#Also not sorry but i can pretend
k1tty5 · 4 months
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this was supposed to have scar but i decided that the shot of the back of his head that i tried to sketch did not look good enough to spend time on. so now you can just pretend this is what scar is seeing. i think theyre going ice skating in their desert because who cares about anything real or canon or correct would that even be physically possible for the desert idfk im just a silly little guy
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letoscrawls · 1 year
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Victory celebration for May the Fourth ❤️
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
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Buck, Eddie and The lightning mirroring the well.
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cowardlykrow · 3 months
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“I let him die / Taking your advice”
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prostocupoftea · 2 months
Urge for evil
tw disturbing imagery (?)
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transcript n russian version under the cut
But what if my urge for evil
Will become a little stronger?
If you loaded the gun
Than it's already too late
But what is mu urge for evil
Will become a little stronger?
those are changed a bit lyrics from - Electroforez - Zlo (Evil) gagshfh i love this song so much go listennnnn!!!! this is like the second chorus w/o one line and with a line from third ??? idk i was doing it from memory and it appears i have really bad memory
also there are fully translated lyrics on google so you can read it to understand but ye
guuuUUUUYYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AGHFSHHA IM FINISHED it eas actually so fast it took like 2-3 hours ob drawing thw silly n rendering plus like 20 mins on posing and 2 days of rolling the idea around in my head
now in russian
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stevenrogered · 3 months
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ONE DAY ↳book > screen
Imagine one selected day struck out of your life and think how different its course would have been. Think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on that memorable day. - Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
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maniacwatchestheworld · 4 months
DPxDC requested prompt (#7)
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(@bearerofendlesspain You know... Only after writing this whole thing do I realize that I had read this prompt wrong... WHOOPS! I read it as "Poison Ivy and Tucker are eating blood blossoms to extinction." and not as what was likely intended which seems to have been more along the lines of... "Batman rogue: Poison Ivy. Conflict: Tucker is eating blood blossoms to extinction." ... Which in this particular context are way, WAAAAAY different ideas! I could have saved myself a lot of distress if I had read it correctly... >.> But ah well! Whoops! Hope you enjoy this anyway! Thinking about a plant going extinct like this was quite distressing for me to write! :D)
"Hey. Thanks for helping me out with this, Tuck. And you know... For keeping all of this a secret from Sam." Danny smiled in appreciation to Tucker as they began to break ground with their shovels. "She would probably HATE what we're doing right now!"
"Yeah, of course, dude! It's no problem at all. The more we get rid of these blood blossoms here in Amity Park, the better it is for you and all of the ghosts in the area! Besides, I never want to even think about having to eat another one of these things ever again!" Tucker shivered at the memory of having to eat blood blossoms to save Danny and Sam's lives.
With that, the two got to work killing the bush of blood blossoms. They were digging to expose the roots so they could tear the plant from the ground whole. That made things easier when they would shove the entirety of the plant into a plastic garbage bag along with the other blood blossom bushes they had already uprooted. Once they were done with this area, they would take all of the bushes they had uprooted over the course of the day and bring them to an incinerator where they would destroy the plant- burning the flowers, stems, roots, and seeds all in one fell swoop. They had to make certain to destroy the whole plant, including the roots and seeds, just to make sure that there was no chance of the bush growing back from just its roots or more bushes getting planted in their place. They had been making good progress in wiping out the blood blossoms in this area. They just had a few more to uproot here and they could move on to the next area! They had been at this for months and were getting pretty close to their goal of exterminating blood blossoms in the whole of Amity Park!
But just as they were pulling this bush from the ground, a beautiful red-haired woman started charging towards them. "What do you think you're doing!???" she roared. The woman was clearly frantic.
Danny and Tucker glanced to one another. "Removing a bush...?" Danny answered, not certain what was going on.
"'Removing a bush' ... Alright, kids, stop what you're going and step away from that 'bush' right now!" She demanded. And while Danny complied, letting go of the plant and backing away, Tucker didn't and instead began to haul the shrub from the ground.
"Come on, lady. We're just removing some weeds. This isn't anything to freak out over." Tucker turned to roll his eyes at the woman where Danny could see but she couldn't.
"A 'weed'? A 'WEED'!!? You really don't have any idea what you're doing do you!? Do you even know what these 'weeds' are!?" The woman was obviously distressed, and growing more agitated by the moment.
Tucker let out a flippant breath. "They're blood blossoms, duh."
"Yes. And this specific species of blood blossoms are native and endemic to the Amity Park area!"
"Okay...? So what?" Tucker wasn't entirely certain what she was talking about.
"And they're an endangered species!"
"Oh... I- I didn't know!" Danny swore, suddenly feeling bad about what he and Tucker had been doing.
"So?" Meanwhile, Tucker had the opposite reaction. "What are you, a botanist or something? Who cares if these blood blossoms go extinct?"
"Yes. I am a botanist..." Danny was watching as the horror on the woman's face was slowly turning into fury.
"Tucker...? I think that you should just leave the plant alone..." Danny cautiously advised.
"What!? After all the work we've put into killing off all of these stupid flowers? Now you're starting to sound like Sam! We've been at this months! No way I'm stopping now!"
"MONTHS!???" That was the absolute last straw. These children have been exterminating these poor, defenseless, endangered plants for months!? Dr. Pamela Isley- more famously known as Poison Ivy- had heard enough. These boys were going to pay. "You might not care about these flowers dying, but I do! The land- The Green does! You need biodiversity in order to have a healthy ecosystem, and these flowers play an important role in that! You can't just go around, carelessly digging up and killing innocent, endangered plants without there being... Consequences."
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lyss-butterscotch · 10 months
Can we get more Bat Wing Suns?
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Apparently birds can't see windows because they have less depth perception and their eyes are super sensitive so they just think their reflection is the real deal. But i do think it's funny if Suns still crashes into windows because glass isn't exactly common in iterators
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Yay! Demographics polls!
Reblogs for a larger sample size are appreciated!
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waterghostype · 5 months
i think about how nya was looking at jay when he was talking to baby wu often
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bugprinz · 2 months
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ummm idr what prompted this
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myokk · 10 days
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continuing drawing ocs I haven’t drawn yet: sweet Millie🫶🥹
she’s so cute & i’m officially obsessed with her hair 😙😙
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the-sunflower-room · 5 months
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not strong enough.
always an angel never a god or something idk
i’m not gonna lie this started as a color exercise and it immediately spiraled into angsty akutagawa. do NOT let me draw the emo with microbangs !!
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treasureplcnet · 4 months
As a LaiKabuMisu enjoyer, I never thought I'd need to see desperate Mithrun->Kabru before in my life, thank you so much for the food in these dark times.
desperate mithrun just makes me GIGGLE like the meme i made takes it a bit far for comedy's sake but it's like. this guy who only recently began to live for something else other than revenge and it's thanks to kabru and suddenly kabru dissapears his from life because he has a "job" . we've already seen mithrun go sulky when kabru doesn't side with him despite having valid reasons not to LOL (sfx: hmph)
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i truly can see the momentary disconnect (i doubt this lasts very long or at least doesn't manifest obviously. mithrun is a quiet and ultimately rational guy) where he's like "... i thought kabru was gonna stay with me though?" and not even necessarily in a romantic light (for starters anyway). just in the way that mithrun just counted on kabru's companionship, but when adult schedules and establishing a kingdom collide, i think kabru would also equally have a hard time giving up what he works very hard for (protecting humans/short-lived races and being able to help govern so that this is possible). i can absolutely see kabru accidentally neglecting his relationships for too long, and not realising until his party intervenes, or mithrun 'hmph's at him again and he's like '..what did i do.'
sorry for the essay . tldr: i would like to picture mithrun sulking :)
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teex · 8 months
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grumble grumble | ANA vs DAL 10.19.23
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Can't believe we're the same height i though you were taller than me
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