#8×5 Cage Trailers
ladykailitha · 1 month
Icarus Part 17
Hey, guys! Just a reminder after I post Caged Bird on Saturday I am going on a two week posting hiatus. I need the break and my backlog could use the boost. I will start posting again on Sept 1st.
I'm not sure if I'll keep the four days like I have been doing or go back to the three days a week. I guess we'll see.
In this we have Eddie messing around with his friends and we get to see The Fallen's new costumes.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Steve and Spence pulled on the red polos with white medical crosses on the sleeves and MEDIC emblazoned on the back that would mark them as medical personnel. Simon was pulling on the dark blue polo that would signify him as a roadie for the band The Fallen. Shane and Robin stood off to the side wearing regular clothes but with lanyards that said they were PAs to the band.
Steve knocked the trailer’s door and Hopper opened it to let them out. Steve poked his head out and saw that no one was around. He nodded to Hopper and the rest of the band filed out.
“All right,” Robin said, checking her clipboard, “sound check is at four and we are after Corroded Coffin does their sound check. Eddie says he can distract the rest of his band long enough for you to get changed into daily wear.”
The band all nodded and they all went their separate ways. Steve and Spence went to the medic tent, Robin and Shane went to do what PAs do and that’s run around making sure everything was going well, and Simon went to join the the rest of the crew setting up.
Eddie was leaning against one of the pillars backstage watching them work. Jeff came up to him and threw an arm around his shoulders.
“They’re pretty flawless at this, aren’t they?” he said, after looking around to make sure no one was in earshot. “If I didn’t know what I know, I would have never thought they were anything other than their roles.”
Eddie nodded. It was seamless; as themselves they were peppy and cheerful. The guys he’d seen at party after party at Steve’s apartment. But he still remembered how they were on stage and they were so completely different.
“That security guy they got is certainly worth whatever they are paying him, that’s for sure,” he agreed.
“Gareth is vibrating out of his skin to see their sound check,” Jeff said with a nod. “Not even to see their new costumes, just their sound check, that’s how over the moon he is about this.”
Eddie hummed in agreement. “He’s in for a treat, that’s for sure.”
“Have you seen their new costumes?” Jeff asked, eyes still on the hive of activity in front of them.
“Nope!” Eddie said popping the P. “All I know is that they were designed by the daughter of their head of security. Apparently Ellie Hopper is an up and coming fashion designer and who better to clothe an up and coming metal band than her?”
Jeff rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I guess all of us are going to be in for a surprise tonight.” He patted his friend on the shoulder. “Do try to keep it in your pants, yeah?”
Eddie pushed him off of him with a “Fuck off!”
“Dustin still pissed he missed meeting her when they were in California?” Jeff asked, giggling.
Eddie grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Yup!” he said cheerfully. “It was hilarious. All of Steve’s friends were talking about how awesome she was and how beautiful she was all the while Dustin is like in the middle of battlefield, but as predicted Suzie’s parents didn’t want them sharing the same room. So he was fighting with her parents and she was fighting with him for fighting with her parents.”
He pursed his lips to try and hide his smile but it was fruitless and he broke out into a wide grin. “He didn’t even last the month with them.”
“And then by the time he’d made it to Cali,” Jeff said, “she was back in New York preparing for New York Fashion week and was completely devastated he missed her.”
Chrissy came bounding up to them. “Hey, guys. They have everything ready for your sound check and Gare and Bri are waiting for you.”
Eddie and Jeff plugged in their guitars and Eddie hit the first note. He adjusted the peg and then hit it again, this time he nodded. He went through the solo on their latest single to warm up. Then each of the other members did the same.
“Sounding pretty good!” Chrissy called from the front row.
She started shouting suggestions and then they all played together and she shouted more suggestions. Soon their sound check was over with and they filed off the stage to let The Fallen’s roadies to set up their instruments.
The Fallen came out in what Eddie called their casual costumes. Regular hoodies and jeans in their ‘color’ and their masks.
Azrael counted off time on his drumsticks and they got down to business. Gareth was on the sidelines practically drooling. Eddie thought he would be panting after Abbadon, his favorite, but after seeing Azrael’s drum kit, it was all over.
The black metal fittings, the void black on the tops and front of the drums and glittering black on the sides. His setup. The way he looked like a god even in the back, sitting on the throne, black drumsticks in hand.
Gareth starting pawing on Eddie’s arm. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie...” he whined. “I want one.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at his friend. “The drummer or the kit?”
Gareth turned to him scandalized. He put his hand on his chest, eyes wide, gasping in shock. “How dare you imply that I am anything but a staunch professional?!”
“So definitely the drummer then.”
Eddie cackled as he ran from Gareth who chased him all the way to their tour bus. Eddie ducked inside and locked the door behind him. He didn’t mind missing this sound check, after all they had a whole on the road and roughly eighty shows to get through.
Both bands were out promoting new albums and being two of the biggest metal bands at the moment, made both labels push for as many dates as they could conceivably do without killing either band.
It was going to be long and exhausting, but holy fuck it’d one hell of a ride. Eddie smiled as he held door shut as Gareth tugged and tugged on the door handle.
Steve rolled his shoulders and began warming up his voice. The crowd was bigger than they were used to but he knew that at least a good portion of those fans were there to see him and his boys.
They got strapped into the winged harnesses, specially fitted to work with their new costumes.
Steve gave Spence a thumbs up and the other man returned it. They began lowering Azrael onto the stage. His raven wings glinting blue in the spotlight. His new costume had the sleeves of his hooded long coat removed, leaving him with more range of motion. He wore a long-sleeved black mesh shirt that ended at his black leather gloves. He wore black cargo pants tucked into combat boots. The boots and his belt had silver skulls that glinted and winked at the audience.
He landed deftly a couple of feet behind the drum kit. He tugged on the release cord and sent the wings back to the rafters. He sat down and pulled out a couple of his sticks and launched into his drum solo. The crowd started screaming as the announced his name.
Next was Shane. He rolled his shoulders, trying to get comfortable in the harness. Even though the dragonfly wings were lighter than the others, they were more awkward in their construction. He gave Steve the thumbs up and he was lowered to the stage with his bass guitar. He began playing as soon as he came into view.
The crowd roared its approval.
Astraeus landed on the stage soft as a butterfly’s wing. He pulled on the release cord and allowed his wings to go back to where they came.
The sleeves of his hooded jacket were pushed up to his elbows to show his painted arms. They were the same midnight blue of the rest of his costume. His tight leather pants were tucked into his knee-high boots. His chest was bare and painted blue with glitter swirling around into galaxies. When he moved the mask shifted between the moon phases.
Then it was Simon’s turn. Steve watched as Simon slipped into the persona of Asmodeus like an ill-fitting glove. It was always harder for Simon than the rest of them to get into his alter ego. But he chose it and he had to live with the consequences of being a sex god.
He was wearing a short, red, leather jacket with the hood attached. His broad chest on display with leather harness drawing attention to all the right curves. His red jeans were torn up from his knees to his hips and shoved into mid-calf high boots with chains on them, the jacket, and around his neck.
His large red bat wings spread out behind him as he was lowered on the stage. About two feet from the ground, he pulled the release cord and stomped to onto the stage to roaring applause.
Asmodeus wailed on his guitar making it screech and sing as his wings ascended back to the rafters. His fingers danced over the fret board and threw his hand back with reckless abandon.
Steve loved this part. He loved the roar of the crowd, the music his band was playing all for him. Robin would say that it was because his parents didn’t love him much and that he never had real friends before her, before his band. Children and boys he had a crush on for years didn’t count.
But he didn’t care. He loved being loved. More than anything.
He wore a white lace bodice under his long hooded coat, and like Astraeus his sleeves were pushed up, but his forearms were bare. The shorts he wore were obscenely tight on his ass and left little to the imagination. His white high heeled boots came just above his knee, leaving miles of his thighs on display.
Today his coat lining wasn’t red or blue or even black, like it usually was when he started off a tour. No. Not today. Today it was the Corroded Coffin logo. And when his coat billowed out as he descended the crowd went absolutely insane.
Half way down, the air tanks on his back set off and blew off the feathers on his wings leaving behind the bones. He landed on the stage behind the microphone. It was like Steve Tyler’s microphone as it was decorated in ribbons, but unlike his, Abbadon’s mic never changed. It always had four ribbons. Red, blue, black, and white, woven together up the stand to billow out around the top.
He welcomed the crowd and launched into the first single off their new album. “Hell’s Where All My Friends Are Going!” It spoke about growing up bisexual in a highly conservative household where he was told that queer folk were going to hell.
It was actually one of the first piece of writing Shane and Spence ever turned into a song, but the label was afraid of alienating their audience straight of out of the gate, so it was never recorded. But when they brought Bob in, him and Robin managed to convince the label that not only would Abbadon and Astraeus coming would be good for business, it would be great for the band, too. One less thing to hide.
Remarkably the label agreed.
And now he was going to debut it here to the whole world and he felt like he was flying free for the first time in his life.
Heaven could fuck off, he was diving into Hell!
Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Oops! I don't know how it got posted without the chapter but here it is!
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @blondie1006
4- @yikes-a-bee @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten
5- @genderless-spoon @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
7- @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars
8- @ravenfrog @w1ll0wtr33 @child-of-cthulhu @kultiras @dreamercec
9- @machete-inventory-manager @useless-nb-bisexual @stripey82 @dotdot-wierdlife @kal-ology
10- @sadisticaltarts @urkadop @chameleonhair @clockworkballerina @garden-of-gay
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jessthebaker · 2 months
It’s the music game! I was tagged by multiple people including @hellfire-state-of-mind @avastrasposts and I don’t know who else 😝 I’m way late to this (what else is new?)…
So! Go to Spotify/Apple Music and search your On Repeat playlist, post the first ten songs listed.
1. Safari Song, GVF
2. Polar Opposites, Modest Mouse
3. Big Me, Foo Fighters
4. Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked, Cage the Elephant
5. Highway Tune, GVF
6. Trailer Trash, Modest Mouse
7. Gold on the Ceiling, Black Keys
8. Australia, The Shins
9. Stardust Chords, GVF
10. Float On, Modest Mouse
Pretty sure I know what my Wrapped playlist will be come January!
No pressure tags bc the game has already been over for a couple of weeks now, lol oops. @thesluttylittleknee @burntheedges @march-flowerr @gasolinerainbowpuddles @chronicallyonlinewriter @janaispunk @schnarfer
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Ok, so movies you watched as a kid?
Run-down time
Major spoilers for certain movies so I'll cut
I loved this movie, and still do. Delgado's character is *chef's kiss*. I think the first movie is better than the sequels. The human cast for the first one was great but they changed the cast for the second movie.
Aunt's niece stays to dogsit for her rich aunt while she's in Europe. Rachel takes the dog with her and her friends to Mexico. Chloe is dognapped. Brought to the dog fights. Introducing Delgado's character. Depressed middle-aged brooding ex-cop. Opens the cage(though if he could do that why didn't he do it a long time ago??). Saves Chloe from el Diablo (the Doberman) but not before letting all the other dogs escape. Carries Chloe -scales barbed wire fence and hauls over it- in what can only be described as the coolest dog move ever. A roller coaster of emotions and then El Diablo finds Chloe and Delgado helps her hide in a museum until they're clear and he takes her to a pier where he goes to talk with his police dog cousins. The landscaper (Sam) and Rachel(the rich woman's niece) team up to find Chloe, and end up finding homes for two strays from the dogfights. THE TRAIN SCENE. Delgado takes Chloe to a train yard where they meet a coyote. No, seriously I love the detail where the coyote is a literal coyote. Delgado puts Chloe on the train and tells her he isn't coming with her. The train leaves. 'don't turn around don't turn around' *turns around* 'Delgado!' 'Chloe!' 'Delgado!' *jumps on - slips* 'Hold on, I'll pull you up' Delgado, scrabbling around trying to push himself up, 'STOP HELPING STOP HELPING' They end up jumping off the train and walking in circles in the desert. Chloe realizes Delgado has no sense of smell. Cue the backstory about how he lost it to Diablo. They're attacked by mountain lions(I'm pretty sure cougars are solitary so I'm not exactly sure why a pride/band was hunting them, I think it was just for plot reasons). THE ABSOLUTE DUSTSTORM OF CHIHUAHUAS. Love Montezuma. The Chihuahua City. Also Papi. These movies were not so vaguely racist.
The rest of the movie was great.
2. Bolt
I LOVED this one.
A TV show in a movie.
Bolt's nose is like the size of Wyoming. His superpowers are so cool. PENNY!!! (she got captured in the show) The cats. *Escapes*
The scene where he runs straight into a fence.
The pigeons helping him.
No, you got to twist, then pull.
I can confirm this is a method I use for stuck things all the time and it does work.
Where he gets the leash stuck around him and Mittens. *Holds mittens over the side of a highway* Another great train scene.
Jumps out the back of a truck.
'What is this red liquid oozing out of my paw?'
'It's blood, you idiot'
*Stomach growls*
'You evil agent of the green-eyed man poisoned me, where is the antidote?!!'
*Brings him to a campground/Trailer park/cookout* 'There's your antidote' (it's food)
Mittens has to teach him how to beg.
RHINO (I love him)
The journey scene was amazing.
The carboard boxes.
The song.
The trailer.
Playing with the labrador.
Dude when they get captured by animal control.
They literally blew up the pound.
When Bolt gets to Hollywood and thinks Penny replaced him.
Mittens going to 'get back in there'
The fire scene
twas perfection.
The mom quits and throws the agent out of the ambulance.
And then domestic life.
'I thought I lost you when you ran away and tried to find me'
3. Moana.
absolute bops
My favorite characters were Rosebud and Mudbud
5. Shark boy and Lava Girl
6. Spy Kids
7. Homeward Bound
8. Balto
9. Call of the wild
10. A dog's purpose
Literally the only time I ever cried during a movie was when the dog got shot protecting the little girl as a police dog
11. Any one else remember Dolphin Tail (was it tale?)
13. White fang (the animated one with the golden brown wolf put in the dog fights)
14. SPIRIT stallion of the cimarron
One of the greatest masterpieces
15. My Little Pony the movie
(the one with the storm king and tempest and sia lol)
I'll probably update this list later.
More recent movies
Spies in Disguise
Again I'm probably going to update this as I remember them
I'll also probably do one of these for shows
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mylifeincinema · 2 years
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My 25 Most Anticipated Films of 2023!!
No intro this year. Just, y’know, here they are...
1. Infinity Pool (Brandon Cronenberg) – 1.27.23
Haaaave you seen Possessor?!? Plus, that trailer!!
2. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Peyton Reed) – 2.17.23
Bring on Kang...
3. John Wick: Chapter 4 (Chad Stahelski) – 3.24.23
I’ll never not be excited to see Keanu kill the shit out of people.
4. Renfield (Chris McKay) – 4.14.23 
Nic Cage as Dracula... I repeat, Nic Cage as Dracula!!
5. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (James Gunn) – 5.5.23 
The trailer alone has me more emotionally invested than anything I saw in 2022, period.
6. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Dos Santos, Powers & Thompson) – 6.2.23
Haaaaaave you seen the first one?!?
7. Asteroid City (Wes Anderson) – 6.23.23
Wes is one of my very favorite directors. Enough Said.
8. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (James Mangold) – 6.30.23
If you’re actually questioning why this is here, you clearly did not know how obsessed I was with Temple of Doom and Last Crusade as a little kid.
9. Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning – Part One (Christopher McQuarrie) – 7.14.23
Cruise can do no wrong... until he does... but even then the footage of his death will be a fucking blockbuster, and all his fans will give him the exact sendoff he’s apparently begging for. Can’t wait to see how he almost dies, this time.
10. Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan) – 7.21.23 
So very excited to see Nolan take on something more dramatic... plus, look at that cast!!!
11. Barbie (Greta Gerwig) – 7.21.23
Margot and Greta... enough said. Oh, but I’ll say more... we live in a world that will soon be home to a Barbie movie co-written by Noah Baumbach!! That’s beautiful.
12. Dune: Part Two (Denis Villeneuve) – 11.3.23
The first felt too unfinished to not be excited to see where Villeneuve brings it next.
13. Wonka (Paul King) – 12.15.23
Really couldn’t care less about Chalamet, and this project is totally unnecessary. But... I’m a die-hard Roald Dahl fan, and this is directed by the man who gave us Paddington 2, so... yeah.
14. Killers of the Flower Moon (Martin Scorsese) – TBD 
C’mon... It’s Scorsese!
15. The Killer (David Fincher) – TBD  
C’mon... It’s Fincher!
16. Napoleon (Ridley Scott) – TBD 
I love Ridley Scott... and Joaquin Phoenix looks like he’s going to murder this role.
17. Maestro (Bradley Cooper) – TBD 
The theatre geek living deep down within me is enough reason. But then I also want to see if A Star Is Born was a fluke.
18. Ferrari (Michael Mann) – TBD 
Michael Mann directing a movie about Enzo Ferrari starring Adam Driver... why aren’t you excited about it?!?
19. Beau Is Afraid (Ari Aster) – TBD
No clue what we’re in for... but I’m certain it’s going to fuck me up for a week or two.
20. Peter Pan & Wendy (David Lowery) – TBD  
David Lowery... enough said. I mean, seriously, have you seen A Ghost Story or Pete’s Dragon?!?
21. Lee (Ellen Kuras) – TBD  
If Kate Winslet wasn’t enough... well, it is... it really is.
22. Blitz (Steve McQueen) – TBD 
It’s McQueen doing a WWII drama starring Saoirse Ronan...
23. Megalopolis (Francis Ford Coppola) – TBD  
I’m hoping it’s as wild as those set photos have been...
24. The Way of the Wind (Terrence Malick) – TBD
Malick does Jesus...
25. The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson) – TBD
 I doubt this is actually going to release in 2023, but it is already in post, so in case does, I really need you all to know just how excited I will always be for new Wes Anderson.
There they are!
As for My Best of 2022, once again all of the major lists will not be getting posted until mid/late January, but I’m going to try to get some of the early lists – such as Posters, TV & Non-2022 Films – sorted and posted over the next week or two. Please Feel Free to Follow Along So You Don’t Miss Anything!
Stay Tuned!
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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whotaughtyougrammar · 10 months
I got tagged by @electricxmayhem ! Shuffle Spotify and share the first 10 songs!
1) 24 Preludes, Op. 28 - No. 24 in D Minor: Allegro Appassionato - Frederick Chopin, Martha Argerich
2) Bring Me to Life - Evanescence
3) In My Back - The Tiny
4) Hammerhead - Cathy Davey
4) Grey Matter - Oingo Boingo
5) Colchiques - Eddy Louiss, Steve Forward
6) I'm Going to Make a Cake - Philip Glass, Kummerspeck (sort of related but mostly just weird, the "music video" for this piece on (what I think is the) official yt channel is... a fan made trailer for Cyberpunk 2077??)
7) Heart in a Cage - The Strokes
8) Paroles, Paroles - Alain Delon, Dalida
9) The Hounds - The Protomen
10) NỨT (đôi chân đôi tay đôi mắt trái tim) - Ngọt
I tag @odd-kid-42 @spelviin @icemankazansky and whoever else wants to do this
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forfoxessake · 1 year
March (2023)
It’s silly but I’m happy I managed to watch some recent works that I was interested in, I sometimes get trapped into watching what I think I should watch, and not what I want. I can say the same for books, although I’m still finding it difficult to truly focus for more than a few pages. 
8 films
Catherine Called Birdy (2022) - directed by Lena Dunham, Bella Ramsey is a coming-of-age story, with a lovely cast and a profound reflection on what is to be a woman, and how you can find yourself among all the many things expected of our “designated roles” in society. Bella truly shines here and I want her to do more diverse roles. 
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Disenchanted (2022) - I love the original film and was genuinely excited for this, the trailers looked fun, and I was disapointed by the quality delivered, it’s a good idea badly executed, and while Amy Adams is forever delightful, and especially when she is being bad, but it’s not enough to make this an enjoyable film, not even for a 10 year old. 
Glass Life (2021) a short documentary insanely full of references, I could barely keep up with it and need to watch it at least 5 times more. But I loved it. It’s a reflection on our choices in regard to our daily life, our capitalism image-obsessed life. 
Holy Spider (2022) directed by  Ali Abbasi (who also directed two great The Last of Us episodes) it’s not an easy film to watch, a real-life story about a serial killer who targeted sex workers and used a religious belief to justify his killing. It doesn’t hide anything, it hurts to watch it, but it’s necessary, it can be like many other similar crime films that make it all seem glorious. 
Happy Together (1997) directed by Wong Kar-wai  I’m slowly going through his most famous work and loving the way his movies have textured, you can feel them with our of our senses. It’s love in a non-Hollywood way, it’s real.
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A Quiet Place II (2020) The first one is so refreshingly good, unfortunately, the sequel is unnecessary, more of the same but not in a good interesting/captivating way.
Inherent Vice (2014) directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, this was the wrong movie to start watching on a long daytime flight back home, and it took me many weeks to finish it, and I won’t pretend to understand anything that was happening here, I’m not even sure we are supposed to understand anything. 
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)  Pedro Pascal and Nicolas Cage have fun being meta. Paddington 2 is in fact the best movie ever. 
4 books 
Anton Chekhov - read two of his plays, Uncle Vanya and The Cherry Garden, both really good works and now I need to watch “Drive My Car” again to better understand how they use the complexity of the play in the film's narrative. 
Victor Hugo - Toilers of The Sea - I have read Moby Dick so I didn't think I could have a hard time reading something complex about the sea, and especially something written by Victor Hugo who does it so beautifully, but I just suffered silently until there was only 20% left and everything was sewed together beautifully.
Bernard Cornwell - The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Stories, #1) I love the Netflix series and postponed reading the books until it was all over, I wanted to focus on that, and not to confuse any divergent timelines or anything like that. Because I believe Cornwell is an exceptional historical/fantasy writer and I knew this was going to be good.
 3 tv series
Landscapers (2021) it’s a true crime mini-series that does a wonderful job integrating the main character's (Olivia Colman) fantasy of old Hollywood life into the narrative, making her seem almost innocent, and childlike. We almost forget that she did kill her parents and buried their bodies in their backyards. 
Aftershock: Everest and the Nepal Earthquake (2022) a shocking natural disaster that leads to the worst of humanity. I saw this alongside the last few episodes of The Last of Us, and that helped me understand what they were trying to say. 
The Last of Us (2023 -) already one of my favorite series ever, a brilliant first season, it says so much more than anyone was ever expecting. I’m not a fan of apocalypse-based fiction, and I give this a shot thinking that it sounded more than that, and I was right. There’s a lot more here than mushroom zombies, what is even more frightening is what we do as humans to survive, and how far we will go. It’s almost what we see on a smaller scale happen in Aftershock. 
Vide - Hanging By the Bayou Light (2020)  weirdly, this helps me focus on studying, I call it atmospheric black metal. 
Comeback Kids - Heavy Steps (2022) I love when my friends recomend me stuff that fits my mood perfectly 
Paramore - This is Why (2023) I gave this a try even though I have never really enjoyed their work, what made me listen to it was a vinyl reviewer tik toker that said this sounded almost nothing like their original work, more jazz than pop rock. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
***Please ignore. Just updating my index.***
FTWD Renewed for S7: TD Symbols in Trailer 12/05/2020
FTWD Promo: Plant Growing from Skull 01/28/2021
Ep 1: The Beacon
Episode Edit 10/17/2021
Episode Analysis 10/17/2021
Episode Details 10/19/2021
TTD Analysis 10/24/2021
Ep 2: Six Hours
Episode Edit 10/24/2021
Episode Analysis 10/24/2021
Ep 3: Cindy Hawkins
Episode Edit 10/31/2021
Analysis 11/01/2021
Details 11/02/201
California Dreamin’ + Going to California Lyric Analysis 11/04/2021
Ep 4: Breathe With Me
Episode Edit 11/07/2021
Analysis 11/08/2021
Ep 5: Til Death
Episode Edit 11/14/2021
Analysis 11/15/2021
Ep 6: Reclamation
Episode Edit 11/21/2021
Analysis 11/22/2021
Ep 7: The Portrait
Epiosde Edit: 11/28/2021
Analysis 11/29/2021
Ep 8: Padre
Episode Edit 12/05/2021
Analysis 12/08/2021
Ep 9: Follow Me
Episode Edit 04/17/2022
Analysis 04/17/2022
Details 04/19/2022
Ep 10: Mourning Cloak
Episode Edit 04/24/2022
Analysis 04/24/2022
Elevator Symbolism 04/26/2022
Dart Parallels 04/28/2022
Charlie/Beth/Leah Parallels 04/25/2022
Doorway/Key Themes 04/26/2022
Elevator Symbolism 04/27/2022
Ep 11: Ophelia
Episode Edit 05/01/2022
Analysis 05/01/2022
Love and Madness in TWD Part 1 05/03/2022
Love and Madness Part 2 05/04/2022
Bird Cage Deep Dive 05/07/2022
Ep 12: Sonny Boy 
Episode Edit 05/08/2022
First Analysis 05/08/2022
Details 05/10/2022 
Ep 13: The Raft
Episode Edit 05/15/2022
First Analysis 05/15/2022
Details and Discussions 05/17/2022
Ep 14: Divine Providence
Episode Edit 05/22/2022
First Analysis 05/22/2022
Details and Discussions 05/24/2022
Ep 15: Amina
Episode Edit 05/29/2022
First Analysis 05/29/2022
Breaking Glass and Immunity/Treatment Theories 05/31/2022
More Observations About Episode 06/01/2022
Whether Alicia is Dead or Alive 06/02/2022
Whiskey and Stripes 06/03/2022
Alicia/Beth “Got Bit, I’m still here” edit 06/04/2022
Beth/Connie/Alicia Bird Cage Parallels 06/03/2022
Ep 16: Gone
Episode Edit 06/05/2022
First Analysis 06/05/2022
Details 06/07/2022
FTWD BTS Special 05/11/2022
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devilofthehounds · 20 days
God Eater 3 Character Novel | Spinning Bonds: Chapter 5
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[image id: A novel cover. Zeke Pennywort from God Eater 3 stands with his back to the viewer, his scarf billowing in the wind. Overlaid within the scarf is an image of a young Zeke with his four brothers, smiling happily. The text, when translated into English, reads “God Eater 3 Character Novel | Chapter 4: Zeke Edition | Spinning Bonds”. /end id]
This is a fan translation. Original text here.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
A few months passed after our brothers died.
We continued our journey by sneaking onto transports, traveling from base to base.
After losing our brothers, our lives had basically hit rock bottom.
Just three troublesome kids. Even if we were lucky enough to reach a settlement or a satellite base, we wouldn't be seen as reliable enough to be trusted with work, and we'd be too much of a burden to be shown kindness.
Every day, we wandered in search of food and supplies, drinking muddy water, constantly straddling the line between life and death, able to do nothing more than hold each other close.
In a situation like this, I couldn't help but remember how amazing my big brothers had been, winning over everyone they came across.
How Saul could encourage them.
How Rhys could make them laugh.
I had taken their place and tried to keep things the same as when it had been the five of us, but—
I had to be on guard at all times in order to protect my little brothers. There was no telling when someone might try to deceive us... or attack us.
The connections between people. Saul had said it was the strongest weapon one could wield, but I hadn't been able to find it.
If he and Rhys were here, I was sure they would've been able to befriend the owners of the transport we were on, and we'd use it to travel all over.
But there was no way I could do that.
At that moment, the ship suddenly stopped, even though we still had a while to go before reaching the next base.
Just as I thought that, the lid on the cargo container we were hiding in was removed. Adults in uniforms peered in at us.
"Well, well, well. We were only supposed to inspect the cargo, but look what we have here."
We were picked up and thrown into another trailer.
It was pitch-black inside, reinforced by a cage-like lattice.
"H-Hey! What are you doing?! Let us out of here!"
"Quiet down. You won't have to worry about being stowaways anymore. We'll keep you nice and safe."
The man laughed coldly. On his arm was a red armlet that brought back bad memories.
We couldn't become God Eaters.
Ever since that day, God Eaters had become a symbol of fear and death for us, even more so than the Aragami. They represented the breaking of bonds.
I'd kept us as far away from Ports as I could. What if we were captured like the kids at the base? Every time I thought about it, my big brothers' final moments came back to me.
But whether we liked it or not, more and more Ports were popping up, and all of them were in the business of rounding up kids and forcing them to become God Eaters.
In the end, we, too, were swept up by the current and ended up here.
Port Pennywort—where profit came first.
None of the guards paid any heed to my cries.
Please, let Neal and Keith go. I pleaded and begged.
They held me down with sneering smiles on their faces and made me listen to my brothers' agonized screams through the door as they were put through the aptitude test.
But still, when Keith and Neal walked back through the door, I was so relieved I started crying.
I was so grateful they were alive, that we were still connected.
After being thrown in a cell, we huddled together and wondered what laid ahead. The memory of Saul and Rhys's final moments came rushing back to me. I could feel my body tense up.
Would Neal, Keith, and I meet the same fate?
Would I have to watch my little brothers die right before my eyes?
Would Neal and Keith have to watch me die?
No way. I couldn't let that happen.
I had to be strong. I couldn't be scared. I had to survive. Survive. Survive. Survive. I had to protect Neal and Keith. No matter how strong the Aragami were, I had to fight. I... I... I-I had to—
"Yo, newbie! What's with the sad look?"
My eyes were bloodshot—probably from crying. I tried to locate the source of the voice when I suddenly felt someone hit the back of my head hard.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
A guy with a cheerful smile on his face crouched down in front of me.
"Hey there! Name's Din! I'm your senior here and one day, I'll be a world-renowned hero! Nice to meet you!"
Din grinned and pointed to his chest with his thumb. Neal, Keith, and I just stared back at him, at a loss for words.
"...What the heck are you talking about?"
"Come on, don't be so cold! At least laugh a little!"
I narrowed my eyes, trying to make sense of this weirdo.
"They only just got here, Din. Of course they're going to be confused by a greeting like that. ...It's nice to meet you three. My name's Oulu. Come talk to us if you're ever in trouble, okay?"
We were taken aback by Oulu's bright, gentle smile.
Even in a situation like this, Din and Oulu's smiles felt genuine.
"Well, anyway, we're gonna be friends from now on! You might be worried right now, but just relax! Oulu and I are here for you! We won't let anyone die, promise!"
It was just for a moment, but I was certain.
Seeing them reminded me of my big brothers, of when all five of us were together.
The prison felt suffocating, filled to the brim with kids with the same awful luck as us.
But even so, Din and Oulu always spread hope to those around them.
"Guess what, guys? We found a case full of preserved food while we were out scouting! The guards haven't noticed yet. Let's split it up while we can! Gather round, everyone!"
The two of them always seemed to be having fun; it was hard to believe they were in the same situation as us.
At first, I thought they were pretty annoying.
"Here, you three. Have an extra, on me."
Din secretly shared some of his food with us.
"But that's yours. ...What's your angle?"
"Truth is, I've got a huge stomachache. If I eat any more, I might just keel over. Trust me, you'd be doing me a favor. In fact, I'm turning in early."
"I don't feel so good, either. Would you mind helping me out, too? Good night."
And with that, both of them pushed their food onto us and quickly went to bed.
"Din and Oulu... They're a lot like Saul and Rhys."
"Yeah... I don't know why, but when they're around, I don't worry as much."
When I turned, I could see Keith and Neal smiling for the first time in a long time.
"Yeah... I mean, whatever! They're nothing like Saul and Rhys!"
How would we survive today? What would happen tomorrow? For a while, things like that had become the only things we could talk about.
But before we knew it, we were once again laughing over meaningless things.
Even after AGE training began in full force, Din and Oulu still looked out for us.
"Zeke, your God Arc is the Boost Hammer. There's a trick to transforming it, okay?"
The two of them knew a lot about handling God Arcs, and they enthusiastically instructed new AGEs.
"Whoa, it works so well now... You don't use a Boost Hammer; how do you know how they work?"
"Our parents worked for Fenrir. We've heard lots about all types of God Arcs and seen tons of experiments. This is nothing!"
"So cool... Oulu aside, I didn't think you were that smart, Din."
"You little—! Say that again, I dare you!"
"Knock it off, you brats! You're supposed to be training; quit making such a ruckus!"
"Shut up. You're the one making a ruckus, you old fart!"
"W-What did you just say?!"
Sometimes, I got dragged into trouble and punished, too... but it was still pretty fun.
Before we knew it, the cheery atmosphere Din and Oulu created became a driving force that made us accept each other as friends.
Ever since my brothers died, there had been a void in my heart.
It was kinda ironic. No matter how hard we tried, the three of us brothers could never fill that void because we all had the same wounds. Instead, it was filled here, in a cold, dark prison.
I felt like I could finally understand the power of the connections between people.
Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad thing after all.
The longer I spent in this cell with my friends and family, the more I began to feel that way.
Then, one day...
"Alright, everyone, listen up. Thanks to Keith's hard work, we've finally got these radios working."
In the middle of the night, while the guards were asleep, a strategy meeting was held in our cell.
Seeing Keith tinker away, day after day, I never would've thought he'd been working on repairing radios for Din and Oulu.
"We'll get these over to AGEs in other blocks. Then... for the sake of our dream, all of us in this Port will work together to start a rebellion!"
Murmurs spread throughout the cell.
"Your dream?"
"That's right. We're going to build a place where everyone's dreams can come true! That's our dream."
Such powerful words and eyes full of passion. It made me tremble.
"Everyone here's had something taken from them unjustly. So, we'll work together to take it all back!"
"A place where people can reach out to each other and support one another, where we can encourage each other's dreams and wills... That's the kind of place we want to build. A place where everyone can feel safe and be a family."
The two of them described such an incredible dream. Their words reminded me of the dream my brothers and I had given up on without realizing it.
A place where us brothers could live together in peace.
I honestly believed these two could take us there.
"But Oulu and I can't do it alone. Everyone... will you help us?"
It was the first time I'd ever seen the insolent Din ask for help.
We didn't even need time to think about it. Everyone in the cell was smiling, confident looks on their faces.
"Of course we will! Din, Oulu, let's make our dream come true!"
I was the first to speak up. The biggest smile on my face, I offered up my support for their dream.
The courage to trust others—something I never thought I had.
I finally understood that the qualifications to wield the strongest weapon were something you had to be given.
"...Heh. Thanks, Zeke."
"Thank you, everyone. Together... we'll seize our freedom!"
In the darkness, our hope spread.
Keith, and even Neal, who hated conflict—their eyes shined with hope and anticipation.
Our dream as brothers would connect with Din and Oulu's, becoming even brighter, and lead us into the future.
This was where it would all begin. Of that, I was certain.
And so...
There was no way I could accept that Din and Oulu had been killed in battle.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
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You can't make it exactly like this you can make a mini and that's what we're gonna do it would not be with 100 or 65. Be with a golf cart all the hardware is there all you have to do is change out some of the parts. it's already gonna be mid engine Once again you change the motor and the transmission and we would for Vegas as a sales approach it's new Vegas and we would put in the new transmission and the new motor and the new batteries would be the dual battery system with trickle charge. You get about 300 miles it's 70 miles an hour. Speed would be about 800 miles an hour. Use the carbon fiber that's what everyone's using for kit cars and super cars even real super cars with the enclosure and a aluminum alloy cage and it's capable of taking hits up to 300 miles an hour and being fully intact. Have these gear for 300 miles an hour and it's a kit but we would assemble it fully warranty and guarantee it and you guys would try a whole bunch of **** and we want that we want buy toll and goddess wife and Lobo in proximate midnight to be on the meeting we're going to have with our kit car people. The frame needs reinforcement we handle that and really it's gonna be a drop line but we do all that we fabricate the .... but we do all that we fabricate the whole shell and we'll drop it onto the chassis as a matter of fact we're gonna start building our cars that way takes a lot less time it is it's a miracle and that was by toll and got his wife saying it's a miracle this is so easier it's ridiculous. Rocking on bolted up and fold the carpet back and stuff it in screw it down I mean it's so easy. Now this is thinking about the assembly line. We have other ideas too that we'd we're working on but everything's done on it except the glass and the windshield and the back I mean for crying a lot and this car is a hot car OK this is a Tesla race car and we would be sending out the mini eventually they want the real sized and we would have to say it's a replica it would make Tesla famous some people would want to buy it right now they're not buying them they have the engine inside the engine department it's **** **** and it's about damn time. But he did listen it takes some time and it's tons of stuff to go through. He doesn't like it he gets in a fight with Trump we think Trump makes the mini because he used to but really we're gonna be making him conceit doesn't do anything on us to God he doesn't do a damn thing. So we are going and they want these for rating parties and stuff. Like to go ahead and make some and right now and we're going to make the Bradley GT one and the Bradley GT one and two will later have an electric option the lawn mower is a different size. We're going to offer a kit for this tesla also for the lawn mower believe it or not people are gonna buy those like madness we're going to offer them in new Vegas and we're gonna have a place out there we already have an area sorta but we have a place in people wrapping. Representing us. And we're gonna have trailers from U haul and we're gonna put it on there and you drive home with the kit and the lawn mower and together the only way like £1200 any pickup truck can can do it F-150 can pull the trailer and the two boxes and it's a mini but it's probably only gonna be like a foot shorter and 8 inches less than width it looked the same people think it's the same he might even make it the size it's a really neat size and faster than health and you cost no electricity there's no electric cost that use it at home it doesn't cost anything it's like $5 a month and no gas costs is you save like $1000 a month easily. We're gonna print now.
Thor Freya
We expect to have these plants pretty soon including the kick cars and we're gonna go ahead and sit down and write up contracts with people.
Olympus approved to print
i may buy them lol. and full sized too hopeully
We can make a replica there's a larger go kart for real no we'd use a car but really the small ones are for prizes at your smaller casinos and the larger ones would be for your larger ones but there's still a kit and it would say it's a kick car it's kind of cheesy at first but then you would be getting the real Tesla but it's a way to sell the kit and then you would knock it down from your high end casinos you'd have the full size at the lower end and the small ones on the outskirts where Megan Merkel is in stuff. And she loves it
Thor Freya
We like how that's all going cause it's probably go that way. The full size wouldn't be too hard I have a few cars in mind that are electric they have a motor already but we want it to be rear drive really it's mid drive and he says it's not a big deal for us we send it fully assembled and we would use a cradle system so I see an engineer at once you build it once and you have a jig and it's done and that's fantastic only minor adjustments and it works. We like that and how I think and also the cages engineered of course and the car and the weight and the balancing and everything works together and yes and it's tested and they show the testing and the crash test all the DOT requirements so we're going to go ahead and order those. And we wanna see some samples we might try and build them but boy we kinda suck you mention that about the car and we're like selling it it's horrible
We're gonna go ahead and do that and for the different versions and we like how it sounds and how it goes and then they can open the kick car shop and store encyclopeds to go by toys. And people love that stuff they really do in the Baja car everything would be there and we could do that too send the Baja car out there a kit car fully assembled made from the Polaris for Wheeler and then later you send out a bunch of kits people would buy those kits or you could send them as prizes or fully assembled prizes or a store at all of it and then you'd have stores around there and this this is a real nice job he's doing here because we want that you have stores around there and BG would have a Tesla shop and he would have his test of motorcycle there and then you offered as a prize so you go down the street and there it is but really we're going to help start it out he can't jump right in there with a Tesla and he knows it and he fights over stuff like that with you guys.
Thor Freya
and we sshall. and a knock off hahah lol. but electffic no mine is electric. his will be fster. so i will see how. good he says lol we shall seee and they race shortly mb. and in the midwest challange us we shall do it yes we race. and here he will bodybuild and cosplay and arm werestle mb wwe lol and not wwf until he is older lol
good too young true
hulk hogan
0 notes
eastcoasttrailers · 9 months
Exploring The Diverse Range Of Plant Trailers In Melbourne
Plant trailers play a pivotal role in the construction, landscaping, and agriculture industries in Melbourne, serving as reliable carriers for transporting heavy machinery, equipment, and plant materials. These trailers come in various types, each designed to cater to specific hauling needs. In this blog, we'll delve into the diverse range of plant trailers available in Melbourne.
1. Flatbed Plant Trailers:
   Flatbed trailers are versatile and commonly used for transporting various types of machinery, equipment, or materials. These trailers offer a flat loading surface without sidewalls, providing ample space to accommodate different sizes and shapes of loads. They're ideal for carrying excavators, skid steers, or bulk materials like pallets, timber, and landscaping supplies.
2. Tilt Plant Trailers:
   Tilt trailers feature a hydraulic tilting mechanism, allowing easy loading and unloading of machinery or equipment. With the press of a button, the trailer bed tilts, facilitating safe and efficient loading without the need for ramps. These trailers are particularly useful for transporting vehicles, small tractors, or machinery that require easy maneuverability.
3. Low Loader Plant Trailers:
   Low loader trailers are specifically designed with a low deck height to accommodate taller equipment or machinery. They offer easy access and loading for oversized or taller items like forklifts, scissor lifts, or other heavy machinery. The lowered deck height ensures stability and safer transportation of taller loads.
4. Multi-axle Plant Trailers:
   Multi-axle trailers are equipped with multiple axles to distribute weight more evenly across the trailer, enhancing stability and load-bearing capacity. These trailers are suitable for transporting heavier machinery or equipment, such as excavators, bulldozers, or larger agricultural machinery. They offer better weight distribution and balance while on the road.
5. Caged Plant Trailers:
   Caged trailers feature high sides or removable mesh panels, providing additional security and containment for transported materials. These trailers are commonly used for hauling landscaping materials, green waste, or smaller machinery like lawnmowers or small tractors. The caged design prevents items from shifting during transit.
6. Customized Plant Trailers:
   Manufacturers often offer customized trailers tailored to specific needs. These trailers can be modified with additional features like toolboxes, winches, ramps, or special tie-down points to accommodate unique hauling requirements. Customizations ensure the trailer meets individual preferences and industry-specific demands.
7. Enclosed Plant Trailers:
   Enclosed trailers offer protection from weather elements and theft, making them suitable for transporting sensitive equipment, tools, or smaller machinery. These trailers come with a roof and enclosed sides, providing security and weatherproofing for items being transported, making them ideal for tradespeople or contractors needing secure storage on-site.
8. Specialized Plant Trailers:
   Some trailers are designed for specific purposes, such as hydraulic trailers for transporting specialized machinery requiring controlled tilting or tipping mechanisms. Additionally, trailers equipped with hydraulic brakes, LED lighting, or other advanced features cater to specialized needs and safety requirements.
Melbourne boasts a diverse market of plant trailers catering to various industries and transportation needs. Understanding the different types available allows buyers to select the most suitable trailer for their specific requirements, ensuring safe and efficient transportation of machinery, equipment, or materials across the bustling city and its surrounding areas.
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Explore a Huge Collection of High Quality and Robust 8 x 5 Tandem Trailer for Sale
Do you need a 8 x 5 tandem trailer for sale to move your priceless cargo? If so, you are in the appropriate location! This article will walk you through the process of purchasing a stainless-steel tandem trailer, from identifying your needs to locating the finest possibilities. You'll discover the distinguishing qualities of each trailer and its features. Also covered in this blog are some arguments for why stainless-steel dual trailers are the finest option for you.
Loading a Sealed Trailer is Simple to Understand and Easy to Maintain
On the regular cage trailer for sale, the back tailgate doubles as a ramp, making it simple to load and move heavy machinery, plants, and bikes. However, if a barn doorway option—two doors that open outward—better matches your needs, we also provide that option upon request.
Barn doors can also be used as an extra closet option by adding hangers or racks, which can be handy in situations where parking or access may be a problem. So be sure to keep reading to find out everything you need to understand this useful and necessary trailer! The trailer is made of sturdy stainless steel of the highest quality.
Use an Enclosed Trailer to Advertise Your Company
When you add your logo and company name to the side of an enclosed trailer, you have a free, movable advertisement space that might possibly reach a lot of people anytime you are travelling. This is a special opportunity for business promotion. You eliminate any possibility of harm from weather or road debris while transporting items or equipment in an enclosed trailer.
There is also no chance of lightening the load. While you are usually on the move, when going over long distances, or towing over challenging terrain where there is a chance that loads could become dislodged, this additional degree of safety is extremely helpful.
0 notes
mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
my reactions to Summer Game Fest 2023 day 1
12:04 PM 6/8/2023 Prince of Persia The Lost Crown. Geoff wasn't kidding about "unexpected". Was not expecting a Prince of Persia game already. And it being about other characters going to rescue the Prince. Wait until they find out he has the Sands of Time. Nice historical reference, with the Immortal Corps. Going the Bayonetta Origins route, I see. Ubisoft Forward streaming on Monday? As part of Summer Game Fest? How many days is Summer Game Fest?
12:07 PM 6/8/2023 Hearing "Mortal Kombat is rebooting the first game" instinctively made me sad, like throwing away all those years of story from teh other games. But this trailer reminded me that the last game MK11 rebooted the timeline. It was good to see God of Fire Liu Kang. But why is Raiden called a neophyte? I thought he kept his memories in the rebooted timeline? And is Mileena the ruler of her world??? Not Kitana???? Man, this looks pretty. Jean Claude van Damme is Johnny Cage???? Did Ed Boone just say the original concept for MK was a Jean Claude van Damme game?????????
12:17 PM 6/8/2023 Did Ryu get brainwashed with a cybernetic device???? Cyborg Ryu? Is this that Street Fighter cyborg character? Upgraded to more mimic Ryu??????? Bikitoa Island? What? AI? Dinosaurs? Oh, this is that Exoprimal! What is this crossover? lol
12:19 PM 6/8/2023 Dead by Daylight is going ot have Nicholas Cage??????????????????????? Everyone laughing has to take it back now, with Nicholas Cage suddenly appearing on screen. But it's kind of sad that you can still hear some of them laughing while he walks on stage.
12:25 PM 6/8/2023 Why is Henry Cavil introducing the Netflix The Witcher season 3? I thought he left the series??????????
12:28 PM 6/8/2023 So is this a Witcher game now? "The Witch Hunt" Or is this one of those supernatural cowboy games that have been happening lately? Witchfire
12:29 PM 6/8/2023 What kind of game in this day and age uses live action clips for their videogame trailer????????? Is this a videogame or movie? Maybe it's for a VR headset? Crossfire Sierra Squad.
12:30 PM 6/8/2023 "The Root will destroy everything for all time." Did I hear that right? "The Root"? I like the creature design and the environmental design. A little sparse, but I like tentacles, really inhuman, uncanny design, and glowing veins "infecting" an environment. Remnant II.
12:33 PM 6/8/2023 Ok. What are you up to, Sonic? ^^ Retro gameplay but with prettier modern graphics. Looks good. ^^ Sonic Superstars.
12:34 PM 6/8/2023 Honkai Star Rail. I don't know much about Honkai or Genshin Impact. Are they in the same universe? I heard they have different gameplay. So is Honkai also a gacha game? Honkai is a turned based combat game, right? I really don't know what I'm looking at. lol Password: Playstation 5 What's that for?
12:37 PM 6/8/2023 Yesterday, I saw someone find some new eltridge body horror fanart for Winnie the Pooh, now that it's in public domain. When they wondered if body horror might be what happens to all public domain IPs, I immediately thought of Garfield, because of all the body horror eldritch art. But Garfield isn't public domain. Were they talking about Pinnochio? Lies of P
12:39 PM 6/8/2023 Game based on a classic manga? Is it Akira Toriyama? A desert? Trigun????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? …Yeah, Akira Toriyama. I'm going to confess something here. I grew up loving DBZ and I realize Toriyama is genius in the functionality of his character design, and he set a lot of Shonen Manga standards… But I actually dislike his art style. ;o; Sorry! SandLand
12:41 PM 6/8/2023 Double Fine is doing a presentation after the Summer Game Fest live show???????? o !
12:41 PM 6/8/2023 Isn't this music from The Nutcracker? Ah. AnnaPurna montage. They really are the A24 of gaming, as someone once said. Nice art and variety. ^_^
12:44 PM 6/8/2023 Throne and Liberty
12:45 PM 6/8/2023 War Haven The other day, I saw a movie trailer also doing a "needle drop", and it kind of killed my excitement. Maybe it took me out of the world's emmersion. Am I getting tired of vocal song covers in trailers?
12:47 PM 6/8/2023 Party Animals I liked their last trailer with the comedic explanatory tone. Not sure how I feel about the montage of clips of streamers reacting to the game. But it was fast.
12:49 PM 6/8/2023 Crash Team Rumble. I don't know much about Crash.
12:49 PM 6/8/2023 "Descend into madness"? Alan Wake II Oh, ok. IT'S BEEN 13 YEARS SINCE THE LAST ALAN WAKE?????? Will there be references to Control? I heard Control had some references to Alan Wake. During the last trailer, I was intrigued by playing more character POVs besides Alan, and that the FBI agent discovers Alan's writing is creating the situations she's in. That was interesting. This whole interview on stage was not interesting. Sorry. Maybe Remedy wasn't sure if they would have enough footage for this presentation until the last second, and they were planning for at least the stage interview as a substitute? Did Alan have a gun in the first game, or just a flashlight? I wonder if they idea of playing the FBI agent, was to allow for some gunplay. "Tatooed heart"?????????? Wait, do they think Alan Wake is the killer?
12:57 PM 6/8/2023 The only thing I know about Warhammer are joke warning about other people getting you into the series, and it's a story setting where destroying everything without regarding the valid sentient life of the enemy. lol "For the emperor!"? What? The player fights for an empire?
12:59 PM 6/8/2023 This is some pretty 2D art. "Brave at Night" studio. I thought this was an adventure game, but is it also a side scrolling action? Yes Your Grace: Snowfall
1:01 PM 6/8/2023 Interesting when the "rookie" being chewed out also sill has the "badass" character design. lol Refreshing she's also a woman. And that another female character is issuing commands. John Carpenter's Toxic Commando What? This was based on a movie? Is that why the creature designs look interesting, though plausibly could be done with foam rubber suits?
1:03 PM 6/8/2023 Baldur's Gate III Interesting to watch the voice actors in the booth. I don't know this actor playing Gordash though.
1:04 PM 6/8/2023 "Marvel Games"? u "Insomniac"????? ^U^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spiderman 2! ;U;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More on-stage interviews, but I love looking at the art projected onto the back of the stage, and I'm too excited for this game. Y'know what would be crazy? If the Symbiote took over Kraven. lol Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn? Oh? I heard some speculation that Miles's game took place in Harlem, even though he canonically is based in Brooklyn, maybe because Harlem was already in the first Spiderman game and reusing it save time/effort. So if Spiderman 2 is expanding to include Brooklyn, will they be moving Miles back there? October 20, 2023
1:09 PM 6/8/2023 Palworld So, Pokemon clone? I like that they're "pals". ^.^ Cute. They REALLY look like Pokemon creature designs!
1:11 PM 6/8/2023 Land of the Morning Light. Black Desert. "Land of the Morning Light" is an interesting way to say "Land of the Rising Sun". Explains all the Japanese mythic creatures.
1:11 PM 6/8/2023 Dwarf perspective? Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria.
1:12 PM 6/8/2023 "Exciting mobile game from a legendary franchise"? FF7! o! Yeeeeee! Let me hear Toshiyuki Morikawa's Sephiroth! ;u; Aw, he's trying to call Genesis! ;o;!!! I must say what I always say, when I see Genesis: "Genesis, you're a bad friend! ;o;!" Do better, Genesis! Why are Tifa and Aerith dressed in red battle gear? Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis "Speaking of Final Fantasy…" Geoff shut down all those gasps so fast! LOL I like that he recovereed by saying "gotcha". lol
1:15 PM 6/8/2023 Banishers? This is from the Life Is Strange studio, right? Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
1:16 PM 6/8/2023 Modern day? I thought the historial era Yakuza was the new one being promoted? They're making a new Yakuza already? Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
1:18 PM 6/8/2023 Parallel Studio Spot Light Is this going to be a horror game? I'm sorry, but claustrophobic darkness…Maybe giving me Soma flashbacks. SEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Under the Waves. World Ocean Day is today? I think Ocean Conservation Namibia was doing some kind of livestream for World Ocean Day. Go watch them. They save the seals from plastic. A very good channel.
1:20 PM 6/8/2023 Call of Duty? I'm not even paying attention. Good time to listen back to SuperButterBuns' reaction stream.
1:21 PM 6/8/2023 Porsche? Is this Gran Turismo? I stopped paying attention when I heard "car" stuff. That is a big rainbow colored XBOX! I didn't know Porsche is known for rainbows. o.O
1:22 PM 6/8/2023 Faefarm. Geoff said "cozy games". ^u^ Is that an official genre name now? I've heard people calling Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and Harvestella that. Can we call that the subgenre's official name now? ^u^
1:24 PM 6/8/2023 Marvel Snap. Wow. This dev is super excited. O.o Yay! ProZD! ^o^ ProZD parodying card games! ^u^
1:27 PM 6/8/2023 Ok. I like a dragon that's not a villain. Is this a King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table game? King Arthur: Legends Rise.
1:28 PM 6/8/2023 Wayfinders? Is this World of Warcraft? I do like a story about defeated heroes having to get up again. Wayfinder.
1:29 PM 6/8/2023 Unreal Editor for Fortnite? I thought people stopped focusing on building in Fortnite and focused on battle royale shooting instead.
1:30 PM 6/8/2023 Stellarus Nexus
1:30 PM 6/8/2023 Cute avatar for this scavenger game. Space Trash Scavenger.
1:30 PM 6/8/2023 Star Trek game. Yeek. Borg. i think they used to freak me out when I was little, but now I just imagine Boimler's sim from Lower Decks, and it's funny now. Star Trek Infinite
1:31 PM 6/8/2023 Will Arnet is voicing Sweet Tooth???????? Wait. Why is this a live action clip??? Is that Anthony Mackie?????????????????? This is totally overshadowing Twisted Metal being back. …Did they not trust people to be excited over a classic game returning? IT'S A TV SERIES ON PEACOCK????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1:33 PM 6/8/2023 Ooh. Nice art style. "I'm here again." "That's another me." Sooooo….Rogue-like or Demon Souls-like? The ghosts are your army? Lysfanga: Teh Time Shift Warrior
1:35 PM 6/8/2023 Immortal of Aveum. "Kind of like Doom with magic." Has Geoff been listening to SuperButterBuns' reaction stream to that last Playstation Showcase? lol Nice to get an explaination for who the Immortals are and the worldbuilding lore.
1:43 PM 6/8/2023 Woah. Geoff's getting serious. Is this about Kojima? From Software? FF7!!!!!!!!!!! Wait. Why is Avalanch being taken away by search and rescue? I thought the last game ended with them on the road? 5 years. The world really is nice and green. She can appear as a monster…or those you love… "Did you know I killed her? So, who is she?" ARE THEY SAYING TIFA IS AN IMPOSTER? Then again, Sephiroth has a record of saying very untrue things with full conviction, so we'll see what's true when the game releases. But maybe it has something to do with Tifa's earlier dialogue, asking why Sephiroth returned now after 5 years?
1:48 PM 6/8/2023 Oh, that was the end? Has it been 2 hours already? Time to check my favorite streamers' reactions. SuperButterBuns ProfessorThorgi I wonder if Black Nerd Comedy is doing a reaction livestream?
1:51 PM 6/8/2023 Ooh! Tim Shaffer! Live event festival and digital showcase? Day of the Devs. Wishes Unlimited. Oh, this whole presentation is cute. Devs outdoors, hanging out in a room, playing games, posing for the camera, etc. Beastieball.
1:54 PM 6/8/2023 Hyper Light Breaker. So is this like Hyper Light Drifter? Wait. Is this a procedurely generated open world? Did they crack what No Man's Sky initially couldn't? "Fully ful visual storytelling". No cutscenes then? Ooh. Environmental storytelling. But through proceedurely generated environments? Isn't that hard to control what story is told? Interesting…
1:57 PM 6/8/2023 Devs: Stone Skip. "Chill and vibey"? Simpler Times. Devs hanigng out on the floor of a living room, listening to a record? This whole Day of the Devs has a really beautiful and cute presentation. I dare say, much better than a stage presentation.
2:01 PM 6/8/2023 Viewfinder. "The photos you take, become worlds to explore."
2:01 PM 6/8/2023 I'm sorry. I have to tap out. My legs hurt SO MUCH from sitting at my laptop in bed.
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jasperbracy · 1 year
Purchase Your Specified Trailer from Renowned Trailer Companies to Guarantee Top Quality
Reputable trailer companies offer a wide range of trailers for sale at competitive prices to meet your various requirements. Their stock for sale includes box trailers, galvanised trailers, tipper trailers, single axle trailers, tandem trailers, car carrier trailers, tradesman trailers, and more options. These companies guarantee for their durability, heavy load bearing capabilities, superior functionality, compliance with Australian safety standards, flawless finish and design and more. Since these are the established trailer companies, they ensure their trailers and accessories they produce can fulfill your needs. These companies assert their trailers are expertly constructed from quality materials and precisely configured to maximise reliability. Their first priority is to ensure safety and peace of mind.
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These trailer companies produce and offer a large selection of sturdy tandem box trailers that are built of premium steel and suitable for a variety of uses. With high duty alternatives that may meet your needs regardless of the size or weight of your items, these trailers are made for easy and convenient transport. These tandem trailers for sale are available in various sizes and designs, have multiple load weight options including 10×7, 12×6, 14×8 or 8×5 tandem trailer for sale. They made in accordance with stringent Australian manufacturing standards, so the you can ensure they will last for many years. These trailers are available with spare wheels, new tyres, hydraulic brakes, suspension, cages and more.
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Reliable portals claim that because of the many advantages trailers can offer, both private and commercial use is greatly benefited. Trailers are a great option for anyone who frequently moves things about because they can quickly and efficiently transport heavy and tall loads, carry a variety of commodities and valuables, and help with the movement of large or fragile goods.Trailers are useful because they make it simple to move numerous items at once or hefty objects. This is especially useful for people working in the construction or industrial sectors, as well as for situations like moving or biking. Galvanised trailers are also available, allowing you to transport goods in a variety of weather conditions.
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customlinetrailers · 4 years
Customline Trailers offer the best cage trailers for Sale in Melbourne. We have different types of sizes such as 6×4, 7×4, 7×5, 8×4, 8×5, and 5×3 cage trailers.
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sourholland · 4 years
A Royal Convenience Playlist || Tom Holland
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spotify link → https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4AeGXNyjouAOv5Na1Hf3Fe?si=i9LSTU1bRcCPdb1s2pngBA
a royal convenience - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
this is just for fun haha! it sort of explains a lot of the premise and my thoughts about the story through music. it also has songs that go along with the future of “a royal convenience” so i’d love to hear your guys’ theories <3 i’ll be adding to it as i keep writing :)
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edge of seventeen - stevie nicks
champagne problems - taylor swift
vienna - billy joel
i hate everything about you - three days grace
game of survival - ruelle
wires - the neighborhood
dollhouse - melanie martinez
born to die - lana del rey
boys like you - dodie
afraid - the neighborhood
cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant
take me to church - hozier
rival - ruelle
flowers in your hair - the lumineers
experience - ludovico einaudi
why’d you only call me when you’re high - arctic monkeys
apocalypse- cigarettes after sex
michelle - sir chloe
heather - conan gray
can you feel my heart - bring me the horizon
featherstone - the paper kites
you’re somebody else - flora cash
it’s not love - lontalius
the chain - fleetwood mac
pretty when you cry - lana del rey
sweater weather - the neighborhood
bad idea - girl in red
glory and gore - lorde
hurts like hell - fleurie
roslyn - bon iver
me and my husband - mitski
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
somewhere only we know - keane
heart like yours - willamette stone
the scientist - coldplay
medicine - daughter
wings - birdy
haunted - taylor swift
young and beautiful - lana del rey
wildest dreams - duomo
iris - the goo goo dolls
to build a home - the cinematic orchestra, patrick watson
i’ll be good - jaymes young
fine line - harry styles
sweet creature - harry styles
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taglist- @justapurrcat @witchyartemis @keithseabrook27 @clara-licht @dummiesshort @username2002 @imaginationisgrowth @nova-sup3r @jeyramarie @the-avengers-assembling @veryholland @sleepybesson @stylessugarhigh @minejungwoo @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @strawberrytom @iamsherloki-wholocked @kassey @golden-hoax @starilicious @thegreat-annamaria @gerim-1995 @wroetospidey @pignolithecookie @crazylokonugget @outshineallthestars @tomhollandsslilslut @millennial-teenybopper @thc-chalamet @mroy-l0l @ameliathackray
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heroicadventurists · 2 years
MCU Phase  5 Most Anticipated
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Although this is my #10 most anticipated, I am still looking forward to this show.  I really liked Echo’s portrayal in Hawkeye, especially her fight sequences.  Other than that, I don’t know where they are going with this show, so that’s why it’s at my # 10 spot.  I’ll definitely be tuning in though. 
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I’m mainly interested in this movie to see what happened with US Agent. Hate him or love him, John Walker was entertaining and so complex in Captain America and The Winter Soldier.  It’ll be interesting to see who rounds out the team.
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it was Agatha all aloonnnggg.  Agatha was truly captivating in Wandavision and I’m excited to see where they go with this show.  Does it pick up where it left off, or will we go back in time and learn Agatha’s entire backstory.  There is a lot you can do with this character, and hopefully Wanda will make a guest appearance. 
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This show moved up my most anticipated list after watching the Black Panther: Wakanda Forever trailer.  The scene where she is creating her armor ‘Ironman style’ looked amazing.  I can’t wait to see what she brings to the MCU.
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This is the last hurrah for the Guardians of the Galaxy as we currently know them.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the first two volumes, so I have high hopes for this film.  This film will most definitely be emotional and put an end to James Gunn’s tenure at Marvel.  
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This is our first Captain America movie sans Steve Rogers and it’s exciting to see what Sam Wilson brings to the mantle.  I’m looking forward to learning more about Isaiah Bradley (hopefully) and it’ll be exciting to see another  hero earn his wings (Joaquin Torres). We may also see the return of Red Skull, an iconic Captain America villain.
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It has been 18 years since Blade has been on the big screen, even though Blade laid the groundwork for the MCU.  Per Indiewire, “  Although “Blade” wasn’t an immediate critical success, the future cult classic was a surprise box office hit for Marvel, earning $131 million against a budget of $45 million budget. The “Blade” trilogy went on to earn a combined $415 million. In many ways, it saved Marvel’s cinema prospects entirely, as well as revived the superhero genre,” Insider says. “‘Blade’ was a moral victory for Marvel, finally establishing it as a rising force in Hollywood. It demonstrated that audiences could be drawn towards Marvel’s C list characters.”   Blade is an unsung hero for Marvel Cinema and it’s exciting to see him back in the fold. 
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We’re currently in The Multiverse Saga and Loki has done a lot to usher the Multiverse into the MCU.  Between The Multiverse and Kang, Loki is arguably the most important show on Disney +
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This show makes it to my # 2 most anticipated for a variety of reasons.  1st-this show will be 18 episodes, making this feel like a proper television show. 2nd-Daredevil and Kingpin being included in the MCU brings hope that we will see some of our other favorite characters enter the MCU as mainstays (Agents of Shield, Cloak and Dagger, The Runaways, Punisher, Misty Knight, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Colleen Wing, The Hand). 3rd-it’ll be interesting to see Disney’s interpretation of the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.  4th-Daredevil was a wonderful show on Netflix so it’s exciting that his story will continue
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This storyline is iconic and MCU fans have been waiting for it’s adaption the moment Skrulls were introduced in the MCU.  It’ll be fun to see who has been a Skrull this entire time (outside of Nick Fury & Maria Hill) and what the real Nick Fury has been doing on the moon. 
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