#Alex danvers imagine
oneshotnewbie · 6 months
A oneshot where B!D gets really bad anxiety whenever one of her sisters are mad at her. She’s always worried they’ll never forgive her and there relationship will be forever ruined. Even though that never happens.
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The cold winter air came through the open balcony doors and slowly made the room freeze as a tense air spread between Alex and you. You, with a lump in your throat, felt the redhead's words cutting through the air like sharp daggers, ready to leave deep wounds in your heart.
Alex stood there, teeth clenched and eyes blazing with anger. "How can you be so ignorant? It's unbelievable how selfish you are!"
You, with a shiver running down your spine, tried in vain to hold back the tears. You never wanted it to turn into an argument. But Alex's words were like an uncontrollable fire that ate through your relationship, leaving you with no options to explain to her why you had taken the larger sum of money out of your shared bank account.
"Alex, let me explain. I just wanted to..." you started, but your voice was drowned in a sob. You knew you couldn't continue to defend yourself without spilling the beans about the birthday surprise. Those words wouldn't be heard anyway. Not in this frenzy of rage the redhead was currently in.
The eldest Danvers snorted and shook her head. "That's typical of you. Always ready with an excuse. You're just immature and incapable of taking responsibility for finances!"
The pain in your chest was almost unbearable. You just wanted peace again. You wanted everything to go back to how it was a few hours ago when you were laughing together and teasing each other. But this strife seemed unstoppable, a relentless storm that destroyed everything in its path.
Alex turned away abruptly, her hands balled into fists. "I can't take this anymore. I'm going to work." She spoke and you could only stand there silently, unable to act as your sister left the apartment, slamming the door behind her. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you stood in the silence of the deserted living room, surrounded by an endless feeling of loneliness.
A short while later, Kara flew into her apartment, her eyes wide in shock as she saw you. "What happened here? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. You didn't say a word. Instead, you collapsed under the face of your own emotions. All you wanted was for this nightmare to end and for you to feel safe and loved again. But the pain you faced was too deep, and the wounds of the words said would take a long time to heal.
The blonde looked at her younger sister, your shaking body sitting on the floor, surrounded by a sea of tears. Her heart ached when she saw the look of despair on your face. "Come here, little one." Kara whispered softly as she knelt down and wrapped her arms around you. You sank into the embrace without resistance, clinging to Kara as if she were the only constant in a stormy sea.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” you sobbed quietly, your voice barely above an audible whisper. "Why can't I control myself when there is an argument?"
Kara stroked your back soothingly and placed a few kisses on the top of your head. "It's okay, sweetie. Sometimes our emotions are overwhelming, and that's completely normal. Plus, it shows that Alex means a lot to you."
You raised your head, tears shining in your eyes. "But why does this always happen? Why can't I just be strong and overlook it?"
Kara sighed quietly. She had asked herself this question many times in the last few months about why you always reacted so emotionally to arguments, but she didn't know the answer. She carefully brushed a strand of your hair out of your face and looked deeply into your eyes. "Perhaps there are reasons that lie deeper. Reasons that you may not yet understand."
You swallowed hard, a look of realization crossing your face. "I think I'm scared. Scared that I'll lose one of you as soon as an argument arises. That eventually none of you will forgive me and that I'll ruin my relationship with you forever."
The blonde felt a pang in her own heart when she heard the words come out of your mouth. She knew your fears were deep-rooted and wouldn't just go away. But she was also determined to help you and show you that you were loved and accepted, despite some arguments. "Arguments are normal for siblings, my sweet girl," she whispered softly. "Neither of us is going to push you away or anything. I'm going to have a chat with Alex and we'll find a way to deal with it together, okay?"
You nodded at her and she pulled you up. Together you had a cozy day on the couch, where she looked after you and tried to calm you down.
A few hours later, the door opened and Alex hesitantly entered the apartment, her eyes downcast and her face marked with regret. She felt the weight of the silence filling the room and knew she had a lot of explaining to do to make things right with you.
Kara slowly got up from her spot next to you, while you were still clinging to her, and walked towards the redhead. "It's good that you're back," she said calmly, but with a stern tone. "We need to talk. Urgently."
Alex swallowed hard and nodded, her eyes meeting yours and she could see the pain in them. "I'm sorry, Kara. I'm so sorry for what I said. It was unfair and unforgivable to y/n." She spoke and the blonde took her in his arms, surprised by her openness.
"It's okay. We all make mistakes. But we need to talk about it so we can understand what happened." the person addressed hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I spoke to Lena and she told me something that finally made me understand. She's afraid that if we fight, our relationship will be ruined forever because her real parents fought all the time before they split up and put her in a children's home."
Kara sighed and nodded slowly. "Yes, y/n told me that too. It's hard for her to deal with these fears."
Alex looked at her sister seriously before biting her lip and briefly looking at you on the couch. You had now moved into a lying position, the blanket wrapped thickly around you. "We have to show her that she is wrong. That we love her and that we will always be there for her no matter what."
The blonde smiled softly and put her arm around the redhead's shoulder. "We will, Alex. We will show her that she will never be alone and that she always has a place in our family."
They walked over to you arm in arm and took you into their midst. They hugged you tightly, united in their determination to put the fight over money behind them. You all spent the next few hours talking it out, listening to each other, and reassuring each other that you would be there for each other no matter what happened.
And as night fell and you felt tired but relieved, you all knew that you had emerged from each crisis stronger, ready to walk together on a path full of love and forgiveness.
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superdanverstrio · 11 months
Kidnapped PT.7
PT.1  PT.2   PT.3   PT.4  PT.5 PT.6
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: Will a 100% be a marvel x supergirl crossover.
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When Kara arrived to your apartment, she found you safe and asleep in your bed.
Some days passed and you just kept getting worst and worst. It got to a point where you didn't get out of bed except for emergency, and it took everything in you to just take a step without falling. You were nauseous, dizzy, really weak and your still healing wounds were hurting more than usual. Sometimes you were so cold, and sometimes you felt like you were in a volcano.
“Alex?” You ask when you woke up and saw your sister. “ Hmm?” She said, closing her book and placing it in her lap. “I really don't feel good.” You say. Her expression quickly changed. “What do you mean, what's wrong?” “Everything hurts and I feel so weak.” You say, tears brimming your eyes. “Alright, how long have you felt like this?” Alex asked. “A week.” You said closing your eyes to try to get rid of the dizziness.
“Hon, please don't fall asleep, I know you must be tired, but I have some questions.” Ales asked in a soft voice, she placed her hand on your forehead to see if you were hot, and unfortunately you were really hot. “Shit, you're really hot.” She says. “Alright, do you feel like throwing up?” You nodded your head. “Kind of.” “Ok what do you say we bring you back to the D.E.O, it could be nothing, but I prefer not to take risk.” She said, and you agreed.
You were back at the D.E.O, hook up to many machines, with Alex taking care of you and Kara at your bed side, with the same worried expression. “Do you feel a little better.” Kara asked. You gave her a little nod, the frown on her face deepen as she saw how unwell you still were.
“Alex, can I talk to you?” J'onn ask entering the room. “I'll be right back.” Alex said giving you a kiss on your forehead. “I just saw the footage of the Alien escaping, and I think i sort of know where he went.” Alex frown. “What do you mean 'kind of know'?”
“Well, a little before you join the D.E.O, I had this weird dream, but now I don't think it was a dream.” Alex nodded, signalling j'onn to keep going. “I woke up in a building in the middle of New work. I won't go into too many details, but I met people there, they were superhero sort of. They called themselves the Avengers.” Alex scoffed. “The Avengers? That's a… original name for a team.” Alex said. J'onn then went on by explaining what everyone did and what happened when he was there. “Ok, but how is that related to the alien's location.” Alex asks. “Well, Doctor Strange, the wizard, he can teleport by creating these circles that bring him wherever he wants. Those circles are the exact same as the on the alien when through. So now that we know the multiverse is real, I think it wasn't a dream, and somehow I travelled to another planet.” J'onn said.
“That makes sense, so now can we get there.” “I'm not sure, maybe the device that Cisco gave to Kara could travel us there.” J'onn suggested. “Maybe you're right, I'm going to try to look into it.”
A few days passed, and your condition just kept getting worse, you were exhausted all the time, you had lost all your appetite, and you threw up at least 3 times a day. Alex was so caught up with everything, she had barely enough time to take care of herself. She needed to take care of you, find the alien, find a cure for you and on top of that she needed to find the alien. Of course, she wasn't alone Kara helps with taking care of you, Lena with finding the cure and brainy help tracking the alien down, but it was still a lot.
Kara walking in Alex quarters, she saw Alex sat on a bench staring at the wall. “Alex?” Kara asked, braking Alex out of the trans she was in. “Mhm? What?” "Are you ok?” Kara asked, Alex took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah… yeah, I'm fine.” “You know, you're a really bad liar sometimes.” Alex gave a small smile and place her head in her hands, starting to tear up. “Come on, tell me what's wrong.” Kara said, placing her hand around her sister to comfort her.
“It's just… I know everyone is telling me it's not my fault, but I really feel like it is and having to take care of Y/N on top of being the director having to deal with everything it's just a lot. And I'm really worried about them and what if they die, I don't think I could ever forgive myself.” She said tears falling. Kara hugged Alex tightly and rubbed her back. “Alex, why didn't you tell me. You know you're not alone, you have Winn Lena J'onn Brainy and you have me. You know what, I think you should go home tonight, and before you argue J'onn is just as qualified as you to take care of the D.E.O and me and Lena can take care of Y/N.” Alex hesitates for a minute but agreed, “fine, but you have to call me if there is anything wrong.” “Of course.” Alex went home, and she could finally get some much-needed sleep, and everything went smoothly all night with you and the D.E.O.
Although it was the last thing she wanted, Alex had no choice but to call Eliza when your condition didn't improve. The look on her when she saw you laying in the D.E.O's med bay hooked up to so many machines was one of pure worry. “Oh god, sweetheart, you look so bad.” Eliza said, coming to your side. “Thank you.” you said barely above a whisper. Your mother place a comforting hand on your forehead and when she did, she noticed how hot it was.
“God, they are burning up, how long have they been this way?” She questioned. “Um, maybe like a week, they have only been getting worst since we brought them here.” Alex said just as worried. “ What's wrong with them?” Eliza asked, “Well that's part of the reason we called you, we don't know yet.” Alex said.
You were slowly falling asleep whilst your mother and big sisters talked, You were half of sleep when your stomach turned. You groan and slapped your hand over your mouth, you frantically looked around for Kara. She noticed your panicked state and quickly gave you the bucket, she sat you up and pulled your hair back. “Alright, let it all out, it's ok.”
When you were done throwing up, you laid back down. “I'm sorry.” You muttered exhausted. “Don't apologize, honey, it's not your fault at all.” Your mother said soothingly. After that, you fell asleep for a while.
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The Moonlight Chronicles (Alex Danvers x Reader)
Summary: A weekend escape away from National City and the DEO leads to an unexpected adventure.
Words: 1684
Warnings: Blood, mentions of violence
A/N: So, this is kind of a series but it will be completely out of order and not really set up to be a set story, per se. It was suppose to be a smut one shot and instead, I created way too much backstory. And here we are.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife @natasha-danvers @aaron-despair @username23345 @xjiasx @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova @summergeezburr @marvels-writings @onlyafewfindtheway @captain-josslett @hayleyokami @aznblossom @everything201197​   @hayleyokami @b-5by5 @lostandsearching​ @evilcr0ne
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Sipping the rum from her tumbler slowly, Alex’s eyes lingered on the flickering television screen but she couldn’t tell begin to tell someone what she’d seen. Lost in thoughts of danger and regret, she was oblivious to the world outside of her mind.
She’d taken the weekend off, disappearing into the mountains and renting a cabin in hopes of shaking the distress from her soul. Being the director of an organization like the DEO was taking its toll on her but she refused to acknowledge it. She couldn’t let Kara down or let J’onn question if he made the right choice.
It would devastate her.
Taking another drink from the crystal, she nearly dropped it in surprise as something thudded against the side of the cabin – hard. Tossing her glass onto the table beside her, paying it no mind as the amber liquor sloshed onto the wood, she yanked her gun from its holster on her thigh before hurrying out into the moonlit night. Peeking around the side of the cabin, she could just barely make out a slumped shadow leaning against the wall. Even in the shade of darkness, blood was visibly dripping from a gnarled wound in the middle of its chest and for a moment, Alex’s gaze softened.
She inched closer, wincing as a twig snapped beneath the weight of her boot, but the creature didn’t seem to react. Heavy pants filled the air, an occasional whine meeting perked ears, but nothing more.
As the light of the moon drifted over the shadow against her cabin, Alex had to swallow her noise of shock. It was a wolf, but… larger. More humanlike than the wolves she’d seen before. It was standing on its back legs, crimson soaking the fur on its chest, but what caught her by surprise was the recognition in golden eyes. They regarded her with a knowing glance before rolling back into its skull as it fell limply to the ground.
Stepping towards the creature, she watched in astonishment as the fur began to recede back into flesh and the body slowly shrink from its nearly eight foot height into the form of a humanoid woman. The sound of bones reconnecting nearly sent her stomach rushing up through her throat, but she managed to choke it back. The blood spilling from her chest seemed to slow, yet the puddle was still growing around her.
“Of course I couldn’t have a vacation away from weird shit,” Alex grumbled, moving over to the woman and bending down. “At least she’s not a wolf anymore.”
The first thing you noticed when consciousness dragged you from your dreamless slumber was the ache in the center of your chest that spanned across both sides of your breasts. Whining low under your breath, your human hand reached up to touch the abused flesh, only to touch bandage instead. Eyes snapping open, you forced yourself to remain motionless.
You were staring at a ceiling. A ceiling that was not your own. There was a ceiling where the sky should be.
“What the fuck?” you mumbled, carefully righting yourself and glancing around.
The first thing you noticed was that the couch you were sprawled across was fucking hideous. It clashed with the rustic atmosphere of the cabin. Lip curling, you plucked at a piece of fuzz on the cushion.
“That thing is ugly, right? It’s not just me?” an unfamiliar voice broke you from your thoughts, sending you careening off the couch and onto the floor with a resounding thud. “Jesus, be careful! You just stopped bleeding!”
Gaze hazy with pain as the dull ache roared into searing agony, short dark hair and hazel eyes came into view when the unknown voice stepped around the couch and leaned over you worriedly. She was staring down at you, trepidation and concern warring in those… pretty… eyes…
“Wow,” you whispered, feeling the wolf within tremble and lurch. For a moment, you feared it would escape, but the second gentle hands touched your wrapped chest, it went silent. In that moment, it was simply you and her, trapped in the quiet of such an intimate act (especially between two complete strangers).
“Here, let’s get you back on the couch. I think you reopened those wounds.”
Helping you back onto the cushion you’d violently vacated, practiced fingers unwound the gauze and bandage holding your torso. You could feel the sticky ooze grasping at the cloth, trying to keep its place on your body, but the woman was steady and completely at ease as she tugged it away.
“I’m Alex,” she murmured, studying the leaking claw marks. “What are you? An alien? Metahuman?”
“Werewolf,” you grunted, gritting your incredibly sharp teeth as she touched along the raw edges of the gashes. “Born, not bitten. Been like this my whole life, so I’m not a danger to you. The beast is well under control.”
Alex’s fingers stilled. “I hadn’t thought otherwise, honestly. I thought if you were going to attack me, you already would have.”
Startled by the blind trust, you slowly nodded. “I’m (Y/N).”
It was odd, how easily this woman had accepted your supernatural abilities. Most humans turned tail the second something like you came too close, yet here she was, cleaning your bloody chest like it was an everyday occurrence.
Beautiful irises flickered up to meet yours, a lazy smile upturning Alex’s pretty pink lips. “I’m the director of an organization that monitors extraterrestrial entities and presences on Earth. And before that, I worked as a scientist. I’ve seen and fought far scarier beings than you. When I found you last night, you didn’t lash or try to attack me. And it seemed like you trusted me not to kill you even as you passed out, so I thought I’d do what I could to help. I don’t know what your physiology is like, but I figured basic trauma care would be okay.”
“I heal quickly,” you offered with a chuckle, though your amusement was short-lived. “Or, I usually do. I spent a lot of fucking energy last night trying to escape that…”
Noticing the hesitation, Alex’s brow arched curiously. “Escape what?”
Eyes jerking between hers, you considered your options. She already knew too much, but you couldn’t stop yourself from spilling everything. Anything she asked, you’d tell – and you had no idea why. There was something about her that felt safe and calming, like finding the shore after a shipwreck.
“I am a lone wolf. Kicked out of my pack for refusing to bow to some prick who thought he was the rightful alpha of our pack. And he… found me last night. I escaped but he did a number on me, unfortunately.” Pausing for a moment, you realized how that might’ve sounded and hurriedly continued, “But he shouldn’t come here! I wouldn’t put someone else in danger like that.”
Alex nodded thoughtfully. “Of all the things I expected to find in the middle of nowhere, warring werewolves was not one of them. I thought I’d see deer or foxes or… hell, maybe even an alien. Not that.”
“Most people don’t,” you acknowledged with an uncomfortable snort, looking away as Alex finished cleaning your chest. “…so, director of an alien organization, huh? What’s that like? How does that even happen?”
“My dad and mom are both scientists. They found themselves in employment with some people who worked with the organization and that put me on their list once I went to college and showed an aptitude for some of the more delicate pieces of the job.”
Her shrug was meant to be nonchalant but it seemed forced – a deflection – but you didn’t acknowledge it, grateful for whatever truths she chose to offer.
“Huh, smart and beautiful. A helluva combination.”
Alex’s cheeks grew hot beneath the earnestness of your words, amazed by how sincere you seemed to be. She couldn’t deny it was thrilling to be called beautiful by someone who exuded such confidence and dominant energy.
(And she couldn’t deny that she thought you were stunning. For Rao’s sake, she was only human and you were naked. There was only so much she could do!)
“I’m here for the weekend. Why don’t you stay and heal? We can get to know each other better,” she suggested with a hopeful grin, eyes lowering bashfully as she admitted, “It’s been kind of lonely up here by myself and I wouldn’t mind the company.”
Excitement surged through you as if it were lightning in your veins, grinning at the prospect of spending time with your savior. Tilting your head in acceptance, your grin grew sheepishly apologetic. “I’d like that. I uh… should warn you, though. I might end up eating most of your food? Werewolf metabolism and stuff.”
Patting your bare stomach, trying to ignore the flex of muscle beneath her fingertips, Alex smirked. “That is nothing new for me. I come prepared for things like that.”
Storing that information away for another day, you peered down at the digits absently stroking your abdomen. She didn’t seem to realize she was even doing it, but you could feel the subtle press inward as your muscles flinched and tensed beneath her touch. Dull nails tickled the soft flesh, but you didn’t mind. Her caress was soothing yet invigorating and you wanted nothing more than to trace your own fingers over her slightly tanned skin.
Brow arching, you chuckled as the fingers continued their nonsensical patterns. “Could I get some clothes? Mine were shredded and I don’t think you want me walking around naked for the next couple days.”
Oh, you have no idea.
“Y-yeah, I can do that,” Alex rasped, finally dragging her hand away from its perch. “Give me a second and then I’ll make breakfast.”
Licking your lips, you watched her stagger off the couch and into what you assumed was a bedroom. Maybe this was a stupid idea. Maybe you would only place her into danger, but you were a selfish creature by nature.
The wolf wanted her – and for once, you might just be in agreement.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Director Love | VW (d-five)
a/n: hey everyone, this the fifth day of the Valentine's week and my second Supergirl fic (Alex is my favourite character by the way), i'm excited. don't worry i'll try to write more supergirl fic. I hope you'll enjoy this fic, it's a short fic. i'll see you tomorrow for a first [M.H] fic.
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*not my GIF*
Alex Danvers x Female!Reader; Kara Danvers x Female!Reader(besties); Lena Luthor x Female!Reader(best friend); Supercorp
Summary: Alex forget today was 'the' day
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: 974
day one | day two | day three | day four | day six | day seven
Alex was fighting an alien when something came to her mind, it was today, today you came back to National City. You were working for L-Corp, and Lena sent you to Central City to seal a deal with a potential business partner. The DEO agent was about to receive a punch, but her sister was here like a backup.
"What's going on, Alex?" Kara asked, and the older Danvers grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the other agents.
"It's today, Kara, and I didn't plan anything yet," she replied.
"Oh, you know how Y/N loves Valentine's Day; she will be mad if you haven't already planned anything. And she would be tired from the travel, so I'm sure she didn't plan anything either. You have like three hours to prepare something," the Kryptonian said, and the redhead rolled her eyes before suddenly stopping.
"Wait, I also forgot it was Valentine's Day today; oh my God, she will be mad," the director started to stress.
"Okay, calm down. I think Lena and I can give you some time," the blond said.
"But you have something to do with Lena too," the older sister said.
"Don't worry, I'll just take her to Ireland for this year," Kara said. "Oh, and you probably handle DEO stuff for yourself for the next few days," she added before flying away.
Three hours later, you were back in National City. You spent a week away from your girlfriend and your two best friends. You wanted to go directly home and start preparing everything you had planned for your special night, but you received a text from Lena.
Lena: Hey, I hope you had a good week. They called me about the meeting, and I know I made the best choice to send it to you. Also, can you come here? I need your help and your advice on something
You: Is it really important right now?
Lena: yeah, I need you to teach me how to cook something for my night with Kara
You: but can't you just order something?
Lena: yes but I want to surprise her and you're the best cooker I know
You: okay but we will do something quick cause I'm tired
Lena: promise
"Okay, she's coming," Lena said. "Great, I'll text Alex to let her know." Kara replied.
Kara: Lena convince Y/n to help her with cooking; you have 2 more hours, I think, to finish your thing.
Alex: thanks you. you're the best both of you
After twenty minutes, you were at Lena's home. "Hi you, I missed you," she greeted you when she opened the door. She hugged you.
"Me too," you replied with the same tone, "so what do you plan to do for your girl?" You asked, and she started to think.
"I don't know, maybe a dessert with some chocolate, you know, like fondant," she said, and you nodded.
"Okay, I think we can start with that, but you'll not just eat a dessert; we should think about a proper meal," you remarked.
"Maybe pop stickers, sushi, and pasta, or maybe just a big belly burger," you face palm yourself.
"Okay, we have to talk about your food habit later, but right now, don't you think Kara would want something else than just what she eats usually?" You said, and try not to judge her lack of imagination for a special night.
"I think you're right, so what do you suggest I do?" You smirked, and she started to regret having to distract you.
Meanwhile, in Alex's apartment, she was cooking your favorite food and trying not to 'accidentally' hurt or burn her sister, who didn't really help her; Kara was just here and ate something sometime. "You didn't plan to help me?" Your girlfriend asked her sister, and the blue-eyed girl shook her head and smiled 'innocently' "So what are you doing here?" the older sister added.
"Lena and Y/n are cooking for me in Lena's apartment; that means I can't go to see my girlfriend, and everybody is busy today, plus I don't want to be alone tonight," she replied.
"You can at least help me with the decoration," the blonde looked around.
"What do you want to do?" She was ready to use her super speed, but her sister handled some bills.
"You can go grab some flowers for me," the kryptonian mumbled something and walked to the door, "and take your time."
After a few more hours, all was ready. It was hard to help your boss, but you did it, and now it was time to go to your favorite place: Alex's house. When you knocked, Kara lowered her glasses to look across the wood. "It's her," she said to her sister before flying away. Alex adjusted her dress and opened the door.
You were almost trying to catch your jaw, which fell to the ground at the sight of your girlfriend. "Hi you," she said, and it brought you back to reality.
"Hi, you too." You kissed her and walked into the apartment. "You look stunning; like, wow, I don't even have a word to describe you." She blushed, and you gained another kiss.
"I missed you," she whispered near your lips.
"I missed you too, my beautiful girl," you replied, and she chuckled.
"Here," she grabbed your hand and dragged you on the couch, "I prepare something special for you." She quickly went to the kitchen and went back with a plate of food.
"Alex Danvers, you're the most precious girl on earth," you said, and this time it was her who gained a new kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too," she replied.
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Date- Alex Danvers
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Pairing: Alex Danvers x Reader
Characters: Alex Danvers
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Alex Danvers (DC) + “Dress” please? Thank you!! 🖤
Word Count: 404
Author: Charlotte
When you initially met Alex, you were both agents of the DEA and all of your interactions were within the realms of work. You got along well, and you did consider her a friend, but you were both so busy with work, the only time you got to hang out was during or close to work hours so tended to only be in uniform or other suitable work gear. The friendship blossomed further until you both accepted that you were interested in each other. It was hard to come to terms with that you were in love with your colleague and friend but when she told you that your feelings were reciprocated it was almost as if it had always made perfect sense.
After finally telling each other how you felt, it took over a month to work around your busy work lives to find a time that you could go on a date. You didn’t mind the wait, as long as you finally got to share a date with the woman you had grown to love.
You settled on dinner in a fancy restaurant in the city that neither of you had ever been to, but you had both wanted to go to. You had gotten ready in your apartment before heading over to hers as she lived within walking distance of the restaurant. It took a moment from your knock before she opened the door.
Alex excitedly opened the door, her flushed cheeks slightly visible under her makeup. She had curled her short hair and dressed up in a long form fitting dress, something unlike anything you had ever seen her in.
“You look stunning,” you gasped, looking over her, taking in every inch of her.
Her cheeks only became redder. “Thank you, you look amazing as well.”
You were equally as flustered by the compliments from her, having not expected her to actually compliment you at all.
“It’s definitely a pleasant change from what we normally wear,” you commented.
Alex quickly grabbed her bag, closing the door behind her.
“It’s nice to have someone to dress up for, there’s not a real reason to do so when we’re at the office,” she explained.
You held out your arm for her, Alex linking hers with your own. The two of you took the short evening walk to the restaurant for a pleasant and romantic date that would hopefully be one of many.
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pigeonp0st · 6 months
Lena Luthor x Reader #3
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Summary: Lena breaks up with Reader to keep her safe from Lex. Reader hatches a plan to get rid of him that goes terribly wrong, and naturally, torture follows. This mostly takes place after she’s found again.
Angst,torture, depression, trauma, childhood trauma
Hey! I’m going about writing differently now. Everything I write from here on out will most likely be straight from the tumblr drafts and fairly quick. Something I decide to do in a random sitting (unless it’s paid for). Fair warning that this isn’t that, this is just something I worked on ages ago and didn’t publish. I did NO SPELLING CHECKS and remember writing at 2am, so warning number 2
Lena loathed the DEO in that moment. She loathed Alex, and she loathed Supergirl , and she loathed every damn agent in the building so that she didn’t have to loathe herself instead. It’s not enough, there was still a small part of her that she couldn’t ignore, a part of her that screamed; ‘you should have held on. You should have been there’
She knows she should have been there. She knows she failed you before anyone else did. She knows. But she’s trying now and she doesn’t know how to get it to matter to the world. Trying won’t save you, and trying hasn’t led you back to her.
Trying has only led you there, far from Lena, laying somewhere unknown with a body and a heart too worn. Though, Lena imagines, that’s probably not a new feeling for you. She trembles with the image of Lex mocking her on video, holding a gun to your head, she trembles and thinks, I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him.
Then, miraculously;
“Found her!” Winn shouts loudly, raising his Supergirl action figure in victory, and Lena, CEO, multibillionaire, crumbles in relief in front of dozens of agents in the middle of the DEO.
When you wake up Lena feels her heart stop.
She wanted to kiss you, hold you. She wanted to be the type of person that stayed. She wanted to be the type of person worth staying for.
She wanted to believe the both of you would be okay, and she wanted to hold your face and tell you that. That you’d be okay. She wanted more than anything in that moment to be the type of person that said the right thing. That did the right thing.
She wasn’t. She wasn’t any of the people she wanted to be. Your eyes met hers, full of sorrow, and human and hurt, and she wasn��t. She wasn’t because she was scared, and because she was human also. She wasn’t—so she leaves.
Now, as she’s gripping herself in the hallways of the DEO, struggling against the weight of what feels like worlds on her shoudlers, choking on breaths that should have been being shared with you, she’s filled with so much self contempt it could fuel the whole government. Whoever said that “It’s better to have loved and loss, than to have never loved at all”, has never met the two of you and has never loved this desperately.
Loving you made her feel just as much as losing you had, and is it worth it? Maybe, but It’s certainly not better to be feeling this than not ever feeling it. Can’t those things coexist? Can’t it be better for her to never love, but can’t loving also be a choice she’d make despite all the pain?
Can’t you love the things that will destroy us in the end? Doesn’t she always?
She should go back in. She should go back in and ask for forgiveness, but the fear of ruining things further, of the both of you hurting each other further, prevents her from trying to fix things.
When she broke up with you she had just wanted to protect you from Lex. Losing you like that would have nothing compared to—
Lena shivers, shakes her head, and clutches onto herself more tightly with trembling fingers.
“You’re hyperventilating,” Alex says from where she’s leaning against the wall beside Lena. Her eyes are watchful, careful, but Lena feels them like daggers.
She straightens, forces out a; “wow, you really are an amazing analyzer, detective,” and nearly gets a smirk for her troubles—but Alex is too soft, too caring to give her that. She moves towards her, ever the big sister, but Supergirl rushes in first.
“Lena,” Supergirl—Kara, Kara, Lena thinks, and often starts to forget, except when Kara looks at her like this—breathes out.
Lena steps back from them both, the humanity in the room tears her apart, reminds her of her lack of, and destroys her. “You have to…to warn people when you do that…super speed thing,” Lena grits out, cutting Kara off before she can even begin to try and be…be good. She gestures towards the room with shaky hands and begins to try and compose herself lHow long was she awake while I was asleep?”
Kara and Alex look at each other. Say nothing. “Guys—”
“She woke up two hours ago,” Alex says, at the same time Kara says; “you were wiped out—didn’t even hear the nurses, of course we couldn’t just wake you up”
Two hours, and she was asleep. Lena goes cold instantly. She remembers hearing Lex had you, remembers it like one remembers the worst moment of their life; both intimately and not at all. She remembers hearing Supergirl had you—that you were breathing , but people only say that when someone is very not okay, and Lena remembers the way adrenaline had rushed through her. She had felt both alive and utterly useless through it, and it sticks to her even now.
Alive, but asleep, never the person she needs to be to protect you. How alone have you felt because of her? How scared?
“Lena,” Kara starts again, “Lena, she wanted you to sleep— ”
“Go in there,” Alex cuts her off, gets a very annoyed look for it, because they both can’t seem to help cutting each other off today. “You want to show her she’s not alone, that she’s safe? I promise you that the only way she’ll feel that is with you there.”
Kara nods, suddenly straightening and transforming into Supergirl just like that, just in the stance. “Hero complexes will serve nothing except separation and loneliness. You taught me that. Stronger together, Lena.”
Wanting to save you had left you alone, and yes, alone to Lena meant away from Lex, but he’s not the only scary thing in this world, and she should have known that he’d never forget how to destroy her. To leave you alone, Lena thinks, was the worst thing she could have done.
While you were away Lena had to confront herself. Had to realize that so far, every good thing in her life has come with a cost, has led to ruin, and the threat of Lex…it had just seemed to her like the time had come. Like it was her only option. To sacrifice, to sacrifice and hurt.
If Lex had won by separating the two of you, then he had one like that. In her mind, Lena had already been destroyed, of course she imagined that to be the end of it, that he wouldn’t touch you. She’d rather hurt by pushing you away than you dying. Even the thought—
God, she’s so tired of being a coward. To being so scared of losing you that she’s willing to destroy you both.
Kara and Alex hating what she’s done in the unspoken way that they do hurts even more in a way Lena’s used to, because it hurts like regret. Their stances have turned from concerned and loving, to protective heroes. She should have never left you alone. Not when she was scared of Lex, and not now. She gives both Kara and Alex a firm nod and tries to walk past to get into the room. To make things right.
Kara stops her with a hand on her shoulder. She drops it instantly when Lena turns towards her. Ever the fragile hero, always afraid of her own hands for the strength they hold. “Before that…” Kara coughs awkwardly, “Um…we need you to understand her injuries…and what happened.”
When Lena walks into the room, it’s not like you thought she would. She’s not the fragile human curled up in a chair, or the terrified women fleeing your medical room. She’s angry with rage and a whirlwind of feelings, caught in a tornado of emotion. She’s large in the way she’s always been, and yet it has never left you feeling so small.
You sink back into your hospital bed, pull the covers to your chin, and watch her.
“You went after him?” Lena hisses out, so lowly, so sharply, that she might as well have cut the words into your skin for the way that it dig into you. “Everything I’ve ever done is to protect you, and you just decided to throw it all away like it means nothing? Do you have any idea—”
“You were protecting yourself!”
Lena stops. She was pacing, shaking with emotion, but she stops dead in her tracks at the sound of your voice. You yell it, and yet it’s still somehow silent. Your throat is ruined, a testament to the cruelty of Lex, and the evidence of that and more is written on your skin. You’re covered in injuries. Your brokenness has never been more visible, you think, and it should leave you feeling fragile, and it does, god it does, but right now it gives you power.
Power over Lena, who looks at you like her life hangs in the palm of her hand.
“You think I’m stupid, that I don’t know that every fiber of your being is laced with fear?” You whisper now, hand on your throbbing throat. “You left me for you, and I went after Lex for me.” Its venom. Venom, and anger, and all of the thing you know Lena takes In stride. The thing she strives on.
It hangs in the air for a second. Then Lena, beautiful Lena, kneels by the side of your bed. CEO, one of the most powerful people in this city; on her knees for you. She doesn’t look invigorated, doesn’t looked fueled by anger, just looks sad with regrets.
“I did it for me,” Lena agrees, so soft, so not like them; not like her family. “I did it for you, too. Of course I did it for you, and maybe it was a terrible thing to do—led by my trauma talking to me—but don’t lay there and deny I wasn’t thinking of you,” she breathes, then pauses, eyes tracing your busted lips, bruised face, bruised neck. Her jaw trembles and her lips part, she looks as if she wants to say more, but her eyes are haunted by the home she grew up in.
As if reading your mind Lena whispers, “they haunt me. It’s as if I can never let go. I’m so sick of it. I’m so sick of it.” She closes her eyes with furrowed brows, as if not looking at you will prevent the shake in her voice. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. For them. For them now, for them back then, and for them in the future—if you still want to be in my life, you have to know I can’t escape them. Even when they’re not there they’re there. It…god, it makes me sick.”
When Lena raises her hands and grips herself, digging her fingers into her skin like she wants to pull the trauma and memories out of herself, like she wants to get rid of them, something in you breaks. Breaks because your arms are raw and aching, and it wasn’t Lex. Breaks because you know so intimately what it’s like to face reality and find it so frustratingly unchangeable. To want so much, and for it to mean nothing is the most devastating thing.
To be so large, and so small.
You’ve been crying, and Lena doesn’t notices until a sob falls from your lips. You’ve been trying to hold it in, but when she startles up at it and looks at you with that same wanting, like you’re her heart walking and she’d give anything to take your hurt, the sobs break through like a dam. They break through and it hurts because there is no part of you left unbroken.
When you sob it disturbs your broken ribs, disturbs the bruises covering your torso, rips at your tarnished vocal cords, and has the machines in the room beeping so loud it alerts the nurses.
Lena doesn’t even have time to stand before the nurses rush in and pull the blanket off of you. There’s no words to describe the shift that happens in side of her when she sees the extent of your injuries.
It’s like something both breaks and rebuilds in her, and then breaks again, paralyzing her. Then, she sees a nurse heading towards you with a syringe and it activates her.
“Don’t fucking touch her,” Lena says, or thinks she says. She can’t recognize the venom in her voice, doesn’t feel apart of her body.
She’s moving in between the nurse and you, but your sobs begin to bring her back to reality.
“She needs to be put under, she’s hurting herself—”
Lena doesn’t pay attention to her, just sees Alex and Supergirl enter the room. Sees the way Alex shakes her head and nods to the corner of the room, and follows in suit while every fiber of her being says to do otherwise.
It kills her that she can’t protect you. Can’t protect you from the nurses that you try to pull away from, can’t protect you from the hurt on your skin, or in your heart, couldn’t protect you from— she thinks of Lex. Lex when he was her big, smart older brother that she admired more than anyone in the world.
She thinks of the way he’d give her a cheeky roll of his eyes behind Lillian’s back after a small verbal lashing. Thinks of every chess game, every hide n seek game, every reassuring grin. You’re smarter than they know Lena, he’d say, and she’d beam, not noticing the progressive darkness in his eyes as he said it.
Her eyes don’t leave you as the nurses put you down again. She thinks; I’ll kill him. In her peripheral she knows Kara is watching the floor, and feels Alex watching her. When the nurses cover you back up and they both turn towards you, Lena knows it was out of respect for you. She’s grateful for it—somewhere in her thunder of emotions she’s thankful for them, but also feels a bit of anger towards them.
This is why they kept her from seeing you when you were brought in?
“Why doesn’t she have a hospital gown?” Lena asks in a whisper.
“She took it off, said it hurt when the nurses moved it, and that it was sticking to her. Constricting her,” Kara explains, she sighs, shakes her head, and then turns towards Lena as Supergirl. With a fire in her eyes.
The same one in Lena as she allows herself to ask the very question she wanted to run from hours ago. “Where’s Lex?”
“No.” It’s both Supergirl and Alex.
“Alive then? Okay,” Lena starts towards the door. “If you’re here, he’s here. I’ll find him easily enough.”
Supergirl, familiarly, stands in her ways. Eyes sympathetic next to Alex’s hardness. “Where are you when you’re with them?” Alex asks from behind her. When you let them guide every bad decision you make, she hears.
Lena stops. Thinks about control, about gods, about leaving you to wake up alone again, thinks about murder, both in her blood and not, thinks about Lex with a gun to your head, with fists, and kicks, and a maniac smile, thinks about her dad in the same way—standing over Lex while Lillian gripped Lena back. She thinks of cycles, thinks of protection and all the ways it’s possible, all the ways she’s capable, more capable then him.
Smarter, Lena remembers Lillian saying casually. Always smarter than.
Better than, Kara will say.
The good one, Alex will joke.
My hero, you’d grin. Lena feels herself split. Starts forward again.
Kara whispers now, “Heroes don’t kill, Lena.”
Alex, “it’s both the best and most terrible thing about us.”
Lena wants to yell, wants to crumble, wants to curl by your side, wants to kill Lex with her bare hands, wants to erase the Luthor history from her mind, from her body, wants to erase it from yours even more. Wants it so desperately, so acutely it hurts. Sadness fills the room, suffocates them all.
Kara is watching you again, Alex keeps glancing back, they’re both unconcerned about Lena now. Full faith in her to be who they claim she is. Lena returns to the seat by your bed and allows herself to be that person.
“Whatever cell he’s in, I’m building it,” Lena whispers, thinking of the cuffs she’ll put on him, wondering if she can somehow slow down his mind.
Alex nods, running her hands down her face. The past couple hours have completely exhausted her in a way Lena’s not used to seeing from her. Alex cares so much about you, and it shouldn’t surprise Lena but It does. “We’re thinking about sending him to the phantom zone.”
Here, Lena is more surprised. They must know that’s a death sentence. Lena glances at Supergirl, she’s still watching you but she’s clearly listening, her eyes have turned hard. They aren’t underestimating Lex. They clearly know the responsibility that’ll bear on them if he escapes again.
Lena feels another bought of gratitude towards them as she takes your hand, and trusts them to handle the person she trusts no one to handle.
When you wake up the second time it’s because nurses are dapping you with wet cloths, clearly trying to clean you. They apologize profusely, say they thought the drugs would keep you down longer, and offer to finish the cleaning after you’ve gotten more pain killers.
Your eyes dart around rapidly, chest constricting in anxiety, and then you see Lena. She’s standing by the door, clearly trying to keep out of the nurses way. She’s not full of rage and untouchable in that way, and she’s not fragile, she’s strong.
Her eyes are hard, but not cold. They’re determined, and loving, and they’re your strength too. You suck in a shaky breath, whisper; “thank you. Later might be an option”, as you try to focus on Lena and not the thought of the nurses hands on you turning into Lex’s violent ones.
When they all shuffle out Lena quietly returns to the spot by your bed. This Lena somehow makes you feel more fragile than angry, furious Lena had, because in the place of your defensiveness you’re left to feel your guilt.
“I’m…I’m not weak, Lena.” It feels stupid to claim now as you lay in a hospital bed feeling nothing but. You clench your jaw. Lena’s hand reaches up and takes your chin, forcing you to meet her eyes. She’s not gentle, certainly not rough, but her firmness gives you the power to continue. She’s the stable ground that helps you find your footing.
You find it. Meet her gaze unblinking. “I’m not Supergirl, I’m not you, I’m not Alex, or Jon, or Winn, or James, or Kelly, or— or Lex…I’m not capable in the particular ways you guys are, but I am capable.”
Lena’s eyes fall to your throat. You grip her wrist, the one holding your face, and her eyes meet yours apologetically. “I know,” she says, so softly, so quietly. “You being here is the evidence of it, isn’t it?”
You nod, but you aren’t done. “I’m not sure what Supergirl told you. Clearly she told you I went after Lex, and in a way that’s true, but more so I wanted him to come after me,” you pause. Lena is watching you with furrowed eyes, clearly trying to piece together what you’re explaining before you finish.
Her lips part after just another moment. She’s figured it out you realize, feeling a bit of pride because of it. Pride because she has faith in you, pride because she‘s so incredibly quick and you have had the privilege to know her so acutely. “All of this…was your plan?” Lena asks, sounding both shocked and not.
You wince, brushing aside her hand so you can look down, adverting your gaze. “Well…not all of it.” Memories flash through your mind. “I thought he’d keep me captive, not…” you left out a frustrated breath, angry, so angry at yourself for not being able to speak about it. Speak about him.
“It was a game to him, of course. He’d torture me, send you a video to torture you. He’d get you chasing him. He’s always liked the thrill.” Your eyes stay on Lena’s fists. Watch as they clench so tightly to her side that they shake. “I knew he loved messing with you, and was partly counting on it, not like that but— but maybe just having me wouldn’t have been enough, maybe it was good he did what he did—got so high off of it his guard lowered.”
“Don’t say that,” Lena pleads. You startle up at the sound of her trembling voice doing everything not to cry.
You breathe in; your ribs hurt. You breathe out; they hurt again. Lena shakes her head at herself, frustrated and biting her lip. She’s having a battle with composure and losing.
“Kara told me how you stole his nanotech and used it to immobilize him. That the tech that was missing from my lab last week was found with the stuff he confiscated from you. That you hacked his computer with my prototype to send her the location to his headquarters underground,” Lena rushes out, “I didn’t know you planned to get taken to his HQ, to steal his nanotech, didn’t know that anyone besides me and the DEO knew what he was working on.”
It’s a quick summary of the things you’ve done, leaving out the weeks of planning, leaving out the struggles of actually setting the plan in motion when the shifting variables shifted in a way you weren’t prepared for. It should leave you proud, but when you think of what you managed all you remember is pain and struggle.
“You stopped Lex like you planned. So many people are saved because of you. An unfathomable amount, and yet,”she says. And yet, you think, heart fluttering because you know Lena will say the very thought that kills you to think of, but the thought that can’t escape you anyways. “What…what you did was monumental, and thank you, but god, I so wish you hadn’t,” Lena breathes. “He gone, and yet he has never been so present. Perhaps you felt the effects of him through me before, but you know now what it’s like to have him really present, always right over your shoulder, and that…I would’ve given the world for otherwise.”
It’s exactly the same thoughts you have had. To hear it from Lena, someone you admire and trust so much, someone you believe to be good with every piece of you, someone you’d follow everywhere—it’s like a medicine for guilt.
“What I said before…about doing what I did for me,” Lena shakes her head, ever understanding, like she doesn’t need you to finish. You do though. “I did it for me because I wanted desperately for you to still be mine, and getting rid of Lex was the avenue for that,” you admit. “I didn’t want him to plague you anymore either.”
You hesitate. Memories of Lena pacing at night—startling awake, watching the news with the grimness of someone attending a funeral—memories of Lena’s affectedness come to you. Her humaneness at hearing Lex escaped again, and in her humanity in her vulnerability.
“I want to take responsibility, so I don’t want to say I did it for you, but what you said earlier made me realize everything is a bit of both. I did it for me, I did it for you too.”
Lena laughs. Laughs. It shocks you, causes you to jump and stop looking at your hand, causes you to meet her gaze again. “Ow,” you growl, unamused, because Lena is still laughing. She’s covering her face and has the decency to look apologetic.
Your ribs hurt from the startle but even you can’t help but be confusedly amused.
“I want to hate,” Lena starts, mirth in her voice, “that you did the thing I wanted you to do least in the world, and you got exactly what you wanted out of it. You captured lex, and in a way captured me back too.”
“Oh,” you perk up, smiling up at Lena innocently. “Guess I’m the brains now, brawn.”
Lena’s eyes narrow at you. “That insinuates that you were ever the brawn.”
Back to glaring. Lena lets out another huff of laughter and brushes your hair back, away from a cut on your forehead. Her eyes are so soft, so full of warmth, and love that you could cry. Would cry, perhaps, if it wouldn’t hurt every part of your body.
Instead you grin, because that’s what humans are taught to do instead of cry, and ask, gently—feeling like a shaky child; “does that mean you’re my girlfriend again?”
Lena’s eyes widen as she realizes what she implied, and as you own up to it so hesitantly, so childlike, like Lena could ever think of pushing you away after everything. Her words, not for the first time today, betray her. All she can do is nod.
Your responding grin is heroin to Lena. You smile so wide the cut on your lip breaks open again and starts bleeding, but you pay it no mind. Lena does. She smiles back, albeit more gently, and squishes your cheeks together to prevent the split widening.
You pout in her hands. Lena’s heart flutters. She keeps getting hit randomly with momentous emotion, and she’s hit again with it now. The softness of this moment feels like seeing a rainbow after months of storms.
You here, alive, looking at Lena with so much love in your eyes, so much understanding. It feels like a fantasy. Feels like a lucid dream, a dream she’d choose, over, and over again, until the end of time.
Lena leans in and kisses you—not on the lips, they are cut and bruised. She kisses you on the space just below your eye. A spot, one of the few spots, clear of visible injury. She takes pleasure in the way you flush like it’s the first time. She always did, will always do. “I love you,” Lena whispers, promising herself that even if there are days you won’t believe her, there will never be a day you don’t hear it.
It’s you, and it’s her, and it’s the mountains of history and trauma you two are fighting against. Lena likes the both of your odds. Loves winning just as much.
You’ll beat Lex she knows. There will be a day soon where he stops haunting the two of you. Where he’s not even a thought. When that time comes you’ll have won the war, but for now she’ll take the pride of winning every battle in stride, for now, in the now; she’ll cherish every moment, the many moments, when trauma leaves the room and love consumes it.
“Lena Luthor,” you breathe. You breathe. “My love, my hero.”
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supercorpkid · 1 month
Ooooo okay
So inspired by your runaway dancers fic (so good) but BD didn't run away just kind off suffered in silence faded into the background
But like BD is just feeling left out cause Alex and Kara are like a team both work for the DEO and constantly have sister nights and are just really close
And like Lucy Lane and Lena Luthor both know what it's like to be the black sheep (so do Alex and Kara they just don't notice it) and like BD isn't invited to sister night so Lucy and Lena take BD to go have fun and take BDs mind off of it
And then the sisters realise (somehow maybe they overhear or they get confronted) they have left out BD and apologise and all make up
So like angst and fluff for BD (you can change any off the plot this is just something to help spark ideas)
You're On Your Own, Kid.
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane.
Word count: 1900
They are everywhere. Everywhere you look, the heroes of National City catch your eye, and you're left swallowing the lump in your throat. They're your sisters. There shouldn’t be a lump in your throat at the sight of them. But recently, things have been taking a hard turn for you.
You love your job. Really, you do. Taking care of little animals and being a veterinarian brings you joy. But sometimes, you wish you had chosen something more impactful—not just for the world, but for your sisters.
Alex is an agent. A badass one, armed with alien tech, and she’s an incredible doctor, skilled in both human and Kryptonian anatomy. Kara has just become a prominent reporter at one of the biggest media empires in National City and, of course, she’s also one of the planet's greatest superheroes. 
And here you are, examining dog feces for worms.
You don’t mind. There’s no way to express this without sounding jealous, which you’re really not. Your heart swells with pride when Kara saves the world. When you see Alex doing something extremely dangerous yet incredibly badass, you want to shout from the rooftops that she’s your sister.
But lately, you’ve been feeling lonely and a bit left out. They have so much in common and spend so much time together that, little by little, you're left on the sidelines. It started with conversations about things you knew nothing about, then inside jokes you weren’t part of, then secrets. Now, spending time with them is emotionally draining, but not being around them feels even worse.
“Did you see this?” A technician shoves her phone in your face. You smile at Supergirl’s picture and the headline, though she can’t see it because you're wearing a mask.
“Chichi doesn’t have worms.” You remove your gloves, organize the space, and reach for her phone to read the entire news. “Whoa, Supergirl saved the world today!” You look up. “Isn’t it crazy to think we could’ve died analyzing feces if it wasn’t for her?”
“I know! I wish I knew her. I’d make sure she knew she saved us from the most embarrassing death ever.”
You think to yourself that you’ll let Kara know this as soon as you’re out of the clinic. It might have been a while since you two last talked, but you think your sister would appreciate hearing about her heroics. Everyone likes compliments, after all.
“We should go out to celebrate.”
“Not being dead?”
She nods enthusiastically. You almost take her up on it but think better of it. You want to celebrate, but you’d rather do it with Supergirl herself. Buy her potstickers and thank her in person.
You can’t buy Kara potstickers every time she saves the world—you’d go bankrupt in a few months. But not dying an embarrassing death calls for it, honestly.
You leave work and head to her favorite restaurant, and soon you're on your way to her apartment. As you’re about to knock, you hear Alex’s voice inside.
“Ayy!” she exclaims in an uncharacteristic manner. “Sisters’ night with cold beer after you saved the world and I saved your butt at CatCo was an awesome idea.”
Sisters’ night?
You check your phone to make sure you haven’t missed a text. No, you definitely weren’t invited to this impromptu sisters’ night. You try to muster the courage to knock anyway. They weren’t expecting you, but Kara wouldn’t—
“Golly, eating potstickers after saving the world with my family is the best feeling in the universe.”
You turn around without a second thought. It’s awfully sad how unsurprising this is to you. It doesn’t take you off guard, it doesn’t even make your stomach drop. It’s nothing new.
Sure, you’ve been almost out of their lives. Haven’t hung out in a month, Kara hasn’t visited you at work in months, and the last time someone said anything in the text chain was when you asked if they’d heard from Mom that day. Alex simply said no. And that was two weeks ago.
But still, not being invited to a sisters’ night? It literally has that name because it’s a celebration of sisters! You’re a sister. Even if you are the least favorite one.
Great, you’re back at it again. Feeling like you always did back in Midvale. Feeling jealous of Kara and her friendship with Alex. Wanting what they have so badly. The understanding, the support, the “I’ll die for you” love that you only ever got little tastes of.
Ugh. You roll in your bed, trying to go to sleep and praying you wake up invisible.
It's been a week since you realized your sisters want you out of their lives, so you've been keeping to yourself. They haven't come looking for you, not even when you didn't make it to games' night and said nothing on the group chat.
You hear the doorbell and go answer it. It's been a while since anyone visited and you have no idea who could be behind that door. "Lena?"
"So you are alive!" 
"I guess?" You're puzzled by her visit. She's friends with your sisters. Sure, you've talked before, but she's Kara's best friend, not yours.
"Well, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen you in weeks." Lena glances inside your apartment and you finally realize you haven't invited her in yet. So you make space and she takes the chance to walk in. "You haven't been to any game's night, and haven't added anything to the group chat."
"Has —" The question burns in your throat and it needs to be asked. "Anyone else noticed?"
Lena stops, understanding your implication, and turns around slowly.
"Should anyone in specific notice it?"
You don't answer, and her expression demands more. You want to confide in her, but you can't. Lena is Kara's best friend. It wouldn't be fair to share something about your sister with her. So you bite your tongue and shrug. You're on your own. You always have been.
"Oh, no. No. Just curious."
"Well, I came to drag you to game night with me today and you can't say no!"
"No." Lena's face falls and you smile apologetically. "Sorry, I'm going out with some friends from vet school."
"But we're your family!" Lena tries again. Some family! They don't even notice you haven't been around in weeks. "Just come with me today and I'll stop bugging you." Before you open your mouth she adds, "Don't say no."
"See, you did it again." She pretends to be annoyed and you laugh.
"Sorry Lena, next one, maybe. This one is not gonna happen."
You don't make it to the next one, no matter how many times Lena texts you or tries to bribe you with your favorite food. You can’t go. How many sisters’ nights have they had that you weren’t a part of? How many times was it just them, never realizing something was missing? And worst of all, what if there isn't something missing to them? What if you're someone that people can't even miss?
You think you finally get Lena off your back. She stops texting you, so you're sure you won't have to explain yourself anymore or come up with lazy excuses.
“Y/N.” Your technician calls, and you raise your head from your computer. There were no emergencies today, so you've been just going over some patients' charts while you wait for the next one. “Some women outside are asking for you.”
You look at her with puzzled eyes.
“They don't even own a pet.” You furrow your brows harder and make your way to the front of the clinic.
“Lena? Lucy? What are you guys doing here?”
“We're taking you out for a drink,” Lena says, then adds in a more severe tone, “and seriously, I won't accept no for an answer this time.”
“I'm working and I have a patient.” You look at your schedule. “A cat named…” You raise your head at her, with an eyebrow raised. “Lex.”
“One of those bald ones that looks like it's inside out. Oh, be careful 'cause he bites.” She adds with a smirk.
You look back at the schedule to see that the last patient of the day also seems to be a prank from them. “And next, there is a dog named Clark.”
“He's a golden retriever! The sweetest, but super strong!” Lucy jokes, and you roll your eyes at their shenanigans.
“Can't believe you weirdos paid to hang out with me.”
“Oh, it was all Lena.” You chuckle, of course, it was Lena. Who else would literally throw money at your face so she could talk to you?
There's nothing you can say; you have to join them. You really like them both, but you know they are mostly your sisters' friends, so you can't tell them the real reason why you've been so MIA.
You've been more of a listener throughout the entire hangout. It's weird getting information about your sisters from Lena and Lucy instead of directly from them, but hey, it was their choice. You're just giving them the space they seem to want.
“So, when are you going to tell us about what's going on with you and why you've completely disappeared from our lives lately?”
“Nothing's happening,” you slur, not because you're drunk but because you don't want to talk.
“My bet was that you're in a new relationship,” Lucy says, and you wish she was right. It would make the loneliness you're feeling less prominent.
“I guess you lost the bet.”
Lena looks straight into your eyes. “Well, I think it has something to do with family.”
You don't answer, but the fact that you don’t is what makes them understand right away. Lena reaches for your hand on the other side of the table, and you swallow the lump in your throat and the tears coming.
“It's okay, darling.” She almost whispers in this packed bar full of drunk people. You still hear her perfectly and can hear the sweetness of her tone as well. “We both have been there too.”
“You have?”
Lucy smiles at Lena before turning to you. “Dude, we're the black sheep of our families. Of course we know what it's like not to belong with your family.”
“Yeah.” The tears threaten to leave your eyes again, and you do your best to swallow them down. “It's been hard. They're hanging out together so much, and they have so much in common.”
“Yeah, but that doesn't mean they don't miss you.” Lena tries, and you give her a watery chuckle.
“Trust me, they don't. You've reached out to me a lot more than they have in the past month. I don't think they even noticed I haven't been around.”
“That's crazy! Of course they noticed it!” It's Lucy who tries again.
“They had a sisters' night without me. They haven't texted me in a month, and I haven't been to so many game nights that I'd expect them to at least realize the counting of people has been wrong.”
“Oh, we haven't been playing group games these days.”
You just stare at them, not much left to say. They know where you're coming from, and there's no more excuses they can give for your sisters' behavior. Though, they aren't the ones supposed to be making excuses anyway.
After you get this confession out of the way, you can enjoy the night without having to tiptoe around the subject. Both Lena and Lucy are very understanding of your situation, and though you can feel they pity you, the overall feeling is warmth.
Because sisters' night is basically out of your vocabulary already, Lena and Lucy have turned the usual Thursday night into girls' night. It's the second one, and Lucy wanted to karaoke so you all ended up at the alien bar everyone usually frequents. 
You weren't thinking about your sisters at all when you agreed to meet them there. And you also forgot they could waltz in at any moment after three beers and one shot. You're at the bar waiting for another beer, when Lena next to you whispers, "o-oh."
"Hm?" You turn to her and automatically you follow her line of sight and see Kara and Alex entering the bar. "Oh, shit." The bartender places your beer in front of you and you turn around gulping in. "I have to go."
"What?" Kara comes closer before you have the chance to run out. "I thought you said you'd be working."
"Yeah, I finished up and —" Lena gets interrupted by Lucy who fails to read the situation and comes in yelling, 
"YAY, girls night!"
"Girls' night?" She raises one eyebrow to Lena. "Why was I not invited?"
"It hurts, aye." You can't help the grumble that leaves your mouth. Alex furrows her brows at you, hands finally out of her pockets. They share a look, before turning to you again.
Lena and Lucy quickly make their way to the karaoke claiming they're going to pick a song and you're left face-to-face with your biggest problem. You can't face them. Don't want to. It all feels unnecessary and you know you're the one who's going to get hurt in the end.
"I'll go help the girls." You point out and Alex stands in the way for you to leave.
"How about you stay and talk to us, instead? We haven't seen you in a while."
"And whose fault is that?" You widen your eyes to the words that just left your mouth. You can't believe you just said this. 
Alex and Kara's surprised faces aren't far behind, and so you breathe deep before you say something else to turn this into an argument.
"I'm gonna go." You repeat.
"No, you're not. Not when it seems like you have a bunch of things stuck on your throat."
And they are right, you do have so many things you'd like to tell them. You take a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts and the courage to speak up. The bar suddenly feels too loud, too crowded, but you know this conversation can't wait any longer.
"Fine," you say, finally feeling brave enough to meet their eyes. "Let's talk."
Kara and Alex exchange a glance, then nod. Kara motions to a quieter corner of the bar, and you all move there. Once seated, you take another deep breath and start.
"It's just… I've been feeling left out. You two have been spending so much time together, and I feel like I'm just on the sidelines. Like I don't belong."
Alex's eyes soften, and Kara looks stricken. "Y/N, we had no idea you felt this way," Alex says gently. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"
"I didn't want to seem jealous or needy," you admit. "But it hurts when you have sisters' nights and don't invite me. Or when you have inside jokes that I'm not part of."
"Oh, baby. We never meant to exclude you," Kara says, her voice full of regret. "We thought you were busy with work or just needed space. We didn't realize you felt this way."
"Well, I do," you say, your voice trembling slightly while you try to hold back the tears. "And it sucks. I miss you both. I miss being part of your lives."
Kara reaches out and takes your hand. "We're so sorry. We love you and we want you to feel included. We'll do better, I promise."
Alex nods in agreement. "Absolutely. You're our sister, and we want you with us. Always."
Their words bring a rush of relief and you can't keep your tears in check anymore. "I just want to feel like I matter," you say, your voice breaking.
"You do matter," Kara insists. "More than you know. We're a team, and we need you."
Alex squeezes your other hand. "We'll make it right. No more sisters' nights without you. From now on, we do everything together."
You feel a weight lift off your shoulders. "Really?" You ask, heart daring to hope. They both agree so vividly with their heads, you can't not believe them fully. "That's all I wanted. I just want my sisters back."
Lena and Lucy return from the karaoke machine, eyeing the three of you with curiosity but giving you space. You share a small, relieved smile with your sisters. For the first time in a long while, you feel hopeful that things will get better.
Kara is the first to get up from her seat and pull you into a hug. Alex joins right after and soon you're sandwiched between your sisters and it's so nice you even forget you're in a bar.
But it's only for a brief second, until your friends come closer and join the hug. Soon after Kara runs to the karaoke machine to pick a song for you three to sing together, and Alex pays you another beer.
You can't believe you were away from your sisters for over a month, because nothing is good enough that it doesn’t get a hundred times better when they're around. You hope they are always around.
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oneshotnewbie · 7 months
Can you also do a oneshot where B!D is the one kidnapped in season 2 instead of Alex and she almost dies because of her asthma?
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Authors note: I changed the scenery a bit and wrote a different storyline because I think it would be totally weird to write the exact same episode in season two with Baby Danvers instead of Alex in it. Hope that's okay!
Kara and Alex were on their way to your apartment, where you had planned a peaceful family dinner, when suddenly their cell phones lit up and beeped wildly in a monotonous tone. The message the two received from an anonymous sender was short and clear, but still very disturbing and frightening. "Your sister is in danger. Come to the old warehouse at the harbor alone if you want her back alive. If you take the Martian with you, she will die."
"Call her immediately!" said the redhead in a panic as she tried to trace the sender using a cell phone tracking device installed on her phone. But both the call and the pursuit went nowhere and, full of concern, the two sisters followed the instructions with a desperate expression.
Shortly afterwards the two found themselves in front of an abandoned warehouse. The surroundings were silent and frightening, only the gentle sound of the sea against the harbor wall accompanied their quick steps before they stopped opposite a shadow that only slowly approached them. "Who the hell are you and where is our sister?"
"Kara, Alex. It's nice that you came," spoke a cool voice before the shadow grew into a male figure. Despite the passing years of her high school days, Alex instantly realized that it was Rick Malverne who had been ruthlessly targeting Supergirl's family and identity for some time.
“What did you do to y/n?!” Kara shouted angrily, her eyes glowing red with anger. Malverne smiled and finally stepped into the light, where the two women's eyes met his ice-cold one. He pulled a small device out of his pocket and played around with it before throwing it to the redhead. The two of them were able to see a black and white shot of you on the small camera.
"Your sweet little sister. She will be useful for the success of my plans," he grinned devilishly and the two siblings took another look at the device in their hands. You were trembling uncontrollably in fear and with a look of panic on your face, you tried desperately to fight against the amount of cold water that was increasing slowly in the watertank you were trapped in. "And if you don't cooperate, she'll soon run out of air."
The tension in the warehouse reached its peak when Malverne stood triumphantly. His cold eyes fixed on the two siblings who were forced to be in his power. The two siblings looked at each other briefly, their minds quick as lightning as they considered how they could save you from this life-threatening situation before deciding to play his game. After all, it was your life that was now in the hands of a madman. "What do you want from us?" the redhead asked through gritted teeth, her anger running unbearably through every fiber of her body.
"Very wise of you, Danvers. You're going to help me get my father out of jail. If you don't get him out within the next six hours-" he threatened with a malicious grin and flipped a small switch in his other hand that displayed a timer on the camera. "She dies within a very short time. You have no choice."
Kara clenched her fists, her knuckles already losing blood and turning white, but she knew she had to proceed carefully. "Hop, hop, Supergirl. You don't have much time left." the blonde nodded hesitantly and he disappeared back into the darkness. The two siblings were tense as they were forced to cooperate with the enemy to save you. But in the hearts of both women they swore that Malverne's sinister plans would not go unanswered and that they would receive punishment.
While Kara and Alex reluctantly took every opportunity to hatch a plan, they tried to mislead him with a clever but stressful situation. While J'onn posed as Supergirl, Kara activated her superpowers and attacked him from behind.
When both Alex and J'onn as Supergirl took advantage of his attention and negotiated with him, the blonde took advantage of the moment of surprise. She shot forward and grabbed him in a lightning-quick movement, throwing him against the wall. Alex immediately followed her, her hands gripping his neck in a tight grip. He could only watch helplessly as his plans collapsed.
"You didn't think we'd give up so easily, did you?" Alex spoke in a threatening tone while Kara fixed him with an icy stare. They left him in the hands of the Martian who took him to the DEO and they rushed to the water tank where you were trapped and still fighting for your life. The water level rose threateningly and you were already gasping for air to the last millimeter. “Y/n, hold on!”
With her strength and speed, the blonde threw herself at the tempered safety glass until it began to shatter and you flowed out of the tank with the flood of water. The relief was palpable, but the joy of your safety was short-lived and the hardships took their toll.
Exhausted and panting in panic, you collapsed in her arms with a choking gasp, gasping for air as your siblings exchanged frightened looks. "She's having an asthma attack!" The redhead whispered, her expression serious as she realized that neither you nor any of them had an inhaler with them. "She needs to go to the hospital. There's no time to waste!"
The blonde nodded in agreement and the blonde gently lifted you into her arms. Alex also clung to Kara before she flew into the air. The night air was cool as she flew with you over the city, reaching the hospital at breathtaking speed. Doctors immediately rushed over to take care of you while Kara and Alex waited anxiously, hoping that you would regain your strength soon.
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
kidnapped PT.3
PT.1   PT.2  PT.4  PT.5  PT.6  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
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The first 2 building was just a simple 1-story building that was completely abandoned, so it wouldn't take long to search. Brainy and Nia checked the building, but it was empty there were a few box here and there, but that’s it, the second building was the same. Kara and j’onn Already checked the first floor and there was nothing. Getting to the last floor, both sister were starting to lose hope. They look around the last floor, but they didn't find you or the alien. “Brainy, are you sure those were the only location you found.” Kara asked desperately. “Unfortunately, yes, that’s all I have for now.” Kara sighed and looked at j’onn with tears in her eyes. “We will never find them in time.” J'onn took Kara in his harm.” Yes, we will ok well find them in time.”
 In a last ditch attempt, Kara used her super hearing. She was extremely surprised to hear a really faint but present heart beat, pulling away she concentrated on the sound. “What wrong?” He asked. "I think I hear something, It's coming from downstairs.” She followed the sound, it leads her to a wall on the first floor. “Hidden door, maybe.” Kara said, and J’onn shrugged. They looked around trying to find something like a button, a lever, anything that could reveal a secret door. Looking closely, Kara found a spot that wasn’t the exact shade of the wall, she pressed on it and the wall opened. 
 Behind the door, Kara saw the most horrifying sigh she could ever see. There was you on the floor covered in blood and bruises, your eyes were closed and if it wasn’t for the slight movement of your chest anyone would've thought you were dead. The was towering over you, he grabbed you by the neck and lifted you in the air. “Are you dead yet or do I need to continue?” He chuckled, he squeezed your neck more and with your eyes still close you weakly grabbed at he’s wrist. Kara was frozen there in shock, she couldn’t move, she just looked at you.
Your POV: 
You just wanted to die at this point, your entire body was hurting, you were so weak you couldn’t move nor could you scream in pain when he hit you or stabbed you with his sharp claws. 
 You knew he was there, you could feel his presence. You heard the door open, so you thought he was actually gone, but you quickly realized he wasn’t when he wrapped his hand around your neck and squeezed, cutting your flow of oxygen, you weakly tried to loosen his grip on your throat, but it was obviously a failed attempt. 
 Suddenly you were dropped onto the floor and you groaned at the impact. You heard some struggling then there were hands-on you, you whimpered and flinch in pain because the hand were touching one of your wound, you tried to move away from what you think was Vexok hands. 
 General POV: 
 “Get away from her!” J’onn scream, snapping Kara out of her trance. The Alien dropped you to the floor, right as he did, j’onn attacked him whilst Kara ran toward you. She placed her hand on your side to see how badly you were hurt, She heard you whimpered and try to move away from her, not knowing she was hurting you she pressed down harder to keep you from moving. A weak cry left your lips and that when she took her hand away, you shook like a leaf and try to move away again. “Sweetheart, it’s me, it’s Kara, it’s your big sister. You’re going to be ok. I know it hurt, I’m sorry. Could you open your eyes for me please?” Kara said, tears brimming her eyes at the sight of you like this, you slowly opened your eyes, even if your sight was blurred a little you recognized your sister’s bright blue eyes they were filled with worry. You cried in relief and happiness at the sight of her. 
 Behind her, j’onn made quick work of knocking the alien down. “Come on, we need to bring them both to the D.E.O.” J’onn said, Kara nodded and picked you up. You let out another weak cry of pain, which broke Kara’s heart even more. “I’m sorry, Honey, but I have to bring you to the D.E.O.” She said softly.
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marvelsdc22 · 9 months
Imagine your comfort character saying this to you:
"You... Don't have to be the bad guy. You are the most talented, the most interesting, and the most extraordinary person in the universe; and you are capable of amazing things. Because YOU are the special."
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black-dragon1998 · 4 months
Hell must be paid
Synopsis: (Y/N) is a ruling crime boss in National City and the alpha of the city's werewolf pack. When her lover Morgana(let’s pretend she is in this multiverse and the twin sister of Lena Luthor, who stayed behind in Ireland) gets hurt, somebody has to pay.
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Two sets of headlights illuminated the night sky as they drove in unison to the docks. The first car stopped with screeching tyres making it stop abruptly and rattle forward in front of the pier,. The figure behind the steering wheel stepping out of the car and looked at the scene around her, knowing it was a cliché but a good cliché.
As she approached the trunk of her car, five guys came out of the other vehicle and set up a perimeter. Blending so into the shadows that if she couldn't sense them (Y/N) wouldn't even know they were there. But (Y/N) could tell all her men apart just by smell. That is how she caught the rat.
Before opening the trunk (Y/N) gave her surroundings a once over. She wouldn't want unwanted guests at her party. Opening the trunk, she ignored the body, pretending to be unconscious. Her acute senses could tell the difference, but she would give him his false sense of security. No, first, she had some things to set up. (Y/N) grabbed the chains and heavy weights from next to the man and threw them at the end of the docks. She was letting them fall with a loud clang.
People always said she had a flair for dramatics. It also gave her time to calm down a little and go over what she was going to do to the dead man before he became a dead man.
Thinking back at what the low life in her car had done made her blood boil, and she could not help but think of who it had almost cost her.
When (Y/N) was sure she wasn't going to rip his guy's throat out, she went to pull him out of the car.
Looking down at the man (Y/N), she watched the man who almost took everything from her a couple of hours ago. She waited for him to look her in the eyes.
She knew who the guy was when her men picked him up: James 'Jimmy' Olsen, a former associate of the Kent Clan. What (Y/N) had heard as of late was that he was working for the Danvers sisters.
James finally opened his eyes after (Y/N) glared at him for a few minutes. He was trying not to show his fear, but (Y/N) knew better. She could practically taste his fear.
"Mister Olsen, how nice of you to stop pretending." (Y/N) said in a sweet voice and kind smile, knowing he wouldn't buy it. The smile dropped when he didn't answer.
"I suggest, Mister Olsen, that you don't look a gifted horse in the mouth. To begin with, you are already on thin ice. So don't throw my kindness in my face." (Y/N) half growls as she grabs him by the shirt collar and lifted him out of the trunk like he weighed nothing more than a trash bag. (Y/N) Threw him toward the weight and chains. He comes down while scraping over the ground. Because his hands and feet were bound, he couldn't prepare himself and landed face first, cutting him up just a bit.
Not even a curse. someone had done this before.
(Y/N) hiked over to him, making her footsteps be heard so he knew she was coming closer. She grabbed James roughly by the shoulder and forced him on his back, with her looming over him—eyes just a little too bright in the night and teeth just a little too sharp.
"what do you want from me?" James asked, trying to get away. The hand on his shoulder prevented him from getting very far.
with the poor lighting around them it was like a demon staring down at him, and he had to do everything he could not let his fear show. With the cocky look, James saw on your face, he knew you could tell anyway.
"I think you know what I want from you, Mister Olsen. Seeing as where my men caught you." Patience was not your strong suit; buy you could be when you had to be.
"your men snatched me off the street with no good reason." James started to struggle, trying to get free. He got nowhere, however, except for being slammed back into the ground.
"No, my men picked you up because you smelled like the explosives that set one of my warehouses on fire tonight. A wolf's nose never lies, Mister Olsen. So, who sent you?" He stayed silent and glared at (Y/N), making her furious. Did the little prick even know what he had almost done tonight, who he had nearly cost her?
If he wouldn't talk to save his life, maybe something else could rattle his cage.
"I heard your sister and her wife adopted a little girl recently." That seemed to strike a nerve because he started to fight like an animal. Making (Y/N) smile.
"you bitch. Keep away from my family!"
"I will if you tell me what I want to know…"
A car approaching them pierced the silence. As the vehicle stopped, a chorus of growls could be heard. The person getting out didn't seem to care as they came closer. (Y/N) craned her neck to the side as the mystery person got closer.
"Let him go (Y/N)." Just a little bit of her Irish accent came through, but otherwise, she sounded exactly like Morgana.
"Well, if it isn't the poster child of the Luthor clan herself. Oh, wait, you are nothing more than the breeding bitch of the youngest Danvers now. Here to save the boy toy? (Y/N)' s mouth turned into a loose grin, more teeth than a smile and a mocking tone.
Eyes rooming over Lena's body. Except for the suit and straight hair, she looked exactly like Morgana.
Morgana who was lying unconscious in a hospital bed after a wall collapsed on her. Caused by an explosion ripping through the warehouse, James Olsen had set on fire.
When Lena noticed (Y/N) wasn't budging, she repeated her request, making (Y/N) laugh.
"You knew me, Lena. Mercy isn't in my book." (Y/N) said. Her attention went back to the man under her. She put the chains around the weight before rapping the weights around James, making her intentions very clear.
"if I let him go, what would that do to my reputation?" (Y/N) could feel her rage build the longer Lena was around. Her scent resembled her wounded lover, setting her inner animal on edge.
Lena was smart enough not to get closer. Sensing that (Y/N) was getting more agitated. Slipping from being a brutal bitch to the animal that dwelled inside.
“(Y/N)! whatever you think James has done…"
"You mean setting my warehouse on fire?" It took Lena a little too long for (Y/N) 's liking to come to James's defence.
"so the Danvers sisters set you up for this, Jimmy." (Y/N) says, looking down at James.
Hoisting him up with one arm, she dangled him over the water.
"And here I thought we were getting somewhere in our meetings."
“(Y/N) please! James was ill-informed. He thought your men were responsible for something my brother did."
"the beating of Winn Scott? That's what this is all about." (Y/N) didn't know if she wanted to scream or laugh.
"the warehouse was empty. I checked!" James yelled, his brave demeanour cracking as he dangled in the air over the water.
"you know what is stored next to that warehouse?" Lena noticed (Y/N) 's demeanour growing colder and becoming more dangerous.
"How should I know!" James was getting frantic.
"next to that warehouse, they stored car batteries. When they caught fire, they exploded. Injuring a very important person to me." That sends Lena's mind into overdrive. Only so many people could get this strong reaction out of you. Before anything else could be said, one of (Y/N) 's men emerged from the shadows.
"boss, she is awake." Lena could feel the heaviness of those words. (Y/N) stepped back from the edge and let James fall to the ground without a second thought. She was walking away before he even hit the ground. When she passed Lena, she stopped for just a moment.
"This isn't forgotten. If Morganna doesn't fully recover, I will see this little stunt as an act of war. Also, you can consider our meeting over and get your men out of my territory within the next 2 hours, or I will consider them fair game." With that, (Y/N) got into her car and sped off.
Lena caught her breath momentarily, not knowing she was holding it. She got to James and helped him out of his binds.
"I hope for all our sakes, James, that Morgana isn't that injured; otherwise, we have a war on our hands. Also, you can explain this to Alex when we get back."
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supergirlfics · 4 months
B!D takes a kryptonite bullet for Kara basically dies, but they revive her.
A/N: It's been forever, but I'm procrastinating homework (in school for television writing) and happened across this old thing. B!D has taken on a life of her own at this point - she has a name, a backstory, a fiance . . . everything. So please excuse my not using 2nd person. Jacquelyn Danvers wants to be heard.
The pointed gun blazed a sickly emerald green. Kryptonite.
And it was aimed right at Kara.
Jacquelyn looked from the gun's barrell to her sister. Kara had her hands raised, she was saying something, but Jacquelyn's ears were ringing. She couldn't hear anything besides the pounding in her heart. She had to do something. She had to stop it.
"Supergirl, move!" Jacquelyn called. She only allowed her sister half a second to get out of the way before her body reacted to seeing Kara in danger. She shot forward as quickly as her legs would go. Arms outstretched, she shoved Kara out of the way just as a BANG filled the air.
Jacquelyn felt a searing pain rip through her chest. The force of the bullet sent her flying backward several feet and she rolled across the pavement.
Her entire body felt like it was on fire. Her head buzzed, and she was struggling to breathe. She could hear a commotion, but nothing made sense. The world became blurry. And then it went black.
Kara stumbled sideways when Jacquelyn pushed her. She heard the gunshot, and in that moment, she had never been more terrified.
That was, until she realized her baby sister had been shot instead of her.
"Jacquelyn!" Kara glanced at her sister and back at the man who made the shot. "Alex . . . Jacquelyn's been shot. Hurry!" She wanted desperately to run to her, but she knew she couldn't help Jacquelyn if she herself were dead. She had to take care of the shooter first.
She whizzed forward, her fist contacting her man square in the jaw. Kara hadn't ever hit that hard. At least, not on a human. He flew back and landed limply on the ground. Unconscious or dead, Kara didn't really care.
Within a second, she was at Jacquelyn's side. Her sister was passed out and bleeding profusely. Kara put pressure on the wound, blinking back tears as she looked at her sister's pale face.
Footsteps sounded behind Kara and moments later, Alex was at their side. "Oh god . . . you need to get her to the DEO now. I can't do anything for her here. I'll meet you there."
Without a word, Kara pulled her baby sister into her arms. She somehow seemed even lighter than usual. Like when she was a little kid. Just as helpless. Just as small and scared.
And Kara flew. She zoomed across the sky at record speeds - Barry would be impressed. But she didn't care about that now. All she cared about was her dying family.
When she lay Jacquelyn on the bed in the med bay, a team was already waiting. They got to work immediately.
"Is she going to be okay?" Kara asked.
"Supergirl, it's best you leave," an agent said. "You did your job, now it's time for us to do ours."
"I can't just leave! I'm not leaving her. She -" Kara's voice caught in her throat and she couldn't continue. She couldn't fathom the idea of losing her baby sister. "Just fix her."
J'onn walked in and placed a steady hand on Kara's shoulder. "She'll be okay, but you have to give them space to work. There is nothing you can do for her right now, Supergirl. You got her to safety. Come, let's go sit down."
Kara didn't want to leave, but she knew J'onn was right. She didn't have any medical training. "It's my fault. She pushed me aside! I should have gotten hit with that bullet."
"That bullet would have killed you. Jacquelyn at least has a chance. She knew that when she threw herself in the way."
Alex ran into the room. "Jackie! Oh my god. Jackie . . . What the hell happened out there?!"
"We were attacked," Kara explained. "He had a kryptonite gun and Jackie - she saved my life. I swear, Alex, if anything happens to her. If she doesn't make it, I will never forgive myself."
Kara was crying now. J'onn wrapped her in a reassuring hug as Alex moved to Jacquelyn's side.
"She'll make it," Alex said. "She has to."
The monitor started beeping rapidly.
"Shit!" Alex said.
"What's happening?" Kara asked. "What's going on with her?"
"She's coding. Get me a defribrillator. Now!" The doctor's worked in tandem with Alex as they quickly prepped Jacquelyn for the shock. "Everybody, clear."
Jacquelyn's body jolted as electricity surged through her. But still, the monitor beeped in rapid succession. Alex charged it again, and again they shocked her.
But the monitor continued its quickened pace.
Until it stopped.
"No," Alex said. "No, Jackie. You are not dying on me. Don't you dare die on me!"
Kara pulled away from J'onn to rush to Jacquelyn's side. "No, no no no," she sobbed.
Alex interlocked her fingers and positioned them over Jacquelyn's heart as another doctor placed oxygen over her mouth and nose. Alex furiously pumped her sister's heart. Though steady in her movements, Alex with nothing short of terrified. The only thing keeping her together was knowing she was Jackie's only shot.
Alex kept this up for several minutes. She refused to give up. She refused to give in to the possibility. The world spun around her and she felt like she would pass out. But she didn't stop.
A slow, steady beep started on the monitor.
Alex took a step back, her eyes filled with tears and heart full of relief. "She's not dying. Not today."
The doctor's took Jacquelyn to surgery to fix the damage. The bullet hadn't gone all the way through, so it had to be removed and bones and organs repaired.
Alex and Kara sat outside the room the entire time.
"I'm scared, Alex. Is she going to be okay?" Kara asked.
"She was in bad shape . . . but our doctor's are the best." Alex was just as scared as Kara. But she was the oldest. She couldn't show it. She had to be strong for all of them.
It seemed like hours before anybody came to get them. "She's stable. She should be waking soon. You can go see her."
Kara jumped up and threw her arms around the doctor before zooming to Jacquelyn's bedside.
Jacquelyn looked pale and sickly.
Both sisters sat by her bedside, holding her hands. "Oh Jackie, I am so, so sorry," Kara said. "I should have been faster. This is all my fault."
"Stop beating yourself up, Kara," Alex said as she gently stroked a stray piece of blond hair from Jacquelyn's sweat-covered face.
With a small groan, Jacquelyn opened her eyes.
"Hey, Jackie," Alex said softly. "How do you feel?"
"Ow . . ." Jacquelyn scrunched her face and turned her head from the light.
Alex immediately got up to turn it off. "Is that better? You were badly hurt, so it's normal to feel some pain, but we can try to ease it as much as possible."
"Kara?" Jacquelyn asked. "Is okay?"
Kara squeezed Jacquelyn's hand in both of hers. "I'm right here baby girl. I'm okay."
"It was kryptonite . . ."
"I know. You saved my life. Don't ever do that again, Jackie. You could have died."
Jacquelyn squinted up at Kara. "I had to protect my family."
At her words, tears welled up in Kara's eyes again. Her sister, her baby sister who had always been so soft, so sweet, so . . . nervous. Had been brave enough to nearly get herself killed for Kara's sake. It was both touching and terrifying.
"And now," Kara said after a long pause. "We protect you. It's going to be a while before you're well, but Alex and I aren't leaving your side."
Jacquelyn reached for Alex's hand, who grabbed it quickly. "That's right," Alex said. "And it's ice cream and The Land Before Time as much as you want until you're well. How does that sound?"
'Great," Jacquelyn forced a smile. "Better if everything wasn't throbbing . . ."
Alex exchanged a worried glance with Kara. "Let's up your pain meds."
"No," Jacquelyn said, though her voice was strained. "I'm fine. I don't need it."
"Jackie . . ."
"No! It'll make me high. I want to remember.'
"Okay," Alex sighed. "But if it gets too bad, I'm doing it no matter what you say. Got it?"
"Got it."
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wlw-imagines · 1 year
A Different Kind of Attack - Danvers Sisters (Supergirl)
request: Hi, I was wondering if i could please get a supergirl oneshot where the reader is the youngest danvers sister, and she has asthma and has a really bad asthma attck while training with kara? - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed!! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing and also v short
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"Y/N!" Alex shouted, "You've got to move faster." She stood at the side of the room, watching you and Kara spar - getting out all of your sibling rivalry. The classic bet had taken place of ‘who can win in a fight’ - you know, typical Danvers sisters nights in together.
You grunted out a response, "That's easier said than done, Alex." You gritted your teeth and went for another punch towards Kara, jabbing harder with your left fist. Kara only just managed to dodge, her powers having been reduced in order to make it a fair(er) fight.
As the punches you were throwing at your older sister sped up so did your breathing. You could feel the sweat dripping down you collarbone but you still pushed on, proving that you were more than capable.
"Okay, call it off guys." Alex stepped in, forcing the two of your apart, "Kara, you're form is off and you're losing energy quick. You can't rely on your superpowers..." You zoned out as Alex addressed Kara, taking the time to criticize her stance before she came to you.
As the adrenaline from the fight wore off you put your hands on your knees, bending over as you tried to get your breath back. Having to breath rapidly was something you were used to in your intense exercise sessions but it wasn't usually this bad. You straightened up again, putting a hand on your chest - it was feeling too tight and you still couldn't slow down your breathing. That alone made you start to panic and your wheezing just seemed to increase.
You were vaguely aware of one of your sisters placing a hand on your shoulder and so you looked up to see Kara and you attempted to say that you were fine, that you just needed a moment, "Kara, I- f, fi- Do-"
You just couldn't get your words out, making Kara visibly freak slightly. "Alex? What-"
Alex just gently sat by your side, biting her lip lightly, "I think it's a... she just needs to- Y/N? I need you to stay calm for me." She spoke half to you and half to Kara, not quite sure who to calm first as things escalated.
"Kara, it's fine. She's going to be fine. Just stay calm." She directed to both of you, but now focused on you completely.
"But what-?"
"It's an asthma attack." She took your hand to support your weight before you could collapse or fall, she squeezed it lightly before looking at you more closely, "You haven't had one this bad in a while." You stumbled backwards slightly, making Alex take a sharp breath in. She kept your hands interlinked and put her other hand on your back, supporting you. "Y/N, I'm just going to sit you down." Alex lowered you to the ground and put your back against the wall, keeping your torso straight.
"Alex, her lips are going blue-"
Alex just nodded and stayed by your side, motioning for Kara to join the two of you, "Kara, I'm going to go get her a hot coffee or tea or something. I need you to stay with her, just keep talking and keep her breathing and calm. It's going to be fine, honestly." She reassured herself more than anything this time. "Is that okay?" She asked but Kara was entirely focused on you, only sparing enough broken focus to mumble out a response.
"Yeah, I- of course." Alex nodded and left, whilst Kara kept her soft gaze glued on you. The pain in your chest and the tension in your shoulders was beginning to decrease ever so slightly but it felt like you still couldn't get a full breath in, even if you wanted to.
You dropped your head slightly, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you as you gained more and more control over your body and your breathing.
"Hey, little sis." She nudged your shoulder slightly, "How are you doing?"
"I'm oka- Yo-"
She smiled and put her hand up to silence you, nodding, "Okay, that was a stupid question, sorry! Apparently you humans have to breath regularly to survive so you should probably do that a bit now."
You wheezed out a breathy laugh and went to respond but chose to just shake your head at her instead.
"Bad time for a joke?" She asked, her smile only broadening. You just gave her a sarcastic pointed look, "Okay, fair." You both fell into a comfortable silence as Kara helped you fall into breathing at a more regular pace. After a while, Kara cheerily patted your knee, "Hey, see, you're doing great. Keep breathing, in and out."
You and Kara continued on like this for who knows how long before Alex made it back with some steaming hot chocolate. You smiled and wrapped your (still shaking) hands around the hot drink, gripping it enough to not spill any.
The three of you just sat for a while, not wanting to trigger any further asthma attacks, and allowing you to slowly regain normal colour to your face. You knew you were almost fully recovered when your stomach started to growl (Kara had been starving for a while now but she didn't want to leave your little bubble of chatter, these were her favourite moments). Alex insisted on going out to grab sandwiches, whilst you two stayed put.
Eventually you turned to Kara and snorted slightly, gaining her attention, "You know, you're surprisingly bad at keeping people calm in a bad situation. Like, for a superhero..." You trailed off, sending your sister a cheeky grin.
"What?! I was great!" She gasped, putting a hand to her chest in mock shock.
"Oh, sure! I couldn't breath and you were having your own freak out in the corner! Alex had to calm you down first." You criticised, knowing that you could joke about it now.
"Okay, that's true. You know I like to be dramatic." She blushed slightly and shrugged before turning slightly more serious and wrapping her arms around your shoulder, "I was just worried you know? You're my favourite little sister, I don't want to see you hurt. Ever."
You smiled, feeling a spreading warmth in your chest at that (in a good, healthy, definitely just love and not another asthma attack way). "I'm your o-"
"-Only little sister." She interrupted and finished for you, "I know, I know. Doesn't mean you can't be my favourite."
"Then you are my favourite Kryptonian older sister."
"Thank you." She kissed your temple. The sound of the door opening and Alex holding up your food made you both immediately jump to your feet faster than you should have been capable of, "Come on, let's get home and eat!" Kara cheered, pulling on your arm.
The three of you would always be there for one another, in any situation.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Don't follow my lead
a/n: i thought about something new...
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Lena Luthor x Daxamite!F!Reader; Mon-El x Sister!Reader; Clark Kent x Female!Reader (platonic); Alex Danvers x Female!Reader(platonic); Lillian Luthor x Female!Reader, mention of Kara Danvers x Female!Reader(platonic)
Summary: you're the sister of Mon-El you leave Daxam when you were little and came on earth before Kara. You met the daughter Luthor who'll become your wife and you two have a daughter. Unfortunaly, she'll be betrayl by a mysterious woman, Rhea, who is your mother.
Types: Angst and Fluff
Note: this fic take place in the season 2 and in this fic Lena already know Kara's secret identity and she's coll wuth that.
Warning: nothing
word count: ~3150
[Daxam after the explosion of Krypton]
Someone woke you up, and you were confused when you saw the fear in the eyes of your maid. "What's happening?" She didn't have the time to reply when you both heard screams and cries. She took your hand and dragged you out of the castle.
"Ms. Y/n, Krypton exploded, and it is falling on Daxam. I need to make sure you can escape." She found a Kryptonian pod and pushed you in.
"No, Abbie, I don't want to leave you." You started to cry, "Come with me, please." You plead, but she shook her head.
"You're the princess of Daxam, miss. You have to go and survive." She hugged you and apologized, "I'm sorry, Y/N." She was crying as well.
"You can't leave me. I need you, and mom, and dad and my brother" she brushed her thumb on your cheek to calm you down, "and I'm only 5, I'll not survive without you. Please Abbie" you plead again.
"I already put data in it; it'll bring you to a planet called Earth," she kissed your forehead before starting the pod. "Don't forget, miss, you're a princess; act like one," she said as she placed her hand on the window, and you reciprocated: "Good luck, miss Y/N."
You were flying into space without saying anything.The journey should have been quick, but your pod collided with an asteroid, sending you to the phantom zone.You are imprisoned for the next 27 years before miraculously escaping.
[Earth, a town near Metropolis]
When you landed on Earth, Clark was already Superman. He found your pod when you lend and helped you, and because of him, you found a new home in this new world. The (y/l/n)s were good parents; they always wanted a new child, so when the Superman asked for their assistance, they couldn't say no.
The first years were difficult, you missed your family and Abbie too. But fortunately, you were glad to have a new big brother who was a jerk but not a Don Juan and a big sister who was always here when you needed her.
After a few years and many late-night conversations with your sister, Jessy, you decide to live a life that makes you proud. Since this moment, you were not the princess of Daxam; you were just Y/n Y/l/n, daughter of James and Kathryn (Y/l/n), and the little sister of Mike and Jessy. It was all you needed, at least before you went to high school. You met her there; she was stunning and beautiful; you couldn't count how many times you were lost in her green eyes, and her black hair, which contrasted nicely with her pale skin, was also quite nice.Her name: Lena Luthor.
After taking some advice from your friends and your siblings, you asked her out, and she accepted. You started dating one month after your first date, and three years later you married her. With her job at Luthor Corp and your job at Daily Planet, you almost have time to spend together, but you decided to have a child, you carried her, and it was the most beautiful thing in your life after Lena.Her name was Lilly; you thought it was a pretty name, and it was the minimum for your pretty princess.
Time flies, Lex has gone insane just after you and Lilly move to National City. Lois found you a job at Catco where you could work less and spend more time with your daughter. Unfortunately, that means you were not here when Lex tied your wife to a chair in his office and threatened to kill you. She was aware of your past and the fact that you were a daxamite, but she didn't mind; all she cared about was the fact that you adored her and Lilly above all else.
It's been a while now since Lena came to Central City, and you will not lie; you were pretty glad. Lilly loves you, but she missed her other mom too. Today you decided to have lunch with your wife, and you brought your daughter. It was a little surprise to Lena, but it was a surprise for you when you knocked and opened the door to find an older woman with your wife. She looked familiar, but you couldn't tell where you saw her.
The little girl didn't hesitate and rushed to her mom to greet her with a hug, and the green-eyed woman picked her up. "Hi little princess, I missed you," she cooed, and you smiled at the interaction. She looked at you and seemed to recall something, so she cleared her throat and came to a halt beside you, kissing you and saying, "Rhea, this is my wife, and Lilly is our daughter."She introduced you. "Y/n, this is Rhea. She asked for my help on a new project." She explained, and you nodded.
You offered your hand at Reah, and she shook it. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Rhea; I hope she'll not bother you too much," you joked, and your wife punched your shoulder. "You know that doesn't hurt me, honey," you said, and Lena rolled her eyes.
"Mommy, I'm hungry." Lilly said.
"Oh, I think it's my clue to leave." The older brunette said,
"No, you can stay and eat with us." You offered.
"Oh no, I don't want to ruin a mother-daughter moment," she said, and she pocked the cheek of the little girl, who giggled,
"You don't ruin anything, Rhea." Lena said this time,
"Don't worry, there is someone who wait for me too," she said before walking to the door. "I'll see you soon, Lena." The three of you waved your hands, and she left.
"I like her," you said. "I just hope this new project will not take all your time."
The CEO kissed your cheek this time "I promise. Now let's go to eat."
After your first meeting with Rhea, the woman was always here when you visited L-Corp. It was not really bothering, she was pretty good with your daughter, and Luly seems to like her too. You were waiting for your wife that night, and you were reading a bedtime story to your little princess when she said something that caught your attention: "Mama, Mrs. Rhea, look like you." You stopped reading the story and looked at her,
"What do you mean, princess?" you asked softly,
"Yeah, she looks like you, and she looks like Mike too." You frowned your brows; you hadn't met Mike, Kara's new friend, yet. Lilly and Lena liked to say you had some common point with him, but you didn't know him. "Do you think she's from Da-Dax..." She searched for the right word, and it was cute to look at.
"Daxam, baby girl. And I don't know; I almost forgot everything about it. It's been a while you know." She nodded, "Now it's time to sleep, little princess. Tomorrow we will go to the carnival with mommy," you said, and she was so excited.
You left her bedroom when you were sure she was sleeping. You looked at the time and noticed it was late, and Lena didn't reply to your texts or your calls. You thought for a moment before calling Alex. "Hey Alex," you said when she answered the phone,
"Hey Y/n, it's late. Aren't you supposed to sleep?" She worriedly asked.
You groan "You're such a mom." And she laughed "do you know where is Lena? I tried to call her, but she didn't reply, and she didn't reply to my texts. I'm starting to worry." You admitted and you heard her sighed
"Y/N, we have a problem," she said, and you started to worry about your wife "We think she has been trapped and kidnapped by Mike's mom. But don't worry, Kara is on it."
"Where are you?" A wave of rage begins to wash over you.Alex told you where she was, you called Jessy, and she took Lilly with her for the night before you almost flew to where your friends was. When you reached the older Danvers, she was in front of a portal. She told you Kara was on the other side, and you didn't hesitate to run after her.
On the ship, you found Kara, Mike, Rhea, and an angry Superman. "What the hell?" you yelled, and every gaze was on you. "why Clark look like he's in front of a bad guy?" you asked, and the black-haired Kryptonian walked to you before he was stopped by Kara. You looked at Rhea and said, "You. Where is my wife?" You asked
"What Lena is your wife?" Mon-el said, and you focused on him.
"I saw you somewhere," you said, and some flashes from your childhood started to run in your mind. "Mon-el?" you asked, and you tilted your head. "But how? You were supposed to be dead when Krypton fell on Daxam." You were more than confused. He was about to reply when Rhea attacked you with a dagger made of lead. Thanks to your training with Clark, you successfully dodged it and attacked her back.
"Who are you?" the man  asked you.
"I'm Y/n, princess of Daxam," you said, and the room froze at your confession.
"Wait, Y/n like--" your brother wanted to say something, but Rhea cut him off,
"It's impossible," she said."My daughter died, Krypton took me my daughter," she explained, and now everything makes sense—the familiar look, the fact that Lena and Lilly always say you look like both of them.
"Mother?" you asked, and you didn't trust what you said. All this time, you thought you were the only one who survived. "But how should you be dead, both of you?" you asked, as tears streamed down your cheeks. "Wait, if you're both alive, that's mean father and Abbie too." At your sentence, Rhea was hit by a wave of guilt. Mon-El looked at her and didn't say anything.
She shook her head, and you cried harder. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm really sorry." She kept repeating it as if it would make you stop, but it didn't. And honestly, neither of them could make you feel better. You wanted to yell at them because they didn't protect Abbie, but an alarm stopped you.
"What is this?" you asked, and a guard ran to where you were before stopping and panting,
"My queen, the humans... They sent lead into the atmosphere." he announced, and the three of you widen your eyes
"What?" You said, but you didn't wait for any response before leaving the ship—thankfully, it was on top of the building. When your feet were definitely on the ground, you started to run. You had to find Lilly; she can't be exposed to the lead. Even if she was half human, she would be affected by the lead.
[North Pole, Fortress of Solitude, a few minutes earlier]
After Lena crossed the portal, Luke closed it. "What are you doing?" the young Luthor asked, but her mom didn't look at her.
"We needed to get away, and we did. Now what happens to them? That's not our problem." Lillian said nonchalantly, "But we have another problem." She said, and her daughter tilted her head with confusion, "ThisRhea sent all her army to conquer us, but we can stop her." Her voice was cold and calm, but she was a little worried, even if she didn't let it show. She is attached to Lilly, and she can't imagine what they could do to her.
"And what are your plan?"Lena asked coldly.
"We know they're weak against lead; it's their kryptonite." She took a little box "Lex had planned to use this to diffuse kryptonite in the atmosphere to kill Superman, but if you change it, it could diffuse lead." She informed her,
"And why would I do that?" The CEO scuffed,
"Because we both know you have a reason who is 4 years old and could be in danger if they found her." Lillian said,
"But my wife is a daxamite too." Lena reminded her,
"Yeah, I know, and I have something that could help her not be affected." She said casually, "So?"
Lena examined her mother and the cyborg beside her "deal."She said it quietly but enough to be heard by her mom, who now had a smile on her face.
Only a few minutes later, your genius wife finished the modification and activated the device.
[National City, present]
You knocked on the door of Jessy's apartment, she opened quickly and inspected you before leading you to her sofa. "What happened to you? Where is Lena?" she asked, afraid of your condition.
"Someone diffuses lead in the—" you coughed, "atmosphere," you finished, coughing.
"Wait who? And why?" Your sister asked,
"I don't know, but I need to contact Lena. Lilly will be affected by the lead, and she's the only one who could help us." You declared, Jess wanted to say something, but her phone rang; it was Lena.
"Lena, where are you?... what? Yeah, she's with me ... Right now? Okay, she's with me too, in my apartment... Yeah see you soon." she hangs on and turned to you "it was Lena she's in her way to come here. She'll be here soon. You should rest. I'll bring you water," she said as she walked to the kitchen.
You walked to Jessy's room and opened the door. You saw Lilly. She was sleeping, but suddenly she started to cough and was now awake. You took her in your arms and made your way back to the living room. Jessy came back and gave you both a glass of water. It's been more than twenty years now since you were on earth, so you knew you could stay a little longer, but you were worried for Lilly. Fortunately, Lena didn't make you wait too long.
You heard a knock on the door, and your big sis opened it. She smiled when she saw Lena, but her smile disappeared when she saw the woman behind her. "Oh Lillian, what a surprise." she said coldly, but let them step inside.
When you saw the familiar green eyes you were relieved and then you saw your mother-in-law, you suppressed a caught "Mother-in-law." you greeted her
"Daughter-in-law" She greeted you back, "You seemed more alive the last time I saw you," she joked, and you chuckled,
"Granny Lillian." Lilly greeted her, and the older Luthor's heart almost dropped when she heard the voice of her granddaughter.
"Hey princess, did you catch a cold?" Lena asked when she noticed her daughter's condition.
"No, someone diffused lead in the atmosphere," you replied, and the youngest Luthor coughed against your chest. "Hey, it's okay, Princess," you ran your hand through her hair. "Mommy is here; she'll find a way to help you." you whispered loudly against her temple.
Lena covered her mouth with her hands. It couldn't be real. Her baby girl shouldn't be affected by the lead, she's human too. Lillian noticed and decided to speak, "We have something that could help her." She informed you.
You didn't have to think too long about it, you understood they couldn't save both of you. "Hey princess, do you want to show the gift uncle Mike gave you to your granny?" You asked softly, and she nodded before getting up and walking to her bedroom. You started to walk to the kitchen and made eye contact with your wife. She got the hint and followed you.
"I'm sorry," she barely said between sobs.
"Hey, darling... *cough*... it's okay. You'll help Lilly, and I'm sure you'll find a solution for me after that." You kissed her forehead gently.
"I was not talking about this," she admitted. You didn't say anything; you just studied her eyes.
"It was you?" You asked her, and she nodded. She was crying harder, and you locked her between your arms. She could hear your heartbeats, but they were so ecstatic she couldn't feel safe, "I know why you did that." You whispered, and you ran a hand through her hair, "I'm not angry or anything, Lena. Just promise me you'll do anything to heal Lilly." She gently drew back and locked her gaze on yours.You only saw sadness and fear in her eyes, and it was killing you.
"I promise. But we have to do something for you." She replied, and you smiled softly.
"It's okay, my queen; I'm sure Superman and Supergirl won't mind if I stay in the fortress for a while." You tried to reassure her, or you. You didn't really know, but you can't let her feel bad for something she couldn't control. "I'm okay, Lena, I promise."
Jessy came in the kitchen, and you looked at her. "Lilly is feeling better now." She informed you, and Lena was relieved. You wanted to rush to your baby girl and take her in your arms, but you fell to the ground.
When you awoke, you were in the fortress. You could feel the lead in your lungs, but the pain slowly went away. You looked around and noticed a floating robot."Good morning, Mrs. Y/l/n-Luthor, I'm Kelex," he said.
"Oh, nice to meet you, Kelex." You looked around. "We are in the fortress, right?" you asked.
"That's right. Supergirl brought you here after you collapsed in your sister's apartment," he explained.
"Oh," was all you could say."Do you know where the others are?" you asked.
"They were back in National City. But you can't see them right now." he said, and you looked confused. "The atmosphere is not totally free of lead. You must stay here, safe," he explained.
"Do you know until when?" you asked, a little saddened by the revelation.
"We don't know, but don't worry, I'll let Mrs. Luthor and Kara know you're awake. They could come to see you during your time here." he said, and you nodded.
"Okay, it'll be fun. At least, I hope," you muttered.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Keep Her From Falling
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〖Notes: Thanks to @goldenempyrean for helping to pull me out of my writing rut with this idea! ALSO. This is a sort of slow burn supercorp, there will be a part two which is in the works.〗
〖Summary: When Kara shows up soaking wet to an interview with Lena the brunette knows she has to do something.〗
〖Word Count: 1.3k〗
〖Pairing: Supercorp technically〗
Lena sighed and listened to the rain pattering outside, letting the sound quell her anxiety about the upcoming interview with her favorite blonde reporter. The young genius did a wonderful job of disguising her true feelings, hiding her constant nerves behind a quick wit and confident demeanor but in reality, she was sort of a mess. 
A mess who may or may not have been in love with a certain reporter who was now running five minutes late. Lena checked her watch for the fifth time in the last ten minutes, concern beginning to overcome her jitters. Kara was never late. Every other time she had come for an interview she was at least fifteen minutes early and brought coffee or doughnuts. 
Now, Lena was well aware of her best friend’s “secret” identity, it had become pretty clear upon one of their first meetings in which Kara had claimed to have flown to her office on a bus. That was the beginning, then the dots had been pretty easy to connect. Glasses didn’t do much to hide one’s identity, especially after it had become clear. 
It was a quiet understanding between them, Kara knew that Lena knew her secret but neither pushed the issue. Eventually, they’d need to have that conversation, but for now, the silence let them live in harmony. 
The brunette sighed and glanced at her watch again, wondering if she should contact Alex to see where the woman was. She was getting legitimately worried. 
Just as Lena was pulling out her phone to text both the blonde in question and her sister, the door cracked open and a sopping wet miserable-looking reporter poked her head in, water dripping from her hair onto her face and then onto her sopping clothes. 
“H-hi Lena, s-s-sorry I’m late.” Kara practically whispered, her voice little more than a hoarse croak. Lena felt her jaw drop at the sight, but her shock was quickly replaced by a sense of urgency. She stood and walked to the blonde’s side, taking her best friend's freezing hands in hers. 
“Oh Kara, what happened?” She asked gently, trying to decide what exactly she was going to do about the soaking, shivering woman. 
“Got c-caught in the r-rain.” The blonde tried for a chuckle, but it came out as a chesty cough that seemed to take a lot of energy out of her. Those beautiful crystal blue eyes were dull and confused, her chapped nose running slightly. The poor thing looked awful. 
“Yeah, I can see that. Come here, sit down. Let me get you some dry clothes.” She guided Kara over to the couch and sat her down, ignoring the woman’s protests that she was fine. Once she had the reporter sitting, Lena went back to her desk and pulled out a change of clothes and a towel, things she kept in her office just in case she was forced to stay the night on the couch. She was the first person to tell you that sleeping in a pencil skirt was not comfortable. 
“Okay, go dry off and get changed. Then I’m taking you home,” she said, gesturing towards the bathroom branching off of her office. It was a very nice bathroom, complete with a shower which didn’t get used very often. She would have offered to let Kara use it but the likelihood that the woman would accept was so low she figured that it would be better just not to bother. 
“Lena, the i-interview,” Kara replied, her brow furrowing as she talked. That notorious ‘crinkle’ emerged and Lena almost smiled, she probably would have if not for her worry for her friend. 
“No. You’re sick, you’re going to change and I’m taking you home.” Lena replied, not letting her get any further. Of course, the blonde was stubborn. It wasn’t going to be quite so easy. 
Kara wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms over her chest, getting to her feet. The CEO went rigid, waiting for the woman to fall as she prepared to drop the clothes and catch her. Thankfully, although the blonde’s face when stark white, well, whiter than it already was, she remained on her feet. 
“I’m fine.” Lena reached over and touched her forehead, astonished at the heat waves being thrown from the woman’s skin. All logic would say that she should be cold as ice after being out for so long in the rain. 
"No, you're not fine. You're burning up.” She argued, tucking a piece of her dripping blonde hair behind her ear. The alien shivered a bit but didn’t move, not willing to back down. 
“Everyone gets colds, I-I’ll live,” Kara said, sounding unsure. There was a glint in her eyes that screamed panic but they both knew that she wasn’t going to say anything. 
Lena tilted her head to the side slightly, squinting at her friend as she tried to decide how best to approach this situation. She decided that for now, a blunt approach would be best. 
“Okay. We both know that isn’t true, you don’t get sick unless you solar flare and this is worse than a cold. Go get changed, when we get back to your place you can shower to warm up a little, but this will have to do for now.” 
Kara looked a bit stunned as she realized that Lena knew about the Supergirl thing. The brunette sort of brushed it off as if it was nothing and took a step forward to grab one of the ill woman’s hands. They would have to discuss everything later when Kara was feeling better. 
“Come on, please Kara. If you can get sick you can get hypothermia. You’re shivering. I’ll even dry your hair if you want.” Her tone was softer now, her posture radiating loving concern. She watched as Kara’s walls broke down and she hunched in on herself, sneezing towards her chest. It was followed by another fit of lung-rattling coughs that made Lena worry about bronchitis, or worse, pneumonia. 
“But Snapper…” She trailed off, running out of arguments. Being home and warm with Lena to take care of her sounded so nice, she was wondering if the brunette would be willing to cuddle. She needed a hug. 
“I’ll deal with him. Go.”
 Kara begrudgingly took the clothes and walked into the bathroom which, if she wasn’t so sick, she would have had to admire. It was a nice bathroom. She set the clothes on the toilet lid and began to dry her hair and body, sneezing twice before she was finished. 
The blonde then quickly pulled on the fresh set of clothes, taking a moment to bury her face in the soft, nice-smelling fabric. She was grateful that her nose wasn’t too stuffy to smell Lena’s clean perfume, the smell bringing her a sense of comfort. 
She padded out of the bathroom in just socks, surprised to see her best friend waiting with a pair of booths and a large raincoat. 
“My driver is waiting right outside; we shouldn’t be in the rain for too long. Put this stuff on and we’ll get you home.” Kara obeyed wordlessly, too tired to argue or even thank the CEO. That didn’t bother Lena at all, she was just relieved to see that the blonde was accepting her help. 
Once Kara was bundled up in the knee-length raincoat and what could’ve passed as snow boots the younger woman pulled on her coat before doing one final mental sweep of the office. Nothing needed to be done, everything was ready. 
“Shall we?” she asked, holding out a hand for Kara to take. The blonde accepted and allowed herself to be half dragged from the building, stumbling over her feet in her dizzy haze. Even though she was slightly off balance, she wasn’t worried about it. Lena would keep her from falling. 
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 months
Didn’t even consider the possibility that Nia might use her dreams to give her and Brainy an edge in the games. That’s really funny to me. I think Brainy would 100% be in on it too, and completely ready to be like “how DARE you, she is very tired and she can sleep if she wants to” the second anyone tries to call her on potentially going into a vision during games. And he does genuinely want her to get some rest if she needs it but y’know... if she just so happens to see the cards in Alex’s hand...
Yes, you see my vision! 😉 Querl "card counter" Dox would absolutely not be above supporting his girlfriend's wrongs. Especially if it means getting a guaranteed win. (Meanwhile Alex gets closer and closer to tearing her hair out with every passing game night)
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