#And apparently we even have the same MBTI type
lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
It’s funny how I always assumed that the most “relatable” OC of mine to me was Frida because I basically gave her my personality but now I realize the closest character to me is Emilio.
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coldhndss · 7 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ Blue Lock Matchup No.4 @yae-mikko
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Hello! Not gonna lie, I was kinda excited to write this since I am comically obsessed with the character I matched you with (I’ve started this straight after I finished the last one despite me being sleepy BUT here I am, and here it is!).
So unless the header hasn’t made it obvious enough, I’ve matched you with Nagi Seishiro!
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―୨୧⋆  “...dependence on the situation and people. I am someone shy and reserved, I seem like someone cold (INFJ) but I am the least cold person in the world, so if I notice that the other person is shyer, I take the initiative.”
These of aspects of someones personality can either be the make or break of a friendship. If both people in a conversation are too shy to interact with each other, the convo will fall out and it’ll overall be pretty awkward. Seeing how Reo, someone extroverted and outgoing was able to drag the unwilling Nagi out of his shell, I think you’d be able to do the same!
With your ability to take the initiative if the other party is too shy, or in Nagi’s case, too quiet and unbothered, your friendship would definitely flourish. With him coming off as typically cold due to his demotivated and listless nature, and you being someone able to adapt to this easily, he may even feel at ease knowing someone like you isn’t overbearing and loud, and how you may even share the same demeanor as him at times. Though we don’t see it much in the manga, I feel as though Nagi has some unspoken loneliness to himself that isn't really mentioned. Meeting someone like you would definitely open up his view to the different types of people that are out there that he never really took the time to notice or appreciate.
I don’t really take by MBTI that much, I usually just use it to grasp a general view of someone personality for these types of things. Though in my opinion, the ‘feeling’ aspect of your MBTI would really help you to take in the things that he would leave unsaid and help you to understand how he’s really feeling inside, seeing as he doesn't usually show any sign of his emotions most of the time (I have a lot to say about this later!).
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “Mature, affectionate, empathetic, kind, intelligent, independent and I am the mother of my group of friends (and I love to pamper them)…”
These are some of the main aspects of your personality that drew me to match you to Nagi! Seeing as he isn’t usually the type of person to act for himself (pre-Blue Lock, and partially currently), he’d thrive by the side of someone who can look over him and push him to his potential. You being the mother of your group of friends (so cute!) is another thing that enhances my thoughts that you’d be a good match for Nagi. It’s kind of obvious that he sort of needs someone to take care of him and make sure he doesn’t laze and sleep around all day, and your affectionate nature would definitely enhance this. In a setting where the two of you are close school friends, this is how I imagine you would be:
I doubt Nagi sleeps in a lot seeing as he usually gets up to his alarms as we see in his manga, though you’d ring him each morning just to make sure he hasn’t fallen asleep while getting ready or anything like that. He’d thank you, saying he probably would fall asleep if it wasn’t for your calls, and convinces you to stay on the phone with him until you walk over to his house so the two of you can head to school together, claiming he might even fall asleep while walking. As surprising as it sounds, it's believable since it's Nagi. Seeing as he makes it known how he sees so many things a bother, food is no exclusion. Because of this, he doesn’t make any lunch for himself to eat at school since apparently eating bothers him too. You make sure he doesn’t make this a habit, and make food for him alongside yours the night before. He tries to distract you from the fact that he barely took five bites of it, by thanking you before placing the lid back on top, but you stop him and tell him to finish it, hinting that you won’t call him to keep him awake in the mornings anymore (the only reason this worries him is because he has a time limited game mission to complete during the time he wakes up to get ready for school). So, he ends up finishing the food despite him not being bothered to.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “ I also defend all my loved ones with cape and swords, and I am brave and strong”.
Although we don’t get to see it much, we know that once Nagi gets heated about something, he actually gets mad. As surprising as it sounds, not everyone is like this with their loved ones. Some people simply brush it off, or don’t respond in fear of them being verbally attacked as well. For him to know that you’re there for him just as he is would definitely add an aspect of light to his dull view on some things. Although he doesn’t show it, he’d never let anyone make fun of you or tarnish your name behind your back. Seeing as he usually acts unbothered and uncaring of most things, no one would really think that he cares about being confronting for another person until they start to talk about you in front of him, needless to say, his tall and intimidating demeanour was enough to scare them off.
―୨୧⋆ ˚ “..I'm a normal girl, 1.60 cm, black/brown hair, brown eyes. I have chubby cheeks and my friends love to squish me (sometimes it hurts).”
With you being significantly shorter than Nagi (not to say that you’re short, it’s just in comparison to him). He’d see you as a cute little person that he should protect. Given that you also have chubby cheeks, as kids, I’d imagine that he’d enjoy squeezing your cheeks, saying that they’re soft and fluffy like marshmallows. Someone like him would definitely lift your confidence and make you feel better, even when you feel like nothing special (which you definitely are not!). He’s the type of person to say something really meaningful without even realising it until he sees you tear up (to which he still doesn’t realise that what he said had that much of an impact on you).
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
tag game tuesday 🥳
i was tagged my @celestialmickey @sleepyfacetoughguy @rereadanon @harrowhark-a-vagrant @juliakayyy @ardent-fox @transmickey @energievie @palepinkgoat to do this tag game! weeee! hello lovelies, this felt nice today 🖤
name: bee 🐝
age: 31
pronouns: she/her
your sun sign, MBTI type, and enneagram type (google them if you’re not sure!): cancer, ENFJ, and i think 3w2, but it's been a minute since i've looked at the enneagram! 💫
how tall are you? 5’ 5” (which is apparently tall around these parts?!) <- omg beecy same!
what color are your eyes? brown
the last time you saw a movie in theaters (bonus: what was it?): last weekend! barbie! we dressed up & had martinis & it was a blasty blast! 💗
favorite dessert: ice cream 🍨
outer space or the ocean? even though it freaks me the fuck out in so many ways, i'm gonna say the ocean 🌊
you’re in a McDonald’s drive thru, what are you ordering? a McDouble, a medium fries, and a Coke! 🍔
are you good with plants? sadly no. i have killed so many plants in my lifetime & i'm currently wrestling with a whole backyard of plants that i'm just hoping survive my stay 😔🌿
would your current self and high school self get along? i think they would! i'm not sure that i'm that different to be honest? maybe i am a bit more level-headed than i was? but i think that there are some really cool through-lines from my past self to my present self 🤘🏼
a food you can’t stand: eggplant 🍆 <- omg also same! the beecy lore grows with every passing tag game!
something you’d do if money were no object: travel the world & bring my pals along for the ride ✈️🌎
the last app you opened on your phone (tumblr doesn’t count!): i think it might've been instagram?
and finally, compliment yourself! YOU'RE DOING IT KID! you're showing up every day & trying your best & your worth is also not tied to any company/government/economic system of productivity 😠
i’m not going to tag anyone because i’m feeling Sad, but if you want to join, do it & tag me because everyone is welcome to engage here on my blog heheh 😏
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Heya! Here for the match up thingamajig :) ty for doing this, it sounds really fun. go through this in your own time, i know these asks get long 👍🏽 i'll try to provide some useful information here lol Hm. Ok I get two of the mbti personalities on repeat everytime i take the quiz, either INTP (logician) or ISFJ (defender). Right now, it's ISFJ, though I'm able to speak my mind well enough. Idk what my enneagram type is. My friends have called me loyal, stubborn and strong on multiple occasions. Also that I have a "spine of iron", and I take pride in that. I'm the one in the party that pulls everyone in to dance. I love parties, booze or no booze. I'm a social introvert, if that makes sense. I'm good with a crowd but I don't make friends easy. I'm restless sometimes, it manifests as zoomies and tons and tons of art. I've even made art for the fandom :)
As for the song, I've had Rigamarole by ROZET on loop for a while now. Specifically the chorus, "' 'Cause I ain't satisfied, you ain't satisfied, You know I can't lie, You know I'm bored out of my mind, 'Cause I ain't satisfied, you ain't satisfied, Same thing, new day, man, I'd rather die."
My imaginary friend was the guy that leaped over buildings alongside the car :) more than just picturing him running along the ride, i used to pretend he was real and make conversation.
I like my name, but if I had to change it, it'd be Surya. The hindu god of the sun. I've always kind of taken the celestial body as an example for what I should do. To keep burning and keep shedding light, constantly. I like how you can't stare at the sun for too long. I love the moon, but the intensity of the sun speaks to me.
Now to the redacted questions : I lack appeal for Marcus tbh. Idk why, I've tried, he hasn't stuck. I'm platonically attracted to David Shaw, which apparently is an obvious guess. He's a big man in terms of capability, what with being the alpha to the most famous pack in dahlia. I don't wanna befriend him because of his power - I have this thing where I try to make friends with people who I think are better than me, people that make me uncomfortable in my own pride. I think he's capable of shaking me up because of how he handles intense responsibility alng with everything else.
My favourite playlist rn is my "current favs" one lmao. a bunch of screamo rap and trap rock. Idk it's a phase i think.
And last but not least - my guilty pleasure media is bf asmr 👍🏽
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Okay, you’re going to think this is just because of the Sun and Sunshine metaphors, but hear me out, I promise, I swear there’s SO many reasons I want to pair you with Elliott-!
The way you describe yourself socially, the kind of friend you are, makes me imagine you and Elliott as just the It Couple, especially at parties. Elliott also strikes me as the social chameleon type who fits in well, balancing that intro-ambivert vibe of mood making and knowing when he needs time alone with you to recharge. It’s that lovely friends to lovers image of y’all being that couple that never makes anyone feel like the third wheel because you’re so genuinely fun to be around.
I also like the bit where you mentioned surrounding yourself with impressive people you admire, because Elliott is so cool. He’s, like, a government-contracted Defensive Dream Designer which must require skill, ambition, creativity, all that jazz. I can see that pairing well with you and your art. Imagine him taking you into dreams and helping you construct visual models of your ideas, bringing them to life for you to recreate, the two of you making art together!
Hush, hush, the world is quiet/ Hush, hush, we both can't fight it/ It's us that made this mess/ Why can't you understand?/ Whoa, I won't sleep tonight
I like this song for y’all because of the fun, “will they, won’t they”, undeniable tension vibes of it; like, the opening line is literally “I kind of want to be more than friends.” It’s perfect! I also think it’d be a fun party song for dancing, in my non-party going opinion, and Elliott strikes me as an alt/indie kind of guy, so this seems like the genre he’d like.
I like Guy as a runner-up for you because I think he also has that restless energy and bright, sociable nature that would make y’all the absolute best party guests, However, I love Sam as a runner-up because one, “loyal, stubborn, and strong” is also how I’d describe him, Two, I am obsessed with pairing vampires with partners who radiate strong Sun energy, okay, there’s nothing like it.
note: thank you for your patience, I hope you like your results! 💖
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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sunstranded · 7 months
INTJ: Se-ing
There are several paradoxes about INTJs that make me roll my eyes because, again, barnum effect. But I really like the one where we plan excessively but at the same time wing it. It's accurate and certainly unique to Ni users with Se.
Admittedly this has been in my drafts for awhile so I may have derived from my original (forgotten) intention. I just want to clean my drafts, I don't like loose ends.
Upon reading the description I made some time ago, I remembered the picture I found that had listed down the amount of paradoxes that are unique to INTJs (apparently).
The first one listed is usually about how we are unfeeling but feeling intensely (there are other pictures such as these). I disagree with this because anyone in the NT, ST even some FPs could identify with this. Granted, NFPs won't be the most... they'll appear emo, more like rather than the ST and NT of blandness with our palette of black and really really dark gray emotions.
I digress, I just feel as though some aren't exclusive to INTJs and most could be applied to anyone in a sense they can believe they are a certain way but aren't. I'll leave the definition of barnum effect to those who may search but that effect literally manifests in every description about a type. People can deem them too vague to be useful but also not. However, I'd rather talk about a description about the INTJ that I see the pros and cons of.
My overconfidence gets me sometimes. I would plan and plan (you know, the contingency plan that has contingency plans within it and have everything so vague) but because of that nature, the plan is open ending and branching in multiple ways (all the possibilities we could come up with were considered). But some of these branches of the plan aren't fully explored, or else I would be fully stuck in my head. Since they aren't fully explored and I plan more details on the branch with highest possibility, my overconfidence with the highest possibility does put me in a bad state if it doesn't go that way.
I sound insane trying to describe this but now that I have, when my most intricate plan didn't go through, I still don't do bad when winging things. Sure, I probably look less cool than if it were something I predicted and comfortable with but so are most people in a new situation.
I think this ability of just huffing and working with that's in front of me but still having that branch of possibilities and contingency plan still spreading continuously at the back of my head is what separates SJs from NJs. This doesn't mean SJs can't wing things and plan things. I would even say they plan intricately and sometimes better than me. But then the more tangible and detailed your plans are the more nightmare-ish your possibilities become. Unlike the NJs almost sadistic way of imagining the worst thing possible and solving it in the head or running a simulation of all the possible situations like we have future vision, SJs can be more time efficient. The difference is, to them, possibilities are endless and overwhelming while NJs see possibilities as choices in an overarching storyline.
I didn't include SPs because having Se first than Ni would make things be different. Anyways, that's it. I just don't like some descriptions that invite the barnum effect (i.e. you dont like fake people). It doesn't serve justice to the type as well as bring out the utility of MBTI.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 28 days
That’s a good idea….will start check marking….. I’m also realizing I think part of the problem was I actually do press send sometimes but if the connection is spotty and I don’t realize I close out tumblr and then it never ends up fully loading/sending properly….
SHSHS I cant imagine that’d be comfortable with the dizziness…well uh..at least it’s over now!! Haha…..
OUUU wait that’s a good take…..it’s kinda funny I think I remember Isagi and Yuta having the same mbti too?? Not sure how accurate the typing actually is but I thought that was funny LOL but IM CRYING LMAOOOO you really said I need some spice in my life let’s switch it up
Honestly I would not be surprised if that ended up being the case like….after every single time we’ve manifested something into existence I’d be more surprised if it didn’t get manifested into reality LMAO
SHEGSHS every now and then I think about how I’m blowing up your inbox but omg another special tag I’m so honored LOL hope the ideas prove useful for when you’re in a slump!!
AHAHAHA atp trying to guess your final wc should just be a game im sure its at least mildly frustrating for you but I can’t lie every time it happens I chuckle a bit especially when you post it with that one ant meme LMFAOOA
Oh em gee very excited!! Whenever that comes out im gonna reread part 1 to refresh first LOL it’s ok we gotta give our man a break from being protag he’s been going through it LMAOAO between getting insulted by the love of his life in fwtkac the whole freaky Friday conflict and now bfb where he’s been pining since he could walk I
Gotta bless the other sectors of the fandom with your work….give them a taste of your writing then they’ll discover your blog read the Karasu fics and join Karasu nation…that’s the end goal LMAO atp you’re just overseeing all of bllknation covering every base
Hsjshsj glad it went well!! Struggle because of motion sickness I assume? Manifesting very hard that that goes away soon…
GAGAMARU AND YUKI LMAOOO ok that’s a pair I was not expecting ngl it’s ok it’s the power duo one blind one and one with super vision /j actually I feel like that’d be really funny like…since yuki is also a model he has such a refined vibe and as we know is very well mannered while gagamaru spends a lot of the time in the woods in the wilderness fighting bears or something LOL such opposite vibes
Yeah…like I get the shock factor thing but tbh to me that still doesn’t “justify it” to me LOL like it was just so sudden?? And there’s still so many holes like how’d she suddenly just appear good as new minus the one eye…no I fully agree like it was so random, not lead up not even a hint from the past what like 30 chapters?? Like they really just decided to throw her back into the ring at the last second….like we haven’t seen her since Shibuya arc and she somehow just spawned back like make it make sense…..tbh I think the “shock my readers” thing is such a gege thing to do :,) considering all the other comments we’ve heard from him LMAO but yeah the execution was not it……jjk fandom is also scary I see people getting eaten alive for “hot takes”
LMAO safe from kaiserism today…tbh I can’t see myself actually converting BUT the compass >>> the whole animal shelter dog scene was Lowk so cute I love the use of the dog’s own background in paralleling kaiser’s own situation! But that line “she’s my mother but I’m not her son” LITERARY GENIUS but also I’m crying when they talk about marriage and a wedding I’m fr just imagining ness just standing there alone on kaisers side something about the scene just seems so funny to me
- Karasu anon
tumblr is so glitchy sometimes i can’t even blame you 😔 the amount of times i’ve thought i posted something and didn’t or someone will send an ask and i just won’t get a notification for it??? same with dms and then people think i’m ignoring them but that’s not my intention at all 😭💔
yess they do have the same mbti!! and so does hiori apparently 🤔 tbh i tend to like characters who are sassier because they’re more like me so they’re easier to write/connect with (asshole karasu 🤝 asshole mira) but realistically in a relationship you can only rlly have one person like that the other needs to be nice or else it’s just stressful 😭 irl whenever i meet people who match my freak toooo well i get annoyed because like why are we only being mean to each other but when people start to get too moral abt it it’s like “oh it was never that deep” LMAOAAO there needs to be a happy medium of someone who finds it funny and can throw a jab or two out there when necessary but for the most part they’re just chilling 😩 which lowkey IS isagi (and hiori) now that i think abt it but NOOOO if i convert to isagism what will become of me
HFJDJSSJ okay random kiyora headcanons speedrun (kaneshiro if you’re watching these are fire pls include them in the manga): he ran cross country for one year during the soccer off season and he liked it because he could listen to music during races but it wasn’t competitive enough for him so he quit, he’s lowkey fire at either knitting or crochet but no one knows (he’s not shy abt it though it’s just that no one talks to him for long enough to realize), and he got a pet umbrella cockatoo after watching the movie rio in theaters
NO I LOVE GETTING THE NOTIFICATION YOU SENT AN ASK it’s so fun to read them 🥹 and PLSS honestly it’s less frustrating and more just like 😨 whenever the word count gets crazy long because for the most part i’m just happy to be providing 😩 the only thing that worries me is when i take too long writing smth rlly long and people think i’m on hiatus 😭 like no i’m still here it’s just that this one shot is now novel length so…
okay wait genuinely multiple people have been converted to karasu nation because of me LMAOAOA especially bfb and fwtkac…honestly it’s a role i’m proud to play 🤩🙏🏻 but yes atm i need to expand my outreach/not make karasu suffer any longer he’s been through it in the miraverse as of late 😟 i’m excited for cherry tree pt2 i think it’s probably going to be shorter but very cute 🥹 which yk cute and rin don’t necessarily go together very naturally given how he is but trust i will make it work 🤩
HEAR ME OUT GAGAMARU AND YUKI / TARZAN AND JANE AU LMAOOOOO no it’s so perfect hold on i’m going to edit a screen cap of it once i’ve responded to this why does it fit uncannily well…i’ve convinced myself gagamaru and yuki besties number one bllk duo forget bachisagi or kunigiri or nagireo or tabieita or whatever 🥱 gagayuki the ONLY pair i care about (and karasu + shidou they’re cool too)
i completely agree although i’ve already seen people on all corners of the internet calling people who are dissatisfied with it brain dead or without reading comprehension/media literacy…that’s just how it’s going to be ig 😓 jjk to me has this problem where it’s simultaneously overhated AND overrated 🤔 because people do not realize there is a middle ground!! like no it’s not the worst manga ever and there are several high points + on the whole it is better written than several other animangas especially shounen ones however it is NOT peak fiction and it is definitely not the best thing to come out in recent times!! like people don’t realize you can criticize it and still not bash it/gege completely 😒 also i have to say it…a manga being popular ≠ good idk WHY that’s such a popular argument but things can be popular without being well written!! look at any number of ya dystopian novels from the 2010s for proof 😭 nobody’s denying that jjk is popular it’s just that that doesn’t automatically make it the best thing ever…i saw someone on tik tok say that a lot of jjk fans confuse hype moments/panels with good writing and i do think that that’s the case at times 🫣 but what do i know lol
tbh smth abt kaiser’s fuck ass haircut turns me off rlly bad like maybe if he still had the shaggy blond going on or if he put it in a bun more often i’d see the appeal but the rat tails are not it 😰 and LMAOAOAO PLSSS kaiser’s side at the wedding is just ness and noel noa (he was paid to be there) and both of them are just like 😐😐 the whole time HAHAHA they are not into it at all…maybe kaiser was onto smth when he said that they should just get married without any guests because imagine how awk it would be otherwise 😭
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I really wanna talk about homestuck in relation to this post but like, idk if I wanna add to it because it might be a total derailment of the topic but homestuck is such a weird apocalypse narrative.
like... the way it handles it is so odd because earth itself is not very well characterized before the characters leave it. the characters themselves are massively well characterized, and that takes up the bulk of the narrative, but like... we never even hear them talk about school? or much of anything more than their shared interests and what's immediately happening to them. and in a way, that is kind of authentic. because when kids get together to hang out, the last thing they ever wanna talk about is dry, boring stuff about their mundane lives. they'll mostly just yell memes at each other, talk about anime, play video games... it's possible to simultaneously know nothing about your friends, but feel closer to them than ever, because you're mostly around for the parts of their life that they want to experience when they're having the most fun. you see them as they are when they have the most agency to choose that. and that might be totally divorced from the reality of how their day-to-day life unfolds.
in this way, homestuck presents these characters as people who have shed that mundane portion of their lives. they are now left with only the part that they typically share with their friends. and in reality, if a SBURB type apocalypse were to literally happen to you, it'd be traumatic as hell. but this is the place where homestuck chooses to ask you to suspend your disbelief. let's just believe that John didn't have any other friends or family to think about when the world ended. let's pretend they left zero people of any interest whatsoever behind. all they are shaking off is the society that they were obligated to participate in so mundanely. they no longer have to make any compromises with anyone... they get to fully center themselves.
okay, so that's obviously not entirely true... playing SBURB is a cooperative experience, and being friends with someone doesn't always mean that your relationship is easy. but homestuck allows the narrative to become self centered. it's about one individual and the tiny sphere of influence they have, among solely the people they've developed meaningful bonds with. it allows them to become a case study.
so when the world ends, the world is not necessarily what matters. what matters is the identities of a few specific individuals who we spend a lot of time cultivating our own connections with as a reader.
and that all becomes incredibly interesting when you consider classes and aspects.
basically, in terms of the post linked above, classes and aspects are the harry potter houses, the factions, the "what bender are you" or MBTI type... they're not the only way you could categorize the characters, but they're the most universally applicable to all of the characters that are important in the narrative. and what's interesting is just like... what classes are for, and how complicated it actually is to know what aspects are, or what they mean.
starting with classes, these are basically a series of archetypes that are specialized so that everyone has a role to play that makes them uniquely valuable to a collective. if we're considering this in terms of DnD, you can think of what classes might make for a balanced party, and how having a balanced party makes it satisfying to play the game. no one player could handle everything on their own, and at the same time, everyone feels needed. nobody is useless.
this already seems fundamentally different from some of the means of categorization that I listed above. a lot of these systems are meant to divvy up the characters into societally recognized in-groups and out-groups... people who can be identified as allies or enemies. even if the groups are ascribed certain archetypal skills, the goal is rarely so explicitly for the archetypes to work together, or cover each other's weaknesses. Avatar is probably what comes the closest to this idea, with its underlying endeavor to find harmony between the elements, but homestuck uses classes both as a way to communicate unique specialization, and as a way to unify the characters by their need for support.
and that's a little weird isn't it? these characters just shed all of their obligations to a broader society, and we're taking that as a freeing event... right? but there is a difference between society and community, and while homestuck might use the destruction of society as a catalyst for adventure, it uses the formation of community as the driving force behind the story's progression. the characters are all motivated to work together and help each other... and that doesn't always mean that it works. even within a community, one person's drive to center themselves and their own personal growth can trample others who were trying to do the same thing. perhaps not everyone in the community consents to being cooperative. perhaps the difference in archetype could drive someone to become competitive instead. and these are all value-neutral observations... no archetype is specifically acknowledged as being evil, even when they have friction with one another.
basically... this is character writing. and I find it funny that these broad categories that kids like to identify themselves with are seen as ways of flattening characterization into broad strokes like "the brave one" or "the sneaky one" or what have you, because in the case of classes, the characterization becomes deeper. and I think that's because the categories are used well... the characters all have specific relationships with the stereotypes they're ascribed by others, and the archetypes they're told they must fulfill. the classes don't define them, but they do give them something to contend with. can they fulfill their role? can they live up to their purpose? is there a place in the story for someone with an archetype like theirs? do they want to be this?
aspects get even trickier, and for this I might just link to a video I really love that covers a lot of the thoughts I've been having. it's kind of front loaded with a lot of technical talk about computer science and philosophy, and tbh I love that homestuck does actually link up those concepts with so much of it's presentation, but the main bit that intrigues me is the way the video talks about aspects as irreducible components of thought. like the periodic table of elements, but for ideas.
this drastically elevates the importance of each character's assigned category, and makes it function so much better as a tool for characterization. because, like, the aspects are actually really abstract. when someone says their aspect is "wind" or "light" you could take that 100% literally if you wanted to... but by the time you've read enough of homestuck to connect those to John and Rose, you probably understand that it's not that simple. and other concepts, such as astrology, have taught you that this is the sort of system that you're supposed to interpret, right? what is a capricorn if not a loose collection of traits that give you a certain vibe? that's what we're working with when it comes to aspects. otherwise, how would you know what void, or doom, or mind are? tbh it's actually pretty genius that astrology was worked into the comic as an aesthetic element, just so we'd all be mentally primed to do this kind of categorical interpretation... hell, even the actual signs themselves constitute a framework with which you could analyze the characters, like, how does Nepeta display typical leo traits, or how is Vriska a stereotypical scorpio... it all still works, even as you understand that each individual is more complex than the traits which support that interpretation.
in this way, the aspects are never really explained exhaustively verbatim, and are almost solely defined by the traits you've observed from individual characters, who act as representatives for what these categories actually are. or at least how they function in this instance, which is what's relevant. it's not just superpowers, and it's not just archetypes... it's both at the same time, and you come at them from a character-first perspective when you're trying to figure out what they mean. the characters inform your knowledge of the categories, and the categories act as a framework for analyzing the characters. and I love how homestuck tricks you into assuming that it has a lot of little rigid categories for the characters to slot into, and how quickly it becomes apparent that everything is way more abstract than it first appears. and yet, it all still means something. and it's really interesting to, say, compare two different time players to try to piece together what is typical for that archetype, while also accounting for their class, and trying to understand how that changes the roles they play and the ways they behave. and then you have the trolls' caste system on top of that, and the astrology angle I mentioned earlier, and there are honestly so many overlapping ways to think about it all, and I think that's the point.
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leefi · 3 years
Hi, I noticed you did the MBTI types of the ORV characters, and I was wondering what you think the MBTI types are for the Revue Starlight gals :D
Anon, I want you to know that this google doc is 14 pages single-spaced, and I'm still not done.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, I'm so glad you asked!! I'll be breaking this up into four parts so we don't have to scroll through one massive wall of text. The other schools will take a bit more time to publish as I'm still working on a couple from each (I think I have four girls left!).
But without further ado:
Starira MBTI Part 1 - Seisho
I had a lot of help with all of this reading @HalfACape’s wonderful character analyses of so many of the girls on twitter, as well as consulting the Personality Database page for the characters I was less sure about (though there were a few I disagreed with on there - none in Seisho, we'll be discussing the others later). But everyone feel free to discuss if you disagree with anything!
Karen Aijo: ENFP
ENFPs’ dominant function is Ne (extroverted intuition) (that running gag Karen has in the game where she mishears words, spouting off suggestions even if they make absolutely zero sense to the situation at hand - “telescope? telephone? telenovella?” - is such stereotypical Ne). Ne is always running towards any possibility, no matter how unlikely it seems, and I don’t need to spell out for you how much of that we saw from Karen in the anime. Ne-Fi feed each other to create a rebel/free-spirit type of personality (Ne seeks all possibilities, Fi holds strong inner values and selfish desires - what do I want, what do I need? How does this make me feel?). Her Te isn’t too developed yet, which is fine because it’s tertiary and she’s still so young. That tertiary, undeveloped Te shows up in her scatterbrained, lackadaisical, go-with-the-flow attitude (but when dominant Fi gets fired up by something - like an old childhood friend coming home - it kicks Te into high gear). Inferior introverted Sensing shows no respect towards rules or regulations - see her revue with Junna (Si-dominant) and the anger she draws out of Maya for (a child of the system and traditionally hard worker) in their Revue of Pride. Karen is the natural rebel, the forever optimist, the sunshine girl - textbook ENFP.
Mahiru Tsuyuzaki: INFP
If you want to see what leading with an introverted function looks like compared to an extroverted function, compare Mahiru to Karen! They share the exact same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis. So Mahiru is Fi, Ne, Si, Te. Karen is Ne, Fi, Te, Si. And Mahiru is a very clear example of an INFP - such a warm, brilliant, awe-inspiring person, but can also be her own worst enemy and others tend to underestimate her. And it’s hard, I don’t blame her! Leading with Fi and not having that physical/in the moment Se to support it (like ISFPs do, just compare her to Kaoruko--yes--they’re only one letter off from each other) means that it’s extremely hard for INFPs to naturally advocate for themselves...so instead, they retreat into their own imaginations where it’s safer (Ne). BUT THEY’RE SO INCREDIBLE!! THERE’S SO MUCH THERE TO RESPECT AND ADMIRE!! *shakes her like maracas* IF YOU WOULD JUST SHOW US!!!!!!! (and this is her whole arc in the anime i don’t need to tell her lol). It’s actually so interesting how she and Karen’s Fi and Ne escapism manifests in their respective introverted/extroverted personalities. These two really are more similar than most of us think!
I love INFPs so, so much because they’re like sleeping giants. Once they get a hold of and develop that inferior extroverted Thinking it’s over - nobody else can compare. They’re like the characters in video games that start off super weak, and then you blink and suddenly they’ve become the most powerful units near the end of the game.
Kagura Hikari: INTJ
ENFP’s stereotypical partner (I swear every other reserved person A/sunshine person B couple in fiction is this type pairing) and while it’s tropey it works because these two types play off each other so well. I actually originally had her pegged as an ISTJ, but I think that her bullheadedness earlier in the anime is more indicative of Ni being stubborn. Hikari is cagey, reserved (tert Fi/inferior Se), and an incredibly high-achieving individual (dominant Ni sets specific goals, auxiliary Te implements). Her tertiary Fi (which INTJs LOVE to keep locked up, right here, forever, until they die) is so obvious as you slowly learn just how much of a sap/romantic she is. It’s her weaker Fi that holds that sentimentality towards Starlight after all these years, her Fi that struggles to hold on to that childhood promise, her Fi that has her following Karen (and eventually Mahiru as well) around like a duckling (though we initially get the impression that the dynamic is the other way around). She grows to care deeply for all the other girls around her and that’s all her tertiary introverted Feeling getting stronger as the story progresses! Like so many people in the fandom have realized, she isn’t a mean person, she’s just socially awkward. Not too much to say on her inferior Se, that mostly manifests in how she’s a homelier person who would rather stay in than go out, and doesn’t actively try to seek new experiences (this was what had me thinking ISTJ at first).
Junna Hoshimi: ISTJ
Karen’s polar opposite - they actually share the exact same functions, just in reverse! So Junna leads with introverted Sensing where it’s Karen’s weakest, and Karen leads with extroverted Intuition where it’s Junna’s weakest. And we see this play out in their revue!
Junna is one of my favorite characters in the series for a reason and it’s because it’s SO rare to see the ISTJ in a rebellious role. Si is all about following and respecting order, and Junna breaks all of that to create her own! We see that dominant Si show up in literally every other facet of her life, though - from her by-the-book attitude to her stringency with deadlines and tardiness to her respect for the creatives of old - Shakespeare, Nietschze, etc. She’s an incredibly bright and successful student as well (any type can be of course but the “kind of student” she is is very much Te supporting Si - super studious and placing heavy weight on studying and getting straight A’s). And her Fi is SO GOOD. SO SO SO SO GOOD AND SO APPARENT - MUCH stronger than IxTJ’s sibling Hikari’s at the start of the anime. That’s where the rebellious part of her spirit comes from - her values, her strong sense of self and desire for autonomy (EXTREMELY Fi thing - Fi is all about the self, how I feel about something, what I want out of this, not feeling trapped by others’ expectations, etc.). Inferior Ne manifests in how she struggles with improvisation, ends up tunnel visioning (see her revue with Karen), and can sometimes struggle to accept new ideas or ways of doing things (Junna works so hard, but it’s evident in the anime and a lot of her starira bond stories that she can end up getting stuck in her old ways if someone else doesn’t come in to offer a new perspective -- see her Jekyll bond story dialogue with Maya!). Another example we see is when her extroverted xSTJ sibling Akira, who has Ne a step higher than her but understands where she’s coming from with their shared functions, guides her towards using it in the High Priestess bond story!
Nana Daiba: ESFJ
Textbook ESFJ!! Caring, motherly, affable; Fe doms are always looking to appeal to the group and make sure that everybody feels comfortable (and, likewise, are very keen on suppressing their own insecurities/emotions/discomforts). Nana is not ambitious for ambition’s sake, and in fact suppresses her own talents to appeal to the group. As for that Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :)
Unhealthy Si can manifest as an extreme fixation on past experiences and a fear of moving on (we’re going to see this later with Si-dom Fumi too). Her poor tertiary Ne had gotten absolutely quashed by her stronger auxiliary Si in the anime - it doesn’t want to change anything! Claudine and Maya can be the leads again. We don’t need to modify the script. The first one was already perfect, why are we risking failure by changing things?! Also, holding herself back for the sake of everyones’ happiness is so Fe dom it hurts. If you want to see the difference between ESFJ and ENFJ (the two Fe-doms of MBTI), compare her to Michiru, who also suppresses her talents -- yes to cultivate the other girls’ (specifically Akira’s) brilliance but also for the sake of her ulterior motives to one day create her own troupe (aux Ni at work vs. Nana’s aux Si). Nana’s is more deferrant, but still just as ferocious - she’ll defeat Maya 60 times over to get what she wants. And the craziest thing is that all of this comes out of love and fear - she’s scared, and all of that is coming from her unhealthy Si aux. Junna is a very good example for her to follow for healthier Si.
Claudine Saijo: ENTJ
“DON’T IGNORE MY LINES!!!” ENTJs LOVE being at the top - the leaders of the pride, the people in charge, the ones you have to answer to (AND she’s a Leo too. Jfc girl pick a struggle LMAOOOOO). You get the picture - except Claudine isn’t in that position. Maya is. Claudine doesn’t even get a revue or her own song, because she’s Maya’s eternal second. This is a really, really uncomfortable spot for an ENTJ to be in, and it’s evident in how hard she pushes herself - and how antsy she gets whenever Maya is around. But Claudine never blames an outside system or factors like Karen (inferior Si) does for her situation - she just gets angry and more driven to succeed, bulldozing her way to the finish line (dominant Te-tertiary Se interacting). The tragedy of her character is that she will never surpass Maya, so we see her Ni begin to reframe achieving the very top to becoming the only star in Maya’s eye (little does she know that she’s already succeeded). That ripping off of her cloak at the end of the revue duet - “the only loser here is me” - is her inferior Fi poking its head out. At the end of the day, Claudine is an interesting character because she’s a walking contradiction. She’s a star denied a spotlight, but she isn’t a failure either, so she’s forced to grapple with this ambiguous, there-but-not-quite-there middle ground. It’s one big identity crisis in the making, and it’s clear to see why so many people relate to her and love her as a character - a lot of us can empathize with never quite being satisfied, and looking up towards heights that can appear insurmountable.
Maya Tendo: INFJ
She seems so normal and established and then you look closer and realize there’s something seriously wrong with her and oh my god where did this massive god complex come from. Typical Ni dom
From her detached, more “mature” personality to her altruistic and often surprisingly keen insight towards people, she has so many key makings of an INFJ. That dominant Ni is strong in Maya - everything is poured into theatre. Everything. From her hobbies to her interests to her personality, everything Maya does in her life is deliberate and all of it is for the sake of theatre. Ni bitches LOVE to fixate on just one thing, and for Maya, that is the stage. “I have no need for those who lack willpower...Come climb up here if you have the resolve...A single step forward is a step closer to my dream” is just...yeah I’m being redundant. Dominant introverted intuition. Ni Ni Ni Ni. This girl embodies it - while Hikari is also a Ni-dom, Maya shows a TON more of it than her (can’t say I blame the writers - Ni is probably the most difficult function to write because it requires thinking so many steps ahead for your character). We can see a marked difference between INFJs and INTJs here in how Maya and Hikari practice solitude - Hikari purposely isolates herself from Karen to avoid hurting her, while Maya purposely isolates and crafts herself into an untouchable God to serve as an inspiration to others (auxiliary extroverted Feeling). Want to see how this looks with the INFJ’s extroverted sibling, the ENFJ? Look at how Michiru crafts Akira’s public image. That’s Ni and Fe at work, just in different priority slots (Maya is Ni dominant, Michiru is Fe dominant - they share the same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis). That tertiary Ti is very prevalent too - Maya mostly keeps her thoughts to herself, and loves to mull over things. She definitely isn’t the first one to shout out an answer, she prefers to think things over.
One interesting comment that really stood out to me on her personality database page was how she’s an INFJ with an INTP persona in the anime, and I think I agree (INFJs and INTPs tend to present similarly and can be easily confused with each other anyway)! But I want to add on to that - I think that INTP presentation is her auxiliary Fe at play crafting a persona that better coincides with Claudine’s, as ENTJ/INTP matchups are extremely compatible (not saying Maya was thinking about MBTI LOL but rather she brought out and exemplified aspects of her personality that would better complement Claudine’s - their partnership is not a one-way street at all! Maya does so much for her!!). Just compare anime Maya to stageplay Maya, where she gives no headway and is absolutely brutal to Claudine.
Futaba Isurigi: ISTP
Futaba is such a great example of what a healthy ISTP can look like! Dominant Ti shows up in how she communicates with others - she's honest, direct, and to the point, but it's never utilized in a way that’s mean-spirited (contrary to how her girlfriend often can be) - it’s just how she communicates. Claudine (a Te dom which works SO well with Ti) actually points out in Starira that this is why they get along so well. Aux Se shows up in her physicality - her love and strength is in stage fights, she's into mechanics with her motorcycle and does all the maintenance herself, etc. Funnily enough, I think that tert Ni, while a slot above Fe, is actually Futaba’s least developed trait (or, at least, the one she's most guarded about) - she went into Seisho to follow Kaoruko, and her aux Se dominates that tert slot and gives her a … little bit of a lackadaisical attitude? Obviously not as much as someone like Karen, but in many senses she doesn't outwardly display a strong fear or anxiety towards the future like the other girls (completely understandably) do - and it’s that tert Ni getting angry when she feels as if Kaoruko is stagnating in her plans. There’s some inklings of her own plan for the future, but Futaba’s own individual plans are mostly kept to herself, so we don’t know how much or little she’s done about them. (I have more to add but will not continue as I’m venturing into movie spoilers territory, but for those that have watched/read them, try to draw your own conclusions based on what I’ve said!). I think that having such a close relationship with Kaoruko is what pushed her to develop that inferior Fe so early to support her girlfriend's dominant Fi. I actually originally had her typed as ESTP for how strong her Fe was (ESTPs have it a slot higher than their introverted siblings), but she really doesn’t strike me as an extrovert, and ISTPs with developed Fe can be very warm, affable people too!
Kaoruko Hanayagi: ISFP
“Kaoruko Hanayagi’s dream is world domination.”
Kaoruko is such a great example of what an unhealthy ISFP can look like! LMAOOO but no, I’m dead serious - if you want to know what unhealthy introverted Feeling looks like, look to Kaoruko. Everything is me me me me me me me, to hell with what anyone else wants (if you want to compare unhealthy Fe to unhealthy Fi, compare Nana and Kaoruko). Tertiary Ni shows up to support Fi in how surprisingly sharp she is towards other people - what makes them tick, exactly where to hurt, their inner thoughts and feelings (see her bathtub conversation with Mahiru).
BUT THAT DOMINANT Fi IS ALSO SUCH A POWERFUL THING. That “me me me me me me” is going to turn into “my vision, and what I want to create, and what I’m going to do” (once that inferior Te finally develops - which Kaoruko is going to be forced to put work into eventually). This is why, like Mahiru, I think that Kaoruko is seriously going to blossom later on in life - ISFPs and INFPs, the Pisces of the MBTI, have this weird penchant for going under the rader and then becoming insanely fucking successful OUT OF NOWHERE??? Like, they aren’t super motivated and driven with a specific plan like Ni-strong xNxJs, or disciplined and hardworking like Te-strong xSTJs, but???? You blink and suddenly they’re millionaires with four creative projects going on simultaneously (but if they get bored with any of them they’ll drop them instantly - you could not pay me all the money in the world to be an IxFP’s manager it must be an absolute nightmare <3). Just...legends out of nowhere? Rihanna is an ISFP Pisces so I have real world evidence to back this up.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Do you think any enneagram/MBTI types tend to gravitate towards each other?
For instance, most of my friends are NF type 4s — or at least have strong 4 fixes. As an INFP 9w1 (964), I typically don’t like people who type similarly to (9s/6s and INFPs), but enjoy people who share at least a couple characteristics
Mostly I think it’s just because if I’m around INFP/9s or 6s they usually have the same type of flaws that I do & it’s more apparent to me? (maybe even annoying if they’re unhealthy). Plus, with fellow 9s and INFPs, I notice that we might both lack the initiative to start conversations.
I also tend to avoid people with 2 & 8 fixes, but I generally really enjoy being around 3s & 5s.
I’d be interested to hear if other people notice similar patterns, or they typically like being around their own types! (Most of my 4 friends want to be unique but then are also predominantly friends with 4s so idk about that)
I've heard you have more tolerance for people who have one of your fixes as their core type than for people who don't share any of your fixes and I imagine that is probably true. I'm more forgiving of 2s (because I can understand them) than of 4s, more tolerant of 6s (because I can empathize) than of 7s or 5s, and more at ease around 9s (because we both want peace) than 1s or 8s.
Being around someone who is an exact mirror of you / has all your bad traits on display can be grating, yes, because you tend to dislike in others what you most hate about yourself. I like lots of things about 6s but find their constant looking for the worst thing annoying, because it's also the thing that most annoys me about myself. I want to be happy, and good-natured, and see the best in people, not expect the worst and have cautionary comments come out of my mouth at all times. :P
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coldhndss · 7 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ Blue Lock Matchup No.3 Anon whose MBTI is INFJ, and has a 4w5 enneagram
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Hello, thank you for being part of my event! Your description was well written, and it made it super easy for me to figure out who to match you to!
I decided to match you to Hiori Yo!
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 ―୨୧⋆ ˚  “My hobbies are drawing, playing games, reading and writing short stories and I enjoy learning stuff like history and biology…”
As confusing as it sounds, Hiori’s apparent preferred type of person is, naturally, one who would sort of not swarm him; i.e., someone who would leave him alone when needed, and not be too obsessive of him or overbearing with him. Keeping his backstory in mind, it makes sense. 
So, with the majority of your hobbies being the types of things that can be done alone, not inclusive of things like going shopping, or going out to a theme park together, the two of you would definitely bond over something like this, and I doubt it’d take long for him to warm up to you. Some say that opposites attract, but there are some people who prefer to be around their own type of people, and both of you give off that type of vibe. 
So instead of going places and travelling, the only places you’d really go to are shops nearby to buy food and the like, and to the field, to watch his games. He’s not a complete shut in of course. Sometimes, the two of you walk together; I’d imagine that Hiori likes nature, and walking on trails and sightseeing, are calm places where basically anyone would feel at peace. Maybe the two of you would go to an aquarium, zoo, or a botanical garden. He’d take photos of you looking at the flowers and record you fawning over the seals at the aquarium. He holds these types of memories of you close to his heart.
Since we don’t actually know Hiori’s favourite school subjects, I feel like he’d be interested in the Humanities and Sciences, as they are somewhat difficult yet calm(ish) type subjects. They usually reflect the personality of the person as refined and gentle (I’m not yapping I promise this is just my opinion) and these same subjects happen to be what you’ve noted!
In a school setting, this is how I imagine the two of you would get along:
You and Hiori are in the same class, and constantly compete with each other in your subjects to see who comes out on top. When its you who comes first, he blames it on his training schedule, and when its him who comes first, you blame it on the fact that you didn’t study enough. The point difference between the two of you is always 1-3 points, so either way, the both of you always top the class together. 
 ―୨୧⋆ ˚  “ I rarely speak unless I have something important to say but I yap about my interests and hyperfixations a lot”
Needless to say, its widely assumed that Hiori is introverted and keeps to himself. Though, that doesn’t mean that he’s necessarily antisocial or boring. He usually listens in and puts his own input during a conversation. I’m sure He’d listen to what you have to say, and definitely make you feel heard. 
You may be watching a video documentary on something you’re interested in, or playing a game that he doesn’t know much about. He’d come and sit next to you, lean his head on your shoulder, and silently watch what you’re watching or playing. That way, if he doesn’t know much about something you like, he wouldn’t outright say it, but he’d try to figure it out by paying attention when you engage in it. He wouldn’t want to interrupt you while you’re talking about it since you’d look so happy and excited, and he doesn’t want you to lose your train of thought. He thinks that it’s nice for someone to enjoy something naturally without feeling any pressure to do so, since he didn’t have that same luxury.
 ―୨୧⋆ ˚   “I'm straightforward and work is my top priority as I dislike slacking and people who can't take stuff seriously.”
Work ethic is super important for anyone who wants to be the top at what they do. This mindset of yours would help not only you, but even motivate Hiori, who might not always feel like he’s in the best mental state to be playing sports. Pre his awakening in the manga, his demotivation may get to him, and make him feel like he’s not good enough at soccer. That’s where you’d motivate him, and remind him of his achievements, while also making sure that he feels better about himself and his skills. 
Post his awakening in the manga, his vital role as a player would become one of his top priorities, never backing down or falling victim to the demotivation which once had a tight grip on him before. Part of him gives you credit for keeping his motivation afloat back when he thought no one else saw potential in him anymore. 
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ourladylennon · 3 years
Hi, how are you our beloved lady? I hope ur doing good. I want to know your opinion to mbti stuff. What do you think about that? And what do you think about Beatles mbti stuff?
Tulip!!! How are you? I am so sorry it took me this long to answer- I could not figure out the best way to present the information for this ask or what would be the best information *to* share. I actually *love* MBTI, I think it’s fascinating. It really helps you understand yourself and others better. As far as the Beatles, there is a lot of debate about their types, but I have compiled a list of the most commonly accepted type for each Beatle with a break down below the cut!
John: INFP, “the Healer” (function stack: Fi-Ne-Si-Te) or ENFP “the Champion” (function stack: Ne-Fi-Te-Si)
A concise picture: generous, kind, charming, empathetic, sensitive, perceptive, strong personal values, introspective, imaginative, idealistic, individualistic, lively, spontaneous, adaptable, big picture, forward looking, long term oriented  // can be impractical, disorganized, tendency to overthink, easily offended, disregard for rules/traditions/norms
Paul: ISFP, “the Composer” (function stack: Fi-Se-Ni-Te) or ESFJ “the Provider” (function stack: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti)
A concise picture: kind, charming, warm, caretaker, sympathetic, sensitive, observant, reserved, practical, level-headed, “live in the moment”, sensory based, detail oriented, action oriented, strong sense of “right & wrong”, curious, competitive, literal // easily bored, thrill-seeking, unpredictable, “black & white”, short term oriented, intensely private, detached, aloof, fiercely independent, can be inflexible, worried with social-status
George: INFJ, “the Counselor” (function stack: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se)
A concise picture: altruistic, affirming, nurturing, compassionate, empathetic, sensitive, perceptive, strong personal values, introspective, visionary, idealistic, individualistic, seeking meaning, insightful, big picture, forward looking, long term oriented, value organization, decisive, reserved, firm // intensely private, deeply sensitive, perfectionists- prone to burn out, overthinking, need for a cause, uncompromising
Ringo: ESFP, “the Performer” (function stack: Se-Fi-Te-Ni)
A concise picture: generous, kind, charming, warm, sympathetic, friendly, easy-going, observant, practical, tolerant, accepting, spontaneous, playful, enthusiastic, resourceful, adaptable, “live in the moment”, sensory based, action oriented, strong sense of “right & wrong”, literal // easily bored, thrill-seeking, unpredictable, “black & white”, short term oriented, frivolous, materialistic, deeply sensitive, conflict averse
Note: MBTI code is comprised of four functions: iNtuition or Sensing, Feeling or Thinking. Intuition and sensing are perceiving functions: how you gather and assimilate data. Feeling and thinking are judging functions: how you use that information to make decisions. Each of these functions can either be Introverted (introspective, self-reflective, subjective) or Extraverted (objective, facing the outer world, expressed outwardly); for example, Introverted Feeling= Fi, Extraverted iNtuition= Ne, etc.
John: INFP, “the Healer” (function stack: Fi-Ne-Si-Te) or ENFP “the Champion” (function stack: Ne-Fi-Te-Si)
Both are very convincing. As you can imagine, these two types are very similar and their differences are more like nuances. It probably comes as no surprise that XNFP are known to be “dreamers” who act as mediators amongst people, desire harmony and look toward the future and see endless possibilities. This combination of being iNtuitive + Feeling dominant makes for a very empathetic subject who has a knack for reading between the lines; they both understand human emotion and relate to others well, but on the flip side, they can be hotheaded and quick to take offense: both for themselves and others. At the core of both, these types have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". They use their Ne/Ni absorb information from the meanings and impressions they gather and search for patterns in data to quickly see the bigger picture, and then use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though they are XNFP are generally open minded and adaptable, when their personal values are called into question, they sense injustice, they sense inauthenticity, or if someone tries to control them is when they can become upset. They do not like to be limited because they desire freedom, options, and don’t like redundancy. Communication style is likely to be abstract, metaphorical. Though they crave close connections, they become drained from social interaction. Depending on whether INFP or ENFP, there are subtle differences. For example, ENFP leads with Ne, meaning, they may be quicker to materialize their ideas (the more spontaneous of the two), whereas the INFP will spend more time reflecting "what if" before doing. This bleeds into other aspects; ENFP may be more lively, spouting things off the top of their heads without reflecting, they're a people's person. INFP is a little more introspective before diving head first and spilling everything. XNFP tend to constantly assess their value and desire validation. 
(I did see people throw John around as an INTP/ENTP. They’re mildly convincing, but much less likely. His Fe/Fi seems too present to be a Te/Ti)
Paul: ISFP, “the Composer” (function stack: Fi-Se-Ni-Te) or ESFJ “the Provider” (function stack: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti)
Both are very convincing. These literally have the *exact same* function stack order, but the energy of each function points in different directions (which ultimately does make a difference even though it may not seem like it). With both of these types, we typically see someone who is observant, practical, and very rooted in the present. This combination of Sensing + Feeling dominant makes for a very caring individual who both enjoys and is good at nurturing others, but on the flip side, they can be quick to take offense and may shut down/withdraw. XSFX types are known for being reserved with their emotions/needs and likewise reserved in showing emotion and tend to do so through their actions, rather than words. At the core of both, just as with other feeler-types, they have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". However, they use their Se/Si to observe and absorb information through their physical reality, often referencing from past experiences to fill in the details in order to build the bigger picture, and then use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though both types are generally seen as level-headed and adaptable, when their personal values or character are called into question (because they have a very clear picture of their values; they know who they are) or their good-nature is taken advantage of is when they can become upset. They do not like to be limited because they prefer to be in control and do not like uncertainty. Communication style is likely to be direct, literal. While ESFJ love bringing people together and ISFP may enjoy small groups & close connections, they both become drained from social interaction. Depending on whether ISFP or ESFJ there are subtle differences, the most apparent being that ESFJ prefer more structure than ISFP, and likewise, the ISFP may be a little more spontaneous as they seek to stimulate their Se. ESFJ will also likely be a bit more outgoing with Fe being in play as their dominant trait, whereas the ISFP may be more socially reserved (Fi), though no less charming or socially aware. They both have a knack for understanding what is expected of them but ISFP is less likely to bend for others whereas the ESFJ seeks group harmony. Both types tend to put others first and are reluctant to ask for their needs, and in combination with simultaneously being sure of their values and sure others understand those without question, they may have a heightened desire for praise to validate their actions & themselves. Both types often don't feel seen for the amount of care they put in for others and desire to be appreciated. 
(Fun thing I saw mentioned a lot and felt relative to Paul: ISFP are said to enjoy aesthetic beauty of things- clothing, art, etc. without needing the abstract meaning to make it so; they just simply like it for what it is. This is likely because their Se is grabbing for anything stimulating and then introverted Feeling (Fi) says “oh yes, this makes me feel good!” Can we say hello MMT sweater vest?)
George: INFJ, “the Counselor” (function stack: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se)
As you can imagine, INFJ is going to be similar to XNFP on the surface: dreamy, idealistic, empathetic. What sets them apart is that INFJ tend to have a bit more structure and a little bit more of an analytical mind. The combination of being iNtuitive + Feeling dominant is going to still give that very empathetic subject who has a knack for reading between the line, but there is a subtle difference with INFP's mirroring others emotions (Fi) and INFJ's absorbing others emotions (Fe). INFJ understand human emotion and relate to others well, but on the flip side, they can become angry when someone upsets group harmony or overwhelmed from constantly assessing emotions. At the core of INFJ, just as with the other feeler-types, they have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". They absorb information from the meanings and impressions they gather and search for patterns in data to see the bigger picture and use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though they are generally open minded and adaptable, when their personal values are called into question, they sense injustice, or if someone dismisses their ideas they can become upset. While they enjoy freedom to explore many possibilities, they do well with a bit of routine and organization to help see their ideas through. Communication style is likely to be abstract, metaphorical. Though they crave close connections, they become drained from social interaction. INFJ's often feel like people don't get them and desire to be understood.
Ringo: ESFP, “the Performer” (function stack: Se-Fi-Te-Ni)
ESFP is a beautiful blend of all the cognitive functions and that's why it's often labeled at the "entertainer" type. They're practical, but not rigid; they’re bubbly, but they’re deep; they’re spontaneous, but they’re down to earth; they’re honest, but not too blunt; they’re just all around the kind of people who can bring people together. The combination of Sensing + Feeling dominant makes for a very caring individual who is warm towards others and overall inviting, but on the flip side, they can be quick to take offense and may erupt or shut down. At the core of ESFP, just as with the other feeler-types, they have strong moral values and use value judgements to make decisions, i.e. "this is good this is bad". They use their Se/Si to observe and absorb information through their physical reality, often referencing from past experiences to fill in the details in order to build the bigger picture, and then use emotions to make decisions based around that. Though generally seen as one of the most easy-going types, when their feelings are dismissed or their general exuberance is mistaken for shallowness, they're forced to make decisions, or they find themselves stuck amongst negativity is when they might become upset. They do not like to be limited because they desire freedom and dislike rigorous routine. Communication style is likely to be direct, literal- to be clear, too much abstract information might drive an ESFP crazy, and unlike some of the other Sensor types- do not like too many details. ESFP are social by nature and find socializing fulfilling. 
How this applies to their relationship dynamic:
This is my favorite part and if you’ve read this far- please like go treat yourself for your good work. Not only do the general stereotypes of their personalities fit them so well, but it literally shows just how real the contrast of John & Paul and Paul & George is and how similar John & George are. 
But mainly, I just want to focus on J/P because I. fucking. love. it. Just think about it. John: Strawberry Fields. Paul: Penny Lane. SAME concept- ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STYLE. Intuition vs sensing at its finest. It’s clear as day. (wonderful video by one of my favorite MBTI youtubers, appropriately titled: Intuition vs Sensing, Explained with The Beatles)
Not only that, but I always think back to Geoff Emerick’s biography when I was reading about their work in the studio:
“John always had plenty of ideas about how he wanted his songs to sound’ he knew in his mind what he wanted to hear. The problem was that, unlike Paul, he had a great difficulty expressing those thoughts in anything but the most abstract terms. Whereas Paul might say, ‘This song needs brass and timpani,’ John’s direction might be more like ‘Give me the feel of James Dean gunning his motorcycle down a highway.’ ”
“In the midst of all this, John had been listening repeatedly to his acetate of ‘Strawberry Fields Forever,’ and he decided he didn’t like it. For someone who was normally so articulate, it always amaze me how he would struggle for words whenever he tried to Tell George Martin how he wanted a song arrange. This time around, he just kept mumbling, ‘I don’t know. I just think it should somehow be heavier.’ ‘Heavier how, John?’ George asked. ‘I dunno, just kind of, y’know…heavy.’ Paul did his best to translate John’s abstract notion into concrete musical form. Pointing out how well the flue sound on the Mellotron had worked, he suggested that perhaps some outside musicians be brought in, that the song be scored for some orchestral instrumentation. John loved the idea, specifically requesting cellos and trumpets.”
Furthermore, this entire paragraph that I don’t feel like typing out:
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God, I could seriously just go ON about those two. Honestly, Geoff’s book has been incredibly insightful to their nature (pretty sure this book is responsible for when I started falling *in love* with Paul). There are tons of examples to go with the MBTI typing, but I realize this is already at great length so I’ll refrain. 
Now that I’ve nearly written a whole book, I’d like to say some words: this is by no means an all inclusive or exhaustive review of MBTI & I am no expert. There are so many other facets of MBTI that go much deeper than this, but I felt for the purpose of general explaining, it made most sense to stay at surface level (which incidentally made me feel like i’m providing a useless analysis). Hope you learned even a little bit or got some sort of fun out of it!
If you have specific questions, feel free to ask and I’ll try and make sense of the MBTI madness!
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shoichee · 4 years
Hey 😃 hope this is the correct way to send you the matchup 🙈
Female, heterosexual
MBTI: ENFJ-A, my sign is libra, reading and writing is my hobby, but in the summer months I prefer to go outside to a walk or meet with my friends and hang out, I don’t think that I have specific skill but I have tried many things 😅 Like climbing, kickboxing, dancing and a few other things (like Knitting 😂). My biggest weakness is that I can't say no. I don't want to hurt others and therefore try to please them. Typical Libra.
But I'm also very determined and when I set my mind on something, I get it done. Private life is then secondary. I work and study at the same time at the moment. This means I have less time for my friends. I am also the oldest sibling of three girls but the shortest one 😂
I‘m 5.1 ft and most of the People would describe my body type as chubby 🥰 (I’m fine with that now. Sometimes I struggle with it but most of the time I’m happy and confident with it)
I have no problem talking to strangers and get into conversation with most people. I am rarely embarrassed, but if I am, I can always laugh about it 😂
I really hope I Make it on time to send you this 🙈💕
I hope you got adequate sleep and see this when you wake up! I still can’t believe you woke up at 3am to send a matchup 😂
Best Matchup. . .
Kise Ryōta
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Kise is an ESFP, and ENFJs and ESFPs can seem like they have nothing in common, especially when it comes to how both of you see the world and think about things
ENFJs can be idealistic and goal-oriented, while ESFPs tend to be pragmatic and hedonistic
however, these are only different approaches to the same “thing,” meaning both MBTIs share a similar value system… but just have different ways to approaching/solving things
speaking of similar value system, both types tend to share deep empathy and compassion for others and try to be of service to people they care about
now that we addressed the possibilities with this pairing of MBTI… let’s move onto your zodiacs: apparently libra women are extremely compatible with gemini men (but again, take this with a grain of salt because sources aren’t too reliable… but this is the general consensus to keep in mind)
I actually picked Kise for the main reason of seeing your personality traits and your tendencies, and it’s only the MBTI and zodiac that solidified my choice
the first thing that stuck out to me is how you tried so many hobbies and skills for the sake of experimenting, which is VERY similar to Kise’s experimentation throughout his middle school (and high school too) years, especially with sports
literally both of you would be the most versatile couple ever LOL
because both of you have tried tons of shit, it’s quite clear that both of you are open to new experiences and some level of spontaneity, adding further spark to the dynamic
and Kise has actually tried dancing before too, according to one of the Replace novels! he’d totally try to challenge you and maybe even give you a few pointers in Dance Dance Revolution…
while he would try to pester you to teach him some skills you’ve learned over the years, you’d also ask him to teach you some of the sports he’s learned in Teiko (besides basketball, of course)
why do I get the feeling that he’d insist on watching you showcase your skills to him… and then he’d challenge himself to copy and outdo you within a week or something??
imagine him trying to punch and kick the air in trying to learn how to kickbox
or him bringing yarn and knitting needles from who knows where and trying to figure out the stitches during break
most of the time, no one entertains his antics and dramatic movements so when you show up… both of you are talking nonstop, like… Kasamatsu has to DRAG this man away from you before he yapped his mouth off to the sky
however, you’re able to keep Kise in check because he’s not so friendly to strangers, since he won’t think they’re “worthy” until they prove him wrong otherwise; in other words, you’re the one doing the friendly conversations with strangers while Kise steps back to observe the newcomer for a bit
gosh, he thinks it’s SO CUTE when you try to laugh off your embarrassment whenever that happens because it just makes the conversation livelier, y’know? Kise is always the one doing the fake tears and over-the-top exclaims, so he feels warm when he sees you taking things easy too
he finds it annoying that you can’t bring yourself to say no to people, solely for the reason that he hates the possibility that you can easily get yourself taken advantage of by other people
and knowing Kise, he doesn’t see other people very highly at all (again, until they prove him wrong)
it’s the feeling he gets that bugs him so much from seeing the person he respects a lot (a.k.a. you) being used by some no-gooder random person who he thinks isn’t worth of your time nor effort
“(y/n)-cchi!! If this person is pestering you, just say so! After all…” Kise turns from you to face the person in front of you with a cold gaze. “They wouldn’t be here for anything else other than because they care about you… right?”
it’s the “subtle” lines and passive-aggressiveness (or just outright cold-cut brutal words) he gives to the people with ulterior motives, since he knows you’re a people-pleaser and can’t bring yourself to turn people down
he already loves your liveliness, but the fact that you’re actually determined for the things you’re passionate about or you set your mind on? you’ve completely won him over at this point
he feels the exact same way in his own life, not really taking academics too seriously but dead set on trying to be the best in sports
you say that your private life is usually the priority, where you’re often too busy in your studies and work to hang out with friends… but that’s exactly how Kise also operates
his life primarily revolves around basketball and modeling, that’s it; contrary to popular belief, he actually has no free time to hang out with other classmates or non-basketball friends (honestly, it seems like his only friends are people related to basketball)
in fact, in one of the Replace novels, even though Kise knew what to say to the girls (who were coworkers from his modeling work) in the group date with his Kaijō teammates because he’s socially smart, he actually doesn’t know how to genuinely connect with them at all because he’s primarily a basketball junkie // the moment one of his teammates pulled up a basketball strategy chart at the date, every single teammate became completely engrossed and enthusiastic in analyzing potential plays… completely ignoring the girls at the table the entire time
so what I’m saying is, Kise won’t feel as pressured to constantly hang out with you and do his obligatory “boyfriend duties” that a lot of people might immediately expect (or even demand for)
of course he’d be sweet and affectionate, but it’s only a matter of time and priorities, and he’s thankful that you’d at least keep yourself busy while he works on his own goals too
he’d stare at you in wonder when you tell him you have two younger sisters, because he himself has two older sisters; he’d ask you how does it feel to be the eldest, or if you somehow influenced/encouraged any of your younger siblings to do a hobby/skill
knowing that you’re the eldest in the family makes him respect you more because that just means you’ve dealt with so much more with younger kids and sees you as the more “responsible” one between you and him
he finds your height endearing… you’re like a Kuroko, and he gladly headpats you and try to do other things to you like how he would to Kuroko to tease him or something
he’s a model, but he places more emphasis on attitude/aura/skills way more than appearances; it’s those three attributes that make someone super attractive to him
besides, he only started modelling because of one of his older sisters, and he thinks it’s fun anyways… I mean he knows that he’s a conventionally attractive guy, but he likes to think that he exudes the confidence and skills to back it up too
long story short, you’re attractive to him
he’s further convinced that you’re secretly Kuroko when you tell him that you love to read and write, and once again, his respect meter for you shoots up OFF THE CHARTS
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yourdesertsunflower · 4 years
Boruto did a disservice to Temari
Sorry, in anticipation I warn you, this will be long. 
Okay, okay. I love Temari. She is my favorite kunoichi, I love each and everyone of her appearances in Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, I watched all filler that she was on, and I even have her on my avatar. So, yes, this by no means is to hate on the character but to actually show how Boruto writers completely misunderstood her. 
I’ll always love her character, but I got to admit I am not okay at all with somethings they are making her do in the Boruto’s anime. And no, it’s not because she moved to Konoha, or decided to take mainly the role a housewife (a bloody difficult job if you ask me) because I frankly couldn’t care less of any of that if she is happy. I really think that Shikamaru and Shikadai make her genuinely happy and that’s all I want for her. She had went from so much shit that I only want to see her feeling value and loved, that’s the least she deserves and her husband and son give her that. 
The problem is that, in most of her characterization in Boruto, I hardly see that Temari we got to know and love in the anime and manga of Naruto. Now when we get to see her in her recurring role in Boruto she is capitalized by her writers as a joke of the “crazy wife and mother that would rather hit you with your fan than having a civilized talk and will be angry twenty-four seven with no apparent reason.” 
And that, my friends, is not Temari. At least not the Temari I grew to love in Naruto.
Through this post I’ll try to explain why I think that that portrayal of the abusive housewife and mother that they give her in most of Nara Family moments in the Boruto manga, and specially the anime, is (in point of view) completely mislead. It had become clear to me, through my time watching the show, that Boruto writers are clearly not even trying to understand Temari’s character and how they are using her as a recurring joke rather than considering her as a real three-dimensional character. And I despise them for that same reason. 
So, without more vacillation, I’ll get started. 
1. Who is Temari?
Before venturing into everything that is wrong about the characterization of Temari in Boruto and trying to pin point when this actually started to happen, I would like to see deeper into Temari’s character. I think it’s only wby understanding her character previously from Boruto that we will actually understand how inconsistent is her writing in the show. 
I decided to base my analysis of Temari’s character in the Naruto series in two key aspects: an overarching analysis of Temari’s character profile using the Myres Briggs Personality Types and the Enneagram and in pin-pointing will pin point some specific moments of characterization in the manga of Naruto that show her character. 
Before starting with the analysis, I want to be clear about why I use the Myers Briggs Personality Types and the Enneagram in my analysis of Temari. I really don’t usually tend to care for the function of neither of those test in real life (if you do I am perfectly fine with it, it’s just something I don’t do myself) but I think they can be great tools for any author to understand better the behavior, desires and motivations behind their characters. I personally do this in my work and I highly recommend it for any other writer out there. 
Remember, this is my own personal analysis and I’ll tell you when my opinion differs from the majority, I’ll justify everything said in my analysis, and I’ll leave links to every info that I give you. 
Well, speaking specifically about Temari. Who is she? What she wants? Why she wants it? What she’ll do to achieve it? What she really needs? Which is her fear?
This between others are questions that any author or actor has to ask themselves when they are writing their characters. It’s a question of giving the character depth, making it seem “like a living breathing human-being.” 
Kishimoto state it in the most bluntly, yet efficient ways, when he presented Team Seven by making Kakashi ask them about their likes, dislikes and dreams. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke’s response reflect all this questions even though they are not saying it directly. I won’t analyse this respective scene, because if not this will be really long, but I promise to do it sometime in the future. 
Well using the Myers Briggs Personality and Enneagram Test we can get to full-picture of these questions. Myers Briggs Personality test will tell us who the character is in it’s core; how they’ll behave, how they’ll face a situation and their outllook of life. The Enneagram on the other side show us their wants and needs, what they long to archieve and their fears. 
In the case of Temari I would classify her as an ENTJ but,her most common classification is ESTJ and a 8w9 as her Enneagram. If you want me to explain why I think she is an ENTJ an not a ESTJ (thoiugh I’ll construct my case over ESTJ) just ask for it cause I’ll be more than happy to do it. But for now, and in order not to make it way longer than it will already be I’ll focus on Te (Extraverted Thinking) and Fi (Introverted Feelings) both functions that both types share as their primary and inferior function respectively and will be key for my analysis.
Source Temari’s Personal Database
(If you want to understand the differences between ESTJs and ENTJs here is a good tumblr source that explains everything quite complete yet quite simply explained)
Let’s go first with the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)
What means to have Te as a primary function and Fi as in inferior function?
Te as a Primary Function (Extroverted Thinking): Think of your primary function as your strongest suit, things you are good at. Dominant Extroverted Thinkers tend to be logical, objective and fair. They are very organized and try to arrange the real world to suit their needs. 
Strives to bring order, control, and rationality to the systems and operations of the outside world.Evidence: Temari is able to rationalize situations and access their pros and cons quite easily. This is showing in the flashback where she doubts of the productivity of the Konoha Crush since she maintained that there alliance with Konoha was much more valuable any they could gain from the attack. 
Insists on objective standards and measurable goals. Evidence: She is prone to be involved in and thinks in things as if they were projects like the preparations of the Chunin Exam, the Allied Shinobi Forces, etc. (see the image of the Fourth Databook)
Tendency to quickly express their judgments and opinion, to literally think (i.e., make judgments, conclusions, and decisions) aloud. Evidence: In her match against Shikamaru she was pretty quick in express her analysis of his movements aloud. 
Speak before they listen which can either make them strong and courageous leaders or seem abrasive, dogmatic, or controlling. Evidence: Temari asserted a leadership position within her village and also within the Allied Shinobi forces (despite not being strictly one) showing us her natural inclination to take charge. 
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Source of the Image
Prone to overstating things. Evidence: In her fight against Shikamaru thinking she knew all the extent of his technique. 
They may say things that, in retrospect, they wish they could rescind, or at least soften (specially true for hypersensitive Fi), which can lead them to respond defensively or re-actively. Evidence: Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Temari’s expression as Shikaku reprimanded his son. Konoha Hiden, Temari feels ashamed about what happened the 
Fi as a Inferior Funtion (Introverted Feeling): Inferior Function is that thing that we often push aside the most and find most difficult to fully grasp. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t play a key role in our behavior. People with Fi are driven by an internal moral compass, helping them adjust their actions in order that what they are doing helps or affects people in a meaningful way. This gives them a sense of loyalty to those around them, considering the wants and needs of those close to them.    
Loyalty and dutiful nature due to a well constructed inner moral compass. Evidence: Fierce sense of loyalty to her village and her moral and ethical duty towards it.
Not prone to display emotions, may see them as a weakness.Evidence: The famous, “Had you received emotional training?” after the failed mission against Sasuke.
If taken to their worst they can have an all-or-nothing nature, this is neutralized when more “healthy” and less hypersensitive their Fi is. Evidence: Her whole fight against Tenten. She should to be someone strong, determined, disciplined with a strong chracter that will never let anyone mock her.
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Strong sense of inner control reached by vigorously working to control the outside world. The only way they can feel in control of themselves is by taking control of their surroundings. Evidence: How she managed to control the situation when Shikamaru was trying to ask her out on a date, her reasoning during their Chuinin Exams fight. 
Fi might also inspire them to take up causes that have personally affected them, ingrained on a deep fear of being a bad person or having corrupted moral. Evidence: Given her participation in the Konoha Crush Temari is one of the main actors to amend the relationship between Konoha and Suna in the time skip. Also she wants to archive a peace she never had due to her childhood as a Gaara’s sister and Rasa’s daughter, shown in her important participation in the Shinobi Alliance. Her deep care for both of her brothers given their mother’s death and she taking a position of caretaker within the family on an unconscious level. 
Unconscious yet particular empathy and concern for children, often finding great fulfillment in having and caring for children. Evidence: In Part I, after the Sasuke Retrieval Arc, The Sand Siblings stay in Konoha to help at the Academy. Temari reveals to Shikamaru that she had done it because she was fond of it. Children seem to really respect and admire her. 
Source MBTI 
Enneagram: 8w9 (The Diplomat)
Basic Fear
Eights with a nine wing fear being hurt by others. They avoid situations in which they have less control, generally preferring to be in positions of leadership.
Basic Desire
Their basic desire is to guard themselves against threats and control their own destiny. They may express this by asserting independence at a young age.
Hence Diplomats (8w9) defend themselves by building emotional walls and denying vulnerability. They seek to appear strong, subconsciously believing that being too emotional will make them seem weak (Haven’t you received emotional training?). They,
Dislike taking orders from other people
Though they are certainly not the most chill of all types the most calm and laid-back of the eights. 
Struggle to openly share emotions
Fear being controlled by others
Seek autonomy and independence. 
At their best diplomats use their wit and ability to see different perspectives to face different projects. Their naturally energetic and confident persona make of them people that can lead others effectively, through support and guidance. They have a talent to give others what they need, and are empowering and advocating for others. They feel a need to protect the ones they love and enjoy their-selves the most when they are surrounded by these people. 
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At their worst diplomats, given their struggle to control their temper and their tendencies to be stubborn or rigid can enter excessively in conflict or disagreement or directly reject and dismiss others. They struggle to face emotionally vulnerable situations due to their sense of lack of inner control with can make them seems overly confident or emotionally detached. They also can develop a dislike for rules from authority figures. 
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The best way to communicate with a 8w9 is to be direct and straightforward, while encouraging them to share their ideas. If conflict arises it’s better to address conflict directly and logically; discuss and work together toward the best solution.
Source of Enneagram 8w9 
For that we have seen through this analysis some key things about Temari. 
She is quite a direct and logical and rational individual who values to get things done in the outside world. 
She has leadership skills, given their courageous and confident attitude, but can also come up a abrasive or controlling. 
Tend to overstate things and may say or do things that they, later on, wish they could soften. 
Is incredibly loyal to her set of values and those around her and tends to involve personally with the things she works on. 
She tends to want to have a control of the outside world and her worst fear is to loose it, cause is in the only way she can feel in control of herself. 
She wants independence cause that is the way she can feel in control of herself. Therefore she tends to leave emotions on one side, they are less controllable cause they are in her inner world, and focus her energies on the outside (rational) world.  
2.  Shikamaru and Konoha Hiden: The Beginning of Everything.  
I can begin to trace the disservice towards Temari in this point in time, in the anime’s adaptation of her character from the light novels. From here we can begin to see how they are starting to tweak Temari’s character (in a way that’s unfair and clearly not coherent) to fit her into the mold of the angry or crazy girlfriend/wife though with moderation. 
Why? Why, do you have to adapt an moment like this...
Clutching his back, Shikamaru turned his eyes toward the voice.
A woman with a sharp gaze and golden hair tied into two bundles stood there, holding a giant fan in both hands. And that fan had no doubt created the wind that had knocked Shikamaru flying.
"So you're just gonna skip out?! You're gonna do whatever he tells you to? That's not like you at all! I expect a lot more from you! Get it together, you idiot! I mean, I know you actually think this guy's boring! His stupid lecture's total  garbage! Am I right? Say something! Shikamaru!"
His ears, now accustomed to Gengo's weighty tone, took in the screeching, loud voice, and his eyes flickered with pain. "Ah!"
The haze blanketing his head vanished cleanly and completely. The thing squeezing his heart was gone; it was as if a hole had popped open in his chest. 
But it felt amazingly good. He inhaled deeply, down to the bottom of his stomach, and slowly let it out. A laugh naturally followed.
A single blow to pull him out of the genjutsu...
"So you show up out of nowhere to badmouth me?" He put a hand on the back of his head, eyes fixed on Temari as he stood up.
"I came to save you. Quit grumbling and thank me." She rammed the end of the folding fan into the ground, rested her right elbow on the pivot, and puffed her chest out. Behind her stood a line of ninja. They all had the mark of Sunagakure carved into their forehead protectors. 
"I can't exactly go letting you die now, can I?" She grinned.
Her smile, glittering like the fire of the desert sun, cleared Shikamaru's heart. Her earlier words came back to life in his head.
Source: Naruto: Shikamaru Hiden - A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darknes (2015) by Masashi Kishimoto, Takashi Yano 
as this?
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I know this may be completely unpopular but, hey I am here to say what I think. You can always count that’ll be honest. And I don’t like this. 
This in my opinion this is not female empowerment, this is not funny and this is not Temari reacting naturally to the situation she is involved in. Is just simply her hitting Shikamaru with no reason at all. 
In the novel, as we have seen, Temari lectured him (oh, boy did she lectured him just rightly). She basically made her come into his senses using logic and reason, using words, the same through which Gengo almost defeat him. And that is Temari, she may not be the best at expressing her emotions but when conflict arises she address conflict directly and logically. She explains, in a way that yes may seem imposing for others, but that always uses Te (extroverted thinking) as her main weapon. 
Temari would never make someone come to his senses by a love declaration but she wouldn’t slap him on his face either. 
Temari does this because, although Shikamaru hurt her, Shikamaru is someone dear to her and she knows that he needs of a little bit of tough love in order to function. This is Temari’s way of being empowering and advocating for others.
And you may be asking. But hey, Temari had already slapped Shikamaru before and you didn’t say nothing about that moment? Yes she did, but that moment was intrinsically different to this second one. 
This slap...
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It’s justified in Temari’s character. Maybe it’s not the best thing she could do, nor what I pictured her to do, but is not that detached with the situation. 
Let’s see another extract of the Light Novel to understand better the context:
"Oil" A voice called to Shikamaru from behind.
He clicked his tongue imperceptibly. The voice belonged to the person he least wanted to speak with at that moment. Ignoring it, he kept moving forward.
"Shikamaru, hold up!" The voice beat at his back, threatening to send him flying.
"What?" He turned just his head to look at the woman over his shoulder.
Temari from Sunagakure. Her hair was shorter now than it had been two years ago, and she had pulled it back into two bundles on either side of her head. Her eyes were gentler now than they had been, set in a fairly adult looking face. But given that she was older than Shikamaru, her face didn't just look grown-up; she was actually already a very fine adult.
"What's going on with you?" She stared at Shikamaru with eyes that drooped somewhat more than they used to. 
"What do you mean?"
"You've been weird lately." Temari's slender hand reached out to Shikamaru's shoulder and pulled him around to face her.
What a drag... The words made it all the way to his throat before he managed to desperately swallow them back down.
"I mean your attitude at the meeting there. You just sit there with your mouth shut. Everyone gets nervous; the whole place tenses up, you know."
"It does?"
"You didn't notice it?" Temari's eyes grew wide. "What happened?"
"It's something you can't talk to me about?" Temari's hard gaze hurt.
In the two years since the Great War ended, Temari had been a good and understanding partner in their work on the alliance. She shared his desire to keep the shinobi from fracturing into factions once more after they had finally come together in the face of a powerful enemy. She had rallied the Allied Forces with him. The strong bond between Naruto, seen as a candidate for the next Hokage of Konoha, and Gaara, the Kazekage of Sunagakure, also played a part; the relationship between the two villages was extremely good, even among the five great nations. With these kinds of outside factors also at work, Shikamaru and Temari each recognized the other as their greatest ally in the alliance.
"Something's happening in Konoha." She had fairly good insight.
However, her shot was a little off. Nothing was happening in Konoha, although it was true that they were trying to take care of the situation with only the shinobi of Konoha. So Temari was half-right, half-wrong.
The basic policy of the alliance was that matters relating to the life or death of shinobi themselves exceeded the framework of the villages and should be shared with the entire group. What Shikamaru and Kakashi were attempting to do was in very clear violation of this policy. Even so, he couldn't say anything. Getting the alliance involved now and stirring up trouble with the Land of Silence was not a good plan.
I'll handle it... His resolve hardened.
"Is there anything I can do?"
"There's not."
Temari dropped her eyes at Shikamaru's curt reply. "Okay," she muttered, lifelessly. In the next instant, the brief look of sadness on her face changed to anger.
It was all he could do to take a breath. He had no room to dodge; before he knew it, Shikamaru was flying. He tumbled down the hall a few times before ending up on his backside in a seated position. The right side of his face swelled up, bright red. Stroking his hot cheek, Shikamaru looked up at an indignant Temari glaring down at him.
"I never actually thought I could've misjudged you so badly!" Her angry yell turned into a powerful wind, pushing up against his face.
"I-I'm sorry..." The words were unconscious. He unthinkingly took on the persona of his father stumbling home in the morning, only to get yelled at by his mother in the entryway.
Taking long strides, Temari passed by Shikamaru and disappeared, her eyes slightly damp.
Source: Naruto: Shikamaru Hiden - A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darknes (2015) by Masashi Kishimoto, Takashi Yano
We see a Temari that is continuously trying to reach someone who she had become closed to and with whom she had worked side by side since the war ended two years ago. Someone who she thought trusted her. The slap is given her sadness with ended up being represented in anger (inferior Fi). She had a real reason to be sad: Temari isn’t someone who lightly trust or cares about someone and Shikamaru was just closing the door to her. Saying that he didn’t need her. And there’s nothing that Temari wants more than feeling need, something that is evidence in her Tsukuyomi Dream, which may not be canon, but yet captured Temari’s character. 
Not only that but, as we said, Temari’s basic fear was to be hurt by others. That’s why she usually has that overly confident and seemingly emotionally detached attitude. And once she left her guard down she was hurt by non other than a person she hold dear, which we have seen ain’t an easy point to reach with someone with Temari’s personality. Given her “all or nothing” outlook this might be a really bad wound for her, like if he was back-stabbing her. 
That’s why "I never actually thought I could've misjudged you so badly!" and Temari’s cry really is so important. It shows she’s truly hurt. It justifies her punch, no. But it explains it. (I won’t lie, I also wanted give Shikamaru a good punch when I read this)
Also this moment wasn’t exactly the best adapted sequence but it’s much better than the previous one and with the right context it all comes quite justified. 
You could also say that there was also that one time were Temari hits Shikamaru with her fan after she realizes in the Konoha Hiden that Shikamaru and her were actually searching for a wedding gift for Naruto and Hinata, 
“Hmm, so that’s what it all was....” She said, smiling peacefully.
“No, hold on ...Ah!!” Shikamaru inadvertently let out an exclamation.
It was possible that Temari’s misunderstanding had been- “Hey, oi ...You couldn’t have thought that, right.”
When he said that, for some reason, Temari silently took her tessen off her back, holding it in her hand.
“H-hey...what is it?” He asked. “Why’re you suddenly taking that out...? Wh- what’s up with your chakra...?!”
Temari grinned affectionately at him.
Shikamaru was captivated by the sight, and found a smile forming on his face, too.
Smiling at each other like that, they looked like the very picture of an intimate pair of lovers.
That night in Konoha...
One sudden, out-of-season gale swept over Konoha’s hot springs, and lasted the entirety of the night. The residents and tourists spent the whole night awake, too frightened to sleep...
Source: Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding (2015) by Masashi Kishimoto and Shō Hinata
And I agree I am not saying this is fine either (though there isn’t that much of an explicit but an implicit hit), but is also something Temari shows to be sorry and ashamed about later in the story. Even though she is prideful and won’t be able to admit it she finally does. Because at the end of the day Temari is a lover and fighter but, even though she won’t admit it, will love rather than fight. 
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Besides the context in here is different. They had already went on a date and could almost be consider a couple. I had already posted a quote were Ino and Sakura talked about Shikamaru and Temari’s relationship. It was obvious there was something going on for months (If you want to get to know better you can see the time line). It wasn’t that far-fetched to understand the situation as Temari, someone who’s pretty direct, was interpreting them. 
It’s something through which they both learn and grew together. Shikamaru will never be as frontal as she might want to but he is willing to give it a try for her and she is willing to try to understand what is going in his mind. 
Also I think that this novels suffered of having different writers so it sometimes feels as the story unnecessarily regresses. Kishimoto only illustrates the stories and this becomes pretty showing. However and despite I don’t enjoy Temari hitting Shikamaru, the novels itself aren’t that detached from Temari’s character. The soul of her character is still there.
But are these slight changes in the anime showed us the way that they were trying to head Temari’s character in Boruto, changes that as we had seen during her analysis don’t seem to fit rightly her character. Specially in Perriots adaptation of the manga we see a deep misunderstanding of Temari, from her behaviour to her wants and feelings. Unluckily, the worst was yet to come. 
3. Boruto: Why did they did this? 
Well, here is what triggered this whole post. Temari’s portrayal in Boruto. And I got to say one thing before starting with this analysis. I really like some scenes of Temari in Boruto. 
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To see her in action, training with the new generation of the Ino-Shika-Cho and protecting her son were fairly enjoyable but, more importantly, are congruent with her character. It’s her more domestic scenes which I tend to dislike a lot.
I consider than in this scenes they depict Temari as an angry housewife and an aggressive mother which, in my opinion, are the greatest disservice to Temari’s character. Maybe I am the only one that thinks this, but (as I said previously) I don’t find them funny nor that they depict Temari correctly, serve a motif in the narrative or serve any agenda. They are simply treated as comic relief. 
This is truly hurting for someone that is not only a Temari fan but a ShikaTema shipper since they transformed a relationship that was based on mutual trust, respect and communication above anything else into this dynamic we see in Boruto. 
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And I have to hypothesize why they made Temari do this I would have two main factors: 
Lazy Writing and Appeal to Nostalgia: All Nara men marry to troublesome woman so they found in this moments a cheep way to remind the audience constantly that Temari is troublesome and therefore be able to make easy correlations to Shikaku’s relationship with Yoshino. 
The Tsundere Trend: Maybe this is me overthinking a little bit too much (but when I don’t)  but the Tsundere one of the most capitalized dere types in anime. People seem to love them in a way I don’t fully understand. Having a woman inflict danger to his partner is the most easy way to scream “tsundere” maybe not the best but an easy one. Mind that when we speak about a tsundere I mean: 
A stock love interest who is usually stern, cold or hostile to the person they like, while occasionally letting slip the warm and loving feelings hidden inside due to being shy, nervous, insecure or simply unable to help acting badly in front of the person they like.
The Japanese term tsundere refers to an outwardly violent character who "runs hot and cold", alternating between two distinct moods: tsuntsun (aloof or irritable) and deredere (lovestruck).
Tsundere Source
Funny enough I never saw Temari as a Tsundere. I would never say, from the manga, that Temari ‘runs hot and cold.’ Yes, you don’t want to mess up with her when she is angry but it’s not like this happen often in the manga. 
The only time I consider we have seen Temari go angry pretty quickly (in Naruto) was in her match with Shikamaru when he said that he wouldn’t be defeated by a woman. But I think we can’t apply one situation to larger and broader spectrum. That was in the middle of a fight and, as I explained in a previous post of mine,  there were much more other things involved in the context of the manga/anime at that point in time. 
I have always consider Temari someone who was deep in control of herself and her emotions, capable of displaying what she wants to show when she wants. This is because of her own basic fear of being hurt, hence she only shows this emotions when she is either, truly hurt, angry or when she trust enough the other person. 
That’s why is so important that the only times we have seen Temari fully displaying this emotions were around Shikamaru or her brothers. 
I don’t like that much dere types but, if I had to chose one, her sarcastic humor and realistic outlook of life, always seemed more alike to the profile of a hinedere
The hinedere is a sarcastic, cynical person who always looks to the darker, more realistic side of things and is very quick to reveal that to other characters. They tend to be arrogant and cold-hearted however, the hinedere will have a soft spot for their love interest and will reluctantly but reliably do anything for them.
Hinedere Source 
This dere type may not be as popular but, I think, fits much more her personality all through Naruto. However, that’s a personal opinion and no falling into a dere type should, if it’s understood correctly, disrupt the core character. 
Okay so, they wanted to make Temari fall into this direction but... Why isn’t this her? Well that’s the following point. 
4. Why this isn’t Temari?
Temari at the beginning of Naruto is someone that thinks that life is like in the dessert: everything is though and hard and only the fittest are meant to survive. Anything or anyone that shows her weakness is naturally inferior or undesirable. That is her outlook of life: you have to be pragmatic, logic and strong if you want to continue fighting another day. The weak are naturally destined to loose, and hence she doesn’t care to be the one to destroy them since it’s only when you impose fear that you’ll be actually able to survive. 
That ideology, she had learn all through her childhood, translates in her battle against Tenten and began to be challenged in her battle against Shikamaru. At the end we see a Temari that, despite being born to fight, develops as a character chooses to dedicate her life to the search of peace in order to protect those weaker ones that she once loathed. That’s why she is an incredible ambassador for Suna and good adviser of Gaara: she yet has that pragmatic, logical and sometimes cynical point of view but that contrast with the idealism of her brother and helps them to balance each other out. She is highly loyal and I am sure she’ll do anything for her family and to protect that peace she found in it. 
Hence, I always find it pretty hard to believe that Temari would rather take her fan and hit someone before having a reasonable, direct and straightforward conversation. 
Even, before her evolution, we see that Temari is much less willing to enter a unreasonable and violent dispute than her brothers and that is what, in the first instances sets her apart from them. 
When Temari first hits the scene just before the start of the Chunin Exams, by mere virtue of the fact that the group that she’s with is intimidating, she becomes a bit scary herself, but she shows to be different than both of them. 
Kankuro comes off as the tough, scary guy who you don’t want to mess with only to be swiftly upstaged by the seriously blood-chilling Gaara.
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(Sorry for the image in spanish but basically Temari is telling Kankuro to leave Konohamaru alone and to not involve her in his actions) 
Temari, on the other hand, stands by coolly, occasionally offering her brothers warnings or plays referee. Her sit-back-and-bide-her-time attitude makes her look like the most stable of the three in comparison; Kankuro picks a pointless fight with a kid and Gaara ends up looking psychopathic. 
Temari’s rational and cool behavior also pays testament to what readers later see are some of her major strengths which keeps repeating itself through the manga, in the Forest of Death during The Chunin Exams and in The Five Kages’s Summit it was Temari who during tense times was able to cool them up. 
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(Temari asking Gaara to calm down during the second stage of the Chunin Exams)
However, I got to admit that Temari isn’t a saint. She has a sharp tongue and she is straight foward and direct what, as we said before may lead to her to say things that, in retrospect, they wish they could rescind, or at least soften, which can lead them to respond defensively or re-actively. 
Things like this we see them while she looks at Shikamaru after the failure of Sasuke’s Rescue Mission. Even when she had lectured Shikamaru she then looked at him as if she questioned if she had been to harsh on him. It was clear that she had misjudge him as she realized how much she cared for his friends. Or in the Konoha Hiden as, after having that little incident with Shikamaru she is nervous to see him again. 
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Images Sources (Manga in Spanish)
That’s why I can’t imagine Temari simply hitting someone just for kicks. Is not like she can’t but that she doesn’t want or sees the appeal to do it. 
The is in a lot of senses the perfect kunoichi, disciplined, determined, strong and intelligent and will never let anyone mock her (that’s for sure). She is ruthless towards her opponents cause that is her way of approaching a rival but she will never be violent for violence’s sake. 
It’s not like we just attacked the Leaf Village for kicks, you know? We were following orders. That’s all, just like we’re doing on this mission.
Temari to Shikamaru during the Sasuke’s Retrieval Arc
But even less than this I imagine being violent towards people she appreciates and cares as Shikamaru and Shikadai. Yes, I think she would most likely express herself through some tough love, being strict with Shikadai and not letting Shikamaru just slack and complain about everything. But, never, ever, I imagined her being physically or verbally violent towards them without feeling any remorse. Cause she never was in Naruto. 
She was direct and honest, maybe a bit to much for people, but after her the Chunin Exams her character never showed to be like that to anyone. Even less towards Shikamaru.
You have the “crybaby” thing going on but I would rather think that of a positive rather than a negative aspect because of the way in which she says it. It shows their connection as individuals which is full of bickering and this back and forth of clever commentaries but that is build on common ground. You may not be the people that like these but that doesn’t mean that Shikamaru feel the same as you. 
If not he would never have this expression on this face...
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Source Image
Temari is the one that trusted fully in him during war even to the point of considering him capable of being Hokage because “he has the power to reach/.sway away people’s hearts” and she wants to create a world of peace with him. Their relationship was about bringing out the best of each other not the worst, which doesn’t mean they don’t function like fully capable individuals without the other (cause they do) but that through their interactions they developed into better people. We are after all, social creatures and we need of others and the Sand Siblings are exemplary that that doesn’t make you weak but stronger. That you can change your preconceived notions of the world and learn from others, change for the better and use that strength protect instead to attack or seclude yourself. 
So why, if Temari was capable to reach a point where she was at her best, letting her fear to be hurt to fall, and use her naturally energetic and confident persona to lead others effectively, through support and guidance, Boruto writers tend to write her in her moments with Shikamaru at what would be her worst, struggling to control her temper and with her stubbornness and rigidness making her excessively enter in conflict or disagreement or directly reject and dismiss others?
This is a complete character regression for Temari. And I don’t mean that characters can’t have their moments, nor that Temari should be perfect, when they are at that stage. But that should be addressed in that manner and not as comic relief. 
In my opinion Temari had always a  talent to give Shikamaru what he needed, giving him some tough love when he needed but at the same time being empowering. 
"So you're just gonna skip out?! You're gonna do whatever he tells you to? That's not like you at all! I expect a lot more from you! Get it together, you idiot! I mean, I know you actually think this guy's boring! His stupid lecture's total  garbage! Am I right? Say something! Shikamaru!"
Source: Naruto: Shikamaru Hiden - A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness (2015) by Masashi Kishimoto, Takashi Yano
That’s why, with the clear feel and need to protect and be appreciated by the ones they love and enjoying herself the most when they are surrounded by them, I can’t really see Temari acting like this. 
5. PS: I still love you
This turned out to be really long so I won’t pull it any further. Just let me say this last words. 
I really like Temari, I really do, and in part a lot of my dislike of her portrayal in Boruto comes from that same factor. I truly think she is an amazing kunoichi and someone girls could look up to when watching Naruto, cause yes she had flaws, but this were addressed as such and were never used as comic relief. Besides, her good qualities and strengths quickly unnumbered her flaws: she was intelligent, strong, honest, disciplined, determined, dutiful, loyal and caring. Yes she might be prideful, overly confident, way to upfront and may not like to show that much her emotions but I don’t consider that this flaws could beat her logical and rational mindset that first matched her with characters like Shikamaru. 
Truly I think these scenes are a disservice towards my favorite female character of this whole manga and anime to the extent that if there was one thing I could change about the whole series would be this.
Temari wasn’t that much in the manga or in the anime but she was capable of leaving a palpable impression in me (to the extent that I wrote a +6.6k word essay about her, counting quotes and all) as well as in lots of other people. And that should tell you a lot about her as a character, a character that yes; could have been even better in terms of story and narrative than she was in the Naruto but that also certainly is much better than how they portray her in Boruto. 
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
What exactly do you mean by INFT or ESPN? Are you typing by cognitive functions or something different? I have differing opinions on Nico and Will's mbti but I respect yours and is curious how you reached your thoughts. Thank you!
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This is generally roughly how I sort, I just do my best to figure out where they fit on this, and then I double check by reading about that personality type to make sure it does in fact seem to fit them
For example Nico is an extrovert (he avoids people because of trauma and maybe some other reasons too) but generally he does actually like people, although he has also learned to live without them. This makes Nico’s first letter an E. We know throughout the series Nico has neither an overly positive nor overly dark outlook on life, he tends to balance himself out without help (mostly), he doesn’t focus too much on unrealistic goals, and the way he tells jokes is generally deadpan which requires a bit more thought typically. This makes Nico’s second letter N. Although Nico can override his emotions when necessary, he is generally led by them more as we see in scenes like when he took Percy to the underworld and saved him even though Percy hated him, or when he dipped Percy into the Styx. This makes Nico’s next letter F, because even though he can override his emotions, he also went to Tartarus for just a crush. However though, Nico is quite intuitive, although he’s led by his feelings he does follow through on what he says and he tends to make plans before he acts on them. Nico also seems to hold a lot of personality commonalities with Camp Jupiter where he seems interested more so in the way they’re organized over Camp Half-Blood. So this makes his next letter J. So this makes Nico an ENFJ.
INFP for Will (apparently I typed that wrong, whoops!) means he’s more “focused”, generally focuses on a bigger pictures but also tends to see what is possible not what is real, F because he tends to be more aware of other people’s thoughts and emotions than most and he was more worried about protecting Nico than Meg or Apollo, P because as someone in the medical field he would have to be able to make quick decisions and he has to always be thinking about various things. So INFP for Will 
Also I have no clue how I fucked up that bad writing Bianca’s mbti because I literally have ESTJ written down on my paper... Anon is out here saving lives <3
Bianca I originally has marked as ISTJ but I didn’t think that profile matched her when reading through it, so after reading the ESTJ profile I recognized that as more her. I think she is “energized” by people but not in the same way Nico or Maria would be, she doesn’t seem very emotional to me and seems like a practical problem solver, again with T she’s just not as in tune with peoples emotions and relies heavily on fact to determine a situation, J because she tends to lay out plans and follow them mostly (being a demigod requires some flexibility but that’s not her that’s necessity if that makes sense). 
But yeah anon I was using mbti I just wrote things wrong 😅
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
(2) my mbti is infp-t and the last time i did the pottermore test i got a ravenclaw, so there's that! oh and i'm also quite introverted so you won't find me in rowdy places like a party or concert. i don't do great with people who force me out of my comfort zone, people who aren't decisive and aren't the communicative type (i get anxious trying to guess what they mean and overthink). for the prompts i'd like bonding and fairytale au for cinderella! thank you so much! o(≧▽≦)o -juice
Hello, thanks again for requesting Juice! Once again, sorry for the delay. This is the ikerev part of your ask. I’m sorry in advance for the rushed ending of the second prompt, I didn’t want to take even longer writing an entire fic and thought this was a good place to leave it. I hope you like it!
I match you with
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When you first arrive in Cradle you are wary of the army officers, but the warm environment makes it easy to relax and be yourself. You quickly grow close with the Queen, Sirius. Your friendship begins when you catch him watering the flowers in the courtyard. You are surprised at first, considering your first impression of him, but that is quickly forgotten as he rambles to you about the importance of maintaining the garden, even with a war in the horizon.
Despite his busy schedule, the two of you spend a lot of time together, and it quickly becomes apparent that you are compatible. The black army headquarters has always been a lively place, curtsey of Fenrir and Seth, but Sirius is glad to have another cheerful voice around, especially when it’s paired with your friendly chatter.
While you dislike showcasing your worries and insecurities, Sirius is always quick to read you and tries his best to lift your spirits without pressuring you to talk when you’re not ready.
You spend a lot of time exploring each other’s interests, as he introduces you to the ways of Cradle and you teach about him about the Land Reason. At first he tries to blame this on simple curiosity, but the reality of it is, he enjoys listening to you talk about the things you’re passionate about, sometimes wishing he could make your eyes light up the same way they do when you discuss your favorite books, although he won’t tell you that.
You finally confess your feelings, moments before the full moon rises and the portal back to your world appears. Until that moment, when Sirius’ hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks, you thought he didn’t return your feelings. It wasn’t until then that he expressed to you how much he wanted you to stay. “I know it’s selfish, but I want you to stay by my side!” All the pieces fell into place as he wrapped his arms around you, your bodies so close you could feel his pounding heart, realizing he must’ve run to catch up with you. “I will.”
Prompt: Bonding
It was hard to contain your excitement as you walked the narrow streets of Cradle, your hand not leaving Sirius’ as you looked at the shop windows.
“Look at that dress!” You pulled him along, hearing him chuckle behind you, not daring to complain as you dragged him inside the store.
You had agreed on this shopping trip a few days ago, on one of the rare days Sirius was staying in your room instead of the opposite. Your attention had been solely focused on your book for about an hour when he spoke up.
“We should go out on Saturday.” While he was always thoughtful, he didn’t often suggest outings, considering his packed schedule.
“Aren’t you on patrol with Fenrir on Saturday?” you couldn’t deny your excitement at the prospect of spending time with Sirius, but you didn’t want to burden him,
“I have already spoken with him. With Amon gone, there isn’t too much work for us during patrol. He can handle it on his own. So what do you say?”
“Okay!” You nodded, pulling him closer as you set your book aside.
While you enjoyed your time trying new clothes and browsing the bookshelves around the shops, you couldn’t help but feel guilty that Sirius was spending his day off following you doing things you enjoyed, despite his reassuring words.
“Don’t worry about me, I can keep up.”
You decided to take a break at one of the nearby cafes for much needed rest. You tried your best to read him but you had difficulty guessing what he was thinking.
“So, are you having fun?” you were taken aback by his question, considering he was letting you take him around town to all the places you wanted to visit.
“Of course I am! The weather is wonderful today too.” You took a bite of your desert, hoping to successfully bury your worries where he couldn’t see them.
“I can tell when something is bothering you, you know.” It didn’t seem to fool him. You sighed before reaching out to cover his hand with yours.
“I just want you to enjoy today too. This is your day off, we should be doing something you enjoy.” He squeezed your hand, his smile not faltering.
“Seeing you having fun is more than enough joy for me.” You could tell there was something he wasn’t telling you but you decided to leave it alone, not wanting to ruin the day.
“Thanks Sirius.”
By the time you returned to headquarters the sun had set and both of you were exhausted. After a quick shower you found Sirius outside, carefully inspecting a batch of purple and white flowers in the garden.
“What’s that one?” You stand next to him, wrapping your overcoat tighter around yourself.
“Night Phlox. They’ve almost bloomed. They have a very strong but pleasant smell when you plant many of them near each other.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from the cold.
“What do they mean?”
“They can mean all sorts of things, but the most widely accepted meaning is partnership, harmony and unity. Pretty spot on for the black army, don’t you think?’ you smiled, enjoying listening to him talk about something with such care.
“Yeah.” The sound of the wind against the leaves was the only thing breaking the silence until you spoke up.
“Hey Sirius, why were you so intent on making today all about me?” there was no accusation in your voice, a simple question spoken under the night sky, a time where people can be honest, without hiding their troubles.
“We spend a lot of time at headquarters because of my job, doing things that I’m comfortable with. I just wanted to spend a day bonding over something you enjoy doing.” He tightened your arms around him, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
“You know I love spending time with you, no matter what we’re doing.”
“And I love seeing you happy.” Your eyes locked and an overwhelming feeling of joy spread through you.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Prompt: Cinderella AU
It was becoming increasingly difficult to mask your disdain as ambitious men reached out every few minutes, attempting to make conversation. You could offer them more than a smile and a kind word, knowing that everyone there had an ulterior motive.
“An organized ball where the goal is to woo me isn’t exactly a romantic story now isn’t it?” you didn’t want to deny your father’s wishes, knowing there was pressure as he grew older for you to find a husband, but it was still hard to accept that you would never have the chance to live a fairytale-love story, like those you read about in books.
“What you need is a secure future. This is for your own good.”
You knew that if you were to achieve that goal, you would need to interact with the men at the ball, but the context of the celebration made hard to relax, let alone do so in a room full of people.
“Daughter, this is a ball. Should you not be dancing?” your father’s voice was full of concern, despite his previous incitement.
“Yes, I will do that, father.” Not wanting to upset him, you smiled before setting off towards the middle of the room as the band started playing a quick valse. You looked around for a partner when you felt strong arms around, pulling you along with the other dancers.
“I’m sorry if that was out of line, you looked a little lost.” When you looked up to see the face of your partner, your words died in your throat. He stood quite a bit taller than you and his eyes were a deep shade of purple, unlike anything you had seen before.
“U-um, yeah.” You tried not to forget the steps as the two of you moved along, not wanting to make a fool of yourself, tripping over your skirts.
“So, how come the princess herself finds a moment alone during a ball in her honor?” despite his teasing words, you could tell he felt out of place in the crowded room.
“I’m not sure I’d consider this an honor… “ concern imideately painted his features but you didn’t want to bother a guest with your own issue.
“So, where are you from? I don’t believe we have met before.” You run a mental list of acquaintances from the local noble houses but you didn’t remember seeing him before.
“I’m… “ his voice trailed off, leaving you with many burning questions.
“I’m Sirius, Sirius Oswald.” He smiled, the uncertainty from moments before replaced with a warm smile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You smiled at him, deciding not to pressure him for answers he didn’t want to give.
“You never answered my question” he spun you as the music sped up, taking you by surprise.
“You didn’t answer mine either.” A playful smile played on your lips.
“I suppose I can’t deny that.” Through the bur around you, you could see that the rest of the couple had left the dance floor, placing the two of at the center of the attention.
“Everyone is looking at us.” A faint blush appeared on your cheeks a you danced together.
“They are looking at you.” He smiled at you, his grip on your waist tightening.
“Are you ready?”
“For what?”
Before you could question him further, you were in the air, your dress spinning around you. Time seemed to slow down, a feeling of freedom flowing through you. From your position you could see the faces of the party-goers but in that moment it didn’t matter. It was just you and him, a scene right out of a fairytale.
When he set you down, your cheeks were flushed, heart pounding in your chest. You barely registered the music slowly fading away as they switched to a softer sound.
“Thank you for the dance.” His hand left yours, while his warmth sill lingered.
“My lady.’ He bowed before turning to leave.
“Wait! Could I see you again?” you resisted the urge to grab his hand, not wanting to make a scene.
“I’m not sure that would be the best idea.” You tried to speak up but your voice was drowned out by the surrounding noise, so you could only watch as he moved further and further away, before eventually disappearing in the crowd, leaving you alone, with only a brief memory to look back to.
Rumors of the charming man who danced with the princess could be heard all around town during the next few days. You tried to keep your head low as you walked around the stalls, looks for the right shop.
When you opened the door, a bell sounded, announcing your arrival.
“Hello. How could I help you?” A tall man stood at the back of the room, watering a patch of white flowers. You looked around the room to ensure you were alone before removing your hood, still unsure of whether this was a good idea.
“P-princess.” He fell into a quick bow, not daring to look at you.
“Hello Mr. Oswald.” He hesitantly raised his head, looking over the cloak covering your dress.
“Just call me Sirius. How did you find me?” an awkward smile appeared on his lips.
“I told you I wanted to see you again. Plus, after you told me your name, it wasn't very hard to find you.” You stepped closer, looking at the assortment of flowers around you.
“So this is where you’re from.” You were only teasing, but he seemed to have misunderstood.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you. I wanted to keep up the illusion but the you came here and..” you were taken aback by his genuine apology.
“N-no, I’m not disappointed!.”
“You aren’t?” You nodded, trying to express your feelings as best you could.
“No, I’m not. Why would I be?’ he run a hand through his hair, messing it up more than before.
“I’m just a commoner. And you’re a princess. There is no reason for you to be interested…” you shook your head firmly.
“I didn’t want to meet you again because I thought you were a noble. I just... I want to feel what I felt when we danced together again.” You were expecting him to laugh at you, but he only looked back in awe.
“W-was that odd? I apologize, I just-“ he didn’t allow you to finish.
“No! It’d not off, I’m just… surprised. I don’t have much to offer to a princess.” he fidgeted with the hem of his apron, eyes glued to the ground.
“Could you perhaps offer me some of your time? I would like to get to know you better.” A smile slowly formed on his face.
“Alright then. Who am I to say no to the princess after all?”
“Thank you.” You smiled at each other, excited to see where this would lead you.
You spent a lot of time together after that, slowly getting to know more about each other. When you introduced him to your father, he was admittedly hesitant at the idea of you not marrying a noble, but when he saw how happy the two of you were together, he couldn’t deny you your wishes.
“You have my blessing. You better take care of my daughter young man.”
“Always, sir. I love your daughter more than anything.” He placed a kiss on you hand, a promise of greater things to come.
“And I you.” Happiness overflowed you as your lips met in a light kiss, sealing the truth of your words.
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mvsicinthedvrk · 4 years
mmm personality test sorting time !!
i’ve done one character a day for a while & now they’re all done, so: fun sorts for my characters alphabetically under the cut.
i took the 16 personalities test for the mbti, the eclectic energies test for the enneagram, for hogwarts house I was going to originally just choose based on instinct but i did end up using this knockoff pottermore test, and then I did the open psychometrics “which character are you statistically most like” quiz for the last one. 
henry strauss-- 
mbti: INFP (the mediator) -- “Mediators may feel directionless or stuck unless they connect with a sense of purpose for their lives. For many Mediators, this purpose has something to do with helping and uplifting others. Empathetic by nature, these personalities may feel other people’s suffering as if it were their own“ lmfao oh henry
enneagram: oh he’s a type 4 for sure. I agree with that 200%. -- “Fours are emotionally complex and highly sensitive. They long to be understood and appreciated for their authentic selves, but easily feel misunderstood and unappreciated.”
hogwarts house: 42% hufflepuff (then in order: ravenclaw, gryffindor, slytherin)
which other characters are you most like: 
#1: charlie from perks of being a wallflower (OUCH!!)
#2: wes gibbons from htgawm
#3: jonathan byers from stranger things
holland vosijk--
mbti: ISTJ (the logistician)-- “Logisticians have sharp, fact-based minds, and prefer autonomy and self-sufficiency to reliance on someone or something. Dependency on others is often seen by Logisticians as a weakness, and their passion for duty, dependability and impeccable personal integrity forbid falling into such a trap.” this is so funny to me. it’s very true. 
enneagram: type 8-- “People of this personality type are essentially unwilling to be controlled, either by others or by their circumstances; they fully intend to be masters of their fate... Eights have a hard time lowering their defenses in intimate relationships. Intimacy involves emotional vulnerability and such vulnerability is one of the Eight's deepest fears” legit
hogwarts house: 40% slytherin (then in order: ravenclaw, gryffindor, hufflepuff)-- this actually surprises me because I would have guessed ravenclaw instead. 
what other characters are you most like: 
#1: carolyn martens from killing eve (i didn’t know who this was but apparently she’s “principled yet ruthless” and that tracks)
#2: severus snape from harry potter
#3: mr. darcy from pride and prejudice (lmfao)
kaz brekker--
mbti: ESTJ (the executive)-- I don’t know that this is accurate because the whole first paragraph of the description is about how executives understand right/wrong and embrace honesty and tradition BUT later in the description some of it aligns: “Executives don’t work alone, and they expect their reliability and work ethic to be reciprocated – people with this personality type meet their promises, and if partners or subordinates jeopardize them through incompetence or laziness, or worse still, dishonesty, they do not hesitate to show their wrath. This can earn them a reputation for inflexibility.”
enneagram: type 3-- “They are frequently hard working, competitive and are highly focused in the pursuit of their goals... They are often self-made and usually find some area in which they can excel... They know how to present themselves, are self-confident, practical, and driven... They are good networkers who know how to rise through the ranks.” THAT’S accurate. 
hogwarts house: almost the same as holland, which is unsurprising-- 37% slytherin, then 30% ravenclaw with gryffindor and hufflepuff trailing far behind. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: amy dunne from gone girl (lmfaoooooo)
#2: walter white from breaking bad
#3: vicious from cowboy bepop
martin blackwood--
mbti: INFJ (the advocate)-- “Advocates generally strive to do what’s right – and they want to help create a world where others do the right thing as well... Advocates may be reserved, but they communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive... Advocates might find themselves feeling especially stressed in the face of conflict and criticism. These personalities tend to act with the best of intentions, and it can frustrate them when others don’t appreciate this.” awww that’s sweet I do like that for him.
enneagram: type 2, with 6 being a close second. I definitely called that. “People of this personality type essentially feel that they are worthy insofar as they are helpful to others... Twos are warm, emotional people who care a great deal about their personal relationships, devote an enormous amount of energy to them, and who expect to be appreciated for their efforts.”
hogwarts house: 39% hufflepuff, and then the others are all fundamentally tied around 20-21% each. I’d agree with that. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: landry clarke from friday night lights (initially i was like-- a football player? what? but then his wiki description is: “generally polite, awkward, and enjoys playing guitar” so lol ok)
#2: cameron james from 10 things i hate about you
#3: peeta mellark from the hunger games
melanie king--
mbti: ESTP (the entrepreneur)-- “Entrepreneurs keep their conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but they like to talk about what is – or better yet, to just go out and do it. Entrepreneurs leap before they look, fixing their mistakes as they go, rather than sitting idle, preparing contingencies and escape clauses.”
enneagram: like holland, she’s for sure a type 8: “Eights are strong willed, decisive, practical, tough minded and energetic.” I think the aggressive aspect of type eights is more obvious in her personality than his, though.
hogwarts house: 47% gryffindor! then, in order: slytherin, ravenclaw, hufflepuff. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: erica sinclair from stranger things
#2: max mayfield from stranger things
#3: lois lane from smallville (yessss)
mbti: INFP (the mediator)-- I was actually surprised he got introverted instead of extroverted, but here we are. “Mediators’ creativity and idealism can bloom even after the darkest of seasons. Although they know the world will never be perfect, Mediators still care about making it better however they can. This quiet belief in doing the right thing may explain why these personalities so often inspire compassion, kindness, and beauty wherever they go.”
enneagram: oh, yep, he’s a type 9-- “People of this personality type essentially feel a need for peace and harmony. They tend to avoid conflict at all costs, whether it be internal or interpersonal... Nines tend to adopt an optimistic approach to life; they are, for the most part, trusting people who see the best in others; they frequently have a deep seated faith that things will somehow work out.”
hogwarts house: my sweet son is 43% hufflepuff, then gryffindor, ravenclaw, and essentially no slytherin.
what other characters are you most like:
#1: flounder from the little mermaid (ok that’s sort of rude)
#2: snow white from snow white
#3: dorothy gale from the wizard of oz (that tracks)
mbti: INFJ (the advocate)-- so, same as martin. “Advocates can speak with great passion and conviction, especially when standing up for their ideals. At other times, however, they may choose to be soft-spoken and understated, preferring to keep the peace rather than challenge others.” i love him sm.
enneagram: he’s a type 2, also like martin, the helper type. this half-surprises me because i thought there was maybe a chance he’d be a type 6. 
hogwarts house: it’s actually really close between hufflepuff and gryffindor? 31% and 32% respectively. then slytherin, then ravenclaw. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: eliza hamilton from hamilton
#2: glenn rhee from the walking dead
#3: ben hargreeves from the umbrella academy
wei wuxian--
mbti: ENFP (the campaigner)-- “Campaigners, like all their Diplomat cousins, are shaped by their Intuitive (N) quality, allowing them to read between the lines with curiosity and energy... Charming, independent, energetic and compassionate, the 7% of the population that they comprise can certainly be felt in any crowd.”
enneagram: he’s my only type 7. “They tend to be extroverted, multi-talented, creative and open minded... They often have an entrepreneurial spirit and are able to convey their enthusiasm to those with whom they come in contact. When they are able to focus their talents, they are often highly successful. Focusing does not always come easily for Sevens, however.”
hogwarts house: this test says he’s 29% slytherin, 27% gryffindor, 23% hufflepuff, and 21% ravenclaw. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: george weasley from harry potter (oh that’s genuinely really good)
#2: abby sciuto from ncis (that’s actually perfect too from what i know about ncis)
#3: nymphadora tonks from harry potter
yuri plisetsky--
mbti: ISTJ (the logistician), same as holland-- “Logistician personalities are no-nonsense, and when they’ve made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action... To Logisticians, honesty is far more important than emotional considerations.”
enneagram: he’s type 3-- “People of this personality type need to be validated in order to feel worthy; they pursue success and want to be admired... When unhealthy, their narcissism takes an ugly turn and they can become cold blooded and ruthless in the pursuit of their goals.” lol
hogwarts house: 31% slytherin and 27% ravenclaw, then gryffindor and hufflepuff in last. 
what other characters are you most like:
#1: cordelia chase from buffy the vampire slayer (once again, hilarious)
#2: amy march from little women
#3: tahani al-jamil from the good place
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