#Anxiety tw
blairwaldcrf · 3 months
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cametotheshowinsd · 2 years
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I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror; ANTI-HERO (2022) by Taylor Swift
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 10 months
The Grand A-Z List of Whump 1/3
This list contains ~290 items listed A to H
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing as it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This list's intention is not to glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This part one-of-three comprehensive lists of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[I-Q] [R-Z] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
"I don't need your help."
"I'm doing this to make you better"
"I'm fine, take care of them!"
“I’m Fine”
"Kill me instead"
"Let me in."
"Look at me."
"Should I know you?"
"Take me instead."
(No) Anaesthetic
A Good Ol' Sickfic
Abdominal Pain
Aching Wounds
Adrenaline Crash
Adrift (in space/at sea)
Alien abduction
Ambulance Ride
Amnesia/memory loss
Angina (Heart condition that causes pain)
Animal Attack/Bite
Ankle Sprain
Anxiety/Anxiety attack(s)
Asking for help
Assumed Dead
Asthma/Asthma Attack
Autoimmune disease
Bad Caretakers
Bandaged Head
Barbed Wire
Bear trap
Beaten up by ex-friends
Beaten with blunt object (i.e, bat or pipe)
Bedside Vigil/Hospital Vigil
Betrayed by close friend/team/family
Bites (Animal, Bug, Human….)
Black Eye
Bleeding Out
Bleeding Through
Blindness (this could be temporary or permanent)
Blood Loss
Blood Poisoning
Bloodied Knuckles
Bloodstains/blood trail
Bloody handprints
Bloody nose
Blunt force trauma
Blurred vision
Body modification
Body Sharing
Body Switching
Bounty on their head
Brain Damage
Bridal Carry
Broken Bones (Ribs, Arm, Leg)
Broken Nose
Broken Promises
Building Collapse
Bullet Removal
Bumpy roads jarring injuries
Buried Alive
Burning Building
Busted kneecap
Capgras syndrome/delusion (belief that someone close to/important to the person has been replaced by an imposter)
Car chases (and maybe a car crash)
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cardiac Arrest
Caretaker has to “play nice” with whumper.
Caretaker has to hurt whumpee while undercover.
Caretaker sacrificing something dear to them to get something the whumpee needs.
Caretaker turned Whumpee
Caretaker-whumper who's a parental whumper. But their "love" is not real love. Or even right treatment.
Caught in a fire
Caught in an explosion
Cave In
Celebrity whump (exploitation in the music/movie industries…)
Chaffing from ropes/handcuffs/shackles
Checking for injuries
CHF - congestive heart failure
Chicken Pox
Chronic pain
Cleaning wounds alone
Collapsed Lung
Collapsing (into someone’s arms is usually nice, bonus points for cradling their head as they lower the whumpee to the floor)
Collapsing after they win
Collapsing/Fainting/Passing Out
Comfort after a nightmare
Common cold
Completely betrayed by their own team
Constricted Airways
COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease makes breathing increasingly more difficult.
Corporal Punishment
Corset too tight and won’t unbutton
Coughing Up Blood
Crikes (intubation through neck)
Crush injury
Cuddle pile
Cutting off hair (more of an emotional hurt)
Cyanide poisoning
Damaged Larynx/Vocal Cords
Deathbed Confessions (don’t have to actually die and stay dead, just the threat of dying)
Defenestration (throwing out a window)
Deja Vu
Delirium (bonus points for this being drug/ fever induced)
Deluded whumper/thinking they’re helping the whumpee
Dengue Fever
Diabetes (type 1 and 2)
Diseases ('mystery' diseases are the best kind)
Disowned by Family
Displaced hip
Distress call
Dragged Away
Dream sequence
Driving to the hospital with a whumpee slumped barely-conscious in the seat of the car
Ear Infection
Edema (swelling from build up of fluid)
Electrical Burns
Electrical shock
Emergency field surgery
Emergency Surgery
Emotional angst
Emotional manipulation
Enemy to Caretaker
Energy Drain
Environmental whump
Exes reunited with one wanting a relationship and the other just wanting friendship.
Extreme Weather
Eye injury
Facing Phobias
Failed Escape
Failure to thrive
Fainting (but also fainting aftermath) / Fainting due to lack of sleep, food, or overworking fainting from exhaustion
Falling for Caretaker/Whumpee/Whumper
Falling Through Ice
Fibromyalgia (Chronic Pain)
Field medicine
Fighting (while injured)
Financial difficulty faced + how whumper might take advantage of that + how caretaker handles everything (well/badly)
Finding your loved one dead without explanation but thinking they’re still alive.
Fireman's carry
Flare ups
Flinching away
Food Poisoning
Forced to... (Break out, Choose, Hurt, Kneel, Scream, Watch)
Forehead kisses
Forgotten by team
Foul-tasting medicine
Found family
Found unconscious
Fracture (Arm, Hyoid bone etc)
Freezing / cold whump
Friendly Fire
Gangrene infection
Gas (noxious, poisonous etc)
Glass (shards, debris etc)
Gunshot Wound
Hair Pulling/Cutting/Matting/Stroking
Hard ground
Hay Fever
Head injuries/concussion
Head trauma
Heart Palpitations
Heat Exhaustion
Heavy metal poisoning
Held at gunpoint/knifepoint/weapon point
Hematohidrosis (Sweating blood)
Hemophilia/Hematophilia (Blood unable to clot)
Hidden Illness/Injury/Scar/Medical Issues
High Blood Pressure
High Fever (like dangerously high)
High Pain Tolerence
Hit by a car
Home Sickness
Hospital Codes
Hostage Situation
House burnt down
Huddling for Warmth
Human Shield
Human Weapon
Hunted for Sport
Hurt no comfort
Hypotension/ Hypertension
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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mysharona1987 · 1 month
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destinygoldenstar · 7 months
What Separates Digital Circus’s Horror From Others
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On the surface to the… five people that never watched The Amazing Digital Circus Pilot, this show looks like a Five Nights At Freddy’s knock off.
It’s a cute mascot show that is actually secretly a horror monster infested world.
Even people who haven’t seen FNAF at least seen a few clips of it and what it’s famous for. I know I have.
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My sister is super into this, and she hogs the TV, so… RIP me.
That’s what most non-horror stans usually view horror as.
The jumpscares.
The unnerving imagery.
The designs made to freak out the viewers and make them uncomfortable.
It’s usually quite obvious when something is a horror, cause these aspects are often front and center. You can usually tell it’s a trailer of a horror movie by just looking at it.
At least, from my, a non-horror lover’s understanding. For some reason these sorts of things, especially indie animated ones, are the faces of a lot of content farms.
If the product itself isn’t r@%ing your audience, it’s those.
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Digital Circus… doesn’t really have this stuff.
There’s no jumpscares.
(I mean there is in a trailer, but it’s used as a joke.)
The character designs are very cute looking without any alternate versions that are scary.
And the imagery of the show remains cute and fun all throughout. The darkest it gets is in a realistic looking office.
But there are no jumpscares in that scene.
It’s just… a normal office.
If this was a horror, then perfect opportunity, right?
So… what’s going on here?
This, my friends, is why Digital Circus is not your typical indie animated horror flick.
And why people even call it ‘scary’ at all.
Here’s the trick this show uses.
It’s not the imagery.
It’s not the designs.
It’s not even intentionally trying to scare you.
Caine is not intentionally trying to scare the audience. He’s just acting like an A.I.
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Yeah he has SOME unnerving moments.
But compared to THIS:
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I’d say Caine is pretty tame.
Maybe it’s an indicator that he’s secretly a monster like the Other Mother in Coraline.
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That horror flick is about the host lying to the protagonist and revealing their horror-like appearance later on.
But not only was it confirmed that Caine is NOT evil. But look at his design right away and his presentation.
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There is no sign so far that he lies about anything. At least not what he doesn’t know.
Yes he lied about the exit. But the exit ITSELF was the thing that sent you to the VOID. So really he kinda tried to protect them.
If he didn’t, he’d let jester girl eject herself like Among Us.
So why is it unnerving?
Because it’s the POV we the audience are in for most of the episode: Pomni.
Pomni is an Audience Surrogate.
Audience Surrogates are characters designed specifically to be a placeholder for the audience.
People usually assume this trope as the character made to be the bland and generic one. But that’s actually not true.
An audience surrogate can be as simple as a First Person POV. As all it means is that the character is designed to have the same reactions the audience would in the situation they would find themselves in.
Course, not speaking for everybody, but majority that would consume the content.
Thus, with Pomni as the audience surrogate, we the audience are thrusted into her shoes the whole time. We feel the fear she does. We are experiencing the circus the same time she does.
Notice the editing in some scenes. Specifically the scenes Pomni is NOT in.
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When Pomni is in a scene, there’s usually some change in lighting or camera movement that’s unnerving.
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But when she isn’t in a scene, these editing moves aren’t there at all.
Which makes it pretty easy to suggest that these unnerving edits are just what’s going on in Pomni’s head.
So with that, when she’s scared. We’re scared. We’re in her POV.
But she’s scared all the time. That’s just her average personality, right?
Then why make these specific edits?
Let’s think about this:
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This character is trapped in a world that isn’t her own. Everything is unusual, and she wants out. But instantly realizes there’s no escape.
And then gets told this is her new home and her new body.
A home she doesn’t recognize. And a body she doesn’t even know the name of.
She lost all sense of identity in an instant. Losing everything about herself in an instant. To the point where she can’t even remember what she was before.
And to make matters worse, because this is unusual, everything SEEMS terrifying. Even to those trying to help her adjust.
The only way out of such a confusing and terrifying world is to escape. Which is what she tries to find the entire time.
The horror is this show is NOT the jumpscares or the creepy images.
The horror is THE VIEWER’S MIND.
This show constantly destroys your mind and breaks you through Pomni.
The idea of losing everything about yourself and being trapped in something unfamiliar forever. That IS terrifying.
If you were in this situation, you’d probably freak out even if you were the bravest being ever.
So it’s not about how scary the scene is on the outside.
It’s about what you’re THINKING that’s scary.
Ragatha’s distress monologue is not scary on the outside. But if you actually take into consideration what she says.
THATS terrifying.
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That toys with your mind. And it also toys with Pomni’s.
The monster figure in the episode, the abstraction, is nowhere near as scary as something from FNAF
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At least in my opinion.
Especially seeing what the monster does.
It can’t kill you. You’re just glitched.
Or maybe it CAN kill. But we never see that.
Even if Pomni ended up like Ragatha, Caine would’ve eventually came back, found them, and fixed them. And they would’ve been fine.
But then, rather out of nowhere, she STOPS.
And we get this shot.
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I talked about this shot before. Said it quickly became one of my favorite shots in media.
This is why.
This shot makes me queasy every time.
The idea of looking in a mirror and not even being able to process or recognize yourself. Unable to even process your own reflection, that’s how unrecognizable you’ve become.
That’s horrifying.
And there’s no dialogue here either.
The episode effectively uses SHOW DONT TELL.
They SHOW you how scary the situation is. They SHOW you a single image that tells you everything.
It would’ve been so easy to just have Pomni say “I’m scared. I don’t recognize myself. Who is this person looking back at me?”
But no
They DON’T insult their audience.
They don’t TELL you.
They let you sink it in yourself.
Pomni doesn’t even have ANY lines after she goes through the exit door. And yet the shots after that with her have been plastered everywhere. Why? Cause she doesn’t need to tell you her mental state. You’re SHOWN it.
Can someone PLEASE tell the live action Avatar The Last Airbender that?!
Speaking of the office scene. This is the only moment in the show that looks… real. Not that cartoony.
Which I guess being in a setting that’s off putting from the rest makes it creepy, right?
Well not really.
Sure she’s running through rooms that seem to be repeating, which that of itself is sanity breaking. It reminds me a lot of another existential horror: The Stanley Parable.
But while that game is excellent and the monologue that plays in that ending is one of my favorites, it IS just telling you the sanity of the player.
Not that there’s anything wrong with this in that games style. There’s no other way that could’ve been done in that game.
Here, again, there’s no dialogue. It’s just Pomni running through these desperate for the exit.
The scary part about this is that we KNOW the absolute DESPERATION she has.
Even if we couldn’t see her face, that’s still across because we’ve seen it the entire episode.
And then there’s her break.
She snaps at the sight of a desk, and gets fangs, that of a FNAF character. But only for a second. She doesn’t even go out at the camera with them. She goes on her merry way.
But Pomni, being the POV character, really doesn’t have much to be scared at about her.
So why is this terrifying? Why not go all the way if this is supposed to be a jumpscare?
Well cause it’s not.
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A way to scare your audience is to make them feel dread. Lingering longing dread. Sometimes irrational dread.
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People with anxiety especially get scared at things even when they’re completely safe. They feel an unease in their stomachs. They feel unable to move. Unable to speak. Unable to put it into words at all.
It could be because we saw something unnerving that stays in our subconscious. It could be because we’re nervous about something coming up. It could be because we’re in an uncomfortable situation.
Either way, anything even remotely resembling that triggering thing can break someone to feel this anxiety. Sometimes even something as simple as the dark. Even if we know we’re completely safe.
(Speaking as a person with anxiety myself)
She only snaps and cackles when she sees a random desk with a computer. Which also has the headset she put on there. The thing that got her in this.
But you might not have even seen the headset on your first viewing. I didn’t.
But your subconscious sees it. The environment not being like the others aids in unnerving you and making it hard to process what you’re looking at.
Why is this terrifying? Why does it break you? Why does it mentally break Pomni? We don’t know. It just does.
We’ve been stuck going through doors in repeating rooms for hours.
Fear makes you not able to overthink it.
So all of that is build up to the near perfect shot of Pomni at the brink of snapping at the dinner table. With the others voices blurred in her mind. As all she can do is fake a smile.
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Terrifying End.
It’s not scary because it’s scary. It’s scary because it toys with the character, and the viewer’s mind
Now, is Digital Circus the first media to do this technique?
No. Not at all.
One of the most acclaimed animated movies, Spirited Away, also uses these exact same tactics for example.
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That’s obviously a master class at this tactic. And it scared me as a child as a result. For all these exact same reasons.
It’s not a horror. Not traditionally. It’s not trying to scare you. But it does anyway cause in your mind it’s a scary concept.
And also, well, Spirited Away is a completed story as of the time this post comes out.
And Digital Circus only has one episode. But we did get confirmation this would be a series. And I personally have high hopes that this brilliant tactic is kept. From the trailer, it does seem like they’re not forgetting the stuff I bring up here. So I hope this works out for the creators despite the drama and the internet BS surrounding this show.
But even if not, we at least get one case in this show where we all want to curl up in a ball and cry
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Us too Pomni. Us too.
Thank you for reading my… analysis a ton of people made before me, and probably better. Happy day for you all.
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ceiwiart2 · 7 months
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Panic - A Steven Universe Fan Comic
First - Last - Next
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barbiekens · 2 years
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I’m just having a little anxiety.
Wolf Pack | 1.04 - “Fear and Pain”
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wejustvibing · 11 months
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day ruined
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onlyhams · 7 months
unfortunately I suspect that the one sure fire way to make one’s health anxiety prophecies come true is to not get something checked out 💕
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thelatekuijames · 2 months
open starter (capped! please don't reply but feel free to dm me for headcanons!)
when: sunday, day 1 of field days
where: a clearing in echo acres or some private corner of a field/the town green, whatever works best!
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Team building was all well and good, in an abstract sort of way, but Kui swiftly realized if they were going to be any use to their Court whatsoever during these challenges, it would be necessary to temper their involvement, back out sometimes just for the sake of remaining functional. They wished this realization had come a little bit softer, a little less intrusively, prior to spacing out at the archery range. Residual prickles of shame still raced up and down their spine, wrecking havoc on their breathing. It was more restful away from the chaos, and they set to weaving flower crowns to soothe their rattled nerves. Some unknowable stretch of time later, Kui started out of their reverie as another citizen joined them. "Oh, sorry," they apologized, removing their headphones. "Did you want...?" They held out a wreath of multilayered daisies and dandelions. "You know, for the, ah... team spirit? I've got a bunch, if you want a different color."
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hiddencitywaters · 3 months
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It would seem that his day had only gotten worse. He had woken with an ear splitting headache sprawled at an undignified angle. He'd worried something was amiss, but it seemed just an odd land that he hadn't seen before. With lots of sounds. Lots of chaos. And lots of newness. That list could be good or bad. And maybe walking aimlessly would not help. But the sound of something falling had him bending into action and sweeping his cape with him. "Here, let me help you."
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
The other day I had an anxiety dream were I was just sitting in front of my laptop for like an hour trying to write an email about why I couldn't make it to driver's education.
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sinfulauthorwrites · 10 months
Dream Machine - A Mettaton x Reader Fic
As you lie awake in bed, only able to focus on your worries, your boyfriend Mettaton offers encouragement and help.
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So, not so fun fact: while I had this idea rattling around my head for a while, I only got down to writing it while I was in the psych ward 🙃 Though, writing fic by hand in a journal without autocorrect or Grammarly made me feel like one of the OG Star Trek slash shippers in the 60s, which was a really fun feeling! Aside from word choice and a few extra sentences, the typed version remains relatively unchanged from the handwritten one, though I may still share the pics of my journal on Tumblr or Twitter! Also, the title comes from the Steam Powered Giraffe song of the same name!
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Rating: General Audiences
Ship: Mettaton EX x GN!Reader
Word Count: 891
Applicable Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reader Is Not Frisk, Reader Has Anxiety (the anxiety isn't specified, it's more open-ended for the reader to project onto), Self-Worth Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Meditation, Sleep, Crying, Fluff, Established Relationship, Pet Names, POV Second Person, Not Beta Read
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You lie awake in bed next to your android boyfriend. He was already powered into sleep mode for the night, as his LED eye displays were dimmed and his tail-like charging cord plugged into the nearby wall. You look at him for a moment before turning to the pink canopy of the bed above you, starting at the shadows in the fabric formed by the lights from outside your shared penthouse apartment. The darkness warped, presenting visual manifestations of the problems keeping you from sleep. 
Yes, you knew Mettaton had his worries, but as the Underground’s biggest star now on the surface, he had much more significant concerns compared to yours. Tour dates, filming, recording sessions, the list goes on. Yours are small compared to his. Insignificant. Human. You feel your stress tug your eyelids open, preventing your “beauty rest,” as your boyfriend lovingly called it. As you shift once more and pull the satin sheets closer to you, you hear a familiar boot-up sound and fans whirring to life. Oh shit. Your tossing and turning set off Mettaton’s motion detection, a vestigial feature not yet removed since his purpose was changed.
“D-darling, is something the matter?” The robot’s voice glitches momentarily, his now-illuminated pink eyes looking at you with concern.
“Y-yeah! I must’ve rolled over too far,” you nervously chuckle. “I didn’t mean to wake you, babe. Get some rest, as neither of us wants you low on battery tomorrow.”
Mettaton purses his lips, not taking no for an answer. “Darling, look at me.” His tone sharpens when you curl up tighter with your back facing him. “Look. At. Me.” With a resigned sigh, you turn to face him. “Oh, beautiful,” he sighs, cupping your cheek with his gloved hand, his thumb circling below the dark bags and worry lines underneath your eyes. “How much sleep have you been getting lately?”
You mumble your response, prompting your boyfriend to look at you sternly. “Usually only two hours a night, especially when you’re not here,” you fess up.
You can see the guilt hit your boyfriend, causing you to quickly run your hand through his synthetic hair and reassure him. “It’s not because of you, I promise!”
“But why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Despite being the biggest celebrity of the century, Mettaton still immensely cares for you. You’re his star, his world, his everything. Seeing you suffer makes his SOUL feel like shattering.
You inhale deeply. “I-” you quickly correct yourself. “It just feels all so unimportant compared to you. I mean, you’ve got so much amazing stuff going on right now. And with me, it’s just…” You hesitate momentarily, unsure if you want to continue, until you see Mettaton nod with understanding and compassion. Soon, your words flow out of you, every insecurity and doubt leaving your lips. Tears begin to fall from your eyes, leaving small damp spots on the pillowcase you rested on. Mettaton extends his arm in back of him to pass you a tissue box, the lotion-infused tissues a welcome relief for your sore eyes.
“Did that help you feel better, sweetheart?” You nod, and Mettaton presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Good. Now, I want you to listen to me very closely.” You nod, and the robot cups your cheeks once more. “You will never, ever be inconsequential to me, darling. You mean so much, not just to me but to everyone around you! Don’t ever feel like you don’t matter, or whatever you’re going through doesn’t matter, either. I care, we care.” He kisses you on the lips this time. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmur back, held tight in his embrace.
After a few moments, Mettaton lets go. “Do you think you’ll be able to sleep now, darling?”
You let out another breathy, anxious chuckle. “Probably not, to be honest. It’s alright, though. I’ll make it up tomorrow during the day.”
“There has to be something we can do, sweetheart.” Mettaton’s pupils shift from his usual hearts into turning gears before changing to a lightbulb emoticon. “Hey! It’s not technically released yet, but Blooky and Alphys were working on music to benefit monsters and humans!” He shoots you one of his signature grins. “Co-produced by yours truly, of course!” Mettaton finds the demo CD in the nightstand drawer, preparing to play it from his speakers. “How would you like to be our first test subject?” His eyes sparkle with encouragement, and you just can’t say no to him. 
The robot pats the bed, motioning for you to lie down. He loads the CD into one of the slots built into his EX form, his other hand drifting down to hold yours. The ambient tones soon lull you into a reverie, with the faint sounds of rushing water mixed into the track. It’s an obvious callback to the family of ghostly cousins’ original abode, but it soothes your mind as your anxieties flow away. As you close your eyes, you feel the sensation of the water surrounding you, floating through space and time and easing your body and mind. Mettaton’s hand is a tether to the physical world, keeping you grounded as your mind drifts away peacefully. Although they were once wide and bloodshot, your eyes become heavy and worn as you finally sail away into a restful sleep.
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nuks · 2 months
?? I hate anxiety bc I was just sitting here having a nice day and all of a sudden a wave of anxiety washed over me like?? Dude I was vibing can u not 😭😭😭
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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bothsidesofaquestion · 5 months
Apologies for the inactivity. Bonnie is having surgery tomorrow and I’m so nervous I can’t focus. Not even smut can distract me and that’s a lot to say…
I’m about to cry, I’m so worried. I tried to distract myself binge watching a mini serie, with YouTube and nothing; my sister is trying to distract me and I couldn’t care less about what she has to say, I don’t want to talk to anyone, I just want to be left alone.
Anyway, I hope the night passes quick so I can take her to the animal hospital already and maybe work distracts me for a while
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