triptuckers · 9 months
switching teams - percy jackson
Request: yes! "Hi there! Could I request an enemies to lovers! trope, where the reader is part of the ares halfgods." Pairing:  Percy Jackson x ares!reader Summary:  percy should know better than to try and fight an ares kid Warnings:  a lot of swearing lol, fighting, mentions of blood & injuries Word count:  1.9K A/N: can't wait to see more of dior as clarisse in the show she's such a good actress. thanks for your request, enjoy!
ever since percy got to camp a couple of years ago he's had it out for you. you don't know why, but naturally you decided to respond with the same energy.
he wants to test the ares kid's patience? fine by you.
for some reason he's always arguing with you and you're all to happy to argue back. somehow he knew exactly which buttons to press, how to get on your nerves.
there's always tension between the two of you, which reaches a high during war games like capture the flag. this time is no different.
you're part of team red, following clarisse's lead. percy is on the blue team.
not that it matters, your team is unbeatable. you're proud of your cabin for coming up with the best strategies. you and clarisse always draw up new battle plans, surprising the blue team whenever they think they cracked your plan.
and today you're going to win again. you know it.
you've been walking through your part of the forest, getting rid of any kids of the blue team you run into.
after a while, you think they've all said to each other to avoid certain parts of the wood, given that you don't see anyone for a while.
then you hear talking in the distance. smiling, you grip your sword tighter and creep closer to them.
'let's move, c'mon, these are y/n's parts of the woods.' says one of the kids. you recognise him as someone from the hermes cabin.
'right about that.' you say, jumping over a fallen log and blocking their path.
all three kids widen their eyes and you quickly count their weapons and cabins. two from the hermes cabin and one from athena. a combined total of three swords and a spear. you'll need to take out the athena kid first, they might be able to analyse your fighting style if you're not fast enough.
'I told you!' says one of the hermes kids as you charge them.
you were right, you can tell by the way the athena kid's eyes follow your movements they're trying to analyse your moves. but you catch them off guard and give them a hard shove after kicking one of their legs to the ground.
you make quick work of the hermes kids just in time for your team to run past, carrying the blue flag. you grin at sherman when he runs past with the flag.
'you know what to do!' he says with a wink.
you nod and take off. you're the best sprinter and best swordsman of your cabin.
the plan was simple. once your team got the flag, they would run through your favorite parts of the woods. you would hear them, join them and then run ahead of them, getting rid of any blue team kids in your way and clearing the path for your team.
so that's exactly what you do.
you run to the river, getting rid of any blue team kids you see.
when you see the river in the distance you can't help but to feel a sense of pride. you won again.
but before you can reach the river, something hard knocks you on your back.
before you can get up, someone appears above you, pointing his sword at you and smiling. it's percy. this fucking kid.
you lash out with your sword but percy is quick to block your blow.
'got ya!' he says.
'no you don't.' you say.
he may be pointing a sword at you, but you're not defenceless. with one swift motion, you kick percy's legs, sending him to the ground.
you're quicker, rolling over and pinning his hands to his side. there's no room for him to kick you with his legs.
percy's fighting to get his sword but this time you're stronger. this time, you smile.
'you need to be quicker.' you say. 'and you need to understand we will always win capture the flag.'
'we can still win.' percy argues.
'no, you can't.' you say. 'you're the strongest swordsman on your team. and I've got you pinned to the ground.
'so you admit I'm a stronger swordsman than you!' says percy.
'I said on your team.' you say.
you look up when you hear people cheering in the distance. your team has reached the river, with the blue flag.
'looks like we win again.' you say.
percy looks annoyed. 'get off me, the game is over.'
'say please.'
'fuck off.'
'say please and I'll get up.'
percy rolls his eyes and sighs. 'please, y/n, will you get off me?'
'because you asked nicely.' you say, pushing up off the ground, making sure to accidentally put your weight on percy's legs.
without looking at him again, you take off to celebrate the win with your team.
the next time you're playing capture the flag is three weeks later. you're excited to keep your winning streak going.
just as you've finished putting on your armour and checking all of your weapons, you see percy putting on a chest plate with a red mark on it.
'hey!' you say, getting his attention. 'you're not on our team.'
'yes I am.' he says. 'I already talked it over with clarisse.
'no the fuck you didn't.' you say.
you look over your shoulder and see clarisse looking at you. she's your best friend, you always train together and she's a great team captain. but this?
'he's on our team.' she says.
'because you two are the best swordsmen at camp. it's the logical choice for capture the flag. work together.'
'I will not-'
'not up for discussion. he's on our team, deal with it.'
you turn to percy, walking up to him and giving him a look of pure malice. 'just because you're on our team does not mean I won't hesitate to fight you.' you say.
'no maiming. no killing. especially not your own team members. those are the rules.' says percy.
'I don't care.' you say. 'don't get in my way.'
you hear percy mumble 'fucking ares kids' as you walk away to get into position before the game starts.
as soon as the starting signal sounds, you head to your favorite spot in the woods. there were always some blue kids who thought they could get lucky, but they always run into you.
you're waiting there, your eyes on the path, when you suddenly hear footsteps behind you.
you're just in time to turn around and block the other person's blow.
'you!' you say as you recognise the eyes looking into yours.
'me.' says percy.
'I'm on your fucking team you idiot!'
'I recall you saying it didn't matter.'
'piss off!'
percy takes on a fighting stance. he better be fucking kidding. he wants to fight? fine. you can give him that.
'I want to teach you how to become better.' he says.
'at what?'
'sword fighting.'
that's it. it's one thing to attack you from behind. another to tell you he wants to teach you how to be better.
percy knows it's bad fucking luck to claim he's better at fighting than an ares kid. but you've got a tell, and it will get you killed some day.
'you have a tell. let me teach you how to avoid it.'
the nerve he has.
with two quick strides you're in front of him, bringing your sword down on him with all of your strength.
percy blocks it, but his arms are straining underneath the weight of your blow. you really are good.
he swings his sword to your left side but you jump aside and aim the next blow at his legs. he jumps over your sword and kicks you out of the way.
you spin around and attempt to drive your sword through the exposed part of his arm. percy gets out of the way, but only barely.
'you're using your father's strength to guide you.' he says, grunting in between blows of your swords hitting each other.
you don't respond, choosing to save your strength and focus on trying to hit him.
'you're faster than me. you could win.' he says.
fuck him. you are going to win. how dare he question you like this? how dare he question your fighting skills?
you take a step forward, ready to end this fight. but percy kicks your leg out of the way and pushes you, sending you backward.
'you step before you strike.' says percy. 'with your right foot.'
what the fuck?
'I have to give it to you, it took me a while to realise it.'
'been watching me, have you?'
you start to circle him, looking for an opening to strike.
'yes. now start avoiding the step before you strike.'
'I don't need a poseidon kid to teach me how to fight. you're doing this to distract me.'
'is it so hard to believe I actually want to help you? clarisse is right, we'd make a good team. you're almost as good as I am.'
'I can never be a team with someone who insults me to my face.'
'right. never claim to be a better fighter than an ares kid. noted.'
you race forward and strike percy, hoping he doesn't expect it.
he does. he easily blocks your attack.
you're furious. no one is better than you. certainly not percy.
you let your rage take over, going in for another attack, subconsciously taking one step before striking. percy kicks your foot.
you're breathing heavily. he wants to teach you? fine. you keep your footing in place as you strike, catching him off guard.
percy is too surprised and is too late to block your blow. you slice through his upper arm. it's not a very deep cut but it still bleeds. you smile as you see the blood start to slowly trickle down his arm.
you strike again, but only nearly hitting him. you can teach him as well. for instance, his weak point is his legs. you sweep them out from under him. percy falls to the ground as you point your sword to him.
'you're beaten.' you say.
'and you listened to me.' he says.
you hate to admit it, but he did have a point. once you focused on not taking a step before striking, you were able to beat him.
you reach out with your other hand.
percy is eyeing your hand suspiciously.
'I'm pulling you up.' you say. 'the fight is over. I won. I'm not striking an unarmed, beaten opponent.'
percy takes your hand and allows you to pull him to his feet.
'thought you didn't like me.' he says.
'I never said that. you annoy me. but ares kids respect good fighters. you're a good swordsman. and you were right. I have a tell.' you say.
'did you just admit to liking me?' says percy, smiling.
'I also said you're annoying.'
'but you like me.'
'doesn't make you less annoying. now come on, we have a flag to capture.'
the two of you take off to rejoin your team. during the fight, something had changed between the two of you. if percy could point out a flaw you didn't know you had, you're curious to see what else he knows about you that you don't know about yourself.
maybe it's a good thing he convinced clarisse to let him join your team.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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too-deviant · 6 months
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jackie and wilson.
previous | next series masterlist.
summary: you haven’t been given a quest, but you have made it your personal mission to make luke castellan smile.
paring: luke castellan x unclaimed!reader
word count: 4k
content: luke is still a moody teenager, reader is still the fly he cant get rid of. does he really want to, though?
notes: these first two parts feel very introductory but it gets juicy as we dive a little further in the next parts hehe. also who do we think readers godly parent is?
PART II — and lord, she found me just in time 
For a hotshot lawyer, your mom couldn’t lie for the life of her. Every time you brought it up, she’d always quip that she didn’t need to be a good liar to be a good lawyer, since all new evidence is legally required to be disclosed to both parties before they are presented in court. Therefore, there is no lying, only brief twisting of the truth. She was good at that — clearly. 
“You said you didn’t want me to leave you!” 
The wooden floor of Chiron’s office wasn’t the most comfortable of lounging places, but you’d accidentally kicked the radiator after tripping over a horseshoe and Mr. D — who had escorted you there when you’d asked about speaking to your mom — had just sighed and told you to use the mist currently spraying from it as a form of communication. The whole Iris Message thing was still unusual to you, but at the same time, you’d tripped over a horseshoe because the owner of the office was half-horse. Does it get weirder than that? Probably not. 
You leaned back on your haunches, disbelief written all over your face at the scene you…walked in on? Called in on? Iris Messaged in on? Whatever — you were more worried about what you were looking at than the right terminology to describe it. 
“Oh — sweetie!” Your mom was quick to hop down from the kitchen counter, pushing the man who had been standing between her legs away from her so forcefully he fell back into the living room. 
“What was that?” You heard him ask from afar. Your mom chuckled, buttoning up her blouse. 
“The answering machine.” She excused, “I completely forgot I was supposed to call back my daughter. Would you give me a minute?”
The man agreed with a huff and your mom pushed the kitchen door closed with a click before looking at you, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms, “I didn’t. I sure do now!”
“I’ve been gone for, like, two days!” You exclaimed, “And you’re already inviting your boyfriend over? How old are you?”
“Oh, let it go.” The woman chastised, shaking her head and attempting to push down her amused smile. “I was bored.”
“Bored.” You chuckled, “Of course.”
“But I miss you.” She said then, smiling sweetly and leaning her hip on the island, “How’s camp?”
“It’s great.” You grinned, “The people are great, the food is great. Turns out, I am super with a spear.”
“A spear, huh?” Your mom nodded, “No surprise there, you’ve got a hell of an arm.”
You hummed excitedly, the previous event long forgotten as you filled her in on your first few days at camp, “One of my friends in cabin nine offered to make me a personal one.” Your mom furrowed her brows, “Children of Hephaestus. Blacksmith guy.”
“Right.” She nodded with a click of her tongue. “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” You smirked cheekily, ignoring the scoff and evil look she sent you in response. 
“Alright. I best go.” She interrupted just as you went to make another comment about her guest, “I will see you at the end of summer. Okay?” 
“Okay. Love you.” 
Truthfully, you were happy to spend the rest of the day talking to your mom — it was so hot that morning that you’d thought about sacrificing your breakfast to Apollo in hopes that he’d ease up a little. You decided against it and just sent your prayers to each of them in general, hoping maybe your dad could fess up to actually being your dad. 
Clarisse had suspected you would soon join her in the Ares Cabin — something about your skills with a spear and the swift right hook you sent Chris when he made one too many comments on your form during your training session with her. You weren’t even sure why he’d been there, but you could probably fathom a guess if you judged by the looks he sent her whenever she wasn’t looking. 
After the exciting discovery that yes, you were good at something, Mr. D had come by to say you could either call your mom now or never. You chose the former option, obviously, and you only regretted it slightly as you heaved yourself up from the ground — already missing the sound of her voice. 
You didn’t let it linger, instead you pushed the creaky door of the Big House open as gently as you could, even though it still swung back against the wall, and nodded at the pair sitting on the porch, currently in a heated card game you couldn’t recognise. They didn’t look at you for long, Chiron muttering something about meeting the Demeter kids by the fields to test your gardening skills before putting down a card that made Mr. D grumble in his seat. 
You were trudging through the grass, huffing when the longer bits tickled your legs and made you go all itchy, when you spotted a body sat by the hearth in the horseshoe of cabins. You lit up, changing course and jogging over to them, “JoJo!”
Luke looked up at you, frowning, “What?”
His curls fell over his eyes and he shook them away, only to squint at the sun that shone into them. You sidestepped, your shadow proving ample shade so he could focus on you, and you stammered a bit when his face fell into focus. He was pretty. 
You let out a breathless chuckle, folding your arms, “From Horton Hears a Who.” He shows no signs of recognition, “You’ve never seen it?” Again, his face did little to answer you, so you shrugged, “Whatever. I’ll get an answer out of you one day, I’m sure. We’ve made steady progress.”
“Have we?” He hummed, picking at the worn sleeve of his hoodie. 
“Of course we have, ya’ nutmegger.” You quipped with a short chuckle, grinning when his eyes snapped back to yours. 
“You still haven’t told me where you’re from.” 
You tutted, “Where’s the fun in that? You gotta find out.”
He huffed, “Whatever.”
Since his outburst about New England the day before, Luke had done a considerable job at avoiding you. Well, you didn’t think he was doing it on purpose — he just wasn’t obligated to spend time with you anymore now that you were cleared to roam camp on your own. You’d seen him at breakfast, perched silently on the end of the bench and staring sadly at his soggy oatmeal, but then Clarisse had whisked you off to the training fields with Chris hot on her tail and you hadn’t seen him since. 
You weren’t completely sure why you were so determined to break his shell. Maybe it was because you knew he never used to be this way — that underneath the deep frowns and annoyed huffs, was a happy boy who would spend days in the sun with his teeth bared in a wide grin — and you yearned to get a peek of who Luke Castellan used to be. To bear your eyes on the side of him he kept away and to find out why he did so, to understand him on a level deeper than anyone around you did, or even deeper than you understood yourself. 
Or maybe because he’s hot. 
Either way, you weren’t letting him slide away that easily. No sir. You straightened your back, “Going to the gardens.” 
No reply, as usual. 
A huff, “Mind walking me? I don’t wanna get lost.”
He looked at you, brown eyes flitting over your expression, before licking his lips and standing, “Fine.”
You grinned then, wide and sunny, “Great.”
You knew where the gardens were — hell, you could see them from where you stood, the two teenage sons of Dionysus chasing each other with sticks while the Demeter kids scowled at them. But you were new, and Luke was ‘the guy’ for all the new campers, so really he wasn’t allowed to say no. 
You were desperate to know more about him; his favourite sport, movie, colour. Anything irrelevant that you could see in public and think: Luke. You just didn’t know where to start — he could shut down at any given moment, so which question was more fitting to ask before he built up his walls and fucked off? 
You settled for something easy — something subtle that wouldn’t hint towards you asking about him. An easy question that any reasonable tour guide would have to answer. 
“So, do you guys host any…mortal activities?” Looking up at him in question, brows raised as he once again made no indication that he’d even heard you speak. 
But he had, “Not usually. Sometimes on weekends we’ll play volleyball on the beach, and I think Lee Fletcher has a soccer ball he kicks around but…” He shrugged, “No. Not really.”
You hummed, “You said we. Do you play volleyball?”
Nice one. 
Luke stiffened a little, sort of appalled that you’d swerved the question on him so easily, but he answered with a grumble, “Not anymore.”
He shrugged, “Grew out of it.”
“Huh.” You said then, facing forward with a nod and continuing your trek through the long grass, occasionally reaching down to scratch your calves, “I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of baseball.”
Come on, Castellan, take the bait. 
“Yes!” You exclaimed, a little too excitedly for it to be a simple answer to a simple question. You lowered your volume and gave a more collected nod, “Yeah. Yes. I’ve played since I was old enough…little league.” You let out a weak chuckle, suddenly shy about the subject. 
Luke nodded at you, “First base?”
“Left field.” You corrected with a proud smile, “I got legs.”
“Oh.” He replied, a little caught off guard at that. Although, he was also caught off guard when you said you played baseball. 
You were debating whether or not to press when a gangly blonde boy with dark purple eyes jogged up to you and held out a wicker basket, “You’re the new kid right?” He didn’t wait for an answer before thrusting the basket to your chest, “I’m Pollux. We’re picking strawberries, c’mon, I’ll show you the best way to get ‘em.”
You weren’t sure there was a specific tactic to picking strawberries, but you stepped to follow him anyway. Turning your head to send a thankful smile to Luke for walking you down, you spotted him looking between you and Pollux with furrowed brows — then he noticed your stare and swallowed, nodding, “Uh, see you later.”
“Bye.” You replied, slightly starstruck. He walked off, but he did it slowly as if he was unsure of where to go next. You were positive he had somewhere to be — big shot counsellor and all — but as you stood, one foot in front of the other, face turned back to watch him go, he seemed to stutter in his steps at the top of the hill, deciding where to turn. His beaten converse led him west, and Pollux yelled you out of your stupor so you could help him and his brother pick strawberries. 
As suspected, your strawberry-picking skills were pretty much the same as everyone else’s — really, how can one person be any better at picking strawberries than another? It’s a very simple task. Either way, Castor and Pollux didn’t envision you as their long lost sister, and the Demeter kids apparently couldn’t smell it on you that you were one of them, whatever that meant, so you were back to your search for daddy dearest — at this point, you weren’t even sure if you wanted to find out anymore. All this hassle and for what? It’s not as if he was going to attend the daddy-daughter dance with you, no matter which god he might be. 
“So, do you, like, know Luke or something?” 
Henry Furstatt was a Demeter kid a couple of years younger than you, who had been set the task of walking you to the lake where you would rejoin the Hermes cabin on their canoe lesson. He wasn’t very talkative until you’d put some distance between yourselves and the strawberry fields, where he posed his question. 
You glanced at him with a thoughtful frown, “I mean, he’s been showing me around the past couple days, so…I guess —“
“I meant like,” He swallowed, waving his hands around, “from before. Did you know each other before you came to camp?”
“Oh.” You responded, tucking a loose hair that had fallen in front of your face away, “No. Why’d you think that?”
Henry shrugged, his loose-fitting camp shirt doing wonders to hide the movements, “Dunno. He just hasn’t talked to many people since he got back from his quest…but he’s talking to you.”
“Well.” You were suddenly a little sheepish — were you pushing Luke too much? Was your constant questioning making him uncomfortable? You were only on a mission to find out more about him because he interested you, but did you interest him, or was he ready to boot you as far as you’d fly? “He has to, doesn’t he? He’s still a counsellor, even if he does hate everyone here.” 
“True.” He settled with a nod, fiddling with a daisy he’d picked while you were walking. 
You breathed a content sigh when you finally stepped out of the grass — the summer blooming made it slightly unbearable to walk through, tickling at your legs the whole afternoon. The beating sun didn’t make you feel any nicer, but you just wafted your shirt a little as you walked past the Hermes cabin and towards the dock. 
Camp was always noisy; something you’d grown accustomed to the longer you stayed there. You never really noticed it until you were alone, but the chatter of the kids filled the air the whole day and only really faded out when they all went to sleep. It was slightly unnerving to sit in the silence, and the loud murmurs often comforted you — made you feel less suffocated as the new kid. Less eyes on you, the better. 
You were so used to the noise, in fact, that you almost completely brushed past the argument that was brewing outside the Ares cabin just a few metres away. Fortunately, Henry spotted the commotion, and pulled you to a halt in favour of staring at the ever-growing crowd. 
You followed his eyeline and spotted a burly looking boy with black hair — when he moved his head and the sun hit the right spots, you could see dark red highlights swimming in his locks. You thought that was a little bit much, but you forfeited commenting on it considering the giant machaira that hung on his back. 
The boy in question was sneering at someone in front of him, but the corners of his mouth were perked up in an amused smile that made you think he wasn’t angry yet, but he sure was getting there. You couldn’t see who he was talking to, but as Henry ventured closer, you were forced to follow and eventually his words reached your ears. 
“—big shot golden boy finally got himself a quest and doesn’t fancy sharing the details.” He laughed, deep and low in his throat. 
Henry patted someone on the shoulder, and they stepped aside to let him into the circle. You stayed behind him, watching over his head and finally checking out the opponent. Your eyes stopped on the familiar figure, and his familiar curls that hung over his eyes — eyes that were glaring daggers in the Ares kid’s direction, casting shadows over his cheekbones and making his scar look a little menacing. 
The boy continued after Luke showed no signs of replying, “We get it, Castellan. You failed, but that doesn’t mean you get to gatekeep the whole thing.”
“Dean, man.” You finally noticed Chris, standing off to the side of Luke and glancing at his brother in apprehension at the boy's words. “Back off.” 
Dean just snorted, “Don’t defend him, Rodriguez. We let him mope, now it’s time for him to spill the beans.” He took a step closer to Luke, “What happened on your quest?” 
You had only known Luke for two days. You weren’t sure if he was the type to fly off the handle, swing before reasoning, but you suddenly became aware that neither did anyone else. Sure, these people had known him for years — but you’d heard it from enough people to know that he was a different person these days. After his quest a couple of weeks ago, people had been walking on eggshells around the boy. Maybe a month ago, he would’ve calmly walked away and let Dean simmer in his anger. But now? Nobody could be sure, but judging by the look in his eyes, darkening by the second, you might be able to fathom a guess as to what he’s going to do with his hands now that they were rolled into fists. 
“I mean, is this about glory? Because you won’t exactly be sharing it — ya’ can’t share what you don’t have.”  Dean let out a chortle at his own joke, looking between his friends around him and grinning with them. 
Luke stepped forward. And — you couldn’t blame anyone, really. After that last comment, you were all expecting fists to be swung. It was only reasonable. Maybe the old Luke wouldn’t have done it, but this new Luke was looking increasingly more angry at the world as the days went by, so when he took one measly step forward, the crowd around him let out a collective woah! and put their hands out to stop him from lunging. Including yourself. 
Only he wasn’t about to punch Dean. His hand stayed dormant at his side, the only clear movement was the single step closer he’d taken to match the one the Ares boy had made earlier. He was only really stepping forward so his next words would hit harder — that’s all it was, words. They died on his lips when he realised the implications of his actions, looking between the outstretched arms and tense faces. 
He looked at Dean, “We can discuss quests when you get your own.” 
Then he walked off, past the crowd that didn’t bother stopping him. Looking around, you saw the looks on their faces — shame, from assuming Luke would evoke such violence off the sparring mat. You definitely felt it, but you didn’t stick around long enough to confirm that with anyone else. Instead, you left Chris to berate Dean in place of the head counsellor and followed the boy in question as he huffed up the hill towards the edge of the woods. 
“Hey!” You said, breathless (you were not an uphill climber). “Hey, Luke!”
He hesitated in his steps like he did earlier, but he didn’t turn around. His head twitched a little, like he wanted to look but was holding himself back, but you simply rounded him until you were face to face. The anger had long since dissolved from his expression, replaced with soft confusion. 
“Hi.” You huffed, still recovering from that incline, “Are you okay? That guy’s a dick.”
“I know.” He replied, short as usual. 
You licked your lips, still catching your breath, and nodded. He remained silent, looking around you like he was just waiting for you to leave. You decided to take the hint, muttering lowly, “Okay, sorry for bothering you.” 
But his hand reached out, circling your wrist just as you passed him. You looked at Luke, raising your eyebrows, watching as he stammered on his words, “I, uh, you aren’t bothering me. I just…”
He let go of you and you stepped back to your precious spot. Behind him, the crowd had dissipated, Dean long gone. Chris remained, staring up at the pair of you on top of the hill. You couldn’t pinpoint his expression, but he seemed to hesitate before turning his back. You looked up at Luke. 
“Why did you…come after me?” 
You scoffed a laugh, “What? Anyone would’ve, it’s like…common decency.”
He twisted his expression, looking amused and devastated all at the same time, “But they didn’t.” 
He was right; before you’d set off up the hill, everyone had just been watching him walk off. It seemed a little out of character, but then again, you didn’t know these people as well as you thought. Luke let out a sad chuckle, shaking his head, “Everyone’s sorta given up on me now that I’m…”
“Moody and depressed?” You finished, raising a single brow. You smiled at him, and it lifted into a grin when he smiled back, albeit only slightly. But you’d take it. “I just think that they’re a little unsure.”
“They’re scared, is what they are.” He said firmly, staring at the ground in mirth, “Their precious golden boy won’t clean up all of their messes anymore and they’re scared that they’ll have to start looking after themselves.”
“I don’t think that’s true.” You said, even if you didn’t believe it. How could you? You didn’t know these people, Luke did. “They’re just worried about you.” 
He scoffed, finally moving his head up and meeting your eyes. He went to say something, presumably another quip about the campers, but stopped himself. Backtracked. Instead he said, “Aren’t you angry that you haven’t been claimed yet?”
That was a deep question. You sat on it for a couple of seconds, reeling at the sudden shift of conversation, until you finally let out a low puff of air and shrugged, “I don’t really know how I feel. Why? Should I be?” 
“This camp, it’s —“ He huffed, “It helps you, sure. But it also forces you to…mould yourself into the perfect kid for — for a parent who doesn’t care enough to watch you grow up. Help you live, use their divine powers when a dragon is clawing your fucking face off!” 
He’d stepped closer to you, unknowingly, that final shout making you wince a little at the volume. He stopped then, evening his breaths and stepping back with an apologetic expression. You brushed it off. 
“A dragon clawed your face off?” 
“Yeah.” He chuckled weakly, “Tell anyone and I’ll kill you.” 
You smiled at him, shamefully admiring his face. Now that he wasn’t glaring in anger, and his face was more relaxed, you could see the whites of his eyes. His lashes, unreasonably long, and his lips that were so plush you were close to asking him if he took a trip to see Dr Miami while he was on his quest. 
“Gods.” You murmured under your breath, “You’re so pretty it sorta pisses me off.” 
Luke laughed then — a genuine chortle that shook his chest and made passers by glance in his direction. His grin was uncharacteristically wide and for a second, a brief moment, you saw it. Luke Castellan, the one everyone looks up to. The one they turn to in times of peril, the one they giggle and gossip about under the shade of the fir trees. 
Then you knew your answer to Luke’s question. No — you weren’t angry that you hadn’t been claimed. In fact, you didn’t think you’d care even if you were so long as he was smiling at you like that. 
He calmed down, catching his breath, his face relaxing back into that cool expression he’s always got on. Maybe your eyes were playing tricks on you, but you were sure he looked a little less tense than before. He nodded, waving a hand, “Alright, Sunny. Let’s go canoeing.” 
“Sunny?” You asked, walking alongside him. 
He clicked his tongue, glancing down at you, “If Apollo won’t claim you as a child of the sun, then I will.” 
“Alright.” You smiled softly, looking forward so he wouldn’t see it and run off. You picked at your nails, “So long as I can call you JoJo.” 
“Let’s watch that silly movie it’s from and I’ll decide if you can call me that.”
🏷️ @katherines-imagines @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry @jennapancake @cobaltskiez @loveryoushouldcomeoverr @m00ng4z3r @mischiefmoons (comment to be added/removed!)
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s1utlvr · 8 months
I know places ↟
Clarisse La rue X reader
a/n: I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING?? But I’m yeah here’s this heavily Taylor swift inspired some heated making out but nothing more cliffhanger enjoy or don’t idk man
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Dating Clarisse La rue was a bad idea.
It’s all anyone could tell you the moment you fell for her, even Clarisse herself tried to talk you out dating her.
But there was nothing she could do or say that could make you not want her.
The way her lips felt against yours, the way her hands brushed against your body, the way she made you felt when it was just you and her, no amount of rumors could change the way you felt about her.
“Loose lips sink ships all the damn time, but not this time.”
Tonight was a night like any other, you were at the bonfire grabbing a drink your girlfriends hands on your waistline and like always the vultures that were your fellow campers had some things to say.
They’d never say anything not to your faces atleast everyone was too scared of Clarisse, but the way they stared made it seem like you two were monsters begging to be hunted. You tried not to care but that part just always seemed to infuriate you.
“Wandering eyes?” Your girlfriend whispered into your ear noticing your expression.
You nodded rolling your eyes and then moving your eyes back onto your girlfriend.
“Hey you wanna go somewhere?” You asked sipping at your drink trying to get rid of the feeling that you were prey to your peers.
“Is it that bad?” She asked her hand moving and making its way to cup your cheek.
“No it’s just-gods it pisses me off like it’s been months and this shit is still happening” you said a bit of frustration in your voice. Clarisse hated seeing you like this but she had to admit, you’re hot when you’re angry.
“Where’d you have in mind?”
“I know places”
“After you then” Clarrise smirked chucking your cup into the trash before following closely behind you into the forest.
You had discovered this spot your first day at camp while trying to find your way around for the first time. What you thought was a shortcut turned out to be a path straight to a creek deep into the forest, you were lost for two hours until your protector found you. The creek was calming, secluded, even when your were lost. And since that day had been your spot. Once you and clarisse got together you were more than glad to share it with her. Sure you had plenty of spots but this was your favorite, you knew no one could ever get to you here.
You sat down against a rock by the water clarisse following next to you as you watched the moonlights reflection on the water.
“I thought people would’ve moved on by now” you said as you shifted to look at your girlfriend resting your head on her shoulder.
“I wouldn’t stop talking about you either” She teased.
“You know what I mean” you scoffed. “Why do people have to care so much about who I date?”
“Well it’s hard not to be obsessed with you” Clarisse said pulling you closer so you were on top of her.
“You’re impossible” you chuckled as you rolled your eyes at her, her hands resting comfortably on your waist.
“Ouch?” She said as she dramatically clutched her heart. “You sound just like them”
“Well most of the rumors are true aren’t they?” You laughed as she pulled you in the feeling of your lips pressed together sending electricity through your body before she pulled away, her breath heavy as she spoke.
“Please you know wouldn’t trade this for the world, it’s always gonna be me.”
It was true. You’d hide from the world for the rest of your life if you could feel like this forever.
Her hand moved up to your waist as she pulled you back in continuing to kiss you. You could tell she was desperate, needy, she wanted to shut everyone out just as much as you did.
It was cause of this that it came as a surprise when she pulled away abruptly.
“Did you hear that?” She whispered panically
“Hear what-?”
The sound of leaves crunching filled the forest.
Shit.shit shit shit. was all could think as you tried to get off of her. Was it an animal? Was it a monster? Was it a person? How long had it been there?
The sound of leaves got closer.
“Come on” she whispered looking behind the rock you two were sitting against.
“Where?” You asked frantically.
“Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it.”
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audreyscribes · 8 months
⚔ ARES: God of War and Violence 🐗
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
When you get claimed, it’s either during or after a victorious battle. If it’s during a battle, like Capture the Flag, it’s when your blood is pumping and you’re on adrenaline high. You could be losing or winning, but you hit that point of state where you’re just so in the zone before you realize you’re covered in red. You decimate the other team, striking fear in their hearts as they see you running over their teammates, your weapon swinging like it’s your own limb. Everyone looks above your head as they see the floating red boar above your head and then you hear a roar of cheer from your now half–siblings. They let out whoops, howls, and cheers, slapping you on the back and some wrestling you if you’re still battle high, before they lift you up and carry you around. 
When you’re shown the cabin, you’re immediately nerved by the boar head posted above the door, its eyes following you…but you can’t focus on that because you’re immediately told and made to remember where the live mines are around the entrance. They didn’t clarify if they were actual mines or alternative mines…they said it was classified information and you didn’t have the clearance level yet. Either which you didn’t want to find out the hard way.
If the Hephaestus cabin is the forge, you bet you can imagine that the Ares cabin is their armoury. It's not on the scale as theirs, but its pretty close. Weapons galore. It's a weapon maniacs dream. You have equipment here to upkeep and maintain weapons and if you pick out a weapon that you're not sure how to maintain? You have siblings jumping up the chance to show you. 
You wanna try and wield different weapons? Go on ahead! Every Ares’ member has their own mini armoury and collection of weapons. 
Y'know how siblings like to push each other and get into play fights? Yeah, the Ares cabin is like that constantly. It goes from rough housing to actual sparring. If you're not a big fan of participating in it, you're going to learn how to redirect people's movements. Don't worry about it getting the heat off you, as long its not entirely personal, you have another Ares’ sibling ready to switch with you. 
You also begin to take on bets because with the amount of rough-housing and sparring, it's just too good of an opportunity. The currency ranges from actual dollars, drachmas, candy bars, or what have you. All currency is accepted.  
People often like talking with their fists, but it's mostly getting rid of the pent up emotions when you guys do some talk to talk. Got to be fair you know.
If you're not particularly looking for a fight, don't worry about it. While it is true, you're a war god child, you're also good at de-escalating. After all, there's a reason in the book, "The Art of War", Sun Tzu says "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting".
Blood was roaring in your ears with eyes red as you gripped your weapon high. Your veins were pumping with adrenaline, almost making you shake but you never felt more alive. You had just won and you thrust up your weapon high in the air, and let out a yell. Immediately, a cacophony of cheers and yells joined you, sending another spike of adrenaline and you faintly saw the claim of Ares above your head. People swarmed you and in the zone, you attacked them which they gleefully returned back the favour. Then they lifted you up in the air, cheering that about another child of Ares as you were carried back to the Ares cabin where your siblings plopped you in front of it, and Clarisse at the head. 
She grinned at you, her figure imposing but you kept your chin high. 
“Not bad, but expected as a child of Ares. Don’t let it get to your head because there’s plenty coming” she said. 
“Bring it on” you fired back with a grin as she gave a smirk. 
“I’m Clarisse Rue, cabin leader of Cabin 5. Welcome to the Ares cabin.” 
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korizzybee · 2 months
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TS&TS - chapter 1
Pairing: Percy Jackson x black!fem!reader
Synopsis: true fulfillment comes from finding a partner who complements and understands you, offering a safe haven to be your true self, regardless of external pressures or backgrounds.
Warnings: none, Y/N is daughter of Apollo, Y/N is the younger half-sister of Clarisse La Rue, sisterly love
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Every day was the same for you. You’d wake up, get ready for the day, eat breakfast with your cabin, spar with your older sister, have archery practice with Chiron, get praised by your peers, sneak away to get some alone time, participate in capture the flag, have dinner, sit at the bonfire with your cabin, and then get ready for bed.
Here you are currently, getting ready for the day. Brushing your teeth, washing your face, doing your hair, the usual. You grabbed your bow, wooden bow with Apollo’s symbol engraved in it in gold. It was a gift from him. Many people at camp considered you lucky, to be given a gift from your godly parent was a great honor.
Though you didn’t care for it, you would rather have had his time than this gift. Other than the fact Apollo had it made for you specifically, the bow wasn’t anything special. If anything you hated this bow. You’ve tried burning it, that didn’t work. You’ve tried just getting rid of it on a quest, that also didn’t work since it came back to you a few hours later.
Clarisse tells you all the time that you should feel honored that Apollo had graced you with such a gift, even more honored that he went out of his way to bring you to camp yourself. You didn’t feel honored though, if anything you felt hollow. You and Apollo hadn’t spoken since the day he’d brought you to camp, he didn’t seem sad over the fact your mother had died that day either.
But why would he? Apollo was used to all his romantic relationships not working out, some of them even dying. So what makes your mother any different? That day, he was just making sure his precious little prodigy made it to camp safely. Couldn’t have you dying before you were able to spread your wings…no, can’t have that.
You sighed softly, softening your grip on your bow which you didn’t even know had tightened. Though it wasn’t surprising, thinking about your father always left a bad taste on your tongue. “Wow, you must really hate that bow.” Your half sister, Valerie said with a smirk, her arms crossed as she leaned on your bunk bed. “Is it obvious?” You asked sarcastically with a soft scoff.
Valerie was someone you found yourself being able to confide in if you needed to rant about your father. Clarisse wouldn’t ever be able to understand, she couldn’t. After all, she lived and breathed for Ares’ approval. Just a second of his attention would make her day. She would tell you about how some kids would kill to be in your position, they’d kill to be claimed at all.
She wished Ares had as many expectations for her as Apollo does for you. “You know you can’t escape this, right?” Valerie said as she walked over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “I mean, after all, it’s your destiny to become one of Apollo’s strongest children to have ever lived. Isn’t that what he said the Fates have bestowed upon you?” She asked.
“Yea.” You said. “Doesn’t mean I like it though, I mean, what’s so special about me? I’d rather not be claimed than have to be held on this high pedestal.” You tell her. She hummed. “Well, sometimes life deals the worst cards to its strongest soldiers because life knows we can handle it.” She said. “Sure. Let’s just head to breakfast.” I said, shrugging her hand off your shoulder as you left the cabin.
You made it to the dining pavilion and got in line, some nymphs served us our breakfast and we went to sit down at the Apollo table. You noticed some of your siblings’ faces drop when you showed up to the table, but you were used to it. You didn’t have many friends around campus, not because you were shy, but because you didn’t want to potentially leave any of them behind.
That was your destiny, become one of the greatest children of Apollo who ever lived, and then die in glorifying battle. You would die sacrificing yourself so another person could live and you wouldn’t be able to escape it. This part of your prophecy is not something you’ve told Valerie. No one knows this but you, Apollo, and the three Fates. And since no one knows this, many people either assume you’re stuck up and think you’re better than everybody or you’re just shy.
Apparently, your siblings, other than Valerie, see you as stuck up. If there was one thing you hate about Camp Half-Blood, it’s that you have to eat at your assigned tables during breakfast and dinner. If you didn’t, you’d probably be sitting by yourself or with your sister, Clarisse. Maybe even with Luke and Annabeth, they’re nice to you.
You feel like Annabeth and Luke can understand where you’re coming from. Luke’s the best fighter at camp, and Annabeth is Athena’s pride. They’re both held to high regards, destined for great things. You finished my breakfast quickly and discarded your plate. Since you didn’t have to make offerings to the gods until dinner, you just went to the shooting range.
You’d stay there for hours just working on your bow skills, even though you never missed your target. Your bow gripped tightly in your hand and you picked up some arrows that were lying on the ground. Shooting helps you clear your mind. If you felt like you were too stuck in your head and worried about your future, you’d just stay here for hours. And that’s exactly what you did today, stayed for hours.
“So, you’re just going to stay here all day and not come see me at all?” You knew that voice all too well. Clarisse walked up to you, her arms crossed over her chest and her dark brown curls blowing in the wind.
“Sorry, I was just thinking.” You tell her, lowering your bow as you turn to face her. She hummed, looking at the targets that were now covered in multiple arrows (some arrows even having arrows inside of them).
She walked over to the targets, touching the wooden arrows that stuck inside of them. “Definitely the work of a prodigy of Apollo, that’s for sure.” She said, her fingers grazing the arrows. You winced slightly at the word ‘prodigy’. She turned to look at you.
“Why do you hate being his pride so much? That means he’s proud of you and your progress so far. You should be happy for than anything.” She told you. You just shrugged at her words, you knew where this conversation was going. You hated every conversation you two had on this topic.
“I just…I want to feel like a normal kid, y’know? All this ‘being destined for great things’ isn’t who I am.” You tell her, looking down at the bow in your hands. It felt oddly warm, every time you looked at it, it started to feel warm.
“This may not be what you want, but it is who you are.” She tells you, standing in front of you. Her body was blocking the sun from your view. “You were born with talents many demigods could only dream of having, what I dream of having.” She tells you. And here she goes, starting her famous rant about how you should be grateful for the life that was bestowed upon you.
“You were blessed by your father since birth, he and the Fates saw your future. You would become a hero, one of the greatest children of Apollo to have ever lived.” She tells you. “You know how many kids here wish they could just be claimed? You don’t. You won’t understand, because Apollo brought you here himself.” She continued.
“Your powers are stronger than the rest of your siblings. While some can only shoot a bow or heal, you can do almost as much as Apollo can. Sure your powers are still far weaker than his, but you’re not just some average kid of the sun god either.” She tells you, she then put a hand on your shoulder.
“You don’t understand how much I wish Ares would give me that kind of attention.” She says to you. “I’ve been training every day, since I first got here, to be the ideal daughter of Ares and earn just a smidge of his approval.” And this is what you hate about this conversation. You hate the fact that she’s right, she always is.
You don’t have to work hard to earn Apollo’s approval, you know he’s watching you and that he’s proud of your accomplishments. You don’t have to wonder what his face looks like, you’ve seen it up close. You don’t have to wonder what his voice sounds like, you’ve held a conversation with him before. And even though you know she’s right, there’s just something inside of you that stops you from accepting any praise or recognition from Apollo.
You nodded. “You’re right.” You tell her, just like you’ve told her every other time you’ve had this talk. She pulls you into a hug, something she’d never do if there was anybody else around. Not because she’s embarrassed, but because she doesn’t want to be seen as ‘soft’ or ‘weak’.
“I just want you to understand and appreciate how lucky you are compared to the rest of us. I’m glad you don’t have to go through what I do.” She whispered to you. You hugged her back tightly, your fingers gently gripping her orange shirt. She pulled away a few moments later and you let her go.
“I know you’re going to do great things one day, even if you don’t think so.” She tells you. This is what you liked about Clarisse. No matter how many people at camp feared her or how rude she was to everybody else, she loved you. Her baby sister, the one person she knew she could feel loved and appreciated by no matter what. And it’s true, because no matter what Clarisse did, she would never be viewed as a bad person or a villain in your eyes.
“Thanks, Clarisse.” You told her, a small smile on your face. “Anytime, Y/N.” Just as she was about to leave, she turned around once more. “Oh, and be at sword training tomorrow. You won’t be able to use that special little bow of yours in every fight.” She says with a teasing smirk, one you’d grown accustomed to over the years.
“Doubt that, but I’ll be there tomorrow!” You tell her as she turned to leave once more. You sighed once she was gone, and turned and looked at the targets you were previously shooting at. “I’ve been shooting for hours now, maybe I should take a break.” You said to yourself quietly, walking over to the targets and taking the arrows out of them.
It was dinner time, you sat at end of the table with Valerie. “I heard that we got a new camper earlier today, apparently he killed the Minotaur.” She whispered to you. “Really?” You whispered back. “Are you sure he killed the Minotaur, I mean, it’s a little hard to believe since he must’ve not found out he was a demigod until maybe yesterday, right?” You asked her. She shrugged and continued to eat her food.
“You never know, maybe he had an adrenaline rush. That tends to make people be able to do a lot of crazy things they aren’t usually able to.” She said. “Well, how come I haven’t seen him around?” You asked her. “He was with Luke the whole day, and you left the shooting range after being there all day just when they were arriving.” She said to you. “Right…”
You both finished your portion of food and went to pour the rest in the fire as an offered to Apollo. “I saw him today, I mean we didn’t talk, but I got a good image of what he looks like.” Valerie said, scooping her food into the fire. “Yeah?” “Yeah, he’s only a bit shorter than you, and he’s got blonde hair and blue eyes.” She informed you. “He looks a bit scrawny as well. And he also sucks at almost everything here, you should’ve seen him when he tried to shoot an arrow. He almost took everyone’s head off their shoulders!” She exclaimed.
You chuckled at her words. “So the new boy sucks at almost everything? I wonder who his godly parent must be.” Valerie hummed. “I wonder if he’ll even get claimed…a lot of kids are growing up at the Hermes cabin without ever knowing their godly parent, I feel bad for them.” She said softly, voicing her concerns.” You nodded. “Yeah, I wish everyone could know who their parent is, it isn’t fair to them.” You said in agreement.
“Hey, look, he’s over there.” Your sister said, pointing over at him. When you looked over at him, you could see that he was already looking in your direction. For the split second that your eyes met, it was like you could sense something within him. It was like there was a strong surge of power inside of him that needed to be unlocked, you could sense that there was something special about him. Then he looked away.
It wouldn’t hurt to get to know him, right?
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chbnews · 2 months
DAILY NEWS 7/27/24
Cabin 4 has been decontaminated and sprayed to get rid of the ivy
Game Winnings/Events
Another rest day sadly the infirmary was overrun with people (from general injuries and from eating inedible objects)
Eve saw Clarisse body slam Chris because he said he didn’t like Funyuns
C.J Crawford and Dean Marks spend several days in the lotus casino!! They're back though
Will and Drew got into a fight
I heard that someone was plotting to steal all of the Dionysus kids wine stashes
Thanks for reading -Ur Mom
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Jason: Wow you guys are really going the mile to find this Percy guy.
Annabeth: Of course we are, why wouldn't we?
Jason: Oh no, I don't mean that as a bad thing. I think it's sweet you guys care so much.
Clarisse: Speaking of do you know when the Roman army's gonna be knocking on our door to demand you back?
Jason: confused Why would they do that?
Annabeth: nods Yeah, I was gonna ask if you had any idea when or how your Camp will be arriving so we can make plans.
Jason: realisation Oh, no you've got it all wrong. No ones coming.
Clarisse: What, do we need to send em a message and tell em your here? You'd think they'd have figured it out by now.
Jason: Guys, no one at Camp Jupiter is looking for me. Nor do they care about bringing me back.
Annabeth: What?! What do you mean they're not looking for you?! I thought you're one of their leaders.
Jason: Exactly that, they're not going to be searching for me or anything like what you're doing. I am one of the leaders yes, but I'm also Jason Grace so that doesn't mean anything.
Annabeth: Explain. Now.
Jason: My Camp have wanted to get rid of me since the day I joined. I was a wild thing, trained by Lupa and I embody everything they hate the most.
The only reason they keep me around is because they don't want to piss off my father. But that hadn't stop the many attempts on my life.
Clarisse: Than why make you Praetor?
Jason: Oh that's simple, because than they own me.
Annabeth: Jason...
Jason: I can't leave, not on my own accord that is. I'd be executed for treason, despite being in charge.
It meant that I'd be the one leading them into the Titan war, I was never meant to survive it. They've been planning "an accident" for me for a while. This works in their favour.
Clarisse: I hate that your so fucking calm about this.
Jason: shrugs I'm used to it.
Annabeth: So if we handed you over in exchange for Percy... They'd imprison and or kill you...
Jason: Bingo.
Clarisse: And you were just going to let us do that?! What is wrong with you?!
Jason: Do you want the list? I'm bound by service, I'll have to return eventually. At least this way, I can help someone else.
Annabeth: Yeah, no we're figuring out a new plan. And a way to get you out of this bind.
Jason:... Why?
Annabeth: Because we're not Camp Jupiter, and we like you. We would search for you.
Clarisse: Yeah, you're all of our little brother now.
Jason: smile I've always wanted a family.
Annabeth: Speaking off... Let's not tell Thalia just yet, she might start a war.
Clarisse: I'd help her but I get it, peace and diplomacy and all that.
Annabeth: smirk Oh trust me, we're going to be having some serious words with Camp Jupiter.
Clarisse: grins See now you're speaking my language.
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ellieclaireblack · 1 year
sanctuaire | sanctuary
sanctuary | noun your safe and peaceful haven a comforting place of refuge and rest in a noisy, chaotic world
{brother's best friend | fem!reader x james potter} ⪼ word count: 2k ⪼ warnings: mentions of abuse 
part one: back home
story: sanctuaire | sanctuary
Kreacher was calling for me. Again.
“I'm coming. I’m coming” I made my way down the stairs into the dining room of 12 Grimmauld Place. 
Today was January 4th 1976. Christmas Break was over and we would head back to Hogwarts. We consisted of Regulus and me. Since Sirius ran away during the holiday. An act I still didn’t forgive him for even though I understood why he did it. From the day he’d been sorted into Gryffindor my twin had a hard life. 
Walburga, Orion and Reggie were seated at the table when I joined them. 
“Good morning, father, mother, brother.” I greeted them politely and sat next to Reg. 
“Bonjour mon cher [Good morning my dear]” Papa greeted me in French. Walburga just looked up and nodded at me. Regulus opted for a small smile.
Out of my parents I loved my father, but Walburga was directly spit out from hell. Papa just never said anything against my mother. However she was rarely present anyway. The days she was home were horrendous.
Everyone tended to their meals and silence filled the room. That’s how it was: no talking at the table. I was glad to get back to school today. 
I missed my friends and I missed Sirius - even though I was still mad at him I longed to talk to my twin. He’s always been the person who understood me best. There was a lot unresolved between us. His unannounced departure during a stormy winter night made life at home a lot harder.
Walburga blamed me that the heir of ‘The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black’ vanished and let her anger out on me. A few spells turned into dark curses and several bruises covered my skin. Papa didn’t do anything against her but I know that he sent several house elves to patch me up when she left me in my room in agony.
“Children get ready. We’ll aparate to the station in 15 minutes. Your mother won’t be joining us, so make sure to say your goodbyes.” Papa said, ripping me out of my thoughts.
In my room I stuffed the last few things in a bag. Kreacher would aparate my belongings to 9 ¾. I grabbed my Slytherin robe, the Prefect Badge glinting in the light. My parents had been pleased when I got it, except when Sirius didn’t get one the mood in our house shifted quickly. I can still hear his screams of that day faintly in my head. I shake my head, trying to rid my mind from this particular memory. One last look in the mirror and I headed downstairs again.
Papa and Reggie wait for me already and we smile at each other. The first real smile all day. We each grab an arm that Papa offers us. Everything turns black, my body tightens up and just before I think my airway caught up we are standing on Platform 9 ¾.
“I wish you a good second term, my loves. Make sure to write. I’ll miss you. Bon voyage. [safe journey]” Papa pressed a kiss to both our heads and I couldn’t resist hugging him. Though half of Hogwarts was aware of our presence he hugged me back.
“I’m so sorry for what she did to you and that I couldn’t help you more y/n. Je t’aime. [I love you]” 
“Je t'aime aussi papa. Ne t'inquiète pas, ça va aller. [I love too, Papa. Don’t you worry I’ll be fine.]” All the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes were forced down. As a child I was always expected to keep my feelings inside, so that’s what my siblings and I were exceptional at.
“Watch over one another and make sure Maman doesn’t find out you’re talking to Sirius. Also tell him I’m sorry for how things went down, that I miss and love him. Go now, I’ll see you soon.” 
He disapparated and Reg squeezed my hand. We made our way to the Hogwarts Express and parted ways, both of us in search of our friends.
“y/n/n!” I hear a shout. Turning around I spot my best friend. Florence Clarisse Rosier - older sister of Evan Rosier and my roommate. She’s running towards me and tackles me into a hug. I suppress a wince, when she squeezes against my bruises. “We’ve already secured a compartment, come on.”
With ‘we’ she was talking about Adam Cygnus Travers and Theodore Lewis Nott. The two boys completed our friend group and we were known as the ‘Slytherin Royals’. All four of us descended from families of the Sacred 28 and had quite the reputation.
I greeted the boys with a hug and we talked about our holiday. I swiftly left out the subject of Sirius, but they knew. Walburga officially declared Regulus as the new heir of the House of Black, every Sacred 28 family knew what happened with Sirius. I saw their worried faces and uncertain looks, the eye-contact between them. No one dared to touch the subject.
I was relieved to to go to the Prefect meeting, so I could escape the unease. On my way there I passed a compartment Remus Lupin was currently exiting. Quickly glancing inside I spotted my twin, James and Peter. Sirius and I held eye contact for a split second before I turned my head away. I could see the disappointment in his eyes. My heart clenched. I really missed Sirius, he was my other half. We've never gone so long without talking.
“Oh hey y/n.” Remus greeted me only noticing now that I stood next to him.
“Hey Rem. How was your holiday?” We continued to talk while heading to the front of the train. Remus avoided the subject Sirius and I was thankful for it.
At the meeting we got handed our new patrol rounds. I was paired up with Remus or Lucinda - Lucy - Greengrass, which I was quite content with. Lucy was pretty nice. I wouldn’t call us friends, but conversation between us flew easily.
Later back in our compartment I put my feet in Theo’s lap and he absentmindedly began to massage them, while I read a book. My grades were extremely important to me, even more to my mother. So I wanted to get a head start on this semester's material.
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When we arrived at the Great Hall - everyone was exhausted from the long journey. We were happy when Dumbledore held his speech and the food finally appeared. 
During Dinner I felt several pairs of eyes on me. I knew it was the Marauders. I didn’t meet their eyes. The Great Hall was definitely the wrong place for the conversation me and Sirius had to hold. For now I was still too angry at him to have a level headed talk with him.
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After dinner my friends and I spent the evening on our couch in the common room. We’ve claimed that couch as ours and no one dares to sit on it, except when they’re invited to do so. Our evening was spent talking some more and when all of us got tired we made our way upstairs, wishing the boys a good night.
Unlike the Gryffindors, Slytherins had to share their space only with one other person. The shared space is only a bathroom and a small lounge room. Everyone has their own bedroom. In my case my dorm mate is Flo. She’s been my best friend since day one. With her lively nature, she draws the attention of an entire room to her. She’s the kind of girl who’s friends with everybody. 
In first year she would drag me into her world. I always loved the attention, just like Sirius. It was something we rarely experienced as something positive and at Hogwarts everyone seemed to like us. Naturally. We were somewhat celebrities in the Wizarding world.
Before going to sleep I put a silencing charm around my room. I had always had quite the share of nightmares, Sirius used to call them night terrors, that’s how bad they were. Since he was gone there wasn’t a single night where I wasn’t plagued by a nightmare.
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A scream tore through the dark. My own. My skin was covered in sweat and I suppressed a shiver. 
Only one thing helped me get back to sleep after a nightmare. My brothers. I couldn’t go to Reggie though, he had been through enough during the holiday and it hurt me to see him suffer because of me. So Sirius it was, I knew he wouldn’t question it even though we weren’t talking currently.
As quiet as possible I made my way to the common room. Empty.
I wasn’t really scared that a teacher would catch me in the corridor. Us Slytherins - especially the children of the Sacred 28 - had Professor Slughorn wrapped around our finger, so I wouldn’t even face consequences.
As a Prefect I knew all the Passwords of the different houses so getting inside the Gryffindor common room was dead easy. The common room was empty as well and I tiptoed up the stairs.
The door to the boys’ dorm slightly creaked slightly when I opened it. "Sirius, Sirius!" I whisper yelled into the dark and quiet room. But no response from my twin-brother. A sigh escaped me and I was just about to go back to my dorm when I heard a whisper.
"y/n, is that you? Are you alright?" It was James. "Yeah, no I-I'm fine." Obviously my best friend sensed the lie and ushered me to come over to him. I sat down on his bed and before I could protest he pulled me next to him.
The moonlight that shone in the room made it possible for me to see his features. That meant he could also see my face and the shed tears on my cheeks. 
"What's wrong y/n/n?" "I’m fine. It was nothing, just a nightmare, it's fine. I’m fine. I just wanted to talk to Sirius."
"Sounds like you’re fine. Hey, you don't have to lie to me. I know how bad your night terrors are and it's rare you seek Pads' help in the middle of the night. So it must've been really bad."
I mumbled "okay you're right" in response. James put his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. Feeling his body heat seep into me I felt like I could finally breathe again and let out a shaky breath. James put a silencing spell around the bed so we wouldn't wake the others.
"What's going on? Why are you avoiding us? Did something happen?"
Tears were threatening to spill again. "It's my mother. J she's never been this bad or this angry. They told us it would have consequences if I spent time with you guys."
"Oh y/n, you should've gone with Sirius when he came to me, I was really worried about you the whole holiday. I didn't hear a word from you."
“I just couldn’t leave Reggie alone. Also I don't want to leave Papa, would be so lonely without us. Besides, Sirius didn’t even tell me he was leaving. One morning he was gone and I had to face Walburgas anger. I get why he left. Still we’re his siblings for Merlin's sake. He could've at least said something.”
Now I was really crying. James wrapped his arms even tighter around me. "I’m so sorry. I didn't know it was that bad or I would've gotten you out of there myself. You and Pads definitely need to talk tomorrow."
We talked for a little while, when I noticed James started to get really tired. His eyes fell shut every other second and he was trying hard to keep awake.
"Mind if I stay the night Jamie?" "Of course not, sleep tight, love." "Good night James." I whispered but didn’t get an answer. James had already fallen asleep and in the comfort of his arms I was finally able to go to sleep too.
author's note: so first chapter of my new story. thanks for reading this far! i'm not 100% sure how to feel about this for now. there's definitely going to be more james later, but i needed this as an entry point for the story so you have some background information. also i just wanted to put out there that english isn't my first language. i proof read the chapter, but if you spot any mistake don't fret to tell me i love you guys and wish you a gread day/afternoon/night where ever you are ♡︎
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More Cabin 5/Children of Ares Headcanons
When their father saves them/gives a helping hand when they're in trouble, Ares would never admit to helping them. But their children naturally know since they can feel his presence. So they get children embarrassed of having their own god-parent help them, but thank him.
When they’re not training, they take care of their hands and feet. They get bruised up a lot during practice and endless marathon tunning or PE.
They hate it when their hair cant be put into a proper ponytail and have cried in anger out of it and hit thenselves with their hairbrush.
Most of the time, they cried when they're frustrated: which is an emotion they feel the most. They usually dobt feel angry very often-especially without any reason. Lets end tbe stereotype that they all have abger issues and insyead say they feel more entitled to intense emotions most if the time bc of their energetic nature that they got from their father.
But some of them do have anger issues. But anger issues isn't just screajing and hurting objects. It can be isolation for long periods of time, bc they’re afraid of hurting othera hut mowtly because they get tired of if their own emotions so they would like to shut down instead of dealing with it. Feeling that nobody actually likes you is an insecurity many of them have, which do make them reactive from time to time.
Ares is one if the few Gods that respond the fastest ti any request. Clarisse asked for a submarine and an army, and Ares delivered it pretty quickly. Any weapons they want to make Hephaestus make, Ares will send a message to the God and put it as "priority".
Children of Ares will often hyperanalyze their emotions until they dont feel anything because theyre so used to feeling TOO MUCH, that they have learned how to switch off their emotions.
They joined the battle against Kronos only because they had a heavy discussion about it. And their father told them to fight.
Children of Ares have this special ability, they’re able to make others mad but also get rid of their anger and make them think rationally. This would have been effective against Luke, if not for the fact that its not something Cabin 5 know much about.
Many of the abilities tirs that the kids in Cabin 5 inherit from their father, is actually a bit unknown. Not many people know of a lot if skills apart from mastering all kinds of weapons.
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convolutings · 9 months
PJO TV SHOW Episode 3 Review:
Overall I was so happy with it. This episode really solidified that it’s an adaptation for me and got rid of any expectations that every moment would be ripped from the book and definitely helped me enjoy it more.
(At first I commented about Gabe as the oracle completely forgetting it was that way in the books too so I just deleted that comment entirely)
Some thoughts:
1. Was a little disappointed that we didn’t have Percy actually meet Blackjack and realize he could understand him. It is pretty important to his character that he has so many abilities and it’s a fan-favorite gift so it was weird choice to have Percy meet with Grover by the Pegasi and not include that moment.
2. Of course at first I was excited to get “seaweed brain” and “wise girl” but I actually don’t think their relationship is there yet in the show. In the books Annabeth shows him around so they’ve already made a connection but that hasn’t really happened yet so I’m still hopeful.
3. Clarisse should have mentioned that Ares gave her the spear in ep2 because with Luke saying he got the shoes from Hermes in this episode, both the spear and the shoes would’ve added a nice layer to the whole “gifts from the parents” commentary Percy had regarding Annabeth’s hat. So I was a little put off that they didn’t talk about either of those things as part of that.
1. Annabeth claiming Grover as being her protector first literally made me melt it was so cute.
2. There was a lot less voiceover so I felt like we actually got to experience moments with them rather than it be so expositional which was nice.
3. The conversations they added between the trio and how they approached Medusa were well done and really showed us where the show is trying to go with the characters and introduced their fatal flaws in a subtle but important way.
4. How they showed the magic of the 600th floor was fun because it just existed as it was and Lin Manuel Miranda is so funny as just a cameo.
I am so happy that I enjoyed and loved this episode. Can’t wait for next week!
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canichangemyblogname · 9 months
In the book Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, Percy is attacked by a hellhound after his face-off with Clarisse. Just before the attack, Annabeth had asked Percy to come forth from the creek where she watched his wounds heal from the water, having already put two and two together regarding Percy’s godly parent. And, immediately after Percy survives the hellhound attack, Poseidon claims him.
The new Disney+ show, however, got rid of this scene, and I do not mind that at all.
In the book, the hellhound scene served several purposes. It reinforces that Percy is special and that powerful forces want him dead. It also establishes— very early on— that there is someone within Camp HalfBlood who wants him dead. And, it makes the audience suspicious of Hades as the bad guy. But, there are several other plot devices throughout the book that also establish these things, including Luke’s shoes, the scorpion at the end, the fact that Percy is a “forbidden child” of the Big 3, the Minotaur, the Furies, the fact Hades was suspect in the theft of the lightning bolt, and the prophecy that tells Percy a friend will betray him.
I think that cutting out the hellhound scene makes the fact Percy will be betrayed all that more a mystery. In the book, Percy had already been betrayed before he had ever heard the prophecy and before he had ever set off on his quest.
Cutting that scene also gave the episode the opportunity to show the audience what Luke had already told us: Annabeth is always 6 steps ahead of everyone else. She had worked out who Percy’s godly parent is. My guess is that she figured it out or began theorizing the night before, after the toilet incident. To test her theory the next day, she sets Percy up as “bait” on path to the lake (rather than creek). After he had defeated Clarisse and the two other Ares’ kids, she had Percy in the most opportune spot to test her conclusions. This prompted her to push him into the water, which would visibly heal him and solidify her theory that Percy has a special connection to the water. It would be at this moment that Poseidon claims Percy.
I think this was a good way to show the audience that Annabeth put two and two together before everyone else. She’s smart, strategic, and analytical, and it’s great we get to SEE that. And, quite truthfully, I think the fact someone figured it out could have forced Poseidon’s hand. Imagine the embarrassment of *everyone* knowing this kid is your kid because the Pride of Athena, a 12 y/o kid, was astute enough to put it together, rather than you just claiming him. She would have told Chiron and Mr. D. She might even tell her mother. And, as she’s not bound by the same rules as the gods, she could have told Percy, too.
Personally, I think the Hell Hound scene came too early. For it to work would mean that Luke knew who Percy’s father was before he was claimed, so someone would have had to tip him off. Which meant a non zero number of free actors in camp knew definitively who Percy’s godly parent was before capture the flag (as opposed to “I have a hunch, but I need to test it out”). I always guessed Kronos told Luke, but that also confused me because I knew that the deities operated by different rules. Zeus, for example, couldn’t come down from the sky, point at Percy and say, “This is Poseidon’s bastard. Great. Now that’s established, can I kill him now” even though he already knew Poseidon is Percy’s father.
The original hellhound scene also left several questions about how Luke was able to call a creature from Hades’ realm, under Hades’ domain. It also seemed to conflict with future in-universe means of calling a hellhound. When I was younger, the scene and subsequent lore surrounding hellhounds led me to assume Nyx, Cerberus, or Hades had allied with Kronos and was allowing Kronos’ forces to call hellhounds at their discretion. But that was not the case.
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
can you elaborate on that ta percabeth x kronos!percy au?
ehehehehhehehe yes, yes i can
So, to preface, this is a percathabaster au, not just percabeth SNUJEHG so if ur a hardcore percabeth stan and dont like other ships this aint for you, if not; carry on <3
So, while the broken trio are on their way to Camp, Annabeth runs into one Alabaster Torrington who was stealing food while on a quick trip out of the Labyrinth! He gets dragged back to Thalia and Luke and continues on with them!
From then on, the basic events of canon is basically the same until TLT; Thalia dies, Luke goes on his quest, Percy shows up.
Instead of just Annabeth in the room when Percy wakes up, Alabaster is also with her. Again, basically the same canon esc idea but Alabaster is usually with Annabeth through each event, showing him around camp, the bathroom incident, during Capture the Flag
Little scrap from the capture the flag scene :D
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The quest goes on, but there are minor changes, its subtle, but Annabeth is almost trying to slow them down, telling Percy about the Olympians faults, what happened to Thalia and why, telling him how long Alabaster had been at camp, unclaimed, how long she spent in the Hermes cabin, also unclaimed despite knowing her mother was Athena.
Sowing seeds of doubt in the Olympians.
When they get back, instead of the scorpion, Luke propositions Percy; offers him a place in the army, to help get rid of the Olympians, to bring the minor gods respect and eradicate the whole unclaimed thing.
Percy, recalling everything Annabeth told him, agrees. This is when he discovers Luke is the one who stole the lightning bolt. Also, when he learns that he didn't do it alone. He had the help of Callie Wells(@blackcat2907 hi <33) and Lee Fletcher. But also, and more shockingly, Annabeth and Alabaster.
Annabeth apologizes for the whole helping you on the quest while being the one who committed the crime thing and Percy agrees.
The army grows!! Ethan is, also, a member of the army prior to BoTL, he was swayed by all his friends :D
SoM is where it gets tricky. Kronos has a child of the big three on his side, and with Percys friends also on his side, he doesn't need another one. So....Thalias tree is never poisoned. Instead, the quest, Clarisse is convinced to bring Lee and Silena, is solely to save Grover.
TTC, enter the di Angelo kids! The group sent to Westover Hall is Clarisse, Beckendorf and Lee. They were sent to extract the di Angelos. Though, a group from Kronos was also sent to do this. Lee is aware of this. He stalls the other two as best he can to allow the other group to get the di Angelos first, but when he spots Dr. Thorn leading them out he drops it.
The di Angelos are separated, Alabaster gets Nico away from Dr. Thorn before the Campers get into the hallway, but it's too late for him to get Bianca. So he leaves it.
The fight with Thorn ends with Clarisse falling off the cliff and getting kidnapped. Instead of Luke, Chris is the one used to lure Clarisse under the sky which later brings Artemis. Bianca! Does not join the hunters :)
The quest group consists of Zoë, Silena, Grover and two hunters, one of which is a victim to the Stolls prank and is subsequently incapacitated. Lee is the one who joins the quest!
BoTL is also a little wonky because the campers never find the entrance :)
The Labyrinth quest group consists of Bianca, Grover, Lee and Clarisse since she doesn't go down during TTC in this au. The arena fight is between Nico and Bianca instead of Ethan and Percy :) also!! Kronos manipulates Percy into being the host, completely unbeknownst to anyone else :)
Finally, bc im a sucker for alive aus; Lee doesnt die! Chris is found after the battle since he got lost in the Labyrinth leaving Camp!! and was later found by a camper.
For TLO, nobody attacks the PA, because nobody has that much of a death wish as to attack a boat with a son of Poseidon on board! So Beckendorf also lives!
On Olympus in TLO is Luke, Percy and Annabeth for the Titans and Bianca, Lee and Silena for campers !! (Lee and Silena both betray Kronos prior to the battle LMAO) Percy does, technically, die, but Bianca does some freaky magic and saves him!
Luke and Annabeth don't know this :D they leave Olympus before the Olympians return under the impression that Percy has died. Them and Ethan and Al leave Manhattan, leaving the Olympians under the impression that they're dead.
The Olympians also have!! no mercy!! on the TA demis because their oath was made later then it was in canon!
Very few people know that Lee and Silena are spies <3 Like three people LMFAO
Also the list of surviving TA is very small !! Chris, Lee, Silena, Percy and Lou* who are at camp and Nico, Luke, Annabeth, Ethan and Alabaster for people who aren't!
*Chris caught Lou just after the battle ended before he went up to Olympus to talk to her, and unintentionally saved her life!
and this is !! just pjo !! i have more for HoO but thats a LOT less planned LMFAO but i have written smth about MoA in this au
AND I DID SMTH FOR ANNABASTER FOR RAREPAIR WEEK ON MY AO3!! <- before i decided to let ethan live
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OKAY PERCY JACKSON SERIES THOUGHTS REAL QUICK not in any particular order just what my brain is spewing
(spoilers obviously)
okay so like. it was so good. screaming crying throwing up like!!!!
walker leah and aryan are all excellent and i'm so excited to see them throughout the rest of the show
special shoutout to leah because in these first two eps she's had a lot less screentime than the other two and yet she has completely stolen the show for me
forgot that jason mantzoukas is in this and got jumpscared lmao
the car and then minotaur scenes would have been really good if i had been able to see them
i feel like i was expecting luke's scar to be bigger. this isn't a complaint or anything, just an observation.
"NO I AM SALLY JACKSON'S SON" slayed so hard like i screameddd
percy praying to his mum <3333 there's one thing percy jackson will do and that is think of his mum as a goddess
also also him telling his mum that he really feels like he's made friends when you know he's talking about luke is TRAGIC oh no the final episode is going to be sooo good and so heartbreaking. oof.
i really REALLY liked virginia kull as sally, but a lot of the dialogue in her scenes felt a bit clunky to me. idk i know they need exposition and all that, but some of it felt a bit weird. especially their conversation right before she was killed
okay i know a few people in the tag have already talked about this, but sally and gabe felt a little off to me. i know the posts i've seen have said that they downplayed how completely and utterly awful gabe is, and while i do think it was downplayed a little bit, he was still bad enough that i didn't feel like that was a major issue. the part that didn't feel quite right to me was the way sally argued back at him. i feel like what she says to him is kind of what the audience should WANT her to say (because gabe's a dick), but the point is that she doesn't say that, because sally jackson loves percy so damn much that she willingly endures that until she is able to get out of that situation. i swear i'm not going to be like "tHiS iSnT hOw iT iS iN tHe bOoK" much, because it's an adaptation and it's going to have to make some changes and that's fine! but in the book, percy states that he's "never heard her raise her voice or say an unkind word to anyone, not even me or gabe" and keeps on emphasising how she constantly withstands gabe and doesn't move against him because of her love for percy, and i just feel like that's an important aspect of her character. also i feel like sally arguing back at gabe is going to make her finally killing him less impactful. and i think it probably also plays a part in gabe's assholery being downplayed. because the argument they have there feels much more like "oh we're so dysfunctional ha ha" instead of "this is an abusive household". you know what i mean? idk i get that it was meant to be a #girlboss moment, and a part of me was like "YEAH GET HIS ASS", but i do feel like that moment didn't serve sally's character as well, changed the dynamic of sally and gabe's relationship, and negatively affected the impact the story will have when percy gives her the means to get rid of gabe and she takes it. this is a very long dot point i'm sorry.
mr d pretending to be percy's dad was SO FUNNY
clarisse is too pretty (/pos), like i was barely paying attention in her scenes because i was literally there like "women <3" thank you dior goodjohn
"you fell in love with god... like jesus?" is a top tier line
i'm so sorry but i'm a "tah-lia" pronunciation truther and it will remain this way in my head
the cut to percy flossing in the woods killed me. like straight up killed me dead.
these are all of the thoughts i have atm, and despite my more negative thoughts here, my feelings are almost completely positive (my excitement is less coherent than my criticisms, so i didn't write about them as much). i'm really excited to see the rest of the episodes!
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pansexual-puppy-pack · 3 months
for the wip game — K, Tara called him, because she knew he hated it. Clara, Theo called her back, because nobody else did. — I have to know what this one’s about, it sounds so cool just from that
- @jjsstars
HI JJ!!!
this is an excerpt from my 6b fixit come back down to my knees that i haven't posted yet — it's theo and his train of thought once he gets kidnapped by schrader :>
excerpt below!
Did he have some sort of Icarus complex? The more that Theo thought about it, the more it seemed to line up with exactly that.
The first thing he thought of when he regained consciousness was his sister.
K, Tara called him, because she knew he hated it. Clara, Theo called her back, because nobody else did.
K was for Karl. Clara was for Clarisse. Nobody ever called them by their middle names, not even their parents. Not that they paid any attention to the two, anyway. Tara basically raised Theo, with the help of her friends and their parents—since their own never really cared.
How fucking stupid was he, to kill her? The only person who actually cared about him?
He supposed that he got his due.
And he was glad that he didn't know where his parents were. His guess had always been that the Dread Doctors had killed them while he pushed Tara in the river, but wouldn't Parrish or Scott have brought that up to him by then? Maybe they'd moved. Hopefully, it was far enough that they didn't give a shit anymore, that they forgot about their dead daughter and missing son. Maybe they were living some kind of Bonnie and Clyde life.
He didn't know—he didn't know anything about them.
Which was probably why it was so easy for the Dread Doctors to get to him.
Theo latched onto them because they were magical. Because they were older, smarter, stronger. They knew better than him, and they could make him better.
Nine-year-old Theo was so desperate to be rid of his asthma, his condition, that he believed Tara would willingly die to make him feel better.
An electric shock brought him back.
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moa-broke-me · 2 years
PJO gender, sexuality, and gender presentation headcanons!
Percy, he/him: Cis, bisexual, typical masc presentation for the most part, but has had navy blue nails ever since he was bored in class one day and started scribbling on them with a blue ballpoint pen and decided he liked how it looked.
Annabeth, she/her: Also cis and bisexual, presents tomboy-femme, so like, long hair, but still prefers a suit over a dress.
Grover, he/they: Genderfluid but usually male, kinda wants to go more femme but is worried it'll look weird with his facial hair and also doesn't wanna get rid of that facial hair, pansexual (which is why they took up the pan flute in the first place, for a joke)
Jason, he/him: Cishet and hard masc ally (gay femboy in denial), he had to crossdress once for a quest and absolutely despised it, definitely didn't make him feel weird or question any certain aspects of himself, no siree bob, not this guy, nope. Not that there's anything wrong with that sort of thing, it's just not his cup of tea. And so what if he's enthusiastically, vocally supportive of other people's right to do that? It's an important social issue! So what if he gets weirdly excited when he sees his friends being androgynous and shit? He's just happy that they've found a safe space to express themselves! So what if he occasionally looks up drag shows on youtube and just watches them for hours on end, wondering what it would be like to doll himself up and get on stage, having a hundred men staring at him, captivated by him, bowing to his every whim? He just wants to learn about the community!
Piper, she/faer: Pansexual trans girl with a HEAVY lean towards girls, presents soft-butch.
Leo, he/him: Hard masc and gay trans man, hiding behind his comphet for calypso as a coping mechanism for dysphoria.
Frank, he/him: Transmasc, straight, and ace. Sort of a soft-masc, like, he's very secure in his masculinity, doesn't feel the need to put on a front.
Hazel, she/thon: Ace cishet girl, presents hyperfeminine mostly but when she found out what neopronouns were, she was fascinated by the concept and very excited to experiment with them.
Rachel, any/all (excluding it): Aromantic transfem nonbinary, presents femme because why the fuck not?
Clarisse, she/her: Queer as in fuck you. It's not your business how. (agender ursa lesbian but she's not gonna go around telling strangers that and having to have the whole 'how can you be a lesbian if you're not ~technically~ a woman' conversation, nevermind explaining what an ursa lesbian is)
Nico, he/it/xir: Gay (as is established) biblically-accurate-angel-gender, astral-gender, bone-gender, and gender-punk (but just says masc nonbinary most of the time). Androgynous to an extent, has no problem wearing makeup or even jewelry, in fact it's got quite a few piercings, but doesn't go so far as to wear dresses or skirts. Maybe heels and stockings and, ok, fine, a garter belt. When he first came out, he was kind of wrapped up in the idea of 'not being a stereotype', of being as aggressively cisnormative as possible so as not to 'give the community a bad name'. Even though he was out as gay, it didn't let itself explore the full depths of its identity for fear of 'making us look like freaks'. But after a while, and a few very deep and cathartic conversations with its friends, xe sort of realized that almost everyone at camp half-blood has been considered a freak at some point, and CHB is meant to be a safe haven for freaks like them. So he decided to lean into it more, do a little more digging, a little more exploration. Like Hazel, Nico only discovered neopronouns very recently, and again, like thon, xe wanted to try them out immediately, as well as collecting xenogenders like pokemon cards. Xir boyfriend is very supportive and happy for him.
Will, he/him: Gay demiboy, kinda masculine but not overly so. Just kind of casual and out-of-the-way, since it's not very practical to have a lot of bits and baubles on you when you're around a bunch of blood and guts. He doesn't really know how to dress himself anyway, constantly in khakis and mis-matching patterns.
Reyna, she/her: Omnisexual, demiromantic, cis girl. Generally femme presenting, but to an extreme degree.
Thalia, she/they: Aroace demigirl with queerplatonic attraction to women and women only, very androgynous. Like, right smack-dab in the middle.
If you want me to do any more, just request and I'll get to you soon!
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wordyneonlights · 2 months
Meeting The Elders
This story was based on a prompt from ‘The Plottery’ on Instagram titled: Write a story about a newly transformed vampire
Today is a good day to be undead. Although I suppose any day can be a good day to be undead depending on how you feel but today… this day was a good -nay- fantastic day to be undead. You may be wondering why. Why I’m celebrating my undeadness. Why this particular day is so good, well my little fledgling it’s because I have been invited to the vampire coven.
Yes the vampire coven.
Where vampires as old as time and witches as powerful as the elements met to discuss the fate of the world and play blackjack. I had almost exploded into dust when I read my invitation, in fact I hadn’t even thought it was real until Clarice verified it; giving me a jealous look as I grinned.
“I can’t believe you got an invite,” she complained as I smelled the paper, ohhh it had smelled rich and powerful the type of smell only those who’d lived over a thousand years could attain.
Francois didn’t share my excitement, when I asked him to smell it he simply wrinkled his nose and muttered something about the falling standards of letter paper. I didn’t care, I wouldn’t let his surliness ruin my big night, the night!
An hour or so passed and I had gotten ready, hopefully it was what the leaders wanted to see. As I walked down the street towards the address printed on the invitation, a few worries started to slip in my mind.
I wasn’t a complete idiot, I knew how powerful these leaders were and I understood that if they found me of no use they would get rid of me. I shivered at the thought, the thought of a wooden point being uncomfortably pressed hard enough into my chest to draw blood, or in my case explode me into infinitesimal pieces.
To add on to all of this, I also had heard rumours about people going into the vampire coven. Some went in and survived to tell the story while others… well let’s just say that they weren’t as fortunate.
My heart hammered in my chest all further excitement gone. Before now, the coven had seemed like a dream, a distant unattainable thing that I would never get to. Now I wish it were Clarisse here instead of me. Maybe I could turn back… no. I couldn’t do that.
The coven had chosen me after all, not Clarisse and I’ll be truly damned if I give anything up to her.
The building loomed in front of me, a dusty abandoned 7-11.
I walked towards it ignoring the shifting shadows and the unnerving whispers, pushing open the rusted door and standing in front of aisles worth of expired product.
I walked among the shelves trying to find some sort of lever or switch that would lead me out of this (probably haunted) shop and to the … well… wherever the coven was. Or maybe funds were bad this year and a musty old 7-11 was all they could manage.
“Hello!” I called, “It’s me! The one you sent an invitation to, Marissa Perez!”
At the mention of my name the ground literally shook and a low feminine voice whispered:
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for you to introduce yourself Marissa,”
Everything went hazy for a moment, as though the seven eleven was melting, the shelves being replaced by couches and people as well as a large floor, polished and wooden with poles sticking out of it. Almost exactly like the place my mom used to have her pole dancing lessons.
The room cleared from it’s melty dimension leaving me standing in front of a couch with four people sitting on it. The first one, sat poised and gracefully, her red curls gelled and kept in a ponytail behind her head, a spattering of freckles dusted the bridge of her nose.
The second one was a dark-skinned male, his locks tied back and decorated with gold rings. He looked wistful and I noticed that his pupils were glassy and clear like milk.
The third and fourth one were voraciously making out with each other and I turned away, embarrassed as my gaze drifted back to the curly haired woman.
“Marissa Perez,” she said softly
I nodded before squeaking out a small yes.
“It is a delight to have you here,” the male continued, nodding in my direction and I frowned. Maybe he wasn’t blind, maybe that was just the natural colour of his eyes.
“MeiLing please leave us,” the woman spoke again as one of the partners in the … activity happening further down on the couch got up and left.
The one remaining, brought out a pocket mirror and began checking her features, eyeing me as she did so. “Marissa,” the first one said and I faced her again.
“My name is Corinthe, the next to me is Dati and the other is Feilong,”
I nodded as Corinthe continued
“Very rarely do we allow people to meet with us, especially newly-turned,” she said, the word ‘especially’ being heavily stressed.
I nodded again before adding a yes ma’am so that they didn’t think I was mute.
“I still don’t understand why she’s here. She’s barley three months, she’s only just learned to acclimate. What do we gain from her existence?” Feilong asked, giving Dati and Corinthe looks that suggested that she greatly disagreed with their decisions.
Feilong’s voice sounded different to my own and I realised that both Dati and Corinthe hadn’t used their lips to communicate with me. I suddenly felt very out of place.
It was true, I was only three months old in terms of vampire age, I had only just started to digest blood fully. That’s why Clarisse and everyone else in her clan were so surprised when I got the invitation. Especially when you considered that I wasn’t even in the system yet, that would take another three months.
I looked at Corinthe, Dati and Feilong in turn, trying to summon up enough courage to ask my next question.
“What am I doing here?” I asked before quickly rephrasing the question when I noticed the look in Corinthe’s eyes, “I mean I’m insignificant, I’m not even in the system, I wouldn’t be of use to you-”
Feilong nodded in approval to my last statement as Dati stood up.
“You are our last and only hope,” he said
“Like in Star Wars?” I blurted “With Obi Wan Kenobi?”
He gave me a confused look, the most emotion I had seen from the three of them combined
“I…suppose, yes like your… Star Wars. And Obi Wan Kenobi,”
I nodded again before opening my mouth only to have Corinthe cut me off
“The new generation of vampires is a waste of blood and time, they are a disgrace to the legacy and lineage I have created. They are weak willed and useless and have no goals, aims or plans. You on the other hand, you are still new, still… malleable. Using you we can create a new wave of vampires, good ones, ones worthy of the blood they consume,”
Corinthe finished before looking at me, an eyebrow raised in expectance.
I gulped
“So what do you need me to do?”
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