#AWFUL i ran around my house like three times trying to find the package since it wasnt where it usually is
todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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Im going to throw up
bonus hand jumpscare:
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bechloeislegit · 3 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020
Day 25 - Secret Santa
A/N: I did my first batch of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases in 2017. This is one of my favorite stories from that series, so I thought I would use it as Day 25 since I've kind of lost my inspiration to work on Christmas fics. I hope you enjoy it.
Prompt from Electronis Zappa: "The Bellas do a secret Santa. Aubrey and Beca get each other's names. Aubrey uses it to set up Bechloe. You can do whatever you want for Beca's gift to Aubrey."
A/N: This is set the year after the Bellas won the ICCAs. Chloe is a senior again; Aubrey has graduated.
Now, on to the story. I hope you like it.
~~25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
"Hey, Bellas!" Aubrey called out as she entered the Auditorium.
"Aubrey!" yelled the girls and ran to say hi.
"Yeah, okay," Beca said. "I guess we're taking a break."
"Oh, hush, Beca," Chloe said. "Everyone's just excited to see Brey. And, I asked her to come."
"Of course you did," Beca said dryly.
"Brey!" Chloe squealed and ran to hug her best friend. "I've missed you."
"I miss you, too," Aubrey said. "I've missed all you girls."
"Not that I don't love you crashing our Bellas practice," Beca said sarcastically. "But, what are you doing here, Aubrey?"
"I told you I asked her to come," Chloe told Beca.
"Okay," Beca said. "But, why?"
"Because it's time to draw names for the Secret Santa," Chloe said.
"Yeah!" the Bellas all screamed.
"Yay," Beca said with less enthusiasm.
Chloe brings out a box and shakes it around. She holds it just high enough that everyone can reach in and not see anything.
"Okay, everyone's name is in this box," Chloe said. "We'll all take a name and buy a 'secret' gift for that person. And remember, the gifts have to be between $10 and $25. We'll exchange our gifts at the Bellas Only Christmas party in three weeks. It will be held at the Bellas house. We can assign duties later."
"Hey, Aubrey," Stacie said. "You're the guest. You pick first."
Everyone agreed, and Aubrey reached into the box and drew out a name. She opened the slip of paper to look at the name and then stuck it in her pocket. Chloe went next and drew out a name. She also looked at it and slipped it into her pocket. Beca was next, and she muttered a 'Shit!' when she read the name. She quickly looked around to see if anyone heard her and put the paper in her pocket. Everyone else drew a name and started gathering their stuff.
"Hey!" Beca said. "We still have another 90 minutes for practice."
"Oh, Captain, my Captain," Amy said, putting her arm around Beca's shoulder. "We all know we'll practice for 10 minutes, and then you'll call it quits because none of us are really practicing because Aubrey is here. We're just pulling the trigger early."
"Fine," Beca said with a huff. "Take the weekend off while Aubrey's here. But be ready to work twice as hard on Monday."
The girls all stood around looking at Beca. She never gives them the entire weekend off, even when Aubrey is visiting.
"Leave now, losers," Beca said. "Or start doing some cardio. Your choice."
Everyone started hustling to get out of the Auditorium. Beca hung back and started cleaning up. She was surprised when Chloe and Aubrey started helping.
"I figured you two would be the first ones out the door," Beca said. "Doing some best friend shit or something."
"I guess it's a habit," Aubrey said. "We were always left to clean up after everyone. We just thought it would go faster if we helped."
"Thanks," Beca said sincerely. "I appreciate it."
"Aw, look at the two of you getting along," Chloe said, wiping a pretend tear from her eyes.
"Shut it, Beale," Beca said with a small smile, causing Aubrey to laugh.
The last chair was put away, and all the trash had been thrown out.
"Hey, Becs," Chloe said. "Brey and I are going to get something to eat. Wanna join us?"
"Yeah, Beca," Aubrey said. "Come with us. We're going to that diner I know you like."
"Thanks for the invite," Beca said. "But, I'm supposed to have dinner at my dad's. Since I now have some free time before that, I'm going to work on a playlist for our Christmas party."
"Oh, okay," Chloe said. "Maybe next time."
"Sure," Beca said. "I'll see you back at the house later."
"Bye, Beca," Aubrey said.
Beca gave them a wave and left.
"You've got it bad for her," Aubrey said to Chloe as they walked toward the diner. "And, she's still oblivious."
"Yeah, I do," Chloe said. "What am I going to do, Brey? I can't seem to get her to notice me as anything more than a friend."
"She's a little slow when it comes to some things," Aubrey said. "You just have to ask yourself how long you're willing to wait for her."
~~ Day 25 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
Beca hurried back to the Bellas House. She felt bad lying to Chloe, but she had picked Aubrey for the Secret Santa, and she only had three weeks to find something to give her. She needed to start now if Aubrey was going to have anything to open.
"I could ask Chloe," Beca thought to herself after spending two hours online for ideas. "No. I need to figure this out for myself."
Beca sat at her desk and picked up the Bellas pitch pipe that Aubrey had passed on to her. She twirled it in her fingers and rocked to and fro in her chair. Suddenly, she got an idea and called her dad to let him know she wouldn't be able to make it to dinner. She then grabbed her laptop.
Later that evening, Chloe and Aubrey were hanging out with the other Bellas in the living room. They were trying to decide what movie to watch. Fat Amy and Jessica were making the popcorn and getting the drinks together.
"I'm going to see if Beca's coming down," Chloe said as she got up.
Chloe found Beca sitting at her desk with her laptop open. She was really focused on what she was doing, but she wasn't wearing her headphones. Chloe frowned. Beca usually only looks this focused when she's working on her mixes. She wondered what could have Beca's attention.
"Hey," Chloe said, just loud enough to not scare Beca.
"Oh, hey," Beca said, closing her laptop. "What's up?"
"We're going to watch a movie," Chloe said. "I was hoping you'd join us."
"Okay," Beca said. "Can you give me like five minutes? I just want to finish something."
"Sure," Chloe said. "See you down there."
"Okay," Beca said.
Meanwhile, down in the living room, another conversation is taking place.
"Okay, ladies," Aubrey said. "I need your help."
"You know we're here for you, Brey," Stacie said.
The other girls all agreed, and Aubrey asked someone to listen for Chloe. Ashley stood near the doorway and nodded to Aubrey to continue.
"I got Beca for Secret Santa," Aubrey said. "And, I want to get her and Chloe together. That's my gift to her."
"Yes, Bloe is on!" Amy yelled.
"Amy!" Aubrey said. "I don't want Beca or Chloe to know."
"Oops, sorry," Amy says and closes her mouth. She 'locks' her lips and drops the 'key' down her shirt.
"What's the plan?" CR asked.
"Honestly," Aubrey said. "I don't have one yet. That's where you girls come in. I need some ideas. Nothing too outrageous or outlandish, please. Just something that will make Beca declare her love for Chloe."
"What if we make Beca jealous?" Stacie said. "Set Chloe up with someone and make sure Beca sees them together."
"I don't know," Aubrey said. "I don't want to pull someone else into this. That will only cause problems."
"Hey, Chloe," Ashley said so the other Bellas could hear. "Is Beca coming down? I'm going to the kitchen and can grab her a drink while I'm there."
"Yeah, she'll be down in a few minutes," Chloe said. "She'll probably just want water. Thanks."
"No problem," Ashley said and went into the kitchen.
Chloe entered the living room to find the rest of the Bellas still talking about what movie to watch. Beca came down a few minutes later and sat on the floor. Ashley handed her a bottle of water.
"Thanks," Beca said.
"Hey, Becs," Chloe said. "Come sit here. I saved you a seat."
"That's okay," Beca said. "I know how you and Aubrey get. I'd rather take my chances down here."
"Oh. Okay," Chloe said, looking crestfallen.
Aubrey and the other girls shared a look. They all hated to see Chloe like this. Beca needed a wake-up call.
~~ Day 25 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
The movie was over, and Beca bid everyone a good night and was up the stairs before anyone could say anything. Chloe let out a sigh and said she was going to bed.
"You coming, Brey?" Chloe asked as she stood up.
"I'm going to help clean up first," Aubrey said. "I'll be there in a few."
"Okay," Chloe said. "Good night, girls."
The girls all wished Chloe a good night as well, and she went upstairs. As soon as Aubrey heard Chloe's door close, she turned to the other girls.
"I have an idea on how to get those two together," Aubrey said.
Aubrey quickly told the girls her idea and said she needed to get up to Chloe's room before she came looking for her.
"You all know what to do, right?" Aubrey asked.
All the girls nodded and smiled.
"Good," Aubrey said. "I'll see you all in the morning. Operation get BeChloe together is a go."
"Bloe," Amy said.
"BeChloe," Stacie said.
Aubrey just shook her head and went upstairs. She opened Chloe's door to find Chloe lying on her bed staring at the ceiling.
"This had better work," Aubrey thought to herself as she got ready for bed.
~~ Day 25 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
Two weeks later and the Bellas House was decorated for Christmas. Chloe and Stacie were putting the finishing touches on the tree when Beca came in.
"Looks nice," Beca said when she saw the tree.
"Wait until you see it all lit up," Chloe said with a big smile. "Tree lighting ceremony will be at 8:00 tonight. And I've declared it mandatory for all Bellas to be there."
"Got it," Beca said.
"Hey, Becs," Stacie said. "A package came for you today. I left it on your bed."
"Cool," Beca said and went running upstairs.
Beca ripped open the package and read the letter that came with it. She smiled and checked the box and put everything together, and wrapped it. She then put the wrapped gift in her desk drawer and locked it. She was so going to blow Aubrey away with this gift.
~~ Day 25 of the 25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020 ~~
It was the day of the Bellas Christmas Party, and every girl at some point had snuck their Secret Santa gift under the tree. Aubrey arrived earlier that afternoon and managed to get her gift for Beca under the tree without anyone seeing her. Chloe was overseeing the food preparations in the kitchen with Jessica, Ashley, and Flo. Fat Amy and CR were on a liquor run. Aubrey, Stacie, and Lily were on table-setting duty. The plan was to have a nice Christmas dinner before the actual party. Beca got out of much of the preparation because she had a shift at the radio station. The girls were listening to the campus station while they went about their tasks.
It was getting close to 6:00, and final touches were being done on dinner. Beca came running in at 5:45 and was on her way upstairs when Chloe called out to her.
"Hey, Beca," she heard Chloe call from the kitchen. "Dinner's on in 15 minutes, so don't get lost up there."
"Yes, ma'am," Beca said as she continued upstairs.
Beca dropped all her stuff in her room and hurried back downstairs. She was actually excited about dinner and the party.
"Anything I can do to help?" Beca asked Chloe as she walked into the kitchen.
"You can help take the food to the table," Chloe said, handing Beca a bowl of mashed potatoes.
"On it," Beca said.
Dinner was done, and everyone was sitting around the table chatting. Beca stood up and started gathering plates and silverware. Stacie and Jessica stood up to help.
"Why don't the rest of you go claim your seats in the living room?" Beca suggested. "We'll take care of the dishes and be in to join you."
"That's a great idea," Chloe said. "Let's go, girls."
The rest of the girls got up and headed for the living room.
"Thanks, Becs," Chloe said and kissed her on the cheek.
Beca, Stacie, and Jessica put away the leftovers and loaded the dishwasher. Beca started hand washing the pots and pans and anything that didn't make it to the dishwasher.
"What's gotten into you tonight?" Stacie asked Beca as she took a pot to dry.
"I'm just really excited about the Secret Santa," Beca said.
"Wow," Jessica said. "You won the title of Grinch last year, hands down. What's changed?"
"I don't know," Beca said. "I guess Chloe's rubbing off on me. She's always so positive and bubbly. It was bound to happen. I have such a good feeling that tonight is going to be epic."
Jessica and Stacie share a smile. This was going to be an interesting night.
Beca, Jessica, and Stacie joined the rest of the Bellas. Stacie sat next to Aubrey, Jessica sat next to Ashley, and Beca sat next to Chloe. CR, wearing a Santa hat, was sitting by the tree. She would be handing out the Secret Santa gifts.
"Okay," CR said. "I'm just going to grab the gifts at random. Whoever's gift it is will open it and guess who the giver is. After all the gifts are opened, we'll reveal who gave what to who. The first gift goes to Ashley."
Ashley opens her gift to find an assortment of bath soaps, lotions, and shower accessories.
"I love it," Ashley said. "I'm going to guess Jessica or maybe Chloe."
"Next, we have Fat Amy," CR said.
Fat Amy opens her gift to find a gift card to her favorite candy store with a small supply of her favorite candy as well.
"Aw, yeah," Amy says with a fist pump. "I'm guessing, hmmm, Beca. She always knows my favorite candy."
"Next is Stacie," CR said and handed Stacie her gift.
Stacie opened it to find a personal manicure set with nail polish, remover, nail files, and the like.
"Ooooh," Stacie said. "I love my cuticle care. Um, I'm going to guess, Aubrey."
"Next is me," CR said and started opening her present.
"It's the new Rihanna CD," CR said. "I saw this the other day and swore if I didn't get it for Christmas, I would buy it myself. I'm going to guess it was either Chloe or Flo. They were with me when I saw it."
"Okay, next we have Beca," CR said.
Beca took her gift and opened it. Inside was a ticket to the Barden Christmas Festival.
"Oh, my God," Beca said. "This is so cool. I heard that David Guetta was going to be there. This is awesome."
"Who do you think gave it to you?" Amy asked.
"I'm going to say, Chloe," Beca said. "She knows how much I admire David Guetta."
"Next, we have Jessica," CR said and handed the gift over.
Jessica opened her gift.
"It's a cookie press and a cookie recipe book," Jessica said. "I've been wanting a cookie press and have all these great ideas for cookies I could make using the different designs. I'm going to say Flo or Ashley because they usually bake with me and know how much I love it."
"Lily, this is for you," CR said, handing over the next gift.
Lily opened it and found a book on surviving the apocalypse. Everyone looked around with some fear in their eyes.
"It's signed by the author," Lily said loud enough to be heard. "I'm guessing this came from CR."
"Um, okay," CR said. "Next, we have Flo."
Flo opened her gift to find a bottle of her favorite perfume.
"I love this stuff," Flo said, smelling the bottle. "I'm going to guess CR on this one. She knows I ran out not too long ago."
"Next up is Aubrey," CR said and handed over her gift.
Aubrey took it with a big smile and opened it. Inside she found an envelope with her name on it. She opened the envelope and found a letter. Aubrey started reading it, and tears came to her eyes.
"What is it, Brey?" Chloe asked.
Aubrey couldn't say anything, so she just handed the letter to Chloe.
"Can I read it out loud to everyone?" Chloe asked.
Aubrey nodded her head and wiped at the tear that fell.
"My dearest Aubrey," Chloe read. "As former Captains of the Barden Bellas, we want to tell you how proud your Bellas sisters are of you. You were the first to lead our precious Bellas to a win at the ICCAs. We all stand prouder today for what you have accomplished. You did something that none of us could do; you won it. And, no matter how many other ICCA titles the Bellas win, you will be forever known among your sisters as the first to do so. Please accept this small token as our thank you for bringing glory to the Bellas name. That's it. It's also signed by like ten different Bellas Captains from over the years."
Everyone in the room could see how much this meant to Aubrey. Aubrey kept her head down and wiped away another tear. Chloe rubbed her back.
"What's the token they mentioned?" Chloe asked Aubrey.
"I don't know," Aubrey said. "I haven't looked yet."
"So, look," Amy said.
Aubrey looked in the box and removed the tissue paper. She gasped when she saw what was in there. She took it out, and Chloe gasped as well.
"Oh, my God!" Chloe exclaimed. "Is that the original?"
"Yes," Aubrey choked out.
"The original what?" Stacie asked
"It's the original Bellas pitch pipe," Chloe said in awe. "It's been with the first Captain since the Bellas were put together over 40 years ago."
"Who do you think did this?" CR asked.
"I would say it was Chloe," Aubrey said. "But she seems just as surprised as I am. I honestly don't know who else would know how much this means to me. Maybe Stacie."
"Well, Chloe, your gift is last," CR said, handing her the gift. "The sooner you open it, the sooner we can find out who made Aubrey cry."
The girls all chuckled, and Chloe opened her gift.
"I got the same thing as Beca," Chloe said. "A ticket to the Barden Christmas Festival. I guess someone knows I like David Guetta, too. So, I'm going to guess it was Beca, or maybe Aubrey."
"Let's find out who gave what to who," CR said. "I'm just going to call out each person's name in the same order, and the giver will reveal themselves. Ashley."
"That was me," Stacie said.
"I guessed wrong," Ashley said with a chuckle. "Thank you, Stacie; I love it."
"Amy," CR said.
"That was from me," Jessica said. "Although I did kind of ask Beca for some help."
"Nice," Amy said. "Thank you."
"Stacie," CR said.
"I had Stacie," Flo said.
"Thank you, Flo," Stacie said.
Flo nodded and smiled at Stacie.
"I was next," CR said.
"You guessed right," Chloe said. "I had you."
"Thanks, Red," Chloe said.
"You're welcome," Chloe said with a smile.
"Beca," CR said.
"That was me," Aubrey said.
"Really?" Beca said. "Thanks, Aubrey. It's the best thing you could've given me."
"There's a second part to your gift," Aubrey said. "But, you have to wait a bit for it."
"Um, okay," Beca said and looked at Chloe with a raised brow.
"Don't look at me," Chloe said. "I have no idea what she has planned."
"Jessica," CR said.
"That was me," Lily said. "I really like her oatmeal raisin cookies."
"Thanks, Lily," Jessica said. "Those will be the first batch I make with my new cookie press."
"Lily," CR said.
"That was me," Amy said. "I stood in line for hours to get it signed."
"You met the author?" Lily said. "Thank you! You must tell me all about it."
"See me later," Amy said with a smirk.
"Moving on," CR said. "Flo. That one's easy. It was me."
"Thanks, CR," Flo said.
"Oh, my God," Ashley said. "That just leaves Chloe and Aubrey. And I know I had Chloe, so that means that-"
Every head in the room turned to look at Beca. Beca found the hem of her shirt very interesting and wouldn't look at anyone.
"You did that for Aubrey?" Chloe asked.
"Beca," Aubrey said. "I don't know what to say."
"Thank you is more than sufficient," Beca said, still not looking up.
"No, it's not," Aubrey said, getting up and going to kneel in front of Beca. "No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Not even Chloe, and we've been friends forever. So, no, a simple thank you is not sufficient."
Aubrey took a deep breath and lifted Beca's head by her chin.
"I'm going to give you the second part of your gift now," Aubrey said.
"You're not going to kiss me, are you?" Beca said.
"Don't ruin the moment, Beca," Chloe said and smacked Beca on the arm.
Aubrey looked around at everyone, and they all nodded. Aubrey took a deep breath and let it out.
"Chloe is in love with you," Aubrey blurted out.
"Brey!" Chloe yelled.
"Chloe's what now?" Beca asked, looking at Aubrey and then at Chloe and back to Aubrey again.
"Yes, Chloe is in love with you," Aubrey said. "That's why each of you only got one ticket to the Barden Christmas Festival, so you'd go together. And, you'd finally tell Chloe how you feel about her. We all know you both have feelings for each other. It's just high time you did something about it."
Chloe sat with her head in her hands, cheeks a bright red.
"I can't believe you did that, Brey," Chloe said quietly.
"So, it's true?" Beca said. "You are in love with me?"
Chloe gave Beca a sidewards glance and mumbled, "Yes."
Beca's face split into a wide smile. She grabbed Chloe's hand.
"Excuse us," Beca said and dragged Chloe into the kitchen.
"Becs, I'm sor-"
Chloe was cut off when Beca smashed her lips against Chloe's. Chloe let out a little squeak and began kissing Beca back. Beca pulled back after a few minutes and smiled at Chloe's flushed face.
"I'm in love with you, too," Beca said.
Chloe smiled and leaned in for another kiss. She pulled back and looked at Beca.
"So, do you want to be my date to the Barden Christmas Festival?" Chloe asked.
"Only if I can take you to dinner before we go," Beca said.
"Deal," Chloe said.
"I believe we should seal the deal," Beca said, inching closer. "With a kiss."
"I totally agree," Chloe said as she closed the distance and kissed Beca.
They broke apart and looked over to see all the Bellas in the doorway cheering. Beca and Chloe both smiled, and everyone returned to the living room.
"Beca said this was going to be an epic night," Jessica said. "She was right."
"Whose gift won as best of the night?" Stacie said. "It has to be between Beca and Aubrey. I mean Beca made Aubrey cry, and Aubrey made Beca finally declare her love for Chloe."
"She definitely won," Beca and Aubrey said, pointing at the other.
"You did, Beca," Aubrey said. "You gave me the gift of a lifetime."
"No, you win," Beca said. "The gift you gave me will, hopefully, last a lifetime."
"But, you went out of your way to get me the perfect gift," Aubrey said.
"Think we should stop this?" Stacie asked Chloe.
"I know just how to do it," Chloe said with a wink.
Stacie smiled and followed Chloe over to the two arguing Bellas. Chloe stood in front of Beca, and Stacie stood in front of Aubrey; they took their faces in their hands and lifted their heads. Chloe kissed Beca and Stacie kissed Aubrey, shutting them both up. After thoroughly kissing their respective loves, the two girls pulled back from the kiss, leaving Beca and Aubrey breathing heavy and speechless.
"I think we won that argument," Stacie said.
"We totes did," Chloe said.
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
The Chosen Couple (Part 2)
Peter Parker x Reader
(The reader is an Avenger)
Summary- Peter and you have a movie night to celebrate the school year ending, but the night takes an unexpected turn.
Warnings- Lots of fluff, interrupted confessions and some minor angst. I think a swear word or two with some fighting, but nothing graphic. Oh, also someone getting shot...
Posted: April 24,2021
Word Count- 2k
Here is Part 1 and Part 3
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Watching Harry Potter on a rainy night in Queens while sipping coffee under a soft blanket with your best friend is the best way to live life. You both were almost halfway through the first movie, seeing Hermione and Ron argue back and forth. Meanwhile, Peter and you were too busy having one of your own.
“Okay, Ron is clearly out of place for wanting to go run around the castle, especially as a first-year!”
“But he just wanted to explore and figure out why Snape was a rat! Plus, they didn’t ask Hermione to come along with them”, Peter argued back, crossing his arm over his chest, making his biceps bulge against his thin sweatshirt. Resisting the urge to look at them, you retorted.
“Thank god she was with them! Otherwise, they would’ve died in the first 10 minutes.”
“Nuh-uh, they are smart.”
“So they think” We stared intently at each other until Harry’s voice cut in from in front of us, making both of you look back at the screen.
Looking at Peter from the corner of your eye, you tried to suppress a smile, but it broke through, making him smile as well. You let out a small laugh, grabbing another cookie.
“We do this every time.”, Peter said, elbowing you lightly.
“I know”, you said, playfully rolling your eyes, “you should just admit that Hermione makes the best decisions.”
Chuckling, he threw a few chips at you, making you gasp. Jumping up, you grabbed the pillow closest to yourself, chucking it at him. Hitting him smack across the face, his eyes widened. Throwing a hand over your mouth, you tried to stop the bursts of laughter that threatened to burst from you. “I’m sorry! I thought you could dodge that? You know, with your Peter Tingle?”
Peter groaned, throwing his head back. “Oh my god! Don’t ever say Tingle again. May saying it as it is bad, but you too?”
Smiling at his expressions, you sat down again, starting the movie again. He grabbed you closer, resting his head on your shoulder, arm wrapped around your waist. Usually, you wouldn’t mind, but this time, your heart was racing, whether it be from all the laughing or the fact that you and Peter looked very much like a couple, with his hoodie on you and arms circling your body, basically cocooning you. Hoping he couldn’t hear your heartbeat, you were proven wrong when he raised his head, looking concerned.
“You alright? Your heart’s going crazy.” Nodding too quickly, you looked back at the screen, trying to look engrossed in Professor Quirrell. You realised your mistake too late. “Okay, now I know something is wrong because you don’t even care for Voldemort’s funky face!”
“Nothing, I’m just exhausted”, you said, faking a yawn, “Sorry Pete, but I think I’m going to hit the hay. See you in the morning!” Standing up in one go, you started walking towards the door hurriedly, but a thin, sticky fluid attached to your elbow pulled you back in.
Ugh, you thought, wanting just to go back to the compound and get under your bed, burying these feelings under layers of logic and facts. Which all said that Peter thought of you as a friend, and saying anything would ruin what you have right now. Gasping as Peter pulled you back, you fell back, straight into his arms.
“Uh uh”, he said, clutching you to him tightly, making you feel his abs behind your back, which, unfortunately, didn’t help the red tint adorning your cheeks. “You never bunk movie nights. Especially not Harry Potter.”
He looked up at you, a soft pout on his lips, as he cocked his head to the side, puppy eyes showing through. You gulped harshly. “Uh, so…. I’m just a bit bored. I mean, I know every single line to Philosopher’s Stone.” Inwardly sighing at your answer, you looked at him, trying to judge what was going on in his head.
“Aw, c’mon. Every line?”
Glancing at the screen, you recited the following line without even trying. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that”, you said, along with the voice of Dumbledore in the background. Raising his eyebrows, Peter nodded, still looking skeptical.
“Alright then. I mean, it is your night; let’s do what you want”, he said softly, smiling. Gazing at Peter, you grinned back, staring into his warm, brown eyes. Seconds passed, but you honestly couldn’t let your eyes leave his. And I could feel a low tingling in your abdomen. This moment felt so familiar but so foreign at the same time.
When you dad and mom left you at Tony’s place when you were only ten years old, you remember asking the mysterious man, who turned out to be your uncle, to see the brown-eyed boy across the street. He reluctantly agreed, driving you in his fast, flashy car to your old house. Running out of the vehicle, you bolted up the stairs, not stopping till you knocked on Peter’s door. He had opened the door immediately, flashing a conserved, small smile at you. Looking at him, you remember bursting out in tears at the sight of him, pulling him close to give him a bone-crushing hug. Shocked by it, Peter hugged you back, whispering soft words into your hair. Then when you were finally able to stop the steady flow of tears down your cheeks, he slowly pulled off you, staring you in your glassy, tear-riddled eyes. After promising each other that you would constantly visit the other person’s house and try and call each other, you mournfully said goodbye. You began walking sullenly back into the car, where Tony took your hand and told you to call Peter downstairs. After that, he took both of you out to ice cream, ruffling Peter’s hair and winking at you in the back seat.
Another time was right after your first fight as an Avenger.
It had been a small mission, just stopping a drug cartel from taking place. You remember Peter knowing that you were avenger straight away, him being the first one to ever see your controlled powers. Tony had been preparing you for this mission for months, making you train with Natasha and Steve for weeks on end. The instructions had been simple. Infiltrate the market, grab the dangerous serums that were being traded and knock out a couple guys. Simple, right?
Not that much. The first part of the mission was fine, when you went with Nat to the back of the market. You kept telling her that you could take care of yourself. All you had to do was stay at the exit, make sure that no one would escape the place before the police showed up. Pushing Nat out, you told her to go help out Tony in getting the serums. Reluctantly, she had walked away, making you stand all by yourself. Not but five minutes later, you wished she didn’t go away.
The back door had flung open, the metal flying at your face. Feeling the purple light buzz in your palms, you were able to narrowly throw the thick door to the side. Five men had run out, none of them having any weapons in their hands, and you could hear Tony in the background blasting off. Pushing yourself off the ground, you tried to grab the running men, throwing any materials in front of them, making their escape hard. However, this was the bad part. Casually walking out of the back door, a dark haired man with one arm raised his arm, a small hole in his metallic arm and shot at you. You weren’t even able to see who he was. Falling to the ground, you grunted, running your hand over the small bullet hole in your thigh. Pressing the com in your ear, you called the team, asking for help immediately. You hadn’t ever been shot in your life, so the blinding pain that had gone up your body had you whimpering on the ground. Thor had arrived soon after, looking around to find who shot you, but the man had disappeared. He picked you up, quickly flying you back to the tower, but you wouldn’t have known what had happened next, since you blacked out the minute your head hit the nurse’s bed. When you had woken up, the first thing you saw was a worn out Peter. Slumped back on a chair, fast asleep was Peter. you saw Tony walking back and forth outside the door, but when he saw you looking around, he had run in, quickly hugging you.
“Are you alright? How the hell did you get shot?!”
You opened your mouth to speak, but found you couldn’t say anything, your throat parched. “Oh yeah”, he said, handing you a small glass of water. Gulping it down quickly, you placed the glass down, looking at Tony, your eyes almost falling down. “Some guy walked out after you got the package. Had some type of electronic arm and had bullets in his arm. Couldn’t get a good look at his face though.”
Tony cursed under his breath, telling you to stay put, but before he could go, you grabbed his suit, pulling him back. Whispering, you asked him, “How long has Peter been here?”
“Oh, the kid has been here for 3 days straight”
“Three days!?”, you asked, forgetting to be quiet. Jumping up at your voice, Peter ran over to you, his hair messy and eyes red and puffy.
“Y/N!”, he exclaimed, practically throwing himself on you, hugging you tightly. “I thought you had died when you didn’t get home that night”. Shuddering against your shoulder, you pulled him closer.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily”, you said, trying to make the air lighter. Looking at Tony who was standing at the door, he gave a tiny smile, walking out and leaving both of you alone.
Thinking back on these times, you could feel your heart squeeze tighter at the thought of ever losing your best friend, but you couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t act like you two were just friends. Okay, Y/N, you can do this. After years of convincing yourself that you didn’t like Peter Parker, you were done with the lies and foreign feelings.
But suddenly, just as you were about to open your mouth, the lights flickered for a beat and then completely blacked out. Blinking quickly, you tried to get your eyes to adjust to the darkness, blindly reaching for your phone but going face-first into Peter’s body instead.
“Oof”, you said, pushing yourself off him Laughing, we both tried to compose ourselves, stumbling around the room. Tapping your wrists slightly, a small purple light showed up, lighting up the place around us.
“Okay, why don’t I go find a flashlight?”,Peter asked, walking towards his room. Nodding, you went the opposite direction, towards the door, hoping to get some light from the road outside. But when you got closer, you saw the mysterious box Tony gave Peter earlier. Curiosity took over you as you moved closer, carefully opening it to see what Peter was so embarrassed about earlier. To say you were shocked was an understatement.
Inside the wooden box was a small bouquet of roses. Fresh red, white pink roses. Next to them was a small box of chocolates. Specifically, Dairy Milk. Under that was a book. Your favourite book. In a brand new cover, crisp and clean against the red paper in the box. Stunned, you carefully picked it up, running your fingers across the embossed cover page. But your attention was detoured because there was a black card at the bottom of the roses, crumpled up hastily. Ah that's what Peter read earlier!, you thought, picking it up, smoothening it out. Your eyes roamed the page, reading the sprawled writing of Tony’s writing.
Hey Peter. Found this under your bed *smirking face*. Thought you might need it soon. Go get her Underoos!
Feeling your face heat up, you read the card again and again. Could it be for you? Could Peter actually like you back? But you got your answer quite quickly.
“What are you doing?!”, Peter asked, running quickly to you, webbing the box shut.
“Uh, just checking out what was in the box…”, you said, crossing your fingers behind your back. “Who’s it for Peter?”
He stared at you, and for a second, you thought he was going to say your name, tell you that he liked you back, tell you that he wanted to be more than friends. But it all went down the drain, and your heart sunk to your stomach when he blurted out. “MJ! It's for MJ.”
Oof, Peter. MJ? That’s not gonna go well. Anyway, thank you so much for reading all the way down till here, and I’ll be putting out the next part in a few more days.
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because-im-write · 4 years
The Beloved Big Sister of 1-7, feat the Beloved Number Five
5/7 1 2 3 4 “Luther was always awkward around X. She was too straight forward for him, his tendency to shy away and take the quick routes out never went well with her. But he used to try... try and be strong like her. In the end if made them closer than any of us thought they would be.” -Vanya
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Five knocked on the door to what was once Ben’s room. He made a good guess. X’s sleepy voice came through the door.
‘I’m going out, you’re coming with me,’ he said, leaning on the wall to wait.
There was a muffled groan, a grumble and the sound of movement. Five knew that X wasn’t going to be more than 100 metres away from him at any given time for at least two months after just getting him back.
There was a clump, and curse or three, a sigh, a half-restricted yawn and then the door opened.
‘Where are we going?’ yawned X, forcing her hair into shape absentmindedly with a grouchy hand. She looked about Five’s physical age and he blinked in surprise; it had been a very long time since he’d seen young X. 
‘Ben’s bed is too small for an adult,’ X explained, aging herself up. 
‘Glass eye,’ Five reported, as X eyed the bag slung around his shoulders with no surprise whatsoever. ‘Watching that guy, I don’t trust him.’
She shrugged a shoulder, ‘alright,’ and followed him through the house. ‘Wait,’ she said when she realised Five’s route, ‘we’re not taking that god-awful van in the alley, are we?’
‘Why not?’ Five glared.
‘Well, Klaus is out there dumpster diving for one,’ X yawned, ‘rattling around outside the windows. Also it stinks.’
‘Well what do you suggest?’
‘Take your Dad’s car, he’s not going to miss it.’
Five pulled a face that said he’d like to argue about stealth and needless ostentatious behaviours, giving up before he’d even started and followed her out the front door.
They got in the car and she turned the keys.
Five pulled the bag onto his lap as they drove, unzipping it and pulling out Delores.
X glanced to the side to see what he was doing. ‘How is she?’
‘She’s fine,’ Five sighed lovingly, caressing the bullet holes in the mannequin.
X kept her eyes on the road. ‘If you’re going to keep doing that, I’m dropping you at a hotel.’
Five scoffed and pulled Delores upright to face outside.
Delores apparently said something.
Five laughed. ‘Yeah, she is, isn’t she.’
‘You two aren’t shit talking me, I hope,’ X said distractedly, trying to look around the corner.
‘She said you’re funny,’ Five explained.
‘I’m sure,’ X responded, unconvinced.
‘Yes, I was happy to see her. ... You were right. ... All these years.’ Five sighed.
‘Hey lovebirds,’ X announced, pulling the handbrake up. ‘We’re here.’
They watched the factory in content, peaceful silence, after a while resorting to taking turns watching while the other napped or talked to Delores, or read.
The tranquility was disturbed as a back door was opened and the car creaked from the great weight of Number One, pulling himself into the car.
‘What the...’ Five hissed, glaring at the disturbance as he stirred from his thoughts. ‘You shouldn’t be...’ he stared at Luther in disbelief.
X had a similarly bewildered expression.
‘How did you find us?’ Five asked.
‘Uh.’ Luther looked down at his feet.
Klaus emerged, somehow having managed to fit in the space below the back seats.
‘What the...’ X jumped, blinking down at Klaus, beyond impressed.
Klaus sent her a wink and a wave.
‘GET OUT!’ Five groaned, ‘we’re in the middle of something, go away!’
X put a hand to her head.
‘Have you found the man with one eye yet?’ Klaus asked, leaning over X’s chair as he somehow managed to sit beside Luther.
‘W-,’ Luther began.
‘Doesn’t matter, it’s Klaus,’ Five grumbled sternly. ‘What do you want, Luther?’ He glanced back at the factory, antsy.
‘Um, so Grace may have had something to do with Dad’s death,’ Luther announced as if he was on the news.
Five frowned a little but seemed otherwise very unperturbed. X wasn’t far different.
‘So I need you to come back to the Academy. It’s important.’
There were many times, Five reflected, in fact it was most of the time, that Luther’s ratio between brain and brawn was very difficult to deal with. ‘Important,’ he muttered.
‘Why, are we giving Grace a medal?’ X asked lightly.
Klaus clapped his hands at the idea. On the other side of Luther, Ben snickered.
Luther gazed at X in a stupor. ‘X, this is our Dad!’
‘Your Dad,’ she corrected nonchalantly, ‘and so what?’
‘Hey,’ said Klaus suddenly, before Luther could rile up further, ‘did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?’
‘Yes,’ X replied, tired among the disgusted faces of the others.
‘Why are you still here?’ Luther asked.
‘Wha-’ Klaus flapped, ‘I need an excuse to-,’
‘-we’re trying to have a conversation-,’
‘-I should-,’
‘Luther’s got a point,’ Five interrupted pleasantly, ‘you should get out.’
With more grumbling, Klaus exited. He rounded the car and rapped jazz-like on the driver’s window.
X rolled it down.
‘I’m peckish,’ Klaus whispered in a complaint.
X glanced behind her at the hell Five was in and the storm Luther was creating. Without resisting, she nodded in resignation and got out.
‘Whoa, whoa,’ Five startled, leaving the conversation with Luther immediately, grabbing her arm with a frantic grip. ‘Where are you going?’
X put a hand over his grip, squeezing it reassuringly. She looked into his eyes until the panic left his and she nodded.
Five looked back to Luther so he wouldn’t have to see her moving away.
Klaus linked their arms automatically and skipped her over to the corner shop.
Luther frowned. ‘What’s with you?’
‘What do you mean?’ Five glowered with his impatient grin.
‘I’ve never seen you...’ Luther wisely trailed off as Five’s eyes widened threateningly. He changed tact. ‘You know what your problem is, Five?’
Five nearly rolled his eyes.
        ‘That one?’ X pointed to a chicken 2-minute noodle.
‘Oh, no, no, no,’ Klaus sighed with a gentle sway, ‘it doesn’t taste like chicken at all, it tastes like turkey.’
X nodded thoughtfully. ‘Hmmm,’ she agreed, and put it back.
‘Get the pork, get the pork!’ Klaus said, seeing the flavour behind her.
‘Is it good?’
‘It’s delightful. SHHHHHHH,’ he then hissed at what X presumed was a ghost. ‘By the way, what’s up with Five?’ Klaus sauntered conversationally, twirling a packet of something into the wrong shelf. ‘He seems almost petrified,’ Klaus made a clown-like shocked face, ‘to let you out of his sight.’
‘ You noticed it, too, huh?’ X replied casually with a fond grin at Klaus. ‘It’s certainly more than even I’d expect. I haven’t asked because he’ll tell me when he wants to,’ she stood up with a small groan, ‘and I’m not sure I really want to know.’
      ‘I don’t think I’m better than you, Number One,’ Five said, restrained. ‘I know I am. I’m better than all of you, and you know it, too. Telling yourself otherwise won’t get you anywhere. In fact, the only one of you better than me, is X.’
Luther felt defensive. ‘Oh, so that’s why you barely talk to us after coming back but don’t leave X out of your sight?’
Five opened his mouth to retort but Luther pressed on.
‘X has lived 28 years without you, Five, you can’t be around her forever.’
Five had fully rounded in his seat, two seconds away from punching Luther in his rambling mouth.
        X looked at the piled of food in her arms. ‘Okay, noodles, chips, oranges... anything else?’
‘I could go for an ice-cream. Chocolate?’ He fished in the freezer and got them both an ice-cream, placing them on top of the mess in X’s arms.
‘Uh... dammit. My purse is in the car,’ X realised. She’d been so preoccupied with reassuring Five that she had forgotten to bring her bag.
‘Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got the backup plan,’ Klaus announced with a grin.
         ‘You always did like to tease me that she liked you better...’ Luther was spiraling into a bout of his usual self pity, staring blankly ahead as he nodded philosophically to himself. ‘I think I know her better than you do, now, though,’ he added thoughtfully, completely missing the pained tension that flashed across his brother’s eyes as he was reminded of all the time he missed and the years he spent aching for his siblings and X.
But he doubted and disregarded Luther’s, really rather un-thoughtful, words without hesitation. If anything, it made him more impatient. In a second Five was leaning closer toward Luther menacingly. ‘I don’t have time for your insecurities, Luther.’ He grabbed him by the collar and pulled him forward with a sharp tug. ‘I didn’t drag myself back in time to deal with this, in fact, I came back here to try and save all of you.’
Luther, eyes rabbit wide at the hold he was in, looked out of the window in a feeble attempt to try and escape Five’s fury in time to hear a hoot and see Klaus pushing X out of the shops, a pile of food in her arms. A security guard was chasing after them.
Five turned around at the sound of X’s voice as she squealed across the road, laughing as together she and Klaus evaded the guard.
‘Hey bitches!’ Klaus yelled at the car.
‘Though I’m beginning to wonder if it was worth it,’ sighed Five, letting go of Luther, who couldn’t see the hidden happiness in the young face as he watched X and Klaus. His eyes hollowed a little when X disappeared somewhere unknown around a corner. ‘I’m busy. I’ll get back when I get back. Right now I’m busy.’
       The guard started to catch up. While they ran, X passed as much of the food as she could to Klaus, dropped the rest, grabbed him by the shoulders and surged down an alley, then onto a street, back around the block and beside the car.
Klaus opened the door and they shuffled themselves inside, scooting over the back seats, now vacated by Luther, and made themselves comfortable. X passed the before startled and now relaxed Five a bag of chips and an orange and peered into whatever already open package Klaus was offering her.
‘Luther went back home,’ Five told them, settling back in his chair to watch the factory.
‘Oh, darn it,’ Klaus cried with an exaggerated sigh. ‘I guess I’ll have to go, too.’ He let out another dramatic sigh and picked out the noodles from the food. ‘I’ll see you later.’ He clambered out of the car again and sauntered away.
‘How was the heist?’ Five asked.
X was throwing the shopping into the front seats. ‘Oh, good. Klaus has been a terrible influence the more the years have gone.’
Five’s head lowered by a fraction and he felt the same regret Luther had brought up in him reappear. He ignored the look Delores gave him.
Then his mood dropped as quickly as it came, washed gently away as X was already clambering back into the driver’s seat to sit beside him.
They continued in their weird happy stakeout exchanging stories until they were a lot further caught up with what had happened over their years. 
It was dark and they’d moved their seats back to lie down a little, keeping their eyes lazily on the entrance to the factory. If X wasn’t there, Five would have been a great deal more transfixed, but he found himself quite relaxed. Turns out X was the only one in the family besides Pogo and Grace that knew Luther was a little ape-y, something Five had discovered in the apocalypse. He didn’t bother to ask how she knew, she always knew these kinds of things. 
He sighed. Even though the task he felt on his shoulders like lead was great, he was doing all he could. That would have to do. 
The conversation had quietened while X ate a little more, and Five stared down at the glass eye, still able to picture it in Luther’s dead hand after all this time. He stole a very quick glance at X, keeping his eyes and head low. With the flames still burning he’d found bodies of his siblings, crushed, beaten and broken, seemingly knocked back as they fought. 
He’d found no trace of Ben, the reason for why he later found after finding Vanya’s book and clearing a bit of the rubble to find the white grave, but it had taken him even longer to find X. 
She was strong, and fast, and healed at an incredible speed. She was so strong that even after the torment of finding his family dead, he had some strange persistent hope left in his heart that maybe, just maybe, X had survived. If anyone could have, it was her. 
After two days Five was searching for any more clues or hints in the rubble of the house when he saw a hand buried under a huge mountain of rubble. Telling himself it was just a hand, he’d seen many these days, he gently reached down. It had no warmth. But it felt very familiar. 
Feeling like he wasn’t quite managing to control himself, since half of him wanted to run away and never know, he spent a long time trying to get enough of the large pieces of wall to fall away off the pile. Then he dug out the rest and, not even looking at the body, pulled it by the hand out. Once it was on flat ground, he was knelt beside it with his eyes closed. He took a few deep breaths and forced them open. 
He shut them immediately with a strangled cry and put his head under his arms. 
Diego was a mum’s boy. He’d been raised completely attached to Grace, with her as his guide and source of paternal love. Not that there was a word for it, but Five was a big sister’s boy. Back then, he’d never have admitted it, not even for a second, but if he’d been asked by a stranger on the street who his guardian was, his mind would go to X straight away, and stay there. To Luther and Diego she’d been a harsh but fun older sister, to Vanya, Klaus, Allison and Ben she’d been a mix between the cool aunt type and the big sister. To Five, she was paternal and sisterly. 
And now she lay beside him, body stuck forever in mid-twenties. He hadn’t seen anything properly, just her face, and rocking back and forth a little he gasped for air and looked again, then away as if it had seared his face, cringing and hiding behind his hand. 
He was right. It did take a lot to kill X. Not only had she clearly been thrown across the entire manor, probably blasted through the ceiling, but some sort of shrapnel had flown into her neck, her shirt stained with dried blood, easily litres’ worth. 
In the days after, when he had recovered enough to set about burying them, Five had removed the shrapnel and discovered another piece lodged shallowly at the back of her head. 
‘Well, well,’ X declared suddenly, clapping her hands and resembling Klaus a great deal.
Five sniffled, spooked and looked up. X was watching the man from before, Lance??, exit his work, and get into a car that had pulled up in front of him, looking very suspicious. 
‘It looks like someone needs another little visit,’ X remarked.
Five sniffled again at the sound of her voice and she frowned and turned her attention to him.
He gave her an embarrassed laugh as he wiped his face with his hand and sleeve. ‘I, uh... I just remembered a few things.’
She nearly scoffed at him, her expression telling him exactly what bits of his words she’d easily pick apart. ‘Five.’
‘I found you,’ he managed through a thick gulp. ‘In the apocalypse.’ He settled into his usual glum repertoire whenever he mentioned what he’d seen. ‘You were killed by shrapnel. To the neck and head, and you were blown through the air, the length of the block.’
X’s eyes mellowed and her head tilted slightly as the final piece of information slotted everything into complete understanding. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into her embrace, wrapping him in as much warmth as she could. She rocked gently from side to side to keep herself animated. 
Bullets rained through the Umbrella Academy and Allison, Luther and Diego pelted full speed through the mansion. 
Five sighed as he rolled over. He hadn’t slept this well in... well, just under fifty years. The bed was unbelievably comfortable, it was a smell and atmosphere he hadn’t been in since a week before he time traveled, and Delores was beside him again. 
The sound of footsteps stirred his sleep, but didn’t wake him up.
X scratched her head as she walked through her house toward the front door, glancing at the clocks to make sure she wasn’t in a dream and it wasn’t nearly midnight. 
She looked through the peephole and saw Vanya, shivering from the cold and scared. 
Immediately she ripped the door open and Vanya fell in to her arms. ‘X!’
‘Whoa... Vanya...’
X put her arm around Vanya and picked her up, carrying her to the comfiest spot on the couch. Vanya was too tired and shocked to say anything. 
‘These people, they attacked... they attacked the academy - everyone’s fine, but it was scary, I, they told me to run and find you, so I’m, I’m here, to be safe.’
X put a hand on her shoulder and then moved into the kitchen, making Vanya cocoa. ‘Tell me only what you want; I can ask later.’
Vanya swallowed and clasped her hands together. ‘There were two people, I think, with machine guns... I heard gunfire and went down to see if everyone was okay, then, I don’t know, someone attacked me, Luther pulled them off and they yelled at me to run.’
‘Highly trained?’ X asked in a tone that said she didn’t care if Vanya answered or not. 
‘Uh...’ Vanya’s forehead creased. ‘I don’t know. I think so, even Diego had a hard time. I got a message from Allison saying they’re fine but to stay away in case they come back.’ 
‘No wonder they sent you to me.’ X passed her the cocoa. 
Five growled as he was woken and rolled out of one of X’s many spare beds in the large room, stomping out into the living room. ‘Who the hell is here this late-,’ he stopped when he saw Vanya, mouth closing gently. 
Vanya had looked up at the movement 
‘Vanya?’ He moved and sat beside X on the coffee table, leaning closely toward Number 7. 
‘A team of two attacked the Academy,’ X summarised, ‘they’re fine, Vanya’s here to be safe. Highly trained,’ she added in answer to Five’s question before he could ask it.
‘Yeah, that’s probably something to do with me,’ Five muttered solemnly. ‘Vanya. I’m sorry.’
‘No,’ Vanya said, ‘no, it’s okay. I’m fine, just a shock. It’s been a while since anything crazy like that has happened around me. I’ll be fine.’ She took a sip of the cocoa and felt better. 
‘Stay here for the night,’ X said, putting her hand on Vanya’s shoulder again. ‘You know no one gets past me.’
The words made Five squirm a little as he felt a little colder. He shuffled closer to X. She put her other hand on Five’s shoulder. ‘Come on, bed time.’
‘That beanie does nothing for him,’ X remarked airily as they watched Lance from afar. Five was beside her as they sat on the edge of the building, watching the street below. It had been very easy to tail him with X surging them from rooftop to rooftop, following the car as it trudged through the dismal traffic like smug birds. 
Lance was returning to his car. Five stretched and stood up, the usual madness springing into his eyes. 
X chewed on a candy happily as she watched Five disappear and reappear in the passenger seat of the car, putting a knife to Lance’s throat. 
       ‘One more thing,’ Five finished as he leaned back into the passenger seats. ‘My sister’s coming, too.’
‘Your...’ Lance frowned. 
The back door opened and X slid into the seats, grinning at Lance lazily. ‘Hi again.’
Lance knew better than to ask questions. He drove. 
     They got the factory and Five marched up the path, then they noticed the smoke pouring from the building. X and Five left lance behind as they broke into a run. X grabbed Five and surged them the rest of the way and around the corner toward the entrance. She let go of him and he felt her already speeding away. He looked at the flames completely engulfing the building. 
‘NO!’ he screamed, reaching into the air where X was an instant before in an attempt to stop her. 
Mid surge, X had seen what he had and she, lightning fast, turned her head as she flew toward the flaming doors. 
The blast wave from the explosion hit Five first, sending him flying back, then he was vaguely aware of X holding him before the heat reached him. 
He landed cushioned by the arms held protectively over him. 
X ducked her head as shrapnel and fire blew behind her and once the explosion had ended she stood up, helping Five stand. 
He checked her head and neck for injuries with a quick scan and then stared, still behind and holding onto one of X’s arms, at the wreckage of the glass eye factory. 
‘... ... ... ... ... ... ... shit!’ he growled eventually and gave up, letting his weight collapse on X as he stared dismally at the smoke. 
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@woohoney @i-think-you-are-gr8 @irrelevantyettopicalusername @catvader101 @theamazinghana @livinlifelikeishould @itsintothegreatbeyondstuff @reallysparklychaos @queenmissfit @shadowsndaisies​ @narcissistic-ginger​ @glass-ghost​ @mikariell95​ @clinomanians​ @death-s-embrace​ @garbage-potato​ @sarcasticsweater​  @blueoceans-clearskies
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lluvguts · 3 years
just pretend for now // reddie
(mostly posting my ao3 fics here for now // i’ll take requests too!)
pairing: eddie kaspbrak x richie tozier 
genre/warnings: none! fluff
word count: 2,037
summary: a loser’s club wedding...but kids!
“Let’s just skip it.”
“Our own wedding, Rich?”
“We already got married, Eds,” Richie murmured as he turned over in the sheets to reach for Eddie in the mid morning light. He was well aware of the plans that had to be set into motion, as well as the many things they must actually be present for―like getting married, for one―but all Richie felt like doing was spending the rest of their Friday afternoon in the hotel bed. Well, Eddie had brought separate bed sheets for the hotel bed, but still the same idea in spirit.
Eddie pulled Richie closer and rested a hand in his tousled hair. Though he did not fully bring him to his chest―the wound had healed months ago, but Eddie was still extremely careful. It made Richie wonder what their wedding night was going to look like if Eddie wouldn’t touch him. Not like it made much of a difference considering all the other times…
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but we can’t just not go to our rehearsal dinner,” He stated, craning over Richie to stare at the clock displayed on the hotel nightstand with a groan.
Richie tilted his head up to stare at Eddie―or the foggy shape he assumed was his soon-to-be husband, having forgotten to put on his glasses.
“You don’t remember when we got married as kids?”
“I don’t think that a children’s cereal box ring counts towards marriage.”
“Oh, please. It wasn’t a cereal box prize…It was a Ring Pop,” Richie said with dignity.
“You’re gonna have to tell me the story of our so-called wedding, since there’s clearly some pieces I’m missing.”
Richie flourished a hand, in an old British clip. “With pleasure, Mr. Tozier.”
“Tozier-Kaspbrak,” Eddie corrected him.
“Nuance. Anyway, I’m pretty sure it was one hot ass summer when we were all sitting in Bill’s backyard, eating candy…”  
The Denbrough’s yard was stifling that summer in Maine, and all of the Losers crowded under the aged umbrella from their outdoor patio furniture to stay cool in the grass. Mike and Stanley were huddled close, admiring a bluejay that had perched on the fence, while Ben passed around a plastic bag of assorted candies from Costello’s Market―one that his mother had purchased for him the morning of―and tried not to sneak a glance at Beverley’s smile, or the way the sun made her hair glow like an open fire.
“It’s so fuckin’ hot,” Richie whined, popping a cherry Ring Pop into his mouth.
Ben shifted uncomfortably on his place in the dead grass. “You shouldn’t say that word Richie!”
“Oh hush, Haystack. I can say whatever I’d like,” He replied coolly and fell onto his back to stare at the cloudless sky.
“There’s nothing to do out here,” Eddie said in a soft voice, still awed by Richie’s crude remark. The brown-haired boy had some color on his cheeks, but not from the heat. He was startled, and maybe a little captivated by how confident Richie was, and Eddie wondered if some of that confidence could work on him the next time Belch Huggins shoved him off the playground equipment at school.
Bill fished inside the shopping bag for a candy bar that wasn’t already melted. “W-We have some board games i-i-inside.”
“Let’s go to the library,” Mike murmured. “There’s a new issue of Superman out and if we don’t act now all the other kids'll take them all.”
Stanley leaned in toward Mike’s neck and used the binoculars he was wearing, pointing at the bird. “No, let’s go back to my house for my sketchbook so I can draw her. Look, she’s so pretty.”
The three argued about what to do when Richie pondered over his candy, then said thoughtfully, “We could get married.”
Eddie looked away, knowing full well that Richie’s finger poking into his side meant that he was talking to him.
“W-What?” Bill spoke above Stanley and Mike’s chatter. Ben was too busy sorting the candy to pay much attention.
Richie shrugged, wiping sweaty hair out of his face. “We’ve got the rings, right Eds?”
Eddie crossed his arms, scowling at the Ring Pop on his own finger and spoke to the ground.
“Don’t call me Eds. You know it’s not my name.”
“It’s just pretend…unless you’re too chicken to do it,” Richie challenged.
Beverly glanced between the both of them, her eyes finally landing on Richie as a wicked grin lit her face.
“I’ll be the lucky lady, if my daddy doesn’t find out,” She giggled.
Richie sat up, wiping the grass from his shirt. “I was talking about Eddie Spaghetti, Bev. But you can be my best man.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works,” Stan said.
“Fine! I’ll marry Beverly, then Eds. Okay?”
Stan pulled his binoculars down. “You’re still not getting the point.”
“Oh, whatever. We’ve got a wedding to do,” Richie stood alongside Bev and held out his hand.
Eddie blinked at him for a speechless moment but took his hand warily.
“This is a bad idea,” He mumbled with a red face as the three sautnered over to the Denbrough’s rusting trellis, its vines once lively now hung dead across the scorching metal.
“Bill! Will you come marry us?” Beverly shouted across the lawn, even though the boys were only a few feet away.
“S-Sure Bevvie,” The boy immediately stood and went to her.
“Got yours, Bev?” Richie held up his candy ring, as well as the one on Eddie’s hand, still clasped in his own.
“Let go of my hand!” Eddie flung his arm back, nursing the Ring Pop in hopes that neither could see his expression. It was the only comfort he had, that sweet taste of blue dye, he’d left his inhaler at home.
Beverly showed them her ring, fresh from the package and shining a neon green on her pale finger.
Bill clapped his hands together, nervously looking to Bev. “Alright, uh, R-Richie go stand by Eh-Eh-Eddie, I’ll marry Bev and you f-first.”
Richie grabbed Beverly’s hands and grinned sheepishly at the young girl. The other three watched from the shade of the umbrella, a mix of amusement and anxiety filtering across their faces. Luckily Bill’s parents were not home to see the ceremony, but the Losers knew neither mother nor father would take much interest in their antics.
“Do y-you Beverly Marsh tu-tu-take Richie T-Tozier to be your, uh, husband?”
“It’s ‘lawfully wedded husband,’ Bill!” Mike commented, while Stan slapped his shoulder.
Richie winked at Bev, which made her laugh harder. “I do.”
Bill nodded in agreement. “Okay, D-Do you, Richie Tozier t-take her to be your,” He turned to Mike, remembering the phrase, “Lawfully wedded wife?”
“Sure do, Big Bill. Now, how bout a good one, right here, Bevvie?” Richie clicked his tongue and tapped a cheek with his finger.
Bev blushed and leaned forward to peck his cheek. Eddie closed his eyes, trying not to picture Richie’s lips on his face. She pulled back, smiling and waving around her ringed finger in the hot air. Richie did the same.
“Eddie, your t-t-turn.”
Beverly gave Richie’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze before dashing off to hide under the umbrella. Eddie ran his tongue across the dry roof of his mouth and stepped forward, accepting the boy’s sweaty hands.
He hardly understood Bill’s words, not because of the stutter but more so because of the way Richie cleared his throat, and the firm grip he had on his hands, as if it were an actual ceremony and not something thrown together in a small town backyard.
Richie was busy staring at Eddie and stammered out an ‘I do’ just in time for him to whisper the same.
Bill bristled at the next line, his eyes flickering to Richie, who nodded his approval and said, “You m-may, uh, kiss each other?”
“On the cheek!” Eddie squealed, but Richie used their locked hands to propel him forward, smacking their lips together with an unceremonious crash of saliva. Richie’s mouth moved quickly across his, with neither having the slightest idea what they were doing or what it meant, but were drawn further into the kiss by the sugary taste left from their Ring Pops.
Richie’s glasses drove up against Eddie’s face in the seconds that their kiss lasted, and when he moved away Eddie let a small smile break through his resolve at Richie’s crooked glasses and wet curls of messy black hair. Eddie wouldn’t realize it until much later in the day but that hot summer afternoon, and Richie’s cherry flavored kiss was a brisk line in the sand on his feelings, and the memory of it would linger in his mind every time the dark-haired boy passed by. He kissed me, he kissed me, his mind would scream with gleeful abandon. Now go tell him you like him.
“See? Just pretend,” Richie released Eddie’s hands and stuck the Ring Pop into his mouth, biting it clean off the plastic ring. He stuck his tongue out, it was still red from the artificial flavoring and Eddie could almost feel that cherry candy in his own mouth. He shuddered at the thought and hurried away from the other boy, terrified and amazed at him.
The patio door slid on its hinges, and a small mousy haired boy stepped out―George, Bill’s little brother.
“What's going on? Who got candy without me?” The boy commanded, looking hurt by the other’s failure to include him.
Bill rushed to his side, holding out what was left of his chocolate. “S-Sorry Georgie. We were just gonna ask i-i-if you wanted some.”
“Uh huh.” Georgie snatched the candy bar, then sought out the plastic bag that promised more treats.
“So what’re you gonna do now Richie, with your new husband and wife?” Mike asked. Stan was bent over his travel-sized birth encyclopedia, so lost in thought the boy was getting smudges of milk chocolate on the pages.
Once Richie went back to the umbrella he slung an arm around Beverly and Eddie’s shoulders and looked up at the sun with a weary grin.
“Take a nap.”
“See Eds? Married,” Richie sighed happily as he concluded his story.
“Rich, there’s no way that you kissed me in front of everyone at ten years old.”
“Would you like me to call Bev for clarification?” Richie said, lovingly resting his head against Eddie’s waist, smiling where the other man could not see―because for a minute Eddie did not flinch away.
Eddie eased Richie’s head away from him and slid off the bed, throwing open his luggage.
“I’d like for you to take back the past twenty minutes, because now we’re going to be late. Ask her tonight at our actual wedding rehearsal.”
Richie rolled over Eddie’s side of the bed and found his phone and glasses while trying to tug off the shirt he’d slept in. “Yeah, Bev? Remember that one time at Bill’s house when we got married?”  
“You’re calling her, Rich?” Eddie disappeared into the bathroom so he didn’t have to witness the reason they were going to inevitably be late for dinner.
Richie stopped and listened, slipping into a pair of dress pants. He rolled his eyes and threw the phone onto the rumpled sheets with a childish whine.
“What did she say?” Eddie asked smugly, poking his head out of the door.
“She said, and I quote, ‘If you don’t show up in the next five minutes I am telling your parents you decided to elope at age forty.’”
Eddie grinned and straightened his shirt collar, exiting the bathroom to kiss Richie’s smooth cheek. At least he’d done one thing: shave.
He took Richie’s arm and they headed out the hotel door. “Let’s go then, Mr. Tozier.”
“That’s Tozier-Kaspbrak, according to you,” Richie grumbled.
“I said I was fine with Tozier.”
“Are you ‘fine’ with it? Just fine? ‘Fine’ is like, ‘I’m fine with my shitty low-end job.’ That sort of fine?”
“How about, ‘I’m more than fine with it for the rest of my life?’”
Richie chuckled. “Sounds good to me, Mr. Tozier. The wedding planner’s gonna give us hell, though.”
“We’ve been through worse.”
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rickybowensfever · 3 years
The Smoothie - HSMTMTS SickFic
I’ve had this story brewing in my head and saved for a couple months on my desktop, so figured I’d finish it up. 
Set during Season 1 - Ricky gets sick when E.J. gives him a smoothie out of revenge to become the lead in High School Musical. But, Nini doesn't believe him. Read the story on AO3. 
Opening night was just four days away and flu season had struck the students at East High as Spring sprung.
Sniffles, coughs, and tissues, oh my.
Miss Jenn constantly had her students applying hand sanitizer every five minutes. “Hand sanitizer check!” she would shout with the clear bottle in her hands demanding the students to put out their hands.
Backstage, Ricky stood around chatting with the other cast members as Seb and Carlos performed Bop to the Top when EJ approached him holding an orange-colored smoothie in his hand.
“Hey, Ricky!” he exclaimed walking toward the boy.
“Nini asked me to bring this to you. It’s Strawberry Mango, she wanted you to try it” EJ explained him, handing the boy the cold orange drink.
Ricky furrowed his brow, suspicion sinking in. He stood frozen holding the cold drink wondering where Nini was. She hadn’t shown up to rehearsal yet, but he had just seen her in fifth period.
“Alright, thanks” Ricky said grabbing the smoothie from his hand and took a long sip. He let out a refreshing Ahh after pulling away from the delicious beverage.
 Then, EJ ran on stage after hearing a faint call of his name from Ms. Jenn.
Wow. It’s pretty good, Ricky thought to himself and pulled out his phone to text Nini about it.
R: Hey, thanks for the smoothie! Really good.
N: What smoothie?
R: The strawberry mango one u got me?
N:  ??? I didn’t get you a smoothie.
Ricky looked up from his phone in confusion. Why would EJ do that?
R: Oh? EJ gave it to me, and he said you got it for me.
N: What? Ricky, I didn’t even have a smoothie. Are you pranking me or something?
 Ricky threw his hands in the air in distress and locked his phone, leaving Nini’s message on read. Now, he was more confused than ever.
“Ricky! On stage now! Come and get some hand sanitizer!” Ms. Jenn shouted through the auditorium.
 The Next Day
Ricky woke up in his bed shivering and covered in sweat. His throat felt raw, his nose was congested, his body ached, and his head was pounding.
This can’t be happening, he thought to himself , covering his face with his cold pillow.
Then, there as a knock on his door.
“Ricky! Get up. You’re going to be late for school” his father said as he opened the door to see his son lying in bed. 
Mr. Bowen studied his son for a second before he asked, “You okay?”.
Ricky coughed into his fist which just made his throat hurt more.
“No. Not really” he croaked, wincing at the pain in his throat. 
His father immediately walked over to his son’s bed to feel his sweaty forehead for a fever.
“Wow, you’re really warm. You stay home today. I’ll call the school and tell Ms. Jenn you won’t be at rehearsal” Mr. Bowen told his son.
Ricky scrunched his face in annoyance.
“No! Dad, I can’t miss rehearsal. We open in three days” he cried, wincing at the pain talking gave him.
“Then, you have two days to feel better and you have an understudy. I’m sure Ms. Jenn wouldn’t want you coming in this sick, bud” Mr. Bowen said frowning at his son.  
Ricky groaned and threw his head back down into his pillow.
“EJ” he muttered.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, I was just trying to clear my throat,” Ricky said and curled up onto his side, hugging his pillow.
What felt like hours later, Ricky woke from a deep sleep.
“Hey, sorry to wake you. I just wanted to let you know I’m working from home today to take care of you. I know I’m not your Mom and she’s probably way better at this. But I’m trying” Mr. Bowen told his son as he held a bottle of red Gatorade in his hand and two blue capsules. 
Ricky smirked at his Dad’s statement. Since his Mom left, his Dad was trying his best under the circumstances she had given them. He did wish his Mom was here, just like the thousands of other times he wished for her to come walking in the door but never did.
“Thanks, Dad” Ricky croaked and took a swig of Gatorade, chasing it down with the pills.
“Not a problem, bud. Also, I found the only thermometer in our house. It took me a while. I texted your Mom, but she didn’t answer” he said frantically holding up an ear thermometer in the air.
Ricky changed positions in his bed to let his dad put the thermometer in his left ear.
“A little high, but nothing we can’t manage. Get some rest and keep drinking this” he pointed to the Gatorade bottle on the nightstand beside him, “so you don’t get dehydrated” Mr. Bowen explained before leaving his son.
Ricky’s phone buzzed.
1 Notification from Nini
1 Notification from We’re All in This Together GC  
Nini: Where are you?? We have an Environmental Science test today. We were going to study together :/
Ricky: Home sick. Sorry
Nini: Ricky. Are you serious? Opening Night is three days away. Did you even listen to Miss Jenn’s rules?
 What was Nini even saying? Why would he get sick on purpose? He was really starting to like this acting thing.
Ricky: Yeah, I listened to her. Idk how I got sick, but I feel like shit ok?  
Then, the message turned to read. Ricky threw his phone onto his sheets, rested his head onto his pillow, and drifted back to sleep.  
 “Ricky?” a petite voice called to him.
He woke up in a fog feeling groggy trying to make out the person in his room.
“Huh?” he called out to the voice and wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
 Nini stood at the end of his bed.
“Nini? What are you doing here?” he asked, panicked.
“Your texts worried me. I’m going back to rehearsal, I just needed to pick up a few things at home. So, I stopped by” she said smiling softly.
 Ricky coughed into his fist and sniffled.
Nini frowned.
“You sound awful” she mentioned.
“Thanks,” Ricky said sarcastically taking a sip of his warm Gatorade.
“I think E.J. got me sick,” he told her putting the hood of his sweatshirt over his curls.
“What? You’re not serious. E.J. wouldn’t do that” Nini refuted putting a hand on her hip.
Ricky shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know? But I felt fine before he gave me that smoothie. Then, I woke up like this!” he said emphasizing his sickly body.
“It’s flu season. It could just be a conscience. Anyway, I really have to get back to practice. But I’ll be back later” she said standing by his bedside, frowning at his condition.  
“No, I don’t want you catching this. If both of us are sick, there’s no show” the boy expressed in between coughs.
“Ricky. This isn’t my first rodeo! I know how to prepare for flu season during Hell Week” she exclaimed. “Get some rest and I’ll see you later” smiling back at him before exiting the room.
“Bye,” he said and checked his phone filled with notifications from friends and crewmates and Miss Jenn wishing him a speedy recovery.
Maybe: E.J.
Hey Ricky. It’s E.J. Heard you’re not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon and don’t worry about a thing! – Your Understudy
Ricky groaned at the message which just caused him to cough again.
 Then, his door opened again, and his Dad stood in the doorway.
“Hey, bud. How ya doing?” Mr. Bowen asked.
“I’ve been better” Ricky replied snarkily.
“You’re probably due for another dose of medicine” he suggested holding up two new blue tablets and a package of Saltines.
Ricky nodded, silently thanking his father, and took the tablets with the remaining liquid in his Gatorade bottle.
The last time Ricky woke up, his guitar was strumming.
He had to be delirious at this point, he thought to himself. After dreaming he was running around East High trying to make it to the stage but finding a dead-end every time, he was stressed enough.
He rubbed his eyes and saw a silhouette sitting in the corner of his room on his rolling desk chair.  Nini Salazar coming into focus.
“Hey!” she sang softly, putting the acoustic guitar down against the wall.
“Nini. What are you doing here?” Ricky asked, panicked, clutching his comforter tightly.
“It’s okay! I just came to apologize” she said, sitting closer to the boy, now on the edge of his bed.
Ricky shook his head, confused.
“For what?” he asked her.
Nini laughed, “For defending E.J.” she began.
Ricky rose his eyebrow at her. “Today, when I got to rehearsal he said, he was glad the smoothie worked!” she exclaimed, “I couldn’t believe it! I’m so disappointed in him. That’s not the E.J. I know and loved,” she said, slapping the bed as she explained the situation to him.
Ricky winced as the bed shook.  His head throbbing as she explained her conversation with E.J. more.
“I told you,” Ricky snickered hoarsely.
“Don’t strain your voice” Nini said frowning at the state of his voice.
He shrugged at her and yawned.
“So, I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you,” she told him, smiling softly.
Thanks, Ricky mouthed to the girl.
“You’re welcome. Now, you rest up because we have a show to do! And I’m not doing this with E.J.” she said, smirking.
Ricky returned the smirk and got settled back into his bed and closed his eyes.
The light went out in his room and the sound of the door shut.
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superblizzardfire · 4 years
The Surprise Gift (Bruce & Kamala)
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(AO3 Link)
Kamala wasn’t expecting any presents for her seventeenth birthday. But the universe gave her a surprise one anyway…
‘Food poisoning,’ she gasped, shaking as she knelt over the toilet. ‘Figures.’
‘I suspect the pre-packaged egg mayonnaise sandwiches were to blame, Miss Khan,’ said JARVIS.
‘Yeah, I thought they tasted funny.’ She’d woken up feeling nauseous, taken one sip of water and immediately dashed to the bathroom to throw up. Now she gripped the cold metal of the bowl and unleashed a second wave, the burning in her throat bringing tears to her eyes. It was her own fault. But supply runs were inconsistent, and they had to eat when they could.
On the plus side, at least she was throwing up in a bathroom on the Chimera, the iconic helicarrier that was once home to the Avengers (and now housed only one).
‘Shall I inform Doctor Banner?’ asked JARVIS.
‘No! God no, I don’t want him to see me like this!’ Sweat-soaked hair and vomit-stained Captain America pyjamas. Not a good look, and she’d already embarrassed herself in front of one of her childhood heroes this week. She’d been singing along to Cheap Thrills in her room, not realising that she was broadcasting herself through the whole ship. She hadn’t been able to meet Bruce's eye for the rest of the day.
For the last three weeks, they’d been searching for Tony Stark. JARVIS kept bringing up false leads, so they travelled from country to country, flying out in the Quinjet for supply runs and reconnaissance missions. It sounded like something from Kamala’s most self-indulgent fanfics: a secret mission where she and Doctor Banner set out to reassemble the Avengers, five years after they were split apart. It was literally the coolest thing that had ever happened to her… except it wasn’t turning out to be as fun as she’d hoped.
When she’d vomited up what felt like everything she had, Kamala clambered up and flushed away the eggy mess before rinsing out her mouth. The Chimera wasn’t fully operational yet: no hot water, and everything was filmed with dust. She stared at herself in the mirror, panting. Yup, she looked like an absolute mess. On her birthday. This sucked.
‘Uh, hey Kamala? Are you up?’ Bruce's voice echoed through the room.
Crap. ‘Morning, Bruce!’ she said brightly, then shut her eyes tightly as the room seemed to spin around her. ‘What’s up?’
‘I’m just running a few tests on those energy weapons we found. I could use a hand, if you’ve got a minute?’ Bruce always seemed to think he was being a bother. He could make “pass the salt” sound like he was asking a huge favour. ‘Only if you’re not busy.’
‘Sure thing,’ she gasped. ‘I’ll be right – oh god – ‘ She lurched back to the toilet as another wave of nausea swept over her. With nothing left to bring up, her stomach clenched painfully.
‘Are you okay? Kamala?’
But she couldn’t reply. Her breath came in harsh sobs through gritted teeth. She was trying so hard to do her job here, to help Bruce find the Avengers and to hold her own in the fighting. But she didn’t feel like an adult. She felt like a scared kid in disguise. And now she felt like death, it was difficult to maintain that charade.
The beep of the door unlocking was the only warning she got before Bruce ran into the room. ‘What happened? Are you okay?’
‘I’m fine, it’s just food poisoning. I’ll be down in a minute, I promise.’ She squinted up at him. Bruce wore his usual purple shirt and pants (Hulk had ruined at least five of those shirts, how many did he have?) with his glasses perched on the end of his nose. His arms were folded as he stared down at her in concern.
He sighed. ‘I told you not to eat the egg sandwiches.’
‘You ate them just fine.’
‘Well, I’m immune to food poisoning. You’re not. And you’re not coming down to the lab, okay? You need to rest.’ He spoke gently, but she still felt she’d let him down somehow. ‘Take the day off.’
They couldn’t afford to take days off. They needed to find Tony. Now because of her they’d be behind. Black Widow would have been stronger than this. Anyone other than Kamala would be stronger than this. But she felt so awful that she just said in a small voice, ‘Okay.’
‘Okay,’ Bruce echoed. Then he started backing out of the door. ‘I’m just gonna go… do some things. Can I um, get you anything? Bring you anything?’
Kamala burst into tears.
‘Hey, it’s gonna be okay.’ Bruce crossed the room and knelt beside her, all awkwardness momentarily forgotten.
‘I’m sorry, it’s just – so hard sometimes,’ she sobbed. ‘I want to go home and see my family and just have a normal life, and I know I can’t because we have a job to do and – ‘
‘You’re allowed to want those things. You’re only human.’
Except she wasn’t, was she? Not quite. She was a human with superpowers, and that meant she had a responsibility to protect others. But right now she wasn’t sure she could even protect herself. The tears kept coming, and her chest shuddered with uneven breaths. She wanted to curl up on the cold bathroom floor and pass out.
She swayed, and Bruce held her shoulder to steady her. ‘You’re going to burn yourself out. No one can be on top form all the time. I’m pretty useless for days after Hulking out, and you don’t judge me for it. I think you’re allowed to have a bad day.’
Kamala leaned forward and hid her face in his shoulder. He stiffened in surprise, then hesitantly wrapped his arms around her in a hug. ‘It’s my birthday,’ she sniffled.
‘Today? Why didn’t you tell me?’
‘Didn’t want it to be a big deal. We’ve got bigger things to worry about.’ She closed her eyes, knowing that her forehead would feel hot against his shoulder.
Bruce's low, gentle voice rumbled in her ear. ‘Okay. You’re going to stay here and get some rest, doctor’s orders. JARVIS can keep an eye on you. Can you stand?’
She could, but leaned heavily on him as he helped her walk back to bed. ‘Sorry I got sick on your shirt,’ she mumbled.
‘I’ve got plenty of spares, don’t worry.’ He brought her a cup of water and an empty bucket from the pile in the corner of the room. ‘Call me if you need anything, okay?’
‘Thanks, Bruce.’ She lay down and drew the blankets over herself. Bruce lingered a few moments longer, clearly searching for something else to say, then awkwardly edged out of the room. Kamala gazed out of the window until she fell asleep.
When she woke up, it was afternoon. Her head hurt and her mouth tasted awful, but the nausea seemed to have passed. She checked her phone and found birthday messages from family and friends, which raised her spirits a little. When she reached for the water beside the bed, there was a packet of plain crackers and some ibuprofen there too. Bruce must have returned to check on her.
Then Kamala spotted the parcel at the foot of the bed.
A slow smile grew on her face as she picked it up. It was thick and rectangular, and wrapped in thin graph paper from the lab. An effort had been made to liven it up with stars drawn in blue and red ballpoint pen.
She unwrapped it slowly. It was a thick, spiralbound notebook. The edges of the paper had been coloured neon blue (presumably using a salvaged highlighter), and the front cover had been replaced with a homemade one: a printed photograph from five years ago. A smiling Kamala posed with the Avengers whilst coloured streamers fell around them. It was one of the best memories of her life, and despite the events that had occurred after it, the sight still made her smile. ‘Thanks, Bruce,’ she whispered.
When she turned to the first page, there was a message written in small, neat script:
 Happy Birthday Kamala! I hope this comes in useful. You’re an amazing writer, don’t forget how far you’ve come.
 Writing had always been Kamala’s passion, although since they’d embarked on their Avengers quest she hadn’t given it much thought. She certainly hadn’t entertained any fanfiction ideas; it felt weirder to write it when you knew the characters you were writing about. Maybe she could try something new, though.
She dug out a pen from her bag. Even the simple weight of a notebook in her lap brought her a comforting familiarity. That even aboard the Chimera, far from home, she could slip away into a world of her choosing. No bad guys to fight or buildings to destroy. Just the simple act of creating something for the fun of it.
Kamala clicked her pen, snuggled down under the covers, and began to write.
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I’m back on my bullshit with more TOG fluff, have fun :)
Read on AO3
Joe stumbled into the kitchen, soaking wet and wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He looked around frantically before making a beeline toward the countertop. He lunged for the notebook lying there.
Behind him, Nicky yelped. “Yusuf!”
Joe turned around to find his husband carrying a package of flour in his arms, which he’d apparently been retrieving from the pantry while Joe barged into his workspace.
“Hmm?” Joe said distractedly, already starting to feel the lines slipping. Damnit, why did the perfect words for his poems always only occur to him in the shower? Meter, alliteration, emotion… he’d had it all at the tip of his tongue moments ago. He just needed to write it down before he-
“Hayati, you better have a good reason for standing dripping wet and half-naked in my kitchen. There’s soapy water everywhere! You’ve made such a mess, Joe, and I just mopped…”
Nicky’s lamentations continued, and Joe tried desperately to listen while mentally reciting what was left of the lines he’d composed in the shower.
“Joe?” Nicky’s fingers snapped impatiently in front of his face. “Are you even listening to me?”
The last vestiges of his beautifully crafted words evaporated from his brain, and Joe sighed, shoulders slumping forward. “I’m sorry, Nicky. I’ll clean it up.”
He turned to grab a spare dish towel from the cabinet, shivering slightly as a wayward breeze hit his damp skin. Before he could take two steps, Joe felt a gentle hand around his wrist.
Nicky maneuvered the flour package onto the table and leveled him with a mortifyingly discerning look. “What happened, love?”
Joe remained silent, unsure of how to go about explaining the absurdity of his current presence in the kitchen. The whole endeavor seemed rather stupid in retrospect. And it wasn’t like he had a line or two of breathtaking poetry to show for it, either.
Nicky’s eyes widened a little at his hesitation. “Are you alright, Joe? Are you hurt?” He ran his hands fretfully up and down Joe’s arms and chest, feeling for traces of an injury. Joe’s eyes snapped up guiltily, and he took hold of Nicky’s wrists and brought them to his lips.
“I am alright, amore. I mean it. Not at all hurt. Please do not worry.”
“You’re trembling. Go dry off and wear something warm, I’ll take care of the floor. Then you can tell me what’s going on.”
Minutes later, Joe emerged from their room in one of Nicky’s large, fleece-lined hoodies. He found Nicky in the kitchen, wringing out a towel into the sink. As soon as he saw Joe, Nicky walked over and pressed a warm mug of hot cocoa into his hands.
“Let’s sit on the couch?”
Joe nodded, following his husband to the living room and curling up next to him on the cushions. A small blaze was starting to catch in the fireplace. Outside, rain poured with a vengeance. Nicky had closed the window but left the curtains open. Joe smiled to himself. He had never met anyone who loved the rain as much as his Nicoló.
“Drink, hayati. We can’t have you catching a cold. See, I even added those tiny marshmallows you like.”
Joe took a large sip from the cup, sighing softly as the chocolate-covered notes of nutmeg and cinnamon floated over his tongue. He nuzzled closer to Nicky, feeling a little overcome with warmth and love.
Nicky wrapped his arms around Joe and pulled him closer. “So, are you going to tell me what prompted you to run out here mid-shower in the cold of winter?”
“I thought of the right words,” Joe mumbled into Nicky’s holiday-green jumper.
“For a poem I was writing. I’ve been struggling for days with a particular section and it suddenly came to me while showering. I wanted to write it down before I forgot.”
A comfortable silence blanketed them for several minutes. Joe took another sip of his drink, savoring it gratefully.
“You didn’t, though.”
“What?” Joe asked.
“You didn’t write anything down. You came into the kitchen, but you never even opened your notebook.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot the words. They never stay for long.”
“Was it because I yelled at you?”
“No! No, amore, that was well-deserved. And you didn’t yell at me, you just…emphatically expressed your displeasure at having to mop again. Which is fair, honestly.”
Nicky chuckled, and Joe felt his heart fill with warmth all over again. He set the empty cocoa mug aside and tenderly pressed his lips to Nicky’s.
The next morning, Joe found a whole set of brand-new children’s bath crayons in the shower, stacked neatly next to their soaps and shampoos.
The crayons turned out to be a life-changing convenience. This became clear just three weeks after they arrived, when Joe found himself in a position to send a completed manuscript of his current poetry book to his publisher ahead of the deadline.
“This has literally never happened before,” he told Nicky in awe. “I’m always late, if anything. You are a genius, my love, thank you so much for the pre-Christmas present.”
Nicky all but preened. “Had you told me earlier, I would have gotten the crayons for you ages ago.”
“Ah,” Joe replied a little bashfully, “I didn’t actually know such a thing existed until you got them.”
It was when Joe returned from a brief meeting with his publisher the following day that he and Nicky had their first actual fight in several months. It started, like most of their fights, with empty stomachs and a grocery trip oversight.
“Joe, there’s no fresh garlic in this bag!”
“There was none at the store. Use the minced garlic in the fridge.”
Joe rolled his eyes. “It’s the same thing, Nicky. Better, in fact, since it’s saving you the trouble of having to chop it yourself.”
“Have you ever heard of making roasted garlic cloves using minced garlic?”
“I have not,” Joe conceded. “We should make something else.”
Nicky knew he was being impractical. Obviously, there was nothing Joe could have done if they were out of stock at the store. But Nicky had been planning this dish for days, and had already promised Nile he would send her some as part of his ongoing campaign to refute her claim that “any form of garlic except garlic bread is gross.”
There was no way Joe could have known about that, either, but Nicky was in no mood to admit any such thing.
“Joe, you had one job! I gave you a grocery list!”
Joe turned from where he was stocking the refrigerator, brow furrowed. “I don’t know what exactly you expect me to do about the store being out of garlic.”
“I don’t know, maybe check another store? Was that the only grocery store in this city?”
“Nicky, I think you should go to your room.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s just…you’re hungry. And you’re clearly not prepared to cook without fresh garlic. So let me do the cooking, and you, uh, do something else. Outside of the kitchen.”
“Are you kicking me out of my kitchen?”
“Our kitchen, madre de dio, Nicky! I’m trying to help you!”
“Maybe you could help me by actually getting the stuff I asked you to get from the store!”
“You know what, if you need whole garlic so urgently, get it yourself. It’s dark and below freezing outside. There is no way I’m wandering from store to store at this hour to fulfill this baseless whim of yours.”
That, Nicky knew, was a completely justified response to his unreasonable anger. But it hurt nevertheless.
“Fine,” he whispered, grabbing his coat and storming out the front door before Joe could see the tears prickling in his eyes.
Joe stared at the door, astonished. Part of him wanted desperately to follow Nicky outside. Of course he could check a couple more stores. If Nicky genuinely wished for something, Joe would go to the ends of the Earth, scour Heaven and Hell, to get it for him. No amount of ego was worth knowing his beloved was out there, hungry and alone, in the frigid wind.
But Joe was also well aware that he wasn’t at fault here. And Nicky, his Nicky, rarely reacted like this to their disagreements; perhaps he just needed some time for himself. It wouldn’t be right for Joe to impose his company when his husband clearly didn’t want it.
Joe sighed in frustration. A hot shower would clear his head, he hoped, heading for their bedroom.
Twenty minutes after he had stormed out, Nicky was coming around to the realization that this had been a profoundly stupid idea. Moments after leaving the house, he had realized that he’d left the car keys behind. Foolishly, he’d boarded a bus for downtown, too irked to return home. Now, with the bus routes closed for the night and taxis staying off the road as snow clouds threatened the city, Nicky quietly admitted to himself that he was stranded.
The first weak snowflakes began to fall. Then the wind picked up, blowing several icy droplets into his face. Nicky shivered. Fuck this, he thought, pulling out his phone. His pride wasn’t worth causing Joe to worry, and it definitely wasn’t worth getting sick from the cold and creating loads of extra work for his husband. He was going to call Joe, apologize profusely, and beg him to come pick him up.
At their home, Joe let the steaming water soak through to his tired bones as he scrawled passionately on the shower walls. He was a little hurt and, if he was being honest, more than a little worried. But for once Nicky wasn’t here for him to talk to, so he threw his words at the wall in brightly colored crayon instead.
He almost didn’t hear his cell phone ring. Contorting his upper body out of the shower, he wiped his hands on his towel and reached around for the phone in his pants’ pocket. The called ID flashed his husband’s name. Joe picked up without hesitation.
“Joe, I fucked up. I’m s- so sorry. I should never- never have spoken to you like that, h- hayati. Please- please forgive me.”
Over the line, Joe could hear Nicky’s teeth chattering as he struggled to get the words out. Joe shut the water off and clambered out of the shower.
“Nicky, what happened? Where are you? Are you okay?”
“I’m f- fine. It’s just cold.”
“Come home. Please.”
“Yeah, that’s- that’s the problem. I took the bus here. The c- car keys…”
Joe had put the phone on speaker and was already getting dressed. He shouldered into a coat and seized a large throw from their bed, striding into the living room.
“I’m coming. Where are you?”
“Uh, Mira Mesa Transit Station. S- sorry, kind of far.”
“Nowhere in the universe is too far.”
“Just sit tight, I’m on my way.”
Joe drove like a madman. Luckily, no one else was insane enough to be out in this imminent blizzard, so at least the roads were clear. In just under ten minutes, he reached the station.
A figure sat huddled under the overhang. Joe barely managed to stop the car before jumping out.
Nicky struggled to his feet. “Joe, grazie a dio-”
“Shhh, amore mio, I’ve got you,” Joe soothed, pulling a shivering Nicky towards the car and bundling him into the passenger’s seat. Once he'd climbed in himself, Joe turned up the heater and divested Nicky of his too-thin, snow-soaked windbreaker. “Wear this,” he coaxed, whipping his own dry jacket off and wrapping it around Nicky’s shoulders.
“No, hayati-”
“Shh, love, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
Joe wrapped the throw over the jacket, dusting the snow from Nicky's collar and tucking the blanket in. The whole way back, he drove with one hand on the wheel, intertwining the other with Nicky’s and rubbing his knuckles to warm him up.
“Shower,” Joe decided as soon as they stepped into their home. “You’re so cold, my heart. Go stand under warm water until you can feel your toes and fingers again. I’m going to make us some hot soup, okay?” Joe leaned forward and kissed Nicky’s nose gently.
Nicky nodded, too cold and tired to insist on helping. He had an inkling sense that Joe might still be irritated with him, after all. It would not be undeserved.
He made his way to their bedroom, draping Joe’s jacket over a bedpost and discarding his own clothes as he stepped into shower. Exhaling deeply, he turned his back to the stream of hot water- and froze.
A red bath crayon lay fallen on the floor, clearly left behind in haste. Joe must have been showering when I called, Nicky thought with a pang of guilt. But what had caught his attention was the shower wall in front of him. There, written in his beloved husband’s flowy cursive, was a poem.
If I could only read your heart When your lips cannot translate I wouldn’t let it break, my love Yet if it does Take mine An eternity alone I’ll wait.
The warm water poured down Nicky’s back, relaxing his aching muscles even as tears sprung into his eyes at Joe’s tender, longing words. Nicky stared and stared until the steam blurred the writing beyond perception.
A knock at the bathroom door snapped him out of his reverie.
“Nicky? Are you alright? Almost done?”
Nicky cleared his throat. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
He shut off the water and dried off. He found the bedroom empty, and slipped into the pajamas and fluffy sweatshirt that Joe must have laid out for him earlier. Dry and warm and very cozy, Nicky felt his eyes well up again at the care Joe put into something as minor as picking out some clothes.
Even during their worst fights, Nicky never doubted their love for each other; their hearts had been one far too long for any such lingering uncertainties. But it never ceased to amaze him how quickly Joe forgave. How despite taking Nicky’s hurtful words to heart, Joe went above and beyond to make sure he didn’t suffer.
He took a deep breath to regain his composure, and walked out. But the moment he entered the kitchen, the fragrance of creamy red pepper tomato bisque reached his nose, and he very nearly broke down in tears again. His favorite soup. It was a recipe he and Joe had perfected together through the years. Watching Joe quietly ladle it into two bowls, Nicky felt something clench in his chest.
Joe spun around. “Nicky! Are you feeling better, my heart?”
“I am.”
“Oh, good. Are you, uh…” Joe’s eyes flickered to the floor. “Are you still angry with me about the garlic thing?”
Nicky crossed the distance between them in two strides and threw himself into his husband’s arms. Joe stumbled back, a little startled, but quickly pulled Nicky close and buried his face in Nicky’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Nicky.”
“No. No, Yusuf, please. You did nothing wrong. It is I who should beg your forgiveness, having treated you as I did. You've shown me nothing but kindness, and I’ve done nothing to deserve it.”
Joe shook his head in protest, nuzzling his nose into Nicky’s neck.
“I saw what you wrote in the shower,” he continued. Joe stilled in his arms. “I- I don’t know if you meant for me to see, but…”
“I forgot to erase it. But everything I write is for you, Nicolò. It’s yours.”
“It was beautiful. Beautiful, and heartbreaking. Forgive me, my all. Forgive me for raising my voice at you, for making you feel alone. Forgive me for walking away insteading of talking to you. And forgive me for dragging you out into that storm at this hour to come searching for me, it was beyond cruel to make you drive so far-”
Joe pulled back, eyes round with tears, and gently pressed his palm to Nicky’s lips.
“Stop it. Please. Don’t apologize for calling me when you needed me. Where would I rather be than at your side? I meant it, earlier. Nowhere in the universe is too far.”
Nicky held Joe’s hand to his lips and kissed his palm. A tear slipped down Joe’s cheek as he swallowed a sob. Nicky wrapped a hand behind his neck and rubbed soothing circles into the tense muscles there. After a few minutes, Joe's breathing evened out, and he lifted his eyes to gaze at Nicky with unguarded adoration. It would be so easy to just let this go, Nicky thought. But the knowledge that he had hurt Joe stood like a wall of glass between them, and Nicky felt it would drive him mad.
“Joe, I- I need to hear you say it. If you forgive me, that is. I don’t know, tonight has just been a lot. Please, hayati, I-”
“You are forgiven. You are always forgiven.”
Nicky exhaled, feeling the glass wall shatter. He kissed Joe’s temple softly. “Thank you, my love.”
Joe tilted his head slowly, dragging his lips up Nicky’s jaw until he could capture his mouth in a melting kiss. Nicky responded with ardent devotion, backing Joe up against the refrigerator and holding him there as they kissed again and again. It was only when he grew light-headed from lack of oxygen that Nicky pulled back. Still, Joe whimpered at the loss of warmth, reaching out for his husband.
“Joe, you have no idea how much I want to stand here kissing you all night. But you’ve prepared this wonderful dinner. I’d hate for it to get cold.”
Joe laughed, a joyous thing that swept Nicky off his feet just like it had the very first time he'd heard it.
“Alright, let’s eat. But after dinner we’ll cuddle on the couch under the heated blanket and I’ll hold you to your promise.”
Nicky smiled fondly, unable to help leaning in and placing one more kiss at the corner of his beloved’s lips. “Please do.”
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Chasing Jessi”:  A Sirius Black Story: Plus Size OC: Chapter 7: Tinkerbell & The Lost Boy
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Sirius Black Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Sirius Black x Jess Scamander (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
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Sirius Black was lounging comfortably in his bunk. He hadn't even bothered to change out of the KISS shirt and black flannel pajama bottoms at this point. He was reading through a book that he'd borrowed from Jess. Contrary to popular belief... Sirius actually loved to read. 
He’d rather die than admit that but he’d learned from an early age that it could easily provide an escape from his horrible daily life. 
Again though, he’d rather die than admit and let someone see him doing it. 
He was up rather early on a Sunday morning- something that used to be obscenely out of character before he played Quidditch. Now, it seemed that his biological clock was against him. However, it proved rather useful when wanting the shower to yourself or getting to breakfast while everyone was still in bed.  He'd been to breakfast already and was currently just relaxing for he had been informed by a tired looking Lily Evans that Jess was not coming down for breakfast this morning. He had been slightly disappointed but guessed that it was because the two girls had been up late talking. He figured that girls did that just as much as boys did. Although, for Jess's sake he hoped not because James had nearly driven him mad last night by both talking about every detail of his and Lily's date and all but demanding the same from Sirius. Honestly, boys were just as bad as girls when it came to gossip. 
If not worse.  However, he supposed he could just try and read this ridiculous book of hers until she awoke. He had really just settled in and was beginning to immerse himself into this fantasy world when.... "Sirius!!!" His brows furrowed and he glanced over at Remus who was studying on the floor in front of his bunk but he only shrugged.
"Sirius! Ooof! Sorry! Sirius!" "What in the name of Merlin?" he pondered as he sat the book down and went to the door to see none other than his hyperactive girlfriend balancing a package on her hip and apologizing to a fourth year boy who went white as a ghost at the sight of her. "You're ...you're not supposed to be up here." the boy said. "Oh, I'm sorry." she said to him. "I'm just looking for Sirius. See, I have something I have to-" The boy was too shaken to speak. To be fair, she was still wearing her pajamas and he was a fourteen year old boy, most likely with a crush on her. And she was only wearing a big floppy yellow smiley face shirt and some rather short multi colored shorts. "Over here, love." Sirius smirk. She turned to face him with a relieved smile looking so odd with her floral cat ear headband and her big blue monster house shoes. "Thanks, anyway." she told the boy and gave him a one armed hug. Sirius almost snorted when the boy looked as if he may pass out. The poor boy probably didn't know whether he found her attractive, terrifying or strange....or all three. "What are you doing up here?" he asked her as she came to a stop in front of him, "And in your pajamas no less?" "I have something for you." she said simply but he smirked and she smacked him in the stomach, "Not that!" "Aw, and it's almost my birthday too." he moaned playfully and he opened the door and let her him. "Hello, Remus." she greeted the studious green eyed boy. "Oh, uh, hi Jess." he said a little surprised to see her there, especially in her pjs.  "Remus, she beats me." Sirius wailed dramatically. "She wounds me." "If it's to your pride..." he said. "I suggest she do it some more. Your head is far too big as it is." Jess grinned in victory. Sirius gasped, "Moony, old boy, I can't believe it! Everyone's mistreating me and it's almost my birthday!" "Sirius, if you don't come sit down, then I'm going to open your present." she informed him smartly. "Present?" he asked. "What present?" "This one." she said tapping the lid of the green box. "You got me a present?" he asked curiously taking a seat on the bunk as the box lay between them.  "No." she said. "Well, yes. I did. But this isn't it. This is from my mum and dad." "What?" he asked in disbelief. "From mum and dad." she repeated. "She sent a blasted howler as well. Damn near threatened my life if I opened it. So I'm guessing it's rather good and most likely involving food. Best open it sooner than later." Sirius' hands shook just a little as he pulled the box open and cringed as a howler floated out. It was that same familiar shape that he recognized as the ones Jess usually got. From previous experiences, he was expecting yelling but relaxed when he saw the letter transform and the dark wax sealed lips give him a smile. It began to speak in a soothing tone, "Hello, Dear. Happy Birthday! I do hope you have a good one this year and that you get this package in time. Jess mentioned that you had a particular liking for toffee and fudge so I do hope you like what's inside. She also mentioned that you loved music and so there is something extra special inside from my husband. He said that he wanted it to go someone who could appreciate her as he much as he did. I wasn't allowed to see so I'm trusting that it's appropriate and if it's it not, you'd best tell me so I can tan his hide! Everything is under the shrinking charm so all you need to do is use the Engorgio charm. If you have trouble with it, I would advise you to ask Lily rather than Jess. She means well but she tends to get terribly excited and...blow things up. We are so excited to see Jess making such lovely friends! She speaks very highly of you and bless your soul, you must be patient to deal with her antics! I do hope she isn't being too rough. Some of those pictures... Merlin, I feared she'd nearly kill you with that one on the broom. I've told her about that! Nevertheless, any friend of hers is a friend to us. Welcome to the family, sweet boy. Have a wonderful birthday, dear! May you have many more! P.S. Do not let my child con you out of your presents with her innocent face. I know that she 'seems' sweet but if you give in...you'll regret it. Trust me. Her father has been wrapped around her finger since she was six seconds old. " When the letter was finished it ripped itself up and turned to ash. Sirius was a little disappointed. It had been so nice...he had kind of wanted to keep it. He glanced up to find Remus looking at him curiously and Jess looking mildly offended. "She makes me sound like some kind of animal." she scoffed. "Well..." Remus smirked. "I'd say more reptilian. You do have a certain, what was it you called it Padfoot? Dragon lady...quality about you." "Remus Lupin!" she scolded him. "You are a booger head and I am not talking to you anymore!" "I have chocolate." he said lifting his brows at her and holding up a piece. "All is forgiven." she said racing over to join him. "So what did she get you?" she piped up from her spot with Remus on the floor. Sirius reached into the box to pull out a container and he smiled. "Toffee." he smiled. "Oooh!" she gushed and jumped on his bed. "That's mum homemade toffee! It's really good! She won a blue ribbons for it at the local Muggle fair!" He pulled another out and observed the white chunks with rainbow sprinkles. "Birthday cake fudge." he smiled as he read the label aloud. "It's really good." Jess nodded. "It tastes like white chocolate and cake batter. Mum makes it for Dad every year on his birthday. I bet she had to make two batches!" He pulled out a jar of something and for just a moment it made him think of firewhiskey but he smiled when he read the label. 'Sirius, dear, this is a new recipe I'm trying out. It's called Toffee Syrup. We like to put it in porridge, tea, pumpkin juice, coffee...come to think of it, anything really. I've added just a bit something special to this one. I'd love to hear what you think.' "Mum'll kill me for telling you this but it's really good you mix it with firewhiskey and put it over ice cream." Jess piped up and he lifted his brows at her. "And here I thought you were sweet and innocent." he commented. She laughed, "Sirius, we both know I'm far from either of those." He pulled out a black knitted hat. "Oh, Mum, doesn't want you to catch cold!" she wailed dramatically. "Don't cry on it." he teased. "But she stitched it with love, Sirius!" she wailed again. He resisted the urge to shove her off the bed when something caught his eye. A small black case and upon further inspection he realized that it was a guitar case. 'Engorgio.' he murmured and enlarged it before pulling the zipper open to reveal a beautiful black acoustic guitar. "Ophelia!" Jess squeaked. "What?" Sirius asked her. "It's Ophelia." she said. "It's Dad's guitar. He let me name her when I was a little girl." Sirius frowned, "Oh, maybe you should have it then." "Nah." she shook her head. "I'm rubbish at guitar. I'm a drums kind of girl...much to mum's dismay." She grinned wickedly and pretended to play the drums. 
She never failed to make him laugh.  He pulled it out and ran his hand over it before glancing into the case and seeing the matching strap and an envelope. He opened the envelope to reveal a small note and a silver chain with a matching guitar pick on the end. "Hello, Sirius. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday. Jess tells me that you love music along with many other things. She seems quite fond of you and speaks of you quite a lot. Which is considerably out of character for her. You have to understand that for the longest time when she wrote home...it was usually to tell us that Lily's eyebrows had grown back or that she'd was very close to finding redcap colony. Naturally, as her father, I was a little defensive about you at first. However, you seem like an alright lad and she seems to take a liking to you. Any man that will willingly let her braid rainbow colored yarn into their hair....well you're alright with me, kid. I hope you have a great birthday and you enjoy old Ophelia. P.S. If you press the guitar pick, you can record yourself. Comes in handy when you're working on songs. ' Sirius carefully sealed the letter back up and placed everything delicately back in the box. "Sirius?" Jess whispered. "You have really, really good parents." he said quietly. Remus quietly left the room, deciding it was best to give the two of them some time. "I know." she said softly. Sirius just nodded, still just slightly shaking until she placed her hand on his. "Maybe you can meet them sometime. You know, to properly welcome you to the family and all." she said. There was more to that statement than either of them were willing to talk about at that moment. Grey eyes caught green and they just stared for a moment. She decided to break the tension with some comedy. "Mum may be swayed by your charms but I will not being giving you your present from me until it's your actual birthday." she said. "You got me a present?" he questioned. "Yes, and I'm not telling so don't even try!" she scolded as she stuck her finger in his face. He smirked at her challenge as he carefully placed the box underneath his bed and grabbed her ankle. "Not even if I do...." he trailed off as he hovered above her neck. "This." She bit her lip when his lips caressed her skin. "No!" she cried out. "Don't use your tricks!" "How about here?" he asked kissing her nose. "Never." she whispered. "Alright." he said. "But I think I'll try one more." "I'll never surrender, Captain Hook!" she called out, grinning wickedly as she saw her book on his bed side table. "Now, now Tinkerbell. Let's not be rash." he teased. "Now give me some of that pixie dust." She erupted into a fit of giggles, "Sirius Black, Lord of the Cheeseballs!" He tickled her relentlessly, "Surrender!" "Never!" she said rolling out from underneath him and racing into the halls, "Lost Boys, unite! We have to defend ourselves against the terrible Captain Hook!" The muggleborns got it, thought it was weird, but go it. Everyone...just kind of wrote it off as Jess being Jess. And James Potter stood at the foot of stairs looking at his friend with an odd expression on his face. "What?" Sirius asked. James shook his head. "Nothing. It's just...you two are clearly into some weird things." he said. Sirius laughed and shoved his friend along into his room. The thing was...he didn't mind her little games. He loved them almost as much as he did her.
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Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Hello, loves! How do we feel about Sirius’ early bday present from Jess’ parents?  How are we liking their relationship so far?  
I’d love to what you think! Please feel free to hit up the ask box, blast the comment section or reblog with your thoughts and feelings! Next chappie coming soon!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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thatbloodymuggle · 4 years
the one with the almost
Tongue Tied (jj maybank) 8/?
word count: 3.5k
warnings: the usual
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"That bread had mold on it three days ago."
"I'll just pull off the bad parts. Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a...natural..organism."
After their escape from the graveyard, the gang headed straight for the Chateau, eager to find out what was inside of the conspicuous package. So there they were. JJ making a moldy sandwich, Pope criticizing it, and Kiara, Rosie, and John B all gathered around the FedEx package. After the sandwich debacle, Pope and JJ joined the group surrounding John B as he ripped open the envelope.
He pulled out a piece of folded paper which, as it was opened, revealed itself to be a map. But not just any map; a map with the location of the Royal Merchant marked.
"Holy shit."
John B proceeded to pull a black, rectangular device from the package.
"What's that?" the mold-eater asked.
"Tape recorder. Dumbass," Rosie mumbled, eyes trained on the map on the table.
Pope, JJ, Kiara, and Rosie watched as John B hit the play button.
Dear Bird,
"Who's Bird?" JJ interrupted
John B replied, not looking up from the device, "It's what my dad called me."
I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight but don't kill yourself just yet, kid. I didn't expect to find the merchant either...
Rosie could only count the stitches on her hand as the voice of John B's father filled the room. She wasn't able to bring her gaze up to him, or anyone else because she knew how painful it was for him. She knew like no one else did. The silence after the end of the recording was deafening. No one knew what to say or do.
John B bolted out of his chair and ran towards the door, falling against the frame. JJ called after him excitedly, but was quickly shushed by Kiara. Kie went tried to comfort John B, who was now crying, and Rosie found it even harder to look up from the stitches. His pain pained her almost more than her own. Because at least she had closure. At least she got to say goodbye, and at least she wasn't left wondering.
Slowly, Rosie forced her eyes away from the stitches. She pad over to her friend's sobbing frame. Kie met her eye. The two girls had a silent exchange before Kie gave John B one last squeeze and left him with Rosie.
Rosie was quick to wrap her arms around the boy. He buried his head in the crook of her neck soaking her shirt with tears and racking her body with sobs, but she didn't mind.
"I know," she barely whispered.
She didn't need to say anything else. John B understood. Rosie and John B had never actually opened up to each other about the loss of their parents; about how they were both essentially orphans. With her refusal to confront her loss and John B's denial of his, they'd never come around to the topic. But now, as they stood there in each other's embrace, they realized how long overdue the conversation was. They shared a connection like none of the others.
Kiara, JJ, and Pope watched in awe at their friends' moment. Other than JJ, they'd never seen Rosie talk about, or even slightly hint at the loss of her mom. Nor had they seen John B break down over his dad.
Kiara led JJ and Pope outside to give Rosie and John B some space. Rosie and John B stood like this for a while longer, but eventually his cries subsided. Once they had died down into occasional sniffles, he pulled away from her. His eyes were red and puffy, but nothing Rosie hadn't seen before.
"Thank you," he sighed with a real, genuine smile.
"You don't need to thank me. Seriously," she smiled back.
Rosie led him outside to join the rest of their friends. While they were inside, JJ, Kiara, and Pope had situated themselves at the end of the dock. Rosie leaned against the rail inbetween JJ and Pope, while John B took the spot beside Kiara. Kie strummed her ukulele as they joined their friends. The sound was the perfect background noise to the chirping birds and soft waves. Rosie and John B exchanged one last meaningful glance before the silence was broken.
"How much was it again?" JJ asked as he skipped a rock along the water.
"Four hundred mil."
"All right let's talk the split," JJ hopped off from his spot on the railing. "Now, before we say 'evenly', may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us," he pulled out the gun from his pocket that he never seemed to go anywhere without anymore.
JJ and Pope quickly broke out into an argument; Pope denying his request and JJ pushing it even more, until his voice fell on death ears.
"What are you gonna do with your 100 mil, Pope?" Kie changed the subject.
"Pay for college in advance," he didn't hesitate to answer, "And also textbooks. Those are expensive."
"What about you, Kie?" JJ turned the question on her.
"Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?" Pope laughed.
She shrugged, "Just wanna make a double album. About OBX, the Pogues. Record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing--"
"Peter Tosh is--"
"Dead. I know that, Pope. Spirit of Peter Tosh will never die."
"I know what I'm gonna do," JJ interjected, "I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook. Gonna get a marble statue of myself, and them I'm gonna get a koi pond."
The Pogues all laughed. No matter how hard Rosie tried, she couldn't imagine JJ in any Kook setting. Ever.
"What about you, Rosie?"
Rosie took a moment before answering, "I honestly don't know. Probably save it, not spend it all at once, you know? I want a big family, lots of kids and stuff. Save it for them, probably."
Kie smiled softly at her friend's genuine answer.
"What are you gonna do, JB?"
He turned from the water to face his friends. Slowly, a grin made its way onto his face as he spoke for the first time since his breakdown.
"To going full Kook."
The teenagers wore matching grins and clinked their beers together.
"To going full Kook!"
About a couple of beers in, the group had moved to the firepit outside of the Chateau. Pope and John B, who had only had half a beer each, started a fire. The warmth of the flames felt like heaven against Rosie's skin in her dazed state.
"Kie! Play me a song," she giggled and leaned her head onto the other girl's shoulder. Kiara laughed at Rosie's tipsy state, but positioned her ukulele and strummed a series of chords nevertheless.
"Pope! Sing," Rosie instructed while raising her can of beer to her lips.
"Yeah, Pope, sing!" JJ egged him on. Kiara's strumming picked up in beat.
The boy shook his head frantically, "You know I would, but JB here's rumoured to have the voice of an angel."
John B didn't hesitate to break out into some Christmas tune, though Rosie couldn't tell which, to the beat of Kiara's ukulele. Rosie clapped along with a dopey grin spread across her face. The combination of John B's singing and Rosie's state sent the entire group into a fit of laughter.
"Rosie, you're drunk," Kiara stated the obvious.
"What? No I'm not, I'm only threeish drinks in," she held up her left hand to form a three. "Just a little bit tipsy."
"If you're just a little bit tipsy than I'm just a little bit poor," JJ laughed while popping open another can of beer.
"Let's play a game!" the shorter girl exclaimed, ignoring the blond's comment. "What's a good game?"
"Never Have I Ever?" Kiara suggested.
"Nah, that one's no fun. We already know everything we have and haven't done," Pope shot her down.
"What about Truth or Dare?" John B suggested.
"But if you forfeit, you shotgun a can," JJ added.
"Are you trying to get us all shitfaced?" Kie laughed at JJ's addition to the game.
The blond shrugged with a smirk, "Only if you forfeit."
Rosie picked up a piece of bark and chucked it at Pope's head across the firepit. Granted, she wasn't sober so she missed by at least a foot.
"Pope! Truth or dare?"
Rosie tapped her finger to her chin in contemplation until an idea hit her, "Ooh! Would you rather only drink water for the rest of your life or drink whatever you want, but it always has to have a little bit of pee in it?"
Kiara laughed at her friend's ridiculous question, which also sent Rosie into a fit of giggles
"Water. Water's great. No pee," Pope was quick to respond, rejecting Rosie's question.
"What? Come on, man. A little bit of pee isn't gonna kill you!" JJ laughed and nudged his uptight friend.
"Yeah, have some creativity, bro!" John B joined in.
Before Pope could initiate a never-ending arguement over drinking pee, Rosie threw another piece of bark at him. This time it hit him in the chest, but only out of pure luck.
"Popey, it's your turn!"
He picked up the piece of bark, and threw it at John B. "JB, truth or dare?"
Pope grinned deviously, "Ok. You've gotta give me a foot massage until your next turn."
"That's it?" John B asked, waiting for the catch.
"Hey, I'm just playing the game!" Pope laughed.
John B picked up the piece of bark and chucked it across to JJ.
"Dare," the blond spoke before John B even asked the question.
John B grinned as he massaged Pope's feet, "Sit on Rosie's lap until your next turn."
Rosie giggled and pat her lap to invite him on.
"Dude, I'm gonna crush her!" JJ pointed out the obvious. He was a good foot taller than the short girl.
"No! I'm strong. Look at this muscle," Rosie flexed her biceps, pushing up the skin with her other hand to make it appear bulging.
"You heard her," John B laughed.
JJ shrugged, and plopped himself onto the bouncing girl. She grunted and tried to continue laughing, but his weight was too much. John B gave him permission to slide down and sit inbeween her legs instead.
JJ tossed the piece of bark to Kiara, who had moved to sit beside Pope.
"Truth," she caught it in the air.
"Hmm, oh, I know! Who's the last person you kissed," JJ shot her an evil grin as he sipped from his beer.
Rosie's eyes widened at this and she tried to slap the beer from his hand but hit him in the face instead. "JJ, noo! You can't ask her that!"
She tried to whisper in his ear, but in her drunken state, it came out as a breathy yell. Kiara and John B's faces immediately turned red, while Pope stared at his friends, completely lost.
"Toss me a beer," Kiara glared at the smug blond, taking the forfeit. JJ and Rosie cheered her on as she chugged the can and threw it to the ground, marking her second beer. She then tossed the bark to Rosie, who failed miserably at catching it.
"Truth! No, dare! Truth!"
Kiara rolled her eyes at Rosie, but couldn't fight back her laugh.
"Well while we're on the topic of kissing, Rosie, who do you wanna kiss right now?"
Rosie gasped and widened her cloudy eyes. She shook her head frantically.
"I can't answer that!"
Rosie knew her answer, but even in a drunken state, she wasn't dumb enough to give it away. But she wasn't exactly smart enough to lie either.
"Beer me!" JJ held out a hand. Pope tossed a new can to him, which he stabbed a hole in with the edge of his keys. He handed it up to Rosie, who didn't hesitate the chug the whole can, letting out a loud burp afterwards.
The game continued on like this for a while with laughs shared, shotguns completed, and the piece of bark being tossed around the fire. These were the moments Rosie treasured most. The ones where they weren't doing anything particularly exciting--just lounging idly around a fire playing a childhood game. About three rounds in, Pope and Kiara had switched clothes, John B was balancing a can of beer on his nose, and JJ was yet to move from his spot inbetween Rosie's legs. The shortest girl reached for her can of beer, but was stopped by the blond beneath her.
"You're cut off," he laughed at the whining girl.
She was drunk, but not so drunk she was unaware of her actions. Rosie was in that blissful state of drunkedness. Although, JJ was right. If she continued drinking, she'd soon be vomiting and wake up in a trainwreck of regret.
"It's 2 AM, guys. I need to head back before my dad kills me," Kiara sighed reluctantly.
"Yeah, me too," Pope added.
Kiara went to stand, but stumbled slightly. She was fairly drunk, and Pope was tipsy himself.
"Let me give you guys a ride," John B stood with them. He'd had the least to drink with only one beer.
Rosie frowned and JJ protested, "Oh, come on! It's only 2!"
"Goodnight, guys! Sleep tight!" Kiara giggled and followed John B and Pope to the van. Rosie and JJ watched as the old car pulled out of the driveway, and drove out of sight.
"And then there were two," JJ sighed, leaning back against the log so his head was against Rosie's stomach. The pair watched the flames of the fire flicker for a few minutes in silence. Rosie subconciously thread her fingers through JJ's messy locks, causing him to lean further into her.
"I wanna lay down," Rosie sighed and pat JJ's head. "Let's move to the hammock"
He groaned, but complied. The pair of teenagers stumbled towards the hammock in the trees, occasionally bumping into each other with a laugh.
JJ held the swing steady and spoke with an exaggerated British accent, "Ladies first!"
"Why thank you, kind sir!" Rosie giggled, playing along.
She hopped into the large hammock, and JJ quickly followed. She giggled as they swung back and forth. With both side views obstructed, the only thing Rosie and JJ could see was the sky above and each other. They lay side by side, shoulder to shoulder, staring up at the stars.
"Isn't this the part where you point out all the constellations?" Rosie nudged the blond with a sly grin.
JJ cleared his throat, "Well above us we've got the big spoon thing. And then to the right I think that's supposed to be a dude with a belt but I don't see it," he lazily pointed out.
Rosie's relentless giggles were infectious, and soon JJ was in a fit of laughter as well. The hammock swung underneath them. Eventually their laughter died down, and the hammock stilled. Rosie and JJ were reaching the 'lazy drunk' stage. The one where you just want to lay down and talk about nothing for hours.
"Do you think we're actually gonna find all that gold?" Rosie turned her head towards JJ, who continued to look at the sky above.
He paused before answering, "Yeah. We have to."
"It's all a little far-fetched though, don't you think? 400 mil in gold sitting underwater for over a century?" she sighed.
JJ shrugged, "Sounds crazy. But I've got a feeling that something's out there."
Rosie hummed and turned her head so she was facing the sky again. A light breeze blew in, rocking the hammock back and forth.
"Why don't you ever talk about your mom?" JJ mumbled.
This time he turned to face her, and she continued staring at the stars. Rosie sighed and shifted under his stare.
"Because if I start I won't be able to stop."
The pair laid side-by-side in silence as JJ processed her answer. A minute or so later, he sucked in a breath, indicating he was about to start talking again.
"Vulnerability isn't weakness, Rosie."
Rosie sighed and turned her head to face JJ. His blue eyes were darker than usual.
"I know," she breathed so quietly, she was surprised he heard.
Both teenagers turned back to face the starry sky above.
"Why do you think we fight so much?" Rosie changed the subject
JJ laughed at this, shaking the hammock slightly.
"Why do you think we do?" he turned the question on her.
Rosie grinned, "I asked you first!"
The blond shrugged. She could feel him thinking hard as he tried to formulate an anwer. One that extended beyond him breaking her arm and her breaking his nose.
"I think we're more similar than we want to admit sometimes."
Rosie scrunched up her nose at this. Never in her life had she considered herself to be anything like JJ. She'd always viewed them as worlds-apart different.
"I think you're just as impulsive as me. You just do a better job of hiding it. I get mad when you do dumb, impulsive shit 'cause I know your process--it's the same as mine. And I wish it wasn't. I'm already a fuckin' lost cause and I don't want you self-destructing into one too."
Rosie's mind spun as JJ spoke. She watched his lips move and the crease between his brows shift. She wanted to say something, but nothing would come out. Her throat was dry, and her vocal chords were pulled tight. Rosie tried to read the expression on JJ's face, but she couldn't make it out in the dim light.
"Your turn," he breathed.
Unable to speak, she whispered.
"I don't like feeling."
JJ still wouldn't look at her, but Rosie could tell he was listening.
"Happiness and anger are easy. I've been feeling those emotions my whole life. But when I feel anything else, anything deeper, it's like my body rejects it. Grief, guilt, sadness," she continued with a shaky voice, "You pull this--this thing out of me and I don't know what it is, so I just replace it with anger. I hate you because you make me feel."
JJ finally turned to face Rosie. Her eyes were wide, almost as if she was scared of her own words. One stray tear leaked from the corner of her eye and trailed down her face. Instead of hiding for once, she let JJ cautiously wipe it away with his thumb. They subconciously inched closer to each other, their noses just millimeters apart.
"What do I make you feel?" he whispered.
Rosie didn't reply. Instead, she leaned into JJ until their noses bumped. The proximity of his breaths made goosebumps erupt all over. She let her eyes flutter shut. He nudged his nose against hers again. It was just them. No beating waves, no chirping crickets, no swaying hammock. Just JJ and Rosie. And then slowly, her lips just barely grazed against his, as if to say, I'm scared. His brushed against hers a little harder; I'm here.
Just as they came together, they were torn apart. An almost.
"JJ, Rosie! You comin' in?"
The pair jumped apart, rolling off the hammock in surprise. John B laughed at the two teenagers groaning in the dirt.
"Shithead," JJ groaned.
"Well I'm beat. See you in the morning," John B called out to his friends before entering the house and heading to his room.
The pair had already sobered up some, but the shock of the fall brought them back completely. They pulled themselves from the ground and followed John B inside the Chateau. There was a newfound tension between Rosie and JJ that made the usually comfortable silence almost unbearable.
"Well, uh, I'll take the couch," the blond scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
"I've got guest room, I guess," Rosie sent him a tight-lipped smile and a sharp nod.
She spun on her heels and headed for the room in the back of the shack, ignoring the burning desire to stay with him on the couch. The further she walked from JJ and the closer she got to the guest room, the stronger the desire grew. But instead of giving in, Rosie did what she did best. She pushed it away, suffocated it in hopes it would die--or at least, leave her alone for now.
But as Rosie closed the door of the guest room behind her and changed into one of John B's t-shirts, she couldn't avoid the questions.
Were they really about to kiss?
Was it just the alcohol talking?
What would've happened if John B hadn't shown up?
Rosie's mind was reeling with the events of just minutes before. As she crawled underneath the covers, she tried to distract herself. She thought about her shift at The Wreck the next day, and the Royal Merchant. But no matter what she tried, a pair of baby blues would always cloud her mind. Rosie wasn't sure how long she stayed up tossing and turning. She longed to be on the couch with JJ, and her body wouldn't let her sleep because of it. Her heartrate wouldn't slow, eyes wouldn't close, breaths wouldn't even out. But she wasn't about to give into her desire.
So Rosie lay there, drifting in and out of the conciousness for hours, thinking only of her almost.
@tangledinsparkles @lovelymaybankk @my--heroine @thelonelyumbrella @floretsoleil @flick24 @books-netflix-and-pizza @dad-ee-drea @dolanfivsosxox​ @anahgiedd @love-bean​ @maleriefay @mrs-maybank @shawnssongs​ @downbytheouterbanks​ @lostwnoah @2410slb​ @daygiowvibe​ @thesailbells​
hehe don’t kill me
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nonstoplover · 4 years
everglow ~ Luke Hemmings (song drabble)
my masterlist │my song drabbles
song used as inspiration: coldplay ~ everglow
words: 2.1K
approximate reading time: about 10 mins
warnings: mentions of death, cancer
a/n: i just love this song. ever since it came out i’ve been in love with it. but i was too much of an immature child to actually realise it was such a sad song *smh* until i a couple months back had an idea to make it an imagine and started analysing the lyrics. sorry it became so sad. hope you still enjoy it. love ya xx
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"...Oh they say people come, say people go, this particular diamond was extra special And though you might be gone and the world may not know, still I see you celestial..."
"You have to move on sooner or later, Luke," Michael pats him in the back as he passes him in the kitchen on his way to the fridge. "That's what-"
"I know!" Luke exclaims back furiously. "I know, 'that's what she'd want'. Everybody tells me daily."
"Then why can't you see the truth in it?"
"Because it's nonsense. No one can really know what she'd want or not want, because she's gone!"
The tears gather in Luke's eyes and he turns his head away from his bandmate. He's slowly getting sick of hearing this sentence almost every day.
(y/n) would want you to move on.
But what if he just can't? It's not like flipping a switch inside him. He loves her, and nothing would or could change that. And why the rush? She passed away only three months ago, why can't he mourn properly - as he himself wishes to do so?
"...Like a lion you ran, a goddess you rolled Like an eagle you circled, in perfect purple..."
He doesn't even notice the tears rolling down his cheeks until Calum's worried face appears in front of him, kneeling on the tiles. "Hey, you alright?"
Luke takes a shaky breath in, trying to shake the sadness away again, but it seems stronger and as a sob escapes his lungs, he wordlessly shakes his head, falling on his knees in front of his friend. Calum puts his arms around him, hoping to give the poor boy some much needed comfort as he cries in his embrace.
"You can tell me - tell us - about it, you know that, right?" Luke hears Cal's quiet mumble, and he blinks rapidly to push the tears away.
Leaning back, he raises his hands to wipe the wet lines off his face with his shirtsleeves as he sniffles loudly, nodding his head.
Calum stands up, grabbing him by the arms and pulling him up before making his way to the living room, pushing Luke in front of him, not letting go until they're both sitting on the couch. Michael follows them suit and drops on Luke's other side while Ashton gets seated in the armchair opposing them.
"...So how come things move on, how come cars don't slow When it feels like the end of my world? When I should, but I can't let you go?..."
They wait patiently for their heartbroken friend to speak, and after a couple minutes it eventually happens, the words bursting out Luke with the barrier that kept them in for the past months finally out of the picture.
"I just can't understand how the world could go on like nothing had happened when she, the engine that made my world turn, is gone."
It sounds so simple, so logical, and the other three friends share a look, wondering what they could answer to such a confession that would ease Luke's pain. Soon it turns out they don't have to say a thing as he continues. And maybe it's better to just let him say everything he wants out loud, anyway.
"I can still feel her. Constantly. Her warmth, her light wherever I go and whatever I do," he places a palm on his chest. "It fills my entire chest."
"...But when I'm cold, cold, when I'm cold, cold, there's a light that you give me when I'm in shadow There's a feeling within me, an everglow..."
"We had so many plans," and for the first time in the past couple minutes, Luke's voice finally gives in and cracks. "So many places to visit, so many memories to make."
Visions flash inside his mind, visions of (y/n) and random pieces of their life together - from when he first asked her out, when they had just started dating four years ago, when they moved in together, when he went to the jeweller to choose the most perfect ring only a year back, before they found out she had pancreatic cancer.
He remembers the day when he once visited her in the hospital and decided to cheer her up by eventually proposing as if it was only yesterday. She looked so fragile, so pale, her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes cloudy. It was a sudden decision, and he moved to carry it out without a second thought, kneeling on the cold hospital floor and pulling the small, velvety ring box out of his jacket's pocket. Oh, how much he blessed himself in that moment for carrying it with himself every day to her, waiting for the perfect timing to show her the jewel.
(y/n) frowned, not having a single clue about what was going on before he opened the box and spoke the words as casually as if he was only asking about the weather. Will you marry me? A soft giggle left her body immediately, one that was so quiet that it just broke Luke's heart again. He was used to her hearty, boisterous laughs, not a giggle resembling the noise a butterfly makes when it flutters its wings. But at least she giggled. That's success.
Are you crazy? She asked with an adoring smile playing on her lips as she glanced down at him from the tower of pillows. No, I wanna marry you, he answered with a serious face. And from then on, planning their wedding - one that they both knew would never actually happen - was part of the routine they had every time Luke visited her. Which was every day - well, except a couple when he had unmissable band duties, but even then he made sure somebody went to her.
"...But the changing of winds and the way waters flow Life is short as the falling of snow and now I'm gonna miss you, I know..."
A bitter, dark chuckle leaves his lips, his eyes cold and emotionless as he stares at the floor in front of his feet. "I can't put the ring away. It still lies on my bedside table," he admits.
His bandmates share another look, only turning back to him when he stands abruptly, leaving the room. "I need a paper tissue," he announces just before he disappears in the doorway.
Rummaging through the bathroom shelf Luke tries his hardest not to look at (y/n)'s part - where she kept all her finery equipments, and where he still keeps all of them - as he pushes everything aside to find a new package of tissues. There has to be at least a couple unopened ones left, his mother bought him an enormous amount just a week or two ago. He couldn't finish them all.
He frowns, pausing for a moment to think back to how many times he actually needed a tissue in the past couple days, then with a shrug he stands back up, moving to the bedroom instead. At least in his bag, or in the bedside table's drawer, there has to be a goddamn tissue.
Just as he thought, there lays a couple fresh ones, and he sighs, pulling them out and sticking them in his sweatpants' pocket except one he unfolds to dry his eyes and blow his nose. When he's finished, Luke makes his way back towards the living room with a new thought forming in his head.
"...But when I'm cold, cold in water rolled, salt And I know that you're with me in the way you will show..."
As he gets closer to the room though, his bandmates' voices enter his ears and when his name pops up, he comes to a halt, freezing in spot on the corridor.
"I don't know, man, Luke's beyond recognition by now," he hears Ashton speak.
Am I?
And would you blame me if I was?
After half of my heart, half of me has been ripped out of me?
"What I think is that he should try to write songs," Calum continues. "That's what he's good at, and maybe it'd help him write his feelings out."
Write songs?
"That's a great idea, but I don't know how you could suggest that to him without immediately making him think that you just want a couple new hits," adds Michael.
That's right...
With a shake of his head Luke moves again and enters the room, pretending that he heard nothing from the ongoing conversation that comes to an abrupt stop when they notice his figure.
"I think I'll head out for a walk now," Luke announces, nodding towards the front door. "I'm sorry for cutting this short, 't was nice seeing you."
The other three immediately stand, their heads moving in understanding nods, but before any of them could say a word out loud, Luke's already halfway out of the door.
"...And you're with me wherever I go 'cause you give me this feeling, this everglow What I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold, because I live for this feeling, this everglow..."
He doesn't come for the next one and a half hour, wandering around in his neighbourhood subconsciously. He pays no attention to his surroundings, where he goes or who is around him, he just walks, buried deep within the world of his thoughts as he walks, his hands stuck in his jacket's pocket.
The idea of writing his feelings out that he’s heard Calum propose back in his house comes back again and again to his mind. Maybe it actually would be a great idea. Maybe it would help deal with these awful, undescribable feelings he never should've experience - at least not so soon.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Today marks day 183 since (y/n) died and here I am with 62 finished songs. This is the last one," Luke speaks to his phone set on his desk, front camera opened and rolling.
His guitar lays in his lap and his fingers effortlessly move to the needed position. He plays the first chords, letting the sound gently fill the room as his eyes stay trained on the small, creased notebook that sits between his phone and himself on the wooden surface.
Soon he starts singing, his voice quiet and overwhelmingly emotional, but he just can't help it. Somewhere during the song he looks at the hand that's wrapped around the guitar's neck to make sure he plays the following chords perfectly - not like he would play them wrong anyway, but it makes him feel calmer when he looks - and when he does, he could swear that from the corner of his eyes he sees (y/n) standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with a proud, loving glaze in her eyes.
It encourages him to keep going. He can feel her support hang in the air and fill the room up. She wants to let him know - wherever she is at the moment - that she'll support him no matter what.
No matter what he does, what he thinks, who he's with. She just wants what's best for him. It's like he could actually hear her voice say the words. Let me go. You'd want the same for me if it was the other way around.
And he knows she's right. If he was the one that died, he'd want her to move on and leave him and his memory in the past so she could live a happy life with someone else, because she deserved to have all the experience and memories they wanted to make together, even if it's with another person.
And this thought is enough for him to slowly make peace with the outrageous turn his life has taken, and suddenly he knows that even though she'll always be a part of him and will always have a piece of his heart, he will be able to grow to let the grief - and her - go.
"...So if you love someone, you should let them know Oh, the light that you left me will everglow..."
.::the end::.
my masterlist
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romansrgn · 4 years
ch. 7
“What happened to you claiming my trainer as your baby daddy?”
Braelin rolled her eyes. “Stop with the pettiness. It's not cute.” she attempted to pick up the trash bag, but Roman took it out of her hands. “I know how you felt about the idea and didn’t think it would be fair to you.”
Roman nodded once again, surprised at how much impending motherhood has managed to mature Braelin. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”
“There’s no need to thank me. These are your babies, as well as mine. But I also need you to understand that I like Dante, and I want to see where this goes with him, which also means that he will be in our children’s lives whether you like it or not.”
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“I don’t, and there’s a good chance I never will because you are supposed to be with me. In my home and my bed.”
Braelin was tired of the caveman attitude that he seemed to put on every time a man enters into her life friend or otherwise. “Too fucking bad. We’re not together anymore. Do I need to remind you why that is? We made a mistake--”
“Our kids are not a mistake.”
“You’re right—they're not. But the truth of the matter is, what we did and the circumstances behind it certainly were. We don’t work. We get caught up with our history and fall back into old patterns that end up hurting the people that matter to us. I can't and won't hurt Dante in the same way you hurt me.”
Roman knew that any relationship they could potentially have with each other was shot to hell after she abruptly ended things once Janelle came back into his. But, as infuriating as they were, they had something people might wait a lifetime to find. “Will, you ever forgive me for that?”
Braelin smiled sadly “I want to. Despite me letting you back into my bed, I can’t risk letting you back into my heart.”
Roman nodded despite how much it stung; he appreciated her honesty, “I deserve that and for what it's worth, I am sorry.” 
“I know.”
Braelin gasped a little, placing her hand on her stomach.
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“I think they’re trying to say Hi.” she nodded towards her stomach 
Roman placed his massive paw over her baby bump “I don’t feel anything.”
“Just wait.”
After a few seconds, that’s when he felt it. For the first time, he was able to feel his babies kick “That’s amazing.” He said, looking up at a Braelin with so much awe.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.”
Braelin and Roman jumped apart. “No, that’s ok. Roman just wanted to feel the baby kick.”
Janelle looked in between them both. “Yea, I know how exciting that could be. I mean, I don’t know, but you know what I mean.”
Braelin fidgeted a little, suddenly feeling even more uncontrollable by the second “Yea, and I know what you mean. Look, I probably should say goodbye to everyone before they head out.”
“Before you leave Braelin, I wanted to talk to you both.”
Roman stood up a little straighter before looking at Braelin. “About what?”
“I know things are awkward because of our history. Roman and I were college sweethearts that found each other again when you two were together, and because of it, you guys broke up.”
Braelin smiled tightly, “Right.”
Roman ran a hand over his face “Janelle, maybe now isn’t the —”
“I’m not trying to shake the table or anything I’m not. I just want us to be honest. Like,  honestly, when Roman confessed that he cheated on me, I instantly thought it might’ve been with you, but then I checked myself because deep down inside I know what you two had wasn’t worth risking everything you have now for something so meaningless like a one night stand. I mean, you said it yourself, Roman, it had to be with some bitch that meant nothing to you. They were nobody.”
Braelin snorted before taking the trash bag out of Roman’s hands. “I’m sorry about what happened between you guys, and you’re right, our history is complicated, and that’s exactly why I’m trying to move on in the same way he did. Now, if you excuse me, I need to say goodbye to my guest. Feel free to take home some to-go plates before you see yourselves out.”
Roman waited until Braelin left before speaking to Janelle, “Was that necessary.”
Janelle shrugged, “I don’t see why it wasn’t. We never cleared the air after everything that happened despite constantly being in each other's faces, for I don’t know how many years.”
“You wanted to rub our relationship in her face, and for what?”
“To remind her that even though she’s carrying your children, I’m your wife, and that fact will always remain.”
Roman’s eyes widened.
“You didn’t think I would put two and two together. Give me a little more credit than that.”
“I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how.”
Janelle laughed bitterly, “I’m not surprised. I mean, how do you tell your wife that you got your ex-girlfriend pregnant? It can't be easy, and despite how much I wish you didn’t because it would make it helluva lot easier to leave your cheating ass, I know you still love me. But I also get the feeling you’re not completely over Braelin.”
“I do love you, and you’re right. I love her too.”
Janelle shook her head, wishing like hell she was wrong about him still being in love with his ex. “Does it get exhausting? Jumping from one bed to another? Do you think we deserve that?”
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Roman swallowed. He was so caught up with his feelings for both women and their reaction to him that he never really took the time out to see what his indecisiveness was doing to them emotionally. “I was selfish and careless, and because of that, I hurt two of the most important women in my life, and for that, I’m sorry. You and Braelin will never know how sorry I am. So no, I don’t think my wife or the mother of children deserve that, but it’s the endless cycle that we managed to find ourselves in.”
“Ourselves? This isn't our situation, Roman. You cheated on me with your ex-girlfriend and got her pregnant. You did this, and now I have to sit back and watch you two share this connection that you refuse to have with me.”
“I never said I didn’t want kids with you. I just can’t think about that right now.”
Janelle laughed, “Right because your plate is already full with the little side family you manage to have on me.”
Roman knew nothing he could say would make this situation better for anyone. He fucked up and fucked around on his wife, and now these are the cards he has to deal with. So this only left him with one option: “You're right. This isn’t fair to you or Braelin, and that’s why I’m going to give you both the space you deserve.” He said before walking out of the house and past Braelin, who was watching the entire exchange.
November 30, 2011
“Friend of the birthday girl?”
Braelin laughed, “Yes, and no. She’s my cousin.”
Roman nodded, “The smile kind of gave it away.”
Braelin’s cheeks flushed, “and you must be related to the twins?”
“You see the family resemblance?”
Braelin rolled her eyes, “Not really. All of yall are major flirts.”
Roman grinned. “Can you blame us?”
Braelin shrugged, “I guess not. Want a beer?”
“Aren’t you a little young for that?”
“Boy, please. I’m twenty-one years old as of September 5th and have been drinking way longer than that. Either get on the bandwagon or move to the side.”
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Roman threw his head back and laughed, “All that feistiness in that tiny package.”
Braelin popped a hand on her hip. “Don't let the small package fool you. I’m tough as hell.”
“I believe you. Now can I get my beer, please?”
Braelin laughed and tossed the beer to him “How long have you known Naomi?”
“Since she and Jimmy started dating in FCW.”
“You’re a wrestler! That makes so much sense.” She said, taking a sip of her beard, “How long have you been training?”
Roman shrugged, “I’ve been training for a while. NXT is good and all, but I’m ready for the main roster.”
Braelin nodded, “You have to appreciate a man who knows what he wants, but you know what they say practice makes perfect.”
Roman shook his head ”You believe that?”
“If I didn't, I wouldn't be in college, collecting this much debt to become a doctor.”
Roman had to admit he was a little thrown by her choice of profession. A girl like her would usually aim for a career as an entrepreneur or a model. Maybe a model was a stretch considering she barely stood 5’4 despite having the looks for it. “A doctor? Wow, I’m impressed.”
“Yea, you probably thought I would sell clothes on a website or something.” Braelin rolled her eyes when she noticed how guilty Roman looked. “As much as I can’t knock the hustle, that’s not for me.”
“Then tell me, pretty girl. What kind of doctor do you want to be?”
Braelin shrugged, looking at her hands a little, “I dunno. I’m still deciding.” 
Roman raised a brow before taking a sip of his beer. “Really? Usually, when someone commits to a career like this, they have a plan. Being a doctor  takes years of dedication and—“
“I know what it entails, thank you.”
Roman knew he had hit nerve, but for whatever reason, he felt she was holding back, so he decided to push her “Oh yeah? It seems to me you don’t know. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be hellbent on committing to something you had no intention of seeing through to the end. Why waste your time on something you don't care about when you can have something you actually want?”
Braelin blinked, not realizing she was that easy to read. “My mom wants me to become a doctor.”
He knew there was an ulterior motive behind her career choice “Ok, that’s fine, but what do you want.”
Braelin has been watching Naomi train for the last three years, and she couldn’t lie and say her interest hasn't peaked. So in her downtime, she’s been watching old wrestling footage in an attempt to train herself because she couldn't sign up for wrestling school without her parents finding out, “I want to wrestle.” She whispered, not making eye contact.
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Braelin was ready to hear the laugh that followed by her admission. But when she looked up, she saw him staring at her intently.
“Ok, well, if you want to wrestle so badly, then I’ll help you get into wrestling school, and if you’re not ready for that, then I’ll train you myself.”
“You barely know me, and you’re offering to train me?”
Roman finished the last of his beer before tossing the bottle in the trash. “I’m a good judge of character, and something’s telling me you’re worth the investment.”
Braelin’s cheeks flushed suddenly, wishing she didn’t have a boyfriend.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Dante asked from his side of the bed. He noticed that she’s been on edge since everyone left after the cleanup.
Braelin bit down on the corner of her lip, not sure if she opened up this can of worms out of fear of losing him, but she knew it wouldn’t be fair to Dante if he went into this blindly “Janelle knows about everything.”
Dante blinked. “That explains why she’s been shooting daggers at you all night. Are you ok?”
“I’m fine. I’m relieved because this terrible secret doesn’t have to be held over my head forever, but at the same time, it makes everything feel real.”
Dante raised a brow “Really? It doesn’t get any more real than you being heavily pregnant, Brae.”
“I know that, and that’s why I’m ok with you bailing if this is too much.”
Dante rolled his eyes “We’ve been through this already, baby.”
“I know, and I feel like a broken record, but this isn’t fair to you. My drama and fucked up choices shouldn't come down on you” When he moved to approach her, Braelin took a step back “Don’t do that. I don’t want you to be ok with everything, especially not after I cheated on you.”
Dante shook his head moving to stand in front of his girlfriend “First of all, you didn’t cheat on me because we weren’t official, but now that we are I need you to know that I want us, I want you and I want to see where we can go. I will keep saying it until you believe it, but if this is too much and you don’t want this, then I need you to tell me,” he lifted her chin to look her in her green eyes. “Ok?”
Braelin nodded despite feeling as if she didn’t deserve him. She said, “Ok.” 
Survivor Series 2020
Roman sat next to the USO's at the announce table, going over their match. This year it would be faction vs. faction vs. faction: The Bloodline vs. Undisputed Era vs. Seth Rollins and his  Disciples for brand supremacy. As much as he was hyped about teaming with his family and competing against his brother,  his personal life had gone to hell in a hand basket. Since the barbecue, he and Braelin barely talked, and when they did, it had everything to do with the baby and the doctor appointments he often missed because he was on the road, which seemed to appease Janelle. 
Speaking of Janelle, after a few weeks of living in a hotel, Roman finally came back home despite wanting to keep his distance from both women on a romantic level, which is why he slept in the guestroom. 
Janelle wasn't to convince that their relationship was over and honestly? Neither was he. When he put that ring on Janelle’s finger, it was supposed to be forever. But that was all shot to hell when he fucked around on her not once but twice and with his ex of all people, and despite everything they’ve been through, he knew he still loved her.
Ok, smart ass, what about Braelin? His inner voice asked. 
 They were still friends, of course, and despite the relationship ending so abruptly, he knew there were some unresolved feelings there. The better word for it was love, asshole.
Roman sighed 
Love was the better word for it, and up until now, he had no problem admitting that to himself because he wasn’t hurting anyone, but now that no was no longer valid. He was hurting the two of the most important women in his life, and there was no way he was willing to put Braelin through another round of hell, especially now with his children in the mix.
Roman sighed and abruptly standing up, causing all three men to look in his direction.
“We ain’t done talking about the match?” Jey said from his seat next to Seth.
“I’ll be back; there’s just something I need to do. Besides, my head ain’t in it yet.”
Seth agreed, “I can tell since you haven’t listened to a word we said.”
Roman looked sheepishly, “My bad.”
Seth trusted Roman with his life, so he wasn’t worried about the big man carrying his shit with him into the ring and possibly hurting someone. He just knew whatever Roman was thinking about was creating emotional turmoil in the big dog. “Whatever it is, you want to talk about it?”
Roman looked around and saw all eyes on him. He knew they weren’t going to drop it, so he sai, “The twins are mine.”
Several eyes blinked. But it was Jimmy that said, “That makes sense.”
Jey nodded “When you told us that you and Brae fucked I didn’t know you hit—“
Roman’s eyes narrowed, “Hey, man. Besides, it’s not like we wanted any of this to happen. It just happened.”
“So, what’s the plan? Are you and Braelin going to give it another try?”
Roman rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m married, and she’s with Dante.”
“Yea, but that hasn’t stopped shit before,” Jey said with a shrug causing Roman to flinch. “I know the whole situation is fucked up, but you and Brae had something most people wait a lifetime to find, but you ended up fucking that up when you went back to Janelle.”
Roman rolled his eyes “I’m sorry I thought you said something useful that could help the situation.”
Seth decided to chime in. “The only thing that could help this situation is honesty, and we all know it’s a little bit late in the game for that. But the least you can do is be honest with what you want and who you want.”
“It doesn’t matter what I want because I’ve already decided to keep my distance from both of them.”
Jimmy raised a brow “Really? You moved back into your house with Janelle, and you’re what? Co-parenting with B? Yea, that’s a whole lot of space.”
“What the fuck do y’all want me to do?” Roman snapped “I fucked up and cheated on my wife and got my ex-girlfriend pregnant. But you want to know something I fucked up away before then by letting Braelin walk away because I wasn’t ready to get my shit together. Now I’m paying the price. She’s happy, and it has nothing to do with me and you know what as selfish as it is, I fucking hate it. But it’s what I deserve, and more importantly, it’s what she deserves.”
Jey held up his water bottle. “Now that you finally got that off your chest, are you ready to plan this main event?”
Roman looked around the arena and noticed that all eyes were on him “Yea, let’s do this.”
Braelin looked over Dante, who was busy talking to the photographer. Today was her maternity shoot, and she wanted this experience to be perfect and unbeknownst to her boyfriend; she was doing her shoot naked. 
“Baby, please leave that poor man alone and let him do his job.”
Dante shook his head “Where’s the stylist? They should’ve been here an hour ago?”
Braelin laughed, “Honey, there’s no stylist here because I won’t be wearing any clothes.”
Dante blinked before turning his attention to the photographer who didn’t even bother hiding his amusement, “You mean you’re doing this shoot naked?”
Braelin nodded, “As a Jaybird.”
Dante cleared his throat. Not at all ok with some other dude seeing his girl naked before he even had the chance too. “Is it too late to change the photographer.”
The photographer rolled his eyes, “If it helps your ego. I’m gay and would rather see you naked than your pregnant girlfriend.” He looked at Braelin, “No offense, B.”
Braelin smirked, “None taken. But I do have an idea.” she looked in between both men “Marty, I won’t be needing your services today, and don’t worry, you’ll still get paid for the day.”
That seemed to appease the photographer before he left the couple alone.
Dante held up his hand. “Look, you don’t have to send him away on my account. I know how important this is to you and—“
Braelin nodded, “You’re right, it is important, and that’s why I’m still going to do my photo shoot.”
“Without a photographer?”
Braelin shook her head, “I have a photographer, you.”
Dante laughed dryly, “I’m not a photographer.”
Braelin disagreed wholeheartedly. “Those pictures you took of me last night says otherwise.” She said, taking off her robe and tossing it to the side, “You just need the right motivation.”
Dante licked his lips. “Damn,” he whispered, taking the camera off its stand. “You trust me with this?”
“I trust you to make me look the same way you make me feel. That's why I couldn’t have picked a better man for this.”
Dante had a feeling they were no longer talking about the photoshoot “What are you saying?” he said while snapping pictures
“I’m saying that I choose you and will always choose you because I think you will be the best choice I’ll ever make.”
As friends, they’ve known each other for a long time, but as lovers, it’s new, but sometimes something new can be the thing that’s worth holding onto.
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Dante sat the camera on the stand before taking Braelin in his arms and kissing her with everything he had. Braelin licked his lips in which he happily obliged as her tongue slid into his mouth. What had started out gentle quickly became passionate and heated as his large hand slid into her hair and gave it a gentle tug as his tongue trailed a hot path down her neck, causing her shiver.
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“Fuck.” Dante whispered heatedly, “I want you so much right now.”
She whimpered as he captured her lips with his once more “I want to taste you, please baby, let me taste.”
Seeing Braelin's green eyes was so clouded with lust that the sight made his dick jump, “I want you to do a lot more than taste.” She said, biting his chin gently.
That was all he needed to hear.
Braelin legs cleared the floor and were instantly wrapped around Dante’s waist. He sat her down on a pile of pillows that was going to be used as props for the photoshoot but would come in handy for what he had in mind.
Dante removed his shirt, followed by the grey jogging pants he was wearing, causing his dick to spring free.
Damn. Braelin thought. He had to be nine inches long and thick enough to fill her in all the places she hasn’t been filled since.
Don’t even go there, her mind chastised. 
Dante’s dick was a thing of beauty as it pointed accusingly at her while leaking precum.
 Dante gave his dick two pumps before crawling over Braelin and capturing her lips once more. “I think I said something about tasting” he grinned against her lips.
“Let’s see what that tongue can do.” she whispered.
Dante smirked before leaving wet kisses down her protruding stomach and thighs. She didn’t have to wait long as his tongue jutted out and lapped at her clit like a kitten causing Braelin to moan loudly.
“You taste so good baby.” he said in between licks spreading her legs wider and inserting a finger which almost caused Braelin to shoot off the pillows. “So fucking good.”
Dante played her pussy like an instrument. He knew how lick and how to rotate his finger enough to make her squirm so her end was coming sooner than she liked “I’m finna come.”
Dante took that as a sign to double his efforts by literally fucking her with his tongue and that did it she came so fucking hard.
When Dante came up from between her thighs the top of his nose and the whiskers of his beard was covered in her juices “Ready for round one?” He whispered against her lips.
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calpalirwin · 4 years
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Summary: Luke becomes a dad
A/N: So @cxddlyash​ and I made these like comic book character pictures. And I thought it was funny how the text we put for ourselves went together like we personally were having a conversation. And it’s good dialogue I didn’t want to waste. So here’s a sequel to Period Pains that no one asked for just so I can use 2 lines of dialogue that really have nothing to do with the actual “plot” of whatever cute shit this is. 
Content: Soft cuz you know no one does it better than your gal(cal) Bri
Word Count: 1.5k
And away, and away we go!
“Hey, Lu?” Caroline asked.
“Hmm?” Luke hummed in response over the rim of his coffee cup.
“Remember how back a few months ago, you joked there was a way to stop my periods?”
He set down his cup with a shaky rattle. “What about it?” he croaked. 
“I’m two weeks late…”
He gripped his hands tightly together to control the shaking, forcing himself to stay calm. “H-have you taken a test?”
“Yep. Took one just now, actually.”
“It’s on the bathroom counter.”
Caroline wasn’t sure she had ever seen the man move faster. In fact, she wasn’t sure someone like Luke could move that fast without tripping over his long limbs. When Luke’s scream shook the house, she slowly made her way to him. “Good yell or bad yell?”
When he turned, his blue eyes were glossy with held back tears, his curls disheveled from his hands passing through them so many times in the last minute. “Is this the only test you’ve taken?”
She shook her head. “I’ve been taking one every day for a week.”
“And they all say the same thing? They all say yes?”
“YES!” Luke’s voice cracked as it went high too fast. He rushed across to her, tears falling freely down their faces as excitement took over and they jumped up and down screaming. “Oh,” Luke spoke softly when he caught his breath, his fingers soft against her cheeks. “I love you so much, Care.”
She tilted her head in his touch, lips brushing against the palms of his hands. “We love you too, Lu. Can I ask you one thing?”
“Anything, baby.”
“I know we’re both excited, but can we keep this to ourselves for a bit?” Her question held all the fears she didn’t want to speak into existence. Fears about their loved ones getting too invested like they already were when she was too early along for anything to be certain.
Luke placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Of course.”
It was hard on both of them to not shout their news from the rooftops with each passing doctor’s appointment that assured them their baby was developing right on schedule. Caroline and Luke passed the first three months combining her office with his music room, and then discussing how to decorate the newly freed up space.
“What do you think of this?” Caroline asked, sliding her laptop around so he could see the teal and grey nursery template.
Luke set his guitar aside and peered over at the screen. “You don’t want to go with something brighter? Something that will get their attention?”
“You know babies can’t really see color that well for the first few months, right?”
“They don’t?”
“Have you read any of the books?”
“Yeah!” he answered with fake indignation.
“Mhm, which ones?”
“The one with all the names…” he admitted with a sheepish grin.
Her eyes lit up. “Did you find one you like?”
“I found a lot of the ones you like,” he teased, referring to how the book was filled with blue-inked hearts next to yellow highlighted names.
“What do you think about Charlie Hemmings?”
“Oh, that one’s my favorite!”
“Ready to tell everybody about Charlie?”
“So ready.”
They told their parents first, swearing them to secrecy until it was publicly announced. Within a week, a giant care package was delivered on their doorstep, courtesy of both their moms conspiring together.
From there, the parents-to-be decided to tell the godparents. Luke had suggested Ashton for godfather, while Caroline suggested her childhood friend Britt for godmother.
“But they’re not together. Are you sure we shouldn’t go with Mike and Crystal?” Luke wondered.
“It’s Ash and Britt. They’ll get together.”
“Care, you’ve been saying that since they met.”
“Well if Ash would pull his head out of his ass…”
“If Britt could string more than two words together around him…”
Caroline laughed. Neither of them were wrong. Their two dearest friends were… rather stubborn when it came to each other. “We don’t have to decide this now. We can just tell all our friends, and figure out godparents later.”
“No,” Luke shook his head. “I trust Britt and Ash.”
“Care?” Britt’s voice called out as she pushed open the door to her friends’ home. “Luke?”
“You invited Britt?” Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman’s voice. “Is everyone else coming over, too? What’s going on here?”
“I know you’re home,” Britt continued to talk as she walked deeper into the house. “Your cars are in th- oh! Hey, Ash.” Her voice squeaked as she caught sight of the black haired man sitting comfortably on the couch.
“Hey, love,” he greeted with a two-fingered wave that caused the woman’s cheeks to turn pink. “Did Care tell you what these two idiots are up to?”
Britt shook her head as she sat down next to him. “N-no.” She turned her attention to Caroline, her friend’s ever steady and soft gaze stilling her nerves she felt whenever she was in Ashton’s presence. “Care, what’s going on?”
Caroline’s cheeks burned from holding back her smile as she looked over at Luke. “Tell ‘em, Care.”
“We’re pregnant!” She clapped her hands over her mouth as the words tumbled forth much less eloquently than she had planned in her excited state.
“Oh, that’s great!” Britt squealed with her.
“Congrats,” Ashton smiled, reaching forward to give Caroline’s leg a small squeeze. “But that could’ve been a text.”
“We want you to be the godparents,” Luke spoke up.
Ashton choked, his hazel eyes flying over to Luke. “What?”
“Uh, a word, Care?” Britt asked, rubbing her neck.
The women left Ashton staring slack-jawed at Luke. “What’s wrong?” Caroline asked, worrying her bottom lip.
“You can’t do this to me…” her friend whispered frantically, looking over her shoulder at where Ashton was still coming to terms with the news that had been dropped in his lap.
“Aw, are you jealous?” Caroline teased good-heartedly.
“Yes!” Britt hissed. “No! I’m happy for you and Luke. But making me godmother with Ash as godfather? What the hell do you think you’re doing, Care?”
“What you and Ash are too scared to do yourselves.”
“I can barely be in the same room with him without sounding like an idiot. Now I’m gonna share your kid with him?!”
“Oh, would you relax? Luke and I aren’t dropping dead. This is just a symbolic title.”
“One I share with Ash!”
“Would you rather share it with someone else?”
“No!” Britt answered far too quickly.
Caroline grinned. “That’s what I thought.”
“You okay?” Luke asked, concern lacing his tone as Caroline gasped.
She took a few deep, slow breaths, her face pinched in pain. “Another contraction,” she winced.
Luke gripped her hand in his, squeezing lightly. “You got this, baby. I’m right here.”
“Lu?” she panted, sweat coating her face, tears prickling in the corners of her eyes.
“This is so much worse than period pains…”
“I know, baby, I know,” he soothed, using his free hand to push back her hair and wipe away some of the sweat.
“No, you don’t!” she hissed through gritted teeth, her fingernails digging small crescent shapes into his hand. “You don’t have a uterus that throws a fit every month unless you’re growing a human inside of it. A human you then have to push out of you!”
“You doing so good, Care,” he smiled a smile that has rarely left his lips the last 39 and a half weeks. A smile that bore nothing but total admiration for the girl by his side and complete amazement for the life they were creating.
“Ow…” she whimpered, loosening her grip as the contraction passed.
“Where does it hurt the most?”
“My back…”
“Here, sit up, and scooch forward,” Luke told her, standing up from where he had been sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. Caroline did as he directed as he squeezed himself in behind her, stretching out his legs on the outside of hers. “Try to relax as much as you can,” his voice remained soft and low as he started to rub at her back. He stayed that way, with her back pressed against his chest, alternating between rubbing at her back and her arms, always whispering reassurances in Caroline’s ear until there was a small cry and a bundle was placed in her awaiting arms.
“Oh, hi there, Charlie.” Tears ran a path down both their cheeks as Caroline cradled the baby close to her, Luke’s hand reaching over her to gently run a thumb over Charlie’s soft cheek.
“There are so many people waiting to meet you,” she cooed.
“They can wait a little longer,” Luke said, holding his family close to him.
“At least get Britt and Ash in here.”
“Shouldn’t you get some rest first?”
“Oh, please, Lu?” Caroline pleaded, turning her head upwards to look at him. “I feel fine, I promise. I want them to meet him.”
“Alright,” he gave in. “Scoot forward so I can get out.”
Caroline lost herself in the dark grey eyes of her son, with his little pixie nose and soft curls, until Britt’s gasped “Aww!” filled her ears.
She looked up to see the other woman, hand in hand with Ashton, grinning so wide, Caroline’s own cheeks hurt just looking at her friends. “Well, come meet Charlie. We’ve been expecting you.”
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36. Part 4
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To think I was going to attempt to put make up on, oh no. I got my hair up in a bun, shades on. Sneakers, sweatpants, and hoodie, I am not about to dress up for nothing. I’ve been living like this for so long that I am not used to it but I enjoy the fact I can dress like this, so even attempting to get dressed was a no for me. I mean I did even prep my face for foundation, I was ready but no. I’m going as I am, a mess of course. I cannot wait till Yusuf touches my hair; he will not be impressed with the mess atop of my head at the moment. Seeing the suitcases gathered up in the lobby, counting them as I got to the bottom of the steps “you are telling me we have nine suitcases” seeing Jen rolling another one over “ten now, kids you know. Remember the time we had one suitcase” I do, this is a lot “also Dennis has a few” nodding my head “ok, we may need a bigger jet for this” furrowing my eyebrows “on it already, we have a bigger jet. Tina booked it already, she knew” nodding my head “ok good, is everything packed now? I mean everything besides the dog, is the house sitter here?” Jen laughed, she can see me worrying “she is, follow me. Don’t worry we have prepped her. She knows, she’s signed papers and everything” walking behind Jen following her to the living room, let’s see this house sitter, I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid “look at us all, going on a adventure” I laughed, my team is all ready to go” I laughed saying “I can’t believe how much shit we got this time around, things have changed so much!” Jah spat, he isn’t wrong “this is Faith, the house sitter. She is currently in Oxford university and does this” she gasped seeing me “I mentally prepared myself but still, I’m not ready. I love you so much” she got up from the couch “nice to meet you” I was going to shake her hand, but she hugged me “oh god, pleasure is all mine. And I wouldn’t ever air this out to a soul, no way. You deserve queen” I laughed out, she is sweet “Tina and Jen have told you everything, just keep Zeus company, he likes hugs. There will be cleaners attending, we will let you know. But pretty much, have fun” I chuckled “thank you” she is thanking me, I should be thanking her to be sitting in this home alone.
I really don’t want to leave London, like I don’t but here we are “I know mom” she is staring at me “just call him, then give me the phone ok” walking back into the living room “Chris can you put Aeko’ coat on and Fenty’ then we can go, the car is outside” I feel like everything is so hectic, like everything is everywhere. I have to make sure I have everything for Fenty, it is different now. I have had moments where I just walked out with my phone and card, now it’s like the baby bag, the milk, the diapers, the change of clothes “stroller, has someone taken that? I want that just in case please!” I shouted; someone will do it “got it!” Tina shouted “Faith, hi. If anything, you need anything then please call Tina, we can resolve it. If there is any packages to come, she will let you know. Just have a nice time but do call, if you forget a passcode, I do still so I know you might” she stared at me in awe “oh course Mrs Brown” I was taken aback by that, I have not had someone call me Mrs Brown before, like this is new to me “oh, yeah” I breathed out smiling “Robbie” my mom held her phone out, taking the phone from my mom “what is it, you are banished from my life and you know that” walking off with the phone “I have missed hearing your voice, look. Seeing this go on, seeing what dad did to you. I am hurting for you, yes. I have done dumb shit but that is in house, I wouldn’t do what dad did. That is personal, I want to apologise” shaking my head “it’s not me you need to do that too Rorrey and you know that it’s my husband. If you can manage to get through him then whatever, you need to realise Rorrey. If you are for me then you are in my circle if not then fuck off, you’re my blood so I am calmer, but I swear, if you weren’t. This wouldn’t be even happening” he needs to realise that “and before you even try and speak to Chris, I don’t want you to start saying sorry and then you find this out” Rorrey cut me off “you have Aeko at the home, I know. I read it, it’s not worth losing my sister, I was being egotistical. To see your hurt words, like it hurt me. I just fucked up yeah” maybe he is telling the truth “well right now we are trying to leave for London so give it three hours or so then call back ok” I am leaving this to Chris, if Chris wants to forgive then that is fine, but I am not getting involved.
Fenty is wrapped up asleep in the car seat, we made it outside the home. Jah forgot something so he went running back inside so yeah, we are delayed. Looking across me at Aeko in his car seat looking out of the window, his blankie in hand and a toy car in the other. He is so sweet, I swear this is a whole mission to move now “got it!” Jah shouted, Aeko smiled at Jah “see you on the jet babies” rolling my eyes “let’s go bro!” Chris shouted at the driver “I am drained” I breathed out, my mom chuckled “it’s been busy Robbie, not used to such drama” my mom is not wrong, neither am I “I think it’s because I had to care what was packed, I had to make sure things were done. I needed to make sure this was packed, it’s not like I want to be the type of person where I will just buy clothes in every country I go too, I mean Barbados is different, I will leave clothes there. I can’t wait to take Fenty there, she will adore that place. We could go after California actually” that sounds like a plan to me “oh yes, the family are wanting you to come. Yes, we should go Barbados!” my mom sounds so excited “we can do that then, once Chris decides on what he wants to do with himself” looking over at him, he rubbed his face “I am thinking” he looks stressed “Chris, we are going California right. What you need to do there, you need to do it. I am not telling you what to do but if your life is here then just think” I want him to get rid of the home “but don’t you think California is best for work? You know it is” here he goes “they come to me Chris, as you can see. My team is here, with me. They come to me, we aren’t going back and forth on this and I swear, you switch up on me. I am going to be so mad” he will be testing me “you never trust me” he mumbled “you yes, but you’re seeing the idiot friends of yours, have you told them you’re coming?” Chris laughed, he laughed because he has “I suppose, they been asking so I just said it to them” rolling my eyes, I hate his friend so much. They anger me to the point where I take it out on Chris, I am just angered by their ways because they are horrid.
When Tina said she got a bigger jet I think she meant a plane, this is huge. I mean we only needed half of that but then again we have a lot of luggage with us, I don’t know but I don’t mind it. It’s been a while since I have seen a jet, I am excited for it but I wish it was Barbados instead of California anyways. Both of the kiddies are asleep, car journeys really be making them sleep, good for us I guess “I expect the kids to fall asleep, look at you big baby” Chris rubbed his eyes laughing “London is horrible for traffic, I mean why the fuck do they just be honking for no reason” the door got slid open for us, I got Fenty ear protectors because I didn’t want the loud sound to wake her “you get out first” I said to Chris, moving the blanket back from the car seat to see if Fenty is actually asleep and she is. Chris got out of the car first, getting up from my seat and reaching over. Pulling Aeko’ hood up on his head, it’s a little cold out there “you take him Chris, I will be behind you. Don’t come back down, Mel will help me get Fenty out” Chris frowned, like I just told him to leave and never come back “I will be on there, stop the face” least Aeko is asleep still, nothing will wake him up looks like. Seeing the rows of cases being loaded onto the jet, I swear I think I have done the most with this, but we are there for a while.
Rubbing my daughter’ back, she is fed and is now ready to be spoken too “there we go” wiping the excess sick that left her “I hold her” Aeko asked, he loves holding Fenty “again?” I said “she likes me, she looks at me” I can’t say no to him “she does like you, ok if you sit on the on the bed again. Daddy will sit with you and you can hold her ok” Aeko ran off to sit on the bed on the jet “the only reason I don’t mind this is because I find it do adorable that he is matching with Fenty, they are both wearing Fendi. Chris must have matched them “dad, you sit here” Aeko patted the bed, Chris jumped on the bed with him “she is coming” getting up with Fenty in my arms “Penny, awww yes!” he is so excited “you’re a good big brother, you make a good baby sitter too” placing Fenty slowly on Aeko’ lap while still holding her head “there you go” Chris placed his hand just under her head “I kiss” he leaned down ever so slowly and kissed her forehead “hello” he is so adorable “we learned how to say Fenty yet?” Chris asked “Penny” Aeko repeated “good” Chris laughed saying, he can call her Penny, I do not mind it “how are you feeling, going back to Cali?” Dennis asked, he is getting his shots in “not amused, it’s a good and bad place but it is what it is. I am going to protect my daughter from the evil that is Cali, we are there to close deals and do some work, you know” Dennis panned the camera to Chris with the baby “my sister” he lightly patted Fenty body “do you love her?” Dennis asked him “lots!” Fenty is staring so hard at Aeko.
Fenty and Aeko are with my team, while Chris and I are alone in the back to talk “so” I dragged out, Chris sat across from me “I spoke to him” oh god, here we go “and?” I hope it was productive “he said sorry like five times, he said I am not doing it for money or anything like that. I know my sister cut that off from me but because I realised how stupid I have been, my sister being dragged in the blogs, people talking down and saying things about my niece. I could sense how she didn’t want to release anything; it was because she had no choice. His ego got above him, he said that he is sorry. All I can do is ask for forgiveness and he mentioned that he posted a picture of me actually on Instagram, I did check it and he did. He said something about me being his brother in law, I am all for forgiveness. He is right, he never went above and posted shit to expose things like Ronald, he is hurt by him also, but yeah. I said to him that Robyn has left it to me, I can decide what I want. I said I will forgive, because holding grudges will make me just as bitter as the ones hating us. I am doing it because I haven’t heard you like this before, your guard is down and I ain’t ever heard you be so sorry about things, so there. I did” I am shocked “wow” is what I said “we aren’t going to be the best of friends but it’s mutual and he said fuck Drake too, he said how much he misses his sister, he don’t care for the money, it’s family. He didn’t like how they spoke, but yeah” he is a good man my husband, I am proud of him for doing that “see how it goes and how he is but yeah” I am proud of him for being the better person “thank you” I thanked him “I did it for peace, I did it because at the end of the day he’s always gonna be there, if he is willing to be better then we will see” reaching over and placing my hand over Chris’ “you’re a good man” Chris side eyed me “but you was there saying I am useless” oh here he goes.
I chuckled at him “I never said that I just want you to decide what you want without me having to tell you what to do. Unless you want me too?” Chris licked his lips; he is really feeling butt hurt “what would you say? What would Robyn Fenty say?” I smiled at him “if I was Chris Brown, I would lawyer up and I would create a safe space for my son” I said the truth “then that means him being with us forever you know that right? I still don’t know what to do” Chris is undecided, like he doesn’t want his son “so truth be told you want him to go to a bitch that threw her son to us?” Chris shrugged “I am thinking about you Robyn” moving my hands away from his “don’t put this on me Chris, don’t put it on me that I am the issue. The real issue is you don’t want to take the responsibility, but I am not going to push you to anything. This is your decision, and you need to decide while you’re in California, I just don’t know what to say to you” shaking my head in disbelief, I am in shock at this “yeah” Chris mumbled, I will adopt Aeko my damn self. Nobody seems to want him; Chris is making it seem like he is in the way. I am not even going to bring it up again until he does, I just think he needs to get a lawyer and do something. I can’t do everything for him.
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oxxofanfiction · 4 years
Draco Malfoy FF  1-1
Monster From Hell - Draco x Female!OC
                                                  Chapter One
 The small London house was almost ordinary. . . well, that was until you looked into who lived there. The Goodwinds were far from ordinary, all were wizards and witches, their lineage spanned back to Helga Hufflepuff, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
 Michelle had waited for her letter to get accepted into the school, Her brother and father and mother all had gone to Hogwarts, but thoughts still roamed in the young girls mind What if I’m different? What if I’m not good enough? Does the school have enough students already? The thoughts always filled her mind every night before bed, But today July twenty-fourth made the whole house stir with excitement. Michelle had gotten her letter of acceptance.
 “Father, will we be able to go to Diagon alley soon?” Fraser, Michelle’s older brother asked. He was no stranger to the wizarding world and was already accepted into the school a year prior. He told Michelle tales of Hogwarts and the great hallways, professors everything. Michelle and Fraser had told each other everything since their mother’s untimely demise. They stood to their word of never keeping secrets, throughout all their childhood they had told each other everything and we’re notorious partners in crime. 
 “Yes, dear boy we shall go tomorrow seeing as it is” Their father checked his watch “My goodness time flies it is already ten. You kids must get to sleep! Big day tomorrow, no dilly-dallying!” He said as he sent the two kids upstairs. 
 As the two we’re getting ready for bed Frazer told Michelle about the professors, starting with Snape, “Snape. . . now, Snape, he is a tricky one. Even to me, he can be rude so if your not Slytherin do not, and I repeat do not disobey him, and make sure to pay attention in his class as he sometimes can be harsh.” He waited a minute then said “McGonagall can be rude, but most of the time she is a very nice woman and very understanding of any house. Sprout. . . she is a character, floppy had, a little woman about your size probably. She is lovely, she is Hufflepuff’s head I believe. Ravenclaw is…” He took another moment silently thinking “Flitwick… feisty little goblin man. Don’t get on his bad side, his detentions are okay not the worst but you do have to hear the god awful first years try to sing so that’s a downside” he chuckled at the memories of Hogwarts, “You’d know wouldn’t you, we got so many letters of your behavior, Frazer, father thought he would have to go to Hogwarts and apologize to Dumbledore himself!” Little Michelle said flailing her hands in the air angrily, though only as a joke. 
 “Well, I’m sorry. . . and luckily next year you won’t have to read them with father” he started going off to his own room, turning around and saying “Goodnight. . . Don’t let the Corn Faries bite” He ran off to his room at that comment, knowing that Michelle uses to be deadly scared of cornish fairies, she just shook her head and went to her room. 
 A single bed in the corner, her curtains we’re black and grey, her room painted just grey. . . she was never a fan of lot’s of color, it hurt her eyes when looking at vibrant colors. . . easter was never a favorite holiday of hers due to this fact. She quietly walked to her bed, pulling the warm duvet over her tiny body. Sleep soon found way to her as dreams of Hogwarts and Magical creatures danced around her mind.
. . .
“Up! Up! Up! Come on little jackrabbits! To showers! Busy Day come on children, Up! Up! Up!” Mr. Goodwinds voice boomed in the hallway. Groaning and reluctantly getting up Michelle made her way to her shower. Her morning grogginess disappeared quickly as she remembered in just a few days she would be at hogwarts and needed to get supplies. 
 Once downstairs and prettied up she grabbed her satchel, slinging it over her shoulder. Her hands trailing down her to her sweater, tugging at the end of it nervously. Her brother came down the stairs still groggy. 
“What’s your problem, your fiddling like a nervous coon” He inquired grabbing a bag of crisps from the stand.
“I just have never been…” She fumbled with the words for a second before restating “I’m just nervous, it shouldn’t matter but what if no one likes me?” her hands were now picking at her nails. A habit she has had since her youth.
“People will like you, Elley, Don’t worry if they don’t and if they have a problem, fuck them” 
“Langue, I did not raise someone from a barn son,” Their father said slightly slapping the back of Fraser’s head. Michelle quietly chuckled at this, her brother always found a way to get in trouble. Fraser looked up to her smirking and mimicking his father with silly and ugly facial expressions, pointing his finger at nothing, mimicking the yelling of his father. Luckily Mr.Goodwind had his back turned. As soon as their father turned back around they both stood to attention. “Are we ready?” Mr.Goodwind asked suspiciously. Both of the kids nodded vigorously standing up and taking their father’s hand. 
 Suddenly the three were in Diagon Alley, Michelle had only been once or twice before for her brothers’ necessities and “care packages” to hogwarts. 
 Michelle’s father quickly ushered her into a store, which if she remembered correctly was a wand store. Inside the small shop, the walls were covered in small boxes crammed into shelves. It was very unorganized but also had a sense of organization to it, like it was so stressful that it was calming. Michelle’s eyes danced around the room, looking at the hundreds, maybe even thousands of boxes that contained wands. She never really thought so many people could be a wizard or a witch. She had never even been in a room with more than one hundred witches, and seeing all the wands just proved that she knew very little on the world of witchcraft, though studying vigorously since a toddler.
 The old man which Michelle assumed was the owner of the store came up to her and her father introducing himself as, “Mr.Ollivander, and… oh my Mr.Goodwind, it was just last year your son came for a wand. My, my, my” He said clicking his tongue before his gaze went down to Michelle, “You must be Michelle, well how about we find you a wand young lady?” He said heading to a shelf. Michelle gulped nervously, her father placing a reassuring hand on her back as she gave a smile laced with worry.
 “How is this, a cedar wand. . . fit for a very loyal young wizard… or erm witch” He said handing the wand to her. He waved his hand a bit as to show her what to do, suddenly papers off his desk starting flying everywhere, “Definitely not that” he mumbled under his breath, Michelle mumbled sorry, but Mr.Ollivander said “It’s fine, a Potter just visited me just a few hours ago… absolute mess he left” he chuckled at the memory. Mr.Goodwind suddenly cleared his throat “Potter… as in James Potter’s son?” He asked. Ollivander nodded his focus mainly on finding a wand for the young witch. 
 “Ah here, an Acacia wand and has a phoenix feather core at 13 inches long, perfect for a great and powerful wiza- witch” Michelle carefully took the wand and swirled it around making all of the papers neatly restack onto the desk, Mr.Ollivander smiled lightly at her and nodded knowing that was the right wand for the young witch. 
  Michelle and her father continued to each store, getting ink, robes, a cauldron, her eight books, vials, a telescope, and so on. They passed by a shop filled with animals, which caught the young girl’s attention. Reluctantly her father allowed going in the store, knowing she would most likely be leaving with an animal now. She browsed the wide variety of animals, a certain cat seemed to call to her though, it was a sphynx it had darker area’s on its skin, and its eyes we’re a shocking color of yellow, one ear slightly nipped at the end. Mr.Goodwind looked to his daughter and back at the cat, his face basically read really this thing Michelle looked up to him smiling lovingly.
  “Can you shut that poor excuse for a cat up?” Fraser asked her as they arrived home. Michelle gasped pulling that cat out of its carrier and snuggling it, “She can hear you, you rude goblin” Michelle pet the cat, it purred in her arms. Chills ran down Frasers’ body at the sight “Just don’t let your freak cat touch me okay” Michelle started walking closer to him as he backed away. Then she started running the cat in hand. 
“Come on Fraser! Fluffy wants to meet you!” Michelle yelled out chasing her brother with her cat.
“Fluffy! Quite ironic wouldn’t you think” He yelled running up the stairs. His sister in close pursuit with the “demon cat” in hand. Fraser quickly made his way into his room, slamming the door shut and locking it. Michelle huffed outside his door, “How rude”
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puckngrind · 5 years
Skating Lessons part 23
Summary: Christmas with Josh and Mason
warnings: foreplay, mentions of sex, swearing
Word count: 1639
Series Masterlist
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The lights dancing over the awe in both of your boys’ faces as they watched the light show for Wildlights was worth the fact that you couldn’t feel your toes and face. Josh learned while he ordered hot chocolates there is such thing as kid temp and ordered his the same. The rest of the trip you asked if his tongue was being burnt. Finally he pulled you in when Mason was fully invested in the manatees to whisper, “My tongue burnt would be a problem for you later.” This made you blush at his promise which he of course mentioned again when you were in bed.
Josh had a few home games leading up to Christmas break and you were thankful to be back in the WAGS section which is funny because a few months ago you begged Josh to find seats in the upper bowl.
Between home games Torts gave the team the day off and Josh jumped at the chance to plan a shopping trip with you while Mason was at preschool.
“So this whole Santa thing is fun.” Josh tosses a Black Panther and Captain America Nerf gun into your cart.
“Stressful but yes, fun. His face last year was the best. And we don’t need two Baby.” You lean to grab the Captain America Nerf shield.
“Yes WE do. He needs someone to fight off the evil doers with him.” Josh puts his hands over yours and kisses your cheek while standing behind you.
“So should I write Josh on the shield?” You laugh.
“Nah, he could play with a friend too. Options you know.” Josh laughs and pushes the cart from behind you the rest of the shopping trip.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go home?” You asked for maybe the tenth time since learning he had a decent break for Christmas. He just started the car and his look was the same as the first nine times you asked.
“My answer is always the same (y/n). This is home and my family is use to celebrating at different times plus maybe next year the three of us could go with some planning. The whole Santa thing would have to be coordinated with my mom and sister.” He paused for a second to look at you. “They would love that but planning needed.”
You were able to place all the presents in hiding before picking Mason up from school. He popped into the car jabbering all about his day and how the gingerbread man ran away. Josh listened intently asking very serious questions.
“Speaking of cookies. We need to make some for Santa!” You chimed in and both your boys ears perked up.
You wasted no time getting home for cookie making. Mason grabbed his stool and Josh pushed up his sleeves as you ordered them to place certain ingredients in the bowl.
“No recipe?” Josh’s eyebrow raise and look at you.
“Momma has it in her head since she’s been making them since she was little like me.” Mason answers for you and you nod to confirm.
“Impressive.” Josh gives you a sly look then focuses on not screwing up the batter.
The cookies decorating was definitely more interesting with Josh’s commentary but they looked good. Mason selected the few for Santa and the rest the three of you picked over the next day.
Christmas Eve was spent at your parents with extended family.  Some that haven’t met Josh before and clearly were threatened not to be idiots and ask stupid questions.  You did catch your cousin’s teenage son trying to take a selfie in front of Josh and Mason playing knee hockey.  “You can just ask him for a picture you know.  He won’t say no.”  You leaned over causing him to almost drop the phone.  He did just that.  
“My extended family sometimes acts weird too you know.”  Josh wrapped his arms around you.  “I use to find it odd but it comes with the territory.  I love you family (y/n), they are all great.” He kisses you gently. “Now let’s go open some presents.”
Your parents got the three of you matching pajamas which Josh insisted you change into. Which actually made it easier when you got home.  Mason was already tired and to do you normal traditional Christmas Eve.  You had presents from Mason’s Santa shop from school.  He got both you and Josh something and he was so excited about it.  
“What’s this dude?”  Josh shakes the sparkly wrapping.  He opens a “You are the best” mug.  “Oh, this is cool!  Thanks Mace!”  You notice your boyfriend’s eyes are a touch glassy as Mason hugs him. “Momma’s turn!”  Josh turns the attention to you.  Mason hands you a similar package.  Inside a mug that matches Josh’s in color but says Mom’s favorite mug then on the back Mason’s familiar signature with a heart below it in his writing.
“Baby boy.  This is the best!”  Between Josh’s glassy eyes and the mug with Mason’s writing you couldn’t keep the tears back.
“Momma, you okay?” Mason asks.  
“Oh I’m better than okay.”  You pull him into your lap and Josh sits next to you and puts his arm around you both.  “Let’s read our Christmas book, place our cookies and milk out and head to bed okay?”
You did just that and once you were sure Mason was asleep you dragged out his Santa presents with Josh.   “Has he ever woken up?”  Josh asked as you placed the last wrapped present under the tree. 
“Yes.  When he was two.  Luckily he couldn’t open his door and I could hear his little voice saying Santa dat you?”  Josh laughs hard and you place your hand over his mouth.  “I don’t want a repeat Anderson!”  Josh scoops you up and takes you to your room.
“It’s CHRISTMAS!”  Mason lands on the foot of your bed jumping up and down!  Josh just laughs hysterically while you rub your eyes.  
“What time is it?”  You look at the clock.  
“The sun is up so I’m up!”  Mason announces.  “Can we go see if Santa came?”
“Sure thing little man.” Josh answers and the three of you head towards your family room.  Josh’s face was as in awe of the magic of Christmas as Mason’s.  Mason celebrated every present.  You sip your coffee and take in the new Christmas experiences with Josh and Mason.
“Hey, what’s that behind the tree?” Josh points after Mason opened his last present.  Mason pulls out a long thin wrapped box in the same Santa paper as all the rest of his presents.  You eye Josh because this is clearly his doing.  Mason rips open the paper and box to find a Warrior hockey stick that matches Josh’s.
“Just like yours!”  Mason shouts and starts pretending to shoot with it.  
“Oh awesome!  Josh will have to help you tape it up Mace.”  You shoot a look at Josh again and he’s beaming.
The rest of the morning was filled with playing with his new toys and snuggling with Josh on the couch.  “So I asked your parents to take Mace tonight.”  Josh whispers in your ear. 
“Oh really?”  You look up at him.
“Yeah, figured we could exchange presents and have some actual alone time.”  Josh kisses you tenderly.  
“I don’t hate that idea.  Mace, want to sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa’s?”  You turn your attention towards your still going strong five year old.
“YES!”  Mason shouted.  
After dropping Mason off, you and Josh ate dinner under the tree laughing about the day and kissing between bites and exchange gifts.
“This has been an amazing day.” Josh pulls you onto his lap and you wrap your legs around him.  
“Best Christmas ever.”  You breathe into him and feel him growing under you.  “I have another Christmas present for you before we....continue.”  You shift off of him and start looking at the tree.
“(y/n) what are you doing?”  Josh grabs at your waist to pull you back into him
“I’m looking for your gift.”  You spot the small box you placed in the tree.  “You aren’t the only one with surprise presents there Babe!”  You hand Josh the small box.  Josh eyes the tiny box and slowly opens it.  Inside a key.
“A key?”  Josh’s face looks confused as he holds up the key you placed in the box.  “Babe? A little help on what this present is?”
You breathe out and smile at him.  “It’s a key Josh.”  You giggle a little.
“To what?” Josh jingles the key in your face.
“The house.” You smirk at him.
“I have a key to the house.”  Josh’s face is even more confused.
“I know.  It’s more symbolic.  Move in with us?”  You simply say and pull you lip between your teeth.
“Are you serious babe?”  Josh’s excitement is evident.
“You practically already live here since the accident.  Mason wants you here, I want you here.  You should just be here with us.”  You place your hand on his cheek.  “I’m just sorry I haven’t said something sooner.”
Josh crashes his lips into yours. “Yes, fucking yes.  One million times yes. Of course I want to officially move in Babe.  This maybe the best Christmas present ever.”  Josh leans you down under the tree and presses his body into you.  “Having this all the time every day forever is exactly what I want.” Josh kisses you and runs his hand down your body.
“I’m glad you said yes because tonight would have been really awkward if you said no.”  You kiss down his neck.
“You must have been confident in my answer, eh?”  Josh hums into your skin as he kisses down to your core.
“Oh, I was pretty confident.” You moan as Josh continues to make you weak.
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