#AV :\\ Headcanon
daeva-agas · 11 months
Me just making complicated wild ideas because it's fun. I mentioned that I like the headcanon idea that AV summoners have different "ways "poses" for summoning, so here they are.
Summoning hand gesture:
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Lore(ish) headcanon that to "contract" higher rank demons (e.g the daeva) they need to actually know the demon's personal names. If the demon is in front of them they can do this to find out their names with this spell (cannot be done long distance):
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All this for drama purposes that I don't really know how to write LOL.
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doodleempireofsticks · 4 months
It's pride month!!!
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Featuring my headcannon identities +ships of the stick figures from AVA!
Have a great pride month, I'm proud of y'all
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chotachica · 4 months
In honor of pride month I offer you two (2) ass doodles of my most self indulgent and utterly delusional hc aka transfem pluto. which is just pluto with a skirt because (s)he fucking deserves one.
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hazbinsponsoredbyvee · 3 months
I have to ask
Are you open to a hot take on your content? I just came across your page today and I was surprised to see your take on radiostatic. Or maybe you can answer as Al or Vox. First off let me say I am a biological straight male and I’m aware I grew up in another land than what I’ve seen people in fandom create for themselves. I haven’t even met another straight guy yet who likes Hazbin Hotel and certainly not gonna meet any who ship Al and Vox. I secretly love them together and I think I know why but I wanted to say this.
I don’t see why Alastor is a top in this ship?
When I first saw Alastor on screen it was like my whole world stopped for a moment and I realized if he were gay and if I were gay I’d want to fuck him. I’m not saying im questioning if im gay at all I just think if I were gay I’d want to but I would never bottom and so that’s my reasoning for Top Vox and Bottom Alastor. He’s just really feminine and Vox isn’t at all.
I’d like to know your take on it since it seems to matter on this blog who tops/bottoms.
Oooh, I love character studies!
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Ok, so starting off, since you explained the background you're coming from, I'll do the same - I am an asexual/biromantic cis female. Also, I wouldn't necessarily say that who tops/bottoms matters on this blog, but people keep asking, so I've had to give some kind of response.
ANYWAY. I'll start with Vox. I see him as a switch who mostly bottoms. From my understanding, not being gay or a man or that interested in sex, who bottoms doesn't necessarily have anything to do with who's more feminine. And my first impression of Vox was that he was a bottom. He just strikes me as the type who takes charge in every other area of his existence, so he wants a break from that in bed. And while I know top/bottom doesn't necessarily equal dom/sub, that's just the energy I feel he gives off. Everything from the types of men he goes after to the way he kind of seems to be a bit of a glutton for punishment just screams to me that he wants to be fucked. However, I can also see him bringing that 'taking control of the boardroom' energy into the bedroom, hence why I headcanon him as a switch.
Now Alastor. I definitely feel like he's on the side of the asexual spectrum that has basically no interest in sex (and very possibly sex-repulsed, but I choose to headcanon him differently). But we know he loves violence. So, I feel like the only way he would be at all interested in sex if it's a power play to dominate over and hurt the other person. With Vox in particular, I think that what would appeal to Alastor is his once-rival, a powerful Overlord, willingly surrendering to him completely and giving him control over what he feels - proving his devotion to him. And I feel like Alastor would get off more on the power and bloodshed than the sex itself. Also, I think he's too controlling with too many trust issues to put himself in the vulnerable position of being fucked.
None of this is to say that you can't think differently, of course! This is just my own interpretation.
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storgicdealer · 4 months
ehehehehehe okay. first things first i figured out a good name for stohio: carteblan (i cannot believe it took me this long ive been calling it stohio for like ? oh my god just over a year now)
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anyways yeah.
i havent figured out the exact timeline, but a couple years before victim "came back to life"/escaped the ava1 youtube video (that's a whole other can of worms), stickfigures were just finding out about the existence of other living sticks. in particular, freedom was a rather popular figure as one of the first sticks to break out of stick slavery (many living stickfigures were put to tasks, similar to chosen and second, where it was either do the task or die). freedom specifically was the first to discover the outernet, and quickly provided a link to others online.
he then created the "stick freedom ad" (which earned him his name; prior to this, he was simply known as unti (short for untitled) (sticks having Names outside of their roles was not a common thing yet)). he made this ad and scammed several websites into displaying it without actually paying for it by using fraudulent money (there are a couple very old blog posts and forum posts about the Stick Freedom Ad and what its supposed to mean, since clicking on it leads to an error 404).
as more sticks were freed and entered the outernet, they began to build houses. some sticks that had experience with drawing helped draw the sketches for these houses, which was then built upon using the surrounding resources. this eventually developed into carteblan, the city that mango and purple live in today.
however as time passed the culture in carteblan became a little elitist--- victim-blamey (haha), acting like all sticks should be strong, and turning down their noses on sticks who look a little too different from the norm (like paleo, ballista and hazard) (the norm being hollowheads, fullheads and whiteheads).
like i mentioned in my reblog, the sticks in carteblan began to crave more, lives similar to human lives, and amongst that was a demand for stick children. in my headcanon, sticks cannot reproduce and any sex they have is entirely recreational, so they had to devise another method for having kids. adoption, like mango did with gold in my hc, is the most common way of doing this.
sticks like second, that can draw things to life, are extremely rare (like 1 out of a thousand) in the outernet, but theres a couple thousand people in carteblan as of 2024 so there are a few sticks that can actually draw sticks to life. thus, they do 'kid' commissions where they literally draw a kid to life in exchange for money. there are also some website sticks in touch with their animators who ask their animators do do kid commissions as well for people in the outernet.
wow okay this is long. there are other stick cities too but the two major cities are carteblan and adagia most other sticks live in solitude or on websites ok im done woo
grabs you by the shoulders. falls onto the floor. has a fucking awakening
this is one of the most amazing things ive seen recently that inspired me to make a ramble/srs.
im going to create another part of my ramble series and pin it because of it im fr
foundation of the outernet, development of outernet sticks and creation of living beings
(a ramble made with the help of an immaculate person with amazing ideas)
OH MY GOD?????? FIRSTLY. i need to mention that i ADORE that we both have an idea that outernet was discovered by created internet/pc sticks. that its appearance began to be a place for a whole race to live in. and that its not something that exists completely naturally and independently from it. this is the theory of their origins i believe most right now
freedom being the founder IS SICK. ITS SO FUCKING SICK im rolling on the floor
in my "rules of code" ramble also i supposed sticks being in touch with their creators as well and them also BEING DRAWN!!! by sticks and creators. ill put a screenshot of everything hold on
outernets creation
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my thoughts about outernets existence that most of which i think i explained
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lives of stickmen and reproduction
my thoughts were about reproduction as well!!!!! its mostly accepted as canon in the fandom that sticks reproduce naturally but i cannot say that it actually is canon. everything that was going on with purple was symbolic and didnt showcase like. natural birth
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alan said that for gold to exist king would have to marry a very neon yellow stick.
AND THIS made me confirm my headcanon that stick children are created by parent(s) own code. that they cannot influence it or prefer a color, that their code INHERENTLY has the variety of the color palette and hexcodes embedded into it.
ABOUT the code and colors. (i believe that the colors of sticks mixing up with each others is COMPLETELY code.)
all sticks inherently have a code and a name that gives them associated power. that can be messed with as well by a user (tdl command). its something that ive also talked in my rules of code ramble and mentioned the concept of "levels" and name power hierarchy
the chosen one, created and possessing a grandeu amount of power
the dark lord, also posessing a lot of power (that i dont believe couldve came from the command that was written into them. the command of destroying chosen is a goal that i believe is able to not be achieved)
the second coming, the name of someone that ties them with their predecessor (does make me wonder though how exactly their code made a connection with our chosen. maybe its possible that the name "the second coming" by itself, as a level, implies being a coming of someone powerful)
victim, being quite weak by themselves and not posessing any power by their own and having to rely on pc programs they're aware of.
i believe that being able to code a stick into a specific power and duty is something that could only be achieved and controlled through the feature of the program the stick was created in. in case of outernet, since they dont have access to computer programs and therefore, programs of creation such as adobe they cannot influence or change one's code
when it comes to creation of a stick i truly believe that you are able to give them color by yourself, unless the child is made by connecting it to the codes of its supposed parent(s). they gain hue by either actually taking/mixing up the colors of the parents or by taking one color in case of a sole parent.
(societal thought: its possible that outernet sticks, due to not wanting to have a literal copy and just an extension of themselves and wanting to create an "actual new life" by mixing colours prefer to have children with a partner, and not by themselves only)
have thought that color/code of the stick could be influenced by the parent(s) preferences, like a parent would like to have a kid similar to them and name them the same way (thus resulting/having their hexcode being picked out individually) BUT. i remembered alans words about kings spouse.
that for gold to exist king would need to marry a really neon yellow stick.
would it imply that sticks that subtract parent(s) code cannot influence the color of the stick created? as much as it impossible to influence the features of a born child in our real life, only taking it from parents and letting the nature play a randomizer. and that the only thing that they are able to influence is the shape of their creation?
society of outernet
THE CONCEPT OF STICKS SOCIETY BEING ELITIST ABOUT THIS STUFF. im eating it im not sure what fully do with it yet but im eating it
ive also talked about society there
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when talking about creators of mercs king purple and co i was mostly thinking about real users. BUT YOUR CONCEPT OF STICKS BEING DRAWN BY OTHER STICKS AND ME THINKING ABOUT IT AS WELL . THIS IS SO FUCKING AMAZING. this is canon for me IDC!!!!!!
it does, however, make me wonder of their living process. we know that alan's hollowheads are created for a reason, are born aware of themselves, how to walk/run/interact/fight and havent been seen aging or changing. and due to chosen, victim and second surviving a whole bunch of damage that should've killed them, second literally REFUSING to delete, the fate of dark lord being unknown and alan not giving a straight answer about it and, very important: cg as created sticks being unable to actually die and needing only refresh of a page to continue living, having all their memories intact... makes me wonder that stickmen created directly by a human hand are unable to die.
(does make me wonder about another completely different thing. the societal perception. is it acceptable to be in touch with your stick creators? how would it even feel. do they perceive them as a distant relative?? do sticks that are able to create life consider their creations close to them as well??? im imagining something along the lines about detroit stuff with connor&kamski but way less intense)
connection of realms and creation of life
ive rambled A TON about connection of internet and outernet and how sticks especially of outernet could connect and travel between realms. hear ye hear ye.
right now i genuinely believe that stick society advanced so far in the outernet and got to live there that their connection with the internet mightve severed:
sticks of outernet don't physically interact neither with internet/pc programs OR travel there unless they obtained something that could allow them to travel to a pc/internet (the minecraft block and nether portals that seem doing quite fine in the outernet dimension) or have powers that can allow them to break through (chosen and the computer/ip sky which, interestingly, has only been seen broken through on the alanspc ip adress//dark portals to the internet).
given this, there's not a lot of accesible methods of traveling to the internet and most of them are available only to pc sticks.
(except. for king and purple. except for king getting a block from minecraft that was not supposed to be in the outernet from that merchant in his backstory. but it is a whole another can of worms as well)
as far as we've seen sticks that werent exposed to pc and internet tech dont really use or possess any tech that could access it??????? the times where we've seen tech such as computers/phones/tvs/pc and programs interface were always in possession of sticks that came from a pc or were there at least once (hollowheads, the cg, purple) or were entrusted with it from someone that was on a pc (mercenaries). talking about the video used on the tv in "the king" episode... it has never been shown that this video was being shown directly from the youtubes platform either. and that lead me to a thought that outernet sticks might not even interacted with internet's properties except for the tools used to create a life that came along with the foundation of the internet and most likely were developed from tools brought by the first sticks. but the way outernet progressed they might not even know that this stuff is literally from another realm
heck, a daring thought.
in case of outernet being almost completely cut off from its original internet history recent sticks of outernet might not even know of the existence of pcs and internet.
this does however clash with sticks being still created by people and sticks that are able to create life being in touch with them. but its still supposable that only rare sticks with an ability to create life somewhat have a.. gene? passed through to them from some of their ancestors that could've been able to create life. and users dont exactly come into this (also given its unlikely that its a regular experience for a user to be emulated in the outernet world like it was with alans cursor in showdown)
continuing to talk about elitism. again this is such a sick concept
im thinking right now that elitism towards stickmen that arent completely strong/prefer not to engage in fighting due to the progress of their civilization//different kinds of stickmen mightve also came from the original stickmen (im going start coloring this concept now. also this whole is some adam and eve stuff) that were created to fight. we know from our real world that the first appearance of sticks in the internet didnt come from a desire to animate them in a fighting ring but the whole scene and culture of fighting sticks came around pretty quickly. the whole reason avam exists as a series
its possible that while predecessors of original stickmen werent created with fighting in mind the stickmen that discovered the outernet might as well been the first sticks created for fight. and since it isnt a thing that gone away and is most likely embedded into the code of sticks themselves in the avam universe the whole "fighting code gene" mightve been carried over to recent sticks as well. and this elitism exists that even though sticks dont have to fight anymore (to literally survive in most cases) due to the progress of their kind some conservative mfs might believe that "this is what our ancestors intendeeeddd you need to bow to your roots and your existing gene"
the elitism towards kinds of sticks is. god its such a big and very explainable and amazing concept
due to sticks just beginning existing in the internet a long while ago and mostly drawn pretty similarly (since most creators were just exploring how to draw them digitally) the race of stickmen that passed down from original stickmen could've been all just fullheads and whiteheads and perhaps hollowheads?.. im really thinking hard about it because. we havent seen hollowheads in the outernet and the fact that orange didnt even know of their existence anywhere else and even WE didnt up until they saw victim (and were probably quite damn shocked) and the fact it was possibly quite a grand moment to them confuses me.
im not sure for what reason, but the number of sticks of the race of hollowheads might have been reduced in present outernet, only having the ones that posses incredible power survive. (yet. also victim. that does not posses such power. but its a whole another idea on that they could've acquired it through different means and not from power coming from their own self)
or, it just is an avam universe rule that users didnt really think of drawing hollowheads when creating first sticks because it was hard for them to keep track of the background besides their damn hollow head and it was easier to have a stick that covered it fully on another layer LOL
either way, coming back to elitism (this sounds funny out of context), due to original sticks being simply drawn as fullheads whiteheads and possibly hollowheads it was the main race that stickmen were used to creating when drawing a new life. but with the progress of their civilization they started to experiment, eventually inventing new kinds of sticks (the kinds of hazard, ballista and paleo). due to some conservative sticks clinging to their roots they didnt like the difference from the norm.
elitism thought.
even with a possible inability to code a stick into doing something by outernet sticks would people still try to draw a stick with a specific build associated with certain jobs and tasks, trying to force them into a mold of who they are "supposed" to be? like, drawing a stick that resembles a sign (like hazard) and having them work for example as an aircraft marshaller or some other job that requires caution and directive? the grey sticks working in rocketcorp, possibly made as clerks and errand dudes?
..could purple be drawn being stronger and having a greater build than a usual stick would have, therefore disappointing navy when they dont match their expectations of a stick they wanted?
would it be a problem that progressive sticks would try to solve? allowing different kinds of sticks to exist, but not forcing them into a certain shape?
my previous ramble (rocketcorp, dimensions and virtual reality) made a theory that victim, in one way or another essentially brought pc programs and tech into outernet, thus obtaining power that is, quite literally, linked with their whole creation. (very symbolic considering their whole power is the one that made their life end so fast) and, due to outernet being cut off from programs and powers of internet and pcs, became a being that literally stood higher than the reality and fabric of the outernet realm itself, possesing power that could possibly meddle with it (mercs cannons literally changing structure and whole being of objects like the corndog stand or literally messing with a sticks state and body with chosen). and i have thought that victim is the one that could use internet itself as one of their grand tools.
and. animation vs youtube. we fucking know. that a stick is able to upload itself and break the interface of internet.
no one said that the original ava video on youtube is the whole thing that victim used to escape.
also. remember me mentioning that the original video of animation vs minecraft wasnt shown to be accessed through youtube. this video looked like it was downloaded having a whole different bar at the bottom and everything. couldve it been downloaded by vic or rocketcorp?
(victim interneted the fucking internet and started showing avam series like their own show. by the way its ALSO a potential scenario i talked about before. that due to potential severing of outernet citizens with the internet the recorded adventures of the cg on pc, internet and minecraft (ESPECIALLY considering that minecraft existed as a fun simulation game on a festival) that was broadcasted could've been interpreted by outernet sticks as fiction. but its an independent funny concept to be thought about and i still didnt fully figure it out)
you cracked my mind open like a walnut and i cannot stop thinking about all of your ideas
oh my god this did so much to me. ive been writing for the past two hours due to how much ideas it gave me. im going to pin this ramble because its very important to me and puts a lot of theories and headcanons in stone. you are my saviour cindersnows and you are probably going to be fucking FLABBERGASTED by the length of this post
sincerely yours storgic "the aspiring matpat of the avam fandom" dealer
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shaanks · 6 days
Do you think Shanks is a womanizer or he sleeps around a lot? I don’t think he gets tooo involved though cuz he is a pirate after all.
I think he's definitely engaged in a lot of casual intimacy for a lot of reasons. I wanna be clear, he's still wonderfully sweet, and I think he's very respectful of the people of all genders he has encounters with, but like. Yeah absolutely. There are people all over the Grand Line who are gonna be thinking about "the two days and nights of the most magical sex I ever had" with him for the rest of their lives lmfao.
Part of that is because he's a pirate, a captain and a yonko, so it's hard for him to stay anywhere long enough to get attached, and would be dangerous for any just like. random normal people he slept with to have anything more than a passing connection to him at most.
I do also think that some of it is because he has been so dedicated and had so much of himself subsumed into his mission that like. A lasting love is something he doesn't think he's going to get to have. He's had these two really intense, really formative loves in his life, of whatever nature you want to think, with Buggy and Mihawk, and to one degree or another he's lost pretty much every connection he's ever formed outside of his crew.
Shanks, to me, loves pleasure, loves the intimacy he gets from sex, loves to GIVE that intimacy and affection to others, is DEEPLY well-versed in making you feel good...and genuinely thinks that having anything more than that is something that's lost to him.
(...hehe...unless...some reader with the right skills, tenacity, and patience would like to prove him wrong in that regard!)
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tokintormin · 2 months
If Vox is a bee, this is why he doesn't use his wings to fly.
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girls-band-headcanons · 5 months
i also feel like literally EVERYONE in avemygo is otherkin. all of them!!!! esp avemuji Aogh. heres my kintype hcs for tjem hoddon (alot of them are polytherians HSJSJA)
tomori - raccoon dog + fairy penguin
anon - english spot rabbit + sheepdog cladotherian
raana - cat cladotherian but feels a special connection to khao manee cats
soyo - angelkin, red-tailed deer
taki - crowhearted, mackenzie valley wolf
uika - irish cob horse (me too!!!!)
mutsumi - ghostkin, white mouse, xiasi dog, babydoll sheep
umiri - spectacled bear, timber wolf, nightfurykin
nyamu - ragdoll catkin (and also pet regressor lol)
sakiko - vampirekin, dollkin, bathearted
Mod Fusion: I can easily see this, even as a non-therian myself!
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cinemautistic · 11 months
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I posted this stuff in twt but I wanted to post here! :3
Uika: Non-binary demisexual lesbian, she/they/it pronouns. It has autism, ocd and tics! (especially in her neck and arms)
Sakiko: gender fluid asexual lesbian, any pronouns. He has autism and synesthesia!
Mutsumi: trans aroace lesbian, she/they pronouns. They have autism and selective mutism!
Nyamu: genderfluid transfem asexual lesbian, she/it pronouns. She has autism and adhd (audhd)
Umiri: trans demisexual lesbian, she/her pronouns. She has autism, ocd and selective mutism
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pokemonpetfinder · 10 months
Hello, I'm very curious about which adoptable mons have been there the longest?
I have been looking to adopt a pokemon (mainly for around the house) but also want to give the mons who have been there the longest a chance.
Thank you in advance!
We have one that's been here for a awhile and fits your request. She's a Persian because she
Dune (Adopted)
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Name: Dune
Species: Persian
Type: Normal
Terra Type: Ground
Breed: Standard sandy colored
Sex: Female
Height: 3'07 in.
Weight: 70.9 lbs
Ability: Limber
Moveset: Pay Day, Furry Swipes, Power Gem, Nasty plot
Dune has been with us for a while now, about 11 years. She is relatively calm and does well with kids. She's about 20 years old, with the average life span of a persian being 30. Most of the time, she likes to sleep and not be bothered. Her favorite food is Kibble, and her favorite toy is yarn. Also, she really likes the accessories on her, so please handle them with care. If interested in adopting, reblog this post with your qualifications and reasons why.
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bright-eyed-dizzy · 2 months
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artblock so you guys get trace doodles
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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(Re) Designing Vohu. Finally got around to making druid lore(ish) ahahaha.
I was really considering giving him some other instrument, because I don't think it was specified that he plays the lyre. The temple/druid symbol is one, but Vohu himself doesn't have to actually play the lyre. He's just the druid of music/"the Bard", so I can make him play the mandolin like a cliche medieval bard if I want to.
But he can have the lyre for now, while I try to decide what impractical musical instruments do I want to be his "usual" one.
The "Ravwyrn Air-stringed Lyre" has no physical strings, the blue tassels are just decoration. The "strings" are magic/mana, which allows the lyre to be played two ways: 1) Played like a theremin, and sounds like a violin. Used for buffs (like ATK UP or DEF UP) and defense/healing spells. 2) With manifested mana strings, played like a standard lyre, used for attack spells.
Number 2 basically does this, minus the kungfu:
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(although it would be kinda funny TBH if Vohu unexpectedly can, in fact, do kungfu)
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eightmakar · 2 years
ok picture this - experienced reader with a virgin cale
anon.....bestie....you get me
also i'm making this a headcanon bc we need more than just a blurb
cale didn't mean to be a virgin this long, it just happened because he's been so focused on hockey his whole life
but you don't mind, just like he doesn't mind that you've done more than him
the first time you touch him, he thinks he's died and gone to heaven
you're grinding on his thigh
you sneak your hand into his shorts and just barely touch him
but he's so hard just from having you getting off on his thigh that he cums the second you wrap your hand around his head
soaks his shorts and briefs
you didn't think he could get any more red
but you kiss him and tell him it's normal
tbh you're honored that you turned him on that much
the first time he gets to taste you, he digs his tongue so far into you that you see stars
you come so fast on his tongue
and he innocently asks, "was that good?" with his swollen, shiny lips and his red cheeks
you come a record number of times that night
finally he gets to fuck you
he wants to fuck you in missionary first, because he wants to be close to you
he slides into you and moans so fucking loud
he's never felt anything better than your pussy
he never wants to pull out
he tries to bury his face in your neck
but you grab his cheeks and make him look you in the eyes
the look on his face when he cums the hardest he's ever cum is engrained int your brain
he's down for anything
and he knows you are too
it's perfection
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aviandistressmachine · 9 months
I haven't even been reading the current run by Charles Soule but @mythicluke sent me this and it caught my eye. And I gotta be like...
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In conclusion:
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shaanks · 3 months
you know what's sorta funny is I don't usually share thoughts like that, but I figure like. if I'm gonna be a proper self-insert supporter, better put my money where my mouth is.
anyway, that was a lot of fun XD y'all were sweet to send in so many asks, thank you!!
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girls-band-headcanons · 3 months
d4dj and Bandori are in the same universe bc of that 4koma so, in turn, I'm gonna talk abt headcanons I have that involve the 2 franchises!!!
ibuki has been compared to aya before many times, especially their voices. noa has a tendency to scream and wail w towa about it.
nanami and rinku have not met ever but all of the lyrilily members think they should be friends (every time they plan one, though, it always never ends up happening)
nagisa is a roselia, afterglow and ras fan and collects merch of them. she especially loves sayo and moca's guitar playing. she rlly want to do a collab w ras bc of the band having chu2.
chu2 has beef w shinobu. nuff said. shinobu doesn't rlly care much, but wants to have a joint live w them one day.
kokoro is friends w the rich girls, especially miyu and esora bc of their statuses as The Richest Rich Girls. they also keep trying to get Rinku to meet her but it hasn't happened bc their schedules never align.
saori is a bit of a regular at Galaxy ramen to the point masuki and tomoe remember her face. she is terrified of masuki though.
the hikawa twins are towa's cousins and when noa found out she has been begging towa to meet hina. this has not happened yet.
tae was an acquaintance of nagisa when nagi used to perform on the streets. nowadays they don't talk much but nagisa likes keeping up w her band's music. tae thought nagisa was a high schooler.
lumina covers some pasupare tracks in her streams which caused pareo to be a fan of hers, she's a casual fan but knows a few unichord songs she hums to herself when she's w chu2 and the others.
abyssmare and ave mujica have been compared to each other online a lot, it annoys sakiko but neo literally doesn't care at all.
mygo is a band aoi likes following and is a little obsessed w them. she listens to their songs when she's having a hard time. she got nagisa to be interested in some of their songs. tsubaki on the other is a avemuji fan bc of the vocal work.
hina is a fan of m4 and rlly rlly want to Collab w them but chisato isn't too keen on hanging out w "two hinas but one is orange-haired" (rika)
Mod Fusion: Welcome back, Crow! Anyways, these headcanons and relationships are awesome! Love crossover relationships!
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