#ALiEN Dance Studio
whimsywilde · 9 months
Astarion's Mirror
I couldn't get this out of my head after seeing the idea mentioned somewhere. (A TikTok comment maybe?) I haven't written fanfic since DAI. How am I back at this again? I'm not 100% satisfied with it but if I fiddle too much, I'll lose interest and it will disappear in the WIP folder. lol Enjoy!
Thank you Larian Studios and Neil Newbon for this incredible, beautiful, heartbreaking character!
Recommened Listening: THE FEELS by Labrinth
“Astarion…” she paused, hesitating, uncertain if the thought that had just danced across her mind would actually work. Sometimes she forgot he was a vampire. His lack of burning up in the sun tended to put his condition out of her mind. The mirror in his hand, however, had brought it back in stark relief. But… what if?
“As adorable as you are when thinking, I can’t help but feel there was more you wanted to say than just my name.” He smirked at her.
She resisted the urge to fall back into their playful banter. “What if you could see yourself… I mean, sort of.”
“What?” It was more of a whispered plea than a question. “How?”
“I’m not sure if it will work. But, the parasites… they’ve let us see into one another's minds before. It makes sense that we could see more.”
She hadn’t really been looking at him while she spoke, her eyes focused on some invisible point in the distance. Turning her attention more directly to him, his expression caught her off guard. She’d never seen him so vulnerable.
“We don’t have to. I’m not even completely sure it would work. I’ve never really tried to use it before. I just thought….”
“Would you try?” He interrupted, his voice still unnaturally hesitant, absent of the bravado she was used to. “Please.” It was almost an afterthought but may have been the most sincere she’d ever heard him.
She smiled tightly, worried now she’d be unable to connect that way, before closing her eyes and reaching for that alien presence within her mind. She hated the feeling of the cold shiver in her skull as she consciously connected to it and then, taking a breath, eyes tightly shut, reached out to where she felt she’d find Astarion. 
At first the connection was light, barely perceptible, like cobwebs in the breeze. After focusing on it for a few seconds, reaching out to it with uncertain hands, it seemed to expand. With her eyes still tightly closed, it was the tide of emotions slowly rolling up in the shore of her mind that hit her first. The anticipation, hopeful expectation, fear and worry. She resisted the urge to retreat from the intensity of his feelings and the jumbled, wordless thoughts that came with them and, again, focused past them. After several seconds, she was surprised to suddenly find herself looking through Astarion’s eyes at herself. She stilled to allow the image of herself solidify in her mind. 
Her eyes opened slowly. She allowed her gaze to linger near Astarion’s feet as gained confidence in the connection. The impatience he was feeling rushed to greet her through the bond.
“Look at me.” It was something between a command and a plea.
She opened her mind to him as completely as she could, wanting him to know that she had no motivations behind her actions and lingering gaze other than to allow him to see himself clearly, to be a mirror. She took a deep breath, centered herself and began to slowly lift her eyes up his body. Her gaze was gentle and curious, more that of an artist studying their work, rather than the lusty intensity of a lover. She followed the narrow slope of his hips up his chest and across his shoulders, her eyes lingering for mere moments before moving on. As she reached his neck, there was a brief glance to the scars that had made him the creature he was, before following his perfectly coiffed hair around his face. 
Part of her still wanted to tease him, to play. They’d been having fun, taken next to nothing seriously while they traveled and fought together. Even when she allowed him to drink from her, always standing since him hovering over her had felt too intimate, she typically pushed him away afterward with a joke on her lips and a twinkle in her eyes. It was easy and had been so natural to keep him just close enough without letting him in. The intensity of his feelings pouring into her now was more than she bargained for and she had a moment of regret for offering to even try. She didn’t want to feel so much. It left her vulnerable. Opened her up to much more than she wanted to be aware of. Her eyes had frozen at the base of his throat. Why couldn’t she bring herself to look up? She didn’t like the answers her heart was trying to give. His fingers curled lightly under her chin, lifting her face upward, pulled her attention back. 
Her eyes snapped up to his suddenly and he gasped. The light from the campfire flickered and flashed across brilliant crimson. My eyes. Those are my eyes. His thoughts came through their link in sharp clarity. Her attention refocused on allowing him to see his face after so long in the dark and allowed the intensity of what he was feeling to drown out her own heart. She didn’t need to exist for this moment. She was giving this gift and she allowed herself to fall back within to the place of an observer. With her surrender, it allowed him to direct her eyes across his features. He took himself in fully and they stood in hushed stillness, eyes and minds locked together. 
With their minds so fully blended, she almost didn’t notice her hand absentmindedly reaching out to rest lightly on the side of his face. He didn’t pull away. She used her thumb to pull gently at his bottom lip, exposing his fangs to her gaze. 
They passed several seconds that way before her hand dropped, her vision swirling and darkening. She felt her body sway heavily and would have fallen if Astarion hadn’t caught her. Her head was pounding while her stomach churned. She sent up a silent prayer, to whatever god may be listening, that she wouldn’t vomit.
Astarion supported her body against his gently. When she tried to push away from him, he lifted her carefully and carried her to her tent, laying her down on her bedroll. 
“You pushed yourself too far. You need to rest,” he scolded. She wanted to protest; to throw out some snarky remark in an attempt to catch him off guard so that they could go back to the superficial game they shared, but she couldn’t seem to measure out enough strength to respond. Sleep was quickly overtaking her. She was never sure if he’d actually turned to look at her before leaving the tent and whispered a strangled thank you or if it was just part of the fevered dreams of the night.
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munsons-melody · 6 months
putting the x in sixx (part 2)
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summary: with corroded coffin now on tour with the boys of mötley crüe, nikki sixx takes the time to keep trying to get to you
pairing: rockstar!boyfriend!Eddie x female!reader
cw: mentions drugs/drug abuse,
recommended song: you’re all i need by mötley crüe
word count: 2.6k
a/n: this was a request and i was over the moon to write it!! also not very proofread :)
requested? yep :))
part 1 can be found here
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
"uh huh... yes... yes of course... yep... okay... okay great thanks man" eddie said as he hung up the phone, turning to you with the biggest smile on his face
"good news?" you asked excitedly, moving up from your laying position on the couch, turning off the tv
"we're going on tour!" eddie screamed, jumping up and down causing you to giggle
"wait what? huh? explain!" you leaped from the couch to where he walked over to the living room
"that was our manager, he apparently talked to his buddy doc who talked to the boys of mötley crüe and said they loved our sound and our stage presence and when they go on tour they want us to open!" he explained, talking fast
your jaw dropped and you squealed, pulling him in close, wrapping your arms around his neck as you jumped and your legs wrapped around his waist
he held you close until you heard a small sniffle, and moved so you carefully landed on the ground
"eddie baby you okay?" you asked, moving a few strands of hair away from his face and wiping a tear that was falling down his cheek
he nodded and sniffled again, wiping the tears away from his face and looked at you
"i just can't believe it, i'm so happy" he admitted as you held his face gently and leaned into kiss him
as you pulled away, your brow furrowed in confusion "wait don't you need to tell the rest of the band?" you let out a small chuckle and eddie's eyes widened
"oh shit yeah thank you love you" he said, kissing you fast before running to the phone again
it was 2 weeks later and tour rehearsals were in full swing along with corroded coffin recording songs for their new album and mötley crüe doing endless press for their girls, girls, girls album that had just come out
you hadn't seen much of the boys of mötley crüe due to their heavy promo schedule, occasionally seeing vince in the studio helping eddie with some vocals, and of course, mick just appearing randomly, fueling yours and Eddie's inside joke that he truly was an alien with superpowers- reminding you of a specific girl that once escaped hawkins lab that led you to meet eddie
"god i'm just so excited for the tour!" you said excitedly, walking in between Jeff and Gareth into the rehearsal studio
eddie was stuck at the recording studio with dougie for another hour while you accompanied the boys to the rehearsal space as they deemed it necessary you be there since eddie couldn't
"me too! can you believe we're actually here and doing this?" gareth replied, matching the excitement in your voice
the three of you continued to talk as you walked through the corridors of the large building before appearing at the double doors before the room that served as the rehearsal room
you already heard Vince, singing out the last few high notes of 'dancing on glass' when the three of you walked in, standing there watching them finish up the song
once they were done, you clapped along with jeff and gareth and nikki looked at you, smiling
"great guys, take 5... and no bump- we have a lot to get through today" doc said in a grumpy voice before patting mick on the back and turning to talk to some other important looking person
nikki set down his bass carefully on its stand and walked over to where you were standing
"hey stranger" he said and you felt a blush creep onto your face
"hey yourself" you replied back with a smile
"didn't know you were going to be here today" he said casually and you nodded, turning to where gareth was once standing until you realized he was in conversation with jeff and their manager steve
"yeah well eddie's stuck in the studio for another hour and the guys wanted me to come watch them rehearse so here i am" you joked and he chuckled
"well i'm very glad you got to see us perform a little bit of our song" he said
"me too, i'm excited to see it on stage in a month when tour starts" you admitted, tucking your hair behind your ear while nikki gave you a confused look
"wait are you coming with us?" he asked and you nodded
"uh yeah i'm staying with eddie for the entire tour" you smiled and he did a slow nod and pursed his lips
"good to know" he said with a smirk when you heard tommy yell "sixx! we're doing girls now!"
"that's my cue... maybe you should stick around and watch us play, i'm very good at doing girls" he winked at you before turning around and walking back to where his bass sat
it didn't click until you heard the intro to their hit girls girls girls, that you understood the joke and for a second you felt stupid before you realized that nikki was hitting on you again... was he always this persistent with every other girl he's ever slept with? not like it mattered anyways, you were with eddie, and the happiest you've ever been
before you can fathom another thought about nikki, talking to you, the door swung open, and you saw eddie and dougie, walking in with smiles plastered on their faces
eddie immediately walked up to you and gave you the biggest kiss and wrapped his arms around you
"hey you still had like half an hour left before you had to be here?" you questioned with a laugh and he pulled back to look at you
"it's crazy, i just was able to sing every perfect note with the right amount of energy and dougie just knew the exact notes of what to play to help me and it was like everything just clicked and we finally nailed it, so now i can watch the rest of their rehearsal with you" he smiled, lacing your finger together
your heard the drums starting up along with the guitars and bass, and took eddie to one of the couches facing the set up as vince started singing
you've heard this song at least a thousand times, and you liked it too, but as you were sitting with eddie's arm around you, half your back leaned into his chest, it was hard to watch them perform with nikki's eyes fixed on you
this might be a long tour... you thought to yourself
the past week had been a blur with traveling all up and down the east coast, but you were finally in New York City, after a month into the tour
you were hanging out in the dressing room while corroded coffin did their sound check
you heard their songs being played in a row so many times within the past month that you took the opportunity to hang out in the dressing room and get a moment to yourself
you had just flipped, open a new magazine, and lay down on one of the plush couches in the room when there is a knock at the door, and before you could even get up to answer it, it was none other than Nikki walking into the room
"oh shit hey sorry didn't know you were in here" he laughed, attempting to turn around to walk out when you got up
"oh, no, it's fine, i just needed a break from everything, god this tour has been so hectic... i don't even know how you can put up with it all" you joked and he chuckled
"with this my dear" he laughed and pulled out a small bottle that you immediately recognized
"ah yeah right" you said, awkwardly smiling at him as he sat down at the table across from you
you aren't uncomfortable with drugs, as your boyfriend used to be a dealer back when you two were in high school but you've never actually seen anyone snort anything right in front of you
"want some?" he asked as he set it up on the table and you shook your head
"no thanks i'm good" you said as he took out a card from his pocket
he did his business and as his head came up, he looked at you, his eyes looking straight into yours
"what?" you asked, secretly praying that he wasn't somehow going to just OD right in front of you with how long he was staring at you before he finally spoke, which calmed your nerves
"i don't know why the fuck i can't stop thinking about you, but jesus christ i've fucked every girl i wanted, and yet you're still on my mind..." he said, fiddling with the card in his hand
you looked at him with raised eyebrows before you finally found the courage to speak again
"oh wow uhm... that's blunt" you choked out
"i'm that type of guy" he said before taking in another line
"listen nikki-"
"god even the way you say my name is so hot" he breathed out and you found yourself blushing yet again at his words
"i will admit years ago before i met eddie... i had the biggest crush on you and yes if i wasn't in the the most amazing loving relationship with eddie and these were all different circumstances, then it probably would've happened, but that's not what's going on and honestly, i highly doubt you'll even remember this conversation in a few hours" you finally said as he just stared at you
the tension was so thick you could chop it with an ax, and it would still be there, but eventually he leaned up from a seat, and took another line before falling back into his chair
"if i could turn back time" he started to sing and you let out a laugh
"if i could find a way" he continued
"oh now you're gonna try and seduce me with cher?" you joked and he let out a laugh
"no just manifesting i build a time machine and go back in time" he said, staring at the ceiling
"you know, for someone who likes to sleep around and not commit or come off as anything more than being a sexual partner to the opposite sex, you do have very romantic words" you admitted with a laugh and he shook his head with a smile
"i think tommy and his stupid hopeless romanticness is rubbing off on me" he laughed and you smiled
you heard cheers and screams from outside your door when it burst open to see a very wet corroded coffin barging into the room
"oh my god babe it started raining when we were outside on the stage and so after we finished up the last song we ran around on the grass and it was the most amazing thing!" eddie yelled walking to you and shaking his hair like a wet dog
"agh! babe!" you squealed with a laugh as he went to pick you up
you turned to run so he wouldn't pick you up to get you all wet but as you did, you fell right into nikki who was getting up
you landed on him he sat in the chair, your bum pressed against his crotch perfectly
"shit sorry!" you said, scrambling to get up
"don't ever apologize for getting this close to me" he quickly whispered, looking into your eyes before you got up, looking at eddie who had his head flipped over as he dried his long hair with a towel
"see you tonight boys! have a good show!" nikki yelled before giving you one last glance and headed out the door
it was an hour before showtime, and you sat with Eddie on the small loveseat in the dressing room, pretending to be in your own little bubble before you had to share your boyfriend with the rest of the world well the rest of the boys were trying to hype each other up and blasting the radio
you ended up telling him about everything that happened with nikki that day, and you sat there feeling guilty for no reason when eddie grabbed your hand and locked his fingers with yours
"y/n there's no reason to feel bad, i'm just thankful o have a girlfriend that's loyal enough to me that when nikki sixx is hitting on her, she doesn't cave, especially when you had the biggest crush on him... i love you and i trust you and just know that nothing you do will ever change that for me" he said, looking at you, bringing his other hand up to gently stroke your cheek
"i love you too eds" you said, immediately feeling better, and you wrapped your arms around his neck and the two of you switched positions so you could lay down together
"and honestly if you're feeling uncomfortable, i have no problem fighting him, he'll probably be too doped up to even realize he's in a fight" he joked causing you to laugh
"thanks but babe have you ever actually won a fight outside DnD?" you questioned and his face dropped into an expression of confusion and thinking
"uh not technically, well this one time-" you cut him off by kissing him and the second you pulled away, you could see the enamoration and love he has for you wash over his face
"when do we stop in Vegas?" you asked and he looked away for a moment as he thought about the schedule
"uh maybe like 2 weeks from tomorrow i think our show is there? why?" he asked and you smiled
"i think we should get married" you said as a smile grew on eddie's face
"you want to elope?" he asked and you nodded
"the whole nikki thing made me further realize that the only man i ever want to be with for the rest of my life is you eds, and i think it'll be romantic just the two of us together"
"sounds like a plan" he said ecstatically, kissing you
"wait what about nancy? didn't you and her already start planning wedding stuff, aren't you each others maids of honor or something?" eddie asked you once you pulled away
"what she doesn't know can't hurt her" you joked
soon enough, it was time for the boys to go on stage, and you kissed Eddie one last time before he ran from the side of the stage into the center as the music started to play
you had just finished corroded coffin's set and were in the middle of watching mötley crüe's set, standing in the private section of the crowd to catch a couple of their songs before you headed back to the tour bus
"this next one goes out to someone in particular, hope you know i remembered the conversation babe" nikki said as the beginning of 'you're all i need' started to play
you looked at eddie, who was looking right at you and you both let out a small laugh, knowing about the conversation you had with nikki earlier and how you believed that he wouldn't even realize what he said till just now
"you know i love this song" you joked as you moved his arms around your waist and yours around his neck
you were pulled in close to eachother, enjoying the song as you stared into each others eyes and stealing kisses from eachother, feeling like the only two people in the arena
"yeah, i know you" he smiled
"you could probably write a better ballad that's all about me" you said and eddie shook his head with a smile
"don't you think nikki will be upset i'll have my own personal love song dedicated to only you as your wonderful, soon to be husband?" eddie said with a laugh and you let out a chuckle
"what he doesn't know can't hurt him" you smiled
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lovelynim · 2 months
Take 9, recording!
ALIEN STAGE/Actors!AU - Ivan x Till
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A/N: Really, really self-indulgent fic because I NEEDED to get some fluff after the damage Round 6 did to me. Also, I added a little hc that TIll is an experience actor while Ivan is still a newbie, etc, etc, you know the drill
Also, tagging @blobbirobbi, @norieoncrack and @vash-yuu because you three gave me the boost to do it this afternoon. Also tagging @tiredleekaz because i feel you'll like this (hopefully)
Summary: Round 6's recording site. Stage scene. Take... 9, sigh. Lights, camera... action!
Word count: 1305 words.
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“Alright, let’s do it, guys!” The director shouted and the rest of the team promptly took their places. The camera pointed towards Till and Ivan as the studio was quickly engulfed by silence.
“Here we go… ‘Cure’, stage scene, take 9. Action,” the director commanded and the first beats of the song began to play right after. The spotlight turned to Till and, so, it began.
“Allow me, to the tip of your fingers. Allow me, to the ends of your feet.”
Ivan quietly hummed the song along while the cameras tilted around the other man, capturing the crowd’s motion in the background while Till’s voice took all the room in the studio. Ivan knew the team was tired and probably beginning to feel a little frustrated after a couple of mistakes, but he couldn’t help but enjoy every moment of it.
“Dissolve me in your gaze. I don’t want to let you go.”
‘Damn, he looks so cool right now’, Ivan thought as a smirk took place in his lips. The song went on and Ivan knew he had to focus. This was supposed to be a dramatic, emotional, tragic scene. He couldn’t be booping to the song they spent hours recording. Focus, Ivan, focus!
As Till continued to sing, Ivan decided it was a good time to rehearsal his lines. Maybe this would put him back in the right mood for this scene and, after all, he didn’t want to start the 10th take because he made the same mistake from 4 takes ago.
“Let me drown in you, until these falling stars are buried in the blur of time!”
Wait, was he at that part already?
Ivan opened his eyes and looked at the other guy with a slightly shocked expression. Gulping, he clenched his hands as he heard the piano keys starting to play in the background again. Time to shine, Ivan.
With heavy steps, Ivan walked towards his microphone. The camera was tilting right above him and it was a bit hard to keep a straight face, but he had to!
“Even if your cold words carve scars beneath my eyes.”
Carefully and gently, Ivan took his hands up and wrapped his fingers around the microphone. Holding it tightly, one word after the other left his lips and, as scripted, he was singing.
“May they linger on your tongue. You can break me apart.”
Narrowed eyes stared back at the camera in front of him. To the ones looking from the outside, Ivan seemed like the most confident actor in history, literally living up to his character. But on the inside, he couldn’t help but feel some nervousness stirring up. What if he sang the wrong line? What if he looked ugly on the recording? What if his voice cracked?!
No, it wasn’t time to think about those things. He managed to look at Till with the corner of his eyes and, even when he was idling, the sorrowful, tired look continued to stick to his face. So professional!
“Sick of those nights to come, to be engulfed by silence in your gaze where I’m seen. Consume me! Yes, me, oh oh!! ~”
Ivan would only be sure once they were done recording this scene, but he was almost 100% he nailed this part. He could feel his vocal chords slightly tiring, but nowhere near enough to make him stop.
And above anything else, the most important scene of this episode was coming up. The kiss.
“To this everlasting moment.”
“Face to face we dance.”
Ivan let out a small sigh as his last line was sung. Just as the words left his lips, the pages of the script started playing inside his head. ‘With a decisive move, you throw your microphone aside and walk to him’, he remembered the director explaining, detailing how it should be done.
“With our story lost in forever’s embrace!! ~”
Ivan felt literally chills running up his back when his eyes met Till’s. As a newbie actor, starring with someone as experienced as him was always an emotional rollercoaster, full of surprising moments that he would treasure forever. But not now. Now, he needed to focus.
Gently reaching for the other guy’s cheek, Ivan moved his hand to the back of Till’s head and pulled him into a kiss.
Part of himself questioned if he was supposed to enjoy recording this part over and over as much as he was doing, but knowing how annoyed the rest of the studio’s staff was at his mistakes, he would never voice such thoughts.
The instrumental played along with the flashing lights above them. Ivan only remembered the instructions that he should make the kiss last while Till would try to shove him away, but the director never said how, so there shouldn’t be much harm in improvising a little, right?
Ivan wrapped his free hand around Till’s slim torso, resting his fingers just below the other’s ribcage. Till pressed both hands against his chest, trying to push him away like the script told him to, but Ivan knew this wasn’t the lead to let him go, so he pulled the other man for another kiss.
However, there was something off. 
He was told that, yes, Till was going to try to break their kiss and free himself, but it shouldn’t be… this effective, Ivan thought. Deciding that it would be better to just play along, Ivan moved his hand down to Till’s neck while the other pressed a little harder against his side, hoping this would be enough to keep him still to the end of the scene.
But with barely seconds before the time for the score to pop up above their heads and show his character’s demise, Ivan noticed that Till… was laughing?
“Pfft- d-duhuhude!” TIll giggled, elbowing his arm in another attempt to free himself from his embrace. “Q-quit tihihickling, ahaha!”
“H-huh?” Ivan blinked, looking down to the little space between their bodies and taking a few seconds to realize what the other guy meant. “Wait, you mean this?”
“GyAHah, y-yes! Thahat, d-don’t dohohoh it! I’m tihihicklish there!” Till laughed, throwing his head back (and maybe trusting a little too much in Ivan’s strength to hold him in place).
A fuzzy, warm feeling spread over Ivan’s chest as he heard those words. What a wonderful discovery! How could he not notice this before?! “Ahah, sorry… I mean, I didn’t expect this or this to be enough to tickle you, Till, ~” Ivan teased, carelessly spidering his fingers against Till’s side and ribs.
Before he realized, there were them again: fooling in the middle of the set. Till laughing, desperately trying to escape his hug while the only worry inside Ivan’s mind was to find where else his senior would be ticklish.
“Ivan! C’mohohon!” Till laughed while the lights of the studio turned back on, illuminating the whole scene again as this take was already beyond salvation. “I cahahan’t breheheathe!”
“Oh? But you are-”
“Guys!” The director protested, making the duo stop in the middle of the scene with a surprised look on their faces. Right, they were recording. And with people around them. A lot of people. “Sigh, let’s take a break, yeah? Five minutes, everybody.”
Despite the feeling of animosity towards them that seemed to spread across the rest of the staff, Ivan couldn’t stop himself from smiling and, much to his delight, the same seemed to go for Till.
“S-sorry, ahah, this one is my fault,” Till giggled as he got back into his own feet, rubbing his side where Ivan just tickled him. “Try to just, hmm… Hold my face?”
“Got it, I will keep that in mind,” Ivan hummed happily while walking off the stage by TIll’s side. Well, guess they couldn’t do much but wait for the next take now, right?
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testure-1988 · 2 months
About Me
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Name: Al /Ali
Age: 34
Sign: Taurus
Pronouns: she/her
Neurodivergent (ADHD, APD, anxiety)
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-This is a SIDE BLOG. I will follow you with my main (nivekogresimp)
DNI if you're:
A TERF or SWERF (or just transphobic and against sex work in general)
a fascist
hardcore Christian
TCC/a Columbiner
into pedophilia/ a MAP (or if you like Lolicon/shota or DD/LG)
Also don’t even bother following me if you’re a zionist/Israel supporter
-I post nsfw stuff sometimes, so minors should take note.
-Also, if I post something (artwork, a photo) and it belongs to you, let me know so I can credit you or if you want it removed, that’s perfectly fine.
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What I'm mainly interested in:
The Goth subculture
Music in general (I love Industrial Music, Experimental, Noise Music/Harsh Noise Wall, Goth Rock, Post-Punk, Punk Rock, Doom Metal, all kinds of Electronic Music, 80s New Wave/Synthpop, City Pop, 90s/80s Hip-Hop and a whole bunch of other genres)
Skinny Puppy
The 1980s
Horror Movies
JTHM (and Invader Zim...sometimes)
Art & graphic design
Dark aesthetic posts
goth fashion
Leftist/democratic socialist stuff
bats, cats & rats :D
Anime (Berserk, NGE, Cowboy Bebop, Sailor Moon, Hellsing, Studio Ghibli, etc.)
Little Nemo In Slumberland (the comic strip)
Mythology (Norse, Greek & Egyptian mainly)
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Some of my favorite bands/artists:
Skinny Puppy, Godflesh, Tom Waits, Einsturzende Neubauten, Meat Beat Manifesto, Coil, The Cure, Front 242, Bauhaus, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Severed Heads, Alien Sex Fiend, Acid Bath, Throbbing Gristle, Cabaret Voltaire, Depeche Mode, Type O Negative, Clan Of Xymox, Virgin Prunes, Aphex Twin, The Klinik, Fad Gadget, SPK, Clock DVA, Christian Death, The Sisters Of Mercy, Joy Division, Dead Can Dance, Sleep, Altar De Fey, Japan, TR/ST, Ulver, Kraftwerk, Dissecting Table, Lycia, Tim Hecker, Akira Yamaoka
Current favorite bands/artists ATM: Hello Meteor, George Clanton, TR/ST
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arabelladeclan · 3 months
stray kids: discography
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i remember getting very confused about their song releases and just the discography in general, so i compiled official releases in one post.
stray kids also have multiple songs only released on youtube, usually under "SKZ-RECORD", which means they're not on albums (or spotify). these are the ones:
ORIGINALS (only on youtube):
외계인 (ALIEN) - HAN
not to mention 3RACHA, a sub-unit constituted by CHAN, CHANGBIN AND HAN, (who go by different names: CB97, SPEARB, J.ONE) also have their own tracks on separate releases, one of them named ZONE. i'll just leave the link for their official channel because everything is there and neatly organized. click here to see 3RACHA's stuff.
there are also OST (original soundtracks) that weren't released as singles or single albums, like TOP, so these are the ones i found:
EXTRAORDINARY YOU: NEVER ENDING STORY (also translated as "story that won't end") (STRAY KIDS)
these are collabs i know exist:
they have covered tons of songs, from voice to choreos, whether on studios or live, and it's a little impossible to compile all of them, but i'll be completing this list as i come across them:
(most of the covers in this list came from a video i found, by user Cray K, and it's from january, 2019, so they are featured on the same video):
AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST - (originally by BLACKPINK)
GO CRAZY + HANDS UP - (originally by 2PM)
NEW FACE - (originally by PSY)
WARRIOR'S DESCENDANT - (originally by H.O.T)
IT'S RAINING - (originally by RAIN)
DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY - (originally by TWICE)
WHO'S YOUR MAMA -(originally by JYP)
GOODBYE BABY - (originally by MISS A)
LOOK - (originally by GOT7)
DNA - (originally by BTS)
HARD CARRY - (originally by GOT7)
GROWL + OVERDOSE - (originally byEXO)
DIONYSIUS - (originally by BTS)
BANG, BANG, BANG - (originally by BIG BANG)
FANCY - (originally by TWICE)
MY HOUSE - (originally by 2PM)
ADORE U - (originally by SEVENTEEN)
LIKE OOH AHH - (originally by TWICE)
AGAIN & AGAIN - (originally by 2PM)
HISTORY OF K-POP: Stray Kids X NCT DREAM (featuring felix' iconic "BOOM SHAKA LAKA, WOW FANTASTIC" that you see everywhere)
INDIVIDUAL/TWO PEOPLE COVERS: it also includes other people that were featuring the songs. these might get confusing because most titles are in korean, but i did my best to find the original artists' names romanized and the songs' titles:
위로 ("consolation) |artist: 권진아 = KWON JIN-AH |cover by I.N
GHOST |artist: Justin Bieber| cover by SEUNGMIN
ZOMBIE |artist: DAY6 - cover by HAN, SEUNGMIN
향기만 남아 ("memory of your scent") |artist: 허각 = HUH GAK - covered by I.N
3108 |artist: 하현상 = HA HYUNSANG |cover by SEUNGMIN
LOVE AGAIN |artist: 백현 = BAEKHYUN - covered by SEUNGMIN
너였다면 ("if it is you")/ artist: 정승환 = JUNG SEUNG-HWAN - covered by I.N
시작 ("start") |artist: 가호 = GAHO |cover by SEUNGMIN
그렇게 있어 줘 ("stay as you are") |artist: 산들 - SANDEUL |cover by SEUNGMIN
예뻤어 ("you were beatiful") |artist: DAY6 |covered by SEUNGMIN
ME! |artist: Taylor Swift |covered by Tzuyu (from TWICE feat. CHAN)
여름 안에서("in summer) |artist: DEUX |covered by FELIX, 우기 (SONG YUQI), 영훈 (THE BOYZ)
"TOMORROW" |artist: ? |covered by CHANGBIN (on masked singer)
CITY OF STARS |artist: ? |covered by FELIX, LIA (ITZY), CHAN
there's a bunch of other covers made in variety shows besides live performances, so i'm just gonna leave this link for you to see everything is compiled.
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lifessoshortandsoami · 10 months
Get To Know Luna's Relationship With The Members
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Namjoon x Luna = Lujoon/Lunam
Third Most popular ship in BTS.
Him being completely whipped for her.
Her teaching him (along with Jin) dancing.
Texting each other late-night thoughts.
Going on Library date every week.
The shortest and the tallest duo.
Poking each other's dimples...or, him poking her only dimple.
Squishing each other's cheeks (mostly her).
Her stealing his sweatshirts and him finding it adorable how big it is on her.
Helping each other with English vocabulary and translations during interviews.
Him being her therapist.
Her being his muse.
Writing lyrics together.
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Jin x Luna = Jina/2Moon
Least popular (underrated) ship in BTS.
Both cooking and trying new recipes together.
Him protecting her and trying his best to keep her innocent (he has been successful in it thus far).
Her (and Jimin) are the only ones who actually find his dad jokes funny.
Him ruffling her hair or patting her head.
Her teaching him (along with Namjoon) dancing.
Him feeding her, whether it be asking her to taste the food while cooking or sharing his food.
Her being the one who called him World Wide Handsome first.
Him being her parent figure.
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Yoongi x Luna = Yoona
Sixth most popular ship in BTS.
Him being wrapped around her little finger.
Her being fascinated by his passion for music.
Her being the reason he smiles the most.
Her being the only member who knows the password to his Genius Lab.
Him not changing the password cause he secretly likes her presence in his studio.
Her checking up on him if he is getting enough amount of food and sleep.
Her gushing over his cute gummy smile.
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Jhope x Luna = Lunhope
Fifth most popular ship in BTS.
The sun and the moon.
Cheering the other up when one is feeling down.
Love making new choreographies together.
They brighten up a room whenever they enter one.
Him helping her with hip hop.
Matching outfits
She literally adores him.
Hurt Hoseok and you'll have to deal with an angry Luna who doesn't look scary but can scare you enough to traumatize you.
Her sniffing his hair cause she loves the scent.
J-Hope once mentioned in a VLive that he loves when Luna runs her hands through his hair. It helps him relax.
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Jimin x Luna = Lumin
Second most popular ship in BTS.
The cutest duo.
Jimin finally takes a sigh of relief when she joins the group thinking he'll get a rest from all the teasing because of his height. (But not for long, the members get back at teasing him saying Luna's short because she's a girl.)
Mesmerizing everyone when they do a contemporary duo. (Also making a few members jealous but let's leave that topic for another time.)
Giggling together for no reason.
Him being a dirty-minded person and her being the most innocent does not work very well. But the fans love it when they see Jimin smirking at Luna's very innocent words.
Him constantly flirting with her and her being oblivious to it.
Jimin mentioned in an interview that Luna is his favourite member when it comes to taking about his feelings.
Both have eye smiles.
Him always comparing their hand sizes just to feel better seeing her hands much smaller than his.
Both gushing over each other's cuteness.
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V x Luna = Luv
Fourth most popular ship in BTS.
Only one word to describe their visuals together: Ethereal.
Aliens of the group, you'll never understand what they are talking about.
Him playing with her hair or braiding them.
Her always complimenting his outfits.
The difference between their hand sizes is adorable.
Their duality together is hazardous.
Matching hair colors.
Him being her stylist.
Both gifting each other expensive items.
Loves goofing around together.
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Jungkook x Luna = Lukook
The most popular ship in BTS and KPop.
Both are each other's first kiss.
Him being possessive over her.
Both can't live a minute without each other.
Have their own house together.
He once said in a VLive that it's almost impossible for him to fall asleep without Luna by her side.
Mostly in a pair or the same team during Run BTS.
Him always giving her piggyback rides.
Him glaring at every male idol who stares a little too long at her (Sometimes female idols too).
He's the most affectionate with her.
Him calling her his soulmate.
Loves harmonizing together, their voices sound enchanting together.
Him always watching her with heart in his eyes.
Fans find their height and size difference absolutely adorable.
Him back hugging her and resting his chin on her head.
He's completely in love with her and everyone can see it.
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silverflqmes · 1 year
notes. reposted from wp!
genre. fluff + crack
ft. tooru oikawa, yuji terushima, atsumu + osamu miya, shigeru yahaba, keiji akaashi, shoyo hinata
gender neutral! reader
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➫    𝓞𝗜𝗞𝗔𝗪𝗔   𝓣𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ sleepovers with oikawa are wILD LIKE GIRL GET READY OMG —
⌗ lots of snacks and y'all would bake cookies together after running to like, walmart in pajamas
⌗ cuz you guys have sleepovers so offen you practically have clothes at each other's houses. oikawa has matching alien pajamas for y'all istg — imagine walking into the store at 10pm lookin like a bunch of dorks searchin for cookie mix-
⌗ FACIALS — girl you already know oikawa has all that good shit that just — wOrKs wOnDErs. expensive asf too, but he has money🧍‍♀️
⌗ jamming to boybands; i don't make the rules, he does😻
⌗ sleep? with all the sci-fi movies he wants to watch? honeyyy😪
⌗ cUdDLinG cuz oikawa KNOWS how to hug istg like he's so wARm AND GIRL THOSE ARMS PLEASE-
➫    𝓣𝗘𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗔   𝓨𝗨𝗝𝗜   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ TIKTOKS — istg yes y'all are makin tiktoks cuz teru do b famous🤾
⌗ pictures too — terushima would prolly also try n vlog your whole sleepover for you guys to watch later and just rEmiNisCe✨ he would totally edit the whole thing too and make it bomb asf
⌗ deadass feel like yuji would bring up the idea of going on omegele to screw w ppl a lil bit —
⌗ the girls would lose their shit and tbh if i saw him, me too😐
⌗ fuck tons of soda n pizza; no sleep🤩
⌗ ngl y'all would definitely pull up on wp or tumblr n make fun of sum nsfw posts
➫    𝓜𝗜𝗬𝗔   𝓣𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗦   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ they're kind of a packaged deal- so you get both unless you wanna sit n watch them argue for 368393 years over you😐
⌗ you make them both sleep on the floor BAHHAHAHAHAHAHA as you should.
⌗ they have loads of gaming consoles so i can see y'all playing a couple rounds of smash maybe or pulling up on the wii to play either just dance, mk or mario party
⌗ each time atsumu loses he throws a fit n starts complaining, asking for rematches every five minutes until samu kicks him🧍‍♀️
⌗ at some point after knocking out, you'll wake up to get a glass of water and that's when you catch those two hugging each other in their sleep 😶 you take pictures for the team-
➫    𝓨𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗕𝗔   𝓢𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗘𝗥𝗨   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ ahem, for my underrated crackheaded son- Y'ALL WOULD HAVE THE SOFTEST YET MOST CHAOTIC SLEEPOVER EVER
⌗ too much tea and too little sleep
⌗ because of his horrible strategies when it comes to picking up girls, you end up giving him a few tips, he needs them-
⌗ i feel like earlier in the day, you'd end up going shopping together and take some really pretty pictures later under some flowers
⌗ you guys would totally bake toooo, cream puffs cuz you were teasing him about his hair zhsjskslldl you save some for makki🙈
⌗ deep conversations about future stuff cuz he's worried about the third years leaving and nervous; please hug him-
➫    𝓐𝗞𝗔𝗔𝗦𝗛𝗜   𝓚𝗘𝗜𝗝𝗜   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ you guys would have such a relaxing sleepover omg
⌗ facials and manicures cuz boy needs to keep his own nails nice n taken care of for those smooth ass sets
⌗ i feel like akaashi would have a pool so bring a bathing suit with you🥰
⌗ i headcanon him being able to play piano tbh, he just seems like that kinda classy guy to me- but ofc really shy and maybe a pinch self conscious abt playing, so he'll reluctantly play something for you but it'll sound sooo good
⌗ deep conversations as well because yk he's mostly close with the third years and well as draining as bokuto can be, he doesn't want him to go, or konoha and the others🙁
⌗ please reassure him hdjsksk he needs it.
⌗ studio ghibli movies🥺 i feel like his favorite would be spirited away cuz the visuals and him empathizing with haku??
➫    𝓗𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗔   𝓢𝗛𝗢𝗬𝗢   ୨୧   ˎˊ˗
⌗ he'd probably come to your house and pick you up at the crack of mf dawn to go to morning practice with him first before going to his house😐
⌗ natsu would be home and she prolly wants sum attention🥺🥺 shoyo would get jealous of her for hogging you at some point xhsjsksls
⌗ he tries to bake with you-
⌗ he would talk your ear off all night about stuff which tbh you wouldn't mind cuz he's so mf cute and it's admirable how passionate he is about what he does and his teammates, opponents too; we stan a sweet lil birb who respects everyone💘
⌗ he lets you sleep on his bed while he takes the floor because he wants you to be comfortable😭 love you sm sho<3
notes. honestly these could either be platonic or romantic now that i think abt it
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Get to Know Me Tag Game
Guess who's finally round to the games they were tagged in last month... Thank you @dribs_and_drabbles @airenyah @telomeke for tagging me, sorry it's taken me so long...
do you make your bed? 
Yes usually with a gap at the top for my cat who likes to snuggle between the duvet and the pillow 
what's your favourite number?
Hmm 56. It's just got a lot going on.
what is your job?
Teacher… sort of. It's complicated 😂
if you could go back to school, would you?
School as in high school? Probably not. School as in education in general? Probably! I enjoy learning, but it would have to depend on whether it was funded or not 
can you parallel park?
Yes but it's a painful process
a job you had that would surprise people?
My jobs have been pretty standard. The only one that used to get comment was when I worked for a guy who made pub quizzes haha
do you think aliens are real?
I think it's possible that life exists on other planets, yes
can you drive a manual car?
Yes, that's all I've ever driven
what's your guilty pleasure?
If by guilty pleasure, we mean a pleasure most people IRL don't know about then it would be all the BL and GL shows I watch haha. 
Love them on others but never felt the urge for myself
favourite colour?
Depends on my mood
do you like puzzles?
Jigsaw puzzles? Not past the first ten minutes 😂 other types of puzzles? Yes, but I'm not always good at them
any phobias?
Claustrophobia, though it's not a particularly bad case. I just hate feeling trapped.
favourite childhood sport?
I hated sport as a child haha
do you talk to yourself?
Incessantly. Even in public 😂
what movies do you adore?
It's been a while since I was in a film watching mood so this one's tricky for me to answer as I forget anything not immediate in my brain. However, the Peter Jackson director's cut Lord of The Rings movies have a very special place in my heart, even if I can't watch them anymore because I watched them to death as a teenager. 
The Mummy, I still have a soft spot for too and there's a few studio ghibli: Princess Mononoke, Castle in the Sky and Whisper of the Heart come to mind. 
coffee or tea?
Tea though I'll drink coffee too on occasion
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
According to my mother, an accountant…
It's been ages since this one has been around so I'm not sure who's done it or not anymore. Sorry if I tag you when you've already had a go!
@an-asuryampasya @hyeoni-comb @partialtotheperiwinkleblue @dancing-out-in-space @jessiethepotato @pokomumee
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trans-cuchulainn · 6 months
i do feel sad sometimes that i didn't have any access to english folk trads when i was growing up. i got into irish folk stuff as a tween in part because that was the only sort of folk i really knew about; i didn't have many local musicians to learn from so i got it from youtube and clannad CDs. as an adult most of the folk that's available to me is actually scottish, even though i'm a very long way from scotland, just due to the vibes of where i live. when i play sessions in donegal i don't have the same tunes as people there but i don't have english ones either, i've mostly got scottish ones and there's nothing wrong with that but it's also not grounded in any of the communities i'm actually a member of. there's something about having to borrow it from elsewhere because your own communities have become disconnected that DOES feel alienating
my parents are classically trained (though not musicians by profession) so i grew up with a lot of music but none of it was trad – i played in youth orchestras and wind bands and pit orchs for musicals. they didn't have any interest in folk music even though i know my paternal grandad did play it because i have his "fiddler's tunebook" from 1953 (i never met my paternal grandad though, he died before i was born). it would have made a difference if they did, i think, but our area didn't really have any folk going on, so maybe not that much difference unless they were keen enough to travel for it. they always thought of it as faintly embarrassing, though. when i got into irish music my family referred to it as "diddly diddly music", but in general it would be a lot more socially acceptable to say you do irish dance than to confess to being a clog dancer
but i think a huge part of it is also a class thing. the middle class classical musicians vs the peasant folk musicians, the highly trained dancers in studios vs the everyman in the pub in his boots... there's been a lot of social mobility in my family history and a couple of generations back they were a lot poorer so maybe that's why the folk got left behind as a remnant of those years
and i wonder if that's maybe at the root of a lot of english weirdness about folk traditions. like modern competitive irish dancing as we know it is basically the invention of the gaelic league and a lot of its distinctive features, such as the upright upper body, were specifically constructed to distinguish it from the more relaxed "peasant" styles and to make it a socially acceptable and sophisticated form of national heritage etc etc (catherine foley has an interesting book on the history of it if you want more on that). and this was obviously largely a response to colonisation. the same didn't really happen to the music tho. and the english, as the colonisers, had nothing to defend their heritage against, so that's part of why so much of it got lost, but also never elevated it from being the tradition of working people and peasants and whatever. and the english are SO weird about class (as something quite distinct from income/wealth) so of course folk music and dance would often get pushed aside in favour of ballet and classical music as the acceptably middle class arts, and therefore the folk trads get relegated to an embarrassing footnote that you don't admit to participating in in polite company (read: middle class company)
dunno. some sociologists and ethnomusicologists have probably written about this in more depth and with actual data and better wording. i'm just musing on my own experiences and observations
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
most to least likely to end up with someone black
hoseok: idk i just get this feeling this vibe likeeeee it just make sense i see it like the way he carry himself like just look at the chicken noodle soup mv and tell me u can't see it and he literally has a song with j cole and if he in there with coleworld he is def in there wit da fam and then we got the whole time he had tinashe as his lockscreen and we all seen the my universe video like he took ole alien girl home idc idc and overall he just reminds me of my grandma so it make sense
jimin: no limit babe like i've seen this man bark at the thought of usher; and in general this year especially including his album jimin has just really been existing in spaces i didn't expect him to see and i am more than pleasantly surprised. like originally when i first made this he was near the bottom idk why bc he's literally performed to take you down but yeah he def up there now. like y'all remember that photo of him wit da choir for set me free SPEAKING OF SET ME FREE F YA OPPS?1!!1 HENNESSY AT NIGHT⁉️ LIKE IF BLACK PEOPLE HAD A REPRESENTATIVE BRAND OF LIQUOR IT WOULD BE HENNESSY LIKE COME ON and then just his personality is soooo i can't explain why he's all the way up here in this list properly but source: trust me bro
joon: listen we all know that joon be looking and be listening like he has a song with erykah badu with wale with anderson paak he be listening to musiq soulchild he is just made for a black woman (me) but he is a little further down on the list than i expected to put him only bc joon is just so korean and he loves korea and being korean that he might wanna keep it the country idk he definitely down for it tho we know he be looking and frfr this is just insurance for myself so if it don't happen i won't feel publicly played bc i called it but just know imma be somewhere on a ledge with my head in my hands wondering if i should do it or not okay kskslsk
yoon: u know i originally had yoongi near the bottom of the list solely bc he was a workaholic homebody and i was like he is not ending up with nobody much less somebody black if he spent all his time in his studio but now he in his social traveling era and i'm just like 🧐 bc clearly he has the ability to uphold foreign relationships (i.e. max, halsey...) and then i think about how he had all black backup dancers for his tonight show performance like i mean i'm not sure how much say they have in that kind of thing but it felt real deliberate to me and then there's the fact that yoongi just has the ability to look comfortable like he fit in anywhere like i'm thinking of that one photo where he was with one of juicewrld's producers and made homeboy look like he was the outsider in his own studio and then on tour it's clear that he got that dawg in him like he can handle his own he can handle ME which is crazy bc i be looking at men and knowing i'm way out of their depth but i'm telling you yoongi had the power to make me not look at jimin which is an insane ability so I'M JS idk if he would but he fo sho could if he wanted he got that lil poker face going so i'm not extremely confident but i can see it
jungkook: i’m not gon mention the fact that he said he liked girls with healthy sun kissed skin after that trip to la on american hustle life imma just leave that out i’ll also leave out normani at the bbmas what i will talk about is them meeting ms megan now ik jk claiming he ain’t shy no more but he still don’t be saying much except for when he met ms megan homeboy was showing up and showing out dancing talking teaching the choreo cackling for no reason man was grinning from ear to ear whole time nose got the workout of a lifetime from being continuously scrunched ALSO i mention this at least once a week but that r&b playlist he had going while he was folding his underwear???? my naega my naega u ain't listening to bryson tiller unless u is down for the cause but all this to say that it's really up in the air with him like as much as he could there is equal chance that he could not like he just got that pop propensity that sways him to the dark side but i could also see him ending up with someone east asian just as well which is fine with me or at least as fine as i can be knowing he's not with me
jin: as he is a permanent member of my bias line it really do hurt me a small amount that he is at the bottom of this list but i know my man 💅 i know mr “you can’t stop me i’m beyoncé” wouldn’t care about the racial difference at all like as long as y'all could communicate it's good in the hood and he is literally built like a black auntie like he would do so well at family functions rizzing up everybody from yo parents to yo grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins he would fit so well but like can i see it happening in reality??? idk idk he is the most unpredictable man i've ever come across so i can't say nun definitively
tae: there's a lot of reasons why he could why he should like idk man i can just see it in his eyes and then there’s like how much he loves old school soul music and his reaction to h.e.r. at the award show that shall not be named and like how he was meeting john legend and i’m also thinking about how social he is and how he likes to befriend everyone like the potential is there it's right there mind u i'm ignoring the current state of affairs but considering how enamored he is with europe like literally dressed up as a nobleman or whatever for his photobook and when he went to that old people jazz lounge and he is really into golf y'all i just don't see it fr but ya know anything's possible
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pers-books · 2 months
Doctor Who 2024 series news
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New information about the eight episodes in the Doctor Who 2024 series is revealed in SFX magazine 378. We’ve included contextual information from what we know from other sources and filming reports.
Space Babies
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This episode picks up from the events that happen at the end of The Church on Ruby Road with Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) entering the TARDIS for the first time. The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and Ruby land on a spaceship occupied by babies who are very talkative for their age, a scary slimy monster called the Bogeyman (Robert Strange) — and no adults to be found. Space Babies introduces the series story arc of both the Doctor and Ruby’s foundling mystery.
The Devil's Chord
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Ncuti Gatwa describes Maestro (Jinkx Monsoon) as “Such a delicious villain.” The Doctor and Ruby meet and chat with The Beatles in this episode set in 1963. Both Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson will sing in the story. The large recording room at Abbey Road Studios was recreated as a set at Wolf Studios Wales.
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The Doctor and Ruby travel in the TARDIS to Ruby’s first alien planet — a war-torn world. The episode, written by Steven Moffat and described as “intense”, was filmed in chronological order with Ncuti Gatwa receiving praise for his performance from director Julie Anne Robinson.
73 Yards
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The TARDIS lands on the Welsh coast and Ruby must solve a mystery involving a Welsh horror folktale legend. The TARDIS scenes were genuinely filmed on the Welsh Cost in Pembrokeshire. Dame Siân Phillips co-stars with Aneurin Barnard and Jemma Redgrave. Filming reports reveal that Barnard plays a Welsh candidate named Roger Ap Gwilliam.
Dot and Bubble
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Gatwa and Gibson filmed their first Doctor Who scenes together on a pontoon inside entrance locks in Cardiff Bay Barrage for Dot and Bubble. The setting for Dot and Bubble is a colony with an out-of-control dangerous situation on an alien planet. Callie Cooke plays an influential person in the colony. The episode is described as very Black Mirror and touches on a real-world problem which will likely cause a good deal of discussion after the episode airs.
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This episode was co-written Kate Herron and Briony Redman. Set in the Regency Era in 1813, Rogue, described by Davies as “a proper Bridgerton episode with dances and waltzes”, was filmed in three different manor houses. Psychic earrings allow the Doctor and Ruby to period dance with skill. Jonathan Groff and Indira Varma co-star. Varma plays the villainous Duchess of Pemberton — who is not what she seems.
The Legend of Ruby Sunday and Empire of Death
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These episodes, set on Earth, feature UNIT headquarters populated by Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave), Mel Bush (Bonnie Langford), Rose Noble (Yasmin Finney), Morris (Lenny Rush) and Colonel Ibrahim (Alexander Devrient). Russell T Davies calls this episode “shocking” and “The Most Devastating Finale.”
Doctor Who, starring Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson returns on 11 May 2024 midnight, 00:00 BST (10 May 7:00pm ET) streaming on BBC iPlayer and Disney+ with Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord. Both episodes will broadcast on BBC One in the UK and Ireland on 11 May immediately before Eurovision. The remaining six episodes will stream at 00:00 BST on the six subsequent Saturdays.
-- So it looks like Jemma DID film with Ncuti, despite what she said in a recent interview. Which is as it should be - she can't be in New Who and NOT appear with the Doctor - that ain't right and proper! AND she's in three episodes this series (that we know of!). Huzzah!
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korn-y-copia · 2 years
Popia at Disney World (feat. the ghouls, Sister Imperator, Papa Nihil, and Mr. Saltarian)
So I am at Disney this week, but the Copia brainrot is so real he has seeped into every thought and every scenario in my head, so here are some headcanons I came up with while in the parks!!!
Starting off with Epcot: on “living with the land,” the ghouls (Aether specifically) go wild.
There’s a section of the ride where produce is being grown, and there’s always a banana tree. Aether gets a little hungy, and jumps out of the boat to absolutely devour the fresh fruit. The ghouls follow behind, climbing out of the boat, eating edible (and inedible) plants alike until they are promptly escorted off of the attraction
Meanwhile, Copia remains seated pinching the bridge of his nose like a disgruntled chaperone.
Copia absolutely loses his shit on “Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure.” I mean, ‘nuff said, the guy loves his rats, and the idea of sitting in a rat-shaped ride vehicle while being (literally) surrounded by rats, is just the neatest concept to him.
He would definitely be all “oh, haha!”—kind of like how he is at the beach house in Chapter 13. It would definitely be his favorite ride (because, as part of the fandom has headcanoned, I wholeheartedly believe “ratatouille” is his favorite movie, or up there in terms of his favorite movies anyway)
On that note, he probably sings the song from the movie—“Le Festin”—to his rats before bed every night, but definitely stops when he finds out the meaning of the song, and sobs.
Magic Kingdom: I think Copia would get a set of Mickey ears—like the classic ones (with “Cardi” or “Cardi C.” Embroidered on the back)
He also buys all the snacks: popcorn, Mickey ice cream, you name it—and yes, it gives him tummy aches, but it heals the inner child in him who didn’t to get to have these kind of experiences with, well, anyone 🥺
Haunted mansion: enough said, this is the ghoul’s favorite ride—Copia too enjoys it. (Ghosts dancing in the mansion? Call that “dance macabre” 🥴🥴🥴)
Hollywood Studios: While it’s no longer there, Copia would’ve loved “The Great Movie Ride.” In this ride, you got to go through recreated scenes from classic movies (I’m still not over them getting ridding of it, so maybe I’m projecting just a little bit?) and I could just see him being so excited, and epically misquoting them with not a care in the world ❤️❤️❤️
In the “alien” portion, where aliens would pop out of the ceiling and the walls, I could def see the ghouls screaming their heads off, Copia too probably.
This one is kinda mean I am so sorry, but I feel like Copia doesn’t like roller coasters and I could see the ghouls convincing him that the “Tower of Terror” is not a roller coaster, despite the screams that are coming from it as they approach.
He is totally inconsolable afterwords and refuses to talk to the ghouls so they have to buy him a Mickey ice cream or a churro to make it up to him (which it does) but now he just has another tummy ache again.
Okay, now let’s add Nihil and Imperator + Mr. Saltarian to the mix (briefly)
Even though Nihil is a “phantasm,” he’s complaining about all of the walking he has to do, so he makes Copia wheel him around instead because he wants to spite him or hate him or both idk what the fuck is up Nihil
Imperator makes Copia put on sunscreen every two hours because he has sensitive skin
She also maybe, but definitely does (albeit begrudgingly) carry around snacks for Copia and the ghouls—probably Scooby Doo fruit snacks or some shit
Copia is definitely internally screaming because he can’t just get one goddamn vacation without Nihil or Imperator inserting themselves
Saltarian is there too probably, but what is he doing? I have no idea, the man is an enigma.
I hope these are okay. If they are so absolutely ooc, please let me know! I just thought of them and wanted to share, thank you for reading!
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songbirdseung · 9 months
forgetful / nishimura riki
Ni-Ki and Y/N first met at a local dance studio. Y/N was practicing her choreography for an upcoming showcase, and Ni-Ki happened to be rehearsing nearby. His eyes were drawn to her graceful movements, and he couldn't help but approach her during a break. They struck up a conversation, sharing their love for dance and the dreams they held in their hearts.
As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, their bond grew stronger. They would spend countless hours together, perfecting their dance routines, exploring new cafes, and having heart-to-heart conversations under the moonlight. Ni-Ki's playful teasing and Y/N's caring nature created a beautiful synergy that made their friendship truly unique.
The night was clear, and the stars shimmered in the ink-black sky as Ni-Ki and Y/N sat on a cozy blanket spread out on the grassy hillside. The soft glow of the moon bathed them in its silvery light, creating an enchanting atmosphere. They had come to this spot, their secret hideaway, whenever they needed a break from the bustling city.
Ni-Ki, with his mischievous smile, plucked a blade of grass and twirled it between his fingers. "You know," he said, his eyes sparkling, "I've always wondered if there's life on other planets. What if aliens are watching us right now, trying to figure out what we're up to?"
Y/N chuckled at his playful imagination. "You and your wild theories, Ni-Ki. But you might be onto something. Who knows what's out there in the universe?" She gazed up at the stars, her tone turning thoughtful. "Sometimes, looking at the night sky makes me feel so small, like I'm just a tiny speck in this vast cosmos."
Ni-Ki turned his head to look at Y/N, his teasing expression giving way to a more serious one. "You're not small, Y/N," he said softly. "You're like a shining star in my life, always guiding me with your warmth and kindness."
Y/N blushed, feeling her heart skip a beat. Ni-Ki had a way of saying the sweetest things when she least expected it. "You have a way with words, Ni-Ki," she replied, her voice filled with affection. "But you're my guiding star too, you know. You light up my life in so many ways."
They fell into a comfortable silence, their hearts speaking the words they couldn't articulate. The moon continued its journey across the night sky, casting long shadows around them.
Ni-Ki leaned closer to Y/N, their shoulders touching. "You remember the first time we came here?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N nodded, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia. "Of course, I do. It was that warm summer night when we talked for hours about our dreams, our fears, and everything in between. I felt like I had known you forever."
Ni-Ki grinned, a playful glint returning to his eyes. "And you told me your secret recipe for the perfect cup of hot chocolate, remember?"
Y/N laughed, a melodious sound that echoed in the night. "Yes, I did! And you promised you'd never share it with anyone else."
Ni-Ki reached into his backpack and pulled out a thermos. "Well, tonight, I've got a surprise for you," he said, pouring steaming hot chocolate into two mugs. "I've been practicing that secret recipe, and I think I've finally mastered it."
Y/N accepted the mug with a delighted smile. "You really went the extra mile for our moonlight rendezvous, didn't you?"
Ni-Ki clinked his mug against Y/N's. "Only the best for you," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.
As they sipped their hot chocolate, they continued to talk about their dreams and aspirations, their fears and insecurities. The moon watched over them like a silent guardian, and the night seemed to stretch on forever.
It wasn't long before Ni-Ki shared his secret dream with Y/N. He had been secretly auditioning for HYBE and for the show I-Land, and to his surprise, he had been accepted. Y/N was thrilled for him, her heart swelling with pride. She knew he had the talent and charisma to succeed, and she vowed to support him through every step of his journey.
The early days of Ni-Ki's career were filled with excitement and uncertainty. Y/N was his biggest cheerleader, attending every local performance and fan meeting. Even as Ni-Ki's fame grew, he always found time for Y/N, making her feel like the most important person in his life.
Their relationship deepened as they shared more significant moments. They celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, and even created their own special holidays. Their love blossomed, although it remained platonic, as they both cherished the strong friendship they had built.
However, as ENHYPEN's popularity skyrocketed, Ni-Ki's life became a whirlwind of schedules, rehearsals, and interviews. The demands of his idol career were intense, and he was often left with little time for himself, let alone Y/N. She understood the sacrifices he had to make and tried her best to be patient.
But as the months passed, Y/N couldn't help but feel a growing void in their friendship. Ni-Ki's once-frequent calls and texts became sporadic. He missed important dates, forgetting the anniversary of the day they first met and even her birthday. Each missed connection stung Y/N's heart, and she found herself questioning where she stood in Ni-Ki's life.
One evening, Y/N decided to surprise Ni-Ki at his dorm with a home-cooked meal. She had been planning it for weeks, hoping it would provide a much-needed break from his hectic schedule and a chance to reconnect. However, when she arrived, she was met with an empty and untidy apartment. It was as if Ni-Ki had forgotten about her visit altogether.
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she sat alone in the dimly lit room. She realized that Ni-Ki's absence was not just physical but emotional as well. The man she had grown so close to had become a stranger lost in the blinding glare of fame.
Y/N confronted Ni-Ki about her feelings that night, her voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and frustration. She poured her heart out, explaining how his neglect had hurt her deeply. Ni-Ki, overwhelmed by guilt and remorse, apologized profusely. He confessed that the pressures of his idol life had consumed him, leaving him with little time for anyone else.
"I promise to make it up to you, Y/N," he said, his eyes filled with sincerity. "You mean the world to me, and I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Y/N wanted to believe him, and she desperately clung to the hope that their friendship could be salvaged. They agreed to carve out time for each other, no matter how busy Ni-Ki's schedule became.
For a while, things seemed to improve. They had a few heartwarming moments together, creating new memories and rekindling their connection. Y/N cherished those moments, but deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that their friendship was slipping away.
As the months passed, Ni-Ki's career continued to thrive. He became one of the most sought-after idols in the K-pop industry, and the demands on his time only grew. Despite his best intentions, he found himself missing more of their planned outings, phone calls, and text messages. The promises he had made to Y/N were becoming increasingly difficult to keep.
Y/N, though understanding, was finding it harder to cope. She had poured so much of herself into their friendship, and the pain of constantly feeling left behind was taking a toll on her heart. Late nights were spent scrolling through social media, watching Ni-Ki's career flourish while their friendship faded.
One evening, as Y/N watched an interview with ENHYPEN on television, Ni-Ki mentioned how his fans had become his everything, and he couldn't imagine life without them. Those words hit Y/N like a dagger to the heart. She realized that the gap between her and Ni-Ki had grown wider than she had ever imagined.
The final straw came on a day that held special significance for both of them – the anniversary of the day they first met. Y/N had planned a surprise dinner for Ni-Ki, hoping to recreate the magic of their early days. She had decorated their favorite café with fairy lights and candles, and she waited eagerly for his arrival.
Hours passed, and Ni-Ki never showed up. Y/N's heart sank as she stared at the untouched meal she had prepared with so much love. She sent Ni-Ki a text, tears streaming down her face, asking if he had forgotten their special day. His response came hours later, a mere apology and an excuse about a last-minute schedule change.
Y/N couldn't take it anymore. She realized that the friendship she had cherished so deeply had become a one-sided effort. It was breaking her heart, and she couldn't continue down this path of unreciprocated love and friendship.
With a heavy heart, Y/N decided to distance herself from Ni-Ki. She knew it would be painful, but she needed to protect her own well-being and find happiness outside the shadow of his stardom.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Sixty years is but the blink of an eye for a time-traveller like The Doctor. But for a television series, a Diamond Anniversary is an extremely rare and impressive occurrence.
BBC’s Doctor Who recently celebrated such a milestone with three one-hour specials which, for the first time, streamed globally on Disney+.
Russell T Davies, fresh from his success on ’80s AIDS miniseries It’s A Sin, returned to the show he brought back so successfully in 2005 to the BBC. Bolstering his team are returning producers Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson, and Jane Tranter, the woman who was instrumental in bringing back Doctor Who in 2005. Bad Wolf, the company founded by Tranter and Gardner in 2015, currently produces the show with BBC Studios.
Another big returning name return was David Tennant, who played the 10th Doctor from 2005-2010 and who also returned for the show’s 50th Anniversary in 2013. Beloved by fans and audiences alike, Tennant’s Doctor was a big ratings draw.
Though, it’s not all returning past glories for Doctor Who. There is a new actor portraying the Time Lord, Ncuti Gatwa, who is taking over the titular role with the the forthcoming season 14, and who made his debut with the specials. The Rwandan-Scottish actor made a name for himself as gay teenager Eric Effiong in the Netflix comedy series Sex Education and recently starred as “Artist Ken” in Barbie. His first full season debut in the TARDIS will come in spring 2024, with a premiere date yet to be set.
Not only that, powerhouse streamer Disney+ is now on board to broadcast these new episodes across the world (with the exception of the U.K. and Ireland, where it still airs on BBC)...
What Happened in the 60th Anniversary Specials?
Showrunner Davies brought Tennant back with a cosmic bang and a galactic-sized nod to fan service with an adaptation of a Doctor Who Weekly comic strip first published in 1980.
The first of the three specials, “The Star Beast,” was a 60-minute romp that wonderfully evoked the Tenth Doctor-era, complete with cutesy alien The Meep (think The Mandalorian’s Baby Yoda, but bigger and hairier) and the return of much-loved companion, Donna Noble (played by Catherine Tate, The Office).
Last seen in the Tenth Doctor’s finale in 2010, Donna’s return posed a fatal conundrum for the Doctor: If she remembered her past with the Doctor, she would die. Thankfully, writer Davies had a workaround, meaning that the 60th anniversary celebrations did not result in the death of a companion but, in fact, allowed Donna to live unharmed and enjoy some further adventures in time and space with her best friend.
The main question, though, was just why the Fourteenth Doctor, played by Tennant, had the same face and body of the Tenth Doctor, also played by Tennant. This was an unprecedented move in the history, or Whostory, of the show. Special number two, “Wild Blue Yonder,” traveled to the end of the universe and delved into the uncanny, but still posed the query as to why that particular face returned. (It’s a good face, we weren’t complaining).
Fans would have to wait until the third and final special, “The Giggle,” before the mystery was finally revealed. And it was all down to Donna. She surmised that he changed his face and then found her to “come home.” The Doctor commented, “I’ve never been so happy in my life,” as he sat with the Noble family, not fighting aliens and enjoying a spot of lunch.
The Final Special Had More Up Its Intergalactic Sleeve
Aside from the return of fan favorite Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) and ’80s-era companion Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford), there was an even bigger returnee waiting in the wings.
Making an all-singing, all-dancing return to Doctor Who was the formidable villain, The Toymaker. Played by Neil Patrick Harris (best known for portraying Barney Stinson on the CBS series, How I Met Your Mother), the Toymaker made his debut opposite the First Doctor (William Hartnell) in the 1966 four-part serial, “The Celestial Toymaker.”
The character was originally played by English actor Michael Gough, who would go on to play Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred in the four Batman films directed by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher. Though, it’s hard to picture Gough pulling off NPH’s manic routine to The Spice Girls’ 1997 hit, “Spice Up Your Life”.
And then there was the first appearance of the new Doctor, Gatwa. But this was no simple regeneration, as seen in Doctor Who so many times previously. Just as the return of a previous actor to play a new regeneration of the Doctor was unprecedented, Davies debuted another new element in the show’s mythology: “bigeneration.” This left fans shocked as the Fourteenth Doctor, seemingly regenerating as per usual, actually split into two, revealing Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor and Tennant’s Fourteenth Doctor standing, looking at one another just as surprised as the millions of Whovians watching across the globe.
What is Bigeneration and What Does it Mean for the Future?
As is explained in the behind-the-scenes show Doctor Who Unleashed, “instead of a new body taking over from the old body, the new body separates from the old body, and both are left alive.”
This means that there are two distinct Doctors roaming the universe at the same time. While it might take some time for Tennant’s Fourteenth Doctor to pick up the keys to his TARDIS and start planet-hopping, as he seems quite happy to kick back in England for a while, it’s possible — nay, highly likely — that the Gatwa and Tennant Doctors will meet again.
For the time being, though, Davies has stated that there are “no plans” for a Fourteenth Doctor return, adding that he’s “parked” on Earth with Donna Noble for a “happy life.”
Interestingly, Davies has also suggested that this has even bigger implications for Doctor Who. This bigeneration has created a new timeline where all previous incarnations have been affected, with every Doctor continuing to exist after their own regeneration. Davies may be joking when he refers to this as a “Doctorverse,” but he has established “The Whoniverse” (bringing in previous spinoffs such as Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures) so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that audiences could witness various team-ups featuring Gatwa with previous Doctors at any moment. Or, perhaps more spinoff series could be on the way featuring the past Doctors on their own...'
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clarktooncrossing · 1 year
Didn't Wanna Feel Old in 2023? Sucks to be You!
Happy 2023 everybody! It's a new year meaning I've got new goals to meet. Goals like finally publishing something, setting up commissions so people can pay me to do what I love, cross-posting between my account here and on deviantART, summoning more kaijus just so they can play elaborate games of poker, y'know, all that good stuff. It also means the return of my 'list of things that have reached a milestone anniversary' list. However, it seems like I've been doing this for so long that these lists have in fact reached their own milestone. From what I could tell, this is the fifth year of my doing this, at least on deviantART. If that doesn't make you feel right from the gate, I present the following:
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If I don't mention this my buddy Volts48 won't let me rest; the highly influential sci-fi movie Metropolis turns 100 years old this year, meaning it is now in the public domain. I plan to take full advantage of this fact later, but for now I have the rest of this list to get to...
Anything from 1973 turns 50 years old this year. This includes...
Schoolhouse Rock! (Jan 6th)
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (June 13th)
Robin Hood (yes, the version with the fox) (Nov 18th)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Magic Kingdom) (December 15th)
Charlotte's Web (the animated movie, not the book) (March 1st)
Godzilla vs Megalon (March 17th)
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad (April 5th)
Soylent Green (May 9th)
The Exorcist (December 26th)
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (November 20th)
The Young and the Restless (March 26th)
Star Trek: The Animated Series (Sept 8th)
Super Friends (Sept 8th)
Asteroid (Space Race) (July 16th)
The Night Gwen Stacy Died (MARVEL) (June - July 1973)
'We’re an American Band' by Grand Funk Railroad
'Free Bird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road album (Oct 5th)
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Anything from 1978 turns 45 years old this year. This includes...
Alien (May 25th)
The Cat from Outer Space (June 9th)
The Star Wars Holiday Special (Nov 17th)
The Small One (Dec 16th)
Jaws 2 (June 16th)
Grease (July 8th)
Revenge of the Pink Panther (July 13th)
Animal House (July 28th)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (Oct 8th)
Halloween (Oct 25th)
Watership Down (Nov 1st)
The Lord of the Rings (animated version) (Nov 15th)
Superman: The Movie (Dec 15th)
Lupin the Third: The Secret of Mamo (Dec 16th)
Fantasy Island (Jan 14th)
The Incredible Hulk (TV series) (March 10th)
The Amazing Spider-Man (TV series) (April 15th)
Hanna Barbera's Godzilla (Sept 9th)
Yogi's Space Race (Sept 9th)
Taxi (Sept 12th)
WKRP in Cincinnati (Sept 18th)
Space Invaders (April 1st)
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Anything from 1983 turns 40 years old this year. This includes...
Mickey Mouse Splashdance
Journey into Imagination (EPCOT) (March 5th)
Winnie the Pooh and A Day for Eeyore (March 26th)
Tokyo Disneyland (April 15th)
They Disney Channel (Rest in Peace) (April 18th)
Welcome to Pooh Corner (April 18th)
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (May 25th)
Pinocchio's Daring Journey (Disneyland) (May 25th)
Sorcerer's Apprentice (Atari 2600) (Aug 5th)
Horizons (EPCOT) (Oct 1st)
Mickey's Christmas Carol (Dec 16th)
The first annual Walt Disney World Christmas Day parade (Dec 25th)
Superman III (June 17th)
Jaws 3-D (July 22nd)
National Lampoon's Vacation (July 29th)
Risky Business (Aug 5th)
Cujo (August 12th)
A Christmas Story (Nov 18th)
Scarface (Dec 9th)
Fraggle Rock (Jan 10th)
A-Team (Jan 23rd)
Reading Rainbow (July 11th)
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Sept 5th)
Alvin and the Chipmunks (Sept 17th)
Cheers (Sept 30th)
The Video Game Crash of 1983
Mirage Studios (Sept 30th)
DC acquires Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, and The Question
'Let's Dance' by David Bowie
'Mr. Roboto' by Styx
The My Little Pony franchises as a whole
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Anything from 1988 turns 35 years old this year. This includes...
Good Morning Vietnam (Jan 15th)
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Jan 17th)
IllumiNations (EPCOT) (Jan 20th)
Totally Minnie (Feb 25th)
Willow (May 20th)
Big (June 3rd)
Norway (EPCOT) (June 3rd)
Mickey's Birthdayland (Magic Kingdom) (June 18th)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (June 21st)
Die Hard (July 22nd)
Language Arts Through Imagination starring Figment (he's a dragon) (Sept 8th)
Oliver and Company (Nov 18th)
Tin Toy (Dec 30th)
Beetlejuice (March 30th)
Return of the Killer Tomatoes (April 22nd)
Rambo III (May 25h)
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (May 27th)
My Neighbor Totoro (July 13th)
Mac & Me (Aug 12th)
Scooby-Doo! and the Reluctant Werewolf (Sept 14th)
Akira (Oct 19th)
They Live (Nov 14th)
The Land Before Time (Nov 18th)
Scrooged (Nov 23rd)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Nov 29th)
The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (Dec 2nd)
Twins (Dec 9th)
Count Duckula (Feb 6th)
Denver, the Last Dinosaur (April 1st)
A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (Sept 10th)
Alf Tales (Sept 10th)
Garfield and Friends (Sept 17th)
A Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Nightmares (Oct 8th)
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (Nov 24th)
Final Fantasy II (Dec 17th)
Mega Man 2 (Dec 24th)
Super Mario Bros. 2 and 3
Nintendo Power
The Killing Joke by Alan Moore
Batman: A Death in the Family (this was not Batman's year)
'Don't Worry Be Happy' by Bobby McFerrin
'It Takes Two by Rob Base' and DJ EZ Rock
'Parents Just Don't Understand' by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff
'Nothin' But a Good Time' by Poison
'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour
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Anything from 1993 turns 30 years old this year. This includes...
Homeward Bound: An Incredible Journey (Feb 3rd)
Roger Rabbit in Trail Mix-Up (March 12th)
The Sandlot (April 7th)
Super Mario Bros, the unfortunate film (May 28th)
Hocus Pocus (July 16th)
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (July 28th)
Bill Nye the Science Guy (Sept 10th)
Boy Meets World (Sept 24th)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Oct 29th)
Mrs. Doubtfire (Nov 2nd)
Disney's Sing-A-Long Songs: The 12 Days of Christmas (Dec 1993)
Tombstone (Dec 25th)
Groundhog Day (Feb 12th)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (March 19th)
Jurassic Park (June 11th)
Last Action Hero (June 13th)
Free Willy (July 16th)
Coneheads (July 23rd)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (Aug 13th)
The Thief and the Cobbler (Aug 25th)
Demolition Man (Oct 8th)
Addams Family Values (Nov 19th)
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (Nov 24th)
Schindler's List (Dec 15th)
Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers (Dec 17th)
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (Dec 25th)
Beavis and Butt-Head (March 8th)
The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (Aug 27th)
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (Aug 28th)
Late Show with David Letterman (Aug 30th)
The X-Files (Sept 10th)
Legends of the Hidden Temple (Sept 11th)
Animaniacs (Sept 13th)
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (Sep 13th)
Fraiser (Sept 16th)
Rocko's Modern Life (Sept 18th)
The Atari Jaguar
Sam and Max: Hit the Road
Batman: Knightfall by Alan Grant
'I'll Do Anything For Love' by Meatloaf
'Shoop' by Salt-n-Peppa (Deadpool's favorite!)
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Anything from 1998 turns 25 years old this year. This includes...
Movie Surfers (Jan 1st)
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World (Feb 17th)
PB&J Otter (March 15th)
The Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management) (April 5th)
Toon Disney (April 18th)
Disney's Animal Kingdom (April 22nd)
Mulan (July 22nd)
The Parent Trap (remake) (July 29th)
Hercules: The Series (Aug 31st)
Out of the Box (Oct 7th)
Halloweentown (Oct 17th)
The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (Oct 27th)
Rollie Pollie Ollie (Nov 6th)
A Bug's Life (Nov 24th)
Mighty Joe Young (Dec 25th)
Elmopalooza (Feb 20th)
The Big Lebowski (March 16th)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (May 19th)
The unfortunate American Godzilla film (May 20th) and it's surprisingly good TV follow up (Sept 12th)
The Truman Show (June 5th)
Saving Private Ryan (July 24th)
Blade (Aug 19th)
Rush Hour (Sept 18th)
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (Sept 22nd)
Antz (Oct 2nd)
The Rugrats Movie (Nov 20th)
The Prince of Egypt (Dec 16th)
Power Rangers in Space (Feb 6th)
CatDog (April 4th)
Sex and the City (June 6th)
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Aug 5th)
That 70s Show (Aug 23rd)
The Wild Thornberrys (Sept 1st)
Will & Grace (Sept 21st)
The Powerpuff Girls (Nov 18th)
Banjo Kazooie (June 29th)
Spyro the Dragon (Sept 19th)
Half Life (Nov 19th)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nov 21st)
The Sega Dreamcast
Gameboy Color
Spider-Girl (Feb 1998) - Fitting, considering she makes her cinematic debut this year in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
'I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing' by Aerosmith from the soundtrack for Armageddon
'...Baby One More Time' by Brittney Spears
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Anything from 2003 turns 20 years old this year. This includes...
That's So Raven (Jan 17th)
The Jungle Book 2 (Feb 14th)
Atlantis: Milo's Return (Feb 25th)
Piglet's Big Movie (March 21st)
Holes (April 18th)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie (May 2nd)
X2 (May 2nd)
Finding Nemo (May 30th)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (July 9th)
The Simpsons: Hit & Run (Sept 16th)
Lilo & Stitch! The Series (Sept 20th)
Mickey's PhilharMagic (Magic Kingdom) (Oct 8th)
Brother Bear (Nov 1st)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (Tartakovsky) (Nov 7th)
The Haunted Mansion (movie) (Nov 26th)
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time (Nov 28th)
Destino (Dec 19th)
Kangaroo Jack (January 17th)
Daredevil (movie) (Feb 14th)
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure (March 18th)
Daddy Day Care (May 4th)
Matrix Reloaded (May 16th) and Revolutions (Oct 27th)
Bruce Almighty (May 23rd)
Rugrats Go Wild (June 13th)
Ang Lee's Hulk (June 17th)
The Room (June 27th)
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (July 2nd)
Freddy vs Jason (Aug 13th)
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (Oct 10th)
Elf (Nov 7th)
The Cat in the Hat (movie) (Nov 8th)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (Nov 9th)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Dec 17th)
Big Fish (Dec 25th)
Mythbusters (Jan 23rd)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (KidsWB animated series) (Feb 8th)
Power Rangers Ninja Storm (Feb 15th)
Red vs Blue (April 1st)
All Grown Up! (April 12th)
Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (July 11th)
Teen Titans (July 19th)
My Life as a Teenage Robot (Aug 1st)
Clifford's Puppy Days (Sept 1st)
Devil May Cry 2 (Jan 25th)
Postal 2 (April 14th)
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (June 20th)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (July 5th)
Jak II (Oct 14th)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Oct 14th)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Oct 28th)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (Oct 29th)
Call of Duty (Oct 29th)
Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (Nov 11th)
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Invincible (Image) (Jan 2003)
JLA/Avengers (Sept 2003)
The Walking Dead (Image) (Oct 2003)
'Where is the Love?' by Black Eyed Peas
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Anything from 2008 turns 15 years old this year. This includes...
Phineas and Ferb (Feb 1st)
Horton Hears a Who! (movie) (March 3rd)
Iron Man (May 2nd), The Incredible Hulk (June 13th), and the birth of the MCU
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (May 22nd)
Toy Story Mania! (Hollywood Studios) (June 17th)
WALL-E (aka the greatest movie ever!) (June 27th)
Star Wars: Clone Wars (movie) (Aug 10th)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Sept 16th)
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Oct 24th)
Tinker Bell (Oct 28th)
BURN-E (Nov 18th)
Bolt (Nov 21st)
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa (Dec 17th)
The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie (Jan 11th)
Rambo (Jan 24th)
Kung Fu Panda (June 6th)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (July 11th)
The Dark Knight (July 18th)
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Aug 1st)
Ponyo (Aug 14th)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (Nov 7th)
Twilight (Nov 21) - I'M VENGEANCE!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Jan 13th)
Breaking Bad (Jan 20th)
Power Rangers Jungle Fury (Feb 18th)
Spectacular Spider-Man (the best incarnation of the wall-crawler) (March 8th)
Ben 10: Alien Force (April 8th)
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack (June 5th)
The Penguins of Madagascar (Nov 28th)
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Jan 31st)
God of War: Chains of Olympus (March 4th)
Dead Space (Oct 13th)
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (Oct 21st)
Little Big Planet (Oct 27th)
Fallout 3 (Oct 28th)
Mirror's Edge (Nov 11th)
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (Nov 16th)
Gears of War 2 (Nov 7th)
Left 4 Dead (Nov 17th)
Sonic Unleashed (Nov 18th)
Grand Theft Auto IV (Dec 2nd)
Lego Batman and Indiana Jones
Final Crisis (May 2008)
Marvel Apes (Oct - Nov 2008)
'I Kissed a Girl' and 'Hot n Cold' by Katty Perry
'Viva la Vida' by Coldplay
'So What?' by P!NK
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Anything from 2013 turns 10 years old this year. This includes...
Sofia the First (Jan 11th)
Aliens: Colonial Marines (Feb 12th)
Oz, the Great and Powerful (March 8th)
Iron Man 3 (May 3rd)
Mystic Point (Hong Kong Disneyland) (May 17th)
Monsters University (June 21st)
Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel (Aug 16th)
Disney Infinity (Aug 18th)
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (Sep 2nd)
Toy Story of Terror! (Oct 16th)
Thor: The Dark World (Nov 8th)
Frozen (Nov 27th)
The current run of Mickey Mouse cartoons (Nov 29th)
Saving Mr. Banks (Dec 20th)
Texas Chainsaw 3D (Jan 4th)
Evil Dead (remake) (April 5th)
The Purge (June 7th)
Man of Steel (June 14th)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (June 16th)
Despicable Me 2 (July 3rd)
Pacific Rim (July 12th)
Turbo (July 17th)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Sept 27th)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Nov 22nd)
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Dec 13th)
Teen Titans Go! (April 23rd) - HOW IS THIS STILL ON THE AIR!?!?!?
Orange Is the New Black (July 11th)
PAW Patrol (Aug 12th)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Sept 17th)
Rick and Morty (Dec 2nd)
Tomb Raider (March 5th)
God of War: Ascension (March 12th)
BioShock Infinite (March 26th)
Injustice: Gods Among Us (April 16th)
The Last of Us (June 14th)
Deadpool (video game) (June 25th)
Rayman Legends (Aug 29th)
Grand Theft Auto V (Sept 17th)
The Stanley Parable (Oct 17th)
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Oct 29th)
'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams
'My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)' by Fall Out Boy
'Roar' by Katy Perry
'Wagon Wheel' by Darius Ruckus
'Wrecking Ball' by Miley Cyrus
'Applause' by Lady Gaga'
'What Does the Fox Say?' by Ylvis
'Happy' by Pharrell Williams
And with all that said, I hope you all have a happy new year!
Did I miss any milestones? If I did, feel free to let me know in the comments. For now though, MAY THE GLASSES BE WITH YOU!
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felassan · 3 months
A conversation/interview video with Casey Hudson called "Casey Hudson Interview: Mass Effect Director on New Studio Humanoid Origin and His Next Game": [source and watch link] In the video they discuss topics like previous BioWare games and the early days at BioWare.
Part of video description:
"In this career-spanning interview, I talk to Mass Effect creator Casey Hudson about his philosophy on game development, projects like Star Wars: KotOR, and his new remote-friendly studio, Humanoid Origin, which is hard at work on an all-new sci-fi game IP."
Some quotes/notes under the cut:
Covid was a strange time for everyone. Casey was a studio head at BioWare when the pandemic and lockdown hit; everyone went home. this was very surreal, but he "was sitting in [his] home office as the General Manager for a studio of several hundred people", and "it kind of worked pretty well, and then it just makes you realize that if that's possible, then maybe you don't need the big infrastructure, huge studio locations, maybe there's a different way to do it."
Casey is also a concept artist. when they were starting creating Mass Effect, he was really concerned with the Citadel and what the shape of it was going to be, so he did tons of drawings trying to figure out what it would look like.
In the early days of BioWare, the old BioWare culture had devs often out dancing on Whyte Avenue. many of the devs in the early days at BW worked on Whyte Avenue. just downstairs from them is where all the bars and restaurants were, and many of the devs lived within walking distance. at that time work was most of their lives. if they wanted to meet their friends at the bar, they were just downstairs or across the street. "This is not a lifestyle that you wanna maintain into your 30s and 40s, but that's kind've what it was like at that time. But because it was so, I think it was a really narrow existence in a lot of ways and half of it is in the winter, bitterly cold outside, that we then first of all have a lot of time to focus and imagine something but also you then really start thinking of like, what does the escape look like? Where do you want to be right now? Instead of in the middle of the winter in Edmonton working 12 hours a day. Where would you, what do you fantasize about? That I think is kinda what propelled a lot of the vision for these really epic places and a sense of escapism." - Interestingly KOTOR and ME1 both have levels/scenes near the end with beaches.
It took people 15 years to notice that the sentence in the opening segment of ME1 "and the civilizations of the galaxy called it.. mass effect" was an homage to Top Gun ("the pilots call it Top Gun"). this was put in there because Casey used to want to be a fighter pilot when he was younger.
Why did they have the Reapers in ME, these lovecraftian terrifying horror things? They originate from 2 things. BW really envisioned ME as "imagine that there was a movie that came out in the late 70s or early 80s". it was to be kind of in the vein of Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, or Alien, and like it was like a major sci-fi hit that just didn't get released, only now you get to play it and be in that experience. "So that's kind of where we went with, not necessarily horror, but that sort of sci-fi suspense feeling. And then I think the other piece was, we were just really swinging for the fences. like, if there's a threat, what is the biggest threat? And if you're gonna make a decision in this game, let's make them agonizing decisions of the highest stakes, and so ME kind've has this feeling like, of everything being big and important and difficult choices and huge scale. And I think that's where it came from."
99% of the creature models for Neverwinter Nights were thrown in the trash. Casey made a bunch of models over the course of a year, as a major part of his role that year. Then the D&D 3rd Edition rules came out with concepts in them for how things were supposed to look. "I believe what happened was we were asked to just snap to those concepts, so all of these character models that I had made were just never going to get used. the irony of it is the one thing that did end up getting used was the giant spider model I did in my first day or two."
(on his first day at BioWare they gave him a concept for a giant spider, and in his first week he made this spider monster model.)
early screenshots of NWN were from a prototype as opposed to the proper game engine.
the interviewer mentioned that the NWN era was a stressful time, a dark time at BioWare. the publisher was going bankrupt.
the co-founder doctors Ray and Greg were very good at providing an environment that felt stable because they were shielding the devs from a lot of the existential crisis the business was in, so it felt stable, but they also provided real stability. "The games that we worked on, for many years, everything we worked on shipped and became a good game that brought revenue into the studio and elevated our status as a developer. But I know that it was a lot rougher waters than what we experienced. I'm always curious to follow up with Rey and Greg and find out what that would have been like for them."
The interviewer then mentions that things then got a little more exploratory at the studio at that time, and the fact that there were some cancelled projects. Casey: "At that point, we were becoming larger as a studio and growing the number of projects we had at a given time. I think at one point there was just more projects than we could sustain in terms of focus and just the logistics of getting that many things out. Prior to that though we had an amazing run, it was very rare to be able to ship everything that you work on, and I think we had that for quite a while."
At that time in games development, devs just worked on the game they were working on all day. Nowadays in game development there's lots of other things they often have to do during their day at work (like instead of and in addition to). in his new studio, Casey said he wants to try and work smarter or faster, and without ending up doing crunch time, and without working on things that end up needing to be downscoped.
He also discussed the development of KOTOR at various points in the video and relayed some anecdotes about KOTOR. for example, Jolee Bindo is named after his imaginary friend from childhood that he had.
On the naming of Anthem: "So that one, I've only heard the story secondhand because I came into Anthem at the very end. I was on that project at the very, that was going to be the next full game that I was gonna work on right after ME3. We moved onto what was going to be our new IP and it was called Project Dylan at the time. I worked on Dylan for about a year before I left EA. I was at Microsoft for a while. then after a few years, that project was still going and then had actually been announced as Anthem and had its E3 debut. So they already had their name, as of that point. As I understand, that was another one where it's just, you try a number of different names, and at this point, there are just so many things being copy-written that it's really hard to find a name that isn't blocked by an existing product. But I thought that was a great name."
In the early days of BW they generally didn't have much interaction with the publisher. "It just really felt like we could just go off and design something that was true to itself and was amazing for what we were making". it's harder and harder to do this nowadays as publishers and studios get bigger and bigger.
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