#Ableism in the left
queeraliensposts · 11 months
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Ableists: think for yourself
ND people: Ableism is bad
Ableists: No! Not like that!
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disableddyke · 2 months
disabled people don’t have places to sit/rest in public >> disability activists advocate for public seating >> on rare occasion it gets approved >> abled people take advantage and use up all the seating >> abled people refuse to give up seating for disabled people who advocated for it & need it most >> disabled people still have no place to rest and remain isolated from general public. rinse & repeat
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youngchronicpain · 9 months
Just sent in a complaint to Frontier Airlines about how one of the flight attendants treated me while I was trying to get from my personal powerchair to my seat on the flight. She ignored my request for assistance and just watched as I struggled to get my things to the seat. She let other passengers start to load as I was still getting my cushions from my powerchair and I ended up falling as a result. She just stood there with a look of distaste on her face. Like, if you hate disabled people so much why work in an industry where you are required to assist them? Or am I just not the "right" kind of disabled person? Like????
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pocketsizedquasar · 5 months
i want every single white piece of shit on that post calling people fascists or misguided or privileged or stupid for not voting for biden to look a palestinian person whose entire family got killed by biden in the eyes and tell them you think they should vote for biden. tell them you think they're privileged for not voting for biden. look them in the eyes and condescend to them about how much danger they clearly don’t know they’re in.
don't actually do that. don't actually ever speak to a fucking brown person lmao. eat shit actually.
i want every single one of you genocidal freaks to think for two seconds about why you think it's acceptable to tell brown people to vote for the man committing genocide on their fucking families. to tell disabled people to vote for the man committing eugenics based genocide on them at home via covid. (you do realize the largest amount of covid protection rollbacks occurred during biden's presidency right? you do realize a thousand people a week are CURRENTLY dying from covid?)
using the threat of our rights being taken away as a cudgel against Black and Brown and disabled ppl as if the biden admin hasn’t overseen more covid deaths than the trump admin, massive attacks on immigration rights (including the recent immigration proposal increasing mandatory detention and allowing mass deportations), massive attacks on reproductive rights (they knew abt roe v wade for WEEKS. we can bypass congress for genocide & for worsening immigration rights but we can't do anything about abortion?), as if we aren't looking at the current highest levels of homelessness since 2007. and all of that on top of the fact that joe shitstain biden is LITERALLY COMMITTING GENOCIDE.
the audacity. the absolute audacity. of this white bitch going ""vote for them: the most marginalized, the most vulnerable"" BIDEN IS KILLING "THEM." BIDEN IS KILLING US. How dare you speak for us? biden's complete rollback of covid protections have killed more people than trump. biden's admin has utterly abandoned disabled people to die. he is committing a eugenicist genocide against all disabled and immunocompromised people. he is committing a genocide against palestinians. the audacity to call those people "privileged" for refusing to enable THEIR OWN GENOCIDES.
"boohoo we have no choice but to vote for the genocidal fascist or else there'll be fascism!!!" you dumb fuckers we are already living in a fascist state. you don't care about stopping fascism. you don't care about stopping genocide. you care about fascism and genocide not hurting you. if spineless liberals and dems want so badly to beat trump they should put forward a candidate who hasn’t alienated the voter base that let them win the last time, not the candidate that barely won four years ago before reneging on his promises (student loans, environmentalism, etc), killing half a million people from covid, and killing 20,000+ more via colonial genocide.
to every dumbass in those notes going “uwu he isn’t perfect uwu he isn’t my first choice uwu we can't let ~disagreements~ get in the way uwu voting is like public transport <3 voting is like a group project”: ten thousand children are dead. ten thousand children are dead. ten thousand children are dead. biden killed ten thousand children. what the fuck is wrong with you.
i hope you all rot.
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magnetothemagnificent · 6 months
A little bit of love and patience for "messy" eaters.
People who don't use utensils conventionally.
People who chew with their mouth open.
People who leave crumbs and dribbles when they eat.
People who eat "loudly".
Whether it's because of different cultural norms, sensory sensitivities, motor disabilities, or facial differences, you all deserve to eat and be respected.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
Choosing not to recover is, frankly, a non-action and something neutral. While you can absolutely abuse people, choosing not to recover is not in and of itself an act of abuse, and sometimes it seems like people think that not recovering holds the same weight as abuse. While things like abuse are nuanced and dynamic, recovery is not a respite that prevents abuse from happening.
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illnessfaker · 9 months
the whole "you're going to become physically disabled/ill when you get older thing" is annoying because yeah combatting ableism towards physically disabled people should be a priority regardless but it's weird to me how age is always brought up and not the fact that (at least in a united states context) contemporary capitalist workplace culture seems pretty hellbent on destroying people's bodies at a more rapid rate than age would by itself. and with that being said there's a conversation to be had about the ways in which contemporary capitalist workplace culture exacerbates and worsens the conditions of people who are already physically disabled but still work.
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thatveganwhiterose · 4 months
Man I love unfollowing blogs that I 99% have agreements with on moral and political beliefs solely because they reblog misinformation about what veganism is, and other related topics, because they decide to make tags like “I hate vegans”.
Like these people unironically claim to be leftists and support leftism, which usually includes reducing waste or harm as much as possible, but then demonize the very movements (veganism and animal rights) that put forth these very practices into action.
It’s one thing to have legitimate criticisms of things, though people also unironically seem to believe that most of these criticisms are BECAUSE OF philosophies such as veganism versus things like capitalism, classism, poverty, etc.
The fact that so many “leftists” have such brain dead takes without using actual critical thinking skills or comprehension that they shriek and cry about the right acting on makes me not trust these fucks farther than I can throw them.
Anyway, if you can’t unironically include veganism or animal rights into your advocacy or activism (which is literally just reducing animal usage as much as you can), you are unironically acting like right-wing reactionaries you cry about.
If you need any clarification or further explanation as to what that is, I am happy to engage in a civil discussion about this.
Bad faith takes will get you ignored or blocked.
I am so tired of being a minority who has to constantly explain why veganism is so important and necessary for all things leftism is concerned with. Like seriously shut the fuck up and actually listen to us and engage with us instead of this continual brain poison and misinformation campaign tumblr and other “leftist” sites love to push.
Yours truly,
A ND Jewish vegan woman
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burningtheroots · 8 months
This has been on my mind a little longer, but now I finally want to say it:
Radblr has a serious problem with ableism.
Women who are physically disabled or mentally ill don’t deserve to be sidelined, and if your activism doesn‘t give a fuck about them, it‘s no better than the misogynistic, racist and lesbophobic libfem/TRA/whatever crowds which you dislike so much.
Many women on here are so obsessed with "ideological purity" and "who deserves to call themself a radfem", meanwhile they don‘t miss out on a chance to harass, dismiss, belittle or exclude women who struggle and who‘s best efforts simply aren‘t "enough" in their opinion.
If you truly want to fight the patriarchy, maybe you shouldn’t make women with limited possibilities feel alienated. Just a thought.
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Disabled people: *Talk about ableist micro aggressions.*
Ableist leftists: That’s not ableist! Why don’t you talk about real ableism!
Disabled people: *Talk about eugenics.*
Ableist leftists: It not eugenics, it’s rational! How dare you call me a eugenicist!
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eclaire-went-bam · 14 days
helppp first i catch my mom watching ableist "narc abuse" videos and now i see her watching ableist fear mongering bpd videos like is she targetting me ....
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queeraliensposts · 1 year
No one on the internet seems to know what empathy IS and it shows. Every once in a while I will see someone be like "some of you have no empathy for black people" or "some of you have no empathy for trans people", and seeing that makes me want to rip my hair out.
Empathy is defined by the ability to relate to other people's feelings and put yourself in their shoes. You can still understand that police brutality is bad if you can't relate to BIPOC people's feelings. Bigotry doesn't come from a lack of empathy bigotry comes from the dehumanization of specific people, and from being conditioned into believing that certain people matter less.
That's where statements like, "your feelings are valid, but...", "I'm sorry I triggered you, but...", or the classic "I see you I hear you" come from. What they're essentially saying is "I feel bad for you, but I don't care because to me you don't matter"
Once again this enforces the idea that empathy is what makes a good person which is extremely harmful to a lot of neurodivergent people who don't experience empathy.
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Comforting to know that in the face of fascism and eugenics and an overall ableist and sanist society that some of y'all would turn on one another over online slur discourse in two seconds
If you'd throw me and others under the bus, don't be surprised when we only show up for each other and not for you
[This post is about lateral aggression between the mentally ill and physically disabled communities as well as mind body dualism, but can also apply to p much any oppression olympics]
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reasonandempathy · 7 months
Which side typically strives more to appeal to emotion and intuition (or the "heart"), liberals or conservatives?
I would say the right-wing is typically more based on “appeals to emotion/intuition” than the left (I’m ignoring liberal v conservative for this point), but they both center emotion. Both the left and the right tend to prioritize “us” and for protections/systems of society that help “us”.
The main difference between the two is that the left-wing defines "us" at the broadest possible level and takes steps to convince others to expand their definition of “us” to meet them. If "Us" is "white straight male protestant citizen of the USA", they work to start getting rid of some of those adjectives. Get rid of male (suffrage), get rid of white (civil rights), get rid of straight (LGBT), get rid of Protestant (freedom of religion).
The right-wing typically starts “us” at a very specific level (family, friends, school) and then chips away at what "us" is until it’s a smaller and smaller category, but it does so only after it has power. If "Us" is "every Citizen of the USA", then it will start braking that apart into different classifications (race, gender, class, etc.) until they start breaking coming across the place where people refuse to break it up any more. Famously, Nazis were making moves to start killing old and disabled people as "useless eaters" in society with the T4 Program, which was where doctor groups and the Catholic Church, who had previously signed off on the killing of Jewish people started raising noise, helping the program to be "dissolved" (read: go underground) in 1941.
For a less historical example of what I mean, look at the gay rights and gay marriage issues in the US, where for decades the right-wing vehemently opposed same-sex marriage on a whole host of matters, stating things like it would damage “traditional marriage” (meaning “our marriages”) and would lead to beastiality and pedophilia. Simultaneously, left-wing efforts were on educating people and building empathy towards LGB relationships so that queer relationships would be seen as equivalent to or part of “our marriages”.
Now that gay marriage is relatively popular in the U.S. those rights are (relatively and temporarily) “off the table” until they can sufficiently chip away at the approval numbers until they can work back those rights as well. And we're already seeing moves to break that "us" on the right, despite significant to overwhelming public support for marriage equality.
If marriage isn’t your cup of tea, you can look at poverty & refugees as well. “Why take in refugees when our own people our poor?” vs “We have a responsibility to everyone.” The sincerity of the statements is less relevant than the perspective of the statements themselves.
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"we're respectful towards trauma-survivors but only the ones that are convenient for us" / "we encourage self-care and prioritizing your mental health but only if its convenient for us" gtfo
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
How it feels to have an epiphany about your disability:
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