darkwitchingflower · 8 months
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(Not my art)
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can you pls pls pls write a fanfic about extroverted pavitr showing off his gf to his friends (the reader is rly shy)
I Would Never Fall Unless It's You
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x shy!gn!reader Summary: "See", Gwen says, "I keep telling you, Y/N's a keeper!" Pavitr blushes, rubbing the nape of his neck shyly as he gazes into your eyes. Your eyelids flutter, pink coating your cheeks eventhough your eyes can't stop following him. He's radiant. Maybe you truly are made for each other.
Also read on AO3
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🎶"I would never fall in love again until I found her I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her I found you"🎶 Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez
"So...", dragged Miles, looking between his two friends as he scratches the nape of his neck. "Do we say who we are, or..?"
"I think Y/N knows already", Gwen says, resting one hand on her hip as she looks at the Brit for confirmation. "At least that we're spider-people; not sure about that multiverse part."
Hobie nods. "Yeah, Y/N caught him climbing in from the window wearing the suit and eating a vadapav. I mean, bruv!"
"Looks like they're here!", Peter. B points out and they turn to look, taking off their masks.
Pavitr's voice is heard from a mile away as he swings from the opposite building in one swift motion, cradling a squealing you to his chest. He lands smoothly on the secluded terrace with a soft thud.
Your hold onto him to stop your legs from wobbling, still not used to swinging in the air yet.
"Don't worry, meri jaan", he assures you softly, "I've got you."
With a gentle peck to your cheek, he loosens his grip on your waist and guides you to his friends, removing his mask and tucking it in his pocket.
Pav and his friends seem to have a theme in their choice of clothing: spandex with spider designs and masks bearing similar eye lenses.
You knew that Pavitr Prabhakar, your former bestfriend and the guy you had been crushing on since the 6th grade, was Spider-Man. The very same guy who the entire city is trying to capture, even though he's only been doing good. The vigilante hero, the people's prince -who is also, incidentally, your spectacular boyfriend. Of course, you're proud! But it's a tad intimidating to see more superhuman people like him in the same place, and in similar clothing.
Pavitr's lush raven curls dance in the wind before he tames them, flipping them to stay on one side. Resisting the urge to run your fingers through them, you content yourself to just admiring it for now. It is a source of envy to most people.
"Awww, look at you two lovebirds!"
Peter. B's cooing startles you out of your reverie and you realize you've been making heart eyes at each other, adorable pink noses brushing against the other cozily.
It was only slightly embarrassing.
You knew all his friends' names from the pics he shared but this is the first time you meet them in person, and frankly, you're a bit anxious.
Generally, you're a shy and introverted person; not really much on the socializing side. So when it came to interaction with strangers, you found it quite difficult to keep up with Pavitr's pace, who has no hesitation to make small talk. But you try, for him, hoping his friends won't hate you at first glance.
They were important to him and he was important to you.
Pavitr initiates as usual, trying to ease you into the conversation (he's The best boyfriend), while you try to hide yourself behind him, staying close to his warm shoulder. You're still a bit shy..
He points at each one as he introduces them. "You know Hobie, this is Gwen, Miles and Peter. B. Miguel is spying us from afar", he jokes.
You remember the Brit from the bridge collapse incident. You had been at the wrong place at the wrong time and Pav had been too far away to help you. It was Hobie who had saved you that day though you hadn't known any of them back then.
"And this is meri jaan, Y/N Y/L/N", he says, resting his head against yours as he pulls you closer. "My life."
Peter B coos just for the sake of seeing Pavitr blush.
"Hi, hello!", you greet with a shy wave, extending a hand to each of them. When you get to Hobie, who is the last, you thank him from the bottom of your heart. "I never had a chance to tell you before, but you're the reason I'm standing here today and I'm very, very grateful for it."
Hobie smiles, shaking your hand firmly. The Mumbattanite has told him before how thankful he himself is for it. "Hey, it's what I do"
"Do you know how well Y/N draws?", Pavitr says proudly, "You guys have got to see them!"
"Oh, so what do you do?", Hobie asks. You can see he's trying to make you feel included and you're very thankful for it. Pavitr has often spoken of him as being the Big Brother he never had, and you feel you can relate to it too.
"Mostly portraits", you reply, intertwining your hand with Pav's as he rubs his thumb in smoothing circles, encouraging you further. "But sometimes watercolors too, if I have enough patience", you joke.
"Wait, you do watercolors? That's the hardest there is!"
"I know, right! But they're so detailed and realistic -You've got to see these pictures!"
Pavitr whips out his phone and starts showing off the pics he took of your paintings. You watch him as he excitedly explains every one of them with so much passion that surprises you. Never have you known he was so invested in your pictures nor that he observed so much!
"Wow! Can you draw me?", Miles asks, eyes wide with excitement. "And me?", Peter. B joins, practically jumping as you agree with a nod.
Hobie pretends to give a long-suffering sigh. "Kids."
You've spent almost the entire evening with the Spideys drawing stuff, eating hotdogs and swinging from building to building. Initially it seemed too much, but after the pressure of making a good first impression bled away, you had a ton of fun! Peter. B even gave you some tips on how to use your weight to your advantage while swinging.
Licking your ice-cream, you notice Pavitr has smeared some on the corner of his lips and reach up to wipe it away.
"See", Gwen says, "I keep telling you, Y/N's a keeper!"
Pavitr blushes, rubbing the nape of his neck shyly as he gazes into your eyes. Your eyelids flutter, pink coating your cheeks even though your eyes can't stop following him. He's radiant.
Maybe you truly are made for each other.
A sudden ringtone startles you out of your reverie and Miles asks you all to watch in silence as Peter B answers a call from his wife. Apparently, Peter B has left his web solution lying around carelessly and May Parker is now stuck to the ceiling upside down, trying to play with it.
Pavitr snickers, Gwen and you giggle quietly while Miles and Hobie fall on their sides laughing as Peter B poorly tries to defend himself to Mary-Jane.
You comment a pun, not really aware that you said it out loud but cup your mouth as soon as you realize it, feeling they might be offended -that's the last thing you want. To the contrary, however, they actually seem to enjoy it.
"That's it, you're now officially my sibling!", Hobie claims, encouraging you with a pat on your back.
You're already growing to like them, feeling thrilled to get to know them more.
Miles and Gwen give you a high-five as Peter B pretends to be offended, but everyone knows he's only a second away from applauding you for that pun. He caves in and eventually laughs, everyone joining in as the conversation turns to a boomerang video edit of the embarrassing dance moves Pavitr did last week.
"HEY! You promised you deleted that thing!!"
Pavitr starts chasing Miles around, jumping from street lamps and poles, oblivious to Gwen capturing that on her phone too. She turns to you, eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Which song do you think suits this?" 
Hope you like it! Thank you for reading <3
A/N: I swear I'm trying to work on the other prompts buttttttt ARGH LIFE!!!! (((OMG ALMOST FORGOT FLUFFTOBERRRRRR!!!!!)))
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reikoackerman · 3 years
Helloo Mrs. Ackerman! The week went by quite quickly! I’ve been looking forward to Self-Ship Sunday since last Sunday haha!
Rei’s questions:
Quick Mia, pack your bags. Erwin is bringing you on a road trip for the weekend!!
1. Where do you think he is bringing you to?
-> Well, if it's just for the weekend, I’m guessing we’re headed to our cabin in the mountains. It's this cozy little weekend home that we built on the slope of a hill, overlooking the valley. I designed it myself 😊 We usually go there to unwind after a hectic week. There's no network, so the phones are off. There's a lake nearby where we go fishing and kayaking. (Yes, we love kayaking. We’re that couple which has their kayaks mounted above their car), and acres and acres of lush forest. We spend our days at the pretty little sit-out on the patio. There's obviously a lot of reading involved. Its calm and quiet, giving us some much-needed uninterrupted time with each other.
2. What songs will be in your road trip playlist?
-> Our travel songs are usually slow and breezy, just like our moods for the weekend - Usually something consisting of a lot of piano, or acoustic guitar. We love listening to instrumental music while traveling. Fortunately, our tastes in music are quite similar. So, we don’t bicker over what's playing.
3. Do you two take turns driving, or is there a designated driver?
-> He prefers driving – more like, I prefer not to. I love looking outside the window without having to focus on the road. But if he’s had a looooong day, I ask him to nap in the passenger seat while I do the honors. But he’s too nice. He still stays awake and keeps me company.
Now, some questions for you, m’lady and Levi. Playing along your vacay theme!
Have you and Levi been on many vacations together? Which was your favorite destination and why?
What are your holiday personas? (I.e., Do prefer staying in and relaxing, or spending all your time site-seeing, or is there a balance?) And do you have matching personalities or do they clash?
Which is a destination that you haven't been to yet, that you want to visit together?
Rei: Well hello there Mrs Smith, I hope you and Erwin have been well! I know you had a really tiring week so I hope you feel more relaxed now!
Levi: Tch. How can you feel more relaxed when you have a walking encyclopedia next to you talking non-stop?
Rei: Levi!!! SUSHHH don't be mean!!
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Rei: Awww, that sounds so relaxing already!!! I wish Levi would build me a cabin in the woods *sobs*
Levi: Oi. I'm not a carpenter.
Rei: I'm kidding. But for real Mia, it's so cool that you built it on your own! Did Erwin help you with the designing too?
Rei: It must be great too, immersing yourselves in nature without distractions from your phone!! What do you two do other than kayaking, fishing, and reading?
Levi: What else? Probably lots of s-
Rei: LEVI!!!
Levi: What? It's the truth. What else will a man and a woman do on vacation? Play monopoly?
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Levi: Tch. That sounds like Erwin. Luckily you and him share the same taste. He, Mike and I went on a road trip once, and Erwin was playing a playlist full of Tchaikovsky. Mike and I fell asleep.
Rei: We do enjoy listening to classical music too, but not for road trips hehe. We usually listen to pop, or rock!! We love singing along while driving!! Well, me actually. I love singing. Levi usually hums, but if it's one of his favourite songs, he'll sing along with me. Do you wanna tell them what you like singing to most, hmm?
Levi: No.
Rei: Aw come on, people would want to know.
Levi: But I don't wish to tell.
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Rei: Aww Mia. Erwin's so sweet!! And so thoughtful. Levi usually drives too, but we will swop around occasionally!
Rei: Levi would drive during the day because the traffic is heavier. And in turn, I drive at night, also partly because Levi's astigmatism is pretty bad but he refuses to wear his spectacles at night. *eyes Levi angrily*
Levi: You prefer driving at night anyway. It's a win-win situation.
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Levi: We haven't been to many countries actually. But we've been to Hong Kong a few times, and Taiwan too. We've also been to Vietnam. I like Taiwan. The bubble tea is nicer than the shitty ones here.
Rei: Yeah because the girls in Taiwan are cuter and prettier, right?
Levi: N-nonsense... [Levi looks away, rubbing his nose.]
Rei: You're stuttering *eyes Levi angrily again* hmph. I love Hong Kong. It's a familiar place. I love bargaining at the street markets like at Temple Street, Mong Kok etc. And as much as I hate it, bringing Levi along with me brings a lot of discounts too.
Levi: ... tch.
Rei: What? You don't even need to say anything and those aunties automatically lower the prices of clothing for us. Hmph.
Levi: And the trade-off is that they keep touching me. Yuck.
Rei: You're sacrificing a little cleanliness for the greater good. Look at how much haggling I avoided.
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Rei: Well, it's a good thing that Levi and I both survive on very little sleep, and we are also early risers. So we're pretty similar! We're the type who would wake up at 4am just to go hike and view the sunrise.
Levi: We do a mix of both. In the day we will go out, like to sightsee or do touristy things. We stay in at night to relax. At most we'll go have dinner outside.
Rei: If we're not sightseeing, we would be eating, or shopping! Good thing Levi isn't a picky eater too. But he gets bored when I'm shopping.
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Rei: Oh I really want to go to Japan and UK!!!! It's on my bucket list. I have to go there!!! Also, I want to go on a Europe tour!!!! I really want to go to France....
Levi: Oi, woman. I'm not made of money.
Rei: But you promised me a Europe tour for our honeymoon....
Levi: I didn't say no. I just said I'm not made of money.
Rei: Isn't that telling me 'no Europe tour'???? Well fine, at least bring me to France, won't you?? Hmm??? [I give Levi the best imitation I could of the sad puppy eye, and also tried to give him a little pout.]
Levi: ... stop whining and come here. [Levi gave me a hug and ruffled my hair.]
Levi: Fine let's go to France next time, when travel bans are lifted. But if my mum and uncle want to tag along, I can't stop them.
Rei: I'm not the one suffering, you're going to share a room with Uncle Kenny anyway~
[Levi had a look of horror plastered on his face].
Levi: Let's not go to France, then.
Rei: Hey!
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errthel · 4 years
Route Two : Part Tree I guess
Hey, it's your friendly Lucien simp neighbor from the other side of the world and I come with part three of my fanfiction of @tri3tri 's Second Wife A. Yee yee.
His eyes carefully observed the glowy moon, lack luster look on his face signified his boredom. He had after all watched the moon for more nights than he could count with his fingers.
Lucien's window stayed open as he studied on the desk near the window. A snowy owl had brought over books, for what he assumed was his new school. How kind of them, he wasn't sure if he would have to pay them back though.
Flipping over the crisp white pages of the new book, he was able to find out that he had classes in Magic History, Chemistry, Dancing, Physical Education, and other subjects he was sure he would be able to ace with some time.
The click of his door alerted him of the entrance of either one of his grandparents, judging from their footsteps, Lucien narrowed it down to his grandmother.
"Don't stay up too late Lucien."
"M'kay, but I wonder why you still bring up some snacks."
"I noticed you didn't eat as much during dinner, so I thought you would be hungry now." the tray of snacks hit the desk with a thump, showing off its contents
Tea, chamomile Lucien thinks, some grapes and cream cheese and apple slices.
"I guess you're right, I am a bit peckish. You can go to sleep now Grandma, I'll be showering in a bit."
"Are there things popping up?" the question brought up the questioning things Lucien sees sometimes, be it fangs, a tail, horns, or scales, he would always see something inhuman in the bathroom mirror, but they would always disappear in some time
"Hm, nothing out of the ordinary, but the scales are starting to permanently stay here" Lucien gestured to his forehead, which was covered by his fringe
"Is that so?"
"Mhm, but it's fine, I don't usually tie up my hair so no worries."
"Alright then, I'll take your word, goodnight Lucien. Sweet dreams..."
Lucien watched as Hanna left his room, her white dress flowing from behind. This makes him remember the first day he was here, the day after that wretched day.
As well as forgetting what his family looked like, he also seemed to forget what the tall woman looked like. It was odd, Lucien knows that he has sharp memory, was it perhaps him erasing those memories of his?
Did he lose those memories to trauma? Was is just plain fear, that he forced himself to forget what those people looked like for his own sanity? But he still remembers what happened, he just doesn't remember. Why doesn't he remember?
Long fingers sharply tugged at (h/c) locks, desheviling the strands.
He racked his brain for any recollection of those long past memories. But he couldn't find any, he could no longer take it. The heavy breathing in the room quickened as the room started to become unbearably stuffy.
The quick and sudden drizzling hitting his window instantly notified the boy. The drizzling turned into heavy rainfall quicker than he could realize and thunder started to echo in the town.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit." desperate eyes swiftly moved over to the open window
Lucien immediately closed the window, preventing anymore rain to get inside his room, with a heavy sigh, he cleaned up his desk and went to take a shower.
Warm water cascaded over the slim pale body of the teen, his hair slicked back to reveal very offputting black scales that create an intricate and somewhat beautiful geometric pattern on his forehead. Some traces of bright green could be seen on the edges of the scales which shine brightly under the warm lighting of the bathroom.
Along with the scales was a pair of horns, with the same bright green highlights. Lucien hopes that this form of his won't show up during his stay at Royal Sword Academy, but the likeliness of that happening is closer to zero.
Lucien is aware that there will come a time where he will be forced to show off his other form, and he dreads that day.
After drying up, he changes into a pair of underwear and sweatpants and brushes his teeth. He notices the sharpness of two teeth and sighs once more, he can't catch a break with these sudden appearances of unwelcome features can he. While scrutinizing the existence of his fangs, the slit pupils of his eyes catch his attention and receive a small jump back from Lucien, mostly from surprise and terror.
"Slit eyes... this is definitely getting out of control..." the fearful expression stays on the boy's face as he walked back to his room, ready for bed
"...I wish that when I wake up, these things are gone and never coming back."
The warm, slightly chilly, day arrives, the suitcases that the family of three carefully packed a few days prior were now sitting on a seat inside the silvery pumpkin carriage.
Lucien's grandparents hug him as if it's the last time they would ever see him as Lucien wears the luxurious white garb with silver embroidery and subtle blue accents.
"I hope you'll be alright there Lucien."
"Will be. I will try to find ways to communicate with you when I get there." the comforting words allow the older couple to release their beloved grandchild
They watch as he walked to the carriage, ready to face the world he fears. His feet brings him to sit inside the velvety seats of the carriage as it whisks him away from his family.
He silently watches the view of his town vanish as they reach higher altitudes and by then his eyes have already dropped down, bringing him into a land of sweet dreams.
Royal Sword Academy, a prestigious magic school situated in Twisted Wonderland. Along with it's long standing rival, Night Raven College,  they are dubbed 'The Best Magic Schools in All of Twisted Wonderland'.
It truly shows, the moment Lucien stepped inside the school proper, he was greeted with marble and glass, fountains of all sizes, Greek-styled statues made of smooth ivory. He noted the extravagant architecture of the school, like The Palace of Versailles; with its enormous gardens with hedges trimmed to perfection, the delicate carvings of the walls, and the neatness of the school perfectly reflected the students who attended this institution.
Lucien briskly walked over to the well where the sorting of dorms was taking place in. As he sang his name into the well, a delicate chiming ring from the well was heard as a feminine voice sung out, 'The Aurorian Dorm'.
The Aurorian Dorm was one of the several dorms of Royal Sword Academy, founded on the patience of the Princess Aurora, her patience in waiting for her true love helped her defeat the dragon that had been terrorizing their lovely kingdom.
He joined his peers, also dressed in intricate white garb, introducing himself and mingling with them let him establish himself as 'The Kind Freshman'
Lucien was kind, to some extent, he very much was. It wasn't at all fake, why would he bother faking such complex things like emotions? But his kindess doesn't blindly extend to everybody, he is someone who isn't unconditionally kind, and he knows for sure that his peers weren't also kind from inside out.
The Aurora Dorm was definitely cozy, if not a bit overwhelming. Like a small village, cottages dotted the feild that was surrounded by lush forests. Each cottage would be shared by four people and it was a sizable enough cottage, definitely enough for four people with room to spare.
Lucien was put into a cottage with another freshman and two sophomores who chatted with him the moment they entered their cottage.
The freshman was called Brier Rome, a glowy individual with lovely soft blonde hair that curls at its tips and beautiful purple eyes. He was the first one to talk to the intimidating Lucien while he was putting away his clothes.
One sophomore was named Linden, a demure senior, he was almost as tall as Lucien, if not a bit taller. He had green hair with a bit of visible black roots, along with his hair, he had golden eyes that seemed to know everything.
The other sophomore calls themselves Hawthorne, he was shorter than his friend but makes up for it with his loud talking. He also had dyed hair, this time blue, and strangely like his peer, he had golden eyes.
Muffled noises coming from the cabin indicated that the four cabinmates were having the best time meeting each other.
Walking with each other to the central cabin to have some dinner was exhilarating to Lucien, many types of flowers and greens was planted all around and he had a fun time naming the plants with Brier.
In commemoration for the new students, they were going to partake in a picnic out in the flower feild.
The white daisies, purple chrysanthemums, pink carnations, blue hydrangeas, yellow roses, and many more beautiful flowers were present at this feild.
The Aurorian Dorm members talked to each other, sang, danced as they welcomed their new students with great joy.
"Brier Rome! You mean the heir to the throne of the Valley of Flowers?! It's wonderful to met you!"
"Mhm! Nice to meet you as well!" Brier paused a bit before his eyes lingered to the person behind him, he stood quietly, observing the flowers with great closeness, "Lucien!" the blond male called out to his taller peer
Briskly walking up to the taller boy with a bright smile he teased, "You seem to not put alot of effort into meeting your seniors~ what happened to your energy a while ago?"
A deadpanned expression bloomed on Lucien's pale face as he answered, "It's been diminished, I cannot bring myself to talk to people any longer."
"Awww don't be like that!" Brier said clinging to Lucien's arm as he walked him closer to the crowd
"Ah, hello, my name's Lucien (L/n)."
"Wait! You mean you're the special student who was accepted from another world?! How cool!"
"Ehh! Lucien's from another world?" a surprised look overtook the blond haired boy, "Why didn't you tell me~"
"Mhm... I didn't find a good time to really bring it up."
"Alright, I'll accept that. Say, what's your world like?" Brier's question brought eyes to look at Lucien, expecting his answer with baited breaths
"Eh? Well my world doesn't necessarily run on magic, to my world, magic is just nonexistent there."
"Ohhh! That's really weird then, how were you able to get magic then?"
The question brought a bit of surprise to Lucien, before he reverted back to his kind, kind smile, "I don't know."
The cold days of September brought a little chill to his spine, so wearing a lovely wool trenchcoat over his pyjamas, which was just a very loose white shirt and some sweatpants,  brought him joy. The warmth coupled with some early morning tea reminded him of life at home, being woken up at ungodly hours of the morning and being forced to carry out your normal activities while being half asleep, yeah definitely home.
The lax atmosphere of the early morning hour of six encouraged the (h/c) haired male to walk the expansive flower feild. After wearing some shoes, he walked out of the cottage and closed the door.
The fragrance of the forest seemed to stimulate his nose perfectly. Paired with it was the smell of a thousand different kinds of flowers. The experience of being in this wonderful place calmed the boy. As of late, he has been feeling a bit overwhelmed... it bothered him. Was he mentally weaker than he thought? Was he actually not ready for this? No, no, he's fine, he should just calm down, the flowers are there after all, it would be unsettling to show them such behavior.
The silence of the feild was broken by some rustling behind Lucien, who was alert and now facing the rustling bush.
"Who's there..." he wasn't so defensive, he was confident that he would be able to take out anyone with any sign of malicious intent
"Ah! Sorry... I didn't realize someone was having a walk." a head of flaming red hair popped up from the bushes
He was a tall person, not as tall as Lucien but tall enough. The person also exuded an aura of authority as he walked towards Lucien. Bowing forty-five degrees, he introduced himself.
"I am Florius, the Dorm Leader of this dorm. We weren't able to meet last night, but I had always wanted to make your acquaintance." smooth, his voice was as smooth as honey rolling of his pink lips
"Ah... um Florius-senpai, as you know, I am from another world so I'm quite curious about something." Lucien said
"Hm? Ask away then."
"Tell me everything you know about the Valley of Thorns."
So we finally frickin arrive at RSA, do note that this is my interpretation on what RSW is like, this has been written in like November of dumpster fire was 2020, so currently we only know about Che'nya and omg, I forgot his name, that Snow White dude. Any mentions of RSA are limited and most of this is what I think RSA is like, your interpretation of RSA can be different from mine and that's fine.
Okay, so I like to think that Royal Sword Academy is like really civil and sends an acceptance letter to their new student instead of kidnapping them, I'm looking at you NRC, and sends them their equipment to warm them up before bringing them to school.
My version of RSA is more of like a replica of NRC but good, I guess??? So there will be several dorms, all based of on the heroes of the Disney movies The Great Seven are from.
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yukisohmasmokesweed · 4 years
Hi Sophie. I admire u u are sooo awesome. For my ask, how do you headcanon how the zodiacs would smell like + tohru, kakeru machi? I hope this is not too much! :D
awww ur so sweet tysm!!! i feel like these answers will probably end up being a little unconventional but i will try, i normally dont think about stuff like this but this is a cute prompt!
tohru - whatever body wash is on sale that week but prefers fruity. im picking a side and saying strawberry is her go-to
yuki - old spice because he thinks it’s classy and manly. its not, he smells like a teenage boy
kyo - you know those straight boys in ur school who always reek of axe? yeah. also he sweats a lot and is self conscious about it so he always has some in his bag, which means all of his stuff also smells like axe
haru - musk because haru actually is classy and cares about his General Image
momiji - has a debilitating lush addiction and buys their sweetest smelling products. has vanilla, lemon, and lavender scented products in rotation
rin - rin....does not seem like she has the best personal hygiene but when she does bother to shower she uses like coconut or coffee scented stuff, def goes for a more mellow scent
shigure - no matter what shigure does he always smells like cigarettes. its his own fault because he smokes inside in his day clothes. he also has never shopped for himself so he uses whatever plain jane soap tohru brings him, so like irish spring or something. steals hatori’s cologne when he has to socialize with normal people
ayame - has an extensive cologne collection and all in like rly eclectic scents, like creed. sometimes he smells like ~the lush countryside of ireland~ or ~lemon, bargamot, verbena, and orangewood~ or ~blackcurrant, jasmine blossoms, and oak moss~ just depends on his mood!
hatori - hatori works very hard to NOT reek of cigarettes. he seems like a classy dude, he uses sandalwood soap and he also wears like. ralph lauren cologne 
kureno - michael kors extreme blue yes i went into my 21 yr old brothers room to find this because i needed an extremely boring, run of the mill scent and my golf bro stock market loving asshole of a brother delivered 
akito - ginger and mandarin soap, classy + gender neutral 
ritsu - chamomile/earl grey/more subtle tea-scented body spray
kagura - she has a rotation of floral scented victoria’s secret body sprays, ie jasmine & passionfruit, orchid & mimosa, cherry blossom & peach etc
hiro - has recently started using axe but like WAAAAAY too much you can smell him a mile away
kisa - no-tear baby shampoo
kakeru - would go for a more woody, musky cologne but puts too much on and smells like an abercrombie & fitch
machi - dove bar soap and whatever deodorant is directly in front of her at the store. doesn’t think about it that much
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⁂ Days Come and Go (Coyote Starrk) [2 of 2]
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◂ Part 1 of 2
Genre: Romance, Fluff ☁
Word Count: 1,007 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Starrk ☁
World: Bleach ☁
“We need to get away from the town,” Ichigo muttered, standing up and grabbing Kon. He swallowed the mod soul pill and retracted from his body.
Rukia did the same before addressing them “The two of you stay here,” She hopped out the window and jumped onto the roof. Ichigo did the same, followed closely by you and Grimmjow.
The four of you took off running, jumping from roof to roof with Starrk hot on your trail.
“There’s a forest just outside of town. We’re heading there so the town doesn’t get caught up in the fighting!” Ichigo called over his shoulder at you and Grimmjow, who nodded in response.
“Starrk won’t want to fight, though.” Grimmjow muttered, “He’ll do everything he can to avoid a fight.”
“That’s strange,” you murmured, “That’s the complete opposite of you, huh.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, “I’m aware, thanks.”
Your group finally reached the destination, landing on the lush green grass before taking off into the sea of trees.
“Should we split up?” Ichigo asked, stopping at a clearing in the heart of the forest.
“No, he’ll go straight for Y/N and if we split up, they’ll be in danger.” Rukia mused, looking around her. Both Ichigo and Rukia grabbed the handle of their swords as the trees rustled, Starrk and Lilinette appearing at the edge of the clearing.
“You won’t get them without killing all of us first!” Ichigo called from beside you. Grimmjow was on your other side, while Rukia was on the other side of Ichigo.
Lilinette stepped forward, earning a weird look from Starrk. “We’re not here to fight. And if I have anything to say about it, you won’t be going back to Aizen!”
“Huh?” you asked in surprise, stepping forward.
She nodded, putting her hands on her hips, “We want to help.”
“Why should we believe that?” Ichigo called, sounding unsure.
“That’s simple,” she giggled, winking and holding up her index finger at the tall male, “Starrk is in love with Y/N!”
“Lilinette!” Starrk hissed from behind her, making a move to grab her. She jumped up and landed a few feet in front of the group, sticking her tongue out at the Primera.
“In… love?” Ichigo asked, removing his hand from his weapon. Rukia did the same. “Is it even possible for an Espada to feel love?” he directed his question to Grimmjow, who glared at him in response.
“It’s rare but possible.” Lilinette answered, turning around to look at you, “It may seem sudden, but you make him feel a way no other person has been able to!”
“I… do?” you asked in disbelief, pointing to yourself and looking at Grimmjow who just shrugged.
“Yep,” she grinned, “We were hoping you’d let us stay here with you guys. I mean, Aizen won’t exactly welcome us back with open arms, seeing as we refuse to capture you.”
“Don’t be an idiot.” Starrk sighed, rubbing the back of his head, “Like they’d really want a hollow staying with them.”
She scoffed, turning around to face him with her fists clenched, “Grimmjow is here, isn’t he? He’s just as much hollow as we are!” He looked like he was searching for a response, but couldn’t think of one. “See? There’s not a single reason we can’t stay.” Lilinette said, turning back around to look at you. Starrk was staring at the ground, refusing to look up.
“Well,” you started, stepping forward to stand in front of Lilinette, “The two of you are more than welcome to stay here. I’m sure Urahara wouldn’t mind setting the two of you up at his place.”
“Really?” Her eyes sparkled. You nodded and she jumped on you, hugging you tightly, “Thank you!”
“We can’t Lilinette!” Starrk’s voice was loud and firm, echoing in the empty forest.
“But, but… Starrk!” She jumped down, hanging her head and clenching her fists.
“We’re going back,” he muttered, turning around and starting to walk off.
“Starrk!” you called, making him stop dead in his tracks. “You can. If you’re worried about Aizen, don’t be. You’ll be safe here. Both of you.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” he muttered, so low you barely caught the words.
“Then what are you worried about?” you walked over to him and gently grabbed his arm. He tensed up at your touch. “Please talk to me,”
He looked at you, worry passing through his eyes. “I’m worried about you,”
He nodded, lowering his head again, “Why would you want the Primera Espada around? I’m stronger than all of you. You should be afraid. Afraid that I might betray you. Or kill you.”
You grabbed his hand, holding it tightly in your own. “Will you betray me? Will you kill me?”
“Of course not,” he whispered, staring at the ground. “But I could.”
“Then what is there to worry about?” he looked up at me in disbelief, “I know you’re stronger than me. I still trust you, though.”
“You… trust me?”
“Yeah. Weird since I don’t really know you, but… it’s true.” You smiled, softly.
He returned the smile, lacing his fingers with your own. “You really are insane. I hope you know that.”
“Heh. So I’ve been told.”
He suddenly pulled you into his embrace, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. You wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest.
“You’ll stay then?”
“If you really want me to,”
“I do,” you hesitated before pulling him down until his lips met yours. His body tensed but he quickly responded, moving his arms down to your waist to pull you closer. He wanted your body against his. He wanted to hold you and never let go.
“Awww,” Lilinette chirped, making the two of you pull away and look at the group in front of you.
Rukia was grinning, Ichigo looked shocked, and Grimmjow looked bored.
“Can we go back, now?” Grimmjow asked, “I’m hungry.”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing Starrk’s hand.
“Days come and go, but my feelings for you are forever,”
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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kezibun · 4 years
Day 3 Dating start! 
Thankfully this one doesn't need a backstory all ya gotta know is the fact Kezi is now recovered, so let's just get into it. 
"Hey Red, you ready?" Kezi chimes as she comes down the stairs, dressed up just a little. 
"Yeah sure am Sweetheart are you?" 
She slips on her shoes and grabs her bag. "Yup! Am now Let's go." 
"You gonna tell me where we're going yet?" He asks as he gets his lazy coccyx off the sofa. 
"Nope, Now come on." She giggles pulling him along over to the door. 
"Alright, alright I'm coming." He chuckles.
They both step out of the little house into the street. It's quiet but there are a few people about and a couple cars on the road just a typical little town street. Kezi gives a little skip as she starts down the street with a smile, Red follows suit. She goes to take his hand but he moves his arm up over her shoulders and pulls her close. 
She giggles with a little blush. "Love you Sans." 
"Love ya too." 
"This is really nice." She sighs happily as they head over to the park. 
"Didja just drag me out here fer a walk in the park? That's kinda lame, little cliche." He laughs half joking. 
 "Do you really think I'd do that to you my lazy skelly-bones?" She giggles.
 "Hope not or this might be our only date." He chuckles. 
"No pressure much. But, don't worry this is a shortcut, silly. It's worth it I promise."
"Ya obviously don't know the meanin' of that word Sweetheart. I'll show ya a real shortcut on the way home, k doll?" 
"Sure sweetie. But since you've never been here and I don't drive this is the fastest way to where we gotta be." 
"Alright whatever ya say." 
She takes him through the beautiful park, with the lush green trees, pretty little flowers and past the little pond as they walk down the dirt paths on the beautifully sunny day. And despite everything Red does seem to be enjoying it, even just a little. They then make it out the other side of the little park into a new street, she takes him around the corner and up that street past a few shops and stops in front of a little coffee shop. 
"Tada, we're here!" She chirps happily. "This is my favourite coffee place ever." 
"Oh, it's pretty cute, like a certain someone I know." 
"Oh Sans you little flirt." She giggles blushing again and planting a little kiss on his cheekbone, she takes him in and they sit in a little alcove. "So what do you want? I'll go get it." 
"What are ya havin'?" He asks as he looks over the menu.
"I'm going to get hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream." She smiles. 
"Alright, that sounds good, gimme the same will ya?" 
"Of course." She chimes as she goes off to get the order. 
Red looks around. The coffee shop is all in cute pastel colours but still somehow keeping a little class at the same time. He then plays with the little white rose on the table with a little smile…. 
This is so Kezi… he thinks to himself.
Soon enough Kezi comes back with a tray that has two hot chocolates and two pieces of cake. She puts the tray down and places a drink and cake in front of Red.
"What's dis?" He asks with a smile. 
"Only the best chocolate cake in town with extra chocolate sauce, some cream and a side of strawberries. I'm pretty sure you'll love it." She beams with anticipation. "Go on try it."
"It looks good." He hums taking a fork full… "mmm… dis taste good too…" 
"It's nice isn't it. I'm glad you like it." She giggles and takes a bite of her own. "In my opinion it's worth the little walk."
"I guess… it's like maybe almost good enough." He chuckles. "But sharin' this moment wit ya might just make it completely worth it." He lets out a content sigh as he wraps an arm around her. 
"Awww isn't that just the sweetest thing I've ever heard." 
"Yeah was pretty sweet of me wasn't it?" He chuckles. "think I might deserve a little sugar for that ey?" His grin turns into a cheeky smirk and he sends her a wink.
"Sure," She giggles a hint of mischief in her voice and her eyes. She reaches over, picks up the sugar bowl and goes to hand it to Red. "Help yourself." 
"Don't mind if I do." He laughs as he pulls her face closer by her chin and gently presses his teeth against her lips for a quick kiss. "Thanks sugar." He sends her another wink. 
Even though she was expecting that she still needs to flusteredly hide her face in his jumper. He just pats her head with a little chuckle.
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larissaloki · 5 years
I blame you mate
God this is the first for me this kink! Abo lactation kink. Was a little difficult writing this but it was a good exercise to get my focus back onto writing, excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes, mygrammerly app fucked up and I was re going through correcting the mistakes it was making worse! Literally it was highlighting the middle of words and giving suggestions to change them and at first I didn't realise and ended up with a mess of a fic!
Anyways this is Bucky/tony established relationship, omega Tony with lactation kink and a trade peice for @velvetmetal :) hope it meets expectations! Please for the love of God don't read if don't like this sorta thing!
Huffing with indignation, Tony eyes a maternity bra that Pepper handed him. When he and Bucky had decided to try for a baby, Tony never realised just what he was letting himself in for.
Hot flushes and mood swings were the more manageable side effects, what Tony wasn’t prepared for was the bizarre cravings; cravings that seem to change every now and again. At first it was fried chicken, then hot chocolate and now in addition to the hot chocolate; he also wanted bbq flavoured food. Didn’t matter what type, it just had to be bbq flavoured.
He also was not prepared for his skin to become far more sensitive to materials, he has ended having to wear the softest of fabrics washes in special new-born washing pods. Bucky’s oversized hoodie had become a personal favourite for Tony as of late, the smaller omega often stealing it to wear while being naked underneath. Clothes that used to be comfy, are now uncomfortably tight and often he goes without clothes if he can or removes them as soon as possible. Recently, a bit early but thanks to Bucky’s constant attention to his chest, Tony has started to lactate. Drops of milk started to leak through his shirt the day before, much to his horror, during a meeting.
Thank heavens for Pep and her noticing before anyone else did and subtly handing him his jacket.
“Do I really have to wear this thing Pep?” grumbling some more, Tony looks at the bag on the table in front of him. In the bag are various other bras in a range of different colours and patterns.
“If you don’t want anymore leaks to happen in public places, then yes” smiling at him sweetly, Pepper deposits another bag on the table, she made sure to get as many different types and colours as possible, to be sure to get at least a few that Tony will like.
“I am blaming Bucky for all or this...”
“What we blaming on me this time, Doll? ”
Freezing, Tony looks over his shoulder to see Bucky just getting back from the gym, a grey towel around his neck that Bucky is using to dry his sweat-soaked hair. His vest and shorts seem glued to his body as he moves, flexing his arms when Bucky notices Tony’s gaze straying to them.
“Eyes up here, Doll” Grinning at Tony’s flustered expression, Bucky grabs a cup and uses the dispenser on the front of the fridge to get cold water before making his way to the table. “What’s all this, babe?”
Flushing a deep red, Tony watches as Bucky peers into one bag and pulls out a black widow patterned bra.
“Well thanks to your obsession with my nipples, I’ve started to lactate already! I started yesterday during a meeting, Pep brought these this morning for me”
Bucky’s face lights with surprise as he hears this for the first time, last night he had gotten home late from a mission and Tony had already been in bed. This morning Bucky left the bed first before Tony was even awake.
Both are only partly aware of Pepper gracefully leaving the kitchen, grateful that this was Tony’s private kitchen and that the rest of the team are downstairs, in the communal kitchen.
A slow wicked grin starts to spread across Bucky’s face as he finally processes what Tony has told him. Putting the bra and the cup of water down, Bucky uses his foot to hook around a leg of Tony’s chair and pulls it to make Tony face him.
“Let me see~”
Yelping and covering his chest as best as he can, Tony glares defiantly up at his mate.
“No way mister! Your obsession with them got me into this in the first place, like hell am I letting you make this worse!”
“Awww come on Sugar, you love it when I play with them, you get the prettiest blush ever and your voice makes that cute sound,”
Grumbling to himself, but unable to deny any of that, Tony looks away to the side briefly before dragging his eyes back to Bucky’s heated gaze. Feeling his resolve weakens, knees feeling like they are already made of jelly just from that look alone. Slick already trickling out into the lounge pants he’s wearing.
Oh good, sex drive seems to be back with a vengeance.
“Fine, but only because I’m horny as hell right now but we gotta move to the bedroom. I’m not getting a bad back from having sex out here”
Tony had barely finished talking when Bucky eagerly swept the omega up into his arms, the sharp scent of alpha arousal filling Tony’s senses as Bucky marches out of the kitchen, down the lush carpeted hallway and finally kicking open the bedroom door. Bucky doesn’t even seem to notice the door smacking the wall that’s behind it, his nose buried in Tony’s hair since the omega was in his arms, his mind preoccupied as he thinks of all the things he wants to do. Yet so little time to do it all in.
Carefully placing his mate on the massive bed, Bucky steps back to peel his sweat soaked clothes off, going slowly despite Tony’s needy whines. Tony is already clumsily pulling his lounge pants off, while not taking his eyes off of Bucky. Not even once.
“so pretty, my pretty sweet omega”
Grinning wickedly, Bucky kicks aside his clothes before crawling onto the bed and over Tony. Nipping and licking his way slowly up Tony’s body, leaving hickies here and there to leave a visible claim on Tony. Even if no one else will see the marks, Bucky just can’t help it but want to leave evidence that Tony is his.
Whimpering, Tony threads his hands through Bucky’s long hair, tangling his hands in the strands as he tugs. Trying to urge Bucky up faster.
Grinning, eyes dark with want and lust, Bucky gives Tony’s belly one last kiss then moves up to Tony’s leaking chest. Eyeing the leaking tits with interest yet curiosity, Bucky tentatively licks the nub of one, licking up the fluid.
Surprisingly the fluid has little taste; being that it’s not actually milk yet and just mostly clear fluid that has a little bit of white in, Bucky leans in to lick the nub again to make more dribble out.
Whining at the attention to his nipples, Tony feels his face flush as he lays back, letting Bucky have his fun.
Leaning over Tony more, Bucky takes a nipple into his mouth fully and sucks on it, coaxing out more of the fluid. Now getting a bit more of the watery milk taste. Rumbling softly, Bucky tugs on the nipple with his teeth playfully before sucking on it again, harder this time. The teasing and pulling on the bud has Tony squirming on the spot, whimpers and whines falling from his lips.
Just as the nipple in Bucky’s mouth starts to become over sensitive, Tony pulling at Bucky’s hair more because of it, Bucky switches mercifully to the neglected one. Groaning as more of that milky liquid splashes over his tongue.
“You taste good Doll, so sweet”
Murmuring against Tony’s chest, puffs of heated breath tickling Tony’s skin, Bucky nibbles the patch of skin in the centre of Tony’s chest.
“stop teasing!”
Chuckling at Tony’s command, Bucky turns his attention back to the red and swollen nubs, nipple and sucking on them some more while a free hand comes up to twist and tease more fluid to dribble out.
Soon Tony is crying out softly at how sensitive his chest is becoming, trying to twist away from Bucky’s relentless assault on his poor nipples.
“F-fuck! Bucky please!”
Embarrassingly enough, despite how sore and over sensitive Bucky was making his chest, the longer Bucky teases them, the wetter and hornier Tony seems to get. The more desperate his begging starts to become.
It’s all music to Bucky’s ears, now to make a symphony.
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noquirkyurl · 5 years
Happy Belated Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!
I had no spoons to do this the other day, but fanfiction is such a huge part of and legitimate joy in my life that I need to acknowledge that.
I am fandom old y’all!  I’ve been involved in fandom and reading fanfiction since 1994.  I’ve been in dozens of fandoms and read thousands and thousands of fanfictions.  My life has been made richer every day by fanfiction authors and the blood, sweat, and tears that they pour into their work.  
I follow many tremendous authors on here - this is only a small sampling of the wonderful gifts that they have put out into the world.  I had to force myself to choose only one from each author.  
Thank you all so much for everything you do - for making me laugh and cry, for dreaming up new and exciting ways for me to fall in love with these characters all over again.  I love you all, thank you so much for sharing your remarkable talent with us! 
@jadziabear - Some Nights - Bucky/Darcy/Steve.  I believe that this may have been the first Bucky/Darcy/Steve - I love Darcy in this- her heart is so big and she loves so hard and you just want to hug her.  
@amidtheflowers - A Little Bravery - Bucky/Darcy.  It would be impossible for me to express my love for this story.  It’s so utterly charming and sweet and I love this happy well-adjusted Bucky completely.  Plus the kissing is A+! 
@yespumpkindoodlesthings - Welcome to Vampireville, USA, Darcy Lewis - Brock/Darcy.  I love the shared POV, I love how stupid Brock is over her almost right from the beginning.  I love the Loki of all of this.  I love Brock’s back story.  There’s just a lot to love here.  So charmingly written that I instantly fell in love with this version of Brock and Darcy.  
@sarahbeniel - Spring Training - Bucky/Darcy.  Bucky’s POV is so convincingly male - his thoughts and motivations - his interactions with the guys and his musings on Darcy - I absolutely adore the Bucky voice in this.  I get a goofy smile on my face just thinking about what an utter delight this story is. 
@dresupi -  Volcanic Like a Hot Spring - Brock/Darcy.  Charming and funny with a thread of sweetness - but oh wow.  So hot.  *fans face*  SO SO SO hot.  
@ibelieveinturtles - Deal With the Devil - Brock/Darcy.  Have I mentioned I love AUs?  This made me grin like an idiot - and gave me a tingle in my tummy when Brock makes his final demand.  I have a weakness for not-quite-redeemed Rumlow.  Sue me.  This is delightful! 
@cchellacat - The Checkout  - Bucky/Darcy.  This is part of a larger collection of stories and there is a continuation later in the collection - but this piece as a stand alone is so powerful and moving.  By all means, read the second part - but only after you sit a moment and really absorb the impact of this. In a world of heroes and villains - this is so tragic in it’s normalcy. 
@grimeysociety - Death of a Marriage - Bucky/Darcy.  Transcendent.  I love AUs and this is amazing.  There is so much detail and depth to this, it made my heart hurt in the best way. This is a beautifully broken love story.  
@awww-brain-no - Down in New Orleans - Remy/Darcy. #1. There is not enough Remy/Darcy in the world.  #2. I am soulmate trash and this is delicious.  #3  I love Darcy’s relationship with Logan in this.  
@chrissihr - My Two Front Teef - Bucky/Darcy. One of my favorite things about the MCU is the potential for Found Family dynamics - this is one of my favorite Found Family stories.  There is so much to love here. 
@zephrbabe - Dragon- Brock/Darcy/Bucky.  Part of a larger work, but this is the chapter that keeps me up at night, thinking of all the things that could happen next. I love the way the world-building seems effortless and makes everything come alive. This is an OT3 (and an AU) that I would be so happy to see more of.
@leftennant - Rule Number One - Bucky/Darcy.  I love AUs and this is a great AU.  The description of Darcy’s first impression of Bucky, and then when you find out why it was so.  Bucky’s family is awesome.  SO AWESOME.  I heart this story so hard. 
@anniemar - Easy Chair - Bucky/Darcy.  Friends to Lovers is one of my favorite tropes and this is done SO well.  Poor clueless Bucky.  Sam Wilson is the best.  “Go get the booty.”
@wahwahwaffles - Left Behind - Bucky/Darcy/Steve. Vengeful!Darcy, Multi-personality Bucky.  I love The Winter Solider, he makes me laugh inappropriately. 
@higgsboshark - It Don’t Mean a Thing - Bucky/Darcy.  The relationship build in this is fantastic - that moment in the coffee shop makes me absolutely giddy with joy - and that first kiss is a DOOZY! 
@iamartemisday - LokiDay - Loki/Jane Foster.  I think that this was the first MCU story I read.  I came looking for fanfic after I saw Thor, and much to my surprise, though I ended the movie shipping Thor/Jane - once I read LokiDay I was totally on the Lokane train! 
@nourgelitnius - Live Fast Die Young (Series) - Steve/Darcy.  I love the imagery in this story, it’s lush and lyrical and it’s so dynamic that it serves as another character in the story.  I find myself thinking about this story at the oddest moments and going back to re-read it.  Also, I love AUs. 
@anogete - Pulling Me Under - Bucky/Darcy.  I love Darcy being extremely competent at something completely unexpected. - The chemistry in this is off the charts and the many and varied ways and places they take advantage of the chemistry is delightful. 
@bjorkshirepudding - Standing Eight Count - Bucky/Darcy.  No longer on Ao3 or hosted online - but this is one of my favorites because it helped excise a lot of negative feelings I had.  Beautifully written AU. 
@holdmecloseandfast - Grade A American Beef  - Bucky/Darcy.  Absolutely A+ relationship development, delicious UST, delightful RST, and I love the shared POV.  Darcy’s family is a freaking delight.  Just an absolute favorite! 
@puffabilly -  Witness - Clint/Darcy.  One of my first Clint/Darcy reads and remains a favorite.  That first kiss is a doozy! 
@inkbert - Here I Am, and I Stand - Bucky/Darcy  Gut-wrenching. I think this is closest I’ve ever come to actually hating Bucky. When I need a good cry, I can always rely on this story to do the trick. 
@imogenpenn - Rivers and Roads - Clint/Darcy.  Sweet and a little melancholy - this is a Fraction-style Clint who says so much with his silences.  I love the way he’s there for Darcy in this and their developing relationship is beautiful. 
@twistedingenue - The Coming Storm is Gonna be a Crazy Ride - Clint/Darcy.  Another longtime favorite - that moment when Clint tells Darcy how he feels.  *sigh*  Still makes me swoon.  
@hardboiledmeggs - In the Blue Dark - Bucky/Darcy.  Has one of my favorite lines of dialogue of all time:   "What are you gonna offer me next? Heroin and a bottle of high fructose corn syrup?"
@nssismore - Let Me Ride - Steve/Darcy Bucky/Darcy.  Hot.  that is all.  HOT like the burning sun.  One of those stories where you remember that it might be weird to tell someone how turned on you are.  
@greglet - Ancient Mars - Mark Watney/Mindy Park (The Martian) - Fantastic slow burn - great characterization - Avocado the Cat.  
@pinkcoffeefrog - What Big Hands You Have - Brock/Darcy.  I love Fairytale re-tellings, and I love problematic fictional men. This is super sexy and I love that DUN DUN DUN moment at the end.  Excellent! 
@becisvolatile - Taste in Men - Clint Darcy.  There is a moment when it goes from simmering UST to getting-read-to-boil-over-RST that is so yummy!   This Clint makes me melty. 
@themonkeycabal - Run ‘Verse - Bucky/Darcy.  This story is eventually Bucky/Darcy, but it’s so much more than that.  This is a love story to the character of Darcy Lewis and a gift to everyone that loves her.  
@pepperpottsblogs - Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered - Bucky/Darcy/Steve.  I love Witch!Darcy - and a recurring theme in my favorites, I love mutually pining idiots.  One of those unfinished WIPs that I live in perpetual hope of seeing an update, but am grateful either way.  
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rueitae · 6 years
No Reservations
Written for @rosieclark for @plancevalentineexchange 2019! She requested angst. I hope I have delivered. Roughly 8,700 words.
Read on Ao3.
For those who just want fluff... don’t read past ‘The lights go out.’
Lance sighs, content as he sinks into the plush upholstery of a lounge chair, too lazy - and full from the breakfast buffet - to bother to take off his shoes even though they’re back in the condo. He’s on vacation after all.
The Retreats at Noeuna-4 offer everything one could hope for in terms of luxury and recreation. Massive buildings contain their own climate control system, and over the past few days Lance has hiked, skied, and surfed in five different ecosystems. Between physical fun, he’s dined in high end restaurants and lazed about in several of the elaborately designed swimming pools scattered across the grounds, all advertised to host a million guests in comfort.
The rooms reflect the opulence of the common areas, complete with all the snacks and drink a couple may need. A gigantic monitor hangs on the wall, overtly labeled to make video calls or control various room functions, as well as play video games or watch television.
The technology is childishly simple for two former Voltron Paladins, but Lance is thankful to not have to think at all. That’s what vacations are for.
He reaches over to an end table, surface of polished grey stone, and picks a creamy, laminated card on top of a stack of them. He grins as he reads the contents. “Hey, Pidge. Check out this one from Veronica!” Lance clutches his chest, overwhelmed with warm fuzzies from his sister’s thoughtfulness. “She drew a tiny me as Cupid, shooting a tiny you through the heart. Awww…”
Pidge plops down across from him on the king-sized bed, small compared to the rest of their honeymoon suite. She raises an eyebrow, looking less than impressed. “Only if your ‘Cupid’s laser’,” she says, air quotes to accompany, “hit a building, bounced around an alleyway, ricocheted off a lamppost and stuck to me.”
“And it worked.” He smirks, firing finger guns at her. “This is only the beginning, Pidge. We may be married now, but I will woo you every day. I have years to make up for.”
Pidge simmers, her upper body slumping in annoyance. She selects a card from the top of a separate pile on the bed stand. “I can’t believe I signed up for this.” Despite the words, she smiles. “How did we end up like this? It feels like a dream.”
The how doesn’t matter at this point, nor that they’ve been together romantically in some capacity for years now. Not for the first time, Lance just looks at Pidge, filled with affection for his wife.
Her sundress billows across the bed’s disheveled sheets, legs crossed comfortably - something Lance only knows thanks to a hundred mornings just like this. Her hair is still damp from the bath they shared earlier in the morning and he can still feel the thick clumps of her shampooed locks in his hands. It’s as if she glows and Lance falls in love all over again.
“Are you okay?” she asks, her adorable nose wrinkled as she analyzes him. “You’ve got that lovestruck look on your face.”
Lance leans an elbow on the armrest, cheek on his fist. “Hard not to when I get to look at your face every morning.”
Pidge flushes pink, despite their intimacy the night before (even that hadn’t been the first), and she stammers for a comeback. His heart flutters - he’s thrilled to get any sort of reaction from her.
“You’re insufferable,” she says, opening the card.
Strung along by whim and a desire to be next to his wife, Lance rises from his lonely chair and slides onto the bed behind Pidge. He rests his arms on the sides her waist and plants a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. Pidge curls into him, cutting off that side of her neck. “Lance, that tickles.”
“I know,” he teases, and places a kiss on the now exposed side.
Pidge giggles (and snorts) and twists on her knees to face him, locking her soft lips with his and preventing him from kissing her neck again. She presses her hand down on his shoulder, rising over top of him. Lance buckles back onto the piles of pillows at the head of the bed, body warming and anticipation rising.
She sticks the card in his face as she pulls away, blocking his lips from reaching her. Kissing the card is better than kissing a mouse at least. “This one’s from Hunk. We should read it together.”
Lance groans. “You’re a tease,” he complains as he takes the card. He steals a kiss from her forehead. “I love you so much. I’m the luckiest guy to be married to you.”
Pidge grins and leans back into him as he opens the card for both of them to see. “Luck is one of your best traits. Like, you’re lucky my mom didn’t find out we eloped. We’d  both  be grounded.”
Lance scans the writing on Hunk’s card and lets out a sharp laugh. “Looks like we didn’t fool everyone.”
“‘You lying liars,’” Pidge recites, not bothering to contain her own laughter. “‘I know you eloped, like, a year ago and you only had the wedding to con gifts out of us. Joke’s on you. I got you an off-brand blender so your milkshakes will never be as smooth as you like them! ...I love you guys. Congratulations. Come over often and I’ll make you proper milkshakes.’”
“I don’t know how we’ll survive without him,” Lance laughs. “Maybe we should move into the attic of his Earth-based restaurant. Then we’ll never have to do any cooking ever.”
Pidge plucks Hunk’s card from his fingers and sets it off to the side. “Tempting, but you start school in a few months and I’m still testing the limits of the Defenders vehicles.” She hums, tapping a finger on her chin. "I wonder what would happen if Shiro interacted with them," she says with increasing awe before breaking out into a wide grin. "Maybe the vehicles will combine into a Voltron like the Lions! Lance! Remind me to check the dynotherm connectors when we get back - no, wait, I'm gonna call Matt right now and make him do it." She scrambles off the bed, intent on making her video call.
Lance wraps his arms around her waist, stopping her from going any further, nose pressed up against her lower back. The scent of the local perfume fills his senses and, despite leaning forward awkwardly, he wants to stay like this all day. "I love it when you talk science," he says breathlessly, "but It's our honeymoon. Your brother can wait, tell me all about it."
Small hands hold tightly onto his larger ones, resting on her abdomen. She rolls her thumb over his skin and Lance melts at the soft touches. Heat rises in his belly once more, wanting nothing more than to pull her back to the bed and lie beside her, recreating the morning’s peaceful afterglow.
"Speaking of… talking...” Pidge says instead, “did you remember to make the reservation for the Hilt tonight?"
His eyes snap open and out of his blissful daydream. The Hilt is the premier restaurant of the resort, one that has Hunk's rare seal of approval. Pidge has been wanting to eat there for a few days now.
He forgot to make the reservation again.
Lance breaks away, jumps off the bed, and makes a beeline for the video phone. "Maybe my luck will get us a free spot tonight,” he says as he reaches the video phone, turning to face her with a weak grin. “If not, I'll make a reservation for sometime this week, I promise," he assures her, clasping his hands together as if it will prove his words true.
Pidge fidgets with the hem of her dress. "Okay, sure. The soonest opening you can get, okay? It doesn't have to be the best table or anything."
"Only the best for the best," Lance insists. Though he compliments her, Pidge gives no reaction, her enthusiasm for the Defenders project so distant compared to her current fidgety mood. He runs the top of his teeth along his bottom lip, heart twisting with guilt; she really wants this. He’s a failure if he can’t read her intentions after not only dating, but also having been linked mentally through sentient robots.
But they are in the condo now, surrounded by lush alien jungle and a mile from their nearest neighbor - with nothing to distract them but each other - so Lance is determined to make it up to Pidge and finally get the reservations. It will be a romantic evening like no other - just him and his wife, candle-lit dinner and all, he swears it - he isn’t called loverboy Lance without reason.
He presses the comm button that will connect him with the hotel lobby, but instead of their pink-skinned alien hosts, static greets him.
"That's weird," he muses. "It was working fine last night when we ordered room service."
Pidge bends down and pops open the plate that hides the wiring behind the wall. She examines the bundle, fingering the wires as musician to a harp. "Everything looks normal.” Her brows furrow. “It must be on the lobby's end."
Lance groans. So much for any after-breakfast snuggling today. "Let's go then. We might as well take our swimsuits for the water park since we can just head there after stopping at the lobby."
Pidge smiles up at him, instantly lifting his mood. "I hope you brought the right swim trunks." She smirks. "I heard the Galaxy Whirl can rip them right off of you."
He matches her grin, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"
She stands, closing the gap between them, teasingly twisting the fabric of his shirt between her fingers. "Maybe we should do a quick test run in the shower to make sure they stay on."
The lights go out.
Lance blinks to acclimate his eyes as quickly as he can, his other senses on high alert. First the comm unit and now the power? Instinct makes him reach for his bayard... which he hasn't had since the Lions departed. Perhaps the years as a Paladin have made him too paranoid. It’s probably just a malfunction.
"Who's there?" Pidge demands. Lance places a hand on her shoulder - she's just as tense as he is.
A high-pitched zing is the only warning Lance has before his shins slam together, tied snug by weighted cord. He flails his arms, seeking balance, yelping until the floor greets his face with a disorientating thud. “Owww…” He inhales through his nose and coughs wetly. Probably a nosebleed, but with his legs wound tightly together that’s the least of his concerns.
“Lance - AH!” Pidge yells.
Lance kneels. His heart catches in his throat as her head makes solid contact with the stone table lamp, her arms pinned snug against her sides. She falls onto the bed with a soft thump.
“Pidge!” He props his arms on foot of the bed, pulling himself up to be closer to her. She’s not moving. Maybe the fall wasn’t that bad, he tells himself, though his racing heart betrays his growing anxiety. He needs to make sure Pidge is okay, then find their attacker. “Talk to m-mhhhmmm!”
A clawed and scaly hand as big as his face cuts his words short. “Shhh,” the voice says softly, presumably belonging to their assailant. Quiznak, this isn’t supposed to be happening. They hadn’t been Paladins in  years  - they were so out of practice and so complacent… “We may be alone, but you’ll excite Kharl with your panicked squeals. Trust me, you don’t want that.” The voice - she, if Lance has to guess - chuckles at her own private joke. “Not yet anyway.”
A threatening hiss makes Lance jump, but the hand keeps him firmly in place. In the shadows, movement from the wall above the bed makes his skin scrawl. He's reminded of a lizard, and this would be a much larger one than he's used to on Earth.
His assailant removes her hand from his face and binds his wrists with magenta cuffs.
“We’re Paladins of Voltron,” Lance declares, filling his voice with as much confidence as he can muster, mind buzzing for a plan - a counterattack, anything. He’s picked up, and he grunts as he’s unceremoniously thrown onto the bed near Pidge. He rolls onto an elbow, making himself as big as he can. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.”
"I know who you are." Flashing yellow eyes seem to float above the edge of the bed, disembodied in the darkness. Lance’s stomach ties into a knot, terrified as the terms ‘bounty hunter’, ‘Zarkon loyalist’, and ‘pirate’ roll across his mind. He worms his way between Pidge and their attacker. Though they have no physical weapons, Lance isn’t defenseless. Pidge is small, but she’s far from frail. He can distract for as long as it takes for Pidge to come to and sneak a distress call out.
"Oh." Lance swallows, tasting the blood trickling down his throat. Execution is easier said than done, but if anyone is equal to the task, it’s him. He forces a weary smile. "I don’t suppose you’re just looking for autographs then?"
The eyes glow in amusement. "Of sorts. I am a great fan of your work, Paladin Lance. Your aim and situational awareness are something of legend in certain circles, although you seem to be out of practice.”
They’ve been tracked - hunted, Lance realizes, urgency growing in time with each heartbeat. "You’ve got us at a disadvantage," he says, and chuckles, lifting his cuffed hands. "Literally. But we don't know a thing about you."
Pidge groans softly from behind him and Lance wants nothing more than to turn around and see to her injuries, but he can’t, not when their lives may depend on it.
The eyes rise to near the ceiling, and a thump - probably large feet - reverberates across the floor. "Paladin Pidge,” the voice addresses and Lance growls at his failure, “technology and stealth expert. I am Rizak Ix and I have been looking forward to hunting you and your fellow Paladins."
Despite the direness of the situation, his mouth seems to have a mind of its own. “There’s only five of us,” he says though his heart pounds in his chest and through his ears. “I suppose our autographs  are  a precious commodity.”
It sounds so stupid when it leaves his mouth, but when the whites of Rizak’s teeth glint against the darkness to form a grin, Lance lets himself feel a bit better. He can work with an enemy with a sense of humor.
“I prefer a token of flesh and blood,” she says, “although I am woefully disappointed with your performance today, your capture was far too easy. I’ve waited years for the feared Voltron Paladins to become unneeded, I expected more of a challenge.”
“Then let us go,” Pidge insists. Her voice is groggy, but it lets Lance know she’s aware, and relief floods over him.
He leans over his shoulder, catching the shadows of her face. “Is your head okay?”
“...not great,” she admits. “I’ll deal with it once we’re out of this.”
The telltale whine of a laser gun powering up snaps Lance’s attention back to their bounty hunter. She’s easier to see as she stalks around the bed towards them, her head towering to near the top of the vaulted ceiling. A forked tongue wiggles from her delighted smile. A loaded pistol sits in her large hand, with dark pink streaks lining the outside of the weapon illuminating her dark grey scales.
“Allow me to assist,” Rizak says. Lance freezes in fear as she presses the barrel into the side of his neck. It taints the memory of the soft kisses Pidge planted there in what already seems like a lifetime ago. “I’ll have you both out of here shortly.”
“Don’t hurt him!” Pidge screams desperately. “Stop!”
The gun fires and Lance knows no more.
Lance wakes. He wishes the tranquilizer had been stronger when he takes in the stale, rotten air.
His vision is slow to come into focus, but it's clear the place is reminiscent of Galra prison cells: rectangular, grey, and metal-looking, although instead of any discernible door, there’s a skylight, barred in magenta. It looks too small to fit through, but the low hum of a ship’s engine distracts him from pondering further. They’re no longer at the resort.
Lance coughs, a poor attempt to relieve himself of the rotting stench in the air. Whatever had been kept in this prison before them hadn’t made it out alive. He refuses to think on what that might mean for them and the cold metal digging into his chin distracts him enough.
His chest tightens, not wanting to acknowledge that its a collar. Questions flood into his thoughts anyway. Shock? Aesthetic? What does this bounty hunter want with them? Probable bounty hunter anyway. What all does the universe have left to throw at them?
No wonder his neck hurts. His bum is sore on top of it, which means he’s been sitting up for a long while. At least his hands and feet are free again and his nose isn’t bleeding anymore.
A smaller body shifts against his side.
“Pidge?” he asks. She’s hurt, he remembers. He needs to make sure she is all right.
“I’m here,” she responds groggily, making no attempt to move from his side. Lance wants it no other way. Her touch means she’s here, and they’re together, not only creating warmth for their bodies, but also in his heart. He desperately needs that thread of security now.
But guilt twists in his stomach. “Sorry, Pidge. Go back to sleep. We’re going to need your brain to get out of this one.”
It isn’t fair. They did their time and saved the universe. Why does a happy ending still elude them?
“My head is killing me,” Pidge complains. “I don’t think I can.”
Lance shifts to face her, careful to make sure she doesn’t fall to the floor. A ring of clunky metal around her neck stares back at him, a dot of green light alone in a sea of dark grey, and he’s positive it’s a mirror of what he wears himself.
Pidge diverts his focus from their dreadful situation before it can overwhelm him. Though the movement isn’t much, she gasps and heaves, vomit spilling out before them. He holds her upright and gently rubs her back in silence. Finished, she shivers, and stares at the wall across from them as if in a daze.
“Okay, well, you really should,” he says. “I don’t remember that much from health class, but I’m pretty sure you have a concussion. You look just like Keith after he came back from that ice planet.”
“I feel like crap,” Pidge moans. “This wasn’t supposed to happen yet.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen ever,” Lance corrects, annoyed. He’s more alert now that he’s aware that he needs to take charge of the situation while Pidge recovers. “Look, we’re famous. Someone is bound to recognize us if this lady tries to sell us off. It might give us a fighting chance for escape too.” His words taste false as soon as he says them. The way the bounty hunter praised them, eager for a fight - Lance isn’t sure there’s a third party at all.
A quick, sharp buzz makes Lance jump. His heart freezes at the sight of several long, needle-like teeth grinding at the bars across the skylight. Translucent green slobber drips down to the floor as the creature gnaws, as if desperate to get in.
“Up, Kharl!” The teeth vanish from view at the bounty hunter’s words, the creature - Kharl - whining and panting as it skitters away across the top of the prison.
Lance decides he does not want to meet Kharl if he can help it.
The bars retract and a large bowl descends slowly, attached to a thick cord via a metal hook. Clear liquid, water probably, spills over the top as it jerks downward. Seeing an opportunity, Lance sets Pidge against the wall and rushes the cord, grabbing hold as it unhooks from the bowl and lifts back into the air.
He’s hit with an electric shock far worse than simple static cling, lighting his nerves on fire. He cries out as his back makes contact with the hard floor and slides backwards until Pidge catches his shoulders.
Hidden from view, Rizak laughs. The hook disappears through the opening. “Careful, Paladins, the wires are live. I wouldn’t recommend touching it twice. You’ll need your sprightliness, as well as the water, for later.”
“You won’t get away with this,” Pidge threatens. She tightens her grip on his shirt, a comfort as he comes out of his daze. “We have allies everywhere.”
“You'll find no friend in this part of the universe,” she advises. A bulging sack plummets from the skylight and it lands with a thud beside the bowl. “The water is fresh and the sack is full of rations. Eat your fill; you won’t die while on this ship.”
Lance seethes, face twisting in displeasure. He can’t stand to be patronized by their captor.
But the gesture of food and water both throw him for a loop and set his stomach into further unease. What - or who - did she need them alive for?
“Then get Pidge something for her nausea! She can’t eat if she’s sick,” he demands. His feelings don’t matter if Pidge is ill.
“Rizak the Patient,” Pidge says before the bounty hunter can respond. “I remember your name from the black market channels. Kind of an odd nickname for a bounty hunter.”
A deep chuckle reverberates through the air. “I have been watching your actions as Paladins since the early days of the Voltron Coalition,” she explains. “And the more I learned about each one of you, the greater my desire to test my skills against the defenders of the universe. I am willing to take my time to get results.”
A crash and thud from just the other side of the wall startle Lance while Pidge jumps away from the point of origin.
“Kharl, however, is not so patient.”
Claws scrape at the wall and the beast breathes deep, sniffing incessantly.
Lance catches on fast, inhaling sharply in fear. Rizak is a hunter and Kharl is her hunting dog.
He and Pidge are the prey.
The magenta bars snap back into place between the skylight. “Now that the universe no longer needs the Paladins or Voltron for its safekeeping, I will take this opportunity to hunt the both of you. I am positive you will all make excellent trophies.”
Lance swallows hard. The implication behind ‘trophies’ makes his stomach churn. He imagines those long, sharp teeth sinking into his chest, green slobber the last thing he sees in life - a life cut far too short for what they fought to preserve.
It isn’t fair.
But the thought of that fate for Pidge ignites his anger. There are plenty of flight instructors at the Garrison to guide the next generation of pilots, but there’s only one Pidge who knows the workings of the Defenders’ vehicles better than the back of her hand, no one else who possesses both the experience piloting a sentient machine with the intimate knowledge of how they work.
The universe can’t lose Pidge. Lance refuses to lose yet another loved one, not when he can do something about it. He stands, intent on giving this bounty hunter a piece of his mind.
“Some great hunter you are,” Pidge jeers, beating him to the punch. Quiznak, this is why he loves her. The sharp tongue and defiance in the face of danger are weapons in themselves. “You captured us completely unarmed and unprepared.”
He takes her hand in solidarity and offers an encouraging smile, emboldened by her snark to offer some of his own, “Must be a side job. The day one must be boring.”
Pidge returns the smile, but it isn’t full or bright, merely thankful. Her resilience is only skin deep. She’s just as terrified as he is.
“Of sorts” Rizak says, taking Lance by surprise as he snaps his head upwards, “which is why the hunt will continue elsewhere. You will have all the resources of an uninhabited planet at your disposal. Simply survive and I will test my tracking skills.”
“ What? ” Lance squeaks, incredulous he’s hearing this.
“How is that even fair?” Pidge protests. “You can’t - you have tracking devices on us!” She points to the collar around her neck.
Of course that’s what they are! What’s to stop them from carrying electricity if the wires are charged?
A single click echoes in the air. Lance yelps as a red glow surrounds him and spreads down to his toes before disappearing.
“Red Paladin Lance,” an electronic voice says. “Heart rate: elevated. Minor bruising. Broken nasal cavity; ninety percent healed. Dehydration. Suggested course of action: rest, fluids.”
The red glow in his periphery turns green.
“That particular feature is turned off. The devices you wear exist to measure your vitals only,” the bounty hunter explains.
Lance stills in fear - she’d healed his broken nose? What else had she done to them? - rage building as he balls his hands into fists. “And we’re supposed to take your word on this? After you’ve kidnapped us?”
“On my honor as a Xunalmani, you will have ample opportunity to kill me once the hunt begins. I have placed your weapons of choice across the planet so that you will not be defenseless. And… I do not intend to let you die unless it is by my hand.”
A million questions race through Lance’s mind, and Pidge’s concerned expression mirrors his thoughts. If this is actually happening - it still seems surreal despite the accommodations - then they need to be prepared. What is the wildlife like? What is safe to eat? To drink?
His hands grow clammy, becoming more terrified by the second. Less about the threat of death, he’s used to that, but how she’s prepared the hunting ground like it’s a game.
“The resourcefulness of the Paladins is legendary,” she says in awe. “You had precious little to work with in your early days and still managed to not only survive, but thrive and take down the Galra empire. I am looking forward to seeing that resourcefulness in action.”
“We’re flattered,” Pidge drones. Her hand shakes in his.
His heart breaks. He would like nothing more than to have Pidge by his side to thwart this sick sideshow… but he also wants to keep her out of danger however he can.
“You don’t need both of us!” Lance growls desperately, staring intensely as if it could somehow break apart their cell. “Shouldn’t one former Paladin be enough for you? Let Pidge go!”
“Lance!” Pidge cries. “No! Don’t you dare!”
“I appreciate the enthusiasm to go first, Paladin Lance,” Rizak says. “I will oblige, since I want all three of you.”
Pidge freezes, but Lance pays it no mind as he mentally does the math. Who else does she have? Hunk and Shiro travel with the Atlas, and there’s no way a bounty hunter could get through that kind of security. But Keith… Keith is sometimes isolated during his humanitarian missions. Caught unaware, even the best fighter among them can fall.
“What have you done with Keith?" Lance demands.
“Lance…” Pidge says so quietly, he almost doesn’t hear.
“You’re screwed if you let him loose,” he continues instead. “Give him a stick and he’ll find a way to kill you with it.”
“Lance, it's not Keith she’s talking about,” Pidge says, her voice trembling.
It’s the voice she uses so sparingly, only in the most dire of situations, when she’s exhausted of all her rage and options. So he finally turns from the skylight to his wife. She grips his hand so tightly and clenches a fistful of floral fabric near her abdomen in the other.
Her eyes lock onto his like a finely tuned guidance system. She opens her mouth, “I’m -- “
“A child of two Paladins could be the challenge of a lifetime,” Rizak interrupts. “With proper training, I will have an apprentice for years and a one of a kind trophy.”
Pidge snaps her head towards the skylight. “Over my dead body!”
“That will be easily arranged once the child is born.”
Lance barely registers his own breathing, his mouth already growing dry as it hangs open, struggling to digest the new information.
Pidge is pregnant.
Pidge is pregnant with their child and they’re imprisoned on a quiznaking ship by a quiznaking bounty hunter.
Pidge takes pity on his slow comprehension, face softening despite her hurried breaths. “I wanted to tell you at dinner, to make it extra special,” she explains. Tears threaten to break out from her eyes. “I would’ve told you earlier if I’d known all this was going to happen.”
“It’s no fun hunting prey that isn’t in peak condition,” Rizak says. “Paladin Pidge will remain on the ship until the child is born.”
“Hold on, that’s almost nine months,” Pidge squeaks, eyes narrowing again in rage. “I am not staying that long, let alone giving birth here.”
Lance steps forward, “And there’s no way I’m letting you take our baby either.” The words are foreign to his lips, and any other day he might say it over and over, just to get used to how wonderful they sound. All he can do right now is use them for bluster.
He knows as things stand, he doesn’t have much choice in the matter.
Rizak bursts out a hearty laugh. “I look forward to the challenge from both of you.” A muted beep sounds in the distance. “We’ve arrived. You have five doboshes while I take the ship into the atmosphere and release Paladin Lance for the hunt. Say what you need.”
The clunk of boots are heavy on the roof of the prison, including the jump down to ground level.
They are literally in an animal crate.
Pidge pounds on the wall. “Get back here and let us go! I’ll show you a fight!” Her threat falls short of intimidating as she swallows hard and fails to hold back her sobs. “You got lucky! You’d never have caught us if we knew you were coming!’ She kicks the wall and bows her head against it, weakly slapping it with her palm.
Lance is drawn in as she cries, wrapping his arms around her, begging whatever is left of the Paladin bond to let him take all of her sorrow. He rests his head on hers. Never mind the fact he is about to be dropped onto an unknown planet, they’re about to be separated, and he won’t be able to protect her. He already tastes the failure and it scares him.
“This is actually happening,” Pidge chokes. She twists around and wraps her arms around his neck, but instead of familiar teasing kisses she buries her face in his chest.
Before he can blink Lance is on his knees and hugging Pidge as if his life depends on it, dragging her to the floor with him. “I love you,” he says, not bothering to whisper. “I love you and our kid. I’ll find a way off the planet and I’ll get you both out of here.”
“I’ll find a way to get a distress call out,” Pidge says as she tightens her grip on him. “She’s bound to let her guard down eventually.”
“I don’t want to leave you, either of you,” he says. His heart beats so fast it feels as if it can burst from his body. He tries to focus on Pidge, commit all of her to memory - the smell of her tropical perfume, the feel of her thick hair, the look of her face (if he can only find a way to make her smile right now) - because he honestly does not know when he will next see her. And that terrifies him more than whatever fate awaits him on this planet.
Pidge sniffs. “I don’t want you to leave. I want you with me and the baby, where you belong.”
“M-maybe there’s a secret door somewhere,” he jokes. She’d teased him the last time he suggested that at least. “We aren’t separated yet, Pidge. She has to take you out first. We can jump her.”
They have to; with no weapons it will be their one shot to get out of this nightmare before it gets much worse.
Pidge leans back and wipes the snot away from her face. “Yeah, okay. We’d better get ready.”
Lance nods in agreement and stands. He's so numb. Between their capture, imminent future, and the knowledge he will be a father… his emotions are in turmoil. He exhales, rolling his shoulders forward. One thing at a time. Get out of this first. Lift spirits.
He forces himself to grin, feigning confidence as he says, “Kiss for good luck?”
It works. His heart soars with joy when she stands and smiles at him, though her eyes still shine with tears. “You would. I should withhold it for when we’re safely back at the resort.”
“When we’re safe,” he says as he takes both of her hands, “I’ll be the one giving you a kiss. Promise.”
Her smile fades almost as quickly as it had appeared. Her eyes peer into his soul. “There’s a decent chance this won’t work, Lance. We might not even have the advantage of surprise if she’s expecting us to try something. So… if - if we are separated, you stay alive. That’s all. Just stay alive. Promise me that.”
The reminder of exactly how dire their situation is overcomes him and he drops to one knee. “I already made a promise to be by your side through everything.” He rubs the smooth silver band around her finger, the one he had inlaid with diamonds around the circumference before their engagement, the ring he had the honor of slipping onto her finger twice now. “I don’t intend to let death part us that easily. Trust me.”
Pidge nods and bites her quivering lip. “I do. I brought my dad and Matt back, so you can bet I’m coming to collect your quiznaking butt off that planet.” She takes a deep breath and glares, though he knows she’s not angry with him. “I am not raising this baby without you, understand?”
Despite everything going on, her words soothe him. He’s seen firsthand what Pidge will do for her family. “I do,” he says as he rises, cupping her cheek and wiping away her residual tears with his thumb. ”I believe it.”
She leans in, bracing her hand around the back of his neck. “Then I guess I can give you this.”
He meets her lips with his. The firm and easy press lets him easily take them away from here, back to the resort and then to their home on Garrison grounds. He imagines the two of them painting the guest bedroom in soft blues and greens in preparation for their first child, and a chorus of congratulations from friends and allies alike.
Heavy footsteps break him from his blissful daydream and Pidge from him. It’s time. They have to take a post on opposite walls.
He doesn’t want to let go - he can see it in Pidge’s eyes she doesn’t either - especially if it may be their last.
Like fingernails on a chalkboard, Kharl gnaws on the other side of the wall nearest to where they stand, stopping only to inhale their scent. They both jump, and Pidge uses the distraction to slip out of his hands. Lance opens his mouth to protest, but a hydraulic hiss forces his attention to his right.
Lance pins his back to the wall and waits as the hidden door slides down. He sets a foot against the wall, ignoring Kharl’s continuous sniffing, readying to launch himself at their captor.
Rizak walks up a ramp empty-handed. It’s the first clear view he’s had of her at all. She’s more lizard-like than he imagined, with a long tail and pointed teeth inside an elongated snout.
Pidge gasps, and her eyes widen with renewed fear. A heartbeat later, she’s clenching her teeth in the same rabid determination she displayed in the search for her family, hands balled up into fists. She charges and Lance follows her lead with a battle cry.
He collides with the force field before he runs into the bounty hunter, bouncing back onto the hard floor.
His heart catches in this throat when he sees Pidge on the other side, the bounty hunter’s thick arms around her neck, leaving Pidge’s legs flailing and hands scrabbling to get free.
A soft, red glow emanates off the grey scales. Lance places his own trembling hand near his collar, and a green light shines off his skin.
His blood boils. Rizak had planned for their counterattack and used it against them.
Then guilt sets in. It was his idea.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Rizak teases, squeezing Pidge closer to herself. “Could it be you’ve seen my kind before?”
Lance snarls and leaps to his feet, ramming his fists against the force field. “Let her go!”
Needle-like teeth ram at the barrier, creating yellow sparks. Lance steps back on instinct as the jaws unhinge and gnaw on the force field, threatening to cut him clean in half. Kharl is long, black with thick red stripes on his snake-like body - one with thin legs and sharp claws that Lance is very sure can shred him to bits.
He’s more concerned for Pidge at the moment.
“He was hunting my brother!” she shouts. “And I’d do the same thing again!”
“We have something in common, Paladin Pidge. We would do anything for our families,” Rizak says, caressing Pidge’s terrified face in a way that makes Lance quake with rage. “You took my brother from me, so I will take pleasure in taking you from your mate.”
Pidge pales. “No, don’t! If your beef is with me - “
“And after I hunt Paladin Lance, I will take your child, hunt you down, and finish my brother’s job.” She hisses. “Down, Kharl. Not yet.”
The creature backs down and slinks off into the shadows, but its eager, red eyes remain locked on Lance.
“You have twenty varga to prepare, Paladin Lance. Keep me entertained and you will live for another hunt,” Rizak instructs.
Lance swallows, keeping his heart from leaping into his throat. He’s still trembling and he hates showing how scared he is in front of their captor. “Just don’t hurt Pidge,” he manages.
“I take my investments seriously.” Rizak grins evilly. “She will be well cared for, and”--she holds Pidge painfully closer--“will have plenty of work to do.”
They are words Lance can’t bring himself to trust, but as the gears turn and the door begins to close and cut him off from Pidge, he forces himself to hang onto them. “Pidge!” he cries desperately, pounding on the force field - standing on his toes to keep her within his sights. “Katie!”
“Lance!” Pidge screams as the door locks shut, sobs intruding in her voice as she follows with, “I love you!”
So he, with all the wisdom of a man in his 20s who’s gone through war, saved the universe, is captured, and just wants to make his wife feel better, responds, “I know!”
Quiznak, his last words to Pidge ever might be a Star Wars reference. “I lo -- "
Lance doesn’t get a chance to change his words. The prison tilts and Lance is pulled back, striking the far wall and stuck there as if he’s a cadet in the Garrison’s centrifuge machine again. His heart threatens to rip out of his body and his stomach tightens. It feels like an eternity as the force refuses to let him even move his arms or yell in alarm to relieve the fear he finally feels for himself. He’s perceptive enough to realize he’s just been airdropped. Is he even going to survive this fall?
Finally the crate slams against solid ground, throwing Lance against the - wall-floor-ceiling? - metal. A crack and sharp pain jolts through his wrist and he screams in pain. He’ll have to start off this stupid game with a probable broken hand.
As he holds his wrist gingerly, the door swings open, hitting the ground with a slam and pillowing cloud of dust. Hot, humid air rushes over his skin. Lance takes a deep, trembling breath. “No problem. Just like home. You’ve got this, Lance.”
He takes his time walking down the ramp. Dozens of large metal crates litter the area between giant trees - it chills him that he isn’t the first to face this fate, nor the last if he and Pidge can’t do anything about it. The trunks are wider than any he knows on Earth, upended roots among the thick undergrowth large enough to fit a small house under.
It's a jungle paradise, just like the resort, only on a massive scale. He now knows what an ant must feel like.
Just the thought of what he’s been taken from pulls him to his knees, chest rising and falling hard. It wasn’t that long ago he and Pidge were safe, celebrating their time together. He wants to cry, but the tears don’t come. The air is wet enough as it is. Beads of sweat dot his forehead and slip down his temple and into his eyes.
The calls of the native birds sound mournful, appropriate for his mood. He’s not even come to terms, not completely, with the fact that he is going to be a father. How can he when the mother of the child is held captive by a bounty hunter who seems to have personal history with her?
Lance falls to his hands and knees. He rips some undergrowth from the ground and screams in frustration. There’s nothing he can do.
At least not yet. Rizak said she was coming in twenty varga, and if he can believe her, there’s a gun out here somewhere for him to make it a fair fight.
Lance stands and heads back into his former prison, filled with renewed determination. The fall spilled the water, but the ration packets and the bag will be indispensable.
He has a promise to keep, so for now he plays the game - aiming to win.
His heart sinks when he hears the shuttle descend into the atmosphere. Rizak is early.
Lance tears apart his enclosure as his heart thumps in panic over the break of routine, tossing the limbs and leaves of his former roof into the nearby stream. He douses the fire, throwing all he can into the water, and scatters the mud that made his walls. The more he makes it seem like he was never here, the better. A shame, this had been one of the nicer areas.
It’s been a long time, so long even his time as a Paladin seems like a fever dream. Rizak never divulges outside information, and he can’t keep track of the days for fear he’ll leave evidence of his stay in any given spot. He has no other contact with living beings and if he makes it out of here alive he’ll never eat another berry again.
Lance is tired, not just physically, and his heart feels as if it’s made of lead. He kneels beside a stream and washes his face and hands - his wrist healed, a mercy given to him after the first time she caught up to him. He needs to focus. Stubble and aged wrinkles stare back at him, along with the unnatural metal necklace he still wears, light blinking its usual green. He reaches out to the surface, touching his reflection. He hardly looks like himself.
Perhaps she’s finally bored of him. She’s captured him more often than not lately. Killing Kharl must have been the last great feat he’s allowed to accomplish.
“Pidge has it under control,” he tells himself. He misses her fiercely; there is no one Lance would rather have on his side in that ship.
He collects his two possessions: the promised rifle that took him way too long to find and the sack once filled with rations. He forces his legs to move. Best to put as much distance between himself and Rizak as possible. If he’s lucky he won’t even see her. Or maybe...maybe today will be the day he can snipe her, steal her ship, and rescue Pidge and their baby.
Their baby… he wonders what Pidge looks like with her belly swollen. She has to be showing by now.
He pounds his fist against the nearest tree. Not for the first time he thinks about how lonely she is, becoming increasingly vulnerable at the hands of their captor. He should be there for her, doting on her every need, kissing her belly, feeling their child kick against her skin, and taking her to proper doctor appointments. He wants to tell the baby of epic adventures - both real and fantasy - as Pidge fights a fond smile and rolls her eyes at him.
Lance needs to be doing all of those things, not spending time in this quiznaking jungle planet fighting for his life.
But he promised Pidge he would survive so that he would have those moments with his family in the future.
So he trudges on.
He also never loses sight of the shuttle. It’s typically landed by now, but today it heads right for him.
Lance picks up speed, sure to look over his shoulder as often as he can spare. His heart pounds through his ears as it gains on him. He changes direction, zig zags, shields himself with the towering trees. None of it matters as the shuttle follows him everywhere.
He runs into another section of the winding stream and plows in, water up to his knees soaking into his tattered clothes and resisting him with every step. It takes too much energy, but there’s higher ground on the other side where he can hide for a possible shot.
He catches a glimpse of red on the water’s surface. This must be the end. Lance can’t think of any other reason why the bounty hunter has turned on the tracking function.
He swallows a sob as he reaches the opposite bank. At least it’ll be quick if he fails.
Air drier and hotter than the ambient atmosphere washes over him, and the sun disappears as the shuttle overtakes his path, landing before him.
Lance stops and brings the rifle to a firing position, intent on making a literal last stand. The scope is long since broken, so he has to rely on his own sight for this shot. He’ll only get one. But his arms ache, and feel like noodles. He will miss if they don’t stop shaking.
The shuttle’s bay doors open, spitting in the middle and spreading out. The bottom half rests on the forest floor, creating a ramp.
A figure moves in the shadows and Lance shoots. He can’t afford to wait, not when his ticket to freedom and freeing Pidge is right there with only a bounty hunter in his way.
The shot ricochets off the door and onto a tree. His fingers shake, but he readies the next shot, teeth clenched in concentration.
“Lance, stop!”
He lowers the rifle. Is he already dead?
“Pidge?” he rasps, unbelieving.
But it is Pidge who emerges from the shuttle, resting a hand against the side, smiling at him with tears poking at her eyes in clear relief. She wears a tattered Galra prison uniform around her familiar slender form, but she’s never looked more beautiful to his strained eyes.
“You’re okay. You’re okay,” she repeats breathlessly. Her legs stumble forward. Lance drops his rifle and it bounces harmlessly among the fallen leaves. He easily finds strength from deep within himself to run to her.
She falls into his arms at the end of the ramp and they sink to their knees. Just having her body next to his again heals his aching and tired limbs. Pidge drapes her arms over his shoulders, and he wraps his tightly around her. She’s crying. “It's all over, Lance. She’s dead. We’re free.”
Relief washes over him like a flood. They aren’t endangered anymore. No more running for his life. He can finally put that behind him. “Pidge. Pidge,” he says. He can’t say her name too many times. “Katie, I missed you so much.”
“I was so worried about you. Every single day. I tried to ask her about you, but she wouldn’t tell me anything. I finally broke out of my room. I got a message to Keith. He was in the next galaxy over he…” Pidge rambles. “Lance, if I hadn’t gotten his frequency he would have never known we were here. They never stopped looking for us.”
How long had it been? Wasn’t Pidge pregnant? Why isn’t she showing? “Pidge... “ He breaks away, almost scared to ask. “The baby?”
But Pidge grins and it makes his chest light. “Your daughter is spending some time with her uncle Keith.” She cocks her head to the side. “I’ve told her all I can about you, but it’s better if she sees for herself. Not that she can actually remember since she’s only a few days old but - “
Lance breaks her string of ponderings with a kiss, unable to hold himself back any further. He’s missed her so much, and he just wants to know she isn’t an illusion.
Pidge relaxes, and returns it. How good it is to feel something something other than the thick air and sour berries on his lips. He takes care to moisten the cracks in hers, chapped from the dry spaceship systems.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there,” he says as they part. Lance knows it isn’t his fault, but his heart goes out to her all the same. “I didn’t know what she was going to do to you.”
Pidge hesitates. “She has a trophy room. It’s best if you don’t see it. Keith is working to find their home planets… to give them proper burials.”
It goes unsaid, but Lance understands. Either of them could have become part of the macabre collection sooner or later.
“it won’t happen to anyone else,” he assures her. “You're so brave, Pidge. I love you.”
Pidge leans her tired head into his chest. “I want to go home. I want you to see your daughter and I want the three of us together.”
Chest filled with warmth at the prospect, Lance presses a kiss on top of her head, holding her close. “I’ll go wherever you want.”
Together they rise and enter the shuttle. Lance doesn’t even look back as the bay doors close. He’s pleased that his pilot instincts remain as he prepares them for takeoff.
Pidge laughs at him from the copilot seat. “I’ll take it from here, Tailor. You look like you’re going to pass out.”
It was true he hasn’t slept well for - he pauses to take in the date on the dashboard - the past eight months. Silent tears reach his mouth, but he’s too numb to really take it in. The time he’s missed.... It's almost too much to bear. Perhaps a short nap  is  in order.
Lance smiles, chest light in contentment. He won’t need to wait long to see the subject of his dreams. And all things considered, he decides not to be too angry at Keith for getting to hold his daughter before him.
It’s finally over. When he wakes, he’ll be busier than ever. Forget the honeymoon he and Pidge never finished, it’s time to get to work making sure things like this don’t happen to anyone else, defending the universe by training the next generation.
He also has dozens of kisses for a tiny head that are far overdue, and he doesn’t expect to tire from it.
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baldysims · 6 years
Strange Legacy 3.3
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This one’s going to be a short one, guys.
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When last we left off, Angeline and Betelgeuse had finally died, and Fornax and Danni’s oldest daughters left for college along with their vampiric aunt Diadem. This left plenty of room for Danni to get pregnant with yet another set of twins, one of whom will hopefully be a boy, because Danni’s uterus could use a rest and so could I.
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What do you know, it’s a boy and a girl. Welcome to the family, Kornephoros and Lilii Borea. Kornephoros is the heir and the baby factory is officially shut down!
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As you probably gathered from the wishing well in the last chapter, the Stranges’ garden has been thriving and we have all the produce necessary to make every kind of juice, officially netting us an additional Seasons point.
Once the produce was mostly harvested, I repurposed the greenhouse to display all of our career rewards. That’s right, Cassie and Danni did it! That’s every single career reward in the game, and another sweet sweet collection point.
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And while we’re looking upon my works and despairing, we might as well get this shot of another 25 Elixirs of Life out of the way.
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Ahhhh. It’s good to have points.
Anyway, back to the family. It has come to my attention that I’ve given approximately zero screen time to Ilkil and Jishui, Fornax’s middle set of twin daughters, so please enjoy this shot of them as toddlers.
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Ilkil is the one on the right sweetly cuddling with an angelic expression to match her personality. Jishui is the one on the left, with eyebrows as sharp as her bangs. The two of them have kind of a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on.
They’re children now, of course. It’s just that I don’t have that many pictures of this time in the Stranges’ lives on account of being bummed that I essentially had to play generation 4′s childhood years twice.
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Trust me, though, you’re not missing much. Six kids + functional relationships among the adults = the only thing anyone does around here anymore is talk about toddler skills.
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And it goes without saying that the headmaster is over here constantly.
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It’s cute that Danni’s trying to impress him by talking about the Stranges’ fabulous wealth, don’t you think? There’s really no need for that as long as the tour ends in the same room as the open bar. I can see why he was such good friends with Angeline and Sharon back in the day; the man’s a complete lush!
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“When are you going to change me out of my default Maxis clothes and bowl cut? I’m the heir, right? I thought that meant you were going to focus on me, but here I am halfway through childhood and this is only the second photo you’ve ever taken of me."
You know, he’s got a point about the bowl cut.
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There we go. Sorry, kid, it’s just that I was burned out on your generation before you were even born, plus I’ve never found kids all that riveting to play in the first place. We’ll revisit when you hit your teen years, kthxbai.
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And that goes double for your sisters! Hurry up and grow up, all of you!
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“But dad, what if I’m the only one she got a picture of acknowledging that you wrote your memoirs and fulfilled the Storytelling handicap for your generation? Then she’ll have to take another picture of me as a child, won’t she?”
Jishui might be a little too smart for her own good.
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Is it really so much to ask that they take a leaf out of big sis Gomeisa’s book and grow up and move to college as fast as possible? Danni and Fornax are elders now; they should not still be raising four kids under 10 years old!
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Although if it was an option, I’m sure they’d be making more as we speak. These two are still just as in love as the day they met, and actually might be even more adorable in their old age.
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Awww. Yep, they’re definitely my legacy OTP. Now that every woohoo doesn’t have to result in children, I’ve been sending them on lots and lots of dates in the hopes that Fornax will roll the want for 100 Dream Dates. I’ve never seen it, but damn if I’m not determined to force it for the sake of another impossible want!
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Anyway, back to Gomeisa.
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Gogo’s been having all kinds of fun at college. Between the coeds, the parties, and the makeover of the house Aunt Diadem was able to fund with her scholarship money, it’s been a blast.
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I expected there to be some friction with Christy, what with the house being occupied by three competing Romance Sims, none of whom are particularly nice, but she surprised me by becoming fast friends with both Gomeisa and Hamal. Maybe last generation’s cowplanting actually took!
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Back on the home lot, Ilkil bucked Gomeisa and Hamal’s trend and rolled Family. I gave her a correspondingly wholesome makeover.
Jishui, on the other hand...
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Boy, I’m glad we have that wishing well. Handling all these Romance teens’ first kisses when all I want to do is get their asses to college would be hell otherwise.
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F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. Kornephoros rolled I-don’t-remember-what but I’m pretty sure it was Romance too (these pictures are well over a year old and I’ve since played him through his sophomore reroll, sue me) and Lilii Borea rolled... well, I’ll just let you guess based on her 8am pillow fight date with the creepiest Tricou kid on the front lawn in her pajamas.
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God bless Pleasure Sims.
Kornephoros was no different than his sisters; as soon as he got home from school, he too went straight for the wishing well and conjured up Swan Tricou for a first kiss.
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It was at this point that I realized, hey... I have six Strange kids and six Tricou kids. Wouldn’t it be kind of adorable to send them all to college and marry them off to each other Seven-Brides-for-Seven-Brothers style?
There’s just one problem: Swan doesn’t have enough chemistry with Kornephoros to work with the True Love restriction.
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Clearly, I had no choice but to make him fall for her sister.
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“Kestrel, we’ve only known each other for a few hours, but you can’t tell me you don’t feel what’s between us. Will you come to college with me?”
“Um... I don’t know if that’s going to work, Kor.”
“We’ll make it work! It’s true love”
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“No, I mean literally, I don’t see how that can work. Don’t you already have five sisters, an aunt, and a placeholder going to that lot with you? I don’t think I’d fit.”
Damn it, she’s right! Pardon me while I go do some rearranging.
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The choice for who had to go was clear. Christy has always been a Sim who tried my patience at the best of times, and she’s been living (and deceased) on this lot for well over fifty years now. It’s time for this perpetual student to graduate.
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Plus she keeps messing with Di’s coffin in the middle of the day, and I just can’t have that. It’s hard enough keeping a vampire alive in college as it is. The lack of a magic school bus has been really killing me over here, especially since Di chose the physics major and her classes are all in the middle of the day.
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So byeeeeeee, Christy! Don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you!
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Next time: How much trouble can 8 college Sims get up to when 4 of them are Romance and 2 are Pleasure? Is marrying two groups of six siblings off to each other primarily because the symmetry appeals to you a good idea? And just how long does it take to get back on the horse after your neighborhood explodes into a BFBVFS?
Legacy Scoring:
Legacy: 3.5 Money: 3 Family friends: 38x.25 = 9.25 Impossible wants: 9 (Alph 20L, Sharon 30F, Zaniah 7Sk, Angeline 7Sk, Fornax 7Sk, Electra 50FD, Diadem 7Sk, Danni 7Sk, Cassiopeia 200S) Platinum graves: 4 (Family, Popularity, Fortune) Ghosts: 1 (Old Age) Business: 4 Seasons: 4 + 2 (tree and fish/well/juices) Free Time: 3.5 (Games: Zaniah, Betelgeuse, Alpheratz, Electra, Fornax, Cassiopeia, Angeline) Collections: 3 (25 Elixirs x2, Career Rewards) Master: 2 (Social Bunnies Need Love Too, Child Prodigy - Fornax, ) Handicaps: 0 Overflow: 0 Penalties: -1(bills) Total: 47.25
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imagine-knb · 7 years
May I request cuddle head canons with Kuroko x s/o and kise x s/o if that hasn't been done?
Awww! I love cuddles! I hope you enjoy these! -Admin Jade
Kuroko, as we know, has low stamina so if all you want to do is cuddle for the night, he’s down. Hell, if you want to take a weekend day and spend all of it snuggled in bed or on the couch, he’ll love it.
For bed cuddles, Kuroko enjoys being the big spoon, wrapping his arms securely around your waist, his face settled against your back.
If it’s cold enough, he’ll tuck both of you under a lush blanket.
If you’re ok with it, he’d love for Nigou to be able to join in, settled at the base of the bed nestled next to your feet.
On the couch, he loves having you snuggled between his legs, knees bent, your back to his chest as you watch TV or a movie.
He’ll rest his chin on your shoulder, breath ghosting over your neck on which he plants random little kisses.
If you feel like reading, he’ll tuck himself under your legs, rubbing gently as you read outloud.
For as high energy as he is, Kise does appreciate down time, especially when cuddles are involved!
For bed cuddles, his favorite position is lying on his back with your head on his chest. One arm will be wrapped around your back, holding you close, while his other hand trails through your hair as he plants forehead or crown kisses on you.
Trail your hand under this shirt to caress his skin and he’ll positively melt. Not all touches have to lead to sex and he appreciates the simplicity of just being together.
It’s the quietest you will ever see him.
For couch cuddles, Kise enjoy being seated upright with you sitting sideways on his lap, his arms around your waist while yours are around his neck.
This is actually one of his favorite ways to have conversations with you. It helps him maintain focus in a world that is constantly vying for his attention.
However, this position also enables him to kiss you more easily and has been known to lead to more��erotic escapades.
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xsunqueensx · 4 years
Dotted I’s and crossed T’s
“Sanson.” The dark haired general turned at the mention of his name. “Yes your highness?”
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He replied. “Any word from the men in the city?” Jooheon asked straightening his sleeves. “No, only that the city is quiet; there hasn’t been any suspicious activity my lord.” Jooheon nodded, “Good, I want to send few more men to the shore; make sure they’re disguised. One can’t be too careful.” Sanson responded “Of course my lord.” “How are my people?” Sanson smiled, “They’re elated, many of them haven’t laid eyes on your queen since years ago. The majority of the rice has been purchased by the townspeople, I suspect Queen Ameerah’s arrival will be spectacular.” Jooheon patted the general on the shoulder, “I do hope so. It warms my heart that the people are ready for a new start.” Sanson returned the King’s smile, “Indeed, you may be a king of only a few days but, you have the heart and mind of a born leader. We’re lucky to have you majesty.” Sanson took a knee and smiled deeply. “I can always count on you to be honest when no one else will. You remember our pact don’t you?” Jooheon said with a more serious tone. “Highness, it’ll never come to that, please-“, Jooheon silenced his friend with another hand upon his shoulder. “I mean it.” Jooheon said holding his eyes, “Yes my lord.”
“Now, how’s training coming? Jooheon asked walking towards one of the many courtyards. “Training is going, we’ll be ready for the parade tomorrow.” The king nodded, “What about the new recruits? Have they been showing great prospect?” A chuckle left the general, “I believe we have a prodigy on our hands. His name is Baekyun, age 26. He’s been swiftly moving up the ranks, he’s shown great strength and aptitude in all weaponry. He’s almost as good as me.....almost.” Sanson grinned.”
“What’s his personality like?” Jooheon asked turning a corner. “He’s a cheeky little bastard, that’s for sure. I often find him in bed with different women around the castle with his...*cough*...’sword’, unsheathed.” I’m not sure which is to be feared more, his cock or sword your highness.” The two laughed and continued. “Well, keep an eye on him would you? We don’t want him scaring off the new house guest.” Sanson grinned and agreed.
Jooheon walked amongst his men, many of them we’re engaged in mock battle. Some we’re in the process of cleaning and sharpening their weapons and the others were practicing formations. He’d be lying if he said that the sight of his army didn’t excite him. It had taken some time, even under his father for the men to sharpen in their senses, instincts and fighting. Jooheon almost didn’t recognize his men and it made him incredibly proud, no doubt it would make his queen happy as well. All that Jooheon wanted to do was make her fellow army as comfortable as possible. All of the surrounding nations were too aware of how fierce Thear soldiers were in battle; it would be such a high honor to spar with at least one. The king had a brief flashback to him and Ameerah fighting as kids, “Hmm, I can’t wait for our rematch.”
The boat ride wasn’t so bad, they had been at sea all day. The crew had a delicious meal of Shrimp and lamb with a heavy side of wine. “Ameerah, it’s your turn!” Ameerah laughed and shook her head no, “No, because the last time we played I saw more of Jamison than I wanted to.” Jamison swept his hair out of the way, “Aww, what a shame for your king; I hope you see more than me in that consummation bed.” A thick pillow knocked Jamison closer towards some barrels, “Hush and discard you dipshit.” Ameerah said angrily. Jamison played his hand and the two girls laughed, “Take it off big boy, show us what you’re working with!” Na’eva shouted over the rim of her cup. The card game went just as expected The three of them sat almost in their underwear and laughed about the good ol’ days. “You remember when father threatened to hang you Jamison?” The girls snorted into their glasses, “Hell would freeze over before you forget a Kong’s threat.” He lost himself in the memory. “Well, it served you right for fooling around with that seamstress in father’s chariot.” Ameerah said snuggling into the fur throw. “The poor girl sounded like a dying animal, we could practically hear her from the castle.” Na’eva bit her lip and looked anywhere but at Jamison. “Heh, we’ll see how much devilment you and Jooheon get into tomorrow- you’re a sucker for dimples.” Jamison said punching Ameerah. A tiny growl came from the baby cub that shared the same blanket as Ameerah, “Good girl, can you say bad asshole?” The three enjoyed the atmosphere of the evening and reminisced on more of their childhood together.
“It’s late, I’m turning in. Na’eva said kissing her sister on the cheek. “Awww, you always crash first.” Ameerah said pulling at her sister’s dress, “Someone has to wake you lushes up.” Na’eva wished them both a goodnight and made way to her chamber. Na’eva shedded her dress and slipped underneath the covers. “You know, you could at least knock.” She said rolling over to face the door. “Are you lost?” She smirked. Jamison stood in the faint light that the small window provided, his shadow bounced off the walls from the flame.
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“You tell me, you’ve been wandering around like a lost puppy these past couple of days.” Jamison said pulling his shirt over the top of his head, this caused Na’eva to sit up. “I told you, I’m still processing what it’s like to lose a sister.” She said trying to convience him. “Na’eva, I’ll kiss every inch of you until I find this deep dark secret of yours. Jamison said crawling onto the bed, “I, I’m really tired Jamison; I’m sorry. Now’s not really a good time.” Ameerah touched his chest, she wanted him to stay but, he had to go. “Can’t we finish this discussion in the morning; over tea perhaps?” Jamison closed his eyes at yet another blatant lie, “Fine, I bid you a good evening princess.” Jamison grabbed the discarded garment and didn’t look back.
0 notes
mintjulep-crossing · 7 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Harvest Moon 3D: The Lost Valley
Relationship: Catherine (Harvest Moon)/Pete (Harvest Moon)
Characters: Emily (Harvest Moon), Hanna (Harvest Moon), Sam (Harvest Moon), April (Harvest Moon), Iris (Harvest Moon), Doc (Harvest Moon), Tabitha (Harvest Moon), Gareth (Harvest Moon)
Language: English
Summary: There is a lost valley that is stuck to perpetual winter and a brave soul decided to live there and find a way to bring the seasons back to its normal state. That's what the rumors have been saying, which reached to Catherine's ears. Catherine is a sheltered young lady from a wealthy family that likes plants. Out of curiosity, Catherine wanted to go to this lonely valley and observe what is going on now that people are slowly coming back when a man first took a step to the valley after a long time.
Copy of the fanfic under the cut!
Chapter 1
Springtime - The Sprout of A Rumor?
Winter has ended, the snow has melted in the cemented pavements of the town, lakes have returned from the freezing ice, the flowers start blooming in different hues, and the leaves of some trees that shed during autumn begin to sprout again. People changed their clothes into something light and colorful, they have stopped using the fireplaces in their homes, and began drinking something cold again. Spring has finally arrived.
Catherine, a sheltered youth under a wealthy family, has been glancing through her window to look at the cherry trees if they have began blooming ever since the start of springtime. She also waited for days for the flowers to color up the garden with their array of hues. She hardly goes outside her mansion aside from the weekend strolls in the town with her parents and a couple of servants, but she still recognizes the outdoors through her garden. Her garden is filled with plants. These plants show different colors as seasons pass. Green leaves, pink, yellow, purple, and pastel blossoms during spring, the leaves turn to rich green and more vibrant flowers like eye-catching reds and oranges bloom during summer, and the leaves dry out and turn into red, brown, and orange during fall. She imagines that outside the white mansion and the town, there are plenty of plants, colorful flowers, and fresh air. Yet, she still keeps the stories her parents, especially her father, told her ever since she was young. Outdoors is a dangerous place for her, and she must be extra cautious to her surroundings whenever she will leave the mansion.
Catherine sometimes fantasize about going to lush green fields, or vivid flower fields, or forest rich with trees. She knows that there is a valley that is near to her town, which she believed to show spectacular sights in nature. However, this valley is stuck to eternal winter and everybody moved out because of the condition, as her father told her ever since she was young. Her father was one of the first people that inhabited this valley, according to his story, as she believed. She was intrigued about this lost valley, and wondered what the valley was like before it was blanketed in snow. The thought of a vast, yet abandoned valley with land so white in snow may not be the most appealing outdoor landscape Catherine wanted to go to, but maybe eventually she will go there with some people to explore the mysteries that lie ahead. She was thinking, if this nearby valley stuck in eternal winter was abandoned for many years, is it devoid of all living creatures? How about plants, do sturdy trees like pine and cedar still grow sturdy despite the snow?
The lady loves trees and plants, as evident as she keeps on visiting her garden and asking her dearest father about them. She doesn't want to let a lot of people know about her passion for sturdy trees and greenery. She kept this interest to herself, as it is not very ladylike for a refined dame like her. Only her father knew about this. To her, springtime is a very wonderful time for her because many plants begin to grow again, and the green leaves and grass when spring arrives calms her down and soothes her eyesight.
On the tenth day of spring, she began hearing rumors which she heard from her servants, being passed by some people in the town.
"Can't you believe it? There's a brave, brave man that began residing in the valley!" Said one of Catherine's servants. "Huh?!? What valley? You mean... THAT valley?" Said the other. "What do you mean THAT valley? Well... that valley the rumors were referring to is that valley near to our town, which is said to be cursed to experience winter for eternity!" "Really?!? What brave soul that person has for living there! Experiencing eternal winter could lead to hypothermia! Living in that valley alone and experiencing nothing but seeing snow and feeling the cold is very scary to me." "I agree with you." "Can you two stop your chit-chat and clean the bathrooms?" A bossy servant interrupted the conversation of the two servants. "Y-Yes Ma'am..." Said both gossiping servants.
Catherine eavesdropped the rumors of her servants. She thought, "Who in the right mind goes to an abandoned valley of endless winter and live in there?" She wanted to know if this is true. Her parents are not at home and it looks like she has to be assisted by one of her servants to prove to herself the rumor being passed around her town.
"Excuse me, are you not doing anything right now?" She asked to a servant resting to her garden. Her servant was startled. "Wha-WHA-?!? L-Lady Catherine! I am so sorry for slacking off! I promise not to--" The servant said, quick to her words and trembling, only to be cut short by her master. "I think you're shirking work. But that's okay, for now. You see, I want you to accompany me around the town. You're not really doing anything, aren't you? Go with me," Catherine commanded. "Yes, Lady Catherine," The servant complied. Catherine handed the servant a large, frilly white parasol. "What are we waiting for? Let's go! Guide me to the restaurant. It will be our first destination," Catherine said.
Catherine and her servant stepped out of the iron gates of the white mansion to go to the town. Catherine's servant is trying to catch up with the uppity lady's fast pacing to shade her from the sun with a parasol. When their paces met, Catherine turned to her servant and asked, "Have you been hearing any rumors? Specifically about some madman that decided to live in the valley nearby, which is stuck in winter." "Hm? Yes, I think I have heard of it. A few days ago, I was doing errands, buying floor polish in a shop. Then a couple of madams have been talking about what you were saying. I think I saw the owner of the restaurant talking about it too. We should ask her," the servant replied. "Good. We're going to the restaurant first, you know?" Catherine said.
At 10:20, Catherine and her servant arrived at the restaurant. The aroma of freshly-baked bread with butter is on the four corners of the small establishment. A redhead lady wearing a white shirt and apron, yellow skirt and beret, cheerfully greeted the two with a wide grin on her face. "Good Morning! Welcome to Hanna's Eatery!" "Excuse me, but have you heard about the recent rumors about a madman... I mean, a person living in the valley nearby?" Asked Catherine. "Right... Yes, I did! Actually, mom and I have went to the valley already! We saw it in our two eyes, the only house in the valley is occupied by a dashing young man! He claims to be a farmer and he said that he will reshape the valley and restore the seasons of the valley so people will come again!" "That's ridiculous! My father owns that land. He should've asked for permission to my father if he wanted to live there! And claiming the seasons back? Who do he think he is? A hero?" The redhead shrugged. "Well, that's what he said, and before mom and I came there that's what the rumors said! Ask Old Man Sam!" "Old Man Sam? Well it's a bit insulting when you call someone an old man..." Catherine shook her head. "You know him right? He's the traveling merchant! Always on the job, leaving his little child and wife at home, just to get some money for his wife's medicine?" The cheery girl said, a little bit smugly. "Of course I know him! But calling him Old Man Sam? Tsk, tsk! That seemed rude of you!" "Awww, come on! Lighten up a bit, princess! Old Man Sam even calls himself 'Old Man Sam' or 'Uncle Sam'!" "Uh... Lady Catherine, looks like your conversation is losing the main topic," Catherine's servant interrupted. Catherine sighed. "I know," She replied. "I think I got carried away for a bit."
"Ah, so what are you lovely ladies talking about? Heheh, Emily, dear, what brings our Lady Catherine here?" Said a deep, husky, yet matronly voice that tried to join the conversation. The voice belonged to a huge woman whose hair has the same shade of red of the cheerful girl. The woman wears a white bandana on her head, a charming collared yellow shirt, a burgundy skirt wrapped by a white apron, and olive slippers worn with black socks. "Mom!" Exclaimed Emily, the cheerful girl in white and yellow. "Catherine came here because she wanted to know about the rumors! You know... The rumors about a man living in the valley, trying to bring the seasons back to the place by farming and stuff? That's all true!" "Well, yeah. That's all true. The two of us went to the valley to prove it. The first one to do so was Old Man Sam, wanderin' around, visited the valley again, then he saw a man living there. Sam sold him seeds in hopes of something to grow in the valley. To the man that began living to the valley after a long time, there's still hope that life is still possible in the valley," The matron, who happens to be Emily's mother, tried to explain to Catherine about the rumors. "Oh yeah, Catherine," Emily said. "Mom and I, we don't go to that valley often. It's too cold. Besides, we still have work here in the restaurant!" "I see, I see," Catherine nodded. "I have to go now, I still have a lot of things to do." "Bye bye!" Emily waved with a smile. "If you want, you can ask Sam about the guy residing in the valley! He knows more than what we know!" Emily's mother said before saying farewell to the lady.
Catherine and her servant left the restaurant. The restaurant just opened and there weren't any customers Catherine can ask. Emily and her mother mentioned Sam, so she will go to the traveling merchant's house. Catherine commanded her servant to knock on the door of Sam's house. The servant knocked three times. After a few seconds, the door was opened by a little girl whose hair is tied in twin buns. Catherine's servant bowed. "Good morning to you, little one," she said to the child. "Lady Catherine wants to see your father." "Sorry," The little girl said. "Papa isn't here. He is out." "Good morning to you," Catherine greeted. "Excuse me, but do you know where your father went?" She asked. "Papa went to the valley," The little girl, who is Sam's daughter, said. "Mama and I were worried for him because the valley is all snowy and dangerous." "I understand what you feel," Catherine sympathized. "Papa said he looks forward selling his stuff to a regular customer in the valley!" "So the rumors of a person living in the valley were true?" "Yep! Papa said the boy living in the valley is a hard worker! He is very friendly too! He tells some stories to my papa before he goes to work!" "Does your father pass this man's stories to you?" "Yep! Before I sleep, papa tells me stories. Papa told me that the man that is living in the snowy valley was saved by a voice during a snowstorm!" Catherine was a little bit surprised from what she heard from Sam's daughter. She nodded and keeps on listening to what the little girl says. "The man climbed up to a mountain and suddenly a snowstorm had struck. He rushed and found the valley, then he heard a voice, and decided to settle down in a house and found some farming tools. He met a yellow Harvest Sprite that taught him how to shape the farm. Since then, the man became a farmer to the valley with the help of his Harvest Sprite friends! But papa doesn't believe in these Harvest Sprites. He is just telling what the man said to him. The man is trying to fix the valley!" "Well that's ridiculous! Fixing the valley is an impossible task when done alone! If he believes in the Harvest Goddess, he would ask for her help, but that's not enough! There should be more people that will help him achieve his goal of fixing the valley, even returning the valley to it's four-season state!" "Why don't you go there yourself and help him?" "I... I can't for now! I will wait and see if there are enough people that are helping him and he is slowly achieving that goal! Catherine added, "And for his information, the land he's farming and the house he's resting on belongs to my father. I will call him out." Catherine bowed. "Thank you very much for sharing some information with me," then she and her servant bid farewell to the child.
"Let's return to the mansion, lunch is likely prepared," Catherine said to her servant. "Yes, Lady Catherine, let us return to the mansion," her servant replied. Catherine and her servant walked their way back to the mansion. Catherine's servant is trying to follow the lady in blue's fast pacing to cover her to the sunlight with the frilly white parasol she's holding. Walking in fast steps, Catherine is thinking about the truth that there is finally a person living in the lost valley where winter is eternal, and this person is the hope of bringing back the valley to its former glory. After the snow-white winter, there will be cherry trees with pink bloom during Spring, a rich green Summer, and Autumn with red, orange, and brown leaves. Not only that the valley will be once colorful again when the seasons are restored, but there will also be a variety of crops and flowers awaiting for the valley as this man is said to be a farmer as well. Catherine is secretly looking forward to the beauty of nature being brought back to the valley.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
  Genre : Supernatural, drama, school, action, fantasy
Episodes: 12
  15 years ago, God abandoned his creation. Admitting failure, he left humanity to its fate and moved on. 15 years ago, with nowhere else to go, the dead got stuck in the living plane and had to go on as if nothing happened. 15 years ago, with nowhere to come from, babies stopped being born. The world goes on but it’s slowly grinding to a halt. In order to regulate itself, supernatural beings known as gravediggers started to appear. In this godless world, they are the only ones that can lay souls to rest by giving them a true and proper burial. Is there any way to stop the slow and investable decay that is bound to take over everything? And how is it that Ai is only 12 years old?
Sunday Without God is a flawed but pretty exploration of our relationship with life itself. It’s a disjointed cautionary tale of the dangers of holding onto wishes too tightly. It ferrets out hope in the oddest places. I have no clue how Sunday Without God ended up on my watch list and that’s quite fitting. It’s the sort of series that comes out of nowhere.
such a colourful nowhere
Visually, it’s quite beautiful. I do encourage you to take a look at the imgur gallery I put together as it’s the best way to truly appreciate the art through the series. It’s not so much original as it is luxurious. Rich in detail and lush with colours. The animation isn’t quite as impressive, but it holds its own. I was surprised to have never even heard of such a good-looking series. It’s a show that often exists on the borders of the day. Early morning and sunrise scenes get followed by dying sunsets or still twilight. As such, you often get the chance to see environments bathed in unusual colours and ever-changing shadows.
 The soundtrack is actually quite good as well. Not in the sense that you’re likely to listen to it on your way to work but it was very fitting and often added to the scenes. I think it’s important for me to mention the voice acting. It was good, very good. Clearly above average for just about every character. However, the standout for me was Toyosaki, Aki as Ai (the main character). I’m not the biggest fan of overly cute slightly squeaky voices but she managed to make it sound not only pleasant but oddly powerful. It was a great performance that brought what could have been a very bland, even annoying character to a whole other level.
the style is quite shoujo
I will do my best to avoid spoilers, certainly all the major ones but if you truly want to go in without any details, you may want to skip this part. I will give my general impressions in the last paragraph.
As I was watching Sunday without God, I started comparing it to a Victorian play. There’s a stage quality to the writing. In my head, I dubbed it: Sunday Without God – A Tragedy in Four Parts:
great hair!
Part un: The Tragedy of the Man-Eating Toy
In which Ai is told a million sweet lies and one bitter truth
The first arc establishes the universe of the series in a dynamic and interactive way. This is crucial as the lore is fairly complex, if not downright convoluted and it’s absolutely crucial for the audience to understand the details if we are to follow along or form any bond with the characters. It was impressive and a very strong start. Despite being somewhat generic, Ai is very easy to get attached to and the series has a gift for quickly developing characters. I found myself caring rather deeply about the faith of people that had been introduced only an episode prior. In this, we see the faith of Ai’s hometown and hear ominous about the world beyond.
each arc has its own palette as well
Part deux: The Tragedy of the Necropolis
In which Ai meets and looses her very first friend
The fact that people are no longer dying isn’t a twist, it’s spelled out clearly in the first few minutes of the show. The implications of it, however, are staggering and explored in most detail in the second arc. Basically, when people die in Sunday Without God, nothing happens. The get back up, maybe they need to heal some wounds, and go back to their business. On a social/economical level, this is huge.
As the changes happened 15 years ago, humanity is basically right in the middle of trying to figure out what to do. The great city of Ortus is a reaction to the changes in the world and the mysteries it holds kept me binging episodes to get at the truth. Ultimately, the reveal was not as great as it could be, somewhat predictable, but still satisfying.
sounds like highschool
Part trois: The Tragedy of Highschool
In which Ai learns that adults are not to be trusted and neither are children
To me, this was the weakest arc. So far, the series had been mostly a suspenseful action mystery with a heavy supernatural aspect. Although all these elements remain present here, in structure, this arc is almost like a school-based comedy slice of life, complete with wacky bathhouse shenanigans.
That’s not actually a bad thing. The heavy ominous tone of the series was getting a bit oppressive and a lighthearted interlude was welcomed. And even though I call it the weakest arc, I didn’t dislike it. It was more underdeveloped than anything else.
We meet an assortment of wacky students we never get the chance to know well enough to care about and the purpose and existence of the school are just laid out in flat exposition making it seem like an afterthought. Compared to every other arc, this one was the shallowest but that’s probably because it was mostly a vehicle to introduce us to Alis/Alice (the subtitles spell his name out as Alis but in the series we see his name written as Alice several times so that’s what I’m going to go with).
Part quatre: The Tragedy of the Comfortable Cage
In which a girl who has lost everything is asked to lose it again
By far the most emotional arc, this goes back to that thriller mystery vibe and the show is that much more interesting for it. The arc heavily depends on Alice and thankfully he is a very good character. Well balanced and flawed, he brings the viewer along in his own personal pleasant nightmare and I was right there with Ai desperately trying to save him.
That final episode was a roller coaster and may have been the strongest in the series.
Overall there are three general themes that resonate throughout the entire series. The importance of family and friendships, what life means for sentient creatures and continuous warnings of “be careful what you wish for”. At times it reminded me of Battle Angel Alita, a coming of age story of a remarkable young girl under very difficult circumstances, at others, it reminded me of Pandora Hearts, with all the symbolism and goth sensibilities.
It’s hardly perfect, there are plot holes and some slightly tedious melodrama at times. Scar’s character is great, but the narrative doesn’t know what to do with her and eventually saddles her in a dead-end b plot. It definitely a flawed series but it has some great moments. It also resonated with me and I’m very glad I randomly decided to watch it.
Also, for some reason the Sunday Without God universe is French. As in all the in-show writing is in french and generally pretty accurate. I’m not sure why though. It’s never mentioned or anything and everything gets translated but there you go. The end of the world is French… somehow I always knew that.
Favourite character: Scar before the parenthood bit (I guess that says something about me
What this anime taught me: be careful what you wish for – honestly if I hadn’t learned that by the end, there would be a problem with me.
The drunk mind speaks the sober heart
Suggested drink: Deathwish
Every time Ai mentions her father – take a sip
Every time anyone says “gravekeeper” – take a sip
Every time Ai calls anyone pretty – awww
Every time we hear about “15 years ago” – take a sip
Every time someone doesn’t age as they should – take a sip
Every time there’s an eye close up – get some water
Every time anyone’s wish comes true – uh hoh
Every time a male character has a traditionally female name – take a sip
Every time there’s a massacre (yes that happens a lot) – take a sip
Every time we see graves – stretch 
I’m going to try to give you an idea of the visuals, as usual, Imgur and Pinterest have more!
  Sunday Without God – Reinventing the Zombie Genre Genre : Supernatural, drama, school, action, fantasy Episodes: 12 Studio: MADHOUSE   15 years ago, God abandoned his creation.
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