#A dare from the Cobras that gets them jealous
zappedbyzabka · 8 months
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theonlyhonoredone · 3 months
My Man
Pairing: Ryomen Sukuna x Reader, Modern AU
Warnings: none
Summary: a sneak peak into your relationship with Ryomen
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You’d met Ryomen Sukuna at a house party your freshman year of college. A hundred thousand people warned you to stay away but you never listened to a single one. It didn’t matter what they said because he was enchanting. Sure he was cruel and crass, about as far from prince charming as one could get, but that didn’t matter to you. Always living on the basis of forming your own opinions and giving second chances you overlooked every red flag and let him slot himself into your life without any fight. Slowly but surely he let you in too, letting his tough exterior melt away in favor of a much softer man. 
He kept that part of him hidden away from everyone else, it made you feel special. You were the only one that got to see his real smile, hear his real laugh, to fall asleep next to him. One day he promised to clean himself up, just a bit, if you’d be his. He’d stop seeing his other girls, he’d commit to just you. That promise had sent your heart soaring. It didn’t matter when everyone pointed out he was doing the bare minimum, you knew for him it was much more than that. You didn’t need anyone else to understand your relationship anyway, that was between you and Ryomen.
“I love you,” his chapped lips would mutter into your burning skin late at night, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
He chanted it like a prayer while you called out his name. Teary eyes burning as you squinted at the ceiling of his old Torino Cobra. So close to touching heaven you’d swear you could hear the angels singing. He’d take you there a hundred thousand times if you asked. He’d let you hang on that crux for the longest minute of your life before he’d bring you crashing back down to earth. It burned like some divine flame, you screamed his name as he drowned himself in you. Once you were back with him he’d ask if you were satisfied, his smile smug and his voice low. 
Under the cover of darkness you’d redress and crawl onto the roof of the car. He’d lay out a blanket for you to lay on and wrap you in his jacket when you began to shiver. A star map you’d had since your childhood was laid out in front of you both. Ryomen would lay his head in your lap while you pointed out different constellations. He’d stare up at the sky, focused much more on the sound of your voice than anything else. Truthfully he was jealous of the stars for holding your attention over him. If he had it his way he’d pluck them all out of the sky and hide them so you’d never look at anything but him with that pretty twinkle in your eye. 
“Stop talking about the stars and lay with me,” he’d demand once the jealousy became too overwhelming.
You’d giggle and fold up the map before laying beside him, your head on his chest and an arm thrown over his middle. He’d wrap you up tight in his arms and press his lips to the crown of your head. Eventually your hands would grow cold and you’d slip them under his shirt. He’d hiss as you warmed yourself on his skin, he always accused you of being cold blooded but never dared push you away. No, he always wanted you as close as possible, he had from the moment your eyes met. He swore he’d keep you with him until the end of time and he had no intention of breaking that promise ever.
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I've seen your fic on SWORD leaders falling for the same girl and thought it was cute and hilarious! Can you make another one where Cobra, Yamato and Noboru are possessive of their childhood friend(crush)?
Ooomg this is so good!!!
Thank you for the request!
Hope you enjoy☺️
Much love ~ ember
Cobra, Yamato, and Noboru Possessive Over their Childhood Crush
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Cobra is such a good guy omg i love him
I think when it comes to his childhood crush, he is comfortable enough to really let his guard down for them
He is very soft with them. He knows that he can come off as intimidating, and he wants nothing more than to just be a source of comfort for them
Whenever they are around, he doesn’t want them to worry about anything
I could see him putting on a perception that everything is okay, so that his crush wont worry about anything
But deep down he is hiding the fact that SWORD may or may not be falling apart, and that he is jealous after seeing some random person flirting with you
Cobra is possessive in a very chill way
He shows it when other people are trying to flirt with you, or other people are threatening you in any way
REFUSES to let people hurt you
And if they do, they wont make it through the night without a broken nose, best case scenario
He tells you everything when its just the two of you
His way of protecting you is letting you into his mind, so that you know what is going through his head in every scenario
This protects you in the sense that you know when to step back cause hes about to kick some ass
(Maybe just me but kinda cute lmao)
Whenever the two of you are out on the town, he is on high alert
Something could happen at any moment, and he wants to be ready for it, so that you dont get hurt
When the two of you are at diner Itokan, he always has you sit next to him
He knows your order too, so really all you have to do is sit there lookin pretty (easy for you, you’ve mastered it :))
Occasionally, if someone he doesn’t like, or if someone makes him feel even slightly threatened with you, his arm is around your shoulders
The two of you may not be together, but he makes it seem like it (can’t complain tho)
Knows that the diner can get busy, especially if all of Sannoh is there, so keeping you in the booth with him is the best way for him to protect you
And if you’re anything like me, dear reader, he knows that you are not the most comfortable in crowds, so he takes that time to reassure you that everything is okay, and that he wont let anything happen to you
Honestly whether the two of you are together or not, everyone around thinks that you are, just because of how possessive Cobra is of you
Perks of being the crush of the leader of Sannoh Hoodlum Squad: NOBODY DARES TO MESS WITH YOU
Overall: possessive in a very subtle way, and honestly makes it seem more protective than anything
I see Yamato as a little bit of a wild card
I think it depends on the situation that the two of you are in
If things are good, and there aren’t any threats around, he is super chill, and laid back
Definitely saying something to make you laugh, its his most favorite sound in the world
However, if there is someone who is even just looking at you slightly too long, or looking at you with the wrong intentions….
Yamato is glued to you
Most likely has his arm around your shoulders, looking at the other person like hes about to rip their head off
Still fairly subtle, however I do think that if someone is making you uncomfortable, he would be the one to go up to them and say something
Now, this could either be him whispering in their ear, or he could simply stand from where the two of you are and yell across the room
Really depends on his mood for the day
Another one to be very soft with his crush
Remembers everything that his crush has ever told him, even from when they were little
Like the time you told him you like blue popsicles over purple popsicles
Still sometimes shows up to you with a blue popsicle cause he thinks its cute the way you light up when you realize that he remembered
When hes in a really possessive mood, he wont let anyone near you
I think on those days, he would take you somewhere where you two can completely be alone
Maybe to the top of one of the city buildings, so that ya’ll can see the view, and spend time together just the two of you
Is not afraid to let you see his intimidating side, however he will never use it on you
He’s a tall guy, and he knows his size is intimidating, but when he talks to you, he does whatever he can to take away that factor
Like when hes talking to someone else hell puff his chest out, but when hes talking to his crush, he tries to make himself smaller somehow??
I’m not really sure how, I’m a rather small person but you get the idea lol
Like Cobra, if anyone hurts you, they wont make it very far till Yamato is beating them up
Honestly, Yamato is a lover. He just wants everyone to feel included and happy
But he wont stand for someone hurting the one that he loves
When the two of you are at diner Itokan, he doesnt really keep you away from anyone, or in one certain spot, he lets you move around as you please, while he watches you intently
But if someone makes you uncomfortable he is by your side in milliseconds
The kind to take away all of your worries or anxiety and tell you everything will be okay, as long as he is with you nothing will happen
Looks deep into your eyes often, especially if it makes you flustered
Overall: hes such a softie with his childhood crush, but his possessiveness depends on the situation, and he is not afraid for you to see that side of him, he just wants to keep you safe and comfortable
Noboru is different than the others
He is possessive in a way that is hard to hide
Though I dont see him at the type to directly fight, unless that situation happens, and he has no other choice
If he has the choice to decide how things go down, he thinks through it very thoroughly, and goes about it in a way that is more detrimental than a broken nose
I feel like hes got enough connections, especially with Cobra and Yamato, that he would send someone to beat them up, then would do something technical
Like the other person would just wake up one day and everything they own would just be gone
Like finances and things like that…. Just gone
HOWEVER, with you, he is so soft and gentle
When the two of you are out, he refuses to let you out of his sight
Not that he is constantly on edge, but he is very aware of your surroundings
Keeps you close at all times
Always smiling when you are around
And when you aren’t around, hes always talking about you, though he gets a little bashful when he does this
Would do anything to keep you safe
He knows what its like to lose someone romantically close to him, and every time you aren’t with him, hes on edge
He trusts you completely
Even when he was working with Kuryu, he kept you out of harms way, and told you all about it after he was out
Noboru is a quiet lover, he shares his admiration through the way that he looks at you, and gentle forms of PDA, if that is something that you are comfortable with
If you ever tell him that something he did made you uncomfortable, he would immediately stop, and apologize profusely
Takes very good care of you
Even helps you study for school
Overall: all he wants to do is take care of you. Very gentle and trusting with you, and though he knows you can take care of yourself, hes always there to support you
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(Au where Daniel comes to West Valley a year or two before he does in the movie)
After the beach the guys give Daniel a chance because he’s stubborn as shit and they find he’s not into Ali. Not even into girls but that’s nothing new around their part of the country. They find he’s actually really funny and annoyingly nice and loyal. Daniel gets so fucking worked up and angry when people say shit about them, even if it is true and the guys find it both amusing and kinda nice to have another one of them.
Daniel sort of becomes the baby of the group, both because he’s the youngest (both in age and in terms of being apart of their group) and because the guys all think he’s adorable. Not that they tell him or each other that, because that’s kinda gay.
It’s not until there’s this match, they’re all competing and Daniel’s there to cheer them on. He didn’t have much interest in participating but he enjoyed watching the guys compete, found it fun and liked the post victory high they all held.
Johnny wins (again) but Dutch comes second this year and he’s absolutely glowing with pride. He usually gets disqualified after round 2, too hopped up on adrenaline and ready to fight anything that breathes funny.
The guys all come out to the parking lot, looking for Daniel so they can all head to their favourite diner and celebrate. Thoughts came to an abrupt stop when they find him in the parking lot, leaning against Johnny’s car with a scowl and some big guy from the tournament standing in front of him. He’s got his arms crossed, the guy leaning with one arm up by his head while the other keeps trying to tug at Daniel’s arm.
The Jersey kid keeps pulling away, glaring as he says something or other. The big guy laughs, hand coming up to cup Daniel’s cheek.
The guys don’t need to know what happens next since their all running forward. Dutch is the fastest and loudest, pulling the guys attention toward them before he’s tackling him to the ground. Daniel’s eyes go wide but he doesn’t get the chance to react much, Tommy and Bobby coming up to him and dragging him away as Johnny, Dutch and Jimmy square off with the guy.
So maybe they care for Daniel a little more than they were willing to admit to themselves. And maybe Daniel’s been crushing on them since he met them all a year ago. And maybe they all turn out to be a bunch of possessive, jealous assholes when literally anyone tries hitting on their baby. And maybe! They take him home to Johnny’s (cause the guys parents are gone again) and take their turns and their sweet ass times showing him exactly who he belongs to now that they’ve gotten their heads out of their asses.
Daniel shows up to school Monday, limping like a mf, sporting a shit ton of hickies (some of them just barely hidden under his clothes) and with the widest smile anyone has ever seen on him. The Cobras don’t really act any different, nor does Daniel honestly, but everybody knows there’s a change in their dynamic.
It’s in the way Dutch gives up his food even though he’s the most possessive over it. It’s how Bobby smiles at the mere mention of Daniel. How Tommy snuggles in close to Daniel in the halls or at lunch. How Jimmy quiets near instantly when Daniel places a hand on his arm or smiles his way. How Johnny hovers constantly and glares at everyone who looks a moment too long.
Even Daniel has changed around them. He’s a little softer (more tame some would even dare say) has these little tells with each Cobra Kai member to get them to do whatever he wants. It’s kinda adorable to see the baddest kids in school wrapped around his little finger.
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daringdoombringer · 6 months
During my last Power Rangers hyperfix (when i was 11-13 maybe?) I made a team called Power Rangers Jungle Thunder. As far as I know, it never went past the initial concept besides doodles on my school notes, as I didn’t know how to draw humans at the time.
Brace yourselves because this is a very rare loooong text post from me.
So here’s everything I remember about it along with some new stuff me and some buddies came up with!
Jungle Thunder was basically a cross between some of Megaforce’s mechanics and the ranger colors along with Jungle Fury’s theming. The Ranger’s attacks were likely magic based.
Their headquarters was this massive temple shrine ish place deep inside a distant jungle.
The colors and Zords were as followed: Red Jaguar, Blue Cobra, Yellow Macaw, Pink Cheetah, Black Lemur. They were kept in what was basically the temple’s backyard/back garden?
The bad guys were this reptilian ailen race called the Sintonians who understandably trying to take over Earth like every other Power Rangers villain. They interestingly used the traits and morphing energy of past Ranger teams to make each episode’s bad guy. The main antagonist was this dude called Lord Fury who I don’t remember a whole lot about. Other than he was blue.
The sixth ranger was this nonhuman White Ranger, who the team affectionately nicknamed “Buddy.” I forgot what animal he was, but he was created by the Sintonians to attack our heroes with. Of course, they end up befriending him. He had feral form that I’m struggling to remember how it worked, if any?
And the Pink Ranger’s name was Emmie. That’s the only one of the human Rangers whose name I can remember.
Ok. That’s all the original stuff 12yo Daring came up with. She got the concept down, now it’s time for all all the new juicy lore and tweaks. :3
The mentor/sensei character is this tree/dryad deity called Mother Gaia. (Kinda basic but it’s what me and the squad on discord decided on) She’s rooted to the center of the temple (name of said temple still pending) and is very curious about modern humanity, as she hasn’t seen humans in over a thousand years. Also she’s like a mom to them because I love found family dynamics ok
Another supporting character will be Esteban, a jungle spirt who is essentially Mother Gaia’s assistant. Basically Alpha-5’s role compared to Zordon. Don’t know what he’s gonna look like yet, but he’ll be a big help to the Rangers by teaching them their new abilities.
The Zords are pretty interesting.They all look like normal animals apart from the fact their eyes are their respective Ranger’s color. They’re actually the Spirt Guardians, who were sent by Gaia to find the Rangers. Each animal can transform into a giant Zord upon their Ranger’s command. Makes the back garden thing much more manageable if they’re not always giant robots.
If Jungle Thunder were an actual show, there’d sometimes be bumpers before and after commercial breaks with cool jungle and animal facts. :)
Buddy will likely have a basilisk or some type of reptile as his animal, being able to run really fast and stick to walls. Basically he’s the fucked up cryptid the team ends up adopting and I love him.
Ok. so here’s what I have of the lore and basic gist of the first episode. It’s still a wip so bear with me here✨
Long long ago, an ancient civilization in the jungle worshiped Mother Gaia and the Spirt Guardians. All was peaceful until Lord Fury (another deity) attacks, as he was very jealous that he wasn’t getting any attention. Gaia, Estaban and the Spirt Guardians managed to seal Lord Fury away deep underground, but not after he and his army had driven away and destroyed most of said civilization in an intense battle. The jungle itself had to be sealed off from the rest of world so Gaia could maintain the sealing spell that kept Fury at bay.
Fast forward to modern day. (dunno if it’s gonna be in 2024 or mid 2000s)
The Sintonian aliens land on Earth looking for a place to stay, and find the chasm in which Fury had been sealed. They make a deal with Fury, agreeing to follow him in exchange for their services, as they knew how to harness Morphing Energy. This pleases Fury greatly, as he may have a chance at getting vengeance on Gaia and humanity.
Gaia gets news of this and sends the Spirt Guardians to find five descendants of the past civilization with pure hearts to be the next heroes. Unbeknownst to five midwestern college students on a hiking trip, their lives are about to change. Their names are Reno, Isiah, June, Emmie, and Braxton.
The Jaguar Guardian steals the soon-to-be Red Ranger’s backpack. They are led by the animal guardians into a cave that is later how they get to and from the jungle. They meet Mother Gaia and Esteban, who explain the whole situation. After learning they were indeed not getting sacrificed, they agree to serve Gaia and protect humanity. Anything to get away from student loans tbh.
Spirt Guardians proceed to beam spiritual power into them via a ritual. Totally not trauma inducing at all. This power is how the Rangers morph, or are alerted to any of Fury’s shenanigans via Gaia’s telepathic power.
After some more debriefing from Tree Mother and her son, the newly formed Rangers get an alert. The Sintonians are terrorizing the local park in their generic midwestern town. The Rangers suit up and use their super cool new magic powers to kick some butt! :D Hooray!
Ok. Wow. That was a lot of words.
There are still some holes and other things I missed but that’s pretty much everything! It’s always so fun to find something I made as a kid and breathe new life into it! As if I didn’t have enough Ocs already :’) will soon be thinking of everyone’s designs.
That was a certified DaringDoombringer infodump about a nostalgic childhood interest. Thank you for reading and have a good day!
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Random Quotes from YA Fantasy Books Part Two
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inspired by  @sankta-alina-s @wcrriorhearts @all-is-fair-in-love-and-war and more- this time I opened my fantasy books to random pages and wrote down some without trying to make this meme a million pages
“No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for 'good luck.” 
“I will have you without armour, or I won’t have you at all.”
“I could see her daring a cobra to strike, swearing her venom would kill first.” 
“If you won’t be my friend, you’ll regret being my enemy.”
“Don't be afraid, child, The stories are always there.” 
“You're the queen, and it's the queen's house, and whatever he may accomplish, he's highly unlikely ever to be queen.” 
“There are no rules when it comes to survival.” 
“Truth that came too late was as useful as a meal to a dead man.” 
“If you think I'm jealous because someone else got to stab you, then you're right.” 
“I don’t mind being a moth. I would probably start eating silk if it meant that I could fly.” 
“If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system.That's much more powerful than rebelling outside the system.” 
“I promise, I will not let you die without being kissed.” 
“The way he looked at you. I got it then. He loved you, and it was killing him. He won't get over you, he can't.” 
"She is my priority!
“It’s fascinating. You know all these words, and they’re all English, but when you string them together into sentences, they just don’t make any sense.” 
“There were many beautiful young men in the world, but she believed that none of them could be trusted with something as fragile, or valuable, as a heart.” 
“Invite the lie to play until you become so comfortable with it that it feels like the truth.” 
“It is a dangerous thing to unbelieve something only because it frightens you.” 
“He is beauty, inside and out.He is the silver lining in a world of darkness. He is my light.”
“If by a moment, you mean me not wanting to strangle you for the first time since we met, then I guess we are.” 
“I think I realized that I would rather die because I betrayed them, than live because I betrayed you.” 
“The field of battle is my temple.”
“You know, you have a really strange way of telling me you’re attracted to me.” 
“Vanity is a factor, but it is more a question of control. It is easier to trick others into perceiving you as beautiful if you can convince yourself you are beautiful. But mirrors have an uncanny way of telling the truth.”
“You win your people or you lose your throne.” 
“You allow the world to think you're a heartless murderer,"
“Hope in this world bleeds out of the barrel of a gun.”
“Waiting. Not waiting. One lover. A hundred lovers. There should be no judgement either way. A woman is not defined by what she does or doesn‘t do in the bedroom.”
“Imagine, and it shall be. There are no limits.⁠⁠⁠⁠”
“I am tired of being used, hurt, and cast aside. It is my turn to use. My turn to hurt.” 
“Forever and ever, kid, until you're sick and tired of seeing me.”
“No one wants you to be yourself. They want you to be the version of yourself that they like.” 
“But you have to have a working heart for it to break.” 
“I am Death. I come quickly, I come slowly, but I am not cheated.”
“And the infinite captivates us because it allows us to believe all things are possible. That true love can last beyond time.” 
“Beautiful words were beautiful words, even to the most practical of minds.” 
“It's not reasonable to love people who are only going to die,"
“Everyone dies eventually. I think it's better to die clean.” 
“No. I'm not broken easily. I will never break.” 
“Evil contained is not evil destroyed.”
“Many boys will bring you flowers. But someday you'll meet a boy who will learn your favorite flower, your favorite song, your favorite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart.” 
“The memory fades, and I’m left hanging on to the ghosts of his words.” 
“Some hate us, think us outlaws to hang at the gallows. Some fear us, think demons to burn at the stake, Some worship us, think us children of the gods. But all know us.” 
“Be true to yourself. But that's something everyone says and no one means. No one wants you to be yourself. They want you to be the version of yourself that they like.” 
“He might have been a liar and villain, but he made both things look very good.” 
"Didn't you hear anything I just told you? You could die!
“The ghosts, they never go away. They call to you in unexpected moments, their hands lacing with yours and pulling you down paths that lead nowhere.” 
“Her spine was steel. Her heart was armor. Her eyes were fire.”
“There were two kinds of monsters, the kind that hunted the streets and the kind that lived in your head. She could fight the first, but the second was more dangerous. It was always, always, always a step ahead.”
“Love required sacrifice and making hard choices and doing things that were bigger than just you. It wasn't something you asked for, or could control or change. It was something you accepted. Love was a force of nature.”
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
Laxus x Lucy
Leave Her Alone (Modern A/B/O AU. TW) Slow Down, Lightning Bolt! (Soulmate AU) Golden Key to Your Heart I'll be Your Woman Dragon Mating Season (ft. GaLe) A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) The Red Bitch is Back (TW) You’re Laxus! Laxus’ Soulmate (ft. Levy, Thunder Legion, Loke, and Makarov) Protective Spirits (ft. Lucy’s Spirits) The Red Bitch is Back Part 2
Invel Yura x Lucy
Masquerade Stranger (Masquerade Ball AU)
Gray x Lucy
Gender Roles, Who? Let Me Tell You a Story (ft. Romeo) Creating a New Couple (ft. Romeo and Mirajane. TW) A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) I Died Inside Everyday  I’m Not Leaving You
Freed x Lucy
Light and Dark Thunderstorm Comfort Lucy One and Lucy Two (ft. Wendy) Rune Mage to the Rescue (TW) A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) Running Up That Hill (ft. Bixlow, Natsu, Gray, and Mira. TW) I Want to Hear You Sing Auction Gemi and Mini’s Plan (ft. Gemini)
Sting x Lucy
Operation: StiLu Remember Me?  Remember Me? (Part 2) I’m Happy with Them!  A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW)
Rogue x Lucy
Are You Jealous? Frosch’s Plan Too Far, Minerva I’m Happy with Them! A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) We Wanna Ruin our Friendship!
Erza x Lucy
Finally Together Two Helping Hands and Blooming Romance (ft. Laxus) Two Helping Hands and Blooming Romance Part 2 Stop Flirting With Her! Lucy’s Protective Girlfriends (ft. Natsu, Lisanna, and Gray) Mating Season and Jealousy (ft. Mira and Aquarius)
Rufus x Lucy
I Quit for You A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) Making Love Out of Nothing at All A Guy that I’d Kinda be Into Auction
Cobra x Lucy
Found You You Stood Up for Me? A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW)
Gildarts x Lucy
Older Men
Romeo x Lucy
Juvia x Lucy
Love Born from Heartbreak Let Me Tell You a Story (ft. Romeo) Bride Succubus Lucy (Part 2) Birthday Kiss Bride Succubus Lucy (Part 2: Alternate Ending) Fan vs Card and Water  The Nightmares of Iron and Water Fun at Ryuzetsu Land  Here Comes the Brides
Levy x Lucy
Mira's Truth or Dare Scheme The Bunny Babysitters (ft. Romeo) Two Helping Hands and Blooming Romance (ft. Laxus) This is the END (TW) Two Helping Hand and Blooming Romance
Zeref x Lucy
The Cute Barista (Coffee Shop AU) Fairy Meets Dark Wizard  Drawn to Her (TW) A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) Drawn to Her Part 2 (TW) Lucy? Is that You? (Reincarnation AU. TW) He’s My Soulmate! (ft. Natsu, Gray, and Happy. Soulmate AU)
Bixlow x Lucy
Saving My Cosplayer (TW) Lucy One and Lucy Two (ft. Wendy) A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) Spirits and Babies
Gajeel x Lucy
Please, Forgive Me Please, Forgive Me (Part 2) Apology and Confession A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) We Wanna Ruin our Friendship! The Nightmares of Iron and Water
Orga x Lucy
Unexpected Partner
Mira x Lucy
When the Matchmaker Falls in Love You Will Pay (TW) Reunited at Last (ft. Elfman and Lisanna) A Sudden Confession from the She-Demon (ft. Jude) I’ll Nurse You Back to Health Amusement Park Prize  Stop Trying to Kill Him! Lucy’s Protective Girlfriends (ft. Natsu, Lisanna, and Gray)
Vidaldus x Lucy
Bride Succubus Lucy Bride Succubus Lucy (Part 2: Alternate Ending)
Cana x Lucy
Get it Off Your Chest Please, Remember  Get it Off Your Chest (Part 2) CPR (ft. Brandish) Cuddles and Protective Teammates (ft. Team Natsu) Father Problems Fan vs Card and Water Cuddles and Protective Teammates Part 2 
Elfman x Lucy
You Don’t Need Her 
Jellal x Lucy
Secrecy and Jealousy (ft. Erza) Jellal and Lucy?! (ft. Team Natsu)
Evergreen x Lucy
Gifts from Layla Heart Fun at Ryuzetsu Land
Millianna x Lucy
The Cat Caught the Fairy (ft. Mirajane, Erza, Cana, and Levy) The Cat Caught the Fairy Part 2: Prequel  The Cat Caught the Fairy Part 3 (ft. Mirajane, Erza, Cana, and Levy)
Lisanna x Lucy
Mate of a Take-Over Mage (ft. Natsu) Fiery Rival (ft. Cana, Mira, Levy, Wendy, and Genderbent Natsu. TW) Comforting a Damaged Star (TW) Mating Season and Jealousy (ft. Mira and Aquarius)
Midnight x Lucy 
A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) Go Talk to Her Time After Time (ft. Mira) You Look Really Cute in that Sweater (Modern Reincarnation AU)
Loke x Lucy
A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) A Lion’s Pride Shut Up and Kiss Me I Will Live for a Million Years (ft. Aquarius)
Lyon x Lucy
A Room Full of Lucy Ships (TW) Rescuing Gray (ft. Gray) Snow Day Romeo! Stop! (ft. Romeo and Wendy) Want to Have Coffee with Me? (Modern Reincarnation AU)
Minerva x Lucy
Falling in Love with an Old Enemy (ft. Natsu) Demon Lucy (TW) Falling in Love with an Old Enemy Part 2 Demon Lucy Part 2
Jura x Lucy
Falling for the Rescuer 
Kagura x Lucy
Swordsmanship Lessons
Meredy x Lucy
You’re as Intimidating as a Butterfly
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matt0044 · 3 years
So I’ve been keeping up with an Anime adaptation of the Jungle Book.
It’s an Italian-Japanese co-production with Mondo World in Italy. Yes, THAT Mondo World who created the infamous Titanic animated movies along with those Lion King ripoffs and North Korean military propaganda cartoons.
Stick with me on this.
I find that the studio’s better titles are the ones they co-produce with Japan, often letter the latter take the reigns in terms of animation direction and storytelling. They’ve done many based on Fairy Tails like Cinderella and classic novels like Zorro as well as historical figures like... Christopher Columbus.
Again, stick with me on this.
The Jungle Book was their first co-production and has been certainly one impressive interpretation of Kipling’s characters as well as stories. While it’s more lighter overall, it doesn’t stop things from getting heavy with Bagheera’s backstory involving being freed by a girl who was shot for the act.
There’s also blood as Mowgli and his friends face real perils of the Jungle from Shere Khan to rogue wolves like Grizzle. While the more brutal acts aren’t graphic, some of Mowgli’s victories involve him actually stabbing his opponents with a knife.
The secondary characters be they Anime original or adapted from the books certainly elevate the series. The Wolf Pack is on the fence about Mowgli but mostly come around to him when he grows up learning of the Jungle Law. His brothers, Sura and Akru, are definitely those “two guys” but prove to be supportive if any other wolves dare to talk smack about the adoptive sibling.
Luri is Mowgli’s wolf mother and one that surprisingly got one hell of a story arc in becoming the next leader of the Wolf Pack after Akela half-way through the series. At first, she’s a calm and wise mother guiding her child after their father’s fall at Shere Khan’s might.
However, she becomes more involved with the Wolf Pack when other threats prove too much. Specifically when Grizzle’s terrible trio enter the fray, she comes in to bring in Haiti as extra muscle to keep the peace. Luri then helps snuff out the rogue wolves through subtle planning before striking in the Cold Lair. This earns her recognition among the pack when Akela proves too old.
Who says mothers in Anime don’t do anything?
Lala, Akela’s granddaughter, is honestly my fave of them all if only for her attitude. She’s if Asuka Langley Souryuu was more well-adjusted in terms of family lift but still just as cocky often making potshots at Mowgli’s Shinji Ikari. She adds a good spice to the story with how being a little full of herself yet helpful when the chips are down.
When her father leaves due to leading another pack, she takes it out on the man-cub even after he saves her from a Cobra. His subsequent running away allows her pause to reconsider her actions and verbally admit that its was wrong of her to treat him the way she did.
From there, she’s more awkward but strives to be a better friend. She’s a brat overall but the kind you know is better than what she lets on, even as far back as episode three when she initially takes Mowgli’s Boomerang (his “fang”) but returns it after a heart-to-heart with Luri.
I kind of wish she was more involved in the second half like when Mowgli gets more in touch with his human side. She’d be so jealous of Mowgli spending more time with Jemeriah, maybe coming to terms with how she feels about him proper.
I also can totally see her biting Boldeo unapologetically. If not her, then Luri. XD
Overall, this is a surprisingly great take on a classic book and one that deserves more recognition. The English Version is full available on YouTube and surprisingly well done for a nineties translation. The voice cast are from CineGroupe from Montreal, Canada with voice actors you might recognize from Arthur or Sagwa of PBS fame. These guys know their stuff.
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to-hell-and-beyond · 4 years
“On The Inside”
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Samantha LaRusso x Female Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: Sam x fem! Tory’s sister! reader? Enemies to lovers please! Btw, I’m Cherry anon, but call me Cherry!- Cherry
OMG! A Cherry Anon ask! Sorry this took so long, I’m actually pretty proud on how this turned out.
Summary: What first starts out as protecting your sister turns into a full on Karate Battle. Little did you know what a kiss can do...
Words: 2375
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“Y/n!” Your sister screamed. She had never wanted this to happen to you. Karate was her thing, in order to protect you. But here you were lying on the cold hard floor, bleeding. It was her fault, if she had just let you go and not drag you into this you could still be ok. It all started with a fight…
“I just don't want to treat Miguel like you treat everyone else!’ Sam shouted at your sister, as  she pointed her finger at her.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Tory shouted enraged. How dare this brat come here and mess with her love life and then accuse her?
“Tory?” You called out from the back door. Both girls then turned their attention to you. Standing there before was a girl, with the most beautiful hair you have ever seen. She kinda looked like a goddess. You both locked eyes before your sister interrupted.
“It’s nothing Y/n, let’s go in now.” She told you as she pushed you past the LaRusso girl. You tried to ask your sister more about her but she wouldn't budge.
“I just want to be no more Tory.”
“You want to know more?” Tory asked as she got up from the couch. “Shure I’ll tell you more. That girl is one of those rich stuck up girls, I tell you to stay away from. She’s a bitch that thinks she’s better than everyone else and can get all in my face.”
Tory then finished her rant and walked away, leaving you to stand in the middle of the living room. Was Sam really all those things? Guess beauty is really on the inside.
You were walking to school like you always do before you looked to see some of the popular students. With them was Sam. You frowned, still thinking about what your sister had just told you about her.
“You’re Y/n right? We have biology.” Sam said as she came up to you. One hand on her hip as she flashed an award winning smile at you.
“Um, Yes. Can you, um leave me alone please?” You quietly asked as his smile turned into a frown. 
“What? Why?” She kept on asking as she blocked your way. She had just met you now, why did you want her to leave?
“My sister told me to stay away from you.” Just as you said those words clicked in her mind. You were the girl that called Tory’s name, Tory must be your sister that’s why you must have wanted her to leave.
“Wait, your Tory’s sister?! So you're just gonna listen to every word that comes out of her mouth? Like some sort of pet?” You were outraged that she had even said those words. 
“Excuse me? My sister told me to stay away from you because she knew you would act like this, and it's really disgusting that you do.” You told her as you pushed past her to make your way to school.
From that point on you and Sam were enemies. You weren’t as bad as her and your sister, but you two still had bad blood. What was worse is that no matter what she did you still had feelings for her. Even when she said those bad things to your Sister you still liked her. And for that you hated her.
“I have another Karate practice, so make sure to pick up Mom’s pills ok?” You’re sister told you as she grabbed her bag and handed you the prescription.
Next thing you knew you were standing in front of West Valley pharmacy. You waited for it to be your turn as you looked and checked your texts on your phone. The line wasn’t moving that fast  as you would like so it looked like you were going to be there for a while.
“Yes Mom...Don’t worry...I’ll be fine...Love you to.” You heard the familiar voice of Samantha LaRusso behind you. Yu locked eyes as she moved to stand behind her.
“What are you doing here?” You asked. Why on planet earth would a spoiled rich girl be standing in line for medication. Maybe she was a drug addict?
“I could ask you the same thing.” She fired back as you two waited for the line to move.
“Hey Rick.” You said as you passed the familiar pharmacist the prescription. He smiled up before handing you the orange bottles.
“Make sure your Mom takes it twice a week right?” You nodded as he flashed you a smile. Sam looked you way as he mentioned your Mom but you ignored her. You didn’t need to add fuel to the fire.
You waited outside as you texted your sister when practice would be over. She had the car and the next bus wouldn’t be available till 8. The ringing of the bell chiming, made you look up from your phone to Samantha LaRusso coming towards you.
“I’m sorry Y/n. I had no idea that your Mom was so sick.” You looked down as she apologized. You didn’t really believe that it was from her heart and you really didn’t need her sympathy.
“Well it's not like I wear a shirt saying “Hello, my Mom is super sick” Sam.” You fired back. She looked down before looking up to meet your eyes again.
“I-I just want to tell you Y/n that the way I’ve been treating you is wrong. My fight is between me and your sister. You're being the good sister standing up for her like that, I’m the one at fault and I’m so sorry.” She apologized, but this time it seemed to be from her heart.
“Tell that to Tory then.” You spat as you turned around to go back to your phone. If she really wanted your sympathy, that apology thing she was doing was not going to work.
“I promised my Mom I would drop this off at my friends house. She lives close to you, I can walk with you if you’d like. I know how scary those streets can be when you're alone.” You thought about it for a minute. It would be nice to not have to wait for your sister and if anything ahppens there’s always Tory to help you.
“Alright.” You agreed as the two of you began to walk. It was silent for most of the walk until Sam suddenly stopped walking and turned around to face you.
“I know this is probably really personal and you don't have to answer it. It’s just-there’s a few rumors going around that you like girls and well...I was wondering if it was true.” You scowled as she asked you the question.
“I do, so what?” You snapped as you crossed your arms to look as intimidating as you could. You couldn’t care less what this girl thought of you.
“What did Tory think about it?” Sam asked.
���Why the hell do you care!?” You shouted outraged. Couldn’t she keep all these questions to herself? It's not like you were playing 20 questions here.
“S-sorry I just wanted to now…” She turned around as you both began to walk. She actually kinda looked hurt. Maybe she was actually sorry?
“She was ok with it.” Your answer surprised Sam as she looked up back at you. “That’s actually the reason she joined Cobra Kai. One time a bunch of homaphobic guys came and they beat me up. Tory was mad that she couldn’t protect me so she joined Cobra Kai. Don't get me wrong I was happy, but I just don’t need her to protect me all the time, you know? I’m my own person.” She nodded along agreeing with you.
“But seriously Sam, why do you ask?” You turned around to face the girl as she stared down.
“W-well, there’s this girl at school and I t-think I might like it. I’m just kinda scared. I thought I was straight but here I am.” You felt sympathy for the girl understanding how hard figuring out one's Sexuality’s can be.
“Well I’m here if you need anything.” And true to your word you were. You and Sam began to hang out more and more in private and next thing you knew you actually had formed a crush on the girl. You weren’t sure that she also felt the same way but your feelings were there. 
“Moon’s hosting a party, If you want to come.” You sister invited you. You had actually become kinda close with her fellow Cobra Kais. They were really nice and you felt like a part of their dysfunctional family. 
You guessed the alcohol had taken a toll on you as you found yourself in the backyard of Moon’s home. You didn’t want to be a part of the Cobra Kai vs Miyagi-do energy that was inside. You supported your sister and the rest of the Cobra Kai’s but you didn’t want to be a part of that.
“Hey Y/n.” Sam said as she came over to you and sat down beside you. You flashed her a  sweet smile. You had seen her with Robby and you were kind of jealous. You had liked her longer than that guy had been now she existed.
“ Are you and Robby a thing?” You asked as you took a sip from your cup. Jealous friend/crush mode was now on.
“Robby? Oh no, he’s like my Brother to me and I didn’t tell you this but he totally swings there other way.” You both laughed. Yes you may have been jealous of the guy, but you were glad he knew at least who he was when it came to that. Just imagine the double dates you guys could have…
“Y/n?” Your dreams about dates were interrupted by the sweet voice of Sam. You looked at the way his lips were slightly parted and the way his hair was flowing in the wind.
“Yah Sam?” You breathed as you moved to be closer to her.
“Remember I told you about my crush on that girl?” You nodded, it was the same day you had become friends. What a wonderful day that was…
“That girl...it was you.” Sam whispered as she captured your lisp in hers. There were sparks flying everywhere as you two go more and more passionate about your kiss. Little did you know that you weren’t the only ones there…
Tory was uspatires looking for the extra cups Moon had asked her to get. She was interrupted by the view of her sister making out with the one and only Samantha LaRusso. Tory’s hatred of the girl had ever been as bad as it was at that very moment. That little rich girl and corrupted her sister, brainwashed her. This was just the beginning...that it was.
You were seated in biology class, sitting right beside your new girlfriend Sam. You both mindlessly listened to the announcements before it started to break up. You looked at each other wondering what was going on.
“Samantha LaRusso.” You both froze as you heard the familiar voice of Tory. “You know what you did, and now you’re going to pay for it.” The students around you began to whisper as all the color drained from your face. Had Tory seen you kiss Sam?
“I’m coming for you, bitch!” You were frozen to your seat and Sam rushed out to go find Tory. You knew one thing for a fact...This was not going to end well…
“I saw what you did at the Party.” You pushed past people to try to get to your girlfriend and Sister before a fight broke out but the people around you wouldn't budge.
“You kissed Y/n.” You stood frozen as the students around you began to “Oooh”. Your sister knew for a fact that you never wanted your school to find out you like girls. But she was telling everyone as she looked like she was stalking her prey. 
“Tory!” You screamed, but that apparently I did nothing as Sam froze to look at you as Tory tried to kick her. And just like that an entire fight broke out. People all around you pushing and kicking and punching as you tried to make your way to the girls fighting on the stairs. 
You were worried that Tory was going to hurt Sam or worse. You loved your sister but this had to stop. Nobody needed to get hurt.
“Tory! Tory c’mon stop!” You yelled on the top of your lungs as you pushed past more people. You saw that Miguel and Robby were fighting on the top of the staries, and that Hawk and Demitri were always fighting. Everything seemed to be going to hell.
“Y/n!” Tory yelled. She had kicked Sam making her hit the banister where you were, meaning kicking you off. They say that falling is like rewatching your life. But it wasn’t like that, you were watching a different life. A life where Tory and Sam got along and there was no Karate War. A good life you wished you had.
The crack echoed through the school as you landed on the staries. Blood escaped from your head, you knew you were going to die right then and there. Everyone stood frozen as they looked at your body laying on the ground. Sam was the first moving pushing past Tory to get to her girlfriend.
“Y/n! Y/n! C’mon wake up!” She cried as your body lay flat like that. The only sign of life was your small breaths and the fall and rise of your stomach. Tory stood there speechless as she watched the paramedics make your way to you. This was not supposed to happen. She was supposed to help you not cause you harm. 
Everyone stood still as they transported your body to the hospital. But doing so they left a bunch of morning students. A heartbroken girlfriend, a guilt ridden sister, Karate students wishing that none of this had happened. But no matter how much wishing they did, you were still unconscious, in the ambulance on your way to the hospital. 
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Do you think that Hawk going violet will happen in a big emotional time? Like he's feeling like he's still a Cobra and gets confused and wants to leave Miyagi-fang (?) but something happens and he realizes that he's not a Cobra.
YESSSS this would be great!!!
Like I’m imagining Hawk feeling pretty conflicted because it’s been several weeks and STILL no one in the dojo really seems to like or trust him aside from Demetri and Miguel. Like even Mitch and Bert are wary of him, having seen firsthand how far under Kreese’s influence he ended up falling--and perhaps they’re a little jealous too, since he got to stay in Cobra Kai while they were both booted out. Johnny is glad to have Hawk back in his class, but he still can’t help but be a little angry with him for choosing Kreese over him initially--he knows HE’S the one who toughened Hawk up, not Kreese, and he can’t help but remember how readily Hawk dismissed him at first.
Maybe word gets out about Hawk trashing the Miyagi-Do dojo the previous summer--perhaps Miguel confides in Sam about it, and Sam, in a moment of hotheaded weakness, storms out into the dojo courtyard and confronts Hawk. I dunno if she would be mean enough to yell at him in front of everyone, but people almost certainly overhear regardless--and when it gets back to Daniel, ohhh boy. Hawk and Daniel were warming up to one another, and Daniel was even trying to help Hawk through some of his anger issues--but once he finds out that Hawk stole Mr. Miyagi’s medal of honor, all bets are off. (At least for now--Daniel has a way of coming around. But Hawk sure as hell doesn’t know that.)
After the whispers about what Hawk did the previous summer start spreading around the dojo, people avoid him even more. People look at him like he’s even more of a monster. Daniel doesn’t interact with him any more than is absolutely necessary. Hawk apologizes, of course--tries to channel as much emotion into it as he can so people know it’s genuine. But no one seems to believe him, and he can’t help but be confused about what else he’s supposed to do. Apologies for him have always been a one-and-done deal, and he’s not sure why everyone else isn’t accepting it like Demetri was. He doesn’t know what else to do to communicate he’s serious.
Demetri and Miguel both vouch for him, of course. Demetri especially--he’s used to getting across what Eli’s trying to communicate, attuned from years of practically being Eli’s voice. Demetri never wants to leave Hawk’s side, standing centimeters apart from him at karate practice and swinging a protective arm around him to squeeze his shoulder whenever people shoot Hawk suspicious looks. Despite his friends’ efforts, Hawk is miserable--he feels like he’s under the worst kind of microscope, and no matter what he does, no one is going to trust him.
He feels guilty about it, but he finds himself longing for his Cobra Kai days. How he was respected, feared, celebrated for his strength and his fighting skills and his ruthlessness. Now, it feels like everyone flinches at them--even Miguel and Demetri, on occasion. He just isn’t admired--just isn’t appreciated--like he used to be, no matter how much Demetri tries to reassure him. “I know they’ll trust you eventually. It’ll just take time!”
Hawk isn’t sure they’re ever going to trust him.
Sometimes he wonders if he should go back to Cobra Kai, regain the fame and the prowess and the fear of everyone who dared to cross him. He’d take Miguel and Demetri, of course--he can’t bear to be pitted against either of them ever again. But a bit of intensive training on the side for both of them, and he’s sure they could make it in Kreese’s Cobra Kai. They’re both incredibly skilled fighters, and the thought of the three of them becoming the three most intimidating fighters in the Valley is oddly cathartic to Hawk. The three most pathetic losers in the school, risen to great heights to be terrifying warriors who people were scared to so much as breathe wrong around. Demetri will come, Hawk is sure--Demetri would follow him anywhere, as long as he gets Hawk’s word that Hawk will never turn on him again. And Miguel...well, it might take some convincing to get him to leave the LaRusso girl, but if Demetri comes, Miguel will surely want to be with his two best friends more than his annoying girlfriend.
Hawk is walking home one day from karate training (a training that Demetri never showed up to--a bit odd, but Hawk figures he must have just called out because he had a lot of AP homework), thinking about how best to try and loop Miguel and Demetri into extra training, when his phone rings. He picks up, and it’s Miguel--panicked, hyperventilating, voice cracking like he’s been crying, rushing words out through raspy breaths. He’s hard to understand, talking fast with his voice choked with sobs, but Hawk makes out something about “Demetri” and “an ambush near the park.”
Hawk is at the location in minutes, sprinting there at top speed despite running never being his forte (Demetri was always the faster one between them). Demetri is lying motionless on the cement, passed out with his flannel slowly soaking through with blood. Hawk runs to him in a hysteria, screaming and crying and begging for him to be okay.
While Miguel calls an ambulance, Hawk is frantically looking over Demetri, trying to figure out where all that blood is coming from. No amount of punches and kicks could draw out that amount of blood. Then he lifts up Demetri’s shirt, and lets out a strangled whimper.
The Cobras are fighting with knives now, apparently. And someone--probably Kyler--carved “COBRA KAI NEVER DIES” across Demetri’s back.
And Hawk can’t stop crying because he knows this is his fault. There’s only one reason the Cobras would target Demetri--he was the reason for their latest deserter, and they knew that.
Or maybe he had simply been someone from a rival dojo in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe the Cobras were just those kinds of people.
Because it was never strength and power that Kreese cared about--it was war. Using dojo rivalries as an excuse to get away with hurting people because he enjoyed it. Because them being on the “opposite side” made it seem justified, somewhere in his twisted mind.
The doctors have to practically drag Eli out of Demetri’s hospital room. Luckily they’re able to at least reassure Eli that Demetri is going to be okay--it’s the only way to get him to leave. There are more knife wounds that he didn’t see at first, but they didn’t hit anything vital--thank god. Demetri’s lost a fair bit of blood, but he’ll be all right.
The text scrawled across his back most likely won’t scar, if Demetri cares for the wound properly. And that’s enough for Eli--he knows how meticulous Demetri is. He’ll get through it.
Still, the red stains on Demetri’s shirt and the dark cuts slicing through his skin are seared in Eli’s mind as he drives home. When he gets in the shower that night, he thinks of the words carved into Demetri’s back and his lips curl up in a snarl. He grabs a bottle of bleach, emptying the entire contents onto his limp scarlet hair.
Hawk bleaches and bleaches until the shower is a mess and the entire bathroom smells of cleaning products and every trace of the distinctive Cobra Kai red is completely annihilated. Cobra Kai never dies? Bullshit--they’re dead to him.
His eyes trail to a bottle of hair dye on the top shelf of the shower rack, and he grins. He’s been toying with the idea for a while now, but now...he’s never been more certain in his life. With the red gone, and Cobra Kai truly behind him...it’s time.
When Demetri wakes up in the hospital the next day. The first thing he sees is a jagged purple shape clouding his vision--hair, he realizes. “Who are you?” he mumbles.
“Come on, Deme, how many people do you know with a goddamn mohawk?” a familiar voice says.
His eyes focus to find Eli smirking at him, hair up in deep violet spikes. His hand feels warm, and he looks down to see Eli’s holding it.
Demetri hopes his blush isn’t too visible.
“Holy shit, dude.” Demetri can’t help but grin. “You look great. Why the change?”
“After seeing what they did to you, I couldn’t...do a Cobra Kai color anymore.” Eli bites his lip. “And it just reminded me of all the awful stuff I did there, too. But uh...you know how Sensei LaRusso is always talking about balance?” Demetri just nods.
“I guess I thought I needed something like that. Like I want to be cool and intimidating and kick ass, like Sensei Lawrence and Miguel. But I also want to be all...I dunno...rational and wise and moral and shit, like you and Sensei LaRusso. And Eagle Fang’s got the red thing, and Miyagi-Do’s got the blue thing, so I was like...maybe I should mix them? For balance?”
“Ohhhhh!” And here comes Demetri’s shit-eating grin. Hawk isn’t sure why he expected any different. “You think I’m ‘rational and wise and moral and shit,’ Eli? I thought you thought I was a ‘lame nerd!’”
Eli just rolls his eyes. “God, shut up. You can be both.”
“Also, are you going to stop holding my hand?”
Demetri just snickers and leans back, enjoying the sensation of Eli’s fingers between his.
“I was thinking about leaving, you know,” Eli admits quietly, after a beat.
Demetri sits up, staring at him in shock. “What?”
“I didn’t feel like I belonged,” he explained. “I didn’t feel like anyone wanted me there, after everything I’d done. No one but you believed me when I said sorry. I thought maybe I’d be happy if I went back to Cobra Kai, took you and Miguel with me so I wouldn’t have to fight you and we could all become strong together without...without everyone looking at me like I was evil. But now? I never want anything to do with those assholes ever again. Not after they hurt you like that.”
Demetri looks at Eli so softly that Eli thinks he might melt. Then Demetri breaks out in another huge smirk. “Awww, you were going to try and bring me back to your evil karate cult with you? How thoughtful of you!”
“Oh my god, shut up. Yes, I think you would’ve been good enough to survive in there. Don’t let it get to your head.”
“Also, are you still holding my hand?”
“Maybe I am. Mind your business.”
When Demetri takes said hand and uses it to yank Eli forward and kiss him full on the mouth, Eli isn’t about to complain. 
When they pull apart, Demetri is a spluttering mess, quickly apologizing and insisting he wasn’t thinking. Eli just laughs, and pulls him forward by the neck so their foreheads are pressed together. “God, I’ve wanted that for so long, Demetri. Don’t you dare apologize for it.”
A short pause. “I know it’s been hard for you,” Demetri adds quietly. “At the dojo. But you have to believe me when I say they’ll come around. I know you’re a good person, Miguel knows, and everyone else will realize it too. It’s just going to take some time. But you’ll figure out how to make it up to them. I believe in you.”
“Okay.” Hawk closes his eyes and exhales slowly, letting himself relax. “As long as I’m with you, it’ll be fine.”
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
I like barrel racing. I don’t own a horse, so I can’t do it myself, but I think it’s fun to watch, and I think it would be fun to do. Can you do some Cobra Kai headcanons where Miguel, Hawk, Demetri, and Robby are dating and Sam, Moon, and Tory are friends with a girl who owns a horse and barrel races? Moon’s a sweetheart and doesn’t get enough love.
the cobra kai characters dating/befriending a barrel racer
miguel -
after karate, miguel would be at your side, being supportive and showing interest in your own hobby
sometimes you would tease each other back at forth about your talents. (e.g miguel would try karate moves on you to impress you while playfully teasing your own 'skill' in karate, and vice versa when you would beat him in anything horse related.)
you would show miguel your horse stable and let him bond with your horse, which he got along perfectly with.
hawk/eli -
hawk would brag about you nonstop, giving you endless praise 24/7 (maybe not 24/7, but you get the idea)
he'd bring his friends to attend barrel races and events, cheering you on. he was probably the most enthusiatic one there.
when you would win, he'd post about it on instagram, along with a cheesy caption or paragraph.
robby -
just like the other two, robby would be supportive as hell. the relationship would never be one sided. while you show interest in karate, robby would also try out barrel racing with you.
robby's a fast learner, so it wouldnt be long before he's at least riding by your side. of course, he wouldnt be at your level, considering you were an expert barrel racer. but he'd be glad just to take part in your hobby/sport.
you would take leisurely rides together, talking about life, clearing your mind, venting, and fooling around. afterwards, robby would go back home with a smile on his face. everybody notices it, too, and at any given chance, robby would go on and on about you and your talents.
demetri -
because demetri tended to be very nervous, you took the leading role in the relationship. while demetri would be interested in your sport, he wouldnt dare risk trying it out. he didnt want to make himself out to be a fool in front of you.
at the very least, you got him to let you teach him how to safely ride a horse. of course demetri was hesitant, considering he'd have to ride a dirty, stinky horse. but you showed him how fun it was, and in the end, he ended up enjoying it, even when he somehow ended up getting dirty. he also made friends with his own horse (of course he had to give it a name referencing to his favorite movies and comics). overall he was happy he found a new hobby to participate in with his girlfriend.
as you would ride together, he would improve in his riding skills and become more confident. of course you were there to help and cheer him on all the way. to make it fair, demetri would also show you some karate tricks he learned from daniel. he tended to fool around while doing so, earning a laugh from you.
the girls -
like the others, the girls would try out horse riding at the very least. they were very eager to learn when they watched you race for the first time.
because sam already had an athletic background, she was the quickest to learn how to ride and control a horse. you'd lead her the whole way until she was ready to do tricks by herself. of course she wasn't as good as you, and wasn't even a barrel racer, but that didnt mean she wouldnt cheer you on at barrel racing competitions. when you would win, you'd treat her and your shared friend group out to eat with the well earned money.
now because moon didn't exactly have an athletic background, she was a little confused at first. she would show up in a whole cowboy fit, of course earning laughter from you. when she got the hang of it, you would ride out together on hiking trails on such. being a sort of 'hippie', moon loved nature. and of course, animals. she would sing to your horses, making up silly songs for them on the spot with her guitar. because of her kind nature, she was the most eager and supportive at barrel racing events. she would celebrate with you afterwards and shower you with compliments.
tory would be the most competitive out of them all. not jealous, but when you'd train, she'd try to out do you. of course you'd put her in her place, since she was a novice and all, but it was all just a friendly banter in the end. during barrel racing events, she'd get super hyped, screaming your name, calling you a "bad bitch" and so, just hyping you up.
ahh i feel like i didnt write enough stuff about barrel racing. i really dont know anything about it so im sorry! i also wrote this in second person pov, hope that wasnt a problem?
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
I totally LOVE your writings about Jesse! They are a literal masterpiece to me. But since Jesse seems to be a more rational and logical thinker, what would he think, say or how would he act around an S/O that is very sweet and lovely to him but is part of a cultistic group. Since I love the Works of H.P Lovecraft I wondered what Jesse would think about an S/O that probably believes in cruel or maddening deities like the Lovecraftian Gods. Plus points would be, when you include some sort of cultistic sacrifices so that the S/O would be a kind of killer to.
Stay healthy and out of trouble!
That’s very sweet of you to say. I try my best to picture Jesse as realistic as possible, and likewise! Have an amazing day, Anon!
Also, I always picture that Jesse is the representation of the deadliest sin of them all, Pride.
Chromeskull x Reader- Sin with me
He was all seven deadly sins, sweetheart.
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Jesse was never once a very religious man, not only because his family didn't go to church or prayed, but simply because he wasn't attracted to begging a 'divine' entity for forgiveness, health, and such things. Even in his teenage years, he was more of a realist, so when he hit adulthood, he got more into logical and strategical thinking, a very good plus when you start to run your own company and have to be as manipulative as the devil.
It was quite funny that Jesse didn't believe in God, probably because he saw himself as a God, always at the top, always crushing the competition and anyone who dared to go against his authority.
Jesse still remembers his former mother-in-law and he grimaced at the image of that nosy woman, always getting her nose into his business, always coming unannounced and dictating how he should be as a husband, not to mention the fact that she was religious and had a habit when Jesse was home to make him and his wife go to the church on Sunday.
What a way to destroy a nice day of spending some quality time with his wife.
Of course, that was two or three years ago and he didn't have to stand that old hag and her voice that was giving Jesse a headache. Then he meets you, a woman who at first was very reserved, but in time showed her true colors and he could agree that your affection and warm nature grew on him.
He kind of prepared himself when the subject of beliefs and religion came up, and to say the last, he was intrigued.
It was a rainy day in Florida, Jacksonville, and Jesse had a week free from business, both the killing and the facade company. You two were in the living room, catching over some expensive alcohol and cigarettes, plus you needed a break from writing your book since you had no inspiration.
"So, you tell me the so-called piggy tried to beg for her life with offering you a blowjob?" you asked, sipping on your whiskey as Jesse smirked, shrugging and nodding.
'Are you jealous?' he signed slowly, interested in what you had to say.
"Not at all. When you're put face to face with death, all morals and principles fly out the window in favor of surviving." you explained, all calm like you were a philosopher.
At your words, Jesse leaned forward, getting more curious about what that dark and twisted mind of yours was hiding. Since your first date, he knew you had a dark sense of humor, but he never guessed it would match his own sick fantasies.
'You speak as you killed before.' Jesse joked, but your serious face told him otherwise.
"Never said I didn't." you said with a small smile, making the man before you drop his smirk and his mouth gaped in shock, trying to process what you just said.
"You're not the only one with an unorthodox hobby." you stated, pouring yourself another glass of alcohol and taking a cigarette from your pack, lightening it up.
'You never told me.'
"You never asked."
'Cheeky.' Jesse smirked, his brown eye twinkling with a sadistic sparkle.
"I think the question that you want to ask me is why, no? Why do I kill?" you said, setting your drink on the glass table in front of you.
'Definitely want to know.'
"People are ignorant and if I do hate something in this world, then there are the hypocrites." you said with venom in your voice.
'Aren't we all?"
"No. What I mean is the people who act so perfect, yet they are the most rotten on the inside. Never try to force something upon someone, yet there they are the people who believe in God and all that is pure and try to show their beliefs inside people's mind like mine that simply won't accept it." you began to explain to Jesse, who leaned his chin against his fist and perked his ears at your voice.
'So, you kill, because....' he urged you on.
"Because they are already dead on the inside. They are just walking corpses with a smile on their face and a crucifix around their necks." you finished, blowing some smoke.
'I still cannot picture you like that. You look so...fragile.' he signed with a cheeky smile.
"A regal cobra is fragile-looking too compared to a horse that is enormous, but the deadliest is what's inside." you remarked back, making Jesse give a silent laugh.
'You are just too precious, doll. Now, I'm no Christian either, but you sound like a Priestess, so forgive me if I'm gonna worship you tonight, my Goddess.' he signed as he stepped towards you, sitting on his knees in front of you, his hand rubbing your knee.
"Well, aren't you just a sweet-talker?" you asked with a raised eyebrow, your hand coming up to rub against his bald head, touches so gentle and full of love, it was so hard to believe that this tiny hands of your took lives.
'Only to you.' Jesse signed, his hand moving to take yours in his larger one, kissing your knuckles, pulling your lips into a prideful smirk.
"You know...I think of all deadliest sins, you represent Pride the best." you spoke, making Jesse smirk smugly against your skin.
'What makes you say that, doll?' he asked, brown eye looking at you with curiosity.
"You see yourself as a God; always puffing your chest and walking like you own the world, bragging how you are the smartest, the master in playing a chess game, figuratively speaking." you answered him, making him grin.
'And you? Little sinner, what deadly sin are you?' he signed, then his hands were moving up and down your thighs.
"Greed. Nothing is enough for me and I want to own everything, even you." you said, stroking his scarred cheek, making Jesse chuckle silently.
'Well then, my greedy little bitch. I'm going to show you what the true sin of lust feels like.' he signed, picking you up into his arms, walking with you towards the dining table, setting you down on it.
"Leaving wrath for the hypocrites and piggies?" you asked with an arched eyebrow, hands running up and down under his turtleneck, his black dress jacket long forgotten on the marble floors.
Jesse grinned darkly at you, smashing his lips onto yours in a breath-taking kiss, devouring you, then pulled away, resting his forehead on yours.
'Oh, if only you would have told me sooner. The things I would have done to you.' he signed with shaky hands, feeling his restrain start to crack.
"Oh? Please indulge me, my Devil." you murmured, your lips brushing against his neck.
'Why tell, when I can show?' he signed, then his hands disappearing under your dress, playing with the edges of your stockings.
"I correct myself. You are definitely Lust." you whispered into his ear, his chest vibrating into a sinful growl, his hands leaving your skin to sign.
'I do prefer to stick with Pride, doll.'
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ninjabucky · 5 years
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x Reader
Summary: When your relationship with Bucky ends and you go back to being friends, Brock makes it clear he doesn’t want you to be friends with your ex.  Warnings: Angst // Rumlow is a jerk // Mentions of abuse // Heartbroken Bucky // Language.
Word Count: 1,340
A/N: So I was going to wait a few days until I posted this. I’ve had this idea in my mind for a while so here it is. Feedback would be great, thank you! - Jodie
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"I just don't think we're working as a couple anymore, doll. I really want us to stay friends. I still care and love you so much but we haven't been working for a while." Bucky sighs sadly twisting his coffee cup in his hands as he sat on a stool opposite you in the kitchen, staring into the deep abyss of his hot steaming coffee.
Your heart swelled, and you could physically feel it breaking into a tiny million pieces. But you kind of expected this to happen.
Bucky was right, your relationship hasn't been the same for over a year and the two of you acted more like friends than lovers.
You had noticed it when he started to spend more time with his motorcycle club than at home with you.
But it didn't hurt any less.You stirred the coffee in your cup as you tried to think of what to say.
"Please say something, doll." Bucky pleads.
"What do you want to me say, Buck?" Your voice is barely a whisper as your heart is beating heavily in your chest.
"I still wanna be friends doll, you mean the fuckin' world to me." Bucky sighs.
His eyes well up and you know there is no point in trying to reason with Bucky.
You know this is hurting him as much as it is you because this is reality.
You learned a long time ago that once he has his mind set on something and he has made his mind up, that's it. No ifs, no buts.
"Okay. Friends are okay." You nod with a sigh, putting the metal spoon from your coffee into the sink and leaving the kitchen. Your heart sinking further into your chest with each step you took away from him.
Even 3 years on, you still remember that day as it had just happened yesterday. Bucky had moved on and was still in a relationship with her and he still lived in the house opposite yours, the house that you loved so much and spent time most of your time in.
But still, you made your friendship worked and still hung out with each other and talked to each other daily, and to your surprise, it didn't feel weird reverting back to friends. It felt like this is where you belonged.
About a year after you and Bucky broke up, you began to date The Hydra Cobras gang leader Brock Rumlow after he was consistently asking you out and you caved, much to Bucky's disappointment because of the piece of work he knew Rumlow was.
Your relationship with Brock Rumlow was questionable. Brock was jealous, controlling and manipulative, just like Bucky had warned you about.
If you dared to speak back to him, he wouldn't hesitate to put you in your place.
Nobody knew what was going on behind the closed doors, of course, your bruises you hid very well with makeup and nobody suspected anything.
Everyone except Bucky, he noticed your change of demeanor - you seemed more distant with people and would flinch at any loud noise or if someone patted your shoulder suddenly. He knew the signs, his ma went through the same thing with his stepfather. The problem was, Brock was always with you so it gave Bucky no opportunity to take you to one side and ask if you're doing alright. He suspected you wouldn't tell him the truth anyway.
But the shine in your eyes that he loved so much when you were together was gone.
Bucky saw you perched up on the barstool at the local biker bar without Brock and he was surprised to see you here alone. And for once Bucky was here without his girlfriend.
"Buck, you want us to get the next round?" Steve asked, pointing to the empty beer bottles on the table.
Bucky shook his head, "Nah, I'll go." He finished his beer before he slowly made his way to the bar, standing next to you.
His cologne you loved so much permeates the small space between you.
"Hey, Wanda. Two beers please and whatever Y/N is drinking."
"Thanks." He nods and pays for the drinks and heads back over to Steve. He doesn't speak to you again that day.
The next time you see Bucky is at the annual BBQ hosted by Steve for every biker in the town. As Brock was going, you had to attend too.
Your eyes dart around looking for that blue-eyed man and you find him sitting next to Sam and Wanda. He's come alone again and you're beginning to wonder why.
"Y/N!" Rumlow yells out, startling you. He motions you over with his finger in a come hither manner and you obey.
As you step closer, he grips your wrist painfully and yanks you towards him, a gasp leaving your lips as you pray he doesn't do this here.
"I'm not gonna tell you again! You're not to speak or even look at that pathetic loser! I don't even want you in the same room as him."
The BBQ goes off without a hitch and everyone seems to be having a good time, laughing and joking.
You're engrossed in a conversation with Natasha when she looks over your shoulder and looks at you knowingly. And you know who's already behind you without needing to turn out. His heavy breathing and that cologne you loved so much permeates the small space.
Natasha excuses herself as you turn and walk away from the groups of bikers, going behind the gate with Bucky close behind you.
"I thought we were friends doll?" Bucky asks breaking the silence, swirling his beer around in the bottle.
"About that..." you kept your voice quiet and for the first time, you looked him in the eye. The same ones you loved getting lost in when he laid down next to you in bed. Tears pool in the corners of your eyes and you blink them away, but it didn't go unnoticed by Bucky.
"Doll?" He reaches a handout but you pull away.
"I uh... I.. I can't see you anymore." You try to calm your erratic breathing.
"What do you mean? Why not?" His eyebrows furrow.
"Rumlow doesn't want me to hang out with you and.." you shrug, looking down at your feet.
A quiet sob escapes Bucky's lips and you look up at him in surprise, he has never shown any emotion in front of you before but now he has tears rolling down his cheeks and his breathing heavy and you feel like the worst person in the world. To hurt him just to make a guy you don't even love happy. But you're afraid of the consequences.
Bucky falls to his knees and drops his beer, wrapping his arms around you resting his head on your belly.
He looks up at you through his wet eyelashes and it causes you to start crying. Bucky has always meant so much to you and the two of you were best friends before you even started dating. It wasn't anyone's fault the dating part of it didn't work out and staying friends you were happy about because he was still in your life.
"Doll, please I'm begging you. Please don't do this, I love you so much and I'm a fuckin mess because I'm not the same without you. I miss you and doll I just..." he lets out a cry and holds you tighter. "I can't live without ya. Please doll I'll do anything. Just say it and I'll do it."
Your heart clenches and you feel like you've been punched in the stomach. You knew Bucky could and would protect you from Rumlow. But with Bucky's feelings, this was something you both needed to talk about because you felt exactly the same way. He was the light in your darkness and when he left you stayed in darkness.
You tread your fingers through his locks and hold him close to you.
Not hearing the gate open behind you. 
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Hihi how are you!! I saw the murayama and cobra request about them falling for the same girl and i was wondering if i could get the same for cobra and hiroto falling for the same girl + the girl is a childhood friend of cobra, yamato and noboru! If thats okayyy
Omg okay i love this so much!!
Honestly, this one was kind of tough, I feel like Hiroto and Cobra are fairly similar in the way that they would treat their girl…
But I’m always up for a challenge!!
Cobra and Hiroto are easily two of my favorites!!
Thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy, and I hope you are well!!
Much love ~ ember
Cobra and Hiroto Fall for the Same Girl
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Scenario: You have grown up with Cobra, Yamato, and Noboru. They have been your protectors since grade school. The four of you have always been inseparable, and that is not changing any time soon. But what happens when Cobra realizes he has feelings for you? All of a sudden, the four of you are grown up, Cobra and Yamato have joined the Mugen Racing Team, Noboru is at university, and an unexpected duo makes their entrance. The Amamiya Brothers. The only people who are not afraid to take on Mugen, and hold their ground. What happens when you are walking around town and Hiroto sees you from across the street, clearly running away from someone? What happens when he steps in to protect you, and ultimately falls for you? Between Cobra and Hiroto, you know that they both have feelings for you. You can feel the tension from their rivalry. What happens when Cobra and Hiroto both fall for the same girl?
Cobra has known that he has feelings for you for a while, though he thought he would have more time to tell you properly
That is, until Hiroto came into the picture
When he finds out about Hiroto protecting you, he is grateful, though he is beating himself up for not being being there for you
Hearing that Hiroto got your phone number makes his blood boil, though he wont show it
He wont directly say that he has feelings for you at first, but you can tell from how he starts acting
He makes it his personal mission to take care of you
Whenever the two of you are together, he is giving the most bombastic side eye to anyone around, daring them to mess with you
If he sees that someone is making you uncomfortable, he has no issues with beating them up right then and there
He starts spending more time with you 1-on-1
Rather than meeting at diner Itokan, he starts taking you to other places around the city
Gets visibly irritated when someone tries to interrupt his time with you
He’s always been attentive to you, but it increases when he starts to feel the pressure that Hiroto is going to take you away from him
Whenever he sees Hiroto, he takes you somewhere else, hoping that the two of them dont break out into a fight in front of you
He makes it very clearly known that he is not going to give you up easily
If he thinks a fight is going to start, and the two of you are with Yamato and Noboru, he tells the other two to take you somewhere else, so that he knows you are safe
Refuses to let you get anywhere near any sort of danger
Honestly protects you more, now that he has accepted his feelings for you
Buys you cute gifts, flowers, food, honestly anything that you want, or that he thinks you would like
Gets quiet when he sees you talking to Hiroto, honestly he doesnt know what to do
However, he is very respectful of you, and will support whatever decision you make
He will do anything that he can to make you his, but if you decide otherwise, he knows that your friendship is too important for him to lose
Being that Hiroto has just met you, he has no idea about your friendship with Cobra
When he finds out, he gets very jealous, though there is no way in the world that he is going to show you that
Spends a lot of time calling and texting you
Honestly, wants to spend all of his free time with you
He wont show his jealousy to you, but when he sees Cobra, there is no hiding the tension
The second that he sees Cobra, he is taking you literally anywhere that he isn’t
Knows the second that he sees Cobra looking at you that he has feelings for you (enter jealousy again)
Takes you for rides on his bike, buys you flowers, and gifts because whatever it was made him think of you
Constantly out at a cafe or a new place you wanted to try
NEVER lets you pay for anything
Honestly he is such a gentleman and he is so respectful of you
Opens every door, pulls your chair out for you, etc. etc.
Just wants to show that he can take care of you
Keeps you out of harms way 100% of the time
If he thinks that there is going to be a fight, he keeps you near him, but still at a safe distance, and doesnt let anyone get close to you
Looks super intimidating, but with you, he is such a teddy bear
Spends a lot of quality time with you because he wants to get to know you more
Late night talks and FaceTime calls
Opens up to you more than he has ever opened up to anyone else
Proves that he will protect you and that you can trust him
He’s rather soft spoken, but he is great with acts of service
Same as Cobra, he wants to do anything that he can to make you his, but if you decide you just want to be friends with him, he will respect that
Regardless, he is still going to spoil you, he just can’t help himself
Dearest reader, you cannot go wrong with either of these guys. They are both so amazing and attentive. I wish you the best of luck with your choice <3
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
CONGRATULATIONSSS ON 2.3K!!!!! A ship pls!!! my hogwarts house is slytherin. Marauders era and male preference. i love reading, I'm pretty loud and annoying when i finally trust you anddddd I'm such a reckless idiot who if you say i can't do something i will go do it. (i feel like every-time i do one of these i just reveal more of myself to tumblr)
I ship you with: James Potter
truth be told you had always had a crush on him, he was james potter after all. but his obsession with lily pissed you off to no end
his obvious crush on the red-head ment you were a complete asshole whenever he was around. you would just get bitter and cuss more than you normally would and sneer at him
james of course assumed you hated him and took to pranking you continuously only fueling your growing distaste in the boy
so came the era of hate from fourth to fifth year you and James became borderline arch nemesis, people were scared to be in the same classes as the two of you becaue of the terrifying things which would occur
twice you had sent real cobras after james in the middle of lessons
james found himself weirdly fascinated by the prank war you had started, he suddenly found it extremely fun
plus watching you flush and panic after waking up in the middle of the lake was absolutely magnificent
the extent you would go on your pranks was admirable, james realized quickly he had actually grown to like you quite a bit.
it wasn't until you accidentally found out remus was a werewolf that you became actual friends
you swore up and down not to tell anyone and suddenly you were helping cover for them and taking notes for remus in classes you shared
old feelings didn't take long to rise up and your crush grow too fast.
james began to lose interest in lily, suddenly more reinvested in the pranks you and him would pull on snape or the book you had forced him to read just so you could rant about it
both you and james were forbidden from taking dares because your sheer lack of safety (this rule was put into place when you jumped from the astronomy tower during class just becaue james bet you wouldn't)
you guys grew close quickly making sirius a bit jealous but it was nothing compared to the bitterness james felt when sirius through his arm around you and whispered in your ear
when a rumor that you and sirius were dating spread james was livid, finally realizing that he liked you more than a friend should
when he stubbornly admitted his feelings for you you had quickly returned them
not much changed between your friendship, except of course the fact that you would now do couple shit
(thank u so btw <3)
2.3k sleepover
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 2 Spectra Vondergeist Diary
The 18th of September
I finally get my own column in the school paper. I already have THE blog that’s on every gossip ghouls must read list but anybody can get a blog these days. Being in print gives me instant credibility however, not that I didn’t have it before... so obvious. Anyway the column is an anonymous advice/MH insider feature called Oh My Oracle. Why anonymous? Well if I used my real name I would never get anything done in class because monster would constantly be asking my advice and if I’m pursuing a bigger story I might need some monster to cover the column and I wouldn’t want my name associated with any bad advice that might be given in my absence. My suggestion box is already full of questions from monsters who need a little help negotiating teen monster life. It’s also overrun with spam. Apparently some monster thought it would be funny to sign me up for information on time share crypts and no I do not want to vacation in a “lovely little mausoleum overlooking the Great Dismal Swamp” DELETE! My first real question was this one:
Dear OMO
I’ve been seeing this really cute troll for a while now but he only wants to hang out under his bridge. How can I convince him that there are other places we could go that would be just as much fun? 
A Ghoulfriend Gruff
Dear Ghoulfriend Gruff
I’m glad to know that he’s cute cause you’re going to be spending a lot of time underneath that bridge. It’s like my grandmother used to say, “Don’t date trolls.” Hope this helps.
All the best,
The 26th of September
Sometimes I think the only creature in the world who really understands me at all is Rhuen. She’s so clever at finding the secret places that other monsters don’t notice or have forgotten; especially at Monster High. She can be a bit mischievous at times and doesn’t always come when I call, but I absolutely reject the notion that every trail of chaos leads to Rhuen.
The 7th of October
I was just floating along today minding my own business, like I normally do, when I happened to see Deuce and Lady Twangs-a-lot... I mean Operetta... furtively slip into the empty band room. As a reporter I was intrigued, as a student I need to get to class that happened to be on the other side of band room and as a ghost, a door is not required to enter a room. As I passed through the wall into the room I heard sir hiss reading love poetry. The part I happened to hear sounded sincere... sincerely terrible. Not wanting to be late I didn’t stay for the whole conversation, just long enough to realize I had the scoop of the year! DEUCE DUMPS CLEO FOR OPERETTA!!! Naturally I went straight to Cleo to get her take on the story since that’s what a responsible reporter should do in situation of this gravity. I asked her if she felt such a betrayal was a long time in coming after what she had done to Clawd and if she would be willing to sit down and give me an exclusive interview regarding the situation. I had trouble understanding her response since she reverted to Ancient Egyptian, which I am a bit shaky in, but I think I caught the word “kiss” followed by “cobra”, “adder”, or some other type of poisonous snake, followed by what might have been “depart” “hammer”, and or “sand”. I was immediately persecuted for my investigation efforts and was set upon by that ruffian Clawd. I don’t know what his problem was since it’s obvious he and Cleo are getting back together. Fortunately, the whole school rallied to my side and our Headmistress called into question the leadership skills of our “BMOC”.
I am going to address this incident in tomorrow’s column.
The 8th of October
Oh My Oracle!
News item!
The big bad wolf was out huffing and puffing yesterday. What prompted this full moon freak out? It would be improper to speculate but could it be possible that ll that tall, dark and intermittently furry is still smarting over being dumped by his little wrapped riding hood? It’s a known fact he’s been chasing his tail for some time over that mark on his alpha status. Maybe. He. Just. Snapped. Monster High may never know but “you know who” will, as always, keep digging for the story even if it’s supposed to be dead and buried. 
The 12th of October
Our esteemed Headmistress wants every student to write an essay on their monster heritage... right. She obviously doesn’t want to know the real stories behind the students at Monster High or she would have just asked me since I have the real scoop on all of them. I offered to compile all my notes for publishing but she told me that each monster should have a chance to tell their own story. Whatever. I’ve already read through most of the essays that have been turned in - they were on her desk in plain sight so it was obvious, to me at least, that she had left them there for me to find. They run the gamut from boring to deadly boring. I suppose that I shall have to do mine now or it’s unlikely that any monster will want to read what is sure to be a wretchedly long haunt down monster memory lane. I come from royalty of course, my father was next in line for the throne of a large and powerful kingdom but my jealous uncle plotted against him and we had to go into exile. Sadly my father and mother were forced to take jobs far below their station in life to support us. It’s all quite tragic of course and I’m still debating if I should add in the part about my long lost love who still haunts our ancestral castle awaiting my return; or my family’s daring escape across enemy territory in the dead of night during the storm of the century. 
The 20th of October
I never understood why so many monsters held Ghoulia in such high esteem I mean she’s a zombie for groaning out loud. Hello? Can you say lowest rung on the monster ladder? What is it about her? Does she have some kind of special power? Has she cast some spell over everyone? I needed to know. So today I followed her because as an investigative journalist it’s part of my job to find the real truth. You’d think it would be easy seeing as how she’s so slow but several times she managed to give me the slip. Other than studying and hanging out with Cleo and the Fear Squad posers I couldn’t find anything remotely remarkable about her. I thought about just giving up until she wandered down a back passage in the library to a room that I thought only I knew about. It’s where they keep the really old reference books and stuff. I was sure she was just hiding out so she could read that stupid Dead Fast comic book she’s always carrying around but she wasn’t. She was looking through old newspapers. I don’t know how she knew I was there since I was hiding in the shadows but she pulled out the chair next to her, looked straight at me and patted the seat for me to sit down. I was so startled that I just floated over and sat down. The headline of the paper in front of her read “The Real Vondergeists” It was my family’s story... I had forgotten... Oh my soul. I must have broken down because the next thing I knew Ghoulia was patting me on the back and I was soaking on her shoulder with ectoplasmic tears. I couldn’t stop for a while and when I did Ghoulia just looked me in they eye and said in zombie, “Your secret is safe with me.” I guess now I understand.
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