#Aka I’m free this hour so I am going outside and gonna walk home. Get a snack. Then power through the last almost four hours of school
astral-catastrophe · 11 months
I love it when my anxiety attacks are conveniently placed
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serene-victory-77 · 3 years
Why The Crows Being Teenagers Is Actually Perfectly Realistic
There’s a TL;DR are the end because wow I like to rant.
I lightly discuss the general situations they’re all in to explore how they are frighteningly mature and competent, but it’s not particularly depressing or descriptive, it’s definitely lighter than the books
I thought about this post with a joke first: “People who think that Six of Crows is unrealistic because they’re so young clearly have not spent much time with traumatized honors students.”
It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but the point stands.
But I decided that, hm, actually, I could make a point about this. I totally agree with the aging up of the characters in the Shadow and Bone show, but when people straight up say that the books are wrong or unrealistic for having a young crew, I get annoyed, and here’s why (other than me reading the books for the first time when I was 13 and thinking ‘Huh okay, I see it’ and now being lowkey offended when people say they ignore it for being unrealistic):
On Inej
- At first I thought Inej’s wisdom and general demeanor was one of the most unrealistic things in the book
- When I thought about it longer, I was like “Actually, she’s 16, right? I’ve sent some of the most lyrical philosophy trying to help my friends while in high school. My friends have done the same. It’s valid.”
- Frankly, teenagers love hard-hitting philosophical truths. They love repeating what they’ve read or heard in movies and in books and from family stories. They love sharing little bits of wisdom they have come up with
- Inej’s ability to hear and understand philosophy and wisdom that she was surrounded by for 14 straight years and then sit on it and elaborate it for her friends to understand, or even just to piss them off in Kaz’s case? 
- Teenagers have that. They do it. So, Inej’s Wisdom passes, to me. It’s valid. 
As for her being calm
- You know how everyone jokes that Kaz seems calm on the outside but when you get to his POV he’s like “What the fuck” at the Van Eck house or just straight up “Huh, is this revenge for making tree jokes” at the Djel River thingy in the Ice Court?
- Inej is like that, too. And she gets angry, and she gets confused, or exhausted.
- AKA every quiet kid ever. Like, are you kidding? Have you ever been in a situation in which it’s literally chaos all around you, people are screaming and things are being destroyed (think middle school classroom with bitchy long term substitute and even worse students), and you’re just, calm? You pick up your things, you do what you need to do?
- That’s Inej. Like, what else is she gonna do? She’s smart enough to know that panicking won’t help anyone, and so she just rides it out. Internally she might be like “Why is this happening” but frankly, her being quiet and controlled in most situations is probably a coping mechanism and I respect that
- Pretty sure this is also based on the fact that the Suli have no land for their own and constantly have to keep moving. It might align with generational trauma, I’m sure someone could explain it better than me, but being able to keep your cool while constantly having to change and adapt to new situations, in, say, a country with hellfire politics and no land to call your own? Seems like a hereditary trait that could be useful in Ketterdam, although it’s sad.
On Inej’s abilities
- Simone Biles started training when she was 6 and went to the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships when she was 16, where she qualified in all the events. 
- There are videos of people walking over tightropes as young as three years old. We know Inej didn’t start that young, but not only was she naturally talented at it, but she spent a lot of time practicing. I think it’s valid. Plus, some of her family members do some pretty crazy things in her flashbacks, because that’s the whole point of what they do. 
- Youngest person to beat American Ninja Warrior was 16 year old Vance Walker
- Inej has a variety of of tools that help her wall climb, and while it’s true that she started young and got good really fast, she already had a history of physical work that would help her, and from what we can gleam from the book, a surprising amount of free time in which she was actively encouraged to learn everything she could. 
So that’s Inej! I think her skills are perfectly possible for someone with her history and situation. It’s true that she’s naturally skilled, but that’s not actually all that unusual. And her demeanor and wisdom do fit in with what a lot of teenagers are like and the circumstances she was brought up in
Onto Kaz!
- One thing I hear about is that Kaz is too smart for not having gone to school and also too young to know all that he does
- Do you all KNOW how many self-taught people there have been in this world? The word for people who are self-taught is autodidacts, and honestly a huge amount of famous people apply. Like many, many other people in history (there’s a whole list of them in Wikipedia), he had an vested interest in a field and he learned all he could. Sure, those fields were magic tricks and math, but still.
- Suddenly I have a lot of thoughts
- Okay, think, hyperfixations. That’s essentially what Kaz’s thing with magic tricks was, right? Have any of you ever spent time with an eight year old that clearly really, really loves dinosaurs? Those kids can spout names and facts and identify them by their skeletons and frankly know more than I ever will. Kaz’s was magic tricks. All kids are special.
- Kaz continued working on magic tricks and practicing them for years, so, I think that gets a pass. 
- As for the math! Look, a Fact Of Life is that some kids are just Like That, whether it be possibly from neurodivergence or other factors:
- Flo and Kay Lyman are twins with Autism who basically have the calendar of EVER memorized. Kaz memorizing card decks is sensible, and these ladies don’t need to look up anything to figure it out, so Kaz doing sums inside his head seems plausible. His “photographic memory’ isn’t impossible, although the term itself might be incorrect.
- Katherine Johnson who worked at NASA (yes, the lady from Hidden Figures), was so good at math that she was in high school by age 10 and went to college at age 15. It’s true that she had some teaching, but 1. There’s no evidence Kaz had absolutely no schooling, even if it was just at home with books and 2. Kaz was 9 when he came to Ketterdam, and after Jordie died, when he wasn’t surviving, he was learning. 
- Human calculator is a term that is applied to children a lot and there’s definitely plenty of videos showing how smart these kids are and them doing mental math easily, which he does in the books
- He had a LOT of pressure on him to figure out all he could, and if he wanted to move forward, he was going to have to learn a lot. He spent hours practicing magic tricks, for all we know he spent hours practicing math too. We know Jordie was a bit of a bookworm too, so Kaz from a young age probably already had a reason to learn. Personally, a lot of my love for books was inspired by my older sibling when I was younger
- Young people are adaptable. Kaz is incredibly adaptable. The term prodigy exists because of people like him through history. 
- As for him being rational, there’s no other way to survive. Some of the greatest soldiers in history have been very, very young, and very, very smart. It’s true tacticians are generally considered to be older, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been very young ones. 
- A lot of the generals I found were like, 19 years old, but Kaz is 1. not a general and 2. in a place where young people take up the mantle really, really quickly, and frankly it’s been like that for a long time. I still think this passes. This isn’t relevant but William the Conqueror was apparently called “The Bastard”?
- Frankly, underground communities of thieves probably don’t go around publishing their escapades so to me it makes sense that I can’t just look up “famous young thieves” and get anything that makes sense, but I did try
- Y’all I tried to do research on youngest escape artists since I think Kaz qualifies and I found myself in what I think is a magicians forum? It’s from 2002-ish and I feel like I’ve just found a relic. I can’t definitely prove they’re all saying the truth, but some of the people there talk about 10-11 year olds at magic camps, so, it’s not impossible for this to be a skill Kaz learned really young, particularly when he made a habit of following around magicians
- I think he passes the realism check overall
For the other Crows:
- Nina being so proficiently multilingual makes sense to me, because she’s been in the Little Palace almost her entire life with all the best teachers they could afford at her disposal. Some people just click with languages. One such would be Timothy Doner, who spoke 23 languages at 16. 
- Nina is a child soldier. She of course can handle the battlefield, although I imagine there’s a degree of trauma that she has to deal with (although it’s true that most of her work was always meant to angle her towards being a spy).
- Jesper was taught to shoot from a young age by Aditi, who was likely incredibly proficient. Plus, there’s mentions of him and his father being on some sort of frontier at one point in the books, so, it’s likely that Jesper got his fair share of ‘being a child soldier” since he would’ve been 15 or younger. Plus, with being a Fabrikator, he gets a leg up
- Jesper’s smart y’all, he just also likes to have fun
- I am a little terrified by the fact that I looked up ‘youngest sharpshooter’ and found out about a 9 year old girl (Addysson “Addy” Soltau) who can indeed shoot guns, but uh, it does prove my point
- Matthias... I haven’t heard anyone really argue about Matthias. He’s the oldest at 18 and again, he’s essentially a religious child soldier. Of course he would be built af and know how to handle himself in a fight, and in a flashback about meeting Trassel, we’re told that he was actually distanced from the other boys and was the biggest and strongest/smartest of the group. Perhaps not compared to Kaz, but still
- We know how Wylan ended up how he is, so I don’t think i have to defend how he’s both a musical prodigy, good at math, and good at chemistry. Plenty of kids who can’t do one thing will immediately gravitate to a different field (think AP math students who can’t write essays, or those kids who could analyse a book and it’s metaphors in class but didn’t understand geometry).
- Granted he took it far but it’s kinda implied that  his father ignored him eventually and what else was Wylan going to do
- I don’t really know how he did chemistry while not being able to read the symbols and stuff, but that’s likely because I’ve never had to learn the way he did and also I really suck at Chemistry, but I refuse to believe that it invalidates his capabilities
Final Thoughts:
- They’re Traumatized Honors Students
- People might say that “it’s unrealistic that all the smart ones somehow ended up together” but again they’re traumatized honors students and those gravitate to each other
- Of course the smart ones ended up together, they’re the ones in those crazy situations precisely because they are prodigies. Nina wouldn’t have met Matthias if she wasn’t skilled and a spy, Kaz wouldn’t have known Inej if she hadn’t been skilled at silence (I can’t explain that one but uh ninjas did/do exist and it IS still a fantasy world). Kaz would have never been a leader of the Dregs in a position to find Jesper if he hadn’t been so determined to rise to the top, and Jesper wouldn’t have been in Ketterdam if his father hadn’t thought that Jesper was smart enough to get that chance.
- You know how those fringe revolutionary artists for new eras end up knowing all knowing each other and even hanging out? That’s them.
- I have decided there is a strong basis for Autistic Kaz, someone who is more studied than me should feel free to explore this.
- I read this book a few years ago, A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. It’s about this guy’s experiences as a boy soldier and it’s a painful read so I’m not sure I recommend it as a casual read, but he talked about these young kids being able to actually make competent military strategies and handle warfare. It’s an extreme example of what I’m trying to explain when it comes to them being able to handle the brutality of their situation, but it’s true, essentially
- They are definitely serious, but if you think they’re not teenagers I just, disagree so much. They have moments of lighthearted banter, they make light of their situation, they try to support each other Nina covers it so well in her farewell at the end of Crooked Kingdom: The little rescues of laughing at each others jokes or eating together and just supporting each other, is not only a very human thing, but a very teenager thing. 
- Scary experiences that shape us happen all the time, and although for most it’s not the things that the Crows experience, picking each other up is a big part of why they do read as teenagers to me. I’ve seen kids be able to seriously converse about things like being questioned by the police, or being left to their own devices for days at a time, or the general impending doom they all feel, and it’s dark, but they’re also going to joke about silly puns 20 minutes later. 
- Teenagers aren’t exempt from terrifying maturity and competence
- Finally: Despite all I said, it’s a fantasy story and doesn’t have to be realistic
In the end, everyone can believe what they want to believe, but this is my case for my opinion.
TL;DR The Crows are all prodigies and a lot of their achievements and capabilities are based in reality and there are real people who actually achieved things like what they’ve done. Messed up prodigies gravitate to messed up prodigies, hence how they all end up together. When it comes to their mental state, most of them have been brought up their entire lives in situations that required for them to problem solve and keep their cool even when things are going to hell.
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peaches-writes · 4 years
there’s nine days left until christmas
skz of christmas day 1: early morning mass with jisung
member: jisung wc: 1.6k genre: fluff, comedy, childhood friends to lovers au (but the lovers part is so tiny), neighbour au warning: explicit language note: this the one time im making church boys skz happen bc it’s kinda funny + i made a rlly corny joke somewhere there but u hav to squint rlly rlly hard
Having to live in the city for almost 350 out of 365 days a year in order to study at university, you’ve naturally come to appreciate the peace and quiet of the countryside you would spend long stretches of holidays at. From the screeching but natural sound of roosters replacing your phone’s alarm clock to the gentle breeze that doesn’t need you to run around in circles a few times to brush past your open arms, you’re always looking forward to staying with your grandparents in a small mountainside village just an hour away from the main road because of all the healing it has to offer.
Well, maybe except small but constant inconvenience in your visits in the form of your neighbor, Han Jisung.
“Ji, I swear I will drag you out of your bed and take you to church in your pajamas if you don’t get up right now.” You threaten the still snoring boy on the bed you’ve been crouching next to for the past five minutes. Slapping his cheek once more, you frantically try and wake him up again by adding, “Han Jisung, get up now! We’re going to be late!”
Like you, Jisung only visits on Christmases and a few weeks at the beginning of each summer. He stays with his own grandparents who live next door to yours which, in hindsight, sounds like it doesn’t give you much reason to be hovering over him at 3:55 AM on a Thursday if not for the fact that when there’s 9 days left before Christmas Day (aka today), your grandparents want to attend the early morning mass in the town proper but the only means of transportation is the shuttle that only comes at 4 AM.
Jisung’s clearly not a morning person, either, so you can see where your problems currently lie.
“Jisung...” You call his name again between gritted teeth now. You’ve pulled the covers, took his extra pillows away, and switched off the electric fan across the room but to no avail—the boy just groaned, whined, and curled up into a ball on his sleeping bag. “Deadass the only reason I haven’t killed you yet is because your grandma promised me rice cakes again if I got you dressed before the shuttle arrives so wake up, you dumbass, or I’ll turn you into the rice cake.”
In front of you, Jisung only rubs his closed eyes and whines even more. “Five more minutes, baby.” He mumbles under his breath, lazily bringing his bare arm up to his face to cover his eyes from the harsh light flickering on the ceiling.
The nickname has you rolling your eyes and smacking his head. In frustration, you then stand up from your position and walk over to his closet, throwing him his clothes. “I’m going to count down to five and if you still haven’t opened your eyes and started changing, I’m calling Minho in from next do—“
The mere mention of your other childhood friend across the street immediately has the boy opening his eyes and throwing the random shirt over his head.
“You have drool on your face, dumbass.” You point to Jisung with your index finger, chuckling when he aggressively wipes on the area right next to his bottom lip. “The whole church would smell the morning breath through the speakers.”
“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes, sinking into his seat with his acoustic guitar hugged to his chest and a yawn. “What’s taking so long, anyway?”
“The priest who’s supposed to preside had something come up last minute, apparently,” You shrug, flipping through the song book and practicing on the old piano in the mean time. Nearby, both of your grandmas are conversing animatedly with the rest of the choir while your grandfathers have both wandered off somewhere—most likely to the small vendors outside the building. “I’ll give it ten minutes until they get the priest from the next village.”
Jisung groans, finally placing his guitar back on its stand and sitting up properly only to scoot closer to you and rest his head on your shoulder. “I could’ve gotten more sleep at home.”
You immediately shrug him off in response but to no avail. “And who said you can sleep on my shoulder?”
“You woke me up so you take responsibility.�� He pouts, linking your arms to hold you in place and adjusting his head on the crook of your neck. “Wake me up when we’re about to start, okay? Goodnight!”
“Ya, Han Jisu—ya!” You tilt your head down to meet his gaze to find his eyes already closed forcibly shut. When you flick his forehead and complain even more, he simply cusses at you and swats your hand away with his free hand. “So that’s how it is...”
“Don’t you dare...”
Moving your hands as close to the piano keys as you can, you then surprise the sleeping boy by practicing on the piano as loudly as you can. Great Amen echoes throughout the entire church, amplified further by the speakers set up near every pew and, naturally, veryone in vicinity jumps in surprise, including your own grandma who drops her fan, Jisung’s grandma who almost topples over in her seat, and even Seungmin who’s supposed to help sacristans this morning with the candles. 
“I hate you so much.” Jisung mumbles with furrowed brows. 
“Then get off my shoulder.” 
“Why are you playing a Bb6? It’s a Gm7.” 
“No, it’s not.” 
You and Jisung squint your eyes at each other as you continue playing through the song anyway. Fortunately, the people sitting in for choir haven’t noticed the small mistakes yet and you’re already halfway through the mass.
“It was a Gm7.” Jisung insists anyway, leaning forward on your piano to look at the handwritten music score properly as he strums his guitar. “Whoever wrote this needs to get their ears checked.”
“You wrote this in last year with Changbin.” You point out, biting down a chuckle. The song then finally finishes and the two of you lean back in your shared seat to wait for the next one. When you look over at the choir where your grandmas have been for the past forty minutes, you see them paying attention to the mass and not at all caring about the two of you arguing. “I’m trying to follow you, dumbass.”
Stubbornly, Jisung scrunches up his nose in denial. “No, I don’t think so? I’d remember if we did.” He defends himself, earning him an eyeroll from you as he then picks up a nearby pencil and writes the ‘correct’ chord on the paper. “Anyway, it’s only the first mass.” 
You’d erase the correction on any other day had your grandma cued you again for another song. Sitting up properly (and making sure you elbow Jisung enough for him to scoot away and give you space to play on the lower keys), you then deadpa, “You don’t even remember anything else you write.” 
“Yes I d—!” Before his tone of voice could rise up higher and disrupt the entire mass, you make sure to push him back from the microphone nearest to his mouth by placing a hand over his face. “Ya!”
Speaking of your other other childhood friend, you and Jisung immediately trail after Changbin once the mass concludes. Stifling your giggles as you try and blend in with the crowd of aunties who are now talking about where they could eat breakfast together and children who’ve just woken up from napping throughout the entire ceremony, you find your target by the rice cake vendors at the church entrance with the same (almost annual) look of distress on his face. 
“Third year in a row.” You whisper to Jisung as the two of you hid in the mini garden right in front of the church. Just a few meters ahead, Changbin is still contemplating on buying the rice cakes. “Do you think he’ll do it this year?”
Next to you, Jisung is quick to shake his head. “Sorry to break it to you, baby, but did you see him back there? He couldn’t even hold the other person’s hand!” He laughs, a hand hovering over his lips to muffle the sound. “I’m pretty sure the rice cakes are gonna take another two years.”
“I did, I saw him! He looked nervous as fuck I felt really bad for him!” You topple over in laughter at this, clasping your hands together. “Ah, Changbin shouldn’t always be hanging out at the rice cake vendors after every mass if he’s not going to buy. He keeps giving them—and us—false hope!”
“Can you believe this guy ditched us to flirt? He can’t even do it properly.” Jisung dramatically scoffs, breaking into another fit of laughs when Changbin walks away from the rice cake vendor at seeing his crush already walking home. “We should ambush him later when we play basketball, ‘no?”
“And you think you can do better?” You quirk an eyebrow teasingly, elbowing Jisung by his side. “Flirt, I mean?” 
“Yeah, totally!” Jisung nods with so much conviction and exaggerated determination in his expression that it makes you laugh again. “Stop doubting my skills, Y/N!” 
“Of course I’d doubt it, you’re all bark and no bite most of the time.” You scrunch up your nose, making his eyes widen and a string of protests to come out of his lips. “What? It’s true!”
“That’s not fair, you only see me on Christmas and summer!” 
“Exactly.” You cross your arms smugly which he squints his eyes at. “So, think you can do better than Seo Changbin, Ji? Prove it!” 
Taking your hand in his, Jisung then pulls you up to a stand and starts dragging you over to the rice cake vendors. “Oh, I will prove it.” He rolls his eyes, even going as far as intertwining your fingers before you could even fully comprehend what’s happening so suddenly. “What color of rice cake do you want, baby? Also, you like cheese on the rice cake, right?” 
december 17 (lee felix)
skz of christmas (masterlist)
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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AU SUMMARY- Your husband Namjoon and yourself run a successful Adult Film Entertainment Company called “Onyx” with your 5 best friends from college who you also happen to be in an open relationship with! This is a candid in-depth look at the rollercoaster ride that is your life!
Namjoon, Yoongi, Jin, Tae, Hoseok, and Jimin, all already work with the OC and Joon, Kookie comes in later one as a new hire...and the possible final piece…
DISCLAIMER: Obv this is a poly so the boys are Bi..but outside of kissing and dirty talk I have not YET ventured into physical MXM….
NOTE- As long as this keeps getting support the initial plan is 7 one-shots, one for each boys. Everyone installment will have smut as well as a overall storyline, one that not only ties into your job, but also the OC’s (AKA YOU) special dynamic with each individual member. The last one-shot (7th) will be the first and maybe only one where smut wise it’s all 7 of them, it will finally address how they all came together, and will be partially a flashback sequence. HOWEVER, there will be bits and pieces of the “Characters” lives and what not sprinkled within the “drabbles” too...so those will also be worth reading especially, as the story developes....or at least reading the summaries! 
Kookie will make appearances throughout, however, he is NOT as involved off rip as the other boys…
AFTER-HOURS- NAMJOON X OC (Tae comes in at the end) - 
ABOUT- Your husband and business partner find you up way past acceptable work hours for the 3rd night in a row! So, daddy has to step in and remind you that’s not something we do in this household. You come before work, in every sense of the phrase!
OR-You're in desperate need of a 2nd videographer/editor, because Yoongi’s in over his fucking head! So here you are, up at 1 AM scrolling through resumes because your that boss that hates to overwork her employees so she overworks herself!
PRETTY PLEASE- TAEHYUNG X OC - ( Joon comes in at the end)
About- Tae fucks you on top of your receptionist's desk before you fire her…
Or- Tae’s feeling a little needy...and somewhat high-key self continuous about you possibly hiring a new production assistant...AKA...Jungkook. It seems as though Mr. Kim takes pride in being the youngest within the office! It seems as though your baby boy just needs a little..reassurance…
JIN & CHOCOLATE- JIN X OC (FT A lil Seok at the end ) - 
About-You suck Jin off…and brownie batter may or may not be somewhat involved because why the fuck not. Oh, Hoseok comes over to drop off weed…and welll….doesn't exactly leave
Or- His assistants birthday is tomorrow and she’s insisted on him making his infamous “Dizzy Brownies” AKA…pot brownies and Jin being the perfectionist he is, scrapes the first batch. You however, think they’re fine and if he’s not gonna bake with said  batter you’ll find use for some of it…..Then Hosoek stops by to bring the missing ingredient…weed and his dick…
About- Namjoon eats you out the minute you walk in the door because well…that’s the kinda husband he is!
Or- Jimin text’s Namjoon to brace him for the mood you’ll more than likely be in after a day full of drama and finally firing the front desk receptionist! Which essentially red for him to make you come hard AF and then feed you….OH, and You guys invite Yoongi over to talk about the Tae and Kookie “Thing”
(5k, Holiday esque one-shot however for the 1st time it does dive into the downside of being in a poly relationship that’s essentially a secret in the publics eye) 
About-Just a casual lunch outing where Tae’s trying to do his job and your trying to get him off under the table with your shoe...nothing new!
OR- Tae and yourself are grabbing lunch at 71 Above, after checking out the last couple of venues for the company's end of the year Holiday party. While at said restaurant, it becomes a humbling reminder that the most important people in your life are essentially a secret...cute!
 UP AND COMING: In no particular order! 
Note, this is more of a smut drabble though it will be around 3k...this is NOT Yoongi/Jin’s official “Introduction” if that makes sense….(SNEAK PEEK IS LINKED) 
About-Yoongi goes down on you in the back seat while you’re on a business call….Jin’s driving, lowkey watching..and being a little shit the entire time…
Or- You’re on the phone with a dick of an investor and a second away from losing your shit and calling off the entire deal…however…your boys decide to “distract” you. Give you a little something to keep you at ease so you don’t blow this 6 figure account…
About-  Jimin and yourself take a trip to get a sneak peek at “Filter” before it opens… and Jimin fucks you on top of the bartop…
Or- Jimin’s ready to make his first solo big boy investment….AKA...opening up his own Gay club in WeHo...and the new business venture also reopen’s old wounds about his past. Both good and bad..but at the end of the day he remembers he wouldn’t the version of himself that he’s oh so proud of...without a little someone named “Y/N” 
About- You and Yoongi get a little one on one time while in Amsterdam, IE getting completely stoned, and attending a sex show..hell maybe even joining in on a sex show...shit just get’s wild in the Dam!
OR- You and your boys jet out to Amsterdam for the weekend to celebrate 16 AVN award nominations (AKA THE TONY’S/GRAMMY’S OF PORN) and while high and in a country where nobody knows who you are...(which means Yoongi and yourself are free to do as you please even in public)....Yoongi admits for the first time that sometimes he feels a type of way that HE wasn’t the one that married you considering the two of you were a thing FIRST....
About- Jin says he's coming over to discuss business over brunch, champagne, and a nice Jacuzzi bath…which, of course, leads to more than just talk about “Finances and portfolio expansions” 
OR: Jin’s the eldest, he loves control, he needs control, hints why he’s the finical controller..always has been...even in the domestic sense. Jin’s also shit at feelings he’s used to being the shoulder to cry on not needing the shoulder..he’s not used to feeling vulnerable...so it’s not to easiest for him to admit that he misses being the one you all come home too...misses being “needed”! He’s used to being the one that has his shit together, being the glue that’s held you lot together during your worst times..so this...is completely out of his comfort zone!
About- Hoseok and yourself have sex in a very questionable place while at the launch party for ‘Spectrum” I.E. your newest business venture...sex toys…your man deserves a little…”Thank you” for all the work he’s put in...including planning this party!
OR- Hoseok’s in over his fuckin head, he’s the one essentially spearheading the launch of “Spectrum” which is obviously his job as the head of Marketing, tactical ETC, however, this is just..different...he’s literally the one steering the boat. He’s good at what he does he knows this, he’s fucking made for it...but...it;s still’ bringing out some old, nasty insecurities...reminding him how he's his own worst critic...a perfectionist to the fault. Reminding them of those days where he never thought he was good enough...and it would absolutely break him if he lets you lot down! 
About- Jimin and yourself take Jungkook shopping for a new suit to wear to the “Spectrum” launch party! OH, and Jimin fucks you in the backseat of your truck in the parking garage of the mall…..
OR: You know Kookie still in that “Broke college grad” phase only being with the company barley a month, and you don’t want him to feel self-conscious at the event! You’ve also been too busy to really check in with him to see how he’s adjusting! So, you thought something like this, in a more laxed atmosphere, would be a good solution! Oh and Jimin, honestly he’s just nosey as fuck and inched himself along, like nobody really invited him he invited his damn self! Also Jungook can’t underatand why the fuck your all so damn attractive...like...why!?
This series is open to request...for one-shot/ member scenarios/drabbles.
The initial 7 one-shots are done to get the dynamic and I guess you could say “Plot” set in stone...however, once that’s done and in-between I’m open to random scenarios as long as it somewhat coincides with the “Universe”
This is a story that follows normal day to day life in a sense....they just happen to live a very exciting one!
Anything from them going grocery shopping and making dinner...all the way to the OC and one of the boys fooling around on set...as long as it fits the vibe. I’m down!
   *** To clarify as well...publicly ( And in the workplace) the world just knows your married to Namjoon....the whole poly situation is not something blasted on your Wiki...at least not yet....***
(Obv things are spread out now and they have other employees but they all STILL oversee multiple jobs...It’s a habit now. For so many years they couldn’t afford the help! So, now that they can they’ve just become a little...protective of said job duties..) 
Y/n Kim(26)- CEO/Founder/HR/Storyboard/Content  creator/Directory/Scriptwriter/Talent scout/ALL OF THE ABOVE (Set design, DVD author, 2nd Location manager, etc)   
Namjoon Kim (26)- CEO/ Founder/ Director/ Content analyst/ Lead scriptwriter/ Sr Production manger/ ALL OF THE ABOVE (IT, web design, outreach, etc)
Yoongi Min (27)- Head digital producer/ Program/site Planner/Production manager/Sound engineer/Production scheduler
Taehyung Kim (24)-Executive Assistant/ Content admin/ location manager/Wardrobe assistant/backup talent scout & health liaison
Seokjin Kim (28)- Senior Accountant/ Sales manager/ Financial controller/Logistics/Operations
Jimin Park (25)- Head talent scout/ Model Liaison/ Wardrobe/ Hair & Makeup coordinator/ Onset assistant/Health Liaison
Hoseok Jung (26)- Social media/ Streaming manager/Tactical marketer/ Advertising/event manager/PR
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
Hi, how about 7. Wrong Restaurant for the Genie Angie AU? With a magical yet still learning Angie wrong could mean anything or Stan might have got it wrong.
7. Wrong restaurant
Thank you for an Angenie AU ask, Anon, I fricking love that AU.  I actually had two different ideas for where to go with this.  One would take place before Stangie arrives in Gravity Falls, and one after.  After consulting a few people, though, I went with the former.  Maybe I’ll write the latter some other time...
Prompt List
              “But her aim is gettin’ better!” Stan said jovially to the oil lamp carefully buckled in the passenger seat.  Soft chuckling came from said oil lamp.  Stan grinned, glad the joke had landed.  “Y’know, not enough people appreciate my sense of humor.”
              “Then those people are fools,” said the genie in the lamp, aka his girlfriend, Angie.
              “I agree.”  Stan glanced at the lamp.  “Hey, uh, Angie, wanna get outta there?”
              “Um…”  Angie’s voice was small, and not just because she was speaking from inside the lamp. They had discovered early on that she got incredibly anxious if she spent much time in open spaces.  Even being outside of her lamp for too long could cause nervousness.  Stan had a feeling that this anxiety was a newer development, given that he had been the first to notice it.
              Can’t really blame her.  Who knows how long she was cooped up in that lamp before I found her?  When he’d broken out of a Middle Eastern prison, he hadn’t expected to find an oil lamp that housed a real-life genie.  But he wasn’t going to complain.  After all, now I’m rich and dating someone who’s definitely outta my league.  And I’ve still got one wish left!
              “C’mon,” Stan cajoled.  “You’re free of that lamp, you don’t have to spend so much time in it.”  After spending so much time locked up in various prisons, he hadn’t even considered not using his second wish to free Angie. Luckily, she’d stuck around after being freed.  Even more luckily, their relationship had quickly veered from platonic to romantic.
              “I…”  Angie sounded hesitant.  “Well, where are we?”
              “My old stomping grounds.  Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey.”
              “Oh, yer hometown?” Angie said, sounding amused.  “I better take a gander, then.  Ya don’t really know someone until ya see where they come from.” Stan grinned.
              I kinda like my girlfriend being the only genie with a southern accent.  Yellow smoke billowed out of the oil lamp, eventually coalescing into the form of a young woman holding the lamp on her lap.  Angie smiled at Stan.
              “I love how you dress, babe, but you might wanna put on something warmer,” Stan warned her.  Angie looked outside, saw the snow on the ground, and grimaced.
              “I hate the cold,” she muttered.  She closed her eyes.  Gold sparks twinkled over her clothes, changing her outfit.  In short order, her crop top and daisy dukes had been replaced with a sweater and jeans.  “Oh, I forgot the coat.”
              “You can borrow mine,” Stan said quickly.
              “I think I can magic up somethin’.”
              “Yeah, but usually, you pull off one magic trick and then completely fuck up the one after,” Stan reminded her.  Angie crossed her arms, pouting.  “Remember what happened when we were in New York?  It’s a miracle the Statue of Liberty is still standing.”
              “Rude,” Angie muttered.
              “I’m just telling the truth.”  Stan leaned over to kiss Angie on the cheek.  “I love you, babe, but your magic could really use some work.”
              And that’s an understatement.  Angie sighed.
              “I mean, yer right. ��I ain’t the greatest genie in the world.”
              “Maybe not, but you’re the prettiest one,” Stan cooed.  Angie giggled.  “So, since we’re in my hometown, I figured we could go to my favorite diner.”
              “Aw, a romantic Valentine’s meal together!” Angie gushed.  Stan frowned at her.  “Sweetheart, it’s February 14th.  Valentine’s Day.”
              “Oh.  It is?”
              “Do you have a calendar in your lamp or something?” Stan asked.  Angie giggled again.
              “Maybe.  Where are ya takin’ me?”
              “It’s a place called The Juke Joint.”
              “Ooh, sounds lovely.  I bet they’ve got greasy burgers ‘n salty fries.”
              “The greasiest and saltiest,” Stan promised.  Angie groaned.
              “That sounds amazing,” she sighed happily.  Stan grinned.
              “You’re in luck, ‘cause…”  Stan came to a stop and looked out his window.  He trailed off.
              “Somethin’ wrong?” Angie asked.  Stan thumped the steering wheel.  “I’ll take that as a yes.”
              “They shut it down!” he groused.
              “What?”  Angie looked over.  She put a hand on Stan’s shoulder.  “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie.”
              “I was pretty excited about eating there,” Stan muttered.  When Angie didn’t respond, he looked at her.  Her eyes were closed in concentration. “Wait, Angie-”  Gold sparkles manifested around her.  She opened her eyes.  “What did you just do?”
              “I tried to reopen yer fav’rite diner,” she said.  Her eyes widened.  “Hang on. I think it worked!”
              “Really?”  Stan looked back at The Juke Joint.  Sure enough, lights were on and he could see people inside.  “Holy shit, Ang, I think you’re right!”  Angie clapped her hands in excitement.  “Come on, let’s get something to eat.”
              The moment they set foot inside, Stan knew something was wrong.
              None of the waitresses are on roller skates.  Not to mention, the décor had completely changed.  Angie looked around curiously.
              “With yer description, I was expectin’ this place to be less, ah, high-end,” she remarked.
              “No, it’s definitely a bit of a dive,” Stan said quietly.  “I think…I think your magic messed up again, babe. This feels like some hoity-toity place where they have like, cloth napkins and shit.”
              “Oh, consarnit!” Angie swore under her breath.  “Well, uh, d’ya still want to eat here?”
              “Look.”  Stan took Angie’s hands in his.  “I love that you tried to use your magic to make me happy.  But…”
              “I turned yer fav’rite lil diner into an establishment ya have to dress up for,” Angie said.
              “I’m so sorry, Stanley, I didn’t mean to.”
              “It’s okay.  Honestly, even though it’s definitely not the kinda place I want to eat at regularly, I don’t mind that’s it’s still sorta open.  It’s not the Juke Joint I remember, but it’s still around.  I guess,” Stan said.  Angie managed a weak smile.  “But since we’re not gonna eat here, and we still gotta eat…”
              “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”  Angie stood on her tiptoes to kiss Stan.  “You owe me a greasy burger and salty fries, mister.”
              “Don’t worry, there are plenty of places around here to get that.”  Stan wrapped an arm around Angie’s shoulders. The two walked out of the restaurant. “Fast food, for one thing.”
              “Oh, no, yer a local,” Angie said firmly.  “We ain’t gettin’ McDonald’s.”  Stan laughed.
              “Okay, I won’t get you a Big Mac,” he said.  “Since it’s Valentine’s and all.”
              A couple hours later, Stan pulled up in front of a building that churned dread in his stomach.
              “Want me to come in with ya?” Angie asked.  After they’d had dinner and made out for a bit, she had retreated to her lamp again.  Stan shook his head before realizing she couldn’t see him.
              “Nah.  I’m a big boy.  I can handle it.”
              “All right.  If ya need some genie backup, just shout and I’ll hear ya,” Angie said.  “Since I messed up my last spell, I should be able to pull off my next one.”
              “Got it.”  Stan opened the car door.  “I should be back pretty fast.”  He got out, took a deep breath, and walked up to the very same door he’d been shoved out of years ago, when his father put him on the streets.  He knocked.
              The door opened.
              Stan got back into the Stanleymobile.
              “How’d it go?” Angie asked from her lamp.
              “Pretty well.  Mom was home, but Pops wasn’t.”
              “That seems like the ideal sit’ation.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan took a breath.  “It was.”
              “I’m sensin’ a ‘but’ comin’…”
              “But…”  Stan ran a hand through his hair.  “Mom told me that she hasn’t heard from Ford lately.”
              “Yer estranged twin?”
              “Yeah.”  Stan closed his eyes.  “Apparently, he called her pretty regularly, but for a few weeks now, she hasn’t gotten a single call from him.  And when she calls him, he won’t pick up.”
              “That don’t bode well.”
              “I thought ya were angry at him.”
              “I am.”  Stan swallowed.  “But even though I’m pissed with him, I still- I still care about him, y’know? He’s my twin.”
              “Yeah.”  Angie’s voice was even smaller than it usually was while she was in her lamp. “I understand.  So, are we goin’ after him?”
              “Depends.”  Stan started the car.  “How do you feel about Oregon?”
              “Honestly, I’d prefer somewhere without snow.  But I ain’t the one drivin’,” Angie said dryly.  Stan managed a small grin.
              “All right.  Gravity Falls, here we come.”
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Wild Child || Part 3
Warnings: language, violence, abuse (aka Neil being Neil), homophobic slurs
„Hey Max.“, you greeted the red headed girl as soon as the front door swung open. „Hi y/n. Billy isn’t home. That’s what you’re here for, right?“ „Well only partly.“ you began with a smirk while entering the small house on Cherry Road, it was even smaller than it looked like from the outside but also kind of cozy, „I brought him the stuff my uncle ordered for the Camaro and I thought you’d might like these.“
„New wheels and bearings? For me?“, the small redhead couldn’t belive her eyes. „Yeah I saw that run down board of yours and figured you’d might wanna give it a little upgrade. And since you’re not gonna find this sorta stuff in Hawkins, I got it from California.“
„Wow thanks y/n! That’s so cool! I need to try them out right now!“
„You’re welcome kid.“
„But… I don’t get it. How did you order them from Cali together with Billy’s stuff? They don’t sell car parts at a Skateshop.“ „Well the owner of the garage we ordered from is an old friend of my uncle and he was kind enough to walk across the street and do me a little favour.“, you winked at her with a smile. Even though Billy didn’t like her she seemed to be a really cool kid, actually she was your favorite out of all of Steve’s children.
„I really hope you didn’t spend all this money just to impress Billy, he doesn’t really like me you know?“ „I don’t really like him either so that’s fine. Could you show me where his room is? I’m just gonna put this stuff in there and then leave again.“, you gestured towards the big box in your hands, which was getting kinda heavy at this point. You had no idea what was in there. Your uncle had mentioned something about spark plugs and brake pads but you didn’t really listen. Worse enough that you had to function as an unpaid delivery service whenever you were friends with a customer.
„Yeah sure, it’s that door over there. But don’t tell him that I let you in there.“ „My lips are sealed. Have fun with your skateoboard!“
“Oh an y/n?” “Yeah?” “Make sure not to touch anything, he’s pretty gross.” “Not even in my wildest dreams.”
„Can I help you?“ You flinched for a split second before turning around. You would have prefered to leave unnoticed, which almost had worked out given the fact that your hand was alreay touching the knob of the front door.
„Uhm no Sir I was just about to leave.“
The tall man in front of you was raising his eyebrows suspiciously, even though they didn’t really look anything alike you figured it had to be Billy’s dad.
„Well that’s lovely but how come you were in my house without me knowing about it in the first place?“
„Oh well Max let me in, I was just dropping off some stuff for Billy an-“
„Oh so you’re the whore he’s been messing around with.“ „Excuse me?“ did that asshole really just?-
„Oh no need to act all stupid. You think I don’t realize how he’s been dressing up and sneaking out of the house like some faggot these past few weeks?“
„So what now? Is he a faggot or screwing around with whores like me? The two don’t really work together, you know?“
„I won’t be spoken to like that in my own house!“
„Yeah whatever… decide for yourself then. Might wanna work on those anger issues.“, you muttered that last part through gritted teeth as you turned towards the door again.
„What did you say to me?“
„Oh nothing. However, whoever your son’s been messing around with it ain’t me, since I am here and he obviously isn’t. So hey maybe he is a faggot after all-“ You couldn’t even react that fast. Without prior warning you were suddenly grabbed by the collar of your leather jacket and shoved against the door.
„I’m only gonna say this one time, so you better listen.“, the voice of Billy’s dad was very low an quiet, almost scary, „Since you’re parents apparently didn’t teach you any respect I’d suggest you stay away from my son. Got me?“ „Loud and clearly, sir.“ you murmured while faking the sweetest smile, „Now get off of me, asshole.“ you pushed the tall man away as hard as you could and quickly grabbed the door knob to finally take off.
You propably should have kept that last part to yourself since only seconds later you were struck by a force that caused you to fall to the floor face first. It took a few seconds before it occured to you that, that bastard had actually dared to slap you across the face after you turned your back at him.
“Jesus… Get up.” apparently that dude was so used to taking it out on his son, that it didn’t occur to him that hitting a girl half his weight, who was obviously unprepared, might result into something like this.
„Don’t touch me! What the fuck is wrong with you?“ you glared at him, while slowly getting back on your feet.
„Language, kid. Now get out of my house.“
„It will be my pleasure!“
You opened the door to storm out but-
„Y/n? What are you doing h- what happened?“
„Not now Hargrove, I’m not really in the mood to talk.“
Billy’s POV
The curly haired boy stood in the doorway for a few moments, completely puzzled, his eyes moving back and forth between you storming off and his father, who was rubbing his forehead.
„What did you do to her?“
„Son what did we say about inviting girls over to this house?“, the tall man ignored his question, while slowly shutting the door behind his son. „I..I didn’t invite her over and other than that, she’s just a friend, dad!“
„Oh sure, they always are. So what was she doing in my house then? If you didn’t invite her over?“ „I don’t know.“
„Don’t lie to me Billy.“
„Her uncle owns a garage and they ordered some stuff for me…maybe she was here because of that.“ „So you can’t even pick up your own stuff like a real man now?“, his father scoffed derogatory, „Got to have some pretty girl carry it all the way home for you?“ „Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t know that not refusing free home delivery makes you a faggot now.“
Before even finishing this sentence, Billy already knew that he was gonna regret it later. But he didn’t care. He was used to that by now.
Reader POV
„Stupid motherfucker…“ you mumbled while kicking an empty can across the street. You had been walking around Hawkins for over an hour now, trying to calm your nerves. Or in other words, you were trying to keep yourself from burning down the Hargrove’s house.
You had finally decided to give your legs some rest and took a seat on the hood of a car while lighting a cigarette. You flinched as it touched your busted lip.
Oh shit here we go.
„Hi Steve.“
„What are you doing here?“
„What are you doing here?“, you figured it was an appropriate question since you were pretty close to the Wheeler’s house and Steve wasn’t dating Nancy anymore.
„I asked first and also you’re the one sitting on the hood of my car.“
„Oh yeah I thought this one looked familiar.“ you mumbled while adjusting your position, „Just having a walk, trying to slow down my blood pressure.“
„What happened to your face?“
Steve sounded more than concerend as he took a seat next to you.
„Well Steve you’re not the only one in this town who gets beaten up. Even though I must admit it happens to you an awful lot. „Quit the stupid jokes y/n. Are you alright?“ „Yeah I’m fine. It’s nothing. It was just some stupid…you know I was over at Billy’s an-“ „Did he do this?“, Steve quickly jumped onto his feet, „I’m gonna kill that son of a b-“, „Woah slow it down there Steve, we both know how that’s gonna end.“ you grabbed your best friend by the wrirst, indicating that he should take a seat again.
„It wasn’t Billy, he wasn’t even home. I was just dropping of some stuff from the garage.“
„I don’t get it y/n…who beat you up like this?“ You were hesitant for a short moment. Not because you didn’t want to tell Steve what happened but because you weren’t sure if you were in the position to just tell him Billy’s secret.
„It wasn’t Billy…“ you sighed, „It was his dad.“
„His what? What the hell?“
„Yeah he kinda thought I was dating Billy, as if, and you know I couldn’t keep my mouth shut as ususal and then this happened.“
„You need to go to chief Hopper y/n.“ „Oh no Steve absolutely not. If somebody should go report that guy then it’s Billy and if he doesn’t wanna do that, which I can’t blame him for, then it’s none of our business. Do you understand?“ „Yeah.”, Steve nodded in agreement, ”So… his dad..beats him?“
You nodded „But don’t you dare tell him or even act as if you know that. Don’t suddenly start to act nice around him or some bullshit like that.“ „Trust me y/n I can handle not being nice to Billy Hargrove. Other than you I stick to my words apparently.“ „Oh shut up Steve.“ you jockingly hit him against the arm, „If I’d be allowed to remind you, before Billy moved here you were the asshole of this town and even then I was your friend. Sometimes you just gotta give people a chance… Now, what are you and your car doing so close to the Wheeler’s house? Do I have to be worried?“
„Nope not at all, I promised Dustin to drop him off here since the kids are meeting at Mike’s and he couldn’t carry all his weird radio equipment stuff on his bike.“ „You’re a great mom Steve.“ „Shut up y/n.“
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tinysupervicki · 5 years
It’s hard to stay away, huh? I did turn off my notifications on twitter but I still peeked. Why are y’all so amazing to me? What did I do to deserve this love? This community?
Since y’all have been there for me ever since my mom passed three years ago, I’d do anything for y’all. I felt I did let y’all down because I’m a content creator and haven’t done anything in so long. It sucks because I’m yearning to do so but lack the time due to now being an adult, working a grueling adult job and living with family.
I believe I will be able to get a place of my own later in the year, I’m really hoping for that. As for my full time job, I’m actively looking for another one. The one I’m at, I feel I work so hard but I’m not appreciated enough. It’s a healthcare industry and I work hard to help people with their needs while management focuses on metrics and numbers. I wanna get out of there.
I haven’t had time to myself and just be selfish for once? So I’m glad I was able to take time off to have a pretty long weekend to enjoy Sizecon 2020 and spend time with friends.
Let’s get started on the recap, shall we? Bare with me, I talk a lot (and not well might I add).
Day 1: Thursday 2/13/20
I woke up at 4 am to catch my flight that leaves at 6:45 am. I thankfully had all my bags packed, I just needed to shower and be ready. My dad took me to the airport and wished me off. At this point, I had plenty of time, even seeing the long TSA line at the Houston airport. I had internally groaned a lot but managed through. After having some minutes to spare, I grabbed a quick bite to eat at one of the dining places, a lovely breakfast bowl that I can have (those of you who don’t know me, I have celiac disease and I have to eat gluten free). Jumped on my flight and comfortably slept in my seat on the plane. The plan was to have a connecting flight to Charlotte, NC and then to Newark, NJ.
Two hours later, I woke up to not at my destination but at Colombia, SC. Apparently, while I was asleep, they had to divert us to the next airport because the weather was really bad in NC. We had two options: stay on the plane and wait it out until we’re back in the air to NC, or get off the plane and figure out another alternative. I stayed, I had plenty of time until my connecting flight was scheduled (which I actually got alerts that it ending up delaying a lot) so I stayed in my seat and watched greys anatomy. About almost an hour passed and we’re finally back up in the air, with more space to breathe since there were people that did leave the plane. Landed safely in NC and I ventured off to find snacks and wait at my gate. It kept delaying but I finally was able to get on my flight to NJ, making my total time at the airport and in the air...all day, I can’t do math lol. I safely landed in NJ at 5:30 pm, I had been awake since 4 am. It was a day.
Yo, I’m gonna get him and his wife a gift, I swear to god, but DJ (aka Giantgripper) saved me by picking me up from the airport and letting me stay the night at his place. When he’s the host, he does one heck of a job as a host. Since I hadn’t eaten a proper meal since 5 in the morning or so, DJ took me to a Mediterranean little mom and pop restaurant that I fell in love with. Had a stuffed pepper and practically cleaned everything off my plate. After we ate, I accompanied DJ while he did some errands for extra things he needed for the con (which did include articles of clothing for the giant cafe lol). I was happy to help as much as I could. After that, we made it back to his place. Once his wife Adri (chibiana) came home from work, we watched a documentary while trying (and failing with me because I’m a turd) to make different mixed drinks to taste. I ended up going with hot chocolate, I’m a simpleton when it comes to alcohol. A little bit afterwards, I had to pass out, it was a long ass day.
Day 2: Friday 2/14/20
Valentine’s was just another day for me. Woke up, got dressed, and DJ surprised me with a fresh homemade breakfast. It was magnificent, I scrapped the plate then too. Plans for the day was to get allllllll the stuff we need and travel to the hotel, which apparently was an hour and a half away from DJ’s house I believe. Adri had to go do another thing for work and was gonna meet up later. DJ and I traveled to the hotel first. I passed out again in the car, I was so exhausted from before I guess it had hit me again.
We made it to the hotel and unpacked the car with my stuff, his and Adri’s bags, and things for the con. I got to say quick hellos to people I knew that were already there (gave a big ass hug to Miss Kaneda, she’s so precious and a big hug to IamFilledwithStatic). I was going to be sharing a room with shortmarcy, Morgana (Moe), and Guiri. So since I had arrived first, I will check in first; Morgana and Guiri were still flying from Spain and shortmarcy didn’t come until the next morning. Since it was under shortmarcy’s name and the deposit was paid under her, She had to call to have the hotel let me check in for her. In turn, I had to put my card on file. I thought I was being a responsible adult and I thought it was gonna charge like half of the charge or something but...they charged the full price of the hotel. Which was $503...which was basically everything in my bank account. I didn’t know that was gonna happen, I panicked and just sat on the couch outside of the con area while Robyn (goddess-rei) comforted me. I had to come to terms that shit happens and I had no money for the weekend. But I graciously had the best of friends this weekend, I’ll get to that in a sec.
After my bumming out, I changed to put on my blouse for the valentines banquet (one of my guaranteed dinners that night lol). I met up with Morgana and Guiri and also sillylilbug (she’s so adorably sweet). We had our own table along with my friend Joe (CaptainRandGTS, who is a phenomenal photographer btw). We ate some good food and they took account of my gluten free (however I think the chimichurri steak may have upset my stomach). I said goodnight and went to my room to basically turn the bathroom up XD I had changed into my pajamas to head downstairs to get water and pain medicine when I turned the corner and saw a group of people walking down the hall. Guys, I’m still getting used to this, but the group was like, “Is that Vicki?!” “That is her!” And I was like WHAT. It was my lovely friends sviolet, mansquishers, mister finch, Joseph moestar, and Strongshadow2018. I was so surprised and honored, I was gushing. I got to hang out with them in their hotel room for a bit, played cards against humanity (I WON!) and ate ridiculously delicious gluten free cookies misterfinch made.
Day 3: Saturday 2/15/20
Con day. This day was a bit of a blur honestly (my mind is not the same people) but I know I took this day to “try” and relax. I was still bummed about my money problem but I had enough to buy the breakfast buffet meal ticket. My idea was to chow down a lot of food (since it was a buffet) so I won’t ask for food but that did not happen because I have wonderful friends?? Towards noon, I went to ihop with my crew (we called each other the sizecon crew lol) with sviolet, mansquishers, mister finch, Joseph moestar, and strongshadow2018. We had a nice time and I was so grateful for the lunch! Once we headed back to the hotel, we split up to do more con shenanigans. I met so many people, it was amazing. People I already knew and new people as well. It was awesome to match names to faces, it was so cool. I’m telling you though, my mind is not the same so I can’t list out the whole list of everyone I’ve seen. Then I got to see my good friend Steve (Miles Striker). I’m so fucking proud of this dude. He showed me a film he wrote, recorded, and edited all by himself, it was mindblowing. We had to go back downstairs after that because I forgot I had a social to lead and he had panels to go to. I stopped by the giant cafe, that was fucking wild. I ran the Fluffy Feels Social and I did my best because I’ve never ran something like that. But I’m glad we all liked the same thing and we just kept talking! It was getting late to when the Playroom was gonna start, so I headed back upstairs. Chilled a bit more with my crew and then headed back downstairs. I don’t know what got over me, but I gathered enough courage and joined the nude swimming party. I cannot believe I did that, that was a big step for me. Kinda sucked getting out though because I didn’t have extra clothes and it was fucking cold.
Day 4: Sunday 2/16/20
Technically last day of the con but it was the busiest. I spent all morning practicing my skit for the Tiny Cafe. I was nervous and pacing around in my hotel room, making sure I get it right. Around 12:30, I headed down to meet up with the rest of the cafe to get ready when we start at 1 pm. I could not describe how nervous I was. I wanted to make sure I didn’t mess up and I know I was lip syncing (graciously provided by Anoka’s vocals) I was still nervous as fuck. This was a performance and I’m now more confident talking to others about my kink/aesthetics but performing? Oh lawd. We had a big crowd apparently, I was surprised. We had to get more chairs and apparently turn people away? THAT MADE MY NERVES SKYROCKET. The cafe starts with a wonderful performance by Adri (Chibiana) then followed by cute transitions from our servers mini-moo and shortmarcy. Then it’s time for our skit: Veronica (Jitensha), me, and Aim were shrunk and sung songs about our giants. I was first (omg) and mine was in the style of “Maria” from west side story (Veronica called it Shrunken side story). I was shaking like a leaf and tried my best to get through the whole song while doing silly quirks of mine. Once that was done, I rushed back from my spot XD it was Veronica’s turn to sing about a giant dick lol and Aim serenading a giant lady. After our skit, it was the grand finale of Morgana performing a dance in a giant hamster ball. It was incredible. Despite my anxiety, I’m glad I did this and we did so amazing (we made tips!!!!).
Right after that was done, I had to rush to lead a social of Giant men and Tiny women. It was a small turnout but we still got people and we talked a lot. When that was done, I rushed to be on my first panel of the day: Owning what you love. After that was the Macrophile panel and then after that was the Diversity panel. I was on all of them and they were back to back, I was a busy lady lol. After that panel, I was free! Since I made tips from the cafe and I was broke from the hotel, I got to buy a few things in the vendor hall. Was able to say hi to some people I knew like scridam, the reducer, miss kaneda, iamfilledwithstatic, robclassact, and aborigen. It was also mister finch’s birthday so since I was free for the night, I went with the crew to go celebrate at a restaurant. That was such a nice time, I swear everything I did this weekend I wanted to experience again. When we came back to the hotel after dinner (after a quick stop to the liquor store lol), I was able to make it in time for the closing ceremony. Hearing everyone’s words touched my heart and reminded me why I love this community. So I was able to give a speech to say that; this is my second home when I lost my only home when my mom passed. God, that room was filled with so much love. I went back upstairs and hung out more with the crew and watched Promare (pretty sick movie). I was gonna head to bed but I hung out more with Steve and we watched a movie before passing out.
Day 5: Monday 2/17/20
It was time to say all of my goodbyes to everyone that had to leave. I gave so many hugs and love, I just miss them all. Most of the crew had to head out, except for sviolet, she had her flight in the afternoon. So we went out to breakfast at a Mexican restaurant, reminiscing this whole weekend. We came back to the hotel to chill in my hotel room. Morgana and Guiri were leaving to the airport back to Spain and shortmarcy wanted to venture to NYC before she went home the next day. So sviolet and I chilled in my room before she had to head out.
Then for the rest of the evening, I had the room to myself. I watched law and order svu whole packing and double checked I had everything. I waited up for shortmarcy to come back (I was so worried) but she made it back after 10 pm safe and sound. At that point, I had to go to bed because my flight in the morning was at 5:45 am.
Day 6: Tuesday 2/18/20
I woke up at 3 am to get to the airport on time and my Lyft driver I got...I had a feeling he was having a bit of fun by himself before he picked me up. Because it stunk in the car of cum. Whatever, I held in my breath and made it to the airport safely. My flights were on time and I slept on each one. I did not want to go back home.
Back to reality and I hate the after con blues! Especially with how much this con and community means to me.
Hoping there’s a next year and I’m ready to help as usual.
Y’all have a goodnight ❤️
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gayandtransboy123 · 6 years
Rufus and Luke ch.1 The premier
Note: I DO NOT SHIP THESE PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE. I just had this idea and had to get it out of my head. it’s just for fun. You can also find this story on Archieve of Our Own, my username is Brandon_p. 
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Luke Deacon was out of place. He didn't know anyone there except for Brian, Roger, and Freddie of course. He also had met Joe Mazzello a few times but he didn't really know him. Luke had felt out of place his entire life, at school and in the real world. Being too weird, or people not understanding his jokes.
The one person he did know was Delilah Mercury (Freddie Mercury and Jim Hutton's daughter) and she isn't here yet, running late. So the only thing left to do was find a place to sit and wait. He was at the after-party at the premiere of Bohemian Rhapsody, the Queen biopic. It was loud and there was a lot of lights, everything Luke hated. So he pulled out his phone.
The Gay brother (Cameron Deacon)
Luke: Cam
Luke: Cam
Cameron: what
Luke:I’m bored
Cameron: How's the premier?
Cameron: How can it be boring??
Luke: I don't know anyone
Cameron: where’s delilah?
Luke: She’s late
Luke: Wait she’s texting me, hold on
Girl who’s named after a cat (Delilah Mercury)
Delilah: I’m coming
Delilah: okay chill bro
Luke: no chill, never chill, i’m never chilly
Delilah: I’m outside
Luke: YAY
Luke started walking outside to see Delilah, but first, he had to get through the crowd. He was almost there when he bumped into Luke started walking outside to see Delilah, but first, he had to get through the crowd. He was almost there when he bumped into someone. “Sorry” He had long blond hair, and big blue eyes, probably one of the Taylor kids but he was too focused on getting to Delilah that he ignored him.
“Get yo ass over here” Luke yelled as he saw Delilah’s car pull up.
“Sup long legs,” Delilah said before pulling Luke into a hug. She was wearing a long floral dress and her long brown hair was pulled into a braid.
“Why you leave me” Luke complained like a child as Delilah pulled him inside.
“I left something at home” and that was all the explanation she gave him.
“Can we ditch the party?”.
“No, my dad wants us to be here and you need to make new friends” and they entered the building.
“Okay Mom” and they started walking through the crowd.
“RUFUS” Delilah practically yelled, almost bursting Luke’s eardrums.
“DELI,” The guy, named Rufus said and pulled Delilah into a hug.
“Oh, I forgot to introduce you two,” Delilah said pointing to Luke and Rufus.” Luke this is Rufus Taylor” Luke recognized the man, it was the same pretty boy who bumped into him. “Rufus this is Luke Deacon”.
“We know each other,” both boys said in unison and they both let out a little giggle.
“Really how?” Delilah asked.
“He punched me,” Luke said innocently.
“I did not,” rufes said.
“Rufus why did you do that to your brother” aka mother Delilah.
“Get him, mom,” Luke said and Rufus laughed, Usually people would just stare at Luke funny if he made a joke like that but he seemed to get it.
“Is there a bar?” Delilah asked.
“Can you even drink?” Luke asked and received a punch in the shoulder.
“I’m 22, I’m not that short” and they all made their way over to the bar.
“I’m gonna go find my dad but Luke orders me a beer” and she hurried off, leaving Luke and Rufus. Luke made a mental note to punch her cause she knew he was bad with meeting new people.
“I’ll have a sprite” Luke ordered.
“I’ll have whiskey” Rufus ordered. Luke made a note of that ့ Likes Whiskey.
“Whiskey, wow” Luke commented.
“Being a good boy and ordering a soda I see”.
“Keep it pure for Jesus” Rufus shot him a million dollar smile. Luke pulled open twitter. Writing “This bitch ordered whiskey while I’m over here drinking my apple juice” and pressed tweet.
“What are you doing?” and he looked over at Luke’s phone.
“Tweeting about you,” He said smiling at his phone.
“Let me see” and Luke handed over his phone and went into laughing.”Your twitter is weird” he commented as he gave Luke back his phone.
“I just write what I think, I think a lot of weird things” and he nodded his head.
“Your honest, I like that” Holy shit was Rufus fucking Taylor flirting with him.
“You wanna bitch this place?” he asked.
“Yep,” He said instantly without thought and downed his whiskey. They didn't even think of Delilah, who was probably gonna be pissed tomorrow. They were close to the exit but Rufus ran into his sister.
“Where are you going?” asked Tiger Lily Taylor as she almost blocked the exit.
“Ditching” Rufus replied, trying to get around her.
“I’m telling dad” she sounded like she was 5.
“I’ll pay you 20$”.
“Fine, also who’s your friend” and she pointed straight at Luke.
“Luke Deacon this is my” and he wrapped his arms around Lily “My lovely sister Tiger Lily” and Luke gave a little wave before they left.
As they left Luke snapped a quick pic of the back of Rufus's head, which was now free of the tight bun he had before. He posted it on his Instagram story and captioned it “Blondie Bitch”.
“Where you wanna go?” Rufus asked as they headed towards his car.
“I Don’t know” Luke replied as they approached a car that was probably worth more than his life.
“Wanna get pizza?” he suggested.
“I could eat” and they drove to just a casual pizza place down the road. They were dressed up but they didn't really care.
“Pineapple on pizza?” going straight in with the good questions.
“Hell yeah,” and they got one large pizza and ate in the restaurant.
“This is the best pizza I’ve ever had” Rufus was the kind of person to make a pizza taco, Luke noted that.
“Same here, and I eat a lot of pizza”. It doesn't seem real, going to a movie premiere and then hanging out with your uncle's attractive son. Eating pizza with Rufus Taylor. “I want avocado's” Luke blurted out.
“I love avocados” They looked at each other like they had just found their soul mates.
“I almost chopped my finger off while chopping one” him and Rufus both laughed. “Wouldn’t have been good seeing I play the guitar”.
“You're a musician?” Rufus asked, Luke never mentioned it.
“Yeah, I majored in drama in college but I play guitar and bass” and he grabbed another piece of pizza.
“I play drums, I play with Queen and my other band” Rufus replied.
“I do some solo music but I’m part of a band, I play and also sing”.
“Can I hear something?” and Luke pulled up his band's music (young limbs) on SoundCloud while they shared a pair of earbuds. Rufus was swaying back and forth while he listened. “You have a calming voice, it’s relaxing”.
“You like it?” he was surprised.
“Yah, I love it, it has a nice vibe” he sounded like such a hippie.
“What band do you play in?” Luke asked.
“It's called The Darkness, I play drums, I can’t sing” and they both chuckled.
They stayed in that pizza parlor for about 2 hours talking about anything and everything. It didn’t feel like two hours for Luke or Rufus. They finally snapped out of it when the parlor was closing. It was at 1 AM.
“Crap, it’s late I have to go,” Luke said, getting up
“Me too,” Luke said and was silent for a second “Can I have your phone?” he asked and Luke handed it over. “This is my number, call or text me okay” Luke nodded.
“Bye Rufus” Luke said leaving.
“Bye Luke,” he said with a smile as he left too and saw Luke step into a cab before he could even offer a ride home.  
Luke woke up to about 20 different text messages, mostly from Delilah and Cameron.
The Gay brother (Cameron Deacon)
Cameron: RESPOND
Luke: Good Morning to you too
Cameron: why u no respond
Luke: I had an interesting night  ;)
Cameron: WHO WAS IT
Luke: Rufus Taylor
Luke: Delilah introduced us and we got to talking
Luke: anyway, we ditched the part and hung out in a pizza parlor all night
Cameron: how romantic ;)
Cameron: my little boi making friends at kindergarten
Luke: shut up
Luke: Did dad call? I was supposed to call him but i forgot
Cameron: Yep, also he wants you over for breakfast
Luke: Okay, thanks dude
Girl who’s named after a cat (Delilah Mercury)
Luke: Hi
Delilah: DON'T HI ME HOE
Luke: sorry
Luke: maybe ;)
Luke: we got pizza and talked all night
Delilah: I SHIP IT
Luke: STOP
Delilah: Okay i’ll stop
Luke: Thank you :)
Delilah: are you gonna tx him?
Luke: Yah
Delilah: DO IT. DO IT.
Luke: I’m gonna do it
Blondie Bitch (Rufus Taylor)
Luke: Hey
Rufus: Hey
Luke: Delilah is pissed at us
Rufus: Yah, she sent me 20 text in all caps
Luke: all caps, that when you know it’s serious
Rufus: IKR
Rufus: Anyway, my band is having a show on sunday, do you wanna go?
Rufus: Delilah will be their
Luke: I’ll get back to you and see if i have anything on that day
Rufus: Okay, it will be good to see you there
Luke: and see you all sweaty
Rufus: playing drums is exhausting OKAY
Luke: We’ll see :)
Girl who’s named after a cat (Delilah Mercury)
Luke buried his face in his pillow, he flirted with Rufus Taylor . FUCK. Then he remembered his dad and breakfast and quickly got up.
He wore his favorite comfy sweatshirt and jeans and headed off to his mother and father's house that was a little bit down the road. “Lukey” His mother greeted him with a smile, she was always a great mother.
“Hi, mommy” and he gave his mother a big bear hug and went into the house he grew up in. Same couch he threw up on when he got food poisoning and same carpet when he spilled noodles all over himself. Good times. “Hi Dad” he saw his father reading the paper at the dining table and gave him a hug.
“Morning Luke,” His father said giving him a big hug, he was a really good hugger. His father seemed to be in a good mood. Luke took his seat next to his father where breakfast was already set out in front of him.
“Dad I’m sorry I forgot to call you last night, I was so tired when I got home, I completely forgot”. His dad just nodded and gave a smile.
“It's fine Luke, did you have a good time?” his father asked.
“Yah, I saw uncle Brian, Roger, and Freddie, they said to say hi and that they miss you and you should give them a call”. His father said nothing to that. Freddie was still alive but John still retired in the ’90s and hasn't been in contact with any of them in a while. “I also met Joe, the guy who’s playing you, he’s really nice and looks a lot like you” and Luke took a sip of his tea.
“Meet anyone else?” he asked setting down his paper.
“I mostly hang out with Delilah (Lie) and Rufus (truth)” and his father's ears perked up when he mentioned Rufus.
“Rufus Taylor?” he asked and moved a little closer to Luke.
“Yah” he replied taking a bite of his eggs and his dad let out a little chuckle.
“The Taylor children are crazy, I wouldn’t hang around them if I were you” what the fuck was that supposed to mean? Luke didn't say anything. They talked for the next hour about anything, life and weird things that happened at bingo. Luke enjoyed spending time with his father, he came over every Sunday for dinner and his dad came over to his place often. He had a very close relationship with his father. Luke didn't know why his father had something against the Taylor children.
Luke left when he had band practice and gave his father a big hug before he left. Band practice was going well, they were writing music for the album they wanted to release next year. When they went for lunch Luke pulled out his phone.
Blondie Bitch (Rufus Taylor)
Luke: I don't have anything on Sunday
Luke: I can make it
Rufus: YAY, Delilah and me will pick you up around 7
Luke: Can’t wait
Rufus: Me neither :)
Holy shit this Taylor child was going to be the death of him.
Hope you liked this chapter. If you guys like it i’ll keep posting here on tumblr but I will be updating on Archieve of Our Own. Thank you for reading :) 
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jennifersylvesters · 6 years
faking it ( part two )
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Synopsis: so maybe you shouldn’t have done that. but if anyone asks, you blame zendaya for dragging you out Word Count: 1.9k~ Warning: swearing A/N: remember when i said the other parts were supposed to just be drabbles? apparently i’m what people would call “a liar”. whoops. still, this is short for me. probably gonna be five semi-short parts in total for this. it’s definitely a different style than what i’ve currently put out here ( aka similar to “not so subtle” but messier lmao). my bad. or my good. i’m not sure; y’all tell me. ( also tagging people who asked for about the second part. if you don’t want to be tagged for future parts, please let me know! )
Thirty-five minutes. That's all you needed to muster through, and then you could give an excuse to go home. How hard could it be?
Turns out: it was fucking hard.
You thought it’d be easy enough to fade into the back, just politely nodding and nursing your drink. After all, they came to hang out with Zendaya not you. Instead you found yourself bombarded with questions.
Tom wasn’t kidding when he said Zendaya talked about you.They asked about your adventures with her as well as your most shameful moments, curious to see if there was any truth to the person she spoke so fondly about. It was overwhelming keeping up the accent as well as not thinking about murdering your roommate for telling a group of strangers how you crashed into a glass door before stumbling and falling on your ass.
With only a minute left, you drummed your fingers on the now empty glass. You couldn’t remember the name of the fellow who was speaking to you about a recent football match. Did his name start with an H? Well, at least you’d never see him again.
And just like that, you decided it was time to head home. Perfect timing as Zendaya suggested another round of drinks.
“Z, I'm actually feeling a bit tired” you yawned, stretching out your arms. “D'you mind if I head back to our um, flat first?”
“Sure, Y/N” she answered slowly as she pulled you in for a hug. “I can’t wait to give you shit about this when I get home” she whispered in your ear.
You pulled away, faking a smile as if you weren't dreading that conversation. You bid everyone goodbye, pulling your jacket on and rushing outside. You could finally breathe knowing you’d never have to fake an accent around that group again.
“Y/N! Wait!” You turned around to see Tom jogging up to you. Did you forget something? You checked your pockets, confirming that you did indeed have your keys, phone, and wallet.
“Can't let you walk home by yourself” he spoke as he caught up to you.
“Oh, you don't-”
“I want to!” he insisted. “Also it kinda gives me an excuse to talk with you since, erm, everyone else was kinda preoccupying your time.”
Oh, wait. That meant you had to keep up the charade. Damn.
It was only a ten minute walk to your apartment and even though it wasn’t far, you found yourself walking at the leisurely pace Tom set. Even though you barely knew him, you were drawn into his presence and couldn’t help but follow his pace.
Lucky for you, he didn’t pester you with questions like the others. Instead he just asked simple questions to which you could give brief answers before simply asking “what about you”. And in return he gave long-winded answers, going on tangents to topics you hadn’t even been discussing. One moment he was talking about his siblings and the next he was speaking about his favorite superhero. It was strange but adorable.
“Sorry I ramble when I'm nervous” he blushed, wringing the back of his neck.
“Me too.”
“You don't seem nervous in the slightest” he laughed, nudging you gently with his arm.
“I’m trying this new thing where I just...Listen. So I don’t look like a complete idiot.”
“I doubt you’d ever look like an idiot.” How little he knew.
Still it was kind of him to say. Tom was so extraordinarily sweet that you weren’t quite sure how to handle it. He seemed so easy and light like a soft spring breeze. You wanted to get swept up in his charm without any concerns.
When you arrived at your apartment building, you let him accompany you up to your floor. The two of you shyly stepped into the elevator, only a couple feet away from one another as the lift slowly brought you up. The sound of both of your shoes clacked against the smooth tiles before you finally reached your place.
“Ah, well this is me.” You fiddled with your keys, watching him out of the corner of your eye. He bit down on his bottom lip, eyes flicking from you to the floor and then to your keys. Tom took a step forward before taking it back. His nerves were getting the best of him, and it made your heart melt to think of how jittery he got. You weren’t used to someone being flustered by your presence.
You wanted to invite him in. It wasn’t to hook up, nothing dirty, but just to hang out. Tom seemed like someone who wouldn’t take advantage of this, someone who would be satisfied with just the pleasant company. Everything about this seemed so right. The timing was perfect, and he seemed into you. But you couldn't. Not if it meant you had to fake things with him.
“Night” he echoed, a tinge of slight disappointment in his voice.
As you closed the door, you rest your back against it. Thank God that was over. While you were a bit sad you wouldn’t see Tom again, at least you wouldn’t have to keep up the charade any longer.
A couple hours later Zendaya entered the apartment, tossing her keys and purse off to the side as she flopped onto the couch where you laid under a comfortable blanket. “Who knew that when I signed the lease with you, I actually had a British roommate?” she teased as you scowled, burying your face in the comforter.
Attempting to change subjects, you asked her how the rest of the night went. She went into detail about the shenanigans they got into, how one of the guys named Harrison had them bar hopping till they found the most interesting hole in the wall. She planned on taking you there, insisting that it was truly the most fun dive bar.
“And Tom seemed very interested in you” she grinned.
Your face heated up. “Too bad he's going back to England.”
“Yeah, that is too bad.” She dramatically sighed before a smirk crossed her lips. “Too bad you didn't know he's moving here.” The news caught you by surprise and you sputtered, unable to find the right words.
“Guess I'll just avoid all of your friends for the rest of my life” you decided. “Or maybe I’ll just die.” You knew you were being dramatic, but it didn’t matter to you.
“You can��t die! Then I'd have to find another roommate, and that's a total pain” Zendaya joked and you threw a pillow at her face. She laughed loudly at her own joke before tossing the pillow back at you. “You know I love you! And speaking of love, let’s talk about how much you love me seeing as I covered for you tonight…”
The next morning you struggled to get up, wishing desperately to go back to bed once your alarms rung. But you promised Zendaya that you would run errands with her that morning and that you’d buy her coffee for the next week.
You trudged to the nearest Starbucks in sweats, not particularly caring about your look. Who was up this early on a Sunday? No one that you knew. Most people were either sleeping in or nursing their hangovers.
The line was short and moved briskly, one of the perks of being up when no one else was. You tiredly gave your order to the barista. As you fumbled through your pockets for your wallet, the stranger behind you cleared his throat. “Oh, actually I’ll pay for theirs as well as mine.”
You turned, confused by the act of kindness. They smiled at you before turning to the barista and placing their order. Weird flex, but okay. You weren’t about to say no to an overpriced drink that you desperately needed. So when he begun making conversation with you, it didn’t seem like a big deal. Small price to pay for free drinks.
“Not a big morning person, are ya?” he asked as he tucked his wallet away in his jacket. His face looked familiar, but you couldn’t quite place it.
“No, not at all. If anything, I try to sleep in.” He laughed at this. Wasn’t really a joke but alright then.
“Running errands or something? Can’t understand why you’d be up so early otherwise.”
“Actually, I owe my roommate a favor. I owe her coffee, and I’ve now been dubbed her ‘errand friend’. And she’s always up early. Lord knows why.”
“Ah, is she?”
“Yeah, it drives me insane when she asks me to go jogging with her in the morning. Can’t stand either.”
He shook his head, grinning at you. “You really don't remember me, do you?” Were you supposed to?
“I'm one of Zendaya's friends. We met at the bar.” Oh no.The color in your face drained.  “I'm also Tom's best mate.” Shoot you now.
“I will say, I’m quite surprised to find out that you’re American since-”
“I’m not American” you cut him off, shaking your head nervously. Your accent was subpar at best that moment, but you weren’t about to sink that quickly.
“You’re not?” He raised an eyebrow at this notion with a deadpan tone.
“N-No...Um, I’m...I am...A world traveler?”
“Who's American.”
“I'm a human being of the world, really.”
“That geologically speaking is an American human being.” He knew better and obviously wasn’t going to let this go. You were the fucking Titanic, sinking miserably with no chances of staying afloat.
“Fine, so I’m not English” you finally admitted. The barista called your order and you grabbed the two coffees before proceeding to the sugar and milk bar. Harrison grabbed his drink as well before following you. He sipped his latte as you begun rambling, ripping sugar packets open and stirring them in frantically.
“So yeah, maybe I’m not from England. But it’s like, it’s totally not a big deal. It’s not like I thought you guys were gonna be here for very long. And okay, yeah, I shouldn’t have done an accent. I just panicked, okay? I panicked. Who doesn’t panic? People panic, okay? It’s what they do!”
“So you gonna keep it up the next time you see him then?” he asked, causing you to finally stop stirring. You asked him what he meant before he informed you that him and his friends would be dropping by next Friday to hang out.
You didn’t want to go through this again - the fake accent, pretending to know specifics about England, acting like you knew what Arsenal was. (Seriously, why were the boys so obsessed with Arsenal?) But you also didn’t want them asking questions, wondering why you were insane enough to pretend to be English. You hated the idea of them judging you after finding that out, especially Tom. So you sighed and figured that you would keep up the accent once again.
“Where are you gonna tell him you're from if he asks?” Shit. You hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Sussex?” That sounded right. Or maybe you were making that up?
“Sussex?” he repeated. “Where in Sussex?”
You paused. “A house?”
Harrison's lips pressed together as he looked at you. “You're gonna tell him that you used to live in a house in Sussex?”
You nodded weakly.
He roared with laughter. “Oh, God. I don't know what's worse - you saying that or the possibility that Tom might actually accept it.”
“So are you gonna tell?”
He hummed. “Not yet. I think I wanna see where this goes.”
You grimaced, watching him exit the coffee shop with a smile still lingering on his face.
And now your fate for the upcoming group hang was left in the hands of Tom’s best friend and your roommate.
tags list: @sleepybesson, @tomhaz | @tomshufflepuff, @almostrosadiazz | @dianx365, @gab-spidey, @black-ballons
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sethkate · 5 years
savannah A to Z pls
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
well in the beginning, since she and caleb were usually putting their clothes on and hurriedly being like ‘ok thanks bye!!!’ which savannah hated, i think now that they are Grown and in a relationship, she takes more advantage of the time they can spend together?? the only exception to this is, if time prevents them from doing aka if they spend 1 more second in bed they’re gonna be suuuper late to work. otherwise she’s all about cuddling, maybe just talking and catching up on each other’s lives since they have really opposite schedules and what not?? probably with a shower thrown in and definitely donuts in bed.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
savannah likes her legs because caleb loves them tbh. her favorite body part on him is probably his dimples. also like…..every bit of him that is tattooed which i know is a lot but IDC.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
sav isn’t grossed out by it as much as some girls can be??? she doesn’t throw a fit you know, if it’s in her hair or on her clothes or anything. and when it comes to swallowing her feelings can be summed up by this gif:
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and on that note the rest is gonna be under the cut lmao
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
there was One time when sav had to be treated for an sti and it still haunts her to this day. like she was pressured into not using a condom (and i say that loosely bc she was prob pretty drunk so didn’t need much convincing tbh) and then unfortunately a week or so following the incident she found out what a true piece of shit the guy was. and then slashed all of his tires and broke his car windows in true savannah fashion :)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
she’s more experienced than she would care to admit. for a long time, sex was just sex to her, so she used it to fill different voids. she didn’t really treat her body like it was something that needed to be earned and gave it out a lot more willingly than she ever would now. so honestly she’s a bit embarrassed by the number, but it’s a good thing it will never get any bigger because she’s only going to be with caleb now forever yay!
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
if they are having sex just to fuck around and get off (x) (x) cause they’re probably on the couch or in the car or something but y’know if they’re actually like makin love or whatever def something more like (x) so it’s more personal and they can ‘bond’ and what not lol.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
in life in general i think she’s way less serious than caleb, so she’s probably a bit more playful and goofy when they’re in the moment together. there are probably times when things are a bit more dire like their many, MANY instances of break-up, apology, or angry sex which wouldn’t call for that kind of humor, but for the most part she keeps it pretty light and probably tries to bring it out of caleb too.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
savannah keeps up with shaving pretty regularly. most of the time she’s hair-free, but when life is nuts she might occasionally have a little stubble here and there.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
for not having like A+ role models to demonstrate how to be soft and tender and intimate with someone, sav is pretty good at it. she loves caleb so she’s very into making sure that his needs are met?? which is crazy bc savannah would usually be selfish af and only care about herself. but she’s really attentive at making sure caleb gets the attention that he wants and that he walks away satisfied.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
both she and caleb are good at getting themselves off. once skype sex had to come into the picture because of the long distance thing and it was the only thing they could do, savannah became comfortable with touching herself and also adjusted to having someone else watch her do it. where before it may have been more of a private thing, once caleb moved to boston, all bets were off so sav got pretty into it. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
exhibitionism and agoraphilia are probably the biggest two coming to mind, mostly because of the riskiness that each of them involves. sav will eternally be an adrenaline junkie so anything that gives her a thrill like that will be something she’s into.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
hotels probably!! ever since their first anniversary thing, there’s just something sav loves about spending a weekend in a place with a view, a massive bed, someone to clean the sheets daily, big showers/bath tubs and room service. it just has lots of luxuries that they don’t regularly have when they are at home, so whenever they make a reservation somewhere savannah goes big or goes home.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
honestly a few shots of tequila and a beer or two and she is Ready To Go. but it’s because she’s already suuuper attracted to caleb. like his almost quiet cockiness, lil bit of hard exterior/bad boy look, the tattoos. he really just has to look at her and smile and she’ll melt the big damn sap. but she is 100% about ass grabbing too. that’ll also do the trick.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
other than like..the real gross bodily fluid nonsense sav probably wouldn’t ever consider a threesome. like maybe she had a stupid meaningless one before and i’m sure she can caleb joked about it in the past (him obvs wanting to have two girls and sav saying she would prefer two guys) but i don’t think it’s something she would ever do with caleb. the thought of him with another girl drives her nuts, let alone seeing it up close and personal and having to go along with it?? no way jose!!
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
usually giving because in her experience a lot of guys don’t know wtf they are doing lmao. so she’d rather just get off a different way or by herself bc nothing is worse than lying there and either waiting for them to figure it out or having the mood killed bc you’re trying to explain to them in detail wtf they are doing wrong. sav’s extra giving when it comes to caleb though and she’s never really been shy about her talent with it either. so lucky him!!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
depends on how much time she has. she’s proficient when she needs to get the job done quickly and knows what works and what doesn’t in a time crunch. but if there’s time to draw things out (although it’s usually hard for her to move at a slow pace in her life in general) sav has the capability of mellowing out a bit during sex. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
i feel like with their lives, probably a good 70% is probably quickies simply because they just can’t ever get the timing, the place, the circumstances, etc. right. so it’s kinda just something that they are used to. but it’s always so nice when they actually can take their time with things and thoroughly enjoy each other. i imagine they probably make time to have sex 4-5 days out of the week, but more if they can manage it. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
savannah’s entire life is a risk??? so she’d be pretty down for anything. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
for a smoker and someone who is 100% against working out, her stamina is pretty good. she can probably go 2-3 times in a day and she usually lasts about as long as caleb does. they’re pretty in sync with one another!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
sav probably had to invest in some when they were doing the long distance thing. like before caleb if she wanted sex she could just go out and get it, but when her bf lived hundreds of miles away she had to get a little bit more creative. so she’s probably got a collection of a few things after trying different ones trying to find something that did the most comparable job to caleb haha. probably made darren go with her into the store too and i am literally Dying at the visual.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
i feel like savannah teased caleb a loooot more in the beginning?? because there was that whole cat/mouse chase element to their relationship. but now that she has him, she doesn’t need to lay it on super thick the way that she used to. but she’ll still do it in small ways if she needs to get his attention or something.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
savannah usually doesnt restrict herself in volume when they have sex, which is just one of the trillllion reasons her neighbors hate her lmao. i mean she has a loud mouth outside of the bedroom sooo if that’s any indication. usually it’s just a lot of moaning, panting and probably swearing too knowing her. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
i’d say savannah doesn’t remember probably more than half of her sexual experiences. i feel like since she didn’t take them very seriously, most of them were liquor/drug fueled some probably even borderline consensual since there’s no way she could have had any idea what was going on. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
it’s always kinda been on the higher side and then i think once she got with caleb and saw how good sex could be, especially when it was with someone you care about, it went up tremendously to the point where she can be pretty insatiable at times.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
it depends.... because usually sav and caleb are running on -138 hours of sleep so if that’s the case, they can fall asleep pretty quickly afterward. if they have more time to kill and more chinese food to finish they’ll probably just take a break and sleep it off later. 
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Student Loans, Part 2
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Modern Sugar!Daddy AU
Leonard McCoy x Reader
A/N: Commission series for the amazing @captain-princess-smash !
Summary: You are a single gal, trying to pay your way through medical school. Working a side job at Kirk’s, a local pub, as a bartender and most nights, fight referee. Your boss, Jim, is an all around good guy and always gives you extra shifts when you need it. During one of your shifts, Jim’s long time friend, Leonard McCoy aka Hot Doctor, pops in and Jim introduces you to him. Instantly, the two of you hit it off and after spending the rest of the night chit chatting, Leonard gives you a proposal. A very sweet proposal: He wants to be your Sugar Daddy, he wants you to be his companion on demand. In exchange, he would pay your way through medical school, along with anything else you might need.
You, of course, told him he was crazy, that there was no way you’d be someone’s Sugar Baby!
Right? Right?
Except, you did need help paying for school and the doctor was awfully attractive and smart and kind..
Maybe…it wouldn’t be such a bad idea..
The coffee shop was quiet as you sat at a table reading over some notes from class, trying to act as natural as possible and not like someone who was about to meet her sugar daddy.
God, that title made you squirm, but that was the name of the game.
And as if right on cue, Leonard McCoy walked in - looking every bit the handsome finely aged doctor he was.
It took him all but twenty seconds to find you, sauntering over in a vintage looking leather jacket and dark jeans, his chest showing a bit from under his white button up.
“Sorry I’m late,” he apologized, taking a seat, “I had an emergency call. You weren’t waiting long?”
“No, no,” you waved a hand in the air and smiled. “Besides, I was looking over some notes. I have a test tomorrow.”
“Need help studying?”
You laughed and declined, asking how his day was going so far.
“Well, now that I get to see your beautiful face.”
“Oh, wow, you use that on all your girls?”
Leonard chuckled and shook his head. “No other girls, not part of the deal. And to be honest, I hardly have time for one woman, can’t imagine having two.”
“An honest man,” you mused.
“I try,” he shrugged, asking if you wanted anything. “Coffee? Sandwich? It’s on me.”
“I could go for another cup of coffee,” you agreed, looking down at your watch. You had about two hours left until class and then a late shift at Kirk’s. “Make it an espresso.”
“Not good for you,” Leonard frowned, laughing when you gave him a pout. “But I’m not your doctor. So espresso it is.”
You watched as he got up and couldn’t help but let your eyes wander down to his ass - a fine one at that. You wondered if he workout or maybe it was all the walking he did all over the hospital and before you could help it - you were thinking about how he looked under the clothes.
“No, no, no,” you muttered to yourself, closing your binder and placing it back into your bag.  This was strictly business, a means to an end and that end was your student loans.
That was the big picture you had to focus on and not the fine doctor walking up to you.
“Here you go, darlin’.”
You thanked him as he settled back into his seat and the two of you sat quietly for a moment - surprisingly it wasn’t awkward, it was nice. It felt natural, just sitting across from him as you sipped on your expensive coffee and he drank from cup. For a brief moment, the tiniest moment, it felt like the two of you were actually a couple.
Until it was all shattered with Leonard’s mention of a bank card.
“Here,” he pushed a black card across the table, “it’s for whatever you need. Did you bring the papers?”
“I did,” you said, shoving the card into your jacket pocket.
Leonard watched patiently as you fetched the student loan file from your bag, sliding it over just as he did with the card. “It’s all there, most of it anyway.”
Without looking at it, Leonard moved the file to the side and continued to drink his coffee. “So, I made reservations to a new restaurant downtown. I was hoping you’d be free tonight.”
“I have class in a bit and a shift at the bar, but it’s a Wednesday and we’re never busy in the early evening. I’m sure Jim will let me off early.”
Leonard smiled like a child who had just gotten his way. “I’ll pick you up at 7.”
“I can’t wait,” you replied. “Should I dress a little more formal?”
“It’s a bit upscale, if that’s what you’re asking,” he explained, setting his cup down. “Use that card to get yourself a new outfit.”
You opened your mouth to object, but he stood up, sighing down at his watch. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I have to run back to the hospital. Please, get yourself something nice.”
Not really knowing what to say, you smiled and asked if he had any color preferences.
“Black’s always classic.”
“Duly noted.”
Leonard grinned and winked at you, before calling out to the barista and thanking her for the drinks. He gave you one more smile before he disappeared out the door. You waited a moment before inhaling deeply, pulling out the card from your pocket.
It was an Amex card and suddenly, very suddenly, you felt a little dirty.
Student loans. Student loans.
Closing your eyes, you told yourself it wasn’t a big deal.
Hell, it’s a job, that’s how you had to look at the situation - like a job.
A job that included being wined and dined by an extremely attractive and charismatic man.
Shit, you could do worse.
An alarm went off on from your phone and you realized it was time to head to class, you were going to meet a classmate to go over more notes. Tucking the Amex card safely into your wallet, you gathered your things and started toward the door - walking past the display case.
Stopping, a little wicked smile fell from your lips and you decided maybe a few muffins to go wouldn’t hurt Dr. McCoy’s bank account.
“Hi,” you smiled brilliantly at the barista. “Can I get a box of muffins to go?”
“How was class?”
Jim was drying glasses as you filled a pitcher of beer for a few college students sitting at a booth. “It was good, had these delicious muffins.”
“Okay,” Jim laughed. “Muffins are good.”
“They’re even better on someone else’s dime,” you hinted, gaining Jim’s full attention.
It took him a few seconds, but his blue eyes lit up and he smirked. “So you decided to take up my pal on his offer?”
“Does that make me a sex worker?”
Jim snorted and threw the wash cloth at you. “You two will get along just fine, go take that pitcher to the table. I’m gonna refill the peanut bowls.”
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
The rest of your shift had gone smoothly, hell, any shift without breaking up a fight was a good shift. You leaned against the back of the bar counter and watched as Jim served a couple a round of beers. There were a dozen questions you had about Leonard, questions you knew your boss could answer, but you weren’t sure if you should.
“Just spit it out,” Jim sighed, stepping up to you. He smiled as you asked what he was talking about, giving a little laugh as he leaned against the counter. “Whatever questions you have about Bones, just ask.”
“Okay,” you inhaled deeply, crossing your arms against your chest. “Why do you call him Bones?”
“That’s none of your business,” Jim deadpanned and you snorted. “I’m kidding. It started when he was in medical school, we were roommates at the time. Always studying, always in a bad mood. Told him he was a grump down to the bones.”
“And there you go.”
Jim smiled. “Yup. Okay, next question.”
You thought for a moment carefully and decided to just hit the home run. “He does this often? The whole girlfriend on demand thing?”
“I like you,” Jim started and you groaned, asking if it was that bad. “No, I was just saying I like you.”
He laughed and held his hands up in the air. “Alright, alright. All I’m gonna say is that Leonard is a good man, the best I know. He doesn’t screw around, he’ll be upfront about what he wants and honestly, it isn’t much. He’s really just looking for a companion.”
Taking it all in, you pushed from the counter and nodded to the bar door. “Speak of the devil.”
“Bones,” Jim called out to his friend, who walked over with a soft smile.
You looked down at your watch as Leonard sat on a bar stool. “You’re early, my shift isn’t over for another two hours.”
“Ah, well, I cancelled the reservations,” he explained and you glanced over at Jim before asking why. “I thought you’d like a more relaxed setting.”
“Are you insinuating I’m not fancy enough for a fancy restaurant?”
Jim laughed at your teasing and Leonard smirked. “Never. I just don’t want to deal with the uptight of this city tonight. We can reschedule if you’d like.”
“No, no,” you pressed, nodding to Jim. “He’s gonna let me off right now and we can go grab some pizza.”
“I am?”
Leonard and you glared over at Jim, who laughed and for the second time of the day, held his hands up in defense. “The bar’s not busy, you two kids go have fun.”
“I haven’t been a kid in decades,” Leonard said, getting up from his seat. “But I can sure go for a slice of pizza.”
The night was cool as the two of you settled outside the pizzeria, opting for a corner table on the patio. The two of you decided to split a large pizza, threw a whole bunch of toppings and ordered two beers.
“Should you be drinking, Doctor?”
Leonard laughed and shook his head. “One beer isn’t gonna get anyone killed, besides, I’m not on call tonight.”
“So does that mean I have you all to myself?”
“That it does,” he answered, sending you a bright smile.
You returned the gesture and asked how work was. He shrugged and said it was the usual chaotic hell. “Wow, you make being a doctor sound so fun.”
“It’s your funeral..”
“Hey,” you warned and he smirked. “Keep talking me out of my career goals, my pockets are feeling heavier by the second.”
Leonard shook his head and chuckled. “I wouldn’t want that, now would I? Who am I gonna take out for late night pizza?”
“Another sugar baby,” you pointed out, taking a a bit of your pizza.
“Good lord, that title sounds ridiculous.”
“So does sugar daddy, Sugar Daddy.”
You eyed the doctor, who held your gaze until he cracked a smile and you laughed, shifting in your seat. “So tell me something, Bones.”
“Oh, god, not you too..”
“You’re a handsome man -”
“- I like where this is going,” he beckoned for you to go on, so you did.
“Is it really just the lack of time? Or is dating that hard for an attractive, successful doctor?”
Leonard placed down his beer and leaned back into his chair - and for a split second, you couldn’t think of a hotter man. “All of it. My last girlfriend was my high school sweetheart. We went to college together, but we ended things before graduation and I took off to medical school. It’s been over a decade and a man -”
“- has needs,” you said softly, looking down at your pizza.
There it was again, sex.
He had said it was off the table, but you felt conflicted.
This was supposed to be like a job, but sitting across from Leonard, you couldn’t help but like him. He was sarcastically delightful, easy on the eyes, Jim said he was a good man.
And Jim never lied, he was a good man too.
“Listen,” Leonard spoke firmly, interrupting your inner struggle. “I don’t expect sex. What I do expect is for you to enjoy your time with me. When that stops happening, then we have a problem.”
Feeling the weight from your shoulders disperse, you grinned. “Sounds good.”
“Good,” he beamed, reaching for his beer. “Cheers to us.”
It was nearly 11PM when Leonard pulled up next to your car in Kirk’s parking lot. Music came seeping in through the bar windows and you noted a few cars belonging to regulars. You sighed softly and looked over to Leonard, who cut the engine.
“Thank you for a wonderful night, Bones.”
“You really gonna stick with that?”
You shrugged playfully. “I’m just feeling it out.”
“Oh, good.”
The sarcasm that rolled off his tongue made you laugh and you thanked him again for dinner.
“No problem, you sure you don’t want me to take you home?”
“I’m good, I have class in the morning,” you explained, retrieving your car keys from your bag.
“Thank you for coming out tonight with me, I’ll call you soon,” he promised and you said okay, opening the passenger door. Your heart pounded as the cool breeze of the night hit your face and suddenly, you were feeling very brave.
Turning to face Leonard, you reached over and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him toward you. His lips hit yours hard and it felt deliciously naughty as you groaned against his mouth, pulling away slowly until your eyes met his.
He looked taken aback and for some reason that made you proud.
Grabbing your bag, you turned to him and smiled.
“Goodnight, Leonard.”
The doctor half laughed and shook his head. “Night, darlin’.”
Student Loans tags: @capty-cp @kawaiiusagichansan @silenceofmidnite @outside-the-government @lurkch @kystoro @anyakinamidala @land-of-the-forgotten @boldlywritingtrek@ilikethatkidoverthere @mundane-cup-noodles @taylorjacksonandtheolympians @bookcaseninja @jefferson-in-the-tardis @chook007@sebtheromanianprince @blackloveangel13 @mrskokitztelford @dwarvenbunnyears @clockscountingbackwards @texasblue @tomhiddlesmom @tardistrash @yourtropegirl @pheonix16 @arrowsshootyouforwards @running-outta-time @angelicstormz @thinkwritexpress-official  @one-to-beam-up @miridarling @theonlyparadox @reading-in-moonlight @superromijn @thedaydreamerrrrr @bsotstory
Forever tag (tagging in everything I write, no matter the fandom)
@my-amazing-nerdyness @naih-reedus @maciiiofficial @casownsmyass @jade-taillia@fangirlextraordinaire @indominusregina @feelmyroarrrr @my-rainbow-wonderland@myhopeisinfinite @girl-next-door-writes @dontbeamenacetotheforce @melonberri@superisatomboyuniverse @xloudwhocares @dracsgirl @moonlight53@makemyownwonderland @dreamwhisper87 @trekken81  @barely-emily@winterboobaer@goodnightwife @mishaissocoollike  @stormyfandoms@foreverybodythatunderstands23 @gallifreyansass @flirtswithdanger @yana-tardis-drwho@myplaceofthingsilove   @jchona  @alyssaj23  @blackhoneybucky @urbanspacedecay@castieltrash1 @hannahsakorax3 @imagine-all-the-imagines  @motleymoose@distinguishedqueenofbooks @kitkatgaming @fizzylollipop12 @iamwarrenspeace@darkmystress00 @lunarwolfrose  @kapolisradomthoughts @sisinia13 @swiggityswagness@takemetoneverland91 @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @sarah-mos @rubynationwins@padfootorionblack @kaywolves @wonderlace19 @purelittleblueberry  @courtneychicken@rayleyanns  @whatmakesmebeme-tblr @thewinterwitch @avengersgirllorianna@holywinchesterness @tatortot2701 @brewsthespirit-blog @seabasschino  @lame-lozer @ex-bookjunky @travelwithwords @supernaturaldean67 @thehuntchback @shoytai @besamiculo-puto@ign-is @zuni21798 @multipleuniversesinwriting @pleasantdreamqueen  @damalseer@10kindsofderp @hennessy0274-blog @jodoethr @s-t-r-i-k-e-us  @happyskywhale@anyakinamidala @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @cinema212 @geeksareunique@potato69fan @snarkyturnip @thilbob @hercrazyfandomobsession @wildefire @sashavis@nosleeptillbucky @grace-for-sale @someonekindalikeyou @pheonix16 @warrioredqueened @sexykitty96 @huflerin @space-helen @sorenmarie87 @wickedsingularity @steve-rogers-personal-hell @wintersire @whatshernamemaria @theheadcanonsawakens@iminlovewithasuperboy @loverbug1123  @eyeofdionysus @sugerquill @starmission@pineapplebooboo @seeing-but-not-observing @happyskywhale @anyakinamidala @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @cinema212 @geeksareunique@snarkyturnip @thilbob @hercrazyfandomobsession @wildefire @sashavis ​ @justanotherfangirl272 @izawrites @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun 
Those in bold can not be tagged.
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caratdreams · 7 years
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aka “who the fuck is my secret santa???”
Member: Vernon
Word Count: 2.5k
You stared at the paper-filled bowl in front of you, silently hoping the Financial Gods (who had seemingly ignored all your prayers for the past year) would bless you with a name that would be kind to your pockets.
As a group of broke college kids, Secret Santa was your only shot at getting a Christmas gift from a friend, as well as the most feasible way of getting you to buy a gift for a friend. God, when did you become such a stereotype?
“Come on, Y/N, pick a name already!”
The whines and moans of your friends did nothing to speed up the process, in fact, it had the opposite effect as you paused to glare at them.
“Patience is a virtue, guys.” You rummaged among the names, gliding the pieces of paper around each other before you finally made your choice. There was an internal sigh of relief when you unfolded the paper to see Wonwoo’s name. He was probably the most low-maintenance person you knew. Maybe you’d get him some cat food for the pet he was illegally keeping in his room.
When the group began to disperse, everyone setting off to complete their duties for the rest of the day, you gently tugged at Hansol’s jumper. It was the forest green one you had bought him for his birthday, and you didn’t expect him to wear it more than once, let alone practically live in it the way he had done the entire month of December. He leaned against the wall outside the lecture hall, having already shoved the name he drew from the bowl into his pocket.
“So,” an impish smile crept up on your face as you began. “Who’d you get?” Hansol simply shook his head at you, one of his brows raised slightly higher than the other.
“That’s just for me to know.”
“Come on, Sunshine!” He broke out into a grin at the nickname, or perhaps it was your frustration that amused him so. The non-stop stream of students that had passed between you in the vital moments between the ending of one lecture and the beginning of another finally slowed down. Quiet fell amongst you. “It’ll just be between us.”
“Nah, I’m keeping quiet about this one.” He peered around, as if anyone cared enough to eavesdrop on your conversation, before speaking again. “I will say though, I do already know what I’m gonna get them.”
“Since when did your brain work so quickly?” This was the guy who routinely started assignments two days before they were due, at best. You still remembered the night you watched him conjure up a 3000-word essay out of nowhere, with references, and he still did better than most of the class. Well, you guessed that was just his brilliance.
“Shut up!”
“It was a genuine question!”
“You know what, if you don’t stop, I’m not getting you that donut I promised you.” You pressed your lips shut, pretending to zip them up and even throwing away the key for emphasis. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” The two of you finally set off, walking in sync as you stepped out into the cold.
“Not that you asked, but I got Wonwoo. I was thinking of just taking out a book from the library. At least it’ll be free.” Hansol stopped walking to look at you, his lips curled upwards in a disbelieving smile.
“You are consistently the worst.”
“I’m not gonna lie, I was hoping you were the gift I ordered.” Hansol pouted at your greeting, standing in the hallway of your apartment building holding a brown bag you recognised as being from the bakery down the street. You said you’d only agree to movie night if he brought along gingerbread cookies. He said he’d only agree to movie night if you watched Home Alone. The first movie, of course, the sequels weren’t worth his time.
“Excuse you, I am a gift.” He responded, kicking his shoes off before setting the bag on your kitchen counter. He was so used to your apartment, the movements came naturally, without a second thought. His mouth dropped open, a small gasp escaping when he noticed two mugs on the table. “You made hot chocolate? With marshmallows?”
“What kind of host would I be if I didn’t?”
After putting the gingerbread biscuits on a tray (much to Hansol’s exasperation, as he didn’t think it was necessary), you led the way to your couch. You had pushed your centre table, which had been decorated with tinsel since the end of November, further backwards. Your laptop was set in the middle of it, mimicking a TV. Next to the table was a mini Christmas tree, adorned with the smallest baubles and tinsel Hansol had ever seen. He wondered if you had to buy the decorations separately, or if the tree came like that. The thought dissipated once you hit play and sunk into the couch next to him, the two of you comfortably sipping on your drinks and feasting on the biscuits.
Hansol was on his second cup of hot chocolate when he suddenly felt weight pressing down on his arm. He looked to see you had fallen asleep against him, your head forcing his arm to be your pillow. His heartbeat quickened as heat pricked the back of his neck. Tentatively, not wanting to wake you up, he moved his arm, snuggled you into his chest, and placed his arm around you. You groaned, sensing the movement, but not waking up.
The rhythmic rise and fall of your chest let him know that you were in a deep sleep. Brushing some hair out of your face, he couldn’t help but notice how peaceful you looked, especially juxtaposed against the chaos in the movie. Holding you against him like this was something he hoped for but didn’t expect, especially not anytime soon. Now that it had happened, he knew he wanted it to become a regular thing. Alas, wishful thinking only led to disappointment. His hot chocolate was getting cold, but he didn’t care.
The day of the gift exchange had arrived. The scene was Mingyu’s apartment, purely because his was the cleanest. The last time he had so many young adults in his apartment, the night ended with a broken door, two broken windows, and countless complaints. Yeah, he had to beg his landlord not to kick him out.
Once the gifts were all placed on the table, you eagerly scanned the items to see which one was labelled with your name. When you saw the box, wrapped up with a perfect bow on top, your eyes widened in anticipation. You weren’t going to open it just yet though, you wanted to see what everyone else got.
“Okay, seriously?” Seungcheol stood with a hand on his hip, frowning at the group. This wasn’t an unusual sight. “Who got me whiskey-flavoured lube?” You threw your head back in laughter, catching eye contact with Hansol, who seemed to find it just as funny. You had sent a thank-you text to him that morning for getting you into bed the night before, and you felt bad for (literally) falling asleep on him during your movie night. He was too kind to say or do anything other than assure you that it was okay.
You watched Wonwoo from a distance, waiting to see his reaction to his gift. You remembered him saying something about a limited-edition version of a book he loved, and you stayed up until 2am trying to find it – not that you were ever going to admit that out loud. When he unwrapped the gift and saw what it was, his eyebrows shot up; the most emotion you’d seen from him in weeks. in his defence, you’d had finals, and it was hard to be anything but dead inside. Satisfied that he was happy with his gift, you turned your attention to the box in your hands and opened it up.
The wrapping was neat, which made you instantly suspicious, since you were sure no one in your friendship group was particularly great at wrapping gifts. It was unmistakably a jewellery box, and you bit down on your lip in excitement as you lifted the lid. Inside lay a necklace, its pendant in the form of a crescent moon. It was simple, but it was perfect. You looked at the note that came with it, seeing that it was printed instead of handwritten.
‘For the moon to my sun, I wish you nothing but happiness this Christmas. I love you. – your Secret Santa.’
When you looked up, everyone seemed to be showing off their gifts to each other. You searched their faces, wondering who it was that got you such a cute gift, and wrote such a sweet message. You were the moon, who was the sun?
“Need help with that?” Hansol’s voice made you jump. It took you a second to realise he was talking about the necklace. You nodded, and in true gentleman fashion, he stood behind you and put the necklace on for you. You turned to thank him, and for a brief second you wondered … nah, that wouldn’t make sense. Hansol was probably the one who got Seungcheol the lube.
You took your bottom lip between your teeth, deep in thought. The Christmas break began in 2 days, meaning you had 48 hours to figure out who your Secret Santa was.
“Stop lying to me, Mingyu, I know you know!”
“Lower your voice, people are looking!” Mingyu warned, his eyes darting around the study area. He wasn’t sure if you were specifically looking for him (you weren’t), or if you just happened to see him on your way around campus (you did), but he didn’t have the answer to your question. “I really have no idea who your Secret Santa was. Will you let me live now?”
“Fine.” You sighed as you walked away, your fingers instinctively flying to the crescent on your chest. You played with it, fingers tracing the small object over and over again. Everyone you asked so far had given you the same response, they all claimed they didn’t know who got you the gift. Wonwoo told you that he would have bought you something much cheaper than that, and Seungcheol told you he would have bought you something much more extravagant. Running through the options in your head was useless, you were clueless.
It was hours later, right after you had just finished dinner, when you finally realised. It was so obvious, you could have kicked yourself. You had the read the note over to yourself one more time, and it hit you.
It happened during the summer. It was a relatively warm night, the sky clear enough for you to see the stars that had gathered above you. At this point, you had drunk so much that you could barely differentiate the stars, they all blended in together, specs of white pressed against the night sky.
The buzz from the alcohol kept you warm even when the temperature dropped slightly. You were comfortable as you were, not needing your light jacket, sat in the back garden with Hansol by your side. Well, he was lying down, but you knew he was there. The two of you had escaped from the chaos of the party, taking a moment to yourselves. God, you knew the hangover would be brutal, but in the moment you felt light as a bird.
“You know something?” You spoke, turning to look down at him. He looked so content, laying on the wood and basking in the natural glow of the night. You ran a hand through his freshly-dyed hair, softer than it had any right to be. You had no idea why he dyed it, but it really suited him, and had you looking at him in ways you hadn’t before. “The blonde hair makes you look like the sun.”
“Does it?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Yup.” You nodded. “I’m gonna call you Sunshine from now on.” At first he didn’t respond, and part of you thought he hadn’t heard you. Then he sat up, and said something that made your heart quicken its pace and threaten to burst out of your chest.
“Well, if I’m the sun, then you must be the moon.” He laughed to himself. “What’s that corny quote? The sun loves the moon so much that – shit, I forgot.” The two of you giggled towards each other. That wasn’t even the alcohol, just Hansol being Hansol. “My point is, the sun loves the moon, right?”
“And the moon loves the sun right back.”
Hansol pretended he wasn’t disheartened by the fact you hadn’t realised he was your Secret Santa. It wasn’t the end of the world, of course, but he thought the note would have been a dead giveaway. Ah, he knew he should have wrote the message by hand instead. It would have been more personal that way.
The ringing of the doorbell interrupted his thoughts. He dropped the jumper he was holding into his suitcase before stepping over an unfolded pile of clothes to get to the front door.
“Oh, Y/N!” he stepped aside, letting you in. “I – uh, I wasn’t expecting you.” He rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. From the state of the apartment, you could tell that Seungkwan had already gone home, there was no way he’d let Hansol have his clothes everywhere like this. You looked at the half-full suitcase in the middle of the room, briefly wondering how he was going to get everything home.
“Yeah, sorry I came here out of nowhere.” You played with the necklace again. “I realised something, though. You were my Secret Santa, weren’t you?” You could tell from the reddening of his cheeks and the aversion of his gaze that you were right. He nodded slightly, the movement so small you almost didn’t notice. “It was really thoughtful, I love it. Thank you.”
For a second, there’s silence.
Then you both begin to speak at the same time.
“I really did-”
“I don’t know-” A nervous laugh escaped Hansol’s lips as he gestured for you to finish what you were saying. “I don’t know if I’m reading too much into it, but your message reminded me of that one party we went to in summer, right after you dyed your hair.” You stopped yourself, realising now that you were saying the words out loud that you must have been mistaken. “Sorry, it’s stupid. Never mind.”
“No, it’s not stupid!” Hansol was quick to shake his head. “it’s what I was referring to, actually.” He paused. “I really did mean what I said, and I’m glad you like the gift.”
You didn’t know what to say. At that point, you weren’t even sure you could form a coherent sentence.
But words weren’t always necessary, were they?
You reached behind him and pulled him into a kiss. It was hesitant at first, the two of you being new to the feel and taste of the other’s lips. The hesitance lasted for only a few seconds as the kiss deepened, with months of repressed yearning unloading onto each other.
He smiled against you when you pulled away.
“I think we should do that again.”
How wonderful it was, for the sun and the moon to finally embrace.
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aufandomlover · 7 years
I need serious help.
So hi guys, usually I wouldn’t bring this up but I’m at my wits end and how the last 2 days have happened and treated me I need help. I tried doing my own research but I’m just not getting the answers I need.
So basicly a run down of what’s going on with me as I’ve never talked about it here before.
My names Meghan, I’m currently 15 years of age and have recently come to the conclusion that I am neglected and emotionally abused in ways and held up to double standards. And the simplest way for me to say I noticed is to say that a family member who I see mabey 2-3 times a year told me she saw I’m neglected by my father and semi neglected by my mother.
I don’t think I wanted to belive it for a long time but, here I am. It got really bad 2 days ago and I’m struggling with how I’m going to deal with this situation as I can not stay at home for another 3 years. I need an out once I’m 16.
Here’s what I need to know that I can’t find a definite answer for about the state of New Jersey and it’s legal laws,
1.) If I leave home, (aka) run away can I be forced back? 2.) Is there a legal way to leave home if running is NOT a viable option? 3.) Is there any public licensed places I can go if I run or have a legal way out? 4.) Is there a way to avoid investigation? /note here, I don’t think the level of neglect could hold up in court. Sometimes I don’t think they know there doing it but it is blatantly obvious to a family member, friends and now me./ 5.) What legally makes up a neglect case? What charges can be made / what evidence is needed to make a case? 6.) Will I still be able to attend school if I find a different residence to live in? 7.) Is there any way to be out of here before 16? 8.) Does anyone have an experience with running and being free…?
I’m serious about this and seriously need help. I can’t keep doing this. There not taking my mental health seriously and I needed out of this toxic house 6 years ago when this all started.
Below I’m going to explain and list my experiences with the Neglect and border line emotional abuse, please tell me if this would hold in a court case. And if you’ve made it this far reading I really appreciate it.
1.) At around 11 or 12 I told them I wanted to commit suicide and they told me “It’s a cowardly thing to do.” And the “Cowards way out.” Then then proceeded to ignore the entire situation for months until out of the blue they brought me to a therapist. 2.) At 14 they guilt tripped me into confessing my Sexuality and then told me it was invalid because “God said this…” ect, ect. And then in the following months created a wall in where I was an outsider and sent me to a therapist to discuss my Sexuality. 3.) They always put my younger sibling first in every sense of the word. He plays baseball and he is never allowed to miss a practice, he’s exempt from specific chores because he had “practice”. My father generally takes his side and punishes me when my mother’s not around to defend me. 4.) My father doesn’t give me his attention. He just doesn’t. He worked multiple jobs and went to collage when I was a small kid and now as an almost adult he’s working a teacher’s job and working a differnt side job during the year. In the summer he’s traveling almost every week. My mother is traveling for work almost every day as well and returning late in the evening. This is yearly for her. I’m generally competing for any attention but as mentioned before my brother receives the eyes of them both. A prime example is today. My brother had a tournament almost 2 hours from here so we stayed over night at a hotel yesterday night and then went to the double header the next day, he’d been stung by a wasp the previous day and his leg was swelling. Once we came back from the tournament my mother brought him to urgent care as it was swelling even more. /note, I was the one who did the research to finding out it was a wasp. Everyone thought it was a bee. It wasn’t./ Turns out he needs crutches and is prohibited from walking unless it’s to get to a bathroom. When my father returned from Delaware as he’d been traveling, the first time he addressed my brother was to find out if he was going to travel almost 2 hours to support his team mate’s. Now how this proteins to me is first off, my younger brother is 13 and not great at defending himself so I stepped in. I told him what the doctor had told my mother that she had already told him. That he can’t get up. I was dismissed imeatly until my mother stepped in. 5.) And last but not the least what so ever, is the fact that my friends or a few of there parents are not fans of my own parents. They give the encouragement of “It’s only X amount of years left till you can leave home.” Or “My house is always open.” The problem is I’m too terrified to ask for there help, let alonfle leave and get myself or them in legal trouble.
So if anyone can help me please, please add on to this. Tag me each time if you need to. Send me a private message if you have to just please I need help. I can’t keep doing this. I’m not gonna make it past 16 at this rate and I just need and out and my questions answered.
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elliottorrin · 7 years
Tracking my memories.
I didn’t really become a fan of clean laundry until I went into foster care. Probably because that was the first time in a long time I knew what smoke free, clean, non-pet-smelling laundry was like. And then I was obsessed. At that point I was out of my parents smoke cloud as they smoked a pack a day nearly, if not more depending on the current stress level. And my first week or so in care was like withdrawing from smoking as if I had been myself. Plenty of anxiety/panic attacks happened that were the feeling of an intense craving for something I didn’t think about being regularly in my body. But laundry has these other weird ties for me.
Somewhere during elementary school and through middle school my parents, who I’ll just call Parent 1 and Parent 2, started interacting with my sibling and I more as house help and less as their kids. Maybe they saw it as tough love. If so, it was the hardest fucking love and it didn’t feel warm or fuzzy. By at least 4th grade, things in my house went south. My parents fought enough and didn’t really show affection to each other but they also seemed to withdrawal that from me and my sibling. I walked on glass wondering which one I would upset and in turn felt like I would disappoint. This has now created a continuous desire to please others and fear of ever disappointing elders, especially ones that partially fill in a parental role for me, unofficially. Our house also turned into Parent 1’s pit of anxiety aka, a hoarder home. It’s started slowly but before I knew it, it was normal for everything to be dirty. It’s hard right now to describe that to people because it became so normal I don’t know how to tell you it was really bad. Parent 2 didn’t really step in and stop it. There was a period closer to going into care that myself, my sibling and parent 2 cleaned up the entire upstairs. Only for Parent 1 to like how clean upstairs was - our safe haven of upstairs away from them - only to turn it into their new area of focus. Spending almost every hour of the day upstairs on their computer, keeping every piece of paper they ever received. Not neatly, all over, in a way you couldn’t tell what might be important and what was trash. If you tried to throw something away that had been walked over daily, parents 1 would snap. How could you think that was trash? It may be needed. As you might imagine this created a stress in my life of not knowing if I might need things later and fear of getting in trouble for getting rid of someone else’s things. That’s a work in progress but not at all close to what parent 1 lived their life as.
So amidst this developing hoarder home, Parent 1 started to become more and more dehumanizing. My sibling and I prepared all the meals. The kitchen was a nightmare but due to the upstairs being unkempt we were the ones expected to warm up (always frozen or fridge) meals. Nothing fresh. Then the oven broke so everything had to be broiled leaving many meals under cooked and us in trouble as teens having not cooked dinner right.
Now the hardest memory for me is the basement. Possibly the root of many fears and trauma. I hate basements to this day. It was a basement that was half in the ground but had enough out of the ground that there were basement windows at about eye level or a little lower. These were quickly sealed off so outsiders couldn’t see the disaster that was that basement. We had like 20 something cats in that house and their litter boxes were underneath the staircase that went from upstairs to basement but those quickly filled and the cats started going everywhere. It was also my sibling and I’s job to clean the litter boxes or cat messes in general. Another area that has impacted my hatred for cat accidents as an adult… So this basement included boxes and boxes of things that came with us when we moved from Louisiana to Wyoming years before that. A wash and dryer. Cat boxes. An endless sea of clothes from every family member. Some furniture buried underneath all of this and like a freezer and fridge that were rarely ever used.
That basement was a place I slept more nights than I can count, and not by choice. There was furniture but not uncovered or a bed for us to actually sleep on. Most of the piles of clothing had been soiled by cats. The cleanest and most uncovered surface was the washer and dryer. Imagine two kids sleeping on those. A square front load and top load washing and dryer.
While parent 2 avoided parental duties by working long hours out of the house as much as possible, my sibling and I were left to fend for ourselves with parent 1. Parent 1 wore black socks. Only black socks. And had a shit ton of them yet managed to lose them constantly. And when they were lost it was our (me and my sibling) job to find them since we did everyone’s laundry. Because of this parent 1 would snap for unknown reasons and tell us we needed to go downstairs and find all their black socks and we could not come upstairs until we found them all. The first time this happened I probably naively thought “okay, we’ll just find them, they’ll calm down, and then we can go to bed.” This generally always happened at night close to when we should be headed to bed and on more than one occasion this happened on school nights. My elementary attendance record was shit for all the late nights I was stuck in that basement.
If my sibling and I looked for an hour or two, going through as much of the clothing piles as we could, and told parent 1 we couldn’t find them, this only upset them more and meant an extended stay in basement hell. So, we got smart and just tried to pass time sitting on the washer and dryer, sneaking something to do down with us. This plan could only work so long until parent 1 was still not getting their socks (or whatever other clothing went missing) and we were in more trouble. Well, we would attempt to sleep in the basement because we would have school the next day, we were tired and honestly the trauma response we had was probably total exhaustion. Two small kids can’t really fit on to square laundry machines well, let alone comfortably. But we made it work as best we could.
One night though parent 1 realized it had been seriously quiet. Too quiet. It was a school night. Parent 2 wasn’t at home (to my memory). So they came down stairs and woke us by screaming at us for falling asleep. They also only used the downstairs restroom which was the wall right next to the washer and dryer so they started banging on the wall to get us up and then told us we needed to start reciting the ABC’s over and over, loudly enough for them to hear that we were awake and looking for their socks. I’m not really sure how long that went on for but it was definitely one of the last times I really cried because of what was happening. It turned out that crying really wasn’t gonna help find the socks or stop what was happening. At some point we eventually went to bed and if we did go to school it was probably because school became the safe place outside of my home. Plenty of times though from parents 1 own treatment we would ask to stay home because we were tired or didn’t feel good, and they would let us stay home.
I didn’t really see my parents as safety or nurturing any more (surprise, surprise). I didn’t want a hug any more or for them to tell me it was okay. I wanted to learn this was all just one big misunderstanding where I had been adopted and somewhere out there my real parents were looking for me. They would stand up for me, care for me and any touch from them would be one of familial love. Anything to take my mind off the reality of what was really happening. Foster care was whatever. There were shitty moments but the bigger trauma in my life was pre-foster care. And I am so glad I made it out.
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moonhawk147 · 8 years
What are you afraid of? Part 1
A/N: So, I rushed the ending a bit so I'm going to redo it later but here @boyishlydogsled and @acecosmos!! [[More]] It was a crisp autumn morning when I woke up in the best way possible, my puppy's rear end right next to my head, “Urgh… Brock get your ass out of my face,” I groan, lightly shoving my wolf and corgi mix dog farther down the bed. Naturally, Brock decided that didn’t want to move from his warm spot and instead just did his butt wiggle right back to my face. Groaning again, this time more from annoyance then anything, I slowly rise from my oh so comfortable twin sized bed. Brock looks up at me with his heterochromatic eyes and tilts his head as if to ask ‘Why did you move master?’. His left eye is a deep sky blue (I swear you could see stars in them, but my mom says it just because of my pills making me loopy) and his right is a bright emerald green. He is built like a corgi, the long body and short nubs for legs and ears, however his markings that show off his wolf mother. The easiest way to explain it is, have you seen school carpet? The avocado color floors with the red, dark green and black noodly swiggles designs? That's pretty much what he looks like, only gray instead of dark green and red. I have only had him for a year now. I had found him in an alleyway nearly starved to death and convinced my Oba (Aka my Aunt Ith) to let him stay. Luckily she agreed because “Hey, at least it’s not drugs right?”. Standing up and walking away from my grey fur covered bed, I pass by my full body mirror and pause in front of it. Now, I know what you’re thinking “How very teenage girly of you Moon!” but I’m not gonna look at it and think down on myself, that would be cliché of me. I do this instead because how else am I supposed to cover the scars around my body without a mirror? I take this small break in time to really look myself over. I have an average body type, maybe a bit chubby in the stomach but not overweight. I stand proud at 4’9”, something I inherited from my mom. Unlike the rest of the girls in my family, I am very flat chested. I don’t complain about it because from what my sister used to say “They are very uncomfortable and shopping for bras are the worst!”. I have honey brown hair that fades into white near my tailbone and ends at the back of my knees. My bangs end at around the end of my slightly pointed ears and fade into a dark red. Why do I have my hair like that? Aesthetic. My eyes, however, are the best part of me. They are a greyish sea blue color with a thin golden orange ring around the pupil. I have a celestial type nose and thin pink lips that form a natural smile with high cheekbones and a rounder chin. Around my hips and torso are where the burn and bite mark scars are I was talking about earlier. I… I would rather not talk about how or why I got them. I'll get into that later but for now just know that I have them. Right next to the mirror is the clothes I laid out for me the day before. Quickly putting on the white sports bra and matching boy-style panties, I put my grey hoodie on and dirt stained boot cut jeans. Slipping on some white socks I walk out of my bedroom and into the hallway of me and my Obas cozy home. In reality it really is more like a cabin then a home but it works for the two of us (three counting Brock). “Oba, I'm gonna head out to meet Tyler and Ray!” I call to her, as I make my way into the living room. Stepping into the room, my Oba becomes visible. She has long curly black hair that ends at her waist and tan skin. She has eyes as blue as the sky with thin lips that always have some color lipstick on them (It's blue today!). She wears a white tank top and a blue pencil skirt that starts at light blue and faded to dark blue on the bottom. She is just a bit smaller then be at 4’7 and most of her height comes from her supermodel esque legs. She has on some white flats with no visible socks on, “Alright hon, take Brock with you and be back before eleven.” Nodding I walk to the front door and slip on my blue and black sneakers. “Come on Brock! We’re gonna go for a walk!” I call out to him, “Oh! And put some warmer clothes on Oba! It’s the middle of fall!”  About two minutes later after I called for Brock, I could hear the little pip-pap of his paws racing down the hallway, stopping right in front of me and his tail going a million miles an hour. Chuckling to myself, I put a black collar and leash on him, opening the door into the bright, cold, and unforgiving outside world. Happily walking down the asphalt road into town, I can’t help my excited squeals, “I can’t believe it Brock! I’m finally gonna meet them after a year! I hope they like my face… Okay that sounded weird out of context, but considering how shy I’ve been and not showing my face or pretty much anything it is a rational fear. Urgh! I sound like I’m meeting the president. It is just Tyler and Ray… Why am I telling all this to a dog? God if people didn’t think I was crazy before they do now…” I dryly laugh to myself. Brock ‘borked’ at me. ‘You always look crazy to me master,’ I could almost hear him say. Sighing I run my fingers through my bangs to help ease my nerves. Finally mustering up enough courage to continue the journey into town, I continue walking into the barren town. The trek to the town's hotel isn't anything to note. Just a few shops and a large grocery store along with a small park and a school that goes from preschool to graduation. The town in all honesty isn't that big, maybe Klamath Falls big. Everybody knew everybody and there was very few crimes (maybe a robbery every century but there hasn't been a murder since I was here.), it was the perfect town for a sixty year old Oba and her mentally unstable niece. Surrounding the town is a large forest. Stopping once I reach the hotel, I wait by the sign for my two friends, “Do you think they'll be happy to see me Brock? Like, what if I'm not who they thought I was and want to leave… I mean they did only come for the weekend…” I ask my dog. Naturally, Brock doesn't respond and instead lays on my feet, “Good talk Brock. We'll have the do this again sometime.” “Who's Brock?” I hear a male voice ask me. Turning around I come face to face with two strangers. The stranger who I assumed asked the question stands at around 5’8, making him look like a giant compared to myself. He has curly light brown hair that ends where his neck meets his head along with mossy green eyes trapped behind gray glasses. He has a blue sweater on that ends at his wrists and dips at his neck to reveal a very pale yellow collared shirt. He has on some lighter gray shorts that are folded up at the ends to reach his knees. His legs had numerous scrapes, cuts and bruises with some cuts covered in some band-aids. He wears blue sneakers that laces have been tied up into a pretty boy. He has on some plain socks that match in color with his undershirt. The stranger next to him is a 4’10” girl with tanish skin and some dark freckles along her face. She has very long curly brown hair that reaches her knees and it's up in maroon ponytail. In her hair two blue stars and an aromatic flag heart hair clip. She has amber eyes along with thin glasses. She has an asexual flag colored open hoodie, a blue and pink yin yangish gray shirt, blue shorts and gray cat faced socks with darker gray stripes. She has plain white sneakers. “Brock is my dog, feel free to pet him. He's a total sweetheart,” I say, keeping an eye on the two strangers. The amber eyed leaned down and started to pet Brock's head. “I like your shoelaces,” The male said. “Thanks, I stole them from the president,” I grin. They both look up at me, wide toothy smiles. I felt safe, wanted, with their smiles. It was then that I knew, I would do anything to keep them smiling. It was a little after noon when we had decided to to a bit of exploring of the woods. I knew these woods inside and out so it wasn't like we could get lost, and Brock was a decent scent dog.  the president,” I grin, “Glad to finally meet the two of you.” Tyler, the male, nods and smiles warmly, “Glad to meet you too! Ray and I were wondering if you would ever show up.” After an hour of soaking up their appearances, talking about life and all that cliché bullshit, I decide I want to take them to the surrounding woods. For the past week or so, it has felt as if something in the woods was calling me, beckoning me to enter it with its calm feeling. I had heard rumors of kids getting lost or “trapped” inside the woods but I never earnestly believed it. Oba had forbidden me from entering the woods but armed with my two friends and my sometimes helpful dog, I had decided now would be a good time to find out if the rumors are true. “Hey… I know a trail down the road that leads to an old house with the most beautiful garden,” I say, lying right to their face. Ray nods, “Alright! Let us go then!” She tells me, trusting me with her whole being. I internally cringe, ‘Damn it Ray. Please stop looking at me warmly… You don’t deserve this…’ Making our way to the path I previously mentioned, I stand in front of them seeing how I am the oldest at 15 while the two behind me are only 14. Brock stays at my side, attached to my left foot like a magnet. To my surprise, an old house sits a little to the edge of the path beyond the city. “We will have to enter the house, I’ve been in there a hundred times and it’s safe,” I lie again, slowing my walk to nothing more than a small stroll. The two nod, trusting me wholeheartedly and unconditionally. Picking up Brock easily (Like I said, I lied and have no idea what could be inside that house, I don’t want my dog to get hurt), I walk up the old wooden stairs onto the empty porch. The house is about two stories high and made completely of wood. I am honestly surprised it hasn’t fallen down yet. The only two windows are cracked and seem to be in the attic. “Are you sure this is a good idea Moon…?” Tyler asked me, fear and uncertainty radiating from him. “Trust me okay? This is completely safe.” If I had known how wrong those words were, I would have confessed my lie sooner. Entering the house, the atmosphere completely changed. All of a sudden it felt like it was ten degrees below zero instead of the 70 we just left from. Brock whimpered, shaking and obviously scared. Even if we had wanted to leave, it would have been impossible due to the fact the door is now gone. I don
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booknerd405 · 8 years
The answer to the Shakespeare asks cuz I’m an idiot (love u Kate)
@themeltedheadaches i blame this on the tumblr mobile app but here ya go <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 (your answers were amazing btw aahhhhh)
Antony: What bad habits do you need to break?
cracking my back, procrastinating, thinking all my friends secretly hate me...
Beatrice: What is the achievement you’re most proud of?
tbh this is kinda embarrassing (esp. since i had to audition like 2 months late cuz i chickened out originally) but joining symphony and not being completely terrible at it cuz music has always been a super private thing for me and playing any instrument at all in front of/with a group of people who are judging me hardcore is v not like me at all so yeah.
Benvolio: What comes to mind when you think of peace?
reading a book for so long in my bed that i get super cold even in the middle of August, my stuffed animal, watching TV with my entire family stuffed onto that poor red couch we’ve had since i was born, (really any time i can sit and do nothing with someone i care about and it isn’t awkward), waking up to find my dog curled up against my butt
Bianca: What do you want most in life?
To be happy with my life and my choices. I don’t want to be near the end of my life and start regretting all the things i didn’t do or try because i was too scared of failure. to be able to look back and say that I truly lived.
Celia: Do you want to fall in love?
i’m assuming this means romantically, so the answer is yes. i felt a bit foolish aka my ego was highkey bruised after sophomore year but it was worth it. in a broader sense, i’m already in love with so many things and people, i fall in love with something or someone as often as i can. Today i fell in love with how strong the smell of spring hit so suddenly in back yard this year.
Circe: Would you rather be loved or feared?
...why not both??
Claudius: What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?
my mind immediately jumps to every time i was a bitch or rude or plain mean to someone in elementary school who just wanted a friend or to fit in. i know i was young and supposedly didn’t know any better but i’d been on the other end before and i hate that i contributed to someone else in the world feeling the same way i did
Cordelia: Do you consider yourself a good person?
i would say that I try my hardest
Cressida: What makes you feel trapped?
my laziness, feeling like i should be doing more with my day but not having the energy or willpower to even get up
Desdemona: Do you believe that the truth will set you free?
i’d rather be told the truth than a lie, but I think a person’s response to the truth will determine whether they’re set free
Edgar: Do you want to make your family proud?
Always, the worst days in my life are the days where i feel like i’ve disappointed my parents
Edmund: Do you ever wish you’d been born someone else? If so, who?
Gertrude: Would you (or have you) ever cheated on a significant other?
Definitely not.
Hamlet: Do you prefer to think things through thoroughly or act on impulse?
oh god i think things through so goddamn much i’m practically hamlet himself, can’t get any shit done
Hecate: Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Definitely an introvert (dorming is gonna be HELL)
Helenus: Do you believe in God?
I’d like to but i just don’t
Hippolyta: What is your biggest regret?
not doing any art classes in high school until i absolutely had to. i wouldve met so many more people and symphony this year has just been the perfect break in the middle of the day that i never knew i needed.
Horatio: Who do you love most?
My family, especially my dad. i don’t know if id be even half as successful or happy in my life if it wasn’t for him. our 3 am walks in a random campground, going into his engineering workplace since i was 5, the number of times he made me cry by doing something silly like trying to teach me how negative numbers worked when i was 6. also my friends, i tend to only have 1 really close friend at a time that i love the most and she (hopefully) knows who she is
Juliet: What is your favorite luxury?
chocolate, french fries and ketchup, parents who are too good to me, fountain pens that i keep accidentally ruining cuz i keep messing with them
Lady Macbeth: What is your favorite thing about yourself?
physically, probably my eyes or my hair, though both have had their bad days. (also the mole on my hip but that’s not there anymore no i’m not salty) mentally idk i hate and love practically everything else about me in equal measure
Macbeth: Have you ever killed anyone? Would you?
No and i really don’t think so
Malcolm: What does honor mean to you?
being able to take failure in stride and learn from it, trying, being active and engaged in what you choose to do with your time, taking in others into consideration with your actions
Medea: Do you have any quirks?
I bounce like hell when I walk but i also look so angry that i’m bout to kill someone...so pls don’t look at me while i walk its embarrassing, i usually don’t use a pillow when i sleep
Mercutio: Is there anyone you would die for?
I’d like to be able to answer my friends and family but truthfully i don’t know if i could ever be that brave
Miranda: Is happiness a choice?
I think most of the time it is, but not always
Oberon: Does reputation matter to you?
i think it used to?? but now idk i feel like ppl can think whatever the hell they want of me & the ppl that matter will know the truth and won’t care about my reputation. tho i suppose it does kinda matter to me because having a bad reputation shuts down a lot of opportunities in life
Ophelia: Is there anything you regret not doing?
i feel like i already answered this...
Orsino: If you could have any material thing in the world, what would it be?
literally every fountain pen ever (this answer will probably change in a few months/years)
Paris: If you had the chance to rule the world, would you?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH nope nope no fucking way no thank you no siree no ma’am
Portia: When did you lose your innocence?
idk man my parents let me watch Police Academy when i was like 4 years old and i had a fucked up imagination for as long as i can remember i don’t think i ever had my full innocence
Puck: Do you consider yourself a mischievous person?
;) no (that means yes!)
Romeo: How far would you go for love?
too damn far, i don’t actually like how far i’ll go for love
Rosalind: What does your ideal day entail?
waking up early (but not so early that i’m super tired) and staying in bed doing nothing (preferably cuddling with someone) until later when my dog will start crying at me to get up, then spending some time at a park with friends doing stupid things and making stupid jokes and eating cake and chocolate, then going home and watching a movie with my family and my dad makes us all cheeseburgers, ending the day by taking a bath with a bath bomb that doesn’t have fucking glitter in it then accidentally falling asleep while rereading one of my favorite books
Rosaline: Which people from your past haunt you?
i try not to let my past effect me so much but probably Catherine still does. I thought we were the perfect friends that would be together forever but it turned out she had hated me for so many years, had been blaming me in part for her self harm. its so hard to trust when a someone says that they enjoy being my friend because i believed her and i was so so wrong and what if i’m making the same mistakes again and ppl think i’m trying to show myself up thinking i’m a terrible person that they actually hate
Sebastian: Is violence ever the answer?
Titania: Do you believe in magic?
If you ask me during the day, no
Ask me at night, when i’m driving alone or outside under the stars... :)
Tybalt: If you could kill one person without consequences, who would it be?
No one
Viola: How skilled of a liar are you?
Sometimes I think i’m an okay liar but probably i’m terrible and my mom was just pretending to know I wasn’t hanging out with 79 to humor me
Volumnia: Describe the biggest sacrifice you’ve made.
i sacrificed an hour of sleep a few days in a row earlier this week to practice playing the auxiliary percussion in pilatus during concert band
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