#Again sending so much love and solidarity
butch-reidentified · 7 months
anyone here seen the show Resident Alien?
bc holy shit am I obsessed with the portrayal of 30-something women, their solidarity, feminism, friendship, and fun and self-expression! GODDD I did not realize how BADLY I needed to see a tv show actually depict (attractive but not "bikini models" by any means) adult (and admit they're adults, real adults not 20 yr olds) women as human beings with deep complex personalities and relationships, who really stand with each other despite being flawed humans who do sometimes hurt each other, who are silly and goofy and get into shenanigans bc oh my god WOMEN CAN STILL HAVE FUN AFTER TURNING 30.
Especially later in season 1 and in season 2 (I'm still on s2), there's just so much female badassery and solidarity that I love. there's also a gym workout scene in s2 with my favorite character D'Arcy and tbhhhh that scene is 😨🥵 Like, my wife said "this scene was definitely filmed by a lesbian, right?" 💀 It really did feel like celebrating an attractive woman build muscle without the typical male gaze-y lens. it actually focused on her flexion, facial expressions, sweat, flushing, yk, the things we are supposed to pretend women don't do even while vigorously exercising.
this same woman leads her friends on a drunken midnight raid of town hall where they review the town budget and discover they're paid less than the men. cut to the entire group of women (one of whom is the mayor's wife) standing in the mayor's bedroom in the middle of the night, standing over him and informing him "no, this isn't a nightmare, what the fuck is wrong with you, pay us fairly" like?? holy shit lmao. D'Arcy then proceeds to RENT A HELICOPTER to drop fliers all over town telling women about this and encouraging female solidarity in fighting back. this barely scratches the surface of her character's feminist heroics. in another seen she cuts the brakes on her best friend's abuser's truck and sends it down a hill in front of him, before telling him she'll happily kill him if he gets near her friend again. it's just so much fun to see. she also rescues herself and 2 others from a crevasse in the glacier by climbing 30 feet in a storm with a broken wrist. oh and shes a FORMER OLYMPIC SKIER bc fuck you
I've actually been very impressed with this show in a number of ways. they have a young girl character whose family is Muslim, and the writers seem to want to critique Islam while being aware that they have to avoid performative liberals picking up on this too much. so at first I was a bit 👀 thinking they were going a certain way with the character, but they ended up sneaking in a lot of critiques of Islamic patriarchy. they keep surprising me.
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californ1asnow · 11 months
Call Me Up Again - pt. 2 Mike Schmidt x Reader
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Part two of All Too Well Angst!!! So much angst everyone I've decided to turn this into a miniseries, this post being the second part. I'll continue to link chapters as I post them This is also being updated on ao3 (cough cough) No warnings this time 1.9k words
Snowflakes fall silently, coating everything around them in a white dust. The wind blows with a crisp chill, nipping at all the rose-pink noses. It sends shivers down the backs of those who dare be out in this weather. The pumpkins and fake graveyard decor that had once littered every home’s front yard has long since been swapped for tinsel garlands and pine wreaths. 
The Schmidt residence beams with colored string lights and holiday music. A tall, sturdy evergreen sits patiently by the window. Its branches are decorated with years worth of homemade ornaments, ranging in all size and age from both Mike and Abby. The red skirt beneath it falls relatively empty of presents, only donning the few small ones Mike could afford to buy this year. They’re wrapped pathetically in an old birthday paper, the only wrapping Mike could find to reuse. 
Usually, the tree is so full that he’s had to store things in his closet, but that was when you were still a part of their Christmas. Stockings hung happily above the fireplace and a love so innocent it wraps the house in a warm glow. However, it’s void of that feeling now, instead Mike is left to pick up the pieces that you once fit together. Abby doesn’t understand why you don’t come over anymore, or why Mike has been so quiet lately. All she knows is that something went wrong, and now everyone is upset. She’s stopped bringing up your name in conversation when talking to Mike, because it always ends with him withdrawn and retreating to the solidarity of his room. 
That didn’t stop her from drawing you, though. Sometimes she’d sit at her desk, tears collecting in the well of her eyes, and doodle old memories of the three of you. She remembers them being happy, but by the time the crayons were set aside and the picture was finished, it was a glum mess of dark blues and frowning faces. 
After a drawing is finished she’d slip past Mike’s room, quietly tiptoeing out the front door, and make a break for the house across the street. Your house. She’d work fast, her feet carrying her quickly to and fro. It was unclear from her perspective whether you paid attention to what she’d give you, but by the time she slipped a new piece of paper underneath your door, the old one she had gifted you was gone. 
Mike was unaware of it all. 
He had found a new job in town where he could bury all his thoughts. It was working construction for a local contractor, a job that certainly wasn’t ideal but it paid better than what he’d been used to. Unfortunately, it required longer hours and ate up all his free time, meaning Abby needed a new babysitter. A job that was once happily filled by your company, now replaced with an afterschool program suggested to him from a flyer he found at work. He hated the thought of her sitting in essentially another classroom, surrounded by strangers and snotty kids, but it was his only option left. 
With a third of his paycheck dedicated to it, Abby now spends her weekdays at the nearby YMCA. 
The first time he told her about the new program didn’t go over very well. He remembers it clearly.  
“Abby please,” his irritated voice interrupts her incessant protesting, “listen, it’s the only place that can watch you.” 
“No it’s not!” She yelled at him, her finger pointing to your house across the street, “I want her back!”  
A pang of guilt struck his chest at her words. The lack of your presence has clearly been taking a toll on the both of them, but it’s the first time Abby’s ever been so vocal about it. He crossed his arms with a sigh, watching his little sister stare up at him with solemn eyes. Her lip quivering ever so slightly, evident that she’s holding back tears. 
He crouches down to her level, just like he had done to you so many nights ago, “I’m sorry,” he pleaded with her, “but she’s not coming back right now.” 
Her head shook with disbelief, stubbornly stuck in her spot, “Then make her come back.” 
You’re not sure when the Mike shaped hole in your heart stopped aching, but it’s significantly less sore compared to a fresh wound. That’s not to say the constant reminder of him and Abby living across the street from you doesn’t sting. It’s hard enough to ignore all his calls, but trying to get to your car while avoiding his gaze is even worse. Eventually, he gave up on contacting you by the third month of radio silence. It hurt both of you, but you knew deep down neither of you could continue functioning like how you were. 
The back and forth pull of his affection took too big of a toll on your mental well being. You can remember every moment down to the exact detail of how much you craved for him to just do something, anything. 
All those times you held him in your soft embrace whispering sweet nothings in his ear, reassuring him everything will be okay, just for him to turn around the next day and never bring it up again. Or when you’d run your warm fingers through his hair to calm him down after a panic attack, and he’d let his head rest in your lap. Words of affection dripping off his lips like a rich honey, warming you up from the inside out. Then he’d disappear for a while, claiming he needed some space to figure stuff out, all the while you’d beg and plead for him to tell you what’s on his mind, only for him to give you nothing back.You stood by him regardless though, keeping a silent promise that you’d always be there for him when he needed it, a love that was never reciprocated back. 
A long sigh escapes from you, eying the new delivery that just appeared by your door. You shuffle towards it weakly, unsure if you really wanted to torture yourself by looking at it. It’s one of those things that curiosity will drive you to do, unable to ignore it like a pedestrian passing by a car crash. The paper crinkles under your touch, unfolding it reveals the familiar childlike style of Abby’s drawings. A man drawn in green crayon frowns up at you, holding hands with an equally sad looking child. Your gaze drifts over to the other side of the paper, highlighting a person relatively similar to you standing alone with their arms crossed, angry. Your heart hurts at the sight of it, knowing that Abby is implying that you’re angry at the two of them. You shake your head quickly, trying to evade any tears that threaten to spill. It’s not fair for Abby to be caught in the middle of whatever is going on between you and Mike, and you realize that. 
The sound of your phone ringing breaks your train of thought, and when you check the caller ID your breath hitches. Standing in the middle of your living room frozen with indecisiveness, you stare at the screen while chewing on the bottom of your lip. Without thinking, you accept the call.
There’s a sound on the other end of the line, somewhere in between a choke and a gasp, and then your name is mumbled out in disbelief. 
“I didn’t think you’d actually pick up…” Mike’s voice is still a little startled, mimicking the internal panic in your chest. 
You suck in a deep, steady breath before answering, “Yeah, I didn’t think so either.” There’s a slight pause from both of you, unsure how to continue the conversation. It’s felt like years since you last heard his voice. 
“Are you…doing okay?” 
“...Yeah.” Your answer is unconvincing, but Mike doesn’t have any ground to be able to question it. So it’s left like that, timidly dangling in the air between you both. 
You hear shuffling in the background, and a smaller voice asking a question before he dismisses it. Your heart lurches thinking about how Abby is there, trying to figure out who her older brother might be on the phone with. It almost makes your cool demeanor crack, urging you back into your savior complex. 
“Uh, sorry about that,” your phone crackles back to life, “anyways, I wanted to ask you something.” 
“Oh okay.” 
“Can you,” he stops, leaving you on edge, “meet me somewhere?” 
The lack of response from you causes him to start rambling, going on about how it would be better to talk in person, and how it would be easier if you could see each other’s expressions. Soon afterwards, a string of apologies ensue, and you pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration. 
“Okay Mike. Promise me this will be worth it.”
“I promise.”
A young waitress stares nervously at your booth. Orders continually piling up, hungry customers giving her rude looks whenever she ignores their impatient huffs. It’s been a good thirty minutes since you first showed, and she’s checked up on you at least a handful of times by now. Mike had suggested this little diner down the street from your house, and you agreed to meet here. 
However, it seems like you’re the only one who showed up. 
Your back is pressed against the uncomfortable foam board of your seat, a leg bobbing rapidly out of habit. You pick at the pills on your sweatshirt sleeve, trying to avert your gaze from the sympathetic waitress. Prior to your predicament, she had asked if you were dining alone, and you told her no. However, It’s starting to look like you just might be. With anger bubbling inside of you, a voice in the back of your head is saying you should have seen this coming. It’s so typical of Mike to make promises that he’s unwilling to keep. 
The air smells like grease, mostly from the old fryers sitting in the back of the kitchen. Oil bubbling and brooding in their tanks, waiting for someone to drop a morsel of food so it could shrivel in the scalding lard. Stomach stirring with disgust, a wave of nausea washes over you. It’s unclear exactly what’s causing it, you’d like to give credit to the sleazy restaurant, but something deep down points to the lack of a certain person’s company. 
You keep your attention trained on the dwindling heat of your coffee. Both corners of your mouth scrunch downwards at the smooth ceramic now held in your cold hands. When did watching a cup of coffee become so interesting? 
“Would you like some more?” The sweet but timid waitress asks you, now back at her spot beside your table.  
A joyless smile flashes across your face, a futile attempt at masking your dejection. Pushing the cup forward, silently accepting a fresh refill from her kettle. 
“He’s not worth it.” She adds, tipping off your mug. Her eyes refuse to meet yours as she does so, and you are thankful for that fact. 
“No,” you respond back, “he never is, I guess.” Your voice is shaky, as are the hands that are folded in your lap. 
Mike is not worth the years of being hurt and pushed away. Not worth the tears that fall after coming home from a night spent at his house, inconsolably sobbing because you know no matter what you do it leads back to the same thing. To give up all your time, love, and patience just to receive nothing in exchange. 
It’s not worth the unrequited love. 
“Can I have the check please?” You ask quietly, still avoiding the gaze of the girl next you. 
Her head shakes with pity, fingers wrapping around the arm of the kettle, “it’s on the house.”
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TAGLIST - @wriothesleysbimbo @psbc @victimsofadownn @that1lxnlybxch @callsignwidow
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stanfordswifey · 16 days
"I'll be here for you, my love"
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Ford Pines x reader
You've been in the hospital for 5 years straight, your cancer developing and spreading. The tumor you had ignored had now developed and evolved, spreading to your organs, causing your stage 1 liver tumor to evolve into stage 4 metastasis.
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Just yesterday the doctor walked into your room quietly, it was unusual. She had some news to break to you. "I'm afraid you only have a couple more days left. I've told you this before but its any time now, i'm sorry." You smiled at her, noticing the tear falling down her cheek and frown mentally, keeping a fake strong facade. "It's not your fault. I'm glad you tried your.best and never gavs up on me." Your hand curls into a ball under the sheet, doing your best to sray strong. The doctor left soon after, leaving you alone in the room with only your thoughts, your brain wandered 'will i tell ford?' 'Will he be okay?' 'I hope he's going to be fine without me'
You stared mindlessly at the ceiling, thoughts and memories rolling around in your mind like a film for a movie, you curse at the solidarity of your life, eventually falling asleep. You felt pathetic, worthless even, knowing that your husband too busy to even worry about you.
(You eventually fall asleep and wake up the next day)
It was another dreary day at the hospital, the sight of white boring walls and minimalistic decor making you lose your sanity by the minute, not having anything to suppress the agonizing pain you felt in your body.
-ford's pov-
"It has been a while since I last visited them at the hospital"
He murmurs, to no one but himself.
You've been gone for so long, off he visited you time to time, but ultimately focusing on the portal more and more to distract himself from worrying about you too much.
As he was working on his portal, his phone suddenly rang, causing him to jump at the sudden sound, rolling his eyes as he pushes himself away from the table (yk those chairs w wheels he basically just rolled over to the phone LMAO).
He accepts the call, ruffling his hair in frustration.
"Ford Pines here, who is this?"
"Ah, sorry, I'm doctor may here, what is your relationship to (reader)?"
He hums, fidgeting with a machine part with his fingers
"I'm their fiancé, what's wrong?"
The doctor clears her throat on the other line,
"I'm sorry to tell you, their tumor has started to spread to numerous other organs, I fear they don't have much time left.."
Ford feels his stomach drop, his hand loosening.
"I suggest you get them out of the hospital and just spend time together, I'm afraid there isn't much we can do now. It's best to spend time while they're still here"
"..I see, thank you doctor."
The call ended, he immediately drops his phone and covers his face with his hands, tears falling down. They really couldn't do anything now. He didn't know what to do.
That night he spent his time sobbing, thinking of ways to help you, looking for a cure, a remedy, anything to help you, he failed miserably.
After a couple hours of thinking it over and breaking down he decided to pick you up from the hospital and spend time together, if you couldn't be there for the entirety of his life, atleast he'd be there for yours.
Hi hi!! This was shitty! I havent written anything for a while T~T please do send me some ideas/requests or if I did anything wrong plz do comment it down, also English isn't my first language so It's not perfect, this will be like 2 or 3 parts? I dont know yet but I will update :33 thank you again for reading <33
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/13/2024 Daily Recap
So lovelies, we come again to the end of another day for some and the beginning of one for others. I am once again baffled and humbled by the turn out of our beautiful crew and all they’ve accomplished over the last 24 hrs.
Did you know that as of this moment, the #RenewAsACrew petition is over 44,000 signatures?
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Were you aware the #HoistTheAds initiative/fundraiser is over $21,000?
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Or that the Renew As A Crew Fundraiser for Rainbow Youth is over $15,000?
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Oh, and not to mention, Our Flag For Palestine’s Our Flag Makes a Difference Fundaiser met it’s goal of $2500
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Oh and might I add that Twitter is trending #SaveOFMD at 41.7K posts
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I wish I knew how to check IG and Tumblr stats, so if you do please add to this!
And that’s only a fraction of how much everyone has contributed to the community with kindness, solidarity, creativity, support, humor, analysis, ingenuity and so much more!
You all are making ripples that are cascading across the whole damn planet and your voices are being heard.
Special thanks as always to @renewasacrew who are some of the many captains (and certainly most influential) of this mighty fandom battle freighter. Please send them all the love because they are leading the charge everywhere.
Every single last one of you should be proud of yourself. Please remember to drink some water, have a shower or a bath and get some sleep. We’ve all said it before, but I’ll say it again; no matter what happens with the renewal, you have made such an immense impact on so many people’s lives in a positive way and we are all so damn proud of this community.
Rest and recoup lovelies, we all have a big day tomorrow.
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jamneuromain · 1 year
Hey honey! I'm loving your bingo challenge<3
So I want to send in a request for Steve Rogers for the prompt 'ugly duckling'
So basically Steve meeting readers family and friends, and the running joke is how reader bagged an Greek god looking man like him despite being not so pretty. He soon understands why reader was first hesitant and a bit surprised when he asked them out. But Steve takes a stand for them in front of everyone and call them out on their behaviour and all the fluff! Please feel free to change anything you like or ignore the request if it's not worth it! Thank you so much! I love your fics💙
Hi hon <3
I feel so much about the "ugly duckling" so I added a little bit of "horrible family actions" that I've seen. I hope you'll enjoy this!
Make an Impression
Steve Rogers x You
Warning: Ugly Duckling, shaming from all aspects, bad language word(?)
Summary: Steve was nervous about meeting your family - your larger family, that is.
A/N: My eighth entry to the bingo challenge hosted by @the-slumberparty.
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"What if they don't like me?" Steve whispered in horror as he looked at himself in the mirror.
"They will love you." You stood on the tip of your toes and kissed his cheek, "Seriously, my mom thought I'd be single for life. So she is already way beyond happy that I'd be taking someone home for this traditional festival."
Steve mumbled a "yeah", before turning to you, "I really want to make a good impression." He almost knotted his brows into a bun, "Any tips on how to be the best boyfriend?"
"You are the best boyfriend there is." You help flipping his collar in place. He was so nervous about meeting your family that he tried on five different ties for over a dozen times, leaving his collar a mess, "You'd be helping out... I think. And you definitely do not need a tie to suffocate yourself when you're helping out. They will love you." You emphasized the idea that your family would welcome him one more time, shrugging, "Just try not to answer any questions when my aunties and my grandma ask you about 'when are we having kids'."
"Kids?" Unfiltered panic filled his eyes.
"Um-hmm." You fiddled with the hem of his shirt, tucking it in place, "I know, we aren't even planning anything yet. Still, they love to do that. They'd be scheming when we're having our fifth kid with or without our help."
Steve swears he is sweating like a fountain.
"Smile. Tell them we're enjoying our solidarity. And you will be fine." You threw him a sympathetic look, "Tell them about your military stories. That would distract them enough."
You hoped your boyfriend would survive under your ruthless (or so you believe) aunties.
"C'mon. Mom said we should be there by 11 to help her cook lunch." You kissed his cheek again, "You'll do fine."
"Not quite sure about that." Steve muttered. If confidence could be measured from 1 to 10, he'd be negative a hundred by now.
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You thought your aunties - your father's sisters - would be hogging Steve until he was going to have a panic attack, asking about your relationship or about his family three generations ago. But within an hour, you heard that he was able to make all of your aunties laugh with joy by telling some interesting stories in the barracks, while your mother kept you in the kitchen to help her around.
Help with cleaning. Not cooking.
After an hour and a half, your grandmother pulled an ancient photo book out of nowhere and started to show him your baby photos.
With pots of traditional dishes simmering over the stove, you were finally able to get a break from your mother's accusations of "not practicing homemaking" and escape to your boyfriend.
At which point, the photo album was only about one-quarter through, and your aunties had just started the chapter where you were 4 or 5.
"...now this." Your grandma chuckled and shook her head, "This was precious. She has always been the not-so-good-looking one among my grandkids. Hasn't changed about that. See her skin? And the hair? Her cousins tried almost everything to help her look better."
Yes. By "help" she meant that your cousins, who were not that older than you, shoved you around like a doll, pinning all their least-favorite hair bands and hair pins onto your head, and giving you ridiculous "make-overs".
The kind of "make-over" some 6-year-olds could achieve.
While your male cousins ignored you.
Some of them still did.
You didn't mind.
Your family isn't exactly the tightest bun in the world. You tried avoiding them until important family-gathering activities such as this one. Because they would criticize everything from your clothing to your work. And probably also tell your boyfriend that you are not that good.
"And what are you wearing?" One of your aunties eyed you disapprovingly, gasping as if she had just seen you. Even though you have been helping cleaning and cooking for at least sixty minutes, "Sweetie, your ass is going to rip your jeans. Why not sportspants? They are definitely more comfy. Could help cover your thick thighs too. Honestly, how you are able to date... him-" She gestured at Steve, "is baffling."
"That hair..." Another auntie tutted as loud as she could, "So messy, my dear. Have you tried conditioner? My boy brought back a bottle of L'OREAL conditioner from Paris and it has been working wonders. "
Third auntie chirped up helpfully, "Must have been that awful job, cutie pie. I told you that you should be working closer to home, not driving three hours to see your family. That incompetent husband of mine recently opened up a factory and we'd be happy to arrange a desk job for you. Smaller pay, but closer to home. What could a ton of money do anyway if you can't see your family every week-"
That's enough bullshit for you for a day. You'd rather drown yourself with mud than listen to them criticize from head to toe.
"I think that's my phone." You forced a smile, getting up as fast as you could, "I'm gonna go check."
"See, I told you a busy job can do you no good..." One of your aunties yelled behind your back, before gossiping in a low voice with others.
What you didn't see (or hear, for that matter) is that Steve apologized swiftly, leaving the couch and following you.
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Eight months ago
Steve accompanied Bucky to his graduation ceremony that day. Being around the same age, they chose a path in the military at the start, though Bucky had a severe injury to his left arm and had to leave the sergeant program after only a few months. After some rehabilitation and trying a handful of jobs, Bucky decided to head back to university and study criminal law in order to become a police officer, or a district attorney if he's not fit for police work anymore.
Steve, on the other hand, was luckier. He stayed in the sergeant program and got assigned to the States right before Bucky's graduation. After three tours and a surgery to collect bomb shells from his leg, the Army decided he could be a drill sergeant on the New Jersey Base, responsible for training new recruits before shipping them overseas.
Anyhow, Steve pulled Bucky into a big hug when the ceremony was over. He whistled and nearly clapped his hand numb as Bucky beamed at him in a black graduate gown.
"I guess I'm the smarter one of us now." Bucky smiled coyly, punching Steve in the chest, "And the luckier one too." As he fished a cute girl in gown by her wrist and introduced her, "This is my girlfriend Wendy. Wendy Stone. Wendy, Steve."
She reached out shyly to shake his hand, "Hi Steve. I've heard a lot about you."
And as if Bucky was the magnet, attaching people like coins in a line, you slipped through the crowd patting Wendy on her shoulder, "Your phone. You almost forgot - Hi Bucky, I'll be out of your hair in a minute."
Bucky's palm flew to his forehead, gasping out in shock, "Damn. I haven't introduced you two yet. Steve, this is Y/N, Wendy's cousin. Y/N, this is my best pal Steve."
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Five months ago
You had hung out with Steve a couple of times, but only in the presence of Bucky and Wendy. Wendy and you shared the same apartment, so it was nearly inevitable for Steve to bump into you when looking for Bucky, or Bucky asking both of you to join Game Night for you four to know each other well.
Steve grew fonder of you, nonetheless. He loves the laughter whenever you hear a silly joke; he loves the way you make a face to him whenever Bucky and Wendy getting all gooey and clingy, making both of you feel like the third and fourth wheel; he loves your optimistic and can-do attitude, whether it was Wendy having a bad day at work, or when the pipe burst in your apartment.
Before he opened his mouth that day, sharing a pot of coffee with Bucky during the quiet morning of a Sunday. Bucky cut him off, saying Steve's line, "You should ask her out."
"You think I should?" He gulped nervously, counting the larger bubbles on his coffee.
"Dude, why do you think I've asked you on these game nights stuff?" Bucky snorted into his mug, "You practically glued your eyes to her the day you met. It's hard not to notice."
"Don't thank me yet, punk. I've asked Wendy about her. She's one tough-" Bucky paused before continuing, mulling over the semantics, "Is it degrading to say son-of-a-bitch? Because Wendy said the exact same words. Anyway, according to Wendy, she doesn't really date a lot. And her work is crazy as hell. Plus, they came from the same family, cousins from their mother's side. They are a hard-to-please bunch of people, and Wendy heard that her father's side was even worse."
Steve didn't really take the last line into consideration back then. Still, asking you out was one hell of a mission, worse than the tour he had in the middle of some desert. It took some persuasion and some more coaxing ("good-measured coaxing", Bucky insisted) to get you on the first three dates. But from that point forth, everything has run smoothly, until now.
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"You alright?" Steve closed the door behind him. Your tiny room seems smaller with his broad shoulders larger than the door frame.
"Yeah." That's a lie. "Another few hours and we'll be left alone." You swept away the invisible dust on your jeans, murmuring.
That's why you don't like your relatives. The smell of grease and tobacco rose from the backyard where the men were drinking and smoking, more revolting than the way you remembered.
Steve pursed his lips tightly into a line, "Are they always like this?"
You huffed out an unamused laugh, "At least we were related. You should have seen how they treated my mom."
"That's why she's in the kitchen?"
An unimpressed glare threw in his direction, "She enjoyed that, believe it or not. Cooking and cleaning and homemaking." Raising your chin towards the kitchen, "Blamed me about 'not doing my part' just now."
"Why don't you-"
"Stand up against them?" You knew what he meant. You did. You tried. But they would always accuse your mother of not "teaching you properly".
"They are bullies, Steve." You shrugged, pretending that it didn't bother you at all, "They'd do anything to make sure we get all those nasty comments. And the moment any one of us stand up against them, they'd ask my parents to force me to apologize."
Steve crossed his arms, furrowing his brows again.
"Look, my mom is ... old-school. So are all of them. She nags a lot but she'd be sad if I'm not here to support her during this family reunion. But reunion means all of them, so..." You held his wrist, resting your head on his shoulder, "family comes first."
He took you into his arms, landing a kiss on your forehead.
You craned your neck to smile sweetly at him, as if nothing had happened, "Let's get back to the living room before they mock me for being a baby about it."
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Surprisingly, for one full hour, they weren't able to make a comment about you - plenty of comments about Steve since your three cousins had arrived. More comments about your cousins. Gossips about their neighbors. Judgements thrown around on their men and your mother's cooking.
"... your daughter better have clarity on herself." Your grandmother pointed at your mother, drunk on her third cup of wine, her words slurring, "Steven....s Steve, here, is way out of her league. And she needs to maaaarry him before some s... ska... skank butts in."
Your mother eyed you, mouthing silently, asking you to eat rather than reply, before coming up with a polite smile, "Of course. But young people have their own opinions on marriage, and I suppose it's only fair that they figure it out themselves."
One of your aunts waved her fork too hard, sending a piece of chicken into the air, "Oops. Ma's right. And you need to have a kid soon, sweetie. Marry him, and have a kid. Your body is a ticking clock. Don't turn deaf towards it."
"I'm surprised you were able to get a boyfriend, let alone... this." Another aunt gestured at Steve, "You've never been the pretty one, cutie pie, and you sure ain't now."
You put your hand on Steve's thigh to calm him. You could feel his muscles tensing and his jaw clenching, not so subtly. You shook your head lightly.
Don't give them what they want. You hoped you were able to convey the message.
"Oh my oh my," the last aunt chuckled, "we are not going to witness some cheesy scheme of renting a boyfriend here, are we? I heard from my daughter Jean that it's quite popular these days. You know, it's not that embarrassing not to have a boyfriend, I mean, we all thought that way-"
Jean, being one of your cousins sitting by the table, chose to munch her food in silence rather than responding to your aunt.
"That's enough." Steve placed his napkin on the table, folded it back into a triangle before he spoke, "All of you." His rigid tone from the military days seeped into his voice, having the conversations on the table stop for the moment. Taking your hand beneath the table, he watched every person on the table with a serious expression, "Our relationship is none of your business, and so is her appearance. I see a beautiful, strong, independent woman, and I pity you for none of you were able to see her the way I do. Because you were so focused on yourselves, comparing everything about you to make you feel less pathetic. "
A brief pause.
"You didn't say anything about your daughter owning a clothing store, inherited from you, that barely gets by." He looked at the aunt who called you "fat".
"No one said anything about your son stuffing potato chips in his mouth and being unemployed, still taking expensive trips with your pension, because he's the son in the family." He points at the aunt who called you "cheap".
"And finally, you know damn well that husband of yours is having his third secretary-mistress. Since that's all the rest of you could hint about this afternoon." He directed at the aunt who thought you weren't "homemaker" enough.
"I hope you'll have the day you deserve." He spat out, standing from the table, asking for your hand.
For the first time today, your eyes sparkled with light. Gladly taking his hand, your rose from the table. Not minding if you have shoved your chair backwards too hard or the sudden movement is not "lady" enough.
"Mom, I'll come visit next week. Promise." A big smile raised the corner of your lips, waving your mother goodbye while the rest of the table watched in silence.
You still had trouble believing this when you got in your car. Steve immediately pulled you into a hug, nudging your neck with his cheek.
"Not so scared about 'impressing' my family now, huh?" You joked, tugging the end of his blonde hair lightly.
"They're going to hate me and you after I dumped every scandal on them." He mumbled apologetically, "Sorry, I hate bullies."
"No." You signed, "I should've be braver and just ... cut them off."
"You did the best you could." He kissed your shoulder gently, looking into your eyes, "You are everything I've dreamed of, and I meant everything I said at the dining table. You are incredible."
"Hold your proposal, Rogers." You teased him, seeing his ears turn into beet-red as you mentioned "proposal", poking his chest with your index finger, "You aren't on your knees yet and I'm not having five babies without five carats."
Steve's face flushed with a shade of pink, looking like a total turnip if it wasn't for his blonde hair. "Five babies???" He gulped, and then, "Does that mean we're having ten babies if I buy a ten-carat now?"
It was your turn to be stunned speechless. Only when he was grinning madly did you realize he was messing with you too. Laughing with tears, you fell into his embrace, "Steven Grant Rogers, you are a horrible person."
A few laughs bubbled from his chest as you leaned back in your seat and buckled your seat belt, "You'll get used to it." He started the engine and changed the subject, "I didn't have much food in your house. Mind if we stop by at the new Burger joint and order something?"
"I almost forgot how awful my mom's cooking is." You set your phone on navigation mode and put it on Bluetooth speaker, chuckling, "I'm starving. Let's go."
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Find my The Slumber Party Present Bingo Challenge here 👈
Questions? Comments? Requests? 👉Send them to my inbox 👂
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nqueso-emergency · 3 days
I'm so sorry babes that they're treating you like this. You have always come off resilient and human and honest. They can never take that away no matter how evil and aggressively they try. You deserve to be treated so much better regardless of anyones opinions surrounding the show. I want you to know that you don't have to be our martyr either. Your health and wellbeing should always come first. Yes, I'll say it selfishly. I don't want you to leave or change because of them, but if you ever want to, it'll be okay. We'll be okay. But you do it because it's what you want to do, not for them. They have no power over you. Those dusty lil shits can kick rocks. You've done more good for this fandom than any of those imbeciles could ever dream to imagine. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. They want to attack and tear you down because they're scared of the truth. They don't want to accept that they're the toxic part of the fandom, and that's a sad reality for them, but you babes, you've saved the day. You're a fucking rockstar. I would have quite this fandom if it wasn't for you. You've played a huge role in bringing US all together. Given us a place of solidarity. Allowed us to openly have strength and positivity and humor and vent our frustration during this hiatus all in a safe place. And again, I commend you for willing taking blow after blow and insults and unjust hatred to protect us. Sending some love 🫶🏾 I hope you and everyone else here get to experience more peace and happiness🫰🏽
I read everyone's asks and I appreciate them all!! But I really wanted to share this one because I too hope all of you get to experience peace and happiness.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hey! How are you? As your requests are open, I'd like to take this opportunity to send you one.I wanted to know how brothers react to an MC who is the eldest of a large sibling group and who is used to dealing with all the problems that younger brothers can cause. Take care of yourself and have a nice day
Hi there, anon!
Okay, time for a tidbit about me, I'm the youngest of two. So I wrote this mostly based on what I have heard from others about what it's like to be an older sibling to many younger siblings. It always seemed to me that the eldest has to take on a bit of a parental role (as we see with Lucifer). So I wanted to capture that while still indicating that the brothers see MC as a love interest lol. Hopefully I did okay.
Thank you for the request!
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the brothers react to GN!MC who is the eldest of many younger siblings
Warnings: none!
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Eldest sibling solidarity. It's nice to have someone who understands what he has to deal with on a regular basis. Just knowing that you get it means a lot to him.
Okay but he's going to enlist your assistance now that he knows you can handle it. Expect to be his counterpart, you're probably the nicer one, which makes it easier for him to be even more strict. Help him keep his brothers in check, MC. He needs you.
Considering he sees you as his partner in authority rather than one of his own younger siblings he needs to deal with, he's going to get very protective of you. Will absolutely chew out any of his brothers that give you grief.
Appreciates how responsible and helpful you are. Starts to wonder how he ever managed to get by without you. Doesn't admit to this often, but when you're alone, he'll let you know just how much he appreciates you.
Oh no, not another one. But don't worry, he's used to this. He's had to deal with Lucifer for just about forever, so he can handle you. He actually listens to you and pretty much just goes along with whatever you say.
Will absolutely back you up when it comes to the younger brothers, too. If he's the one who's part of the problem, all you have to do is look at him a certain way and he'll stop immediately. Sides with you in every instance.
Appeals to you when Lucifer is being strict, especially if he's been strung up again. C'mon, MC! Ya know he didn't do anythin' that bad! Get Lucifer to let him down, would ya?
You find he responds much better to positive reinforcement than punishment. Due to the results you achieve with this, you can usually talk Lucifer into letting you deal with him when he's done something problematic again.
He's wary of you at first. An eldest sibling who's used to dealing with younger brothers? So what, you're just a nicer version of Lucifer, is that it? Maybe not. Maybe you're just as bad as Lucifer! Might avoid you at first.
He'll come around, though. And he finds he doesn't mind if you start scolding him. It's completely different from when Lucifer does it. And he actually listens to you, too. Finds he doesn't like to upset you.
Comes to you for help. When he needs something, he's always at your door. Especially if it has to do with one of his brothers. You always know what to say and what to do. Can you please help him out, MC?
Isn't as good at backing you up as his older brothers, but definitely will stand with you in solidarity if needed. He begins to trust your judgment and if things are getting crazy with any of his brothers, he knows you can help to set everybody straight.
Absolutely does not listen to you in the beginning. Especially if you seem to team up with Lucifer or otherwise help Lucifer keep the younger brothers in check. He's going to chafe against any kind of authority, even if it's you.
When he sees how you are, though, the way you seem to understand him better than anyone else, he actually changes his mind. He considers you to be reasonable and more often just doing your best to keep things from getting out of control.
Begins to appreciate the dynamic you bring to their family. Eventually starts coming to you for help with things. Tries to make helpful suggestions when he can.
If he gets angry, you can calm him down. If he's really going at it with one his brothers, a calm word from you can be enough to break through it. He'll see what he's doing and actually back down. He's sorry, MC. Thank you for keeping him grounded.
Oh, you're used to younger brothers, are you, MC? Just you wait. The older ones aren't really any better in this case. Trust him, things get can absolutely unhinged here at the House of Lamentation.
He listens to you, though. Asmo never really fights too much with Lucifer and he's not about to start fighting with you, either. Anyone else is fair game, but he doesn't see you as a threat. And if you start to look stressed, he will do what he can to help with that.
Okay, but if you're going to be all older sibling with them, he's going to make sure you have some time to relax. Sometimes you need to take a break from wrangling demon brothers, you know? Let him give you a massage or something.
Will absolutely step in and tell off one of his brothers for stressing you out or arguing with you. He doesn't care if they do this to Lucifer, but can't they see that you're different? You don't deserve their nonsense and he won't stand for it!
Beel loves how in control you always seem to be. Lucifer does a good job, but he's also busy with council work and other such things. You always seem to have time to work through the problems that might arise. And it makes him feel like everything will be okay.
Doesn't like it when his brothers fight or get into trouble, so he's glad when you're able to divert these issues. Trusts you completely. Always listens to you. Backs you up if need be. He's always on your side, MC.
Does things that he thinks will make life easier for you without being asked. Brings you snacks just because he thinks you look tired. You're always taking care of him and his brothers, so he wants to take care of you, too.
Another one who will fight back on your behalf, but does it much more quietly. Gives his brothers disapproving frowns that actually make them feel bad so they back off. He's pretty easy going but he can be scary when he wants to be.
Not at all impressed. So you're an oldest sibling, too, huh. He doesn't care. He doesn't need you or Lucifer or anybody else. He's perfectly capable of cruising through life the way he always does.
Will not appreciate any attempts on your part to get him to be more responsible. If you push him too much, he will get bratty. He'll talk back, but he'll also just ignore you entirely. Really arguing with you is too much work, so it's easier to just go take a nap instead.
Due to Beel's influence, though, he will eventually just follow along with whatever. After an initial phase of brattiness, he'll decide he doesn't care enough. Beel likes you, that's good enough for him. He'll just follow with whatever the two of you want.
You're not so bad, MC. He likes the way you sometimes take control of situations where his older brothers are being really noisy. It makes it so he can sleep without being disturbed and he appreciates that. Just don't get too stressed out. He wants you to rest, too.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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fastestloseralive · 2 months
do u have any facts or head cannons for barry allen or hal jordan?
barry's a cat person. hal is colorblind. they bonded over star trek and magnets and all the requirements to become an astronaut. hal is a concussion magnet. they were college roommates. but also they met in third grade (hence the magnet thing). no that's not canon idc they're childhood besties. they played baseball as kids in an empty lot like it was the sandlot. hal used to ride a motorcylce but he doesn't anymore because he crashed it. barry is terrified of motorcycles because of that. they once made a pact to name any children they ever have after each other, or like middle-name-wise anyway, so don's middle name is harold. hal kept helen after the spectre arc and now because of him she speaks solely in top gun quotes. they're both bisexual (so is iris but it's not something she thinks about as often). hal's been seeing ghosts since he was a kid but nobody ever believed him and then he temporarily got a part-time job sending people to hell, so who's laughing now? barry played baseball in college but fucked up his arm so he couldn't go pro, and that injury healed wrong so even as the flash he still has a bad shoulder. they're undiagnosed autism/undiagnosed adhd solidarity. hal's genderfluid (CANON) but he doesn't acknowledge it. he also had a crush on young tom cruise growing up (but he grew up watching the outsiders and top gun so no one is surprised he turned out the way he did). he doesn’t have a crush on tom cruise anymore though. in a similar vein barry named his cat after harrison ford (indy the kitty). barry once punched wally's dad in the face and it was awesome. barry's death is part of the reason hal became parallax. hal never worked up the courage to try to go see barry when he was the spectre, even though barry was dead and he figured he could, cause he didn't want to find out what barry thought about the parallax thing. actually, even if he tried, barry wasn't in the normal afterlife, he was in the speed force, probably the only place the spectre can't go (not canon but i'd like if it was). when hal came back to life he rejoined the air force 'cause he had nothing better to do and it was a distraction from the fact he had come back and barry hadn't. then barry came back and life was good again. they are connected at the hip hal is one of barry's lightning rods (along with wally and iris) and they don't get nearly enough screentime together anymore. i love them so much
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Yo I've been mostly off from tumblr lately to focus my energy on activism and stuff going on in my country of residence, but I popped in today to see what was up and saw some of your posts about the situation for folks of color in the US with the election and the "blue no matter who" crowd and decided to send you a message before I head out again.
Frankly I'm at a bit of a loss for what to say that could make up for the callous lack of care the people who should be standing with you are showing you. Those who think themselves your comrades and allies should be standing up for you, and your community should be showing up for you, the magnitude of this betrayal is something I can't find the words for even though it happens like clockwork every election cycle. I'm just so fucking sorry. White libs love cannibalizing their own movement and throwing every chance at solidarity under the bus to protect their own sense of righteousness. They're doing you so dirty. You deserve solidarity, you deserve space to be angry or bitter about how the democratic party treats people of color and their lives and concerns, without having to shoulder the responsibility for your own damn oppression. G-d if I could send you the strength to deal with them I would.
Bug I saw in the woods:
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Thank you so much for saying all this, it's really validating to read and have someone tell me I'm not fucking crazy for expecting to be treated better and wanting more people in my corner 💗
And thank you so so much for the cool bug
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auschizm · 3 months
If I can rant/vent real quick, I have extremely bad memory problems which idk if memory counts as a cognitive issue or something else? But it's genuinely awful and I feel like people with good memory take it for granted so much. I'm so sick to death of being called "silly" and babied for having memory problems.
Like my partner was talking about what to cook for dinner, I was going to have one thing but then he said he would cook for both of us but within literally 60 seconds I had forgotten he said that and started talking about the first thing I was gonna cook for myself and he had to remind me he was cooking for both of us again.
Stuff like this happens to me multiple times a day, like little things but it just completely disconnects me from reality on top of like hallucinations and delusions as well. I love my partner and my friends but they really don't understand how scary it is to live my life sometimes.
This definitely can be a result of the cognitive symptoms associated with schizophrenia (though obviously I can't know exactly why you're personally experiencing memory loss), and it IS really scary and hard to cope with! I feel you and I'm sending my love and solidarity ❤️
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matan4il · 7 months
Hi again!
So like you, I've been seeing a steep rise in people being openly antisemitic and just hateful in general to people, both in Israel and anyone who so much as shows compassion for people on that side of the conflict (even to Palestinians and Israelis showing solidarity for each other! Which is maddening to think anyone would condemn such a thing). And I know it must be hard, to be living through such horrible things, and then to be hated as if you're somehow part of the cause of such atrocities.
I know it isn't much, I'm only one voice out here in the void, but I felt like you deserved some positivity today, and to be reminded that what you're doing is good and important. You've always brought a smile to my face, back in the day for silly fandom things (Buddie metas, my beloved), but seeing what you do now... I don't think I have the words to exress how much I admire your bravery and relentlessness in the face of such adversity.
So to you, and to all those trying to survive and stay sane, my thoughts and prayers are with you. There will be a light on the other side of all this. Stay strong, my friend. And remember too that when your strength alone fails, it's okay to lean on someone for support. *hugs* ♡
My darling Jesse! *hugs you so tight*
I'm so sorry it took me a while to reply, but I swear I'm doing my best, and I appreciate you so much. I will never forget that time on that discrod server, I won't go on too much about it, but you were the only one with a humane reaction, and that is invaluable. Please know that I see you for the strong, brave, compassionate human that you are, and I am sending you all the love! <333
even to Palestinians and Israelis showing solidarity for each other
Which says it all, doesn't it? Those people aren't pro-Palestinian, they're not pro-peace, they're just anti-Israel, which is actually anti-Jewish (they're indifferent to the well being of Israeli Arabs, just as they are to that of Palestinians. It's Israel, as a Jewish state and the world's biggest Jewish community, which triggers them).
It is hard to live through these atrocities, and then realize the world will absolutely kick you when you're down for being Jewish, even though it's veiled in (and sold to others through) all sorts of excuses.
In our Holocaust museum, we have a short movie of testimonies from survivors who had lived through Kristallnacht, but managed to make it to Israel after that and before the outbreak of WWII, so they lived. It has an unofficial title, "The blow came from within." For all other European and Middle Eastern Jews who were there, the Holocaust happened due to another nation, the Germans. With help from local collaborators for sure, but the initial blow came from the outside. German Jews experienced this blow as coming from within, from the innermost part of their identity as both Jews and Germans, when they didn't know how to separate these two parts.
Because they so believed in the idea that they're now a part of the German nation, they had lots of German friends. And they were sure that these friends saw them as them, as people, rather than through the lense of antisemitism. When Kristallnacht happened, German Jews experienced a devastating betrayal. We have a much higher number of suicides among German Jews at the start of the Holocaust, than in any other Jewish community, because they really did feel like this blow, of discovering they're not people to their own friends and countrymen, destroyed a part of who they thought they are, and how they're seen and accepted by their society.
This week, when I came across even more people I used to be friends with, who have engaged in de-humanizing me, it dawned on me that this is now my experience, too. This blow comes from within, from people who I thought knew me as a person, knew that I'm kind, knew that I'm humane, knew that through my grandparents' experiences as Holocaust survivors, I care deeply about the issue of genocide, and yet apparently none of that matters, and they went straight ahead with vilifying me personally, in addition to vilifying my people, and engaging actively in spreading the narrative that harms us. It's truly startling to realize that it's been over 85 years, and this is still how we're treated by too many.
But for every mob full of hate and ignorance (and that's what online echo chambers have become), a single voice that does listen and does care means that much more. So please know how much you matter to me, and that you make a difference, too. Thank you SO MUCH for the kind words, you brought tears to my eyes, in a really good way, and I cherish you so very much. It's my honor that we're friends (and I'm extra happy that you enjoyed my fandom stuff).
I hope you're doing well, lovely! Gonna keep sending love your way, always. xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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satureja13 · 1 year
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The Boys' last night in Chestnut Ridge. They ride over to the Country Bunker to meet Martha. Jack and Ji Ho are falling behind. Both lost in thought. Jack didn't even complain about riding his crazy horse. Saiwa: "Hurry up you two!"
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Martha: "So you finally can return home!" Saiwa: "Ah uhm - we are staying with friends. We don't have a home yet." Martha: "Oh Boys..."
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Kiyoshi is so sad he has to leave Jack. Their time together was too short. And it's breaking Kiyoshi's heart that Jack doesn't feel their special connection. It would make it so much easier for them to endure their absence from each other if Jack had a little faith in their love.
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Kiyoshi: "Jeb, I left a present for you and Saiwa. Make sure you use it well." Jeb: "Thank you my friend! We will. What is it?" Kiyoshi: "Ask Saiwa."
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The neighbors asked them to play a last song before they leave. They even removed the fence ^^' Jack joined Ji Ho and Jeb with his violin. Despite his many mental problems, Jack is very talented in arts and music.
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Do the locals wear bear costumes to show their solidarity for the creatures? How sweet 💞 The Boys slowly change the view people have on creatures.
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Ji Ho sang: 'Country Roads, take me home, to the place I belong West Virginia, mounty mamma - Take me home, country roads'.
Will the Boys ever call a place their home? Or will they be on the road forever? Running from the Council.
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And when Ji Ho sang the verse 'All my memories gathered 'round her Miner's lady stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine, teardrops in my eye'
Kiyoshi was close to tears and left. He can't say a proper goodbye to Jack anyway and his heart is too heavy to face the others.
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And so Kiyoshi left Chestnut Ridge to return to his obligations within the Council - and the Resistance. Who knows when they can meet again.
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But not alone. Little Goat, Kiri and Kiri's sheep Kumo accompany him.
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Soon after Kiyoshi, Ji Ho left.
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He's heading for Sulani - to eventually find Guidry and send his dead brother to the other side.
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And then Vlad stumbled and fell.
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Jack: "OMG Vlad!" Vlad is blind again. The punishment for trying to murder the bond. (TMI Vlad was blind when he returned from hell after his death.)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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shortnsnips · 7 months
twitter is really pissing me off with this. ( / wilbur soot , abuse )
love dream, hate dream, i don't care. you can think he's a terrible person, think he did terrible things WHILE ALSO acknowledging how well-spoken and important it was for him to say something. all of these stupid "he's doing it to save face!" or "this is an insane PR tactic" or even the "this is dangerous!!!" are actually so insensitive and to be quite honest makes you side with abusers!
dream is a victim of domestic violence and has been public about this for YEARS - it is so incredibly important that he spoke out in support of shelby while ALSO condemning wilbur's actions as a victim of domestic abuse to show solidarity, from one victim to another. to show that he KNOWS what it's like, he knows the behaviors and the tactics. he saw them in wilbur's bullshit "apology".
dream even says in his statement how encouraging it was to see, as a victim himself, that people were speaking out in support of shelby. how this was going to raise awareness to see the signs, to help encourage more people to speak out and not fear their abuser or just to be able to stand up for anyone who decides to speak out about it. to go on and completely diminish his words by saying "don't let this fool you!" is actually really gross. diminishing another victim's voice is gross. nobody said you had to like him for speaking up. did he have to? no. did anyone have to? also no! don't know why we're so upset and angry about having more uplifting voices, more support. we should be focusing on supporting shelby, not using another victim's message of support to shit on other people and bring external situations into this. it's gross and draws the attention away from the matter at hand, which is what the abuser tried to do in the first place.
since im here (probably won't be back to waffle until the tubbathon starts lol) i just wanted to point out the parts that really stuck out to me from his response because even though i don't really care for him anymore, i do think his support/condemnation has been the best worded so far.
"she had a reason to be afraid to say your name, but you shouldn't have been afraid to say hers"
i got actual chills from that one because FUCK it's so true. it bothered me so bad that wilbur was so vague about it almost as if he could AVOID it if he never attached her name to it. idk if theres really any legal stuff behind it or what not but other than that he had zero consequences for naming her directly. zero consequences for giving her a direct apology. his "apology" didn't even sound like it was TO HER. he isn't sorry, he obviously doesn't know what he has to be sorry for if he's too much of a pussy to address her directly.
"thank you for being brave"
it is so so important that he described her as such because not only does it continue to uplift her and encourage her to stay strong and continue to be brave, but it shows that speaking out against any form of abuse no matter what it is is BRAVE. it's admirable and hopefully sends encouragement to anyone else who reads it that speaking out against it is brave. point blank period. (and honestly everything in his apology to shelby was so incredibly well-worded - its really the fucking fact that dream who had no involvement whatsoever could apologize but wilbur didn't even know what he was supposed to apologize for lol.)
i've said this before, and i'll say it again. all of my love and support goes out to shelby. i am so incredibly inspired and proud of her for being able to stand up for herself, to speak out against someone even if they had a larger platform and raise awareness to the signs and pieces of shit within the community so we don't continue to support and platform dangerous people. i've watched shelby for such a long time, she was such an important part of my childhood and it actually breaks my heart that someone could even THINK of doing anything like that to her because she is such a fucking light and fuck ANYONE who would do anything to try and put that out. i wish her nothing but the best and all of the healing in the world because she deserves it so so much. my heart goes out to any and all other victims of wilbur, as well.
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sergeantgoggles · 6 months
Burnt Umber for Bly/Keeli?
~~look how "anonymous" I am. No way you'd ever guess who this is~~
So Anon. Very sneak. Will never know. <3
Let's assume they're a good year into their relationship, since I didn't really specify.
Implied (wrongfully) Bly/Aayla
Burnt Umber (How long until they say ‘I love you’ for the first time?)
Jealousy had no place in war, but Keeli couldn’t stop himself from pacing, arms crossed and scowling between the messages that Rex and Howzer were sending him in solidarity. It had been weeks since he’d seen Bly, and he should be happy that their squads were rendezvousing, but the more Keeli thought about it, the more anger welled up in the pit of his stomach and burned his chest.
Keeli wasn’t blind. General Secura was gorgeous. If Bly did end up falling for her, he’d understand. As long as she treated him as a person and not a weapon, Keeli could live with that, even if it hurt.
Except this pain…if this was even a fraction of how it would feel to let Bly leave, then he was damned. Taking a detonator to the side of the head would feel better than the hole that was gnawing at his chest and ripping him apart from the inside out.
Finally, the door to his quarters hissed open, and there could be no other person with the code except—
“You don’t look nearly as happy to see me as I was hoping,” Bly teased, but Keeli stood firm, arms tightening across his chest as though he could protect his heart if h held himself tight enough.
“Keeli? What--?”
“Does she mean anything to you?” Keeli spat, and it sounded so much harsher than he had intended. He wanted a conversation, not a fight, but his emotions were running rampant, and the more he tried to tamp them down, the hard they were to maintain.
“Does who? You mean General Secura?” Bly asked incredulously as he closed the door behind him. It was for the best that no one heard their talk. Clone relationships were already a bit of a stigma, but a clone having relations with their Jedi? That was sure to send up all kinds of red flags that would bring morale down.
“If she does, it’s fine, but I don’t want to be strung along,” Keeli rushed out in a huff of breath, “so let’s just end it here—”
“Just hold on a damn second,” Bly cut him off, “we’re not ending anything, unless that’s what you want. I’m not going to keep you in a relationship that you don’t want to be in.”
Keeli’s jaw dropped before he reeled it back up and set it firmly, teeth clenched. Why wasn’t this easy? Why couldn’t Bly just admit that he has feelings for someone else and make this a clean break? Hot, frustrated tears pricked Keeli’s eyes as he balled his fists at his side.
“Just leave,” Keeli gritted.
“No,” Bly insisted, challenging, “no, I’m not leaving.”
“Give me a reason.”
“You’re in love with someone else, Bly!”
“I’m in love with you!”
Silence as loud as a clap of thunder echoed in Keeli’s quarters as the captain tried to catch his breath, but all he could do was stare in shock and disbelief at Bly, who looked so earnest and sincere.
“What?” Keeli croaked.
Bly blinked a few times, as though the admission surprised him as well. “I…said I’m in love with you, Keeli. I love you.”
Bly snorted. “That’s it? I tell you that I love you, and all I get is ‘oh’?” “I…sorry, I wasn’t…expecting that,” Keeli replied sheepishly. He really had put his foot in his mouth on this one. “Say it again?”
“I love you,” Bly repeated with ease. “I love you, only you, I swear on my life, on anything and everything in this galaxy.”
The heat in Keeli’s cheeks rose, but for a completely different reason this time as he locked eyes with Bly shyly. Shame for being irrational crept up, but he’d own it if it meant he could hear Bly say those words again and again.
“I love you, too,” he said back finally.
“Well, you have a hell of a way of showing it!” Bly retorted. “What the hell, Keeli?”
“I’m sorry!” Keeli huffed and stepped into Bly’s space. “…I got wrapped up in my own head. I even had Rex and Howzer on standby to come beat you up.”
Bly laughed at that and hugged Keeli close, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Of course you did. Batchmates always have each other’s backs.”
Keeli nodded and melted into Bly’s arms. Maybe it wasn’t the most romantic way to say the words, but somehow it was still on brand for their level of chaos.
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gaylittlerichie · 2 months
hi so you said you'd always want reddie asks so I decided to give you some more because they're fun,,,
anyway,,, your take on a feelings confession? first move? love confession? (this can go as kids or adults, or both. have fun with it)
fav richie and/or eddie headcanons? (like relationship wise or individual)
and what do you think of the fics that have richie like publicly come out like careerwise? do you like the realistic ones where it's a slow process and it's scary? or do you like the more like easier to accept himself richie because he's a lot happier in his skin?
Anyway, feel free not to answer these, but I know that I would die to talk about reddie so I thought I'd send you some in solidarity lmao.
so for a feelings confession: ive said it before and ill say it again i think they never even Announce it to each other they just keep getting gayer and gayer until it cant be denied anymore. they r very nonverbal communicators to me…it’s all about the well timed hand squeeze. the head on shoulder. the intricate rituals if u will.
either that or richie would just get Caught Out and eddie wouldnt believe whatever flop lie he tries to cover up with.
a fave reddie headcanon of mine is that eddie loves 2 pick at richie’s gross scalp like when apes groom each other affectionately. he is givingggg pimple popper he’s giving eyebrow plucker
as for richie’s big fat 40 yo coming out i do much prefer it being gruelling and weird to navigate cuz i have never wanted to be happy once in my life u see. fics that pull u along for his slow + reluctant + very very belated self acceptance journey r always DELISH!
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whinlatter · 11 months
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<Art credit: Margaryta Yermolayeva>
Wild card trick or treat: go nuts, friend.
Send an ask with “Trick or treat!” to the writer who reblogged this & you could receive a 3-sentence fic, drabble, headcanon, sneak-peek at a WIP, the last sentence they wrote, a new fic idea, random line from a fic, picture of their notebook, a deleted line they love, an idea for a sequel, something they’re researching, behind-the-scenes info on a published fic, or something else!
an excuse to post hinny deleted scenes??? 👀👀👀
i bit off more than i can chew with this delightful trick or treat challenge but i do have literally mountains of dumb harry/ginny letters that didn't make the cut in beasts so here's some deleted scenes/the two of them doing what they do best (flirting by post, shooting the shit). do i love these lines? not particularly, but i love these two and i couldn't find anywhere for this extremely dumb exchange to go in the fic so sharing it here in honour of halloween will have to do! thank you sm @turanga4!
How’s your week? It’s shit here. Work’s shit, weather’s shit, house is shit. Today I also stood in literal dog shit and I couldn’t even scourgify my shoe because I was in a street full of Muggles so I had to wait until I was in the employee entrance at work to try clean it out. And then when I walked in someone said ‘what’s that smell’, and then someone else started retching and someone else started pointing and going ‘shit is that Harry Potter’. So then I had to try to pretend like it wasn’t me that had shit on my shoe until the room had cleared and I could finally sort it out. And now I’m worried the Prophet is going to run a story about how Harry Potter smells like shit, or start calling me The Boy Who Lived in His Own Filth, or bring those Potter Stinks badges out of retirement and send them into mass production, or something.
Yours (drowning in shit) -
The Boy Who Lived in His Own Filth (catchy),
I’m sorry your week has been so full of shit (literal and figurative). It does seem cosmically cruel that you can save the Wizarding World and still find yourself standing in dog shit. You’d think the universe would give you a pass, or something. Really, no treading in dog shit for the rest of your life seems the least the universe could do for you, given how much trouble you’ve gone to. I’m outraged on your behalf and willing to write to whatever necessary higher power to make this right. 
It’s pretty shit here too. I miss you (yawn, lame, boring). When you inevitably go into hiding from the brutal Prophet expose of your personal hygiene habits you are very welcome to hang out with me up here/hide out in Hagrid’s cabin and help me try to explain to him the proper consistency of custard. 
Yours in shitty solidarity,
Hagrid’s long suffering sous chef
Dear Hagrid’s long suffering sous chef/custard de-lumper in chief,
Thanks for the sympathy. I miss you too, a lot (yawn, lame, boring). Ron’s just asked if I’m writing to you ‘again’ like he doesn’t write to Hermione each time there’s a Y in the day. He just asked what we even talk about. So if he asks I told him we’re working on a big list of his flaws and most embarrassing moments to read out at his thirtieth and/or him and Hermione’s wedding, whichever comes first. Now he’s saying we’re ‘very childish’ and keeps trying to get a look at the parchment to check if I was lying or not. Oh wait no now he’s going up to his room to write Hermione about his very busy exciting day spent reading evidence logs and complaining about the canteen’s stingy pie portions. What a lucky girl.
Keep fighting the good custard fight. 
PS. Thanks for the offer but have to say no to hiding out in Hagrid’s hut. Fang’s poos are huge. I can’t risk it. Can I not crash in your dormitory? The steps up to the girls’ rooms don’t still turn into slides, do they? 
Outrageous and scandalous attempt to wangle your way into my bed, Potter. Of course the steps still turn into slides. What, you thought because there was a war on and the castle got pounded to smithereens the relics of archaic magical paternalism designed to defend young witches’ virtues would somehow cease to function? How naive. Anyway, I for one am grateful for the slides, if they stop you bringing your stinky shit covered shoes into our dormitory.
Tell Ron I'm writing you absolute filth. Like debauched sexual propositions, truly eye-watering stuff. That said, if you think for a second I’m not going to back my dear brother in his campaign for generous pie portions then you’re out of your mind. Despite the sneering of critics (you), we Weasleys believe in the importance of hearty pie helpings, almost as much as we believe in the importance of perfect custard viscosity.
PS. You're literally not going to believe this - wrote this letter at Hagrid’s, was heading out and sealing it up to send and I literally stepped in one of Fang's enormous shits. What are the chances???
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