#8 : no BUT honestly if he gets a tattoo as pretty as that i'll just be posting ig pics of it everywhere lmao
angeljeonjk97 · 11 months
BodyWork || Bell #1
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Jungkook x reader
friends to lovers
18+ (fluff, smut)
warnings: mentions and descriptions of violence, mentions and use of drugs and alcohol,
Jeon Jungkook is not the same 19-year-old boy you used to know. Fame has really matured him, in more ways than one.
“You already know how I like it baby”
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You sit behind the desk of your dad's gym, playing a mobile game on your phone, waiting for the last person to leave before you can lock up. It was now dark outside, the entire sky was pitch black, not even a star in the sky. Your head jolts up at the sound of the male changing room door opening.
A tall, muscular man with jet-black hair and an arm covered in tattoos wearing a plain white t-shirt and black basketball shorts, emerges from the opening door.
He glances over at me behind the black-painted desk,
"Yo! Where's your dad?" he asks you, throwing a towel over his shoulder.
Jungkook is a famous boxer and has been for the past 5 years, and the gym that your dad owns just so happens to be where he trains. Your dad has owned this boxing gym for as long as you can remember and many professionals have trained here, but none for as long as Jungkook.
"Oh, he left already," You respond after realising you were probably looking at him for a bit longer than you should have, "Why?"
He casually walks over to the desk, leaning against it slightly to speak to you.
"He said he wanted to tell me something but, it obviously wasn't that important," Jungkook pauses before taking a sip from his bottle that rested in his right hand.
Your dad has always been the type to never wait around for anyone. He will do what he wants in his own time, without thinking of others most of the time. That's not to say he's selfish or anything but he can be quite... let's just say... assertive sometimes.
"How's training?" you place your phone down on the desk, placing your elbows on the platform with your chin in your left hand, looking up at Jungkook's muscular frame.
He scoffs, standing up straight to face you properly, he spans his arms out to his sides, with a cocky smirk on his face,
"I'm gonna win, so easily"
You roll my eyes and smile at his painfully obvious act. Despite his skills and how he hasn't lost a single match in the past 3 years, Jungkook is one of the humblest people you know. You both have known each other for 8 years and even though he's 26 now and is known pretty much all over the world, he hasn't changed at all.
He laughs at your response before getting closer to the desk again.
"You need help locking up again?"
"Nah, I should be fine," You reply, swivelling around in the black leather barstool, jumping down and pulling the keys from your pocket, proceeding to lock the cash register up.
"You got a lift home?" The black-haired man asks watching you as you walk from behind the desk and towards the changing room doors.
"I'm taking the bus home,"
"The bus? Why didn't you ask me to take you home?"
You turn your head to him behind you, flashing him a small smile.
"I didn't want to bother you, Kook, you've already worked hard today," you answer honestly, looking at Jungkook as you walk up the stairs. He follows behind.
"Oh come on. I've told you before to ask me if you need a lift home, buses aren't safe at night," He raises his voice a little so you can still hear him, "I'm driving you home."
You stop what your doing before looking at him with a disappointed look.
"Jungkook, I'll be fine-"
"No, I am driving you home," He cuts you off, crossing his arms across his chest. He goes silent for a bit as you don't respond to him before he breaks it again with a declaring tone, "I'm going to my car, if I don't see you in the passenger seat next to me in five minutes I'm dragging you out of here."
His voice fades as he begins making his way back down the stairs. You shake your head with a smile, knowing that you can't say no to JK.
After a few minutes, you make your way out of the gym, locking the doors behind you and pulling the shutters down afterwards. Before you turn around, you hear the sound of a car pulling up behind you. Of course, when you turn around it's a black Mercedes, that had Jungkook sitting behind the steering wheel. you open the passenger door seating yourself next to him, in which he sets off a few seconds later.
Once he parks up outside your apartment complex you turn to Jungkook,
"Thank you again, kook, but like I said, you don't have to be my taxi driver all the time. Someone might see you"
Jungkook shrugs back, his tattooed arm leaning against the steering wheel, "So what if someone sees me? It's not like you're in here giving me a blowjob or something"
You slap him on the arm with the back of your hand, giving him a disapproving look. He laughs back casually as these types of crude jokes are common coming from him.
"I'll walk you in," Jungkook says as he swings his car door open before you are doing the same.
Making your way up the stairs Jungkook remains behind you the entire time, looking up through the hole that the stacked up stairs, all leading to different floors, created.
Reaching your apartment door, you pull your keys out from your pocket, rattling them in your door, as Jungkook watches over you from behind.
"You coming in?" you ask looking up at him from behind innocently.
"Aw nah, not today y/n. It's late and I gotta be up early again tomorrow for training," He gives you a guilty look, glancing into your apartment, "I promise I'll be over soon though"
You give him a sad smile, remembering how much time he used to spend at your place with you. Because of his big fight in 2 months, he's been busy since the beginning of the year and hasn't spent as much time with you as you had liked, but you're not mad. You understand how tiring training can be, plus it's not like you two don't hang out at all anymore, you still make time for each other when it's possible.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then?" You respond, walking into your apartment and facing him again.
"Goodnight y/n"
Authors note:
hiii, I hope you all liked this chapter. I know not a lot has happened but I promise it'll get better from here. This was just a little introduction to y/n and Jungkook's relationship and lore explaining. I'm so excited for this new fic so I hope you're all just as excited as I am. Please look out for when new chapters come out!!!
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gotham-ruaidh · 2 years
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I'm So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel)  || Chapter 13b (She's My Addiction) ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 13C: Patience
Said "woman take it slow and things will be just fine" // You and I'll just use a little patience Said "sugar take the time 'cause the lights are shining bright" // You and I've got what it takes to make it We won't fake it, I'll never break it, ‘cause I can’t take it...
Soundtrack: “Patience,” Guns N’ Roses, 1988 [click here to listen]
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“What did you say to Geordie, Claire? Before we went to my dressing room?”
They were back in their hotel room – Jamie’s shoulder-length hair still wet from his shower, Claire already in bed reading Billboard.
He sat on the bed next to her, wearing only his sleep pants. She looked up, smiling. Traced the words and flames and roses inked on his arms from wrist to shoulder, and then the Claire tattoo arcing over his heart.
“I said that he needs you more than you need him. And that he better not fuck it up.”
“Mmm.” He leaned in for a slow, deep kiss.
She pulled back slightly, forehead leaning against his. Breathing him in. “I asked Uncle Lamb to look into Geordie, after Colum told us about him yesterday. Turns out Geordie was fired from his last job at Variety when he wrote something about Madonna that her people didn’t like. He knows that all he needs to get back on the bandwagon is an exclusive with Jamie Fraser, fresh from rehab and ready to rock.”
He kissed her again. “You’re so badass.”
She smiled. “He seemed pretty thoughtful.”
Jamie nodded, lacing his fingers through hers. Every day now she wore his grandmother’s engagement ring on a long chain beneath her shirt, but here in the privacy of their hotel room it was on her ring finger. He’d given her the ring on the first night of the tour, tears streaming down his face, as he pledged to always put her first, and to be the best version of himself for her and the family that, God willing, they’d have one day.
“He’s the real deal. Knows his shit – especially hard rock. I don’t blame him for flaming out on the Madonna thing, I’m sure it was the last thing he wanted to do.”
She set down the magazine and he took her other hand. She was always fascinated by how his tattoos shifted and flexed as he moved the muscles in his arms, caressing her hands, tracing long, slow lines up to her elbows.
“Do you think you can trust him?”
Slowly he kissed her bare shoulder, where the neck of her sleep shirt had slipped. “He’ll stick to the three conditions, that’s for sure. Colum will see to that. And he’ll write honestly. Which is what I want. I want people to know what I’ve been through, and to see how I’m so much stronger now that I’m clean, and I’ve got you.”
“Even though you won’t be the rock god who gets all the girls?”
He snorted. “That guy was an unhappy and unhealthy alcoholic asshole and addict who was on the fast track to early death. This new guy – he’s a lot happier. He’s healthier, and he’s somehow convinced the best woman in the world to love him.”
She smiled. “God knows how.”
They kissed again, long and sweet.
“I could say the same about you, Jamie,” she teased. “God knows how this plain Jane, a divorced and disgraced doctor, ever convinced you to even look twice at her.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “Give me the rest of our lives to convince you,” he breathed.
“Got it!”
Angus slapped a magazine onto Claire’s lap, hurrying after the groupie who had raced, giggling, down the aisle of the tour bus, his arm slung around the other groupie.
Claire turned to Jamie. “Do they – ”
“You don’t want to know, Claire,” he interrupted. “Ian and I got all the gory details yesterday. Trust me when I say, everything you’re thinking is true.”
She shook her head and looked down at the copy of Rolling Stone. There, in the bottom right corner:
“From One Addiction to Another: Print’s Jamie Fraser on Sobriety, Love, and His New Songs.”
Ian’s bass tech hustled down the aisle.
She traced the letters softly. “It’s real.”
“All right! Everyone back from the pit stop?” Colum stood on top of the front seat, counting heads.
A hush settled over the bus – punctuated only by high-pitched giggles emitting from behind the closed drapes of Angus’ bunk.
“I’ll take that as a yes. Three more hours until Pittsburgh, folks. See you on the other side.”
The bus pulled out of the parking lot and merged onto the highway.
“Do you want to read it in the bunk?” Jamie asked softly. “It’s more private.”
Claire shook her head. “It’s all out in the open anyway.”
She turned to page 32. A live shot of Print from the current tour graced half the page – Jamie in black head to toe, his acoustic guitar slung over a shoulder; Ian sitting on a stool with his acoustic bass guitar; and Angus squinting in the lights from behind his drum kit.
Jamie’s chin settled on Claire’s shoulder as they read.
It took a cancelled European tour, several months in rehab, and one very special woman for Jamie Fraser, Print’s guitarist and chief songwriter, to finally find his voice…
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uummyuu · 1 year
the azul headcanons
big strong man that the show really doesn't utilize enough... wish we had more knowledge on the other members' names though :((
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although de los santos is the only one who outright states he's aztec, i'd like to think the entire team is of aztec descent in some way.
anyways fun fact about aztec tattoos, they're usually designed to honor a chosen god so that they may provide blessings of prosperity, strength, health, etc. i don't want to look too deep on what was probably a tattoo designed on whim but it seems pretty close to the aztec calendar? or an iteration of the aztec sun god huitzilopochtli, the interpretation is very vague.
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if we go by the thought that this is a tattoo of the aztec calendar, the tattoo itself could mean eternity and connection. de los santos in the show itself kind of rues the fact that what was once his home is now simply brushed of as the forgotten city or something to be left in the history books. with this tattoo it's his way of keeping his home and his friends by his side forever.
but also a tattoo of huitzilopochtli can symbolize power as well as sacrifice. some tattoos of the sun god are stylized to just be the sun with the god's face on it(although typically depicted with 8 rays instead of the weird 13 on his tattoo). santos' power is never understated in the show and his tattoo could be a testament to that.
the other members probably have their tattoos either on their chest or back to keep them out of sight, probably eagles to symbolize power and bravery, or maybe even a literal quetzlcoatl to symbolize wisdom. aspects that would be useful on the playing field.
anyways please see my vision of de los santos with a whole extensive aztec back tattoo on him
ok back to your regularly scheduled program, santos has bench pressed the entire team on his back once and it was recorded somewhere. the video resurfaces on natter everytime the azul play a game.
i read in a 4-panel comic that klaus actually has santos' jersey? i'll try and find it but anyways if some lucky fan manages to get it congrats you basically have a new blanket, that shirt is huge. (or if he has a tiny s/o who he loves smothering in his clothing i dunno 👀)
overall i'd like to think the team is just one big family, they have shared ancestry and that solidifies the bond they share with each other even if they aren't exactly related.
the other team members worry about santos taking on too much, with his reputation as an extremely difficult goalkeeper to get past when he does lose a point to the opposition it hits him hard. so the team does their best to pull their own weight, they want to have santos' back as much as he watches theirs.
de los santos is very much a protector type, i don't think he'd be the azul's captain, but he's definitely a pillar of support and morale for the team. (kind of a big bo and dancing rasta dynamic?)
the team definitely worries about relying on santos too much, but in reality santos likes being reliable and strong in the eyes of others, he longs to be needed so he doesn't end up as "forgotten" just like his home did.
honestly these guys probably try to keep out of the media too, but when they do get on an interview other than talking about the game they love talking about their culture. as "exotic" and "forgotten" it may seem to interviewers, to the team it's merely the childhood memories that link them all together. even if the city itself no longer stands.
i'm gonna make de los santos dating headcanons one day i swear because i have so much more to say about him—
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one-tired-tech · 11 months
So You Want to Be a Roadie? (Or touring concert Technician.)
Okay, awesome! We need more! (Remember folks, concerts don't happen without the crews). It's a pretty great job honestly. We get paid to travel, we get to meet new people, our hotels and food are paid for hile we're on the road. But there are some realities to consider before you say yes to your first touring gig.
Are you prepared to spend almost 24/7 living with the people you work with?
Tour busses are not always luxurious, and it can be hard to find time to oneself. Figuring out other peoples nuances,attitudes, and general expectations isn't always easy. And if you don't like how someone acts, lashing out and them isn't an option, because you still have to spend the rest of tour with them. On the flip side, you can form life long bonds with people too! I'm still friends with folks I've previously toured with, and having matching tattoos with a couple too!)
Are you prepared to lead crews of people that you've never met before?
some of whom it may be their first day ever seeing any of this equipment, some of whom may be on drugs, some may not have any common sense, and some may not respect you? Every day, in every city, we get a new batch of stagehands. Some have been doing it longer than you've been alive, some it may be their first day. Either way, treat them with respect, they're people too. And no matter what there's always something to learn from the (whether that something is where to get your weed in that city, or a cool new trick about how a piece of gear functions, there's always something)
While our meals may be catered, that doesn't mean it's always great.
If you have strict dietary needs, most tours will try to accommodate, but they are at the mercy of the catering company (whether it's local or touring with the production). Days Off are better, because you can find your own food, but takeout and ubereats can get expensive. While some catering is definitely subpar, some venues go above and beyond. Lobster in Maine and New Hampshire? Yes please!
We don't have normal sleep patterns.
Most days I'll sleep for 6 hours at night, and maybe get a 2 hour afternoon nap (depending on the day). If you're someone that needs 8 hours of sleep every night to function, this may not be a great option for you. If you don't mind weird hours of operation, or are generally a night owl, you should adapt pretty easily.
Days off aren't always in exciting places.
Sometimes you're in the middle of nowhere, sometimes you're in NYC. And even if you're in a cool place, your body may just be too exhausted to do anything, and you might end up sleeping all day. The flip side though, is that sometimes you end up in some REALLY cool places on ays off. For example, I got to spend today at NASA in Houston, viewing the solar eclipse and attending their open house.
Are you willing to live out of a suitcase, and how forgetful are you?
I tour with 1 large soft sided suitcase, a pelican 1510, and my backpack, and that's it. That's all my clothes, toiletries, and personals for an entire tour leg (which can sometimes be upwards of 2 months at a time). Along with this, I take all of my belongings with me from city to city, hotel to hotel. I have definitely accidentally left behind belongings before, and it can get expensive to replace some things. (In no order, things I've left behind at hotels/venues: my favorite sweater, my earbuds, all of my shower stuff, my shoes, my wrench...). Although it definitely puts in to perspective how much stuff you actually don't need to get by.
Are you prepared to be on your feet for a good chunk of the day?
On an arena tour, I do upwards of 20,000 steps in a day. Amphitheatre tours about 13k on average daily. Invest in a good pair of running shoes, or steel toed boots my friend.
If all this sounds manageable, then awesome! You should definitely take that road gig you've been offered! Be a sponge, learn all you can, and enjoy the ride!
If you have some hesitations, that's okay too! Road life isn't for everyone, but if you think maybe you could try it, and manage the things that sound difficult, then great! Remember, you can always ask people for help, advice, and general guidance along the way. Most of us are willing to help!
Decided that you don't think you could manage all of this? No worries! There are SO many facets of the concert industry that don't involve working on the road, that there are definitely other options! Being a local stage hand, working at a gear rental company, working for a promoter, are all very valid and fulfilling ways to be involved in this industry!
If you've made it this far in this post, and have questions about working on the road in the concert industry, feel free to shoot me a dm! While i certainly dont know everthything, and can only speak from my own experiences, I'm willing to answer what I can (within reason), and if I don't have an answer, I'll try and get you a resource that can help!
Happy gigging yall!
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negrowhat · 2 years
Top 22 KPop idols?
Nothing’s off the table for these asks. You can ask me anything. Top 3′s, Top 5′s, Top 10′s, even Top 22′s (lord). They can be BL related, KPOP related, food, movies, people. Or you can just drop in the ask box to show your love and congratulate ya sis on 2500. 
TOP 22 IDOLS??? I think I can do that. I have a lot of loves in my life.
J-Hope from BTS. It's no secret Hobi is my ult. He's been my ult since like 2016.
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2. Jay B from GOT7. My King, my Capricorn twin flame. Also a dilf.
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3. Hanse from VICTON. Next to Hobi, Hanse is perfection in my eyes. I adore everything about him and I would love to share a closet with him.
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4. Johnny from NCT 127. He is my boyfriend and if I could I would climb him like a tree.
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5. Jun from A.C.E. IDK ever since Tinted With You, leader has been coming for my neck! Not only is he gorgeous, but he's so funny!
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6. MoMo from TWICE. She's literally so fucking beautiful and so talented.
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7. Yeosang from ATEEZ. There's something so spectacular about Kang Yeo. He's such a good boy but also so rude.
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8. Wonho. The only thing bigger than his muscles is his heart. This man could swat a fly and feel so distraught afterwards. He's got nothing but love to give and is honestly one of the sweetest idols in the game.
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9. I.M from Monsta X. My lil boyfriend. He just be out the vibing, writing good music, and minding his own business.
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10. Ailee. Fucking queen and she's so motherfucking SEXY.
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11. Chungha. Short queen. I just enjoy her energy and she's so talented.
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12. Hyolyn. I only stan queens. I'mma be honest. I'd let her step on me.
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13. Mino from WINNER. MY FUCKING DOM! He's so fucking amazing. Such a talented rapper and painter and song writer. Nothing but love for that man.
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14. Kai from EXO. Ever since his solo debut I've been looking at him with fresh eyes.
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15. Onew from Shinee. Onew is an underrated king and he's so perfect. Also I'll never forget him chanting "Shinee, Pinee."
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16. Beomgyu from TXT. My fave lil trickster. I love how he makes it his mission to get on every single one of Yeonjun's nerves. Peak baby brother behavior.
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17. Sungjin from DAY6. HOW I MISS LEADER! He should be coming home soon. He acts so much like 62 year old dad and I love that. And his voice is unique.
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18. Mingyu from Seventeen. He's new for my list but he's oh so pretty and his rap flow is very sexy.
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19. YangYang from WAYV. My fave German boy. He's just such a good bean and he enjoys annoying Ten which makes me laugh.
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20. Suga from BTS. He's always been an absolute fave, but LATELY. MY NECK? HE'S BEEN COMING FOR IT. He's literally just so stunning and brilliant.
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21. Yuta from NCT 127. Osaka Prince with the healing smile, tattoos, and belly ring. He's another underrated vocal king and I won't rest until he gets a solo album.
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22. Chenle from NCT Dream. My goodest boy.
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Nothing’s off the table for these asks. You can ask me anything. Top 3′s, Top 5′s, Top 10′s, even Top 22′s (lord). They can be BL related, KPOP related, food, movies, people. Or you can just drop in the ask box to show your love and congratulate ya sis on 2500. 
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
Doing another one of these because I don't feel like waiting for my followers to ask me nuthin LOL
0:Height Useless 5'3''
1:Virgin? No but I wish I was sometimes (even though virginity is a man-made social construct that has no bearing in reality)
2:Shoe size 9
3:Do you smoke? Just on the dance floor
4:Do you drink? Socially
5:Do you take drugs? Just my anti-baby pills!!
6:Age you get mistaken for mid 20's usually
7:Have tattoos? On this chocolate brown skin?? Nah baby
8:Want any tattoos? I'm good
9:Got any piercings? Just my ears right now
10:Want any piercings? If I can shrink my fupa down a bit I might get my navel done
11:Best friend? My sister
12:Relationship status Perpetually single at heart/by choice
13:Biggest turn ons Emotional maturity and introspection
14:Biggest turn offs Emotionally stunted people
15:Favorite movie Toss up between Queen, Bend It Like Beckham and Wakanda Forever
16:I’ll love you if You feed me food
17:Someone you miss My grandma </3
18:Most traumatic experience Being SA'ed by different men
19:A fact about your personality I'm just a straight up catch
20:What I hate most about myself I procrastinate too much, I also can't lose this belly meat for sh*t
21:What I love most about myself I'm smart, pretty, cultured, funny, and have an overall dope vibe
22:What I want to be when I get older The rich auntie with no kids that's always traveling and spoils her niblings with money and gifts
23:My relationship with my sibling(s) Me and my middle sister are basically twins and are super close, I have a half sister whom I love but she's not into the lovey-dovey stuff. She also didn't grow up with us so we're all still getting to know each other, but we're cool for the most part.
24:My relationship with my parent(s) They're not perfect but I'm both a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl
25:My idea of a perfect date It's been so long since I've been on a real date I can't even picture what a perfect date would look like to me at this point. I guess any situation where I'm not silently wishing I had stayed at home would be a step up to me.
26:My biggest pet peeves People who insist on bringing their kids everywhere and expect the general public to help them babysit. Also when I try to pay at the pump and they tell me I have to go pay inside. I'll just get back in my car and leave.
27:A description of the girl/boy I like This guy I'm currently in a situationship right now (not proud of it). He's Latino, we've known each other since we were 13, he's funny, very eloquent when he speaks, is a really good kisser, is kind of a fuckboi and is probably aware of it. . .
28:A description of the person I dislike the most Homophobic/transphobic people in general
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend So she would stop asking me invasive questions
30:What I hate the most about work/school I actually really like my job, my pay is nice but it could always be better tho, nah mean?
31:What your last text message says My phone is charging right now but I was texting someone about details for brunch tomorrow
32:What words upset me the most "Item is no longer in stock"
33:What words make me feel the best about myself "You just have such a deep and passionate soul"
34:What I find attractive in women Everything, women as a rule are sexy AF
35:What I find attractive in men Security in who they are and what they're about so they don't constantly feel the need to dominate or be "submitted to".
36:Where I would like to live Ireland or England
37:One of my insecurities My big boobs, I feel like people oversexualize me because that's all they see
38:My childhood career choice I wanted to play piano but then I wanted to be a writer
39:My favorite ice cream flavor I want it to be rum raisin
40:Who wish I could be I don't want to be anyone but me honestly
41:Where I want to be right now Underneath my situationship pinned to the bed
42:The last thing I ate This casserole I made that was bangin
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately Alex Livinalli
44:A random fact about anything Queen Nefertiti was the stepmother of King Tut
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barbieslayer08 · 2 years
Thought I had a handle on life. But like always when things start going to well, the rug got pulled out from under me. It's my own fault. I know it is. I've always managed to fuck up every thing in my life with out fail. Idk why i do it to myself. Probably something a therapist could figure out. But I'm broke as a joke. And now I don't even have a car. No we don't have public transportation either. Taxis are outrageous. $65 to go 3 miles. So now I have 16 hours to find a new car for less then $1000. Or miss the next 2 days of work and have about $1400. But I might lose my job, but I have a chance at a better paying job, but I really, really like my job where I'm at. But I don't really have Lot of time to spend with my son. I don't have enough time to most days. Only 30 mins 4 days a week and all day Friday and Saturday and all morning Sunday and then he either sees him dad or is at the baby sitter. But I get off work at off hours and he gets off work the same time so he picks him up from the sitter and sleeps at night at his house. And I get up and was working myday job doordashing when I can, or running errands. He goes to school in the afternoon. He's only 3. But he goes for 3 hours. I would always pick him up from school. I work at 4. That's all I get. I miss him most days. I just bought a bigger bed so we can both fit and snuggle if he has a bad dream. Kinda hard to snuggle on a twin. But hey! We have our own place! It's a 2 bedroom in section 8. But the neighbors are quiet. And I can walk through every inch of this place and honestly say all of its mine. Not a single stick of furniture belongs to anyone but me. Even the very small amount of decorations. But I hand picked every single one I do have. Even made a few! Sorry this really started with me feeling really lonely. Now I know that it doesn't matter. Either I get a car tomorrow and I keep my job, or I lose it and get better options but it'll mean alot more work. I'd say I'll have the self discipline to keep the new job. Sorry again. Think kinda turned into a life dump. I cried 3 times while typing this. Sorry if anything is miss spelled. If I go back and to read this I'll just end up erasing it instead. But I kinda want thins to just exist somewhere other then just on my heart. And if I trie to talk to my friends about this then just kinda brush it off like ya that sucks, here's a story about something way worse that happened in my life that's gonna make u feel really stupid for being upset about this shit. And I know they don't mean to make me feel that way but it's still happens. And I don't trust therapists. I don't trust anyone who could forcibly make me have a grippy sock vacation but I don't want one. I can't. If I stop for any reason right now it would set me so far back idk if I could make it back. I forced my way up the mountain to where I am now, and I can't alow myself to slide back. Not again. I have to control my adhd. I have to. I can't keep allowing myself to fuck up good thing, and valling victim to bad choices. I need a damn saying. Something that reminds me to keep my shit together. I'd get it tattooed on my arm first chance I could afford it.
I feel better now. I know this will never be read by anyone. I know that. But that's ok. I just wanted to feel like I finally told someone. And for just once that didn't stop half way through to tell me a much sadder story and that they know how I feel. No they don't. They never do. But hey thanks for listening. Thank you for just listening. I feel pretty numb now so I'm going to bed now. Maybe the world will be better tomorrow. Maybe it won't. Can't wait to find out if it's going to be a step up or 6 steps back with a muddy uphill climb in the rain.
#adventuresofdepression #lifedump
#ifeelbetternow #feelfreetodothesame
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devoti · 2 years
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【 linkie ! 】 scar ♡ : imma thirst a lil here if you dont mind 👀
i'd like to think that he got this tattoo when he studied at california, he just thinks tattoos are so cool and he wants to be reminded of his home country so he got one of a dragon and a cherry blossom tree that turned out beautifully.
imagine being his significant other and being able to see that everyday?? i'm frothing just thinking about it. when you get on your knees to pleasure him, you start by tracing the outline of the tree and leave little kisses on the pretty pink flowers on his thigh all the way up to the dragon's head. you're not afraid to get messy, licking, drooling over his tan skin while humping his feet like a bitch in heat. you're so obsessed with his tattoo that you forgot your initial task, leaving his cock swollen and leaky with pre-cum — that's when he grabs your hair and start fucking your throat oop-
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eight : LITERALLY WHY WOULD YOU PUT THIS IN MY INBOX THIS IS ABSOLUTE SABOTAGE SCAR I JUST WOKE UPPPPP 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 NO no thinking about iwa and his tattoos after just waking up is making my cilt hard this is so not fair FNIZNSNDJSJS you're so so SO fucking right about being fixated on his tattoos though
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like hell yes i'm just going to kiss your inked skin over and over lemme appreciate it yeah? :( and then he gets all frustrated and mean and then forces you in for a blowie 😳😳 scarlett your brain 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲your MINDDD🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
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sassyandclassy94 · 3 years
Shipping Challenge
Okay... I was not tagged, but I couldn't resist so the heck with it, right? Anyway, let's get started!
(I tag anyone who wants to do this!)
1. First ship
Black Beauty & Ginger from Anna Sewell's 'Black Beauty'
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These two are the first ever 'couple' I ever remember shipping. Even though they were horses I loved them and their dynamic so much; how she hated him the moment he arrived and how he loved her from the beginning; Ginger eventually having a change of heart as she watched Beauty almost die one night. I don't know, I just really liked them as a child and honestly still count them as an OTP
2. First OTP ship
Willie and Missie LaHaye from the Love Comes Softly Series
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I LOVED them and they were probably my biggest OTP before SwanFire. I'm also pretty sure I had a composition book full of, what I didn't know was referred to as, 'fanfictions' about them. Preteen me really loved them and I remember thinking that I wanted to have a relationship like these two someday :)
3. Current favorite shippings
Emma Swan & Neal Cassidy (SwanFire) from Once Upon a Time
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Ahh, the Lost Girl and the Lost Boy, the cause of the curse and the reason for the curse. Both sad, broken, and depressed kids who found a home in each other. If that's not poetic, I don't know what is. These two will forever be my number 1 OTP :)
Hiccup & Astrid
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Need I say more or go on? I love how these two lean on each other - how she backs him up any time he needs it; always the first to listen and respect his crazy ideas. They're special and a close second to SwanFire :)
Prince Rhen & Harper from the book "A Curse So Dark and Lonely" by Brigid Kemmerer
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I read this book back in April (May?) and I still haven't gotten over them. I love a decent Beauty and the Beast retelling.
4. A Ship from the first minute
Snow White and Prince Charming (Once Upon a Time)
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Need I say more?
5. A ship I wish had been endgame
Emma & Neal once again
Yeah... I'm still bitter toward the writers for ripping them off. It's okay though - they're endgame in my mind :)
Also Darius and Amarinda from The Ascendance Series but alas! I couldn't find fan art of them. I would've liked them to end up together too but nope... she chose Tobias :'(
6. A ship I wish was canon
Steve McGarrett and Alicia Brown (Hawaii Five-0)
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As much as I love McRollins, I wouldn't have been opposed to these two becoming a couple. He saved her life, for Pete's sake and then helped her find and rescue her daughter from a serial killer! How could a woman not fall in love with a man like that?? Oh well. (Also.. Anna? I wanna watch this one!!!)
7. A Ship in the Fandom mostly everyone hates but I love:
Captain Hook and Milah
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They were made for each other, what can I say? I mean, he literally had her name on a heart tattooed on his forearm.
8. I don’t watch the show (or read the book) but ship it: (I'm going to watch it though)
Prince Arthur Tudor & Catherine of Aragon (The Spanish Princess)
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I don't know if this counts cause of all the clips I've seen and the history and historical fiction books I've read but... *SIGH* What could've been... :(
Rhys & Feyre (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
I've seen enough fanart and bookstagrammers to know that I'm probably gonna like them...
9. A Ship I wish had a different Storyline:
Rhen and Harper once again
I'm still annoyed with the ending she gave them...
10. Favorite ship that is endgame:
Hiccup & Astrid once again
11. A ship where the characters have barely even met (or not at all) but I ship it :
Jack Frost and Elsa
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So I watched Rise of the Guardians and I'll admit that I shipped this pairing right away and... I may have started reading fanfics as well. But honestly, I followed a few artists who would draw these two quite frequently and I kinda jumped on the shipping wagon then and there.
There's my ship list! There are probably more that I can't think of the moment but oh well! You all get the idea! (I don't know if books counted but THEY COUNT TONIGHT!!!)
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
For the fandom ask: Beyblade ^^
OooOooOOohh I love these okay
1. Favourite female character
Well, theres not too many in beyblade LOL. But man do I love Ming. I'm pretty sure I had a crush on her when I was a kid before I realized i was *the gay*. Ever since the third pokemon movie I've been a big fan of the trope of girl is young and transforms into older version of herself to symbolize their desire to grow older and more mature. So I'm a big fan of her and her darker side.
Spoiler alert, I'm gonna include some of her in Tattoos soon!!
2. My favourite male character
If not everyone knows this I've failed. It is obviously our lord and saviour mr. Sourpuss himself. (Kai for anyone who missed the memo for the past 20 years)
3. My favourite season
It's always been a tough choice between one or g-rev. Season 1 is just such a cute perfect intro, but the Russian arc is just... fantastic it really is. Lots of people hate on the drawing style but I find it really unique and nostalgic! G rev deals with a lot of tough themes (specifically tala going after Boris and being hospitalized and the dangerous rivalry between brooklyn and kai, as well as tyson and kai discovering their weird connection to each other). The art style is a lot more polished and sparkly and slightly homoerotic so I'm a big fan.
I love both for completely opposite reasons so its tough to choose between them!
4. My favourite episode
Ooohhhhh tough so tough uuummmmm. Gimme a sec I'll shower and think about it.
So, upon further reflection, I've decided it's a hard decision between the episode in season 1 where Kai breaks into the abbey, or the episode in G-rev where kai gets tied up with rose thorns from the queer coded gay coach to teach him he can't run from his gay thoughts.
5. Favourite cast member
So like everyone thinks I'm gonna say tyson or ray or max or tala but HONESTLY
Kenny??? Like I LOVE HIM. Idk why hes like the one person i think I'd ever have a good relationship with in real life
Like Kenny is the badass of the team. Like without Kenny Tyson wouldn't have got through episode 1. Let's put it this way, the rest of the boys are just boys but kenny is THE MAN.
6. Favourite ship
Always and forever lmao
7. Character I’d die defending
Okay so like obviously Kai I'd light myself on fire to keep that man warm and actually everyone else who isnt an adult but MOSTLY
Tala is the kid that's gone through the most trauma, let's get real here that kid deserves a hug, a found family, and some cocoa.
8. A character I just can’t sympathize with
Yes tysons dad is the worst honestly (even more so than voltaire if voltaire canonically put Kai in the abbey btw)
But also, and I am extremely set on this and it's why he is always the 'antagonist' to me.
I understand that even if Hiro is canonically 18 (so hes still basically a child) he still came back into Tysons life as the adult figure and he pushes tyson the wrong way to get results.
Not ONE THING Hiro tried to teach Tyson actually stuck that wasn't accomplished through like … trauma?
He was the one person Tyson should have been able to truly rely on and I am a big believer that since he failed to do this, he was the biggest factor for Tyson's dark downfall in g rev.
Also, like if your brother needed comfort and help like why didnt you just… like...
Call your dad
9. A character I grew to love
So yall prob already know this
But everyone got me into Bryan
Ugh I'm a big fan of the bisexual street badboys with religious trauma.
I especially love him in Tattoos.
I'm not sure how, since he says like 3 words in the series and everyone somehow manages to headcanon a similar version of him, the version I created for Tattoos is just fantastic.
Maybe he just fills the lack of older brother issues I have LOL
10. My anti OTP
So I ship nearly everything.
There’s not one immediate ship that comes to mind that I can say no absolutely not (except the obvious stuff)
I do find since we have such a wide range of characters and the fandom is so old we come across really traumatizing stuff occasionally. (Some fanart I saw of Tala and Boris a few years ago comes to mind oof ick yucky)
I used to be pretty anti RayxKai and KaixTala. But I think thats because back in the day KaixRay and tyka shippers used to be at each others throats. I was never involved much in the fandom in this time, but it was pretty extreme so I didn’t interact much. I also used to find they didn’t have much chemistry, but after being in the fandom longer I now see it and am more than willing to write fics for it when my askbox is open!
I used to be against KaixTala as well, from a psychological perspective (because I get way too into the psychology of childrens shows apparently????) I just found their personalities were both too negative and worried about them trauma bonding and never growing together. But I’ve read some stuff about them and (done some asks and ficlets for them) and I find the appeal now!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Lol, I finally booked an appointment for a helix, but now I'm also seriously concidering having my nipples pierced. And this is all because off Good Girls!Kate. 😂🙈 But maybe I'll start with those helixes (I did book a time for two helixes but let's see if I'll actually get two 😅).
Ooooo Boy.
The number of you that have told me they've finally gotten a piercing or tattoo after something I've written about or one of my personal posts is a little surprising to me honestly.
Like... Am I a bad influence????
I am going to say this: If you've never had cartilage pierced before... get ready.
Should I like... List out my piercings and tattoos and give them a pain rating just for fun even though no one asked me??
Okay Let's! It's under the cut! But before We do this I feel like I should say (As you guys know) I have a very chaotic personality, and most of the time I'm able to suppress it, but then the recklessness builds and I go and do something stupid. Do not be like me. And fair warning, I have a very high pain threshold (I have given myself stitches without anaesthetic)
Helix left ear- This one, I will be honest, hurt like a MOFO, and the healing was nothing short of horrific. This was my own fault, I went to do it impulsively on my lunch break, (It was done with a needle not a gun) there was blood running into my ear while I was working. but it got very badly infected, swelled to three times the normal size and I ended up in Accident and Emergency, had a course of antibiotics and now I have a dope ass helix piercing. Pain of procedure 6/10 healing pain 10/10 (Always research your piercer fam)
Tragus left ear- This barely hurt at all, I did get a little bit of soft tissue swelling for about 3 days post, just on the side of my face, it was pretty comfortable and now I can even wear earbuds again! Pain:4/10
Daith, right ear. This was, the most painful thing I have ever done in my fucking life. I will never ever ever ever ever do this again. The anatomy of my daith is allegedly quite difficilt, and my piercer Mark (Who also did my tragus and who I throughly researched and is great) told me it's the most difficult piercing he's done in 10 years. Apparently it's really wide, and really thick. Took him 2 minutes to finally thread the needle through, (which looked like a huge fish hook) and I think I blacked out for a moment. That being said, it is my favourite one, looks sick. But you know it's bad when a man who has done this for 35 years says "You are hardcore, that was fucking rough" Pain: 8.75/10
3 good fairies from sleeping beauty! Left side of ribs. This is the first tattoo I ever got done, I got it for my Uncle who is also my god father who has terminal cancer. They're flying down my ribs and they're in watercolour and I love them Pain: 4/10
Time turner, right side of ribs: This is probably my favourite one that I have, it just looks cool, it's like a sketch of a time turner in motion. This was the most uncomfortable purely because it took the longest. Pain 5/10
Right inside arm: Moomintroll, whom I call Jeff. He's holding a dandelion, and I love him. Pain: 3/10
Right outside forearm: Tulips! The stems are greyscale the tulips are pink! And funfact: My tattoo artist was colour blind so I had to mix the colour for him! This one did not hurt at all, but it did make my Mum furious Pain 2/10
The Honest truth is tattoos don't hurt the vibrations of the gun feel kind of nice to me, and I'm not sure what my next tattoo is going to be, but I know it's going to be on my collarbone.
Just as some general advice, I don't have a nipple piercing but I don't think it would hurt that much: It's just flesh, It would heal so quickly. Cartilage piercings carry a really high risk of infection so make sure you follow the correct aftercare.
And they're going to pierce it with a stud, Wait the 8-12 weeks like they tell you before changing it to a ring. I waited to my infection to heal and then changed out the ring myself Do not do this. It was stupid, and it hurt a lot!
Anyway! I'm excited for you! Get that body mod and good luck!
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slade-neko · 3 years
Saw this video game tag thing pop up on my dash a few days ago. Wanted to do it.
1. First game you played obsessively? Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I believe I was 5yo. Still waiting on that FF7 Remake treatment.
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2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Well if I play a game and like it, then I'll create sims of it. Does that count?
3. Who did you play with as a kid? My brother from the day I was born.
4. Who do you play with now? My brother FROM THE DAY I WAS BORN.
5. Ever use cheat codes? I wasn't lying when I made this post. {link}
6. Ever buy strategy guides? Yes! Mainly to look at the artwork though. (Don't need no guide!)
7. Any games you have multiple copies of? Lots of games, most being Left 4 Dead with 6 copies (3 Xbox 360, 1 PC case, 2 PC digitally.) What can I say, its a GOOD GAME!
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Gold cartridge Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (maybe that's rare?)
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9. Most regrettable purchase? I don't regret my purchases, but I have received games I have never played like Cubix (PS2) no clue where that game came from, but I have it somehow. Madagascar (Xbox 360) came with my Xbox 360, never opened it from its case. And Monsters Inc. Scream Arena (Gamecube) or something... it was a gift.
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? I'm only friends with people BECAUSE of video games, so yes.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games? No, that'd be ridiculous.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Probably a lot, I'd say Call of Duty, but I technically played CoD 1, 2, and 4. The campaign mode was alright, but I don't really care for CoD games at ALL.
14. Favorite game music? Koji Kondo and Grant Kirkhope are two BIG ones.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? Triforce is the most basic option, but I'd rather not get a tattoo.
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Super Smash Bros. Brawl with hacks, but that was over a decade ago.
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17. Ever lose a friend over a game? No, that'd be ridiculous.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? No, that'd be RIDICULOUS.
19. Favorite handheld console? PSP. 3DS is great, but PSP Monster Hunter has ALL of my portable gaming memories. Like playing in school after End of Grade tests with my friend.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? Sims 4 I like to think I know everything about Left 4 Dead. Quite a bit about Monster Hunter, more so of a series though than a specific game.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? I'd say Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I loved it as a kid, but had a lot of complex pen & paper RPG mechanics that I never understood. I understand a lot more of it now, but its still complex as all heck. I just know you hit things, they die.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? That's the only thing I wear.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Not sure so I'll list a few. Sims 4, Smash Bros. Brawl, Monster Hunter (its a series though), or Left 4 Dead
24. First Pokemon game? Leaf Green
25. Were you ever an arcade game player? No, don't like paying to play.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? No.
27. Game that makes you rage? I don't get mad at games, but I had a custom modded Hard Eight mutation in Left 4 Dead that is absolute bullsh*t!
28. Ever play in a tournament? No, because then I'd have to interact with people.
29. What is your gaming set up? A giant wall of video game consoles spanning from NES to Switch, 4 TVs, but I sit at a desk with a PC.
30. How many consoles do you own? "I own every console that's ever existed." - I Don't Play Games When I Play Games (My STRENTH) original song by Smooth McGroove BUT no seriously I own 32 consoles including handhelds.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Yes. 3DS gave me headaches though I only really played with the 3D feature in Ocarina of Time 3D. I think my eyes broke because I couldn't get my 3D to work very well after.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? Sure I play games based on a lot of things. Literally any anime game. If I had to pick Dragon Ball Xenoverse is kinda like a dream Dragon Ball game. Oh, Attack on Titan 2 is pretty neat too!
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33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? Some SEGA plug-n-play thing once. Played it like once and now its lost to time (or my closet.)
34. Do either of your parents play video games? Yes. Mom and Dad played NES Super Mario Bros. My Dad went HARD at that game until he saved the Princess. Then he quit forever.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? "Hi. Welcome to Gamestop!"I never want to hear that again, but it was my main store until I went full digital/ online orders.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? No, I don't tend to get upset or emotional, but Bill dying in Left 4 Dead made me pretty pissed.
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37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? Never played it. I don't really play "bad" games, but maybe Sims 4.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? The Sims 4
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Dragon's Dogma 2 WHICH I think is actually in development, so I'd have to say Fallout New Vegas 2. C'mon Bethesda you cowards, hand the keys back over to Obsidian so they can make another good Fallout game!
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? Two part question, two answers. VR Headset to immerse in world, yes. Motion Controls, no.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into? MOBAs and MMOs. I don't like paying to keep playing.
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Nintendo 64 opened me up to what video games could be as a kid. Sad to say my parents' NES didn't really do that for me. And years later Fallout 3 was a big game changer for me too.
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43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? Every day of my LIFE.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? None. I'd rather emulate.
45. How are you at Mario Kart? Pretty dang good. 3-STARS MARIO KART WII, BABY!
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Yes, both of those. I preferred when Animal Crossing had more character to it. New Horizons looks so pretty, but feels so bland compared to classic AC.
47. Do you like competitive games? No. Not really. Usually amongst friends or if I can get competitive against AI Bots. I love my machine bot friends cause they don't cry like 10 year olds when they lose.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? Too long. I've seriously restarted games because I wasn't happy with my character's appearance.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Yes, I am always the magic man, my brother is always brute warrior, and my friend is the ranger.
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50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? I don't really know. Honestly, I'd rather mod already good games to make them better than create something completely new.
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? No, that'd be ridiculous. But I've had a friend fall asleep playing games at my house 3 different times and currently dozes off during our Minecraft sessions. So, maybe that's not a completely ridiculous thing after all.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? Kirby 64 apparently. My brother tells me we had to count out pennies to buy it. I must've been too young with no recollection, but I believe it.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? It's good if its not in the game's files from the beginning and is actually developed AFTER launch... and pre-order bonuses should be standard DLC a month or two later. Some games have content lost to time because of that pre-order bullsh*t.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales? Of course. If you want a game and its on sale then why not? I typically wait just for Steam sales to get games.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? No? I typically make people and characters I like in Sims. I've made villains like Dio, but he's an anime villain and I don't really HATE him despite the horrible things he's done.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? No. Never played that game.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? I try to for all the games I really like.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? The Sims 4, Skyrim, & Fallout: New Vegas. Mods make them live forever. Left 4 Dead and Monster Hunter are good choices too.
59. Do you play any cell phone games? Those aren't games.
60. Do you know the Konami Code? No? But I'll take a guess. Is it make an IP and forget it exists?
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? Keep forever... even the bad ones.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? PS4 Pro for Monster Hunter World. It was basically for early access since the PC version was being developed and releasing after PS4, but I don't like waiting.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Sort of. Been to anime cons and walked into the gaming tournament rooms only to walk out less than 10 minutes later.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? No, but I'm going to be doing that soon, hopefully.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? GameShark for N64, PS2, Gameboy, and Action Replay for Gamecube, DS, 3DS. And no not really, I would cheat responsibly... but there was this one time at school my friend and I borrowed another friend's Gameboy game, loaded it up with my Gameshark, tried playing, it crashed, loaded it back up, save file corrupted... we just stared at each other jaws dropped, "Here's your game back, dude. Make sure you don't play it til you get back home!"
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? No, but I remember seeing them on billboards in the game DRIV3R on PS2.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Every game I play is filled with happy memories (mostly.)
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? These tiger plushes. My brother got white and I got orange. They were the coolest. Got a butt load of tickets from some jackpot spinning light game thing as I was good at the timing with repeated jackpot hits.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? I've played quite a few masterpiece games, but to pick one, I'd say Fallout: New Vegas
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70. Very first game you ever beat? Super Mario 64. I was a mere child on a Sunday morning and ate celebratory pancakes made by my Dad.
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Wow, that was long... I get the feeling this was supposed to be a "send me ask with numbers" thing, but answering all at once is more fun.
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The Southsider (pt. 9)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: As y/n prepares for an important event in her life, her humor stirs up some interesting reactions from those she cares for.
Word Count: 1978
Chapter 1 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 10
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Toni taught you the main moves, and you were determined to perfect them. Some of the dance had to be from your own creativity, which you figured out along the way. This had to be perfect. Not just for Sweet Pea, but for you. "Alright, I think we could take a break. And by break I mean we're going lingerie shopping."
You nervously nodded. When you got there you just felt like none of them would look good on you. You felt awkward there. If you felt uncomfortable in a crop top for one person how were you supposed to wear this stuff in front of a group of people?
"Have you found anything?" Toni asked, poking her head out of an isle row.
"No. I don't think I'll look good in any of these." You sadly looked at the items.
She walked up to you with a few outfits in hand. "Why not?"
"I don't know. Just never been a big fan of my body I guess. It was only a few years ago when I had to cover up to hide the bruises covering my body."
She put a hand on your shoulder. "But there aren't any more bruises to cover up. Your dad's gone now and your body's thriving. You should be proud of having control over it. Now c'mon, I found a few things for you to try on."
You went into the dressing room, trying on each of them and showing them to Toni. Toni reassured you that you looked good in all of them, but you both agreed that none of them were really perfect for you. "This is stupid." You called through the dressing room.
"No it's not, now come on out. This is the last one anyways."
You stepped outside. Toni looked you over, nodding her head. "I like this one. I like it a lot."
"Yeah. This is the one." She grabbed your hand and spun you around. "Let's see that dance." Toni joked.
You hopped around, overexageratily rubbing your arms. "I'm not used to this much air hitting my body!" You partially joked. "It's so cold in here." She laughed and pushed you back in the dressing room.
You changed back and paid for the outfit. "It's getting late. Hopefully FP and Jughead will be asleep and won't see this."
You both walked back to the trailer park. As you both stopped at Jughead's trailer, Toni then said. "Y/n?"
"Pea's gonna love it." You blushed and playfully pushed her. She laughed at the reaction and walked back to her trailer.
You opened the door slowly. The lights were off. As you closed the door the lights clicked on, and you saw the two boys sitting on the couch. "Hey guys."
"Now where have you been?" FP asked.
"With Toni, like I said."
"What's in the bag?" Jughead asked.
"Nothing important." You put the bag next to your duffle bag and laid down on the small air mattress that was set up. "Night."
"Y/n." FP said in a harsh tone. You sat up, knowing he wasn't in the mood for games. "Where were you?"
"With Toni." You urged. "You could even ask her grandfather Thomas."
"That bag doesn't look like English homework to me."
You sighed. "Look, I went over to Toni's, learned some stuff, then we made a quick shopping run. I worked for the money that I spent, if that's what this is about."
"Were you with Sweet Pea?" His asked loudly, ignoring all that you said.
You gave him a really? look. "No."
"See? I told you." Jughead said. He started to get up. "We stayed up for nothing."
"Sit boy." He pulled him back down. "What's in the bag?"
You didn't want to argue or get him mad, so you grabbed the bag. FP tried to snatch it your hands, but you pulled it back, handing it to Jughead. He looked into the bag, before yanking his hand out right away. He got it. "Dad, she was with Toni."
He ripped the bag from his son's hands. "Give it here boy."
He pulled out the lingerie and stood, throwing it to the ground when he realized what it was. "What the hell is that?!"
"Careful, it was pricey!" You exclaimed. Jughead held in a laugh.
"So this is what you're doing now?" You nodded your head, a little confused. He didn't get it. "You used to be smart and open eyed, and now this is what you're doing? Sweet Pea's got you doing this sort of crap?!"
You bursted out laughing. "You think that Swee-!" you cut yourself off laughing more. You sat next to Jughead, putting a hand on his shoulder. You calmed down a bit, pointing to FP and the lingerie. "He thought that I got that for Sweet Pea~!" You started laughing again. Jughead couldn't help but laugh a little bit as well.
"Someone wanna tell me what the hell is so funny?!" FP was getting angrier.
You calmed yourself down. "Thank you for that laugh, it felt really good." You then sat up straight. "No, I did not buy that for Sweet Pea. I bought that for the serpent dance."
He put a hand to his mouth, digesting what you said. "The Serpent dance?"
"So you're gonna become a serpent?"
"Just like mummy." You gave him a cheeky smile.
"Oh." He let out a big sigh. "I just figured, cause it's Sweet Pea, you know?"
"No, I really don't." You turned to Jughead. "Why does everyone see Sweet Pea as some dark, controlling person with a knife kink or something?"
"I honestly don't know." He responded. "I don't see it either."
You nodded. "You think he'd like the outfit though?"
FP cut the conversation short. "Bed, now." You and Jughead lightly laughed as you all then went to sleep.
The next morning you woke up a lot earlier than the other two. Whenever you slept in a place you weren't used to sleeping in, you always woke up very early. You decided to make the most out of the time you had, and went to your duffle bag.
Jughead woke up the best way he could. He smelled bacon. He walked into the kitchen, groggy and tired, to see you practically shining. "Morning." You smiled at him. "I made pancakes, bacon, and sour bread french toast. What would you like?"
"The works." He sat, a plate of stacked food put in front of him. You knew him too well. He dug in as FP came out of the bathroom and sat down as well, a plate being put in front of him.
He turned off the stove and plugged in a small fan to not make the whole trailer hot. "Where'd you learn to make all this?" FP asked.
"Practice at my house. When it's just you, you don't have to feel bad for screwing up someone else's meal. I got better overtime."
After breakfast you washed the dishes as Jughead combed his hair. "So, you ready for our double date?"
You made a face. "Ugh, that's today. Why was Betty so excited for it?"
"I don't know. She's been talking about getting to know Sweet Pea because one of our best friends is dating him. She said it'll be good for the Southside to stop hating the Northside so much by southsiders getting to know her."
Oh Betty. Such a sweet heart of gold.
When you got to school Kevin immediately came up to you, linking arms. "Oh my God, we have so much to talk about."
"So you heard?"
"From Veronica, who heard from Betty, who heard from Jughead. I knew that wrinkly, sack of bones aunt was evil. Okay, no offense, but her inside kind of shows on her outside."
You laughed. "None taken. I agree, when I look at her I see my mom if she was buried in pet sematary and came back."
He laughed as well. "As much as I love talking about the Wicked Witch of the West and the Good Witch of the South, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"As you know, I'm directing the musical for this year, which I have selected to be Carrie: the Musical."
You nodded. "And a good choice too. I think we all know who's going to be lead."
"Pretty much, but there is another role that I think will be perfect for a certain person."
"Which is?"
"I want you to play the role of Chris Hargensen!" He smiled brightly as you, anxious. You loved musicals, but you weren't much for performing in front of others. However, seeing the smile on Kevin's face caused you to give in. You would do anything for Kevin. He was your best friend.
"Sure." You smiled back.
He excitedly hugged you. "Oh my God, this is perfect. It's a good thing you said yes, because I already wrote down the cast list and was on my way to post it on the bulletin board."
"Gee thanks."
"It's fine, Veronica was going to be my backup in case you said no." Kevin took out the paper from his satchel and posted it, people shoving past the two of you to see the list. "First meeting starts tomorrow after school."
The bell rang. "Alrighty then. I'll see you later."
The day went by a little too quickly for your likely. School ended, and Betty told you to meet them at Pop's at 4. You walked out of the PE locker rooms, which happens to be your sixth period, to see Sweet Pea waiting for you. "How are you so quick?"
"I'm just that good sweetheart." He smirked.
You laughed and lightly nudged his shoulder. "No need to brag. I was close behind you." He only responded with an unsure sounding Mm. You fake pout.
"Put the pout away." He hugged you from behind as the both of you walked to his motorcycle. "I'm here." You snapped your head and looked at him with a wild smile. He didn't know whether to be confused or nervous.
"That was the most adorable thing I have every heard! I fell for a teddy bear."
He felt offended. "I'm not a teddy bear, I'm a serpent. Nobody adorable would have a neck tattoo."
You giggled. "So cute."
You made it to his bike, and he grumpily let go of you to hop on, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. He sighed and leaned on the bike. You leaned onto him, his hands unconsciously finding your waist.
"I know you're not just a cuddly teddy bear. You're tall and dark and brooding and a mystery that people can't seem to solve. You're a badass who has a neck tattoo. You're a serpent. I know all that, but I also know that you can be a softie sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that."
He then gently said, "I'm only soft for you."
You were about to kiss before you heard laughing. You pulled back and saw Fangs standing right next to the two of you. "I'm only soft for you? Yeah, that's something any chick would want to hear." You both stared at him, Sweet Pea fuming. "Oh, right, I'm not here."
Sweet Pea then quickly got up and chased Fangs through the parking lot as you patiently waited for your boyfriend while leaning on his bike. When he came back breathing hard with ruffled hair you smiled. "You good now?"
He walked straight up to you and pulled you in for a deep kiss. You were surprised, but quickly reciprocated. When he pulled back you were gasping for breath.
"All good. Let's go to that damn double date." You were still in a daze and extremely flustered, so all you did was nod and grab onto him as the two of you sped off.
Author's Note: Sorry that this was a little shorter than usual, and not much really happened either.
Tag list:
@madaboutlili @sireennotsiren @elsie2018 @greyfairie @iamaunicorn4704 @wanna-plan-world-domination @whenallsaidanddone @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @live-love-bailar @thecraziestcrayon @cvvlxx @grim-adventures58 @official--fangirl @jesus-jagiya @skeletalwolfcat @theunofficialduke @punkrock-cinnamonroll @rhi-an-onn @amongthewildthingss @apocalypticriot
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mikkachu8888 · 4 years
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A/N I do not own any of the main plot line or characters of Marvel. Those rights are reserved for the creators. Thank you.
Peter x adult!reader
You were nervous to say the least. You looked at the clock on your wall again. It was probably only 15 minutes until they would arrive. You sighed. Mae and Peter are coming over for dinner. It's only been a few months since Tony's funeral and you can't say you were coping well. Natasha...Tony... Steve... all gone. Steve wasn't dead, but he seemed on the verge of it due to his old age now, but either way you weren't ready to let him go either. It felt like you were robbed of so much time you could have spent with him. He always was my most understanding fake uncle/dad/brother...or whatever you wanted to consider him. It didn't matter how you felt though, it's what makes him happy and you have to respect that... even if internally you weren't ready to bury another one of your family members. These people helped raise you and it broke your heart to see how your family got so much smaller.
Clint made more of an appearance in your life after the events, however. After Nat died you both found great comfort and grieving her death together. He became your new outlet to vent, which had previously belonged to Steve. Actually, this whole dinner was Clint's idea. It was something that was meant to clear the air between Peter and I.
"Are you okay?"
I turned to the voice and saw my fiancé of 8 months standing in the kitchen door with his hands in his pockets and looking at me with a concerned, but supportive smile.
"No..." I admit. "I've faced mass genocide, the largest war to human kind, and losing most of my family all at once... and yet... I've never been more nervous than I am right now."
"What do you think is going to happen?" (f/n) says.
"I don't know... I know it's really not that big of a deal compared to what we've all gone through before, but for some reason I can't bear to see Peter so upset with me. It...Just...It hurts my heart. I can't explain it." you say putting your face into your hands.
"I understand... and to be honest I think it is... a big deal." (f/n) says walking over and placing his hands on my arms gently. "So many families have been disrupted by the blip. Parents seeing their children all grown up all of a sudden, couples having larger age gaps and who have grieved and moved on, people who have blipped and realized that their loved ones that have remained here passed away in that what seemed to be moments they've been gone...in which it was actually years."
You looked up at him. He gave a small smile. "You are not the only one struggling to adjust in these weird times and grieving the lost time. I'm sure Peter is just as confused and nervous as you are. He was your boyfriend, your lover. You guys were very close and I'm sure when he came back from the blip he still thought you were the same as ever... only to realize that it wasn't the case."
"He saw me for the first time at Tony's funeral...and he wouldn't even talk to me. He just stared at me... almost like he was afraid of me." The sentence came out like it was a soft whisper, but ended with just pain and hurt in it.
"Is that a bad thing?" (f/n) asked. "Wouldn't you be? I know I would, especially if I was just a 16 year old kid."
"No no...No... You're right. I honestly should be thinking about him too. He's probably shell shocked and I'm just worried about myself." You take a deep breath and gave a slight bitter chuckle. "I'm the adult here. I've matured and learned to cope. I shouldn't be the one who's scared here."
"I think it's okay for you both to be scared. Don't worry, though. I'll be there and Mae will be there to help. Clint says he'll be standing by if you need help." It was at that moment, the doorbell rang making you jump. "You got this. I promise."
He gave you a kiss on the cheek before leaving to answer the door. You mulled over his words for a moment before sucking in a breath and following him. As you walked through your living room you reached up and began fixing your hair as you walked. You wanted to make sure you at least looked like you weren't a complete mess, but you were on the inside. A horrible, grieving, pitiful, shawarma and ice cream eating mess.
I wore black. It was my go to color. Not because I was sad or grieving, but because it is the most convenient color and showed so much class while also hiding your shame. There was very little the color black couldn't hide. You were grateful that when you joined SHIELD and the main uniform color was black. You cut your hair shorter and mostly wore it up in a tight seamless bun for work, but tonight it is in its full glory. Your fiancé wore basic white button up and black pants. He had on a tie before, but you supposed it was bothering him so he took it off. At least he put on the black blazer as well. You never liked the tie anyway. It was just something Steve had said one time that was necessary for important events. He taught (f/n) how to tie it and everything.
You stood beside (f/n) a little ways back as you were bit afraid. He opened the door and there stood Mae, Peter, and shockingly Happy smiling back. Peter actually wasn't smiling. He wasn't even looking at neither you nor (y/n). His gaze was to the side towards the floor. It was clear that he wasn't ready to face reality either. Your eyes moved back to the group as a whole. "Happy, what are you doing here?" You- asked stretching out a smile that may have seemed a little forced.
"Well, I was just popping over to the Parker residence from visiting Pepper and Morgan, and Mae invited me to come along, so I thought I haven't seen you in a while and there was no harm in dropping by as well. I wanted to see what you've been up to and what not." Happy nodded with a big smile. He leaned close and half whispered "Mae thought that you all could use as much help as you could get with this weird situation anyway."
"O-oh... okay... well um. Thanks for coming. I'm sure it's appreciated." You internally cursed. More people to witness the horror that will be this dinner. You turned your attention to Mae. "Hi, Mae." You smiled a bit and you could tell she already had tears pricking her eyes and she held out her arms for a big hug. She gave you tight motherly squeeze and rubbed your back. "Hi, Honey. Gosh, you've gotten so big. You just look absolutely beautiful."
"Yes. Thank you. It's been so long since I've seen you... Well I suppose not to you." You attempted a joke to lighten the mood. She and Happy laughed though that joke didn't seem to land well with Peter as he didn't laugh and only seemed to be made more uncomfortable.
Your eyes did fixate on Peter now and the silence of the group became thick and very tense. He wasn't saying anything and you bit your lip. "Hey...Peter." Your voice was softer and sounded week. He looked exactly the same. Young baby face with wispy brown hair that seemed to like to hang in his face depending how it fell. He did a pretty good job at keeping it combed back, however. His brown eyes finally looked back at you and widened just slightly. You looked so much different, yet, exactly the same. For starters, the makeup. That was so much more new. You never wore makeup. You were perfectly happy with the nude appearance of your face. Although you weren't wearing much makeup it was still prevalent that you had some on, but just enough to look clean and classy. Your hair wasn't as super long as you had it when you were younger. It was always down and long and it was a daily struggle for you to keep it maintained and out of paint or your food at lunch. You were always getting it caught in your mouth or finding random strands of it on your clothing or in your stuff. He remembered how sometimes when he kissed you your hair would get caught between their lips. It was embarrassing then, but now he missed it. Now it was cut much shorter and seemed more tamed. He wasn't sure if he liked that or not. It didn't matter, however, for some reason in Peter's mind it made you look all the much more mature and older. Everything about you seemed older and mature. Your body was different. Slightly wider hips and a bit larger breasts. He probably wouldn't have noticed either difference if it wasn't for the dress you were wearing... or for the matter that you were wearing a dress at all. Dresses and skirts weren't your forte last time he saw you. You said they restricted you from doing the things you wanted to do. No, leggings and jeans covered in paint, pen marks, sharpies was what you wore on a daily basis along with an oversized hoody of some sort. Peter looked down at the ground. He noticed you weren't wearing any shoes. He cracked a slight side smile. At least that was one thing that didn't changed about you. You always hated wearing shoes. It didn't matter where you were or the temperature outside. Shoes were never the priority for you. You always carried a pair and wore them when you had to, but if they bothered you too much or you just found them unnecessary you'd kick them off and immediately toss them in your backpack. So many times you'd walk down the school halls bare foot with some type of drawing that you drew on them from being bored in class. Peter always thought that little quirk was cute. He could actually see a little tattoo on the side of your foot, but couldn't make it out in that moment. In fact when he looked closer, he saw that both your feet looked slightly different from each other. He wasn't quite sure, but it seemed the foot with the tattoo seemed somewhat off. He just wasn't sure what was different.
His voice finally decided to make an appearance. "Hey... again..." It didn't come out as strong as he wanted it to, but it came out enough for her to hear.
"How are you?" You asked him.
"Uh..." He didn't have anything to say. He just gave an awkward nod and a generic 'ok'. He wasn't ready to talk. You backed off and looked at the group as a whole once more.
"Oh um... everyone. This is my fiancé, (f/n)" you said stepping back and introducing your now future husband. Peter's face immediately dropped. His eyes widened and he looked back and forth between you and your fiancé in an almost panicked state. He couldn't believe it. You had found someone else. You had left him.
"Hi, everyone." (f/n) smiled and waved and shook everyone's hand, except Peter who didn't even attempt to raise his hand. His face now stared wide eyed at your fiancé who waited patiently for his hand in return. Mae nudged Peter's arm and he blinked a couple of times in realization and took (f/n)'s hand to shake. "Oh yeah um sorry... it's nice to meet you." He says politely trying to cover up how frazzled he was for a moment.
"Well, everyone. Why don't you come inside?" You say and step to the side allowing everyone to filter into your home.
"Wow... fancy." Happy says looking around at stuff.
"Happy, you knew I lived here." You say unamused.
"I've never seen the inside, though." He commented back.
"So how long have you lived here?" Mae asks looking at the light fixtures.
"3 years or so now." You say watching them. "I know it's much different than that dingy apartment I was at before."
"Yeah um.... How did you get a place like this?" Peter asks quietly.
"Uh well... with my new job and the housing being cheaper from the blip and-"
"Tony bought it." Happy commented bluntly cutting you off.
You sighed. "Yes. Tony bought and designed it for me. My job at SHIELD lets me be able to pay for it."
"You work at SHIELD?" peter asks glancing back at you.
"Yes. Head of the entire global security and protection program. Also, I'm a public advocate for the international super powered and mutated community." You say with a bit of pride.
"Wow that sounds like a very high position." Mae says.
"It can be, I suppose." You shrug your shoulders.
"You've certainly come a long way since you were young." Mae says a little sad.
"I think everyone who was left here during the blip has. It just depends on if they came a long way for the better or worse. That depends on the person." You state glancing at Happy. "Right, Happy?"
"Yeah. There's been a lot of people who dropped over the edge since that, but also a lot of people who've thrived since then. We've seen it all." Happy says skeptically looking at one of the vases you had on your counter. You walked over and took the vase from Happy's hands. "Why don't we all sit down before you break something." You says putting the vase back down where it was.
"Where did you get that? It's hideous." Happy says moving towards the sofa.
"It came with the house." You stated.
"Why'd you keep it?" Happy says scrunching up his nose.
"Don't worry about it." You say ushering him to the couch.
"I happen to like it. I think it's... unique." Mae says admiring it from afar as she sat next to Happy and Peter on one of the sofas. You and (f/n) sat across from them on the other. He gave them each glasses of water in case they got thirsty. You hadn't seen him even go into the kitchen to get them.
"Oh yeah... I mean... if you look at it that way then I guess it's pretty nice." Happy says backtracking and taking a pert sip of the water he was just given. Your eyes furrow as you look between Happy and Mae. You glance at Peter who also seems confused at the interaction.
"Okay...so Happy. What were you doing at the Parker residence?" you ask Happy with a smirk.
"Oh you know. Just checking in. See how Peter is doing." Happy says not so casually.
"I see." You say as your eyes look back at Peter. "So, Peter."
"Huh?" he asks a little startled by my turn of attention to him. The water in his cup sloshing at the sudden movement. "How are you doing?"
"Oh um... okay, I guess." He responds nodding. That was it. The entire highlight of the conversation between us for the rest of the time. The rest of the time he and you both remained quiet and only spoke when spoken too. You were hurt. He was hurt. You could tell. Not only because you know him, but because teenagers tend to have less of a poker face when they're upset. No matter how hard they try to hide it, it usually slips through that they are emotional in that moment. You have learned to control that side of you a lot better. You are no longer that emotional and even if you were, you've learned to hide it a lot better. Your face remains impassive, but you sit there thinking that perhaps he doesn't need impassive. He needs something to know that you are feeling much of the same feelings he is feeling. You just don't know what to say.
"If you don't mind me asking, how did you two meet?" Mae asks setting her glass on the coffee table in front of us. Peter's attention becomes more alert at the question. It was obvious he was wondering the same thing. Just when did this happen?
"Oh no. I don't mind. I suppose that is one of the big elephant questions in the room." You say a little nervously.
"We met in physical therapy. We had the same Therapist and she brought all her patients together for group stretching once a week. It was something that was set up through a volunteer group for people with superpowers and mutations. I can't exactly remember the name, but it was group that helped with the devastation after the snap. They helped clean up and got people out of crisis and arranged for a lot of the people with powers who were injured to receive medical attention and physical therapy from medical professionals that had mutations of some sort as to not expose us or risk exploitation. Do you remember the volunteer organization's name?" (f/n) asked looking at me.
"It wasn't an organization. It was a school, I believe. Dr. Xavier ran the school. He's quite the man. I talk to him every now and again, but I haven't heard from him quite a while. He's part of the reason I got my foot in the door for advocating for those with superpowers or mutants as they call them." You state.
"Interesting. What were you going to physical therapy for?" Mae asked. "Or what I mean is, what happened?"
"Well I was on a train in New York with my sister and mother when people starting dusting away. I suppose the conductor was one of those people because our train never stopped and crashed full force into one of the buildings and derailed us from the tracks over a bridge, it sent us crashing into the streets. My mother died on impact, but I was able to protect my sister with my body. I can turn my body into different materials, so I was able to keep most of the things away from her and she just had a couple of broken bones, but I didn't move fast enough because I got a metal rod straight through the chest. It broke right near my sternum. I had no clue why or how I was still alive. I thought I was going to die in there for sure until some of the students from that school showed up." (f/n) unbuttoned his shirt half way to show the large star like shaped scar right in the center of his chest.
"That's awesome..." Happy muttered looking in awe at his scar before getting nudged in the shoulder by Mae. "I mean terrible. Truly terrible. I'm sorry for your loss."
"Yes, that's awful. I'm sorry that happened to you." Mae says sympathetically.
(f/n) chuckled and buttoned his shirt back up. "No, don't worry about it. These types of things make us stronger right? And I do agree with Happy. I think my scar is pretty awesome." He patted his chest proudly. You smiled in amusement and gave slight chuckle.
"...and you?" Peter's soft voice piped up after a moment. Everyone looked at him. He was looking at you. You weren't really sure what he was trying to ask you. He glanced at everyone before licking his lips and trying again to clarify. "Uh um. What I mean is what happened to you... as well? Why were you in, you know, physical therapy?"
"Oh. I was actually in Africa fighting in battle." You sated simply.
"You were a part of the Battle of Wakanda?" Peter asks sitting up straighter now.
You smiled a bit and let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah. It was like pulling teeth to convince Steve to let me, but yeah. I was. It was a savage alien that bit and clawed into my leg and that started the problems, but it was a female servant of Thanos that actually took my leg. Cut it clean off with swords she had."
"Oh my god. That's horrible." Mae exclaimed and Peter's eyes traveled to your foot once more. That's why your foot looked so off. It was a prosthetic. Peter thought it looked too real to be a prosthetic, but too fake to be real. You were able to walk so seamlessly though. Like you never lost your leg at all.
"Not as horrible as for her. When Natasha found out she was absolutely pissed. She and one of the Wakanda guards kicked her ass." You laughed outwardly. Peter saw the old you come out all of a sudden and all at once. He smiled brightly. "And then what happened?" he asked.
"They sent her ass through her own giant alien sawblade that they tried to kill us with!" You were full blown laughing now. The memory had you almost in tears because of how convenient and karmic the whole thing was. If you remembered correctly you remember yourself laughing in that moment as well. Despite nearly being dead in a ditch and bleeding out uncontrollably, you were still verbally shouting out cheers of praise to Nat as she fought and when she came to quickly bandage you up to stop the bleeding. You remembered Nat replying to you "Shut up, kid or I'll leave you here instead. All that shouting is going to make you pass out anyway." Funny enough she wasn't too far off the target because it wasn't long after she told you that did you fall unconscious from blood loss and woke up with a sweet new robotic vibranium prosthetic leg in Wakanda's medical ward.
"So, if she cut your leg off what happened next." Peter asked now interested in the story.
"Nat bandaged me up, I passed out, and I woke up with a sweet new robotic leg in Wakanda's medical ward. After I was healed enough I was transferred to Xavier's school where I sharpened my powers and did physical therapy along with the others. Once I was healed, Tony came back from outer space. Once he was recovered he told us everything and eventually upgraded my leg. Now it looks almost like I never lost a leg. Well, sort of. It still looks a bit off and it glitches every now and again, but I'm not complaining. I can still walk so." You shrugged now crossing your leg over the other and folding your arms over your chest.
"Wow. That's really cool." Peter said breathlessly. He seemed to admire you so much more. You knew you were now Tony Stark, but it was nice to have those admiring eyes directed towards you for once. The type of eyes that didn't hold romantic feelings, but still held the belief that everything you did was cool and amazing.
"Thank you, Peter." You smiled.
"So when are you two getting married?" Happy asks randomly and taking a gulp of water.
The glass in Peter's hand immediately smashes in his palm. Everyone makes a noise in surprise at the sudden sound and turn to Peter. "Oh! Uh... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'll... I'll clean it up." Peter says getting down on the floor to clean it up.
"Peter, your hand." You gasp setting your cup down. His hand started bleeding from all the glass shards that decided to embed themselves into his skin.
"Oh um..." Peter's face flushed a bright red. He couldn't help but feel intense embarrassment about the situation.
"Don't worry about the glass. I got it. You go with (y/n) and get your hand all patched up, okay?" (f/n) says already standing to go and get the broom.
"Yeah, come on, Peter. I have a first aid kit in the kitchen." You say standing up and helping him to his feet. You held his arm as he kept his hand underneath his injured one, hoping to catch the blood so it wouldn't get onto your carpet. You walked him to the kitchen. "Just put your hand over the sink and I'll be there in a moment."
"Okay." Peter says doing what you asked as you began to rummage around the medicine cabinet. Peter began to run his hand under a bit of water as you came back with the first aid kit. You first got some tweezers and a dish towel and dragged 2 chairs over so we could sit. You first sat down and put the dish towel across your lap. Peter then sat down and you gently grabbed his hand and set it in your lap while looking closely at it. "Nothing bad it looks like. Obviously nothing the Amazing Spiderman can't handle." You joke looking at him with a smile and he smiles back with an awkward laugh.
A silence falls over you both as you begin to focus on plucking the tiny shards from his hand. You didn't notice how the air got thicker and you certainly didn't notice how things got increasingly more difficult for Peter to stomach. He stared at you the entire time and the longer he did the more his heart broke. You didn't notice how his straight face slowly broke until you saw a few tear drops fall onto the surface of the hand you were working on and you heard a choked back sob. You looked up and saw his face as he turned away. You set the towel with glass pieces aside and held his hand. You knew he wasn't crying because of his hand or if there was a possibility you hurt him. He was much tougher than that. You also knew you couldn't physically hurt him even if you wanted to. His powers made it easier for him to handle a lot more than a regular human. No, his pain was internal. His kind soft heart was bursting with pain. "Peter..." you said softly with a frown.
"I... I miss you." He said finally with his head down and his chest heaved. "I miss you so much."
This is where your heart broke and you couldn't even keep your composure anymore. You hugged Peter and you hugged him tight. You hugged him like how you wanted to hug him the day you found out that he was one of the victims of the Snap. You hugged him like he would dust away again. You hugged him like he would leave you again, but this time not come back. And you cried. Oh, you cried like you should have when you first saw him again. You cried as you were finally getting the closure you wanted. It was five years, but you had him in your arms again and you couldn't be more grateful. "I miss you, too."
"First I lost Mr. Stark and now you..." he began crying harder now. He drops to his knees on the floor and his face goes to your lap.
"That's not true. I'm right here." I told him holding him tighter.
"But you're not mine anymore. You're his... and it only seems like just a few months ago you were at my house and we were playing video games and listening to music." Peter said getting his voice more.
"But it wasn't a few months ago. It's been years, Peter." You tell him stroking his hair.
"I know... but... it's just not fair!" he says gripping the fabric of your dress around your thighs tight in his balled fists.
"I know, I know it's not fair." You tell him as more tears fell from your eyes.
"If... if he wasn't there... If you weren't getting married, would you wait for me?" he asked quietly. You pressed your lips together. This was a very heavy question. It wouldn't change the outcome of how things were now no matter how you answered, but it could change the way Peter thought about things and how your relationship would be from here on out. You had to answer carefully. Either he could be angry with you and refuse to have contact with you, or he could have a false sense of hope and closure all depending on how you answered his question. You just hated to see him so upset and you wanted to give in, but you also could not lie to him either. If you ever loved him then you would not lie to him, even now.
"No, Peter." I told him gently petting his hair. His body tensed at the words. "Look at me."
He didn't move, so you shifted your body away slightly and lifted his chin up, so he would look at you. "Peter, I want you to listen to me. I want you to really hear what I am trying to tell you."
He looks at you with his tear stained face, but he does what you ask. "What happened to us is cruel and unfair, but it did happen. This whole situation is hard to swallow and seeing you like this kills me. Seeing your face for the first time when you came back and realizing you didn't grow up with me was one of the hardest things I had to come to terms with because I immediately realized that we couldn't work. I think it was even harder for me when I realized that when you came back, you had no idea what had happened and you thought we were still together like always. I found it difficult when I saw the reality hit you when you looked at me for the first time at Tony's funeral. I still care deeply for you, but you are still a child, Peter. You blipped. I didn't. I mourned and moved on. I know that when you become in your twenties it won't really be a big deal anymore with the age gap, but that's nearly 10 years of my life waiting for you. That's 10 years of my life halted and stagnant. That's also nearly 5 years of your life wasted waiting on me when you also need to move on. I'm sorry, but it won't be healthy if you wait for me."
He doesn't say anything for a long while. He just sets his head back down in your lap as he thinks over what you just told him. I don't mind, however. You said what you had to. You couldn't lie to him. It wasn't the adult or right thing to do. You had to just rip the band aid off. It seemed we sat there for a while. I knew the others were giving us our privacy. We all knew this dinner was really just to break the news to Peter that our relationship wouldn't work and hoping we could still be okay afterwards.
"Do you love him?" he asked quietly, his voice breaking a bit.
"Yes." You answered back.
"Did you love me?"
"Do you still love me?"
"But... not the same way..." he sighed.
"...No... not in the same way." You tell him gently.
"I... I suppose that's okay." He muttered, even if he didn't like his own answer.
"Thank you, Peter." You say with a smile looking down at him.
"For what?" he asks looking up at you.
"For understanding, for not being angry, for being a good person, for doing the right thing for yourself and I, ... and for just giving me some of the best moments of my life being with you." You tell him happily.
"O-oh. No problem." He says now getting back up off the floor and going to his feet.
You follow suit. His face was still tear stained, but he didn't have complete dread in his eyes anymore.
"It's going to take a while for me to get over you." He says looking at the ground.
"I know it will because it took me awhile. (f/n) was very patient with me." You tell him before thought came into her head. "Peter, I know this is too soon, but may I point you in a direction of people to consider giving a chance?"
"Um... okay?" He didn't seem too comfortable, but he was open to hear what she suggested.
"You know Michelle Jones that was in our class, right? I believe she just went by MJ."
"MJ?" Peter thought taking it into consideration.
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aced0g · 6 years
Bruuuhhh there's so many good questions, so I'll ask the most of them. 1-5, 8, 11, 13-18, and 23? ((Sorry if thats a lot lol
[well shit now I actually want to make this a fully fledged self insert oc] from the if you were inquisitor ask meme   https://aced0g.tumblr.com/post/183449602162/lesbiansten-if-you-were-inquisitor-ask-meme
1. Race:
-I could be really boring and just stick with human but I honestly think I’d be like half Qunari half elf maybe? Like if you made a qunari shorter and a twink. Horns would probably be the ones that go straight back.
2. Class/Specialization:
-While I’d love to do magic I just don’t think I would have it (probably also wouldn’t be a good mix lol volatile emotions and magic=big problems). SO I’d be a rogue. I’ve always been silent enough to just “appear” behind someone and accidentally freak people out plus I really really like knives. idk they’re really cool. Specialization oof probably tempest because I’m not good at crafting things and with tempest you can at least feel like you’re using magic.
3. Your homeland?
- Probably Ostwick just cause there aren’t too many Qunari out in Ferelden and at least the Free Marches have seen Qunari before.
4. Your family?
-Father would be Qunari tal vashoth who broke free and set up his own bakery out in Ostwick. Mother would be a city elf who’s good at working in the forge. Would have a little sister who’s probably going to be a minstrel. Also kind of estranged from them all, like they write but he wouldn’t want to worry them with his travels. Theres also another sibling but we don’t talk about him ever :)
5. Who were you before?
-Before Inquisition? Probably just on his own trying to forge his own path. An aspiring author who can’t think of anything to write so he takes up odd jobs here and there. Sometimes hes a merc, other times he’s making bread, then sometimes he’s giving tattoos. He was never really someone important. 8. Your opinion on other races?
-Humans he thinks are alright, they’re quick to judge based off of looks and can either be huge assholes or pretty chill. City elves are treated horribly and they need a break, someone to speak up for them. Dalish elves stay secluded and he understands why. They’re fierce warriors though and he respects the hell out of them. Surface Dwarves are usually pretty chill, a fun crowd that could drink you under the table if you try. The Carta suck ass but you just don’t get involved with them. He’s never met the dwarves from Orzamar so he has no opinion. With Qunari usually Tal Vashoth are chill, there are assholes who just want blood and murder but that isn’t just limited to Qunari hes met plenty of humans just like that. He didn’t meet a Qunari that was actually part of the Qun until Iron Bull and at first he was honestly terrified. You hear so many stories of what they do that it leaves you scared which doesn’t help when you already have paranoia and ptsd. (don’t worry eventually he and bull become really good friends)
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold?
Honestly? Either the library or his quarters. He’s got a lot of social anxiety and he likes quiet so he’d end up making his own little section in the library where he can just read or draw or write, and if its a really bad day he just stays in his quarters until he’s needed13. What armor would you wear?-Oof most of the armor for Rogues is pretty ugly in my opinion. I’ll tell you what this boy would be caught in, black pants and leather boots, he’d be wearing like a black and green flannel shirt with some leather bracers on his arms and like fingerless leather gloves for his hands (they’d also be compressing both wrists cause boy got shitty wrists). He’d also have a leather jacket and a scarf around his neck. (also he wears glasses or else he’s blind as shit for distance stuff)14. What would your room look like?
-Honestly its pretty bare bones. Maybe a few bookshelves that barely hold any books. A few trinkets like a mabari figurine or some crafts his family made for him. The rest would just be his wardrobe, knives and writing/drawing supplies. His bed would be simple, big enough to hold two people but no more. Theres about three blankets on the bed, the bed is always made and he sleeps on top of that and grabs a spare blanket to cover himself at night. He also has a bunch of pillows. The rest of it is a dog bed and a bunch of dog toys for his mabari mutt.15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold?
-I’d like to say he’d be good friends with Varric, Sera, Dorian, Bull, and Cole, maybe Cullen too. It takes a while for everyone to warm up, but the gays get along really fast so he gravitates to them initially and then Varric is like the dad friend and he likes to write too so there are plenty of late nights with the Inquisitor just info dumping about story ideas and character ideas with Varric and its fun. With Cole he was initially a little scared of the spirit but then it turns into a really great friendship and he’d think of Cole as a brother. Plus Cole is great for helping him calm down when he’s having a panic attack. 16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition?
-No. He’s shit at making friends and tends to stay alone than try to make friends. It has a lot to do with his trauma, being told that he was never going to have friends that he wasn’t worth it, so he just doesn’t try. Whenever he was with a group for an extended period of time they would get friendly but he’d never really keep in contact and so no friends. Well he has one, his mabari mutt Mahogany or Huggy for short, but he’s with the Inquisitor so it doesn’t really count. 17. Who wouldn’t you get along with?
-While I love Cassandra and Vivienne’s characters I don’t think I’d actually get along with them. I’m not religious and I don’t like acting all important, so as Inquisitor this boy would probably be Vivienne’s worst nightmare of just dressing in flannel when he’s at Skyhold and Cassandra’s because he doesn’t support the Templars and doesn’t give a shit about the Chantry or the Divine (not in a rude way but he just doesn’t care about it). I think he’d try to be polite at least but I don’t think they’d get along. 18. Who would you romance?
-Mmmm that’s a really hard decision for me because Im stuck between choosing Bull or Dorian. They both have amazing qualities and I love them both so much, but I think just because being a Qunari the inquisitor would be initially more hesitant about being around Bull I’d go with Dorian. Dorian and the Inquisitor would have a lot of personal hurt that they could help each other with and spend a lot of time just cuddling and talking through the night. The inquisitor would get very protective of Dorian during battles and probably get a little self sacraficey. 23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)?
-Honestly? its a toss up between himself and dying alone
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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Today was a very good day. But I'm also very tired and my jaw hurts and every time I stand up my knee tries to buckle. Why. Unacceptable.
But regardless of how my body is failing me, today was pretty great. I woke up today at 8, answered some texts and slept for another hour. It was very much needed and was great. I got up and had breakfast. Chilled on the couch and got ready for work.
It was a nice morning. And soon enough it was time to go to work. It actually didnt take as long as normal so I was like 20 minutes early. But that was nice because I got to hug on James for a while. I went and got changed and came down to the desk for a bit. James was doing the firing so he went to get ready for that.
I played around on the computer, worked on my chapter. I expanded my secrions and eventually even got the conclusion started which is always very hard for me. But I'm making progress.
The firing was like 10 minutes earlu which should not have been a big deal. But a little after noon a woman came in and was really mad at me that the firing didnt happen exactly at noon. Like she wasnt yelling but it was a close thing. And like thats such a non complaint?? Barely anyone was onboard and James was trying to beat the rain that was coming. It was ridiculous abd it made my chest hurt with thag kind of fear and upset i get when im in a confrontation. I didnt like that at all.
But soon enough after that a woman asked why the spoons in the case had a point on it. And i didnt know! So i investigaited. From what I can gather spoons with a point are a french style that became popular in America in the 19th century and the point is so you know when to buy a new spoon! When it wears down from misuse and scrapping the bottom of the bowel you are supposed to grt a new one! Neat!
The rest of the day was pretty good. It started storming and I got to sit with James and just embroider and it was just so calm and good.
Ben, my photographer friend, asked me if I could help with a shoot and he would buy me dinner. So of course I said yes. At 330 I got changed, said goodbye to James, and went to meet Ben.
We had a fun filled afternoon. We had Panera. Talked about tattoos. Went to target. I got a candle and apple cider and cupcake mix. Because I haven't been in target in ages and I couldnt help myself. Im very excited for cider!
We headed over to the park and spent a couple hours working on his shoot. Honestly it was just beautiful. He had this idea with the flowers coming from his chest and just all the colors and textures of the pictures was so beautiful. I had a really good time. And I learned a little about flash photography. It was a good time. Poor Ben got very wet boots and squished all the way to the car.
I got to keep the leftover flowers and that was really nice! Perks!
I was only slightly sad because apparently I had said I was going to work at the museum tonight for their free night but i really reallu have no memory of this. So I feel really bad that they didnt have me there. They said it was covered and all good. But I feel like a jerk still. I'll apologize more tomorrow.
Ben took me home and I unpacked some stuff. I did my watercolor sketch for the week. I had some pie. I decided to bake tomorrow. And thats when I started not feeling so great. I went and put my velvet duvet on my bed. Since its officially fall. And I've been resting and watching the new Shane Dawson doc. Im going to go make some toast and get ready to sleep.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. Stay cozy!
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