#Anthony Lockwood x reader
g1rld1ary · 1 day
hope your requests r open! lockwood x reader where lockwood think reader likes george (but she doesnt) and reader thinks lockwood likes lucy (he doesnt). basically just a whole bunch of misunderstandings with angst and a happy ending please <3
miscommunications - anthony lockwood x fem!reader
wc: 6316
cw: swearing, angstish, series typical injuries
i am SO sorry this took so long lovie i had the biggest writers block but i loved loved loved this request so thank u for sending it in i hope i did it justice!!!! love u xoxo
Lockwood and Co was absolutely the weirdest psychical detective agency you’d ever been a part of. Not only were the actual case methods… unusual, but you were a bunch of kids. You didn’t know anything about running a company; the logistics of managing four teenagers and trying to be responsible whilst also experiencing hormones and teen dramas, all while living in the same house with no adult supervision. But it was great, most of the time at least.
However, even teen psychical detectives weren’t immune to the trap of cliques and you often ended up spending much more time with some members than others. For example, it often ended up being Lockwood and Lucy, and you and George.
It wasn’t necessarily a conscious decision or something that happened because you didn’t like the other two members of the agency, it just tended to be the easiest decision. Lockwood and Lucy were undeniably in perfect sync on the field, and you and George worked better in the research department, so it only made sense that those pairs spent more time together.
The only problem? You were totally in love with Lockwood. And you were pretty sure he was basically fucking married to Lucy Carlyle. They were the dream team on and off the field, you were half convinced they could actually read each other's minds. Plus, they were both genuinely amazing people. Lucy was your best friend and roommate at Portland Row, and you loved her with all your heart. And Lockwood? Well, there were a million and one good things to say about Anthony Lockwood. So who could blame you if you spent more time with George? It hurt less than watching the love story unfolding in front of you, and George was good company anyhow.
You couldn’t avoid them though, nor did you really want to, so life was testing your limits as to how much Locklyle you could handle at once.
You and George had been cooped up in the library most of the day looking through archives and research for the agency’s next case, so you’d been glad to get home and have a long warm shower in the evening. Lockwood and Lucy were off on a smaller case together so you’d had the bathroom all to yourself while George was cooking; a small luxury when living with three other teenagers.
Your hair was still wet as you sat down at the dining table in the kitchen, droplets sinking into the paper of the thinking cloth. It was a lovely dinner with George, he’d made your favourite meal upon request, the most glorious dish of butter chicken you thought might’ve ever been made. Everything should have been perfect, except that it was just the two of you. Again. It seemed like you never had family dinners as a four anymore, you and George stuck eating across from each other amongst empty chairs and untouched plates.
“So, anything new?” You made conversation in decent humour, picking at the chicken you weren’t quite as pleased to be eating anymore.
“Anything new in the twenty minutes we’ve been apart all day?” George replied in his characteristic dry tone. You rolled your eyes, trying to stay playful.
“Just checking.”
You took the cleanup after George did all the cooking, switching on the radio as you stood in front of the sink and washing the dishes in peaceful quiet. It was past midnight when the door jingled and creaked open and you could hear Lockwood and Lucy’s tired chatter floating through the old house. Even their damn voices belonged together, making the perfect cadence. You calculated whether you could get away with running up the stairs and pretending to be asleep before they really made it inside, however, agents are known for their speed, and you could hear boots hitting the floor before you could move.
“You’re still up?” Lucy asked as a greeting, stretching out her arms with a sigh. You smiled, shrugging as you began pouring hot water into the mugs you’d prepared earlier, making you all tea how you liked it. Lucy took hers gratefully, adding in the sugar as she pleased, but you were still yet to see Lockwood, taking the initiative to prepare it for him.
He came in a few minutes later, smiling softly as he looked at you.
“You’re a godsend.” He took the mug gratefully, visibly relaxing as the heat penetrated his body. You just smiled, turning back to the dishes.
“Thanks for the tea, I’ll head up to the shower,” Lucy said, patting you gratefully on the arm as she passed. That left you and Lockwood in the kitchen in careful silence.
You talked about nothing for a while, Lockwood filling you in on the tabloids he’d read the night before, and you told him all about the music and news you’d been listening to on the radio.
“How was the research, how’s George?” Lockwood was beside you now, taking a few of the plates you’d finished drying. His tone sounded almost bitter, but you figured it was his exhaustion taking hold.
“It was fine, I think we’re pretty much good to go for this weekend. Oh, you should have seen it! George absolutely stacked it on the steps of the library earlier. He’s fine, of course, but I nearly pissed my pants laughing, it was so funny.” Lockwood managed an unenthused chuckle, turning away to put the cutlery away in the drawer. “How was the case?” Lockwood made a noise of affirmation, coming back next to you, your shoulders brushing lightly.
“As well as cases can go,” He said, smile back on his face. You listened to him tell the bloody details of the case, illustrating his own heroic moves with a full production of actions and impressions, drawing giggles from you as he fought around the room. “And of course, Luce was brilliant as always, saved my arse for the millionth time.”
Fuck. Of course Lockwood was singing Lucy’s praises again, right in front of you! You couldn’t catch a break. You finally got a moment alone with the boy you had a massive embarrassing crush on and he was talking about your best friend! You could feel your smile fading fast, jealousy bubbling in your chest as you imagined them out on a case together, all quick banter and soft touches while you were at home. With George.
You tried to stay obliging, giving him a small smile and finishing up the drying quickly.
“Well, I should be off to bed. Goodnight, Lockwood.”
“You’re not gonna read with me?” You could have sworn that Lockwood had disappeared and been replaced with a kicked puppy the way his eyes were making your insides twist with guilt. You often sat up in the library with Lockwood; he could never sleep and you often made up for the late nights in the mornings, starting your days hours after everyone else. You held eye contact for a moment, willing yourself to be strong.
It didn’t work, and you found yourself back in your familiar spot in front of the fire, digging into your novel as he flipped through a magazine. When your eyes began to strain in the low lamplight you closed it softly, chancing a glance over at Lockwood. He looked almost perfect in the moment, yellow light illuminating the highlights in his face, his eyes glinting as he found humour in the dramatised tabloids.
He looked up suddenly, his senses evidently alerting him to your staring. His head tilted almost imperceptibly, curiosity seeping from his features. You smiled softly, unable to give him any explanation, so you were glad when he returned it in a way that made his whole face light up. You looked away first, studying your hands intently as you heard Lockwood breathe a subtle laugh.
Another case later, you were going crazy. You’d hit an obstacle (of course) and the case had started going awry. A few relicmen interfering with the site threw you all off your game, the original case put aside in favour of your lives. You and Lucy had been together when the ambush happened, both fighting as a team to protect yourselves. Admittedly you weren’t as fluid as her and Lockwood, but you blamed that on the lack of opportunity. You were doing pretty well for yourselves, all things considered. Still, you were grateful for the two boys to come bursting in like heroes, rapiers at the ready. What you didn’t appreciate was the way Lockwood immediately leapt to Lucy’s side, falling into their familiar rhythm. That left George to help you, the both of you sharing the quickest of looks, your eye roll lost to the fight.
You’d all made it out alive but were severely battered and disheartened. You’d all sustained a few cuts and bruises, you knew you were bleeding from somewhere in your midsection, but the adrenaline hadn’t worn off yet so you pushed through.
You also weren’t particularly glad to see Lockwood looking at Lucy like she’d hung all the stars in the sky in the cab on the way back. He hadn’t spared you a glance.
“I know this wasn’t exactly what we planned,” He said, still not making eye contact with you, “But we’re all okay so I think that’s a win. Luce, good job on the defence and keeping the relicmen at bay. George, brilliant catch with the source, mate, you saved us all. And, uh, good work.” He looked over briefly, but you thought he was looking slightly above you still. He didn’t even care enough to look at you on the case! It was absolutely maddening.
Sometimes, like now, you wondered why you even liked him. He was obsessed with another girl, barely paid you attention and had you begging for crumbs of affection. And yet, sometimes you were sure he liked you back. The soft smiles, the time together in the dead of night, the moments he showed you such gentle care. Lockwood was a puzzle you just couldn’t solve, but you were really, really trying.
You weren’t in the best mood when you all arrived home. Your case had been compromised, you were injured, and Lockwood was basically ignoring you. The night was not looking good. And, on top of all that, George called the first shower so it was unlikely there’d be any hot water left by the time you got in. Silently, you peeled off your overcoat, hanging it on your designated hook before discarding your rapier in the umbrella bin. The cut on your side was beginning to sting, the adrenaline having worn off in the cab, but you powered through, figuring you’d take care of it when you had privacy in the bathroom. Instead, you followed Lucy into the kitchen, chatting away as she made some toast.
She’d already left when you got up from the dining table, motivating yourself to make some tea and something to eat. Your body was starting to ache though, and you really didn’t want to be moving much longer. It was all mostly fine, though uncomfortable, until you were reaching up for the sugar for the tea. It was a little out of your reach up on one of the higher cupboards which usually wasn’t so much of an issue — you were a high jumper — but raising your arm above your head was making it feel like your cut was splitting open, pulling a strangled hiss from you.
“What is that?” Lockwood’s voice made you jump, the harshness unfamiliar. You turned slowly, folding your arms across your stomach in vain.
“It’s nothing, I was gonna look after it in a bit.” It was the first time you’d made proper eye contact with Lockwood all night, and he looked pissed.
“Bullshit,” He argued, gaining proximity, “Sit down.” You weren’t typically in the habit of being bossed around by a man, but you could tell Lockwood was serious so took a seat. He stomped around the kitchen rather dramatically, tossing you an ice pack from the freezer. You placed it tentatively over the cut, groaning and throwing your head back when it stung. Your breathing was shallow, erratic as you waited for the icepack to do its job and start numbing the pain.
When you unscrewed your eyes Lockwood was standing at the kitchen bench, aggressively buttering your toast. You watched him put together the meal you’d started, all with deep furrowed eyebrows, ending with him placing it in front of you, looking at you expectantly. You smiled at him despite the pain in your side, pulling the mug of tea closer. He’d made it just as you liked it, too much sugar and a bit of honey. You sipped it pathetically, tension bubbling between you and the boy in front of you.
“What’s new?” You asked in what you hoped was a lighthearted tone. Lockwood wasn’t impressed.
“Eat,” He urged, “You’ll already be weak from blood loss, don’t let yourself get dizzy from hunger too.” You took an exaggerated bite of the toast to appease him, melting into a moan when the food hit your mouth. Somehow, it tasted better than all the millions of times you’d made your own. Lockwood had found the perfect balance of butter and bread, soft in the middle but the crusts were still crunchy and satisfying. The corner of his mouth flicked into the smallest smile seeing you enjoy the food he’d made you, but it was clear he still wasn’t happy with you.
You continued to eat as he got up from his seat, disappearing out into the hallway for a moment. He returned with the first aid kit and you groaned. This was going to suck. Lockwood, ever the gentleman, asked for your permission to start helping you, lifting your already cherry red case shirt up to tuck under your bra, out of his way as he examined the cut. It wasn’t too deep, you didn’t think you’d need stitches or anything, but it was long, wrapping halfway across your stomach.
“This is going to hurt,” He said simply, but you could have sworn there was some gentleness there. Lightly, Lockwood began to clean your wound. Initially, it wasn’t so bad as he cleaned what had already spread and dried away from the cut which lulled you into a false sense of security. You cried out as he touched the wound itself for the first time, grabbing onto Lockwood’s shoulder for stability, though you were already seated.
“It’s okay, I’ll be quick. Promise,” He hushed you, offering his hand for you to grab instead. You clutched onto it for dear life, squeezing until both your fingers were turning white. Lockwood never uttered a complaint, working away at cleaning and treating the wound one-handed until it was done, stopping every so often for breaks when he thought you needed them.
When he was done he looked up at you from his position on his knees and it suddenly felt like the world around you was quiet. Lockwood’s eyes were so pretty. You’d always thought so, but it was particularly relevant when he was only inches away from you, sparkling in the amber light of the kitchen. Neither of you spoke, staring into each other’s eyes. You weren’t sure what to do, you didn’t want to end this moment between you but you didn’t know how to make it last. Well, you did, but that was highly inappropriate given Lockwood was in love with another girl.
“Thanks,” You settled on awkwardly, cringing as Lockwood seemed to realise where he was and what was happening.
“Any time,” He jumped up, backing up towards the sink and busying himself with pouring his own cup of tea.
You left the kitchen shortly after, unwilling to sit in the awkwardness any longer. The first step was to get out of the soiled clothes and clean yourself up a bit, the second was to flop back onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling of the attic.
“I’m going to die alone,” You said to the roof, catching the attention of your roommate.
“Don’t be stupid,” Lucy said simply, “You’re hot, anyone would be lucky to have you.” That pulled a smile from you, tilting your head back to look over at Lucy on her bed.
“Thanks, Luce. You know what I mean though.” Lucy rolled her eyes with a soft smile.
“If Lockwood can’t see all your brilliant, attractive qualities then he’s a prat.”
“I’m sure he sees many of my great qualities — he hired me. The issue is that he’s blinded by your brilliance.” It was a conversation you’d had countless times before; you decreeing Lockwood’s love for Lucy and Lucy being disgusted by it.
“You know that I have zero interest in Lockwood. Like, zero. Honestly, I’d sooner get with you than him.”
“Alright, alright, I get it. I have terrible taste in men,” You laughed, mostly cheered up.
Lucy flicked off the lamp, putting you to sleep with a story from before you’d joined the agency.
Lockwood had a similar conversation with George a few weeks later. It was after another case, all had gone well and the four of you were strewn about the house, tending to various chores that needed to get done. Lucy was mopping the floors, you were organising and putting away the mountain of books that had been used over the case, and Lockwood and George were both in the basement, tidying the store room and going over paperwork.
Lockwood looked at George, hunched over the form he was filling in, and wondered how to broach the subject. He thought you might’ve been avoiding him lately, which wasn’t exactly wrong, and thought it might be because you were trying to make your feelings for George known. In fact, it had nothing to do with George and everything to do with Lockwood. You figured if Lockwood hadn’t noticed by now that you liked him he never would, so you’d started the mountainous task of getting over him. It was unsurprisingly extremely difficult, given you lived and worked with the man. Still, you were doing the best you could.
“So, gone on any, uh, dates recently?” The sentence was awkward and Lockwood cringed. It was so unlike him and George to talk about anything emotional, especially romance.
“What are you on about?” George didn’t even bother looking up, figuring it was just one of Lockwood’s moments that he’d move on from soon enough.
“It’s just, you’ve never really dated anyone, at least while living here, so I was just asking. Um, maybe there’s someone in the house you’d like to take out?” George looked up, turning his wheelie chair to face Lockwood, resigning himself to the conversation he knew would follow.
“Yes, Lockwood. Can’t you hear Lucy and I having loud, passionate sex every night?” Both boys rolled their eyes.
“That’s not what I meant,” Lockwood grumbled.
“Then say what you mean. You’re trying to figure out if I like her because you do and you’re too scared to say anything about it.” Lockwood was silenced, caught out with his true intentions. “Let’s face it, you’re about as subtle as a car horn; you moon over her. She’s the only one who hasn’t noticed.”
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” Lockwood mumbled, “She likes you.” George burst out into uncharacteristic laughter, wheezing and gripping his stomach.
“God, you’re daft!” He laughed, “The two of you are perfect for each other, you’re hopeless.”
Lockwood made an excuse to leave, something about folding his laundry. George watched him go, rolling his eyes before turning back to his paperwork. If the two of you weren’t going to get his exceedingly obvious hints, you were going to have to work it out between yourselves.
Your angst was bleeding into the company. You were trying (and failing) to get over Lockwood which was not only making you generally miserable, but it was impeding your ability to be a good agent.
You were on a relatively easy case, and for some reason you’d been paired with Lockwood, a rarity. Lucy and George were on the second floor of the house scoping out where the source may be whilst you and Lockwood were on the ground floor, preparing your defences and putting on the tea kettle. It was extremely awkward. Lockwood was trying to make conversation and you were trying to keep it as short as possible. If you fell into conversation you’d be reminded of Lockwood’s many wonderful qualities, and it would just get harder to get over him.
“Did you end up finishing that book?” He asked as you pulled the chains out of their duffel bags. You perked up for a moment before forcing yourself to relax. You had finished the novel and absolutely loved it, you wanted nothing more than to talk about it. Still, you controlled yourself, shrugging off the question with a “Yeah, it was pretty good.” Lockwood hesitated, caught off guard by your answer. Usually you were keen to discuss what you’d been reading, especially if you liked it.
“Are you alright?” He asked, softness in his voice and eyes. Your heart clenched for a moment, you didn’t want to worry him.
“I’m fine, Lockwood, promise.” You busied yourself with arranging the salt bombs but you could still feel his eyes on you.
The case progressed, all four of you ending up on the second level of the house to confront the visitor, each splitting up to cover the different rooms. You were in the master bedroom when the en suite bathroom caught your eye. You could have sworn you saw movement near the shower and crept towards it, trying to stay focused and address the urgency on hand.
You were immediately distracted by the similarities between the en suite and the bathroom in Portland Row. Set out almost identically, it was almost scary how similar they were; George’s soap (fancy and way more expensive than the one the rest of you bought) was on the ledge of the shower, and Lucy’s blue hairbrush sat by the basin.
It wasn’t necessarily surprising that either of those items were there, they were both bought for cheap at a grocery store so ought to have been common, but it surprised you nonetheless. You’d been so distracted by the weird similarities that you didn’t notice the figure floating through the shower curtain until its translucent hand was beside your face. You panicked, the only thing you shouldn’t have been doing, and flailed about in the tiny room, rapier knocking bottles off shelves and creating a general racket that was not pleasing the ghost.
You stumbled on the tiles trying to get your footing and get the fuck out but slid on a slippery substance — probably conditioner from the bottle you’d sent flying to the ground. It was a comedy of errors you would have quoted as impossible in an old slapstick comedy, but there you were, and the consequences were infinitely more dire than those faced by Charlie Chaplin.
The proceeding moments vanished from your memory; a violent fall, a sickening crack and an overwhelming darkness. Three more moments of light where you caught visions of the ghost, Lockwood, and aggressive flashing lights.
You woke up in hospital. You wished it was the hazy, unsure innocence that you saw in movies, but the incessant beeping and sanitised smell had you groaning as you gained consciousness. Lockwood was slumped over in the chair next to your bed, breathing uncharacteristically calm as he slept.
You watched him sleep in the least creepy way you could manage, admiring his features when they weren’t scrunched up in worry or stress. He must’ve felt you watching him as his eyes fluttered open, doe eyes overflowing with relief as he saw you awake.
“You’re up, thank god,” He said, pulling his chair up even closer to you.
“Why am I here?” You asked, examining the various wires and machines you were plugged into.
“What aren’t you here for?” Lockwood joked and you tried for a smile. He straightened himself out and continued, “Linear skull fracture, concussion, scary-looking cut on your forehead. We think you slipped and bashed your head on the countertop.” You grimaced, the pain of the fall manifesting in your head.
“That would be right,” You agreed sheepishly, shifting uncomfortably in your hospital gown, “And the hand?” Your left hand was bandaged up so thick it looked more like an oven mitt than a hand.
“Ghost touch.” Lockwood didn’t sound so happy and casual now.
“What happened? It’s not like you to put yourself in danger like that; it was stupid and reckless.” You didn’t understand why Lockwood was getting so angry. Clearly, you didn’t intend to get injured, it was an unfortunate accident that you would have avoided if you could.
“As opposed to you, who never gets injured and always sticks to the plan?” You couldn’t help the venom seeping into your voice but you detested being criticised by Lockwood when he was just as bad, usually worse.
“This isn’t about me,” He said through gritted teeth, clearly trying to keep his cool while you were vulnerable. You were angry though and didn’t want to back down.
“Of course this is about you, Lockwood! You wouldn’t blink an eye if it was you who’d ended up here, or George or Lucy. It was an honest mistake, why are you being such a dick about it?” You were raising your voice but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, the tension that had been bubbling for weeks coming to the surface.
“Because you could have died —”
“So could any of us, that’s the job! I still see you jumping head-first into danger.”
Lockwood groaned your name, hands in his hair and pulling in frustration. “You’re misunderstanding me, I just don’t want to watch you get hurt—”
“Then close your fucking eyes, Lockwood. I fell and I got injured. It happens and I resent having you treat me differently than the others. Fuck this, I want Lucy here instead, or George.”
“Of course you want George here, why wouldn’t you?”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” If you could stand you would be shoving past him and out the door, but you were at a significant disadvantage being hooked up to so many machines, stuck in your place.
“You know what I mean, you and George are such a close pair, aren’t you? Always working together and laughing about your own inside jokes,” He spat and the burning anger only got hotter.
“Are you fucking crazy right now? Or are you forgetting that you’re the head of this company and therefore you’re the one pairing us together in every case? Or are you so fucking busy making heart eyes at Lucy that you don’t even notice that we’re actually getting work done? Forgive us for trying to make ten hours of research bearable!”
“Heart eyes at Luce? You’re the crazy one, she and I are just friends, I swear. But you and George will make a great couple, I’m sure.”
“George and I couldn’t be less interested in each other! And if you could see past your own nose for once maybe you’d see why!” You all but yelled, surely alerting the whole floor of your argument, “Leave me alone, Lockwood, I don’t want you here anymore.”
Lockwood looked as if he was going to dispute that statement as well but a nurse came to your rescue, clearly hearing the disagreement from outside. She ushered him out, claiming it wasn’t good for your vitals to be getting angry and that you could continue the fight when you were discharged in a few day's time.
Alone in the sterile hospital room, you felt yourself beginning to cry, fat tears rolling down your cheeks and landing on your embarrassing patterned hospital gown. In a perfect world, that conversation would have gone completely differently. In a perfect world, Lockwood’s eyes would have softened when he saw you were awake. He would have confessed how worried he was about you and how much he truly cared for you. He would have brushed his lips across your hand that he was holding, then pressed them again against your own as he admitted how he’d always been in love with you. You didn’t know that it was your own defensive nature that had stopped that from happening.
But it wasn’t a perfect world and you were alone, overwhelmed by the various noises and movements going on around you. You did eventually fall back asleep, a fitful, unsatisfying nap that had you groaning and exhausted when you woke up. You weren’t alone though, which did make you feel better. George and Lucy were sitting next to your bed, deep in a whispered conversation.
“Hey,” You said, shimmying up to a sitting position. They both stopped talking immediately, turning to face you with small smiles on both their faces.
“How are you feeling?” Lucy asked, pulling her chair up to be right next to your bed.
“I’m alright now, just tired and worn down.”
“You scared us,” George added, characteristically stiff but clearly trying to be sensitive.
“I’m sorry,” You admitted, “I really didn’t mean to. And believe me, Lockwood’s already yelled at me enough for it, please just forgive me.” They looked at each other, communicating non-verbally.
“We heard,” George said, “He basically punched a hole in the wall trying to recount it.” He let out a clipped laugh before Lucy shoved him, signature glare working its magic.
“You should really apologise, he’s cut up about it.” Your mouth dropped open as you stared at Lucy. How was this your fault?
“I’m not apologising, he was the one who got angry. Right, George?” You pleaded with him, praying he wouldn’t let you down now.
“I… I don’t think it has to be right now, but you two should get over it after you’ve cooled down a bit.” Ok, it wasn’t exactly what you’d hoped he’d say, but it was better than nothing. And better than the moral lesson you knew Lucy would try and impose — what a hypocrite.
“But he was so mean!” You whined, “I seriously just had an unfortunate fall, I didn’t die.”
“But you could have,” George quipped and you rolled your eyes.
“You know it’s because he really cares about you, right? He’d never forgive himself if something happened to you and he couldn’t save you.” You couldn’t tell if Lucy’s statement was making you feel better or worse.
“Yeah, really felt like it when he was yelling at me,” You grumbled, fidgeting with the hem of the scratchy blanket.
“Well, you know Lockwood is emotionally constipated,” George added and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter — what a statement to come from George.
“OK,” You agreed finally, “I’ll apologise when we get home. As long as he stops being a massive prick.”
You were discharged a few days later, healing nicely. It would have been sooner, but the head injury worried your nurses and kept you there, not trusting you would stay on bed rest. Lucy came to your rescue, posing as a very concerned caretaker who would ensure your safety.
In fact, it wasn’t Lucy who was enforcing your bedrest. It was George who was cooking every meal and Lockwood doing all the other motherly fussing. You hadn’t discussed your fight yet, both too exhausted and too awkward to broach the subject. You hoped your six-to-eight-week recovery time wouldn’t consist of the same heavy tiredness, but you figured it would improve once the concussion had faded.
The rest of the company had started doing two-man cases so that someone was always home to supervise you. It was a little stifling but you appreciated the effort. It also shook up the status quo of the company, Lockwood and Lucy’s perfect partnership being disrupted by no one wanting to be left at home each time, which was both a blessing and a curse.
In your first few days of being back home at Portland Row, Lockwood was home with you, helping wash your hair. You’d whined so much about how gross it felt, still blood-stained where you cracked your skull open that Lockwood gave up and told you he’d wash it for you. Of course, you’d protested, saying it went way beyond what you could expect of a friend or coworker, but Lockwood would not take no for an answer, justifying that it would be more dangerous to let you do it yourself since you could mess with the stitches since you couldn’t see the back of your own head.
You sat awkwardly in the bath, dressed in an old t-shirt and bikini bottoms to preserve what dignity you could. Lockwood stood outside the bath behind you, preparing the bottles of shampoo and conditioner to his side. The anticipation was destroying you, becoming fidgety and uncomfortable even in the perfectly warm water. The second Lockwood’s slender fingers threaded through your greasy hair you felt your body soften, relaxing into the feeling with no opposition. The feeling was heavenly, the careful but thorough massaging of your scalp could have sent you to sleep in three seconds if you weren’t simultaneously on edge at the proximity.
You sat in peaceful silence for a few minutes, your head lolling back subconsciously against Lockwood’s forearms, drawing a small chuckle from him.
“I’m sorry for arguing with you the other day,” You said out of the blue, your voice cutting through the radio that was sitting next to the basin.
“It’s no worries, just forget about it,” Lockwood replied instantly, continuing his labours.
“No, I want to take this seriously. I said some terrible things I didn’t mean and I want you to know that I’m sorry for it. And, as I understand it you think I have some big crush on George which I would just like to disprove. I don’t. Like him like that, I mean.” Lockwood paused for a moment, hands going still in your hair.
“Oh,” He said after some time, “Well thank you for the apology but it is completely unnecessary. I started the argument and I was way out of line, I didn’t mean a word of it. What I meant to convey was that I was worried about you getting hurt because I… care about you. A lot.” You knew that was hard for Lockwood to say, vulnerability never coming easy to him. You turned to face him in the tub, knees pulled up to your chest as your just-rinsed hair dripped down onto your t-shirt.
“I care about you a lot too, Lockwood,” You smiled sweetly, glad you were finally getting over the weird tension that had been between you. Lockwood didn’t look as satisfied.
“No, it’s, fuck. I care about you in a different way than the others. I really like you, like, romantically.”
“Shut up,” You said quickly, not wanting to wake up from a sick dream. There was no way that Anthony Lockwood, after all these years, was telling you that he liked you. Lockwood looked lost for words. Obviously it wasn’t the impassioned reciprocation he hoped for, but it also wasn’t exactly a rejection. What was he supposed to do?
“I, uh, understand if you don’t—”
“Shut up,” You affirmed again. “I have been madly, foolishly in love with you since I started here, and you’re telling me this now? After we’ve screamed at each other and been moping around?” After a moment of him processing your statement, he began to laugh, mouth breaking into one of his light-up-the-room smiles.
“I guess so.” You joined in his laughter, admiring the way his eyes crinkled and his nose scrunched as he did it.
“So what now?” You asked once your giggles had died down, leaving you two looking at each other across the edge of the bath.
“Well,” Lockwood inched closer, “We could try this?” He leant in for a soft kiss, pressing his mouth against yours lightly. You subconsciously followed his mouth as he pulled away, unwilling to open your eyes just yet.
“Mmh, maybe we could try that one again?” Lockwood laughed at your daze and happily obliged, swooping back in for a longer, deeper kiss that set your nerves on fire.
And if Lucy and George returned from their case to find the two of you still in the bath fully clothed, that was none of your business — and neither was the ten pounds that George reluctantly handed Lucy.
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nyra-42 · 3 months
Just me . . . reopening tumblr for the third time in the last 30 minutes checking to see if anyone posted anything new since I checked 5 minutes ago.
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dulusionalapocaliose · 4 months
I desperately need crazy unhinged bossgirl woman and their pathetic man representation. And by that I mean intelligent, ambitious, unhinged, disgustingly educated but hyperfeminine, that knows how to fight magnifically and are mad science smart queens that would do what is needed to get what they want and need, and their husband/boyfriend supporting and following them around like lovesick puppies.
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shoutout to my insane, sociopathic, asshole fictional boyfriend. i love him so much
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criesinliess · 24 days
━AUGUST 2024; susan's recs
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jealousy, jealousy; the beach disaster; love confessions in the dark @feralforfrank
you told me not to worry about them @katsu28
that’s not what i meant and you know it @↑
love in the dark @bloatedandalone04
things unseen and heard @↑
the zipper incident @tongue-like-a-razor
pool bets @yelenasbraid
love drug @bloatedandalone04
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here for you @feralforfrank
sweet like wine @privateanxieties
drunk on you @sunflowersandsapphires
goodnight kiss @alisonsfics
three empty words; don’t be a fool @petertingle-yipyip
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secrets; realizations @katsu28
not her man; his girl @giuliettagaltieri
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to be alone together @katsu28
moth to a flame @chelseeebe
everything has changed @↑
feel right into me @headkiss
are we more? @↑
come home — season 4 episode 1 @stevie-petey — ON HER SHIT AGAIN !!
moron @↑
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beggin' @rubysunnday
letters he never sent @yelenasbraid
play with fire @↑
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place to crash @alisonsfics
take care of you @↑
secret’s out @↑
words unsaid @↑
team building @↑
too good to me @↑
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like mother like father like daughter; getting even @wisdomssdaughterr
third times the charm @mickandmusings
don’t take him @briefinquiries
where you belong @↑
too easy @↑
choose you @↑
the hard way @fireinmoonshot
death wish love @↑
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all this way @vnderoos
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in your place @vnderoos
potions and prats @↑
looks like slytherin betrayal to me @vnderoos
how did it end up like this? @vnderoos
kiss with a fist @theostrophywife
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the best people in life part4 @websterss
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a-asterias · 1 year
— micaela's april recs
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ty to all these amazing writers who have left me with butterflies in my stomach and/or tears rolling down my face, much appreciated <3
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— spencer reid.
soulmates by @radiant-reid
tear me apart by @literaila
private display of affection by @poguesofthebau
that's my wife by @wheelsup
unlucky in love by @criminalmindzjunkie
sinking by @mggpleasedontlookhere
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— dodge mason.
cemetery drive by @riffaist
love story by @biqherosix
↳ steal my girl
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— fred weasley.
john wayne by @shadowsinger11
chosen sister by @potter-imagines
how to steal a book (and a heart) by @theweasleysredhair
late night stroll by @httpbakugou
sheer luck by @heloisedaphnebrightmore
frustrations by @nextdoor-neighbors
— george weasley.
broken people by @wondernimbus
— draco malfoy.
two sworn enemies by @wondernimbus
odd one out by @panda-noosh
— oliver wood.
c'est magnifique by @wondernimbus
— charlie weasley.
a brief glimpse by @helnjk
— remus lupin.
singed memories by @lupinlongbottom
just go with it by @fizzyhosh
— sirius black.
just a natural fact by @iliveiloveiwrite
agree to disagree by @lupinlongbottom
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— anthony lockwood.
you can hear it in the silence by @tangledinlove
↳ it's never too late (to come back to my side)
↳ just another love song
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— steve harrington.
got caught up by @hairringtonsteve
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— leo valdez.
why me? by @chasingpj
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— bucky barnes.
first date, last night by @intrepidacious
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— zuko.
best kind of medicine by @panda-noosh
↳ fools gold
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— anthony bridgerton.
sham and pain by @peeterparkr
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— kaz brekker.
heartless by @magpiencrow
↳ for you
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mentaiiyabsent · 5 months
i wish tumblr would let me have different sections of the people i follow so i can sort everyone depending on what fandom it is
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Why is everything smut!! Where’s my fluff or my angst to fluff or just anything but smut???
I want my fluff back please
If anyone has any fluff writers please let me know 🙏🏻
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
Lockwood waiting for the food George made
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lockwoodsbane · 1 month
Additions and Donuts
Lockwood proves just how well he knows you, but he still can't piece it together. You're both oblivious, but Lucy is quick to pick it all up.
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"This is the kitchen," you heard behind you, following the sound of the kitchen door opening. Lockwood glanced at you at the sink as you turned with a frown, the corners of his lips tugging upwards at the sight of the yellow rubber gloves on your hands.
"Don't mind Y/n looking sullen over there, she's like this when she's hungry."
"Shut up, Lockwood." You beamed at the pretty girl with him pointedly, taking in her ruffled red hair and the heavy belongings she held. She fumbled with the strap of her bag as she shot back a nervous smile, looking at Lockwood as though she expected an introduction. He seemed to notice, because that was exactly what he did.
"Y/n, this is Lucy, our newest addition. Lucy, Y/n." He turned his back to you, yet remained purposefully loud. "She's a handful, so I'd steer clear of her if I was you."
"I assure you I'm not, Lucy." You said, though Lucy could see it was directed to the owner of the house rather than her. She saw your eyes flicker to her many bags and a scowl cross over your face.
"You could have at least took her bags for her, Lockwood!" You exclaimed, and her eyes widened shyly. He furrowed his brows like he hadn't even thought of this.
"Oh yes, would you like me to— erm—"
Lucy stared at him. "It's okay," she spoke, but you heard the strain in her voice.
"Right." Lockwood looked to you again. "You'll be sharing rooms of course, like I said. Y/n, if you'd show her upstairs?"
"Gladly." You took off the gloves, left them beside the sink and made for the door, but Lockwood blocked it, arms crossed and avoiding eye contact as though he expected you to ask him to move. When you didn't, he moved of his own accord with a huff, and you headed into the hallway closely followed by Lucy. She shut the door gracefully.
"Here, I'll grab one of those for you," you offered, nodding to her bags. She smiled gratefully and swung one off her shoulder and into your hands. Comfortable with other girls, you noted. You could tell immediately that you were going to get along well.
"I'm sorry for this, having to show me around. I know you were busy." She fidgeted with her hands as she spoke, and for a moment you were reminded of your own first day in the house, a chaotic one. You stopped mid-step and dismissed it with a wave of your hand.
"Don't apologise, I hate dish duty." You smiled and began ascending the stairs again. "I'm just glad I've finally got another girl with me in the house."
"Are they that bad?" asked Lucy, her lips tugging upwards.
You shrugged. "I mean, George can be a bit eager at times, especially when he's passionate about something, though that comes in use. He's quite fussy about keeping everything orderly, but he really is a nice guy overall."
She nodded in understanding. "Yeah, he was in the interview earlier."
"I'm so glad I don't have to sit in those interviews," you huffed. "You're the first person today who hasn't left in a fright, be that from George or from that skull of his."
She looked unfazed, as though she expected such.
"And Lockwood?"
You sighed as you reached your room upstairs, hand on the door. "Don't even get me started. Unbearable, to say the least, but he can talk for the whole of England, I'll give him that."
Lucy frowned as you pushed open the door. "Is that a good thing or bad?"
She saw your lips widen. "Good for business, bad for arguments. Well, this is our room."
She looked away from you finally and around the room. Not too big, she had to admit, but the fairy lights and little polaroids you had stuck beside your bed were more than enough to make it homely.
"I'll shuffle a few things around slightly to make you a bit more room. Lockwood's probably told you already, rent gets deducted from wages, so you're fine to decorate as much as you like. I think."
Lucy nodded, smiling gently at the thought as you set down her bag. "Thank you."
You grinned back. "'More than welcome. I'm going to head downstairs before George riots because I haven't finished with the dishes. If you need anything, let me know, yeah?"
She nodded, and you took it as your cue to leave, shutting the door behind you. As you headed down the stairs, passing by the private locked door, you saw Lockwood heading up the set of stairs below you, near his own room. He glanced up, the casual expression morphing into a smirk at the sight of you.
"Haven't scared her off, have you?" He grinned toothily at your face.
"If your face didn't scare her off, believe me, mine won't."
He pouted, but stepped closer, voice falling slightly as he leaned on the frame of the staircase. "She's a good listener, from what we saw in the interview. I think this is finally our breakthrough."
"Really?" You stepped onto the landing beside him. "That good?"
He nodded. "I'm sure of it."
"In that case, you had best find us a case, Lockwood. I'm getting tired of staying here all day, I need some sort of action." You sighed, heading down the stairs again to the kitchen again. To your surprise, he followed, falling into step beside you. What on Earth was he up to now?
"Just think of the possibilities! George as our researcher, Lucy as our listener, me as the beautiful face of this company!"
He looked to you with a lopsided smirk as though waiting for you to point out the fact that he hadn't mentioned you. You sighed, dreading what was to come.
"I'm not even going to ask."
"No, go on, ask."
"Fine. What about me?"
His smile spread from ear to ear. "The finest dish scrubber in London."
He barely had time to slam and lock shut the library door as you chased him.
A few hours later, Lucy found herself sitting at the kitchen table with George, who was deepy immersed in a book. He barely spared her a glance, and instead, she sat assessing the notes carved into the table before her.
The most recent one, it seemed, was a rather exaggerated drawing of Lockwood, his head at least three times bigger than the rest of him. She couldn't help but smile a little.
A crash upstairs, followed by multiple yells knocked her out of her thoughts. George, on the otherhand, seemed unbothered.
"Is everything okay?" Asked Lucy, glancing upwards at the fancy little chandelier shaking above them.
"You get used to it." said George, taking a sip from his cup of tea without looking away from his book.
"Are they— is there something going on with them two?" She asked hesitantly, as a scream of "LOCKWOOD!" echoed down the stairs.
"I'd have to ask you to define something, because if you define that as hatred, then yes most definitely." He turned a page.
"No, I mean, you know...romantically?"
George looked up, eyes wide. "I should hope not. They'd set the word alight if so. It would be dangerous."
Lucy bit back a grin. That sounded close enough to her.
She heard footsteps in the hallway, and soon the door opened, and in stalked a jolly looking Anthony Lockwood. "Oh, hello!" He exclaimed at the sight of Lucy. He headed over to the kettle, fumbling with its switch as he looked out of the window. "Thought you'd already gone to bed. It's good you didn't, that racket she's making upstairs would have kept you up."
Goerge tutted across the table, and Lockwood looked back at him. "What?"
"Do you need to wind her up at every chance you get? You know it never ends well! I go to bed with a headache every night!" George huffed, flicking a page again. "Not to even mention the noise the neighbours must hear."
Lockwood chuckled, pulling the chair beside Lucy out from under the table. "Come on, it's funny."
"Does she find it funny?" asked Lucy, and Lockwood glanced at her sideways, as though he had forgotten she was there. She froze, as though she had accidentally spoke out of turn, but he didn't seem bothered. A smile spread over his face again, and he leaned back in the chair.
"She does, though she'll never admit it." He stood up at the ping of the kettle and went over to it, his back to the pair once again.
"Doesn't seem it." grumbled George.
"You wouldn't be able to tell, George." said Lockwood, grabbing a mug from the stand.
"It's not hard to tell that she's mad, Lockwood."
"She's not mad, George." It was now Lockwood's turn to tut. He turned to face them, his back to the counter top as he mixed the mug in his hand with a little spoon. "She only scrunches her nose like that when she's holding back a smile. And she doesn't chase people she's mad at, nor does she push them the way she does me all the time, with her hands flat forward like that. It's too soft to do damage."
Lucy stared at him, and then over at George, who had stopped mid sip, his mug in the air, and his brows knitted together. Lockwood, on the other hand, continued with a little smile, paying no heed to the pair at the table.
"If she was mad, she'd raise both her eyebrows while arguing," he stated matter-of-factly, "and she would sit here tugging on her sleeves and eyeing us all silently." George met Lucy's gaze at these words, remembering the conversation they had only minutes ago. Lockwood took a seat in his chair again, mug on the table.
"And she isn't giving me the silent treatment, or talking overly quickly. And most importantly," he paused to reach for a chocolate biscuit, before leaning back with a grin as he took a bite. "She isn't calling me Anthony. That would be a dead giveaway to anyo- why are you both looking at me like that?"
He looked between them, as neither replied. "Is there something on my face?"
George shook his head in disbelief. "You fool!"
Lockwood's forehead crinkled. "What?" He looked to Lucy, who shrugged, pushing her chair back with a piercing screech and getting up.
"I'm going to, er, head to bed." she said awkwardly. "'Night."
Lockwood nodded, still frowning and bid her farewell. George, meanwhile, remained astounded. "I can't believe I didn't piece it together earlier..."
"What, that Y/n doesn't get mad? Not hard to see." said Lockwood with a shrug.
"You really are clueless." George rose from his chair too, placing his mug in the sink. "Absolutely clueless."
He left without another word, leaving the brunette baffled.
"I really do work with weird people," muttered Lockwood, staring down at his tea.
"You're no better." His eyes shot up as you entered, and he feigned a sigh, pinching the bridgenpf his nose as you passed by him. "Talking to yourself, Lockwood, is a sign of insanity, I believe."
"Perhaps you're right, seeing as you do it all the time." He grinned at you as you opened the fridge and grabbed the box of donuts you'd bought last night as you returned after a meeting with DEPRAC.
"Well maybe I am insane." You sat across him, where George had been moments before. Lockwood rocked forwards on his elbows on the table, leaning in.
"Give me a donut."
Your brows creased together, and a grin spread over your face. "No."
"Oh, come on, just one!"
You feigned a look of thought. "And why would I do that?"
"Because I'm your favourite?" He said hopefully, earning a laugh in return. Lockwood's own eyes crinkled in the corners as he watched you, lips tugging into a smile for the hundreth time that day.
"The white one, right? Coloured sprinkles?"
Lockwood nodded eagerly, hand held out. You reached into the box, and he saw a look of fake guilt pass over your features.
"Oh no, would you look at that! I've already took a bite!"
Lockwood let out a gasp of offence. "What?"
"Sorry, my dear favourite person." You shook yaour head with a dramatic exhale. "You wouldn't want one I've already eaten, looks like you'll have to go buy your own."
With a smirk irritating enough to counter his usual one, you held up the white donut in your hand so it was clearly on display. Lockwood's eyes remained on it, studying the bite in it closely, and then over to you. His gaze remained steady, and you held yours too, but you could feel a smile threatening to bloom. But suddenly, his eyes had lit up, and before you could even question it, he'd reached across the table and pulled your hand over to him by your wrist. He'd taken a huge bite out of the donut in the time it took you to process the feeling of his warm hand around your wrist.
He sat in glory, staring at the shocked look on your face as he swallowed. You looked from him to the donut, then to his fingers around your wrist tightly. Lockwood seemed to notice it too, and let go instantly.
"You won't want one I've already eaten, Y/n." He quoted with a smirk, holding his hand out again, looking pointedly to the donut you still grasped. With a scowl, you handed it over. "Thought so."
He took an exaggerated bite from it, and his eyes travelled onto the rest of the box, which you grabbed and hugged to your chest. "Don't even try it. The rest are mine and Lucy's."
"I'm sure Lucy won't want all of them, Y/n."
"Well I do, so back off."
He laughed as you stormed out of the kitchen, steps echoing off the floorboards.
"Good night to you too!" He called, and you could practically hear him grinning.
"Unbearable," you muttered, but the smile on your face as you took the stairs two at a time wasn't one that would disappear any time soon.
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elorday · 1 year
— ✪ valerie's may fic recs
thank you so much for all of these writers for making me smiling with a lots of butterflies in my stomach, making my mouth hanging agape, or crying so hard and sweating hot. i really can't thank you enough<3
some fics contain nsfw (✦)
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✦ title taken : @astermath
20/20 vision : @echnated
slyther-in to my heart?! : @ghostfacd
✦ “it's okay, i'll show you.” : @messylustt
sleepy : @corpsebasil
bejeweled : @xyzstar
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we'll be alright : @love-strawberry
✦ exactly what you need : @delicate-moon-princess
bewitched : @cinebration
what happens after death : @hannibals-favourite-meal
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would you love me if i were a worm? : @chiss-and-crackers
valentine's day : @vhagarlovebot
you belong with me : @mybeautifuldelirium
among dragons and wolves : @fairysluna
✦ dissolve : @vermithorn
the snow fairy : @wackapedia
✦ i am his and he is mine : @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics
keep you save : @auroraborealyss
✦ princess : @faith-forgxtten-land
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drunk sketches : @delehosies
little things : @inpraizeof
✦ right in front of me : @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
✦ melt away : @healmydesires
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𖥔. F1—
meet me at midnight : @fleetwooods
don't wipe away my love : @avisgrace
memories hold me hostage : @libraryofloveletters
it's okay, i'm here : @norrisleclercf1
still into you : @starkwlkr
when you're missing me : @silverstonesainz
name(s) of love : @kiwisa
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lean in, lean out : @literaila
i know : @vivwritesfics
✦ hold you here, my loveliest friend : @p3mybeloved
clingy : @bruisedboys
i need you to stay : @intoxicated-chan
mid night : @eyelessfaces
dance with you tonight : @foreverwiththeunknown
cheesecake : @ichorai
first kiss : @moralesie
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𖥔. DC—
five times vigilante definitely does not have feelings (and the one time he does) : @tropes-and-tales
now or never : @whirlybirbs
talk : @ichorai
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one-sided love : @desoolate
remember me : @arece
stay : @unreliablesnake
✦ something wrong with me and you : @fonteyn
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the language of longing looks and stolen glances : @fleetingvow
just another love song : @tangledinlove
public displays : @vi-trying-to-survive
ain't a life many splendored thing? : @wellgoslowly
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2K notes · View notes
nyra-42 · 4 months
that feeling when you REALLY like a story you just started but then you're like . . . i should check to see how many chapters/parts/pages that are left before I get too excited.
And when you were expecting maybe 5 there's actually 30!!!!!
TEARS OF JOY!!! 🥹😭🥹😭🥹
648 notes · View notes
initialchains · 10 months
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10 things i hate about you | anthony lockwood.
pairing: anthony lockwood x fem!reader
summary: george karim falls in love with your sister, and the only thing standing between him and the love of his life is the fact that she isn’t allowed to date unless you do, too. luckily for him, anthony lockwood would do anything for a bit of publicity.
wc: 5.8k (part one)
a/n: hii i felt so bad for leaving you all hanging, but finals week left me extremely burnt out and tired. luckily, the lockwood brainrot is neverending, so as a way of saying sorry here’s the first part of this silly ol’ fic. (including the first five things to hate about lockwood.)  i’m also super sorry for the next part because it will be 90% angst lol ++ this is inspired by the movie but not completely based on it bc it’s my all time favorite film and i was scared of not doing it justice.
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Lucy swore she was going to quit the agency again if George didn’t stop pacing around the kitchen like an idiot. She kept thinking of things to say to get him to stop, but a part of her also wanted to see how long this pathetic situation in front of her would take, she knew it wouldn’t be long until their researcher got tired of walking back and forth. And that’s where she is now. Sitting in the kitchen, an empty mug staring back at her, while George kept pacing in front of her and Lockwood.
“Hey, George! I have an idea. Why don’t you sit down and tell us what’s going on like a normal person, instead of just muttering I’m so fucked over and over?” 
George finally stopped and looked up at her. He stood still for a few seconds before taking a seat next to Lockwood.
“Well, I’m fucked.”
“Yeah, I think we heard that part.”
“Luce, stop,” Lockwood said in the softest voice he could muster, before turning to George. “Do you want to talk about it? Maybe we can help.”
George took a deep breath before starting. “So, you know how I’ve been telling you both and Holly about that one girl from the archives?”
Lockwood smiled at that. The thought of George crushing on a girl after bonding with her about their love for research is still one of the cutest things he has ever heard.
“Oh, right. How are things going with her? Is everything alright?” 
“Well, sort of. I mean, everything is alright, but just when I thought of finally making a move on her, she kind of, um… dropped a bomb on me?” 
“A bomb? But you already knew she’s a Fittes agent, that’s not new.” Lucy stated. 
“Yes, I know. And trust me, there’s nothing wrong with that.” George continued, “She is the sweetest, most intelligent, beautiful human being to have ever lived. I mean it.” 
Lucy and Lockwood shared a knowing look. George was totally a goner for this girl.
“Then.. just ask her out?” Lockwood suggested, watching carefully as George fidgeted with the thinking cloth, now too shy to look at his friends.
“That’s the problem, I can’t,” George explained, before pulling his glasses away and rubbing his eyes. The stress of the situation clearly getting the best of him.
“Okay, this will probably be a stupid question, but.. why?” Lucy asked, genuinely confused by the problem her friend was going through. Sure, asking someone out is frightening, but it’s not like George was about to fight a type two without any kind of protection.
George took a deep breath before finally explaining. “She can’t go out with me unless her sister gets a date, too.” 
Lucy almost laughed at how stupid the so-called bomb was. “Well, ask one of her colleagues to woo her or something. She’s a Fittes agent too, right?” She suggested, remembering the only fact they knew about said sister. “She must know a bunch of people willing to date her.” 
George found the strength to look up, making eye contact with Lockwood and then turning to Lucy, before finally dropping the bomb on them. “I can’t, everyone at Fittes despises her.” 
Lockwood and Lucy didn’t even have to think twice about who the sister in question was. There’s only one person who is loathed by every single Fittes agent, and surprisingly it isn’t Quill Kipps. George was talking about Fittes’ very own heinous bitch. (Obviously, the nickname was granted by the one and only Bobby Vernon. But to be fair, it’s not like he is the most reliable of people. Lockwood took note of that.)
Portland Row was silent for a few moments until Lucy finally spoke up. “Well, George. The world is wide, there will always be other people for you to fall for.” 
“Luce.” Lockwood warned her. 
“I’m trying to help!” 
“I know you are, but George really likes this girl.” He explained
“I think I might be in love with her. No, scratch that. I am in love with her.” George confessed in a small whisper.
“Oh, fuck.”
“I told you we would try to help, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Right, Lucy?” Lockwood looked at her, an unspoken beg passing between them. 
“Fine, yeah, we will. What do you know about her sister? Maybe we can find someone with the same interests as her. Like umm.. Holly? or the guy who sweeps the floor at Arif’s?” Lucy almost winced at how stupid their repertoire of options was, the three of them were friends with a limited number of people, and by limited she meant Holly and a guy who always greets them when they get something from Arif’s
George thought for a few moments about everything he knew about her. “I know she’s a team leader–” He couldn’t even finish his list, let alone his sentence, because before he could even continue, Lockwood stood up. 
“I’ll do it.” He said with a small shrug, almost as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
A chorus of “I’m sorry?” and “What the fuck?” were heard at the same time, but Lockwood couldn’t bring himself to care. He wanted to do this. 
“What? You said you wanted someone to woo her. Right, Luce?” He explained as he took Lucy’s empty mug away from her and moved to the sink. 
Lockwood’s back faced them while he washed their used dishes. “Yes, but.. why do you want to do it?”
“It’s a win-win situation. If I go out with her, George will get to date her sister, and we will get publicity.” The way Lockwood explained the situation with such ease had Lucy thinking he had planned this beforehand.
“Publicity?” George finally spoke up. 
“Yes. You said she’s a team leader, which means she is important, and we also know she’s disliked by every single one of her peers, which means the press will be surprised to see her hanging out with someone. So, if we get photographed together, everyone will want to know what’s so special about the agents of Lockwood and Co. Which means–” 
“More cases.” George finished the sentence for him.
“See? It’s easy.” Lockwood, finally done with the dishes, turned around.
“No, it’s not. I think it’s a stupid idea. You won’t be using someone to get this agency more clients, are you insane?” Lucy stated, indignation lacing her words. 
“Hey, George. You said you were taking her sister out for breakfast tomorrow, how about we make it a double date?” He said with a bright smile, ignoring Lucy’s words. 
“Oh, um.. Okay.”
George was right, Lucy thought. They are so fucked. 
1- I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair.
“George, calm down. Everything will be okay, I promise.” Lockwood said, sending an encouraging look to the boy next to him. George was sweating, he didn’t expect your sister to accept the double date. He didn’t expect you to accept the double date. 
“I know. I even practiced a speech and everything, it will be alright.”
“You practiced a what?”
George wasn’t able to answer his question because right when Lockwood asked him, they were able to see two silhouettes standing outside of the café they were walking to.
“Oh, they’re here,” Lockwood stated plainly before walking up to them, George looking nervous as fuck next to him. 
Sure, George was a sweaty mess, but he knew this would happen. He even expected you to look at him with disgust in your eyes and say something along the lines of “I was dragged here against my will. Fuck you, Karim. You will never date my sister.” 
What he didn’t expect to see was your face painted with confusion. George was about to greet you with the long speech he spent the entire night workshopping, but before he could even mutter a word, you let out an exasperated sigh and looked George in the eye before you gaze slipped to Lockwood and then back to him. 
“What is it, asshole day? Why are you two here?”
Lockwood was about to open his mouth and answer your question, but luckily your sister spoke up just in time.
“I invited my two friends to have breakfast with us!” She said with a bright, almost angelic smile. George felt like he was in heaven just by seeing her. 
“I know about Karim, but why are you friends with Anthony Lockwood?” 
“Oh, so you’ve heard of me? Only the good things, I hope.” Lockwood said, his charming smile making a way to his face.
“Yeah, like the houses you’ve burned down, and how stupidly reckless you are to the point that you even got shot.” You stated, repulse evident in your eyes as you looked at the man of the hour. 
“It’s adorable how much you know about me.”
“Have you ever been to a psych ward? I can get you an appointment set and ready by tonight.”
“You want to see me tonight?”
George feared you might slit Lockwood’s throat with the way you were looking at him. “We should, um, get inside.” He said, trying (and failing) to break the awkward tension, guiding the four of you into the café. 
George looked at your sister and whispered into her ear “It’s not my place to assume but.. you didn’t tell her we were coming, did you?”
She gave him a shy smile before answering. “I want her to make some friends, and I think someone like Lockwood might help her come out of her shell.”
She looked so innocent that George wanted to break down crying and tell her all about Lockwood’s dumb publicity plan. This was eating him alive. 
You took a seat next to your sister in the booth George had reserved for the four of you. Lockwood smiled when he saw your eyes widen at the sight of him sitting right in front of you. 
“Karim, can you switch places with your friend?” 
“Why? Are you embarrassed I’ll see you blush whenever you look into my eyes?” 
“Have you ever been told that your hairline will recede by the time you’re 30 years old if you keep cutting and styling your hair like that?”  
“Have you ever been told that you’re incredibly beautiful?” 
Your sister had to place her hand over yours before you could reach for the knife placed in front of you by a waiter. Lockwood couldn’t contain his laughter at the look on your face.
“What’s so fucking funny, Lockwood?”
“Nothing. Don’t mind me, please continue with your insults. I relish being the reason behind your thoughts and words.” 
That was enough to shut you up. Your sister, George, and Lockwood shared jokes and stories while you looked down at your plate, the conversation flowing easily between them. Sometimes you’d look up to find Lockwood staring at you, he’d send you a small smile and try to include you in the conversation, but you didn't intend on giving him the satisfaction of getting you to speak, so you’d shut him down with an eye roll. 
The rest of the morning went by smoothly until your sister had the brilliant idea to tell you about her plans for the rest of the day. 
“You’re going to the archives with Karim.. alone? Just the two of you?” 
“Did you not hear her the first time, love?”
“Shut the fuck up, Lockwood.” You snapped at him, hoping your anger was enough to mask the blush rushing into your cheeks. 
It wasn’t. 
“Did I just make you blush?”
“You made me want to throw up.”
“Deny it all you want, but the pet name clearly had an effect on you.. love.”
“Ugh, whatever.” 
The four of you stood up and walked to the café’s exit, Lockwood opening the door for your sister and you. As soon as you got outside, your sister began to apologize for not telling you about her impromptu archives plan with George.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind. Just.. text me when you get there?” You said softly. Way too softly, Lockwood noticed. He had never seen you this vulnerable, maybe your sister was way more important to you than he expected. 
“I will. Promise.”
You said your goodbyes before turning around, planning on walking to your car, but the universe definitely wasn’t on your side today.
“Wait! I’ll go with you.” Lockwood said as he tried to catch up with you, matching the pace of your long strides. 
“I don’t know if you can tell, Lockwood, but I’m trying to get away from you.”
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t drive you home after our first date?”
“You’re not a gentleman, and that wasn’t a date.”
Lockwood pressed a hand to his heart, feigning hurt. “Ouch, not a gentleman? Thank god my mother isn’t here to hear those words.”
You finally stopped walking and turned around to face him. “What do you want?”
“To.. drive you home?”
“No, Lockwood. What do you want? You tried to include me in your stupid conversation earlier, then paid for my breakfast, opened the door for me, and now you want to drive me home. What the fuck do you want?”
Lockwood stayed silent for a while, just staring into your eyes. “I was trying to be nice to you, is that too hard to believe?” 
He took notice of how you looked away from his eyes and tried to keep your hands busy by playing with the hem of your shirt. 
You cleared your throat before saying, “Fine, but if you fuck my car up, I swear to god, Lockwood..” 
2- I hate the way you drive my car.
The car was silent the entire first half of the ride. Sometimes you’d catch Lockwood staring at you from the corner of your eye, but you never looked back, deciding that looking through the car window was a better sight. 
“You don’t talk much unless it is to deliver a well-crafted insult, huh?” Lockwood said, trying to break the silence. It wasn’t awkward, it was just.. tense. 
“Do you want me to talk to you?” You answered, slightly surprised by the fact that Anthony Lockwood of all people, wanted to have a conversation with you. 
“And what do you want me to say? It’s not like I know a single thing about you.” 
“You can say whatever you want, I don’t mind. I’ll accept it whether it is you cursing my entire bloodline, or you saying you’re deeply attracted to me.” 
The car came to a stop, a red light illuminating Lockwood’s sharp features. You hated to admit it, but fuck, Anthony Lockwood was attractive. 
“Me? Deeply attracted to you? Holy shit, did you fall and hit your head as a baby?”
“You so are.”
“Am I that transparent? Because you’re right. Oh, Lockwood, I am so attracted to you and your stupid fucking personality. I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.”
“You have such a beautiful way with words, love.”
That was enough to get a small laugh out of you. Lockwood kept surprising you, he didn’t back down after an insult or two, and he actually seemed to enjoy being indulged in them. 
He turned his head to look at you as soon as he heard you laugh, a smile adorning his face. A feeling of pride (and maybe something more) swelled in his chest.
“I can’t believe I just made you laugh for the first time and we’ve been on a date for about three hours now. God, I’m making such a bad first impression.” 
“You still won’t let the idea of this being a date go?” 
“Nope. I enjoy being on a date with you. You’re a nice person to hang out with.”
The corners of your lips curled up into a small smile. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do, I would rather take you out on a million dates than spend 30 minutes with any other person,” Lockwood confessed, and he meant it.
“Like you could find a person who would willingly spend 30 minutes with you.”
“Oh, see? That, there. Who needs affection when I have blind hatred?”
The two of you spent the rest of your ride home talking, the tension slowly evaporating, leaving room for the back-and-forth quips that Lockwood and you kept throwing each other. 
Lockwood stopped the car when he heard you say, “Alright, this is my house.” You were about to open the door, but before you could even extend your arm he said a quick, “Wait!” and got out of the car, rounding it to open your door.
“Anything and everything for you.”
Just as you were about to answer, a flash and the sound of a camera clicking disrupted the moment you were having. 
“You’re fucking with me”, you muttered under your breath. Lockwood looked surprised too, he had completely forgotten about his plan. 
Take her out for a few days. Get photographed together. Gain more clients.
His heart sank at the reminder of the reality of this situation. He had been so busy having fun with you, that his mind decided to blur out the reason why he was hanging out with Fittes’ most hated agent. 
“Alright. I should, um, go.”
“Do you want me to walk you to your door? Or is the first date too soon to meet your parents?”
“Fuck you, Lockwood,” You said with a smile.
“It doesn’t really seem like you want to.”
He found himself smiling, too. 
3- I hate it when you stare.
“What a fun coincidence to find you here, love.”
You rolled your eyes at Lockwood’s annoying voice. “Yeah, it’s such a fun coincidence that you almost burned this house down and my team had to come help your incompetent agency.” 
“Third time’s a charm.”
“There’s no way in hell you’ve been the cause of more than two fires.” 
“If you let me take you out on another date, maybe I’ll tell you more about them.” You almost stabbed him with your rapier. “Shut up, people might hear.” That brought a bright smile to his face and an incredulous look to his eyes.
“Oh, so you want to keep our relationship a secret? Fine, I’ll take it. I love a forbidden romance.” He whispered, the smell of lavender and lemon engulfing you as he kneeled a bit to whisper in your ear. 
“Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway, I need to go check out the paperwork for the mess you made, can you keep an eye on my team?” You shyly asked, breaking the eye contact he was desperately trying to keep.
“You trust me with your team? I thought my agency was incompetent and I wasn’t good at anything.” 
“It’s just for a few minutes, don’t let this get to your head.” 
“Oh, it’s way over my head, love.” 
You showed him a very special finger, before walking away to talk to Barnes. You tried to remain professional and listen to what the inspector was saying, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of a pair of eyes looking at you. “Sorry for calling you again, you know how it gets whenever Lockwood and Co have a case,” Barnes said, breaking you out of the cage your mind had trapped you in. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s my pleasure to help.” You tried to muster up a small smile for the man, you liked Barnes, he never treated you differently, not even when the way you acted and decided to express yourself wasn’t the most appropriate. 
“And I think it's their pleasure to be helped.”
“I’m sorry?”
You turned around, following Barnes’ line of sight, only for your eyes to meet Lockwood’s. He gave you a small smile but didn’t look away, it was almost as if he longed for your eyes to make contact. You sent him a small frown, wordlessly asking him what was wrong, he just shrugged and waved at the two of you. 
“He is so weird.” You said, turning to face the inspector. “Tell me about it. Well, we are all done here. Have a nice night, and make sure to get home safely.” He answered, eager to get away from the group of agents surrounding him, and walking away. 
Lockwood didn’t miss a beat before making his way to you. “So, I’m thinking we make the second date happen over some tea at Portland Row?”
“Not happening.”
“I’m not one to make a woman feel uncomfortable when she says no, but may I ask why?
“I’d rather spend my time hanging out with ten type threes, than with the group of miscreants you call friends. No offense to Lucy and Holly, though. I quite like them. I was talking about Karim, tell that thing to stay away from my sister.” You answered, finally finding the guts to maintain eye contact while you spoke. 
“You know Lucy and Holly?” He decided to ignore your entire statement, now only focused on the fact that you knew his friends. Anxiety making its way through his body at the thought of Lucy telling you about his plan. 
“Yeah, and they told me some really interesting things about you. I never took you as the type of person to do that type of stuff.”
Lockwood’s heart almost gave out. “What did they say?”
“That you wear pink socks.”
He felt his heart start beating again. Lockwood thought he was about to die in front of you, he made a mental note to thank Lucy for being nice enough to not tell you about his schemes. He found the strength to give you a charming smile. 
“That surprised you? Lord, do you think I’m the type of guy to have a fragile masculinity? My mother raised me better than that.” 
“You mention your mother a lot, are you close with her?
They should give out awards for Feeling your heart stop two times in the span of 3 minutes because Lockwood was sure he would get one delivered to Portland Row’s doorstep by tomorrow morning. 
“I.. um, yeah.” 
Fuck. You made it awkward. You almost dropped down to your knees and begged him for forgiveness. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude into your personal life, it’s not my place to ask and assume shit about your family. I’m so fucking sorry, Lockwood.” The light in your eyes dimmed, the sight of it made Lockwood want to tell you all about his past. He wanted to go back to ten minutes ago when your eyes were shining and looking into his. He internally swore to never let the light leave them again.
“You’re good, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” He reassured you in a small voice, clearly not fine. 
“No, I will worry–” You couldn’t finish your sentence because, once again, the light of a camera flash illuminated Lockwood and you, blinding you both for a split moment. 
“Of course they’re here. Jesus Christ, do they not have lives? A family?” 
“Maybe they just like taking pictures of your beautiful face.”
The light came back to your dim eyes at his statement. “There he is.” You said, noticing how his gaze slipped from your eyes to your lips, before going back to the eye contact you had.
“What can I say? I can’t stop myself from complimenting you when you’re around.”
4-  I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
The streets of London were quiet while Lockwood took a small walk in the early morning. Lucy told him if he walked around the city for a few hours, he’d be able to break in the new pair of combat boots she got him as a present after he made it through 10 cases without almost dying.  
“It’s 8 am and you’re already up being pathetic. I should say I saw this coming, but I really didn’t. Holy shit.” A familiar voice snapped him out of the daze he was in. He was so busy going through a list in his head of all the things he had to do this week, that he didn’t notice you walking next to him. 
“How long have you been walking by my side?”
“Long enough to see you staring straight ahead and not noticing how incredibly pathetic you look. Your boots are hideous, by the way.” You answered, looking into his eyes and noticing how he smirked at your last remark.
“I don’t think Lucy will be happy about you calling her well-thought gift hideous.”
You let out a genuine laugh as soon as he said that. It was the type of laugh that bubbled up from your chest and had you throwing your head back. It made Lockwood feel as if all the morning clouds had disappeared and the sun shone only on the two of you. Sure, you had laughed at Lucy’s gift, but the sound was enough to let the sun shine its warm rays through Lockwood’s heart. An infinite sunbathe.
“Oh, so you find this funny? Hurting my best friend’s feelings?” He asked in a teasing tone, squinting slightly at you.
“So.. I take it she didn’t tell you?” You asked, a small giggle escaping your lips and going straight through Lockwood’s heart. 
“Tell me what?”
“That our plan was to get you the most ugly, repulsive looking, and incredibly stupid boots that we could find? I wasted my money on that, you’re welcome or whatever.” 
He should’ve been offended. Offended at how Lucy wanted him to humiliate himself by walking through the streets of London with a pair of bright neon green combat boots. Offended that she had asked for your help to choose the ugliest pair she could find. But he was too busy fighting the urge to press his lips against yours and to run his slender fingers through your hair. 
Did you not notice how you always bit your lip after laughing because you thought that would stop you from falling into another fit of laughter? 
“Yeah, yeah, you two are so funny,” He rolled his eyes with a smile. “Thank you, love.” He was about to nudge you with his shoulder, but as soon as he turned to look at you, he noticed you weren’t next to him anymore.
His heart stopped for a second until he finally looked back and caught you staring at two women through a café window, clearly on a date. One of them gave the other a bouquet of different types of flowers and brushed back a strand of her girlfriend’s bright red hair. That brought a smile to your face. 
“Hey, you okay?” He whispered as soon as he stood next to you, noticing the sad smile on your face. 
“Oh, yeah. I was just..” 
You didn’t have to say a word for him to be aware of what you wanted to mention. The look in your eyes, and the small smile on your face.. this was the look you always got whenever you saw your sister with George. 
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Lockwood reassured you. Not wanting to scare you off after seeing the look on your face and the small voice you used to answer. 
“Do you think I’m holding my sister back?” You asked, turning around to look into his eyes, your hands trembling a bit.
He didn’t miss a beat before taking hold of your hand and lacing your fingers together, giving your gentle hand two squeezes. “I think.. you care a lot about her, and that’s completely fine. But it is not your job to dictate what she can or can not do. It’s okay to let her have her freedom and life, just like you deserve to have yours.” 
You took a deep breath before pulling Lockwood into a hug, your arms surrounding his neck. Lockwood was startled for a second but didn’t have to think about it twice before wrapping his arms around your waist, letting you take the lead in this display of affection. 
“I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know, but.. um”
“You don’t have to say anything, come on,” He said, breaking the hug and taking your hand into his, pulling you forward to continue the walk you were on.
5- I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.
Lockwood looked down at your intertwined hands, thinking of things to say to get the fog of sadness blinding you out of the way. “So you’re a hopeless romantic, huh?
“What the fuck?”
Alright, so maybe this wasn’t his greatest icebreaker ever, but at least it was something. He chose to continue. 
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you always stare at every couple we walk past. It’s kind of adorable. Fittes’ heinous bitch being a hopeless romantic? Sign me the hell up.”
“You’re sick in the head, Anthony Lockwood.”
“I didn’t think of you as a hopeless romantic, like.. at all. But I assume this means you’re the type of person who wants flowers and love letters delivered to her doorstep. Right?”
“Sure, love. I’ll keep this in mind for future references.”
Lockwood made sure to walk you back to Fittes’ building after spending the rest of his morning with you, choosing to take the weird looks his boots got with pride and a bright smile. Whenever someone stopped him in the street he’d answer with a happy “my best friend and this beautiful lady next to me gave them to me as a gift”. 
You spent the rest of your day going back and forth through Fittes’ small yet numerous offices, talking to different people about your previous and next cases. Sometimes you’d stop to take a breather outside a door, but quickly remembered the importance of your role as a team leader, and snapped out of your seemingly neverending exhaustion. 
“Am I dreaming or is that my best friend in the whole world?” You turned your head to the right to find Bobby Vernon smirking at you, a dry chuckle leaving his lips.
“Fuck off, Vernon.”
“Woah, no need to get all pissy, love.” You clenched your shaking fists, trying to keep your anger in. You may have a short temper, but you would never let someone like him get the satisfaction of making you angry, or at least of noticing the effect his words have on you. 
The thought of someone other than Lockwood calling you by that pet name made you want to burst into tears. How dare they see you as someone who’s weak? After everything you’ve done and fought for to get the role you have as an agent? 
“I don’t have the time for your bullshit, so just spit it out and let me go home.” You said with an eye roll.
“Your sister wanted me to tell you that you got mail. Well, it’s more like a gift, I guess. I assume it’s from your parents because I can’t think of a single human being who genuinely likes you.” 
You knew better than to take his words to heart, but the venom he said them with stung. You knew you were unlikeable, probably even unloveable at this point, but he didn’t have any right to say those words to your face. It made you feel disgusting, you had to fight back the urge to throw up.
“Yeah, alright. Have a good day, Vernon.” You replied as you walked past him and out into the street, calling for a cab to take you home.
The ride back home was silent, and it surprisingly made you miss Lockwood. It made you miss his stupid jokes, his ugly haircut, and his reckless way of driving your car. You were sure the poor guy didn’t know what a stop sign meant. 
As soon as the cab driver got you home, you made sure to pay him and wish him a safe drive, after all, the curfew was 15 minutes away from starting. A sigh escaped your lips after opening your door and heading into your room. The day had left you completely worn out, and Bobby’s words didn’t help at all with the shit day you were having.
You quickly got changed and were about to head to bed when you noticed a package sitting in the corner of your room. A frown made its way to your face when your eyes caught the unfamiliar handwriting with your name on the box, curiosity taking the best of you as you opened the package with a delicate touch.
A gasp left your lips when you opened it and found the same bouquet of colorful flowers you saw the woman give to her partner at the café. A white envelope sat next to them.
With a small smile and shaking hands, you opened it and were greeted with Lockwood’s handwriting.
Hey, my love. 
I’ll be really honest and say that my mind is completely blank as I write this, but I just wanted to let you know that right after I dropped you off, I went to Arif’s with George and heard a love song playing — I couldn’t help but think of your hopeless romantic self as soon as I heard these lyrics: You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you. 
Jesus, I know you’re having a field day reading this. Me? Embarrassing myself and sending you a bouquet and a love letter? You’re right, I must be extremely sick in the head.
Anyway, I hope you have a good day. You deserve it.
With lots of love,
(PS: You don’t have to say it back! But I thought it felt right to say it since we’re kind of besties now.) 
The tears you spent the entire day holding back decided to come out right after you finished reading the letter. Sobs escaped your lips as you sat down in your bed, the flowers and letter still in your hand. A strange feeling bubbled up inside you, you didn’t quite know what it meant, but decided to guess it was that disgusting sickening feeling Bobby left you with. 
When you laid in bed and tried to go to sleep, you took notice of how different the feeling you were having right now was from the one you got with Bobby Vernon. Sure, this one made you want to throw up, too. But it also made you want to stare into Lockwood’s eyes again and to feel his arms wrapped around your waist for a few more seconds. You drifted to sleep with a craving of feeling Lockwood’s hand intertwined with yours for the rest of your life.  
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jc-writes-bullshit · 3 months
@ elon musk why can’t you do something that’s actually useful to society like giving Netflix a big chunk of money to renew Lockwood and Co.???
235 notes · View notes
criesinliess · 6 months
━MARCH 2024; susan's recs
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flatline @indecisivemuch
one year with luke castellan – august 14 with clarisse la rue @tangledinlove
mind over matter. @woodlandwrites
now or never @peachtarto
i’m an idiot @alipal97
a very common crisis @jab-we-drank-chai
you’re beautiful @ilycosy
parent trap @sayoneee
lighting the fuse might result in a bang @love-that-we-were-in
THE KILLERVERSE @tangledinlove — guys once again, go and read it!!!
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be quiet for me @itsoutrageouss
can’t fucking sleep without you @↑
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i love you so @aislinrayne
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confident @itstopplingdomino
nightly terrors @crvptidgf
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(not) my girl @obaex
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first love/late spring @forever--darling
photographer @eymie
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what’s wrong with being confident @munsonluhvr
you're gonna make me fall in love with you @dual1pa
romance is dead, isn’t it? @megxplryxb
season two of "come home" @stevie-petey — go and read it if you still didn’t
call it what you want @harringtonstilinski
snow storm @eddiemunsonw
bright eyes; part2 @caxde
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hotter than texas; part2 @tongue-like-a-razor
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truce; distracted @crvptidgf
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(not so) simple; part2 @atlabeth
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lewkwoodnco · 3 months
late nights - lockwood x reader
you fall asleep while waiting for Lockwood to return from a case
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“Don’t you -“ he poorly stifled a yawn, drawing her even closer as he murmured into her hair. “Don’t you have to be up early tomorrow?”
“I don’t know. I’d have to ask my boss.”
“Your boss says yes because your 10 am client meeting is at the other end of town.”
Damn. “What about my boyfriend?”
“Your boyfriend says yes too. I’ve had enough of you yawning through my pick-up lines at the breakfast table. Now go to sleep.”
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a/n: I knowww the title leaves much to be desired but we’ve already established i suck at titles circa the Falling For You fic so u have to be nice to me 🥹🥹 oddly enough rereading the mediator series spurred me to write this piece even tho it has nothing to do with the series?? anyways enjoy some low stakes fluff 💕💕 can u tell I’m a physical touch girlie lmao
tropes/warnings: fluff, physical touch, established relationship, late-night snuggles, need I say more,
word count: 827!
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In her groggy, half-awake state, she felt a dip in the mattress next to her. Instinctively, the arm resting on her pillow straightened and struck upwards, eliciting a mournful groan from the shadowy figure bent next to her. She propped herself up on her elbows, blinking away the last remnants of sleep in her gritty eyes.
“…Lockwood? Is that you?” she croaked out, voice rough with disuse. A cold finger tenderly curled an askew lock of hair out of her face, knuckles briefly grazing her cheek. The familiar, sharp scent of anti-bacterial soap soothed her as she relaxed into his touch. All too soon, the hand withdrew and the dip in the mattress disappeared, followed by the sounds of Lockwood haphazardly pulling off his remaining equipment. 
“Go back to sleep.”
She blinked blearily, casting her eyes around the room until they rested on the digital alarm clock on the nightstand. “You’re late.”
“Sorry, darling. I should have mentioned to the Raw Bones that I had a curfew.”
No funny quip, no breezy remark. His dry tone was evident, and now she could hear his frustration in the way he was yanking at his shoelaces and throwing his trainers across the room. It felt awful to see someone as good-tempered as him be in such bad of a mood. She winced for his benefit, barely visible in the inky darkness cloaking the room. “That bad?”
He sighed in response, the dip in the mattress returning as he wearily slotted himself against her, slipping his arm below her neck. “I’m just glad it’s over.” Still, the cleft between his eyebrows hadn’t disappeared, and she idly wondered what might have happened that he was too exhausted to tell her. One of these days she was going to pin him down and force out every thought or feeling in his head.
She should have guessed the case wasn’t going great when the clock struck midnight and there was still no sign of George or Lockwood. Still, the lines at the furnaces could get quite long during peak periods, and she had no substantial reason to think things weren’t going fine. 
So instead of spiralling hopelessly, as she was very much in the mood to do, she slipped on one of Lockwood’s T-shirts that he had left lying around and decided to wait in his bed. Just for a while, before trudging over to her room down the hall. Of course, the T-shirt was so soft, deceptively warm and smelled just like him - like fresh pine trees - that she was out like a light.
She never made it down the hall. Or out of his bed, for that matter.
Now, she clumsily reached out and felt for Lockwood’s face, softly running her fingertips over what she was mostly sure was the site of injury. His lidded eyes fluttered shut as he hummed approvingly. “I’m sorry. I thought you were a Visitor.”
She slipped her fingers up into his hair, his lips parting as she massaged soothing circles into his scalp. “Y/N, if your best defence against a Visitor is to drive a fist through it, I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on you.”
If his response was any indication, his mood seemed to be on the mend. The stiffness in her limbs dissolved as she tentatively pressed her lips to his temple. “There. All better.”
He opened his eyes and she was finally able to get a good look at him. A scrape along his cheekbone, and a bruise starting to form under an eye, but his spirit seemed unscathed. The only problem with seeing him up close was that he got to see her too. He cupped her face and swiped a thumb under her drooping eyes. “I told you not to wait up.”
“I didn’t,” she lied. Lockwood didn’t look much convinced. But he was also too tired to argue, so he curled an arm around her waist, pulling her back to his chest, draping his limbs over hers.
“Don’t you -“ he poorly stifled a yawn, drawing her even closer as he murmured into her hair. “Don’t you have to be up early tomorrow?”
“I don’t know. I’d have to ask my boss.”
“Your boss says yes because your 10 am client meeting is at the other end of town.”
Damn. “What about my boyfriend?”
“Your boyfriend says yes too. I’ve had enough of you yawning through my pick-up lines at the breakfast table. Now go to sleep.”
She acquiesced, but only because her eyelids were beginning to feel too heavy. “I’m trying, but I’ve got this annoying whispering in my ear.”
She could practically hear him roll his eyes. He would have if he weren’t so exhausted. “Good night.”
They quieted, and for thirty seconds it was downright serene. That is, until the fingertips lightly tracing her ribs started fiddling with the label on the inside of her shirt.
“Is this shirt…mine?”
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TAGLIST: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @cielooci @midnight--raine @mohinithoughts @neewtmas @snoopyluver20 @ahead-fullofdreams @elenianag080 @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @mitskiswift99 @how-to-stuff-and-things
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