#Alex danvers reader insert
supercorpkid · 29 days
Harun-El Saves The Day
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Lena Luthor x BabyDanvers!Reader, Kara Danvers x sister!reader, Alex Danvers x sister!reader
Word count: 2640
Note: Angst. The one where James never once existed, but saving people with Harun-El did.
"I'm sorry." Lena fits herself inside your embrace, laying her head on your shoulder. She is a small person, but right now she feels even smaller.
"Please don't apologize for this." You kiss the crown of her head, tightening the hug.
Lena breathes out heavily. "I can't do it. Can't figure it out."
"It's ok, my love." Your hand travels up her back until you reach her hair. "Hey, look at me." Lena's eyes are so full of tears, it's hard for you to keep your own tears in check. "People have researched this for years, and still haven't figured it out."
Lena locks eyes with you. "But I have to."
"We have time." 
But you don't. Not really. And she knows this probably better than you.
"Not enough, honey." Her hand goes to your hair, she scrapes the nape of your neck trying to comfort you. But then she runs her fingers to your hair, and a chunk of it comes out in her hand easily. She looks at it with a terrified expression.
"It's just hair." You make sure, when a fresh set of tears spring on her eyes.
"I'm going back to the lab." Lena doesn't give you time to argue. It doesn't matter that she just came back from the lab. Doesn't matter that it is late at night and that you know she probably hasn't eaten anything all day. Doesn't matter that you miss her dearly. So back to the lab she goes, and alone at home you stay.
Supergirl's feet touch on the balcony and you spare a quick look from over your shoulder when you register the familiar sound on the floor.
"I'm ok." You defend yourself, before she even makes her way inside the penthouse. Slowly the balcony door slides open, and your sister comes in. 
"I heard you coughing." Kara explains herself, and also lets you know that she is aware that you're not ok.
"People are allowed to cough." You say in a joking manner, even though your heart is squeezed on your chest.  
You look down to the tissue in your hand, and cling to it harder, so she doesn't see it's covered in blood.
"Not when I'm patrolling, they're not." She quips, a hint of humor in her voice, though you can sense the same weight pressing down on her heart. You take a deep breath as your sister comes closer and sits next to you. She is quick to wrap her arms around your torso, trying to make you feel comfortable. Kara's gaze sweeps the dimly lit apartment. "Where's Lena?"
"Right." Her large hands rest reassuringly around your ribcage, a sense of comfort that you rather keep to yourself. There's enough pity going around these days. "Alex and Brainy are also –"
"I know."
"We're all just –"
"I know."
You let out a heavy sigh. Kara kisses the top of your head, and you know the next time she opens her mouth is so she can give you one of her signature hope speeches. 
But you don't want it. Can't have it. You’re tired of having hope, when it has led you nowhere. You’re sick and dying and that’s the whole truth. If the smartest people in the world can’t find a cure, it’s because there isn’t one.
And as if she can read your mind, Kara says nothing. Instead, she tightens the hug, breath shredding out like a silent cry. 
You cough again and again. Try to hold it inside, but it comes out strong and painfully. Your mouth is full of blood, and you're sure of that because it tastes metallic. Your sister lets go of your frail figure so she can grab another tissue to clean you up. 
You watch her eyes while she slowly runs it over the sides of your mouth and chin. She cries silent tears, blinking them away and biting the inside of her mouth to keep herself from crying out loud. And it pains you to see the happiest, bubbliest, nicest person on the planet like this, but there's nothing you can say to stop the tears cascading down her face.
“What good are all these powers, if I can’t save the people I love the most?”
You try a little smile, when her hand moves away from your face. “Your powers don’t exist for you to save the people you love.”
“Then what do they exist for, if not for you?”
“I don’t know, sis. Maybe there’s no reason. Maybe they just do.”
Kara furrows her brows, confusion crossing her face. “You used to think differently.”
“Well, I used to think we all existed for a reason, but I’m dying and I still don’t know what I’m here for, so —“
Kara fights the urge to tell you that you’re not dying, knowing that ignoring the harsh reality now is just useless, anyways. Not while she's holding your pale and frail body in such a protective manner and when she can feel you are, truly, slowly dying.
"I don't know who I'll be without you." 
You trace the crest on her chest, forcing a sad smile out. "You'll be my sister whether I'm here or not."
You feel the bed dipping next to you, and you venture opening your eyes slowly. You can see a little bit of light coming from the window, even with the curtains closed, so you know it's day already. 
"Come." You say, opening your arms, and Lena startles with the sound of your voice.
"Didn't mean to wake you up." She says, adjusting her body on yours. You breathe deep thinking about how perfectly your bodies still slot together, even though you're half of what you're used to be. 
"It's ok. I'd rather sleep with you, anyways." You don't know what you said wrong, but you realize something is when Lena cries about it. 
“I’m sorry.” She says again. It seems that lately all she does is apologize, like any of this is happening because of her. “I don’t want you to go to bed alone, but I need to find out the cure. I need you so bad.”
“I know, my love.” You kiss her shoulder, trying to apply more pressure into the hug. “It’s a tough situation and we’re trying to navigate it the best way we can.”
Lena turns around to look at you, breath hot on your face. “I’m sorry this is happening.”
“It’s not your fault.” 
“I’m still sorry.” She whispers and you understand exactly what she means, because you're sorry too. You're sorry about what happens after you leave. You're sorry about the amount of pain and sorrow your absence will inflict on Lena, your sisters, your mom, and your friends. You are sorry about many things you have no control over.
"Me too."
“I know you're still here, but God! I miss you already.” Lena's tears keep falling, no matter how hard you know she is trying to hold them back.
You give her a sad smile, followed by a little peck on her lips. “You said it yourself, I’m still here.”
"Yes," Lena deepens the kiss, and when she finally parts them it's only to whisper on your lips. "I love you today."
You furrow your eyebrows at her, "What about tomorrow?"
"Stay and ask me again then."
You smile at her, love almost bursting out of you and you know she can see it in your eyes how you feel, but you tell her anyway. "Well, I love you for evermore." You kiss her cheek to avoid looking at her while you say it. "You know, in case I die."
"Hey!" You hear Alex's voice probably coming from the front door. You know Lena has given your sisters a key to her apartment so they can come and check on you, but you still can't get used to them just wandering inside. "If you two are having sex, please let me know right now!"
You roll your eyes. You don't feel tough enough to yell out to her, so you let her make her way to the bedroom. "Hey, Al."
"Hey you." Alex makes her way closer, sitting on the bed next to you. "Made it out of the bed today?"
You manage to deny it with your head. 
She looks around. "Oh, Lena's not here." 
"Nope. Couldn't be having sex. And it's actually kinda cute that you think I'm still strong enough to do it." 
She smiles. "Learned the hard way that I can never be too careful when it comes to you and Lena." You finally notice what she has in one of her hands and roll your eyes at it. "What?"
"Why are you doing this? I'm dying. No amount of examination is going to change that." 
Alex's eyes get full of tears instantly, she bites the inside of her mouth, as if telling herself not to cry. "We just have to keep you alive until we find the cure."
"I hope you're real close."
She swallows, cleaning her tears. "Look, I – I promised myself I'd always keep you safe." She bites her lip and looks up. "And I – can't lose you, ok? So, toughen up."
You chuckle lightly when she carefully 'punches' your arm, jokingly. 
"Let's check your vitals."
You hold her hand before she starts. "How about you lay next to me and tell me what happened after Princess Alex fought the dragon."
Alex smiles, remembering the stories from when you were younger. She does as promised, holding you tight and telling you how Princess Alex got the girl in the end. 
You feel yourself falling asleep, slowly losing consciousness. And it's nice, almost peaceful. You're glad this is how you get to go. You wish Kara and Lena were also here, but if you're dying in someone's arms, might as well be inside your older sister's embrace.
That is until Alex wakes you up, terror washing over her as she urges you to stay awake.
"Your pulse is weak. I'm calling Kara."
"Alex, I'm dying." And she knows it. Alex is actively fighting it, even though she sees that the flicker of hope in your eyes is fading.
"Stop talking for a second, I need to do a first aid maneuver on you."
"Al –" You try to argue, even though it is a waste. You never once won an argument against Alexandra Danvers, it wouldn't be now she would let you win. Besides, you're feeling too dizzy, and you're sure you're about to faint.
"No. Talking." She says, applying pressure on your chest and you lose all your breath. Your eyes close unwillingly and you hear Alex's faint voice yelling in the back.
"STAY WITH ME! Open your eyes. Hey, please, please. Stay with me. You're going to be ok."
You're not going to be ok.
You wake up at the hospital. You can hear the faint voice of some doctors, but those are not the voices that wake you up.
"What I'm about to do is absolutely illegal. Any witnesses will be considered accessories to a crime." You hear Lena's voice, and open your eyes enough to see all of the nurses and doctors scrambling away.
"Well, aren't I in love with a criminal?" You joke and Lena rolls her eyes at you. Looking around the room and checking all of your vital signs in the machines.
"I got the cure." She comes closer, touching your weaker figure, making you smile. "Right on time, apparently."
"The – The cure?" You try to perk up, but you don't move much. "What is it?"
"Harun-El. Right from your sister's planet." 
"How –" Your question is put to stop when you start coughing like crazy. Lena is fast to clean your mouth. "did you come across Harun-El?”
“It’s not important.” She deflects, not being able to look at your face. “We have to act fast, your pulse is weak and the oxygen support is at its max.”
“Lena.” You think about how two days ago she was nowhere near a cure and now, all of the sudden, she stumbled across Harun-El and realized she can use it to save you. “Lena, what did you do?”
“I got the cure.” She says, certain.
You hold her arm weakly. “Tell me how.”
Lena closes her eyes, breathes deep. Shame is visible on her expression. “Lex.”
“Lena.” It’s by your tone that she knows you’re trying to tell her off.
“I know, ok? I know!” Lena sits on the hospital bed, one tear sliding down her cheek. “I made a deal with the devil but — but I get to save you!”
You try to master all your strength for this. “Your brother is a bad person and he will use you!”
“Yeah. And I’m gonna let him because you will be alive. And you know what? That’s all that matters to me.” 
You look at the syringe on her hands, finding it hard to trust something that came from Lex Luthor.
“Please, don’t let it be in vain. I did it. I’m compromised. But I get to save you.” 
You cough, she cleans the blood again and nods for you to just accept it.
You try to catch your breath before speaking again. “What did my sisters say?”
“I didn’t run it by them. You’re here. You’re capable of making your own decisions. It’s your life.” Lena breathes out one more time, knowing you’re wasting time.
“So if I say no, you’re gonna let me die?”
Lena forces a smile, and raises her eyebrow. “Ok, you got me. I’m not letting you die. I guess you don’t really have a choice, huh?”
“I guess not.” 
Lena's finger traces your face delicately. She breathes out and looks at you with complete resolution. "You have to be here so I can tell you that I love you tomorrow."
You give her a little nod. 
"Let me get your sisters here for this." She doesn't have to say anything else for your sisters to barge in the room, proving Kara was definitely using her super hearing. 
"We're here." Both Kara and Alex make their way towards the bed. "We're accessories to a crime."
"Yes, you are. And we'll talk about that super hearing later."
"Hey, my sister is dying!" 
"Kara, can you see the problem?" Lena asks and Kara points at the middle of your chest. Lena gives her the big syringe and nods at it. You look at her, confused as to why she isn't doing it herself, but when she comes closer and kisses you gently, you understand it perfectly. If this doesn't work, she wants to be the one holding you. "I love you today."
It's quick. You think. When you wake up again and they're still around you. Alex is checking your vitals, Kara is serving as an X-Ray machine literally narrating how your body is doing a fast recovery, and Lena is holding your hand with so much strength it's starting to hurt.
"So," You talk without much effort, feeling the best you've felt in months. "do I get superhero powers now?"
Kara looks at Lena in shock, "Does she?"
"NO! She doesn't get superhero powers, she gets to live!" Lena rolls her eyes, annoyed that this is the first thing you said after she literally just saved your life. You barely have any color back on your face and you're already asking stupid questions. Well, she is your partner. She should've known better by now.
"Aw." Both you and Kara pout for a second, and then a second later add, "I mean, YAY!" 
"Are you sure she isn't a little bit Kryptonian now?" It's Alex's time to ask with a smile on her face.
"No." Lena looks at you fondly, hand running over your face softly. "Just my silly baby Danvers."
"Our silly baby Danvers."
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black-dragon1998 · 9 days
Hell must be paid
Synopsis: (Y/N) is a ruling crime boss in National City and the alpha of the city's werewolf pack. When her lover Morgana(let’s pretend she is in this multiverse and the twin sister of Lena Luthor, who stayed behind in Ireland) gets hurt, somebody has to pay.
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Two sets of headlights illuminated the night sky as they drove in unison to the docks. The first car stopped in front of the pier, screeching tyres making it stop abruptly and rattle forward. The figure behind the steering wheel stepped out of the car and looked at the scene around her, knowing it was a cliché but a good cliché. As she approached the trunk of her car, five guys came out of the other vehicle and set up a perimeter. Blending so into the shadows that if she couldn't sense them (Y/N), she wouldn't even know they were there. But (Y/N) could tell all her men apart just by smell. That is how she caught the rat.
Before opening the trunk (Y/N) gave her surroundings a once over. She wouldn't want unwanted guests at her party. Opening the trunk, she ignored the body, pretending to be unconscious. Her acute senses could tell the difference, but she would give him his false sense of security. No, first, she had some things to set up. (Y/N) grabbed the chains and heavy weights from next to the man and threw them at the end of the docks. She was letting them fall with a loud clang. People always said she had a flair for dramatics. It also gave her time to calm down a little and go over what she was going to do to the dead man before he became a dead man.
Thinking back at what the low life in her car had done made her blood boil, and she could not help but think of who it had almost cost her. When (Y/N) was sure she wasn't going to rip his guy's throat out, she went to pull him out of the car.
Looking down at the man (Y/N), she watched the man who almost took everything from her a couple of hours ago. She waited for him to look her in the eyes. She knew who the guy was when her men picked him up: James 'Jimmy' Olsen, a former associate of the Kent Clan. What (Y/N) had heard as of late was that he was working for the Danvers sisters.
James finally opened his eyes after you glared at him for a few minutes. He was trying not to show his fear, but (Y/N) knew better. She could practically taste his fear.
"Mister Olsen, how nice of you to stop pretending." (Y/N) said in a sweet voice and kind smile, knowing he wouldn't buy it. The smile dropped when he didn't answer.
"I suggest, Mister Olsen, that you don't look a gifted horse in the mouth. To begin with, you are already on thin ice. So don't throw my kindness in my face." (Y/N) half growls as she grabs him by the shirt collar and lifted him out of the trunk like he weighed nothing more than a trash bag. (Y/N) Threw him toward the weight and chains. He comes down while scraping over the ground. Because his hands and feet were bound, he couldn't prepare himself and landed face, cutting him up just a bit. Not even a curse.
(Y/N) hiked over to him, making her footsteps be heard so he knew she was coming closer. She grabbed James roughly by the shoulder and forced him on his back, with her looming over him—eyes just a little too bright in the night and teeth just a little too sharp. "what do you want from me?" James asked, trying to get away. The hand on his shoulder prevented him from getting very far.
The poor lighting around them was like a demon staring down at him, and he had to do everything he could not let his fear show. With the cocky look, James saw on your face, he knew you could tell anyway.
"I think you know what I want from you, Mister Olsen. Seeing as where my men caught you." Patience was not your strong suit; you could be when you had to be.
"your men snatched me off the street with no good reason." James started to struggle, trying to get free. He got nowhere, however, except for being slammed back into the ground.
"No, my men picked you up because you smelled like the explosives that set one of my warehouses on fire tonight. A wolf's nose never lies, Mister Olsen. So, who sent you?" He stayed silent and glared at (Y/N), making her furious. Did the little prick even know what he had almost done tonight, who he had nearly cost her? If he wouldn't talk to save his life, maybe something else could rattle his cage.
"I heard your sister and her wife adopted a little girl recently." That seemed to strike a nerve because he started to fight like an animal. Making (Y/N) smile.
"you bitch. Keep away from my family!"
"I will if you tell me what I want to know…"
A car approaching them pierced the silence. As the vehicle stopped, a chorus of growls could be heard. The person getting out didn't seem to care as they came closer. (Y/N) craned her neck to the side as the mystery person got closer.
"Let him go (Y/N)." Just a little bit of her Irish accent came through, but otherwise, she sounded exactly like Morgana.
"Well, if it isn't the poster child of the Luthor clan herself. Oh, wait, you are nothing more than the breeding bitch of the youngest Danvers now. Here to save the boy toy? (Y/N)' s mouth turned into a loose grin, more teeth than a smile and a mocking tone. Eyes rooming over Lena's body. Except for the suit and straight hair, she looked exactly like Morgana.
Morgana was lying unconscious in a hospital bed after a wall collapsed on her. Caused by an explosion ripping through the warehouse, James Olsen had set on fire.
When Lena noticed (Y/N) wasn't budging, she repeated her request, making (Y/N) laugh.
"You knew me, Lena. Mercy isn't in my book." (Y/N) said. Her attention went back to the man under her. She put the chains around the weight before rapping the weights around James, making her intentions very clear.
"if I let him go, what would that do to my reputation?" (Y/N) could feel her rage build the longer Lena was around. Her scent resembled her wounded lover, setting her inner animal on edge.
Lena was smart enough not to get closer. Sensing that (Y/N) was getting more agitated. Slipping from being a brutal bitch to the animal that dwelled inside.
“(Y/N)! whatever you think James has done…"
"You mean setting my warehouse on fire?" It took Lena a little too long for (Y/N) 's liking to come to James's defence.
"so the Danvers sisters set you up for this, Jimmy." (Y/N) says, looking down at James. Hoisting him up with one arm, she dangled him over the water.
"And here I thought we were getting somewhere in our meetings."
“(Y/N) please! James was ill-informed. He thought your men were responsible for something my brother did."
"the beating of Winn Scott? That's what this is all about." (Y/N) didn't know if she wanted to scream or laugh.
"the warehouse was empty. I checked!" James yelled, his brave demeanour cracking as he dangled in the air over the water.
"you know what is stored next to that warehouse?" Lena noticed (Y/N) 's demeanour growing colder and becoming more dangerous.
"How should I know!" James was getting frantic.
"next to that warehouse, they stored car batteries. When they caught fire, they exploded. Injuring a very important person to me." That sends Lena's mind into overdrive. Only so many people could get this strong reaction out of you. Before anything else could be said, one of (Y/N) 's men emerged from the shadows.
"boss, she is awake." Lena could feel the heaviness of those words. (Y/N) stepped back from the edge and let James fall to the ground without a second thought. She was walking away before he even hit the ground. When she passed Lena, she stopped for just a moment.
"This isn't forgotten. If Morganna doesn't fully recover, I will see this little stunt as an act of war. Also, you can consider our meeting over and get your men out of my territory within the next 2 hours, or I will consider them fair game." With that, (Y/N) got into her car and sped off.
Lena caught her breath momentarily, not knowing she was holding it. She got to James and helped him out of his binds.
"I hope for all our sakes, James, that Morgana isn't that injured; otherwise, we have a war on our hands. Also, you can explain this to Alex when we get back."
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The Moonlight Chronicles (Alex Danvers x Reader)
Summary: A weekend escape away from National City and the DEO leads to an unexpected adventure.
Words: 1684
Warnings: Blood, mentions of violence
A/N: So, this is kind of a series but it will be completely out of order and not really set up to be a set story, per se. It was suppose to be a smut one shot and instead, I created way too much backstory. And here we are.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife @natasha-danvers @aaron-despair @username23345 @xjiasx @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova @summergeezburr @marvels-writings @onlyafewfindtheway @captain-josslett @hayleyokami @aznblossom @everything201197​   @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching​ @evilcr0ne
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Sipping the rum from her tumbler slowly, Alex’s eyes lingered on the flickering television screen but she couldn’t tell begin to tell someone what she’d seen. Lost in thoughts of danger and regret, she was oblivious to the world outside of her mind.
She’d taken the weekend off, disappearing into the mountains and renting a cabin in hopes of shaking the distress from her soul. Being the director of an organization like the DEO was taking its toll on her but she refused to acknowledge it. She couldn’t let Kara down or let J’onn question if he made the right choice.
It would devastate her.
Taking another drink from the crystal, she nearly dropped it in surprise as something thudded against the side of the cabin – hard. Tossing her glass onto the table beside her, paying it no mind as the amber liquor sloshed onto the wood, she yanked her gun from its holster on her thigh before hurrying out into the moonlit night. Peeking around the side of the cabin, she could just barely make out a slumped shadow leaning against the wall. Even in the shade of darkness, blood was visibly dripping from a gnarled wound in the middle of its chest and for a moment, Alex’s gaze softened.
She inched closer, wincing as a twig snapped beneath the weight of her boot, but the creature didn’t seem to react. Heavy pants filled the air, an occasional whine meeting perked ears, but nothing more.
As the light of the moon drifted over the shadow against her cabin, Alex had to swallow her noise of shock. It was a wolf, but… larger. More humanlike than the wolves she’d seen before. It was standing on its back legs, crimson soaking the fur on its chest, but what caught her by surprise was the recognition in golden eyes. They regarded her with a knowing glance before rolling back into its skull as it fell limply to the ground.
Stepping towards the creature, she watched in astonishment as the fur began to recede back into flesh and the body slowly shrink from its nearly eight foot height into the form of a humanoid woman. The sound of bones reconnecting nearly sent her stomach rushing up through her throat, but she managed to choke it back. The blood spilling from her chest seemed to slow, yet the puddle was still growing around her.
“Of course I couldn’t have a vacation away from weird shit,” Alex grumbled, moving over to the woman and bending down. “At least she’s not a wolf anymore.”
The first thing you noticed when consciousness dragged you from your dreamless slumber was the ache in the center of your chest that spanned across both sides of your breasts. Whining low under your breath, your human hand reached up to touch the abused flesh, only to touch bandage instead. Eyes snapping open, you forced yourself to remain motionless.
You were staring at a ceiling. A ceiling that was not your own. There was a ceiling where the sky should be.
“What the fuck?” you mumbled, carefully righting yourself and glancing around.
The first thing you noticed was that the couch you were sprawled across was fucking hideous. It clashed with the rustic atmosphere of the cabin. Lip curling, you plucked at a piece of fuzz on the cushion.
“That thing is ugly, right? It’s not just me?” an unfamiliar voice broke you from your thoughts, sending you careening off the couch and onto the floor with a resounding thud. “Jesus, be careful! You just stopped bleeding!”
Gaze hazy with pain as the dull ache roared into searing agony, short dark hair and hazel eyes came into view when the unknown voice stepped around the couch and leaned over you worriedly. She was staring down at you, trepidation and concern warring in those… pretty… eyes…
“Wow,” you whispered, feeling the wolf within tremble and lurch. For a moment, you feared it would escape, but the second gentle hands touched your wrapped chest, it went silent. In that moment, it was simply you and her, trapped in the quiet of such an intimate act (especially between two complete strangers).
“Here, let’s get you back on the couch. I think you reopened those wounds.”
Helping you back onto the cushion you’d violently vacated, practiced fingers unwound the gauze and bandage holding your torso. You could feel the sticky ooze grasping at the cloth, trying to keep its place on your body, but the woman was steady and completely at ease as she tugged it away.
“I’m Alex,” she murmured, studying the leaking claw marks. “What are you? An alien? Metahuman?”
“Werewolf,” you grunted, gritting your incredibly sharp teeth as she touched along the raw edges of the gashes. “Born, not bitten. Been like this my whole life, so I’m not a danger to you. The beast is well under control.”
Alex’s fingers stilled. “I hadn’t thought otherwise, honestly. I thought if you were going to attack me, you already would have.”
Startled by the blind trust, you slowly nodded. “I’m (Y/N).”
It was odd, how easily this woman had accepted your supernatural abilities. Most humans turned tail the second something like you came too close, yet here she was, cleaning your bloody chest like it was an everyday occurrence.
Beautiful irises flickered up to meet yours, a lazy smile upturning Alex’s pretty pink lips. “I’m the director of an organization that monitors extraterrestrial entities and presences on Earth. And before that, I worked as a scientist. I’ve seen and fought far scarier beings than you. When I found you last night, you didn’t lash or try to attack me. And it seemed like you trusted me not to kill you even as you passed out, so I thought I’d do what I could to help. I don’t know what your physiology is like, but I figured basic trauma care would be okay.”
“I heal quickly,” you offered with a chuckle, though your amusement was short-lived. “Or, I usually do. I spent a lot of fucking energy last night trying to escape that…”
Noticing the hesitation, Alex’s brow arched curiously. “Escape what?”
Eyes jerking between hers, you considered your options. She already knew too much, but you couldn’t stop yourself from spilling everything. Anything she asked, you’d tell – and you had no idea why. There was something about her that felt safe and calming, like finding the shore after a shipwreck.
“I am a lone wolf. Kicked out of my pack for refusing to bow to some prick who thought he was the rightful alpha of our pack. And he… found me last night. I escaped but he did a number on me, unfortunately.” Pausing for a moment, you realized how that might’ve sounded and hurriedly continued, “But he shouldn’t come here! I wouldn’t put someone else in danger like that.”
Alex nodded thoughtfully. “Of all the things I expected to find in the middle of nowhere, warring werewolves was not one of them. I thought I’d see deer or foxes or… hell, maybe even an alien. Not that.”
“Most people don’t,” you acknowledged with an uncomfortable snort, looking away as Alex finished cleaning your chest. “…so, director of an alien organization, huh? What’s that like? How does that even happen?”
“My dad and mom are both scientists. They found themselves in employment with some people who worked with the organization and that put me on their list once I went to college and showed an aptitude for some of the more delicate pieces of the job.”
Her shrug was meant to be nonchalant but it seemed forced – a deflection – but you didn’t acknowledge it, grateful for whatever truths she chose to offer.
“Huh, smart and beautiful. A helluva combination.”
Alex’s cheeks grew hot beneath the earnestness of your words, amazed by how sincere you seemed to be. She couldn’t deny it was thrilling to be called beautiful by someone who exuded such confidence and dominant energy.
(And she couldn’t deny that she thought you were stunning. For Rao’s sake, she was only human and you were naked. There was only so much she could do!)
“I’m here for the weekend. Why don’t you stay and heal? We can get to know each other better,” she suggested with a hopeful grin, eyes lowering bashfully as she admitted, “It’s been kind of lonely up here by myself and I wouldn’t mind the company.”
Excitement surged through you as if it were lightning in your veins, grinning at the prospect of spending time with your savior. Tilting your head in acceptance, your grin grew sheepishly apologetic. “I’d like that. I uh… should warn you, though. I might end up eating most of your food? Werewolf metabolism and stuff.”
Patting your bare stomach, trying to ignore the flex of muscle beneath her fingertips, Alex smirked. “That is nothing new for me. I come prepared for things like that.”
Storing that information away for another day, you peered down at the digits absently stroking your abdomen. She didn’t seem to realize she was even doing it, but you could feel the subtle press inward as your muscles flinched and tensed beneath her touch. Dull nails tickled the soft flesh, but you didn’t mind. Her caress was soothing yet invigorating and you wanted nothing more than to trace your own fingers over her slightly tanned skin.
Brow arching, you chuckled as the fingers continued their nonsensical patterns. “Could I get some clothes? Mine were shredded and I don’t think you want me walking around naked for the next couple days.”
Oh, you have no idea.
“Y-yeah, I can do that,” Alex rasped, finally dragging her hand away from its perch. “Give me a second and then I’ll make breakfast.”
Licking your lips, you watched her stagger off the couch and into what you assumed was a bedroom. Maybe this was a stupid idea. Maybe you would only place her into danger, but you were a selfish creature by nature.
The wolf wanted her – and for once, you might just be in agreement.
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
kidnapped PT.3
PT.1   PT.2  PT.4  PT.5  PT.6  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
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The first 2 building was just a simple 1-story building that was completely abandoned, so it wouldn't take long to search. Brainy and Nia checked the building, but it was empty there were a few box here and there, but that’s it, the second building was the same. Kara and j’onn Already checked the first floor and there was nothing. Getting to the last floor, both sister were starting to lose hope. They look around the last floor, but they didn't find you or the alien. “Brainy, are you sure those were the only location you found.” Kara asked desperately. “Unfortunately, yes, that’s all I have for now.” Kara sighed and looked at j’onn with tears in her eyes. “We will never find them in time.” J'onn took Kara in his harm.” Yes, we will ok well find them in time.”
 In a last ditch attempt, Kara used her super hearing. She was extremely surprised to hear a really faint but present heart beat, pulling away she concentrated on the sound. “What wrong?” He asked. "I think I hear something, It's coming from downstairs.” She followed the sound, it leads her to a wall on the first floor. “Hidden door, maybe.” Kara said, and J’onn shrugged. They looked around trying to find something like a button, a lever, anything that could reveal a secret door. Looking closely, Kara found a spot that wasn’t the exact shade of the wall, she pressed on it and the wall opened. 
 Behind the door, Kara saw the most horrifying sigh she could ever see. There was you on the floor covered in blood and bruises, your eyes were closed and if it wasn’t for the slight movement of your chest anyone would've thought you were dead. The was towering over you, he grabbed you by the neck and lifted you in the air. “Are you dead yet or do I need to continue?” He chuckled, he squeezed your neck more and with your eyes still close you weakly grabbed at he’s wrist. Kara was frozen there in shock, she couldn’t move, she just looked at you.
Your POV: 
You just wanted to die at this point, your entire body was hurting, you were so weak you couldn’t move nor could you scream in pain when he hit you or stabbed you with his sharp claws. 
 You knew he was there, you could feel his presence. You heard the door open, so you thought he was actually gone, but you quickly realized he wasn’t when he wrapped his hand around your neck and squeezed, cutting your flow of oxygen, you weakly tried to loosen his grip on your throat, but it was obviously a failed attempt. 
 Suddenly you were dropped onto the floor and you groaned at the impact. You heard some struggling then there were hands-on you, you whimpered and flinch in pain because the hand were touching one of your wound, you tried to move away from what you think was Vexok hands. 
 General POV: 
 “Get away from her!” J’onn scream, snapping Kara out of her trance. The Alien dropped you to the floor, right as he did, j’onn attacked him whilst Kara ran toward you. She placed her hand on your side to see how badly you were hurt, She heard you whimpered and try to move away from her, not knowing she was hurting you she pressed down harder to keep you from moving. A weak cry left your lips and that when she took her hand away, you shook like a leaf and try to move away again. “Sweetheart, it’s me, it’s Kara, it’s your big sister. You’re going to be ok. I know it hurt, I’m sorry. Could you open your eyes for me please?” Kara said, tears brimming her eyes at the sight of you like this, you slowly opened your eyes, even if your sight was blurred a little you recognized your sister’s bright blue eyes they were filled with worry. You cried in relief and happiness at the sight of her. 
 Behind her, j’onn made quick work of knocking the alien down. “Come on, we need to bring them both to the D.E.O.” J’onn said, Kara nodded and picked you up. You let out another weak cry of pain, which broke Kara’s heart even more. “I’m sorry, Honey, but I have to bring you to the D.E.O.” She said softly.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
A sequel to type one diabetes where bd is stressed out because Kara got hurt as supergirl. So even though bd is taking her insulin she goes into DKA? Kara is fine when BD falls really ILL like already recovered?
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"What do you mean Kara is hurt?" you stammered in shock as you looked up from the glass tubes on the holder, ripping the googles off your eyes and meeting the stare and steady gaze of Winn, who was waiting in the doorway. "Just come with me, quick."
You circled the table, stripping off your white coat, which fell untidily to one side on the iron chair before the brown-haired computer nerd grabbed your hand and awkwardly pulled you along.
At the glass front of the medical station in the DEO, he released you and you stared at the many people who gathered around your sister. A little look through the hectic moving bodies you recognized, that Supergirl´s face was bloodied. Some bruises were already forming under her eye and on her chin, blood ran from her nose over her lips and she lay lifeless on the lounger.
"Why is she not healing?" you stuttered. Your mouth wide open in shock, you crossed your arms over your waist and hugged yourself for comfort. Anxious, you watched Alex taking care of the middle sibling, worrying as you realized that Kara was not waking up.
Winn looked up, trying to get a feel for how bad the situation was, hoping Alex would soon come out and tell them something. Anything. But as you continued to watch her and the flickering screen of the blondes vitals, reality filled with an uneasy fear. Her blood pressure dropped steadily, her heartbeat increasing. "Winn, why is she not healing?!"
"Her powers failed mid-fight with Reign,"
Every little movement after this sentence shocked your body, threw you off balance and at the same time you had to suppress the enormous feeling of wanting to throw up with all your concentration. You could not even walk straight properly, everything blurred before your eyes.
Normally, you would immediately run into the room and fight for Kara´s life alongside your sister but today, that was not the case. You just had to get out of here. Away from the situation.
A week had passed as Kara struggled back into the present. Alex had performed wonders with her strong knowledge of medicine and the help of the sunlamps so that the young blonde had regained her superpowers a few days ago and was beaming with joy as she resumed her duties as Supergirl.
You, on the other hand, felt worse with every day that passed after your sister´s near-death experience. Fatigue and lack of energy have plagued you since the incident, but you tried to put it down as the stress you had acquired from not knowing about Kara´s future condition.
Winn watched you with concern. Something was wrong with you, very wrong. Normally, you were a bright, invigorated and vibrant woman but there was no sign of her at the moment. Beads of sweat were visible on your forehead and the enormous trembling of your hands could be seen on the handle, that encircled the tongs.
You were not the same. You were confused, weak and looked ill and battered with your sallow complexion. "Hey, you okay?" you looked up at him from your work, not even noticing that he had even entered the room you were standing in and nodded as an answer to his question.
Of course you dismissed his concerns but as the day dragged on, the computer programmer´s worries grew.
After you finished the work in the lab and stood at the center console of the DEO´s, he saw you in uniform for the first time. Your pants seemed to be looser and your belt had a new self-inflicted hole that was almost completely ripped through, like you did cut it with a broad-bladed knife.
The compositions of your weight loss did not match your eating habits at all. Winn had seen you several times a day with a full plate of food. You gratefully accepted small treats that J´onn passed you and devoured them without sharing with your siblings. Your drink pattern where out of control, often reaching for water and chamomile tea as if your thirst was never quenched.
He looked around and just in time caught Alex, which came up to your side for a moment and talked to you, shortly afterwards kissed you gently on the cheek and then walked away towards him. "Did Y/n tell you anything? Somehow she does not look good to me,"
"No she did not. But I have already noticed," he acknowledged and studied over your pale color once more. Your face was sunken in and the blinking of your eyes multiplied with every minute you stared down at the tablet. "It is probably all the acetone she inhaled in the lab doing some tests. It always makes me sick too"
The redhead snapped back to Winn and looked at him perplexed. With pursing lips, she tilted her head. Her eyes were wide, pupils blown and had an abundance of sudden panic in them while her heartbeat pounded in her chest. "What did you just say?"
"Yes, the smell of old, overripe fruit and acetic acid that envelops her," he explained, desperately trying to explain the smell more specifically to her. Winn was raising his eyebrows and did not quite understand what Alex wanted to do with this information. "Did you not smell that when you were with her?"
She quickly pushed herself out of her leaning position and ran to your side. Her index and middle finger dug under your chin and pulled your face towards her. Just looking at your red eyes and the enlarged pupils were signs that her thoughts were right.
"Okay, sweetheart. You have to come to the med bay with me immediately. Move!"
"Alex, what happened?" the velvety but strong voice rang through the small medical room, worry mounting in it. The blonde walked over quickly to both of you, trying to take stock of the situation that played out in front of her. "Alex!"
"She is in diabetic keto acidosis," she replied subconsciously, sounding defeated. Kara could hear the sheer nervousness in the otherwise rough and dense voice. "She is ill. Very ill"
"I can see that from her condition but what do we do? Can you help her?" she pointed her hand at your sleepy and tired body. Her eyes filled with soft tears at your sight while you just smiled tiredly to show her it was not so bad.
"I will take her blood and do a fix test. In the meantime she gets 0,9% saline intravenously. If the potassium is good, I will give her insulin intravenously and correct the hypoglycemia, trying to restore her body´s volumetric saturation," her voice was deep and filled with concern. She should have looked at you sooner to see if everything was fine. The incident with Kara had obviously took a toll on you too. "Talk to her, she has to stay awake now!"
In her eyes, you had looked very bad for the last few days. But the flu epidemic was on the way and so she thought that you would only catch onto it. Alex was not aware that things were going so badly for you.
As Kara edged your bed, she felt more tears prick her eyes and trickle down her cheeks. Her baby sister was ill and looked even paler in the big bed than you were anyway. She pulled the blanket you were lying under further over you and gently patted the back of your hand a few times.
You had not moved an inch and instead were limp next to her.
"How did that happen? She always takes her insulin, I always help her," gently, she stroked your fine hair. "Because of the stress she went through, her body probably used more insulin that she was taking"
Kara looked at the redhead who had already prepared a vein access for you, letting the liquid run through it. In addition, she put a heart monitor on you to keep you under surveillance. While waiting and hoping that your condition would improve in the next few hours, they would sit in separate chairs next to you and try to engage you in conversation to keep you from falling asleep.
You lay there, tired and scared. You really wanted to close your eyes and go to sleep but every time your eyes closed for more than a few seconds, one of the girls would shake you back to them.
Trembling and shivering, you had the pressure to cry. You were scared of what was happening to you even though you knew you were safe with your siblings but there was something that unsettled you deeply. "Am I going to die?"
"No my angel. Hopefully you will feel better soon," the young blonde whispered, watching Alex pull out your blood glucose meter and pricked your finger. A slight shock ran through your body and you winced while a few small tears were falling down. "Look, your blood sugar is slowly coming down. We are already at 300," she smiled and showed you the display, which flashed your value. "It still has to fall a bit, then you need a few days of rest and you are back to normal. You will not die"
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Nazi Oliver: “We need your Y/N’s cooperation. Well, we don't need it. It would be preferable.” *Looks at Oliver* “But for the time being, you are more valuable as leverage.”
Kara: “What do you want my cousin for?”
Nazi Y/N: “To save my life.” *Glances at Y/N* “That's your little mission statement, isn't it? Help people, save lives. Well, now's your chance.”
Thawne: “The General is dying.”
Alex: “His blood. He’s been exposed to much Chemical X.”
Nazi Y/N: “Yes, like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun.”
Nazi Oliver: “But we can save him. We're going to save him. All we need is a new heart. And, luckily, on this planet, we found the perfect donor.”
Y/N: *Looks at his smirking doppelgänger*
Barry: *Angrily* “You stay the hell away from my boyfriend!”
Nazi Y/N: *Turns and smiles at Barry* “Mmm. Such loyalty. My Barry Allen tried to kill me.”
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marvel-arrvers · 2 years
Do not steal any of my work
Request guidelines (read before requesting)
Request: Open
Hungry (Kara Danvers x reader)
Reciprocal emotions (Kara Danvers x reader)
I love you (Valkyrie x reader)
Don't worry darling (Tony stark x reader)
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supercorphypes · 2 years
A Ribbon At A Time by abcooper ( @abcooper​ ) As recommended by Anonymous!
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I really enjoyed the part where we won. We won, and Superman lost. That was a highlight of my day, reading this drivel called fanfic. I still don’t understand why people insist on fanfic-ing all the time. Whatever.
Alex Danvers’ making a mockery of sisterhood was a joy to witness. The writer of this story is clearly in good with me. Although, I will say it was depressing to read 5 chapters and around 30 000 words with not much mention of me. How rude.
I suppose I should insert a little thank you note to the Anonymous reader who indicated I should read this story. It was....not terrible.
In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!
Feel free to recommend fics to me here!
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supercorpkid · 4 months
Powergirl Should Die
Supergirl. Powergirl. B!D. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, Winn Schott.
Word Count: 2550.
Porwergirl should die. Someone should kill her.
The suit is skin tight, it clings so forcefully onto you as if it's trying to become part of you. But this other skin, just simply doesn’t fit right over your bones. 
There is a huge House of El crest over your chest, in its golden glory. It weighs down on your skin, heavy and sacred. It should help you feel at ease. It doesn’t. It feels like it’s burning your skin like a branding iron. 
Super powers? 
You’re a superhero. Next, please!
Kara stands tall next to you, hand on your shoulder. “Would you look at that,” your sister smiles brightly at you. “Mother and father would be so proud of you, mini me.”
Kara has called you that your whole life, but you never felt so little as you do right now. You've also never felt so much like Kara. Crumpled up inside this supersuit to fit someone else’s dream. You don’t think your parents would be very proud of you now.
“Kara, this feels odd.” You try to lift the suit from your skin, that is so snuggled up it barely leaves you room to breathe. “I-I look like you.”
“I know!” She proudly squeaks. “I asked Winn to only change the colors. How do you feel about the white, red and blue?”
“Like a walking American flag.” You wince at the thought. You like the white, it’s a little more sober than the blue in Kara's suit, it also reminds you of the vest you used to wear back in Krypton. The red cape feels like they've ripped a piece of Kara’s and placed it on your back. The high blue boots are uncomfortable and the matching gloves are just plain stupid.
“You certainly don’t look like one.” Alex chimes in from behind you, and you turn around, sick of the sight of you in the mirror. “Honestly sis, I like this suit. I think it might be even better than Kara’s.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, mine has history.”
“Yours is a copy of Superman’s.”
“That’s what I mean, history.”
You watch your sister’s bickering with faint attention because they both would never say how ridiculous you look with this dull, hideous, comical outfit.
But it didn’t matter how foolish you looked, or how stupid you felt. There was no way out of this. Kara said you looked perfect and Alex agreed. J’onn, who’s been the closest thing to a father to you on this planet, gave you a stiff smile when asked what he thought. He could read your mind, remember? That’s what he thought about it. And Winn was just over the moon with his creation. No way out. From that day on, you’re Powergirl.
It hasn’t been long since you started being Powergirl. You’re still not the most prominent face of the Supers, thank God for that. You do the easy jobs while Kara takes on the real bad guys. You follow her lead. Obey to what Alex tells you to do over the comm that is permanently stuck in your ear. As if you couldn’t hear her from miles and miles away.
But with every passing day, it becomes even more obvious to you that you were really not cut out for this superhero life. Not good at it. Not happy with it. Not fit for it.
The very opposite of Kara, actually. Because Kara fits everywhere and with everyone. She fits perfectly in her suit, with her alias. Perfectly at her job at CatCo, as a news reporter. And ever since she landed on Earth she created her perfect family, story, life on this planet. 
You, on the other hand, wish everyday you were still at Krypton. You are well aware that if you stayed behind, that if your parents hadn't made Kara snuggle your smaller form against her own body on that pod, you would have exploded. You wouldn't be alive today. And you wish people knew you don't want to be dead, you just wish your planet hadn't exploded in the first place.
Sure Kara feels the same. Yet she makes a name for herself and gives back to this planet that took you both in so willingly, that gave you both powers because of its sun. Kara is just different.
"Mother would want us to use our powers for good." She would whisper to you in the dark, whenever the Danvers would tell you to not use your powers. Whenever they asked you to fit in completely. "Father spent so much time trying to stop our planet from deteriorating, don't you think that if he had powers he would use them to make that happen?"
She would ask you questions that didn't feel like questions. That required no answers at all. Kara would tell you what she knew about them, use them as arguments to explain to you (convince even) why you had to become a superhero too. 
And you would lay there in the dark, after your sister was asleep, looking at the long dead stars, and wondering whether she was right. Whether that was your parents' plans all along or just a sad coincidence.
"Powergirl." You hear Kara's voice early in the morning while you're still trying to brew yourself a cup of coffee. "I need you for a second."
"It's too early in the morning and I have to get ready for work." You press on your comm to answer. "Can't you deal with it alone?"
"Hm, no. I need you to come here now." 
You let out a huge sigh, trying to ease your own mind. Coffee will wait, you guess. You're out of your pj's, into your suit, and out of the house in a blur. You stop next to Kara while she stares at a billboard.
"What?" You can't help the harshness of your tone as you see no emergency around her.
Kara says nothing. Only points at the billboard and you finally take note of it. Written in large red colors, the sentence: Powergirl should die.
"It seems that you have an enemy." Kara says when time enough has passed for you to read the sentence over a few times. "Don't worry, we'll catch them."
Cute. It's your first thought. It's almost like someone wrote you a love letter, au contraire. 
Kara makes an effort to tear it all down, destroy the billboard before anyone sees it. You don't help her, stuck inside your own mind, replaying the words in your head. 
"No need to worry." She assures you, hand on your shoulder to get you out of your trance. "No one will do you any harm, mini me. I'd never let anyone hurt you."
"Thanks, Kar." You look at your watch on your wrist. "Work calls." And so you fly home.
You try to lodge that sentence in the back of your mind. You don't wanna seem stressed out, even though you are. But showing how actually worried you are about it, and with the fact that someone is coming for you, it's inconceivable. 
Kara would worry. Alex would stress. Ooof, you can see it all playing out. Sleepovers and excuses for you to miss work and hang at the DEO headquarters so they can keep an eye on you, until you're feeling suffocated.
No, no. You can't go through that. It's been a while since you and your sisters shared a bedroom. You don't think you three can do that again now that you're grown ups. 
It happens again. You don't see it, but you hear the agents commenting about it, a couple days later. They get muted the second you fly in the DEO, which is not only annoying but foolish. You do have super hearing after all.
"So, where was it this time?" You ask Alex, while she tries to avoid looking at you. 
"Where's what?" She tries, and you furrow your brows.
"Winn, put it on the monitor." You ask coming closer. Winn looks at Alex as if asking for permission, but you don't give her time to deny him. "Come on, I heard the agents. I'm still Kryptonian even if I'm not a Super."
Winn huffs. "On the tallest building of National City." The photo goes up on the large TV in front of you, and you swallow deep.
Powergirl should die. 
"Y/N," Alex talks in a low tone so the agents around can't hear her. "it's not personal."
"Looks personal." You cross your arms, turning your back at the TV. "Someone wanting me dead sounds like it's as personal as it can get."
"Supergirl is looking into it, I promise we'll catch whoever did this."
"Alex, please." You pass her on your way to the training room. "You know damn well my favorite thing about you is that you don't lie."
"You've lost too many punching bags." You hear a voice behind your back, and you breathe deep before turning around.
"Just training a little." You look at the number of destroyed bags by your feet and decide that it's true, there's too many, even though that's what they're here for. 
"Alex told me about the message." Kara approaches you slowly, trying to test the territory. She can see your distress, but doesn't know the extent of it. And she won't, because you're definitely going to fake it.
"Yeah, tall building. They got the writing off quickly, though. So no major problems."
"Honey," Kara's voice is even sweeter now, if that's possible. "I'll catch them. I'll be patrolling tonight. No one's coming for you."
"I'm not worried." You smile at your lie, or half of lie for what it's worth. Knowing that Kara will be patrolling the city helps. You know your sister would never let anything bad happen to you. And it's very unlikely that anyone on this planet could easily defeat two Kryptonians.
Kara also smiles, and brings you into her arms for a hug. And you breathe out, calmer. Kara's arms have kept you safe from many perils. Spaceship lost in space, new planet, new school, new job. Surely she can keep you safe again.
You don't feel safe, though, when you wake up to a familiar voice far away. You rub the sleep from your eyes, well awake, paying close attention to a conversation you weren't invited to be a part of.
"Alex, I went around the city, there's no new wri-"
"Kara? What was that?"
There it was, in big red letters the sentence that has been haunting you for days. Powergirl should die. And under it new words' been added, someone should kill her.
"I found new writing." Kara's voice comes a second later. "It's worse this time."
"Take a picture so we can compare the handwriting and get back here."
"I have to clean this up." But before Kara even has the chance to, you're flying next to her in front of the L Corp building. "Y/N! What are you doing here?"
You move closer to the building to investigate. The ink is still wet, it wasn't done too long ago. You look around trying to find cameras. It's Lena's building, you're sure there are cameras everywhere. You spot one with a direct view.
"Mini me-" Kara tries.
"Go to work Supergirl, I'll deal with this. Someone wanting me dead is my problem." It's always been your problem, you are aware. But Kara promised you, you had nothing to worry about. Promised she would patrol the city. Promised she would protect you. And yet, here it is, in big block red letters.
"I got it, Kara. Can you just believe in me?"
"Y/N, you know I do. I just wanna help."
"I don't need help." You clench your jaw, tired of being treated like a little girl. Like a mini Kara instead of your own person. "I'm Kryptonian too."
Cheap shot? Maybe. Definitely. You throw it, anyway. 
You clean the writing then fly home to suit up. You can't face Lena without it. Another secret that only makes you hate your secret identity as hard. Lying to your friends, sneaking out, it's all stressing and there's literally no reward high enough worth of all this.
"Oh shit." Lena's hand goes to her chest after her obvious scare. You can hear her heart almost beating out of her chest. "It's too early for bad news, Powergirl."
"Trust me, I agree with that." You breathe out, trying to give her a smile. It comes out flat. "I was wondering if I could look into one of your surveillance cameras. There was some writing on this building this morning, I would very much like to know who's responsible."
"Writing? I - I didn't see anything when I came in."
"Good. I cleaned it as fast as possible." You point at her computer and she breathes deep as if she is agreeing with you. 
It doesn't take long for the images to be up, and you two to be carefully reversing the filming until Lena sees you and Kara flying in front of it, and read the words herself. She looks up to you and quirks up an eyebrow, in question.
"Currently unsure if someone is threatening me or if this is just general knowledge being passed on." 
"People don't want you dead, you're a superhero!" Lena argues. "Maybe Lex, but he's currently serving his time."
"Clearly not everyone agrees with you." You point back at the words on her computer.
"It's awful." She admits, even though she doesn't fully trust you or Kara yet. "Wait, wait. There."
You can't see a thing. One minute is there, the other isn't. You slow down the images, trying to see any detail. Lena soon takes over and slows down as much as she can. That's when you see it, just a tiny flash of red. You hold your breath. Thankfully, Lena hasn't noticed it.
"How's this possible? There's no one." 
"Seems that I'll have to patrol the city myself tonight." You're almost leaving Lena's office when you turn around one more time. "Thank you for your help, Ms. Luthor."
"I was barely of any help at all." Lena points at the computer as proof and you give her a smile.
"Au contraire, darling. You showed me everything I needed to see." You wink at her, then fly out.
You march inside the DEO, positive on your plan. No one is talking you out of it, that's for sure.
Winn tries to argue that it is illogical for you to just give yourself to your enemy. He gets ignored. Alex argues that as a DEO agent she can't let you do this, and as your older sister she would be insane to leave you alone in this situation. You don't budge. Kara pulls out the big guns, her promise to mother and father, her duty as your protector, how you're the only connection she still has with Krypton, her love for you and so on. Her cries fall on deaf ears.
So at night, you fly around National City watching and studying everyone in it, even though you know you should only be looking for one person. One person with superspeed, a red cape and a big motive.
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neo-grey · 13 hours
Haiii! My name is Neo, and I'm kind of new to writing.
(P.S. some characters for the shows will also be in the movie category)
these are who I am taking requests for:
The Flash:
Barry Allen/ Flash/ Savitar
Cisco Ramon/ Vibe
Dr. Kaitlyn Snow/ [Killer]Frost
Iris West/West-Allen (platonic for west-allen)
Ralph Dibny/ Elongated man
Joe West
Nora west-Allen (Barry's Daughter)
Harrison Wells/ Eobard Thawne
Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold
Lisa Snart/ Golden Glider (maybe)
Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow
Cecile Horton
Henry Allen (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Kara Danvers/ Supergirl
Mon-El/ Lar Gand
Alex Danvers
Winn Schott
Jimmy (James) Olsen/ Guardian
Kal-El/ Clark Kent/ Superman
Lex Luthor
Lena Luthor
Samantha Arias/ Reign (maybe)
Brainiac 5/ Brainy
William Dey (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Gotham: (I didn't get to watch it all before it got taken down so if you request these characters it will most likely be really bad )
Bruce Wayne
Alfred Pennyworth
Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin
Jim (James) Gorden
Jeremiah & Jerome Valeska
Harvey Bullock
Selina Kyle/ Catwoman (maybe)
Theo Galavan
Jarvis Tetch/ Mad Hatter
Salvatore Maroni
If you think of more lmk!
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves/ Number One (1)
Diego Hargreeves/ Number Two (2)
Allison Hargreeves/ Number Three (3)
Klaus Hargreeves/ Number Four (4)
(Number) Five Hargreeves/ Number Five (5)
Ben Hargreeves/ Number Six (6)
Vanya (Viktor) Hargreeves/ Number Seven (7)
Lila Pitts (maybe)
Cha-Cha (maybe)
Raymond Chestnut
Sparrow academy
Marcus Hargreeves/ Number One (1)
Ben HArgreeves/ Number Two (2)
Fei Hargreeves/ Number Three (3) (maybe)
Alphonso Hargreeves/ Number Four (4)
Sloane Hargreeves/ Number Five (5)
Jayme Hargreeves/ Number Six (6) (maybe)
Christopher Hargreeves/ Numbr Seven (7) (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia (I love her sm. wish I had a Penelope In my life)
Elle Greenaway
David Rossi
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Jason Gideon
If you think of more lmk!
Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch
Agnes/ Agatha Harkness
Geraldine/ Monica Rambeau
Ralph Bohner (maybe)
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Dottie Jones/ Sarah Proctor (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Moon Knight: (Haven't finished watching)
Marc Spector*
Steven Grant*
Jake Lockley *
Arthur Harrow (maybe)
*I wasn't sure if I should put them together or separately so I just did them separate
If you think of more lmk!
The Boys: (planning to watch)
Soldier Boy
Billy Butcher
Black Noir (maybe)
Those are all I somewhat know^^
If you think of more lmk!
Temperance Brennan
Camille Saroyan (maybe)
Jack Hodgins
Zack Addy
Angela Montenegro
Matt Murdock/ Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Wilson Fisk/ Kingpin
Karen Page
James Wesley
Ben Urich (maybe)
Vanessa Fisk (maybe)
House MD:
Gregory House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Allison Cameron
Eric Foreman
Lisa Cuddy (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
(I'm just going to name a few movies I know, not the characters)
Any Marvel movies
avengers ( Thor, Captain America, black panther, etc)
( I have NOT watched Shang-Chi)
Wanted 2008 ( Wesley Gibson)
The Princess Bride
Avatar & ATWOW
The Hunger Games
Maze Runner
HTTYD (maybe)
Planet of the apes (maybe)
Spider-man into the spiderverse & across the spiderverse
Ender's Game ( haven't watched in a while)
Rocketman ( the Elton John biopic [I love E.J sm!!😍])
Labyrinth ( with David Bowie)
Fast and Furious
If you think of more lmk!
-Bands/music artists-
Tokio Hotel
Green day
Arctic Monkeys (maybe)
The Smiths
The Weekend
Motley Crue
Melanie Martinez (maybe)
Charlie Puth
David Bowie
AC/DC (maybe)
If you think of more lmk!
Things I am willing to write:
Smut Fluff Angst Platonic Reader-Inserts Comfort Humor ( I'm not entirely sure what this is)
Things I will NEVER write for:
Incest member x member character x character (its hard for me to do tbh) Rape/ unconsented anything Pedophilia Racism/ any discriminatory things
If there is anything that's not on this list that you would like me to write for send In your requests and if I don't know them I will try my best to do my research! I will also write for celebrities if you request!! As I said, if I do not know them I will try my best to do my research.
- Neo
0 notes
Lilac (Alex Danvers x Reader)
Summary: Some things aren’t meant to last.
Words: 1528
Warnings: Mentions of death, fictional disease, angst, more angst, language?
A/N: I’ve always had a fascination with this so I wanted to make a story for it.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife @natasha-danvers @aaron-despair @username23345 @xjiasx @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova @summergeezburr @marvels-writings @onlyafewfindtheway @captain-josslett @hayleyokami @aznblossom @everything201197 @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @evilcr0ne​
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Hanahaki disease - where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated. There is no set time for how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3 months, in rare cases up to 18 months, until the victim dies unless the feelings are returned or the plants are surgically removed.
You knew something was wrong the day Alex came scrambling into Kara’s apartment, a glaze in her eye you’d never gotten to witness before, and announced she had a date. The tightness in your lungs left you gasping for air, the sisters oblivious to your pain as you waited for their conversation to end.
Once upon a time, your mother had warned you of something like this. Of unrequited love and the agony that followed. You’d thought it was a simple fairytale, but the terrible ache in your chest left you wondering if she had been telling of something deeper.
Quick to excuse yourself from the apartment – ignoring curious, concerned gazes – you went directly to Lena. She was the smartest person you’d ever known and you trusted her to guard the results with her life. If it was true, your mother’s tale, then you would need the utmost discretion anyways. Who would ever want to admit that their love was literally killing them?
“I don’t know what to say, (Y/N). It’s extraordinary.” Lena’s breath of disbelief did little to lessen the misery bubbling in your veins. “I’ve heard of it happening. Rare, but not unheard of. Normally caused by a truest form of love that’s currently unreturned. It’s marvelous but it…” she trailed off as the realization that had already washed over you came crashing down around her. “Oh God.”
“I’m dying,” you whispered, staring at the scan of your lungs. You could see the smallest sprouting of a flower blooming inside each, tiny roots creeping into the tissue. “I’m dying because I love her and she doesn’t love me back.”
Lena’s eyes were glossy with tears as she studied you. Her best friend – the person who knew every secret, every thought, every ounce of panic and darkness she had inside – was dying and there wasn’t much she could do to stop it. There was no treatment for this; only surgery or death, if the afflicted decided death was better than never loving their someone again.
“There is a cure,” she pointed out cautiously, watching the light drain a little more from your eyes. “Most doctors won’t discuss the disease since it’s such an oddity and even fewer can perform the surgery but I know a few.”
Chuckling humorlessly, you leaned back on the examination table and glared up at the ceiling. “You know what’s worse than the whole dying thing? Knowing Alex doesn’t love me back. I mean, that’s why the plant grows, right? Because she actually doesn’t love me. It’s not just in my head. She truly has no feelings for me.”
Lena wished she could assuage that anguish. Lie and say it wasn’t true, but it would only cause you harm in the end. Give you a false hope that would only end in stealing your life. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N).”
Every day was more painful than the last. It was hard avoiding Alex when the people you cared about most rotated around her presence. Lena, Kara, Nia… you couldn’t escape her even if you wanted to (you couldn’t admit to yourself that you still wanted to be around her, despite her lack of affection being the reason for your impending demise if you chose to forgo the surgery).
It didn’t take long for everyone to figure out something was wrong. Once healthy and vibrant, you were slowly wasting away. Petals would fall from your lips with every cough, the sickeningly sweet smell of lilacs filling the air. Kara understood before anyone else, her eyes lingering between you and Alex with a fear you’d never seen in her gaze.
After Alex admitted she was dating Kelly Olsen, Kara knew what she had to do.
“I know you love her,” she’d whispered one game night, dragging you from the others so you could have a semblance of privacy, “But Alex isn’t worth dying over.”
“You’ve almost died for her countless times,” you reminded her gently, watching the emotions warring across Kara’s soft features. “Your sister is one of a kind.”
Sighing, the blonde gathered you in her arms. “But dying over feelings isn’t worth it. Alex is stubborn and oblivious and she can’t see what’s in front of her but I refuse to watch you kill yourself over this. There are plenty of people in the world to love. Pick someone else!”
You pressed your forehead into her chest, a haggard cough escaping and petals falling around her feet. Maybe she was right. Clearly Alex’s affections remained with James’ sister and you weren’t someone who would intentionally try to ruin a good thing, especially for your friends. If Alex had decided Kelly was the right fit, who were you to argue?
So you booked an appointment with one of Lena’s associates. She planned to foot the cost entirely, much to your dismay, but it was hard to argue when you’re throwing up plants. But it would take a little time so you forced yourself to enjoy the few fleeting moments with Alex you had left; the moments where you could love her with your whole chest. Soon, she’d be just another person in your world and while you hated that notion, you knew you couldn’t die over a selfish, unrequited love.
“Kara says you’re having surgery? Why didn’t you tell me?” Alex inquired a few nights before your procedure, hurt clear in her dark eyes as she peered at you from the couch. “I could’ve been there for you!”
“It’s not worth worrying over,” you replied dismissively, inhaling sharply at the blossoming twinge in your lungs. “It’s quick and easy.”
Alex’s brows furrowed thoughtfully. “Are you… is it…”
You knew what she wanted to say but couldn’t find the proper questions to ask. “Yeah, they’re going to fix the disease before it kills me.” Emotionless to a fault, you refused to acknowledge that she was the reason for all of this. Even in these final moments, you couldn’t bring yourself to be angry with her.
She’d done nothing wrong.
“Did you ever tell whoever you love what happened? You know, to see if it would change anything?” she wondered, awkward in her attempts to not sound invasive about your disease. “If it were me, I’d definitely want to know.”
It took everything within you not to tense, choosing to stare ahead at the television. “No and they don’t need to know. It wouldn’t change anything. Even if they did start to have feelings for me, I’d never believe it was genuine. I’d rather get rid of it and let y – her live a happy life without that knowledge than know that this had anything to do with her. I care more about that than anything else.”
“Such a martyr,” Alex teased, tossing a pillow at you playfully. “Some girls might think it’s romantic. Loving someone that much.”
You rolled your eyes, smirking at the woman so close to the truth, but skimming over it drastically. “Maybe, Danvers, but it’s for the best. Truly.”
“Whoever she was, she would’ve been lucky to have your love,” Alex announced firmly, her words creating a warmth in your chest that you wished you could snub out. Those words made it so much harder to let this go, even if it killed you. “Seriously, you’re a great person, (Y/N) and anyone can see that.”
Except you.
The first breath after surgery left you feeling like a brand new person, no matter how cliché that statement was. It was strange, remembering there was once love for someone but no longer feeling a shred of… anything. They had warned you the first few months might leave you apathetic towards the person you had once loved, but it was bizarre knowing everything was erased.
A clean slate.
Waiting until your lungs were properly healed, you didn’t see your friends for nearly a month before finally venturing over for a game night. You had braced yourself for whatever might happen, but actually seeing Alex again was very anticlimactic. Her hug no longer felt like molten lava on your flesh and the brush of her lips on your cheek didn’t leave butterflies banging against your ribs.
Even the news of her break up with Kelly didn’t conjure up any feelings of excitement. You truly no longer felt anything when it came to Alex’s affections.
Things are going to be oka –
Your head snapped over in the direction of the doubled-over woman, her arms tucked around her waist as she tried to keep upright, petals clinging to her lips. All eyes except yours were watching her anxiously, yet yours strayed lower in a panic…
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superdanverstrio · 6 months
Hi again! I am so totally requesting again, I love your work and you make me happy. So Obviously Kara danvers x daughter reader :) And this time Kara catches r and her "boyfriend" Ben out in public kissing or hangout, doing something and Kara now has evidence to prove it to her daughter. But Y/n tries to deny it for a moment before giving in and telling her everything... Please and Thank you Zohra :)
Have a good one!
Right through you Pt.2
A/N: I am so sorry this took my entirely to long to start writing.
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“Mom?” You asked, entering your home. “Hey honey, how was your day?” She said, closing her book and leaving it on the coach, she walked toward you to give you a hung. “It was good. Umm, I had a question.” You said, looking up at her. “Shoot.” “Can I go to the mall with some friends tomorrow after school, we would walk?” She looks at you and smirk. “Is Ben coming with you?” You rolled your eyes and shock your head. “No, I told you Ben and I aren't together.” “I never said you were, why are you on the defensive, do you have something to hide, Missy.” She questioned, still not believing you. "Mom come on, can I go?” You asked, trying to change the subject a bit. “Sure, but you need to be back before 7.” “Yes, thank you.”
The next day at the mall
“So, have you told your mom yet?” Ben asked as you walked hand in hand. “No, not yet, but ill do someday.” “Why don't you want to tell her? Are you maybe ashamed of me? It's fine if you are, I'm not mad.” You looked at him and smiled. “Of course I'm not ashamed of you, I would love for my mom to meet you.” You said, giving him a quick kiss on his lips. “It's just that my mom is extremely protective, it's a little intense sometimes. Especially my aunt, oh my god if she meets you, she will interrogate you for at least 3h hours.” He laughs and shock his hand in disbelief. “I'm sure, it's not that bad.” “It is, it really is, but ill tell her eventually.”
You guys continued to walk around the mall and visits some stores for a few hours. When you got back home, you say Kara waiting for you on the couch. “So, how was your activity with Ben.” She said with a smirk. “Are you ever going to give up, I'm not with Ben.” "Yeah, right." She said and got up from the couch and she showed you her phone, there was a picture of you and Ben on a bench, you had your head on his shoulder. You were stunned for a second.
How did she get that picture? “How did you get that. Did you follow me there?” “I actually didn't, but I have spies working for me. But don't change the subject, do you have something to say to me.” “No because this picture doesn't prove anything, we're just good friends.” Your mom smiled again, you swipe to the next image, this time you were kissing on that same bench. “Yeah, excellent friends.” You were about to defense yourself again but decided against it, you sight. “Fine, we're together, we have been together for like a month now.” “I knew it, why didn't you want to tell me?” You looked at her and chuckled. “You really don't have an idea?” she shook her head. “You are intense when it comes to people I see.” “No, I am not.” You raised an eyebrow. “Remember Kyle? You and Alex interrogate him for like 10 minutes.” “We just wanted to make sure he was good for you, I want nothing but the best for you.” She said, hugging you.”
“I know mom.” You said, hugging her back. “But you're going to have to tone it down because he really wants to come over this weekend and I don't want you to freak him out.” “Oh he's coming over great ok. And yes, I will try to tone it down.” She said, “thank you.”
Honestly you should've known she'd never tone it down, in fact she didn't try to.
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literary-lesbo · 3 months
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘎𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴
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PLEASE READ: while I will do my best to respond to every prompt it may take me a while to get to them. with this I'd also like to say that I reserve the right to delete any request I don't feel comfortable writing.
Please specify if you'd prefer female or gender neutral pronouns for reader inserts, if not I'll likely go with female
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦
♡ Hurt/Comfort - I love hurt comfort, heavy on the comfort and will gladly write it
♡ Angst - I'm happy to write angst with or without a happy ending but I ask that you specify which so I know how dark to go!
♡ Fluff - one of my favorite things to write
♡ Sickfics - I love them just as much as hurt/comfort
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦
♡ Male Reader or x Male Character - I'm far to gay for that
♡ Smut - at some point I may be comfortable writing it but that point is not now
♡ R@pe or S/A - no.
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𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘐'𝘮 𝘞𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘍𝘰𝘳
Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Station 19
Maya Bishop
Carina DeLuca
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Kara Danvers
Lena Luthor
Alex Danvers
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
A Saiyan in the DC Universe!?
by Imagineimagineimagine
While you weren’t exactly sure what would happen after you died in that sudden traffic accident, meeting God, and being offered the opportunity to reincarnate, definitely wasn’t something you were expecting to happen. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. Sadly, it wasn’t long before the planet was blown up by Frieza; and you alone escaped to the “uneventful” little dirt-ball known as Earth. Imagine your surprise then, when you emerged to find yourself now living on the same planet as Batman, Superman, and the rest of the DC Pantheon.
*The stand-in for you, (the reader), is a nameless gender-neutral self-insert, and the story is written in a first-person POV using "I" and “[Your/Name]” when referring to the reader.*
Words: 9732, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball, Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Supergirl (TV 2015), Superman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Superman & Lois (TV 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Saiyan Character(s), Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Supergirl (DCU), Kara Danvers, Diana (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen, John Stewart (DCU), J'onn J'onzz, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Arthur Curry (DCU), Red Tornado, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon, Artemis Crock, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Gine (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Doomsday (Superman), Lex Luthor, Garfield Logan, Cassie Sandsmark, Jefferson Pierce, Jason Todd, Billy Batson, Giovanni "John" Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, Lena Luthor, Brainiac (DCU), Nia Nal, Darkseid (DCU), Vandal Savage, Klarion (DCU), Alex Danvers, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Reader, Kara Danvers/Original Character(s), Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Dick Grayson/Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde/Wyynde, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper/Jade Nguyen, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Arthur Curry/Mera (DCU), Hawkman/Hawkwoman, Shayera Hol/John Stewart, Bardock/Gine (Dragon Ball), Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Additional Tags: Animated GIFs, Reader-Insert, Reader is a Saiyan, Alternate Universe, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45348304
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marvel-arrvers · 2 years
Request guidelines
I can write...
I mainly write smut but i also write...
Characters i write for.
You can request crossovers between marvel and supergirl.
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Nia Nal
Lena Luther
Winn Schott
Sara Lance
Natasha Romanoff
Carol Danvers
Wanda Maximoff
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Tom Holland)
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Loki Laufeyson
These characters can be requested as platonic or romantic relationships with the Reader
I can write reader as
plus size
gender neutral
What i wont write.
non reader insert request
Male reader (sorry im just not comfortable writing for male but i do GN)
no drugs
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ao3feed-westallen · 1 year
A Saiyan in the DC Universe!?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5cPKyTL
by Imagineimagineimagine
While you weren’t exactly sure what would happen after you died in that sudden traffic accident, meeting God, and being offered the opportunity to reincarnate, definitely wasn’t something you were expecting to happen. Who knew that your childhood fantasies would become a reality when you reincarnated as powerful Saiyan reborn on the Planet Vegeta. Sadly, it wasn’t long before the planet was blown up by Frieza; and you alone escaped to the “uneventful” little dirt-ball known as Earth. Imagine your surprise then, when you emerged to find yourself now living on the same planet as Batman, Superman, and the rest of the DC Pantheon.
*The stand-in for you, (the reader), is a nameless gender-neutral self-insert, and the story is written in a first-person POV using "I" and “[Your/Name]” when referring to the reader.*
Words: 9732, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball, Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Supergirl (TV 2015), Superman - All Media Types, Justice League - All Media Types, Young Justice - All Media Types, Superman & Lois (TV 2021)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Original Saiyan Character(s), Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Supergirl (DCU), Kara Danvers, Diana (Wonder Woman), Barry Allen, John Stewart (DCU), J'onn J'onzz, J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Arthur Curry (DCU), Red Tornado, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Lois Lane, Dick Grayson, Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon, Artemis Crock, Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper, Bardock (Dragon Ball), Gine (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Doomsday (Superman), Lex Luthor, Garfield Logan, Cassie Sandsmark, Jefferson Pierce, Jason Todd, Billy Batson, Giovanni "John" Zatara, M'gann M'orzz, Lena Luthor, Brainiac (DCU), Nia Nal, Darkseid (DCU), Vandal Savage, Klarion (DCU), Alex Danvers, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Reader, Kara Danvers/Original Character(s), Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Dick Grayson/Zatanna Zatara, Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson, Artemis Crock/Wally West, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde/Wyynde, Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake, Querl Dox/Nia Nal, Clone Roy Harper | Will Harper/Jade Nguyen, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen/Iris West, Arthur Curry/Mera (DCU), Hawkman/Hawkwoman, Shayera Hol/John Stewart, Bardock/Gine (Dragon Ball), Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Additional Tags: Animated GIFs, Reader-Insert, Reader is a Saiyan, Alternate Universe, Childhood Friends, Friends to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/5cPKyTL
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