#Alfie Solomons x F! Reader
ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Four Horsemen
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Chapter Seven: A house to call my own.
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Red (Female Reader) Genre: Modern, sci-fi, mystery Trigger Warnings: Graphic Scenes Mention of violence and criminal activities Cursing, Swearing Rating: MA15+
Masterlist: Link
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[Red's Point of View]
The circular bathtub, made of exquisite black and gold marble, took pride of place in the center of the spacious bathroom. It was a drop-in style tub, seamlessly integrated into the smooth floor. Its large size provided ample room for indulgence, allowing one to sink into the depths of relaxation.
The surrounding tiles, a rich obsidian black, adorned the walls, reflecting the gleam of the candlelight that danced throughout the space. Their glossy surface added an air of sophistication to the room, while also creating a sense of depth and mystery. It was as if the tiles held secrets within their dark embrace.
A magnificent window, framed with elegant curtains, overlooked the enchanting woods beyond. Its generous proportions allowed streams of sunlight to filter into the room, casting a warm glow upon the luxurious surroundings. Nature's artwork became an ever-changing backdrop, with dappled light and swaying branches, offering a serene connection to the outside world.
Nestled near the window, on a small table, sat the silver incense burner. It took the delicate shape of a lotus flower, its petals gracefully unfurling, symbolizing purity and enlightenment. Fragrant smoke curled upward, carrying scents of sandalwood, lavender, and other calming essences, infusing the air with tranquility.
Adjacent to the bathtub, a shelf held an assortment of bathroom amenities, neatly organized. Shampoo, conditioner, and various oils awaited their turn to pamper and nourish the body. The bottles glistened in the sunlight, their labels a promise of luxurious self-care. Black towels hung on the towel warmer, I had a large de-humidifier inside the bathroom and another one just outside the bathroom to ensure air remains dry.
On the sink in a medium sized glass jewelry casket for my rings like my diamond and fire opal ring, my brass pair of cufflinks with several myriad amber stones, a gold pendant with several myriad diamonds given to her by several exes in the past.
There was an hourglass with white sand which timed how long I was in the bath for, the light red curtain for the large window and the midnight blue walls of the bathroom. I have several small velvet purses filled with coins in case I needed them, along with a small ceramic dish held my favorite blood red lipstick along with my favourite palette of neutral eyeshadow shades and jet black liquid eyeliner.
My pair of crimson silk slippers are always outside the bathroom to put on after having a bath. I kept a hairbrush with an ivory bone handle to brush my hair before I go to bed, usually keeping it in the end table drawer beside my bed. I lived far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a large cottage surrounded by a forest behind it.
Steam rose from the scalding hot water from inside the bathtub, the warmth embraced my body as I stepped into the tub sinking further into the water. Letting it envelope me, a sigh escaped my lips as the tension left my body, the pure bliss I felt. My friend was staying over for the night, she wanted to see the place for herself and she planned on taking me to an art auction in town the next day.
Adeline was visiting for two days and planned on staying over for two nights at the very least. She wasn't too sure about me living on my own for a while, stating she was afraid something could happen to me while I lived in a secluded area. I assured her every precaution was put into place long before I moved in.
She walked into the bathroom fifteen minutes after I started bathing to tell me what she was going to do while she was here, interrupting my moment of tranquility. Adeline was a lively and inquisitive woman, always eager to explore new adventures. Her vibrant red hair and mischievous smile were a stark contrast to my own calm demeanor.
"Red, darling, have you decided what you'd like to do tomorrow?" Adeline asked, her voice echoing in the marble bathroom.
I leaned back against the edge of the tub, allowing the warm water to support my body. "I was thinking we could start the day with a visit to the art auction in town. You know how much I adore discovering new artists and their creations." she continued.
"As much as you enjoy baking that's for sure." I replied thinking about it further, "Anything you wanted to do tomorrow? I assume the auction would be held during the night,"
Adeline replied, "Well, during the day, I thought we could take a stroll through the local market. They have a wide variety of fresh produce and unique crafts. It's always a treat to explore and support local businesses. And perhaps we could grab lunch at that charming little café we passed by last time."
A few hours later, we both went to bed, Adeline stayed in the guest room with her fiancé, James. Unlike them, I have dated around since I was 18 and never found someone who captivated my heart. It came close though, timing was never right and it was often due to them falling out of love first.
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charliehoennam · 7 months
A/N: fulfilling @j23r23's request. Subtle reminder that my ask open again! Tried my best to sum it up, hope you enjoy <3
Summary: Reader's a pub owner and fianceè to The Alfie Solomons. Turns out she's a bit more than just that.
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x F!reader
Warnings: Language, Adopted!reader, not proof-read, I think that's it??
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Most people would have been nervous if Alfie Solomons strolled on into their area of business without any notice.
Everywhere he went, his most trusted and strongest lackies followed behind for protection. They were intimidating on their own, but Alfie's dominant presence was enough to make anyone mentally retrace their days, wondering if they'd made their weekly payment for protection or if they'd gotten in trouble with any of Alfie's clan.
You, on the other hand, were not like the others. You remained calm, cool and collected the minute he wandered into your pub.
Despite it being young to the busy street and small in comparison to the neighboring establishments, you had heard many things about Alfie. Only rumors, however, mostly from your drunk clients at the Glass & Barrel.
Some would argue that he was full of himself. Others would make remarks on how he was a form of savior with the jobs he'd given them. A few despised him with all their might for the beating he'd ordered onto them. Judging by what you knew of these specific clients, you knew it hadn't been for nothing.
It was early morning when you hear the doorbell chime. You could hear him mumble on as he looked around at the pub, but couldn't quite make out what he said.
You knew right away who he was. The hat and the cane were dead giveaways, but it was his demeanor that made it clear. And what he did for a living did not sway you in the slightest.
You had expected his visit for a while. It was just a matter of time that he showed up to explain how his method of security works. It was simple. You pay and his boys protect. Extra pay meant he'd place a strong lad in the pub to chase away any unwelcome, rowdy guests.
The first thing Alfie noticed about you when he walked in and sat down at the bar was how unfazed you seemed. He knew at the moment that you were a fearless woman and he admired that.
He assumed you had to be that way, given the dubious characters that milked the bottles from your shelves and the barrels in the basement.
However, there was still a sweetness in you that teased his curiosity. It made him yearn for a woman in such a foreign way that he hadn't felt since he was a young lad.
Since then, his visits became more and more often until you realized he was stopping by about two or three times a week. The funniest thing about his visits was that he never drank anything other than water. It was quite comical.
He enjoyed charming his way into your heart. Every visit consisted of laughter, taste-tests of his finest brews, playful flirting and him trying to convince you to go out on a date with him.
You resisted. Alfie knew that you wouldn't be easy. He could barely imagine just how many drunken fellas have tried their luck with you. The gun you hid under the bar wasn't for nothing.
In fact, your reservation made you all the more special.
He respected your pace and, every time you turned down his invitations, he didn't press you.
"I respect that, love. But a man's gotta try, right? Maybe one day I'll get lucky and you'll say yes."
And he was right. One day, he did get lucky indeed and you finally accepted one of his relentless invitations. However, you requested that it'd be during the day.
You told him it was because the pub made more money at night, but really, you didn't want to give off the impression that you'd be repaying him with sexual favors.
Not that you didn't want to. Alfie's ruggedness was just one of the many features that you admired. You were more than attracted to him, but you weren't the type to sleep with someone so early on.
It was an unspoken boundary, but Alfie understood you better than you could ever imagine. He didn't need to hear you say it and he never forced you or questioned you about it. Truth is he was willing to wait as long as he needed to because he knew it'd be worth the wait. Because something told him that you would be the one.
The chemistry between you and Alfie was naturally cohesive. He cherished every moment he got to spend with you. Every laugh and smile he teased out of you were trophies to him.
Your relationship grew into mutual petting and necking often stolen in secret at the opera, in the corners of fancy restaurants or in the convenient shadows at the pictures. It gradually grew to the point where you finally felt comfortable enough to invite him to spend the night with you.
Alfie was right. It was definitely worth the wait.
He made sure to take it slow as to burn every single second and touch of into his memory. He wanted to make it about you and your pleasure.
Every kiss of his lips burned into your skin. His beard scratched your soft flesh of your as his kisses trailed over your body. His greedy hands pulled and squeezed you tightly, aching to meld your bodies to become one.
He couldn't get enough of you and you couldn't bare to part from him. The softness of his hair when your fingers raked through it, his hairy chest brushing against your breasts and then your back, the moans and groans vibrating from the depths of his core. It was enough to have you addicted to him.
That night with you was unlike any night he'd ever spent with any other woman. There was meaning to this act, deep meaning. You were the woman he loved, the one he hoped to marry. You were the woman that had given him hope to become a father and inspired him to be a better man. Despite being a hardworking man, he felt the lost desire to have a home to return to. Suddenly, Alfie had hope for a future in which he wasn't alone.
Throughout the time he'd gotten to know you, he noticed how you always seemed to stray away when the topic shifted to your family. You didn't lie about them. You told him just enough to satiate to his curiosity that was entirely about your adoptive parents.
The truth was that you barely knew your biological family. You knew who they were - your loving adoptive parents had always been honest with you about your origins - and that you were indeed one of the legendary Shelbys of Birmingham.
You hadn't thought about them for a long time until your now-fiance Alfie was meeting with Tommy Shelby at the distillery.
At first glance, you didn't know who was sitting across from Alfie in his office until Ollie told you and asked you to wait.
You stood outside of the office, away from Alfie's sight. It was clear Tommy was in rough shape. You'd heard about the beat down; you were amazed to see him still walking.
If he recognized you, he didn't make it obvious. He only saw you on his way out of Alfie's office, but he simply walked past you and left the distillery without looking back.
An emptiness hollowed you inside after he left. You wondered if he knew who you were. You wondered if anything would've changed if you had told him. After all these years, you doubted he'd even remember he had a little sister younger than Ada. Granted he was older than you - you yourself didn't remember anything from that time - there was a small part inside you that had hoped he'd remembered, but you had finally been answered.
It'd been a couple of days since you saw Tommy at the distillery. Although it hurt a bit to know he hadn't remembered you, you accepted fate as it was and felt like you could finally put it behind you as if you had finally buried the past.
Until the devil himself walked into the Glass & Barrel, announcing his arrival with the doorbell chime. He paused for a moment and let his eyes scan the pub.
It was early in the morning with only a couple of your regulars: veterans of the war drinking away their sorrows, and Bubba: the large bouncer Alfie insisted to keep inside the pub.
You froze as you watched Tommy take a cigarette before sliding it across his lips to wet the bud. From the corner of your eye, you noticed how Bubba looked at him and sat up alert, instantly recognizing him.
Bubba was a tall man who had gained his nickname for seeming common and unthreatening. You'd seen him in action plenty of times dealing with the rowdy clients to know he was anything but. He could blend into the crowd just as easily as he could fend off four men at once. Bubba always loved a good fight.
You nodded at him to let him know it was alright. He opened his newspaper again, but his eyes stayed locked on Tommy from the far corner.
You treated Tommy as you would treat any customer and offered him a drink.
"Whisky, please," he answered as he sat in front of you at the bar.
"Brown or white?"
"Brown" he nodded watching you move behind the bar. "This place yours?"
"It is, " you answered setting a glass in front of him to pour his drink.
"Nice place... Decorate it yourself?"
"I did."
He nodded and a small sip of his drink.
"You grew up 'round here?"
"Around London, yeah. Moved a bit here and there, but always stayed in London."
"You know, I once had a little sister. She was taken away early from us. My poor mum, she did her best to raise us. We were a bit of a handful. Six in total... Last I heard about her is that she lives in London."
Tommy cradled the glass in his hand and admired the brown liquid, but he could feel your eyes burning through him.
You froze as the realization washed over you. It was no coincidence that he wandered into your pub. It was entirely intentionally.
"Runs her own pub. Seems like that tends to run in the family," he paused and eyed you with a steely steady gaze, as if he could see right through you. "Does he know?"
Tommy felt like he already knew the answer. Alfie would have most likely brought it up during their first meeting if he knew.
"No. I haven't told him. I don't feel it's necessary to."
"I can respect that. But it doesn't change the fact that you're still family."
"With all due respect, Mr. Shelby, I have a family."
"I'm just saying, that's all. If you ever need a hand, you know where to find us."
You didnt bother replying since he was quick to stand, snuffing his cigarette out in the ashtray on the bar.
He stopped just before the door to set his cap on his head before glancing at you one more time on his way out.
You felt Bubba's eyes boring a hole into you so you quickly moved about, getting back to work. There was no doubt he'd be telling Alfie about this little visit. Tommy's a wise man; Bubba knew his visit was no coincidence despite having not been able to hear your conversation.
The truth would have to come out.
Once Eddie arrived to take over the night shift, you made your way a few streets over to the home you and Alfie shared.
Unlocking the door, you walked inside to hang your coat up. But from the corner of your eyes, you could a familiar shadow standing by the fireplace.
Alfie was never home this early. The lack of acknowledgement to your arrival made you certain something was up.
"Alfie. You're home early," you smiled walking towards him.
"Yeah, I am. I had an urgent matter to tend to myself."
"I see..." you nodded as you slowly drifted over towards him over the wooden floor that now felt like eggshells. Had Bubba told him about Tommy's visit? Had word spread about your relation?
"I heard tommy Shelby went to see you today... Care to tell me what that was about?"
"Before I tell you, Alf, there's something you should know."
As he lifted his gaze from the warm fire, his eyes carried the same softness he heard in your voice.
"I never told you this because I never thought it'd be relevant. But the truth is that I was adopted when I was a child... From Birmingham. I was 12 when my parents told me I'd been a Shelby."
You paused, hoping for some sort of reaction from Alfie, but there was nothing that could hint at his reaction.
"I didn't even who they were until that day I went your office. To be quite honest, I didn't even think any of them remembered me. That's why he came to the Glass & Barrel, to tell me he knew it was me."
Unbeknownst to you, Alfie already knew the truth. There was a doubt in the back of his mind that questioned - if you did in fact know your biological family - where your allegiance would lay and, at this point, it was only growing within.
His doubt consumed him, slowly but surely, over the following days. Everything had changed.
You first noticed that Alfie started missing dinner. After you moved in together, he was always home for dinner.
The mornings you once used to treasure due to the breakfast you shared with him were shared only with the presence of Cyril.
Gone before you woke up and home after you'd fallen asleep.
This night, you decided you were not going to bed. Tonight would be the night you confronted him.
The exhaustion of the day was beginning to set in. Your eyes felt heavy as you struggled to read your book, attempting to keep yourself awake.
Cyril, whose head was resting on your lap to be petted, snored peacefully. Blissfully unaware of your brewing angst.
Adrenaline quickly chased away and drowsiness you felt the minute you heard Alfie's car outside. It was now or never.
You waited for him to unlock the door and hang his coat up along with with his hat, still seated on the couch.
Alfie noticed the living room light on as he walked towards it and spotted you on the couch.
"Bit late, innit love? Should be in bed."
"Why are you avoiding me, Alfie?"
"No one's avoiding you," his foot was already on the first step of the stairs. Your anger quickly turned to tears as he proved you right.
"Then stay down here and face me, damn it."
Your hands trembled as you marched towards the stairs. Alfie stopped halfway up them when he turned to face you.
"I did not choose this, Alfie. I did not ask you be a Shelby. I did not choose the family I was born into. But if there's one thing I did choose was you."
Silences lingered heavily. His blue eyes stared down his nose at you. Your chest rose and fell with the adrenaline and flood of emotions coursing through you. As frustrated as you were, you didn't want to hate him. You couldn't if you tried.
Alfie hadn't thought about how his attitude would have affected you. He needed time to think. He trusted you blindly, but not knowing if your allegiance could change paralyzed him.
He watched how deeply emotional you were about his absence and realized that - the same way you chose to leave your biological family in the past despite knowing who they were - he needed to make a choice too.
He walked down the stairs until he stood before you.
"You're right, love," he nodded gazing into your tear-filled eyes. "I'm sorry, yeah?"
His palm met your cheeks as he cradled your face in his hands.
"I'm sorry."
"Do you really think I would betray you, Alf?"
Your hands wrapped lightly around his wrists.
"For a moment, I wasn't sure if I'm not honest. Fuck, love. You gotta see from my side, yeah? Just wasn't expecting the love of my life, the apple of my eye, to be a Shelby. And that you knew."
"I didn't it mattered, Alf. I'm no Shelby. This is where my family is. In this house, here with you. I'm a soon-to-be Solomons."
"Right, you fucking are," he whispered wiping an escaping tear from your cheek.
"I choose you, Alfie. You know that, don't you?"
"Yeah, love. C'mere," his arms opened and welcomes you into his embrace. "I choose you too."
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ay0nha · 1 year
hello I am nervous to ask, but are you willing to write for alfie solomons? something where the reader is a nurse or something and takes care of him by the sea but has never go to the ocean and maybe alfie catches on and shows her
ooooooo!!!! I LOVE this idea!! I've actually been rewatching peaky blinders, and I've finally gotten to Alfie!!!
I might have to write a cute lil sm sm for this!
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Choking On Sapphires Masterlist Pt. 2
This is part TWO of the Choking on Sapphires Masterlist.
There are so many chapters it won't let me link them all in one post!
(Find part 1 here Chapters 1-50)
Pt. 51 She’s Gone Pt. 52 Pale Blue Eyes Pt. 53 The Rat Pt. 54 Whole Wide World Pt. 55 Wild Horses Pt.56 Knee Socks  Pt. 57 Wonderful Tonight Pt. 58 I Wanna Be Yours  Pt. 59 Under My Thumb Pt. 60 It Must Be Love Pt. 61 Maybe I’m Amazed Pt 62 This Feeling Pt. 63 Gimme All Your Love Pt. 64 Love Is Blindness Pt. 65 Stuck In The Middle Pt. 66 Your Sins Pt. 67 More Than Words Pt. 68 What Kind Of Man Pt. 69 The Boy I Love Pt. 70 Killer Shangri-Lah Pt. 71 Shotgun Pt. 72 Stay In My Corner Pt.73 Loverman Pt. 74 Tonight Pt. 75 Just Like Heaven Pt. 76 You’ve Got The Love Pt. 77 It Makes No Difference Pt. 78 Blue Veins Pt 79 Baddest Man Alive Pt 80 505 Pt 81 Mardy Bum Pt 82 Levee Breaks Pt 83 Baby Says Pt 84 Sleazy Bed Track Pt 85 Breakdown Pt 86 Love Interruption Pt 87 It’s too late Pt 88 It ain’t over Pt 89 Bad Company Pt 90 Right Back Pt 91 Golden Hour Pt 92 Love Her Madly Pt 93 Bigger Boys 94 The Less I Know 95 List of Demands 96 Dog Days are Over 97 Golden Dandelions
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 7 months
Alfie noticing that guys who are way younger than him (like Michael? John?) having a thing for reader, who is close to age to these young gentlemen but has only eyes for ol' man Alfie? Thoughts?
Near Deadly Sin
Alfie Solomons x F!Reader; fluff
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AN: IM BAAAAACCCCKKK hello my loves it’s taking me forever to write again but I’m glad to be back. I miss you all and hope you all are doing well!!! MUAH - Mo
No. No this acidic flame burning between his ribs is not jealousy.
Not at all.
The embers stoked in his chest. The flames licking up his neck and around his ears. These are normal… manly… sensible reactions.
Alfie had been invited for ‘drinks’ with the Shelbys. He had refused adamantly, and was only coerced upon your promise to accompany him and to never. leave. his. sight. As if you would ever be far from him or out of his thunderous gaze. But as he is sitting across from Thomas and Arthur and Polly, he is regretting ever bringing you near this nonsense. This den of wolves and snakes. The murmurs of Thomas faded like the crackle of a radio as he focused in on John Shelby’s lustful gaze over you. With every sweep of his young and unbridled eyes and suck of his teeth, Alfie became more and more enraged. Not that you noticed. You didn’t notice John’s roving eyes or the quickening pulse of your husband next to you. You were content sipping the tea Polly served, making quiet conversation with Ada in the corner, holding a babbling Karl.
Alfie knew there was supposed to be a deal or something tonight. Or maybe an update on a job. Or something. It didn’t matter. Fuck the business. Fuck the Shelbys. Fuck John Shelby. Fuck it all. Standing quickly, pushing through the screaming pain of his back, Alfie grunts, “Darling get your coat. We’re done here.”
Your head spun, “Meyn Likht?”
“Up. Coat. Now. Cyril needs us.”
You press your lips in a firm line. Holding back your tongue from lashing at him for his impromptu exit. You knew what he actually meant. Thinking of Cyril was his code for indicating murderous intent that needed to be snuffed out immediately. You watch Alfie as you slip on your coat, going to Thomas to whisper something just out of your reach. Had you heard him, you would have heard the volcanic timber of his voice promise, “You control that little brother of yours Tommy yeah? It’s against holy law to look at another man’s wife like he been doing. Will have to go back to Mosaic law if he don’t shape up.”
With heavy stomps he approaches John, who is trying yet failing to keep a stone expression. “You keep them eyes to yourself little boy. Or someone may just take ‘em from you.”
“Darling? Cyril needs to be let out and will not wait for you!”
With a firm pat on the cheek Alfie turned away, gripping your waist firmly, hand as hot as a brand on the skin under your dress.
It’s late now, Alfie is fuming under the crisp sheets and thick quilts layered living on the soft bed. He’s pretending to read. Putting on his glasses and taking them back off again to stare at the ceiling. You emerge from the bathroom, face flush from the hot water, and hair pulled away from your bare shoulders. Arms crossed across your chest, you sit on Alfie’s side of the bed, “You want to talk about it like a grown up now?”
He huffs and shifts lower into the bed, as if to hide from you. With a shrug you walk back to your side, shuffling your sock feet across. You crawl back in bed, back to Alfie to let him fume. It was better than fighting with him to get him to share his feelings.
“He was looking at you.”
“Well Karl is a baby darling.”
“Not Karl! John fucking Shelby! Little bastard was undressing you with his eyes! And you said nothing!”
Ah… there it was.
You let yourself sit up to look at your husband’s face. Folded up into himself, glasses precariously balanced on his nose, cheeks ruddy from rage. Jealousy was his greatest sin and vice. Bigger than rage. Bigger than his love of rum. He was an only child and as such he grew into a man who did not like to share. Not even your image. You curled up next to him, like a cat preening for attention. “Meyn Likht… I didn’t even see him. You shouldn’t be jealous of a figure of vapor.”
“What you don’t notice the… the young men just staring at you? Gapped mouths like dead fish?”
“Those children?” You hum, gently kissing his scruffy jaw and temple.
“Those… men closer in age… to you.”
With that you crawl into his lap, looping your arms around his broad shoulders. “Darling… what could I do with those men? I’d break them.”
“Break them?” He chuckles, gripping you tighter.
“They’re too soft. Too pretty. No. I like my men… rougher… more sturdy… someone who can stand strong and not worry about their pretty face getting dirty. I like my old man.”
“Do you now?”
“Love him even. Deliriously in love with him. Couldn’t live without him.”
Before you could take another breath, he was on you, kissing all over your face, tickling you with his rough beard and mustache. “Good Lord woman you make me feel 20 again.”
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ceirinen · 9 months
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December 2023
I decided to make a list of every fic I read each month.
I would like to interact more, but life has been complicated recently and when it comes to interacting, I get very anxious which is something I'm trying to overcome.
So, here I made this to appreciate such amazing writers and stories that inspire me and others everyday. To the authors, I want to thank them for their dedication and time spent on writing to offer us fascinating stories.
I totally recommend their work.
(If you are in this list and you don't want to, please let me know so I can fix it).
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So New | Cillian Murphy x fem!reader Method Acting | young!Cillian Murphy x Reader
Research | Tommy Shelby x Reader Bedtime Stories | Tommy Shelby x Reader & Daughter
teacher!Luca Changretta x Reader Funeral | Tommy Shelby x sister!reader A Visit to the Peaky Blinders Set | Cillian Murphy x wife!reader
Festive Spirit | modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader All I Need... | modern!Thomas Shelby x Reader A Gentle Warning | Thomas Shelby x wife!Reader
Arthur Shelby x Reader
Pre-Gaming | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Lost and Lucky | modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader Surprise visit | modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Let Me Praise You | Tommy Shelby x Reader Raising Catherine | Tommy Shelby x Reader
If I let you go | Cillian Murphy x Reader
What does my princess want? | sugar daddy!Cillian Murphy x sugar baby!reader I'm pretty sure you're mine | sub!William Killick x dom!fem!Reader What are we, idiot? | Neil Lewis x best friend!Reader Thirsty | Tommy Shelby x secretary!Reader
To the end of the world | Alfie Solomons x fem!oc Tommy, the teddy bear | Alfie Solomons x fem!oc Emergency surgery | baby!Tommy Shelby Fanfiction | Alfie Solomons x fem!oc Anon | Alfie Solomons
Loner | Edward Cullen x Reader At the End of the Day | Tommy Shelby x wife!Reader
Mentor!Finnick Odair x victor!reader
Flower Therapy | Finnick Odair x Reader
Cillian Murphy x Reader Tommy Shelby x artist!reader Soft sugar daddy | Robert Fischer x Reader
Home Is Where the Heart Is | William Killick x future!reader
Skin to skin | Finnick Odair x fem!insomniac!reader
Lost Love | Tommy Shelby x Reader 36 Minutes | modern! Tommy Shelby x Reader
Had you first | Tommy Shelby x Reader Little Tommy | Thomas Shelby x oc
Red Carpet | Cillian Murphy x Reader
I Do Bad Things | demon!Tommy x Reader
Ceramic Lessons | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Day eighteen: breeding kink with Lenny Miller | Lenny Miller x f!Reader
Afterglow | Cillian Murphy x Reader
I'll be home for Christmas | Thomas Shelby x Reader
Bad Behaviour | Mike Kiernan x fem!Reader
The Spirits that I summoned | young!Tommy Shelby
No Son Of Mine | Tommy Shelby
Strawberry Syrup | Cillian Murphy x Reader
British accent | Cillian Murphy x Reader Young and in love | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Coming home | Cillian Murphy x Reader
Operation Christmas Tree | modern!Tommy Shelby x fem!Reader
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little-diable · 11 months
Kinktober Day 29 – Alfie Solomons
Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
🩶 Day 29 🩶 praise
Warnings: 18+, oral (f), outdoor
Alfie Solomons x fem!reader (900 words)
header by @deathofpeaceofmind
My Kinktober Masterlist
“Mhm, my pretty flower, I could get used to this sight.” Alfie’s voice filled the afternoon air, forcing her eyes to flutter open, flickering towards his smiling features. (Y/n) couldn’t help but chuckle at her husband, shaking her head as she stretched her hand out for him to take.
“Don’t act as if you haven’t seen me sit out here before, Alfie. But maybe if I’d see you around here more often you’d get to enjoy me some more.” He bent down to press a kiss to her lips, swallowing the sound of her giggles. Alfie’s beard scratched her skin as he deepened the kiss, unable to bite down his satisfied hum. 
The sun was burning from the sky, filling both with heat, a comforting sensation that made their hearts beat calmly, relishing in the silence the calm July afternoon offered them. Before she could even try to part from her husband, (y/n) felt his hands fumble with the fabric of her dress, fingers tapping her waist.
“You’re right, doll, yeah, I should be home more often. I’ve missed my wife, can I get a taste?” His raspy voice left her shuddering in anticipation, body covered in goosebumps. He sank to his knees, kneeling on the blanket (y/n) was sitting on, pushing her back down before she could respond. 
The fabric of the blanket left (y/n) feeling comfortable and protected as Alfie shifted around, forcing the fabric of her dress up to her waist, pulling her undergarments down her legs before he nestled between her thighs, “Look at you, such a pretty cunt, how could I ever let you out of my sight, huh?”
The praises leaving Alfie made her gasp, unable to speak up, unable to ask if he really wanted to do this out here, in their garden. All she could do was moan, hands fisting the fabric of the blanket to try and stay grounded. Her heart was racing, blood rushing, toes being forced to curl as Alfie’s breath met her exposed cunt.
“You’re dripping, doll, you love when I praise you, don’t you? You love being good for me.” A breathy “I do” left (y/n), a sound that was interrupted by a gasp as Alfie plunged two fingers into her tightness, spreading her walls. It had been days since Alfie had last touched her like this and yet her body couldn’t help but welcome his fingers, finding pleasure in the stretch of her walls, in the feeling of his fingertips nudging her swollen spot.
With the sun burning down on her features, (y/n) felt herself growing warmer, making sweat pearl on her forehead, body begging her to get rid of her other clothes. She knew that this was only the beginning, that he would take her up to their bedroom after he was done with preparing her for his cock. 
“Fuck, Alfie, want your mouth, please.” Alfie’s chuckles left her cheeks burning, unable to pay attention to the smirk he wore on his lips as his tongue brushed through her folds, collecting drops of her arousal. He moaned against her cunt, sucked on her pulsing bundle of nerves as he kept fucking her with his thick, ringed fingers. The gold clinging to his skin felt cool against her heat, making a whirlwind of different sensations thump through her veins. 
He ate her out with his eyes focused on her features, sure that this was the most beautiful sight his eyes ever got to take in, a masterpiece ancient painters have longed to create, though unable to succeed in doing so. She was his end and his beginning, making him feel reborn whenever she graced him with her moans clawing through her.
“Alfie,” the call of his name made him chuckle against her, enjoying that she was already close to letting go, that she was about to cum around his fingers any moment now. His fingers picked up their pace, mouth latching onto her clit, once again leaving her to arch her back off the blanket.
“Let go for me, pretty darling, my beautiful wife, I got you.” With another breathy moan leaving her, (y/n) came around his fingers, eyes rolling back into her head, fingernails about to claw holes into the fabric of the blanket. He lazily fucked her with his fingers for a few more seconds before he pulled away, moving up her body to press a soft kiss to her lips. Alfie looked at her for a few more seconds before he rose to his feet, hand stretched out for her to take, set on guiding her to their shared bedroom.
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ithebookhoarder · 1 year
Relationship A - Z: (Alfie Solomons x F!Reader)
A/N: I randomly ended up catching a friend rewatching an episode of Peaky Blinders recently, and may have fallen back in love with this man again. So, it felt only right to finish this, after it sitting in my pile of unfinished drafts for months XD...
Yet again, for anyone who wants to know, I’m using Dameronlogy’s list here for this prompt. You can find it on their blog, or here. Thanks for all your love and support recently. It means a lot.
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A - actions. what sort of things do they do to show they love their s.o? 
Alfie listens which makes you feel special and valued to no end - something he demonstrates over and over again in many different ways. 
For example, if you say something is your favourite then he is sure to order it and leave it on your desk, whether it’s flowers, perfume, or books by a certain author. 
You even catch him one night, reading your favourite book, and can’t believe it when he starts asking you about it at breakfast the next morning, clearly having absorbed every word with great interest. 
And conversely, if you say you don’t like something… well, then it is all but eliminated from your life. Mushrooms? He’ll never let them touch your plate again. A certain cologne makes your headache? NO one at the factory can wear it. You’re allergic to something? Then Alfie will add it to a never ending list of enemies that need vanquishing and god help it if someone dares try to bring it close to you. 
He also shows it by asking about things you’ve mentioned, remembering all your friends and family names, as well as all the drama too (something you know he thoroughly enjoys catching up on, as yes, whether Mindy’s second husband is cheating on her is more interesting than answering Tommy’s letters.) 
B - beginnings. how did the relationship begin? how has it changed? 
However you met, you can guarantee that it took a while for you both to get to a point where you realised how you felt about one another. Alfie would definitely try to woo you though, even from the start. Tipping his hat when he passes you, sending gifts with handwritten notes, and taking you on lavish dates that clearly took time and effort to plan - he is a gentleman in many ways and refuses to treat you as anything less than a lady, even if you continually insist it isn’t necessary. 
C - comfortable. how comfy are they with each other? peeing with the door open close, or would they rather keep the mystery? 
He’d try to keep a line drawn between his work and your home life, but I feel he’d surrender pretty quickly once you start wearing it down. He has walls that he’s built pretty high and it takes him a while to figure out that it’s ok to let someone in every now and then - especially you.  
Soon enough, he’s sharing everything with you, from the sales figures, to other confidential business information. He keeps nothing back and neither do you. It’s a partnership and that makes you both incredibly happy. 
D - dates. do they consider dates to be important? what kind do they prefer? 
Dates are incredibly important to Alfie. They’re his chance to escape the darkness that follows him in his day to day life and to savour your company. They’re also a chance to strengthen your relationship which is the most important thing in his world. 
As for the types of dates, well, Alfie enjoys mixing things up, alternating between quiet evenings at home with you and nights hitting the town. 
E - engagement. how would they propose? who would even pop the question? 
Alfie would propose to you for sure. In fact, he’s probably been planning on asking you since the moment you first agreed to let him take you to dinner. He can see it all in in his head, and has his mother’s ring on standby for the day he finally musters up the courage to ask.  
F - fundamental. for them, what is the most fundamental part of a relationship? 
Loyalty - which I know sounds ironic given Alfie’s history, but it’s different when it comes to your personal lives. You’re not like his business, so there are no muddy waters for you to have to navigate through when it comes to right and wrong. You’re a team and that’s that, first, last, and always. 
You have each other’s back and love each other for who you are, and that’s why Alfie loves you so much. As long as you trust one another then you can handle anything, whether it be business at the bakery, or even hosting a dinner for the local community in your home. 
G - gratitude. how do they show their appreciation for you?
By spoiling you rotten. This could be via services for you, such as foot rubs, making you fall apart over and over in bed, or baking for you. Or, this could also be via material gifts, such as glittering jewels he’s procured from ‘work’ or fine dresses that you know cost far too much for any one person to own. But that’s Alfie. He loves to gift you fine things and watch as you put them on, looking every bit as regal and expensive as a queen - which is just how Alfie sees you anyway. 
H - home. a random domestic headcanon. 
This man can actually bake, which is fitting given his business front. Still, despite his true business ventures, Alfie can actually bake pretty well and loves to find an excuse to break out his mother’s recipes in the kitchen for you. Most days off start with you waking to the smell of something sweet wafting up the stairs, and the sound of your husband whistling as he works. 
He also has a pair of fluffy slippers that he would keep hidden with his life, if it came to it, rather than let anyone other than you know about them. He really doesn’t look so threatening with them on, which isn’t exactly the look he’s going for.  
I - infinite. do they believe their love is endless, or is there something that could break it? 
Alfie is a realist. Let’s be honest. He’s seen too much of humanity and the world not to be. Just because he expects the worst out of everyone in the world, doesn’t mean he isn’t determined to make your relationship work anyway. If he wants something he goes for it and his happy ever after is one of those things. 
It takes a lot of patience and self-work to not always fly off the handle or let the little things blow up into massive issues. You’d have your bumps along the way, especially in the early days, but you’d both find your feet together. In fact, soon your marriage is the gold standard amongst your friends. 
The secret? It’s learning not to see love as something that is either there or not. It’s something you earn, you build, you tend to. You don’t give up on it, no matter what the world throws at you. 
J - jokes. who's the funny one? 
Alfie is funny and often makes you laugh, but I think you’d get your fair share of laughter out of him too. He’s a goofy one when you finally crack through that shell of his, but he can take banter as well as giving it. In fact, the first time he properly laughed whilst at work he made the entire factory floor grind to a halt in surprise. You’d have heard a pin drop everyone looked so scared and confused.
K - kiss. how do they kiss? favourite type?
Alfie may seem like a massive extrovert, and he can be in the right circumstances. But when it comes to you? I feel like this man is private and protective af. He doesn’t like making a massive spectacle of you or your attentions. So, it’s the little kisses that are his favourite. The ones you subtly press to his cheek or hand whenever you’re near him. When you’re sat in his office or in the car together. When you’re lying side by side in bed and fighting the urge to close your eyes and doze off in his arms. They’re a constant reminder of the love you have for him. 
L - longing. who's the clingy one? how are they with long distance? 
Interestingly, I feel Alfie would be the clingy one, even though he is the one most often away from home, travelling for work. He calls you when he can, though, and makes sure to spend a day with you when he returns. 
He also has men watching you to ‘keep you safe’, even if he knows it drives you mad. Still, you put up with it because it makes him happy, making sure to offer each poor sod a cup of tea for their efforts, and charming them each into compliance. 
M - marriage. do they wanna get married? 
Alfie would love to marry you, let’s be honest. The chance to have a fancy wedding with the local community, and everyone witnessing how lucky he is to call you his? He’d be in his element - and the luckiest bastard alive. To call you Mrs Solomons is something he fantasises about nightly, and the ring box sitting in his desk drawer suggests it won’t be long before he asks you either. He would prefer a traditional Jewish ceremony, but wouldn’t insist if you said otherwise. After all, he just wants you to be happy. 
N - nicknames. what ones do they like? 
Sweetheart, Darlin’, Love… he has a lot of nicknames for you, each one depending on his mood. You can often tell a lot about how he’s feeling by the nickname he chooses to greet you with. Like, if he calls you by your actual name, then he’s feeling serious about something. It can be good or bad but he doesn’t use it lightly… just as he keeps ‘Oytser’ and a few other Yiddish terms for special occasions, usually when you’re alone. 
O - over the top. are they ever ott? or are they more low-key? 
This is Alfie. He’s OTT to the extreme. This wouldn’t change when it comes to you. His personality is as big as his empire and you wouldn’t change it for the world. It keeps things interesting, for a start, and you fell in love with him for him, just as he did you. That doesn’t mean, however, that you don’t sometimes wish things were simpler and quieter - especially once Tommy Shelby comes into your lives. That man only eggs Alfie on and makes him all the worse. 
P - picture. what's their favourite picture of them and their s.o? 
It would be something simple yet intimate to be honest, like a wedding photo, or one of the pair of you taken at a company soiree. He loves it because you’re dressed to the nines, wrapped in each other’s arms, and grinning like a pair of love sick soppy bastards. 
Q - quintessential. what is one they would refuse to compromise in their relationship? what's a deal-breaker for them? 
As I said before. Loyalty is everything to him. Plain and simple. 
R - rage. who is the most likely to start an argument? 
… come on. Alfie. For sure. He probably wouldn’t mean to, unlike when he’s with people to do with the business. Oh no, this man would do his very best not to upset you, given that you’re the one person in all the world that means everything to him. However, he’s still him. He still has a temper and a short fuse that all too often blows up whether it’s about not being able to find his cane, or about the fact he may or may not have pissed off an Italian gangster and needs you to flee to some safehouse for a week. 
He’ll take whatever rage you give back to him and can grovel with the best of them. Expect many bouquets, kisses, and angry sex, followed by make up sex is all I can say. 
S - sickness. who gets sick most often? what are they like when they’re sick? 
Given what we’ve seen in the show, I think Alfie would get ill most often. This can be due to his inability to take a day off or get a decent night’s rest in him, but it can also be due to more serious factors like his war wounds. Still, you’re a great nurse and aren’t afraid of ‘Big bad Solomons’, even if he does his best to get out of taking medicines or staying in bed. 
You can be a spitfire when you need to be and when it comes to caring for your husband, then you turn into the most fearsome Solomons in the West End. Scarier men than him have blanched and run away after being screamed at, by you, for refusing to let your husband out of meetings. Even Tommy himself once actually apologised after a dressing down from you, and sent a bottle of whiskey by way of apology. 
T - tattoo. would they ever get matching tattoos with their s.o, or a tattoo for them? 
Alfie would definitely get one for you. He has a lot anyway, but one dedicated to you would be important to him, so that he carries you with him. He’d also probably get it done over his heart, so it is all the more special as he claims it’s a visual reminder of the mark you’ve left on him. 
You make sure to call him a softy, but kiss him anyway once he tells you. 
U - understanding. how understanding are they? or are they a little difficult? 
All things considered, I think Alfie would actually be rather understanding about most things. It isn’t like his world is black and white, and he knows the world can be a complicated and unfair place. Sure, he’s stubborn but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t try to at least see things from a different perspective before deciding he was right in the first place. 
If anything, you’d be the one who is less understanding. By that, I mean, you have patience - the patience of a god damn saint, according to most of your friends - but God help you if Alfie makes a promise and then breaks it. You’ll put up with almost anything but if he makes a promise then he knows he has to keep it, else face your wrath later. 
V - vases. do they buy flowers?
Alfie would buy you flowers all the time. True, he’d normally bark at Ollie to order them for him, especially if it’s for an occasion or if he’s in trouble… he knows exactly what kind of flowers are your favourites and isn’t afraid to send you fields worth if it would make you smile. After all, in a city as grey and metropolitan as London, you savour any bud of greenery or coloured petals. It’s why you’ve come home to the kitchen filled with Sunflowers once or twice, after mentioning that you’d had a bad day… only the best for you, Alfie always says - to brighten your day, just as you brighten his life by being in it. 
W - wandering. do they wanna travel? or immediately settle down? 
He may be known as ‘the wandering Jew’ but Alfie would want to settle down, to be honest. You, him, Cyril and whatever kids you two have in a cottage by the sea in Margate… that’s the dream. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy taking you to places though, spoiling you with trips abroad every now and then, like Paris on your honey moon, and Italy for an anniversary. 
X - ex. how many exes do they have? any horror stories? 
As king of Camden he would more than likely have a few, but none he’d deem significant enough to tell you about. He’s always been more of a casual fling, kind of guy, until you came along and tipped his world upside down. The only person you’d ever have to worry about rivalling you for his affection has a tail and answers to the name Cyril… and to be fair, you’re pretty in love with him too.  
But if you had exes? Well, it depends on how it ended as to whether or not he has some of his men have quiet words with them in the middle of the night… 
Y - you. favourite thing about their partner? 
Alfie calls you his salvation, and you think he honestly believes that. You accept him for who he is and aren’t afraid of him, which is a minor miracle in itself. You’re patient and kind and all this things Alfie claims he isn’t, which is why he loves you so much - you are the light in his life and he hopes even just being around you is enough to make him a slither less of a sinner. 
That, and your irritating, unwavering optimism… oh, it annoys him to no end how you always smile and find silver linings wherever you look. You also seem to know just about everyone, often whistling and waving as you make your way through the factory like a god damn Disney princess. Hell, even the Shelbys seem to like you which really gets on his wick… but why wouldn’t they? You’re amazing, so he can understand even if he doesn’t like it. 
Z - zeal. how excitable are they? who's the calm one?
It’s Alfie. Come on - this one is self explanatory, even if I like to think you’d balance each other out. He brings out your extroverted side and you help temper his when he gets a bit much (even if you secretly love how excitable he gets). 
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
K’s Reading List — JANUARY
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
January was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
💜 — denotes a story written for my 4K celebration
F*ck Buddies - Tommy Shelby x Reader (ongoing mini-series) — some parts contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
A Moment of Happiness - Tommy Shelby x Reader (mini-series)
Blind Date - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (on-going series) — some parts contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
Paranoia - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Dangerously yours - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Ignoble Sins - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
The Lockdown Sessions: Oppenheimer Edition - Cillian Murphy x Reader (on-going series) — all parts contain 🔞 NSFW themes!
Dangerous Liaisons - Tommy Shelby x Reader x Alfie Solomons — contains VERY 🔞 NSFW themes!
Devastating - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
First Bloom - Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
John Shelby blurb
Of Bending and Breaking - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Lonely Rose - Alfie Solomons x OC (Fairytale AU)
Anon - Alfie Solomons x OC blurb
All Mine - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Ada’s Tour of the Library - Ada Shelby & Reader — dark fic use caution!
Inferno - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Misunderstandings - Carmen Berzatto x Reader — from The Bear
Point Blank - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Girl Dinner - Carmen Berzatto x Reader — from The Bear
Pretty Girl - Jay Halstead x Reader — from Chicago PD
Interrogation - Jay Halstead x Reader — from Chicago PD
Tommy Shelby Blurb
Luca Changretta Headcannons
Dues ex machina - Arthur Shelby x Reader
Back On Watery Lane - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Broken Pieces - Henry Wilson x OC — from Dunkirk
Don’t Hold My Hand (I’ll Break Your Heart) - Tommy Shelby x OC (on-going series)
John Shelby blurb
Haunt Me - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy & Charlie blurb — 💜
Our Little Family - Jay Halstead x Reader — from Chicago PD
Fathers - Tommy Shelby & Finn Shelby
Sacrifice & Survive - Tommy Shelby x Reader
“when she laughs, the heavens hum a stun gun lullaby” - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
“your breath in my face, your body close to me” - William Killick x Reader — from The Edge of Love
Lost in the Rhythm - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 💜
Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb
Lazy Mornings - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader blurb — contains slight 🔞 NSFW themes!
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year
Peaky Blinders Headcanons
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Pairing: Red x Alfie Solomons
Genre: Fluff
Masterlist: List
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Alfie Taking care of Red when she is unwell Headcanons
Red Sick/ unwell Headcanons:
When Red gets sick with the flu, food poisoning, or a simple cold, she experiences some unique symptoms. Despite not being a smoker herself, her cough sounds like that of a heavy smoker. This peculiar symptom has often surprised and amused her friends, who find it ironic given her non-smoking habits. Red's fever also tends to spike quite high, leaving her feeling flushed and overheated. Alfie, being familiar with Red's unique symptoms, often teases her about her "smoker's cough" during her illness, but he also takes care of her and makes sure she has everything she needs to recover.
During the first stages of her illness, Red prefers to stay in either her bedroom or her small office. She doesn't like being idle and enjoys keeping herself busy even when she's unwell. She spends her time catching up on paperwork, organizing business plans, and drinking larger amounts of herbal tea to soothe her symptoms. Alfie, being the attentive partner that he is, checks in on her regularly, bringing her herbal tea and offering assistance with her work if needed.
Despite Red's preference for staying busy while she's ill, she also understands the importance of rest and taking care of herself. She spends most of her time in either her bedroom or her small office, but she makes sure to take breaks and rest when her symptoms become more severe. She drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated and soothe her throat, often adding slices of lemon or ginger to provide some relief. Alfie, being concerned for Red's well-being, reminds her to rest and takes care of any tasks she would normally handle until she recovers.
Although Red is a responsible and diligent businesswoman, she tends to get sick more often than Alfie. Perhaps it's due to her dedication to her work and the stress that comes with it. Despite regular visits to the doctor, she sometimes falls victim to common illnesses. Alfie, who has a more robust immune system, finds it both amusing and concerning that Red gets sick more frequently. He jokes about her susceptibility to illness but also takes on a caretaker role, ensuring she has everything she needs and reminding her to take better care of herself to avoid future illnesses.
As Red's illness progresses, her symptoms worsen, and she becomes more fatigued. She finds it difficult to concentrate on her work and often experiences bouts of dizziness and headaches. Alfie notices these changes and becomes more attentive, taking on a more nurturing role. He encourages Red to take breaks and rest, insisting that she prioritize her health over work.
When Red is feeling under the weather, Galina, her trusted associate, steps in to handle her responsibilities for the day. Galina is familiar with Red's work and can efficiently manage tasks in her absence. She keeps Red updated on any important developments and ensures that everything runs smoothly in her absence. Galina's presence provides Red with peace of mind, knowing that her business is in capable hands while she focuses on recuperating. Alfie appreciates Galina's dedication and willingness to assist, as it allows Red to prioritize her health without worrying about the business suffering in her absence.
Red wears a bed jacket to bed, along with flannel nightgowns underneath and a pair of socks. Like she would when she was still in Russia. Despite her not living in Russia anymore, she still wears a lot of the more traditional Russian clothing, which includes cozy and warm nightwear. She finds comfort in the familiarity of these garments, and they provide her with a sense of home during times of illness. Alfie finds it endearing and often jokes about her "Russian fashion show" before tucking her into bed, ensuring she's snug and comfortable.
To help alleviate Red's symptoms, Alfie prepares various homemade remedies that he learned from his own experiences with illness and from his eclectic knowledge. He creates soothing herbal teas with ingredients like chamomile, mint, and honey to help ease Red's cough and sore throat. He also prepares warm soups and stews, adding spices and herbs known for their healing properties. Alfie takes pride in his culinary skills, and seeing Red's face light up when she tastes his creations brings him joy.
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When Red is really unwell:
If Red is really sick and her condition becomes more serious, Alfie becomes even more attentive and concerned. He recognizes the severity of the situation and takes immediate action to ensure she receives proper medical care. He arranges for a doctor to visit their home and monitors Red's symptoms closely. Alfie stays by her side, offering comfort and support throughout her illness.
During Red's more serious illness, Alfie takes on a caretaker role, making sure she is comfortable and well-cared for. He arranges for a cozy spot for her in the living room or bedroom, surrounding her with blankets, pillows, and anything else she may need. He sits beside her, holding her hand or gently stroking her hair, providing a comforting presence during her moments of discomfort. Alfie also keeps track of her medication schedule, ensuring she takes her prescribed medications on time and in the correct dosage.
Alfie communicates with Red's doctor and follows their instructions carefully. He asks questions to clarify any concerns or doubts he may have, making sure he fully understands Red's condition and the necessary steps for her recovery. Alfie takes her temperature regularly, administers any prescribed treatments, and keeps a record of her symptoms to share with the doctor during follow-up appointments.
During Red's serious illness, Alfie takes on the responsibility of managing their business affairs. He temporarily steps into Red's role, attending meetings, making decisions, and handling any urgent matters that arise. Alfie understands the importance of maintaining the stability of their business during Red's absence, and he takes it upon himself to ensure everything continues to run smoothly.
Alfie reaches out to Red's close friends and family members to keep them updated on her condition. He understands the value of their support and wants them to be aware of Red's situation. He provides them with regular updates and reassures them that he is taking good care of her. Alfie appreciates their concern and finds solace in their well-wishes and offers of assistance.
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Red Taking care of Alfie when he is unwell Headcanons
When Alfie is unwell:
When Alfie gets sick, Red immediately shifts into caregiver mode. She ensures he has a comfortable space to rest and recover, setting up a cozy spot in their bedroom or living room with blankets, pillows, and his favorite comfort items. Red knows that Alfie tends to be stubborn when it comes to taking care of himself, so she takes charge and makes sure he follows a regimen of rest, hydration, and medication.
Red prepares nourishing meals for Alfie, making sure he gets the nutrients he needs to regain his strength. She prepares his favorite comfort foods, like hearty soups, stews, and warm drinks. Red knows that food can have a soothing effect, and she takes pleasure in watching Alfie enjoy the meals she prepares for him.
Red warns his doctor that Alfie tends to be stubborn when it comes to taking care of himself and emphasizes the severity of his illness. She ensures that Alfie's doctor is aware of any specific symptoms or concerns and asks for clear instructions on how to care for him at home. Red takes note of his medication schedule and sets reminders to ensure that he takes his prescribed medications on time.
Red creates a calm and comforting environment for Alfie to rest and recover. She plays his favorite music softly in the background and dims the lights to create a soothing atmosphere. Red knows that Alfie appreciates a sense of familiarity and security, so she makes sure their home feels like a safe haven during his illness.
 Red would often make traditional Russian foods for Alfie while he was unwell, as she knew his mother is Russian and Jewish.
Red encourages Alfie to rest and relax, reminding him that his health is the priority. She reassures him that she can handle any business matters that may arise and that he should focus on recuperating. Red understands Alfie's tendency to be driven and stubborn, so she gently insists that he takes the time he needs to recover fully.
During Alfie's illness, Red takes on the role of his personal nurse, attending to his needs and providing comfort. She checks on him regularly, ensuring he has everything he needs and offering words of encouragement. Red brings him warm beverages, like herbal tea or honey-infused drinks, to soothe his throat and ease his symptoms. She also keeps a supply of tissues and cough drops nearby, ready to provide relief whenever he needs it.
Red would also make traditional Russian warm drinks to alleviate Alfie's symptoms. She prepares drinks like Elderberry Tincture: Elderberries were used to create a tincture, which is a concentrated herbal extract. Elderberry tincture was believed to have antiviral properties and was used to support the immune system and shorten the duration of colds and flu.
During Alfie's illness, Red takes care of their pets, making sure they are fed, walked, and given attention. She knows that Alfie loves their furry companions dearly, and she wants to ensure they are well-cared for during his absence. Red often brings their pets to visit Alfie in bed, providing him with some extra comfort and companionship.
Red showers Alfie with affection and love during his illness. She holds his hand, cuddles up next to him, and whispers soothing words of comfort. Red understands that physical touch and emotional support can have a healing effect, and she wants to make sure Alfie feels loved and cared for throughout his recovery.
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charliehoennam · 5 months
gentle giant
Summary: The Solomons enjoy quality family time with their young baby daughter as per request by @j23r23
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x F!reader
Warnings: fluff, language, mentions of pregnancy and natural childbirth, oc!daughter, hints at smut
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"She can't even play with that yet, Alf. She's too small" you told him when he brought home a large and lavish dollhouse, carried up to your daughter's nursery room by a couple of his men.
"Course she can't now. But, she will someday. Nothing but the best for my little Laura."
You chuckled and shook your head at his excitement, deciding to let him be happy because he genuinely was.
He has never been prouder of anything in his life.
It was needless to say that Alfie wasn't like most fathers of the time. Every day, you woke up feeling blessed and fortunate enough to be his wife.
Now, you are the mother of his child. Of his first born princess that he was already spoiling with all the finest little clothes and toys.
It's been a few months since you'd brought Laura into the world and Alfie's pride radiated as if he'd just learned he was going to be a father. Having expected the high of newfound fatherhood to fade away with late night nappy changes and early morning hungry cries, you were surprised to find that he was still so thrilled about being a father.
Not only was he proud of his little Laura, but he was still amazed beyond comprehension at your body.
During the pregnancy, he constantly marveled at the growing bump in your belly. Alfie was no fool; he understood perfectly well how a woman's body works, yet it was still the greatest miracle to him.
He never stopped calling you a Goddess for having the power to create life.
The birth of your daughter left him complete ecstasy.
Most men, especially in Jewish traditions, it was uncommon for the father to be present in the room for such a thing. But, then again, Alfie was no common man. He was always far from ordinary.
He insisted on being present to watch the miracle himself.
You'd talked about it before and assured him the midwives would take care of you. After all, he had hired the best staff to take care of you before, during and after the pregnancy.
He still continue to insist on being present - as long as you were comfortable with his presence - to watch his beloved daughter come into the world. He would've brought her out of you himself if only he knew how.
You wondered if it might have been instigated by the jealous thought of having a doctor between your legs.
You were more than grateful that he had insisted so strongly because you truly believe that, if it hadn't been for his motivating words and endearing support, you couldn't have done it by yourself.
Alfie had never cried so much in his entire life as he did when he first heard Laura's cries. You knew right away that Laura would have him wrapped around her wrinkly little finger.
And you were right.
It's late evening when Alfie comes home from an exhausting long day of work.
After hanging his hat and coat, he greets his favorite dog and heads off to search for you and his little Laura only to find you naked in the luxurious porcelain tub of your bathroom with your young 6-month-old daughter, sharing a warm bath.
"Well, ain't this a sight for sore eyes, eh?" he smirks from the doorway.
His heart warms as he sees your eyes light up.
"Baths always help her sleep better."
"Can't blame her," he nods unbuttoning his shirt. "Any room for me?"
"There's always room for you."
Of course there is. You hardly get much time to spend with your husband. The absence has him yearning for his family just the same.
He sinks into the opposite side of the tub with a tired groan, raising the water level to your swollen breasts.
"Give 'er here. Give 'er to poppa."
You carefully handed your daughter over to his hands.
Alfie holds her against his naked burly chest, kissing her head and cheeks as he informs her how much he's missed her in the softest tone.
"Daddy's missed you so much, princess. Yes, I have. Barely got see my little angel today. But that's alright, yeah? Poppa's here now, ain't he? You been good for your mother? Behaved yourself?" he questions as if she could respond, taking the small bowl to fill with water before gently pouring it over her back.
You watch leaning back against the porcelain, and admire the vulnerability of the big bad Alfie Solomons.
The word that spread around only spoke how cruel and cunning he was; of the horrors he was capable of and enjoyed inflicting upon those who betrayed him.
Yet, only you know how he could be the complete opposite. This version of him was for your eyes only and, for that, you felt blessed.
With his large hand cupped over Laura's little bare bum, he smiles as he relishes in the sounds of her giggles emitted every time he pours water over her back.
"Yeah, you like that, eh?" Alfie chuckles. "Want another go?"
She squeals happily as he repeats the action, excitedly pulling at his burly chest hair.
He yelps as he tries to unlatch her tiny fingers from his hairs.
"Got the grip of the Devil, don't she?"
"Tell that to my hair. Have to keep it up all the time so she doesn't turn me bald" you smile at him.
She giggles more enthusiastically as she pulls at them again.
"Ow! Laura, I am your father, young lady" he playfully chastises her.
"I think she takes after you."
"How so?"
"She enjoys hurting others."
"No, I enjoy hurting those who deserve it. I done nothing to deserve this" he chuckles at you.
"That's nothing compared to her biting my tits. If you think she's got hands of the Devil, try her teeth."
"They're starting to come in, innit?" he asks gently pulling her chin down to examine the two little white spots on her lower gums. "You never complained when I nibbled on them" he continues shooting a smirking glance at you.
"That was different" you chuckle back.
"I can be gentle" he replies with a wandering gaze at your chest.
"No. They're sore as fuck, Alf. They're off limits tonight."
"They're irresistible, they are. Fucking tripled in size, innit?" he chuckles. "Fucking 'ell, love. God is a cruel bloke, He is."
You laugh shaking your head. Alfie never fails to make you feel like a goddess, despite the worries you had about your changing body. It was exactly uncommon at the time for men to lose interest in their wives after pregnancy.
You'd seen many women go through it and you feared your fate would've been the same.
Thankfully, pregnancy had the opposite effect on Alfie. He was already eager to get started on the second child.
"All I'm saying is Laura will need a sibling when she's older."
Alfie's debating continued even after your shared bath. You're trying your cotton robe closed as he carries Laura into your bedroom where you had laid out her sleeping clothes beforehand.
"You say that all the time."
"Doesn't it make it less true. Besides, the fun part is trying."
Laying Laura down on the bed with a smirk, he stands upright and faces you.
The way he holds your waist has you melting under his touch. You take advantage of the moment to admire his details.
The wrinkles on his forehead, the disheveled light brown locks shining in the warm light of your room, the hairy tuffs that were peeking out from his robe.
You slide your palms up his strong arms until they rest on the back of his neck.
"Alright. I'll put her down for bed and we can have some fun time of our own" you smile sweetly at him.
His plush lips - hidden in his bushy brown beard - spread widely with mischief and excitement, infecting you with arousal as they made their way to press against your own.
You kiss him deliciously, letting his hand rest against your soft cheek. His tongue flicks against your bottom, already begging for entrance. You allow him it.
The kiss is more than enough to fuel the fire already sparked inside, in the depth of your cores. But you're both brought back to reality when Laura tiredly whines and rubs her sleepy eyes, kicking her chubby legs in the air out of frustration.
You part from Alfie's loving hold on you and bend down to scoop Laura up into your arms, assuring her everything is alright in gentle whispers.
Alfie watches how your loving nature is quick to soothe your fussy daugther in admiration. He loves watching you with her. His wife with his daughter in arms. His family.
All the words in every language would never be enough to describe the joy and pride you bring out in him.
Getting Laura to fall asleep is hardly a challenge. She was already tired from the long day and from staying up a bit past her bedtime.
Once you get her warmly dressed for the night, you sit in her nursery's rocking chair to give her one last feed.
She latches onto your nipple quickly, staring up at you with big doey eyes. The mixture of blue and gray remind you of Alfie. Her long lashes flutter as she slowly blinks, suckling for milk as she holds your index finger in her tiny hand.
You hum as you let her drink her fill, hoping to lull her sleep.
She can't resist the building sleep no matter how hard she tries. At this point, she's not even trying to drink anymore. Her eyelids grow heavier with every blink.
Gently tucking your breast back into your robe, you rest Laura's head against your shoulder as you gently pat her back to burp her.
She tries to fuss about having her favorite source of nutrition taken away, but her exhaustion dominates.
It doesn't her long to fall asleep.
Before setting Laura in her crib without stirring her too much, you kiss her head and thank the universe for blessing you such a precious little angel to care for and love.
Walking back to your room, you search Alfie but you find he's no longer there. So, you walk down the hall and the stairs in search of your husband, knowing exactly where to find him.
The office door is open as the light shines, providing the only light in the hallway. As you lean in the doorway, you smile and tap against the wooden door.
"She go down alright or put up a fuss?" Alfie smiles looking up at you from his paperwork.
"No fuss tonight. I think she was really tired." You walk into his office with a smile as you make your way towards him. "Now it's time for the grown-ups to have some fun."
Alfie smirks as his chair spins, watching you struct over to his side. His eyes scan over your frame, drinking in the sight of you as you untie your robe, letting the fabric part and shyly reveal your naked body.
"Unless you'd like to stay down here and work?"
He chuckles as he stands and kisses you tenderly, holding your face in his hands as if you're made of the most delicate and precious glass with his rough fingertips gently propping your chin up to make you face him.
"Love, the only work I've got to do is fucking you until you can't walk."
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rysko · 7 months
Rysko's guide to the galaxy - Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Hiya! Welcome to my Peaky Blinders blog, i've been in the fandom for a few months now (late to the party, i know xD), but i've only started writing in late december. I'm finally doing a masterlist so i have an easier way of accessing shit (and maybe ya'll will as well). It'll be updated after every published work.
Want me to write something? My requests are open, rules are posted here.
Ongoing Series:
Kings of Spades - Luca Changretta x OC
Other fics (sorted by character):
Tommy Shelby -
(Coming Soon)
Luca Changretta -
Too old for this - Luca Changretta x f!reader
Arthur Shelby -
(Coming Soon)
Alfie Solomons -
(Coming Soon)
Aberama Gold -
(Coming Soon)
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB's Recommendation List: March
Welcome to March’s recommendation. Down below is the link to February’s part 2 featuring Peaky Blinders, Bucky Barnes, and more. March is a very busy month for me, I’m traveling all over to see specialists, so there may be more stories than usual, or there could be fewer. If you are interested in having your writing challenges featured here, or your stories, or even just your blog, please feel free to tag me in your works, message me, or use the hashtag MidnightWithDearKatyTSPB. I hope you are enjoying the new theme on the blog for March, as St. Patrick’s day holds a special day in my heart. My folks got married on that day in an intimate ceremony and again in July in a bigger ceremony many years ago, before many of your parents got together.
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🌹 Feb. '23 Pt. 2
March '23 Pt. 2 🍀
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A Handsome Stranger >> John Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Me and The Devil >> Alfie Solomons x Reader (Moodboard)
In Death's Realm >> Fortunate Souls Playlist, "Death has feelings, death weeps, death feels anger, death has hopes and dreams, and death has a heart."
Have It All by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Keep Us Safe by @zablfie >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Make A Good Thing Bad >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Estella (Moodboard)
My Darling Tommy (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x Reader "I do not think such a smile or happiness will be known till we are in each other's arms once more."
Lighthouse Vacation (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x Reader
Happy Birthday Buck (Moodboard + Drabble) >> Bucky Barnes x OFC!Sparrow Lake
How About Now by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader (Moodboard)
Polly Gray x Aberama Gold (Moodboard) "Across the vast quantity of multiverses, Polly Gray always fell in with Mr. Gold. Mr. Gold himself fell madly deeply in love with Mrs. Gray."
The Blackbird and The Lionheart (Playlist) >> Polly Gray x Aberama Gold
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Being Finn's Twin Sister by @mindful-of-ideas >> I loved seeing more Finn Shelby on my dashboard.
Fireflies by @acewritesfics >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Extended version of her Moodboard and Blurb. | Did I cry? Yes. Would I read it again? Yes, times a million. It's such a beautiful story, yet so sad.
A Handsome Stranger by @zablife >> Vampire!John Shelby x Reader - Summary: You meet a handsome man one night in a club who makes you feel a powerful desire for him. The events of the evening grow increasingly strange and difficult to comprehend. | I did not see that end coming at all, but then again, with all of Lee's writing, she always takes me by surprise with her endings! I hope to see more vampire!Shelby family.
Pizza and Champagne. by @peakyscillian >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: A peek into your and Tommy's life. | So good, and I would love to have a night like this with Modern!Tommy.
Three's A Party by @peakyscillian >> Tommy Shelby x Reader x Ginger!Lady - Summary: You and Tommy have a threesome with a frequent female patron from The Garrison. Tommy thinks he just might be in Heaven. | This is so very hot. Please enjoy it.
Keep Us Safe by @zablife >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Family history repeats itself when your daughter is taken by parish authorities. This time Tommy won't let them get away with it. | This story will make your eyes water and your heartache, but you will see a father's true desperation to do whatever it takes to make his family whole. Lee, you did such an outstanding job with this story.
What About Now by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy has been hard at work with your children Charlie and Ruby, planning something extra special for you. | This is very beautiful, and I absolutely adore it. Tommy puts so much effort into doing something for his significant and evolving his children. Be still my heart.
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Request: Ties and Baton by @dameronscopilot >> Steven Grant x f!reader - Summary/Request: Okay, but now that you’ve mentioned it, Steven using his tie and batons on the reader. | I read the warnings, I promise I did, but I still did not expect it to be as hot as it was.
Favorite Kind of Trouble by @amhrosina >> Frank Castle x Reader x Matt Murdock - Summary: Frank and you get up to no good at a gala event, and Matt’s enhanced senses can’t help but focus on the pretty sounds you’re making from across the room. | Be prepared to read something that has just the right amount of spiciness to it.
Present by @crazyunsexycool >> Alpha!Stucky x Reader - Summary: Reader has never presented as a beta, alpha, or omega, but she still managed to find the loves of her life. If she isn't presented, then why is she in the middle of a mission, cramping and hunched over, craving her two loves so badly? | If you are looking for some spicy Stucky x Reader, look no further. This will have you covered.
Push & Pull by @milkymoon2483 >> Frank Castle X Plus Size Jewish OC Hannah Friedman - Summary: You’re going back to your small town for your father’s funeral and Shiva. You know you’re about to face family drama, but what worries you the most is that you’re going to see HIM, your dad’s long-time friend and probably the most attractive man you have ever met. When Frank finally sees you and realizes that you’re all grown up, he struggles with accepting his budding feelings for you. | Please do yourself a favor and go and read this, especially if you are on a Frank Castle kick or if you are a sad bunny like me. This story is just perfect. The emotions that are portrayed through the writing are just beautiful.
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Can You See His Silhouette? by @psychedelic-ink >> Joel Miller x f!reader - Summary: You get your period and without anything to help you with it, you're mortified. Luckily Joel is there to help. | This is really sweet, leaving me wishing for Joel to take care of me.
Compass by @frenchiereading >> Frankie Morales x f!reader - Summary: You receive an unexpected visit that threatens to tip over the fragile balance you’ve been trying to maintain for the sake of your love, your family, and your marriage. Set about a year after the events of the movie. | Grab some tissues for this one, folk, because let me just say, you'll need them.
Crossroads of His Heart by @jake-g-lockley >> Frankie Morales x reader - Summary/Prompt: “would you acknowledge my feelings for you if i kissed you right now? you can’t seem to take a damn hint, [name]”, Glancing at you but immediately looking away when you catch them, Almost kissing, but someone walks in. | Can you tell I'm on a Triple Frontier kick, and I'm getting my fix? This was so adorable, especially the cotton candy scene.
Lush by @javierpinme >> Neighbor!Frankie Morales x f!Reader - Summary: You buy a sex toy and accidentally send a request to your hot neighbor to join in. | Is this really hot? Yes. Did I need to splash cold water on myself after reading? Very much so.
Stay by @dameronscopilot >> Kacey Dutton x Reader - Summary: When a downtrodden Kayce arrives on your doorstep at nearly midnight on New Year’s Eve and shares unexpected news, reigning in the feelings you’ve harbored for him for years becomes exceedingly difficult. | I'm a big fan of Yellowstone, and Kacey is my favorite character, so I freaked out when I saw this. It's something I didn't know I needed and I want more of in my life. Please go read if you are a fan of Lukas Grimes or Yellowstone!
Worth the Risk by @melodygatesauthor >> Santiago "Pope" Garcia X f!Reader - Summary: You're visiting your hometown on college break, and you are staying overnight at your best friend's house. You never realized how attractive her dad was until that night. You wonder if he feels the same. | An Oscar Isaac character *chefs kiss* and some spiciness, just what everyone needs.
The Wow Factor by @movievillainess721 >> Frankie Morales x Plus Size!Female!Reader - Summary: You now owe Santi a favor. | Can something be adorable and hot at the same time? Well, this was.
*Grays Part 1 & Part 2 by @fuckyeahdindjarin >> Frankie Morales x Hairstylist!Reader - Summary: Frankie wants you to cover up his grays. You want to knock some sense into his salt-and-pepper head. | I only give you the summary of part 1, but trust me, you will want to read both parts. Part two is spicy, but part one is the teasing, and I just love this so much.
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Arthur + Wedding by @acewritesfics >> Arthur Shelby x Reader | Arthur and Reader sneaking off just warms my heart. I need more Arthur in my life now.
Men (Modern AU) by @dreamlandcreations >> Tommy Shelby x Reader x Alfie Solomons - Blurb | TOMMY'S WHAT?!? Alex does a wonderful job making your jaw drop. Beautiful moodboard.
Your Eyes by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Tommy Shelby - Poem | Such a beautiful poem and moodboard, Selene.
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@acewritesfics - Ace was one of the very first Peaky Blinder writers I followed on Tumblr when I returned, and I'm so glad I did. I don't just follow her peaky content. I follow because Ace is so kind in her feedback on other people's content and just encouraging. She is definitely someone you want on your dashboard.
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 5 months
Stormy Weather
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Alfie Solomons x F!Reader; angst/comfort/fluff
Trigger Warnings: major domestic issues, trauma response, things are resolved but hard, language
A/N: Hey my loves! So this one is… pretty hard core for me? I rarely write angst but this one has been on my mind for a bit. This does get pretty aggressive but I needed to process my own experiences with DV and relationship issues. This story isn’t meant to glorify or make light of DV, but rather it’s a way for me to process my fears about my future relationships after my bad one. I hope this made sense, and maybe someone could find some catharsis in this like I did. Love you all to bits and pieces, I’m trying to get to my inbox!! As always, feel free to send me prompts or requests. Love you all 💕- Mo
It had been tense recently in the Solomons house. The new men in the bakery were just above incompetent despite Shelby assurance. American prohibition put another twist in the binds. And the recent weather had done nothing to aid Alfie’s sciatica. Through no fault of your own, and despite your best efforts, Alfie was knee deep in angry old man territory.
Though that wasn’t something that put you off. Women are not so easily turned by nasty weather, for better or worse.
You weren’t naive to the tempest of your husband. The beauty of his heart and his mind had to paid for by torrential rains once a season. His roar never came to your quiet garden, though you were acquainted with his rumbles and thunder. But you knew how to temper it. You knew what brought him through it into the clear.
You hummed to the radio in the corner, settling your finishing touches to a soothing evening with your beast of a husband. Brisket was just pulled out, with carrots and potatoes buttery and tender. You had washed the sheets and blankets, pressed them with dried lavender and eucalyptus oil. Lamps were turned low, and the fire was a soothing crackle, the entire parlor a syrup sweet orange glow. Water was hot for a bath for two, and everything was set for a soft warm evening.
As you pour out your first glass of wine, you hear the front oak door swing open, and slam shut shaking the walls. Light on your feet you flew to the front, opening your arms as a harbor. “Alfie darling, get your coat off, I have dinner and wine all set for your already! Let’s get you warm!”
His eyes don’t even meet yours as he evades your soft arms.
You feel as though your body wilts. Completely crumbling under the weight of the dejection.
But maybe he didn’t see you! Maybe he just didn’t realize!! He works hard he probably just has to attend to something quickly.
Your bare feet flex against the frigid wood stairs, creaking under the weight of your trek. Your ears perked up to the rustling of the papers and slamming of drawers and rumble of his voice. Like a dragon arranging his lair.
You crack the heavy door, requiring all of your weight. Paper and ink were thrown around, drawers yanked crooked, and you see him take long swigs of the amber liquid in the crystal decanter. “Alfie? Darling you alright? Did something happen”
He does not even toss a glance, “nothing that concerns you. Close the door one your way out.”
The rolling thunder edges closer to the home, “Aren’t you going to come down and eat? I’ve made your favorite tonight.”
“Does it look like I care about dinner? I’m preoccupied at the moment and don’t need your yowling right now.”
A bright flash illuminates the room.
“Alfie I don’t know what’s wrong but you will not speak to me like this.”
“I’ll fucking speak to you how I fucking feel like! Now get the fuck out!”
The sky explodes. Shaking the paintings and photos on the walls. The mirror above the fireplace behind you shifts precariously. Your eyes shut but the sounds wash over you.
You don’t let the anger out of your chest very often. You pride yourself on keeping an even temper and offering a gentle hand in place of the rage. Especially when being with Alfie, your honeyed lips and temperament is what makes you the queen of Camden. There’s been so few people who have seen your rage, much less deserved to receive it.
“Get the fuck out you said?”
A slight chill runs down Alfie’s spine. “Yeah. Yeah I said get the fuck out. You deaf now?”
Another flash.
Alfie hardly blinks before he suddenly sees glass hurdling towards his face. He just barely ducks before it shatters against the wall behind him.
“What the fuck!” He roars and thrashes.
To his shock, you pick up the glasses on his bar cart, throwing them with all your might at his head, one by one, with deadly aim.
“Get the fuck out eh Alfie! Get the fuck out!! I’ll get the fuck out! Maybe I’ll take you fucking with me!”
You make your way to the Faberge eggs on the shelf.
“Don’t you fucking dare sweetheart! There will be hell to pay if you touch those fucking eggs!”
“Oh we are well past that Alfie. You tell me to get the fuck out? I’m taking your fucking stuff!”
Three perfectly beautiful eggs are slammed against the fire with your husband roaring and punching the wall, “Enough damnit! Get the fuck out of my office! Get to the fucking room you fucking lunatic! I’ll lock you in the bedroom if you keep this up!”
“Oh I’d like to see you try! You call yourself a man! King of Camden! King of Camden so upset he curses out his woman! So mighty yet he can’t take care of his own home! You’re a fucking CHILD! A fraud!”
You grab at a cabinet and pull it down, slamming against the ground. The glass shattered. The tin type of your wedding surely shattered in the frame. In the moment of silence after the shatter, you don’t realize Alfie coming up behind you and lifting you in the air.
You scream and kick, trying to get away and out of his grasp. But he was immovable. A wall. All you hear was his grunts as you howled and cried. He wrenches the bedroom door open, throwing you onto your marriage bed. You scramble up the bed, reaching for the knife under your pillow.
Heaving breaths, Alfie puts his hands in surrender, “Treacle treacle please. Enough ok. No need to stick me. Let’s.. let’s talk.”
“You’ve already said anything you need to. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say you fucking-“
“Darling I was wrong. Ok. I shouldn’t have swore at you. Come on. Just… put it down. Let’s… let’s talk about this ok? Truce?”
You push the hair out of your eyes, wipe the tears off your face and put the knife on the night stand, far enough from either of you.
Alfie has never raised a hand towards you ever. He’d rather put the gun on himself than touch you. But old habits die hard.
You pull your feet under your night gown. Watching Alfie pull off his coat and shoes before sitting on the bed. The ancient frame creaking under his weight.
He reaches for your hand, but retracts when he sees your dark stare toward it. With a sigh he relents and decides to begin. It’s never good to be the starter of negotiations. “Darling. I am sorry for shouting at you. It wasn’t fair to you. The business doll… it does my head in. But. It doesn’t excuse shouting at you. Can you forgive me?”
You feel the heaviness slowly slipping away from your neck. You nod meekly, allowing your fingers to drift to his, weaving around his warm fingers.
Brushing the inside of your wrist, he continues, “Now darling. While I was in the wrong, you don’t normally start throwing shit around. Very unlike you it is. You want to explain what caused that? What’s going on in that pretty head?”
You shake your head no. It’s sitting on your tongue though it’s so bitter. You can’t bring yourself to spit out the poison.
“Oh come on darling. It’s just me. Nothing can put me off. You and me forever right?”
You nod, and reveal your feelings, even if it’s a slow trickle.
“I just… got so angry at you Alfie. I’ve been so lonely these past few months. You’ve been gone. Any time you say you’ll be home you’re not. I’m without you all the time. And when you are here, you’re not really. Your mind is still gone and I don’t have my husband. Just his body. And his words hurt me so much. And I thought, I thought tonight I could finally get you. I thought if I tried hard enough you would be happy and with me. Like we were. And then when I tried to help you and be your wife, you screamed at me. And it hurt me. So I wanted to hurt you and break things to make myself feel better. But it didn’t. It made me more angry and sad and…”
Your words were reduced to tears as your husband pulled you into his lap. Your tears soaked his neck and shirt, “Oh God Alfie I’m so sorry! That was wrong and I’m sorry! Alfie was please forgive me! I’ll never disturb you again! I’ll never throw anything ever again! Oh God Alfie can you forgive me!”
A gentle kiss to your forehead settles your fears, “Now my darling you know in your heart of hearts that we are bound for eternity. Nothing is taking us apart. Not even when we fight like demons. I’m yours and you’re mine. You and me… well we just need a little medicine yeah? Just need some help right now. You and me need to do a better job talking to each other and listening yeah?”
You can barely get words out as you nod. Cheeks hot and sticky. But it doesn’t stop Alfie from kissing your cheeks so tenderly. “My dove. My sweet dove. The business has been out of control but it’s finally settling down. I came home angry because of all the messes I’ve had to clean up. But I shouldn’t have taken it out on the one person I like. The one person I love. But it’s finally settled my pet.”
His thick hands tenderly touch your chin to bring your eyes to his, which are also wet with tears, “I promise to always tell you when I’m not doing ok. And if I can’t tell you then, I’ll make sure to tell you when I need a moment. You think you can promise your old man the same?”
“Yes… I promise.” You whisper
There is a slight twinkle that flies across his eyes, “Think you can seal it with a kiss?”
You throw yourself against him, and he catches you with a grunt. You hated to fight. You’d sooner walk into the ocean than be at odds with the love of your life. When you finally come up for air, Alfie whispers against your lips, “I’m staying home for the rest of the week. I’ll tell Ollie what he needs to do in the morning.”
Without moving a millimeter you say, “No you can’t darling. It’s your life I don’t want you to have to stay home if you can’t.”
“You’re my life treacle. Forever and all eternity you’re what matters. I’ve decided. I’m staying home. And come Saturday we go up to Margate.”
“Are you sure?”
“As sure as I am that you’re the only woman for me.”
He kisses you sweetly, and you whimper as you let yourself be further embraced by him. Barely moving from your lips he whispers, “Why don’t you start a bath darling? I’ll grab tea from downstairs and join you soon.”
“I made dinner… it’s on the stove for you.”
“I’ll bring a plate for us. You just… get comfortable for me treacle. I think we need some time.”
For the rest of the night… and the rest of the week. You spent time talking and embracing, coming back together and healing what had been fraying at the edge. Though mistakes were made, and there were deep wrongs, you both wanted to fix it, to heal.
Neither of you were perfect. You never would be. But there was love there, and determination to get through the wounds that lead to these kinds of mistakes. These moments were not ok, and they stemmed from deep seated traumas that were undealt with. But you both wanted this marriage. You both wanted each other. And you both would work everyday to make it work.
With every word.
With every caress.
With every kiss.
Things would heal.
196 notes · View notes
dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @kayhi808
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
I'm starting a new post bc I have too many WIPs (and these are just the ones in my drafts) 🙈
tag as many people as there are documents... but but but there are more than a hundred drafts 😭 anyway
tagging: @zablife @raincoffeeandfandoms @cinebration @marvelmusing @massivecolorspygiant @celestialspecial @stardustmorozov @startrekkingaroundasgard @oneeyedvisenya @happilyhertale @drabbles-mc @withmyteeth @runnning-outof-time @storiesbyrhi @nickfowlerrr
Little Miller - Benny Miller x Reader
Not tonight - Boba Fett x assassin!Reader (x Fennec Shand)
Speak freely - Boba Fett x half alien!Reader (platonic)
Games - Boba Fett x Mandalorian!Reader
Just a simple man - Jango Fett x half alien!Reader
Happily ever after - Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Hey, Kid - Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
First - Poe Dameron x Skywalker!Reader
The King - Tattooed Biker!Boba Fett x Reader
A deal is a deal - Raymond Smith x half Asian!Reader
Day and Night - Brother Day x Reader
Second Chances - Boba Fett x force sensitive!Reader
One King - Bishop x vampire!Reader (Night Teeth!au)
Reality - Boba Fett x force sensitive!Reader
I know what day it is - Bishop x Reader
Slave to Sensation - changeling!Billy Russo x psy!Reader
Angel's crush - Bishop x tattoo artist!reader
What you need - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
What you want - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
What you have - Billy Russo x autistic!Reader
Tangled, twisted or maybe something right - Billy Russo x Stark!Reader
Best friend - Bucky Barnes x Wilson!Reader
Stranger - Billy Russo x Reader
Apprentice - Doctor Strange x sorceress!Reader
Misery loves company - Venom x Reader x Eddie
We broke up - Eddie x Reader x Venom
Once upon a time - King Arthur x royal!Reader
Wicked - shifter!Santi x witch!Reader
Desert Flower - shifter!Benny x (non)human!Reader
Reaper - Venom x Reader x Eddie
The proposal (Would you like to series) Tommy x Reader x Alfie
Kissing Alfie Solomons - Alfie x Reader
Lighten up - Darkling x Fjerdan!Reader
Faeted hearts - fae king!Alfie x half-fae!Reader
Castaway AU - Billy Russo x Reader
Grimm AU - blutbad!Alfie x grimm!Reader
Fearless - Alfie Solomons x Shelby!Reader
I'm here for you - Billy Russo x Reader
Scheming, games and secrets - Alfie x Reader + Tommy
Fortune Favours the Brave - Eddie Munson x cheerleader!Reader
What women want - Billy Russo x genderfluid/nonbinary(afab)!Reader
Slayer - dragon shifter!Alfie Solomons x warrior princess!Reader
See you at the office - Alfie Solomons x ex-assistant!Reader
Weave it into words - (clan leader) king!Alfie Solomons x Shelby princess!Reader (Brave AU)
Crave the love - prince!Billy Russo x princess!Reader
Jeweller - Alfie Solomons x Tatiana's cousin!Reader
What's underneath? - Alfie x Reader
You only need to ask - Raymond Smith x aristocrat!Reader
What about dessert? - chef!Alfie x manager!Reader (modern!au)
The bright side - FO!Poe Dameron x Jedi!Reader
More than seeking comfort - Eddie Brock x Reader
Bait - Derek Hale x hunter!Reader
Cosy on the throne - Tattooed Biker!Boba Fett x Reader
This is not your color - Eddie Munson x Reader
Distraction - Max x Reader (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Three is still a company - Billy Russo x Reader x Frank Castle
You missed a spot - Brother Day x Reader
Behind closed doors - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
Don't mind me - Alfie Solomons x Reader (x Tommy Shelby)
Feeling adventurous? - Eddie Munson x Reader
I can wait - Alina x Reader (Darkling x Alina x Mal)
Why the f*ck not? - Alfie Solomons x Reader x May Carleton x Tommy Shelby
Solace - Boba Fett x Reader
First time - Billy Russo x Reader
I'm all yours - Billy Russo x Reader
Patience - Billy Russo x Reader
The Happiest Day of Our Lives - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
Mirror, mirror - Aleksander Morozova x Reader (xAlina)
Perfect - Darkling x Reader
Necessary evil - Darkling x Inferni!Reader
King of the Seven Seas - Atlantean king!Alfie x Reader
Don't you f*cking dare - chef!Alfie Solomons x manager!Reader
Do you doubt me? - James Delaney x Strange!Reader
Remedy - James Delaney x Reader
Unexpected - Matt Murdock x Reader x Elektra
Sweet torment - Alfie Solomons x Reader
Mr CEO - Billy Russo x Reader
Complications - Darkling x reader
Preying on you tonight - werewolf!Billy Russo x Reader
Sweet victory - Jake Seresin x Reader
The fun kind - Jake Seresin x Reader
Catch me if you can - Jake Seresin x Reader
Black and White - Darkling x Fjerdan princess!Reader
Stay Forever - Jake Seresin x BFF!Reader
In my corner - Billy Russo x Reader
Heartbeat - Milo/Lucien Crown x Reader
Just friends - modern!Alfie Solomons x Reader
That's the rule - Jake Seresin x Reader
Fire and Blood - Daemon x daughter!Reader (platonic)
The Bronze Witch - Aemond Targaryen x Daemon's daughter!Reader
Unity - Darkling x Fjerdan!Reader x Nikolai Lantsov
Risk and reward - Jake Seresin x Reader
Late night visit - Aemond x Reader
Peace offering - Aemond x Reader
The first warning - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Stay with me - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Like calls to like - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Darkest hearts - Darkling x Nikolai's twin!Reader
Nothing - Darkling x Grisha!Reader
Heartbreak - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
The eternity of this day - Darkling x Sun Summoner!Reader
A dream come true - Eames x Reader
A debt to be paid - Aemond x Reader
Honourable Quest - Xenk Yendar x Reader
Honouring a Debt - Xenk Yendar x Reader
Sacrifice of Honour - Xenk Yendar x Reader
My Queen - Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Naru - Sesshōmaru x modern!Reader
Fire and Blood, Ashes and Dust - Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
Give him to me - Daemon Targaryen x niece!Reader
The Taming of the Dragon - Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
The day you died - supervillain!Darkling x superhero!Reader
34 notes · View notes
caffeineaddictwriter · 4 months
Caffeine addicts list of stories ☕️🫖🍵
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I am willing to write for any fandom if requested, any gender and smut!
Five nights at Freddy’s - requests open!
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🐰And they called it bunny love ~ William afton x f! Reader
Peaky blinders- request open!
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🥧Alfie Solomon’s with a baking obsessed wife!
🥧Alfie Solomon’s with a blind! wife
Silence of the lambs - requests open!
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🔪Sweet release ~ Hannibal x f! Reader
🔪You know me to well ~ Hannibal x f! Reader
🔪Hannibal with a cannibal s/o
🔪Hannibal with a partner who suffers from nightmares
🔪Hannibal with a wife who owns a restaurant
🔪Hannibal eating his f! Partner out
🔪Hannibal dating Jack Crawford little sister
Deadpool & wolverine - requests open!
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💛Logan with a bunny reader
❤️💛Incorrect quotes
💛make up sex
💛I love you
❤️💛incorrect quotes 2
💛wolverine with a constantly horny partner
❤️💛nsfw incorrect quotes
That’s not my neighbour - requests open!
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🥛Cigarettes and the smell of sex ~ Francis mosses x f! Reader (smut ish)
Arcane - requests open!
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🖋️Soft skin ~ Yandere! Viktor x gn! Reader
🦋Please don’t leave me again ~ Yandere! Jinx x gn! Reader
🖋️Jealously ~ Yandere! Viktor x gn! Reader
🚬New addiction ~ Silco x f! Reader
Chicago med & fire & PD - requests open!
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💊Monday mourning ~ Daniel Charles x f! Reader
9 notes · View notes