#ANYWAY this was fun!!!!! Check out this cool artist my dudes
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Courage is a Prerequisite
CW: Eddie being kinda a jerk to reader at first, Aged up Characters, reference to nude pictures, mostly fluff, no smut
Eddie Munson/You
Word count: 1615
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You found that cursed flyer in the Roane County Community College Library, tacked to the bulletin board.
You joined the group with some hesitation, but they were mostly cool.
Mostly dudes, quite a few graduates from Hawkin’s High, and a few current high school seniors. Including, your favorite - Dustin Henderson - the adorable little brother you always wished for.
Dustin was funny and welcoming and had a way of knowing (like magic) how to shut down arguments among the party. He was the social director for the group. Always throwing parties for everyone’s birthdays and organizing secret gift exchanges and creating sign up sheets for potlucks. He had a gift for getting people to be involved and do things.
Dustin could even influence the group’s Dungeon Master.
Eddie was 25 years old, a mechanic by day, a gifted lead guitarist every other Friday, an artist, whip-smart, and devastatingly hot but SOOOOO Annoying!!
Somehow Dustin had figured out how to make Eddie Munson (who absolutely still complained everytime) to come to these other events and on time and with his assigned snacks.
Eddie was respectful as a Dungeon Master but out of game, sometimes, he was just mean to you for no goddam reason. Sometimes he would be all teasy-flirty with you and then make fun of you if you flirted back.
The third session you attended maybe dressed up a bit (just to look cute) maybe a little to get his attention. Eddie looked you over and called you a ‘dirty slut’. He was ‘joking’ or whatever... when you got angry he said he meant the outfit looked hot (not you though - specifically your outfit) and he was “sorry for joking around” but ever since you had been holding this grudge...
Anyway - Dickish DM aside - the group was great.
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About two months into the current Campaign (and 2 dead characters - murdered by the dick DM in collusion with your bad die rolls), at the end of a long but admittedly exciting game night, everyone was packing up to go.
Jeff and Eddie were in a heated argument about who would win in a fight between Captain Kirk and Han Solo.
But you stopped listening to that silliness because Dustin approached you, “Can I ask for some advice?”
Aww - he came to you for advice. It warmed your heart that he wanted to open up to you about his worries. He was such a cutie-goober. Equal parts of both.
“Suzie’s mad at me,” he sighed.
“What’d you do?” You asked. Because little-dude was a Goober. And Suzie was pretty easy-going from what you could tell.
Dustin looked uncomfortable, and he near-whispered, “We were sending dot matrix converted pictures of each other - our school pictures - through web email and I asked if she would show me something... lower.”
“Dustin.” The rebuke in your voice was mild. As was the offense in your opinion. They’d been together (long distance) for years, you’d have asked for naughty pictures too in that situation.
You still clicked your tongue at him, though.
“I know, I know,” he took off his ball cap and ran his hands through his long curly hair, “... but I can’t help wondering... you know upstairs-outsidies is as far as we got at Camp Know Where and I said I want her to be my girl and she said ‘forever’ and so...”
“The ‘net is a wild place right now, man, that’s a crazy trust exercise for you to ask for! What if someone hacks in and takes the pictures?!” You shook your head at the audacity.
“Or my mom could find them printed out. I know, I know and I apologized and told her I'd keep my hormones in check - but I don’t think she’s forgiven me and she’s just so pretty and I love her - and I don’t want her to be mad at me anymore for being a stereotypical gross hornball dude.”
“I don’t think she’s mad at you for wanting to see her naked. I know she’s in that very religious *cough Cult* household but like Guys don’t have a monopoly on hormones and desire and shit.” You tapped your pencil with the troll eraser topper against your cheek pondering this... “Personally, I’d feel more comfortable mailing polaroids of my body than sending them in electronic mail. It feels safer...”
A familiar voice danced into your ears. “Oh, would you?? Is there a mailing list I should sign up for?” Of course DM Eddie was eavesdropping and interrupting players, his favorite pastimes.
“This is an A and B conversation, Munson, you can C your way out of it.” You snarked.
“I don’t think so, Sweetheart. Ya’ see - Dustin is asking for advice from You,” he narrowed his eyes and leaned in - it would be menacing if he wasn’t equal parts goofy and pretty - those freckles across his pretty face..., “ You - our newest member, and I’ve known Dustin longer - I’m gonna have a better understanding of his whole situation.” He cocked his head forward and his hair flew around - it was so stupid pretty.. .Annoying. It was so Annoying. “I’ve got seniority here, dollface.” he looked back and forth between you. “So what’s the situation?”
Dustin cleared his throat to start explaining but you forced a laugh and put up a finger in the air, “I wouldn’t ask Munson to advise me out of a wet paper bag.”
Eddie made a noise between a scoff and a hurt gasp but his eyes sparkled. “I would never give Dustin bad advice.” he looked at Dustin, “Didn’t I help you THIS session, to avoid pissing off that Djinni prince??”
“Of course you know the answers In Game when you are a Big Bad Serious DM.” You put your hands on your hips. “This is real life. Dustin doesn’t want to mess things up with Suzie.”
“Wait? Is Suzie a real person?” Eddie smirked. This was a common bit- the whole group (with yourself, Will, and Mike as the notable exceptions) teased Dustin about his long distance girlfriend not being real. Of course they hadn’t been in chat rooms with her like you had. She had a LOT of personality and no AI was that sophisticated...
Dustin didn’t even dignify the jab with a response. He just looked at you with pain in his eyes. “So, how do I make her forgive me?”
“You don’t.” You said. And both guys looked like you slapped their individual faces (!). “I mean, you can’t MAKE someone forgive you, Dustin! You need to be brave. You can only work to figure out what really happened, then apologize - a real apology that shows understanding of her feelings and concerns - and promise to do better. And I think she doesn’t want to hear you say you are ‘sorry for wanting to see her naked’ because that’s probably not what pissed her off and ... it’s not true, is it?”
Dustin nodded. “Yeah. Okay, okay, I can do that.” Clearly listening and processing this, “Hey - can I get a ride home?”
“I’d love to, Buddy, but my car is broken again.” You shrugged. “I biked.”
“What’d you do to her now??” Eddie groused.
“Nothing!! she’s just old.” You snapped.
“You need to do regular maintenance, I’ve told you this before - fer cryin’ out loud! Is the engine smoking again?” Eddie griped.
“Yes - Eddie! You Know I can’t afford regular oil changes. Not at the rate you recommend.”
Dustin cleared his throat. “Eddie, can you drive us both home?” He smiled with his little brother energy and Eddie replied,
“Of course, dude, grab your stuff.” And to you. “You coming?” All weird and stilted like he didn’t want to give you a ride and You’d Honestly Rather not impose and subject yourself to more of his BS, but It was Raining.
Eddie helped you heft your bike into the back of his van. He wouldn’t make eye contact with you though.
Dustin kept you both on safe-non-argument-inducing topics on the ride to his place. But then you were alone with Eddie. So it was inevitable that he would start some shit with you.
He licked his upper lip and turned towards you in the back. “Can you come up here, please, I’ll feel less like your chauffeur.”
“You’d make a terrible chauffeur.” You said conversationally as you got into the front and sank into the plush seat, crossing your arms over your chest.
Eddie looked like he was gonna start a fight with you again but then sighed, drooped, his hair falling in his face. “I’m... sorry.”
Did he just say that?? Really??
“I’m sorry I said you looked like a dirty slut.” His words were suddenly coming at you like a verbal deluge. Drowning you in sincerity?? He was capable of Sincerity?? “I’m sorry... that I said ... that I was joking. What I should have said is... I always think you look hot and it’s distracting sometimes when I’m trying to be a big bad serious DM, and you are in these tight jeans and shit and I don’t want... to fight with you anymore. I want us to be close. Like you and Dustin apparently are. Friends. If you can be friends with a guy who finds you attractive. Please. I’ll... I’ll do better.”
He turned toward you and his eyes were so big and pretty. His sexy lips were saying impossible things. Maybe you hit your head earlier and are currently passed out or this is a dream or...
“I promise. I can be a good friend. I can.” He sounded a tad unsure.
“Eddie, I can't just be friends with you. I’m into you. I’m totally bonkers crazy about you.”
“Oh.” For a moment he looked confused. Still sad. Contemplative.
And then the trademark smirk came back. “So, that means you want to be more than friends with me?”
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risibledeer · 7 days
Hey just so you know Hermitcraft is doing a space where they can put five custom art pieces for each hermit (!!!) into game if you submit them I think! I'm sure r/Hermitcraft has more info but basically I'm letting u know bc you are my favorite Joel artist and I think it would be cool if you made it in :) no pressure to respond of course
DUDE OHMYGOSH WAIT REALLY!!! Ok gosh I’ll check it out! Uhh gotta make smith decent for that then! Although I dunno if I’d get in or anything but it sounds fun and I’m looking for more excuses to draw Joel anyways loll
and tyyyy sm! <33 genuinely this is so thoughtful <3
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scienceoftheidiot · 8 months
I've grown way too unhinged with these "asks", but I've been meaning to send you this one for a while, so please indulge me!
From what I've noticed, a lot of the Royai fan artists I follow tend to prefer drawing Riza, when they're not portraying her with Roy. But I've noticed that a number of your pieces focused on Roy only, which I find very interesting! Would you say that his character inspires you more than Riza, artistically/creatively speaking? If so, in what ways?
Please tell us more! And thank you, as always <3
Lol not unhinged at all I love to receive asks, I just always forget to reply 🥲🥲 sorry 🥲 so, first, thank you very much for asking ! 🥰❤️
And lol yeah, sometimes I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb among the Royai people. But eh, healthy ecosystems need biodiversity 🤣
I hope my answer isn't too long.
I do have a preference for Roy in drawing, for a number of reasons.
I precise in drawing, because I do love writing Riza, not more than I do writing Roy, but they're relatively even for me - even if, yes, I tend to favour Roy because he's easier for me, there, too.
I like to draw him, because I like his face, expressions and postures, and I like to explore them. He's a fun little guy to draw, when I think Riza is cool AF (and I have a lot to say about her character, too!) but she's not as fun to draw for me (once again I love her and she's in fact the female character I have drawn the most I think, because I have a hard time drawing women, but still, if I'm looking for a quick doodle, I'll go towards Roy).
But yes, they're more or less indissociable for me, and for proof my first fan art for FMA was indeed Royai (here!).
Anyway. While Royai is my favourite ship and I love Riza to bits, my favourite character in FMA is Roy. Roy first. (And my husband has understood that well, he's calling me when we do a rewatch and Roy appears on screen and I'm not watching. Like HURRY ROY IS THERE).
Now, if anyone who knows me from earlier than my FMA obsession reads this, and I describe the utter mess that is Roy, they'll understand that it couldn't have gone any other way. Here's a man in a position of power, who hides everything behind a façade, who's a nerd and highly intelligent (I admit I'm often irked by some posts in the royai fandom. This guy is smart. He's goofy, he's a dork, but he's smart. Book smart, he's a fine tactician, and he can command. Erasing that is erasing part of his identity, and I'm sure part of why Riza loves him, too), has a weird sense of humour even though he can also be intense af, is crushed by unbelievable guilt from his past actions (I admit Roy and Roza both beat all of my previous fixations in that, good job being war criminals, guys 🙃) and intends to repair what he's done as much as he can, one way or another, whose sole goal is to make things better for others/his place/his country, whatever he has to give up for it to work, who inspires others doing that, and who gets badly injured/disabled during the story and keeps going and fighting teeth and nails through it and beyond?
WELL. There is no question I will fall for this dude instantly. This is like. Checking all the boxes for me to be instantly in love with this guy. Like. I think he's actually the only one who checks ALL of my boxes.
I do think however that Roy isn't complete without Riza, and that it's the same on her side (like. I've only tagged my current fic with "codependency" but that's how I write them whatever I write). I'm just fixating on him first, but I still find Riza an awesome character, there's no debate there 😊
Here you go! I've written a novel again lol but I hope I've replied to all your questions. I can talk more about how I see Roy and Riza, I always have more to tell, but really that would just make this even more unpalatable 😅 thank you again for asking 😊
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overwatchfics · 2 years
shhh im on anon because im too nervous to not be. anyways! hi there mage, if you recognize this typing style or not, that doesnt matter, i've just come to deliver some good words to you!
i love, and i mean i LOVE your content!! well. the fluff content, at most(nsfw and such else arent my thing is all!!), and you have genuinely no idea how excited i get when your content appears in the tags!! you have such a fun way of writing headcanons as well as you make it unique to yourself, and i think thats awesome!! i love that you put your heart into your content, er, well...i see that you do, and its so nice that you write for the silly people within this fandom!
it sucks that people also are. weird to you and dont follow your rules. thats a load of bullshit. i sincerely apologize that happens to you :(( but you're a trooper as ever and you still manage to be clear with your boundaries. people are just hella stupid
anyways! im closing this off by saying that your (fluff) content has truly brightened my days a lot, and i look forward to what else you put out!! never stop being awesome, you silly goose!
I understand NSFW isn't everyone's thing so as much as people want this to be a pure smut blog, I love writing fluff and romantics just as much! I'm glad you enjoy my content otherwise! It warms my heart knowing that I really try to put myself out there in the way I write HCs I try to be goofy make people laugh or just have some random HCs out there to get people super confused like I totally know that Sigma's favorite cereal is captain crunch. I love providing cool content for people, that's how I met a good chunk of my cool mutuals on this site! I play with them sometimes or just chat and tumblr has become a safe place for me socially, I'm so glad to write for my mutuals and my readers especially when I get messages like this in my inbox? I'm so happy people genuinely get gratification from my writing; I want to improve and make it quirky and fun for people to enjoy as time goes on. Thank you so much for the kind message! People who don't want to follow rules clearly don't want me to write for them so now I just delete their requests, but I have made it clear so many times about my rules and req status. I gain most of my inspiration from my other mutuals to write when Kiriko first came out I desperately wanted to write for her and the first writer I interacted with and was the first to write for her was @leorawright (super cool homie check out their stuff so wholesome and good and jsahdfkasjhkljahg just check them out) and I made a blog for OW I was originally just going to make it for kiriko, but their HCs made me want to explore character depth and have fun with the way I see characters. It started with Leora and I've met so many other writers, artists, and readers who have expanded my creative pallet. I wouldn't be writing the stuff I do without all of them. Their own content has brightened my day numerous times so get it fr anon.
@raihyeon @trcwen @leorawright @syddybus @enforcermoss @moira-mains-go-to-hell @leonhardt-simp @cerezzzita @tonberry-yoda @moicy-madness @yospongebobthisedibleaintshi @legoskii37 @waspsinmyvents (idk if there's actually wasps in her vents, but I am terrified)
I'm very glad to have met and interacted with these people. Their content, words, and feedback are inspiring. Please, if given the chance go check out their works as well! Super damn good, most of them are multifandom so go ahead and check out what fandoms they write for and see if you match up with anything they write! Very friendly and chill community
Anyways on one last parting note, thank you all for continuing to support and enjoy my content, it means quite a lot to me knowing people out there read what I write. Keep kicking ass y'all! Your mage will keep on lifting the pen!
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like-wuatafauq · 4 months
Wtf??? I'm sorry that your ex was so dismissive about your culture I can't imagine how hurtful that must've been 'cuz that's such an important part of who you are... and for her to judge your accent is super messed up :(
Your background is not something to be ashamed of or try to suppress for someone else's comfort
I'm bilingual too so I totally get the struggle of switching it back and forth 🥹
I actually feel like my Indonesian is getting a bit rusty these days since I use English so much more now. But I've been making more of an effort to practice it regularly so I think I'm starting to find a good balance again. I'm also trying to learn German atm and I only know a handful of words so far :)
Oh and I've actually been listening to a lot of Spanish songs and they're so good 😩
Idk what half the words mean but I be out here dancing along anyway so if you have any recs for artists or songs I should check out pls do share!!!
Also I made over 100+ online friends just last night. I think I might've overdone it a bit but it was so much fun! A lot of them are younger than me so I'm out here feeling like a proud internet mama
They're all my virtual children now >:)
And yesss I'm a proud high femme so if I ever go to a pride event I'd be rocking all the skirts and dresses. I love anything pink or frilly it just makes me feel like a pretty princess 🙂‍↕️
From ♡
Oh dude it was so bad I only cooked her mexican food once...and that's a whole other story but I ended up not cooking mexican food for her....ever...ever again..im not exaggerating (not including burritos or tacos but even on those I didn't use my mexican recipes) it was bad... and I was like oh god! They never showed this side of them before!! I can't be with them wtf!!! And like obviously that was on top of how mean they were towards me so like it was just bad fr. however she's beside the point now, it's just ik for a fact when I open up to someone again I'm gonna have to explain how bad it really was and oooof. But hey as long as it gets me to be open to the right person! someone who deserves aaaaalllll of my love <3 so I can put her in the past, once someone is able to understand why I would react certain ways and my fears they'll know i dont actually think about her, just trauma awareness :)
Also knowing Indonesian sounds super cool! Even if you are a bit rusty that's okay! German is also pretty cool I hope you pick it up quickly 😎I believe in you!
As for spanish music.... guys.... do not ask me this... that's literally 90% of what I listen to in the car or when I'm cooking lmaooo
I'm so happy you made so many queer friends how did you do it so quickly tho?????? Sure online but how???? Lmaoo
I looooooovvveeeeee high femmesssss I don't care if it's goth, dark,pastel,pinky,cottage core,cowgirl, witchy core aesthetic or latina & other culture high femme. As long as it's femme like it just aghhhhhhjjj (of course I don't expect someone to be that way all the time) but mainly that being their look just always gets me ,you girlies are amazing. I could never do what yall do.
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merry-the-cookie · 7 years
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i really love @nellos12 ’s style and their design for connor and evan they’re super cute go check em out my dudes
the last one is my version of the boys meeting their version of the boys lol
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dndeed · 2 years
Crit Role Miniature Rollout: C3E30 Reunion & Revelation
With Andrew Harshman
An archive and analysis of the minis used on CR.
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It’s a regular badlands rumble! Exciting times. We are getting some really unique encounters in this stretch of the campaign. It’s fun to see player characters take the piss out of villains. But sometimes it goes too far and takes the seriousness out of an encounter. Not the case here. The tone of this scene was just right for me.
Well that’s one way to open up negotiations, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 3 Episode 30!
The List
Mats by Mars: Parched Earth Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat
Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
Monster Fight Club Barren Hills
Monster Fight Club Tree
Monster Fight Club Fallen Tree Trunk
Wizkids Minis: Deep Cuts Wave 4- 2-Wheel Cart
Campaign 3 Party Minis Wizkids Sculpts
Large Crawler sculpted by Wild Mesh
Night Below #27 Assassin
Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica - Companion Starter Set 1 Human Rogue
Maze of Death #07 Pitborn Fighter
Storm King’s Thunder #015 Bandit
Critical Role Miniatures Satyr
Monster Menagerie 3 #06 Goblin
D&D Premium Painted Figure: W4 Human Druid Male
D&D Premium Painted Figure: W5 Halfling Fighter Female
Critical Role Miniatures Rivermaw Stormborn
Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage #15 Thug Leader
Unknown tree with snake or vine
Assorted scatter terrain
The Nonplayer Characters
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Hondir Monster Menagerie 3 #06 Goblin Mini images sourced from minisgallery.com
Lovin’ the outfit on this here goblin. And a little translucent plastic torch fire effect is always welcome in my mini gerblin collection. Great pick for this NPC. Not to victim blame, but maybe if he hadn’t been waving around that road flare looking torch he wouldn’t have been such an obvious gun target.
The Villains
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Crawler Gang Fighter D&D Premium Painted Figure: W5 Halfling Fighter Female
So on the one hand, it’s cool to see a high strength halfling miniature, especially one wielding such a haphazard and gritty weapon. But on the other hand, this miniature is pretty lousy. Arguably one of the worst looking Premium Painted models from a casting quality and paint precision perspective. Take a look at the original digital sculpt:
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CG render image sourced from nobleknight.com
The finalized miniature looks more like a dwarf than a halfling imo. I thought the neck armor was a beard initially. This sculpt really needed far higher resolution cast fidelity. 
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Maricris Critical Role Miniatures Rivermaw Stormborn
Ah yes, Riverjaw Strongborn, classic Critical Role character. No wait, that’s not this fella’s name, apparently a Stormborn is a goliath clan designation of some sort. Neato. As someone who has not watched all of Campaign 1, I was not familiar. 
So this is an impressive looking goliath model and all, but what does it really add to the prepainted goliath mini-scape? Not much. It looks basically like every other goliath prepaint out there. Furthermore, the pose is not super exciting. But dang does it look epic atop that massive crawler!
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Large Crawler Sculpted by Wild Mesh and painted by Iron Tusk Painting Crawler image sourced from Iron Tusk Painting’s Twitter
-though I suppose most miniatures would look epic atop an epic vehicle such as this! Righteous stuff. Digitally sculpted by Wild Mesh, a team of 3D artists responsible for many of the Campaign 3 party and Critical Role miniature sculpts. 
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Crawler Gang Druid D&D Premium Painted Figure: W4 Human Druid Male
Check out all them stripes! Doesn’t feel very druidy. I kinda thought druids were opposed to angular patterns on principle. Too artificial, too civilized. And that red and white sash? What’s he doin’, runnin’ a barbershop?? Anyway- this mini has a dope billowing cloak and a good paint job. Fine figure.
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Crawler Gang Crossbower Waterdeep Dungeon of the Mad Mage #15 Thug Leader
Getting serious anime villain vibes of this dude. Just look at his proportions. And the skull cap he’s wearing looks like bright silver hair! 90s anime goon for sure. Not an amazing model, but it has a certain charm I enjoy. Plus I have a soft spot for crossbowperson miniatures.
Returning Minis
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Crawler Gang Dual Wielder Night Below #27 Assassin
Why we haven’t seen the likes of this DDM mini since the Iron Shepherd hideout assault (though it could have possibly been used in a one shot potentially, not 100% sure [I seem to have a vague memory of this mini showing up somewhere, idk]).
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Another good billowing cloak. And a good mini to be sure, but that dagger does indeed look like a putty knife or a spoon. I don’t wanna tell an assassin how to do their job, but maybe he should be careful how he’s holdin’ that dagger. The crawler is bound to hit some bumps and you definitely don’t want a knife pointed at your head when the road gets rocky.
Final Thoughts
Sweet combat. Started with a bang and stayed exciting throughout.
See ya next sesh!
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meruz · 3 years
once again i am answering asks in a big compilation post. included is... gotham, patrick stump, tips about drawing backgrounds, tips about drawing in general, links to my faq, and infinity train
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like.... the tv series? No... I’ve drawn dc comics fanart before, though. But it’s been years since I’ve been really into it. I like jumped ship like 10 years ago when the New 52 happened LOL.
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AFJHDSLKGH I’m sorry I (probably) won’t do it again??
Actually full disclosure I have a truly cringe amount of p stump drawings/photo studies in my sketchbook right now LOL. He’s just fun to draw... hats, glasses, guitar, a good shape... but I don’t think I’ll rly post those until I can hide them in another big sketchbook pdf.. probably Jan 2022. Stay tuned........ (ominous) 
(ominous preview)
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These are all sort of related to backgrounds/painting so I grouped them together even though they’re pretty much entirely separate questions.... ANYWAYS
a) How is it working as a BG artist? Is it hard? What show are you drawing for?
I think you’re the first person to ever ask me about my job! Being a background artist is great. It’s definitely labor intensive but I think that could describe pretty much any art job (If something were rote or easy to automate, you wouldn’t hire an artist to do it) and I hesitate to say whether its harder or easier than any other role in the animation pipeline. Plus, so much of what truly makes a job difficult varies from one production to the next, schedule, working environment, co-workers etc. But I will say that I think while BGs are generally a lot of work on the upfront, I think they’re subject to less scrutiny/revisions than something like character/props/effects design and you don’t have to pitch them to a room like boards. So I guess it’s good if you don’t like to talk to people? LOL
A lot of my previous projects + the show I’ve worked on the longest aren’t public yet so I can’t talk about em (but I assure you if/when the news does break I won’t shut up about it). But I’m currently working on Archer Season 12 LOL. I’m like 90% sure I’m allowed to say that.
b) ~~~THANK YOU!! ~~~
c) What exactly do you like to draw most [in a background]?
@kaitomiury​ Lots of stuff! I really like to draw clutter! Because it’s a great opportunity for environmental storytelling and also you can be kind of messy with it because the sheer mass will supersede any details LOL. 
I like to draw clouds... I like to draw grass but not trees lol,,, I like to draw anything that sells perspective really easily like tiled floors and ceilings, shelves, lamp posts on a street etc.
d) Do you have any tips on how to paint (observational)?
god there’s so much to say. painting is really a whole ass discipline like someone can paint their whole life and still discover new things about it. I guess if you’re really just starting out my best advice is that habit is more important than product. especially with traditional plein air painting, I find that the procedure of going outside and setting up your paints is almost harder than the actual painting. There’s a lot of artists who say “I want to do plein air sometime!!” and then never actually get around to doing it. A lot of people just end up working from google streetview or photos on their computer.
But going outside to paint is a really good challenge because it forces you to make and commit to lighting and composition decisions really quickly. And to work through your mistakes instead of against them via undo button.
My last tip is to check out James Gurney’s youtube channel because hes probably the best and most consistent resource on observational painting out there rn. There’s lots other artists doing the same thing (off the top of my head I know a lot of the Warrior Painters group has people regularly posting plein air stuff and lightbox expo had a Jesse Schmidt lecture abt it last year) but Gurney’s probably the most prolific poster and one of the best at explaining the more technical stuff - his books are great too.
e) Do you have tips for drawing cleanly on heavypaint?
@marigoldfool​ UMM LOL I LIKE ONLY USE THE FILL TOOL so maybe use the fill tool? Fill and rectangle are good for edge control as opposed to the rest of the heavy paint tools which can get sort of muddles. And also I use a stylus so maybe if you’re using your finger, find a stylus that works with your device instead. That’s all I’ve got, frankly I don’t think my drawings are particularly clean lol.
f) Tips on improving backgrounds/scenes making them more dynamic practicing etc?
Ive given some tips about backgrounds/scenes before so I’m not gonna re-tread those but here’s another thing that might be helpful...
I think a good way to approach backgrounds is to think of the specific story or even mood you want to convey with the background first. Thinking “I just need to put something behind this character” is going to lead you to drawing like... a green screen tourist photo backdrop. But if you think “I need this bg to make the characters feel small” or “I need this bg to make the world feel colorful” then it gives you requirements and cues to work off of.
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If I know a character needs to feel overwhelmed and small, then I know I need to create environment elements that will cage them in and corner them. If a character needs to feel triumphant/on top of the world then I know I need to let the environment open up around them. etc. If I know my focal point/ where I want to draw attention, I can build the background around that.
Also, backgrounds like figure compositions will have focal points of their own and you can draw attention to it/ the relationship the characters have with the bg element via scale or directionality or color, any number of cues. I think of it almost as a second/third character in a scene.
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Not every composition is gonna have something so obvious like this but it helps me to think about these because then the characters feel connected and integrated with the environment.
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Some more general art questions
a) Do you have any process/tips to start drawing character/bodies/heads?
I tried to kind of draw something to answer this but honestly this is difficult for me to answer because I don’t think I’m that great at drawing characters LOL. Ok, I think I have two tips.
1) flip your canvas often. A lot about what makes human bodies look correct and believable is symmetry and balance. Even if someone has asymmetrical features, the body will often pull and push in a way to counterbalance it. we often have inherent biases to one side or another like dominant hands dominant eyes etc. you know how right-handed artists will often favor drawing characters facing 45 degrees facing (the artist’s) left? that’s part of it. so viewing your drawing flipped even just to evaluate it helps compensate for that bias and makes you more aware of balance.
2) draw the whole figure often. I feel like a lot of beginner artists (myself included for a long time) defer to just drawing headshots or busts because it’s easier, you dont have to think about posing limbs etc. But drawing a full body allows you to better gauge proportion, perspective, body language, everything that makes a character look believable and grounded.
Like if you (me) have that issue where you draw the head too big and then have to resize it to fit the proportions of the rest of the body, it’s probably because you (I) drew the head first and are treating the body as an afterthought/attachment. Sketching out the whole figure first or even just quick drawing guides for it will help you think of it more holistically. I learned this figure drawing in charcoal at art school LOL.
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oh. third mini tip - try to draw people from life often! its the best study. if you can get into a figure drawing/nude drawing class EVEN BETTER and if you have a local college/art space/museum that hosts those for free TREASURE IT AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT, that’s a huge boon that a lot of artists (me again) wish they had. though if youre not so lucky and youre sitting in a park trying to creeper draw people and they keep moving.. don’t let that stop you! that’s good practice because it’s forcing you to work fast to get the important stuff down LOL. its a challenge!
b) I’ve been pretty out of energy and have had no inspiration to draw but I have the desire to. Any advice?
Dude, take a walk or something.... Or a nap? Low energy is going to effect everything else so you gotta hit that problem at its source.
If you’re looking for inspiration though, I’d recommend stuff like watching a movie, reading a book, playing video games etc. Fill up your idea bank with content and then give yourself time/space to gestate it into new concepts. Sometimes looking at other art works but sometimes it can work against you because it’s too close. 
Also something that helps me is remembering that art doesn’t always have to be groundbreaking... like it’s okay to make something shitty and stupid that you don’t post online and only show to your friend. That’s all part of the process imo. If you want to hit a home run you gotta warm up first, right? Sports.
I should probably compile everytime i give tips on stuff like this but that’s getting dangerously close to being a social media artist who makes stupid boiled down art tutorials for clout which is the last thing i want to be... the thing I want to stress is that art is a whole visual language and there are widely agreed upon rules and customs but they exist in large part to be broken. Like there's an infinite number of ways to reach an infinite number of solutions and that’s actually what makes it really cool and personal for both the artist and the viewer. So when you make work you like or you find someone else’s work you like, take a step back and ask yourself what about it speaks for you, what about it works for you, what makes it effective, how to recreate that effect and how to break that effect completely, etc. And have a good time with it or else what’s the point.
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for the first 2, I direct you to my FAQ
For the last one, I don’t actually believe I’ve ever addressed artwork as insp for stories/rp but I’ll say here and now yeah go ahead! As long as you’re not making profit or taking credit for my work then I’m normally ok with it. Especially anything thats private and purely recreational, that’s generally 100% green light go. I only ask that if you post it anywhere public that you please credit me.
(and I reserve the right to ask you to take it down if I see it and don’t approve of it’s use but I think that case is pretty rare.)
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a) @lemuelzero101 Thank you!!! I haven’t played Life is Strange but actually  that series’ vis dev artist Edouard Caplain is one of my bigger art inspirations lately so that’s a really high compliment lol. And yeah I hope we get 5-8 too...!
b) Thank you for sticking around! I’ve been thinking about Digimon and Infinity Train in tandem lately, actually. They’re a little similar? Enter a dangerous alternate world and have wacky adventures with monsters/inanimate objects that have weird powers... there’s like weird engineers and mechanisms behind the scenes... also frontier literally starts with them getting on a train. Anyways if anyone else followed me for digimon... maybe you’d like Infinity Train? LOL
c) @king-wens-king I’M GLAD MY ART JUST HAS PINOY VIBES LOL I hope you are having a good day too :^)
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a, b, c, d) yessss my Watch Infinity Train agenda is working....
e) aw thank you!! i think you should watch infinity train :)
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clownspiral · 3 years
saw your michael ship hcs and. do you have any for michael & og!Elias bc. I'm love them
oh bestie i have hcs 4 everything involving michael
if we're talking michael shelley x og!elias:
- elias is chill & laid back, while shelley is a bit more goody-two-shoes. they even each other out a lot! shelley has a fun party side that rlly only elias can bring out of him, and elias is honestly super intelligent when he has a lil guidance
- michael is always surprised that elias wants to hang out with Him, esp outside of the institute, but they have more in common than either of them wouldve thought. both are real artistic & into music
- gertrude thinks elias is a bad influence on michael but michael just. Likes him. he's kind of torn between wanting to be a model assistant & secretly wanting 2 goof off w/ elias but hanging w/ elias is always like, 100x more fun
- michael is kinda anxious abt pot. the 1st time he does it w/ elias hes like "oh my god im going to die. im going to JAIL and im going to DIE" and elias is like "...dude....... i love you im not letting u die in jail ok" & mikeys like "..ok..."
- elias is a gamer & michael barely understands video games. he's happy to just lay w/ elias & watch him play
- michael is into some things elias finds painfully boring (puzzles, board games, stamp collecting, etc) but he involves himself in his hobbies anyway cuz he loves how happy those things make him
- michael had an emo phase in uni & elias had a preppy phase & neither lets the other live those phases down
- they make pinkie promises, mostly for michael's comfort. elias thinks it's really cute
- they both survive on questionable diets (& encourage each other to maybe... eat a Real Meal here & there, preferably together)
- michael is like hhwuhqhqjhw <333 when elias lets him wear his dirty ass cheeto-stained hoodie. he would usually be Grossed out but it's elias so it's fine (more than fine)
- shotgunning central. that's all
if we're talking michael distortion x og!elias:
- michael gives elias weird Spiral Cannabis & it's like, mind-shifting beyond human comprehension & michaels just like =>) do u like it
- michael is surprisingly good at handling elias's bad trips, considering its whole like. existence is basically a Bad Trip
- elias LOVES michael's laugh. he thinks it sounds so cool & will Not hesitate 2 make a fool of himself in order 2 hear it
- michael can do crazy tricks with smoke & elias is usually so high that hes just like "wwhoaoaah mikee thats crazzyy"
- michael desperately wants to protect elias frm gertrude, fearing that she might make him into just another dead assistant. it gets kind of paranoid abt leaving him alone & checks up on him @ work quite a lot
- elias spends Hours trying 2 figure out how the hell michael's anatomy works but ultimately accepts that it simply Does Not Work
- theyve both got a strong connection 2 cats 4 some reason, both of them like. immediately drop everything whenever they spot a stray cuz they Must pet it
- michael is more comfortable showing ALL its traits 2 elias, human & inhuman. it can't imagine that goof wanting 2 do any harm (or ever being capable of it)
- they both bring each other a lot of little trinkets. michael's careful not to misplace the things elias gives it, even tho it's kinda hard Not to lose things (his gifts r Special!)
- gertrude is like "bouchard what on earth are you doing..." when she finds out abt it but neither michael nor elias will be convinced to not continue their romantic endeavors
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lihikainanea · 3 years
FIRST OF ALL, I have this like, weird interest in fashion over the past two years or so. I've never particularly been into it, but now my instagram is mainly fashion inspo and like, who is this person???? I've never considered myself fashionable, much less interested in fashion and now I swear to god I spend Sunday afternoons ~judging people~ and looking up latest fashion trends and how to wear things and I am just LOVING IT. And since nobody asked, I'm going to go ahead and list you my top fucking fashion ABSOLUTELY DO FUCKING NOT pet peeves:
1) Matching pantsuits. Hello, no. I know the designers that are trying to bring this back, and it's a hard no for me dawg. I am in my almost mid thirties and I ain't trying to look like a fucking old maid, thanks. These will never be fashionable. Just stop.
2) Derby shoes. These literally don't go with anything. I'm not sorry. If you're that committed to huge, clunky, ugly fucking shoes, get clogs. I ain't saying you have to wear heels, not at all. But find yourself some nice oxfords, a nice loafer, hell even some mules--and they will be infinitely nicer than fucking derby shoes.
3) Layering. No, kids. Baum und Pferdgarten, I love you. I do. I have a few of your dresses. But ya'll motherfuckers need to stop with this pajama-esque, mixed and clashing pattern, oversized bullshit looks that you call fashion. There is a way to wear slouchy, and babes, THAT AIN'T IT. YOU LITERALLY LOOK LIKE A FUCKING WARHOL PAINTING THREW UP ON YOU. Mixing patterns is cool, we like that, but Jesus Christ it has to have some consistency.
alright, now onto the actual ask.
All of this to say, I kept a keen eye on the Met Gala this year and I was...perplexed. At best. Horrified, at worst.
So like, tiger right? There's little else in the world that tiger hates as much as Bill's outwardly Hollywood side. The parties. The schmoozing. And I mean, she knows it's part of his life so that's fine, but in fairness--Bill also abhors this side. He loathes it. And he's been to the Met gala once, which notoriously never allows a +1 unless that +1 is famous, but low and behold--by some stroke of luck--Bill's invitation this year allows for it.
"No." tiger says immediately.
"You don't even know what I'm going to ask!" he exclaims.
"I know what that is," she points to the invitation in his hand, "And no."
It's a hard no. It takes Bill weeks--because like, tiger ain't Hollywood. She doesn't want to do the dress. She doesn't want the mingling with fucking celebrity guests. She doesn't want the paparazzi. She wants none of it. But like, eventually--after so much begging--eventually Bill gets her to agree. His stylist will get a dress for her. Hair and make up is taken care of. Bill promises her that she can just slip in the back, sit at the table, and have cocktails to her heart's galore while he walks the red carpet. She doesn't have to be photographed--and truth be told, tiger's a nobody so people aren't really interested in photographing her anyway. That's fine by her.
The dress worries her, because tiger isn't exactly celebrity material but the stylist is so kind in taking measurements. Bill handles everything--the flights, the make up reservations, the hair appointments. On the day of, he checks them into the Bowery Hotel and then tiger doesn't have to worry about a thing. He shoves a fluffy robe at her, and then there's just a flurry of activity--massages first. Breakfast after. A stint in the steam room--which they absolutely have sex in. Facials. Manicures--for both. A light lunch. And then the bell rings and in come a flurry of a team ready to glamorize them--Bill's favourite groomer, his stylist, tiger's make up artist, her hair stylist. The primping process is the longest tiger has ever been through--but there's wine, there's snacks, her Big Dude is right beside her looking handsome as all hell. And when tiger puts on a dress that is worth more than she makes in a year, when her hair is all done up and her make up is perfect--she begrudgingly admits to him that yes, Beeeeeel, she does feel pretty.
"You look stunning kid," he praises, pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek. To her slight embarrassment (but secret joy), he hands his phone off to his assistant and asks for a few pictures.
And like, here's the thing right? The Met Gala has a strict policy: no spouses or couples seated together. Seriously, it's a thing. Look it up. And while tiger is mildly freaking out about that, she calms down considerably when she does see a name tag at her table that she recognizes.
Alex. Skarsgård.
Tiger smiles, Bill grimaces.
And that's what starts it, right? Bill is at a table far away but not too far, and right where he can keep her in his line of sights. He knows she wasn't looking forward to this so he wants to keep an eye on her, but then like....why the fuck does she look like she's having so much fun? Alex is cracking the whole table up, being his usual charismatic self. Tiger is laughing, guffawing actually, beyond control--her hand on his, clutching his forearm. Bill barely even makes conversation with his own table, he's staring so intently at the two of them and tiger looking like she's having the best night of her life.
Bill's blood is boiling. It boils even more when he sees tiger make a face at her main plate--her nose wrinkling, her lip curled in disgust--and without missing a beat Alex's fork swoops over, plucks all the green onions from her food, and tiger smiles gratefully at him. Bill slams his napkin down on the table.
"Excuse me," he mutters in response to the curious glances. And then he stalks over, heads right to her table, and he's so silent that she jumps a mile when she hears his voice in her ear from behind her.
"A word, kid?" he says.
"But the food just--"
"Now." he says insistently. He holds a hand out to her, helps her push her chair back and stand. But then he's basically dragging her to a restroom, and poor tiger isn't quite used to heels this high.
"Hang on bud," she pleads, "I'm not that coordinated."
But he doesn't hang on. Instead he reaches back, loops a strong arm around her waist and basically carries her on his side to the bathroom. Tiger's feet don't hit the floor for a good 200 feet. And once inside the bathroom, he locks the door and glares at her.
"If that dress wasn't couture, I'd have you on your fucking knees kid," he threatens. Tiger's eyes get wide.
"What did I do?" she asks innocently. Bill just glares.
"Having a good time, are you? Having the best night ever?" he accuses.
Tiger is starting to get a feeling what this is about, and oh man--she's about to rile her Big Dude up. Dressed to the nines, in a public place, surrounded by riches, and Bill is about to get a bit possessive over her? Tiger is a sucker for it every time.
"Yes," she plays into it, "Alex is being amazing. He's so--"
She doesn't get to finish the sentence, because Bill growls and lunges for her, pinning her back against the cool tile.
"You are mine," he snarls. Tiger just tilts her chin up, bites onto his bottom lip.
"Prove it." she challenges.
The roar Bill lets out is fucking feral. Tiger doesn't even have time to react before her dress is pulled up, he yanks his belt undone, and he's slamming into her. She moans, and he grabs her face in his hand.
"Don't come," he snarls, "Don't you dare come."
And like the good girl she is for him--she doesn't. She grits her teeth, tries to stave it off even as he slams deep into her, growls as his release fills her up, bites her neck hard enough to leave a mark. She whimpers, her knees wobbly, and tries to reach for a tissue.
"No," he grabs her hand.
"But it's messy," she pleads. But another glare is enough to silence her, and he swiftly pulls her panties up, smoothes her dress back down.
"You're going to sit there, full of my come for the rest of the night," he tells her, "And I want you to think of that, I want you to feel it, every time you look at him."
"Bill--" she whimpers. He silences her with a rough kiss.
"Go on," he said, "Back to your seat."
On shaky legs, she turns and tries to walk out as nonchalant as possible. He waits a few minutes before exiting, going to find his seat and sitting back down. He keeps an eye on her for the rest of the evening, but he doesn't even have to--every time he looks over at her, she's already staring at him--her eyes wide, needy, her knees pressed tightly together.
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missmitchieg · 3 years
YouTubers I Like
harriyanna hook: I feel like I'm pretty vocal already about how much I like Harriyanna but anyway, she's a really cool Black woman who is really smart and not scared to call out and criticize even her favorite movies and shows when it comes to being misogynistic, anti-Black, anti-Asian, or anti-Indian. She's also really nice and cool and has a mega epic, mega awesome online store that I love looking at and very much recommend checking out if you like Disney, Nickelodeon and/or anime.
Pammie Plus Parks: Pamela is a very nice autistic and plus sized lady (she calls herself "Your Plus Size Fairy God Mother", how cute and catchy is that!) who posts detailed videos showing how to navigate Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, and other Central Florida attractions as a plus size person or someone who has mobility, accessibility, cognitive or sensory concerns. She has been on a bit of a break, but has stated recently that she hopes to comes back to YouTube soon.
English Teacher KP: For all my Swifties and Livies out there, here's a YouTuber who reacts to and analyzes the song stylings of Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter, and more. She will also occasionally read poetry submitted by subscribers and discuss classic literature such as The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wuthering Heights, and more while doing her makeup. Please do keep in mind, though, that she is not taking specific requests at this time.
Cheyenne Lin: Cheyenne is an Asian American adoptee who makes very insightful video essays on pop culture stuff like movies, TV shows, and other phenomena.
Mina Le: Just a gal who likes fashion and movies.
ModernGurlz: Here you'll find videos analyzing the fashion of movies and television over the years along with discussions of iconic moments in fashion such as Jackie Kennedy's pink suit, Marilyn Monroe's pink dress, and Taylor Swift's ever changing style.
Jasmine Zade: In depth discussions of music artists, girl groups, boy bands, and the music industry.
Jessica Vill/JBunzie: Jessica does make up transformations into beloved characters like Betty Boop, The Powerpuff Girls, and Tiffany the killer doll along with Vintage and Princess fashion and fun facts about her favorite things like Halloween, scary movies and the Titanic.
Katherine Steele/party at kat's: Katherine shares Broadway and Musical Theater content like make up tutorials and deep dives into her favorite characters.
MacDoesIt: To be completely honest, this dude's just funny as hell. Very entertaining. Love this dude. Can't get enough of him.
Crescent Shay: She makes pretty dresses.
Jessie Paege: Pretty girls 👏 Good music 👏 Cute Kitties 👏 Gay Barbie Movies 👏
Klayton Fioriti: Jurassic Park/World Movie content.
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alt-rose · 4 years
21 - colson baker
colson baker imagine
21 - Pete Davidson takes you out to celebrate your 21st birthday after SNL, and you make a new friend. 
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“this week a midwestern teenager was arrested for kidnapping livestock and hiding them in their neighbor’s garages. here to comment is our resident young person, (y/n) (y/l/n).”
you took a quick breath before you were pushed toward the weekend update desk. you rolled to a stop next to your castmate Michael Che before you dove into your bit with him about cows and the midwestern community.
you made your SNL debut last season when you were only nineteen. you quickly took over Pete Davidson’s former role as the “resident young person” among the cast, and you had formed a fast friendship with him over the last year and a half. he had been eager to take you out with his friends so that you could experience the true nightlife that New York could offer, and now that you were finally turning 21, he could do just that.
after you exited the stage from your weekend update skit, Pete caught you in the hallway as you headed back to your dressing room to get ready for your last skit.
“hey, next weekend,” Pete started catching your attention. “do you want to go out and celebrate your birthday? Maybe get shitfaced?”
“I don’t know. who’s gonna be there? I don’t really want to feel obligated to entertain people while you’re getting me drunk,” you said apprehensively.
“don’t worry. it’ll be a bunch of people you don’t know so you don’t have to worry about anything other than getting drunk. I’ll keep an eye on you, of course. keep you away from the creepos.”
“how thoughtful,” you say throwing yourself into one of the hair and make-up chairs. “but sure, it sounds fun.”
“great. I’ll get the party lined up for next Saturday after the show.”
you threw him a thumbs up before your attention was directed toward the make-up artist giving you an 80s look for your next skit.
“this week our very own (y/n) (y/l/n) turned 21. here to comment on finally becoming an adult is our resident young person, (y/n) (y/l/n).”
“hey Colin,” you call back to him when you roll up next to Colin Jost at the weekend update desk.
SNL did a similar skit when Pete turned 21 so the writers felt it was only right to do one for you.
“hey (y/n), how does it feel to finally be 21?” he asked tapping his pen on his desk.
“it feels great Colin. you know, it’s a bit of an adjustment, but I’m having a great time.”
“right, you’re finally legal now. you can do adult things.”
“yeah, now I can buy tropical fish at Randy’s Pet Shop by my apartment building. I have a fish named Chet now. he’s pretty cool.”
“wait, you have to be 21 to buy fish from Randy’s Pet Shop?”
“yeah, Randy’s got this weird thing,” you paused to make eye contact with Colin. “anyway, besides that, I don’t really feel like much of an adult, Colin. I’m like five-foot-something and still resemble a fourth grader. like look at me, Colin. I was given a kid’s menu at TGI F.R.I.D.A.Y.’S last week. I am not an adult.”
Colin laughed before looking at you. “(y/n), you really don’t think that you’ve grown in this past year? you haven’t felt like an adult in anyway?”
“well, I think you have. you stopped ordering chicken fingers at every restaurant we go to for cast dinners. I think that’s a big step into adulthood.”
“yeah, well, joke’s on you because I have a bag of dino nuggies hidden in the back of the breakroom fridge.”
“yeah, I just take a few out and wrapping them in tinfoil and heat them up in the microwave for four minutes-”
“wait, hold on, hold on,” Colin laughed waving his hand to stop you. “you put the nuggets in tinfoil before you put them in the microwave?”
“yeah, you just wrap them up in the tinfoil, and they cook really well. they get all sparky and stuff. they taste a little smokey though”
“you’re the reason why the breakroom microwave is always broken?”
“(y/n), you’re not supposed to put tinfoil in the microwave,” Michael chimes in.
“you can’t put metal in the microwave. did you not know that?” Colin asked.
“what?” you put on the confused act.
“(y/n) (y/l/n), everybody,” Colin shouts turning to the audience and ending your segment on the update.
“who let me be an adult?” you laugh shouting to audience as Colin pulls you into a side hug. the crowd cheers as you wave to them.
“for weekend update, I’m Colin Jost.”
“And I’m Michael Che. GOODNIGHT.”
you continue to smile and laugh with both of the guys as the camera panned away from the stage and the recording light turned off. when you made it off stage, you started to head back to your dressing room. you had finished your last sketch of the night, so you planned on getting ready for your night out with Pete and whoever else he invited.
an hour later, you were crammed in the backseat of an uber next to Pete.
“where are we going?” you asked him as you check the battery on your phone.
“this club a few minutes away. it’s pretty lowkey. everyone’s going to meet us there.”
“okay, sounds good-”
“it’s actually right here,” he interrupts stopping the driver. “thanks, man.”
Pete opened the door of the car and climbed out. his lanky form towered over the small sedan. he leaned down to help you scoot over to open door. you took his hand as you scooted over to the door before sliding out of the car as best as you could in your mini skirt.
after both of your feet successfully hit the pavement, you adjusted your black leather mini skirt from riding up before you fixed you black turtleneck to make sure that it was still tucked into your skirt.
“yeah, let’s go.”
after making it past the bouncer, Pete led you over to the bar before dropping you off at a bar stool. you watched as he made his rounds saying hi to everyone. it was almost 1 am now. you began to wonder how late you were going to be out tonight.
you suddenly felt two hands on your shoulders causing you to slightly jump.
“you ready for your birthday drink?” Pete shouted in your ear.
“yeah, let’s do it,” you laugh turning to look at him.
“can we get four shots of Fireball?” he shouted to the bartender.
“four?” you shout over your shoulder at him. “I though you weren’t drinking.”
“I’m not. you are. you’re downing all of those.”
“oh god.”
he slapped his hands on your shoulders once more. “you got this, baby.”
the bartender placed the shots in front of you as Pete opened a tab.
“we doing this?” you asked staring at the shots.
“let’s do it.”
you grab your first shot before raising it as a cheers to him. you brought it to your lips and downed it. you felt it burn as it slid down your throat. you squeezed your eyes shut as you finished it.
“that was strong,” you cough.
“next one.”
you down the second one, and then the third one shortly followed. the cinnamon flavor left a burning sensation in your throat.
“last one, last one.” Pete shook your shoulders cheering you on.
“fuck this.” you downed the last one.
an hour into your party, it was clear to you that you were feeling very drunk. you had spent the last hour dancing with strangers on the dance floor before slipping back to the VIP section Pete had for you and some of the people at the party. after your first couple shots, he had introduced you to a few people, but at this point, you can’t remember your own name so how could you be expected to remember theirs.
you’re currently sipping on a tequila sunrise now that Pete decided that you handled enough straight liquor. you were slightly leaning on Pete as he stood next to you while you were sitting on one of the barstools for the high tabletops.
“yoooo,” you heard someone call as they approached your table. “dude, whassup.”
Pete leaned over to bro-hug someone before that person began to lean on your table next to Pete. you could hear their muffled conversation as you played with the straw in your drink.
“so what’s this party for anyway?”
“it’s a birthday party,” Pete yelled over the music.
“who’s birthday?”
“hers,” Pete said motioning to you causing you to look up at Pete and his friend. “this is my castmate, (y/n). she just turned 21 so we’re celebrating.”
your eyes met the stranger’s, and you smiled. he was pretty with his bleached-out hair. you gave him a small wave.
“I’m Colson,” he said extending his hand to yours.
“(y/n),” you said taking his hand.
“can I buy a drink for the birthday girl?” he asked flashing you a smile.
“sure,” you said before taking the last sip of your tequila sunrise.
when he brought you back a drink, you stood over your shoulder placing the drink in front of you.
“let’s fucking party.”
“okay,” you shouted before knocking back the drink and taking his hand to lead you to the dance floor.
you spent the rest of the night with a set of hands planted firmly around your waist. when you had finally had enough of drinking and dancing, you made your way back over to the VIP section with your six-foot shadow following behind you with his hands still on your hips.
“I’m tired,” you say to Pete as you approach your seat the table. your shadow rested against your back as you hopped up onto the barstool.
“do you want to head home?” Pete asked leaning close to you and your shadow, Colson.
“kinda,” you said leaning your head back on Colson. your drunken state couldn’t careless that you were practically laying against a total stranger.
“do you even have a place to stay tonight?” Pete asked Colson as he looked up from you to the tall guy behind you.
“not really. I could just get a hotel,” you could hear Colson tell Pete.
“you guys can just crash at my apartment. I have a couch and a guest bedroom,” you interrupt as you stare off into space.
“are you sure?” Pete asked.
“yeah, let’s just go home.”
“cool with you?” Pete asked Colson.
“I’m cool,” Colson answered.
10 minutes later, the three of you were sitting in the backseat of a black car, which you assumed was an uber. you head rested against someone’s shoulder as you began to close your eyes.
you felt someone jostle you awake. you opened your eyes to find that the uber had parked in front of your building. Pete was leaning in the car once more to help you out. you blinked the sleep out of your eyes as you took his hands. he helped you out of the car just as he had when you got to the club. you felt a pair of hands gently adjust your skirt, and you whipped your head around to find Colson standing behind of you.
“your skirt was riding up, baby,” he said to you while he tapped your hip.
“thanks,” you murmur.
you slapped your keys into Pete’s hand as he went to buzz you in with your code to the building. you began to walk to the door with Colson resting his arm around your shoulder. he kept you walking upright as you both entered the building. you took the elevator up 12 floors.
when you finally stepped foot into your apartment, you stood in the doorway and ripped your heeled boots from your feet. Pete dropped your keys into the bowl by your door, and Colson closed the door behind the three of you.
you turned around to the both of them, almost tripping over your own feet.
“kitchen,” you said pointing to the kitchen, “couch,” pointing to the living room, “guest room,” pointing to the guest room, “bathroom,” you pointed to the bathroom door. “there’s extra blankets in the closet,” you said pointing to the small closet by the bathroom. “help yourself to anything. I’m going to sleep.” you gave them a salute before turning around to your bedroom.
they laughed lightly as you slammed the door behind you.
as you stumbled into your room, you plugged your phone into the charger on your nightstand. after your phone was charging, you slipped your skirt and turtleneck off before slipping on an oversized t-shirt. you quickly wiped off your makeup before falling face down in your bed.
the next morning, you woke up with blurry eyes and a fog in your head. you blinked a couple times before rolling over to fall back asleep. you had your eyes closed as you tried to fall back asleep.
that’s when you heard a crash in the kitchen.
you whipped yourself out of bed, and you grabbed the baseball bat from under your bed. you took a deep breath before throwing your bedroom door open. with your bat raised, you lunged out of your bedroom at the intruder.
instead of the intruders, you found Pete and some guy standing in your kitchen messing with your pots and pans.
“jesus fucking christ, Pete, what the fuck?”
“oh, sleeping beauty’s up,” the guy called waving his arms out to you with your skillet and spatula in his hands.
“who is this? and what the fuck are you doing?” you shout annoyed at Pete.
“This is Colson, my friend who you met last night, but guessing from your reaction, you don’t remember much. you let us stay over, and now we are making breakfast,” he said before going back to whatever he was doing.
you felt Colson’s gaze on you. you dropped your bat on your shoulder as you met his stare. you glared into his eyes as he intensely stared back into yours.
“nice bat,” he said still staring.
“thanks, I played softball,” you glared back. “I’m gonna go put some clothes on.”
“you don’t have to,” you heard Colson call back to you as he watched you retreat to your room. from your room, you could hear Pete yell at him in the kitchen.
you laughed lightly as you threw on a pair of sweatpants and put a bra on under your oversized shirt. you took a scrunchie and threw your hair up before heading back to the kitchen.
you plopped yourself down on one of the counter stools in your kitchen.
“what are we eating?” you ask the guys.
“I’m attempting to make pancakes with whatever you have,” Colson called back to you.
“fantastic,” you reply.
“how’s your head?” Pete asked from his spot at the counter.
“it’s not bad. I don’t feel very hungover,” you replied.
“that’s surprising seeing how much you drank last night.”
“what even happened last night?”
“you drank a lot. you danced a lot. then, Colson showed up. then, you drank and danced some more with him.”
“wow,” you mutter staring off into space before you felt Colson staring at you again. you met his eyes before speaking up, “I apologize for that and whatever I did.”
“I didn’t mind,” he said before flipping a pancake.
“it was so funny. you were like one of those velcro monkeys wrapped around him all night,” Pete laughed.
“don’t make fun of me,” you yelled before whacking Pete with a dish towel on the counter. “you’re the one who got me drunk.” they both laughed before you looked up at Colson once more. “I am definitely apologizing for that.”
“I don’t mind. I liked being your arm candy for the night,” he said plopping a pancake on a plate.
you rolled your eyes before opening your phone. “what’s the damage? was there any paparazzi last night?”
“weelllllll,” Pete drew out.
“what?” you whine dropping your head a bit.
“there’s a few from when we left the club, and they followed us back to your building so there’s a few from then too. there’s two articles running already.”
“just because we went out for drinks?” you ask motioning between you and Pete.
“no, because we,” Colson motioned between the three of you. “went out for drinks.” he dropped a plate in front of you. “apology pancakes for the tabloids.”
“how thoughtful,” you murmur. “what did the articles say?”
“nothing just speculation,” Pete said taking a drink. “it’ll go away. you just might want to keep away from Colson for a while.”
“you’re kidding,” you said opening your phone before typing your name into safari.
you scrolled through the new section before you found the pictures from last night. in the pictures, Colson had his arm wrapped around your waist as you were shielding your eyes from the flash. you assumed these pictures were from when you left the club. the other pictures were of the guys helping you out of the car. Colson was standing behind you, towering over you with his arm around you. it totally looked like the two of you were a thing with how touchy you two were. you were not a touchy person when you were sober. you could only assume that the alcohol turned you into a velcro monkey as Pete put it. you briefly skimmed the articles only to find that they were speculating that you and Machine Gun Kelly, Colson Baker, were in a relationship.
“Machine Gun Kelly. you’re Machine Gun Kelly?” you ask him, squinting your eyes at Colson.
he and Pete laughed at you.
“I was wondering if you were going to put it together,” Pete laughed. “that took you forever.”
“well, I’m sorry, but I was drunk.”
“you knew I was friends with MGK,” Pete laughed.
“I didn’t think you were going to invite him to my birthday party.”
“so I take it you’re a fan?” Colson said raising an eyebrow at you.
“I’m not actually. I haven’t even heard your stuff. I’m not really into rap,” you said to him.
“ouch. that’s rough,” he sighed.
“sorry,” you shrugged. “thanks for the pancakes though.” you give him a smile before taking a bite.
Pete’s phone buzzed before he got up from his stool.
“shit, I have to go. I have to take my mom to the airport. are you going to be okay if I leave you?” Pete asked staring at you.
“yeah, I’ll be fine. tell your mom hi for me,” you said looking up at him.
“okay, bye kid. happy birthday.” he wrapped his arms around you.
“thanks for getting me drunk. I had fun,” you said patting his arm.
“yeah, I know,” he called back as he headed to your door.
“be safe,” you shouted before he closed your front door, leaving you with Colson in your kitchen.
you and Colson took a pause as you both watched the door. he was the first to break his gaze as he turned to you. you both made eye contact as you both stared at each other.
“so,” you started.
“so,” he replied leaning down on your counter to stare at you at your eye level.
“so, what do we do now?”
“we can watch tv, or you can tell me about last night,” you suggest before shoving another bite into your mouth.
you were not bashful when it came to eating, and you were not deterred by Colson staring into your eyes as you chewed, even if he was really pretty.
“what do you want to know?” he said. his gaze never leaving your eyes.
“we seemed very touchy in those photos,” you hummed taking another forkful of pancakes.
“can’t help that your kinda hot.”
“wow,” you scoff leaning back from the counter. “this is hot for you,” you say shoving the pancakes in your mouth.
“very,” he laughed.
you peered an eye up at him, skeptically. you couldn’t tell if he was being serious. there was no way that someone as pretty as he was would be interested in you.
he extended his hand out to you face as your eyes watched it move to your lip. he flicked a piece of pancake from your lip before smiling at you. you heart practically jumped out of its chest.
fuck. you were crushing.
the two of you hung out and talked for the next hour. you both flirted a bit back and forth. you felt this undeniable connection to him, and it made you feel sick. you were notorious for running from people and your feelings. you always chickened out before saying anything to them, and then when you finally got the courage to, that person had already found somebody else.
“fuck, I should go,” Colson said throwing his head back on the couch from where the two of you were sitting. “I don’t want to though.”
“I need to shower and get started with some pitches for work tomorrow,” you say lightly placing your head on the back of the couch.
“okay, I’ll go.”
“I’ll walk you down.”
he took your hand in his as he got up from the couch. he pulled you up as he grabbed his jacket from where it was placed on the arm of the couch.
you grabbed your keys before he pulled you out the door. you closed the door behind you before the two of you waited for the elevator.
you laced your fingers with his as you stepped into the elevator. here goes nothing, you breathed.
“I had a lot of fun with you,” you say staring straight at the doors of the elevator.
he turned to you with you fingers still locked with his. “I really like you.”
“cool, cool,” you say as you saw the number on the elevator tick to floor 6. you turn to him. “I should give you my number.”
he slipped you his phone, and you typed your number into his phone before handing back to him.
“cool, cool,” he started as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.
you counted before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to your height. you stood on your tiptoes, and you placed your lips on his. he grabbed your face as he kissed you back.
the elevator dinged as the doors opened. you broke away from him as you shoved him out the doors.
“call me sometime,” you say as you stood alone in the elevator.
“aye aye captain,” he saluted you. he moved back toward the elevator before pulling you back to him. “one more for the road.” he kissed you until you couldn’t breathe.
you finally pulled away for air while he held his hands on your head.
“you’re fucking gorgeous.”
“you’re not too bad yourself. now go so I can work,” you said fully pulling away before the elevator alarm was set off. “Bye Colson,” you said hitting your floor button.
“Bye (y/n),” he waved as the doors shut.
as you made your way back to your apartment, your phone dinged.
unknown number: hi velcro monkey
you rolled your eyes as you entered your apartment. this man was going to be the death of you.
first Colson Baker imagine. feel free to send requests. - rose xx
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itsmeevie01 · 4 years
Bio!Dad Bruce Day 14-Gala (Part 1)
ummm hi? i just wanted to give yall a huge heads up that this IS part one of two, and part two will be added when i have time to go back and finish. both my computer and my phone are acting up, and my tablet has a faulty keyboard. that said, im going to work to get things back on track. 
Two days after Christmas, the manor was buzzing with activity. The Kents had arrived the day before, and now everyone was prepping for the annual Winter Gala. Marinette was standing in her room, hands on her hips, glaring at her father as he tried to convince her that no, Marinette, the gala is not that big of a deal. down the hall, Tim and Damien helped Alfred sort through the myriad of suits and other formal wear that the siblings would be wearing the next night. Jason had left on ‘business��, while Dick was watching over the people brought into finish decorating for the occasion. Once the boys’ clothing had been sorted, Alfred moved on to check on Cass who had been studiously avoiding all activity related to the Gala.
In the Crewe Group Chat
Kim: Mari, when do you get back in town??
Chlo: M, there’s damage control to do, do you want me to wait for you?
Max: Marinette, you may want to check your Instagram. I know that you avoid social media in Gotham but…
Chlo: Pick up your phone
Chlo: MARI
Alix: Chloe, chill.
Alix: there’s only so much we can do if she’s busy today.
Kim: we need to take care of this somehow though.
Alix: do we have ANY OTHER WAY to contact m?
Adrien: why do I feel like I’m missing something very important?
Max: have you checked the news lately?
Adrien: I only really check AkumaWatch, why?
Max: check international news
Adrien: is… is this what I think it is? (Attached is a screenshot of international gossip. At the top of the page is a picture of two teens in hoodies moving away from an airport. They are dragging suitcases and have their heads down to avoid attention. The boy’s hood is thrown back, and his well-known blue eyes are glaring at the photographer. Above it is the title has Timothy Drake-Wayne finally found love? The second screenshot is from farther down the article where there is a picture of Cassandra Cain-Wayne, Damien Wayne and Marinette hurrying along a sidewalk completely bundled up. The caption reads could this be Tim Drake-Wayne’s mystery girl? Who is she?)
Chlo: YES
Chlo: and its gala day so she’s going to be busy af anyways.
Adrien: What do you mean its Gala day? There’s only one Gala today?
Chlo: Duh. Mari is going.
Chlo: Keep up, Adrikins.
Alix: oh god
Alix: does anyone know how her dress turned out? She had been freaking out about it last I heard, and we all know how much M puts by first impressions.
Adrien: Ok, I’m still really confused? There’s only one Gala today? The Wayne Winter Charity Gala, which is really exclusive and a huge to-do? What Gala is Marinette going to???
Nino: dude
Nino: please
Nino: don’t be oblivious.
Mari: what did I miss?
Mari: um…yes? Jason has been having a ball with all the press. Why?
Chlo: I thought you were trying to be low key?
Mari: tonight
Alix: well, it’s a good thing you have so many influential friends who keep ending up at the same Galas as you, Mari
Adrien: ok, I’m still confused
Chlo: your going to the Winter Gala, right?
Adrien: yeah? We go every year. The only entertaining part is the fact that the Wayne kids always fight. Otherwise it’s all snobby rich people.
Chlo: I’m taking offence to that, since Alix and I have also been going for years.
Alix: seconded
Mari: to be fair, you both tend to hide away and prank people
Adrien: wait. That was you two?
Adrien: And Marinette, how do you know that?
Mari: omg
Mari: I give up sdjkgb
Class Group Chat
Lila: guys! My friend reached out to me…
Alya: wait! Which friend? Is it…?
Lila: yes! Its Maralynn! She’s sooooo excited about her family Gala tonight!
Alix: Maralynn?
Lila: ok, you didn’t hear it from me, but that mystery girl? Seen at the airport with THE Tim Wayne? That’s her! They’re actually twins!
Chloe: oh! That means that Alix, Adrien and I will see her tonight! Its so cool that she trusts you not to reveal who she is…. (:
Marinette: lol isn’t Twitter convinced that she’s dating Tim? AWKWARD
Lila: Maralynn told me that it wasn’t worth it to go after the rumors. I’m trying to respect her decision.
Rose: that’s so sweet, Lila! I didn’t know that you knew the Waynes!
Lila: I don’t know ALL of them, just Maralynn! We were at boarding school together in Italy for a few years.
Marinette: OH WOW
Nino: Chloe, Alix, your going to have to tell us what you think of her?
Lila: oh yes! And if you see my boyfriend, send my love!
Lila: oh? You didn’t know? Tim and I have had a thing for a while
Marinette: oh really? Chloe, you’ll have to pass on that she’s thinking of him tonight!
Lila: I mean… not if you don’t want to! I wouldn’t want to be a bother on GALA night!
Chloe: if I see him, it won’t be a bother at all Lila!
Marinette shook her head and set her phone down as the class chat continued to blow up. As much as she loved Chloe, she knew that the girl was instigating Lila for fun. When everything blew up, Marinette wanted to be able to stand back and watch the fire burn, but not be close enough to get burned. When she turned in her room, the garment bag in the corner caught her eye. Inside, Marinette knew, was a long black dress. When she had run the design past Alfred, the English man had given her an approving nod. Later, she had heard him mentioning to her father that at least one of his myriad of children would be able to dress themselves. The comment had made the teen giggle and she had made sure to put every effort she could into the gown. More than anything, she wanted to make her family proud. A knock on the door drew her attention and she turned to find Cass standing there, her own gown held in its own garment bag.
“get ready? Together?” the noirette lit up at her older sister’s suggestion and she nodded excitedly. The other girl moved into the room and hung the bag in her arms over the wardrobe next to Marinette’s. after she had deposited her shoes, the older teen turned to her sister and smiled.
By the time that Tim came to check on them, both girls had finished their Makeup and were working on hair. The makeup artist that Bruce had hired was packing up her stuff and the hair stylist was partway through Cass’s hair. Marinette turned towards her brother with a smile from where she was standing in front of the hidden dresses. “lend me a hand?” He smirked at the frustration on her face.
“Gladly, Little Bit. Which one is yours?” when the girl nodded to the larger of the two bags, Tim frowned. “how big exactly is your dress?”
“Big enough for me to need help getting it on. Its not that it’s exactly heavy either! Its just…poofy?” he laughed at Marinette’s rush to explain and helped her pull the bag off of the dress. When the dress was no longer hidden, his breath caught. The black dress was stunning. He could see where it moved from black to grey to blue at the bottom, and the long full sleeves followed the same style. Hanging on the hanger behind the dress was a black hoop, and a pair of low heels (as tall as Bruce would allow, actually. He had to remind her ten times that although this was a high society event, she was still 14, and didn’t need to be dressing like she was 20.) sat under the layers of the dress. Where he had been expecting glitter and sparkles, Tim was surprised to find that the satin was free of almost anything that glittered.
“wow” Marinette laughed at his reaction and reached for the hoop.
“I know, right? It took forever, but its totally worth it! And, it’s the designers first attempt at this kind of formal. I think she did a great job.” Tim paused at that.
“LB, hey,” his sister tensed at the abbreviation for her nickname before she turned to him. “who exactly designed your dress?”
“Oh, just a small up and coming designer. You wouldn’t have heard of her.” Cass sniggered from her spot by the vanity and Marinette shot their sister a smile. “ok! Let me get the slip on, and then after the hoop is on top, ill need your help with making sure the skirt fits right.”
Marinette would not be over exaggerating if she said that the red carpet was incredibly chaotic. The only thing she could think of that was more chaotic was perhaps the last time Jagged had held a concert in Paris. After she had made it through the gaggle of reporters and the public (was that Mr. Kent, SUPERMAN, she saw standing in the crowd calling out questions? Dam that man was everywhere.) the teen dropped her purse, that held an extra set of shoes, in her seat. The rest of the family wouldn’t be in for a bit. Her father, Dick, and Damien would all be in the receiving line Alfred would be behind the scenes all night, and Tim was already striking up discussions with business partners. Cass was on the other side of the room, looking stunning in her deep blue dress. When her sister had approached her, through her website, about the dress the teen had squealed at the idea of designing the close-fitting dress for her only sister. A Blonde caught her eye and pulled the noirette out of her thoughts. The familiar girl who was making her way over had abandoned her trademarked blues and yellows in favor of a deep red that matched the garnets littering her jewelry. A few steps behind her was another teen close to Marinette’s age with a pink pixie cut slicked down. The other teen was wearing a suit that had perfect tailoring…actually, that was Marinette’s suit. The girl laughed as Chloe and Alix joined her, the shortest of the three standing in the middle to draw attention to her suit.
As the girls caught up, they scanned the ballroom. On the other side, Tim was starting to look frazzled, while Marinette thought she saw Jason slip in past one of the servers. opposite them, Damien and Dick were starting to mingle while Bruce moved to greet the Kents. As she swept her gaze over the room, Marinette blinked. There, looking straight at her was-
“oh no, its Adrien. Chloe I love you and all, but if that boy causes a scene tonight…” Chloe waved away Alix’s worries.
“I already told him to be on his best behavior. I am personally more interested in when Felix will get here. For all his big talk about transferring to a private school in Paris, I won’t believe it until the brat comes to see me.” The group stifled their laughter at Chloe’s put out response.
“as long as he doesn’t come over asking about everything going on, we should be good.” Marinette nodded at Alix’s statement on Adrien.  
Look for Part 2 soon! if yall have any thoughts, i’d LOVE to hear them, since i have the basic plot down and im fleshing it out now...
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shijiujun · 4 years
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Hope everyone is partying (by yourself, spiritually, or with people, all are totally fine) well into the Christmas weekend! I am back with even more recs (I’ll prolly give it a rest at the 10th one sorry for the spam guys)! This one I just finished a few days ago, because CHINA BOOKSTORE PUBLISHED THIS ON CHRISTMAS WITH MANY GOODIES!! And I was like oh cute long-hair dude, let me read this.
Anyway this is a fengshui + supernatural + body-switching type of novel, with a heavy focus on fengshui! I don’t know if everyone knows what fengshui is (I will prolly do a list for Chinese New Year) and I am no expert, but it’s basically like Chinese geomancy where you can calculate a person’s fate, wealth, marriage suitability etc. with things in an individual’s environment. 
So a lot of Chinese people, for example businessmen when they have new offices or when couples renovate their homes, they may get a feng shui master to arrange furniture and add crystals or talismans or whatever to increase wealth/prosperity/happiness or harmonize bad energy etc., just an example. When you want to check the compatibility of yourself and your SO, some people do go to the fengshui master and calculate their 八字 (day, hour, time they were born + other things) to see when is an auspicious day to marry etc. 
My ex-editor really believes in feng shui masters because hers really predicted a year that her husband got into hugeee trouble like almost to the day itself apparently. And she always wear an accessory with a snake on it because the master said
Written by the same author (Xi Zi Xu) who wrote Kaleidoscope of Death!
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
This book is set in the normal, regular, law-abiding modern city world where fengshui is heavily believed in, and skilled masters can see spirits, bad energies. Where dogs can be reincarnated as humans, and there are demonic pets that humans can keep, and paper dolls can come to life basically.
Zhou Jia Yu is a government office worker who dies in a car accident one day, and wakes up in the body of another Zhou Jia Yu - a handsome man whose name is the same as his. He’s brought back by this spirit bird in his head called Ji Ba (pun not intended), who says that Zhou Jia Yu is fated to save Lin Zhu Shui, the young, blind fengshui master who has caught him.
Unfortunately, this second Zhou Jia Yu is a con-artist who has cheated the money of several families via fraudulent fengshui schemes, and his scams have led to the death of several children in the process. Legendary fengshui master Lin Zhu Shui and his disciples have caught/imprisoned this Zhou Jia Yu, not knowing that original conman Zhou Jia Yu has died (and therefore his soul is gone), leaving good citizen Zhou Jia Yu in the body of a conman.
Lin Zhu Shui intends to kill conman Zhou Jia Yu (not really kill, kill but probably will do something to his soul, considering there are laws against murder you know) when good citizen Zhou Jia Yu wakes up in this body, but because he has come back from the dead, his body and soul is considered an extremely yin (cold) body, which allows him to attract more bad spirits and energy, giving him an extraordinary, gifted ability to excel in the fengshui line. Of course, being the master that he is, Lin Zhu Shui also realizes that this Zhou Jia Yu (and his soul, in particular) is not the one he caught, and as he has an extremely yang (hot) body, the both of them are compatible with each other. Lin Zhuo Shui realizes that he can train Zho Jia Yu and then takes him on as his disciple.
Cue Zhou Jia Yu being tossed into a dangerous fengshui competition as he figures out just what Ji Ba wants him to do about Lin Zhu Shui. In the meanwhile, he falls in love with amazingly handsome, cool and aloof Lin Zhu Shui (who threatens to murder him if he doesn’t come out first in the competition), who keeps him warm when he gets unbearably cold due to his body condition. They also have to deal with an evil person working behind the scenes, and how Zhou Jia Yu eventually returns back into his own body at the end.
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) - Dec 2020 Print | Novel Translations 
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1. 周嘉鱼 Zhou Jia Yu (third from right) - A really cute government office worker whose soul was pulled into a conman’s body, who has the same name as he, when he got into a car accident. Has an extremely yin (cold) body which attracts spirits (good and bad), and allows him to see, smell or hear them more clearly than everyone else except for Lin Zhu Shui. He cooks extremely well too and is considered a treasure in the household by Lin Zhu Shui’s other disciples because none of them can cook for shit. They don’t initially know that this Zhou Jia Yu is not conman Zhou Jia Yu, although they suspect it, and once they fall in love with his cooking no one doubts him anymore HAHAHA.
He gets a feng shui tattoo personally done by Lin Zhu Shui who already knows that his soul was switched, a tattoo which is supposed to help him in feng shui matters. Gets a paper doll son halfway through the story, who he calls Xiao Zhi (little paper), which calls him Dad (and calls Lin Zhu Shui Big Dad - da baba) ;-; It’s the cutest shit ever.
There’s a mystical creature in the back of his head that speaks to him and helps him out on certain feng shui things, and helps him to explain what he’s seeing, but aside from telling Jia Yu that he’s supposed to save Lin Zhu Shui, the mystical bird thing is unable to tell him anything else. Within a few weeks of him waking up in this body, he’s sent by Lin Zhu Shui on an international feng shui competition without having any sort of basic knowledge, only innate talent, much to his panic XD As Lin Zhu Shui continues to protect him, teach him and tease/smile at him, Jia Yu, who is certified gay af, falls totally in love with the seemingly aloof and strict feng shui master.
They probably would have continued like this if not for Jia Yu’s body deteriorating because his body is technically not his and not compatible with his soul, and Lin Zhu Shui tries to find a way to save him, after seeing the future where Jia Yu’s body is rotting as he dies slowly over months and begging Lin Zhu Shui to kill him and let him die.
2. 林逐水 Lin Zhu Shui (third from left, right next to Jia Yu) - Long-haired, wears changshan perpetually and is blind, but can see more clearly than most people. He knows where everyone’s positions are exactly, and can see spirits etc. very well despite being blind. Considered a genius of the feng shui world and is the patriarch of one of the big feng shui families in the world - the Lin family. He’s a master at drawing talismans, carving crystals/gems and feng shui tattooing.
He’s so well-known that everyone wants to be his disciple, everyone wants to get a talisman/crystal/tattoo from him, everyone wants him to come and look at their houses, but he can’t be bothered with most people. He’s also super handsome? So a lot of girls (and guys) are always drooling over him.
He has an extremely yang (hot) body, which is supposed to naturally help to repel spirits and what not, but because of this he suffers a lot in the summer. His body condition is very rare and when he was younger, others said he would not live past 18 years old, and his parents gave up their lives to change his fate so he would survive. The feng shui master also predicted that Lin Zhu Shui would experience another calamity when he was 30 (thereabout), and that year, thankfully he has Jia Yu as his entire house caught on fire in the summer while he was in it (and cooling talismans and the house item placements meant to keep the house entirely cool in the summer were no longer working). Jia Yu helped him to cool down with his incredibly yin body.
Knows right off the bat that this is a different Jia Yu, and starts teaching him as one of his disciples. Can only eat the food hat Jia Yu cooks because his yin qualities transfer to the food he cooks as well, and Lin Zhu Shui usually cannot eat anything else that’s cooked outside. Gives Jia Yu a carved jade pendant he made himself that’s apparently worth thousands of dollars to keep him safe, and is a dumbass when it comes to confessing to Jia Yu hahahaha (although he’s successful at the end!)
3. 沈一穷 Shen Yi Qiong (second from right, dark skin tone) - Lin Zhu Shui’s youngest disciple and also Jia Yu’s best friend, technically. Brash but smart, and is always thirsting openly after his shifu Lin Zhu Shui, it’s hilarious! He’s a little jealous in the beginning because his shifu is showering Jia Yu with so much attention when he’s only been around for a week etc., but quickly gets used to it and supports Jia Yu. Jia Yu always makes fun of his tanned skin, then makes fun of his singlehood HAHA, while Shen Yi Qiong provides emotional support to Jia Yu, and by emotional support I mean when Jia Yu asks him what will happen to him if he loses the feng shui competition, Shen Yi Qiong pats him on the shoulder and asks him to choose a vase/pot pattern (like a ceramic pot where you put cremated ashes) = shifu will kill him if he loses the competition, so gets Jia Yu to choose a pot he likes so Shen Yi Qiong can help him put his ashes in HAHAHAHA. He is the last one to find a significant other, but the one he finds is like a legendary mystical creature who half deceives him into promising to marry him and then keeps chasing after Shen Yi Qiong so he can marry him XD
4. 林珏 Lin Jue (first from left) - Lin Zhu Shui’s cousin but technically his older sister because she brought him up after his parents died. Spends most of the novel being sad about her past lover who died because of an illness, and is wooed a few years later by a legendary golden dragon.
5. 小纸 Xiao Zhi (that little cute white thing on top of Jia Yu’s head) - A paper doll who’s given to Jia Yu after he helps out at the paper doll village/tribe, and grows up with Jia Yu and Lin Zhu Shui taking care of him. Is the cutest little shit ever, can speak, and calls Jia Yu ‘baba’ and Lin Zhu Shui ‘da baba’ i.e. dad and big dad. Very strong, and can protect Jia Yu very well.
Other Things I Like in the Novel:
Jia Yu basically goes to the feng shui competition and destroys everyone else because he’s just gifted in this aspect - When he wakes up, and in the days leading up to the competition, he doesn’t have a cellphone (Lin Zhu Shui and his disciples live in a remote part of town, a traditional-type house, one with nature) and after he wins the competition, other people want his phone number to contact him and he’s too embarrassed to say that he’s basically too poor to have a phone after rising from the dead, so he bluffs everyone and says “My shifu says that handphone signals and radiation will interfere with advanced feng shui readings so I don’t have one” and LITERALLY half of the feng shui training population gets rid of their phones on that day, gullible af
Everytime Jia Yu runs cold, he has to drink some of Lin Zhu Shui’s blood mixed with water/milk, and the man’s yang blood warms him up immediately
Jia Yu has to deal with four of Lin Zhu Shui’s disciples, all who are really suspicious of him because they think he’s the conman, and Jia Yu doesn’t realize they already know it’s not him until they defend him in front of other people, and he’s so touched
Shen Yi Qiong gets his marriage fortune told during one of the cases by accident. He asks when he’ll get married, and the thing replies “Seven Three” AND HE’S SO DEPRESSED BECAUSE he thinks that it means he’ll only get married when he’s 73. It’s a source of jokes between him, his other shixiongs and Jia Yu, but then towards the end he realizes what it means - His supposed match, a legendary mystical male weasel who’s 73 years old XD
Jia Yu keeps thirsting after Lin Zhu Shui, fully aware that he’s very gay himself, and he’s confessed to while he’s stuck in the haze of a high fever, so he thinks it’s a dream. Lin Zhu Shui doesn’t realize he forgot/thinks it’s a dream and is pissed that he’s rejected HAHAHA and then Lin Jue reminds him to not be a dumbass and confess properly, and so he does so again in an empty amusement park, after summoning evil spirits so they can fly in the air and make a heart shape just for Jia Yu while they’re on the ferris wheel XDDDD
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Paper Flowers: The Prince’s Enemy
You liked it so I made more of it!
Part 1 over here. Enjoy!
You sit in your room relaxing before dinner. Homework’s done and social media isn’t going to check in on itself. You are replying to a post one of your friends placed on their wall when a notification pops up. ‘Thomas Sanders just posted a new video’.
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You smile as you finish your message and click the notification. Thomas is one of your favorite creators. And it’s insane what he can do in six seconds.
The first thing you notice is that it is a return of the prince character. It makes you smile.
Who doesn’t love a real life Disney prince?
“Stop you fiend!” the prince declares, standing in what looks like an old concrete building, which probably was meant to create the illusion of an old fortress.
Then the angle shifts and… Wait that’s not one of Thomas’ friends playing a villain. That’s Thomas wearing a black hoodie with the hood up to mimic a cloak and black eye shadow to make him look more threatening. Which is a tall order for the human cinnamon bun.
“Prince Dude! My arch nemesis!” villain Thomas growls.
Then the prince comes back into view. He looks shocked.
“Wait…” he dramatically brings a hand to his chest. “I’m your arch nemesis?” he asks... Why does he sound so emotional?
Villain Thomas comes back into view and looks… Flustered? What?
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to assume…”
Wait. This is… This is like someone calling their SO boyfriend or girlfriend for the first time. OMG this is the cutest!
“No!” Prince rushes as he comes back into view. “I just didn’t…” he sighs and shakes his head. “Shall we?” He asks as he raises his sword ready to continue their battle.
Villain Thomas comes back into view and smirks as he raises his own weapon and nods.
“Prepare to die!” He declares letting out a battle cry. The camera shows Prince again who lets out a war cry of his own, charging in.
And that’s the end. You smile to yourself as you leave a like. You’re curious what other fanders think of this new character. Will he ever come back? You hope so.
“Roman it’s so nice of you to include Anxiety in the fun!” Patton cheered when he found out about the new villain character.
Virgil rolled his eyes. Of course Princey was getting praised. Not that it would occur to Patton how hard it’d been for Virgil to agree to let Thomas use his aesthetic, his identity, to create a new character. Or that his heart was racing at the thought of how much the fans would probably hate it.
“Think nothing of it Patton. I merely had the idea for a nemesis, and figured that if Thomas played the character himself it would minimize speculation of the fans on any hidden meaning behind the skits. They are almost more eager to see Thomas find a partner than I am, and none of our friends need that kind of attention on them. So when it came to picking out a look, Anxiety’s… Style, seemed fitting. That’s all,” Roman explained, surprising Virgil.
Roman was passing up on the chance to bask in the praise? Praise he deserved, maybe… A little. Virgil knew that this whole thing was an olive branch from the Prince to him.
And honestly it was kind of a fun skit. Thomas had a lot of fun making it… But here Roman was, downplaying his good intentions and how thoughtful he’d been about it. He’d asked Virgil’s permission to do this. He never asked Logan or Patton to use their looks for the dad or the teacher character.
“Speaking off the raisin cookie… Anxiety!” Roman called. Virgil looked up from where he was sulking against the kitchen counter.
“What?” he scowled.
“I have a few more skit ideas you’ll probably want to criticize. Let’s get that over with shall we?” Roman suggested casually as he headed to his room.
Virgil made a point to sigh and roll his eyes in annoyance, grumbling under his breath as he usually would. Patton might not pay enough attention to him to notice anything amiss, but Virgil was pretty sure Logan would ask questions if the two of them started to act too different.
He entered the fanciful side’s room and took a look around. It was a nice place honestly. Both similar and opposite to his room somehow.
“Soooo… How did you like the skit?” Roman asked eagerly.
Virgil shrugged. “It was alright. Thomas really enjoyed it,” he allowed.
Roman grinned, happy he got some sort of positive feedback from the usually more sullen side.
“And um… It was really cool of you… What you said to Patton. You didn’t have to. You deserved some sort of, like, praise I guess, even if he didn’t know the real reason why you did,” Virgil muttered then.
Roman’s eyes widened. Did Anxiety just… Praise him? He hadn’t expected that. He’d corrected Patton because he didn’t want Anxiety to think that he was using their truce to earn extra brownie points with the fatherly side.
“Thank you Anxiety,” Roman bowed.
“Don’t mention it,” Virgil shrugged awkwardly.
There was a silence. Neither knew for sure how to continue from this point. Their interactions usually ended with one of them storming out of the room.
“Um… Want to watch some tv until Thomas checks up on the comments?” Roman suggested.
“Yeah, sounds good,” Virgil nodded.
Roman gestured to the couch and they sat down as far away from each other as possible.
Virgil chuckled as he realized Roman had put on Avatar.
“Is there a problem? Mr. moodbender?” Roman asked tensely. Clearly ready to call of the truce if Virgil criticized the show.
The anxious man shook his head. “No. Just surprised you’re not putting on Disney,”
Roman rolled his eyes. “I can love things that aren’t Disney, scorned king,” he huffed.
Virgil nodded, Princey had a point.
They both mouthed along to the opening narration and smirked at each other while the intro music played.
“So… What other things do you like Princey?” Virgil started casually.
Roman blinked in surprise, happy surprise that is. Anxiety was clearly making an effort, showing interest in making this truce evolve to a friendship. It was nice, to know that he was not the only one invested in this.
“Well it should come as no surprise to you that I adore all things musical.”
Virgil looked around to all the playbills and smirked. “I would’ve never guessed,” he teased getting a pillow to the face, though it was clearly in good humor.
“Sush!” Roman chuckled.
“Anyway. As I was saying…” Roman proceeded to talk about his favorite artists, some of which Virgil admitted to liking as well and Virgil, in return talked about his favorites as well.
“Oh wait…” Virgil suddenly interrupted as his attention was caught by the screen. Momo had entered the story.
“This is the part where I got respect for this show,” Virgil divulged.
“Why’s that?” Roman wondered.
“Well, on the one hand you have the first time you realize that Zuko isn’t bad. Cause he spares the commanders life. And on the other, the show literally looked at their demographic and said: you kids can handle some genocide. Here is an actual body, confirmed to belong to a character our protagonist cared about,” Virgil explained. “They don’t look down on the kids that watch the show. And they made that clear, very fast. I respect that.”
Roman thought about that, and he could see Anxiety’s point.
“Yes, I suppose they didn’t hide their vision for the show at all,” he nodded.
They continued watching the episode in comfortable silence, both silently noting that they’d moved closer together during their conversation, now only leaving enough distance for both of them to still keep their personal bubble intact.
“I guess it’s been an hour now…” Virgil muttered as the end credits played. Roman nodded as he paused the tv. Thomas would soon give in and see if anyone had reacted to his recent post.
“It’ll be alright. Worst case scenario, they don’t like it and we don’t bring the character back,” Roman assured the younger aspect. “I’d be a little disappointed, because I have tons of ideas for your character. But we’ll think of something else,” he assured Virgil, not willing to give up on his plan to make Anxiety feel more wanted in some way because of one hypothetical set back.
“What if people stop following Thomas because…”
“Anxiety, we’ve posted videos of much lower quality than this one and they didn’t make people run for the hills,” Roman countered.
Virgil nodded but curled in on himself anyway. Roman sighed.
“Things are as they are, we can’t change them now so we might as well face the music. Alright?”
Virgil took in a deep breath and nodded. That made sense.
“Okay. Let's do this,” he sighed.
Roman smiled and nodded as they watched Tomas ‘casually’ check notifications.
Oh no, Virgil thought as he could feel the way Thomas' heart skipped a beat when he saw all the likes and shares popping up.
“Comments!!!” Roman cheered.
And indeed. The Fanders had left several comments already. Some keyboardsmashes, some big eyed or hearteyed emoji's. Some one word exclamations like ‘Adorable’, ‘wholesome’ and even ‘perfection’.
Virgil couldn't help smiling as Thomas' excitement grew. He was about to be outed, he knew it.
But he didn't care that much right now.
Because someone demanded Thomas make more vines with his villain character. And another joked that they should call Disney because they found the new big hit Disney Channel show.
He couldn't stop himself from letting out a soft sound of excitement as he played with the sleeves of his hoodie to release some energy. He wanted to jump up and down and scream, Thomas was so happy.
“By Hermes' Sandals! Anxiety! Your eyeshadow!” Roman exclaimed. He'd heard his fellow side’s uncontainable  excitement and had looked up, unable to pass up the chance to see the closed off side smile. He had not been ready for this. The layer of white foundation seemed to be less thick revealing it was hiding freckles underneath. That was not the most important part though. The usually black, smudged eyeshadow was brilliant and sparkly and a royal purple.
Anxiety blushed upon being caught but didn’t really stop smiling.
“Yeah, that happens when Thomas gets really excited. Don't make it a big deal,” he shrugged. Roman nodded, understanding that Anxiety meant to ask him not to mention it to the others.
He felt a sense of accomplishment well up inside him. Surely Anxiety had known there was a good chance Thomas would get excited upon seeing the responses to the skit. If he wanted it to be a secret he could've excused himself and hid in his room until the effect wore off. But he hadn't. He'd stayed and taken the risk of being seen. Roman wondered what he’d said or done to make the hooded man want to open up like that. Maybe he’ll ask, some other time.
“Anyway, good job Roman. Seems you’re stuck with me,” Virgil winked as he got up, pulling his hood over his face so he could hide his state until he got to his room.
“Princey , is stuck with the hooded fiend,” Roman corrected. “but I don’t think he minds. And neither do I,” he added while he basked in the glow of the complement.
Virgil felt his smile widen just a bit as he saw how happy Roman was with all this.
Once you gave him a chance he wasn't that annoying.
Virgil had found himself going from wanting someone to not hate him, to wanting Roman to like him over the course of their conversation. Their truce had been tense and awkward up until now. But even so, it had been going surprisingly well. Virgil could tell Roman was looking out for him. By distracting the others when Virgil felt cornered by example. And Virgil had tried to help Princey out as well. Making him go to bed, trying to push Thomas towards creating more content and trying his hardest not to be too, well, mean about actually posting it. And when he sensed Roman was getting overwhelmed by the spotlight he took the attention away from him too.
And now he had shown Roman that he was right. There was more to him than just anxiety. Sometimes he was bright, bouncy and sparkling excitement.
“It suits you by the way,” Roman added, janking Virgil back to the present.
Virgil froze for a second finding he had his hand on the door handle. “Um… thanks, see ya later,” he muttered before rushing out.
He was about to enter his room when he heard someone else call out to him.
“Anxiety kiddo, are you and Roman finished?” The question was friendly enough in and of itself, but as always Patton sounded tense when talking to him which set Virgil on edge. He wasn't that scary right? What did he do to make Patton so scared to be around him?
Sure he was trying to make them keep some distance. But he was going for cautious, not this.
He didn't know what he'd done and he wasn't willing to risk repeating it, so he kept was careful about keeping enough distance between himself and the resident dad as a rule. Now he had an extra reason though.
Virgil nodded, not looking up. Patton's precense might make him nervous in a less fun way, but a comment that called his character adorable flashed through his mind and set loose another swarm of butterflies. Easily overpowering the unease in the hallway. He was definitely still sparkly.
And if Patton saw, he'd ask about it. And Virgil would have to explain, trapping both of them in this conversation far longer than either wanted. Worse what if seeing evidence of a less broody side of him made Patton feel like he had to make an effort? He'd already managed to make Princey feel like he had to be kind to him. And sure that might be turning into something genuine, but that didn't mean things would work out so well for the others.
Another door opened. “Padre! There you are! I was just about to come looking for you. I had the most marvelous idea!” Virgil chanced a glance at the hallway and saw Roman drag a surprised Patton into his room. The prince locked eyes with him for a second and gave him a reassuring smile and a wink.
Virgil nodded, sending Roman a grateful half-smile, before entering his room.
Virgil had spent mostly all of Thomas' happiest moments in his room. Partly to hide his secret, first from J and Rem who'd probably tease him about it, and now from  Thomas' golden three who would never take him serious again if they knew. Or well, two of them, Roman knew now…
Anyway, there was another reason. His room was very nice to be in when excitement dominated Virgil's functions.
It was the same, but lighter. The curtains were open, the clock was no longer a maddening reminder of the never ceasing passage of time, and the spider webs sparkled with dewdrops. Virgil took in a deep breath, even the air was more breathable.
What was it he wanted to scream about again?
He let himself belly flop onto his bed and screamed.
The fanders liked it! And more importantly, Roman might actually be his fried now. He could relate to the villain character right now. Were they friends? They had each other’s back, had bonded over common interests, shared a secret…
Would Roman consider them friends?
Maybe he was getting ahead of himself due to the butterflies. But it was definitely going that way.
Virgil turned around in his bed and looked up at the ceiling with a smile.
This was different than with Janus and Remus. They’d grown up together, they had to tolerate each other. But this was… Some sort of proof that he was likable. Roman didn’t have to hang out with him. He’d seen something in him and chosen to give him a chance.
He didn’t have to complement him, but he did and he didn’t turn it on himself right away as he tended to do.
Remus and Janus were… They just tended to trigger him more often than not. Not on purpose, he knew that, but he’d started having his meals upstairs for a reason.
He shook of that thought. It wasn’t important, he’d catch up with them later today or something. He was sure they’d have some things to say about the video. Maybe some of them would even be genuinely nice.
He smiled to himself. Look at him being optimistic.
Chapter 3: Green eyed jealousy
He was curious though, what he’d find around the river bend.
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stubbychaos · 4 years
Grateful For This Fandom And All Of You!
I initially wasn’t going to make a post like this because real life has been hectic as of lately, but 2020 has been one of the emotionally roughest years of my life, and the Mandalorian/Star Wars fandom has seriously lifted me up so much.
I know it sounds ‘cheesy’ or whatever to say a fandom has really saved you and while I’m still dealing with my own mental issues, having y’all to interact with seriously has uplifted me so much and I am so grateful to be able to have you guys in my life!! I want to say I started this blog around January, but didn’t really start posting around February or March because I was too shy, but everyone I’ve encountered has been so sweet and lovely!! Even though Saviin’ika is kind of my baby when it comes to fan fics, I don’t think I’ve written anything over 100k before and knowing that I have at least 100k more drafted out is absolutely insane to me--I’ve never written this much in my life and I’m so excited for what I have in store for y’all. I cannot absolutely wait to see how much it progresses and what new works I decide to work on it 2021!! I have so many fun ideas and the fact that this is one of my longest running fics makes me so excited!!
Anyways, here’s a small list of blogs that have seriously impacted my life this year, even if I haven’t interacted with them as much as I would have liked! *Not all of them are necessarily blogs that post fics!! Some are just super supportive of content creators or extremely talented artists that I admire!*
Because I feel like this is definitely going to get long because there’s so many of you that I love, I’m going to put this under a cut! Not everyone got a long shout out, but please know that I am utterly grateful for each and every one of you and I am always down to talk with every single one of my followers!!
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@datmando WHERE DO I BEGIN CLOWN LMAOO. Christina is honestly a gem and I cannot get over how talented she is when it comes to both art and writing--it’s insane to me!! I think she is actually one of the first people to reach out to me (I think it was actually about my username if I remember correctly??) and I absolutely adore waking up and seeing that I have a message from her because I know she’s about to wreck me with her utter CLOWNERY lmaoo, whether it be something soft or angsty that she shares with me. Not to mention experiencing season 2 of Mandalorian with her was such a highlight of my year. Even though she doesn’t believe in wearing socks to bed, I guess she’s okay and I’ll keep calling her my friend, even if she makes makes fun of me for how I get so cold easily </3 also thanks for starting the Great Sock Debate of 2020 lmaooo🤡🤡
@aerynwrites  Aeryn is the biggest sweetheart ever and is so supportive and encouraging. She is also one of the first people to support my writing and I remember how I nearly cried when she told me that she had made a mood board for Saviin’ika because nobody has ever done anything like that for me before??? Anyways, her Knight!Din story is everything, along with her angsty Cassian fics, so please check her out!! She deserves all the love in the world and I genuinely enjoy talking to her!
@hdlynn Listen, I think Heather and Aeryn tie for the biggest sweetheart award!! Heather is like the queen of giving out such good writing advice and just how encouraging she is to write characters the way we feel like writing them is such a refresher!!! She has no qualms about breaking canon and is always like--nah dude :) you do what makes you happy and it’s like!!! YASSS!! She is absolutely aware that writing and certain characters should have no strict rules and I live for it!!
@maybege Okay, listen y’all!! Maybege is also one of the first people that I became friends with when Paz started becoming a bigger character to write for in the fandom and she quickly became a good friend of mine!! She is also a huge sweetheart and her Paz smut and just overall works are just... *screeching noises* TO DIE FOR!!!! I’m all for a gruff Mandalorian with a soft spot and she always pulls it off so well, yet in always such a sexy way that has me gasping, no matter which Mandalorian it is!!! She’s always catching me off guard with me discovering kinks that I didn’t even know I had before and apparently I’m way more of a freak than I initially thought lol.
@absurdthirst I don’t actually talk to Keri that much personally!! but I follow her and she is so supportive towards other content creators that it’s such a breath of fresh air to see on my dash!! She’s constantly putting out the hottest smut, but also, she gives out such great advice to her followers and anons and she has to be one of the least judgmental creators in this fandom that I have the privilege of knowing! She’s so chill and I absolutely adore her for it! If you need to rant or can’t remember the name of a certain fic, she’s the one to go to!! Also she has a Din x reader x Paz fic that is just--🥵🥵 HAWT
@huliabitch Julia is honestly such a boss ass bitch and if she punched me in the face, I would probably thank her for it!! She always sends me the sweetest messages and encourages chaotic behavior, as well as cliffhangers and I love you for that bb <3 She is beautiful inside and out and I love her!! Also, her moodboards are absolutely stunning!!
@anxiety-riddled-mando Tailor is someone I want to get to know better because she seems like such a sweetheart and is so talented when it comes to both fan art and fic!!! I just read her Urgency fic and I cannot wait to reblog it with comments becAUSE IM A MESS LOL
@clydesducktape The way Thia supports so many fanfics and reblogs them with the sweetest comments and tags is so cool to me!! I love seeing blogs that have absolutely no qualms when it comes to reblogging fics that don’t get the recognition they deserve!! Also, you are such a sweetheart too and even though we don’t personally talk a lot, I adore seeing you on my dash and the posts you have tagged me in in the past!!!
Here are some more blogs that I absolutely adore, regardless of their content: @coredrive @leo-moon @phoenixhalliwell @justrunamok @jango-fettish @acynicalcat @tangledlove27 @auty-ren  @tiffdawg @princessxkenobi @oloreaa @gallowsjoker @saltywintersoldat @keethus-arts @theocatkov @forever-rogue @corrupt-fvcker @haloangel391 @no-droids-allowed @catnip987 @cattfeine @silverfish-kingdom @yes-music-is-my-religion @princessbatears @gallowsjoker @prettylittlegoldfish @parabatai-winchester @aesnawan @blue-writes-a03 @kimbachan @bestintheparsec​ @lackofhonor @mandolovian @teaofpeach @max--phillips @hansoulo @trashedies @giselatropicana @elenamiria
Like I said before, I absolutely adore all of my followers and love interacting with you all!! I cannot wait to meet more people this year!!
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