#AV Entertainment AU
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The Overlord Power Couple— this is probably a billboard or magazine cover
This was just supposed to be a sketch but yeah
• They co-own a talent agency— Vox handles TV, commercials and film, Alastor specialises in voiceover, music production and obviously radio
• Alastor is the harsher critic when it comes to talent— very much has an ‘either you have it or you don’t’ attitude
• They have two towers and actor’s village at the bottom and it’s like its own high end neighbourhood, think like a classy mashup of old and modern New York architecture
• The Agency is located on Vox’s tower, along with the meeting rooms and the sets of Vox’s programs that he hosts. Vox’s office is the top floor.
• Alastor’s tower is more a place of entertainment and indulgences— exclusive to the talent within the agency except for major events where it’s invite only. Ground floor is a restaurant, next floor is a jazz club/theatre, recording studio is on the third floor, Al’s office and radio station is the top floor.
• Events at the jazz club/theatre are the social events of the season
• Alastor writes and directs radio plays and Vox is super invested— so this has absolutely happened post episode:
Vox: *teleports to Alastor’s office and grabs his shoulders, violently shaking him* *distraught beyond belief* WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THAT?! YOU FUCKING SADIST! I COULD KILL YOU! HOW’D YOU LIKE TO DIE AGAIN, YOU HORRIBLE PRICK?!
• There is a cork-board at home for Vox’s theories about what happens next episode— it’s on the side of the fridge so Vox remembers to eat.
• Alastor loves leaving his thoughts on post-its on what he thinks of certain theories.
• Vox has tried to sneak peaks at the script before the episode airs. He has failed miserably each attempt. Alastor is very pleased.
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I’m so unwell about them actually… obsessed in the sickest most twisted way
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cillyscribbles · 10 days
Ave cilly 🦦 some cats AU ideas you haven't told me yet?
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munkustrap, tugger, and old deuteronomy, who really runs the whole show. or whoever's carrying him at the moment does, anyway.
(i like the idea of all of them being sort of unconventional examples of their furstock; deuteronomy being an alfiq maybe makes most sense because of their wisdom and focus on the mind as well as magic, but tugger's a cathay-raht while being farthest thing from a warrior, while munkustrap's a dagi-raht with bird bones made for magic and treetops and he's out here dragging around a greatsword. macavity's leaving threw the whole lineage into chaos lmao) and speaking of macavity
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they'd like to make you an offer you can't refuse.
all the jellicles would make up a travelling caravan, entertainers as well as merchants, and get up to all sorts of adventures. >:3c i always imagine them in skyrim since it's what i play most often but i really like the idea of them lounging about in the warm sands of elseweyr and chattering in ta'agra. a kinder life, or perhaps a holiday at home :3
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wnderify · 7 months
live now think later au!
★ summary — day one of testing in bahrain and avery’s winter photo dump!
★ warnings — none that i can recall but feel free to point out any!
★ pairings — platonic! oscar piastri x fem!oc, platonic! logan sargeant x fem!oc, small luke hughes x oc?
★ disclaimers — this is an au! completely for entertainment purposes and not to be taken seriously. just enjoy and shut the hell up!
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bahrain international circuit
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williamsracing The American’s are out in Bahrain!
[tagged: avery.walker, logansargeant.]
view all 53 comments
user Get some real drivers!
user logan looks so good!
avery.walker feels so good to be back!
user walker, my 2024 champion!
logansargeant Heating up 🔥
user Walker isn’t a good driver. Terminate her contract!
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liked by lhughes_06 and 29,735 others
avery.walker new york pizza, canes game, australia with my best friends, sunsets on kure. good winter spent well!
[tagged: logansargeant, oscarpiastri, canes, njdevils]
view all 283 comments
user “best friends” 🥹 beach trio is so special to me.
georgerussell63 Americans are not real.
— avery.walker says the dude who walked 3 poles after the bar.
—— georgerussell63 Bar 💀
user hope you had an amazing summer!
logansargeant unphotographed; aves falling off the rocks at kure.
— avery.walker we don’t talk about that..
oscarpiastri great time this summer!
— avery.walker see you on the grid 🫡
user She likes hockey?
— user she use to play in middle and high school!
danielriccardio Hope you liked the zoo!
— avery.walker my favorite part was getting a banana thrown at me
—— oscarpiastri At least I apologized..
canes avery walker, huge caniac!
— avery.walker always! bring that cup home!
lhughes_06 nice to meet you! even if you were wearing the wrong jersey.
— avery.walker right jersey you mean. thanks for your warm welcome!
user she met luke oh my god!
lhughes_06 followed avery.walker!
avery.walker followed back lhughes_06
first post of this au! i’m so excited for everyone to officially meet avery who i adore so very much.
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makeitinkorea · 29 days
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Après les quatre familles d'anciens chaebols, c'est l'heure de découvrir les quatre dernières familles. Elles règnent sur le pays depuis une vingtaine d'années pour la plupart et ont réussi à se faire un nom et un statut très rapidement, grâce à l'exploitation des nouveaux domaines technologiques et des nouvelles avancées de ces dernières années.
HALLYU MEDIA GROUP Création : 5 décembre 2000. Fondateur : Shin Donghyun.
Autre dirigeants : Shin Mansik (dirigeant actuel, cousin du précédent).
Fondé au début des années 2000, ce groupe a su exploiter la vague "Hallyu" qui a propulsé la culture coréenne sur la scène mondiale à travers la musique k-pop et les dramas. Hallyu Media Group possède plusieurs chaînes de télévisions coréenne populaires, reconnues pour diffuser certains des programmes les plus regardés du pays. Hallyu Media Group détient également l'une des plus grandes agences de talents de Corée, NW (Next Wave) Entertainment, qui regroupe certains des plus grands noms de la K-pop ainsi que des acteurs et mannequins de renommée.
Les nombreuses conquêtes de Shin Mansik ne manquent jamais de faire réagir la presse. En plus d'avoir divorcé de sa première femme alors enceinte, pour épouser une seconde à qui il avait déjà fait un enfant, le CEO de Hallyu Media Group est connu pour avoir épousé la veuve de son cousin dont il a hérité de l'entreprise, dès la seconde où celui-ci s'est éteint. Malgré des repas de famille assez particuliers et quelques accrochages entre demi-frères et demi-sœurs, les enfants de Shin Mansik, tous mélomanes, danseurs, modèles, ou acteurs, participent activement à l'œuvre familiale : deux des plus âgés assistent leur père dans la direction de son agence de talent sous l'égide du Hally Media Group et ont recruté et débuté certains des idols et des acteurs les plus en vogue du pays. Les autres aiment mettre leur talent au profit de l'agence VividStar Agency, en tant que chorégraphe, acteurs ou producteur de musique. Deux des plus jeunes sont des idols déjà débutées ou sur le point de l'être, et sont en passe de devenir les it girl et it boy de leur génération. Mais peut-on réellement faire confiance à une agence bâtie sur la trahison, le mensonge, la rivalité et le piston ?
Shin Mansik (M, 59 ans). Marié à Lee Jinhee (F, 60 ans). - Shin Prénom au choix (F, 32 ans). - Shin Prénom au choix (M, 30 ans). Remarié à Park Haejin (F, 52 ans). - Shin Prénom au choix (M, 31 ans). - Shin Prénom au choix (M, 27 ans). - Shin Prénom au choix (F, 24 ans). Remarié à Kang Junga (F, 45 ans). - Shin Prénom au choix (M, 23 ans). - Shin Prénom au choix (F, 21 ans). - Shin Jisoo (F, 12 ans).
NEOMMA INNOVATIONS Création : 6 août 1998. Fondateur : Yun Seungho (dirigeant actuel).
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Fondé dans les années 2000, Neomma Innovations est l'un des nouveaux chaebols les plus influents du pays. Spécialisé dans l'électronique et les télécommunications, ce groupe est l'illustration de l'essor technologique rapide en Corée du Sud. Neomma Innovations possède la marque d'électronique Neomma, concurrent direct de Hyeonmi Electronics, qui se distingue par des smartphones et des tablettes au design épuré. Le groupe a également fondé Yeoboline, un opérateur téléphonique et fournisseur d'internet apprécié pour ses prix abordables, et développé plusieurs jeux mobiles très populaires chez les jeunes sud coréens. Enfin, Neomma Innovations est à l'origine de l'application de messagerie instantanée Yeobotalk, et du réseau social NeoSpace, largement utilisés dans tout le pays. Neomma Innovations investit actuellement dans la recherche et le développement et espère lancer prochainement des réseaux 6G.
Depuis qu'il a fêté ses 75 ans en décembre dernier, Yun Seungho prépare soigneusement sa retraite et met en ordre les affaires de son entreprise qu'il souhaite laisser entre les mains les plus honnêtes et compétentes possibles. Sa relation avec son fils aîné, Jinhwan, n'a jamais été très bonne, et semble ne se déchirer que plus au fil des années. Homme particulièrement dur et distant avec ce fils qu'il considère médiocre malgré la place importante qu'occupe ce dernier au sein de Neomma Innovations, Seungho préfère fonder tous ses espoirs sur sa petite-fille aînée pour qui il éprouve beaucoup d'affection et d'estime, et qu'il considère comme une jeune femme prometteuse. Quant à la sœur jumelle de cette dernière, elle semble plutôt se ranger du côté de Jinhwan avec qui elle partage une relation très fusionnelle, et qui préférerait la voir reprendre le flambeau. Le petit dernier de la famille cache quant à lui beaucoup d'insécurités liées à son manque d'engagement et à sa naïveté, chacun des deux camps souhaitant l'accaparer. Si cette famille ne parvient pas à trouver un terrain d'entente, les jumelles sont déchirées entre la loyauté qu'elles éprouvent pour leur mentor respectif et l'entreprise familiale, et ce lien indéfectible qui les lie entre elles.
Yun Jinhwan (M, 45 ans). Marié à Kang Hyejin (F, 46 ans). - Yun Prénom au choix (F, 23 ans). - Yun Prénom au choix (F, 23 ans). - Yun Prénom au choix (M, 20 ans).
Création : 6 juillet 1999. Fondateur : Ong Joonsuk. Autres dirigeants : Ong Joonho (dirigeant actuel, frère du précédent)
Avec une présence marquée dans le secteur de la santé, Sangho Corp est impliqué dans la recherche pharmaceutique, la production de médicaments et la gestion d'établissements de soins. Le groupe a notamment racheté, modernisé et agrandi le Namsin Private Hospital, un centre médical privé dans la capitale, réputé pour la qualité de ses soins, ses médecins renommés, et ses technologies médicales. Plus récemment, Sangho Corp a choisi d'investir dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie par la création d'une série d'hôtels de luxe en Corée du Sud, ainsi que dans le secteur de l'éducation, en créant quelques institutions académiques qui forment notamment leurs étudiants à la médecine.
Si tous les membres de la famille Ong sont de talentueux médecins ou de brillants étudiants, c'est avant tout grâce à leur travail acharné et à leur formation de qualité. Chirurgien esthétique ambitieux, particulièrement fier de son œuvre et très impliqué dans son hôpital privé de Namsin, Ong Joonho a à cœur de former chacun de ses enfants à devenir des médecins de renommée. Mais lorsque le plus jeune enfant de la famille est atteint d'une maladie incurable en raison de son caractère inconnu, la famille doit faire face à des choix difficiles et à de nombreux sacrifices. Les enfants de Ong Joonho choisiront-ils la fidélité et l'amour qu'ils éprouvent pour leur famille ou privilégieront-ils leur bonne conscience ?
Ong Joonho (M, 47 ans). Marié à Kim Sookja (F, 49 ans). - Ong Prénom au choix (F, 24 ans).   - Ong Prénom au choix (M, 20 ans). - Ong Yujin (F, 15 ans). - Ong Jihoon (M, 11 ans).
NAMU CORP Création : 26 octobre 2002. Fondateur : Nam Joonseok (dirigeant actuel).
Autres dirigeants : /
Reconnu pour ses activités diversifiées dans les domaines de la banque, la finance, les assurances et le commerce, Namu Corp est aujourd'hui un acteur clé du secteur économique sud-coréen. Fondée en 2002 par Nam Joonseok, l'entreprise a connu une rapide expansion. A la tête de plusieurs banques, banques en ligne et institutions financières, Namu Corp offre des services bancaires tels que des prêts, comptes d'épargne, cartes de crédit et investissements. Namu Corp est également actif dans le secteur des assurances. En 2004, le groupe a lancé Solara, une plateforme de commerce en ligne mondiale. Plus récemment, Namu Corp a développé Namu Ride et Namu Eats, des services de covoiturage et de livraison de nourriture.
Homme d'affaire brillant et ambitieux, Nam Joonseok s'est construit seul et a permis à sa famille de profiter largement de la réussite de son entreprise. Bien qu'étant un père et un mari aimant, il souffre des problèmes de santé de son épouse, soignée dans le meilleur hôpital privé de la capitale depuis 2010. Cette année là, le couple a tragiquement perdu leur plus jeune fils, alors âgé de quelques mois, dans un accident impliquant l'aîné de la famille, âgé de 11 ans au moment des faits. Bien que l'accident ne fut pas intentionnel, Nam Joonseok garde en lui beaucoup de rancœur à l'égard de son fils qu'il considère malgré lui responsable des problèmes de santé de son épouse. Leur relation est particulièrement difficile et Joonseok peine à montrer son amour et son soutien à ce fils qui vient pourtant de faire ses premiers pas dans l'entreprise familiale, préférant se concentrer sur sa fille cadette. L'aîné de la famille est aujourd'hui hanté par la culpabilité de son geste et vit dans l'espoir d'être remarqué et d'attirer la fierté d'un père qui ne lui montre que de la froideur.
Nam Joonseok (M, 49 ans). Marié à Park Haekyung (F, 47 ans). - Nam Prénom au choix (M, 25 ans). - Nam Prénom au choix (F, 20 ans). - Nam Taehyun (M, 2009-2010).
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scandalouslamb · 4 months
I've unrestricted my tbosas fics! Everyone can now read them without an account!
Below, I will include a masterlist of all my tbosas fics so far! In case, I restrict them again, so people can see if they're interested.
Posted June 2, 2024
Close Your Eyes-related Masterlist
Close Your Eyes (Felix/Festus/OC fic)
The same year the Treaty of Treason was signed, a young Artemisia Click declared that she would one day marry Felix Ravinstill. In the shadow and wake of the 10th Hunger Games, Felix and their friend, Festus Creed, find out what such a promise entails.
It's Still You
AU of Close Your Eyes. It diverges from the main fic's last chapter. (Close Your Eyes is required reading)
All That You Can Do
AU of Close Your Eyes. Artemisia Click gets to be Brandy's mentor and the ripple effect that has. (Theoretically Standalone)
The Snake Consumes Itself Masterlist
All of these fics are standalone.
In Your Image
Snapshots of President Ravinstill and Dr. Gaul’s relationship in the decades since he assumed the highest position of power in Panem.
Pater Patriae
In the wake of losing the last of his family, the former president, Maximinius Ravinstill contemplates his life and entertains the future.
Ave Atque Vale
At the closing of two different presidencies, Maximinius Ravinstill and Tigris Snow reflect on the past and those they once called brother: a bond defined by more than blood or name.
Tu Fui, Ego Eris
The end of Coriolanus Snow’s tenure at the Presidential Palace is juxtaposed with snippets of Felix Ravinstill’s life.
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audiofictionuk · 3 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 3rd July
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Mohaming Contre-Attaque Audio Drama Vous partez dans l’espace lointain à bord de Moïra, un vaisseau grand comme une ville. Une douce voix de femme vous y contera les turpitudes de Mohaming, vingt ans, roux, coupe mulet, l’humain le moins banal de la station, qui s’est mis en tête de retourner vers la Terre afin de comprendre ce qui a poussé ses ancêtres à la quitter plusieurs siècles auparavant, et aussi pour trouver un bon kebab. Rien ne se passe comme prévu. En se mettant les Arcadiens à dos, Mohaming devient un homme menacé d’arrestation. Vous ne connaissez pas les Arcadiens ? Et encore moins les Patients ou les Diphlons ? C’est normal. Rodrigue vous dira tout, au fil de l’eau, sur les nombreuses espèces qui peuplent le vaisseau. Certaines de ces créatures seront une grande menace dans le parcours clandestin de Mohaming au sein de Moïra. Parviendra-t-il à rejoindre à temps la prochaine navette en partance pour la Terre ? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240627-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/mohaming
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Unhinged: Season 1 Lost Picket Audio Drama Season 1: Lost Picket. Billy Gates’ company has been contracted to construct a security fence around a shadowy billion-dollar tech company’s new compound in the middle of Noware, Nebraska. But when a local man, Lucky Picket, goes missing on the tech company’s property, Billy finds himself balancing a lagging job that could put him out of business and a homespun investigation into the mystery that entangles the entire town. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240625-06 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/unhingedfence/feed.xml
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Waterlogged Audio Book Waterlogged is a short form horror anthology podcast highlighting the underutilized forms of water. Instead of rivers and oceans, we focus on plumbing, puddles, mist, and more. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240624-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/waterlogged
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Dark Trek Audio RPG Captain Chaka Khan and the crew of the KSS Hoodoo uncover secrets that could reshape the galaxy. Journey into a mirrorverse where the descendants of Khan Noonien Singh’s augments defend the stars as the United Socialist Khanate. Dark Trek is an original mirror-verse story based on the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG by Modiphius Entertainment. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240620-04 RSS: https://feeds.zencastr.com/f/c7Z11ai3.rss
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The Rats Under Eden Audio Drama A dystopian sci-fi audio drama. Follow The Young Nun, The Guardian, and the Five Martyrs as they challenge the oppressive regime of Eden City. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240530-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f6d21198/podcast/rss
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MAXIME- skeiv dramatikk Audio Book I 1. sesong av MAXIME- skeiv dramatikk i podcastformat vil du kunne lytte til fem unge debuterende dramatikere med blodferske, hudløse, råe, ømme, morsomme og begjærlige tekster. Gjennom et samarbeid mellom produsent HenBlakstad, co- produsent UNG TEKST- Unge Viken Teater og de fem dramatikerne ønsker vi å bidra til å styrke LHBTIQ+ representasjonen ved landets scener og produksjonssteder. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-09 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f5970734/podcast/rss
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Echoes of the Past: A 48 Hour Audio Drama Festival Audio Drama Echoes of the Past: A 48 Hour Audio Drama Festival is an audio drama podcast containing 7 different pieces of audio fiction- written, recorded, and edited, all within the span of 48 hours. Centering around themes of the past our artist were tasked to create around central prompts and items. A true testament to perseverance and integrity, this podcast will have you marvel at the incredible talent and creativity done in such a short time period. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240603-05 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f7217f30/podcast/rss
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Before the Whispers Audio Series Audio Drama You would think the last place for things to happen is Kodiak Alaska, so does the Whitacres! Siblings Rue, Martha, Ian and Emily moved into the small town last September with little expected of the place. That is until they begin the first summer in the area exploring the several miles of woods behind their house and as expected nothing's as it seems. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240607-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f568f510/podcast/rss
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Audio Stories for between stops Audio Book Stories, long, short, funny, sad, frightening, happy. All sorts of stories to pass your journey. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240620-05 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f7d10018/podcast/rss
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Blind Extraction Audio Drama A US Marine on a mission in the Middle East is blinded by the shrapnel of a nearby landmine but must still make it to her extraction point with another member of her unit.  In hostile territory, one klick away from safety, can the two make it out alive? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240620-06 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6210668/episodes/feed
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Soul Severed Audio RPG Join us every week on Twitch.tv for Elite Encounters: Soul Severed, a thrilling journey into a world where the boundaries between life and death are blurred, and the very fabric of the soul is at stake. Set in the custom homebrew universe of Pathfinder 2e, our diverse party of adventurers faces harrowing challenges and uncovers dark secrets that threaten to unravel their very beings. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240625-07 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/TVwglFTG
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The LeftEarlies Audio Drama Mandy Decides to leave this lifetime early. Her sister goes looking for her. daLuzional media presents a fantastical and other-worldly story about death...and hope. You can find the audio drama at the beginning of this podcast feed and should be heard prior to listening to the companion conversations. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240607-03 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/leftearlies/feed.xml
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Hardwire Heartache: Synthetic Love Stories Audio Drama Hardwire Heartache is the first work of the newly minted CMND/CTRL production team. This labor of love harkens back to the old school, "Radio Drama" style of entertainment that reached its peak in the 1930's and 40's. Written and performed by unpaid, amateur actors and producers, every sound effect and piece of ambience is created and recorded by hand in the old style. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240608-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f6c96fd4/podcast/rss
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Pact Tactics: Whispers of the Cauldron Audio RPG Welcome to Pact Tactics: Whispers of the Cauldron! Join our wonderful Dungeon Master Lori as she spins a tale of conspiracy and calamity. Set in the Forgotten Realms, our adventure takes place in the Unapproachable East with a focus on Thay, Rashemen, and the Great Dale. Follow the story of four unlikely allies: Lesair the Fire Genasi Paladin (played by Monica), Threads the Ironwrought Sorcerer (played by Chris), Quay'Nagi the Water Genasi Psion (modified Wychlaran class, played by Nathan), and Eli'Ann the Eladrin Ranger/Barbarian (played by Steven). https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240610-05 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f76deff0/podcast/rss
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Pride & Prejudice & Monsters Audio RPG Four unlikely members of high society must navigate rumour, scandal and gossip as they navigate the tumultuous politics of their new home. The City of Sagehollow, a supposed restart for England after the first Crimson Moon appeared, turning our world into a hellscape of monsters and men. Join us, Gentle Listener, in this Actual Play TTRPG Podcast where players must uncover what is truly happening under each other's veiled glances. Will this season be one of peace, courting and partnership... or will the monsters finally come out of hiding? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240610-06 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/pride-prejudice-monsters
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ROAR Audio Drama Set in South-London and Belfast, ROAR follows Kerry-Ann: a mother to three young children whose lives are about to change irreversibly. This is a story about womanhood and a mother's journey to the extremes of love. Starring Kellie Shirley, Danny Dyer and Richie Campbell. ROAR is a podcast drama based on real events. It was brought to you in association with The Children's Society. It was produced by Spirit Studios. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240613-05 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/roar
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In the Land of the Living Audio Book Come to small-town America and be immersed in a big-time story about fathers and sons, life and death, secrets and confessions, trauma and hope. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. Most of all, you’ll experience what it means to be human. You are about to embark on a journey, visiting key moments in the life of one man, namely Duncan. In this completely new audiobook experience, you will step into his shoes and be vibrantly involved the extraordinary life set out for him. Immerse yourself now. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240615-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f78d6da8/podcast/rss
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Strewn About Audio Book Home of "STREWN ABOUT" and exciting collection of stories told with humor. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240617-05 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/817666.rss
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Hardly DnD Audio RPG Welcome to Hardly DnD, a DnD podcast with a twist. Join us as we dive into the table top role playing game of Dungeons and Dragons in the world of Myndas created by are very own DM Quinn. These three travelers are not just any ol adventurers, these three are veterans of the world, ones with skills to match any one who dare cross their paths....well that's what they thought. Come, dive in and enjoy!!  https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240621-04 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2377174.rss
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Colonel Smithwick's Story Hour Audio Book I'm a teacher by day, a storyteller by later that day. Look, I have class tomorrow. Each season (series if you're British) is a new, serialized story, with new episodes published every Monday. Stories range from science fiction, to fantasy, to steampunk If you like questionable accents, you've found the right place! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240609-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2353778.rss
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Interstellar Song Contest: A Queer Sci-Fi Musical Audio Drama The final round of the 668th Interstellar Song Contest will be broadcast live across the solar system for one night only! Witness the finest musical talents in the galaxy as five finalists compete for the 1st place prize - cast your votes and crown the winner! Audiences will be delighted by the glitz, glam, and star power only found at the grand finale of the Interstellar Song Contest! In this new queer sci-fi musical from Skysail Theatre, listeners can choose from five alternate endings to determine the winner of an intergalactic competition! Who will you vote for? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240601-10 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f6d77930/podcast/rss
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En Svensk Dödsstråle Audio Book EN SVENSK DÖDSSTRÅLE är en poddroman skriven och inläst av Isak Gösta Jansson. Det är en mäktig tegelsten till satirisk spänningsroman. Samtliga (cirka) 100 kapitel kommer släppas i poddformat under sommaren 2024 som en sommarföljetong med start den 1:a juni. Perfekt för hammock eller roadtrips! Storyn i korta drag: Ett forskarlag i Uppsala lyckas av misstag ta fram en strålmaskin som kan döda allt som den siktar på. Maskinen kallas ”Slungan”. En topphemlig svensk spionorganisation skickar en av sina agenter för att infiltrera och följa forskarnas framsteg. Agenten, som kallar sig själv ”Guldfisken” (på grund av sitt usla minne), finns med bakom kulisserna när Slungan förändrar maktbalansen på vår planet. Avsnitten släpps måndag till fredag, fram till sista avsnittet. Om du gillar projektet och vill stödja arbetet så finns en Patreonsida där man kan köpa en ”virtuell bok”. Alltså att man köper en bok på låtsas, som att man hade läst boken med papper och omslag. Som bitcoin typ, men ingen blir ledsen i slutändan. Hoppas ni gillar och glad sommar på er! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240603-06 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/531102/rss
The Blade's Edge Audio RPG YOUR KINGDOM IS FUCKED!Come join The Blade's Edge for their inaugural adventure across one of Dungeons and Dragons most beloved modules, Curse of Strahd. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240626-02 RSS: https://feeds.zencastr.com/f/c6X5sZbx.rss
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Nat19: Gilligan's Grave Audio RPG In this high-fantasy 5.19th Edition actual-play, a disturbance stirs beneath the peaceful subterranean town of Gilligan's Pit. A handful of the town's residents are swept into the depths of Somnus Domina's underground as they investigate a threat to the life they know. Join our players as they struggle against the agents of the Court of Decay! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240602-03 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6161140/episodes/feed
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Tommy Law: Private Eye Audio Drama Tommy Law: Private Eye is an engaging detective audio drama that blends humor, heart, and suspense. Join Tommy Law as he navigates mysterious cases with sharp wit, rich sound design, and unforgettable characters, reminiscent of classic old-time radio shows.  https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240621-05 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2374106.rss
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Gestalheim Productions - Welcome to Pratchetville Audio RPG An Absurdia Actual Play Campaign Spin-off out of Fictional Heroism set in the town of Prachetville. A town in the middle of the US with a high concentration of Fae, Chronicled, and other magical beings that is completely normal. Ignore the Monster Wrestling Federation, the local underground transformation teleportation ray, and the research facility ran by a crick elf filled with strangely fruit-like human workers. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240605-05 RSS: https://feeds.transistor.fm/gestalheim-productions-welcome-to-pratchettville
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Lúpulo Cas9 Audio Drama Lúpulo Cas9 es una ficción sonora protagonizada por Jessica Cerón y Nancho Novo. Toda la información en http://lupulocas9.es. ¿Qué pasaría si alguien inventara una cerveza que adelgaza? Sí, que adelgaza. No light, que engorde poco, o que sea 0,0, no: que te haga adelgazar, con todo su alcohol y su sabor. Sería el invento del siglo. ¿Qué estarían dispuestos a hacer ciertos desaprensivos por conseguir esa fórmula? Daniel es bioquímico y ha desaparecido sin dejar rastro. Ante la pasividad de la policía, Laura (Jessica Cerón), su pareja y periodista de investigación, decide investigar la desaparición por su cuenta. Ayudada de Javier (Nancho Novo), un vecino algo friki, consigue seguir el rastro de unos audios de Whatsapp. Las pistas apuntan a una posible amante y un científico enemigo de Daniel. Laura terminará tras los pasos de una peligrosa trama internacional, relacionada con algún extraño descubrimiento de Daniel mientras investigaba en la producción de cerveza baja en alcohol. Laura se lanzará a una vertiginosa investigación contra reloj para salvar la vida de Daniel. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240615-05 RSS: https://www.ivoox.com/feed_fg_f12440894_filtro_1.xml
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Flamboyan Theatre’s Denise Audio Drama “Denise” is a riveting and emotionally charged theatrical experience that brings to the stage the untold stories of love and sacrifice within military life. In this deeply moving drama, audiences are introduced to Cody and Denise, a military couple whose marriage is tested by the rigors of service and the harrowing realities of Denise’s deployment to Guantanamo Bay. Through a masterful blend of intense drama and poignant storytelling, “Denise” captures the essence of military commitment combined with the personal and mental toll it exacts on those who serve and the partners they leave behind. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240629-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/flamboyanpresentsdenise/feed.xml
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Mystic Oaks Audio Drama First came Water, then Fire, next Air and finally Earth. Every one hundred years, the Iliad Rose blooms, and the first mortal hand to touch it becomes the hand of God as they get to choose which element the humans of the world will have domain over next. We are two thousand years into this cycle, and with the four nations establishing themselves four sub elements each, the world hangs in a delicate balance, making the next rose bloom so much more important. We are six weeks away from the next bloom date, and every nation prepares its armies. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240629-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f2939cc8/podcast/rss
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The Beat of Baleful Wings Audio Book An anthology podcast covering Fantasy and Horror and everything between. What terror lies in your heart? What anxiety holds you down or pushes you back? It is something unique for each of us, but we all feel it. For the most common emotion on this planet is fear. But, beneath it all is the rhythmic beat. Not of the heart, as many mistake, but of wings. Wings that subtly get closer each day. Will you be prepared for when they arrive? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240702-01 RSS: https://feeds.redcircle.com/07317a5a-f521-42b9-b65c-b0a37cf49630
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ficklyficing · 7 months
I want to make an AV club AU
Just loving the idea of Alastor+Vees ok. Just a fun dynamic really.
Like have Alastor join up with the Vees cause it will be entertaining for me to watch all the action from these three in the ways of media.
Like, he does his own thing but these three would be his own reality TV show. I mean, look at the drama that is Val and Velvette is #Bitch so fun to watch her be snappy and such.
And just fun to tease and mess with Vox really.
So like yeah he has his own reality TV show here and makes minor adjustments to keep it going and entertaining.
But…this Alastor still needs a rival.
Cause Vox and Alastor are buddy here.
What would piss our fav Radio Demon off? Losing.
Like losing a bet to a gambling overlord?
And now that certain overlord has taken an interest in a hotel. Run by the princess of Hell?
Oh, this will not do, lololol
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readthephible · 6 months
hi frenz! i’m avery or aves, 22, they/them. ⬇️
this is my main, mostly youtube but some other stuff! sideblogs are at the end :))
— things i love: dan & phil, smosh, mythical, brandon rogers, helluva boss, bg3, more youtubers, writing, video/photo editing, gaming, therapy, music ✨
— bother me about phan, shaymien, & bryce tankthrust! ✨
— we’re shippers / rpf enjoyers over here. don’t like don’t interact! as long as the AUs are portrayed as safe, sane & consensual, i’m all in! it’s fictional for entertainment! ✨
— working on less shame 2024 and being authentically ME! ✨
— links ⬇️
insta: echonoirs | sides: @shadowcvrse, @toonkatya, @lilstolas
read my fics here | linktree
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It’s The Avengers (04x02)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 4 Episode 02: Why Are You Running
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: the stoopid
Word Count: mmmmeh!
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The camera clicked from black to a pile of various little bags and baskets sitting in the middle of the room. Another bag was added to the pile by a rushing Pietro muttering something in his mother tongue under his breath, only to take a round of the kitchenette before disappearing back into the dorms. "For the last time, Bucky," Rhodey practically warned the Winter Soldier following him like a toddler, "you do not need to bring your weapons to a picnic. Whom are you going to fight there? The crabs?" The camera focused on the pouting Bucky holding little knives in his hands. "You never know when you need them," Bucky muttered, sulking and turning back to go to the dorms, only to be stopped by Loki to take a few of those knives and discretely place them in his pocket dimension. Bucky smirked at the God, giving him a subtle fistbump before going back to his room.
Loki placed his high-end luxury bag at the top of the pile and walked over to the kitchenette to make himself a cup of tea. While he did, another camera caught your figure in your black tracksuit outfit running behind Scott from room to room, followed by Javier and his camera. "Scott, no!" you begged the Ant-Man. "Y/N, yes!" You groaned and whipped your head violently in muted exasperation. Ultimately, you grabbed him by his collarless t-shirt and yanked him into Natasha's room, closing the door on Javier's camera. Javier, though, was quick to take his device outside, through the terrace door and film the two of you through the french glass doors. "You canNOT tell anything to Peter!" you whispered your best whisper while hissing through your teeth. Scott smoothed out the creases on his shirt and scoffed. "How can I not?! You want me to derive my little shipper of the happiness that at least one of our OTP is not dumb enough?" You stood there in pure bewilderment, ending up rubbing your face aggressively with your palms. "What are you, twelve? Shipping two real people for personal entertainment? Go watch some anime or read an erotic book, for God's sake! How can you be forty and shipping me, your daughter-like friend with a God?!" Scott stood there expressionless, blinking for while before looking out the french doors and locking eyes with the camera. "It's not that hard really." You gasped in shock. "You make it really easy for me to ship you two together!" Scott stressed through the gesticulation of his hands. "Have you seen you with Loki?" The camera followed your body slowly going limp on the floor as you started to whimper. "Oh come on, Y/N. Don't be so dramatic. It's just Peter." Silence. You looked at the camera with your good brow raised. "It's. Just. Peter."
The camera cuts to the recording of last winter where you were having a charades night with the Avengers when your phone pinged and Peter caught the notification in time.  "Hey, Y/N, someone called Mister Hoo Jococs is trying to send you a picture on the gram?" he announced for the whole lounge to hear, pausing the entire jovial mood of the room. While your face tried to hide the embarrassment, Clint, Bucky, Steve and Pietro were already asking Friday to track down the location of this Mister Hoo Jococs as they readied their torture gear on the side.
Scott tried to speak something in Peter's defence but was not able to find the words initially. "He was just reading out a message for you" he finally shrugged. You tilted your head in question. "Really, Scott. Really."
The camera cuts to another recording of half of the Avengers roaming Times Square. You and Peter stood by a Hot Dog stand, excitedly waiting for a Hot Dog when a couple of men passed by but not before leaving a few comments. "Girl what that mouth do!" One of the men shouted, automatically dimming the smile on your lips. "Eat some delicious dog!" Peter shouted back before taking the hot dog and putting as much of it in his mouth as possible. The camera panned in on you physically having to stop Peter from taking it any further, as the spider boy immediately started choking on it.
"I know Peter means well, but that boy has the impulse level of a freaking chihuahua sometimes." Scott was standing with his hands on his hips by now. "And I give him two days tops before he blurts something out about my crush in front of someone." Scott narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. "Nah! That's giving him too much credit. I wager ten hours. Five, if you keep calling him your crush." "SCOTT!!"
Back in the lounge, the pile only seemed to grow larger by the minute.  Bruce entered the lounge engrossed in his tablet and walked right into the pile, tripping on a tiny pink bag and falling into the luxury brand mountain. Vision came floating in from the terrace, helping the scientist up on his feet. "Are you alright, doctor?" Bruce nodded and disturbingly looked at the pile before turning to Vision for some answers. Vision, on the other hand, stared back at Bruce with the same intensity as his friend, saying nothing. "Wh-what's-" Bruce gulped while smoothening the wrings from his clothes- "going on here?" Vision looked towards the pile and then back at Bruce. "I see one bag packed neatly with all your essentials. Did Natasha not tell you we are all going on a picnic?" "A PICNIC?!!" Bruce was rattled by his own voice. "Sorry, that came out louder than expected. Why do we need so much luggage while on a picnic?" Vision tilted his head knowingly. "Because we are going to have the said picnic with Pepper and Tony." Bruce scrunched his nose. "But they are in Mia-WHAT? We are...oh my God...we are going for a picnic in Miami?" Vision turned away from Bruce to look at the camera.
Vision: Huh...*tilts his head* that was rather mild compared to what Scott acted out today. *presses his lips* I guess the Black Widow has won the wager. *Leans in towards the camera* Again.
Another camera watched Natasha walk into the corridor of the dorms to open the door to her room and find you and Scott bickering on the floor. "You guys ready?" the Black Widow skipped all small talk. You nodded and were helped up by Scott. "Okay, how about this-" both you and Scott walked out of the room nonchalantly while the other camera recorded Natasha feeding a lock code into her room- "you do not tell anything to Peter and I'll do whatever you say." Scott groaned internally, trying his best to prevent his body from flailing wildly. “Stop handing yourself on a platter to me! You have no idea how many AO3 pages I have devoured in the late nights in this facility.” You scoffed. “I do have an idea, fatherofantoinette1907.” Scott shared a look of desolate fear with the camera. “…oh.”
 Facility Parking Grounds Three SUVs in black were parked at the entrance of the Facility, waiting for the passengers to take them to the airport. The camera by the other end caught you, Wanda and Pietro as the first ones coming out, only to have your face feel a mixture of fear and confusion on seeing Peter and his friend Ned greet you from the sun roof of one of the SUVs. You did not miss out on giving the camera a desperate cry for help through your eyes. "Hey, guys! You remember Ned?" You waved at Ned and proceeded to discretely move towards the car in the back with Pietro.  "Pietro, ma boi!" Scott shouted from behind the two of you, coming out of the entrance doors with Loki. "Come sit with me. I have gots to tell you about this show I just started watching."  Before the boy could even answer, Scott was taking him by his arm while showing him something on his phone. "It goes by the name Ghost Files but to give you a little history, we will have to go through a series of Unsolved cases like..."  The camera was already focusing on Loki and his bottle of iced tea which looked comparably small in his huge pale hands, and the God was focusing on you standing there with an awkward stance of not knowing what to do with your hands. "Hey," Loki greeted you, ever so sweetly. You felt your head whip in his direction. The camera focused on those minuscule changes- that little gulp you took, or that sweat-filled second where you looked into those eyes and did not know what to say; that movement of your hands at the back of your neck to scratch an itch before coming over to your ears to move some invisible strands back.  "Hey, God!" your broken voice nearly shouted back, feeling the embarrassment in your cheeks. Turning away from him, you mouthed the f-word and scuttled into the SUV to sit far back. 
You: *still sitting in the back* *taking short breaths* *tiny bursts of rage collecting on your nose* I am f***ed! What twenty-something behaves like a twelve-year-old in front of- *jumps at the noise of someone opening the door. *camera zooms out to show Loki entering the space to skip the seats and go straight to the back to sit next to you. *camera zooms in to show the fluster gushing through your body*  You: *adjust your shoulders* *clear your throat* *open and close your fist* *take your air pods out of your pocket and quickly put them in your ears and sit unbelievably straight for the next ten seconds* Loki: *observes you in mild confusion* *shares a shade of worry with the camera*
 Airport- Private grounds The private runway had one jet in streaks of red and gold, waiting for its passengers. Bruce was the first one to get out of the SUV and look at their mode of transport. "Private jet? Should I even be flying in this thing?" Natasha got out from the opposite side. Her shades on, her duffel bag of necessities ready by her shoulder. "Would you rather fly economy, babe? Take a pill and snooze for the next three hours." The camera panned in on Bruce's face, which was looking into the infinity at a stretch. "Yeah, that makes sense." Vision took Wanda's arm and escorted her to the jet. "Fun fact, this jet is fueled by solar power, thanks to the new Wakandan tech Tony's been integrating into his fresh projects." Wanda smiled a proud smile and gave her beau a good squeeze as they walked up the flight of stairs.  "Where is this airport exactly?" Bucky whispered to Steve, who simply grabbed his baby by the waist and let the questions fly in the constant cool breeze of the vast barren land with no civilisation in sight apart from the airport staff. Peter and Ned bickered about their instruments as they followed the captain. "What's that?" Pietro was curious about the dials and boxes in the boys' hands. "We're taking our homemade machines on board to see if they can map the coastline." Ned gesticulated.  "We want to check if they can pick anything apart from rocks and seashells, really," Peter admitted. Pietro nodded knowingly. "Like Google Maps?" Silence. The Queens duo burst into cackles, almost hurting their stomachs and shaking their head. Pietro stood there unfazed, still waiting for an answer. "Wanna sit with us? We'll show you how it works." Rhodey was already instructing the air hostess in waiting to pour him their finest whiskey on the rocks. "I have brought my stack of card games for the road, for the hotel stay, for the beach day, and for the blackout night," Scott beamed at Sam as the former patted his shoulder bag.  Sam chuckled while in the background Loki got out of the SUV and turned around to give you a hand. "I'm good," you smiled; and then you struggled with one foot dangling while your hands gripped the sides with your will as you tried to get out with as much of your dignity as possible. Loki stood there for a couple of seconds, still looking at his hand, his brows crinkled in confusion. 
Loki: *narrows eyes* did you notice something strange about Y/N lately? She does not seem herself *furrows his brows* Neither has she watched a tragic movie lately nor is her cycle out of the ordinary. *clicks his jaw* She hasn't cried about her favourite show ending in a long while. *tilts his head* something's bothering her *sucks in air through his teeth* Maybe it's the new ghost show she and Scott have been hooked on lately. *looks behind the camera* *scoffs* excuse me?! What do you mean I'm the only one complaining? Not my fault if others are blind. *shrugs*
"Mr Royalty," Clint shouted from beside the jet in Loki and Javier's direction just as Javier completed his cut of the BTS, "your carriage awaits. Get up there in five seconds or we leave your precious ass behind." Clint looked into the camera standing next to him. "Or maybe I'll sell him to one of those Miami hotels with their own troupe of Magic Mikes," he murmured.
 Inside the Jet "Does Tony know the concept of a picnic? This is a full-blown four-day vacation," Bucky quips, plopping down into the comfortable leather chair and swivelling it around.  "I'm happy to change my definition of a picnic if I get to sleep three rooms away from Scott's late-night drama binge and Steve and Bucky's giggles turning into monstrous guffaws at two in the morning." You and Wanda chuckled at the duo. Watching Loki enter the space, you were already walking towards the back of the jet. And the camera knew that it did not go unnoticed by the God. Scott was already gathering players for a game of Uno while Peter, Ned and Pietro got busy with their toys in the front. Vision let himself get busy behind the mini bar, leaving one of the air hostesses standing by the side in a state of perplexed awkwardness. Unnoticed by others, Loki made his way to the back, Javier and his camera already following him. By the time the camera reached the end Loki was standing at the entrance of the cabin, ever so charmingly asking the hostess to give you and him the space for some time. You wanted to speak but no words came out. The air hostess just let her ears and cheeks turn red with one smile from the God, forcing you to give her a second stare as she walked out of the cabin. Loki drew the curtains on the camera and turned to you. But the lens eased its way from opening on the side to taking your and Loki's side profile in the perfect small space that was not giving you much movement; mostly due to Loki's arm resting on the entrance. "I was just taking some roasted peanuts," you tried explaining yourself. "What is going on?" Loki's low hum was riding the wavelength of a whisper. "Hm?" you gulped. The close vicinity was clearly not helping you. The camera had already caught you looking at Loki's lips; twice within the span of ten seconds. "You are behaving quite erratically, Y/N," the God whispered, tilting his head at you and furrowing his brows. You forced out a chuckle. "Whaaaat?" He didn't speak for a moment. "You have been avoiding me, cursing the air left and right, staring into the void, laughing out of the blue and then randomly screaming into the pillow ever since we came back." He looks at the space around him, stopping himself from punching something but settles on letting both his arms cage you. "I thought it was something to do with that interdimensional scare but clearly not! And last night I got up only to find you and Scott whispering Norns know what all secrets to each other at three in the morning.  So, tell me, Y/N. What. Is. Going. On?" You were on the verge of curling into a ball before words just blurted out of your mouth. "I've been trying to avoid you." Loki blinks. The tension in his arms seems to loosen up a little bit. "I wanted to give you some space-" you try to gesture the space between the two of you with your hands but there wasn't much to gesture at- "because you have been stuck with me for quite some time. So, I thought it was only...right...to stay away as much as possible." Your statement ended more in the tone of a question. Your shoulders let go of the tension and you sighed. "I know I've been a burden in space to you. So, I wanted to make sure I don't keep doing that now that we are back home. Because you clearly do not like people in your space-" "Are you most people?" Loki raised his brows at you in question, stopping you in the middle of your thought train. Now it was your turn to blink at him. Your lips parted to say something but you did not want the words to come out. "Are you?" His face inched a little closer, making you shake your head. His hands- which are still comfortably resting on either side of you, did a little shrug. "I like your company. Probably one of the reasons I let you stick by my side. Others, I tolerate." You chuckled. Loki mirrored your smile. "Even Peter?" Now he straightened up, taking back his hands to himself. "He's okay." "And Scott? He makes you awesome pancakes." "Right? His pancakes are always so magical." You nodded, not stopping with that smile now stuck on your face. The camera could not help but slowly zoom in on Loki's face, especially his eyes which seemed to soak up that smile on your face. The corners of his brows did go up in some thought before recovering. "A-are you sure I'm not a burden?" You answered your own question. "But you are Loki. If anyone's a burden you'd let them know asap." Loki raised his brows and gave you a subtle nod. "Like I sometimes do with Clint. And with Scott when he starts drooling around me-" "In the gym, yeah," you screwed your nose as you remembered the image of Scott fangirling over Loki. But the camera seemed to sense a change in that repelling emotion to something else; that cringe on your nose gradually turned into the slow movement of your teeth catching your lower lip while you were looking into a distant void and your pupils going wide. Loki stared at you for some time, even following your gaze next to him to look at whatever had caught you in such a daze. "Waaaaait a minute!" The unfurling of the curtain and that stretch of Scott's voice as he came running from the front of the plane made you jump where you stood. The Ant-Man narrowed his eyes and let his index finger point at you.  Both you and Loki shared a look of confusion. As Scott stepped closer to you, the camera saw you take a step back into the cabin. Loki raised his hand behind you to cover the edge of the shelf that your head was about to run into. "What's going on Sco-" "How did you know I was fatherofantoinette1907?" The crease in Loki's brows deepened as he looked at you and then back at Scott. The life in your eyes seemed to turn a little bit pale in the camera zoom. You tried to lower Scott's index while weakly smiling at Loki. Neither the index went down, nor did Loki's perplexion at the scene. "Don't tell me you are one of the writers-" "OHMYGOD SCOTT!! HAHAHA, HOW MUCH DID YOU DRINK?!!" You smacked Scott's index with one hand and his mouth with another before violently pushing him out of the cabin space and then hurling yourself out behind him. Both of you were on the jet's floor now and the camera was moving between you two and Loki. The God stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, stepping out of the cabin to see you wrapping your arms around Scott's neck in a chokehold. The camera panned in on the smile building up on his face as his chest puffed up. "I taught her that," he declared to the lens.
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 47 of 2023
Title: Three Tastes of Nuoc Mam Authors: Douglas Branson ISBN: 9786613914316 Tags: AUS ADF AA Australian Army, AUS ADF Australian Defence Force, AUS Australia, HKG Hong Kong, HKG Hong Kong - Peninsula Hotel, KOR Korea, KOR ROK 9th White Horse Division, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, P-3 Orion, US Bob Hope (Entertainer), US USA United States Army, US USA USSF Green Berets, US USA USSF Special Forces, US USCG United States Coast Guard, US USCG USCGC Point Comfort (WPB-82317), US USN United States Navy, US USN USS Currituck Sound (AV-7), US USN USS Vesuvius (AE-15), US USO United Service Organizations, USN Admiral Elmo Russell "Bud" Zumwalt Jr, USN PCF Patrol Craft Fast Swift Boat, VNM ADF AA 1st Australian Task Force (1 ATF) (Vietnam War), VNM ADF AA AATF Australian Army Training Team (Vietnam War), VNM Ba Dong, VNM Binh Thuan Province, VNM Cam Ranh Bay, VNM Co Chien River, VNM Con Na Beach, VNM Cu Lao Cau, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM Highway 1, VNM Hon Cu Loa (Monkey Island), VNM Hon Mat, VNM Hon Mieu (South Island), VNM Hon Tam, VNM Hon Tre (Bamboo Island), VNM III Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Mekong Delta, VNM Nha Trang, VNM Nui Dat, VNM Operation Market Time (1965-1975) (Vietnam War), VNM Phan Rang Air Base, VNM Phan Thiet, VNM Point Ke Ga, VNM Point Mui Dinh, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN Vietnamese Rangers - Biet Dong Quan, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Diem, VNM RVN Nguyen Van Thieu, VNM RVN RVNP Can Sat National Police, VNM RVN VNN LLHT Luc Luong Hai Thuyen Navy Coastal Force / Junk Force(Vietnam War), VNM RVN VNN Republic of Vietnam Navy, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM Truong Son Mountains, VNM US MACV Advisory Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM USN Coastal Patrol Center III Corps - Halo Shampoo, VNM USN Coastal Surveillance Center III Corps - Nha Trang, VNM USN TF 117 MRF Mobile Riverine Force (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM VNN Yabudda Junks, VNM Vung Tau Rating: ★★(2 Stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Naval.VNN Year Read: 47 of 2023 Price: 13.29
Description: During the War, Vietnam's coast had to be protected against Viet Cong ambushes and smuggling. The U.S. forces had destroyers, cruisers and gargantuan aircraft carriers, none suited for inshore patrol. This is the story of the Brown Water Navy, the garage-band flotilla assembled to do the job.Douglas Branson has been to Vietnam several times, including trips in 1966, 1995 and 2011. The first time, he was a 22-year-old, Brown Water Navy lieutenant JG. Subsequent visits were as a consultant/tourist. Here, Branson recounts three of his Vietnam adventures with humor, detail and insight into the economic, political and gastronomic forces at work.
Review: I'll be honest, I didn't finish this book. I read the vietnam war part, and skipped the rest because even the war part was difficult to get through. This wasn't quite a 1 star book but it definitely came close. For anyone who has read anything about Operation Market Time, the Swift boats, or even coastal advisors - this book sets off red flags and alarm bells. The author has some very strong opinions about everyone and everything and often ... well ... let's just say that he vacillates wildly from complete bullshit to just plain stupid. Avoid this book and read Bob Andretta's Brown Water Runs Red for a better book on the Junk Force.
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asktheimmune · 2 months
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Hi, Hello, Welcome. As you can probably tell from the title, I'm making an Ask Blog, out of sheer overwhelming boredom and a desire to try reminding myself of those good ol' memories, of the early 2010's. The good ol' days of MLP Ask Blogs, ignoring, y'know, a couple exceptions.
Though, I couldn't come up with a topic for the longest time, long years dragging on and on and On. Until December of last year, when the MLP Infection AU really got going and reminded me of a classic Ask Blog that got damn near Eradicated from the internet.
I saw this overwhelming spawn of MLP assets being mutated beyond comprehension and decided "Hey, I can do that." But while Not dramatizing mental illness and gore.
I also wanted to make a Disclaimer Post to start off with, which hey, here you are!
First off, Trigger Warnings, because Lord Knows Ask Blogs needed em' back in 2014.
TW: Swearing, Mentions and Depictions Of Gore And Violence, Mentions of Psychological Damage and Breakdowns, Violent Attacks, Zombies, The General Undead, Spiders, Demonic Entities, Drugs Mentioned and Used, Mentions of Mutation, General Body Mutilations, Profanity.
Now, a General Synopsis, to see if you Even Want To Read This.
Ask The Immune follows Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer, just after surviving Our Town becoming an Undead Paradise, and running into Scootaloo and Flame Storm, a Pegasus who is likely Equestria's only professional Monster Hunter. Now, this turbulent Quartet works to make their way to Ponyville, one beatneck town at a time, to try and find the Elements Of Harmony, Survive, and Save Equestria One More Time.
Well, that's the description! Send in any asks, but there are some rules.
Rule 1: No Anon Tomfuckery. It was funny 10 years ago (Ave Maria Time How I Hate Ye'), but this is a serious story. And even then, who even posts Anon Asks anymore? Other than death threats, ye' godless heathens.
Rule 2: No items or magic messing around. Oh, how I miss ye' Fluffle Posts, but it's time long forgone.
Rule 3: Plot. No spoilers, ya' goof!
And that's about it!
Well, that's all I got. Here's hoping this actually does something, and I get to have fun muckin' about writing and modeling.
(Blog Hosted by @fxcf)
(Art by @fxcf)
(Story Written by @fxcf and Friends)
(Characters by Hasbro Entertainment, OC's by @fxcf and Friends)
(FXCF Industries makes no claim of ownership of My Little Pony or My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and it's associate properties. This is a nonprofit fan parody.)
(Kindly, don't sue me.)
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soweli-musi · 6 months
STILL tearing that guy apart? cool. insert popcorn emote. at least maybe at the end of it all he has material. also would be fucked if you go through an entire Ordeal(tm) [as far as I understand the Czech asks] and go at the end of it 'wow I can use this for Content' which I mean yeah sure you can but also Damn. entertainment boy. eh I'll leave the character analysis picking apart to you. enjoy.
My friend, a puppeteer's job is never done until all my puppets are too broken to play with anymore! He does get material, certainly, but he isn't quite aware at first, it's just normal to him. However, at least there's Parker to save him afterwards! Entertainment boy. Sighs happily. Obviously this au is slightly different (read: more tragic) than anything I can throw out with ours, but you can see from the thread the similar theming.
I will analyse Clives forever also others. Others too. I'm planning a Parks thread at some point, I'm deciding which one... AV has the most material for sure, and I would feel a touch bad ripping PGWorse apart by nature!
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takeoffphilippines · 9 months
TCL and Abensons join together to launch the newest C755 'Ultra Game Master' QD-Mini LED TV
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(L-R) Apple Ma, Abenson Marketing Manager; Au Mendoza, Abenson Vice President for Operations; Shae Yu Xiaoling, TCL PH Marketing Head; Charlie Wang, TCL PH Deputy Director of TV Category; Cyd Montebon, TCL PH Sales  Director for TV Category; Jay Guanzon, TCL PH Director of Whitelines and Business Development; and Joseph Cernitchez, TCL PH Brand Manager
The most stellar moment this season has arrived! TCL, a leading brand in consumer electronics and TV manufacturing and the World's Top 2 TV brand together with Abensons join forces to herald the coming of the C755 'Ultra Game Master' QD-Mini LED TV through a formal launch. The event, which was held at the Abenson flagship store at Quezon Avenue, was highlighted with gaming activations to spotlight on this supreme TV main features. 
“We are very happy to be doing this launch with Abenson. We know that everyone is very excited with this event and with the newest C755 ‘Ultra Game Master’ TV.  Get ready to elevate your gaming experience with it. It is loaded with a whole lot of features to break the barriers in QD Mini LED technology,” says Mr. Joseph Cernitchez, TCL Philippines Brand Manager.
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Home vibe area of the 4th floor, Abenson Quezon Ave
TCL & Abenson also announced their special promotion just in time for the launch of the C755 ‘Ultra Game Master’ QD-Mini LED TV. The biggest promo this season is here. Get the newest C755 with the biggest savings. If you buy it in cash or straight payment on your credit card. You get to have a huge discount.
For 98 inch C755 TV, get it for only Php249,995 with Php100,000 savings plus freebies. For 75 inch C755 TV, get it for only Php99,995 with Php40,000 savings plus freebies. For 65 inch C755 TV, get it for only Php67,995 with Php26,000 savings plus freebies. For 55inch C755 TV, get it for only Php53,995 with Php20,000 savings plus freebies.
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At the Oculus Virtual Reality Area
Ongoing from December 15 until 31 and exclusively available in all of Abensons Flagship Stores namely San Fernando, Quezon Avenue, Greenhills, North Edsa, Ascott, Alabang Madrigal and in Waltermart Makati
“It’s an honor to be TCL’s partner in bringing the latest innovations. We are truly excited to be a part of this official Philippine launch of TCL’s newest Ultra Game Master TV �� where the world of gaming and cutting-edge TV technology converge! Us at Abenson, we love amazing products. It’s our mission to bring the good life to Filipinos and I know this new TCL C755 QD-MiniLED 4K TV is going to be a gamer’s favorite. From stunning visuals to immersive soundscapes, the TCL C755 will deliver the ultimate experience -- without breaking the bank. Whether you're a seasoned gamer, a tech enthusiast, or just curious about the latest advancements in home entertainment, you're in for a treat!,” says Ms Apple Ma, Abenson Marketing Manager.
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TCL and Abenson have also put up a gaming booth accessible to the public from December 15 to 17. Customers are invited to experience various gaming equipment alongside the TCL C755 at the fourth floor of Abenson Quezon Ave branch.
Good news for Abenson’s shoppers, their loyalty program, Abenson Rewards, is here to make every customer's purchase more rewarding too. Members can enjoy exclusive deals on top of their cashback program. If you’re not yet a member of Abenson Rewards, sign up now and membership is absolutely free!
The TCL C755 ‘Ultra Game Master’ QD-Mini LED TV takes your gaming experience to extraordinary heights. This exceptional TV boasts of precise light control and dimming zones across the screen, ensuring superior picture quality, color precision, and gaming features.
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TCL Brand Manager Joseph Cernitchez
Experience next-level gaming with the best elevating technology in action dubbed as the Game Master 2.0. Unlock advanced display and audio experience by trying smoother streaming with the TCL Game Master.
Get to know more about TCL C755 Ultra Game Master and level up your gaming experience at the 4th floor of Abenson Quezon Avenue ongoing from December 15-17. Check out https://www.abenson.com/ for the TCL C755 promo details.
For more information about the TCL C755 Ultra Game Master QD-Mini LED TV, go to  https://www.tcl.com/ph/en. 
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cescalr · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
I'm going through my drafts because I completely forgot about half the asks I had that I never did <3 whoops! Sorry everyone. And you, bestie. Sorry <3. Gets a little long bc of image size, so I'll put it under a cut.
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So, difficulty here is I've done this more than once, and the list hasn't really changed? FWIW, GTTAU, etc etc. So I guess this time, I'll list favourite WIPS? I mean, FWIW will still be on there, but... still? I'll try not to put any repeats.
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For What It's Worth.
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FWIW is a project I started because frankly there is not enough ronarry out there. This fandom has atrocious taste <3. So I figured, you know. Be the change you want to see, and all! FWIW is my favourite little guy. I will update it eventually </3. Just, er, probably not until after uni's over.
Ab Epistulis
Something a little different from a gif, since we've all seen the same damn five steo scenes like 1000 times already; an old moodboard I made for the tumblr rpc side of fandom!
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Steo my beloved <3 As for the fic; 'If only summer vacation were like in the movies. At least Stiles has the internet to entertain him, right?' It's just a little canon divergent steo au set around the idea of Theo putting in the work to get Stiles on his side earlier than canon. It's a fun idea and I really like what i've got here, just haven't had the time to write more. It'd take a lot of plotting, and I'm, to be brutally honest, a terrible planner. We'll see when I can get back to it, because I definitely want to!
And The Universe Decrees: Second Year.
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Heh. Yeahh....... really need to find the time to get back to this one. Love a good canon divergence.
Better Now.
Another prompted fic! My girls <3. Ginny/Cho coffee shop au in the muggle cliché continuity. it's fun. I really like this one.
Post ST4 AU[s].
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This is... sort of cheating, lol, but they're all in... they're almost all in the same continuity, so it's kind of like FWIW; I think the side-fics amissum and amortencia are part of the fic, they're canon to it, they should be read with it, they're just not in it bc they're not ron pov. This is maybe more similar to GTTAU, though, because some fics here fill in blanks in each other, so they should all really be read together, whereas you could miss AV and Amortencia from FWIW if you wanted to [ :( ] yk? Whilst Herd Culling & Kneel and Disconnect are in different timelines, they're spouses. They need to be read alongside each other to get the full picture. Literally a really important scene for K&D is in HC and will never be shown in K&D bc of the narrator being who she is vs the narrator of HC being who he is, yk? It's. They're married. Do you get what I mean? Anyway; I'm really putting this here for Herd Culling, if I'm being real. Carol sucks to write because she's just so awful, which is why I had to tone down Tommy a bit for some relief from writing an 80s bigot (he's. still a bigot, though. 80s. Indiana. You know how it goes :/), and as a consequence its easier to say I like the fic because it's just more fun to write. Both K&D and HC are about grief, about the trauma of bereavement and how people do or don't deal with it. Carol's spiralling makes her meaner, more self-destructive, and so does Tommy's, but it's expressed in different ways because of their different methods of navigating life, which I think is interesting. Character study is like my favourite thing to do, which I guess wouldn't be hard to notice from my back catalogue, lol, but still, should be noted. HC is an... easier? read than K&D, though, as a result of the content warnings on them both. Tommy's less reflective than Carol, so his internal narration is less direct - less room for him to spout bigoted shit if he's just not thinking in the first place. They're also at different stages of grief. Tommy's just started entering anger; Carol's been angry for a long time, just... simmering in her misery. It shows. They're both still horrible people, though, no denying that. These fics are more of a test of my ability to write a redemption arc for someone that says and thinks reprehensible shit. But it's also a kind of... study of what it was like to live in a time and place like Stranger Things' setting, and how the cultural, social systems at play hurt literally everyone. Plus, yk, Stranger Things' own refusal to really care about intra-season continuity and propensity to ignoring incredibly traumatic events because that's not the character they're focusing on this season, and they don't know how to write consistently for as large an ensemble cast as they've given themselves in a netflix acceptable timeframe. (I miss 22 episode seasons.) Anyway; the ST Post-S4AU is my most current WIP, as of time of typing this out.
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investingeorgia · 1 year
🇬🇪 🔝 Central Park Towers, Tbilisi➖Georgia / Централ Парк Тауэрс, Тбилиси ➖Грузия
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🇬🇪🔝 Central Park Towers, Tbilisi➖Georgia /Централ Парк Тауэрс, Тбилиси ➖Грузия/ ცენტრალ პარკ ტაუერს, თბილისი 👇 (EN,RU,DE, GE) (EN) 5️⃣ star Apart➖Hotel with a total investment value of 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ million dollars, located in the very center of Tbilisi, Saburtalo, Alexander Kazbegi Ave. 22. 👉 The project consists of two 4️⃣2️⃣➖ storey towers, each floor has 1️⃣8️⃣ apartments. ℹ️ Investment in the project is possible if the entire floor is purchased. ✅ Floor area 9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ sq.m. ✅ Price 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣💲 sq.m. ℹ️ Infrastructure: ➕ Security, Reception ➕ Outdoor terraces, Restaurants, cafes and lounge bars ➕ Swimming pools, Fitness center, SPA ➕ Cinema, Concert Hall ➕ Shopping and entertainment areas, Brand stores ➕ Green zone ➕ Parking ✅ Completion of the project 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ ☎ ➕9️⃣9️⃣5️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣8️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣ 9️⃣2️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣
(RU) 5️⃣ звездочный Апарт➖Отель с общей инвестиционной стоимостью 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ миллионов долларов, расположен в самом центре города Тбилиси, Сабуртало, пр. Александра Казбеги, 22. 👉 Проект состоит из двух ,4️⃣2️⃣➖этажных башен, в которых, на каждом этаже размешены по 1️⃣8️⃣ апартаментов. ℹ️ Инвестиции в проект возможны при покупке всего этажа. ✅ Площадь этажа 9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ кв.м. ✅ цена 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣💲 кв.м. ℹ️ Инфраструктура: ➕ Охрана, Рецепшен ➕ Открытые террасы, Рестораны, кафе и Лаунж-бары ➕ Бассейны, Фитнес-центр, SPA ➕ Кинотеатр, Концертный зал ➕ Торгово - развлекательные зоны, Брендовые магазины ➕ Зеленая зона ➕ Парковка ✅ Завершения проекта 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ ☎ ➕9️⃣9️⃣5️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣8️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣ 9️⃣2️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣
(DE) 5️⃣ Sterne Apart➖Hotel mit einem Gesamtinvestitionswert von 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ Millionen Dollar, befindet sich im Zentrum von Tiflis, Saburtalo, Alexander-Kazbegi-Allee, 22. 👉 Das Projekt besteht aus zwei 4️⃣2️⃣➖ stöckigen Türmen, jede Etage hat 1️⃣8️⃣ Wohnungen. ℹ️ Eine Investition in das Projekt ist möglich, wenn die gesamte Etage gekauft wird. ✅ Fläche der Etage 9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ qm ✅ Preis 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣💲 qm ℹ️ Infrastruktur: ➕ Sicherheit, Empfang ➕ Außenterrassen, Restaurants, Cafés und Loungebars ➕ Schwimmbäder, Fitnesscenter, SPA ➕ Kino, Konzertsaal ➕ Einkaufs- und Unterhaltungsbereiche, Markengeschäfte ➕ Grüne Zone ➕ Parkplatz ✅ Abschluss des Projekts 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ ☎ ➕9️⃣9️⃣5️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣8️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣ 9️⃣2️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣ (GE) 5️⃣ ვარსკვლავიანი აპარტ➖ჰოტელი,რომლის ჯამური საინვესტიციო ღირებულება 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ მილიონ დოლარს შეადგენს, მდებარეობს თბილისის ცენტრში, საბურთალო, ალექსანდრე ყაზბეგის გამზ. 22. 👉 პროექტი შედგება ორი 4️⃣2️⃣ სართულიანი კოშკისაგან, თითოეულ სართულზე განთავსებულია 1️⃣8️⃣ აპარტამენტი. ℹ️ პროექტში ინვესტიცია შესაძლებელია მთელი სართულის შეძენის შემთხვევაში. ✅ სართულის ფართობი 9️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ კვ.მ. ✅ ფასი 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣💲 კვ.მ. ℹ️ ინფრასტრუქტურა: ➕ დაცვა, რეცეფშენი ➕ გარე ტერასები, რესტორნები, კაფეები და ლაუნჯ ბარები ➕ საცურაო აუზები, ფიტნეს ცენტრი, სპა ➕ კინო, საკონცერტო დარბაზი ➕ სავაჭრო და გასართობი ადგილები, ბრენდის მაღაზიები ➕ მწვანე ზონა ➕ პარკინგი ✅ პროექტის დასრულება 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ ☎ ➕9️⃣9️⃣5️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣8️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣ 9️⃣2️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣
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jankwritten · 2 years
I just read the new chapter of the hockey au ( I was gonna do it last night, but like I fell asleep after the avs vs krakens game rip) and it was so gooood,bud, the characterization is perfect but it also fits well into the au, it's all just great.
I loved the part with the superstitions, mostly because the freak shit some hockey players believe/do is just endlessly entertaining to me (specially when they insist they're not superstitious and still they do that), and also it was a very nice way to start introducing nico's bg, so kudos for that.
Also I really did love the "Fucking yowch" line, it's just hilarious to me for some reason.
Thanks for sharing your writing, bud
I also immediately fel asleep after the game LMAO i was so sleepy....
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MAN!!!! I'm really glad the characterization comes across well, since I'm trying to balance out like, canon personality versus what their personalities would be in this AU, I'm glad that it's coming across well.
The superstitions part was my favorite and there is actually an extended version of Nico's puck superstition that I ended up having to delete. It was super long and hard to keep in character but I might post it on here later because I do think it was Fun. I also have Nico's entire pre home game routine written down because he is absolutely the freak who has to do everything exactly the same way before every game. We love him for it.
THE FUCKING YOWCH LINE I'm so glad that's been a hit, I added it in on the very last read through of the chapter, it is exactly how I react whenever I hit a bruise on something :') me and nico suffering together for that one.
Thank you for reading and letting me know what you thought of the chapter!!! :D:D:D:D
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