lanaxoxoxoxoxox · 1 year
Request for you to write that picnic thing from our dms
AHAHAHAHAH i've been waiting for this moment *cracks knuckles*
strawberry kisses
warnings: adorable fluff, reader called "woman",
musician!bur x fem!reader
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Yes, I was indeed in love with William Gold. I mean, what can I say. He's kind, incredibly funny and talented, and very pretty. His brown, fluffy hair basically shines in the stage lights, and don't even get me started on his mesmerizing eyes. I don't think it's possible for anyone to hate him. Even the first second I met him on stream, I knew in a matter of seconds we would be strong friends. Soulmates, you could say.
It was about 4 pm, and Lovejoy had just finished a late afternoon show in Brighton. They absolutely killed the performance, and the audience adored them. Wilbur, the rest of Lovejoy, the other Sorry boys and I decided to go to a relaxing strawberry field to wind down a bit. The sweet aroma of strawberries and fresh cut grass overwhelmed me. Wilbur, Ranboo and Tommy walked next to me.
"I haven't been to a strawberry field since I was a kid. Really brings back memories." Ranboo sighed, looking around at his surrondings.
I smiled in response. "I bet the strawberries back near your childhood home are much better than the strawberries here. English strawberries are usually pretty shit."
The boys laughed at my comment. Tommy punched my shoulder. "Y/n! Stop being a mean woman and calling out your homelands! Long live England!" Tommy exaggerated. We laughed even harder and kept walking across the wet soil beneath us.
I looked over at the quiet Wilbur, as he dazed off looking in the distance. I bit my lip, and I playfully hit him in the arm. "Will, what's going on with you? You're awfully quiet." Tommy nodded at my statement.
It looked as if Wilbur was knocked back to his reality and senses. "U-uh yeah, I'm just thinking. About something." he winced.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Alright..."
Ranboo and Tommy quickly changed the subject, talking about recent games they've enjoyed playing on stream. I still couldn't get a grasp on why Wilbur was acting so weird, but I kept it to myself. I probably was just overreacting!
We walked for a bit more, talking about random things, when suddenly Phil called Ranboo and Tommy over to come check something out with Charlie about 6 fields over. They both ran over, jumping over strawberry plants as Wilbur and I laugh at them trying not to step on any growing strawberry flowers.
Will and I continued to walk more, when Will suddenly stopped in his tracks and exhaled deeply. I looked back at him. "Will, is everything alright-"
I was interrupted by Will speaking up softly. "Y/n, love, can we stop for a moment? I need to tell you something."
I blushed and felt butterflies in my stomach at the nickname. "U-uh yeah, of course! What's up?" I said, coming closer to him.
"I think I'm in fucking love with you, y/n. I can't help but admire you. I love everything about you. Your face, your lips, your smile, your hands, fucking. everything. You're perfect to me, and I've wanted to say this to you for a while. If you don't like me back, that's okay, but I needed for you to know." Wilbur rushed out his words, but every single thing he said felt like heaven to my ears. I've been waiting for those words for who knows how long.
"Kiss me." I stated.
Will's eyes widened in surprise at my words. "W-what?"
"Kiss me." I repeated.
Will's pretty lips slightly parted, and his face leaned a bit closer to mine, leaving hardly an inch for me to change my mind. "Are you sure about this?" Wilbur whispered.
I closed the gap between us in response, pressing my lips against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt Will smile into the kiss and then pull away, catching our breaths.
"I've never felt like such a teenager." I said, Will laughing in response.
Suddenly, we heard whispering from the field next to us, and saw Tommy staring at us in disgust. My eyes widened, knowing what was going to happen next was going to be certainly interesting.
"PHIL! Y/N AND WILL FUCKING KISSED!" Tommy yelled back to Phil and the rest of the group.
"Cool, I guess- WAIT, WHAT?" Ran yelled back.
Uh oh.
tee hee this is so cute omg
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lusi-raul · 1 year
The missed opportunity yesterday to have the two sets of twins together didn’t happen today 🙁. Dapper was with Baghera and Pomme. Ramon was not awake and Lulah/Chayanne was with Cellbit and Richas.
I just want to see the Damon twins wreaking havoc and driving their babysitter insane because they also have other eggs aside from the Damon twins to care for ahahahahah. I want Forever’s dream to be Mr. Catra to come true. Imagine the chaos and insanity that will ensue. Pls oh please! Leave all the eggs to forever just for one day lol. Even Pomme, Richas, Leo and Ramon. Just let their parents watch from the sidelines as Forever immediately regret his decision, slowly spiraling into insanity mostly due to the Damon twins, seeking for help from other parents but they just don’t and enjoy their childless day while entertaining themselves by watching Forever suffer 😂
Imagine as a joke held by the entire server, they leave all the eggs to Foolish too. Loooool that’ll be hilarious but I’d trust Forever more to care for all the eggs at once. With Foolish, he could “whoopsie” one into death especially the Damon twins who will 100% put him in a never ending loop of death so maybe no Mr Foolish Catra lol.
Also a day of Jaiden and Baghera caring for all or most of the eggs and the kids are surprisingly all well behaved and the Damon twins are nothing but absolute angels the entire time while sneaking out to torment Foolish and the Brazilians.
It’s so rare to see a lot of eggs together outside of events so I’d love to see a day where all eggs are present at once just to hang out and chill and occasionally cause mayhem and chaos as kids normally do.
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jungkookslipring · 1 year
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Giggles for Lixie pt 2.
So I made a pt 2 lmao🤣 Lee!Felix is my favorite okay???😀 anyways hope you enjoy!! Check out pt 1 if you haven’t!! : https://www.tumblr.com/jungkookslipring/714437363474022400/giggles-for-lixie
Lee! Felix 🐥
Ler! Chan 🐺
It was a fairly quiet day in the dorms. The Aussie brothers had nothing to do that day so they decided it would be fun to spend the whole day together. They live in seperate dorms now so it’s harder to find quality time nowadays.
Currently, the two were watching Deadpool all cuddled up on Chan’s bed. Chan had Felix sitting in his lap with his back against his chest. The youngest Aussie has his head tucked under his oldest brother's chin while Chan wrapped his arms around the younger’s stomach. Felix was completely relaxed in Chan’s arms until Chan started rubbing his stomach. Felix bit his lip trying to suppress a giggle. He was the biggest lee in their group, and was a victim at least 3 times a week.
Of course, Chan noticed immediately.
“You good Lix?” He asked, biting back a smile. Felix tried to play it cool, not letting his Hyung catch him red handed. Chan shrugged and continued his movements, pretending like he doesn’t know his actions are torturing his Aussie brother. He switched from rubbing his stomach to lightly scratching it. Felix jumped at that and covered his mouth. There was a particularly funny scene playing, and Chan took that opportunity to take it to the next level.
“Isn’t this scene so funny?” He laughed as he pressed his fingers a little deeper into Felix’s tummy. Lix let out a giggle trying to cover up the fact his giggles were from Chan and not Ryan Renolds. This continued on for a while until Chan decided to go in for the kill and squeeze Felix’s tummy rapidly when another funny scene popped up. Chan laughed the second Felix did, making himself seem innocent while he was squeezing the heck out of the younger.
“CHANNIE HYUHUHUHUNG IHIHIHIHT TIHIHIHICKLES” Felix managed to squeak out as he shook his head laughing. Channie giggled as he started scribbling at Felix’s abs. Felix threw his head back onto Chan’s shoulder and just let it happen. He had no fighting chance against Chan as he was too skilled, not that Felix minded. He stopped fighting with his body and just went limp in Chan’s hold, laughing to his heart's content. Chan cooed as his hand slithered into one of Lix’s armpits. Felix squeaked and fell into full on laughter as his ears turned red. Chan let go of Felix’s arms and swiftly stuck his hand into his other armpit while keeping a tight grip on Lix’s waist with his legs. Felix crossed his arms over his chest and tried to curl up on himself as much as possible, when in reality the only thing he could move was his head as he hid his face in Chan’s neck laughing his ass off. Chan was so whipped for this kid.
“Awww cuuuuuuute” he giggled as he continued to tickle the poor Aussie’s armpits.
This went on for a while until Chan felt tears on his neck. He slowly stopped his actions and pulled away to look at his Aussie. Lix had tears from all the laughing and had a big ol smile on his face. Chan knew he was fine but still wanted to check in.
“Are you okay Lix?” He asked rubbing his shoulders. Felix giggled as he wiped his eyes.
“Yeah…thank you Channie Hyung,” he answered shyly. Chan smiled and hugged his baby.
“Anytime bug,” he said as Lix situated himself back into their first position to finish off the movie.
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regularme12 · 17 days
Mayhaps lee!David where a bunch of campers gang up on him? :3
Lee! David?!
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Stopppp I love this so much!!! This is so out of character😭
Niki, Neil, and Max was in the back of the mess hall chatting and talking about pointless stuff. "God! When js he ever gonna stop yapping his jaws?" Max asked.
"I don't know, but it's pointless. I wanna go look at cool bugs outside!!"
"Well, I wanna go finish my chemicals. Something useful."
"Omg, Neil. You sound just like David." Max.
"And that campers-" David was cut off by Max talking. The kid was pretty quiet, but his voice carries theough the whole room. So if he's trying to whisper, he's really not. "Um, Max? Do you mind letting me finish on what I'm gonna say? Pretty please?"
"No. David. What you have to say is ridiculous and utterly pointless." Max started to get up walking over to the counselor.
"Ugh, here he goes again." Neil brought his elbow placing it on his knee, tilting his head to rest on his hand.
Max faced the audience. "I say we ruin this joint, and take matter into our own hands. Muahhahaah. Who's with me?!" He brought both of his arms above his head like a chant, laughing mischeviously. Only for them to come crashing down with a yelp because he felt an oddly familair lil tickle at his armpits. "FUHUCK!! DAVID!! DON'T FUCKING TICKLE ME!!"
"Whyhy? That's how I make u listen."
"NO IT'S NOT!! You always end up tickling me, and I'll still act up!! THERE'S NO POINT ANYMORE!! SO FUCKING STOP!!" Max kicked his shin.
"Ow... Max... That's no way to treat your elders."
"You know, Max." Gwen came out of her hiding spot. "David's really ticklish himself. I always love putting a stop to him by doing it."
"Now, Gwen. Let's not get too hasty here... haha." David felt exhilerated, more like excitement rushing over him. He lovesss getting tickled, and only Gwen knows about it. She swore to secrecy to never tell another soul. David looked back to all of the campers, their faces had these huge grin on them, Max's was the biggest of them all. "Uh, Max? You ok there buddy? How about we all just- AH" David screamed when Max yelled, "GET HIM!" And all the campers rushed over and tackled him to the ground, they each help a body part and started rapidly tickling.
"This is what you fucking get David! For always tickling the shit out of us!!!" Max exclamied, squeezing his ribcage. Niki had his feet, Neil had his knees, Preston had his neck, Ered had his armpits, Nerris had his sides, Harrison had his hips, Dolph had his thighs, Spacekid had his navel, and Nerf had his stomach. They were all squeezing, kneading, and scritching his limbs. He had no where to go, but then again, does he really want to?
"MUAHAHAHAH! MUAHAHAHAH!!" Max seemed to be the one enjoying it the most. I mean, of course he would, David tickled him the most out of all the other campers. This was HIS time to shine. "How you like that, Da-vid?! You don't like it when we tickle you till you past out, huh?!"
"Wow, Max had some built up anger." Neil looked at him, then looked at Niki to see if she agreed, but she was too focused to even realize.
"GaHAHAHAHahahahaAHHAHAHAH!!" David couldn't really move around that much since he had alll of the campers on him. But he was kinda enjoying it. Max smiling for the first time in a while, well it's not a genuine smile, but it was still plastered on his face. The older counsler enjoyed this, not just because he was getting tickled, but becuase of the fact that all the campers were having fun. Yh, maybe he was about to die, but it was still entertaining to watch.
Max questioned aloud, "Hey! Why aren't you begging us to stop?! Why arn't you pleading and crying for us to show you fucking mercy?!"
"MAJAHAHAHX, LANAGAGAGHUAGE!!" Even after all he's been going through, he still has the time to lecture a certain camper about his foul tone.
"Well, Max. David really loves getting tickled." David looked at her like he saw a ghost. How could she out him like that?! But David, You aren't really hiding it very well.
"What...? YOU LIKE THIS?! THAT IS IT! DAVID I HATE YOU!! NOW IT'S NOT FUN ANYMORE!!" Max got up from his spot, and went to the other side of the room to pout "It's just not fucking fair!"
But all of the campers didn't stop, because they could care less if he hated it or not, his laugh was really contagous. It sounds like a heyna and a little girl. Hgh pitched, squeaking, and a few snorts here or there if u get him really good.
This went on for a long time, till they got bored and let him up. David was breathless and panting, "God... you... guys got me... good."
Max was still upste, and the other campers got their fair share of torment on their counselor.
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 4 months
💛💚💙💜 for the unpopular opinions ask game
ahh thank you!!
yellow heart - popular ship you cant get behind?
not a massive fan of tenrose tbh. like i Know they had Something going on and were definitely flirting in fear her at least but. i just dont see them working as a Normal Couple. they are qpr besties they are deeply connected in ways they cant put into words, rose isnt sure if she loves him like her best friends or like a crush ten is aroace but doesnt know if he's actually attracted to rose or not they had a passionate midnight makeout session Once and then never mentioned it but you bet they thought about it every day. but they are NOTTTTTTTT normal dating. like super hot take moment i think but i kind of didnt like rose and tentoo as an ending one b/c it strips rose of so much choice and two its feels like a weird sort of ohhh yeahh no they get married now or something its okay <3. idk. like i really really like them together just not in the same way a lot of people seem to be shipping it
green heart - what does everyone get wrong about your favourite character?
A Lot of people seem to characterize Missy as like.... secretly nice all along?? like Yes she does have a lot of softer moments compared to. say. saxon master. but there are a couple of audios even where she's like nice to kids but pretending not to actually like them? and idk it just sits weird with me. like this is THE MASTER we're talking about. she canonically 'set an entire planet on fire to get enough light to put her eyeshadow on' but she ALSOOOO!!!!! had enough emotional intelligence to just. be decent to people she likes. idk. there is certainly an element of tragedy in her character in that she feels she doesnt know how to be good after so long spent being truly awful, that is the main point of her s10 arc, but that seems to have been misconstrued as 'she was secretly nice all along' which just. isnt true. s8 she literally turns of all earths dead people in cybermen and enjoyed it. it also does have vibes of it being a gender thing like 'oh now shes a women shes so much more caring' thats not really it!!!!!!!
blue heart - character whos not as hot as people seem to think?
purple heart - character who is hotter than people think?
i would be lying if i didnt have a few 'oh god i'm a lesbian' moments watching thirteens seasons. ahahahahah shes just sooooooooo like most of the time its like yeah okay. woman doctor okay cool. but tHEN also thirteen's in twelves's clothes.................................. and when she gets mad.................................................................. like i do not usually get at all actually attracted to fictional characters or actors but. thirteen.
also missy i think everyone does think she's hot but she is actually the best ever sooooo hehe
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wyyrmwood · 6 months
Settle down for a green text formatted tale my friends, I have a taste of a new classic fantasy book I think you all may enjoy. Its a little long, so I added a show more break for convenience.
I present to you the plot of The Troll's Grindstone. Cannot recommend it enough and there's so much good shit I left out for the sake of not just rewriting the entire book. Its got everything, cool horses, a Kronk parallel character down to the evil right hand status and everything, your dads weird friend that you have beef with, some hot lake monster girls that totally won't eat you ahahahahah come closer baby, elves getting their pompous asses WHOOPED, ghosts, and a main character who is just a guy. No inherent powers, just a decent swordsman who really really didn't want to be here but literally can't leave (because he got teleported to the elf realm)
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>You are an evil wizard night elf who wants more power
>tired of smelly light elves crashing your sick parties
>corrput a light elf prince who was well known for greed, arrogance, and kind of just being an all around d-bag
>"hey kid want some magic get in my van"
>commence world domination to get rid of the stinky day fairing elves
>cash in on the troll alliance aw yeah
>going better than expected, elf prince is such a little asshole that he fully doesn't care he's leading his race to extinction, just keeps betraying entire cities for you
>feeling pretty good, but poison him with fantasy heroin that only you can get for him anyway for good measure
>"yeah yeah ill give you coke or whatever just keep betraying your people and leading my little crusades"
>he does
>world domination complete, pretty easy just massacred some magic pussies and desecrated some sacred locations so I own the magic there and also kind of dunked on the sacred sites and magics ancient far more powerful race of magic elves too because I hate them and the light elves worship them as almost gods.
>kill elf princes little prince brother too for shits and giggles, takes his sword and uses it to curse all other swords in the realm to decay and never sharpen
>back to the stone age with you, fucking nerds
>"ok freaky little guy go away"
>kick out elf prince because ew light elf, he crawls back to his father and is banished for betraying his people, facing punishment for his crimes etc. etc. etc
>like 100 years pass life is ez elf prince is probably dead from super heroin withdrawal by now so no worries about him coming back
>he assasinated* you (you're an evil wizard, you just turn into a giant bear for a while) and also he's back
> yeah he's actually back, he looks great and also is mad asf saying he will kill you
>also hangs out with his dads useless wizard and some coked out old homeless guy
>kind of weird but you basically made this guy and know he's a bit of a coward so its no problem to just manipulate him again, bros probably also absolutely FEINDING for more heroin because fantasy heroin withdraws last forever and also kill you so there's that
>oh yeah and everyone hates his guts for destroying their civilization and holy sites
>haha loser
>prince begins on a quest to undo your destruction of the magical sacred sites and also kick dark elf ass just because
>he's kind of actually doing it
>"ok what the fuck guy if I give you heroin will you stop look here's some heroin"
>its not working he doesn't want the heroin
>proceeds to kick your ass all over the map and purify sacred sites and everyone starts loving him again
>aw hell
>keep trying to manipulate mansplain malewife him but it isn't working like it used to and also he's not dying from the death heroin but you KNOW he loved drugs so whats up with that
>also his pet wizard is kind of getting good from all this ancient site purification
>wizard kicks your ass and destroys your cool monsters
>finally get his ass and sell him as a thrall after kicking his ass for once
>"see u later smelly"
>says I'm a cunt, correct but ow
>"remember ur dead brothers wife that you are kind of into but respectfully just friends ? i have her captured and shes also a thrall now haha look"
>oh he actually got really mad about that, probably shouldn't have said anything
>guy I'm selling him to is really not into having an extremely agressive servant who would absolutely kill him so I cut his knee, bye bye leg
>holy fuck this owner guy is throwing a bitch fit about now having a lame thrall fine ill buy him back and just have him work in the mines to desecrate another sacred site
>pain in my ass but he's balls deep in a mountain that used to be a giant now mining out its heart
>what's that
>HE BLEW UP* (catastrophically flooded and collapsed) THE MOUNTAIN WITH HIS BITCH WIZARD AND OLD HOMLESS MAN?
>awwwwww hell
>find his ass outside the mountain with dying coked out old homeless man and wizard again, this is so embarrassing
>????? Wait What why is everyone laughing and not shivering their timbers
>the guy you've been fighting is just some guy that looked like the prince a bit who the actual prince abducted from his human realm and forced into pretending to be him
>you, a powerful wizard and nigh immortal elf, lost your entire kingdom, power, status, and prestige to Mr. Normal Human Man who didn't even want to kick your ass to begin with and got roped into all this magic shit because he went poking around the wrong barrow over in Human Land
>he kills you
Thank you all this has been the plot of The Trolls Grindstone.
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ALSO ALSO IM ALMOST DONE W THE LIGHTING THIEF percy’s such an asshole i love him so much i wouldve had a crush as a kid tbh
i totally did have a crush on him, it was very much a “do i wanna be him or with him” situation tbh 🤭 percy’s level of sass is truly what i aspired to have
the books are so so so close to my heart, im so glad you’re enjoying them!!!
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suhnnyskiess · 2 years
𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮! ❦
hello, @suhnnyskiess! you have received a bouquet full of gerbera daisies from your secret valentine, @sulfurcosmos!
along with your beautiful flowers, a short message has been sent to you! it reads:
"TA-DAAAAA~ hi roxie! did you expect me ahahahahah? happy valentine’s day! thank you so much for being such a supportive person and so kind and lovely. i always love talking to you and hearing your thoughts. and especially reading your super long feedback reblogs. it truly means the world to me and i am so grateful to have you in my circle 💛 thank you for being such a warm presence in my life. i hope you have a wonderful day and an even more wonderful year!"
happy valentines day, and enjoy your flowers!
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(this delivery is from @view-bouquets, a virtual flower delivery service for fans of stray kids. for prettier flowers, click on the photo!)
MY BELOVED TI ‼️‼️‼️ I had my suspicions and you were up there bc the only person who (I know) that knows so much about random facts it's you!!! And you expressed yourself so well 😭‼️‼️‼️ (and also bc you wished me a happy valentines while it was still 13th for me HAHAHA)
This is very lovely btw<3 thank you for interacting with me as well and reading my rambles 😭💗 I wish you a happy valentines too (even though it's now 15th) and a wonderful time overall, I know times been rough lately but I'm sure things will start falling down in place 💗
And thank you @view-bouquets for hosting this event!! It was nice to talk and meeting new stays<3!!!
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brokensunsets · 2 years
Alright then let's see what happens this week on keeping with the Targaryens. Episode 7
I dont know if I have ever said this but i love how the intro has the blood-flowing sound in too. its the small stuff folks
Laena :( you died too soon
yay we are going to have the same Lucas and Jace from last week. little babies
I am gonna need daemon not to act unhinged today
daemon has now lost two wives. man needs to change something up
all them dragons look really pretty also hella imitating
Rhaenyra is like get the fuck out the way i need to see my son
Laena girls and Jace being besties. i hope nothing fucks that up
Daemon and Rhaenyra speaking in English and not high valerian feels wrong
ahhh i see aemond is really got his crazy from his mother
gives less than zero shits about aemond but that was beautiful
listen as an older sibling it always always our fault. no matter if it is broken lamps or lost eyes
rhaenyra is a milf and protective as all hell
i see alicent is full crazy now
DAEMON BEING PROECtive over the boys and rhaenyra
ahahahahah fuck you alicent and crispin
if aemond even touches luke I will personally go full mental
eww more screen time for otto
I literally loved laenor and was so on his side but these last two episodes he has just let me down. well shit nevermind he is apologizing
Dear god please don't kill laenor. I was kidding Jesus christ what the fuck is happening
laenor death - no no nope no no nope absolutely the fuck not HE WAS TRYING TO BE BETTER. I know he was a bit of drunk douche but no. fuck i liked him. he was so hot and what about SEASMOKE. has someone checked on seasmoke. fuck this is shit. this show is literally making me age like the fucking characters
oh thank god they did not murder the boys or else I would have stopped watching this show
ohhh well that meltdown about laenor was not necessary. they are running away together well now I feel stupid.
Alright time to go back and enjoy daemon and rhaenyra weeding without feeling horrible
Dear god what is hell is going to happen next week? hopefully Jace and luke and laena girls are going to be okay
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minijenn · 6 years
Universe Falls Chapter 51
SURPRISE BITCHES!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH GUESS WHO WROTE AN ENTIRE ORIGINAL CHAPTER OF UNIVERSE FALLS PRETTY MUCH ENTIRELY UNDER WRAPS! YEAH THAT”S RIGHT FUCKIN ME! AND WOOO BOY IS THIS ONE A FUCKING DOOZY TOO! ARC 6 OPENS WITH ANGST AHAHAHAHAH But yeah this one is like... completely original and it kinda is mostly a bunch of character interaction, going downward from the last chapter and whatnot,, yadda yadda whatever whatever. Either way, I hope you enjoy it because its time for some BOMBSHELLS AHAHAHAH WOO BABY!
Previous: http://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/172209617169/universe-falls-chapter-50-part-2
Chapter 51: Lost and Found
A teardrop splashed onto the page, staining it as the hand writing the letter stilled. A tug of grief pulled at the writer’s heart, grief that prompted even more tears as they continued their letter.
“I should have told them.”
Their script was flowing and elegant, but their message was sad and solemn, though hard to make out through their pressing tears. Still, it was a message that needed to be relayed all the same, even if they weren’t sure their intended recipient would ever receive them.
“If I had just let them know about the danger we were facing from the beginning, then maybe none of this would have happened…”
They sighed, pausing to shake their head remorsefully. It seemed as though regrets of the past never really died, no matter how much time and healing passed.
“But I did what I had to… for them… for us…”
The very act of writing the letter itself was becoming almost too painful to bear, given the nature of it, but they had put this off long enough. If they didn’t finish this now, then chances are, they never would.
“If you were still here, then I know you’d understand…”
The letter was nearing its end now, but even so, it still felt incredibly incomplete. After all, there was so very much to say that a simple handwritten page couldn’t ever hope to contain it all.
“But you’re gone… and its all my fault… just like everything else…”
Another tear slipped down their cheek, just one more do add to the almost endless flow that had begun even before they had ever sat down to write this letter. A letter that could only ever serve as a forever insufficient, eternally empty way of reckoning with the wrongs of the past.
“And I’m so, so sorry… for everything I’ve done…”
Steven awoke with a gasp, his eyes wide as soon as they opened as his mind reeled from whatever it was he had just dreamt about. By all accounts, what he had just seen made no sense to him whatsoever, but what made even less sense was the fact that his cheeks were damp with tears. Apparently, the very same tears he seemed to have shed in his unexplainable, context-free dream.
Yet that wasn’t all. As the young Gem slowly pulled himself up out of bed and wiped his face dry, he couldn’t help but feel weighed down by a wave of immense guilt, guilt that he couldn’t really pin the source down for. After all, the only things he had fallen asleep with last night had been worry and uncertainty given everything that had happened the previous day and all that had been uncovered, but for once, he had been relatively free of any tangible guilt. So then why did he feel like he had done something so horribly, unforgivably wrong?
For a moment, Steven simply sat on the edge of his bed, trying to sort these mysterious, almost random feelings out, quite alarmed by just how heavy they seemed to be. And yet, his focus was soon diverted away from his own confusion emotions as he overheard quiet voices coming from the front porch. Steven’s brow furrowed as he recognized these voices to be those of the Gems, and given just how shaken they had all been the last time he saw them the previous night, he couldn’t help but tiptoe down from the loft and press against the wall near the door to listen to what they were saying.
“There’s no denying that he was close to Rose,” Garnet said, leaning against the railing as Pearl hung close to her, though Amethyst was oddly somewhat distanced from them. “The journals alone are proof of that.”
Steven quickly realized that the Gems had to be talking about Ford based on this mention of the journals, and even though he felt somewhat bad for eavesdropping on them, he couldn’t resist. Especially given the apparent and now forgotten camaraderie between them that the young Gem still wanted to know more about.
“W-well even if they do, that doesn’t mean we can just take everything he told us yesterday at face value,” Pearl huffed crossly. “For all we know, he could have been fabricating any given part of all that just to… to save face or something.”
“As far as I can tell, he’d have no reason to lie,” Garnet shook her head, her manner seemingly calm, though there was still some uncertainty beneath it. “And the evidence does add up: our gems on the portal, what happened in the bunker and with the Society… Everything points to the fact that there was indeed a time that we worked together with Stanford. We just don’t remember it.”
“And that’s exactly the problem!” the white Gem moaned impatiently. She paused for a moment, anxiety filling her features before she spoke up again, her voice even softer as she clasped her hands together tightly. “G-Garnet? I… I know this is ridiculous to even bring up but… what Stan said yesterday about Rose knowing something regarding our memories… you don’t think-?”
“H-hey! Ste-man!” Amethyst suddenly spoke up with a tightly forced grin upon noticing Steven standing on the other side of the screen door. The young Gem flinched, having wanted to remain discreet, but still, he emerged from the house nonetheless somewhat sheepishly as Amethyst continued greeting him. “H-how ya feeling? You somehow manage to get some shut-eye after, uh… everything that went down yesterday?”
“Y-yes,” Pearl chimed in, offering her young ward a placating smile. “We know that a lot happened yesterday, what with the agents, the portal and everything else, s-so if you feel like you need to talk through any of it, t-then we’re right here to listen.”
Steven frowned as he took in the warm, but ultimately fake smiles each of his guardians were offering, smiles that were merely serving as masks for much deeper, underlying dread and apprehension. “Uh… I think I’m ok…” Steven said evenly enough, though this wasn’t entirely the truth. For much like the Gems, he too was quite concerned by the accusation that his mother had some knowledge of what happened to their missing memories, an accusation that, by all accounts, he didn’t want to believe just as much as they didn’t. Still, he didn’t bring this up just yet, at least not so directly. “But um… i-is there anything you guys wanna talk about?”
The Gems exchanged a surprised glance at this, but even so, Amethyst played it off. “Uh… like what?”
“Like…” Steven bit his lip, unsure of where he really wanted to go. After all, there was so much to talk about in light of what happened in the past 24 hours alone that it felt like he’d never truly be able to cover it all. Still, he figured he’d start with at least one of his pressing curiosities. “Like, are you guys… mad at Mr. Ford for… well, for what happened back when Mom was still around?”
“Steven, we don’t remember what happened back then,” Pearl sighed, glancing away. “And even if we did, we’d be hard pressed to forgive Stanford based on everything he told us about that disastrous machine of his…”
“Well, to me it seems like he just made a mistake…” Steven said somewhat sympathetically. “And he made it sound like it was a mistake that he was pretty sorry about and that he did just about everything he could to try and fix.”
While Amethyst and Pearl didn’t share this sentiment, Garnet couldn’t help but smile somewhat at this as she placed a gentle hand on top of her young ward’s head. “Maybe you’re right, Steven,” she said, catching her teammates off guard somewhat. “But there’s only one way we can know for sure: we need to find our lost memories, once and for all. There can be no more putting this off. As of right now, it’s the only way we can finally learn what really happened for ourselves and why.”
“But how are we supposed to do that?” Amethyst asked hesitantly. “We still got like, no clues about what happened to them. Well, unless you wanna believe what Stan said,” the purple Gem scoffed harshly upon mentioning the conman, her ire towards him over his betrayal still quite apparently. “Which I sure as heck don’t.”
“Neither do I,” Pearl asserted firmly. “There’s no way Rose had any involvement in what happened to our memories. More likely than not, that was just another one of Stan’s countless lies and after everything we’ve seen and heard yesterday, I’d say he’s just about the least credible source of information out there!”
“Well… what about Mr. Ford?” Steven suggested thoughtfully. “I mean, he seems like he’s really smart; he did write the journals and he built that portal, so… maybe he might be able to help us figure this out.”
The Gems were hesitant about this idea, to say the least, their expressions alone conveying that none of them were really too keen on asking the author for help in this matter. Still, given the fact that they had essentially no leads, none of them could deny that the assistance of a proven genius would be rather welcome in solving this long ongoing mystery. Or at least getting somewhere closer to the truth than they had ever been before. Which was why, when Pearl and Amethyst looked to her for the final verdict on this plan, Garnet simply shrugged, showing that she was every bit as clueless as they were for a change. “It’s worth a try.”
A great deal could change over the course of 30 years; this was something that Ford was well aware of, largely since it was a matter of common logic. But what exactly had changed during his absence was what the author hadn’t been able to anticipate, and as he reacclimated himself to his native dimension, he was quick to find that some changes were much more alarming than others. For example, the discovery that he now had a great niece and nephew was fitting, welcome even given that he had never really had the chance to be much of an uncle prior to the portal incident. The revelation that Rose was no longer around and the Gems bore no recollection of him, however, was much more shocking and much more disheartening, to the point that he was still largely trying to process it all himself. But at the moment, the change that Ford found the most appalling and offending was what Stan had apparently done to his home over the past 30 years, both cosmetically and functionally.
What was once his proud and stately research base had been transformed into a tacky, homely tourist trap dubbed the “Mystery Shack”, of all things. Ford scoffed to himself as he stood outside of it, sketching the changes to its exterior out in his third journal as a form of venting his frustrations. It was bad enough that Stan had embezzled his name, but to turn his property, his home into a tawdry, fabricated sideshow for mindless vacationers to pass through and sink their money into was perhaps the most disrespectful slight his brother had made against him yet. Which was why Ford had absolutely no qualms about sending Stan the harshest glare he could muster upon noticing the conman emerge from the shack a moment later.
“Mornin’, Sixer,” Stan greeted casually enough, even though he was still aware he was essentially walking on eggshells with his brother now. Which, of course, was far from what he had wanted after finally saving him after 30 years, but even so he had no choice to accept the tense state of things between them. For now, at least. “What are you up to? Makin’ up for lost time by writing more ‘nerd notes’ in those ‘nerd books’ of yours?”
Ford’s glower deepened somewhat upon hearing this teasing, teasing that he would have laughingly accepted from Stan back when they were kids, but now only saw with contempt and bitterness. Much like how he viewed his brother in general at the moment. “Two things,” he began coldly as he shut the journal. “One: my journals are not so-called ‘nerd books’. They’re important, highly detailed chronicles of my research of Gravity Falls, and after wrongfully using their knowledge for the past 30 years now, I’d think you’d have finally come to understand that, Stanley.”
“Yeesh, I almost forgot how annoying you are when you get into one of your little ‘genius’ rants,” Stan rolled his eyes at Ford’s sour scolding. Still, the author paid his callous remark no mind as he continued.
“Two: care to explain the meaning of this?” he nodded to the Mystery Shack, his expression alone conveying that he was far from supportive of it.
“What’s there to explain?” Stan shrugged. “Like I said yesterday, I did what I had to do to keep things up and running here. It gave me a way to keep your bills paid so I could stay here and keep working on your dumb portal. When you think about it, the Mystery Shack pretty much saved both our butts, whether you wanna admit that or not.”
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I didn’t want to be saved?” Ford asked sharply. “That perhaps I was willing and ready to sacrifice my own wellbeing for the sake of protecting the entire universe by wanting the portal to remain deactivated forever?”
“Ugh, you sound just like Rose used to with all that self-righteous garbage,” Stan remarked dryly. “No wonder you two were such good friends; you two are probably the some of the most pretentious know-it-alls the world’s ever seen. Well, you and Pearl.”
Ford’s reaction to this was much harsher than Stan had been expecting as he took a step closer, his expression fierce with genuine fury. “Say what you want about me, but you will not disrespect Rose Quartz like that,” he growled bitterly. “She is—was one of the closest and most trusted friends I’ve ever known, even despite everything that regrettably went wrong between us. In fact, Stanley, I’d even say that she’s done more for me than you ever have.”
It took every ounce of willpower Stan had in him to keep himself from punching his brother square in the face upon hearing this. Because how dare he uphold the honor of the Gem who had stubbornly tried to keep him trapped in another dimension for thirty years as opposed to take the side of his own brother who had risked so much and worked so hard to save him. But even if he didn’t intend to physically harm Ford, that still didn’t stop Stan from lashing out and grabbing his brother by the collar of his sweater and sending him an incredibly harsh glare. “Listen here, Sixer,” he began, his tone chillingly hostile. “You’re kidding yourself if you think that stupid pink broad was some kinda perfect saint, because she was just about the exact opposite of that. She was nothing but a lying, stubborn, selfish bi-”
“Grunkle Stan? Grunkle Ford?” Stan instantly cut himself off upon hearing Mabel’s confused questioning. The brothers starkly turned to see their nibblings both emerging from the shack, Dipper a good bit behind Mabel, though neither of the kids seemed to be in really high spirits as they looked to their uncles questioningly upon seeing how Stan was holding onto Ford rather threateningly. “What’s going on?”
Stan was quick to release Ford after a beat of somewhat awkward silence and both brothers readily scowled away from each other, giving the younger twins a pretty good impression of what was going on, despite their uncles’ attempts at playing it off. “Uh, n-nothing!” Stan remarked with a forced, fake smile. “Me and your Grunkle Ford were just, uh… we were…”
“We were just… catching up,” Ford finished, sending another critical glance Stan’s way before he turned to address his nibblings with a much softer expression. “Anyway… Good morning, children. How are you feeling? Neither of you are suffering from any sort of portal radiation from yesterday, are you?”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so…” Mabel said, innocently shaking her head. “But I am going through a bit of a sugar rush from the baker’s dozen of super chocolatey chunk cupcakes I had for breakfast!”
Ford took pause, looking to his niece with apt concern upon hearing this, though he didn’t get much of a chance to ask Stan about her nutrition habits before Dipper cut in. “Don’t worry, Mabel’s pretty much on a perpetual sugar rush,” he said dismissively, ignoring his sister’s flustered scoff as he perked up while addressing the author. “B-but anyway, Great Uncle Ford, I was just wondering… Did you really take on a Gremloblin on your own? What do you think the secret behind the bottomless pit really is? Have the Gems ever told you any huge secrets about the war or Homeworld? Do you think there are any ghosts out there above a category ten? Did you and the Gems ever try to find a way to fix corrupted Gems? What did you do when-”
“Ah, s-slow down, my boy,” Ford interupted with something of a bemused chuckle at this round of rapid-fire, curious inquiries. “Based on all those questions, it seems as though you really weren’t kidding yesterday when you said you read my journals.”
“Oh, several times over, at least,” Dipper said with clear pride over this fact. “Well… to be honest, the only one I’ve really gotten the chance to read is the third one, but it’s still super informative!”
“Hm…” Ford duly noted, raising an eyebrow as he flipped through the later pages of the journal still in his hands. “So I would be correct in assuming that you were the one who made all these… additions to this one, then?”
Dipper’s excited manner faltered upon noticing that Ford looked less than pleased about the notes he had compiled on his own within journal 3 throughout the summer. “Um, y-yeah, I… sorry…” he muttered, glancing down sheepishly as he realized his unintentional slight against the author. After all, he could have never even considered that when he first began recording his findings on the journal’s empty pages, but now he wished he had never written anything on them at all in light of the disapproval he had apparently garnished from his longtime unknown idol.
Mabel was the first to pick up upon her brother’s newfound fretfulness, but as soon as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, Dipper was quick to pull it away with returned bitterness, refusing to so much as even glance over at her. Proof that he was still just as upset with her as he had been last night, something that only served to make Mabel feel even worse about it all.
Stan readily noticed the shared, silent despondency of both his nibblings, and he was quick to blame Ford for it as he sent him a sharp, almost furious glare. The author himself didn’t really notice that though as much as he did his own tactlessness towards his nephew in particular, but before he could make an attempt to apologize for it, the informal family gathering was suddenly interupted.
“Hey, Mr. Pines!” Soos exclaimed with a cheerful grin as both him and Wendy showed up for their shift. “And hey, Mr. Pines!” the handyman greeted again, this time to Ford as he passed him by.
“’Sup, Stan Two?” Wendy nodded to the author sardonically, already well informed of his arrival thanks to Soos’ thorough recounting of the tale. “Nice turtleneck.”
While Ford was rather confused by the pair’s arrival, Stan spoke up with something of a relieved sigh, glad that his employees unknowingly broke through the ongoing tension. “Glad to see you two are actually both on time for a chance,” he remarked, crossing his arms. “I don’t expect any customers today, but as you can tell, the shack is kinda torn up from yesterday’s fiasco, so get to work and make this place look a little less like a sci-fi portal exploded underneath it, ok?”
“You got it, Mr. Pines!” Soos grinned with an eager thumbs up as him and Wendy headed off, though he didn’t hesitate to express his excitement to his coworker in a frenetic whisper. “See? I told you, Wendy! There really are two Stans around here now! Isn’t it great?!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Wendy remarked dryly, pulling her phone out of her pocket and disinterestedly texting away. “Of course, it would’ve been better if you hadn’t kept me up until 3 AM last night telling me about it.”
“Oh yeah…” the handyman frowned briefly, though he hardly let this dim his innocent elation over it all. “Sorry! Next time we have a bunch of huge truthbombs drop on us, I’ll only keep you up till 2 AM to tell you about them!”
“…Gee, thanks, Soos,” Wendy deadpanned, rolling her eyes as the pair went about their respective tasks for the day.
“Stanley,” Ford began as soon as the cashier and the handyman were out of earshot. “Who are those two… young adults?”
“Uh, my employees, poindexter,” Stan said. “You already met Soos yesterday, and the sarcastic one is Wendy. Might as well get used to seeing them around here, just like the Gems. Speaking of which…” The conman let out an aggravated sigh as he nodded ahead to the Gems and Steven as they came down for the temple, their expressions all rather tense and uncertain as they approached the Pines, who returned their gazes just as stiffly.
“Uh, h-hey, you guys,” Steven greeted them with a small, but genuine smile.
“Hi, Steven,” Mabel said just as awkwardly, though her smile faded as she glanced to the rest of her family. Dipper still stood alongside her, but he refused to spare either her or the young Gem another glance, Stan’s expression was still set in a cold scowl away from just about everyone, and Ford was clearly apprehensive and anxious as he gave the Gems only a terse nod of greeting. One that none of them made any sort of effort to return.
“So… um… h-how is everyone after, uh… yesterday…?” Steven asked unsteadily, rather concerned that the Gems hadn’t stepped forward to address Ford concerning their memories yet, like they had previously planned.
“We… could be better…” Mabel noted, rubbing her arm as she looked over to Dipper once more. “R-Right, bro-bro?”
Of course, Dipper didn’t bother giving her any sort of response as he instead turned away from her even more, his arms crossed as he let out a small, almost bitter sigh. Steven and Mabel exchanged a silent, worried glance at this, realizing that he was still clearly upset with them from what happened yesterday. Though exactly why he was still carrying this grudge so heavily and adamantly was beyond either of them.
Even so, a bout of general uneasy silence lingered between both the Pines and the Gems, none of them quite sure of what to say in the aftermath of all that had unfolded, mostly as a result of no one really knowing where they stood with each other now. Things between the kids alone were shaken and soured, but then there was the tenuous, largely forgotten ties between Ford and the Gems, not to mention the distain still very much present between Stan and Ford themselves. Really, it was as though they were all on unstable ground with each other, friendships fractured, relationships ruined, and everything else left in just as many shambles as the shack standing before them currently was.
Still, that didn’t mean there could be no attempt at fixing at least some of it.
“Hey, uh… Amethyst?” Stan spoke up, looking to the purple Gem apprehensively as she finally spared a glare in his direction. “I, uh… um… I was thinkin’ of blowing off some steam after everything that’s happened with a good ol’ Revenge Trip tonight. Are you along for the ride or what?”
“I dunno,” Amethyst muttered, her arms tightly crossed as she scowled away from him. “I think I’m gonna be busy doing just anything but that.”
Everyone was rather taken aback by the fire in the purple Gem’s tone as she said this, especially Stan as he flinched back, as if her harsh words had actually hurt him, which in a way, they did. Fortunately, they didn’t linger in the air for too long before Ford cut in, collectively addressing all of the Gems, though not without clearing his throat somewhat awkwardly. “So, h-how are you three doing? Have you happened to recall any of your memories of our… time together?”
“A-actually…” Pearl began, averting the author’s gaze as she spoke tightly. “That’s… why we’re here… we… w-well, we were hoping that… we… you-”
“We need your help,” Garnet finally finished where Pearl was unable to out of pride.
“Oh, r-really?” Ford asked, somewhat surprised by this request. “With what?”
“With finding our lost memories,” the Gem leader continued just as evening. “At this point, we’re not sure who else we can go to aid us with this, and so we have no choice but to ask you.”
Ford took pause, both confused and somewhat offended by the Gems’ apparent hesitance to seek his assistance, something that Steven in particular noticed and quickly made an attempt to clarify. “Uh, I-I think what they meant is that we think you could really help us figure all this out, Mr. Ford,” he said with a warm, hopeful smile. “Your journals already proved to us how great you are at solving mysteries, so this one’s bound to be a cinch for you!”
The author finally grinned at this, clearly glad for this vote of confidence as he began to exude the very same confidence himself. “Ah, yes, well in that cause, I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can, just as I said I would yesterday,” Ford said, adjusting his glasses as he offered the Gems a genuinely friendly smile, one that none of them returned, though their expressions did soften somewhat. “Now, I suppose the best place to start would likely be… Oh! I know! The memory gun! Back when Fiddleford built that infernal contraption, I had always doubted that it would be able to work on Gems, but seems as though it could be the very thing responsible for stripping you three of your memories!”
“Uh… yeah, we already figured that,” Amethyst huffed, rolling her eyes.
“And that wretched Society of the Blind Eye didn’t have our memories in their archives,” Pearl added with a frown. “So where exactly are they? And who would dare to even take them in the first place? And why?”
“…Those are all very good questions…” Ford noted thoughtfully. “We have the answer as to how, but everything else is still up in the air… Which means that we’ll need to look into a variety of possible scenarios that could have resulted in the loss of your memories. Its bound to be a lengthy process, given how many sheer possibilities there are, so we’ll have to be patient and hope for the best in analyzing each of them.”
“Ugh, we’re tired of waiting!” Amethyst groaned hotly. “We’ve been waiting to figure this junk out all summer! We want our memories back now!”
“That’s… understandable…” the author remarked, trying his best to remain tactful amidst the Gems’ mutually thin patience. “But relatively unlikely. I’m sorry to say this, but to me it seems as though finding the key to restoring your memories could take quite some time, if we can even find it at all.”
Despite their shared disappointment upon hearing this sum of probability, the Gems didn’t get to voice it as a familiar horn blared out, followed by the arrival of a familiar van. Greg sped into the shack’s lot, slamming on the breaks as he stuck his head out the window rather frantically. “Steven! Thank goodness you’re ok!” he cried, jumping out of the vehicle to rush over to embrace his son. “I wanted to come check on you as soon as I saw that huge explosion of light on this end of town, but the road here was blocked off by this huge tree and they only just cleared it out this morning! Heck, it took so long to get over here that I even managed to pick Connie up along the way.”
“Steven! Dipper! Mabel!” Connie called as she hopped out of the van herself and hurried over to her friends. “Are you guys alright? I haven’t been able to get in touch with any of you since the other day! What’s been going on!?”
“I think the better question is what hasn’t been going on…” Dipper remarked somewhat dryly.
“Connie! You’ll never believe what happened!” Steven exclaimed. “We just-”
“Wait! I wanna tell her!” Mabel excitedly cut in. “So it all started when Grunkle Stan got arrested by these government agents-”
“And they tried to take me and the Gems away too-” Steven interjected before Mabel carried on.
“So we tried to prove his innocence only to find out that he-”
“That he had all these fake IDs and this huge machine under the shack-”
“Which turned out to be this crazy powerful portal that his long-lost twin brother came out of-”
“And he wrote the journals and he used to work with my mom and the Gems years ago but-”
“But they kinda hate each other now and everything’s all awkward and weird and confusing-”
“But we’re trying to sort it all out by finding the Gems’ lost memories by thinking about all the ways they could have lost them!”
“Pretty intense, huh?” Mabel finished this rapid-fire tale, one that left Connie aptly confused as she tried and failed to catch up with it all.
“Uh… what?”
“Long story short,” Dipper cut in much more calmly. “Is that Grunkle Stan’s been hiding an interdimensional portal under the shack all summer that he opened up again to bring his brother back here.”
“Ohh…” Connie mused in understanding. “That makes much more sense! Well… kind of. The whole ‘interdimensional portal’ thing is something you guys will definitely have to fill me in on later.”
“Would you believe that’s hardly even the craziest part of it all?” Dipper asked with a small, but growing smile of excitement as he dropped down to a whisper. “The craziest and the best part is that Stan’s brother, our Great Uncle Ford, just so happens to be the author of the journals himself!”
“Wait, what!?” Connie gasped, completely stunned upon hearing this and knowing full well just how baffling this mystery had been to them all for the entire summer. “You guys finally met the author?! And he’s your uncle?! No way!”
“Way!” Mabel chimed in brightly. “And you gotta meet him too, Connie! Come on!” Before Connie could really even respond to this, Mabel and Steven were pulling her over to where Ford was still in the midst of conversing with the Gems, largely not paying much mind to the two new arrivals as the continued discussing matters of memory. Or at least they were until Mabel blithely interupted. “Grunkle Ford, this is our friend, Connie!”
“I-it’s an honor to meet you, sir!” Connie said with an amazed smile as she shook the author’s hand. “Your work is so fascinating! Honestly, if it wasn’t for your journal then we probably wouldn’t have made it out of half of what we’ve been through this summer alive!”
“Oh, well… that’s… good to hear…” Ford noted, unsure of what to really make of that, though he offered Connie a small smile all the same. “What’s really fascinating (and rather concerning) though is just how many children seemed to have read through my research over the course of this summer alone…”
“Uh, we probably shouldn’t tell him that Gideon had his second journal then, should we?” Steven whispered somewhat awkwardly.
“Wait a second,” Greg interjected, having overheard the conversation. “I-I can’t believe it… You’re him!” The former rock star’s jaw was dropped as he approached the author, clearly in a state of disbelief that nobody else really understood. “You’re Stanford!”
“Um… yes?” Ford raised a confused eyebrow, unsure of what the former rock star’s apparent amazement was all about.
“Wow! This… this is incredible! I never thought I’d ever get the chance to actually meet you myself!” Greg exclaimed with an incredulous chuckle. “After all, Rose said you were basically gone for good but then again, Mr. Pines has been working on that portal to try and bring you back all these years, so I guess it’d only make sense that he’d finally get it up and running eventually.”
“Yeah, Greg,” Stan deadpanned, not noticing the Gems’ growing expressions of absolute shock beside him over what Greg was divulging. “Told ya I’d figure it out.”
“Heh, well, I’m sorry for ever doubting you, I guess,” the former rock star grinned, flusteredly rubbing the back of his neck before he turned back to Ford. “But man, if only Rose were here! She’d be so happy to see you again! Well… happy and maybe a little upset about the whole portal thing but still, she’d-”
“Excuse me,” Ford interupted rather stiffly. “But… who are you exactly?”
“Oh, right, sorry!” Greg laughed again as he shook the author’s hand warmly. “I’m Greg Universe; Steven’s dad.”
Ford was silent for a moment upon hearing this as he looked between the former rock star and the young Gem, his brow furrowing and his expression largely not changing as he put the pieces together. “So you and Rose were… I see…”
“Y-yeah, she… used to talk a lot about you,” Greg remarked, still grinning slightly. “In fact, she even-”
“Greg!” Pearl’s very sharp exclamation interupted the conversation, prompting the young rock star to glance over at the Gems. All three of whom looked simultaneously dumbfounded and outraged all at once. “You knew about the portal?!”
“I, uh… oh!” Greg gasped, his eyes wide as he looked between the angry trio in newfound fear. “D-did I say portal? I-I… I meant, um… I didn’t know anything about any… w-well, you see, I-”
“Forget it, Greg,” Stan remarked, rolling his eyes at his former employee’s hectic attempt to explain. “The jig is up. They already know about everything.”
“No, we don’t!” Pearl scoffed, completely appalled. “We don’t know a thing about what’s happened to our missing memories and we certainly don’t know why Greg, of all people would know more about all this than we do!”
“D-Dad?” Steven spoke up apprehensively. “You don’t… y-you wouldn’t know anything about what happened to the Gems’ memories about Mr. Ford and the portal… would you?”
Greg froze up at this, this question completely catching him off guard, especially as he looked to the Gems starkly. All three of them were silently demanding answers, answers that he had no idea how to give, even if he could. So instead, he went with the easier alternative. “N-no,” he shook his head, his voice shaky as he tried to sound as convincing as possible. “R-Rose… Rose never told me anything about that. I’m sorry…”
“What do ya mean Rose never told you about that?!” Amethyst spat harshly. “Seems like she sure had a heck of a time telling you everything else!”
“Everything she didn’t bother telling us…” Garnet added, clearly hosting a glare underneath her shades.
“W-wha—no!” Pearl exclaimed hotly. “You two can’t be serious! Rose couldn’t have known what happened to our memories! It makes no sense!”
“What doesn’t make any sense is that she would have told Greg about all of this and not us,” Garnet remarked, adjusting her shades as she tried to remain as calm and as rational as possible.
“M-maybe she just never got the chance to?” Steven offered anxiously. “L-like… maybe your memories were erased right after I was born.”
“But that wouldn’t make add up,” Dipper interested, shaking his head. “Grunkle Stan said something about their memories being erased almost 22 years ago.”
“Well, I mean, as far as I know,” Stan said with a small shrug, unwitting eliciting ire from the Gems with such a remark.
“And how exactly would you know that?” Pearl asked, glaring coldly at the conman. “Unless you happened to have some hand in all this yourself, Stan!”
“Ugh, seriously, with this whole accusation thing again?” Stan scoffed. “I already told you, I don’t know anything about what happened! And even if I did, why would I keep something like that hidden from you three for so long?”
“Oh gee, I dunno, Stan,” Amethyst growled sharply. “Maybe for the same reason you kept that dumb machine hidden from us! Or those fake IDs! Or every other stupid secret you’ve been sitting on for years now without even thinking about being honest for a change!”
“It seems as though you would have a pretty good motive,” Garnet nodded. “With us not knowing about the portal, that likely made it easier for you to work on it without us trying to stop you like Rose would have wanted.”
“A-and for all we know you probably recruited Greg back when he used to work here to help you keep all this under wraps,” Pearl huffed angrily, shooting a fierce glance over at the former rock star as well. “Both of you were in on this for all these years! You must have thought that you weren’t going to get caught, but you are, so you might as well just admit it, Stan, and tell us where our memories are already!”
“I ain’t admitting nothing because I didn’t do anything!” Stan protested adamantly. “Even if I did keep this whole portal thing under wraps from just about everyone else, I never went after your memories to keep you three from getting in my way! That’d be just stupid!”
“Well, then it sounds like it would be exactly your kind of plan, Stan,” Pearl remarked crossly.
“Oh I’ll show ya what my kinda plan is!” the conman exclaimed, beyond infuriated by these groundless allegations to the point that things quickly devolved into an all-out shouting match on both sides. With both Stan and the Gems as outright outraged as they were, they held nothing back as they argued brutally, all of them acting off emotions rather than any real logic as they held their grounds against each other. The others were all rather surprised to see things heat up so aggressively, especially the kids as they stood on the sidelines, watching in dismay as everything seemed to explode in absolute fury all at once.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Gems so mad before…” Connie muttered, her eyes wide in alarm.
“Me either…” Mabel agreed stiffly. “But I don’t get it. Why do they think Stan got rid of their memories? He’d never, ever do something like that!”
“Yeah, just like he wouldn’t run an incredibly dangerous portal underneath the Mystery Shack, right?” Dipper asked, his tone quite dour as he crossed his arms and largely dropped out of the conversation.
“Uh, w-well, either way, we’re not gonna figure out what really happened to the Gems’ memories with everyone arguing like this,” Steven said earnestly. “Come on, you guys, we have to do something!”
Mabel and Connie were quick to follow after the young Gem, intent on trying to make peace between the conman and the Gems. Dipper, on the other hand, hung back somewhat, his hands shoved into his vest pockets as he instead glanced over at Ford, opting to discreetly listen in on the conversation that was just striking between him and Greg.
“Hey, uh… M-Mr. Pines?” the former rock star began rather awkwardly.
“Please, call me Stanford.”
“Oh, um, ok, Mr. Stanford,” Greg continued, still being as respectful as he could. “I just, uh… W-well I know the Gems aren’t really in the mood to hear this right now, but I didn’t… I wasn’t-”
“You didn’t have anything to do with what happened to the Gems’ memories?” Ford finished presumptuously, glancing the former rock star up and down. “Well, I figured that much, considering how you and Rose were apparently… ahem, together. At the same time, I also don’t think Stanley was responsible for this either. My brother may be a lying, unscrupulous cheapskate, but despite his many faults, it seems highly unlikely that he’d do something as lowbrow as outright take a person’s—or Gem’s, for that matter—memories . Then again, I suppose there really is no way to know for sure until we figure this mess out once and for all.”
“Um, yeah, about that…” Greg took in a somewhat unsteady breath. “I… Well, Rose, she-” The former rock star cut himself off, dropping his voice down to a serious whisper. “Look, she missed you… a lot. Heck, almost every time she brought you up, she’d end up blaming herself for what happened to you.”
“But it wasn’t her fault,” Ford said, his tone softening quite a bit upon hearing this.
“Well, of course it wasn’t,” Greg agreed. “But you know Rose; she always felt so much for everyone, especially her friends.”
“That she did…” the author remarked with a fond smile in the pink Gem’s memory. “And our friendship was one I always valued very highly. I only wish… I wish I could have had the chance to speak to her one last time, even if it was only for the sake of saying a proper farewell… I still can’t believe she’s really gone…”
“A lot of the time, neither can I…” the former rock star glanced down sadly. “But, she always wanted one last chance to talk to you too, which was why… right before she had Steven she sat down and wrote everything she never got the chance to say to you out. She said she didn’t know if you’d ever make it back here, but if you ever did, then she wanted you to have it. So she gave it to me to hold onto, just in case, and now that you actually are back, well, you might as well have it.”
Ford was rather surprised to hear that Rose had apparently left him some sort of note, but all the same, he followed Greg over to his van, where the former rock star dug around the back of the vehicle for a bit before finally finding what he was looking for. “Aha! Here it is,” he grinned as he pulled a light pink envelope out and presented it to Ford. “And here you go. To be honest, nobody’s ever seen what it says before. I just… didn’t think it’d be right to read something that she only meant for you, you know?”
The author was silent at first, his eyes wide as he held the envelope, apparently the last message Rose Quartz herself had left for him, as though it was the most precious and fragile thing in the entire world. And given just how much the fact that it existed at all meant to him, it very well could have been. “I… T-thank you… Greg,” Ford said, absolutely genuine in this sentiment.
“You’re welcome,” the former rock star said warmly, nodding his affirmation before stepping away to give the author some privacy as he opened the envelope up. Ford wasn’t exactly sure what to expect, even as he initially glanced over the lengthy page Rose had written for him, but even so, it was as though he could hear her lovely voice saying every word to him as he read it silently to himself.
Dear Stanford,
If you’re reading this letter, then that means that you’ve finally made it home, back to Earth and back to Gravity Falls, where you truly belong. A part of me, a part that dismisses all of the danger this world would be put in if such a thing ever did happen, has spent the past 16 years hoping this day would come, and that I’d be there for it, to welcome you back with open arms. But… I know I’ll never get that chance… I’ve made a choice… I want to do something that no Gem has ever done before, to create something that this world has never seen before… But the only way I can do that is at the expense of myself… A sacrifice not too dissimilar to one you were willing to make the last time we met.
But even so, if this letter has found its way to you, then I’m no longer around, or at least I’m not around in the way you were used to. Because in a sense, I’ll forever be a part of the child I’m about to have, a child I hope you’ll hold nothing against, even despite everything that went wrong between us.
Speaking of which… I feel as though I owe you another apology for, well, everything really. Not a day goes by that I don’t regret how hard and fast our friendship fell apart… Even before you fell into that portal, there had been so many times when I wanted to go down the hill and pour my heart out to you, but I never ended up working up the nerve. Funny, isn’t it? How I had all the courage in the world to stand against my former home and fight for this planet until the bitter end, but I didn’t have enough to walk a few feet and simply tell you “I’m sorry”?
You need to know that if there had been another way to bring you back, even if it was just for a second, I would have taken it. But the portal was far too risky; I knew that. That’s why I did what you asked and kept the third journal hidden safe and sound, even from your brother (You never told me you had a brother, by the way). I tried everything I could to right our wrongs and fix our mistakes…
And in the process, I only ended up causing so many more.
Its much too… risky to divulge everything here, but… something happened several years ago. Something that none of us were prepared for, though I should have been prepared. It was a threat I knew, a threat we both knew… a threat swept through our lives and nearly took everything away in the process. And I wasn’t able to do anything to stop it.
I Can only myself to blame for what happEned that awful night. I should hAve told them. If I had just Let them know about the danger we were faCing from thE beginning, then maybe none of this would have haPpened… But I did what I had to… for them… for us… If you were still hEre, then I know you’d undeRstand… But you’re gone… and iTs all my fault… just like everything else… And I’m so, so Sorry… for everything I’ve done…
I need, need you to know that, Stanford. I need Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl to know that. I need my child to know that. I need everyone I’ve wronged because of this to know that. I never wanted to hurt any of you, I promise that. I just wanted to save you, my friends, this planet, everything I truly care about. But it seems I’ve only managed to hurt them all instead. Which means I suppose the key to healing them lies not with me, but with whoever comes next… And I have the upmost confidence that they’ll succeed where I have failed.
There are so many more things I want to say to you, Stanford, but I know there would never be enough time to write it all out. I had thought to offer you one final apology but that just didn’t seem right, as sorry as I truly am. So instead of lingering on the shadows permeating our past, I’ll leave you with a reminder of the light that once shined through it instead.
Do you remember the first time we met? Amethyst had pointed out your six fingers to the rest of us, and at the time, I had thought that was the most spectacular thing about you. Little did I know that I’d quickly find out that there was so much more to be amazed when it came to you, Stanford. Your intelligence, your determination, your passion, all these things and more made me realize that you were by far one of the most special humans I’ve ever had the privilege of getting to meet, and believe me, I’ve met plenty. There were times when I saw it: you underestimating your own brilliance and abilities, but those were things I never once doubted. Which is why, despite how impossible things might seem right now, I encourage you to hold onto the words you wrote at the start of the journal you entrusted to me years ago, words that I hope will inspire you and comfort you, even when I can’t:
“Ad astra per aspera”: To the stars through difficulties.
Yours truly,
Rose Quartz
Ford had never been one to get too emotional, but he was unable to stem the silent flow of tears as he finished reading Rose’s final words to him. Up until that point, the author hadn’t put too much thought into the pink Gem’s absence; of course, he knew that she wasn’t around anymore in place of Steven existing, but some small, irrational, yet persistent part of him still wanted to believe that it wasn’t true. That Rose would make her long-awaited appearance and that everything would go back to the way it was supposed to be. And yet, upon reading her last message intended for him himself, the truth of it all finally sunk in once and for all: Rose Quartz really was gone, most likely never to return. Even after 30 seemingly endless years of longing and remorse, he’d never get to speak to her, laugh with her, apologize to her, to simply see her ever again. It was a crushing reality, to the point that it was almost unbearable, to know that he’d be forever separated from one of his closest and most cherished friends, left with only a page of ultimately unfeeling letters to remember her by.
Yet at the same time, three of his other most invaluable friends were still there, still present and still alive and well. The only problem was they held no recollection of the bond they used to share, the camaraderie they used to uphold. A deep sense of loneliness filled Ford as this wave of realization washed over him yet again, a kind of loneliness that he hadn’t even ever felt traversing the empty voids of the multiverse. The author truly wanted to help restore the Gems’ memories to them, to the point of near desperation almost, but if he was perfectly honest with himself, even he didn’t know where to start with such an arduous task. By all accounts, the chances of things ever returning to even a shadow of how they used to be seemed incredibly slim, to the point that Ford was beginning to lose hope that such a thing was even a possibility at all.
Despite the still-ongoing argument between Stan and the Gems, Ford paid none of them any mind as he looked down to Rose’s letter again, its ending catching his attention in particular. “Which is why, despite how impossible things might seem right now, I encourage you to hold onto the words you wrote at the start of the journal you entrusted to me years ago, words that I hope will inspire you and comfort you, even when I can’t: “Ad astra per aspera”: To the stars through difficulties.”
“To the stars through difficulties…” Ford muttered to himself, taking in a steadying breath. It was a Latin phrase he had always been very fond of, one he had heard during his college years and kept close to his heart throughout his studies, both academically and in Gravity Falls. He had always seen it as a call to greatness, an affirmation of aspiration, no matter how daunting circumstances might seem. But now, the author began to realize that perhaps it held another meaning as well; perhaps it wasn’t just a message of upwards inspiration. Perhaps it was also just what Rose had said: a message of hope, of comfort, a promise that even though the road ahead seemed dark and uncertain, the stars of something better could still be reached regardless if one only worked hard and persevered enough to get to them. And while this was only a mere small spark of hope, it was one Ford decided to hold onto nonetheless, as the final piece of encouragement Rose had to offer for him. Encouragement that could perhaps at last lead them towards the answers they were all looking for.
Ford couldn’t profess to understanding everything concerning what Rose had spoken of in her letter, but several parts of it came across as somewhat bizarre to the author, to the point of being downright cryptic almost. Ford had never known Rose to be so indirect; the pink Gem, with her relative lack of understanding when it came to human subtlety, had always been very literal and forward in her conversations with him. Yet the vagueness in her letter threw the author off, especially when she sparsely described whatever apparently disastrous event had transpired quite some time ago. Certainly there must have been a reason that Rose hadn’t just written it all out if it was so significant and horrific; because instead of transcribing it all, the pink Gem had left only clues, breadcrumbs really to something that already seemed to lead to something so much more.
“I’ve only managed to hurt them all instead. Which means I suppose the key to healing them lies not with me, but with whoever comes next… And I have the upmost confidence that they’ll succeed where I have failed.”
“Whoever comes next…” Ford read once again, initially confused by what this meant until he happened to finally glance up from the letter and over to the still-brawling group just a few feet away. Or more specifically, towards Rose’s son, Steven.
The author was somewhat hesitant, knowing that he was really just working off mere conjecture alone as he approached the young Gem, Rose’s letter still in hand. In truth, Ford was still rather confused about exactly how the pink Gem had managed to reproduce at all, much less with a human, but his curiosity about Steven’s no-doubt bizarre hybrid biology would have to wait. After all, a far more pressing question needed answers now.
“Excuse me, um… Steven, was it?” Ford addressed the young Gem, placing a hand on his shoulder to pull his attention away from the ongoing fight between Stan and the Gems. Despite the tension behind them, Steven offered the author a friendly smile and a nod of patient confirmation, prompting him to go on, even as the other kids took notice of this almost random interaction. “Rose—I mean, your mother left this letter behind for me before she-” Ford cut himself off tightly; just because he had accepted the reality that Rose was gone didn’t make it any easier for him to admit it out loud. “A-anyway, the nature of this note implies something that I’m rather unclear of, something that she made it sound like only you can figure out.”
As Ford handed the letter off to Steven for him to see it, the quarrel between Stan and the Gems gradually fizzled out as they glanced over to the exchange between the author and the young Gem. An exchange that just about every single one of them disapproved of on some level, especially Stan. “Ford, what did I say about-” the conman’s sour callout was interupted by his brother, who put a silent hand up before patiently turning his attention back to Steven. The young Gem himself was focused on his mother’s letter, his eyes wide as he skimmed over it and tried to make sense of its more mysterious parts, though he did glance back up at Ford as he slowly knelt down to his level.
“Steven, this-” Ford stopped short, his brow furrowing, almost as if he wasn’t entirely sure how to put this, though he continued on a moment later anyway. “I should be honest… I have reason to believe that this letter might hold our first real, tangible clues about what’s happened to the Crystal Gems’ memories.”
Upon hearing this, Pearl was more than ready to speak up in heated protest against it, though Garnet quickly stopped her. “Wait,” she urged, keeping her sights trained on the conversation unfolding before them, one that could prove to be very helpful in their most pressing cause.
“Which is why I feel compelled to ask…” Ford continued, hesitantly but earnestly. “Would you be willing to help me decode the clues your mother left behind and uncover the truth behind this mystery once and for all?”
Steven didn’t answer this right away, instead taking a moment to glance back at his guardians somewhat apprehensively. Amethyst’s expression showed a general sense of apathy towards the situation at large, while Pearl intently shook her head in staunch disapproval over such an idea. Garnet, on the other hand, looked to the young Gem expectantly, with a air about her that told him that this was his choice to make alone. And as Steven turned to the author once more and took in his sincere, solemn, almost sad even, he found that it wasn’t that hard of a choice to really make.
“W-well, I’d love to help, Mr. Ford, I really would,” Steven said with a small but fretful smile. “But… I’ve never met my mom before. She stopped, uh… being around when I was born, so I didn’t get the chance to really know what she was like which means I might not be the best person to figure out what she tried to say here…”
“Oh…” Ford’s expression fell in slight disappointment as he rose to stand. “Well, I suppose that… does make things complicated, doesn’t it?”
“Well… even if I don’t know a lot about Mom myself, that still doesn’t mean we haven’t figured anything out about her,” Steven ventured, taking a glance over at Dipper, Mabel, and Connie. “In a way, we’ve… kinda been learning more about her all summer in some… pretty crazy ways.”
“Yeah, that’s right!” Mabel spoke up brightly. “Like the time we found her light canon out here near the shack and used it to blow that Red Eye to smithereens!”
“Wait, you… you kids found the light canon Rose asked me to hide away years ago?” Ford asked, aptly surprised.
“Yeah and we’ve been to hear healing fountain,” Dipper added intently.
“And her hidden armory,” Connie said with a nod.
“Heck, we even found her sword and its scabbard!” Steven’s smile widened with confidence. “And we’ve solved a bunch of other huge mysteries too!”
“And that’s why they call us the Mystery Kids!” Mabel chimed daringly.
“So I think that between the four of us,” Steven went on. “Maybe we can figure out what the deal with Mom’s letter is and if it has anything to do with the Gems’ memories!”
“Oh… well, are you sure you kids are really up for a task this… daunting?” Ford asked, not entirely convinced of their merit.
“Oh believe us, we’ve been up against plenty of daunting odds this summer,” Connie assured with a bit of an ironic laugh.
“Yeah, nothing stumps us as long as we’re working together!” Mabel boldly proclaimed. “Right, you guys?”
“Right,” Steven and Connie affirmed with clear resolve, though Dipper was noticeably silent as he glared away from the rest of the group. The young Gem in particular took notice of this, his heart sinking a bit as he realized that part of his impromptu plan still wasn’t working; the Mystery Kids were still fractured in some way, and as long as they were, then chances were, they wouldn’t be getting anywhere to any degree. Including fixing the past and moving forward into the future, things that all needed to be done sooner rather than later, as far as Steven was concerned.
“Uh, Dipper?” he began with a small, anxious smile. “You’re on bored with us in this too, aren’t you?”
Of course, Dipper didn’t respond to this right away, instead looking to the young Gem with a rather incredulous scowl, one that said everything that words didn’t really need to about how he was feeling about both him and Mabel at the moment. In truth, the pair was surprised that he was carrying this apparent grudge out for so long, neither of them really understanding why the decision they had made in the heat of the moment before that blinding portal still upset him so much. But at the same time, it was something of a small relief when Dipper let out a relenting sigh, even if his manner didn’t lighten up at all as he made it very clear on where he stood in all this. “Fine, whatever,” he complied sourly. “But only until we figure out what happened with the Gems’ memories.”
“Well… i-it’s a start…” Mabel said to Steven as Connie looked between her three friends in confusion, not knowing where this apparent tension between them all really came from.
“Uh… what’s going on with you guys today?” she asked with a concerned frown.
“It’s a… long story…” Steven whispered to her. “We’ll fill you in later.”
“Well,” Garnet spoke up, her hands on her hips and a hint of a coy smile on her face as she looked from her teammates to the kids. “I don’t know about you two, but for me, there’s no one I’d rather trust with a mystery like this than the Mystery Kids themselves.”
“Yes, well then,” Ford said, still somewhat uncertain about this plan of action. “Reasonably the best thing to do first would to be to carefully analyze Rose’s letter for any of its more subtle, possibly leading details. Then depending on whatever we uncover, we can work from there to-”
“I said,” Garnet interjected, crossing her arms. “We were going to trust the kids with this one.”
“Oh …r-right…” the author cleared his throat as he backed off, somewhat flustered as he let the kids investigate the matter on their own.
“Uh, well actually, Mr. Stanford’s plan seemed like it’s a pretty good one,” Connie shrugged, reading Rose’s letter from over Steven’s shoulder.
“Yeah, there does seem to be something off about this letter…” Dipper noted, putting his bitterness aside as he became invested in this mystery himself. “Like this paragraph right here. Some of the letters are just… randomly capitalized for some reason. Why would Rose do that?”
“Well, normally she wouldn’t,” Pearl cut in pointedly. “Rose’s handwriting was impeccable, just like everything else she did.”
“So… that probably means she had a good reason to do that,” Steven mused. “And in only this part of the letter too… weird…”
“Maybe she was just really tired when she wrote that part?” Mabel suggested, though even she didn’t really buy into such a theory too much.
“Or maybe…” Dipper trailed off as a newfound idea came to him, one that he was quick to act on. “Quick, someone write this down!”
Connie was quick to do so, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen as she recorded all of the letters that Dipper read out, each one of them bizarrely and improperly capitalized within Rose’s letter. Everyone else watched this work with baited breath, hoping that perhaps it would lead them to some kind of answer, though by the time they were done, the results they had gotten were… less than conclusive.
“Ok, so it all adds up to… CEALCEPERTS…?” Connie read, raising a baffled eyebrow as she did.
“Uh… I’m pretty sure that’s not a word…” Mabel frowned before quickly perking up. “Though it does kinda sound like seal-experts! Oh! What if Rose wanted to tell everyone that she was secretly a seal expert!?”
A beat of doubtful silence passed at this bizarre limb before Steven went off on another one. “CEALCEPERTS…” he repeated, looking to the letter once more. “Does that mean anything to any of you guys?” he asked both Ford and the Gems collectively.
“No,” Ford said, equally confused by this odd clue.
“Not at all,” Garnet remarked as the other two Gems shook their heads.
“Dad?” Steven ventured, hoping that perhaps the former rock star might have some kind of idea.
“Sorry, kiddo, I got nothing,” Greg shrugged. “What about you, Mr. Pines?”
“Ugh, heck if I know,” Stan rolled his eyes impetuously. “I think I’ve had enough of dealing with Rose and her little ‘mysteries’ for one day. I’m takin’ off. I have a feeling you nerds will be just fine without my ‘help’.”
And with that, the conman turned on his heel and headed for the shack, not bothering to spare another glance back at either the Gems or at Ford as aggravated as he was with them both. “Just as well,” Ford scoffed, rolling his eyes at his brother’s attitude. “Stanley wouldn’t have been much help in this anyway. Or much help in anything else, really.”
“I heard that!” Stan shot back crossly, though he didn’t bother to stick around and protest it any further.
“Hm… what if this CEALCEPERTS thing isn’t really a word…?” Connie theorized, tapping her pen against the page thoughtfully. “What if it’s… something else?”
“Oh yeah!” Dipper exclaimed in realization. “For all we know, it could be a message written in code, or an acronym, or heck, even an anagram!”
“What’s an anagram?” Steven asked curiously.
“It’s when the letters of a word are all mixed up and out of order,” Connie explained, sitting on the ground so she could work properly. “Like, for instance if we took CEALCEPERTS here and tried to turn it into something else using just the letters it has in it.”
“Oh I think I got one!” Mabel said, looking over the bizarre word once more. “Maybe this is supposed to be two words? Like… CASTLE CREEP?”
“Or… LACE SCEPTER?” Dipper tried, though he was quick to denounce the result. “No, that can’t be it…”
“Um… what about CREPE SELECT?” Steven guessed with a shrug.
“Or it could be ELECT RECAP…” Connie mused. “But none of these make any sense… There’s got to be one that-”
“Wait,” Dipper interupted, his eyes wide with realization as he worked through this in a different way. “PACER… PLACER… PLACE… It’s some kind of place… And then what’s left makes… ERECTS or…” he trailed off with a stunned gasp before revealing what he had uncovered. “SECRET… SECRET PLACE! That must be what its supposed to say! Secret place!”
“Secret place?” Amethyst asked dubiously. “Uh… like what?”
“Maybe its talking about some place that was a secret to Mom?” Steven purposed thoughtfully. “Like… oh! I know! Mom’s secret armory!”
“Steven!” Pearl quickly chastised upon mention of the pink Gem’s hidden sanctum. A sanctum that she would much prefer to keep the relative secret that it was.
“Oops… sorry, Pearl…” the young Gem rubbed the back of his neck. “I kinda forgot about the whole secret part of it…”
“Wait… Rose’s armory…?” Ford asked knowingly. “The one buried under the town cemetery? I’ve been there before. Rose took me to see it years ago after I asked her about advanced Gem weaponry. It’s really quite impressive!”
“What?! She took you to—oh… that’s right…” Pearl grumbled, crossing her arms with a scowl as she recalled the journals’ mention of the armory.
“Armory?” Amethyst asked, confused. Confusion that Garnet mirror as well. “What the heck are you guys talking about?”
“Well… why don’t we all just go there together?” Mabel suggested. “After all, it does sorta seem like it’s the place that anagram thingy in Rose’s letter is talking about, so its probably worth checking out, right?”
“Wha—no!” Pearl protested adamantly. “We can’t all just go to Rose’s private sanctum like its some kind of… field trip! It’s already been defiled by far too many intruders already! We should just leave it well enough al-”
“Pearl,” Garnet interjected calmly, placing a hand on her frustrated teammate’s shoulder. “We know this place, whatever it is, was special for both you and Rose. But if there’s anything there that could possibly lead us towards the whereabouts of our memories, then we have to go investigate it.”
“B-but…” the white Gem’s argument weakly fizzled out as she realized Garnet was right. If Rose’s letter indeed pointed towards any leads in particular, then the armory was most likely the exactly that. And as much as she wanted to preserve that special place’s sanctity, she wanted to reclaim her and her teammates’ lost memories even more. “A-alright…” she sighed reluctantly as she began to lead the way towards the cemetery, feeling as though she was breaking something important and cherished between herself and her former liege as she did. “Then… let’s go…”
Since there was no warp pad leading to Rose’s armory, the collective group of the kids, the Gems, and Ford had to walk across town to get there, in a trek that was spent mostly in stiff, awkward silence. Along the way, however, Steven, Mabel, and Dipper all managed to fill Connie in on more of the details of what had happened over the past two days, each of them telling her disconnected accounts that both confused her and allowed her to understand the newfound division among them at the same time. A division that, for all intents and purposes, she found wise not to take a clear stance on, lest that create even more of a rift between them all than there already was.
Things were still in a relative state of silence even as the group ventured into Rose’s armory, the vast, cavernous hold still just as pristine and stately as ever. And while the kids, Pearl, and Ford were largely unphased by its familiar, sparkling interior, Garnet and Amethyst were quite amazed by it, seeing as how they had never once step foot into this secret sanctum that belong to their longtime leader.
“Well, uh… here we are,” Steven announced as he stepped up onto the central platform. “Mom’s armory.”
“Incredible…” Garnet murmured, adjusting her shades amidst looking around the cave.
“Seriously…” Amethyst agreed, her eyes wide and her jaw dropped. “Why didn’t Rose ever tell us about this place? Its not like we would have went and blabbed about it to anyone.”
“M-maybe because it was just… really special to her,” Steven ventured with a bit of a reassuring smile.
“Then why’d she show it to these two?” Amethyst nodded over to Pearl and Ford.
“Well she showed it to me because I was her most trusted confidant!” the white Gem proclaimed with a proud smile that quickly disappeared as she glanced over at the author. “Or at least… I thought I was…”
“Rose brought me here purely for the sake of historical research, I can assure you,” Ford clarified conclusively.
“Oh, right, research…” Pearl scoffed coldly. “Research about her private sanctum that you went and liberally recorded in those infernal journals of yours for the entire world to see, right?!”
“T-that was never my intention!” Ford protested earnestly. “I only wanted to-”
“That’s enough,” Garnet interupted staunchly as she wisely stepped between the pair. “We are not getting into another argument today. We need to focus on finding answers, no matter where and what they might be.”
“Well then, this is as good a place as any to start looking,” Steven said as he tapped his hand down onto the central switch, which instantly lit up the moment he made contact with it. Ford and the Gems all watched in apt amazement as the young Gem cycled through each of the weapon collections the armory had to offer, with Mabel and Connie both helping him out by poking him in the right places to get them to appear. However, none of the armory’s contents seemed to point towards any further clues, from the Armor of the Fallen, to the Axes of Ages, to the Heretic’s Anguish, to even the Quatizine Trio. Even some of the collections the kids themselves had never seen before were ultimately fruitless in anything that told of missing memories or untold secrets, aside from the existence of the armory itself. And by the time they had been through everything, the majority of the group was starting to get quite frustrated by the lack of any real, tangible hints they were still facing.
“Ugh, this is stupid,” Amethyst groaned impatiently as Steven began going through the weapons once more, just to make sure there wasn’t anything they had missed. “Wherever our memories are, its pretty obvious they’re not here, so why are we still wasting our time doing this?”
“Because Rose’s letter pointed towards a secret place,” Garnet reiterated. “And, given the fact that so few actually knew about this armory, I’d say it was exactly that.”
“W-well even if this place was a secret, I don’t see any reason why our memories would have been stored here anyway,” Pearl said pointedly. “Especially since, as we’ve said multiple times, Rose had nothing to do with their erasure!”
“No, of course she wouldn’t have,” Ford agreed with complete sincerity as he looked over the pink Gem’s letter to him again. “However, she did imply that she might have known what happened to them after they were taken. Which means that the leads she’s offered for us are the best we have to go off of for right now.”
“If those leads are even pointing towards our memories,” Pearl countered. “Which, for all we know, they not be at all.”
Based on this bout of speculation, a round of heated debating broke out between Ford and the Gems, one that wasn’t quite an argument, though given how on edge they all were, it could have very well been mistaken for one. The kids watched in unanimous dismay as the adults bickered, knowing that such contention seemed to be a running theme today, one that didn’t show any signs of breaking any time soon.
“Ugh, more fighting…” Mabel sighed with an exasperated frown. “How are we ever gonna figure any of this stuff out if everyone just keeps getting mad and yelling at each other?”
“I guess its because everyone’s just a little tense…” Steven noted sympathetically. “Especially the Gems; they won’t really tell me a lot about it but… its sorta like everything’s just been turned upside down for them and they don’t understand why or how. It can’t be easy for them.”
“Well… do you think finding their memories will really fix that?” Connie asked worriedly.
“I…. don’t know… Maybe?” Steven replied, honestly. “I think what’s bothering them the most right now is the chance that Mom might have actually known about what happened to them, but… that doesn’t make any sense… Why would she keep a secret like that from them for all those years?”
“Well, she did keep this whole armory thing a secret from Amethyst and Garnet for a whole bunch of years, it sounds like,” Mabel pointed out.
“Yeah, but… this is different,” Steven frowned fretfully. “This armory was hers’. But the Gems’ memories belonged to them. If she knew all this time, then why would she keep something that’s theirs hidden from them, especially something this important? Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl were her best friends, so why wouldn’t she trust them with their own memories?”
“Oh gee, I don’t know, Steven,” Dipper spoke up, his tone quite cross and sardonic as he glared at his sister and the young Gem. “Why wouldn’t Rose trust her friends on something really important? Then again, its not like you and Mabel really know anything about putting your trust in the right people, now would you?”
“Uh… what are you talking about, bro-bro?” Mabel asked, exchanging a confused, but still concerned glance with Steven upon hearing this.
“Are you serious?” Dipper asked in harsh disbelief. “You guys still don’t get what the problem is here?”
“W-with the Gems?” Steven guessed, though even as he said it, he knew that wasn’t the focus of this conversation anymore.
“No, with us!” Dipper exclaimed in unbridled frustration. “With what you guys did yesterday! You two saw what the journals said; that portal could have torn the universe apart and killed us all! And you both were in the perfect places to put a stop to it and save us all but you just… didn’t!”
“B-but everything turned out fine!” Mabel protested, not understanding her brother’s perspective on this. “We’re all still ok and now we even have Grunkle Ford around! Aren’t you happy about getting the chance to meet him seeing as how he’s the author you’ve been just about dying to find all summer?!”
“Well, of course I am!” Dipper snapped, his hands in tight fists at his sides. “But that’s not the point! The point is that you guys knew something really bad could have happened, and who did you decide to trust about it in the end? Not me, you know, your twin brother, one of your best friends? No, you decided to trust Stan, a literal conman who we just found out had been lying to us about basically everything all summer!”
“Dipper, we didn’t decide to trust Mr. Pines over you,” Steven clarified gently. “It was just a really intense, heat of the moment sort of thing and we were being pressured on both sides and things just sort of… happened.”
“Things just ‘sort of’ happened?” Dipper repeated with a cold scoff. “Oh what you mean like how you guys ‘sort of happened’ to go have a little ‘chat’ with Peridot even after the Gems and I told you not to? Or, Steven, like how you ‘sort of happened’ to keep me trapped in a fusion with you just so you could feel good!? Or, Mabel, how you ‘sort of happened’ to not help me with the laptop which left me with only a psychotic, sadistic demon to turn to for help!? Or how you guys just ‘sort of happen’ to always do stuff like this! You always have to do what works for you guys, what you guys think is right. Well maybe what’s right for you two isn’t always right for everyone else, did you ever think about that?! Oh, well, of course you didn’t because you two just hate thinking about anything even remotely unpleasant, don’t you!?”
“Whoa, hold on-” Connie attempted to intervene upon seeing how heated things were getting, though Mabel quickly, angrily interupted her.
“Dipper, none of that is fair and you know it!” she exclaimed sharply. “I thought we already settled all this! What happened with the invasion or with Bill is none of our faults and neither is what happened yesterday! Don’t you get it?! If we had shut down that portal yesterday, then Grunkle Stan would have never gotten to see his brother again! He wasn’t trying to destroy the world; he was trying to save his family! I totally would have done the same thing if you were the one trapped in some nightmare dimension like Grunkle Ford was!”
“Would you have, Mabel?” Dipper asked dubiously. “Because if we’re being perfectly honest here, I don’t think you would. After all, I’m always the one who has to end up sacrificing the things I want and need for you, not the other way around! If Bill was right about one thing, it was that. And you pretty much just proved that completely yesterday by not hearing me out about hitting that shutdown switch! The one time I ask you to do something that could have potentially saved the entire world and you don’t even listen to me!”
“Dipper, I—we wanted to listen to you!” Mabel argued back intensely, and by now, Ford and the Gems had start to take notice of the effective shouting matching that was unfolding pretty much between just the twins at this point. “But your problem is that you think way too much with your head and never with your heart! Because me and Steven went with our hearts yesterday and they turned out to be right! Why can’t you just accept that!?”
“Because you didn’t trust me!” Dipper reiterated fiercely, clearly upset enough that he was almost to the point of tears, though he held them back nonetheless. “How many times do I have to say it?! A few weeks ago you guys made such a big deal about how important it was that we stand together and listen to each other, but then you two turned around and did the exact opposite of that! Do you guys even know what that felt like to me? It was like you guys just… shut me out, like you-”
Steven suddenly interupted with a sharp gasp of realization upon hearing this, his eyes growing wide as he finally hit what very well could be a breakthrough in everything. “L-like what Mom did to the Gems…” he muttered, his eyes wide as he stared up to the nearby pink platform.
“Steven?” Connie frowned in confusion, the twins doing the same as they wondered how any of this related back to the argument at hand.
“Pearl,” Steven began, looking to the white Gem as he started to work of this realization. “You said that Mom used to keep a lot of secrets because she wanted to protect everyone?”
“W-well… yes…” Pearl nodded, unsure of where her young ward was going with this. “But what does that have to do with anything?”
“Well, if that’s true, then that means Mom didn’t keep secrets from you guys because she didn’t trust you…” Steven continued, pacing around in the shallow water of the cave as he continued thinking thins out. “She did it to keep you guys safe from… something…”
“Something…” Amethyst repeated, raising an eyebrow. “Like… what?”
“I… don’t know…” Steven shook his head. “But I don’t think that’s the important thing here anyway. What’s important is that she did trust you guys, and she trusted you too, Mr. Ford, didn’t she?”
“W-well, I’d like to think that she did,” Ford remarked, glancing down in slight shame. “For a time anyway…”
“Well, she trusted you enough to show you armory, and a bunch of other things too!” Steven assured thoughtfully. “But… what if there were things that she still kept secret from everyone, things that she didn’t ever tell anyone about ever, because she wanted to keep her friends safe from something really bad.”
“Well what kinda secret would that be?” Amethyst asked, hands on her hips.
“It would be something like… hm…” the young Gem had to take pause from his ongoing line of reasoning here, knowing that he was still missing one essential piece out of this growing puzzle. A piece that had to be something that neither the Gems nor Ford had any prior knowledge of. A piece that could very well lead to the answers they were all still so desperate to find. A piece that, as it finally dawned upon Steven in another burst of sudden realization, was much more pinker and fluffier than he thought it would be. “Lion!”
“Lion?” everyone save for Ford asked rather incredulously, all of them now completely lost by the young Gem’s newfound, bizarre conclusion.
“We gotta get back to the temple, right now!” Steven implored, splashing loudly through the cave as he ran towards its exit, the others all curiously following after him. “Come on!”
No one really understood what Steven had in mind for his impromptu plan as they arrived back at the temple, save for the fact that it apparently involved Lion. Almost as soon as they all stepped inside, however, the young Gem wasted no time in frantically rushing forward and urgently calling for his pink pet, knowing that time was of the essence in solving this longstanding mystery now.
“Lion!” he shouted, glancing around for the pink beast as the others filed in behind him. “Lion! Come on out! We need you to-”
The young Gem was interupted as the pink beast suddenly leapt down from the loft above, nearly knocking him down in the process. As Steven re-steadied himself, he let something of an exasperated huff out upon seeing his comforter draped over his pet’s head. “Ugh, Lion!” he groaned, pulling the blanket off of him. “How many times do I have to tell you!? My bed is for me to sleep on, not for you, even when I’m not here!”
“By Tesla’s coil…” Ford muttered in amazement as he stepped forward to take a better look at the pink beast. “T-that lion is pink!”
“Uh, yeah, tell us something we don’t know,” Amethyst rolled her eyes.
“What a scientific marvel!” the author continued with an impressed smile. Lion sent him an unenthused glare but surprisingly didn’t growl at him as he curiously approached him. “And he’s so tame too! Certainly, he has to have some sort of magical or supernatural origins! Where on earth did you find him?”
“In the desert, a few months before this summer started,” Steven replied, stroking his pink pet’s fur. “But… he has this huge tree inside his mane, i-it’s a little hard to explain, but there are a whole bunch of stuff in there. Stuff that I think used to belong to my mom… Its where we found her sword and this tape she left for me, and there’s a lot of other things in there too. A-and…” he turned to the Gems as he briefly paused, clearly nervous as he purposed his latest idea to them. “Maybe it’s the ‘secret place’ Mom’s letter talked about. Maybe… its where your memories are.”
“Oh, Steven, don’t be ridiculous,” Pearl scoffed. “The chances of our memories being hidden inside Lion’s mane are even lower than them being at the armory.”
“It’s a good guess,” Garnet assured, placing a hand on her young ward’s shoulder. “But it just doesn’t seem very likely.”
“No!” Steven protested, pulling his shoulder away. “Garnet, you said that we have to investigate anything that could lead us to where your memories are. Well I really do think that whatever’s inside Lion’s mane could at least help us get closer to finding them! Please, just… trust me on this, ok? It’s worth a look, isn’t it?”
The Gems said nothing to this, instead exchanging an uncertain glance before they all backed off to allow Steven the room to do what he needed to. The young Gem himself took in a deep, steady breath as he nodded to Lion, who simply tilted his chin up, granting his master access to the pocket dimension tucked away inside his pastel mane. And, taking in a deep breath and letting go of any reservations about what he might find, Steven jumped right in.
The grassy fields of Lion’s mane were just as calm and peacefully silent as Steven always knew them to be, though unlike the countless times he had visited them before, this time, something felt… different. It was as though the very atmosphere, or lack there of rather, that covered the seemingly boundless space was filled with something ominous and unsettling, almost as if it knew what he was there looking for.
And it wasn’t happy about it.
Even so, Steven forced himself to ignore the growing dread in his own heart as he pressed forward through the tall grass, the large, pink tree still afar off in the distance, though it loomed closer with each step he inched towards it. As he ventured closer, his breath dutifully held and his eyes focused on his destination, the young Gem couldn’t help but think about his mother. Rose Quartz, the leader of the Crystal Gems, who saved so many and gave so much. Who harbored so many secrets, both big and small. Who had left so much confusion and uncertainty behind. Who, the more he learned about, the more he seemed to know nothing about at all.
“She was more than just nice,” his father had told him with a warm, earnest smile of deepest affection and love. “She was sweet, and selfless, and funny, and brave, and beautiful, and amazing…”
“Your mother always believed that trust was something that shouldn’t be given away so easily,” Garnet had said, but Steven couldn’t help but question that supposed belief now, in spite of it all. “She believed it was something that should be earned, and that everyone should be given the chance to earn it.”
“I don’t know what kind of sweet, little fluffy lies the Gems have been feeding you, kid, but your mom was far from the amazing, perfect, flawless goddess those three thought she was!” Stan had harshly criticized, with a kind of disdain that the young Gem now understood the reasoning behind. Disdain that, in a way, he even saw as somewhat reasonable, at least from the conman’s perspective.
“She was always, always thinking of humanity, of the earth, of her fellow Crystal Gems over herself,” Pearl had said with a loving sigh of adoration, one that perhaps, Steven started to realize, carried some biases to it all their own.
“I was always able to bear my secrets to her, just as she often entrusted her own secrets to me,” the journal had read and Ford still echoed his sentiments of deepest respect for the pink Gem even now. Sentiments that, much like the Gems’ refused to be shaken. “I can only hope she’ll understand. She has to understand. She’s the only one I still completely trust…”
“Then again, I’m hardly surprised,” Bill had said during a moment of such high intensity that it had barely even registered again in Steven’s mind until now. “After all, your mom did the exact same thing way back when before just making everybody forget about it later on!”
Steven had to take in a sharp gasp of realization upon recalling this callous remark, to the point that he was forced to stick his head outside of Lion’s mane ever so briefly to catch it. He didn’t even bother sticking around to answer anyone’s pressing questions as he quickly shoved himself back inside, his mind absolutely reeling by what the dream demon had said several weeks ago no. There was no way, no way Bill could have been right about that; certainly it had to have been just another one of his infamous lies and deceitful ploys. The idea that Rose had known where the Gems’ memories had been all this time was bad enough; but the implication that she had been the very one to take them in the first place was something else altogether. Certainly, it wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. Because…
“Take care of them, Steven…” Rose had said herself to him in a tape made years ago. A tape filled with so much warmth and love and sincerity that it usually pushed all thoughts of his mother’s shadowed secrets away. But not this time. Because as Steven scaled the hill leading to the tree, the only thing left in place of that warmth was a bitter chill, in place of that love was fear, in place of that sincerity was doubt, more doubt that he had ever really felt before. She had entrusted him with the Crystal Gems, with the protection of the earth and everything upon it. Those were burdens he could handle, burdens that were heavy yes, but manageable. But she had also left him with her secrets, with the ghosts of her past still unreckoned in the present, with all the horrible mistakes she might have made. With all the things that he knew he wasn’t strong enough to carry, even if he wanted to.
And as he finally reached the tree and happened to peer just beyond the chest resting near its base, he found just about the heaviest burden she could have left him with.
His heart sank with a feeling of absolute woe as he caught sight of it: an unassuming glass tube, the very same kind the Society of the Blind Eye had once horded en masse. It lay gently in the low grass, a label pressed to its side that bore a very simple designation written in a deceptively beautiful script:
“Crystal Gems’ Memories”
Steven’s hands were shaking as he reached down to pick the tube up, grasping it ever so gently as he pulled it into his grasp. Tears had started to well up in the young Gem’s eyes as the realization crashed down upon him all at once that it was all true. That Rose really had been keeping this momentous secret from her teammates, from her friends all this time. That she had barred them from the truth, truth that they had agonized over missing for so very long now, truth that she could have very well stolen away from them herself. Truth that he had finally, finally found, and truth that he had every intention of returning to who it rightfully belonged to.
Something that his mother had apparently never bothered to od.
Since he was starting to run out of air, Steven quickly bounded down the hill, practically leaping out of Lion’s mane and back into the house as he landed on the floor clumsily. As tense as everyone was, no one really bothered to give him too much of a chance to catch his breath as they all crowded around him, eager to hear his findings.
“Steven, are you ok?” Mabel asked with concern upon noticing the tears streaming down the young Gem’s face.
“Did you find anything in there?” Connie asked, equally worried as Steven slowly pushed himself up to sit.
“Uh… y-yeah…” he muttered morosely, looking down to the memory tube held tightly in his arms. “I… I think I did…”
Steven let out a sad sigh as he held the tube up for the Gems to see, a unified gasp of shock escaping them as they realized what it was. The young Gem had always imagined this to be a moment of immense relief and joy for his guardians; the long awaited reunion with their lost memories should have been exciting and liberating. But instead, it only felt like a betrayal of the absolute worst kind.
“T-those are… they can’t be…” Pearl whispered, wrapping her hands around Garnet’s arm tightly.
“T-they are…” the Gem leader said weakly, not even hiding the dismay in her tone.
“B-but… but why were they… in there all this time?” Amethyst asked, shaking her head in disbelief.
Garnet took in a deep breath, steadying herself for her teammates as resolve filled her expression. “There’s only one way to find out,” she said, looking to the memory tube first, and then to her teammates. “Gems?” she offered, though neither Amethyst nor Pearl seemed very keen on taking the initiative. “Alright then, I’ll go first.”
The others all watched in tentative silence as Garnet took the tube, placing her palms against both of its end tips. However, the moment she did so, a spark of energy rushed from the tube to the two gemstones making contact with it, eliciting a gasp of surprise from the Gem leader as she went rigid and still. For a moment, her expression only conveyed shock; her jaw dropped and her eyes unreadable underneath her shades. No one else had any idea what she could have been seeing, what memories she was recalling, what secrets she was learning, but in the end, it all proved to be too much for her as she let out a sharp, distraught cry, her hands flying away from the tube as she stumbled backwards. The tube itself nearly shattered on the ground, but fortunately, Pearl managed to catch it just in time as the others all looked to the compromised Gem leader in concerned alarm.
Garnet said nothing as she backed against the far wall, her shades disappearing to reveal her trio of eyes, all huge with terror and oncoming tears in an expression of unabridged fear that none of them had ever seen on her before. Her breathing was shallow and uneven, a hand pressed tightly against the side of her head as she shook it repeatedly, as sign of how unable she was to comprehend what she had just seen.
“G-Garnet…” Steven asked, taking a small, hesitant step towards her. “A-are you… ok?”
The Gem leader didn’t respond, her eyes darting downward as she remained in her state of silent, frantic panic, completely unresponsive to everyone else around her. Pearl and Amethyst in particular were quite stunned to see their usually steadfast leader so shaken, and as they looked to the memory tube again, they were both left wondering if reclaiming what she just had was even worth it at all. “W-what did she see just now?” Amethyst asked quite apprehensively.
“I-I don’t know…” Pearl said, warily eyeing the tube once more. “Whatever it was, it couldn’t have been that bad, right?”
Amethyst simply shrugged in response to this, something that Pearl took with a readying sigh as she began to lift the tube up to the gem on her forehead, knowing that was how Garnet had absorbed the memories contained therein. And much like Garnet, Pearl’s expression went completely blank as she touched it to her gemstone, though it only took a moment or two for the same kind of horror to fill her eyes as she let out nothing short of a scream of anguished fear. The white Gem practically threw the memory tube away from her, though Amethyst managed to nab it with a well timed stretch of her arm before it could hit the wall. All the same, Pearl let out another heartbroken cry as she quickly collapsed to her knees, choking on several sobs all the while as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself.
“H-how could we… w-we were tricked, we didn’t… what have we done?!” she cried miserably, her voice rising in yet another agonized shriek before she broke down into the same, tearful, inconsolable state Garnet was still in. The kids, Ford, and Amethyst could all only watch their absolute breakdowns with apt alarm, none of them having the faintest idea about what apparent horrors their previously lost memories could hold. The purple Gem in particular looked down at the tube anxiously, knowing that if she were to gain those memories herself, then she’d likely fall apart just as her teammates had. And yet…
“Amethyst, wait,” Steven stopped her as she began to pull the tube towards the gem on her chest. “Y-you don’t have to…”
The purple Gem’s expression turned grave as she heard this, shaking her head solemnly as she spared another pitied glance towards Garnet and Pearl. “Yeah… I do…” she muttered despondently, taking in a deep breath before she placed the tube against her gem. Just like her teammates, it took a moment for Amethyst to really respond to whatever secrets the tube held inside it, but when she did, her reaction wasn’t one of shock or grief. It was anger. The purple Gem let out an appalled gasp, her eyes igniting with furious fire as she ripped the memory tube away from her, letting out a fierce shout as she slammed it hard into the ground, shattering it into hundreds of irreparable pieces.
“She lied to us!” Amethyst practically screamed with fury, her fingers tightly knitted into her messy hair. “All this time! All these years and she couldn’t even bother to tell us anything just so she could hide her own mistakes!? How could she do this to us?!”
“Do what?” Ford asked, both immensely concerned and immensely curious as he addressed all three of the Gems. “What happened? What did you see?”
As soon as the author asked this, the Gems all snapped their gazes over to him, each of them wearing some variation of a hostile scowl, something that Ford was genuinely caught off guard by. “W-what did we see?” Pearl began coldly, wiping her tears away and replacing them with anger as she stood. “I’ll tell you what we saw! We saw-”
“Pearl,” Garnet quickly cut in, still against the wall, though her expression had hardened somewhat. Her shades were still gone as she sent an intentful glance towards the kids, silently telling her teammate that what they had witnessed was something that didn’t need to be discussed in front of them.
The white Gem heeded her leader, though all the same, she turned to Ford briefly, whispering only two words that none of the kids were able to hear, though they left the author completely in shock. “W-what?” he stammered, hoping he had heard Pearl wrong, though she didn’t bother to repeat herself as she abruptly turned on her heel and marched towards the temple, letting out another remorseful, bitter sob as she did. Amethyst followed soon after, grumbling hotly to herself as she stormed into her room, not even sending another glance back at the stunned group behind her. Garnet lingered just a moment longer, her three-eyed sights fixated on the broken remains of the memory tube on the ground before her, as if it held any of the answers she was failing to find.
“G-Garnet?” Steven spoke up apprehensively, taking a step towards the shaken Gem leader. Garnet briefly glanced up at him, her eyes filled with pain, regret, fear, and a million other things at once as she prepared to speak to him, only to end up saying nothing at all. Instead, she simply summoned her shades once again, standing upright as she too retreated inside the temple, unable to even begin describing the horrors her and her teammates had just seen.
“W-wait!” Ford called after her, rushing up to the temple gate just as it closed. “Please, just tell me what happened! W-what did he—what did Rose do to…” The author trailed off, stilling his knocking on the door as he let out a defeated sigh and hung his head in shame, knowing that, based on the incredibly small amount of information he had so far, he couldn’t help but blame himself for it all.
“G-Grunkle Ford?” Mabel spoke up anxiously. “Are the Gems… ok?”
Ford hesitated in turning back to face the kids, but when he did it was with a small, largely fake smile of reassurance. “Ah… um… t-they will be. There’s no doubt that whatever memories they just recalled were… somewhat intense. It’s understandable that they’d need a little time to… adjust, so to speak…”
“It was Mom, wasn’t it?” Steven asked, his back turned to everyone else as he instead stared at the portrait of his mother rather coldly. “She was the one who erased their memories. That’s why they were hidden in Lion’s mane; she put them there. Like Amethyst said, s-she lied to them…”
“I-I… I’m not sure if she… M-maybe she just… She…” Ford stammered, clearly unsure of what to say as he looked to the serene portrait of the pink Gem himself. The author knew there was much that he could have said, not just to the kids, but to the Gems, to himself really, in a moment like this. Unspoken regrets, unkept promises, unabashed guilt; but in the end, he said none of it, opting to take the same route of silence as the Gems had by making a swift retreat of his own. “I… don’t know…” he mumbled to the kids as he passed by them, his tone and his manner both low and remorseful. Yet all the same, he did stop briefly as he began to step outside, offering the kids something of a bittersweet smile as he left them with a few genuine words of affirmation. “You know, despite how everything turned out, you kids really did come through and figure this conundrum out, and that’s something to be proud of. The four of you really make quite an impressive team.” Ford let out a small, somewhat sad laugh as he finally left, though not before muttering one final, wistful statement to himself. “Just like myself and the Gems did back in the day, I suppose…”
And with that, the author departed, leaving the kids alone in a state of heavy silence as they all tried to wrap their heads around everything that had just happened. There was no doubt that something significant had changed with the restoration of the Gems’ memories, but exactly what that something was was largely unclear. However, Steven hardly even thought of this apparent change as he instead continued staring at the picture of his mother, his hands slowly clenching into tight fists at his side as his despair started to grow into frustration. Which in turn, quickly grew into a rare kind of anger he was powerless to control.
“I can’t believe it…” he began, quietly at first, though his volume quickly rose as the others all looked to him in confusion. “All this time, all this time we’ve been trying to figure out what happened to the Gems’ memories, and the answer was always right here! Mom took their memories! They were her friends and she stole from them without even thinking about how much it might hurt them!”
“Oh, Steven…” Connie frowned, wanting to comfort the young Gem amidst his upset anger. “M-maybe she had to erase their memories. Whatever the Gems saw… it looked like it really scared them. Maybe that was her way of helping them deal with that.”
“But why couldn’t she think of another way?!” Steven exclaimed, distraught as he began to intensely pace back and forth. “Why did she have to go and take something that was so important to them and just… just hide them for so long without telling anyone?! She didn’t give them a choice or anything, she just did it to try and fix whatever happened, but it didn’t fix anything at all! It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t right! It’s just like-!” The young Gem cut himself off with a sharp gasp, his eyes widening as he realized he had no right to be upset with his mother for such a momentous mistake. After all, he had nearly done the exact same thing to one of his own friends just a few mere days ago.
Steven’s eyes welled up with tears, a guilty sob escaping him as he looked to Dipper, who, up until that point, had only been watching the young Gem’s outburst in concerned alarm. However, his surprise only grew as Steven suddenly rushed towards him, pulling him into a tight, sorrowful hug that admittedly caught Dipper completely off guard.
“S-Steven, what-”
“Dipper, I-I’m so sorry!” the young Gem cried morosely. “I finally understand why you were so upset with me and Mabel about what happened yesterday! Its because we didn’t trust you! B-because I didn’t trust you, a-and that’s why I almost erased your memories back when we were dealing with the society! I thought you couldn’t handle it all but I was wrong! I was only thinking about how bad I felt then, about how scared I was yesterday that I didn’t even t-think about how… about… about anything else! You’re right… I-I… I’m selfish… Just like my mom was…”
Dipper had to take pause upon hearing all this, still lost in surprise as he felt the young Gem sob miserably while still maintaining their embrace. For the first time, he couldn’t help but feel guilty himself for the grudge he had been holding onto so tightly ever since that portal blew open. A grudge that, in light of everything they had uncovered and everything that they had been through together, seemed far too petty and unimportant to really hold a place in his heart any longer.
And yet, before he could let it go, Mabel spoke up, her tone shaken yet sincere as she managed to join in on the hug between the boys herself. “Dipper, I… I’m sorry too…” she said, much softer than Steven had, though tears were starting to fill her eyes as well. “You were right… we really did shut you out. We broke our promise to stick by each other and be a team, and then we—I guess I just thought that things would get better on their own, so I didn’t even try to make it right… J-just like I always do, right?”
“Mabel, no…” Dipper protested softly, gently pulling himself out of Steven and Mabel’s shared embrace. “Y-you guys didn’t… I was just…” He trailed off, trying to focus everything he wanted to say to them both down to something concise, meaningful. And once he did, he couldn’t help but do so with a remorseful sigh. “I… I was wrong. About Stan, about the portal, about… well, just about everything. In fact, when it comes to the big things this summer, there’s probably about only a handful of times when I’ve actually been right. And I guess I was just so tired of being wrong about everything all the time that I wanted to blame it on someone other than myself so… maybe I sort of just… pinned it all on you two. Which is something else that’s wrong, when you think about it, because you guys totally don’t deserve that. You did what you thought was right. And… in the end, it turned out for the best. I mean, it brought Great Uncle Ford back to where he belongs, it led to us finding the Gems’ memories—for better or worse—it gave us the answers to so many of the questions we had this summer. So… I’m sorry for holding it all against you guys. What happened yesterday… it changed pretty much everything. But the one thing that it shouldn’t change because of any of it is us.”
“And it won’t,” Mabel assured with a small, but steadily growing smile. “Remember what we talked about last night? About not getting all stupid like Stan and Ford, and heck, even the Gems did? Well, we’re not gonna turn out like them. We’re better than that, all four of us are!”
“That’s right!” Steven agreed as they welcomed Connie into their quickly developing group hug. “Because we’re…”
“The Mystery Kids!” they all chimed in together, laughing warmly as they all pulled together, both physically and symbolically. The past few days, the past few weeks really had been tumultuous for all four of them, through trials ranging from Homeworld invasions to battles against demons both external and internal to even interdimensional portals and hidden memories sealed away. But even despite all the strain it had been put under, their bond was a resilient one, built to last under the pressure stacked against it without crumbling apart. What was lost between the kids had been found, and as long as they kept sight of it, so it would remain.
And yet… even despite the comforting assurance of their newly-secured friendship, the kids still had their worries. Worries of the past they still knew nothing about, about the mistakes and terrors laying dead but not buried somewhere years before any of them were even born. Anxiety about the present, about how things were now as shaken and shattered as they were in light of everything they had learned.
And most of all fears of the future, of what they’d find as they moved onward into the unsteady, uncertain darkness ahead, where literally anything or anyone could lie in wait.
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shivada-jade · 3 years
as windtrace is coming back, i would like to address something very important as a kaeya main
1) to the kaeya mains, please be wary of the diluc mains as they will target you first
all my experiences playin w diluc mains are them targeting me
i was playing at wuwang hill w a diluc main, and they were the hunter. i kid you not, xiangling was right in front of them but they still chose to pursue to get me out. and in the dawn winery map, albedo was sitting on the bench and they instead came for me </3 THEY WILL NOT SHOW MERCY !!!! RUN RUN RUN
2) this one is for all of you!
do not under any circumstances- do NOT trust childe mains <3
they will hurt and betray you after calling yourselves bros and will get you out if they're hunter
3) venti mains are crafty with how they play, because of their passive skill, you will most likely find them on top of trees and buildings! play smarter!
4) diluc mains, be wary of diona mains. they exist and when u somehow play w them as hunter AHAHAHAHAH its funny but like, be careful!!
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changbinslovelylegs · 3 years
First date jitters
Pairing: Jeongin stray kids x reader
WC: 1716
Warnings: Language, kissing, mentions of past abuse, online dating AU
- You had met Jeongin through an app 3 months after your terrible breakup. Let's just say you have some first date jitters going into this!
Yang Jeongin is online
Y/N is online
Innie: Hi again!
Y/N: Hello Innie, nice to see your online!
Innie: Did you miss me?
Y/N: Hmm... maybe.
Innie: It's ok i've missed you too.
After your breakup, more like escape from Seungmin you had originally never wanted to date again! You had been with Seungmin for only 2 years but they were 2 years of hell!
5 months in was when Seungmin started showing his true colours; coming home drunk and hitting you, hitting you when you did something he didn't like, hitting you during sex even! You only managed to end thing after a night so bad you woke up in the hospital and the police filed a restraining order.
You never thought you would be ready to get back out there so soon, nights spent crying and eating ice-cream alone while you tried your best to heal from the past. Who knew that only after 3 months you would be good to go.
A friend of yours suggested a dating app, and while you were sceptical about doing things online the fact that on this specific app women made the first move just made you feel all the more ready since you held the power.
Jeongin first took your eye because you thought he was hot, but after reading his profile he also seemed like a nice guy.
Full name: Yang Jeongin
Preferred name: I do answer to Jeongin but closer people call me Innie
Age: 23
Job: Chemistry teacher
The list went on to talk about his likes, dislikes, goals for the future, things he enjoyed doing in his spare time, places he wished to travel too even.
Y/N: How has your day been so far?
Innie: Well I worked today, teaching children all day is tiring so I thought I'd message you to cheer me up! How was your day?
Y/N: My day was pretty similar, I worked too! and I am also tired ahahahahah.
Innie: So we've been talking for about a week now?
Y/N: Yeah?...
Innie: I was wondering if you would like to meet in person? I really like you and would love to take you out on a date.
Y/N: That sounds wonderful I would love to!
Innie: Great! I'll pick you up at 5pm tomorrow, cya then gorgeous.
Y/N: Bye Innie.
Yang Jeongin is offline
Y/N is offline
The next day couldn't' have come soon enough, you hardly slept because you were so excited and nervous.
You had planned to have lunch with your friends Yunho and Mingi and originally it was just meant to be a casual catch up but now you had the ultimate goss for them.
Knowing Yunho and Mingi, more so Yunho, they loved any and all goss to spice up their day. You met them at a cafe which was themed to look like Alice in wonderland (specifically the tea party scene since it was a cafe) (win win it happened to be one of your favourite movies) and the three of you ordered some hot drinks to start off.
"So how's my main bitch hmm?" Yunho asked staring right at you so that you knew you had his attention.
"I've got some news actually, so I've been talking to a guy-" you started but was cut off as soon as you said guy.
"Wait you've been talking to a guy and didn't tell me yet! bitch how could you" Yunho was always a blunt and dramatic person which made him the most fun to be around.
His much calmer boyfriend Mingi stepped in to soothe the situation; "baby calm down ok, she's telling us the news now" Mingi leaned in to give a small peck to Yunho lips, to which Yunho just huffed and pouted then looked back at you to continue.
"So i've been chatting online with Jeongin who told me he just likes to go by Innie, and he asked me out last night!" You finished and took a sip of your drink, just before anyone could reply the food arrived.
"OMG I'm so happy for you babes! this is going to be so great for you, I'm glad you finally put yourself out there" Yunho exclaimed.
"I didn't think I would be ready so soon after the hell I injured with Seungmin, but when this app said the women makes the first move I felt much more comfortable."
"Wait did you say his name was Jeongin? as in Yang Jeongin?" Mingi had been deep in thought for a while and was now voicing them.
"That is correct."
"Oh my god I work with him! he's another teacher at the school!"
"Innie did tell me he was a teacher, what a small world"
"Jeongin's such a great guy. We're not that close but thats purely because we're in different departments and hardly see each other, I'm sport and he's science. But people always say great things about him all his students love him but that's most likely because he's young" Mingi explained, and it was as if a weight had been lifted off your chest.
Someone knew Jeongin, and said someone said that Jeongin was a good person. You were still a little jittery about meeting him but no where near as much as you were before this lunch.
You couldn't stay long at lunch since you had to prepare for your date, and the thought terrified you. The last date you went on was 2 years ago when you first met your ex.
What were you going to wear?
How were you meant to act?
Who pays? is it still the guy?
You didn't even know where Jeongin was taking you!
"FUCK ME" You screamed into your pillow, apparently you were now incompetent in choosing an outfit. A skirt or jeans? it's kinda warm so maybe a skirt but what if Jeongin takes you somewhere like a roller rink where you shouldn't wear skirts.
You were brought out of your thoughts when there was a ding dong at the door. Scrambling to find some clothes you just opted for blue jeans and a cropped snakeskin singlet. Jeongin greeted you at the door with a smile and some flowers.
"Hi, wow! it's so good to finally meet you" Jeongin exclaimed trying to fully take you in. "I remembered that Orchards are your favourite so, these are for you" Jeongin handed you the flowers, to which you smiled in delight.
"Thank you Innie there beautiful, It's wonderful to meet you too" you smelled the flowers as you motioned for Jeongin to come inside. "so where are you taking me?" you questioned, filling up the nearest vase with water.
"I was thinking bowling if that's ok with you? Do you like bowling?" Jeongin sat on one of your bar stools, the wood creaking a little bit since it wasn't the most sturdy of stools, but you were broke at the time and second-hand chairs sounded like a good idea.
Practically everything in your house was second-hand besides the couch, you saved up for that since you didn't wanna sacrifice on the comfort.
"Bowlings' fine, I haven't done that in a while"
Jeongin had taken you to a place called 'rounds of fun,' and it was a place that had most things you experienced as a kid but in a building for adults since they sold alcohol. There were 6 bowling lanes, 4 karaoke rooms, a large arcade, even a roller-skating rink, then at the back it had a cafe/bar.
In your mind, it was the perfect place for a first date, and you were surprised that you had never been here.
"Do you wanna go first?" Jeongin asked you after getting the special shoes and setting up the scoreboard.
"No, you go, that way it's more satisfying when I beat you" there was a cheeky tone to your voice, it had Jeongin smirking.
"Oh, it's on gorgeous!"
Halfway through the game and you were annoyed that you weren't winning even though you said you could beat him. The last ball only hitting 7 pins while Jeongin got his 3rd strike in a row.
"I thought you said you could beat me?" Jeongin asks, but theres a look on his face that says he's happy because he's wining.
"It might just be nerves, I was honestly a little scared about meeting you" you admitted, no use beating around the bush because that always got you nowhere.
This caused Jeongin to frown, he walked over to you and took your hands in his. "You don't have to be nervous around me sweetheart, I promise that nothing is going to happen unless you want it to ok?"
You nodded, letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. It was your turn again and an idea struck you. "why don't you help me this time?"
Understanding completely, with a new found smile on his face, Jeongin wrapped his arms around you as you rolled the ball.
"Keep it steady, that way it has a higher chance of staying in the middle therefore hitting more pins" Jeongin voiced, thinking that maybe he should be helpful.
"Remember not to get distracted" was when Jeongin only 5 seconds in decided to trash being helpful in favour of whispering into your ear, his warm voice making you shiver and roll the ball too far to the left, landing in the gutter.
"Oopsies" he whispered again, hands trailing up your arm.
Two can plat at this one.
That's when you had an idea to make him very distracted, and hopefully for the rest of the game. You turned around only to smash your lips together.
After the initial shock of "omg I'm kissing him" and "omg she's kissing me" was when the two of you melted together, tongues exploring in a world of passion.
You never wanted to pull away, you always wanted to be connected to him. You hadn't felt happiness like this in a long time.
All things come to an end, meaning the two of you practically begging for air. Jeongin pulled away, in such aw of you.
"That was nice" he commented bluntly.
"Yeah it was, we're definitely doing that again."
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
A Day In The Festival - Reiner x Reader
Word count: 1k
What better way to spend time with your lovely boyfriend than a date at a festival? Though things don't go quite as planned.
A/n: This was ALL because of that one anon who made me think NON-STOP about Reiner. Like, I don't like this man AHAHAHAHAH I REALLY DON'T. But ffs, he deserves so much more than what life can offer ngl (FYI the reader is Eldian living in Paradis). I hope you guys enjoy this and requests are open so please send in your requests!!! Thank you!!!
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With a festival coming very soon, you couldn’t wait to spend it with Reiner. He had been gone in Paradis for way too long, and even though he came back somewhat different than what he was before. You truly didn’t mind it.
Reiner was still Reiner. He must’ve seen terrible things back in Paradis, whether it being the swarms of Titans there, the death of Marcel, or even facing the fact that he killed that many people. Even if they were considered Devils, you realized all those years of lying, killing, and spying really took a toll on his mental health.
So, what better way to relax, than a festival. Smiles and cheers everywhere, food as far as the eye can see, not to mention the unique sights. It was a beautiful event. Unsurprisingly, people around you were also excited, this included the new warrior candidates, and Reiner actually. Hence you had decided on a small date walking around the festival and seeing what it has to offer.
“Uhm, this is for you.” Reiner awkwardly held out a small bouquet of beautiful flowers when he met you, “You look amazing.” Here he was the man you fell in love with. Already flustered, just because of you dressing up.
You laughed before taking the flower from him, “Thank you, and you look the same always.” He looked at you with a stunned expression, “Handsome as always.” Reiner chuckled at your remark, feeling his nervousness slipping away from your lighthearted comments.
The morning went on rather peacefully, you bought some breakfast from some booths and ate them happily with Reiner. You were about to walk around even more and maybe even find him a gift, but the two of you ran into four kids you recognized pretty well. Zofia, Gabi, Udo, and Falco.
They were in awe at the festival sight before them, “I wonder what they’re up to.” You spoke before pulling Reiner up towards them.
A small twinge of guilt hit your chest when they opened their bags, only to see them empty without money. As if sensing both yours and Reiner’s presence there, the four of them looked up to both of you with the best puppy eyes they could manage. Begging the two of you silently to buy them food and some goods.
You looked to the side to your lover and saw his usual stoic expression cracking, he was weak towards these four kids after all. You laughed out loud, before wrapping the four kids in a hug, “Pick whatever food you guys want. Reiner and I'll pay.”
With that, the four kids cheered and dragged the two of you towards different kiosks. On your way to the first kiosk, the two of you ran into Porco.
“Oy, what are you kids doing???” Porco questioned them with an amused look. It wasn’t every day seeing a warrior and a soldier getting dragged around by four kids.
Gabi beamed at the question, “Reiner and Y/n are paying for our food!!!” Reiner visibly groaned beside you, knowing exactly what Porco’s reaction will be.
“Waaaa???? Oy Reiner! Pay for me too yeah?” Porco smirked rather devilishly towards your lover. Once again, laughter spills out your lips like sweet honey, “Give him a break, I’ll pay for you Pock.”
In the first kiosk the, now 5 people, bought some bread. All of which paid by you and Reiner, though you did buy one for yourself to share with him too.
After they were finished, Gabi and Falco quickly dragged the two of you back to a different kiosk. Porco, Zofia, and Udo following suit not too far behind. Yet on the way, once again you’re met with a familiar face, Pieck.
“Good morning Pock, what are you doing following a couple on a date and these kids?” Gabi snapped her head towards the two of you in feigned disgust, “You guys were on a date?!”
Reiner shrugged, “We were.” He said a little flatly. “Reiner and Y/n are paying for everyone’s food.” Porco spoke towards Pieck, “Well then, mind if I join in?”
Reiner agreed knowing for a fact, that even if he refused, you’d either insist that it was okay or Pieck would follow along. At the next kiosk the kids bought a sandwich (ik it’s not a sandwich but calling it a sub would be weird, so bear with me), Porco and Pieck didn’t want any. Much to the relief of Reiner.
But in the next kiosk, all six of them wanted to buy pizza. And again, both you and Reiner were the ones who paid for it. You saw him sulk even more now, most likely less due to the fact of him having to spend a lot of money, but losing time he wanted to spend with you.
“Hey don’t look so down, look at how happy they are.” You nudged his sides after he finished paying, motioning to the now laughing kids. “I don’t remember even being THAT happy when I was a warrior candidate.” You spoke to him.
The both of you met as warrior candidates, though he was lucky enough to actually become a warrior, whilst you settled with a soldier position. “Well yeah, festivals don’t come very often.”
Reiner wasn’t even looking at the kids you were so intently watching at this point. He was staring at you. Observing the little details in your face, the way you lightly scrunched your eyebrows when Udo tripped, or when the sides of your lips twitched upwards ever so slightly whenever you saw them laugh.
When you got tired of him not responding to anything you were saying, you looked in his direction. Only to lock eyes with him almost immediately. “Why are you looking at me? You dork!”
You smirked towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist in a small hug. “You’re too incredible.” Reiner’s straightforwardness quickly made you flustered and looked away. But one of his hands reached towards your chin to make you face him again.
He leaned in closer, and so did you. When your lips did touch a few groans of displeasure suddenly resonated. The two of you pulled away and looked towards the source.
Zofia, Udo, Gabi, and Falco were watching the two of you and made fake gagging noises to show their displeasure. “The both of you are gross,” Gabi remarked before taking Reiner’s hand in hers and pulling him towards another kiosk.
You laughed once more when Zofia took your hand as well, and dragged you, albeit softer than Gabi, towards where they were going. Even from in front of you, Reiner heard your small laughter and chuckles. He cherishes them, around him right now were the sole reasons for his happiness. An incredible lover who always wishes for the very best for him, and a few humorous children who never fail to create trouble.
He wished he could pause this moment in time and forever live in it.
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dangermousie · 3 years
CFC 110
1. HY finally got XQC to stop smoking for a second! It’s only one cigarette and it’s only a delay for XQC but still, I will take anything!
2. XQC being surprised HY cares about XX but HY does. There is “something” in XQC’s gaze and HY is not looking at him so he doesn’t notice but I do and am trying not to scream! It’s so clear XQC feels something for HY beyond indifference and even beyond his rightful anger at HY’s past behavior, despite how he tries to suppress it; but he’s so good at pushing that down it only escapes in those little moments.
3. HY thinking that he wants to help XX because she’s XQC’s sister and what a reversal from the beginning of the novel! But then the more we read, the clearer it becomes it was always XQC and XX was just a safe deflection.
4. HY going mad in the small car, wanting to kiss and more with XQC and doing everything to refrain - yes yes GROWTH. I love this so much because you can tell he’s dying for want of XQC but he’s finally learning to have his conscience control things not his id.
5. XQC is so oblivious and is all “wtf is he all over the place” ahahaha and then declares he will go home and take a cab and HY is almost crying (that’s the scene Meatbun posted way earlier) but yeah XQC is back to his “I don’t owe anyone for anything” mentality and HY can’t cope - he literally starts digging out change to give XQC for the taxi. (Earlier, when he opened the window to cool down but it’s freezing and XQC closes it and gets even closer to him in the process and HY is all !!! and starts yelling something like “I am 20, I am hot, so?!” to deflect is hilarious.)
6. It escalates and I am laughing because XQC won’t take the money so HY hops out of the car and tells him to take HY’s car and HY will take the taxi home ahahahahah and then leaving the boggled XQC in the car he walks off, gets mad, throws a rock at his fancy car and when XQC is all “I can’t afford to pay for the car damage” and gets out, he gets even more hopping mad. XQC says I will take the taxi and HY then takes his coat off and throws it at him and XQC by now is clearly thinking HY has lost his mind but no, he just wants XQC to take his help somehow, to let HY take care of him somehow and AWWWW.
7. XQC: “what if I sell the coat?” ahahahaha and HY says “sell it!” and now I am imagining XQC running a thriving business selling HY’s cast offs. But poor HY is shivering because he’s freezing and XQC feels sorry and gives him back his coat and seriously they are utter CHILDREN! Yes, even the 32 year old.
8. The references to XQC’s poor health continue. Like how in his current condition he can’t fight with HY tho he could have defeated him back then. And it can’t be RN13 he took as a 14 year old because the other meds he took later restored him back to prior physical peak. I am officially freaking out.
9. HY finally loses it and drags XQC to a hotel and the clerk is all ???!!!
10. HY subconsciously hopes for a repeat of NYE because last time XQC was upset they had epic sex and now XQC is upset (over informer dying) maybe he will get a repeat? But clearly not, that NYE freaked out XQC so much over his capacity to let go and enjoy himself, he’s locked himself up thrice as tight. But also I love that even after realizing his feelings, HY has moments of backsliding. It’s hard to change right away.
11. But he IS changing and learning, because instead of molesting or even kissing XQC, he just hits the wall next to him with his head (!!!! talk about escalating kabedon!) and leaves.
12. That poor clerk! XQC chases after HY with HY’s coat (and gets annoyed HY paid. Get used to it, XQC, HY will actually not let you take care of everything, he’s the only one) and the clerk’s fantasy goes from “young kid didn’t last long and ditched” to “daddy is banging a college student but didn’t last long” ahhahahahah. This scene is such a mirror to the check out scene in the club - in the misunderstanding of the staff, it’s the same, but the feelings between the two, what actually happened (or did not), is so different.
13. He Yu finally gets his hands on XQC, pushed past all endurance in the car and what does he do first? He strokes his eyebrows and forehead with a trembling hand. I love this so! It mirrors him doing it so to the photo earlier, but also it’s all tenderness and so much longing and just so different from past encounters both in nature but also in how HY approaches it and what he feels.
14. And XQC turns his face away because he can’t face HY’s eyes but HY turns him back and he sees something in his eyes and KISSES HIM AND I AM DYING!!!!!
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Funny idea: Yukimi and Genta present the baby pictures of their kids to Fehnix
Ahahahahah lol rip.
I can imagine Yukimi and Genta at the dinner table with George and Hiromi (who’s there to babysit George lol) showing the baby pics when the kids show up. George is clearly enjoying himself, Hiromi looks constipated from trying to suppress his smile, the kids all feel a bit of their souls leave their bodies and Vice just loses his shit 😂
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I did manage to wait until bedtime to finish the second half of the chapter!! ;) and it felt like releasing a big breath (exactly like I imagine Dylan did when he saw her)!! I can't wait to know if they are going to get how of this and how!! Also for some reason I was thinking "Dylan didn't even have time to go buy some more condoms" ahahahahah hopefully they get to use some more soon!! 😏
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I kid, I kid!!! Hahaha! I love that you're out here worrying about their safe sex. Adorable. Hahaha! I'm so pleased to hear that you enjoyed your read!
Thanks so much for dropping back in to let me know what you thought! It means a lot to hear from readers and I welcome messages and anons from anyone taking time out of their busy lives to bother reading anything I write.
<3 <3 <3
Anon is referring to Chapter 14 of FAFLA (not very covertly)
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