the-moral-of-the-rose · 2 months
Gilbert Blythe: "I fell in love with my lovely wife at the first slate... erm, sight."
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burntheedges · 2 months
Fave ships
Show (some of) your favorite ships and let your mutuals assume what your concept of romance is
Thanks for the tags, @sheepdogchick3 and @katareyoudrilling!!
This was hard lol I had to think about it. It seemed like we were going with canon ships? So these are canon ships. My list of non canon ones is totally different. Also yes I noticed the pattern of bi/coded bi characters why do you ask? (yes I am bi)
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(Book more than movie but I do like the movie)
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Jadzia Dax/Worf
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(this was tricky when I couldn’t choose like, books. lmao shout out to jack/bitty, gideon/harrow and red/blue)
np tagging: @mermaidgirl30 @beardedjoel @jupiter-soups @gasolinerainbowpuddles @goodwithcheese
@futuraa-free @toomanytookas @maggiemayhemnj @rebel-held @julesonrecord
@undercoverpena @secretelephanttattoo @trulybetty
full pressure tagging: @kedsandtubesocks (Erika you have to I need to see your choices) (or just message me)
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alwayschasingrainbows · 3 months
@pinkenamelheart 's question inspired me to make this poll! I want to thank them for their help with this post and for sending me Anne/Gilbert's questions, but most of all: for reaching out and talking to me! So, here we go:
Thank you for voting! If you chose "the other option", please share your thoughts in tags! Iam very curious about the results!
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Wildflowers ( Gilbert x Anne)
Pre- marriage. Soon after S3
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Anne took a deep breath, letting the sweet aroma of the flowers around her fill her up.
She closed her eyes and felt the warm sun on her back, the trees rustling in the breeze, and the creek beside her slowly flower. It was a perfect Saturday afternoon.
Although the part that was best of all was that she got to spend her time with her one and only true love.
Gilbert Blythe.
His head rested in her lap, his eyes closed as the sun shone on his face, a lazy grin spread across it.
Anne still couldn’t believe that Gilbert was finally, truly hers.
She leaned down to kiss his soft lips and sighed with pleasure.
She may never have had a tragical romance, but this was a thousand times better.
She pulled away to find Gilbert’s brilliant hazel eyes starting up at her.
He held a hand up to her face, tracing her lips, her eyes, her freckles, with a soft smile.
“I love you, Carrots,” He grinned up at her.
She frowned at the nickname, but hid a smile beneath it.
“ I love you too, Gilbert.”
She plucked the flower crown off of the top of her head and placed it into his dark curls.
“ And I always will.”
So what do you guys think? Kinda short, but I hoped you enjoyed it. Stay safe and healthy!
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pugetprincess · 7 months
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To All the Couples I've Loved Before...
Anne & Gilbert
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lucigoo · 5 months
Weekly Roundup: 7th Jan - 14th Jan 2024
Hey hey, hope everyone had a good week.
So, this week i wrote 14,995 words and finished 4 fics, but two are in fests and wont be revelead until the end of the month. They are for the @hpknotfest and the Comfort Fest 2024, so will share them when i can. Other then that i have 2 posted fics that will be under the bar as always.
Now Recs!!
Lost and Found - Ticklesivory - The Hobbit @tickles-ivory (Bilbo/Thorin, meet cute)
The Danger In Missing You - Fantasyinallforms - The Hobbit @fantasyinallforms (Bilbo/Thorin, E)
The Bump - Anonymous - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Mpreg)
i want your midnights - raggedypond - Harry Potter (Regulus/James, [prequel to the below fic)
they will tell you now you're the lucky one - raggedypond - Harry Potter (Regulus/James, SMAU)
there's too much love - Anonymous - Anne of Green Gables (Anne/Gilbert)
Bea & Rho: Journey - Specks_of_Love - Alien vs Predator (2004), Predator Original Series (1987-1990), Predators (2010) Bea/Rho, (Yutja/OFC)
Hope someone likes at least on of them.
Now my fics.
Judge Judy: Wolfstar edition - Lucigoo89 - Harry Potter (pre Sirius/Remus) A little crack fic i wrote once th eidea got stuck in my head.
So many little pink houses. - Lucigoo89 - Harry Potter (Percy/Viktor, their OC daughter Dara and Uncle Harry) My first time writing for @flashfictionfridayofficial and i hope to do many more.
Anyway, have a great week 💖
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prideandroses · 11 months
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“He looks at her like he just realized what love is.”
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wishingformoredogs · 5 months
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I will not be silenced.
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Part 2 of 3. More amazing illustrations by Luisa Uribe. Miss Muriel Stacy!!!!
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
christmas prompt #6, anne/gilbert!
“I’m sorry, Anne, truly,” Gilbert said, his arm warm around her waist, the words dropping as softly as the snow that had begun to fall. 
“I’m not,” Anne replied. She didn’t dare glance up at him. He was tall and sturdily built and it was taking a great deal of determination to serve as his crutch, which she could hardly let him see. He’d be sure to insist she go to fetch someone to help him back, as if she’d leave him sitting beside the frozen pond with only his great-coat and scarlet muffler to keep him from becoming a block of ice. She could also feel her nose turning an unbecoming red in the cold and was vain enough not to want Gilbert to notice.
“You ought to be,” he said, wincing as he made an entirely unsuccessful attempt to bear some of his own weight. Like every doctor she’d ever heard of, he made a poor patient, a fact she intended to share with him just as soon as they were settled safely back at Ingleside, Susan whipping up a delicious pot of her famous vegetable soup, “known to keep body and soul together, Mrs. Doctor, a tonic far tastier than anything the Doctor ever prescribed.”
“Let’s not have any oughts or shoulds,” Anne said. “It was a wonderful idea, an afternoon of skating, just you and I, the way we never did back in Avonlea. I had a lovely time, you thought of everything, the flask of hot tea and those lemon biscuits—”
“And then I nearly crushed you, falling like the greatest oaf, as if I’d never worn a pair of skates before,” Gilbert interrupted. “If you weren’t so quick and graceful, I’d have hurt you badly.”
“That’s quite enough,” Anne said, letting her voice hold the faintest hint of Marilla’s regular asperity. “You didn’t come close to toppling me and the only consequence is your poor sprained ankle. If you’re quite sure it isn’t broken, you’re limping terribly.”
“I’m sure I can diagnose a broken ankle, whether I’m the patient or yet another one of the infinite McPherson clan,” Gilbert said. “It’s just a sprain—”
“A bad one,” Anne said. “I saw how you looked when you tried to stand up, don’t try to convince me otherwise. You shan’t and it will be a waste of your strength.”
“You’re not wrong,” Gilbert said, which she knew was as far as he would go in allowing he was in pain. She made a quick mental inventory of the pillows in the sitting room and decided which ones she’d use to prop up his foot. The squashy green velvet one she sewed just before Walter was born, the one he said made her look like a most industrious nymph, would at the top of the pile. “Why aren’t you sorry, though, Anne-girl? If you’re not sorry the skating ended early, it sounds rather heartless and that’s the last word I’d use to describe you.”
“I’m not sorry because I loved skating with you, Gil,” she said. “It felt like heaven, flying about the ice, and though I’d never want you to be injured, now you’ll have to rest for a few days. You can’t drive the carriage with your bad ankle. I’ll have you all to myself at Ingleside, Dr. Blythe unable to attend clinic or conduct any house-calls. I can’t think of the last time you had to stay at home and let yourself be tended to. You’ll have to let me be the one who takes care of you.”
“It sounds like work,” Gilbert said. “Me, a useless lump stuck on the sofa, Jem and Walter running you ragged—"
“I shan’t tell Susan you said that,” Anne replied. “She’ll reproach you so long and thoroughly you’ll wish you’d sprained both ankles or knocked yourself insensible. The boys will be delighted that Papa is home and happy to read them stories and Susan will be overjoyed to make us all twice as many of her little snacks as usual and when Jem and Walter are napping and Susan is in the kitchen, I’ll have you all to myself—”
“And what will you do with me?” Gilbert asked, his voice low, a little husky, startling to hear outside of their moonlit bedroom.
“That’s quite a good question,” Anne said. She risked a look at his face, the gleam in his hazel eyes obscuring any distress from his ankle or the growing cold. “You’ll be at my mercy, won’t you?”
“I will indeed,” he said. “I’m curious to see what form it will take.”
Nine months later, the form was apparent: twins, Di her mother’s image and Nan just as fair, with his own dark curls and eyes. He’d laughingly suggested they name Diana Mercy, but Anne, tired but indomitable, had only shaken her head and cuddled the swaddled babies a little closer.
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bobellafofella · 6 months
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"Birds do not often sing in Semptember, but one sand sweetly from some hidden bough while Gilbert and Anne repeated their deathless vows. Anne heard it and thrilled to it; Gilbert heard it, and wondered only that all the birds in the world had not burst into jubilant song..."
Anne's House of Dreams, L.M. Montgomery
yes, i got a library card at 4am just so that i could read anne and gilbert's wedding. and what.
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dailyshirbert · 1 month
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ANNE OF GREEN GABLES (1985) dir. Kevin Sullivan
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'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile (Chapter 1)
(Based off of Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift)
After S3
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Gilbert’s POV:
It was finally the day.
The day Gilbert had counted days, hours, minutes, seconds toward.
The day he got to see his Anne again.
They had been communicating through letters back and forth for three months, and it had made Gilbert all the more restless to have Anne is his arms again.
He stared out of the window of the train and watched the passing scenery, and sighed, but knew that all of this waiting would be worth it in the end.
Gilbert stepped off of the carriage he had caught at the train station, and walked up to the steps of where Anne was boarding.
It was where they had first kissed.
He heard the door slam open, disturbing him from his though, and before he knew it, he had his arms wrapped around Anne once again.
He spun her around, her face pressed into the crook of his neck.
“I missed you.” she whispered, softly pressing her lips to his cheeks.
“Not nearly as much as I did,” he whispered back.
She pulled away from him as he set her down. “ Are you really going to make this a competition as well?” she said trying to hide a smile.
“Absolutely,” he smiled back.
Anne POV:
Anne had never imagined that she would ever be loved or be in love.
Her younger self simply thought that she was too homely.
Never would her younger self imagine, even with a scope for it, that the love of her life would be none other than Gilbert Blythe.
She smiled as she glanced down at their interlocked fingers, and turned her attention back at the curly haired boy, who was passionately talking about medical school and the things he had learnt.
She carefully observed him, the way his face lit up as he got excited, his brilliant hazel eyes, shining in the golden sunlight, as her mouth spread into a soft smile.
She hadn’t realized that she had completely zoned out while admiring him.
“What?” Gilbert questioned, turning to face her.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I’m…um…admiring you?” She stuttered and grinned sheepishly.
“Admiring me?” He raised his eyebrows, his face spread into a coy smirk.
Anne felt the crimson blush spread into her cheeks, her face warming up, as she glanced down.
She heard him chuckle, as he leaned over to peck her on the cheek, stopping on the train station platform.
She looked up at his face, and felt his lips press onto hers, letting herself sink into the embrace.
“I love you, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert.” He whispered against her lips.
Never in a million years would she have imagined that Gilbert Blythe would say that to her.
But she couldn’t deny that she loved him just as much, even if he had called her Carrots.
I wasn’t so sure if I wanted to make a series, and am still not completely sure, so I might drop this, but if you guys have any ideas on what to add for future chapters, I’m open to suggestions.
Signing off,
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manikas-whims · 1 year
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Longing Gazes, featuring:
Anne and Gilbert // Anne with an E
Kate and Anthony // Bridgerton
Kaz and Inej // Six of Crows
Druig and Makkari // Eternals
Lockwood and Lucy // Lockwood and Co
» If you like any of these ships, you're obligated to watch Lockwood and Co on Netflix. You'll definitely love the tension between Lockwood and Lucy «
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lucigoo · 5 months
Other Fandom Fics
Here are the rest of the fics, they are a mix of many fandoms, but all adored. The @fanfic-reading-challenge has broadened my reading tastes, and here are the ones I've really enjoyed. Again, hoopefully you like at least one and they all deserve love 💖💖💖
And as always, if its your fic, or you know whos let me know so i can @ them, they all deserve to be recognised!
The Elder's Mate - Skadi_Gemini - Alien vs Preditor (Yutja/OFC)
kissing lessons - raggedypond - Yellowjackets Jackie/Shauna)
Peeta's Games - igsygrace - Hunger Games Trilogy (Peeta/Katniss)
there's too much love - Anonymous - Anne of Green Gables (Anne/Gilbert)
Peace Offering - SpookyHoodlum - Alien vs Predator (2004) (Yutja/OFC)
You're Mine - JustAnotherRandomPoster - How to Train Your Dragon (Toothless & Hiccup)
Unspeakable - JustAnotherRandomPoster - How to Train Your Dragon (Toothless & Hiccup, watch the tags) The Survivors of LV-426 - TheInvisibleSwordsman - Alien Series (Ripley/Hicks, fix it fic)
Grace of An Elder - SereneArchangel - Aliens vs Predators Series (Yutja/OFC) Alien; Little Queen - Lady_Fenikkusu - Alien (A girl turned into a xenomorph Queen) A Matter Of Consequence - AlienSlof - Giger's Aliens (Gen Aliens - clever fic about what happened to the Queen in deep space)
What if Mal and Simon were married? - andromeda543 - Firefly (Malcolm/Simon Tam, my first Firefly fic I read, and I was NOT disappointed!) You Will Bring Me Ruin - al_in_my_head - Wiedźmin | The Witcher - (Geralt/Jaskier, I discovered and fell in love with the WinngFic trope and this one is so, so good) The Fluttering of All Your Wings - whisperedstory - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geart/Jaskier, i had a bit of a fae Jaskier binge and this one is top tier) Summary: Jaskier has never really fit in anywhere, not with the fae and not with the humans. His mother always warned him to hide his heritage, especially from witchers. But then he meets Geralt and starts following him around the Continent. He finally learns what it's like to feel like he belongs somewhere, which makes keeping his secret even more necessary—and difficult.
Where I go, will you still follow? - ghostinthelibrary - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, the plottwist is delicious angst) Summary: When Jaskier is revealed to be spying on Kaer Morhen for Redania—a treachery that nearly gets Eskel killed—he’s banished from the keep. But when it becomes clear that there was more to his lover’s betrayal than meets the eye, Geralt will have to race to find him before it’s too late. Fae!Jaskier and Geralt - TheBretonBookDragon - Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Geralt/Jaskier, I adore Fae Jaskier, and I legir re read the entire series today too) Summary:
The Mountain hangs over their heads, but Geralt is sure that if he just keeps trying that Jaskier will know how much he loves him. Jaskier has been quieter than usual, but that just means Geralt needs to try even harder. Too bad Geralt is just a smidge oblivious and emotionally constipated.
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