#American sea eagle
coppercookie · 1 year
My favourite buteonines
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Whale + eagle logo design ☆☆☆
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daminouspurity · 5 months
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greenwitchcrafts · 2 months
March 2024 witch guide
Full moon: March 25th
New moon: March 10th
Sabbats: Ostara-March 19th
March Worm Moon
Known as: Crow Moon, Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Hrethmonath, Lenting moon, Lentzinmanoth, Moon of Snowblind, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Sore Eyes Moon, Storm Moon, Sugar Moon & Wind Strong Moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Pisces & Aries
Nature spirits: Air & water spirits & Mer-people
Deities: Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Cybele, Isis, Luna & Minerva
Animals: Boar, cougar & hedgehog
Birds: Sea crow & sea eagle
Trees: Alder, dogwood & honeysuckle
Herbs: Apple blossom, broom, high John root, Irish moss, pennyroyal, wood betony & yellow dock
Flowers: Daffodil, jonquil & violet
Scents: Apple blossom & honeysuckle
Stones: Aquamarine, bloodstone, jasper, opal &topaz
Colors: Pale-green, red, violet, yellow & white
Energy:  Balance, beginnings, dream work, energy breaking into the open, exploring, fertility, inner development, karma, prosperity, spirituality, success & truth seeking
For many years, it was thought that the name "Worm Moon" referred to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites robins and other birds to feed—a true sign of spring.
However, more research revealed another explanation. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Native American tribes and wrote that the name Worm Moon refers to a different sort of “worm”—beetle larvae—which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.
March’s full Moon often plays a role in religion, specifically in Christianity, this Moon is known as the Lenten Moon if it is the last full Moon of the winter season (i.e., if it occurs before the spring equinox) or as the Paschal Full Moon if it is the first full Moon of spring (i.e., if it occurs after the spring equinox).
Known as: Alban Eiler, Lady Day & Spring/Vernal equinox
Season: Spring
Symbols: 8-spoked wheel, butterflies, chicks, decorated baskets, eggs, feathers, jellybeans, lambs, rabbits, seeds, shamrocks, spring flowers & sunwheels
Colors: Green, indigo, light blue, pastels, pink, red & yellow
Oils/Incense: African violet, florals, ginger, jasmine, lotus, magnolia, rose, sage & strawberry
Animals: Cormorant, hare, hawk, rabbit, sheep, sparrow & swallow
Mythical: Dragon & Unicorn
Stones: Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, moonstone, red jasper & rose quartz
Food: Dairy foods, eggs(hard boiled), fruits, honey, honey cakes, leafy greens, vegetables, pine nuts, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, sprouts & waffles
Herbs/Plants: Acorn, cinquefoil, dogwood, ginger, Irish moss, olive, strawberry & woodruff
Flowers: Celandine, crocus, daffodil, dandelion, Easter lily,  jasmine gorse, honeysuckle, hyssop, iris, jonquil, linden, narcissus, peony, snowdrop, tansy & violet
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Athena, Coatlicue, Cybele,Demeter, Diana, Eos, Eostre, Flora, Gaia, Hera, Idunn, Iris, Ishtar, Juno, Minerva, Persephone, Venus & Vesta
Gods: Adonis, Attis, Celi, Cernunnos, Coel, Dagda, Dalon ap Landu, Dumuzi, Green Man, Lord of the Greenwood, Mithras, Odin, Osiris, Ovis & Pan
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, balance, beauty, fertility, growth, life, love & rebirth/renewal
Spellwork: Air magick, fertility, new beginnings & water magick
• Go on a hike/walk & look for signs of spring
• Add Ostara symbols to decorate your altar space
• Plant vegetable &/or flower seedlings
• Decorate eggs with bright colors
• Set your intentions for the weeks/months ahead
• Start a new class or hobby
• Create eggshell candles
• Make plans & new routines for the future
• Participate in rituals & ceremonies that connect you with energy & the life force of nature
• Have a feast with your friends &/family with sprouts & leafy greens
• Bake hot cross buns or lavender/lemon flavored treats
• Clean & de-clutter your home
• Try a re-birthing/ renewing ritual
• Bring fresh flowers or plants into into the home
• Host a spring & floral themed tea party
• Make egg based food dishes & desserts
This holiday marks the Spring Equinox, which happens before March 19-22. It is the second of three spring celebrations (the midpoint between Imbolc and Beltane)  during which light & darkness are again in balance, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings & of life emerging further from the grips of winter.
There is much debate regarding the origins of Ostara due to the lack of primary sources about this sabbat. One theory is the name of Ostara came from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. Another theory is that Eostre is more of a localized goddess in Kent County, England. Despite the questions of her origins, Eostre is associated with modern-day Pagan traditions of Ostara.
There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks or Romans celebrated Ostara, although they did celebrate their own spring festivals, such as the Roman festival of Floralia & the Greek festival of Anthesteria. It was a time to honor the returning sun, fertility & rebirth.
Related festivals:
• Nowruz- March 19th
Nowruz marks the first day of spring & renewal of nature. It is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox. It is also celebrated as the beginning of the new year by people all around the world for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East & other regions.
It promotes values of peace & solidarity between generations & within families as well as reconciliation & neighbourliness. Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect & the ideals of peace and good neighbourliness. 
Traditional customs of Nowruz include fire & water, ritual dances, gift exchanges, reciting poetry, symbolic objects & more; these customs differ between the diverse peoples & countries that celebrate the festival.
• Holi- March 25th
Holi is a popular & significant Hindu festival celebrated as the The festival of colors, Love &Spring. It commemorates eternal and divine love of the deities Radha & Krishna. Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it celebratess the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. Holi originated & is predominantly celebrated in the Indian subcontinent, but has also spread to other regions of Asia & parts of the Western world through the Indian diaspora.
Holi also celebrates the arrival of Spring in India, the end of winter & the blossoming of love. It is also an invocation for a good spring harvest season. It lasts for a night & a day, starting on the evening of the Purnima (full moon day) falling on the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna, which falls around the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar.
• Easter- March 31st
also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday is a Christian festival & cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, & penance.
Easter traditions vary across the Christian world & include sunrise services or late-night vigils, exclamations & exchanges of Paschal greetings, flowering the cross & the decoration and the communal breaking of Easter eggs (a symbol of the empty tomb) among many others. The Easter lily is a symbol of the resurrection in Western Christianity traditionally decorates the chancel area of churches on this day & for the rest of Eastertide. Additional customs that have become associated with Easter & are observed by both Christians & some non-Christians include Easter parades, communal dancing, the Easter Bunny & egg hunting.
Other Celebrations:
• Festival of Luna- March 31st
Is a feast day honoring the Goddess Luna who is seen as the divine embodiment of the Moon.
The Temple of Luna was a temple on the Aventine Hill in Rome, dedicated to Luna, the moon goddess. Its dedication was celebrated on March 31st, thus the celebration.
According to Tacitus, it was built by king Servius Tullius. However, the first confirmed reference to a temple to Luna dates to 182 BC & refers to one of its doors being knocked off its posts by a miraculous blast of air & shot into the back of the Temple of Ceres. That account probably places the temple at the north end of the hill, just above porta Trigemina. The temple was struck by lightning around the time of the death of Cinna, as was the temple of Ceres. After the destruction of Corinth, Lucius Mummius Achaicus dedicated some of his spoils from the city to this temple. It was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD & not rebuilt.
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kateammann · 1 month
daily birds week 15!
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blue-footed booby + turkey vulture
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cedar waxwing + red-eyed vireo
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pied harrier + steller’s sea eagle
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american dipper
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thestuffedalligator · 18 days
Birdwomen Family: Harpyidae
Birdwomen are the most common of magical creatures, appearing on every continent except for Antarctica*. Opportunistic omnivores, birdwomen take the form of massive carrion birds, typically corvids, vultures, condors and eagles, with the heads of women. They appear to be exclusively female; however, some species such as the Mediterranean harpy (Harpia strophades) do pair up during the mating season, with members impressing prospective partners by inflating a pair of gular sacks at the base of the throat similar to the behaviour of frigatebirds (family Fregatidae) and the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus).
The magic of most species of birdwomen are affiliated with storms and disease. The alkonost (Harpia bilibinae) lays its eggs in the sea, and their hatching causes thunderstorms to form, while the droppings of the Mediterranean harpy immediately befoul food.
While most species are reluctant to directly attack humans, birdwomen have no qualms in consuming carrion. Multiple cultures report birdwomen as constant companions to sites of battle and bloodshed. Nordic myths of Valkyries spiriting away the dead are almost certainly inspired by the sight of Scandinavian species of birdwomen feasting on the bodies of the slain after battle, possibly the crested harpy (Valkyria cristatus), nicknamed by professional harpiers as the "Thor's falcon."
The North American birdwoman (Harpia canadensis) is the largest known species of birdwoman, with species standing between five and six feet tall, with respective wingspans of 12 to 15 feet wide. Easily identified by their black, iridescent plumage, North American birdwomen exhibit an intelligent, often playful and curious personality. While native to western and central Canada and the northwestern United States, one birdwoman was sighted in Point Pleasant, West Virginia through the late 1960s; following the 1967 Silver Bridge collapse, one harpier reported seeing this same birdwoman consuming the bodies of two disappeared travellers who had washed up downriver.
*Sightings of the "penguinwomen" of Antarctica are unsubstantiated and should not be counted as fact.
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irradiatedsnakes · 3 months
the Big TMA Furry List
this list with commentary/choice rationale below the cut :] i wrote a lot of thoughts down do please check it out.
jon: common raven
martin: tan jumping spider
sasha: southern flannel moth
not!sasha: red postman
tim: jackson's chameleon
melanie: eastern copperhead
georgie: triceratops horridus
basira: domestic cat (calico shorthair)
daisy: domestic dog (german shepherd)
elias: barn owl. jonah: eurasian eagle owl.
gerry: domestic dog (black doberman)
annabelle: white-booted racket-tail
jane: cabbage white
michael: spiny softshell turtle
helen: common hermit crab
oliver: black vulture
peter: risso's dolphin
mike: caelestiventus hanseni
jude: black kite
agnes: ???
nikola: stealing major's carousel horse
jared: american dog tick
breekon&hope: Hog and/or Bear. you get no more information
dekker: mouflon
gertrude: great tit
leitner: domestic cat (persian)
manuela: gray long-eared bat
rayner: olm
salesa: sea otter
simon: dodo
elaboration below !
jon: common raven
this was a choice i made before i even finished listening to the podcast back in 2020. jon's 1000% a bird to me, and the curious nature of corvids works well here. plus, i think a bird so universally ominous as a raven works perfectly as a horror protag :P i used to draw raven!jon with a couple troodon traits, mostly just cus it was fun, but i wanted to make my designs more grounded for this iteration. made them plantigrade, didn't get silly with body styles like i have with mp100 designs.
martin: tan jumping spider
if you've been here for a while you'll know that my furry martin has gone through about two million iterations. he started off as a european pine marten, to bold jumping spider, to chinese pangolin, to nine-banded armadillo, finally to nurse shark.
out of all of these the spider and the shark are my favorites. i wanted to go back to the jumping spider though- the design is really fun and i wasn't able to get the expressions right, but i'm more confident in my skills now and i'm having fun with the design. i may revisit nurse shark at some point. i switched from bold to tan jumper- i originally chose bold just cus they're my favorite jumper, but their stark black/white and iridescent aqua coloration just doens't work for martin. so, the tan jumper!
sasha: southern flannel moth
another old choice. species chosen because of a friend's fic, pharos by right (another i'm planning to reread now that i'm dipping my toes back into tma..)! southern flannel moths are poofy and orange, and their caterpillars are those super painful teddybear ones. i really like the design.
not!sasha: red postman
wanted to have her be another lepidopteran, and with all the many examples of mimicry among the group i thought red postman was a fun choice. doesn't look anything like a southern flannel moth, but that's sort of the point.
tim: jackson's chameleon
yet another choice from the oldtimes- most of the main characters are, i've mostly switched around the more secondary chars. first suggested, i believe, by @/ofdreamsanddoodles. i think there's something very fun about chameleons being basically a living mood ring & tim's Descent s1-3 showing physcially not just through the worm scars but through like, constant stress coloration during s3.
melanie: eastern copperhead
one of my favorite choices. i have a young copperhead specimen named after her. this one is quite vibes-based, but i do really like the copperhead as a viper that is not deadly. and i'm always a sucker for the "animal perceived as scary and violent that in actuality only strikes when under extreme stress" thing in furry assignments.
georgie: triceratops horridus
another favorite choice. visually, i really like how this works out, and trikes as a social and protective animal works well. she's literally got a shield on her face. horridus was chosen because i like the shape of the head and horns better than prorsus.
basira: domestic cat (calico shorthair)
got a little cat/dog thing going on for dasira. i like the inversion of the usual cat/dog dynamic with their unhealthy devotion instead, and visually it just works very well for them both.
daisy: domestic dog (german shepherd)
yeah i know this one's an exceedingly obvious choice.
elias: barn owl. jonah: eurasian eagle owl.
it's the institute logo! it's him! barn owl for elias specifically because of its very sleek look, designing him went fantastically. also, i can make the eagle owl's face disk work as a mimicry of ben meredith's muttonchops, which i think is a fun design bit to give to magnus.
gerry: domestic dog (black doberman)
certified gerryguy @/gerrydelano's choice. to quote a discord message from 3 years ago (sorry ron): "i feel like.........my INSTINCT is some kind of canine because like. the whole symbolism thing about being either an obedient or rabid dog. something something muzzled all your life. being a dangerous figure if people only see the silhouette but you just want scritches and nobody'll get close enough to you." black dog symbolism + breed which has ears cropped and tail docked, unecessarily molded for a Purpose which the dog has no say in
annabelle: white-booted racket-tail
sort of my original choice- she used to be part white-booted racket-tail, part anna's hummingbird. kept with the racket-tail cus it's fun and very cute. i've had a couple people express surprise that she wasn't a spider, but i think that's way too obvious. hummingbirds, though- they steal the webs of spiders to use as material to make their nests, but can sometimes become trapped in the webs and eaten by the spiders themselves. which is probably the metaphor-via-fursona-assignment i'm most proud of in this whole list
jane: cabbage white
the cabbage white is a butterfly whose caterpillars are routinely parasitized by the parasitoid wasp the white butterfly parasite. in case you're not familiar, parasitoid wasps lay their eggs on (usually) caterpillars, which hatch on the still-living caterpillar, devouring it from the inside before eventually emerging from the consumed husk of the host. also, i really liked the image of parasitoid wasp larvae emerging from an adult butterfly, rather than a caterpillar.
michael: spiny softshell turtle
for michael and helen, i wanted to choose animals which were, in some way, their own home. turtle is an obvious choice- and spiny softshells are a favorite of mine, and sufficiently strange-looking.
helen: common hermit crab
see previous entry. also please google "hermit crab without shell"
oliver: black vulture
bit of an obvious choice, but i adore vultures so i had to. black vulture chosen because i think the monochrome color scheme + straighter face work better than a turkey vulture for him
peter: risso's dolphin
i really like the idea of a cetacean for peter and the lukases as a whole, a famously social animal for the seemingly contradictory nature of this lonely-but-huge family, plus with so many cetaceans being endangered getting that lonely angle (risso's specifically are not, though, as peter is lonely through his own choice, not by circumstance).
mike: caelestiventus hanseni
it's a dimorphodont. he feels like a pterosaur to me, and i like the idea of a vast avatar as a usually short-flying arboreal species, for the unnaturality/contrast of it.
jude: black kite
black kites are one of the species of kites known to intentionally spread fires by picking up burning sticks to flush out prey.
agnes: ???
the only one i'm still undecided on. will update.
nikola: stealing major's carousel horse
i can't top that
jared: american dog tick
great choice from @/magnusarchivememes. Takes Your Blood And Gets So Big
breekon&hope: Hog and/or Bear. you get no more information
vaguely russian animals that are large and imposing but remain somewhat generic. which is the hog and which is the bear is not consistent.
dekker: mouflon
dekker has very much mammal vibes to me. the mouflon is a neat species of wild sheep. i think the noble, imposing but kind image of the ram works well for dekker as that sort of true-good hero figure, and mouflons in particular are very nice looking with good shapes. the statement giver in distant cousin describes dekker as "though he was slightly shorter than I was, it seemed like he towered over me." which i think this sheep works well with.
gertrude: great tit
i wanted all the main eye avatars as birds, just like how i give them all glasses. just a fun little treat for me. great tit was chosen for gertrude as a kind of classic british bird, and as tits in general are VERY fiesty despite their round and adorable appearance. i really like this image of a great tit posing with a dead mouse like it's a hunter with a trophy deer. the cheek markings also work really well to bring to mind the image of old person jowls.
leitner: domestic cat (persian)
vibes. also i like the idea of him as a spoiled domestic animal. if i remember correctly, this was also @/ofdreamsanddoodles' suggestion
manuela: gray long-eared bat
she's a bat. what's to say. WELL actually okay there's the perception of bats as blind but actually having quite good vision which i think meshes in a fun way with the dark, and the way manuela does her sciency stuff.
rayner: olm
i mean, yeah
salesa: sea otter
largely design-oriented, suitably scruffy. ocean animal with strong social bonds, it was a slam dunk soon as i thought of it.
simon: dodo
how couldn't i, come on.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 5 months
I got a copy of Erdoes and Ortiz's American Indian Myths and Legends (1984) for Christmas and it is fascinating to me how various Native American tales portray romance between humans and non-humans. Especially compared to the European takes on that motif, which usually center on the relationship being doomed from the start, because humans belong only with humans. But this does not seem to be the default in the Native American tales in this collection!
There was one story which did portray the relationship as doomed (Tolowim woman and butterfly man, Maidu) and one where a human woman was taken against her will and gladly rescued by her husband (The stolen wife, Tewa). But there is also a tale where a wife is willingly taken by a great buffalo and when her human husband steals her back and kills White Buffalo Chief, she mourns him so that her jealous husband kills her (Apache chief punishes his wife, Tiwa).
That last tale, while tragic, already goes out of its way to show that the woman was happy with the powerful buffalo, and there are four stories in the collection that make a point of ending in happiness:
The industrious daughter who wouldn't marry (Cochiti)
A beautiful young woman who is a master at making beautiful garments spurns all her human suitors, until it is widely known that she doesn't care for young men. Coyote hears of this and goes to court her, dressed in his finest clothes. He does not offer her any gifts, but he dances very well and he brings a branch of blackcurrants, which are her favourite. She is pleased with him, so she takes him home, sleeps with him, and gives birth to two little coyotes. Her parents are dismayed and the other people turn away from her, but Coyote brings her to his home under the ground. There he has all kinds of clothes just as fine as the ones she makes, and she lives there happily with him ever after.
The Serpent of the Sea (Zuni)
The beautiful daughter of the priest-chief of the village Home of the Eagles cannot abide dust or dirt. Every day she spends almost all her time bathing in the sacred spring of the Serpent of the Sea and this angers him. He changes himself into a beautiful baby boy and she finds him and takes him home to care for him. As soon as she falls asleep the Serpent takes his true form again, coiling himself all around the maiden and all around the room. In the morning the whole household panics, but the girl’s father understands what happened and begs the Serpent to let his daughter return to her family once more, even though she now belongs to him. The Serpent moves enough to release her, finally waking her. She is very frightened, but after four days of ceremonies she bids her family goodbye and goes with the Serpent. As they travel the Serpent takes the shape of a beautiful young man, and speaks in a kinder and kinder voice, until she dares to look at him. Startled she asks him where the terrifying creature has gone. He explains that he is the serpent, but that he loves her, and that if she will consent to come and stay with him they will live and love each other forever in the Waters of the World. The maiden goes with him, forgetting her sadness and forgetting her family, and lived with him ever after.
The man who married the moon (Isleta Pueblo)
The great leader, weaver, and medicine man Nah-chu-rú-chu (the bluish light of dawn) got tired of all the young women trying to win his affection. He proclaimed that he would marry the girl who could grind corn meal so fine that it would stick to his pearl water dipper. The only woman who could do it was the Moon, who was an Isleta maiden before she went to live into the sky. He marries her and loves his moon-wife above all things. Two sisters, the Yellow Corn Maiden, are so jealous that they persuade the moon to admire her reflection in the water of the well, and push her in to drown her. The chief mourns so deeply that it no longer rains and all the crops begin dying, until they bring him a mysterious flower from a mound in the forest where his wife disappeared. He performs a sacred ritual and the moon is brought back to life. The corn maidens are changed into helpful, gentle snakes as punishment, and the moon lives happily with her husband.
The woman who married a merman (Coos)
A girl who refuses all her suitors and goes swimming in the creek every day becomes pregnant without understanding how. She gives birth to a baby that always cries unless it is left outside, where someone brings it seal meat to eat. The young mother watches over her baby and at night is approached by a man who says he is her husband and promises she will be safe if she goes with him. The merman takes his wife and child to the bottom of the sea, where many people lived. Her husband was one of the five sons of the village chief and the couple lived there happy and satisfied. She goes to her relatives once to get arrows for her little boy to play with, and once to visit her brothers. The second time they see her shoulders are turning dark and scaly like those of a sea serpent. She never returned again, but sea serpents came into their harbour, and every summer and winter they would send a whale ashore, a gift to their kinsmen above the sea.
Erdoes and Ortiz even draw a parallel between the tale of the Serpent of the Sea and Beauty and the Beast, but I rather love the girl running off with the Coyote and "the woman who married a merman" is such a lovely counterpoint to the selkie and mermaid stories I grew up with. I'm really happy with this book~
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Alexei  navalny did not like tragedies. He preferred Hollywood films and fables in which heroes vanquish villains and good triumphs over evil. He had the looks and talent to be one of those heroes, but he was born in Russia and lived in dark times, spending his last days in a penal colony in the Arctic permafrost. A fan of “Star Wars”, he described his ordeal in lyrical terms. “Prison [exists] in one’s mind,” he wrote from his cell in 2021. “And if you think carefully, I am not in prison but on a space voyage…to a wonderful new world.” That voyage ended on February 16th.
Mr Navalny’s death was blamed by Russian prison authorities on a blood clot—though his doctor said he suffered from no condition which made that likely. Whatever ends up on his death certificate, he was killed by Vladimir Putin. Russia’s president locked him up; in his name Mr Navalny was subjected to a regime of forced labour and solitary confinement. Mr Navalny will be celebrated as a man of remarkable courage. His life will be remembered for what it says about Mr Putin, what it portends for Russia and what it demands of the world.
A man of formidable intelligence, Mr Navalny identified the two foundations on which Mr Putin has built his power: fear and greed. In Mr Putin’s world everyone can be bribed or threatened. Not only did Mr Navalny understand those impulses, he struck at them in devastating ways.
His insight was that corruption was not just a side hustle but the moral rot at the heart of Mr Putin’s state. His anti-corruption crusade formed a new genre of immaculately documented and thriller-like films that displayed the yachts, villas and planes of Russia’s rulers. These videos, posted on YouTube, culminated in an exposé of Mr Putin’s billion-dollar palace on the Black Sea coast that has been watched 130m times. Despite the palace’s iron gates, adorned with a two-headed imperial eagle, Mr Navalny portrayed its owner not as a tsar so much as a tasteless mafia boss.
Mr Navalny also understood fear and how to defeat it. Mr Putin’s first attempt to kill him was in 2020, when he was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok smeared inside his underwear. By sheer good luck Mr Navalny survived, regained his strength in Germany and less than a year later flew back to Moscow to defy Mr Putin in a blast of publicity.
He returned in the full knowledge that he would probably be arrested. On the way back to confront the evil ruler who had tried to poison him he did not read Hamlet. He watched Rick and Morty, an American cartoon. By mocking Mr Putin, he diminished him. “I’ve mortally offended him by surviving,” he said from the dock during his trial in 2021. “He will enter history as a poisoner. We had Yaroslav the Wise and Alexander the Liberator. And now we will have Vladimir the Poisoner of Underpants.”
Mr Navalny was sentenced to 19 years in jail on extremism charges. He turned his sentence into an act of cheerful defiance. Every time he appeared in court hearings via video link from prison, his smile cut through the walls of his cell and beamed across Russia’s 11 time zones. On February 15th, on the eve of his death, he was in court again. Dressed in dark-grey prison uniform he laughed in the face of Mr Putin’s judges, suggesting they should put some money into his account as he was running short. In the end there was only one way Mr Putin could wipe the smile off his face.
In his essay “Live Not by Lies”, in 1974, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a Nobel-prize-winning Soviet novelist, wrote that “when violence intrudes into peaceful life, its face glows with self-confidence, as if it were carrying a banner and shouting: ‘I am violence. Run away, make way for me—I will crush you’.” Mr Navalny understood, but instead of running he held his ground.
His great strength was to understand Mr Putin’s fear of other people’s courage. In one of his early communications from jail he wrote that: “it is not honest people who frighten the authorities…but those who are not afraid, or, to be more precise: those who may be afraid, but overcome their fear.”
That is why his death portends a deepening of repression inside Russia. Mr Navalny’s murder was not the first and it will not be the last. The next targets could be Ilya Yashin, a brave politician who followed Mr Navalny to prison, or Vladimir Kara-Murza, a historian, journalist and politician who has been sentenced to 25 years on treason charges for speaking against the war. The lawyers and activists who continue to defend these dissidents are also in danger. Since Mr Putin’s return to the presidency in 2012, the number of prisoners has increased 15 times. Even as the remnants of Stalin’s gulag fill with political prisoners, professional criminals are being recruited and released to fight in Ukraine.
Mr Navalny’s death also casts a shadow over ordinary Russians. In Moscow and across Russia, people flooded the streets at the news. Before the police started to arrest them, they covered memorials for previous victims of political repression in flowers. Yet that repression is intensifying. Since the start of the war in Ukraine, 1,305 men and women have been prosecuted for speaking out against it. A wave of repression is also swallowing up people who never before engaged in politics. The president will shoot into the crowds if he must.
For the West, Mr Navalny’s death contains a call to action. Mr Putin considers its leaders too weak and too decadent to resist him. And for many years Western politicians and businessmen did much to prove that fear and greed work in the West, too. When Mr Putin first bombed and shelled Chechnya in the early 2000s, Western politicians turned a blind eye and continued to do business with his cronies. When he murdered his opponents in Moscow and annexed Crimea in 2014, they slapped his wrist. Even after he had invaded Ukraine in 2022, they hesitated to provide enough weapons for Russia to be defeated. Every time the West stepped back, Mr Putin took a step forward. Every time Western politicians expressed their “grave concern”, he smirked.
The West needs to find the strength and courage that Mr Navalny showed. It should understand that Mr Navalny’s murder, the soaring number of political prisoners, the torture and beating of people across Russia, the assassination of Mr Putin’s opponents in Europe and the shelling of Ukrainian cities are all part of the same war. Without resolve, the West’s military and economic superiority will count for nothing.
Western governments should start by treating people like Mr Kara-Murza as prisoners of Mr Putin’s war who need to be exchanged with Russian prisoners in the West or prisoners of war in Ukraine. They should not stigmatise ordinary Russians living under a paranoid dictator and his goons, or put the onus on ordinary people to overthrow the dictator who is repressing them.
The best retort to Mr Putin is by arming Ukraine. Every time America’s Congress votes down aid, Russia takes comfort. The leaders assembled at the Munich Security Conference, who heard Mr Navalny’s wife, Yulia, speak of justice for her husband’s death, need to stiffen their resolve to see through the war. For their part Ukrainian politicians must see that standing up for Russian activists and prisoners is also a way of helping their own country—just as Mr Navalny called for peace, for rebuilding Ukraine and the prosecution of Russian war crimes. Liberating Ukraine would be the best way to liberate Russia, too.
The voyage ends
After he had been poisoned, Mr Navalny returned home because he believed that history was on his side and that Russia was freeing itself from the deadly grip of its own imperial past. “Putin is the last chord of the ussr,” he told The Economist a few months before he took that last fateful journey. “People in the Kremlin know there is a historic current that is moving against them.” Mr Putin invaded Ukraine to reverse that current. Now he has killed Mr Navalny.
Mr Navalny would not want Mr Putin’s message to prevail. “[If I get killed] the obvious thing is: don’t give up,” he once told American film-makers. “All it takes for evil to triumph is the inaction of good people. There’s no need for inaction.”
Mr Navalny’s death has seemed imminent for months. And yet there is something crushing about it. He was not alone in believing that good triumphs over evil, and that heroes vanquish villains. His courage was an inspiration. To see that moral order so brutally overturned is a terrible affront. ■
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correlance · 1 month
Theory: Valentino was the famous 1920s actor Rudolph Valentino, the "Latin Lover".
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Who was Rudolph Valentino?
Rodolfo Pietro Filiberto Raffaello Guglielmi di Valentina d'Antonguella (May 6, 1895 – August 23, 1926), known professionally as Rudolph Valentino and nicknamed the "Latin Lover", was an Italian actor based in the United States who starred in several well-known silent films from 1921 to 1926, including The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Sheik, Blood and Sand, The Eagle, and The Son of the Sheik.
Valentino was a sex symbol of the 1920s, known in Hollywood as the "Latin Lover" (a title invented for him by Hollywood moguls), the "Great Lover", or simply "Valentino". His early death at the age of 31 caused mass hysteria among his fans, further cementing his place in early cinematic history as a cultural film icon.
Valentino was born in Castellaneta, Apulia, Italy…unable to secure employment in Italy, he departed for the United States in 1913. He was processed at Ellis Island at age 18 on December 23, 1913. Valentino never applied for American citizenship, and retained his Italian citizenship.
Arriving in New York City, he supported himself with odd jobs such as busing tables in restaurants and gardening. Around 1914, restaurateur Joe Pani who owned Castles-by-the-Sea, the Colony, and the Woodmansten Inn was the first to hire Rudolph to dance the tango with Joan Sawyer for $50 per week.
Eventually, he found work as a taxi dancer at Maxim's Restaurant-Cabaret. Among the other dancers at Maxim's were several displaced members of European nobility, for whom a premium demand existed…Valentino left town [in 1917], and joined a traveling musical that led him to the West Coast.
[…] With his dancing success, Valentino found a room of his own on Sunset Boulevard, and began actively seeking screen roles. His first part was as an extra in the film Alimony, moving on to small parts in several films. Despite his best efforts, he was typically cast as a "heavy" (villain) or gangster. At the time, the archetypal major male star was Wallace Reid, with a fair complexion, light eyes, and an All-American look, with Valentino the opposite; he eventually supplanted Sessue Hayakawa as Hollywood's most popular "exotic" male lead.
[…] With the Douglas Fairbanks type being the supposed epitome of manhood, Valentino was sometimes portrayed as a threat to the "All American" man. One man, asked in a street interview in 1922 what he thought of Valentino, replied, "Many other men [say they] desire to be another Douglas Fairbanks. But Valentino? I wonder…"
Women in the same interview found Valentino, quote, "Triumphantly seductive. He puts the love-making of the average husband or sweetheart into discard as tame, flat, and unimpassioned."
Some journalists were still calling [Valentino's] "masculinity" into question, going on at length about his pomaded hair, his dandyish clothing, his treatment of women, his views on women, and whether he was "effeminate" or not. Valentino hated these stories, and was known to carry clippings of the newspaper articles around with him and criticize them.
In July 1926, the Chicago Tribune reported that a vending machine dispensing pink talcum powder (face powder) had appeared in an upscale hotel's men's washroom. An editorial that followed used the story to protest the supposed feminization of American men, and blamed the talcum powder on Valentino and his films. The piece infuriated Valentino, and he challenged the writer to his choice of a boxing or wrestling match, since dueling was illegal. Neither challenge was answered.
Shortly afterward, Valentino met with journalist H. L. Mencken for advice on how best to deal with the incident. Mencken advised Valentino to "let the dreadful farce roll along to exhaustion" (i.e. "do nothing"), but Valentino insisted the editorial was "infamous", [and must be answered for in a one-on-one fight].
After Valentino challenged the Tribune's anonymous writer to a boxing match, the New York Evening Journal boxing writer, Frank O'Neill, volunteered to fight in his place. Valentino won the bout, which took place on the roof of New York's Ambassador Hotel.
Heavyweight champion Jack Dempsey, who trained Valentino and other Hollywood notables of the era in boxing, said of him: "He was the most virile and masculine of men. The women were like flies to a honeypot. He could never shake them off, anywhere he went. What a lovely, lucky guy."
Mencken found Valentino to be likable and gentlemanly, and wrote sympathetically of him in an article published in The Baltimore Sun a week after Valentino's death:
"It was not that trifling Chicago episode that was riding him; it was the whole grotesque futility of his life. Had he achieved, out of nothing, a vast and dizzy success? Then that success was hollow as well as vast—a colossal and preposterous nothing. Was he acclaimed by yelling multitudes? Then every time the multitudes yelled, he felt himself blushing inside…the thing, at the start, must have only bewildered him, but in those last days, unless I am a worse psychologist than even the professors of psychology, it was revolting him. Worse, it was making him afraid…here was a young man who was living daily the dream of millions of other men. Here was one who was catnip to women. Here was one who had wealth and fame, and here was one who was very unhappy [in spite of that wealth and fame]."
[…] Valentino was also the "sex symbol" of his time in the 1920s. The sheet music cover for "Rodolph Valentino Blues" written in 1922, to quote the lyrics, "Oh Mister Rodolph Valentino / I know I've got the Valentino blues / And when you come up on the screen / Oh! You're so romantic, I go frantic at the views!
[…] [Prior to his death], Valentino was fascinated with every part of movie-making. During production on a Mae Murray film, he spent time studying the director's plans. He craved authenticity and wished to shoot on location, finally forming his own production company, Rudolph Valentino Productions, in 1925. Valentino, George Ullman, and Beatrice Ullman were the incorporators.
[…] Valentino once told gossip columnist Louella Parsons that: "The women I love don't love me. The others don't matter." He claims that despite his success as a sex symbol, in his personal love life, he never achieved happiness.
[…] In 1919—just before the rise of his career—Valentino impulsively married actress Jean Acker, who was also [romantically] involved with actresses Grace Darmond and Alla Nazimova.
Acker became involved with Valentino in part to remove herself from the lesbian love triangle, quickly regretted the marriage, and locked Valentino out of their room on their wedding night. The couple separated soon after, and the marriage was never consummated [on account of Acker being a lesbian]. 
The couple remained legally married until 1921, when Acker sued Valentino for divorce, citing desertion. The divorce was granted, with Acker receiving alimony. She and Valentino eventually renewed their friendship, and remained friends until his death.
[His second marriage to actress Winifred Shaughnessy, known by her stage name, Natacha Rambova—an American silent film costume and set designer, art director, and protégée of Alla Nazimova, his ex-wife's lesbian lover—ended far more poorly.
The two married in 1922, remarried in 1923, and divorced in 1925. Towards the end of their marriage, Rambova was banned from his sets by contract. The end of the marriage was bitter, with Valentino bequeathing Rambova one dollar in his will.]
[…] From the time he died in 1926 until the 1960s, Valentino's sexuality was not generally questioned in print. At least four books, including the notoriously libelous Hollywood Babylon, suggested that [Valentino] may have been gay, despite his marriage to Rambova. For some, the marriages to Acker and Rambova, as well as the relationship with Pola Negri, added to the suspicion that Valentino was gay, and that these were "lavender marriages".
Some claim that Valentino had a relationship with Ramón Novarro, despite Novarro stating they barely knew each other. Hollywood Babylon recounts a story that Valentino had given Novarro an art deco dildo as a gift, which was found stuffed in his throat at the time of his murder. It is believed that no such gift existed.
There were also claims that he may have had relationships with both roommates Paul Ivano and Douglas Gerrad, as well as Norman Kerry, and openly gay French theatre director and poet Jacques Hébertot. However, Ivano maintained that it was untrue, and both he and Valentino were heterosexual. Biographers Emily Leider and Allan Ellenberger generally agree that [Valentino] was most likely straight, [though others have disputed this].
There was further supposed evidence that Valentino was gay; documents in the estate of the late author Samuel Steward indicated that Valentino and Steward were sexual partners. However, evidence found in Steward's claim was subsequently found to be false, as Valentino was in New York on the date Steward claimed a sexual encounter occurred in Ohio.
[Valentino died on 23 August 1926, at the age of 31, due to complications from perforated ulcer surgery, resulting in sepsis (bacterial poisoning), a collapsed lung, and other fatal conditions.]
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fierycavalier · 4 months
Intro to Scouting for Nancy Drew Fans
i love to see Ace's Eagle Scout status come up in fics. Although it was almost a throw-away line, I think it informs Ace's character and fleshes out his backstory well, beyond just knowing knots and navigating the woods. But I see a lot of awkward phrasing, and I see a lot of missed opportunities to bring it up, and it got me wondering if a little primer would be helpful.
Things Ace could say: "I learned this in Boy Scouts." "My troop leader took us out here all the time." "This trail didn't go this way back when I was in Scouts." "Don't worry, they love me here--my eagle project was to clean up this beach." "Don't talk to me about Jared Spriggs-- I'll never forgive him for what he did to my derby car when I was 14."
Eagle Scout is a rank and an honor that he achieved, not a program he was in. The program is Boy Scouts of America (BSA). People familiar with the program will just say Boy Scouts or Scouts. After 100 years of only allowing boys to participate, the program became co-ed in 2019, so it's now called Scouts BSA, not Boy Scouts. Ace would have grown up in the program before then since he turned 18 in 2016.
If Ace started in scouting before he was 11, he would have been in Cub Scouts. At 11, he could move up to the scouting troop. There are ranks in scouting, tied to the number of merit badges you've earned. Eagle Scout is the top rank and must be achieved before the age of 18. It involves a certain number of merit badges, hours of volunteer work, and a main Eagle Scout Service Project that they must plan and execute themselves (with assistance from scout leaders and parents).
I think it highly likely that the Captain was a troop leader or otherwise involved in scouting, especially before his accident. I can see his mom stepping in as well- if I remember right, women could be pack leaders even before 2016.
Although most people work toward Eagle as 16-17 year olds, it's possible to achieve it earlier, especially if you're smart and committed like Ace. So his pot-smoking days could come after he earned Eagle and lost interest in Scouts, or they could coexist. Your call.
Although people assume scouting is about wilderness preparedness, the program's goal is to create well-rounded, responsible citizens. Ace would have the Oath and Law memorized.
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent
As you can guess, being Jewish might have been tricky for Ace in a program that's culturally Christian as many 20th century American institutions are. That'd also depend on what his troop was like--was there one troop for the whole town, or maybe his synagogue hosted a troop?
There's a Sea Scouts program. Where I'm from is landlocked so I don't know anything about it, but Horseshoe Bay or a nearby bigger town would definitely have Sea Scouting!
Lastly, here are the current Merit Badge categories: it covers a lot more than knots! Ace often gets into hacking in pre-series fics by hanging out at the library with his mom after school. But what if he was introduced to programming in Scouts? And I'm sure Florence helped him complete many merit badges.
Automotive Maintenance
Bird Study
Coin Collecting
Digital Technology
Fire Safety
First Aid
Indian Lore
Insect Study
Mining in Society
Nuclear Science
Plant Science
Scouting Heritage
Skating (I know we never see him on a skateboard but come on)
Swimming (the way Ace is built heavier in top looks like a competitive swimming shape in my experience!)
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0mythical-bitch0 · 1 year
Names that give Valyrian Vibes, Some I’ve made up. please someone use them.
Aedyn- English, Fiery, Little Fire
Aegarax- Valyrian god of all creatures that walk, run, swim or fly, creator of the first dragon
Aeisha- Aisha, Arabic, Alive and Well, Aye-E-Sha
Aelia- Ancient Roman, Sun
Aeliana- Latin, Sun
Aelicia- Spanish and German, Nobel
Aelita- Fictional, Starlight seen for the last time
Aella- Greek, means Whirlwind
Aelora- Elora, Greek, Sun Ray, My god is bright
Aelyx- South African, the Mountain of Strength
Aeolian- Latin or Greek, Of the wind, God of the winds, Lord of the winds, The Rapid, The Changeable, Quickly moving, Changeful, shifting, varied, of or Arising from the wind
Aeolus- Greek, Changeable, Varied
Aerian- of or belonging to the atmosphere or to the air, Aerial
Aeris- French, An earth full of flowers
Aerith- Earth, Flower, Flower-Like
Aerol- Greek, One who is of a Golden Heart
Aeruna- Aruna, Sanskrit and Hindu, Crystalline reddish-brown, Tawny, Dawn, Dawn Light or Rising Sun, Aye-rue-nuh
Aerwyna- English, Friend of the sea
Aeryn- Irish and Welsh, Daughter of Eire, Daughter of Ireland, Berry
Aesira- Arabic, Muslim, Islamic, Brave, Powerful, Fighter
Aether- Greek, Brightness, Bright upper sky
Aethel- Old English, Nobel
Aethra- Greek, The Upper pure air, the bright clear serene sky, the air heavens and sky, one of the Oceanids
Aetius- Latin and Greek, Eagle
Aetos- Greek, Eagle
Anaëlle- Hebrew, God answered
Andrea- Greek, Manly, Virile
Astraea- Greek and Latin, Star maiden, Starry night, Greek goddess of Justice, innocence, purity and precision
Aphaea- Goddess of fertility
Astraeus- Greek, Starry, Titan god of Dusk, stars, planets, the art of astronomy and astrology
Azaelea- Azalea, Greek, Dry, Flower
Azrael- Hebrew, Angel of God, Help from God, Helped by God, Help of God, Angel of Death
Braeden- Irish, Broad, Brave, Wise
Caelestis- Latin, Of the sky, heavenly
Caelius- Latin, Heaven
Caelum- Latin, Heaven, a constellation
Caelus- Roman, Latin, God of the Sky
Caesar- Greek, Head of hair, long hair
Celaeno- Greek, Black, also a Pleiad Nymph
Daedalus- Greek, Craftsman
Daegal- Anglo-Saxon, Dweller by the dark stream, Night dweller
Daelyn- small valley
Daemara- Damara, Greek, gentle, calf
Daemari- Damari, Greek, gentle, fertility goddess, eternal, strength
Daemeter- Demeter, Greek, earth lover, Greek goddess of the harvest
Daemetrius- Demetrius, Greek, follower of Demeter
Daemitri- Dimitri, Greek, earth lover, follower of Demeter
Daemian- Damian, Greek, To tame, Subdue, Day-me-in
Daenali- Denali, Native American, The high one, the great one
Daenyra- Made-up, Great light, the bright one, Dae, Korean, great, big, the great one, shining, Nyra, Arabic, light, light of god, Day-near-uh
Daera- Greek, Gift of God, Sanskrit, Place of Worship
Daere- Welsh, Fiend
Daeriel- Idealism, intuition, romance, generosity, creativity, wisdom and tolerance
Daerius- Darius, Persian, maintains possession well
Daeryn- Made-up, Great ruler, Given ruler, Dae, Latin Give, Korean Greatness, Ryn, Welsh Ruler, Day-rin
Daevina- Davina, Scottish and Hebrew, Beloved, Day-Vee-nuh
Danae- Greek, Hebrew, She who Judges, God is my judge
Elaena- Greek, Shining Light
Esmael- Spanish, God will hear
Feyre- Beautiful, Fairy, Elf, Fair, Fey-ruh
Gaea- Greek, Personification of the Earth
Gaelithox- Valyrian God of fire, stars, moon, sun, and the dawn, rival of meraxes
Haedrian- Made up, leader, sea-lover, wanderlust, Guide of sea-travel, Hae, Chinese, Sea, Drian, Christian, One who takes initiative and loves to travel, H-adrian. Hey-drEE-in.
Hael- Angel of kindness
Haera- Hera, Greek, Goddess of marriage, Air-uh
Helios- Greek, Sun
Hephaestus- Greek, God of Artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metallurgy, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Heron- Hero
Hyperion- Greek, He that walks high, the god above
Icarus/Ikarus- Greek, Latin, Follower, the one who reaches the sky
Ikaerys- Ikarus, Greek, Latin, the one who reaches the sky, Ick-Kay-Reeze
Jaella- Arabic/Muslim, Hebrew, Prominent, mountain goat
Jaelynn- American, May god protect, Supplanter
Kaeden- American, Fighter
Kaelum- Latin, Chisels the Sky, one who chisels the stars in the heavens
Kaeya- Indian, Monsoon Flower
Laela- Arabic, Dark Beauty
Maegara- Megara, Greek, Grudge, May-Gar-uh
Maëlle- French, Chief, Prince, Ambitious
Maeve- Irish, Intoxicating
Megaera- Greek, The jealous one, one of the furies, deities of vengeance
Mikael- Scandinavian, Who Resembles God
Mikaela- Michaela, Hebrew, Who is Like God
Nevaeh- American, Heaven
Naela- Quranic, Indigenous Australian, Winner, Go getter, Gracious, Charitable, Of Wide Eyes
Phaedra- Greek, Bright
Raphael- Hebrew, God has Healed
Saelena- Salena, Greek, Moon Goddess, Say-Lee-Nuh
Saera- Muslim, A New Star
Salaena- Salena, Greek, Moon Goddess, Suh-Lay-Nuh
Samael- Hebrew, Venom, Poison of God, King of Demons, The Angel of Death
Selaena- Selena, Greek, The Moon, See-Lay-Nuh
Solaena- Solana, Spanish, Sunshine or Eastern Wind, Soul-Lay-Nuh
Vaelencia- Valencia, Latin, Roman, Spanish, Srong, Healthy, Valor, Vay-len-C-uh
Vaella- Old Norse, a lament or cry
Vaellia- Made up, Embrace the unknown, Vael; to dive into the unknown, Lia; relaxed, weary, gentle, Vay-Lee-Uh
Vaelor- Made up, Valor, Brave, Courage, Vay-Lor
Vaelora- made up, Honored one, Victorious Ruler, Vae, Germanic, mighty ruler, Lora, crowned with laurel, honor, victory, Vay-Lore-uh
Vaelyra- made up, Harmonic Ruler, Vae, Germanic, mighty ruler, Lyra, Greek, Lyre, harp, also a Star, Vay-Lie-ruh
Valera- Latin, Valiant
Vallea- Italian, Valley, also a tree in South America
Xaeden- Greek, Flourishing in abundance with god
Xaevion- Xavion, African, Fighter
Zaeden- Arabic, Growth
Zael- Hebrew, house of god, habitation of the lord
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princesssarisa · 2 months
This… out of curiosity
Do you know the different meanings of the name of Cinderella's Stepsisters?
Charles Perrault's Cendrillon
Javotte: A nickname for Geneviève, which means "of the race of woman," "woman of the family," or "white wave."
(Perrault only reveals the older stepsister's name in one scene, not the younger one's.)
Rossini's opera La Cenerentola
Clorinda: “Youthful” or “greenery.”
Tisbe: Unknown; it’s a name from Greek mythology.
Massenet's opera Cendrillon
Noémie: “Pleasantness.”
Dorothée: “Gift from God.”
The 1947 Russian film
Anna: “Grace” or “favor.”
Marianna: A cross between Mary, meaning “bitter,” “drop of the sea,” or “beloved,” and Anna (see above).
The Let's Pretend radio adaptation
Flora: “Flower.”
Isabella: A form of Elizabeth, meaning “My God is an oath.”
The Disney version, animated and live action
Anastasia: “Resurrection.”
Drizella: Probably a variant of Drusilla, meaning “little strong one.”
The 1955 film The Glass Slipper
Birdena: “Little bird.”
Serafina: “Fiery one.”
The 1957 version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical
Portia: “Pig.”
Joy: Self-evident.
The 1965 version of Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical
Prunella: “Little plum.”
Esmeralda: “Emerald.”
The Muppets' Hey, Cinderella!
Mona: “My lady.”
Lisa: Derived from Elizabeth, meaning “my God is an oath.”
Rankin/Bass's Festival of Family Classics
Fatima: “To abstain” (though it serves as a play on “fat,” because she is fat)
Leania: Probably derived from Helen, meaning “light” (though it serves as a play on “lean” because she’s scrawny)
The 1969 Czech film
Katerina: “Far off” or “pure.”
Dorota: "Gift from God."
The 1973 Czech film Three Wishes for Cinderella
Dora: “Gift.”
The 1976 film The Slipper and the Rose
Isobella: “My God is an oath” (see above).
Palatine: “Of the palace.”
The 1978 African-American adaptation Cindy
Olive: "Olive," of course.
Venus: "Love."
The Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation
Arlene: “Honor” or “eagle.”
Bertha: “Bright.”
The Grimm's Faerie Tale Classics adaptation (English dub)
Phoebe: “Bright.”
Griselda: “Gray battle.”
Stephen Sondheim's musical Into the Woods
Florinda: "Flower."
Lucinda: "Light."
The Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child adaptation
Margarita: “Pearl” or “daisy flower.”
Esmeralda: “Emerald” (see above).
The musical A Tale of Cinderella
Moltovoce: “Much voice.”
Seppia: “Squid.”
The 1996 Burbank Animation version
Nellie: A nickname for Ellen or Helen, meaning “torch” or “light.”
Melba: Derived from Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne means “mill stream.”
(Their names are inspired by the famous Australian opera singer Nellie Melba, whose birth name was Helen Mitchell and who took her stage name from her home city of Melbourne.)
The anime series Cinderella Monogatari
Catherine: “Far off” or “pure.”
Jeanne: “God is gracious.”
The 1997 version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
Minerva: “Intellect.”
Calliope: “Beautiful voice.”
The 1998 film Ever After: A Cinderella Story
Marguerite: “Pearl” or “daisy flower.”
Jacqueline: “Heel-grabber” or “supplanter."
Gregory Maguire's novel Confession of an Ugly Stepsister
Iris: "Rainbow" or "iris flower."
Ruth: "Friend."
Margaret Peterson Haddix's novel Just Ella
Griselda: "Gray battle" (see above).
Corimunde: Possibly a variant of "Clarimond," meaning "shining defender."
The Shrek franchise
Doris: "Dorian woman."
Mabel: "Lovable."
The 2000 stage version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein's musical
Grace: Self-evident.
Joy: Self-evident (see above).
The 2000 British TV film
Goneril: Unknown meaning.
Regan: "Little ruler" or "king's child."
(In case anyone didn't know it, their names are taken from the evil sisters in Shakespeare's King Lear.)
The Simsala Grimm adaptation
Agatha: “Good.”
Beatrice: "One who blesses.”
The novel and film Ella Enchanted
Hattie: A nickname for Harriet, meaning “home ruler.”
Olive: Self-evident (see above).
The 2004 film A Cinderella Story
Brianna: "High" or "noble."
Gabriella: "God is my strength."
Malinda Lo's novel Ash
Ana: "Grace" or "favor" (see above).
Clara: "Clear" or "bright.
The 2010 Märchenperlen adaptation
Clothilde: “Glorious battle.”
The 2011 Sechs auf einen Streich adaptation
Annabella: "Grace and beauty."
The 2013 stage version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical
Gabrielle: “God is my strength” (see above).
Charlotte: “Free woman.”
Alma Deutscher's opera
Griselda: “Gray battle” (see above).
Zibaldona: Possibly derived from Zebada, which is derived from Zebadiah, meaning “God has bestowed.”
Betsy Cornwell's novel Mechanica
Piety: Self-evident.
Chastity: Self-evident.
Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Bad Cinderella
Adéle: “Noble.”
Marie: “Bitter,” “drop of the sea,” or “beloved.”
The 2021 Sony/Amazon film
Narissa: “Sea nymph.”
Malvolia: “Ill will.”
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foxes-that-run · 4 months
2014 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years, 2013, [...] 2015 […] and 2024.
1 January - Taylor wrote Say don't go
2 - 4 January - Harry and Kendall Skiing with Jeff and his GF
6 January Lover Journal January 6, 2014, LA: Taylor decides to move to NY “dating is awful”. Reports KUWK producers wanted to film Harry and Kendall and Harry said no.
18 January - Harry puts his arm around Kendall at Eagles Concert
19 January - Harry covered "things I can't" with bible and Silver Spoon tattoo's
21 January - I know places written, then Welcome to NY, you are in Love
25 January - Lover Journal: January 25, 2014, LA - after Clive Davis Grammy party at night that she never felt better about their chances of winning a Grammy. Rumour Harry seen with Kendall.
26 January - Red doesn't win Grammy, Taylor decides to make 1989 sonically cohesive
9 February - clean written
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11 February - Taylor gets haircut, Harry seen backstage, she then writes Shake it off. He writes Stockholm Syndrome
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14 February - Taylor posted "there's nothing like real love"
19 February - Style was written in LA. Harry later to collect Brit because he was in bathroom. Rumour he was smoking with Nick G, Harry left after party with his mum, Zayn and Louis not there.
20 February - Harry arrives in LA
22 February - Lover Journal February 22, 2014, LA, Been in the studio with Max, Shake it off. Harry and Kendall at same Miley concert.
24 February Harry got anatomical heart tattoo (a real heart for a real love)
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1 March - Both at Oscars party. Karlie Kloss flies from Paris to LA.
2 March - Harry seen in LA, then disappeared for 10 days, then LA again. 1D on break.
3 March - Taylor at vanity fair party
4 March - Alex & Sierra posts photo of Meredith in Taylor’s LA home. Harry wrote I love you for them and this was like meeting him about that, Taylor later confirmed she heard it
5 March - Harry tweets ‘hands on the wheel’ when Taylor posted the photos from the weekend starting with a photo with Ed and others at vanity fair “this weekend was like..” and including a road trip to big sur with Karlie. Karlie has posted daily till she arrived in LA then started again when Taylor posted her photos. Who took the photos? A tumblr user assumed they stayed at Deetjen's Big Sur Inn resort because someone who took a photo in the same place did, maybe, the hotel is 4 star.
13 March - Harry had dinner alone in LA, Kendall on date with someone else down the street. Harry’s motorbike broke down, he looked sad, guy who came to help mad.
24 March - Lover Journal: March 24, 2014, New York; Moved to Tribeca, never felt more busy.
27 March - MH plays call or delete with Nick Grimshaw and calls Niall and Harry, he says he has Niall’s number because he is writing a song for one direction and that he had never spoken to Harry before (but had his number and Harry recognised his voice.) MH asks to borrow £5k and Harry agrees. Harry probably knew he was on Nick Grimshaw. Harry and Niall seen in rehearsals in England.
22 April - HS in LA at Sharks game with Jeff
25 April - 5 October - 1D Where we are Tour. South American dates till 11 May.
26 April - Harry Fern Tattoos, healed, covering "Might as well..."
29 April - Matty Healy's mum says MH is writing a song for 1D
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4 May - Taylor attends met gala and later features this dress of ‘old Taylor’ in LAYMMD, marked start of 1989. 1D in Argentina.
7 May - One direction bread van to Christ the redeemer in TV special. Earlier Harry drunk at the hotel pool, floated his hat in the sea and Brazil! Tattoo. 1D sue over condoms using their name, MTV says it means fans will “never ever sleep with Harry Styles”
8 May - One Direction record Change your ticket in Fasano Hotel, (2:12) Rio De Janeiro. The TV Special shows Niall working out the lyrics and Harry recording WDBHG (2:25) also, though the hotel is not credited for WDBHG. In 2016 Matty Healy messily said he had been asked for a song for Four which wasn't used and felt Change Your Ticket was similar to guitars on the 1975 Girls. 1975 or MH never pursued it other than the shade. MH said to Capital FM he heard change your ticket before it came out and asked to take guitars off he didn’t write on it.
11 May - 1D tour break till 23 May, working on Four.
17 May - Taylor on tour break in NYC, working on 1989. Taylor seen most days in NYC in May.
24 May - One Direction (headliner) and Ed Sheeran play Radio 1 Big weekend in Glasgow. Ed wrote 18 this week. Liam said they had a show in another country the night before and that night. Taylor leaves NYC not seen for 6 days until Japan 31 May. 23 May - 13 July Europe 1D dates.
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26 - 28 May - One Direction break, Taylor MIA. Harry in London and plays celebrity football game on 26th. After scoring a penalty shot Harry hugged Niall then kissed his heart tattoo.
27 May - footage of Zayn and Louis smoking weed in a car leaked, filmed in April. Harry quoted in media being annoyed they let it be filmed. Ed Sheeran live on Britans got talent, Simon Cowell asked for a 1D song, Ed declined then wrote 18 the next day.
30 May - Lover Journal: May 30, 2014, Shanghai 1989 cover art. 2 June - Tokyo, then asian dates till 12 June.
31 May - Tree Paine starts as Taylor’s publicist.
7 June - rumour Harry was getting dual citizenship
8 June - 1D had 5 day break starting in London then Stockholm on the 13th. Heart kiss in You and I
12 June - Red Tour ends in Singapore, then seen most days in NYC till the 20th.
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18 June - Taylor adopted Olivia Bensen, model Steph Smith with her, Steph posts to instagram and follows both Harry and Taylor that day. Harry can be heard laughing in this video. Harry not seen, but in Copenhagen the day before and day after in London
19 June - Harry in London dressed the same as in the Four booklet
20 June - Taylor seen in NYC then not again for 10 days till 30th. 1D Paris
4 July - Taylor squad party at RI. 1D had a show in Switzerland.
31 July - Harry in LA, not seen on 28th. Taylor NYC
March - September - Harry wrote for Four: stockholm, Where do broken hearts go, I love you (Alex and Sierra) & Little bit of your heart.
1 August - 5 October - 1D US/Canada dates.
2 August - Taylor played 1989 for Harry. On 2 November Harry said he spent a week in the US and then played daytime TV for the rest of his break.
14 August - Taylor wore black and white rose dress on Tonight show with jimmy Fallon, prompting rumors 1989 will be called Roses
18 and 20 August - 18th seen with fans in US, Harry MIA on 20th
24 August - 1D show in Dallas where a fan has a “Harry you have hella good hair”’poster Harry grins at. Harry comes back (he first sees it at 1:03) to point, thumbs up and again smile at the sign.
23 and 25 August - Harry in Nashville. JALBOYH released.
26 August - 1D in LA for Ellen, then Chicago then disappeared
20 - 25 August - Taylor in LA, MIA till 3 September
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30 August - Heart Kiss you and I
31 August - 9 September - Harry MIA, only seen LAX 5 September then appears in London on 9th.
3 - 14 September - Taylor seen in London till 7th, then MIA till NYC on 14th (i.e. both go from LA to London and MIA for a week) Niall said they had 10 days off and didn’t see each other.
8 September - Taylors 1989 Rolling Stone Interview where she said it was infatuation, RS said she sounded jaded.
11 September - Rolling Stone things you learn hanging out with Taylor Swift included:
"“I think the way I used to approach relationships was very idealistic,” she says. “I used to go into them thinking, ‘Maybe this is the one — we’ll get married and have a family, this could be forever.’ Whereas now I go in thinking, ‘How long do we have on the clock — before something comes along and puts a wrench in it, or your publicist calls and says this isn’t a good idea?'”
13 September - One Direction - Rose Bowl Los Angeles, during You and I on “did they ever hold each other tight like us?” Harry kissed the heart then had chest pains later in the show. He ends the show visibly unwell.
14 September - Four written with Fools Gold. First day Taylor seen (NYC) in a week, last seen London. 18 September Niall mentioned a 10 day break and again said the band didn’t see each other on break.
19 and 20 September - both play the iHeartRadio festival, on the 19th Taylor played WANGB, IKYWT, Love Story with a speech about Romeo & Juliet and a lot of pointing 22 and Shake it off. and 1D on the 20th, Harry kissed the heart tattoo in Little Things.
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Late September Harry had US shows, he kissed his heart tattoo un Better than words (4:23) and was in a great mood. Taylor wasn't seen until NY the day of that show. Harry’s instagram goes b&w between 24 September and 23 October. Out of the woods released 14 October, may refer to screaming colour lyric? Taylor posted about screaming colour. Also over 28 sept anniversary
4 October - Lou Teasdale shares photo of Harry’s braids
6-11 October - Taylor in Paris and London.
10 October - Taylor performed Riptide performance on BBC 1 with the lyric "I love you when you're singing that song / And I got a lump in my throat / 'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong"
12 October - Harry threw up on side of the road in LA and sign put up. He had been at lily Allen’s party the night before. Press included quotes from Ed that Harry didn’t drink in the US
24 October  - Taylor MTV You are in Love is about Jack and Lena, who didn't know and her body language is guarded. Recorded this date.
27 October - 1989 released, Taylor NY. 1D Film Night Changes  MV
1 November - Harry wore the Saint Laurent coat in November - December 2014. In 2016, He choose it, now with a lipstick stain, as one of '12 prized possessions', “I was leaving breakfast in London wearing this coat. I thought the girl was biting me. She was lovely.”
4 November - Taylor pulls her entire discography off Spotify over period that artists would not earn royalties.
5 November - Taylor Posts a video of herself lip syncing to Kendrick Lamars Backseat Freestyle
8 November - Taylor liked a tumblr post of Matty Healy wearing a 1989 t-Shirt on stage.
10 November - Taylor wore the Butterfly and Reputation Snake Ring in the Blank Space Music video.
13 November - Harry's mermaid tattoo. “I am a mermaid”
14 November - sad guardian 1D interview
15 November - Taylor in NY, Harry records Band Aid in London. Throughout November and December Louis and Liam seem annoyed with Harry and talk over him. Many consider this the point Harry told the band he would not renew his contract, the band tensions were high from this point. See One Direction break up deep dive on Reddit.
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17 November - One Direction releases Four. Perform Today show in Orlando live, Zayn missing. Filmed Four TV special. Released the Four Hangout where Harry describes the Stockholm Syndrome muse (TS) a Nympho and talks about writing from personal experience. At 31 mins Niall says WDBHG is his favourite 1D song, Harry says thank you and Niall hugs him. Harry agrees, then says best song ever then gotta be you One Direction song which (in the background) Harry adds "well done Tyler." Niall adds "your boyfriend’s back." (The boys had rhyming nicknames for each other, Tyler Swift was Taylor’s name in The Man) Change your ticket announced as bonus track on ultimate edition.
19 November - Harry and Taylor go to a 1975 concert together, ET reported they went back stage together. Change your ticket (which MH claimed was too similar to Girls after  1D did not use a song MH submitted for Four. Us weekly reports Haylor talking again.
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23 November - Harry looks in Taylors direction while performing, she points at him in her performance and he makes heart eyes/whistles at Taylors AMA’s speech. Harry stayed in LA an extra day to go to Taylor's mini post-AMAs part while 1D went to Australia. (Canyon Moon vibes).
30 November  - Taylor arrives London
1 December - Harry, Kendall and Cara at British Fashion Awards in London, the day of that photo of him at top of stairs.
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2 December- Taylor performs Style at Victoria Secret show and completely slays. Harry joins them at the VS after party and leave 5 mins apart. (So it Goes, pick you up, leak vibes) Taylor posted photos with Ariana also, JALBOYH was still charting. Taylor wears a similar outfit in the I don’t wanna live forever video with Zayn. This was also the first time Style was played live!
4 December - Taylor returns to NY
5 December - rumours Taylor at 1975 concert
Early December- Harry follows Xander Ritz on Instagram. Xander is a lacrosse player who is close friends with Harry and seen a lot in late 2015 and 2017/2018, there are ships of them. Xander is now married to Jacquelyn. Harry is still seen with his brother Maxwell. Max and Xander co-own the Loyalist in Brooklyn. The loyalist is a high end brand integration company. Like Taylor, Xander is from Philadelphia and his family is still there. He was seen with Jeff a lot and rumoured Jeff introduced them.
6 December - Taylor has laryngitis at Jingle Bell Ball. Matty Healy has a meltdown on stage, crying, lying down and is eventually dragged off stage. In 2015 he said this was about girl stuff, drug stuff, financial stuff. In 2016 is said "“Yeah. Absolutely. And the reason I mention that is because if I had gone out with Taylor Swift I would’ve been, ‘F***ing hell! I am NOT being Taylor Swift’s boyfriend.’ You know, ‘F***. THAT.’ That’s also a man thing, a demasculinizing, emasculating thing.”
8 December - Blind "The B- list celebrity offspring of two of the worst celebrity parents ever has been hooking up the past few weeks with the lead singer of the band that Taylor Swift loves. Apparently they sent Taylor a pic of themselves naked in bed together." (Ali Lohan (Dina and Michael)/Matty Healy “The 1975″)
9 December - one direction RTL episode where the band is angry at Harry, especially this section, where Liam seems drunk and talks about new experiences (shading Harry for saying he won’t continue 1D maybe) later in the interview says “we should have written a song about beards” and Louis said “or hair in general” and with a mocking look to Harry “har, har”, (possibly shading Harry for Matty Healy's meltdown the night before.) This was followed by a lot of interviews with Liam and Louis reacting to Harry like this and some they gave separate interviews.
12 December - Taylor performs the Z100 Jingle Bell Ball, with IKYWT over midnight to her birthday and during Shake it Off she gives a breathless sounding 'it's my birthday' she points to the left of the stage to say guy with the hella good hair. Harry was in Spain for Los40 Spain. Rob Sheffield writes a piece about just Harry (not band) in Rolling Stone which is positively glowing.
13 December - Taylor has a party in her apartment. Harry is in France for the NRG awards. Tweets asking the media to stop having her date her friends (MH & KK)
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19 December - Harry at the Bowery Hotel again, wears the Another Man 12 Prized Possessions coat that later has lipstick
22 December - Harry in Central Park, wearing Saint Laurent coat
24 December - Tabloid media about Ali Lohan/MH
26 December - Taylor wears opal ring thought to be from Harry.
Continue to 2015
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Tag for the polls: #bird battle
DISCLAIMER - I wrote the round one blurbs when I was very sick and half awake, so if you see any mistakes PLEASE TELL ME! Nicely, obviously, but I want to make sure they sound good for round 2. Thank you!
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I know there’s a lot of them, but man there’s SO MANY GOOD BIRDS! There were a few times where people didn’t put what specific subspecies for some birds, so sometimes I’d have to choose one. I tried to choose one that represents that bird the best!
I don’t know when the polls will begin, I’m doing some research on the birds so that people can read about them before they vote.
If one of your favs didn’t make it in, don’t worry they’re a winner in my and your heart.
If you are wondering where the Pigeon (Rock Dove) is, THEY ARE THE FINAL CHAMPION! At the end of this bracket, the winner will face off against the mightily popular Rock Dove! Will they be able to beat such a tough challenger? We will see…
Also, a note on how I set this bracket up: I put all the birds in a numbered list and then used a number generator. I think the matchups we got were really interesting.
Full list under the cut
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buffetlicious · 4 months
The Sky Amphitheatre is packed full house even before the 12.30pm show commence with many audiences left standing at the back. The Wings of the World featured popular birds showcasing their natural talents, breathtaking plumage and sharp-as-claws IQ. I particularly enjoyed the pair of parrots imitating rooster crowing, hand phone ringing and singing the happy birthday song.
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Everyone is excited when the staffs release colourful macaws and pelican to fly around the amphitheatre. But the highlight of the show must be when they let out flocks of Pelican, Flamingo and multi-coloured Macaws onto the stage. At the end of the show, audiences can queue to have their photographs taken with the birds which attracted long queue.
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The next show starts at 2.30pm so I have slightly more than an hour to explore but I was a little tired out from all the walking under the sun so I popped into one of the air conditioned area to chill out. The Predators on Wings presentation stars what else but these majestic big birds of prey at the top of the food chain. You get to check out the white-bellied sea eagle which I can sometime spots flying in our Singapore sky or hear their call. Also on show are owls, vultures and this dark brown and white American Bald Eagle.
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The 20 minutes show ended quickly and it is time to make the way to the shuttle station to board the tram back to the entrance as our company’s bus is waiting to ferry us back home. The new bird park is not only bigger than the previous one plus they do away with many of the small cages and replaced them with these huge walk in aviaries grouped by geographical locations. The aviaries are styled and landscaped to look like the birds’ natural habitat. Overall, this trip had not only been enjoyable but informative where we learn to coexist with the animals rather than hunt them to extinction.
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