#911 Lonestar fandom
kiankiwi · 4 months
I love little!TK so much @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
Anyone have any ideas for little!TK ?
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ramblingdisaster73 · 14 days
AI written fics are fucking theft.
The fact that Ao3 allows AI written works on their site at all is 100% disgusting and shows their support of creative theft.
Anyone that posts AI shit is a thief.
If you can't write on your own and use a program to do it for you, you aren't a writer. You are a piece of shit.
I would tag the pieces of shit that do it, but I really don't want them to get more recognition for using AI to steal.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
I posted this in response to this ask, but I think it’s gotten hidden in “read more” and just looks like a reblog. I wanted to post this separately because I know I’m not the only person who feels this way.
I hope you don’t mind me responding here, but as a newer/less popular writer who was not included in the original list I think I’m in a position to offer some perspective. I can see both sides here.
I feel you, anon, I promise you I do. I 100% agree on the point of feeling like an outsider looking in. I have never been on a rec list (I think one of my fics was included in Fic Rec Friday once), I am not proud to say I’ve sat here and cried a little when a fic I posted went unnoticed while some of my mutuals reblogged other (more popular writers) fics and I wondered what was wrong with mine, I’ve had conversations with some trusted friends on here asking what I’m doing wrong and how do I get my stuff read, their answers ranged from “🤷” to “hope that a popular blog notices you and reblogs.” It absolutely feels like a popularity contest in this fandom sometimes, and it hurts to be shut out. I know.
But, that is not any one person’s fault. I have felt hurt and left out at times too, but I think we need to give —— some grace here. She cannot read every single fic in this fandom, it’s not possible. She was asked a question and she answered, and she ended the post with an open call for people to add more recommendations. I don’t know what else we should have expected her to do.
I think the fandom as a whole needs to be more aware of how we set up certain people/blogs as popular or the voice of the fandom. We all can be better about hyping each other up and rec’ing each other’s work.
I was feeling pretty down after one of my fics “flopped,” I was feeling like a shit writer and a fandom outsider. But then I reminded myself of why I joined tumblr in the first place. Because I’d been reading all these amazing fics for the last year or so, and I wanted a platform to scream about how much I loved them, and to tell other people to go read them and shower the writers with the love they deserve. So I’ve started being more intentional in a) my ao3 commenting b) reblogging fics I love after I read them, even if it’s an older one and c) sending dms to authors I love making sure they know how much I loved their story and d) trying to rec smaller/newer/less popular writers. I do a monthly fic rec post where I specifically aim to center less-popular writers. Again, I can’t read everything and there are some topics I avoid (parental death/grief is hard for me, I’m not huge on smut/kink…), but I try so damn hard to be inclusive.
And you know what? My fandom experience has been so much more fun recently! So, if there’s a fic you wanna see reblogged or an author you want to get more recognition go scream from the rooftops. Send me a DM I love to rec writers and fics. Let’s all make a more conscious effort to make this fandom more inclusive and a more encouraging place to be.
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Do you know this queer character?
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Paul is Transgender and uses he/him pronouns!
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thebumblecee · 5 months
So @mooshkat did the coolest thing ever and continues to be the best and sent me our baby for if I’m going down, I’m taking you with me as a HARD COPY and it’s so fucking beautiful 😭😭😭😭 with art by me and the lovely @birdclowns as well in side
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I’m so 🥺 rn
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fairybonesandstardust · 7 months
ah yes tarlos
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lilsciencequeen · 1 year
I don't think some people understand that fans of 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lonestar know it's all faked and everything is done to be over the top and dramatic. I, along with many others, don't watch shows like this or any other medical drama because we know it's accurate. We know it's ficiton and we watch it for our entertainment. We watch it because we love the characters. We love it because of the community and the friends it brings. For helping us through our darkest times.
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snowviolettwhite · 4 months
We need another 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star cross over. Need bio dad and adopted dad to meet.
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matan4il · 1 year
twitter. com/ RonenRubinstein/status/1645845230065942528 clip from tonight's Lone Star episode.
Hi darling! Thank you so much for sending me this clip! I really appreciate your kindness and that you thought of me! *HUGS*
TBH, I'm... a bit unsurprised, but still disappointed. This very much looks like a montage meant to explain to the viewers why none of these officiants is a viable one. So it's already kind of disheartening to see the option of the rabbi presented in this context. But it's also upsetting to see that a rabbi who is fully accepting of Tarlos as a gay couple is sort of implied to be just as unacceptable as a priest who is telling them they're going to hell. I also feel like there MUST be more accepting priests in Austin, so the choice to present one like this should probably also be upsetting. Not to mention that I'm not sure why a man with that POV would even agree to meet with Tarlos to discuss being their officiant. Like, nothing about this little bit works for me (the one part that does is the lady who wants them to have the difficult conversations before marriage, because actually? Yes. THAT is sound advice). But yeah, as a Jew in a permanent state of deprivation when it comes to actually good Jewish rep, my gut tells me this ep doesn't look like what I was hoping for.
Again, thank you for sharing with me! Even if I'm unhappy, at least I'm prepared and know what to expect once I do watch the ep. And just know that I am ALWAYS happy to hear from you! Have a great day, my love! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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kiankiwi · 1 year
Ok we know Carlos hates lizards but imagine Carlos takes TK on a zoo date just to make him happy on the condition they don’t go into the lizard/snakes hut but while they’re inside a different hut, TK sees a zoo worker bring out a few lizards for the kids to pet and he somehow gets Carlos to hold one for a bit of exposure therapy and Carlos is just standing still as a statue while TK is giggling and snapping pictures for proof that Carlos “cuddled” a lizard lol
Also I can just see tk being a brat and being like “look! He likes you!” And Carlos is just staring daggers at him like “you’re sleeping on the couch tonight!”
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dungeons-are-too-cold · 2 months
when grace said "billy i wouldnt get in your truck if it was the last ride out of hell" i felt that
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liminalmemories21 · 1 year
hello lim! A, D and F for the alphabet game if you're still taking asks 💜
For you? Always.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
911 LS - TK/Carlos, and Judd/Grace - I'm a sucker for people in long term relationships who very obviously still adore each other
RWRB - Alex/Henry, because I mean, really
LS (OG) - Buck/Eddie, because whatever the show seems to believe, they've written a really classic romance (also Bobby/Athena - because we stand up for proof that you get to fall in love a second time, and that just because you're over 50 doesn't mean you don't still want to get busy with each other).
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
I'll be honest the right story can sell me on most things, but that being said the Owen/Billy pairing - I can see it, I just don't really want to read it. No shade if that's your thing - just not my jam.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Consistently? I mean, I still go back and reread fic in some of the first fandoms I ever invested in because I've got comfort fic located there, and I've been reading fic for more than two decades. But, I guess reading something more or less exclusively, maybe a couple of years, depending on how long the show was on, or how long the fandom was active - Due South, Smallville, Stargate: Atlantis, Merlin, HP, Inception were all pretty long lived fandoms. LS is the first fandom I've written something for that's ever made it beyond my gdocs.
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wandering-night19 · 1 year
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Completed my first square on my bingo card! @badthingshappenbingo​
Bad Things Happen Prompt : Slammed into a Wall 
Fandom: 911 Lone Star
you dream of some epiphany
2.2k . Carlos Reyes/TK Strand . Teen
TK feels like there should have been a warning. He should have known this was going to happen. He’s been doing this long enough that he usually has a pretty good read on patients
Read on AO3
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thebumblecee · 1 year
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9-1-1 lone star fandom what is going on
bc like the other day everybody was horny and now everybody's having angst thoughts??? like y'all hello
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