#A worthy purchase definitely.
localaceken · 2 months
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"Don't talk to me or my son ever again."
Titan Mech to lose your memories with.
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igotanidea · 10 days
Boyfriend thing: Dick Grayson x reader
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AKA: the wealth gap XD
When she started dating Dick, he quickly learned that spoiling her by taking to the best restaurants and fancy places was a no go.
It was heartbreaking, seeing her get self-conscious as the fake belief of not being good enough and not belonging in such premises haunted her mind.
Y/N would simply crouch in her chair, doing her best to shrink or better yet - to disappear so that no one would give her any look, believing she was Dick's dependent, or maybe even --.
Well the rest of that thought was getting blocked all the time. Nonetheless it was clear as day that she was uncomfortable just from staring at the prices on the menu or summary of the purchase of tickets for a concert or other event.
So having her best interest in mind, and driven solely by feelings for her, Dick slowly started picking four stars places instead of five, taking her to vacation to the places off the top5 destination list and purchasing second raw festival entries instead of first.
In his own opinion this was a bit downgrading and almost lower class, but he could suffer a little less luxury for her.
In her opinion it was all too much. Why was he spending all that on her? She was not worth it and it was all redundant and unnecessary and not what she was used to, being raised with four older siblings in a little house, learnt to watch every little expense. Definitely not having enough to order lobster for dinner or fly to Paris just to watch the sunset from the Eiffel Tower.
So one day, sitting in the little cafe where the cheapest beverage (water) was 20 $ she decided to speak up.
"Dick..." the resolve to clear the situation died on her tongue.
"Yeah? What's up Y/N?" Dick grinned, raising head from his creme brulee to meet her eyes. "Hey... hey, what's wrong?" the look on her face alarmed him immediately. "Aren’t you enjoying your dessert?"
"I am. I am, it's delicious! I just think that maybe...." whatever she thought was spoken up incoherently and with a heavy blush on her cheeks.
"Hm? Care to repeat that last part? I didn;t quite get it."
"I-think-I-should-pay-for-half-the-price-for-our-food." she said again on one exhale and with even more red face.
Dick almost choked on his food, starting to cough like he was dying on the spot, his mind spiralling.
"P-pay in half?" he stuttered as if those words were bringing him physical pain. "What do you mean pay in half?! Y/N?"
"It's a normal thing to do--"
"No?" he looked at her with terror and incredulity.
"Look, you cannot just--"
"I can and I will." he quickly snatched her bag from within her reach so she wouldn;t even get a glimpse of the idea to reach for her purse.
"Come on, please. This is not right. I got my own mon--"
Now he was sure he was getting into a cardiac attack. Was she suggesting that she used her money to use on the attraction he was obligated to provide as her boyfriend?
"Y/N... honey, look at me..." he grabbed her hand above the table, interlacing their fingers, waiting patiently for her to meet his gaze. "Who hurt you....?" His tone was soft and sweet upon realising that if she's acting like this, there must have been something in her past. "Who made you believe that--?"
"I feel like I owe you and--"
"O-owe me....?" holy shit, now he was for sure dead, cause her words were like a ton of bricks thrown on him. "For what? For loving you? For wanting to give you all the best? For making sure that all the things we do make you smile?"
"I'm not used to--" her gaze travelled lower, glued to the ground "I always thought-- I mean, other guys--"
"If they made you believe you owe them for things, they weren;t even worthy of that name." Dick scoffed, getting angry at whoever mistreated her. Making a silent promise to himself to track all those assholes down, one way or another. "Look. Normal thing is that a man provides for the woman he loves. And -" he added quickly, sensing she was about to chime in, "And before you start talking about equality I assure you, I am all up for it. But I need to pamper you ok? It;s a must, cause I might die if I don;t." he teased a little.
"You're such a drama queen" she chuckled
"Made you laugh though." he leaned over the table and kissed her cheek "but seriously, Y/N, you give me something that money can never buy - love, happiness... And I suppose that this-" he gestured over the table "-is a poor attempt to show you how much I love you too."
"But I know it."
"I know you do, but what’s worth the money if you have no one to share it with? So, please, on all that's holy, do not ever feel guilty for helping me spend this fortune in the best possible way."
"Which is?"
"Making memories with you." he smiled genuinely, his heart melting upon seeing the real happiness reflected in her eyes at the words. "So? What’s it gonna be? You'll let me do the boyfriend thing or should we call for an ambulance already?"
"You know how much I hate hospitals." Y/N chuckled rolling her eyes playfully "And that is my only reason for letting you do your boyfriend thing. "Because I'd hate to be the lovesick girl waiting in the corridor while her man is fighting for life."
"Works for me." Dick grinned "Now shall we order those world famous gelatos they have here...?"
June 2024 masterlist
Requests are open ! :)
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xileonaaaa · 27 days
Hii I loved the way you characterised Choso in ur last fic. Mind doing husband headcannons? Or nsfw headcannons if you allow it? 💖 thank you 💖💖
Hiiii, I would love to! Thank you for being my very first ask 💕. Instead of him starting off as your husband, I went with the longer approach. Hope you enjoy!
Thinking of Husband!Choso
He’s still his same old self, but now he has that much needed confidence boost, because you are his, and he is yours.
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.⊹ °ʚ☆ɞ°.⭒₊
Hubby!Choso who didn’t even know that he would soon take on the role of being your husband.
Hubby!Choso who acted like your husband before he even got the official title. He’d do things for you that most normal boyfriends just wouldn’t do on an everyday basis. For example, waking up at the crack of dawn every morning just to make you breakfast, or coming home early just so he could cook your favorite meal for you. (It’s not like he did those things only on special occasions, no he did them every. single. day.)
Hubby!Choso who literally looked at you sideways when you told him that he might as well just become your husband after breakfast one morning. (He didn’t quite understand your logic, because to him, he was treating you the best he could, because he knew you deserved nothing but the best.)
Hubby!Choso who couldn’t seem to shake the thought of what marriage to you would be like. (He often thought about how you’d look walking down that aisle, with your beautiful dress flowing behind you, as you smiled at him, while he tried his best to hold back tears of joy.)
Hubby!Choso who wondered if he was really worthy of being by your side indefinitely. A half human such as himself?
Hubby!Choso who let his thoughts continue to fester, till the point where he began to literally see signs everywhere he went. For example, nightly trips to the grocery store while you were still at the school, suddenly turned into a sea of married couples, swooning over each other, and flashing their matching rings. Some couples even had children in the front sections of their carts, and Choso couldn’t help but wonder what that would be like to experience.
Hubby!Choso who realized that marriage life wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows. He found that right as he was about to make his decision on whether or not to propose to you, he started seeing the more sour side of marriage. Affairs behind the partners back, relationships just somehow burning out, fights, you name it, and he’d most definitely seen it somewhere.
Hubby!Choso who laid off the idea of proposing for a while. He wasn’t sure if he was being selfish for wanting more from you, for wanting to call you his wife. (The thought of you being referred to as ‘his wife’ made him go out one evening to purchase a ring, because why not? He could just call you his wife in his head, because it wasn’t like he was going to slip that ring onto your pretty finger any time soon right?….right???) Wrong.
Hubby!Choso who then began to see this warm aura surrounding you, quite literally making you glow, and shine in every little thing you did. Sometimes, your little glow would be so mesmerizing, he’d stop whatever it was he was doing to just quietly stare at you. It was times like these he’d slip a hand into his pocket, and twirl the ring he’d bought for you, around in his fingers.
Hubby!Choso who spent alot of time thinking, and planning about seriously proposing to you. (His little fantasy wasn’t exactly doing it for him anymore.)
Hubby!Choso who spent so much time thinking, that he didn’t even notice he was causing you to worry, until you spoke up one night, after dinner.
Hubby!Choso who felt his eyes widen as you poured your heart out him, questioning him on his very odd, and standoffish behavior. He didn’t think he was acting any differently. (He was.)
Hubby!Choso who couldn’t help but try to explain himself without giving away the fact that he was seriously going to propose to you very soon.
Hubby!Choso who started going in circles, ranging from one excuse to another. He couldn’t lie to you, he just physically couldn’t. So when he saw your expression starting to turn into that of hurt, he took a deep breath and got down on one knee. (He wanted his proposal to be more extravagant but as unplanned, and unorganized as this was, he genuinely couldn’t wait to call you his anymore.)
Hubby!Choso who noticed the very abrupt change in your facial expression the minute he took a delicate hold of your right hand, massaging your fingers with his own while he gently smiled up at you.
Hubby!Choso who proceeded to explain the reason behind his very strange behavior, and how your one sentence about marriage had led him down a rabbit hole.
Hubby!Choso who had watched over a dozen marriage proposal videos, still found himself fumbling for the right words.
Hubby!Choso who couldn’t help but feel his stomach twist and turn into knots as he told you in the softest voice he could muster, just how good, and comfortable you made him feel.
Hubby!Choso who never once looked away from your gaze when he asked you if you would marry him. He found himself smiling ever so softly as he listened to your excited squeals of happiness, as you enthusiastically nodded your head yes.
Hubby!Choso who slipped his free hand into his pocket to pull out the beautiful pink ring that he’d held onto for past two months, before easing it onto your ring finger. He was so happy, he could’ve died and went to heaven right there and then.
Hubby!Choso who would’ve panicked had you not assured him that those were happy tears trailing down your cheeks. Regardless, he still stood up, and took the initiative to kiss away those tears, before pulling you into a loving hug, somehow hoping that you wouldn’t feel how hard his heart was beating against his rib cage.
Hubby!Choso who loved to listen you ramble about wedding preparations. He began to notice that if you ever had to leave a name for a company to call you back, you'd call yourself "Mr.s Kamo." and boy did that serve to rile him up.
Hubby!Choso who just couldn't seem to keep his lips off of yours. His self control seemingly leaving his body whenever he saw your form emerge from the bedroom wearing nothing but one of his shirts, and your wedding ring.
Hubby!Choso who was nothing like your previous partners, who were always impatient and rough with you, he was unbearibly soft in bed. Once he'd gotten the hang of all of your weak spots, he made sure you felt like you were on cloud 9, without serving to bruise your guts. It was a win-win honestly, he could watch you come undone underneath him, over and over and over again, all while cherishing your body as much as he wanted to.
Hubby!Choso who used to be an avid condom user, nowadays plunged in raw, always wanting to feel your warm walls clenching around him while he fucked you into your shared matress.
Hubby!Choso who was, and still is the absolute king of aftercare. You'd always try your hardest to keep your eyes open while he cleaned you up, just so you could tease him about the time he literally called 911 because he'd fucked you so good, you'd fallen asleep. (He thought he put you in a coma.)
Hubby!Choso who never shyed away from the opportunity to tell you all the cheesy compliments that his brain would come up with, while he cockwarmed inside you.
Hubby!Choso who never really gave you any hickeys unless you asked for them. The last thing he wanted was you experiencing any discomfort from them, or worse case scenario, you coming home saying that one of your students pointed it out. He loves when you mark him up though.
Hubby!Choso who is definietly open to having kids. He often thinks of names when the two of your are winding down for the night, tangled in each others legs, with his face buried in your plush chest.
Hubby!Choso who thinks that this is the closest to heaven he'll ever get.
Hubby!Choso who loves his wife with all of his cursed heart.
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haleswallows · 1 month
A wee gift for @little-dreams-of-life based on a prompt from the HxH server. Thank you for the inspiration <3
Timothy Drake is home alone. The Drake Manor is big and quiet around him. He fills it with noise.
This isn’t new or exciting. Tim is home alone a lot. What is new is the crate a FedEx employee insisted on carrying inside when Tim answered the door. The guy asks for an adult to sign for the package, but Tim just stares at him. Tim signs for the thing.
There’s a worried glance tossed in his direction as the courier leaves. But Tim shrugs it off like all the others and closes the door, then does up the locks and security system like he was shown.
Tim is home alone and he goes back to his homework without a second thought to the crate. He fills the quiet house with his own noise. When he needs a break, he skateboards down the hallways. The skate park is better, and Tim thinks about checking the weather report to see if it’ll be nice enough to go after school tomorrow.
Tonight is supposed to be clear. Probably a good night for birdwatching.
He pauses at the top of the stairs, one foot on the floor and the other on the deck, idly kicking it forwards and back. There’s a school field trip soon. Tim won’t be going – there’s no one home to sign his permission slip. If anything, he realizes, it’d be a great day to spend at the park. Even though he really wants to go on the field trip too. There’s nothing to be done about it. He resolves to make the day as good as it can be despite the loneliness that sits like gargoyle on his chest.
The crate sits innocently in the Entrance Hall. Tim peers down at it from the top of the stairs. He purposefully lets his DCs slap loudly on the hardwood of the steps as he gallops down.
There’s no note on the outside. Tim crouches down to look it over, but most of the markings are just shipping labels like “FRAGILE” and “THIS WAY UP – DO NOT TURN”. He doesn’t recognize the consignor address. Last he knew, Jack and Janet Drake were in Cambodia and the crate is from Ireland. But he is familiar with his mother’s handwriting on the Customs manifest in the outside pouch, so at least he can assume it hasn’t been shipped to Drake Manor as a type of postal assault.
The top is nailed down and Tim thinks of the hammer in the groundskeeper’s shed. It takes him only moments to find, but takes almost an hour to prise it open. He’s sweating and annoyed when he finally slides the top off.
Anti-climatically, he’s greeted with packing peanuts. 
Rooting around in the offending Styrofoam unearths a folded note – also written in his mother’s hand. The note is definitely not addressed to Tim, so he sets it aside then continues digging. Tim slowly unearths his parents’ newest relic collectibles, like his very own archeological dig. It’s all the same-old-same-old, old stuff and whatever his parents think is worthy of purchasing. Ceremonial relics, cultural artifacts, ceramic vases and bowls and small votives. There’s one odd wood carving that looks like something he’d have to make in art class.
Nestled in the bottom of a crate is a small wooden box, polished to a gleaming deep brown. The brass hardware stands out against the dark burnish. Tim turns it over in his hands and admires it, appreciating the way it fits neatly in his palm. It’s quite high quality, even Tim can see that. But of course, the box is only an accessory to its contents. There was a fleeting consideration to shake it, but Tim stamped down on the urge. Afterall, whatever was inside was an antique, if not ancient.
Tim puzzles over the small metal figurine inside. The purple velvet lining makes the pewter look like silver. But Tim has no clue what the shape is or what it represents. He squints at it in the waning afternoon light of the hall. The pronged circle attached to a wide rectangle vaguely resembles an ancient depiction of a human, if humans had horns. Or maybe the circle is a torso and the prongs artistic rendition of limbs? The prong is flared, almost like it has a crown.
There's a leather throng looped through the head. Tim thinks it's ugly and wonders what type of person would wear it. Sometimes Mother wore the ancient jewelry they collected, but this wasn't to her usual taste. Thus there must be something culturally important about it.
A mystery. Tim likes those. He likes solving things, he likes worrying his mind over pieces that don't fit until they do. Afterall, it's how he figured out Batman’s and both Robins’ identities and started birdwatching.
He pushes to his feet and jogs up the stairs. The computer in his dad's office has an internet connection. No one ever notices Tim using it. The housekeeper won't be around until tomorrow when he's at school. She won't suspect a thing as long as he turns it off and doesn't make a mess.
When he reaches the top of the stairs, Tim trips over his abandoned skateboard. In the moment between losing his balance and hitting the ground, Tim thinks “oh crap” and prepares mentally for impact. Tim is no stranger to the fickle ways of gravity. You don't learn to skateboard without becoming the proud owner of scars and bruises. Tim automatically outstretches his hands to catch his fall
The strange pendant, still clutched in his hand, catches the soft meaty flesh of his palm. Tim hisses in pain, knee smarting. Gathers himself to sit cross legged and kicks the skateboard, annoyed at himself. He carefully uncurls his fingers, then gulps at the large gash on his hand. 
Oh god, Tim thinks while blinking at the deep cut. That definitely needs stitches. Oh shit, who can he call to get stitches? Who can take him? Tim glances around himself as if expecting someone to appear, to come running at the sound of his fall, to coo over his cut. 
A cold feeling fills his belly. Stupid. Tim knows there's no one there to help. But still he looked. Stupid.
Blood drips onto his jeans. He needs to get up, find a first aid kit. Skating is going to suck like this. He blinks back tears.
The light in the hallways shifts, darkens. It's getting late. He really needs to get up. With a sigh, Tim scolds himself then pushes to his feet, hurt hand cradled to his chest. But as he stands, the light continues to ebb away, darkness swirling around him. Tim freezes. The air pressure shifts and Tim shivers in the sudden chill.
“I am Fright Knight, Lord of Fear and the Spirit of All Hallows's Eve. Who dares summon me?” a voice rumbles, echoes, rings through the hallways, deep and haughty. Tim whirls towards it, hands halfway to covering his ears.
And nearly trips again on his skateboard. A man in a pure black suit of armor, glowing a menacing green, floats half a foot over the ground. Tim can't see the man's face as he towers over him, but the green glowing eyes bore into him.
“Who the fuck are you and how did you get in here?” Tim snaps. Ok, dumb move probably. But what else is Tim going to do? He's twelve and home alone.
The suit of armor tilts its head. Oh right, duh, Tim. It answered that.
“Right, Fright Knight, summoned. Was it this?” He shows the knight his hand and thoroughly bloodied pendant. They both stare at his hand. A quiet plip-plip of blood dripping onto the floor accentuates the quiet.
“Where are your guardians?”
“Not home.” Tim isn’t an idiot. He knows better than to tell people his parents are out of the country. Or that he’s home alone.
“When will they return home?”
Tim stares at the floating suit of armor for a long time. There’s an impression it is squinting at him. He shrugs.
Plip-plip goes his hand.
(Remainder of the fic on ao3!)
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saphscorner · 6 months
soft launching a rancher duo au @cryingincrocs and i recently came up with that i'm genuinely so obsessed with!! newlywed tango and jimmy move out to the countryside to start a life together on a ranch jimmy's purchased from a family friend. jimmy has always had the dream of raising and rehabilitating animals out in the countryside, and tango is fresh out of his smithing apprenticeship, planning to build a home forge and become a full time bladesmith.
the large property lends itself well to both of their prospective careers, and they quickly settle into a routine of fixing up their new home, working around the farm together, selling animal products and crops at farmers markets to make money. tango also picks up odd handyman jobs in the meantime to afford the equipment for his forge. when tango is able to fully start his career as a bladesmith, he spends his mornings helping jimmy around the farm, his afternoons in the forge, and his evenings in their home. he sells his work as a local artisan and is able to make decent money from the craft.
they'd definitely live a very domestic life together, taking care of their home and going on dates in the evenings when the workday is done. i also love the idea that they'd introduce each other to their specific work, with jimmy teaching tango how to care for the animals, and tango eventually showing jimmy how to forge a basic blade in the shop. honestly i would love to do something with this, though i'm not really sure what? i feel like i can't really make a proper plot out of this since it's more for just like... vibes and atmosphere? so it's not really multichapter fic worthy. leaning in the direction of writing some drabbles and oneshots just to capture the vibe, maybe just some individual moments like a countryside date after a long day of work, or a domestic morning. maybe a oneshot collection? or maybe just more of these ramblings and headcanons!
please leave your thoughts, as this au is very underdeveloped at the moment but i'm so interested to see where it goes!
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited. this is long.
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The concert in Tokyo was such a success. It was unexpected if you were being honest.
Since Tokyo Lights is independent who produces their own music video and music, many companies were willing to sign you.
The Tokyo show was going viral everywhere now that you, the lead singer has proven themselves to worthy.
A lot of fans are turning around and willing to give you a chance.
Tokyo Show attendees are tweeting out things like;
“THE BEST SHOW EVER. I was a bit of skeptic of this lead singer (First name) because Camie is amazing, I was even willing to cancel my ticket. But, I’m glad I didn’t. Controversial opinion, (First name)-san is way better of a vocalist.”
“I’m so glad that I didn’t cancel my ticket. So worth it. Where’s the day 2 show?”
“You can’t even compare (First name) and Camie. Camie is an okay vocalist compared to (First name). She’s on another level.”
“Out of all the concerts I’ve been to, this one is the best. (First name) really brought out the amazing rush. Would be willing to spend VIP.”
Remember those fans who cancelled their tickets?
After, seeing all the clips and tweet about the Tokyo show. They’re willing to re-purchase it. A good majority are them are spending more because of it.
Of course, there’s still people that refuse.
But, there are fans that are casual listeners are now spending a bit of money to come see Tokyo Lights.
All their music before you? Well, now apparently, it’s not Camie who sang it.
It’s you.
They’re charting. Going viral. Everyone is talking about Tokyo Lights?
The downfall?
Nope, you thought that was the heights of their career. You joining the band is the height of Tokyo Lights.
Let’s talk about the first song you wrote in the band. My Happy Ending.
It took two days for you to write the lyrics.
Major news site and gossip sites are talking about you and the song you wrote.
Jirou revealed you took a bit of control when it comes to production. She said,
“I’ve never produced for someone like her. She’s not just a singer. She’s an artist.”
“Honestly, I loved it too when she told me about producing freely. Do whatever I want. Then, we can tweak it together.”
Now, everyone is going crazy.
It’s climbing up the charts really quickly
Everyone is writing about Tokyo Lights.
It’s overwhelming. The amount of eyes on the band.
“New Lead Singer of Tokyo Lights, (First name) proves haters wrong.”, “An upcoming band of the year?” “Song of the Year? My Happy Ending”, “Why you shouldn’t underestimate Tokyo Lights.” “Camie, who? (First name) is here to save the day.
My Happy Ending charted and skyrocketed to number 1. Both in Japan and Globally.
The tour that seen as a big flop?
Well, now it’s back to sold out.
Fans who cancelled are rapid tweeting,
“UGH. I shouldn’t have cancelled.”
“I’m so fucking sad about selling my VIP ticket. No one is willing to sell theirs. Day 2 for Amsterdam pls.”
“I’m looking at my friend with jealousy. I cancelled. She didn’t. KMS.”
The band is overwhelmed so they decided to put up statement on their official social platform
“Hey, everyone! Tokyo Lights here.
Everything is moving forward to quickly. We know, from our previous lead singer leaving to a completely new one. We thank Camie for being with us. We wish you all the best.
In this time, we can’t afford to sit around. This is our dream and passion, we have to keep moving forward. With the surge of new fans and old fans, we can’t thank you enough for giving (First name) a chance. We know it’s a lot to ask.
We are speechless. We can’t formulate our thoughts. We know that you demand more shows but, we have an upcoming project to bring before kicking it off to another world tour. Please be patient with us.
Tokyo Lights”
People are hyped.
A new upcoming project definitely means an album.
Now, let’s get back to the band.
Everyone; Mina, Jirou, Sero, Denki, Kirishima, Bakugou and you are going out drinking to celebrate for the successful show.
Since, I didn’t talk about everyone’s appearance and role.
The dummer.
Is a fit and big guy he’s one of the tallest
Bakugou is definitely the most muscular out of all them,
He has those arm band tattoo around his bicep
A dragon with the head on his pec and the body goes up his shoulder around to his upper back then the tail around to his other shoulder.
So it looks like it’s just hanging around his neck.
One on his upper arm.
He is decorated.
He also has a couple piercings; on his tongue, a helix and orbital on his left ear and ofc a lobe.
The electric guitar player
He’s fit, big and tall
This man is almost 6ft7
He’s big and big
THE TALLEST. Everyone is always intimidated by him
He doesn’t have any tattoos but he is pierced
A bar on his left eyebrows, a nostril eyebrows and lip.
Feel free to find out where his other piercings are.
He wears clothes alright. Not properly.
His toned torso is always showing especially when he’s performing.
He’s the shortest out of the boys
And he’s not super muscular.
But he’s got buff arms.
Veiny ones too
He has ear piercings; helix, spider lip piercing and lobe ones 
He’s defo planning to get more.
He has some tattoos but not so much.
It’s one of those small ones.
This man wears a lot of rings 
The pianist
Also, the creative director
Always wearing a beanie
Doesn’t matter if its hot.
He’s wearing it
Now, it’s an official merch of Tokyo Lights
Especially for the Sero ladies, they have all the different colours
He has piercings; on his ears helix motherfucker is stacked, septum, eyebrows, lips and on the bridge of his nose too
Tattoos inside of his arm
The stylist and makeup artist.
She doesn’t have much piercing surprisingly
Only her helix and lobe
Has bright pink hair
It reaches about to her upper back
No one has ever seen this girl without pink hair
The producer and manager
Has highlights
Always wearing leather jackets
The minimalist and tiny ones 
On the back of her neck, wrists and her rib,
Back to the headcanon.
Out to a nice restaurant. It’s your first time being in a fancy restaurant.
There’s a fucking chandelier in the middle of the room
They got candles and shit. They got those fancy ceilings too
You’re admiring everything cause a broke bitch got to.
Then, in the midst of your trance, Bakugou bumped into you
(Purposefully too)
He grunts at you
“Hurry the fuck up.”
Okay then... Bitch
You’re at the front desk. While Sero was talking to the front deak lady,
You’re just out here feeling up and looking at everything.
Oh, that statue over there.
That’s 500,000k right there.
Not to mention they frequent here.
Then here you are the poor bitch.
Kirishima noticed that you’re fidgeting uncomfortably.
“Hey, you look nervous? You okay?” He puts his hand on your shoulder,
“I- Uh, I’ve just never been to a restaurant like this before.”
“Maybe you should fucking head home then.” Bakugou spoke which earned a smack on his arm from Mina.
“Stop it.” She hisses.
Bakugou would only roll his eyes, once your table is set.
This man was the first one to get there.
He made sure to sit as far away possible from you.
The man’s even went on to order himself a whole bottle of wine.
Because “He needs to be drunk to be breathing the same air as you.”
While waiting for dinner, this was the chance for them to get to know you better.
Everyone was asking you a bunch of question.
Denki was flirting with you most of the time.
Bakugou was not interested at all.
He was enjoying his own company and tuning everyone out.
You also revealed that your boyfriend had broken up with you before joining Tokyo Lights.
A lot of apologetic looks and the girls were comforting you.
You didn’t mention anything else or nature relationship.
You didn’t think it was necessary.
Though you felt a little teary about it but tried to hide it.
It went smoothly.
Dinner was at least.
Bakugou didn’t say anything and stayed quiet, kept to himself.
Which was good for you cause you’re too exhausted to be dealing with his little jibe comments.
As you were leaving the restaurant,
There was a tip off to the paparazzi that the famous Tokyo Lights was there.
So, the staff warned all of you beforehand and they would help you leave the premises by going through the back door.
Bakugou was pissed cause after eating dinner.
The man just wants to go home and sleep since you all have a Kyoto show the day after tomorrow.
Once, he bursts out the door.
He’s glaring at everyone and shouting at the paparazzi to ‘get the fuck out of his way’
Well, that’s one thing he was good for.
There was  quick flashes of lights everywhere you look.
Thankfully, Kirishima and Bakugou were standing in front of you
Cause you wouldn’t be seeing a thing right now.
They’re pretty interested in photographing everyone as a whole.
But, one in particular stuck to them like a sore thumb
The paparazzi was shouting your name. Trying to get your attention
Sero threw his arm around and put his hand out in front of your face to avoid you getting blinded.
While Kirishima was trying to get everyone to move out of the way.
The van was parked not too far away
Immediately people started to gather around it, Sero and Kirishima made sure you were the first one to get in the van 
Followed by Bakugou 
You know what makes it worse?
Kirishima is sat next to him.
So you’re squashed up against the tinted window.
While driving away, you’re just wiggling trying to get some space 
I mean, come on?
Imagine being squashed by two buff ass men together?
Bakugou whips his head around and shoots you a glare,
“Fucking stop that.”
“I need space. You’re squishing me!”
“So, what? Deal with it.”
Bakugou crosses his arm over his chest
Making you even more squished again
So, you retaliate back.
You lightly elbow his side to try and get more room for yourself.
He would move around too to fight back for that FUCKING SPACE HE DIDN’T NEED.
“Stop it!” You hiss lowly.
“You fuck off.”
Thankfully, you didn’t have to suffer that long since the driver ask where you live
You tell him.
Once you arrive, you made sure to throw Bakugou your middle finger. 
Both of them.
Waving it around aggressively while the van door slowly come to a close.
You could see him being so pissed off and you could hear a muffled scream as it drives away.
Let’s talk about, you now.
You live in Shibuya.
In a small studio apartment, it’s a pretty shit one but it’s the only one you could afford.
You worked 3 jobs. Along with having to practice with your ex-boyfriend’s band.
You were stressed and having to balance all the responsibilities to live.
That night, where you and your boyfriend broke up. Sat outside the club while there was muffled music playing. 
You were puffing away a cigarette. Something you never did before until you started dating Shindo.
You were approached by Kirishima and ask for your name, how old you were and how long have you been singing for.
He had a small chatter and he even smoked with you.
Then he mentioned that there was no lead singer anymore for his band and he dropped the ball, asked if you wanted to join Tokyo Lights.
You were silent about it. Thinking about it.
He gives you his phone number and told you to think about it.
It was a couple days later, you decided to call him and agree to join the band.
That’s how you joined the band.
It wasn’t till weeks later the news blew up.
You’re going to have to get used to this new life quickly.
It’s been a day of break.
Jirou texted you a night before (she got your number from Kirishima)
Reminding you to wake up early since you have to get to Tokyo Station to catch the Shinkansen to get to Kyoto.
She also reminded you to pack clothes because you will be going to Osaka and Hiroshima after Kyoto.
So, you did.
It was 4am. You’re already at the station.
Kirishima, Denki and Mina being sunshine and so energetic. 
You don’t know where they store it in.
With a rich bad like Tokyo Lights obvs
And Camie is not in the band anymore. Guess which seat has is for you?
Bakugou of course demanded to switch seats with Denki or else he’ll kill him.
But Kirishima was nope. You gotta learn how to get along with her.
So, now you’re stuck sat next to him.
With Bakugou complaining the whole way 
But you tuned him out because
Baby, this is the first class life.
While you’re in the train, you decide to do some work
Bestie, I know you can’t do that
So you slept.
When you arrived, Bakugou got up and didn’t bother to wake you
This guy grabbed his duffel bag from the above head compartment 
Jolting you awake.
He cheekily smirks at you,
Oh, it’s on.
So, guess what you did.
You whack him acorss his shin with your won very luggage while getting out the station
The glare
He was annoyed, alright.
What did you do?
You smirked back at that motherfucker too.
Sound check and rehearsals time
Since, you’re thrown into touring. 
This was essential every time you have to perform. 
Since, they had to tie up any loose ends.
You’re doing pretty well if you do say so yourself because you’re catching up rather quickly.
But, this still isn’t good enough for Bakugou
Another reason for Bakugou to be pissed at you.
You have learnt that this man is a perfectionist. 
He’s a talented person too which kind of goes with being him being a perfectionist.
It has to be great. Even during rehearsal which is a time for you to make a few mistakes to get corrected.
But this motherfucker is picking at shit.
What irked you the most was this piece of shit was telling you for drinking water.
“What? Can’t handle this shit?” “Need a break all the time. The fuck do you expect, just relaxing. Eating at some fancy restaurant.” “You don’t get to fucking slack off while we do all work.”
He’s got all that from you needing water? 
He made a whole damn novel
Who the fuck do you think he is?
“Bakugou.” Kirishima warns. Wanting to finish rehearsals already cause he’s hungry and wants to rest before the actually show.
You’re getting pissed off honestly.
You tried biting your tongue just to keep the peace
But, nope you had enough.
“Then just fucking kick me out and look for someone else. Better yet, just don’t have a singer since you think you’re too fucking good for anyone.” “Let’s see where this goes.”
Sero and Denki in the corner are shook
They’re like, 0.0
You could see, Bakugou clenching his jaw and the vein on the side of his head just popping up.
He was gripping on tightly on his drumsticks.
He stood up, knocking off the drum stool.
He was stomping his feet.
He was mad.
He was all up on your face. 
Not gonna lie, you swore you’re gonna piss yourself.
Cause you know he’s tall but not this tall.
You’re having regrets challenging this big motherfucker now.
I mean, he’s barely shorter than Kirishima.
Here you are with your midget ass self
The confidence in you-
“The fuck did you say?” Katsuki challenged you.
“You fucking heard me.” 
Kirishima steps in between you two.
“Alright, let’s stop this. We’re done with rehearsal.” Kirishima says to try and simmer out the situation.
Bakugou could only scoff and leave throwing up his middle finger.
The three remaining band mates could only give a mutter of apology.
You went around for a walk to get some fresh air. 
It’s exhausting, it was so nice to be living your dream.
But, it’s not so nice to not be accepted. 
It feels like everything is going to fast.
Especially with just leaving your toxic relationship.
You felt empty. 
You wanted to go back to Shindo’s arms.
Speaking of-
For reason, he’s calling you.
If this bitch ass-
You don’t know why he’s calling.
It was like a drug that you’re being drawn back to him,
So you answered.
“So,you think you’re big shot now, huh?” He spat
“Don’t think I know what you’re doing.” Shindo continues, “Trying to rub it in my face?”
You’re trembling and tearing up at this point
It’s like the words are stuck in your throat. You can’t say what you want to say
“Remember, (First name). You’re nothing.” “You’re always a fucking nobody.” “You were fucking nothing with or without me.” “Remember that, you’re a nobody.”
“Oh, I get it.” He laugh spitefully, “You sucked some dicks to get where you are, huh? I knew you were a little slut.”
“Who was it? Just one of them? Two? Three or all of them at once?”
“That never-”
“Oh, it never happened.” Shindo mocks sarcastically, “I knew that was something you were going to say. Dumb bitch.”
The whole phonecall was just him degrading you.
Telling you that you aren’t worth it.
It went on for an hour.
He didn’t let up even after hearing your sobs.
He bathe in your misery, he loved hearing you beat down.
Oh, he hoped you stay like that.
Mina made sure to dress you so cute and nicely.
She had you wearing those chunky boots.
As usual, she got you into those denim short skirts and simple cropped shirt. Accessories too obvs. Made your hair all pretty.
After all, it’s been a while she actually dressed someone up properly.
Bakugou would have his shirt on but remove it halfway, Kirishima likes open shirts showing off his abs, Sero refuses to take off his beanie even if it didn’t go with his outfit and Denki. Oh, Denki.
Denki likes ripped jeans. Always with the ripped jeans.
You asked her why she keeps putting you on these short skirts.
“You have nice figure and nice legs. You have to show it off.”
You’re so nervous. You already performed a day ago but the pressure is immense
Especially since now they have an expectation now.
You’re afraid of disappointing everyone.
The staff around you help strap the ear piece pack onto you.
“Are you ready, (First name)?” You heard someone speak into it.
The familiar booming beat and rhythm of the drums came alive as the cheers into life.
“Be prepared to get into stage.”
“In 3... 2... 1....”
Your heart jumped into your throat, thumping against your chest.
The fans were screaming their lungs out 
You grinned brightly and waved to them.
“Kyoto.” You spoke into the mic, “You’re looking real sexy tonight.”
They all broke into applaud and whoops.
“Start singing in 3... 2.... 1...”
On stage, you were having the time of your life.
You’re out here shaking your ass, you were hoping all over the stage, feeling yourself, giving some fan service for people who are near the stage etc
The audience was mesmerized.
You were flirting it up with people too which didn’t help the crowd
They were already so wild.
What you were doing ma’am is getting wilder and getting them a little gay.
You were making sure to give a lot of eye-contact.
They were on the verge of fainting because
Honey, you’re too hot for your own good.
You tried to put on the best show despite not being mentally there.
It seems like no one has noticed since 
Once again, the show was praised to be spectacular.
Before leaving Kyoto
You were invited to a photo shoot for a local magazine.
Those photos from the magazine? 
Well, it was used to replace their previous band photo cover on their social media.
Tokyo Lights even deleted a lot of their posts that had Camie in it.
Because this is it.
This a new fresh start for everyone
That applies to you too,
Hence why the reason, you wanted to write about your experience with being a toxic relationship. 
Introducing Love on the Brain Era.
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Who exactly belonged to the gentry? And how did you become part of it (apart from marrying into it if you were rich enough)?
I'm a bit confused because we have people with titles (like Sir Thomas, Sir Lucas and Lady Catherine) and those without (Mr. Allen, Mr. Woodhouse etc.). Some are insanely rich (Mr. Darcy), some are extremely poor (the Bates), there's old money and new money and sometimes no money.
Could you "fall out" of the gentry if you were too poor and couldn't keep up anymore? Because the Dashwoods worry about being able to live befitting to their rank.
I'm sorry about this big ask but I need someone to dumb it down for me a bit ._.'
Okay, so this seems simple but it is not and even if we just look at Jane Austen's novels there seems to be a lot of exceptions and complexities. For example, I've covered before that only certain types of lawyers were gentry and the rest were lower class.
But here is the thing: there are entire scenes in Jane Austen and other contemporary literature where members of the gentry are trying to decide who is gentry/worthy of visiting or not. One of the best examples of this in Jane Austen is Emma deciding to visit the Coles and the novel Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell goes deep into this issue. Anyone who tells you the class distinctions were simple, immovable lines that everyone understood is just wrong. There are examples of contemporary people trying to draw clear class distinctions and they don’t always resemble each other.
This answer will mostly rely on Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell. I’m not a scholar and I don’t claim to be, I’m just reporting what I’ve read.
Also, at the time Jane Austen was writing, things were already changing. The industrial revolution has already started. A class of gentleman farmers were rising up, like the Martins in Emma, who had enough money to get educations and act like gentry even if they didn't own land. There are also people like Gilbert Markham in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and the Hayter family in Persuasion, who own land but I guess don't own enough or don't act properly or don't come from an old enough family, so they are not exactly gentry (this category might include the Haywoods too but we don't have a completed Sandition). Yet they do interact with gentry in both novels. Confused yet?
Here is is the most basic definition: the gentry class consists of people who live off of either rents from land or investment income and do not work. 
However! This also includes a few very specific professions, the army and navy but ONLY if you are an officer, the church, and the law but only the good type of lawyer, and physicians but not apothecaries or surgeons. (Historical note: being a surgeon is not a respected profession until the invention of ether.)
Also, even the professions were dicey. Apparently men in the militia (it’s not the real army, they didn’t purchase commissions) were considered gentry while they were officers, but maybe not after if they didn’t deserve it. Wickham has no real claim to be a member of the gentry except being an officer, but his manners allow him to pass. Some men who rose through the ranks of the army or navy were originally from the very low classes and usually had to polish their manners to be promoted because no one wanted a vulgar officer.
As for women, that was difficult. A governess rides the line of gentry or not, they were often held above servants but below the family. They also made very little money, between £30-50 pounds/year. 
If you read books from the time period you can see that the social class of gentry seems far more fluid than the more clearly defined class of the aristocracy/peerage. The peerage consists of peers, who sit in the House of Lords and have a title, duke, marquess, earl, viscount, and baron. Their children sometimes have a title, usually the heir has a courtesy title, and the girls are either Lady Firstname (daughter of duke, marquess, or earl) or The Honourable Miss Lastname (daughter of viscount or baron). Thus we can easily tell that Lady Catherine and Lady Susan are the daughters of an earl or greater (because of her first name being included in her title) and that the Honourable Miss Morton (S&S) is the daughter of a viscount or baron. You are either a peer, a peer’s spouse, or a peer's child or not, though some peers raised their natural children and let them associate with this class.
This is a nice guide to who comes first in society which goes through the peerage to the gentry.
The gentry is below the aristocracy, though the top of gentry mixes with the above class. For example, Lady Anne and Lady Catherine have both married down, Sir Walter Elliot (Persuasion) is cousin to a viscount, Edward Ferrars almost marries Miss Morton, only daughter of Lord Morton (S&S), and Julia marries the younger son of a peer (the Honourable Mr. John Yates, MP). Also, members of the gentry can be knights, a title that only lasts one generation. This includes Sir William, Lady Russell's husband, and probably Sir Lewis de Bourgh. Their wife can have the title "Lady Lastname" (Lady Catherine keeps her better title). Gentry can also be baronets, which is a hereditary title but NOT a peerage. Sir Walter, Sir Thomas, and Sir John Middleton are all baronets and their wife is called "Lady Lastname". Their eldest son will become the next baronet. A baronet is not a peer because they sit in the House of Commons, not the House of Lords (among other things).
The top of the gentry class are baronets, knights, the richest landholders, and landholders with ties to the aristocracy. Darcy is extremely wealthy and has ties to the peerage, so he's super fancy pants. Mr. Bennet is rich, but he doesn't have good family ties, he's probably sitting in the middle, if not the low middle of the gentry. People who have to work (ew) are lower, like Mr. Collins and Mr. Elton. Though if you reached the top of your profession, like a General, Admiral, judge, or bishop, you would of course be higher in status.
Then we have the last rung of the gentry ladder, Women Clinging On by the Skin of Their Teeth (though the novel Wives & Daughters includes a gentry family falling into decline too). The Bates (Emma) and Mrs. Smith (Persuasion) are the best examples of this. Mrs. Bates knits and sells her wares, but everyone is probably discreetly ignoring this fact because as the widow of the former vicar, she's gentry. Mrs. Smith is also making little crafts and selling them, but when she talks about this she carefully also mentions that she uses the proceeds for charity. That's probably BS, but it's a cover to keep herself in the gentry class.
The novels Wives & Daughters and Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell as well as Emma give us the best picture of the small town dynamics of who is a member of the gentry. You can take yourself out of the gentry by marrying down or losing the ability to host visits. The Dashwoods maintain their place in society because they host the Middleton, it seems. In Emma, we even hear the term "half-gentlemen" (thanks this wasn't confusing enough) and we know that Mr. Weston is accepted even though he once engaged in trade. The Bates are respected for who they were once, the wife and daughter of a vicar. Mr. Gibson, who is a surgeon in W&D is accepted because he is wealthy enough and respectable, and because he associates with the peers. Gaskell even goes through the attributes which make the aristocratic family like him and invite him for dinner. As a surgeon, Mr. Gibson is more of a choice for the local gentry than an automatic member.
Quick note: The Bates aren’t really poor, they are living in genteel poverty, which means they still have a servant and don’t work (kind of), but they don’t have wealth. Most people assume Miss Bates has about £100/year which still around the income of a master blacksmith. The Price family is in the same sort of situation, they can afford to live and pay two servants, but they cannot really afford their children’s education or to have dowries for the daughters. Children of someone like Mr. Price are likely to fall into the working class, but may not experience what we would call real poverty.
Another Note: part of the problem with the Bennets is that they mix below their class, mostly because Mrs. Bennet is lower class. Lucy Steele (S&S) actually cuts all her lower class acquaintances when she marries, which would be awkward for the Bennets since they still live beside her family. The Bingleys probably also cut all these associations when they made the decision to move up.
The criteria are a mix of wealth, education, longevity of your family (The Hamleys of Hamley from W&D have had Hamley since God made the earth apparently, which is GOOD), your connections, your profession, and if you’ve made it past gatekeepers. Charles Bingley owns no estate, but is immediately accepted as a member of the Hertfordshire gentry circle. The Sucklings (Emma) are looked down on because they’ve only owned their estate for 10 years. Even though the Hamleys, a solid gentry family, have grown poor, they command respect as an ancient family. The Woodhouses in Emma own almost no land we are told, but their wealth and rank makes them important.
In Cranford, the widow of a peer marries a country surgeon and everyone is in a tizzy about what to call her and if she should be admitted among the gentry. They don’t allow the surgeon because his manners are bad and he doesn’t dress well. Which sounds a lot like a high school popularity contest to be frank. But it’s a nice small picture of how this all works, there is a ton of gatekeeping and networking. Some people are obviously gentry. Some people have bought their way in (Sir William Lucas, Mr. Suckling) and that purchase is remembered. Some people are only included because someone has decided to let them in, like the Hayters in Persuasion.
You last question, how do you get in? Well you get rich enough and either marry in or get past a gatekeeper. The Bingleys have clearly made it past, they are moving well in London. The Coles are still struggling to be accepted, as far as we know. Mrs. Jennings’ fortune is from trade, her daughters married in and kind of brought her with them. Again, this was changing. In North & South, we see society trying to decide what exactly a manufacturer is in society. Are they in trade? Should they be mixing with the gentry? Some people were becoming fabulously wealthy with new technology and the upper classes weren’t sure what to do about it.
And yet, it didn’t change that quickly. In Oscar Wilde’s plays, we see see a lot of very recognizable gentry who could have walked out of a Jane Austen novel. He tends to have more peers in his works than Jane Austen, but the gentry look so similar. They have servants, they sit in drawing rooms, and are not involved directly in trade. So even though things were changing it took a very long time. The biggest difference is that money has moved from land to investments, in The Importance of Being Earnest, John makes it clear that while he owns a large piece of land it isn’t his main source of income. The tenant farming system has significantly changed since Austen’s time.
Here I’ll make a graphic. Here is everyone:
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and then we have the gentry:
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So really, it’s the bottom of the gentry and the top slice of “everyone else” that is the confusing part and where social capital and gatekeeping plays a big role.
And I am dead serious about “that guy who Lord Whatever thought was cool”. Mr. Darcy Sr. basically gave Wickham a free ride into the gentry, which Wickham squandered. Nepotism was huge and if an important person liked you, that could be very very good.
Books I referenced: Jane Austen’s novels
Cranford, North & South, and Wives & Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
People who know more feel free to chime in. 
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yandere-daze · 2 years
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Repost, hope this gets into tags this time, tumblr please
Heya! Sorry for the long wait, anon! I´ll be honest, I don´t know Hiyori all too well but I hope you still enjoy!
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, classism ( not towards reader), threats ( not towards reader), implied murder if you squint?
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General Yandere! Hiyori headcanons
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Hiyori is definitely a very interesting yandere! I feel that as his darling, you would know pretty early on that he´s into you. He´s a very passionate and expressive person so I imagine he´s very eager to let the entire world know just how obsessed he is with you 
He likes to tell other people that he is superior to them due to his royal ancestry but for some reason that he himself can´t quite explain, he doesn´t want to do that with you. People often tell him that that sort of behaviour is off-putting and he doesn´t like the thought of being disliked by you
Being hated is actually one of his greatest fears, something he doesn´t like thinking about either, so it´s completely out of the question for him to leave a bad impression on you, the one he cares so much about!
Because even though Hiyori tends to act selfish, he has a tendency to get easily attached to others and has an urge to take care of them
Only with you, these urges to take you in and provide for you are even stronger
Due to his family, he has plenty of money at his disposal, more than most other people could ever hope to earn in their entire lives. So it´s not a big deal if Hiyori frequently purchases expensive gifts that he knows you have been yearning for, or when he invites you to dinner in a fancy dinner that you feel way too underdressed for. While you´re still wondering how he had managed to rent out the entire restaurant on such short notice, he´s just excited that you two are finally on a real “date”
He strikes me as a tad delusional, at least to the point where he doesn´t think the way he feels for you is wrong in any way. He´s Hiyori so of course his emotions for you are going to be a bit intense! It´s perfectly normal, right?
He´s very touchy and clingy too, seemingly never wanting to leave your sight and sulking whenever your attention isn´t focused solely on him. Why are you paying attention to those nobodies when he´s right here next to you? Don´t you love him?
Please, he needs your love to stay alive! The mere thought that you might not feel the same way has him shaken
But hasn´t he done everything he can to impress you? Hasn´t he been taking good care of you?
Hiyori is convinced that the other people in your life are the reason why you aren´t falling for him and it makes him very angry
While he´s remarkably soft around you, others do not get the same pleasure. Instead, he acts very snippish and cruel when talking to someone he doesn´t deem worthy of his time and this is especially true when he suspects that the person in question may have played a part in driving you away from him
Insults them for being of lower class and mocks them outright, saying that they aren´t even worthy of breathing the same air as you. Do they really think that you actually care about them and aren´t just taking pity on them because they´re just so pathetic? Really, how dare they have the gall to even try to get close to you?
Hiyori has everything you could ever need, you don´t need them to make you happy. He could make you happier than anyone else! You could go on cute and fun dates together every day and just forget about all other people and duties you may have needed to attend to! They don´t really matter when the two of you are together!
He could even buy cute new clothes for you so the two of you finally match and even strangers will be able to see you are a couple! Isn´t that just wonderful? He´ll dress you up in the prettiest outfits and you´ll have so much fun! Why, Hiyori almost can´t contain his excitement so it´s best you two leave this insignificant bug behind before his mood makes a rapid change for the worse and he actually starts threatening that poor person
He may not want to get his own hands dirty but with the right amount of money, anything could be achieved
They better not get in his way again, for he might not be so kind the second time
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Sebek Zigvolt New Year's Attire Personal Story: Part 2
"I'll fight strongly and beautifully!"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Beside Mister S's Mystery Shop]
Sebek: Wh-
Vil: HUH!?
Vil: You seem quite panicked… That surprised me. Were you really the type to worry so much about your appearance?
Vil: I completely thought you weren't concerned in the slightest towards your hair or clothes.
Sebek: What are you saying!? I am always striving to be worthy of being the Young Master's attendant!
Sebek: In order to be of any assistance to their master, an attendance must always strive for perfection. It would be out of the question to present to him a disheveled appearance!
Sebek: This hair of mine tends to fall into disarray, so I always take care to keep it set perfectly with the proper hair products.
Sebek: Of course, I do this even when Malleus-sama is not nearby. He may show up at the shop at any time…
Sebek: If word spreads that I was in a state of disarray, then it will tarnish Malleus-sama's reputation!!
Vil: Is… Is that so. Well, good looking out.
Vil: I suppose now that you mention it, you certainly are always dressed very properly.
Vil: I also believe that it is important to choose your appearance depending on the time and place. I didn't expect us to have this in common, of all things.
Sebek: Urk, these strands that have fallen out of place just won't go back at all. Normally I would be able to set it again with a comb like this.
Vil: You must have sweated a bit too much from moving at a different pace than you're used to. It won't fix itself just by pawing at it like that.
Sebek: How vexing. It takes me so much time in the morning to set it, and yet this hair…
Sebek: …Hm?
Vil: Why are you staring at me so intently?
Sebek: Why is your hair not out of place at all, Vil-senpai? Even if you weren't moving as much as me during that battle, it's still strange.
Vil: Nothing is strange about it. I have simply taken the proper precautions.
Sebek: Precautions…?
Sebek: …I see. So that is what you meant by your comment earlier that I was "making too many unnecessary movements."
Vil: Huh?
Sebek: So, you… You were moving in a way so as to not throw your hair into disarray!
Sebek: How practical of you. And learning such special movements would no doubt be good training.
Vil: That's nowhere near the right attitude to ask me to teach you.
Vil: But… Perhaps. If you vow to listen to everything I say from here on out, I don't mind teaching you.
Vil: For starters, you should learn how to ask others for favors properly.
Vil: As one of Malleus's followers, you of course know how to request help from others properly, yes?
Sebek: Y… Yes, of course.
Sebek: …Please, Vil-senpai. Would you teach me the method to set my hair so it does not become disheveled?
Vil: Well, I suppose that is 100 times better than before. Good on you for being so forthcoming.
Vil: And I suppose I can acknowledge your high-standards in your personal upkeep…
Vil: Right, I've decided I like it. I'll look the other way on your former attitude just this once.
Sebek: The deal is struck, then. So, what is your secret?
Vil: The secret to keeping your hair set perfectly is… this.
Sebek: Hm…?
Sebek: TH-THAT IS…!
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[Mister S's Mystery Shop]
Vil: Alright, that was 5,100 madol. Thank you for your purchase.
Heartslabyul Student A: That cost hurts my wallet, but with this, I can have another HAGOITA battle.
Heartslabyul Student B: We'll take our revenge for our loss this morning, and get our hands on Sam's Golden Ticket!
Vil: Sebek, we have a challenger. Go get ready.
Sebek: Oh, you're the Heartslabyul students we obliterated this morning. Didn't think you would come back so soon.
Heartslabyul Student A: Ugh, the way you speak gets on my nerves. This time we'll definitely win and make you pay!
Heartslabyul Student B: Sebek should totally be exhausted from all those consecutive matches. We'll be able to mop this up easily with him that tired.
Sebek: Humph, say what you want. But let me tell you this as well.
Heartslabyul Student A: Wh-what? The mood just shifted…
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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dancingthroughdaisies · 11 months
Is there anything that would not fit under the definition of autassassinophilia that for you sparks the same emotions as autassassinophilia?
Yes. The idea of being sold by my Master for a high dollar amount to whomever they select. Maybe the buyer would use me for an hour, the weekend, or longer. Whatever it is my Master would decide for me, I’d do. To be passed off and used as a sought after item for purchase.
Not only am I being degraded by my master to nothing more than a fuck slave, I am being desired for (even for twisted fantasy) and am worthy of the large sums of money they’d hand the one who owns me.
I also would serve him well and make a good name for him among his peers. He could use me as a bargaining tool for business or social status or a way to pay debts. Not wanting to do it at all plays into the cnc side of things, but knowing I’d be pleasing my Master by taking it like such a good little whore would be enough to make sure I stay behaving well. Even if I felt completely used up. If I didn’t perform to standard or Master received a complaint, he’d punish me severely.
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Just another way for someone to hold my life and bodily autonomy in their hands.
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
34.1% choose to purchase the 'Smoking Mirror'-Brand Pulque in exchange for 5 points of health!
RIDER winced a bit, as he felt some of his vitality leave his body and shimmer into a ball of light above JAGUAR MAN. She snatched it out of the air with ease, grasping it between her paws, the light fading from the cracks between her fingers as she opened up her hands and revealed a bottle.
[ RIDER lost 5 points of health! RIDER currently has 6 points remaining! ]
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"Ooh, the booze, huh. Trying to wine and dine Kuku-- I mean, the Lair Servant here-- is definitely... a strategy. Shame you missed out on the key- and double-shame you missed out on the thermos. That's a key item. To me. In my heart."
JAGUAR MAN gave an exaggerated sigh as she tossed over a bottle. The bottle itself was made of a dark, cloudy glass that rendered the pulque inside barely visible, the alcohol giving off a pungent, strong scent even with the top firmly closed. It was intoxicating in the most intense fashion. Even RIDER, despite the stronger immunities to things like alcohol, had to firmly hold the bottle away from him.
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Item, 'tezcatl_pulque' added to your inventory.
JAGUAR MAN nodded with a serious expression.
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"And now, you're ready. This was a short dungeon, frankly. There's just a few more things to handle, but you're basically at the end. It would have wound up a bit longer if you took the waterside path."
With that, she turned and began to head deeper into the brush, and RIDER found himself following on instinct. It seemed to be one of the better options, as the Enemy Programs didn't even dare to draw close to JAGUAR MAN. Perhaps she had a lot more authority in this war than her demeanor would imply, as she reached a break in the forest.
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"The first Trigger Key, 'Alpha', is guarded at the top of this temple."
She said, pointing towards the peak of the stone temple. It was grand, serving as a massive landmark parting the dense jungle brush.
"Frankly, for one of the first Servants to wander into a Lair, this was a fair one to pick. Calling it 'easy' wouldn't be right, but she's definitely more straightforward. After all, the Lair Servant here is nice, but still powerful, and as a Divine Spirit, even the big bosses set programming can't fully overwrite her nature. Meaning that depending on how you play things, you might not have to fight her at all! Though if you do, you'll have to be at your absolute best. After all, your Servant is good-aligned, right?"
JAGUAR MAN chuckled to herself, before walking back into the dense brush.
"Don't be a stranger! Thanks for shopping with me!"
She said, with a flippant wave of her hand.
Leaving RIDER, the temple, and the Lair Servant.
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At the top of the temple stood a figure. Statuesque and proud, dignified and regal, staring down the long tower steps with an intense gleam in her eyes.
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Like the banging of a gavel, she slammed her weapon against the ground. One could feel the very earth itself shaking and shifting with the might of the weapon, only a mere taste of the power that the Lair Servant held.
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A beast stomped out from the forest, jaws wide and dripping with saliva, scales glinting underneath the sun that seemed to burn down with twice as much heat, now that they had escaped the heavy jungle brush and the seaside air.
RIDER smiled, drawing his sword.
"Kindness does not denote weakness. If this is the lord of this locale, then perhaps we should put on a good show to deem us worthy of climbing her temple?"
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The beast seemed to stalk closer up to a point, before simply snarling and laying in wait. It seemed as if they decided not to get too close, it would simply leave them be- and only attack once they made a clear approach towards the temple.
Meaning, that there was luckily ample time to consider a series of potential strategies. Both in regards to combating the beast, and the Lair Servant.
The blog is now open to 'Scenario Write-ins'! Submissions for possible actions will be taken, and up to 4 will be chosen as possible actions for the next Main Post poll! This period will last for 24 hours, starting as soon as the post goes live!
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aparticularbandit · 6 months
Matching Marks
Summary: When Jessica decides not to go to a Toon party, Roger comes up with another idea.
Rating: T. Although the fic content itself is definitely G, it refers to stuff in Jessica's past that is definitely M, but it doesn't talk about them explicitly, just references them, so it lands in T range.
There’s a difference between celebrating a holiday and being forced to celebrate it, between giving presents and joy and being given as a present and joy.  At one point in her life, Jessica Rabbit might have considered herself worthy of celebrating, of giving presents, of joy, but that moment was ripped away from her by copyright owners who had designed her with a darker intent.  Joy is a far scream from happiness, and she’s had so little of the latter that it’s impossible to speak of any experience she’s had with the former – especially any that hasn’t been tainted in one form or another.  If it is hard for her to conceive of future happiness, then how could she possibly think of future joy?
In the past nearly half year, however, Jessica’s world has been upended.  A new copyright owner, Eleanor Weiss, purchased her from the pair who previously owned her, when she’d thought she would literally die before ever being sold.  This, of course, nearly happened, given that her previous owners also would much rather have preferred her dead than sold, as long as they could still gain the money from her sale.  It was only prevented by people who found out, who came to save her, to….
It doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t matter.
After her near death at the hands of her previous owners, and after the resketching, reinking, and repainting needed due to the Dip destruction of parts of her form, Eleanor did something previously unimaginable: she gave Jessica a choice on her next job.  This on top of not forcing her to return to her previous type of jobs, on top of allowing her a normal existence like….
Well, not like any other Toon.  There are still hundreds of Toons just like her doing jobs just like she had been owned by owners just as greedy as her own had been (perhaps not that greedy, given that hers allowed the Dipping of their Toons for others’ enjoyment, which only led to the destruction of their merchandise and a slow, slow bankruptcy as their Toons died).  Perhaps even some of them are allowed to enjoy their job, to enjoy what they were created to do, but given the legal situation surrounding all of that, it is less likely.  As much as they might enjoy it, there will always be trauma associated with it.  That is the law; that is the requirement.
Eleanor, perhaps, would allow Jessica to return to her former manner of life, if that was what Jessica wanted.
(She hadn’t.)
So for the past several months, Jessica has been among other Toons, trying to relearn better habits, to learn new ones to override old ones, trying to fit in when she isn’t terrified of the people around her.  (It is a healthy terror built on a lack of trust.  A very healthy lack of trust given her previous job and everything that has happened to her.)  Sometimes, she does well.  Sometimes, she makes her way back to her new apartment in a slightly better part of town – not ToonTown, not yet, because she is so used to needing to be accessible by humans and because, in all honesty, so much of her life has changed over the past several months that something staying the same is…comforting.
Even if it is a new apartment.
But she is trying.  She is putting in the effort, what little she can.  And sometimes – sometimes – that plays out in her favor.
But not always.
“Jessy!  Jessy!” Roger runs up to Jessica with a crinkled up piece of paper in his hands.  The closer he gets, the more obvious it is that the paper is torn.  Dirty.  Nearly destroyed.  His blue denim overalls, already covered in so many patches they might as well be a quilt, contain numerous new holes – mostly small ones, although one has been torn through the patch that covers his knee – and a few singes here and there.  A couple of his whiskers are still smoking.
That should be laughable.  It isn’t as though a Toon can be seriously harmed by fire, not in the same way that they can by Dip, except that they can, except that if the fire gets deep enough under their skin, it can cause serious harm to the living Cel at their heart.  But no one ever thinks about that.  Most humans just consider Toons to be indestructible.  To be fair, so do most Toons.
Roger skids to a halt, arms wheeling in midair, and nearly runs directly into Jessica.  But he careens to a halt just short of her, his head nearly—
It wouldn’t be funny for Roger to run into Jessica.  It would be funny, perhaps, if there were viewers paying attention to everything, but there aren’t, and Jessica doesn’t particularly like being run into.  She likes it even less when it means that his eyes would land directly in her breasts.  Or perhaps he likes it less; Roger is always so careful and conscientious of her potential boundaries, even though Jessica was raised not to have them.
As it is, Roger stops just in time.  He lets out a soft chuckle, rubs his neck with one gloved hand, and looks up with huge blue eyes.  There’s an awkwardness to him.  A vulnerability.
It’s cute.
Jessica’s brows raise.  “Is something wrong?”  She crosses her arms, rubbing her fingers along the scars her previous job left behind.
“No!” Roger responds immediately, and the answer seems to shock him out of whatever he was feeling before.  He grins up at her, one ear hanging lopsidedly to the side.  “Betty’s throwing a party!  See!”  He holds the paper up as high as he can, waving it in front of her face.
Jessica reads a few of the lines here and there as the paper shakes in front of her.  Bits and pieces.  A date.  A time.  Something about gifts.  “I’m not sure Betty would like someone she didn’t give an invitation to—”
“I can bring someone with me!” Roger interrupts.  “And she told me to give you this!”  He offers a look of chagrin, furry white cheeks turning a bright red with embarrassment.  “I ran through some sets.  Wait.”  He whirls around, ears flopping as he does.  “Where’d the ribbon go?”
“Don’t worry about it.”  Jessica kneels down until she’s on eye level with Roger.  “Will you tell her I’m not going?”
Roger’s head whirls back around, and his already wide eyes have grown wider, like plates.  No, exactly like plates; if Jessica pays close enough attention, she can see the intricate white designs in floral along the rims of his irises.  “Not going!” he exclaims.  “Why?”
Jessica runs her tongue along her teeth.  She hesitates before swallowing – takes a bottle of water she keeps on hand for just this reason and takes a swig out of it first, overcoming the bitter of her Dip scars with something calmer, cooler, smoother.  She can’t take a sip every time she needs to swallow, but it helps when the acrid taste feels too overwhelming.  “I’m not much for parties.”
There’s a world of weight in those words, and Roger catches it – some of it, perhaps even all of it, if he lets his mind darken that far.  His ears droop, and his eyes take in the small white scars crisscrossing up Jessica’s arms.  “B-b-but – it’s a Toon party!  No humans!  And I wouldn’t let anything happen to you!”
“No, Roger.”  Jessica hesitates again and chooses not to run a hand along his long ears or ruffle his bright hair.  She doesn’t say more, doesn’t say what she’s thinking – that most Toons don’t make enough money for presents, that she doesn’t have enough experience with Toon materials to know how to craft them herself, to modify them for other Toons’ use.  For all that she might be a Toon, Jessica has primarily lived among humans, spent herself on humans, acted…human.  She doesn’t even know what another Toon would want.  “Have fun without me.”
Roger’s brows furrow.  He wants to argue, that much is clear, but he respects her.  He doesn’t.  Instead, his eyes light up.  Literal Christmas lights, dangling in the back of his pupils, swinging back and forth.
“Do not bring the party to me, Roger.”
The light in Roger’s eyes doesn’t vanish.  “I won’t!”  He grins.  “Gotta go.  Bye!”  He races off, Betty’s invitation flying in the air behind him, fire sprouting from his heels and leaving lines behind him.
Jessica stares after him, uncertain and a little bit queasy.  Whatever he’s thinking, she’ll have to be prepared.  For anything.  (Not really anything – Roger wouldn’t hurt her.  Or put her at risk.  But still.  Anything.)
Now, Jessica has a bit more money than she’s had in her entire life.  Her previous owners made sure she had a place to stay, but they paid for that themselves, and they allowed her to buy her own clothes, but they gave her pence to do that with.  She very rarely if ever had anything left over to purchase anything, and honestly – if they could have gotten away with it, they wouldn’t have paid her anything at all.  The clothes and apartment were more for customer satisfaction than they were for Jessica herself; they certainly didn’t give her enough for food or water.  Toons don’t need to eat, after all.  Customers who wanted food for their own purposes were required to bring that themselves.  But Eleanor actually pays Jessica as much of a living wage as she can, compensating her the same way that, perhaps, humans might be compensated, which means she has something.
Now, for the most part, Jessica doesn’t feel comfortable buying Toon products.  She still doesn’t understand the logistics of them – there’s no point in trying to understand the logic of them because most Toons don’t run on logic, which is the main appeal.  (Which is also why she can’t guess at what Roger is doing; she might try to think things through logically, but Roger doesn’t run on that at all.  Whatever she guesses, she’ll be wrong.  Probably.  Probably.  The closest she can think would be something to do with a present – but that’s too straightforward for the Roger she knows.)
But she does understand sewing techniques.  Her previous owners would rather her sew her clothes back together than pay for more when a customer ripped them apart.  Point of fact,
And while she doesn’t quite understand the world that should have been hers, she understands the one she’s been given.
Jessica buys Painted thread and cloth, and she learns as she goes.
Painted cloth does not lay straight.  Or flat.  Or well.
It is nothing like normal cloth.
But it reacts like normal cloth with Painted thread.
This makes no sense.
But it does what Jessica needs, so the sense – or lack thereof – doesn’t matter.
Roger shows up at Jessica’s apartment, unprompted, roughly a week later, shortly before Betty’s party is meant to start.  For all that Jessica never planned on going and still does not want to go, she kept track of the date and time, just in case Roger decided to try something then.  Which, of course, he seems to have done.
Maybe Jessica is getting a handle on Toon logic.  Or maybe, by spending time with her, Roger is starting to think like her, too.
“I-I-I don’t mean to b-b-bother you,” Roger says as soon as she opens the door, “b-b-but I thought.”  He drops off all at once, not a trailing anything, not a cut off, just a stopped sentence as though that is all the sentence is supposed to be, and maybe it is.  His human denim overalls barely have any denim remaining in them, but he’s found a way to accent that with a denim blue bowtie dangling loose about his neck, less like a tie and more like a necklace with a large bow stuck in the center of it.  He blushes a bright red that curls through his ears, and then he holds out a package.  “For you.”
The package itself is beat up and torn in a couple of places, but a bright red ribbon, unharmed by anything at all and not even smoldering on the edges, ties the whole thing together.  Weirder still, the ribbon and the cardboard package are both of human make, not anything Toon-related in the slightest.  Jessica takes it in one hand – it isn’t heavy; in fact, it’s lighter than paper, which is lighter than cardboard to begin with, so maybe there is something Toon-based within.
“Oh!” Jessica exclaims, handing the package back.
“You don’t like it?”  Roger’s ears droop again, and he pulls on one of them with his free hand.
“I have something for you, too!”
“Just one moment.”
It isn’t until Jessica returns with her own carefully wrapped present that she realizes she’d slammed the door in Roger’s face.  Her cheeks warm with embarrassment when she opens the door and finds him still standing there, shifting back and forth from one foot to the other.  She holds him his present out without looking at it.  “Here.  For you.”
Then, when Roger trades his package for hers, Jessica steps back inside.  “Um.  Thank you.”  She shuts the door again just as Roger is trying to say something, but she leaves it shut anyway.  It isn’t as though she’s never gotten a present before – or something that’s meant to look like a present but isn’t – but she doesn’t feel comfortable opening it in front of anyone.
In front of him.
Even more, Jessica doesn’t want to see Roger open her present to him, doesn’t want to see the possible confusion or disappointment in his face if he doesn’t like what she made – and she’s pretty sure what she’s made for him is…not great, even on the scale of not great things.  It’s amateurish and ugly and—
There comes a rapid knocking on her door, a sort of rhythm and beat, and without a second thought, Jessica completes the pattern before opening the door again.
“Can I use your bathroom?”
Roger holds his present tight against his chest.  His gaze sweeps across the still unopened package in Jessica’s hands, but he doesn’t say anything about it at all.  Then his eyes return to hers, and a bright grin lights up his face.
Jessica opens the door wide and gestures with one hand.  “Sure.”
It’s while he’s gone that she finally opens her own package, finding sparkling lavender gloves within.  Tooncraft, something far better than anything she could conjure up.  She puts one of them on and finds that when she pulls on the edge, the glove lengthens and stays wheresoever she leaves it.  So she pulls it up nearly as high as she can, covering every scar the Dip left behind.  When she hears the toilet flush and the door open, she turns with a warm, “Thank you,” only to stop halfway through.  Her lips press together.  “I…I  hadn’t expected them to actually fit,” she whispers.
She also hadn’t expected them to look good.
Roger’s exchanged his patchwork human denim overalls for the bright red Toon overalls Jessica has made for him.  He grins awkwardly and then runs to her.  “You put on the gloves!”
“One of them,” Jessica says, averting her gaze.  She holds up her other, bare hand, which holds prick marks from all the trouble she’d gotten from the overalls.  Noticing those, she quickly lowers them.  “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
But Roger pulls off one of his own bright yellow gloves.  “Look!” he says.  “We match!”  He holds up his own furry hand, covered with similar prick marks, and beams up at her.
Jessica’s brow furrows.  “Roger, if you can sew, why did you ask me to add all of those patches?”
“Because I like yours b-b-better!”  Roger pulls the patchwork overalls out from one of his new pockets.  He points to two of the patches.  “They say you care.”
Jessica looks at the patches, looks at the glove that she’s wearing, and then looks at the matching prick marks on their hands.  She smiles.  “I suppose they do.”
She doesn’t kiss him yet – doesn’t kiss him now – and might not for a long time yet, but she does reach out and ruffle his carrot-colored fluff of hair before sending him on his way.
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katblu42 · 11 months
Days 6 and 7
Okay, so for those of you following along at home, I'm sorry to say that I have fallen behind in my adventure updates!
Day 6 was a fairly quiet one - last day of the Comic Con, and my fandom friends mostly had tickets for today (but no spare), so I had a quiet morning before meeting up with one of said friends when she was done re-visiting the dealers she wanted to return to.
We walked along the foreshore, had a lazy lunch watching the ducks and went back to the houseboat to wait for the others to return.
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She forced me (not really - she asked me) to show her some TAG episodes. She was extremely impressed, particularly with the detail of the sets, but also with the show as a whole.
The day ended with a final Con night dinner for the whole fandom gang out in La Mesa (where our organiser lives). Then it was time to say goodbyes as members of the group would be flying out to their home towns across the US the following day.
Day 7 was a road trip to LA!
This was another surprise sprung on me last minute by the fandom friends. Four of us took the 2 hour trip up the freeway to Los Angeles.
First stop was a surprise for one of our party who is a big fan of the show Emergency.
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A lot of the location shots for the show, including every time the vehicles left the station, were filmed here.
We were all content to just take a few pictures of the outside, but one of the firefighters who works here heard/saw us and invited us in for a tour! (This seems to happen a lot! And the station is not busy as a general rule.)
The place has barely changed since the '70's when the show was being filmed, so it was actually very cool to wander through and see things I recognised from watching the show as a kid. We even signed the visitors book.
Next stop was the California Science Center in Exhibition Park so one of our party could see the space shuttle Endeavor.
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It was very cool to see it up close! And there were capsules from the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions on display (amongst many other interesting things!) too.
Our next stop was Little Tokyo for our remaining 2 road trippers to explore the stores there looking for anime related merch, memorabilia, soundtracks and treasures. There were a few interesting finds made but not much deemed worthy of purchase.
I did spy a Voltron figure - one with the 5 lions that join together - which I've wanted to get hold of for ages. But at US$699 I decided it was going to stay up on that high shelf!
Little Tokyo also hosts the memorial to Colonel Ellison Onizuka.
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Next stop, lunch! The others decided I needed to try an In-N-Out burger. Not bad. Definitely on the high end of the quality scale for cheap and cheerful!
We drove through Griffith Park, and down palm tree lined streets in Beverly Hills before a stop around dusk to check out the neon lights in Little China. Dinner was fish tacos at Rubios, then began the long drive back to San Diego.
Made it back to my hotel before midnight, but not by much!
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evansbby · 19 days
So is no one going to mention that Steve punched Ari's shoulder?! Is Ari's future in basketball over before it began?
Your writing is excellent! You put Edgar Allen Poe to shame with the foreboding windstorm. I feel the reader was never going to tell Sharon the truth or else she would have already. Steve is just a tragic character. Ari. sigh. I hope that night was a wake up call for him. All his past misdeeds finally combust. So much turmoil and hurt emotions cause by one person- Ari. Ari and the reader never stood a chance. I want the reader to be free. She has grown so much. I love that she is expressing her anger and setting boundaries. She just needs to stick to them (i.e Kissing Steve) . But she young, messy, and human. That 's what I love about your writing. The characters are well rounded, complex human beings. They can feel a contradictory of emotions at the same time. I realize that no one is the hero here. Everyone (with the exception of Sharon and Kira) have had their hands dirty. Waiting for your stories to debut remind me of the good ol' days when folks would line up at the bookstore at midnight to purchase the new Harry Potter book. The anticipating excitement and community coming together in celebration of writer's fantastic work. Thank you for sharing your talent!
ARI’S SHOULDERRRR 😱😱😱 (although idk how much damage Steve’s drunken punch would realistically do lmfaoo)
Not you @ ing Edgar Allan Poe!!!! Bestie i am not worthy of that type of praise 😭😭 thank you sm for noticing about the windstorm hehe i really enjoyed writing that!
And yep. Steve is a classic tragic character. And Ari’s lying and bad deeds have finally caught up with him…
AND YES. Exactly! I have purposely written almost all the characters to be flawed, messy, human! Including reader! I don’t love it when the reader is someone who could do no wrong. Y/N has definitely done a lot wrong but that’s what makes it an interesting story! Also yeah she deffo should’ve told Sharon way before the gala… atp you may be right… was reader EVER gonna tell Sharon had she not gotten exposed???
Anyways, tysm for the review ily ily ily 🥹🥺🩷
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poppy-in-the-woods · 1 month
lol that review of the toys is seriously tempting me to look for them online. Gonna need more reviews from you because I need to do a shop and have no idea what to get?? 💔
If you have a vagina¹, I highly recommend a G-spot vibrator, especially one that has an app to control it, because having an orgasm to your favorite songs feels amazing (if you need recommendations for music, choose songs with guitars), and it also lets you play solo or with a partner in so many different ways.
This is the one I have, which is the Lush 1, but I think they're already on model 3. Still works as fine:
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If you don't like internal toys, the Satisfyer² is for you. Mine is a travel model and doesn't have that many functionalities, but I think is still a worthy purchase. This is what it looks like, which makes it very discreet when not in use:
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A warning, though: it says it's waterproof, but the first time I got a faulty model that got some water inside while I was cleaning it and broke, but they were nice enough to send me a new one after I send them proof that it was malfunctioning, as the warranty was still in effect. The new one has not broken so far, but I am very careful every time I clean it, so have that in mind when choosing a model.
If you don't mind internal toys, and you also want to keep your pelvic floor healthy and toned, you can get some Ben Wa balls. There are some that are app controlled, but the "analogical" ones are cheaper and work just as well.
Next one I want to try is this one:
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Which is an oral sex simulator, but it's pretty expensive, so it might be quite some time before I can save enough to get it. If I do, I will definitely post a review.
And I hope I have helped you, anon.
¹ And you don't have vaginismus.
² Doesn't have to be that brand, there are a lot of brands that make that kind of toys that stimulate the clit through making the air vibrate. Choose the one that fits your
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lifeofjas · 2 months
a little bit sick today so only went out for a little bit! went thrifting at a different thrift and got two STUNNING PIECES but don’t have ANY PHOTOS because they are being washed and I value taking them home clean more than nice photos :(
I got a tigerlily (it’s a brand, don’t know much about it but I believe they are known for bohemian clothing? unsure of their ethics) black bell sleeve wrap shirt in my size! Everything I’ve dreamed of and absolutely perfect for my styles (contextually I love to mix things up a lot in terms of how I dress so my wardrobe is absolutely not a capsule wardrobe, this is not an aesthetic blog), it was $25?!?! which seems a bit overpriced but it’s a perfect piece and fills a gap I’ve been trying to fill for a while. I’m glad I waited to buy a shirt like that because I’ve seen other ones for cheaper and wanted to buy but I knew something about all of them was slightly off putting (texture, colour, size) so finding the right one felt very rewarding! I tried on lots of other stuff and found quite a few cool things but nothing else fit except for:
A slightly too big vintage purple velvet midi skirt with a mesh frill and beadwork! it has now been altered so it’s not looking quite so nice unfortunately :( me and grandma fucked up but it now fits better and is very much still wearable and no one would really notice except me I hope! very Pinterest worthy and I’ve been wanting more pieces like that for a while but I’ve never found any in my size! some depop girl would probably resell it at like $50 as a whimsigoth 90s moment so I’m glad I found mine at $15 even if it is slightly damaged now…..
honourable mention to the BNWT eyelet belt pleated skirt I found which was way too big for me?!?! How cool for whoever takes that one home! and these two gems! such cute pieces but I am not a Sanrio ballet flats type of girl nor am I fully aware of who Oliver tree is (I was slightly too young during the hype). also found numerous other tigerlily pieces but they were bohemian in a I go to coachella and hate on stuff way? they weren’t the moment but there was also a tree of life beaded frill maxi skirt I may try go back for tomorrow, because I lowkey regret not buying it. mindful consumption and all but I bought a white one which is now too big for $150 from the brand a year or two ago and I doubt I’ll ever see another skirt like that so hopefully it’s still there!
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no pics cause I’m lazy but we also got a blur cd and the cure?!?! and found deadstock men’s boxers from my parents business before they #broke up and it closed down and died and that filled my Pinterest girl dream of men’s boxers! weirdly lucky!
bonus mention to a depop buy of a navy cable knit v neck brandy jumper for $25. I understand I have overconsumed a little too much in the last few weeks but I also am moving schools to my old high school which has navy jumpers as part of their uniform. while this isn’t necessarily their branded uniform believe me when I say they will not care what brand jumper I wear or if it has a logo as long as it fits the school colours! I also don’t have much of my old uniform from the first time I went there despite the fact I only left for 2 months of the school year! I changed sizes and also donated a lot of my old uniform to my younger sibling who needed it. that purchase feels rationalised to me but definitely no need to go shopping again anytime soon, my wardrobe feels super complete with these purchases :) thank you for making it this far because frankly I would’ve scrolled by now <3
here’s a photo of my lunch
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chicken and beef halal snack pack with cheese :) it was actually a huge mental challenge to think about eating this and I deliberated for months but I did it and didn’t even really think about it in the moment! a huge win and another step into normalcy.
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