#Although it can be argued that she did it hopes of having her daughter near her
snowyslytherinowl · 9 months
Joyous Nightmares - Part 1
PAIRING: Severus Snape x (Professor) Reader
SUMMARY: A year after surviving the Second Wizarding War, Severus Snape begins to have joyous nightmares where he dreams of having a wife and a daughter. These dreams bring him nightmares because he doesn't believe that he'll ever get married or have a family of his own. So what happens when the wife in his dreams is revealed to be you?
Warning: Nothing heavy, but there are some mentions of death. Angst and nightmares are also featured.  This is my first fanfiction for Harry Potter. I hope you enjoy it!
Part 2 | Part 3
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*GIF isn't mine
Severus has had nightmares for as long as he can remember. As a child, he dreamt of his parents arguing and his father hitting him when drunk. Then his nightmares focused mainly on his rejection from Lily, and Potter and Black bullying him. Sometimes they would trip him in the hall, causing his trousers to fall off, and other times Potter would make him kiss the ground and eat the dirt while Lily watched. As he grew older, he dreamt of Lily’s death. After the Second Wizarding War, he relived his near-fatal attack by Nagini almost every night. But about a year after the war ends, Severus starts to have nightmares about a much different topic. 
Severus is sitting on his bed when he hears crying. He walks down a hall in a house, one that looks much different than the one in Spinner’s End, to the source of the crying: a baby. He opens the door at the end of the hall and sees a small infant flailing around the crib. Gingerly lifting the baby from the bed, he cradles the baby in his arm and places their head on his shoulder. He doesn’t know why or how, but he knows that the baby is a girl and that she’s his daughter. He gently bounces her up and down and sits in a rocking chair. 
“Hush now. Daddy is here,” he whispers and kisses her forehead. “You have nothing to fear. I will always protect you.” He holds the little girl closer to him, and soon she falls asleep in his arms. 
Severus wakes up in his bed in his private chamber at Hogwarts. Although he has dreamt of much more horrific, much more gruesome things, this dream leaves him feeling immensely worse. He has been bullied and seen death in the real world, so seeing it in his mind’s eye at night is no different than experiencing it. But dreaming of cradling his own tiny baby girl? That leaves him with a gaping hole in his heart, a hole he cannot mend because he will never have a family. Pathetic, greasy-haired Severus, forever condemned to loneliness. 
He pulls the covers back up his chest, turns on his side, and closes his eyes. No matter how much he tosses and turns that night, he can't fall asleep until dawn. 
Several nights later, Severus has a similar dream. 
He’s back in the same house. With a quick peek through the window, he can tell that this house is in the countryside with its green, sprawling valley. Severus turns to the little girl in the highchair, who is now eight or nine months old. He dips a spoon into a jar of baby food and tries to feed it to his daughter, who purses her lips and turns her head.
“Do not be picky. This is delicious,” he says and puts the spoonful of baby food into his mouth. No, he was lying about the delicious part. “Perhaps it does not taste good, but it is good for you. My Half-Blood Princess must grow to be healthy and strong.”
Even though his daughter giggles at her nickname, she still refuses to eat the food. “Fine. I did not want to fall into temptation, but you are forcing me.”
Severus takes a small cauldron from the cupboard, which is no bigger than a large bowl. He puts the jar of baby food and spoon into the cauldron and uses his wand to make steam rise from the cauldron. He swirls his wand over the cauldron, pretending to stir it, and casts a fake spell of gibberish words. 
Severus’s daughter breaks into a giggling fit and bounces up and down in her high seat. Severus can’t help but smile and laugh at her joy. He uses his wand to lift a spoonful of baby food from the cauldron and towards the little girl, who finally opens her mouth and eats. 
He never thought himself much of a fatherly figure, but these joyous nightmares have made him realize how desperately he wishes to have a family of his own. Every time he visits Hogsmeade, he stares at the small children accompanying their parents at shops or playing in the playground. Even though he doesn’t show much love to the people around him, he somehow knows that he would shower his own child with love and affection. 
Severus decides not to go back to sleep. There are two hours until he must make his way to the Great Hall and he still has essays to grade. Anything to get his mind off the baby, though a small cauldron in the corner of his room ensures that the hole in his heart remains open.
Over the next few months, Severus has dreams about his child almost every night. In every dream, he watches her grow up, even if it’s by a month or two. Nothing particularly profound happens; they merely participate in average daily activities. Once he dreams that she plays with a toy wand set that emits tiny colorful sparks. Another time she sits on his lap as he reads to her and wrestles his hair from her tiny fingers. That one makes him feel especially pained as he’s always felt insecure about his hair, and he can’t imagine a baby happily playing with it. 
After a particularly hard day of disciplining dunderheads and spilled potions, another person joins his dreams. 
Muggle baby strollers are quite the invention, Severus thinks as he pushes his sleeping daughter around the main square of the nearest town. Stores here display all types of clothes, as well as chocolate boxes and snack bags; however, he doesn’t see anything suitable for his wife’s birthday. 
Finally, Severus spots a beautiful dark green pendant through a jewelry shop’s window. An idea pops into his mind about how he can transform this simple Muggle pendant into something enchanting for his wife.
He buys it, then spends the rest of the day locked in his study working on magically connecting the pendant and a journal. He charms the pendant to heat up and display messages Severus writes in the journal. This way, Severus can send short messages to his wife no matter where he is. “I love you,” he writes in the journal and watches it slowly appear on the green gem. 
“What do you think?” he asks his daughter when he enters the living room. She giggles and grasps the chain of the necklace, which Severus takes as a yes.
“One day, I will give you one of your own, my Half-Blood Princess.”
A wife. A wife whom he loves. A wife that loves him, too, even if he has no proof to support his theory. A wife who he loves enough to have a baby with. A wife who he knows he will never have. 
Since he started having these joyous nightmares, he has recognized that the existence of a wife would appear at some point. Though when she finally does, he’s caught off guard. He thought that as an adult, he would finally grow out of the nervous, insecure person he was as a child. But he’s thought wrong; a fist squeezes his heart as he thinks about how lonely and unlovable he is. His hand wanders to the pillow on the other side of the bed as he imagines a wife lying beside him. He wishes that he could hold her, kiss her, and love her. But who would ever be attracted to his oily hair and sallow skin, or not be appalled by his deeds as he served the Dark Lord? 
Tears have threatened to spill after waking from his past dreams. This time, though, the tears overtake him and sobs wrack his body. 
Steps sound from around the corner. Severus prepares to berate the student he catches, but he stops short when he spots you. “Hi Severus, you can go to bed. It’s my night to patrol the corridors, remember?” 
Severus doesn’t have many friends at Hogwarts, or anywhere for that matter. But out of the few people he can rely on, you are one of them. You frequently eat lunch with him and sit beside him for meals. You’re always there for him to talk to, though you aren’t pushy. He appreciates you more than you likely appreciate him.  
“I know,” he says a little too harshly. “I thought I should help since I could not sleep.” Do not want to sleep is more like it, he thinks. 
You don’t take offense to his harsh tone. “That’s nice of you. Are you having nightmares, perhaps? Are the ghosts in your dreams giving you too much grief?” You give him a gentle smile and Severus feels a warmth spreading over his body. 
“I consumed too much caffeine,” he lies. 
“Don’t I know the dangers of drinking too much tea before I go to bed.” 
You two patrol the corridors as he listens to your stories of catching students out of bed and making fools of themselves in class. He rather enjoys being in your presence, a warm welcome from his joyous nightmares. 
It seems too soon when your patrol is over and you head in different directions to return to your chambers. Determined not to fall asleep, Severus spends the rest of his time until breakfast grading essays. He has never physically seen his dream wife; he only writes to her or prepares dinner or breakfast for her. Unfortunately, his eyes feel too heavy and he eventually succumbs to sleep. 
It’s a beautiful day and Severus chases after his daughter, who runs through the valley outside their house. He finally catches up with her when she drops to the ground, picking at something. “I got you!” he yells after he grabs his daughter and lifts her into his arms. 
“Daddy!” she giggles and presents him with the flowers she has picked. “For you!”
He takes the bundle from her dirt-stained hands and smiles down at her. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He places her back down on the ground and kneels beside her. “How about you pick some for Mummy?”
“Okay!” His daughter runs around a little more until she picks the largest flowers in the valley and gives them to her dad for safekeeping. He lifts her back into his arms and walks towards the house. 
In the distance, he can see a woman by their house. He knows that it’s his wife, but the light from the setting sun and the shadow from the house blocks him from seeing her features. Severus uses one of his hands to shield his eyes from the sun glaring into his eyes and tells his daughter, “Wave to Mummy!”
Severus checks the time and jumps to his feet. He strains to discern the identity of his dream wife based on his memories of the dream but to no avail. He arrives at the Great Hall, takes his seat beside you at the High Table, and attempts to compose himself as he digs into his food. Why are you living under the delusion that this dream woman is a real person? Severus tells himself in his mind. If you ever see what she looks like, she will be an imaginary woman who only lives in your head. 
For a split second, Severus peeks at you from the corner of his eyes and imagines you as his wife blinded by the light from the sun. Deciding that it’s a dangerous path to take, he snaps out of it and goes back to nibbling his toast. 
You catch him looking at you and you ask, “Are you alright, Severus? You look like you didn’t get any sleep!” Oddly, he enjoys the concern in your voice and the furrowing of your brows. 
“I am fine,” he brushes off, but you’ve already poured him coffee and waved your wand at it. 
“Take this. It should get you through the rest of the day.” Severus grunts thanks and takes a sip. Normally, coffee makes him feel shaky and nervous as he unwittingly recalls his joyous nightmares. This coffee tastes different; it's sweet and makes him feel like he will stay awake and alert for the rest of the day. 
You talk to each other about your plans for the day until you finish your food and stand from your seat. “I’ll see you later!” you call from behind. For some indiscernible reason, Severus is looking forward to that. 
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Bound To You.
PAIRING: Modern!Dad!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 2,605.
SUMMARY: Domestic life with Aegon has been bliss thus far, yet there’s still one, pestering thing troubling his mind, and he won’t rest until he hears the word “yes”...
A/N - I give you (chubby) Dad!Aegon!!! cause what’s more fluffier than DILF AEG?! I hope you all enjoy it! it’s not my finest work but the concept warms my heart, I hope it does yours xoxo
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The long anticipated birthday was looming near, your birthday specifically, and Aegon was dead set on spoiling you, like never before, on your special day.
Since you’d both crossed paths in life, since your time in college, ultimately becoming romantically involved, he was eager to spoil you with a lavish, comfortable lifestyle, and costly gifts whatever the occasion may be. Growing up from wealth had its advantages, for instance price tags were never an issue…
Although, now 4 years down the line, you now had a third party entwined in your relationship: a beautiful, baby girl. She was only just at the cusp of entering her “terrible twos” and thus far, she was a god-sent angel. She had her father’s unique, ancestral Targaryen features: the violet eyes, platinum silver hair, and yet, her delicate details, the shape of her eyes and nose, made her a carbon copy of you.
Aegon was utterly smitten with her the moment you’d given birth: a grueling one yet worth every agonizing second. He was infatuated by her: her tiny frame engulfed by his massive size, the way her little fingers just managed to grip his pudgy pinky, and yet, he was ever so tender and cautious with her. He refused to let anyone near her proximity as she slept peacefully in the bassinet, let alone hold her, unless it was himself, you or his dearest mother to whom he trusted. Determined not to take any risks with his little princess, he was annoyingly protective over her. Even more so, he had more ammunition to spend his money carelessly. Whenever you guys were out and about, his wandering eyes would spot something precious that he felt his daughter just had to have.
“Oh Y/N, she would look the sweetest in this! Please! You can’t deny, she’d look so adorable!”
“C’mon hun, look at how she loves to play with it already! If I take it away, she’ll hate me!”
“Aeg she’s only 1, she has no use for so many clothes and toys that she’ll definitely outgrow and most likely out-love-”
Yet, there was no point in arguing, it was like talking to a brick wall. Aegon was stubborn with his ways, especially when it came to his little girl. It only heightened after eventually discovering that her first word was inevitably “Dada”, it drove Aegon ballistic, like he’d won the lottery, and the endless bragging that followed.
“Y/N did you hear that?! You heard it right? Grab me my phone- Say it again, princess!”
She was Daddy’s little, precious girl, that you could say with the greatest certainty.
“Bubba, now what are we going to get for Mumma?” Aegon softly coos, just above a whisper so only his little girl can hear, as he playfully bops her in his thick arms.
Too distracted with her new tiny doll, that Aegon sporadically caved in and bought just moments ago, he nervously glances over the stainless glass desk, an array of glistening jewels of all gems, carats and cuts, laid methodically out before him. If he could [more so if you would have allowed for it], he would buy the whole store out for you, although your prior prep talk a month ago, you made Aegon promise not to go above and beyond for such occasions.
“Is there anything I can help you with Sir?” The sudden, polite voice startled Aegon awake from the distraction of his own, deep thoughts, caught in a dilemma of what to choose. Met with the friendly smile of a middle-aged clerk woman, he returned the favor, even prompting his little girl to say “hi”, before she shyly buried her face against his chest, as he resumed explaining the situation at hand. After thoroughly inquiring, presenting Aegon with countless of stunning necklaces and bracelets, Aegon remained unconvinced.
“So sorry, how long did you say you’ve been with your wife for?” The saleswoman intrigued as she set aside the row of jewels Aegon had politely declined.
“Oh-Oh we’re not married. J-Just have a baby together… I mean not that I-I don’t or wouldn’t plan to, I just haven’t exactly decided when or how I’d ask.”
“Interesting- I mean I don’t mean to pry, I just assumed 4 years down the line, with a little one, perhaps she is expecting something soon… It seems you guys are pretty adaptable, go with the flow type of people. If you ask me, I think a potential engagement ring or even a promise ring, if you wish to buy some more time for a plan, would really surprise her in all the right ways.”
Spiraling in his own thoughts and memories, Aegon reminisced his relationship with you from the beginning. There was brutal truth to the stranger’s words, your relationship was neither premeditated nor were you each other’s type. In theory, on paper, Aegon and yourself would not work well, and yet against all odds you’d proven otherwise. Change and compromise, as you had always reasoned. As much as he hated to admit, neither was his little princess a planned circumstance… You’d fallen pregnant without thought, sometime after graduation and despite the fears and worries that parenthood foreshadowed, knowing you had each other to support and rely on, without the fear of abandonment, Aegon was comforted by the prospect of fatherhood.
“Sorry, Sir-I didn’t mean to meddle in your affairs. I was just suggesting perhaps-”
“No-No, it’s fine. If anything, you’ve just given me a reality check. I-uh-If it’s alright, I would very much like to see the rings, please? Hate to take up so much of your time.”
“Not a problem at all, Sir. Of course, I have just the perfect set in mind-” As the woman warmly agrees, she skims away momentarily, unlocking and bustling through the shelves of a drawer. In the meantime, Aegon’s little girl grows more and more restless in his arms, her little legs kicking and sprawling against Aegon’s plush tummy [he had grown quite a Dad bod, since fathering his first child, suffering from more cravings during your pregnancy than you]. Bored from the entertainment her doll had occupied her with, she now craved for her Daddy’s attention, eager to see what had kept him busy.
“I know, I know, baby. Home soon-” He softly whispers into her tiny ear, gently brushing her thick, platinum waves out of her eyes, as she nestles her tiny head onto his collar. Planting a small, faint kiss atop her head, her presence helped to reaffirm his decision.
“Finish getting Mumma a present, and then it’s nap time for you, hmm?”
“Surprise baby! Happy Birthday!” Aegon excitedly shouted, standing by the dining table with his baby securely wrapped in his arm: his other free hand warmly embracing your body.
The sight before you was, indeed, a welcoming one, quite rewarding after a tiresome, stressful day at work. Aegon had organized and prepared a feast for just the three of you all, desperate for something small, and intimate, any other festivities could wait for the weekend. He’d ordered your favorite takeout, and even set up the birthday cake with the candles burning bright, you knew by the intricate detailing of the chocolate cake, it was one that you’d most enjoyed and grown to love during your pregnancy.
“Aeg, this is all too much. You took the day off just for this, you didn’t have to!” You softly interject, as you plant a loving kiss on his plump cheek, before planting a tender forehead kiss on your little girl. A bright smile beaming across both their faces, you were content enough with their affections and presence.
“Don’t be serious, Y/N, this is the least I can do… If I had it my way, we’d be half-way across the world on some honeymoon type of vacation,” Aegon teased, although he was intent on being meticulous with his words, wanting to gain any, even the slightest bit of a reaction from you, to his instigation of proposing.
Ever since the saleswoman planted the idea of marriage, the thought had begun to sprout in his mind like a flower in the spring. Vivid, realistic visions began to swarm his mind, of the ring on your finger, you in a beautiful, custom wedding gown that you’d look so divine in, made perfectly to cater for your body, tight in all the right angles, walking down a lavishly designed alter towards him and your little girl waiting atop. Set in stone, that you’d be bound for each other in life and death. Also contemplating visions of your family expanding in numbers, his heart grew double in size by the thought. He desired for such visions to be a definite possibility, eager to prove to you that his devotion would remain timeless and undying, against all adversities.
“Honeymoon? That seems a little out of reach for us… Maybe one day,” You slyly comment back, exchanging a taunting wink to Aegon before, setting out the plates he’d piled on the table. In response, he could only meekly laugh. Your response was not as direct as he had hoped for, although he was willing to take the risk. For god’s sake, you had shared a child together… The word “no” would kill him, however, it would take death itself to greet the man before he was ever forced to leave you, it would take a beast like a dragon, to tear him from you…
“She’s fast asleep, poor thing, you must’ve exhausted her today! What’d you have her doing?” You quietly pestered Aegon, not wanting to awake the girl, as you exited her bedroom, returning to the kitchen as Aegon was finishing up tidying the dishes. Sated with the delicious food and cake, your daughter enjoyed herself lively with the little energy she had remaining. By the end of the celebrations, the poor girl was helplessly yawning soft “aww’s”, sighing, as she rubbed her heavy lids, falling fast asleep, melting away into her father’s lap, before you’d carried her off swiftly to bed.
“Our little princess helped me make a very important decision today… She helped me pick out the most perfect gift for you, or so I hope it will be.”
“Is that so?” You taunt, as your arms wrap around Aegon’s broad shoulders, enveloping around his dense neck, as your fingers run through his short, platinum strands. You feel his muscly arms snake around your waist, his rough hands sneakily squeezing at your clothed cheeks, encouragingly pushing your body forward as it presses against his sturdy physique. Despite the confidence in his gestures, Aegon could feel the anxiousness beginning to stir in the pit of his stomach: it was a possibility that you would say no, but if that was the case, why stay with him for so long? Why bear his child? Why not leave the moment you felt the relationship was no longer viable? He refused to believe you could be that cruel. Although you'd only briefly discussed the sacred notion of marriage, he knew you were not completely against it either. “If it happens, it happens” were your precise words, if he could correctly recall.
“You okay, Aeg? You seem distracted, my love?”
“Follow me-” His half-hearted smile eased your concerns, as he firmly held your hand, guiding you down the hallway in a beeline towards your shared bedroom. Before he’d opened the door to turn on the light, Aegon instructed that you wait outdoors, until he told you otherwise. As he disappeared before you, politely shutting the door in your quizzical face, it was only in those sparse, lonesome moments, did the realization sink in that you hadn’t stepped foot at all in the bedroom since arriving from work. Aegon was swift in taking your belongings into your room, as he urged you to remain by, distracted and tending to your little girl, before the festivities would commence. And now you understood for good reason…
“Come in, babe.”
Slowly opening the door, a hint of fear quivering inside of you, unexpectant of what was to be met, you noticed the room remained dimly lit, with lit candles strategically placed across the room, red rose petals streaked all across the carpeted floor, before realizing they led a path to the neatly made bed. Spelled legibly with more rose petals across the clean, ivory white linen were the thick lettering of the words written “WILL YOU MARRY ME?”
And kneeled before you on the floor, Aegon, precisely down on one knee, a longing look strewed across his face, with the most opulent, grand diamond ring you’d ever laid your eyes upon, held upright in the palms of his hands. It’s intricate details flashing in the dimness, the silver, stainless steel band coated in smaller, lustrous diamonds, as the main centerpiece was a pear cut, glistening with such intense clarity. Naturally, you felt the hot tears swelling in your eyes, a hand instinctively going over your neckline, as the other fell onto your stomach, where once a babe had grown cosily.
“F-Forgive me, my beloved. I know that this has been long overdue, but my feelings remain indifferent. O-Over the last few years, this thought has echoed in my mind, and since you’d blessed me with the greatest gift of all, nothing I say or do could amount to how I truly- how much I sincerely feel about you, Y/N. You, you and our little bundle of joy, you both mean the absolute world to me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you both. You have stuck by me since the beginning, not knowing what you’d be walking into, with a man like me, and yet you persevered. You not once considered walking out on me nor did you ever show your discontent with me. Forever I am grateful, I-I am undeserving of you… So please, the selfish man that I am, I ask more of you. I ask that you do me the honor of becoming my beloved wife, so that I wish to remain bound to you in this life and the next, against all odds, just like we’ve been doing since day one, baby.”
Not even a second passed by before your decision had been definitively made.
Much to your amusement, as a gleeful smile tore across your face with joyous tears streaming down your scarlet cheeks, Aegon looked surprised by your acceptance. Caught in a daze, that you would decline, the answer “no” ingrained into his mind since the drive home, it took him a minute before his senses had settled in. Hastily kicking himself off the ground, he moved towards you instantly, now a similar, bright smile etched across his face, as his lilac eyes glistened with tears of relief.
“You-You said yes?!”
“Of course, Aeg! Baby, I’m so in love with you, have I been that blissfully ignorant in wanting to spend the rest of my life with you? My dear, dear husband.”
The word just oozing so effortlessly from your lips, made Aegon’s cock twitch with enthusiasm. Naturally, he swiftly placed the hypnotic ring on your delicate finger, the both of you mesmerized by its rich appearance for a few fleeting moments, before embracing one another, sharing a long, passionate kiss, as Aegon led you towards the plush bed.
“Should we not call your family, tell them the news?” You interjected, as Aegon plopped you down, remaining stood, as he undid the buttons of his fitted shirt.
“They can wait… Perhaps they shall be expecting not only a wedding, but another grandchild, niece or nephew, soon, after I’m done with you tonight.”
GENERAL TAGLIST - @evenstaris​ @chompchompluke​ @fan-goddess​ @malfoytargaryen​ @ilikeitbetterangsty​ @bibli0thecary​
AEGON TAGLIST - @who-told-you-this-was-butter​
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 11: Blast from the Past (Siblings)
Swinging side by side with her father was an amazing experience. Marinette tried hard to stifle her laughter, figuring Batman wouldn’t appreciate it if word got around that the newest vigilante was a giggler. He swings to the next roof and pauses, Marinette frowning as he listens to something on his comm.
“Alright. All hands on deck. Robin, you’ll stay on the roof with Ladybird.” He instructs, Marinette frowns. Was he really sticking her younger brother on babysitting duty? And why couldn’t she go wherever it is he’s going?
“What’s happening?” She asks, crossing her arms.
“There are several crates of weapons and a few dozen armed men in a warehouse a mile out from here. You and Robin are going to stay on the roof to make sure no one leaves before the police arrive.” He instructs before turning and grappling away. Marinette frowns, but follows behind him. Does he really not think that she can handle herself? And she knows this is going to cause problems with Damian. He already doesn’t like her and now he has to stay with her. She watches as he swoops down into the warehouse and she lands silently on the roof.
“I do not appreciate this.” Robin says, stepping out of the shadows with crossed arms. Although she can’t see his eyes behind his mask, Marinette knows he’s glaring at her. She just rolls her eyes.
“I don’t either. I don’t need someone watching me 24/7. I can take care of myself.” She says, and with a sudden jolt, she realizes this is the first time he’s willingly speaking to her. The first time they’re talking and it’s to argue. Lovely.
“If you had simply stayed away, then I would have been allowed to follow Father. Instead, I am being punished for your insolence.” He adds. Is he going to lecture her the entire time Batman and the others are fighting in the warehouse, she thinks, raising an eyebrow. She starts to snark back, but a shadow moving behind him pulls her attention instead. Narrowing her eyes, she watches as a figure steps out of the shadow, a gun raised at her.
“Well well well. What do we have here?” The man asks, a smirk on his face. Marinette glances at Robin, trying to see if he recognizes the voice. She doesn’t see any recognition, so she immediately catalogues the man as an unknown threat. Chances were that he was involved with the group currently fighting in the warehouse and not an actual Batman level villain. But he still had a gun, so she wouldn’t underestimate him. Robin turns to face the man and he immediately takes the gun off Marinette, pointing it instead at Robin’s head. Marinette narrows her eyes. She may not know him very well, but he was still her little brother. And she wasn’t about to let some stupid goon threaten him. Flicking her wrist, she aims her yoyo at the man’s gun, smirking as she manages to yank it from his grasp. She catches the gun as it flies back with her yoyo, holding it carefully and trying to ignore the internal panic. She’d never held a gun before, never wanted to or had a reason to. And she really didn’t want to hold it now, but she didn’t want the man to know that she was scared of the gun, because that would give him an advantage. She just grins at the dumbfounded look on the man’s face, his shock enough so that Robin was able to knock him down without a fight. He pulls a zip tie out of his utility belt and ties the man’s hands together.
“Well that was disappointing. I was hoping for more of a fight.” Marinette teases, hoping that the tension between her and Robin would break. She watches as his lips purse slightly, not sure what the expression meant.
“I hardly think one buffoon with a gun would be much of a fight for either of us.” He finally says, and her eyes light up. Success!
“But if it was the right foe, they could surely take you down.” A new voice says, and this time Marinette can practically feel the tension rolling off of Robin.
“Slade.” He says, obviously tensing for a fight.
“Damian. I wasn’t aware you were in possession of a Miraculous.” The man, Slade, says, turning towards her. Marinette stiffens, uncomfortable by both his words and the fact that she can’t see the man’s face because of his costume.
“I’m not in possession of anything.” He says, his jaw clenched. Marinette shifts into a defensive position, desperately wishing that she had a comm. Surely the rest of the family had heard this man’s intrusion through Robin. But she wished she could hear them. Whether it was giving information about the man or reassurance that the rest of them would be there soon, she wanted to hear them.
“Tell me, little girl, how did you stumble upon one of the most powerful pieces of magic in the universe? And why haven’t I met you before?” He asks, stepping towards them. Glaring at the man, Marinette steps forward so that she’s standing in line with Robin, unwilling to cower behind her brother.
“I don’t think we run in the same circles. And I assure you, I didn’t stumble across anything. I was chosen to wield this Miraculous.” She says, shoving false confidence in her tone when all she wanted was to grab Robin and run. Slade oozed a sense of wrongness and danger. Not a combination she wanted anywhere near her or her family.
“Mmm. Perhaps not. But we’ll never know, will we. I’m going to have to ask you for that Miraculous now, dear.” He says, her eyes narrow.
“I’m not sure if that’s worked for you in the past, but it’s not going to work today. You’re not the first creep in a mask asking for my Miraculous.” She snarks, hand twitching as she analyzes him and tries to come up with a plan. Without any warning, he lunges towards them, a sword suddenly in his grasp. Marinette jumps back, going on the defense as Robin lunges forward with his own katana. Marinette flits around both of them, throwing her yoyo at Slade every time he got too close to Robin. It was obvious the man was well trained, and it was also obvious that he had little patience for the two.
“You’ve improved, but you’re still not good enough.” He hisses, lunging towards Robin, his sword aimed at the boy’s chest. Marinette lunges towards them, shoving Robin out of the way. She shrieks in pain as Slade slides his sword into her shoulder. She can’t see the man’s face, but she can just imagine his smirk. He puts his other hand on his sword, and she just knows he’s going to twist. She can’t let that happen. So instead, she jerks back, screaming as she pulls herself off the sword. Robin launches himself at Slade once again, furiously slashing at the man. Slade lifts his sword up and Marinette flicks out her yoyo, grunting in pain as she irritates her shoulder. But she’s able to wrap her yoyo around the man’s wrist. Smirking, she tugs roughly, pulling the man off balance enough so that Robin can disarm him. Just as she lets her shoulders relax, Slade yanks his arm, tugging her to him. She yelps in pain as he wraps her into a chokehold. Staring at Robin, she tries not to panic. They’re gonna come for them, right? The rest of her family? Surely they’ve beaten those goons by now. They definitely heard the problem on the roof through Robin’s comm, right?
“Unhand her.” Robin says, shifting his position now that he has two swords.
“I don’t think I will. Not for free, anyway. You want her alive for some reason.” Slade says, tightening his hold. Marinette lets out a choked breath, desperately trying to pull in enough oxygen.
“What do you want?” Robin asks, Marinette tries to shake her head, already guessing what the man wants. She’d rather die than give some psycho the power of Tikki. Not only could he destroy the world, but Paris would also be lost without the Miraculous Cure.
“Her earrings. Let me take them, and I’ll let her live….this time.” He says.
“No….don’t...not..worth it.” Marinette manages to say, just barely able to shake her head. She gags as Slade tightens his grip again, black spots dotting her vision.
“Ladybird-” Robin says, and Marinette is certain she’s hallucinating now. Because he almost sounds pained.
“Don’t.” She begs, fighting to stay conscious. As she watches him, she sees a smirk make its way onto his face. That’s good. Good. Smirking brother means….what does it mean? She’s not sure. All she knows is that suddenly, the pressure on her neck is gone. She falls to her knees, gasping for breath and wincing at the burning in her shoulder. Too much. Too much all at once. A hand on her good shoulder shakes her from her thoughts and she weakly hits at it.
“Ladybird, it’s me.” A voice says. She blinks, opening her eyes, wincing at the pain enveloping her. Looking closer at the figure, she sighs in relief, letting herself slump down. She’s safe. Arms pick her up gently and she smiles softly, tiredness hitting her as the adrenaline finally fades. Curling in closer, she mumbles into Batman’s chest.
“Thanks dad.”
Bruce Wayne was pissed. And the only person who could piss him off so much was himself. He’d left Damian and Marinette on the roof alone because he thought they’d be safer. He didn’t think the two would be able to get into any trouble up there. Of course he would be wrong. Of course Slade Wilson would choose tonight to come after Damian. And of course the man just had to know about the Miraculous.
Hearing his daughter’s pained screams over his son’s comm would haunt his nightmares. It’d likely become the unholy symphony over the images of Jason’s broken body and Damian’s limp form. Images that’d haunted him for years and would continue to do so until he dies. When he was young, his nightmares were just of his parents. But he had seen things much worse since becoming a father. And now he’d heard much worse. Shaking his head, he tries hard to hold onto the one bright part of the evening.
Marinette had called him dad.
It was the first time she’d called him anything other than ‘Mr. Wayne’. His heart warmed at the thought, but everything came crashing down again when he remembered. Slade Wilson was gone. He’d managed to get away while his focus was on Marinette’s wellbeing. Which means his daughter was now in even more danger. Damian had informed him of the man’s obsession with the Miraculous. It was something they’d need to talk about, but not tonight. After she passed out in his arms, he brought her back to the manor. Alfred stitched her shoulder, and Bruce brought her to her room. It wasn’t decorated yet, but he’d made sure to pick out a room for her after finding out about her. Even if she didn’t want anything to do with them after this, she’d always have a room here.
Sighing, Bruce sticks his head into Marinette’s room, just to reassure himself that she was there. That she was safe. It was something he did with each of his kids, every time they were injured. Every time he was afraid that he would lose them. The sight in front of him makes him pause and pull out his phone to take a picture. They might be mad at him for it later, but he’d curse himself forever if he let this moment slip away. All of his children were piled in Marinette’s room. The girl herself was on the bed, curled into a ball despite her injured shoulder. At the foot of her bed was Damian, his face peaceful for once. Jason, Dick and Tim were all in a pile on the floor, pillows and blankets scattered both beneath them and on top of them. They were an impossibly tangled pile of limbs, guarding their youngest sister. He smiles softly, eyes finally falling on Cass curled up in an armchair that she must’ve pulled next to Marinette’s bed. Satisfied that all were well, Bruce shuts the door gently, not wanting to risk waking any of them.
His children were together, and safe. For now.
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @tazanna-blythe @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @imarivers8
119 notes · View notes
lisinfleur · 3 years
How love looks like
The request:
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Author’s Notes | I hope you like the result, love!
Universe | Vikings
Pairing | Ivar x Reader, Reader’s daughter
Info | Viking Age AU, requested by anon for 5CW Ivar vol. II, posted for HTGI event
Words | 1619
⁑ Warnings: Mentinos to pain, possible incorrect quotes or informations about Ivar’s condition.
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She was trembling when she came into my hall for the first time.
"King Ivar."
Even her voice was trembling. I could bet her fingers were cold, although the package in her hands was made of warm blankets. Her dress was ragged here and there, and her hair wasn't properly braided. But her beauty was undeniable.
However, what caught my eyes wasn't her pretty face but the way she approached my throne, bending enough so I could see the little face contorting itself, essaying a cry.
"I beg you... Please help me," she said, eyes teary.
Her hands unfolded the blanket making my eyes large. It was only a second before she folded the blankets around the little girl once again, hiding the twisted bones of her legs from the cold that made the child start cooing, annoyed.
I saw that woman clinging to that package as if her whole life was inside those blankets. And, for a moment, that scene made me remember my mother.
"You lived through it," that woman's voice woke me out of my memories, allowing me to notice the obvious difference between her and my beautiful mother. "I beg you mercy, my lord. Teach me, please. I want her to live. I know she can live! Her father doesn't believe the gods enough, but I saw what they did to you. You've done it. Please, my lord, teach me how to help her."
She didn't want her daughter to survive. No. Mother wanted me to survive. She wanted me to be there for her. That woman wanted her daughter to be like me...
She wanted her daughter to live.
"This Thing is over. I have matters to solve," I said, dismissing the other citizens.
My eyes on her, seeing how strongly she was fighting the tears. Her fear that I wouldn't help stamped on her face.
An expression that vanished completely when I caught my crutch, getting up to walk towards her.
"Bring the girl inside, woman. First lesson you need to learn: it is never warm enough for her."
Her tears broke down, but she nodded. And I could see the determination in her eyes, shining with hope and gratitude over me.
We placed the little girl inside my room, and she slept on my bed while her mother and I sat for a talk.
I discovered her name was Y/N. The little girl she named Eira seeking Eir's mercy over the little one. The bastard she once called a husband expelled them when she refused to leave the little girl to the wolves telling him king Ivar was a great man even being like her.
I was great in her eyes. I was the reason why she had faith her little girl could be someone. Something more than her father's shame...
She asked me for a place to serve in my castle since she had no place to live. I gave her the servant room beside mine and offered to serve me for a payment she could use to sustain herself and her little girl.
She accepted those crumbs as if I was saving her life.
The next day she had her little girl tied to her chest, cleaning and organizing everything I told her to.
During her work, I observed how lovely she was towards that tiny thing tied to her chest, sometimes dancing, sometimes making unnecessary rounds with the broom, everything to keep the little child entertained. The twisted little legs tightly kept against Y/N's chest as she restrained her own movements to avoid hurting her little girl.
That woman was different from anything I'd ever seen. Even from my mother - who would do nothing but care about me, neglecting my brothers, and sometimes herself, to keep me alive. Y/N was doing everything for her daughter, but as soon as the little one was asleep, I saw her brushing her own hair, messing with her clothes to find out the holes and sew them, eating properly from the portions I send to her; ensuring to be healthy and strong to care for the girl she carried around like a little treasure.
It touched my heart one day at a time.
And when the pain came and I saw Y/N in despair, lulling the little Eira trying to make her sleep, I came into her room sitting on the simple bed she would spend her nights on, and extending my arms towards her.
Her eyes were full of faith when she delivered the little Eira in my hands, observing as I gently placed the little one on the basked, moving her legs as little as possible until they were well supported and warmed by the blankets around her. With my fingers, I mashed some of my own herbs letting drops of the bitter juice fall into the little one's mouth, observing as it slowly did its job, relieving the pain and allowing Eira to fall asleep.
It was the first time I saw Y/N crumble in front of me, bitting her lips to cry in silence the anguish of her little girl's pain but also the relief of seeing she was finally tranquil.
I would see that several times. I would help Y/N to immobilize Eira's broken little legs properly to prevent them from healing the wrong way. I would help her to care for the little one's wounds when they came. And when nothing would help Eira's pain, I would help Y/N's to hold on to her faith that the gods had granted her daughter a better fate.
Whenever that little child slept after my touch, I felt a little like Harbard, taking away her pain like he'd done for me when I was younger. But, unlike me, Eira had my knowledge to help her grow better. To help her suffer less.
I didn't see when that little girl and her mother invaded my heart. Y/N learned from me to care for her child, but I saw her using what she'd learned several times to care for me instead.
She was the one providing my teas, helping with my wounds, sewing protections to make my braces more comfortable...
Relieving my pain. My loneliness.
Standing beside me even in my worst days, Y/N became someone I couldn't see myself without. Someone I didn't want to see myself without. And along with her, Eira also became a part of my life, making my heart melt when she started dragging herself around my hall like I used to do, imitating so soon the ways I had fought so hard to learn by myself.
She would come to me full of trust and laugh at me so easy!
Sometimes she wouldn't sleep if I wasn't near. Sometimes I would hear Y/N telling her my story, painting me as some kind of hero Eira was starting to follow.
And it would make me proud.
Y/N made me proud of what was once my worst shame. She made me feel I wasn't incomplete, nor half of a man. She made me feel my whole life had sense, meaning.
I'd come like that, with my twisted legs and pain, cause the gods knew my mind was gifted. The gods knew I would create ways to live.
And now, my ways were making Eira's life possible.
Slowly, I took Y/N more and more from the service of the hall. Soon, she was something like a personal servant to me. She would go anywhere I would go, and I wouldn't want anyone but her around when I was moody or living a bad day.
She became my relief as much as I once was hers.
It was inevitable to fall in love with that woman. To bring her into my life. To want her as my queen.
"I want you, Y/N. I want Eira. And I don't want to ever hear about your ex-husband once again. He's nothing but past. He's nobody. She's my little girl, and this is how I want things to be now."
She didn't argue. But I could see it wasn't the initial fear that prevented her from arguing with me or trying to contradict my arguments. Y/N's fingers touched my face that night and she touched our foreheads with tenderness.
"I wouldn't want any different," I remember she said.
Her nose nuzzling against mine in a caress I would discover it was my favorite sensation in Midgard.
"Eira is my gift from the gods. And they've decided to bless me again with you."
Now my little Eira was twelve years old. Her little braces were reproductions of mine, in a smaller size. She couldn't run around with the other children, but she would spend hours playing hnefatafl with me, making me the best company I could ever want.
She was definitely better than I ever was. Always filling our hearts with joy whenever she would play with her two little brothers the gods had blessed me with.
I'd noticed her blood-father walking around sometimes, looking at her at the market or observing as she would easily walk with her crutch around, sometimes trying to go a little faster than she really could just to show me something she wanted or giggle with her usual playful tone. I could see he regretted his mistake, but I never gave him a chance to approach, always looking at him with blues icy cold. A warning that it was too late for his excuses.
Y/N and Eira were mine now. My little princess, my queen.
They’d become my treasures.
And his time to claim back what he'd left was long gone.
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Father Knows Best-Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader
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(GIF credit to @devileyedbanana​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Can I request a Tommy x daughter angst one shot where she falls in love with a rival gangster and Tommy asks her to choose, and she chooses her love but then he turns out to be violent and Tommy comes and saves her.’
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader, Finn Shelby x Shelby!Reader (Uncle)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Alcohol, being drunk, swearing, mentions of a sexual nature, family arguments, domestic abuse, weaponry, fluff
(A/N: Matthew is a made up character, AND THIS IS MUCH LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED)
I covered my mouth as I giggled uncontrollably, Matthew was shushing me despite chuckling himself. We held onto each other as we stumbled out of the club, our feet aching from all the dancing we had done, struggling to walk in a straight line due to the drinks. As we stood up straight, swaying slightly from the alcohol, Matthew took me in his arms, kissing me sloppily. Neither of us were anywhere near sober. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he breathed out, going in for another kiss.
I smiled into it, gripping onto his coat for support.“Tonight was amazing. I don’t want it to end.”
“It doesn’t have to.”
I groaned.“It does though. You know I’m already past my curfew.”
“Your dad should be happy that you’re out making friends.”
“You don’t know anything about my dad then.”
We hesitated to start the walk home, though both knew that Matthew wouldn’t receive the best welcome if he got me back any later. I was in trouble now anyway, but I didn’t care what any of my family thought. Time flew by too quickly when I was with Matthew, it was as if we never had enough of each other. And I wasn’t stupid, my father definitely knew about us. As leader of the Peaky Blinders, he had eyes everywhere, and if he wanted his men to follow me, they would. I had spotted several of them just tonight, but I didn’t care.
Seeing as these men would be reporting back to my dad as soon as the night was over, I didn’t want to wake up to a lecture from him. Instead, I decided to head to my uncle’s house. Finn had given me an extra key, just in case, and we were extremely close in age, he understood what I was going through; he also wasn’t allowed to do anything dangerous, let alone be involved in any plans, even tough he tried. 
“You sure your uncle won’t let me in? You can try to be quiet.” Matthew whispered as I stood outside of Finn’s house. 
I scoffed at him.“I can be quiet!”
“Well I have yet to experience that.”
“He won’t let you in. I’m sorry Matthew.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’ll see you in the next few days?”
“Of course you will.”
We slowly kissed, hands still wrapped around each other. It was always so difficult to let him go. This time, Matthew was the one to pull away, gently kissing me on the forehead before leaving. I watched him leave until I couldn’t see him before unlocking the door. Although I had been incredibly quiet, I heard a thud, someone (my uncle) was fumbling around, thinking an intruder was here. He had a gun in his hands as he whipped open his bedroom door. The panic in his face was replaced with annoyance.
“For fucks sake (Y/N), what do you think you’re doing?” he sighed, rubbing his eyes.
“Um, coming in from a great night out?” I said, chuckling to myself as I walked into a chair.
“Oh good, you’re drunk. Why didn’t you get the driver to take you back to your house?”
“Because I don’t want to deal with dad. You know he’s awake too, he would shout at me as soon as I stepped foot in the door.”
Finn rolled his eyes.“You were with that prick weren’t you?”
“His name is Matthew and he’s not a prick. He’s my boyfriend. And I know that dad knows about him.”
“You should really stay away from him. He doesn’t come from a good family. We’re in the same circles (Y/N), people tell me things.”
I groaned.“Urgh, I didn’t come here to get told off by someone who is literally two years older than me. I’m going to bed. Feel free to call my dad, tell him I’m fine and that I had a good time, cause I know he won’t ask that.”
“What do you mean?”
“As soon as you call, or he calls you, the first question will be, ‘who was she with?’. Yeah, my dad really cares for me.”
Even though I slept late into the afternoon, I still didn’t feel rested. My head was pounding, I felt as if I would be sick every time I moved, and my feet throbbed, so all in all, signs of a great night out. As I shuffled into the kitchen, Finn was sat at the table, arms crossed and staring at me. Oh no, he was not going to act like a saint right now.
“I’m not dealing with you right now Finn.” I said as I poured myself a cup of tea.
“Tommy’s coming to get you in an hour. Make sure you’re ready.”
I mockingly saluted him.“Yes sir!”
“Come off it (Y/N). I don’t get why you act like this. Sometimes you’re really sweet, other times you’re...”
“Go on, get it out of your system.”
“You can be a bitch.”
“Look, I understand what you’re saying.” I sat down across from him.“But dad really hasn’t paid much attention to me recently. He doesn’t even greet me when I come down for breakfast. I know he’s got a lot on his plate, and it’s a big plate, but lately he’s been really harsh on me.”
“It’s because of Matthew.”
“He’s going to have to drop that soon. I get that I’m his only daughter so he’s overprotective, and because I’m a Shelby, but he doesn’t have to worry.”
“That’s the thing (Y/N). This Matthew has made him worry even more.”
“Why? Because it’s my first serious boyfriend?”
“No because...look, what I tell you now, you can’t say a word of it to anyone else, do you understand?”
“Do you understand?”
I hesitated, but nodded, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Matthew is....he’s part of a rival gang.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.“I get you don’t want me to date him, but that’s ridiculous.”
“(Y/N), I’m being deadly serious.”
“No he’s not. I’ve met his family, they’re sweethearts.”
“Because they want you to trust them.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m not trying to piss you off, or make up something so you break up with him. He’s dangerous (Y/N), it’s all one big trap. They get Thomas Shelby’s daughter and they can bargain for anything.”
“Wouldn’t it be less hassle to just kidnap me? What if I didn’t fall for Matthew, what would they do then?”
“That’s not the point-”
“No, there is no point to this, at all Finn.”
“(Y/N), please, I’m trying to look out for you.”
“I’m going to get ready. I need to look decent for dad.”
Part of a rival gang? Pathetic. It wasn't even an interesting story. Yes, Matthew was a little wild, he brought out the party girl in me, but I was having fun! As long as he wasn't harming me, nor were we harming anyone else in the process, I saw no flaws with our relationship. We also had our downtime moments, times where we could lie down in each others arms, hint at our futures. Apparently not everyone could see that.
There was a knock at the door, and I sighed to myself, knowing my time of hiding was over. Luckily dressed, looking pretty decent after the night before, I took time walking out of the spare room, hearing some mumbling before I even saw my dad. Although he never showed much emotion anyway, I could tell he wasn't happy, staring me down as I approached him in last night's clothes.
"Morning dad." I greeted him kindly, hoping we would have this conversation away from Finn.
Dad looked at Finn in disbelief, then back to me."Morning? Fucking good morning?"
"Get in the car."
I obeyed his order but not before saying goodbye to Finn."Thanks for letting me stay."
He just nodded to me, awkwardly waiting by the door as I followed dad outside. I kept up with his usual long strides, bracing myself for what could end up as a screaming match. Thinking about it, I never argued much with dad, but when we did, it was over serious topics, never anything petty. I loved him dearly, he always looked out for me, gave me anything I wanted, ensured that I had a good life he never had growing up. So the guilt growing inside of me was huge, but my stubbornness was strong. I was an adult now, I was allowed to make these decisions.
Surprisingly, there was no driver for us. I slipped into the passenger seat, both of us remaining silent as dad started the drive. I watched the streets of Small Heath pass by, the regulars of the city slowly making their way to work, dirty from the shift the day before, probably drunk to keep themselves warm. It was a sad, poor place sometimes.
"Are we going to talk?" I mumbled, putting my focus on him.
He sighed loudly through his nose."Are you going to listen?"
"Please can we not be malicious about this?"
"Why didn't you just come home last night? Any bar would have let you use a phone, they know who you are."
"Because I didn't want the hassle. And I stayed at Finn's, so I don't understand why you're so angry?"
"You were with that boy."
"Dad, when will you just accept that I'm twenty one and I'm allowed to see people?"
"It's not that. If you had found someone who wasn't trouble-"
"Matthew isn't trouble."
"You don't know everything (Y/N)."
"Oh, don't tell me, he's part of rival gang, right?"
Dad's eyes widened as his head snapped towards me, his gaze flickering between me and the road."You what?"
"Finn told me."
Dad groaned, putting all of his concentration back on the road."Told him to keep his mouth shut. Neither of you seem to be able to follow orders."
I rolled my eyes.
"I saw that."
"Look, I'm sorry for not at least calling last night, I know that was wrong." Dad was silent.
"But I really like Matthew. I don't want you to scare him away, or make up ridiculous stories about him."
"Stories eh? That's what you think they are?"
"I know they are."
Suddenly, dad put his foot down, making us go faster than I liked. He ignored my pleas for him to go slower, somehow not swerving off of the country roads that lead to our house. He was driving at this speed for far too long, skidding on the gravel as we braked in front of the house. Dad hastily got out of the car, whereas I needed a second to get my breath back. He was already walking through the front door by the time I was shakily getting out of the car, stumbling in my heels across the gravel.
I called after him but he wouldn't listen. Storming towards his office, he flung open the doors, not even flinching when they whacked into the walls. Quickly following, I watched his manic actions, shuffling through paper work and slapping down files onto the desk.
"There's your story." he said, pointing at them.
Hesitantly I walked towards him, scanning my eyes over his evidence. There were pictures, reports, files containing personal information. I focused more on the parts about Matthew, reading things such as where he was born, where he had lived, the schools he attended....and none of them matched with what he had told me. There was a portrait picture of him, I didn't know where dad got it from, and another photo slipped out from under it as I picked it up. Only this time, it was a mugshot.
"So, do you still think we're lying?" dad said.
"I...I..." I was speechless.
"You know that everything I do, I do for you. You're my daughter, it's my job to protect you. You need to stay away from that man."
"Why wouldn't he tell me?"
"Did you really just ask that?"
"We've talked about everything. He didn't even hint at it." I was talking to myself at this point."I met his family. Why would they go through all of that? Host that dinner, make me welcome, say such nice things?"
"I didn't take you to be stupid (Y/N)."
"I know what it sounds like. But dad, Matthew wouldn't lie to me-"
"HE'S USING YOU!" he screamed at me."You're a fucking Shelby, you're the daughter of Thomas Shelby, you have a huge target on your head! It's an easy way to get to me, and to find out secrets about us!"
My mouth dropped open in shock."I would never tell him anything they he wasn't supposed to know!"
"Wouldn't you? He seems to have a hold on you, and it's scaring me. I've never seen you like this."
"That 'hold' you're on about is called love! Not that you would know anything about that, seeing as my mother was a whore!"
"Don't you dare speak to me like that!"
"It wouldn't be a surprise would it, if I ended up with a fucked up relationship? Because I had oh such a great example from you. Fucks a random woman, she knows who he is, so she dumps the baby on him, hoping he won't give her away to an orphanage."
"Stop changing the conversation. We are talking about how we get you away Matthew."
“You’re not going to.”
“I’ve been with him for months, why is this now just coming out? How long have you known about this?”
He didn’t have to say anything but I still got my answer.
“Ah.” I scoffed a laugh.“You have known about this. And for some reason, you have’t decided to mention this.”
“It was for-”
“I’m going to stop you right there. Dad, I am going to speak to Matthew about this.”
“You will not go near him.”
“Yes I will. I’m going to get the truth, right now.”
My words escaped me before I could really think about them. I was already walking away from him, back out to the front door. Opening a cabinet, I searched through the keys for any car, any vehicle that would get me far away from here.
“I’m having someone follow you.” dad informed me.
“I know.”
“You’re stepping into enemy territory.”
“We’re not in the war anymore dad. And you’re not a soldier.”
I finally found the right key, heading towards the only car I had ever driven. Making my way to the garage, I ignored my dad, not even looking at him. I definitely felt guilty for what I had said, and what I was about to do. But I needed to do this myself, I needed to speak to Matthew without the pressure of anyone else.
I was not a good driver. Everyone was safe whilst I was driving, I just wasn’t very fast or great with spacial awareness. In my head, I had expected to be racing to Matthew’s, getting to his in record time. This had ruined my fantasy. Once I did reach his house, I slowly lined up the car with the path, wincing when I bumped into the curb; thank god no one was around to see that. 
“(Y/N)?” I heard Matthew call me as I got out of the car. He was approaching me down the pathway of his house.
“Matthew, I need to speak with you, urgently.” I rushed out, pushing him back towards his home.
“Woah, wait, wait. What’s happened? Why are you in last nights clothes?”
“Just get inside.”
By looking at his house, you could tell he was well off. It was in a nicer neighbourhood, it was separate from the other houses and had multiple rooms. I asked him if anyone else was home, and when he said no, I was relieved. We didn’t want them getting involved, and I felt like shouting if this went wrong. 
“You’re worrying me (Y/N).” Matthew said.
“Oh, are you worried about me?” I sarcastically said.
“(Y/N), can you just tell me what’s going on?!”
“Are you part of a rival gang against the Peaky Blinders?”
“You heard me.”
“What makes you say something like that?”
“My family told me.”
“What makes them think that?”
“Matthew, I’ve seen the evidence. I didn’t admit it to my dad, but I believed him. I’ve seen your real information. You’ve lied to me about a lot of things. And why do you have a fucking mugshot?”
He exhaled through his nose, looking away from me for a few seconds.“I can’t lie anymore.”
“You shouldn’t have in the first place!”
He held up his hands in defence.“Alright, alright, let’s just use our inside voices. I’ll explain everything to you.”
Matthew directed me to his front room, sitting beside me, and although I initially wanted to shuffle away from him, I couldn’t bring myself to do it; especially when he took my hands in his, resting them on his lap. He wasn’t afraid to look me in the eyes, perhaps a sign of him about to tell the truth.
“(Y/N), your family is right. I am part of a company that rivals yours-”
I tried pulling my hands away, but he gripped onto me tightly.
“-but we would never cause any harm. We are only rivals in business. There is no bloodshed, no injuries, no deaths. The only thing we fight over are numbers.”
“That still doesn’t explain everything.”
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know if you already knew who I was. You know how it feels to have everyone already judge you based on a name.”
“Don’t use that against me.”
“I’m not. I’m trying to connect with you on this. The mugshot is from a brawl we had with a couple of ex-employees, they wanted to expose us with lies. Unfortunately we were typical men, and apparently that was the only way we thought to solve it. The police were called and I spent a night in a cell, but I was released the next morning.”
“That’s it?”
He nodded.
“You promise?” 
“I promise. And my family have not been plotting anything like your father thinks they have. Of course, they had an idea when I told them about you, you know, to ‘unite’ our families to stop the feud. Obviously that was ridiculous because fights don’t just end like that. But when I brought you to them, it was because I was proud of you, I wanted to show them the amazing woman I had found and fell in love with.”
“Yes. I love you (Y/N).”
“I love you too Matthew. I’m sorry for attacking you with all these questions. But even if I tried to convince my dad that he was wrong, he wouldn’t believe me. I’m scared he’s going to try and separate us.”
“Then live with me!”
“What? No I couldn’t do that to you-”
“Of course you can! You’ve seen this house, there’s plenty of room, my family loves you, it would be perfect! And...” he leaned in closer to me, whispering in my ear,“they’re hardly here, so we would have a lot of alone time.”
Although my heart jumped at the thought of living with Matthew, being able to see him everyday, spending every moment with him, I also dreaded telling my dad. I was old enough to make my own decision though. I could move in with Matthew if I wanted, what was stopping me? I believed everything he said, he had an explanation for everything. If Matthew was in a rival gang, using me for their own purpose, wouldn’t he just threaten me or kidnap me when I confronted him? It all seemed like too much effort.
All of that information dad accumulated must have been biased, especially if our families were rival companies. Although I was leaning more towards staying with Matthew, I didn’t want to lose my dad. I would have to be an idiot to believe that he would let me leave home with a man he didn’t like, but on the other hand, I was at the age where I could do what I wanted. Just because I had the last name Shelby didn’t mean I was going to be trapped by it.
There had been a lot of back and forth that day, both emotionally and physically. But here I was once again arguing with my dad. Stupidly, I had let Matthew come along (he was very persuasive), though he stayed in the car. Set on convincing him to let me leave with Matthew, we shouted at each other, screaming our opinions. He didn’t believe a word I said. Tears streamed down my face as I grew more frustrated, pleading him to listen, to give Matthew another chance.  
“I don’t know why I’m bothering to ask! I could have left without asking, without even telling you. But I did it out of respect for you.” I suddenly exclaimed.
Dad stopped shouting for a moment, heavily breathing.“Fine. Go then. If you’re so grown up, pack your bags and move onto the next part of your life. I just hope for your sake that I’m wrong.”
I had never felt such conflict in my heart before. The first month of moving away was extremely hard, I cried most nights in Matthew’s arms. I had loathed every moment of collecting my belongings from dad’s house, saying goodbye to my family because I wouldn’t be seeing them as much as I was used to. They thought the same as dad, all had tried to convince me to stay. But Matthew was always by my side, reassuring me that we could start our own life now, not forgetting our old ones of course, but creating a new one. 
And oh, how quickly things changed.
Three months, three months of pure bliss. I was living with my boyfriend, having the joy of seeing him everyday when he came home from work, eating meals with him, sleeping beside him, not having to arrange weeks in advance when to next see each other. Matthew had even started talking more about our future, hinting at marriage, finding our own home to live in. It excited me. I was growing up, doing all the things a person should do. Perhaps this would show dad that I was happy, that he was wrong about those rumours, and I could finally see him again. I missed him so much.
It was like binding a contract with the devil. Once that engagement ring was slipped on my finger, my whole world was flipped. Matthew started staying out late. I knew he wasn’t going out drinking, he didn’t smell of alcohol when he returned, neither could he be cheating because I never caught a whiff of perfume, or found a hair on his jacket, or even see him come home disgruntled; he was just as immaculate as he had been leaving. Sometimes him, his father, his brother and uncle would come home, immediately gathering in the front room and slamming the door shut. They would be in there for hours, deep in conversation. And that scared me, because it reminded me of my family whenever they were scheming.  
“Matthew?” I had mumbled late one night, disturbed from my sleep when he opened the bedroom door.
“Go to sleep.” it was an order, no note of sympathy in his voice.
I watched him undress.“Are you alright? I heard you arguing downstairs.” 
“What did I just say?” I had never seen someones head snap around so quickly.
“I’m sorry,” I didn’t know why I was apologising,“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t upset.”
“I am now.”
“Because of you! Asking me all these questions! I thought you were smart.” he made a show of collapsing into a chair, starting to untie his shoelaces.
I sat up.“Matthew, there’s obviously something wrong. You know you can tell me-”
He suddenly threw his shoe against the floor, but for a split second I thought it was aimed at me.“Just go to sleep (Y/N)!”
I was scared to move, thinking I would somehow do something else wrong. But when he continued to stare at me, I slowly slipped back under the covers, clinging them close to me, trying to steady my breathing to hide how much I wanted to cry. I listened to Matthew get ready for bed, the silence making me more nervous. He climbed into bed, shuffling towards me. I flinched as he wrapped an arm around me, his body pressed up against the back of mine. Who was this person? What made him act like this?
“I’m sorry darling.” he whispered in my ear.
But I didn’t feel comforted by that, or feel like I should give him forgiveness. And I realised it wouldn’t have even mattered if I did, because it kept on happening.
Smaller things started to annoy him. I would simply ask him what he was doing with his day, and receive an eye roll. He would question why I was wearing a specific outfit, who was I wearing it for? His family would try to interrogate every detail about me, and it was suspicious from the beginning. I wasn’t receiving questions such as ‘How many siblings do you have?’, ‘Do your family get on well?’, ‘Where do they live?’; I wondered if it was because everyone knew about the Peaky Blinders, but it was getting too personal. I had been an idiot to become trapped by this man, however, I wasn’t going to let them use me against my family.
Some days I didn’t know how much I could take of Matthew. I was walking on egg shells around him. I quickly learnt what not to say or ask, how the tone of my voice should be, how I should look. It didn’t matter how many times he was sweet to me, apologised, bought me presents, I didn’t recognise the man I had wanted to marry. His hand held mine tighter, his grip on my waist hurt, and our intimate moments together...everything hurt me, and he didn’t care.
“Writing a letter to a friend?” Matthew startled me from the doorway of our room.
My head whipped around to see him standing there, casually leaning against the door frame.“Yes.” I quickly replied.“Well, it’s for my aunt, Ada.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m asking how Karl is. He’s growing up so fast.”
“Mention anything about me?” 
“Of course.”
“Can I read it?”
I handed him the letter, hiding my nerves. He read through it, no expression at first until he looked at me, smirking to himself. That wasn’t a good sign.
“(Y/N), my father was in the war. He’s told me about how they got secret messages out of the trenches.” he smugly said, walking towards a set of drawers and opening the top one. He pulled out a pile of letters, the envelopes opened, and the handwriting was mine.“Being Thomas Shelby’s daughter, I had expected more from you.”
“You’ve lied to me this whole time.” I shuddered at the thought of him reading my letters, begging for someone to help me escape.
“No, I haven’t.”
“You said you were only rivals in business!”I leapt up from my chair.“I fought my family to be with you! I am such a fucking idiot!”
“Isn’t that what we are? A business at the end of the day? Look, you’re here now. We’re happy. I can make us happier once we receive our upcoming bonus.”
“What bonus?”
“The bonus of having the Shelby Company all to ourselves.”
My eyes widened, screeching out as I lunged for him. I landed a good punch to his face, but due to his size and strength, he managed to grab my attacking arms. 
“Stop now (Y/N), before you get hurt.”
That was a threat from him, not a concern I may harm myself. But for once I didn’t care. They were going after my family, I would take all the beatings for them. 
“You’re a fucking liar! A cruel, terrible, waste of space!” I screamed, pulling myself away from him.“I vowed to never become one of those poor women who had to live this life. You were in my head, and I’ll admit it, you were convincing, but I know who you really are. You’re all a bunch of sad men who feel that they need to murder, threaten and mock anyone in order to make them feel better. You’ll never be as powerful as my dad, it  just won’t happen.”
“You’ve grown naive. I did like you (Y/N), once I got a good look at you, I wasn’t angry about the plan of marrying you anymore. And I’ll admit, you’re an interesting woman, easy on the eye which helps. And how loyal you were, standing beside me in everything. Don’t be upset (Y/N), we don’t want any blood on our hands, as long as your family are cooperative. And think, you will be in charge with me once they’re gone.”
“Gone? What do you think you’re going to do with my family?!”
“Nothing. We have a meeting tomorrow, you’ll be coming, and you will convince them to hand it all over to us.”
“I won’t.”
“That wasn’t a request.” he opened one side of his blazer jacket, revealing his gun.
“I would rather die than go against them.”
“You’ve done that already. And I would rather keep your brains inside your head.”
The next morning felt colder, more bitter than it usually did here; there was even a low fog creating a tense atmosphere. Although I didn’t want to comply with Matthew, I knew I had to go to this meeting if I wanted a chance of seeing my family and keeping them alive. Running on adrenaline and anxiety alone, I forced myself to get out of bed, having to get changed under the watch of the man I thought I knew. As I did my hair in the mirror, I had a sudden realisation that I wasn’t me anymore. I looked older, years older even, even though I had only been engaged to this monster for a few months. My skin felt...unusual, not right, it didn’t feel clean. The bags under my eyes seemed to droop more and more every day, as if they were dragging down my eyes with them, and my lips were missing the feeling of a genuine smile. 
Matthew kept a hand on my back as we walked downstairs, his family waiting for us. I wasn’t scared to glare at them. They weren’t going to kill me, not yet anyway. I still had some time to live, and I was going to despise them every second. They talked as if I wasn’t there, checking their weapons and the plan. Matthew had managed to confiscate my gun, I was left with my fists.
I was in the middle of the group as we made our way to the meeting point. I knew the area now, we were headed to the back of a factory. There was a lot of noise from the machines, no one would be walking around because they would be working, and Matthew’s family had a very good deal going on with the owner; they pay him large amounts of money to keep quiet, he takes that on top of his rich salary already and keeps quiet. 
As we rounded the corner, my heart dropped when I saw just my dad standing there. Out of instinct, I started to hastily move towards him until Matthew grabbed me, gripping onto my arms to keep me in place. I felt like a little girl again, scared and needing her dad to come save her. Although dad was expressionless most of the time, I was worried that he thought I was neglecting them all these months, when really, Matthew had stopped any contact between us.
“Mr Thomas Shelby, when I said about meeting, I didn’t think it would be just yourself.” Matthew’s dad started.“But that’s fine, you’re the only one we want to speak with anyway.”
“A business meeting outside, eh?” dad said.“Why do I think this is heading in another direction?”
“Let’s just get to the point, yes? You know what we want, we’re not going to stop till we get it.”
“Of course.” dad didn’t seem bothered.
“And we’re serious. But don’t worry, there will still be a Shelby within the business once you pass it over.”
Matthew urged me forward, staying very close behind.“Dad, I’ve been trying to contact you but they wouldn’t let me! I-”
“Shut up. That’s not important.” Matthew snapped at me. 
“Don’t talk to her that way.” dad lowly said, and I recognised the warning in his voice.
Matthew wasn’t bothered.“She does as she’s told.”
“I fucking don’t!” 
I stamped on his foot with my heel, quickly getting out of his grip and turning around, managing to knee him in the head as he doubled over. Another gang member pulled me away, and I didn’t know whether he was ordered to or not, but he held a gun to my temple, his arm in a choke hold around my neck. I had tried, but it was too risky to do anything when my dad and I were clearly outnumbered. 
Despite that, dad pulled out his own gun, aiming it at the man.“Let her go.”
Matthew’s dad laughed.“I know you’ll have some of your people hiding around here somewhere. But you’ve seen the weapons we carry today, and how many of us there are. You are under prepared.”
 Dad was still for a moment, suddenly whistling. I saw the men around me tense, wondering what my dad could be summoning. As expected, more men started to appear around my dad, a much larger group, some even rounding around the back so that we were surrounded. They all held weapons of some sort; guns, knives, knuckle dusters, anything of the sort. Matthew’s dad tried to not look effected, though you could tell he was shitting himself. 
“What were you saying about no bloodshed?" I smugly said to Matthew.
He frowned at me, taking me out of the man's arms and throwing me to the floor. He got out his own gun, once again placing it on my temple.
"I don't want to shoot her. But I will if you don't go through with our deal." he stated.
My hands were scraped, blood already trickling onto the ground. But I didn't moan, I didn't complain, worried that one slight move would set him off and he would shoot.
"You will put down your weapons, give me back my daughter, turn around, and walk away." dad said."We don't want to start a war between us. Look at my men, now look at yours. You will lose, and you will lose your lives along with it."
"How dare you threaten us-"
Matthew's dad interrupted."Shut up Matthew! This doesn’t mean you’ve won Shelby.”
Dad didn’t reply, lowering his gun but the others kept their weapons on display. Matthew’s dad was waiting for a reply, and when he didn’t get one, he sharply turned away. Matthew was shocked, glancing between me and him as he wondered what to do. Although I was desperate to run to dad, I slowly made a move to stand. Matthew kept his eyes glued on me. I slid off my beautiful engagement ring, now despising it, holding it up in front of his face, and letting it drop to the ground.
“In case you were wondering, the wedding is off.” I spat, instantly turning on my heel.
My body broke out into a sprint, throwing my arms around my dad’s neck as I burst into tears. My legs went weak as he clung onto me, reassuring me that I was safe now, I wouldn’t be hurt any longer. How could I have done such a thing? I turned my back on my family for a man I should have known more about. I had to face it, I was a Shelby, and it was going to be difficult to find someone who wanted me for me, not my name.
“I’m so sorry dad!” I sobbed.“Please forgive me! I don’t want to be hated by you forever. I need you. I love you!”
He calmly shushed me, as if I was a baby again.“It’s alright, it’s alright (Y/N). I’ve got you now. You’re my daughter, I would never hate you.”
“I’m sorry! I won’t ever leave you again.”
“Come on, let’s go home, eh?”
“You’re my family, you always will be. I’m always going to protect you (Y/N), always.”
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blissfulparker · 3 years
Seasick pt. 10 final→college!peter parker
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Pairings→college!peter x reader fake dating!au
Summary→ You need a fake boyfriend, peter has no plans for the summer, you take him on a cruise to meet your nasty family you kept a secret all these years. Faking your love as far as it will go before it snaps and it shows it’s true colors to one another under the burning hot sun and above the salty sea water
A/n→yeah so y’all can shut talk me for this taking literally FOREVER but I kept wanting to redo it and I finally found the perfect final for it(at least for me) I’m going to make the epilogue and if anyone wants blurbs based off it I can write it. But I present to you, the seasick final
Peter Parker slept like an Angel and you had never truly noticed until now. He had soft snores and little freckles painted on his face and he was yours, now he was officially yours and all it took was you begging him to come on a stupid cruise with your family you hate.
Although you wouldn’t mind if year after year you were able to bring peter along with you. He helped with the pain and god did you need all the help you could get.
“What are you doing?” He mumbles as he starts to wake up, not opening his eyes but his senses catch you staring.
“Nothing.” You smile as you only stare harder to count each freckle—even the new ones he got from this trip.
“No you’re doing something.” He opens his eyes just a bit to see you with the faintest smile on your face. You, the one who woke up every day of this trip dreading what another day would be like, smiled at him. A genuine smile as you woke up.
“Seriously, nothing!” You try to hide the smile that grows big on your face and he only grabs you by the waist, pulling you in close so he can tickle at your sides just to see you smile more.
He lets your laughs die down, seeing the real you in the morning was something so fresh to him, he loved it. You were his girlfriend. He couldn’t wait to go home and start saying that to people. After all these years all it took was a stupid cruise.
“It’s our last day.” Peter says and suddenly your smile dropped. Not because you were sad, because it was your last day and that meant having to spend it with your family.
“Right.” You sigh falling back on the pillow.
Peter looked at you like you were art, or maybe he looked at you the way he looked at the beach the other day, maybe he looked at you the way he saw you in the art gallery the second day or maybe he looked at you the way he looked at you the first day he got on this damn ship and you wore the most beautiful dress and worried about how tall you were. No matter how he looked at you it was just you, you who matter the most to him in this moment and truly every moment before.
“For as much as you hate this family, I actually kinda liked this trip.” That was particularly true, he hated being uncomfortable at dinner and your mom dropping off condoms but he was on a cruise for fucks sake and it was free.
“Peter, when was the last time you even had a vacation?” You looked over at him. Realizing your words were much harsher, you took a step back. “Sorry, I’m still...I’m still trying to get use to everything.” You admitted and he nodded.
“It’s okay,” he only planted a kiss on your cheek before sitting up. “I know.”
He sits up at the edge of the bed. Stretching a bit giving you a full view of his bare back, so toned and smooth, you really wanted to know when he got so ripped but that was a question for later. All you could do now was feel your hand move to run over the smooth of his back. You sit up as well, letting yourself sit before his back and press sweet kisses gently at his shoulders.
“Y-Your mom.” Was what he said as you kissed him. “She wants to have lunch.” He already saw the messages, last night when you were fast asleep. Face puffy from crying, he held onto you but his phone lit up with one message from your mom. The number she got from him at the beginning of this trip where you swore it would make everything more realistic to pretend you cared.
“Just tell her we’re busy.” You continue kissing at his sunburnt shoulders and in a way it hurt but felt so good to him.
He couldn’t change anything, what you had grown up with was irreversible. But peter had seen the real you, known the real you to be beyond what your family was. He knew you would be opposed to what he was going to tell you but he only wanted to help you.
“With just me.” He turned his head and you stopped your movements.
“Just you?” You furrow your brows and he nodded.
“Yeah, just me.” He sighed and you sat back a bit on the bed.
“Just tell her we already have—“ you started but peter shook his head.
“I think I should go. I-I know I can’t change anything but at least I can—“ he starts and you feel your heart race and your blood burn.
“You're right Peter, you can’t change anything. She’s an evil woman and I thought you would already have figured that out by now. Your smart, you should be smart enough to know that she doesn’t want to fix anything. When we go back in New York everything will be the same.” You fell back against the headboard and peter turned fully to you.
“But everything won’t be the same, at least we won’t be the same!” He told you and you looked at him quickly with a sigh.
“Peter I didn’t mean that way and you know it.” You feel your hands run over your face before you grab your water.
“I’m having lunch with your mother.” He said. He marked his words in the moment and you knew Peter could be stubborn and this was one of those moments.
“Peter…” you want to fight but your hand goes over the bracelet you both got the other day from the locals down by the beach. You remember as a kid, you wished one day it would be you getting those bracelets even if it was just a few pieces of string tied together. Those kids were always harmless and knew love when they saw it, maybe you and peter were still faking it in the moment but they saw more than the two of you ever did. “Just hold me.” You almost whisper and he looks at you with pain in his eyes.
“Hold me like you did in the ocean the other day.” You look up with water in your eyes and he does. His arms come around your back and he holds you as if you two were still in the ocean as if nothing else mattered in the world to you two.
You dressed Peter for lunch. You had torn apart his suitcase telling him that if he was going out there alone he needed to be prepared. For it was your mother, One may argue Thor’s evil brother was nicer than her.
So Peter tugged a bit at the buttons and waited near the entrance for your mother to arrive. He had fought aliens, witches, and even drones over one summer but feared a tiny old women who was the mother of his girlfriend.
When she arrived she greeted him with a hug, a tight one that made him gasp for air when she pulled away and she left her glossy lip print on his cheek.
Peter wished you were here, honestly he did. Your mother was beautiful on the outside but he did see the inside. So when she ordered him a wine he swallowed hard and gave a tight lipped smile thinking of what you would do.
“Thank you for inviting me on this trip.” He started it off and your mother only drank from the glass of her wine.
“We can all thank (y/n) for inviting you.” She smiled but she knew something more. “When you two first arrived I always found it interesting how she told me a different story on the phone for how you fell in love but Europe huh? She loved that trip, until of course everything turned bad.” Your mother explained and Peter felt his heart flip.
“She says senior year chem class and I say Europe, she counts from when we first started talking I count our first date.” Peter chuckles.
“Peter, I’m a lawyer, I know when even the best liars are lying to me and you and my daughter are both extremely intelligent. So let’s just tell the truth, why did she invite you? Why did she tell me she had a boyfriend on the phone? I see you two do have something but it’s almost like you don’t want it, neither of you.” She for once had a soft voice. Peter for once drank alcohol on this trip to sooth his nerves but sadly the spider venom in his blood prevented him from ever being calm.
“I-we-“ he couldn’t think of anything else, he could only think of you sitting back at the hotel laying in the bath enjoying the last moments on this trip with someone you actually loved. “She loves you a lot.” He said flatly.
“Look,” he started. “Everything she has ever done in her entire life was to impress you. Every award, every medal, every achievement she’s made was in hopes to impress you weather it was through her intelligence or through how athletic she was and now it was through love. It was like i was her last hope, but you missed out so much on her life. I say that in the best way. MJ, Betty, Ned and I all showed her what it’s like to be loved and maybe that’s why she ran to us more but she also knew it was never enough for you. I had never seen her so scared, so alone when she brought me on this trip. And I don’t know if it’s just me but she’s already the perfect person in every single way. She doesn’t know what more you want, I don’t know what more you want.” Peter finished his rant, his heart pounding and his cheeks a bit red.
“For me? Everything she had ever done was for me?” Your mother asked as if she learnt this for the first time.
“Yes, and every time you never paid attention and that broke her a bit more.” The more peter talked the more Peter hurt.
“Peter, can I tell you something?” She folded her hands and leant in. “You’re a smart, charming man. My daughter is a smart and charming lady. I don’t know if this entire time you two were really faking it, I could tell at first, trust me everyone could, but I want you to know she never smiled this much on this trip ever. And I don’t know what I’m doing so wrong when I try—“ peter felt his blood boil a bit at the last sentence.
“Be her mother, not her best friend. She wants a mother. She has MJ as a best friend who sometimes acts like more of a mother to her than you and (y/n) is three months older than MJ.” Peter didn’t break the stare as your mom looked at him in shock.
“All I want, because she will hate me more if I argue, is that you make her happy.” She sighed. Peter nodded.
The two of them are in silence, the last day on the cruise and peter was eating in silence with your mother after practically telling her how shitty she was.
After the check and your mothers hug goodbye, peter was back walking up to your room. Hoping he wouldn’t see anything more as he just wanted to relax. Maybe today he’d finally get that mug for May that he lied about but god felt so guilty. He lied about bigger things but the ones he loved...he had no idea how you did it. But you never lied to Peter, keeping him from the truth and lying were different.
“And he’s a really good kisser…” he stopped before he opened the door. He could hear you giggling on the phone with who he assumed MJ and Betty but more likely Betty.
“I just...I don’t know if I deserve him, I mean...he’s so kind and sweet and he’s peter.” There was a pause as Peter listened. “No flaws, he’s a shitty painter but I think it’s cute.” You giggled before taking a deep breath. He couldn’t hear the words on the other side before he heard you speak your goodbyes and ‘I love yous’ to them.
He waits until you seem to be settled down, he opens the door and reveals you on the floor painting your toes.
“Hey,” you look up at him with a smile. “How was lunch with my mom?” You asked and he only shrugged. Something washed over him and compelled him to sit next to you and kiss your cheek.
“Was fine, I drank a lot of wine but it was fine.” He shrugged and you looked up with a smirk.
“So I’m getting drunk Peter right now?” You teased and he shook his head.
“No, no.” He watched as you painted with the color blue. “She said she’s proud of you.” He admits. Never directly did she say the words but he knew deep down she wanted to but didn’t know how.
You look at him with a stare, knowing he was lying but he was trying for you.
With the silence in the room, peter gets up from his spot and walks over to pack some of the last of his things. By tomorrow morning you would say your goodbyes to your family and head back to New York. Back to your friends and family. You would stay with MJ for the summer but hopefully, with the new relationship, peter could convince you to stay with him and May.
“Hey Peter,” you look over your shoulder. “Thank you.” You tell him. Not sure if you ever told him thank you before this.
“For what?” He folds some of his clothes and puts them back into the suitcase.
“For everything.” You smile before going back to painting your toes.
Peter has a small smile. He nods as he throws the shirt into the suitcase.
“(Y/n)?” He calls to you this time. “Thank you for choosing me. To bring on this trip I mean.” He says awkwardly and you smiled.
“This was just year one Parker, get ready for the next couple ones!” You pretend to be enthusiastic but he only laughs. “Sorry we never got to do anything you wanted to do.” You apologized as you stood up. Looking down at the red painted toes and being careful to let them dry.
“No we did.” He smiled and you furrow your brows.
“Like what?”
“I was with you, that was something I wanted to do.” He was a dork in the best ways. He was your dork in the best of ways. You don’t think you had given this many genuine smiles while on this cruise ever.
“Hey,” you poked his shoulder. He hissed a bit as his sunburn still was there. “We can technically go to the couples pool, they’ll give us free chocolate strawberries. You wanna go?” You offer with a smirk. With all the things you’ve done pretending to be a couple this would be the first real couple thing you did.
“Hell yeah!” He says with a laugh and you do too.
So you get on your bathing suits one last time. One last time on this damned cruise would you put on your bathing suit and actually smile. Not drinking the last of your night away alone in your room.
Peter's arm snaked around your waist as you two walked down the hallway. Sharing laughs and you leaning against his shoulder as you two made your way to the pool where you would sit in a hot tube while eating cheap chocolate strawberries and drinking shitty wine.
While the bubbles roam around you in the hot tub and you and peter finally settle down with your laughs he only stares into your eyes.
“Hey.” Was all he said and you felt yourself feeling shy in front of him.
“Hi.” You said back and his lips connected with yours.
For a week straight of lying, tears and alcohol, and a shit ton of secrets getting exposed to each other. You and Peter made a pretty good couple. A couple that didn’t need to be faked anymore even if it made everyone sick, you found your love in the sea. You found him and he was perfect.
Seasick Taglist: @jackiehollanderr @itscaminow @just-a-little bit-of-everything @illicitparker @hotel-colson @peterparker2003 @silver-winter-wolf @mskathrinak @teen—marvel @teenwishes08 @rish0217 @j2supernatural@hollandprkr @applenter @p-nutbutters @popluckbih @homshufflepuff @hurricane-abigail @thechersupramacy @danicarosaline e @spideyyeet @lulueliot24
Permanent taglist: Permanent Taglist: @hoodiesparker @dahliaspidey y @parkersvibes @itssss-a-bean @ppkrtingle @myfinalwords @bocaul @tinyplanet-explorers @sincerlyfan @softbaby-tom @awesomeblackcottontail @rosebeegraham @stormyholland @unicorn-princess-1999 @spideyyypeter @marshyrebelcloud @oh-epiphany @yeahimcrying @highlydisfunctional1 @disgustangg @pterstingle @quacksonhq @starlightparker @reblogsfics @tomsrebeleyebrow @dreamyyholland @imaginashawnn s @alilpunkrock @peterspideysenses @lovely-valllll @lowkey-holland @hannaholland1811 @kthemarsian @maryjane23 @jillianaholland @dummiesshort t @paracutepants @heartofholland @quacksonhehe @tomhollandssecurityguard @th0ttie4tommy @ladykxxx08 @bellelittleoff @peterbenjiparker @cherthegoddess s @namoren o @sunsetholland d @lillatina004 @peterparkersbabygurl @augustdowney @a-daydreamers-day @spideyspeaches @sinisterspidey y @mathletemadison
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
Little White Lies:
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Masterlist | Rules | Peaky Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Angst, Dysfunctional Family, Unsupportive/Jealous Family Members, Fighting, Swearing, Fluff, etc.
Word Count: 4,266
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Female!Reader 
Requested: Yes
Requested by: Anon, you can find it here. (this was such a fun request, I hope I did it justice lol)
Summary: From dealing with unsupportive and envious family members, to being caught in a lie, Y/N is forced to face her family and confront her feelings about her boss, all thanks to a wedding invitation.
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“What do you mean you’re working as a secretary? I put in a perfectly good recommendation for you last month at the hospital!” Y/N’s father yelled as she made her way into the living room of her parents house. The old walls poorly concealing their loud arguing.
“Did you stop and think about how maybe I don’t want to follow in you and Margaret’s footsteps? I thought you’d at least be happy I’ve found something I like! But no, it’s not good enough for you aye? Nothing I do ever is...” Y/N yelled back, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, his eyes boring into hers.
“Let’s face it, you and mum both like Margaret better because she has a “respectable job” as a doctor just like you. You pushed her off to the best schools, and only approve of her boyfriend because he’s a classy businessman.” She said lighting a cigarette.
“See? You’re already picking up bad habits Y/N. We just want the best for you.” Her mother said, plucking the cigarette out of her fingers and throwing it into the fireplace as her father looked to the ground with his arms folded.
“A secretary job is respectable. I keep the company from crashing down half the time.” She said.
“And what company is that? One where they shove you in a dark room to type papers all day?” Her mother scoffed back.
“Shelby Company Limited. It’s quite nice actually.” She said with a smirk.
“Isn’t that where the Peaky Blinders run the streets? I bet you’re dating one of them for christ’s sake!” Her father yelled, turning away from his daughter in disgust.
“What if I am?” She asked, balling her hands into fists at her sides.
“Who is it? I’ll get you transferred out in no time. No daughter of mine is working as a damn secretary in fucking Small Heath.” He said.
“Thomas Shelby.” She said, his name escaping her lips before she could think about what she’d done.
Her father tensed up at his name. His face paling in complexion as he sat down, his wife eyeing him with concern.
“The Thomas Shelby?” He asked, more quietly than before as if he was being watched.
“Mhmm. What is there a problem?” She asked, folding her arms over her chest.
“No...are you sure it’s him? He practically owns half of Birmingham. Although his reputation is not something I’m fond of...I guess if you legally work for him that’s...respectable.” He said, his tone softer and more accepting than earlier. 
“Right, so now that I’m dating an infamous businessman, I’m more respectable as a secretary? Why the sudden change? I’m doing quite well on my own with this job.” She said as she observed his rigid body language. He hesitated to speak, remembering when the two older Shelby’s came in half-alive after being shot up by a rival gang.
“Well, given his reputation and my practice, I may have had a few run-ins with him at the hospital. It’s common knowledge not to get in their way but I did. I made him and his bastard of an older brother stay a week to heal after saving their asses.” He said, an annoyed look on his face.
“He threatened your father Y/N. We couldn’t even tell the coppers. But...please don’t get too proud over your position there darling. Your words could come back to you and he could find someone else by sundown.” Her mother said with a nice tone, trying but failing to take the sting out of her words.
She’d always been jealous it seemed. Seeing her daughters getting to achieve things that she couldn’t. Being led to a life of homemaking and hosting parties for her wealthy doctor of a husband. They never amassed the wealth like the Shelby family had, but they were able to afford a decent sized house in London, if that was any indication of her family’s status.
After a long, tense silence, she decided to leave. Saying a quick and frustrated goodbye to her parents before heading back to Small Heath. Her heart racing at the realization that she just openly told her parents she was dating her boss. It wouldn’t be as much of a problem if it were true, but alas it was nothing but a white lie. She had always been quiet on the subject despite them getting along well. Polly could see a connection, which she’d mentioned to her over tea various times, but she always shrugged it off. And now she knew it was only a matter of time before she had to tell him the truth.
As a few weeks passed, she continued with her clerical duties. Filing papers and reporting things to Thomas as usual. Until she got a call from home once again, requesting her presence immediately.
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“Why do you all need me here anyway? I could be working right now.” Y/N said, impatiently tapping her foot on the lavish rug lining the hardwood floors of the living room.
“We wanted to give you this.” Her father said, flicking an envelope at her that she barely had time to catch.
The envelope was a light green color - her older sister Margaret’s favorite - with an intricately written invitation inside.
“Thomas Shelby and Y/N Y/L/N,
We cordially invite you to attend the union of Matthew Reynolds and Margaret Y/L/N. Formal attire will be expected at both the ceremony and reception.”
Her eyes grew wide at the invitation as she realized her parents must’ve told her sister about Thomas. Knowing nothing she did was ever kept private, unfortunately. But in that moment she knew she messed up, thinking about how she’d have to tell them it was all a lie. That she wasn’t dating the infamous gang leader. A feeling of panic and embarrassment washed over her as she realized the gravity of the situation.
“Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Her mother said.
“Y-yeah. Wasn’t expecting Margaret to invite me, let alone um...Thomas to her wedding. Are you all attending?” She asked nervously.
“Well of course! We can’t miss our best daughters wedding day.” Her mother said, not knowing how her words cut into Y/N.
“You’re loved as well. Your mother didn’t mean that. No one would dare disrespect a woman associated with Thomas Shelby. Right dear?” He said, hastily reassuring his daughter and looking at his wife with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh darling I didn’t mean it like that. We love both of you. I’m sorry...I’ll do better I promise.” She said giving her daughter a light hug.
“Please do. I’ll see you at the wedding.” Y/N said harshly, leaving the house in a hurry as she clutched the green envelope in her hand.
A week had passed since she’d set the invitation on her desk at work. The paper easily seen from anyone near her desk as not many envelopes were that color. It cost too much to make them given the financial troubles of the past few years, but of course her sister could afford it.
It was midnight though when Thomas walked by her desk out of habit, the lamp still on while Y/N had left for the night. The faint yellow glow illuminating the envelope as he raised an eyebrow at it. He quickly picked it up, reading the intricate handwriting on the letter inside as he noticed his name next to hers.
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The next morning, Y/N walked to her desk to see that the invitation was missing. Her stomach doing flips as she wondered where it had gone.
“Y/N, can I see you in my office?” Thomas said as he leaned against the doorframe, his tailored suit catching her off-guard for a moment as she glanced at the man her heart ached after. Polly giving her a questionable glance and a small, knowing smirk as she walked reluctantly into his office.
He knew. He knew about the letter and she was dumb enough to leave it there last night. Dumb enough to lie to her parents. Dumb enough to harbor any feelings for the man who certainly wouldn’t admit any himself.
“Y/N...” He said, his low voice ripping her from her racing thoughts as she stood by the door.
“Y-yeah sorry. Busy morning. What do you need Tommy?” She asked, nervously fiddling with her hands.
“I need to discuss something with you. Please sit.” He said, walking over to his plethora of whiskey glasses and filling two of them with the brown liquid he loved so much. If anything, he’d probably marry a bottle of whiskey if he could.
“What is it you want to discuss?” Y/N asked, sipping from her glass as it burned its way down her throat.
“I found this on your desk. I know it wasn’t my business to go taking things, but I couldn’t help but notice my name was mentioned with yours...so now...it is my business.” He said, observing how she grew uncomfortable under his gaze, drinking more as she shifted in her seat.
“It’s a long story.” She said blankly while setting the glass down, wanting to flee out the door never to come back.
“And for once I have the time.” He said leaning backing in his chair and lighting one of his many cigarettes.
Y/N sighed and relaxed back into her seat, her heart skipping a beat as she thought of the best way to explain it to him.
“Alright...so my family is a bit backwards as you know. And happen to just adore my older sister Margaret. They funded her schooling, attended her graduations and awards ceremonies, and they uh...like that she’s dating - I mean - engaged to a businessman now. He’s what they consider successful.”
“Successful aye? What...they don’t think some razor-gang from Birmingham is successful?” He asked.
“No.” She answered, looking out the window as she continued.
“Anyway, when I visited them, they started saying things about the company and how my job wasn’t respectable. I tried to shut them down but um, my father accused me of dating one of ya, like it was a disgrace to the family. So I panicked and said that I wasn’t dating just any of them, I was dating you.” She said, looking down at the nearly empty glass in her trembling hands.
“What’d he say to that aye?” He asked, a small smirk playing on his usually stoic face.
“Oh his whole demeanor changed. Looked like he’d seen a ghost. He um...said he knew of you. Said he treated you and Arthur for a week after a bad night on the job.” She said, nervous he’d go after her father.
“Aye I remember him. A bit mouthy that one.” He said.
“You threatened him though. Why?” She asked, her nervousness turning to a bit of anger at the thought of him harming her parents, even if they weren’t the best.
“They wanted to report it to the coppers. And as you know now, we don’t deal too kindly with snitches. So I had to threaten him. To keep the peace.” He said, blowing a cloud of smoke towards her.
“I wouldn’t say peace. Fear would be a better word.” She said, sipping the last of her whiskey.
“It’s worked out for me so far.” He said.
“Yes it has Tommy...but I have one question.” She said.
“Are you wanting to go to this bullshit wedding or not?” She asked bluntly, hoping her interrogation would be over soon.
“That depends. Are you going? You don’t seem too fond of your family.” He said.
“I’m only going out of love.” She said.
“Well in that case, I am too.” He said, jotting down the address to the ceremony on his calendar with a star on the day, his heart racing despite his cold exterior. He’d harbored feelings for her too, and Polly could see it, often questioning him when Y/N would leave for the night, but he always blew her off due to peaky business.
“Wait...you actually want to go to such a horrid thing...with me?” She asked.
“And pass up a date with my favorite secretary? Wouldn’t dream of it.” He said, a small smirk hinting at his lips which seemed almost out-of-place.
“Date? Are you sure this isn’t some small business deal? You aren’t just agreeing for money or to pity me?” She asked.
“No Y/N...I’m agreeing because I like you. Always have...just never had the time to tell you till now. Now go back to your work before Polly gets even more suspicious.” He said, admitting his feelings like it was nothing as she stood there dumbfounded.
“R-right.” She said sheepishly as she made her way back to her desk, a small smile on her face as Polly watched her. Knowing something had finally gone down between them.
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A week into their newfound relationship, the day had finally come and Thomas escorted her inside the wedding chapel, her black dress complimenting his suit nicely. Her mother scoffing as she sat near her, wondering why the hell she’d wear a black dress to a wedding.
“You know black is for funerals...didn’t I teach you anything?” She asked quietly to where only Y/N could hear.
“I’m just marking the death of any peace that was left between this family. I know you both will start hounding me with questions in no time now that Margaret’s spoken for.” She said quietly, staring into her mother’s cold eyes. There’s always been a tension between them, but it seemed even a joyous occasion such as this couldn’t cut it.
“You alright love?” He asked, holding her hand in his as she stared blankly at the alter, waiting for the ceremony to start.
“It’s just my mother. She can’t put aside our differences for one fucking day.” She said quietly. Her mother leaning over to insert herself into the conversation.
“It’s nice meeting you Mr. Shelby. You’re more than welcome to sit with us at the reception.” Her mother said as she watched her daughter talk to the infamous blinder.
“Thank you Mrs. Y/L/N, we’d love to. Right Y/N?” He asked, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
“Love is one word for it I suppose.” She said, her jaw tensing as she saw her father approaching their seats.
“Glad to see you again Mr. Shelby, given this time it’s under better circumstances.” He said, shaking his hand firmly.
“Indeed it is Mr. Y/L/N.” He said, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and sticking it between his lips.
Her father soon resigned himself from the tense situation by sitting near his wife, who was eyeing the dashing blinder who smoked where he pleased.
“Can you believe she’s dating him? They look like they’ve only just started.” She whispered to her husband.
“If I have to accept him for professional reasons, you can accept him for our daughter. Enough with the snide remarks. Our lives might as well be at stake if he were to hear us...his threat still stands.” He said, knowing that his youngest daughter and her mother always had a tense relationship since her birth. It wasn’t particularly successful, only saving them in the knick of time from complications. Little did he know he was more so the heart of the family, albeit a dysfunctional one.
“They’re talking about me I know it.” Y/N said, fidgeting with her hands as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Margaret taking more than her sweet time getting ready.
“Let them talk then. It can only hurt you if you let it.” He said.
“Now, she better be dressed to the nines because this is the longest I’ve ever waited for a wedding ceremony.” He added, seeing a smirk forming on her face.
“Oh just you wait.” She said jokingly. The music catching everyone’s attention as they all looked on, and surely enough she was dressed to the nines, the whole tailoring industry probably coming together to complete the lavish gown.
“What is this the royal fucking wedding?” She asked, hearing him chuckle quietly under his breath.
As Margaret neared the altar with her father handing her off with a kiss on the cheek, she took a look at her fiancé and then turned toward Y/N, giving her a small smirk that made her stomach churn.
“What was that for?” Thomas whispered quietly, noticing the interaction.
“She’s rubbing salt in an old wound. She’s as bad as my mother.” She said, flicking her off silently. Thomas quickly placed his hand over hers to stop her from escalating the already tense situation. Her mother giving her a scolding look that she ignored, her blood boiling with the fact she was flaunting her status in front of her.
It seemed like forever before the vows ended, the tired crowd clapping and dispersing after the couple ran happily out the door of the church and to the nearby reception. With Y/N and Thomas lagging behind, not wanting to enter the horrendous venue.
“We can leave the reception early if you’d like. Maybe go somewhere more entertaining.” He suggested as they watched the couple parade around the room. Her sister quickly bringing her husband over to where they were standing.
“Y/N, love I’m happy you made it! We were scared you weren’t going to show.” She said giving her younger sister a careful hug as not to disturb her dress.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re my sister...I can’t exactly avoid you forever.” She said a small smile on her lips.
“You never told me you snagged such a......man. Where did you two meet?” She asked, shaking Thomas’ hand as her husband did the same. Margaret wary of the cold stare he gave her and Matthew.
“At work.” Y/N said shortly, not appreciating her attitude.
“Look at that, my baby sister finally has a job. What is it? A teacher? a factory worker? a nurse perhaps?” Margaret asked.
“A secretary.” Y/N said, staring the bride down the best she could hoping her gaze could silence her before she made a show of it all.
“A secretary? Hmm. Well that’s good I guess. Just be careful though, those secretaries have to sleep their way to the top you know.” She said. Y/N’s face burning as she turned away from Thomas, wanting to run out and never look back.
Thomas cleared his throat and put his hand on the small of her back as she tensed her jaw, reluctantly turning back to her snake of a sister.
“How would you know? Is that how you got to your position?” She snapped back, the anger rising in her chest. She wished she could have captured her sisters expression in a photograph, her words finally cutting into her like she wanted.
“I assure you she isn’t doing anything of the sort. In fact, she’s an integral part of the company already. But if I were you I wouldn’t say too much else.” Thomas said, a dark tone to his voice as he kept a level head between the sibling rivalry that was happening by the second.
“Oh and who are you to threaten me? What’s this company you speak of? My parents never mentioned it.” She said, her husband whispering in her ear that they had to go. The poor man hated the situation just as much as Y/N.
“That was probably to protect you Margaret. You see...you’ve always been a bit reckless with new information. So I doubt you knew what father got himself into.” Y/N said.
“What are you talking about?” She asked, grabbing a glass of expensive champagne as the server walked by.
“He got in my way...and no one gets in Thomas Shelby’s way. It cost me some of my men. So, like I said, if I were you...I wouldn’t say much else.” He threatened again, her fiancé swallowing hard as he led his flustered wife away to mingle with the other guests.
“Why can’t you both get along?” Her father asked, walking over to the pair.
“I’ve done my part with both her and mum. But...I’m not staying where I’m not valued. I love you all but, we have to go. Send Margaret and Matthew our....warmest regards, yeah?” She asked taking Thomas’ hand and leading him out the door. Her father stood there with a tense look on his face, knowing his family had gotten themselves on bad terms with the Shelby’s once again.
With frantic footsteps she walked to the car, tears flooding down her face as she got in herself, not bothering to wait for him to open the door.
“You didn’t have to stick up for me, but thank you.” She said wiping her tears away as he started the car.
“Yeah.” He said, lighting a cigarette before taking off. He wasn’t much for accepting thanks, at least since the war.
“Are they like that all time?” He asked after a long pause.
“Mhmm. Now you see why I don’t see them unless I have to. They just remind me of everything I’m not.” She said, looking out the window at the evening sky.
“That I do. I’ll be sending them something later, don’t worry.” He said.
“What do you mean?” She asked, her stomach dropping as she pictured him killing her family.
“You’re not going to kill them are you?” She asked.
“No...they’re not worth my time. At least not now anyway. And besides...I wouldn’t want to hurt you more than they already have.” He said, blowing a cloud of smoke from his lips.
“Tommy look, I know my father got in your way on a mission and I know he made you stay longer than you wanted to...but you can’t blame him for doing his job. He was trying to help. He may not be the best, although he’s far nicer than my mother and sister, so if anything, please spare him at least. That’s all I ask.” She said.
“Like I said, they’re not worth my time now, love. If they continue bashing you and my family for how we do business I’ll let you know first alright? But I can’t let them off without a warning, so I’ll send them a letter alright?” He said.
“Well it better be good then. That’s the last I want to hear of this feud. I can deliver it to them if it will help...to make a point at least.” She said.
“Take this then, it won’t be good.” He said giving her a handgun from his jacket.
“I’m not shooting my family Tommy!” She said loudly as they approached the Garrison.
“It’s not for them. It’s for you. They’re not the nicest people and I want you safe. Especially since you work for us now. If they hurt one of us they hurt all of us alright? I know that’s not what you want to hear but it’s how this business works. Now...let’s go have some fun aye.” He said, helping her out of the car and into the bar that was teeming with people from the shop.
“Oi! How’d the wedding go? You’re both home early.” Arthur asked, handing them both a glass of whiskey.
“Terrible. Tommy’s writing a letter tomorrow to put them on their toes.” She said.
“Did they say summin’ about ya?” He asked.
“Yes...and about the company.” Thomas added.
“I thought we told him last time that we’d blind him.” Arthur said, an angry look in his eyes.
“Aye we did. But that didn’t account for her mother and sister. They have a way with words don’t they love?” Thomas asked.
“Mhmm. I’m delivering it, maybe then they’ll take what they say more seriously next time.” She said.
“We can only hope.” Thomas said, snaking an arm around her waist as they spent the rest of the night at the Garrison before going to their respected homes, too worried about the mission to do anything else.
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The next week, Thomas signed the end of the letter, his hand cramping from the amount of things he’d written. Wanting to make sure his threat came off clear as day.
“Here Tommy, put this in with it.” Y/N said, handing him a lone razor blade, making him raise an eyebrow.
“Just in case they want to make anymore remarks, they can do us a favor and blind themselves. Like you said, they’re not worth your time now.” She said with a small smirk.
He took a sip of his whiskey and pointed to her with a grin, ushering her to come over to him.
“I like how you think.” He said, pulling her close and kissing her lips ever so lightly. The feeling between them almost electric as they departed.
“I’ll go take care of this, you go on with your business.” She said, as he handed her the letter.
“You know how to shoot?” He asked.
“Mhmm. Been practicing with John.” She said with a smirk.
“Alright, love you.” He said, as he caught himself muttering those words out sooner than he wanted to. But the truth was he couldn’t stand to see her go, not without knowing she was safe.
She stood there for a moment, looking at him as a smile spread across her face.
“I love you too.” She said before walking out the door to drive to the dreaded house she grew up in. Hoping this letter would keep them at bay for once in her life. Knowing her only chance at freedom from her family’s binds were through the doors of the shop and in the arms of the man she loved.
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Thomas Shelby Tag List:
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx, @lovemissyhoneybee @thomashelbyswhore, @xxbeckybeexx-blog
If you’d like to be added/removed, just send me an ask/message! :)
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elvish-sky · 3 years
All Wounds Heal Eventually {Legolas x Reader}
Requested by Anon on Tumblr: Hi first off i wanna say I absolutely love ur account your fanfics are perfectttt (especially leggy ones <3)  Also i was wondering if you can write a legolasXreader where (female) reader does anything she can to make Thranduil like her and accept her but whatever she does he doesn't seem to accept her as part of the family and keeps judging Legolas for marrying her... but make it a happy ending??? This is so confusing I'm so sorry but i hope u get what I'm saying  :,)))
A.N: I sort of thought of the dance at the beginning as a formal one from high-society events in the early 1800s England, but you’re welcome to your own interpretation. The elves could have really liked hip-hop, who knows? Thank you so much for this request! I'm so sorry this took so long, Anon, and I hope you enjoy it and have/had a lovely day!
Word Count: 1,336
Summary: Thranduil does not accept you as his son’s wife.
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
Warnings: Blood, Wounds, Angst, Fluff, not being accepted by family.
**** All Wounds Heal Eventually
Your elven dress swirled around you as you twirled on the arm of your husband, Legolas. It was the yearly Feast of Starlight in the realm of the woodland elves, and as the newly married prince and princess, you were required to open the Feast with a dance. As you paraded between the rows of other dancers you glanced up at the throne of your father-in-law. 
King Thranduil had not approved of his son’s choice of wife and had made it very clear to not only you but the whole court. He was currently glaring at you with a glass of wine in his hand, sipping it every so often as he lounged on his throne. Your mind flashed back to your wedding day, to the ceremony that the king had not even deigned to attend. He had never blessed the marriage, and had in fact done his best to force his son to wed someone else. You had tried many things to gain his approval, from mastering all the dances known to the tutors in the court, to memorizing every law and rule of the kingdom, as well as proper manners, so that you would not embarrass him. Yet he still did not approve of your marriage to his son. All of these things hurt you, but you were willing to ignore the slights so that you could be with your love.
“Melleth nin,” Legolas’ words drew your eyes back to his, “What is wrong?” “Oh, nothing,” you forced a smile as he spun you into his arms. “Only, I am afraid I cannot recall the ending to this dance!” “Never fear. Just follow me.” You let your husband guide you through the final steps and dipped you, finishing in exactly the right pose on exactly the right beat. You glanced up at the throne to see if Thranduil approved, but he was just gazing at his people, looking bored. 
Walking off the dance floor to applause and compliments, Legolas steered you towards the refreshment table. “Wine, my love?” “Not tonight, I’d like to keep a clear head.” “Ok.” He grabbed two glasses of the fruity, non-alcoholic drink and led you over to a table near the side of the large, open feasting hall. Even after living here for centuries the beauty and majesty of it all still took your breath away. The open ceiling meant that this room was one of your favorite places in the whole kingdom, as it was one of the few where you could see the stars. 
You were drawn out of your reverie by a guard urgently approaching your table, bowing, and then addressing Legolas. “Your highness, I’m so sorry to bother you but there’s been an orc attack just outside the borders to the northeast. According to our scouts they are making their way into the kingdom.” He lept up, “I’ll go drive them out immediately. I’m sorry, melleth, I have to deal with this.” He bent down and kissed you farewell, but backed away as you stood. “I will join you.” You declared, and began to walk outside, the guard alongside you. Knowing it was futile to argue, Legolas sighed and hustled to catch up. 
After quickly stopping at your rooms to change into something that allowed for more movement, and to grab your weapons, you set off with your husband and a troop of soldiers in the direction the guard had pointed you. 
You jumped into the next tree, Legolas across from you on another branch, looking down at the orcs passing beneath you. He held up a hand to signify that you and the soldiers near you should wait to attack, then moved it in a circular motion. Getting the message, you all made your way to branches so that when you dropped you would have the orcs surrounded. 
As Legolas raised and clenched his fist, you somersaulted off the branch to land on the shoulders of one of the orcs, slicing its throat with one of your blades. The sounds of fighting quickly broke out around you as the other elves did the same. You made quick work of them, and turned to see how the rest of your troop was doing. Everyone seemed to have their fights under control, and were in fact just dispatching the last few orcs. 
Hearing a small gasp from behind a tree, you sprinted over to see an orc standing above an unarmed Legolas, sword poised to slice him in half. Crying out, “No!” you ran to put yourself in between the blade and your beloved. You felt the blade bite into your side, but still managed to drag one of your daggers across the orc’s throat as you fell, making it fall back and disappear from view. You collapsed onto the ground and heard Legolas’ pained voice whisper, “My love, no. We’ll get you back to the healers, it’s going to be okay,” as he gathered you in his arms, heedless of the blood now staining his clothes from your wound. You heard those last three words repeated as a mantra as you passed out from the pain.
The next thing you knew, you were lying down in a room with calming morning sunlight streaming in from the windows. You had been undressed at some point and were lying on a large bed with a sheet covering your body and wrappings on your torso. You turned your head to see, to your surprise, the King of Mirkwood sitting next to your bedside, his son slumped at a table nearby. “Your majesty!” You tried to get up so that you could bow, hissing in pain as you moved, but he placed a hand on your arm, guiding you to lie back down. “Stay still, Y/N. You passed out due to blood loss after saving Legolas from an orc.” 
As he spoke, you remembered the gut-wrenching fear you had felt at seeing Legolas in such danger. “Do not worry, my king. I care more for your son that anything, and will always protect him.” “I know you will, Y/N, and I was blind to not have seen it before. But please take care of yourself as well. Now that I have a daughter, it would not do for me to lose her as well.” Your eyes filled with tears as he named you daughter, “thank you, my lord.” “No, Y/N. A father-in-law should never be called their title by their daughter. Call me Thranduil.” “Thank you, Thranduil.” 
“No, Y/N. Thank you for saving my son.” Thranduil grasped your hand and as you looked into his eyes you could see the depths of gratitude that dwelled there. “Now, I believe we should let the doting husband greet his now awake wife.” As he spoke he glided over to where Legolas was asleep, face resting on his elbow. He shook his son awake and left the room. “I shall return to check on you, daughter.” 
As his father left, Legolas rushed over to your side. “You’re awake! How do you feel? Is there anything you need?” You laughed at his concern. “I’m fine. I thought you would be mad after that stunt I pulled!” “I’m furious!” he declared. “I’m just going to wait until you are healed to make it known.” “Oh, great. Something for me to look forward to.” He laughed at the expression on your face and settled onto the bed next to you, careful not to jostle your wound. “Seriously, thank you for saving me.” “Anything for you, melleth nin.” You snuggled into his arms, resting your head on his chest as he whispered “gi mellin.” “I love you too,” you responded, and sighed in content. Although you were hurt, you knew the wound would heal eventually, as all did. Even the one caused by your husband’s father not accepting you had been repaired, something you never thought would happen. You were just happy to be alive, with your Legolas, accepted, finally, by Thranduil. 
Everything tag💖: @boyruins @anjhope1 @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy
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henqtic · 3 years
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!hufflepuff!rReader
summary: you see a special constellation on Draco’s birthday.
word Count: 2.8k 
warnings: Bullying
y/n/n= your nick name
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masterlist. // taglist form. // request more works.
It was July 31st 1985. 
The warm summer air was blowing past your dress. You were sitting on the field in front of the cottage that you and your mother had lived in. You were thinking about Luna and how you should pay her a visit she was a bit odd but, did make for a good person to talk to. Soon your thoughts were interrupted by a black owl landed on your shoulder you could easily tell it was your boyfriend’s Draco Malfoy.
You have been friends since your second year of Hogwarts. He had gotten tired of you not listening to his bullying about you being a Hufflepuff and just offering him a smile and saying some sort of compliment that would make him blush every time.
“Hey l/n going to make more friends with more house elves,” he said with a smirk
“I like what you did with hair today Draco”
“I do my hair like this everyday,” he responded as he turned his head away from you trying to hide the blush that covered his cheeks.
It was near the end of the school year when Draco had found you under a tree with a book with chocolate chip cookies.
You were wearing a yellow sweater with flowers embroidered on it, paired with yellow plaid pants and banana earrings. An outfit that Draco had once referred to as “to Hufflepuff even for a Hufflepuff”.You were sitting on a comfy blanket that your mom had made for you for an occasion just like this.It was calming to be away from the castle more specifically Draco. He was so pale he looked like a muggle’s depiction of a vampire so you were surprised to even had spotted him outside without screaming of have much it burned.
“ l/n your sitting under my tree”
“Would you like a cookie,” you’d say as if you didn’t even hear what he had said to you.”Did you not unders- what did you say?” He was honestly confused as to why you a girl he liked but instead of admitting to it he bullied her of all things.
“I offered you a cookie their really good in my opinion” you’d say with a smile, “They’re chocolate chip, my prefect had to help me but I like to think I put most of my love in it”
“I- Well I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have a cookie,” he admitted. “Not like you poisoned it or anything,” He said with a low chuckle following behind. You responded with a breathy laugh. Maybe he’ll be nicer to me this time.
“You Hufflepuffs are entirely too nice for that”
You sighed as he sat on your blanket and gave him a chocolate chip cookie out of your bag with a sad look in your eye that didn’t go unnoticed by him.
Everyday he made fun of you, for something you couldn’t control. Something you never wanted to change. You noticed how his friends were more of bodyguards to him so you let him pick on you because it brought him some sort of “happiness”, but it was getting to you. If you ever told him that he would say that it was incredibly “Hufflepuff” of you.
You looked toward the blonde boy in front of you with a feeling of anxiousness. Maybe it was sadness starting to build up that would eventually burn your throat as you cried like last night.
“Why do you bully me so often?” you said with a sad tone while handing him a napkin and gesturing to his face.
He had a bit of chocolate smeared at the top of his lip although you were saddened and angry at his behavior towards you, you did know he liked to look at his best at all times. Merlin why am I so loyal to a boy who wouldn’t do a thing for me, you thought.
“I’ve been putting up with it for the past two years and its tiring Draco” Your statement was laced with a bit of anger. Something he had never heard before. “Us Hufflepuffs,” you spat, “Aren’t always nice and jolly you know.” You were staring in front of you. “I didn’t want to say this because it would inflate your already large for nothing ego,” you said as you turned to look at him. His face adorned a look of shock. 
“But sometimes your words get to me,” your voice had completely betrayed you by cracking and a single tear dropped down your face that you quickly wiped.
He didn’t say anything with his mouth opening and closing it like a fish out of water. You scoffed as you got up and dusted off your jeans, “Here, you can keep the cookies you seem to like them,” no matter how sad and angry were, you, you still said that sentence with a sincere undertone. “I’m going to go somewhere where someone won’t make me feel horrible for something I can’t control.”
“Why should I wa-”
“I’m sorry” “your sorry,” you challenged in a sarcastic tone. “That is what I said didn’t I?” You shot him an annoyed look, you were not in the mood for him to start again. He noticed your face and quickly said “Sorry again.” He sighed and stood up right in front of you. “I’m sorry for bullying you and I want you to forgive me.” His wrote to his mum about his problem. She worded the apology differently but you still got what he was trying to say. “Oh” “Yea,” he said awkwardly while staring at his feet. 
You had two decisions walk away and leave him to deal with himself or to offer a friendship. Getting tired of arguing with yourself you stuck out your hand and said with a small “I think we’ll do better as friends and not as bully and bullied. He looked at your hand for a moment before shaking it “That’d be nice, I guess,” he responded not trying to sound as eager as he was. He also didn’t want the only civil conversation to end with his crush so easily so he quickly said with hope in his eyes “We should sit back down, yea, I’ll share the cookies they’re not bad”
“Yea, we should.” For the next hour or two you and Draco talked and got to know one another 
His crush grew and yours had started to bloom.
He brought you to the yule ball as his date and admitted that he liked you more than just a friend and you admitted the same now you were reading a lengthy parchment about him apologizing about how he couldn’t find time to owl you because his father and mother were planning his birthday party on June 5. 
He also mentioned how he convinced them to not throw a big one like they did every time, he describes it as less of a birthday party and more of an opportunity for his parents to talk to other purebloods and him to talk to their kids so he had no problem cancelling and instead spending the day with you. 
“Very-un Draco and very Draco,” you said out loud while looking down at the bottom of the parchment.
╭┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ · · · 🏹꒱₊˚・。゚・
┊ Love, can you actually believe I convinced mum not to throw a big party?
┊ She was at least two times as hard to convince than father. I just wanted to 
┊ let you know that on my birthday, I hope you haven’t forgotten it but if you 
┊ have it’s June 5th. I don’t want to spoil anything so trust me and flu or get 
┊ your parents to apparate you here around 8pm. I hope to see you, have a 
┊ great rest of your day and sorry again for not owling for three days.
┊ -yours forever Draco
╰┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ · · ·🏹 ꒱₊˚・。゚・
╭┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ · · · 🏹꒱₊˚・。゚・
┊ I’d never forget your birthday Draco. I’ve had your gift wrapped and 
┊safely tucked away in my dresser. I think you’ll really like it :) Of course
┊ I’ll come. Oh! and I’ll bring chocolate chip cookies I know how much
┊ you like them
┊ -yours forever y/n
╰┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ · · ·🏹 ꒱₊˚・。゚・
June 5th 1985, 7:50
Your mum was never a person to be late anywhere so you were dressed 10 minutes early with a white dress on, a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies, and Draco’s present in your bag.You did your makeup 20 minutes prior because although you did love to express your creativity, it was harder to draw flowers on your eyelids half awake.
“Darling hurry up we don’t want to be late,” you heard your mum call.
“Do you have everything with you”
“Yes mum,” you said with an eye roll. “Isn’t it adorable a Slytherin and Hufflepuff,” you could say she was more excited about your relationship than you were with the way she was talking.
Your father too had been a Slytherin too while your mum was a Hufflepuff like you.Ironic really how their daughter was following in their footsteps.“Mum,” you said in a desperate tone “oh come on dear, grab on,” she said as she reached out her arm, you grabbed on and felt like you were being sucked through at time.When you touched the ground you smiled in a success of not throwing on your mum’s shoes.
Then, you took a moment to look around. Draco’s house  manor was huge.You’d thought he had been exaggerating it maybe he was under exaggerating. It looked like a castle, a dark one at that it wasn’t very lively to be honest, and you would never trade the cottage you lived in for it.
Your mum went to knock on the door with you by her side when the door quickly opened and you were met with a tall blonde hugging you and you eagerly hugged him back.
His head was in the crook of your neck and he said in a tone only for you to hear “I’m happy you came summers been rather boring without you” “I wouldn’t have missed it,” When you pulled away Draco was met with the sight of your mum smiling like she had just seen the greatest thing in the world. He reached out his hand to introduce himself when she cut him off by hugging him and saying.
“Oh dear, you must be Draco,” She said as she pulled back, “ y/n/n here as told me all about you, how nice you are, how much of a great-” You quickly stopped her before she could say anything else to embarrass you “Mum let Draco talk yea, seemed like he had something really important to say” 
You could feel Draco’s smirk burning itself into the side of your head and he looked away and said “Oh yes, mother and father wanted to say hi before you left the door is just down the hall and the third one on your right,I can take you if you want”
“Oh no that’s alright I’ll leave you and y/n alone, also happy birthday dear.” He smiled brightly and looked at her as she walked away and then turned to you and said smugly as he tucked one of your hairs behind your ear, “I’m a great what exactly” “A um great boyfriend,” it was embarrassing how you could lose your words around him.
He leaned in closer and said with a smirk “To me it sounded like she was going to say kisser” “Draco your a horrible kisser” “That’s the complete opposite of what you tell me normally,” he said with a mixed look of confusion and amusement. You were really regretting telling your mum everything about your relationship.He pulled away, grabbed your hand and said “Come on you have to see this'' 
He dragged you all the way to a spot with a blanket and an older looking telescope.It was beautiful really but it wasn’t your day “Draco this is beautiful but it’s your birthday you didn’t  have to do this” “Love, of course i didn't have too but I wanted to,” He looked at you with a bright smile “I’d do anything for you and don’t worry the night is still mostly about me” He brought you to sit down on the blanket and immediately said “You did bring the cookies, didn’t you”
You rolled your eyes and said, “Yes,I brought them Draco.” He bit into one and said, “Your an angel for baking these for me love” “I’d do anything for you Draco'' You suddenly remembered the gift you had in your bag “Alright um here’s your gift” He carefully unwrapped it and it was a moving picture framed of you and him in your quidditch robes in third year his arm around your shoulders and you were both looking at each other. 
“How did you get this,” he said as he admired the picture  “Mum found it when looking through her things, said she took it and forgot about it and she gave it to me,” you said with a smile before he could even thank you reached into your bag again, “That’s not all” “Really,” he said eagerly.
 “Really,” you reassured” “Mum found that after I got your gift” “You said as you grabbed the dark green box and handed it to him “It was rather hard looking for something that was exactly your taste but I think you’ll really liked it” “l/n are you proposing to me? Because you do I wanted to do that first,” He said smugly. “No but it is- ugh just open it and you’ll see,” you said not wanting to ruin the surprise. He breathed out air as he saw it, a silver snake ring that would coil around the finger he put it on.
“How’d you find one of these, I’ve been wanting one since second year ever since Crabbe mistaken it for a worm and threw it into the lake,” he said as he put it around his finger and looked at you with nothing but love in his grey-blue eyes. “That's just horrible. I'll have a talk with Crabbe when we go back to school.” “Even if it wasn’t a worm he shouldn’t have thrown it into the bloody lake”
“It’s alright, I prefer yours anyway,” he looked like he was about to say something when you pulled out your wand and said “Oh that not all I wanted to make a little extra you.” You tapped the wand on the snake’s head and it started to move. He looked at it in awe of how someone could be so brilliant. You saw the look in his eyes and smiled at how much he liked the gift. You turned your head to look up at the sky when Draco started to say something you definitely weren’t expecting. 
“Merlin I’m in love with you” That was the first time he ever said that to you. You turned your head to be met with his eyes and swallowed thickly to try and make sure you weren’t dreaming. “What’d you say,” you breathed out with a smile on your face. “He got closer to you and said, “I said I’m in love with you” he kissed your nose and then spoke again in a softer tone “I love you y/n” You thought that right then and there your soul had been taken out if you and you had an out of body but before you could stop yourself you said, “ I love you too Draco” “So much”
“You really do?”
“Yes Draco, I really do”
“Say it again,” he looked at you with big eyes.
You kissed his forehead “I love you” Both of his cheeks “I love you” “I love you” his nose “I love you” and then pecked his lips “I love you” in the end of it he was left a blushing mess.
“Godric you're amazing” He cleared his throat trying not to scream at his lungs that his girlfriend just told him she loved him about six times. “The constellation I wanted you to see should be out now.” 
You both laid on your backs and stared at the sky you scooted closer to Draco as he had his hand out looking for it.He abruptly stopped and said “It’s right there” You picked up your hand to point at the same place he was but you couldn’t find it exactly so he took both of your pointed hands and pointed it at the Draco Constellation.
“It’s the Draco Constellation,” he whispered loud enough for you to hear. You turned to look at him with your hand still in his as he said “I’m named after it.” He turned to you with a child like smile and said “Wicked right”
“Yea wicked,” you whispered back. Both of your faces were close as Draco took yours and his hand from pointing at the sky. He held your face with one as he leaned into kiss you.
This was in Draco’s opinion his best birthday ending with him kissing the girl he loved and the girl that loved him under the stars.
A/N- I was in the middle of writing this right and I got the months wrong thinking that the Draco constellation came out in June and not July. Hopefully you can look over it for the sake of the story :) Dude and I’m also kinda proud of this one anyways feel free to leave any feedback or constructive criticism.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑇𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟/𝑆/𝑂'𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑
Little continuation to this post.
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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You found yourself no longer being afraid of him. Sure things started off completely bad, but he redeemed himself through the care and protection he gave you both. And little by little, your son started to warm up to Hongjoong, eventually becoming quite attached to him. Even though you guys hadn't exactly placed a label on your relationship, it was more than clear you were obviously more than friends.
He enjoyed spending time with you and your son. He especially enjoyed taking him out, with your permission of course. It was in one of those times he took him out to eat. While waiting for the food to arrive, your son took out a deck of cards to pass time.
"Hyung! Wanna play poker?" The little boy asked so innocently it made Hongjoong chuckle.
"Do you know how to play?"
Even with the boy's enthusiastic nod, Hongjoong wasn't actually expecting a game of poker. After all, he's a child. But to entertain him, he decided to play along, even pretend to lose just to make him happy.
But Hongjoong was really surprised when not only does the kid indeed know how to play, but actually won the game. Hongjoong just laughed, thinking it was because he wasn't really trying, but another round, and the boy still beat him.
Hongjoong just blinked slowly, trying to face reality: a 5 year old boy actually beat his ass at poker...... yet he couldn't be prouder.
"Not bad at all." Hongjoong ruffled the ball hair.
"Aww is he your son?" The waitress asked when she set down the plates of food in front of them.
Hongjoong looked over at your son, who had a hopeful twinkle in his eyes. Hongjoong smiled before confidently stating:
"Yeah, he's my son."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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If you thought Seonghwa wouldn't leave you alone before, now it is 10 times worse. He was always showing up at your house, and you couldn't exactly tell him to leave. One, he's your boss and he's still terrifying, and two, your daughter adores him and is always running to him when he comes.
So you have to constantly put up with him being around, although before it was because you didn't want to get involved with him. Now it was because you were getting too attached to him yourself and you were afraid of that.
That didn't stop Seonghwa. Sooner or later you'd officially be his, but for now, he resigns himself to just helping you with your adorable princess, as he likes to call her.
"What are we going to play today?" Seonghwa asked her, expecting her to take out her dolls or her Candyland board game.
He most definitely was not expecting her to bring out a mini sized roulette wheel to the living room. He looked over at you with a raised eyebrow.
"What? She wanted it and it's not harming anyone." You shrugged.
Seonghwa saw this as an opportunity to get something from you and actually decided to bet: if he won, you'd have to officially go out on a date with him. If your daughter won, he'd buy her anything she wanted, and in this case, she just really wanted ice cream which she'd been craving since she got sick. It was a done deal and Seonghwa thought he'd win. He's played the game so many times in his work, he felt confident.....
But after so many rounds, somehow that tiny girl in front of him seemed to accurately guess the winning number, leaving him stunned. You just laughed as he had no choice but to admit defeat.
"Well it was worth a shot......but a deal's a deal."
Picking up the girl, he kissed her cheek and smiled at her.
"Now let's go get you that ice cream you wanted princess. At least you're willing to go on a date with me."
You couldn't help rolling your eyes at his statement. Maybe one day, you'll say yes.
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Seonghwa's words ended up becoming a reality: Yunho and you had been married for over a year now and you were still much in love with him as ever. He was happy and proud to finally call you his wife and to show off his son anywhere he went now.
He especially loved taking him with the other guys and their kids to their weekly game nights. Usually the kids would simply run around and play with each other while they sat around the table and play a round of Blackjack. More than one of the kids got interested one night and the men started to teach them how to play.
"So basically, if you get close to 21 without going over, you win." Yunho explained to his son.
"I wanna play!" The little boy exclaimed enthusiastically.
Seonghwa mixed the cards up and handed them to Yunho. Yunho set up the game and turned to the boy.
To his surprise, and everyone else's, his son beat him in the game. Nobody was really expecting it since he'd never played it before. Yunho was astonished himself.
"Play another round. I wanna see the outcome!" Wooyoung encouraged them.
And after Seonghwa shuffled the cards again, they took turns flipping the cards over. Yunho thought for sure he was going to win since the boy decided to call stop at 16. But when he flipped his card over, it totaled to 28, meaning he automatically lost. Everyone erupted into laughs.
"You just got owned by your own son." Mingi chuckled.
Yunho wasn't upset though. He was happy that his son won. Seeing his giddy smile when he won made him feel content.
"You know, if it had been someone else, you would have been mad that you lost." Seonghwa said to him once they were cleaning up.
"Yeah, but how can I get mad at him? Not with that sunshine smile he gets." Yunho smiled.
"Yeah that's exactly what I thought....which is why I rigged the cards when I shuffled them." Seonghwa confessed.
Yunho turned to him in shock.
"You what?"
Seonghwa began laughing at Yunho's expression.
"Thank me later." Seonghwa winked at him.
"Wait! How many other games have you rigged?!"
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Some things never changed: Wooyoung and Yeosang were still close as ever. After all, they were not only best friends but also brothers in law. And Wooyoung loved coming over to play with his little niece, who was now nearing 5 years old.
She was such a curious little girl. Like her father, she hardly talked, but would always seem to poke around whenever Yeosang and Wooyoung would play a game amongst themselves. She especially was interested when they would play Roulette, she loved watching the wheel spin.
Sensing her curiosity, Wooyoung picked her up and sat her in his lap.
"All right baby girl, wanna help out Uncle Wooyoung? Pick a number."
That's how it ended up going: the little girl would point to a number, not sure what it would do, but for some reason, Wooyoung would end up screaming in victory.
"I'm telling you! This kid has powers or something!" Wooyoung said, holding her up higher and kissing her cheek.
You came in the room just as he was parading her around.
"What in the world are you doing with my daughter Wooyoung?" You asked, knowing your brother was up to one of his shenanigans again.
"Celebrating the fact she helped me beat your husband and now he owes me 500 dollars. Haha!" Wooyoung released his unique hyena laugh.
You turned to look at Yeosang and gave him a questioning gaze.
"Did you just teach our daughter how to gamble?"
Yeosang raised his hand to argue.
"In my defense, it was all Wooyoung's fault."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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San felt so proud of his son. Not only did he just beat him at poker, but he never even taught him how to play himself. He simply learned by watching him play with Mingi whenever he came over.
"Do you know what this means Y/N?!" San of course had to tell you about this accomplishment.
"That you're sleeping on the couch for teaching our son to gamble?" You replied, not at all happy with this information.
"It means our son is a genius! Y/N! You and I created a really smart kid! Isn't that amazing! Aren't you proud of him?" He exclaimed.
"Choi San, I'd be proud if he had won a spelling bee, gotten straight A's or won a soccer match, but knowing our son can play poker at 6 years old is somewhat concerning to me."
You crossed your arms over your chest.
"Honestly San, how could you teach him those types of games?"
San gasped.
"Were you not listening? I told you! I didn't have to teach him! He learned himself by watching me and Mingi play!" He repeated himself.
You squinted your eyes at him before walking away from him.
"You're still sleeping on the couch." You said.
San began to whine.
"Oh come on Y/N! It's not that bad!"
"Why not teach him to play monopoly instead? Family friendly games?" You called out from the kitchen.
"Monopoly?! Are you insane?! That devil game destroys relationships!"
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi knew that he was screwed the minute he allowed his daughter tag along with him to Yunho's house. But he couldn't say no to her when she was looking at him with those doe eyes and pouting lips.
"I want to go with daddy." She begged, tears threatening to spill out.
So there Mingi went, bringing in a 4 year old to his best friend's house, where the other mafia members were also gathered.
"Stuck with babysitting duty?" Yeosang asked him when he came in, his tiny daughter on one of his arms.
"Don't make me say something in front of her." Mingi warned.
"Ok ok, settle down you guys. And let's try to keep it PG for the princess here." Yunho said, trying to keep the environment safe.
Clearly Jongho and Yeosang didn't understand that since they took advantage of the fact Mingi was occupied in a phone call to teach his daughter the basics of blackjack, which she caught on quick. Mingi came back to the scene and was shocked.
"What the hell are you two doing?!" Mingi screeched.
"Language." Hongjoong reminded him.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Mingi picked her up from Jongho's grasp.
"Playing! Want to play with me?" She pleaded with him.
Mingi thought that one round wouldn't hurt her. They'd play, they'd leave and he'd pretend like this never happened. But it did hurt. It hurt him when his daughter beat him, not once, but 5 times! Because she liked the game so much and kept asking him to play again and again.
"Can we play with mommy when we get home?"
Mingi's heart sank as he realized how you were going to react when you found out he took her to Yunho's house and she might have become a blackjack enthusiast.
"Uh.....sweetie how about we don't tell mommy about this? Hmm?"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Are you ready to get your butt kicked yet again son?" Wooyoung smirked at his 7 year old son.
"I'll beat you this time old man!" The little boy held up his fist, making Wooyoung chuckle.
Although Wooyoung had wanted a little girl, he loved his son to death. He was his best friend, his playmate, his new partner in crime, and more often than not, it resulted in both of them getting in trouble with you. He was the exact replica of his father, personality wise that is. Physically, he resembled you more.
You were disappointed when you found out Wooyoung had been teaching his son to play, not just poker, but every single card game known to man. But boys will be boys, and your son was just as competitive as his father and vowed that one day he'd beat him in one game.
"Keep dreaming buddy." Wooyoung would usually respond to him.
But the day finally came. Your son beat his own father and mentor in a card game. Wooyoung just stood there for a minute, contemplating if this was reality.
"What the fuck just happened?!" Wooyoung completely forgot that he shouldn't swear in front of his kid. As if he didn't forget almost every day.
"I beat your sorry ass old man!" The kid began running around with joy.
Wooyoung stared at him in disbelief.
"You cheated didn't you?! I demand a rematch you little demon."
Wooyoung began chasing the little boy down. You came in the room, wondering what all the fuss was about. You managed to scoop up your son in your arms.
"What is going on around here?" You demanded to know.
"Boomer here can't accept the fact I kicked his shitty ass." Your son stuck his tongue out at Wooyoung.
You widened your eyes.
"Where on earth did you learn those words?"
Wooyoung looked at your son, silently begging him to blame Mingi or Yunho. But the little boy grinned at him evilly before responding:
"Daddy did of course."
You whipped your head to Wooyoung, who just started laughing nervously.
"Kids say the darnest things these days....right?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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You absolutely refused to at first. But you gave in and started bringing your daughter to work with you because Jongho kept insisting. The other people would often fawn over her cause she was just the most adorable and precious being they've ever seen.
Jongho doted on her the most. People were shocked to see him hold her in his arms, gift her endless presents and overall just show a side of him they'd never seen before. You were surprised yourself. How on earth was this young mafia boss so good with kids?
You hated to admit it, but you actually felt more relaxed than before. Now you knew Jongho would never use your daughter against you and spent time with her because he found her cute. So you had no problem leaving her alone with him at times.
During one of these times, you were busy making several calls to different people and checking certain 'materials' that needed to be looked over to make sure it was what Jongho ordered. Having been satisfied that it was, you went back to the office and found Jongho and your daughter sitting across from each other, cards displayed in front of them.
When Jongho saw you, he smiled.
"Hello there Mrs. Choi." He'd often call you that just to tease you.
"Jongho, I swear if you are teaching my daughter poker or any card game-"
"Relax baby. We're actually just playing speed. I'm not dumb enough to teach a 3 year old girl any sort of those things. That's something Wooyoung or San would do." He interrupted you.
During his conversation with you, he didn't realize the little girl had already finished up all her cards, making her the winner. Jongho looked down at the 5 cards he still had left. He turned to you and frowned.
"See? Now you made me lose."
He sighed and looked at your daughter's smiling face. It was contagious and it made him smile as well.
"But since it's you I don't mind at all." He cooed at her, cupping her cheeks in the process.
He then turned to you.
"You however, it was your fault I lost. You should make it up to me." He said as he lifted your daughter in his arms as if she were only a feather.
You rolled your eyes.
"And how do you want me to make it up to you?"
Jongho smirked at you. Since the beginning, he had been asking you constantly to be his, and this time, it was no different.
"Say yes."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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liddolwhynot2000 · 3 years
For You
Summary: Humanity's Strongest Soldier had quit the military. For you.
Pairing: Levi/Reader
Genre: Levi in looooveee, liddol angsty, happy ending, drama, dad!Levi
Words: 3.3K
[Note: This isn't a direct sequel to 'Falling'. But it falls in the same universe. If you want to read about how Levi met and fell for reader in this universe, check out my story Falling.]
'Levi what are you doing here-'
'I'm about to hold our daughter.'
'I can see that darling, but you're supposed to be at work. '
The short man didn't bother answering you, instead opting to pick up your two year old daughter. Little Kutchel squealed in delight, happily chanting 'papa'.
You felt a tug at your skirt, your one year old son was clinging to you. Farlan whimpered, his hands raised high, clearly wanting you to pick him up. With a sigh, you did so and realized he needed a diaper change.
'I'll be back in a few, and then we'll talk.'
Your only response was Levi complaining about how 'brat-the-first needed to stop drooling so much' as he raised a giggling Kutchel high in the air.
Usually, once you managed to put your beloved children to sleep with a lullaby, you gazed at them in awe, affectionaly tucking them in. Both of them took after their father completely, his black hair and steel eyes. Farlan's hair was almost the same as Levi's, much to your amusement. Kutchel was a rather active and loud baby while Farlan was a little on the quiet side. You usually missed Levi on nights like these, wishing he could visit more. Tonight, however, you felt more uneasy rather then happy at his sudden presence.
'I quit.'
'You what?'
You couldn't believe your ears, surely you had heard him wrong.
'You heard me. I. Quit.'
'But why?'
No matter how hard you tried, he wouldn't give you a straight answer. No amount of questioning or pouting would work on him. In the end, he strolled up to you, rough hands gently holding your upper arms.
'Look, I had my reasons. Things got unbearable for me and-'
'But don't they need you-'
'They should have thought of that before. Now listen, I've already got another job lined up, so we don't need to worry about moneu-'
'But Levi, I still don't understand why you-'
'Just trust me. It's messed up shit.'
Looking into his eyes, the same eyes you had hopelessley fallen for all those years ago, you gave in. Of course you trusted him, how could you not? You wouldn't have married the man otherwise. ____________________________________
Things began to change as you got used to seeing Levi everyday. When the two of you had met, you had worked as a cook for the garrison engineers living near the Survey Corps Headquarters. Back then, seeing each other daily hadn't been an issue. But after getting married and having kids, you had moved into his house in the nearby village. It meant less time together as a family, but you had wanted your children to have stability.
You sat on the couch, well more or less laid on the couch, watching Levi entertain your children. All three of them of them sat on the floor, with toys scattered everywhere on the carpet.
Farlan played with some blocks, happily gurgling as he tried to figure them out. Kutchel, on the other hand, busied herself with Levi.
You could only laugh at the sight of Levi's deadpan expression as Kutchel climbed all over him. Neither of had seen it coming, but your babies had inherited the Ackerman strength ten fold. Holding up their necks extremely early, climbing out of their cribs, easily lifting things that were too heavy for normal babies.
When Kutchel had been seven months old, the two of you had woken up to find that not only had she escaped her crib, she had managed to climb into your bed and cuddle with Levi. Although befuddled, the sight of the two of them had been heartwarming beyond words, and you hadn't been overly cocnerned.
Her displays of unnatural strength had been, well, less then pleasant for the two of you. It had put you on guard. The near heart attack you had suffered through, when your one year old baby girl had hauled up one end of the sofa with her teeny tiny hand, while trying to get a toy that had gotten stuck there, had almost been too much. Levi had been torn between horror and amusement at the time, before intervening. And well, both of you preferred not remember how Farlan had smacked his tiny fist against the brand new wooden table during a tantrum and caused it to collapse.
'You brats will eat sitting on the goddamn floor for the rest of your lives now. I don't have the money to buy a table if your just going to-'
'Levi, they're just babies, let them be-'
'Oh I see, so we're selling your kidney to buy a new table-'
'Darling don't be so dramatic-'
Kutchel and Farlan merely ignored their irate father, babbling as they played with their toys.
The Ackerman strength was hereditary, the two of you had concluded. Hange had theorised that with every new generation, that unbelievable strength only grew, to the point that they could access it at an extremely young age. It was manageable for now, you mused to yourself, but it wouldn't be long till Levi would have to train them lest they hurt someone by accident. You got off the couch and slid to the floor, cooing to your son. Levi was scowling as he held Kutchel at arms length.
'Stop trying to rip my hair out, you brat.'
Kutchel leaned towards him while babbling. Levi allowed her little hands to rest on his cheeks, his expression softening at her grin.
'Wuv Papaa.'
You beamed at the sight, before turning your attention back to Farlan. He had been avidly bashing two blocks together and would burst out laughing at the sound. You gently caught him before he fell from the force of his laughter.
It had been a while since the two of you had been this peaceful.
When the two of you had managed to put your babies down for a nap, you remembered some things that you needed to buy. Rushing out, you went to the market, hoping the shops you needed to go to weren't too packed today. Much to your suprise, during your excursion, you saw some of the Survey Corps members. You recognised them as the Special operations Squad. While you weren't necessarily friends with them, you did know their names.
As if reading your mind, one by one, they all caught sight of you. Another day, they would waved at you and maybe approached to help woth the bags. However, there were no signs of those friendly expressions today. In fact, you couldn't help but notice how they were looking at you. It made you feel as as if you had been the Colossal Titan that knocked down Wall Maria and ruined their lives. The ginger haired girl, Petra, was the one who really caught your attention. She had looked oddly guilty, and as though she was apologising with her eyes for a moment, before copying her comrades sullen expressions.
Startled and beyond confused, you opted to walk away from their line of vision. Your fears, that you had hoped were baseless, were slowly being confirmed. Levi quitting the military hadn't been well recieved. And if the way his former squad had looked at you had been any indication, they thought you had something to do with his decision.
Kutchel had been particularly fussy that night, unwilling to go sleep.
'Pway!' she had cried out, struggling in Levi's arms. It had taken a while but soon enough you were lying in bed, both your children deep asleep as you tucked them in blankets. The two of you had been exhausted, so when you heard the knock on the door, a very irritated Levi had quietly gone to check it out.
When he didn't return for a while and you heard muffled noises, you silently went to check on him, stopping short at the door at the sound of Petra's voice.
'-captain please reconsider-'
'Petra's right captain, we need you-'
'That's enough.'
They all straightened up.
'I'm no longer your captain-'
They all deflated, looking ready to argue. Levi held a hand up to silence them.
'I wish you all well in life. Don't involve yourself in this. This is between the higher ups and I.'
'Captain, we know this is because of your-'
'None of you know shit. Focus on going your damn jobs and minding your own business. Now leave.'
Olou, Petra, Gunther and Eld looked despondent as they made to leave.
'Petra-stay back for a minute'
All of them look surprised and curious, but didn't bother asking questions and left. They figured Petra would tell them what had happened later. The conversation took a weird turn you hadn't quite expected.
'You have some nerve coming all the way to my house after all the bullshit you pulled.'
'Captain- I didn't mean to, you know that. I was only following orders-'
'So your orders mentioned you bullshitting to everyone that I left the military because my wife asked me to?'
'...Captain I didn't say that. Everyone assumed-'
'And you allowed it. Don't fucking lie, you just didn't want any heat to fall on you. Stay away from her. Or else. I don't care what you're ordered to do. You've already made the situation worse then it should be.'
'Captain please-'
'Out. Now. Nothing you say can excuse the shit you pulled.'
As you heard Petra leave, you felt that sinking feeling in your stomach grow. So Levi had left the military for you. And the military hated you for it. The real questions was, why? ____________________________________
You watched your husband as he spoon fed mashed potatoes to Kutchel. His face was scrunched up in disgust, as Kutchel made sure that at least half the food ended up on her face and clothes. Farlan was taking a nap, happily tucked away in your arms.
'Kutchel--for the love of- eat your shitty food!'
'Darling, language-'
'I'm trying, just look at the shitty mess she's making, I might have a heart attack-'
The two of you paused, staring in stunned silence as your two year old began chanting the one word you had hoped she wouldn't pick up from your husband. Levi avoided your gaze, no doubt knowing it was his fault, and instead started making feeble attempts at stopping Kutchel.
'Oi don't say that-'
'Shit papwaa!'
'What? No. Brat-the-first, you better forget you ever heard that-'
You chuckled a little, the sight of your usually calm and composed husband panicking was too funny. You struggled to maintain your smile, however, as last night flashed in your mind again.
Everything seemed fine. Levi was content. Your children were happy. His new job was paying well. He was home more then ever. Even if he had quit the military for you, the two of you were living your life even better then before. There hadn't been any changes in your loving relationship.
But, as you watched Levi scowl and carry a displeased Kutchel off for a bath she very much didn't want, you knew you wouldn't be able to continue on without any doubts. Not until you and Levi properly talked about this.
You didn't care if the military blamed you for Levi leaving and hated your guts. You only cared if the man himself was actually okay with his decision.
You don't want to be the reason for him to break his tradition of living no regrets.
You ended up putting off talking to him. At first by a few hours, then by a few days. Eventually days turned to weeks and somehow, it had been four months since he had quit the military.
While this could be largely attributed to you being a coward, it was also how busy the two of you had gotten. Farlan had a rough teething phase, Kutchel had decided to make a sport out of kicking the fridge and trying to climb out the window, and Levi's job had a new project he had gotten busy in.
On a sunny afternoon, you held your daughters hand, and kept your son hiked on your hip as you walked out of the market. What you didn't know was that, as you struggled to carry your shopping bags and manage your mischievous children, someone would help you. And, after walking you home, that someone would give you the answers to all the questions you had wanted to ask Levi.
Years later, you would silently wonder if Erwin Smith had come there that day on purpose. It was likely, after too many years of working with Levi, he had known Levi would rather die before telling you something like this.
In all the time you had known Levi Ackerman, which amounted to a good five years now, you had learned a great deal about him. His strength, strong will, desire to protect, his devotion to being a soldier, his dreams for the future. All his highs and lows, ones that no one else had ever been pivy to, you knew them by heart.
You knew the most regret he had ever felt in his life was when Isabel and Farlan died. You knew his heart ached when even one soldier lost their life in battle. You knew the most flustered he had ever been in his life was when he had wanted to confess to wanting to be in a relationship with you, only for Hange to scream declare his feelings to you instead.
Thankfully, no one else had been there, or else Hange wouldn't be alive right now. And he had made sure to ask you out in his own sweet and romantic way later.
You had seen him get emotional more times then anyone else. At the birth of your children. Their first words. Kutchel learning how to crawl and following him around everywhere, her first decleration of love for her 'pwapa'. Farlan crying everytime he left for work, clinging to his leg as he whined. The two of you had built a family together, leading a largely satisfying life together. However, the danger and importance of his job had never escaped you.
You had always known you were second to his duty as a soldier. He would have to go on long missions, ditch dates, miss birthdays and not be able to tell you anything about his work, but you accepted it.
You never expected more then he could offer, preferring to enjoy whatever time you could have with him. You were fully okay with being the second choice, and so, you certainly hadn't expected him to take such a big decision.
To pick you over duty.
'Zackley.....ordered you to take a second wife?'
Levi winced, his eyes determinedly staring at the floor. There was some shame in his eyes, as though he had committed some crime. With a deep sigh, he sat next to you on the couch and braced himself to give you answers. Your children were sound asleep in your bed, while the two of you sat in the living room.
'Word got around about Kutchel and Farlan having abnormal strength. Zackley initially wanted me to sign a shitty contract and agree to both of them joining the military. I told him to fuck off.'
'The military wanted to use our children as soldiers? Levi you should have told me-'
'I didn't want to worry you. Frankly, I was half scared Zackley would approach you and try to bullshit you into agreeing with him.'
'... What happened after you refused?'
'He started pushing for me to have more kids. One's I wouldn't be..attached to-'
'--with another woman.'
The severe expression on Levi's face gave away exactly how much he hadn't appreciated that particular line of thought.
'I turned him down. But Zackley started placing pressure. The shitty old man just got greedy because he wanted more super soldiers. Kept pushing random women on me, and then someone theorized that if my children with you, a civillian, were that strong, then with another soldier they would be even stronger....'
You frowned, you hadn't wanted to believe Erwin but..
'.. He picked Petra. That idiot didn't turn him down. Mostly because of orders and partially because of that stupid, childish crush she has on me.'
You were at loss of how to respond, feeling too much for you to even think about putting into words. So that's why why Petra had let everyone think it had been your fault Levi had quit the military.
If she had told the truth, she would have to admit that she had agreed to marry and bear the children of an already married man. And while it would have been under orders, it would have ruined her reputation.
Levi mistook your sudden silence as something else, genuine panic flashing in his eyes. He kneeled down in front of you, hands immediately grabbing yours. His voice was shook a little as he hurried to reassure you.
'I swear, nothing fucking happened. I ignored it all as long as I could. Then Zackley had the nerve to give an official written order and threatened to court martial me. I broke the goddamn table and walked away from the military that day and--hey, look at me'
His hand gently nudged your chin up, steel eyes looked sorrowful at the sight of your watery ones.
'.. W-what if you regret it?'
Levi shook his head a little, opening his mouth to argue. You didn't let him.
'The military has been with you for so long. How do I know you won't regret this five years from now? I know you loved that job Levi, I don't want you to give up-'
'I'm not giving up shit. I loved that job because I agreed with where they were heading. Their goals. The moment they started pulling dumb crap like this, I m wasn't going to stick around.'
He sat next to you again, right arm wrapping around your shoulders, his left hand hand tucked between your hands.
'Erwin said it would be better if I just left for a while. Zackley is senile and he's in a stubborn mood. Once the Queen gives birth to her child, which is any day now, she'll end this nonsense.'
'Are you sure?'
'Definitely. That brat hasn't been well, so Zackley has been in complete control this entire time. Its why he got so ballsy, the queen wouldn't approve of this shit. We wanted to avoid risking more friction in the military, and me quitting was the answer. Erwin figured it would be a lesson for them to see how much they needed me or some shit. '
You leaned into his chest, feeling much more calm now. So everything would end up okay, he wouldn't have to leave behind the job he had poured his blood, sweat and tears into.
'This is why I didn't tell you this shit. Fucking politics and crappy old men.'
'No, I needed to know....'
You pulled away from him, only to settle yourself in his lap. Your lips brushed against his gently.
'.. You really do love us, don't you?'
'Tch whatever.'
The slight redness visible on his cheeks gave away how he truly felt.
A/N: I know, I said I'd consider making a confession chapter. But I got this idea stuck my head and I figured, hey why not just set it in the same universe. Now that this idea is out of my system, I'll get started on it. I hope y'all enjoyed this! My asks are open, so you can make requests or ask whatever you want really. Till next time ⭐⭐
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Ron Anderson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1785 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Rick’s daughter saving Ron’s life when the wolves attack
You didn't want to save Ron.
Really, you thought that he was a waste of space and that he wasn't going to ever do anything to help anyone but himself but as he and that guy neared the house, you knew that you didn't have a choice.
Carl shot the guy, taking care of one of your problems but in true Ron fashion, he refused to come inside where he would be safe. You and Carl shared a single glance before you took off after him, and he went inside.
Between the two of you and Ron, both you and your brother had a better chance of surviving this, even separated. Your dad had already taught both of you to defend yourselves, but most of them didn't know how.
They would be pigs to the slaughter out there alone and Ron was no exception.
If anything else, he was less prepared to survive than anyone else since he'd been so against listening to your dad in the first place.
"Hey stupid, you're going to die running around like that" you scoffed, yanking the scrawny male to the side of one of the houses, catching him off guard even more than before. You had went behind the houses, in the cover of the fence, while he was running down the middle of the street.
He was in plain sight, and clearly unarmed, if you were a bad guy, he would be your first target. In fact, you briefly considered just leaving him to his own devices before anything else, if that was what he wanted so bad.
"What are you doing?" he yelled, he had some nerve yelling at you like that, when you were trying to save his life. He obviously didn't understand what was really going down here, and you really couldn't blame him.
Ron had never known any better, sheltered here behind the walls like the rest of them. It wasn't right, but that didn't mean they deserved to die. Even he didn't deserve to die, as much as he hated you and your entire family.
"Just shut up and stay close to me, I'm tired of burying people" you ordered, hoping he would just keep his mouth shut and listen to you this once. Once you were sure that he wasn't going to die, you didn't ever have to speak again.
You didn't care.
There had been so many people you cared about that had died, that you'd lost but they had all died for something. If Ron got killed out here, pouting like a child, he wasn't dying for anything that mattered.
If he died out here, he was dying for nothing and you just couldn't have that. Even the worst people in existence didn't deserve that.
"You need to leave me alone, I can take care of myself" He bit, walking away from where you were keeping him against the siding. This time when he spoke, you let him walk a few feet, just to prove your point.
In those few feet, he was spotted by a pretty big guy with an axe, but lucky for him, it didn't matter how big a guy was when you had a gun. You put him down pretty easily, nailing a headshot through the middle of his forehead.
The noise made Ron jumped, and he turned toward you quickly, trying to come to terms with whatever it was that just happened. All you did was wave, holding your gun up to show him that whether he liked it or not, you were more prepared than him.
"Let's go princess, I told you once...I'm tired of burying people" you called and thankfully, this time, he listened. Ron was a lot of things, and while stupid was obviously one of them, at least he had some tact.
He asked a lot of questions though, and in your experience, that didn't work out too well for anyone.
"You should have just listened to Carl at the house" you argued, reaching back to grab his hand in your own free one that wasn't cradling the gun. You didn't have a great idea of what you were doing either, but it was enough.
It had to be enough because losing after all this time, and all the things you'd lost, just wasn't an option.
At this point, it was the only semblance of an argument he had but he was holding on to it pretty strong. Frankly, his attitude was too much for you to handle and you weren't about to deal with it.
Not right now.
Luckily for you, there was a bunker not too far from here, where the leftover resources were kept for building and things like that. It was attached to one of the houses but nobody used it for much anymore.
There was a good chance that no one else would even give it a second look, which made it the perfect place for you two to hide away from whoever it was that was out there killing these people.
If nothing else, it would keep you from being out in the open for too much longer.
Once you had slipped inside, Ron followed suit and you closed it up tight. As far as you could tell, it was the safest place you could be and for now, it would due. If someone did happen to find it, you would deal with that then.
Now, it was pretty cramped and dark in the bunker with the added lumber and steel that you were standing on but you managed to just sit down on it with enough room for you both, although you were closer to one another than you wanted to be.
The one thing the close quarters did provide was time for the two of you to talk out whatever it was he'd had up his ass lately. You knew that it was hard for him to lose his dad, but he had to have understood why he had to die.
His dad was an asshole and you would have killed him yourself if given the chance.
"Can I ask you a question?" you started, knowing that there wasn't really much of a choice on his part. You had no idea how he was going to react, but after what you'd just done for him, you weren't really in the mood to hear his excuses.
Still, you were even less willing to sit in complete and total silence all this time. As much as Ron was exhausting when he spoke, it was even worse to just have to sit this close to him with just dead air between you.
"I get why you don't like my dad, but what is your problem with my brother? Are you jealous?" you asked, when you were met with silence. Whether he wanted to answer it or not, you were going to ask. It wasn't going to hurt anything to try and have somewhat of a conversation. Neither of you liked one another, but you were here.
It was like you said before, after this, you never had to talk to each other again for all you cared.
You had paid attention well enough to know that Ron had a pretty big crush on Enid, and it was also obvious that she had an affinity for your brother. That was the only real reason you could think of that he would have cared.
He couldn't really blame you and Carl for his dad's death, that would be as pointless as blaming Judith. It didn't make any sense at all, not that you had ever really understood anything that Ron said or did.
"Why would I be jealous? Your brother is a loser" he scoffed, shuffling every so slightly away from you in an attempt to put some space between your two bodies but all he found was the wall. You were right up against one another, and space wasn't really in the cards to begin with.
If there was somewhere to go did he really think you'd still be sitting this close to him?
"Yeah? And you're not? Last time I checked, you didn't have any friends either" you countered, rolling your eyes at his attitude. It didn't matter what you said or did, he just wasn't going to let it go.
You just couldn't help but wonder why.
No one was that stubborn for nothing.
"You all just pretend to know everything when you're really just screwing it up. Life was fine here before you all came" That time there was a realness to his voice, something that told you that he wasn't just saying words to get you to shut up.
Ron actually believed that.
"How many times did he put you in the hospital?" you asked finally, there was no malice in your voice. You weren't angry or trying to hurt him, you just wanted to know. Since his death, Ron had developed some kind of affinity for his dad that you just didn't understand.
Jesse had told you the stories, just a few, of what Pete had done to both her and her boys and you weren't having it. This hero complex Ron had developed toward his father was just an excuse for his anger.
"What?" he spit back, he heard you right of course, he just couldn't believe that you actually had the guts to say that to his face. It didn't make any sense, that you would approach him like this when the two of you didn't even really talk before now.
It was ridiculous.
"Your dad. How many times did he put you in the hospital? Or did you forget about that part?" you repeated, "I know that losing people you care about is hard, but hating us isn't going to make it hurt any less, I know that too" you allowed, hoping that would soften the blow of what you were making him realize.
It was too much, more than he would ever want to realize on his own, but you didn't care. At a certain point, Ron was going to have to realize that in this world, people either lived or they died and sometimes people died.
Nothing was going to keep that from happening.
"I am sorry about how it happened, but being angry isn't going to make it any better" you hummed, deciding finally that you needed to get out of here. For you, it didn't matter if they were still out there or not.
All you knew was that you had to get out of there. You were too tired to be having this conversation with him when you knew that he wasn't listening.
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beaubokuto · 3 years
━ i. what you broke
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pairing: tobio kageyama x f!reader
genre: enemies to lovers, royal!au, angst
summary: prince tobio kageyama is cruel. he was known to be vindictive, revengeful, other synonyms for anger’s embodiment. you were not quite as interesting: a simple village girl with a knack for stealing things and will to kill the prince.
a/n: my first published fic on this account! i do hope you enjoy~~
tags: angst, royalty, swearing, medieval, fantasy, enemies to lovers, all characters are aged up, minor depictions of violence and death (no major character death)
next chapter
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There was little to no effort as you weeded you way through the crowded streets. Though the sun shone brightly in the sky, you were nearly invisible. You needn’t a distraction as your hands skimmed the villager’s pockets and bags. You needn’t a disguise as you pocketed a fine gem from a shopping lady.
Not when you were in good relations with the general’s family.
You quickly swept through the streets and into a more quiet part of the town. The part you most disliked. There was not enough sound there, not enough places to run your hands through.
Still, it was home nonetheless.
You crouched to a stray cat and handed it a small cup of milk you had managed to obtain.
“I can’t stay long, kitty.” You whispered to it as if it could hear you. As if it understood.
The town square now behind you, you were walking towards the castle. You were not going to the actual castle, although the thought of stealing from them is incredibly tempting in a way only your mind could fathom. You were walking to a nice series of houses a little further down the hill from that.
The Castle of Kageyama sat perfectly structured on the top of a large hill. Nearly a mountain, but you were hesitant to call it as such. With towers of varying heights casted around it, the castle was almost as terrifyingly dark as the prince inside.
Below the castle were the High Order. The general and his family, knights and theirs. Cooks, messengers. Those in favor of the castle and those who work for them. 
And below that, the villages in which they rule. Dusted in browns and poverty, surrounded by lakes no one dares swim in lest they be drowned by sirens. Guarded by goblins and ogres and soldiers alike. 
They were kind if you were to them.
You were not fond of the prince. If you were being blatantly honest, you hated the man. He had no honor.
You watched as he clipped the ears of an elf who dared not bow to him. You watched as he called the city you lived in, the city he were soon to rule, filth. You watched from afar as he pointed his sword at your sister’s neck for your father’s disappearance.
And you watched as he killed her.
One day, it would be your blade at his neck.
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The creaking of the door was the only sound that gave away your presence. The general peaked from the kitchen, bowl of something delicious in hand. 
“I imagine I do not wish to inquire what you have been doing?” The general asked you after you closed the door.
“You would only be delighted.” You joked. “And where is Kiyoko?”
“She’s in her room. She was at a ball this evening, so I believe she’s changing.”
“Thank you, sir.”
The general was a kind man. He welcomed you whenever you arrived, happy to allow you to eat with them in the Shimizu house. In the beginning, he was hesitant to let a foreign village girl into his home. But your friendship with his daughter quickly let him forget about that.
Kiyoko was beautiful. She was two years older than you, dark hair and bright eyes that shined beneath lenses. And one single mole under her lip. You could only imagine how many men danced with her at the ball. Women, too.
“What did you sneak this time?” She asked as soon as you entered her bedroom.
She was slipping out of a gorgeous blue dress. You paid that no mind, sitting on the edge of her bed in your (rather dirty) black cloak.
“Look!” You fanned out your items of the day.
An antique fan, a shoelace with a rubber nub at the end, varying food, a small bracelet made of braided rope, and the blue gem.
“All of this from walking from your house to mine?” She raised a brow. You nodded. 
Her eyes immediately lightened at the gemstone. “That’s a sapphire! You could sell this to Tanaka and Nishinoya for an incredible amount of money.”
“I figured it would be much, but how much?”
“At least... at least a moonful.”
“You’re lying.”
“I don’t lie. You know that.”
You were grinning ear to ear. One single gemstone may be cause of your fortune. You could apply to be a knight in the high order with a moonful.
“Put it away.” Kiyoko hushed, placing the gem into your palm. “I will phone the boys and see when they can meet. You’ll be a great knight.”
She pressed a kiss to your cheek and headed for the stairs. You followed suit, adjusting the sword that hung at your hip under the cloak.
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The first time you had picked up a sword was when you were three years of age. You were a tiny thing, smaller than most and malnourished from your father’s lack of... well, everything.
You were running through the streets, playing with your older sister. Her long hair passed behind her, your three year old legs having trouble keeping up with her six year old ones.
But everything stopped when your eye caught on a sword on display at a shop.
The blade was made of pure silver, the handle carved into false blue vines that twisted into the actual blade itself. It was beautiful.
The vendor noticed your childlike wonder and smiled down at you. He came around the side of the table, picking up the blade. 
“Do you wish to hold it, little one?” He offered.
You nodded instantly. You hadn’t even noticed your sister’s return to your side, watching your infatuation with the object.
The second the sword touched your palms, you wanted to swing it. You wanted one your size. Your toddler arms could barely hold it up despite you holding it in both arms bridal style.
“I may have one your size.” He winked.
The man went behind the counter only to return with a small wooden one with a dull blade. It was not nearly as beautiful, but you could hold that one. 
“How much for it?” Your sister asked, looking through her pockets for any money she may carry.
“Worry not.” The vendor placed the blue and silver one back to his stand, and then proceeding to crouch in front of you. “You can leave with that one.”
Your sister thanked him, bowing and asking again if it were really all correct if you took it. But you were already swinging the thing around, the air around you feeling lighter and a smile on your three year old face.
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“I don’t see why I must go wonder the village.” Tobio Kageyama argued. “Why must I go walk a place where I rule? This is why we have advisors.”
“You will be crowned in a month’s time, Tobio.” The king spoke. His voice was loud, booming. It commanded respect to any who hears. 
The king had the adoration of most of his kingdom. He was worried for his son, who already had a reputation of irritability and anger. He knew that he would be all correct, all kings had a different way of gaining respect.
“And tell me why we cannot crown Miwa instead?” 
“Because she is overseas. Because she is studying and to marry the sea king.” His father rubbed the space between his brow. “We have been over this many times, Tobio. No matter your rebellions, you will be crowned.”
“May I take a friend, then, if I must trudge through the grime?”
“Fine.” He huffed. “Watch your words. This grime will be your kingdom soon.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“You will be kind to be careful of your tongue if you wish to keep it.”
“Yes, father.” Kageyama corrected through bared teeth. He turned to the nearest servant. A human standing at the entrance to the hall. “Call for Shoyo Hinata. Tell him to make haste, we’re going on an adventure.”
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The sun was setting against the horizon. Some days, you wished that you could see it; watch the sun set over a line of a horizon. But the sun always disappeared beneath the forest’s trees that circle the town.
You imagined that the castle had the perfect view.
Kiyoko and you had dueled for a while before you left. Being the daughter of the general, she was skilled with a sword. Though she was better with daggers, she still gave you quite a fight. 
Near the end, you both were sweating. You had almost managed to overtake her. 
“Good job. Soon you’ll be better than I.”
“That is incredibly doubtful, you’ve been doing this since you were born.”
She only smiled, saying, “There is a difference, though. I was born without talent and taught to battle, trained to be this way. You were born with talent and continue to train that talent. One day, you will best me. I can bet on it.”
You were still thinking of her words as you walked through the brown paths home. Most people were doing the last of their daily shopping, reading to head home before the ghosts come out.
Kiyoko had given you a little bit of money, telling you, “For on your way home. You won’t be suspicious if you buy things on occasion.”
She was correct, of course. 
You stopped to get cheese and bread. You had some fruit still in your pockets, but food was better warm.
You thanked the vendor. You plastered your best fake smile to them, bowing your head a little in respect. 
You hated common courtesies. 
You caught a glimpse of a bracelet on a woman who was looking at a basket shop a couple of yards from you. You could leave it, return to your mission home. 
Your hands tingled in anticipation. You could not help yourself.
Before anyone could see, before anyone had the chance to even acknowledge your position at the shop, you had the bracelet unclasped and in your palm.
You truly had to give yourself the credit for your talent. 
Perhaps it was the fear of never stealing again once you enter in the knight program. Perhaps it was the adrenaline you never fail to feel when you snatch something in plain sight. No matter; you could not help but smile to yourself.
That is why your heart seized in it’s chest when you found yourself face to face with the prince.
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“I do not see why you are not enjoying yourself more, Tobio.” Hinata spoke. He rode his horse a little behind Kageyama. Kageyama figured it was out of respect, but Hinata just had a slower horse. 
Hinata’s orange hair was nearly glowing. It could be from his powers, but he was sure it was from the setting sun.
“I do not wish to prance through poverty.” Kageyama told him. “Why must I get my hands dirty when we are not supposed to leave the castle for prolonged periods?”
“You get to meet people.” Hinata smiled, looking ahead. They were close enough that he did not have to use formalities, honorifics. “Don’t you wish to see what the people are doing in the place you rule?”
Scoffing, Kageyama dismounted his horse. Hinata followed suit.
It was ridiculously symbolistic, their horses. Kageyama’s was a slick black, donned in dark metal armor and piercing eyes. Much like himself. Hinata’s horse was palomino, light with white hair and white saddle and an almost smile.
They walked beside their horses as they entered the town. Almost instantly, they could feel the atmosphere change. Whispers ignited through the people. As they walked by, each one bowed in honor.
Except you.
You were too busy looking at something in your hand, eyes agleam in something Kageyama could only claim as mischief. 
He had viewed the same look in his own mirror.
When you looked up, you caught his eye. You didn’t bow, you didn’t even mutter an apology.
No common person had ever looked him directly in the eye before.
“Where is your respect?” Tobio Kageyama asked you. His voice was deep, dark. A warning.
You had to hold back a roll of your eyes. “Not with you, my lord.”
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iamavailablesstuff · 3 years
Reality in madness
Part 1: soul for a soul
Loki X Julia stark
Summary: Instead of sending Natasha and Clint to recover the Soul stone, the team sends Loki and you. 
Third pov
It had all happened so fast. One moment they were standing in a ring, Julia and Loki right next to each other. They had thought they looked funny in the white and red suits that they absolutely had to wear. It was supposed to be a simple mission; go back in time, get the soul stone and get back. Well, it was simple on paper.  One moment they were in the present and the next they were back in the past.
”I can’t believe we’re going back in time and this is the place we’re visiting!” julia complained light-heartedly, wrapping her arms around her body. They had only been on the strange planet Vormir for a little while, but she was cold.
”Do not worry, dear. Next time, we can go and see the Vikings,” Loki tried to cheer her up. He was happy that he was paired with julia, the love of his life. It had been strange to adjust to life with the very people who viewed him as their enemy before, but Loki had proved himself worthy to the team. Besides, it was all worth it because he could be with her.
They continued their journey, walking closer to the tall mountains in the distance. Although they didn’t show it, they were worried. This was a one-way ticket. If they messed up now, they could ruin everything. Therefore, the couple had to be cautious with every step they took. Who knew what could happened if they misplaced their steps.
All of a sudden, a figure appeared in front of them, levitating easily above the frozen ground. Loki grabbed julia’s arm gently, stopping her from walking towards the mysterious creature. The dark hood made it look intimidating, but it hadn’t attacked them yet. Just barely, they could see an outline of a face underneath the hood. He looked…red? Although they were quiet, Loki and Julia were both aware of each other’s thoughts. They were confused.
”Loki of Asgard and Jotunheim,” The man spoke first, somehow knowing who Loki and later "Julia stark , daughter of Anthony"
”How do you know who we are?” Loki questioned him fiercely. That’s when the hooded man neared the ground and eventually stood on his own two feet.
”It is my curse to know all who journey here. I also know you are here for the sacred stone,” The man explained.
That’s when julia stepped forward, ”Can you take us to the stone?” She was not here to waste any precious time.
The man sighed, revealing his skull-like face. ”Are you sure you are willing to pay the price?”
The price? Julia and Loki exchanged looks, both wondering what the mysterious stonekeeper meant by that. Feeling confident, julia decided to continue, ”We will do anything for it.” Anything to save half of the universe…
Somehow, julia’s reply made the man look miserable, but he didn’t fight them. It seemed like he knew the price was too high to pay for many, but he wasn’t going to stop them. ”Come with me,” He finally said, willing to lead the way to the Soul stone. Julia and Loki followed him closely, staying beside one another. With every step they took uphill the mountain, their hearts began to beat a little harder.
Finally, they reached the top. Although the view was fascinating as the sky was painted purple and pink, they didn’t see where the stone was. Had the stonekeeper lied to them? Surely, Loki would’ve realized it if the man was a fraud.
”What you seek lies before you. As does what you fear,” The man explained, extending his arm towards the edge of the cliff.
Julia was still confused and she worried they were running out of time. Listening to nonsense was irritating her and she wanted to go straight to the point. Perhaps a little angrily, she scoffed, ”This isn’t funny anymore!” She continued, ”Can you please tell us how we can get the stone?”
Loki was surprised as he heard that. Usually, julia was more patient. Perhaps this mission wasn’ so simple as it seemed at first. ”That would be very helpful,” Loki added, hoping that they could finally get it. The sooner they could leave this place, the better.
”You must pay the price. The stone has to ensure that whoever possesses it understands it, its power and wisdom. It demands a sacrifice,” The stonekeeper explained. Suddenly, the air around them felt heavier, colder.
A sacrifice…
He continued, ”In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love. A soul… for a soul. ”
”A soul for a soul’?” julia wasn’t sure if she had heard right. The man nodded, confirming her thoughts. ”…how ironic,” julia chuckled sadly. Of course, the soul stone would demand a soul sacrifice! Of course the mission had to be terrible! Nothing could ever be easy.
Loki wasn’t stupid. He knew this sacrifice would take a life. But he didn’t want to believe it. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that one of them would have to die just so they could get a shot at saving billions of lives. When he put it like that, he knew how selfish it seemed that he didn’t want to do it, but he knew they had to. He looked at julia who was dumbfounded by the revelation. His heart clenched in his chest painfully. If it had to be one of them, he was willing to take the leap. The last thing he wanted was to live, knowing that she had died when he could’ve.
He loved her too much.
It wasn’t going to be easy.
Now the pair looked at each other, both at a loss for words. They realized how heartbreaking the situation was, that most likely their ways would part soon - - one way or another.
Tears stung julia’s eyes as she looked at Loki. Her heart was breaking in her chest the longer she stood there, and breathing air felt like knives in her lungs. She didn’t want to lose him. They were just fixing their lives and starting anew. Now it would all come to an end.
And she knew she couldn’t let Loki die. Not now, when he was getting back on his feet. He had suffered enough.
They both loved each other too much to let each other die. It was going to be a brutal battle.
”Loki, I-” julia tried to speak, but she lost her voice. Instead, she stumbled forwards into his arms, hugging him tightly. He hugged her back, finding comfort in her presence. Loki squeezed her a little tighter, afraid to let go because he knew that when he did, it would be farewell.  
Loki didn’t find himself at loss for words that often, but now he did. He was struck by shock and misery. He was angry that the team had sent them, almost as if they knew that this mission demanded a true love’s sacrifice. Why else would they have been lucky enough to go together?
Wiping his thoughts away, Loki focused on the moment. He took a deep breath, her scent filling his lungs and somehow calming him down. Not much, but it was better than nothing. He felt her body once more, remembering every crook and curve that he had caressed and kissed so many times before. He wished the moment could last forever, because he’d rather live a hundred years like this, with her, than whatever would come next.
”I love you,” julia said it first. Would it be the last time they would exchange their words of love?
”I love you too, my darling. So much,” Loki replied softly, struggling to keep his tears at bay. It was hard as they burned his throat. He wanted to stay strong, if not for him, then for her. ”Which is why I’ll have to do this-”
”No!” julia protested, digging her fingers into his suit so he couldn’t break free from her grip. Her love and fear gave her more strength than she ever knew she had. ”I won’t let you do that!”
Loki hated arguing with her. But he couldn’t possibly just blurt out that ’yes, my love, I will allow you to sacrifice yourself’ just like that! Not only would it be wrong, but it would haunt him forever.
And julia thought just like him.
She glanced at the edge of the cliff that was so close. Although the thought of jumping terrified her, the thought of losing Loki was worse. She was closer to the edge than he was. Julia had made up her mind.
In order to distract Loki, and somehow herself, she pulled Loki closer to herself and met him with her lips. They melted into a bittersweet kiss and just for a moment, they weren’t there. They existed in a realm that was sculpted from dreams just for them. Their lips met with such love and passion that it nearly made their hearts burst. When the salty tears mixed with the kiss, it felt like they were at a stormy sea together.
Julia's entire body was trembling and she noticed she wasn’t alone. As they parted, they locked their eyes one last time, looking at each other silently but their eyes said more than their mouths ever could. It hurt to look away.
”I love you, don’t ever forget that,” julia told Loki and leapt away from his arms. He almost caught her, but she was quick. When he realized she was running towards the edge, his stomach dropped in a sick way and it felt like time froze around them. He blocked out everything else around him but her. He acted on instinct as he ran after her. His goal was to catch her.
By using his magic, he tried to reach her.
He was just a little too late.
He watched in horror how her feet left kissed the ground farewell, and she was now facing a fatal free fall.
His magic embraced her. Just for a moment, Loki could keep her in the air safely. He wanted to bring her back on the cliff, but he couldn’t. He didn’t have time to wonder why because she made it clear. Julia was fighting his magic with her own.
”julia!” Loki yelled loudly, his voice echoing through the realm. By now, he felt tears rolling down his face. He stood by the edge and used every ounce of magic and strength he had just to keep her alive. The terror and anger in his body made it hard. His usually steady and skilled hands were trembling as he lingered on the fine line between calm and panic. This couldn’t be happening.
Julia was sobbing as she fought him. She felt terrible for using her magic against his, because usually it was them against the world. Nevertheless, she tried to smile as she looked at him. Knowing that Loki would be safe was enough to ease her nerves, although she was in the air, hundreds of meters above ground.
”I-It’s okay! It’s okay, Loki!” Julia sniffled. She knew she was supposed to be more upset, perhaps wicked. But something made her feel calm. She already embraced death, as crazy as it was. Julia tried to catch her breath as she streamed all her power just so she could escape Loki’s magical safety net.
Loki looked horrified. His face was surely paler than before and the sorrow in his eyes weighed him down. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He had made a vow to keep her safe, even if it meant it would cost him his own life! And now he was failing. Oh, what he’d do to be anywhere but here. To hold her and not worry about anyone else. He’d do anything just for that…
”I can’t lose you,” Loki admitted sadly, not caring at all that his strong demeanor was gone. He was a fragile man now as he feared losing the one person he truly cared about. It made him sick.
”You won’t lose me, I’ll….I’ll always be with you,” Julia smiled despite the fresh tears that stained her face. Loki had always admired her and he still did. ”Just let go of me, it’s OKay.”
He didn’t want to do it, but he had to accept his defeat. There was no way he could save her when she used her powers against him. There were no tricks up his sleeve, no words he could use to change her mind. The situation was more than overwhelming.
Julia noticed that Loki’s magic was slipping. She found a weak link and she knew if she struck her magic, she would fall. After taking a deep breath, she looked at him one last time. It took all the strength she had not to fall apart. ”I love you, never forget that. You’ll get the stone, you’ll save everyone. It will be alright, Loki. You-” Her voice got stuck in her throat. Julia blinked away her tears and tried to speak again, although her lips were trembling. ”You’ll be okay, Loki. And I will too, I’ll watch over you from Valhalla.”
Loki wanted to tell her no, she won’t be okay. That she won’t go, that she wouldn’t join the other gods and goddesses in Valhalla yet - - but he wasn’t going to lie. He had to face the truth, which was so far the most painful thing he had ever done.
Julia struck her magic powerfully at the weak link and Loki flinched when he felt his grip on her slip away. His eyes widened in horror as he realized what she had done. He ran towards the edge, trying to do something – anything, but he couldn’t. He only had to watch her fall and then…she was gone.
”No!” Loki yelled out in pain and fell on his knees since his legs struggled to carry him.
Tears blurred his vision and he blinked. Suddenly Loki found himself in another place. It was much warmer, the storm had stopped. Everything was soft, orange and red. He felt water underneath him. But it gave him no comfort. Loki had just lost the love of his life and it felt like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest.
As he opened his palm, he was met by a bright, golden light. It made his skin tingle warmly. Loki felt just how much power and wisdom it held. He had the stone, but it had cost him everything.
”I will make this right,” Loki whispered, hoping that somehow she could hear him. He wouldn’t give up on her. This couldn’t be the end! It was just too unfair.
Loki would get her back.
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tsushimanoonryo · 3 years
Drabble: Chiyoko pt. 3
Kazumasa had been true to his word and began to treat Chiyoko with a little more respect. However, in the seven years that had passed since then, Hiroto could tell that his friend still had warmed up to the idea of marrying his little sister. 
At eighteen, Chiyoko had blossomed into a beautiful young woman, but she still had an eccentric streak. She’d stopped chasing bugs and animals, thankfully, but she preferred to be outside in nature when most women of her class would be inside reciting poetry or perfecting their other artistic endeavors. The one time she was meant to be outside was when it came time to practice wielding the naginata. Samurai women were expected to use it to defend their homes when their men were at war, but Chiyoko was always conspicuously absent for those training sessions.
Kazumasa was not keen on marrying a woman who could not defend the Sakai estate while he was away at war.
“You know as well as I do, these rumblings in Yarikawa are going to come to a head soon,” Kazumasa hissed as he fussed with the haori himo of his wedding kimono. “Do you think Castle Shimura and the Sakai estate will be safe? If you do, you’re a fool. How is Chiyoko supposed to defend herself if she can’t tell one end of her naginata from the other?”
“She would be welcome to stay with my mother and my wife,” Hiroto said. “And stop fiddling with that.”
“Your mother is old and your wife is pregnant,” Kazumasa hissed. “How much help are they going to be?”
“My brother’s wives will be with them also,” Hiroto reminded them. “She would not be left alone.”
“Even so,” he said. “My estate would be. It’s shameful, knowing my wife won’t be able to defend our home when the time comes for it.”
Hiroto shot him a warning look and that shut Kazumasa up immediately. Although he didn’t look happy about having to hold his tongue.
“I understand your concerns,” Hiroto said. “And when you are her husband, you can bring this up with her. But until then, do not make today hard for my sister. Let her have this one day of happiness.”
Kazumasa still didn’t look pleased, but he stood up straight and took a steadying breath.
“I suppose I can do that,” he said. “For you, my friend.”
“And for her.”
“Yes,” Kazumasa said glumly. “And for her.”
Usually there was much more fanfare to these things. The wedding procession was small, consisting only of the immediate family of both the bride and groom. Although Hiroto had downplayed it when talking to Kazumasa, the Yarikawa threat was a lot worse than he’d let on. Both families agreed that the wedding was necessary to seal their alliance, but that it needed to be small so as not to draw attention.
It is a shame, though, Hiroto thought. Chiyoko really does look beautiful today.
Truthfully, he could not see her face because of the wataboshi. But even so, she cut a fine figure dressed in a stark-white kimono, intricately embroidered in white and silver thread with floral motifs. The only bit of her that was visible was her pale white hands, clutching her ceremonial fan.
Chiyoko was led out to meet Kazumasa by the Shimura women. She kept her head down as she walked, careful not to show her face to anyone until her intended had seen it first. Hiroto watched as she approached the groom and finally lifted her head to meet his eyes.
The change that came over Kazumasa was visible to everyone in the bridal party. Whereas before he’d been sullen and dour about this wedding, he now looked utterly bewitched. His eyes seemed to glaze over momentarily and once clarity returned to them, a flush crept up his cheeks.
“Lord Sakai is blushing,” a voice near his left elbow said. “I didn’t even think he could.”
Hiroto turned to find his wife Yua standing at his side, gently rubbing at the swell of her stomach. Hiroto felt a wave of affection wash over him as he saw her, but willed himself to only give her a brief smile. A samurai was in control of his emotions after all; it wouldn’t do to appear a lovestruck fool at someone else’s wedding.
“I didn’t think he could either,” Hiroto admitted. “I suppose there’s a first time for everything. Does my sister truly look that beautiful?”
“She does,” Yua said. “Much more beautiful than I did at our wedding.”
“Impossible,” Hiroto said. “I married the most beautiful woman on the island.”
“You’re biased because I’m carrying your son inside me,” she said with a laugh. “But I’ll take the compliment.”
“You really think it’s a boy?”
“Your mother said I’m carrying the way she did with you and your brothers,” Yua said. “It has to be.”
Hiroto knew it was foolish to hope. There was no way for sure to know until the baby arrived, but even so, he smiled at the thought that she’d give him an heir within a year of marriage. Not that he had much for his heir to inherit. As the jito’s fourth son, there wasn’t going to be much left for him to inherit.
The procession from the Sakai estate to the temple at Omi Monastery was slow going, although the distance wasn’t that far. They were supposed to be inconspicuous, but even so, it seemed Lord and Lady Shimura wanted everyone in the village to see their daughter marrying the heir to Clan Sakai. They chose the most circuitous route to the temple, using the excuse that this was the “most auspicious” path.
Half-way there, it began to rain and the procession nearly stopped. They would have, had Chiyoko not finally spoken up.
“You’re going to ruin your kimono,” Lady Shimura argued. “And then you won’t be able to give it to your daughter when she marries.”
“I won’t have a daughter,” Chiyoko said defiantly. “I’m going to give Lord Sakai a son. I’ll have no need for this stuffy old thing after today. And we’re almost to the temple.”
Lady Shimura looked to Kazumasa, silently pleading with him to talk some sense into his future wife. But Kazumasa was, for once in his life, silent. He kept looking at Chiyoko like she was some sacred object to be worshipped. Not the girl he’d been complaining about having to marry less an hour before.
“Seems there is a fox wedding today too,” Yua said from his side.
Hiroto turned to look at her, brow furrowed in confusion.
“It’s a sunshower,” she said, gesturing to the rays of light showing through the droplets of rain. “Isn’t that what the old folktale says? When it rains while the sun is out, a fox is having a wedding.”
Something bothered him about that. Hiroto vaguely recalled a memory from his childhood that he had buried deep within himself. Something about a fox cub that had been dying on the outskirts of the forest..
“I can’t remember if it’s supposed to be good luck or not,” Yua said, tapping her chin as she thought. “I hope it is.”
“I hope so too,” Hiroto said, withdrawing from his reverie. He suddenly felt very strange and wanted to get out of the rain. “I hope so too.”
They had mostly dried off by the time the ceremony was over, although Chiyoko’s white kimono was forever ruined by the rain. No one seemed to mind, though, as the mood grew quite jovial once the sake started flowing.
“You’ve changed your mind about Chiyoko, I see,” Hiroto said to Kazumasa once they’d gotten a moment to themselves.
“I can’t remember why I was so against this whole thing,” Kazumasa said, speech slurred slightly with drink. “Look at her, Hiroto. Isn’t she lovely?”
Now that the wataboshi was off, Hiroto could get a clearer look at his sister. She was lovely, especially the way his sisters-in-law had done her hair and cosmetics. But she didn’t look that different from how she normally looked. He didn’t know why Kazumasa was so smitten. But he supposed he’d rather that than have him complain about Chiyoko all night.
“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses,” Hiroto said. “And I’m glad you made today nice for her.”
“I’m going to make every day nice for her if I can,” Kazumasa said. “I’m going to break things off with Tsuna the first chance I get. I’m done with other women.”
“The sake’s gotten to your head, my friend,” Hiroto laughed.
As much as he would have loved for Chiyoko to be the only woman in Kazumasa’s life, he knew the way of the world. And he knew how Kazumasa liked to carry on at the teahouse.
“I mean it,” he said. “Maybe all men feel like this on their wedding day. But right now, if she asked anything of me, I’d give it to her. Anything.”
Hiroto thought back to his own wedding day. His had been an arranged marriage and he hardly knew Yua when they were wed. But in the year since, he’d grown to care for her very deeply. He would give her anything she asked for. Within reason. But that feeling had come in time, after he’d really gotten to know her.
“I think,” Hiroto said tactfully. “That you should perhaps have some water for a bit.”
“Ha!” Kazumasa laughed. “Afraid I’ll not be able to perform my duties tonight when I bring Chiyoko back home to my estate? You dog.”
“That’s not at all what I was implying,” Hiroto said. “But now that you mention it…”
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slutsofren · 3 years
Danger Days Chapter 2: Kill All Your Friends
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missed chapter 1? read here!
summary: things get thrown for a bit a loop at the dam when two strangers appear, revealing to be Joel, Tommy's younger brother and a young girl. their presence makes things a little tense but soon gets heated as danger follows them to thr power plant.
word count: 3,352
read on ao3 here
warnings: slight cursing, guns and well, canon-typical murder, hunter attack
notes: does anybody else look at joel and just wanna,,,, punch him in the face with kisses? just because he deserves it? no? only me? 
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Humid. It was always fucking humid. The lot of you have been out at the dam for nearly a week with little to be shown as progress. Things in Jackson were doing fine, wonderful even, and then the power went out. Turns out one of the turbines busted, it’s taken you and the whole group working day and night to repair it.
You leaned against the wall, taking in the greenery that was slowly encompassing the whole hydroelectric dam. It was rather beautiful. You glanced over to David, one of the few engineers from the old world, was hunched over the table mumbling softly to himself looking over a rather poorly drawn map of the turbines, trying to figure out what was going wrong. Then glanced to the far side of the courtyard where Tommy and Maria were, both engrossed in some tense conversation. 
Whatever they were whisper-arguing about wasn’t going to be any of your business… until Maria finds you later on to vent at least. A little push off the wall and you grabbed your rifle before swinging it onto your back, groaning that your little break was probably over by now. Today you had guard duty. How fun.
You approached the duo, hoping to simmer down whatever was going on between them, likely both were stressed beyond hell for the turbine to come back on. Maria saw you first and put her hand on her face, rubbing away some tension. She said your name and pulled you into a half hug and you didn’t miss the small thanks she whispered in your ear for interrupting.
“Goin’ back on duty, want me to keep near the front gate?”
Maria nodded, “Sounds good. I’ll follow you in a minute.”
Tommy looked at you and gave you a friendly smile. Although you were casual friends with the man long before you met Maria, he knows where your loyalties lie but also knows you have his back on the field. When you first arrived at Jackson, bloodied and bruised, Maria didn’t trust you as far as she could have tossed you, but as things go, you both wormed into the others hearts through sheer sarcasm and your ‘take no shit’ attitude.
That’s when Tommy knew he was fucked being the only person between the two of you.  
You left and went to go to your post, fanning out the jean jacket you were wearing to help relieve the humidity on your skin. The entrance to the hydroelectric dam was hellbent on attracting unwanted attention. For the near week you’ve been out here you had two bandit attacks, not to mention the ones back at Jackson, causing you to feel even stickier.
You found a spot up top the entrance to keep an eye out through the scope of your rifle, not noticing anything for another couple of hours, Maria not even coming by to her post. Just as you were going to call your shift, you noticed some slight movement across the concrete jungle of the remains of the power plant.
And some more movement.
Then more.
You grabbed your radio and phoned in, “Activity to the east. Two spotted.” The radio clicked and produced static until another click sounded.
Maria called back, “Eyes.”
“Noted. Out.”
With that, you knew exactly what to do. Everybody did. When it came down to it, nobody really did want a gunfight. When the code ‘eyes’ is spoken, it means shut up and watch. If the people pass, they go on their merry way. If they don’t, well, they typically don’t leave alive if they so much as hint at being a threat.
It’s unfortunate this is the way life is now but who are you to fight the changing tides.
You peek through your scope again, watching a dark haired man and a smaller woman work their way through the maze, figuring out how to cross the water. You took your eyes off the scope and began to watch them without the tool until they both began pushing at the gate. You grumble, “Contact made.”
Maria pops in behind you on your left and together you two and two more of the on duty guards on the other end of the gate point your rifles at the duo, revealing yourselves. The man doesn’t take notice until the girl points a gun at your companions then you and he backs off the entrance.
“Don’t even think about drawing your weapon! Tell the girl to drop hers. Now,” Maria shouts besides you.
The man backs up a couple steps, sticking his hand out to the girl, “Ellie, so as the lady says.”
She looks at him and puts her arms up in surrender, “Okay.”
Maria, still holding her rifle at the two strangers, says to the man, “Please tell me you're lost.”
“We didn’t know the place was occupied, we’re just trying to make our way through,” he points through the gate.
“Through to where?”
Then a deep voice picks up, “They're alright.”
You and Maria look away from the two down to the voice, seeing Tommy approaching the gate. “What, you know these people,” Maria asks him.
“I know him,” Tommy grumbles as he opens the gate, “He’s my goddamn brother.”
You’d heard stories of the man before, of Joel Miller. From what Tommy has said before you recalled that the man was a bit of a brute, shut off from everybody after losing his daughter. He was a hunter and did some goddamned awful things in this world but quite frankly, who hasn’t? You know you have in the past to ensure your survival. It was something Tommy hated that his brother participated in but you couldn’t blame him, not after the shit you’ve seen and done.
Joel looked at his brother and his shoulders slumped, “Tommy.”
“Holy shit,” he said and moved past the safety of the gates and went straight to Joel, wrapping his arms around him.
“How you doin’, baby brother?”
Maria shot you a look that clearly stated she didn’t trust the man, despite being her brother-in-law, she heard the same stories you did. The man was a hunter, a murderer, even a smuggler. The very kind of people that don’t bode well with Jackson. With a sigh, you both put down your rifles and headed down to the gate to meet Joel and the girl, Ellie. She walked right up to the two men and you could faintly hear Tommy say, “You got fuckin’ old.”
“Easy - it’s gonna happen to you too,” Joel quipped.
Tommy took a step back, you watched how he shuffled on his feet and introduced Maria. “Be nice to her, she sorta runs things around here.”
“Ma’am.” Joel nods his head towards her. “Thanks for not blowing my head off.”
You roll your eyes at this from where you’re watching this all unfold, internally gagging at Joel’s whole ‘southern charm’ bit. Although he should be more grateful to you for not shooting him. Maria looks at Tommy beside her, “Would’ve been embarrassing, considering you’re my brother-in-law.”
An amused smile immediately hits your lips as you watch Joel try to absorb that information. He looks between the couple a few times before Tommy says, “We all gotta get wrangled up at some point.”
Maria turns to you and you lose the smile as she extends a hand for you to approach. “And this here is my second in command,” introducing you to Joel by giving him your first name and he nods his head, both of you deciding to not say a word to each other, silently sizing the other up. His eyes don’t leave yours but for a brief moment you swear his eyes flash down your body and back up as he lets out a low huff.
Oh, it’s on old man, you think.
Maria chuckles, noticing whatever the hell is happening between you two, and she turns towards the girl. “Ellie, right? What brings you through here?”
Ellie looks towards Joel for guidance, “Uh… it’s kind of a long story.”
Tommy immediately notices all the other eyes and ears watching this interaction unfold and puts his hand on Maria’s back, picking up the clear signal for some privacy. “Why don’t we bring ‘em inside?”
“Yeah, you hungry,” she asks Ellie.
“Starving,” the girl groans. You smile a bit, feeling pretty amused at this whole thing. From the stories you’ve been told about Joel it seemed very unlikely he’d be traveling with a companion, much less a child.
Tommy steps aside as you walk back through the gate first, Maria and Ellie behind you. “False alarm. They're friendlies,” you shout, walking further in the power plant leading the group. You take a quick glance around at the other scouts on shift, watching them watch the newcomers. Everybody was on edge, everybody was wary. The fact Tommy and Maria were letting some strangers in, in the midst of repairing an essential component to Jackson functioning properly, was not going past anybody.
You can hear Maria as she explains the stares and the heavily armed posts to Joel somewhere behind you, “We’ve been dealing with raids. Lots of bandits in this area.”
“It’s been quiet for a few days,” Tommy adds on, explaining why they answered at the gate so aggressively, as if it was any consolation of almost killing his brother and the girl.
“What the hell are you doing here? I thought I’d find you in Jackson.”
“Been trying to bring the plant back to life,” Tommy explains.
This time you chime in, “We had it working before, but one of the turbines went south about a week ago. Been tryin’ to fix it up.”
Tommy adjusts his rifle on his shoulder. “We have electricity Joel… had. We’ll get it running again.”
Ellie runs past you, approaching a few of the horses. “No way! You guys have horses.”
“We got a whole lot of ‘em,” Tommy tells her. You watch as she puts her hand on the brown and white one, petting it softly.
Beside the horse is Cherry, one of the few horse wranglers in Jackson, she was kind and sweet, pretty young too all things considered. She was tall and bulky from years of shoving heavy loads of hay, sometimes you’d wonder what it’d be like to get tossed around by her. She’s kind of notorious for winning hand-to-hand combat scenarios in the training hall. Not that you ever went.
Cherry tells Ellie about the horse and they get to talking about the animal. You also hear Charlie over your shoulder asking Tommy for help with one of the iron shoes on another horse. You take a few steps back then marching towards the warehouse, settling against the wall next to Earl and he gives you a brief nod acknowledging you. He’s sweet, you think, you’ve never spoken to him much but you recall he’s one of the maintenance men around Jackson. Thankfully he’s the silent type and you don’t have to try and make polite small talk with him.
As you both lean against the wall quietly, you begin watching both Ellie and Joel and how they’re assessing the environment. Ellie seems very excited petting the horse and talking to Cherry but Joel looks on edge, mirroring everyone else. He catches you staring and looks away slowly, now watching Ellie talk to Cherry about going riding later on.
Maria and Tommy make their way towards you and you push off, walking up the stairs and opening the door, you faintly hear Maria talk to Earl about heading back to Jackson. The door creaks open and you let Tommy, Joel, Ellie, then Maria into the warehouse until both your and Maria’s radios crackle. “Maria, we’re in the control room. Steve’s about to start it back up. Do you wanna come check it out?”
Maria sighs and mumbles back to you, “I’d rather eat with Ellie.”
You stifle a bit of a laugh at her candor in front of the others and Tommy interjects, “It’s my turn anyway. I’ll go.”
Joel then volunteers to go with his brother, telling Ellie to go with you and Maria but not before flashing you a look that says something akin to ‘try something and I’ll hunt you’.
Before Ellie could protest, Maria pulls her along. “C’mon, Ellie. Let’s give the boys some space.”
The three of you are relatively quiet leading back to the office room where the food was. Ellie kept looking over her shoulder, likely for Joel. You started wondering how he came across her, doubting any possibility she was his daughter. Tommy would have known if that were the case.
You gave a look over at Ellie, now seeing her a little closer. She looks slightly gaunt, likely hasn’t eaten in a few days you suspect which worries you a bit. No kid should have to go without.
“When was the last time you ate,” you ask her.
She ponders for a moment, “Before we got here I was pretty sure that the next squirrel I saw I was gonna eat.”
You and Maria raised your eyebrows at her admission before gently laughing as you reached the room. Maria pulls out some jars of fruit and a container of jerky from underneath and hands it to her, “Here, eat some of this. We have better options back in Jackson but while we don’t have a full service kitchen out here, this is the best we got.”
“That’s okay! I’ll eat almost anything at this point,” she openly admits. You take notice in how expressive she is, likely warming up to you and Maria now.
The three of you get to talking, making idle chatter over a few opened mason jars and a hefty supply of jerky. The more you talk with Ellie, the more you grow to like her. She’s got a mouth of a sailor and sarcasm that’d turn any old man running. 
Wonder if she’s annoyed the hell out of Joel, you muse. Now you sit, chewing on fruit and imagining how easy it’d be to get under his skin. You’re torn out of your thoughts when the lights suddenly turn on, “Thank the damned stars! I’m ready to get out of here. Everybody is driving me up the wall.”
Maria throws a loose grape at you, “Thanks a lot, asshole.”
“Anytime,” you wink.
“How long have you two known each other,” Ellie asks you both. 
You pop a piece of fruit in your mouth, “Just two years. She was already married to Tommy when I arrived.”
“Can’t believe you’re married to his brother,” Ellie groans. “Joel is such a grump, can’t imagine how the other one is.”
Maria nods and smiles, still eating some of the peaches. “Oh, trust me. Some days I want to strangle him. Didn’t expect to ever meet Joel, if I’m bein’ honest.”
“I couldn’t recognize him, not even by that photo,” you say mindlessly, reaching for your canteen and drinking water.
Ellie picks her head up a little more, “Photo? What photo?”
Maria gets up from her seat and walks to one of the duffle bags in the other room, she searches around before she pulls out a photo and when she returns, hands it to Ellie. She gestures to you, “Her and Tommy went down to Texas about a year ago, he wanted to see what was left of his and Joel’s old life and scavenge what they could.”
“We didn’t find much,” you continue, “Tommy didn’t think he’d ever see his brother again, it was like his way of saying goodbye so he took this photo of him and a couple others.”
“Who’s the girl,” Ellie asks looking at the picture.
“Sarah.” You shift in your seat, not feeling entirely comfortable with this conversation anymore. 
Maria finishes your sentence, “She was his daughter. She didn’t survive very long after the outbreak.”
Before you could try to steer the conversation in another direction, a loud siren echoed through the hall as shouts filled the warehouse.
“Bandits,” someone shouted as gunshots rang out.
You stand up and push Ellie behind you, looking for your rifle. It was too far away, tucked under one of the abandoned desks. “Fuck,” you shout as you see a handful of hunters enter the room.
Drawing the two handguns strapped to your thighs, you begin to take shots at them, not exactly hitting them where it was vital but enough to make them stumble and drop. Maria grabs you by the shoulder, “Let’s go!”
You retreat backwards into the closed off manager-type office and from the corner of your eye you see a man rise from the other side of a broken window and take aim at Ellie behind you. You whipped around and shoved against her with an ‘oof’ just as you hear something whizz past you and hit the wall above the two of you.
Hovering above Ellie, you keep her head down with your right hand, abandoning the gun beside her as you and Maria take alternating shots at the invaders. “Move, Ellie,” you tell her, lifting yourself up to give her room to maneuver into the office while shielding her.
Maria shuffles into the room after you and the girl, “There’s more coming in. We can’t take all of them.”
“Shit, okay,” you look around frantically. You were running low on bullets now, the rest of your spare ammunition was left in your backpack. In an entirely different area. Your eyes searched around the small room and you got Maria’s attention, together you pulled a nearby table into the office, barricading yourselves. 
“Under the table, now,” she yells at Ellie then looks at you.“Guess we’ll have to wait for the men to save us,” she says a little bitterly.
Together, the three of you hid. Waiting for the echo of bullets to cease after what feels like a lifetime.
Faintly, you could hear the familiar voice of Tommy yelling and a gruff one responding, likely his brother. You released the breath you had been holding onto as the last gunshot rang out. Between you and Maria, Ellie had her hands over her ears and she slowly lowered them until jumping up and shouting “They’re all dead!”
Maria rose to her feet as Tommy and her called out for each other, “The kid’s with us!” She jumps out the shattered window and runs to her husband as they check over each other.
You help Ellie out the office room the same way and Joel looks over her the same way as she recalls the attack.  “Joel, oh, man…,” Ellie begins talking so fast that she’s out of breath. “They were coming in from every direction and they were both like ‘we gotta run’ and so we dove over these tables and this huge guy blasts in with a shotgun-”
“Slow down, slow down. Listen-,” Joel cuts her off. He puts his hands on her shoulders and looks her in the eye, “Hey, hey, are you hurt?”
“No!” She looks at you, “She protected me!”
Joel follows her gaze and you look him in the eye, cocking an eyebrow at him. 
You’re not really competitive, you don’t really like attention either, but there was something about Joel fuckin’ Miller that really got to you. Maybe it was the way he seemed to be mindful of everything, maybe it was the way his eyes roamed over your body, maybe it was the fact he was unfortunately making you squirm where you stood as his hardened glare seemed to see right through you, asking you to try him.
Whatever it was, his hardened stare made you quiver ever so slightly. You took a few very mindful steps away from the man, walking towards Maria and Tommy when you caught the tail end of whatever he was saying to your best friend, “- to talk.”
It seemed like that was not what Maria wanted to hear as her already pale face grew paler and her signature scowl etched back across her face.
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