#Alfredo Bonanno
forbidden-sorcery · 10 months
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RIP Alfredo Bonanno (4 March 1937 – 6 December 2023). He kept it real.
"The only thing that might happen is for new, more attractive and more complex enigmas to appear which are increasingly difficult to resolve. Or the destruction of everything."
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anarchistin · 6 months
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Hurry comrade, shoot the policeman, the judge, the boss.
Now, before a new police prevent you.
Hurry to say No, before the new repression convinces you that saying no is pointless, mad, and that you should accept the hospitality of the mental asylum.
Hurry to attack capital before a new ideology makes it sacred to you.
Hurry to refuse work before some new sophist tells you yet again that ‘work makes you free’.
Hurry to play.
Hurry to arm yourself.
— Alfredo M Bonanno
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mouth-almighty · 10 months
Gutted. The passing of a legend. Rest in power.
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victusinveritas · 4 months
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nando161mando · 3 months
"Never ever separate thought from action, the things we know, the things we understand, from the things we do, the things with which we carry out our actions."
– Alfredo Bonanno
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Before us lies a cold and monstrous reality, to which we must oppose the stubborn and revolutionary, but absolutely non-deterministic conviction that, '…every single moment of our lives, in even the smallest breath of hope, the simple sudden blush at a pleasant sensation of which we no longer believed ourselves capable, we are sure that all this cannot be lost and that the world of the future will be built on these very materials, unaccumulable, unquantifiable, productive of openings still unthinkable.'
Simone LeMarteu and Nada Lestrigon, An Illogical Life
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alephskoteinos · 10 months
Alfredo Bonanno, the Italian insurrectionary anarchist theoretician, has apparently died today.
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bernamegeh · 1 year
Alfredo Bonanno Hayatı ve Eserleri
Alfredo Bonanno, 1937’de İtalya’nın Katanya kentinde doğdu. Gençliğinde, İtalyan Komünist Partisi’ne katıldı, ancak daha sonra bu partiden ayrıldı ve anarşist oldu. 1960’larda, İtalyan anarşist hareketinin önde gelen isimlerinden biri oldu. Bonanno, anarşizmi, bireysel özgürlük ve özyönetim üzerine kurulu bir sosyal düzen olarak savundu. İsyancı anarşizm olarak bilinen bir teori geliştirdi. Bu…
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kazimirkharza · 2 years
Here’s a little anti-civ essay about why I’m not a fan of holidays. It touches on their psychological and environmental harms, but also delves into the philosophical waters, analysing how holidays are a big part of an oppressive, exploitative structure that we’ve taken for granted. Read to learn more.
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methed-up-marxist · 5 months
"Hurry comrade, shoot the policeman, the judge, the boss. Now, before a new police prevent you.
Hurry to say No, before the new repression convinces you that saying no is pointless, mad, and that you should accept the hospitality of the mental asylum.
Hurry to attack capital before a new ideology makes it sacred to you.
Hurry to refuse work before some new sophist tells you yet again that ‘work makes you free’.
Hurry to play. Hurry to arm yourself" -Alfredo M. Bonanno, Armed Joy, 1977
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nando161mando · 4 months
No real joy can reach us from the rational mechanism of capitalist exploitation. Joy does not have fixed rules to catalogue it. Even so, we must be able to desire joy. Otherwise we would be lost.
The search for joy is therefore an act of will, a firm refusal of the fixed conditions of capital and its values. The first of these refusals is that of work as a value. The search for joy can only come about through the search for play.
— Alfredo M. Bonanno, Armed Joy (VI)
The reign of death, i.e. the reign of capital, which denies our very existence as human beings and reduces us to ‘things’, seems very serious, methodical and disciplined. But its possessive paroxysm, its ethical rigour, its obsession with ‘doing’ all hide a great illusion: the total emptiness of the commodity spectacle, the uselessness of indefinite accumulation and the absurdity of exploitation. So the great seriousness of the world of work and productivity hides a total lack of seriousness.
— Alfredo M. Bonanno, Armed Joy (VI)
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In conclusion, without wanting to slavishly reproduce a model, without any ambition to sanctify or mythologize him, we wish to say that Alfredo lived a contradictory, illogical life, as is the life reserved for all of us who perceive clearly the illogical reality in which we remain immersed.  A life gripped by death drive and will to power, hounded by wounds left by the blows he received, yet sprinkled with outbursts of selfless love. On the one hand, Alfredo was simply one comrade among so many others throughout the long history of the struggle against oppression; on the other hand, he took his discourse and practice to the extreme through an an exemplary consistency: a thorn in the side of morality, a "mad Don Quixote" to so many benevolent and pusillanimous people, someone who paid for this tension through years of imprisonment and repression... In the final account, we must continue to desire and play, to despise our sworn enemies and to love life. After all, it is revolutionary passion in the midst of its unleashing, oriented toward the self-organization of social processes, that forms the necessary basis of a truly illogical revolution.
Simone LeMarteu and Nada Lestrigon, An Illogical Life
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crimethinc · 10 months
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With great sadness, we report that Alfredo Maria Bonanno has passed away. An indomitable insurrectionist, he challenged anarchists around the world through over half a century of writing and action.
If you only read one text of his, begin with Armed Joy, which connects the refusal of work with an affirmation of life via the project of joyous revolt.
"The search for joy is therefore an act of will, a firm refusal of the fixed conditions of capital and its values. The first of these refusals is that of work as a value. The search for joy can only come about through the search for play.
"The joy of the revolutionary act is contagious. It spreads like a spot of oil. Play becomes meaningful when it acts on reality.
"Hurry to play. Hurry to arm yourself."
We remember him as he described himself in The Insurrectional Project—as a comrade among comrades.
Detritus Books has published two collections of his work.
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anarcho-smarmyism · 2 years
so i finally went and fixed all the broken links to my educating to overthrow page, where i upload excerpts from nonfiction books i’m reading (sometimes one or two, sometimes nearly the whole damn book) for public consumption. i don’t have a laptop at home now to facilitate uploading quotes from any of the books i’m reading now, but since people have been recirculating a lot of these quotes since i reblogged a lot of them recently, i figured i would make another post directing yall to them. 
if you find any of these quotes helpful or interesting, please find and read the whole thing -bonus points if you use your public library or buy locally (fuck amazon)!
“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them. Nobody is going to teach you your true history, teach you your true heroes, if they know that that knowledge will help set you free.” -Assata Shakur
Educating to Overthrow - All quotes and links to educational works.
A link to Googledocs folder with PDFs of many educational works
Lies My Teacher Told Me
The Creation of Patriarchy
Stanford Law Review: Gender, Violence, Race, and Criminal Justice
How Nonviolence Protects the State (PDF)
With Allies Like These: Reflections on Privilege Reductionism (PDF)
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Are Prisons Obsolete? (PDF)
Edward the Dyke and Other Poems
Delusions of Gender (PDF)
Imprisoned Intellectuals (Download PDF)
Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes
Capitalist Realism (PDF)
The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx  (PDF)
The Conquest of Bread (PDF)
Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces
Locked Up by Alfredo M. Bonanno (Download PDF)
Testosterone Rex: Myths of Science, Sex, and Society (Download PDF)
Free Comrades: Anarchism and Homosexuality in the United States (PDF)
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II (PDF)
Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation
A History of American in Ten Strikes
Insurrectionary Anarchism: A Reader (PDF)
The Principles of Anarchism (PDF)
The Abolition of Work (PDF)
Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution (PDF)
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