#Also his left side proceeds to only look more fucked up than before
doodles-with-noodles · 11 months
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My sorry ass had art+writer’s block, watched render videos and now suddenly knows how rendering seems to work… haha
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rinkkuma · 6 months
ft. satoru gojo
tags. gn!reader, a bit of cussing, all fluff ! / author's note. IHATEHIMIHATEHIMIHATEHIMIHATEHIMIHATEHIMIHATEHIMIHATEHIMIHATEHIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i've actually been going insane because of how much he's taking up my mind) first post of 2024 had to be my one and only of course :3
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uses you as an arm rest even if you're a tiny bit shorter than him. (satoru is 6'3 / 190cm for reference) if you're really short though, he has to lean down more and he's standing like the leaning tower of pisa, so he looks silly.
FACE CARD. he's actually the most majestic, gorgeous, beautiful man alive. up close, far away, from the left, from the right, above, below, he looks so fucking good. don't even get me started on when he has his glasses on.
satoru has a million gazillion of those skincare headbands with ears. he has a few cat ones, a hello kitty one, a kuromi one, and many many more. he even has a whole drawer dedicated to the headbands. (that is very close to overloading) he looks super duper cute with them though, so you never have the heart to tell him to stop buying every headband in existence.
whenever he feeds you something, he puts his hand under your chin to catch any crumbs. a tiny gesture to him, a big one for you. he smiles when your eyes widen and you mumble a “it's good”, and proceeds to poke your cheek.
satoru puts his hand above your head to make sure you don't bump your head whenever you go under a table to pick something up.
he is ever so slightly awkward in the beginning of your relationship, but it's cute! the first time you fell asleep on him, he was terrified to move because he was afraid to accidentally wake you up. 2 hours later satoru really really needed to pee, but decided not to get up because of how much it felt like a crime to wake you up. (you ended waking up anyways because of how much he was fidgeting.)
tucks your hair behind your ears before you can even realize it's bothering you. he looks at you with the most lovesick expression as he does this. he also does this while you're falling asleep, or already fast asleep.
before bed or as you guys wind down for the night, he more than often bursts out laughing at a random thought or a funny memory. scares the shit out of you because one; he's right by your ear, and two; his laugh is loud as fuck. he can't even explain what he was laughing about until a solid three minutes because of how much he was laughing. (and it ends up not being that funny.)
adding onto the above, he's the type to think everything is funny as shit at night. every reel, tiktok, you name it. (even if it's the unfunniest video known to mankind) sometimes if you're already asleep, he has to step out into the bathroom or living room to let out these laughs.
wipes the sweat off his face by pulling his shirt up. he looks at you with a smug fucking smile after.
his contact name for you on his phone is definitely some cheesy pet name (sweet cheeks, baby cakes) with a bunch of heart emojis. his contact photo for you is another story though. constantly changing from a close up picture to a picture of you sleeping.
satoru gets cuteness aggression a lot because of you. clenching his fist and sighing before squeezing you into a tight hug. he'll occasionally bite your shoulder too.
a human radiator. the first time you touched him you thought he had a severe fever, but he calmly told you he was warm all the time. it absolutely sucks during summer because he insists to cuddle with you, and most than often you wake up sweaty. (even with the ac blasting) of course, you try to move out of his grasp when he's asleep, but he only pulls you closer subconsciously when you do. during the winter though, you are so thankful. despite the various blankets you have on, it was hard to get warm and comfortable, but with the warmth of satoru you're nice and warm.
bickers with you if you're on his side of the couch. yes, satoru does unassigned assigned seats at home too. you two playfully argue for a few minutes until he eventually huffs and just sits down on. these arguments are useless though because he ends up pulling you next to him to cuddle.
he's actually really good at taking people when they're sick. making sure you're staying warm under the covers, feeding you proper nutrition and making sure you're drinking enough water. he occasionally leaves the room for you to rest since he doesn't want his naturally warm body making you even warmer, but if he ever sees you up (you're going to the bathroom) he jumps off the couch and pushes you back into bed.
satoru suggests movie nights at home on quiet weekends. turning on an animated movie or romantic movie most of the time. he tucks you into his side with a blanket draped over the two of you. he ends up just staring at you the majority of the movie though.
does that thing where he tells you your shoelace is untied, (which prompts you to look down) and grabs your chin and tilts your head up to look at him. he smirks triumphantly. he does this multiple times a week, and you fall for it every time.
he spoils the fuck out of you on your birthday. gives you the amount of kisses the same age you're turning, listing number of reasons why they love you based on your age, and don't even get me started with how many gifts he gives you. dances while he sings you happy birthday.
once you start dating, you never are tying your own shoe ever again. before going out, he demands you to sit on the couch while he ties your shoes for you. when they get untied, he normally notices it before you. but if you do notice before him and you begin to crouch down, he rushes to crouch down before you and pushes your hand away.
likes comparing hand sizes with you. he has big ass hands, so he likes seeing how small yours are compared to his. totally not an excuse to hold your hand though, not that he would ever admit it.
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hurthermore · 2 months
hii!! ur writing has a choke hold on me!!🤯anyways, im so deprived of some comfort rn- could you maybe do something related to aftercare? For ex: Alastor comfort after a bit of degradation was taken too personally from reader :> (maybe some comfort while bandaging them up too idk)
Literally obsessed w ur shit ur like my fav hh writer, and ty for reading :3
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Of course!<3 and TYSM!! That’s so sweet<3 warnings for sexual content, fluff? (Idk what fluff is apparently from my death one shot)
Your Alastor had always liked indulging in a bit of rough and degrading play; but this time he had went to far.
He had crossed one of your boundaries he hadn’t been aware of, calling you a degrading name you weren’t okay with; and as soon as that word left his mouth, you had become stiff.
Alastor had noticed immediately.
Stilling inside you, halting all movements, Alastor could only look in your eyes as he searched for consent within, searched for anything in your expression that still said you wanted him to continue; but he could not find it.
“Is everything quite alright, darling?” His tone harshly contrasted the nasty and rough demeanour he had with you only moments ago; now giving you a loving and soft voice as he checked in on you.
Looking to the side, you avoided his gaze as the word he used on you still pang through your chest. “Don’t call me that ever again.” You had spoken more harshly than intended, with a sharp snap in your tone, verbally indicating your distressed mood.
Immediately, Alastor had pulled himself out of you, only to wrap his arms around your torso, pressing his face in the snuff of your neck as he registered you were referring the to not so pleasant name he had called you as he fucked himself inside of you. “I’m sorry, darling.” He had meant it; truly. The dousing of guilt that consumed him as you emotionally pulled away from him had him panicking ever so slightly. “It won’t happen again.”
Sighing, you knew he had meant his apology, and despite how much the word he used had hurt you, you knew he had no ill intentions when using it; he merely indulged in a bit of degradation that you also found sexually arousing.
Placing a hand against the back of his hair, you tilted your face back to his. “It’s okay love; just please don’t say that again.” You had whispered ever so softly in his hair, only to feel him shiver from your breath cascading down his neck.
“Would you like to stop?” He had mumbled against your skin, asking for your consent to continue the sexual encounter.
You weren’t in the mood anymore; and as soon as your deny for consent left your lips, Alastor clicked his fingers against one another. On command, the room you both inhabited slowly changed, warping from the confines of your shared room to a familiar one filled with items of pampering; a room Alastor only brought you to after he had made love to you or fucked you.
He had always been a gentleman to you, despite his preference to be less than gentleman-like whenever he pummelled himself into your walls, he always put your pleasure and your needs before his own.
It was something you were grateful for; and one of the many reasons you loved him.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, Alastor began hoisting you up, guiding your legs to link around his naked waist as he carried you to the large, hot bath imbedded in the floor; a bath which mimicked one of a hot tub in size.
Stepping inside, his hooves clicked against the metal alloyed bathing area as the two of you began to submerge within the hot water; it’s temperature relaxing all of your muscles as it began to douse your body.
Alastor had slowly settled you down in the bath, only to take a seat beside you as he held you close, his hands stroking parts of your body as he continued to comfort you.
You believed you would fall asleep if this were to proceed.
“I am truly sorry, my love.” He had spoken with such honesty and vulnerability as he held you, apologising to you yet again, despite doing so earlier.
“It’s okay, Al.” You only responded with a soft sigh as you leaned yourself against him.
“You know I don’t mean those things during our rougher sessions, don’t you, my darling?” He had asked ever so softly and gently, attempting to approach the subject in a calm manner, one that would be proefficient in cheering you up; his beloved.
You had only mumbled a yes, nodding your head as Alastors lips began pressing themselves against your neck. “I know, love. It’s just- that word.”
“It won’t be used again,” He quickly interrupted you. “My perfect little darling, I swear it.” He said between the pecks of romantic kisses he placed against your neck.
The smile that enriched your face wasn’t missed by your lover as you allowed him to pamper you, to echo sweet words of love and loyalties into you skin, to kiss sweet gestures of love along your body.
You were blessed to have such an evil man be your darling sweetheart.
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haechurch · 2 years
Morning seeps through the blinds and you find yourself not waking up alone in your bedroom when you take a full seat and glimpse next to your side. There's someone else's lying with you on the mattress, well, that someone else's was mark lee, which was your friend until the movie session turned into something else in the state that you didn't even know how to face or assured to call him per usual the next day if you were about to bump into him since you spent the previous wild night together.
But here you were, finding yourself too drunk yesterday and somehow ended up with your biggest crush lying on your bed the morning after, also fuck it, though you feel like you're still stirring in your sleep you can't help but think that mark is very tempting at this moment and you just can't even believe in yourself for having a turned on on an unconscious mark lee that stay still peacefully in his sleep.
You currently watch him slumber in silence, not even aware that you got your mouth watering over him and started to scoot closer, lying beside him as he's sleeping facing you. You didn't touch him at first, you only admire his features and only could thinking about how damn fine this man was, even in his doing-nothing state like ugh. Then you started to move your hand and caress his strand hair-very carefully, and tracing his eyebrows-very delicately, as afraid that he might be broke if you touch him in not so gently manners.
Then you snapped when he suddenly groan and bring his hand over to rest on your waist, with him being-of course-senseless. You froze when he did that, and you started to trembling on a thought of having him all over you again right at this instant. Would he mind if you just...?
You felt like you're suffering, you're waking up horny, needy, and he looks so fucking good in his sleep right now that it makes you just want him more than anything. You started breathing heavily, eyes closed shut with a low 'fuck' leaving your mouth and you sigh under your breath, as started to put your bodies against each other.
You snug into him and straddle him from the side, your left leg was on his waist. Two of your hands circling around his neck and shoulder, then you started humping on him. It's in a slow pace at first but then you felt the urge to grind on him even harder and that's when he started to stir in his sleep.
"Y/n?" He called as he squint his eyes, baffled as he just wake up from his sleep. Knowing he's finally fully awake, you started to hug him even tightly and grinding harder, making him groan and you can feel his boner getting evidence by the mean time. Poor mark lee, he just woke up and have to see you panting and so so so needy for him it's almost looked pathetic. Mark was just stay still, closing his eyes shut while balling a fist to covering his face, apparently trying so hard to get himself together.
"Shit.. don't go too fast.." he said. That's just made you go harder as you let another needy moan. "M-mark, gonna cum." You tell him. "Wanna cum, please." His hand now were all over your ass, pushing you down forcefully onto him as he buck his hips into your core and started to equally thrust sensually. "Do it. Cum."
And so you did. You pant onto his chest and grab him by his shirt, feeling all hot and sweaty even if it's just 7 in the morning. You felt so relieved as you came down from your high, but mark definitely haven't came, and you just leave him with such a morning wood, so after getting up and sat on the bed as mumbling a 'sorry' to him, you proceed to take your clothes off, leaving you just in your panties, and you swear the way he's just staring at you with awe was so fucking endearing.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Taking care of you." Before he could speak another word you're already on your knees and yank his boxer down, grabbing a handful of his cock and take him into your mouth. He let out a deep groan and tossed his head back, jaw clenching when you roll your tongue and suck into his tip. His chest was heaving and his abdomen flexing when you take him until the tip was on the back of your throat, making you gag around his size.
"Fuck.. just like that baby, keep going." You bob your head up and down, hollowing your cheeks, do whatever you can to make him feel good. He then took a fist of your hair as a grip and finally look down at you, his eyes were heavy lidded and his mouth was agape all while sounding so pretty with the low moan and some profanities he uttered.
"Good girl. You're doing so fucking good right now." You hum, the vibration makes him shudder and his abdomen tensed, he thrown his head back as his breath hitch. "Aw shit, m gonna cum." He quick to face fucked you unconsciously, trying to catch his high before finally shoot his warm load into your mouth with a low, long grunt. You swear to god that that shit making you even more wet, pussy clenched over nothing.
You try to swallow all of his load as you saw mark's face all contorted in pleasure, and for fucks sake, there's nothing more sexy than the shit you're seeing right now.
You wiped the quite mess with the back of your hand and then sing song before him, "breakfast."
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hotgirlgraps · 11 months
Insufferable | Part Two
Synopsis: Two people who swear they hate each other’s guts but still can’t leave each other alone.
Warnings: angst, pining, oral (female and male receiving) choking, Tyler is still arrogant and still has that filthy mouth, YN is still a smart ass who brings him to his knees. Also, jealous!hook. An injury and some blood too.
A/N: you guys really wanted this and I couldn’t resist writing it. I just wanna let you know that I read all of your suggestions for this and they’re all incorporated in this filthy fic. So I hope you enjoy and if you’re lost right now, you can read part one here! 🫶🏼
Proceed with caution cause there’s like 2 different smut scenes 😮‍💨
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You had a couple of little secrets now. Things you couldn’t tell your friends no matter how bad you wanted to, simply because for the longest time you swore you hated everything about that man. You still do, but it’s a weird kind of hatred you feel towards him, now that his hands have been all over every inch of you. A kind that makes you want more reasons to despise him.
Tyler, on the other hand, finds the whole thing pretty hilarious. He spots you in the hallway and notices that you no longer look at him with that infuriation you used to, but what looks more to him like desperate desire you clearly were way too prideful to admit. You still had the faintest shadow of purple discolorations on your skin and he starts to realize how long it’s been since he had you a moaning mess in the showers.
Of course that just makes him want you all over again.
You were doing a better job than he expected you would. You haven’t even tried to shoot him a text when you’re alone at night in your room, thoughts of his body against yours running rampant through your mind. It surprised him to say the least but he knew you well enough now to know that you’re the second most prideful person on the planet, and he’s the first.
He held a smirk on his lips as he stopped in front of you, his eyes lingering to the faint marks his lips left on your skin one week prior. You felt your cheeks heat up beneath your skin and did your best not to let that show, but he already saw the red blush creeping up from your chest to your face and this only made that coy smirk spread wider.
“Can I help you?” You bit out, bringing your hair over your shoulder to hide those marks you knew he was feeling way to proud of. His eyes then met yours, and you hated the way they instantly made your heart violently pound against your chest.
“Are you avoiding me now?” He takes a step forward, lingering his eyes down your body that he would deny, but he hasn’t stopped thinking about.
“I’ve always tried to avoid you.” You snap back, watching as his dimple deepens on his cheek.
“No, not always.” He lets his hand linger out, the tips of two fingers roaming over the band of your shorts, earning chills to skate down your spine at the simplest touch. “If that were the case you wouldn’t have been moaning my name last week.”
You swallowed hard past the dryness of your throat and boldly stared into his dark, amused eyes. His fingertips trailed a line across your stomach before you felt one hook underneath the waistband, just to pull the fabric back and pop it against your skin.
“One time thing.” You managed to say, even though your voice was suddenly shakier than you wished it would’ve been. “And I already forgot about it, but thanks for the unpleasant reminder.”
His hand fell to his side but that smirk on his lips remained as he shook his head from side to side slightly. “Seems like you forgot something else” he tilts his head to the side, taking a single step closer but closing the space between you completely. “What did I tell you about that smart ass mouth?”
You were flashed right back to one of the many moments that’s been playing through your mind like a movie. Dropping to your knees so easily for him, letting him fuck your throat while tears streamed down your cheeks and reveling in all the strained sounds that he let out. You immediately felt a wetness seep into the fabric of your panties and you hated him for it.
Just then, he took a step back, his eyes adverted to something behind you, that ended up being Willow when she walked up to you. She had a little bit of a confused look on her face, just seeing Tyler standing there in front of you because from what she knew, you absolutely despised that man and most of the time you’re doing all you can do to avoid his constant banters.
But all he did was take a step back and stand there, keeping his eyes held firmly on you as you forced yourself to recollect your thoughts enough to appear like everything was normal.
“Hey girl, we were just looking for you. We didn’t see you after your match last week.” She says as she reaches over and smooths a couple flyaways fluttering around your hair.
“Yeah I went home early.” You blurt the first lie you could think of, and Tyler had to drop his head to hide the prideful smirk on his face. “I wasn’t feeling that great. Something made me sick to my stomach.” You let your eyes linger to him to make sure he caught those words, but it didn’t phase him in the slightest.
“Damn, something you ate?” Willow asked.
And that’s when Tyler cut in, ever the most arrogant man that he’s always been. “Nah, she ended up choking on something. I saw it myself.” His eyes had a mischievous gleam to them and you wanted more than anything to blacken them with your fists.
“Oh God, are you okay? Did you need like, the Heimlich Maneuver or something? Why didn’t you tell me that?” Willow asked, then she glanced over at Tyler when all you did was remain silent, simply because your veins were on fire with the rage you felt towards that cocky man.
“I was fine, it wasn’t as bad as Tyler’s making it sound. I just wanted to get back to the hotel and try to forget all about it.” You piped back up, keeping your eyes on him.
“Well, I’m glad you’re alright. We missed you in catering. You gonna meet us after your match tonight so we can all leave together?” She asked, and Willow always had a thing for playing with your hair while she talked to you but, that’s when she caught sight of the purple patches right below your ear, and even though you tried to hide it, she caught it before your hair was pushed back over your shoulder.
“Umm, what the fuck is that?!” She nearly gasps. “YN, you didn’t even tell us-“
“Tell us what?” Skye’s voice finds you as soon as she walks around the corner. Tyler was practically beaming now, loving the way you were getting caught up by two of your friends, exactly how he wanted it to happen.
“She has a hickey” Willow says as she points at the side of your neck.
“No, it’s a bruise.” You quickly blurted, but caught the way Tyler’s brows raised the second you said that.
“A bruise? That’s not a fucking bruise” Skye said when she gets a good look, moving your hair back with her hand. “I’m sorry but who the hell gave that to you? Was it Daniel?! You didn’t even tell us you were seeing him again.”
Tyler’s teeth clenched behind his lips when your ex was mentioned. The man just couldn’t help it.
“I’m curious too.” He chipped in, holding his eyes on yours with that agonizing look of pure pride and enjoyment. You cut your eyes at him, and he smirked back effortlessly.
“Nobody important.” You bit out, making sure you stared him down just as strongly as he was you.
“No?” Tyler chipped back in, tilting his head to the side as he leaned his shoulder against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest.
Skye and Willow both picked up on the tensions arising between the two of you, feeling the atmosphere shift around them.
“Nope. Just some meaningless fuck I don’t care to talk about.” Then you glanced over at the girls next to you. “It wasn’t even good.”
But that’s when tyler took a step forward and Willow and Skye both took two steps back, their eyes wide and nothing but shocked when Tyler’s fingers squeezed your cheeks and his lips lingered against your own.
“Remember what I told you? Right before I made you come all over me?” He reminds you of something you surely hadn’t forgotten, but all that was going through your mind was the way you wanted him filling you back up all over again.
Willows mouth dropped open and Skye’s eyes were as wide as the moon as they stood there, unable to speak.
“I’m not letting anyone else take credit for the way I ruined you that night, so tell them the truth, or I’ll have no choice but to prove you’re nothing but a pretty little liar.”
You held your eyes on his, your heart hammering ninety beats a minute as his lips barely grazed over yours, and when you finally were able to pull your eyes away, all you saw was willow and Skye taking more steps back with looks of confusion, shock and most of all, complete disbelief painted on their faces.
“You two hate each other?!” Skye eventually spat, staring dead at you, wondering how long they’ve been in the dark about this.
“That’s what she wanted you to think, but maybe you don’t know your best friend the way you think you do.” He smirked, keeping his eyes on you as he slid his thumb across your bottom lip.
“I-I don’t- I’m so-“ Willow stammered.
“Yeah, anyway, we have some unfinished business to take care of, so I’d get out of here if I were you.” He glances over to watch as they both give you a dumbfounded look before slowly backing down the hall.
Once they’re gone, he has your full attention again.
“I didn’t want them knowing. I didn’t want anybody to know.” You spat, taking a step back.
“I told you already, nobody else is getting my credit. Should’ve hid those hickeys with more makeup if you really wanted to hide it that bad.” He shrugged. “But I think we both know that you’re lying again. You would’ve ended up telling your little friends everything. You’ve probably been dying to.”
He was right, but you weren’t gonna tell him that. You attempted to shoot him that infamous glare you’d perfected just for him but he was completely unfazed by it at this point that all it did was make him chuckle.
“Since your little secret is out, I guess I can leave as many marks on your neck as I want to now.” He steps closer, his hands easily finding your hips as he pulls you against him.
You had to take a second to recollect your thoughts but once you did, you managed to say, “I have a match in half an hour, I can’t do this right now.”
But you felt his lips lingering against your neck the second those words slipped out and just like before, your eyes rolled back and nothing but breathy sighs came out of your mouth as you involuntarily melted into him, like pure, delicate putty in his dangerous hands.
“That’s gonna be a tough match for you” he mutters against you. “Don’t know how you’re gonna perform when you can’t even walk straight”
You clenched around absolutely nothing as his words sent shivers down your whole body. An affect you wished wasn’t so strong but unfortunately for you, it was.
You threw all caution to the wind and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, immediately giving in to him as soon as his lips latched to yours. It was filled with desperation from you both, and it was something that completely snatched the all the oxygen right out of your lungs.
He’d be lying if he said he had any control over this. All he could think about from that moment you left the shower room to now, was exactly what he plans to do next.
The locker rooms were right across the hall and that’s exactly where he pulled you to the second you detached. Despite the fact that anybody could come in at any second, all he could think about was getting between your thighs and letting your sweetness embed in his tongue all over again.
He was surprised at how easily you let him take all the control. You didn’t even attempt to make a smart remark and in a way, it was refreshing, but he also kind of missed that bantering the two of you always did.
He guided you over to the bench and slid your shorts down to your ankles before you fully sat down. Then, he was on his knees once again, eager for the sweet taste of you.
This time, he wasted no time warming up. He was impatient and he didn’t care that he was showing it. His lips locked around your clit and he started suckling pulsations against the sensitive bud, his tongue flicking aggressively over it as he watched your head hit the lockers and heard those beautiful sounds slip past your lips.
His fingers slid inside of you, finding that familiar spot that he knew made your head spin. He knew he had limited time to do this and he was wasting none of it as he used one hand to keep your thigh pinned against the bench, and the other one pumping your g-spot harshly.
“Fuck- fuck tyler that feels so good, you can’t stop” you cry out, making no effort to keep your tone minimized. He smirked against you before his lips cupped around your clit again, tilting his head to the side as he kept lapping his tongue.
“Thought you said I wasn’t good?” He teased, muttering hot breaths against your slick core. “Sounds like it feels pretty fucking good to me. Sounded like it felt good last week, too.”
His fingers pounding against your sweet spot kept you from being able to banter back, which was exactly why he slowed those pumps down to almost nothing and waited for your eyes to lock with his.
“What’s wrong, baby?” He brought that condescending edge back to his raspy voice. “You want more? Even though you said it wasn’t even good? Is that why you’re clenching my fingers this tight?”
You bucked your hips in a silent plea but it wasn’t enough for him.
“Nah, that’s not gonna work this time, angel. Need to hear you admit it. Own up to something for the first time in your life, and maybe I’ll give you what you need.”
You rolled your eyes and laid your head back against the lockers. You felt frustration overpowering you but especially when his fingers slowly, painfully slowly curled against your sweet spot.
“You could be coming all over my fingers right now if you weren’t so stubborn” he chuckles darkly, “all you have to do is say the word, baby, and I’ll have you seeing the stars all over again.”
He gave two more slow pumps before you couldn’t take it anymore. You nearly groaned as you arched your hips, desperate for more and breathed out, “fuck tyler, it feels so fucking good, I need more, just stop fucking teasing me, please!”
He smirked, then thrusted those fingers with a quickness that pulled an abundance of whines and moans out of you. He watched your thighs tremble and felt your walls clamping down so tight it was hard for those fingers to even move.
That’s when he rose up, his lips coming to linger over yours as he continued pumping against your g-spot. “Taste yourself.” He muttered, and as you parted your lips, his freehand snaked around your throat, gently squeezing as his tongue slipped over yours.
You felt your blood rushing to your head and that familiar dizziness that you didn’t even realize you missed so much. The taste of yourself mixed with mint lingered on your tongue and it only took three more curls of those long, slender fingers before he felt your walls pulsate and that warmth coated his whole hand.
He smirked against your lips, then pulled those fingers out as much as he wanted to toy with you a little, because he knew time was running out.
He pulled his shorts down halfway and his cock sprung free. Your eyes slightly widened when you saw it again. You somewhat forgot how big he actually was until it was proudly displayed, and you licked your lips without realizing it.
“You really do deserve this dick shoved down your throat, but there’s another place I want to put it right now.” He whispered heavily as he pulls back and picks you up, sitting himself down on the bench with you straddling him.
Your hands instinctively found his shoulders as he held his shaft, positioning himself right where he’d been dying to be before he used his other hand to hold your hip, lowering you down until you felt him in the pit of your stomach.
That familiar sting upon first contact made you moan out, but it was overpowered by his breathy sigh the second he felt your walls squeezing him with that same, hard grip that he hadn’t stopped thinking about since the last time.
He angled his hips to see just how deep he could push himself in and watched as your eyes instantly rolled back, teeth biting hard on your lower lip, so hard you’d probably draw blood in a second.
He watched you carefully as he angled his hips, slowly thrusting deeper. His brows knitted together as soon as you started meeting his thrusts halfway, and the slow, fluid motions quickly turned into harsh snaps of his hips as soon as your head fell against his shoulder.
“You’re unbelievably tight right now” he groans out, wrapping his arms tightly around your back. “Squeezing the fucking life out of me, baby.”
Your eyes fluttered at the use of the pet name that had been running through your mind for a week now. The simplest of names that made your whole body tingle.
His hips thrusted upwards and you did your best to keep up with the pace, but he was merciless. He wasn’t planning on slowing down and all you could do was hold onto him and let him take you on this wild ride, just how he wanted.
His lips latched to your neck, finding that spot below your ear that shot a blaze through your whole body. He felt your nails raking his shoulders as his teeth grazed your skin. The sounds of skin harshly slapping and wet suctions was likely filling the hallway right outside but he didn’t give a fuck about it.
He pulled back to admire the fresh mark on your neck, his hot breaths puffing against the slick skin. “Gonna be hard to hide that” he smirked, letting his lips linger against your shoulder. “Know what else would be hard for you to hide, baby?” He slides down slightly and squares his feet for leverage. “Me putting my baby in you”
He felt your nails dig deeper into his skin, knowing you wanted to banter back but you were way too fucked out to do it. “How would you cover that one with one of your little lies? Stuck with me forever, cause you just can’t seem to leave me alone for some reason.”
He thrusted harder, reveling in the way you were trying with all your might to keep your voice down. “Feels like that’s exactly what you want, baby. Feels like you’re tryna drain me right now. I always knew it. Always knew you were just dying for me to fuck you senseless.”
You pulled back, dropping your head against his. His eyes stayed intently staring into yours, loving the way you just couldn’t seem to collect yourself in the slightest.
“No control over yourself now, huh? That smart ass mouth just doesn’t have anything to say when I’m shoving my cock up your tight little pussy. You just sit there and take it, cause that’s exactly what you’ve always wanted.”
You tipped your head back and screwed your eyes shut. You felt his lips brush against your collarbone as he wrapped his arms tighter around you, his teeth grazing your skin as he fucked into you with a force so strong you were unable to process anything except exactly what he wanted to hear.
“Fuck tyler” you moan out, grabbing a fistful of his hair in your hand, earning a groan to reverberate through his throat. “you don’t even know how good you feel right now!”
“Oh I know, baby” he smirks, “i can feel it”
You dropped your head back down, lips parted and puffy before he crashed his into them, before pulling back slowly.
“Harder, please” you whimpered.
With that, he angled his hips more and thrusted even deeper, knocking his tip against your cervix with each push in, and it was only moments before your whole entire body was quaking, fingers trembling and thighs shaking as you arched your back and let that high power through you.
“Fuck you’re so hot when your coming on my dick, baby. So fucking gorgeous letting me fuck you senseless. Taking me like a good girl, no tears this time” he groans, rocking you through the high as his own quickly creeps up on him.
You collapse against him and he just holds you tighter, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he fucks into you a little slower, knowing how overly sensitive you probably were, but fast enough to still keep you a moaning, whimpering mess for him.
“So good for me, every fucking time. Coming on my cock like you’re supposed to, letting me fill that tight little pussy while you take every last drop. Can’t wait til my come is dripping down your thighs in the ring. Hope the cameras don’t catch that, or else your little secret is gonna be out for the world to know, not just your little friends.”
You moaned against his shoulder when you felt his cock twitch, before that familiar warmth engulfed you. His arms tightened, his hips stuttered and hot, heavy breaths were puffed out against your neck before he pushed himself all the way in, and gave two extra thrusts for good measure.
Once he slid out; you realized you were fucked. You attempted to stand but he had you by the arm to steady you the second he saw you wobble on your feet.
You glared at him, but ended up smirking instead.
“Your match is in, like, ten minutes” he tells you as he pulls up his shorts. “I’ll be watching you struggle from the viewing room. Can’t wait to see how you try to hide the fact that you just got throughly fucked backstage.”
You pulled your shorts up and shot him another look, attempting to fix your hair but you could feel the tangles and knots all throughout it.
“I would go find some make up for that neck, too, unless you just want to let the world know I’m fucking the shit out of you, in which case, I’m not really opposed to that.” He shrugs with that sly smile plastered to his lips.
“I bet you would love that.” You bite back, doing what you can manage to make yourself decent.
“I would really love it, actually.” He grins, and that’s when you shake your head as you back up towards the door.
“Never gonna happen. I need to go figure out how to hide this shit on my neck, again.”
He sits back down in the same spot on the bench he was just fucking you, and can’t help but feel prideful once again at that remark.
“There’s no point, yn. We both know I’ll just give you more next time.”
You rolled your eyes and stepped out the room, but didn’t realize it would’ve been smarter if he stepped out first to make sure nobody was around and caught you leaving the men’s locker room with fresh hickeys all over your neck.
Unfortunately your brain was a little scrambled but it was fully aligned once again when you came face to face with your ex, Daniel.
“Uh, hi” you awkwardly greeted him, stepping away from the door as if you didn’t just walk right out of the room itself.
He eyed you, then the door behind you. “Why are you coming out of the men’s locker room?” He asked, and that’s when his eyes lingered down to the fresh marks on your neck you weren’t smart enough to hide sooner. “Yn, are those hickeys?”
You could see the flash of pain strike his eyes and looked down at your feet to avoid it.
“What the fuck?!” He spat, a little louder than you wished he’d be. “You’re just going around fucking people now?! That fast?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Who the fuck are you with?!”
He tried to step around you but you moved to the side to stop him. “It’s none of your business Daniel, we’ve been done for a while now.” You tried to be gentle about it but he was evidently hurt and, probably really angry.
“A month, yn. A month isn’t that long. You’re already spreading your legs and all I’ve done is try to get you back!”
“I am not just going around spreading my legs!” You snapped, “and I don’t want to get back with you! I told you that! I-“
Right before you could finish that sentence, you heard the door creek open behind you, and you couldn’t help but to screw your eyes shut.
“Wait” Daniel pieces it all together when he sees Tyler standing behind you, his hair a wild mess, more than the usual. “This guy?! Are you fucking serious?! You told me you couldn’t stand him!”
“She lied.” Tyler piped up, stepping closer until you felt his body heat lingering against your back. “Get over it.”
Daniels eyes darkened, Tyler’s eyes narrowed, and you felt the sliceable tensions escalating.
Daniels eyes adverted back down to you, pure disbelief scattered throughout. “Everyone was right about you.” He scoffs coldly. “You’re nothing but a fucking whore.”
As soon as he said that, you felt Tyler brush right past you, moving you out the way before the sound of knuckles to a bone filled your ears and Daniel was sliding down the wall.
“Tyler! What the fuck!” You shout, grabbing him by the arm to pull him back.
He spun around with flames in his dark eyes, his cheeks red and splotchy. “Don’t let that stupid motherfucker talk to you like that!” He spat, his teeth gritting afterwards.
“You can’t just punch him in the face like that!” You shout back, watching as he glances over at Daniel, and the smears of blood over his busted lip. Tyler avoided you, turning to face him instead.
“Count your blessings shes here, or you’d be chewing on your teeth right now.” He pointed down at the injured man before he eyed you over, and headed down the hall. You didn’t have the time to make sure Daniel was okay nor did you now have the chance to stop by hair and makeup to cover those worsening marks on your neck, so you really wanted to scream at Tyler for that but, no time for that either.
You did your best to make yourself presentable as you raced to the gorilla. Tyler had just gotten himself comfortable in the viewing room when your music hit. He watched with a smirk as you walked out, hair an absolute mess and those hickeys so prominent against your skin.
You tried to keep your hair over your shoulders to cover them but it was absolutely no use once you stepped in the ring. The only good thing about that match was the fact that you were gonna win, and you wished you could see Tyler’s face when you do, but that was the last thing you should’ve been thinking about.
He kept his fist over his mouth to hide the smirk since there were a few others in the room with him. But he couldn’t help it. He absolutely loved the fact that you’d just gotten fucked by him and had to drag yourself out to the ring immediately after. Rocking Daniels shit was the cherry on top of the worlds tastiest cake to him, even though he was sure he’d be hearing about it later.
You felt an ache on your inner thigh when your opponent kicked you. You knew exactly why you were so sore but again, you weren’t supposed to be thinking about that. You didn’t have time to shower, obviously, so you still felt Tyler dripping out of you, and all it was doing was making you want to call this whole match off and go find him immediately.
In other words, you were fucked. Figuratively and literally.
As soon as you got the three count and secured your first win in a while, Tyler got up from the couch and headed right out the door. You took a little bit of time flaunting around the ring but not as long as you usually would have. You wanted to get off the camera as soon as you could.
You sped up the ramp and through the tunnel, rounding the corner to find Tyler leaning against the wall with a bit of a softer smile on his face.
“Congrats, it’s about time you beat someone’s ass.” He pushed himself off the wall and you shot him a daring glare as you kept walking. “How was that match? Looked like you were struggling a little bit.” He chuckled, and you felt that wetness seeping into the fabric of your panties once again. Just his voice, for some strange reason, did unspeakable things to you.
But you managed to force past that as you kept heading down the hall, aiming to go straight to the showers, alone this time.
“You know you really hurt Daniel?” You snapped when you came up to the doors. Tyler’s brows knitted together and a look of sudden annoyance played on his face like you hadn’t seen before. “And I think you should apologize.”
He sarcastically laughed at that, shaking his head. “That’s never gonna happen, yn. He disrespected you, remember? Why are you even defending him right now? He called you a whore.”
“He was hurt cause he still loves me, and I don’t blame him for that.” You crossed your arms over your chest as you watched his eyes narrow.
“So that makes it okay that he disrespected you like that? Just because the dude is still in love with you? Nah, I don’t play that shit. He’s lucky I didn’t break his neck, honestly. He should be thanking you for that.”
You stared back into his fired up eyes, unable to speak when he took a step closer, like always. That affect he had on you was probably eternal at this point. In this lifetime and the next, you’d most likely always be putty in his hands.
“Are you still in love with him or something?” He asked, sliding his tongue over his plump lips as he eyed you with skepticism evident.
“No.” You honestly admitted, holding his stare.
“Then why are you so upset with me? I defended you, cause you clearly weren’t gonna do it yourself.”
You clamped your mouth shut when you realized that he wasn’t lying. He did defend your honor but you didn’t expect it.
He watched your face soften. Those piercing eyes rounded out and your hands fell to your sides as you stared up at him.
“Exactly.” He eyed you over when you said nothing more. You sighed and looked over at the door, remembering the shower you desperately needed. Tyler took a step back, as if he could read you mind. He turned the knob and pushed the door opened for you, but he didn’t step in after.
Part of you wanted him to but, even though he fucked you senseless less than two hours prior, you were too hesitant to ask. He nodded before he closed the door behind him, leaving you standing there with a million thoughts rushing through your head.
You took a glance at yourself in the mirror and noticed just how dark those patches had gotten on your neck. Your finger roamed over them and you winced at the sting, but it was nothing but a reminder of those moments with him.
You couldn’t even shower without having the images of the two of you attack your mind. It’s all you were thinking about since the first time he touched you and you couldn’t even fight it.
You stood there as the water cascaded down over your sore body, thinking solely about his hands gripping your hips. Flashing back to the moment like it happened just a few minutes ago, and you can’t help but remember all the sweet nothings he whispered when he was trying to get that high to sky lengths.
All the times he called you baby, for some reason just won’t stop replaying in your mind and the weird sensations that it brings just keep getting stronger the harder you try to fight against it.
You knew it from the very first time you felt something ignite for him and only him. If he ever got his hands on you, you’d be addicted, and like addiction tends to creep up on people, snatching them when they least expect it, so did he to you.
You’ve never craved another man’s touch quite like this. There was no justification for it. You just simply wanted him every time you remembered his lips on yours. It was nearly impossible to fight, which is why you ended up in the locker rooms earlier but, at what cost? The man you spent so much time trying to hate is quickly becoming your greatest weakness.
You sighed as you stepped out the shower and wrapped the towel around you, tucking it tight so it stayed clasped. The locker room was just one over so you weren’t worried about it anyway, that was until you stepped out and heard Tyler’s voice a little ways down the hall.
Turning around, you spotted him leaned up against the wall talking to some girl you didn’t even recognize. His eyes found yours but only for a second before he gave her his attention again, a wide and toothy grin on his face.
You suddenly felt rage like you hadn’t before boiling over and did your best not to show it, but when you watched her fingers trace the cross on his neck, you had to get away immediately.
You closed the door behind you and threw your clothes down on the bench. You had a million and one thoughts running through your mind and they all consisted of him. He saw you watching him and didn’t make an effort to even try to hide that cocky ass grin on his face.
You made quick work at throwing some sweats and a t-shirt on but as soon as you stepped back out in the hallway, they were both gone. The first thing you thought was him taking her to the shower room, or the locker room or wherever else he thought about.
It was enough to make your whole entire body buzz with anger and the best thing you could do was get out of that arena before you made an absolute fool of yourself.
And as much as you knew you had no solid ground to stand on, because you and Tyler were absolutely nothing but two people who randomly fucked a time or two, you still found yourself unable to control the questions that kept buzzing around your brain that he absolutely needed to be asked so, at midnight, after your intrusive thoughts got the best of you, you knocked on his hotel door.
He opened it with hair wildly disheveled, no shirt and sweatpants sitting dangerously low on his hips. He looked a little taken back to see you standing there but he knew exactly why you had those rosy red cheeks and fiery eyes to match.
“Am I interrupting anything?” You quipped, and watched as he shook his head and opened his door wider. To you, he looked like he just got hands ran all through his hair and that thought alone was making your stomach coil.
You slowly stepped in and eyed him before you glanced around his room, looking for the signs that someone else was in here but, no woman’s clothes or pieces of jewelry were anywhere to be found.
You heard the door softly shut and turned to face him, arms crossed tightly over your chest as he walked over to you, holding that smirk you wished you really had enough hatred to slap right off of his face.
“What’s got you all fired up?” He asks, knowing good and well what it was but he really just wanted to hear you say it. Then maybe he would admit that he had that all planned out the entire time.
“I’m not.” You blurt, glaring at him. “I just wanted to-“
“Wanted to what? See if I was fucking her?” He stepped closer, tilting his head like he always does when he tries to read right through you, which was becoming way easier now that you finally let your guard down.
“Who was she?” You retaliate, watching his lips tip upwards once more.
“A friend.” He chuckles before he brushes past you, making his way back over to his bed.
“A friend?” You repeated. “Didn’t look like she was a friend.”
“Well, she is.” He shrugged as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “No reason for you to be jealous.” He smirked.
“I’m not jealous.” You rapidly spat back. “But you just fucked me not even two hours before you were basically eye fucking her!”
He shook his head as he ran his hand through his hair. “You sound pretty fucking jealous to me.”
You felt your cheeks burning when he looked back up at you with those amused eyes. He loved everything about this back and forth shit and you knew it, but you just couldn’t fight against it. Secretly, you loved it too. You just hoped he couldn’t tell.
“Don’t you know by now that if you want to fuck me, all you really have to do is say that?” He chuckles lowly, holding his hands out on each side, which felt like an invitation you were dying to accept but, you stayed with feet practically nailed to the floor.
“Haven’t I shown you I’m a pretty willing participant?” He smirked. Having way too much fun with your anger at the moment.
“Willing participant?” You repeated those words. “More like the one who begs for it.”
That’s when you watched the corner of his mouth slide up with a gleam in his dark eyes you recognized all too well.
“No baby, you’re the one who begs. Remember?” He stands up, but you’re so caught off guard by the use of the pet name he only ever called you in the act. Before you realize anything else, he’s standing right in front of you with not even a centimeter of space between.
“Or do you need a reminder?” His hot breath fans over your lips before you feel his fingers hooking under the waistband of your sweatpants, and just like before, you’re fucked all over again.
His lips land on yours and you feel him pulling you towards the bed, but you’re so lost in the moment you don’t even realize it until your back lands on the mattress and your legs involuntarily spread wide, allowing space for him between.
Your fingers tangle up in his hair as his tongue rhythmically dances over yours and in the midst of it all you can feel his hardening bulge beneath the thin fabric of his sweats pressing hard against your inner thigh.
Once again you were in full desperation, suddenly so needy as you whimpered against his lips and he loved it. He leaned back on his knees and took a second to admire his view of you, laying underneath him with pretty puffy lips and purple marks all over your neck. He could’ve taken a picture and put it on a billboard proudly.
He slid your sweats down to your ankles and slung them across the floor before he made his way back up your body, needy and desperate himself but he was doing a good job at hiding it.
He slid some hair out your face and made sure you were looking dead in his eyes when he whispered, “If we do this again, you’re mine. No more games. I’m done playing. You win.”
You were suddenly taken back at the words that seemed more like a verbal commitment but you couldn’t even take the time to think about them when his lips latched to yours once again, but so much slower this time. So much more passion emitted that it was rather undeniable.
Your head was nearly spinning when he pulled back and waited for your eyes to flutter open.
“All mine.” He breathlessly muttered, rubbing his thumb over your lip. “This.” He said, before he roamed that hand down to your aching core, just barely grazing your clit with the pad of his fingertip. “This.” He added, then he brought that hand right back up, snaking it around your neck, making your eyes roll back instantly. “This, too. You’re all mine.”
Even if you thought about objecting, you wouldn’t have been able to. You felt him applying that slight pressure and it had your cheeks flaming immensely. His lips collided with yours once again as strained moans got lost somewhere within his mouth, before he let go of your neck and grabbed himself instead, gliding his tip over your drenched cunt before he pushed in without a single warning.
“Oh my God” you gasped out, your head lifting from the pillows. Eyes caught his as he pushed himself all the way in and held himself there, allowing you a minute to adjust like he typically did before he slowly pulled back out of you halfway, and pushed in once more.
Your head fell back against the pillows again and his fell to your shoulder, low grunts and heavy sighs being muffled by your skin as he rocked into you, but not nearly as rough and rigid as the times before. His thrusts were smooth and languid, easy for you to meet them halfway as you arched your hips off the mattress, just to feel him hit as deep as he could possibly go.
“Feel so fucking incredible baby, every single time my dick gets buried in you, I swear it just keeps getting better and better.” He heavily whispered against you before he picked his head back up, resting his forehead to yours.
That gold cross bounced off of your lips with each deep push and pull of his hips, and when he leaned up on his elbows, you hooked your finger through the chain to pull him back down to your lips again.
He hummed against you, his mouth opening slightly when he felt you clenching around him.
“Fuck you’re killing me, baby. You know that? Gonna be the fucking death of me.”
You let a high moan rip through your lips when he sped up, pulling back and crashing into you with a strength that had you clawing scars all down his back. You felt his muscles flex beneath your fingertips and a low groan fly into the air when he felt those nails breaking skin.
“You like that, don’t you baby? You like when I’m rough with you. You want to be fucked like a little slut? Well, I got you.”
You were flipped over within a split second, your face pressed against the pillows as he lifted your hips and slammed into you again. Your high pitched moans were muffled by the pillow, but he wanted to hear them better.
“Nah, pick your head up and let me hear how good it feels.” His hand tangled up in your disheveled locks as he snatches your head back, fucking into you so hard you couldn’t keep from letting his name bounce off the walls.
“That’s right baby, fuck these people. Make them hear you scream my name all fucking night long.”
He was no good for you at that point. All the coaxing only made you louder. You couldn’t help it even if you tried, but you gave up that fight when he repeatedly pounded your sweet spot, making your sweet juices drip down onto the bedsheets.
“Such a good girl, always so wet and tight and ready for me to fuck you.” He groaned above you, before he folded over your body and let go of your hips. You couldn’t help but to collapse against the bed and didn’t mind it. His hand snaked beneath your stomach and made its way down to your clit, feeling your walls bear down the second he started rubbing circles over it.
“Don’t- don’t stop” was all you could manage through the broken moans and whimpers. He obliged to your plea, continuing to rock into you while his finger rubbed rotations against your clit, but his other hand found it’s way back up to your neck, wrapping around it as he turned your head to face him.
“Look me in the eyes when you come on my dick, understand me?” He demanded, and all you could do was nod as tears pricked the corners of your eyes. He noticed, but this time, he didn’t say anything. His lips locked with yours and his teeth sank down into your bottom lip, pulling it back before he let it go.
You felt his finger speed up, along with those thrusts and the quick arising warmth swirling through your lower stomach each time he hit that one spot only he was ever able to. He felt you clench down, felt your body stiffen beneath him and he didn’t miss a beat.
“So fucking gorgeous” he muttered under his breath as his hips kept rocking against you. He buried himself deep, making sure you felt him filling you all the way, and judging by the sounds flying through your mouth, he succeeded at that.
“Like it deep, don’t you?” He mused before he pushed himself even deeper, earning a stinging sensation at first, before it quickly morphed into something extraordinary.
You were too fucked out, as usual and he could tell. He applied a little pressure to the sides of your neck all the while his fingers spun rapid circles over your clit and it was then that he felt your entire body quake, your walls once again sucking him right back in and holding him there with a vice grip that made his elbows tremble against the mattress.
“Look at me” he demanded, even though your eyes were fluttering, you managed. His lips were parted and puffier than usual, hair stuck to his skin and wildly spread across his forehead. He only gave you a second to glance before he couldn’t help himself and had to taste you again.
His lips collided with yours as that high powered through you, taking you and throwing your limp body into a complete bottomless pit of euphoria. The low moans that got lost from his mouth to yours were making your head spin wildly out of control but his tongue lingering around yours was somehow keeping you locked in the moment, hypersensitive to every little move he made.
You felt a rush of warmth spill out of you just as he pulled his hips back. There were drenched spots underneath you on the sheets and when he leaned back up on his knees he looked down, pretty proudly at that.
You felt his finger collecting some of the salty liquids, yours mixed with his and spread it all along your folds with a smirk plastered on his face, especially when your body jerked from the featherlight touch.
“Don’t think I’ve seen that from you before.” He said as he wraps his hands underneath your thighs and turns you over.
“What?” You asked, glancing down between your legs to see the massive wet spot taking up almost half of that side of the bed.
You glanced back at him and that proud look on his face and couldn’t help but to roll your eyes at that arrogance you were sure was permanently a part of him.
He made his way back up, placing a kiss to your forehead tenderly, which caught you off guard but you didn’t object to it.
“From now on, I’m gonna be aiming to make you come that hard.” He whispers before he rolls onto his side and turns you to face him. You felt his arm lazily drape over your hip and his fingers absentmindedly traced little circles on your lower back.
“That’s if this ever happens again” your smart mouth was brought right back and he could’ve expected that much, but again, it just doesn’t phase him. He leaned in and placed another gentle kiss to your lips, basically telling you to stop talking in the nicest way possible before he pulled you into his chest.
When you let your arm wrap around him, he let an easy smile spread across his lips, but you were tracing the new tattoo on his chest, so you didn’t see it.
“If I wake up alone in the morning, I’m coming to fuck you all over again, so you might as well stay the night with me.” He barely muttered as his face melted into the pillow.
“Is that your way of saying you want morning sex, too?” You teased, but felt those strong arms tightening around you.
“That’s my way of saying I want morning sex every morning when I wake up next to you from now on.”
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
pretty when you cry - chapter seven
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series masterlist / chapter eight
*originally posted to @bellareadsandrecs on 03/23/22*
pairing: dark!biker!bucky x curvy!reader (dark!soulmate au)
warnings: 18+ ONLY. mentions of violence. mentions of assault. arguing. mentions of anxiety attacks. noncon/dubcon relationship. uh that’s it i think but please let me know if i need to add anything!
words: 4.2k
notes: this is actually longer than i thought it would be so yay! i hope you guys like it. as always feedback is always welcome and appreciated. also! chapter eight is in progress and i think you guys are gonna like it 👀 anyway! thank you for the continued support you’ve shown for this series - it seriously makes me so happy people are enjoying it. you guys are the best and i love you all 🥰💘
This is a DARK series!!! Please proceed with abundant caution.
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It couldn’t have been more than two hours that passed. The ringing of a phone was what first roused you, but it was the movement of Bucky getting off of your bed that really woke you. You kept your eyes closed and strained to hear as he walked toward the door leading back to the living room. You couldn’t make out anything, just heard his hushed tones as he walked further from your bedroom. You rubbed your eyes and stretched out before looking for your phone. You realized you left it on your couch and grumbled to yourself as you got out of bed.
“I said I’ll get there when I get there. Stop calling me every ten fucking minutes.”
“So what if it is? I know what I’m doing and you need to mind your own business. I’m not getting into this with you again. My phone rings one more time and nobody’s dead or dying, we’re gonna have a problem.”
You could only hear Bucky’s side of the conversation he had going on as he spoke aggressively on his cell in the kitchen. You wondered briefly who he was talking to and what he was talking about, but told yourself that you didn’t care as you grabbed your phone off of the couch cushion it was laid on.
“You’re awake,” he said as he walked into the living room, eyes locked on you. Like he was trying to gauge how much of his conversation you heard and if you had anything to say about it if you did.
“Thanks to you,” you muttered, “Sounds like you have somewhere to be. You should go, deal with… whatever it is you do,” you suggested vaguely as you read your notifications on your phone.
“Work. But I’ve got more important things to deal with here,”
“You really don’t,” you said breathily, feeling completely exasperated as you brought your head up to meet his eye. “I’ve told you, repeatedly, that I can’t do this with you. I don’t want to deal with this. At all. I’m sure you’ll find someone who is just your type and doesn’t care that you’re a selfish asshole who thinks of no one but himself and what he wants, but it’s not me.”
“I’m not going anywhere. And we can keep having the same back and forth argument over and over again, if that’ll make you feel better, princess, but it doesn’t change the truth.” he said as he plopped down on the couch, somehow smoothly pulling you with him before you could bat his hand away.
“The truth? And what exactly is the truth, Bucky?” you said as you shrugged away from him and stood back up.
“We’re soulmates, y/n. That is an undeniable fact. The truth is that we can’t fight forever. Not each other. Not this.” he said as he leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees as he looked up at you.
“Maybe that’s your truth, but it’s not mine. I can keep fighting this, and I will. I deserve better,” you said, trying to sound sure of yourself but it sounded more like you were just trying to convince yourself of that fact and having a hard time believing it. “…And I’ll keep reminding you of that every chance I get since you refuse to leave me alone. I’ll be sure to remind you that the very first time you spoke to me, you threatened me. And “spoke” is a very kind way of putting it, actually. If I remember correctly, you got in my face and yelled at me. And then you broke into my house and assaulted me while I could do absolutely nothing to fight you off,” you continued as calmly as you could manage, ignoring the fire burning in his eyes as he watched your every gesture, every step, as you began to walk around the coffee table to put more space between you. It was easier to think when he wasn’t so close.
Once you had the nerve, you forced yourself to meet his gaze and spoke more strongly than you thought you’d be able to. You felt a spike of ire in you and through the hurt and humiliation you still felt about the situation - you were reluctant, and worried, to realize there was just a little bit of jealousy lurking there, too.
“You took my virginity, then looked me in the eyes and insulted me before leaving to go on a date with some random woman that you then fucked,” you fought down the aggression threatening to show itself but continued on, “As if that wasn’t enough, you then had me watched, and you stalked me, too, right? Online. Did you know I knew about that? Don’t answer that actually, I’m sure you aren’t bothered one way or the other. You probably know nearly everything there is to know about me by now, while I still know absolutely nothing about you. I -,” you laughed humorlessly, “You realize I don’t even know your name? This “soulmate” thing, fine - it’s true. But it’s torture. For both of us. You don’t want me, Bucky. I don’t know what you want, honestly. Maybe you just want someone to love - someone to love you, or maybe just someone to own, I don’t know, I don’t know you. All I know is that it’s not me. I’m not the girl you’re looking for. I’m not the girl you want.”
“You don’t have to keep reminding me. I know what I did. And I apologized -”
“And it’s not enough,”
“This whole thing is only torture because you’re too fucking stubborn to let it happen and admit that you want it!” he yelled as he stood up from the couch. You flinched and backed away further at the sound and sudden movement and he softened instantly. Taking a breath, he walked away from the couch but didn’t try to move closer to you as he ran his hands down his face before he turned his back to you and continued, “I can’t blame you, though. I didn’t want to admit it either,” he said before he turned back around to look at you, making sure you were looking back as he tried to clarify, “Not because of you,” he said sounding like he wanted to reassure you of that fact - like he knew you weren’t going to believe him but wanted to make it clear anyway.
“Because of the intensity, whatever it is that’s pushing us together. This…love. I didn’t want it. I didn’t want to care,” he said, seeming to measure his words before he spoke as he walked toward you cautiously - like he was approaching a fawn that was liable to take off at any sudden movement. “Not that night I first saw you and not the night I really fucked everything up. But don’t you get that that’s why everything got so fucked?” He was close enough to touch and he reached his hands out to gently hold your face as you stared at him - frozen like a deer in headlights.
“Because I was trying to fight this so hard that everything snapped at once and all I wanted was you. And then I came down from that high and tried to ignore the truth again, and fucked things up even more. I hurt you and I hurt us.” You swallowed hard at that statement and knew you should try to steel yourself against whatever pretty words he was going to throw at you next.
“I told you before and I know you don’t believe me, but I didn’t mean it. I wanted to mean it. Wanted to be over it and just stop thinking about you, but that didn’t happen. You’re all I ever think about. I never used to have dreams, but I’ve seen you in them every night since I first looked into your eyes.” The pessimist in you wanted to roll your eyes so hard, but the hopeless romantic in you made your eyes want to water. You shook your head in an attempt to rid yourself of a reaction either way and to get his hands off you, and he did drop them to his sides after a moment of looking into your eyes, again trying to gauge your honest reaction before you cast your eyes back down. His gaze was penetrating and you were worried he’d see what you were thinking. Or worse, you’d slip and just tell him yourself like you were under hypnosis.
You wouldn’t tell him - but when you dreamed, you always saw him, too.
Why did knowing he dreamed about you too make you feel less solitary? You didn’t dwell on it as he grabbed your chin in his flesh hand and tilted your face up to lock eyes with you and spoke again as his metal hand found your waist. The sincerity in his eyes and in his touch was evident and it stressed you out. You weren’t supposed to let him affect you, you chided yourself but when he started to speak again, your mind went momentarily blank as you stared back at him and listened. You swore you were in a trance.
“You’re mesmerizing. And you’re sweet. You never miss posting on your sisters’ birthdays. And you love poetry and you don’t post many pictures of yourself but I wish you would. Being able to see you even when you’re not in front of me, and I can’t look at you in person, brings me a comfort I didn’t know I was looking for. Seeing your face is something I look forward to everyday now. Just seeing you smile makes me feel better. And seeing you sad - I never thought I’d be so affected by someone else’s feelings before, but when I know you’re sad or upset or hurt it’s like this overwhelming urge to soothe you and protect you takes over,” he added while his metal hand began to move soothingly along the exposed skin your crop top allowed, pulling you closer to him without you realizing. His eyes looked sad as he thought for a brief second. “You seem so drawn to loneliness - solitude,” he began as his thumb stroked your cheek, “I wonder if you’ve made it a part of yourself. I had. Maybe you’re not used to not being alone. But no one is made to be alone forever. I do know a lot about you and you don’t really know me. But I promise that I’m exactly who you need. We need each other.” He finished as he rested his forehead against your own.You had to take a deep shuddering breath as his hand left your jaw and fell to your waist along with his metal hand as he wrapped them around you tightly and pulled you ever closer to his chest, his cheek resting on your head as he held you.
You felt like crying but you’d rather gouge your own eyes out before you did that again. Why was this getting to you? Are you really this weak? This pathetic? A few cheesy words and you’re a mess of emotions, you continued to demean yourself in your head. Maybe that would stop the tears that threatened to appear. You bit your tongue. Hard. You then realized you had started reciprocating his hug and pulled away almost instantly…almost instantly. You had to really compose yourself first, but when you finally did pull away and pushed him away slightly - you plastered on a near stoic look - doing your best to appear unaffected before you took a hard, scrutinizing look at his face - tilting your head and saying,
“You are really sappy, has anyone ever told you that? What happened to you not being the mushy type, huh?”
You expected - and maybe even hoped that he’d get upset with you - upset that you were trying to brush him and his words off once again, but he surprised you with his response.
“My ma when I was a kid,” he laughed as he looked down at you smiling playfully and almost adoringly - it was slightly alarming. That look on this big beefy biker, the man who is almost always looking either angry or arrogant - or both - and always intimidating no matter who he was around - you figured it must be a rare sight. And that made you feel a little too soft as you realized that look was for you. Just you. “I’ll show you who I really am, doll. I swear I’ll never hurt or take advantage of you or our connection again, I promise.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“I don’t,” he intoned as he took a step closer - now back to where he was standing before you pushed him away as you stood with your arms crossed against your chest as if they were your last layer of protection. “Look, just have dinner with me. Just for tonight - forget everything that’s happened. Pretend it’s the first time we’re meeting and if you still don’t want to do this, I won’t force you to.”
You were annoyed at the insinuation that everything he did was something you could just forget about, but the softness you were feeling was still partly clouding your rational mind so you didn’t fight too hard at the moment. You didn’t have it in you after hearing his words. The man practically fucking love bombed you and you were still trying to clear from the fallout.
“I’m not getting dressed and I’m not planning on leaving this house today, so -”
“I’ll order in.”
His seeming desperation was giving you a major ego boost and unfortunately his determination and unrelenting advances were wearing you down. “And then that’s it? I tell you to go and you go?”
“You tell me to go.. I’ll go.” You didn’t really believe him. And the confident, dark undercurrent in his eyes seemed to assure you that he was going to get what he wanted. And what he wanted was you.
“Fine,” you found yourself acquiescing to him yet again. Seemed to be a bad habit forming.
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You tried to avoid conversation as he looked for a good place that delivered and then ordered food as you worked on cleaning your mess from last night. You knew anything other than asking what you wanted and from where would just lead to you fighting. You were also very aware of the fact that he had been acting very sweet and caring since last night. Gentle, even. It was quite a change from his behavior at the diner the other day and literally every other interaction you had had with him previously. You were expecting a snarky or rude or just straight up mean response from him when you were talking earlier and he seemed to pass up every opportunity you presented him with to do so. You were still wary, though. Like the facade would break without a moment’s notice and you’d either be left feeling whiplashed from his ever changing moods yet again or shoved up against a wall with his hands all over you and his tongue down your throat. You felt a small spark in your core as the image of him doing so popped up in your mind and you recalled the way you felt in the diner restroom with him pressed up against you the other day. You hated to admit it but you almost missed the feeling of him. You convinced yourself you were just feeling that way because you hadn’t been able to get off properly in weeks - not because of him specifically. But you knew that was all because it seemed like nothing could compare to his touch now that you knew it. And it was constantly leaving you feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled when you tried to get yourself off. And that certainly didn’t help your stress and anxiety levels. Or the attitude you’d been having lately, though you thought that’d be present no matter what given the situations you’d been finding yourself in lately and your current circumstances.
So here you were, in your home, walking on eggshells and feeling awkward as hell while Bucky made himself at home and looked perfectly at ease while he sat on the couch - not paying much attention to the screen, but rather watching you walk back and forth and all around trying to make yourself seem busy. So much for a relaxing day off, you thought to yourself. You met his eye as you passed by him on your way to the front door to grab your bag off the floor along with your jacket. It was like he was studying you intently, but when you did a double take with a raised brow, he schooled his expression to one of amusement. You carried on, not wanting to start a conversation now when you knew he wouldn’t let you have any peace when dinner got here and you’d be forced to sit across from him and pretend like everything was normal. Just a nice get to know you first date of sorts. It wasn’t. He had to know that. Of course he knew that.
You felt uneasy now. Like you were walking into a trap. If you did sit and play along with Bucky’s date, what kind of precedent would that set? Could he use your lack of fight against you? Would he? Like, if you’ve been civil enough to have dinner with him once and it was “fine”, you were fine with it so why is it different now? Why can’t you do it again? If you could forgive him for one night, forget for one night, how do you stop that from spiraling out further down the line. Because you felt your defenses weakening and knew that you would. You would allow yourself to forget. To be with him- despite everything- even though he didn’t deserve you and you deserved better - you would. You felt your breathing pick up as you tried to calm yourself in the laundry room. Your mind was racing and you were getting more and more upset. At him. At yourself. At the whole fucked up situation.
Would he bring it up should you argue against being with him again? Because you did it once and it was fine, why can’t you do it again? You weren’t easily manipulated, but you hated to admit that with just a hint of sadness in those ocean blue eyes of his, you would crumble. Any resolve you may have, gone to the wayside. It was gross. And scary how easily he could have you- hook line and sinker, if he really wanted to and you didn’t even really know him. All you knew was who he’d shown you previously and you should hate him. But in reality you only hated yourself for feeling the way you did about him nonetheless. And this new side of him he was showing you was even harder to try and hate - and not for lack of trying on your part. If you didn’t use every bit of your rational mind to fight off these feelings for him that only seemed to get stronger the more you were around him - as if they weren’t suffocating enough when he was “trying to leave you alone” and he wasn’t around every corner. Well, none that you realized.
Just as you processed that thought, turning the corner from the laundry room back down the hallway, you were greeted by an ever intimidating Bucky. He was deceptively quiet and you startled at the sight of him, a gasp leaving your lips as you clutched your hand to your chest. You were already trying to steady your breaths from your sudden anxiety and him appearing out of nowhere certainly didn’t help you.
“What the fuck?” you whisper yelled at him while you caught your breath, heart still racing.
“What were you doing?” he questioned, sounding as if he wanted to accuse you of something nefarious.
“Laundry,” you responded, annoyance lacing your tone in return. He stepped around you and entered the laundry room, like he was expecting to find some unknown assailant hiding in there.
“What are you doing?” you asked while he moved to check inside your room and the bathroom. “Are you expecting to find someone or something?”
“Are you okay?” he asked, ignoring your questions.
“No. But what’s new,” you said before turning back to continue down the hall to find something else to do. “You know that door in the laundry room leads to the garage if you want to check for monsters in there, too.”
You heard him stomp behind you and you could feel his annoyance at you now as he burned holes into your retreating figure.
He suddenly grabbed your arm to stop you from walking further into the house, it wasn’t a rough grab, just enough to halt you as he held his grip. “Seriously, y/n. Are you okay?”
You didn’t even need to think before responding right away, “No. I’m not. Why are you asking again?”
“Something was wrong,” he said as if it was obvious why he was asking. “What’s wrong?”
“That is a very stupid question, Bucky. I’m not going to keep repeating myself and arguing with you, okay? You know why I’m not okay, and I know you want me to forgive and forget already but I’m not going to,” you spoke quickly as your anxiety showed itself. “This is all extremely confusing and frustrating and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or how I’m supposed to feel and I’m feeling stressed and…” you took his hand off your arm and took a breath, “…look I’m sure the food will be here soon, you can find me when it gets here and we can have your play pretend dinner just like you want, but until then I’m going to find things to do while I try and process everything - like, like what’s going on between us and maybe try and reason what the fuck is wrong with me for not calling the cops on you yet. I’m sure this is trespassing, blackmail, stalking, and I think technically kidnapping? I don’t know what you’d be charged with for essentially holding me hostage, but I think it is kidnapping.” You rambled on and he rolled his eyes as you turned and walked back into the living room following behind you.
“Don’t worry too much about it, I wouldn’t be charged with anything, sweetheart. And the food’s not going to be here soon, I haven’t ordered it.”
“I’m sorry?” you questioned, stopping dead in your tracks as he purposely continued and walked into your back. Attempting to wrap his arms around you but you grabbed his right wrist to stop him as you felt his hands sliding around your hips and spun yourself to face him, dropping his wrist in the process and taking a small step back from him.
“I was waiting for you to tell me what you wanted.”
“I did, - that’s not-” you shook your head and crossed your arms as you attempted to ask him why he was so sure he wouldn’t be charged with anything but he interrupted you.
“No, I asked you what rice you wanted and you told me to give you a second while you ran around with your broom sweeping and then you never told me.” You narrowed your eyes at him before responding.
“That was at least thirty minutes ago, why didn’t you just ask me again?”
“Seemed like you were on a roll, didn’t want to interrupt you.”
“You don’t seem to mind interrupting me any other time, for example, about 15 seconds ago.”
“Let’s not do this,” he said ominously. You took a measured look at him before subconsciously licking your bottom lip and shrugging, “Fine,” you began.
“I’m not going to push it right now because I don’t want to, but I’m not letting it go either.”
He grimaced and you noted the way his jaw clenched in mild annoyance but seemed to be glad you didn’t push it at the moment. He didn’t want to argue with you anymore than you wanted to argue with him again. He walked forward and pushed you around to face the same direction he was - heading back toward the living room. He put an arm around you and pulled you to him as he walked you both to the couch.
“So.. steamed, brown, or fried?” he asked casually while you shoved away from him fighting a small smile you didn’t want to have and certainly didn’t want him to see while you huffed and rolled your eyes. Of course you felt more calm now that he was right next to you.
“What part of ‘stop touching me all the time’ do you not get?” you said as he smirked smugly.
“What’s wrong, princess? Don’t think you’d be able to control yourself with my hands on you?” he taunted.
You felt yourself heat up in embarrassment and annoyance. He really had the audacity to talk about lack of self control? You shot him a sharp look of impatience as he continued past you to the couch.
You somewhat reluctantly followed him and took a seat as far away from him as your couch would allow and with irritation clear in your voice said, “Just order the fucking food, Bucky.”
He laughed as he pulled his phone out once again and you tried and failed to get comfortable on the couch as you waited for the time to pass and this “dinner date” to be done and over with.
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Josh Kiszka x f!reader
Summary: It’s challenging to maintain the status quo when on tour with your best friend and his rowdy band of brothers, and shacking up has brought about its fair share of speed bumps. 
Warnings: 18+ GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT, swearing, Sammy slander, bottom!josh, unprotected sex, somnophilia if you squint, fingering, teasing, desperation, a little fluff on top
W/c: 4.2k
A/n:  This one shot is brought to you by this little request from a thousand years ago sorry, anon come get yo juice.  Love you all so much, thank you for your support and keep those requests coming!
Edited by the ever fabulous @gretasamfeettt
Theme Song: Sleep Walk - Deftones 
Knock, knock
You rap your knuckles quick and quiet against the unnaturally thick hotel room door.
“Josh!” You whisper in the harsh fashion of a scream. “Josh, it’s me, let me in!”
Normally you wouldn’t be bothering him this way since he’s very insistent on getting enough rest before show days, but in your current situation, you’re not exactly left with an array of options. 
You’re standing barefoot in the hotel hallway clutching your bag to your pajama-clad chest. Strands of damp, stringy hair stick to your cheeks. Small beads of water drip onto your oversized t-shirt and the plush carpet below. 
Knock, knock, knock
He’d only resigned to his room a little under an hour before you, you can’t imagine he’s already asleep.
“Josh, please wake up!” A bit more urgently this time. 
When the door finally cracks open and your half-naked, groggy looking best friend blinks at you with the most disdainful expression you’ve ever seen, guilt instantly washes over you.
“I’m so so sorry, I know you said you wanted to turn in early but I didn’t know what else to do I just panicked! Sam came back, he just…” The word vomit rockets out of you a pitch or two higher than your normal speaking voice.
He listens wordlessly with narrowed eyes, from either contempt or the bright hallway lights, you’re not sure which. As he takes in the sight of you, disheveled and frantic, his expression shifts to a sort of concerned fear.
“Woah woah, y/n what the fuck? Are you okay?” He interrupts you mid-sentence, something he only does to you when trying to prompt you to arrive at your point.  
Forcing yourself to take a deep breath for his sake and that of the situation that's found you still standing outside Josh’s door with no shoes, your next sentence is quite a bit calmer.
“I’m fine… Can I please stay in here tonight?” 
“Are you kidding?” He opens the door wider so he can slip into the hall to wrap an arm around your shoulders and usher you into the room. “Tell me what happened.” 
The room is shrouded in darkness as he helps you find the edge of the bed, and once you’re sat where he deems you safe he flicks on one of the bedside lamps attached to the wall nearby. He situates himself at your side, cross legged and facing you so he can take your hand in his. Eyes wide but oh so soft, his expression coaxes you into a state of comfort while also preparing for the worst. 
“Y/n, please tell me what the fuck is going on so I can decide whether I need to knock my baby brother’s teeth in.”  
“Calm down, it’s not like that.” You huff an exasperated giggle, because of course he would find a way to make you laugh. Even though you know he’s only half joking.  “I told you I’m fine, he’s just a menace.”
“What else is new?” He snorts flatly, followed by what you think he might have intended to be a subtle eye roll. Ignoring him, you toss aside an eye roll and proceed. 
“After you left we had another round, but then Jake and Danny wanted to keep going and Sam was talking to some girls, and I was tired so I just went back to my room.” Josh nods along, listening to every word carefully with knitted brows. “When I got back I wanted to shower, I was in there for like.. 10 minutes, until Sam was banging on my door. He had his arm around one of those girls from the bar and was begging me to switch rooms so he could ‘do the dirty’” you made exaggerated quotes in the air with your fingers, “his words not mine.”
He raises his eyebrows at you in delighted confusion. “And why didn’t you tell him to fuck off?” 
“He said he lost his room key.. I just let them in so they weren’t standing in the hall while I put my clothes on, I left them alone for two seconds and they were already making out on the bed!” You’re talking with your hands so animatedly that he watches them fly about with a smirk, it’s a habit of his own that you subconsciously picked up after spending years around him. 
“Okay, okay, but I still don’t get how you wound up at my door.” He bites his lip to stifle his laughter. The weight of the situation isn’t lost on him, but he’s always finding ways to rile you up and poke a bit of fun, you being so organically frazzled probably has him beyond tickled now that he realizes you were never hurt or in danger.  
“I wasn’t about to stick around and watch, Joshua.” He loses his composure at the shrill of your berating tone when you punctuate his name, but you can’t help but chuckle right along. Though you feel foolish, you can’t ignore just how outrageous the whole ordeal probably sounds to him.  
“Can’t say I blame you there.” He wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. “Remind me to tease dear Samuel in the morning, I’m not letting either one of you live this down.”
You jut out your lower lip in a puppy dog pout instead of answering. Though you know he’s trying to make light of Sam and his tomfoolery, the embarrassment that should be all his sits here on your cheeks. Sam would be getting the brunt of the jokes as soon as he’s not underneath his special friend, but still. 
“Y/n, you are the worst negotiator I’ve ever met…” He trails off and shakes his head while searching your pouting features. The corner of his mouth quirks up but he otherwise looks on, it seems like he’s lost in thought, or maybe reading some fine print that’s shown up on your face. It’s safe to assume he’s just trying to hold back all the jokes swimming around in his little Joshua brain that are too harsh to say out loud. 
Josh isn’t known for his self-restraint when it comes to keeping his thoughts to himself, but he’s always been a little more considerate of you and your feelings than he is with his brothers. For that, you’re grateful.
His phone rumbles against the bedside table disturbing his train of thought, you can see from the lit-up screen that he has a text from Danny. When he leans over to retrieve it you take the opportunity to find reprieve in the bathroom.
You puff your cheeks and sigh at your reflection as you stand in front of the mirror. There’s makeup still smudged under your eyes from your shower, your hair has halfway dried in the air making the top frizzy from not being properly treated. The shoulders of your oversized band shirt soaked from where your damp hair sat atop them.
What a fucking headache, you think, as you promise yourself you’ll beat Sam’s skinny ass into next week.
You contemplate whether you could take him in a fight while you turn on the faucet to splash some cold water on your face. Blindly grasping, you reach for the closest towel and use it to wipe the sludge from under your eyes. Slowly, you’re starting to look less unhinged. You flip your hair over and use the towel to dry the ends as much as you can manage, there was no time to blow dry or run any product through it when your nighttime routine had been so rudely interrupted.
Opting not to sleep in wet clothes, you strip off your top and discard it on the floor since you have neither the care nor the energy to fold it neatly. You snatch up a white t-shirt of Josh's that had met the same fate as yours earlier in the night. It fits you mostly fine, apart from your tits filling out the chest. The fabric lies taut against them, and the color of your nipples slightly shows through when you check yourself out in the mirror. Paired with your barely there checkered shorts that allow your ass to peek out the back, you’re barely dressed. 
Fuck it, it is what it is. You regard yourself before stepping back out into the room.
Still palming your hair through what was obviously meant to be Josh’s bath towel, you glance around taking in the room for the first time. The white light cast from the lamp barely reaches halfway across the room, but it’s enough to reveal his suitcase open and slightly picked through at the edge of the bed near where you had dropped your bag carelessly on the floor. The once pristine hotel sheets are drawn back and crumpled, confirming your suspicions that he was already tucked in when you arrived, maybe lightly snoozing with heavy eyelids. An image of the scene playing through your mind pangs that sliver of guilt again that you’re probably inconveniencing him. He would never admit something like that, even if it were true. 
Josh is still cross legged on the bed and immersed in his phone, but something else piques your interest, replacing your previous thought almost entirely. Though Josh’s bed is slept-in, the identical one beside it is entirely undisturbed. Jake still hasn’t returned.
“What do the boys have to say?” You inquire about the text he seems very invested in typing out.
“Hmm?” He hums in response before looking up to where you stand in front of him. Almost as soon as he looks up from the screen, his eyes nearly fall out of his head when he makes direct eye contact with your chest. 
He clears his throat. “I see you changed”
“Yeah, my shirt was pretty wet.” You bite your lip when his eyes linger a bit too long. 
Josh has only looked at you like this a handful of times, in the way he knows he shouldn’t, in the way that friends just don’t look at their friends. Even though he’s only ever dared to look when he thought you were too distracted to notice, you’ve noticed his eyes on you when they should be elsewhere. But this? There’s no escape from this stare down for either of you, and it’s forcing you to look down the barrel of a gun that’s been pointed at you for years.  
“Would you like to borrow my shirt?”
You could pretend not to notice, possibly ignore the situation entirely just as you’ve already done once or twice.  
But where’s the fun in that?
“Yes Joshy, may I pweeeeeease borrow your shirt?” Hopping onto the bed next to him to sit on your knees, a little too exaggerated so your tits bounce more than necessary, you flash your sweetest smile.  
He swallows hard, unable to stop his eyes from losing their focus on your face, but recovers fast. “Of course you can, thank you for asking me first.” 
“You’re more than welcome, dickhead.” You snap back in your best sticky sweet yet sarcastic voice and purse your lips teasingly for good measure.
You’d be lying if you said you had never thought about Josh that way, the idea of him being so desperate to be near you is more than enough to ignite your mischievous side. Without directly asking him there’s no way to be completely sure of your hunch, but you know he’d forgive you if you were wrong.
Bringing the topic back around to your earlier question that he had curved, or maybe forgotten about entirely, you gesture to Jake's empty bed. “Where are the guys? That was Danny, right?”
“Oh yeah, yeah, um-“ He looks away, jostling his curls in the process, and hits the lock button on his phone before setting it facing down on the bedside table. “He just said not to wait up, Jake jumped on stage with the cover band at the bar so they might be out for a while still.”
“Hmm figures, okay.  We should get some rest, you guys have a big day tomorrow.” You can’t help but roll your eyes at the thought of Jake’s ego.  Deciding not to take up any more of Josh's night, you move to make your way over to Jake’s empty bed, but he places a hand on your arm to stop you.  
“Ya know, we should- maybe we should leave Jake’s bed open for him, just in case…” You stare back at him blinking, processing his words and apprehensive expression.  The timid nature he’s using to reach out to you is so unlike Josh, always the confident one. He almost seems embarrassed to be asking.  “...If he stumbles back in here drunk I’d rather have you a safe distance from the fallout.”
You crack a smile. “Okay Josh, for safety.” Your eyes briefly lock before returning to where you previously were sitting.
You clamber up to the head of Josh’s bed and situate yourself under the white sheets as he slides in next to you. The two of you had slept in the same bed plenty of times, so there’s nothing out of the ordinary about it. A platonic sort of intimacy has always existed between you, Josh is very passionate, but you’re in uncharted territory now.  
Somehow, in some way, Josh wants you and there’s no telling where this new development is going to lead.
He flicks off the light, leaving you in pitch darkness when he settles fully into bed. It’s a modestly sized queen, in true hotel fashion so it seems almost accidental when you adjust your position to nudge your backside into him. Your bodies are so ridiculously close without actually touching that you might be sharing a pillow by default. You throw a careless glance over your shoulder to find Josh's hand has been evicted from its resting place and is now hovering somewhere over your waist by default, rigid and unsure of where it belongs.  
“Are you comfortable?” He asks in a jokingly mocking voice. 
“Almost. You can touch me if you want to.” Like a scared animal he relaxes into you, his hand settles just above your hip and brushes over a small section of skin your shirt doesn’t quite cover.
Despite your fight to keep your eyelids from closing, the comforting scent and warmth of the bed welcome you into a dreamless sleep.  
A muffled sound brings you to a hazy state of consciousness. It takes you a moment to come to, but it’s accelerated by a nearly imperceptible rocking motion whose origin you can’t quite discern. The sound repeats, coming from Josh who is stirring behind your back. 
“Um, y/n?” His voice is shaking. 
“Hmm? Everything okay?” Your tone is sweet and melodic, ignorant of the position he’s put you in. Closing the gap between your bodies, you adjust the smallest bit to investigate and firmly socket your backside against him in the process. At the same time, a carnal groan escapes him. Being that you’re still half asleep, the sound throws you off, almost frightening you.  
What’s wrong? Is Josh hurt?
It’s then that he freezes, going stiff as a board when he realizes his mistake, and you realize that Josh has an iron grip on your hip and a fully erect cock nestled between your legs. 
“Oh, god.. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have woken you.. I-I don't know what I was thinking. I’m sorry doll, please go back to sleep.” That panicked voice is back, so sad and filled with shame, you hate hearing it. You hate it so much that you want him to lock it in a box and throw it into the sea. 
He shouldn’t be this scared of me.
“No, no it’s okay, keep going.” You place your hand over his before he can pull it away and guide it across your skin, helping him map the various dips and textures. Underneath the light fabric of your top, his soft hand eventually wanders on its own to find the swell of your breast.
He squeezes carefully at first, testing the waters with increasing intensity, and haphazardly circles his thumb over your nipple, sending shivers and goosebumps all over you as your nerves come alive. You whimper, causing him to freeze yet again.
“Are you sure about this?”
So apprehensive, so worried that he’s offended you, but you know the greedy truth lurking right behind the wall he’s put up to keep you safe. 
“Aren’t you?” Maintaining your position, you slide your tiny shorts down your legs, and barely seconds later he resumes pleasuring himself against you. He moves his free hand from pinching your sensitive nipples down your stomach and into your panties to experiment with the slick that’s grown there.  
“That’s right, good boy.” You rotate your own hips in tandem with his movements so his fingers catch on your clit with each circular motion. 
“Jesus.. fuck. I want you, mama.” 
Something about the way he said it, could have been the pleading desperation in his voice, the hungry bucking of his hips against your ass, or even the way his panting breaths have been radiating over you, but something tells you that what he really meant to say was ‘I fucking need you more than I need air to breathe, and I need you now’.
“Fucking A, Joshua.” You sit up and throw the thin blanket to the side, allowing you to rise to your knees and push him onto his back. There’s no version of this encounter where you’d let him shy away from the reality of it. Everything is out in the open between you, similar to his beautiful exposed cock that’s only visible because your eyes have adjusted to the darkness. You’ve seen it before circumstantially, but years ago when you were both very young. It’s smoother, and much prettier now that he’s done some growing.
Situating yourself over him, you let his member fall flat against his abdomen.  You lower your sopping pussy to grind against it, letting it slot itself between your folds through the delicate lace and Josh’s noises of protest. 
“Come on, Mama.” 
When you divert your gaze to him rather than his cock, ready to scold him for whining, you’re face to face with each other for the first time since falling asleep in his arms. It’s perplexing seeing something so familiar through a different lens, and it’s written all over your faces like a small child seeing Christmas lights for the first time, alert and full of curiosity.
Just above those baby cow eyes, small beads of sweat appear on his brow and his moans have become decidedly more agitated, proving to you that he’s earned his reward. You pull your soaked panties to the side for him but remain hovering just out of reach. “Alright. If you want it so bad, take it.”
He double takes between your face to your cunt like he’s expecting you to cover yourself and say you’re just kidding with him, but when you don’t he accepts your words like a challenge.
Taking himself in his hand, he lines up with your core, only the very tip reaches far enough to dip slightly past the entrance. After so much anticipation he slides in with ease, just a slight lift and he’s falling apart underneath you. He stabilizes himself by holding onto your hips while he brings his own up to meet them. Your moans begin to match his with each powerful thrust straight to your center, and before long he’s struggling to maintain his composure. The pace dissipates, half thrusts start nudging your g-spot as the head slides back and forth stretching your walls. 
“I can’t- I’m gonna cum.” He throws his head back on the pillow with his confession, and you can feel him start to tense as you tighten around him.   
In one final act of mercy, you take over and ride him for a few pumps until your pulsating walls are milking hot ropes of cum from his cock. Even as he doubles over and pulls himself from you, one last shot lands on your own dripping sex. Immediately he reaches for your shirt, pulls it over your head, and uses it to clean up his mess from everywhere it may have landed. 
“I didn’t need the shirt anyway.” You joke as he balls it up and tosses it somewhere on the floor to be thrown in the trash in the morning. He rolls his eyes and pulls you onto his chest while reaching for the blanket to cover your naked bodies. 
“You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that.” He sighs and pulls you down to perfectly settle against his skin. 
“Well.. I have a pretty good idea.”
The sun shone through a slit that the curtains failed to cover directly onto your eyes, slowly bringing you out of a heavy but peaceful slumber. Josh is tucked neatly against your back, arm draped over your waist and one leg tangled between yours. A smile creeps its way onto your face at the position, he always was the cutest sleeper.  
As carefully as you can, you lift the sheet and attempt to shimmy your way out of his grasp. He stirs anyway, and you immediately settle back into his touch, turning to face him as his eyes flutter open. 
“Good morning, sweet girl.” He mumbles almost incoherently, closing his eyes again in favor of the darkness. 
“Good morning, baby. Last night was not very ‘just friends’ of us, was it?” You tease through your smile. 
“What ever do you mean? I always fuck the homies goodnight.” He mumbles again sleepily, but his playful inflection matches yours. 
You giggle and place a peck gently on his lips, leading him to pull you tighter against him, humming in a pleased sort of way. You think he might’ve been waiting for physical reassurance from you that everything is fine, that he could touch you the way he wanted because he kisses you again. 
When you both pull away, he smiles and stretches one arm out with a yawn. “What time is it?” 
You shrug and turn towards the nightstand, reaching out for his phone since yours didn’t make the narrow escape from your hotel room. A double tap on the screen reveals the time to be an hour before his alarm is set to go off.  
“Time for a quickie?” He’s lining up sweet slow kisses across your shoulders and back, and you hum agreeing to his proposition.
You let your eyes linger on the screen and bite back a chuckle when you notice his phone background. He must’ve recently changed it from what was a landscape portrait he took during the last tour to a snapshot you recognize as one taken by Jake outside a bar just the other day when the five of you got drunk in a city you’d never been to before. Sam was in the background yelling at something out of the frame while Danny rolled a joint on the curb, Josh sat next to him and you were lying down on the concrete sidewalk with your head in Josh’s lap. You smiled up at the camera, but Josh smiled down at you. His smile seems to hold new meaning now and that thought quickens your heartbeat faster than you can push it away.
A new text comes through his phone, obscuring the memory. It’s from Danny.
‘How’d it go?’
thank you for reading 
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jamnotjam · 2 years
I have a request.
Seonghwa to me seems the type to use sex as a form of expressing himself to his partner.
Can I please request a dom!seonghwa+ sub!fem reader and Seonghwa proceeds to have needy, desperate sex to 'fuck the pain away'.
Thank you :)
This is cute
tough day
P.SH x F!reader
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Rating: smut, fluff
Word count: 1.0k
Warnings: more plot than porn, unprotected sex, slight manhandling, husband!seonghwa, drinking mention, cum on skin
Requested?: obvi
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you gaze at yourself through the bathroom mirror, dark circles under your eyes that indicate it's time to sleep, your husband still wasn't home, though that isn't out of the ordinary.
he usually has to work overtime, money has been tight for you two, and your stress has been through the roof, you barely see each other anymore.
as you near the end of your nightly routine you hear the front door open and shut a little harder than usual, you peak out the door to the hallway
no response, you frown and spit your toothpaste in the sink before walking to the kitchen.
seonghwa stands at the island, pouring a glass of soju, he looks disgruntled, tie loosened and jaw clenched.
"honey, what's wrong?"
you place your hand on his shoulder, he doesn't answer, he just simply looks down at you, eyes full of sadness and anger.
seonghwa has never been one to show his emotions to you, he wasn't 'cold' by any means, but he doesn't want you to worry about him, but still, you have been able to learn his signs when he gets upset.
he sits at one of the stools and rests his head in his left hand, rubbing the side of his face, you take his unoccupied hand in your own, feeling his cold wedding ring against your warm palm, you tenderly rub his back, he lets out a soft groan.
"seonghwa, talk to me, please"
you beg, becoming increasingly agitated at his lack of response, as he takes a sip of his drink he glances at you
"I got fired"
he mumbles, staring at your intertwined hands, you sigh
he nods, a slight frown on his face, you rub his hand with your thumb
"we'll figure this out, in the meantime-"
you start to get up
"-your stressed, do you want me to run you a bath?"
seonghwa shakes his head, gently pulling you toward him again
"just stay with me, please"
you look at him, his voice has a slight desperation to it that you've never heard before, you nod gently, sitting next to him again.
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he holds your hand inbetween his and rests his forehead against yours, lovingly staring into your eyes, but you cant help but smell the soju on his breath.
"i love you"
he mumbles, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear, you smile lightly
"i love you too"
he chuckles before pecking your lips a few times
"you look pretty tonight"
he says inbetween kisses, along with learning the signs of him getting upset, youve also learned the signs of when he gets horny too, and your starting to pick up on those.
you ask teasingly, he nods, biting lightly on his lip, you smile as he pulls you into a kiss.
seonghwa stands up, lips still attached to yours, he picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist, and carries you to your room, he effortlessly tosses you onto the bed.
you gasp as your back hits the bed, you watch as he starts taking his belt off, the sadness in his eyes turned to lust.
he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed before trapping your lips inbetween his, your lips wrestle for a second, fighting for dominance, he detaches his lips from yours to lift the shirt over your head, admiring your body and only your panties keeping him from the place you need him to most.
he pulls his pants down, his cock straining against his underwear, he feels your wet cunt through you panties
"do you need me to stretch you out, baby?"
he asks, peering into your eyes as he strokes himself though his boxers
"no, please, just fuck me"
now your starting to sound like the desperate one now.
he nods before pulling his cock out of his boxers, he moves your panties out of the way and gathers some of your slick onto his cock.
you look up at him, his ears flushed red and brows furrowed as he pushes into you, both of your heads roll back, mind numbing pleasure filling your bodies, it had been so long since youve done this, so long since you were so close, seonghwa almost wants to savour it, to make love instead of fuck, but hes far too needy right now.
he stills his hips as he bottoms out, watching your facial expression to make sure hes not hurting you.
he slowly snaps his hips back and forth, basking in your warmth
you mutter out as you grip onto the pillow behind your head, he presses his body against yours, hiding his face in your neck and places small kisses on your shoulder, he speeds his thrusts, your moans and skin slapping together fills the room.
"fuck..i-i love you…mmh- love you so much"
he repeats through moans, almost like a mantra
you manage to mumble, he nods, nibbling and biting on your neck
"cum then, baby"
he speeds up his thrusts, pounding directly into your sweet spot.
you scream and cum around him, milking his cock, he groans as he feels you squeezing around him.
he pulls out and looks down at you, rapidly jerking his cock as he chases his own high.
he shoots his load all over your thighs, you moan, feeling his hot liquid hit your skin.
he catches his breath as he looks down at you, his eyes filled with nothing other than love, he smiles lightly and rubs the cum into your skin like lotion.
he gets a few tissues from a box on the nightstand and wipes you and himself off before lying next to you.
you look over at him and gently carresses the side of his face
"feel better?"
he flings his arm over your waist and rubs his face against the pillow
"i love you"
he says again, as if hes worried youll forget, you giggle
"i love you too"
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Sorry this is abit rushed its 5am rn and im very tired
Feeback appreciated!
Request info
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kidrauhlschik · 9 months
Sugar Coating - Lee Felix SMAU
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~ I'll fix it. ~
At one point in time, the two weren't broken.
Things change.
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Seungmin glances down at his phone before looking back up at Chan.
Jisung was right, Chan's hands were covered in blood, his face had blood streaks as if he had been wiping the sweat off his face with his bloody hands, and his clothes seem like they had come out of a slasher movie.
He couldn't answer Jisung's question quick enough, no excuses came to mind. The three men just stared at each other dumbfounded, all caught red handed, for Bang Chan it was literal.
Felix comes running out to find Chris. Jisung takes notice that he is also covered in blood in similar ways to the latter.
"Man, he's losing a lot of blood, I'm getting worried!" He almost yells in a panic before taking note of the two men that look like deer caught in headlights.
"What the hell are they-" He stops himself before questioning him further. "-you know what? I don't give a shit right now. Chris come back; we can't let Jeongin die." He pulls on Bang Chan's arm to lead him back down the hall.
"You two," Chris points at Seungmin and Jisung "don't you dare step a foot outside." and proceed to follow Felix to where he came from.
"Wait!' Han shouts. The two men look at him in annoyance trying to cut this interaction short. However, Seungmin looks at him in shock. "Ji. Don't." He warns.
"I have to." Jisung turned to his friend. "I'm a med student. I'm not sure what you have going on back there, but, no offense, I think I could help a little more than the two of you."
"Jisung what the hell?" Seungmin questions.
"I made an oath" Jisung replies without so much as glancing at his friend.
"You're not even a real doctor yet!"
"Min. Please." Jisung finally looks at his friend with pleading eyes. Even though he wasn't a doctor yet, that is the reason Jisung opted for that career path. He wanted to help people, and from the sounds of it, someone needed serious help.
Chris and Felix glance at each other. They both knew that Jeongin had no chance at making it unless he saw a professional, and at this moment in time, a med student was the closest thing to one that they had.
"Fine, follow us." And with that, Jisung is right behind them running down the hall, with Seungmin not far behind.
The second Jisung walks into the room, he assesses the situation. Jeongin was laid out in a tattoo chair that was laid flat. Changbin was applying pressure to his left shoulder as the kid was moaning and groaning in pain, and Lee know was standing to the side holding a bunch of blood covered rags.
"What happened??" Jisung questions as he keeps looking around the room to see if there were any REAL tools he could use.
"He was shot." Changbin says, with so much going through his head, he doesn't even question their presence.
"How was he- never mind. I need gauze, saline, gloves, and water." Han's hands hover over Changbin's as he debates on what to do next, before noticing that no one has moved a muscle. "NOW!' He yells before everyone springs into action.
The second that gloves are handed to him, he immediately gets to work. "There's too much blood..." He whispers to himself. "Turn him on his side!" He orders Changbin. '"Clean through..." He says when he notices there's a hole on Jeongin's back as well.
"Jeongin. How are you feeling?" He asks him and only receives a groan in response. In a more commanding voice he says, "Jeongin, I need you to stay awake for me, okay? This is going to hurt." Then he begins cleaning the wound area and zones out everything that is going on around him.
Everyone is watching attentively, except for Seungmin. "Why is he not in the hospital?? Is an ambulance in their way?"
"No." Lee Know responds which causes Seungmin to throw his hands in the air. "Why the hell not?! That kid could die!"
"Can you please shut the fuck up for a second? We can have a tea party and chat once your friend saves Jeongin." Felix says without sparing him a second glance. Too concentrated on his friend who is still writhing in pain as Chanbin and Chris try to keep his still.
With that Seungmin grows concerned, "And if he doesn't?" Which caused Felix to chuckle. "He fucking better."
After what feels like an eternity, Jisung steps away while IN is still crying from pain.
"All done" He sighs in relief.
"What do you mean? He's still in pain. Blood is still seeping through!" Chan almost yells.
"You don't particularly have the proper equipment for anyone to treat a damn gunshot wound, nor do you have the medication to keep him from pain. He will survive though. He was really fucking lucky." He says while looking around the room.
"Lucky?! He was fucking shot!" Changbin cries.
"Yes, but the bullet went straight through, barely missing his clavicle and any major arteries, had it been a couple of centimeters in any direction, he would have probably been dead by now. His only real danger was the blood loss, now it's infection, so it's very important that you guys take care of the wound going forward until it is fully healed. He lost a lot of blood, so he is going to be tired. Do not let him go to sleep until he is completely coherent, even through the pain. I'm assuming you guys are not going to the doctor for a checkup any time soon?" Jisung questions and the rest of the men simply glance at each other. All knowing that that is not even an option.
"Alright fair enough. I can ask my instructor why which antibiotics and painkillers he should take. I'll give you my number in case anything happens while I'm gone." He throws his gloves away and inspects his now blood-covered clothes.
Changbin is the first to speak up after a second of awkward silence. "Thank you." He says while keeping his eyes on Jeongin's scrunched up face.
"Yeah. No sweat." It felt like it had been hours since they had arrived. Checking the time, he is shocked that it had indeed been about 5 hours since they left the bakery.
"Yes, sweat! What the fuck is going on here?" Seungmin finally speaks up. Everyone in the room sighs in unison, not wanting to answer Seungmin's questions.
"Don't worry about it. Okay?" Chris answers but that was not enough for Seungmin.
"Don't worry about it?! Your friend was just shot, and you couldn't even take him to a hospital! You guys have receipts of people coming in and out all day of people I know for a fact have not been here! And oh yeah, not to mention... Your friend was fucking shot?!"
"It's better not to ask questions." Felix replies.
"I don't want to hear shit from you. I like you the least in the room."
"Fine. We do some sketchy shit okay? It's better if you don't know about it unless you want to end up like IN here. That's both a warning and a threat." Chris says while mainly talking to Seungmin, still grateful about Jisung saving his friend.
"Let's just get out of here. We'll keep our mouths shut; we just want peace." Jisung says as he makes his way to the door.
"Like hell we will." replies Seungmin outraged by the turn of events.
"I'll make sure he keeps his mouth shut." Jisung says as he drags his friend away. Exhaustion evident in his voice.
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TAGLIST: @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @lixie-phoria @chansducky10 @eastleighsblog @hanniesss @sanriiolino @chrizzlaptop @ashitshowforalot @minhoie @skzofhearts @amesification
A/N: Written part is finally over! Hopefully there won't be any more. Pls don't come at me. I'm not a doctor. also please ignore my typos especially in the messages - let's just pretend that they were texting fast and not that i didnt proofread until it was to late. lol. also omgggg two updates in one day? who is she? - lmk if you want to be added to the taglist! thanks for reading !:)
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bropunzeling · 9 months
pov flip or time after time for the soulmate AU because I'd love to see connor's reaction upon learning that not only is it serious it's a soul bond
Credit where credit is due. Connor doesn't get on Leon for being the second to last one to show up before the game -- Tyson takes care of that, crowing at the bruise above Leon's collarbone -- and he doesn't say anything when Leon drifts towards the center line during warm ups, half to tell Matthew there's no way in hell they're winning and half because it's hard to resist the pull. He just gives Leon an exasperated look, then proceeds to lead the charge in pounding Calgary into the ground.
Matthew's pretty pissed by the end of the game, eyes flashing and mouthguard chomped flat. It's obvious despite the calm, serious expression pasted on his face. Leon could tell even if he couldn't feel the anger simmering a few yards away. He almost wishes Calgary didn't have to fly out tonight, that he could take Matthew home and goad him into some rough, biting kisses, into pulling Leon's hair too hard, into making sure Leon will feel this game a lot longer than he should. It sucks that they don't have time.
That's fine. They play each other in a month. And even if Leon can't touch Matthew again tonight, he knows as soon as the Flames land in Winnipeg Matthew's gonna call him. That no matter how late it is, Leon's gonna pick up.
So Leon doesn't hang around near the visitor's room. He showers and gets dressed and follows the guys out to go get a celebratory drink -- no game for the next three days, a minor gift -- and when Connor sits down at his side, he doesn't jump.
"So," Connor says, taking a sip of his beer. "You and Tkachuk."
Leon takes a sip of his own beer, trying to cover for how dry his mouth has gotten. "Me and Tkachuk."
Connor squints at him. "You said that you're -- that it's serious."
Leon nods.
Connor swivels in his chair, facing Leon full on. It makes the side of Leon's face go hot. "Okay," he says. When Leon glances over, there's a bit of how Connor's always looked when they've talked about this -- exasperation, disbelief, disapproval -- but there's also worry making the corners of his eyes tight. "And like -- you know what you're doing?"
It's that worry on Connor's face, new to Leon -- or perhaps Leon just has never noticed it before -- that keeps Leon from snapping too harshly. "I've told you, Davo. We're not fucking up the team."
"I don't care about the team, dumbass," Connor snaps back. "Or, I mean, I do, but like -- you're not gonna get hurt. Right?"
Leon shakes his head, chewing the inside of his cheek. "No," he says. "No, I don't think so."
When Connor breathes out, his whole body deflates. "Okay," he says. "Okay."
For a moment, their corner of the bar is strangely silent, like they're sitting in a bubble outside the rest of the group.
Leon's the one to break it. "We're bonded."
Connor startles so badly he nearly spills his whole beer. "What?"
In retrospect, there were probably better ways to drop that fact. But like -- he and Matthew talked about it. He wanted to tell Connor soon anyway. He might as well now.
Leon turns in his chair, so that they can talk with their heads close together. Keep this to themselves. "Me and Matthew," he says. "We're bonded. It started a few years ago, but it's only -- last summer we talked and -- yeah. It's -- we're doing it."
Connor blinks at him. "You and Tkachuk."
Leon nods. "Yeah. Me and Matthew."
There's another pause, as Connor stares somewhere over Leon's left shoulder, and Leon tries not to panic. There's no reason to panic.
Then Connor closes his eyes and bursts into giggles. "God," he says, reaching out and clapping Leon on the shoulder. "That makes so much more sense. No wonder you're so fucking weird about him. Fuck."
"Hey," Leon says, even as relief unknots his gut, making him even more light-headed than the beer. "I'm not weird about him --"
"You are," Connor says, eyes cracking open. "You are so goddamn weird about him --"
"Fuck off--"
"You fuck off -- and you're happy?" The change in tone gives Leon whiplash, but Connor's face is open, earnest. No longer tight with disapproving concern. "With him?"
Leon thinks about last night, how Matthew fell asleep with his hand planted on Leon's chest and his lips against Leon's neck. About this morning, when he rolled over and saw the soft expression on Matthew's face as he slept, about the way Leon couldn't stop looking at him. About the connection between them, bright and golden and warm.
"You're happy," Connor says quietly, sitting back in his chair.
"Yeah," Leon admits, unable to keep the bewildered truth of it from his voice, because he is. He really is.
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reijixia13 · 1 year
Treat you better
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Andy Reed x F!Reader x Lee Yau
In where (Y/N) found out that all the dates she's been having with Andy was just a one sided love, And it was to also to waste his Mourn over his rejection he got from Elly.
(Y/n)'s POV
It has been a great while since I started seeing Andy, I've been busy with alot of work in the Mansion taking care of my Chickens, The weeds, The decorations and even at night I have to slaughter every single monnster that was lurking through our town. It makes me tired yes, But a date with Andy always makes me feel better! So Today, I invited Andy to walk around the Town's Peak at 7:30 tonight it's currently 6:50pm
As I was about to walk past the hospital I always see throughout everyday, I bumped into someone causing their files to scatter.
“Couldn't you get even clumsier?”
The Familar voice of Yau was heard, I sheepishly put a hand in my neck.
“Sorry Lee Yau, I was quite lost in my thoughts. Here let me help you!”
I said, I heard him sigh as we proceed to take all the papers before soem of them can fly away and giving it back to him.
“I- What are you even doing here out late?”
I turn to stare at Lee Yau for a moment, Despite the constant hang out we have here and there his turning out to be nicer than I thought, but his concerns are rarely there.
“Oh, I- uhm-”
Before I could even process to talk, Another Familiar Voice called out but it wasn't me.
I quickly walk around Lee Yau, at the sight of the Town Square into view I didn't know Lee Yau was behind me.
“Ugh- Hey! Wait! Where are you going?”
I didn't even want to reply to his words, As I saw Andy and Elly standing there.
“Why is everyone out late-”
I put a hand over his mouth and quickly hide in the bushes dragging him over, As we are neared, I heard it.
Lee Yau's POV
I was dragged into this not because im worried for (Y/N) but because im worried that she's gonna spend all her money into the hospital for exhausting herself so much to the point she's a regular now.
But right now, I don't know why we are here listening to this conversation.
“Elly, I like you”
Andy's voiced ringed in my ear, I turn to look at her, but her eyes are widening and it gloss with tears.
“El, I like you for the longest time. Im always greatful whenever you pass by my Bar to gift me desserts, im always thankful for being your bestfriend but im selfish to ask us to be more..”
As every word Andy had said to Elly, my eyes were scanning through (Y/n)'s expression. Tears spilling through her cheeks, her hands holding onto the quite sobs she's having. I was about to atleast give her something to wipe her tears off, when we heard Elly talking
“Andy.. How many times had you confess?Are you drunk again? I thought you gave up after dating with (Y/n)? You know how many times you would confess and turn down I could take because before Ella likes you, (Y/n) was there to admire you even we we're kids before her parents left. It was a great opportunity as you two we're the closest people this year after she canceled going to the city.”
“But Elly, the one I had been admiring is you! Everytime I go on a day with (Y/n) it felt like im having you with me”
And that was it, (Y/N) stood up to look at Andy as I stand up beside her looking at Elly.
“You.. Andy you drunken idiot!”
(Y/n) yelled before running down town, I reach out to grab her arm but she has gotten strong as she swiped my hand away with force. I turn to Elly who looked in sorrow, I look at Andy to finally notice that he was standing there looking where (Y/n) has dashed away to.
“Honestly, What's your Problem?”
I started.
“L-Lee Yau..”
Elly was holding both of her hands up to try and calm me down, But no I pushed the files I've been holding to for the last minutes and walk to Andy.
“Can't you see (Y/n) genuinely likes you? Don't you know how many guys had been taking an admirable look to her? Do you know how fucking lucky you are to have her!?”
Andy can only look down, He may look mature and tough but whenever his drunk his reckless. That's one thing for sure.
“Lee Yau, That's enough”
Elly middled, Holding to my arm.
“Elly, What is there to be enough of? Is (Y/n) not enough for him?”
I asked Elly, But I was looking at Andy.
“Listen, Yau I like her as a sister. I've been since we've been friends again”
“If it's a sister you see in her, Then a sister she should be to you. For someone who look mature, I thought your responsible enough.”
I turn around before dashing to the direction where (Y/n) left on to, Hoping its the right place as it's getting late.
3rd POV
Elly was about to call out to Lee Yau, as he had dashed leaving his files to her before looking at Andy with softened expression. She walks to Andy and patting his arm.
“Andy, Is (Y/n) just a sister to you?”
She asked, Andy looked at her before Elly sighed and walk past him.
“Its thought you should think of, Lee Yau is right. Your lucky to have her. I'll be going home, have a great evening.”
As Elly was about to walk away, Andy turn to ask her.
“How long had you known she liked me?”
Elly glanced at him before sighing.
“We we're all kids at the time when she lost her parents, Leaving her in the mayor's care. I guess it was the times she actually look at you, at times you were the only one who could talk her out other than the mayor despite her family's closure with the Lee's ”
And that thought, Had leave Andy's head to a million thoughts while watching Elly get to her house.
Now, Lee Yau could be wrong but your favorite ppace was always the beach. He remembered your father finding you passed out in the beach and taking you to the hospital to treat your exhausted figure by his father.
As he neared the beach, A large beetle had block his way of view. Indeed he knew of the monsters that likes to lurk in the dark but HE DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS THIS BIG!
Before he or the beetle could react, A hand took grab of him and the other had took out a sword out and slaughtered the beetle.
“That's the last one..”
Lee Yau saw her familiar hair waving around the windy night, the color of her hair brightining the view waving like the ocean. She turn around to look at Lee Yau.
“What are you doing here Yau?”
Lee Yau dusted off his clothes and reposition himself.
He actually didn't know, But for the fact that his heart beat is throbbing ever since (Y/N)'s frequent visit to him or to the hospital, His mind dizzy from the thoughts of her but Why did he really follow her here?
"Im afraid you'd do something reckless in the late night."
He said that like he wasn't overthinking things, His a pretty great lier. But why won't his idiotic heart stop beating so fast?! Is this even normal for human beings?
"You shouldn't. "
That, His feelings, His mind, His heart stopped for a moment as it ache.
"I can take care of myself just fine, ok?!"
Why? Can't this idiot clumsy girl see his just looking out for her?
"Im just looking out for you, How stubborn can you-!"
A sob stopped his sentence, He stared closely to his once best friend before her parents died. It has been a while since he had seen her cry.
Lee Yau had matured early in his days of dreaming to be his Father, To continue his family business.
But it wasn't a great tragedy to lose one of the people he looks up to. (Father/Name) had teach him alot of things mostly on his days of living, the day of the Fire, The day both of the Adults of the only Mansion Manor in Harvest Town, Died in that tragedy. Leaving their only child alone in the dark as the funeral proceeds.
Everyone gave their greets aand condolences, But they would stare at the young girl who carried nothing but a sorrowed expression.
The LeeFamily had went to give their condolence to the quite girl, But she only stared at them. Lee Wah and his wife can only stare at one another before shaking their heads as they tried to push Yau in her view.
"Why don't you accompany (Y/N) for a while?" Lee Wah said to his eldest son, His son holding a book stared at his father and sighed obliged to his quest.
As he watched his parents go with his brother, He stared at the girl infront of her. She's nothing like the girl he'd seen running around the town getting herself in trouble.
"You seem quite."
"Don't you have a tounge to even reply?"
They stared at one another as the girl sighed continued to stare at the ground, Lee Yau had one thought in his head.
'This girl is really helpless'
Thought, His mind still wondered off, Back to (F/N) as he watched he and his father talked about everything and anything, But the most (F/N) reflect was his Daughter. Her energy. His plans to make her future brighter.
But what he left was nothing what he had said oe what he had seen.
"(Y/N), Have some milk."
Lee Yau's thoughts we're cut off as he stared at his friend, Andy.
(Y/N) can only stared at Andy like how he stared at the Lee's.
'Im telling you she's helpless-'
"There you go-! Feeling a little bit better?"
Lee Yau blinked as the (h/c)-ed nodded her head slowly as a small smile makes its way to her face, an unusual fewling came to his stomach as he saw her smile. It was either his happy to actually see her smile or the fact that smile wasn't for him.
For years she watched her grown into a fine lady, Even with the lost of her parents, he watched her grow and grow hard to work only to leave the town..Leave everyone and leave him.
But one day, She shredded those letters of scholarship and started to retrive what her parents had left. She come and go from the mountains, from the edge of the town, the cave and honestly go everywhere to do a living. To receive money from the town people, And to start a new life.
Lee Yau can only sighed as he walked towards the (h/c)-ed girl taking her face to look into his, only to stare at her tears.
"You shouldn't be crying too much. If you're father had seen this day, I would bet he'd make a large issue from your single tear."
Lee Yau gently but also swiftly wipe a tear out of her cheek and smiled at her, (Y/N)'s eyes sparked as Yau kissed her forehead.
"There's nothing to cry, Now that your here and well. If one doesn't deserve you, Then why wouldn't you give it to the other?"
(Y/N)'s PoV
W-wait what?!
Don't tell me-
"It's crazy to think that I liked you for years."
Lee Yau..
"I watched you come and go, and the only thoughts was to smile at him."
He had been thinking that, Did he?
"I would have treat you better, than he did."
..But he was mean-
"I know I had been harshed with my words, But I hope you'd give me a chance to stand right beside you."
"I'll treat you better."
I smile up at him as he stared down at me, I hugged him nodding.
"I'd like to give you a chance, Yau."
I felt him hugged me back, My smile was over the hills as he spinned me around, The wind following by as I giggled.
"Now, Take a rest from killing of huge beetles before you end up being a regular in my family hospital."
I laughed that off, He followed by as he guided me to sit down beside him at the edge of the sand near the waters.
He pulled me close, As I put my head in his shoulder.
"So mr grumpy had been there for years?"
I teased him as he flinched, He turned his head as I stared up at him, giving me a soft glare and with a roll of an eye he scoffed with a smile.
"Yeah yeah you win now"
The night end with only the two of us, A nice late night moment with Lee Yau.
He did promise to treat me better.
Anyways Hope you enjoy-!
Im for sure making more Harvest Town x Reader because I love Andy. And for sure Lee Yau. Also because I can't mary Andy in the game 👺
There will be a part two lmaoooo
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kraefishh · 7 months
figured i'd post mine and my friends wols on main for the time being while im still stockpiling stuff for when i eventually make that side blog for em
basic stuff is - 1) there's more than one wol 2) by more than one i mean there are seven of them 3) each one/two of them are designated for a specific expansion 4) i have so much stuff planned for them all and have not even finished stormblood (please help me)
also im putting them under a cut so the post isnt naturally extremely fucking long
Alidae Mendica -- ARR WoL. only one without a "traditional" name convention. SMN/MCH/GNB. bloody banquet happened and she got to ishgard and went "NOPE. I'M DONE." and goes and spends most of her time at the skysteel manufactory with garlond ironworks.
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i love her very much she was the first i made. i nearly played an elezen but then really wanted to be small. so after finishing the opening cutscene i restarted and well!! shes here!! shes ready to kick some ass!!!
T'lyr Kho -- 1/2 Heavensward WoLs. is half miqo half garlean, possesses the third eye as well (hence the shaggy hair+forehead coverings). PLD/DRG/DRK/SGE. is never doing well at any given moment. he is (not) coping.
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he's the one who made me spiral and make 3 more characters. i love him so so dearly.
Touya Kawa (@twisted-solace's wol) -- the other Heavensward WoL. WAR/DRG/RPR. the most shy and well spoken but will not hesitate to cleave you. works himself to death (quite nearly literally!).
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i wish i had more to say about him other than he is very silly. him and t'lyr picked up lancer as a bonding experience and then got roped into dragoon lore (whoopsie!!)
Koren Cadoret -- 1/2 Stormblood WoLs. has 1v1'd Zenos too many times to count. very very protective of his sister and friends. MNK/SAM (plus blue mage and soon to be viper!!).
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I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM!!!! punch first ask questions later. wants to be everyone's friend. separation anxiety got his ass in shadowbringers cause he was the last wol to be summoned to the first.
Raana Cadoret -- the other Stormblood WoL. took her brother and left her village the moment she was declared to be the next matriarch. DNC/AST/RDM. likes to give koren shit about his poor decisions.
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she makes me go :) !!!!! we really cant decide if she picks up astrologian on the first or if she does it beforehand.
Sthallona Dhemskyltwyn -- 1.0 WoL and also Shadowbringers at the same time?? shes going through it. WHM/BLM. grew up the daughter of a famous pirate. Thancred's childhood best friend.
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feigned death after the calamity until she gets pulled to the first and is like "AH SHIT. HERE WE GO AGAIN." she gives me perhaps the most brainworms.
Sarangerel Malqir (@trying_to_cosplay on insta's wol) -- Endwalker WoL while also being a whole can of worms by herself. was her universe's only WoL before shit collided in shadowbringers and she met everyone else
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the love of my life-- ahem. currently only Warrior canonically because my friend is not even halfway through ARR. very much younger sibling energy to the rest of the scions/wols.
last notes - 1) t'lyr and touya are gay (lovingly referred to as 'the boyfs' by me and @twisted-solace) touya nearly fucking dies for t'lyr and t'lyr proceeds to go oh wait fuck i dont want to lose you. normal shit for their line of work. 2) koren canonically says "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" to zenos. and zenos proceeds to get very confused. zenos isnt even who he ends up with koren just likes fucking with him. 3) raana went through 4 different wol/npc ship ideas before we finally landed on hien. that was hell. 4) alidae and cid are best friends!! stamp of approval right here!!! alidae also hates nero's guts. 5) if biggs and wedge (who i lovingly refer to as the 'lab boys') are around, alidae is not far behind. 6) alidae was named before i realized there was a character named alisaie. this is canonically a struggle for everyone. 7) sthallona swam her ass to sharlayan upon realizing that thancred had been taken under louisoix's wing. insert LET ME IN. LET ME IIIIIIN gif here. she wrote a thesis on how to combine conjuring and thaumaturge magic before ever knowing what a red mage was. (she is very stupid but also unnaturally smart). 8) t'lyr can't use magic. point blank. his third eye fucks that up for him. only reason he can be a Sage is because the magitek does it for him. on the bright side he's really good at parkour!!!
anyway if you got down this far thank you for looking at my blorbos. i am working (not very) hard to get that sideblog set up for these weirdos. i appreciate them very much they consume my every waking thought.
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lizzzylovee · 1 year
Eywa’s Vision
Chapter 1: Arrival
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Summary : “Born with the ability to receive visions of the future, Kani must choose to abandon what she knows to aid in Navi that she's never met.“
Authors note: Hello! Just wanted to start off by saying that this the first thing I have ever wrote before lol. I have fallen in love with the Avatar Movies, and after binge reading I realized I wanted to attempt to do it.
Story starts off with the original characters in Home Tree, the sky people haven't returned yet, and all the characters are aged up by 5 years! I will be going more by Navi standards as best as possible. There will be mature contents, but each chapter will be labeled appropriately as possible. There will be a mix of languages, and I will try my best to be as distinctive as possible lol.
*This will most likely be more slow burn than not, I don’t want to rush the story line as much I really want to lol. Eventual smut*** If you see this on Wattpad I have also posted it there under the same tag.
WK: about 3k ish?
CW: cursing, Neteyam being in love struck awe lol, nothing really in this chapter
Chapter 1: Arrival          Chapter 2: Story Time  
The jungle hummed with life. Through the tall treetops, light seeps through, basking the ground with a peak from the light above. Even with the peaceful feeling, it traps you into a sense of safety.
Crouching down, he looks through the foliage, eyes tracking it's movement. Taking slow breathes, he maneuvers into position, knee bent while kneeling on the ground. Bow grasped tightly in hand, sure movements notches the arrow. With one last inhale, he draws the bow, clenching his core, and with one final glance, he releases.
As the arrow soars, it meets it's final destination, straight into the eyes of the unknowing Yerik.
With a roll of his eyes, he can't help but smirk at the praise of his companion.
"You know bro, one day you too might have a chance of being as good as me."
Spiders smile falls, only to proceed to roll his eyes, and flip off his friends back as he goes to pray over his kill.
"We both know I would kick your ass if I was Navi. Besides, why go hunting if the hunting party already left?"
Lo'ak proceeds to bind his kill, securing the feet together for easier carrying on the way back.
"Because if I show up empty handed, my parents might actually disown me."
"What did you do this time?"
Biting his lip, Lo'ak spares Spider a glance over his shoulder.
"I may or may not have forgotten to watch Tuk, leading her to paint a family portrait on the tent.."
With a baffled look, Spider could only gawk at his friend, watching as he puts the final ties to together.
"And hopefully with my peace offering, my dad might actually rethink the 'life sentence' and take me off cleaning duty."
"Fat chance, but I hope it actually goes well! Kiri's been holed up in the Tsahik tent, last thing I need is my other friend being punished to death." Spider slides down from his watching post, kicking at the grass.
"Other friend, since when did she replace my spot as the best friend?" Lo'ak looks at him, eyebrows furrowed, hand to his chest with mock hurt over his face.
"Oh shut up, let's go home." Spider rolls his eyes, glancing down at the floor, trying his best to get the heat from his face. Lo'ak can only laugh at his friends' inability to admit the truth of his feelings, even though he knows that nothing can come about it. With the raise of his hand cupping the side of his mouth, he makes the sound to call out to his Ikran.
"You know bro, maybe you should go for one of the older scientist." Lo'ak replied with barely hid mirth.
"You're fucking disgusting."
With a final laugh, Lo'ak drags his kill to his Ikran, anchoring it around onto it, giving a few tugs to test it's security.
"Come on bro, we gotta head back before dinner, I don't want to wake up dead before tomorrow."
"You do realize you can't wake up dead right?" Spider clamors on, smacking Lo'aks attempt to assist.
"You act like you've never met my mother." Swinging his body over, Lo'ak climbs on behind Spider, and after making tsaheylu, the Ikran takes off with a final screech.
Growing up, Lo'ak always dreamed of the day of owning his own Ikran. Flying through the sky with no care of living up to expectations and having the ability to pretend to be who he wants. After his first failed attempt, which he tries his best not to think on, flying came so naturally that it allowed his mind to blank.
Flying back to Home Tree, first glances at the kill he was hauling for his family, and then to Spider to make sure he was secure, though he would never admit due to knowing how Spider would get if he felt like he couldn't keep up with the 18 year old Navi male.
With the wind hitting his face, he looks far ahead to watch for Home Tree to come into the horizon line, making the appropriate turns needed to avoid floating mountains around. Closing his eyes for a second while leaning his head back, he mentally prepares for this peace to end when he comes back home. With opening eyes, his breath catches in his throat at the sight before him.
8 Ikrans, all in a variety of colors, flies just left above them, flying in a distinct, formation. With an open mouth, Lo'ak gawks at the sight in front of him, having to make a conscious effort to close his mouth, least he wants something fly into it. With a titled head, he he squints at the sight, attempting to make sense of what he was seeing.
After carefully peering at the Ikrans, he realizes that it isn't the Ikrans that is causing his sudden heart spike and confusion, it is the way the riding Navi the Ikrans are dressed. Wraps of colorful fabric cover them, unlike the clothes adorned from his clan.
Without taking his eyes off the unfamiliar flock in his sights, he reaches for the throat comm, pressing two fingers to the button on the side.
"Devil dog, I have my sights on some Ikran riders."
"Send your traffic."
"It looks like Navi, but they aren't dressed like anything I've seen before. And they seem to be heading to Home Tree."
"Copy, do not engage. Get home as soon a possible, no interacting."
"Copy that Sir."
"I mean it boy, no fucking around."
With a roll of his eyes,  Lo'ak urges his Ikran to fly faster,  as the group above seem to have moved expertly through floating rocks, moving as one unit, leaving Lo'ak and his carriage behind. Having set his mind to the task, Lo'ak locks eyes on his unknown enemy, causing Spider to sputter out curses, in the attempt to hold on.
Home Tree has always seemed to have a certain buzz to it, with all it's inhabitants busy with village life, doing what it expected to help aid the clan having a sustainable life. Excusing himself from the hunter's party, leaving his subordinates with the task of cleaning and appropriately readying the day's kill for the cooks, Neteyam seeks out his father to report the day's happenings when a sudden comotion causes the clan to become on uproar.
Attempting to make sense of what was going on, Neteyam frantically looks around, trying his hardest to find the source that started the sudden defenses.
"They're at the check points!"
Wide eyed and erect ears, Neteyam tries in the gentlest of ways to make his way through the crowd. Knowing it was of no use to radio his father, at least with the yells from around, all he could do was make his way to the front of the crowd, knowing where the choas orginated,  his father was already there to contain it.
Swinging his bow over his shoulder, he makes way through the crowd, being internally grateful that being the Olo'eyktan's first son made the clan members aware of just who was bypassing them, almost opening a way for him to make his way through the ground level of Home Tree. After passing by higher level Navi in the clan, the sea of bodies opens up to a sight that instantly puts him on guard.
8 Ikrans. 8 Ikrans that  land side by side in the clearing. The animals are restless, screaming and screeching in their language, shifting   around on the ground, irritated by the warriors that surround them, sharp spears and bows drawn. Warriors cry, with mother's clutching onto children that seem to be overly curious at the sight in front of them.
Keeping his eyes on the sight in front of him, with him slowly circling his way to the front, Neteyam was so focused on the unknown sight that he almost missed the sight of his baby brother hastily landing his Ikran a ways away, only to fall face first into the ground due to his uncoordinated pace of trying to get off the beast. With a minute shake of his head, he refocused on the intruders, catching the sight of his fathers back making way, with his mother only a few paces behind. Following in line with his parents, he swiftly takes his bow off, hand reaching for the arrow on his person, absently mindlessly notching the arrow, muscles tense.
With a raised hand, the clan leader calms the uproar cries of the clan, all falling silent, only for whispers to muttered, in respect of the chief's orders. With a glance to the crowd forming around, the leader makes way around the warriors, stopping in the middle of the odd dressed intruders still perched on their rides. With each step closer, the whispers die down, anticipation rising in the air, almost suffocating.
"State your business!"
With the roar only a seasoned leader possessed, it seamed as if it had gotten impossible quieter, with clan moving restless against one another, intently watching for the intruders next move.
With slow, but sure movement, the rider situated towards the middle made movement to descent off the Ikran. Moving with grace that isn't known in such a tense situation, the small form touches down. Clothed with colorful wraps around head, face, and body, with only the ability the see into the intruders eyes through the riders mask, the unknown figure makes way to the leader, in calm, sure footed steps, raising a hand to take off the riders mask.
With unblocked eyes, Jake Sully allows himself to survey the figure in front of him. Keeping mind of his mates hand on his shoulder, he notices a distinct feature on the figure, that while it may put his clan in an defensive state of mind, only cause curiosity to bloom in his chest. Instead of the normal Navi feature of only having 3 fingers, the Navi in front possess the same amount that him and two of his children have. With gears turning in his head, he comes back to present day with said figure gestures their fingertips from their forehead down, signing 'I see you'.
Straightening their back, the figure locks eyes on the clan lead, and with a voice clear in the Navi Language, "I see you, Jake Sully. I apologize for the intrusion, but there are matters that I must speak with you on."
With a mind and body that seems on autopilot, almost as if he is having an out of body experience, Neteyam brings up the back of the group of foreigners, watching as the strange Navi follow almost single file after his dad, with a couple of them clustered together, limbs clenched together as much as the cloth around the bodies allow. Doing his best to keep a close eye, he ignores the stares and whispers of the passing clan members. Due to his height, which almost passes his father at this point, Neteyam adjust his eyes to look further, able to spot his father leading the group to the large meeting tent, mostly used to gather warriors and to hold meetings. He spots his mother walking tensely by his father, muscles tight and an aura that would let anyone know of her mood.
Walking in almost a daydream like state, a hand clamped down on his shoulder, ripping him from his inner observations. Turning to look at the offender, Neteyam could only shake his head at the sight of his younger brother.
"Bro what the fuck is going on?!" Lo'ak tried as best as possible to keep his volume under control, he did, but when one of the foreigners ears swiveled their way, Neteyam was aware that their conversation was not a quiet as his brother believed, regardless with it being in English.
"You know as much as I do, and still you ask this question? Learn to watch before you speak and you will understand much sooner baby brother." Neteyam hissed back, only giving a spare glance at the human that tried his best to keep up with the longer legged Navi.
Slipping his hand off his brother's shoulder, Lo'ak resigned himself to walk behind Neteyam, knowing that while he may sound rude, he was right in the lack of knowledge.
Coming up on the Warrior's tent, the flap was opened, with his father gesturing the inside. A fire was lit in the middle, casting a more ominous glow. Looking around, Neteyam noticed a handful of his fathers warriors inside, weapons drawn tight in their hands, outline the edge of the tent, barely noticing the glare his father sent to his brother, with the promise of punishment if he acted out of turn. The flap was then closed, closing off the rest of the village, leaving his parents, Lo'ak, and warriors surrounding them, as the foreigners huddled together, kneeling down on the ground, with what it seemed to have their legs tucked under their body.
The one that had spoke with his father prior sat on the front, the rest nestled behind, all stilled wrapped in clothes, with a few holding tight as if the wrap was a form of protection, instead of privacy. With his father turning to look at the group, absentmindedly paying attention to his mother pacing with agitation behind, he takes a last glance and addresses the group.
"Who are you, and where are you from?" Jake spoke in Navi, voice unwavering despite the tension around. After a passing second from the group, the figure in front makes the move to first remove the wrap around their head, causing the cloth from her nose down to fall, revealing their face. Neteyam's eyes widen, not realizing that the cause of so much commotion in his clan, was actually the most stunning woman he has ever seen. Roaming his eyes, he took in every feature.
She had long dark hair, way longer than the women in his clan kept theirs, with half her hair up, secured by what seemed to be a tie with crystals on it. Looking through the hair that framed her face,  he took in her facial features, noticing bright eyes rimmed with black, down to her nose, with a half crescent object hanging from her nose. Her ears were pierced in a similar fashion to his mothers, with feathers looped through and hanging through them. Her neck was adorned with a neck piece, though it was not in a similar fashion found in his clan. It was adorned with crystals, their reflections bouncing from the light caused by the flickering fire in front. His eyes caught the hair above her eyes, similar in the way he has seen on his dad, brother or sisters face. High cheekbones framed and shaped her face, leading to a relaxed facial expression, as if she was unaffected by today's turn of events.
While lost in his thoughts, he was seemingly broken out of his spell when she opened her mouth.
"While I understand the reason for warriors to be present, I do believe this conversation would be best handled with as much privacy as possible."
Everyone in the room froze.
Not for the words actually spoken, but for the language she replied in.
"How the fuck does she know English?"
Well there’s part one! Hopefully you guys like it! I will try my best to attempt to keep everything organized, but Imma be honest, idk how to tf to put stuff together when it comes to links lol. Once again, there will be eventual smut, just gotta set the mood lmfao. Thank you so everyone that took the time to read! Also if you ever curious about the OC characters and how the family dynamics works, hopefully this guide helps lol.
Youngest Daughter
Kekunan Clan
Oldest brother
Mate: Tal'i (22)
Kekunan Clan
Older sister
Mate: Tsuten (21)
Kekunan Clan
Youngest brother
Kekunan Clan
Best friend
Kekunan Clan
Mai's younger brother
Kekunan Clan
_____Other Characters____
Neteyam- 19
Hopefully that answers everything!
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loominggaia · 5 months
Sneak Peak: Agony Awakens
I don't usually do this, but since it's been so long between story entries, I'm going to post an excerpt from the beginning of the next World of Looming Gaia story!
Keep in mind that this is a very early draft, so there are plenty of mistakes, pieces missing, and a lot of text will probably change between now and the final draft.
I just want to post something so you guys know I haven't just been twiddling my thumbs this whole time...I've been super busy with general life stuff, but also cramming in creative work whenever I can.
CONTENT WARNING: Graphic depictions of violence and gore. Animal abuse. There is one brief mention of sexual assault. Body horror scenarios. Proceed at your own discretion...this story is about the Divine of Hate and his cult, so it's much darker than usual.
I will post the excerpt under a cut:
AUTUMN, 6007
The camel’s legs quaked with every step. Each heavy breath rattled out from its lungs as it scaled the next dune, but it never made it to the top. The beast collapsed on its side with a long, low groan.
Its goblin master collapsed with it, tumbling off its back and into the sand. This goblin was short and frail in stature, typical of his kind, though he was impossible to identify as a goblin behind the cloth garments covering him from head to toe. His head wrap left only his eyes exposed, and they were wide with anger at the animal before him.
The goblin clumsily rose to his feet and snatched the switch off his belt. He whipped the camel with it over and over as he spat, “What do you think you’re doing? Get up, you worthless beast! I didn’t spend the last twelve days questing across this godforsaken desert, just so you could give up and die in the middle of it! Back on your hooves, damn you!”
All his curses and abuse were in vain, for the camel was simply too weak to go on. With the last of its energy, the animal raised its head and spit in its masters face one final time.
The goblin reeled back in disgust. He wiped the thick, reeking mucus from his eyes, and when he opened them, he found the front of his garments sprayed with blood. The camel stared back at him, red drool oozing from its panting mouth.
The goblin quaked with rage. He raised his switch and snarled, “You wretched fucking–” but before he could bring it down, the camel’s head hit the sand.
It could take no more of this miserable journey. It was dead.
The goblin let out a furious wail and began kicking the animal’s corpse. He cursed it for having the gall to die out here, for he knew that his own death would surely follow.
He was twelve days deep into the most barren, most treacherous reaches of the Serkel Desert. These were the so-called Wretched Lands, a region which had been corrupted by the notorious Cult of the Crescent.
It was a place where no peoples dared to tread, but were instead dragged here by foul creatures, kicking and screaming towards their demise. Yet this little goblin had cast his fears aside and ventured here willingly, for he was driven by overwhelming greed for a powerful artifact.
The cult had drawn him in with promises of power, but this goblin felt this position as another faceless grunt was beneath him. No, he was never destined to serve as a footsoldier.
He was Prince Tep, and he was destined to rule as a king.
Breathless, Tep looked down at his dead camel in dismay. How dare this beast stand between him and his throne, he thought, though he was hardly surprised. The gods had been slapping him down for years. Even they feared what he would become if he succeeded in his quest, and the very thought pushed Tep onward through each miserable setback.
There was no sense in giving up now. He set out to this horrid place to find an ancient artifact, and now his only options were to succeed or die trying.
The sun was beginning to set. Soon it would grow dark and bitter-cold, and no longer would the camel’s body warm him. Tep decided he would take everything he could from the corpse and continue his quest on foot.
He opened one of his empty canteens and dropped to his knees beside the camel. He squeezed its shriveled teats, but not a drop of milk came out.
He cursed the animal again under his breath, then drew a dagger from his belt and made an incision on its neck. Thick, frothy blood oozed slowly into the container. The beast was so dehydrated, even its blood wasn’t fit to drink. He had already pushed the creature to its limit and taken it for all it was worth.
Tep felt no gratitude towards the beast for all it had sacrificed for him. In fact, he was insulted that it had not given him more.
He spent much time painstakingly sorting through the gear that was strapped to the camel’s back, deciding what to burden himself with and what to sacrifice to the desert..
Eventually the sky turned black, and all Tep had to show for his efforts was a big mess. He was exhausted, and he realized he could not travel during these dark hours. Monsters prowled the desert at night, so it was best to lay low until morning.
He pitched a simple tent near the camel and crawled inside. Goblins could not eat meat, so the corpse was no use to him. But perhaps it would attract buzzards by morning, and he would follow them back to the nearest water source.
The night dragged on, and at the darkest hour, the corpse indeed attracted attention. Not from a buzzard, but from a creature far more menacing.
Tep snapped awake at a strange sound from outside his tent. He heard many footsteps dragging through the sand, perhaps a group of 3 or 4 people, followed by a loud rustling.
Cautiously he peeked through the leather flap, and under the moonlight he could just barely make out a large silhouette looming over the dead camel. Whatever it was, it had many legs and great, curving horns sprouting from its head. It poked at the camel and flipped its heavy corpse over like a ragdoll.
Tep froze. He realized this creature was a skorpius; loathsome, bloodthirsty monsters that served the Divine of Hate. Their shape was that of a giant scorpion, with a man’s chitinous torso sprouting from the neck like a centaur, and great serrated pincers for hands.
What was it doing so far out in the desert, where there were no beasts to feed on and no women to defile? Tep hadn't seen a single face since he set out over a week ago. He thought himself clever, thought he could avoid the Divine of Hate's abominations if he just traveled barren paths…
That damned camel had betrayed him yet again!
The skorpius began ripping into the corpse with its crab-like claws. Between loud squelches and cracking bones, Tep seized his opportunity to sneak out of the tent.
He grasped his magic wand between his teeth, hoping he would not have to use it as he silently crept away on all fours. The skorpius never noticed as he obscured himself behind a shallow sand dune.
Tep listened closely, long ears twitching at each foul noise the monster made. He heard its teeth gnashing through flesh and bone for some time. Then, he dared to peek over the dune and saw the skorpius snooping through his tent.
Tep winced, watching helplessly as his tent was torn apart and cast aside like trash. One of his canteens was crushed, rations flung, clothes torn…
“Just leave already!” Tep mouthed through his teeth, stomach turning with fear and anger. If this skorpius was a simple gang of bandits, he would have killed them already.
But no, loathsome as they were, the skorpius were all children of Mankind's Disgrace, the Divine of Hate. An attack on a skorpius was an attack on the entire Cult of the Crescent, and it was not Tep's goal to make an enemy of them. Quite the contrary, he was determined to become their greatest hero!
He did not know how this monster would react if he showed his face. Skorpius were stupid creatures,  always eager to spill blood before asking questions. Their bloodthirst gave them a bad reputation for slaughtering their own allies in battle just for thrills.
So, Tep decided to keep his mouth shut and his face hidden while the skorpius raided his camp. Once it lost interest in the tent, it hoisted the camel carcass over its shoulder and began to leave.
There was no time to pack. Tep had no choice but to follow the monster with nothing but his wand in his hand and the cloth garments on his body. 
He followed at a great distance, concealed by the wind and darkness. He lost sight of the skorpius every time it disappeared over a dune, but when Tep reached the top after it, the other side was bathed in moonlight, exposing a trail of camel blood.
The trail led him back to the skorpius, and after some time, the skorpius led him to an unassuming structure jutting up from the sand, no taller than a man.
From a distance, it just looked like a pile of boulders. The desert was full of them, the last remaining bones of ancient mountains. But as Tep moved closer, he realized these were not natural stones. They were once great pillars, now broken into pieces and worn by sand and time.
The skorpius disappeared somewhere in the ruins. Tep proceeded cautiously, squinting in the darkness. The land suddenly felt solid beneath his booted feet, and he realized he was standing upon a stone floor concealed under a thin layer of sand.
Suddenly he heard a skittering sound against the stone. Tep crouched behind a collapsed pillar and peeked around it. There was the skorpius again, making its way towards the remains of an old doorway. It disappeared into the deep, inky blackness of a stairway, its many footsteps fading into silence.
Tep waited. Once he was sure it wasn't coming back, he crept out from his hiding place and approached the doorway himself. The crystal end of his wand lit up like a star, and he raised it high to illuminate the ruins.
The pillars were once decorated with intricate carvings, and the doorway once resembled the screeching maw of a roc. But years of neglect and exposure had worn these details down, and given just a few more decades, Tep assumed they would disappear completely.
He spared a moment to examine the site, padding silently over the stone floor. Even by the light of his wand, he couldn't quite make out the old carvings. He was so focused on them, he did not notice the little hazard he was about to step on.
Tep hissed with fright when something clamped down on his boot. The wand flew from his hand and clattered many paces away. He lunged for it, but something was holding him back, and he could not identify it in such darkness. Whatever it was, it had a death grip on his foot.
In a moment of panic, Tep opened his palm and let a spell burst forth. The ruins flashed with red light as flames blasted from his hand and ignited his own boot.
Whatever grabbed him suddenly released him with a rasping scream, like steam escaping a teapot. Tep scrambled backwards, extinguishing his boot with one hand and swiping his wand with the other.
He pointed the wand at the ground before him. It illuminated a strange sight; what he could only describe as a fleshy mouth in the sand. It was no larger than his own mouth, but full of sharp teeth like that of a wolf.
The mouth opened and closed, whining in agony. Its flesh was burned. Tep's jaw dropped, green face blanching when he realized what he'd just done.
He had attacked one of Disgrace's children!
Wet, gnashing sounds swelled up around him. Tep swept his light over the area, and only then did he notice dozens more mouths in the sand. They snapped their jaws wildly, as if agitated by his presence.
These ruins were infested by Disgrace's unholy children. That's how Tep knew he was on the right track.
The goblin stood up, treading very carefully around them. He'd caused enough of a ruckus here. It was time to venture inside this lair and find out if it was, in fact, the place he'd spent all these years searching for.
His wand lit the way down the stone steps, though its light did not stretch far. Tep kept one hand pressed to the wall as he descended, ready to bolt back outside at the first sign of danger.
A faint sound was echoing from the distance, like rending meat. The skorpius must be eating its prize, thought Tep, proceeding cautiously. He killed his light as he reached the bottom of the steps, for there was another light source creeping in from around the corner.
Tep arrived at an archway, and through it was a large stone chamber. The ceilings stretched up into darkness, the entire room illuminated by a single pedestal in its center. Upon the pedestal was some kind of staff, standing erect and emitting an ominous, pulsing red light.
It was rather far from the stairs. Tep couldn't make out the details of the staff, but what he could see clearly was the hulking skorpius dragging the camel corpse towards the center of the room.
Five open mouths surrounded the pedestal, much like the ones outside, though these specimens were large enough to swallow a man whole. And that they did, for laying within each one was a humanoid person; all so twisted and decrepit that Tep could not tell if they were human, elven, or goblin.
If it weren’t for their squirming and muffled cries, Tep would have thought they were dead. But these poor souls were indeed alive, trapped in the jaws of these monsters by hundreds of little barbed tendrils on the tongue.
These mouths were known by many names. Tep always knew them as “agony cradles”. He had seen many juveniles in his day, but never mature specimens like this, with victims in their jaws.
They sprouted from fleshy stalks erupting right through the stone floor, roots spreading out and tangling with each other in a red mass of meat. It looked as if they were planted here intentionally and cultivated for many years.
The meat formed a ring around the pedestal, and the skorpius walked its outer perimeter as it began ripping limbs off the camel, one by one. A hind leg was torn off effortlessly and dangled above one of the open mouths.
The agony cradle lifted its tongue, raising its squirming victim high as more tendrils crept out of its throat and snatched the leg. They churned and shredded through the meat like barbed wire, excess blood and viscera dribbling onto the bloodstained stone around its roots. Within seconds, the leg disappeared and the victim was lowered back into their cradle of teeth.
Tep watched, intrigued, as the skorpius fed a limb to each of the monsters. The fifth and final one received the torso, and then the skorpius disappeared through another dark doorway.
Its skittering footsteps faded away somewhere deeper into the lair. Tep's gaze flicked back to the five busy jaws and the unattended pedestal. If there ever was a time to snatch that staff, that time was now!
The goblin crossed the chamber with quiet haste. Dark energies pulsated from the staff, making his head throb harder the closer he got to it. He stopped just outside the ring of fleshy roots, staring in awe.
His mouth twisted into a big grin, spreading ear-to-ear. “Yes! This is it!” he hissed. He carefully stepped over the roots, reaching out for the staff as if it were a long lost lover. “I've spent decades searching for you! You're even more magnificent than the texts describe…”
The staff was as long as he was tall, a thing not of wood, but of gnarled flesh and bone. Its end resembled the mouths around it, and clutched between the jagged teeth was a red crystal, glowing bright.
Tep stepped closer, wincing in pain. He took another step onto the base of the pedestal and the pain only intensified, spreading throughout his body as if his blood had become magma.
A cry escaped him as he stumbled backwards, clutching his aching head. A careless move, for he tripped over the fleshy roots. He flailed, nearly falling into one of the mouths.
He grasped its long teeth and quickly pushed himself away just before the creature snapped its jaws.
Tep stood out of reach, panting heavily with a hand pressed to his racing heart. His quest nearly ended right then!
Hundreds of thin, red tentacles squirmed out from around the tongue, searching for the prey that teased it. They could not reach Tep where he stood, so they slowly retreated back.
Tep stared at the vile thing as he caught his breath. One careless step could mean death…or worse. Needless to say, he did not envy the writhing victim in its jaws one bit. That wretch had probably been there for decades…
In the wild, agony cradles used victims as lures to draw more prey to them. But why would these specimens have lures if they were tended by the skorpius?
Tep's gaze fell back on the monster's roots, following them to the red mass that creeped up the pedestal. It seemed that the agony cradles were connected to the staff somehow.
One thing was certain: the staff itself was radiating agony. It was overcharged and its energy was highly unstable. Tep tried once more to approach it, but he staggered back yet again, for the pain was too much to bear. It was like a wall, separating him from the staff by an arm’s length.
If he could just bear the pain long enough to close that distance, the staff was his. Tep sucked in a deep breath, bracing his feet flat on the floor. He stared at the tantalizing artifact, its pulsing red light casting his face in bold shadow.
On the count of three, he lunged forth and leaped onto the pedestal. Both hands gripped the staff, but not for long.
It singed his palms like molten metal, sending lightning through his veins. Tep's scream echoed through the chamber, and then ended abruptly with a bright flash of light.
The staff sparked violently. In that instant, Tep was flung across the chamber and the five agony cradles began to writhe and screech.
Three of them gnashed their teeth, violently shredding their tongues and killing their lures. One lashed its tongue and flung its lure against the wall. The decrepit victim splattered on impact.
The last agony cradle thrashed around madly, as if trying to uproot itself. It did not succeed. Rather, it tore its own stalk and collapsed, spilling its guts and its lure on the floor.
Tep opened his eyes just a moment later. He found himself laying on his back all the way in the corner of the vast room, and his body ached as if he'd been trampled by a herd of camels.
He sat upright and shook his dizzy head. Slowly the scene before him came into focus: he saw five eviscerated agony cradles and one perfectly in-tact staff, now lying sideways against the pedestal. It had been knocked from its stand, but otherwise looked no worse for wear. Its crystal was still glowing bright.
Tep quickly patted down his body, searching for injuries. All his limbs were present, and though his garments were drenched in blood, none of it was his own.
He rose to his feet. He could have--probably should have--just walked out of here with his life. Yet his greedy heart was still calling him to the staff, even after it nearly ripped him apart.
This problem was never mentioned in any of the texts he studied. Surely there must be a way for him to walk out of here with that staff, he thought, because he already decided that leaving without it was not an option.
He had come too far to give up now. His reward was so close and yet so far, within his reach and yet untouchable.
Something tugged at his clothes. Tep jumped with a fright and whirled around, but quickly realized this was not a threat.
Apparently, one of the decrepit wretches had survived. He–or she? It was impossible to tell their species, let alone their sex, for the agony cradle had deformed their shape into something resembling shriveled jerky. They were a grayish, emaciated creature with the faintest strands of hair upon their head, and big, bloodshot eyes perpetually glistening with tears.
Aside from eyes, there were no other features upon their face. Tep saw remnants of what was once a mouth, now sealed by a membrane of wrinkled skin.
The creature shambled closer to Tep on misshapen legs. It reached out to grasp his clothes again with its equally misshapen hand, but the goblin would not allow it.
“Get off me, you wretch!” he spat, jerking back in disgust. He slapped the pitiful creature to the floor before storming towards the staff. He felt its repulsive energy pushing him away again, stronger and stronger as he drew near.
He stopped just outside the ring of roots, which had all ruptured into slick red ooze, and pulled the cotton wrap off his face. He instead wrapped it around his hand before reaching for the staff.
It did nothing to protect him. As soon as the cotton made contact with the artifact, a jolt of intense pain sent Tep staggering back.
No matter, he thought, for he still had some tricks up his sleeve. He tried to lift the staff with a telekinetic spell. The spell seemed to reflect, and Tep was launched backwards.
Then, he casted a botanical spell at the floor. Dormant spores suddenly came to life, and long, fungal tendrils reached up towards the staff. However, they blackened and shriveled the moment they touched it.
Tep grit his teeth, trembling with anger. Just then, he felt something tugging at his clothes again. The wretch was back, clinging to him like a lost child.
Tep raised a hand to strike them. “Did I not just tell you–” he began, but was interrupted by a loud, monstrous bellow.
He turned and saw the skorpius again, standing in the doorway. It found the carnage he caused, and it did not seem happy about it.
“Intruder! Look what you've done!” the skorpius roared, already charging towards Tep with its mighty claws raised and ready to strike.
“Wait, wait! Don't–” Tep's plea was cut off by a yelp as he dodged the monster's grasping claw. His boots slid through gore and down he went, frantically slipping and sliding his way around the pedestal. The skorpius followed, trying to snatch him, but it too was slipping over the mass of ruptured roots.
Panicked explanations tumbled from Tep's lips, begging the skorpius to listen as it chased him around the pedestal. His pleas fell on deaf ears.
The little wretch stood nearby, watching their struggle with wide, fearful eyes.
“You are an enemy of the Crescent! You must die!” the skorpius roared at Tep.
The goblin juked its grasping claw and blurted, “I am the Crescent, you god damned buffoon! Stand down at once! You are attacking your ally!”
The skopius wasn't convinced. It lunged for him again, snarling, “Only priests are allowed here! I see no mask on your face!”
He pointed his claw at a great mural on the wall. The paint was faded with time, but Tep could make out an image of the chamber, complete with five agony cradles and a pedestal in the center.
In this depiction, the chamber was full of Crescent priests, easily identified by their red robes and golden masks. Some of them were offering crying infants to the cradles.
At the center of it all was a man wearing a golden jackal mask, standing atop the pedestal with the Staff of Agony in his grasp.
There was no time to examine further, for the skorpius lunged for Tep again. Tep scrambled towards the opposite wall as the skorpius struggled after him, its six spidery legs all slippery with viscera.
Tep was cornered. He had to make a good case for himself, and fast!
“Okay, you’re right! I don’t have a mask yet,” he said quickly, “but I will earn one if you just let me have that staff!”
“The Staff of Agony belongs to Overlord Disgrace!” snarled the skorpius, clumsily picking itself up off the ground.
Tep replied, “Yes, correct! And I-I intend to deliver it to–”
The skorpius suddenly let out a mighty roar and collapsed on its belly, legs splayed and stiffened. Tep's eyes rounded, shocked by the sight before him.
There stood the decrepit little wretch, holding the Staff of Agony. They pressed the crystal end against the skorpius’ back, and its immense power pinned the monster to the floor.
But why wasn't that same power tearing the wretch apart?
Tep was dumbfounded. He looked at the skorpius, writhing in debilitating pain. Then he looked at the wretch, calmly staring back at him. They cocked their head, as if awaiting instruction.
Tep commanded, “Unhand that staff, wretch!”
The wretch looked at the staff, then back at Tep, slowly lifting the weapon off the skorpius’ back.
“T-that's right,” instructed Tep, “p-put it down. Right there, at your feet.”
The wretch seemed confused, not only by his instruction but by existence in general. Slowly, cautiously, they laid the staff on the floor and then turned back to Tep, seeking approval.
The goblin obliged. “Good, good,” he said. “Now, step away from the staff. Go on, stand over there.” He waved his hand vaguely towards the mural and the wretch obeyed, clumsily shuffling away.
The skorpius’ breathing was labored, face contorted in pain. Though the staff wasn't touching it anymore, it was lying close enough to subdue the monster with pain.
“Get back here!” it growled to the wretch, “Move that staff and release me, slave!”
The wretch hesitated, then returned to the staff. It barely walked two paces before Tep barked, “No! Stay where you are!”
The wretch froze. Its eyes darted between Tep and the skorpius as they shouted conflicting orders.
“Release me, slave!”
“Do not release him!”
“He is trying to steal the staff from our Overlord!”
“No, you brainless abomination, I am bringing the staff to our Overlord! We're on the same team, I tell you!” Tep slapped a hand against his chest, gesturing the other at the mural, and continued, “Look, the mural clearly shows that the staff is meant to be in Disgrace’s possession. But if that's so, what is it still doing in these defunct old ruins with the likes of you? Your creator was generous enough to give you a brain, so bloody use it! If Disgrace knew this staff was here, don't you think he would have collected it by now?”
The skorpius fell silent. Tep added, “Tell me, how long has it been here? Decades? Centuries?”
“It has always been here,” the monster grunted. He pointed a claw at the mural. “I am no fool! I know my objective, it is written all over these sacred walls! I must protect the Overlord’s staff from all who mean to misuse it, just as my ancestor did, and his ancestor before him.”
He turned back to the wretch. “You, too, are a servant of Disgrace, slave! So release me and I will destroy this heretic!” he ordered, pointing a claw at Tep.
“Don't,” argued Tep. “The skorpius is wrong. I am a Crescent Cultist, just like you! Look at me. I’m fae, am I not? I-I can't lie to you! That should be all the proof you cretins need!”
The wretch stood near the staff, considering it for a long moment. Then, they tipped their head towards Tep and backed several paces away.
The skorpius roared in anger while the goblin let out a victorious laugh. “Ha! You see? Even a wretch can understand that you speak nonsense and I speak the truth!”
“You putrid little stain! I am your superior! You are supposed to obey me!” wailed the skorpius to the wretch.
“Who obeys fools in the presence of geniuses?” argued Tep. “I did rescue them from that cradle, after all. They owe their freedom to me, and so do you, skorpius! If I was truly your enemy, I'd have already killed you by now…”
He shook his head and continued, “But a true knight of the Crescent would never kill Disgrace's children, for we all serve the same lord, do we not? I will not harm you, you miserable thing. In fact, I offer you great wealth and power, and all I ask in return is your cooperation…”
The skopius narrowed its empty yellow eyes, suddenly intrigued. “Power…” it rumbled, considering the offer. “Prove yourself. Spare me, and I will spare you.”
Tep and the skorpius stared each other down for a tense, silent moment. It could be lying, for all Tep knew. Monsters were not bound to truth like fae were.
Tep decided it was a risk worth taking.  He barked a simple order to the wretch, “You, release him.”
The skorpius watched, jaw slacked in disbelief as the wretch picked up the staff and carried it away. The crushing weight of agony lifted off the monster's back, and it was able to rise again on its trembling legs.
Tep crossed his arms, holding his ground before the skorpius. Though his expression was stoic, his heart pounded with fear. Sweat poured down his body, soaking his bloody garments, for he knew his fate would be sealed in the next few seconds.
There was nowhere to run. If this thick-headed skorpius decided it still didn't trust him, then he was a dead man and his quest was over. All his skulking and thieving and tireless studying, the alienation of all his family and friends, all the years he sacrificed to the Crescent would be in vain!
But it seemed this time, the Crescent finally gave back. The skorpius slashed its own tongue–one of the few parts of its body not protected by chitin–with the tip of its claw and extended that claw towards Tep. It was smeared with black blood.
Tep returned the gesture by drawing blood from own palm with his teeth and laying it over the skorpius’ claw. In that instant, they had become sworn brothers in blood.
“It is our duty to serve Overlord Disgrace,” said Tep. “So, let's restore that staff to its rightful owner, and he will surely reward us with wealth beyond our wildest dreams!”
“I do not dream. I kill, I eat, and I rape. That is what I desire,” the skorpius told him.
Wearing a devious grin, Tep replied, “Fear not, my brother! You will be rewarded with all the meat-creatures you can defile! You see, these are the ruins of a once great factory…”
He gestured to the mural on the wall md went on, “Long before our time, weapons were forged here for the Crescent army. But at some point, the site was raided by the Divine of Love and her army of worthless whores! They took the lives of our brethren and leveled the factory, nearly erased it from history altogether!”
Gesturing to himself, he continued, “Luckily, I had access to Yerim-Mor's royal library, where I managed to scrounge up ancient texts from Karenza’s forces. You can't even comprehend how much I sacrificed to find this place! All the blood, sweat, and tears I've spilled to lay eyes on that blasted staff, only to find that I cannot lay hands on it!”
Pointed to the staff, still clutched in the hands of the nervous wretch. Turning back to the skorpius, he added, “I can't explain how that pathetic wretch, of all people, is touching that thing unscathed. But I think we can use them to return the staff to Disgrace, and such a heroic feat will not go unrewarded. We can have it all; entire nations groveling before us!”
He paused, then added grimly, “Our Overlord fell in battle just recently, but he will resurrect in one year's time. We must secure the staff until then. Protect me with your braun, and I will protect you with my brain. Together, we will protect that staff from all who wish to misuse it.”
Tep strode over to the wretch, as close as the staff's repulsive energy allowed him to stand. He thrusted a finger at them and growled, “And you! You will obey our every fucking command, or else it's back in the cradle with you! Do you understand me?”
The wretch cowered, trembling with fear. They nodded with a muffled whimper.
“Brilliant,” Tep grinned. “Then follow me. I know a little place where blood flows like the Gold River…”
“For Mankind's Disgrace, Divine of Hate!” the skorpius roared. With that, the trio left the ruins and set out into the treacherous Serkel Desert.
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bwamp-bwamp · 2 years
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Andy Parkway
- He/They
- 21-22
- 5’7 1/2 (with hair height 5’9)
- They’re rather skinny but has a slight belly that’s only noticeable if you’re looking hard enough, or if he’s shirtless, and has some noticeable muscle but nothing too crazy. In short, think twink.
- Grey-ish purple eyes
- He’s a fake redhead, his hair is nationally dirty blonde
- Mullet styled hair
- Has freckles on his cheeks, shoulders and along his chest and back
- Quite androgynous in the face, has been mistaken as a woman once
- Often wears a headband (doubles as a hair tie when he ties it in a bun)
- Often wears 80’s metal band shirts, black/dark colored jeans, boots or converse and a slightly faded black denim vest
- They have three piercings in their right ear (all on the lobe) and two nose piercings (septum and left nostril) as well as nipple piercings
- Has a tattoo on his left shoulder of a kind of swirly design? (Idk how to describe it) Will get more in the future.
- He will date literally anyone as long as they like him for him, he just wants to be loved okay?
- Don’t call him Andrew, his mom always called him that and he didn’t/doesn’t have a good relationship with her.
- They’re the youngest of five kids.
- From oldest to youngest it goes Katelynn, Logan, Sophia, Robin, Andy
- Katelynn cut ties from the rest of the family as soon as she could
- Logan is incredibly abusive and the closest to their mother, he’s also the oldest son, which made him mom’s favorite (she encouraged his abuse towards his siblings
- Sophia and Robin are identical twins, but Sophia was the first born of the two, which she loves to run into her younger brothers face, they’re also four years older than Andy
- Andy is closest with the twins because 1. They’re closest to Andy in age, 2. They didn’t cut off Andy like Katelynn did and 3. They aren’t abusive like Logan, even tried protecting them when he young
- The three youngest actually hang out often
- They also look incredibly similar and have been mistaken for triplets, but only recently because their aging isn’t as noticeable
- Has a pet mouse that they randomly found and kept after not being bit upon such
- It has white fur and is named Bug
- When with Andy, bug can be found on his shoulder under his hair and curled up into his neck or in one of the pockets of his vest
- He smokes cigarettes and weed (weed makes him incredibly sleepy)
- Andy has a shit time getting to sleep usually
- To fix such, they regularly smoke weed before bed
- They don’t like PDA but are very cuddly
- Will interlock pinky’s with their significant other if standing close enough, and usually that’s it in regards to public affection
- Can’t cook for shit, the building will most likely get burnt down, so he’s only allowed into the kitchen for cleaning of the dishes, drinks and prepackaged foods (i.e. Chips, gummy bears, trail mix, etc.)
- Very picky on how things are cleaned and put away, fuck the dishwasher, they’re washing them by hand
- However if your rooms a mess regularly when they’re there, and it’s suddenly clean? They’ll be annoyed because the flow they were used to got fucked up and will proceed to try and return your room to how they’re used to (throwing clothes into a pile on the floor in a specific spot, messing up bedsheets, etc.) and he’ll expect the same from his significant other if he changes his room at all
- He doesn’t do it to be rude, he just wants the normalcy back
- He’s a decent driver
- Back to them being cuddly, they prefer being big spoon but has no problem being little spoon
- Favorite way of cuddling is his partner sitting on his lap and his face buried in their back, whether his partner is bigger than him or not, even if they think they’ll crush him, he’s fine stop worrying
- Will gently sway from side to side while holding his partner in his lap
- They’re a great singer, but gets very shy about singing around others
- Kinda sucks at playing instruments
- Gets very blushy when shown affection
- Loves listening to their partner ramble about things they’re interested in, and them just talking in general, they’ll listen to the gossip if it’s coming from them
- Often uses (my) love/(my) lovely, bubbles and darling as pet names, but if they’re feeling playful and goofy, honey bunny and pookie are used
- Will sing a song both know off key in an attempt to be silly and get a laugh out of his significant other
- He’s ticklish under his chin, above his elbows, at his sides, behind his knees and on the bottom of his feet
- Enjoys having their hair brushed and played with and will do the same to their significant other if they’re comfortable with such
- Secretly likes crocheting, is very good at it.
- Lied about a scarf he made for winter, saying it was a gift from his Grammy
- Hides his materials for crocheting very well, however if his partner finds him in the act of finds the materials, he’ll confess
- Will make their partner a big ass blanket and gift it to them, if it’s a surprise for a holiday or their birthday, they’ll work on it when away from their significant other, but if asked for it, it’ll get worked on when the two are together
- Has his own rings, but if his partner has rings (that fit him), he’ll steal them for the day and return them later and playfully acts like he doesn’t know what they’re talking about when confronted, despite the rings still being warm from him wearing them all day
- Enjoys playing with his significant others fingers, bending and unbending them, separating them then pushing them together again, if their nails are smooth, he’ll rub them because he likes the way they feel
- Has a pretty smile (in their own opinion)
- Works at an arcade, has a little frog plush at the prize counter that he runs, it’s his little mascot/buddy/thing!
- Literally almost cried when a dick preteen tried to steal it with other things at the prize counter
- Andy loves cradling their partners cheeks and kissing them all over their face, especially on their forehead, doesn’t matter if Andy’s shorter or not, the forehead is getting smooched
- If his significant other has bangs blocking the way of their forehead, he’ll either kiss them over their hair or, with permission, will put his headband on them to move the hair out of the way, but his hands will remain gently cradling the others face, they’re not moving
- Gets giggly if after removing the headband from their partner, their bangs stick out in different directions before gently fixing the hair
- Definitely listens to Ghost (yes, I’m giving them my current fixation, hush)
- They’re a switch
- Somewhat blushy about sexual actions, but will comfortably talk about such acts like it was any other conversation
- Their moans are somewhat whiny
- Their cock is 7 1/3 inches long and has decent girth. It gives a nice stretch but isn’t painful for those receiving it.
- Is rather hairy below the belt, but keeps it trimmed.
- No, the carpet doesn’t match the drapes, their pubes are dirty blonde, like their natural hair color. They do not dye their pubes.
- Doesn’t mind if his partner completely shaves, but it’s not preferred. It’s their body, he’s not going to tell them what they can and cannot do with it.
- Will still go down on their partner if they have a full on bush down there, absolutely no hesitation.
Some of their kinks/things that get them going are listed below:
- Exhibitionism
- Voyeurism
- Nipple play (giving and receiving)
- Anal (giving and receiving)
- Auralism (sound kink)
- Impact play (giving and receiving)
- Praise (giving and receiving)
- Slight breath play (giving)
- Stigmatophilia (attraction to body modifications i.e. tattoos, piercings)
- Stockings (on partner)
- Thesauromania (collecting partners clothing, extends to smelling underwear)
- Quirofilia (hand kink)
- Somnophilia (receiving in terms of being given a blow job wake-up call, and that’s only if the person giving the blow job offers and is 120% on board with doing so. They will never ask.)
- Biting (giving and receiving)
- Sensory Deprivation (giving and receiving)
- Orgasm Denial (giving)
- Begging (giving and receiving)
- Face sitting
- Hair pulling (giving and receiving)
- Cockwarming (giving and receiving)
- Oral (giving and receiving)
Some things they aren’t okay with or are hard no’s:
- piss
- vomit
- vore
- scat
- non-con
- feet
- underage
- incest (this includes step-anything, that’s just weird)
- bestiality
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felikatze · 2 years
s11 ice chapter is DONE and wawo. it was good.
i'm gonna talk about the benign shit first cuz wawo this season had Stuff Going On. man.
the filler episodes were, as with the fire chapter, top tier. incredible. fantastic.
also hello. 2d animated sequences?? in my ninjago?? it's more likely than you think
ofc these episodes fulfill the purpose of torturing viewers by prolonging cliffhangers but the subject matter is well chosen.
the first one answers your cinemasins ding of "hey wouldnt all the villains attack ninjago now" to which the show says "no because they're too dumb to escape jail with pixal on the block." also again as with the fire chapter the episode was hilarious.
seeing how some two bit villains perceive the ninja. height of comedy. also the "who the fuck is fugidove" running gag because who tf is he indeed. and why does he hate jay of all ninjas the most.
ALSO THE FUCKING. DBZ PARODY???? JAY WALKER AS GOKU??? HELLO??? DID I SEE THAT RIGHT??????? sorry i was just not mentally prepared for that existing i just. i paused the episode and ate lunch before i could proceed. my lunch was a bowl of pretzel shaped biscuits. i also ate three whole potatoes today i'm good
the next "filler" (cuz it's not REALLY filler in the anime filler sense but i use filler to mean "does not advance the main plot in any way") ep deals with pixal and wu and pixal fighting the fucking preeminent is fun (they brought it back for a joke??? i thought it was gone after nya drowned it?? is this a different one without hydra capabilites?? did it jusz.... grow back or did nya killing it send it to the departed realm) but also the episode depresses me
pixal and wu DO NOT deal with grief good those two are depressed as hell. pixal almost kills herself because she a) knows she's the only line of defense left for ninjago b) can't go on without zane and like. okay. goddd. what the fuck. i wish pixal happy therapy.
WU ALSO LIKE. he def has that "it should've been me" survivor's guilt shit going on. he's so desparate to find them. like that one scene where he and pixal find the departed realm and he deludes himself into thinking the growls of the preeminent are the sounds of the land bounty. and then he doesnt want to lose pixal too....... i'm so emo abt this.
side note pixal before almost frying herself saying she loves zane as her last words and zane's recording having him say he loves pixal as his last words. I'M SO EMO ABT THIS FR. pixane are the only bitches i respect
laaast time i speculated maybe kai just gets his powers back but he doesnt!! that's vry cool actually. he has to get some self confidence babeyyyy. it's funny how like. he manages to get fire again and immediatly gets cocky again but then the ice dragon shows up and his savior complex or whatever kicks him in the ass. hell yeah man.
nice setup for the climax where "oh look the ice dragon is an elemental creation" so he melts the thing and actually manages to save people for real this time. good for him
ALSOOO NYA. return of her s5 bane: not immediatly being good at stuff. CONSISTENCY!! we love to see it. vry sexy acknowledgement that ice is just frozen water, therefore shouldn't nya be able to control it? HELL YEAH SHE CAN! it's just vry hard.
mildly conflicted abt cole this season cuz. why set it up so that the traveler's tea can't bring them back only for cole to lose it anyway? it feels weird from a writing standpoint that the ninja never even notice. they could've easily just been told by like, sorla (is that her name? the wu stand-in), since at the end of the season she knows leaves aren't enough and cole pulls out the uh. berry.
the tea not working anyway undercuts cole's guilt over losing the tea i feel. bcuz the audience knows it would be a moot point if he'd kept it anyway. i don't think the mini-arc about cole feeling guilty over this is bad, it's good actually, but again! the effect just gets undercut cuz! yeah!!
that aside. rlly fun how cole dads krag. he threatens to revoke its (his?) gaming rights. i feel like cole still makes the ninja eat their veggies. it's sooo funny how he gets mad at them for talking shit in his dream. hello. my guy. you were dreaming.
3. akita. bark bark
next up. new characters. mainly akita!! woof. conceptually i find her vry cool. i love shapeshifters i think wolves are cool (<- is transgender)
i think it's great how lloyd reacts to her deceit cuz like. lloyd traumadumped to this random wolf and the wolf is a girl actually and god this random girl knows about his daddy issues now. he feels betrayed as he should bcuz otherwise s8 would feel for naught. lloyd got trust issues now babeyy!!! though he does forgive akita when its clear she had no ill intent and still needs help!! bcuz it's vry vry important that despite it all, lloyd's still kind
love the juxtaposition of revenge vs saving on akita and lloyd. and this isn't set up for shits n giggles it does actually result in conflict between the two when akita tries to stab zane and lloyd stops her, but still protects her from zane when that goes to shit.
i think her backstory segment was done amazing to answer all sorts of questions i wasn't even asking until they got answered, like why the fuck does zane have a castle?
her relationship to her lost brother is also a great parallel to everyone's search for zane. it shows the level of hope they have. akita has no hope, she believes herself to be alone. she wants revenge, and has no plans for a future after. why should she? she turned her back on her frozen home.
meanwhile, the ninja fervently believe that zane is still alive, and that they can find him. in the end, faith is rewarded with a happy ending. i'm happy that akita gets her family back, too. it's sweet, for one, makes the season less grim and more family tv friendly, for another, and ties into this comparison. even if she had no hope to start with, her efforts still weren't in vain.
the main downside to her character is her giving lloyd a kiss cuz like i UNDERSTAND that these two characters bonded a lot through mutual traumadumping and near death experiences but i do not think they had romantic chemistry and i will be ignoring this. thank you. lloyd remains unshippable to me.
sorry for mainly talking abt akita in conjunction with lloyd but these two characters spent the most time together this season and as such their plotlines are inextricable. thanks for understanding. moving on
gotta talk abt vex now i think. i like that he just sucks. he doesnt get an animal form cuz he's a distrusting selfish bastard. he's the cause of every problem ever this season. he just sucks.
he's the only one who tries to start shit with the formlings because they hate him for sucking and then the king tells him to fuck off thank god.
also how this bitch just??? gaslights zane?? like actual definition of gaslight gaslight??? hello???????????
zane..... zane my man. dear god.
first of all. i love villain arcs. i think they're sexy. i LOVE the scene where lloyd tries to get zane to remember desparately and then zane throws him in jail. that's good character conflict babeyyy!!
vex being all Gaslight Gatekeep ultimately takes the crux of all evil away from zane which i think is both the good writing choice for a kids cartoon and cowardly. cowardly because, gestures at above paragraph, and good writing choice because zane would never intentionally hurt people otherwise
the set up of the ice emperor really does only work because of the combo of evil advisor + corrupting artefact of great power
the flashback episode here did great work. obviously it can't depict zane's presumably gradual descent into madness over decades because it's one ten minute episode, but it still did a great job. it rlly hammered home that zane only used the scroll out of desparation, and was tricked in a vital moment. like we understand how zane got to being the ice emperor and it makes sense from a character standpoint, especially considering the frequently mentioned time gap that cannot be adequately portrayed in one ten minute backstory ep. more than one backstory ep would be too needlessly long though, so again ultimately the best choice.
s good ya
the twist itself was obvious see that one post abt zane's lil bright blaring blue gloves. like even tho i did get spoilered on it it's. ice powers. convenietly frozen staff. glowing blue eyes. the gloves.
the writers tried to red herring so hard with keitaro as the faceless prisoner and i respect that but frankly it did not work much. good on them knowing a red herring was necessary though cuz it sure was.
i love the detail of the ice emperor having to free his arms every time he stands up bcuz he froze himself to the throne by accident. adds flavor.
the final fight is sooo. goddamn it's good. like the aspheera fight it's plain fun to watch it looks amazing but i also love how it ends.
zane wins the fight. like with corruption arcs like this it's usually "hit friend over the head until good again" but none of lloyd's pleading or the fight itself did it. it was lloyd being helpless, it was vex gloating, and it was zane remembering his own mantra. he protects those who cannot protect themselves. THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD MOMENT FR. ZANE!!!! MY MAN!!!!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i liked this development can you tell. who cares if it's cliche or cheesy IT WORKS. the cheese always just works in this show. bcuz it's vry sincere. about its cheese.
side note i forgot to mention. it's super neat how the intro changes between red and blue to denote which realm the episode is set in!! so cool!
minor thing from last season: why does clutch powers use random german. the only fictional characters allowed to do that are klavier from ace attorney, and me. hey alter hör auf.
to summarize the ice chapter was amazing, i think this is the first time one of the ninja was a major antagonist? i love it. i want the writers to do it again it's just good.
next up is. the video game season? i know next to nothing about s12-15. i know it's another jay season because of that one very blue jay design with tboy swag i see art of. looking forward to it.
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