#Absolutely fucking not
ch-4-eri · 24 days
abby anderson should not be played by a Zionist 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months
ok but for your robins gettin thrown around hc does Tim ever let yj throw him? like after yrs he finally trusts them to fly him around since he knows they won’t throw him but i also feel like they really wanna throw him, yk?
they likely throw each other around just fine, meanwhile tim is trying to tie himself to the ground every time they start throwing each other around.
but like does tim ever let them throw him as a treat? or do they trick him and say that it could be considered training. like imagine how effective throwing a robin at the danger would be.
now i’m just imagining yj finally getting to throw their robin around but they also have to be prepared to catch the robin that’s ready to attack them in the name of training.
For Tim I feel like Young justice are the exception not the ruling
Any other super outside of life or death circumstances tries to pick him up let alone throw him?? They are dying that day or at the very least their credit score is FUCKED
Young Justice though?? Early on it definently was a hazard and new members deal with the same shit of Robin ready to claw your face off the moment his feet are no longer on the ground.
But close YJ members? He doesn't mind-
Again he's like a cat, for most people he will attack but others you could practically throw him over your shoulder and as long as its not uncomfortable he will just accept it
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soursturniolo · 2 months
can u write a nick x fem reader
no bc we respect sexualities around here partner 🤠
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wtf109 · 1 month
Just because you know how to play the diversity game, doesn’t mean you are fooling the people who can actually tell what your politics are, Neil Gaiman
Never told a single genuine story about a female character that didn’t seem to center on some sort of irresolvable trauma. I know. I was there getting near suicidal by the same stories your adoring fans touted as “progressive” and “impactful”. You don’t actually bring hope. Because you never actually address the problem at hand, you neoliberal American bootlicker. You don’t actually believe in a future that can be any different from the status quo of now. Making “good omens”, a literal parody of a Cold War book, end on an empty compromise, justifying a transphobe’s opinion on your own fucking trans character in sandman, killing off all the poc side characters for convenient shock value, defending problematic gender dynamics under extreme patriarchal structures “because that’s the way it’s always been”. If you have read, “actually fucking read”, his books, and not just the inclusively casted tv remakes, you know exactly what I’m talking about. You. You’ve always known what to say. Who to hire. How to play this game, so that the US will adore you for your “progressiveness and inclusivity”. As if you writing a character who literally would rather DIE than change (in the comic’s own fucking words) wasn’t the truest representation of your actual politics and who you are as a person. And for that matter I will be defending Good Omens. Not because it’s separable from you, but because it’s also the story of Sir Terry fucking Prachett, and I won’t let his good be drowned out by whatever the fuck your neoliberal politics watered down in a potentially actually meaningful story and ending.
For all of you, ALL OF YOU OUT THERE, still oblivious to the fact that you can clearly read politics from an author’s work and storytelling, consider that you may not be as “progressive” as you thought. Ask yourself, really truly think, Is the person who wrote ATLA someone who has the same politics as someone who writes Good Omens (the book)? Think, about the endings of the books, the levity, the snark? Where it is directed, who it is directed against, what it actually achieves (which in ATLA is anti-colonial messaging and in good omens is…fucking nothing) actually fucking think; he’s been telling you who he is all along.
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
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Teen titans #12
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bluecookiedisaster · 1 month
Tua season 4 just got dethroned from 1# tv show after LESS THAN A WEEK since its release. Who did it lose to, you may ask?
Wait for it…
and that, my friends, is how you know that shit was ass.
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
I’m literally a destiel survivor that got sucked into the gay firefighter queerbait show and I’m being so brave about it you don’t get it no one gets it I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending
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outalongtheedges · 11 months
I just wanna say one thing, cause I’ve been seeing it on TikTok a whole lot, I WILL NOT STAND FOR CHARLIE HATE
I’m sorry but it feels misogynistic whenever I read stuff like this:
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Actually I will not apologise.
Stop hating on my girly for whatever reason you chose for yourself to make sense.
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And so do I
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iidgm · 5 months
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also the state of my hand, wrist and neck as of rn. i think i finally overdid myself this time hahahaaaaa
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wikitpowers · 5 months
me when i make yet another post about kit:
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topguncortez · 10 months
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 4 months
Question, how many chapters of trash tim are you expecting?
....You know exactly what you're doing.
BUT I do actually have a good idea- it'll probably land between 30-35 (because i'm insane) Plan is for every five/ten or so chapters have a "villain/conflict" set up, then resolution until we reach the end.
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thefamousthe · 7 months
first official chapter is live!!
it's Jamie Tartt's first day at AFC Richmond. how do we think this will go? (spoiler: Not. Well.)
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reanimatedgh0ul · 1 year
imo clockwork is a cunt and no amount of fanon is changing that for me
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its-a-geeks-world · 1 year
Secret Invasion 1x01 Spoilers
(only in the tags tbh)
Looks like it's time to bring back
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radarchives · 2 years
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