#Also drinking more water as well. I've found some good flavored water to try and help when I want something flavored
wingwaver · 9 months
bitches were right about all that moisturizer talk all these years
my face skin is so fucking soft
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deusinabsentiaa · 6 months
This is a reminder to those who struggle with the idea of putting together meals (be it low energy, depression, feeling overwhelmed etc), you don't have to make a regular meal in order to eat! There are lots of pre-made/easy to make options out there that are healthy, filling, and taste good!
Bolthouse Farms pre-bottled smoothies (or any brand pre-bottled smoothie) are a great go-to to for breakfast (the strawberry parfait smoothie is a big favorite of mine)
For a snack, I love grabbing some carrot sticks and the individual ranch dip cups you can buy and the supermarket.
I'm also obsessed over the microwavable mini-potatoes that come with seasoning packets (found in the produce section). Pop that sucker in the microwave for 5 minutes and bamb you got yourself 3-4 meals of potatoes right there.
Yogurt is a great fast and easy option as well (Chobani has the really yummy flip cups that come with toppings such as cookies and cream, salted caramel, and key lime pie).
If you want more snacky food, Quaker Oats has a really yummy Salted Caramel rice cake chips (I used to think rice cakes were gross, but these are fucking fire I almost ate a full bag this morning).
Another great snack is fruit, either dried or fresh! I have a pack of raspberries in the fridge and a bag of apple chips in my snack drawer ready to go.
If you want actual meat, I buy my meat pre-cut (so I don't have to do all the work) and I just mix it up with a seasoning packet (supermarkets have tons of different seasoning packets for meat) and throw it in the air fryer.
Microwavable Minute Rice Cups!! It's a really fast and low-effort way to put together a side of rice for a meal! They come in packs of two individual microwavable cups of rice, all you gotta do is pop it in the microwave for a minute.
Getting tired or sick of drinking water? Grab some Powerade. Yes, it has sugar, but it also has electrolytes your body needs and will still keep you hydrated. I *hate* water, so Powerade/gatorade is an easy way for me to stay hydrated. I always keep a bottle in my backpack and one on my nightstand. You can also try Liquid IV, but I'm not a fan of the salty taste that goes with it. Buuuut there are Sour Patch Kid flavored ones that don't taste too bad 👀 The bottom line is, go for whatever will keep you hydrated.
I've struggled with chronic illness and low energy for years, as well as having essentially no executive function thanks to my ADHD, so cooking or putting together traditional meals has been really difficult. These are just the foods that have been easy for me and I know it won't fit everyone's criteria, but I hope it helps some folks out who are looking for some low effort and easy meals/snacks!
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irismfrost · 1 month
August 13/14 - Last Day
Today, I unfortunately didn't really do much. I was going to go to one of the places some of the other travelers went but it was a 3 hour train trip to get there and I wasn't going to be ready for that. I also did not sleep well. The nasty train station bento box was not enough food for dinner - figures. So I woke up in the middle of the night with a hungry headache. So I tried to eat what little food I could find and drink some water and lay down until I felt good enough to sleep. And by the time morning came around, it was back so I made my way to hotel breakfast. Again, I'm so glad I bought that. Then I went back to sleep because I was still so tired after getting about 5 hours for the past 2 nights. Then I got lunch at this place that is supposed to be healthy and have good ingredients and the ions in the air are supposed to heal you. The vibe was in between a rock store and a whole foods but with more mid food. But I ate it all. And then went back to doing nothing.
Then I thought that I should at least try to explore. I've barely bought any trinkets here. So I went to try the ferris wheel that I've been staring at outside my hotel window for the last few days. It is located inside a mall, which I thought was strange but after further thought, it made sense. You could see the whole city which was nice and I spotted my hotel (I think). I got dinner at the mall and it was a sit down place. You order from the tablet and so I Google Translated each page and a lot of the time, the translations are a bit off, so I don't put a lot of stock in them; I mostly use it to get a general idea of what it is and make sure there is no meat. And looking back, boiled whitebait and cod roe may not have been the right choice for me, but that's the pasta I ended up deciding on. I felt like I was eating my guppies. This place had pasta with the toppings and you pour your choice of their "famous" broth over the top (comes in a little tea kettle). They also have a tofu bar with what I assume is their "famous" homemade tofu. It was also pretty good and I think the other vegetarian girl on our trip @thenotsosecretdiaryofbiyu would have loved it. I also got these rice cakes for dessert and it was okay. It was literally sweat rice and beans with a mochi-like topping with flavor. I had a feeling it wouldn't be my cup of tea when I ordered it, but I thought it would be good for me to try something that is supposed to be a traditional dessert. I am trying to like the foods here (and Taiwan), and I think that I may have gone too far outside my comfort zone this time, but I am so ready to just make my own food.
The weather here is nicer than what it will be in Florida when I get back. Taiwan was hotter and reminded me more of a hotter and more humid south Florida. Japan reminds me of north Florida/ Georgia. And they have similar latitudes so that makes sense.
The Osaka airport once again is a mess. I am having an issue checking into my flight with a different airline after I get to the states, but I got all 3 of my boarding passes when I checked my luggage. Everything about the airport makes me paranoid but I have made it past the multiple layers of security. After checking my bag, I went through security. They only check your boarding pass at this point, not your passport. My bag got flagged, but I was okay. Then I went through an additional layer of security. This was to check your passport and your picture scan and it was all through a machine. Then you are safe. There were less food places throughout - they were really only at the entrance of the gate. It's interesting to people watch at the airport. I saw this one guy with a haircut that looked like someone found a patch of grass and just plopped it on the top of a shaved head. A lot of the dudes here have what I think is a perm that's brushed out and looks scraggly but textured and I think it's just the "look". It's not a good one.
The South Korean Airport (ICN) had a layer of security even for transfers. I've never had an international layover before, so maybe this is normal. You went through the security checkpoint where they scanned your bags and they also scanned your passport here. They also have no vegetarian food at this airport. I found an egg sandwich - the bread was sweet and I didn't like it. I searched this entire airport for a meal and probably walked a mile with my duffel bag. I passed a Starbucks at one point and may have to go back before my flight and see if they have any food for me. Everything has pork in it. And I can't get vegetarian meals on my flight because I was supposed to do that 24 hours in advance but it wasn't a part of the online check in; I was supposed to call but can't make international calls without charges so I was doomed from the start. So, I'm hoping my protein bar and whatever food I can find in this airport before boarding starts will hold me over until Seattle. Unless they happen to have a vegetarian option on the flight anyways, which happened on the flight to Taiwan, so there's hope. I think the flight attendants will help me though, I'm not too worried.
As I was finishing my scrapbook and packing up my things, I am happy that I'm here but also happy to leave. I've had quite the time on this side of the world and so many unique experiences that will stay with me forever. I'm just so grateful for this opportunity. Our professor (Yeh laoshi) and Chief created a great program for the first time and went through a political nightmare to make this happen and Peter was the best tour guide I could've asked for. My experience wouldn't be possible without them, and my classmates of course. My participation on trip to Taiwan, and by extension Japan, was really due to a stroke of luck, some spontaneity, and having the necessary resources to go through with it. I definitely regret some of my purchases and wish I had spent my money elsewhere LOL, but at the end of the day it's the memories that matter more. Iris signing off ✌🏻
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itsdetachable · 1 year
food talk below the cut, referencing low carb and managing a diet etc behind read more
since many family members develop Type 2 diabetes as they age I've decided to make dietary changes to hopefully hold it off a bit longer. Right now my A1c is RIGHT on the cusp between Normal and Pre-Diabetes (how...not cool) so uh beyond time to start working on this. I'm trying to monitor my carbs + sugars and recently have started adjusting my diet to have less carbs in it. So far it's going good but its been two days lol. Main difference is less obvious carbs, like breads/rice/etc and less pure sugar (in tea and coffee), and more fruits, meat protein, nuts. Shockingly! The past two days I worked in the office and the food I packed for breakfast and lunch and some snacks kept me full until I got home, usually I'm STARVING when I get home. So that was a win.
I'm planning to get low carb tortillas for wraps and as bread-substitutes in some food ideas I have. Also I have been having the BEST time making my own lunchables with these mini double smoked sausages, some cheese, and these whole grain? or whatever? crackers + yogurt dessert. Also I realized I love Pluots SO MUCH I need to find where I can buy more of them because I need fruits I actually enjoy eating to fill out my diet.
Also limiting the amount of sugar I use in tea/coffee and the amount of tea and coffee in general I'm drinking and replacing it with lightly flavored water I think is helping as well.
Either way, after two days my Blood Glucose is consistently 10 points below where I was before I started the new diet (when testing at the same times, Morning before eating and late afternoon 2 hours after last time I ate something) which I think is a good change. If I can manage to keep this up for 85% of the time I think I'll be okay?
It IS involving getting some prepackaged portions (mainly of cheese) to make life easier on myself. I'm also trying to learn more about complex carbs vs simple carbs. Whole Wheat breads have complex carbs, so apparently even if they have a similar amount of carbs to white bread it's better for you? (Pumpernickel's glycemic index is only a 6 which is really good, that's the bread my mom eats and it has made a big change tbh to her blood sugar levels).
So I'm going to make a visit to my doc for a comprehensive blood test in about a month and try to keep this diet going until then and see what the tests show, and make tweaks if I need to.
(tbh I'm excited because I found a way to have Chipotle burrito bowls that are low carb and decent on the fat so when I do wanna get a 'special' lunch I can spring for something I really like but will still be low carb without being a straight up salad lol) (i think I figured out how to make pulled pork wraps with low carb tortillas feasible, i just want to think of a side that's veggie. Coleslaw? But that comes with other things like fats and the sugars/carbs from bbq sauce hmmm... i'll figure it out. I still wanna eat food that tastes good lol)
So basically - less cheap carbs in the sense of white breads and simple carbs, more protein (lean meats, yogurt), more nuts, more veggies and fruits, less added sugar in teas/coffess, less tea/coffee in general, more water. I think I'll be okay just hope this doesn't like rock the boat with cholesterol (though that's always been good fingers crossed) and I dunno salt content in regards to blood pressure? Although less coffee and tea overall might help with that too. We'll see
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
The Bird Who Cried Coffee
Tim stumbled across the road with jelly legs and staggering vision. He had made the mistake of picking up alcohol instead of coffee to 'give himself a buzz' and now, he was drunk out of his mind in the middle of the night, creeping in between corners in case one of his brothers on patrol (or Batman himself) found him in the city.
"Co—coffee?" He slurred, seeing a bright glowing light next to an alley. He stepped towards the place: a humble coffee shop, only the size of five and a half telephone booths. How come he'd never seen it before?
"Hello!" He hollered at the counter, hopping up a barstool. His mind was chanting: drunk, bad. Coffee good. Need coffee.
"Welcome to the Coffee Stall! We appear whenever and wherever you need us—oh." A girl—or at least Tim thought it was a girl—emerged from the back. She gaped at him.
"Where's your menu?" Tim pouted. "Do you have an iced latte with four shots of espresso and chocolate sprinkles?"
"Um, yeah I don't think that's what you need right now," the girl said, wiping her hand with a towel. She went away from the counter again and came back with a glass of water.
"That's not coffee." Tim was close to tears.
"No coffee for you right now," she reprimanded, with her ponytail swaying as she shook her head. "Drink that. You need to sober up tonight . . . and you can use some company."
"Are you trying to flirt with me, lady?"
She sighed. "Please just drink that."
Tim did as told, downing the water to wash away the ugly taste in his mouth. He asked for another glass, which she happily poured him.
"Look, how do I explain this?" The girl muttered. "We're a Coffee Stall that . . . we do sell coffee, but whenever there's a person in need, we also try to help them out. This place is run with magic, so we can't choose where we end up."
"And I'm only telling you this because you're so drunk. You probably won't remember this in the morning."
"I've got a great memory, thank you," Tim huffed, squinting at her nametag. "Marinara Sauce."
"It's Marinette," the coffee water server deadpanned.
"Marinette." He nodded, clasping the glass between his hands. "I don't need company, by the way, I already have a multi-billion dollar one of my own."
"Right. And your name?"
"Tim Duck."
"Tim Duck?"
"It's bad to give out your name to people you don't know." He examined his fingernails smugly. "So it's Tim Duck. Duck-Wine. Also known as the Gotham vigilante Red Robin."
Marinette winced. "Something tells me I'm not supposed to know that."
"It's a pretty well-kept secret."
She laughed, moving to the side to take out a box of cake from the refrigerator. Tim's mouth watered at the perfect-looking dessert that she was slicing. Thankfully, the slice she took was for him.
"You're in luck. I'm good at keeping secrets." She smiled enigmatically. "So what are you doing walking around in the City of Crime late at night while drunk?"
Tim groaned, stabbing his fork into the piece of cake. "I was tired! So much work to do and no breaks. I found this nice bottle and started drinking. Then I ended up here." He hiccuped. "Before you say anything, I can take care of myself. I once took down Scarecrow and his goons while running on 0.532 hours of sleep!"
"I'm sure you did."
"I did!" He said proudly. "I also found out Batman's identity when I was a kid and forced him to make me Robin!"
"Did you now?"
"Yup!" He said with a mouthful of cake. He asked for his third glass of water before he continued snacking on the chiffon goodness. "Where are you actually from, Marinette?"
"Paris," she replied.
"That is so far from here? How'd you get here?"
"I told you already. Magic. We've been hopping from place to place." She pointed to the corkboard hung up on top of the flavoring pumps. Pictures forming a collage were pinned on the board. "We've been to Hawaii, Moscow, Taiwan, Italy and more. There's around one to five customers per location."
" 'We'?"
"Ah, this is my shift. We have other workers."
Tim hummed. "You're not the owner?"
"Technically I am, since I do the extra work and lead the team but I'd like to think that the owner is all this Miraculous magic and I'm just the manager."
Tim sipped his water again. Yes, none of what she said sounded strange at all.
"I swear, it was right here!"
"What was here?" Dick asked.
"The Coffee Stall!" Tim cried out. He took his phone out from his suit jacket and double-checked the location. The street looked exactly the same as he remembered last night, except for the absence of the shop.
He remembered what Marinette said. The shop changed locations depending on whoever needed it.
"What was supposed to be here, Tim?" Dick peeked at his phone.
"A magical coffee shop that appears for those in need and travels all around the world. They have really good cakes and it's run by this cute girl!" By his drunken stupidity, he failed to get her number or last name, so he only had her first name and a fuzzy memory of her beauty.
"Remind me to never let you near alcohol again." Dick patted his back.
"I told her I'm Red Robin."
"You what?!" 
On AO3
Permanent Taglist: @tinybrie @the-coffee-fandom
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savoies · 3 years
grocery shopping with kirby.
summary: what going grocery shopping with kirby would entail.
specified pronouns: nope.
word count: 939.
warnings: one bad word maybe.
a/n: thanks to my kirby anon for this great concept. also idk who's been here for a while but when I first started writing I used to do a blurb + headcanon duo work and well lowkey felt like this was a good work to bring it back with. enjoy (:
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(*credit to gif owner*)
It was grocery day for you and Kirby. Usually once you had nothing in your fridge you knew it was grocery day, deeming today of all days grocery day. Both of you enjoying Kirby’s day off cuddling on the couch when Kirby got up to get a bottle of water.
“Babe there is nothing in the fridge, what are we gonna make for dinner?” Kirby said as he took in the near empty fridge. You knew Kirby and you knew he exaggerated sometimes except as you took in the current state of your fridge you knew that he wasn't lying.
“Babe how are we not gonna have anything? I just went to the store last week.” You said getting up and seeing your fridge and indeed there was literally nothing. “Ok well then I guess we’re going to the store.”
Both of you heading off to the store in your very comfortable sweats when you would rather be sitting on the couch cuddling. 
You had gotten most of your groceries and now you were getting some snacks for when the guys would come over, since they usually came over every other Thursday when they didn't have a game. 
But somehow you had lost your boyfriend. You had been looking at the drinks and somehow he was now nowhere in sight. You now looking in between the different aisles since he wouldn’t pick up his phone. You almost yelled his name hoping that he would respond but deemed losing your twenty year old boyfriend in the grocery store a bit embarrassing.  
After about fifteen minutes of looking you had finally found him in the cookie and cracker aisle.
“Kirby what the hell, i've been calling and looking for you everywhere.” You said kind of irritated after looking for him sort of everywhere and him being here standing in the middle of the cookie aisle.
“Babe looking at all of these oreo flavors, like how could there possibly be so many?” He said as he stood there amazed looking at all the cookies. “Can we get some? I was thinking carrot cake and lemon. You could pick another flavor if you want. Oh and we need to get the original ones.” He said as he grabbed the handful of cookie packets and put them in your cart.
“Kirby your trainer would kill me for feeding you all this, you could get one.” You told him, trying to reason with him knowing that you guys didn't in fact need five different oreo flavors.
“But babe.” You began walking away to the checkout line knowing that if you didn't leave now you guys were going to be here much more time. “Ok fine i'll get the original.” He said as he ran up to catch up to you. “I hate being mature grown adults.” He told you. You laughed at your boyfriend's childish behavior. You were both definitely anything far from grown mature adults but of course grocery trips with Kirby were definitely always eventful.
✧headcanon time✧
kirby is the type of person to go shopping once there is literally nothing in the fridge.
and then he's also the type to get super unnecessary items.
like "Adam likes these or Nicolas recommended this, we need to get it."
Even though he probably isn't gonna like it.
see how in every kirby work I do mention adam… i miss their friendship byeee.
Also the type of dude to just always get the same things because why change something that there isn't anything wrong with.
goes to target to get one thing and comes out with a cart full of stuff.
"Babe look, they had a t-shirt with my number on it, I had to get it."
is like "Wait babe we need this."
And you're like "kirby why would we ever need (whatever item it is, usually something super useless)"
"Babe it's cute, we need it." He'd say as you'd walk away from him.
"No we don't."
"But it's cute." He'd drag on as he finally walks away from said item.
Would always go to the store in sweats.
seems like he's a big fan of cereal.
idk why.
like those super sugary ones though and he's like yup my trainer is not gonna be happy but my tummy will.
you guys usually go super late at night and it's basically just you and a few other people so you definitely have some fun with it.
does that thing where you get on the cart and push yourself.
or makes you push him.
seems like the type of dude to always have ice cream in his freezer.
and the type of person to have snacks that the boys want to come over for.
ok this might just be me projecting but I see him shopping at trader Joe's 
wait do they play music at trader joes… I can't remember.
is always nice to everyone, like always making conversation.
and you're like …. lowkey want to go home now…
Would probably spend like three hours at the grocery store ngl.
It's a long process.
finally you guys get in line to pay and he's like wait I forgot this or I forgot that and would go back.
would have to let people go in front of you and you would just roll your eyes at him and apologize.
once you finally get everything in the car and start to drive off he's all like "shit I forgot the milk"
also dude would bring the reusable bags.
you already know.
well I'm gonna stop here or else I could go on forever.
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taglist: ​( send in ask if you want to be added) ​@hartsyhart @nhlpetey @mitch-slap @frostythegoalman @cizkas @aria253264  @josty @kaitieskidmore1 @stfukie @alxvlasic @hockeyallthetime @barzy-baby @sophiesreadinglist @martynecass @joshsandersons  @connormcdavo @maattamatthews @joelsfarabees ​ @boqvistsbabe @ana-maa @stars-canucks @bbrissons @joeljuice @2manytabsopen @wildflowermarns @kentjohnsons @three-headed-monster @kindaahockeyblog @b-brz @drei-mrssvechii
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comatose--overdose · 2 years
Please share how you do your tea
Well, I make tea in a few different ways depending on the kind and what I'm in the mood for, and none of them are an exact science. Rather i know what color to wait for and add extras to preferred taste, but I guess I can tell you how I make my favorite kind of tea.
I use Ahmad's Aromatic Earl Grey, loose leaf, more than any other but not exclusively. You can get more than a pound of it in a really nice tin for like $10, lasts me 6 months to a year depending on how often I drink it, which to be fair, as much as I love it, I don't drink it every day. Stays perfectly fresh in its tin, super airtight. A scoop and a half of the tea leaves is good for two really strong large cups and one standard strength large cup after that before you need to dump the leaves and add more, so, again, it lasts a while. I'm specifically touting this tea because quality is really important and it's my favorite for a reason, but if you know what you're doing, you can make any rinky-dink bag of tea delicious.
But if you're wondering about quality, Loose leaf is the best quality, then sachets, then tea bags. If you've never had loose leaf tea before, like I hadn't until a couple years ago, you really, truly, don't know what you're missing. The flavor is so much fuller with loose leaf than store bought tea bags, and like I said, you can get some pretty quality stuff at a decent price. you do need infusers to use it though, or tea bags you can fill yourself. I'll still use store bought tea bags, I'm not snobby about it, especially when I just want a single cup or I don't have energy to do much then pop a mug in the microwave and drop a tea bag in it afterward (Don't microwave it with the tea bags in it, not only do some tea bags have staples but the bag will also degrade and bust open if it boils. Yes I found that out the hard way). There's just, you know, a noticeable difference.
Anyway, first things first, use more than what it says you should. If you want good, strong tea but not bitter, don't steep it longer, steep more. two teabags instead of one, scoop and a half of tea leaves instead of just a scoop.
You want milk in your tea? Warm up your milk (bring it up to about boiling point but don't actually let it boil, remove it immediately) and steep your tea directly in it. Add hot water and keep steeping. Or don't! My favorite tea has no water, I just warm up some milk and steep it. it's richer, it's creamier, and the flavor it brings to Earl Grey specifically is divine. It cuts ALL of the bitterness so you don't actually have to worry about over steeping at all, which is good, because with just milk it takes longer to get a really strong flavor, even with the extra leaves, but it's so worth it. I add sugar and honey, because the honey gives it a wonderful flavor but if I added enough for it to actually be as sweet as i like it, it would overwhelm all of the other flavors, but no matter how sweet or unsweetened you want it, it's delicious.
Try it with different steeping times and take notice of the color it takes, eventually you'll be able see the second it's to your preference of strength.
Earl Grey is what it is because of the bergamot mixed in with the leaves, whether it be oil or dried peels. Sometimes I mix other teas with it that have even stronger citrus profiles, something orange or lemon (like Bigelow's Constant Comment or Lemon Lift) if I'm just making a quick cup using tea bags instead of settling in to enjoy my classy stuff (Because I will, legit, sit down for hours enjoying an entire 2+ liter pot of tea with the good shit and watch video essays or study, thank you temperature controlled electric kettle)
Also keep in mind the different ideal temperatures for different kinds of tea! Black tea steeps best at boiling point, but green teas will burn and become bitter at such a high temperature. Green tea is better steeped between 170-180 f (76-82 c)
Mostly though my tea is good because I've made a lot of it and I've spent years messing around and figuring out how I like it best, and it just so happens the few people I make tea for all love it too. I put a lot of love and enthusiasm into it, because i know how happy a good cup of tea can make people. it's liquid comfort, and liquid joy. Whenever My mom or Gramma are sick, nothing helps them feel better like my tea. As soon as they start feeling bad they ask for it.
(Of course, don't make milk tea for anyone who's feeling under the weather, especially if they've got the sniffles, as milk increases phlegm production and could lead to them coughing more, but definitely DO give them peppermint or spearmint tea with fresh lemon juice and lots of honey! The mint and lemon will help them fight it off and the honey will soothe achy throats like nothing else can.)
In the end, I can only give you tips on how to find your favorite recipe or method because tea is something that, and I say this genuinely, can be really personal, but anyone can make a bitchin cup of tea if they play with it a little.
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bodyswapmischief · 4 years
Chemical Warfare Weight Gain
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As I began waking up, the only thought running through my mind was the beeping of the EKG, my arm was attached to. I laid there for a few minutes, my thoughts slowly returned to me.
I began remembering my name, my past but, I had no idea how I ended up there. (I was a soldier in my countries army), I told myself. Although I felt no pain, I feared the worst. (Did I get injured in an enemy attack), I continued thinking to myself.
With a deep breath and my growing strength, I opened my eye and, looked up at the world, around me. I was in a dimly lit hospital room, a curtain prevent me from viewing more than my immediate surroundings. I turn my attention to my body still covered by a thin blanket.
By this time I had no trouble sitting myself up. And, as I did I threw the blanket off me, revealing my hairy yet muscular body, which only wore a pair of boxer briefs. I was thrown a bit off guard but, started to rub the different parts of my body, letting the hair slide through my fingers. (Damn I must have been out for awhile), I thought while feeling the field of hair that covered most of my body. I knew my body had the potential to get really hairy, but I usually shaved on a daily basis to prevent it. Now all that constant work wasted.
My attention turned to my underwear. I looked around and waited to see if I could hear anything. And, when I thought I was safe. I took off my underwear. Again I was relieved. My 8 inch dick was still there surrounded my meaty sized balls. However, I would admit they looked smaller, as the hair on my legs and torso met at my pelvic region to create a massive bush of hair.
Looking around the room I noticed a mirror, which allowed me to see my back and ass, which were also covered in a layer of fur. (Damn, I going have to fix this), I thought to myself.
As I sat there becoming acquainted with my hairy body, something odd popped in my head. (This hair on my body had to take at least a month to grow out. So, I was on this bed for awhile. But, there wasn't an IV placed on me. No, feeding tube. I don't remember waking up to feed myself. How did I survive without food and water.), I started to question the situation I found myself in. But, the strangest part was that I didn't feel hungry.
With questions running through my head, I put my underwear back on and went to look for a doctor or nurse. Leaving my covered area, I finally noticed I wasn't alone. On the other side of the room, partially covered by a divider. I saw a man, also, on a ER bed. Unlike me he was very fat. His belly was exposed as his blanket was on the floor.
As, I got closer to him, I noticed he was completely naked. Ripped pieces of underwear were buried under his fat ass. He was also hairy, but not as hairy as me. His big beefy legs and puffed out fat pad made his dick look small. But, It wasn't like he could have seen it over the mountain that was his stomach. His chest looked somewhat muscular, but now an equal layer of fat made his pecs look more like boobs. Seeing his face, something seemed familiar but, I couldn't make it out. Even through the double chin and fat checks, I felt like I've seen this face, before. (But this guy must be close to 300lbs, I would remember someone this big), I thought to myself.
Feeling embarrassed for him, that his fat naked body was on full display. I picked up the blanket and covered him. His fat stomach even more pronounced with the thin fabric clinging to it. Unable to resist the urge, I patted his stomach, "there ya go big guy." I was shocked as he began to move. His eyes struggling to open. He softly moaned, trying to tell me something. But with the breathing tube in his mouth and the fact he was half conscious, he wasn't understandable. I looked around and also noticed no IV, was placed in him. "Don't worry buddy, I'll go get us some help and answers." I left as his eyes began to close again.
I continued walking and every room I past had the same sight. Big fat men, of different sizes, laying on hospital beds. Not one of them hooked up to machines, other than heart monitors and some had breathing tubes . I reached the elevator and pushed the button. Nothing happened. I started to panic and moved quickly to the stairwell. The doors that lead out were locked. I started yelling for someone ... anyone, as I continued walking the empty halls.
I found my way into a big room, with the biggest guy on the floor here. He must have been 600 pounds. There was no way this man was able to move as his body was nothing more than a giant bean bag of fat. No curves ... just a blob of fat. His file sat on a nearby desk.
"Officer Ryan Lakewood" the file read. I paused for awhile, but suddenly a wave of recognition rushed my brain. I knew that name. Lakewood was one of the more well known guys in the troop. He was massive with muscle; easily the strongest guy. I remained in shock as I walked towards the fat man's face, "It couldn't be" I told myself. But, as I looked at the man's face ... It was him. Underneath all the fat that filled his once chiseled face, I could see him; the man he used to be.
How did that happen. He did eat a lot, but all of that went to fueling his massive muscles. Before, I could think anymore the heart monitor he was attached to flatlined. Panicked, I started to do chest compressions. But, it wasn't long before doctors and nurses, covered up in protective gear, rushed in. They grabbed me and in my panicked state, I started to fight back. But, I was no match as I felt a syringe being stabbed into my skin. As the drowsiness set in, I heard the doctors say "He's gone, the last one over 400lbs ... at least the others still seem to be in stable condition."
I woke up tied to a chair in an empty room. I looked up to see two doctors in front of me. "Hello Liam."
"What the fuck is going on." I yelled.
They explained everything to me. Our enemy secretly broke into our base and unleashed a gas attack. However this gas attack was a new chemical warfare weapon. Once inhaled it latched on to any food in the stomach. The calories release from the food became a deadly ridiculous amount. But death was prevent by the second affect of the gas. It speed up the fat production process and allowed the skin to become more elastic, allowing the infected to safely grow fatter. Even then those who gained an insane amount of weight had other complications, and were deemed very likely to die. Most of these men were 400lbs or more.
However, the worst part is that the men stayed affected by the gas. Meaning if they ate anything, another massive weight gain would happen. The only positive was these men never had to drink or eat anything ever again.
Our base was the first and two more came after. The doctors feared more attacks. So, they started looking for a way to negate or reverse the affects. But, they weren't able to see how the gas worked first hand. They could have given a man something to eat. But all the men were too big. Giving these men anymore to eat would have been a death sentence. All the men where to big ... except me.
My stomach was completely empty when the gas attack happened. The doctors proceeded to tell me that I was their best choice to help save 100s if not 1000s of my brothers. So, I agreed. In a short time, numerous machines were attached to me. When all of it was done, they brought out a small salad
I put one piece of lettuce in my mouth and the flavor was amazing. It was the best thing I ever ate. All this time, I didn't feel hungry, but now I was starving. I ignored the fork and started shoveling food into my mouth, with my hands. Over the euphoria of the sensations happening in my mouth, I could here the doctors outside the room, yelling to stop. But, I couldn't stop. I didn't want to stop. By the time they came in the room, I was done. But, I was still hungry. I felt my body tingle but, it only made me hungry. I tried to run past the doctors but they stopped me and knocked me out with another dose of tranquilizers.
When I came to, I felt myself laying on a hospital bed again. I was no longer hungry, but I felt heavy. I slowly opened my eyes to face the truth. I looked down to see a hill of fat where my abs once were. I uncover myself and started to examine my new fat body. I sat up and looked into the mirror placed by my bed, as I continued to feel different parts of my body.
My face now had chubby checks and small a double chin, hidden behind my new beard. My stomach jutted out, covered in fur. I used my hands to push it in and felt no signs of the abs that once graced the area. Instead of hard muscular pecs, sitting on my chest were hairy soft breast. I reluctantly touch my new man boobs. It felt weird. As, I touch them I notice how they and my new belly jiggled with every movement. I looked at my, once slender, thighs; they were big, juicy, and also covered in hair. I tried to suck in my stomach but couldn't. It was like my body wasn't use to sucking it in, a muscle I would have to work on.
So, I used my hands to adjust my stomach so I could get a good view of my dick. All this jiggling, reluctantly made my dick hard. Surrounded by fat and a bush of pelvic hair, it didn't even look 8 inches any more. I was lucky if it past of as a 4 incher. I stood up and looked in the mirror. This was my new body ... I couldn't believe one small salad did this.
Over the course of the next few days, doctors came in talk to me. The data they received from me was helpful but, they would need more cases like mine to get enough data. They continued working on a cure but without that additional data they keep running into problems. And that data would never come because, the gas attacks stopped. Many of the world countries secretly got together to stop the country responsible. The use of that gas was a war crime. And, all information was kept secret from the public.
In total I gained 60lbss from eating one salad, going from my fit 186lbs to a fat 249lbs. The rest of the survivors and I were gathered and were given a debriefing. I look around and was a little happy to see I was still one of the thinner guys there. But, you could tell we were all bummed out about our new bodies. We were told to never eat anything again, unless we wanted to die. They explain that as long as we didn't eat anything we wouldn't feel hungry. But, once food entered our mouths we would be insatiable unless we were isolated from all food for a couple of hours.
They also told us the weight gain was permanent no amount of exercise would lead to weight loss, but it would still help the muscle we loss from spending months at the hospital, being inactive.
Many of the bigger guys were forced out of the army. The, still very fat, thinner guys were given a choice to leave. I stupidly agreed to continue serving my country. I didn't realize being overweight, the best way to serve my country was patrolling the streets like some glorified security guard.
Now, I'm constantly mocked by civilians and other soldiers who know nothing about what really happened. I get teased with food and called pig. I had a few close calls where people threw food at my face. Luckily none landed in my mouth. The hardest part is never eating again. It's not that I'm hungry, it more like a habits. Imagine doing the same thing for 26 years of your life and now you can't do it anymore. I miss eating, I just want to be normal again. But, the urge to stay alive is stronger. If I give in, the inner pig would be unleashed, eating every in sight and killing me in the process.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
That G-D Ring of Yours
High Fidelity’s Robyn Brooks X Female reader
Summary: You seek comfort from your neighbor Rob
There's probably gonna be a part 2
Word count: 2.5k words
Warning(s): +15 | implied cheating, internalized homophobia, heterosexism, author and Rob swearing, no hate to polyamorists but major hate to bad faith players, shameless self insert, no beta, barely edited, long as fuck I'm so sorry
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Author's note: I'm having anxiety for no discernable reason and my brain has decided this is ideal fuel for a fic, so please enjoy. EDIT: ha ha yeah still anxious but we're doing stuff about it
"-- And she just touched my hand by accident and I just felt this–  this spark between us…" 
It was so sweet how he was talking about it. Or at least it would be were this not your fiancé explaining how he had been seeing another person behind your back. Had you rushed into things with him? Gotten hitched after three months because of familial pressure to settle down and start your family? Quite possibly.
But it didn't make that stabbing in your gut hurt any less. 
You had been a little gung-ho from date number 1, but he had been right there with you the whole time. Date number 2 happened the following weekend and then you just kept seeing each other more and more until before you knew it you had been introduced to each other's extended families and announced your engagement on Valentine's Day. 
You started to suspect something was amiss on Sunday, when you were braiding your hair on the bed and he had gone to take a shower. He accidentally set his phone screen aside with a text chat still open. Thinking nothing of it (he had already told you he was talking to Mark about getting drinks tonight), you looked at the name and saw it belonged to a woman you had never heard of before. Your immediate reaction was 'she must be a new coworker or a cousin,' but then you glanced again and saw the text conversation mirrored the same kind of ‘sentiments’ he texts you. 
The dirt burned into your brain for eternity: 
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You had looked away then. You were actually not going to say anything at all to him that night– had planned to bring it up after Tuesday dinner with your auntie's family, but something came up. It turns out that Jessabelle also frequented the same Starbucks as you (and she's your age, not a teen like you worried). You can't even find it in you to be mad at her since it seemed like she had no idea who you were when she showed you the picture of her date at a baseball game. You tried not to puke as you asked for her number and to send her that picture "for her contact profile." 
You hadn't heard a word your fiance had said since the beginning of the phone call and you cut him off with some excuse you barely remember. You tossed your phone carelessly onto the couch and laid back on the cushions in defeat. What now? 
You weren't really a drinker or a smoker, and you didn't exactly have friends who would be supportive right now. You could hear them now, your family too– asking you what you did wrong, telling you to just forgive him or how to get even, or simply saying 'well what do you expect? Boys will be boys.' 
Maybe… no, you definitely need to get this off your chest before you do something stupid like pretend to forget about it. You had a bad habit of that because you tend to fall fast and hard. Perhaps your neighbor could give you some advice. 
Thank the Lord for fire escapes. Rob lived on the floor beneath you, always playing something good from her huge collection of vinyl records. You've told her at least a hundred times before if she played nothing but Phil Collins for the rest of eternity, you could die happy. You crossed your fingers and hoped you weren't being weird or invading her privacy. 
Thankfully, she seemed to be expecting you. She even motioned that the latch was undone and waved you inside. Ok the second wine glass made your face grow hot. 
"I'm not interrupting am I?" 
Rob gave you a warm smile. "I could hear you pacing around your kitchen for about an hour. Was about to come and get you actually." 
She pressed the glass into your hand and you made an effort not to grimace. Rob liked her drinks cheap and strong and she never held back. You tried a sip just to be polite, and she snorted at the face you pulled. 
"That's right, you like that sweet stuff. What's it called again?" 
"Stella Rosa," you mumbled, grateful when she takes the glass back and hands you a water to replace it. 
"Favorite flavor," she asked looking at her phone. 
"Uh… the peach and the rosé. They're all pretty good, not gonna lie." 
"OK, take this, grab a blanket from the hall closet, and tell me what's going on." 
You curled up on Rob's couch and put your feet up. There were piles of records all over the place, empty beer cans and a pizza box or two on the coffee table. Your neighbor tapped away at her phone screen before silencing it and slipping it in her back pocket. She gave you a minute or two to speak up, sipping her drink like you two had all night. Which actually you did as you did not want to see your fiancé right now. 
You felt two fingers gently tap your forehead. "Come on, dreamer, tell me what's going on in that head of yours." 
You swallow the lump in your throat. "I feel a little over dramatic saying my life is about to fall apart." 
Rob raised her eyebrows at you. "Damn, OK." 
You rush to correct yourself– explain your weird sentiment in more detail but you end up just vomiting words until your voice is hoarse. 
"I mean– like– like it's not falling apart per say or whatever– I… the rest of my life is fine its just my relationship that's screwed. Which I guess I'm more worried about because it's gonna screw up all my other relationships for a while too– dang it, let me start over–" 
"Babe! Slow down. Breathe." Rob switched drinks with you and against your better judgement you took a sip. Oddly enough it did calm you down. "So… it's your fiancé, right? What did he do?" 
You stared at her trying to unscramble your thoughts. "He… I found out he was kind of... dating another person. After I found out, he tried to explain that he didn't think I would mind–" 
Rob barked, "let me guess: he didn't think you were exclusive? Pull the Main Chick, Side Chick schtick? Tried to claim 'polyamory' after he got caught?" 
Two and two clicked together at last. "Yeah… yeah, he did!," you scoffed, "and it's not like it didn't ever come up in conversation: we spent our third date talking out our, like, sexualities and fantasies and fetishes and shit. If he was polyamorous, wh- why wouldn't he have brought it up then?" 
"That is so fucked." 
You took a deeper draft of her wine, coughing before setting it aside. Up until now, you've been numb. Now there's this wave of anger boiling up to the surface and you hear yourself getting louder. Rob doesn't flinch but she does give you this look of empathy unlike anything you've seen before. 
"If he– if he would have just asked me, I would have told him it was fine. My family does shit like that all the time: nobody bats an eye! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, he wouldn't have been so freaking sneaky about it. He literally lied, Robyn!" 
You whipped around and for a brief moment you knew you looked crazy. "He said he was going out for drinks with his guy friend, but he was making plans to go to a baseball game with a girl I've never heard of! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, or if he 'thought I would understand,' then why would go out of his way to lie about who he was with?" 
Someone buzzed Rob's door and she left you on the couch momentarily, coming back quickly with two bottles of your favorite wine. "Damn girl, these are kinda bougie: Peach or Rosé?" 
"I--"you choked, "Robyn you didn't have to–" 
"Peach it is!" She unscrewed the caps and handed you the whole freaking bottle of white, downing the last of her merlot and getting a fresh glass for you. 
You felt a little guilty she had spent money on you. But then again it had been her choice. If she didn't want you there, Rob wouldn't have let you in in the first place. Maybe you were just a tinsy bit worried you shouldn't be here. 
You and Rob took a break from talking to put on music and get a little tipsy. It came much easier with the help of the Stella Rosa, though Rob initially complained it was 5.5%, she did get accustomed to the sweetness pretty fast, and after consuming half the bottle, realized it was a little easier to get carried away with a drink like this. She admitted it was her first time trying rosé and now she was hooked. Eventually you started talking again, just spilling your guts out with no filter anymore. 
"I really think I just hate myself," you said cuddling the cool glassware. "When I found out, I wasn't even thinking of it as a betrayal of my trust– it felt like I was trying to come to terms with it so I could continue with the relationship. Not because it would make me happy but because… I don't know… it's what everybody else wants me to do. They don't even know about it and I was fully prepared not to tell them even though they'd want me to marry him whether they knew or not." 
Rob barked a laugh of surprise. "Doh-K!" 
"Nothing, nothing…" she said, "keep going." 
You stared off into the middle distance and leaned into her side. She was a tiny bit warm despite her lithe figure. Made you want to throw your blanket over her shoulders and share your greater warmth. 
So you did (you're not great at acting out your desires but this is nice!)
"It's just easier," the words left your mouth unbidden, "I don't even know what that means, but it's true. I don't want to marry him anymore but I don't want to break it off. Not marrying Fiancé means disappointing my family. It means having to find an entire new man to marry sooner rather than later because I'm already 'behind' and lowering my already low expectations. 
"It's not gonna make me happy, but I just think it's easier to keep this wedding going because at least I won't have to find somebody new who might not be as good for me just because I didn't want him. Another man won't make me happy so there's no reason to drop him... except that I don't want him." 
Rob's brow furrowed. "Are you saying it's easier for you to please your family than it is to be happy?" 
"Yes? I– no, I– … I don't know," you sigh. "I guess you could say my priorities are a little… mismanaged." 
"Sure, you could say that." Rob wrapped her arms around your shoulders and you inhaled the scent of her soap and cigarettes. "What if you tried… like… not doing that anymore...? You just said you do whatever your family wants you to do. So, just like do what makes you happy for a change." 
It really does sound so simple the way she puts it, doesn't it? Why are you doing this to yourself? You're not dependent on them for money or security or happiness for that matter. So... why has your whole life been centered around pleasing them? 
"I think… I think I've never really sat down and thought about what makes me happy," you admitted. "I think it's just been that way forever and I might have been too scared to try anything else." 
Rob hummed. "Are you still scared now?" 
Are you? You look into her eyes and ask yourself a question that has never crossed your mind with such depth. You used to be scared– but what is it about your happiness that you are so afraid of? OK, let’s start a little simpler: what are things that make you happy? 
“I like…” you swallowed, trying to break down the barriers you’ve built years and years ago. “I like… coffee. I like… short skirts. I like… girls– I like… my job. I like… music. I think I’d enjoy camping, you know, some day…” 
Your words… these things seemed so arbitrary and trivial. But in your house, these things cause dissent. “My family has an opinion about everything. There’s no right way to live in all of their eyes, but I think I figured out a way to get past it. Keep my head down and do what’s expected of me. Graduate college, get a respectable job, find a man to marry, drop the job and become a mother. Just… don’t make waves. It seemed better because the cousins who didn’t or couldn’t… well they became the butt of every joke at the family dinner. Lisa had one miscarriage so she was a ‘failure’ and Don never dated girls so he was gay and that was ‘bad,’ but grandma Zelda did everything a good Christian woman could do and they still gossiped about her behind her back… 
“And I just… I just let their ignorance control me for my entire life.” God, you could cry right now, but somehow it just felt too good to say it outloud. “That.. that is so fucked.” 
Robyn snorted, and you turned to her as if you’d forgotten she was there. There it was again, that sympathy. Not pity, she did not burden you with tears of her own or try to be angry for you. She just listened and understood. You twisted the diamond encrusted ring on your finger and stared at her. You felt it, that feeling in your heart. No one else had given you that look, like she could really see you. 
“You’re not going back to Fiancé, are you?” Her question was equal parts worrisome and hopeful and you already knew the answer in your heart. 
And that was it. Decision made. Actually easier than you'd thought. Maybe not down the road but it felt good for now. There's the telling your fiancé it's over, the moving out, the public announcement, the inevitable feeling of failure, your family, god, his family too. Untangling your lives would be long and hard. You're not sure if you have that level of commitment and motivation in you but fuck it. Problems for tomorrow.
You rest your head on Rob's shoulder and hope your not pushing any boundaries. She doesn't stop you though, in fact she snuggles you deeper into her. You get the feeling she's been here before though your not sure which side or how bad it was for her.
"I like you way more in the few times I've met you than any man I've ever dated," you heard yourself say. "I'm sure that means something but I'm too tired to decide anymore. No tonight at least."
Rob chuckled. "I like you too, sugar."
If you made it this far, hi 💛 appreciate you, leave me a comment! Or just comment "💛"
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[Long, Tw food (in depth descriptions), brief references to unnamed heavenly beings of no specified religion, brief reference to hell. Not really any angst. Just good Dadza.]
[Hurt/comfort my beloved]
Me: i can't write
Also me: writes an entire fic by accident while telling my friend about an idea I had
(I'm gonna need this ask back at some point so don't keep it too long, okay? But make sure to take care of yourself (unlike Techno sksksks))
(How many words is this) (Cenn I've been writing this for like 3-4 hours. I've been hyperfixating on this)
I had this really cute idea where Techno gets sick after doomsday and Dadza takes care of him (for an animatic, or? How should i draw techno?)
Phil's Dadza side kicks in. He gently pushes Techno, who is in full garb back into bed. "Techno, you're sick. You can't go."
"But I haven't streamed in 2 weeks!"
Techno turns on his side in bed. Dadza gently pulls the blankets up and tucks them around Techno. Techno begins to cough, and the coughs rack his body. Dadza's expression is soft and concerned. He rubs his hand on Techno's back until he stops coughing. Techno closes his eyes. He's exhausted.
Dadza takes Techno's crown and places it on the bedside table.
He observes his ill friend. Techno is nothing like what he was up until Doomsday. He seemed--weak. Vulnerable. Sick.
"Have you had anything to eat, Techno?"
Techno doesn't open his eyes. He shakes his head. "I ran out of food a few days ago. I meant to get more but..." Techno doesn't want to admit that he couldn't get downstairs. He doesn't want to admit to weakness, to vulnerability. But everytime he thought of searching through chests, of trading with the villagers, they just seemed so far away.
Phil noticed a tear leaking out from Techno's eyelid. If he brushed it away, Techno would feel worse about his state because it would mean he was in fact vulnerable.
"I'll make you some stew."
Phil goes downstairs and tends to the fireplace. The fire seemed to have gone out sometime between now and the last time Phil checked on Techno.
How long has the house been this cold?
Phil builds up the fire and puts a cauldron over it. He makes mushroom stew because he doesn't know if techno can stomach rabbit stew.
When it's ready, he ladels it into a bowl and climbs the ladder.
Hanging off the ladder by one hand, he calls out. "Techno, stew's ready."
Techno's eyes flutter open. He sees his friend holding out a bowl of food and his eyes widen.
Phil notices that Techno is sweating and the blanket strewn to the side, only covering his feet.
"Are you too hot mate?" he asks.
Techno is broiling but he can't summon the strength to take off his outer clothes. His body refuses.
He's more focused on food. He's starving, and his body uses up what little resources it has left to sweat.
Phil walks over and puts the stew on the table. The heavenly aroma fills the room.
"Let's get this coat off of you." Phil reaches around Techno and unclasps the chain on his neck. He gently pulls the coat off of Techno's arm but he's still laying on it.
"Techno," Phil says.
"Whaaat," Techno drawls.
"You got to let me get this coat off ya mate."
Techno lets out a deep groan, then turns over on his stomach so his other arm is towards Phil.
Phil reaches under techno and grasps the coat. He pulls it out from under Techno and off his arm. The sleeve turns inside out. Phil fixes the sleeve and hangs up the coat.
Techno's shirt is drenched in sweat. He rolls over and starts fidddling with the button closest to his throat, looking up at Phil.
"Here, I'll get that for you." Phil undoes the button. He can't imagine how tired techno must've been after Doomsday, that he just collapsed in bed fully clothed, not even bothering to loosen them.
At least he took off his armor. Sh-t's heavy, he thinks. Phil ignores the fact that after the adrenaline and excitement wore off, the sore and tired Technoblade probably couldn't move with it on.
Phil pulls the blanket off the bed entirely, folds it, and places it on the table next to the stew. He pulls off Techno's shoes and socks and puts them near his coat.
They were also drenched with sweat, not to mention the smell--but it doesn't bother Phil all that much. He's smelled worse. He's frowns at the imprints on Techno's legs from the socks.
Phil loosens the rest of Techno's clothes. Techno seemed to were his tightest, least comfortable, most regal outfit to Doomsday.
Lucky for them both most of that was just accesories and pins, and Phil could easily remove those.
While Phil was doing this, Techno had been lying on his back, eyes closed. Though Techno tended to be stone-faced, Phil noticed the relief on Techno's face.
"How you feelin', Techno?"
Techno opens his eyes halfway, just enough to see Philza and the bottom of the bed.
"Do you have water?"
Phil procures a water bucket from his bag. "Thirsty mate?"
Techno looks at the water bucket and a small smile creeps over his face.
Phil smiles at his friend. He moves to the head of the bed and looped his arm and tattered wing around Techno and sits him up.
He holds the bucket up to Techno's mouth and tips it to his lips. Techno sips gratefully as the cool liquid pours over his hot, dry mouth and down his throat, cooling him from the inside.
"You've lost quite a bit of fluid, mate."
Techno lets some of the cold water slip out the sides of his mouth and drip down his face. His skin is boiling. The water dropelts running down his skin feel like heavenly beings allowing drops of mercy to fall upon him in the pit of hell.
Techno pulls back briefly to swallow and catch his breath and Phil rights the bucket. Techno leans in again for more water.
After drinking his fill, Techno leans back and wipes his mouth with his arm.
"All done, Techno?"
Techno swings his arms up knocks the bucket out of Phil's hand, dumping it on his head. The gush of water cools Techno, drenches the bed, and spills all over the room. Phil can't help but laugh. He picks up the bucket and scoops up the water source. He puts the bucket back in his bag.
"Had enough of the water?"
"Philza--I gotta be honest with you, Philza I haven't felt this good in weeks."
Phil laughs again even louder. The two friends are now in a good mood.
"Well now your stew is probably cold too." Phil tastes it. "Actually it's a bit warm still. Not too hot, either."
Techno scoots towards the wall and leans on it. He reaches for the bowl.
"Oh, no you don't."
"Phil, I'm a grown man-pig. I can hold a bowl."
"Maybe on a good day, Techno, but three minutes ago you couldn't sit up by yourself. No offense mate, but I don't think your arms have enough stamina right now. Now come on and eat."
Phil lifts the bowl to Techno's lips and lets him sip at his own pace. He pulls it back.
"How does it taste?"
"Pretty good but could maybe use a little salt."
"Eh, you probably need electrolytes as well after sweating through your clothes and drinking all that water."
Phil put the bowl on the downstairs counter.
Phil found salt in the downstairs chest and stirred it into the cauldron.
He heard the bowl fall to the floor behind him. It fell facedown and spilt on the floor.
Phil swore quietly.
He got a new bowl and more stew from the cauldron.
"How is it?" Techno inquired.
"Try for yourself," Phil said. He smiled as he held the bowl to Techno.
Techno looked at the bowl, then up at Phil. He took a sip.
Techno pulled back and looked at the bowl.
Phil thought he may have tainted the stew somehow. "Is it bad?" he started to say.
But he didn't quite get out anything after "Is" because Techno cut him off.
"It's delicious." Techno looked up at his friend. "Philza Minecraft, you should be a chef. This is the most wonderful thing I've ever tasted."
Phil chuckled. "All I did was add salt, what ya mean?"
"Phil, you have to sell this stew to the rest of the SMP. We could get rich!"
"Techno, I think the sickness may have gotten to your head a bit."
"Phil, I've never been more serious about anything in my entire life. We could be the the most powerful people on the server!"
"We already are. We just blew up a country. Down to bedrock."
"But we could get even more rich and powerful!"
"Well I'll be happy to listen after you eat. And rest. And bathe."
"I don't need to bathe."
"You're not getting out of it. You reek, mate."
"You can't judge me by the smell!"
"I'm not worried about the smell so much as what the smell tells me about your body. I don't know when the last time you washed was but it was definitely before Doomsday and I can't have you laying in your own sweat and filth for much longer. It's sh-t for your health, Techno."
"Please just eat, Techno."
Techno leaned his head forward slightly and Phil pressed the bowl to Techno's lips.
Techno closed his eyes and savored the flavors. They were so pleasant, so soothing, so comforting. They reminded him of a time when he was safe and there was no betrayal. No war. No need for violence and bloodshed and destruction.
Phil, being a good Dadza friend, made sure that Techno ate an entire bowl. He brought Techno another bowl upon his request, of which he ate half, then left the other half bowl on the table in case Techno got hungry later.
After changing Techno's bed to clean, dry sheets and tucking his friend back into bed, he went downstairs to clean up the spill. He told Techno he would be back at sunrise to check on him. Though he might come earlier just in case. Sunrise was just the latest. Phil had decided that since Techno had gotten through the brunt of his hibernation and was now waking up sick, he should check on him at least twice a day.
Phil scrubbed the dried stew off the floor. He wondered what could've made Techno love it so much. Mere salt couldn't have made it so delicious, could it?
Phil finished cleaning the floor and the bowl and put everything away. As he was about to leave, he stopped. Eyes locked on the cauldron. There was something about it.
I can't leave that there, he reasoned. It will go to waste. If Techno like it, I can't let it waste or burn. I should freeze it outside.
Phil took out a bowl and knelt in front of the fire place. He scoop up big, full ladels into his bowl. Could it be that the soup was really that much better with something as basic as salt?
Phil dipped his finger in the bowl and sucked the stew off of it. He was instantly transported to his childhood. His mind played out feelings of safety, of healing, of comfort, of rest.
He heard his family laughing, remembered learning how to fly, the first time he soared high, feeling the wind beneath his wings. He remembered when Wilbur was born, holding the tiny baby in his arms, filled with love. "I'll always protect you. I'll always be there for you." When he met Techno, when he built the bee farm, and so on.
Phil was moved to tears. He felt loved. He felt like someone loved him no matter his flaws, his mistakes. Phil cried.
It was not out of pain but rather emotion. He wiped away his tears and drank the rest of the stew in his bowl, but it only caused more tears to stream down his face.
Techno was right.
Outside, watching through the window was the one who made the soup what it was. It wasn't Phil's salt.
He stood on his hind legs, paws pressed against the wall of the house.
He had been listening to the two friends talk, had been watching protectively as the wind ruffled his thick white fur.
He was Technoblade's guardian.
Soon he would be called Steve.
2ble this is literally amazing hello????
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sniper-rifle-coffee · 4 years
Finally another hot cup of koffee it's been needed. Rant?
Or maybe it's just story time to vent either way eh ahh.
Sometime when I just write down how I feel or the shit I go through helps me a little gives me serenity, I think it's because the younger me always wanted four things in life, to be a writer the thoughts of life / war an love or poetry,
i think it would've been a theoretical story making I'd do or something like war & love there was an old book i use to read it was named a boy no more. i believe so, also quick description i recall it was a young boy with two military parents that made him always move taking military schools across seas as soon as he would make freinds he'd have to leave moving base to base then found a love but had to leave grew older served to only return alone no family no friends with that being said this story reminded me alot of how my mother grew up non military but law enforcement younger time always on the move & bullied & abandoned to survive with her older brother bless that man had a pure loving caring soul may he rest easy in peace still hurts. anyways things that hit home an It's what made me want to do writing long ago.
So those dreams
¹writer ²military Infantry ³wildrenss survivalist ⁴fatherhood.
then the shitty reality I've failed all my dreams & have to give my true dreams or callings up so I can try to find new ones but I haven't had any since then from years ago I still try to push for those on odd blue moon's, but i just simply can't not I do or have those life eh ahh.
but that's the amazing thing about life each day is going to be something new, could be good or it could be bad, but what matters is that we take all those days anembrace them without knowing it, i love just reflecting time to time in life & just gotta really appreciate all those small little things in life it's things like that which makes it purely feel like the soul glows warm soft freely, but even for those bad days or times i think how it pushes us to stop but we always keep fighting gotta love that flight or fight in us all so for those times best thing keep moving it can be rough can take long but like those bad days everything falls breaks but something can always fall break with time things will rise back up or heal but on hard times i find its what has built/formed us to grew to learn from those days where we can slowly stand proud again to take a moment breathe relfect we get bad times but if we stop to breathe more often we can heal to relfect an love life. So I completely lost myself here hmm hmm haha dis why you shouldn't smoke a thick bowl in-between gaming an write lol
So i just spent roughly 4 or 5 hours planning out a small, um hmm yeah small, naw this is gonna be fucked doing a solo renovation project so far all i know i got walls and floors & some electrical work plus down the road i might need to redo some more plumbing adding another ½ or ¾ bored to the subfloor might even have to rip the old sub floor ffs but meh least it's on my own time & get to do all my final touches to my work, but I have an odd feeling I'm gonna be able to have these projects done pretty fast
Now the shopping list lol I'm sure I still need to add more down the run but this can least get the gears rolling & keep my bored high ass busy lmao
So it's also been i think about two weeks since I quit my slave labor shit job, even though I left i still barely was given anytime to try an recover I'm still stuck in my self recovery but I got to keep pushing myself more & more it's so fucked really sucks I barely can eat i think it's been nearly two days an I've only been able to barely hold down a bowl of cereal all that's keeping me from full on shock is trying to keep my hydration up taking everything I can just so I can keep up with my addictions my vape an lots of weed just to force or trick myself into eat also mix those two thing you'll dehydrated real fast, so i gotta drink teas G-aids water apple & orange juices an of course always sacrifice for coffee even right now all I can do is drink it black with nearly no sugar just because the creams to much plus coffee is so much better black it's amazing flavors oh & my sleep! Oh the fucken true hell that job has done to me my sleeping habits are supper fucked well I was working I'd run on a rough 4 or 3 hours of sleep then just work 12hrs just to repeat so year an half nearly no sleep only meals if I was able to was my dinner meals no breakfast no lunch barely had the freedom to have water for 7 or 8 days a week it damn well near killed me maybe still is anyways so stress love that word so no sleep no food or water with me always on the move doing fucked solo labor for two months it really broke me it's fucken terrifying trying to recover my body & mind then what doesn't help covid I'm so paranoid couldn't handle it any longer each day going into peoples homes doing there windows or doors moving there fucken shit out of the way or hopping up around there sinks tubs ripping out there old dirty nasty ass trims doors windows all of it, it fucken sucked I just want to forgot that shit I need to rant that shit out but haven't been able to other then just rants helps but anyways enough of that haha lovely so new mind set rollback finally got some temp work lined up new days slow new me exited to try an enjoy this break an recover time so time for more great black rifle coffee gonna try some M.O & get super lit up with the bong & atm about to kill my joint then kill it on cod got a new gamer crew with a old bud it's been fun also amazed on the audio in these games damn well near spot on for most firearms in there it's awesome lol
23 years old fucken feel so old lmao
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So far this is my list 💀🧫💀💨☕
0 notes
cookinguptales · 7 years
Okay so weird question, but how exactly did you get diagnosed with POTS? I was diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome and partial arrhythmia a while ago, and it's only just recently that I've had a doc wonder if I have POTS. He didn't really tell me anything about POTS, and now I'm really lost! Do you think it's unlikely that I could get to be 21 and not be diagnosed?
Strap in, friend, because the story of how I got diagnosed is long and unpleasant.
So to start off, here’s a basic explanation of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It’s a syndrome, which means that it is a description of a collection of symptoms rather than an underlying cause. Frankly, doctors aren’t super sure why any of this happens, what exactly causes it, or even if it’s genetic or what. (But my mom, sister, and grandmother all show signs of mild POTS, so uh. It’s probably genetic.) The long and short of it, though, is that your blood vessels are supposed to automatically tighten or release in order to control blood flow. When you stand up, they tighten to counteract gravity and make sure blood stays where it should be. When you have POTS, your blood vessels don’t do what they’re supposed to do. Your autonomic nervous system stops controlling this tightening and loosening process, which means your blood flow is not being adequately controlled. (Also, there seems to be some research showing that #1, we tend to have more elastic blood vessels, which means they just expand when they fill up more – bad because that means your body can’t use blood pressure to regulate blood flow, either, and #2, we may not always have enough blood in our bodies to fill our blood vessels, so again, shitty blood pressure.) ANYWAY, what all this means in practice is that assorted parts of your body aren’t getting enough blood, or they’re getting too much blood. Blood does all sorts of important things for your organs, especially oxygenating them, so this really means that POTS is an “anything that can go wrong will go wrong” situation. Anything in your body that uses blood can go haywire at any time. And sorry to say, that’s everything.
Now, POTS is highly variable. Again, it’s a loose collection of symptoms, and those symptoms are different for literally every patient. POTS is actually super common in teenage girls, but it tends to be very mild and some teens (mostly boys, mind) completely grow out of it, so people often don’t even notice they have it. People only just started researching it and it’s still not talked about much, which, well, is probably due to sexism. I learned the hard way that teenage girls are not generally listened to when they complain about nebulous symptoms, especially if those symptoms have literally anything to do with hormones and menstruation. (Which POTS does. It’s…I think ¾ of all people who have it are biologically female, and onset usually accompanies periods of hormone fluctuation such as start of menstruation, childbirth, or start of menopause. Most sufferers get it in their teens when they start getting their period.) Like… It’s hard to really put this in a gender neutral way because I promise you, the reason doctors are shitty about POTS is tied to both the biological and societal effects of being female. That’s an aside though.
Anyway, tl;dr, it’s different for everyone and doctors think you’re nuts. When I was diagnosed, in the informational packet literally said “THIS IS NOT ALL IN YOUR HEAD” because so many patients have been repeatedly told that. For me, I was actually uh. I don’t want to say lucky? But in some ways I guess, yeah, lucky. I have a really bad case of POTS with some really severe symptoms. I have a lot of digestion problems, extreme exhaustion problems, dizziness, faintness, anxiety/depression, pooling/tingling/coldness in extremities, and here’s the biggie – blindness. When I stand up, I often just straight-up go blind. (Or if I’m just sitting there doing fucking nothing if I’m on an airplane.) It was really bad especially when I was a teenager. It used to be like literally every fucking time I stood up. (We later found out it was because all the blood was draining out of my head bc gravity. Turns out your brain likes blood! This is also why it hurts so much.) Now, doctors ignored most of what I told them about exhaustion, trouble keeping down food, aches and pains, etc. I was repeatedly told “oh, well, that’s just part of being a teenage girl”. Like honestly, try telling someone that you have exhaustion, pain, and nausea relating to a period and see how seriously you get taken. Jesus.
BUT UH THEY COULD NOT IGNORE THE BLINDNESS. Like I don’t care how teenage girl-y you are, it is not normal to go blind on the regular! My doctors could not figure out what the hell was happening. And I do mean doctors. I got POTS when I was around 10, along with my period. I was diagnosed when I was almost 18. In the meantime, I was passed around between dozens of doctors and honestly? I was a guinea pig. They didn’t know what was wrong with me so I was subjected to constant barrage of tests and treatments that made me a hell of a lot sicker. I was going to like 3 different doctors a week, sometimes every day. There are very few medical tests I have not had at least once. Some of the treatments they tried, I later learned, carried a strong risk of addiction, permanent neurological damage, and death. I was a drugged-out mess trying to drag myself through 15 flavors of physical therapy every day. Like uh. In short, my teenage years weren’t…good… 
I finally got referred to like my sixth neurologist, and the guy was like “okay, you have been passed around between neurologists, cardiologists, ENTs, sleep disorder specialists, etc. for YEARS and we don’t know what’s wrong, so it makes no sense to keep ‘treating’ you – so I’m gonna take some readings and send them (and you) to a research hospital”. And that’s what he did! He took me off all of my medications (leading to the kind of DTs that honestly possibly could have killed me; I researched a few of the medications later and let’s just say you’re not supposed to go off them cold turkey) and did some tests. He found out some stuff like my blood pressure moves around a lot when I stand up. And sometimes my blood pressure was as low as 60/40. (Yo, that’s almost dead. The nurse took the reading three times with two different machines bc she was freaking out, lmao.) So he referred me to Mayo Clinic.
Now, what I did not know before this was that Mayo was actually the clinic that had discovered (and still researched) POTS! They saw a lot of girls like me. They took some blood, did a few tests, and when I had my appointment with them, they knew in under a half hour that I had POTS. I…cried. A lot. haha. It was so bizarre how many things in my life were actually an indicator of POTS. They were like “do you often sit all folded up?” and I basically exclusively do – and often got in trouble for it in school – and they were like “yeah, that’s POTS, you unconsciously try to keep all your limbs tucked in to reduce how far your blood needs to go”. Which is, I guess, why I tend to lose sensation in my legs and/or have my feet turn purple when I sit in normal chairs. lol. “Do you ever get dizzy or black out when you stretch or yawn?” oh yeah. “Do you get really sick when you take hot showers?” almost died once or twice, check! “Do you get weak when you lift things above your head?” you betcha. “Do you have a lot of problems with heat and sunlight?” OH YES I DO. Living in Florida was hell. I’d be vomiting and unable to stand up after like 30 minutes outside in the summer. I still vomit and get migraines if I look at a sunset, when the sun is strongest. Sensory sensitivity, especially photosensitivity, is a thing with POTS.
The actual diagnosis of POTS is kind of difficult. They usually have to do a ton of tests to rule everything else out first. Then they’ll usually try a tilt-table test (they tilt ya and measure your heart rate to see if your heartbeat skyrockets to help battle your blood doing weird shit) or a sweat test (which I am told is supposed to be painless but was one of the most painful experiences of my life so maybe it was a POTS thing) or look at your pee and see if you’re hella dehydrated. If you have POTS, you’re pretty much always hella dehydrated. (Gross but important: a symptom I never mentioned bc I didn’t know how abnormal it was – it burned like HELL when I peed. Turns out I was grossly, dangerously dehydrated. My urine was so concentrated that it was literally burning my urethra. idk how this slipped by so many doctors, but drink some dang water!) So it’s really a combination of tests for diagnosis, and they have to know to look for it in the first place! More and more doctors know about POTS now, but when I was first diagnosed almost a decade ago (this February! :’) when I went to college none of the school doctors knew about it. My family doctor didn’t know. None of my specialists knew about it. They wouldn’t give me student vaccinations bc they didn’t know how they’d interact with my brain. lol. It’s better now, though! I recently got a new doctor when I left my school’s health system, and she knew what POTS was! I was so happy, haha. Once I had a doctor literally google it right in front of me, so it was uh. A welcome change.
All this is to say that getting POTS diagnosed can be hell!! And I could definitely buy that you’re 21 and haven’t yet been diagnosed, especially if you’re female. My recommendation is this: the main treatment for POTS is diet and exercise, and that can’t hurt even if you don’t have POTS. I shit you not. There’s no cure or anything, but you are supposed to drink A LOT of water (I drink over a gallon a day, and that’s on days I’m not dealing with the sun) and eat a LOT of salt (”as much as you can stand” was their exact wording) and wear compression clothing (spanx and compression socks help me) and try to keep your body as toned as possible. It’s really easy to get out of shape when you have POTS (god knows I did), but they recommend trying to keep your blood moving. (THOUGH, CAVEAT!! I put on a lot of weight since I got diagnosed, and I have to admit. It’s gotten my blood pressure to a healthier level. So idrk what to make of that.)
I’m not gonna tell you to start eating massive amounts of salt when I don’t know your body, but drinking water can’t hurt you. So if you suspect that you may have POTS, start drinking water. This is not a replacement for a treatment plan, but it can’t hurt you! It can only help! So while you’re working with your doctor, just drink a lot of water and see if it helps you feel better. It is like night and fucking day with me.
Finally, POTS has a high comorbidity rate with other issues. In other words, if you have a severe case of POTS, you probably don’t only have POTS. A common illness to have with POTS is EDS, or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It’s a type of hypermobility, which may be why your doctor is concerned. (I don’t have EDS, probably, but I do have some pain/movement issues that they’ve never been able to pin down, so there’s probably…something. idk.)
Here’s my advice. Work with your doctor to try and figure things out. Drink water. Make sure you have a good doctor whom you trust. Even after I got diagnosed, I regularly got medical professionals who believed this shit was all in my head. And try not to worry. Like I said, for most people who have it, POTS is extremely mild. If you change your lifestyle, you might not see many symptoms at all, and if you do, well. Work with that trusted doctor. Hit me up. I know a lot of ways to get a lot of salt in your body. lol
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diy face mask - An Overview
The key reason why why honey is often identified as being a base component for virtually every elegance product or service is mainly because it deeply moisturises the pores and skin from deep in just. The enzymes existing in Honey allows it to simply seep in to the pores and skin whilst conditioning it and softening it from deep within just. Combine equally of these elements in a very clean bowl, mix it well. Now put this bowl in sizzling water for 2-three minutes. Now your mask is prepared for software. Is it necessary to abide by which has a moisturizer soon after rinsing from the honey mask? I take advantage of Neutrogena Healthier Pores and skin moisturizer. Is it that your oily skin subjects you to definitely numerous names from men and women around you? The acne has developed the overall distinct masks with your face? Do you really feel betrayed by the cosmetics? Blend skin means you'll have a slightly oily T-zone and drier cheeks with dry patchy spots right here and there. This rose-centered mask is perfect for balancing out the oily and dry parts of your skin. The ingredients demanded for generating orange peel face mask to the oily pores and skin and acne are offered below. Before using any with the masks, its most effective to 1st take a look at a little percentage of the mask onto your internal elbow or wrist to check out if you may be allergic to it. Curly, frizzy or straight hair, every excellent hair fashion starts off in the shower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua9o4c15Z1Y why you’ll want to shield and deal with your hair with the most effective hair treatment products such as shampoos and conditioners. There are a variety of shampoo and conditioner formulation which will help you take care of boring or harmed hair. Whether https://lv.wordpress.com/tag/face-mask/ , conditioners, hair oils, hair colours, styling instruments or remedy products and solutions, you’ll obtain all of it on Amazon India under a person roof for your personal advantage. Acquire on the net hair care and styling goods, filter results dependant on brand name, rate, customer evaluations or special features and discount rates. Implementing https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care+tips on the skin can present you with outcomes beyond your creativeness and can go a good distance in providing you with healthy, younger on the lookout and glowing skin. Exactly what are the key benefits of Honey for Pores and skin and Face?  Your not long ago considered merchandise and highlighted suggestions › See or edit your browsing record They are actually exciting honey masks. I used to do honey and yogurt a long time ago and it worked excellent with my skin. I will be sharing this excellent hub and passing it together! Utilizing heat h2o, rinse off, tackling the edges of one's face and beneath your chin In particular. Splash your face with chilly h2o to shut pores. Pat dry that has a clean up towel. August two, 2014 at eight:19 pm Hi there! I\'m striving the redness-reducing mask for rosacea - I\'ve only used a little bit on my face compared to just what the recipe manufactured, can I continue to keep it inside the fridge for a couple of days to implement yet again or do I should create a new mixture when? I have my fingers crossed it works! Thanks! Wintertime climate isn’t kind to skin. Snow and hail lash into delicate cheeks and foreheads, cold winds chafe at us, and indoor heating methods depart us flaky, dry, and itchy. Though the remainder of our bodies stay secured (if relatively neglected) by clothing during the cold months, our faces bear the brunt of all that unsightly weather conditions Each and every and every day.
Considerations To Know About orange face mask
Yogurt and honey have antibiotic Houses, and this entire blend is as good for the outsides as it can be inside a consume. Use any leftovers inside a slurp-capable smoothie Using the milk of your preference. Honey has lengthy been haled as being the wonder heal for pores and skin of every kind. It has been utilized considering that ancient times to treat cuts, burns, and cut down pores and skin swellings. Ideas: It provides Great benefits, nevertheless it does acquire time to see them. If you don’t quickly see a transform, don’t give up. You may’t anticipate effects in just a day or two. Also, the mixture is greatest utilized when freshly built. Puree the papaya within a meals processor or blender until finally just mashed evenly, and after that Mix in the opposite components by hand. Spread over your face, preventing your eyes, and Permit it sit for 10-15 minutes. Wipe or rinse your face thoroughly clean, and smile at your self in the mirror. 4 tbsp. finely ground espresso or coffee beans (already ground coffee and also quick coffee get the job done if you don't have your own private grinder) Melanin is to blame for the skin tone. The a lot less melanin during the skin, the lighter the skin tone will likely be. Working with vinegar being a pores and skin toner dates back again to some time of Helen of Troy, and it’s just as helpful currently. After you clean your face, combine 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 2 cups drinking water as being a ending rinse to cleanse and tighten your skin. You can also find plenty of products out there that are made to provide distinct needs in supporting and handling the skin. Olay Total Results seven-In-one Anti-Ageing Cream + Serum Duo SPF fifteen is a wonderful illustration of a product that concentrates on anti-aging even though supplying a concentrated moisturizing formula. It fights all main symptoms and getting old and helps you look and feel younger than ahead of. Products such as the Nivea Oil Command Men’s Face Clean are high quality choices in the sector of elevating oily pores and skin and offering you which has a refreshed glimpse. The enough pores and skin varieties, tones and ailments are all fulfilled and taken care of because of the diverse set of solutions offered on Amazon India. A top quality area raw honey created my pores and skin glow in a method the others didn’t! So for the real advantages of a honey mask, use the very best quality honey you find. Suggestions: Use this mixture 3 to four instances weekly (even a day-to-day application is okay), but make sure you prepare it refreshing whenever, as it is rather easy to get ready and handiest at that time. By Mary Smith. Up-to-date: June five, 2018 A fantastic cup of coffee is, for Lots of individuals, The one thing that gets them to wake up in the morning. Good news, coffee fans - your favorite seen is additionally an excellent Option to create your skin glance brighter, fresher plus more vital. Avocado masks are used by celebs like Victoria Beckham and Jessica Biel, plus the better part is that you can eat the second fifty percent that you don’t use on the face. By logging into your account, you conform to our Conditions of Use and Privateness Coverage, and also to using cookies as described therein. Tend not to use Excessive scorching or Severe chilly drinking water for your face as this may destruction capillaries and induce redness.
Top diy face mask Secrets
Also, these peels may be soaked in boiling drinking water for each day along with the resultant liquid can be utilized as being a pores and skin toner. You may also utilize it like a hair rinse to add glow on your hair and eliminate dandruff.   Is a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Slows down the growing old process of skin by preventing off cost-free radicals. Moisturizes skin. Try out a little bit of the mask about the again of your respective hand or aspect of your respective face. If it triggers discomfort, Never use that mask. Honey face masks will let you fade acne scars and even out pores and skin discolouration, giving your bright and toned pores and skin. . The sugar along with the olive oil type a gentle scrub, which also assists in eliminating particles trapped in pores. Resource Implement around the face and rinse off just after half-hour to receive contemporary and dazzling pores and skin. This is certainly also Pretty for oily acne vulnerable skin and when refreshing acne is present then extra of lime juice and orange peel powder must be extra. Another excellent browse! This is An additional excellent tip for honey: it really works great on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I had pink eye some occasions, about four a long time ago when my oldest son was in daycare. None of the prescribed eye drops seemed to be serving to, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I had a staph infection and once again, the antibiotics weren't performing Considerably to obvious it up. Fatty acids in higher doses, like the ones found in açai berries, manage to fight hyperpigmentation, In line with a 2010 paper printed from the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology We may use conversion monitoring pixels from promotion networks which include Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook so as to determine when an advertisement has properly resulted in the specified action, for instance signing up to the HubPages Service or publishing an post to the HubPages Services. Retain the mask apart for half an hour. Finally, implement it on your face and neck and rinse it off with heat drinking water right after twenty minutes. Adhere to up by using a toner and moisturizer.   Yeast - a versatile product or service. With them and pastries flavor greater, and alcoholic beverages much better plus more beautiful pores and skin. Inside them you might want to just take tablets, though the masks are suited to clean yeast. The usage of yeast for the skin Honey has extended been haled given that the wonder treatment for pores and skin of all types. It has been applied due to the fact historic moments to take care of cuts, burns, and cut down skin swellings. A properly structured and neatly prepared hub :). I'm tempted to try, but I've undesirable allergy symptoms, perhaps I can do a spot exam. Thank you for sharing.
5 Essential Elements For orange face mask
This company will allow you to enroll in or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you could generate dollars from adverts in your articles or blog posts. No data is shared Unless of course you engage using this type of element. (Privacy Policy) In the event the adjective you employ to describe your skin is “mature” or “dry”, this face mask is to suit your needs. visit little herbs here into your exhausted skin and end in a radiancy that you could have assumed you shed endlessly. In this article’s the easy recipe. This is a fantastic mask for dry, peeling and scaling pores and skin. The avocado and coconut oil supply replenishing humidity, although the honey helps to recover any chafed or Uncooked parts. This really is utilized to identify certain browsers or equipment if the obtain the assistance, and is also used for protection factors. Orange peel powder Obviously has quite a few Homes that could heal, shield and keep beautiful facial skin. Below are a few of the principle Attributes: We similar to this oatmeal face mask due to addition of vinegar to the mix. Vinegar is a light acid which means it's got antiseptic Qualities (receives rid of micro organism) but gained’t problems the skin. Mash most of the components alongside one another, but will not puree in a very blender: you would like this to get spreadable, not a liquid. Use evenly all over your face and Allow sit 8-10 minutes. Wipe off that has a warm, moist facecloth and afterwards rinse with great h2o. Pat dry. No HTML is allowed in opinions, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Opinions are usually not for advertising your content or other internet sites. The cornstarch current Within this face mask will draw out some additional oil additionally impurities. This mask is well suited for oily pores and skin. Clean it absent making use of heat water, pat the face dry and afterwards abide by up with the chosen toner and moisturizer. Nearly completed... We have to confirm your email handle. To accomplish the membership course of action, remember to simply click the website link in the email we just despatched you. Thanks a lot for such an amazing put up … I attempted no four- the coffee and cocoa mask with honey and it has performed miracles. https://steptoremedies.com/orange-sugar-scrub/ ’ll stick to it for some time. I was skeptical about applying it as i thought coffee will result in a faux tan and so taken out it in only quarter-hour (yep i established a timer) but to my shock this matter worked miracles, in truth I'm able to Obviously distinguish concerning the realm i utilized the mask on and the world i left as being the preceding a person is glowing like everything. Thanks so so a lot you guys are everyday living saviours appreciate you all keep up the good do the job!!! If you need to immediately dispose of acne, it really is perfect for this mask: clear grapefruit and grind it into a blender or grinder towards the regularity of porridge; Then wipe it off and rinse with interesting water. Your face will truly feel clean up and easy. Unsure which just one of those masks will do the job finest for your skin? This is often the most beneficial face mask for every skin kind. Yogurt facial masks
The Basic Principles Of orange face mask
These masks are perfect for an at-property facial. Begin with get more info and just before making use of the mask, lay a warm, damp clean cloth on your own face to open up up your pores. Immediately after rinsing from the mask, clean your face with chilly water or utilize a toner to close the pores. Then use a very good face oil. If you have any problem or comment, be sure to leave them beneath, I'll reply you when I am able to. Also you could share your encounter if you already know almost every other strawberry face mask recipes to us. थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? in clay kind, and now we're introducing four. in DIY type, for the reason that for being straightforward—we are often lazy. Really lazy. Which suggests we don't have the will (or The cash) to operate to Sephora every single 7 days for new face masks. Preparation: Mix the three components to secure a wonderful, uniform mixture. Enable it stand for about 10 minutes. Nevertheless, before you start exploring the treatment choices, you ought to completely understand what causes acne then try to logically deduce how honey masks may be handy in its therapy. For centuries, individuals have been making use of honey masks for a therapy for acne and for curing other marks, scars, spots, and blemishes. click here can find not merely a person recipe for just a honey mask that treats acne, but somewhat, it might be made out of unique combos of herbs and various substances. increase yeast to the citrus, mix and use on your own face, maintain the mask for twenty five minutes and afterwards rinse with amazing drinking water. You can also acquire a greater idea of the products by undergoing practical person created remarks. Right after finalizing your selection, possess the item sent to your doorstep and comprehensive the transaction through the use of one particular of numerous hassle-free payment choices. Find the ideal pores and skin treatment products on-line by searching at Amazon India. This is an excellent mask for fellas, as it might soothe both equally razor melt away, and about-weathered winter pores and skin. The yogurt functions for a moisturizer, when the cucumber lessens redness and provides moisture to dry, sensitive skin. Yeast can be a magical component that has get rid of for various skin difficulties like inflammations, black heads, acne and etcetera. A single ingredient has such a magical property so adolescents, omens hurry out. I comply with Inhabitat's Phrases of Use and Privacy Plan, and to using cookies explained therein, And that i also consent to the collection, storage, and processing of my knowledge in America, in which details protection legislation might be unique from People in my nation. Got pretty oily and acne-susceptible pores and skin? Get worried no additional with this easy and cleaning orange peel face mask, which is able to go away your skin oil-free and moisturized at the same time! Thereafter wash it off making use of lukewarm water and end with a person splash of chilly; pat the pores and skin dry employing a cleanse towel.
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