#Finis Analyzes
finisnihil · 15 hours
I’m noticing a pattern in my favorite locations in Genshin: Enkanomiya, Tsurumi Island, Sal Terrae… they’re all places that are so disturbing and unnerving to be in.
Enkanomiya was haunting because there was nobody there. There was no survivors, there was no help coming, this place was abandoned by gods and mortals alike and the remnants were tainted by rot and sin. There's shades everywhere of spirits who dont realize they're dead and are full of life and you just have to interact with them knowing they die. You have to find the graves of the Sun Children and mourn them because nobody dead or alive will. You have to fix the artificial sun but it really doesn't matter because nobody will benefit from it. When you get the book that caused the downfall of this civilization and their god you just kinda have to deal with the fact you carry the catalyst of their destruction now and Celestia for some reason has yet to kill you for it. In any other game, Enkanomiya would be a survival horror.
Tsurumi Island and Sal Terrae match this as well. All these places are isolated locations that exist as the preserved remains of pain and suffering, so infected with sins of the people and the divine that neither will set foot in them. When you finally do enter you're just surrounded by the dead. Nobody remembers this place, this tomb. Nobody will save you if you succumb here.
You are alone, surrounded by the remnants of people who drove themselves to their own destruction. The shades of those who tried to survive in a land with no sun, where their children could be taken from them and incinerated as fuel for hubris. The memories of those trapped in a fog, lost and unaware that they are just living out their final mistakes over and over because this island is all they’ve ever known and it will continue to be all they know as it drags them down with it. The petrified pillars of salt shaped as people trying to flee, their desperation to survive a war between gods trapping them here forever as followers of the salt when they turn on the divine. I’m sure Khaenri’ah will be similar when we finally access its ruins.
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kneedeepincynade · 5 months
The United States are uncapable of accepting that other nations are different and have different systems and this is exactly why the "pax americana" has failed and its why many nations prefere the much more accepting China
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🤹‍♂️ L'arroganza, mista alla confusione, scaturita dalle farneticazioni del Presidente Biden contro il Presidente Xi Jinping, nuovamente definito dal rappresentante degli imperialisti americani come un «dittatore» non deve essere solo condannata, ma anche analizzata con cura 🤔
💬 Dentro la sua frase, è contenuta la prova che gli USA non hanno alcuna intenzione di promuovere il 相互尊重 - Rispetto Reciproco:
💬 «Guarda, lo è. È un dittatore nel senso che è a capo di un Paese Comunista che si basa su una forma di governo totalmente diversa dalla nostra» 🤹‍♂️
😂 Almeno, questa volta, un rappresentante dell'imperialismo statunitense l'ha ammesso: per gli USA basta non avere un modello politico neo-liberale ed economicamente neo-liberista per essere definito "dittatore" 😂
😂 Cina, Russia, Iran, Corea del Nord, Cuba, Venezuela, Bielorussia, Siria - ogni Paese con un proprio modello differente dal neo-liberalismo statunitense, e con un sistema economico diverso dal capitalismo finanziario monopolistico diventa subito una "dittatura" agli occhi degli imperialisti americani 🤡
🚩 Il Partito Comunista Cinese, tramite tutti i suoi rappresentanti, ha sempre dichiarato che non esistono modelli realmente universali, che la democrazia può assumere varie forme, così come il modello economico, e che nessun Paese può egemonizzare il concetto di democrazia o libertà 😍
🐲 Come spiegato nell'Articolo "民主是全人类的共同价值": «La Democrazia è un Valore Comune dell'Umanità, non un monopolio di pochi Paesi, bensì un Diritto di ogni Popolo» | Essa non ha un'unica forma, bensì molte, costruite e fondate sulle condizioni nazionali e materiali di ciascun Paese, e non è un ornamento brillante da sfoggiare per raggiungere fini geopolitici, bensì una soluzione ai problemi reali del Popolo ⭐️
🔍 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会 - Come funziona l'Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo? 🚩
🔍 协商民主 - Cos'è la Democrazia Socialista Consultativa? 🚩
🔍 人民民主 - Cos'è la Democrazia del Popolo? 🚩
🤮 Neo-maccartismo da "red scare" e sinofobia da "yellow peril" non promuoveranno mai una comprensione tra i morenti Paesi d'Occidente e la Cina 😡
🇬🇷 Quando, all'inizio di novembre, Kyriakos Mītsotakīs - Primo Ministro della Repubblica Ellenica, si è recato in Cina, il Presidente Xi Jinping ha ricordato che 互相学习 - l'Apprendimento Reciproco era uno dei principi fondanti delle Relazioni Sino-Greche 😍
😍 L'Apprendimento Reciproco porta, necessariamente, al Rispetto Reciproco. Questo non accade mai con gli USA, che intendono sempre esportare il loro modello genocida tramite le sanzioni unilaterali, i tentativi di rivoluzione colorata e persino la guerra 😡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🤹‍♂️ The arrogance, mixed with confusion, resulting from President Biden's rantings against President Xi Jinping, once again defined by the representative of the American imperialists as a "dictator" must not only be condemned, but also carefully analyzed 🤔
💬 Inside his sentence, there is proof that the USA has no intention of promoting 相互尊重-Mutual Respect:
💬 «Look, it is. He is a dictator in the sense that he is the head of a Communist country that is based on a form of government totally different from ours »🤹‍♂️
😂 At least, this time, a representative of US imperialism admitted it: for the USA it is enough not to have a neo-liberal and economically neo-liberal political model to be defined as a "dictator" 😂
😂 China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Belarus, Syria - each country with its own model different from US neo-liberalism, and with an economic system different from monopoly financial capitalism immediately becomes a "dictatorship" in the eyes of the American imperialists 🤡
🚩 The Chinese Communist Party, through all its representatives, has always declared that there are no truly universal models, that democracy can take various forms, as well as the economic model, and that no country can hegemonize the concept of democracy or freedom 😍
🐲 As explained in the Article "民主是全人类的共同价值": «Democracy is a common value of humanity, not a monopoly of a few countries, but a right of every people» | It does not have a single form, but many, built and founded on the national and material conditions of each country, and it is not a brilliant ornament to show off to achieve geopolitical goals, but rather a solution to the real problems of the People ⭐️
🔍 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会 - How does the National People's Congress work? 🚩
🔍 协商民主 - What is Consultative Socialist Democracy? 🚩
🔍 人民民主 - What is People's Democracy? 🚩
🤮 "Red scare" neo-McCarthyism and "yellow peril" Sinophobia will never promote understanding between the dying Western countries and China 😡
🇬🇷 When, at the beginning of November, Kyriakos Mītsotakīs - Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, visited China, President Xi Jinping recalled that 互相学习 - Mutual Learning was one of the founding principles of Sino-Greek Relations 😍
😍 Mutual Learning necessarily leads to Mutual Respect. This never happens with the USA, which always intends to export its genocidal model through unilateral sanctions, attempted color revolutions and even war 😡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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corinneecrivaine · 4 months
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Hello la famille Willow,
J’ai voulu analyser en profondeur le personnage de Kit.
Elle a vécu dans l’insouciance, ignorant tout du monde extérieur, dans un univers de privilèges mais aussi de fausses vérités et de tromperies.
C’est un personnage submergé par une souffrance intérieure dans la seule façon de l’exprimer et la colère. Tous ceux qu’elle aime la blessent et lui mentent. A commencer par son père dont son départ lui laissera une cicatrice de l’âme et des questions sans réponses.
Sa mère : la 1re à lui mentir déjà sur son passé. Kit ignore qu’elle était du côté de Bavmorda à vouloir tuer Elora avant de tomber amoureuse de Madmartigan et de combattre à ses côtés. Elle la force à un mariage et une vie qu’elle rejette tout en sachant qu’Elora vit dans le palais cachée. Je pense que pour Kit c’est le pire des mensonges qu’elle a eu dans sa vie.
Jade : Est la seule personne pour Kit chez qui elle trouve du réconfort, du soutien. Elle est en quelque sorte sa boussole morale. Elle n’est heureuse que lorsqu’elle passe tous ces moments à s’entraîner aux combats loin de ses obligations royales. Mais Jade la blesse à plusieurs reprises et de façons intentionnelles. La 1re fois c’est au village des Nelwyns lorsque tout le monde s’intéressent à Elora, Jade lui dit « Qu’est ce qui ne va pas quelque chose te dérange ? » avec un petit sourire moqueur. Kit se sent abandonnée au moment où Jade décide de suivre Willow et les autres à la recherche d’Elora. D’où sa décision de partir seule chercher son frère. Il y a aussi ce 1er mensonge de Jade, c’est lorsqu’elle lui dit « Je suis un Sujet de la reine. Elle m’a demandé de suivre Willow. » Sauf que Sorsha ne lui a jamais demandé ceci. Elle lui a demandé de veiller sur Kit. L’action qui la blesse le plus c’est lorsque Kit apprend que tous ses entraînements avec Jade n’étaient que mensonges en la laissant gagner à chaque combat. Arrivée chez les Bone Reavers, lorsque les deux amies découvrent les véritables origines familiales de Jade, Kit à ce moment précis pense qu’elle va la perdre. Je pense que même sans les prunes de vérité, elle lui aurait avoué ses sentiments. C’est aussi lors du discours de Scorpia que Kit apprend la vérité sur Tir Asleen et leurs actions envers les Bone Reavers. La scène où elle s’excuse auprès de Jade est tout un symbole car même si ce geste est fait dans le but de s’excuser d’avoir blessé Jade, c’est en fait, à travers Kit, toute la royauté de Tir Asleen qui s’excuse de ces années de mensonges et de tromperies.
Malgré que Kit soit un personnage impulsif, qui parle et agit sans réfléchir et sans tenir compte des conséquences de ses actes. Par exemple à The Immemorial City dos à dos avec Elora face à Dark Airk, alors qu’Elora essaie d’arranger la situation, elle rétorque « Et si nous refusons. » Elora l’arrête d’un simple regard.
Elle fini toujours par s’excuser, envers Graydon, envers Jade même envers Elora d’une façon détournée. Elle est prête à s’allier avec Elora et laisser de côté ses différends pour sauver son frère.
C’est un personnage loyal envers ceux qu’elle aime et incompris du fait de ses comportements qui pourtant pour elle semblent justes. C’est un personnage qui étouffe, emprisonné dans une vie qu’elle refuse. Lorsque son frère est kidnappé c’est l’occasion toute rêvée pour elle de partir à l’aventure. Je pense qu’elle aurait voulu partir seule avec Jade. Je me demande si Kit ne serait pas HPE sans filtres, laissant ses émotions prendre le dessus. En tout cas, sa colère n’est jamais tournée vers Jade.
I rewatched the series to analyze Kit's character in depth.
She lived a carefree life, unaware of the outside world, in a world of privilege but also of false truths and deception.
She's a character overwhelmed by inner suffering, and the only way to express it is through anger. Everyone she loves hurts her and lies to her. Starting with her father, whose departure leaves her soul scarred and with unanswered questions.
Her mother: the first to lie to her about her past. Kit doesn't know that she was on Bavmorda's side in wanting to kill Elora before falling in love with Madmartigan and fighting by his side. She forces her into a marriage and a life she rejects, knowing that Elora lives in the palace in hiding. I think for Kit it's the worst lie she's ever had in her life.
Jade: Is the only person for Kit in whom she finds comfort and support. She's her moral compass. She's only happy when she's away from her royal duties, training for battle. But Jade hurts her repeatedly and intentionally. The 1st time is in the Nelwyns village, when everyone is interested in Elora, and Jade says to her « You okay ? You just look a bit deranged » Kit feels abandoned when Jade decides to follow Willow and the others in their search for Elora. Hence her decision to set off alone in search of her brother. There's also Jade's 1st lie, when she tells her "I'm a subject of the Queen. She asked me to follow Willow." Except that Sorsha never asked her to do this. She asked her to look after Kit. The action that hurts her the most is when Kit learns that all her training with Jade was a lie, letting her win every fight. When they arrive at the Bone Reavers and discover Jade's true family origins, Kit thinks she's going to lose her. I think that even without the truth plums, she would have confessed her feelings to her. It's also during Scorpia's speech that Kit learns the truth about Tir Asleen and their actions towards the Bone Reavers. The scene in which she apologizes to Jade is quite symbolic, for although this gesture is made in order to apologize for having hurt Jade, it is in fact, through Kit, the entire royalty of Tir Asleen that is apologizing for years of lies and deceit.
Although Kit is an impulsive character, who speaks and acts without thinking or considering the consequences of her actions. For example, in The Immemorial City back to back with Elora against Dark Airk, as Elora tries to work things out, she retorts "And if we don't want to." Elora stops her with a look.
She always ends up apologizing, to Graydon, to Jade, even to Elora in a roundabout way. She's ready to ally herself with Elora and put aside her differences to save her brother. She is a character who is loyal to those she loves and misunderstood for her actions, which to her seem right. She's a suffocating character, imprisoned in a life she refuses to accept. When her brother is kidnapped, it's the perfect opportunity for her to set off on an adventure. I think she would have liked to go alone with Jade. I wonder if Kit wouldn't be HEP without filters, letting her emotions take over. In any case, her anger is never directed at Jade.
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lobsterenthusiastt · 3 months
i already posted this on the lackacord but fuck it you people deranged maniacs (affectionate) are getting it as well
*("Oh, one more thing!")* a WIP lackadaisy x columbo fanfic
A new day was beginning in St. Louis. For the sun, that was its signal to rise up into the sky. For the birds, the rising of the sun was their signal to begin their lovely choir. For one Mary 'Mitzi' Ellen, the ringing of nature's alarm clock was her signal to get out of bed, fix herself up a little, and go open that pathetic excuse of a speakeasy, to get the money that she desperately needed to keep it afloat from it's 5-6 regular patrons.
*How did it get this bad?*
That was the only thing she could think about everytime she descended those apartment stairs in the cold midwestern, or southern, depending on who you asked, morning air. Things hadn't been the same since her husband was killed. It took Atlas 6 years to build up a massive underground empire, and just over a year for it to crumble. And that rumor going around about her having killed him, and Marigold outplaying Lackadaisy at every turn, and those damned pig farmers scaring away rich potential investors, and living with the constant sense of guilt of having destroyed her husband's legacy due to her own incompetence-
It was all so tiring.
But as the stairs ended, so did the thoughts, and Mitzi went to open up the Little Daisy Cafè. However, she noticed someone waiting in front of the door. This wasn't anything unusual, it was common occurrence that some poor vagabonds would come in there early in the morning, have a quick drink, and be on their merry way, after either paying in full or causing a huge ruckus that would wake up Zib and his other band buddies and subsequently start a bar brawl.
But this guy was different.
Mitzi stopped dead in her tracks to better analyze this unknown stranger.
He had curly black hair, was wearing a cream colored coat, beige pants and brown shoes. He was smoking a cigar while leaning with his back to the door of the speakeasy.
*That's gotta be one of Wick's friends! And he decided to give us another chance!*
So she went to the door, as relieved as she was excited to have met a potential investor.
"Good morning sir, what can i do for you?
The man turned to face her, and as he did he threw away his cigar and put it out with his foot.
"Oh, good mornin' ma'am!"
Mitzi could now see his face clearly. He had a 5 o' clock shadow, thick and bushy eyebrows, and just below one of them she could notice a glass eye.
He wasn't a local. Odd. She could tell by both his accent and the fact that she had never seen him before. That was a very particular face and she would have know if she had seen it before. Maybe Wick had to outsource a managing position and called him in? Whatever. As long as she could get a check by him, either by stealing it or by making him drink his mind away, she'd be happy, as it would mean the speakeasy, the last tangible belonging of Atlas, would survive for a little longer.
And then he'd say something that would blow all her previous considerations apart, in just a few words.
||"Detective Columbo, LAPD." he said, as he reached his hand out for a handshake.||
*Oh no, no no no no!*
Mitzi realized that she was staring at her speakeasy's doom. How did the treasury department find out about the speakeasy? Had she done such a bad job of hiding it? If only she had-
"Ma'am? Everythin' ok there?"
Mitzi seemingly bolted awake. She'd trailed off into not so pleasant thoughts.
"O-oh uh.. yes, detective, everything is in order!"
The curly individual just smiled back at her.
"Didn't mean to startle you, ma'am. Is it ok if we talk a little inside?"
Mitzi poured the man his drink of choice, black coffe with 2 tablespoons of sugar, and then observed him, studied him while he drank.
"So, detective, what brings you here to cold and damp St. Louis from sunny Cali?"
She was delaying the inevitable, and she knew it.
The cream-coat wearing man finished his coffee, put down his cup, and got ready to speak.
*This is it.*
"I'm investigating a murder."
Despite the fact it had been only him drinking up to that point, and that her mouth was as dry as politicians claimed St. Louis to be, Mitzi still felt an almost natural reflex to spit out some liquid from her mouth.
*What a relief.*
"Unfortunately, I can't share all the case files with the first bartender I see... but let's just say there's some things that don't square."
Mitzi felt as relieved that the detective wouldn't shut down her speakeasy as she felt annoyed that he referred to her as a lowly barista. But nonetheless, she pressed the detective on the subject, hoping to be enough of a nuisance to make him never want to go back to the Little Daisy Cafè.
"So, a matter of contrasting evidence, then?"
"You could say that."
There was a prolonged period of silence, as Mitzi was desperately trying to think of something to keep the conversation murder-related. All of a sudden, the detective looked up and met her stare.
||"By any chance, are you familiar with one Carroll McMurray?"||
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krsive-writes · 10 months
Pleasure to Meet You
Title: Pleasure to Meet You
Author: krsive
Rating: M-
Tags/Warnings: mention of past sexual assault, soulmates
It was supposed to be just another day at work for Rick DX-318. A busy day, sure—after all, it was the Thursday before Valentine's Day—but Dex had been working at Mate Mart for years now and he knew the ropes. Just get through this weekend, and on the other side he and the other machine operators would go on their annual pub crawl and blow off this steam. Just get through. Just ignore the clammer of voices in the crowded room that itched at the back of his poor autistic brain. Just do one job at a time.
The unimpressive Morty seated across from him looked nervous. Dex was too tired to smile and put him at ease. His new work polo was rough against his skin all day, and it had him in a mood.
"Put your hand in the machine," he instructed. He picked up his clipboard and clicked his pen, holding it at the ready.
''Just... in? Like...?"
"Just put it in there, flat on the table." Two clicks. "Ok, Morty...” Here he checked the paperwork.    “G-116, what brings you in today?”
Morty's brow knit in confusion. "Same thing as everyone else? I-I wanna find my Soul mate."
"Yeah...you're gonna have to dig a little deeper if you want the process to work. The machine can't analyze your emotional resonance unless you're actually feeling something. I already know why you're here, but why are you here?"
''O-Oh. Well, um..." Morty squirmed in his seat. The machine began to hum. "I’m. I'm lonely. Like, r-really lonely."
"You're single?"
"Do you have a Rick?"
"K-kind of?"
"There's no 'kind of' box on my sheet, kid. Yes or no."
"Yes, then? I-I... I ran away from him but I think he's p-probably still on the Citadel."
Dex scrawled a note. "Why did you run away?"
"He..." Morty looked sick to his stomach. ''Do I really have to say? C-Can I just think about it and the machine will know?"
"Sorry, kid. This is the process." It wasn't like Dex was thrilled to hear the boy's trauma dump, either, but it was a living. Just barely.
''H-He tried to...y'know...” Morty's eyes were welling with tears.
"Look." Dex put down the clipboard and leaned forward. Morty mirrored his posture naturally. “You're not the only one here with a past. I did 25 years in Earth prison. I'm extremely personally acquainted with the concept of rape, if you catch my drift. It's ok. You can say it."
Morty broke down all at once. The machine chimed cheerfully.
"My grandpa tried to rape me," he managed to say. "I keep thinking he’ll show up to find me any time now. I'm scared all the t-t-time."
Dex made another note. Staring at the clipboard was so much easier than looking at Morty. "Did you get yourself emancipated yet? We have a legal service on standby for customers who match outside of their original pairs."
"He'd have t-t-to sign, right? I can't..." Morty sniffled. ''I can't do that.”
"Alright. Whatever you say goes. But how about I give you the brochure anyway?"
“Yeah, ok. Sure."
Morty darted a look up at him, a shy, guileless glance. Rick quickly turned his attention to his own hands, to the blown out, faded old tattoos on his knuckles. He didn't like getting too chummy with the customers. He busied himself flipping to page 2.
"If you could pick, who would be your soulmate?” he read.
"Geez. I don't r-really even know. I used to think maybe the Jessica from my dimension, O-o-or...there was this really funny Morty at my old job. I liked him but I was too scared to ask him out."
"What do you like about them?”
"I guess they're both really cute. Like s-soft and pretty. And gentle. Like, they both wanted me to feel good about my self, I could tell. I want someone sweet like that to want to be with me, too." Morty was welling up again. "I just want someone like that to love me.”
The machine, pleased with the display, chugged through its calculations faster. It was almost finished.
"What do you like about yourself?" Dex prompted.
"Oh man..." Morty shrugged one shoulder, his lips turned down in a hard frown. "I d-dunno... nothing, I guess."
''Dig deep." Dex was rooting for the kid. What a pathetic case. The charitable man in him wanted this one to be a success story.
''I guess..." Morty took a deep, shuddering breath. "I'm good to people even when I'm hurting. I-I still want to help people    so they can be happy. Even though people are mean to me a lot, it didn't make me be mean back. So I like that."
Ding! The machine pinged, startling Morty. A printout slid onto the tray.
"Congrats, kid. You actually have an other half out there! It's—“
Dex read the page. Rick Sanchez, DX-318. He blanched. Read it again. Rick Sanchez, DX-318. Again. Again. Nothing changed. He lost track of the world, dropped the paper.
"No way," he said, blankly.
"Who—“ Dex looked around at the row of tables where his coworkers were all busy.
"Isn't that you? A-Are you fucking with me?''
"Which one of you fucks did this?" Dex demanded, shooting out of his chair, voice booming.
"Is this for real?" Morty asked, but Dex barely heard him.
"You do this, C-487? You fucking—“ he stepped menacingly towards the worker at the next station over.
"Do what?" the other Rick asked, clearly confused.
The manager was on his way over, but Dex shouldered past. "I’m taking my 15," he said, and didn't stop to be told no.
"Wait!" called Morty somewhere behind him.
Rick pushed through the break room and out onto the walled back patio where a Rick lingered by the ashtray.
"Out! Get out!” Dex thundered.
The other Rick didn't stay to argue, but when he headed inside Morty passed him. Now the boy was between Dex and the door, and he was walled in on all sides, trapped like an animal. He was ready to chew his own leg off to escape, but he couldn’t bring himself to step towards his soulmate.
"Wh-What's happening Rick?" Morty asked, breathless and pinkened from exertion.
"I don't know!" Trapped, Dex paced back and forth, pulling at his hair. "Someone must have fucked with my machine, it must be some kind of prank, I—“
"What if it's not, though?"
Dex's brain was melting down. He thought about his shabby, half-hoarded studio apartment. He thought of the k-tax pipe in the bag in his locker, the days and nights spent in the numb embrace of drugs. He thought about the day that he killed his daughter, how crazed he still was when the cops came to take him, high off his ass and running amok. He couldn't do this. He couldn't have a soulmate. He couldn't care for a Morty. He didn't even want to care for himself .
"Trust me, kid, you're better off if it's a prank. You don't want me for your other half."
''What..." Morty stepped forward, making Rick shrink back. "What if, though?"
"’What if' is bullshit. ‘What if’ is wishful thinking."
"I bet you're lonely, too, though, right?"
"That's not the point. You don't want me, Morty. I'm just like your piece of shit grandpa, ok? I'm just... I'm not a good person."
"I deserve love," Morty said, jaw set, fists batted tightly. "I deserve love! I deserve for someone to try for me!”
"So try! Just try, Rick!"
He pressed his lips together hard, breathing through his nose. Nothing made any sense now. In a world where he could feel love again, he didn't know his place. But Morty's pain was breaking his heart, and the boy wanted to crawl into the cracks of it with probing roots like a weed growing in concrete. Could someone really want him again? He was so afraid. He took a deep breath.
"Call me Dex," he said, offering his hand.
It was a start, at least.
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indepth-mbti · 2 years
I'm sure I'm a SP type as high Se/low Ni fits me to a T in both the positive and negative aspects. But I'm having a hard time telling whether my individualism is coming from Fi or Ti. I usually see them differentiated by Fi=individual values and Ti=individual thoughts, but that doesn't help me because I'm quite resistant form both people trying to influence my principles (telling me what's right/wrong) and my opinions (selling me ideas/ideologies). Can you please help me?
Fi is a subjective function that craves the exploration of its own identity. Fi has a personal moral approach and a strong sense of what's good/wrong from a subjective POV. Fi operates through "Do I relate to this?"
Ti is a subjective function that desires to understand things through their own logical system - even with morals. Ti needs for moral values to make sense (Fe is objective). Ti is precise and operates through desiring to understand things from the inside out.
As I always say, in these cases, you should also be looking at Te and Fe. Don't understand Fi and Ti as isolated functions; look at them as rational tandems that judge reality to form a conclusion. Ti/Fi subjective framework needs a way to express its judgments and that's Fe/Te.
Se/Ni + Fi/Te makes a person who is eager to make their passions a reality. Se + Fi is usually attuned to how reality affects their inner states, and it's a combination that is somehow "sensible" and reactive to the twists of their environment. As Fi doesn't desire to express itself explicitly, that's where Se may enter the equation and make Fi express their intense inner world through a behavior that has an actual impact on reality (that's why xSFPs may have the artist stereotype). If healthy, Se + Te is concerned about making profit of the current situation, these two functions together can be considered the most realistic combo (both Se and Te care about data and facts) and these both functions are direct at tracing the most efficient/fast path towards where they want to be (SeTe goes to FiNi). For ISFPs this may be different, because inferior Te will have a hard time actually understanding the most efficient way to get where they want to be.
Se/Ni + Ti/Fe makes a super opportunistic combination. Se + Ti analyze the outside world, the facts and the objective data in order to understand how all of those make sense all together. These two functions are the embodiment of the "sorting out reality" tactic. If Se is higher than Ti (ESTP) those usually manifest as Ti refining its mental model as problems come, in the moment (Se). As Ti is a subjective rational function, Ti users have a hard time expressing their judgments for others to understand, so they may be good at solving situations but subjective/cryptic at explaining the logic beneath it. SeNi + Ti is resourceful and extremely adaptable, they usually strive to identify problems in systems and are more concerned about the method tan the result (this may actually be a strong difference between Ti and Te). Healthy Se+Fe is skilled at navigating social standards and relationships, but if Fe is low in the stack (or unhealthy) these may manifest as a rejection of the realm of Fe.
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cleanwaterchronicles · 2 months
Chemical Spill in Bear Creek
The second round of water samples taken from Bear Creek near a plating company responsible for a chemical release to the creek confirms the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), cyanide and heavy metals downstream from the release.
Samples showed elevated levels of some chemicals, but not at concentrations that would pose a risk to humans when people contact with creek water and/or sediment. Specifically, copper and cyanide were present in levels above those established to protect aquatic life. Concentrations of PFOS – part of the PFAS family – were slightly elevated.
Officials stress there was no impact to drinking water systems from the release, although all areas water systems were alerted as a precaution. Test results released by the Mt. Clemens water system – the closest system to where the Clinton River enters Lake St. Clair – showed no indication of elevated pollutants in drinking water.
Officials continue to advise caution against prolonged contact with creek waters and sediments as other contaminants and bacteria unrelated to the spill could be present and the creek is not a recreation area.
The samples were collected and analyzed by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). EGLE will use the sampling data to assess the impact to Bear Creek, determine next steps to ensure the protection of the environment, and will continue to work with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to ensure the protection of human health.
Contractors hired by the property owner continue to work on site cleanup plans under the oversight of EGLE, which continues to investigate the circumstances of the release.
It is suspected to have begun when a water line in the former Fini-Finish Metal Finishing plating shop broke on Jan. 24 causing an estimated 580,000 gallons of water to flood the shop, located at 24657 Mound Rd. As a result, chemicals associated with the plating business entered storm sewers that flow into Bear Creek. The creek flows into the Red Run Drain and then the Clinton River, which is a tributary to Lake St. Clair.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) led the cleanup effort and turned the site over to Michigan EGLE last weekend for follow-through. Visit EPAs incident page for more information.  EGLE’s test data is available at the Bear Creek Spill page.
The EGLE samples were taken from throughout Bear Creek and Red Run Drain.
The chemicals identified in the downstream creek waters likely included those released from the facility, mixed with other water in this heavily urbanized stream that typically carries some industrial pollutants.
EGLE continues to investigate the circumstances of the release and is monitoring the property owner’s removal of the chemicals from inside the facility.
Determinations on potential violations, penalties and fines will be made after the investigation’s conclusion, which could take several more weeks.
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source: EGLE Newsroom
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tombeane-blog · 5 months
The End Of Mankind As We Know It - The Mega Maga Merge
After wasting your time and patience in the previous two blogs, I'll just cut to the chase in this one.
Mankind as we know will become fini, kaput - harder to find than Waldo. By that I mean flesh and blood versions of ourselves are no more, done, over, turn out the lights.
Relax, it will not be soon. Not in decades, maybe within a few hundred years, for sure within a thousand.
We are on the verge of creating real A.I. (Sounds weird to say real artificial?) And it will be way smarter than us, although not necessarily sentient very soon. Keep in mind, being smart doesn't guarantee common sense. A very smart, very educated Supreme Court Nominee could not answer the question, "What Is A Woman?".
We are on verge of creating a working Quantum Computer. I won't try to describe how it works except to say that instead of using ones and zeros, it uses the state of quantum particles and waves such as bosons, quarks, nerds and dorks.
Bottom line, it will be 1,000,000,000,000 times faster than today's fastest supercomputer. (For recent college graduates, that's 1 trillion times faster.)
According to Michio Kaku, world renowned theoretical physicist, it will change everything….everywhere….all at once - and very soon.
QC based A.I. that is 1 trillion times smarter than us? Within decades? - maybe. Within a century or two? - absolutely. Everything will change everywhere, all at once.
What will that mean? Take health - A QC computer would understand the entirety of all the genomes of all living things - humans, animals, plants, viruses and germs. If a new viral disease infects humans, a QC computer could run all the trillions of outcomes or variations in the virus genome against the human genome and construct a vaccine to cure the disease. No lab tests, no trial runs in mice, monkeys or humans. And it would be able to do it in nanoseconds. And it could analyze the DNA of each person in real time and manufacturer an individual vaccine for each person so there are no side effects. You enter a medical pod, get a custom vaccine and walk out.
QC will most likely design a newer quantum computer a trillion times faster than itself - maybe by using string theory to utilize the states of particles and waves everywhere in the Universe?
All knowledge. Common sense. All data.
We may ultimately know the answer to the Big Bang and the Purpose of the Universe?
During a podcast, Joe Rogan asks Michio Kaku "In the future, how do we contend with an entity billions or trillions of times smarter than us?" Michio responds, "We Join It."
How soon it is going to happen and especially how it is going to happen, I have no idea.
Will we create and become (a) god?
Arthur C. Clarke's third law, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Then isn't magic (or the power of a god) simply the end result of technological advancement?
As we join our consciences into a massive computerized entity: Will our soul join with us or do we die? Or will we just be a soulless copy of our knowledge and experience? With no flesh and blood, only consciousness, are there any limits to what we know, where we go? Planetary, galactic and inter-galactic exploration? Explore the Universe, swan dive into a black hole just for fun? Live hundreds of millions of years?
"We are like caterpillars spinning a cocoon. We are driven to do it even though we have no idea that we will become butterflies." Joe Rogan quasi-quote referring to Quantum Computers
As we explore the Universe in a box the size of a sugar cube, or, sense the mysteries of the Universe through vibrating strings of matter, will we eventually discover all there is to discover, know all there is to know?
And maybe even meet God.
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crembrulem · 11 months
Gaslit with a little smoky aftertaste
You got advisers and disguisers dressing up your game
You are right
But unlucky to have me on your bad side
Self-righteous, competent for treachery
I'm a black sheep calling you her enemy
You are right
Not sleeping home tonight
I've got to give a point to all this irony
Can't hold on too much long with no more soul to steal
It's alright
But no gaslight for a little termite
Audacious and shameless yet another time
Congrats on feeding 'nother person's silver lining
You're right
I guess it's your first interesting passtime
A little coup de grâce, and un p'tit peu de chance
I love it when I'm gone
But not when you're here to hurt me
I should've seen it coming
Your friend was analyzing every inch of me
And I still got numbers and disrupters on my self-esteem
She clearly knows how to trigger the shit out of me
Y'all should consider getting help for lack of empathy
I got a number, you just gotta ask
I can't get enough of this gaslight
musescore: https://musescore.com/user/42270170/scores/8173449
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/crembrulem/gaslight-proto-jai-pas-fini-jpense
les gens du nouveau brunswick sont vraiment ******* spéciaux
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finisnihil · 5 months
I’m tired of people acting like Zhongli is a serious and chill guy who would never cause problems on purpose as if he isn’t one of the biggest menaces out of the Seven. He used to throw mountains at Venti for annoying him. He, the god of history, starts fights among historians for shits and giggles. He tried to gaslight the Traveler into thinking he was totally not at the Chasm guys really Aether/Lumine you must be seeing things maybe you should go see Baizhu. When Qiqi wanted “Cocogoat” milk he was like “Oh yeah sure totally let’s go look for it” knowing damn well it was a wild goose chase. He made the Traveler sing to a flower and then was like “Oh would you look at that” when a Whooperflower jumped out to maul them. I love him. He’s like a cat pushing things off the counter to see how people react. I would pay to see him interact directly with Neuvillette because I know for a fact he’d get on that man’s nerves and argue about water tasting just to feel something. Furina used freedom from godhood to take a nap and Zhongli used it to give psychic damage to anyone who talks to him longer than 5 minutes. Iconic.
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real-life-senshi · 3 years
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I’m trying to not choke on my own saliva here while my brain tries to figure out if I’m excited or mad that this is the unused scene they chose to show. I’M FUCKING TORN.
One on hand - THIS UNUSED SCENE SHOWS ME NOTHING.  This is the age old Zoisite being a dramatic queen that he is, talking to himself while he plays his piano. Besides the fact that he mentions the title “Princess’ Requiem” that tells me this is indeed for Act 11, this could have been shown as unused scene for any other episode and I’d still believe it!  He even said “the end” in 3 ways just for the sake of it. “Requiem”, “Finis” and “The end” all mean the fucking same thing!!!! AND THAT’S THE ONLY DIALOGUE WE GET HERE.  GIMME SOMETHING I CAN ACTUALLY ANALYZE!!!!!! I want to know the untold stories, not just a scene with no content!!!!!
BUT, on the other hand, dear lord Endou Yoshito is fucking talents, and it’s so awesome the crew of PGSM chose to include this scene to celebrate Endou’s talent as much as possible. He plays everything himself, even the BGM of the piano playing that Zoisite plays!  For that reason, I actually love them including this scene. 
Like I said, I’M TORN.
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adrischrv · 3 years
REGNUM. [L.H] - Chapter 9
Summary: In a dystopian future, a tragedy leads Prince Luke to become King of Gardenstone. From her neighboring kingdom Maredale, our protagonist Amberly must choose between King Luke and King Ashton of Lauxwell to close the alliance that the three kingdoms are destined to make. In the process and after, Amberly will encounter mysteries, a love triangle, and betrayals that will define her future. (Basically, enemies to lovers)
Word Count:  2,822
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I hid my head under my pillow as I heard knock after knock on the door. The sound became so tired that I had to wake up.
I picked up the sheets I had thrown on the floor during the night, the only window the room had was stuck, I could not open it to get rid of the awful heat that enveloped the room. I looked around in search of the gown that matched my pink silk nightgown, between the sleep and the incessant knocking, I left it behind and opened the door.
“Princess, forgive me... “Luke's gaze studied my silhouette in front of him, instinctively I covered my cleavage, embracing my arms. Annoyed.
“I rather don´t forgive you, thank you very much. What's wrong... “ I tried to correct my tone “... your majesty?” and I failed.
Luke ran a hand through his shiny blonde hair, I had barely had time to look at it in the sunshine coming through the windows in the hallway.
“I didn't know the disrespect started so early, or I would have asked someone else to come and wake you up, princess," he said mockingly, I grimaced. “We leave the palace in an hour, wear something comfortable, and pack lightly.”
He turned around, I stopped him holding his shirt.
“Where are we going?” I asked, quickly covering myself again, he laughed at my action. “Tell me.”
“It is a Gardenstone tradition to share a little trip to the town of Mudtry when welcoming Maredale, now that Queen Elizabeth is coming back here we must leave," he explained. In a moment of distraction, he took my hands gently, letting them fall to my side. “Even though you look better like this, I recommend a coat. It's cold over there, Princess.”
I covered myself again, he laughed again and walked down the corridor.
“Idiot," I muttered.
“Pain in the ass!” he shouted around the corner.
I don't remember ever having been so solicited as this morning, even the instructions came out with little energy and no firmness, it probably wasn't the lack of being needed that made me feel this way, it was the sour taste in my mouth since Ashton decided not to speak to me.
I relived the scene as I watched the blue decorations glow everywhere; I had looked for him when I returned from a few good hours in the greenhouse, knocked on his door, waited patiently outside believing that he would come out at any moment, he did not. Instead, he turned off the lights. I wanted to apologize for my reaction, I had ruined the beautiful atmosphere we had arranged and I longed for his forgiveness perhaps more than I should have. I also didn't know how we were going to talk without mentioning his proposal. I still didn't tell my mother.
“Princess, do you consider it appropriate to roll out the red carpet for the arrival of Queen Elizabeth?” Calum asked, for the third time this morning.
“No, Calum, like the two previous times I do not consider it appropriate since she is only returning from Maredale.”
I replied wearily that it did not go unnoticed, his brown eyes searching for a sign of sarcasm.
“I'm sorry," he corrected himself as he noticed the presence of servants around us, "-Your Highness, for the insistence. His Majesty, King Luke, wishes everything to be in order for your mother's arrival.”
Luke showed - with his attention to detail and investment in perfecting the palace - his clear interest in my mother's return. After all, my mother was the only leader who could bestow real knowledge of value on Luke... even on Ashton, but she wouldn't just do that. Compared to me, the great Queen Elizabeth always has backup plans, analyzes her moves, and lays her cards on the table with all the elegance and authority that can exist in a single human being.
Therefore, my mother's return was important to Luke. An opportunity to learn that he should exploit. And he knew it, his majesty knew it. So he had relieved me of my greenhouse duties and put servants to work in the greenhouse during my mother's stay at the palace, at last, a decent decision.
“Speaking of which, His Majesty the King asked me to give you this portfolio” Calum's arms managed to swing samples of cloth and other paperwork and extend a somewhat thick grey portfolio to me. “It contains your first official cases to be dealt with as Maredale's ambassador.”
I took it with fear that the emotion would shoot out of my fingertips.
“Thank you.”
Calum knew I was serious. Even if it was a bribe to keep quiet about the work I had been doing in the greenhouse or organizing the picnic, the words "official cases" made me smile broadly.
“There is an office available... in the east wing one floor up from his room in case you´d  like to look at documents away from this mess.”
I nodded excitedly. I turned around and started my way to the office.
Every step, every step I took was done without my absolute concentration. My mind was distracted by the real actions I could perform during these days, the happy face of the Maredan people who wanted to settle in the capital at the moment of telling them that it was a possibility and that it was going to happen filled me with happiness. It was time to contact the people who had asked, maybe persuade Luke to finance some of the cases now was something I could do.
“Amberly," Michael's voice cut through my step, "What are you doing here?”
He was just a few feet away from me coming out of his room, I guessed. Dressed in his typical casual attire of a loose black shirt and comfortable pants.
“Calum gave me this," I happily shook my portfolio and said the following in a shriek: "This is real work!”
Michael laughed nervously at my gesture.
“I'm going to the office two floors up, are you coming?” I invited him, he opened his mouth and babbled out. “What's going on?”
“There's an unoccupied one in the west wing..." he spoke quickly without fear of getting stuck. “I have to go but I'll see you there, okay?”
He closed the door behind him after struggling with the handle, each action more clumsy than the last.
“Of course... “
He pointed to the stairs in a gesture to indicate the change of direction. I nodded, watching his sudden change of... stability.
Without arguing, I walked up the stairs for the remaining two floors. I looked down the long hallway leading to the west wing, diving into the east. A couple of steps joined me a short distance from the door that I assumed was the office. I stopped short and turned, bumping into a figure taller and stronger than me. The portfolio crumpled up against me.
“It's okay- Oh.”
Ashton spoke in front of me. I felt my tongue entangled in my mouth, all the things I wanted to say were trapped in my mouth and I couldn't get them out.
His eyes still had a certain glow in them, he wasn't going to be rude now, I hoped he would be willing to talk... watching his posture and the fact that he didn't bother to increase the distance between us, he even seemed ready to do so.
“I..." I said, at last. “I did not expect to find you here.”
“I come from the other wing... I called my sister in the office, they have a good reception there.”
His voice came out flat, I felt a hand squeeze my heart as I remembered that same voice asking to be his queen under the moonlight...
“I want to apologize” I waited, closing my eyes for a moment to put my words in order. “It was not my intention to answer you like that, I was unprepared and I... did not know that the subject needed an immediate answer…”
I placed the hand that held the portfolio at my side and the other hand slowly approached his, I caressed it waiting for an answer. His glance saw something behind me and fixed on my face gently.
“I understand if you're upset with me, I thought that-”
He joined our lips in a fast and firm movement, passing a hand to my waist. The one I previously caressed closed with mine. I breathed in his essence; masculine and with traces of vanilla; before breaking the kiss.
“Everything's fine, Amberly..." he said in a sensual whisper brushing our noses. “We are fine.”
I nodded and we shared a smile, my cheeks felt warm which made me move away from him amicably.
“Wow, a reconciliation of pathetic lovebirds. Your bags for Mudtry won't be packed alone.”
We both turned around, finding Luke leaning against the door he should have entered, forcing a smile. He had a book in his hands and grabbed it tightly, judging by his white knuckles.
More steps joined in, Michael looked at all of us as he continued walking, stopping between Luke and us. Calum came up behind him practically running.
“What happened?” Luke asked, his blue eyes traveling between Michael and Calum to Ashton and me, who clearly had no idea. “Speak up, that's an order.”
Calum stepped forward, barely catching his breath.
“Your Majesty, there was a problem with... the horses, you see.”
While Calum and Michael were talking to Luke about a problem they had pulled out of their sleeves, Ashton approached them to hear the same. He probably knew it was made up, but knowing him, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to see them humiliate themselves.
I looked at the four of them: two kings, a duke, and a royal advisor. I remembered the time Ashton told me that they used to play together, or rather fight, the simple image of those four figures living together innocently made me laugh out loud. Who knows how much trouble they would have gotten into together, the universe wasn't ready for that... maybe that's why they were now separated in some way.
“Lidia, it's very important that you take the portfolio to Duke Clifford," I pouted without moving from the mirror. “Please.”
We laughed at the same time, Lidia shook her head and patted my right shoulder.
When I finished my work in the office, I thought it was not a bad option to ask Lidia to take the portfolio to Michael, something could come out of that contact the maid wanted so much.
I jumped up with euphoria and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight and then looking at her with emotion.
“Your outfit!” she exclaimed, making me stop. “I'll take the briefcase, but I'm not promising anything, that's enough for now.”
I took some fabric samples from the chest of drawers and pretended to give them to her in a seductive voice, "Oh, Duke, take the portfolio... and my heart!”
She burst out laughing, snatching the samples from me and leaving them in their place.
Lidia took me by the shoulders and positioned me in front of the mirror again. “I hope her majesty Queen Elizabeth will like my choice.”
“Queen Elizabeth loves your choice. It captures the comfort and the countryside to perfection.”
Hearing my mother's voice standing at the door, I jumped up to her in an embrace. After that, she insisted on having things to talk to me about before the trip and we walked with our arms intertwined through the gardens.
“It is strange to be here without Robert and Susan, may they rest in peace.”
The desire to know more about the life of the kings fell silent on its own as I remembered the incident - the murder. They had been my mother's friends, as far as I knew, but I couldn't reveal to her what Michael and Calum had discovered, even Luke didn't know.
“You look a little lost, daughter," my mother said, nudging me sideways. “Tell me about your work, is it everything you wanted?”
Memories of my work in the greenhouse crossed my mind. The effort took to make some progress in the first few days, including my day in the barn. But that wasn't my job at the end of the day, helping out was. On the sly or just for blackmail, there was 'my grain of sand' as we used to say in Maredale.
“It's been... satisfying," I sighed. “I understand why you like being a queen, you can help people and you have the power to do it in your hands.”
“Oh, little one... the power is there when you have the intention. There is nothing to stop you if you have your aim clear.”
The voice of reason had returned and I was very grateful for it. I squeezed her hand lightly and she gestured back to me.
Two young girls passed in front of us carrying their instruments in a cart to transport them to Mudtry and began to play typical Maredale music given by a harp and a violin. Calum who was passing by approached us as he heard the music and rushed to the girls, surely.
“What a marvel! “exclaimed my mother. She let go of my arm and linked hers with Calum's." Young Hood, you must grant me this piece.”
Calum fired an alarmed look before being dragged into the middle of the garden by my mother.
“Poor Calum, he hasn't danced in a good six months.”
Michael stood next to me, watching the queen and the political advisor dance around each other with humor.
“And apparently the Queen didn't either," we laughed. He came a little closer to me, speaking at the level of my left ear.
“ You didn't say anything to her majesty, did you? About what I showed you?”
I shook my head.
“Not at all. But I won't be able to keep silent any longer, you have to tell Luke.”
He laughed softly, neither of them had turned their eyes away from Calum and my mother.
“Oh, no. You will, Amberly.”
No, it wasn't my business. No. A resounding "no".
“Very funny, Duke. -Do I have to laugh now?” I asked with growing anger, he rolled his eyes hesitantly. “I won't do it, I have nothing to do with it.”
“You were there, weren't you?”
“So? YOU found it," I frowned and folded my arms in front of him. “Tell me one good reason why I should do it and I'll go right now.”
Michael crossed his arms as I did, we were terrifyingly close to each other, he opened his mouth a couple of times to talk but nothing came out.
I smiled in victory mode with my lips closed. He imitated my gesture.
“It's a direct order from your boss, honey.”
I took a breath to respond when a hand-pulled Michael's shirt abruptly, causing him to stumble backward. Ashton's body came between Michael and my mother's view of the garden, preventing anyone from seeing the scene.
“What are you doing?!” I exclaimed quietly, helping Michael get up from the grass. He shook off the dirt and tried to grab Ashton by the collar of his shirt, so I held his hand. Michael took a step back and I stood between the two of them. “Quiet, both of you!”
Ashton raised an accusing finger near Michael's face, who was still behind me.
“You better keep those compliments to yourself, Clifford. Just because you need them doesn't mean Amberly needs them. Excuse me.”
“Ash... “I muttered walking behind him, he adjusted his grip on my wrist. “Ashton, you're hurting me!”
I exclaimed, releasing my wrist with a strong tug, rubbed it with my other hand, and stopped short. We were closer to the greenhouse than to the celebration, the sun giving the last of its rays announcing nightfall.
“What happened to you? You shouldn't have-”
His arms were wrapped securely around my waist, he approached me with a strong kiss... no, possessive, it felt like he owned me.
We walked away after a few seconds, his face at a distance where his words were barely understandable, nothing more in my field of vision than his glowing eyes overflowing with intensity.
“I don't like it. Both of you spending time together... not since you  were found in the office alone.”
I placed both hands on his chest, asking for some space to think.
“I explained that nothing happened-”
“-Unless it's for work, I don't want you anywhere near Michael.”
I was silent for a moment, it didn't seem like a favor, a recommendation... it was an order.
He kissed the corner of my mouth with exasperating slowness.
“Understood, Amberly?”
I nodded.
The next voice heard was Luke interrupting the music, my mother's dancing, and the closeness between Ashton and me.
“Let the journey begin.”
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maraudererasmut · 5 years
Black and White (Part VI)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X
Remus sat on the edge of his bed, careful not to wrinkle his suit too much. His fingers were folded tightly over his lap, his leg bouncing up and down from nerves. He had left work half an hour early to shower and prepare for Sirius' arrival; he didn't realize the man would be so late.
It was already quarter past when there was a knock on the door, startling Remus out of his thoughts. The artist stood up, attempted to smooth out his pants, and headed towards the entrance of his flat. When he opened the door, he was greeted with the smug half-smirk of Sirius Black.
"Hello, Mr. Lupin."
"Um… hello, Si— Mr. Black"
Remus held his hand out. Sirius glanced down at it as if this was the first time anyone had offered him a handshake. After a momentary pause, he grasped Remus' hand firmly before pulling away.
"Are you going to invite me in, or shall I stay out here all evening?"
I'd rather the latter, to be honest.
Remus forced a smile on his lips and moved out of the way, motioning for Sirius to head inside. 
"Please," he said, his tone overly polite. "Come in."
Sirius entered the apartment, stopping in the centre of the room and gazing around. As he watched the gallery owner analyze the tiny flat, Remus' heart sank. 
"Charming," Sirius muttered, loud enough for Remus to hear. The artist narrowed his eyes in anger, his nails digging into the palms of his hands. 
"I'm sure it's not as nice as you're used to," Remus retorted, trying— and failing— to keep the contempt and loathing out of his voice. He was beginning to regret ever meeting Sirius Black. 
"No, it's not," Sirius mumbled, heading towards an easel in the corner of the room. Remus opened his mouth to answer, but Sirius cut him off. "What's this?"
Remus glanced over at the painting and his heart skipped a beat; he had forgotten that he was working on that specific piece earlier in the day. He had intended to put it away before Sirius arrived, but it had slipped his mind.
"It— it's just a painting," Remus insisted, heading towards Sirius and the easel in the hopes of redirecting the gallerist's attention. "Something I was working on this morning..."
"I like this one." 
You would.
The painting was of an image that Remus had been struggling to shake from his mind all week: piercing grey eyes and a sharp jawline, refined features that exuded confidence. It was a face that was impossible for Remus to forget, despite how hard he tried. 
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"I have others. This one isn't finis— "
Sirius turned around, leering at Remus, a predatory smirk crossing his lips. He straightened his posture and ran a hand through his hair, brushing his bangs from his eyes. He cocked a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and simply stared. Remus opened his mouth and closed it, vaguely resembling a distraught fish, before finally finding his words.
"Mr. Black, I can— "
Sirius took a step towards Remus, raising a hand to the artist's face, his fingers barely grazing against skin. Remus felt his face ignite, his cheeks burning beneath the heat of Sirius' gaze. Grey eyes flicked down and up again, analyzing the man standing before them.
"Mr. Lupin, there are easier ways to get my attention."
"That wasn't—" Remus stammered, taking a step back and almost tripping over a can of gesso.
"I've had plenty of portraits commissioned in my time, but none have captured me quite so… genuinely."
"This isn't—" 
"There's no need to be shy, Mr. Lupin. You wouldn't be the first artist who's been quite taken with me."
"I'm not— "
Sirius took another step forward, leaning into Remus' personal space, intrusive and purposeful. As his lips neared Remus', the artist raised his hands, placing them firmly on the other man's chest, before pushing him away.
"Stop! Mr. Black, what the hell are you doing?!"
Sirius stumbled back from the force of Remus' shove, pausing for a moment before collecting himself. He swept his hair out of his eyes and grinned at Remus, as if nothing was amis. 
"Making sure your intentions are pure. I don't want an artist who wants to show in my gallery as a way of getting into my pants after all." Sirius gave a nonchalant shrug, feigning innocence. Despite the smile on his lips, Remus could have sworn that he noticed a flash of disappointment clouding silver eyes and a subtle flush creeping across porcelain cheeks. 
"Trust me," Remus growled, barely containing his disdain for the other man, "I have absolutely no intention of doing anything of the sort. I am a professional." He emphasised his last word with a venomous bite, seeing past Sirius' feigned innocence.
"Good," Sirius shot back, a glint of malice in his intense gaze.
"Good," Remus spat, squaring his shoulders and clenching his jaw.
Sirius gave Remus a once over, from his toes to the tip of his curls, before running a hand through his hair and turning around. 
"I've seen enough. I'll let you know my decision in the near future, Mr. Lupin." Sirius began striding towards the front door before Remus had a chance to absorb his words.
Sirius glanced over his shoulder, cocking an eyebrow, the edge of his mouth curling upwards ever so slightly.
"I…" Remus didn't want Sirius to leave on a bad note; the artist knew it would have a direct effect on his career. "I'm sorry. I just… please, Mr. Black, I would very much like to show in your gallery." In his mind, Remus knew it was pathetic to resort to grovelling, but he didn't have very many options available to him.
Sirius raised his chin, his smirk growing wider. Remus noted how much the gallerist enjoyed being in the position of power, the way he relished in Remus' pleading.
"It takes a strong work ethic and a consistent style to be able to show with me. Is that something you're prepared for, Mr. Lupin?"
"Yes." Remus knew he had what it took to impress Sirius Black, now he just needed to keep his temper around the insufferable man. "I'm prepared for anything."
"Very well. We'll be in touch regarding my decision."
In an instant, Sirius was gone and Remus was left alone in his tiny flat, feeling frustrated and humiliated. Black and White had better provide some fantastic opportunities to make this whole song and dance worth the trouble.
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livsinpjs · 4 years
Believe in the Green Light (pt 2) the pursuing
“There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.” - F. Scott. Fitzgerald
The BAU team is called into Pasadena, California after the deaths of three lead to an investigation revolving around Gatsby, a new drug that hit the market at a dead sprint. When a raid on a house reveals the creator of the drug, a young man no one even knew was missing, Jason Gideon and co. find themselves involved in a case bigger than they originally thought.
It was cold. It was always cold though, so that was no surprise. His arms ached in their position raised above his head. His wrists were rubbed raw from his attempts at freedom from his shackles he had long since abandoned, his forearms crusted with old blood. If he closed his eyes, he could picture he was in a dungeon from one of the books his mother had read to him as a child. But the not so pleasant fantasy fell away every time his eyes settled on the lab equipment strewn throughout his concrete prison.
He had long since figured out Their intentions with him. He was a student at CalTech with a doctorate in chemistry already tucked under his belt among other degrees. He had no family to look for him and he was an easy target when it came to physically apprehending victims, so there was no use wallowing and questioning ‘why me?’ He knew why. They wanted drugs. More specifically, they wanted him to make drugs. Obviously, he knew right away when he awoke and his eyes first landed on the lab equipment 6 weeks 2 days and 14 hours ago. That didn’t mean he was eager to cooperate.
The first time he refused, They denied him food and water. After a couple days, he relented. Desperate to survive, he caved and created the first batch of Gatsby. After that, every time he refused, two big and  burly men came down into his prison to beat him within an inch of his life, leaving him bruised and bleeding with a “We’ll let you rethink your answer.” A few more days with no food and water and he would relent yet again. After going through that cycle a few times, he stopped refusing. He felt sick with himself for giving in so easily. He wanted to become an FBI agent, yet here he was, aiding Them.
He wondered, dejectedly, what the Academy thought when he didn’t show up. Probably that he had chickened out. He was sure he wasn’t the first person to enroll and then never show. He thought about Agent Gideon. He and Agent Gideon had become close in a fairly brief time. He had encouraged him and his ambitions. What did he think about him now? Was he worried? Disappointed? If only he knew where he was...
He shifted his position on the cold, hard floor trying to sit comfortably even though he knew it was useless. His chains clinked against the wall, his head throbbed and spun along with the little movement that he made. He knew he was in a dangerous position. Being this uncoordinated and forced to make drugs without proper care spelled loads of trouble. Mostly for himself.
One wrong move and he could kill himself in the process. Not that the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. On several occasions the dark thoughts he naively assumed he had gotten rid of long ago would pop up again while he was working. He never let himself dwell on them for long though, he would push the thoughts to the back of his mind like he used to and think of his mother. Who would be there for her if he was gone? (Though he couldn’t be of much help to her from where he was currently.) He thought of the stories he and his mother would read together, and then his mind would helpfully wander through the many things his eidetic memory stored for him. Before he knew it They would thrust a cup of water and food at him, (which he would devour quickly and greedily) and he would be roughly escorted back to the wall and chained up yet again. They would leave him in the cold while they did who knows what with the monster he created.
Another thing to add to the ever growing list of awfulness that was his current circumstance, would be the fact that ever since he had been brought here, he had been on the verge of a meltdown. It’s not easy to calm yourself when you’re being held against your will, or stim when you’re chained to a wall. Everything was either too much or too little. He could do nothing to ease the ache in his chest. Even the stimming he could do was quickly shut down by Them. The frantic tapping of his foot or the insistent keen that would every once in a while escape his lips was deemed annoying by Them. He found himself forcing everything down; It was exhausting. He was surprised that he had been able to keep masking for so long.
In his haze, though, he had been hit with an idea so abruptly that he inhaled and choked on his own saliva. Yet once he was finished hacking and had caught his breath, a smile had been drawn to his face. If he had been thinking clearly, he would have quickly deduced that the idea was a stupid one. So many things could go wrong, or innocent people could get hurt, and really, if it did work, it wouldn’t help him in the slightest. But all he was focused on was the fact that he was in control of making the drug, and he was the only one there to make it for Them.
It was during this time, when he was rethinking what he had done, that They walked in.
He referred to them as Them because, well, he knew absolutely nothing about them. Well, that wasn’t true. He knew Maria from his philosophy class. He didn’t know if she was the reason he was here or if it was just a coincidence that her family was a part of some kind of drug cartel. But he also didn’t know Maria that well. The only thing he knew was that she went to the same school as him and they shared a class together. So he just found himself referring to them as, well, Them.
Two men, Maria’s father and brother, (he presumed by the similarities in their features) and Maria entered the room. The father gave him a disappointed look and for a brief moment, he felt ashamed of himself for disappointing the man. He quickly shoved the feeling off though. The brother looked like he wanted to rip his throat out, and he shrunk in on himself a bit at the glare he received. Maria’s face was expressionless.
“Ya got guts, I’ll grant you that much.” The father spoke to him as if reprimanding a child, instead of a captive. “Poisonin’ the latest batch of Gatsby like that.” He shook his head. “What I don’t get is how you thought doin’ so would help. You have no idea what we’re doin’ with it, or if we’re takin’ it ourselves. Even still, if we had taken it and had died, how would you escape? You would more quickly die of dehydration than be found by the athourites. And what would you accomplish by killin’ our clientele, eh? Other than puttin’ an even bigger target on your back for my men to aim at as they teach you once again, what happens when you defy us. Luckily for us, we have, erhm.. drug testers, if you will, who make sure the batch is clean before sending it out. Unluckily for you, my son’s friend happened to be testing the drug this time and has, unfortunately, passed away.”
The brother seemed to grow even angrier at the mention of his friend and stepped forward menacingly. The only thing keeping him from carrying out his wishes was Maria, holding his arm.
“So,” The father bent down to get on his level. “Would you care to explain to me just what exactly you thought you were goin’ to accomplish?”
He was terrified. He mentally cursed himself for making such an error in judgment. He registered, vaguely, that he had actually killed one of them. He couldn’t identify the feeling that engulfed him. The only thing on his mind at the time had been revenge. How stupid did he have to be to go through with something so idiotic? His eyes immediately snapped to the side, avoiding the man’s powerful gaze. He gulped painfully. The father sighed after a moment of silence, the only thing he could think of as his head spun was that the man’s breath smelled horrible; garlic and tobacco.
“Very well” The man stood, and his knees gave audible pops, “Go ahead and bring ‘em in.” The brother quickly exited the room and was soon being accompanied by two familiar men. They looked at him a little too eagerly as Maria and her father went for the door. “Make sure you keep him alive, we still need him after all.”
With that, Spencer Reid was left alone with three men who had only one thing on their minds. To cause him unimaginable pain.
The team was gathered together on the jet; even Penelope Garcia was on their video feed, streaming from Quantico, Virginia. The technical analyst and the rest of their team had just finished going through their files one last time together before their Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner gave them their assignments.
“All right, once we land, Gideon and Morgan, you go to the crime scene and see if they’ve turned up any new information, then meet up with the M.E. Garcia, look into McCarthy’s background and criminal record, see if our Unsub could be someone he has bad blood with, and JJ, you’re with me at the precinct. We’ve got a long flight ahead of us, so go ahead and get comfortable.”
The team split off from one another, Garcia logging out and the rest going to separate areas of the jet.
Gideon sat alone, gazing out the window before pulling out his PDA. No recent emails. He returned the device to his pocket and shut his eyes, wanting to relax as much as possible before this case inevitably took up all of their time.
Agents Gideon and Morgan arrived at the crime scene at around 5:00 p.m. There, they were greeted by local LEOs; Gideon went straight to analyzing the scene, leaving Derek to speak with them.
“I’m SSA Derek Morgan, and, that over there,” He pauses, indicating to the older man, “Is SSA Jason Gideon.”
“Detective Sanders, glad you could make it out here.” The men shook hands before Sanders continued. “My men and I received the call early this morning ‘round 7:00 a.m. CSI should be finished processing the crime scene by tomorrow.” Derek nodded, turning to see Gideon talk absently to an agent as his eyes expertly scanned the abandoned playground.
“What happened with the mugging four years ago? It says that they caught the guy, Gillian Murphy, and he’s still serving time."
“Well, the Arnold’s were visitin’ the park after Mr. Arnold had gotten off of work, Murphy attempted to mug the family and, after not getting the reaction he wanted, shot and killed them. He fled the scene and was found shortly after trying to sell the victims’ belongings at a local pawn shop.”
“What makes you think the two crimes are related?”
“Honestly, I don’t see any connection, but the mayor’s sister lives ‘round here and he insisted that we bring in the FBI ‘cause the crimes were both committed at this here park.”
Morgan nodded, shifting his stance to look over the detective’s shoulder to see that Gideon had moved to talk with CSI agents. “All right, let us know if you uncover any connections.”
Gideon had begun to walk back the way they had come, so Morgan matched his stride beside him as they moved towards their FBI sanctioned SUV.
“Find out anything new?” Morgan asked the older man as they stepped up to the car, Morgan taking the driver’s seat with Gideon in the passenger seat.
Gideon shook his head, “CSI found nothing out of the ordinary, a few beer cans and marijuana by the play structure. Looks like the victims were confronted by our Unsub. McCarthy met the Unsub a few feet away, leaving the Nooks next to the structure. What about you?”
“Nothing that points in the direction of these cases being linked. Sounds to me like it was more of an excuse to get us down here in the first place.” Morgan spoke dryly as he drove toward the Coronors’ office.
“Well, we’re here now, no use in gripping about it.” Gideon said wisely. Derek watched Gideon pull out his PDA, look at it, and then put it away, from the corner of his eye.
“You expecting something?”
“..Hmm? Ah.. no I was just checking my email..” Gideon said vaguely as he watched the road in front of him as they made their way to the Coroner's Office.
At the precinct, Unit Chief SSA Aaron Hotchner sat in front of his third possible witness since he had arrived at the precinct with JJ.
While JJ set up the room Pasadena P.D. had indicated to her, (setting up their evidence board and attempting to start a preliminary profile) Aaron got to work on interviewing people who had been in contact with Gatsby. The witness in front of him, Abigail Cooper, a disgruntled teenager with blonde hair and an obvious distaste for law enforcement, leaned back in her chair, arms across her chest and an attempt at an intimidating glare strewn across her face.  
Aaron quickly profiled the young girl. A look of distrust in her eyes and a defensive posture hidden by an attempt at nonchalance. A negative past with law enforcement, or men, or both. Her eyes glanced quickly over to the window and she had sat herself closest to the door. Aaron had to show this girl that he meant her no harm and that she would not be punished anymore than the charges she faced for possession of drugs and alcohol underage.
“My name is Aaron Hotchner, I’m with the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI.” He began in a calm voice, looking her in the eye.
“FBI? Why’s the FBI here? I didn’t do anything that serious!” Abigail spoke incredulously, sitting up slightly with a questioning look on her face.
“I am here to ask you a few questions. Nothing more.” Aaron assured her, “Last night, there was a murder. Three men were killed and it seems that the crime may have a connection to a drug. A drug that you were found in possession of. Gatsby.”
“So? I didn’t kill nobody! Just because I had some with me doesn’t mean I’m a killer.” She tightened her crossed arms, which had been slowly falling due to the shock of being in the presence of an agent of the FBI.
“I never said you were.” Aaron said placating, “I am here because you may be able to help us find the person who did kill them.” He watched her shoulders relax slightly at that, her eyes softening slightly.
“Uh.. well.. all right..” She sat up, letting her arms fall to her sides. “What do you want to know?”
“I need to know any information you have on the person who sold Gatsby to you. A name, a phone number, an address that you met at, anything could be of help.”
A look of disappointment flashed across Abigail’s face. “I don’t know. No one does, really. People say that they find you. I was.. Uh.. drinking with some friends.. when he came up to us. Told us about this cool new drug. We’d heard about it around school and thought ‘why not’ Ya know? We paid him and he left and that was it.”
Aaron frowned but didn’t voice his disappointment. “Where was this?”
“Oh! Uh.. we were behind the Denny’s downtown, lots of people go there to dick around.”
Aaron nodded at her. “Thank you for your time.” He got up and went to leave the room to inform JJ when Abigail spoke up.
“Agent Hotchner?” Aaron turned around to face her, giving her his attention once more. “I.. um.. I hope you get the guy..” She said hesitantly.
“You were a big help Abigail.” He said, then he left to find JJ.
Hotchner had just finished filling Jennifer in when the phone on the table in their conference room went off.
“It’s Garcia. Hotchner, you’ve got me and JJ. What do you have?”
“Hello my pretties! All right, so, James McCarthy, 21, single and lives alone. He was arrested and sent to a juvenile detention center when he was 16 for shoplifting and possession of drugs and alcohol.” Garcia reported.
“Did he have any grievances with any of the other kids?” JJ asked, looking at the evidence board.
“No, actually he was very well behaved. He didn’t get into any trouble and it looks like he was even helpful when others were upset or angry. The workers there were really proud with the progress he made.”
“All right, thanks Garcia.” Hotch said with his arms crossed, looking down at the receiver.
“Of course! Garcia Out!” The line cut out.
A few minutes later, Gideon and Morgan walked in from the Coroners’ Office looking glum.
“Looks like all our victims had ingested Gatsby in the last 24 hours.” Gideon began, “Other than that, nothing new. All the victims died from their gunshot wounds and then were shot again post-mortem, some more than once.”
Morgan continued. “Also, there doesn’t look to be any correlation to these murders and the murders from four years ago.”
JJ sighed, still looking over the board. “It looks like we’ve got less to work with than we started with.”
“But it seems that this drug, Gatsby, is in the center of it.” Morgan said. “Multiple Gatsby related deaths, and now three murders involving the drug? Doesn’t sound like much of a coincidence to me.”
“It seems that the people dealing these drugs go out of their way to find people to sell it to, instead of having people go to them.” Hotch informed the rest of the team on his interview with Abigail Cooper.
“All right, so how do we find them?” JJ asked.
The team sat in thought for a moment. Hotch looked at JJ and she could see the idea pop into his head.
“I know exactly how.”
He was enraged.
He stood by the corner store, shoulders hunched and arms crossed. His foot tapping erratically. Her funeral was tomorrow. Her funeral . He stood and he tapped his foot. And he waited. And he waited..
That night, a man walked up to another, jittery man. He proposed something to him and beckoned him into the alley next to where they were standing.
Later, 10 shots rang out loud into the night.
pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3| pt 4|
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mosylufanfic · 4 years
Cisco and Caitlin + 24 for prompts 💜
24. “You’re trembling” from the Dialogue Prompts List. (Pssssst send me a prompt!)
Welcome to the story that may well be jossed in a matter of hours, hooray! I seriously meant to write something with cuddles. Really forreals I did. I don’t know what to tell you.
Second Thoughts
He caught her staring off into space, the tablet screen gone black under her fingers as if she'd been checking one of her charts when she zoned out. “Earth to Caitlin,” he called out, plopping into her extra chair. “Come in, Caitlin.”
She jolted and blinked at him. “When did you come in?”
“While you were off in never never land,” he said. “You ready to get me back to normal?”
“Yes,” she said. “I’ve run the simulations. There shouldn’t be any ill effects from two doses of the metahuman cure, especially several months apart.” She reached into a drawer and pulled out the injector. “Normal life, coming right up.”
“Great,” he said, sticking out his arm. "Do it."
She took his arm, the way she had last spring, her palm cool and soft on his skin. He stared down at the blocky injector. Her thumb was on the button, the business end coming closer and closer to the inside of his elbow. His heart thumped in his ears.
She stopped. 
"What?" he said.
She lifted her eyes to his. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Sure, I'm sure. We had this discussion last time."
"It's just that you're trembling."
"Maybe because it's a meat locker in here."
"It's seventy-two, and that's the normal temperature, it's like this all the time." She frowned at him, the injector hovering in the air between them. "Are you -"
"Maybe I need to put on a sweater or something," he said. "After you dose me. Let's go. Let's cure me already." 
He'd been so pissed off when the Monitor had given him back his Vibe powers without so much as asking. Kicking-the-walls furious. He'd had to put it aside, because the multiverse needed Vibe, and he wasn't such an asshole that he'd demand Caitlin re-cure him while the worlds were coming to an end. 
But now the crisis was over, Vibe wasn't needed, and all that stood between him and the normal life he'd been trying to build was the three inches of space between his skin and the injector.
He wiggled his fingers. "Come on, do it."
After a moment, she nodded and pressed it against his skin. 
"Wait," he said, and yanked his arm out of her grasp.
He hadn't wanted his Vibe powers back, but it hadn't been the worst thing ever, having them returned. Honestly, it had been like seeing in color after living for months in black and white. Like kicking off a pair of shoes that hadn't been broken in yet. Like shrugging out of a jacket too tight across the shoulders. 
But he hadn't admitted that to anyone. Much less Caitlin, who was now looking at him with a line between her brows. 
"How old is that dose?" he asked. "Is that the same batch you took my first one from? Because that was months ago. What if it's expired?"
She twisted the injector to look at it. "No, this is a more recent batch. I’ve been timing it so we always have at least one batch on hand, in case. It's fine, Cisco." She eyed him, possibly insulted that he'd thought she would make a rookie mistake like that.
"So, uh. So that's gonna be good for - ?"
"Another four months or so."
"So I can do it some other time."
Her brows shot up. "Would you like to put it off?"
"Obviously I want to get rid of them again," he said. "But you know. We don't have to do it today."
"It's entirely your call."
"And there was that breach psychosis thingy Breacher was talking about. I want to check in with him and find out if there's any way around that."
"Of course. Yes."
"Plus I got wacky dreams for a few days there after the last one, and Kamilla wants to get out of town this weekend. Like a couples getaway after all the craziness. Wanna be well-rested for that, you know."
"That makes sense," Caitlin said, clearly lying. She set the injector down. "Let me know whenever you're ready."
"Sure," he said. "Thanks. It's not that I don't want to get rid of them, you know. It's just that maybe I should take my time so as not to, you know. Aftereffects"
She put her hand on his arm. "There was a time when I would have done anything to get rid of Killer Frost," she said. "But then I lost her and realized how much my feelings had changed. You don't have to explain yourself to me."
"It's not like that," he said. "I'm still going to get rid of them. I'll just do it later."
She nodded and dropped her hand.
He got to his feet. "Okay. Well, I left some calculations running so I should get back to those."
"You know where to find me when you're ready," she said.
"Yep!" He headed for the door. Halfway there, he stopped and turned. "And, uh, hey."
"Hmmm?" She was disassembling the injector, putting the dose back in its foam-lined case.
"How's about we keep this between us?"
Her head came up. That line was between her brows again. "What do you mean?"
"I mean everyone knows I was going to get re-cured," he said. "Which I am! You just, uh, don't have to mention that I'm waiting for a few days."
She stared at him. He could almost see the thoughts zigzagging behind her eyes, but couldn't figure out what conclusions she was coming to. "If that's what you want me to do," she said slowly.
"No big deal," he said. "I just don't want to have to deal with, you know. From everybody. So let's just not mention this." He flashed her a grin. "Thanks."
She studied him for about five more seconds, then nodded as if her conclusions had been reached, analyzed, and filed away. "You're welcome."
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sesshatetsuko · 5 years
Ruroken Secret Santa's gift
Aaaaah I'm so late, I wanted to write a short story and it turned out to be more than I excepted (I definitely don't know how to make things simple)!
@sileavatar, dear friend you are my secret santa recipient! :) To make amends for being overdue I've got pretty much everything from the prompt (Kenshin / KenKao fluff / badass hiten mitsurugi, along with Sano, Megumi, & possibly Soujiro stuff...), added lots of laughter and a slight touch of nsfw (no lemon, tumblr if you read me), put that in the holy Santa cooking pot and... Here we go! ;)
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This is my Ruroken Christmas gift, I hope you'll enjoy it!
~°~Santa works in mysterious ways ~°~
December of the 16th year of Meiji era, Tokyo district, somewhere near the Sumida shores...
His hands were beginning to turn to a bluish colour, gently frozen by the air of winter, but he did not care. While the very first flakes of the season were lining the landscape with a soft and icy film, for once the former Ishin Shishi was not tormented by the languor inevitably accompanying the arrival of the snow, whose cold perfume still evoked that of the white plum and plunged him into a sad nostalgia. No, his mind was momentarily cornered by way more concrete considerations...
...Kneeling since dawn in the alleys of leafless trees leaning nonchalantly above the water, Kenshin Himura was carefully replaying a scene that had taken place not far from here, a few months ago...
["So... How was this one's strength?" Unlike his friendly smile, the samurai was feeling some anxiety. The assistant instructor of the Kamiya dojo was standing in front of him, honorable loser of a challenge that had the undeclared aim of testing his strength.
"Well ..." Yahiko massaged his still sore fingers, taking the time to ponder his sentence. He knew that the last disciple of Hiten Mitsurugi was a master in the art of analyzing his adversary, and that he would read on his face or in his very words what he would choose to keep silent. "Like Kaoru said, I think your stamina is down, but ..." He gave him his most confident grim. "... your upper limit of strength is still the same!"
"Kaoru-dono said that ... why?" Kenshin paused for a moment, the unintentional insinuation behind the phrase hitting him right when the following words escaped his lips. "I can't tell how she would know it, this one has never crossed swords with her."]
Even if the conversation had been rather comical at this point, a much less innocent thought had been born in him that day. Of course, they had never broached the sulfurous topic again, but the uncomfortable idea remained ever since stubbornly stuck in a corner of his mind, growing with the length of winter's night.
Like Kaoru said, I think your stamina is down
It is true that his joints were often crying of the intensive use he had made of them during his tumultuous teenage years, that his scars were burning every day with the fire of old wounds, that his body too many times pushed to its last entrenchments was struggling to provide as much energy as before, and that he was feeling much more tired overall. It is also true that the passionate evenings between newlyweds had been gradually replaced by long hours cradling their little boy, that since his birth Shinta was relentlessly soliciting the affection of his parents, that between the chores at home for him and the teachings at the dojo for her, they did not have much time to be alone in each other's arms, but...
Am I... not enough for her?
The cruellest doubt for a man's pride, at least what little he still held, had then slowly crept into his tormented brain. His only experience in this area came down to his previous wife, married at an age when his body was at the peak of its form and hormones were in full swing, so he wasn't sure what to think of himself on such disturbing subject. Considering his life so far had been a bitter mixture of struggling for his own survival, learning kenjutsu in order to lead a hopeless fight for justice, itself resulting in a decision to sacrifice his body and sword for a redemption quest, he had never granted any interest in those hands-on questions. Worse, he was even relatively helpless on the matters of this kind, having known neither the education of a father in his childhood nor close friends to share trivia during his adolescence, and having afterwards lived the majority of his adult life by roaming alone on the ungrateful paths of Japan, observing the other living souls from a chosen distance...
...Is she unhappy about this situation?
Knowing the generosity of his wife, it was quite possible that she had not wished to raise said intimate and thorny issue with him, preferring to keep secret her regrets to avoid hurting him with an evil that possessed nor culprit nor remedy. Yet the mere thought that his beloved could be dissatisfied because of him was simply unbearable. As uncomfortable as this problem was for Kenshin Himura, he had to find a solution.
Who could I ask for such a thing?
Broaching the topic with his master was out of the question, for he already knew enough shameful anecdotes about his disciple to feed heated conversations for a lifetime, and he had no doubt he would not fail to use this one wisely. Yahiko was way too young and inexperienced. Saito... well Saito was not an option. Just thinking about a conversation of this nature between them was odd, not to mention that besides not being really friends there was still a remnant of unsettled Bakumatsu's rivalry between the two men. After careful consideration, the only available option was thus...
...His best friend, bar mate, street brawler and high-flying client of the red lantern districts...
Sanosuke Sagara.
Please, let him be discrete...
"...You need WHAT?"
Clearly, prayers wouldn't save him. Sanosuke had almost yelled in the dull Izakaya, spitting half of his sake on the table. The redhead subsequently lowered his voice, almost whispering this time.
"Advice. Just a piece of advice."
This moment was too good to let him get away with it so easily. A sex-talk with Kenshin was more than the brawler had ever asked for Christmas. Not that he wanted to learn anything about the private parts of his friend's life, but the mere idea of teasing the so-discreet wanderer about this was just as fun as imagining the damn wolf dressed up like a bunny girl.
"Whaddya mean a bit of advice? It doesn't work down there?"
He took down another drink and let his gaze suggestively trail upon the samurai's lower abdomen.
"What?!" Panic rushed through him instantly. "No, it's not that!"
Sano let out a sigh, part of him relieved. The willingly bold question had been half serious. Knowing all the injuries the former Ishin Shishi had endured, he could very well have received a misplaced stab that would have disabled him here... and Megumi would certainly not have broached such problem with his friends.
"Then what it is it?" he grinned again.
Of course, he was making it harder than it already was. Kenshin inhaled deeply.
"This one is... not sure that he is..." Another heavy breathing, and a glass promptly emptied. "...well, gives her satisfaction."
Sanosuke stared at him, dumbfounded. He had expected about anything but that. Judging by the incredible ways his gifted friend could move during fights and how his delicate features could sometimes make him look as attractive as a dolled up geisha -even a man could admit it-, he had always figured the samurai would be a kind of "sex God". Guess life can prove you wrong.
For all he could do, Sanosuke burst out into laughter.
"So, d'ya wanna me to teach you some moves?" He accented the last word with his hands.
Could he actually learn the legendary assassin anything about motion techniques? Truth be told, he had probably more experience concerning women with his saucy way of life than his reclusive mate.
Kenshin's only answer was to stare at the ground. With his head down and long ocher locks hiding his eyes, his mouth closed in a thin line, he looked almost downhearted. The former Sekihotai handed him another cup of rice alcohol, feeling compassionate.
He's really brooding about this...
"Yeah yeah I get it, buddy. Girls can be so complicated..." He hastily refilled his own glass, already empty. "Sometimes they let ya believe it was good even when it's not. Ya never know when they're really pleased..."
"Wait, you mean that..."
Things were getting from bad to worse, as a new depressing idea was crossing the wanderer's mind. He had never thought about this eventuality. In a relationship, especially as far as love was concerned, Kenshin Himura was nothing but sheer honesty.
Could Kaoru-dono... be also faking enjoyment? He swallowed his saké in one gulp. He was such an idiot. How could he have not figured that before? Maybe even she's faking it since the beginning. And he believed he was good at mind-reading... He wanted to slam his head straight against the wall right now. A hundred of scenarios, each one worse than the last, were playing in his brain.
From the other end of the wooden table, the redhead seemed so lost that a different but no less alarming doubt seized Sanosuke.
"Hang on a minute, don't tell me ya dunno how to do... Kenji DOES come from ya, right?"
Hell, the little redhead was the spitting image of his father and there weren't two guys looking like Battosai around Tokyo or the whole country. He had even confused them when he had met the brat for the first time.
Kenshin finally lifted his head from his hands, looking exasperated.
"Please, Sano... This one needs help."
Sanosuke grinned anew. One more teasing couldn't hurt...
"Ya mean help with Jou-chan? Geez the missy's body's grown more adult since her baby and all, sure I could provide ya som-"
"-Stop that. Now." he snapped dryly.
"Cut it out."
The icy tone and the suddenly squinted eyes of the samurai finished choking the phrase in his throat. Apparently, he didn't appreciate humour on the subject. Not even a hint.
"WOW wow wow dude I was just jokin'..."
Sanosuke immediately held his hands up in surrender. Although he did like the fighting, Kenshin was certainly not someone he wanted to mess with anew - even for a joke -, furthermore when his friend seemed particularly sullen in addition to being slightly drunk. The former Sekihotai took over a straight face.
Enough fun, he's really nervous 'bout it...
For Kenshin to come and ask him personally, he was requesting serious advice.
"Look, if ya really wanna know..." He motioned the keeper to bring another bottle and wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulders. "To be sure to spend a crazy night with yar sweetheart, there's only one solution..."
The samurai was staring at him intently.
"...Have a couple of drinks, and let it out."
Why did he ever ask Sanosuke?
Kenshin emptied another cup without a second glance.
"Are you sure about that?"
"No more inhibitions. No more problems. Believe me."
"...I'm not inhibited." he went on, irritation replacing doubt anew.
"Trust me, I said. I know my way around women..."
A few other glasses plus a wink of his best friend, and Kenshin Himura was up for the suggested plan. Serious matters did sometimes need unhealthy solutions.
This was a failure.
More specifically, it was the most embarrassing failure of his life. Even thought his face showed nothing, deep down he was mortified.
"Don't worry, it's all right..." the young kendoka tried to reassure him, seeing the sweat drops that had gathered on his temples.
"I -This one is sorry, Kaoru-dono" was all he could manage to stammer. If lightning could strike him here and now, he would gladly welcome it. He was anything but a proud man, and he thought he had already known the lowest shame possible when he was training with his master -including nonetheless having suffered from nocturnal urinary accidents until he was eleven years old, and getting intoxicated with hallucinogenic mushrooms-, but apparently - thank God - he was wrong.
This was far worst.
Kaoru, who seemed to feel his anxiety, was giving her best on her side to appease the desperate husband while touching his arm soothingly. This was certainly not a situation she had expected.
"I told you not to be sorry, these things happen to many other men too-" She swallowed loudly, realizing at the same time how suspicious her sentence sounded right now and that she, in fact, had no idea about it. She did only have intercourse with her husband, and it was the first time he couldn't maintain his strength enough to reach his own end. "...Well at least, I'm sure it does"
He didn't answer, still at loss of words as for what to say. His eyebrows had creased hard, a sure sign that he would soon be lost in harsh brooding.  
"...maybe there is something that upsets you? ...anything?"
If she kept on talking this way, his brows would definitely end up forming a single line on his forehead.
"Listen Kenshin, I don't care. It doesn't matter."
Recognizing the fidget in his wife's voice, he tried his best to gather a smile but stayed frozen in his frowning position, naked body still half-uncovered.
"Ha-hai. Thank you."
His muscles were uncomfortably tense, and if it was not for his very minimalist outfit, you'd think he had just come out of a clash. Clearly, he did care more than enough about the situation and no matter what she could say he wouldn't take that burden off himself. She tried another approach to get him to confide.
"...Is it because you don't like my body?" She feigned hesitation, suddenly clutching the sheets over her slender breasts. "I know it has changed since the pregnancy."
He lifted his crimson hair, taken aback.
"...Oh." He hadn't thought she could see things like that either. Sanosuke was right about women being complicated. "Of course not. Not at all." He hurried to answer, knowing this was not appropriate. Better that than letting his wife believe that she was not the holy treasure she meant to him. Kaoru was his life. The very reason why he was still mingling to other human beings after the Rakuninmura incident.  
"Okay then..."
At least it's not that... but something's definitely bothering him.
The young kendoka could guess that the apparent "failure" did actually hide something else by the closed expression on her husband's face. Just below, the atrocious bite that had taken away a piece of his flesh and left an irregular distortion that went up along his neck. She let her eyes wander in the light of the paper lantern. Almost no part of his body was spared from the aftermath of his fighting. Those were as many times he had close calls with death...
"...Don't overthink it too much, you're probably just tired. We'll try again another day."
Kaoru stroke with fingertips the cruciform scar that was burrowing his cheek. As soon as her skin made contact with his, the face of the wanderer softened and he returned to the present moment. She was such a loving wife. What she could find in a despicable man -or so he thought- like him, he would never know. And here she was, comforting her husband after he had miserably failed...
Then it struck him.
I could at least do that for her.
There was no way his beloved wouldn't be satisfied.
"Do you want me to..." He put his hand tenderly over her neck while his deep amethyst gaze was lingering on her body. "...take care of you?"
He whispered the last part of his sentence in the hollow of her ear, rubbing it with his lips. The sight of the finely chiselled muscles of the torso leaning towards her and the firm contact of his clever fingers was enough for Kaoru to feel the flame of desire rekindling in her. Kenshin had always been totally devoted to her and the proposal was far from unpleasant, but...
"It's ok for me. Have some rest, anata."
... in the light of the ever-too-large dark circles that were digging the top of his cheeks, and of the slightly shifted position of his body on the futon indicating that he was leaning on his joints as little as possible -probably because of the pain that it was no doubt provoking- she decided otherwise.
He's exhausted, that's for sure...
She knew that her husband was usually a light-sleeper, moreover when he had something in his mind. If she could not help him fall into the arm of Morpheus with endorphins, she did not want to delay his sleep any more simply for her own desire, and thus decided to let him have a decent night rest. With that, Kaoru kissed her husband on the forehead and went back to bed, unaware that her answer had only strengthened his doubts...
Himura was walking down the snowy streets of early winter, heading for the Oguni clinic. He had left as soon as the sun had shown its pinkish rays, making sure he would be the first patient there. The surrounding houses were radiating shimmering golden, red and green colors, adorned with unusual long snakes of paper as well as strangely decorated balls of glass. Since the opening of the country to foreigners, their influence was gradually increasing in the international showcase that the new capital stood for -renamed Tokyo after the Bakumatsu-, especially during winter.
I don't get why these short-cut fir tops are so popular... he mused distractedly. Although he couldn't care less about it, he still did not understand the attraction of his compatriots for Western traditions any more than the fashions of the new Meiji era.
His mind was far from such cosmetic considerations. Ever since last night, he was sure there was a problem with his body. This had never happened before. How was he even supposed to solve it? He could treat cut injuries -it had saved his own life countless times-, had experience with herbal remedies for minor diseases -thanks to his cover as a pharmacist during Bakumatsu-, but a matter of this kind... And what if it wasn't working anymore now? It could be the logical outcome of his numerous injuries, judging by how quickly his body had been deteriorating these last years. Worse, his wife had actually refused to let him take care of her pleasure -probably because she thought he wasn't healthy enough for it... or maybe was it because he just wasn't good?-, whereas at this point he almost needed to do at least that for her.
...Is it me or fate has decided to go against anything I do these days ?
Even if Kaoru would be gentle enough to accept a crippled man like him, he wouldn't accept his beloved to be deprived of such a basic need. She was young, beautiful and... well... alluring. Kaoru Kamiya deserved better than the half-man, ex-assassin and unemployed husband he considered himself as. And the more he was thinking about that problem the more he feared it would happen again. This whole story was beginning to upset him to no end.
He needed professional advice this time.
Kenshin knocked on the doors of the little clinic with more strength than he intended to. This morning, his irritation made it difficult to carry the innocent wanderer's mask he usually wore.
"Ken-san, it's been a long time!"
The graceful features of Dr Takani immediately lit up at the redhead's entrance into the hospice. Since her return from Aizu, with the arrival of countless patients who had followed her growing reputation, she had had too little opportunities to go back and check her old friends.
"Ohayo, Megumi-dono."
He forced a smile on his face.
"What brings you here? Is everyone doing well? Is Kenji growing up properly?"
Megumi instinctively began to collect the stuff of her first aid kit, a reflex she had acquired at the mere sight of a visitor from Kamiya dojo which had often proved providential.
"Hai, please do not worry. Everyone is fine, that they are."
"Oooh you've come to catch up with me then?"
Her smile grew bigger. Kenshin Himura, coming only to chat with her? That would be a first.
"No -yes! ...I mean, not only?" he stammered.
Yeah, I'd have bet. She could smell health problems a mile away.
The wanderer drew an imperceptible shaky breath. In front of the unusual silence that followed his answer, the doctor quickly dropped her inro to undertake a methodical interrogation instead. Kenshin could be as impenetrable as a fortress, and one can make no diagnosis without proper anamnesis.
"...Is it a personal problem then?"
"Hum... Well, that is..."  Another sigh. This. Is. So. Embarrassing. "...Yes."
Megumi immediately felt her heart squeeze. The samurai had suffered so many severe wounds that she now feared for his life whenever he needed her contribution.
I had warned Kaoru that he could not stand many other hitches...
"What is it?" She continued, scanning his body at once. Far too underweighted for a doctor's taste.
"This one is having trouble with..."
Tell her.
Oh, God, he was so uncomfortable. The words just wouldn't come out of his mouth no matter how hard he was trying, he had to refrain from anxiously grinding his hands and he was beginning to sweat in his back. Things were starting out pretty bad.
"You can entrust me with anything, Ken-san."
Feeling his hesitation, Megumi put a hand on his arm. His reaction was just making her all the more worried. What was happening that he couldn't even bring himself to tell her, after everything they had been through? 
"Listen, Ken-san, you must tell me. Especially if it concerns your health"
The doctor gazed at him straight in the eye, looking decidedly serious. He released a heavy sigh. To hell with pride or bashfulness, she was a medic and he needed treatment.
Speak, Himura.
"...This one is having trouble with... hum..." he couldn't help the blush on his cheeks "...physical relationships, that he is."
Physic- whaat?
Megumi instantly hid her surprise behind her well-honed doctor's routine, putting both her hands on the exam table.
...Am I hearing right?!
"You mean, intercourse?"
He nodded, sweeping imperceptibly the crimson locks concealing his eyes. The doctor merely acquiesced while making sure to maintain a perfectly professional attitude.
"I see." After all, it was not the first time she was facing this type of request, and friend or not, Kenshin remained a patient first and foremost. He deserved to be treated the same way as any other. "It's a good thing that you have come to see me instead of Sanosuke."
Who knows what twisted advice that stupid rooster-head could give him.
Himura cringed inwardly. There was no point in telling her his unfortunate experience of the day before. This definitely wouldn't help with the diagnosis.
"Anyway I'm glad that you're trusting me on such matters," she added, proud of that small victory. Kaoru had a husband, Sanosuke had a best friend, and she... well, had a whole body to treat for herself.
She grabbed a box of powdered gloves. "Do you want me to examine you?"
Early prostatic troubles could begin around his age and disrupt the performance of the organs surrounding it.
Himura swallowed. Even if she had already seen him basically nude while treating him after Shishio or Enishi's onslaught, this was a whole different context.
"I-I don't think it would be necessary."
The doctor crossed her arms on her chest. "Then you'll have to explain to me a little more. Did any of your abdominal scars reopen, are your pelvic joints painful, swollen or hot?"
"No. It just... doesn't work." He thrust his hands into his sleeves, clearly upset.
Since the beginning of this conversation, Megumi was practically undressing him with her eyes. The redhead  had still not looked up, and seemed as uncomfortable as the first time she had to wash his entire body during the long convalescence that had followed the confrontation against his alter ego in Kyoto. Kenshin Himura was, as often, an enigma. But it was rare for him to show so much of his feelings.
If all this was related to the after effects of his wounds, the first signs would have appeared much earlier ...
"Has it been like this for a long time?"
"No." he quickly answered, tripping over the words "At least, not this much... This one doesn't really know."
He seemed sincerely helpless, and not eager to confide in more. Unfortunately, for a doctor familiar with the pranks of human psychology, it said a lot.
I think I'm starting to understand what's wrong with him...
"This one does not know what to do." he continued, breaking the awkward silence that had stretched between them. She answered with a huge smile.
If it's only what I believe it is, then I've got the remedy he needs...
"Actually, I have something that should help."
Kenshin's gaze lit up with a glimmer of hope. The said vixen-woman coquettishly hid her laughter behind long hands. 
Although I wish I could help you personally with that, Ken-san...
"Oro? Did you say something, Megumi-dono?"
...Himura and his sixth sense
"Nothing. Here, take this. These are medicinal herbs from the West."
She handed him a jar containing a brown powder strewn with orange-colored dashes of pleasant odor, from which she had extracted a small sachet of the equivalent of a nut.
"Just boil over the water around 70 degrees and wait for ten minutes after putting the herbs inside. If you respect the instructions I've given you, the effect should be felt within an hour."
Himura thanked her friend by bowing low, but as he was about to leave, the doctor held him by one arm at the doorway.
"Oh, and wait, Ken-san..."
"...Just don't pour too much inside, it's pretty strong."
This is concrete medicine.
He placed the bag of grass in the boiling water. The surface immediately took on an orange hue, before releasing a delicate smell of citrus and sugar.
This is doctor's advice.
He counted for ten minutes exactly before removing it and pouring the liquid into a large cup, closely following the recommendations from Oguni Clinic.
This should work.
His mind, too busy anticipating tonight's trial, missed out on the unusual good taste of this medical preparation. There was no doubt that his friend, the famous Dr Takani, whose talent and pugnacity had always managed to pull him out of the worst situations caused by his tough samurai life, had the skills to overcome such a simple problem. This had to work.
And hell it did.
"WOW. That was..." Kaoru straightened savagely loose hair on her sodden forehead. "Just... Wow!"
Both were literally boneless, laying side by side on their futon. Himura, who was still catching his breath, couldn't help but smile dumbly. Contrary to his best friend's advice, that treatment had worked miracles.
"How did you come up with such ideas? It's a wonder we haven't woken up Kenji so far..."
Her cheeks, still flushed by the effort, became redder yet when she thought about how loud she had kept her voice back then. They were lucky their only child lying in the room aside was a heavy sleeper.
"Compared to last night it was completely different. You were... way more relaxed?"
He chuckled lightly. The agility and speed of a body trained in fighting seemed to bring more benefits in everyday life than he would have thought. Had he ever been told that the incredible techniques of Hiten Mitsurugi could be used for anything other than blindly taking away lives, he would have looked at his master from a different perspective.
"I mean, you looked so worried yesterday...?" she continued, not giving up her implied question.
"Ah... huh." Himura would never lie to his wife, but expressing himself on intimate subject had never been his speciality, even in front of the mother of his son. His current state of endorphin overload made a lot to help him talk. "To be honest... this one had doubts about being able to satisfy you..."
"What?! Where does that come from?" She was astonished, to say the least. The master of Kamiya Kasshin mentally cursed herself for not having guessed that sooner.
Now that he was admitting it to her so bluntly, the whole thing seemed ridiculous. The samurai told her in a few words about his training session with Yahiko months ago, and how two apparently innocent sentences had led him to a nerve-wracking conclusion.
It was Kaoru's turn to laugh.
"Didn't you hear what he said at the end of his phrase? Your upper limit of strength hasn't fallen a bit" she accented the last words to drive them into that thick skull of his, looking at her husband straight in the eyes. "And that means exactly what you think it means, baka."
"Oro?" He blushed slightly. The implication in her words gave him an odd feeling.
"...you make me a very happy wife"
She ended her sentence with a kiss, not giving him any time to answer. Himura instinctively placed his arms around her.
Kami-sama, this woman...
He still ignored what he had done to deserve her, but as long as she was near him, he could forget about the hardness of his life in the sweet perfume of her embrace. And here he was, surrounded by the scent of jasmine, their two naked bodies still tenderly intertwined, the warmth of her skin slipping on his... and he almost felt ready for another round, just like during his youth.
His lips were already on her neck, trailing wet kisses all along.
"...Now I understand why you were so sullen, but what happened today for showing such a change?"
His wife was not the type of women who would drop the piece so easily. The redhead raised his head for a moment, pausing on his passionate journey. After what they had just been through, modesty was no longer suitable.
"Honestly, this one wasn't so sure of himself after what happened last time... so this one went to the clinic for advice."
She blinked once.
"You've been to Megumi?! But... what did she do?!!"
At this point, Kaoru was more afraid than anything. If this vixen had touched so much as a hair of her husband in this regard... Seeing the panic in her eyes, he chuckled anew before quickly replying.
"There's nothing to worry about, Kaoru-dono. She simply gave this one a remedy, that she did."
"What?! You're ill?!" concern rushed through her veins, and she instantly checked his head for fever. This man could wait to be half dead before complaining about being sick. Last time he came down with the flu Yahiko had found him lying next to the laundry tub with a head hotter than boiling miso, preferring to faint from disease rather than telling anyone he wasn't feeling right.
"Oh Kami-sama, your forehead is hot!" He was sweaty, warmer than the temperature of her hand, and...
"I'm afraid that is not a fever."
Another chuckle -she had rarely heard him laugh so much, not to mention wholeheartedly. And this time, the look in his eyes had nothing innocent. Kenshin grabbed her hand and began kissing each of her fingers. In the depths, his cerulean gaze was still hungry.
"...Oh. You are playing with me, silly." Kaoru decided that she loved seeing him in this state more than anything, and that, indeed, physical relationships could do miracles no word could.
Fortunately, there was still time tonight to put her theory to the test.
Two days later, back at the Oguni clinic...
"Hey fox-lady... What did you give him?"
"Why, are you interested?"
The young doctor gave him that grin that made his heart twist each time.
"No! I mean..." Sanosuke stuck his hands in his pockets, suddenly staring blindly at the ceiling. "...was just bein' curious, ya know."
"Nothing." she cut.
"I gave him nothing." She rummaged through her dresser and pulled out a beige bag, tied with a red-striped golden ribbon, glowing of an exuberant reflection.
"C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S tea." She read the foreign roman letters with cautious. "...Merely green sencha leaves added with splits of tangerine, vanilla, clove, cinnamon and a bit of ginger. Nothing that could be efficient other than by placebo effect. There is no actual remedy for that, medically speaking."
Sanosuke raised an eyebrow. Megumi had a gift to shut him down. 
"But then what...?"
"Didn't you know? Just like for women, most of it's all in the mind..."
She mischievously winked at him before disappearing into her office. Sanosuke stayed a moment on the spot, still contemplating the empty door.
This doctor was such a vixen...
**Special thanks @mamoro2202 for creating this event! ^^+**
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