#Aden Lowe
modelsof-color · 5 months
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Halima Aden by Danny Lowe for Grazia UK Magazine November 2023
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holylanceexploxionboy · 2 months
*Dick rider central*
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It was a late afternoon in New Jersey... And Akari was looking for love, She sits with her sketchbook on her lap, as she sighs looking up at the setting sun.
Aden sits down next to her smiling a little..
"hey, got room for one more?"
Akari laughs slightly tucking her hair behind her ear giggling softly batting her eyes.
"yeah.. sure!"
She says smiling and nodding moving over to fit his FAT frame, and he sits down looking over at her fluffy hair and her hour glass body. She tilts her sketchbook towards him, a butchered Tsukasa Tenma drawing.. He thinks the it's ugly.. but he won't tell her that
"ain't that cute?"
He has this thick gay country accent... It's kind of charming as she looks up at him smiling and tilting her head to the side laughing a little confused
"says you.."
She says tapping his nose lightly leaving a little charcoal smudge on his nose, laughing a little embarrassed by her mistake..
Aden says leaning towards her feeling a little flirty as he leans on the back rest smiling
"you gonna wipe it off for me?"
He says winking, she blushes in response giggling turning away.. playing hard to get, she giggles slightly turning back to wipe it off as he turns away acting sassy.
"oh really? I see how it is.."
She gets a bit gawked as she thinks grabbing his shoulder smiling at him eye rolling..
"whatever just let me.."
She says looking right at the center of his nose, as he pulls her a little closer.
"you flirting with me *princess..?*"
He says with a chuckle as she pulls away from him and blushes
"y-you baka!"
She says blushing shoving him laughing quietly a little embarrassed..
"c'mon babygirl.. you know you want me.."
He says with a slight chuckle and a smirk..His hand sliding from her shoulder delicately down to her thigh.. she gasps lightly swatting it away
"plus ultra!!!"
She says getting up walking towards the edge of the jagged cliff with a smile as the hair blows in the wind.. mimicking Ariel a little.
"aren't you pretty??"
He says walking up behind her putting his hand on the small of his back lightly and kindly but comfortingly strokes her back..
"how about this..?"
He says tilting her head lightly with one finger, care put into the soft touch.. as he raises an eyebrow smiling.
"you give me your number, and I leave you alone.. well.... For now."
Aden laughs a little, used to being used to being pushed around.. but this?She pushes him a little too hard, As he tumbles over his own untied shoe! What a silly goose! As his L3 lumbar vertebrae in his spin is damaged, the sharp edge of the rock hitting the soft tissue connection his vital life sustaining bones. Immediately his body becomes limp.. the connection to his lower half separated, no longer drawing in blood.
Akari screams as she gasps holding him in her arms going to find an ambulance
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After four years of dating it's pretty serious.. Akari turns her body to face him in their shared bed, he looks at her a little bit confused but she smiles and strokes his bare chest lightly making a little bit of a flirty face.
He smiles putting his calloused hand over her soft and FAT one as she looks in his slanted, perfect, blue orbs..
"I think we should have a baby."
Aden's eyes change to pink.. a flirty and embarrassed mood..
"y-you think so babe!?"
He says the first time he's been embarrassed in their relationship..
"I know so."
She says looking down his FAT stomach, her hand trailing down to his to his V line, shining through his low rise sweat pants.. His breath hitches as she grabs his small furry balls.
After Aden had given birth he laid helpless in the hospital bed he notices Akari is gone... Aden's mind goes to the worst, 'has he promised others a day on August 4th?!' He tries to wheel up but screams from the pain of trying to get into his wheelchair.
"Doctor.. call my mom."
The doctor pauses taking off her baby juice covered gloves
"she's been dead and gone for 6 years"
The doctor says as he calls his best friend instead, clover..
Clover says opening the door on her way in raising an eyebrow looking at his helpless body.
"what's the problem daddy?"
She says stroking his hair as she hides the blatant fact that she's been hooking up with him baby mama..
He says shattering his phone which displayed the messages..
"move it to music!"
H-how could he.. HE HAD TRUSTED HIM..
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Can I request a drunk reader on New Year and getting all flirty and dancing around with Larissa <3
That’s me now
Dance Floor
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 706
Warning: alcohol
A/n: So I pushed this a little forward to not post this days after New Year, hope you like it!
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It wasn't long until the clock would strike twelve o'clock and the year would be over. Honestly this had been the best year of your life. You had started to work your dream job, found your passion in helping the kids, found amazing friends and fell in love. That last bit did cause a few problems, as it was your boss, but you felt that she might like you too.
You had never talked about the matter, but there was some kind of unresolved tension between you. A good sort of tension. Larissa was flirting constantly, and you showered her with presents. You knew her favourite flowers and always brought her new ones. If you happened to go to Jericho, you always brought her coffee order. That was just the difference between you, she was flirty and open, you were shy and sweet.
But that was the rule for sober (Y/n). Drunken you was a whole different story. You could get unusually bold. Very bold.
It was New Year's Eve and Larissa had organised a staff party for everyone who was still in Nevermore. Some of your colleague had gone home over the holiday, but most stayed. The evening had been an absolute delight. The food was amazing. Your friend and colleague Aden put on the music, and he hit exactly your taste in music. And the alcohol was exquisite, maybe you did have a little too much of that. But who cares? It's a party.
You were enjoying yourselves, dancing and laughing together. But as you spun, your eyes landed on Larissa. She stood at the side of the dance floor observing the rest. You knew she probably chose to not dance, but it stung your heart as it felt like she was being left out. That needed change, fast.
You boldly approached her and, taking her hand, pulled her with you onto the dance floor. That worked surprisingly easy, but that was probably just because she hadn't expected you to drag her. Normally she was much stronger than you.
"(Y/n), can I ask, what do you think you are doing?" She raised an eyebrow at you, standing in the middle of the floor, making no effort to dance.
"You looked so alone. You should be integrated! Also, I really want to dance with you." You smirked at her and laid your hand on her waist. For a second she stiffened but as you started moving to the music she slowly relaxed and even started moving too.
"Move your hips, come on. It'll look bomb." You gently forced her hips to swing some more with your hands. And to your surprise she obeyed. It did indeed look bomb.
Larissa pulled you closer, your bodies pressed against one another and leaned down a little. Her mouth right next to your ear, she whispered: "Do you like that, Darling. Seeing me swing my hips for you?" She put on a flirtatious, even seductive tone. It made your knees weak and for a moment you felt like you would cave in, but Larissa's arms held you. She let out a deep, breathy laugh at that. God, everything about her was just so hot.
You tuned around, leaning your back against her and pulling her hands up to your front. You perfectly bend into the curve of her body, pushing your ass into her, while still swaying your hips. You heard a low moan right next to your ear, that made you smirk. Her hands wandered up a little until they stopped right on top your breasts. Her hands were covered by the hem of your jacket, so she got even bolder and started kneading them lightly. You let your head fall onto her chest. This must be what heaven feels like, you thought.
You stayed like this, dancing together, fully intertwined with one another until you heard the others around you counting down from ten. The New Year's Countdown.
Larissa turned you to look at her and bend down to nibble on your ear.
"Would you like to be my New Year's kiss?" She pulled back a little as to see your face and right as the countdown went to zero you crashed your lips onto hers.
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lexa-griffins · 8 months
patiently waiting for a TAOFIL update or lil snippet :) how are our girls doing?
😣 i tried so hard to write a sweet little thing for them for christmas, i only got 1k words for it and I didn't manage to finish it unfortunately 😩 I want to finish that fic so badly, I adore them so much but it's just not been clicking when I go to write!!!!
Having nothing more to odder you, here's a little snipet I wrote for the christmas companion to the the fic:
The last of the wooden boxes is placed on the floor by a slightly out of breath Clarke, and Lexa smiles thankfully at her from her spot on the lounge chair, sorting through the rest of the Christmas decor. The act fills her with a sense of nostalgia for her childhood. Her first Christmas as a mated and married omega is also the first one she spends without her sire and yet she sits in the exact same spot she did the year before, looking through the collection of baubles and ribbons like she did every year before she passed them on to her sire, the tall woman’s smile always warming as she sang Christmas carols in her gruff deep voice turning them into an enchanting melody and after the passing of her mother two years earlier, Lexa youthful voice joining her duet.  This year, Clarke’s rough and mellow voice is the one that fills the halls of their home, humming more than singing, the odd lyric escaping her before the humming of a full verse she does not know the words to returns.  “These are just beautiful.” Clarke comments as she opens the first box, filled with beautiful blown glass ornaments.  “My mother has been getting them since I was born.” Lexa speaks softly, lifting herself from the chair and approaching Clarke as she admires the most recent one, the beautiful steel blue with delicate white flowers ball sparkling in the low light of the room.  Lexa stares at the box, where the sixteen baubles sat in velvet dividers so as not to break them. Only sixteen. “One for each Christmas I saw.” Emotion fills her throat, “One for each Christmas she saw with me.”  Clarke gently places the box on the floor alongside the glass ornament, getting up to wrap her arms around her mate who accepts the comfort of her wife’s arms without a fight, arms holding tights around her neck.  Lexa is unsure if she truly cries. But Clarke holds her tightly, lips against her hair, lovingly hushing her. “How about we go to the shop to get a new? Continue her tradition?” Lexa nods with a watery smile. She stares lovingly at Clarke, “She always did like you very much. The week we got engaged, I could not stop hearing her go on about what a wonderful young alpha you were.” Clarke chuckles, “She might have liked me more than you did.” Lexa smiles, staring at Clarke’s eyes “I doubt it.” An intimate moment, another quiet I love you on Lexa’s part that Clarke does not respond to. Instead, she kisses her, softly, comforting. She lingers there, foreheads against each other. “Perhaps we should finish the tree before it gets dark outside.”  They decorate the tree with candles, orange garlins, candy canes, ribbons, and the babblus. Lastly, Clarke finds the small box and shows it to Lexa. “It should be a small angel. It was mother’s favorite.” Clarke opens the box, “Oh no.” Lexa looks. The angel is broken.  “We’ll get another one.” Lexa shakes her head and sighs, “It was bought over seas. Keep it in the box, please.” Clarke agrees.
The fic would end with Aden's first Christmas and Clarke returning home with a new angel she arranged to be costume made for Lexa. The angel was very similar to Lexa and Clarke knows she can't replace the one that broke. So, Clarke gets an angel that resembles little Aden 🥰
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mariacallous · 9 months
In 2023, Tel Aviv celebrated its first ever Jachnun Festival. Celebrity pastry chefs, jachnun joints and hungry crowds gathered at the hip settings of the city’s harbor, enjoying every possible version of the humble star of the party, the Shabbat Yemenite pastry. Alongside classic jachnun, visitors could try stuffed jachnun, spelt flour jachnun and even gluten-free ones. A stand offered Yemenite spicy sauce (zhug) tastings, and another featured a chili pepper eating competition. And to wash it all down, jachnun lovers were offered spiced black coffee, and fig and date arak liquor.
Jachnun is a slightly sweet rolled pastry, made of very thin layers of dough that are brushed with clarified butter. It is the Shabbat dish of the Jews of Aden, in today’s Yemen, and is baked overnight on Friday at a low temperature then eaten for breakfast on Saturday morning. 
Israeli food writers wondered how Tel Aviv hasn’t had a jachnun festival until now, but my question is quite different: How did this unassuming pastry make its way from Aden to the heart of Israeli culinary consensus in just 75 short years? It stands there in pride alongside other classics like shakshuka, schnitzel, hummus and chicken soup. When and how did that happen?
First, to clarify, the famous Yemenite jachnun is actually from Aden, not Yemen. (Aden, which was the capital of South Yemen, became part of the country now known as Yemen only in 1990 after the unification of North Yemen and South Yemen.) The Adenite and Yemenite (mainly from around Sana’a) Jewish communities were separate and had different traditions.
Adenite and Yemenite Jews met for the first time in the Hashed (or Geula, “redemption” in Hebrew) transit camp arranged by The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in 1949 ahead of Operation Magic Carpet that brought them to Israel. 
“In Hashed, with ingredients brought by The Joint, is where Yemenites first learned from the Adeni how to make jachnun,” said Moshe David, an Israeli of Adanite roots, a jeweler and author of the cookbook “Disappearing Flavors of the South.”
“More Yemenites learned how to make the dish in the camps in Israel,” where Yemenite and Adenite Jews lived together for years, he told me.
For hundreds of years Aden was a cosmopolitan strategic harbor city. It was ruled by the Ottomans and then by the British. Moshe believes that jachnun originated from an Ottoman pastry called gül böreği (rose-shaped borek). The pastry is made with yufka, a thin dough, thicker than phyllo, that’s used for many Turkish pastries, and is stretched to an almost transparent leaf, then spread with fat, just like jachnun. The original gül böreği, though, is stuffed with meat, while jachnun is only brushed with fat and then rolled.
In the past, jachnun was actually served as a sweet dish, topped with honey (and later, in Israel, with sugar).
“They used to serve it with halva or Turkish delight,” said David. “That’s what convinced me the origin is Ottoman. They would also serve it with quince jam,” a testament of the Adenite connection to the Silk Road and Persian cuisine.
In search for the origins of the dish, I found an unusual version of jachnun in two of Molly Bar-David’s books. Bar-David was a Jewish American who emigrated to Israel in the 1940s and documented Jewish dishes of immigrants that arrived in Israel from all across the Jewish Diaspora. She quotes a recipe for ghihinoon (Yemenite Cakes) from her Yemenite housekeeper, Margalit, who used to sprinkle chopped nuts, jam or cottage cheese on the dough before rolling it and baking. 
I should add that the 1964 book is packed with condescending comments toward the many Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews mentioned in the book. Margalit (last name is not provided) was not spared. In general, this was in line with the way many Ashkenazi Jews at the time viewed Jews from Arab and Muslim countries.
Moshe thinks that Bar-David mistakenly mixed g’hin, “dough” in Yemenite, with ghihinoon. But when I asked a Yemenite-Israeli Facebook group about it, one member said she too spreads the dough with jam before baking. Still, most Yemenite Israelis in the group found that idea amusing, and jokingly suggested serving jachnun with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. 
Jachnun evolved into a savory course, and became nationwide phenomena, fairly recently, in the 1980s when a chain of Yemenite restaurants named Nargila (hookah) took Israel by storm. Nargila offered a limited menu, and jachnun and malawach were the stars. The pastries were served with grated tomatoes mixed with zhug, which became the standard for Yemenites and even for some Adenite Jews.
These days, jachnun is available in the freezer aisle at any supermarket in Israel, offering an inferior but easy option for those daunted by the labor-intense process of making the dish at home. On the weekends, fresh jachnun is readily available at pop-up roadside stands, cafes and even as part of the famous Israeli breakfast buffet in many hotels. This modest dish has officially become an Israeli staple.
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championscast · 25 days
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These Chicken Satay Kabobs are a tasty Thai-inspired dish featuring tender chicken skewers marinated in a flavorful blend of spices and served with a creamy and savory Thai Peanut Sauce. Perfect for grilling and dipping, this recipe will satisfy your cravings for authentic Asian flavors.
Ingredients: 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into thin strips. 1/4 cup soy sauce. 2 tablespoons brown sugar. 2 tablespoons vegetable oil. 1 tablespoon lime juice. 1 teaspoon curry powder. 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin. 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder. 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes adjust to taste. Wooden skewers, soaked in water for 30 minutes. For Thai Peanut Sauce:. 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter. 1/4 cup coconut milk. 2 tablespoons soy sauce. 2 tablespoons brown sugar. 1 tablespoon lime juice. 1 clove garlic, minced. 1/2 teaspoon red curry paste adjust to taste. Water to adjust consistency. Chopped peanuts and cilantro for garnish optional.
Instructions: Put lime juice, soy sauce, brown sugar, vegetable oil, curry powder, cumin, turmeric, and red pepper flakes in a bowl. Mix these together to make the marinade. The chicken strips should be put on the wet wooden skewers and then put them in a shallow dish. Make sure the chicken skewers are well covered with the marinade by pouring it over them. Put the dish in the fridge with the lid on for at least 30 minutes, or overnight for the best results. Make the Thai Peanut Sauce while the chicken is marinating. Put peanut butter, coconut milk, soy sauce, brown sugar, lime juice, minced garlic, and red curry paste in a small saucepan. Stir the sauce around on low heat until it's smooth. As needed, add water to get the right consistency. Take it off the heat and set it aside. Warm up the grill over medium-high heat. To keep food from sticking, oil the grill grates. The chicken skewers should be grilled for four to five minutes on each side, or until they are fully cooked and slightly charred. Make sure that the chicken reaches a temperature of 165F 74C inside. Put the chicken satay kabobs on the grill and serve them with Thai peanut sauce on the side. If you want, you can add chopped peanuts and cilantro as a garnish. Have fun with your tasty Thai peanut sauce and chicken skewers.
Aden Conrad
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chasindtrevelyan · 1 month
Max is thirteen when news of a Blight spreading across Fereldan reaches Ostwick…along with a number of refugees who’d fled for their lives. While rumor had it that Kirkwall was the harbor for most refugees, it didn’t mean the other city states didn’t see their own stragglers. For the most part, the people of Ostwick were tolerant of the newcomers, so long as they were willing to work and whether it be on the farms or as servants at the noble houses, or wherever they could apply their skills. Not all of them were agreeable, some turned to banditry, others turned to living on the outskirts of society and begging for scraps.
Max himself knew little of them, only that they were strangers to their lands, and that he should treat them with kindness, but also with caution. He thought little of it, going about his days the same as he ever had.
However, there came a day when the whispers in the halls turned into a panicked meeting. Pockets of blight had been discovered and ghouls spotted roaming about the woods nearby. A search party was formed, and though he was young, Max was allowed to join on the promise that he remained with his brother. Aden was only two years older, but he was bigger and stronger and had more formal training and so it was deemed that Max would be safe enough in his company. The brothers were not about to complain, and off they went to search in the direction they were ordered.
For hours they combed the woods, but as time passed they began to suspect that they’d been sent in the least dangerous direction. Still, they kept looking…even as they began goofing around and acting the way young boys tend to when not being monitored. Their fun was interrupted when Max slipped and went tumbling down a hole, Aden jumping down after him to check that he was alright. Beyond some dirty scratches, all was well, and they turned their attention to getting back out. The lip of the hole was just beyond reach, and what roots stuck out from the ground proved too weak to be used as a means to pull themselves up.
There was a cave several meters further in, which they considered as another possible exit, but with no clear idea where it might lead other options had to be considered first. They were discussing the possibility of Aden boosting Max out of the hole and going for help when they heard it. A shuffling noise, followed by a low groan. Turning, they both froze.
A ghoul.
It appeared to be a woman in a dirty, tattered dress, but her face was clearly disfigured by blight, her eyes milky and dead looking. They’d been told what to look for, and she certainly fit the bill. More shuffling from deeper into the gloom of the cave told them that she was not alone. They couldn’t stay here. They had to get out.
Aden crouched, hands cupped in front of him.
“Get over here!”
Max didn’t try to argue, he went, bracing a foot in his brothers hands and reaching for the lip of the hole as he was hefted upwards. He dug his fingers into the dirt and stone and clawed his way forward until he could stumble to his feet. He twisted back around, reaching down, but Aden shook his head.
“I’m too heavy, you’ll just be pulled back in. Go find father and the others!”
He wanted to argue, to beg, but he knew better. Aden was right, and the only way to save him was to find more people. He scrambled to his feet, and took off in the direction he knew the others had gone, yelling for help as he went. Adrenaline and fear replaced fatigue, and he ran even as his legs began to ache and his lungs began to burn. He didn’t know how far he went before he found the others, but he all but knocked his father over as he stumbled into him. His concern was plain, but Max had no air to explain, so he simply yanked on his fathers arm and pulled him back the way he’d come, gasping Aden’s name only once.
It was enough, his father remounted his horse, hauling Max up behind him and he and the others set off in the direction the youngest Trevelyan indicated. He was not allowed near the hole once they reached it, held in place by one of the soldiers as a precaution while his father and another soldier reached the lip and reached down, hauling Aden up only moments later. He was alive, if a bit bloody, and though it clearly pained his father to do it, he ordered everyone to keep a distance as they escorted the boys back home. Another contingent would be sent out to deal with the remaining ghouls.
Once they arrived, Aden was whisked away out of sight and Max was led to a separate room to be checked over. When it was clear he was unhurt, he was sent to his room with strict instructions to eat something and get some sleep. Wearily, he agreed, though his sleep was fitful and broken up by nightmares. When morning came and Aden was still nowhere to be seen, he went looking for his father and was told that Aden had been quarantined in the infirmary until further notice. Until they could be certain he had not been infected with the Blight, they could risk no others going near him.
Max’s protests fell on deaf ears, and when he refused to relent, he was ordered back to his room. He opened his mouth to argue further, but a sharp smack had him closing it and spinning on his heal to leave the room. Message received.
Unfortunately for his father, he seemed to have forgotten that Max was not one to listen to rules when it came to his closest sibling. Once out of sight, he made his way to the halls used primarily by the servants, one of which contained a back door to the infirmary. To their credit, the door was locked, but Max knew how to get into places he shouldn’t and he had the lock undone in a matter of minutes and he slipped inside the room after making sure it really was deserted. He could see Aden sitting next to the window and he darted in his direction without a moment’s hesitation.
It was foolish and reckless. Aden could be tainted, and by exposing himself, he very well could become so too if that were the case. But he didn’t care. If Aden was tainted, they would leave him hear until he died, and then deal with his body afterwards and Max refused to let that happen. If Aden was tainted, he would not let his brother die alone.
Aden was, understandably, furious with him. Yelling all manner of things about how much of an idiot he was being, things he knew their father was likely to parrot later should they both survive this ordeal. But eventually he ran out of steam, and though clearly still angry, he did not turn Max away when he tucked himself against his side.
He would stay, for better or worse, he would stay.
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gojoislaive · 4 months
beloved in-laws x reader
A bittersweet encounter. Aden x noble!oc
trope- Comfort, strangers to friends, love at first sight
It was after the festival and the confusing conversation I had with my eldest brother Felix , that I had encountered her.
With a hand going through his blonde caramel like troughs of his hair, he let out a sighed and started walking around the main center of the country where the festival was still bright and young in the night.
He had very troubling and contrasting thoughts about the fiance of his brother , Reina holmwood. He knew it was wrong , forbidden to even have a twinge of romantic or any type of feelings for her but he coudn't help it, especially if its her, i mean who woudn't?
It was night and the darkness was hollowing out the trees around him, he was distracted to not notice that he had reached the end of the mainpoint of the festive area.
Just as he was about to retreat to return back to the car for the family manor, he heard rustling and whimperings of...perhaps a lady?
At this late hour of the day , why was there a lady murked up in a corner? moreover was she ...crying?
The young lord walked further to the noise for a better understanding of the situation. And there she was, with hair as black as opal , and light pink eyes as bright as the stars that witnessed the start of a love story between two confused humans.
He widened his eyes-
She looked so divine, sitting under the embrace of the moon's displaced rays of light. Her mellowed long black eyelashes that were drunk with her tears, and those same tears that rolled down her rosy , pale skin.
He blinked before stumbling backwards a bit with surprise when she looked up at him with those flushed eyes. His dark blue eyes contrasting her red flush of an expression. Slowly he bent down with one hand over his chest as curtesy.
"I-I greet the lady of....?"
She fumbled around, straightening her white plain dress that just acts as a catalyst in the element of her purity. She hastily wiped her eyes and got up.
With a low bow and and spreading of her pearl satin dress, she replied with her gentle and shaking voice.
"I am [Name] Vadenburg, the second youngest child of the house of vaden."
She didn't dare look up to meet those alluring blue eyes, she can't face him after he had found her in a such a disheveled state. Oh it was so embarrassing!
At such a close proximity between the two , The beige haired male took her dainty hands in his and kissed the palm of the back of her hand. Such a gesture can only bring an equal amount of blush to the young lady.
He looked forward to meet the gaze of her shell-pink eyes, she flinched for a fraction of the second before nodding her head at acknowledging his sweet courtesy.
The young dispenser smiled gently, he couldn't believe that [Name] vadenburgh, the flower of the empire, the emboidment of elegance, the lady that was always composed quite contrast to her age in any social gathering he had seen her. She was the trend setter for ladies of the nobility, with both beauty and brain's, she was the only lady of the Vadenburgh house.
But she was out here in the young of night with no one to guard her, and more so she was weeping so sadly, it would make one believe she was a stubborn child stuck in an adults body.
"Pardon me if i'm overstepping my limits with this question, but..why is the lady out here with no escorts? especially in this night?"
They both were sitting on the bench near the fountain where he had found her crying, [Name] was feeling anxious sitting near such a ...infamous and pretty young lord, and it only increased her stress when she heard he was from the Dispenser house.
Her hands were clammy in the white ruffled gloves she wore , as she fidgeted with her fingers.
And with a familiar calm expression that Aden had been so familiar with she spoke out, again , with that addicting and enticing voice.
" It's...Alright , you aren't overstepping any boundaries sir Aden , do not worry, and to answer your question...I-"
With a sigh she hid her face between her slender hands, seeing this, he spoke out.
"You don't have to say anything, indefiantly I was going over the limit with that sensitive question."
To be sorely honest , Aden only wanted to know what made her cry so much , or more importantly who? , he doesn't understand why her, a stranger, and a noble he had briefly met eyes with before enticed such emotions within him by just looking at her.
He felt the urge to hold her in his arms and never let her go.
Maybe its her gentle loving eyes that spoke with emotion, or maybe its her ebony hair , those silky wavy threads that had a waft of such a sweet smell. Else it's her pretty lips that were swell with the color of a plum pink.
He had to stop himself , but god how can someone make others feel this way? do other lords feel the same way with her?
"No no! it's more than fine, I just..had snuck out to visit the festive, i wanted to run along with the children and dance with the women and enjoy my time , that's the reason i don't have an escort."
"But why sneak out? is it perhaps...the fact that your family doesn't favor the festivals of the commoners?"
She slowly shifted her head towards him and with a small smile she smiled and nodded her head.
"Its exactly that my lord."
" But your very perceptive with your surroundings sir!"
She laughed softly with her hand covering her face, his eyes unconsciously moving towards her supple lips. His eyes widened again.
'What am i doing?? such disgraceful thoughts, i mustn't..'
He quickly swerved his head to the side and covered his rosy face with his hands.
[Name] stopped laughing when she heard no input from the lord and got worried quickly, in a tensed but softer voice she asked.
"Are you alright sir? is..is it something i did?"
Hearing this a fluttering felling bloomed in his chest, god, she was simply adorable. He calmed down and looked at her, and his hands slowly reached her's , when she flinched , he asked.
"May I, my lady?"
She looked at him with such a bewildered expression, the young woman wasn't expecting him to reach out his hand to her's, let alone having physical contact. She couldn't possibly ignore such a lord, and it wouldn't hurt to latch for bit more affection and comfort, right? after all no one had ever stood by her truly for who she was, her only identity was the young lady of Vaden.
Her eye's softened and she smiled, nodding her head.
He laughed out loud at her response, only if he could freeze this moment, did god pity him? is that why such an angel was bestowed to him?
"Please my lady, call me Aden."
The lady frantically moved her hands around and only replied in a enigmatic tone-
"Then It-it would be only fair for you to call me [Name] then , sir Aden!"
And the day ended with two young teenagers bound to fall in love, one could tell what love could do to you, and how it shows through the flushed expressions of both the young nobles.
Love is such a beautiful thing.
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Kailman Legacy || 03: The Wedding and the Woeful Other Woman
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Another Kailman girl is hitched! Emily Louise married Aden Blum on the gorgeous beach of Sulani surrounded by her parents and adult siblings underneath the spring sunshine. The two combined their surnames to create a new family line: The Kailblums. Grateful to have her aging father walk her down the aisle, Emily Louise couldn’t be happier on her big day.
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Amongst her sisters, however, this day will be marked with a bombshell.
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With the ceremony concluded and the sunset reception well under way, Dayla Ann and Edith Dean caught up while the family celebrated the newlyweds. With Edith Dean living in Del Sol Valley to get her violinist career off the ground, the two hadn’t seen each other in quite some time. Dayla Ann shared stories of her children growing up while Edith Dean talked about the guy she’d been seeing, in a very low key, noncommittal sense. This wasn’t just quality sister time, however, as Dayla Ann told her that the man she thought was just a well-known producer was actually Thorne Bailey, the famous, and married, top-charting musician.
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The reality of her situation hit as the couple made their grand exit towards their honeymoon, so she stepped away for air to grapple with this fact: she was a home wrecker. She barely made a name for herself and was now tabloid fodder. What could she do to remedy her potentially soiled reputation? One thing for certain, she has to fix this before her dreams are crushed forever.
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el-smacko · 8 months
O ye Anglo fleet in Aden:
may only sharks swim to your rescue, may no warmth find your frigid corpse, may worms dissolve your bones, and let the deep lice unlace your flesh
you havocless dogs, sic your own tail in a shrapnel-spiral down to the sea beneath the sea
there will be no dove to recall the flood, you are no Yonah, indeed no “Dove” to be delivered from the deep
you are a devil, indeed you are worse than a devil: you are Rome, and here is your ally Babylon
you are the Pharaoh and to your chariots the same
fire and smoke have sped safe your foe along
but the axle beneath you, the spine of the horse before you, the bow in your left and the arrow in your right hand
all your vain aborted plowshares an impotent, a broken, a shattered frozen frenzy under flood
you are not Goliath, you are not even the lion ere killed by pre-regnal runt, a David now yet un-belov’d
you are the stone drawn from the streambed, the stone he discards, o how you plunk threatless in the water
your weight is not fatal, your shape is not smooth, your flight, o certain to be untrue
splash, and sink, you Saxon, you unslung stone
by the gulf engulfed:
gape ever the jaws, mill ever the molars, grind ever the grit
does the leviathan, o ye damned,
you legion of swine, ever still unclean though the waters wash you
and wash you
and wash you
you pigs unmet with mercy, may you find only my curses, and the curses of my children, and of your own a disavowal, if ever a vow there could be retched for your rank, your faithless greed
so die, and free us finally from your shade, not indeed your shadow, for you are lower even than the close-casting lowness of a psalm-singing worm
he sings:
“no, for the shade of America is like a furrow in which there is a latrine, and the latrine is in a crater, and the crater is like a yawning void, darkened by the slick of an oil spill, located ever to the West, whose oil would surely choke, even without being touched by fire—shade upon shade!
“America chokes whoever it will with its smoke
“and America sets forth slavery for humanity
“for America has perfect ignorance of all things”
Your peace is war
and the war is peace which ends your peace
O ye Anglo fleet in Aden:
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maya-matlin · 5 months
What is your OTP, BROTP(s), and NOTP(s) for each (main) Degrassi character in TNG and Next Class?
Emma Nelson:
OTP: Sean/Emma (seasons 1-4)
BROTP(s): Manny, JT, Liberty (season 6+), Craig
NOTP(s): Peter
Jimmy Brooks:
OTP: Jimmy/Hazel
BROTP(s): Spinner, Craig, Marco, Ellie (even though I also ship them)
NOTP(s): Jimmy/Ashley, especially when they got back together in season 5 because it always came across as so bland and like they were both settling
Terri MacGregor:
OTP: Spinner/Terri
BROTP(s): Hazel, Paige, Spinner, Jimmy
NOTP(s): Terri/Rick
Ashley Kerwin:
OTP: Craig/Ashley
BROTP(s): Ellie, Paige, Liberty (but I'd consider that more of a mentor/mentee thing than an actual friendship)
NOTP(s): Jimmy/Ashley & Ashley/Alistair because I'm petty
Liberty Van Zandt:
OTP: JT/Liberty
BROTP(s): Manny, Toby (I have mixed feelings but overall I like their friendship in later seasons), Emma (season 6+), Ashley
NOTP(s): romantic Toby/Liberty
Manny Santos:
OTP: Jay/Manny
BROTP(s): Emma, Darcy, Liberty, JT, Marco, Toby, Alex (it's not real but I desperately want it to be)
NOTP(s): Manny/anyone but Jay honestly. Mick and Sully obviously, but also Craig after season 3
Toby Isaacs:
OTP: Toby/Kendra
BROTP(s): JT, Liberty, Manny, Emma, Jimmy
NOTP(s): romantic Toby/Liberty
JT Yorke:
OTP: JT/Liberty
BROTP(s): Toby, Paige, Manny, Emma, Danny (sometimes)
NOTP(s): JT/anyone but Liberty but it's not that serious for me
Spinner Mason:
OTP: Spinner/Paige & Spinner/Darcy
BROTP(s): Jimmy, Jay, Marco, Craig, Holly J, Paige (when they're not involved), Terri, Danny
NOTP(s): Spinner/Manny
Paige Michalchuk:
OTP: Spinner/Paige
BROTP(s): Hazel, Marco, Ashley, Terri, Spinner (when they aren't involved), Alex (I hate saying this, but I preferred them as friends and didn't think Paige was the best girlfriend to Alex), JT
NOTP(s): Paige/anyone except Spinner or Alex because they were all terrible. Matt was a predator. Jesse seemed to exclusively date barely legal freshmen. Griffin essentially re-raped her.
Sean Cameron:
OTP: Sean/Ellie
BROTP(s): Craig, Jay, Alex (even though practically nothing was done with it), JT, Snake, low key the Take on Me detention bunch even though it was never followed up on
NOTP(s): Sean/Amy
Snake Simpson:
OTP: Snake/Spike
BROTP(s): Joey, Wheels, Sean
NOTP(s): Snake/Ms. Hatzilakos
Craig Manning:
OTP: Craig/Ashley
BROTP(s): Marco, Sean, Jimmy, Emma, Spinner
NOTP(s): Craig/Ellie & Craig/Manny after season 3
Joey Jeremiah:
OTP: Joey/Caitlin
BROTP(s): Snake, Wheels, Dwayne, Spike
NOTP(s): Joey/anyone but Caitlin
Ellie Nash:
OTP: Sean/Ellie
BROTP(s): Marco, Ashley, Alex, Jimmy, Paige, Take on Me detention bunch.. justice for Ellie/Hazel because they didn't have to be rivals
NOTP(s): Craig/Ellie & Ellie/Jesse
Hazel Aden:
OTP: Jimmy/Hazel
BROTP(s): Paige, Terri, Take on Me detention bunch, Spinner, Alex
NOTP(s): Hazel/Marco, I guess
Marco Del Rossi:
OTP: Marco/Dylan
BROTP(s): Ellie, Paige, Spinner, Craig, Jimmy, Alex, Manny
NOTP(s): I don't care enough about Marco's other canon pairings to be against them, but Marco/Eric because it just seemed like Marco was desperate not to be alone in that relationship and only got with Eric because they were both gay
Caitlin Ryan:
OTP: Joey/Caitlin
BROTP(s): Spike, Lucy, Susie, Maya, Snake, Ellie until the writers ruined it for fucking Jesse
NOTP(s): Caitlin/Kevin Smith 🤮 & Caitlin/her old fiance
Spike Nelson:
OTP: Snake/Spike
BROTP(s): Caitlin, Joey, Erica, Heather, Lucy, Liz (even though I mostly dislike her)
NOTP(s): N/A
Jay Hogart:
OTP: Jay/Manny
BROTP(s): Spinner, Alex, Sean, Emma, JT (I can't explain it)
NOTP(s): romantic Jay/Alex
Alex Nunez:
OTP: Alex/Ellie
BROTP(s): Jay, Paige, Ellie, Marco, Hazel, Sean, Craig a little bit
NOTP(s): romantic Jay/Alex
Peter Stone:
OTP: N/A, because he deserves no one
BROTP(s): Riley, if I have to pick one but his actual BFF is his mother who keeps getting him out of legal trouble
NOTP(s): Peter/anyone with a pulse, but Peter/Emma was the worst by a mile. I also feel personally slighted that Maya's rebound crush after Zig broke her heart had to be on Peter.
Darcy Edwards:
OTP: Spinner/Darcy
BROTP(s): Manny, Jane, Spinner (post-breakup)
NOTP(s): Peter/Darcy
Mia Jones:
OTP: Danny/Mia
BROTP(s): Anya, Jane, Manny, Liberty, Sav
NOTP(s): Mia/all of her other boyfriends, but especially Peter and Lucas
Holly J Sinclair:
OTP: Sav/Holly J
BROTP(s): Fiona, Anya, Spinner
NOTP(s): Declan/Holly J
Jane Vaughn:
OTP: Jane/Darcy
BROTP(s): Darcy, Danny, Holly J, Sav
NOTP(s): Declan/Jane
Danny Van Zandt:
OTP: Danny/Chantay
BROTP(s): Sav, JT, Spinner, Jane
NOTP(s): Danny/Leia, but I don't really care
Derek Haig:
BROTP(s): N/A; I'd say Bruce, but they weren't even fun together.
NOTP(s): Derek/any girl he expressed interest in
Damian Hayes:
OTP: Damian/Liberty if the show had bothered to develop them and hadn't paired Damian with Emma first as if all three of his love interests were interchangeable
BROTP(s): N/A because he didn't have any friends and wasn't interesting enough for me to come up with any suggestions
NOTP(s): Damian/Emma
Clare Edwards:
OTP: Clare/Drew
BROTP(s): Alli, Adam, Jenna, Drew, Connor, Jack
NOTP(s): Eli/Clare
Alli Bhandari:
OTP: Dave/Alli
BROTP(s): Jenna, Clare, Anya
NOTP(s): Johnny/Alli & Leo/Alli
KC Guthrie:
OTP: KC/Clare
BROTP(s): Bianca, Connor, Dave, Drew (when they aren't bringing out the worst in each other)
NOTP(s): KC/Jenna
Connor DeLaurier:
OTP: Connor/Jenna
BROTP(s): KC, Dave, Wesley, Clare, Dallas
NOTP(s): Connor/LoveQueen16
Sav Bhandari:
OTP: Sav/Holly J
BROTP(s): Danny, Mo (but I wish they'd talked about anything besides Sav hooking up with his teacher), Adam, Eli (mainly because the episode were they hung out was one of the rare times I liked him), Jane, Spinner, Chantay
NOTP(s): Sav/Anya & Sav/Ms. Oh
Anya MacPherson:
OTP: N/A, but Anya/Wesley or Anya/Fiona if they happened
BROTP(s): Holly J, Riley, Fiona, Wesley, Chantay, Leia, Alli, Mia
NOTP(s): Anya/all of her canon love interests, but Anya and Owen was somehow her worst pairing
Riley Stavros:
OTP: Riley/Zane
BROTP(s): Anya, Peter, anyone else because the writers rarely let him talk to anyone besides Anya or Zane
NOTP(s): Riley/any woman
Chantay Black:
OTP: Danny/Chantay
BROTP(s): Anya, Jenna, Sav
NOTP(s): N/A, but Chantay/Bruce if we were supposed to think they were a thing
Leia Chang:
BROTP(s): Anya
NOTP(s): Danny/Leia but again, I don't really care
Johnny DiMarco:
OTP: N/A, but I guess his college girlfriend
BROTP(s): Bruce only because of season 9
NOTP(s): Johnny/Alli
Bruce the Moose:
BROTP(s): Johnny because of season 9
NOTP(s): N/A or Bruce/Chantay
Kelly Ashoona:
OTP: Kelly/Liberty
BROTP(s): Liberty, Manny
NOTP(s): Kelly/Emma
Blue Chessex:
BROTP(s): Riley, I guess. God, so many of the characters introduced in season 8 were flops.
NOTP(s): Blue/Holly J
Dave Turner:
OTP: Dave/Alli
BROTP(s): Adam, Drew, KC, Jenna, Connor, Wesley, Tristan, Tori, Eli (sometimes), Fiona
NOTP(s): Dave/Jacinta
Jenna Middleton:
OTP: Connor/Jenna
BROTP(s): Alli, Becky, Clare, Dave, Jake, Chantay, Adam
NOTP(s): Jenna/Luke Baker
Declan Coyne:
BROTP(s): Fiona, but even that I have mixed feelings about after Love Lockdown where he essentially made her an accessory to rape
NOTP(s): Declan/Holly J, but really Declan/anyone
Fiona Coyne:
OTP: N/A, but Fiona/Anya if they happened & Fiona/Imogen is a ship I'm fine with
BROTP(s): Holly J, Eli, Drew, Imogen, Dallas, Anya, Marisol, Bianca, Dave
NOTP(s): Fiona/all of her male love interests
Wesley Betenkamp:
OTP: Wesley/Hannah
BROTP(s): Connor, Dave, Anya
NOTP(s): N/A
Zane Park:
OTP: Riley/Zane
BROTP(s): Anya & the same answer as Riley - anyone, because Zane does not exist when Riley isn't in an episode
NOTP(s): N/A
Eli Goldsworthy:
OTP: N/A, but Eli/Lenore was probably his most tolerable relationship
BROTP(s): Fiona, Imogen, Adam, Sav, Dave
NOTP(s): Eli/Clare
Drew Torres:
OTP: Drew/Bianca
BROTP(s): Dallas, Adam, Fiona, Dave, Clare, Imogen, Becky (before it was ruined), KC
NOTP(s): In canon, Drew/anyone but Bianca or Clare
Bianca DeSousa:
OTP: Drew/Bianca
BROTP(s): KC, Imogen, Fiona, Clare (I have to assume the show was at least thinking about making them friends), Adam
NOTP(s): Bianca/her abusive exes
Adam Torres:
OTP: Adam/Becky
BROTP(s): Dave, Drew, Clare, Whisperhug, Connor, Bianca, Jenna, Dallas
NOTP(s): Adam/Fiona
Marisol Lewis:
OTP: Mo/Marisol
BROTP(s): Fiona, Jake, Bianca (Katie losing both Drew and Marisol to Bianca would have made me happy)
NOTP(s): KC/Marisol, but I don't actually care
Owen Milligan:
OTP: N/A because he's a disgusting creep with zero respect for women
BROTP(s): Fitz, because that least makes sense even though they probably wouldn't realistically run in the same circle
NOTP(s): Owen/Anya, but Owen/anyone
Jake Martin:
OTP: Jake/Clare
BROTP(s): Mo, Jenna, Marisol, Zig because they'll probably be related by marriage someday which is sad for Jake, Imogen
NOTP(s): Jake/Katie
Katie Matlin:
OTP: N/A because I don't trust her in relationships
BROTP(s): The Katie/Marisol friendship had its moments
NOTP(s): Drew/Katie & Jake/Katie
Imogen Moreno:
OTP: Imogen/Jack, but I'm barely invested
BROTP(s): Eli, Fiona, Becky, Drew, Whisperhug, Bianca
NOTP(s): Eli/Imogen
Mo Mashkour:
OTP: Mo/Marisol
BROTP(s): Jake, Whisperhug, Sav
NOTP(s): N/A
Zig Novak:
OTP: Zig/Maya
BROTP(s): Tiny, Grace, Maya during the times where they weren't dating, Damon (at least in season 12), Miles if the show had let them be friends, Zoe if they'd been allowed to be platonic, Frankie, Shay, Whisperhug
NOTP(s): Zig/Zoe & romantic Zig/Grace
Maya Matlin:
OTP: Zig/Maya
BROTP(s): Grace, Tori, Tiny, Zig when they're not dating, Goldi, Tristan (NC season 4), Zoe if only because of the potential, Shay, Saad, Jonah, Whisperhug
NOTP(s): Miles/Maya & Cam/Maya when the fandom overhypes them
Tristan Milligan:
OTP: Tristan/Miles
BROTP(s): Zoe, Tori, Maya (NC season 4), Miles (pre-relationship), Oliver, Grace
NOTP(s): Tristan/Yates
Tori Santamaria:
OTP: Tori/Miles, honestly
BROTP(s): Maya, Tristan, Dave, Cam
NOTP(s): Zig/Tori
Campbell Saunders:
BROTP(s): Dallas, Maya in theory, Tori, Tristan, Bianca, Alli
NOTP(s): Cam/Maya
Becky Baker:
OTP: Adam/Becky
BROTP(s): Imogen, Jenna, Jack, Dallas, Drew (pre-relationship)
NOTP(s): Drew/Becky
Luke Baker:
BROTP(s): N/A, but his friendship with Dallas was interesting
NOTP(s): Luke/anyone
Miles Hollingsworth:
OTP: Tristan/Miles
BROTP(s): Zoe, Tristan (pre-relationship), Zig, Grace, Jonah, Frankie (sometimes)
NOTP(s): Miles/Maya & Miles/Lola
Zoe Rivas:
OTP: Zoe/Grace
BROTP(s): Grace, Tristan, Miles, Goldi, Maya, Zig, Winston
NOTP(s): Zoe/men
Winston Chu:
BROTP(s): Zoe
NOTP(s): romantic Winston/Zoe
Frankie Hollingsworth:
OTP: Frankie/Esme
BROTP(s): Shay, Lola, Esme, Zig, Tiny, Miles, Hunter (she's the only one that almost makes him tolerable)
NOTP(s): Frankie/Jonah
Grace Cardinal:
OTP: Grace/Zoe
BROTP(s): Zoe, Maya, Tiny, Zig, Miles, Jonah, Goldi, Rasha, Tristan
NOTP(s): Grace/men, but overall Zig/Grace
Tiny Bell:
OTP: Tiny/Shay
BROTP(s): Zig, Maya, Grace, Frankie, honestly I could probably friendship Tiny with anyone in his class
NOTP(s): Tiny/Lola
Hunter Hollingsworth:
BROTP(s): Frankie
NOTP(s): Hunter/Yael, but Hunter/anyone
Jack Jones:
OTP: Imogen/Jack
BROTP(s): Becky, Clare
NOTP(s): N/A
Shay Powers:
OTP: Tiny/Shay
BROTP(s): Frankie, Lola (NC season 4), Yael, Esme (it's dumb, but it makes sense in my head), Maya, Zig
NOTP(s): N/A, but I hope Shay wouldn't have been paired with Hunter or Baaz in seasons 5 and 6
Lola Pacini:
OTP: Lola/Saad
BROTP(s): Yael, Frankie, Shay (NC season 4), Rasha, Grace
NOTP(s): Miles/Lola & Tiny/Lola
Jonah Haak:
OTP: Jonah/Goldi
BROTP(s): Maya, Grace, Miles
NOTP(s): Frankie/Jonah, but I don't think any of his relationships worked
Esme Song:
OTP: Frankie/Esme
BROTP(s): Frankie, Shay, Rasha, honestly anyone barring Zig or Miles because Esme desperately needs friends since she either alienates people or they pre-judge her for unfair reasons
NOTP(s): Miles/Esme & Zig/Esme, but both were interesting as things all three characters needed to experience
Goldi Nahir:
OTP: Jonah/Goldi
BROTP(s): Rasha, Zoe, Maya, Grace, Shay
NOTP(s): N/A
Yael Baron:
OTP: Lola/Yael
BROTP(s): Lola, Shay, Baaz for reasons I don't understand, potentially Saad
NOTP(s): Hunter/Yael
Vijay Maraj:
OTP: Vijay/a likable personality, but seriously N/A
BROTP(s): Yael because he supported their coming out
NOTP(s): Tristan/Vijay
Baaz Nahir:
OTP: Baaz/Yael even though Baaz is a disaster
BROTP(s): Yael, Saad (another in my head this would be good friendship)
NOTP(s): Baaz/Grace
Rasha Zuabi:
OTP: Zoe/Rasha
BROTP(s): Goldi, Grace, Lola (I'm so pissed these two couldn't even form a friendship during Miles's three actor play because everything revolved around Mola), Winston
NOTP(s): Rasha/her ex
Saad Al'Maliki:
OTP: Lola/Saad
BROTP(s): Maya, Yael, Baaz
NOTP(s): N/A
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flowerpotmage · 2 years
The Ledan: Pt 2
Chapter One: Dragonstone
Part one here. Read this installment on AO3 here
Summary: Your House, the rulers of a small isle off of Essos, has a tradition of sending the heir to another land as a rite of passage   once they are comfortably of age. Your mother, in her time, went to   Winterfell to emissary with the Starks. Now it is your turn, and your mother has chosen your destination; King's Landing, with the House Targaryen.
Ship: Aemond Targaryen x nb!afab!Reader
CW: Microaggression, subtle transphobia? Daemon being boldly inquisitive
A/n:  If you can name the stone described in this chapter, or tell me what language the reader’s house name is taken from, you get a prize! lol. Also no Aemond this chapter, but he’ll be here in the next one! I like a slowburn, and I want the story to not only focus on the romantic plot.
Credit for linguistics here
As always, you do not have to be nonbinary to enjoy this story if you wish
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Despite having grown up on an isle, and being fairly at ease with the small sailboats used to hop from isle to island to sandy bars found only at low tide, you decidedly did not enjoy the journey across the sea to Westeros on a true full size ship, and were glad of its nearing end. Your mother’s echoing words in your head did little to settle the unease in your gut.
“But no capital is free of its silent politics and scuttering rats. Nor is it free of pretty vipers in wait.”
A particularly ambitious splash of ocean water frees you from your concentration, and you wipe your face, spluttering lightly, as you turn from the edge and retreat to the safety of the leeward side.
“I’d thought you were seasick, my Ledan,” comes a voice approaching from near the mast. “What are ye doing above boards?”
You turn to face your guard. “Ser Aden,” you greet. “It helps to see the skyline after such a toss and turn night.”
Ser Aden was a man near ten years your senior, a guard under oath of your family for fifteen years past, and a personal favorite of your mother’s. His coal-dark beard is patchy, still silken in texture, though short and trim, and at sea he is still donned in his leather armor, the warm tone of it making his grey eyes all the more sharp and shining.
He nods, coming to lean against the railing with you. “Captain says we should make landfall at Dragonstone on the morrow. Then ‘tis but a short journey to King’s Landing. After a brief rest, should be only a week before our arrival.”
“Well, thank the Ancestors and the Others for that,” you sigh freely. “The open sea was starting to drive me mad.” You shoot a grin over at Ser Aden, who chuckles silently.
“You and I both. Come, let us get out of the Sun before midday arrives and turns us to roast meat.”
The next twenty four hours seems to drag, the only clue you have to exactly how imminent your arrival is coming in the form of a frenzied crew double, then triple checking, that the ship is in condition to be even seen by the two royals who will be hosting your first rest after sea.
Then, at last, you see land.
Dragonstone is just as had been described to you–a dark and rocky fortress on a dark and rocky island. Sharp imposing lines rising from craggy and rough land, like a well wrought mace resting upon a crushed enemy.
“My Ledan,” Ser Aden joined your side at the bow, much like the day before. “‘Tis time to disembark and meet the Princess and Prince.”
You nod, turning and adjusting the fabric of your overcoat. You swallow down the lump in your throat, nodding sharply once more. “Very well.”
As you reach the end of the–rather impressive–path from the beach to the castle, you spot two figures with shining white hair, clad in black, standing in wait. Beside the man are two boys, pale and dark haired, and behind the family are a small gaggle of servants and men in plate armor.
The man–Prince Daemon, you reminded yourself, looked you over with blatant curiosity. Quickly redirecting your glance, your eyes met Princess Rhaenyra, and immediately you bowed at the waist.
“Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon, it is an honor to meet your Graces.” You straightened, and met her eyes again. You did not miss Prince Daemon’s raised brows and glance to the two boys at his side.
“It is an honor for my family to be chosen for the heir of Irrasser’s emissary journey,” she smile, eyes crinkling. “I remember your mother’s last visit when I was a girl at King’s Landing. My own mother carried a strong fondness for her.” Her smile turned wistful. “But come, you must be tired after your long journey. Let us welcome you into Dragonstone.”
The gaggle of servants quickly stepped in to help your own people into the castle, and you and your guard fell into step with Princess Rhaenyra and her men.
“The Lady Dail still speaks fondly of the late Queen Aemma. She was dearly sorry to hear of her passing.”
The halls inside are dark, and the steps of your group loud.
“I’m glad to hear their friendship was a lasting one. Tell me, Ledan Dail, would you care to eat? We are set to dine within an hour, if you would care to join us after seeing your rooms.”
You share a glance with Ser Aden, who nods.
“That would be excellent, your Grace,” you nod your head in deference. “I’m sure a meal at a solid table where the drinks are not at risk for rolling to the floor at any moment will be a welcome change.”
Prince Daemon chuckles at this, and Princess Rhaenyra lets out a small laugh as well. “Excellent. Our men will show you and yours to your rooms.”
Your rooms are spacious, but the closed stone walls feel foreign in their darkness. What harsh architecture, you think to yourself. I do hope King’s Landing isn’t so heavy if I’m spending years of my life there.
Servants bring a small amount of your clothes to your room, and after thanking and dismissing them, your own dressing servant sets about the business of bringing out options to dine in.
“What do you think of this place, Arla?” You ask her from your seat on the bed.
She pauses and looks at you, “It is quite… stark in comparison to home. But no less regal.”
You hum in agreement. “Very. I couldn’t have put it better myself.” You rise from the bed and approach. “Now, what options have we got to dress in for this afternoon?”
Arla helps you dress in finer cloth than your sea clothes, a black tunic of green embroidered leaves of plants from your home isle. She fixes your hair, pinning a simple jewel at the back, and helping you don a pendant–you are taken aback at the sight of it.
“This is my mother’s jewel!” You touch the pendant and look back at Arla standing over your seat. “How did this come here?”
Arla smiled, smoothing the clasp at the back of your neck. “She insisted we bring it and present it to you when we made land.”
There is a lump in your throat again as you look down at the black jewel, three crossing lines of silver moving across the cabochon set in white gold. “She does love her surprises,” you whisper, eyes warm and sight blurring.
Lunch is a warm and friendly affair, the children of Princess Rhaenyra’s first marriage are present, her sons with Daemon too young to sit at the table and eat the food served. You learn that Daemon has an additional two daughters, not present as they live with their grandmother and grandfather at Driftmark.
“A truly beautiful place,” Rhaenyra offers. “I understand that you are to sail straight to King’s Landing once you leave us, but if you can on your return voyage home, I would stop to see it.”
Conversation, inevitably, turns to your unique nature as the topic of your home is brought up.
“So, my… Ledan Dail,” Daemon begins after a comfortable lull in conversation, setting down his goblet and fixing your gaze. “Forgive the inquiry, but I understand your mother is the ruler of your home?”
“Yes, your grace.”
“And you are the heir.”
You nod, gesturing acknowledgement and encouraging him to continue with your cutlery.
“But you are meant to be neither man nor woman. I understand that some forgo their sex in pursuit of the spiritual,” he leans forward in his seat. “But if you are the heir, meant to then produce more heirs, how can you do both? Forgo your sex and then still produce?” He does not break his gaze as he takes another bite from his fork in hand.
Of course, you think wryly. The men of Westeros are intrusive just as my Par has said. You look down at your plate, selecting your words carefully.
“We do not mutilate our sex in pursuit of leaving it, your Grace, as I have heard done in other lands and faiths,” you begin, meeting his eyes as you continue, “We are considered, in my homeland, beyond our bodies regardless of the shape they take at our birth. Yes, it is related to the pursuit of the spiritual,” you acknowledge his reference to priestly castrations and other equally violent practices in lands you have not seen. “But we are not barred, especially in my House, from fulfilling our… other duties. We simply take on another side in our existence, as asked by the Other and the Ancestors.”
He leans back in his seat again. “How fascinating.” He bows his head slightly. “Thank you for enlightening me so.”
You do not miss Rhaenyra’s hard glance at his profile as she sips from her goblet.
“Allow me to apologize for my husband’s… inquiries yesterday,” Rhaenyra offers you as you walk with her. It is gray outside, and so you stay within the shelter of the hallways. “He is… his curiosity gets the better of him.”
You bow your head. “It is to be expected, Princess. I am a foreign thing from a foreign land. A ruling, or even future ruling, Ledan has not set foot in Westeros since the time of Aegon the Conqueror’s children, and shared memory is short. I expect to be a novelty to most, if not all.”
She inclines her head. “Tell me, Ledan, you seem to be well of age,” she looks at you, you nod. “And yet you are unbetrothed and unmarried? Do all of your people wait so long?”
You let out a gentle laugh. “No, your grace. Not all. As heir, I am not to wed until after my emissary is complete. One new duty at a time, our traditions say.”
She seems surprised. “They send you off as the sole heir with no heirs of your own? What if something were to happen at sea, or an injury or illness struck you?”
“Then they simply mourn and find a new ruler. If I were to die at sea,” you pause. “Then I was no true deserved Ledan.”
You continue in silence for a moment, footsteps echoing against stone.
“How strange we must seem to one another,” Rhaenyra’s soft voice breaks the silence. “Our land with our strict societal roles…”
“And mine with what must seem like the flaunting disregard of them,” you joke.
You both laugh. “Indeed,” says the princess, a mysterious twinkle in her eye, and your heart warms at what feels like the beginning of a friendship started by your own mothers.
Despite your short time in her home, Rhaenyra grasps your hands in farewell when it is time for you to leave.
“Know that you are welcome to visit at any time during your emissary in King’s Landing,” she repeats her offer a last time.
“Thank you, your Grace. And thank you a thousand times over once more for sending a message to my mother for me.”
Rhaenyra had offered to send a trusted messenger along with your ship's return to home, as the sailors would be unlikely to do the same job with the proper dedication. After your arrival in King’s Landing, your ship was to rest, restock, and begin the return journey, stopping at Dragonstone once more to pick up her messenger. You and your guards and servants would remain behind at your new home in King’s Landing, to await the ship’s return in three years time for your final voyage home.
“Think nothing of it,” she squeezed your hand. “I know I would want to hear from my child after such an important first journey alone, and be assured of their safety.”
You part, saying your final farewells, and board your ship for the last days of travel.
“Well,” you say to Ser Aden and Arla later. “If that is how wonderful the Princess is, I feel that we are in for a lovely three years with the rest of her family,” you grin, and toast your two most trusted.
It is after three days that you hear the call from the rigging.
“King’s Landing in sight! Make ready for the port!”
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444namesplus · 9 months
Aal Aalde Aar Aber Abord Aburg Ade Aden Adord Adt Adtim Ahau Ahden Ahna Ahne Ais Ald Alden Alind Alkel Alken All Allin Almun Als Alten Ana And Angen Ann Appen Arn Arrk Arsch Art Arte Arz Asa Asel Auber Aude Auer Aul Aund Aurg Axnōt Bach Bachl Badt Baer Baig Bal Bald Bark Bas Bau Baus Baut Bayen Bechl Beck Bein Ben Ber Berd Berdr Beren Berg Berim Bern Bert Bia Biber Bin Bing Birch Bisen Bitz Bla Bladt Blen Blena Blich Blutz Boch Boden Bof Bord Borda Borf Borg Bort Botna Bow Bra Bram Bre Bren Brich Bruch Brunn Bryn Buken Bur Bureu Burin Burse Burt Bus Böham Bømla Bück Bürg Bürt Bütte Bütz Cal Calch Cald Calda Calde Carch Casse Chem Cla Coben Cock Coe Cord Creim Cren Crino Cusel Dal Dals Dan Dard Den Dena Dieck Diedr Dieim Dien Digyn Din Dinda Dineb Ding Diten Ditz Dord Dorde Dorf Dorn Drud Dust Döben Dömho Dürg Ebel Eberg Eck Edt Eger Egern Egg Eid Eim Eißen Eke Elben Eld Elden Elfin Eln Emdin Emgo Emitz Emme Emsda Ena Erd Erg Erich Ern Ersee Esch Esen Esher Esle Ewal Fach Fal Fel Felm Fen Fil Filde Flana Flau Fleim Flen Fogen Ford Forf Forna Fra Fral Fran Frau Fre Freck Free Freim Freis Fren Frich Fried Frike Frim Frin Frow Fröde Ful Furen Furg Førg Fürg Fürt Gadt Gan Gar Garde Garg Garne Gart Gast Gebut Gel Geld Gen Genau Gend Georn Ger Gerb Gerf Gerg Gerja Gil Gis Gisen Gla Glan Gne Gold Gom Gotte Grach Gran Grd Gre Greha Greim Grich Grick Grim Grims Grin Groda Gron Grow Gríðr Grötz Grøya Grún Grúðr Grüch Grüm Guber Guden Gul Gulau Guld Gun Gunn Göld Gönin Görd Göttn Gößen Günde Güto Gütz Hadt Haer Hagda Hage Hal Halan Halze Hammo Han Hange Har Harf Harn Hau Haurg Haus Hause Haut Hed Heder Hee Heich Heif Heig Heim Hein Heina Heind Heing Heitz Hel Held Hemic Hen Hena Heng Her Herau Herf Herg Herms Hiden Hil Hild Him Hin Hinge Hirch Hja Hjack Hjel Hjørd Hock Hofn Hold Holf Hor Hord Horde Horf Hoth How Hren Hrin Hum Hus Håste Höna Hönia Höð Hück Hünd Hüren Ichau Idow Idt Ilden Ilen Ilin Immel Inne Irco Isfen Istad Itzen Iðr Jal Jalen Jar Jel Jen Jerg Jeve Joh Jord Jorde Jorf Jugne Jul Julz Jun Jup Jör Jørg Jøsse Jüllr Jürg Jüth Kald Kalde Kam Kange Kapa Kapla Kar Kas Kasse Katz Kau Kaurg Kaði Kel Keld Kemne Kemon Ken Kerst Kir Kirch Kirg Kirse Kisee Kitz Klau Klena Klow Kob Kock Kohn Kott Kow Kra Krau Krauf Kren Krey Krome Kuf Kul Kum Kup Kurg Kus Kár König Könul Külsa Künch Lach Lad Ladt Lagen Lahl Lainn Lam Lamen Lan Lana Lanau Landa Lann Latz Lau Lauel Ledt Leina Len Lens Lerg Lern Lerst Lest Leste Leue Leurg Lia Ligen Lik Lim Lin Line Linge Lip Litz Lival Lohle Loma Lomr Lotte Lotz Loued Louen Low Loßen Luch Ludal Lude Lun Luna Lusen Lut Lych Lysen Löfn Lön Lör Lörlo Lübth Lück Lüdi Lügen Lündi Lünna Lünz Lütz Lütze
Magen Maind Mal Malln Mand Mar March Mard Marg Mark Markt Mart Marth Mau Med Mee Mef Meils Mel Meld Melde Melim Mels Mem Men Menau Mer Merg Mes Metha Mil Mils Min Mines Mirch Mirde Mirf Mirg Mit Mitia Mitz Monau Morn Mung Murth Mán Möl Mölld Mönid Mönn Mühl Münch Münd Münth Nau Naun Nebin Neck Necke Nee Nek Nen Nenda Nens Ner Nerg Nerma Nert Nes Netz Neuen Neul Neum Neunn Neurg Neven Newal Neyen Nich Nies Nig Nigen Nilde Nin Ninde Ning Nisim Nitz Njart Njört Noitz Nord Norde Norf Nost Now Nurg Nærf Nörd Nörf Nürg Obech Obelz Oben Obenz Obera Oberd Oberg Obern Obig Obuch Och Ock Ode Oel Oels Oerg Oesch Oessa Oeten Ofelm Olbe Old Olden Olz Opfel Ord Orden Ordt Orf Org Orn Osch Ossen Ossin Ossul Osta Osten Osth Oth Pain Par Patz Pau Pein Pen Per Pfa Pfan Pfen Pfurg Phel Phim Pla Plin Poch Pohau Pold Porth Poten Prin Puch Pul Pulf Putel Quel Quelf Quels Rach Radt Rakow Rand Rann Rasen Rath Ratz Rau Raum Raun Reck Red Reel Ref Rega Reim Remst Ren Rena Renz Resen Reut Rey Reyja Rhe Rheim Rhen Rhena Rherg Rid Ried Riede Riez Rijen Roch Rod Roden Rogen Rold Rolz Romar Ron Ronne Rop Row Rozen Roß Roßen Ránig Röden Rück Rüm Rünch Saal Saan Saarl Sach Sal Sam San Sana Sang Sann Sanna Sany Sarl Sart Sasen Sch Schen Schia Schl Schof Schrd Schte Schöð See Sel Selda Sen Sena Senz Sie Sien Sig Sigen Sim Sin Sina Sing Ska Skau Skjen Skord Skow Sna Snitz Sold Soll Son Sona Sow Soyth Spa Spau Speim Spel Spelf Spen Sper Sperf Speth Stach Stal Stau Staut Steid Steim Sten Ster Sterg Sterr Sth Sthop Sting Sto Stoch Stock Stren Strin Städt Sul Sulde Sulld Sum Sun Sunau Sung Sus Svel Sverg Svill Sviðr Syk Syken Ságar Ságau Süde Süden Tadel Taden Tadt Tal Tau Teim Tel Ten Terg Terio Tert Thau Tiane Tich Tin Tinau Tjørn Tocha Tomar Torg Tran Trau Trava Tren Trie Tring Tron Tyst Töne Tübz Uden Udin Uen Uetch Ulzen Unrau Urt Ussee Uwer Uwör Val Valch Vand Vanna Var Vart Vech Vedy Veim Velda Veln Ven Vend Ver Verg Vern Vest Viam Vich Vil Vin Vip Viðr Vogne Vold Volde Vole Vren Væna Vörd Vörðr Waach Wadt Wagen Wal Wald Walda Wali Walka Walke Wall Walln Wals Walth Wana Wanau Wand War Warna Was Wede Wedt Wegk Weila Weim Wein Weing Weirg Wen Wer Werau Werd Werg Wesch Wesen Weske Weten Wetz Wich Widen Wie Wied Wiedt Wig Wiga Wil Wild Wilde Willw Win Wiph Wisch Witz Wold Wolde Wolz Woode Worf Wurg Wurth Wusau Wykk Wört Würg Würn Xen Yre Yvde Zen Zer Zerg Ziedt Zietz Zig Zin Zitz Zoge Zow Zweim Zwer Zwerg Zwin Zwitz Zör Zörf Ård Ården Öld Ölen Übz Þordt Þrich
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On December 12th 1939, 9 miles off the Mull of Kintyre, the D class Destroyer, HMS Duchess was sunk after a collision with another ship.
This is the story as told by a survivor. It was an icy, black, December night and the destroyer, "Duchess" was heading home to the north of Scotland. Only another hour and she could dock at Greenock, at the end of a spectacular, record - breaking passage from East to West. The declaration on of war on Germany in that ; September of 1939, had been the signal for the flotilla of nine ships --all 'D' Class destroyers -- to leave their Chinese port, with the instruction to set sail for the 'friendly' waters of the U.K. with "the greatest possible speed". It had been a rare experience, an impressive and morale - boosting sight for the crew of the "Duchess", as they had steamed away in single file and at thirty knots, heading for refueling at Singapore On they had gone at break-neck speeds, beyond Colombo, Aden and into the Suez Canal. Here, the other shipping had been halted to ensure the flotilla's unimpeded progress to Malta. At Malta, three of the destroyers -- "Duchess", "Dainty", and 'Delight" -- were detailed to escort the Battleship "Barham" from Gibraltar to Scotland.
The "Barham" was a mighty ship. A veteran of previous skirmishes with the German fleet at Jutland in 1916. A massive vessel of some 31,000 tons, she dwarfed her escorting destroyers. The battleship and her escorts followed the usual pattern of submarine - avoidance by zigzagging, making it difficult for an enemy submarine to obtain a 'fix' on the ship. It had been a lightning trip -- perhaps the fastest East - West passage ever recorded and the crew of the "Duchess" were rightly proud of their achievement, as, in the early gloom of a December morning, she zigged and zagged her way towards the Hull of Galloway. The majority of the crew were below, asleep and the Petty Officer on watch had closed down all but one of the gunnery implacements, held a roll - call of his ten gun crew and ordered them to go below, to secure their hammocks, To clear the way for their messmates at breakfast. Only a young Ordinary Seaman, a 'boy sailor' called Ernest Swinhoe, was left up top at the 'A' gun. He was the 'communication number', the sailor on watch at the 'fore - gun. As the junior rating, he had been given the icy, early morning duty and he envied his gunnery mates their chance to go below into the warmth of the mess.
Ern had been lucky to join this destroyer, to be a part of the friendly crew of the "Duchess", along with his good friend Peter Port. Peter was his best mate, the lad who had shown him the sights of Hong Kong, before they had left the East,
They had both felt privileged to be a part of this record- breaking destroyer flotilla. As an electrician, Peter was fortunate, he thought, to be below in the warmth of the low power room. Safe from the biting chill of a Scottish strait.
It was 04OO hours now, and the watch had begun. Only an hour of this and they would be home and dry. Ern stood in the shelter of the gun shield, to avoid the wind.
There was a blackout and the absence of moonlight made it a coal-black night. He adjusted his headphones and looked aft. It 3. was then that he saw the massive shape of a ship's prow bearing down on him out of the darkness.
It towered over the diminutive destroyer and with a sickening sound, hit the "Duchess" at about half way and with such tremendous speed, that she simply turned the destroyer over. As she. 'turned turtle' Ern dived into the cold black sea, as other, half - naked sailors scrambled desperately round the rolling hull.
The "Barham's" searchlight lit up the scene, It had been her towering form that had pushed the "Duchess" over. Her crew felt sure that they had hit an enemy submarine, as the "Duchess'" upturned asdic domre looked just like a conning tower. But, when her searchlight beam moved aft, it revealed the awful truth -- the sight of a ship's screws, still turning --and her horrified crew began to sweep for survivors. The water was freezing and oil - ridden. There had been no time to grab lifebelts and Ern pushed off his rubber boots and overcoat, alternately treading water and floating on his back. Out of the blackness, a drowning shipmate struggled towards him. He was naked and desperate and Ern realized from his 'Ganges' training, that the condemned boy would use him as a lifebelt - and so, condemn them both.
Ern swam away to a reasonable distance, until the poor fellow disappeared. The light from the "Barham" lit up the side of the upturned "Duchess" and Ern could clearly see the faces of frightened men, shouting through tiny portholes, from which they were unable to escape. On the fast - disappearing hull of the "Duchess", men were clinging on, until the "Barham" pulled alongside, plucking them to safety, only moments before the boilers of the "Duchess" blew and she disappeared. beneath the waves, taking her entombed crew with her. The "Barham" and her other destroyer escorts, lowered boats and Ern began to shout to them. He realized that he had been in the water for some time now. His chances of survival were diminishing for every minute he was left in that icy waste. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a rowing boat and a coxswain shouting, "Oars!" The men stopped rowing now and the coxswain shouted again for silence.~ Ern summoned up ~'what little strength he had left and called for help. He was aware of a ship's lifeboat coming alongside and pairs of arms reaching out to pull him into the craft. He felt numb as the cold air hit him and he pleaded with his rescuers to put him back into the water, where it had felt warmer. When he reached the safety of the "Barham' he was a shaking mass, unable to warm himself through.
He was severely hypothermic and had 'been lucky to survive. His rescuers had pulled him out of the water at some minutes after 0500 hours, which meant that he had been in the water for an hour -- beyond a reasonable amount of survival time for conditions such as those on that December night. As he recovered, Ern learned that he was one of only twenty - three survivors from the ill - fated "Duchess" and, her crew of a hundred and sixty men. His fate had rested on the timing of his watch duty. He had possibly been the only sailor aboard to see the fateful collision, when the zig and zag of the two vessels had coincided. His heart went out to his mate, Peter Fort, who had been below at the point of impact. He couldn't possibly have survived and Ern hoped that he had known little of what was happening,' as he and a hundred and twenty - three others perished in what was officially described at the time, as, "One of those unfortunate accidents of war." More than fifty years have passed since that accident and my father --
Ordinary Seaman Ernest Swinhoe still remembers the events of December 12th. 1939, as if it happened yesterday. He can recall the cold, misery and confusion. The anguish of seeing entombed sailors shouting from tiny portholes, the pain of losing a good friend and the guilt of seeing a shipmate drown before his eyes. Since that day, however, ships have had escape hatches built into their sides, to prevent the fate that befell many of the "Duchess'" crew. While her demise had not been as 'newsworthy' as that of the "Hood", the "Bismarck", or -- later -- the poor old "Barham" herself, lessons had been learnt from this awful night in 1939.
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lexa-griffins · 11 months
In farm clexa at what age do Lexa and Clarke talk to their kids about their miscarriage is it more in-depth when their teens or is it more of a filtered down version? Yup, I went there with the angst.
When it happens, Clarke is really the one to tell the kids the baby that was inside Lexa's tummy isn't there anymore and they don't elaborate much more for a good few years.
The first time they ever talk about the miscarriage since it happened with the kids in a way of explaining it is with Madi. She's 15 and just had a pregnancy scare so they find it's probably best to tell her about it almost as a reality check. She was 9 so she does remember it the best and while Lexa isnt graphic when explaining what she felt during that time and Clarke does water down the more medical details a bit, its enough for Madi to get the picture of what her moms went through, the pain Lexa went through and why a pregnancy at her age, having the baby or not, would be life changing.
Aden is around 17 when he asks about the extra tree growing. He knows his moms plant one for each kid but there is one between his and his twin siblings. Of course he wasn't there when it happened, but he does want to know about it and Lexa and Clarke decide he deserves to know what happened too. Its more watered down than the talk Madi got, but unlike when she talked about it with Madi, Lexa does break down, realizing fully that while the other kids in a way met the baby when Lexa was pregnant, Aden never even got to know the baby existed.
The other three kids are already adults when they talk about the miscarriage again.
Saige is pregnant when she asks Lexa about it and Lexa tells her she doesnt want to talk about it while Saige is expecting her little girl but Saige insists she wants to know. She's heard everything Lexa had to say about the joghs and lows of her own pregnancies but she wants to know about the baby her mom lost. If anything happens, Saige wants to be ready for it. All she remembers is that for a few months Lexa shit down completely. Of course given how sensitive Saige usually is and much more with the pregnancy hormones she breaks down crying about the baby and the pain her mommy must have gone through. Clarke only catches half of the conversation but is sobbing too.
Skie and his wife have an unfortunate miscarriage too with their second baby. It was much earlier than Lexa's but that doesnt make the pain any less. Skie and Willow were both so small when it happened, only two years old, they barely remember it happened. And to be honest, Lexa and Skie's wife dont particularly get along but the talk Lexa has with her and Skie about her own lost, Clarke right by her side nodding along and her feelings mirroing the ones their son feels right now does strenght that bond a little.
Willow.... Willow never knows the details. Perhaps because they dont want to or because they remember Lexa's face when she came back from that first therapy session, the pain in her moms' face that never fully left their mind ever since they were little. Lexa never blames them for not wanting to know. Overall, Willow is the one who grows up to be more like Lexa. Closed off and guarded with their feelings. Never really sure if touching certain wounds is for the best. So, they prefer to never know, not even when Clarke offers to be the one to tell them. Its not until they are old and both Clarkr and Lexa have passed that they ask their siblings to tell them about it, and they are actually the one who get all the different pieces of info about it that their moms told their kids over the years.
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owl127 · 1 year
The Pile, Clexa drabble
read on Ao3
The night's chilly air blew heavily on Clarke’s face, erupting the curls out of her hood into maddening spins. Her cheeks burned red, stinging in the cold. Winter nights were merciless on the ground, scaring prey and bringing diseases, but the curses were antagonized by the most beautiful view Clarke had ever seen.
The first time the Sky Girl saw snow, she cried. She wasn’t the same innocent child that landed in a world of marvelous green. She was a woman with the burden of leadership and family, and seeing the purity of white reminded her of lifelong responsibilities. Her lungs burned at each breath, with the wind licking the space between her skin and coat. And cutting through the night, a lonely bird sang a low tune, bringing her to silent tears.
Tonight she didn’t cry, though the moon’s pale shine on the white ground painted a melodramatic smile on her chapped lips.
Clarke entered the tent with cautious feet, aware of the late hour. Fire burned high, forgotten, filling the space with warmth enough to shed her coat. Smoke escaped in cracks through the center opening, and the scent of candles and family embraced her.
She noticed Lexa’s purring first, deep and strong, a proof to her strength. Smaller, higher purrs followed, half buried in fur and skin. When Clarke pushed the curtain separating the main room from their private quarters, her lips cracked at the power of her smile.
Serah, their eldest, hugged Lexa’s knee as if it were her last breath. At nine, their firstborn was nothing like they expected and everything they needed and loved. Promised to be tall by her long legs, Serah was quiet and introverted, kind with animals and plants, and still frowned at strangers. She didn’t have Lexa’s dexterity with swords or Clarke’s talent and patience for healing. But the girl followed Raven like a true Second, thirsty for Ark technology, in a way that initially confused her mothers, though the entire family got used to small explosions when Serah was involved.
The twins buried themselves in Lexa’s hips, a mess of blond hair poking between furs. Jake, older by ten precious minutes, drooled silently over tanned skin, his purr the deepest of their pups. In sleep, his face relaxed from its usual seriousness, the fruit of being the quietest of all. Jake had the blood of a warrior and the stealth of a hunter. The little man followed Lexa to the training rings since he could walk, eager to learn what his sire and Heda taught him.
Clarke knew what being a Trikru warrior meant, and even though peace prospered under her mate’s command, war was only a matter of time. She shook her head at the thought of her son being old enough to battle and asked the spirits to protect him.
Aden, since coming to this world, had followed Jake like a shadow, though their personalities were as different as their appearances were the same. Smart and quick to laugh, Aden was good with a spear and fast on his feet, climbing trees and waterfalls with ease. There wasn’t a day Clarke didn’t have to disentangle the twins from fights, mostly between themselves and usually initiated by Aden. Lexa would laugh proudly, saying alphas had too much energy. Clarke, along with Serah, simply rolled their eyes.
Finally, the youngest, the three-year-old currently with a foot over Lexa’s mouth and a fist covering her sire’s eyes. Their princess. Born in the cold of winter and a friend of summer, the little girl tested her limits and those of her parents at every opportunity. After three alphas, Clarke didn’t expect an omega. Honestly, she was happy, because in a few years it would be Lexa’s responsibility to deal with ruts, and none of her pups would feel the pain of a heat.
Until Lumi came.
The only one with Clarke’s eyes, the little girl was more like the queen of the house than a princess. Bossy, easy to anger, and even easier to amuse, Lumi reigned in their household. Clarke blamed Lexa, though neither of them could resist the perfect pout Lumi could muster or the fat tears running over her pink cheeks when she cried.
Her small body rested half atop Lexa’s face, and if Lexa felt any discomfort, she didn’t show it.
Clarke sneaked into the wooden bed, the fur deepening as she entangled herself in the sea of warm bodies. She scooped Lumi from Lexa’s face and placed her between Aden and herself, with protests that soon died in tiny snores.
After kissing each forehead in a show of flexibility, Clarke pecked her mate’s lips. Lexa blinked awake, her lazy green eyes finding Clarke in the dim light.
"Hi," Clarke whispered, adjusting a head that bumped her ribs when she leaned down to kiss Lexa.
"Hi," Lexa growled, yawning at the late hour. "How did it go?"
"The patients are fine. Were you waiting for me?"
"The entire clan," Lexa joked, one of her hands resting on Serah’s brown curls. The girl sleepily nudged closer.
"Lumi was asleep on your face again." Clarke smirked, and one eyebrow arched.
"She must enjoy it." Lexa grunted and turned to massage her neck. "She’s getting heavy, though."
"They all are."
Lexa felt a kiss on her sore neck, shaping her mating scar. She made the tremendous effort to sneak her arm behind Aden and Lumi without waking them up to reach her mate’s shoulder. Her eyes blinked slowly at Clarke, inviting, and the omega muffled a laugh against warm skin.
"We are never carrying them back to their beds without waking up at least two," Clarke warned, knowing the wrath of waking pups in the middle of the night.
"We could at least try," Lexa reasoned, her lazy smile an attempt at being seductive.
"Sleep." Clarke kissed her one last time, and Aden mumbled at the movement above him. "I love you."
Lexa’s smile grew unbidden, a rare sight reserved for moments like this.
The family drifted off to sleep under the crackling of fire and melting candles.
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