#Ambience lofts
hungryfacesart · 7 months
How to compose a Living Room of your dreams
In the symphony of life, there exists a sacred space where moments are woven, memories are nurtured, and the heartbeat of home resonates most profoundly – the living room. For those blessed with the privilege of this cherished sanctuary, it serves as the soulful nucleus of their abode, a haven where comfort, connection, and creativity converge in harmonious splendor. В симфонии жизни существует…
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homiesexuallaj · 5 days
Friday the 13th
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Pairing: Eric Draven x reader
Genre/Warnings: fluff (kinda), Eric loves Halloween and its decorations, he tries to scare the reader, kinda proofread
A/N: I know it’s not friday the 13th anymore but I couldn’t help but feel inspired (both by the date and my recent love for Brandon Lee/The Crow). Gif belongs to @thecreechercatalog
Eric would love Friday the 13th, no matter what month it falls on. But when it’s a month near October, it gets the man super excited and in the spirit. Eric already puts out Halloween decorations early, but with friday the 13th making its rare appearance Eric is putting spooky decorations up super early.
You left for work that morning from a normal looked apartment and a sleeping boyfriend. You’d given Eric a tender kiss to his forehead before leaving quietly. The crisp morning fall air bit at your cheeks, but you didn’t mind at all. You were just happy to wrap up in some clothing.
You worked late tonight, arriving home in the late evening. You climbed the stairs on shaky, tired legs. Upon approaching your door, a white skull was placed in the middle and a garland of purple bats hung from the top of the doorway. You could only shake your head as you unlocked and opened the front door.
You locked the door behind you and turned around to face your shared apartment. It honestly looked like Halloween had exploded in the loft. Strings of bats and little skeletons hung from the ceiling, going from the kitchen all the way into the living room. Orange and purple string lights were wrapped around table legs and lamp poles. Some of the lamp lights had even been changed out for a low, red light. Life-size skeletons were even sat in chairs that you and Eric didn’t occupy that often. Fake pumpkins of all sizes and faces carved also littered the apartment. Up on the little kitchen island and coffee table, white candles of all shapes and sizes were lit. They didn’t smell but added to the ambience of the spooky apartment.
As you milled around, you also discovered that there was a large candy bowl with all of your favorite candies piled in. Just as you were about to pluck a piece from the bowl, you’d gone blind. Ice cold hands blocked your vision. A spark of fear ignited through your body until you heard a voice speak.
“Boo,” A familiar low voice spoke before turning you around with a swift movement.
You were met with a ghostly white face. His eyes were painted black, thin spikes going halfway up his forehead and just over the tops of his cheek bones. His lips were painted a black as well, blood red spilling from his inner slips and his top lip overpainted to show a faux smile.
Despite the frightening features, his eyes swirled with amusement and affection and an adored smile twisted his lips. The man held you by the shoulders softly, excitedly pattering his fingers against your damp jacket.
“Did I scare you?” Amusement laced his words.
“Only a little,” You shrugged.
The man hummed, “Guess i’ll have to try a little harder next time.”
“I guess,” You hummed back, amused at your boyfriend’s antics.
Without a word, Eric began shedding you of your outside clothes. Throwing your jacket and handbag onto a nearby chair, your boyfriend backed away and headed towards the open window to the fire escape. Rain pitter-pattered outside.
“What’s on the agenda tonight, Mr. Draven?” You asked, following him slowly.
“Come find out,” Eric smirked, disappearing out the window and up the fire escape.
You could only chuckle and shake your head at his mysterious antics. Eric Draven always kept you up on your toes.
A/N: I have a part 2 idea so if yall want it or if I write it I’ll tag it somewhere on here! And also requests for Mr. Draven are open so go ahead and drop some in my askbox!!
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rosiethorns88 · 2 years
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Hi hi, is anyone still alive after reading Ballad? 👋 Time to finally drop the artworks for the reverse dust jacket and foil design for Fairyloot's edition of The Ballad of Never After by @Stephanie_Garber! The Hollow scenes were my favorite and Anissa (@Fairyloot) and I were totally on the same page as far as the scene we wanted to depict! I'm avoiding spoilers here, but this scene is an amalgamation of both times that Jacks carries Evangeline across the bridge, and really a depiction of the ambience and feelings, rather than the details of what is happening during the scene (again, avoiding spoilers! but see my notes below the spoiler warning!) I had a really fun time with the design of the tree loft. It's not apparent at first, but I opted to use real fairy lights in the windows! (Seen better in the video!) The branches all have this 'come hither' curls to them, so welcoming and comforting. 😭~ The foil design is another secret book design, this time highlighting The Inglorious History of House Slaughterwood - a prominent family in the second book! Spoilers for TBONA below *********** We all absolutely were fawning over the way Jacks is carrying Eva, and that was simply a mathematical result. Imagine if you had a flayed back like Evangeline, would you really feel comfortable being in the cliche romantic princess carry? I had to think about what would be the most comfortable for Eva, and it turned out so adorable in the end! *********** END SPOILERS Anywho, I'm glad I got that off my chest. (now to await the incoming 3rd book and start my torture all over again. 😭)  
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mushroomwoods · 1 year
Love me, Love me not
For the hero that you once thought that you knew, was never who he portrayed himself as, but really, did you expect that if the chains that bound him to good were to break, he would stay as the same old him?
character — Sky (and a hint of Zelda), romantic.
cw — a tadbit of self-aware!sky+zelda, +yandereish behaviour, homicide attempt..?
what a little chat about the absolutely terrifying self aware sky with the dearest @wayfayrr did iaksjdksnd. sky being the good n little ol' him is good, but sky being an absolute menace just because he knows he can? oh dear... (also tagging @yourlocaltreesimp, since they're one of the biggest sky simps I've ever seen).
edit 1: i don't condone unhealthy behaviour or toxic relationships, but i thought it'd be interesting to note that the feelings i portray in my yandere content are usually more love related than in this one. for this short I'm not sure, but i wouldn't call sky feelings “love”, but something more akin to... the desire you feel for something rare. yeah, i guess it fits.
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It hadn't been long since you arrived at the skyloftian Hyrule and of course Sky was excited, you thought it was strange that Sky would totally disregard his best friend, possibly a past lover, presence to run straight to his loft, but from what he had told you what a skyloftian had with their loft was something akin to a soul bond, and from the woman's nonchalant reaction, maybe it wasn't that strange.
“Link is really attached to Crimson, as Crimson is as attached to him.” Zelda said, distant, while you watched him making a few rounds above the city.
You nodded, eyes fixated on the performance, though you could feel the woman soft eyes turning to you, you said nothing on her behaviour even as she smiled, shaking her head slightly and then going away.
It was only a few minutes after Zelda left, that Sky came back to the ground, his smile saccharine sweet as he naturally let his arms fall around your shoulders.
“It's too bad you didn't want to come with me... I'm sure Crimson would like you too.” He sighed contently against your neck, before looking into your eyes.
“Still, I'd rather not go. But I'm not against meeting her.” He agreed at the idea, quickly talking about how the both of you could go tomorrow to preen her since it had been a long time since he did it.
You followed behind his steps as he lead you to the meeting spot at the central plaza, quiet as you tried to push away the thoughts intruding on your peaceful mind.
The way his smile seemed so strained when near his friends, the way the other knights avoided his gaze, the way even the shopkeepers would never against his offers.
It wasn't until way past midnight that your suspicions were confirmed.
Everyone was already sleeping, vacating a few empty lodgings they had for the knights in training.
The air up in the Skyloft was too thin and cool for your liking and you could barely close your eyes without getting uncomfortable, so you went for a breather down the halls.
You could hear voices by the end of the dark corridor, recognising Sky soft tone you were about to call him out, but a loud thud resounding at quiet ambience.
You stopped.
A hitched breath and a low growl. You could see the ashen blonde back turned to you, a familiar figure knelt on the floor in front of him, vivid red hair far more disheveled than when you had seen earlier that day. Groose.
“It was too bad what happened to Zelda...” Sky started, a certain lilt to his voice that made Groose tremble, eyes falling to the floor. “I really expected you'd know better than to talk like that after what happened.” His voice was eerily calm.
“I didn't—” The red-haired started, but his breath was caught in his throat as the sole of Sky's boot made contact with his chest, no real impact. A threat.
“Groose. I gave you a warning before going away. I know you're stupid, but you should at least try to remember what other people say, shouldn't you?” No answer, but it seemed exactly what Sky was expecting as he huffed, getting his foot out of the man's chest.
“This is my last warning, next time you look at something of mine I will really let you free fall out of the isle without your dear companion to save you. Don't you ever think of looking at my deity if you want to keep those foul eyes of yours.” The... hero, continued, voice sweet as always and that was your cue to leave.
You turned on your heels, not looking back. That wasn't real, this was just a joke, he would never be like that, a monster, but even then, you could swear you saw him looking back at you, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.
You ran to your room, locking the door behind you and hiding inside the mattresses.
It wasn't real, it wasn't real, it wasn't real, it—
Knock knock.
He was at your door. You stayed quiet, not moving a muscle in fear the person outside would hear. Another knock. You didn't move. And then you heard steps fading away, only then sighing in relief.
The door unlocked and you frooze in place, shutting your eyes to feign sleep. You couldn't even notice how much you were trembling.
“[Name]..?” You heard his voice, steps approaching the bed until it stopped beside you. “Poor thing. Must've been so tired.” The mattress dipped and his hand brushed against your cheeks, leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin. “My sweet little [name], so frail...” His voice grew closer and you could feel his breath fanning over your face “I know you're awake, my dear.”
Your eyes shot open, but before you could scramble away from him, his hands locked on your forearms, pressing you tightly against the bed, a twisted smile spreading across his face, manic gaze focused on you, you, you.
“Did you—” You gasped for air, not even noticing how you had stopped breathing. “Did you push Zelda..?” You voice died, and his looked melted into something comforting.
He didn't, did he? It was a misunderstanding. He was just mad earlier. You held your hopes while staring at him.
“It was needed, my dear.” He slowly sunk into your space, arms wrapping around you a little too tightly for comfort. “She understood me, she accepted it, she knows that fake is not our goddess. But you...” His darkened eyes looked up to you, from the shoulder he rested his head on. “Our deity, so supreme above us, foolishly egoistical being”
It was strange seeing Sky, the pure image of calmness so... frantic, as if his mind was elsewhere. It was an alien feeling, uncomfortable and making your throat clog with something heavy.
You slowly moved your hands to try and rub at his back in a form of comfort, he easily accepted the touch, closing his eyes, but before you could question him on his behaviour, he started talking again.
“My deity, please, please, don't ever say you'll leave me. Never again, please, allow me to be selfish this once.” His grip tightened. “I don't know what I will do if you say something like that again.”
It all clicked when he said that. The last time you picked it up, too tired to pass through even the turorial. You thought it was strange that things had proceded too quickly, but maybe your memory was faulty. You shuddered when he huffed a laugh, too dark in comparison to his usual, as his hands ran up your back.
“Wait, Sky— I mean, Link, I never meant it like that, I—” A sharp inhale of breath forced you to cut your own words. “W- What's this?”
You could feel warm blood oozing from your right ear, a new earring attached to it. He finally let you from his hold, and your hands instantly flew to the newest addition, feeling a soft brush against your hands. A bloody red feather.
You shot a sharp glare to him, to which he shrugged, letting another earring hang on his hands. This one a vibrant tone of blue, that equally hung from one of his pierced ears. He smiled in mock compassion.
“Come on, dear, I have to finish putting it on you.” Our claim on you.
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chuuyasfanboy · 10 months
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Dazai x Gn!Reader (Reverse Comfort)
Warnings: Dazai-typical mentions of sh + suicide On a literal bsd roll rn so inspired guys, please give me requests I beg...
Dazai, who is such an enigma to everyone in the world
He hides himself under far too many layers, both literally and metaphorically
Dazai, who never lets anybody see what's under those bandages
Except you
Some nights, he lays awake in bed with you, mindlessly going through the actions any living being would
Breathing, existing
But he doesnt feel alive
When you trace a hand down his back, though, he feels at least something
Touch his arms, his scars
He's shy about it, and he acts scared when you see under the bandages
But he likes it when you trace them
When you tell him they dont define him, that he's different than his ailments and his scars make him human, not the opposite
Dazai, who's come to trust only you out of the millions to see him
Really see him
There's the soft hum of ambience in the background, a song you'd put on, your shared favorite. It serves to compliment the sound of bandages fluttering to the ground, his shirt somewhere thrown to be forgotten about and dealt with later. But it's not odd, its not sexual. Tracing a finger down his scarred arm, everything feels so surreal. It's like a liminal peace, something this world only has to offer to those who truly deserve the quiet. It's odd, because he doesn't think he deserves you at all. But every time he voices those opinions, you brush him off without a single mind to his words. Instead, you hold his arms in your, sitting comfortably in the plush bed, the cover lofted to the side in the dim light of dusk. He should be getting home, but he just cant seem to take himself from your presence. Let him be selfish, just this once. The flutter of your kiss is felt repeatedly, carefully going down the lines that cross every edge of his skin, not missing a single scar. It almost makes him feel like a boy again, with how giddy he gets when you comfort him this way. It almost helps to soothe the agony he's filled with when he sees the permanent proof of his trauma. Of his lost childhood, of things and people who will never return to him. In a world where everything worth having is lost the moment it is obtained, he's okay with you being the single stagnate force of good.
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if prompts are still open, I'd love to see something about how Alec has been raised to be extremely practical and (through his relationship with magnus) finally gets to experience the joy allowing oneself to indulge
Hey anon thanks for prompt! Yup still open :)
Hope this works!
Magnus grew up in the Silent City, he has some —unfortunately more than most— knowledge of nephilim society.
Which means that while he’s not surprised by how many luxuries Alexander is delighted by, he’s still indignant about it.
So he plans and he plots and every spare minute they aren’t entwined together, Magnus does his level best to spoil his boy.
And Magnus is very well versed in decadence.
Alexander soaks up the attention lavished upon him eagerly, like ivy in a drought, delicate and enduring, but so eager when the rain comes.
So Magnus showers him with affection and attention and learns about what Alec likes, and what he’s never known he could like.
—what he’s never been allowed to enjoy—
When Magnus asks what he wants for dinner and Alexander suggests sushi, he summons it from Japan or portals them there.
When he’s had a long day and craves the dark, bitter sweetness of chocolate, Magnus summons it from Belgium and feeds it to him with kisses, one piece at a time.
He paints Alexander’s hands one night in France, as they giggle and titter over champagne and strawberries and still warm baguettes covered in soft cheese.
—Magnus forgets to take it off for Alexander before he returns to work, and he’s surprised and delighted when Alec comes home with it still on—
He rubs Alexander’s sore muscles and kisses his bruises, hiding his scowl in Alexander’s skin when Alec laughs and says, ‘Magnus I’m fine.’
After two weeks of Alec constantly returning home, sore and aching, Magnus creates a hot spring on their roof and adds a garden, for ambience.
He takes Alexander ice skating on the frozen lakes on the islands of ice and keeps him warm with magic as they dance under the moonlight.
Magnus slowly replaces every single piece of Alexander’s clothing, even what remains at the Institute. Continuing until Alexander no longer steps outside of their home without being dressed in Magnus’ choices.
He adds a mudroom to the loft, with benches to sit and racks for weapons and a magical stool that cleans Alexander’s boots for him.
Alexander gives him a look when he does, kisses him sweetly and tries to assure Magnus that he’s fine. That Magnus doesn’t have to change his space for Alec to fit, that Alec loves him without all of these gifts.
Alexander was raised with all the practicality of a nephilim commander and his assurances only make Magnus want to spoil him more.
So Magnus ignores him, pins him to the bench he magically created, and rides Alexander until he has nothing left to say.
The next day, Magnus hands Alexander's his bag and smiles when Alec sighs, opens it and then shakes his head.
But he’s smiling as he does it and he kisses Magnus’ cheek gently. Like he’s overwhelmed that Magnus charmed his bag to be weightless and protected.
Alexander brings his own gifts.
Several priceless cuttings from the Institute greenhouse that he brought, admitting with soft delight that they ‘ reminded him of Magnus’.
—that those gorgeous, nephilim-hoarded, angelically blessed and magically powerful plants make him think of Magnus, when every other nephilim thinks of them as reminders of Raziel—
Magnus turned the rooftop garden into a magical greenhouse after that.
He does other things. Like making Magnus tea and snacks when he’s busy experimenting, sitting nearby and listening to Magnus ramble and gently, occasionally, nudging him to drink and eat until Magnus is done.
Then he’ll sit in a chair with his own snack, reading a book or sometimes just watching Magnus.
He hardly ever rushes Magnus, only ever when they have a meeting it would be bad to miss.
Alexander also picks up after him, not because he needs to, because he wants to.
Magnus is used to throwing things when done with them and using magic to eventually get them where they belong.
Alexander will laugh and shake his head and smooth a pillow back into place, eyes soft as they stare at Magnus with an adoration that consumes him.
And so they play their little games. Loving each other in a way that no one else has ever done for them.
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maddie-grove · 10 months
"#I believe I had a ghostly encounter in 2000#but I have no memory of it" Okay you can't just drop that in the tags and not expect someone to ask you to elaborate.
Okay, so, the summer I was nine, one of my half-uncles got married in a tiny town in the north of Georgia, Deliverance country. We stayed at a "resort" that consisted of a bunch of cabins clustered around a big white house (vintage unknown but if memory serves it looked like it was from 1910-ish) with lots of gardens and a swimming pool. My parents, my two-year-old brother, and I were in one cabin; my grandmother, her boyfriend, my other half-uncle, and his girlfriend were in another.
During the day, my dad took me to the pool. There were a bunch of kids there, a little older than me, and they started talking about how someone had died in our cabin. I knew myself to be a coward who could barely handle Scooby Doo (although I watched it religiously) so I ducked my head under the water so I wouldn't hear about it. However, my imagination filled in the gaps...with a bloody massacre, of course. I believe the actual story was that a guest had hanged himself in the loft, although I don't know if even that was true.
(These kids also bullied my thirty-three-year-old father by blithely pointing out that he had "vampire teeth." That's not important to the ghostly encounter, but I believe it adds to the ambience.)
That night, I slept in the big bed in the loft, in between my parents, while my brother slept beside the bed in a travel crib. There was a daybed downstairs I could have slept on, but, as previously stated, I was a scaredy-cat and did not want to sleep beside a big curtainless window on a different floor than my parents. This was not even brought up as a possibility.
But, in the middle of the night, after falling asleep between my mom and dad, I woke up on the daybed downstairs with my mom shaking me awake, with no memory of how I'd gotten there. My mom had slept right through my climbing out of bed. So had my dad. So had my little brother, the most easily-woken-up toddler in history. I had no history of sleepwalking or falling asleep in strange areas or forgetting how I'd gotten from place to place.
Of course, it's totally possible that this was just a weird one-time instance of sleepwalking, brought on by being in a strange, reputedly haunted environment, but my mom was like "NOPE" and got us switched to a different cabin. She claims to have seen two ghosts in her life (a malevolent shroud and her great-grandmother) so she's fairly receptive to ghosts being real.
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purplesurveys · 2 months
What’s the most worthwhile thing you’ve done in the last year? Mm I would say our trip to Vietnam. The last year has been pretty quiet and lowkey for me (in other words, mega uneventful), but I'm glad that trip happened.
What foods make you want to gag? Pickles and fruits.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Mostly at work, but generally yeah.
Have you ever made out with someone? Sure.
What time do you get sleepy? Anywhere between 12-2 AM.
What music do you listen to? I like K-pop and K-R&B these days. Every now and then I'd listen to alternative pop and folk.
How old were you when you started to walk? I was told that it first happened a little after I turned 1. Checks out, because the recording from my 1st birthday party showed that I was still unable to hold myself up and walk.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? My eldest cousin from my mom's side, and my sister.
What cheers you up when you’re sad? My dogs.
What do you sleep in? Just my usual loungewear, which is usually a t-shirt and shorts.
Have you ever tanned topless? I have not.
Wear jewelry? I don't.
What’s something you’ve been told you’re good at? Writing.
How much can you eat? Not a lot tbh. I tend to eat small portions throughout the day rather than having three appropriate-sized meals.
What’s the furthest away you’ve ever traveled? Jeju and Fukuoka.
Are you a cat or dog person? Dog!
Have you ever done drugs? Once and just weed.
What does your room look like? I have a loft bed, and the stairs were furnished such that each step is also a shelf so that I can have more storage space. The space in the lower part is my main work station, but also doubles as my lounge area since I have a makeshift sofa set up as well, which faces my TV. Under my TV are a couple of racks where much of my K-pop merch is. All in all it's very convenient for me, but it could still feel much cozier; I just always put off buying other things that can make up a certain ambience or aesthetic as it's honestly not a priority.
Recommend a really amazing book. I don't know. I don't read much, so I haven't encountered a book that I loved so much and would immediately recommend.
Recommend a really amazing song. Wild Flower by RM.
Recommend a really amazing movie. 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Who’s your favorite actor/actress? Kate Winslet.
Have you ever run away from home? Nope.
Do you exercise ever? Nope.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the color? It's not the best right now as the purple color's all faded, but I also don't intend on bleaching/dyeing it again; I think that phase is over hahaha. That said I'm just waiting for it to grow out so I can go back to black.
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? No.
Are you a Disney movie fan? Just selectively, lol. Some movies don't call to me like the others do.
Do you eat seafood? Of course.
When was the last time you cried? Last week.
Do you have good working habits? Sure.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I want to be stable first, then once I've achieved that all I really want is to live a life of happiness and a feeling of fulfillment.
What are your boundaries? In my personal life, I like to keep my circle tight and closed. The idea of dealing with different social groups and having to shine different aspects of my personalities for them seems so exhausting lol. I've never had a problem being mostly alone.
In my work life, I'm closed off and I'm happy keeping it that way. Lots of people my age seem to want to find friendships in their work, but it's honestly not for me – I've tried, and I just end up feeling so sucked out of energy. I also do not care for gossip and report to my 9-6 just aiming to do my tasks and do my best in those tasks, so it can get frustrating when my name gets entangled in work conversations when I'm just doing my job – but that's Filipino gossip culture for ya.
All in all I really just don't give a fuck and have started focusing on my own peace and my own happiness. And life's turned out a lot sweeter that way.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? Improv comedy can get stomach-achingly hilarious when the timing is all perfect.
What are two quirky little things about you? I peel off the chicken skin when eating fried chicken, because I save them for last + I can't take a full shot and always have to take them in smaller sips. I just fear taking a big chug of alcohol in one go lol.
Are you claustrophobic? Nope.
Do you like getting wasted? I like the social-tipsy phase the most, but not wasted.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Understanding, funny, loyal.
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rihanna? Rihanna, I guess.
What religion are you, if any? Born and raised Catholic but I've disengaged myself from religion since I was 10.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? The dogs and cat + Kimi's and Miki's urns.
Do you have any sash belts? Nope.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc. White turtleneck sweater, shorts, underwear, hair tie on my wrist.
Does caffeine make you hyper? Not hyper, but just more awake and focused.
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grellsaw · 3 months
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𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 '𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 as she enters on stage. this is her big moment. the catwalk belongs to none other than the red reaper. and she knows it. confidence articulates in the way she struts forth, hand-to-hip. long seas of red hairs cloak the entirety of her back, and slim tufts drape over supple, straightened shoulders, matching her crimson ensemble.
every rose print kissed her body, skirt tied in a taut knot ‘pon ride side of her small waistline. straw hat’s shaded veil soon discarded, lofted, and waved to the crowd as she emerges from the back room.
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smooth and calculated is her gait, timing pace with the contest’s musical rhythm. each step in accordance to the note; every forward heel meets her back toe. hips straight with every controlled oscillation of her arms, gently swaying to compliment her lissome figure.
Every fiber of her core radiates confidence. she seemed to bear natural talent for presentation on stage. She owns it. She knows how to appeal to her audience. Every touch of her lips grazing fingertips blows a kiss to anyone and everyone lingering their gaze upon her, purposefully seducing them; a mischievous wink follows suit. From up here, a heightened sense of satisfaction flits her small grin.
heels gradually fades into the silent ambience as footsteps slow to a halt near the catwalk’s precipice. she intends to capture their attention with this particular finale— performing her signature pose.
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hand lofts, index finger, pinkie and thumb strikes outward, a common hand sign meaning “ I love you ”; arm acutely angles to level her hand sign close to her cheek, and her weight shifts from one side to the other, slightly leaning her upper torso forward. tongue lolling out and curling over her upper lip.
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@circus-frog @ducktastic-dad @radioiaci
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Terry and y/n go furniture shopping for their new house 🏠 👀
Is it reasonable to think Terry Silver would be the type to commemorate a new chapter in his life with a brand new house?
Yes, it is, as I see him as the type who owns many houses, retreats, mansions, estates, condos, overseas villas and lofts for many occasions and with so many facets to his character and interests, it is quite literally difficult or damn near impossible to fit all that Terry is or tries to be into just one building, no matter how lush or spacious. So, many are needed, and he does have many. Some less used, some more used, some never used. Some used only once and never again. A beach-side Malibu mansion for Malibu Terrence? His daunting, colossal 80's Mayan style temple for a man who thought he can rule the world? A more discreet, secluded manor that houses his more honest hobbies and interests, from his collection of Japanese Samurai swords down to the most priceless paintings and even the brief time he pretended he lived in the old Cobra Kai dojo in the process of being remodelled in order to trick Daniel? --- all here to showcase an image who he really is, or an image he wants to paint in order to cast a specific illusion. I think every piece of revenue and house holds up a mirror to a certain aspect of Terry or rather, who he wants to broadcast himself as at any given moment, marking certain epochs, certain eras, attitudes, decisions --- and hey, even relationships. In nature, a chameleon matches his current environment, his scales shifting colors depending of the hue of the soil, grass, sand and rocks it slithers on.
He changes identities like clothes sometimes.
Who is to say he would match his 'clothes' to his homes?
In this case, not entirely hard to believe Terry gets a home he exclusively considers a 'matrimonial home' in case he's getting married, or a 'love nest' if he's only just getting there, in the process of, as it were.
And this love nest, well, reflects its intended purpose, aesthetically and where ambience is concerned; dim lights, romantic, saccharine, intimate, all velvets and silks, expensive thick carpets and decorative, antique holders to light candles in, draped curtains, opulence, jacuzzi tubs, king sized beds with four posters and all the security in the world, because the only person who comes here is Terry and the only person who frequents visits is Terry, and when he is away, he wants to know who, when, how and why anyone would even dare mingle anywhere near his kept woman's or kept man's apartment, even from afar. Naturally, the furniture was handpicked, ordered, paid for and arranged by Terry Silver, but this love nest is a bufferzone not before long replaced because Terry is also territorial, greedy, needy and requires beloved close, at all times, always, and so this separate apartment just won't do, replaced quickly by the charms of conjoint living. The furniture again, according to the fine art of Feng Shui, reflects its purpose, now picked together, or maybe even put together in such a sense where it accommodates beloved's tastes because this is a golden love cage, and Terry's birdie might as well choose well, with great detail, what it will contain, like a canvas being re-painted in new colors, because they'll stay here forever. Might as well stay in a place they adore, filled with trinkets they like.
He absolutely insists they be the one who picks.
Encourages it, in fact.
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bellacasa-mallorca · 2 years
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🌏 www.bella-casa.com: Ref. CAMVTDG022: 🏡 Luxury town house with finca ambience and its own well 🏡 Luxus Stadthaus mit Finca Ambiente und eigenem Brunnen 💰 € 1,48 Mio. ___________________ 🏡 This luxurious and architecturally attractive town house exudes its charm from a mixture of manor house and finca style. It offers an idyllic tranquility not far from the center of Campos and has a spacious entrance, 5 bedrooms (one of which is in the guest wing, which can also be used as a large office), 2 bathrooms, toilet, large kitchen, living room, dining room, 50 m2 loft, underfloor heating throughout the house, fireplace, double garage, balcony, terrace and an imposing 230 m2 garden patio with its own well. The property is originally more than 200 years old and was refurbished to a high quality in 2000, using elements made of ceramic, Santanyi stone, teak and wrought iron. Enjoy maximum living comfort in the heart of the up-and-coming Mallorcan village of Campos, with its abundance of supermarkets and cozy restaurants and bars. You can reach the island metropolis of Palma with its International airport in 20 minutes and the well-known natural beach Es Trenc in just 10 minutes. 🏡 Dieses luxuriöse und architektonisch reizvolle Stadthaus versprüht seinen Charme aus einer Mischung von Herrenhaus und Finca Stil. Es bietet Ihnen eine idyllische Ruhe nur unweit vom Ortskern von Campos und verfügt über ein grosszügiges Entrée, 5 Schlafzimmer (davon Eines im Gästetrakt, der auch als grosses Büro genutzt werden kann), 2 Badezimmer, Gäste-WC, grosse Küche, Wohnzimmer, Esszimmer, 50 m2 Loft, Fussbodenheizung im ganzen Haus, Kamin, Doppelgarage, Balkon, Terrasse und einen imposanten 230 m2 Gartenpatio mit eigenem Brunnen. Das Anwesen ist ursprünglich mehr als 200 Jahre alt und wurde im Jahre 2000 qualitativ hochwertig kernsaniert... • #topqualitytownhouse #luxury #ambiente #villa #finca #townhouse #campos #palma #palmademallorca #office #mallorca #sea #sun #mediterraneo #igers #quality #underfloorheating #heating #fireplace #garage #kitchen #patio #sale #bellacasa #service #well #guesthouse #fruittrees #olive #olivetree @bella_casa_mallorca (hier: Campos, Islas Baleares, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnyYet9DaGu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oyeturtle · 2 years
15 Spacious Design Ideas For Small Bedrooms!
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Remember that a good bedroom is not one with a grand appearance or luxurious items and décor but one where you can rejuvenate yourself with its incredible vibe. Here are some styling tips for small bedrooms to make them look spacious and vibrant.
1. Bright Room, Bright Life
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Vibrant hues and bright colors can uplift the vibe of the room. White can play a significant role in the process as it can give life to the room and compensate for the lack of vast walls and windows. If not white, light colors can be used for room décor. Glass windows allowing natural light to enter the room will upgrade the look.
2. The Cute Cozy Corner
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Placing the bed by the side or the corner of the room helps to maximize the floor space and provide a cute cozy sleeping corner. Bed placement plays a very vital role in the appearance of a larger room.
3. Bed Frames Matter
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Buy bed frames that are slim as they are the best for small bedrooms and leave more floor space for the room to look bigger. Avoid footboard-styled bed frames for small-sized bedrooms and use basic modern platform beds instead.
4. Minimalism is the Key
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A room designed with minimal fuss is eye soothing and pleasing. Reduce non-required items and make room only for necessary stuff. The more free space, the wider the room seems to be.
5. Reflect the Vibe by Adding Mirrors
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Mirrors in the room give a sense of a larger space and reflect the light and free play, creating an illusion of a larger room. Along with a clean and fuss-free look, the mirror doesn’t require much space to be installed and elevates the amount of natural light in the room.
6. Under the Bed Storage
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Having a bed with drawers in it reduces the external usage of unnecessary space. Choosing a bed with storage drawers is a great deal. If not, you can use baskets and containers to place your stuff underneath the bed for restricted areas.
7. Loft Living
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Have a small floor area but a higher ceiling? Go for loft living. Construct the loft by placing the bed on the upper side and the seating beneath the bed. Experimenting for good results is instead an intelligent choice.
8. Floating Desks
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The trend is here, embellish your room with Floating desks and make your room look classy while also making space in the room. These desks can be functional and trendy and will help in saving space.
9. Floating Shelves
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Another way of saving space and designing the room with modern furniture. Whether you want to place artifacts or a nightstand, floating shelves are the best for multiple purposes.
10. Rejuvenating Greenery
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Wondering where to place the indoor plants that you recently bought? The room is a good place for it to make its place. Placing potted plants in the room will fill the space a bit and give more life to the room while also purifying the air and creating a new environment.
11. Fairy Lights
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Decorating your room with fairy lights will not occupy much space but will fill the room with different colors and create an enchanting vibe.
12. Embrace Contrast
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Embrace contrast to draw focus and decorate the room with a minimal look. Contrasting colors impact and create a dramatic appearance on walls, décor items, or furniture.
13. Empty Area
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It's never too wise to fill the whole place with furniture and other stuff. Appreciate the space and enjoy the airy environment.
14. Lamps
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It does not occupy much space in the room while providing a nice look and a great ambience. Small lamps are the best when designing a small place with grace.
15. Keep It Simple
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Sometimes keeping it simple is the key. Keeping the place minimalistic and leaving enough space gives a smooth and spacious appearance.
That's how you do it, make your small bedroom look bigger and spacious with effective efforts.
Oye Turtle house design pattern is the same as mentioned above. To make it easy for you to organize and style your home according to your preference, we are always here to take up your project.
You can also read here about: 5 Kitchen Design Rules Followed By Experts
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vmsplusblog · 23 days
Décor Ideas for Teenage Bedroom | VMS Plus
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The main goal of 2024’s teen bedroom ideas is to design a unique, practical area that embraces contemporary style and originality. Make a statement by including striking hues and patterns, such as abstract art or geometric motifs. Space is maximised by multipurpose furniture, such as loft beds with desks or storage underneath. To create attractive lounging places, include warm features like beanbag chairs or plush rugs. Convenience and the atmosphere are improved by intelligent technology, which provides Bluetooth speakers and LED lighting. Since personalization is important, encourage teenagers to display their interests on walls, posters, or in a special hobby zone. An active and vibrant room is the product.
When you envision your home or move into a new apartment, you need everything perfect, right? The main bedroom is dedicated to the grownups in the household, and it takes little time to hone in on the belongings you want in your haven and compactly put them. However, putting your teen bedroom ideas into reality is a different ballgame. One of the most tedious jobs of all bedrooms is to design your teen’s bedroom and gain approval from your teen. They can be quite tricky, as teens have their own opinions and choices, and you’ll have to take their opinion before starting with the designing of their room.
Beautiful Teenage Bedroom Designs for 2024
Teens' room design may be a fun project that captures their individuality and sense of style. Teen bedroom ideas for 2024 centre on designing a room that is enjoyable and useful simultaneously, providing a haven for rest, learning, and self-expression.
Innovative Teenage Bedroom Décor Ideas
If you’re looking for teenagers' bedroom ideas, consider using vibrant colours and textures that speak of your teen’s passions. Adding personality without committing to a long-term look is possible with wall decals, removable wallpaper, and murals. Motivate your adolescent to help decor ideas for teenage bedrooms, by giving them suggestions like making a gallery wall or including a chalkboard paint section to showcase their ingenuity.
Teenage Themed Bedroom Ideas
Designing a bedroom is more accessible by deciding on a theme. Bohemian chic, industrial style and minimalism are popular bedroom idea themes these days. Accessorising these teen bedroom ideas with complementary carpet, drapes, and bedding will make them look even better. Select a colour scheme that unifies the theme and leaves space for customization for a unified appearance.
Some design advice for teen bedrooms
Here are some Tips For Teen Bedroom Design: Give preference to multipurpose furniture, such as desks that can be used as vanities or beds with built-in storage. Lighting is a critical factor in establishing the mood, so think about using string or LED lights that can be adjusted to create an ambience. Urge your adolescent to decorate their room with things that represent their interests.
Harmonious Bedroom Decorating Ideas for Teens and Parents
For practicality and longevity, weighing the teen’s tastes against the parent's bedroom decorating ideas is crucial. Invest in long-lasting furnishings that will fit your growing adolescent’s changing tastes. Use wall-mounted shelves or under-bed drawers as storage options to keep the space neat and clutter-free.
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theurbanloftco · 2 months
Elevate Your Lifestyle at The Urban Loft Co. Conway
At The Urban Loft Co. Conway, find the ideal balance between comfort and functionality. With contemporary amenities like an in-home washer and dryer, our pet-friendly interiors are thoughtfully designed to meet your needs, so you can spend more time living and less time doing chores. Savor the fresh air and the downtown Conway atmosphere as you step out onto your own balcony. Our lifestyle-specific pet-friendly residences offer a warm and inviting ambience that makes you feel at home.
Fully Furnished Lofts
Experience homey living without the hassle in our fully furnished lofts. Move in effortlessly and enjoy a stylishly furnished space complete with all household essentials and modern appliances. 
Security Features
Our comprehensive security measures and controlled access admission let you rest easy knowing that you are in safe hands. You can relax knowing your property is secure, whether you are heading to a nearby game, work, or a get-together with friends.
Pet Friendly
Feel at home in our pet-friendly environment by bringing your beloved pet along. The Urban Loft Co. Conway is a pet- and human-friendly location where your pet will feel right at home.
Utilities & WiFi Included
Discover the benefits of all-inclusive living! Forget about the inconvenience of setting up Wi-Fi and paying utility bills. Experience the ease of having Wi-Fi and utilities included right away, so you can start using them as soon as you move in.
Sound Proofed Units
Our soundproof apartments are the ideal place to find peace and quiet, whether you are doing yoga or just relaxing after a hard day. You will be able to fully settle in without any neighborly interruptions.
The Urban Loft Co. Conway puts you in the center of all the action in this thriving city because it is situated in the heart of Conway. All the things you adore about Conway are conveniently located, whether you are watching a game at Estes Stadium or browsing the neighborhood stores. At The Urban Loft Co. Conway, your residence is more than simply a place to live; it is a connection to the excitement and energy of Conway. Embrace the comfort of having all of Conway's attractions at your fingertips, which will enable you to take advantage of everything the city has to offer.
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inckx · 2 months
Capturing the Soul of Spaces: The Art of Interior Photography in Phoenix
Interior photography is not just about taking pictures of rooms; it's about telling a story, showcasing the essence of a space, and highlighting the unique features that make a home or commercial property special. In Phoenix, a city known for its stunning architecture, diverse design styles, and vibrant real estate market, interior photographers play a crucial role in capturing the beauty and functionality of spaces. This article delves into the nuances of interior photography in Phoenix, exploring techniques, tips, and the significance of this art form in the local context.
Understanding the Essence of Interior Photographer Phoenix
Interior photography focuses on documenting the interior spaces of residential homes, commercial properties, hotels, and other environments. Unlike traditional photography, it requires a keen eye for details, an understanding of light, and the ability to showcase spaces in their best light. Skilled interior photographers go beyond simply pointing and shooting; they create images that evoke emotions and resonate with viewers, inviting them to imagine living or working within those walls.
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The Importance of Interior Photography
In today's digital world, where visual content reigns supreme, high-quality interior photography is essential for various stakeholders: Real Estate Agents: For real estate professionals in Phoenix, stunning photographs can mean the difference between a quick sale and a property that lingers on the market. High-resolution images highlighting a property's unique features attract potential buyers and help convey the story behind each home. Interior Designers: Designers rely on interior photography to showcase their work and demonstrate their vision. Great photographs serve as a portfolio, helping designers secure new clients and establish credibility in the industry. Hospitality Businesses: Phoenix Hotels, restaurants, and venues require striking imagery to entice guests. Interior photography allows these businesses to effectively present their atmosphere and ambience, encouraging patrons to choose them over competitors. Homeowners: Whether listing a home for sale or documenting interior renovations, homeowners benefit from professional photography to capture and celebrate their spaces.
The Unique Architectural Landscape of Phoenix
Phoenix boasts a rich architectural tapestry that blends elements of Southwestern style, mid-century modernism, and contemporary design. From adobe homes to sleek urban lofts, the city's diverse structures provide a wealth of opportunities for interior photographers.
Highlighting Design Styles
Southwestern Style: This style features earthy tones, textured materials, and warm lighting. Interior photographers can enhance these elements by using natural light and incorporating the surrounding landscape into their compositions, creating a harmonious blend of indoor and outdoor aesthetics. Mid-Century Modern: Characterized by clean lines, open spaces, and organic forms, mid-century modern spaces require careful attention to angles and framing. Photographers can utilize wide-angle lenses to capture the spaciousness while focusing on iconic design elements like furniture and architectural details. Contemporary Designs: With minimalist decor and innovative materials, contemporary interiors often challenge photographers to balance their shots. Utilizing negative space, strategic lighting, and careful styling can help convey the modern elegance of these spaces.
Techniques for Captivating Interior Photography
To capture the soul of interior spaces, photographers must employ specific techniques that enhance their imagery:
Lighting Mastery
Natural light is a photographer's best friend. Early morning or late afternoon provides soft, golden light that can energize a space. However, interior photographers should consider using artificial lighting to fill shadows and ensure even illumination throughout the room.
A well-composed image draws the viewer's eye. Using the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing can create visually compelling compositions that guide the viewer through the space. Experimenting with different angles and perspectives can yield breathtaking results.
Staging and Styling
Before shooting, staging the space is critical. This might include decluttering, rearranging furniture, or adding decorative accents to create a lived-in yet polished look.
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vivantaweddingcost · 3 months
Venue Guide For a Destination Wedding in Goa
Goa, a beloved vacation spot for Indians and a global tourist magnet, is more than just a tropical paradise. Its idyllic beaches, swaying palm trees, and breathtaking sunsets make it a dream destination for both travellers and couples. In fact, thanks to its natural beauty and romantic ambience, it’s not just a holiday hotspot but also a top choice for destination weddings in India.
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If you are getting married soon and wish to plan a destination wedding in Goa, you are at the right track. Choosing Goa as your wedding destination is nothing short of a dream.
This blog discusses two Wedding venues in Goa that are perfect for a destination wedding. Keep reading to know all the details about planning a Goa wedding.
Alila Diwa Goa, Luxury Hotel & Resort
Surrounded by verdant paddy fields and emerald palm trees, Alila Diwa is a stunning resort situated in Goa. The resort features a smooth blend of contemporary Goan architecture and local culture, making every stay a sweet, memorable experience.
The resort’s lush surroundings, vibrant hospitality, and impeccable staff make it a perfect place for wedding and you also get affordable Alila Diwa Goa Wedding Cost. Be it their venues, rooms, or food, everything together makes a stunning combination of services rarely found.
Let’s know about this property in detail:
Wedding Venues : The resort has nine different venues for weddings, events, and corporate meetings. While their Alila Ballroom (3600 sq ft) can accommodate 500 guests for a small wedding, their Udeta venue (18000 sq ft) can accommodate 1000+ for a lavish Alila Diwa Goa Wedding.
Catering Services/Dining : The food and beverages at the resort will make your Alila Diwa Goa wedding cost worthwhile. From East Asian, Indian and Continental flavours to coastal cuisine, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern favourites, the property offers the finest flavours and beverages. Moreover, you can also enjoy these delicacies in their in-house restaurants and bars.
Guest Accommodation : Relax and unwind in Alila Diwa’s cosiest rooms and experience a tranquil espace. With different stay options like terrace rooms, loft rooms, Alila Suite, Family suites, etc., the resort features contemporary Goan architecture with the magic of local culture. One thing is guaranteed in all the 118 rooms and suites: luxurious comfort.
Alila Diwa Goa Wedding Packages
Based on your wedding size, venue selection, catering, and guest rooms, we can offer a customizable wedding package. This package includes the cost of venue rental, guest accommodation, catering, logistics, entertainment and decor.
If you liked this property and want to know the Alila Diwa goa wedding packages, you can contact Fiestro Events today.
The Leela, Goa
Surrounded by blue lagoons and lush gardens, The Hotel Leela is a perfect five star property in Goa. It offers natural backdrops of greenery and water that adds a sense of nature to your wedding.Be it a small wedding or a grand celebration, you can host any size of Leela goa wedding at this property.
Spread over 75 acres of greenery with a pristine beach, the property also offers amenetiets like a 12 hole golf course and an outdoor pool. With some perfect arrangements and decor, this place can be used to host different wedding functions like Haldi, Mehendi, Sangeet, etc. Here are more details about this place:
Wedding Venues : The property has a total of 8 venues and 4 breakout rooms spread over an are 1041 sq mt. While theri ballrooms are spread over an area of 166 sq ft to 5000 sq ft, they can accommodate 80 to 300 guests for certain functions. On the other hand, their outdoor venue The Great lawn (11999 sq ft) and beach venue (9999 sq ft) can accommodate numerous guests for lavish weddings.
Catering Services/Dining : From Italian cuisines to handcrafted cocktails, premier coffees to finest beverages, you can have number of delicaises served in your wedding. With such variety of cuisines and delectable taste, the Leela goa wedding cost becomes worthwhile.
Guest Accommodation : Offering the views of peaceful sanctuary and blue lagoons from all the rooms, the hotel is one stunning place to stay. In leela palace goa wedding cost, you get to book rooms for your guests where they can relax and unwind during wedding chaos.
Moreover, you can enjoy these flavours at their in-house restaurants and bars where they service lip-smacking food and luxurious liquors.From a variety of rooms, suites and villas, you can choose any stay option for your wedding. No matter what you choose, one thing is guaranteed: luxurious comfort.
Ready for a Destination Wedding in Goa?
Whether it’s a leela goa wedding or a Alila Diwa Goa wedding, our team can help you plan your dream wedding. Our wedding planners in Goa have an experience of decade in successfully hosting weddings straight outta fairy tales.
To know more about these or other goa wedding venues, you can get a consultation with our venue experts. Call us today and let’s begin wedding planning.
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