
"I did say that, but I don't understand why you just lifted up your skirt without responding to my caresses and now you stand still" his doubtful expression embarrasses you, that's how educators told you to do it, "Forgive me, my request was too bold."
"No!" you immediately exclaim, "I want to, only I was told to do it this way."
You see his nostrils flare to snort with irritation.
"Right...you've been locked in a castle full of soulless puppets" he shakes his head, "But that's not how I want to take you, Y/N, I prefer you receptive" he whispers persuasively, "Just like today at the lake" he continues, stroking the bare skin of your legs, pushing into your soft inner thighs, you feel your belly tighten heatedly.
"Let's leave certain unnecessary distances to those old nobles," he goes on, kissing you behind your ear, a tremor shakes you when his lips wrap around your earlobe, licking it with the tip of his tongue, "Take off your bodice, love, show me what a good girl you are, hmm?"
You nod without a drop of saliva in your mouth, Jimin's tongue hisses like a snake and you are drawn to his drawling words, you are his forbidden fruit and he can't wait to bite you and find out how sweet you can be and how deliciously you can bleed.
Each button that leaves a buttonhole is a soft kiss from him over the light blouse that still holds your breasts, mentally moaning the blond curses himself for not enjoying your eager body sooner and perfect for his fingers.
He would like to tear off your clothes instantly, but he restrains himself, how would you return to others without instigating some desire in them?. No, he is gentle when even the last garment leaves you and he can finally quiver at the sight of your naked body shivering under the icy night air, or perhaps it is his eyes that make you tremble?
He lifts himself off your body and tosses his tunic to the side, your eyes drink in the sight of his hard chest and the slight hair that descends to his private parts, which you did not see that morning, but you distinctly felt on your warm intimacy, and the air escapes your lungs when you notice something that in the sunlight has strangely escaped you, perhaps because you have tried not to stare at him too much, his chest is studded with small, shiny white lines, they are thin and almost intangible, but they are there.
You brush those lines with a tentative finger, feeling the reliefs with a question mark in mind, and in doing so his skin twitches, "What are these?" you ask gently, Jimin gives a small smile and kisses the knuckles of your hand.
"Every day spent without you," he pronounces solemnly, the wind rattles the leaves of the large tree and for a few moments it is as if you feel it voice whispering over the blond man's words. You chase away the feeling and embrace the boy once more with a tear running down your cheek. You were a fool to believe that he had abandoned you when all he had done was think about you.
You have a feeling that the air is warmer now that his head is buried in the hollow of your breasts, his moist tongue playing with the tip of a nipple initially causing a strange tickle in the center of your chest before a glowing sensation slips between your legs, making you blaze with desire, it's all more direct without your petticoat and you love every second of it.
You bite your lower lip, holding back a moan louder than your sighs, you don't want it to go away again, but it's stronger than you when the delicious sting of a bite makes your thighs tremble around his bare hips, you feel the length of his cock twitch against your skin, it's heavy and it arouses you to know that you have that effect on him, at that thought the wetness descends between your thighs against your will and you try to hide, but Jimin can read a woman's body and you are still too inexperienced to go unnoticed by a hunter like him.
"It's normal" he breathes on your lips imparting another deep kiss, "It means you like it" the tip of his nose rubs against yours trying to soothe you, your eyes fly to his cock when he lifts a little to settle himself better and all the blood rushes to your head, you don't know whether from the shame of seeing a naked man or from the incredible wave of pleasure that washes over you at noticing how thick and needy he looks, there is white liquid at the tip, dripping thickly down his veiny length that seems to contract under your curious and hungry eyes.
Then a thought alarms you, "Does it all have to go in there?" you point to your intimacy, though you don't know for sure, your educators had been vague and you never touched yourself, sometimes you felt the need as you imagined what an adult Jimin might look like, but you never dared to break the imposed rules.
A princess does not do such things as a street woman.
Yet, that's exactly where Jimin caresses you, his fingers dance over your moist folds with mastery and you block the instinct to close your legs, as you might when with his thumb he rolls over a spot that gives you particularly intense and wonderful sensations, "Jimin!" you grab his wrist trying to slow down his devilish circles, but your pelvis continues to chase pleasure against your will, you throw your head back and Jimin kisses the line of your jaw as if it is impossible for him to stop kissing you in any way.
"This is called the clit, love," you hear him smile, "And this is where I'm going to go all in...my cock will go into your sweet little pussy, Y/N," he hums moving his fingers to your needy slit, entering lightly with his light fingertips, you gasp at his sudden dirty language but find that you like it, it makes you feel desired.
You feel his fingers move inside you as his thumb continues to caress your clit, your lower abdomen trembles and stutters in despair with each jolt of pleasure, your teary eyes are lost in the immensity of the tree that seems to silently observe what is happening.
Jimin never goes beyond the elastic barrier he senses beyond your entrance, he merely teases you within inches of your entrance and it is amazing how liquid and copious your pleasure flows past his wrist until it drips onto the grass. His instincts are stronger than he is, he must have a taste of your sweetness and you abruptly hold your breath when his tongue catches another wave of your honeyed essence, you are devastating to his taste buds and he wants more, you find yourself crying and contracting your hips as you try to escape his mouth, he devours you by insisting on your scarlet pearl and when more drops of pleasure come he runs to lick them away from your slit, he seems to be going crazy or maybe he is.
"Stop, Jimin... Stop-oh!" you stiffen instantly when a firmer lick shakes your body and makes you explode in such pleasure that you squint and cry.
"Ssssh, princess" you feel Jimin's lips gathering your tears before placing a kiss at the corner of your stammering mouth; his lips are wet and glossy; he is the embodiment of sin.
He is still breathing down your neck as the thickness of his cock begins to furrow your folds to gather as much moisture as possible, the thick, shiny tip of his cock swirls around your slit and you reflexively contract your pussy muscles, it is almost funny how despite the pleasure that has shocked you, your pussy still tries to invite him inside her.
"It's going to hurt, my love" he warns you with a sharp breath, you nod immediately, this part has been repeated to you many times by those women whose job it was to instruct you in your duties as a wife, though none of them had ever told you that you could experience such pleasure that you would be left gasping for breath.
"I know," you smile, but Jimin seems a little anxious.
"It will be short-lived, I'll be gentle and-" you caress his face affectionately, you know that too, he would never intentionally hurt you.
"And I will have your baby," your heart warms every time you think about it, a baby with the same cheeks and eyes as Jimin? You would love him infinitely, Jimin melts into a real smile.
He intertwines a hand with yours as he prepares to enter and the next thrust makes your eyes widen, he is incredibly slow and gentle, but you have never had anything inside you before and you feel all too clearly his length piercing and widening your inner walls at his will, Jimin is breathing shallowly with sweat beading on his forehead in an attempt to keep calm, you hold him deliciously and you are extraordinarily beautiful as you stare at him with your eyes lost and your lips half-closed and swollen from his kisses.
"I-It doesn't hurt, don't worry, my love," you manage to murmur with a smile, that's right, it doesn't hurt.
It's just a strange sensation, the stretch stings and tingles, but it's nothing unbearable or terrible as you've been led to believe all your life.
Or maybe Jimin is a very good lover, whispers a little voice in your head.
Even so, you feel something warm dripping from your slit after a more direct lunge, running down one of your thighs and ending up on the damp grass; it is your blood, but you pay no attention to it, just as you pay no attention to the quick absorption of the earth near the tree roots.
The blond man nods, but he reaches down again to take a nipple in your mouth, massaging your breast as if he expects milk to come out of it already, your clitoris twitching pleasantly and his cock sliding more sinuously, now you can feel it tapping deeper and deeper, you can almost feel it in your belly and you accompany his thrusts by moving against him, you cling to his back with your fingernails, you hear him moan loudly and that sound excites you, you wonder if...
Before you even think, your hand slides over his chest and you rotate your thumb around one of his smaller, darker nipples, he stiffens with a hoarse sound in his throat and the intensity of his thrusts increases, he clings desperately to you as you tease him again, encircling his hips with your legs.
In the clearing the obscene sounds of your relationship are lost in the wind, the leaves of the tree moving gently almost as if blessing your union.
You kiss him once more and let his tongue take over your mouth, abandoning his deep sighs in you, your walls begin to vibrate ecstatically each time his cock repeatedly plows through them, your belly heats up and you squeeze his swollen length into your pussy, preventing him from leaving at all, Jimin increases his jet speed, now sure of the pleasure that envelops you like a bubble and crushes you against his body, he rides the waves of lust like a stallion, your lungs run out of breath and the world swirls around you.
"We're going to have a baby," he growls decisively, his once ice-blue eyes now a deep electric blue, "And I'm going to bring your uncle's head to you, love," he announces, repeatedly pounding into you at a more assertive and rough pace, his pleasure is snaking incandescently, he can't wait to cum inside you and fill you to the last drop, you will surely accept him as a good wife should.
You tremble with panting and his fierce lunges, praying that he will never leave you, your core is on fire, your walls wrap around him with desperation, and your clit is ready again to let you go in a spiral of enjoyment. You want it all, you yearn for it, you need it, you would kill for it all.
Making love with Jimin.
Carrying his child.
Having your uncle's head on a silver platter.
You hold him in your arms as the first hot jet is shot inside you, he is still buried between your legs as he continues to come, you whimper and at yet another strand of his seed you stiffen, you open your mouth wide in a mute sound as you come with no more strength.
Your body is shaken, unable to recover and you don't understand why, you try to escape when Jimin comes out of your sweet depths, but he blocks you with his weight.
You stare at him shocked when he returns with his hand to your pussy, repeatedly rubbing your perky, still rigid pearl, you shake your head.
"No, it's too much!" you cry clutching your legs, but he continues fearlessly, "I can't do it," you gasp pleadingly.
"It's what you need, honey" he murmurs in your ear, "You're so sensitive you don't realize you need another orgasm to soothe your body, I should have fed you earlier like this, sweet little thing" he sighs with his wrist locked between your thighs, bliss finally comes in little spurts of pleasure that make you gasp and Jimin's thumb stops torturing you, you sag against him without strength, feeling nothing but the vibrations of your intimacy still reliving the intensity and strength of his presence.
"Thank you," you say turning a little toward him, who stares at you with all the love he has for you, "For everything."
But the blond man shakes his head, "You did it all, my princess, I just waited for you" you hear regret in his tone of voice and you're sorry, you don't want him to think back to all the time that kept you apart, now you're together and that's all that matters.
"We will be fine now," you nod.
"When I regain the kingdom" a kiss, "Our baby will be born" another kiss, "And I'll have the king's head to make you a gift" he snaps an even more intense kiss, "We'll be even better, to love you this and more, Y/N" he stares at you with devotion and you lose a beat.
"And I want it, I want it all, Jimin" you let yourself be cradled in your love's embrace and you notice a flash of lightning in passing, you widen your eyes and turn toward the big tree.
It was only an instant, but you swear you saw the runic symbols glow gold.
You kiss Jimin's neck with a smile, foretasting a flood of sweet happenings for both of you, you feel your lap throb gently and you know, a new dynasty is about to be brought into the world.
© 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲𝐙𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐢 -  𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. || 𝐔𝐧𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝/𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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reiincarnatiion · 11 months
shadows of destiny | azriel x reader | part one
summary : 3 sisters for 3 brothers....right? Azriel believes wholeheartedly that Elain should be his mate and in doing so ignores his deep feelings for you.
a/n : I haven't written in like 6 years since my draco malfoy and kpop fanfictions HAHA so please forgive me I am rusty!! Also I wrote this on my phone eeee
but finally eee I'm so excited to post my first writing on tumblr !! I was always a quotev and wattpad girly but here I am finally... 💗
just writing some rough short stories rn but I'll def write more as I get more comfortable again and into the rhythm! let me know what you think please 🫶🏼
ps: it's not proof read cuz I'm lazy I'm so sorry so please ignore mistakes dearies
You watched as Azriel bent down to whisper something into Elains ear and you felt a growl beginning to build up in your throat.
You didn't know the mating bond did this ; make one so possessive and jealous that the half-moon nail marks on your palms had become blood red, from gripping your fists too strongly.
"I just don't understand why you can't tell him," a voice whispers next to you. You turn to acknowledge Mor, as she slips in next to you into the booth.
"Because the moment I do, this whole dynamic changes Mor," you whisper back, indicating to the sprawl of people around you.
You guys had come to Rita's once again, to party, drink, kiss and do other nonsense things Cassian had eagerly talked about, whilst pitching the idea to the group. It had started off fun, with everyone talking together but as the night had progressed, they had all paired off. You could see Feyre and Rhys making out in the corner of your eyes and Nesta and Cassian dancing around each other on the club floor. Elain and Azriel had also innocently gotten up and moved to another table, using a range of excuses you hadn't bothered to process.
Even Mor had a female making eyes at her from afar.
"Then change the dynamic, Y/N. I need some excitement in my life," she whispered furiously again and slid out, stalking to the female at the bar.
Groaning you sunk into the booth, left alone to your thoughts plagued by one thing only, Azriel.
The repetitive music slowly faded out, as you downed drink after drink, watching the others around you mingle and grind away into the depths of the night. They would come past your table and say a few words before being dragged away again.
But not once did he come. Not once did he even look in your direction... and it infuriated you.
"You look more miserable than me,"
You blinked, looking up to focus in on the flop of red hair, braids and whizzing metallic eye and a handsome jawline.
"Lucien!!!" you let out a whine, attempting to get up but falling back down in the process, not having realised how much strong alcohol you had consumed in the last hour.
"Woah there stargirl," he slipped in next to you, using the nickname only he used for you.
Lucien and you had met on Starfall, as you had been leaning on the balcony, apparently being half a second from falling over because of your drunk eagerness to "catch one of the stars", and since then, he had named you Stargirl. Your friendship had blossomed due to your matching humour and desire to travel the realms.
His shoulder pressed up against you, his warmth spread through you, making you feel giddy. You couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or your desperation, as you abruptly laid a hand on his thigh.
If he noticed, he didn't show it as he took a swig of one of the elixirs that you had in your hand.
As he drank, you watched his eyes zero in on his elusive mate and you swore you saw them darken.
His scent visibly changed as he placed the now empty cup back on the table with a lethal fluidness that had you wondering how good he was at controlling his emotions.
"Its a shame we are mated to the wrong people, otherwise you and I would have ruled the world" he whispers, still not looking at you.
Your breath catching in your throat, your heavy heart pangs with emotion, exaggerated from the effects of the ethanol.
"At least she knows you are her mate Lucien... he doesn't even know about me," you miserably mutter.
You feel Luciens hot gaze rest on you as you look up into his deep eyes.
There's no doubt the turmoil of seeing each other's mates together shines in both of your eyes, but behind the pathetic nature of the situation, a force glint shines through his.
"Then why don't we tell him, Y/N," he urges, a smirk growing on his face.
Your heart drops as you make eye contact with Lucien, his eyes glinting with jealousy and anger.
You had never seen Lucien ever break his calm facades, he always would take whatever Elain would throw at him ; why was he so fired up tonight?
"You have always been so kind to Elain and given her time Lucien, why do you want to make her jealous now?" you voice your thoughts, causing him to look away, as you attempt to search his eyes.
Little did you know or feel, the dark cool gaze that had been assessing you since the moment Lucien had slipped in.
If one were to look through your party at this moment in time, the looks of longing and jealously swirling between you and Lucien could easily have been interpreted as longing and hunger for each other. With now, your full body turned to him, intimately touching him, shoulder to shoulder, anyone could mistake you as a couple.
Azriel nodded patiently as he listened to Elain talk about the new plants she wished to acquire from the Dawn Court for her garden.
He was trying so hard to listen and be attentive, but it was difficult when his shadows were buzzing about him, even more frantically, with the effects of the alcohol he had been consuming throughout the night.
He knew the amount of pumps of the vanilla perfume you had sprayed onto yourself, he knew how many times you had sighed throughout the night and he knew of the half-moon marks on your hands. His shadows told him everything, even when he didn't want to know.
For he didn't want to know the looks Lucien and you were giving each other, he didn't want to acknowledge the clenching of your thighs or the hand on your thigh or the-
"-So what do you think Azriel?"
Elains sweet voice cut in deeply through his silent spiralling, as he hummed coming back to the present.
Her big doe eyes innocently looked up at him as he racked his brain for what she had been asking about.
"YES I think the plants would be wonderful-," he began, when his shadows started screaming, "Elain excuse me one moment."
He quickly got up, his eyes narrow and jaw clenching as he went to get out of the booth in haste.
Elains eyes followed him and they widened slightly.
Luciens' hands were on your waist, holding you up from behind, as you both made your way to the dance floor, giggling.
read [ part two ] here deariess <3
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lovelyiida · 1 month
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❥ SYNOPSIS: as the years passed, Bakugo came to the realization that he was the last among his class to tie the knot. As the days grew colder, and the nights became lonelier. Bakugo finds the desire to get married, but he doesn't really feel like falling in love. At least he has his trustee secretary!
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implied fem reader, aged-up! Pro-hero MHA characters over the age of 27, vulgar language, suggestive wording and content
PS: Please let me know if you have filled out the tag form since the last update so I can keep up to date!!
“Beady-eyed, dog-mannered, dimwad!”
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Headline, headline, headline!
[unreleased footage from Pop! Magazine spreads like wildfire!]
Over 3 million views, and 10 thousand shares.
Since the dawn of the moon, you have been repeatedly refreshing the page. Each and every comment was scanned with frantic-fast movements. Relishing in this whole interview fiasco from the comfort of your queen-sized bed, you moaned in anguish.
Your face became increasingly hot as you read the comments with your third glass of wine in hand. As much as you thought the comments would be demeaning to the pro-hero, the exact opposite happened!
[COMMENT] Did you see how he took up for his secretary? Omg, that was so hot.
• 45k likes • 216 shares
[COMMENT] The way he took her hand going off the set!!!!
• 78k likes • 12k shares
[COMMENT] Oh god, send me a man like Dynamight…
• 57k likes • 2k shares
[COMMENT] Bro there’s no way they aren’t fucking
• 180k likes • 3.8k shares
Of course, that’s the top comment.
Staring at your computer, you tried hard to fathom the situation you were now slapped into. The video of you and Dynamight has gone viral, and everyone now suspects that you two are in a relationship.
And they're not entirely wrong...
Despite your late-night attempts to contact the fiery hero, your calls went straight to voicemail and your texts went unanswered. Letting out a large sigh that was once trapped in your chest, you had no choice but to sit there and let the bomb explode. And await the absolute nuke that was urging to be dropped at the office.
Staring at the messages you sent Dynamight, you scowled. “Flashy piece of carbon fiber pants thinks he’s the shit and can just ignore my messages? Leaving me to the wolves once again!” you shouted in anger. You threw your phone to the end of your bed and buried yourself in your plush duvet. Your throat becomes tight as your eyes are welled with tears.
“I’m gonna teach you, Dynamight, to never fuck with me or any other secretary again.”
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The pattern of clicking heels and bustling conversations filled the office today. Usually, the bleak energy of Dynamight's office could be caught with little to no attention. But the sight you’ve seen today was out of the ordinary.
“The printers are down; just send emails!”
“Has anyone been in contact with Pop Magazine? They’re completely blocking our calls!”
“God damn it, I need a raise!”
The chitter-chatter amongst your coworkers is at an all-time high. As you started to quicken the pace of your steps around the office, scowls and stares were slapped across your face. Stepping foot by foot, you reach the bathroom and hide in the nearest stall.
The door bursts open before you can even think about taking another breath. “Can you believe Dynamight fired Hitomi and Sakura for telling the truth? I mean, the whole floor has seen the video! Even Red was speechless.” A woman says her friend snickers at her remark before chiming in.
 “I’d like to see little miss Secretary say something now; she’s not beating the slut-cretary allegations at this point–”
You didn’t know what came over you at the moment, but your feet began to move before your mind could comprehend what the actual fuck was going on. Slamming the stall open, you watch the two women flinched at your action. Eyes going wide, they stare into your soulless eyes, filled with an incomprehensible anger that you didn’t know was held within you.
“First off, let’s get one thing straight right now.”
You said it flatly, closing the stall behind you. You walked up towards the duo and closed in on them. “Me and Dynamight are not a thing; have you ever taken into consideration that I’m the only person who’s in charge of this man's reputation and career, as we both fucking know it?”
"So, of course, I’ll be hip-and-hip with the brute. Do you think I want that man in that play-pen he calls a fucking office? Oh please, Dynamight needs my ass because he can barely keep his head on every second of the day. So just maybe, we should all realize how valuable I am to all of your lives!”
“Because I know that if I wasn’t here, this building would be in flames, man-made or not.”
You spoke sternly with each huff of your breath, and the two women in front of you were left speechless. Your frown soon curled into a small twitch of a smirk before you spoke once more. “So excuse me for needing to be spoken up for. You bitches, have a nice day.”
Without looking back, your feet trailed confidently out of the boss battle that was the ladies' room and straight toward Dynamight's office. With each harsh click of your heels, you stepped closer to the office, your frown stuck and growing deeper by the second. Your coworkers took into account the drastic shift in your demeanor. From shy and outspoken to confident and ten cans of bitchy.
Without thinking twice, you throw the door open with a small huff and walk into the domain of the pro-hero. Closing the door softly, you turn at your heel and scowl at Dynamight. His amber eyes burn back at you with an almost unamused look, unphased by the absolute chaos ensuing beyond the Acia wood door.
“So what? Are we just going to ignore what the press is saying about us?” You said flatly.
“I ignored your annoying ass text messages pretty much the same way,” he snapped back slyly.
This asshat.
As you stormed towards his desk, you slammed your hands against it with a loud slap that made your palms sting. “Is it possible for you to actually talk about the issue and not be a fucking brat?” You spat with anger.
Dynamight's laidback/unbothered exterior soon crumbles in slow motion. From sitting back in his seat, he approaches you with a smooth motion, his eyes glowing amber-red as his elbows land on said desk. Looking straight into your eyes, a devilish smirk etches across his face.
“Say that again for me, Y/N; go ahead.”
Faces close to one another, you could feel the heat radiating off of the hero. You frown at his attempt at intimidation, snapping your eyes away for a single millisecond before you feel a strong, warm grip on your face.
“No, don’t look away now, pretty. Say what you just said to me again. Since you have all the audacity in the world today,” he said with amusement oozing from his tone. You groaned at the sensation of his hand gripping your face, swallowing down your fear. You spoke once more.
“I said, Man up, brat.”
A long-standing pause settles over the room as his gaze burns into your eyes. Suddenly, Dynamight stands up with one swift move. The blonde removes his hand from your face, you moan in anguish at the fade of his unsettling grip and stare into the blonde's eyes once more.
You watch as the hero points his finger at himself with a mischievous smirk,
“You wanna see a brat? I’ll show you a fucking brat!”
He brushes past you and storms out of the room. Shouting your name for you to follow, you quickly turn to follow in blood-curdling anger. You knew he was a pro and all, but there’s a statistic that for every 1 out of 5 chances, a villain can take a perfect hit at a hero of his caliber.
So you might take a chance and strike him at his weak point…
Preferably somewhere in the lower region.
You watch as Dynamight calls for an emergency meeting, calling for all staff to be in attendance. All staff from each agency scurry behind his steps, and even Red Riot follows suit. He tries to calm the hero down, but his efforts fail.
As the workers sat swiftly to hear the beloved hero's comments, your heart began to beat a new rhythm as the truth dawned on you about what you dreaded would happen next.
"So, I believe we all understand why we're in here. So let's address some rumors and set them to fuckin’ rest."
A sudden pang of fear hits your chest and seeps into your body as you hear the words fall off Dynamight's tongue and through the audience of your coworkers. Eyes scan the room until your eyes fall upon a certain red-headed main in the back towards the exit.
Letting out a soft exhale of relief, you speed your way toward Red Riot.
“Red!” You spoke aloud as you gained the attention of the other pro hero. His eyes snap towards you and he points towards his beloved partner in utter confusion. “What the hell is happening now?” He exasperates in exhaustion.
“He’s having a hissy fit because he can’t handle when the public negatively views him–”
“Negative?” He interrupted. You roll your eyes and raise your hands, completely giving up on the situation playing in front of you. “Dude bumped up 10 ranks in public favor, what the hell could he be upset for?” Red Riot spoke in confusion.
Holding your briefcase towards your chest, you sigh at the current baby of the hero stabbing daggers into your form.
“I…I’m not sure.”
As the assembly room filled up, every person in their seat watched attentively as they awaited the hero's urgent message. The blonde clears his throat before groggily shoving them in his pants. Silently pacing back and forth the head of the room with slow steps, eyes still trained onto you.
“I know what everyone is thinking to themselves, why the fuck are we here? Well, I need to address some petty rumors that are going on in the concrete hellscape.”
“All Might save us…” Red Riot groaned quietly as he watched in secondhand embarrassment at the Blondes' stunts.
"If you think me and my secretary have a romantic relationship, I'm afraid you're damn wrong.”
“Don’t listen to what I might’ve said in the past, or what I’ve said in the present. It ain’t true.”
Blah blah blah, blop blop blop.
You swore you could’ve seen physical bullshit fly out of his mouth.
“To prove this…I’m happily engaged!” The hero boasts confidently to the crowd of his workers. Shoving his right hand out of his pocket and out towards the expecting crowd. A diamond-banded ring shone brightly in the bright haze of corporate lighting.
Then, in a moment both shocking and surreal, Dynamight seizes the attention of the room with a declaration that sends ripples of astonishment through the assembled crowd. With a brashness that borders on audacity, he confronts the swirling rumors head-on, his words cutting through the murmurs like a lightning bolt.
In the sudden hush that follows, the truth is laid bare, raw, and unfiltered. The bombshell revelation of your engagement sends shockwaves through the room, leaving jaws agape and minds reeling. Eyes widen in disbelief as whispers erupt, spreading like wildfire among the stunned onlookers.
Yet, amidst the chaos, Dynamight stands undaunted, his demeanor unwavering despite the tempest of reaction he has incited. His confidence radiates as he confronts the storm of speculation with a rare candor, unapologetic in the face of scrutiny.
Calm within the midst of the business casual storm.
As for you, on the other hand, you could only think of one thing to do in this situation. Your feet rush towards the blonde with a speed never before seen, and your hand flies back as far as possible before landing a seething slap on the hero’s cheek.
Dynamight lets out a gasp of shock (and so does everyone else in the room) at your hit. You stood in front of the hero for only a moment before rushing out of the room and straight out of the office.
And now what was left of you was your body sulking under your covers once more. Leaving you to pick up the pieces of your self-worth once more.
You should consider just giving up, calling off the engagement, and leaving the industry for the rest of your life. A soulless desk job would be better than whatever the fuck this reality is right now.
So much for that speech in the ladies' room...
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You tried hard to care for and take up for the hero you worked for, but at times like this, your vendetta only grew stronger. And the more your sister became right. But there's a voice in the back of your head that is somewhat empathetic for the hero.
Look at his family, for All Might’s sake!
An overprotective bitch for a mother, and an emotional father with no backbone.
(it’s okay for men to show their emotions!!!)
Of course, that would create a man with a lack of emotions and a soul-crushing ego to overcompensate for it.
Of fucking course!
Sighing into your pillow, you could only fantasize about the words you’d want to say to that man right now. 
“Tight pants, brazen-boned, bastard.” You grit your teeth together, as the words only make you angrier. “Beady-eyed, dog-mannered, dimwad!” You throw your blankets off your body and jump out of bed. Rushing towards the kitchen, you grab the fridge handle and swing the door open.
No beer.
Huffing out a defeated sigh, you eye the clock on the counter. It read 11:45.
Licking your lips, you ponder as you stare at the fridge and back at the clock. You might as well go out for a walk to cool some steam off. Shuffling over to your coat rack, you lazily threw on a hoodie and some slides. Grabbing your purse and your keys, you open the door to your apartment.
Rummaging in your purse for some convenience store coupons, you continued on your slew of words. “I bet he’s not even a real blonde, just a poser of a man-baby–”
Eyes snapping wide from the voice, you jump back in shock as you see the man of the hour.
“What the hell are you doing here, Dynamight? Do you know what time it is?” You exclaimed in shock, mouth twisted down into a frown. You stared down at the blonde in anger and in utter embarrassment. Looking down further, you noticed he had a couple of bags in his hands.
Beer and chicken?
“Let me in, we need to talk.”
You scoff at the man's words as you throw your purse over your shoulder. “As if, do you know how you embarrassed me and you today?” You spoke with venom at the hero. Dynamight rolls his eyes before he speaks once more, “If it makes you feel any damn better, I made them all sign NDAs.”
You stare at the hero once more in confusion, and he stares back…unwavering in his actions.
“Okay, sure, do whatever you think will place a bandaid over this whole shit show for all I care.” Placing your hands on your hips, you watch the pro hero step towards you. “Yeah? Well, it's a pretty strong bandaid.”
You hum back in response before the both of you fall into silence. The both of you gazed at each other awkwardly, before tearing your gaze away. A light blush warms your face which makes you look down once more. Looking at the bags of fried chicken and beer, you look at Dynamights hand…
His engagement ring is still on!
“You idiot!”
Frantically looking around the outside of your apartment, you turn back and quickly open the door. You then hold the hero by the collar before shoving him inside. He follows suit with a grunt before shutting the door behind him.
“What the hell is your problem?” He cursed at you.
“My problem? My problem is that you come out to my doorstep late at night bearing a peace offering with your ring on, shining brighter than ever! Fuck-face!” You cursed back. This makes the blonde smirk at your complaint.
“If you think someone is watching us, then you’re pretty late to the party,” he chuckles.
“W-what?” you stuttered in anxiety, breaking from his gaze. You locked the doors and shut the blinds to your home. “Calm down; I paid them off a long time ago,” Dynamight rummages through the bags before setting the food and beer out on the dining table.
“Paid them off?” you asked.
“Yeah, they started watching you as soon as you pulled that stunt at the children's interview a while back. They were going to trample your door down just for a couple of gabs about me.” He spoke, cracking open a can of beer. The hero takes a couple of gulps before placing the can down.
Pulling out a chair, the hero sat down and began to speak. “You think you do all of the protecting when it's me.” He takes another swig of his beer as he stares into your eyes. You swallow a lump in your throat before you grab a seat as well.
“But you can’t say I haven’t.” You trailed off.
“Haven’t what?” He asked.
“Took care of you; everyone thinks you're this strong force to never be reckoned with, but you’re the complete opposite,” you rambled as you grabbed a can of beer and cracked it open. Taking a refreshing, much-needed swig.
Katsuki never responded.
“Y’know, it’s crazy how much this position has changed me. For the good or worse… I’m not so sure.” You spoke softly towards the hero.
“And why do you think that, Y/n?” He asked.
You bit the inside of your cheek at the question. “Before I came to this agency, I never knew what it was like to take care of someone besides myself. And even then, I was doing a shit job at it. My life was teetering on by a thin string.”
The room was silent, the only noises being the taping of Katsuki’s foot, the ticking of the clock, and the hum of your refrigerator.
“So what? You’ve never helped someone out before? Beating someone’s ass with your quirk? Nothin’?” Katsuki spoke, trying to understand where you’re coming from. But you could only let out a big sigh.
"Well, technically, I’m kinda quirkless.”
Katsuki’s tapping stopped.
He gave you a look you’ve never seen before; his eyes were growing soft and his chest began to fall. Like he’s loosening up or something. The blonde stared intensely at you, waiting for you to speak once more. Biting your lip, you continued once more.
“It's like it comes in little spurts, no matter how hard I try to concentrate and force it out. It’ll only come out at the randomest of times. I’ve never seen myself at full power before.”
“One moment I was just like you, young and so excited about my quirk. I grew up thinking that I was going to save the world and that I’d work hard and conquer my way to the top. But the thing is, as yours grew stronger, I was only getting weaker. And the next thing I knew, I woke up, and it was gone.”
“So I went through life with the mentality that I needed to give myself a bit more attention; I couldn’t just wing through life knowing that my quirk could save me. But I knew that if I could have a position of power, that would make me feel like I was making a difference out there for you of all people…”
You suddenly laughed at yourself, taking another swig of your beer.
“Sorry, I don’t even know what I’m saying, I’m already buzzed.”
You looked at Katsuki as he spoke, a frown on his lips as he shook his head. You couldn't help but laugh at his demeanor. “All I’m saying is that maybe I wasn’t as cut out for this as I thought I would be. Maybe I’m meant to be a walking target that villains can smell. I’m a walking damsel in distress, honestly. If we didn’t meet through the agency, we could’ve met that way most likely–”
“Shut up.”
Katsuki deadpanned at your words.
“I knew someone who was quirkless, and that loser is stronger than me for all might’s sake!” He exclaimed.
“All I’m saying is that you have a good life, so be proud of it. You work hard, harder than I’ve seen most of the chicken heads that I’ve hired. So bask in that glory.” He says softly, you roll your eyes before you start up again.
“I have a good life? Says the multi-acclaimed pro hero Dynamight! Ranked number two out of the whole country, he drives a red sports car, lives in a nice childhood home, goes to a great school, gets to roll around in money, and gets to tell people how they should dress for five days out of the week? Right, my life is really good.”
You snorted at yourself, reveling in the truth you spoke. But all Katsuki could do was shake his head.
“That same person who you were talking about has almost died countless times, kidnapped in their first year of high school, and has lost too many friends and mentors to count. So yeah, I consider you to have a good life.”
You let out a bittersweet chuckle at his words, “There’s one more thing too.” You added on, Katsuki raised his eyebrows in amusement, “like?”
“You’re also the last to get married.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes and lets out an amused smirk. “Right, that’s checkmate for me–”
“How come you’re the last? I would think that you’d be the first! You’re not a bad-looking guy; you might need to work in the emotional availability department but. You’re crystal clear.”
“I uh…  I tried to do the whole young love thing but it didn’t work out in my favor.” He responded softly towards the touchy subject, but you decided to persist.
“And why do you think that, Katsuki?”
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Back when Bakugo was a younger, newly emerged pro, there was someone of his caliber that he found perfect. They had the spunk, the quirk, the personality, the looks, even the barons. He believed they were perfect for each other.
He had his sights set on them since he had been working in the force. At first, they were a nice distraction. Clever banter turned into hot makeout sessions. Training days turned into blanket-covered nights where the both of them would talk about their future.
And back then, he believed it. He believed that he had a future with them.
Sometimes he would envy Kirishima; he didn’t understand why he wasn’t chosen to bear the burden of love. A warmth beyond his comprehension, a family that he could selfishly call his own.
Sometimes his mind would trail back to that night. A night that he wished he could forget. A thought that he wished could be locked away forever. He remembers the sight as he looked into their eyes—the utter betrayal.
The smirk of mischief and evil as the one and only person he ever could love has turned against him. The moment when he got stabbed in the chest, too close to his heart. And in that moment, he had to choose selfishly in a way he never wanted to.
And that choice was his life over theirs.
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You didn’t know what to say at the moment, Katuski just dropped the biggest bomb you had the burden of holding. Stammering with your thoughts, you say the first thing that comes to mind. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, Katsuki…”
“I would’ve never known–”
“It wasn’t for you to know; I don’t even know why I told you that,” he said to himself. You softly smile at his harsh words.
“Well, not to toot my own horn but I’m your fiance,” you chuckled. Katsuki gives you a smirk before he looks at your hand. "Then, where’s your ring?” He asked.
“In my room, placed somewhere safe and out of harm's way!” you smiled.
"Well, I’m gonna need you to start wearin’ it more,” he retorted.
“I figured that after your little speech, you gave us away like you weren’t even trying.” You spat out sarcastically. “I didn’t even mention your name!” He raised his voice in protest. “Yeah? Well, I’m sure everyone connected the dots to a perfect fuckin T.” You spoke with a smirk.
"Well then if they decide to connect those lines to the press, that NDA will be there waiting for them to get bit in the ass,” he snapped back.
You laugh at his words before taking a final sip of your beer.
“Why did you choose to give yourself a chance with me?”
Oh, you were buzzed.
“You are a hero that’s supposed to date other heroes, top models, and superstars of your caliber. Why date some small-town secretary that doesn’t even fully have a quirk?” you spoke, just above a whisper. Scared of his next response. Feeling that as if you got the wrong response, you just might hurl all over him.
Katsuki lets out a sigh before he silently panders to himself. He was eyeing you up and down before he finally spoke with a smirk.
“I’m not sure, wishful thinking?”
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I saw all your comments begging me to come back, next chapter when? next chapter when? NEXT CHAPTER NOW HOE
As you all might know now, I am a busy college student who finally has time to fantasize and write to my heart's content. SO YOU WILL BE GETTING MORE CHAPTERS OUT OF ME VERY SOON!!
Thank you all so much for the support, I love you all and hope you guys have an amazing read! Please let me know how I did in the comments. Comments and reposts are very much appreciated!!
— lovelyiida 
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❥: @xo-evangeline, @inlovewithteo217, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @nar00, @king-dynamight, @gold24fish, @xasilex, @the-queen-of-sorrows , @itgetzweird08 , @yoyosocks165 , @pebblepoop , @lovra974 , @bakugospartner , @gaby-11 , @akqsa-xxi , @jolynegf , @goldenglow149 , @aliruuiz , @zukowantshishonourback , @ilovedenk-i , @atsushiki , @smolbeanzzz , @lem-hhn , @stevenknightmarc , @katsu-shi , @ryumiii , @idontevenknowlolls , @lyn07 , @kennshifts , @ackerman-suck-3-r , @alicen23 , @xasilex , @elegantvoids , @lowkeyremi , @plutounderbridges , @k0z3me , @thecurlyhairedgoddess , @sunyrose , @winterv-black , @chuugarettes , @kiarathace , @thisbicc , @thekookiecorner , @hyu-hl , @katsukisxslut , @optimisticprime3 , @cosmicbreathe , @yessimo , @sanemishina , @snxwycloud , @cosmic-rainstorm , @vinivave , @venus-xxoo , @lavender99 , @iluv-ace , @artfulthoughtsblog , @thatcreepycat , @prettylittleshady , @lavalampfullofsoup, @melodykittya , @bakugoiidaswaifu, @queendynamite2001, @starxsage, @mikestuffffs, @queendynamite2001, @kazuumii, @Minori-taiga1, @Liveurlifetothefullest
156 notes · View notes
444rockstargf · 10 months
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝐥𝐢𝐯'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲. ‎‎₊˚⊹ 𐦍༘⋆₊ ⊹
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what i will write.
i will primarily write rory culkin content on this blog, but i am now writing for miguel o'hara, spencer reid and the outsiders. i try my best to answer all requests that i get, unless they go against things that i write. i write 18+ content.
what i won't write.
incest, pedophilia, scat play, & watersports.
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kinktober masterlist.
be my valentine. ₊˚⊹♡: masterlist
☆ = nsfw
charlie walker.
if i cant have you, no one can. you & charlie stalking eachother. getting down with charlie. ☆ charlie's personal camgirl. ☆ pretty when he cries. ☆ subby charlie giving you head. ☆ trashy tutor session. ☆ trashier study session. ☆ prettiest girl he's ever seen. best friend. childhood crush.
dating euronymous hcs. giving euronymous head after a show. ☆ euronymous' fucktoy. ☆ meeting euronymous at a party. meeting euronymous at a party (part 2). ☆ admiring from afar. taking his virginity. ☆ bimbo and the beast. ☆ first time doing anal. ☆ little black bimbo. ☆ rough sex. ☆ throatfucking. ☆ gonna play with myself. ☆ ps girlfriend hcs. ☆ the shape of my body. ☆ threesome with dead. ☆ i'm the boss. ☆ friday night fight. grinding in the pale moonlight. ☆ cheater. ☆ loving you is hard, being here is harder. blessed with beauty and rage. private session. ☆ brother's best friend. ☆ sweetest melodies.
dating clyde hcs. making edibles on a stormy night. crying on his shoulder. bathtime with clyde. ☆ intoxicated sex. ☆ sloppy sex. ☆ meet me at the diner. dating clyde hcs (again.) shotgun. ☆ taking his virginity. ☆ tired n sickly. ☆ fingerbanging at coachella. ☆ kissing behind the skate structure. do you want me or do you not? the bad girl next door. ☆ forever wild. ☆
jack thurlow.
having sex with jack. ☆ jack's worst addiction. jack's keepsake. ☆ your first time. ☆ your wife won't mind. ☆ hold me, love me, touch me. ☆ i need you. ☆ guided masturbation. ☆ sun & moon, december & june. let's ride. ☆ sad girl. a little party never hurt no one. dom x dom. ☆ somnophilia. ☆
ollie sway.
giving ollie a striptease. ☆ public sex. ☆ first orgasm. ☆ attempt to be dominant. ☆ watching me get undressed. ☆
one night stand with kappa. ☆ a friendly visitor. caught masturbation. ☆ jealous girl. ☆ softcore babyface. (ft. dan cooper) ☆ don't forget me. ☆ got a knife in my shirt. ☆ my cult leader. ☆
dan cooper.
dan's first time using a toy. ☆ dry humping. ☆ two little bunnies. ☆ pegging danny. ☆ dan cockwarming. ☆ world's biggest whore. ☆ danny dom. ☆ feminization. ☆ softcore babyface. (ft. kappa) ☆ daisy chains. ☆
chris kenton.
friends with benefits. ☆ private dancer. ☆ truth or dare. ☆ blowjob. ☆ got me feeling so much. ☆
marcus (swarm).
putting him into subspace. ☆ that damn bowl of strawberries.
spencer reid. (criminal minds)
you wanna make the switch? ☆ heard that you like the bad girls.
more characters to be added.
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credits to ©444rockstargf.
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458 notes · View notes
ilys00ga · 6 months
can i request a fluffy first kiss drabble with yoongi? like reader is inexperienced with dating and other stuff. Reader feels like this is gonna be disappointing for him and they get nervous whenever they're in close proximity with him. He's sweet and just trying to show his love. After some time he thinks maybe reader doesn't have an interest in him like he does with them. He asks directly if they think of him in a romantic and more intimate way at all. Everything turns out okay he understands and comforts the reader
pairing: yoongi x reader.
genre: fluff, just pure fluff with some silliness bcuz we all need to be silly.
warnings: this made me miss yoongi even more so, beware, in case you miss him just like I do.
A/N: thank u so much for this req! I just realised that it's slightly different than what you've requested, but I hope that's okay and that you enjoy reading regardless <3. You're very welcome if u wanna request more stuff or just reach out to me.
PS. English is not my first language, so u know the drill.
ᵎᵎ 𖦹彡⋆。˚・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
to a person whose only romantic experience was that in books and movies, meeting yoongi was like jumping off of 4 stairs at once as a child, scary but so damn exciting and fun. it was like picking up a book in a language you've been trying to learn for while, full of complex for a beginner like you.
it took you some time to get used to his presence in your life. to him. it's not like you didn't enjoy it, it was far away from that actually, but he was your first, after all.
the two of you hadn't been official for that long, though. after many moon cycles of pining and awkward, shy interactions, it all bloomed at once, and suddenly, you officially got your first boyfriend.
you were planning to go on a proper date, after the previous one had miserably failed (a tale to tell for another day), only for it to be met with a heavy rain storm. yoongi ended up apologizing, and offered you an indoors dinner, some cuddles and a movie for the night.
after finishing your meal, he held your hand in his and led you to the living room, where he had prepared a cozy setting with snacks and wine.
he noticed the way your body tensed every time he initiated any kind of physical connection between the two of you. at first, he didnt think much of it, assuming it was because just the beginning of your relationship. he was also well aware that you've never dated anyone before, so it was only natural for you to be awkward with that.
he really understood. after all, he himself wasn't a fan of skin ship and was extremely shy as well. he almost always tried to initiate it for you, because of how caring and loving you are towards him. you always took care of him, something he's very grateful for. and so, he made sure to remind himself to show you that he does with those little gestures of affection every now and then.
but then, he started noticing more frequently. everytime he attempted to hug you, hold your hand, peck your face, or even those two times he almost just leaned in to kiss your lips—but stopped halfway. and each time his worry reaches the tip of his toungue, waiting to be spilled in the form of a question, he always ends up letting it slip when you quickly brush it off and comply to whatever he wanted to do.
"thank you for the dinner, it was really good." you said, watching as yoongi's face lit up with a grin. his hand affectionately ruffled the top of your head, a habit of his that you've grown fond of the more often he did it. suddenly, he reached out for his phone, tapping a few buttons and a soft, slow beat rode the air of the room.
dropping his phone on the sofa, he put his left hand out and asked, "may I have a dance with you, darling?"
chuckling, you nodded and intertwined your fingers with his.
he pulled you in, chest flush against his with his free hand resting on your waist. then, he started swaying both of your bodies to the music.
"you're welcome, darling." he replied, kissing your cheek. he sensed your body tensing again, this time your fists tightening on top of his shoulders, and he hummed.
"I would very much like to kiss you right now."
eyes widening, you froze in your place when you heard his whisper. you felt your cheeks burning up. it took you off guard. your brain struggled to figure out what to say or do next, so you just stood there and stared at him. it's happening.
in books and movies, first kisses are that thing that everyone gets to experience at one point in their life, but not everyone gets to enjoy it. and right now, thinking about the possibility of yoongi not liking your first kiss is not helping calm your nervous system at all.
"can I..?" he pleaded, eyes never leaving yours with a tiny hint of a smirk appearing on his face.
"i- I've never done this before, I don't wanna ruin it for you and-" you stuttered nervously as you averted your eyes. the change of the atmosphere was starting to feel way too overwhelming for you, and all you could think about was how he'd feel like once he realises how bad you are at this.
"hey, look at me." once again, and with a very gentle voice, yoongi whispered. his finger gently rested under your chin and lifted your head. his eyes, ever so caring and tender, soothed your nerves down. you swallowed what remained stuck in your throat of concerns.
"it's okay if you've never experienced this before. and I'm not gonna force you to do it, now or any other time, if you don't want me to. but I really would like to show you just how amazing it feels, so please allow me to do so." he added.
you took a deep breathe in and slowly nodded. even though you've been together for just a couple of weeks, you love yoongi, and you trust him. you know he's never gonna do anything that's gonna end up hurting you in any possible way, and you've always been thankful for how respectful and thoughtful he is.
"o-okay..." you finally agreed, giving him his much desired green light.
"okay." he smiled, "let me ask again. Is it okay if I kiss you right here and now?"
"yes, please.."
like a kid that finally got permission to open his first birthday present of the day, yoongi leaned in and gently met your lips with his.
the first kiss was not like that of the movies, it was light and short. yoongi pulled back, eyes finding yours again as to make sure nothing went wrong. it took you a moment to regain your senses again, but you smiled sheepishly after a few heart beats, reassuring him that everything was fine, and he leaned in again. this time, he pulled your body closer to his, one hand gently holding your wasit and the other cupping your jaw.
he did all the work, and you just stood there with your eyes closed, focusing on the warmth of his skin against yours. he realised that you weren't sure where to put your hands when your balled up fists clenched on his sleeves, so he gently guided them to the back of his neck.
it all felt so new, so refreshing. your stomach felt so funny, and your heart beat so fast against your chest. the sound of heavy raindrops landing on the window, along with the music that's still playing in the room, was distant. all you could feel was his chest against yours, his lips pressing against yours. his hands gently holding your face and his fingers caressing your cheeks.
shortly after, you tapped his shoulder in panick as it started getting harder to hold your breath in.
yoongi pulled out, face inches away from yours, and panted, "I'm sorry. got caught up in the feeling of your honey lips."
looking at him up this close, he looked so pretty. red tinted cheeks and cherry plumped up lips. you suddenly really wanted to kiss him more. your face flushed a deep, rosy red at that thought.
chuckling, you hid your face in both of your hands and crouched down.
"hey, relax. it's okay." yoongi chuckled softly and crouched down next to you, running his hand down your back and lifting your face, "you're so red, are you alright?" he teased.
you whined and hugged his torso, hiding your face in his chest.
"was it that bad?" he continued to joke, giggling as he enjoyed your reaction.
"it was amazing, I loved it a lot." when you lifted your face and looked up at him, he saw your eyes sparkling with joy, and perhaps some gratitude. yoongi leaned down and kissed your forehead.
"how'd you like your first kiss, my lady?" he asked, and you hummed.
"thank you, you're literally the best. I don't deserve you."
"don't say that. you deserve the best. I cannot believe I've waited this long to kiss you."
you chuckled, "it's only been two weeks, yoongi."
"and what about it? have you seen yourself? your lips?!"
you slap his back playfully, giggling at his dramatic silliness before looking back up at him, "I can't believe I've been anxious about it this whole time." you pouted.
"it's okay, darling. it's all new to you. today, it's a kiss, tomorrow, something much better is coming your way." he chuckled.
"yoongi!" you slap him again. perhaps, this time with a little bit more of strength to emphasize your exclamation.
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eletricheart · 8 months
Hiii! I have a request for Donna. You can write about Donna and f!reader who don't speak or understand English but they were injured and lost
(Donna Beneviento x Reader)
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*image creds to owner
Word count: 737
i did my best😭 hope u like it🫶 its all fluff i promise
ps: i didnt specify the gender, it didnt really matter in the story, i wrote a lot "you" so...idk
You were running through the snow, desperately trying to gain distance from whatever creature was chasing you. You didn't know what it was, all you saw was blood and a howl, then you ran.
Your legs were burning and the trees were leaving multiple scratches on your face. Suddenly you were pushed to the side, your brain barely registering the pain of falling down a slide.
Your breaths were coming in hard, your lungs were hurting and there was blood dripping down from your head to your eyes. All you could see was a grave surrounded by flowers, ironic since you felt like dying.
You tried to stand but after running, falling and having an unknown pain in your side, you fell back down.
At least the place was nice, the moon's shine left the flowers sparkling slightly.
You heard shuffling and thought the creature came to finish it's job until little doll feet stood in front of your face. You noticed the doll speaking to you, unfortunately you did not speak the language so just stared at her confused.
Your eyes were starting to close when the smells of fresh paint and leaves slightly woke you up. You could feel someone lifting you, wincing when she touched your wounds.
You didn't stay awake enough to see the path, all you remember is waking up in a bed in a strange room. Your body was covered in bandages and there was a doctor doll sitting next to you.
You barely could move but managed to turn your head enough to properly look at them, a chuckle left your lips hurting your ribs a bit.
You were close to falling asleep again when the door opened gently. A woman dressed in black was holding a tray with what appeared to be tea and some fruits. She settled it on the nearby table and approached you.
She pointed at your bandage. "The tea will heal it." Her voice wasn't louder than a whisper, cracking on a few words.
You furrowed your brows, not understanding what she says. You attempted to speak in your language but three words in and the woman shook her head, held one finger up(as in one second) and left.
You couldn't move therefore waited. She didn't take long to return with a notebook and pen.
She wrote down her name and pointed at herself. You nodded and told her your name, also asking her to carry on.
Donna understood your name but the rest was messy, so she tilted her head momentarily confused, to which you picked up on and looked at the tray.
The dollmaker nodded and laid it beside you, helping you into a sitting position. You ate in silence, she would occasionally stare at you but most of the time looked at the floor. Once you were done she took the tray and set it back on the table before moving back to sit beside you.
Donna kept wondering on how to speak to you, she could find a dictionary but there weren't many options in her house and she didn't know what language you were speaking. Perhaps she could ask the name, but she also wasn't sure on how to.
After what felt like ages for the dollmaker, she picked up the notebook and wrote a sad face. She presented to you and pointed at the bandages.
You were happy she was trying to talk to you, not hiding your smile and making a more or less gesture. You still needed to thank her and the language barrier was an issue, so you pointed at your wounds, gave her a thumbs up, pointed at her and made a heart with your hands.
Donna was thankful you couldn't see her face through the veil for she was blushing furiously, she still nodded politely but was melting on the inside.
The next days were the same, she'd come in, check your wounds and you'd talk through drawings. Angie absolutely adored this, believing it was all a game, eventually she understood you couldn't understand when she talked so the doll would tease Donna and tell her secrets to you. You would always look at her with a confused but smiling face.
Donna did find out which language you spoke and arranged a dictionary, now both of your days were filled with studying and giggling when one would say something in the other language.
requests are open: masterlist
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i0134 · 1 year
𖥻 zb1﹎my love playlist 🪡 ˒𓆩⠀⠀⠀
tw! ; angst, fluff, a bit suggestive, lowercase intended.
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jiwoong— try again (by jaehyun x d.ear) ˒ ꙳
despite you and your lover both being from two different worlds, you two still try to stay together forever. all those little arguments and making up only makes your long distanced relationship stronger, pulling each other closer, growing up more mature as you two learn and love everything together. step by step, little by little.
❛ I'm always on your side, we'll be alright ˳ ⋆
zhanghao— old love (by yuji x putri dahlia) ˒ ꙳
dating hao was the most beautiful thing that has ever been done by you. he was the epitome of lovely. just like him, dates planned by him were the best too. that summer night where he stole your first kiss under the full moon or when he ditched the prom with you just so he could slow dance with you at a secret place in the school's backyard, constantly showering you with kisses and muttering how pretty you look in that dress. he surely made you feel all sorts of love.
❛ come on and hold me, I want you right here ˳ ⋆
hanbin— only (by lee hi) ˒ ꙳
he was your dream love and you were his. shy sneaky glances, lingering touches, countless daydreams, sleepless nights thinking about one another and all heart eyes. but none of you were confident or sure enough to confess until you initiate your proposal first and things become so much dreamy and lovely as both of you dwell in eachothers warmth ever after.
❛ my only one, everytime i see you, i want to have you ˳ ⋆
matthew— 10 months (by enhypen) ˒ ꙳
your childhood friend that's a mix resemblance of a cute puppy and the bright smiley sun has been confessing to you ever since you two learned to talk properly. being the mature yet younger one you couldn’t help but giggle at his desperate attempts and defending pouts. but as you two grow up your feelings become more and more prominent and so does his attempts of proving himself that he's your dream man now and your left with no choice but to accept his cute love.
❛ starting tomorrow I'll protect you, all day all night ˳ ⋆
taerae— double take (by dhruv) ˒ ꙳
sleepless nights he spends writing verses of love songs dedicated to you, his friendly classmate. his crush on you is so obvious yet shocking to everone. you’re his muse, his little happy love and he's planning to make his move this prom night with the specially readied song before anyone elss claims you.
❛ tell me, do you feel the love? ˳ ⋆
ricky— beside you (by keshi) ˒ ꙳
no matter how hard you try to deny it, it seems like you’ve taken a bit more interest in that crazy rich heartthrob who's trying to court you, constantly seeking for your attention and perhaps some love. (ps. your ex crush long that you were planning to confess long forgotten) he declares that It's love at first sight and tries to prove he is the best one for you. your the best thing that happened to him and lover boy is absolutely whipped for you. he's never felt such devoted love hehe. so will you be able to ignore him and your blooming feelings? spoiler : you wont ;)
❛ you say this ain't love, but it's the same love ˳ ⋆
gyuvin— every summertime (by niki) ˒ ꙳
you never knew your usual normal summer would be romanticised by a certain goofball and become this exciting and lovely. that summer left a strong warmth in your heart as you fell for him harder than ever and you knew that was it, that this boy named kim gyuvin wss the only one you’ll ever need in not only summer but the whole year, wishing to grow up in eachothers loving embrace.
❛ every year we get older, but I'm still on your side ˳ ⋆
gunwook— love story (by taylor swift) ˒ ꙳
that evening was a truly magical one. you on the balcony watching the sun go down the horizon as your new neighbour's son's figure across the street underneath attracts your attention, meeting eye to eye and suddenly your stomach feels all funny as your pulse rises. that was the start of your little romeo-juliet story but with a happily ever after. sneaking out at the middle of the night with him, skipping classes for quick picnics and doing all sorts of funsies you swore you’ll never do.
❛ It's a love story, baby, just say "yes!" ˳ ⋆
yujin— softcore (by the neighbourhood) ˒ ꙳
being in a secret relationship with an idol wasn’t so easy as you were stuck in the four confines of your room, occupied with studies and yujin on his run around the world doing various promotions and practices to secure his position as a qualified idol. but even in amidst of all you two survive on eachother, comforting and strengthing one another, keeping eachother alive from this hell of a life and healing the wounded souls of one another beacause everything's okay on nights where he sneaks into your room and you take a break for him.
❛ i might need you or I'll break ˳ ⋆
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© aenfilmz / 2023
taglist ; @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck @ichiibunztwt
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livinggeekchic · 8 months
For #phreread2023 week 5, @laukisimp and I collaborated to analyze Hecate’s prophecy in Episode 69 “Moon Maiden” and decipher what it tells us about Lauren’s character development.
When Lauren visits the circus for the first time, she is pulled aside by Hecate (the fortuneteller) for a tarot reading. Lauren draws five cards: the two of swords, the five of cups, the tower, the ten of swords, and death. These cards foretell events that will take place over the next two seasons—and we believe the clues in Hecate’s words can be decoded to pinpoint specific moments in Lauren’s character growth arc, leading up to the moment she’s kidnapped in 158.
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The two of swords represents the confusion we face when forced to make a difficult choice. Blindfolded, the woman cannot see the problem clearly and thus cannot find a solution. Throughout S2 and S3, we see that Lauren avoids facing hard truths. She knows that the people around her could be Phantom Scythe, but doesn’t want to believe it can be anyone close to her. She knows Kieran likely can tell her something about the kidnapped kids—about what happened to Dylan—but she’s too afraid to ask. She needs to remove the blindfold and allow herself to seek the answers to these questions. She needs to choose a path: continue to blindly chase the Phantom Scythe in her quest for revenge, or move on and live for the future?
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The five of cups explains why she can’t make that choice: she’s too focused on the loss of her childhood friend, her perceived failure to save him and the others at Allendale (and in losing her rank, putting her even further from figuring out what happened), and the disappointment and guilt that she feels over what happened in her past. She is unable to let go and forgive herself, and thus, she cannot see the two standing cups: new opportunities and potential. She has the potential to help save Kieran, and the opportunity to do a lot of good for everyone who’s caught up in this war between the royals and the Phantom Scythe. In the episodes just prior to this, Lauren and Kieran visit Greychapel and discuss how poor the conditions are. Kieran states that while they’re trying to stop the terrorists in the Phantom Scythe, the revolution must happen. It’s possible that the “new opportunity” is Lauren joining Kieran in helping bring about this revolution.
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In episode 75, titled Tumbling Tower, Sandman reveals that Lauren’s parents were apostles. This knowledge shakes her entire belief system. She thought that the Phantom Schythe was made up of monsters, and yet her parents were founding members. There is also a literal tower in this story—one that Sandman is currently locked in, as he’s writing Lauren a letter. Is it possible that there are more revelations to come? Ones that will bring Lauren’s existing goal, based on false premises, crashing down?
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The destruction of the tower is necessary to clear out old mistruths and make way for something new. But how she handles that course of action depends on her reaction to the betrayal. The ten of swords: someone has stabbed her in the back. But it’s important to note that the sword series in tarot tells the story of a person who attempts to use the swords for faulty reasons, makes mistakes, tries to run from them, and ultimately suffers the pain of being stabbed by them. The story of someone who allows themselves to fall victim to that internal pressure. The swords are a weapon, and can have potential for destruction or good, depending on how they are wielded.
In episode 156, Lauren discovers that March has been lying to them. He’s led her coworkers into an ambush and Lauren herself is being pursued by PS members. Lauren didn’t want to consider that March might be PS; she dismissed Kieran’s questioning of March in episode 146, misinterpreting his statements about his family and the true criminals of Ardhalis.
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In episode 158 she is pursued, chased into a warehouse where all of her anxieties and fears overwhelm her. She has been continually plagued by the guilt she feels about Allendale, and now she adds to that the losses that she fears are yet to come (images of a deceased Kieran, Kym, and Will coming to her mind). She is unable to wield the swords because of her continued avoidance of the truth. Blindfolded, she doesn’t want to face her suspicions about Dylan, and doesn't want to consider March as the betrayer. So she spirals, and all of her anxieties take over. They paralyze her in that warehouse, leading to her being knocked out and kidnapped. The title of Episode 158, Seething Sword, tells us that she has been dealt that final blow.
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But like the death card, the end of one thing means a new beginning for another. She must learn to wield the swords instead of letting her trauma weigh her down. It’s a symbolic death, not a literal one. The old Lauren, the part of her that was driven by guilt and shame, needs to be buried so the new Lauren, freed of those shackles she’s carried for ten years, can instead look to the future.
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And what might we see in the future? We know that Lauren is at a crossroads. The two of swords signifies that two equal and opposing forces are at war, and she is caught in the middle. She has been stuck between the PS and the government of Ardhalis. She wants to take down the PS, but she is increasingly finding that the APD isn’t the paragon of justice she thought it was. Similarly, the PS isn’t entirely evil; though their methods are, their goal is relatable. We believe that Lauren will choose her own path. She won’t side with either, and will instead forge her own way forward, alongside Kieran. Perhaps she will choose to forgo her detective rank and become a fugitive with Kieran—especially if his identity ends up becoming compromised. Perhaps she will support a revolution of the poor and mistreated against the royals who keep them in the dirt.
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“He” is closer to her, more similar than she thinks. We believe this is a reference to the leader. She thinks he is hidden in the shadows, but it’s very likely that the leader is someone close to her, given the clues about her parents, the Snapdragon, and how the leader kept her alive all these years. Like Lauren, the leader has also lost people close to him and seeks revenge—against the royals for the massacre of the Snapdragon, for burying those truths along with their bodies.
Hecate mentions enemies, plural, and it’s true that Lauren has many enemies now. Not only those in the Phantom Scythe, but even within the APD, for what she’s doing as Lune. She needs to question those around her more: Stefan, Dakan, March—these people have all lied to her in the past, and yet she is too clouded by her intense focus on the Phantom Scythe to consider those around her. She must remove the blindfold, and it starts with letting go of the past.
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Lauren’s obsession with Dylan is holding her back. She needs to accept the truth—that Dylan is dead, and there’s nothing else she can do for him. But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. She can make a difference in Kieran’s life. She can save him from his cursed fate to kill and kill until he himself perishes. She can help him take down the leader. But in order to do this, she might have to set her privileged life aside. Only when she stops focusing on the past can she create a new future.
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henneseyhoe · 1 year
Pillow Talk.
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Coyote x BLACK!FEM!reader
WARNINGS:short lovey dovey fluff and both of y’all being absolute simps lmfao.
SUMMARY: basically just you pillow talking with your husband after your anniversary dinner.-
Ps. This wasn’t originally a fic, just something that was cute but I wanted to add a fc so why not pick my mannn
“You know I’ve never loved anybody like I love you?” A smile grows on the woman’s face as she lays on the bed with her husband, throwing her leg across his hip. “And everyday I find a different type of love for you” Hearing him go on, she looks up from his golden pendant that hung from his neck, her eyes attempting to avoid all eye contact. “Don’t do this right now” she groans, her hands covering her face to hide her wide smile.
They had just ended their night after a busy day together, enjoying the anniversary of their wedding. Even after seven years of marriage, and fifteen years of knowing each other, he still made her stomach fill with butterflies.
He made her feel giddy, and shy when just neutral the minute before, and he’d always point it out just to make matters worse, especially if they were in public. She always thought she lucked out when it came to him, and she was right. He was everything she could have asked for in a husband. Even when he got upset, he was gentle and always tried to be aware of her feelings, taking in everything she had to say before speaking his mind, and still giving her the space and respect she wanted. He just adored her in every way. His goal was to make sure she was always comfortable.
His favorite thing about the relationship was that it wasn’t one sided. She cared for him like he cared for her. She was everything he could ever want and if you asked him yourself, he’d tell you exactly that, followed by numerous compliments about her and how she was too good for him.
“Cut it out, I’m serious! I feel like you don’t ever take me seriously when I say that randomly, but I want you to understand that I mean it” he says, pulling her closer to his chest and kissing her lips softly. She smiles against his lips, then pulls away. “I do! I knew you meant it from the day we married” he raises a brow before laughing. “Not from the day I first said it?” He asks, the woman smirking. “…I had to make sure I had you locked in for life first” they both laugh.
Calming down from their fit, she sighs. “On a serious note, I’m grateful for a love like yours. Even though you have a thing for trying to make me blush all the damn time” she playfully rolls her eyes.
Chuckling, he put a hand up in defense.“never knew it was a crime to sweeten my girl up every now and then, my bad”
“Every now and then? More like every day”
he shrugs.
“I just like seeing you smile. You being happy makes me happy”
She smiles again, those same familiar butterflies appearing in her stomach.
“…Well, you make me so, so, so happy. I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone but you. You treat me too good, you know that?” Before he speaks, she shushes him with her finger. “Hold on, I’m not done. Though you feel like what you do isn’t enough, I think it is. Just knowing that you genuinely love and enjoy everything about me is enough. Even the annoying things”
He cracks a grin against her finger, then moves it from his lips. “You…are so obsessed with me!” he brags in a joking manner, loud laughter escaping his wives mouth. She playfully hits his chest and leans up off of their pillows. “Boy, please! This coming from the man that would try to buy the moon for me if I asked for it”
“The moon? Baby, I’d buy the whole damn solar system”
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maisconkiana · 5 months
My Fair Maiden || PROLOGUE
A Lady Dimitrescu x Reader novel.
Author's Note: Hi there! I decided to cross-platform this story as well here on Tumblr, apart from AO3 and Wattpad! I'll also fix the masterlist for this (and maybe add my art from before in there too, LOL). Anyways, enjoy!
PS. This story is loosely inspired by Beauty and the Beast (1991).
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Long ago, in the outskirts of Romania, there lived a beautiful countess. She had everything she desired: a noble castle, obedient daughters, and an everlasting life filled with nothing but aristocracy and servants who obey at her command.
Until one winter's night, as the midnight moon rose to its zenith, an old beggar came into her doorstep, offering her a single, black rose. A simple token in exchange for a place to stay. Repulsed by haggard features, the countess sneered and turned the beggar away, but she warns her not to be deceived by such appearances, for true beauty is found within.
Dismissing her once more, the old beggar's façade melts and transforms into one of an enchantress, a being who adorns a sharp set of black wings and a golden halo that shines through the night. Realizing what she had done, the countess attempts to apologize, but it was too late, as the enchantress saw that she was nothing but spoiled and twisted inside.
As punishment, the enchantress placed a powerful spell towards the castle, spreading like parasites onto the countess, her servants, and even her own daughters. As the enchantress' rose bloomed from days into years, the countess grows weary and dreadful as she slowly turns into a monstrous being. Even as she tries to conceal it with all her might, the curse grows stronger forevermore.
If she could learn to love, and have such fleeting feeling reciprocated until the last petal fell, the spell will be broken. If not, her humanity will perish and she will remain a monster forever.
As the years gone by, with every setting sun, she went hopeless. For who could love a wretch like her?
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Please for the love of god give us a part 2 for tyrell!reader
order up <3 ps i literally forgot cersei existed, assume she went mad and leapt off a tower after joffrey’s death or died from grief idk. anyways, here’s good father!tywin and the happy ending we deserve <3 can be read alone, of course, but I’ll link part one too
Going In
Tywin Lannister x fTyrell!Reader
Part One
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Tyren had taken his first steps the day his father was slain in battle. You knew the possibility of him being killed when the Great Lion called his vassals to his cause. King Joffrey had made one final mistake before his grandfather saw him removed from the throne by conquest. Your sweet sister, Margaery had been a fool to hope she could tame the Mad King, and she’d paid with her life before the entire court.
Now, a moon after battle and after his coronation, King Tywin, First of His Name, had summoned the Widow Marbrand and her heir to bend the knee. You hadn’t expected the summons, especially as your husband’s brother, a man who despised you and your son, had already gone to the capitol in your stead. It seemed the King wished to see you personally.
Arriving in King’s Landing for the second time in your life, this time with a strawberry blond son on your hip, was a bittersweet affair. For as morose as you’d been to marry Lord Marbrand, he was a wonderful husband and father in the time he was allowed to fill those roles, and you missed him.
Wearing a black gown with your customary thorned shoulder pads, you looked every inch the Briar Rose people knew you as.
Being escorted to the mostly empty throne room and having given Tyren to a nursemaid, you prepared yourself to face Tywin Lannister, a man you might’ve married some years ago. He was sat at the Throne, looking as he had when he was Hand: commanding. He watched you as you approached, lips frowning at your choice of colour. Of course you mourned your husband, your friend, and the man supposed to guide Tyren in being a man himself. Now, all he had was you and a scornful uncle.
“Your Grace,” you greet, curtsying low and long.
“Lady Marbrand,” he said. “Or are you Lady Tyrell again? My condolences on the loss of your husband.”
“It is still Lady Marbrand, unless my brother by law commands I remarry.” The King did not seem pleased by the answer.
“And you’ve brought your son?”
“Yes, Your Grace. He is with his maids.”
“Bring him,” he commanded. Dread filled you. Would he harm your son? He wouldn’t dare, you resolved. You’d kill him, king or not if he had any untoward intentions.
When your son was brought into the throne room and saw you, he reached out with his chubby little hands, calling for his mama. You smiled at him and accepted him from the nurse, kissing his head as it settled by your neck on your shoulder.
“He seems a healthy babe,” the King commented.
“He is, though his teeth give him grief nowadays,” you replied cautiously.
“My lady,” the King says, before dismissing everyone but you and your babe from the room. You clutched Tyren protectively, and watched as Tywin’s eyes lost the hard look of a ruler in charge. Now, he seemed the same as when you’d stroll the gardens many moons before, and your heart lurched against your ribs at what that might mean. “Approach,” he said at last. You did.
He stared at Tyren, at his faintly red and gold hair, and the bright blue eyes the Marbrands were known by. Tyren watched the King in return, and after looking to you unsurely, he reached forward to be held, to your horror.
“Calm yourself, my lady. I will not hurt him.” And then your son was on the King’s lap, reaching for his ear and getting distracted by his sideburns.
“I had thought my brother by law came, Your Grace, to bend the knee on the Marbrand’s behalf.”
“He did arrive. And then he requested permission to wed you. When he was denied this, he vowed to have you killed. He is in the Black Cells awaiting his punishment.”
“Punishment for what, Your Grace? He did not attempt to kill me, what crime could he have been imprisoned for?” You had no fondness for your husband’s brother, but even Tywin Lannister could not do whatever he wished.
“For speaking against the future Queen.”
You frowned at the King.
“I cannot wait to meet her, especially to apologise for my brother by law’s words.”
Tywin stood from the throne, and descended the few steps that separated you both, your son in his arms doing funny things to your heart rate. When he was near enough, he reached for your hand to hold the one unoccupied by your babbling son, and brought your knuckles to his lips.
“You once told me, had I not hesitated, life might be very different. Of course,” he said, looking to Tyren, “we cannot regret everything about my hesitation, but everything else…”
“Your Grace,” you said, looking down to crush the hope forming in your chest. Hope was a fool’s emotion, hope was what got your sister and your husband killed, what made your brother by law act senselessly. You’d be damned before hope killed you too.
“Briar Rose, they call you. But you have only been a rose to me. I will not hesitate again, my lady. Should you deny me, I will not let you leave my sights. You will be here and safe and mine, or just safe and here. The choice is now yours,” he explained, looking to Tyren and quirking his lips at how enamoured the boy was with his hair and sideburns.
“I would be Queen.”
“You would.”
“I have never desired to be Queen. That was Margaery’s dream, and her dream killed her.”
“My grandson killed her. She was innocent in everything but wanting to be a fair ruler. She told me, a short while after her wedding, that she wanted to be queen because she wanted to be like you. And I happen to agree that you’d make a wonderful queen.”
“And the other candidates to be queen?” By the gods, hiding your jealousy at the thought of other women was harder than ever to temper with this man holding your son and your hand.
“There are none,” he said, looking at you knowingly.
“You have much faith in me, Your Grace, to assume I am what the realm needs.”
“I am what the realm needs. And you are what I need. Agree, my lady. And I can rectify the mistake I made two years ago.”
You wanted to say yes, wanted to let him move closer than he already was, to kiss the mouth of the only man who had made you laugh since your brothers.
“My son. His birthright is Vine Hall, I don’t want him to be prince.” Sensing how close he was to victory, Tywin let go of your hand to wrap it around your waist, and hold you securely to him.
“He will inherit Vine Hall, and if he wishes when he is older to be prince, we will discuss it again then.”
The Lion could be reasonable, you thought as you leaned forward in lieu of answering. He met your kisses with the attitude of a man starved, and did not pull away from you until you were breathless.
“Mama,” your son said impatiently, tired of waiting for your attention.
“Horsies,” he said plainly. Tywin chuckled against your throat.
“To the stables,” he said, before walking with your hand in his out of the throne room to indulge your son.
The wedding was as grand as the richest King in history could afford to put on. And members of the nobility were still gathered in the capitol in the wake of the coronation, so to say it was a gay affair was putting it mildly.
King Tywin had even danced with his Queen before all the court at the wedding feast, and already you knew there would be songs of the Great Lion and his Briar Rose.
When he’d pulled you from the feast to go see Tyren off to bed, you had expected you’d both return to the celebrations and mooch as you would have to for the rest of your life. But your husband dragged you to the Royal Chambers (that had been redesigned after Joffrey’s proclivities were discovered) which were no longer separated into two bedrooms, but one master bedroom with chambers for any children, a study, a parlour and a dining room.
He kissed you silly, and before you knew it, you were naked as your nameday under your husband.
“Mine,” he had said throughout the night. As he kissed your neck, your breasts, your stomach (paying sweet attention to the silvery scars bearing Tyren left you with) and your hips.
Your first husband had never been passionate, but your second husband had enough for two people. He was a man starved at your core, kissing, sucking and licking, he even laid gentle bites on your thighs which made you quiver in your desperation. You peaked twice on his face, and even then he didn’t look ready to stop.
“Tywin,” you panted, tugging at his arms to return to you at the top of the bed. He separated from your core with a final kiss which made you jolt, then crawled up to you, kissing the same pathway he had on his way down. “No more teasing,” you scolded, though the effect was lost with your blush covering your chest and face.
“Teasing?” he grumbled, lowering himself over you to pin your body to the bed. As though using magic, he was lined up and already gently prodding, allowing you to slowly open up for him before pushing inside. “You peaked on my mouth twice, wife. That isn’t teasing.”
“I know you, Lion,” you panted as he settled fully inside you. He did not move, even after you’d adjusted and began wriggling beneath him. “You’re teasing me right now.”
“I only want to be sure my wife is appreciating my attentions,” he goaded, grinding slightly but not nearly enough to bring you any relief. “How can I be sure she is, when she accuses me thusly?”
You looked up into his eyes, and felt, once again, your thorns retreat. You cupped his cheeks, wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed him sweeter than ever. Please, you whispered against his mouth. My Lion.
“You were always meant to be mine,” he growled, as he made you his wife good and proper. You could not speak anymore, too busy trying to replace the breath your husband took as he firmly drove into you. When you whined, a sound that had your eyes shutting and cheeks flushing, you made to move your hand to cover your mouth.
“No,” he growled, pulling your hand from your mouth. “You are my queen now, my lioness. Let me hear you.”
That night, you’re quite certain all of King’s Landing heard your roar.
“Father,” Tyren called one morning as the royal family was breaking their fast. Now ten, and growing more and more every day, Tyren was approaching manhood, and all at your husband’s attentive measures. He was training Tyren himself in the art of the sword, and told you of every success and lesson your son learned in the training yard.
“Yes, son.”
You felt a stirring anytime Tywin claimed Tyren as his. And he had done a lot already. He’d named him the Marbrand heir, but had his name changed to Lannister. Children of our marriage will be Lannisters, and it wouldn’t do to have Tyren feel excluded, especially if his siblings are princes and not he. You’d been particularly ravenous for him the night he said that.
“Why am I not a prince like my brothers?”
The question made your stomach drop, but one look at Tywin told you all would be well.
“You are the heir to Vine Hall. It was agreed by your mother and I that you would not be prince, until such a time as you could decide yourself.”
Tyren looked off in thought for a moment. Tywin had often commented that though his colouring was of his sire, his face was yours. You could see it when your son thought hard about something, and in the curve of his smile and the slope of his eyes. You suspected Tywin had a private adoration for Tyren this way, as your other two sons were the spitting image of their father.
“Do you think I would be a good prince, father?” your son asked hopefully, looking with pale blue eyes into rich green. Tywin’s lips quirked.
“You are my son, and I have taught you myself in the ways of the realm since you could read. You are already a good prince, Tyren, even if it not your current title.”
“Mother, would you be upset? If I wanted to be prince? Who would Vine Hall go to?”
“You could never upset me, Tyren. Vine Hall would go to Goodwin, only because Tyson has had his heart set on being a knight since he could say the word.” Your second son at eight was determined to be as great a knight as his older half brother Jaime, who had married and spent most of his time at the Rock now.
“What about me, mama?” a sweet voice called. Ysold, your daughter, unlike her older brothers eating either side of her, was always talkative in the mornings. She must get it from her father, the early rising habit. There were not enough hours in the day to be a good queen and sleep, it seemed, and you were always tired in recent memory.
“You, my princess, will be locked in a tower and guarded by dragons,” your husband teased. Ysold laughed at her father and called him silly, which Tywin pretended to take offence at.
“Mama told me you’d pick me a husband, papa, and he’d take care of me and our children!”
Tywin glared at you for the truth of the matter. He was especially protective of Ysold, who like Tyren, had her father’s colouring with golden hair and emerald eyes, but was your little twin in every other regard. Your pregnancy with her had been difficult, the birth frightening, but you’d recovered in the five years since. Tywin was still hesitant about more children, fearing another would be too much for your body.
“Your mother is speaking with fairies,” Tywin dismissed. “I have even picked out the dragons.”
Ysold laughed again and forgot about her question altogether in favour of following her brothers to archery lessons. Tywin had not been thrilled by your suggestion she join them, but with the idea of her being able to defend herself (and the spare hour they’d have without the children) he’d reluctantly agreed.
“You will have to choose a man for her one day, husband.” He hummed but said nothing, glaring at his eggs.
“No man will deserve her.”
“Do you mean to say you don’t deserve me, too, husband?”
Tywin looked at you, at the coy expression on your face, and smirked.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
You stood from the table and moved toward your chambers, looking over your shoulder at him.
“Perhaps you could remind me why I stay by your side, then?”
“Gladly,” he growled, chasing after you into the bedroom to blissfully waste away an hour.
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divinctions · 1 month
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✿ ━━━━ drew's birthday advent .
the countdown to d day (drew day) has officially begun and luna is well prepared for it! wanting to do something incredibly special for the first birthday spent as a couple, she put together a birthday advent calendar for him. knowing who he is, luna didn't just drop off all the presents (he'd open them in a night); instead, she planned carriers to deliver him a present idea with each one coming with a hand written note. / annoyingly lengthy details below. ( @hntedhouse )
a complete look at the advent calendar can be found here.
day 1: luna arrived at minute on May 1st with the first gift in hand: A orange themed gift basket with her corny note attached: Happy Drew Month! Orange you glad it's your birthday? Sweets for my sweet as we start the countdown to the big day (:
day 2: the carrier deliveries start on the 2nd at 11am and the first to arrive was a little friend of a dice bag with the note: maybe if grimace was canon to a dnd game then this is what he would look like! gruesome! grimace's evil twin! (:
day 3: wouldn't be luna if she didn't gift something practical/useful but still odd so (as an attempt) to save his glasses from his clumsiness she got him a skeleton glasses stand with the note: i hope this little guy helps look after you and your glasses when i'm not able to
day 4: spoiler alert for the valpo calendar later but there will be a star wars film event on there where they stitched commercials into the movie to avoid cutting to commercial break at aire libre and ofc luna had to snag them tickets to drew can freshen up on his saber skills. the note attached read: i hope tara is date night ready (: can't wait to have you explain star wars to me while we watch star wars <3
day 5: the picture might be pink and blue but let's use our imaginations because we know she bought them in black and orange lets be so fr!! anyway, mini versions of their octoselves that have magnets inside so they "kiss" with the note: since it's morally gray to stitch myself to you, we could at least have mini versions of our octoselves (: and they kiss!! (:
day 6: if these games suck luna can in fact be blamed <3 honestly, she was looking for more things they could do together. the note read: selfishly, i'd like to spend even more time with you even though i'm very bad at games, you're very good. teach me? (:
day 7: supportive ghoul is supportive, thought horror "motivational" posted would do some good or at least give him a giggle. the note read: i know you've had a rough go on the drawing front; i hope these completely normal and regular motivational posters help (:
day 8: the jason voorhee t-shirt lives on only made worse by her own foolishness. it took so much will power to get him a yellow shirt but she made up for it by maybe getting a size slightly smaller for the arms of the all you dont see the vision like she does anyway note read: my favorite thing you've ever worn has been a jason voorhees t-shirt, so i'm adding to the collection (if you'll have them) (:
day 9: piercing lore is coming back around too don't worry!!! ofc because luna is who she is they had to get him something with a moon pendant on it but the stone is at least HIS birthstone!! note reads: i promise not to be bitter about matching piercings with rafa if you wear this one sometimes (: (ps. not bitter, i think its cute) <3
day 10: there's like no pillows in that house omfg she's working to retcon that right now!!! cute little ghost pillows (yes they are them in her head anyway) note reads: just some comfy reminders that you're my BOO (: and i'm yours <3 eternally <3 death is for quitters (: (you'll get that later)
day 11: again, wouldn't be luna if she didn't try to make his life easier with something practical. a cute little inhaler holder that he's certain to lose but yknow the effort is there. the note reads: it drives me 'batty' when you leave without your inhaler. this is to keep it close for when it's not me taking your breath away ):
day 12: they are really my man my man my manning this i'm sorry but naturally matching lego key rings. trying to mimic their favorite picture of him ig, note reads: i googled some lego puns because i wasn't clever enough on my own so here we go: i can never 'lego' of you. a physical reminder of such (:
day 13: one of those scratch off as you watch movie posters only they got it customized with movies that are his favorites that she hasn't seen, their favorites that he hasn't seen, and then overall horror classics neither (she thinks) of them have seen that they can experience together. the note reads: stalked your letterboxd for this. some of your faves i haven't seen, some of my faves you haven't seen and some classics to experience (:
day 14: probably the thing she's the most nervous but she did get an art piece commissioned of the two of them if they were drive in characters (they don't know and realize that she inspired his main character somewhat sorry drew). the note reads: i wish i could've drawn this myself, but there was a lovely artist kind enough to deal with my nitpicky behavior enough to draw the two of us characters in Drive-In (: I know you might not feel it right now, but you're incredibly talented, mi vida. I'm your biggest fan!
day 15: some more dnd nerd things she knows nothing about but reddit told her it was a potentially cool and nice thing to do. the note reads: i read on reddit that dice towers give you good luck and i know you're really good at games, but i think it'll elevate your costume!
day 16: honestly this made them laugh so hard, but one of those ~live laugh love~ esque home decors but in a horror nature with little horror legos beside it! the note reads: rae dunn meets charles lee ray! if you need help deciding where to hang your new friends, i'm always around <3
day 17: another one of her attempts at making friends with tara. sorry drew, i fear this will start lunas constant attempts at buying him things for the car he will have to dip and dodge from ODIFJGOISFDHJGOFSDHGI. the note reads: i know Tara and I aren't on the best of terms (her fault) but i think it would be nice if she had a friend almost as cute as you around always.
day 18: just a cute little night light. the note reads: the only mood lighting we'll ever need (:
day 19: again, the comfy department in that apartment is tragic so she bought a blanket for movie dates. the note reads: in this life, the afterlife, and all the other we have yet to learn about. i'll always float to you (:
day 20: accepting her mortal enemy as something that makes him very happy and getting him a custom woodsboro house lego set complete with mini scream lego figures. the note reads: gale weathers gave her own personal stamp of approval on the design, but she thinks it won't be complete until you build it. i agree. no pressure.
day 21: they attempted to make something that wasn't jewelry for him and well... the picture is what they ATTEMPTED to make but what came out was more like this. funny though. anyway, the note read: it's the thought that counts? ): i'll try harder next time and when i get it right i'll regift!
day 22: yall she did their best but they don't know a thing about bowling be so fr OUJHJIFKDFUIKODSJFKAO anyway the note reads: i know neon is your favorite color so i hope wearing bowling shoes you feel looks best will help you play the best! cheering you on always (:
day 23: his love of color really pulled at her strength but she at least found some black ones too <3 the note reads: i just thought you'd enjoy these and they can keep you cozy in the upcoming winter months (:
day 24: a funny little guy for their funny little honey <3 the note reads: little guy looks almost as friendly as you! i think he'd be great at greeting anyone who comes in your room (me) (: *** yes i butchered the note on the edit sorry don't jump me
day 25: they think he's a scream fan or something and mentioned it to their mom who just happened to be in scream and she dug up some original promotional poster for him signed by her and a few other cast and crew she may have reached out to??? anyway note reads: padre y madre send their love and this! they pulled it from the vault, signed by a few familiar names i think you may know? you're a fan right?
day 26: CORNY ALERT yeah they wrote him about 5 songs and burned it on a cd, very 2000s romcom of her she thinks. the songs are ones they recorded by themselves all guitar/piano focused very softly sung because they feel the words are very fragile. note reads: i'll let the songs speak the things i find hard to // me & you together songs found here.
day 27: a sap who keeps track of all their anniversaries luna is well aware that the anniversary of when they first met and the con they met at is quickly approaching and it would be a shame if they just idk booked a trip for them to new york to go?? how do those tickets get there? the note reads: a new countdown to where it started has to start now (: 18 days <3
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howlingday · 6 months
So how about a little challenge, choose one of the following 3 songs as the theme of the writing or background music for it: 1.-NEFFEX - Careless 2.-NEFFEX- Rumors 3.-REDASH : OUR HOMETOWN [GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE OST] ps: this is only if you want.
I do want, and you know what? I accept your challenge, and in reply, I say, GIVE ME ALL THREE.
Another Sleepless Night
Lucyna Kushinada, better known by her friends as Lucy, stared out her apartment window. Her friends... Assuming anyone else survived that night. Everything was already fucked from the start, with her getting kidnapped and held hostage while the crew charged headfirst into the shitstorm of Arasaka gunfire.
She remembered reading the news report about the "violent gangers who tried to storm Arasaka tower" and manged to be "summarily punished as to be expected." She'd read every news outlet she could on her way to the moon. Hoping, praying that someone found something that the others didn't and somebody survived.
But no, that's not what she found. They all said the same thing with different words. Rebecca is dead. David is dead. Days later, they found Kiwi dead outside a Buck-a-Slice in Arroyo. Much as she was a backstabbing and cold-hearted bitch, a part of her missed her.
But not as much as she missed David. On the moon, she swore she saw him jumping around on the moon, just like he did before. Her throat felt dry, so she left to grab a drink. Something hard enough to make her regret. But she couldn't forget.
Never. Because every day, she regretted not ripping off her helmet and dancing with him on the moon.
(NEFFEX - Careless)
Jaune Wants to F Pyrrha
People said a lot of things about Pyrrha Nikos. Some said she tall, beautiful, and perfect in every way. Some said she was Remnant's light of hope against the dark tides of the Grimm. That none could ever defeat the aptly named Invincible Girl.
And yet there was surprisingly little said about her in any negative way. Pyrrha never made any statements of her being perfect, but public response was she was being modest. The first negative thing anyone ever said about her was during her first few weeks of Beacon Academy, when her teammate, Nora Valkyrie, said she "apologized way, way, waaay too much" and "was too nice for her own good". Since then, she had been small attempts to remedy these issues, but this seemed to only fuel the already roaring flames of the perfectionist ideal people made of her. It seemed no matter what she did, she would always be perfect.
Until one day, she met a young man about her age. Her team leader, Jaune Arc, who was almost her exact opposite in every way. Nobody said a nice thing about him since his arrival, save for the few friends he'd made, and even then, they had much to say about him.
Jaune was weak, scraggly, and was inept at combat when he began attending. She could personally attest to his lacking qualities when he not only didn't have his aura unlocked, but he didn't know what aura was! But she knew better than to judge a book by it's cover and decided on the day of her initiation that he would be her partner.
Was it selfish to pick and choose who she wanted to team up with? Maybe, but it worked out in the end. Where Jaune lacked in combat strength, he made up for it in his tactical mindset, leading their team to victory. One could say he was the brains of the outfit, though his low test scores would argue that point.
Over time, though, his lacking skill became more and more evident, so he asked Pyrrha to train him. This leads us to now, on the rooftop above their dorm, where they hold their near nightly sparring matches. They had finished a mock match, sitting next to each other, hands so tantalizingly close and yet so painfully distant. He looked to her and she looked to him.
Jaune gazed into Pyrrha's eyes, and she into his. The blue sky overhead met green hills below, and she couldn't help but admire the way he looked at her. She could see... No, she could feel love and adoration glowing from him. Her heart pounded as he spoke to her.
"Pyrrha, I... I wanna ask you something." Pyrrha swallowed a lump in her throat. "And... And if you don't want to, I'd understand and respect your decision."
It was at this moment she realized where they were. They were alone, isolated from their friends, on the rooftop of the school with a night sky filled with gleaming stars and a moon nearly whole. This was a night she'd always dreamed of.
"Anything, Jaune." She answered.
"I... I wanna fight you!"
"...Come again?" She didn't hear that wrong, did she?
"I want to fight you." Jaune said, with more confidence this time.
"I... I sorr-" She stopped herself. "I mean, excuse me, but I don't understand what you mean. Didn't we finish sparring?"
"Yeah, we did, but," he looked up, to the stars that glittered high, "but I meant I want to fight you for real one day. I want to get so good, you don't have to hold back against me when we do spar."
She wouldn't argue with his statement, considering nothing he said could be seen as a lie. She was leagues above him with her years of athletic and competitive training, so of course she would have to hold back when the two sparred. A kindness she didn't often share with others, or ever in the case of the resident bully, Cardin Winchester.
"Do... Do you really mean that?" Pyrrha asked. "Do you really want to fight me?"
"Pyrrha, if I could fight you on your level, and not totally suck, I think I'd be the happiest guy who ever lived."
Giving a puff instead of a laugh, she couldn't stop smiling at him. She leaned against him, her pinkie touching his. Then, his hand slid over hers, and she felt her heart nearly explode with joy. She gave a soft sigh.
"One day... I want to fight you, too."
(NEFFEX - Rumors)
The Napping Bounty Hunter
Zora Salazar was a lot of things.
First off, she hates epithets and whatever criminals she hunts down using them gets an extra crack in the jaw. Two of 'em if they're really going on and on about how their supposed "magic superpower" automatically means they win.
Second, she herself is Inscribed, and her epithet was, is, and will be broken. Helped make her bounty hunting easier, sure, but she rarely used when she was tracking. Not unless someone gives her a reason, like ticking her off in a way similar to the previous paragraph. Still, her epithet was definitely the strongest she'd seen yet.
Third, she's a bit of a romantic. Not exactly like the loved-dovey, kissy face, "I'd die for you" kinda romantic. More of a "two men enter, one man leaves, and they're both best friends, and they're giving it their all and also there's a sunset shining behind them" sort of romantic. She loved the thrill of the fight, the sweat that beads down from giving your all, and chase and satisfaction of reaching the top.
Fourth, she really loves-
"HEY!" A voice belowed.
Zora tapped her hat up from her comfy lie down against the tree. And she JUST got comfy.
The bellowing came from a familiar face, but not one she could name. Some guy from a gang she busted a few days ago. She would've brought him in, but he was already running out the back door when she zeroed in on his boss.
"You n' me got a score to settle!"
"No, we don't." Zora put her hat back on her face. Great, now she has to get comfy again.
"Yes, we do!"
"I mean. Nuh. Uh." She grumbled loudly. "Means whatever beef you got with me goes to a different butcher. Do I look like a butcher?"
"She looks like a cowboy." A small voice said behind annoying big guy.
"Nah, I'd say she's more of a desperado." Another voice said.
"You only know that word because you watched one western movie!"
"And it was a good one!"
Maybe a movie would would help her sleep. If she was real quiet, she could sneak inside and take a nap in a comfier seat than this tree. I mean, the tree was comfy if you got in the right spot, but-
"HEY! QUIT STARIN' AT THE SKY!" He huffed. "You're being so rude! We drove all the way out here in my brand new car just so we could make you pay for putting our boss in jail!"
"Listen," Zora said after letting out a deep breath, "I'm willin to let this go for interruptin my nap. So get back in your car while you still can."
"Oh, I don't think so!" Suddenly, Zora felt a hand grab her by her poncho. Of course this loudmouth had an epithet. All loudmouths do. "I'm gonna-"
"Let go."
Zora glared at him with cold, baneful eyes. "LET GO, OR ELSE."
"Or else what?" He sneered. Oh, she was so hoping he'd say that.
With a grin and an iron grip, she squeezed his hand. Slowly, it started to bulge before shrinking, smaller and smaller until all that was left was emaciated, bony hand. With a groan, he let go, wheezing as he stared at his wizened fingers.
"Wh... Wha dih you do to muh bodeh..." Losing his teeth didn't make him easier to understand, but Zora was well versed in gum linguistics.
"Or else." She said, turning away. "Enjoy the walk home, old man."
"Uh, but we drove."
"I know." Faster than anyone else could react, she whipped out her gun and fired a bullet into the engine of the car. Rust creeps as paint peels, the car slowly sinking to the ground as it's tires deflated. The glass of the car slipped free, shattering as it fell inside. "But you're walkin' now."
(REDASH - Our Hometown)
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psychospore · 1 year
Speak Now
A/N: Hello Weekend! First of all, just wanted to say thank you to everyone who continues to support my fics here. You guys rock <3 (PS Special shoutout to @lokisgoodgirl for her amazing work and guidance towards new fic writers like me. xx)
A bit inspired after hearing Speak Now :D
If you like to read more - check out my Masterlist
Summary: Falling in love with your best friend scared you so much that when he confessed his feelings, a series of misunderstandings followed leading him to almost marry a princess from Alfheim.
Word count: 1570
Pairing: Prince!Loki x Asgardian!Reader
Warnings: Angst, bit of fluff
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─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
You have known Loki since you were kids. Being a noble-born, you had the privilege to visit the palace and spend your time reading books and practicing magic along with him. He was your best friend and you knew you were his too.
Realizing your growing feelings towards him as you both reach young adulthood, you were alarmed that this might put your friendship at risk. You were concerned that it's only your heart flutters every time he walks around the room, how you feel special when he shows you secret places around the palace that only he knows just so you could both read your books together in silence.
You were worried that he won't reciprocate those feelings and outright reject you - ending your friendship with him. You tried so hard to hide away these feelings, but the more you hid them, the stronger it grows.
Unbeknownst to you, Loki also felt the same - the same growing emotions and the same fear of getting rejected. You don't know how much he appreciates seeing your wide-eyed wonder as you gaze at the moonlit skies of Asgard. How he's the reason you laugh every time he tells you of his crazy adventures and mischief around the palace.
With the pressure your parents are putting on you in finding a suitable partner, you decided to receive offers from suitors, thinking it's a good idea to distract you. You obviously told Loki about this, and he didn't really like the idea of you meeting random men who you don't even have a connection with.
After several failed attempts in finding a suitor, you gave up. Most were just creepy guys who either just wants you for your body or for your family's position. There are a few who seemed decent but they haven't really followed through after your first meeting.
Most really didn't care how about your wits and magic - they only want a meek and submissive trophy wife to bed - this irked Loki just thinking about it. In a pang of jealousy, he decided to finally confess his feelings to you once and for all.
Odin already nagged him for quite some time about getting married, stating the political advantages for a person in his position. He tried holding it off as much as he can since he was well aware his heart already belongs to you. But he can't go on with all this uncertainty, not now when Odin has plans to betroth him to a princess from Alfheim.
He invited you for a walk in his mother's garden. You were still frustrated with your failed attempts in dating and you were ranting all about it to Loki when you noticed his stern expression staring at you, You asked him what was wrong as you both stopped in your tracks to face each other. He leaned closer to you, his one hand cupping the small of your back, the other cupping your face. His warm breath caressed your face before his lips lock into yours for a kiss - your first kiss. Your eyes slowly shut as your tongues snaked against each other, moaning in each other's mouths. What could be more perfect than this?
It felt like time has stopped at that moment. Only the moon and the starry sky bore witness. You almost melted in his arms, only to be replaced with a wave of panic when a stray thought came to mind. Was he just doing this out of pity because you can't find a suitor? You pushed him away as your eyes stared at him - like a cornered prey. You felt your whole body jittered and before he could even explain himself, you ran straight home - not even looking back.
Loki was perplexed - he didn't know what went wrong but it was a clear sign of rejection for him. His head hung low at what just happened, solidifying his resolve to move on from you and entertain the betrothal offered to him instead.
Months passed and you never saw Loki again. You spent your days secluded from the rest of the world that your parents were starting to get worried about your condition. You heard from the servants that he met the Alfheim princess and he was fallen head over heels for her and that he wanted to get married as soon as possible.
You received an invitation to his wedding, written in the finest parchment with fancy lettering in the darkest ebony ink. It felt like daggers piercing straight through your heart hearing such news and seeing his name along with another in an announcement of marriage but then again, he was your best friend and he deserved to have your blessing on his wedding day.
Despite looking deathly pale and sickly, you managed to find enough energy to consume food on the days leading to his wedding. With barely enough energy, you managed to fit into a beautiful emerald gown and covered yourself with makeup, your hair carefully coiffed with the help of your chambermaids.
You arrived at the hall, people from different realms were there but no sign of Loki. Soon, different men started to hound you - them knowing full well that your hand is still open for marriage and they wanted to take this opportunity to converse with you. It felt overwhelming having not seen a lot of people these past few months when suddenly they made way for a particular person to walk towards you.
Loki - he looked exquisite in his fine Asgardian garb. His hair was neatly slicked back and he never looked more regal than before. You mustered your courage to give him a tight smile and a curtsy.
"Prince Loki" you bowed down, "Congratulations on your marriage"
"Walk with me," he commanded.
You strolled in silence for a bit in the garden outside, until he broke the deafening quietness with his soft voice, "I'm sorry for what happened that night. I shouldn't have done that"
"I understand, it's alright. I knew you were just doing it for me out of pity - for my lack of marriage potential," you half-jokingly said.
"Darling, it's that what you think it was?" his brows furrowed
"Is it not?"
"No - why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared, I've been in love with you and I don't want to lose our friendship because of it"
He cupped your face, which caught you by surprise, "Darling, why do you think I scared all those suitors away? I was jealous - and I've been falling hard for you, that's why I invited you that night - to confess my feelings but I was at loss for words and I hoped that kiss would clear things up - but it did not."
"you're saying - you had feelings... romantic feelings for me too?"
"Yes - and I still do. I thought when you broke away from that kiss in sheer terror, you were outright rejecting me. It broke my heart so bad, and I tried reaching out to you but your servants told me that you won't see anyone. That is when I decided on accepting my father's proposal of getting married to the princess,"
You felt tears flowing out, heat emanating from your eyes upon hearing his words, everything was just a series of misunderstandings and it was too late for you - both of you.
A servant walked towards you, and you hurriedly wiped down your tears. He informed Loki that the ceremony was about to start. He looked at you crestfallen after hearing your confession, but you faintly smiled and urged him to go inside first.
You wanted to break down and cry there but you knew that had to wait for now. You took several deep breaths before going back inside, making sure there are no traces of your tears left, and finding yourself a seat just as the ceremony was about to start.
Loki was standing so wonderfully in front as his bride slowly walks down the aisle. They are a perfect match, highborn royalties - you could only imagine yourself in her place but you halt the thought as it started crushing your heart again.
He took her hand and whispered something in his ear, which made him look in your direction. You smiled at him before they both turned towards the officiant.
A part of you wanted to stop the wedding, now that you both know that you are in love with each other - but it was too late to speak now. Your head drops as they were about to start their vows - there was silence and a gasp shortly followed after.
The bride was walking towards your direction and gently grabbed you by the wrist and whispered, "he told me all about you - I think you both deserve to have a second chance in love" she gently smiled.
"But.. the wedding... all these people" you protested.
"I didn't even want to have this wedding in the first place knowing full well I am not marrying for love, Loki made me realize that. Rest assured, all is in control and there would still be a wedding," she winked as she hands you the bunch of flowers she was holding.
Your face blushed as she leads you to the aisle, and hands you over to Loki.
The ceremony ended with you marrying your best friend, sealing it with kisses, rings, and vows of forever, and merriment following shortly after.
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etherealzx · 2 years
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"I Cannot Bear to be Apart from You Anymore" Leone Abbacchio x Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: fem!reader. feminine terms used.
a/n: i can't get the idea of a gooey, lovey-dovey abbacchio love confession out of my head... he's so stubborn but holding his feelings in drives him nuts. (PS, my requests are still OPEN!)
you were nervous. the gang was so close to finding the true identity of the boss, but it hadn't been an easy task. it had been dangerous and scary, and it was about to get even scarier. fighting the boss face-to-face was going to be incredibly hard, even with all of your team working together. but even scarier than the thought of yourself dying was the thought of him dying. abbacchio.
you hadn't admitted your feelings to him. you were way too scared to do that, what if you ruined your friendship? the two of you had become close ever since you joined Passione, sharing plenty of deep conversations over glasses of wine. the more you two got to know each other, the more you realized you had in common. abbacchio used his stubborn, stoic persona to try and seem tough to everyone else. tough he was, however there was a soft, loving man underneath that hard exterior. you knew this because of the way he had opened up to you.
before you had even realized it, you had fallen head over heels. your heart fluttered each time he walked into the room, and you could barely contain your excitement when he sat next to you during gang meetings. but did he feel the same? did he want to be more than friends the way that you so desperately did? there was no way for you to know. what if you admitted your love for him and he didn't feel the same? just the thought made you sick to your stomach with fear. this fear is exactly what made you keep your feelings to yourself.
bucciarati had called for one final meeting before going to confront the boss tomorrow. he wanted to make sure that everyone was prepared for the deadly fight that was about to take place come morning. you walked into the room, abbacchio right behind you. he sat in his usual spot, right beside yours. you smiled at him, and he smiled back. you noticed he was fidgeting with his hands a lot, and he even had sweat beads forming on his temples. he wasn't usually the nervous type. was he really that nervous about the fight tomorrow?
"you okay, leone?" you asked, placing a hand on his.
he looked up quickly. "y-yeah. just nervous about tomorrow, is all," he stammered.
bucciarati began the meeting as soon as all of your team members had made their way into the room. the air was thick with tension, and you could tell everyone was anxious. even the strongest of the group were shaken up. however, abbacchio seemed especially nervous. way more than he usually let on. "what's up with him? this isn't like him at all..." you thought to yourself silently. it was all you could think about the entire meeting, as you attempted to comfort him by placing your hand on his tense thigh.
after the meeting let out, he grabbed you gently by the arm. "y/n, can i talk to you for a sec?" he asked nervously.
"of course, you can tell me anything," you smiled. your heart raced in your chest. what did he want to talk about that was bothering him this badly?
he grabbed you by the hand and led you out to the moon-lit street outside. it was dead quiet outside, except for the sounds of crickets chirping off in the distance.
"look, y/n," he said, his amber eyes meeting yours.
"the two of us have been getting closer these past few months. i love your company, i love talking to you. no one has quite been able to understand me or comfort me the way that you have."
your eyes widened. you pinched yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming.
"i, i just..." he was struggling to get his words out. his cheeks were tinted pink, and he had sweat running down his face.
"i cannot bear to be apart from you anymore. i have to confess this to you, even if you don't feel the same. i might die tomorrow and i can't let myself die without telling you that i love you. i always have, since the day you joined our team."
you sat in pure shock. you felt your cheeks getting hot, and tears stinging behind your eyes. all this time, he had felt the same about you. you were both in love with each other.
"oh, leone," you sighed happily. you reached your hand up to cup his cheek. "you don't know how long i've waited to hear those words come out of your mouth."
a look of shock covered his face, like he couldn't believe that his feelings were reciprocated. he grabbed your face and pulled it towards his. your lips were almost touching, you could feel his warm breaths escaping his lips. you leaned in, finally closing the gap between the two of you. you closed your eyes and melted into him as he kissed you, his large hand placed on the small of your back.
he pulled away, arm still wrapped around your waist.
"y/n, when all of this shit with the boss is over with, i want to take you back to naples and marry you." he said gently. you felt your heart flutter with joy.
"are... are you proposing?" you asked excitedly.
he laughed. "yeah, fuck it, i guess i am. if we survive this fight, will you marry me, y/n?"
you didn't even have to think about what you wanted to say. "of course i will. i love you."
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
(tw for stalking (being stalked), threats of violence, manipulation (gaslighting, lovebombing, guilt tripping), attempted IP grabbing, being told to kill ourselves) (cw for a lot of swearing) I'm very very sorry for what is going to be a very lengthy vent, if we don't get this off our chest we will fucking explode. In December of 2022 we had a falling out with a fellow system who we considered a friend, they had a huge mental breakdown and said a lot of horrible shit to us and our ps. We told them to take a break so all parties involved could make an informed decision and they just didn't, they kept apologising and trying to guilt trip us and our ps, when that didn't work they acted like they were fine again when they clearly weren't and tried lovebombing us. The next day they sent us a DM blaming everything that they did on one alter and completely ignoring us saying to take a complete break from Discord and not to contact anyone until the break was over. A few hours later our host had had enough and put their foot down, saying their behaviour was appalling and that they should never contact us again. We blocked them on everything and thought that was that. In January 2023 they reached out again and asked us to block from from an alternate account. They made a new discord account and DMed us asking us to block them, we told them no, it's not our responsibility to block every new alt they make, and they immediately got shitty at us. Back in December they had indirectly threatened us by 'reminding' us that we both attended the same school and then very directly threatened us by saying that they weren't scared to throw punches and they 'knew Moon (one of our persecutors) wouldn't hesitate'. After a while we just stopped entertaining their shit so they had two of their friends DM us as well, one of which sent us a link to clayparty (horrible fucking website, it steals your IP and sends it to a forum so people can send you nasty shit) while the other just called us a bunch of names. We muted both people who DMed us and reported their accounts. This person spent all of 2023 harassing and stalking us, sending more people after us to insult or make fun of us, threatening us in their discord status, or staring at us creepily around school. They got expelled from our school in the middle of the year (we had been reporting everything they did as they were genuinely becoming a threat to our safety) and changed to one further away from us. In September they reached out to our ps and began to try and harass them, our mother reached out to our ex-friend's guardian and reported their behaviour. Their response was to go onto Twitter and tell us to kill ourselves, they then screenshotted our ENTIRE Twitter account and called us a stalker because we blocked them ages ago. Yesterday they reached out again on a different alt (alt account 6) and sent us this whole paragraph about how they were 'so sorry' and 'they didn't want to be in our life anymore they just wanted to genuinely apologise' (they admitted in this message that none of the previous apologies were real), they also added 'I hope this doesn't lead to you reporting us'. They fucking WANT us to reach out so they can throw away the 'we don't want to be in your life' shit and act all buddy buddy with us again, we just know it. We don't know what to do anymore. If we report them then they get the attention they want but if they don't then they'll keep trying to reach out. They have our fucking address and they're becoming more and more dangerous. We're scared to leave the house, to be online on discord or to post anything on Twitter. We can't deal with this for another six months. -✨
If you are able to file for a restraining order, please do so. I know that it can be extremely difficult but if you've exhausted everything else you can do, please try and get some sort of authority involved.
Stalking is a serious crime and they can be punished for it. Especially with the threats made on top of that.
I don't know what all I can say, but please do everything you can to stay safe and away from that person and their group of friends.
It's better to be safe than sorry, always. Please stay safe.
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