#ALL the unconscious people
swordsonnet · 1 year
lately, i've seen more people in the online autistic community acknowledging the struggles of people with higher support needs, which is of course an important development. but for some, that seems to come with the implicit assumption that low needs autistics "have it easy" or experience no stigma at all, which is just wrong??? people with low support needs are still disabled by their autism and still face discrimination because of it. sure, they are impaired to a lesser degree than those with higher support needs, but that doesn't mean you can just erase their struggles, y'know?
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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a continuation of this comic. emmet has some concerns about the loyalty of his depot agents, and not in the direction that usually goes.
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tamelee · 1 year
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Panel redraw (sorta). Based on this ask, hope you and the one who suggested this panel- 🫣💕 like it. I'm not sure if it turned out well..
Bridge scene ⃩/Naruto's resolve
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nelkcats · 1 year
Harley's bad bad day
When his parents excitedly talked about a family trip to Gotham, Danny was skeptical. Why would he want to vacation in New Jersey?
He ended up accepting. But he couldn't leave his duties as King unattended so he made some arrangements with Wulf and the other ghosts. They promised to behave in the best possible way. Danny didn't believe them but had no choice.
Without him realizing it, as soon as he set foot in Gotham the city got filled with ambient ectoplasm. Achieving that the shadows of the spirits could form correctly as ghosts in the city.
Many of the ghosts decided to seek an entrance to the Realms, maybe visit the King who was visiting their city. Others were furious at their deaths and wanted revenge. The Joker was number one on the list.
Harley was the second closest. Although she had parted ways with the Joker a long time ago, the ghosts didn't care that she had changed. She killed them, all her change wouldn't fix that.
The dead do not forget
When Harley woke up that day she didn't expect to find a knife stuck to the side of her face. She got up upset but the knife seemed to have fallen from the ceiling. She frowned, not remembering how it got there.
The more time passed, the more she suspected that something was up. Around midday she was convinced that someone was trying to kill her. So many accidents happened to her that it was ridiculous. The girl couldn't help but become paranoid and seek refuge with Bruce.
Batman wasn't one to accept or deny the existence of ghosts but he was sure Alfred wasn't talking to himself. When Harley told him what was going on with her he frowned.
Why was there paranormal activity in Gotham? And why was it after Harley? He grunted at the thought that he should call Constantine.
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greenerteacups · 2 months
Hermione, in both canon and often in fanon, seems to have predominately male friendships and kind of difficult time building strong relationships with women (Lavender, Fleur, etc.). Even initially with Luna, Hermione was particularly skeptical and had a rocky start.
What's your theory on why this is?
Hermione, especially in the early books, is written by an author who treats her unfemininity as a quality that makes her different from, and superior to, other girls. Hermione is self-serious, intellectual, and decisive, which are classically masculine virtues, which Hermione (and the author) are aware of; and so Hermione eschews femininity in any number of ways. The other girls at Hogwarts, meanwhile, with the exception of Ginny, are often portrayed as shallow, vapid, flirty (count the number of times Lavender or Parvati "giggles" or goes "oooh"), hyperemotional, and boy-obsessed. Meanwhile, Hermione is intense, driven, and oblivious to other people's feelings — in many respects "boyish." Not until the later books, when both the characters and their writing starts to mature, is humanity offered to people like Cho Chang or Fleur Delacour — and even then, Lavender's arc in sixth year is this remarkably mean subplot where a sixteen-year-old girl becomes the butt of endless jokes because she has the audacity to... act silly around her crush. (If you think "Won-Won" is a bad nickname, you need to go see what actual teens in relationships call each other, because I'm telling you, Ron has it easy.)
The narrative wants you to know that Hermione is special, and her specialness is underscored by her difference from other women. In canon, she buys into that specialness, which leads to a degree of disdain for other girls that's fueled by a superiority complex and internalized misogyny. I say this as someone who adores her, and adores her in her complexity: Hermione has trouble forming friendships with women because she believes that she is Not Like Other Girls, and her author agrees with her.
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kedreeva · 2 years
hello i’m sorry, i’m so sorry (I’mnotsorry) but has anyone written about the scars Steve is definitely going to have in a thin ring around the base of his throat from the demobat’s tail?
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Those aren’t just bruises, in the first image you can see raised, damaged skin. Abrasions at the least, from the demobat gripping and shifting and sliding as it tightened its grip. Filthy abrasions, too, being from the Upside Down. Animal injuries are dirty. I have scars from YEARS ago that were small scratches at the time, discolorations now. I was scratched by a goose once when I was 10, and that minor injury remained lashed over the back of my thumb for well over a decade. I have thin, pale discolorations of my forearms right now from over 8 years ago, made by a the slip of a bird’s foot. A small circle between my pointer and middle finger from when I was bitten in high school, 20 years ago by a rescue parrot while I was helping out. Animals, even our mundane ones, have bacteria of all sorts that can become minorly infected and cause healing to take longer, to cause scarring to form. I can’t even imagine how much worse an injury from something in the Upside Down is.
I’ve seen fics where they talk about the one on his side, but these are the delicate ones I want to see mentioned. These are the ones I want to see Eddie touch with reverence for the horror of it, with respect for the fear that had come with them. The ones I want to see Steve draw in a too-quick breath when they’re touched, because he remembers the rough tail wrapped around his throat, dragging him down to his death, strangling the air from him. The one that bit him hurt him, this one made him panic, if only briefly. This one made him vulnerable to the others. These are the ones everyone is going to see, day to day. The ones he has to live with constantly instead of only with himself. The ones he’s gonna touch, himself, absently.
and i’m just curious if anyone else has written about them, or if I’m gonna have to do it myself
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rottmnt-residuum · 11 months
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The Blitz starts Monday and updates every day till Saturday for a total of 6 updates in a week :)
Tw for the blitz: Police Brutality, Bruising, Knives, Guns, Sedation, Abduction, PTSD, Blood, Death, Drowning, Dismemberment, Major Character Death, Corpses
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luzisahomosexual · 1 day
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zukkaoru · 2 months
kunichuuranzai is great actually because it combines my favorite bsd ship (kunichuuzai) with one of the funniest bsd ships (chuuran) and one of my favorite dynamics to study (dazairanpo) and also between the three of them, chuuya dazai and ranpo probably break every single one of kunikida's ideals for his future spouse in one way or another. which is basically the number one way to make kunikida fall in love with you
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pocketwei · 1 year
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oh, you want to die so badly
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year
One thing I’m surprised (and a little annoyed) that we haven’t gotten to see is Tech doing that thing where he cleans his goggles with whatever clean cloth or shirt is available. (Fellow glasses-wearers, you know what I’m talking about.)
I know he probably upgraded his goggles so that they’re self-cleaning, but still. Certain habits and muscle memory are hard to break.
So, it would be hilarious to have him get to a point where his goggles are so dirty that the only thing he can do is pull them off and clean them using the nearest available dry cloth. The rest of the Batch isn’t fazed by him doing that. They’ve seen him do this before. They’ve also seen him take off his goggles before as well, when he’s changed between pairs after he’s upgraded one set. (Tech has to have multiple pairs of goggles. Anyone with glasses knows what I’m talking about on that front.)
I’m sure, at this point, the entire Batch just carry around extra cleaning cloths and repair kits for his goggles. Hunter and Crosshair are probably the ones who most reliably carry Tech’s spare goggles, if he happens to break the set he’s wearing and needs a replacement. Echo likely takes over Crosshair’s spot after Order 66. Wrecker and Omega might not always have spare goggles on them, but they both know where they’re kept.
But he does this in front of people who have never seen him without his goggles on . . . and there’s just stunned silence. He’s confused by their expressions and reactions when he puts his goggles back on (and can see again).
When asked about those expressions, the general response is, “I had no idea that’s what you looked like without goggles. I’m reassessing my mental image of you.”
Bonus points if Phee goes, “You’ve been holding out on me, Brown Eyes!”
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e-vasong · 6 months
hot take that i’m regretting posting even as i type it but….the way that people are talking about the fourteenth and fifteenth doctors feels. very illuminating. anyways please remember that bias is something everybody is socialized with. it may not be intentional and i know we all love david tennant, but pay attention to what you’re paying attention to and think about what you headcanon. unconscious bias is really powerful and it’s important to engage critically with not just media itself but also your perceptions and wishes for that media. give ncuti gatwa his due.
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v7n5 · 4 months
Feel like pure shit, just want a smutty multi-chapter Howard Hamlin fanfic that recounts the many secret sexual affairs that he has had with different people throughout the course of his life, most of which he sought out to recompense for the lack of intimacy in his marriage because both him and Cheryl were iron-closeted and only got married out of familial pressures (things took a turn for the worse after the fight that ended with Howard moving into the guest house). Ultimately, none of them could fulfill his wants and needs because they're all cold and distant in their own ways: there were the handsome strangers he met at some gay bar like Nacho who were emotionally unavailable and only wanted to dick and dash like they're in denial themselves; Jimmy whom he was smitten with and trusted to be able to keep a secret, but it didn't take him long to realize that Jimmy being selfish and cruel and rougher than Howard had liked and not paying any mind to Howard's own pleasure in bed was his way of getting back at him for being a jackass of a boss; Chuck whom he'd got especially close with ever since he was still studying pre-law, so close that he would make up any excuse to be alone with him and suck him off in his office from time to time to seduce his mentor because the daddy issues that had been developing throughout his father-absent youth came to fruition the moment a wiser and older man gave him a sliver of attention, Chuck allowed him to live out his fantasy but never reciprocated in that sense but they remained really good friends, hence Howard's desperation for his approval and affection and the idea of "I still have a chance" kept brewing in his mind even when he could see Rebecca out of the corner of his eye (the incident at the end of ss3 scarred him for life and talking about the intimate details of their relationship before it in therapy did not help). The latter half of 607 didn't happen because he decided that he was in fact the bigger person and the right thing to do was to drink himself into reflecting back on his life choices and wallowing in his own self-pity. Though he didn't storm Mcwexler's condo, the whole ordeal was still his Joker moment, so he put his foot down, got a divorce and resigned from his CEO position because fuck you, he deserves to do that. And maybe after a year or so, he met a certain Salamanca who got out of a certain shoot-out unscathed (haven't determined if Howard happened to stumbled into El Michoacáno or he went back to the gay bar), their chemistry was through the roof, they bonded over the loss of families/ lovers and "being a nepo baby is oh so hard", their romance blossomed because Lalo was textbook definition of charming and exactly Howard's type. One date led to another, and Howard ended up getting the best pipe he'd ever had while trying to hold back the tears stemmed from indescribable emotions. Would Howard find out who Lalo actually was? Would it matter? Would they last? Those are problems for future them.
Like literally that's all I want tbh.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
My best opinion about Worlds Beyond Number is heavily influenced by something either Aabria said, or Erika said that Aabria said, on one of the fireside chats. Anyway: first, neither Ame nor Suvi was entirely in the right regarding their advice to Ghost. Second, Ame's lack of understanding of power structures is indeed because she's only aware of how they look from the top as a person from whom people seek guidance.
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kingprinceleo · 7 months
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Oh fuck me fuckme fuck me
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so if im not mistaken those last two diary entries were the first time we had lucy's unfiltered perception on things. before that we only had her letter correspondence with mina and mina's diary entries about her (both filtered through how lucy wants to present herself to mina and how mina sees lucy accordingly).
so im wondering how much of her initial confident 'gonna have a hot girl summer' persona was actually her and not just how she presents herself to people around her. bc those recent diary entries reveal a person who's anxious and a people pleaser (she wants to 'cheer up' when she is clearly feeling horrible just to avoid making arthur miserable) and a person who just doesn't ask for help even when she very much needs it. (she never asked mina for help, mina pretty much offered it herself bc thats how she is, and now that mina is gone, lucy is pretty much left alone against dracula bc neither her mother nor arthur seem to be aware of what's really happening)
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