plumsaffron · 1 year
Celebrating Sasuke's Birthday by beating up Will Of Fire Trash or Leaf trash 3
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musesofchaos · 1 year
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This was it. It matched the addressed he had found during his studies. Though, he was unsure if it was correct. He had expected Uchiha Itachi to live in the Uchiha District and yet, this address was outside it. Also, there was a lot of chickens just walking around. Well, as the saying goes, "here goes nothing". If it was not Itachi, Ame could just apologize and live.
With a deep breath, he knocked on the door and waited.
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Itachi never got many visitors. Not beside his brother or his family. So when the knock came, he was slightly confused. He'd sworn Sasuke had told him he would be out on a mission for awhile. Perhaps someone had come over for eggs? Maybe. But what an odd time. Still. He places his book down to go answer to the door. And when he see's who's on the other side, is hit with so many feelings. Mix-matched eyes. Raven hair with streaks of blonde. A young man stood before him, and yet all he can see is the small baby that Konan had beheld before him so long ago. A small helpless bundle. So small and precious that Itachi was scared to touch him. Why should have someone like him have the right to touch something so innocent? The child that he couldn't help but love. And that terrified him. Worried of the life he had trapped this baby into, what threats he had exposed him to. And Deidara... The Uchiha blinks, forcing all those feelings down and concealing it with a gentle smile, not wanting to frighten the boy. "Hello there." He greeted. "Is there something I can help you with?"
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alfiely-art · 11 months
Welcome to the Nocturnal Theatre!
Part one.. teehee
Here are some of our lovely members in the Nocturnal Theatre in Kanai Ward! It may be less popular than Amatarasu Stage, but don't underestimate them. Their shows are pretty great!
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Note: this is an au based off what I remember of the A3! mobile game and a little bit of Project Sekai's Wonderlands×Showtime. This au will be called "Rainystage". Just a little something I've been working on. Next post will feature the train detectives in the au, and then Shinigami + Kurumi, and then the Amatarasu Stage members. Feel free to ask questions!
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draconicsparkle · 5 months
So @kazinsblog and I had been talking for a bit and we decided that it would be fun to collab on something! So I drafted up a story and she drew a comic based on it! We will link each other’s posts so you can check each other’s parts out. Here’s Kazin’s side!
But yeah! This was a ton of fun! And I hope you enjoy it.
Even CEO’s need TLC
How long had it been since their clash in the Mystery Labyrinth? Days? Months? Years? He didn’t know. And truthfully, he didn’t care to remember.
Ironic, coming from the detective who was an amnesiac at one point in his career.
But it mattered little. All that was important was the here and now. The ‘here’ in question being the grand penthouse suite on the top floor of Kanai Tower, where the CEO of Amatarasu resided. Not many were permitted access to this place. After all, it was the home of the most powerful person in Kanai Ward. But Yuma had… special privileges here, being the original of the CEO and all.
Currently, said CEO was in his room, hopefully getting some sleep. Yuma had returned to Kanai Ward to check on his homunculus only to find him exhausted beyond belief from overwork. Of course, he couldn’t exactly fault Makoto when he himself had been guilty of that exact same situation. So he had simply closed the laptop, and guided the poor homunculus to his luxurious bed, and had turned the lights off.
So now, Yuma was cleaning the penthouse to pass some time. He reorganized the papers and books, tossed the snack wrappers in the trash, and dumped out the old coffee and energy drinks that were scattered around the desk.
Everything had been nice and quiet. A peaceful evening that would hopefully result in Makoto getting a good night's rest.
But those hopes were tested as he heard something concerning. The sound of glass shattering coming from the homunculus’s room.
Yuma dashed over to investigate, slowly cracking the door open and peeking inside. Makoto was sitting up on his bed, panting harshly and staring wide eyed at the destroyed mirror in the room. A small statue was on the ground near the glass shards, the likely candidate to have been thrown to break the mirror.
But the destruction wasn’t the concern at this moment. Makoto looked terrified and he needed to understand why.
“Makoto, what happened?” he asked in a level voice. He kept calm as those fearful eyes shot to him, the rest of the CEO’s body tensing upon catching his original in his sights. “Makoto, I promise everything is okay. Can you tell me what’s going on?”
“No… no more. Please… no more,” the clone whispered desperately, his body starting to shake.
Yuma had a feeling he knew what had happened. A waking nightmare, possibly recalling memories from his captivity at the UG labs. He had read the reports on what they had done to their perfect homunculus, and the only way he could describe it was torture. Makoto had been made to suffer in so many ways for no sensible reasons. And it was clear that his exhausted mind hadn’t been able to handle the memories as well as he usually did. Leading to the mirror’s destruction, likely a defensive reflex from seeing what he perceived to be another person.
But the detective also knew a good way to help. So he slowly stepped forward, his expression calm and reassuring. “It’s okay, Makoto. I’ll help you. I’ll protect you. No one can hurt you anymore if I’m here. Okay?”
Makoto didn’t reply until Yuma had climbed on the bed and sat right next to him. “You… promise?” the all powerful CEO whimpered.
Yuma carefully wrapped his arms around his homunculus, bringing the shaking body in for a comforting hug. “I promise.”
Makoto almost instantly leaned into the hug, burying his face into Yuma’s shirt. The detective rested his chin on top of Makoto’s head, using one hand to stroke the unbrushed hair. He made sure to continue to be careful, as the man was in a fragile state. But he had no intention of going anywhere.
After a minute, he began slowly laying their bodies back down onto the mattress and letting their heads hit the silk pillows. Makoto kept clinging, and Yuma didn’t let go.
Yuma then recalled a song that he had heard Yakou hum on multiple occasions when he had been that helpless rookie sleeping on the couch. A nice tune that helped calm him down despite the constant stress he had felt on a daily basis. Maybe, just maybe, this might also work on his double.
So he began softly humming, continuing to stroke the long bleached hair. He felt the other’s shaking diminish until it stopped entirely. The grip he had on the shirt also loosened, the shaky breathing evening out and quieting as he listened to the song. It must have been a familiar tune to the CEO, as another voice joined in as the song started for a second time.
A good sign, because this meant that Makoto’s mind was focusing on the song more than the memories. So the humming continued, their voices working together to fill the bedroom with their own music. They continued until halfway through the third repeat, when the homunculus’s voice started growing quieter and quieter. Soon, it had disappeared completely.
Yuma let his own voice rest as he peeked down to observe. Makoto’s face was far more peaceful, sleeping without a hint of worry. Good, maybe this time he could stay asleep.
But the detective didn’t let go, continuing to hug his double to his chest as he closed his own eyes. Companionship and accepting help were still new concepts to them both. But perhaps, this night could be the starting point of something. Proof that they could get better.
But those thoughts could wait until the morning. For now, the two could sleep. To rest with the one who they trusted the most.
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shisui-week · 27 days
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Prompt Discussions 𓅂
A traditional Japanese Festival centered around a season: summer, fall, spring, or winter. A New Years Festival, or cherry blossoms. Does Shisui visit a shrine, dress up? How does he celebrate, food, music, dance games, Get his fortune read or watch the fireworks. Or is Shisui working the event, is he undercover, working guard duty. Or use this prompt (like any other) and have it set in another world, a college fair, a town carnival, the circus in a modern world, or a festival as an offering to the gods in a mythology au. Any and all Festivals welcome!  
Shunshin no Shisui - Shisui of the body flicker. A flicker of light in the eye of his loved one, the flicker of a candle, or the flicker of a fire jutsu, a flicker of danger across his features.  Or does a dwindling flame flicker out.
First Aid
Is Shisui in dire need of aid, a hospital, a medical jutsu? How does he react to someone taking care of him, or is he left to his own devices with a makeshift tourniquet. How does he recover? Or Is he the one dishing out some TLC? First aid can be as simple as a bandaid and a smooch over a skinned knee on the playground. Or Shisui picking up some medical skills in a class.
There’s nothing like being curled up with a good book by the fireplace. Is Shisui enjoying the change of the seasons, a special holiday, or just nice weather? Is he bundled up with someone special, or taking some quiet time to himself. Is Shisui stranded on a mission with a comrade or an enemy, forced into close proximity to stay warm? Is there is only one bed!
‘don’t forget me’ We received lots of memory based suggestions! It can be a fond memory, a sad one, a dark one. Is Shisui or someone close to him suffering from memory loss? How does he cope? Is Shisui worried about the memories he’ll leave behind, or the ones lost to time. How will Shisui be remembered? 
literally meaning: Distinguished Heavenly Gods - Shisui’s dōjutsu that casts a powerful mind-controlling genjutsu on his target. Entering their mind and manipulating them with false experiences, acting through Shisui’s will leaving the victim entirely unaware. How does Shisui use this to his advantage? For his own use or the sake of the village? Does Shisui’s dojutsu get stolen, how does the thief use it, does their plan backfire, or does Shisui take revenge. Is his ultimate technique used for good or evil 
Yokai, Zodiacs, Angels, demons, myths and legends or anything to do with the supernatural. Explore the legends of chakra, the moon goddess Kaguya, stories of the sage of the sixth paths, jinchuriki, warriors long gone from the Uchiha Lineage; Madara, Kagami, or gods from above. The origins of the sharingan or legends of Izunami and Amatarasu. Is a yokai terrorizing the village, or is Shisui telling his teammates a scary story around a campfire. Or are the spirits kind and friendly? Is Shisui one of them? So long as Shisui is the focus, any folklore goes! Make up your own or pull inspiration from other cultures. 
Is Shisui haunted by his choices, or regrets? A burden he must bear, or a mission he must complete? Is a ghost on his tail, creaking in the floorboards. Does Shisui visit a haunted house in a test of courage, or something more fun for Halloween with friends. 
Clan Customs 
Traditions and customs of the mighty Uchiha Clan, how do they celebrate holidays, birthdays, funerals. Or is Shisui adapting to a new clans’ customs through marriage or a deep cover mission. Is Shisui bringing someone new into the family fold. 
Rites of Passage
Are there certain expectations growing up in the Uchiha Clan that Shisui must uphold? A ceremony to accept him into the family, or a special jutsu that marks the occasion. A test of courage, or marking a special age. Or is he being hazed before joining the police force, Anbu, graduating the Academy, or becoming a Jonin. Does Shisui take someone under his wing and help them through this new chapter?  
Shisui’s Genin team, Chunin team, how’d he do during the exam! Teammates for a mission, or his squad on the police force. What role does he play on his team, does he take the lead, trail behind, track, scout, work well with others or prefer to complete a mission on his own? Do you have an Oc, been waiting to show them off, are they a part of Shisui’s team, or do they have a rivalry with them?  
Secrets, rumors, vows a promise. Can Shisui keep a secret or does he have one to share. Does a secret romance slowly unravel, or add to his desire, do rumors spread through town? Who’s Shisui keeping the secret from. Is it a secret organization, a secret clan jutsu or a planned coup d'etat? 
Any au 
We got so many great au suggestions we’d need an event just for them all~ so instead have any au! Shisui lives, Fantasy, Mythology, College, Modern, Anbu, Yakuza, Historical, Coffee Shop, Founders, Western, from another show, canon divergence etc. The sky's the limit! 
It’s Shisui's birthday! How does he celebrate? Does a character give him a special present or plan an entire day of festivities? Does he spend it on his own? Or is Shisui celebrating someone else’s birthday, with a surprise up his sleeve.
Free Day
Exactly how it sounds! create to your heart's content. Use this day to mix and match prompts, extend an idea, or share whatever comes to mind.
Have any questions submit them to @shisui-week 𓅂
Prompt list𓅂Rules𓅂FAQ
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qweengiba · 8 months
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So who was going to tell me Japan has AMATARASU merch. Okami is two years from 20 and she is still the best dog.
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mayashesfly · 11 months
Do you ever think about how Makoto still retains all of his memories clearly while Yuma has lost his memories twice?
One of the things that intrigues me before was Makoto's comment about a bath when Yuma first met him.
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It's quite a strange thing to say to a stranger
If you didn't know about the fact that Makoto is Yuma's homunculi
He describes a bath as a fleeting dream. Something temporary and neverlasting.
And attributes a bath, a fleeting dream according to his words, as "Washing away your sweat and past" and "Being born anew"
Taking sweat literally, it's a given. As the purpose of a bath is to cleanse ourselves as well as wash away the sweat we accumulated over time.
But taking sweat a bit more metaphorically, we can say that sweat represents the hardships one has experienced. Taking a bath is also our way to give ourselves a break from a busy day and relieve ourselves from the hardships we had experience during the day.
However, the past thing is a bit more strange and less straightforward in its reasoning. While a bath can wash away our past physical filth, it can't actually wash away our actual past.
And while a bath is refreshing and makes us feel rejuvenated, it does not actually "born us anew". In a way, to say that a bath can wash away our sweat and past and born us anew is a lie. An illusion. A temporary placebo effect if you will.
A fleeting dream.
Just like Makoto had said.
Applying his words on himself, Makoto acknowledges that a bath which he attributes to "washing away your sweat and past" and "being born anew" is nothing but a fleeting dream. A temporary thing to relief himself.
The thing about Makoto is that he cannot wash away his past. He still remembers and knows that he is Number One's homunculi and nothing can change that. He also knows that he is the only perfect homunculi to ever be made in existence.
No matter how much he may try, he cannot change that. Nor forget it. As it is a part of his memory, inherited or not.
As for the born anew part, I want to talk about something else first before delving into that.
When Makoto first entered Kanai Ward, he created the rain machine to stop the Blank Week Mystery. At this point of time, he would've already known that he was Number One's homunculi and that the new residents of Kanai Ward are also homunculi.
Rain can also be taken as a sort of symbolic bath.
There are times that people do take a bath in the rain for fun. With their clothes on of course.
And Makoto did mention that he also sometimes takes a bath with his clothes on.
And also, Makoto doesn't even use an umbrella or even a raincoat to protect himself from the rain when he's outside.
(My guy you are going to get sick. Get a hat or something! Why are my favs like this??)
The rain washed away the literal blood, sweat and tears of the previous human residents of Kanai Ward. And washed away the past atrocities the new residents had done in their mindless rampage away from their mind.
This was the moment Makoto Kagutsuchi's past of being an escaped lab experiment of the UG had been washed away.
And the moment Makoto Kagutsuchi was born anew as Amatarasu Corporation's CEO and the defacto leader and protector of Kanai Ward.
But like how the rain didn't completely washed away the aftermath of the Blank Wrek Mystery, the rain didn't completely washed away Makoto's past and memories.
Makoto is still stained and soiled from the past, regardless of how many baths he may take, it will never wash away.
A bath is nothing but a fleeting dream after all.
It is used to merely soothe. Never to completely erase away.
Now onto Yuma!
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Applying these words on Yuma, we get a different result.
An intriguing thing about Makoto's words is that he uses to pronoun "Your" and "You're" while talking to Yuma.
While we can say that he's just using the pronoun "your" and "you're" to refer to an ambiguous you.
It's much more interesting if he is actually directing these words at Yuma himself.
"Your sweat and past are washed away. You're born anew"
Looking at it in this way, it's seems more like Makoto acknowledging the fact that Yuma is his original and that Yuma has lost his memories.
Upon entering Kanai Ward, the cage of rain, Yuma's sweat and past has been washed away. And with his memories and experiences of hardships during his time as Number One disappearing, he had quite literally been born anew.
He's quite different from how Number One acts after all. He's more trusting, more naive. More innocent. Unlike Number One.
Shinigami even comments on this, even indirectly.
He doesn't remember his past or his time at the WDO or being Number One. He doesn't remember anything and he was convinced that his real name is Yuma Kokohead.
That's quite unlike Makoto.
His contract with Shinigami had been so effective at washing away his past that he practically acted like a completely different person. Completely different from the Number One others knew.
Unlike Makoto's crude rebirth, Yuma's was a complete one.
His past had been washed away effectively, leaving behind no stains or soil. While we do see that Yuma retains his strong sense of justice and detective skills among other things, his memories on the matter are blurry. He feels the vague sensation of familiarity but not the actual memory associated with that sensation. It's fascinating.
Unlike Makoto whose memories still cling onto him, Yuma's memories are like the murky water that was washed away. He can try to cling onto the water as much as he likes but it eventually seeps out and away with only the sensation of wetness being left.
Not that Yuma actively searches for his memories. Though we do see Yuma wondering about his knowledge and his past self at times, finding his memories isn't his main goal. Finding his purpose and reason to find the truth is his main goal.
And it's because of this that he grew more than Makoto ever did. He surpassed the restrictions the past has given him and was born anew.
It makes Yuma recovering his memories as Number One but also losing his memories as Yuma after breaking his contract with Shinigami rather intriguing, but also in a way, tragic.
He was born anew yet again. But we're uncertain if Yuma's growth transferred to the newly reborn Number One.
It's quite tragic that we don't know what happened with Yuma after losing and regaining his memories yet again. While Makoto still retains his memories and knowledge of Number One Yuma.
It's quite unfair, isn't it?
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greatmothsukk · 11 months
Since I know a lot of people think naruto had a lot of retcons involving itachi, likely due to not rewatching the original naruto with that info, id like to tell yall about why itachis character was likely planned out as far back as he actually appeared in naruto, and more easy to prove was that he was jirayas spy.
Itachi worked as a spy for the leaf, only the elders knew the truth and the only one he would trust is hiruzen who was his likely handler
During the chunin exams jiraya is called back to the village knowing orochimaru had infiltrated it, fearing his death he needed to make sure to prepare his likely successor.
Right after hiruzens death would have become international news itachi infiltrates the village under the guise of obtaining the nine tails when the leaf was most vulnerable, in reality it would be to make contact with his new handler.
Jiraya is distracted by a woman under genjutsuwho was likely an introduction point, he then appears in front of itachi holding her as a way to say "I got your message" without anyone else knowing, before looking directly into itachis eyes and we never see itachi take advantage of this. This was likely where they talked through genjutsu.
Afterwards itachi uses his amaterasu, likely giving the leaf info incase they ever need to fight him.
Then what does jiraya do? Whip out a scroll that can seal amatarasu away and tells naruto how the flames work. Why would he have the scroll readily accessible and that knowledge unless they were supplied by the woman under genjutsu.
The barrier was updated to have a new password after this but it was fine cause itachi now had access to his new handler incase he needed to return again.
Itachis whole actual character was likely decised during the writing of the chunin exams right before he actually was a character and not a name with a single deed attached.
Also I think kisame was at least partially aware of all of this.
While not pro leaf he didn't care for the akatski either. His only allegiance was to his allies.
What did he do when itachi died? HE LEFT THE AKATSKI RIGHT AWAY.
Yes he and itachi weren't initially close and seemed to be adversaries somewhat but at the point of the show we see kisame not just protect itachi but even worry about his health and tell him to not stay out of the rain so he doesn't catch a cold . His last thoughts were about itachi. He only rejoined the akatski due to learning tobi was an old ally and this itself seemed like an odd decision only made to get him back in the plot.
I'm not sure if kisame knew everything but he clearly understood what was going on to enough of a degree to go along with what itachi wanted
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charlieradiohead · 5 months
Hey Charlie, do you get a decent wage working for Amatarasu? Or is it minimum wage? I'm just curious 🤔
measly dollar. per year why else do u think we take all those bribes
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sakura-code · 11 months
Yakou’s wife was an amatarasu researcher right has Yuma ever met her during the experiments. I had an idea where she would look after Yuma and wanted to help him by exposing there treatment of Yuma casing her murder. I particularly thought of Yomi tormenting Yuma with the thought that her death was on his hands and he would be torn by guilt especially when he starts spending time with her husband.
Ohohoho, I won’t lie, I may have contemplated on that idea as well, mostly for a self-indulgent what-if, but this is actually really good. I can already think of some ideas already.
Okay, with the Yakou DLC out, it gave me enough content to really help me get a more clearer picture of how the backstory could go. Also, that’s why I waited to answer the question (though it was originally because I wanted to wait to see Yakou’s wife canon name would be reveal—it did not—but I ended up with more content than I expected).
Ayame is a researcher in medical research, and was assigned to research the childrens’ immune systems to find a way to improve them (in reality, they want to improve it to make the Homunculus stronger). One of the children that peaks her interest is a quiet teen named Yuma, who was moved into Kanai Ward due to the loss of his mother, and has a disdain towards Amaterasu and Kanai Ward. She tries to help Yuma heal from the terrible experience and learn to appreciate Kanai Ward a bit more to the best of her abilities (as Amaterasu wants to keep a close leash on Yuma, and Yuma didn’t really trust Ayame in the beginning). From there, she learns more about the corruption of Amaterasu, like having a possible hand in Yuma’s mom’s death and the experiments Yuma is being subjected to for his Forte. This inspires Ayame to make a stand against Amaterasu’s corruption, starting with Dr. Huesca like in-game.
Unfortunately, Ayame will still die, which would devastate Yuma that another person he cared for died by Amaterasu’s hands. Even more so as he feels personally responsible for her death since he helped spark the desire to expose Amaterasu’s darkness, and Yomi would absolutely not help the matter by putting him down for telling informations he should not have shared (and maybe try to guilt-trip him that their experiments were actually helping the world). And do so again in the future when Yuma and the detectives tries to investigate Ayame’s death in the Chapter 4 remake (Yakou will not be happy about it—towards Yomi I mean, he does not blame Yuma at all for Ayame’s death).
However, Ayame would leave an impact on Yuma to give Kanai Ward a chance, and now desires to expose Amaterasu’s corruption, like his mom and Ayame has. But he will be more careful in doing so, as the women died before they could expose Amaterasu, and even if he risks dying, he wants to make sure his death isn’t in vain this time.
Also, to put in a timeline for the events, Ayame and Yakou reunited in the Spring (since it means new beginnings like Yakou’s life and their relationship), which they spent time together over the summer and a bit of Fall. Yuma would then meet Ayame in the Fall a while after he was moved into Kanai Ward, and would interact a couple of times (like once a week or something—I’m not sure but it’s like a limited times where the two establish a bond that would impact Yuma’s life, but not enough that the memories would become faded overtime in four years). And Ayame dies in the Winter-Spring next year, like the end of Quarter 1 or beginning of Quarter 2.
And to explain why Yakou wouldn’t have met Yuma with Ayame, or the two realize they both knew Ayame was because Yakou would have major restrictions in Amaterasu and would not want him around the children because, being a detective, he would realize there was more going on. And Ayame would be vague towards the two men: Yuma only knowing that Ayame has a husband who is a Detective, and to Yakou she mentions a patient she’s researching on his immune system and who recently moved into Kanai Ward at the time. And with it being four years and suppressing the emotional pains recalling her, it would only take a specific trigger to recall the memories (though I don’t want the secret to be too long since it is a fictional story not limited by game-player perspective, but I also want the emotional impact to hit in the Chapter 4 remake).
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
And just like that, we're off to the church!
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Oh wow, in stark contrast to the clock tower, it's way bigger than I anticipated. I was thinking of a little rinky-dink church but this is a full-blown holy castle.
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Don't worry, if we see any ghosts, I'll feed them to my Shinigami.
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Oh look at the capitalist over here like
"Is not a detective entitled to the fruits of their logic? 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God!'"
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I mean, I'm not super religious myself, but this is a Company Town run by for-profit Corpo-Cops, so is this really the hill you wanna die on? Like. This is the one and only church for an entire metropolitan city. Kanai Ward's Prayer to Payment ratio seems to be shunted pretty far to the right.
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Oh cool, we're going to impersonate the police. You know what, they already hate us just for existing so there's no reason not to add to the rap sheet, honestly.
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Okay, serious face. This must be the clergy member mentioned in the Monokuma File as having been at the clocktower during the murder. She has a broken arm and has "spoken to Peacekeepers a bunch of times". Definitely relevant to our case.
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Either she's innocent or she knows how to talk to cops. Given that she's been talking to cops all day, either is believable.
A general rule of thumb in interrogation is that innocent people are more likely to be a dick about the questioning than guilty people are. An innocent person is liable to be frustrated, impatient, or even get pissed off. They want to leave. This is a waste of their time, and the more time you waste, the more they're going to make that your problem.
But a guilty person is afraid of incriminating themselves, so they have a higher tolerance for the interrogation process. They're more inclined to look helpful. They may even use it to try and fish for information themselves, to find out how much you know.
This isn't always the case, mind. But often enough.
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Ooh, third option: Entitled child of privilege who thinks she has enough power to flex her economic muscles over the judicial process regardless of whether she's innocent or guilty.
Sorry, madam. But while the Peacekeepers answer to Amatarasu executives and the clergy answers to whatever God this religion worships, mine is the court of Shinigami. Only truth holds jurisdiction there.
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Mk style intros godkillers edition start with kaito. (Let's just say he has limited telepathy for these.)
Kaito1:same regrets?
Kaito2:last to die?
Kaito1:I was the first.
Kaito1:so about Aki? Is he Akari's lover?
Kaito2:no. She has Maki. I think Aki is into someone else.
Kaito1:who the hell is Maki?
Kaito1:so is it like mine? The...similarities?
Katio2:I'm not kaigaku. I'm more a Akaza.
Kaito1:so...not a hashira.
Kaito:you again?
Posiden:I was too lenient.
Kaito:so you can learn.
Kaito:I know this smell.
Posiden:be careful with your words boy.
Kaito:You related to Gyuko?
Posiden:You mortals have lot to answer for.
Kaito:Which idiot brother?
Posiden:Don't you EVER call him that.
Paradox:20$ I'll beat your ass!
Kaito:I don't wager money or possessions.
Paradox:fine fine I'll just rub it in your face.
Paradox:so you got a super nose?
Kaito:Thrud wears perfume now? Also, your fly's open.
Paradox:son of a..AH ****!
Kaito:I smell...Flowers?
Shiva:Your father would know.
Kaito:you smell like you ate them...or was laying nude in them.
Kaito:so heard a rumor.
Kaito:so you DID eat all the damn Mochi!
Shiva:hey got a message you can deliver?
Kaito:No I'm not Bhudda's mailman.
Shiva:no. Tell amatarasu's GF to leave Parvati alone!
Kaito:I'm sorry...you were..what?
Tsugu:well originally it was supposed to be Ran and others but I was a devil hunter?
Tsugu:say what's Perfect pitch?
Kaito:the ability to perfectly copy or mimic any music or song you hear with the correct instruments. Why?
Tsugu:oh so that's what they ment...thought it was a band..or a song.
Kaito:you remind me of my old master.
Herc:a demon? Fighting for humans? And you were a slayer?
Kaito:do I look like muzan or Kokushibo?
Kaito:the hell?
Kaito:i..nothing..I just am coming to grips with things.
Zero:hi mister! Have you seen my friends? Or my brother?
Kaito:resist the urge...you cant...Mido would break things...
Kaito:large bastard aren't you?
Haujin:you dare insect?
Kaito:I've fought a train and yet you're still the bigger asshole.
Hajun:your powers are like mine...
Kaito:unlike you I know how to use them.
Hajun:but mine are stronger!
Hades:I'm sorry but you are the one that took my brother.
Kaito:I understand but reconsider.
Hades:I have. Many times.
Kaito:as brothers we have a duty.
Hades:yes. That we do.
Kaito:so do not fault me. I fought for my sisters. You fight for your bothers.
Derail:none of that. We've been over this.
Kaito:it is an honor. So let me give you due respect.
Derail:so..about that question.
Derail:no. I don't believe any of my guards know what you are talking about when you bring up a..certain demon.
Kaito:so that hero killer's name was..who again?
Deku:stain. Or Chizome. Why?
Kaito:...i...might have decapitated him.
Deku:I feel like you and the current number one wouldn't get along.
Kaito:please no.
Deku:I swear if I wake up to the headline 'Endeavor found gutted!' I'm throwing you to Mai.
Kaito:Yep..definitely Rengoku.
Sunblood:hello again! Careful you don't cut me!
Kaito:you're not funny.
Beelzebub:your sword and powers are nothing special.
Kaito:same can be said about you Buzzbug
Beelzebub:I've heard better.
Kaito:you are covered in the smell of pity. That and Lilith's shampoo.
Kaito:I'm just saying someone has to bring Ares down a peg. And ill--
Mai:ill call Eve on you.
Mai:so with this new world made from all our worlds being merged into one....
Kaito:people think I'm a descendant of Apollo or Artemis.
Mai:not what I'd say.
Kaito:haven't brushed since Hera?
Zues:and here I was going to make it quick.
Kaito:really? A bulky form?
Zues:like it?
Kaito:blindness has its upsides.
(I'll do more if I can think of more.)
(Also for the hell of it. I'll do a DLC pack.)
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alfiely-art · 10 months
Now that I've got some time on my hands, I'm working on a raincode fan comic! Would you guys rather I post it all as one or as I get pages done, or smth else?
The comic is basically how Makoto got hired at Amatarasu <333
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sleepyoctoboi · 1 year
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Amatarasu from Okami!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Okay so are you familiar with the game Maplestory?
If not, it's a computer game only available on computers with windows on them, and is through the company nexon. it's a cute lil mmorpg where there's a whole bunch of character options you can pick between. (It is also technically a mobile game, but that version is vastly inferior to the desktop version)
Anyway this is important because a hot second ago I had this goofy(kind of) idea to drop Shisui in there. He'd be working from the Resistance area, similar to the Demon Slayer character type, having woken up there and deciding to help while he figured out what in amatarasu's name is going on.
Probably mostly featuring Shisui getting increasingly confused with the fact that he's now in a game with game logic that makes no sense to someone who's used to having a day/night cycle and needing to sleep, and Shisui trying to figure out how on earth he's supposed to make this all work.
Still contemplating whether I'll actually try and write it, but hey, its a funny idea
I'm not but I've seen a few Game AUs in my time, so I can see this is has got such a good potential for shenanigans even without better context haha
You 🤝 me
Messing with
Shisui's Everything
Have a great day/night, Flux! If you've got a spark for an idea and you wanna follow it, run wild! ✨😉
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pof203 · 4 months
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: Pollux
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Ah, so this is the place you were talking about. I can already tell there's some kind of adventure here.
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No doubt about it. This place is just full of surprises.
You brought Pollux to the virtual fairytale world for some fun.
Pollux: I've heard about this fancy pool in the desert. I'd like to see for myself.
Lupin: Okay, let's go.
With that, you and Pollux head off to the pool in the royal palace in the dessert.
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In time, you and Pollux arrive at the pool without any problems.
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Alright, now this is my kind of place! Can't wait to take a long power swim under that bridge.
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I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself. Though I'm unsure about swimming under a bridge.
Pollux: (insistent) Come now, let's race. It'll be fun.
Lupin: Well, if you insist, I'll give it a try.
Pollux: No, you'll do it. Now, say it.
Lupin: (inhaling) ... I'll do it!
Pollux: That's the spirit! Now come on! Let's race!
With that, you and Pollux both jump into the pool and begin a rigorous swim from one end of the pool to the other while swimming under the bridge.
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A little later, you and Pollux decide to stop and rest for a while at the shop nearby. The vendor you both shaved ice. You have lemon and he has cherry.
Pollux: Now that was fun. I haven't had this much fun since we did that race for Christmas.
Lupin: Same here. I wonder if we should have invited Tanngrisnir or Melusine to come with us.
Pollux: I thought about it, but I think they might have been busy then. Maybe next time.
Lupin: I'm sure.
You and Pollux sit on the steps of the shop and watch the other visitors swimming in the pool.
Pollux: You know who else would have liked this?
Lupin: I think I have an idea.
Pollux looks a pit solemn.
Pollux: I wonder if Castor could see what I'm doing now.
Lupin: If he can, he would be happy to see that you are not alone. You made so many friends here and we all love you for it.
Pollux: I know. If he were here, he would say, "Pollux, you big idiot, just don't cause any problems for your friends. But still, I'm happy for you." I hope I can see him again soon.
Lupin: If fate allows it, I'm sure you will.
Pollux: ... Lupin, do you remember your own siblings? Not just Tezcatlipoca or Xolotl or Tsukuyomi or even Amatarasu. I mean, before coming here to this Tokyo.
Lupin: I wish I knew. I still have very few memories of my life before. I'm not sure if I ever got along with them or not. I would like to say I got along with them because I get along with Texcatlipoca, Xolotl, Tsukuyomi, and even Amatarasu. I just don't know.
Pollux: I think you may have gotten along with your siblings because of how you get along with others. Even Dai- That is to say, Taurus Mask says you get along with him, though you seem to love him as more than just a brother. But I'm happy for you that you both have a relationship like that. And Wakan Tanka. You both love him so much and he loves you both.
Lupin: You can join in on that love if you want.
Pollux: As much as I would like that, I'm afraid my heart is set on other things right now. But until then, I'm just so glad that your my friend, Lupin.
Lupin: (happy) And I'm happy that your mine, Pollux.
You both hug happily, knowing that your friendship is as strong as the mighty oak.
Pollux: Hey, how about another race. Just for fun.
Lupin: Later. Right now, let's finish your shaved ice and wait an hour before going back in the water.
After you both have a wonderful time at the pool, it was time for you both to return to Candyland to return to the real world.
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