bigwishes · 13 days
Hey! Congrats on the milestone, exciting stuff!
If it’s not too late, I think that I’d like to take Kaleb‘s wish.
Oh of course Id be all but happy to put you in Kaleb's place.
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You blink and suddenly you are a hot Korean stud at a resort near the beach. A thin coat of sweat and sunscreen covers your body. You can't help but flex your new amazing muscles and bounce your pecs. Something you had never had the joy of doing.
You struggle to hide you hard on in your tight little speedo that was already making your package and bubble butt look fuller. You can't help but flash a cocky smile as you walk by the pool showing off your big glistening body.
But you wanna see how much this new you can do, you want to see how much you can lift. Taking out the key card that was stuffed in the strap of your speedo you scan into the hotel and make your way to the gym. Others around you are wearing a towel or had put on shorts to enter the hotel but you chose to ignore the towel boy, opting to instead strut down the halls in your tight little thong.
Reaching the gym you were surprised nobody was in there, I mean it was a hotel gym so it wasn't much other than a couple of dumbbells and a few cables but it was something to test out your strength.
You went over to the dumbbells and doubled what you thought you could lift and even that was incredibly light. You smiled moving up the weight until something felt difficult. Finally you found something that felt almost impossible to curl. You hands stuck at your sides as your face turned bright red in the mirror, biting your lip you grunt trying your best when suddenly you forearm on you left arm rockets the weight up in a perfect easy bicep curl, You see in the mirror as your arm had doubled in size. You drop the weight in shock followed by your right arm suddenly doubling in size, then your chest expanding out. One by one every muscle group doubled in size turning you into a freakishly big bodybuilder.
Soon that tight little thong became an uncomfortable trap as your bulge and ass also grew. You tried to pick out the muscle wedgie but your arms were too big and collided with your back hindering your movement.
You watched as the mirrors began to fog up and a repugnant smell of musk filled the hair. You saw the sweat running down your new gigantic lats and chest. Trying to walk every step you took was difficult as you had to avoid you ridiculous sized thighs from crushing your junk. You waddled out into the hallway hearing a few guests complain about the sudden stench of sweat and body odour.
You can barely fit yourself between the walls of the hotel corridor, but finally you reached the glass doors back outside. One step forward and you found your shoulders colliding with the doors. Having to force yourself outside you hear people muttering to each other about where the suddenly smell of sweaty gym clothes came from. Even outside in the fresh air all heads slowly turn your way realising the giant muscle giant was the source of the stench.
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Kaleb's wish was "to balloon up with muscle and constantly demand attention with an aura of toxic masculinity"
I hope you enjoy his wish to the fullest.
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naritaika · 10 months
Gaza/Palestine updates I found-
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[image id: Israel to continue intense fighting for at least two months after short truce, says defense minister. Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant has said the military will resume fight against Hamas “with intensity” for at least two more months once the short temporary pause ends]
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[image id: Story from journalist alijadallah66: Israeli army opens fire at Palestinians trying to return north of Gaza after humanitarian pause takes effect Gaza city, Gaza November 24, people try to reach Ez-Zeytun neighborhood as Israeli army opens fire on Palestinians trying to return to the northern Gaza from the southern part of the territory after a humanitarian pause takes effect on Gaza city, Gaza on November 24,2023. 1 person was killed and many others were wounded during the attack (photo by Mustafa)]
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[image id: Tweet from Hind Khoudry: today I visited the sea, where I bared my feet to the waves. Laughter echoes as kids had their heads shampooed by their mom. Gazing at the sky, i inhaled deeply, gathering strength for the ongoing battle of reporting. Nov 24 2023
Two images follow, one of a hind who has tan skin and brown hair, walking on the beach in Gaza. The other photo shows about 20 people sitting or walking on the same beach with a hopeful mood]
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[image id: Instagram caption from joegaza93: with the start of the humanitarian truce in Gaza, tens of bodies were found on the roads, during the aggression days no one was able to reach of help them,now people can freely moving in some areas to transfer the bodies, there are hundreds of bodies in the streets of Gaza Strip]
[Video id: large crowds of civilians running down a road from sounds of bullets]
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[image id: A tweet from Quds news network: Israeli soldiers shot this father in the head in front of his child while they were standing in front of his own shop in Qalqilya in the West Bank]
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[image id: Palestinian death toll reaches 14,532+, 7,000+ missing under the rubble, 4,700 women and children, 2,300 men, 5,840+ children killed 205 medical staff killed 3,290 women killed, 64 journalists killed, 4,772+ men killed, 26 out of 35 (74%) of hospitals are out of service]
The truce was broken almost right away, by Israeli troops shooting at people trying to return home. Injustice against Palestinians continues in the West Bank. The pain from the genocides aggression persists during the truce.
Please don’t forget about Palestine, their suffering continues. They haven’t lost hope and nether should we
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lonniemachin · 6 months
Ahmed reached out to me to help share his fundraiser. He is urgently trying to raise money to help evacuate his displaced family from Gaza. He has currently made $14,415 out of his $80,000 goal! Please donate, and if you can’t donate, please share!
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From Ahmed’s GFM:
Hello everyone, my name is Ahmed Abuzaid I live in Richmond TX I'm fundraising on behalf of our in-laws Al Madhoun family from Gaza. The family from Gaza faced multiple forced evacuations, each more difficult than the last. They walked 17 kilometers from the north to the south of Gaza, surviving bombings and snipers along the way. Upon reaching the Nusirat Camp, they discovered their home had been destroyed by Israeli forces. They found shelter with relatives, lacking basic necessities such as water, food, and clothing, they had nothing but their national IDs and passports.
Al Madhoun family: Khaled Almadhoun (59) is a hypertensive who is currently struggling to afford his life-saving medication. Unfortunately, his medication was lost last month, leaving him without vital treatment especially as he recently underwent a coronary angiography. Elham (56) is a dedicated housewife who selflessly cares for her entire family around the clock. Despite her tireless efforts, she carries the weight of worry for the future on her shoulders. I am highlighting the story of a passionate and ambitious dentist Fatmaalzahra (26), who devoted her skills to serving refugees through UNRWA. Unfortunately, she is now facing unemployment as a result of the catastrophic circumstances. Mahmoud(31) is a devoted employee who has served with Mercy Corps (Gaza Sky Geeks) for over 5 years. Unfortunately, his contract has been interrupted due to the ongoing conflict. Amidst these challenges, his pregnant wife, Wisam (26), is living in constant fear as many hospitals are out of service. They also have a 3-year-old son named Daniel who needs care and protection. Mohammed(33) is a talented graphic designer who has lost his source of income due to the lack of electricity and internet during the conflict. His wife Sally (27) and their young sons, Khaled (6) and Zain (3) have already experienced the devastating impact of multiple conflicts. This family is struggling to make ends meet and provide for their children during these challenging times. Despite multiple evacuations, they continued to face hardships and injuries. With little resources and a desperate will to survive, Fatmaalzahra and her family were forced to evacuate to Deir-Al Balah. During their evacuation, tragedy struck as a neighboring house was brought to the ground, causing Fatmaalzahra to sustain severe injuries to her head, arm, and shoulder from sharp debris. The once-skilled dentist now faced a grim reality as her dominant hand was affected, hindering her ability to perform her work and earn a living. Despite the physical and emotional scars she would carry from that fateful day, Fatmaalzahra refused to give up hope. With determination and resilience, she slowly began to heal from her wounds, knowing that the memories of that traumatic experience would always be a part of her. She emerged from the ashes of destruction, a testament to her strength and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.
With no time to mourn and nothing left to lose, they are desperately seeking refuge with over 30 individuals in a cramped room that lacks even the most basic necessities. There is no electricity, no water, and no food or medicine available to them, leaving them in a constant struggle for survival. They have lost all hope of finding a safe place within Gaza. Every corner of Gaza is fraught with danger, leaving them with no option but to evacuate to the overcrowded city of Rafah. However, even in Rafah, finding shelter is a challenge as the only available option is unaffordable. People are forced to sleep on the streets in the harsh rainy weather, with children suffering in the freezing temperatures. They are far from their destroyed home, unable to return, and constantly on the move from the North to the South with no safe place to shelter. The situation is dire, and their desperation grows with each passing day.
Despite their already dire circumstances, they have been battling illness for the past three months without access to medical treatment. The pollution, lack of clean water, and scarcity of basic essentials only compound their suffering. With nowhere safe to shelter in Gaza, Almadhoun's family hopes to get out of Gaza legally through the Rafah port. They have registered their name on an exit list. However, with barely any money left they can’t afford to travel to Egypt and start a new life from scratch, the funds from your donations will be used to pay for travel expenses and help them start a new life outside of Gaza, away from the constant danger and uncertainty they have faced. The family is relying on the generosity of others to help them begin a new life and find a place of safety and stability. They have faith in relocating with your generous assistance.
Your donations cover:
-passport fees to renew and issue new ones
-visa paperwork
-Rafah border fees
-document transfers
-necessities (water. food, baby supplies)
-Transportation (buses, trains, taxis)
-Hotels, apartment accommodations
-Food, clothes, shoes, medicine
-School tuitions, uniforms and supplies for children
Your generosity can make a real difference in the lives of these individuals who are in desperate need of help. By contributing, you are providing them with a chance at a brighter future and the opportunity to live in safety and peace. Your support is invaluable and will be greatly appreciated by those who are struggling to survive in the Gaza Strip. Please consider making a donation or sharing their story to help them get the assistance they need. Thank you for your compassion and willingness to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
On behalf of the Almadhoun family, thank you for considering extending a helping hand to this family facing uncertainty and fear. Thank you for being a beacon of hope in times of darkness.
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dragon-queen21 · 4 days
hello!!!! its been so long i apologize so ☹️ ive been fighting demons and going through story book worthy horrors, but its all okay!!!!
but for 📷 anons surprising comeback,
hear me out, its one piece time woah, little ace with the whitebeards. that kid would totally hid his regression for as long as he could, especially during the time before ace joined the crew. only to be found out either via a meltdown, or very shortly after he officially joined due to a slip up.
real nap time kid. a nap time is always inevitable with ace, whether it be because his narcolepsy or marco trying to push one because ace is getting wayy to fussy for this busy crew.
i also have the headcanon that his devil fruit is just out of control this boy is setting everything on fire, unlucky for the crew because, yknow, they live on a wooden ship.
i feel like hes has a pretty large range of ages he can regress too but normally stays pretty small. 1-3 maybe? definitely kinda kid to insist he can do everything by himself but then melts and gives up the moment hes shown some positive affection. give him a pacifier when its clear he wants one? so over for him. one of the chefs giving him a spill proof cup? knockout. pick him up when hes too small to properly walk himself? hes ran out of lives.
ouh the imagery of someone like marco or thatch holding a very very sleepy ace and ace having his fingers in his mouth and just the other person taking them out of his mouth and replacing them with a pacifier and everyones like woah! howd u do that without him having a tantrum and the person holding him is just like oh im just that good ig IM CRYING INYO MY PILLOW hes actually just a baby i cant even handle it
i feel like ace id definitely a fussy baby though especially when he regresses older, ace has a lot of childhood trauma its bound to reflect in his behavior while regressed☹️☹️
okay im done brfore i make this longer than it already is, i hope you enjoy!! ive missed doin this so much omg☹️
I was actually just thinking of you recently! It’s nice to hear from you. Though it’s not so nice to hear that you have been going through such a hard time. As someone who just got over a very hard couple of months I understand completely. Sending you a hug and I will pray in the name of Jesus for your strength and peace. If you ever want to reach out and dm me to vent or talk you can. No pressure of course <3
Okay one piece time hehe :3
~My vote is 100% for being found out due to a meltdown. Mostly because I like angst hehe >:3
“You need a nap!” “I do not.” “Well just come lay down for a moment. If you don’t fall asleep then you can get back up… Ace?” (Ace meanwhile already asleep)
“because, yknow, they live on a wooden ship.”
<- Pfft okay that made me laugh
~It’s like letting a child play with matches only you can’t take them away.
~Coping mechanism for Ace/ anxiety inducing for everyone else on board
~Oh no but why did I just think of the saddest thing ever is getting really frustrated and one of his stuffed animals or toys catches on fire. He would be devastated and probably hate himself for a long while.
“insist he can do everything by himself but then melts and gives up the moment hes shown some positive affection”
<- Awww that’s so cute!!
~Grumpiest affection starved baby. Insisting that he’s a lot older than he really is and it only takes a time bit of patience and coddling to get him to regress super small.
Marco: Yup I’m just the best caregiver ever isn’t that right bud? Ace meanwhile: (sleepy baby babbles)
~Sometimes he’s super small and he just cries and no one know how to comfort him because nothing seems to be wrong he’s just fussy and flinches away from people and overall is just miserable
Read these first while regressed and this absolutely made little me giddy. Thank you for sharing beloved I’ve missed getting to read all your thoughts <3
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sanvirtheobserver · 6 months
Taking Flight, An SMG4 Fanfic: Volume 1
Here is the first Volume of Taking Flight, a Tari Centric story of adventure, comradery, and ancient secrets. After the events of Food Wars: The Second Course, Tari goes on a new journey after discovering some of her hidden power. She and the rest of the SMG4 crew will partake in an adventure of self discovery, bountiful riches, and perilous dangers with allies and enemies both old and new. Join us as our little duckling finally takes flight.
Chapter 1: Armed with Wings
We begin in the Castle's Main Hall, where we see Meggy, Mario, Kaizo, and Saiko gathered for another coaching session. Saiko managed to convince Kaizo to take "lessons in kindness" in the hopes that he'll be less of an ass. Will it actually work? Probably not, but Meggy thinks it's worth a shot.
Meggy: Okay, first exercise. Mario is right there. Little does he know that you just found his misplaced wallet. What do you do?
Kaizo: Take it and run?
Saiko couldn't help but chuckle. Meggy is not amused as she takes a deep breath.
Meggy: You give the wallet back to its original owner. ALONG WITH IT'S CONTENTS, mind you.
Kaizo: sigh Whatever.
Meggy: Good! Now politely give the wallet back to Mario.
Kaizo walks over to Mario, snaps to get his attention, and begrudgingly presents the wallet.
Kaizo: Hello, kind sir. Did you drop this?
Mario does not respond right away.
Kaizo:.......Did you drop this?
Nope. Still nothing.
Kaizo: Do you even know what this is?
Judging by the dial up noises, evidently not. Meggy really wasn't kidding about the "little does he know" part, was she? Kaizo represses his desire to kill and opts for a different approach as he reaches into the wallet and pulls out Mario's ID.
Kaizo: Okay..........What is your name?
Mario: Mario!
At last we have a response!
Kaizo: So, this must be your ID. I found it in this wallet. So, that must mean this wallet belongs to you.
Mario: Hmmmm. Okie dokie.
Kaizo: Would you like it back?
Huh, looks like this might just work after all. This may even prove to be a crucial moment for Kaizo's character going forward.
Mario: Nah, you can keep it.
Kaizo: Why thank you very much, kind sir!
Meggy: MARIO!?!? Uuugh.
Aaaaaaand it's gone. Thanks alot, Mario.
Saiko: Look on the brightside. Kaizo didn't try to kill him, and he actually said thank you for once.
Meggy: sigh Alright. Next exercise. You see Saiko carrying-
She is interrupted by the sound of glass shattering. Meggy and the others go to the kitchen and find the window broken and a dummy head on the countertop. Taking a look outside, we see Tari with a wooden training sword and Melony setting up another dummy. Tari then unleashes a series of strikes with her weapon.
Melony: Focus on your weapon. Do full swings!
Tari focuses, and with a single powerful strike the dummy falls into pieces. Melony takes a few steps back before pulling out another dummy.
Melony: Now, calculate your opponents trajectory and intercept their attack!
She then YEETS the dummy head first at Tari, who manages to strike the dummy at just the right moment to deflect it........right into Kaizo who then slices the dummy in half. We then see Meggy, Saiko, and Mario step into the scene.
Tari: Oh, hey guys. We were just-
Melony then tackle hugs Tari to the ground.
Melony: Rule of Combat Number 4! Never let your guard down when you're in a fight.
Meggy: Combat?
Melony: Yeah!
Melony picks herself up and helps Tari back up to her feet.
Melony: Tari said she wanted to join me in my routine, so I figured I'd start her off with some basic swordplay.
Kaizo: HA! Blue Bird learning to fight? No offense, but she literally couldn't hurt a fly to save her life.
Saiko: Tell that to Pizzaface.
Meggy: Tari, are you really sure you want this?
Tari: Well.......yeah. I know you said that my strengths had more to do with my loving nature, but..............
Chench: She's come to realize that playing nice isn't always an option. Sometimes, you gotta get your hands dirty, get mean, and stick up for yourself.
Tari: It's not just that. Since the day I first met you guys, you were always ready to jump in and help me when I couldn't defend myself. You were always there to protect me when I needed it the most.
She looks down at her hand, reminiscing on her encounter with Pizzaface.
Tari: And it's time I returned the favor. I wanna be able to stand on my own for once, not just for myself, but for you guys. Like you've always done for me.
Saiko: Tari........
Mario: Yeah! Nothing gets past Mario!
Meggy: Mario, you literally just let someone steal your wallet from you.
Mario: Steal what from who?
Meggy: Anyways, if this is really what you want........
Meggy places her hand on Tari's shoulder.
Meggy: ......then you have my support.
Saiko: C'mon Kaizo, a good person is always supportive of their friends. Think of this as your next lesson in kindness.
Kaizo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what now?
Melony: Well.......I think there is someone else who can help. Follow me.
In the next scene we arrive at a dojo where we see Tari, Melony, and Meggy participating in a meditation session with Luigi.
Melony: I initially had some trouble utilizing my full power when I first started training. Luigi's meditation lessons helped me unlock my true potential.
Meggy: Didn't you also go crazy and destroy a Coke Zero factory shortly afterward?
Melony: Oh, don't worry. I convinced Chris and Swag to evacuate the city for the day and keep watch in case something goes wrong.
A quick cutaway gag shows Chris and Swag outside playing Uno, with Chris having 3 cards and Swag having 25. Safe to say, Swag is not having a good time and is contemplating murder at the moment.
Luigi: Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Clear your mind, and imagine your happy place.
Tari sees Meggy and Melony following Luigi's advice. Meggy sits perfectly fine, and Melony switches to her Deity Mode as she begins to float. Luigi himself also drifts into his Astral Form.
Luigi: Now you try!
And Tari did just that, letting herself drift into the annals of her mind. When she opens them again, she is elsewhere: A grassy field riddled with ancient architecture and a flourishing population of Call Ducks. And it seems as though she's not alone. Tari looks over to see Clench, who appears as a floating orb of light in this realm.
Clench: Wow. This place isn't half bad. Quite roomy, too.
Tari: Yeah. It's really nice. But also.............sad. Like, something bad happened here.
As Tari and Clench wander their new surroundings, she comes across what looks to be a temple. Stepping inside, she passes massive angelic statues and beautiful stained glass murals before coming to an alter. There, she finds something. A piece of metal that gave off a vivid azure aura. Tari steps up to the alter and carefully reaches for the object. As her fingers curl around it, a blinding light floods the room.
She opens her eyes again and she's back in the dojo, but something is different this time. She finds herself floating in the air, having once again summoned her new wings. On top of that, she now appears to be holding something: a polearm with a head resembling a bird's wing and a long translucent blue blade. Tari was just as surprised as everyone else.
Clench: Well then..........this is new.
Melony: Tari, you did it! How do you feel?
Tari: I feel........okay, I think?
Melony floats over to take Tari's hand.
Melony: This is great! Let's go practice!
Meggy: Hey! Wait!
With Tari in tow, the two fly straight out the door and right past a victorious Chris and a Swag that's LONG past contemplation as he draws a Rocket Launcher and fires it point blank at Chris.
We're back at the Showgrounds, where Luigi and the girls are rejoined by Kaizo, Saiko, and Mario. A massive boulder sits in the middle of the field with Meggy on top. Tari is at the ready with her new weapon.
Meggy: Alright Tari, let's see that new toy of yours in action. Hit this boulder with everything you've got.
Tari nods and charges at the boulder at full speed. The blade pierces into the stone like a fork through steak.........before subsequently getting stuck. As she tries to pull it free, the polearm's blade begins glowing. The glow intensifies until a burst of energy is released from the blade that sends her and Meggy flying back as the boulder shatters into pieces. The subsequent vibrations could be felt all across the Showgrounds and into the surrounding woods where we see........something.......falling out of a tree then climbing hurriedly back up to avoid being seen. Mario quickly springs into action, inflating his hat to the size of a mattress and using it to catch a slightly scathed Meggy.
Meggy: Thanks, Red.
Tari is on her back, covered in dust, slightly blinded and ears still ringing. Clench is equally frazzled.
Clench: Well.......we got it free at least.
Tari only musters a cough as a response. Melony watches from above with a nervice smile.
Next, we see Tari practicing her flying above the woods with Melony carrying Meggy on her back.
Tari slowly and steadily descends, but a gust of wind veers her off course and heading for the Castle. She braces for impact, but with a sudden swoop she instead opens her eyes to see that Kaizo had caught her just in time.
Kaizo: You alright, Birdie?
Tari: Yeah. Uh, thank-
Kaizo: Good.
Kaizo then drops her flat on her ass and meanders off. Tari is slightly miffed at his rudeness, but also can't help but smile.
Clench: Well that was awfully nice of him. Even if he was an ass about it.
Later we see Tari testing her strength with Mario who's demonstrating to her how to throw Bowser. As to how the hell he was convinced into being used as a living throwing hammer, your guess is as good as mine. That, and it wouldn't hurt to remind people he still exists every now and again. Anyways, Mario let's loose and Bowser flies an impressive 25 meters.
Mario: It's all in the hips.
Bowser quickly makes it back, and now it's Tari's turn. Following Mario's lead, she keeps a firm grip on Bowser's tail and starts spinning. After gathering enough speed, she let's go and sends him flying across the field, into the forest, and right on top of Shroomy.
Shroomy: muffled Oh, hi Mr. Bowser.
Bowser: Hey, Shroomy. How's it been?
We come back and see that Tari is shocked by her own strength. Mario doesn't seem to mind, though.
Mario: Nice shot.
Tari only gives an embarrassed smile in response.
Now onto target practice with Melony and Luigi. Tari tries to replicate what she did to the boulder in a more "controlled" manner, releasing bursts of energy from the polearm's blade. Luigi has the unfortunate duty of running around with the dummy to simulate a moving target, but hasn't been hit yet.
Melony: Remember to lead your shots. Make your target "catch" your attack by aiming where they're going to be.
Tari takes a deep breath, takes aim, and waits for just the right moment before firing. The shot whizzes through the air before landing its mark, blasting the dummy to smithereens. The girls celebrate with a high five. Don't worry, Luigi is fine. A little shell-shock never hurt anybody.
Lastly, we have a quick run through a makeshift obstacle course where Tari puts everything she's learned so far to use. She flies through several hoops, skewers a dummy on the end of her polearm, and manages to land a few shots on several other dummies. We see Saiko cheering her on along with the others.
They all look at Mario with looks of confusion and surprise.
Mario: Sorry.
It looks like she has the flying down at least, but now it's time for the landing. Making sure to travel WITH the wind this time, She slowly descends until her feet touch the ground. She skids and stumbles for a bit, but manages to pull off her first successful landing............. before receiving another tackle hug from Melony. Looks like she still needs to work on those reflexes.
After the sun has set and the stars have come out, we see Tari, Meggy, and Melony chilling out on top of SMG4's van. Saiko and Kaizo are also hanging out nearby.
Meggy: So, how was your first day of training, Tari?
Tari: It's all a bit overwhelming, to be honest.
Melony: Yeah. Getting started is always the hard part, especially when you still have a ways to go, but you still made good progress today. It went a lot better than MY first time at least.
Meggy: Yeah! And with enough training, you'll be soaring through the skies and beating bad guys in no time!
They all look up to the starry night sky.
Tari: It's all so weird. When I first met Mario and joined the crew, I was too scared to even look people in the eye sometimes. You're all so bold and outgoing, fighting bad guys, winning competitions, following your dreams, and even saving the world. Even during all our weird and wacky adventures together, I usually found myself sitting back and letting you guys handle all the "hands-on" stuff. Now here I am, training to be a fighter with a sentient arm and this newfound power I didn't even know I had. It's weird to see how much things have changed.
Meggy: No argument there.
Meggy looks down to her hands, remembering her first "change." Melony is too.
Meggy: Change can be daunting. Even a little scary at times.
Melony: It can also hurt........a lot.
Kaizo: At least you're not alone.
The three were surprised to hear Kaizo chime in.
Kaizo: You got some good people looking out for you, kid. You should count yourself lucky. Make sure to remember that.
Saiko couldn't help but smile. She didn't expect Kaizo of all people to offer words of encouragement.
Saiko: Yeah. If anything, you can still fall back on us.
Melony places her hand on Tari's shoulder with a caring smile.
Melony: Whatever happens, we'll be with you every step of the way.
Meggy: Damn straight.
Clench: Don't forget about me!
Tari can't help but feel moved by all the kind words. She really is lucky to have such great friends.
Tari: Thanks, guys.
She then hops down and does a stretch before heading for the Castle.
Tari: yawn I think I'm gonna crash on the couch for tonight.
Melony: Okay. See you tomorrow, Tari!
And so ends the first day of Tari's new adventure.
Chapter 2: A Pleasant Outing
We begin in a stretch of woods beyond the Mushroom Kingdom's outer limits where Mario, Luigi, Tari, Whimpu, and Belle are setting up camp. Luigi thought it would be a good idea to go on a campout for the weekend, and Tari thinks it'll be good for her to stretch her legs. Whimpu is certainly excited to show Belle all the wonders of nature, and Belle wants to make sure Whimpu doesn't get eaten by a bear or something. As for Mario, he just heard there was gonna be food and tagged along.
Luigi: Alright. The tent is all set up, the fire pit is ready, and we have enough food to last us the week. We also have hunting and foraging supplies in case that runs out.
Belle: Doesn't that seem a bit overkill? We're only staying out here for two nights.
Luigi: Yeah, but we also have Mario with us.
No, no, he has a good point. Mario is the LAST person you should trust with anything that's even REMOTELY edible. Look at him, he already got his hands on a whole ass turkey! Coño.
Belle: Oi Blue, good call on the spot by the way.
Whimpu: Indeed. The nearby river will be an excellent spot for finding Agates. We may even find some Rubies if we're lucky.
Tari: Thanks! I don't know why, but I felt like this place was.........calling to me, y'know? It just felt right.
Belle: Well, if anyone needs me, I'm gonna be testing out my new cot. Let me know if anyone starts dying, chek chek?
She then retreats into the tent, more than ready to call it a day despite the fact that it's only noon.
Luigi: C'mon bro, let's go get some firewood for tonight. Also, please at least save the marshmallows so we can have SOMETHING to roast over the fire tonight.
The brothers then go off to find firewood, leaving Tari and Whimpu to bring out some seats and put their feet up as they take in the scenery.
Tari: Y'know, I don't think I can remember the last time Belle was in the mood for hanging out with anyone, let alone a bunch of dorks like us, huh?
Whimpu: I can assure you, she's just as much of a dork as the rest of us
Tari: Oh really?
Whimpu: Yeah. Did you know that she collect-
Tari: Zako?
Whimpu attempts to shield his face.
Whimpu: It's my last name.
It is now nighttime, and the whole group is huddled around the campfire. Luigi is currently telling a story so scary that he's even shaking as he's telling it.
Luigi: B-but when he got his order, he bit into the cheeseburger............AND THERE WAS NO CHEESE!!!! IT WAS JUST A BURGER!!!!
Mario: OH NO!
Luigi and Mario then have a mental breakdown after regaling the story, but the others are just.........okay.
Clench: Oooooooooo-KAY! Who's next.
Whimpu: Oh, the way a Caterpillar turns into a butterfly is kinda creepy. The body basically breaks down into goop before reforming into something completely different! Kinda freaky, huh?
The brothers stop their mental breakdown and everybody just stared at Whimpu, unsure whether they should be laughing or concerned.
Luigi: I think Tari's magic duck thief story was pretty scary.
Mario: A bit too..........existential, for my tastes.
Tari: I'M JUST SAYING, being turned into a duck will make you question your humanity.
Belle: Well. If anyone's still interested, I got a story to tell. A true one too.
Mario: Let me guess, you got it from your father's brother's cousin's nephew's former roommate or something.
Belle: Actually...........it happened to me.
Okay, now she has everyone's attention.
Belle: Me and some mates, Louie, Toby, and Willow, once went to this small town down south to spend spring break. Louie had a vacation home in that town and he offered to let us stay there for the week. It was a quaint little shindig, just a bunch of college kids making a splash and having some laughs while they toured the town. It was an odd little place. Every local had these smelly little trinkets hung outside their homes. We got some as souvenirs and they said it "keeps the devils from snatching you up." At first I thought nothing of it, that it was just an old urban legend meant to lure you into tourist traps. But then one night, while we were all around the fire pit............we saw something out in the distance. And we all swore we could hear a man crying for help. Toby, who just.....had....to be the hero, decided to go and see if he could help whoever it was. Then when he got to whoever was making the noise, it stopped and........
She hesitates.
Belle: .......It wasn't a man. It scooped him up and.........we all just ran inside and hid in the basement. Louie barricaded the door while Willow was having a mental breakdown. Just then, we heard something crash through the window upstairs. We could hear it prowling around above us. We could hear every snarl, every hiss, every breath it made as it scoured the house. I tried my best to keep Willow calm but........I genuinely thought we were all going to die there. We waited until the sun came up. When we checked the house we found it was completely trashed. Everything was ripped up and overturned. There was no sign of that thing..........or Toby. After that we all just piled into the jeep, hit the gas, and never looked back. A few days later, the news came on and they had found him.............what was left of him, at least.
She reaches into her handbag and pulls out an odd trinket crafted from a piece of glass and silvery leaves of metal.
Belle: I've kept this around ever since. Especially when I went out at night........The last thing I wanted was to wind up like Toby.
Everybody was dead silent as Belle stared into the fire.
Belle: Sometimes..........I can still hear it. That call for help from that........... thing......... yawn Anywho.......
She creaks back up to her feet, placing the trinket back into her handbag.
Belle: I think I'm gonna call it a night.
Luigi: Yeah....... Good idea.
Mario: I'm a tired.
Tari is visibly nervous after hearing that story.
Clench: I'll keep watch and I'll give a call if anything happens.
Tari: Right. Thanks, Clench.
And so they put out the fire and rest up for tomorrow. Which is now TODAY! Luigi is busy tidying up the campsite while Mario raids the food supply. Meanwhile, Tari is gliding around and taking in the sights when she sees Whimpu and Belle by the river. Whimpu is sifting through the rocks looking for gemstones while Belle keeps watch. Looks like he's made quite the haul so far. Tari swoops down and lands to see for herself.
Tari: So, how's it going?
Whimpu draws a sliver of opal the size of his thumb.
Whimpu: It's incredible! I've never been to a river this rich with gems.
Belle: He's been sifting through the silt all day. It's like seeing a kid in a candy store.
Tari couldn't help but find it sweet. It kinda reminds her of Saiko in a way.
Belle: Whimpu!? What's going on!?
The girls immediately rush over to Whimpu, who is holding a decent size purple-blue gemstone with white impurities. He takes a deep breath, as he is clearly excited about his discovery.
Whimpu: I couldn't believe it at first, but this looks like Blue John Fluorite. It's one of THE rarest gemstones in the world! There is only ONE known place on Earth where this can be found, and it's all the way in the United Kingdom. I can't believe we found such a large sample here in North America!
Tari: Wow! It's beautiful!
Tari leans in for s closer look, delicately touching the smooth facet of the stone with her robotic arm. Suddenly, a spark jumped from the crystal and to her hand. An overwhelming pain shot through her head and she collapses to the ground. She then releases a blood curdling scream as her eyes begin to glow.
Belle: Tari!? TARI!!
Her screaming draws the attention of the brothers, who hurriedly rush over to see what the noise is about. They see Tari clutching her head as she groans in pain, her eyes glowing bright blue.
Luigi: W-what's happening!? Is someone hurt?!
Belle: I DON'T KNOW! She was just looking at a blue rock Whimpu found and it Zapped her! Now she's gone psycho!
Tari: Ngh! The.......gate......I.........AAGH!
Belle: We need to get her back home.
Luigi: Mario! Emergency flight mode!
Mario: Okie dokie! I'm going to fly for you!
Mario then transforms into a giant floating head. Don't ask me how that works. Belle picks up Tari and climbs on top of Mario's hat, laying Tari down. Whimpu pockets the stone and jumps aboard with Luigi and the others before they fly off.
In the next scene we see glimpses of a battlefield blanketed with death. Amidst the howling winds, a voice is heard.
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: ..........Forgive me..........
Chapter 3: All Aboard!
We begin at the Castle, where we see SMG4 working on his latest meme: THE SQUAD. It's just a bunch of 2001 Bionicle Takanuva figures staring at the camera menacingly with text like "WE HEARD THERE WAS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR MANAGEMENT". I think it's cool, at least. His attention is quickly drawn to a ruckus going on behind the castle. Looking outside, SMG4 is surprised to see what appears to be a large winged boat parked out back and tethered to the ground with grappling hooks. On the top deck we see Tari tuning up the forward mast along with SMG3 on the Bow.
SMG3: How's the weather down there, loser!?
Tari: Hi SMG4!
SMG4: Um........hi, guys. What ya got there?
SMG3: Oh, I convinced Bowser to give me one of his old airships. Now I can reign my coffee and bombs ALL across the Mushroom Kingdom, while also plundering riches across the globe!
He actually stole it after framing Bowser for Human Trafficking. Y'know, classic SMG3 stuff.
SMG4: Riiiiiiiiiight.
He proceeds to climb up one of the tethers and onto the front deck. Tari wipes the sweat from her brow all Lesbian Blacksmith Style as she gets to her feet.
SMG4: So, Tari. Happy to see you out and about. How's the whole training thing going, by the way?
Tari: It's going great! It was a bit overwhelming at first, but I think I have a good routine going now.
SMG4: Well that's nice. Remember to pace yourself, though. Last week's scare was bad enough.
She falls silent for a moment, remembering the incident at the lake.......along with the dreams........
SMG4: Uh........Tari?
SMG4's voice snaps her back to reality.
Tari: Oh........um.........
SMG4: Are......you okay?
Tari: Yeah, I'm fine. I just lost my train of thought for a moment there. Hey! Since you're here, maybe you'd like a tour of the ship?
SMG4: Sure! I'll invite the others.
SMG3: By all means! And make sure to remind them who the CAPTAIN is, hehe.
SMG4 rushes off to get the rest of the gang. We see Tari's smile fade as she looks off into the distance.
Clench: You should tell them........
Tari: I will. I just.........I need to look into something, first.
Later, we see the whole crew (plus Belle, Whimpu, and Kaizo) gathered on the top deck as SMG3 emerges from the bridge. He's wearing a captains hat as Eggdog sits on his shoulder.
SMG3: Alright! Listen up you landlubbing scurvy bitches, this is your captain speaking! The pirates life is a hard one, where no reward is gained without risk. Every coin, every treasure, and every day you're still breathing will all be earned through a zero sum game of survival where winners take all and losers must fall. In order to survive, you must first be ready to die, and it's only when you're ready to die that you'll truly be able to live!
He goes right up to Mario's face.
Mario: Pingas.
SMG4: So..........what's your angle here?
Meggy: Yeah. This is great and all, but you're not the kind of person who'd just do this out if the kindness of their heart. What do you get out of all this?
SMG3: While I do have a thriving Coffee shop, the traffic I get can be........ underwhelming at times. So I figured I'd pick up a side gig to get some extra funds to expand my business! Each of you will give me a portion of the treasure you find on your adventures, which will then be used to expand my brand. Soon, there will be an SMG3's Coffe & Bombs on EVERY street corner ACROSS THE GLOBE! HAHAHA!!!!
Saiko: So......let me get this straight. You want us to help you expand your business, and I guess take over the world..........by being Pirates and going treasure hunting? THAT'S your plan?
SMG3: Yeah! I get to do villainous stuff while expanding my business, and you get to go on swashbuckling adventures. It's a win-win! What do you say?
There is an awkward silence for a bit.
SMG4: sigh I guess this isn't the WEIRDEST world domination plot I've heard of...........but I get to be First Mate!
SMG3: THAT'S THE SPIRIT! Now, follow me as we get you familiar with your new home away from home away from home.
Come along, friends! It's time for the tour!
SMG3: The outside of this lovely Blue Jay Pattern Aerial Brigantine is equipped with lateen-rigged ferofiber solar sails and dual Z-500 Vortex Engines. On the top deck, we have four Thunderhead Autocannons and two Hermes Pattern Gravmag Launchers.
He walks over to one of the launchers to demonstrate how it works.
SMG3: This baby features a state of the art adjustable cylinder design that allows you to put just about anything you can think of into the barrel. The adjustable energy capacitor also allows you to determine how fast it goes, with a max projectile speed of about 5000 miles per hour.
He adjusts the barrel and loads in a can of Spite. Setting the launch power to max, he takes aim at an oblivious Pianta and opens fire. The can proceeds to travel at Mach 7 before making contact with the target. Like a bunch of thistles before a 12 gauge shotgun blast, the Pianta has ceased to exist.
SMG3: Pretty cool, huh?
Kaizo doesn't seem to be impressed. sprouting his demon wings, he flies up to the Crow's Nest to take a nap. Saiko is not amused, but SMG3 doesn't seem to mind.
SMG3: Well then, looks like we have our lookout. Thanks for volunteering, Kai!
Kaizo: PISS OFF.
SMG3: Aaaaaanywho...... TO THE BRIDGE!
We move on over to the bridge, which has already been decorated to fit SMG3's modest tastes.
SMG3: Here we have the Captains Quarters, the Captain's Seat, the steering wheel, the Navigation Table, and a whole bunch of doodads I won't bore you with this time. Keep in mind that the Captains Quarters is STRICTLY off-limits unless it's an emergency.
Whimpu takes immediate interest in the Navigation Table and all the devices.
Whimpu: Quite a superb setup, I must say. Quite a few maps to decipher as well.
SMG3: Spoken like a true navigator.
We then move below deck to the Crew Quarters, which is divided into five rooms separated by a central corridor.
SMG3: To the Stern of the ship, we have two sleeping quarters with three bunk beds each. I'll let you figure out the rest there. On the next row, we have the kitchen on the port side and the latrines on the starboard side.
Boopkins: Captain! Can I please go to the bathroom?
SMG3: Only if you take up the first shift of cleaning duty!
Boopkins: Deal!
He then rushes his fishy little tail fin into the latrines, where we now hear ungodly amounts of suffering and strife. We come to the end of the corridor where we have some tables, a TV, and some gaming consoles set up.
SMG3: Here's the Recreational Area! And before you ask, yes. We do have wifi.
While SMG3 is chatting, we see Tari drifting off again.
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: Are you certain this will work?
ᚱᚢᚨᚾ: I don't know........but it's better than doing nothing.
Saiko: Tari?
Saiko's chime snapped Tari out of her trance.
Saiko: You alright? You drifted off again.
Tari: Yeah. Um.........can I talk to you about something? Preferably in private?
She and Saiko head to the crew quarters. The others enter the bottom deck where SMG3 is showing off the main Generator.
SMG3: Now THIS is where the magic happens. The Generator is the heart of the ship, so it's in everyone's best interest that it be kept in working order at all times. In the event that you all screw up, we have some backup batteries.
Bob notices a large pile of trashbags.
Bob: Oh hell yeah! My feet are killing me!
With a skip, hop, and a jump he plops down on it to unwind. SMG3 is awkwardly silent for a bit before moving on to Storage, where something catches Meggy's eye. Within a weapon storage barrel, she is ecstatic to find what appears to be a mechanical bowgun.
Meggy: Nice! This oughta pop some heads.
We also see Belle holstering a pair of Handcannons, along with Melony picking out a collapsible shield.
Belle: Yeah. I think I can work with these.
SMG3: I only accept the best of the best. By the way..........
He tosses a gold badge to Meggy.
SMG3: How does "Chief of Ship Security" sound to you?
Meggy: Alright, NOW you're just trying to butter me up............I'll consider it.
Mario: What about Mario? Can I get something cool too?
SMG3: Oh, I have the highest honor I can possibly bestow for one like you.
He just gives Mario a bandana and an eye patch........which Mario thinks is awesome. Because it is.
Mario: WOOOOOOOOOOOO Yeah baby!
SMG3: And one more thing........
He walks on over to a large vault.
SMG3: No ship like this is complete without a Treasure Hoard! This is where you will deposit a portion of all your findings. Everything in here will go towards maintaining the ship, expanding the Café, and other things.
SMG4: That just sounds like paying rent with extra steps.
SMG3: Hey, I run a business, not a charity.
We come back to the Bridge where we see SMG3 in the Captain's Chair, SMG4 on the wheel, and Mario in the corner with a toy keyboard. With a flip of a switch, a microphone comes down and SMG3 addresses the crew.
SMG3: Attention all hands, this is your captain speaking. Now that you've all made yourselves comfortable, I officially welcome each and every one of you to the crew of the........um........huh.......I don't think we've named this thing yet. Eh, we'll deal with that later.
The engines roar to life as Tari chimes in on the intercom from the engine room.
Tari: All systems are a go, Captain.
SMG3: Excellent. TAKE US AWAY, FOUR! You......do know how this works, right?
SMG4: Yeah! It's just like our old USB ship, but with a steering wheel. How hard can it be?
The anchors retract, the sails open up, and with a switch of the throttle we are off!
I said, WE ARE OFF!
Uh.........I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be moving.
SMG4: Oh yeah. Hey Mario, can you get the parking break real quick?
With a quick BOING Mario extends his nose and disengages the parking brake. I was not aware you could have that on an Airship but......whatever.
SMG4: Thanks!
And like that, the engines go full throttle and the crew is off, marking a new chapter of a grand adventure.
Chapter 4: A Pirate's Life
We arrive at the Lost City of Gold. Do you guys remember that place? The last time we were here was after the Anime Arc. Bob was a thief, Boopkins helped the environment, Mario bought McDonald's, and Axol was still alive. Anyways, we see Mario running with a huge golden idol, followed by Bob and Boopkins with dufflebags full of treasures.
Boopkins: They were so nice last time! Why are they so mean now?!
Bob: Probably because we exploited and ruined their religion for profit.
A horde of teletubbies in golden armor make chase, hollering things like "SLAUGHTER THE FALSE GODS!!!!" and "THE HEAVENS WILL BLEED!!!!" from the top of Noo Noo pulled war machines............ Yeah. Safe to say they are not at all happy with seeing their "Gods" again.
But at least they're not alone this time, for we see Melony clad in armor, swooping in on the back of a Gliscor. One Teletubby prepares to skewer Boopkins, only to be impaled by the Fierce Deity Sword as Melony jumps down and the Gliscor lands a STRIKE into the crowd. The War Machines ready a set of hwachas and opens fire, prompting Melony to bring up her new shield as the arrows rained down upon the battlefield. Behind the shield she brings out a small notebook along with an odd looking pen.
As the hoard makes their advance, Melony tosses out a drawing. Within a flash the drawing transforms into an Electrode with a green aura. Looks kind somebody's been practicing her ink magics.
Electrode: My main goal is to blow up.
And it does just that, taking out one of the Noo Noos. The war machine it was tied to ends up being pulled along as they both careen into a building, creating a ten mile pileup. Back with the boys, we see a Golden Teletubmarine blocking their path.
Teletubmarine: EVEN GODS MAY DIE.
Bob: Mario! Send it!
Mario tosses the idol into the air, dodging the Teletubmarine's powersword with a slick dodge. Bob picks up boopkins and whips out one of his new Claw Shots, grappling onto the idol while dodging the Teletubmarine's Boltor rounds. Mario catches the idol with Bob and Boopkins still attached and continues running. The Teletubmarine gives chase along with another group of Teletubbies. One tries to make it onto the idol but is gunned down by Bob.
Bob: These dicks won't stop coming!
Bob: Alright, I walked into that one.
Real mature guys. Real mature. Melony quickly catches up with the boys, summoning a full power All-Might to distract the Teletubmarine. She makes a call to Meggy, who's back at the ship dealing with a Teletubby boarding party alongside Saiko and Kaizo while Tari provides air support.
Melony: We're on our way back. Did the others make it back okay?
Meggy: We just made it on board with our haul. Any news on Luigi and Belle?
Melony: I think they should be getting there now.
Right on cue, we see Luigi coming in from up high and BALLIN on some hapless Teletubbies. Belle quickly follows, jumping onto the deck guns blazing, helping Meggy in gunning down several more attacking Teletubbies. The both have their own loaded dufflebags.
Kaizo: About damn time.
Meggy loads another mag for the next wave.
Meggy: Just get back here. I'm pretty sure we've overstayed our welcome.
Melony: Yeah, we noticed. See you soon.
She hangs up and turns her attention to the others.
Melony: Double time it, let's go!
Bob: We're trying, woman!
Bob is still firing at their assailants and Boopkins is hanging on for dear life to the idol.
Boopkins: We're not gonna make it!
Mario: I got it!
Mario flips around and begins to perform his signature Backwards Long Jump as Melony goes into Deity Mode and takes flight. With breathtaking speed, they surge across the city until they make it back to the Airship in record time. Melony lands flawlessly on the deck alongside Tari as Mario, Bob, and Boopkins crash into the side of the ship and into the Rec Room to SMG3 and SMG4's surprise.
While the SMGs rush to the helm, the Teletubmarine makes a grand leap in an attempt to board the vessel. But Tari and Melony intercept with both firing a concentrated blast from their weapons. The Teletubmarine is no match for their combined power as he is sent flying STRAIGHT into the stratosphere. The moment the SMGs make it to the helm, SMG3 gets on the Captains Chair and SMG4 remembers to disengage the parking break this time.
SMG4: All hands accounted for, captain!
SMG3: Good, now PUNCH IT!
And punch it he does as the Airship rises into the air and blasts off into the distance.
Later on we see the gang hanging out across the ship. Kaizo is chilling in the Crow's Nest as usual while the SMGs are busy counting coins in the Helm. On the bottom deck we see Saiko monitoring the Generator while Boopkins takes SMG3's cut to the Treasure Hoard. In the Crew Quarters we see the crew enjoying themselves for the night. Melony is napping in her bunk as Whimpu and Luigi are artwork in the kitchen making dinner. Saiko makes her way up to the Crew Quarters and into the Rec Room where we see Tari chilling out as Belle, Mario, Meggy, and Bob are making small talk.
Meggy: So let me get this straight: you've been putting your tea in COLD WATER?
Bob: Yeah. I didn't think hot water would do much else besides make it become tea faster.
Meggy: No shit, Sherlock. Hot water is what actually helps bring the flavor OUT of the tea bag. Also, if you have the patience to soak a teabag in water for an hour, then you can spare putting a cup of water in the microwave for three minutes.
Tari: Wait, you boil your water in the microwave? Why not just do it on the stove?
Meggy: That takes like seven minutes and I usually have to head to the Gym in like four! The microwave is just faster.
Saiko: Oh honey, I've seen CAMPFIRES boil water faster than that. You might as well be using matches!
Meggy: sigh Mario, how does Luigi normally boil a cup of water?
Mario is perplexed by the question, prompting Luigi to chime in from the Kitchen.
Luigi: I just put a ceramic cup on the heater and it boils in two minutes on medium heat.
Meggy: MEDIUM!? Well excuse me for not having a stove that's powered by the SUN.
Belle: It's better than the single candle in a metal box you've clearly been using.
Tari: Can't you guys just.........use a Kettle?
There is an awkward silence for a bit as everybody looks at Meggy.
Meggy: Look. I'm legally banned from cooking, alright? Give me a break.
The group just laughs as the night goes on. Later on, we see everybody's retired to their bunks and are sound asleep. All except for Tari, who's just lying awake in her's. Unable to fall asleep, she hops down from her bunk and makes her way back to the Rec Room. She takes a seat as she stares out the window into the night sky outside. She's been like this ever since that day at the river, when Whimpu found that odd rock.
ᛖᛗᛖᚱᛟᚾ: He's really going through with this, isn't he.
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: I've yet to convince him otherwise. You know how Ruan is.
ᛖᛗᛖᚱᛟᚾ: I know he isn't adverse to taking risks, but this............. I'd be surprised if there's anything left of him afterwards.
ᚾᛟᛁ: How does he even plan to get that thing through the gate? And I sure as void know Opari won't be happy with her fiance going on a suicide mission.
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: Something needs to be done, Noi. We won't have a home left to protect, otherwise.
Saiko: Hey......
Tari snaps out of her trance and sees Saiko standing in the corridor. Looks like she noticed Tari's absence.
Saiko: You alright?
Tari: sighs Yeah........
Saiko: You need anything?
Tari is silent as she stares out the window.
Clench: She had another one of those dreams again. The ones with the voices.
Saiko takes a seat next to Tari, who lays her head on her shoulder.
Saiko: So.........who was it this time?
Tari: I don't know........ There was one voice from before, but also two new ones. And they mention a name...........Ruan........ There was also something about a plan.
She pauses for a moment.
Tari: It's all so weird. They ALL sound familiar but....... I don't know where they're from. And I'm worried because I feel like I'm forgetting something important......
Saiko: Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll figure it out.
Tari smiles.
Tari: Saiko.......thanks for hearing me out about all this. It's good to have someone to talk to.
Saiko smiles as she wraps her arm around Tari.
Saiko: Anytime.
Morning comes and we see that they both ended up falling asleep on the spot, only to be awoken by an excited Whimpu rushing down the corridor.
Whimpu: Oh good, you're awake!
Tari: yawn Just about......
Saiko: Ugh........this better be good, Four-Eyes.
We switch on over to the helm where we see Whimpu, Belle, Tari, and Saiko gathered around the Navigation Table.
Whimpu: I was analyzing some of the maps when I found this.
He lays out a map of somewhere within the woods and points to a clearing next to a river. Tari recognized it almost immediately.
Belle: Wait......isn't that-
Tari: The campsite! The one next to the river where you found that weird rock!
Whimpu: Precisely.
He proceeds to bring out said weird rock.
Whimpu: I've been spending the past month analyzing this gemstone. The gemstone itself I just a carbosilicate shell that contains millions of microlatice networks that are compressed into the core within the crystal's center. The core itself appears to contain some sort of etherised data medium.
Okay. I'm gonna be honest. I am WRITING this dialogue and even I don't know what the hell he just said.
Clench: Can you say that in English, please?
Whimpu: It's a sort of data mass. One that CLEARLY wasn't formed naturally. And if we follow this path..........
He turns their attention back to the map, pointing out a path that leads upstream to the "X."
Whimpu: We should find where it REALLY came from.
Belle: I guess there really WAS something calling to you, Blue.
Tari looks to her arm. Could this be where the dreams are coming from?
Tari: Then what are we waiting for? Let's get going.
Chapter 5: Looking For Dreams
We begin with a shot of the Airship hovering over a clearing in the woods we saw back in chapter 2. Y'know, the one next to the river where Tari got brain blasted by the weird rock and went crazy? The reason she was having those dreams to begin with? Yeah, that place. The tent is still set up and everything. Mario is also helping himself to whatever food is left, which is probably expired by now, but it's not like he'd actually care. Anyways, we see Tari, Saiko, Whimpu, Belle, and Bob arrive at the river. Whimpu is leading the pack as he follows the map upstream.
Belle: So, what exactly are we looking for, anyways?
Whimpu: There were some attached notes about some ruins, so keep an eye out.
Saiko: Alright. How are you holding up, Tari?
Tari: Well enough. A little light headed, though.
The "call" seems to be more prominent now than it was before. Her memory of the ensuing ordeal isn't really helping in that regard.
Saiko: Y'know, you could head back to the ship if you need to.
Clench: And miss out on another adventure? Fat chance.
Tari holds her robot hand to her chest.
Tari: It's okay, I'll manage.
Bob: My feet are killing me and this heat is hard boiling my balls. We better get some sweet loot out of this.
The group eventually arrives at the spot marked by the map. What they find is..... interesting, to say the least. It appears to be someone kind of Stonehenge-like structure surrounding a broken crystallic monolith, all intricately carved and well preserved despite being overgrown with vegetation. Tari recognized the architecture from her first "vision" at the dojo over a month ago. She also feels even more light-headed. The call is stronger than it's ever been, and she feels like she's gonna faint. Saiko is quick to notice. She gently lays Tari against a tree and gives her some water.
Saiko: You sure we shouldn't head back? You're not looking too good.
Tari: I'm okay, really.........sigh.........I just needed to take a breather, is all.
Whimpu and Belle are busy examining the ruins.
Whimpu: This is incredible! These ruins must've been here for centuries, yet they look almost brand new! Oh, what I would give to see this place in its prime.
Belle: Heh, I'll pitch in a leg if you want.
Meanwhile, Bob is somewhat disinterested in all this. He's more preoccupied with getting some loot. It was then he noticed something leaning behind the central monolith: a set of armor with wing-like patterns. That's when Bob thought to himself, "Am I really gonna defile this grave for money?"
Bob: Of course I am! Hey Whimpu, wanna see a dead body!?
Well, at least he's honest. Whimpu comes over to examine the body.
Whimpu: The armor is slightly tarnished and an arm is missing, but otherwise it seems to be in near perfect condition. Some pieces even have what appear to be gemstones embedded into the plates.
Bob: Oh yeah! That's what I'm talking about!
Tari, having regained her bearings, meanders over to the two as they examine the body, with Saiko close behind. Whimpu is yet to have any luck removing the helmet.
Tari: Are you sure thats..........okay?
Bob: Oh calm down. There likely isn't even a body left in there. We also have Whimpu handling it and he knows all about dead people diseases so he knows how to handle it.
Whimpu slouches back, evidently defeated.
Whimpu: I can't get it off. It's like it's welded on.
Tari kneels down to take a closer look, noticing the engravings. She summons her glaive (yes, I'm calling it a glaive now) and compares it to the armor, noticing how they share the same wing-like aesthetic.
Clench: Curious........
Just then, Whimpu notices something glowing in his back pocket. He pulls out the stone, which is now giving off a faint blue light. They all turn to notice the armor is now also glowing. In a flash, the crystal shatters and releases the inner glowing core. We have a quick interlude at the helm of the ship, where we see SMG3 and SMG4 planning another route before suddenly sensing something. It felt like an intense burst of Meme energy.
SMG4: Did........did you feel that?
SMG3: Bro, I TASTED that.
Whimpu winces in pain as he crawls back, seeing the bright glowing core make contact with the armor. Like water, the metal plating dissolves and swirls around the core until it is completely detached from the skeletal remains, coalescing around the core and into a small metal ball. Tari gently reaches out, with her ORGANIC hand this time, and gently raises the object. Safe to say, everyone is taken aback by............THAT.
We come back to the ship, where we see the group along with the SMGs in the Helm. The orb is laying on the Navigation Table as they discuss what just happened.
SMG4: So........you're telling me that the magic rock shattered and a light flew into a corpse to create........this thing?
Saiko: Yep.
SMG3: All while it released a MASSIVE burst of what could've been Meme energy?
Whimpu: Possibly. ACK!
Belle: Hold still, ya doof!
We see her trying to take out the crystal shards embedded into Whimpu's hand and placing them into a little jar. Saiko places a hand on Tari's shoulder.
Saiko: You feeling better?
Tari: Yeah. Much better, actually.
The call is completely gone now. I suppose the call ended now that they found whatever was causing it. Now they just have to figure out what "it" is.
Bob: So how much do you guys think it's worth? I'm betting 7 million!
SMG3: As much as my inner capitalist wants to agree, I don't think it would be wise to sell an artifact that just recently gave off a colossal pulse of Meme energy.
SMG4: Yeah. This could be a fancy doomsday device for all we know, and I for one am NOT looking forward to another Zero situation.
Belle: So, what now? Do we just toss it in the Hoard and deal with it later?
Whimpu: Ngh!
Belle: I SAID HOLD STILL! Piss n' balls, you're squirrelier than Greenie.
SMG4: I'll call One and Two. Maybe they'll know something about this.
SMG3: And I'm gonna keep this in the Captain's Quarters. The last thing we need is a potential WMD rolling around.
Bob: Well that blows. Anyways, I'm gonna go take some gummies and bingewatch Ice Fantasy. Anybody wanna join?
Belle: I'll be there in a bit. Oi I didn't even touch ya that time!
Tari: I think we could all use a little unwinding, to be honest.
We later see Mario being glued to the shitter along with Luigi and Boopkins on standby with some hazmat gear. Ear-splitting screams can be heard.
Boopkins: Is Mario gonna be okay?
Luigi: Oh he'll be fine. I've seen worse.
A sudden BOOM echoes from the latrines, followed by a flush. Mario steps out alive and victorious from the miasma, having purged his innards of all the rot he had eaten.
Mario: All done!
Luigi is silently regretting taking up cleaning duty for tonight. Santa mierda, it smells like a crime scene in there. Nonetheless, he signed up for this. Someone's gotta do it. He readies his gas mask and takes a deep breath before entering the latrines and closing the door behind him.
Boopkins: What a brave man.
We switch on over to Mario joining Tari, Meggy, Melony, and Bob in the Rec Room. As promised, Ice Fantasy is playing on the TV as Bob sits in his beanbag high off his ass on THC.
Bob: This is peak fucking cinema right here. Putting a mustach on the baby tiger man is surprisingly brilliant.
We also see Melony weirdly looking at her hands, and her eyes are completely dilated.
Mario: Whats up with her.
Tari: Melony had.......a FEW of Bob's brownies. We're trying to guide her through it with some questions.
Meggy is trying to help but also can't stop giggling.
Meggy: Melony.
Melony: Mmmm?
Meggy: I need you to listen to me, okay.
Melony: Mhm. Okay.
Meggy: Can you tell me where you grow grapes in Europe?
Melony: My wuh?
Meggy: I..giggle Where in Europe.
Melony: My.....ope.
Yep. She's toasted. Meggy struggles to say a coherent sentence for a bit, prompting Tari to step in.
Tari: She means the continent. It's where Itali is.
Melony: I'm.......oupe commitment. Okay.
Meggy is fucking losing it at this point. She's straight up crying and struggling to breathe at the moment while Melony has NO IDEA what's happening. Bob, what on Greg's green asscrack did you put in those brownies?
Tari: It's........it's spelled E....U....R....O....P.....E. Europe.
Melony:......................gasp OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH. Europe........hehe.
Meggy regains her composure and takes several deep breaths.
Meggy: Yeah.
Melony: Europe is a continent with grapes.
Meggy: Yes, yes it is. Um...........okay. Where in Europe do you grow grapes?
Melony: ....Uh..........Athens..........Italy .............Atlas ..........Atlantis. ....Atlanta.....Laputa.............Hallownest..... blue.......they have blue.
Meggy: I'm done. Just.......pfft........I'm done! I'm done. I need to calm down so I can actually sleep tonight, okay?
Tari: Okay.
Meggy: Okay.
She meanders back to her bunk, passing by Saiko who's just watching the chaos unfold as Tari keeps watch over Melony. She's glad to see Tari taking charge.
Melony:...... Pizza Hut........they have grapes I think..........
The rest of the night is just a mess of words before everybody returns to their bunks for the night. That's when Tari had a strange yet familiar dream. There are no discernable voices this time, other than her own and Clench's. He was once again beside her as an orb of light as they explore a new dream. This time, they were back at the stone circle ruins, except they are no longer overgrown with roots, the central pillar is no longer damaged, and everything is alight with a bright prismatic glow. The body also isn't there.
Clench: Huh........looks like this place got some spring cleaning.
They wander through the maze of marble and glass until they reach the central monolith. A vibrant tapestry of symbols and glyphs danced across its surface, and the faint outline of an internal pillar could be scene. Tari struggled to understand what all these symbols meant when suddenly, a bright flash of light blinked from behind the monolith, followed by the sound of glass shattering. In an instant, the monolith and the whole area flickered until all light had vanished. Now the only thing Tari could see was her own reflection within the crystal.
It was then she noticed what sounded like labored breathing from behind it. She walked around and saw someone leaning against the monolith. They were wounded, blood pouring from a gash in their side and a stump where their arm used to be. Tari was taken aback by the sight. This was well beyond her medical knowledge. The best she could do was try and comfort the stranger the best she could.
Tari: It's okay..........you're safe now.......
Clench: .........They're not gonna make it......
She holds their hand. A young woman's voice could be heard behind the helmet.
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: ......The gate.......is it.......
Tari looks up to see a crater within the Monolith, revealing the now dormant machinery within.
Tari: It's broken, I think.
The woman let out a sigh of relief.
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: Thank the Spheres....... I did it........ I......
Tari: Ma'am?
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: Ruan.........I know I promised, but........I don't think I'm .........coming back from this one........ please........
Tari could feel the woman's grip fading. Her heartbeat grows slower and softer until she could only muster one last whisper.
ᛏᚨᚾᛉᚨ: ........Forgive me.......
The woman falls still and silent. Tari can't help but tear up at the sight. She's no stranger to seeing loved ones die. Desti........ Quackington.......... Axol.......... but this one felt much more personal. It was like seeing a relative on their deathbed. She goes to remove the lady's helmet as a bright light overtakes everyone.
Tari awakens to find herself back on the ship. Her eyes were damp with tears as the morning sun rises.
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palant1r · 2 years
What do you think would happen if Matsuda listened to Light and shot everyone in YellowBox?
This is the perfect opportunity to post a snippet I have that I still haven't found a fic for...
Ide and Matsuda went out on their second night back in Japan at some bar near NPA headquarters that Matsuda always forgot the name of, and five drinks in, Matsuda’s tongue got looser than his lips.
“I’ve been wondering,” he said, “why’d he want my help?”
Ide blinked. “What?”
Matsuda gestured ineffectually. “Y’know. Light, in the warehouse. The hell did he think I could do for him?” He shrugged his own question off. “Eh, he was probably just desperate…I mean, Takada was dead already and he begged for her, he really lost his mind.”
Ide thoughtfully leaned his chin on his hand with a little quirk to his lips. He was used to going back there by now, as Matsuda treaded those boards again, over and over till they wore to nothing beneath his feet. “Well, let’s walk through it. You’re in the warehouse. You’re siding with Light. What do you do?”
“Lidner first,” Matsuda said immediately. He could see the scene like it was before him. He wasn’t usually good at visualization, but that warehouse was always there. It was easier to see than dismiss.
“Smallest target, I’d want to get her before she could move. And she wasn’t distracted by Mikami. Then…then the other guy. Near’s other guy. Rester, that’s the name. I could probably get both of ‘em before one of you shot me, but only with one shot each. So they probably wouldn’t even die, not if they got an ambulance fast enough. But that would’ve given Light time to write Near’s name.” He takes a swig of his drink. “Mikami would try something, and Gevanni would stop him — let’s say that keeps him busy; Mikami was handcuffed, but never underestimate the strength of crazy. Aizawa would kill me. You would get Light, or maybe Mogi would. Gevanni would get Mikami under control. Then medical attention for Lidner and Rester. Three to five casualties. Kira loses.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” Ide said, gesturing like a keynote speaker. “Near’s team is dead or occupied. You anticipate us drawing our weapons and pull out your second gun —“
“Ide, I just had the one gun.”
“You slide across the floor, firing with each weapon —“
“That’s not how it works! Dual wielding’s just a movie thing, I’d miss every shot —“
“Dropping Aizawa and Mogi first, then me.”
“C’mon, Ide, I’d hesitate! That would have given you time.”
“Mmmmm, I don’t think you would. You didn’t hesitate to shoot Light, right? Once you decide a shot needs to be fired, you fire it.”
“Okay, fine. I do some John Wick shit, Near’s team is dead, you’re all dead, it’s just me and Light. And Mikami, I guess.”
“Light picks up the notebook and writes both your names,” Ide said. “That’s what he hoped would happen.”
They looked at each other for a long moment. Then they burst out laughing, high and bubbling like champagne, Matsuda slapping Ide’s shoulder as if he could sap Ide’s strength for himself.
“Our imaginary Light watches too many movies,” Ide said.
“Yeah, man, no kidding. D’you know I taught him to shoot a handgun once? First time he fired it he dropped it. Took three days before I gave up.”
“Okay, seriously, though,” Ide said. Matsuda’s smile turned like he’d tasted a lemon. “I think Light knew he couldn’t kill everyone there, even with your help.”
“So why tell me to shoot you? Why not give up? Just the desperate ravings of a doomed man, or…”
Ide shook his head. The amber light of his drink scattered onto his face like a sunset, and for a brief moment he was the brightest thing in the room. “No, I think he was trying to win.”
“I’m no Ryuuzaki,” Ide said. “I don’t know Light — never knew how he thought, not really. But…in the end, he was trying to justify himself. Trying to prove that he was right.” He swirled his drink, and the sunset turned to water. “If you’d sided with him, it would have proved something. He’d still have died, but he’d have died vindicated.”
“Hm. Neat theory, but you’re forgetting something.”
“Light never gave a shit about what I thought.”
“Maybe not,” Ide said. “But in the end, what you believed meant everything.”
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shywhispersunknown · 7 months
Casual Sex, The New Thief of joy.
I've recently been super intrigued by the story of Samson and Delilah. I couldn't for the life of me understand what was it about Delilah that drove Samson so crazy. Why did he love her and what made him stay with her after she repeatedly hurt him? I tore through that story at least 3 times searching for anything that would give me the answer I was looking for but came up with nothing. The Bible doesn't provide much backstory to their relationship. It doesn't specify if they were married or not but it does highlight her lack of love and respect for him which ultimately lead to his demise.
Throughout their love affair there are several instances where Delilah unabashedly set out to destroy Samson. Now I wont get into the entire story , but Samson was a Nazarite and his power source was his hair. He was a chosen man by God and his mission was to defeat the Philistines. Delilah, unbeknownst to Samson was hired by the Philistines to discover his secret with the hopes of capturing him. My girl would openly ask Samson what was the secret to his strength, and then would turn around and set him up! She did this at least 3 times and the wild thing is, Samson kept coming back for more! She'd even gaslight him, accusing him of lying to her and not really loving her. Sprung off the na'mean, he eventually gave in and told her his secret. And the rest is history. As I reflect on my last few years of dating, there are aspects of this story I can totally relate to. Follow me.
In my experience casual sex has caused me more harm then good. As I'd told myself time and time again, "this is your single season, you don't need a boyfriend". As much as that may have been true, it still didn't negate the fact that I wanted something or someone in some sort of capacity. 2019 I met my Delilah (we'll call him Dillon). On my quest of healing and being liberated from a tumultuous relationship, I somehow found myself entangled with a particular gentleman. Ill save you the details of how we met but the attraction was instant, and much like Samson, I was totally smitten. He didn't woo me in a traditional sense, but there was just something about him that really drew me in. I was admittedly lonely and love starved and truthfully it just felt good to have some male energy in my life. I didn't let on about my lack of love, but I feel like he knew. Our 1st date told me everything I needed to know about him. We were at a bar having a great time, and in walked someone he knew. The 2 locked eyes and the associate was visibly uneasy. Dillon excused himself and directed the guy outside. A few minutes later he returned and smiled then said "now we drink all night for free" I fell in love right there...*facepalm. We spent months galavanting through the city, every encounter was so random. I found him exciting, intriguing and incredibly sexy. We had a crazy connection and I wanted more of him. He'd told me he loved me several times, and I echoed the same sentiment, but every time Id mentioned us getting together...there was a pause. He'd give me excuses on why we shouldn't be together...begrudgingly I accepted it and tried to move on. But somehow or another, he always managed to draw me back in. He was sweet to me...(or so I imagined)he'd do the simple things I loved. Flowers just because, a playlist expressing his "true" feelings sent in the middle of the night...and random pop ups whether I was home or not. Sigh...these miniscule acts sown in manipulation would get me every time. I tried to be strong and step away, but I was caught up and couldn't leave him alone. Id pray about this, because although physically I was having a blast, emotionally I was messed up. Id discovered through my superb stalking skills..(kidding!), that he was seeing someone. But not just anyone, an amateur porn chick. With my own eyes Id seen the two in the act on twitter...I was mortified, disgusted and heartbroken. Here I was in the interim begging God to heal my heart , but the 1st pair of muscles and a smile comes my way and I'm ready to break out on the Lord? Some good and faithful servant I was SMH. All those tears man, those sleepless nights...crying out to God to help me get over the pain of the past...and here I was willingly walking back into the same thing.
I never confronted him about what I saw. I just tried to move on with my life. Id go long stretches without talking to him, and he'd oblige and not press the issue if he reached out and I didn't respond. But like clockwork, he'd figure out a way to lure me back in. We'd have these passionate moments and completely and emotionally naked.. Id tell him how much Id missed him and wanted to be his. We'd be great for a week...maybe even a month, but nothing changed. He was still sleeping with her...and me. Somehow or another I mustered up the strength to step away from him once again. I deactivated my socials and was determined to live life off the grid..at least until I got over him. But how was that supposed to happen if I was stalking him from my finsta? The delusion of it all! But I digress lmao..there didn’t seem to be much happening with him anyway. Before I knew it 6 months had passed.... and although parts of me still longed for him I was on my way to forgetting his face. One faithful day in June he reached out. He said he missed me, needed to see me and begged me not to deny him. Our last encounter was different. Although excited to see him, something was off. He didn’t look the same to me anymore…but he was still very much himself. The rizz was on a thousand and I fell for it once again. Completely aware that I had been had, I worked super hard not to get in my fantasy bag. There would never be an "Us" and I needed to let it go. As I steadied myself to take one last peak at his page( because I was shutting my operation down)…I saw that he was very much engaged. Fantasy officially over.
Before I met Dillon, I was on the road to the new me. The Lord was piecing my heart back together. My passion for Him was reignited, and although I had some tough days the love was palpable and real. Dillon seemed to be a beautiful distraction, no doubt. But was the few trysts I had with him worth the pain, shame and embarrassment I felt then? Absolutely not! The condemnation, the depression THE ANXIETY! for obvious reasons, heck no! Samson lost his anointing fooling with Delilah, and I derailed my healing path messing around with Dillon. But God, who is completely faithful gave ya girl another chance.
*The spirit of Delilah is a seducing spirit whose mission is to stop believers from fulfilling their destiny by enticing its target and lulling them to sleep. Believers who fall subject to this spirit forget their true purpose, giving Satan an advantage over God's people.
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heaven--scent · 3 months
3 weeks on Estrogen Update
Inspired by @hbbethany's updates
Fuck it really doesn't feel like 3 weeks, somehow it feels like forever ago yet no time at all. I don't really have much to say just a few bullet points, but i won't revise this bit if i ramble on so fuck it we ballin'.
Skin- My skin has gotten softer in more places, epilating my arms and legs has helped me notice it there but the most notable part has been my nipples, as they have been becoming more ladylike they have become more sensitive as the areola has grown slightly. for those of you with modding knowledge i feel like I've installed a new 4k skin texture and I'm waiting for the body mesh to install (hope I get CBBE) also found that the back of my neck and top of back are accessible sources of free Euphoria if I'm feeling down since it just looks like Im thinking.
Smell- I mentioned in my last update that my non-existent sense of smell has been developing and i think its getting stronger but still quite subtle so only strong scents get noticed, and i still need to develop an understanding of the basics of smell to be able to do things like say "hmmm this has a woody texture with floral undertones". also nobody I've told has gone wow that's crazy when i think getting a new sense kinda is.
Strength- I have noticed my physical fitness has atrophied far faster than ever before, lifting things feel heavier, jogging around my block i can only get half way at my usual pace and have to walk a way when i could do so without stopping even after picking it up again after a while. Id usually smash out a 1km (0.6miles for Muricans) swim easily but had to settle for half that.
For context i usually wouldn't do any exercise and would maintain a level of strength that i was comfortable with and know these metrics from my many attempts before E to get in better shape. but 3 weeks on E have reduced these for me. so advice for people starting would be to so some exercises if this is something that would bother you or you want to maintain. on the bright side my thighs are becoming nice and jiggly, so is my chest somewhat.
Penis- Shenis, Gock, whatever you want to call it here I'm gonna talk about something i found this week playing with myself so stop here if your not interested.
I used to masterbate every night while my body ran on testosterone since i was like 16. It would help me sleep, but i have found that for a while since I've been on 25mg per day of Cyproterone that my Sex drive has died nearly entirely, I've been on for a month and a half now. This week out of curiosity i went to my old places and tried to JO.
i managed to finish after a long time but had far less ejaculate then ever before with a small amount of blood (internet search found that this is normal after abstaining for a long time) curious i tried again the next day and just couldn't find anything good, even from saved favorites i tried for hours and eventually noticed only the tip was receptive to stimulation so after a while of treating it like i would a clit i managed to finish but it felt different, like a wave of relief washing over me and peace and no ejaculate.
I'm curious if any other AMAB Trans people have found anything similar, if anyone knows if that was a feminine orgasm or not cos it was new. I'm considering buying some toys to explore it more and would love suggestions on what to buy or look for.
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minminho0 · 1 year
➣𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐
<𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫>
Summary: Your family got killed right in front of your eyes when you were a child. The only thing you remembered from the demon is those abnormal rainbow eyes. You're determined to be a demon slayer when you grow up to kill the exact demon who killed your family. What if one day you met that demon again but not as an enemy but as a lover? and what if you found out hes not a human and hes the exact demon who killed your family? will you kill him or forgive him?
anyways i hope you enjoy~!
After that night, you run away from your home, leaving the dead bodies to rot. You burried the demon's features in your mind but to be honest you dont really have to, since you can never forget those beautiful rainbow eyes. You are determined to kill him no matter what but to start that you have to know how to fight and obviously youre just a kid (13), you have to start of with the basics.
You kept running until it was the next day resulting you to collapse, of course you wouldn't let yourself sleep in the middle of the road, that will be too dangerous. So you climb a nearby tree with all the remaining strength you have and slept there.
But you woke up a few hours later, wondering how you could become a demon slayer until you heard some people talking below the tree where you are about the final selection.
'Final selection?' You listen a bit more and found out that to become a demon slayer you have to participate on the final selection to become a demon slayer.
'Welp that problem is solved but what about the training and stuff? I dont know how to.. Ill probably find someone.. And if i dont then ill train by myself.. '
You jumped off the tree once the people who was talking below you already walked away. You walked around wondering what you should eat for dinner, not knowing that someone already decided what their dinner should be, You.
Goosebumps spread around your body when you heard a loud thump behind you. You slowly turn your head and immediately saw a demon sprinting towards you.
"AH!!! HELPPPP" you started running away while shouting for help.
"COME BACK HERE AND LET ME FEAST ON YOU!" the demon shoutes but you still kept on running.
You were panicking and crying at this point but you suddenly heard
"AHH!! HOW DARE YOU!!" Before the shouting had faded. You did not dare stop running until curiosity got the best of you and you look back. Instead of being greeted with a demon running after you, you just saw a normal dude walking towards you with a sword.
"Ha? Who are you?"
"No need to know who i am but we need to hurry for shelter, its already night time."
"Wha-" before you could reply, the man already grabbed your hand and startes sprinting away. Your legs cant even keep up with his speed, his basically just dragging you. You tightened your grip on his hands, scared that you'll get left behind.
All the demons that were trying to eat you two were immediately slain before you even notice them.
The guy lead you to a small house which you're going to assume is his.
You sat on the floor and waited for him to settle down before you ask.
"So.. Who are yo-"
"My name is Urokodaki"
"My name is Y/n" you bowed down in front of the man, forehead, hands and knees laid flat on the ground while you kept saying thank you.
"Thank you for saving my life, if it werent for you id be dead by now" you praised him.
You two got to know each other while having dinner that the man had prepared for you.
"So- *munch* why do you have that mask on you? " you said while eating, a little creeped out that his just staring at you eat.
"Because of reasons.. Now refill your stamina as your training starts tomorrow. "
"Hah?! What training!?" You choked.
"Didn't you say you want to kill the demon that ate your family? The only way to kill it is to become a demon slayer. " he simply explained.
"Oh ok it shouldn't be that hard-"
"I spoke to soon" you said while crying and struggling because you're practically being tortured!
"It is part of your training to become a demon slayer"
"I know but.. " 
'Its too late to back out now' you thought as you continued, your only motivation is your family.
<<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭>>
Hehe i hope you enjoyed this chapter~!
-April 12, 2023
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shoutoramaru · 1 year
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butchviking · 9 months
the thing is i have a really bad friend who sucks and makes me feel bad all the time and i cant vent about it to anyone because then i feel like some asshole talking about people behind their backs but shes obviously talking about me to other people and shes fine like telling me that some dude shes seeing who ive never met texted her saying "tell her shes a bitch" but im trying so bad to be a good person that all i ever do when i have a problem is try and talk to her abt it but she takes everything as an attack and acts like im this horrible motherfucker who won't stop fighting with her but she won't even tell me why she's mad or upset or anything and oh my god i need to never talk to this woman ever ever ever ever again in my life but then she goes "im so glad you've stuck with me through everything :)" and i feel like id be the biggest scumbag in the world for telling her im so fucking done forever. jesus fucking christ. i hope that if i found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way.
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foggysirens · 1 year
What are your favourite blorbos/ships and how did you get into them?
Ps. Hope you feel better soon :D
ohohohoh this was such a great question and ill have you know it made me so happy to walk around work just thinking about my blorbos and getting to share them 😭
im gonna put a read more because fair warning i have a lot to say ajshsjdhks
OKAY SO first off (and a surprise to no one) luke skywalker is my ultimate blorbo. my special guy. and it’s funny cause i grew up knowing of star wars, watching the movies with my older siblings, but i never really cared about it- it wasn’t until years later i even thought about watching the movies again and it was only because my sister pressured me into watching the mandalorian and i fell in love. and then i decided to rewatch the original trilogy and that was it. the movies just found me at such a perfect spot in my life to really dig into my brain and not let go- it was year two of the pandemic, i had no friend whatsoever and a day to day that just left me feeling dull, ya know? and then all of the sudden there were these old movies about hope. about being able to become more than the sum of your parts. there was luke. luke really just embodies that feeling of hope that i was so without. and i think it’s those set of circumstances and then me just being a big science fiction/space nerd in general really made luke my perfect star wars blorbo. and then add dinluke into that!!! i could go on and on about dinluke (and i have) but fundamentally i think it’s the dynamic of these two powerful people who carry these two, seemingly opposing ideals coming together and finding that they have more in common and more to offer each other than either ever thought they’d receive is just *chefs kiss*
MOVING ON TO katniss everdeen! my first and forever blorbo. i know i don’t hunger games post here a lot but thg and katniss were both really big parts of my development. the hunger games introduced me to fandom and fanfic and katniss introduced me to the mindset of never giving up. no matter when you feel like you already have, you never give up. that small acts of bravery are just as important as big ones. she inspired me to stick up for myself and feel courageous, to shoot a bow and wear my hair in a braid far too often. to look out for those i love with all i can give. i love her strength and her wit and how she is smart and so dumb and young all at the same time. and her and peeta as a couple i think just really set the standard of love to me. like after everything, all the fighting and death, they choose to live for each other. they help each other live for themselves. that you don’t have to be someone else when your with the right person. that you can be vulnerable and ask real or not real?
NEXT IN LINE is mickey milkovich from shameless. i am rotating him around in my mind CONSTANTLY. its safe to say that he was my favourite character on the show and his penchant for crime, swearing and anger really struck a chord with me. he’s a character that feels so much but is rarely given the chance to express it. he’s constantly going against the odds and trying to do what’s right. it may not be right, or legal for that matter, but it’s still what he believes. he’s a character that’s gone through so much pain and suffering and is still able to flip off the world. he gives me the confidence to say fuck you to people who are treating me poorly and smile because i know that the parts of me they judge and think are weak are the parts that make me swing back harder. he’s violent, he’s gross, he’s pathetic and he’s one tough motherfucker and shit if getting to see him get a happy ending, get to be out and to get someone who loves him as he is for all those reasons didn’t make me hope id get that one day too. (DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED OF GALLAVICH. REALLY DONT. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS THEY ARE A GOD TEIR OTP AND NOBODY DOES IT LIKE THEM ALL THE OTHER SHIPS OUT THERE DONT EVEN COME CLOSE)
NOW WE HAVE nadja from what we do in the shadows! what can i say about nadja apart from the fact that she is simply, and always will be, the vibe. i am holding her in my hand and she will bite my palm and then maybe kiss me a bit. i am obsessed with her. she deserves it. but more than that!! nadja is just so unapologetically herself and her ambition and humour are unmatched, but she also has such a sweet soft side that i can’t help but just scream and cry and throw things around my room. she is also a vampire and that is so fucking cool. she’s a leader, she’s a dumbass, she’s going to rip people throats out and honestly? she’s everything i want to be when i grow up. and her and lazlo are just goals. like the speech he gives about not caring about what anyone thought about her when he married her because none of that mattered to him like she did?? dead. im dead.
AND LASTLY a newer blorbo entering the ring- jamie tartt from ted lasso! now, i will gleefully admit i hated jamie through season one and much through season two but holy shit did ted lasso pull off a redemption like nothing ive ever seen before. really and truly, i did not expect to connect with jamie as much as i did. the last season but the character growth and storylines they gave him that shed some light onto why he was the way he was and how they connected so many things in with the earlier seasons that just made you see things in an entirely different way??? like he’s still a cocky prick, but he’s a cocky prick you can’t help but love and cheer for. and the scene where he tells roy that he’s just anxious and tired all the time really fucking hit home for me, even when they did end up playing it off as a bit of a joke, i just felt that moment so deep in my bones and funny little manchester-man jamie earned himself a spot in my brain.
OKAY IM DONE NOW thank you so so much for the ask and i apologize for the behemoth that this post became but GAH i just love my blorbos!! and thank you for the well-wishes! im finally home from work and am feeling better:)
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twinleafsystem · 2 years
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and id hope that if i found the strength to walk out, youd say the hell out of my way
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and i hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down and i hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and i never come back to this town again <- david ward
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transfemlogan · 2 years
No Children by The Mountain Goats is a logan song
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crispyclown · 3 years
its “no children” tonight boys
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