ash-the-porcupine · 2 years
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Can we talk about this? By 'this' I mean the changes in Buster between Sing 1 and Sing 2 because it simply MUST be addressed.
HIS FUR. In the first movie, it clearly looks rougher and more coarse than in the second one - where it looks soft and thick. Now, as a major animal nerd pursuing veterinary business, I can tell you that the healthier an animal('s diet) is, the softer and shinier their fur is! This is especially true for cats, dogs, horses, and rabbits. I'll bet that since Nana swooped in and saved the theater, Buster's had more money for decent food. Plus, Rosita is always making sure he eats and doesn't stay up all night chugging caffeine.
2. BEHAVIOR. Overall, our koala seems to be the same energetic fur-ball from the first movie, right? Wrong. Paying close attention, in the second movie he is MORE motivated, MORE confident, MORE determined, and we see so much COMPASSION in him in the second movie, especially in the Rosita scenes and I LOVE IT. We also see another side of him. Insecurity. He is easily discouraged by criticism (COMFORT DRAWER- COMFORT DRAWER-) but he is also great at bouncing right back up directly afterward! Love that!
3. MASS. Clearly, more mass has been added to his cheeks by the animators, and he seems to have gained a little weight. However, he is bound to lose some after the trauma in Redshore (if the animators actually take the trauma into account and show that, I will cry with joy. I love those kinds of details.)
4. ENERGY. He seems so much more energetic to me! Especially when he sees Ash - THEY ARE SO CUTE! They are best friends, and that dynamic is just so cute. That girl got a dad she never asked for ^^
5. STRESS. We see a totally different way of being stressed out than in the first movie. In the first movie, he kind of... panics? In the second, it changes. It's clear he has to really try, but he acts much more level-headed in the second movie (I'll bet Eddie helped him-) instead of panicking, he tries his best to just SOLVE the situation rather than stress out over it. I do wish the stress and anxiety that was so obviously difficult for him to handle had been addressed more - even if only by a few scraps of dialogue between him and a worried friend. The closest thing we see from the group in worry for him is some concerned expressions from Johnny and Meena when Crystal rubs Buster's head (which Buster is clearly uncomfortable with).
6. TRAUMA RESPONSE+. So, Buster has clearly been shaken up by Jimmy before Jimmy even tried to kill him the FIRST time. At Calloway's, when he wakes up and Clay growls at him, he flinches and looks afraid. Buster also displays deep discomfort at the presence of Jimmy, or even the mention of him. And when Jimmy tries to kill him at the show? He's clearly terrified and basically having a panic attack... yet he still tells everyone he's never been better. AND WHY WAS CRAWLY THE ONLY ONE WHO ASKED? AND WHY DID THEY ALL JUST BELIEVE HIM? THERE WAS STILL PANIC IN HIS VOICE.
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elizakai · 1 year
A Dreamtale Poem (word dump?)
from an entity who believes their an angel, fallen. 🌙
to an entity they believe to pose as one. ☀️
(aka written from Nightmares pov towards Dream, somewhat)
⬇️⬇️ UNDER THE CUT ⬇️⬇️
isn’t it funny? How Time changes Or rather, refuses to
Time doesn't change, in actuality Such is only perception on the part of lower beings Mortals The acute minds of smaller entities
Time Continues steadily Time knows only one loyalty Yes, Time is faithful
For you, the same cannot be said.
It's funny.
You spawn of Regret Regret, a curse that can be escaped Or, alas, could have been, had hindsight not hidden her naked body from your youthful eyes
Irony, too, plays with it's food But, of all this you are aware.
Or…are you? Do you regret? Do you grieve?
…of course not What am I thinking Of course not.
…It's funny
Nurturing such questions
Fate has laid her pieces out And you have made your moves Woe to you, it seems, one who is set in their ways
One who is set in stone.
Hardened is your soul, your essence Why is it we were placed wrongly on this scale? Alas, it seems your longing for mercy goes unanswered Alas, we've fallen from what little grace we'd attained
That is the nature of things This world rewards those who reap misfortune
A bittersweet misfortune, it is
It's funny.
What pride have you, to rebel Fate and her peons?
What arrogance do you cling to? That you may set things right?
Though, I suppose… That, we shall share always. Eternity till Entropy Until one or the other crumbles
Remember, chimera, stone is brittle. The blood of a companion is thicker than the waters of birth. Of this I am relieved… For you've long since tainted the streams of our youth. No tree can grow in a parasitic wasteland.
That is, none that will last.
No, long gone is the person I once thought to know Long dead, are they, and no requiem shall I hold.
Loathe am I to the sowers of our misfortune
Loathe am I to the mother of our wakefulness. It would have been better to have never existed.
To have never known you To have never held you To have never loved you To have never lost you
But Solace is my lover, for she reminds me that it is not I, nor myself, nor him to blame, but you.
Her and them and you and you and you and-
It's funny.
Scramble up the hill A hill of graves Tombstones upon tombstones, add as many as you will. Will it ever be enough for you? Their downfall will not be your upbringing The ladder is unstable Your goal is unattainable.
Claw, fight, scream
Not an ear will turn to you in pity
Humorous, Karma and the bubbling brooks of her laughter
Where is your control?
When did you pass it to me, pray tell?
…unfortunate fool. Not an ear will turn to you in compassion
Forever out of reach, as long as free will remains mine
Time changes not But every person does, will, must! Oh the pained naivety! Does rock abstain one from growth? Silly me! Silly you!
w h y a r e n ' t y o u l a u g h I n g ?
…I can't hear her laughing anymore.
I can't hear her at all.
The laughter is him. Always him. Us? us.
You were never needed, were you, oh iridescent zephyr?
A weapon I've obtained A defense you've yet to claim
Illusion of the unconscious mind, feeder of false hope, luminous liar of the night. Dearest delusion of grandeur.
Rest now, in what grief you can muster
Rest now, in the act of sorrow you play
You're 500 years behind.
It’s 500 years too late.
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hiemalstar · 2 years
niragis speech on humanity: opinions?
hey tumblr, im back again. this time, to talk about a well known scene from season one of alice in borderland. sorry guys, still no manga. anyway, lets jump right into what todays topic is actually going to be; niragis speech on humanity.
this speech is played out before 10 of hearts / witch hunt as usagi is held down onto a bed while niragi proceeds to sexually assault her and attempted rape which is interrupted by the starting of witch hunt. what do i have to say about this speech? lets take a look.
niragis speech 
"predisposition. when left alone, man is a creature that plunders, rapes, kills. so shouldn't we revel in it? what's wrong with living our true selves?" this is exactly what he says (source is aliceinborderland.fandom.com - niragi suguru quotes)- i wont sugarcoat it. obviously, he says some interesting things in this. lets debunk it.
debunking the speech
predisposition. from the cambridge dictionary, predisposition is described as the state of being likely to behave in a particular way or to suffer from a particular disease. this is pretty self explanatory for his statement, but just so it lines up lets talk about the second portion. 
“when left alone, man is a creature that plunders, rapes, kills. so shouldnt we revel in it?”  this is obviously referring to human nature; people act a certain way because its part of human nature. no matter if its right or wrong, it will always be a part of humanity. he is unmistakably right. i can say this from experience; when people are given the opportunity to things like rape, sa, plunder, and kill, they will do it. i was sexually assaulted by two of my exes because in that position/relationship i was vulnerable and they had their opportunity. we see people steal everyday, even post about it online. hundreds to thousands of deaths happen every year by murder. nor right or wrong, what niragi says in that line is true.  to top this section off, he says “so shouldnt we revel in it?” taken the time and opportunity he has, he will obviously revel in it during borderland. i mentioned this in my niragi analyzation post a bit down my page; when people like him and guaranteed many other people are given the opportunity to do illegal things, they will do it. while it isnt RIGHT, its an opportunity and i can confirm that a lot of people will take that chance to do it. 
“whats wrong with living our true selves?” i said this before, and i will say it again. there is a LOT wrong with doing the things he mentions. but as he says, its human nature and there are people who will do bad when given the opportunity with no consequences. imagine how many crimes would be committed if laws were just stripped of humanity; because like niragi says, the sad but real truth, it is human nature. 
final opinions/conclusion
so, now that ive debunked the entire quote, its time for my conclusion. is niragi right? yes and no. he is correct that mankind will do bad when given the opportunity (how many times have i even said this word..). however, he is not right about living with true human nature. there is a reason the things he listed are illegal, and i hope you guys know why i shouldnt have to explain that. to put it short, i think hes partially right. he has the right perspective on society, but not the right mindset. i thoroughly add to this reasoning in my niragi analyzaiton post if youd like more information on his character. 
thats all for today. lmk if you guys have anything you would like me to cover/analyze!! bye <3
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fayemuseum · 1 month
03.30.24/ Excerpt from my second-year Greek and Roman mythology paper
Euripides creates a play that explores the complexities of morality. Despite the atrocious act of murdering her children, there is no intervention from the gods, even though familicide is a significant crime in the Greek pantheon. The only time divine punishment is mentioned is in relation to Jason. Zeus Horkios, an epithet used for Zeus, encapsulates his role as the protector of oaths. Consequently, Zeus does not interfere with Jason's punishment, as Jason had broken his oath to Medea by abandoning her. Additionally, within the Argonautica, Jason gains favour from Hera, the goddess of marriage, which may have prevented him from receiving her help as his patron deity. Another important example of the lack of punishment for Medea is the actions of her Grandfather.  Helios the god of the sun, supports Medea throughout her decisions and even provides his chariot and the gifts given to Princess Glauce. The minimal interference by the gods serves to establish a moral standard that transcends human understanding. By choosing to go through with her plans, Medea demonstrates a logic akin to that of the gods, one that humans cannot fully comprehend. Euripides encourages viewers to analyze his play from a nuanced perspective, challenging their notions of “right” and “wrong.” For example, when considering the cruelty of Jason’s actions, one must step back and truly analyze the gravity of Medea’s situation.
Medea is completely dependent on Jason, both emotionally and physically. Medea is severely emotionally dependent on Jason, her emotions are easily swayed by him, moving her to great anger and depression with his actions. Medea is also physically confined to Jason, having discarded her family and killing Jason's enemies on his behalf, Medea is wanted for murder. Additionally, Medea is constantly villainized for her intelligence and is recognized throughout as a danger to society, in a way, Jason is the only way Medea can fulfill at least one of the crucial roles for women; domestication. Without Jason, Medea has nowhere to go without facing danger or suffering; by discarding her, Jason has completely ruined her life. His actions are more than just adultery; they set Medea on a path to destruction. Despite the cruelty of Medea’s murders, the viewers are shown the desperation behind her actions, which stem from a life-or-death situation. Medea must either surrender her life once more by allowing everyone to get away with their actions, or she must reclaim her life and live unapologetically for herself. Medea’s actions are more than just vengeance; they are an act of reclaiming her life and an attempt to break free from the constraints of subjugation and societal expectations of the perfect woman—a loving and understanding mother and wife. Regardless of the obvious horrors of committing infanticide, Medea’s actions are portrayed as a reasonable response given the circumstances. This is further proven in the depth and complexity Euripides adds when portraying Medea's thought process throughout her plans. When Medea sees the smiles of her sons as she prepares to carry out her plan, she feels immense guilt and acknowledges that killing them will bring her even more pain and suffering. Medea's awareness and willingness to endure more suffering to establish her freedom, adds a layer of humanity to her character despite the inhumane outcome.
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vinylattes · 1 year
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What is the key to enjoying life? (x)
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finisnihil · 10 months
I’m tired of people acting like Zhongli is a serious and chill guy who would never cause problems on purpose as if he isn’t one of the biggest menaces out of the Seven. He used to throw mountains at Venti for annoying him. He, the god of history, starts fights among historians for shits and giggles. He tried to gaslight the Traveler into thinking he was totally not at the Chasm guys really Aether/Lumine you must be seeing things maybe you should go see Baizhu. When Qiqi wanted “Cocogoat” milk he was like “Oh yeah sure totally let’s go look for it” knowing damn well it was a wild goose chase. He made the Traveler sing to a flower and then was like “Oh would you look at that” when a Whooperflower jumped out to maul them. I love him. He’s like a cat pushing things off the counter to see how people react. I would pay to see him interact directly with Neuvillette because I know for a fact he’d get on that man’s nerves and argue about water tasting just to feel something. Furina used freedom from godhood to take a nap and Zhongli used it to give psychic damage to anyone who talks to him longer than 5 minutes. Iconic.
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secretmellowblog · 11 months
People who try to analyze what happened on Tumblr on November 5th, 2020, often really overstate how much it was actually “about” Supernatural. As someone who has never been in the supernatural fandom ever but dID join in on the hysterical destielposting—it was really more about the stress of the pandemic and the 2020 presidential election.
The two biggest Youtubers I’ve seen try to dissect “what happened that November 5th” in video essays both weren’t American—- and I think that explains why they both tried to explain the hysteria primarily via analyzing the Supernatural fandom/the original show, rather than through the lens of the election. And while those videos are cool, valid, informational, and make lots of really well-considered interesting points— I can tell you that me and almost all my mutuals had literally no knowledge or interest in the fact that “oh supernatural had made nods at the ship in the past but the creators were adamant that I wouldn’t be canon” or etc etc etc etc. the first time I learned about any of that context was way later, watching videos where people claimed that fandom history context (that I did not know anything about) was the actual reason for the hysteria.
But the reality is that people latched on to the Destiel stuff because it was a piece of big useless inane zero-stakes fandom news in a time when we were desperately waiting for serious high stakes election news. We were latching onto a “positive “ piece of inane stupid fandom news in a time of great stress, with all the desperation of a drowning man who latches onto whatever piece of wood will keep him afloat.
The core of the hysteria was that Americans (who make up a huge chunk of tumblr’s userbase) were currently glued to their laptops watching the live presidential election vote counts come in. These vote counts were taking an extended amount of time due to the pandemic causing high numbers of mail-in ballots, resulting in a constant state of Election Day Stress for multiple days straight.
This was also during the height of the Pandemic. People had predicted Trump’s presidency would be bad; no one had predicted it would be this apocalyptically bad. No one had predicted pandemics and lockdowns and hospitals overflowing with bodybags. remember Trump spreading Covid lies and conspiracies?? There were so many Qanon conspiracies about democrats being Satanic child traffickers who had to be put to death, and coup threats were mounting from the right wing side. It seemed like this election was a choice between ‘centrist democrat’ and “apocalyptic right wing conspiracy theory authoritarianism,” in the midst of pandemic conditions that people feared would never ever improve— and it seemed like a close election.
Another major point was that Trump voters were more likely to be antimaskers/Covid deniers, while Biden voters were more likely to take the pandemic seriously— so Biden voters were more likely to send in mail-in ballots instead of risking the in-person voting crowds, which meant their ballots would take much longer to count. And so, in many state electoral vote counts, it would initially seem like Trump was very far in the lead— only for Biden to slooooowly build up an agonizingly small lead as the mail in ballots came in, and then defeat Trump at the very end.
So you’re just watching these news sites giving live election updates, refreshing the page every 2 minutes to see if you’re going to live under a spineless centrist democrat or a literal Qanon Dictatorship. And then you go on tumblr to distract yourself, and there’s more election posting, and more agonizing over the votes, and more stress and despair—-
And then it’s been days and we’re right at the crucial tipping point where it’s anyone’s game and the next few hours will determine whether Trump will win, so you need to keep your eye on the vote count, because the next hours will determine the future of the pandemic and your country and your plans for your entire life—
And then stupid Destiel becomes canon! And it becomes canon in the silliest way possible!
If Destiel had become canon at any other time, it would have been a big goofy tumblr celebration? But we wouldn’t have gotten the insane explosion of hysterical interaction.
The entire core of it was the contrast between the inane meaningless stupidity of fandom news vs the actual stressful election news you wanted to hear! It really is best conveyed in that meme where Castiel says “I love you” and Dean indifferently responds with a piece of important election news.
It’s about the contrast between the low-stakes inanity of fandom and the massive life-destroying stakes of a terrifying election. There really was no reason it had be Supernatural specifically, except that Supernatural was a thing everyone knew basic things about from dashboard osmosis— it could’ve been any other equally huge silly fandom ship news about a ship everyone *knew of* but might not necessarily be invested in (ex. Stucky becoming canon, Johnlock becoming canon, Kirk/Spock becoming more canon somehow, etc etc etc.)
I think it’s true that people who weren’t paying agonizingly close attention to the American election news got swept up in it, and that non American Supernatural fans also were extremely excited for purely fandom reasons — but the entire reason it blew up to an unprecedented degree was because of that core of stressed out terrified Americans glued to their computers watching election results and suddenly receiving stupid fandom news instead, and deciding to just hysterically parodically hyper-celebrate this absurd useless zero-stakes news.
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I think it was also all elevated by the fact that, as I said before, this happened at the crucial “tipping point” of the election where the next few hours would determine the winner. The fact that Biden began to slowly develop a lead in the hours after made it feel, hysterically, as if the hours after Destiel became canon was somehow the turning point where he began to win; so celebrating Destiel felt like celebrating that slow turn towards victory.
The tl,dr is that it’s so important to Remember the Fifth of November …..in preparation the inevitable hysteria that will happen in the presidential election on November 5th of next year. XD. Personally I’m rooting for Johnlock or Frodo/Sam to somehow become canon in the eleventh hour right before the democrats win
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crookedaverse · 8 months
Here's to the ones who dream.
So i watched lala land last night.
I'd never seen it before until now.
And i was near tears throughout it.
But when i really broke is when she sung "the fools who dream",
Because thats when i realized it wasn't just some random musical romance movie from the 2010s.
It was about life, and creativity, and that you'll meet people over time that you connect with but sometimes you lose that connection.
But you'll always remember each other deep down, because they got you through it when no one else could.
Sure you could go back in time in your head and imagine what life could be like if you stayed connected, how far youd've gone together. But what really matters in the moment is that you're living, connecting, creating.
I think people have forgotten how important it is to create.
To pick up a pen, draw, write, sing, dance, build, cook, bake, concieve.
Human's are creatures of creation, and i dont say that in a religous way, i say it in a way that means we create ourselves and create our worlds and professions.
Everything that lives creates art, shares art, and is art.
Humans are just animals.
We need to remember that we're people, we can't live our life destroying everything if we want peace and cooperation, we need to give back.
There is no wrong way to do art. But there is a wrong way in believing your destruction is art.
Build. Create.
You can't wait for everything, because everything is waiting for you.
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aurae-rori · 4 months
my roman empire is the fact that dr. ratio couldn't get into the genius society because of how much he cares for others. my roman empire is the fact that the way that he loves and has too much empathy will be his own downfall. my roman empire is the fact that he spent so long thinking that he was enough only to be hit with the reality that the world and life is cruel and his heart is too soft for the universe he was born into.
my roman empire is that dr. ratio cares. he cares so damn much. he loved too much that it held him back from his ultimate goal.
dr. ratio they could never make me hate you.
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snek-eyes · 11 months
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The fact that Aziraphale emerges from this flashback
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Makes this face
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and then with a ginormous gap on the right side of the screen, proceeds to be like "I must call Crowley right now immediately."
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unreal unearth unheard has me unwell, unstable, and undone
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going through my old journals as part of therapy homework and i'm reading a section written in the emotional wreckage of a full-on breakdown when i get hit with this line:
There is never a satisfying answer to ‘Why didn’t they love me?’
like wow babe. good fucking point
#like you were on the ground biting the carpet and dry sobbing while you wrote that and still. good fucking point#not a shitpost#cptsd#and it's true. there's never a satisfying answer#the truth is i know why i wasn't loved#i analyzed my parent's traumas and abuse to death. i understand why i alienated and was alienated from my siblings#i know why my mom was too overwhelmed to be capable of nurturing#i know why my dad vanished into addiction and avoidance#the details of our cycles of trauma and cptsd and family history i have a phd in all of it#i understood perfectly. i spent years studying and now i knew the answer#and guess what? IT WAS NOT SATISFYING!!!#because they still didn't love me! and i still couldn't change that!#it was still a completely unsatisfying state of affairs!#so like. when the people who are supposed to love you...don't.#when the people who are supposed to take care of you...fail to#you can look for answers and reasons and explanations#but that's not actually going to FIX your situation.#and it's probably not within your ability TO fix the situation. (and definitely not your job)#because you don't need answers--you need a new situation#*inserts Just Walk Out. You Can Leave!!! (Running Skeleton) Meme*#and yes. walking out isn't always possible.#but for you i hope it will be one day soon. and i hope you build the courage to take that leap.#stepping away from the people who failed to love you...it feels like being untethered but also like being lighter than air#new and scary. immensely relieving. the future opens up. empty but empty like a canvas. blindingly bright until your eyes adjust#like climbing out of a pit you called home and for the first time realizing how bright the light of day can truly be#when you aren't just getting glimpses from the bottom of a hole
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I love being nitpicky
but not in the ways ya think
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willgrahamscock · 1 year
Can we talk about the fact that Aziraphale didn't pull away from the kiss? Crowley let him go, he does this unsteady bounce back.
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Slowed down you can see it's almost like he was on his tip toes, the way he drops down and steps back. He's certainly capable of standing his ground, resisting any force Crowley might be putting into the grip on his coat. He was willingly being kept in place, and on his tip toes so Crowley didn't have to lean down so much.
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Dare I say, encouraging? You wouldn't put both your hands on someones back if you wanted them to stop kissing you. Certainly wouldn't push forward into the kiss, look at how Crowley's head moves forward and then back.
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kityana · 25 days
okay so yeah this short is very obviously poking fun at fans and fandom at large but also. aside from being a stereotypical fangirl. emberlynn is also very, very similar to early-episodes stolas.
i mean. the immediate sexualization of their first encounter (or at least, first encounter as adults)
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the pose.
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the nickname.
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the obvious projection of submissive sexual fantasies.
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the over-reliance on fiction to inform their sexual expectations.
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and, yes, the harassment at work.
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i feel like maybe this short was also speaking to some fans who don't quite get how blitzo didn't see stolas' feelings as genuine. this is how. embrlynn and stolas aren't exactly the same, but they have some (i believe, intentional) similarities, and i think this short makes it clear how fetishized their actions made blitzo feel.
don't get me wrong. there are differences. and it's clear by now that stolas and blitzo have genuine feelings for each other. but this is an aspect that i think a lot of fans missed and need to see more clearly.
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isjasz · 9 months
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This is the way you are supposed to play this game.
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