#And then I saw something I never saw in female toilets any toilets in places I went to
lightwing-s · 1 year
𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲| 𝐣. 𝐭.
pairing: arkham knight!jason todd x female!reader warnings: angst, violence, domestic abuse  word count: 2,4k summary: gotham pulls you down, jason pulls you harder. a/n: after reading the arkham knight comic i found myself obsessed and wrote this some time ago while in between finals. there will be a part 2, so wait for it soon ♡ ⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests⌟
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A long time ago, someone I knew, someone I loved, told me something I would never forget: Gotham has powers over its people. Just like gravity, pulling you down, making it hard for you to leave. 
At that point, I didn't understand. But as time went by, it all became clear.
I wanted to leave. And I tried to. So many damned times, almost on a daily basis. And yet, here I am. Still in this goddamn place.
But he also told me, on that same day, that although the gravity field was heavy, I could be stronger. That I was stronger. I could push it away, get out of here. What doesn’t kill you makes you a hell of a lot stronger, Y/n.
It all started on a Thursday night. I was given the day off on Friday, and like every reckless young adult, I had decided to spend my night getting drunk with my so-called friends at a bar, just around the corner of the street he once owned. Even if it’d been years, I could never not remember him everytime I walked by.
But that time, for the first time in forever, it didn’t cross my mind. I had missed it. I had… forgotten. It would be days later when the guilt started eating me up. How could I’ve forgotten him? How did I suddenly stop caring?
We were having fun, dancing around, chatting, and having drinks. Having many drinks. I must have drunk double my weight in alcohol, yet somehow still managed to stand on my two feet. My boyfriend, almost as drunk as me, hung out with his friends not paying me much attention. I guess he didn’t care that it was my birthday, but I guess even I forgot about that. It had been years since I last cared for it, nothing making much sense celebrating once he was gone.
I was looking for a toilet, stumbling my way around the crowded place while my bladder made it harder to walk around. 
And that’s when I felt it. The eyes on me. Like an eagle’s fixed on its prey. A sniper aiming at it’s target. I never understood when books and movies talked about this feeling until I felt it myself. My hair stood on end, the air suddenly thickening around me, my heart beat gaining pace. 
Something I could never, even in the wildest of my dreams, ever have imagined. I thought, maybe, I was making it all up, like some kind of drunken hallucination. Or that finally the terrors of Gotham had gone so up my head that I started seeing things. Things that weren’t real. Things that, at least, weren’t supposed to be.
Yet, there he was. Like a ghost. Clad in a red hoodie, staring straight at me through the dirty, fogged up glass window. The guy I thought I had seen the last of when I was still a just dumb teenager. 
Even though he stood so far away from me, I could see his gloomy semblance. His tired eyes, still bright blue as I had always remembered. But once our eyes met, all that pain and melancholy went away, as his face softened, and his eyes held the same sparkle in them as years ago. It could never be someone else, I would recognize my Robin whenever and wherever I saw him.
“Jason?” I whispered to myself, or at least I thought I had as I would later be informed I had drawn many eyes to me at that moment. But I didn’t care. He was here. It was all that mattered.
I had forgotten everything. Everyone. I stormed out of that crowded bar and ran into the streets. Into his arms. Arms that embraced me, tightly, like I was the last  good thing on this Earth. Like I was his own life, threatening to slip away at any moment. And for the first time in ages, I felt at home.
My boyfriend didn’t like the way I’d left that night. Well, my ex boyfriend. I couldn’t pull up with his shit anymore. Not with him being back.
After our embrace, Jason didn’t want to stay in the street for too long, at the time I didn’t know why, so I just went away with him. God knew where he was taking me, but I trusted him with my life like I always did. All I remember are the city lights flying past us, as we rushed through the streets hand in hand. His ever so sweet tone as we made our first stop under the lights of Old Wayne Tower. How he treated me, how he paid attention. His tender touch, his breath meeting mine, the scarred skin of his face as I caressed his cheek, and his soft lips against mine.
It was just me and him, the world getting blurry around us, reality and dreams blending together for a moment. And from then on, nothing else mattered. It was us against the world.
He took me home, or where I thought his home was then. He dragged me by the hand, swerving through the crowds, pushing through people, but never loosening his hold.
“I’m not gonna lose you again, Y/n.” he looked back to tell me, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, as I tried to fix his hold. His smile blinded me to everything else but him. He was  all I could see. Nothing else.
He led me through an alley to an abandoned diner, and dragging me inside, he took me to a secret door. I must have been too dumbfounded, mind too foggy, still too drunk, as I don’t remember our way up to his room. I just remember standing there, in the almost emptiness of the dark room, filled only with a bed and a desk, a picture of us as teenagers sitting on top of it. I was feeling uneasy, but yet safe.
“I thought you were dead.” I told him, voice cracking and tears flooding my eyes. “I went to your memorial”
“I know… I know it must all be too confusing to you.” he said, holding my face in his large hands, thumbs wiping the tears that had dared to fall down my cheeks. “You will understand. Soon. I just can’t explain it right now.”
Resting his forehead on mine, he took a moment to breathe. Breathe in my scent, breathe in the quiet. His eyes were closed, but when he opened them they bore deep into mine, not giving me a single chance to look away. Not that I would, no. I was already trapped in his gravity field, pushing me down, trapping me deeper, harder  than I would imagine.
“Do you trust me, Yn?” he asked, voice nothing more than a whisper. I could not reply, I didn’t know why. “Do I scare you? With my scars. With how I returned?”
All I did was shake my head no. I wasn’t scared. I would never be scared of Jason Todd. My Robin, my whole world, my safety net ready to catch me whenever I fall. And how I had fallen, so many times. And I had fallen again.
“Good girl.” he said, leaning down once more to give me a kiss on the nose. “Good, good girl. I knew you would never forget about me, because I never forgot about you.”
I was fifteen when I met Jason. Sad and lonely, walking down the streets of Gotham like there was nothing better in the world for me to do. And at that time, I really didn’t.
It was getting darker, the sun lowering down on the horizon. The loud music blasting in my ears, probably some angst pop punk tunes I was into back then, and still secretly listen to till this day, distracting me from my surroundings, making me feel like the only one in the world, when a loud scream took me off my dreamland.
“Didn’t you hear a thing?” asked this tall and dark haired boy. Removing one of my earplugs, and without any words, my confused eyes asked him 'what'. “That guy over there,” he pointed behind his back to a shadow taking the corner onto the next street. “… he was trying to rob you.”
I remember turning back swiftly, causing a sting of pain on my neck, and finding my backpack slightly open. Checking it out, I found nothing was missing and thanked him for the warning.
“You go down here every day, right? I’ve noticed you walking past here for a while. Always around the same time.”
“I live just a few minutes down.” I told him, not noticing the little hint at an obsession in his tone.
“Can I walk you home?” he offered, cheeks slightly tainted red. “It’s a bit dangerous around here at this time.”
“Won’t it be dangerous for you too?” I questioned innocently. Oh, silly me.
“I can handle myself around here.”
From then on, he walked me home every night. He also walked me to school, and also spent every free time we had walking aimlessly around the neighbourhood, pretending our lives were great for those few couple hours we had together. 
He became my shield from the world. My best friend. My white knight. He took my mind away from my family and how shitty they were. With him I was happy for a few moments, until he dropped me two houses from mine, so no one would see us, so my dad wouldn’t get mad, and I had to return to the rash, sad reality that was my daily life.
One morning, Jason came to pick me up, but instead of finding me at our regular spot, he found me at my door, wearing the same clothes as the day before, laying my head on my backpack, trying to shield the cold away with a single denim jacket and failing miserably as my body shivered intensely. On my lip, a deep cut, and a soft purple mark decorated my left eye.
“Y/n?” He shook my body, waking me up tenderly. “What did he do?”
His voice was the complete opposite of his touch, though,  covered in anger. He knew who had done that, he didn’t know why, but knew it wasn’t enough reason. There was never enough reason. He knew the culprit and he’d make him regret it. As much as I tried to, I couldn’t stop him, a pattern I would later find out would repeat itself countless times. He was too strong for me to push him away.
He aggressively knocked on my door, pushed my mom out of the way once she opened it, and searched the house for my father, the one person I hated the most in my life, and whom he hated just as much. He found him in his office, hitting the door closed behind him. Me and my mother didn’t know what to do. We just stood and waited, as we heard screams and the sound of things breaking inside the room. Her bruised hands holding firmly onto mine.
When the door reopened a few moments later, all I could see was Jason’s sore knuckles as he rushed out the house, pulling me by the wrist with. I didn’t know then, or perhaps I did, but that was the moment I fell in love with Jason Todd.
I wouldn’t see my dad till weeks later, when he returned home from the hospital. And that was also the last time I saw him, as he kicked me out for “hanging around with the wrong people”. My mom was devastated, but I didn't care. I was finally free.
A family friend took me in, and Jason continued to walk me home and everywhere else. He would visit me every night. We would often share my bed, as we quietly and secretly, made our love physical, real. As we made us into our reality. Up until he went away.
The first time Jason was taken from me had me broken into little pieces. I thought it would take long till I saw him again, but soon I received a letter from a police officer. 
In it, he told me he was put into a new school as part of this new troubled kids program.  For several months, I read him raving about his new school, the new opportunities, and how he finally had a chance at a brighter future.
I was happy for him, truly. But I couldn’t help the small knot forming in my throat from both jealousy and from just how much I missed him.
Until one day, he knocked on my door, ready to take me to school as we did before, just this time not on foot.
Getting used to Jason as a multi millionaire’s ward wasn’t easy, and I could sense him drifting away with each passing day. He wasn’t the same Jason I knew, even though he hadn’t changed even a bit with me. He just had a new life. A double one I came to know of one night when he climbed up my window.
His visits became regular, and as much as I felt Jason slipping away, Robin was still mine.
And then he was taken from me again. That time, for good. And I was never the same.
All those years, Gotham’s gravity field kept pulling me further and further down, as much as I tried to escape it. Jason’s words echoed in my head, but I knew I couldn’t be strong enough to break away. So I stayed in this city, working low paying jobs, getting around with the wrong kind of people. Trying to make my way through this tumultuous situation that never seemed to get better.
But now, laying naked in Jason’s room, covered only by the thin cotton sheets of his bed, feeling sore and exhausted, feeling cared for and complete, a whole new sense of belonging, of excitement and hope filled me to the brim. I felt unstoppable beside him, like everything would finally settle into place, allowing me to quit this gravity field for good.
Gotham’s gravity is strong, but Jason’s is a lot stronger. And I would learn it the hard way.
taglist: @igotanidea
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wildesqdreams · 1 year
sick in love
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pairing - vinnie hacker x female!reader
a/n: kinda hate this, kinda don't. kinda disgusting, kinda cute. but anyways i'm sick, so this came to mind, hope you'll enjoy it even a little bit.
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y/n's eyes opened as she heard her doorbell ringing. she closed them. the girl didn't have any strength to get up, since she had been vomiting all night, and finally had fallen asleep.
but as the girl thought the ringing would stop, she suddenly heard knocking with a voice, "y/n?! hellooo, please, open up... y/n/n?"
y/n sighed, as she got up.
she couldn't just ignore her boyfriend, especially when she heard his worried voice. the girl walked to the door, resting her hand on her stomach, as it hurt, from the vomiting.
she opened the door and saw the boy in front of her, "vinnie, what are you doing here?" y/n quietly asked.
"what am i doing here?!" vinnie answered frustrated, as he walked in, "you should have been at the house an hour ago," his voice raised a little, "and where the fuck is your phone?! you haven't answered my calls or texts."
the girl closed the door and turned to face vinnie.
slight panic was visible in his eyes and y/n mentally cursed herself for not giving him a text, about her not being able to stay with him for the weekend.
as she opened her mouth to say something, she felt the sickness come up, and she rushed to the bathroom, crouching down in front of the toilet.
soon vinnie's hand was felt on her back, while he gathered her hair away from her face, "hey, it's okay."
vomiting never came easy for y/n. so she felt horrible when her boyfriend needed to hear the sounds, coming from her. but his hand rubbing gently and soothingly on her back, made the girl relax a bit.
when she was done, y/n flushed the toilet and turned her head to vinnie, "i have been up since 4 am, vomiting my guts out, and i'm sorr-"
"hey, hey there's no need to be," she felt vinnie wipe the few tears away from her eyes, "i understand, it's gonna be alright," he pressed a kiss to her forehead, "wait-"
"what?" her eyes met vinnie's, as he pulled back and intensely looked at her. but when y/n saw vinnie's eyes flick to her stomach, she understood what he was about to ask.
"are you-"
"no, vinnie," she chuckled, "i'm not pregnant, just caught a virus, some kind."
"okay," he nodded, "well, then," he grabbed his phone from his sweatpants pocket, "i'm gonna text jack that i'm staying with you, and we're gonna go get some sleep," and with that said he sent his text and looked at the girl with a loving smile that made her heart melt.
vinnie got up and helped y/n just for him to put his hands behind her thighs, so he could lift her up. she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. the girl felt three kisses being placed on her neck, as she was carried to her bedroom.
the boy gently put her in the bed as she got under the sheets, him immediately joining her.
y/n snuggled closer to vinnie, as he put his hand over her waist, "i've really missed this... feels like forever since i've seen you."
the couple didn't live together. and since y/n studied in university, they didn't see each other so much, only on the weekends. but even those were sometimes spent apart, when the boy was traveling or the girl was studying.
"umm, actually i wanted to talk about something with you."
y/n hummed.
"well, i was thinking, maybe you would want to come live with me?"
the girl immediately pushed back and lifted her head, as she looked at her boyfriend, "you serious?"
she felt him put a strand of hair behind her ear, "yeah, i've already talked to the boys and they love the idea and that way we wouldn't have to spend so much time away from each other... so what you say?"
"i would love to," she smiled.
vinnie's lip corners lifted as he kissed her forehead.
y/n rested her head back against his chest, as the boy pulled her closer, "i love you."
"i love you too."
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taglist: @willowpains @ellajjade21 @ilovejjmaybank @hallecarey1
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luvangelbreak · 8 months
Deprived | Ten
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing word count: 3.6k a/n: i feel like this one is just very cutesy and fun. things are abt to get wild tho y'all strap in !!
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pov: matt
I walked into the kitchen, getting myself a bottle of water and gulping it down like it was the last thing I was going to do. After my incident in the shower, I hadn't stopped thinking about Layla. I wanted to be near her always, I wanted to touch her in any way I could. I wanted her to sit in front of me, I wanted to play with her hair and I kept my thoughts at bay, not daring to tug on it once just to see her reaction.
I shook my head getting rid of my thoughts as I heard the bathroom door open. Layla went to walk by the kitchen but paused when she saw me leaning against the counter.
"You okay?" she asked, noticing the slightly stressed look on my face and I nodded, plastering a smile on my face.
"Yeah. Don't stress," I shook my head and she frowned walking into the kitchen fully before she stood in front of me, "What time you think you'll go home?"
I tried to change the subject and she shrugged, "I'm not going home so I don't know what time I'll leave."
"Where are you going?" I asked, my nosiness showing itself before I tried to gain my composure again.
"Uh..." she trailed off, looking at her feet as she chewed on her lip, "I don't know. I just can't go home."
"Why not?" I asked, genuinely confused as to why she couldn't go home.
"My dad said not to," she shrugged and my eyebrows furrowed, "I usually just go to the park or something."
"Wait, what?" I pushed off of the bench, letting my hands fall to my sides, "You don't have anywhere to sleep overnight if you can't go home?"
She shrugged, keeping her eyes trained on the ground in embarassment as she mumbled, "Yeah. Park benches aren't as uncomfortable as they seem."
"Fuck that," I shook my head, sliding my phone out of my pocket, "You're staying here."
"Mattew it's fi-"
"I'm not letting you sleep on a park bench, Layls," I sternly stated as I opened my mother's contact before clicking the call button. After a few rings, she picked up.
"Hello?" she said, her professional voice ringing through the speaker, letting me know she hadn't checked who called before she answered.
"Hi Ma, it's Matt," I told her and she hummed, clearly still busy with something at work, "I'm just letting you know our friend Layla is gonna stay the night if that's okay?"
"Who's that, honey?" she asked, her attention being drawn by the unfamilar name and I pursed my lips.
"It's one of our friends from school. She doesn't have a place to stay tonight so I said it was okay for her to stay here," my eyes glanced to Layla whose head was still hung lowly, making my shoulders drop in sadness, "Please Ma."
"Fine but don't be up late," she answered and I let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you. I'll see you when you get home," I quickly said and she mumbled a goodbye before I hung up, "She said it's fine for you to stay.”
"It's really fine. It's nothing I haven't done before," she shrugged before lifting her head and I noticed a spot of blood on her lip. I instinctively leaned forward, swiping her bottom lip to get the blood off before I froze.
"Sorry," I pulled my hand away and she just looked at me in confusion, "You had blood on your lip."
"Fuck," her hand flew to her lip where my thumb was placed seconds ago. She quickly jogged back into the bathroom before returning with a piece of toilet paper covering her lip.
"You okay?" I asked and she nodded with a sigh.
"I just bit my lip too much," she mumbled and I let my eyebrows furrow again out of worry.
"What's wrong?" I asked, leaning my palms against the counter behind me and she looked at me in confusion, "You only bite your lip when your nervous or stressed so, what's bothering you?"
She took a moment to stare at me with an unreadable expression before she said, "I don't want you to feel like I have to stay here because you feel bad for me. I'm okay with staying somewhere else."
"I want you to stay here regardless," I told her honestly and she let her head hang again. With a sigh, I reached forward and grabbed her elbow to pull her into my chest. She planted her feet inbetween mine as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders.
She tensed against me for a moment, being frozen in place before she relaxed into me, wrapping her arm around me that wasn't holding the toilet paper against her lip.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice softer and shakier than I had ever heard and it made my heart break inside my chest, "Are you sure it's okay?"
"Stop worrying, pretty girl," I mumbled as I turned my head, placing my cheek on top of her head and she sighed, pulling against me tighter.
We stood like that for a moment in comfortable silence until I heard someone clear their throat loudly. I lifted my head and Layla instantly pulled away from me, moving to stand beside me. I looked over to see Mia standing in the doorway, an unimpressed look on her face while Allie stood next to her with a beaming smile, looking between Layla and I.
"Nate's going and my dad is like around the corner," Allie spoke first and I nodded, pursing my lips as I looked everywhere but their faces.
"Is it 6:30 already?" Layla asked Allie and she shook her head.
"Nah he just finished work so he's picking us up on the way home," Allie explained and Layla nodded. I coughed into my fist before I pushed off of the table. Mia and Allie walked back down the hallway and Layla quickly followed after them, not bothering to look at me while she did so. I trailed behind her to see Nate dapping up Chris in the hallway before he reached forward and I followed the same motion.
"See you tomorrow bro," I nodded to him.
He opened the door, jogging down the front step of my house as he called out, "See y'all at school!"
"Bye guys," Allie hugged Layla before she wrapped her arms around me, leaning up to whisper in my ear, "Don't be a dick to her."
I rolled my eyes as she pulled away from me, giving me a serious look but neither of us spoke further. Mia slid past Allie and hugged me as I wrapped one arm around her shoulders.
"See ya," I mumbled as the two girls exited the house and walked down our driveway, Allie's dad pulling up in his Mercedes just in time. I closed the door behind me, locking it quickly before I turned to Nick and Chris, "By the way, Layla's staying here tonight."
"What?" Chris looked at me, confusion clear on his face and Nick raised his eyebrows.
"She just needs a place to crash. Mom already said it's fine and she'll let Dad know," I explained with a shrug and Nick shook his head, returning his gaze back to his phone from where he sat on the couch.
"Where's she gonna sleep?" Chris asked as he walked back into the living room, plopping himself on the couch and Layla walked past me, sitting on the opposite end of the same couch.
"She can sleep in my room," I state, leaning against the doorframe and all of their heads snapped to look at me, "Don't look at me like that. I'm sleeping on the couch."
"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch in your own house," Layla's eyebrows furrowed and I shrugged in response. Before I could respond further, the front door swung open revealing my Dad.
"Hey!" he said with a tired smile and I smiled back at him. His eyes travelled to the living room, his eyes landing on Layla, "You must be Layla, I'm Jimmy. Nice to put a face to the name."
"Dad," I mumbled through gritted teeth and he glanced back at me as he closed the door.
"What? I'm just saying it's good to know your description of her is accurate," he answered with a smile and I groaned, running a hand over my face in embarrassment, "When's Mom gonna be home?"
"She said at 7 so we need to figure out dinner," Nick responded, still looking at his phone and my dad nodded before walking past me to go towards his room upstairs.
"I'm gonna go shower. You kids figure out what you want to do for dinner," he called as he trudged up the stairs. With a sigh, I pushed away from the wall and walked into the kitchen, scouring the cupboards for something to make dinner with.
"You good bro?" I heard Chris's voice appear behind me making me jump before I turned around to see he was leaning against the counter with a confused frown, "What's up?"
"Nothing," I brushed him off as I turned around to continue looking through the cupboards.
"Dude, don't do that shit," Chris groaned and in my peripheral vision I saw him round the counter, standing next to me. I straightened up, turning to face him with my eyebrows raised.
"What shit?" I asked and he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at me with an unimpressed.
"Don't shut down on us. Something's off with you," he blandly stated and I let out a heavy breath before I pulled pasta out of the pantry, deciding we would have to concoct some form of sauce with the ingredients we had already.
"Nothing's off. You're trippin'," I shrugged him off and I walked around him, opening up the fridge to look through its contents.
"Matt," Chris said sharply and I sighed, closing my eyes as I leaned my head on the open fridge door, "Just talk to me, man."
"I just-"
"Ooo, are we making pasta?" I heard Nick's voice interrupt me, both he and Layla standing in the kitchen doorway.
I coughed, shaking off the heavy feeling in my chest as I closed the kitchen fridge, "Yeah. We will have to make a sauce but I don’t know how we’re gonna do that."
"Where's Mom when you need her?" Nick groaned, sliding out one of the barstools on the island and plopping himself into it.
"I can help," Layla mumbled, picking at her nails as she glanced between us all before she shrugged, "I make meals out of nothing all the time."
"You don't have to do that," I shook my head and she dismissed me with a wave of her hand, sliding past me to open the fridge. She pulled out a block of cheese, milk and butter.
She opened the pantry, glancing around before she pulled out a bag of flour I didn't even know we had. She placed that next to the ingredients she already placed on the table before she said, "You guys good with a cheese sauce?"
Nick nodded his head vigorously and Chris hummed a yes in response. I watched as she made her way to the stove, picking up the large pot that we kept on the stove before she walked over to the sink, filling it up with hot water before placing it on the now-lit stove.
"How many people?" she asked as she pulled out another smaller pot from the cupboard to her left.
"Six," Chris responded and I continued to watch her as Nick scrolled on his phone.
"Oh great. Don't even have to change the recipe," she mumbled to herself as she started placing ingredients into the smaller pot before she poured the pasta into the now boiling bigger pot.
I felt something kick my leg and I looked over to see Nick glaring at me before he mouthed 'help her dickhead'. I cleared my throat, rounding the counter before I stood beside her.
"Anything you want help with?" I asked and she hummed, her teeth chewing on her lip as she measured the ingredients by eye.
"Once I put all this stuff in you can whisk it. It has to be whisked nonstop for like 5 minutes," she explained before she opened the drawers to her left, pulling out a whisk and handing it to me, "Thanks."
I grabbed the whisk as she smiled up at me before she walked around me, placing the flour, milk and butter back but keeping the cheese out since she hadn't used it yet.
"How do you know this?" Chris asked her and she moved to stand next to me, watching me as I slowly stirred the concoction in the pot.
"A little faster," she mumbled to me and I pursed my lips, resisting the urge to make a joke as she turned to look at Chris, "Google is a wonderful place."
"Yeah, but how do you remember this stuff?" he asked as he leaned his head on his hand, tilting his head to the side.
Layla shrugged as she picked up the pasta stirrer that I hadn't even noticed she placed on the bench, stirring the softening pasta in the bigger pot, "Good memory I guess."
"What are we making?" my dad suddenly appeared in the hallway of the kitchen with a smile in his pyjama pants and white t-shirt.
"Layla's making us pasta with cheese sauce," Nick answered and my dad raised his eyebrows.
"Hey, I'm still stirring the sauce," I frowned, pointing to the pot in front of me that my hand was still making small circles over, "More than what both of you are doing."
"Do you really want them cooking anything?" Layla asked me quietly with a smirk on her face that only I could see since she was facing away from the rest of my family. With a smile, I shook my head and she turned back around to look at my dad.
"It's the least I can do for you. You're letting me stay here," she said and I felt her nervousness radiate off of her but she still spoke clearly, masking the anxiety to anyone else.
"Please! Any of my boy's friends are always welcome here," my dad brushed her off and she chewed on her lip before giving him a small thankful smile, "Don't burn the sauce, Matt. You're mother will have your head on a spike if you waste anything."
pov: layla
As I finished serving up the last of the pasta into bowls, I heard the front door of the house open and in walked what I assumed was Matt's Mom. I placed the dirty dishes in the sink and spun around to give her a smile.
"You must be Layla!" she beamed, immediately grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into a hug. I tensed against her, the unexpected affection catching me off guard but in order to be polite, I tried to relax a bit and hugged her back.
"Nice to meet you," I said, plastering on my best smile as she pulled away from me.
"Did you make this?" she asked, directing her attention to the pasta that was sitting on the bench and I nodded, pursing my lips.
"Yeah. It's the least I could do," I repeated what I told their dad before and she shook her head.
"Ma!" Chris ran into the kitchen, wrapped his arms around her shoulders from behind and I just watched as she patted his forearms lovingly.
I was slightly confused, seeing how Chris acted at school was a complete contrast to who he was at home. I never would've guessed he was so close with his parents and this openly affectionate.
"Chris, help Layla with the pasta," she tapped her son on the side and he rolled his eyes, pulling away from her before he grabbed two of the bowls and made his way to the living room.
"Can you let the boys know I'm just showering and then I'll have dinner?" she turned to me and I nodded with a smile.
"Of course, Mrs Sturniolo," I said politely and she dismissed me with a wave of her hand as she smiled.
"No need for that. Call me Mary-Lou," she smiled as she started walking out of the kitchen and I smiled to myself, her motherly nature radiating off of her.
I grabbed the last three bowls of pasta, balancing one on my forearm between my bicep and wrist as I held the other two in my hands. I walked into the living room and saw Jimmy and Chris holding two of the bowls already. I handed one to Nick and then Matt, both of them giving me a thankful smile. I kept one for myself, leaving Mary-Lou's on the kitchen bench for her.
Nick was sitting in his usual armchair while Jimmy sat on the couch in the same place Mia had been hours before. Matt sat in the middle of the couch and there was a seat next to him, Chris sitting on the floor in front of the empty seat.
"Mary-Lou said that she's having a shower then she'll come eat," I told them as I sat on the floor next to Chris, leaving the couch open for their Mom. I realised they had their seats in everything. In class, in the car and in the living room.
I happily ate my pasta with my legs crossed, all that was heard were forks clanking against porcelain bowls and the quiet murmurs of a show on the TV.
"This is so fucking good," Chris mumbled with a mouth full of pasta, making me look at him with a smile, "Like actually, you need to write down the recipe because I'm not gonna remember if you tell me."
"Chris, when are you ever gonna make dinner?" Nick asked with genuine curiosity in his words.
"I will if it tastes like this," Chris raised his eyebrows, holding his bowl out in front of him that was now empty.
"Or," Matt stated from behind me and I turned around to look at him as he swallowed a mouthful of his pasta, "She can just come over and cook it for us."
"I'm not a personal chef, Matthew," I rolled my eyes, a smile peaking through my lips as I turned around.
"You could be," I could hear the smirk in his voice making me turn around to see I was correct, "Stay here whenever you want as long as I get fed."
"Matt!" Jimmy hit his son's arm making me laugh, "You know better than to talk to a woman like that."
"I'm kidding, Dad," Matt replied with a chuckle before returning his gaze to mine. He sent me a sly wink and I pursed my lips, spinning back around as my face heated up.
"What did I miss?" Mary-Lou entered the living room with her bowl of pasta, placing herself on the couch behind Chris before Chris leaned back onto his mother's legs.
"Matt having no game," Chris mumbled before a hand smacked the back of his head and I noticed that Matt was leaning forward with his arm extended towards Chris.
"Shut the fuck up, Chris," Matt grumbled before he flopped back into the couch and I bit my lip trying to suppress my laugh as Chris pursed his lips, holding in a giggle of his own.
"Enough," Mary-Lou spoke somewhat sternly as she began eating her pasta, "Thank you again for making us dinner, sweetheart. This is lovely."
"It's really no problem," I turned around and gave her a polite smile before I looked at Matt, "Besides, I'm not the one that stirred the sauce."
"Oh fuck off," he leaned forward, shoving my shoulder slightly and I smiled at him sweetly while he shook his head.
"Matt," his mother said sternly and I pursed my lips, turning around once again as I snickered to myself.
The room fell silent as all of our attention was diverted to the TV and I felt Matt's hands fall onto my shoulders, pulling me back to resume my position between his legs. I sighed, leaning my head on his right knee while he began playing with the ends of my hair again.
After a few minutes, he leaned forward so his mouth was beside my ear, his warm breath fanning the side of my face as he whispered, "You want dessert?"
Goosebumps rose on my skin and I nodded my head, my face heating up from our close proximity before he tapped the side of my arm, indicating for me to get up. I grabbed my bowl and phone, hopped up from the floor and walked towards the entrance to the kitchen as Matt followed.
I placed my bowl in the sink and spun around to see Matt in front of me, wrapping his arm around me and placing the bowl in the sink that was now behind my back.
"Couldn't have waited till I moved?" I asked, a smirk tugging at my lips as I glanced around his face.
"Why do that when I get the excuse to be close to you?" he asked, a smirk still on his face. He moved away as my face heated up and I shook away the warm feeling in my stomach. He opened the freezer, pulling out a small tub of strawberry ice cream and two spoons.
"Not gonna put it in bowls?" I asked, walking over towards him as he held out a spoon for me before shaking his head. He made his way back to the living room before he stopped, standing in the doorway.
"We're gonna go watch a movie in my room but I'll sleep on the couch when you guys are done," Matt told his family before making his way up the stairs to his bedroom and I followed shortly behind, not realising we weren't going back to the living room.
"Don't eat all the ice cream!" Nick yelled out and Matt didn't bother turning around.
"No promises!" he called back and once we reached the top of the stairs, he opened a door to the right. He stepped in flicking on the light as I trailed behind him.
I shut the door behind me as he walked over to the bed in the corner of the room, jumping onto it before he patted the place in front of him so I could sit with my back against the headboard.
He cracked open the ice cream and we both sat in silence for a moment before he said, "Wanna play a game?"
@ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix @lilsstvrn
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
endeavors #1 - happy new year
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Summary: August and Grace decide he is gonna show her sex isn't always disappointing.
August Walker x Grace Stanford (asian ofc)
Wordcount: 1.6k
Warning: Some dry humping, female orgasms and mention of male orgasm, but very vague.
A/N: Welcome to a new August Walker filthy story, because my multi chapter stories with August Walker usually turn hella disgusting. This first chapter is very tame, but enjoy the rest when I post it! (Also, if you're a minor, get lost)
Masterlist // endeavors masterlist
This December month had been more than adventurous. To give a small summary of it: my friend August Walker moved in with me, because he needed a place to stay and I had an extra room. It was all fun and games in theory, but in reality I may or may not have second thoughts. 
I discovered August likes to have sex.
Loud, borderline obnoxious sex in my opinion.
Woman after woman exits my apartment, I have given multiple ladies a cup of coffee early in the morning and I have discovered lots of condom wrappers. 
And he moved in on December 3rd. 
It’s December 31st now. 
It’s been a long 27 days. 
Deep down I thought: you know, I can kick him out, but rent is high and I don’t make enough money to make ends meet. Besides, I now feel justified for buying those noise cancelling headphones.
August and I are sitting on my couch, both not having plans for the New Years. Instead of spending it in the club or somewhere exciting, the two of us are here. 
And I could’ve and should’ve known any conversation lasting longer than ten minutes with August Walker, would eventually turn into something sexual. But I never expected it to go along these lines.
‘Grace, are you telling me that disappointing is the one word to describe your sex life?’
I hide my face. ‘Yes, that’s what I’m telling you.’
‘Well, not everyone is like you, August.’
He chuckles. ‘Of course, I think I’d die if I discovered women called sex with me disappointing.’
Instead of answering, I decide to take a sip of my beer. Leave it to him to be overly dramatic about it, though I do think it’s not that far fetched. He would die if he discovered women called sex with him disappointing, that I know.
But I also know no woman would. When I gave those lovely women some coffee, they all had a flushed smile on their lips and asked: ‘Have you ever had sex with August Walker?’
The answer was always no. No, I don’t have sex with August. We’ve been friends since college, we’ve hung out a few times after college and I was his go to address for when he was drunk and unable to get himself home. It’s okay, it’s our normal and minus the noise disturbance he and his sex partners bring, he is actually a pretty decent roommate. He cleans up after himself, puts down the toilet seat and is an okay cook.
The bar is that low.
‘How about you and I have sex?’
I nearly choke in my drink. ‘What?’ I ask him, after coughing a few times. ‘I must’ve hallucinated. What did you just propose?’
‘How about you and I have sex?’ It’s the same sentence. He is sincere. I’m not delirious.
‘And be one of the many girls you fuck?’ I joke. ‘No thank you, August. Believe it or not, I have some form of dignity left.’ I shake my head and bring the bottle to my lips to take another sip. 
‘You honestly think I am gonna sleep with other ladies when I’m sleeping with you?’
‘I once saw two different women leave the house on the same day. Do you blame me for thinking I’ll be one of many?’
Judging from his facial expression, he has to agree with me. ‘Touché. But I’m serious, Grace. How about you and I sleep together, I show you what you’ve missed and you can say your sex life isn’t disappointing anymore.’
It’s almost like he is trying to convince me to buy a different type of soap, because it’s better for your skin. While he is casual about these types of things, I am not. 
I scoff, before I walk towards the kitchen and tell him I’m grabbing some snacks. 
However once I’m there, I think about it. It has been quite some time since I last had sex and I think it’s safe to say it’s been never since I had good sex. I rely on my trusted toys and while they do what they have to do, it’s no where near the real deal.
The longer I think about it, the more it turns me on. While I have my noise cancelling headphones, there are times where I do hear him, for example when I just walk into the house and I’m met with sounds one usually makes during coital intercourse.
And August sure does sound sexy. One time I overheard his soft moans, when he was just by himself and it was only a short snippet, it still became a core memory for me.
‘Are you just messing with my head of were you serious?’ I ask, once I’m back with the bag of chips. 
‘I take everything sex related very seriously.’
I glare at him, causing him to smirk. 
‘Come on, Grace, I’m serious. I can show you what you’re missing out on.’ He sits up straight, resting his elbows on his knees, before he adds: ‘We don’t have to go full on sex. We can take it slow.’
I place the bag of chips on the table. ‘Okay, you’ve got yourself a deal.’
Where the fuck did that come from? I am never this impulsive, one of the many reasons why I’m so good as the head of the financial department of the company I work for. I think stuff out. I do that for my job, my interior design and my outfits.  
But apparently that is not a character trait I take with me in decision making when it comes to my sex life.
A satisfied smirk toys on August’s lips. ‘Okay, how about we have our first introduction lesson?’
Oh my gosh, is he calling this a lesson?
I clear my throat. ‘Okay.’
‘Come on,’ August says, his large hand patting his muscular thigh, cladded in his gray sweatpants. ‘Sit right here.’
To say I’m buzzing with excitement is an understatement. I swallow hard, before I walk over to him. I’m not letting him in on how my nervous system is breaking down. I step on his lap, slowly lowering my core to his groin. The barrier of his sweats and my tights together with my underwear appears to be quite a lot, however I already whimper. 
August lets out a snicker, before he pushes my hair from my face. ‘What was that?’
‘Liar.’ His tone is soft, but there is an edge to it. His hands slide from my thighs underneath my skirt and he holds my bottom firmly in his hands. August leans in, pressing a kiss on my cheek, on my jaw, on my neck, before he plants his lips on mine, while his hands force my core to grind against him. 
Parts of me secretly hopes he is going to take off my clothes, but I know that my limbic system would just shut down, so I’m grateful he isn’t tugging on my clothes, a silent hint to take them off. He is kissing me like this is the last time he can kiss me, but truth be told, I’ve never kissed him before. Oh, I sometimes dreamed about it, because no matter how much I always kept him at arms length, August Walker is handsome, attractive and I would totally break my neck if he walked passed me.
My fingers are tangled in his hair and I’m so desperate for some sort of release. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so on top of the world and according to August, this is just our introduction lesson. If this is how the first time makes me feel, I can only guess how the next few times are gonna be.
August has hardened underneath me, his grip only tightening on me, his finger tips digging in my flesh. 
A tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach and I whimper against August. 
‘Look at that,’ he chuckles. ‘That’s quick.’
‘I’m sorry,’ I manage to choke out, as I place my forehead against his, while I accidentally pull on his hair. ‘I’m close,’ I whimper, but he can’t even answer to it, when this rush of ecstasy rushes through my entire body. Moans get stuck half way my throat, all while August continues on to force my core to grind against his clothed, but hardened cock. 
‘Look at me, Grace.’
I manage meet his gaze, however I can’t stop my jolts every time pressure and friction is put on my clit. 
‘One more for me, okay?’
All I can do is nod.
While it’s clear it’s midnight now, as the fireworks start to sound outside of our apartment, I can barely focus on the whole fact it’s the new year. 
‘August,’ I sniffle and he presses a gentle kiss on my lips, before a strangled groan escapes his mouth. ‘I’m close again.’
He hums. ‘Me too, Grace.’
Pleasure is quick to take over the slight pain I felt, as my clit desperately needed some rest, but I cling onto August, holding him tightly as I ride out my high, his sounds of bliss filling my ear. 
We’re a panting mess, I’m shivering on his lap as he holds me tightly against his frame. 
‘Look at me.’
A simple command, but I look into his light blue orbs, eyelids slightly hooded. ‘Happy new year, Grace,’ he says.
I let out a soft chuckle, before I look at the mess we created. My underwear feels drenched, while I can see the dark spot on his sweater. ‘Happy new year, August.’
August smirks. ‘We’re gonna have so much fun.’
endeavors taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @liecastillo // @mis-lil-red // @sofiebstar // @abschaffer2 // @crazybutconfidentaf // @summersong69 // @gearhead66 // @xobriellaxo24 // @kebabgirl67 // @eldarwen333 // @kingliam2019 // @cherry-gemz // @sillyrabbit81 // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @lyrarodriguez // @islacharlotte // @sunshine96love // @oddsnendsfanfics // @xuxszx // @omgkatinka // @pterodactylterrace / @peaches1958 // @pandaxnienke // @teamfan7asy // @raccoon-eyed-rebel
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obligatoryidolblog · 2 years
Cheeky (Bang Chan - Stray Kids)
Genre: Suggestive
Pairing: Bang Chan/Female Reader Insert
Warnings: strip clubs, lots of ass, grinding
Summary: Much to his dismay, Chan is dragged out of his isolated haze of writing music by his band mates. A strip club was the last place he expected to end up.
A/N: Haven't written in ages. This is something I wrote a long time ago, and decided why not. Enjoy!
Chan reached out blindly, fumbling for his cell phone. His fingers finally finding it, he groaned, trying to find the appropriate button to make it stop blaring the stupid song Felix had programmed in as his ring tone. After a moment, he realized that he must have answered the call, because he heard Changbin’s voice through the beeps of his attempts to silence the device, instead of the ring tone.
Sighing, he lifted the cell phone to his ear, mumbling, “What?”
Changbin’s laugh met his ear, and Chan buried his face in the pillow, muffling his invectives. He was in the middle of a musical slump and in no mood to deal with people. As he was weighing the merits of attempting to smother himself in the pillow versus the odds of him being able to hurl his cell phone into the toilet from his bed, Changbin spoke.
“Do you do anything but hide in that hotel room?” his bandmate asked, his voice bright.
Chan glanced at the open door to the bathroom, and huffed out a sigh. He’d never make it. Giving in, he answered.
“What do you want?” he said, rolling to his back and tossing his free arm over his eyes.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Changbin snorted, “Or good evening, I should say. Get up. You are coming with us.”
“No, I’m not,” Chan replied immediately.
He had no desire to be immersed in the masses any more than he had to. Chan couldn’t pinpoint when it had begun, but more and more he became the workaholic hermit everyone jokingly called him. And he enjoyed it. No autographs to sign. No pictures to smile for. No having to run from the less sane fans. Why the hell would he want to go through all that when he had a comfortable little niche carved out for himself and his music?
“Yes you are, mate,” came a new voice from the doorway of his hotel room.
Chan quickly sat up, dropping his cell phone. He fell back again almost instantly as he saw what his friends had done.
“Oi, how the fuck did you get in my room?” he sighed, shoving the phone off his bed and ignoring the laughter ringing from it once more.
With a puckish grin, Felix replied, “Easy. Changbin distracted you and I used the key card I lifted off you last night.”
Chan grimaced. He knew he hadn’t just lost his key. With a long suffering sigh, he closed his eyes. They were going to force him to leave his cozy isolation.
“Where are you wanting me to go?” he asked wearily.
Hearing a zipper open, he lifted one eyelid to spy Felix rummaging through his suitcase for clothing. Turning a sly smile over his shoulder to Chan, he winked and tossed a pair of jeans and a shirt at him.
“You’ll see. Get dressed,” he said, dropping to sit in a chair.
Chan pursed his lips, considering the possibility of getting out of this little outing, and finding it impossible. Emitting a growl of annoyance, he stood and gathered the clothes, making his way to the bathroom. As he slammed the door behind him, he heard Felix laugh. This was going to be a pain in the ass, he could already tell.
The car stopped in front of a glittering building, and Chan immediately shook his head.
“No way. You have to be joking,” he said, turning wide eyes to his friend.
Felix laughed, and replied, “Hey, this place is a legend. We can’t come to France and not take a peek.”
Chan’s eyes widened on Felix, doubting the sanity of his friend. If JYPE or the fans found out about this…
“It’s a strip club,” he said slowly, as if explaining something very simple to someone very stupid.
Felix only rolled his eyes and hopped out of the car, shooting back, “Yes, the finest damn strip club in France. Now get your ass out and come on.”
Chan opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to think of a proper response to this. Sure, they had snuck off to clubs before as trainees, but it had never been something Chan enjoyed, the reward certainly not worth the risk. There was a desperation in places like this that ruined any appeal it may have. And truthfully, Chan had enough of women offering themselves up to him. There was only one difference between the professionals and groupies. The professionals were more honest about what they wanted out of the deal.
Felix opened Chan’s door with a flourish. Chan let his eyes fall shut on a groan, then stepped out. There was no way out of this, he supposed. They made their way to the front door, and were met by Changbin and Jisung, walking from their car.
“How the hell did everyone else get out of this little adventure?” Chan asked, eyes narrowing.
“They didn’t want to come,” replied Felix.
Chan snorted, and mumbled, “Neither did I.”
Changbin clapped him on the back, shoving him through the door behind Jisung and saying, “Yes, well, they aren’t shut-ins. Stop bitching and have fun for once.”
Chan muttered a few pointed remarks and allowed them to herd him inside. He would find some way to get them back for this.
Sitting at a table in a dark corner of the place, as far from the bar as he could get, Chan tore a paper napkin into tiny shreds. This may be the finest strip club in all of France, but it was still a seedy place filled with the scents of lust and money. Pressing his lips together, he glanced up at the girls scattered around the room. He found that none of them interested him in the least. The rest of his bandmates were happily cracking jokes and playfully tossing money at women.
They had given up on trying to make him join in on the ‘fun.’ He knew his company was less than enthralling of late, but he just didn’t really care anymore. Sighing, he slid further down in his chair, wishing he were back in his hotel room, happily making music. Scanning the room once more, he decided to slip out and get an uber. This place was just depressing him. Like he needed help with that.
He leaned forward to stand, but froze as his eyes found a woman across the room. She was draped across a brass bar, languidly gyrating her hips. She appeared to be either stoned out of her mind, or to have completely given up on life. He blinked, then leaned back in his seat. Cocking his head to the side, he studied her as she straightened a bit, turning around, her hips still moving.
She wasn’t the type of woman who usually caught his eye. She was plain. She was average. There was nothing exceptional about her at all. So why was he watching her so intently? Crossing his legs, he leaned back and set about discovering why his eyes were glued to some stripper.
She seemed to ignore the men around her, writhing to the music with a flat expression. Her back turned to him, and his eyes wandered down. It hit him then. The reason he was so entranced… was her ass. A small laugh of surprise burst from his lips. Well, that was new. He had never been much of an ass man. Sure, they could be sexy, but never had one made him really sit up and pay attention. But as he watched the woman’s hips bounce to the music, he thought maybe there was something to that particular body part.
Sucking in a deep breath, he snickered at himself. The last thing he thought he’d be doing tonight was sitting in a strip club, trying to pry his eyes from some disaffected, boring girl’s butt. She slid in his direction, and he followed her movements. Attempting to think this out logically, he dissected her swaying behind with as much cold calmness as he could muster when his cock was finally deciding to come back to life.
It wasn’t a large ass, nor particularly round. But the skin above her gartered stockings was calling to him, begging for his touch. And the way she moved her hips… well, she certainly knew what her selling point was. As she drifted closer, Felix returned to the table, falling into a seat, with a laugh.
“Man, you are really worrying me. The girls over there are actually pretty nice to talk to, and you sit over here sulking,” he said, shaking his head at Chan.
Chan only nodded, leaning to the side to get a clear view of the ass around his friend. Felix’s eyebrows shot up, and he turned to see what Chan was so intently looking at. A puckish grin lit his face as he spied the thing that held Chan’s attention. Before Chan could even realize what was going on, Felix raised a hand and called to the stripper.
She turned her dull eyes in their direction, and danced her way to the table. Chan tried to work up some sort of denial, but all was pushed aside as the ass drew closer. She reached the table, turned around, and gave her hips a good roll. His cock, already taking notice, stood right up and saluted at that movement. Oh yes, he was going to have to thank Felix for this later.
Felix stood, laid some money on the table, and told the girl to give Chan a good time. Chan tried to look up in thanks to his friend, but the ass was slowly backing towards him, gyrating. Swallowing, he clenched his hands, doing his best not to reach out and touch. He wasn’t sure if the rules were the same everywhere, but he knew strip clubs generally stipulated that the customer not touch.
But oh, how he wanted to touch. She bent over the table, her ass fluidly moving to the music so very close to him. She glanced over her shoulder, her eyes heavily lidded, and watched him. He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, chewing at it, doing everything he could think of not to either reach out for her, or to stroke the very insistent erection he had gained. It seemed that his dick had been feeling a bit neglected as of late, and was determined to remind him of its importance.
A small attempt at a smile flitted over her lips, and she said in a heavy, languid voice, “It’s okay if you want to give it one touch. I won’t tell.”
He glanced up at her face, and licked his lips nervously. She was not so plain as he had thought from a distance. His eyes narrowed back in on her ass. He wanted to touch. But if he did, he would only be teasing himself even more than was already happening. His member was already beginning to ache. She softly laughed, a tactile sound, velvety. Chan growled at the sensation of her laugh washing over him as her cheeks moved enticingly only a foot from him.
Glancing up into her eyes for a moment, he shot his hand out, gripping her hip, and sending the other hand to deliver a slap across one of the globes that was driving him mad. She sucked in a breath, looking up. He thought at first that he had broken through her calm reserve, but realized that she was simply making sure no one had noticed. After a moment, she turned her head slowly once more to peer at him through a veil of lashes.
He smirked, seeing the red mark on her ass, matching the flush creeping into her face. Leaning forward, he rested his elbow on his crossed knee, slowly cocking his head to the side to simply watch the show her ass was giving him. She straightened, moving to turn, and Chan glanced up at her in warning.
“Get back across the table,” he said in a low, commanding voice.
She paused, then slowly leaned back down, working her hips harder. Chan let a soft growl slip out, and she wet her lips, her hands splaying across the table for purchase as her ass did an elaborate dance before him. Chan quickly glanced around then leaned in closer.
“Lap dance,” he breathed, keeping his words to a minimum.
She stiffened a moment, and he found that he liked the fact that he was unnerving her. She seemed to be so distanced from her job, and he discovered that he wanted to see if he could wake her from that haze she seemed to be in. She slowly arched her back, keeping her ass on display as she raised her shoulders from the table.
Backing towards him, she twisted her waist, her entire body moving sinuously to the music. But he only had eyes for that one part of her. Just as his patience was about to snap, she straddled his chair, slowly lowering that captivating ass to his lap. Gyrating, she stroked it across his groin, and he jerked his hips up, involuntarily. He heard a soft laugh from her, and narrowed his eyes.
He wasn’t going to let her turn the tables on him like that. Gritting his teeth, he rolled his hips up, holding back a groan as his throbbing erection slid across the junction of her thighs. She let a moan slip out, and the tease was worth it. The clothing containing his cock scraped across his sensitive skin, and he cursed softly. She pressed down on him harder, and he knew that this was going to end painfully, but he was going to get as much as he could of her lush ass.
Reaching up, he put his hands over her hips hesitating as he looked around to see if they were being watched. She didn’t even bother to look. With an inaudible murmur, she pressed his hands down to grip her hips. Chan hissed in a breath between his clenched teeth, and began to rock up against her. He couldn’t get the friction he needed through the thick, tight material, but she was soon trembling under his palms, that alluring ass of hers moving quicker against him.
His eyes were still following the movement of the rounded cheeks in his lap, and he bit back a frustrated snarl. He was aching to find his release, but he just couldn’t, without pulling out his dick and stroking it right there. Even if that were allowed, he wouldn’t give her that much satisfaction. This had become a battle of sorts. Him trying to get a bigger and better reaction from her, and her trying to distract him back into a lusty fog.
But he would win. He could feel the pain in his balls from being hard so long with so little pleasure, but he would not give in. He wanted to break this girl, to crack open the veneer she pulled between herself and her customers. He pressed up harder, tightening his grip on her hips, his strong fingers digging into her flesh. He pulled her against him, unable to withhold a grunt as her fantastic ass pressed into him harder.
She whimpered, and he wanted to crow in victory. A shudder of climax passed over her body, her ass jerking against his crotch, and she hissed out a string of curse words, her hands flying out to grip the table, steadying herself. Chan panted, his triumph at making her orgasm dimmed by the insistence of his cock that he do the same as soon as possible. She weakly leaned forward, sliding from his lap to the chair next to him. Her hand trailed blindly across the table as she leaned back in the seat, her eyes closed. Finding the money Felix had left, she grasped it, and dragged it to her chest.
Chan quickly stood, wincing at the motion. He peered down at her for a moment, her eyes still closed, her face unguarded, relaxed in her satisfaction. A smirk flitted across his lips, and he turned to gingerly walk towards the door. He had a serious case of blue balls, but it was worth it. He nodded to his friends as he passed them. Felix cocked an eyebrow at him questioningly, and Chan just gave a tiny shrug and a knowing smile. Felix turned to the table where the stripper still sat, then burst into laughter.
Chan carefully made his way outside, hailing a cab to take him back to his hotel room. He told the driver to hurry. He needed to get to his comfortable bed and rub out the frustration that had built to a fever pitch in his groin. And he knew exactly what image would be playing through his head as he came.
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tinseltine · 2 years
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Tinsel & Tine #MiniMovieReview - It’s impossible not to call this the projectile vomiting movie, although, there’s a lot more to it than that.  It’s a fun, social satire on class systems, gender-based assumptions and a reminder that money can’t solve every issue. But the sea sickness scenes are just priceless. A luxury yacht experiencing turbulent weather during the captain’s dinner has the passengers spewing from both ends. 
My favorite, a middle-aged actress, Sunnyi Melles, being tossed around the bathroom floor of her estate room, hurling each time she swings back passed the toilet, had me crying. 
I can’t remember when I’ve laughed so hard at something so disgusting This is the Swedish writer/director Ruben Östlund’s first English-language film, which won him a second Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival, the first being THE SQUARE (2017) which I never got around to seeing, even though it features one of my girl crushes, Elisabeth Moss.  I did see his film FORCE MAJEURE (2014) which was my introduction to the filmmaker during The Philadelphia Film Festival that year.  It’s a shame the American remake DOWNHILL starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus & Will Ferrell (which I saw at Sundance 2020) didn’t employ the kind of subtleties and restraint of the original, but then if it did, I guess it wouldn’t be Americanized.
Triangle of Sadness is told in 3 parts.  Sometimes this framing works really well, other times you feel like it ruins the momentum of a film. In this case, it’s a little of both.  There’s a scene in the beginning of the movie that introduces us to two of the characters, as this ultimately becomes an ensemble film.  The couple is made up of two young models, the female, Yaya (Charlbi Dean) is also an influencer, getting paid the big bucks to pretend she’s enjoying stuff on Instagram. The male, Carl (Harris Dickinson) isn’t as successful, still needing to audition for work. Yet, Yaya expects him to pick up the check for all their expensive dining.  This turns into an interesting discussion/argument. Yet, it doesn’t really fit smoothly into the rest of the film; which is at least 20 minutes too long.
Side note: How sad is it that the actress/model Charlbi Dean died in real-life before this movie could be released!  I keep trying to find out what a beautiful, healthy, young woman could have died of in such a short time, besides COVID, and if that was the case, it wouldn’t be a mystery. RIP
The 2nd part consists of the Luxury Yacht where we meet a cast of colorful 1%-ers ; some young, beautiful, all white crew – headed by (Vicki Berlin) a true Julie McCoy type (The Cruise Director on “The Love Boat” for any young readers); and the below deck crew, all non-white, mostly Latinx. Then the 3rd part takes place on an island where the tables get turned. 
Q: Is that something that you’re generally interested in? Exploring how people react in extreme situations? Ruben Östlund: Yeah, definitely. I’ve been inspired by Marx’s theories that our behavior is very dependent on which position we have in a socioeconomic hierarchy.
All in All, this will definitely make my 2022 Nomination List for The Philadelphia Film Critics Circle Vote. “In Den Wolken!”T&T rating: 4 outta 5
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bigbadripley · 2 years
Chapter 8 - All I Wanted
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Marc Spector/Steven Grant x Female!OC
Summary: Marc never expected to see his childhood friend Simone ever again. To Simone, Marc may as well have been dead. However, when Simone met Steven 15 years after Marc disappeared, she couldn’t help but notice how familiar he was.
18+ | 2kish Words | Third-person omniscient | Dark?fic/Angst | AU/AT |
Warnings: Heavy language, OC with religious trauma, childhood trauma, sexual trauma. Physical and emotional abuse of a minor, lots of angst, death mention, prison mention, slut-shaming, threat of inspection, kissing, alluding to the possibility of sex, trauma related breakdown, violence TBH if you’ve read this far, you can handle this chapter just fine but proceed with caution because these kids make me sad.
A/N: There are periodic flashback chapters, this is one of them. I update warnings with each chapter. Only proceed if you can handle the themes included in the warnings. I wrote this entirely as a trauma dump.
Minors DNI, DL;DR, if I miss a warning, please let me know.
Chapter list
"I could follow you to the beginning Just to relive the start And maybe then we'll remember to slow down At all of our favorite parts All I wanted was you" -"All I Wanted" by Paramore
 Marc had spent his Saturday night writing a note for Moni. Unlike the stuff she writes, he didn't think it was any good, but he did his best to express himself. According to her, that's all it takes. 
Writing from the heart.
He had noticed that she was a little more upset this week and wanted to make her feel better. She always tries to do that for him, at least. His options were limited on what to do, so he decided to tell her everything he liked about her.
The problem for him was that once the note was written, he needed to grow a pair and give it to her. 
I can't do that! What if she hates it? 
Marc ultimately decided to leave it somewhere for her. Moni's mom always makes her go to church every Sunday morning, so he already expected them to be gone when he cut through the woods to get to their house from his. 
As always, Moni's window was unlocked. She always left it unlocked in case he had a bad day and needed to get away or couldn't reach her on the walkies. 
He pushed the window open and slipped through, not minding the noise he might make because the house was due to be empty. 
"Nosotras vamos a tarde, Mija!" Marc heard Moni's mom yell. It startled him into almost yelping, but quietness was vital now that he knew the place was still occupied. 
Marc pulled the note out of his pocket, heart thudding to move as quickly as possible with every footstep he heard echoing through the house. 
"Okay, mamá, I'm still getting ready!" Moni yelled back from the bathroom, sounding frustrated. There were two things she hated: church and being rushed. She wished her mom would let her say home. "I really don't feel good." She added, sounding like she was pleading. 
Marc could only think to put the note inside that bear of hers with the rest of them. He grabbed it off the bed and tucked the paper inside the best he could, ensuring that when Moni pulled from the bear again, it would be the first one she picked. 
"You're going to church! You're only sick because you hold guilt in your heart." Moni's mom yelled again, this time much angrier. From there, Marc heard footsteps grow louder and louder until a door creaked open. 
Moni was still sitting on the toilet, crying, when her mom swung the bathroom door open. 
Jesus, why did she have to replace every doorknob in this house with unlockable ones?
"You aren't even dressed!" Moni's mom yelled when she saw her daughter still in her pajamas. 
Marc knew he needed to jet. He sat the bear back where he got it, and as he stuck one foot out the window, he heard something that sounded like something he would hear at his house. 
"Mom, please!" Moni screamed, followed by the sound of a slight struggle. 
Moni's mom grabbed her wrist and yanked her off the toilet, tossing her to the cold tile floor. "You will go put on your dress now!" Her mom ordered. 
Though Marc couldn't see what was happening, he imagined precisely how it happened. He wanted to march out and do something, but he continued to slide back outside. 
I can't even help myself. What good could I possibly do for Moni?
Moni pulled herself off the floor, feeling pain in her ribs from the impact, and took herself to her bedroom. There, she noticed her window was open, but there was no sign of anyone coming in. 
Marc motherfucking Spector, what the hell were you thinking?
She did as her mom told her to and dressed in one of the many Sunday dresses that her mom insisted she needed. Every single one was a bright or pastel color made simply to make her look more childlike. 
Today's particular one she chose was a periwinkle color with yellow and pink flowers that stopped below her knees. The dress made Simone feel awful, but it was the perfect thing to wear to a church full of old people who looked at the developed girl with the conclusion that she was-
-A whore. 
-A troublemaker.
-Up to no good with that Spector boy.
Marc didn't understand how Moni was so sure that was what people thought of her. Sure, her mom said that, but Marc never took any flack for being involved with the girl. On top of that, his dad found Moni to be-
-The daughter he never had.
How could Moni be anything different? Did people just look at her and assume she was bad news?
In Moni's eyes, the answer was yes.
Ever since the pair became friends when Moni was 5 and Marc was 6, their relationship was regarded in a way that children should never be, assumed to be each other's "little boyfriend and girlfriend" from the start. 
Marc knew Moni never wanted that growing up. They were just kids.
Two kids who were normal until one day, they weren't. 
Marc's brother died. His mom snapped.
Moni's dad went to prison. Her mom snapped.
The events that turned these kids' worlds upside-down happened within eight months of each other. Nothing would be the same again, the only exception being that they still had each other.
 When Moni got home from church, she and Marc arranged to meet at their thinking tree. The tree was the biggest in the woods and close to the clearing where they normally stomped around. 
There, they daydream about running away and becoming famous, buying homes next to each other, retiring to the same place, and playing bingo together with gray hair. 
It didn't matter to Moni where they met, just so long as she got out of this house and away from her mother. 
"I'll be back before dark, mamá!" She yelled out as she rushed for the backdoor. 
Typically, when she could get the door closed before her mom responded, she was in the clear. This wasn't one of those times.
"Where are you going, Simone?" Her mom yelled back. This stopped Moni in her tracks. She wished she hadn't said anything at all. 
Wished she would have just left. 
"I'm going to Marc's." She mumbled, standing fully upright, and eyes drifted to her mary-janes as she heard her mom's heavy footsteps thudding closer.
"Speak up, mija." Her mom said sternly. She was right behind Moni now. The girl cleared her throat,
"I'm just going to Marc's, mamá." She repeated more clearly this time. It was the lie she told her so her mom wouldn't know she met with Marc alone nearly every time. For some reason, the security of Marc's family being there didn't satisfy her mother this time.
"Should I be worried about you and that boy?" Mom asked, her accent rolling her words more aggressively. Moni shook her head,
"No, mama. We're just gonna go over our history packet." Moni said, tugging her backpack strap in hopes of her taking it helped. She was glad her mom hadn't made her turn around and face her, not wanting to cry and give her mom a further reason to yell. The 17-year-old girl reverted right back to 10 in these moments. 
"History packet," She spat, making Moni wince. "Boys his age only want one thing. I expect you home before dark, and I will make sure he didn't get it from you myself." 
Moni almost let out an audible gasp at this. Her mom wanted to examine her? The violation of her body and privacy made her heart beat with rage, and her stomach flew up into her throat. 
She wanted to yell that she couldn't do that to her, but couldn't get the words out like when you try to scream in a dream. Moni could only think of pushing through the back door and running, so she did. 
I can't go back there. Simone said to herself, fresh tears rolling down her face. If Marc was serious about running away, today must be the day. 
She got to the thinking tree to see Marc sitting there, waiting. She pushed herself forward to him like she was crossing the finish line in a race and skidded on her bare knees through grass, dirt, rocks, and twigs just to meet him where he was. 
Marc didn't expect to see her in a dress, particularly one that looked like that. He thought she looked beautiful, aside from the crying. He assumed her breakdown had to do with what he had heard that morning, and without a word, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in the rest of the way. 
Her arms were draped over his shoulders as she buried her face into his neck, wailing like a small child. He held her, caressing her back and smoothing his hand over the chiffon fabric, trying to console her. 
Marc hated seeing her like this.
"I wish I could just disappear." She spoke softly. 
"I'd miss you if you did," Marc replied. 
Moni felt comforted by this and sank deeper into him, relaxing her muscles as her breath shuddered. His embrace was the most incredible warmth she had ever known, and she felt safe there.
Marc noticed her starting to calm down as he squeezed her tighter, trying to snuggle out as much sadness as he could. Though he did it for her, he felt happier having her in his arms. 
Every breath Simone took filled her senses with an essence of Marc. His clean clothes, his freshly showered and soft skin, the reverberation of his voice in her ears when he would speak. It was clear he even put on some sort of cologne before coming out here. Somehow, everything was perfect right then. 
"You look pretty, by the way," Marc said, testing to see if he could push the envelope further. He expected her to hit him for that but was met with an airy giggle that tickled his neck instead. 
She slowly pulled away from him, meeting his eyes in the middle and noting how close they were.
Without a moment to spare, she kissed him. 
It was terrifying and terrific all at once. 
Marc was taken by surprise but found the rhythm right away. 
Moni felt her previous anguish wash away from her body as butterflies took over. 
Jesus, am I actually kissing Spector? This is so wrong. 
She backed out of the kiss and looked at Marc with an expression that alarmed him. She seemed genuinely baffled. 
"This is... weird." She said, laughing nervously. Marc nodded in agreement,
"Yeah, it is," He replied. 
It was weird as hell, but they started kissing again on impulse. Moni swore she was physically floating as her emotions got fuzzy and happy. It wasn't her first kiss, but the first that made her feel good. 
If it's so wrong, why does it feel right? She thought. Maybe mamá was wrong. 
Then, without thinking about it and taking a moment to pull away and see if Moni was okay, Marc slid a nervous hand down her hip. She seemed okay with it. She wanted to keep going, leave the shit at home behind, and be her own person. 
What if Marc and I had sex? Would that be so bad? She thought to herself. The idea made her heart race before she heard her mother speak up in her mind.
Boys his age only want one thing. Men only see you as a means of satisfaction. Don't be floozy. Don't be a whore. 
Marc felt Moni tense up suddenly. 
I know what you and that Spector boy get up to. Nothing but a jezebel! I'll make sure he didn't get it from you myself.
Moni kicked herself back from him unexpectedly. Her heart was thumping in her ears but drowned out by her mother's voice. 
"Don't touch me! I don't want to!" She yelled shakily. Marc instinctively put his hands out to try to calm her down. She was frantically hugging herself for protection. When Marc attempted to touch her shoulder, her right hand balled up and met his jaw swiftly. 
Marc fell back into the grass under them as Moni stood up, not taking a moment to brush the dirt off her dress or notice her cut up knees. She backed up slowly, seeing what she had done,
You were supposed to protect him, you idiot!
And ran back through the woods.
Marc sat up, sore jaw and angry at himself for being a traitor, feeling no better than those assholes at school. 
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ravenempress101 · 3 years
Princess, Breakfast is Served M |Park Jimin
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Genre: Soft!Yandere Step-brother, Step-sister same age
Rating: M 18+
Warnings: Anxiety mentions, body issues images, mentions of body weight, Yandere, Soft!Yandere, oral receiving,Step-sister and Step-brother relationship, Jimin being fione and sexy as always, descriptive eating out, body worshiping, child like moans, female receiving oral,smut filled like smutty smut
Requests are always open!
ask me anything come talk to me!
Authors note: hey everyone I just wanted to say thank you for hearting and reblogging my work I appreciate it so much like it makes my day just seeing people read what comes out of this imagination thank you and y’all this is completely fake do not take characters seriously and sex is real always wait for the right person always. READ AT YOUR OWN RISKS THIS IS COMPLETELY FAKE IDEAS ARE FROM ME!!!
The vanilla sunlight dances on your ebony skin.y/n orbs blinks open from the rays. She smiles at the toasty of sparkles imminent.y/n raises up from her spot on the bed and feels her stomach churn. Her nostrils filled the meaty smell of bacon with a robust Colombian espresso that y/n biles in her mouth at the aroma,swallowing with a big gulp knowing she is still in bed. getting on her feet and running as her stomach crawls up her throat. Her flem spewing out of her mouth to the toilet. y/n eyes water and she wipes her mouth from throwing up. A dark demon of anxiety are devouring away at her insides.
“Breakfast ready noona”
Her step brother called she rolled her eyes and whispered to herself
“Oh no i got to eat again”
y/n’s palms found her brown teddy bear and walked down stairs to her step brother. A crooked smile plastered on her face at her step brother pouring herself a glass of apple juice, capturing her seat. His orbs landed on yourself as you sat down picking up your fork and a frown molded on the appearance poking at your pancakes. Jimin captured his plate and a piece of bacon and brought it to his mouth with a bite.
His dark eyelashes engulfs in your features and he wonders why you aren't devouring his gourmet meal he prepared. He loved to perceive you eating everything from your plate but he knew something was wrong and while you didn't take a bite he started trying to pry information out of you.
“What’s wrong noona why you not eating did I forget something”
“No jimin just not hungry”
As y/n placed her knees up to her chest with her teddy bear in hand and she buried her face in the teddy bear as a slight groan of frustration escaped.y/n couldn't look at jimin as her anxiety echoed inside yourself.
“You don't need him and you don't need to eat just look at you, knowing you’ll throw it right back up ha you can’t eat it”
Jimin placed his hand on your shoulders as his eyebrows furrowed with concern. He demanded from y/n.
“Well you need to eat something don’t want my step sister passing out on me”
Y/n flicked her soft doe orbs at Jimin then at the plate of breakfast food. She took a bite and then her tears cascaded at the rim of her eyes.The tear escaped from her glance and rooted on her flapjack.jimin peered at her while his hand appointed underneath your chin to look at him. Once he saw your moistened configuration his heart broke for his step sister.
“What’s wrong y/n why are you crying”
Jimin’s thumb upon your cheek catching the tears that had fallen. He hates to see you like this and especially when he’s giving you all the love you deserve. Dark and light you get it all from him. Y/n huffed out while jerking out of his grasp.
“Cause stepbrother my tummy is really big I don’t want it to get any bigger”
Y/n lifted her Victorian white tank top and her stomach exposed. Her pointer finger poked at the little pudge she had. Jimin scanned at his noona and shook his head in disapprovement. He never saw you as big or fat so why should you. He loves the curves that were created for you.
“What do you mean any bigger your wonderfully made for me, just for me”
“Aweee you have to say that step browther I’m fat look at my thighs you don’t want me”
Y/n stomping her feet and lifting her thighs. Y/n’s face appeared with her lips scrunched in a disgusting look. Her thighs were perfectly fine and Jimin knew that voice in your head was wrong but you didn’t .
“Now you stop that noona If you dare talk like that again that would be the last thing you ever say you are perfect and you’ll always be mine”
“No I would not,you’ll find somebody better”
“Kitten you can’t get away from me that easy even if you ran”
Booming that last sentence your tummy built up with a funny feeling as a erotic sound escaped your lips and in between your legs moisten as a dripping wet spot filled your panties. Jimin saw your pink panties soaked in his honey dripping voice.
“Jimin my stomach has a corrupt feeling to it, I don’t know what’s going on”
Y/n clutched at the stomach stirring the feeling it ran through her body out of her forbidden core she did not know of this throbbing feeling. The feeling felt good in her but her innocence got the best of her.jimin walked over to you and his hand met your frame. She leaned in to her step brother. He whispered to you, Jimin's lips on your earlobe, slow kisses followed.
“You need my help you have to tell me”
Y/n mouth hung open with breathless cries. Jimin’s veiny hands running smooth circles along her stomach.your finger ricochets over her covered bud, the wet spot dripping. Y/n nodded as the liquid spewed down her legs.
“Yessss step browther” whimpers out from her lips as jimin smirk sneaked on his face. His eye contact on his princess playing with herself to get the edge off being clueless made him love yourself even more. Jimin spoke to you.
“Well eat some more pancake and syrup and I’ll take you up stairs”
As he took your fork and stabbed one of the pieces of pancake you left and dipped it into the maple syrup and held it to your mouth. Your lips were engulfed in the piece of food and chewed it. Jimin watched yourself to make sure you fully ate it. Once a gulp fell upon your throat his eyes glistened and a wash of relief sprung on him at you eating something.
She nods.
Jimin guides you both to the room to take care of yourself. He settles you on the bed, your legs spread open for your step brother and his collaced fingers on your pink panties and slides them down your legs. Jimin orbs fell to a dark chocolate lust at your delicate saturated bud. He knew you were beautiful. His lips on your soft celiate thighs sloppy kisses over them and a few bites his hands on your ankles your legs trying to enclose on him. He placed his palm over your bud and slipped one veiny finger inside. Y/n groaned a protest
“Your hands are warm step brother do you really want to touch me down there”
He drifted his digit in and out. He added another from his performance stretching every inch of your frame. your gasps filled the room, the funny feeling grew more and more. Jimin continues, your exhales picking up pace.
“Your step brother loves your princess figure and parts but only for me got it babygirl”
“Yess sir”
high pitched moans liberated your lips, Jimin’s hand guided your legs on his shoulder and his tongue refreshed your drenched hole his tongue spreaded your sensitive folds . Y/n’s childlike moans filled his ears staring up at you through darkened eyes seeing your chest rise and fall and your body stop functioning to come undone before him.
Jimin snakes his hand up your body. He grazes past your hardened nipple and places his pointer finger and thumb on each side of your neck. He enclosed on your shaft as your breathing collapsed. Y/n gasped
“Why do you put your hands around my neck i’m trying to make sounds for you jimin”
“Baby girl you look so good with my hand wrapped around your neck”
Jimin lessened his grip on your neck and his tongue traced figure 8’s along your clit. Y/n could feel the euphoria sending for her.making a strangled moan for her step brother's name to get the funny feeling out of her but his mouth was slurping at an alarming pace that she clenched on her bottom lip.
“J-j-jahhh huhh”
“ noona are you trying to say my name with your little gasps I’m sorry princess I know you love when you moan my name to help you”
Jimin kitten licks the alphabet with his soft tongue around your middle and pulls back with a pop. He loved the sweet tasting of your princess parts and the syrup adds a special topping to his loving. He lingered his tongue in your drenched hole and y/n accelerated closer to his face. Y/n going up and down on the bed as she thrusts on his tongue.
Her knees buckled and her high lacing her structure. Her stomach is getting looser and looser to the feeling that she’s about to squirt all over him. Her body was in short circuits. When jimin accomplished a sucking position your begin pulsates around his tongue and y/n felt him smile knowing you were close.
“Jimin it feels like I’m going to spill liquid I’m scared”
“Don’t be scared look into my eyes and you’ll feel much better while you overflow me with your candy like liquid I’m right here”
Jimin plants his plump strawberry lips on your ebony ones. a wet kiss deepened on your mouth as his head turned to the side. Tasting the sweet of syrup on your lips mix with your fluid. Y/n kissing back jimin pulls back from his step sister leaving her lips red as fire.
his tongue goes in and out of you at a faster pace. Slurping her up, she did what jimin said and y/n felt her body’s fluid spray out of her. The robs of her arousal leaked onto his throat as an innocent release and Jimin seductively made eye contact with you as tears came down your cheeks from your orgasm ruling over your structure. Your back is arching up from the juices over the man that holds you down.
Once y/n came down from her euphoric state. Jimin licked circles of your mess to clean. As y/n’s inhale went semi normal. Her step brother tongue met his bottom lip with finishing off her oragasm.
“ step brother i'm all dirty now”
Y/n knocked Jimin out of his thoughts from her body coming undone in front of him and only him. Jimin embraced her and stripped her from her white tank top. He reassured her
“It is alright let’s get you clean princess”
Jimin places timid kisses to your temple and Nodded as he took you to the bubble bath.
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otptings · 3 years
Bear & Bunny
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→Idols: Lee Haechan & Na Jaemin (only picture that I could find with Haechan & Jaemin, sorry Jeno Stans)
→Requested: yesss Hi!!!! I wanted to know if you could write a something along the lines of dancing to bachata with jaemin and haechan and it gettin really steamy and you end up speaking in Spanish with them and it really turns them on 😳😳😳 and they end up really whiny and needy . Haechan gets bratty and grinds up on y/n and jaemins whining starts to get annoying so y/n needs to put them in the toilets but someone walks in so they have to be quite but end up leaving to finish off at home and y/n ends up punishing them at home by overstimulating them and making them cry by straping them up with ropes and putting viberators on them while you just watch them and messing with the controls but ends up feeling nice and takes it off them and cuddles them oop thanks in advance:)
→Genre: Smut
→Word Count: 3k+
→Warnings: semipublic sex , three some m/m/w (there is mxm action in here), shibari, deepthroating, edging, brat!Haechan, sweet!Jaemin, overstimulation, sweet aftercare, degradation, female masturbation, oral (m receiving), fluff towards the end,
→Synopsis: Dancing with your boyfriends was a great date idea, having sat through multiple dance practices and knowing that they could keep up. But after your brat affects your good boy you need to take matters into your own hands
→A/n: this took a good minute for me to write, and it took me a while to get a consistent theme going for the writing, I still am not too proud of it, but I like the ending well enough so I'm still happy with it. this is my first mxm anything on Tumblr I believe, so I really hope that you guys enjoy it. if you did please like, reblog, or donate to my Ko-Fi in my bio. If you like this you can request they are open for NCT, Enhypen, SVT, and Treasure.
You loved your boyfriends, it was glaringly obvious. No matter how much you jokingly rolled your eyes at their sometimes extreme displays of affection when it came to you, or jokingly threatened to change the locks on your apartment so that they would finally sleep in their respective dorms it was clear to see. You were completely and undeniably smitten by them, and who could blame you? Haechan and Jaemin were two of the sweetest people you know, and always knew how to woo you. Maybe that’s why the both of them courting you was successful when you had zero plans to date an idol.
Maybe also do to the rare elaborate surprises they planned for you when both of their schedules coincided enough to have a day free. Like when they convinced the company ( and Chenle) to rent out - Haechan’s expensive ass idea - Lotte World for the three of you on your three month anniversary , or when they take you on a really sweet date that causes them both to tease you relentlessly over your crying, like the time when they created the perfect picnic area - Jaemin’s idea -  curated with your all three of your favorite snacks and drinks just to gift you promise rings on your two year anniversary along with a picture book - Haechan’s idea again, occasionally his ideas are cute, and cheap- of random moments from dates over the years.
Their complicated and meticulous dates always made any that you planned pale in comparison. Despite this the boys were always ecstatic when you convinced them to take a day off for a date night. This time you were able to book a practice room - with the help of Taeyong - for two hours and were planning a special date that you hoped would even be on the sama radar as theirs. You were going to teach them how to dance. Not just any dance, bachata. They were constantly wanting to know how to learn Spanish, so why not teach them a special dance?
That was the original plan at least, spend one hour teaching them, and one hour dancing along with them. You’ve sat through many of their practices, including some routines that were bordering on inappropriate for their fan base, so you knew that they would be able to keep up where friends and exes failed. Sure, the dance tended to be more on the sensual side with how close you had to be and the soft music, but you really only had dancing in mind when you planned this.
However, dancing along with them with Jaemin behind you, he likes back hugs and holding you around your waist, and Haechan in front, he gets handsy when he thinks you can’t see them, and you were starting to regret it. The first hour passed quickly, both of the boys catching on quickly due to their lifestyles, so when you joined them the three of you moved in sync. Despite your hips being pressed against Haechan, and Jaemin’s grip on you bordering on painful, they were perfect dance partners despite the unconventional method. The three of you were in casual conversation and you were grateful that they had agreed to dance with you.
“Mis buenos chicos. Tan orgullosa de ti.” Jaemin started to giggle, squeezing your waist twice while Haechan’s jaw dropped, causing a giggle to escape you too. You’ll never understand why the boys are so amazed hearing you speak Spanish. Hell, they speak three languages almost fluently to your measly two.
“What’d you say? Say something else in Spanish.” Haechan’s voice started taking on the whiny tone that you ‘hated’, pouting all the while.
“It sounds so nice.” Jaemin spoke up from his spot behind, placing his head in the crook of your neck so you could feel his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin. Having both of their attention on you tended to be intense, especially now having them pressed so tightly against you with the sensual music playing softly over the speakers.
“Los mimo demasiado a ustedes dos.” You hated how easily you gave in to them, but their shared amazement made it a little worthwhile. “You guys are always so amused. It’s not that impressive.”
“It’s sexy when you speak Spanish.” You smacked Jaemin’s arm jokingly, giggling when his grip on you tightened. Surprisingly through this whole exchange you’d hadn’t stopped dancing, faltered temporarily at the beginning but were still smoothly dancing against each other. Though this dance isn’t supposed to be sexual you couldn’t help but admit that having two extremely attractive men dancing against you, and ones that you were lucky enough to call your boyfriends was starting to get you worked up, and you could feel the fire starting to grow in your stomach.
Haechan is known for his bratty behavior with his groupmates on camera, if only his fans knew how far it truly goes. Like now, his knee sliding in between your legs, purposefully pressing against your clothed cunt. You know that all he wants is a reaction out of you if the smug smirk on his face is anything to go by. Jaemin wasn’t a brat but something about Haechan made him want to act up. That’s the excuse he’ll try to use when you inevitably punish them later. For now all Jaemin can think about is relieving the building pressure in any way possible, even if it means rutting against you accidentally causing you to grind on Haechan’s thigh. That pulled a shaky gasp out of you, and made you come to your senses.
“Stop.” They instantly backed away from you, giving you enough space to take a deep breath without the smell of both of their enticing colognes. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Jaemin had the nerve to at least look ashamed, staring down at his shoes while holding his hands behind his back. Haechan on the other hand wanted to irritate you, smug smirk still painting his face.
“I wanted to have fun. Wasn’t that the point of this?” A pout replaced his smirk, but his tone told you everything you need to know.
“Bunny? Any excuses?” Jaemin only shook his head quickly, knowing that they wouldn’t help the situation. Smart bunny.
“You still want to have fun, bear?” Stepping closer to Haechan you grabbed his chin harshly, forcing him to make eye contact with you and the brat inside of him faltered a little. Knowing that he wouldn’t like whatever outcome.
“I do. If I can’t have fun with you then I'll just have fun with Jaemin. He’ll let me touch him.” Laughing you pulled your hand back, before smacking Haechan’s cheek. A shocked gasp left his mouth from the impact but it got him to finally shut up.
“We still have 20 minutes until your manager comes to take us back to your dorms. I’m going to the bathroom down the hall, you two will pack everything up and meet me. You have five minutes.” Turning around you briskly walked out of the room, smiling when you heard the two of them scrambling to get their stuff. First thing you did was set the timer on your phone for three minutes and 30 seconds - who said the boys really needed the full five - the second thing was making sure the bathroom was completely clear. Last thing you needed was for there to be another scandal about your relationship with the boys.
Excitement ran through you as the timer ticked down, closer to their inevitable punishment. It was down to the last 30 seconds when the bathroom door opened and Jaemin peaked in. Once Jaemin saw you he quickly walked into the bathroom followed by Haechan with 17 seconds to spare.
“Good boys, you’re on time at least.” Jaemin shyly smiled while dropping his bag and kicking it to the corner. Haechan followed suit, not wanting to get in any more trouble than he already was.
“Lock the door bunny. Haechan, on the counter, hands on your thighs. No touching.”
Jaemin locked the door while Haechan hopped on the counter, a pout evident on his plump lips but he knew that he was in no place to argue. Jaemin crossed the room in two steps, tugging his lip in between his teeth while wringing his hands nervously. Grabbing his shirt you pulled Jaemin closer to you until he was pressed against your chest, wrapping one of your arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss, ignoring the way that Haechan whined at the lack of attention.
Kissing Jaemin was always soothing even when he knew he was in trouble. Jaemin allows you to lead, constantly relenting all control to you. It wasn’t in him to try and change the tempo or take it further. He was at your mercy and only moved at your pace, sliding his tongue over your bottom lip only after you’d already nipped at his. At first the kiss was awkward, too nervous over where to put his hands, still wary of his punishment but they finally made their way to your waist. Sliding your hand up into his hair you tugged lightly, swallowing his high pitched moan. When Jaemin started to rut against your leg, finally losing the slightest control was when you pulled away.
His blown out eyes, and bright blush lining his cheeks made you want to devour him but you had to pace yourself, and him. Last thing you wanted was for him to cum before you got home and truly played with him. Grabbing the top of his sweatpants you looked up at him, waiting for his subtle head nod before pulling them down to the top of his thighs. Just enough to release his pretty cock.
“This isn’t fair.” Haechan whined from his spot on the counter. How dare you forget about him? Sitting here not getting any attention while Jaemin got everything. Wasn’t this supposed to be a punishment for the both of them? “Why is Jaemin getting all the attention from you? He was bad too.” Haechan was falling right into your trap and didn’t even know it.
“You're right. Maybe you should give Jaemin attention instead. Come here.” Haechan pouted again, realizing that he still wasn’t getting any attention from you before jumping off of the counter and replacing your spot. “You play with Jaemin all that you want, but don’t let him cum.” Haechan being a complete cum slut, already wanted to complain despite getting exactly what he wanted. You were no longer playing with Jaemin, he was.
“That’s not fair.” Haechan whined again but shut up when he saw you rummaging around in your bookbag. He went quiet when you pulled out the pretty vibrating plug, one of his least favorite toys due to your tendency of plugging him before leaving the apartment and sporadically turning it on until his knees turned to jelly.
“Think about it like this. If you make him cum then you’ll be wearing a vibrator until we get home.” Haechan rolled his eyes before turning his attention to Jaemin, looking up at him with his pretty brown eyes that constantly got him what he wanted outside of moments like this. Jaemin gulped loudly when Haechan placed his hand around the base of his cock, not lube or spit, just the roughness of his palm as he started to slowly move his hand.
“How does it feel bunny?” Jaemin wanted to whine at your taunting tone, used to your near constant praise for him.
“G-good.” You giggled at his voice cracking. Haechan never stopped working him over his hand, now placing his pouty lips around the head, causing Jaemin’s hand to fly from his side where he had them balled up by his side to Haechan’s hair, fisting it tightly as his mouth dropped open. Haechan’s tongue darted out and licked over the slit, tasting the salty pre cum as he suckled on the tip.
There was one thing that Haechan did best, and that was tease. Which is why you weren’t surprised when he pulled off Jaemin’s cock, and licked a broad strip up his balls to the head. A loud moan left Jaemin’s mouth, which quickly multiplied and reverberated off of the tiled bathroom walls when Haechan took as much of his cock down his mouth. Jaemin’s cock may have been longer than Haechan’s, but it was skinnier, enough to satisfy you but still leave you wanting more. Explains why Haechan easily made it to the base, pubes tickling his nose while he took a deep breath to relax his throat, the smell of Jaemin’s favorite body wash and slight must from dancing for so long. Haechan looked up at Jaemin as best he could, causing Jaemin’s hand to drop from his hair down to his cheek, stroking it sweetly with his thumb. Jaemin spared you the first glance since Haechan started blowing him and wasn’t shocked to see you sitting on the counter, one leg propped up showing off that you were two fingers deep in your soaking wet cunt, eyes just as blown out as Haechan’s. Smiling sweetly at him you pulled your fingers out, rubbing them over your clit.
The moment was interrupted by someone rattling the bathroom door, causing all three of you to nearly jump out of your skin. Haechan gagged quietly as Jaemin unconsciously bucked his hips. Silence fell over the bathroom as none of you dared to move until you heard the sound of quiet cursing and footsteps heading back down the hallway. Haechan pulled off, coughing lightly as he wiped the drool and tears off of his face.
“Too close. Let’s get home so I can punish you two properly.”
The boys deserve their punishment, Haechan actually craves them. You couldn’t allow them to think that if they teamed up against you they could be in control, that they were suddenly the doms in the relationships. Especially when they looked so pretty as your subs.
Like right now, the both of them were kneeling on your carpeted bedroom floor. Both of them tied up - Jaemin with his favorite light pink rope, Haechan with his favorite dark red - the ropes contrasting their skin tones perfectly. It was a simple tie, something to keep their hands bound behind their back, looping over their chest just for a little more stability. A pair of scissors was resting on the dresser safely out of their reach unless they used their safe word. That wouldn’t happen tonight though.
The boys were playing with their favorite toys, Haechan’s vibrating plug and Jaemin’s vibrating cock ring, and the results were already better than you thought they’d be. You’ve already turned down the vibrations multiple times, postponing both of their orgasms until you felt that they deserved it. Climbing off the bed you cupped both of their cheeks, relishing in their flushed faces and bright blushes spreading over their chests. Jaemin’s moans were music to your ear, almost harmonizing with Haechan’s needy whines, both of them wiggling around in their ropes. Jaemin’s moans were beautiful but you needed him to be quiet, both of them actually, if you didn’t want the neighbors to hear.
So you did. Pulling your hand away you slapped Haechan on his right cheek, feeling a twinge of arousal in your stomach at his loud gasp at the feeling. Placing your hand softly on his cheek you turned to Haechan, rubbing his bottom lip with your thumb.
You couldn’t help but feel warmth blooming in your chest at the sight in front of you, Haechan nuzzling into your palm as you rubbed his cheek, soothing the burn from the slap while Jaemin opened his mouth, taking your thumb into his mouth.
Seeing the sight of your two beautiful boys, completely vulnerable to whatever you decided to, red marks appearing on their skin where the rope loosened enough to rub over the exposed skin. Lips puffy and bright red due to their kissing and biting. Knowing that they trusted you enough to let you punish them, neither safe wording even if their knees are getting rubbed raw, and they were shaking from the constant edging.
Though you were punishing them for trying to team up against you, truthfully both of your boys held all of the power.
“So pretty. My beautiful baby boys.” Jaemin ran his tongue over the pad of your thumb, sighing as he sucked on it aggressively. “Wanna come for me?” Pleads of ‘mommy’, ‘please’, and ‘need to’ left Haechan’s lips, Jaemin letting out a garbled moan around your thumb.
“Cum for me then.” Reluctantly you sat back, letting go of them and turning the settings up.
They always know how to put on a good show, even when they’re not trying. Like now, Jaemin was the first to cum, squirting all over his thighs and lower stomach with a loud cry. Quiet sobs leaving his mouth as overstimulation set in before you cut off his vibrator and turned your attention to Haechan. Haechan’s loud moans have only gotten louder since you turned it up, achieving impressive pitch as he finally came. Leaning forward to place his head on the edge of the mattress as his body continued to shake. Turning off his vibrator you allowed the both of them to catch their breath, combing your hands through their hair as they’re quiet breathing filled the room.
Looking at the boys now, cleaned after their shared shower and in fresh pajamas, sleeping practically on top of eachother - Jaemin loves sleeping on someone’s chest - that same warmth grew again from your place in the doorway. Blessed is the true word you could use, that these two amazing boys were all yours. Walking over to the bed you lifted the blanket up, snuggling in behind Jaemin and sighing as his warmth seemed to surround you.
“Bear?” Jaemin’s sleepy murmurs surprised you, having assumed the boys were already asleep.
“No baby. Go back to sleep.” Jaemin groaned lowly, turning around and throwing his arm over your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Night. Love you.” Jaemin’s sentence faded off towards the end, followed by a deep sigh as he fell back asleep. Reaching over to Haechan, you pushed his hair out of his face, smiling softly as Haechan moved closer to your hand.
“Love you too. Both of you, so much.”
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Between The Bloodshed | Chapter 20
Genre: Mafia!AU, Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Doctor!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Being a freelance doctor, this was just supposed to be any other job, helping a private client and taking care of him through his recovery. But you were not expecting to get caught in something so much darker that would change your life entirely.
The boys are trying their hardest to find you. And you are trying your hardest to find out more, to find out why you are so important. 
Warning: This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. It may contain depictions of violence, blood shed/ gore and mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion.
Chapter warning(s): Kidnapping, hint of violence. 
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“W-What do you mean gone?” Namjoon was the first to break the silence.
“She was talking to some of our employees. Then she went to the washroom but never returned. They found this placed behind the stack of hand towels.” Jin opened his palm and all the boys saw your wing charm. The one that was supposed to be on your bracelet.
“So, she was taken?” Jimin asked in disbelief. His words made all their stomachs sink, this was their worst nightmare. This was supposed to be the perfect night for all of you.
“It’s obvious she was taken. She left this there for a reason.” Hoseok pointed to the black wing charm.
“There are hundreds of people here. Someone must have seen her. Namjoon, can’t you get access to the cameras? This is your building.” Yoongi asked.
“Let’s go.” Namjoon nodded and led everyone back in.
“I need access to all the security cameras. Now.” Namjoon commanded. The manager nodded, hurriedly bringing the 7 bosses to the security room. Taehyung sat down, typing away.
“Look out for her.” Jin said.
“There!” Jungkook pointed. You were being escorted out by a group of people, walking calmly to not attract any attention. But it was obvious that someone was pointing a weapon at your back to push you forward. For a split second, you turned to the exact camera the boys were watching, meeting eyes with the lens. The boys held their breaths as they watched.
“No...” They watched you get into a car and the car drive away into the night.
“Call a meeting. Now.” Yoongi growled, slamming his palm onto the desk. The boys were quick to move, exiting the small room.
“We’ll get you back.” Taehyung whispered, placing his palm against your face on the screen. Pursing his lips in determination, he ran out of the room to assist his brothers.
“We’re going now. Run the license plate number and put out a notice to our allies.” Namjoon ordered. Their car pulled up and they jumped in.
“Every enemy of ours is a potential suspect.” Jin said.
“We have thousands of people who want to kill us! It might be too late by the time we go through everyone. There has to be a better, more efficient way!” Jimin said impatiently.
“Give doc more credit. She is smart enough to survive a lot longer than we think. Besides, they won’t be so dumb to kill her off quickly. They’ll definitely come into contact with us to give us demands or make us do something for her to safely return.” Yoongi stated, crossing his arms.
“Young masters.” The maid opened the door for them.
“No more visitors. The house is on lockdown until further notice.” Hoseok ordered and the maid nodded, running off to inform the other workers of the house. The boys went to the other wing.
“As expected, the plate is of an old vehicle. It was meant to be scrapped last week.” Jungkook said.
“Get in contact with all your underground informants. Someone must slip somewhere. See if anyone has heard anything.” Namjoon sighed.
“I’ll go meet mine first.” Jungkook grabbed his coat, leaving the house once again. The boys tried to busy themselves but there wasn’t much they could do with no clues. 
“We can hardly see their faces.” Hoseok pointed at the screen, rewatching the footage from different angles. 
“We shouldn’t operate here. Let’s use ‘Magic Shop’.” Jin said. Magic Shop was a shared business between the 7 boys. Like the name, it had everything they needed. Information usually passes through there.
On your side...
When you woke up, you were in an unfamiliar place. You looked around to scan the area, it was a small concrete room with an old bed in the corner, a small barred window to the right and two doors, you guessed one led to a bathroom. Your hands were tied in front of you, ankle chained to the wall, and there was a dull ache at the back of your head. You remembered what happened. 
You were finishing up in the toilet when you heard the door open and footsteps enter the washroom. From the heavy stomp of footsteps and heavier breathing, you knew whoever entered was male and not female.
“Come out. We know you’re in there.” A gruff voice sounded. You remained silent but you knew that this can only go on for so long. As quiet as possible, you tried to get your phone out of your clutch to reach the boys but there was unfortunately, no signal.
“We’ll break the door down.” They threatened.
“Okay, okay. I’m coming out.” You sighed, hand resting on the doorknob. When you stepped out, you looked up to see two men that you’ve never seen before.
“Let me at least wash my hands first.” You raised an eyebrow. They looked at each other before nodding. You washed your hands with soap, not even meeting eyes with them.
“Are you done?” One growled in annoyance.
“Yeah.” You picked up a hand towel to wipe your hands then tossed the used towel into the bin.
“You’re gonna walk calmly, out of the building. If you dare do anything else, it’ll be the end for you.” You felt cold metal press against your lower back. You nodded as one opened the washroom door for you.
“Go.” They pushed you forward. As you left the washroom, you side eyed the gleam of a gem under the light. You only hoped that the boys would see it. No one suspected anything as you walked out of the building with two men behind you, one standing suspiciously closer than the other. A car pulled up to the steps of the building.
“Get in.” They opened the door. Turning around, you caught sight of a security camera, staring at it for a few seconds before the men impatiently pushed you into the car, slamming the door shut.
As the car drove, you tried to remember where you were headed or at least, some landmarks.
“You guys didn’t blindfold her?!” The driver finally noticed you. The male that was sitting next to you pulled out a blindfold, getting closer to you.
“Get away.” You tried kicking him.
“B*tch!” The male squirmed when you successfully manoeuvred yourself to get him in a chokehold despite the small backseat. But you had forgotten about the other person in the passenger seat.
“Sleep tight, princess.” There was an impact to the back of your head. Black spots appeared in your vision and soon, it was dark.
“Look who’s awake.” One of the doors opened, a bright light shining into your darkroom. You winced slightly at the sudden brightness hitting your eyes. A suited male came in, walking towards you. You stared up at him but the shadow made it impossible. 
“Nice to meet you again.” He said, a teasing tone in his voice. 
“Do I know you?” You groaned. 
“How could you forget me? I’m hurt, doc.” 
“Well, if you didn’t know how light directions work, the light makes it a little hard to see your face. All I see is a shadow now.” You hissed with a glare. Then he bent down and you saw his face. 
“Recognise me now?” He smiled. 
“Not... really?” You tilted your head. His smile fell from his face as he frowned. He backhanded you, waking you fall to the side. Your cheek throbbed and you tasted iron in your mouth, knowing that you were now probably bleeding. 
“Look, I’m sorry you’re butt hurt about me not recognising or remembering you. But I meet new people every day. If everyone is like you and expects me to remember them, my job would be a lot harder than it already is. Stop being petty.” You growled. Usually, someone in your position would be more submissive, considering you didn’t have the upper hand. 
“Ever the smart mouth, doc. Let’s see how long you can keep that up.” He threw his head back, laughing. 
“I also wonder how long it will take for you to realise that kidnapping me and holding me captive isn’t going to do anything.” You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, doc. Ever so naive. What you don’t know is that with you being here, my boss already has control over your 7 mafia bosses. They’re probably scrambling and panicking to find you.” He said. 
“I’m just an employee.” You shrugged. 
“That’s what you think. You think every employee has a diamond bracelet like you?” He asked. 
“I never really cared, it was just a pretty bracelet to me. But I’m sure you’re about to tell me how important that is.” You said in a bored tone. Under playing everything was now your plan. 
“Only the 7 bosses have that bracelet. It’s a sign of their highest rank. And guess who’s the 8th person to ever get one?” He smirked. You didn’t let it show but deep down, you were surprised. You never really noticed the bracelet on the boys. Because like you said, you never really cared or gave it much thought. 
“So trust me, they’ll be here.” He scoffed.
“Hold on, I’m still trying to understand, so you and/or your boss is the enemy of the boys? You’re not from one of the families I cared for?!” You asked. 
“Oh, doc.” He shook his head, laughing. 
“Man, talk about shallow...” You rolled your eyes. The man just waved, heading for the door. He slammed the door shut, leaving you in darkness once again. You sighed, looking down at your dress that was now dirtied. 
“Who is he?” You wrecked your brains to try and remember. 
“The guy at the casino.” You finally remembered the incident that happened when you first had dinner with the boys outside, at Jin’s casino. 
He tried to speak to you as you were coming out of the washroom and it ended with Yoongi escorting you to the car while the others ‘dealt with him’. Though at that point, you didn’t know what that meant. Now, you imagined how the boys must have given him a ‘stern warning’, for him to have such bitter feelings towards you. 
“Talk about holding a grudge.” You sighed. 
“No wonder they didn’t want me to remove the bracelet. Some VIP treatment this is.” You wondered out loud. You needed to find a way out of here, you couldn’t just sit and wait to be rescued. 
“Let’s see.” You brought your bound hands up to your mouth, hoping to be able to use your teeth to try and loosen the knot. 
“Here. Eat.” The door opened, making you put your hands down quickly. It was one of the men that kidnapped you from the ball. He held a tray and a bottle of water in his hands.
“Is it poisoned?” You looked at him skeptically. 
“You never know until you try, right?” He raised an eyebrow, placing the tray in front of you. 
“Just eat!” He hissed impatiently. 
“You take a bite first. You eat it, I eat it.” You shrugged. The man was given strict orders to make sure that you ate. And all you were doing now was making his job a lot more difficult. He glared at you but you just stared back nonchalantly, not backing down either. 
“It won’t be poisoned. We’re waiting for the 7 to come. If you’re dead, there’s no use in all this.” The man scoffed. 
“If it’s not poisoned, then eat it.” You said. The man closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath. You knew you were being infuriating but your attitude was the only thing that you could use as a self defence now. 
“I swear.” He scooped up the rice and kimchi, taking a bite. 
“Now that wasn’t so hard now, was it?” You said. The guy clicked his tongue, undoing the rope around your hands to let you eat. He took a seat opposite you on the ground, but keeping his distance. 
“This food is sh*t.” You took a bite. 
“Well, it’s all you’re getting so learn to like it.” He crossed his arms. You sighed, eating your food in silence. 
“Alright, I’m done. I might actually throw up if I continue.” You scrunched your face, pushing the tray. The man took the rope to bind your hands again. Seeing the gun holster on his waistband, you knew it would be foolish to try and fight back to escape now. So at this moment, you just had to be obedient and do whatever they told you to do. 
“Ugh.” You threw your head back, trying to get the stiff kinks out of your shoulders and neck. You stared at the metal brace around your ankle, that was gonna be hard to get out of. 
“Where’s Taehyung?” Namjoon asked when he came back from his meeting. It was safe to say that thanks to their parents, Namjoon and Yoongi had the most ‘ears to the ground’ in the group. 
“He went for a breather.” Jimin informed softly. 
“We need to think this through. Doc hardly meets anyone with us... Or at least, ones who are alive.” Hoseok said. 
“I’m going for a meeting.” Jin looked at his phone. He stood up and left with his bodyguard in tow. 
“Hyung is right.” Jungkook started a fresh document to list down the times you went to visit any of the boys’ place of business. Most of the time, the boys tried to go home for you to treat them since most of your equipment was at home but of course, there have been urgent times. 
“She came to mine. But the person was dead.” Jimin raised his hand and Jungkook noted that down. The door opened and Taehyung came in. He dragged his bloodied bat on the ground, falling onto his seat. 
“Where were you?” Yoongi asked. 
“Just needed some fresh air.” Was all the younger said. Taehyung didn’t deal with emotions well, which is evident considering what happened with his father. 
“Anyway, we’re listing down the times doc came to our place of business to maybe find out a time where our enemy might have seen her.” Namjoon got his up to speed.
“Did you forget she doesn’t even know that she wears our family band around her wrist?” Taehyung asked. 
“Did she not even notice?” 
“No, she didn’t even know what I was talking about when I mentioned it to her at the club the other night. She thought it was just a nice gift. I told her the gist of it but she probably thought that most, if not all, our employees have one too.” Jimin informed. 
“Whatever it is. We’re all just trying to form at least a list of suspects. Every option, we’ll try it.” Yoongi said. 
“She hasn’t been to Stigma or Singularity before. I usually handle those businesses outside and try to go home to get treated by her.” Taehyung crossed his arms.
“Stop looking at that.” He saw Jungkook still had the paused video of you staring at the camera on his computer screen. 
“Let him be.” Namjoon chided. 
“I got video footage from Daydream.” Hoseok informed. His place was one of the only one that the car could have possibly driven past. If they did, they would have a general direction of where you went. 
“Hook it up to the screen.” Jungkook handed Hoseok the cable to hook his computer up to the screen and he played the footage from the night before. He carefully skipped forward the seconds, they couldn’t risk missing something. Everyone was quiet, their focus on the video footage in front of them. Jimin stood up from his seat. 
“There. Fast backwards 10 seconds. Slow the video down.” He pointed. Hoseok moved the video back. In the slowed freeze frames, they saw the exact car drive past Daydream and take a left.
“Hobi, where does that road lead to?” Yoongi asked. 
“Uh, the car slanted left. That leads to the highway... Up north, I think.” Hoseok pulled up the map. 
“Yes. That highway heads north.” Taehyung said. Finally, the boys felt like they had a breakthrough. The kidnappers probably held you captive somewhere up north of Seoul. 
“Who are the clans in the north?” Namjoon asked. 
“Here they are.” Jungkook flipped through the photos on the screen. 
“It is one of them. No one else would let another gang on their territory, knowing that they kidnapped one of ours. Unless they want an unnecessary war on their hands.” Yoongi said. Even if they did have enemies, a lot of gangs would rather be an ally instead. Bangtan was just that scary. 
“I’ll call Jin hyung and let him know.” Jimin took his phone out, stepping aside to call the eldest, letting him know what they had found out so far. 
It only took 20 minutes for Jin to come back, unsuccessful from meeting with all his informants. No one had a clue as to who was vengeful enough to kidnap you from Bangtan. 
“We’ll start visiting some of them. You guys fill Jin hyung in on what’s going on. It’ll be faster if we split up to visit the gangs.” Taehyung said.
“Okay. Don’t be reckless.” Namjoon said. Jimin nodded, a silent promise to keep Taehyung in check. Grabbing what they needed, the duo left ‘Magic Shop’ immediately. 
“Show me the photos.” Jin said. Once again, Jungkook pulled up the photos. 
“Hold on. Go back.” Jin stopped the maknae. Jungkook clicked the slide, going back to show the photos of the leaders and righthand men from one of the gangs. Jin moved closer, squinting slightly. 
“That guy... Don��t you recognise him?” Jin pointed. 
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asked. 
“We’ve encountered him before. That first dinner with (y/n) at my casino. He harassed her outside the washrooms. Jungkook came to rescue her in time and Yoongi took her away before he could reveal anything. We didn’t kill him since we didn’t want to make anything too obvious yet.” Jin frowned. The others finally remembered. 
“But she didn’t have a bracelet yet.” Hoseok reminded.
“From the way Jungkook sprung to protect her... They must have been keeping tabs on her.” Namjoon concluded. 
Just then, the phone rang. 
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lock the door ~ ben hargreeves;the umbrella academy
word count: 990
request?: yes!
“Yay requests are open! Your writing is amazing and you are one of my favs. I was wondering if I could request a ben hargreeves imagine with some smut. That boy has my heart and I need more imagines with him. If not then maybe something a lil steamy with him. Thank you”
description: in which he forgets to lock the bedroom door, and their least favorite (or favorite, depending on who you ask) sibling walks in
pairing: ben hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing, slight smut
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One of the perks of having a huge house that was usually empty was having multiple options of where to get intimate without the fear of getting caught. Your and Ben’s choice for the day: the shower.
You guys were sure it was the safest place to go. No one walked into a bathroom with the shower going, even if the door was unlocked. As long as the two of you remained quiet enough so that anyone who may come home couldn’t hear you, you were set for at least 40 minutes - an hour if the hot water cooperated.
That’s where you found yourself on that particular day: your legs wrapped around Ben’s waist, his dick deep inside of you as he lifted you up and down on him, the still boiling hot water raining down on your back.
Your head was against Ben’s shoulder, his bare skin pulled between your teeth as you tried to muffle your moans. Your slight biting was causing Ben to let out low groans into your ear.
Suddenly, you both heard the doorknob turn and the bathroom door squeak open. Ben was quick to hold you to him and you quickly buried your head in his neck in order to keep any accidental sounds from coming out.
“Ben, you’ve been in here for so long, I gotta piss,” came Klaus’ voice.
Ben rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "There’s like a million bathrooms in this place.”
“There’s two, only one of them has an actual toilet and it’s this one.”
Ben let out a frustrated noise. “Okay, just...just give me a minute, okay? I’m almost done.”
“No man, I can’t wait! I gotta pee now!”
You tried not to giggle as you heard Klaus opening the toilet seat lid.
“No Klaus!” Ben snapped. “Just get out!”
“Because I don’t wanna listen to you taking a fucking piss!”
Suddenly, Ben’s grip faltered for just a second, causing you to slip. In a moment of fear, you let out a squeal and tightened your grip around Ben’s neck, trying to keep yourself from falling. Ben put a hand on the wall to steady the both of you, holding you tighter with his other hand.
There was a moment of silence. There was no way Klaus didn’t hear the sound you made, and there was no way he’d ever think it could possibly be Ben. He definitely knew, and knowing Klaus, he’d never let you or Ben live that down.
“Okay,” Klaus finally said. “I’ll go pee outside. You can finish your...shower. I’ll lock the door behind me so no one else walks in on your...shower.”
The door basically slammed behind him, but you could still hear Klaus’ laugh on the other side.
Ben helped pulled you off of him and gently set you down on the shower floor. Your legs were so wobbly from pleasure and from lack of use you had to sit on the floor. The two of you looked at each other for a long time, sending each other a silent message as Ben reached to turn the shower off: the mood was effectively ruined.
The two of you dried yourselves off and re-dressed. You were dreading stepping out of the bathroom and having to face Klaus.
“Maybe he left the house,” Ben said. “Maybe he went to meet up with his other junkie friends and we can get out before he comes back.”
“You’d have to come back eventually, Ben, you live here,” you reminded him.
“I could stay with you.”
“You could, but Klaus is your brother. You can’t run from him forever.”
Ben looked as though he were thinking for a moment before finally letting out a sigh of frustration and opening the bathroom door. A rush of cold air filled the warm bathroom as you followed Ben out and to his room.
On the way to his room, you heard a door open - Klaus’ door. You both shared another look before turning to look at Klaus.
“Have a nice shower you two?” he asked, a smirk on his face.
“Fuck off, Klaus,” Ben retorted. “You better not breathe a word of this to anyone.”
Klaus shrugged. “Who would I tell that would actually listen? Luther and Allison are too busy sucking face, Diego doesn’t give a shit, Five is too young to hear that stuff, and Vanya...well Vanya also doesn’t give a shit. Pogo may want to know, just so he doesn’t accidentally walk into anything he doesn’t wanna see like I did.”
“Don’t you dare tell Pogo,” Ben hissed.
You put a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. He looked down at you and you offered him a small smile. He smiled back and allowed you to step away from him, approaching Klaus.
“You’re not gonna tell anyone about what you saw, Klaus,” you told him. “Not your siblings, not your robo-mom, and certainly not Pogo. You hear me?”
Klaus raised an eyebrow at you. “And why wouldn’t I do that?”
“Because if you do I will rip your nuts off and shove them down your own throat, do I make myself clear there?”
Klaus’ eyes widened and his legs crossed. He nodded, unable to get his voice to work, before turning back into his room and slamming the door shut. Ben’s eyes were just as wide as Klaus’ had been, but the smile on his face was more impressed than Klaus’ had been.
“That was so hot,” he said, approaching you and kissing you again. “I think I’m definitely in the mood again.”
You giggled and kissed him again, your moment being ruined as Klaus called, “Go to your fucking bedroom this time!”
The two of you laughed as Ben swept you up in his arms and carried you to his room, far away from Klaus’ room and making sure to lock the door behind him this time.
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬:  Your life is as good as it gets. The perfect husband, the perfect daughter, the perfect job. But what you are unaware is that your husband is a deadly assassin and your long-lost friend, now a fearsome mob boss is hell bent on getting you back. But what you don’t know can't hurt you, right?
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦:  psychological disorder, PTSD, domestic abuse, yandere, obsession, violence, cursing. If you find any of this triggering please DNI. Also inform me if I left something out.
ᴛʜɪs ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇᴛᴀ ʀᴇᴀᴅ, sᴏ ᴀʟʟ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴏᴡɴ
My previous account was deleted so I’ll be posting the stories again. I’ll be changing this one, so yeah.
Inform me if y’all wanna be tagged!
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You stared at the ticking clock, counting the seconds for his return, while Iris played with her stuffed tiger that her dada had bought for her. Her father was finally coming home after serving for a really long time in the military. Bucky was everything you had wanted and more. 
Though you both had a small and cute wedding when you were way too young, it still was one of the best days of your life. Since the day you had met him, he had been hell bent on joining the army as he somehow felt the need to protect people after what had happened to his father. So, after serving his first term, while you were still a second-year graduate student, he had proposed and you had accepted without wasting a second.  
Soon you had found yourself pregnant, during your pregnancy, he had been there for your every beck and call. You still remembered his face when Iris was born; it was filled with such adoration and love, you knew you wouldn’t have to worry about anything. Iris was literally the female version of her dad, her cute nose, her lips and most importantly her blue eyes; her eyes had played a small role in naming her.
Having a kid and completing your medical residency had been tough, but whenever Bucky was home, he took care of all the housework and kept Iris busy for as long as possible. Just one thing which you didn’t like was all this time he spent away from home and the immense risk that came along with being on active duty. But he wasn’t just your Bucky, was he, he was Sgt. Barnes, too.  
But now as you sat staring at the clock, you feared that when he returned, Bucky wouldn't be the same man he was. While on duty, there had been an explosion and he had lost his arm. Hearing his voice on the phone was enough to tell you that he was broken. You were waiting to take him in your arms and tell him that it would be fine.
Just then the bell rang and you quickly got up and unlocked the door. And there he was, his eyes without their usual luster, filled with unshed tears. As Iris ran towards him, he quickly scooped her up in his right arm. “dada! I missed you s’much” she said kissing his face. You wondered whether she didn’t notice or was simply ignoring his missing arm after you gave her a little ‘talk’ about it. “I missed you too Rissie! I love you my little princess!” he said smothering her with kisses. “I'm a Queen!” she exclaimed. “Alright your majesty. Now may I enter your palace and meet my wife?” Iris pretended to think and then exclaimed a yes.  
“Hey, don’t cry” he said as he dropped Iris down. You hadn't even noticed that you were crying. You quickly wrapped him in your arms and he held you tight, fearing that you might slip away. You both didn’t speak for a long time, you were too busy being buried in each other's neck, but then you felt the moisture collect on your shoulder. As you let go, you realized his dam had broken and he was crying too.  
“I love you Bucky bunny” you said playfully. Somehow long back, you had come up with this nickname while watching Looney Tunes; your magnificent brain had somehow morphed Bugs Bunny into Bucky bunny. He pretended to hate it saying it sounded like some porn stars name, and therefore you teased him even more. “I love you too.” he replied staring deep into your soul.
As you both retired to your bedroom after ensuring Iris was fast asleep, you simply laid in bed without talking. Your hands were quietly exploring the same planes of his body you had travelled a million times over. You hesitated to touch his arm at first, fearing whether he was comfortable with it or not. But as you slowly began to trace the scars, he let out a long breath.  
You wished he didn’t have to suffer this; you wished all went to the way it was previously; you wished that his eyes shone just as brightly as they did before. But that didn’t mean you loved him any less now. Though throughout the day he pretended to be just fine, you knew he wasn’t even close to being fine.  
“Are you going to leave me?” he finally broke the silence. You couldn’t help but give him a confused expression, why would he ask that? “You don’t have to pretend. Not with me. Just say and I'll go. I don’t want to be a burden to you... ” you shut him up by kissing him. “I am not leaving you Buck. I’m gonna stick with you like an octopus.” you said chuckling. “Buck, we’ll go through everything and anything if we are together. I just want you to be happy. We'll make it work; we will find a way. And trust me when I say I love you more than anything.”
You spent the entire night, tangled in each other, telling him how much you loved and cherished him.
You were tired and your back was aching after performing a long surgery. As you opened the door, you were greeted with the smell if your favorite dish being cooked in the house. As you walked straight to the kitchen you were stunned to see Bucky somehow managing to cook with Iris sitting on the kitchen counter. Though the kitchen was a mess, you weren't going to complaint, all you could see was the blinding happiness on his face.
“Look who is back! Guess what mama bear?” Bucky said joyously. You wondered what was the reason behind his joy. “Daddy is gonna get his arm back!” Rissie exclaimed happily. This wasn’t news to you though. You had talked to Bucky about getting a prosthetic arm and he hadn't been half this excited. Seeing your confusion Bucky responded “Well, I got a call this morning. They are not only giving me my job back but giving me a cool new arm. I'll be on duty again!”  
You weren't sure whether to be happy or sad. You were euphoric about Bucky’s job and arm but at the same time you were worried for his life. “That’s amazing Buck!” you hugged him tightly as Iris slipped between you two. Your eyes were filled with happy tears. He was happy and that’s all that mattered right now.
You finally had a holiday from your hectic schedule as a surgeon. Iris was off to school and after some pushing you had persuaded Bucky to go get groceries. You wondered what had happened to Bucky. Something had changed after he got that arm, rather everything had changed. He wasn’t lively anymore, he got irritated at small things, stared off absently into space not responding to anything, he constantly looked behind his back, nor did he laugh at any of your jokes, you missed his laughter and that's what hurt you the most.  
Not to mention the horrid dead blank stare he gave you some days, intently looking at your every move like a predator, that thing scared the shit out of you. In the past two years not once you and Bucky had accepted Thor’s dinner invitations. You didn’t have many friends, you just had one, Thor. He was with you since your residency and you both worked together as trauma surgeons. Bucky and Thor had become quick friends too and the three of you went on many double dates. But that was a thing of the past. Now, whenever Thor invited you, Bucky simply came up with a stupid reason to not go. Bucky had become so closed off; he wasn’t the thoughtful and jolly Bucky you fell in love with.
Now that you finally had the house to yourself, you had decided to go on a cleaning spree. Currently you were in your bathroom; busy cleaning with your mop, when you accidentally slipped on some spilt soap water and ended up falling right beside the bathtub, your mop flew up and hit the ceiling tiles, thus displacing them. Suddenly a small diary fell right on your head. Placing your right hand on the ledge of the bath tub, you waited for everything to settle down and cursed loudly. “Fuck you, you goddamning son of a bitch! Everything had to fall on my head! Pathetic!”.  
You saw that you mop as now dangling on the bath tub and that stupid diary which had apparently fallen from heaven knows where was laying right beside you. As you looked up, you noticed the displaced tiles and realized that’s where this must have fallen from. As you picked up the diary you noticed there wasn't any dust on it, so there wasn't a chance that the previous owners might have left something in the false ceiling above. And it definitely wasn’t you, Iris was too small to keep something there; that only left Bucky. But why did he never mention this diary before. What exactly was he hiding?
As you opened the diary, you realized that you couldn’t understand a single word written. It felt as it was written in some highly complex code language. You were sure it wasn’t any language spoken everyday by sane humans. As you flipped through the pages you realized that every page was written in the same format. At the top was presumably some names written in the code and the rest was probably the information of that person.  
You wondered how did Bucky know this language? And why didn’t he ever tell you about anything, heck, he didn’t even mention it. And whose names had he written like it was the most confidential file? You got up and quickly closed the lid on the toilet and climbed up on it. You stuck your hand inside the hollow ceiling above to check if he was hiding something more.  
Your hand caught something and you pulled it out, only to realize it was a laptop. You wondered why he needed a second laptop when he already had one for work purposes in the home office. You took the laptop and the diary and sat down in the bathroom itself, so that if you when you would hear Bucky come you would simply put everything back up in the ceiling. You opened the laptop and saw it was password protected. You decided you would have two tries at unlocking the laptop and if you didn’t crack it, you would simply confront him.  
You first tried out typing Iris's name and her date of birth. But it was denied access. You thought for a minute more and entered your own name and your birthdate. And access was granted to you. You didn’t know whether to be happy that he had kept your name as his password or angry that he had been lying to you about whatever this was. As the laptop opened, you saw various files in it. You tapped on one and it seemed to open on a person’s resume. No, it wasn’t a resume, it was that person’s entire life history. It was like those files the assassins carried in movies with all the information about their target. You wondered what Jason Bourne shit this was.
As you read his name and saw the photos attached with it, you felt as if you had seen this person before. As you scrolled further, it finally clicked. A year before this person, who held a high position in the United Nations, was all over the news due to his untimely death caused by a heart attack. You had absolutely no interest in worldly matters, you already had a million problems on your head so you hadn't paid much attention and had not given a flying fuck. But now suddenly sweat was covering your forehead. You were worried sick as to why Bucky had all this information stored in a secret computer.
As you scrolled further, you almost reached the end of the file and that’s when you saw the video. With shaky hands you opened it. It seemed to be the security footage of that man’s bedroom and its resolution was pretty shitty. For the first few minutes all you saw was the man sleeping peacefully but as the video continued, you noticed it. The window in his room was slowly lifted as a man entered. He seemed to be dressed in tactical gear, his face was covered by a mask, but he was given away by one tell-tale sign. His arm. The metal arm with a red star on it glinted in the moonlight and you knew it was Bucky.
You watched as Bucky quietly walked towards the sleeping man. As he stood near the bed, he produced something from his pocket and bent down. As you strained your eyes, you saw that it was an injection. Your eyes widened as you clapped your hand around your mouth. That man hadn't died due to a heart attack, at least not natural. He was murdered by Bucky!
You opened another file, then another, they all were the same. In the beginning it was the information about the person, then a report as to how they died and then a video. All of them were well known figures; and all of them had been assassinated by Bucky. In one of the videos, you saw him choking the life out of a man with his metal arm and your mind wandered to the many times you would playfully tell him to choke you with the metal arm while fucking you; your hand unconsciously went to your throat at the thought.  
Then you opened a file titled: The Winter Soldier. That was weird you thought, the other files were given numbers but not names. As you opened the file, you realized it was Bucky’s own. Apparently, his codename was The Winter Soldier. Everything about him was stated in that file systematically. His background, his education, his military career and the worst of all, there were your and Iris’s photos too. As you continued to read, you realized he wasn’t working in the military anymore. Four years before, the people who had called him were from an organization named Hydra. The name and symbol itself sent chills down your spine. God, was Bucky so stupid, the octopus symbol itself screamed that Hydra was up to no good.
In the beginning, you couldn’t believe Bucky had gotten such a fancy and technological advanced arm. Looking at it you wondered how much it cost, the material and the functions would make it no less than a few million dollars. Now why would the government spend so much money on a sergeant, not that Bucky didn’t deserve it but you were curious.  
It felt as if he was hiding something from you. But you didn’t as ask as you knew he’d come around and tell you soon anyway. He needed time and you had plenty to give. But he never did. You had asked so many times whether the star was a tattoo of some sort and he had always deflected your questions. But now after reading this, you knew what all this was for. The arm, the pay raise, the irregular schedule, it was all Hydra. And Bucky was a professional assassin, and that too a deadly one.
Your eyes watered and bile rose to your throat as you saw a list, it was all the people he had killed, and the list was pretty big. You quickly placed the laptop besides you and began to puke your guts out in the toilet. In all the panic you failed to notice that a person was holding back your hair and soothingly rubbing your back.  
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
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@dabitdabi Welcome to playmate life gorgeous! Hawks is one of my favourites to write so thank you so much for sending him my way, I hope this is worth the wait!!
This is part of my Playboy Mansion event, feel free to participate!!
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Hawks x f!reader
Genre: smut, (idk if this might be a bit fluffy too??)
Warnings: 18+, virginity loss, consensual sex, mentions of alcohol, oral (female receiving), fingering, mentions of cum, vaginal sex, unprotected sex.
Words: 3.5k
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This wasn’t your first Playboy party, and you were sure it wouldn’t be your last. You’d been working as a bunny for around three months now, the first party was a little overwhelming, but the other girls were more than happy to hold your hand through the whole experience. The more parties you attended, the more comfortable you became. You never worried about guests being inappropriate, you weren’t just employees to your boss. You were bunnies, and you deserved to be treated with respect like everyone else attending the parties, you were the stars and made these extravagant events what they were.
You knew being a bunny came with the connotation of being hypersexualised, but becoming a bunny was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You weren’t one of the most popular bunnies since you were a little shy, but you were known by all of the guests who regularly attended these parties. You were often tagged in photos where you’d posed with guests. They’d always leave little comments that made you smile. You had the best job in the world.
Your first instance of trouble came at this particular party. You’d never experienced any guests acting unseemly, but this evening was different. You leaned over the bar to collect a tray of shots to walk around with, when you felt somebody tug on the tail attached to your corset. You ignored it at first, understanding that guests enjoyed playing with the bunnies. However when the assailant delivered a stinging spank to your ass cheek, your attention snapped in their direction. You recognised the man, he was a gruff looking entrepreneur who’s name you couldn’t place right now. It was apparent that he was drunk, you hoped it was just a little bit of teasing. He became a little more aggressive with you, begging you to kiss him and spend the night with him. There were no members of security nearby, but a few of your fellow bunnies did their best to help you get away from him, to no avail.
“Hey, get away from her.” You heard someone speak. You turned to face the soft voice, and struggled to see the man who had came to your defence through your bleary eyes. The drunk man tried to argue. Quickly you rubbed the droplets out of your vision so you could see who was helping you. Before the drunkard could state his case, your rescuer had grabbed him and pulled him towards a member of security to deal with. Some of your friends crowded you and coddled you, making sure you were okay after what happened. The blonde-haired hero came to check on you once he’d dealt with the situation. Before you could think, you rose to your feet with tears flowing from your eyes and ran to the nearest bathroom. You locked yourself in a stall while you broke down, feeling bad that your makeup would be ruined. You hoped that you wouldn’t get in too much trouble for taking the rest of the night off, but you’re sure that the other girls would defend you and explain the situation. You wouldn’t be surprised if the man who groped you got banned from attending these parties. There is a strict policy against any fornication at work, it was a fireable offence. But guests also had a one strike and you’re out rule, they mostly knew better than to try anything as brash as that man had, but he’d regret it now that he wouldn’t be invited to return ever again.
While you continued to cry, you heard the door squeak open, and footsteps approach your stall. You sniffed slightly, but mostly tried to calm yourself down. You couldn’t cry all evening after all, you didn’t want to give yourself a headache. You waited for the person to reveal themselves, assuming it was one of your friends. It would have been hard to tell who was who from the crack under the stall door. You were all in the same uniforms after all. But the shoes were nothing like your uniforms. It was a man, clearly, wearing a pair of bulky black boots and tan trousers.
“Um,” You sniffed, “Sir this is the ladies bathroom.” You alerted him, sure he already knew.
“Yeah, I know, I just wanted to check on you birdie.” He spoke back to you.
“I’m a bunny not a bird.” You corrected him, completely glossing over the pet name he’d decided to give you.
“Yeah I was just, never mind… You’re okay right? Can you come out here?” He queried. Obvious concern in his voice. You declined, you didn’t want him to see you like this. Your eyes were clouded with unshed tears. Your mascara had ran down your cheeks and you were sure your foundation underneath had probably ran too. But he wouldn’t take no for an answer, he asked you again… and again… and again…
“Fine.” You responded.
You flushed your crumpled up pieces of tear-stained toilet roll away and unlocked the door. His expression flickered from concern to sympathy as he saw how upset you were. You walked by him so that you could wash your hands, and you noticed in the mirror that he walked into the cubicle you’d just left. You weren’t sure what he was doing, but he returned to your side with several layers of toilet roll. When you washed and dried your hands, he ran the toilet roll under the tap. He cupped your face in one of his hands and lightly dabbed the damp tissue into your cheeks and under eyes. He was trying to help you; he was trying to tidy up your appearance. Why was he being so sweet?
“I think that just might make it worse.” You announced, knowing you were right.
“Okay then. Show me what I need to do.” He requested, “Please let me help you, I don’t want to see you upset like this over that scumbag.” He explained. Your heart clenched a little he was so caring and considerate; you could almost feel your heart melting. You took him by the hand and led him out of the bathrooms. You knew there were a lot of areas off limits and you’d risk losing your job, but you wanted to spend more time with your saviour and give him the chance to help you out again.
☆ ☆ ☆
You brought him to the bunny dressing room. You barged in with him assuming your co-workers wouldn’t be here, but one of them was sitting in a dressing chair topping up her makeup.
“You know you can’t bring people in here to hook up!” She reminded you.
“We aren’t here for that!” You protested, feeling extremely embarrassed. You felt the heat rise to your face and you tried to change the subject, “He just saved me from some trouble, please don’t tell anyone, he’s just checking on me.” You stated, hoping she’d take pity on you.
“Oh I don’t care, you know I won’t tell. I’m just about finished here so I’ll let you love birds do what you need to do.” She teased as she exited the glamorous pink dressing room.
You tried to protest once again before she left but it was too late. The honey-haired man smiled but decided not to join in the teasing. He simply requested that you show him what he needed to do to help you fix your makeup. But instead, you gave him your removal kit. You were done for the evening, there was no way you could go back to work when you felt the way you did. You both smiled and giggled sweetly as he did his best to remove your makeup for you. You chatted a little and got to know each other better, you found out his name was Keigo and he was a friend of the hosts. Once your makeup was off, you gave him a grateful, “thanks” and stood to your feet. The least you could do was escort him back downstairs before you turned in for the night.
“You know angel, you look just as cute without makeup as you do with.” He told you. You were stopped in your tracks as you couldn’t help but blush at the compliment. “Don’t you wanna hang out a little while before I have to leave?” He wondered, hoping you’d stick around. You knew that you shouldn’t, but you were too drawn to the handsome stranger that you couldn’t resist. You sat back down on the comfortable carpet with him and couldn’t help but coyly shy as he stared deeply into your eyes.
“Thanks again for saving me Keigo.” You repeated, you were so grateful for his help. You were sure that security would have helped you sooner or later, but you were truly fortunate that Keigo had been there to rescue you from his clutches.
“It really shook you up, didn’t it baby?” He sweetly questioned, “Have you never had to deal with something like that before?” He added. You shook your head.
“It was scary, obviously, but it wasn’t just that.” You expressed, not sure why you felt so comfortable sharing your personal life with this man.
“What do you mean?” He asked you, placing a hand on your leg. He stroked over your pantyhose with his thumb as he held onto you.
“Oh… I’m not sure I should say,” You started, “It’s a little embarrassing.” You followed. He didn’t speak, instead he just stared intensely into your sweet eyes, willing you to continue if you felt like it. You kept stuttering, starting and stopping your sentence as you tried to get the confidence to confide in him.
“Birdie, I promise I won’t judge you if you want to tell me.” He soothed, hoping to help you get your words out.
“It’s just… I’ve never…” You began. You screwed your eyes shut as you couldn’t bare to look at him when you finished your sentence, “I’m a virgin.” You blurted out. Your eyes were already closed but you felt so exposed you decided to cover your face with your hands too. You were so embarrassed; you were sitting with a guy who seemed too cool for school and probably had a wild sex life. You wouldn’t have been surprised if you opened your eyes and he was gone. But instead, you felt him grab your wrists and remove your hands from your face. Instinctively you opened your eyes, and right at that moment Keigo planted a delicate kiss onto your lips.
“I’m sorry if that was a little forward, I just wanted to show you it doesn’t bother me.” He smiled as he parted from your lips slightly. It was your first kiss, you weren’t upset. If anyone had to steal your first kiss, you weren’t mad about it being this beautiful stranger.
“Can we, um, do that again?” You asked, the words left your mouth and you instantly began to cringe. You hated how awkward you were, but he just had this effect on you. But before you could overthink your graceless comment, his lips were on yours once again.
You got lost in the feeling of his soft lips on yours. He tasted so heavenly; you couldn’t get enough. He got more adventurous and slipped a tongue into your mouth. You weren’t sure what to do so he did his best to guide you. Once you eased into it a little more, your kissing became more frenzied. You couldn’t get enough of each other. What started off soft and sweet became hot and passionate, but you knew you had to hold back. You couldn’t risk getting caught with him or you’d risk losing your job. He lightly groped your breast as his kissing traversed from your lips down to your neck. You couldn’t stop the moan that huffed from your lips, and you bucked against his thigh trying to gain some friction against your clothed cunt.
“You look fucking hot in that outfit.” He mumbled between kisses.
“Stop!” You raised your voice as you pushed yourself away from him.
“Did I do something wrong?” He wondered, confused by your sudden outburst.
“No, you’re great I’m sorry. It’s against the rules for Playmates to hook up with guests, I will lose my job if we’re caught.” You explained. Keigo nodded as if he understood, giving you an innocent smile as he planted a kiss on your lips once more.
“I get it. Sorry I got carried away.” He told you, picking himself off the ground. He held a hand out to you to help you to your feet, “I think I’ll get going. I’ll see you at the next party though, right?” He explained. You didn’t want to see him at the next party. You didn’t want him to leave. But you didn’t want to risk losing your job for the sake of keeping Keigo around. And you really didn’t want to throw your virginity at him just to prevent him from leaving.
“I, um…”
“I’ll have no reason to come to these things anymore if I don’t get to hang out with the prettiest bunny in the whole mansion.” He smiled, lightly brushing his thumb over your cheek.
You weren’t usually one for compliments. You knew guys would say anything to get in your pants. But there was something so sincere about Keigo. The way everything seemed so genuinely sweet and affectionate when he spoke to you. The way he made you feel like you were the only other person in the whole world with him. You loved being a bunny. You loved living with the girls and you loved all of the fun you had at the mansion. But you were in a role in which you were hypersexualised to everyone around you. How could they expect guests to not want to fuck you? How could you be expected to resist someone as sexy as Keigo? You didn’t think you’d lose your virginity like this, but who were you saving it for anyway?
☆ ☆ ☆
You pressed your lips against Keigo’s once again, and he was more than happy to respond. You began tugging at his clothes, indicating that you wanted them off. You didn’t break your kissing for more than a second. He took his jacket off while still deeply kissing you but removed himself quickly whilst he took off his t-shirt. You didn’t break the kiss either while you removed your high heels. You shrunk a few inches but Keigo didn’t mind leaning down a little further to keep smothering you in affection. He began to travel down to your neck once again but settled on the flesh of your breasts that were being hoisted up by your corset. You let out soft sighs as he continued. He crouched down slightly as he began fondling the bottom of your corset that resided between your thighs. He managed to unbutton it as he pulled down your sheer tights and panties. You were about to remove your corset when he asked you not to.
“You look too fucking good in that outfit to take it off.” He alerted you.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the praise, but it didn’t last long when he pulled you down to kiss him again, you were looming over him a little as you did. “Lie down.” He commanded. You did as you were told, eagerly awaiting whatever he had planned. He parted your legs a little, he repeatedly kissed your leg as he travelled up towards your pussy. He spread your legs wider when he reached your sopping sex, and instantly got to work licking your clit. You moaned almost instantly at the contact as your body softened into his touch. He slowly plunged a finger in, carefully working your innocent interior.
“Tell me if it hurts or if you want me to stop, okay birdie?” He instructed.
“Y-yeah…” You moaned. You’d be crazy to want this feeling to end.
He latched back onto your clit. His licking started off slow, but he eventually picked up the pace. He alternated between licking and sucking at your sensitive bundle of nerves all while still pumping his digit in and out of your tight cunt. The euphoric feeling caused you to writhe around on the ground. You were compelled to close your legs and clamp them around your lovers head, but he used his free hand to pin one of your legs to the ground while he continued working at your desperate cunt. He slipped another finger inside of you and continued his motions. He frantically began scissoring you open so he could prepare you for his cock. The sensations were too much, you hadn’t felt like this before. You felt a rising knot in your stomach and you were sure it was going to unfurl at any moment.
“P-please, Keigo I… I think I’m gonna.” You panted, your chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.
“No.” He spoke. Halting all actions. You were crushed. Why did he stop? You whimpered at the loss of contact and Keigo admired your little virgin hole clenching around nothing. You sat up a little, wondering what was going on. “Lie back down for me angel.” He commanded. You did as you were told, anticipating what he was doing. You knew instantly when you heard the unzipping of his pants. He was going to fuck you.
“Keigo… N-need it. Need it s’bad.” You whined. Your bratty voice earned a smirk from Keigo.
“Yeah? My mouth and fingers made you a little needy huh? I wanted to feel you cum around my cock.” He told you as he made contact with your dripping pussy. The feeling of him sliding his cock up and down your slit alone was heavenly. You were desperate for him to fill out your hole.
“Please, please fuck me now.” You requested.
He lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly sunk himself into you, making continuous eye contact with you as he did so. He was paying attention to every facial expression you made, he didn’t want to hurt you. He was impressed that you took him like champ, he completely bottomed out inside of you and he was more than ready to fuck your brains out.
He set a harsh pace almost instantly, he was aching with such a desperate need to cum. As soon as he saw you he knew that he had to have you tonight. He could see there was something untouched and innocent about you, but he didn’t expect you to be a fully fledged virgin. You were his now. No matter what you’d remember him as your first sexual encounter and no one would ever be able to compare.
He continued drilling into you, thoughts of owning you bringing him closer to his climax. Your arousal was rebuilding too. He began kissing you once again, although it was hard for each of you to focus. The building pleasure in the pair of you caused you both to occasionally moan into each other’s mouths. The sounds being devoured by each other arousing you more, bringing you closer and closer to your highs. He bent both of your legs up to your chest so he could continue pounding you at a deeper angle.
“K-Keigo,” You whimpered, “It hurts.” You expressed, not used to the feeling of him nudging your cervix.
“I’m sorry birdie, I’ll make it better I promise, I just-“ He stopped as he moaned through his speech. Making no attempt to change what he was doing to alleviate the pain you were feeling, “Cum for me baby you’ll feel better, I wanna feel you cum around me.” He huffed into your face. He reached down and began toying with your clit as he encouraged you to let yourself go. The contact was more than enough to send you over the edge. You were forced to keep constant eye contact with Keigo as he fucked you through your release. Your cunt clamped down on him, milking his cock for all it was worth. He rested his forehead on yours as you both came together, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes.
You’d always heard mixed reviews about losing your virginity. You would either hear that it was a beautiful and romantic moment you should give to someone meaningful, or that it’s a terrible time and it has no meaning on your life. You didn’t know Keigo very well at all, but you felt grateful that he was the one you got to share your first time with. For someone who was a stranger, he truly did care about your enjoyment and keeping you safe. He was still between your legs, letting you warm his cock as he laid on top of you. He gently peppered kisses on your forehead and cheeks while stroking your hair.
You were lucky you hadn’t been caught, you were lucky that for now you still had a job. But if he comes back to the next mansion party, you knew that you wanted to do this with him again.
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© 2021 dabistiktokdance
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Thank you so much again for participating, it was a pleasure to write this and have you be a bunny for the night! I hope you enjoyed your experience at the party!! 
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doctormomwriter · 3 years
The List
**Disclaimer/Warning: story contains mentions of body negativity and weight loss. As a plus size and body positive author I want to add that I do not place value on myself or anyone else based on the size of their body, but I do value a persons character. I wanted to explore a relationship blossoming through weight loss rather than blossoming because of weight loss. I will make a separate post on my opinions about weight vs health from the eyes of a modern healthcare provider soon!**
Max had become a good friend of mine since I started working in production for AEW. He was really encouraging to me. When he was not busy wrestling or doing PR he took time to help me work out and work on my body. I was horribly self conscious. He never made me feel anything other than beautiful, but I saw the way he looked at the athletic women, it was a way he never looked at me. I found myself day dreaming about tonights show, it was the first TBS live event we were having and everything had to go perfect.
"Hello in there." MJF knocked lightly on the side of my head.
"You have been stirring your oatmeal for 10 minutes while looking into the abyss, you alright?" He looked concerned and smug all at once.
"Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about things I needed to get done before tonight. You ready to open the show?" I asked excitedly.
"Yep, always ready baby, you know me!"He showboated a little and waved Wardlow over.
I liked Wardlow, he was the strong silent type and he and Max created this awesome workout and meal plan for me. I had already lost 5 pounds in 17 days!
"Ivy, how is the flax seed oatmeal treating you?" Wardlow patted me on the shoulder.
"It tastes pretty good actually!" I took another bite. It had grown cold at this point.
"I am proud of you, you will start seeing changes soon, you wont even believe its you." He smiled and walked away.
I felt a pain in my stomach. The small bit of anger that was trying to climb its way up to my throat and choke me up. I hated feeling like I was the fat girl in the room. In my head, I was a two ton elephant sitting in a plastic lawn chair, milliseconds away from snapping the legs of the chair off like twigs and falling to the floor.
"You know, I can tell you have already lost some. Not that it even matters." MJF scratched the back of his head.
"What does that even mean?" I blushed angrily and then walked away before the anger choked me completely and I burst out in tears.
I went to the bathroom and touched up my make up. I was wearing some yoga pants and black tank top. I body checked myself in the mirror. Poking at my lower stomach, sucking it in and turning to the side to see if it made a difference. My hair was in a messy bun and my bangs sat to one side. I did not have on any makeup as I had worked out for an hour before breakfast and would be running around the arena checking lighting and sound all day. I shut myself into a stall when I heard some of the girls walking in. I had good relationships with all of the female roster, but I did not want them to see me so vulnerable looking so I hid.
"We are having drinks tonight after right?" Tay asked the other girls. I could tell it was her voice.
"You know we are. Don't forget to invite Ivy and that one guy from production. She is SO fun." Britt sounded excited.
I smiled to myself that they were thinking of inviting me out to an after party. I had not been invited to one in months. I just told myself it was because I had been busy but then I heard something that made my heart break.
"Well you know we always have a photographer and she never... you know.." Tay slowed her words.
"She never what? Ivy is hilarious and a good time. Don't say nothing about my girl." Nyla sounded annoyed.
"Well yeah, I love her. She's great. She just never really comes dressed for photos and when she does she is so uncomfortable it makes me uncomfortable. Like a vibe killer.." Tay was cut off by the sound of me flushing the toilet I did not use and walking out of the stall.
I washed my hands and walked right out. I did not say a word.
"That was really selfish." Britt punched Tay on the arm, not hard though.
I was the funny fat girl of the group. That is what I amounted to and the worst part was that my self conscious feelings bled onto other people apparently. When I rushed out of the bathroom I ran face first into Max's chest.
"Sorry Max." I burshed passed him and headed to get my work done.
"What happened to her?" Max asked the girls when they walked out of the bathroom.
"Someone, may have said something insensitive about her." Nyla gave Tay the side eye and Tay looked like she could pull a shoe from her mouth.
"I said I was sorry!" Tay stomped her foot.
"Wait what?" Max was in total confusion.
"We did not know she was in the stall, I told Tay not to forget to invite her to the party tonight, Tay said she likes Ivy but doesnt like that Ivy does not want to have her pictures taken because she is self conscious and Ivy's feelings somehow impact Tay's feelings and make her uncomfortable." Britt gave a espn style synapsis of the event.
"Awe man.." Max face palmed.
"You're coming tonight aren't you?" Tay laid her head on Max's shoulder and gave him the dough eyes.
"Yeah, sure." He walked off without saying much more.
"He has such a good ass" Tay fanned herself.
"You are truly a piece of work.." Britt rolled her eyes and walked off.
The show had come and gone and everything finished perfectly. Tony and I high fived as we managed to cut to commercial so smoothly after the final promo.
"I am going to bed." I fake yawned and grabbed my bag.
"What?? no party animal tonight? I bought the good vodka JUST for you." Tony smirked.
"Nah, I can't drink right now. Clear liquids only." I pulled the diet journal from my bag and showed him.
"Give me that." He snatched it.
He flipped through the pages and handed it back.
"If you change your mind I will get zero sugar redbull for mixer..." He shrugged his arms and let me leave.
I walked back to the hotel and and stripped down to shower. My plan was to shower, get some casual clothes on and run down the street to the steakhouse and order salmon and rice to go. I looked forward to it. At least that is what I kept telling myself. I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard knocking on my door.
"Just a sec." I yelled. Wrapping the towel around my boobs. Of course it did not close completely and left a slit opening from my thigh to my ribs. I cracked the door open and it was Max.
"Oh Hey! You are going to the party! Yes!" He was smiling and had walked inside without warning.
I was side stepping back to the bathroom as I was barely covered. I blushed red.
"Oh no, I am just going to stay in tonight. I was just showering off the pyro smell.." I tried to giggle but it was so fake.
"Please Ivy, come on.. We all want you there." He smiled like a golden boy. He was so handsome.
"Max, I can't. I do not want to fuck up my diet." I sighed. Shutting myself in the bathroom.
"Well, You are not ruining your diet. One night out after 17 days of hardcore training and eating is not going to ruin your diet." He tried to be comforting.
"That is easy for you to say. You are not the biggest girl in the room 24/7. You do not have to rely solely on your sense of humor to have a conversation 24/7. Let me lose like... 50 pounds and I will be ready to party. Deal?" I choked out the last part, not wanting to cry.
to be continued...
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nanatsumu · 3 years
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pairing: iwaizumi hajime x f!reader, oikawa tooru x f!reader
synopsis: iwaizumi has strung you on long enough and you’re finally at the end of your rope.
genre: heavy angst... like make your heart wrench in pain heavy, one sided pining
warnings: manga spoilers, bad grammar (didn’t know it was that bad until i used grammarly), MATURE themes, drinking, smoking, alcohol, iwaizumi being an asshole (he’s also a frat boy because surprise! frat boys should never be trusted), subtle hints at sex, bittersweet ending
word count: 6.7K
series masterlist
part one | part two | part three | part four
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“y/n we know you’re in there, someone told me they saw you run in here.”
you slowly sit up from the toilet, dragging your feet across the bathroom tiles until you make it to the door and begin unlocking the lock at a snail’s pace. but before you can even get a chance to twist the doorknob, somebody is already doing so on the other side of the door and the next thing you know, reina’s screaming ‘HURRY UP’ and you’re assaulted by the bathroom door.
“REINA!” you scream as the result of the door flying into your face has you clutching your head.
“geez, why are you so fucking slow,” oikawa complains as he sucks his teeth, pushing the door in a little wider so that you can see standing him behind reina as well. “did iwa-chan’s kiss mess you up that bad?”
“your friend is a prick, oikawa!” reina jabs him in the side, eliciting a grunt from the poor man. “it was supposed to be a quick smooch but that guy had to be extra and start using tongue!”
“what kind of guy kisses a girl who he’s only met once like that?!” your female friend cries.
“only someone as ballsy as him would even try and do that,” oikawa stops scratching his head, his eyes widening like saucers as if he’s just realized something. “and don’t put all the blame on iwaizumi! y/n, you literally moaned! and i even saw you kissing back!”
“don’t make me feel shittier than i already do oikawa!” you jeer.
“he...” you sigh and you can feel the tears start to prickle your eyes. “i feel so humiliated, and embarrassed.”
“and i-i felt so... so exposed.”
oikawa’s playful expression falters as he hears the hurt in your voice and manages to squeeze his way past a protesting reina before kneeling down so that he could meet your glossy eyes.
“listen, i’ll apologize on his behalf for now and i’ll take him about it later, alright?” he awkwardly pats your shoulder, not sure what to do as he’s never been in a situation where he’s had to comfort a girl bawling her eyes out.
“y-you... don’t have— t-to do that,” you whimper. “i’m just being a big crybaby, it’s just a silly kiss.”
“no it’s not!” reina blurts out a little louder than she intended to. “that prick completely disrespected you and embarrassed you in front of everyone! it wasn’t even a matter of him kissing you, it was a part of a game, but that dude took it too far and crossed the line!”
“listen, this is why i told you to stay away from him in the first place,” your roommate shuffles closer to you and pulls you in for a hug. “let’s go home alright?”
“let me walk you guys home, it’s getting late outside and even though you two are together, you never know what’ll happen.” oikawa offers, and while you are quick to accept, reina wavers momentarily.
“how do you know you’re not gonna take advantage of us, hm?”
“please, if i wanted to i already would’ve given the circumstances but i haven’t because i. do. not. want. to!” he smiles patronizingly which irks reina.
“whatever, but if you even think about trying anything then i’ll cut your dick off and feed it to my lizard.” she threatens but oikawa doesn’t take it to heart.
you finally get the last of your sniffles out as you stand up to your feet and exit the bathroom with oikawa and reina trailing along right behind you, similar to an assembly line of ducks— a very... tall duck, a crying duck, and an angry duck.
the walk home was rowdier than you had expected it to be. while you were quieter than usual and still in a bad mood from earlier events, that didn’t stop oikawa and reina though from causing a ruckus on the way back to the dorms.
“you’re telling me, that THAT’S hajime? like hajime iwaizumi? the notorious playboy of irvine?” reina gapes as she stares at the photo of iwaizumi back in high school that oikawa had saved in his phone.
even you were surprised to see what iwaizumi looked back then when reina practically shoved oikawa’s phone in your face, the brightness radiating from his phone screen only further irritating your bloodshot eyes.
while he still had a bit of muscle on him back then, he looked a lot lankier in comparison to his university counterpart who had grown twice in size. his once pale skin had become almost a sun-kissed tan color that complimented his features. but what shocked you the most was that the iwaizumi shown to you in the photos was free from any blemishes on his arms and his ears weren’t dressed in dangly silvers or studs.
“that’s iwaizumi?” your jaw dropped and oikawa was quick to make a teasing remark about how your mouth was wide open enough for flies to fly in.
“what happened to him?!” reina cries.
“sometimes i wonder why he hasn’t visited japan in the past 4 years but when i look back at this photo and then compare it to present him, i would piss my pants too if i were him and had to go back home to my mom.”
“does his mom not like tattoos or piercings?” reina questions as you and oikawa give each other a look before turning back to the girl.
“i don’t know about iwaizumi, but my mom is pretty strict about tattoos and piercings,” you start to explain. “she’s the ‘girls shouldn’t get tattoos!’ and ‘guys shouldn’t get piercings!’ type of mom, so she’s not completely against it, but if i came home with a huge ass tattoo like iwaizumi then she’d sure as hell chop my arm off.”
“japan’s pretty strict about piercings and tattoos, especially when it comes to students because tattoos are kind of a sign of the yakuza in japan,” oikawa adds in addition. “piercings aren’t as frowned upon as tattoos but it’s usually the younger kids who have ‘em.”
“like a gang basically? or a mafia i guess.” you answer reina to the best of your abilities.
you start kicking a pebble around and breathe in the crisp california air, watching as a puff of smoke escapes your lips with every exhale.
“you alright?” oikawa asks as he begins growing worried since you haven’t said anything in the past few minutes.
“yeah, just thinking,” you stuff your hands into your pockets and continue kicking the pebble beneath your feet. “california is a lot hotter than japan.”
“you think california is hot? just wait ‘till you spend a day in the summer heat in argentina.” he counters.
“maybe one day,” you say in consideration. “maybe when i graduate university i’ll consider traveling somewhere before my life completely revolves around paying taxes and bills.”
“if you do come to argentina one day then just give me a call and i’ll be more than happy to give you a tour around.” he beams.
“my cousin is playing volleyball in brazil, i think?” you say, remembering your mother telling you that hinata had gone to play beach volleyball in brazil. “he’s blood-related but he lived in miyagi while i lived in aomori so we never really got to see each other that much.”
“miyagi? i used to live in miyagi too!”
“huh? really? do you know a hinata shoyo then?” you ask, intrigued at the newfound information. “i heard from my mom that he started playing volleyball in high school so he’s probably played you once in a game if you played volleyball in high school too.”
“i did actually, his team beat mine during the qualifiers for spring nationals my last year of high school and man, i think i probably broke the record for most bowls of ramen eaten in one sitting that day.” he chuckles but it comes out sounding more half-heartedly in your ears, almost like he’s recalling an unpleasant memory from the past.
“so what made you go to argentina?” you ask and oikawa answers like he’s been asked this countless of times (which he has.)
“when i was a kid, there was this volleyball player i really looked up to,” oikawa starts. “his name was jose blanco and there was a tournament happening in sendai that i went to where he played against japan, and at the time there was a young ace on the team who was a fledgling star,”
“he made a big impression during the first half of the tournament but he started getting worse as things progressed. he was kind of off for the rest of the game and i thought that he was gonna be subbed out but it wasn’t until they switched setters that i noticed the ace was getting back into his groove. jose was a veteran setter, 38 years old i think? and if you were to be asked who the star of the game was then you’d probably say the ace since he was the one who scored most of the points right? but if you ask me, i think the setter was the star of the game!”
“he was so cool too! like he was so calm the entire time and he inconspicuously helped the ace get back on to his feet and just simply left the court,” oikawa continues to ramble. “i even got an autograph but that dumbass iwaizumi took the paper that i bought and got the autograph of some dude on the japan team so i had to give jose the jersey i bought earlier that day instead. although it did end up getting washed though....”
“hah! desperate much?” you laugh as you bump shoulders with him.
“desperate time for desperate measures! no way was i gonna leave without getting the jose blanco’s autograph!” he emphasizes.
unbeknownst to you and oikawa, a cheeky smile creeps upon reina’s face as she watches you and oikawa converse with each other like you two were long-time friends catching up for the first time in forever.
you, on the other hand, were starstruck by the man that is oikawa tooru.
the story he told you left you feeling heart-warmed because you noticed how his eyes sparkled and his lips curved into a genuine smile as he talked about his idol and the sport he is so passionate about. oikawa was many things: a flirt, a smooth talker, a sly fox, and he could get a little handsy sometimes— but you could tell the love he had for volleyball was like no other and you respected how committed he was to the sport, even going as far as to going to argentina in order to follow his long-time idol.
“i think it’s really cool that you’re so passionate about volleyball,” you smile as you peer up at the night sky. “in my opinion, i think being committed to one thing your entire life is a bit hard depending on who you are, but at least there are guys like you who are one-in-a-million.”
your words strike a chord in oikawa and reina is quick to notice the way his lips part as he holds his gaze on you.
“oh would you two quit flirting!” reina lets out an inhumane noise that startles you and oikawa.
“you scared me!” you take a deep breath and frantically clutch your heart.
“just say you forgot that i was here because you were too busy getting chummy with oikawa!” she groans while pulling her face.
“you’re just jealous i’m stealing your roommate away,” oikawa sticks his tongue out at your roommate before stopping in his tracks and pulling you into a hug. “but don’t worry! i’ll take extremely good care of her.”
“no way buddy,” reina takes a hold of your arm and uses all of her strength in order to pull you away from oikawa. “she was my roommate before she was your friend!”
“wow i feel so popular,” you say sarcastically, accompanied with a roll of your eyes. “it’s 1 now and i think i would very much rather be at home right now in my jammies instead of listening to you two bicker back and forth.”
“you don’t mean me do you, y/n?!” reina wails as she clings onto you.
“oh look! it’s a bear!” you point out to the other side of the street and reina snaps her head in the direction you’re pointing in.
with her attention off of you, you take this chance to slip away from her and run towards your dorm building along with oikawa who’s right on your tail.
“you’re... really... fast!” oikawa pants as he speaks in-between breaths. “like a lo— WOAH!”
he trips over a slab of concrete that was out of place and out of reflex, he latches onto the nearest object— and unfortunately, you were the closest thing he could grab onto.
“H-HEY!” you screech when you feel yourself being pulled down onto the ground.
with the split second that he had of clarity, oikawa took advantage of the opportunity and moved his hand under your head so that it wouldn’t make contact with the concrete and his hand, would instead, cushion your fall.
you hit the concrete with an ‘oof!’ and while you were awaiting the sharp pain in the back of your head to come, it never came. instead, you open your eyes only to see oikawa’s brown ones staring right back at you with an astounded expression that mirrored yours.
“so, how are you doing this fine night?” he grins.
“pretty good, up until your dumbass tripped and pulled me down with you,” you snort.
reina gasps dramatically when she catches up to you guys and sees the position you two are in.
“you deny your chumminess with him and then you run off to get all handsy with him!”
“this idiot tripped and then thought it would be a good idea to pull me down with him,” you stand up after oikawa offers to pull you up. “what kind of thought process do you even have to think that i could catch your fall?”
reina squeezes his bicep, triggering him to let out a yelp.
“oh it’s hard alright.” reina smirks as oikawa yanks his arm away.
“do you work out a lot?” you sneak up behind oikawa and put your hands on his broad shoulders.
“yup!” he flexes his arm and gives you both a cheeky smile. “i gained 10 kilograms of muscle mass!”
“1-10?! isn’t that like 20 pounds?!” reina gawks at the volleyball player.
“yeah and guess what, i only grew one centimeter so it was all me baby!” he laughs almost mockingly.
the rest of the walk home was full of laughter and heartwarming bantering between the three of you and you were happy that you were able to meet reina, an amazing roommate, and oikawa, who was a cocky shit but still managed to squeeze a laugh out of you.
it was going to be a long 4 years away from home, but just as long as you were surrounded by the right people, you were sure that these 4 years would fly by in a jiffy.
when you guys finally arrived at your dorm building, you notified reina that you would stay outside and chat with oikawa for a bit and so she gave you the okay and headed up to your room first so that she could get ready for bed since she was about ready to knock out right then and there.
“thanks for walking me home, oikawa,” you pull him in for friendly hug that he didn’t expect, but nevertheless, he hugs back anyway because who is he to decline a hug from you? “i feel bad for having you walk me home even though you probably want to hang out with iwaizumi.
oikawa feels his stomach churn at the mention of his best friend and guilt creeps upon him like bile rising in the back of your throat.
oikawa had turned a blind eye to iwaizumi’s bad habit of playing around with girls and leaving them after he’s had his fair share of fun because iwaizumi was his best friend and despite the drastic transformation he had gone through within the 4 years that they’ve been away from each other, oikawa knew deep down that he was still the iwaizumi he knew and loved— the iwaizumi who had stuck with him through thick and thin during his adolescent years.
however, now that he’s taken the time to familiarize himself with you personally and grow to learn what type of person you were— someone with a good heart but isn’t afraid to voice their own opinions and stand their ground when people try to walk all over them— he can’t help but be greedy and want you all for himself.
“say, y/n,” you give him a soft hum in response which prompts him to continue taking. “you wanna grab some milk bread with me tomorrow at the cafe you were talking about?”
“are you asking me out on a date right now?” you wheeze. “you’re pretty bold for asking out someone you’ve only met twice your entire life.”
“it’s not a date unless you want it to be.” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“a platonic date sounds good to me, don’t you think?”
“there’s no such thing as a platonic date, y/n.”
“maybe not to you since you’re probably used to girls flocking around you all the time,” you say and he’s visibly upset at the fact that you think he’s a casanova or something when in reality he still hasn’t had his first girlfriend yet. “so you in? i’ll even call it a date if you’d like.”
“yeah i’m in,” he puts his fist out for a fist bump, which you are content with returning, and he beams at you with the biggest smile you’ve seen him give you. “does the afternoon work for you?”
you pull your phone out of your jacket pocket and open up the contacts app before handing it to the male.
“just give me your number and we can go over the specifics over text tonight.”
he punches in his number, saving the contact as “tooru👽” before handing the device back to you.
“an alien emoji?” you laugh as you read his contact name displayed on your phone. “you’re a dork.”
“like you’re any less of a dork than me.” he playfully rolls his eyes as he pulls his phone out and gives it for you to return the favor.
you clumsily put your number into his phone, accidentally pressing some random digit one too many times, and save your name as “y/n :3” before handing his phone back to him.
“a bunny face?” he threw his head back and let out a humorous laugh.
“shut up!” you give his shoulder a gentle push. “as if an alien emoji is any better, at least my emoticon is cute!”
“yeah yeah, whatever you say.” he slips his phone back into his pocket before giving you one last final hug that feels a bit warmer than the ones he’s given you before.
“get home safe, oikawa.”
his eyes linger on your face for a bit longer than he would’ve liked.
your eyes were crinkled and your smile lines were more prominent up close, but it didn’t stop oikawa’s heart from skipping a beat.
“sweet dreams y/n.”
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you awaken the next morning to the sound of your phone ringing and reina’s abnormally loud snoring (you’re surprised that the girls in the next room over haven’t come knocking at your door telling your roommate to snore a little quieter.)
with the sleep still present in your eyes, the brightness of your phone screen causes you to squint before your vision clears up and you’re able to make out the numbers ‘7:30 A.M’ displayed across your screen.
when the haziness finally leaves your system, you take a look outside your window and realize that the only speck of sunlight present at all is the sunlight that’s provided by the rising sun, peeking out from across the horizon.
you mentally curse oikawa out in your head as your fingers dance across your keyboard to type out a brief response to oikawa’s suspiciously ominous text message.
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you reluctantly get up from your bed and slip on your fuzzy bunny slippers before treading over to your door, unlocking it, and then swinging it open, revealing your tall, brown-haired friend standing right where he said he would be.
“nice jammies,” he lets loose an unrestrained, boisterous laugh as he reaches out to fix the strap of your tank top which slipped off your shoulder. “i dig the bunny slippers by the way.”
you haphazardly shuffle your feet, gaining a smile from oikawa as he chuckles softly.
“can i come in?” he peers into the room by leaning over a bit where he sees reina sprawled out in a weird position on her bed, snoring loudly.
“uh, reina’s actually asleep,” you sheepishly scratch the back of your head. “the dorms don’t have separate bedrooms, everyone just sleeps in the same room with their respective roommates.”
“so movie night’s no longer in question?”
“i guess if you don’t mind reina being a plus one,” you shrug as you gesture for him to come in, letting him enter the room first so that you can close the door on your way in. “she’s a heavy sleeper so don’t worry about waking her up.”
oikawa throws himself onto your bed, even going as far as to slipping under your covers and making himself right at home, which, you don’t hesitate to scold him for doing so.
“what’s the point of coming all the way over here just to go back to sleep?” you cross your arms as you walk over to your bed, your knees hitting the edge of the mattress.
“the bakery opens at 8:30 so i wanted to pick you up since the walk there is 25 minutes from here,” oikawa pulls his phone out and checks the time. “it’s 7:37 now so hurry and get ready!”
you shuffle over to the worn-out dresser that has been with you since the day you moved into the dorms and pull out the drawers that contain a majority of your most worn pieces. taking into account the outfit that oikawa was currently sporting— an oversized hoodie, a loose pair of sweatpants, and some sneakers that looked to be on the pricier side— you decided that wearing something similar to that would suffice.
“can you turn around?” you ask as you grab a pair of black sweatpants, not bothering to check the design since they looked all the same anyways, and an oversized hoodie that you forgot you even had in your possession.
“hm? why?”
“i’m gonna change?” you shrug. “unless you don’t mind staying here by yourself? or you can just step outside for a minute if you want to.”
“oh yeah, sure.”
you watch as he heeds your request and begins to turn around to face the wall before proceeding to take off your pajamas, making sure to keep a close eye on him just in case he decides to be a peeping tom.
“you know, you’re pretty credulous trusting a guy you’ve only met last week.” he says as he rocks side to side, head still turned facing the wall.
“well i don’t have to worry about you peeping because i’m already done changing,” you pull down the rest of the bunched up fabric of your hoodie that’s around your waist before slipping on a random baseball cap you saw laying around. “even if you did turn around, i have a 5-pound textbook and i’m not afraid to use it.”
oikawa’s about to make a snarky remark in return to your futile threat when suddenly a loud snore escapes reina’s mouth, encouraging the two of you to give each other a flabbergasted look that leads to you both erupting into a fit of hushed laughter.
“let’s go before reina wakes up and gets a heart attack after seeing you in here.”
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“no way!”
after exiting the dorm building and beginning your journey with oikawa to the designated cafe, you two arguing about whether or not milk or cereal should go first after oikawa mentioned to you that he was a firm believer of “milk first, cereal last.”
“if you put milk in first then you’re just gonna get less cereal and who the fuck eats cereal just to drink the cereal milk?” you shoot him a grimace.
“when you pour in the cereal after the milk, then it’s just gonna float there and who takes satisfaction in seeing that shit?” you add. “that’s why cereal first is way better because you get a bowl full of cereal and it’s just... perfect!”
“but your cereal is gonna be soggy by the time you put the milk back in the refrigerator!” oikawa retorts.
“then just wait until after you’re done to put it away? how long do you even take to put the milk back in the refrigerator that when you come back your cereal gets all soggy?!”
“and aren’t you supposed to be an athlete? i’m seriously concerned if it takes you at least over 15 seconds just to put back a carton of milk.” you take a jab at him.
“i will not allow this oikawa slander from you!” he stops in his tracks before abruptly picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
“h-hey! put me down! i’m heavy, oikawa!” you squirm around in protest, but oikawa shows no sign of letting you go anytime soon as he starts to pick up his pace.
“i didn’t gain all of that muscle for nothin’ baby!” he laughs maniacally as he’s practically full-on sprinting down the street now.
luckily enough, the cafe was just around the corner of the street that oikawa started running down from which meant there was finally a reason for the male to let you down, despite the fact that you had been punching his back for the last minute or so but you couldn’t seem to crack him, his arms, nor those broad shoulders of his.
you let out a huff of feigned annoyance once you’re down on your feet while oikawa is still laughing his ass off as you two walk into the establishment.
“not funny! i almost dropped my hat when you pulled that stunt!” you complain as you’re frantically trying to fix your hair: when oikawa abruptly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, the baseball cap on your head was about to fall off but thankfully with your reflexes, you were able to catch it in the nick of time— however, at the price of your own hair.
“here, i got you,” oikawa extends his hand out to your head and starts to brush away at your mess of a hair. “if it makes you feel better, it’s on the house.”
“i was gonna make you pay anyways.” you stick your tongue out at him playfully, feigning annoyance.
“pft, and you brought your wallet anyways?” he grabs your wrist and pulls it up so that you could see the object in your hands.
“it has my id in it you doofus,” you roll your eyes but there’s a hint of blush on your face as you realize he’s practically holding your hand. “and what if you forgot your wallet, hm?”
he lets go of your wrist before slipping his hand into his sweatpants pocket and pulling out a black wallet.
“i never forget my wallet sweetheart,” he winks and you laugh. “especially if i know i’m gonna be going out with a pretty lady— don’t wanna leave a bad impression y’know”
“i think you’ve already left quite the impression on me from your stunt earlier.” you bump shoulders with him.
“so see anything you like on the menu?” he puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you over to where the menu is so that you could get a closer look at all of the options the cafe had to offer its customers.
“we’ll... we did come here originally for milk bread,” oikawa notices how deep in thought you are over something as trivial as baked goods and he can’t help but smile a bit when he notices the little pout on your face or the crease that forms on your forehead when you scrunch your face a little bit. “but i wanna try their matcha bread! and their boba looks good, or is it a little bit too early to be drinking boba?”
oikawa’s so lost in thought (*correction: staring at you) that he doesn’t even realize that you’ve been trying to grab his attention by calling his name 5 times— and it’s only when you physically have to shake him a bit that he snaps out of his little daydream.
“oh, sorry!” he gives you an apologetic smile. “what’s up?”
“i was asking if you wanted to share one of their drinks with me but you were too busy staring at me to hear.” you sneer. “do you have a crush on me or something? heh.”
“pshhh, no way!” he has a sheepish look on his face that you can’t stop yourself from laughing at.
“you better not go falling for me anytime soon, you playboy.” you jest while nudging him with your elbow.
“i’m pretty sure i should be the one telling you that,” he rolls his eyes playfully. “i’m surprised you haven’t confessed your undying love for me yet.”
“i don’t fall in love that easily, pretty boy, and i certainly do not fall in love with someone i’ve only recently met.” you snort at his comment.
“hi there! are you two ready to order?” a voice startles you and oikawa as you both turn your heads towards a woman standing behind the counter.
“oh i’m so sorry about that! i’m sure you didn’t come to work just to see the two of us play around.” you giggle as the woman mirrors your action.
“it’s nothing new to me, it seems like this place is a hotspot for couples to come and hang out so it’s kind of the norm for me now.” she reassures you.
“are you a college student?” you ask the cashier, taking note on how she looked to be around your age.
“i actually graduated from culinary school about 2 years ago,” she starts off. “my parents supported me throughout my 4 years of culinary school, but when it came down to actually opening this cafe, my boyfriend— well, fiancé now— helped me look for a good place to rent out and it was history from there!”
“it was a bit hard at first since i was still fresh out of culinary school and i could barely start this business with the funds i had saved up, but thankfully my boyfriend was able to pitch in and help make my dreams come true,” she continues and you feel your heart grow fuzzy at how whenever she mentioned her boyfriend, her face would soften and a small smile would make its way onto her face. “i honestly cannot imagine a life without him, he’s been with me since high school so he’s always known about my longtime dream of owning my own cafe. he’s always been my rock during my hardest times and— oh my! i started rambling didn’t i?”
she starts to apologize for burdening you with her life story, but you dismiss her worries by waving your hands in front of you, oikawa laughing and copying your motions.
“i think he’d be really happy to hear that you think so lovingly of him.” your lips curve into a gentle smile, which the woman reciprocates.
“what’s your name?” she asks.
“i’m y/n! and this big guy is tooru.” oikawa waves at the woman, her following suit.
“ah i see! well y/n and tooru, my name is maia and it’s so nice to meet you two!” she brings her hand out for a handshake, which you and oikawa return. “are you two college students?”
“yeah! i’m actually a student at the university of irvine!” you answer enthusiastically. “tooru is just visiting from argentina at the moment so i wanted to take him around the area before he left.”
“argentina, really?” her mouth forms an ‘o’ shape. “it must be hard doing long distance, huh? i couldn’t even imagine if my fiancé and i had to live that far away from each other.”
you and oikawa turn to look at each other in confusion before an invisible lightbulb goes off in both of your heads and you bring your attention back onto maia, who’s now equally as confused as you two are.
“we’re actually not dating!” the pink hue from earlier creeps back onto your cheeks and from the corner of your eye you can see oikawa fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie. “i met him at one of the frat parties i went to last week and we kind of just clicked.”
“i’m so sorry for assuming!” she has a distraught look on her face and you’re quick to tell her that it was just a misunderstanding. “you two just look really cute together, plus i’m also really used to a lot of couples coming here that i was quick to assume that you two were dating!”
“i mean, we’d be a cute couple right, y/n-chan?” gone was the nervous oikawa you saw just a second ago, and back was the cocky oikawa you all know and love.
“you wish!” you scoff, not bothering to shrug off the arm he slung around your shoulder.
“anyways, is it alright if we can get two of your milk breads as well as a matcha bread and a oolong milk tea with boba?” you order and maia quickly input the order into the tablet in front of her.
“will that be all for you today?”
“anything else you want, oikawa?” you ask him but he shakes his head in response. “i think that’ll be all for us today then, maia.”
you’re about to insert your card into the chip holder when suddenly oikawa grabs your arm and plucks the card out of your hand.
“h-hey! what are you doing? give me my card back!”
“didn’t i tell you that it was on the house earlier?” he looks at you with a teasing smirk on his face and before you could protest again, a pleasant sound comes out of the machine, signaling that the transaction was successful.
“such a gentleman! you should snatch him up before someone else does, y/n!” maia coos.
“i think it’d be best for someone else to snatch him up, i don’t think i could handle all of... this.” you motion to his entire body.
“are you flirting with me?” oikawa had a shit-eating grin on his face that you were so tempted to wipe off, but his actions from less than a minute ago still caught you off guard and you had to admit, you were glad he wasn’t a cheapskate and offered to pay in your stead— well, more forced you out of paying.
“thanks, oikawa,” you didn’t know what you had the other day to make you act so bold, but you stood on your tiptoes and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek out of gratitude. “for being the only gentleman on campus, even though you’re technically not a student here.”
out of instinct, oikawa’s hand immediately flys up to the spot where your lips touched his skin and starts to graze it.
“heh, i like your spunk, y/n.” he shows you a cheeky smile.
“don’t let it get to your head, it was just a complimentary kiss.” you laugh and it sounds more melodious than usual to oikawa’s ears for some reason.
“so...” he starts and you let out a small ‘hm?’ which prompts him to continue. “do you have any plans for the rest of the day?”
“i don’t think so? i have the dorm all to myself from when reina goes to her blind date and up until she comes back, so if you wanna do something then i don’t mind squeezing you into my schedule!” you reply, but a thought suddenly resurfaces in your mind. “no frat parties though, i heard one of iwaizumi’s friends are hosting one tonight but i don’t think i can think about another frat party without having to gouge my eyeballs out.”
“got it, no frat parties,” oikawa chuckles. “if it makes you feel any better, i never liked those frat parties anyways and i only went because iwaizumi is the only person i know here which meant i was obligated to follow him around everywhere but now that i know you, it changes the whole game!”
“i’m just as new to california as you are oikawa, don’t get your hopes up too high.”
“but that’s the fun part about it, right? we get to explore california together! it really feels like we’re a couple don’t you think?” he blurts out in the heat of the moment but quickly comes to realize the weight of his words. “oh shit— sorry... i hope you’re not uncomfortable hearing me say that out loud.”
“not at all!” you look down at your shoes for a fleeting moment before looking back up at oikawa. “it’s quite... endearing? i’ve never really had a lot of ‘guy friends’ and mostly hung around with girls so this is the first time i’ve ever really had a guy show any interest in me— platonically of course!”
“and you’ve never ever had a boyfriend before?” oikawa lifts an eyebrow.
“nope, never even had my first kiss,” you say but you think back to the events that took place last night. “well, up until yesterday...”
you tried to hide the grimace on your face as the memory of you and iwaizumi kissing kept playing on repeat in your mind, but oikawa was able to see right through your mask and clenched his fists as he recalled the distressed look on your face when he and reina found you crying in the bathroom.
oikawa believed that you should have deserved to have your first kiss taken by someone who truly loved you, but instead, it was taken away by his scum of a best friend, who, he was currently disappointed in for treating you the way he did last night.
oikawa is about to open his mouth up to say something, but he’s interrupted before he even gets a chance to say anything when maia announces that your order is ready.
“it smells so good, maia!” you say after you skip over to the other side of the counter and take a whiff of the freshly baked pastries.
“oh you’re making me blush, y/n!” maia cups her cheeks bashfully while you laugh at her antics.
you shake up the cup of boba so that the pearls were evenly distributed throughout the drink before taking a straw and puncturing a hole through the film on top of the cup, taking a small sip after you mix the drink around one last time with the straw.
“mhm! so good!” you lean back, not realizing that oikawa had moved to stand right behind you, resulting in you crashing into his chest.
“shit, you scared me oikawa!” you laugh as you slap his chest. “want some?”
you hold the straw up to his lips, and you notice the way his eyes widen by a fraction.
“you wanna share?”
“well yeah? unless you’re scared of getting cooties or something, what are you? 12?” you tease. “or are you worried that it’s an indirect kiss? i can always get another—”
your rambling is cut off when his lips wrap around the straw and he takes a long sip of the drink in your hand.
“there, we just indirectly kissed!” he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before shooting you a goofy grin.
“pft, how childish do you have to be to be freaked out over an indirect kiss.” you mumble, but it doesn’t cover up the blood that rushes up to your face, painting your cheeks in a pinkish hue which oikawa finds endearing.
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part one | part two | part three | part four
@katsukibabe • @thecaptainyuri • @satorisflatass • @daphnxy • @aonenthusiast • @felixsamour • @literaleftist
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chansdimp1es · 3 years
perfectly imperfect - bang chan
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summary: Sure you weren’t the skinniest or most perfect looking person out there, and you tried to remind yourself that Chan didn’t care what you looked like or how you dressed, but how could you not feel like an over-boiled broad bean next to him in any pictures you took together or any time you went out with each other???
pairing: bang chan x female reader
genre: angst
warnings: mention of death, mental health issues, eating disorders, purging in the form of vom!tting
word count: >1k 
requested by @planetdemon​ !! <3
You often wondered what it was in you that Chan actually found attractive; it definitely wasn’t your eyes or your smile,and as your relationship went on for longer and longer, you couldn’t help but ask yourself what exactly it was that drew you to him in the first place. You were insecure about your body, you weren’t stick thin like most other people, and you carried most of your weight around your tummy and thighs. 
Throughout the course of your relationship with Chan, you had slowly started loving your curvy shape, especially since he had expressed more than once how much he adored it whenever he could get his hands on your extra flesh during your long nights of love making, squeezing it and marking it has he made his way down your body.  
It was still incredibly hard to learn how to love yourself and you knew it was totally unrealistic to compare yourself to a kpop idol (nevermind the fact that he was an absolute god -in more ways than one- with all his Aussie glory) but you genuinely couldn’t help it. You had told yourself that you wouldn’t let the intruding thoughts in your head get to you, but the sheer amount of them made it almost impossible. 
It became worse after you and Chan had publicly announced your relationship to his adoring fans on your 2nd anniversary; you didn’t like the attention and you didn’t want to be scrutinized if you wanted to go to the grocery store in old baggy clothes. There was most definitely less mean comments than the nice ones, but your stupid brain latched onto the negatives as always and you couldn’t help but obsess over them. 
Sure you weren’t the skinniest or most perfect looking person out there, and you tried to remind yourself that Chan didn’t care what you looked like or how you dressed, but as more and more comments came flooding in on your posts, you couldn’t help but feel like an over-boiled broad bean next to him in any pictures you took together or any time you went out with each other. I mean how could you not when Chan works out as much as he does and is as attractive as he is? 
However as Chan became busier and busier with his schedule and preparing for a comeback, you barely got to see him anymore. It became so much harder to focus on the positive things people were saying without him there to bring you back to reality and remind you how the only important thing was how much you loved each other. You felt yourself slipping back into your previous unhealthy habits, and you didn’t know how much longer you could take it.
You had been through a serious depressive period before, right after your brother died. You had never experienced this kind of pain before in your life, and if it weren’t for Chan you probably wouldn’t be alive now. The loss of your brother seemed to unlock something in you that took you almost 2 years to recover from. He saw you through everything, eating disorders, suicide attempts, and he never once wavered. Chan stood by you through everything, always the shoulder for you to cry on and always prepared to cheer you up in any way he could with that dimpled smile of his.
However this time was so much more different. It directly involved him, and you honestly didn’t want to put him in a position where he would feel as if he had to take care of you all the time again. It took so much out of him the last time, and with him being as busy as he is right now you didn’t want to add more stress onto his already growing plate. So you chose the next best thing, to suffer in silence.
You didn’t mean to start purging again, you really really didn’t, but it sort of just happened. It was late one night when you had decided to stay up late to surprise Chan and welcome him home after a long day. You hadn’t had an opportunity to be romantic with each other in what felt like forever, so you had cooked his favourite dinner and lit candles all around your house in order to set the mood.
You had even decided to dress up a little bit, and the smooth fabric of the deep blue dress Chan had gifted you a few months back helped soothe your nerves as you played with the hem in anticipation of his arrival.
Suddenly your phone went off, signalling that you had got a text.
‪ from: ‪ channie 🖤🐺🥰 10.27pm
hey babe, sorry I’ll be home much later than usual tonight, rehearsal is running over. don’t wait up you need your rest. I love you 🖤
And your heart dropped. 
You typed back a quick reply saying not to worry at all and that you would hopefully see him at some stage tomorrow, as you tried to blink through your blurry eyes that were brimming with tears. 
You knew deep down it wasn’t his fault or yours, but it didn’t make it any easier. Suddenly all the effort you went through seemed totally silly, and you couldn’t help but think that Chan wouldn’t have even wanted to do something like this anyways, and that it was only a matter of time that he would grow tired of you, right? 
You hurriedly started tidying the entire setup away, and made the mistake of taking a glance at your reflection in the kitchen window, only to be met with the face of makeup you had spent time doing carefully being ruined by the tears slowly falling down your face. 
The next few moments seemed to pass by in a blur, and all of a sudden you found yourself gagging into the toilet with two fingers down your throat. You knew deep down you shouldn’t be doing it, but the stress and anxiety of the last few weeks had sent you spiraling. You felt ugly and worthless, and absolutely humongous,and instead of bothering Chan or anyone else about it, you let the dark thoughts swarm and grow, and take over your mind.
hey everyone! thank you so much for reading this piece! as i was writing it i kinda felt like i should maybe split it up into two separate parts (??!?!?) so lemme know if you would be interested in reading the next part :) 
- skye <3
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