#Any time this comes up in a fanfic I cringe a little so I needed to rant a bit after I saw it again
Why the "True Selves" Theory is Insulting
Image for a second that you have a friend who's a bit of a ditz. She's also fun, creative, and sweet. You enjoy being around her, but you've never seen her as more than a friend. Then, one day, a fire breaks out at an event that you and your friend are attending. Your lives are suddenly in mortal peril and the same goes for everyone around you because you can't find the exit. You think that you're going to die.
Then, suddenly, your friend transforms. Not in a magical way, it's just a personality shift, but it might as well be magical because it's like nothing you've ever seen! The ditziness is gone, replaced by laser focus and a take-charge attitude that has everyone following your friend without question. When all is said and done, everyone lives because of you friend. As it turns out, her tendency to get easily distracted means that she's a fantastic in-the-moment problem solver.
Going through that completely changes how you see this girl. You no longer just like her, no, you're now deeply in love with her. You tell a mutual friend about this and they laugh at you, then say, "Don't be silly, that wasn't really her! Her true self isn't that brave girl who saved your life! That was special circumstances that don't count. All that counts is the way she acts when there isn't a crisis going on. It doesn't matter that you've always liked her and enjoyed her company, if you didn't fall in love with based solely on her ditzy self, then you don't really love her."
Most people would call this mutual friend insane because of course going through crazy experiences changes the way we view people! Imagine if you had an allergic reaction and your significant other's reaction was to panic and run away, leaving you to die. You only live because you manage to grab your phone and call '911.' That would understandably lead many people to reassess if this is the person they want to spend their life with just like the opposite experience might make you see a person as a good life partner.
Marinette is Ladybug. She gets full credit for everything she's done in the suit and it's perfectly fine for Adrien to become attracted to her after he sees her in action. It doesn't mean that he only values her Ladybug side. He quite clearly cares for Marinette, he just hasn't seen her in the right light for him to fall in love. (And, if we're being frank, Marinette acts like Ladybug all the time when he's not around or when he is around, but a crisis is going on. She's really not that different from her alter ego.)
Along similar lines, Marinette isn't wrong for being drawn to Adrien's sweeter side more than his over-the-top jokey side. There's a reason why Glaciator ended with her blushing. Compare the end of Glaciator to the end of Origins and, yeah, same energy because - in that moment - Chat Noir was letting his Adrien side out by being more sincere and vulnerable, which are the things that Marinette values most in a romance and the things that he rarely shows while in the mask. It doesn't mean that she hates his jokey side, it's just not going to win her heart when Adrien's right there being sweet and sincere while Chat Noir hides his feelings behind a smile and a laugh.
In fact, it's pretty insulting to Adrien to say that someone shouldn't be attracted to his more vulnerable side. That his sincerity is worth less than his jokes. Almost as insulting as telling Marinette that her Ladybug side doesn't count and she should get no credit for being brave as that's not really her. Loving her only counts if a person falls in love while she's behaving in her most over-the-top, cringe, embarrassing way.
I don't know about you, but I would never want someone to hold me to that standard nor would I hold my significant other to that standard! It's perfectly normal to have things that you don't love about your significant other. In fact, I'd argue that part of the magic of a real, lasting romance is having someone who loves you even though you're not perfect. If you are looking for a partner who never annoys you or does something wrong, then you will never find happiness because that person does not exist.
Now that I've said all of that, I want to add that I do think that marichat, "love both sides" stories can be cute. It's just not One True Path to Real Love. It's totally fine if the square starts dating based on the things that they find attractive about each other and then just continue to be in love as they learn about the other side. If anything, that's normal. Learning about a person is what dating is all about! A good relationship is no different than a good friendship, you just get some bonus perks if you're into that kind of thing.
I'll also note that I'm not criticizing stories where Marinette feels like she's the "real" version and Ladybug is the fake because that's a really understandable thing to be nervous about. Tikki saying that shit? Hard no. Terrible mentoring.
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Types of AO3 Summary
Option 1 - The Excerpt:
The quickest, the easiest! Find a section of your fic that contains the main premise of said fic and also showcases your writing. Copy paste that into the summary box. BOOM! Done.
Best used for any fic, unless it's so short the excerpt would be the whole fic.
Option 2 - The No Frills:
Just a description of the fic. No need for drama. No need to complicate matters. Keep it simple, keep it safe.
Example: "A short character exploration of Blorbo's thoughts after Daisy leaves."
Best used for short fics, poems and fics where the style/format is more important than the plot. Or fics that tie directly into a scene/episode from canon or another fanfic.
Option 3 - The Hook:
Draw the reader's interest by giving them a set up with no conclusion. Introduce the main character(s), introduce the status quo, describe an inciting incident, leave a question in the reader's mind.
Example: "Blorbo is a barista at a coffee shop, struggling to pay their bills, but after handsome rockstar Obrolb walks into their coffee shop they find that they have to decide whether a chance at love is worth the cost of fame."
Best used for mid to long fic where there's a strong premise and follow through. Especially good for AUs. Can be expanded for more complex plots or used multiple times in one summary for multiple characters or subplots.
Option 4 - The Sitcom One-Liner:
"The one in which [over simplified description of one of the main plotlines]" This is essentially 'boil your plot down to the very simplest statement you can, oversimplify if possible. The more bizarre or unhelpful the better.
Example: "The one in which Blorbo learns to like cake".
Best used for fics with at least a little humour in them.
Option 5 - The Rule of Three:
Three is a magic number. Find three key moments in your fic and just list them. That's it. Often ends with 'not necessarily in that order' if used for comic effect. If it's an AU, establish that quickly (i.e. 'Star NHL player Blorbo…').
Example: "Blorbo makes a friend, falls in love, and almost burns to death, not necessarily in that order."
Best used for anything, really. Three is a magic number. The human brain loves things that come in threes.
Option 6 - The Trope Lure:
Why bother describing the plot? We all know AO3 readers are here for the tropes. Similar to The Sitcom One-Liner just using tropes instead of plot. Often followed by the phrase 'that nobody asked for'.
Example: "The Space western / A/B/O / Mail Order Bride fic that nobody asked for."
Often tacked on to the end of The Hook or The Excerpt as a tl;dr.
Best used for fic that plays its tropes straight with no shame or second guessing.
Option 7 - The Pre-emptive Strike:
(Not recommended) You just wrote this fic, the self doubt is consuming you. You feel the need to apologise profusely for your existence for no apparently reason. You feel cringe, you think the fic is cringe, you want everyone to know that you think the fic is cringe in case they don't like it and judge you for it.
Example: "So I fell in love with this pairing and had to write this. It's weird and terrible. Lol! I suck at summaries! Sorry!"
Best used for no fics ever. I cannot stress this enough.
(Seriously, I am begging you, don't do this. If you're planning to use this option, rethink it and do one of the others. I guarantee you more people will want to read your fic.)
Sometimes added on to any other summary as a strange disclaimer. (srsly. don't.)
Option 8 - The Unapology:
Embrace the mayhem, embrace the deep dark depths of your soul. The opposite of The Pre-emptive Strike. A combination of The No Frills and The Trope Lure that truly gives no fucks.
You have committed crimes and you are proud of them. You know what your USP is and you're going to make sure your target market finds you. Look upon my works, ye readers, and despair!
Example: "There aren't enough tentacle fics in this pairing, so I had to write one myself!"
Best used for fics with controversial/polarising tropes with all relevant details already clearly stated in the tags.
Option 9 - The Interrogation:
What if you wrote a summary entirely in questions? What if your readers had to read the fic to discover the answers? Who knows what will happen if you do this?
Example: "What happens when Blorbo McBlorbo gets his wish and Daisy doesn't make it to the plane on time? What happens when Obrolb finds out? How will this change Daisy and Blorbo's friendship?"
Best used for... I honestly don't know. This style of summary does not vibe with me. Mystery fic maybe? Sorry guys.
Option 10 - The Multipack:
Got a bunch of shorter fics in one work? No way of summarising them all without a wall of text larger than the Great Wall of China? This one is similar to The No Frills in that you're not describing the plots themselves and similar to The Trope Lure in that often broader genres and tropes are mentioned. What links those fics? Are they all in the same fandom? The same pairing? The same challenge? Just slap that right in the summary. A chapter list with 1-2 word trope/pairing summaries can be included or not.
Example: "A collection of Blorbo/Daisy/Obrolb fics based on Tumblr prompts. Chapter 1: Regency AU Chapter 2: Werewolves vs vampires Chapter 3: Ghost!Daisy Chapter 4: Space pirates!"
Best used for (obviously) works that are compilations of fic.
Option ? - The Void:
I said The Excerpt was the quickest and easiest summary to do. I lied, well... I didn't exactly lie. What is quicker and easier than not having a summary at all? After all, that's what the tags are for.
Best used for... nothing? Write a summary, guys. Please?
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vgilantee · 1 year
dorm room antics {ethan landry}
ethan landry x fem!reader
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requested: n/a
words: 2k
a/n: surprise! turns out when my brain decides to work, i can write a 2k word fic in three hours. which means you guys get a march fic! this fic is part of what i like to call “char’s ethan fic universe” in which i haven’t written any other fics, but it’s all apart of the long ask i sent julie (this one here) so i will mention a couple things here that reference it. Also on referencing things, i was tempted make a star wars reference in here, but julie doesn’t need more reasons to point and laugh at me and call me a star wars nerd (julie would never point and laugh at me, i love her). This is not a smut but things get a little steamy. There may be an alternate version that starts the same but is nsfw (oh my god finding a gif for this fic was too hard and this isn't even the one i wanted, but tumblr hates me)
warnings: steamy!, if you were reading fanfics in the 2000s/early 2010s this would count as an orange
pronouns: none used
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You had everyone’s timetables memorised, all of you did. It was one of the first things the four of you did at the start of each semester; you sat down and learned each timetable so you always knew where each other was throughout the day. It was how you knew that Chad would be out of his dorm. 
You knocked on the door, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Ethan didn’t know you were coming over, you wanted to surprise him with your company on his day free of classes. After your first and only class of the day, you would usually be with Mindy in the library or Tara in one of her lectures. But Mindy had ditched you to spend time with Anika, and Tara was in bed with the flu. Not that you needed the excuses to spend time with Ethan, but Mindy didn’t entirely trust him, so the excuses were required to satiate her. 
The sounds of moving around came through the door, and you heard Ethan muttering that he was coming. 
“Oh, hey.” Ethan’s curls bounced a little as his head tilted in surprise. He gave you a dopey smile and stepped to the side, letting you move past him and into the room. You had been in the dorm a few times, but you still couldn’t help turning in a slow circle to look around. On his bed was a textbook and notebook, as well as various pens scattered on the sheets. 
“Sorry, did I interrupt your studying?” You turned back to face him, lazily pointing at the study supplies on his navy sheets. Ethan blinked, almost as if he forgot the stationery was even there, before shaking his head. As he did, you noticed just how long his curls have gotten, falling into his eyes more than usual.
“No. I mean yeah but-” He bit his lower lip gently. “You’re always welcome to interrupt my study.” Ethan’s mouth quirked in a shy smile, trying to hide how he cringed at what he said. 
You took a step toward him and reached your hands up to his shoulders, lazily looping them around the back of his neck. Almost immediately, Ethan’s hands moved around your waist and pulled you flush against him. 
“Are you sure? I can leave you to your…” you glanced over at his bed to try and decipher what subject he was studying, “I have no idea what that is but I’m sure it’s important.” You felt the breath of Ethan’s laugh against your hair. 
“It’s programming and yeah, I’m sure.” You turned back to him, making quick glances down at his mouth that was so close. “Don’t leave.” Ethan’s voice was barely a whisper, embarrassed but pleading, and you stopped fighting the voice in your head and leaned up to finally kiss him. 
It quickly deepened, one of your hands moving to his face and the other weaving into his hair. Ethan’s fingers dug into your waist, pulling you even closer to him, so close that one of his feet ended up between yours.
When you pulled back to take a breath, you kept your eyes closed, foreheads rested together. 
“Bed?” You felt his hands tighten slightly as your breath hit his mouth. You and Ethan had slept together before, but only a handful of times, and every time Ethan started out quietly excited, and shy. 
Ethan let out a single hum before dropping his hands to the backs of your thighs, encouraging you to jump lightly and wrap your legs around his waist. As soon as he was sure you’re safely held up, he took the five steps from the door to his bed. You expected him to place you on the bed, but instead he turned and sat down, sitting you on his lap. As soon as you’re comfortable (which took a fraction of a second) you pulled him forward by the back of his neck, reigniting the kiss more desperately. You left one hand weaved into his curls, but the other dropped to grip his bicep. 
His hands slide up from your thighs, pausing briefly on your ass to give the muscles a gentle squeeze. You rolled your hips gently forward in response to the squeeze, and you felt the light vibration of his hum against your mouth. Ethan moved his hands up a little further, encouraging your movement, and you gently bit his bottom lip. Ethan opened his mouth and the kiss quickly became messier, tongues rolling against each other and teeth occasionally bumping. 
As you moved to pull away, you pulled Ethan’s tongue into your mouth and sucked on it gently pulling a moan from deep in his throat. You opened your eyes, seeing him with his cheeks flushed red and his eyes still closed, his mouth opened slightly. 
You could never get over how pretty he was, especially when so flushed. And you always felt a swell of pride because you were the one able to get him like that and the only one who got to see the sight underneath you. 
Ethan slowly opened his eyes, pupils blown. He slowly raised a hand, pushing some of the hair that had fallen out of its place in your ponytail behind your ear before quickly leaning down and gently bit and kissed at your neck. Your head rolled to the side, desperately exposing more skin for him to give attention to. His tongue rolling over his teeth marks elicited gasps from you, your fingers lightly tugging at his hair in a silent plead for more. 
A soft moan broke from your throat as Ethan bit down, slightly harder, and sucked, determined to leave a deep mark. You pulled harder at his curls in retaliation and rolled your hips against him. Ethan dragged his tongue across the mark, continuing to move it up your neck and along your jaw until his mouth meets yours again for a short kiss. 
“You sure?” Regardless of how many times you made it clear to Ethan that you wanted him, he always asked, checked to make sure that you hadn’t changed your mind. You rolled your hips again in a silent reply.
“Completely.” Ethan let out a whimper before pulling your hips down, letting you feel his need for you under your core. You let out a choked sound before pulling Ethan into a rough kiss that left him gasping. 
For every roll of your hips, Ethan responded with a sound against your mouth, though it didn’t take long for him to begin retaliating instead with soft thrusts upward. Your head fell back with a breathy moan, and Ethan quickly began pressing open mouthed kisses to your throat, humming every time he felt you make sounds. 
“Ethan.” You whispered out his name and his hips twitched forward, further into you than his teasing rolls. Using the hand in his hair, you pulled his face back to you, and your other hand slid down his chest before slipping under the hem of his shirt. Your fingertips grazed across his abs, and you smiled against his mouth as stomach flinched from your touch. Your hand continued to move up to his chest, dragging his shirt with him, until you pulled away, silently begging for him to take off his shirt.
Ethan dragged his hands from your waist, across your thighs, prolonging taking his hands away from you, but finally he did, following your quiet ask and took off his shirt. You raked your fingernails down his chest to his stomach pulling a whimper from Ethan, before your hands quickly moved to loop around the back of his neck, moving to kiss him as his warm hands met your skin again, one hand snaking under your shirt to rest on the bare small of your back, and the other resting softly on your cheek.
You gently let out a moan as Ethan bit down on your bottom lip, your nails digging softly into the skin on the nape of his neck.
“Oh, fuck!” Chad’s sudden voice caused you to jolt. You hadn’t even heard the door open, you were so engrossed in the feeling of Ethan. Ethan quickly pulled away from you, and you tried not to follow after his suddenly-missing mouth. “Ew, that is so not what I wanted to see in my dorm.” You rolled your eyes, flipping Chad off over your shoulder. 
You tried to fight the soft smile as Ethan pressed his face into the side of your neck, wanting so desperately to hide from his roommate. His soft curls brushed against your skin, raising goosebumps. 
Turning to follow the movement of your arm, you glared at Chad, who had a hand over his eyes while dramatically using the other to feel around for his side of the room. 
“Oh fuck off, Chad.” You said with a slightly amused laugh. Ethan sighed into your neck and the sudden breath made you realise that you were gently stroking his hair. Your fond smile won against your fighting as Ethan hid. 
“This is my room!” Chad threw his hand up, keeping the one already over his eyes pressed firmly in place. “Now, are you done dry humping each other so I can grab my shit?” You reached for the bed beside where Ethan was sitting and grabbed one of his pens, throwing it at Chad but missing. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Slowly, ever the drama queen, Chad peels his hand from his eyes, letting out an exaggerated sound of relief.
“I can’t believe you almost defiled my poor, virgin eyes.” He pressed a hand to his heart while walking toward his desk to grab his forgotten textbook. “Corrupting my innocent soul with your filth.” You threw another pen at him, this one hitting him square in the head. 
“Innocent, my ass.” Chad let out an indignant gasp. “Don’t you,” you mocked the sound he made, “me, fucker. I’ve walked in on you doing worse.” He gasped again. 
“I would never!” His voice was weighed down with sarcasm and he pressed his textbook to his chest. Chad tsked at you before walked back to the door. “Don’t get cum stains on my bed, assholes.” Ethan let out an embarrassed groan against you skin, and you flipped Chad off again.
“I’m going to move to your bed just to spite you.” Chad scrunched his nose in disgust and Ethan pulled back from your neck to stare at you in shock, praying you weren’t serious.
“You’re fucking disgusting.” Chad, ever the dramatic, pulled the door shut, ensuring that he got the final word. When you looked back to Ethan, he was still looking at you, eyes wide in horror. You winked at him with a smile. 
“You wouldn’t..?” You snorted out a laugh and your head fell back, shaking your head. 
“Fuck no.” You ran the backs of your fingers across his cheek softly, revelling in the embarrassed flush on his cheeks. Ethan sighed, leaning into your fingers. “He would be so lucky.” His mouth dropped open again and you leaned forward to kiss him on the tip of his nose. Ethan let out a contented hum, and the soft sound caused your hips to grind against him on their own. Once again, Ethan’s fingertips dig into the soft flesh of your waist.
“Did he ruin the mood?” Your voice was shy, unsure whether his bruising fingers was a warning to stop, or him trying to hold back. 
“No. Not for me.” Ethan leaned forward as he spoke, saying the words against your shoulder before pressing a light kiss to your skin, rolling his hips up lightly against you to pull a sigh from you while your head rolled back. “Not when you look like that on my lap.” Neither you nor Ethan knew where his confidence came from, but you quickly pushed your questioning aside as he pulled your core down against the tightness in his trousers and bit down on your shoulder softly. 
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moot tagging: @websterss
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tinkerleaf · 4 months
Ok, may I ask for a yandere chuuya x pm!moon (info on her is on my blog)
Yandere!Chuuya Nakahara x PM!Reader
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Thank you for your request! For this one, I will leave the name blank so it remains as an x reader fic. I wasn't sure what exactly I should write for this one, so I hope it's okay! I kinda hate how it turned out.
Synopsis: Chuuya keeps an eye on you :)
Warnings: Yandere themes, possible cringe (first fanfic teehee)
Word Count: 729
Chuuya was not used to feeling this way about another person. As a mafia executive, he had taught himself not to harbor feelings for anyone due to the nature of his career. But he just couldn��t help it. He was your superior, and he knew better than to pursue you, but that didn’t stop him. After being on missions with him and proving your worth, he became fascinated with you and your ability.
Dazai was able to pick up on his feelings for you rather quickly, despite Chuuya trying his best not to show it. “I never thought I’d see you get soft for one of your subordinates.” He mocked.
That was the first time he realized that his infatuation wasn’t just a little crush. Dazai was right. Every time you entered a room, his eyes lit up.
He could feel his face flush, and honestly, it made him sick. To think that someone was able to break through his exterior and find a way into his heart. It was incomprehensible to him. Not just anyone could do that. Only you could do that. There was something unique about you that he had to have. He needed you, and he hated it. He hated you, but oh, how he loved you. He hated how you had so much power over his emotions, but he loved the thrill of it all.
One night, you caught him following you. At first, you were a little frightened by the dark figure looming in the alley. However, once you realized it was only Chuuya, your worries melted away.
His heart practically stopped when he heard you call for him. “Yeah, it’s me. Just wanted to make sure you got home alright.”
“Do you do that…every night?”
“Of course not.” Yes, he did. He watched you every single night on your walk home. He couldn’t just let someone find you and take you away. He had to know exactly where you were at all times, just to be safe.
He had placed a microscopic tracker on the back of your watch when you took it off to shower. You didn’t realize it was there, but it gave him full access to your location.
“How was Tokyo?” He asked you when you came back from a trip to visit family.
“Oh, the weather was-” You paused. You never told him anything about leaving town for the weekend. “How did you know that?”
“Hm?” He messed up. “Sweetheart, I’m your superior. If I wasn’t aware of your whereabouts, what kind of a boss would I be?” He tried to save himself with a rather terrible cover. You weren’t entirely convinced, but let it go for the time being.
After a few weeks, you noticed something dimly flash from your watch. Under further investigation, you found the tracker. After some time of panicking over who could possibly be stalking you, you froze. It all began to make sense.
The next morning, you threw the watch on his desk in front of him. “Are you serious?”
Feigning confusion, he asked what you were so angry about.
“Don’t even pretend! You put a tracker on me!”
He picked up the watch and examined it. The wires from the locator were popped out, which explained why your signal wasn’t picking up on his phone. “I do this for all of my subordinates.”
“No, you don’t!” You fought back. “I asked every other person on the team, and they didn’t have a CLUE what I was talking about! Tell me what’s going on!”
He stared back at you for a few moments before answering you. “It’s simple, actually. You belong to me.”
“Belong to you?” You couldn’t believe the words coming from his mouth.
He sighed. “I’ll admit it. I placed the tracker in your watch. How else am I supposed to keep an eye on you?”
You were dumbfounded. “Why? None of this makes any sense!” You went to leave the room, but the door was locked.
“If you think I’d let you go that easily, you’d be mistaken.”
From that day forward, you never left his sight. He made sure you were always near him, no matter the circumstance. You should have seen the signs before all of this had unfolded. His bright eyes locked onto you, and you realized you would never be able to get away from him.
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television-overload · 1 month
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 13/34 - cinnamon rolls
[Read on AO3]
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It’s a little awkward at first, but he gets the sense that she just doesn’t want to be alone after what happened with Pfaster, and he can’t fault her for that. The crime scene cleaners left the place spotless, even had some furniture replaced using some of the insurance money, and he’s thankful that that’s one less thing they need to worry about.
Eventually they fall into a rhythm—commuting to work together, dividing household chores, adding his name to the lease... By the last week of January, he’s almost completely moved in, and things have been good. Really good. It surprises him how little he misses his own apartment and the life he built there. It was never a home.
Scully’s apartment… Well, he can see it becoming one.
He wakes on a Saturday to the sound of knocking on the door, bolting upright, suddenly wide awake. He glances at the time on the clock in the kitchen. Just after 8 a.m.
After the last unwelcome visitor to this address, he's understandably on edge. He briefly wonders if he should have his weapon handy, when the knock sounds again, this time followed by the gentle call of “Dana?”
Maggie. Uh oh.
He rubs his face frantically, smoothing his hair and trying to make himself look like he wasn't asleep just a minute ago. Sure, it might seem like a logical thing to do, to inform his partner’s mother that he now lives with her. But that would mean admitting to a fair few other things that she’s decidedly not ready to tell her, so for now, his mother-in-law remains in the dark.
He hurriedly folds the blanket he was using and throws it and the pillow into the spare bedroom.
He opens the door to Scully's room, hoping she's decent, and whispers loudly, "Scully! Scully, your mom's at the door!"
He gets a muffled, "Huh?" in response before her brain catches up to what he'd said, and she sits up.
It's too early to explain. If they tell her he's moving in, they'll have to tell her about their marriage and the appointment they went to at the adoption agency. They aren't ready for that.
"Should I hide in the other room?" he asks as she stands and puts on her robe.
"Like you're some high school boyfriend I snuck in, Mulder?" she says incredulously as she passes him. "Just go sit on the couch."
He does as she asks, turning on the TV at a low volume and attempting to sit as casually as possible on the couch.
She casts an amused glance at him before opening the door.
"Hi, Mom."
"Dana, did I wake you?"
"Uh, no, I was just getting ready," she lies.
"I would have come later, but I brought breakfast," Maggie says, gesturing with a dish covered in tin foil. "I wanted to see how you're doing. May I come in?"
Scully glances over her shoulder for a second before nodding and stepping aside to allow her mother to enter.
"I brought cinnamon rolls and fruit salad and—” her eyes settle on the unexpected occupant on the couch. “Oh! Hello, Fox!"
He can tell he's caught her off guard.
"Hi Mrs. Scully." He smiles, trying not to cringe at the awkwardness suddenly filling the room.
Mrs. Scully turns to her daughter. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had company!"
"Mulder came over to help me go through some stuff to donate," Scully lies again, nodding toward the pile of boxes they have yet to unpack from Mulder's apartment. Good thing he doesn't have his personal items scattered all around yet. Score one for procrastination.
"Oh, do you need any help?" Maggie asks, setting her tray down and taking a step in their direction.
"NO!" Scully says a little too loudly, holding out a hand. "No, that's okay. There's not that much left to do."
"Alright..." Maggie says unsurely, returning to her task of readying their breakfast. "Fox, there's plenty of food,” she adds, glancing up at him kindly. “You're welcome to join us."
He's not sure if it would be better or worse to decline politely, but his growling stomach makes the choice for him.
"Sounds great," he says, standing to join them in the kitchen.
Mrs. Scully's eyes travel down to the plaid pajama pants he wears, then back up with an unreadable smile.
"Laundry day," he says as an excuse, as if he would ever leave the house like this for no reason at all.
She nods, then shakes her head in amusement and unwraps the foil from the pan.
"I'm going to warm these in the oven. Fox, would you mind brewing some coffee?"
"Mom, I can—" Scully tries, but Mulder is quicker.
"I got it, Scully." 
While Maggie is turned away, he collects the coffee mugs that are distinctly his from the cabinet and hides them on the top shelf where they won't be visible. Instead, he extracts three matching ones, all cream colored and coordinated as only Scully could be.
Breakfast passes about as awkwardly as the entire morning has, so far. Mulder manages to stuff a pile of adoption documents into a drawer just before Maggie sees them, and Scully thankfully prevents her from insisting on helping to put food away in the fridge, which is a lot more full now that more than one person lives here. Maggie asks Scully how she's doing, if she has any travel plans, and he decides he'll die on the spot if Scully tells her about their upcoming trip to Los Angeles for a movie premiere that ought to take a few years off his life. Thankfully, she remains tight-lipped about that one. He suspects her hopes for the film are about as high as his, which is to say, not high at all.
Eventually, he starts nervously glancing at the clock, watching the time tick closer and closer to when he's supposed to be at his apartment to arrange the transport of his larger furniture with the movers. If Mrs. Scully doesn't leave soon, he'll have to make up some excuse and leave himself, and Scully won't be able to come as she had planned.
"Mom, I hate to push you out the door, but Mulder and I have some stuff to take care of today," Scully comments, and Mulder suppresses a sigh of relief.
Maggie's eyes widen. The last thing she wants is to be a burden. "Of course!” she says. “I'll let you two get to it. Thanks for letting me drop in."
Scully gives a placid smile. "Thank you for breakfast."
She brushes off her thanks, busying herself with gathering up the dishes she’d brought over, then starting toward the door. "Bye, Fox," she directs toward him on her way out, offering a small wave goodbye.
He reciprocates with a nod and a forced smile. "Bye, Mrs. Scully."
His partner walks her mother to the door, whispering softly as they go. He can still hear them talking in low voices while he gets started on washing the dishes, the elder Scully’s words meant for her daughter’s ears only. He slows his movements, listening in over the sound of sloshing water as best as he can, curiosity getting the best of him.
"I'm your mother, Dana, I can tell when you're lying," Maggie says, her tone admonishing.
He can't hear what, if anything, Dana says in response. If she does speak, it's so quiet that it's beyond the capabilities of his hearing, despite his best efforts.
"If I were in your shoes, I'd feel safer if Fox were sleeping on my couch too, honey, you don't need to be embarrassed,” her mother continues. “It's okay to need someone, especially after what you've been through."
Scully sighs. "That's not…” she starts, then gives up and finishes with, “Okay, yeah, thanks Mom."
"You call me if you need anything," Maggie tells her.
Scully smiles. "I will. I love you."
"Love you too, sweetie.” She wraps her daughter in a hug, pressing a kiss to her cheek before pulling away. “Next time I'll call before I stop by, hmm?"
He can tell Scully is blushing just by the sound of her voice.
"I– I think that would be a good idea."
"Have a good day, Dana." Then, louder, "You too, Fox."
He gives one last awkward wave goodbye from the sink, and she leaves.
Scully puts her face in her hands as soon as she's gone, and groans.
"The secret lives to see another day," Mulder announces triumphantly, setting the dish drying towel aside with a wry smile. Scully shoots him a look, and he relents. "If this gets too hard, you can tell her, you know."
"No, it's fine,” she says, waving him off. “She just can't drop by and visit like that anymore. It's not going to work."
He presses his lips together, wondering if maybe they had rushed into things a little. He hopes she doesn’t regret it.
"I'm sorry, Scully,” he apologizes. “Maybe we should have waited."
She shakes her head, which comes as an instant relief to him. "Either way, this would have happened eventually,” she says. “But if this adoption doesn't work out..."
"It will," he says without hesitating.
"What if it doesn't?"
Not an option, he thinks.
"Then I can just get another apartment," he answers with a shrug.
She stares at him incredulously. "After going through all this trouble to get rid of the one you have now?” she asks. “Maybe it's not too late to hold onto it, you can tell them you've changed your mind."
He looks at her. "Is that what you want me to do?" he asks.
Her shoulders deflate. "I just don't want this to be harder than it needs to be if your plans fall through," she admits, concern pinching her eyebrows together.
This is one of those moments, he knows, where they need to be really clear with communication. It doesn’t come easily to either of them, but it matters. He hopes his next question will bring some clarity to the discussion, as much as her potential answer terrifies him.
"So if we don't end up adopting, you'd rather I go?"
Once the words are out, he watches closely for her response, trying to guess what she’s thinking by the look on her face.
Her confusion does nothing to alleviate his unease.
"Why would you stay?" she asks.
That’s easy, he thinks.
"Better company than at my place," he answers with a shrug.
He can see her thinking over his response, assessing him to see if he’s joking or not. It seems she—rightfully—comes to the correct conclusion. He’s dead serious.
"I– I'd want you to stay,” she says finally, her words providing him with the reassurance he needed. “The number of times we've both had our places broken into, I'd feel a lot better if..."
"I couldn't agree more,” he interrupts, smiling wide.
"And we spend almost every day together anyway,” she continues. “And when we travel, one of us always has to drive across town to pick the other up…"
"Logistically, we should have done this years ago," he finishes for her, and oh , how true that is. There’s a lot of things he should have done years ago.
She laughs. "I haven't had a roommate since med school."
"You smell a lot better than the one I had at Oxford," he jokes.
Her answering eye roll is worth every second he had to share a room with Reginald Butts, an aptly named law student. 
"Thanks for that, Mulder. I'm sure that's high praise."
Lovely tag list ♡: [if you would like to be added or removed, let me know!]
@today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @angegova @baronessblixen @calimanc @captainsolocide @clo-thespin @cutemothman @danasculls @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @gillian-anderson-in-the-tardis @hippocampouts @invidiosa @monaiargancoconutsoy @numinousmysteries @primrose19 @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @skylarksong @stephy-gold @teenie-xf @the-redhead-in-a-dress @vincentsleftear
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stop-talking · 4 months
So I guess I should do an intro post / fanfic masterlist
• I'm 20 yrs old, she/her, and obsessed with Josh Hutcherson. (Mike & Futturman especially have my heart)
• I'm new to writing, but I read like crazy and spend 90% of my time daydreaming up little stories about my favorite characters. Just using Tumblr as an outlet to get those little stories to the world.
• Feel free to request any fanfic related to a jhutch character. I'm most comfortable writing for Mike, Futturman, and Derek, but I'm willing to try to write for other characters. (Minus Peeta. Thinking about the Hunger Games makes me unreasonably sad & I'm not sure I know his character well enough to do him justice.)
My Works
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
✩ Mike Schmidt:
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (18+)
Exactly what it sounds like. His babysitter goes missing, but he can't leave Abby home alone. Unfortunately, he's broke as fuck, and can't afford to pay someone to watch her. So... he calls you. He'll endure your bitchy attitude and relentless teasing if it means his sister will be safe. Somewhere along the way, endure turns to enjoy.
Fem reader; 10k words (total)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
No Abby, we're not getting ice cream.
Silly little one-off about the average shopping trip for Mike and Abby. He's just trying to get things for dinner, but Abby has other plans. Just Mike being the single mother that he is.
Mike's POV; 1.2k words
Read here
Open wide (18+)
Mike hasn't been to the dentist since he was a kid, but with his new job, and health insurance... he really has no excuse not to. One problem, though. He doesn't remember the experience being so... erotic? Is he insane, or is the attractive, young, dental assistant... hitting on him?
Gender-neutral reader; 2.8k words
Read here
Sleepless Nights
Abby is sure something's up with her brother. He's always been tired, sure, but ever since the events at Freddy's... well, he's gotten a lot worse. The stubborn man won't let her help, so she convinces him she's the one in need of comfort.
Abby's POV; 500 words
Read here
Gender-neutral reader; 2.8k words
✩ Derek Danforth:
So I'm stuck on this shithole island, and I can't even have a smoke? (18+)
You're hired by his mother as a last resort to try and get him sober. Alone with just him for three weeks, your job is to rehabilitate him.
Unfortunately, Derek sees you as his personal chef, maid, and whore. You flat-out refuse at first, but well, after so many days of only interacting with each other... The lines are a little blurred. something-to-lovers. It's complicated.
Fem reader; 22.9k words total (so far)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (Part 8 coming soon)
Derek sending you nudes while you're at work (blurb) (18+)
Read here
Older; not Wiser (18+)
Derek isn't the type to entertain 20-year-olds. Really, he's not. That is, until one falls right into his lap. Literally.
You're just so sweet and fun, how could he ever dream of saying no when you ask him to show you a good time?
Part 1 (Part 2 coming soon)
fem reader; 2.5k words
✩ Josh Futturman:
Win for me ♡ (18+)
You're tired of your boyfriend paying more attention to his stupid game than you. So, late one night, you take matters into your own hands. Literally. Hopefully his little gaming buddies don't mind hearing him moan into the mic...
Gender-neutral reader; 2.3k words
Read here
✩ Clapton Davis
Saturday School
(Request) "Imagine listening to music with Clapton while in detention... like sharing earbuds with him while y'all sit in silence. Then a cringe song comes on at the wrong time LMAO"
Gender-neutral reader; 2k words
Read here
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──
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multiwreckedmess · 8 months
Kinktober Day 14
Prompt: Humiliation Pairing: nonidol!Jeongin (I.N) x olderfem!reader WC: 2k Summary: You’ve had a day. You need a drink. Alone preferably. And yet here comes the boy who has been staring you down all night.
This is a work of fiction, it does not represent Jeongin (I.N) or any Stray Kids member. On top of this it is an 18+ work. For my comfort and boundaries please if you are under age do not interact with this. 
I feel the need especially with “rougher” prompts like this to put the disclaimer - fanfic should NOT ever be used as a guide to relationships or sex. ESPECIALLY SEX. Again, it’s fiction. Stuff gets glossed over for the sake of a good story. Please PLEASE please again, not fact, not a guide, just a fantasy.
TW/CW Preface. Jeongin uses the word “noona” to refer to the reader. I just really couldn’t think of a better word to refer (cutely) to a woman older than you but not “mommy” and part of what this specific version of him gets off on is the power of fucking someone older than him. ANYWAY if that give you the ick, turn back now.
Additional TW/CW below the cut.
TW/CW: fucking in a bathroom, humiliation, degradation, reader nicknames- (noona, ONE instance of “mommy”, whore, dumb slut, slut, disgusting), under negotiated kink, cum in panties, dubcon (they’re drunk, most agree that consent at this point is...well murky AT BEST), ROUGH sex (gagging, underprepped, no aftercare). Age gap *(unspecified, reader is older) 
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 “Oh no no no,” you stopped the young man in his tracks. “You are much too young for me baby boy.”  He hadn’t spoken a single word to you yet, spending most of the night staring at you from the corner of the bar as many other men had all of your life. You didn’t need to know much, his sweet dimpled face told you everything you needed to know. Old enough to drink, sure, but certainly too young for you.  “Aw,” his voice sounds disappointed yet determined as he smiles. “Noona, you haven’t even let me speak, you don’t know why I’m here.”  Coolly taking another sip of your drink, you look at him from the corner of your eye. “I know you’ve been staring at me all night. It’s enough to make assumptions.”  “So you’re like a museum piece? I can look but I can’t touch?” He sticks the tip of his tongue between his teeth as he smiles and winks cheekily.  You let out an exasperated sigh, the line was cheesy but his audacity was admirable. Looking straight ahead you down your drink, if this was what the night was, leave it up to Bacchus, not your brain. “Do you have an elevator pitch or do I have to suffer more bad lines?”  “The elevator pitch, noona, is that younger guys are the trend. You seem like a trendsetter. It seems like a great opportunity for you to increase your portfolio and it just so happens that I have availability for tonight.”  “I regret the elevator pitch, buy me a drink or do you need to call your parents to authorize the charge?”  “No mommy, I’m a big boy in more than one way.” He tries to wink and cringes. “That was bad. I'm sorry, I’ll grab your next drink if you let me.”  Eyes wide with disbelief you weigh your options, send the kid away or see what the night brings. In reality he can’t be THAT much younger than you. You’re both here in a bar, drinking,he has to be at least twenty one years old. Unless he has a fake, the devious little shit. You’ve already spent more time with him than you’d originally intended. Before you’re able to politely wave him off your smartwatch pings and you go delving into the depths of your purse. In the time it takes you to dig the bartender is back and the kid is ordering you and himself another round.  “I thought you said ‘if you let me’ I don’t recall giving you permission.”  “You seemed preoccupied and if i’m being honest, a little stressed. No pressure, you can enjoy it without me, or with me. You must admit I’m at least a little exciting, I might be fun to keep around a bit longer.”  Fighting your smile you nod nonchalantly to the barstool next to you. “The seat’s open.”
 You don’t remember how many drinks you’ve had but it’s enough to be following him to the bathroom. Him -Jeongin, IN, Innie- he had so many names from his friends and family. It was less alcohol than you’d hoped before you’d fallen to his boyish charm. Eager, honest, and way too fucking into you to pass up.  His hand is on your lower back as the two of you walk towards the back, almost as if you’re going to exit through the kitchen instead of heading to one of the three single occupancy bathrooms. Touching the doorknob you hesitate briefly, door creaking under the light pressure.  Jeongin is on you before the door even finishes opening, spinning you around to face him, hands on your hips as he backs you through the door in an impassioned kiss.  “What if someone sees?” You half whisper as he kisses your neck, fumbling with the small zipper of your skirt.  “Then they’ll know we’re fucking,” he states simply, giving up on the skirt and yanking your blouse free. “Do you have a problem with that?”  The heat of embarrassment creeps at the sides of your face and twists in your gut pleasantly. “Isn’t it…they’d know…” your tongue ties, a girlish giggle from a fluttering heart interrupting. Jeongin isn’t helping as he pushes the cups of your bra down, thumbs running over your nipples as he hurries to free your breasts.  “Does that excite you? Someone walking in on you getting fucked by some stranger in a shit bathroom in a shity dive bar?” Jeongin pinches your nipples slightly, your eyes rolling as you bite back a moan.  “It does.”  “What does?” He pinches your nipples again.  “Fucking a stranger in a shitty dive bar.” Your heart jumps, just saying it outloud feels exciting. Hearing his words in your voice feels more real.  “What does fucking a stranger do?” His lips ghost over your neck as he nearly whispers, each consonant buzzing against you. Hand traveling between your thighs, the tips of his fingers rub circles in the cotton fabric of your underwear, right above your clit.  “Turns me on, fuck, Jeongin!” You squeal  The squish of your damp panties is proof enough of his handiwork. “And you thought a kid like me couldn’t have a woman like you.” He laughs, nibbling at the column of your throat. “So wet for me already. Can control everything but that needy cunt of yours. Who got you this worked up?  Pushing the gusset of your panties aside his middle finger plays at your entrance, circling slowly, barely dipping in. “You did,” you gasp, hips canting to try to trick him into slipping further down your channel.
 Gathering some of your essence on his fingers he backs off, playing with the strands clinging between his fingers. “Clean them,” he offers to you, your eyes already glazed over an unfocused as you lean into the tiled wall.  You do it, eagerly. Taking his digits into your mouth and swirling your tongue around them. Sucking him clean and then some.  “So your mouth is good for something,” he coos pressing your mouth open to fuck along the soft pink surface of your tongue. Watching drool pool and spill from the corners of your lips. “You’re so much hotter when you give into me. Just like this. Why don’t you put that smart little mouth around my cock?”
 There’s no discussion, you simply slip to the floor, knees pressing into the cold dirty tile. “Disgusting” you mutter to yourself.  Grasping your chin between his thumb and forefinger, Jeongin tilts your head up,  looming over you. “Just like you. Now open and stick your tongue out like the dumb slut you are.”  Eyes wide you comply. His lips purse as he summons a globule of spit, letting it cling to his lips as it drops slowly down to your mouth. “Keep it open,” he demands, freeing his stiffened member from its confines. Using the tip he pushes his spit along your tongue, watching his length eclipse the velvety pink surface. “Just look at how sweet you can be,” he coos, “from here you aren’t so scary at all are you, noona?”  Doe-eyed you look up at him and shake your head no. Holding your jaw as open as you can for him, relaxing all the way through the back of your throat as he pushes deeper. The stretch at the hinges of your jaw is almost painful as he smiles down at you, the cute dimples suddenly seem sinister when paired with his actions. It sends a shiver all the way down to your core. You’re so pent up you could scream, instead whimpering and squeezing your thighs together for relief. Guilty that it turns you on so much you can barely form thoughts as he fucks into your open mouth, hand cushioning the back of your head from the tile wall.
 Kicking your knees apart, Jeongin slides his shoe under your ass as you hump blindly against his leg. It provides some, albeit humiliating, relief to your throbbing cunt.  “Just what would your colleagues think? Humping my leg like a flithy slut. A professional like you getting broken down by a boy like me.” He finally pushes all the way back, breaching the ring of muscle at the top of your throat as you gag around him. Mucus and spit and tears covering your cheeks and chin, eyes glazed over.  “Doing alright?” Jeongin asks sweetly, hand slowly wiping the mess across your face.  “Fuck me. Please. Please. I need it so badly. I’m so ready for you baby please.”  “Get up.”  You wobble still half drunk on alcohol half drunk on hormones, leaning into the wall for support.  “Grab the sink.”  The white ceramic of the sink is cool against your overheated skin as you hold onto the edge of the basin, waiting. Blurry eyed you watch him through the mirror in front of you, like the killer in a horror movie about to claim his next victim. He looks wild while you look like a wreck, makeup running down your cheeks and hair in knots. He hoists your skirt to your waist, pushing your soaked panties to the side.  “You won’t need any prep right? You’ve taken cock enough right? I’m just a young guy, it’ll be no problem for you with all your experience.”  Your mouth opens to beg him to go slow, instead it feels like your gut is punched through your esophagus as his blunt head bullies its way between your walls. The stretch sudden and brutal. Sliding forward with him, hips bruising against the lip of the sink, your face smushes into the mirror in front of you with a reedy whine.  “Shit, you’re tight noona. Fuck.” He grunts as he rocks closer to you, steadying for a second before he begins in earnest. Fingertips digging into the flesh of your ass he pulls almost all the way back, savoring the feeling of your walls tugging him back in eagerly. The dip of your back arches more dramatically as he thrusts forward, drawing another whine from you.  Pulling you upright and tight to his chest his hand covers your mouth tightly. “Do you want everyone to know I’m ruining you? Or are you just so fucked out you don’t care anymore.”  “Fucked,” you sob, spit coating the palm of his hand. “Good. Fucked.”  He thrusts up again. The combination of slight angle change and the press of the sink against your groin has his tip aimed directly into the soft target of your spot.  It’s overwhelmingly good as he jackhammers into you, hips snapping ruthlessly. Panting your body shifts violently between limp and clenched, unsure of how to handle the overload of pain and pleasure.  “Go ahead slut, cum on my cock. You’re lucky I’m even letting you.” He sneers, lips pressed to the shell of your ear. The tickle of his breath is what sends you over the edge, shaking and gasping as your walls clamp around him. He leans the both of you forward as you vision darkens, body slackening against the mirror. Cheek pressed to your lower back you both pant as he withdraws suddenly, staggering back from you slightly.
 You hardly notice he’s left you like that, only alerted by the click of the door unlocking and closing again. In your post climax sobriety you realize you have no idea if he’d even bothered to wear a condom. Slowly your hand slides over your ass, nearly gagging at the smear of sticky residue stuck to the inside of your underwear. Drifting higher to pull your skirt down, something small like a clothing tag pokes you.
 A business card.  “I got your tab, call me,” scrawled hastily on the back.
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Sorry i’m off my groove I actually wrote this one three fucking times. One veered into A/B/O territory which is so out of my league like i don’t know what i was thinking. Love reading it, no idea how to write it.
Anyway I’m going to make my way againnnnn!
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
We're Finally Having Our Baby! - An Agent Gibbs Fanfic (Gibbs X Reader)
Description: You and Gibbs are getting closer to finally meeting your bundle of joy! What will the future hold for you and Gibbs? Warning: pure fluff, enough to make me gag and cringe (my first time actually writing fluff and not adding any drama to spice it up, so hopefully it's good)
(Part One) Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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Looking at Gibbs putting the final touches on your crib made you realize how close you both were to having your baby with you in person.
You smiled at the thought of him cradling your newborn, showing them around the house and bringing them downstairs to show them all the tools, wood, and the little things he's made down there.
Gibbs had jumped at any chance he could get to help you get his place ready for the baby, even while he was on cases. He'd always come to check in on you after you went on maternity leave and made sure you were fine and that you didn't need anything.
It was sweet the way he was showing you that he cared and how he wanted to change how he acted for six months to you and your baby. And you were grateful that he decided to be a part of this journey with you.
When it was time for you to find out the gender of your baby, you had told the doctor no because it just didn't feel right not to find out without Gibbs present even if he wasn't going to be in the child's life. But now seeing him at appointments telling the doctor that he wants it to be a surprise and how excited he was to see who the little one was when they were born brought tears to your eyes.
"Jethro," you called out from the basement stairs top platform, "it's time for work."
He continued to sand a small piece of wood when he answered, "I'll be right there. I'm just finishing up this knob for the crib."
"Okay, but hurry up or you'll be late." You knew he still had plenty of time, but when he was in the zone, you knew that time was all but forgotten for him, so you made sure to tell him he was late so he'd get to work on time.
You smiled as you watched his face scrunch up as he concentrated, and you turned away to the kitchen to pack up a to go cup with coffee for him. You always had made a mean coffee but were too afraid to have Gibbs taste yours until you moved in and he asked if you could one morning when he was running too late to grab one at his usual coffee shop. Since then, he has been hooked on how you make it and always asks you to make him some.
"I love you." You heard him say as you felt his arms come around you and hug you from behind. He stayed like that for a few minutes, face pressed against your hair as he held you tightly.
He pulled away after a few minutes and gave you a peck on the cheek as he collected his jacket and coffee from the counter. "You are so beautiful." He whispered, causing your face to flame up.
Gibbs had been trying to tell you how he felt about you, which communication was one of the things you told him needed to change those three months ago. And since then, he's been nonstop saying whatever comes to mind. At first you were flattered but then you thought he was saying it just to say it and when you brought it up during one of your mood swings he told you everything he says out loud is what he's always felt and thought. He always thinks about how beautiful you are, and he doesn't want to stop thinking that.
You pulled him in for a front ward hug, your large belly slightly pushing you away from him. "Be safe, okay?"
He nodded in reply and gave you one last peck on the lips before he headed out the door and heard the car engine start. You cleaned up the counter where you spilled some coffee, locked the front door and went to head upstairs to put on an outfit for the day. You got to your closet and pulled out a white lace sundress that had little spaghetti straps. You slipped on some sandals and brushed your hair back when you heard the front door open.
You quietly sat your hair brush down, went over to your bedroom door, and slightly closed it. Hearing footsteps go around downstairs, you opened up your nightstand and grabbed your gun. Going into the bathroom, you hid behind the door, gun cocked and ready.
You heard footsteps headed up the stairs and heading down the hall to your room. You heard the slight creak of the door opening, and the floorboards groaned with each step as they got closer to the bathroom's door. When they were right outside of the door, you swung it open, gun aimed only to find a surprised Gibbs looking at you with his hands up.
"Jethro!" You shouted, upset that you almost shot him. "Don't scare me like that!"
He chuckled and took the gun out of your hands, setting it on the bathroom vanity. "I did call you to tell you I was coming back, but you didn't respond." Gibbs took you in his arms as you hugged him tightly, still in shock that you could have easily killed him. "I'm sorry, my love. Next time, I'll call your name as I go."
"It's okay," you whispered. "All forgiven."
Gibbs pulled away slightly and frowned when he saw a few tears leaking from your eyes. He quickly wiped them away with his thumbs as he cradled your head. "I'm okay, Y/N. You're okay. Just relax, okay?" He murmurmed as he hugged you again, stroking your hair.
You nodded and let a few more tears fall. He was always like this when you cried, a wonderful part of your mood swings. The first time he saw you cry, he paused for a second in shock since he's never seen you cry before, but he went right into comfort mode for you. Even if the tears are over something silly, he will always comfort you.
He gently picked you up to sit you on top of the vanity and rubbed the sides of your belly as he stood between your legs. "I'm now just noticing the dress, and if I wasn't super late for work, I would be taking you in the bedroom. You are just breathtaking."
You chuckled through a stuffed nose at the site Gibbs must have been seeing when he looked at you. Half brushed hair, puffy eyes from crying, tears staining your cheeks, a stuffy nose from your crying, and your swollen belly protruding from your dress while the rest of your body was swollen in areas they usually weren't. "You're funny. I'm a sight for sore eyes." You laughed, as you blew your nose.
"Nah," he shook his head, "you're just plain gorgeous." He leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss on the lips before deepening it.
You kissed him back passionate as you wrapped your arms on his shoulders, tangling on hand through his short hair while his roamed your body. He moved the hem of your dress up, exposing your lower area, as he ran his hands up and down your thighs, causing you to moan. He picked you up, never breaking the kiss, and carried you out into the bedroom.
-------------------------- ~~ ----------------------------
The elevator dinged as you walked with Gibbs hand in hand into the squad room to find Abby practically bouncing up and down at the sight of you. The rest of the team stood behind her smiling when they saw you and Gibbs get closer.
"Y/N!" Abby shouted, running to you as she crushed you into a hug as best she could. " I miss you so so much!"
"I missed you too, Abby."
"Abs, let her go before you crush her." Gibbs joked.
"Oops." Abby said as she let go and then gave you one more tiny hug before stepping back.
The rest of the team came up one by one as they gave you hugs.
You were near your due date and begged Gibbs to bring you with him to work since you were slowly going insane home alone. It was nice to finally see your friends, even though they came by often, and Abby, Ziva, and yourself went out on their days off. It was just nice to see everyone back in a familiar environment.
Gibbs sat you down in his chair, gave you a peck on the forehead, which caused Abby to coo, and left to go talk to Director Vance. You sat there rubbing your belly as you chatted away when you felt something warm trinke down your leg. You stopped what you were saying and looked in shock at the team. "I think my water just broke." You whispered.
The team looked in shock for a second before springing into action. "Palmer, go find Gibbs." Ducky said, as he took your hand in his as he helped you up.
"There's a secret go bag under Gibbs' desk," Ziva called out as she helped you into your sweater.
McGee bustled under Gibbs desk and came out with a very large diaper bag. You smiled happily at the thought of him keeping an extra bag under his desk just in case. You walked over and unzipped it and looked in at all the things he packed when you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen, causing you to cry out.
"We aren't waiting, Miss. Y/N," Ducky said as he pulled you away from the diaper bag. "We need to get you to the hospital."
He sat you down in Gibbs' chair, and Tony pushed it over to the elevator as another pain hit, causing you to cry out once again.
You saw Palmer run over as the elevator doors opened and Tony rushed you inside. "He's not up in Vance's office or in MTAC, does anyone know where he is?"
The rest of the team filled in as another more painful pain shot through your body. "No," you said as you gritted through the pain. "Just find him, or he's a dead man."
Palmer nodded as the doors closed and shouted out a good luck as you saw him run off. The team ended up using Ducky's truck since it had the lights on it and a comfortable place to lay, which was disinfected Ducky had said before placing you in.
The ride was short and comfortable but painful. You were whisked quickly into a room, while the team waited outside as they prepared you into a hospital gown and checked to see how far along you were. "Still two centimeters, so you have time. We can administer medicine to help with the pain in a bit if you want." You nodded as another pain shot through you. "Try to relax as best as you can with the pain."
The doctor left and met with a group outside the door. "Is anyone here the father?"
"No, but he should be coming soon." Tony answered.
"How far along is she?" Ducky inquired.
"Two centimeters at the moment, she can get an epidural but we have some medications to help with the pain before that. I do need someone to fill out some medical questions before we can proceed."
Ducky perked up, "I know her medical history, I can fill those out for her."
"Awesome, I'll see the rest of you and her shortly. You can go check in on her."
The team filled into the room, Abby and Ziva taking your hands as you cried out through another painful contraction.
"Where's Gibbs?" You screamed out as another one hit you harder this time, causing your torso to come forward towards your legs.
"I am right here, love." Gibbs shouted as he ran into the room. He took the hand Ziva was holding, sitting on the bed as his other hand brushed away the sweat that was gathering on your forehead. "I'm so sorry that I walked away and you couldn't find me. " He kissed your knuckles as you squeezed his hand harder through a smaller contraction.
"Don't do that ever again." You whispered as you leaned back into the bed, already tiring out from the pain.
"I won't."
"Miss Y/L/N, we can administer some medication now before the epidural of you'd like."
"Yes, please."
They administered the medication, and you laid back feeling the medicine kick in.
A few hours later, they were administering the epidural, and you were lying against Gibbs between his legs, a comfort position that you've enjoyed during your pregnancy, especially when your body ached.
"This feels so much better." You whispered as the epidural started to kick in. "Remind me why I decided to have a kid? It's so painful."
Gibbs chuckled as he massaged your shoulders. "You'll know in a little bit."
He sat up a bit and massaged your arms, chest, and legs and then rubbed your belly. "I'm going to miss this."
"Miss what? I can always give you massages."
You looked up at him, with a smile. "No, you rubbing my belly. I really liked it."
He smiled down at you and gave you a small kiss. "I guess we'll just have to make more babies then." You giggled against his lips.
-------------------------- ~~ ----------------------------
You gave a slight rub to your belly and smiled. You grabbed the pitcher of lemonade and brought it outside to the small gathering that was in your backyard.
You were holding a small party for the twins' first birthday. That's right, twins. You and Gibbs were shocked when the doctor said to continue pushing as soon as your first baby came into the world, but you were blessed with two beautiful girls - Shannon Jennifer and Francine Kelly.
Gibbs was shocked when you mentioned the names, since you didn't bring them up when you both were talking about names, but you wanted to honor those who loved and cared for Gibbs. You couldn't pick one first name, so you decided each girl would have two first names, and they could decide what they wanted to use more.
You sat the pitcher down on the table and looked around to see the twins in the sandbox as they played with Tony and McGee. You smiled as the two boys helped pack the sand into a bucket for the twins and watched them clap and squeal as Tony and McGee slid the sand out of the buckets to make a small castle.
A pair of arms circled your chest, and a small kiss was placed on your shoulder. "If everyone could gather around." Gibbs called out, and the party moved closer with Tony and McGee picking up the twins to bring them up to Gibbs and you.
"Make way for the birthday girls!" Tony called out, and the crowd chuckled.
Once the girls were brought over, you crouched down and held them as they stood up leaning against you as they took in the crowd of people around them.
"I know I'm not a man of very many words, but I've been trying so bare with me." Earnign Gibbs a few laughs. "I just want to thank everyone who's helped Y/N and myself the last year and throughout her pregnancy. It's made the transition easy, especially when Y/N went back to work. Now, I was always afraid to love someone again and to start a family, but with Y/N, it was easy. I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for our girls than you. And I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for me than you. You've helped me learn and grow so much since I've met you, and I couldn't imagine my life without you."
The crowded cooed, and you wiped a few happy tears from your eyes as you held your girls in your arms. Gibbs knelt down in front of you and ruffled through his pocket until he brought out a tiny velvet box, causing you to gasp as he opened it, revealing a diamond ring. "Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man by marrying me?"
You nod vigorously as you burst out into tears as Gibbs took Francine Kelly into his arms so he could slide the ring onto your finger. The crowd around you clapped as he cupped your cheek to give you a kiss.
Abby took the girls, and you stood up and gave Gibbs a big hug. "I can't wait to be your wife." You whispered.
You squealed as Gibbs dipped you and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips. "I can't wait to call you Mrs. Gibbs."
The crowd buzzed around excitedly as he set you on your feet, and you gathered the attention back. "I wanted to do a small surprise today, but after that huge surprise, I'm unsure." You laughed. You grabbed a small wrapped box from the table behind you and handed it to Gibbs who was knelt down with the twins. "This is for you."
Gibbs looked at you curiously and then had the girls help him unwrap it. He opened the box to a small pair of baby shoes with a small card reading, 'Baby Gibbs will be meeting the world in 7 months.'
"Are you serious?" He asked, in shock.
You bounced on your toes happily. "Yes!"
He stood up smiling and picked you up, spinning you around and giving you a kiss. He held you tight and showed the crowd the box. "Baby number three!"
The crowd once again cheered, and everyone came up to you congratulating you excitedly. Once everyone was done, the party went back into full swing as everyone played with the girls.
You stood under the yard's twinkle lights while Gibbs wrapped a small sweater over your shoulders and then gathered you into his arms. "Thank you." He mumbled.
"For what?"
"For giving me a happy ending after all these years."
You gave him a kiss and then leaned back into him happily as you watched your two girls laugh and squeal with those who you called your family. Your now ringed hand covered Gibbs as he rubbed your small belly that held your new bundle of joy.
"I love you, Jethro."
"I love you too, my love."
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sakuraryomen01 · 2 years
Valentino.. /Sukuna Ryomen x Female Reader/ .o3
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, getting ignored by childhood crush (*gasp*)
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 1.397k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 (will be updated..)
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a/n:: I hope I can get the next chapter out soon, and I hope you enjoy this one! The next one is hopefully going to have more than just up to 1k words ><
Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy~
. . .
After you had seen Sukuna for yourself just a few weeks ago, you heart still aches with confusion.
Didn’t he miss you after years of being apart?
Whatever the reason, Sukuna showed no signs of trying to explain himself. Removing himself from the room whenever class ended, ignoring all the women that were desperately trying to make their way into his path. It didn’t bother you much, other than the burn of your old memories.
Sukuna was so different from his childhood. What happened?
“And with that,” Toji’s cool voice suddenly snapped into your thoughts, making you blink and drop your pen. You were in the middle of class, thinking about your small-world problems. Could you be any more pathetic? 
“I’ll excuse you. But make sure to have your presentations and your names on them before showing me anything. I’m sick of group projects without both of your names.”
Oh right, group projects.
You normally didn’t need a partner, given that the uneven number of students in the class left you with no one. Toji, being a rather relaxed teacher, just handed out the F’s that were needed for the shitty projects and even sometimes handed out very low D’s to the three chicks that normally hovered around in the back when they presented. 
After about ten minutes, the bell for the end of class rang and you stood up, your eyes making their way over to Sukuna once again as he stood and grabbed his things. It was a note day, so he had to put in a few things, but his phone buzzed as someone sent him a text. 
You wondered who it was, but quickly grabbed your things and headed down to intercept Sukuna’s path. Though he didn’t care, he picked up his phone and hastily sent something to the other person and stuffed his phone into his pocket. But before he could walk away, your body blocked him, and a grimace instantly clouded his features.
“Yo,” You said, cringing at the small greeting and sighing. “Wh-What’s up..? D-Dude..?”
Note one: People skills need fixing.
“Yo,” Sukuna mimicked, a smirk on his annoyed face as he picked his bag up. “Are you done? I got Computers next.”
“I want to talk to you.”
He let out a sigh, pushing past you as he felt the teacher’s eyes bore into the side of his head. Walking towards the door, he looked back at you and scoffed. “For a smart bitch, you should get the hint.”
You blinked a few times, watching him leave as students poured out behind him.
What had gone wrong for him? Wasn’t he proud to have achieved his goals of getting into a top-graded school? Didn’t he want to talk to you at all? This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to catch up, so why didn’t he want anything to do with you?
With a huff, you followed. Eventually finding Sukuna in a crowd and tugged on his arm. “Sukuna!”
“Let me go,” He snapped back, his voice dark as he turned his red eyes towards you again. “I’m not talking to you.”
“Then tell me why!” You said, your cheeks burning as the attention of some passerby students looked over towards you and Sukuna. “Just tell me, so I know. Please.”
Sukuna stared at you, the steady breath coming through his nose being the only noise you heard past the squeaking of shoes and then chatter of voices.
There were little to no one caring about the small argument that was going on between you and him, but there wasn’t any hesitation when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards one of the empty classrooms that no one really frequented unless they wanted to get busted with a cigarette on campus. 
“Agh! Hey!"
"Shut up."
The stern growl in his tone made you shut up, sighing with annoyance as he pulled you towards the empty classroom. Slamming the door once you were both inside, Sukuna pushed you away from him and released his hold on your wrist, a firm scowl settling on his features.
"Since you won't leave me alone," He muttered, pressing his back against the door, locking the door with an echoing click. "I'll just tell you before I get a fucking restraining order on you."
You sighed, "That's all I want. Just tell me."
Sukuna stayed quiet for a moment, looking you over with a grimace as if he hated your very existence. A deep rooted anger with you was what he had behind his glare and his distance, making sure that you didn't step closer. He didn't want, or need you, anymore.
No matter how pissed off or scared he was, he couldn't let it show.
"You wanna know that badly?"
You nodded, making his annoyance worse.
You should've guessed by now, or did you get dumber while he was away? "Fine. Sit."
While the air in the room got tense and thick, you sat at one of the desks and crossed your legs, arms crossed and staring at your former best friend. His eyes boring into yours with anger, clear and unchecked.
Does he plan on killing you right now?
"The reason I want nothing to do with you," Sukuna started, removing himself from his spot on the door and stepping towards you. The sounds of his books and pencils moving around in his bag make you hold your breath. "Is because you left me with nothing."
"What..?" Your breath hitched as Sukuna's fist slammed against the creaky old desk top, silence catching you once again in its tight embrace. His face was so close you could smell the minty concoction of his toothpaste and the cinnamon taste of his gum.
"No calls, no texts. Not even a letter with your name or mine on it," Sukuna answered, his jaw tight and his eyes wide with frustration. "You didn't try reaching out to me, not even asking how I was, or how Yuji felt after you left me alone. My deadbeat father caused nothing but pain and you weren't there to help me. Thankfully, he drank himself to the grave so I don't have to hear him screeching profanities in the middle of the night at some whore."
You were still in your seat, looking up at Sukuna with a great deal of sadness. Abandoned him? That what he thought you had done?
No.. it's what you did.
He was right when he said you didn't try to reach out, to help him in one of his darkest hours. No wonder he hated you and wanted nothing to do with you, you weren't there for him even though he was there for you since day one.
"You get it now." Sukuna huffed, his voice laced with pure rage. "Now, fuck off, Y/n. If I want to talk to you, I will."
Sukuna stood his breath heavy as he let out a sigh, his V-cut black sweater hanging loose from his shoulders and body. His tie looked disheveled and loose, much like his belt and pants. From what you could tell, he looked like your average artsy college kid, though what you felt deep inside your chest told you different.
The kid you remember from almost a decade ago, wasn't the Sukuna that was standing before you. He was different, in a weirdly intoxicating way.
Why was that?
"Okay," You mumbled, squirming in your spot as the male scoffed, turning to leave.
"I'll see you later then, in Toji's class." Sukuna commented, unlocking the door and exiting. His mind focused back on his classes as he walked down the hall, hearing the door from the classroom open again as you left too.
From where you stood in Sukuna's circle, you considered going after him but chose better. You walked in the opposite direction, towards the direction to your next class.
With all the information you learned today, you decided that you would listen and stay away.
Wait for him to come to you, to be patient.
That was until Toji called you both over to his desk later on that nest day and sighed with a bit more annoyance than normal. His green eyes searching you both while he tapped his red inked pen with a grimace.
"So, Y/n. When do you plan on giving Mr. Ryomen here his first lesson?"
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a/n: kjksjskjs finally chapter 3 has been posted! Hopefully you being Sukuna's tutor will get you closer to him, hmm? Maybe we'll get to know the older Sukuna and remember a few things from the past?
Chapter Song Theme: —Go Down Deh - Spice (ft. Sean Paul, Shaggy [Slowed] )
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd, @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalfleshlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fallenfeversstuff, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @ririkaxbz, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @instantgalaxysheep, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9
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last chapter || next chapter
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Hi, sorry to ask but have you written any fanfics where Jerry is autistic? I've read your autistic!morty fic and thought that was excellent. I'm trying to find Jerry-centric fanfics where he isn't mischaracterized/demonized. (Way too many people write Jerry as transphobic which -_-ll no he isn't)
Hi, no need to apologise! I haven't written any autistic Jerry fics and I'm not sure if I know of any (if anyone else does, please leave recs on this post!). I do 100% view him as autistic though. Thank you!
Yeah honestly Jerry being portrayed as transphobic is something that bothers me as a trans guy? I headcanon him as supportive but clueless/cringe at times (he a little confused but he got the spirit).
I do have a trans Morty WIP with a scene between Morty and Jerry, although Morty is still very early on in figuring out that he might be a guy, and Jerry kind of knows something is up but assumes Morty is a lesbian rather than a trans guy and so kind of fumbles but ultimately is trying to be supportive/nice. Morty does worry about Jerry not loving him anymore if he's trans, although this is Morty's POV rather than being objective/a thing that actually happens.
I'll leave the scene below the cut in case anyone's interested. Warnings for mention of periods (and them being referred to in a gendered way), fear of transphobia from parents, accidental misgendering (and misgendering/deadnaming of Morty in the text since this is only the very start of Morty's gender questioning).
“Morti? Rick said you’re sick. Are you OK?” Jerry opens the door. Morti quickly shoves her phone under her pillow. Thankfully, her dad is as oblivious as ever as he walks over and rests a hand against her forehead.
“You don’t feel warm. Is it, uh, you know,” Jerry points down towards his own abdomen, “woman troubles?” he asks in an exaggerated stage whisper. Morti wants to die all over again. She presses her face into her pillow.
“Hey, sweetheart, i-it’s OK.” Morti feels Jerry rest a tentative hand on her shoulder. “Do you need anything?”
Morti takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and then sits up.
“N-no, Dad, I’m OK.”
“OK, honey.” Jerry wraps his arms around her and Morti can’t help but wonder if he would still hug her like this if he knew what she’d spent the past couple of hours reading about. She hugs him back tightly, suddenly unable to stop thinking that she might have to make the most of the affection while it lasts.
When Jerry pulls back, his face clouds with concern and Morti realises she’s once again been crying. She’s getting really sick of that.
“Morti, honey, what’s wrong?”
Morti feels the question writhing around in her gut until it chokes its way out of her mouth. “Dad… you’d love me no matter what, right?”
“Of course, sweetie. No matter what, you’ll always be my daughter.”
The words are meant to be a comfort, but all Morti can think about is the possibility that she’s not his daughter.
“Morti? Are you gay? It’s OK if you’re gay, you know.” As always, Jerry is well-intentioned but clueless. Truthfully, Morti’s not really put much thought into her own sexual orientation, and it’s not her main concern right now. She shakes her head, and Jerry looks doubtful but leaves it. 
After a few minutes, Morti works up the courage to speak again. “Dad? Could-could you… tell me a story? Like when I was little?” she cringes as she says the words, knowing she’s far too old to be asking for something like that. To her relief, Jerry smiles.
“Sure thing, sweetie.” 
He launches into an improvised story, very similar to the ones she remembers him coming up with when she was younger. She has a memory of Summer complaining Jerry’s stories were boring, always demanding more action. However, once Summer had aged out of wanting a bedtime story and left Morti as the sole listener, Jerry had settled comfortably back into his original stories, which Morti found calming and reassuring. 
Her dad’s voice relaxes her and she rests her head against the pillow, feeling her eyelids begin to droop. Jerry’s hand rests on her hair and strokes it gently, just as he used to all those years ago. It’s enough to block out the negative thoughts for the time being, and Morti is so exhausted from the recent events that she soon drifts peacefully into sleep.
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weridpersonhelp · 1 year
red phone [2.]
Wally x reader?
Previus - Next?
warning: slightly scary, first-time horror writer, stalking, confusion, gramma and spell mistakes, screaming, getting up a horrible hour of night, neurodivergent reader, slow burnish? more fanfic than x reader, children, puppets, curse langue, music, be ready for cringe!
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“Augh Jimmy, come on buddy! Be good for sissy!” I plead for my brother who was crying nonstop, I pat his back gently but firm as I bounce up and down slightly trying to rock him to sleep.  
“Ooh the poor little thing is he still crying?” Grandma asks I sigh and nod looking up at her, grey hair up behind a shower cap so she almost looked bald. Her ears were hidden behind it, but I could still see her earrings through it.
“Why don’t you put a show on! I have Vhs tapes in a box with old tv shows! He might just need something to relax”
“Thanks grandma!”
“No problem I’ll be off taking my bubble bath!”  she calls out, I  wince as my little brother grabs my ear and screams in it louder as if I couldn’t hear him any clearer than before. I sit him down on Grandma’s old creamy love seat couch propping him up so he doesn’t fall and shove a pacifier in his mouth. Making his cries just a little less annoying, crawling over to grandma’s Vhs player I look in the cabinets to try and find something that still had colour or better yet something appropriate for him. I sigh finding absolutely nothing that would entertain my brother. I crouch down even more to see if any Vhs tapes had fallen out and one did! BINGO! It had a box and everything so I could read what it was about as well!
I reach in to grab it, but my arms were too short. Honestly how deep was this cabinet? Grabbing a broom, I sweep it out myself and their it was. A puppet with an Elvis Presley hair style, he sat on a colourfully painted rock and honestly, I liked his style and character design. There were flowers behind him brightly painted and a house with eyes. The front cover had the word ‘Welcome Home’ which was a little creepy but over all alright considering the times. It reminded me of the Muppets or sesame street. Turning it over and a description of the show and it’s cast as shown on the back.
“Welcome home. Welcome home is a show following the protagonist Wally as he and his friends, Frank Frankly, Julie Joyful, Poppy Partridge , Sally Starlet, Eddie Dear, Howdy Pillar, Barnaby B. Beagle and Wally darling sentient house?” I ask turning to my brother who was still crying as if he was actually listening to me reading the prologue out loud.
“As they go out on adventure’s learn new lessons and enjoy their time in the happy and welcoming neighbourhood. Seems good enough to me” I take the tape out, and place it in. I turn on the tv and to my surprise it had colour. I sat on the couch and put Jim on my lap and bounce him making his voice shake as he walked.
“Come on let’s watch welcome home! This show hopefully will turn that frown upside down and make you sleepy!” I say to him as if he could understand a single word I just said, the show starts with the Wally character with a newspaper reading it. Honestly, I didn’t mind it myself, and Jim almost completely stopped crying as soon as he saw Wally. I have to say though Frankly frank looked familiar for some reason, but otherwise if I was being honest, I would probably watch the show with out Jim here. I loved Wally’s calm but cheerful attitude, he would tease his friends a little but over all was supportive of them. Frank and Julie would have to be my favoured pair though. They seemed to be the best of friend’s even though they were basically complete opposites in personality, I couldn’t help but laugh at their banter. We also got to meet Sally who was pretty cool too, My brother how ever seemed to just be in love with Wally and home! And when the eposide was done he clapped his hands for more happily.
“Oh my! where did you find that old thing?!” Grandma asks in her night gown walking down the stairs, she sounded angry and shocked.
“At the back of the cabinet! It’s quite a fun show Jim adores it!” I explain though she seems nervous for some reason.
“ooh I though I thought that out along time ago, it best be time for Jim to go to bed now, and you should get ready for bed soon as well! Don’t want to stay up too late!” grandma says turning off the tv by the cord, which was odd because the remote was right next to her. Jim was giggly though and when grandma went to pick him up, he was still giggly.
“alright good night grandma!” I say as the old woman walks up stairs carefully, I sigh pulling out my phone and texting my friend.
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I have known Safa ever since we were kids, she was short plumb and had the most beautiful black hair I had ever seen, not to mention the perfect tans she would get at the beach when ever her family went . she was tech savvy way better than I was and able to find someone in just a couple of hours, which was useful but also scary. I get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen grabbing some ice cream, I make sure to put a massive spoon full of milo, sit at the table and set up my phone and watch my favioute youtuber while eating. Hours go by, with me just scrolling through my phone and talking to Safa about the stupidest shit, that was until I heard the creek of the door.
Once I decided enough was enough, I put my bowl in the sink and go up stairs quickly taking a shower and brush my teeth, drying myself off with one of grandma’s old towels felt scratchy on my skin. I should of brought my own towel, oh well too late now plus I’ll be back home in a couple of days and can deal with it for another day or two. Maybe.
Once I got dress in my pure cotton Pj’s I walk over to my double bed and faceplant. I spread my limps like a star fish taking a deep breath I try to relax my body. Closing my eyes, I wrap myself in a cocoon the tightness of my blanket comforts me as I fell asleep
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ddarker-dreams · 9 months
Hi! I have a question, you can ignore this if you want to but I’ve found myself really loving the way you write and the range of writing you can articulate as well. Speaking from someone who is nowhere close to that level of skill you possess, would you mind being able to explain your journey of writing, if you practiced any particular methods or anything else to get to this stage you are at right now? Unless you have been gifted the talent of writing from birth and didn’t need to try for much long or long enough to call it a journey. Could you also spare some tips and advice for someone who wants to start writing stories and what to look into/practice?
I love your work a lot and I am constantly waiting for the notification of your new posts, despite not being a writer myself I do love breaking down and analysing writing and your stories are always such good options for me to look into. Thank you so much for writing and sparing your time to produce such well done pieces of work — I felt extremely corny writing this, excuse me for this language, I promise I’m not a pimp!
i'm deeply grateful for all your kind words, thank you so so much 😭
i don't mean this in a self-deprecating way, but i've never considered myself a gifted or super incredible writer, i just get hype about story ideas and try to make them as good as i can. due to that, i start sweating when people ask for advice because i don't consider myself qualified... i do have a writing advice tag, but take everything i say with a grain of salt!! if it's fanfic literally all that matters is that you enjoy whatever you're writing.
i'm more than happy to share my writing journey though!! it's kinda fun to reminiscence.
i've loved reading and writing ever since i was a little lock. while thinking about this ask, it occurred to me that what i've always been the most invested in are the characters. i'd think about 275894275 different storylines with them. i didn't start writing fanfic until i was around 11 though, everything was handwritten. or in flipnote hatena.
i did a lot of fanfic writing from 11-14 buuuut then my interest in it kinda fizzled out. it wasn't until i watched hxh for the first time that i took it up again bc chrollo is that powerful. that's when i started conceptualizing HWR. i looked at my early writing folder, the first HWR fanfic i wrote was in 2016 when i was 15 ?? here's a cursed excerpt:
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anyway, once i started making googly eyes at chrollo, it was gg. i've been writing often ever since.
what's helped me the most is to focus on the elements i find interesting. for example, i like fleshing out my MCs, focusing on dialogue, and developing a universe around the main pairing. because i enjoy this so much it's (mostly) always easy to devote time and effort toward it.
so i think it comes down to finding out what niches you like and working with those. some writers prefer to write with heavy prose, others are more succinct, some writers like dialogue, others prefer to be more action based... etc etc. this does require a little time if you're completely new to writing, but you know yourself best. you'll eventually pick up on what part of the story you're most excited to write.
this isn't particularly mind-blowing or anything but i hope it helps some 😭 what completely Altered my mindset was when i realized i can be as self-indulgent as humanly possible. cringe is not in my vocabulary. write a MC where every single character is in love with them if you want. write a 100k word fic about your OC being isekaid into x world. post about your f/os, draw art of you with your fav, go ham.
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
Levi Ackerman x M. Reader [Pt.3]
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After reading a Levi fanfic, I got inspo to make a prequel to my Hero two-shot...now three-shot (technically). This is what lead up to parts 1 and two.
Want more from me? Masterlist 2
Here are Part One and Part Two.
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⚔Love, Sweat, and Tears⚔ (AOT or SNK)
Warning(s): Fluff, cursing (I think? I don't remember), long, low-key angsty toward the end
Levi just wants some tea, turns out he gets something a little sweet, too.
"Where are we going?"
"They say this place has the best tea around here, you like tea, right?"
Levi glared at the outside of the building they stopped at.
He was still deciding on what he thought of the name.
The outside had a creamy purple color with white and gold painted accents in well-placed areas.
"Wanna go in?" Gabi, one of his caretakers asked.
"They better have good tea."
"It's been open for a year exactly today. But apparently it's very popular," she wheeled him inside.
The second they were inside, they were hit with the scents of different teas. Though every individual smell complemented each other.
But the interior was what really caught their attention.
"Whoa...I don't think I've ever seen a shop this clean looking..."
Levi liked this place already, this place was anti-dirt.
Customers were scattered across the shop, talking to each other over white tables, sitting in window seats, and girls were crowded at the counter table.
They didn't look like tea drinkers, so why were they looking so eager?
"It looks like this place is taken over by brats."
"Hello, sorry for the wait. I got the blend you wanted in your preferred amount."
Levi couldn't see who the voice belonged to over the throng of ladies as he got closer to the counter to hopefully be able to order.
"Yes, [Name], this is perfect! Thank you."
You laugh, "It's no problem. You, ladies, might want to start buying in bulk, though. Your usual order of two pouches can last about a week just between 4 people per bag. But you come here every other day ordering more."
"Yeah, we just love tea so much! And we just want to support our favorite shop owner," one leaned in.
"We should go, customer service is shitty here," Levi muttered.
"Sorry, Levi."
"Thank you, I appreciate that. But ladies, would you mind moving since you've paid already? There are customers behind you."
They turned to the two dryly, glaring at them before leaving the store altogether.
"Sorry about that, some of my customers can get that way! You look like you two must be new. Would you like to hear the options of tea I have? I also have pastries if you're interested."
Levi dragged his gaze back to you and he swore he stopped breathing.
Who was this beautiful man? [Name] he heard? He was suddenly much more interested.
"Do you need some time to think about it?"
"No. What do you have?"
You began to rattle off all the types of tea you possessed, even some that Levi's never heard of, which you explained when noticing any confusion.
Usually, he didn't like when people talked so much...but he found he didn't mind when you did it.
Privileges of finding you pretty, he guessed.
He stealthily observed you, from your jaw to your white dress shirt to the beginning of your waist until the counter blocked the rest of the view.
After he ordered, since Gabi didn't want anything, you smiled.
"Want any sugar or honey with it?"
Levi cringed, "What kind of moron adds shit to their tea?"
You only chuckle at his language, "It actually isn't too bad if it's done right."
"Nothing belongs in tea," he glared.
You rang them up, "Three dollars–and Mr. Levi, I'm sure I could change your mind. I'm very convincing. I'm pretty good at what I do," you gestured to his cup, "Just see for yourself."
After he was settled, he took a sip and almost groaned at its taste.
He was coming back here.
And he did.
Again. And again.
Until it was a regular thing.
"Welcome back, Levi."
That smile was lethal, did you not know that?
At this point, it'd been months and Levi became a [Name] addict.
"Same thing?"
After serving him, you prepped some tea leaves to grind.
He watched as you work, enveloping the quiet atmosphere.
"I'm so happy I have this place."
"I uh...When I was a kid, things came easy. So they didn't feel rewarding...until I bought this place and grew a business from the ground up...It taught me how to work, it taught me discipline, it taught me that an easier life doesn't mean it's better," you laugh to yourself, "Sorry, I know you don't want to hear this."
"That why you opened this place? To work hard after having an easy life?" he subtly signaled he did.
You snickered, "I know that seems backward, but yeah. I know it's selfish since there are people out there who'd kill to have the easy life I had...but...I wasn't being fed, or stimulated, I had nothing to wake up for. Then I met a military police officer—a good one—and he--he worked so hard, he had a passion for what he did. I wanted that. I wanted to know what it was like to have a reason to live, to serve others. So I left an easy life behind for a life of work...but it was worth it. It's so freeing to live this way. I was never free when it was easy."
After that day, Levi realized he crushed on you, hard. He couldn't talk to you straight after that.
You leaned on an elbow behind the counter one afternoon, "Hey, Levi. You look really handsome today--not that you don't always look handsome, of course. But today seems a little different."
His cheeks flushed pink, "I-I didn't do much brat, just...changed my hair a little..."
And one evening, you got bold.
"Hey Levi, can I get your opinion as an avid tea drinker? I'd feel like you'd be a better judge than me who leans more toward alcohol."
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"I've been testing a new tea brew, but I need another opinion before I decide to add it to the menu or not. Can you try it for me?"
"It's still in my apartment upstairs, I'll take you."
"[Name], I'm in a wheelchair, I can't go up the stairs on my own."
"I know, here."
"Pu-put me down!" he flushed red.
"But you can't walk..."
"You could've just helped me up. The other leg is still fine."
"It's faster."
It became regular for you two to hang out in your apartment above the shop after closing, and one night, you kissed. Neither of you knew how it happened, but it couldn't be taken back.
And once you finally get Levi comfortable with the thought, you decide to try being a couple.
And Levi needed time to get used to the foreign type of relationship.
He had to get used to someone smiling at the sight of him.
He had to get used to someone's lips brushing against his skin.
He had to get used to someone treating him like a prince.
Someone celebrating his birthday that he didn't think was important.
He had to get used to someone remembering the little things.
Someone with an open ear to listen to the feelings he hides within his depths.
Someone saying, "I love you, Levi."
And him saying it back.
And after three years of dating, he had to get used to living with someone he was in a relationship with.
Had to get used to full, warm meals from morning to night.
Someone restoring him back to health when he's sick.
Someone soothing him from the nightmares, someone showing him how to sleep better. And waking to another warm body in a bed he shares (which he had to force, for a while you'd let him have the bed to himself in respect).
He had to get used to finding more reasons to smile, he had to get used to making someone laugh and smile with ease.
He had to get used to someone cleaning for him, someone who's very stubborn with what they allow him to clean, "I know you like to clean baby, but let me do it, let me take care of you."
He had to get used to someone cutting his hair for him.
Someone who didn't judge him for his background, no matter what.
"Levi, you're practicing your writing?" you leaned over his shoulder.
"There's nothing wrong with where you're from. Because without that place, you wouldn't have become the Levi I love now. So don't feel like you have to hide it or be ashamed," you kissed the curve of his neck.
He had to get used to someone being attentive to him and his habits and behaviors. Someone knowing him better than he knows himself.
He had to get used to being protected and fought for, although he still likes to feel like he can protect, too.
"Levi! Never do that again, do you know how worried I was?" you growled, running a hand through your hair, "I swear you want to make me go more insane for you than I already have...Do you not understand that I would shed blood for you if I had to? Please don't take me lightly."
He had to get used to someone reading to him, someone tucking him in.
Someone making him try new things, like sugar in his tea. He couldn't believe it.
Someone...calling him beautiful...
Someone bathing him and joining him sometimes just for the pure connection of intimacy.
Someone that didn't need to have sex with him to connect with him.
Someone that will ask him how he's feeling, and happily fill the silence when he doesn't want to divulge.
Someone who buys him whatever books he wants. Spoils him and works hard to earn back the money spent.
Someone showing their love in physically any way they could, showing what it was like to have a gentle touch.
Someone who won't let him go to bed angry.
"Please, don't leave me, [Name]!"
"I-I'm sorry, I do need you! And—And not just because you take care of me," Levi looked up in desperation, tears welling up in his eyes, he regretted every nasty word he'd just said to you.
You look like a broken-hearted puppy, "It really hurt, Levi."
"I know...I know, I...I'm not good with this 'feelings' stuff. I don't know how to tell you things, I don't know how to show you I care about you. But I'm tired of people leaving me! And you're the only person who hasn't, I don't want to be the reason why you finally do. So please," he approaches you with shaking hands, his face burrowing into your torso as he grips the back of your shirt. "Don't leave me...Please. I love you, I love you. I'm sorry."
(But he didn't tell you the real reason he blew up at you that night...because of his own hidden thoughts...)
He had to get used to someone who cried from his tears, someone holding him tight, keeping silent about the tears he knew they felt.
He had to get used to having a reason to keep going.
He...had to get used to you...
The one he loved more than anyone.
The one he wanted for the rest of his life...
...and the last person he'd want to see at the end of it.
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cauliflowertree · 2 years
blurb night!!
remus or sirius x reader and y/n is sick and keeps trying to down play it but he always knows better
remus lupin—let me love you
summary: remus wants to take care of you.
word count: 0.6k
fanfic no. 021
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remus knows what it looks like to hide suffering behind a well-worn mask and a convincing smile. he knows the amount of effort and energy, the lengths you have to go to, to make it seem like the affliction is minor, that simply turning up to classes isn't a labouring chore. and it was precisely these reasons as to why remus knew you were hurting.
sitting in the library, hunched over a book and slumped to one side against the wall, just to offer some sort of relief to your muscles, remus winced. he walked over cautiously, for he knew that without doing it properly, you'd protest until he left the subject buried.
"alright, love," hey said softly, sitting beside you.
perking up, you smiled at remus and, for the moment at least, left the world of herbology behind. "yeah, you?"
"i'm okay," remus replied, twiddling his thumbs and wondering how best to approach the subject. "you been here long?"
"a few hours," you sighed, flicking through the book's pages aimlessly.
"maybe you should call it a day," he suggested. "it's friday, you can afford to give yourself a break tonight."
remus lupin was suggesting you took the night off? when the exams were only two weeks away? he was only coming to the library to study himself, why should he suggest you'd had enough when you knew he'd been studying far longer than you throughout the day.
"you're not," you shrugged. "why should i?"
remus sighed and shook his head. you weren't going to make this easy. truly, there was no shame in being ill. remus had to accept that for a week each month, at minimum, he was forced to take it easy and preserve his energy, regain his strength.
"you don't look very well, love," remus said after some silence.
"what do you mean?" you scoffed, avoiding his eye.
"i mean, i think you should get some rest. i know there's a cold going around," he added pointedly.
"so? it's just a silly cold."
"silly colds can take their toll," remus reminded you. "you probably shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning. but you can make up for it by going to bed now," he smiled, forcibly closing your book.
"no buts, i'll walk you there myself," he said smugly.
perhaps you were feeling a little drowsy. you'd been working all day, attending classes and trying not to wince every time someone said your name too loudly or cringe at the noise in the corridors. you'd barely eaten—you'd lost your appetite—and sitting with your back hunched against the wall was the most comfortable you'd been all day. and anyway, if you got up early tomorrow-
"and i know what you're thinking, but you're on bed-rest tomorrow, and i won't hear any arguments."
"but rem, i need to study."
"you are one of the most prepared people i know. a couple of days won't hurt your chances of getting Os."
you smiled bashfully, for remus knew you inside and out. when everyone else saw your façade, remus saw a brave face and an act of stoicism. he took care of you, you took care of each other. so you followed him willingly, not another argument slipping past your lips or even entering your thoughts.
remus pulled out your favourite pyjamas, and as you went to change, pulled back the sheets of your bed, ready for you to climb in. with a quick, chaste kiss to your lips, remus slipped quietly from your dorm, deciding to finish the rest of his work nearby in case you needed anything.
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🏷 @cherrystrees @sw34terw34ther @imabee-oralizard @mad-elia @velvetcloxds @natashxromanovf @masivechaos @ell0ra-br3kk3r @garfieldsladybird @flesh--amnesiac @maricoolerthanme @uwiuwi
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sprout-fics · 8 months
First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for all the work you put into all your pieces, especially omegaverse. It’s actually inspired me to want to write my own AU, but as someone who’s never really written fic before, I’m nervous. It all seems so insurmountable, if you have any advice? Thank you.
Hi anon, thank you so much for your lovely ask! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my story, and it’s an honor to inspire you. I have more writing advice than I can manage, but lemme it narrow it down to your particular question.
Write the stories you want to write, and the stories you want to read. This is the most important thing. Writing for an audience and chasing trends is a losing game. If you try to do what everyone else is doing, you’ll find yourself drifting from what you want to do. In the end, you should be writing for yourself first and foremost, and sharing the things you are proud of.
Find a style that is comfortable to you. It’s great to look up to other authors and emulate the things you enjoy in their styles, but it’s more important to find a style you don’t have to constantly tailor, because it will only give you an undue amount of stress.
Remember that posting your stories is a gift, not an obligation. It is perfectly ok to keep your stories to yourself if that’s what you are comfortable with. Those who will demand updates and offer unsolicited constructive criticism are reading as a privilege you offer, not a service.
Find people to talk to about your stories. Mutuals, friends, followers/readers, it helps so much to have a rubber duck/sounding board for ideas. Half the time I’m stuck on something I bring it to a friend and the knot unwinds itself.
Don’t worry about activity/follower count. If you find yourself constantly refreshing for reblogs/comments, take some time away from your screen and go do something else. The people who enjoy will come, fear not. 
Establish your boundaries. This can be things you refuse to write, people you don’t want to engage with, turning off anon, or limiting the privacy of your stories. Do what you need to in order to feel comfortable in your craft. 
Similarly, don’t forget to properly tag your stories. There will be people who will not want to read your stories, and that’s ok!! You don’t want to read every story either. However, if folks ever decide to complain, you can simply point to the tags and tell them they should pay better attention to the warnings of the content they consume.
Know when to take a break. It’s important to know what burnout or writer’s block looks like for you, and when to step back. 
Find inspiration. This can be movies, shows, other fanfic, books, music, etc. Find things that keep you writing
Most of all, have fun!! If you aren’t having fun writing, then what’s the point? Do what you have to in order to make this a fun experience. Remember cringe is dead. Be as indulgent as you want. This is your own little daydream realm, don’t let others ruin it for you. 
I hope this advice helps, anon. I have much more regarding writing resources/tools/things I use in my own writing style, but that’s for a different post. In the meantime, please have fun writing your first fanfic!
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 6 months
the fugio fanfic i wrote in my science book <3
warning for angst btw, this is a sad one </3
Pannacotta Fugo never thought he would fall in love. A man of his origins would find it hard to fall in love without fear, and yet, he did.
He knew he was a goner the moment he laid his eyes upon his new teammate, Giorno Giovanna, who looked far too gorgeous to be real.
That curly golden hair and those light green eyes had drawn in Fugo before he could even realize it, and by the time he did, he was in far too deep to be pulled back out.
Naturally he tried to hide it, going as far as to even resent Giorno for a little while. However, anyone who looked at Fugo could see his eyes light up and his pupils turn to hearts every time he looked towards Giorno.
Giorno, on the other hand, had known he was in love with Fugo from the first time they had laid eyes upon each other as well. But, unlike Fugo, he fully embraced his feelings, rather than trying to hide than.
The golden haired boy would often find himself staring at Fugo; silently taking in his pale blond hair, which was probably more close to white in colour, and those cherry red eyes of his that would occasionally glance back at Giorno with what seemed to be a longing desire for some sort of love or affection, but would quickly be last as Fugo would avert his eyes elsewhere.
It was hard to hide his face heating up, unfortunately.
Neither would confess, for different reasons. Giorno wanted to wait for a more romantic setting, in the right place at the right time. Fugo just wasn't ready for something like that. He was hoping his feelings would disappear if he just got used to Giorno being around, which of course, would never happen. This left the duo to quietly admire each other silently, without the other knowing.
Fugo would often settle his tender gaze on Giorno when he thought no one was looking, while Giorno would sigh quietly and stare longingly at Fugo whenever he could, only looking away whenever Fugo would notice and look back with a slight blush and a questioning expression.
It wasn't long before Mista and Narancia inevitably caught on to Fugo's little crush, and would tease Fugo endlessly for it. He'd deny it every time, much to their amusement.
This often resulted in Fugo getting frustrated and yelling at Narancia and Mista, who'd giggling and run off before his violent tendencies could arise.
Despite Fugo's uncontrollable anger, it always seemed that he'd calm down in Giorno's presence. Giorno would actually listen to Fugo ranting about something he was interested in, which didn't happen often.
Giorno could calm him down far better than Bucciarati could, and that said something.
Fugo usually hated physical touch, due to specific events he went through before he joined Passione, but when Giorno would hold his hand and reassure him quietly, he found himself yearning for Giorno to just hug him tightly and let him cool down.
Giorno was very patient with Fugo, and would never overstep any of his boundaries. He didn't know why Fugo hated physical touch so much, but he figured it was best to leave some questions unasked. Giorno would never do anything more than hold Fugo's hand, which Fugo had initiated the first time, unless Fugo specifically asked him to do so.
Bucciarati, after catching on to Fugo's feelings for Giorno, would try to give him advice on approaching the golden-haired boy, though it never worked out.
"Fugo?" Giorno looked up from the tea he was drinking, as he noticed Fugo had entered the room.
Fugo closed the door behind him, looking at Giorno with a nervous gaze. "Am I interrupting you, Giogio?" He asked, not wanting to interrupt.
The don smiled and shook his head, placing the teacup down on the table. "Of course not. Please, come join me. You look like you need some company."
Fugo mumbled out an "alright" and sat across from Giorno, keeping his head down as he fidgeted with his hands.
"What's troubling you?" Giorno asked gently, looking at the boy across from him with a caring gaze. He focused his pale green eyes on Fugo, tilting his head to the side.
Fugo found that adorable.
The pale boy hesitated for a moment, scratching at the scars on his cheeks, before answering. "I'm just... lonely," He spoke with a downcast expression, shaking slightly.
"I keep thinking about them... Narancia, Abbacchio, and..." He paused, feeling the tears form in his eyes as he tried to stop them from spilling out. "... And Bucciarati... I- I miss them. A lot."
Giorno's gaze seemed to soften at Fugo's disheveled state, as he reached across the table to place his hand over Fugo's. "It's hard. I know it is, Pannacotta. To learn that almost everyone in your team had been killed must be difficult, especially with how close you were with each of them. Finding out about Narancia and Abbacchio dying must've been hard enough, but to find out that Bucciarati had followed along too? It must be heart wrenching to hear about such a thing."
Fugo looked up at Giorno, surprised that he had called his by his first name, but he didn't exactly mind it.
Giorno stared deep into Fugo's teary red eyes, gently rubbing circles into the back of Fugo's hand with his thumb as the white haired boy started to break. 'I'm here for you, Pannacotta. Mista, Sheila, and everyone is here for you, too. If you ever need anything, I'm right here for you. Don't ever forget that. I love you."
I love you, those words made Fugo finally break down fully as he let out a broken sob, trying desperately to wipe away his tears as he cried.
Fugo was never a fan of crying in front of others, yet he cried in front of Giorno again and again, never really knowing why. Perhaps it was his feelings of love and admiration that helped him open up to Giorno, or maybe it was the fact that he knew Giorno was a kind soul at heart, much like Bucciarati, and yet, so different from him.
Either way, he felt like he needed this.
Giorno looked at him with an expression akin to one of deep concern, before standing up and walking around the table to sit next to the distressed boy. Once he sat down, he went to hold Fugo's hand, but the albino boy leaned into Giorno before he could do anything, hiding his face into Giorno's shoulder and practically throwing his arms around him.
Giorno was surprised, but wrapped his arms around Fugo gently, as Fugo tried desperately to stop crying. He felt like he was embarrassing himself in front of the boy he liked.
"I miss them..." Fugo whimpered, grasping tightly at Giorno's shirt for comfort. Giorno simply kept his arms around Fugo's waist, ever so gently pulling him closer.
Giorno quietly whispered reassurance to Fugo, telling him that he would always be there for him, that he loved him, that it was all ok.
Fugo eventually calmed down after a bit, just resting his head on Giorno's shoulder as the latter rubbed his back in a soothing pattern. The pair sat in silence, with Fugo subconsciously playing with Giorno's hair as they embraced each other.
"Pannacotta," Giorno said suddenly, in a calm, quiet voice. Fugo paused and lifted his head to look at Giorno, his eyes red and puffy from crying. The blond smiled at Fugo, brushing his hair out of his face. "I love you."
Fugo's eyes widened at his words, finally having processed that Giorno had confessed his love towards him multiple times today, but he only now realized that. He smiled, and leaned in to kiss Giorno.
Giorno kissed back softly, pulling away after only a few seconds. His lips were soft, whereas Fugo's were chapped.
"I love you too, Giogio."
----------- END
I didn't mean to make you guys wait for over a month I swear. anyway i love my gay boys and I honestly expected this to be longer, but oh well. I might post some diavolo and doppio headcanons either tomorrow or later to today
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