#Anti aging
laughableillusions · 8 months
These TikTok anti aging bitches would love her
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reality-detective · 7 months
Anti-aging Hack - Barbara O'Neill 🤔
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marysbrighteststar · 10 months
the anti-aging industry is disgusting. we will inevitably age, you don’t have to inject your face with botox and drink from specialized straws when you can just face reality.
aging is beautiful. God created us this way, and we should allow ourselves to feel life to its full extent instead of fearing our beauty being lessened.
when your worth is placed on character instead of outer-appearance, you will glow with happiness, and that’s what truly makes someone gorgeous forever.
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realprofconan · 3 months
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saint-lidwina · 10 days
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crazycatsiren · 2 months
Kids who think you can hurt our feelings with "you are old" or "you look (this many years) old", boy do I got news for you.
We all get old. Humans are bio-organisms. We age, we grow old, we die. It literally happens to every single one of us. It will happen to you. It is happening to you as we speak.
The sooner you get over the capitalism brainrot of being old is an insult, the easier a time you will have when your turn inevitably comes.
Because guess what? The alternative to aging is dead.
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witchybitchypeachy · 1 year
Skincare tips
sleep as much as you possibly can
avoid touching your face, clean your phone regularly, change towels and pillowcases regularly.
find a gentle cleanser that does not disrupt the skin barrier
Dr Dennis Gross peel pads are the holy grail! they will transform your skin
Effaclar Duo with Spf by La Roche Posay : unclogs, gets rid of impurities and helps with sun protection.
SPF every 2 hours, tinted SPF is better at preventing hyperpigmentation since it has higher coverage.
Biafine after Cosmetic procedures or Lasers or sunburns, it will calm the skin down in a day and prevent a sensitive reaction. reapply every 3 hours if possible.
eat a healthy diet
Wear sunglasses outside always
organic skin care products are a scam
eat Sardines, they are the best source of Vitamin A there is, I know it may be gross but it will give you glossy skin.
Drink 2 litres of water a day
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tiredangrydyke · 19 days
When you were a child, did you look at the wrinkles on your grandmothers face with disgust or did you gaze in wonder at how many lives she had lived and how many stories she had to tell?
There is a little girl inside you, who still wants to grow up, and be able to do “big kid stuff” she wants to ride her bike on the main road, stay up till 10 and eat as many sweets as she wants. She doesn’t want to tape her face down every night, avoid sunlight and sleep early so you don’t get eye bags.
Imagine talking to your grandchildren, and not being able to tell them you went on holidays to foreign countries and swam in the sea and sunbathed on boats, imagine not being able to say you went sneaking out to meet your partner/friends, imagine not being able to say confidently on your death bed, I am happy with how I lived my life.
But it’s worth it right? Because right in this moment, as you scroll on your phone in your bedroom, doing nothing.
You look young and a man has a bit more money.
No matter what you do, you will age.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Fuck "anti-aging" I'm pro aging
And not "age like a fine wine" bullshit
No! I want to age like a person!
I want to collect wrinkles like they are Pokémon!
I want my face to get so wrinkly you'll have to iron my face to find out my eye colour!
When I'm 90 I don't want people to see me and think "they aged gracefully!
I want people to see my small wrinkly form and let it fool them into letting me get away with little old man crimes!
I want to look like I can lay a curse on your household and have stolen all the jam packets from the cafe!
I want to age into a wrinkly menace to society!
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marshh-com · 3 months
“how to prevent smile lines: step 1 stop smiling” “how i got rid of my eyebrow crease!” “new anti-aging skin cream, only $40.00 a container!” “my 10 step skin care routine - it only takes an hour”
how about you age ungracefully? how about you smile so wide and unashamedly that you form smile lines so deep theyre the first thing people notice about you? how about you furrow your brow when confused and the skin between them pinches because it’s skin. how about you get older and see wrinkles as milestones for how much life you’ve managed to live? how about you forget to do your ten step skincare routine once and a while because it costs too much and you’re busy living? how about you gain weight and lose weight and gain strength and lose strength and no matter what decide that the body is something to worship for its rolls and bumps and textures? how about you form stretch marks like roadmaps? how about you stop trying to become a product and instead be a human?
stop looking at aging as some horrid grotesque transformation into becoming undesirable and gross, but instead as something so unbelievably beautiful and incredible! so few people get to experience old age! so experience it! just something that’s been on my mind.
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mrissineko · 1 year
Never underestimate the power of self care and self love. It might sound like a trivial slogan, but it’s the old truth.
•Find time for things you love
•Stop eating junk and processed foods
•Have a regular sleeping schedule and try to have 7.5-9 hours of sleep every day (individual needs for sleep vary from person to person)
•Think about things that make you proud of yourself and don’t torment yourself with stuff you cannot change.
•No matter how much you love your family- find a bit of time just for yourself - they’ll appreciate you more if you’re mentally rested and in a good mood
•Decompress after work- don’t jump into chores the moment you come back home- give yourself 15-20 minutes to rest
•Drink 2.5-3 litres of water a day. If you drink a glass of water every hour for 12 hours of your day it will nicely add up without you peeing like crazy;)
•Use broad spectrum sunscreen no matter what the weather is like and even during winter to keep youthful look and prevent age/liver/sun spots
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
A LOOK BACK at Nozue & Togawa
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A phenomenal series (way to short) from Japan. And with adults out of their teens and 20's
Togawa (KIMURA TATSUNARI) is tall, well built, smart and attractive and almost 30. He meets his soul mate in his almost 40 year old boss.
That boss is Nozue (TAKEDA KOUHEI) who is stuck in a rut, his life has become ordinary and scheduled. The same thing everyday.
Until Togawa sets Nozue on a different path an anti aging path beginning at a pancake Hotspot frequented by attractive young women.
Togawa has fallen completely for his boss and a confession filled with a seduction followed by tears as Togawa spills out his heart to Nozue.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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bonesinkteeth · 1 year
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I officially have wrinkles and it’s making me loose my mind! It’s like the second you are older than 20 as a woman you are geriatric
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kpop-bbg · 6 months
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aobkorea · 21 days
I [email protected] famous Korean blemish care trio, and I found that the 3 products work together to give me a comfortable and beautiful skin
+ shaishaishai Caffeine Shot Blemish Toning Serum
Caffeine Shot 5% + Niacinamide 10%
Improves pigmentation & pores
** shaishaishai Enjoy The Sun UV Protection Cream
Antioxidant formula
Moisturizing, lotion-like feel
+ shaishaishai Banana Conceal Eye Cream
Cover dark circles naturally can be used for no-foundation
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beatrice-rappacini · 10 months
I enjoy putting on makeup every morning.
I keep a skincare routine.
But I don’t let them take over my life.
I shouldn’t have to put on sunscreen in the dead of winter on Sadness Island, when the sun rises so late and sets so early that I get dressed in the dark, then walk home in the dark, just in case a single ray of light touches my skin and makes me look a single day older.
I shouldn’t have to buy retinol serum or a second concealer or skin laser or a silk pillowcase in the hope that if I throw enough money away on the right crap, I will become an unaging supermodel.
And when I grow old enough to consent to plastic surgery, I shouldn’t have to get injections and tucks and fillers that, just two decades ago, were considered only for the over-fifties or the excessively vain.
I shouldn’t have to live in fear of being anything other than perfect.
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