#Adventure and suspense
blueheartbookclub · 9 months
"The Enigmatic Elegance of Arsène Lupin: Maurice Leblanc's Timeless Tale Unveiled in Edgar Jepson's Transcendent Translation"
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Arsène Lupin, penned by Maurice Leblanc and skillfully translated by Edgar Jepson, emerges as a captivating tale that weaves together elements of mystery, adventure, and wit. This classic work introduces readers to the enigmatic character of Arsène Lupin, a masterful and charming thief with a penchant for outsmarting both the law and his adversaries. Leblanc's narrative prowess shines through as he meticulously crafts a series of short stories, each unraveling Lupin's audacious exploits and ingenious schemes.
At the heart of the narrative is Lupin's charismatic personality, which transcends the conventional boundaries of a mere antihero. Leblanc successfully portrays Lupin as a multifaceted character, eliciting both admiration and curiosity from readers. The clever interplay between Lupin and the dogged detective attempting to bring him to justice adds an extra layer of suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.
Jepson's translation preserves the essence of Leblanc's original work, allowing English-speaking readers to savor the nuances of Lupin's escapades. The prose is elegant and fluid, capturing the vivid imagery of the settings and characters. The translation seamlessly transports readers into the world of early 20th-century France, where the allure of hidden treasures and daring heists unfolds against a backdrop of societal intrigue.
Arsène Lupin stands as a testament to Leblanc's narrative ingenuity, creating a timeless character whose charisma has endured through the ages. The stories within this collection not only showcase Lupin's cunning intellect but also explore themes of justice, morality, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. As readers embark on this literary journey, they find themselves irresistibly drawn into Lupin's web of deception, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn.
In conclusion, Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin, skillfully brought to the English-speaking audience by Edgar Jepson, is a literary gem that transcends its genre. The charismatic antihero, coupled with the expertly crafted narratives, ensures that Lupin's legacy endures as a symbol of literary brilliance. This collection is a must-read for those who appreciate the art of storytelling and the timeless allure of a captivating rogue.
Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 305
Language: English
Rating: 8/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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blueheartbooks · 9 months
"The Enigmatic Elegance of Arsène Lupin: Maurice Leblanc's Timeless Tale Unveiled in Edgar Jepson's Transcendent Translation"
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Arsène Lupin, penned by Maurice Leblanc and skillfully translated by Edgar Jepson, emerges as a captivating tale that weaves together elements of mystery, adventure, and wit. This classic work introduces readers to the enigmatic character of Arsène Lupin, a masterful and charming thief with a penchant for outsmarting both the law and his adversaries. Leblanc's narrative prowess shines through as he meticulously crafts a series of short stories, each unraveling Lupin's audacious exploits and ingenious schemes.
At the heart of the narrative is Lupin's charismatic personality, which transcends the conventional boundaries of a mere antihero. Leblanc successfully portrays Lupin as a multifaceted character, eliciting both admiration and curiosity from readers. The clever interplay between Lupin and the dogged detective attempting to bring him to justice adds an extra layer of suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.
Jepson's translation preserves the essence of Leblanc's original work, allowing English-speaking readers to savor the nuances of Lupin's escapades. The prose is elegant and fluid, capturing the vivid imagery of the settings and characters. The translation seamlessly transports readers into the world of early 20th-century France, where the allure of hidden treasures and daring heists unfolds against a backdrop of societal intrigue.
Arsène Lupin stands as a testament to Leblanc's narrative ingenuity, creating a timeless character whose charisma has endured through the ages. The stories within this collection not only showcase Lupin's cunning intellect but also explore themes of justice, morality, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. As readers embark on this literary journey, they find themselves irresistibly drawn into Lupin's web of deception, eagerly anticipating each twist and turn.
In conclusion, Maurice Leblanc's Arsène Lupin, skillfully brought to the English-speaking audience by Edgar Jepson, is a literary gem that transcends its genre. The charismatic antihero, coupled with the expertly crafted narratives, ensures that Lupin's legacy endures as a symbol of literary brilliance. This collection is a must-read for those who appreciate the art of storytelling and the timeless allure of a captivating rogue.
Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 305
Language: English
Rating: 8/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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writing-to-survive · 8 months
"Is this not considered kidnapping?"
"You came willing, saying—and I quote—'I call shotgun.'"
"Which I didn't get."
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keeps-ache · 3 days
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skykids :D !!
[Eien belongs to my brother Leo, Pepeka belongs to @euclid-dragon !!]
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browsethestacks · 3 months
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Remember When... Archie Did Every Genre?
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tentacle-therapissed · 2 months
My pet peeve will always be people calling characters war criminals when they exist in a world without a Geneva Convention. Like yeah sure man Princess Bubblegum is a war criminal and by that logic Finn & Jake are murderers, Marceline committed genocide and and Ice King is a felon who should probably be on a registry. Or maybe its a cartoon set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world with customs completely different from the ones of our world and a child scientist who created beings out of candy in her lab is not a 1:1 comparison of real world dictators
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submission4 · 27 days
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“He came into our house with a gun, Erin. This gun!” said Amber, holding the weapon unwaveringly at the head of the man tied to a chair in her and her sister’s kitchen. “But he says he’s a federal agent!” cried Erin. “Maybe we should listen to him…” Amber snorted. “Another liar like all the others!” the older girl retorted. “Gag him so we don’t have to hear any more of his lies!”
Reluctantly, Erin pressed a length of tape over the bound man’s mouth. “Either way, we aren’t safe here, sis.” continued Amber as she watched her sister. “We need to grab our things and go. He is probably working for them anyway.” Erin looked at her sister despairingly. She recognised, the cold, almost dull, look in her eyes. “Again?” she pleaded. “We go on the run again?” Amber’s eyes flashed suddenly. “What choice do we have? They want to silence us!” Erin looked desperately at the captive who stared back, wordlessly, utterly bemused. Agent Frank deSantis sighed to himself. What had he done to deserve being allocated to Missing Persons? he wondered.
Source: not sure. Possibly from RoperMike’s website, Guys In Trouble, but unable to locate it.
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behindthesemasks · 6 days
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Chap1er 18
Things don't go smoothing when the team makes it back to the hotel
Back in the hotel, Erik paced the room as he waited for the unconscious Andreas to come around again when the door to the room was almost taken off his hinges as it slammed open.  His head snapped to look over and he barely had time to register there was male crossing the room before his face exploded with pain.  Next came the blow to his throat and then his gut, pain exploding throughout his body.  Falling to the ground, he coughed and wheezed, trying to draw in breath, before he was flipped onto his back and a fist slammed into his face a couple more times.  With the beating he was taking, he was pretty sure it was Oglesby’s men who’d found them, and was sure he was going to die.  Each blow raining down on him caused the pain to increase exponentially, then the world went black.
It took Case, Nic, and Gabe to be able to finally pull Klaus off of his brother who was trying to pound Eric into the carpet of the floor.  Ambrose was immediately in the large man’s face, rage written on every line and curve of his face and the steel grey of his eyes almost glowing with the fires of rage.  The threats and promises of pain that were expressed were enough to keep Klaus from going after Eric again, but everyone knew if they didn’t get Klaus out of the room that it was only a matter of time before his resolve would weaken and it would become chaos again.  
No one had heard from or seen Melania.  The group who had been at the hospital were now also missing, and knowing that Oglesby was at least the money behind the attacks, if not the brains as well, put everyone on edge.  If finding out that Andreas was involved in the threat to Alexander hadn’t been enough of mind fuck, now having Erik threaten Mel was definitely one for everyone.  Things were going sideways faster than anyone could adjust and compensate, and that was not a good thing.  For men whose entire lives were adjusting to ever changing circumstances, not being able to find solid footing was not something that put them in a good mood.
“GET.HIM.OUT!” Ambrose bellowed at the men restraining Klaus, his jaw ticking as his teeth were clenched.  He didn’t turn his attention back to Erik until they had succeeded in getting him out of the room.  If they hadn’t been able to, he was ready to shoot the German asshole himself to accomplish it.  His patience was completely gone and he was ready to start dealing out pain to accomplish his orders to those around him.  That  Klaus had surprised him as soon as the lock had clicked on the door had pissed him off to begin with, the condition that he’d left Eric in only made it worse.
“Restrain him like his cousin.  Make sure they’re both still alive and able to talk when I’m ready for them.  Come get me when they are.  I’m done with the bullshit, I think they believe the old man has gone soft.  I’m about to show them differently.”  Ambrose gave instructions to Cam and Donovan before following the others back out of the room.  He could hear cursing down the hall in the direction of the suite.  Time to go talk with his team and calm down enough not to kill anyone, yet.
“Now we know who hired the assholes at the mansion.  That’s one question answered.” Nic was saying as Ambrose walked in.  A quick head nod to his grandfather and he continued. “How the fuck could he NOT know who was financing this fucking dig?  Oglesby is far from stupid, that’s the only reason he’s still alive.  He’s never crossed us, never crossed the wrong person before.  For him to be this careless and foolish now seems a misstep that is unlike anything he’s done before.  I think there’s still something we don’t know about this.”
“We can figure this out later.  We have three missing team members, my granddaughter is missing, and the asshole that orchestrated this is out there as well.  Priorities, gentlemen.  We can assume that Cade, Alexander, and Dez are all still together for now.  Hopefully that will make them easier to find.  Case, Nic, and Gabe, get out there and find all of them.  No excuses for failure.  AM. I. CLEAR?”  Ambrose’s voice was calm but there was no missing the undercurrent of rage in it.  None doubted that he was barely controlling the desire to hurt, maim, and possibly kill someone in the near future.  All the men’s heads nodded as they rose to leave. “What am I supposed to do? Fucking sit on my ass while they’re out there?”  Klaus bit out at Ambrose in frustration.  Eyebrows raised on the other men as everyone froze.  No one wanted to be between the other two if they were going to go at one another.  Was this really the time to piss off Ambrose more? He was never known to suffer fools lightly. 
“That’s exactly what you’re going to do.  You’re a loose cannon, Klaus, I can’t have you out there possibly blowing up at an innocent person, and bringing the Serbian authorities attention swinging around to us. We’ve got two men tied up in here, and a couple dead bodies in a burned out car out in the woods near the excavation site.  You think we want attention on us?”  Ambrose’s head tipped to the side, his lips thinning as his cold blue eyes pinned Klaus with a hard stare. His voice was cold and almost emotionless, something that rather worried the others in the room, who exchanged quick glances.  He was like a volcano that had been smoking and suddenly stopped, an eruption was imminent.
“Someone needs to see if they can locate the GPS tracking devices on the cars, run their credit cards, see if there is ANYTHING that can tell us where the four have disappeared to.  And sweep this fucking room!  How the fuck did she get out of here and leave no trace?”  Now, now there was anger, lack of sleep or coffee was showing in Ambrose’s demeanor.  Just a crack, not a full explosion, but if Klaus pushed him again, there was no telling how big it could get. “Now, you all have your tasks.  Do them.  I’m going to handle our guests here, and find out what the fuck is going on.  I’m sick of playing catch-up.”  Ambrose turned and headed out of the room with no further comment.  He was about to shoot someone, and he’d prefer it to be one of the two assholes down the hall rather than one of the team that he still needed. As Gabe prepared to slip away, he looked over at Nic and Klaus.  Both men looked utterly defeated and worry was etched deeply into their strong features.  Now it wasn’t just Mel that was missing, but the other three who had been at the hospital, at least as far as anyone else there at the hotel knew.  He was the only one who knew that none of them were in danger and they were all together.  There was a little bit of guilt that gnawed at him over that, but not enough to stop him from what he planned on doing.  No, his loyalty did not lie with anyone in the hotel where he now stood.  He was going to those with whom he felt the most loyalty.
“Guys, try and look on the positive side.  Maybe the others have found her, and that’s why they’re not answering.  Case and Cam said that they had called the guys more than once before they had gone out looking too.”  Gabe tried to give some reassurance, if only to relieve his own guilt. “Yeah, I’m sure they’re all kicked back and drinking coffee in some posh shop while we have been looking for them and worrying.” Nic bit back, sorry afterward that he had been quite so harsh.  “Oglesby has got to be close, Mel is a bargaining chip and Alexander is a target.  It’s not safe to assume anything at this point.”  This time exhaustion and worry was clear in his tone and words. Gabe nodded curtly and headed out the door behind Case.  He felt a vibration in his pocket and swiped to open his phone while they waited for the elevator.  It was the 228 number again.  ::Omni #955.  Package is tired::  It was all he could do not to laugh, someone had clued her in on the lingo.  As soon as he could be, he’d join the four that were there, then they’d have to figure out how to deal with the boss.
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Chapter 17
The conversation continues...and a revelation happens..
“Which is?” Astaroth queried with a touch of hesitancy in his voice, wondering what his wife had in store for him now.  A zoo’s worth of animals on the island? Another island paradise to hideaway in? A mountain one this time?  A baby?  Primus Sator forbid!
Taking a deep breath, since she felt kind of foolish for asking, but that seemed on par for the course of the evening, “Could we try a first date again? Maybe just the two of us? You know, since I ruined this one.” Yara looked away from him, trying to keep the tears from building in her eyes.  The thought of how to ask, or even how to plan it on her own, had been what was keeping her awake.  She wanted to have a romantic time with her husband.  She wanted to show him she wasn’t a lost cause.
If Yara had been trying to hide how nervous she was to ask that question, she failed spectacularly.  Astaroth was impressed she wasn’t physically trembling in his arms when she asked though, as bad as her voice shook and cracked.  That was tempered with pride in her for being able to actually get it out instead of hiding her thoughts like she had a habit of doing. Her looking away didn’t bother him, he’d rather her look away and be able to speak her mind than them keep tripping over one another.
Gently, he used two fingers to tip her chin so that she was once more looking at him in the very low light.  “Do you mind if I change it a little?  Make it so we both have a better time and are more relaxed?”  His fingers gently caressed the edges of her face as he looked at her adoringly.  There were mistakes that he had made that he didn’t intend on making again. He was learning he rather enjoyed having his wife in his arms, and the sound of his name rolling of her tongue. “Whatever you want, but I just…” Yara paused as she nodded, she honestly didn’t care.  It could be a completely different type of night, she just wanted a second chance.  He already meant something to her, and was beginning to mean a whole lot more, she didn’t want to drive him away or to actually look at someone else longingly because she was an emotional mess.  The thought of that was killing her, even with his promise that it would be just the two of them.  “I just want a special time for us, and not to ruin it this time.”  Her head pressed firmly against his chest, her eyes closing.
He tsked her, shaking his head slightly, before kissing her forehead.  “You did not ruin it, Papilio.  You learned that you are cared for, and will never be abandoned or rejected.”  He held her tighter and sighed.  “Life is not an all or nothing, with me, not for you.  We will learn one another, and things will get easier.”  Another kiss was placed on her forehead, as he tried to figure out how to better comfort her, and also wondered why it was that her upset troubled him so deeply.  This whole relationship was a new experience.
“Dinner was amazing, but you know that the rest was not what you had envisioned, or what we could have had.”  There was an undercurrent of sadness and remorse to her voice that displeased him. There was no reason for it.  Yes, she had misunderstood the situation, but she had not done anything to purposely ruin the night. Her sitting there silently was the exact opposite of how he would have expected her to react to seeing someone flirt with him, and assuming he was receptive.
“True, but such is life.  So, we shall have a second date.  I do want to keep my wife happy. I wouldn’t want her eyes or heart to wander to someone else.  After all, she is becoming very important to me.” The seriousness of the conversation gave way to a slight tease in his voice. 
“Asti….” She scoffed and lightly thumped his chest with her hand, looking up at him like he’d just told her that Lucifer was a fluffy bunny. Still, she had not missed his last statement, and it hit her deep.
“I do love it when you say my name….” That wasn't a lie, which the deepening of his voice and the darkening of his eyes gave credence to. There were even times he wished she said it more.  He had to be losing his sanity, but for the moment he didn't care.
“Astaroth…” Yara’s voice lowered and became husky, his name becoming an almost purr that reverberated against his neck before she placed a soft kiss there.  To find out that she had an effect on him emboldened her, and gave her a newfound sense of satisfaction.  The woman at the bar might have been more seductive than she was, but it was clear that she hadn’t affected Astaroth.  If Yara was able to with just his name, well that was definitely a bonus in her favor.  
“Keep doing that and I might keep you in bed all day tomorrow, Papillio.”  His own voice lowered as well, his wife's seduction working fully on him. Even tired after an emotional evening, he would not refuse her.  Not with the new feelings taking root in his heart, and how enjoyable their first encounter was.
“Is that a threat or a promise, love?”
“Both.” Astaroth kissed her lightly, enjoying the tease and seduction of the moment. Fingers sinking into her dark locks, he pulled her closer for a deeper kiss before pulling back to look into her eyes.
“Te amo, Astaroth Anthas, Mortem meam.” (I love you, Astaroth Anthas, my Death.) Yara slipped into Latin as easily as she breathed. For some reason, saying the words in that, instead of Demontongue, was easier. The admission that she had already fallen in love with him, since the moment he had learned all about her past, yet had not pushed her away like the others, terrified her. She had handed him the instrument of her own destruction. 
For a full beat, Astaroth was convinced he'd translated what she'd said wrong in his head.  There was not a possibility that she could feel the same for him. He knew her doubts and fears, her insecurities; but he also knew that after their conversation earlier, she would not say such things lightly or in jest.  His belief, once more, that the Fates were involved in whatever was transpiring, seemed confirmed. 
Yara had felt like she couldn't breathe, maybe her heart didn’t even beat, while she waited for him to say something.  Once she had said it, it was too late to take it back and the expected rejection was causing her to want to run from the bed and the room. Even though she knew he would not be cruel or mean, that almost made it worse. He would be kind in his denial of mutuality.
The last thing Astaroth was going to do was leave Yara wondering his reaction to her admission.  Rolling over so she now was the one on her back, and he was looking down into her soulful eyes that he adored, he gave her his answer. “Te amo, Yara Anthas, amica mea papilio et amator animae meae.” (I love you, Yara Anthas, my darling butterfly and lover of my soul.)
Her eyes searched his for any sign that he was just placating her, her heart trying to escape her rib cage as it thundered inside. If he had not been so close, his eyes capturing hers with their intensity, she would have sworn she hallucinated those words, those words that no one had said to her before in her life; and they came from the only man that would ever matter to her for the rest of her life,
Astaroth truly loved her. Her, the daughter that no one wanted. Death loved. In some way it was poetic, but in every way it was perfect. As they came together once more, sealing their bond and their love, both felt whole for the first time in their existence; like they had truly found the part that was missing.
On Olympus, Clotho sat back from the pool and looked over to Atropos with a smirk. Both Fates had worked hard for this day, this hour, this minute. More was coming, some dark, some light, and a lot bloody. Lachesis came with the wine and goblets and they looked over at the twelve tapestries with threats binding them. It was coming together. Soon the Primus Sator would summon them, and it would begin....
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xserenemeadowsx · 29 days
A Chance Meeting Part 1
Dragonheart Draco x Female Reader
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Summary: You are on the run from thieves when you encounter the kind, but flirtatious dragon Draco. He helps protect you from the thieves and from there, a special bond forms and a new adventure begins.
Author Note: I haven’t seen a Dragonheart Draco x Reader story or one-shot. Thought I would give it a try with this short story. Hope you all enjoy!
“___” is used for your name.
You could feel them gaining speed on you. You clutched your brown knit bag tightly against your chest as you continued to run. Your body urged your feet to carry you away from the impending threat behind you. The thieves were desperate to have the possession within your bag. It was a rare family heirloom of a dragon statue made of gold. You were in the market to sell it for some coin when the thieves barged in to steal what you and others were selling.
You knew you could have left it behind, but part of you hoped to sell the item for coin to a potential buyer eventually. Fingers curled around the bag tightly, turning your knuckles white. Exerting more energy than originally planned for the day, your lungs worked hard on catching air. Your body screamed for you to slow down, but you pushed yourself onward.
There had to be somewhere you could go to and lose them at. The dirt from the path you were on kicked up dust from your feet pounding on the ground. There were several trees around you. Some had green while others showed their age. You could pick up the sound of running water fairly close to where you were at. You took a left on path to see about the water.
You followed the sound of the water, ears becoming attuned to the sound. It was louder now and then you saw it. A waterfall. The water crashed into the river below it, keeping up consistently in loud rhythm.
The thieves grumbled at losing track of the (hair color) girl. They had seen her take a left and tried keeping up with her. They weren’t able to tell exactly where she was at now. They talked amongst themselves and decided to split up. They would not give up the chase.
You took this moment by the waterfall to catch your breath. Bag still clung tightly to your body with your now sweaty hands, you heaved your lungs to breathe as normally as possible. You looked around yourself to ensure that the thieves weren’t close by. When seeing no sign of them, you wade through the river to the other side where there were some white, slightly gray boulders.
Some of the boulders looked to be climbable. Would it be a good idea? Maybe best to wait. You instead sat behind one of the boulders, leaning against it. At least this way, the thieves couldn’t spot you so easily should they choose to come in this direction.
You closed your eyes, body finally calming down from all of the running. You felt yourself begin to relax when you suddenly felt movement behind you. You widened your eyes and bolted away from the boulder, fearing it may have been one of the thieves.
There before you, a golden, orange eye looked at you. You wanted to scream but feared giving yourself away to the unwanted company looking for you. The eye took in your form; (skin color, eye color, ragged blue clothing, hair length, and hair color) is what greeted it. You didn’t understand how this boulder could have an eye on it.
Was this some sort of joke? Black magic? While it wasn’t doing anything horrible, you still could not help feeling nervous from it. Why did it keep looking at you so ardently? Before you could ponder anymore about it, the boulder that had the eye on it began to take on a different shape.
The boulder changed color to a copper and gold along with some black. A body with a head, four limbs, and wings appeared. White spikes protruded from the back and head of the creature that now faced you. Wings spread out as the creature extended them. A dragon.
You almost couldn’t believe what you were looking at. A real dragon. You knew of their existence but never thought you would come to witness such a magnificent existence.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” it spoke in a deep voice.
The voice caused a shiver to go down your spine, feeling your bones shake from the sound, “I uh…” You grew nervous. The voice from the male dragon was pleasant but overwhelming.
“You do not need to be nervous. I do not wish to hurt you.” He spoke with a kindness not often seen. “I am curious how someone as beautiful as you came to this place.”
You blushed. It had been far too long since someone complimented your appearance. You did your best to look decent for the public, but never went out of your way to make special impressions. Only the valuables you had received that special treatment.
“I…was chased down by thieves. I’m sorry for intruding your space…” You were beginning to feel that you had invaded his space, though it was all unintentional.
He sensed your unease, eyes softening, “You are not intruding at all.”
“Well, thank you but-“ you were interrupted by the dragon.
“The thieves you spoke of. They are nearby. Stay behind me,” he spoke. All his senses were on high alert.
You did as he said and stood behind him. You were thankful that he didn’t want to hurt you. You looked on as he stood with confidence and then could hear the familiar voices of the men.
“Aaaah!” One of the men screamed. “Dragon!” He cowered in fear.
The smallest of the thieves followed his comrade, shaking violently from the fierce gaze of the dragon.
The leader, a little intimidated, did not back down. He glared at the creature, “The lass behind you belongs to us.”
“Does she now?” the dragon asked.
“Yes and if you do not hand her over to us, I have friends that will gladly slay you.”
“Bold words coming from someone ill equipped.”
“I have what I need. My friends are just a whisper away.”
“Are they?”
“Well then. Let me see these friends of yours.”
The thief gulped, “R-Right now?”
The dragon smirked, “Right now.” He could see that the thief was all talk but decided to play along. He watched as the thief scrambled with his comrades to ‘whisper’ for the ‘slayers’ to come out from hiding.
“I’m waiting…” the dragon spoke once more, tapping one of his claws against one of the boulders nearest to him.
The thief watched the claw hit the boulder. The sound it caused and the mere length of the black claw made the hairs on the back of his neck and head stand on end.
“Seems your bluff has run out of energy.”
The leader and his comrades began to back up and the dragon stomped forward. The thieves did their best to back up with walking backwards in the river. They all crashed onto the river line behind them when trying to get up onto the dry land.
The dragon grinned showing rows of sharp teeth. He placed his left clawed hand down, pinning all three men to the ground.
“We dragons are smarter than we appear to be. Stronger than what others suggest,” he spoke with his lips curled into a smirk.
The men squirmed underneath the clawed hand, trying to squeeze their way out. The dragon pushed his hand down, causing all three to gasp for air.
“You dare try to take this maiden from me? She is mine. None may have her so long as I stand,” the dragon bellowed out.
“W-We’re s-s-sorry!” the leader cried out.
“You will be. If I see you come around here again to threaten me or my maiden, I will not hesitate to end your lives.”
The thieves sputtered, tears in their eyes.
The dragon put more pressure on the three men, “Is that understood?”
The thieves nodded, the tears leaking down each of their faces.
“Good.” He removed his hand and the men scrambled to get to their feet, tripping over each other. They finally found composure.
“Now get out of here before I change my mind!” the dragon roared to get his point across.
The men screamed in terror and ran with their tails between their legs.
You witnessed the whole event with widened eyes. Never had you seen men run so fast and you yourself had run at a decent rate to keep yourself far from the thieves. You blushed when remembering that the dragon had called you his. You didn’t even know each other’s names and already he was making you flustered. You supposed he could have said that to get the men away from you for good. It made the most sense.
The dragon turned to look at you, “Are you alright?”
“Y-Yes. Thank you,” you spoke gratefully.
“Those men should stay away from you permanently now.”
You nodded.
“We’ve yet to introduce ourselves. Ladies first.”
“Oh right!” You cleared your throat. “My name is ___.”
The dragon smiled, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady. I am Draco.”
“Draco,” you spoke softly. For some reason, that name sounded familiar…
“I am curious. What exactly is in your bag?”
You looked down at the bag that you clung to tightly, “It has a family heirloom in it.” You bent down setting the bag on the ground and fished out the item in question. In your hands was a golden statue shaped like a dragon. Not too big or too small in size. The only difference in color were the eyes that shone a brilliant red.
Draco peered his head toward the statue, carefully inspecting it, “That is not something you see all the time. A very rare item.”
“It is. I wanted to sell it for some extra coin. Trying to make ends meet any way I can…”
“I see…”
“I have sold off my other valuables. This was to be the last one. However…I have already used most of my coin for food and do not have much left…I do not know how much longer I’ll survive depending on what I can make from this statue…” You cast your head down, vision swallowed up from the golden dragon in your hands. It had worried you greatly on what you were going to do after the statue was sold off. You would only have coin for so long. How were you going to continue living?
“___…” Draco sensed your uncertainty. “Everything will be fine.”
You looked up to give him an appreciative smile and put the statue back into the bag.
“If anything happens, you could stay with me…”
You blushed at the suggestion, “Oh no. I could not do that…I mean…”
Draco enjoyed seeing your flustered reaction, a glint of humor shone in his eyes, “Why not?”
“B-Because. I have invaded your space and you have already helped me so much…I could not ask for…that…” You cast your gaze on anything that wasn’t him.
Draco chuckled, “Well, the offer stands should you change your mind.”
“Th-Thank you.” You gave a quick glance back up at him before looking around the ground. Then you remembered. His name. Why did it sound like something you had heard before? It was gnawing around your mind.
“___, would you care to hear a song?”
You smiled, “Sure but before that. Your name…it sounds like…”
“The constellation?”
“It is what I am named after, though it is just for pronouncement purposes.”
You tilted your head in confusion, “What do you mean?”
Draco chuckled, “My real name in my tongue would give humans great trouble if they were to try to pronounce it.”
“I see.” It doesn’t mean to say that you weren’t curious about his real name. You were wondering what it could possibly be.
“You’re wanting to know my real name.”
You looked at him in surprise, “Yes.”
“You’re very easy to read ___.” he smiled. “Cute nonetheless.”
“Oh well uh…” you felt your skin reddening. You fidgeted your hands together.
“Very well. I’ll tell you what it is. It’s __________.”
You blinked your eyes at him, shocked. The fidgeting stopped. How in the world were you supposed to say that? It was nearly impossible for you to even attempt the first letter.
“Care to try ___?”
“Uh…” You took a deep breath in and out. “Is it pronounced like this: __________?” You cringed. That sounded horrible.
Draco burst out in laughter, “A valiant effort, but not even close.”
You moved your head down in shame, embarrassed that you practically butchered his name, “I’m sorry.”
Draco shook his head, “Do not worry about it ___. You can just call me Draco.”
You moved your head up to see him look at you with soft eyes.
“Would you like to hear my song now?” Draco asked.
“Yes please!” You said appreciating the change in topic.
“If you’ll allow me to.” Draco extended his right clawed hand to you.
You looked up into his eyes and he nodded his head. You went to where his thumb was and used it to help you climb into his hand. His skin was rough and scaly, but there were a few soft spots. He moved you toward a boulder to sit on top of.
You carefully got out of his hand to sit on the boulder and he laid himself down in front of you. He cleared his throat and began to sing. His voice was very melodic. You had no idea what he was singing about, but he looked very pleased with his song choice.
He never took his eyes off you. You were enraptured with his song. He smiled at having you watch him as he happily sang his song. Even though you didn’t understand the language of the song, you could see how much joy it brought him. His eyes shimmered in absolute glee, but longing as well.
It was as if he was missing apart of his life from ages past. However, new hope and happiness is found in present time now as he looks deeply into your (eye color) eyes. He finished his song and you clapped your hands.
“Your voice is wonderful!” You said with a grin.
“Thank you!” Draco replied with a smile.
“I never thought I would meet a dragon.”
“Yes. I knew of the existence of them but I did not think I would encounter one.”
“What do you think seeing the real deal?”
“Honestly, it’s amazing! My father and mother had told me many stories about dragons. Each generation in my family had an encounter with at least one dragon. But learning that there are not many left, it made me feel that I would not meet one.”
Draco’s brows furrowed, eyes showing sadness, “Yes…my race has decreased greatly in number.”
You were still sitting on the boulder and extended your hand out to him. Seeing your hand, Draco moved his head toward your hand. Your brows were furrowed as well, eyes glistening in sorrow. You moved your hand along his snout, feeling each scale and crevice of his skin. You hoped your touch was soothing to him. You knew this obviously would not change anything, but you wanted to help him feel a little better somehow.
Draco enjoyed the touch and was grateful to have a human care for him like this. He closed his eyes, taking in the feel of your hand as you continued moving it back and forth. He then opened his eyes to look at you. He could see there were tears waiting to spill out.
“Your empathy is appreciated ___,” he spoke quietly.
You gave him a small smile. At least he could see that you were genuinely concerned for him. You decided to change topics and ask about his name again, “Was there anyone in particular who gave you your name?” You used your free hand to wipe your eyes of the tears wanting to spill out.
Draco looked at you and you stopped petting him. He gave you a kind smile, “An unexpected friend gave me the name.”
“Unexpected friend?” That confused you but made you more curious as to what that meant.
“Yes. His name is Bowen and he is knight. He was the one going around and slaying dragons before I made a deal with him. I go around and ‘terrorize’ villages and he ‘slays’ me for money.”
You blinked at him. What in the world? You were surprised that Draco would think of befriending a knight who had killed his kind. However, Draco seemed to be the type to only use violence if absolutely necessary. You snorted and laughed, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I mean, I am glad that the slaying is all pretend, but still. I did not think a dragon and a knight would scheme villagers out of their money. The villagers actually believe you to be dead?”
“Yes, they are very gullible.” He chuckled and then calmed himself, “I did not wish to kill Bowen. We cannot gain anything by killing each other so I gave him an alternative.”
“Hence the schemes?”
“I am glad that both of you were able to come to that conclusion,” you said with some relief. You did not enjoy violence either and to hear about how dragons are almost completely wiped out was too much. It brought on much angst. More than you could bear.
“Water under the bridge,” Draco said interrupting your thoughts. “Everything will be alright.” He said this to comfort you and to show that he has moved forward despite the hardship.
You smiled and nodded in understanding.
The rest of the day was spent with you and Draco talking about different topics. The sun was setting and you looked at the pinks, blues, and purples that greeted you both.
“___, you are welcome to stay the night with me. If you wish to leave on the morrow, I can take you back to your home,” Draco spoke softly to you.
You smiled at him, “Thank you.”
Draco helped to get you off the boulder and set you on the ground to retrieve your bag. You grabbed your bag and got back into his hand. He then walked the two of you toward the waterfall. You were instantly met with mist as water droplets splashed onto your skin.
Draco had tried to shield you as best as he could with his wing. You were not soaked, but you still ended up getting wet from the waterfall. You appreciated the gesture from him nonetheless. Going into the cave behind the waterfall, you couldn’t help noticing the skeletons that were scattered about. You shivered at the sight.
Draco noticed your nervousness and his face scrunched up in embarrassment, “I apologize for the…” he cleared his throat, “display. I can get rid of these.”
You looked up at him, trying to respond politely, “That would be nice.” Seeing the skeletons was nerve wracking, but you knew that he would not hurt you.
Draco set you down at the back of the cave on a rock platform and worked quickly at getting the skeletons out of there. It was easy for him to do. He tossed them outside of his cave and into some bushes that were not too far from him. He entered the cave and inspected it to be sure he didn’t miss any other old bones lying around. Seeing that the cave was now bone free, he walked back over to you.
You shivered from the drop in temperature from being in this cave. The clothes you wore were not fit to deal with the cold. Draco noticing your shivering form laid down and motioned for you to sit with him. You blushed and went to sit next to him. Heat instantly flooded your system from the closeness. Warmth enveloped you from his body as he wrapped his left front leg around you to have you sit against him.
You felt you would turn into mush or a tomato with how red you felt yourself become. The warmth was welcoming and you appreciated the care that Draco took with you. You were right next to his chest and by where the joint of his left leg started. You could hear his heartbeat. Soothing and gentle to your ears. You closed your eyes and let sleep take over. Draco, seeing you relax, laid his head down and closed his eyes.
The morning sunlight broke through what cracks and crevices of the cave allowed it to do so. Draco opened his eyes and saw that you were barely opening your eyes.
“Good morning,” Draco said softly, “Did you sleep well?”
You looked up at him, stretching your limbs as Draco moved his leg from you, “Good morning. Yes, I did sleep well. Thank you.”
“I’m glad.”
“I um…” You felt so comfortable with him. You could go back to your mundane life, but there was something different about him. He had offered for you to stay with him, so why were you hesitating to say that to him? Is it because you still don’t know each other very well? That would make sense, but you two would get to know each other. You already were making progress on that given everything that happened yesterday.
“Are you feeling alright ___?”
You snapped out of your thoughts, “Y-Yes. I’m sorry. I…” You took a deep breath before continuing, “I decided that I want to stay with you…”
Draco’s eyes widened at that. He had expected you to say you wanted to go back to your home. However, he was pleased with the news, “I’m very happy you have chosen to stay with me.”
You grinned, the nerves from moments ago easing away, “I have enjoyed your company.”
“It has been a delight to be in your presence.” He gave you a smile.
The two of you continued to chat a little longer until Draco flew out to fetch breakfast for you and himself. He brought back some deer and he worked on cooking it for you with his fire. You saw him shoot fire out of his nostrils. Did that not hurt him?
“What’s wrong?” he asked noticing how quiet you got.
“You blow fire through your nose instead of your mouth. I did not expect that of a dragon. I feel like that would hurt,” you answered with some concern.
“It doesn’t hurt me at all. This is normal for me,” he answered in reassurance.
“That’s good. I always thought dragons spewed fire out of their mouth though.”
“Most have and do. I am different in that regard.”
“You are.” You grinned at him and watched as he used his claws to cut through the now cooked meat of the deer.
You were handed a piece of the deer by Draco and you took a bite. It was quite savory and cooked perfectly, “This is delicious!”
“Glad you like it well done!” He smiled as he quite literally ate half the deer whole and swallowed with a satisfied sigh.
You giggled at that and continued eating your piece.
Before Draco could continue, another voice not familiar to you broke through, “There you are! You were supposed to meet me-“ the voice stopped when noticing you.
You looked at the new person. The man before the two of you had blue eyes and long, darkened blond hair tied back. He had a well trimmed beard and his clothes consisted of a dark blue and silver. His aura screamed knight of the past with a silver sword in hand. This had to be Bowen.
“Bowen!” Draco exclaimed. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”
Bowen looked at him with a slight glare, then to you, then back at him, “Clearly you had other priorities.”
You were a little offended by that. You hadn’t meant to keep Draco away from performing the schemes with the admittedly handsome but brash knight.
“I was about to inform ___ that I needed to leave now,” Draco responded back with his own glare at Bowen.
The knight of the past sighed and shook his head, “Anyway, we should be going now.”
Bowen practically stomped out of the cave as he took his leave, not even bothering to acknowledge you again in his departure.
Draco turned to look at you and saw the hurt in your eyes, “I will personally have him apologize to you when we return. This should not take too long.” He was angry at Bowen for treating you harshly and not even properly introducing himself to you.
“Thanks Draco. You should go now,” You said in a rush. Your eyes glittered on the verge of tears.
Draco didn’t like seeing you this way. He nodded in understanding though and flew out of cave before Bowen could explode at him again.
After Draco left, you let the tears in your eyes fall. You still felt awful about earlier. Perhaps Bowen was getting his anger out at having to wait around for Draco. Bowen happened to see you and he let his anger out on you. Well, you and Draco both. You could understand that part of Bowen. You had done that before to your parents which made you feel guilty later. Lesson learned and apologies made, you always tried to get away from people when you could feel the anger inside you boiling. You hated the feeling you got when unleashing your pent up frustrations in such a fashion.
You sighed and decided some fresh air would do some good. You get off the rock platform you and Draco had rested on and wade through the water. Reaching the waterfall, you try to run as fast as you can without getting too drenched from the on pour. You yelped from the water hitting you. You still got a good amount on yourself, but you shrugged it off and continued onward.
The sun was shining brightly and you looked to a tree that that was full of green leaves. You made your way out of the river and toward the tree. You could just make out a group of birds perched on one of the many branches. They were a brilliant color of red, orange, and dark blue. The birds chirped their song and you smiled up at them. They looked adorable!
You then continued on the now dirt path. You didn’t want to stray too far for fear of getting lost. The sun was quickly making you feel warm and drying off your wet clothing. Passing by a bush, you heard some rustling. You stopped to see if a bird or another animal would come out of it. A gray bunny with a white tail came out of the bush.
“Aw! You’re adorable!” You said happily at the bunny.
The bunny noticed your presence and hopped away in a hurry.
You pouted. You did not mean to scare it, but you realized your excitement was too loud in your voice.
“Sorry…” you muttered to yourself.
You decided to walk a little further along and then you could hear the sounds of hooves running. You weren’t sure which direction it was coming from until looking behind you. The horse and its rider were coming right at you! You quickly got off the path to let them pass.
“A word of warning next time would be nice!” You shouted at the rider.
The rider stopped his horse and turned around. He urged his horse to walk back toward you, “What did you say to me girl?” His voice was gruff.
“I said a warning would be nice. Your horse would have hit me.” You glared at the man.
“You best watch that pretty mouth of yours before I do something about it.” His green eyes held malice.
You took in more of his appearance. His hair was graying with a beard that was in desperate need of a trim. His teeth yellowed and his breath…it was repulsive. You could unfortunately smell it from where you stood. You did not like the look of malice in his eyes.
“Heh. That’s right. Best stay quiet if you know what’s good for you. If you want a word of warning, get out of here. This is no place for a woman. The battle field of a dragon slayer and a dragon.”
Your eyes widened. Draco had not returned but the fact that there would be someone waiting for him here was not good either. His eyes made you nervous, but you did your best to swallow that down and speak once more, “You cannot fight the dragon!”
The man widened his eyes and got off his horse. He walked toward you and you stood your ground. Scared out of your mind, you could feel anger radiating from him as he got closer to you. In a menacing voice he said, “You do not tell me what I can and cannot do girl. You are trying my patience.”
Your heartbeat began to race, beating loudly in your ears. Your throat swelled up, your body shook. Why did you have to say more? You had just put yourself in a terrible situation.
The man smirked noticing how nervous you became. He suddenly took out some rope. Before you could attempt to run, you were shoved harshly to the ground. The man held you down with one of his arms while using his hands to grab your wrists.
He tied your wrists together tightly and then forced you to stand up. He then worked on tying your bound wrists to the saddle of his horse. He had moved with such precision. He stood back and smirked at you.
The look in his eyes was something you did not want to see come to light. Your gut told you that what he had planned would be absolutely sickening to the body and mind. You whimpered which made his smirk grow. You wanted to be rid of this rope. Run away. You wished this moment was nothing more than a nightmare.
The man got up onto his horse and gave it a light kick to turn around and go toward the river. You were forced to move along. It was hard to keep up and you almost tripped a few times. Eventually, you all made it to the river.
The man got off his horse and turned to you once more, “Now, you wait here for me like a good little girl. If you are good, I may lighten your punishment.”
You scowled at him, but kept your mouth shut. He ignored your irritated look and removed a red sword sheath that had been tied to the saddle of the horse along with a dark red shield. He put the battle armor on himself and made it to the riverbank.
Overhead, a large shadow was cast out over you and the older man. You moved your head up and smiled at seeing the familiar figure.
“Draco!” You shouted.
Draco had already taken notice of the situation and he was furious. He was happy that you seemed to be alright, but he wasn’t happy about you being tied up to the horse. Not far behind on horseback himself was Bowen.
Draco had scolded Bowen for treating you so harshly. Bowen understood where Draco was coming from and promised to apologize to you. Bowen noticed you tied to the horse and urged his horse to move faster toward you.
You turn to the sound of hooves running on the dirt path snd see Bowen coming toward you. You didn’t say anything to him and neither did he. He helped you get untied from the saddle of the horse and then helped to loosen the ropes from your wrists.
“Thank you,” you said to him quietly.
“You’re welcome,” Bowen replied. He then went to meet up with Draco.
Draco landed in the river before the older man and roared. The older man was slightly startled by the appearance of the dragon, but remained standing.
“So, another slayer I see! One who is also attempting to steal from me!” Draco growled out.
“Whatever do you mean by stealing from you? Oh! You mean the girl,” the older man answered.
“Indeed! Thievery will not be tolerated. However, if you think you can defeat me, go ahead and try.”
The older man smirked and moved forward, ready to swing his sword around at Draco when he suddenly felt something pierce his shoulder blade. He cried out and saw another sword. Bowen had tried waiting for the perfect moment to strike at the older man and found it. It wasn’t easy to wade through the river quietly, but the noise of the waterfall did help to cover some of the sounds.
“You!” The older man yelled at Bowen. “You dare work with a dragon?!”
“I do,” Bowen replied full of confidence.
The older man growled out and got ready to strike at Bowen who quickly used his shield to block the incoming sword attack. Swords soon clashed against each other, the clanking of metal against metal, loud and dramatic. You watched with widened eyes at the sword fight in front of you. It was intense seeing the swords clank against each other and even seeing a few sparks fly off the swords.
The older man was putting up a good fight against the seasoned knight. Both were obviously very skilled in sword fighting. The older man eventually let out an annoyed grunt.
“Enough of this!” The older man cried out. “I will be rid of you once and for all! Then it will be that blasted dragon’s turn!”
“Well come on then. Be rid of me!” Bowen taunted.
The older man cried out again and his sword clashed against Bowen’s once more. Metal against metal. Sparks galore. Bowen, beginning to feel annoyed with this battle now, decided to kick the man who was too slow to dodge. The man took a clumsy fall into the river. Bowen looked to Draco who nodded in understanding. Draco used his fire on the soul who screamed out in pain as he was being burned alive. Soon, there was nothing left of him.
Your eyes had been glued to the match the entire time. You could understand Bowen getting annoyed with the battle as well. Eventually, one would feel exhausted from all of that. Or it may have been because the older man himself annoyed him. Possibly both.
Draco and Bowen walked up to you. The horse of the older man had run off so only Bowen’s horse remained.
“___,” Draco spoke to you with some relief in his voice.
“Draco,” you replied happily.
“You’re not hurt are you?” Draco was worried you may have gotten injured.
“Other than some dust on my clothing, I’m fine,” you replied in reassurance.
“Uh ___ was it?” Bowen asked you.
You turned your attention to the knight, “Yes it is.”
“I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have been rude to you. I was in a foul mood.”
You gave him an understanding smile, “I thought that’s all it might have been. Apology accepted.”
The knight gave you a kind smile.
“Well now that that’s settled, I should like to speak with ___ alone,” Draco said.
“Alright. I will see you on the morrow. Don’t be late,” Bowen replied to the dragon, “Take care ___.”
“You as well Bowen!” You replied.
Bowen gave a wave and got onto his horse. The horse began trotting away from you and Draco.
“Tell Kara my greetings,” Draco called out to Bowen.
“Will do!” Bowen called back.
“Who is Kara?” you asked curiously.
“She is Bowen’s lady. They are engaged and will wed soon,” Draco answered.
“Aw! That’s nice!” You smiled.
“Indeed. Now ___…”
“I do not know if you would like to partake in this but…I am wanting to search for more of my kind.”
You looked up at him with a smile, “I would love to help you. What brought on this notion so suddenly though? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I was thinking earlier while out with Bowen. What if there are others around here or scattered across this land in hidden areas? I have felt that I am the last dragon at times, but that cannot be…there must be more…I know there should be…” His gaze was on you the whole time. It was intense, nervous, but with a small bit of happiness.
“I see…I think you’re right. They probably have hidden themselves because of what’s happened before.” It was a good possibility to consider, “I’ll help you anyway I can.”
He gave you a grateful smile, “Thank you. The journey will take quite a bit of time but…I believe it would be a worthwhile one.”
“I think so too. I’m just sorry your race has been through so much…a lot of it is unjustified.” You truly did feel awful learning about the dragon race decreasing.
“We would start after tomorrow as I promised Bowen I would help him already.”
You nodded, “Sounds like a grand adventure.”
Draco chuckled, “It does. I also wanted to ask you more about the dragons your family encountered. Perhaps some of those dragons are among the living.”
“There could be. I hope so!” You could see the hope reflected clearly in his golden, orange eyes which made you feel better about the possibility as well.
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nellasbookplanet · 6 months
I'm currently slowly working my way through the Animorphs books (just finished The Andalite Chronicles today and this goddamn tragic children's book nearly made me cry) and I'm so upset I never picked these books up as a kid, I would've adored them. But I'm also incredibly amused that one series I did imprint on as a teen was Michael Grant's Gone series, specifically for its freaky sci-fi worldbuilding and the way it portrayed kids and teens going through horrific situations and comitting horrific acts without brushing over the resulting trauma and consequences or treating it as just a 'fun adventure'. And then I find out that Grant co-wrote the Animorphs books and is married to Katherine Applegate. Yeah, I can see that.
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aimeekb · 2 years
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Cliff walk, Vancouver, British Columbia🇨🇦
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joyffree · 14 days
I present to you this week's bag of mixed delights
⇒ Starshot: A Science Fiction Adventure by A.R. Knight ⇒ The Tempest: A Disaster Suspense Thriller by A.J. Scudiere ⇒ Better with Friends: Women's Fiction by Kimberly Diede ⇒ Cold Silence: A Romantic Thriller by Toni Anderson ⇒ Daughter of Fate: YA Epic Fantasy by Aaron Hodges ⇒ Little Blue Box: A second chance romance set in Australia by Frances Dall'Alba ⇒ Whiteout: An MM Bisexual Out For You Sports Romance by Ann Grech ⇒ The Little Cottage on the Hill: Feel Good Romantic Comedy by Emma Davies ⇒ Murder on Tyneside: British Heist Cozy Mystery by Eileen Thornton ⇒ The Merman’s Kiss: Paranormal Romance by Tamsin Ley
Until next week May your journey be magical 🔮
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brrrkdslek · 1 year
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🂱 an event known as 'THE PULSE' occurs worldwide, granting a significant portion of the population extraordinary abilities. you, a grieving young mother, encounters a group of boys while seeking refuge. the newfound group navigates a changing society while uncovering the truth behind the pulse.
🂱 ot8 x fem! reader
🂱 thriller, mystery, superhero, action, written
🂱 blood n gore, corrupt government, illegal shit(idk), mentions of rape, death, use of drugs, smoking, trauma, lowercase intended!!!
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emilija04acer · 6 months
Old-timey Radio
My love for radio from the 30s to 50s was reawakened recently and I need to share some programs with you! Hazbin Hotel is to blame, one hyperfixation wasn't enough I guess!
"The Shadow" > ( The one I referenced in my fanfic "Denial of closeness")
Radio program that ran from 1937 to 1954. The title character, a caped vigilante, was one of the most enduring and influential creations of the pulp era.
"Inner Sanctum Mysteries" is a horror show from the 40s! You can find it easily on You-Tube!
1941 to 1952 It features horror and suspense stories with creaking doors and eerie music.
"Fibber McGee and Molly" radio comedy show! Features an old married couple!
“Lights Out”  Another US horror!
 terrifying and suspenseful stories, often with gruesome and unexpected twists.
You can listen to it on Internet Archive!
“Suspense”  Crime and Mistery
It featured famous actors from the time!
You can find it on YouTube!
“The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”
Do I even have to write a description?
You can listen to them on the Internet Archive!
Radio dramas may have fallen out of style but podcasts and audiobooks still have the same feeling to them! People really love to hear stories!
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linksthoughtbrambles · 7 months
Part 16 of Adventure Log+ (sequel to Link's Thought Brambles - much better to read in order, both also on ao3). Warning for strong language and violence. Trigger warning for intense fire. Disclaimer: The content of this chapter is fiction only, and is not intended to contain advice or instructions for surviving hazardous conditions involving fire.
Yes, yes-
“Off, off, off, off-”
“I got it, I got it-“ Fi?
I look upon your plan with trepidation.
"Hehehe" What else is new?
"What's funny?!"
"Sorry, Beraya, it's the sword." The last thing I need is Beraya thinking I find her shoulders funny, and yeah, Fi, I know-
The moisture is a double-edged sword.
"Kh- shh, Tass."
Zelda already made us swear not to run into the flames. It'll give us some extra time in the heat, act like sweat, and some of it will be gone from the wind before we even get there.
Unless something surprises you, master. Fire is unpredictable, and the heat capacity of water can be deceptive.
Look, Zelda thinks it's better this way. I'm going with it.
If steam becomes trapped against your skin-
It'll scald. YEAH. I know. There!
“Bloody mail- I needed a refit anyway.”
“You got it, Beraya—soon as we’re back.” Faster, Link, faster for $*#@’s sake!
“Shh, sh sh sh- Tass!  Link- perhaps we- kh- oughtn’t ride any further.”
“It’s up to you-“ thereFINALLY- “arms through-“
“-arms through.“
“Yes sir, I have the rest, I have it!”
“The horses should come back here when we dismount.” I hope.
“They may bolt with us still riding.”
Hope not hope not “They might.”
“Huiru, Reida.”  They better- good they’re listening not that I’d expect them to ride into fire without at least something, something SOMETHING to help, dear Hylia, and at least they already have face cloths, just have to douse them-
“P- princess!  We- shouldn’t use these-“
-but it won’t last long-
“Sir Margil, I appreciate the sentiment-“
-not in all that heat.
“-but there are more important things than Link and I’s spare clothing.”
“It feels- like sacrilege.”
“Indeed not.  Hylia would much prefer her symbol to keep you safe than for you to perish in the smoke.  Think of it...“
To the well, Link, help Cohl, water water water “I got it-“
“...Think of it as a ward protecting you.”
“…Yes, Princess.”
“I got that, Margil.”
“Thanks, Aree.”
“I can’t believe I’m wearing something you sewed with your own hands, Princess.”
“I admit kh- when I fashioned Link’s tunics, I had no expectation of their being used as facemasks.  Ah- but please, don’t fret, Sir Liff khm-khm.”
Zelda’s susceptible.  She coughed a lot at Miss Morsels’ too.  Not that I think that stench was as nasty as smoke.  “Princess- I again recommend-“
“That I remain with Sirs Bennent and Lahs, and I again decline, Link.”
Amazing she can smile at me in all this, I don’t think I have it in me.  “I figured.”  Nope- smile failure.  “I had to ask.  Beraya, your turn!”
“Yes, sir.”
Sitting, good, she’s taller than me.
“More, Cohl.”
“Coming, Sir Link!” “I’m done, I can help.”
“Thanks, Daile.”
“Get the horses, too.”
“D- damn.  Yeah.”
It feels like hours but it’s been minutes, only minutes, how many people are dying while we do this?
Lucky there’s no malice here, unlucky no surface water, only a deep well but the people ran and that’s good, good, stalls empty, no horses, no walking corpses, no corpses at all, no-
“All good.”  Stop brooding, Link, you’re not helping anyone, more water- “You’re next, Princess.”
“I’m done!”
Varniro “Good, help with the horses.”
“Yes sir!”
Here I go dunking my last tunic in water it’s for her for her I don’t know why I feel this matters but I do.  “Okay, Z- hold this- get ready.”
"Not the socks."
"Heh. No, not the socks." I don't want to know what boiling water feels like in my boots, either.
Face crinkled, I always like that face on her.  “Look up- yeah.”  Hair wet, get every fricking inch of her clothing, careful, just barely wet the bandage outside only outside only.  Wet bandages bad news…
“You good, Cohl?”
“I got some slopped on me pulling it up so fast.  Top’s not there yet.”
“I got you.”
Liff and Cohl look out for each other.  Good.
“I believe that’s sufficient, Link.”
“I want you soaked.” …Oh s$&%, Link.
Keep pouring the water, keep pouring it, clearly no one gives a crap or possibly even noticed your ridiculous slip.
…Except Zelda.  A single-eyebrow raise.  She’ll tease me later.  I hope.  Later.  Hope for that.
“I’m good!”
“Me too, Sir.”
“Alright, almost there- get the horses as best you can.  Manes and tails especially, but we won’t take them all the way in.  They’ll run after that.  Lahs- Bennent- I’m serious.  You see something headed your way that’s not us, you retreat immediately and at full speed.  Make for the logging village if you can- get word to the castle faster.  If something cuts you off, head to the Royal Lab.  Got it?
“Got it, sir.”  “Yes, sir.”
Link.  Look them in the eye.  “If not…“
“We’ll bring his body back, sir.”
“…Yes.  Thanks.  Oereb’s family will thank you, too.”
Zelda’s face.  Wish I could hold her now.
Oh.  My turn.  Just nod, let Margil get you.
Feels good. Not clean exactly.  But maybe a little less disgusting than I was.
“Your bandage, Sir.”
“Yeah.” Hand over it should be good enough.  Pat some water… just on the outside.
Less good now with the water in my pants.  That’s going to chafe.  Priorities priorities priorities.
Good to have my eyes closed.  Just for… a minute.
“Eh- hey, Reida, could you help me with this?”
“Ah- ah.  Yes, alright.”
“… Uh.  Thanks.”
That’s how they seem to me, but maybe I’m biased, they answer to other Sheikah, not to me, Zelda, too, ideally, but they seem not to take her orders seriously in combat like they think they know better and maybe they’re right but I don’t think so, I think they f$(#ed up with those riders, Zelda, Zelda was right, they should’ve broken off, let her fire.
Maybe I’ll talk to herOH more pants water- later.  About them.  See if she agrees. “Think I’m good.  Thanks, Margil.”
“You’re welcome, Sir.”
Pretty sure Zuho would’ve jumped to help us prep, not stood around being watchful with his nose up in the air, he’s not like them. She’s surrounded by us, this is not the time to stand still, this is the time for speed, speed, oh.  Facecloth.  “Thanks again.”
And the buckets have stopped.  “Ready?”
“Yes Sir!”  “Yes.”  “Ready.”  “Ready, Sir!”
Nods, nods.  “Princess?”
“…Mount.  We ride-“
Horse horse
“-as close as the horses will allow.”
Good boy- sorry.
“We go the rest of the way on foot- at a run.”
About your rider.
“We enter Serenne if at all possible.”
So, so sorry.
“We slay any monsters.”
I wonder... if you understand.
“If our kh- enemy is the fire itself, we shall help them fight it.”
It hasn’t hit me yet.
“If the blaze is too fierce, we shall evacuate all we can instead.”
But when it does-
“We remain together unless Link or I order otherwise-"
-it’ll be like always.
“-and we avoid extreme heat, smoke, and flame. Onward!”
I’ll have another hole inside.  “Everyone ride astride each other. Hup, boy!”
“Go, Tass!”  “Hyah!” “Hyup-“  “Hhh.”
A hole where the first person died under my command. 
Zelda.  Beside me.
I don’t want her back exposed even to our own soldiers.
And there’s a shudder.  Our own soldiers.  Vayden and Carok guy.
I want to know someone really Goddess-damned well before I let them have a clear shot at Zelda’s back.  Or mine, for that matter, but at least if it’s me I’ll react fast.  Not that she isn’t fast…
But I’ve never seen her do the Thing.  Better to assume she can’t.
My Goddess.  The south's all but an inferno, what happened here?
“So much!”
I’ve never, never heard Beraya like that before-
“Easy, easy, good boy-“
“Good, good Tass!”
“Hey hey hey hey shh- Tass-“ got him
“Kh- khh-“
got him “shh- shhhhh” soothe him Link “shh-“ just enough give her a few seconds “shh, shh, easy- easy-“ he is so done, rolling eyes- “dismount, everyone- now- yes- gooood boy, good, easy-“ she’s off let go lethimgo-
Good they’re all off “On FOOT!  We GO!”
She’s alright she’s so fast like me running beside me and Dear Goddess it's warm even here! In there the plate mail would’ve baked half of us alive and even the water won’t last us long-
-amazing the horses got us so close to the treeline they’re not lit here not yet outer edge dark silhouettes monsters?  Trees bushes rocks maybe or crouching things could be could be do I see horns
“Yes!”  Screaming where where nothing nothing nothing nothing
“Yes, Princess!”  “Ahhh!”  “Gh.”  “Mkh.”  “Kh- kh kh- khh“
Coughing more, please, please don’t let her drop-
Does she see them does she I SEE “THERE!” MoblinmoblinmoblinnoFASTERLINK NO YEHHHHHS ZELDA GO DOWN GO DOWN
It does but an arrow through its eye gave that kid seconds he needed and now Terial, Aree, great shots, it must be a red, it’s on its knees already and LIFF, yes, he’s fast too and- there goes its throat.
“You hurt?!”
Kid’s shocked he’s shocked answer Liff come on
“I- I- I h- ad to come back!”
“We are here to kh- help- what happened?”
Zelda- he may not be able to
“Here- I got you.“
Kid’s filthy and shaking but seems sturdy enough now Liff pulled him up.
“They- they told us to run, but I had to come back!  Something’s wrong- at the next farm, too, everyone’s just waiting in the wheat-“
“-and there’s not enough water and we could see the fire got worse!”
The other kids.  “How did this start?”
“Monsters.  They just- came.  Out of nowhere-“
…What was that?
“Oh, F$*%.”
“Sir- Princess- that sounds like a lynel.”
“Your dad-“
“Yes, sir.”
“We go. In.”
And fast, my Goddess-
“Kid, go back.  The others have horses?”
“Okay.  Don’t lose those.”
Liff’s sharper
“The horses want to bolt,”
than I gave him credit for.
“you’re better off on them than not, alright?”
Nod, Link, he has spooked-face
“Y- yeah.”
like he thinks he might’ve overstepped.
“Just- go and don’t come back here- ah-“
I really, really don't mind, people can't be constantly asking me about everything.
“-unless someone you trust fetches you.  And-“
Unless he tells the kid to do something stupid.
“-if you see anything off, just run.  Uh…”
And Liff’s looking at me.
Because which way?  Which way is safe?  “…Head south by southeast so you’d just barely scrape the farm at the foot of Salari hill in that direction.  Then…  make for the royal lab.”  They can defend themselves better than the logging village, so… safer… maybe.
“O- okay.”
Didn’t have to tell him twice.  He’s scared to s#$&… wait, shuffling chuchu LEAP Linkwhathe- “Rkh!”
“Ah!” “Move, kid!” “Move!” “Gkh!”
“Eh-“ “Ff-“  “Blasted-“  “Move, move!” “Fire-”
Fire chuchus here?!  “In- in, everyone, the town!  Go, kid!”
Watch him go watch him go, DAMN the wood’s dry pine needles like flammable fricking carpet, back up "Back up, back up!" watch the kid they’ll pull ahead but I’ll catch up almost almost almost trees he’s out all you can do Link you can’t escort him all the way back and if there’s anyone left alive in the town they’re in just as much danger and more
Her eyes so good there it is a boko-
Varniro Genenko careful bad shield arm
Red.  DownMORE
“KGGGH.”  “KHG.”
They always sound so disgustingly happy
“Gh- ah!”
Happy to maim- Margil
Good skewered blue not dead-
-now it is.
Happy to kill, too.
Not like Margil.
His face is not happy right now.  Bokos smile when they kill.
“They are kh- here awaiting those who flee.”
“…Yeah.”  I hope there are people left to run.
There’s more I see them waiting on the road at the edge of the houses some behind moblins those are moblins three red blue blue, at least two bokoblins, horns, little horns sticking up show them-
Yes.  Shh- there they are.  One two three- four five.  Eyes out.  Look.  All of you scan.  Zelda?
They- are- looking- inward.  We quiet, we surprise them.  Yes.  Good.
Spread out.
No- Zelda.  Stay with me.
Liff and Cohl again.  Good.  Huiru creeping crouched, Terial with Margil- Aree with Beraya, Daile with Genenko, Varniro with Reida, a pair, okay.  Huiru’s alone but he clearly has a method.
Six pairs.  Five monsters.  So far.
We’ve got THAT one.
Sh sh sh… she knows.  She knows.  Quiet.  The fire’s loud, but- doesn’t mean it couldn’t hear us at all, a snapping branch, a cough-
…please don’t cough.
Hot.  Even here.  Hot.  Smoke. Careful. Pay attention to your skin, Link-
I will endeavor to notify you of any sudden changes in your skin, master, but I have no method by which to measure your surroundings.
Thank you.
Her fists just balled.
She wants to cough.
Hurry, hurry, the flames, hiding the footsteps, careful but quick careful but quick-
Closercloser right in the back the spine wait for it, for the others.
Zelda- yes.  Turn.  Face out.  Watch my back.  I watch yours.
They’re- almost- nowTHROUGH
Almost all Daile Beraya Liff got theirs where’s Huiru
Varniro’s he didn’t surprise it but they’ve got it
MORE “MORE!” Main road, there!  She’ll follow you Link, go take it out, it's hot but you're okay-
Fighting I hear it on the edges monsters at the next two roads too they have it trust them THIS one- “HhhaaHH!”
“Kh- khmkhm-“
StaybackZelda I’vegotit “Grk- hh!” the armpit slice it can’t raise its shield SLICE- THRUST
“Kh- hh.  The smoke.”
“I know.  I know, I’m so sorry- Zelda- it’s your dec-“
“We keep going.”
I thought so but heat smoke “ON RIGHT!”
Sheturned heardboots it’s breathinghard but didn’tgrowl feet loud anyway SLIDE underitsguardLinkSHINSyes
Yeahthathurtdidn’tit Zelda YESOH ROLLLINK
Damn she nailed that but it almost fell on me it’s prone proneTHRUST- THRUST
Dead? D-NO THRUST-twist-
Stay still.
Dead- wh?
Margil and Terial
“Another moblin, down!”
Good Terial’s hand on his mask though he feels it the smoke
Goddess if we hadn’t soaked ourselves I’d’ve been soaked by sweat instead and dehydrating fast.  How long til it steams off?
Link? You see steaming with your eyes and you grab Zelda and make everyone back the hell off.
Realistically, she'd probably notice it before me.
There are the others.  Around the sides of the houses.  Here!  Yeah, here- let’s not split up.  Don’t see Huiru yet…  Cohl- Liff.  They’re looking, too.
…They don’t see him.
Yeah Cohl, I don’t know either.  Just shake your head, Link.  Zelda?
“All- kh- together.”
Alright, she’s pointing that way she’s right she’s right less fire we can’t stay in this long south is an inferno north we can at least last a while- Huiru, he should’ve come out over here somewhere anyway, hurry, hurry, but look look look look lots of movement flickering shadows things flapping in the wind from the fire no other people yet not yet- easing, easing  it’s not as bad over here, the fire worst in southwest maybe glow and smoke but it’s quieter this way too careful something could hear
“Kh… KH.”
Zelda, is your cloth still wet?
Quietly “Cloth- wet?”
Nodding, good, good- mine is so hers should be too just checking just checking can’t kill smoke with a sword can’t protect her.
Liff and Cohl fell in naturally checking around each house opposite directions it helps we can move faster.
Less and less and less, still hot but cooler here-
Those houses- not flaming-
That’s a yes, we check, Liff and Cohl check that house, Reida and Varniro, check that one everyone else watch watch watch eyes all directions- watch the fire too, embers, it won’t be long they’ll catch
“Khh.  Kh.”
It would be insane for someone to hide in a closet or something with fire in the town it shouldn’t be that, either they’re hiding somewhere they can see out or they’re unconscious or dead or the house is just empty
No one moving all up and down road, far as I can see Zelda shaking her head, too-
Bodies?  Bodies no bodies they all run?
Head-shakes.  Nothing in that house.
No. Not that one either.
“Gg- khhh khhhh.”
And Terial’s coughing too and there’s still no Huiru here, two roads over.
I know that jaw- clench.  Like right before she gets in the pool at the Cathedral.
“We go.”
Alright.  Just point, Link, the less talking the better, that way everyone, west.
Where the fire’s louder maybe talking fine, here just not, lets us breathe through our noses anyway eyes peeled everyone going going going
Behind us?
Beraya- Liff- keep looking back.  Okay?
“Ah!” “FF-“ “S$&#-“ “Kh-“
WOAH that was some pop- Reida looks a little singed but okay, flames more, hotter, some of these houses completely ablaze lucky lucky the paths aren’t too narrow never seen Serenne before wouldn’t’ve known hotter inward we circle circle around where's-
Here we all are, hunted deer watching, listening.
It can’t be that close hardly any louder but maybe wrong, never seen a lynel never heard one either if that’s what it is, Daile’s the only one.
Still… listening.
Roaring.  Of fire.
I'm dryer already.
More dark houses.  Zelda?
That’s a yes and opinion established we check the survivable houses- pairs- Liff, Cohl- Varniro, Reida- Daile, Genenko- Margil, Beraya.
“Quick, Margil, we’re good- go.”
Can’t say I blame him, I’ve been having them flank Zelda the whole-
“Khh.  Kh.”
-time, but speed!  Don’t think I should leave the archers out here alone.  We stay.  We watch.  Should I call out?  If someone’s hiding they might just come out and if monsters do at least we’re not walking into an ambush, they’d come to usOH no.  Oh, Link.  Could the lynel hear me if I yell?  The fire might drown me out if it’s among it but I just don’t know and we could sure hear it roar- “No shouting?”
I concur, master.
You’ve been quiet.
I am endeavoring not to distract you, master.
I… can see why.
I will take this opportunity to notify you your blood oxygenation levels are still within an acceptable range at 99%.
Uh.  Good!  I bet that would mean more to Zelda, but I can guess…
100% is desirable and indicates excellent breathing.  Below 90% is dangerous.
What about Zelda?
              I can measure no one’s but yours, master.
Right- right.  Let me know if it changes, okay?
I plan to, master.
I bet hers are lower than that. 
It is likely everyone’s are lower than yours, master, considering your pristine physical condition.  I speculate your associate Terial is suffering most.  I recommend removing both him and the Princess from this environment as soon as possible.
Yeah.  Me too.
“Kh- kh.  Khh.”
A few more houses.
…I sure couldn’t tell where that came from.
Could be around the corner.
That’s comforting.
“Khhh kh.”
Smoke so thick southward.  Even looking down a clear path, hard to see.  It… wasn’t that much louder, though.
“Ahm.  Ahkhm.”
“Terial, you good?”
“Khhh- akm.  Yeah, it- doesn’t agree with me.”
Me either, but it’s getting to him already.
“Kh- kh.”
At least Zelda’s doesn’t seem to be getting worse quick like his.
I think they’re almost done.
A lynel shows up, you don’t let Zelda anywhere near it, Link.  You make her run.
Not that I could MAKE her do anything.
“Ahm.  Ahehehm.”
Wow.  Am I just- falling into old habits or something?  She’s right here.  “Princess?”
“Lynel, you leave.”
A long look.  Something odd there, something I don’t like.  Her eyebrow crease.  Can’t see her mouth or nose, but- worried?
“I- understand.”
Wow.  Well, good- and Margil and Beraya, also good.
Except also not good-
-because they’re shaking their heads.  “Bodies?”
Oh.  No bodies either, so… still good. 
Beraya.  Squeeze her shoulder, Link.
The others – also coming.  Except- no, no, there’s Varniro, too.
Closer.  Closer.  Okay.  “If a lynel surprises us, the Princess is to retreat.  Margil and Beraya, you’ll escort her.”
Nods all around.
I’m really amazed she just agreed to it, but-
“Khm.  Kh- khm.”
-I’ll take it.
Let’s move.  “Cohl- yeah, watch on that edge, Reida on yours.”  Corners, corners.  “We’ll move a few streets up and start again on the houses.  Any of you find bodies?”
“No, sir.”  “No.”  “No.”
“Two.  On- the street that way.”
Don’t let your face fall with your heart, Link.  Did you think everyone would escape this hell alive?  “…We do this as fast as we can- try to find anyone who’s left.”
“And- kh-kh- discover… where those missing have gone.”
Chuchu-  Genenko’s got it, he’s got it aaaand one and two- there it goes already back up back up while it pops-
Chuchus do just spring from the ground.  Like the… Dead Hands.  Is that what happened here?  They just sprang up, lit things? OH- “Back!”
Backupbackupbackup thereyougo manhandlingZelda sorry
HOT- "fffff!"
“Akhhhhh- khhhh ghghm.”
Damn.  Maybe.  Fricking chuchu jelly explodes.  Probably wouldn’t see it lying around.
Check behind- clear.
They’re not too hard to kill but you have to know to run when they start puffing up.  A good pop or two with a pitchfork and a sprint the other way would do it but of course you’ve set the nearest house on fire.
“Kh- khh.”
Maybe that’s why so few bodies.
It’s inconsistent.
“Ahhghm- dammit.”
Some houses not lit.
Could be why.  No chuchu pop-ups there.
But fire ones, here?  They’re supposed to live in hot places.  Eldin.  Never thought to ask father.  “Hey dad, do fire chuchus REALLY stick only to the slopes of Death Mountain?”
Has he even been to Death Mountain?
He must’ve- Oh?  Waving waving Cohl?
Stop, everyone.
“Khhh khh.”
Okay- Zelda, with me- we’ll look.
Wow.  Wow.  Yeah, good eye, back-slap for you come on- come on everyone here- the well.
Buckets.  Lots of them.  Wet.  Recently in use, and no bodies.  Right?  Am I crazy to be happy about this?  Zelda?
No, no I’m not crazy because she looks at least a little relieved.  Someone was fighting the fire and not that long ago.  Lots of someones.  That’s- yeah.  Cooler here.  Less flame.
Slightly less grim faces.
We go- further-careful check each way check, is that a bokoblin tooth?  Teeth?  A horn?  They did fight back and yes that’s another bucket rolling around- another one there… on fire, now…
Back toward the east- anything?
Eyes every way, everyone.
I think I do see a few more monster parts.  No people, though.
Alright everyone- yeah- spread on the street again we don’t quite fit I don’t like it Margil, Beraya?  Yes, thank you.  Princess’ back.  This section seems pretty quiet, pretty cleared out, but still…
“Kh- khm.  Kh.”
Steam.  They doused things.  Pump- there.  It really can’t’ve been that long ago, can it?  Not if we still see it like that.
“The pump.  We refresh our facecloths while checking the area- quickly!"
“On it!”
Woah “Wait, the handle- hold your hand near it first, Genenko.”  He was totally just going to grab it-
“It’s not hot, I’ll try it.”
Oh good.
“Thanks, Varniro.”
“Find your pairs.”
“Yes-“ “Yes, Princess-“
Finger to your lips, Link, they’re talking louder… they got the message.  Quiet checking of those houses and alleys- oh no. Beraya.
Her face, Link.
Her family’s house- would’ve been southeast.  Where the fire was worse.
She already realized.
Can’t just ignore that, say something, just- quietly- “Beraya?”
Shaking her head.  “We couldn’t have.”
“They might’ve got out.”
A strange, small smile.
She thinks they’re probably dead.
And Terial just dunked his whole face in that bucket.  Good.  He seems to need it more than the rest of- ”SH”$&%! ZELDA CORRALHERCORRALHERSHIELDSHIELD WHERE
Aree!  Her arrow through its neck- Terial- Zelda wants to step out and shoot but no, no, that almost hit me and it could hit her, too- damn that thing was quiet.  They usually give themselves away with the squealing.
“Where the hell did it-”
“The house.”
I saw her breath catch.
Closer, it’s closer, I know.  Closer, eyes eyes out Daile?
Daile miming crouch crouch everyone down down LIFF, yes, YOU, DOWN! Zelda I want to just curl up in a ball around her but that won’t help anyone Daile’s looking at me eyes that way eyes that way he says-
There.  Far.
But visible.  Half turned away from us between houses and the hood on that further well, between smoke.
Okay.  My Goddess.  That has to be a lynel.  Because it’s not a horse.  But- it moves almost like one.  Bright red mane, way too wide and thick not a horse not one bit.
Move- goodDaileagrees everyonemove STAYDOWN butmove move move move behind the next house holy f#$& don’t turn around now, don’t- face that way face that way face that way Margil Beraya flank Zelda thank you yes- oh.  Okay.  Daile.  Staying crouched behind the well.  Looking at me.
He’s right.
We have to take it out.
The mystery of the missing people doesn’t matter much if they can’t come back.
Zelda?  I go.
…It’s like the earth’s breath stops when it does that.
I want you completely out of its eyeline or even possible eyeline.
You, Margil, and Beraya… and Liff and Cohl.
Glad I saw him about to talk, Holy Hylia this is not the moment to find out how good lynel hearing is.
S&$#.  Genenko’s bad arm.  He has to stay, too.
You can do this, Link.  You can mime.
Genenko- you- Zelda, Margil, Beraya, Liff, and Cohl, you all look for the missing people.
The missing people.
Ahhh now you get it.
Okay.  Daile.  You and me.  On point.  But- yeah.  Agreed.  We flank it.
Yeah.  You that way.  Me this way.
Okay, Link.  Your father told you how to fight these.  Just- plan.  Archers stay at crazy far range if they can and you have to be ready to f$&$ing run.  No bunching up.  Everyone at different locations.
Terial, my side. Aree, Daile’s side.  Varniro, my side.  Reida, Daile’s side.  Like this.  Spread out- Daile, then Reida, then Aree.  And for my side, me, then Varniro, then Terial.
I’d tell the archers to take rooftops if there wasn’t fire involved.
There are… more flames by the lynel, too.
And… We can't go into that soaking wet. We'll have water boiling against our skin. Facecloths only, because we have no choice.
And Fi's not arguing with me.
Okay. Everyone- face cloths only.
And of course the pump makes sound.  Does the lynel know what a pump sounds like?  Does it know that means people?
Hopefully not.  I don’t hear anything rushing toward us.  Still… keep it down, Genenko.
Terial went already- Aree next.
Fi, anything I should know?
Your oxygenation level is unchanged, master.  But the area into which you propose to head is inundated with smoke.  Your facecloth cannot protect you from asphyxiation, nor from carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulf-
Wait, from what?
Forgive me, master.  Harmful gases.  Your facecloth cannot filter them.  It will protect you from burns and solid particles only.
We have to go.
O- oh.
Did you believe I would argue?
Yeah, kind of.
No, master.  The beast must be felled.  If one arrow would be sufficient to do so, I would suggest the Princess simply take aim and fire at first opportunity.  But the beast would charge, and I believe you wished to avoid that scenario.
Yeah, yeah I did.  She’s- she’s not ready for that.
No.  She is not.
I… kind of thought you’d argue with me there, too.
Ohhh there you go again with one of your weird silences.  Only this time I have no clue at all why.  At least I usually know what it is you’re trying not to tell me.
Ah- my turn.  Damn, I went turned-in-like.  That happens sometimes when I talk to you.
Thus my efforts not to distract you, master.
Thanks.  For the moment, though… just trying to creep low across the square and use the water.
I don’t see it anymore.  It could easily come closer, though, just down another road.  The facecloth wow needed that.  The water… isn’t cool like well water really should be.  It’s warm.  But compared to what’s up here, it’s refreshing.
Nothing for it.
You all ready?
Everyone’s smart enough to look scared.  Probably more than they otherwise would be since they’re not used to fighting unarmored.
Reida almost looks angry.  Maybe that’s how she preps herself for a nasty fight.
Or maybe she’s pissed because I assumed she’s willing to take on a lynel.  I’m treating her like our own soldiers.  But Zelda’s not stopping me, so I think I’m okay to do so for the moment.
Okay.  We go.  Now.
Try not to worry about Zelda, Link.  Small smile.  Hey- I managed one this time.  Oh- there’s those balled fists again.  She’s- struggling.  Struggling not to cough.
Please- be okay.
See you soon.
Around the house.  Keep watch.  Wh- nasty thing- bokoblin heart.  Pretty sure I see a moblin horn way far off, too.  Wins for the missing people of Serenne.  What-
Wish- wish I hadn’t seen that.  Wonder who it was.
Who they were.
If- we run into monsters and we fight them, it’ll hear us.  Daile sure didn’t-
“Kh- m.”
-want us making any sound.  Though granted, he’s not the one who fought lynels.  It was his father.  But seeing a fight happen from far off is better than nothing.
Father did say they have amazing hearing.  And eyesight.  And sense of smell.  That there’s almost no hiding from them, not unless you’re real far away.
Must be why.  Why the people are gone.  They may all have fled into the trees.
And been slaughtered by the monsters waiting there for them.
Of course.  Of course.  Line the trees with moblins and bokoblins, where it’s darker and harder to see they’re there, especially the bokoblins that just look like boulders in the dark until you get close.  Then send in the lynel and those fire chuchus.  Let them light the town up.  Let the lynel kill everything in its path and claim the place as its territory, forcing people to run because between it and the fire there’s nothing they can do.  Then they get slaughtered in the ring of trees.  Boko riders pick off the few who escape to the fields-
The fields.  My Goddess.  They sent kids there.
And we didn’t kill all the riders, we didn’t, one blew right past us!
“Kh- m- m.”
My Goddess, my Goddess, there’s nothing I can do now nothing I have to find them later have to tell Zelda Goddess forgive me!
The sooner we take this lynel out the sooner we can help them.
The boy was alive.  He was alive and he came back to help, right?
He did, right?
…Did he say that’s why?
He didn’t but he went back willingly.  Yes.  Yes, he said they still had the horses.  They were… okay when he left.
That’s a Moblin hand sticking out from behind that house.
Okay.  It’s too close to our path, we have to take it out.
Your bow, Link, don’t make Terial cross in front.  Here we go.  Here we go- there’s its head, turned awayOHit’sturning SHOOT- sunk!
Dammit, LOUD moblin-
Varniro bowling it over it’s yelling take it OUT it’s too loud-
The lynel louder did it hear did it hear?  It’s not right on top of us not yet- what was that sound?  Moblin-?  Varniro has it the arrow screwed it up real good go go go ANOTHER, LEAPOVERTHISONELINK head it off, get it before it’s near Varniro- arrow thunked hit wood Terial missed WOAH!missedmemoblin STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE
Not dead not yet black moblins tough kill it shut it up YES good shot Terial SWIPE-
AH!  Ittriedtoheadbuttme?! Good its face is in the dirt- NECK.  It’s done.  Right?  Twist. Spine-OH!  REALLY?!  Hylia, get its-
Head.  Another good shot- crunching?
Crunching wood smash???
Moblin dead- other one too- there’s no roaring but somehow that’s not comforting they don’t look comforted either what was the crunching?  Let’s go but this way, backward, around these houses, I have a feeling I just have a feeling it heard it knows and I could be wrong and if there are more monsters this way it’ll hear that too anyway and there ARE, blue boko right there, back up
The lynel different that was different
“You hear that?”
I swear it heard
“Is it starting?”
kill the boko kill it
slice slice shield bash it bashbashbashbashbash
SLICE SLICE THRUST- THRUST!  It’sgoingdown it’sgoing but I hear it hoofbeats it knows it knows send them backward Link!
Varniro, Terial, retreat!  Behind me behind me go go go go go go go go go NO NO I stay, you go!
That was chuffing it’s close GO!  Yes, good good go, now I back up, back up, straight though, straight, I think it’ll see me but not them at least not at first and they can take up other positions and more wood smashing it’s close what is it doing ANOTHER smash-
“Khm.  Khm- kh.”
-that was close ANOTHER what is it doing THAT was a piece of wood flying over my head a beam, a piece of a beam, the houses, it’s smashing the houses, what’s left of them, does it think we might be inside or is it just angry?
My Goddess I feel like I can hear it thinking, its breath is so loud.
Zelda?  She’s probably not looking at the slate.  She shouldn’t be.  She needs to be watchful-
THERE I just saw it whatever it’s using around that bend right there back up so slow Link so soft so it can’t see you not yet not yet no advantage I’m in the wrong spot and Daile’s not here to flank it though he’ll catch on and move, he will-
“S$&#!” “Sounds bad-“
“We continue.“
“Yes-” “Yes, Princess.”
Yes YESLINK It’sheavy it’ssoheavy ittakestime takes time to stop don’t panic clear your eyes you have a moment you HAVE IT and THEREITIS RIGHT THERE SKIDDED TO A STOP JUST LIKE A HORSE
Mount it!!!
“Kh- m- m- kh.”
FLAMING ROOF my Goddess get off get off ihhhtFALLING!! ShoulderHOT HOTHOTHOTHOTHOTHOT noLink moveyouHAVEto it’llcrushyou theclub HOOFbeats
ROLLROLL NEVERMINDTHEHEAT oh GODdess ff hurts rightwhereIwas whereIwasagain itsaim perfect mountingitworked butcarefulcareful-
That was different,wh-
Fathersaid hesaid whenitjuststands burstofflame magic magic they’remagic thefire it’ll burst anysecondKEEPRUNNING
“HH!”  “Did you?!”  “S$&*#!”
“It appears-“
“-as though the lynel has been engaged.”
Sh- sh$# singed keep running anyway
get your bearings for a second
it hurts but there’s been way way way worse the heat I think if my back'd been soaked like earlier I'd've lost all the skin all the skin
more FIRE I hear it
It’s pawing the earth-
DAILE!- no, no, hotwe’ll both be on the same side mime mime, I’ll circle around!  Hope he saw that, go right Link go go go go go hot that pawing sound again what is it OHNO IT BLEW BY I MOVED IT BLEW BY WHERE I WAS IT’S AFTER DAILE
Please let him have dodged that please, straight back Link we’ll flank it as long as Daile made it PRONE HE’SPRONE
NO YOU DON’T!  HEY!  HEY LOOK AT ME I’M RIGHT HERE THAT’S RIGHT it has a bunchhot of arrows in it already I didn’t even realize couldn’t see Terial must’ve been going nuts on it from somewhere and CLUBOVERITSHEAD DODGELINK DODGE BACKFLIP BACK AGAIN
Your blood oxygenation level is dropping!
YES, Daile!  Sword in its flank
Seek to exit the smoke!
“Sirs- kh- hh.”
“The next well-“
“-this way.”
Yes yes Daile- he’s up and it’shot looking at me again and CLUBNO BACKFLIPaaAAAH!
H-head.  Good, Link, you’re good, justhot- hit wood, not hotstone
you’ve had worse way way worseMOVEMOVE!
SMASHINGwood HOTalloverme BURNScrawlout crawlout GODDESS!  Shakingground so close how did it miss-
95% and dropping!
Yesyesyes different hotdirections someoneELSEonitsback Reida it’s ReidaYES SWORD, LINK, RIGHT THERE!!!
Ohhhhitdoesn’tlikethat upitshorse-chestandthrough hotpullout backu- NONO rollunder!
CLUB HolyHylia itstillthrewme and I washot almost behind it, Daile good flank-swipe, arrowsarrows lotsmore Reidawentflying gettingup helpVarniro, itsbelly rightthere hotTHROUGH!
Waveringwavering it’shot whining.  Another arrow and another- what-?
IKNOW!!! HOTmy HOTclothes HOTmaskoffoffOFF!
HOTroll ROLL YOU TOO VARNIRO HOT if theHOT houses HOTweren’t here
HOTwe’d’ve gotHOT hit head-on and YES FI Hyliahelpme IKNOW
HOTTerialdown? Don’tHOTknow
crossstreetHOT CROSSLINK RUNRUN FIREBALLHA!missedme HOTHOTHOT CRUNCHING bashingHOT throughtheHOThouse togetme BACKFLIP EARLYLINK be somewhereHOTelse andHOT dotheThing thebowthebowslowitdownslowitall aimaimaimaimaimaimaimaimaimperfectshotbeperfectFIRE
Here HOTthey all come
To finish you offHOT
That’s HOTnot a battle cry
Not anymore
Went forHOT the throat
HOTThe others justHOT- through.
Think- I’llHOT take a breather.
“Kh- khh.”
YES, master, exit the heavy smoke!
It’sHOT down.
HOT.  Too HOT too hot thingsspinning backoffbackoffcooler
I almosthot feel sorry abouthot this one
“It’s the same here…”
hotBecause it seems more like an animalspinning
hotAnd less like a monster
It didn’t seem happyhot to kill us
hotNot like bokoblins
But nohot way
“Kh- hh.”
hotNo way
It washot it or us.
Andhot this village
Or what’s lefthot
“Sir Liff?”
of it and its people.
“Hello down there!”
Too hot what’s she-?
“How fortunate.”
“What- Huiru!”
Yeah. Hot. Yeah- it’s-
“I’ve been following the well system, Princess.”
“We’d thought you lost.”
hotNot now.
“Haha.  I was for a time.”
“But now I’ve found you.”
We regroup with the others.  They’ll’ve moved.
“Indeed.  Huiri-“
We succeed, we returnhot.
“Yes, Princess?”
Not saying it again.
“Is there wind below?”
We’re leaving.  Hot.
You want to stay behind and wait, stay behind. Hot.
hotWow.  Get your hotf$&#ing priorities straight.
Grantedhot the apothecary would pay an ass ton for any lynel part of any kindhot.
“Kh- have you seen anyone down there?”
But I am NOT waiting aroundhot here-
“A few bodies.”
-for it to disintegrate.  Hylia help me.
Damn- damn, speaking ofhot priorities- Hey- that well back this way first, everyone.
“Kh. I- see.”
Fresher, cooler water for the cloths, it’s too hot not to-ohhh-spinningagain noo no no- stay up, Link
“Please join us above, Huiru.”
Master- you are at 91%
“Yes, Princess.”
Terial?  Terial- Daile!
“Continue to be watchful, everyone.”
Yeah yeahhot help him spinning- out, out everyone OUT north north now!
“It sounds as though the battle has ended.”
You goodhot Aree?
“We kh- shall await the others.”
“As you say, Princess.”
Come onhot yeah yeah got you gothot
Surehot hope now f$&#ing moblins jump us now.
Cooler This way!
The air is better here, Master.
Heh.  Yeah.  I could tell.
Part 17 coming soon (I hope!).
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