heckahecker · 2 years
the passe.nger makes me just as mad now as it did when i played the demo at the tail end of high school 😤 roach youre the biggest coward i’ve ever met horizon you’re an IDIOT. and jonny you’re attitude makes me want to start swinging 🥊🥊. fiama you’re the ONLY redeeming li and i stand by that wholeheartedly.
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walpu · 5 months
Self aware!Gepard being jealous of Aventurine
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characters - Gepard, Aventurine mentioned
notes - gn!reader, jealousy (while not mentioned directly, it's still implied they both are jealous lmao), no beta. Dedicating this to my Gepard, stop stalking me bbg, I still love you.
Self aware!Gepard who gets more and more nervous with Aventurine's banner approaching.
Self aware!Gepard who is a military man, who knows how important it is to have the right strategy and the right party, who knows it's better for you to replace him with Aven, but who's still heartbroken over it.
Self aware!Gepard, who was already doing his best to sustain you, now tries even harder, goes beyond his limits, all just to prove his worth.
Self aware!Gepard who knows you want to pull for Aventurine still, not even for the meta but because you like him.
Self aware!Gepard, who was always cheering for you during your pulls, now praying for you to lose 50/50 or to not have enough jades.
Self aware!Gepard who has never sabotaged your pulls but now he comes to you instead of Aventurine, makin it the first time you lose 50/50 to him. He feels so guilty and selfish for making you upset but he just can't lose you. He'll try harder, he'll restore his energy faster, he'll protect you! Just please don't replace him!
Self aware!Gepard who's so upset when you still get Aventurine eventually. He tries not to show it but his sad puppy eyes say it all.
Self aware!Gepard who feels lost when you replace him with Aventurine in some of your teams.
Self aware!Gepard who tries to be courteous with Aven but damn, they don't get along since Aventurine's boss fight, when Aven was constantly targeting him and Gepard was unable to hit the number higher than 3. Not to mention Aven had Gepard's sisters in his banner. Like. The audacity!
Self aware!Gepard who is either completely heartbroken when you give his relics to Aven or is somewhat hopeful if you don't. Maybe you still have a soft spot for him in your heart, that would be enough for him.
Self aware!Gepard who gets very surprised when you put him on the same team as Aven during your preservation path run in the SU.
Self aware!Gepard who tries his best to outperform Aven and gets very self conscious when he sees that Aventurine hardly even loses any hp at all, his shields are better and it stings to admit it.
Self aware!Gepard who sighs heavily when everyone else drops dead and him and Aven are the only paty members left.
Self aware!Gepard who is still like a puppy, getting very excited when you pick him in MoC or Pure Fiction.
Self aware!boss!Gepard who always targets Aven no matter what. Even if it's an AoE attack, somehow it still does more damage to Aven specifically.
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matan4il · 5 months
I’m muslim but I’m upset with the free Palestine movement especially as a woman. they are only making it worse for Muslim women subject to governments which are misusing the teachings of the Quran. they do not care even about Uyghur or Rohingya Muslims
I'm a day late, but I hope it's still okay to wish you Jumaat Mubaraka, lovely Nonnie! *hugs*
I feel you. A few years ago, I took a course and ended up becoming friends with the lady who happened to choose the seat next to me. She's a Muslim Israeli Arab woman. She had the audacity of divorcing her husband. She has a son who came out as gay, and she had the audacity to accept him as he is. Under Hamas or the Palestinian Authority's rule, she could be severely punished socially for either. Worse, her son would likely be terrified for his life, and might have ended up like one of my gay Palestinian friends, who have been forced into heterosexual marriages because the threat to their lives was so great. Instead, her son lives in Tel Aviv, is openly gay, and is an advocate for both the State of Israel and gay Israeli Arabs and Palestinians. She's an advocate for the State of Israel and Israeli Arab Muslim women. She gets to speak and be heard because she's an Israeli citizen. And it's not by chance that she is one. Her family made a choice in 1948, to stand by the Jews, rather than join the Arab attack on them. She once opened the Quran, showed me a specific surah, and told me, "This is why I know that as a Muslim, I must love the Jews, and stand by their state."
She has her own agency in choosing her position on the State of Israel, she has her well being, her son's, and that of many other Israeli Muslim Arab women and gay people to consider, and the anti-Israel crowd doesn't care about any of that. She's just an obstacle standing in the way of the narrative they've chosen, she shows reality is more complex than the black and white framing they embraced, which allows them to openly hate Jews while inflating their own egos, as if they're being righteous.
Not to mention coming up with ridiculous stuff like, "Palestinian men beat their wives because of the Israeli occupation!" This is honestly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, only topped by "Israel is using cow/dolphin spies." But think of the practical implication. It means as long as Israel exists, no one's gonna hold Palestinian men accountable for the violence they're committing against their own wives. It's a betrayal of Palestinian women, all supposedly in the name of helping Palestinian nationalism.
(on top of the criticism voiced by UN Watch, it's insane how one of the speakers blaming domestic violence against Palestinian women on Israel is the UN representative of "Etat de Palestine," state of Palestine... What an easy way to avoid a state's duty to protect the women living under its rule from any and all violence, including domestic! If you're an independent state, and deserve recognition from the world, then you also have the responsibility to tackle domestic violence. If you're not independent, then why are you demanding to be recognized as such?)
And yes, the lack of care for actual Israeli Arabs and Palestinians is what I often talk about, but you're right that the damage caused by the anti-Israel crowd is bigger than just to Jews, Israeli Arabs, and Palestinians. Holding up an Islamist cause, backing up the Islamist movement and showing them how the west can be easily won, this will only serve to harm more people. Including Muslims who are more vulnerable to human rights abuses, like women and gay people.
In the vid above, as another example, the UN Watch speaker asks the UN to compare the data on domestic violence suffered by Palestinian women, to that suffered by Jordanian, Lebanese, Egyptian women and so on... Maybe if they couldn't use Israel as their punching bag, they'd have to look at domestic violence against women in the whole region, and actually do something about it. But nah, it's easier to write off Israel as the guilty party when it comes to Palestinian domestic violence, and pretend like that's the only place in the entire Middle East where this violence stands out as an issue. And that's before we talk about observing the levels of anti-women violence in non-Arab Muslim countries, such as Iran, where the government itself has imprisoned and even killed women for not wearing a hijab correctly. This is a betrayal of Muslim women at large.
And in addition to all that, like you said, this crowd also doesn't give a shit about the Muslims being persecuted in any conflict that doesn't allow the blame to be laid on the 'evil Jews.' Even when the numbers targeted are much greater, and the scope of abuse far more severe.
Thank you for the ask, and I hope you're okay! I hope the world cares more about Muslim women, rather than posturing as if it does, but only when it can be used against Jews. xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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reignof-fyre · 7 months
I'm gonna say it: it's aemond's own fault he lost his eye in both the show and the book. Both times, he snuck out to claim vhagar. In the show, he wasn't stopped. In the book, three year old Joffrey Velaryon was with his dragon because he was an early riser and told Aemond to stay away from Vhagar, so Aemond - who was much older - pushed little three year old Joffrey over and, in his fear of being caught because he knew he was doing something his parents would like, claimed Vhagar and flew her for the first time.
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Baby Joffrey, all of three years old, then of course runs to get his big brothers, likely crying and terrified. Because he's, y'know, A BABY.
In the show, Aemond claims Vhagar and with arrogance and smugness returns to the castle, high on the fact that he'd just claimed Vhagar, uncaring of how rude/insulting it may have been to claim Vhagar on the night of her previous riders funeral, like A NORMAL PERSON.
When, in the show, Rhaena and Baela confront Aemond with Luke and Jace, they're clearly upset. Their mother has just died, its her funeral, and their last tether to her - Vhagar - has been claimed by Aemond. They say he stole her, and while dragons can't be stolen, he did use underhanded tactics to obtain her and bond with her. And his haughtiness afterwards, towards the daughters of the woman whose dragon he just claimed, is what makes the altercation his fault.
Baela, upset: Vhagar is my mother's dragon!
Aemond, uncaring: Your mother is dead, and Vhagar has a new rider now.
Rhaena: she was mine to claim!
Aemond: then you should have claimed her. Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.
Rhaena then hits Aemond, provoked into this by his cruel words and actions. Was it right? No. But it's literally the night of her mums funeral, Vhagar has been claimed by someone who clearly doesn't care about her mother, and he just insulted her. Aemond pushes Rhaena to the ground, so Baela slaps him in defense of her sister, and he punches her in the face.
Aemond: come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!
Now aemond is threatening to murder his cousins, which is par for the course for hid character. He always had kinslaying in him.
The fight devolves even more, and Jace and Luke get involved, defending their cousins. Luke, a little kid, is whacked and shoved to the ground, so Jace jumps in. Then Baela decides to help, and she and Luke - both of them younger and smaller - start wailing on Aemond (u go kids).
Aemond kicks Luke off of him, throws Baela off, and stands only to grab Luke - only five - by the throat and hold a rock over his head and threaten him.
Aemond: you will die screaming in flames just as your father did, bastard.
Luke, terrified and upset: my father is still alive!
Aemond, amused: he doesn't know, does he? Lord Strong.
This is when Jace pulls his knife, literally the size of my thumb, and attacks. Jace us quickly unarmed by Aemond, who is still holding the rock, and Luke sees the blade. Aemond holds the rock over them, smirks at Rhaena and Baela, then gets sand thrown in his face and Luke slashes at him wildly, not even aiming for his eye, just aiming to stop Aemond from hurting Jace and himself and his cousins, because at this point Luke has heard death threats, and seen Aemond take on him and the other three easily and win, so of bloody course this terrified little boy used a weapon to defend himself when it became necessary.
After, Alicent makes the situation about her because she's a poor uwu baby (gag me with a chainsaw, I loathe her) and attacks Rhaenyra as though Rhaenyra and her kids were in the wrong? Gurl.
Aemond will then go on to use him losing his eye as an excuse to use his war dragon to chase fourteen year old Luke on tiny baby Arrax and have the FUCKING AUDACITY to look shocked when it went wrong? Aemond is still at fault for Luke's death even if "he didn't mean it" or "he lost control" (he's not a true dragon lmfao)
In the book, Joffrey - who is three - returns with Jace and Luke, who grabbed wooden swords - they won't help against Vhagar bbys - in defense of their brother.
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Despite it being three on one, Aemond was winning the fight until Luke slashed him, and good thing he did otherwise Aemond wouldn't have stopped in my opinion. He'd have kept going, beating the boys to bloody pulps. It was stable-boys who had to end the fight, where were the guards? Cole was probably simping over alicunt tbh.
Also, Alicent was the first to demand Luke's eye in recompense for Aemond losing his soz not soz ya uwu Queen is a cunt heh
Aemond will then, years later, attack Luke because of this and kill him and start the Dance of Dragons in full because not only did he cause the events that took his eye, but also the worst war in history, all because he's a little bitch baby sociopath with genocidal tendencies lmfao
Also, Aemond got off lightly, merely losing his eye - do u know what the punishment is for people who attack a princes' daughters and the heir to the throne sons? Calling them bastards, which is treason!!!! Death. Bitch shit should be exuberant that he merely lost an eye. Unfortunately viserys is a bitch and didn't send Aemond to the Wall like Jaehaerys would have for fucking real lol
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kissforyouu · 6 months
Can you write a drabble of Oc being mad at him because some old fling sent him a pic through his DM’s and she saw, even though he never responds to the girl she still got mad
your eyes go completely wide, your expression just— shocked. wait, no, no! jumpscared is the right word. you grit your teeth while staring down at your boyfriend's phone displaying the nude photo of some other woman. and you couldn't help but think that if this was proof of jungkook cheating on you, you would've gone crazy on spot. but fortunately, it's not.
still though, due to your own suspicions you scroll up the chat only to be met with messages exchanged about 5 months before you two's relationship started. thank fuck, he is not cheating. you just almost had a heart attack.
still, you were mad though. the audacity for this bitch to send nudes to a man who's clearly in a relationship. it's not like jungkook doesn't post you, he posts you on all his socials, there's no way she wouldn't know. shame on her, she's just embarrassing herself.
but that's not even what made you mad, though. it's the fact that jungkook had already viewed it. he's already seen the picture and had left it on seen. despite being glad that he didn't reply or anything, you still couldn't help but feel jealous over the woman. you had everything she didn't - jungkook. he has just left her on seen, hasn't even bothered to block her!
you huff, blocking her yourself. fucking hell. great, now your entire mood's ruined.
"my phone's with you?" here he comes.
you don't say anything bad, clearly upset with him.
"i was looking for it. what'd you do with it?"
why? is he scared i'll find all his hoes?
you sit in silence. there was a big fat frown evident on your face, the face you often make when you're angry.
"y/n?" jungkook stands in front of you, raising his eyebrows wondering what the hell he did wrong again. he doesn't say anything but reaches forward to grab his phone from the grasp of your hand.
the moment he does that, you get up, storming out of his living room and into his bedroom. uh oh, you're stomping on the floor. —eek, here it comes ; jungkook pokes the inside of his cheek once he heard the door shut with a very loud thud. at this point, he was used to your attitude. but he just couldn't figure out why exactly you were mad at him.
—oh, nevermind. the man sighs, running his fingers down his face while he took a short glance at the explicit image sent to him by one of his old flings about a week ago. he didn't know you'd go through his instagram. coming to think of it, your attitude is justifiable. its his fault too, noh? he didn't block or anything. i mean, not his fault he doesn't even remember the girl's name.
but he noticed that you had already blocked her. he takes another deep sigh, eyes staring at his door, now closed. he had to console you somehow.
"baby?" your boyfriend knocks on the door thrice, and when you don't answer him, he decides he's gonna break in. it's his room anyway.
he walks in to be met with the sight of his pretty little (angry) girlfriend sitting on his bed, staring into the nothing of the nothingness. you looked cute, he thought. but now's not the time to pull jokes. (i think)
"my love." jungkook walks closer to you and bends down to meet your eyelevel on the bed. but you look away, avoiding his eye contact. he giggles, accepting the challenge and moving his face in front of wherever you're looking at. three or four of these and you're sick of him already, breaking into a whine as you slapped his shoulder.
"who the fuck is gianna and why's she not blocked?!" how come you remember the girl's name and not him when he was the one who talked to the girl for like, uh, uhhh, like, a few months or weeks, jungkook thinks.
"baby, she sent me that shit recently. i haven't talked to her ever since we both started dating, you know that very well. whatever you think happened, did not happen." he looks at you, waiting for a response.
he did say the truth though. you should—
"you're overreacting." nevermind. "overreacting" is crazy.
"i am NOT overreacting." you break your silence, "what would you feel if you saw the nudes of one of my exes on my phone, huh, jungkook?! bet you'd fucking LOVE that."
jungkook remains silent for a few seconds while you gave him the "told you so" look.
"don't fucking talk to me—"
jungkook flicks your forehead, forcefully pulling your upper body towards him so that your face would be pressed against his stomach. you let out muffled screams, completely annoyed.
"come on, i'm sorry, babyyy. we're fine, okay? i will immediately block and even report if this happens again. y/n—"
"eeek! i said don't talk! now—let me. go!" he had you on a headlock so it was harder for you to get out of his grip. you kept wiggling around like a worm, but in the end, you just give up, accepting defeat.
"i'm sorrryyy, my princess. you want my instagram pass? i'll give you. you know i love you only. i'm sorry i made you feel that way." he cups your cheeks, planting a sweet double kiss on your forehead.
but you just glare at him.
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goamu-blog · 10 months
I think I figured out why I didn't care much for Shen Yuan as a character. It's his attitude and mindset. Didn't like how he treated SQH. It was too close to antifan behavior and cyberbullying. Even if SQH didn't seem to mind as long as he was paid.
When he transmigrated, he was nice to everyone, but being decent doesn't take much effort, and I don't think I would call SY a kind person. To me, SY is rather self-centered and callous. He was mainly concerned about himself, which is fine and understandable, but he also doesn't seem concerned with the well-being of others. He was fine with letting the story go on as intended, with LBH terrorizing the world in the future, as long as he stayed alive.
He did return to the sect when LBH attacked it, but that was when he found out that LBH didn't want to kill him. He did help stop TLJ, but he had LBH and his protagonist halo at his side. Seems to me like SY is one that as long as it doesn't affect him, he will not care what happens.
SY never once thought if he could change the story in some way even if he had to follow what the system told him to do. All he had to do when the abyss happened was say something like, "LBH you can't control your powers and I can't protect you from the sect, you need to leave and the only way to do that is the abyss because we are surrounded by cultivators". But he never even tried to think of a different way the story could go.
He doesn't really understand emotions. The scene at the end of the mausoleum, when LBH was angry that SY seemed to be running from him again, and SY had the audacity to be so upset about that. When all SY has done up to that point was run and refuse to talk to LBH. There was no understanding as to why LBH was so upset.
It seems like the only way for SY to come close to understanding LBH emotions is if he goes through LBH mind. SY does care about LBH, but he doesn't seem to be able to deeply understand LBH without going through his mind. Seems like SY can't have a conversation with LBH where they come to an important understanding with each other.
It feels like SY and LBH getting together kind of just happened. Like SY just went along with it. Also, it feels like LBH puts more effort into the relationship than SY does, LBH is the one the usually initiates. And SY never apologized to LBH for how he treated him. I think that's why I don't care much for them as a couple.
SY never cared for the fact that he took over someone else's body even when he found out the truth of SJ. While yes, SJ did horrible things, he was also an abused former slave who never got a chance to heal from his past. And SY doesn't care that he essentially erased SJ and took over his life. SJ was always pushed to the side.
SY was a privileged young master that unwillingly took over the body of a former slave and got to benefit form the work that SJ did, and SY didn't pay him any mind every when he learned the truth. SY already had everything in his former life, and because of the work SJ did, SY was in a position to get even more, and SY doesn't care. He just pushed SJ aside.
Another thing that got to me about SY is just how oblivious and dense he is. Having oblivious characters is fine to a point, but SY level of obliviousness was borderline stupidity. Even by the end, I still don't think SY knows how emotions work.
A couple of other things, his internalized homophobia is never really addressed, nor his mentality about men and women. He is rather narrow-minded, and he doesn't really change throughout the series. He constantly commits my biggest pet peeves in characters, refusal to communicate, lack of self-awareness, and denial of reality. To me, SY feels like a surface level character. Even when he does realize something, it feels surface level to me.
Overall, I think SY didn't make me feel much for him, and when he did make me feel something, it was irritation because of his attitude and mindset. SY doesn't really change much throughout the series. On the other hand, SJ and LBH made me feel for them. SJ was only in one chapter and one extra, and he made me feel more the SY ever did. I don't think LBH was in the story as much as he should have been, but when he was, he made me feel something.
I feel like the series went too fast. It went from one event to the other without much breathing room in between for the characters. And characters like SJ and, to a lesser extent, LBH, were not in the story as much as I would have liked to see. The extras did help, but it wasn't enough for me.
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eff-plays · 6 months
On these notes, can I umm ... have Tavs who are like ... their own people. With personal issues and hangups and conflicts and preferences. I need Tavs who have spines, who don't just exist to be soft and gentle for Astarion's sake, who don't exist to be therapists for him. Like I get it, it's self-care for writers to some extent, but it just makes for such boring reading when a Tav is always 100% understanding and pliable for Astarion. When they're head over heels instantly and understand him perfectly with minimal explanations. When they can somehow tell, feel his pain through nothing but his eyes. After knowing him for days, hours, seconds.
Need Tavs who don't let him drink from them and/or tell him to only bite enemies because it's more pragmatic. Tavs who don't get off to his bites and in fact find them painful and inconvenient. Tavs who disagree with him to his face. Tavs who call him out when he's being a cunt.
"I didn't tell anyone you're a vampire because it's not my secret to tell" but why? He never asked to keep it a secret, and he attacked you. In your sleep. You owe him nothing, and he could pose an active danger to the others if you don't tell them? How do you know he doesn't? He's done nothing to earn your trust, yet you offer it anyway. And you're not written to be stupid, just that you innately know he's important/damaged somehow, so what gives?
It annoys me that the only time meta knowledge is used it's in his favor. Like Tav just knows he's good deep down somehow. Despite him being a huge cunt constantly. Like, he kills Tav if they fail to make him stop. Without remorse. He even jokes about it later when they have the audacity to be upset about it. But that's never even a fear some Tavs have. When it makes far more sense to be suspicious he'd do that than trusting him instantly.
And another thing like ... So many Tavs are just orbiting Astarion. Just straight up fail to make connections of friendships with anyone else. They'll also have some sad backstory of course, but only Astarion is somehow aware of it, he's the only one who has any insight into their inner turmoil while everyone else doesn't give a shit, I guess. Which is just. He gets to both have the benefit of the doubt and special insight and understanding of Tav. He gets to have all the cards.
Where's the mess. Where's the conflict. Where's the intrigue and fun of two actual individual people learning to overcome their differences and/or finding comfort in their similarities?
Idk I realize I'm barking up the wrong tree because this is generally the state of most fic and the romance genre in general but it's extra evident in the Astarion fandom where he's elevated to the status of the ultimate victim and ultimate sex god so any conflict is untenable because he's soo vunlerable and sensitive and all situations must have him coming out on top or else it'll be ... idk, problematic? Abusive? Traumatic to him? What's the reason?
It ends up just doing him a disservice? Part of what makes the romance so compelling-in game (at least the Spawn route) is that Tav challenges him and his assumptions. That they push back. But in fic these Tavs "push back" by just accepting his bullshit with a smile and waiting for him to realize he's being a bitch on his own, I guess. He's also rarely allowed to be silly or cringefail, which he canonically is, and he's so coddled that it makes it look like this grown-ass man can't handle anyone disagreeing with him or teasing him, so he's always paired up with the most weaksauce spineless soft quirky manic pixie dream Tav imaginable.
Like. It's always "Uwu how can I make him happy? Anything to make him happy!" What about you hon? What do you get out of this relationship, babygirl?
And tbh this is headcanon of course but I just don't think he'd respect a doormat Tav very much. He needs to be sprayed with water every now and then. For his own good.
Whatevs. I mean write whatever you want. But. Man. I just want more cool Tavs. And less stunted and flattened Astarion who can't take a joke or a goof or a gaff, who's always too cool to fail or be wrong.
And before someone says "this is why Durge is better!" I have no interest in Durge and do not read Durge fic sorry. Also that wound't even be true.
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
Finished reading that s/o being stalked and I must admit it's a chef kiss. If you have free time can you do part 2 with Fyodor,Nikolai and sigma if you write for them? Or if you can't, can you do where the stalker still stalks the s/o ?
!Nikolai Gogol With An S/O Who Has A Stalker!
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Scenario:Nikolai finds out you have a stalker!how will he deal with it??
Pairing: nikolai gogol x gn!reader
Genre: im rly not sure tbh...
Type: oneshot
A/N: Hi anon! Okay soo,here’s the deal,i dont rly write for any of them but i also dont think the stalker would ever come back...buttt i also dont wanna ignore your ask or just not give you anything sooo,imma do a nikolai piece!also disclaimer it might be ooc cos im not rly sure i hv his personality down right so apologies in advance :’) i hope you like it and feel free to lmk what you think if you want!
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Nikolai gogol was an observant individual,and even though many people just took him to be an eccentric and impulsive clown(which he was) he did in fact have the ability to be calculated and observant,he just didnt wanna be~
So when he came home from a looongg assignment,he noticed how on-edge you seemed.how scared,uptight and jumpy you were.
He also knew you wouldnt tell him what it was for fear of either boring him or coming off as bitchy and childish.
So he dug;his curiosity was piqued and he was bored soooo he made it his mission to find out what was haunting you.
After not a lot of digging he found the root cause of your paranoia!
A stalker~
Honestly when he found out you had a stalker he was overjoyed!
Now he had a new plaything~
The next day your stalker was preparing themselves to send you another 'love' letter.
But after they'd dropped it into the box to be collected and delivered the next day,they ran into a young man.
He looked to be in his early to mid 20s and he had dual coloured eyes and snow white hair.
Your stalker excused themselves and was about to be on their way when the young man grabbed their wrist and ,whispering in a happy tone, said, "do you like quizzes????? " before enveloping them in his coat.
Your stalker then found themselves in a dark room that smelled like dust.
They tried to get up,but were repeatedly knocked down by an invisible attacker,eventually they stopped trying and just crouched down.
“WHO ARE YOU!” Your stalker asked, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!”
‘Ha!’ Nikolai thought to himself, ‘they look really upset,the audacity on this one is marvellous!’
But all he said was “Shhhhhhh, i’mmm the one asking the questions here~”
“And if you’re even hoping to escape,you’ll listen and answer them well”
He heard a gulp and a shakey breath being drawn,which caused him to smile from his hiding place.
“Now then, why dont we start with an easy one, what do you want with y/n l/n?”
“Who??i dont know what the hell youre talking about!!”
A golden vortex appeared and swallowed your stalker’s leg.
they were left one leg short.
After realising what had just happened, they screamed out!
“Hehehehee sorry,did i forget to tell you the rules????? Oh silly me!always forgetting important things! The rules are simple! Tell the truth,”
“Or lose a limb!”
He cackled maniacally and your stalker broke into a cold sweat.
They were in deep shit now...
“So~ go on, second chance! What.do.you.want.with.y/n l/n.”
Nikolai wasnt even asking anymore,he was demanding.
“AEK!! WRONG AGAIN!Gosh i really thought you’d answer when you knew the stakes....But i guess your appendages must mean nothing to you~”
Your stalker’s other leg was swallowed up.
Another scream pierced the air.
Nikolai yawned.
“Ooohh suddenly compliant are we? Well then! Sad to say you’re answer wont save you~”
“Oh yeah.i cant have you bothering my love now can i?? Sooo you’ll have to die!”
And with that another vortex appeared but this time a man pointing a gun stepped out.he pulled down the hammer down and cocked the gun before holding it right to your stalker’s head.
“Ehhh no~ id much rather kill you.eases my conscience~”
“Sure sure,threatening letters arent anything wrong but also,regardless of if you did that or not id still kill you.because i want to.its my will.and unlike you im not restricted by the bonds of morality.I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!”
“And right now,i want to shoot you”
Nikolai gogol got home that day and saw you sat at the table doing some work.
He hugged you from behind and burried his head in the crook of your neck,his stray hairs tickling your ear.
“Hello y/n~” he said,peppering kisses all over your your cheek,neck and shoulder.
You raised your hadn to let it sit in his hair,ruffling the white floofles you loved so much.
“Hey kolya....how was your day?where were you?”
“Oh you know,taking care of some business.”
“Hmm” you sighed at his response.
“Oh and about that stalker of yours,”
You suddenly went stiff,you hand which had come down to lay over his arms which were wrapped around you,gripped them with sudden tension.
“Dont worry,i took care of it.gave them a stern talking to!they’ll never bother you again!” He said.
And you deflated at that,sudden tears of relief streaming down your face.
You got up and turned around in his arms to face him.the smile on your fave was as radiant as ever.
“Thank you,kolya” you said before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
You both smiled into the kiss.
“Anytime dove~”
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From the diary of Ominis Gaunt
Entry one: There’s a new fifth year. I couldn’t care less but Sebastian won’t shut up about them. Apparently in defense against the dark arts they beat him in a duel rather quickly. Perhaps now his head will shrink enough to fit through the doors.
Entry two: I don’t like the new student. We’ve only spoken a handful of times, but from Sebastian’s stories they seem rather arrogant. They wear the most ridiculous flashy outfits (Sebastian said only they could pull off such a bold look) and show off in battle. Apparently they asked Sebastian to accompany them to Hogsmeade. There was a troll attack and Sebastian went on and on about how brave they were and how they made the troll hit itself with its own club. Tell me that isn’t showmanship. Personally, I wonder how someone four years behind on magic is such an excellent fighter. I think there’s something they’re trying to hide.
Entry three: The absolute AUDACITY of Sebastian never ceases to amaze me. I was going to the undercroft when I heard someone leaving. It was the new student. I asked them how they’d discovered it and they claimed they found it by mistake. I knew they were lying. Sebastian and I got into a heated argument and he said he’d shown them so they had a place to practice their magic. I told him it was not his secret to share. I’m still furious with him.
Entry four: I cannot even put into words how upset I am. Sebastian found out about Salazar Slytherin’s scriptorium and had been begging me to help him. I flat out refused. Then the new fifth year approached me and I’m not sure how they did it, but I agreed to show them the scriptorium. It was just as awful as I’d imagined. We ended up trapped in a room with the remains of Aunt Noctua. As if that wasn’t upsetting enough, the only way to get out was to cast crucio on someone. I wouldn’t do it. Not again, never again. Sebastian said I was being selfish and we would all die because of me. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, but he’s changing. While we argued, the new fifth year interrupted and said Sebastian could cast it on them. I begged them both not to do it. It alarmed me how easily Sebastian was able to cast it. You have to mean it for crucio to work. There was no hesitation. I can still hear the screams of the new student as they were tortured. As soon as the door opened, Sebastian abandoned them to enter the scriptorium. They could barely walk. I helped them to their feet and supported them as we exited the room. Sebastian said he found something exciting but I didn’t care. He could have killed them. This ordeal did make me see them in a different light. They agreed to be tortured to save all our lives. Perhaps I was wrong about them.
Entry five: It appears I’m the only one with a functioning brain. I walked in on Sebastian and the new student having a heated argument. He asked them not to tell me and thankfully, they refused and said I should know. Apparently Sebastian’s discovered a dark magic relic that he thinks will help Anne. And the new student agreed to go with him to find it. I followed them through the catacombs. I was alarmed to hear Sebastian offer to teach them imperio, an unforgivable! I don’t know how he even knows that! Luckily they refused. Sebastian got the relic and wanted to take it with him. I confronted him and we got into another argument. The new student, either the voice of reason or Sebastian’s secret weapon, convinced me to let him go. They said he’d leave with it one way or another and this would be the last time we messed with dark magic. I agreed and let them go. It worries me that Sebastian said he’d leave with it one way or another. I don’t want to think about what his words meant.
Entry six: I’m holding on to my sanity by a thread. So much has happened. I never thought he’d go this far. He killed Solomon. He cast the killing curse with ease. Anne is destroyed. The new student is a wreck. And I…I can’t decide if I’m angry or deeply upset. Perhaps both. I’m grieving for the person Sebastian was. I don’t know how he got so far off the path into this darkness. Could we have done something more to stop him? Could we have saved him from this darkness, saved Solomon’s life? Now we’re left with a gut wrenching decision. I need to meet with them in the undercroft and discuss what we want to do. I’m dreading this conversation.
Entry seven: I am gutted. We decided not to send him to Azkaban. Though he did something horrific, I still love him and can’t imagine him spending the rest of his life in prison. We’re giving him a second chance, though I don’t know if I can ever forgive him. I helped Anne leave. She said she couldn’t be here anymore, couldn’t live in that house. I don’t blame her. I gave her some money and put her on a train. I’m grateful that the new student, though not so new anymore, is by my side. I can’t imagine facing this hardship alone. I don’t know how we proceed from here. Nothing will ever be the same. Hopefully the rest of the school year will be peaceful.
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lemme-just-oops · 2 years
AT Boys trapped in a small space with their crush? I cackle. 💝 thank you either way.
Alpheratz: This man stays idle, so you can make yourself comfortable first. And then you better start brainstorming together, because he does not like being cramped like this. He sees this as a problem to get out from immediately, without emotions getting involved.
Arcturus: He assures you that everything is fine, while clinging to you so tightly, that you may have trouble breathing. Of course he will promise to get you out, but he does not know how to begin this process. Keeps apologizing, and mentions how hard he thinks about a way, but his thoughts are just spiralling. When you begin to cry or show any sign of being upset or anxious, his thoughts clear immediately, making it easier for him to get you out!
Pollux: Have you ever tried bathing a cat that does not like baths? That is him with small spaces, he will kick and move in an attempt to get out, and although he will apologize for accidentally hurting you in the process, this will not prevent him. Gets an extreme case of a panic attack and will have trouble breathing. It is up to you to save yourself (and him). You are free to glare at him, when he says "That was not so bad" after this event.
Sirius: Turns into a dog, because it is more comfortable. And although it is his heart that beats out of his chest, he will ask you why you are being so nervous and breathe so heavily. Is it possibly that it excites you to be alone with him? Out of everyone else's sight? But with the possibility of others hearing everything you say? He will simply tease you until you either confess or break out of the place. When you confess, he has the audacity to say that "This barely is a romantic scenario, how about you take me out to eat and say it again?"
Spica: First of all, he needs you to calm down. Even if you already are calm, he wants to make sure that you will not have a panic attack in such narrow places. And his second act will be to have at least one arm around you, extremely accidentally of course. He will keep your mind from discomfort by whispering you all his ideas on how to break out, while actively doing those things. If he needs your help in one of those attempts, he will keep telling you that you are doing great and that you can take your time.
Vega: Although he should concentrate on GETTING OUT, he only thinks about taking you out. On a date. In that evening. Which makes it very difficult for him to find a solution, if he even seeks one until you speak up about it. Really, if this was anyone else, he would hate it, but he does not mind it with you. You are cute, no matter how far away he is or how close. Thanks to the lack of concentration, he may slip hints of a confession into this situation. When you say that you have an idea to get out, he asks if it involves a kiss, like in a fairytale. Whether this is romantic or sarcastic he decides on your reaction.
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The "there's nothing wrong with Biden" camp really needs to quit asking me to source my disataste for the guy, because every time I do, I learn something else about him that I like even less.
I learned when it happened that Biden scapegoated southern migrants in his final State of the Union of his first term, despite previously and currently running against the guy who's entire campaign started with calling hispanic people criminals. Despite his entire electoral strategy being "I know I suck but I'm not this guy", his current plan of action is to be as much like that guy as he possibly can. That's bad enough. Calling mexican people (or, let's face it, every brown-skinned person in the US who doesn't look like any other racialized people, because they get the same shit even if they aren't mexican) "dangerous illegals" and promising to shut down the southern border if Congress lets him, after working on Trump's border wall for him is bad enough for the genocide guy. To know that there was a widow for a racially motivated attack, brought there to serve as a reminder for the increase in racialized violence against this community in the wake of the president who's entire major foci of racism was targeted to this community, present in the audience as he said this, is even worse. To then learn that he brushed it off when pressed with a "well he shouldn't have been here anyway" just pisses me off further.
I knew Biden didn't close thr migrant concentration camps. Bad enough. I was demanded a source. When I provided one from "russian- biased" Al Jazeera, and thus it couldn't be trusted by liberals, I found Reuters. Then I learned he sold them to private prisons, so that he could claim he was closing private prisons because he promised it on the campaign trail. Literally scrubbed the name, let the profiteers keep profiting, and labelled it closed. That is Trump filing off the serial numbers levels of bullshit and he did it.
As a trans-enby of color, I don't think it's acceptable to shelter a racist just because he gave a tepid shrug in regards to whether or not I should be consumed for protein. That isn't enough to justify the harm this man has explicitly sent the way of racialized peoples. Ues, for the sake of argument here, I am ignoring what his policing policies have done for black people and what his zionism has done for arab people. He's gonna flip on the LGBTQ community, I have zero doubt at this point. He did it to hispanic peoples, and he campaigned on standing up for them. Now he's campaigning on.. well he's camapigning on nothing really. But the queer community, and I suppose the asian community, is about all that's left for him to flip on now isn't it?
I am appalled that neoliberalism has shit the bed this badly and infuriated that then its adherents have the audacity to try and weaponize part of my identity to justify the bastard explicitly trying to kill another part of my identity as any way acceptable. And no, "other guy is gonna be worse" isn't an excuse anymore either. You chose this man. You didn't have to. But you were too cowardly to challenge the status quo and your perceived comfort, because you didn't realize how bad it truly was out here for the people whom neoliberalism has worked tirelessly to make invisible to you. You could've voted for someone else in the primaries. You could have given us someone else. You could have motivated your white friends to actually engage with the political process even a little bit and move them into voting for what they keep claiming to want (even if they don't vote that way). You chose not to. You chose instead, to bully people who have hard-line prinicples on human rights they won't cross just because some ancient white guy feels entitled to playing big boy power-broker. I said it when I voted for the bastard in 2020 that "it doesn't even feel like he wants thos position. It feels like he's campaiging because he expects to get it, like some office suckup wandering late onto a meeting because they figure the promotion is a lock for them." Political fatalism masquerading as "maturity".
Vote for this man or don't. I do not care at this point. If you do, I do not consider you an ally to be trusted. You're in a comfy enough position to feel that there's "no good reason" for marginalized peoples to reject this man, when other guy is "so much worse"? Go on babe enjoy your time, just know you're showing a true face you might not be aware of. Biden feels entitled to power even if he has to kill thousands of children and be a smug prick when called out on it to do so, and the liberals gave it to him, showing their ass the entire time. Revealing their actual contempt for progress and human-rights. Embarassing.
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camille-bee · 2 years
- rhaenyra and daemon stealing glances and him kinda giggling and like what the fu-
- ummm what's the point of crispin?
- alicent staring at rhaenyra I could hear her saying "you targaryen do have queer customs" lmaoooo
- ummm daemon come on babe say what you need to say "i need- nothing" uh huh sure honey and he looked so distraught (whispers: I don't think it was because of laena, at least not entirely)
- almond milk kinda wanting to say sorry to jace? But not knowing how? kinda felt that? Omg? What is this?
- almond milk being ? Kinda nice? About haleana? Uhhhhh okay? That was nice? Him defending his sister?
- DAEMONS SCARS? THE WAY HE CARESSED HER SHOULDER? THE WAY HE SOFTLY GRABBED HER THIGH AND THEN HE REALLY GRABBED IT!!!!! THE PANTING! THE MUSIC!!! (the only think I dont get is the look rhaenyra has?) I have to watch again... for information ofc
-Rhaenys going off on corlys? Speaking facts about his ambitions? Yes yes
- Almond milk claiming vhagar? The audacity? fucker taking what he wants essentially
- VHAGAR you traitorous bitch you are dead to me
-okay but the whole almond milk riding vhagar sequence with the music? That was kinda iconic fuxk
-ummm aegon uhhhh no thoughts head empty huh
- otto love to hate you
- viserys you sweet decaying fool at least you can act kingly when it comes to your grandsons
- I kinda felt bad for alicent because her son did lose an eye and ofc she's upset. Her son lost an eye like I wouldn't care if my son was at fault HE LOST AN EYE!!!! Buuuut
-Alicent repenting yeah sure crocodile tears
- I feel so bad because the way I cheered when almond milk lost his eye? Oooof that was kinda embarrassing of me 😭 there's audio proof of the moment lol but he deserved it for punching BAELA
- oh yeah laenor lives. Huh
- was it daemons idea to let Laenor live? Idk kinda got that vibe but maybe I'm just sleep deprived lol
There was obviously more small moments I liked a lot but I'm tired lol
Sorry for the typos.
Also glad miguel ain't directing anymore eps.
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
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"Tahariel Elohim is here?!" Rage took over the emperor's expression. Minglian knew that no matter how delicately she tried to break the news to her brother, he would still be upset. Understandably so. She'd rather keep him in blissful ignorance if she could help it, but with the way word was already spreading amongst the guests at Meriburn, it was likely only a matter of time before they reached the Tengmen emperor's ears anyways. Better it happen on her terms where she could stop him from doing anything rash.
As he was attempting right this moment.
"Fine then," he continued. "This affords me the perfect opportunity. I didn't get the chance back on the Aegis to fully make him regret daring to threatening Tengmen's princess, so it seems fate has granted me this gift." He took a step forward, where to even she wasn't certain-- he knew Tahariel Elohim's exact whereabouts in Meriburn as much as she did-- and Minglian threw herself in his path.
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"Don't you dare start anything! Zeqyabin has gone to take care of some matters regarding him, and things will get exponentially more difficult for him if you pick a fight with Tahariel! You've already given Zebi enough of a hard time as it is." She glowered at him, uncaring of whether her blow was low or not. Her brother gave her an equally as frustrated look.
"That isn't fair."
"Neither was you butting into my friendship."
"So you expect me to let the man who could have killed you simply walk away? Unpunished for his audacity? That would be making a mockery of Tengmen to allow such blatant disrespect."
A new voice chimed in, calm as ever despite the chagrin evident just beneath the surface.
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"And what do you plan to do, Your Majesty, once you see him?" Jianhuren stepped up beside the princess, their dark eyes leveled on Huaxiu. They must have overheard the conversation. "Will you attack Tahariel Elohim here in front of the entire party? He made no effort to hide his presence, so he is presumably here as an invited guest as well. Would you like to explain to our host why you attempted to kill one of her guests and caused an untold amount of chaos? I understand your desire for revenge, but now in not the time nor the place. You would only cause more issues than you would be solving. And you would upset your sister."
Minglian gave a firm nod at that, Jianhuren always had a knack for knowing just how to say something to convince her brother. Her brother who, for a brief moment, looked even more angered. A few tense seconds passed before the man let out an aggravated noise and turned around.
"Fine. For now. Minglian, you will not be leaving my side until either this party is over or we have word that that man has left. He receives mercy today, but my patience will not cover any new transgressions."
She let out a quiet, relieved sigh. He was placated, for now. Hopefully things would remain that way. And, she thought, with a glance back towards the rest of the milling crowd. Back in the direction Zebi had disappeared in. Hopefully he would be okay as well, or it may be her they'd have to hold back.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The Loved & The forgotten pt2
Part 1 here
Voryn: *walking with nerevar towards the shrines to the good daedra, the priests desperately trying to hold the doors to Azuras & Mephalas chambers closed* they weren’t joking, they truely are fighting. *looks to nerevar* I’ll commune with lady mephala, Azura is more likely to listen to you.
Nerevar: *slightly dishevelled and a little sore after coming here right after their little romp* the priest mentioned vivec, has he returned to morrowind? What could he have possibly done to cause this?
Voryn: well, let’s find out. *walks into the communion chamber through mephalas door to see not her statue, but mephala herself, standing tall and attempting to not fight Azura, but calm her down* my lady what’s happened?
Mephala: *segmented body slowly turning around to face him* Ah Voryn. Perhaps your nerevar may talk sense into her, she wishes to kill my champion.
Voryn: your champion. Is Vivec?
Mephala: not Vivec no, but his reincarnation birthed from his own womb. Born of the ash, eyes red, I chose to guide him on the correct path but still he has strayed far.
Voryn: and how pray tell did he manage to upset lady Azura so badly?
Nerevar: *enters through azuras door and immediately sees the lady of twilight screaming in fury as she looks at a vision of her now destroyed and desecrated shrine in skyrim* m-my lady calm down please-
Azura: *turns and looks down at him, her nerevarine* Oh my champion! My nerevarine! Look at what that beast did to my shrine! My priestess lays dead! He had the audacity to come to my feet after all he’d done to me! And now Mephala has betrayed me too!!
Mephala: I have done no such thing!! My champion came to you seeking questions and you attacked him on sight! He knows not of who he is!
Azura: He is a liar so skilled he has fooled even you!! He used the powers he stole from the heart of the great serpent! Look at my shrine lying in ruin from his hands!!
Mephala: A power he does not know he possesses! Boethia- speak reason to her! She will not listen!
Boethia: Fools… the both of you… *slowly emerges from the shadows of the chamber*
Nerevar & Voryn: *both hold their ground before her, knowing grovelling in the face of her might would only bring their death* our dark lady.
Boethia: Forgive their childish display, and go now with peace of mind Hortator and council.
Azura: You do not get to dismiss my champion! Nerevar I-
Boethia: Will stop this tantrum at once. Mephala is within her rights to defend her champion… even though now, thanks to your ire Azura… his existence will mean our demise…
Nerevar: What… is going on?… your demise? *steps forward drawing boethias eyes back to him with admiration for his fearlessness* If there is a threat to you my ladies I am sworn to defend you as Hortator.
Boethia: Vivec slept with one of the four corners of the house of troubles, married and consummated, bound by oath and the markings of chim along his spear. In death they were to be bound and yet in new life he escaped his grasp. Now in their new walking dream, my rival, Molag Bal wishes to drive him to our destruction so he may be free to corrupt him to his whims.
Nerevar: molag Bal wishes to marry his new incarnation to walk as his conduit and servant?…
Boethia: Precicely.
Nerevar: but… What does he want? He’s too weak to invade tambriel once more.
Boethia: The warrior poet now walks with the dragon blood in his veins. A gateway of living flesh for any daedra he permits to pass through him. But yes… he needs power still… What is the one thing of hidden power he still holds in his grasp even in this life?…
Nerevar: the… heart of lorkhan?… but-… he wants him to use the heart to-
Boethia: *nods* now you see…
Voryn: *still trying to wrap his head around the knowledge that Vivec gave birth to his own reincarnation* I… huh…
Vivienne: *snuggled between Kaidan & Taliesin once more, both of them holding him tight so he can’t run off and nearly get killed again. A cold sweat pooling on his brow as his sleep takes him to a dark and frigid place somewhere beyond his mind, chains rattling and groaning as dark anchors shift, contracting and lowering but never releasing…* what?… where?… am I?
???: Soon we will be together at last again… come to me my beloved…
Vivienne: who? Said that- *looks down to see himself standing on a weirdly squishy buy ridged platform, a sigil of the letter M beneath his feet* what- *turns around and looks up feeling his heart stop as his eyes meet with the gaze of the prince of rape*
Molag Bal: Come to me, my Vivec. *suddenly closes his hand around him like a cage*
Vivienne: *jolts awake smacking Kaidan in the face as he chokes out a terrified scream trying to get free from his lovers arms thinking it’s the bony fingers of the daedric prince* NO LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!
Taliesin: *sits up and gently holds him down, grabbing hold of his hands to stop him flailing* Vivi, Vivi it’s me!! It’s me…
Vivienne: *looks up at him with wide eyes, whole body trembling as tears rush down his face* I… I’m- I’m-
Taliesin: *let’s go of one of his hands and gently strokes his face* shhh it’s okay, it’s okay, it was just a bad dream…
Vivienne: *sniffles and rubs his eyes* I-it felt so real I- *pauses looking at his hand, the mark of Molag bal, glowing on his palm, slowly fading into the dark grey of his skin like he’d been branded* …
Taliesin: darling? *looks at his hand* oh… that’s- not good.
Kaidan: *groaning holding his face* I’m fine too by the way- he only broke my nose-
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girl4music · 6 months
ANDY: “You’re calling me a slut?”
PRUITT: “I am just asking you why you can’t stop crapping where you eat.”
ANDY: “You’re calling me a slut.”
PRUITT: “Every time you make the decision to sleep with a firefighter-“
ANDY: “-I didn’t sleep with him, and if I had,-“
PRUITT: “-in your own station-“
ANDY: “-it’s none of your business.”
PRUITT: “-…you set back female firefighters a few years!”
ANDY: “Dad, you need to stop talking now.”
PRUITT: “I don’t care how many men you sleep with, Andy.”
ANDY: “Stop talking.”
PRUITT: “IT DAMN WELL IS MY BUSINESS! YOU ARE MY CHILD! Your decisions reflect on me, on MY legacy.”
*quietly but sternly*
“Get out.”
PRUITT: “Andrea, I am your father. You may not have any respect for rules, for tradition, for authority, but you will respect your father.”
*voice hoarse*
“Got it, Dad. Then I’ll get out.”
PRUITT: “Andrea.
*raises voice*
*Maya opens the door to her room and stares him down with a look so threatening that it would frighten the Olympian gods. He leaves Andy alone*
MAYA: “Captain Herrera, it’s late.”
PRUITT: “Uh… sorry to wake you.”
I do not think I have the words to explain my thoughts and feelings about this scene. I expected Pruitt to be upset for Andy and to have it out with Sullivan on her behalf even if she didn’t need him to act and speak for her. I did not expect him to get at Andy for it AT ALL because I would have thought he’d know better. That he’d know it wouldn’t be his place to tell Andy where hers is because who she sleeps with isn’t his business.
I… wow. Clearly he hasn’t caught up with the times that’s all but made this kind of behaviour a criminal offence to women. That was unbelievably sexist and extremely disrespectful to Andy. His own daughter. He really did just call her a slut. Not only that but he also implied that she’s not capable of understanding her own actions and choices when it comes to the consequences of her losing her job as lieutenant and ruining the chances for any women that apply for that job. As if it has anything to do with who they sleep with why they are even in that job in the first place.
Just the sheer audacity for Pruitt’s mind to go there was absolutely fucking disgusting. He does NOT get to decide or even comment on where Andy, or any woman for that matter, opens their legs and to whom because they’re firefighters and he once captain’d them. Never mind about his fucking “legacy”. You just don’t do that because a women’s right to do whatever or/and whomever they want is no man’s fucking business no matter what they are in relation to them.
I mean I wasn’t the greatest fan of Pruitt before but this scene has ruined his character in my eyes now. I have absolutely no respect for him whatsoever from this point onwards because there’s no coming back from discrimination to women, to Andy, with me ever. I get that Andy may have to forgive him, but as a woman on behalf of all women, I won’t. And I’m very sure neither will Maya because she was also livid. And she should be because men do not get to have any say over what women do or don’t do no matter what the relationship they have to us is. With this one scene, Pruitt has made it quite clear how he thinks of women because there is no way he would have spoken to his daughter like that if that wasn’t already his mindset.
That was the mindset of a misogynist, not a father. He can play the father card all he likes and pretend that he is just trying to protect Andy as his daughter. Nah, no way that excuse is going to fly because if it was about being a father, his first instinct would to be to act and speak on his daughter’s behalf to Sullivan, not immediately verbally attack her for assuming that she’d slept with him. It doesn’t matter who it is he’s assumed she’d slept with. It’s not his place as a father to ever comment on it to her because Andy is a fully grown consenting adult woman. He isn’t commenting on it to her because she is his daughter. He is really commenting on it to her because she’s a female firefighter and believes she is still under his command.
You see, because the thing is, if Sullivan got in trouble for sleeping with Andy as her Captain, it wouldn’t negatively reflect on every man that makes it as a Captain, or a firefighter in general who also did. Just Sullivan. But what Pruitt is telling Andy and why he is commenting on it to her over Sullivan, is that every time she sleeps with a firefighter in her team, her Captain at that, she is ruining the chances for more women being firefighters and making it to Captain status. He is basically saying to Andy that because she can’t keep her legs shut in her own place of work, that she doesn’t deserve the respect as a firefighter AND that neither does any woman who chooses to do the same as her AND that if they continue to behave as they do, they do not deserve to make it as Captain.
It’s absolutely fucking HORRID what he said to Andy not just as his daughter, but also as a woman in the job of being a lieutenant firefighter. He has just told her that her choice to sleep with her Captain will reflect negatively on and weigh heavily against hers and any other woman’s chances of becoming Captain NOT because it’s against the rules for both her and Sullivan to have sexual relations, but because she must earn her keep as a female fightfighter (of all female fightfighters by leading as a good example) on the way to becoming Captain by keeping her legs shut.
How fucking discriminatory to women is that? It is the definition of misogyny in context of employment and promotion to state that sexual abstinence and/or purity in the workplace is the requirement for a woman to achieving the same employment and promotion that a man would have regardless of where he put his dick or of who he put it into. Yeah, Sullivan would get in trouble just as much as Andy would because of them having a sexual relationship with each other but it wouldn’t be because of his gender identity or sexuality why he would get in trouble for it. Whereas with Andy, it would be because women have to work so much harder for respect in employment predominantly and traditionally made for men to be as deserving of the same job and to have any chance of promotion compared to men at all. So for a man to come up to a woman and say that the requirement for being worthy of employment and promotion in a male-dominated department of work is to not have sex with anybody on and within the job… it is beyond the pale.
And for Pruitt to say to Andy, knowing how damn hard she’s worked all her life to be worthy of his validation, that her decision to have a sexual relationship with Sullivan or any firefighter reflects negatively on his legacy because he has no understanding of a woman’s right to sleep with whomever she wants to whenever and wherever she wants to, even when he is no longer her Captain or has any authority over her whatsoever as she is a fully grown consenting adult woman now… I don’t even have the words to explain how awful that is.
That was A SCENE. It was only a short scene but it provided incredibly significant and necessary female representation. The acting was STELLAR! I really felt Andy and Maya’s anger and shock at what Pruitt was saying to Andy. Fantastic performances all around! Especially Jaina. My god girl, that was phenomenal!
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aajjks · 10 months
we’re getting there 😉
"no offense taken" shrugs jorja who wishes the two of you would just make out already. it's so obvious how in love he is with you and despite you playing it off, you've got feelings for him too. you're just better at hiding it than he is but jorja can tell. she wonders what drove the two of you apart from one another but it's a conversation that will have to wait now that the main focus is using chaeyoung's obsession against her.
"against her?" you ask confusedly. yes, against her.
you aren't one for jungkook's plans but by the time he's out the door, his plan is already in motion. he calls chaeyoung to "talk" but like the creep chaeyoung is, she watches jungkook leave jorja's apartment, obviously upset but she pretends to not be aware of hiss serious tone.
there he is leaving jorja's home and chaeyoung knows that you're inside because your car is parked in the lot along with jorja's. she watches jungkook in his BMW and drives off and once he's out of view, chaeyoung gets out of her car and walks up to the apartment door with gloves on and a knife in her right hand. "well i'm at a shoot right now so i'll call you when i'm on my way okay? i love you" she says before hanging up the phone and taking out another. she texts a random number a single emoji signaling the people to break into your apartment and trash your home while she deals with you and jorja. chaeyoung knocks on the door twice and it is you who opens the door thinking jungkook came back but your surprise it's chaeyoung wielding a knife.
"surprise, bitch" she says before lodging the knife at you which you barely dodge. chaeyoung swings the knife all-over trying to cut you while jorja grabs her metal bat and starts swinging it at chaeyoung. she easily dodges the swings and slashes her hand making her drop it. "I TOLD YOU TO STOP SEEING HIM" she says swinging the knife at jorja but yerin, out of nowhere, hits chaeyoung in the head with a pot from jorja's kitchen knocking her onto the floor. all three of you begin kicking at chaeyoung, especially jorja who shouts every curse word in the book as her foot connects to her body. chaeyoung then pulls mace from her pocket and begins spraying it at the three of you before making her escape out the door and into her car. she immediately phones jungkook as she drives to his penthouse crying about how the three of you jumped her for no reason.
"b-baby!! they jumped me!!"
meanwhile, you're patching up jorja's cut hand and the slit on your face from when you barely dodged her surprise attack. the good thing was that none of you were maced but your apartment was in shreds.
Of course she’s lying. And even if you three jumped on her, she deserved it he’s sure about it. Since he saw your face, he has been boiling with anger.
How could she even have the audacity to punch you and hold you at gunpoint? HE WAS GOING TO MAKE SURE THAT SHE LEARNS A LESSON OF A LIFETIME.
“ WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING THERE, HUH? CHAEYOUNG??? You went there? WHY? WHY DID YOU GO THERE?” Jungkook screams when he learns that she went to your friends house. What if she tried to hurt you again and what if something had happened to you?
She starts to stutter, and he just tries to calm down.
Jungkook has to play sweet for now, so he sighs and tells her to calm down and come soon so they can talk.
She disgusts him. As soon as he cuts the phone call, he calls the security service, “Have you sent the men yet?” he asks. “yeah, I need them divided into three teams. And I’m going to send three different addresses so they can station there.”
He’s going to make sure that you and your friends are safe because he cannot have a repeat of last time. “Fine. Yeah let me know as soon as the work is done.”
Now all he has to do is wait for his psychotic girlfriend, He cannot believe he let his mother meet this girl because she’s a danger to him his family and you.
Then it hits him to call you, just to make sure that you’re OK. “Yn- are you OK? I just heard that she was there??! OH MY GOD WHAT?! OH MY GOD SHE’S GOING TO DIE FROM MY HANDS TONIGHT.”
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