#Anyway Jamie too
unhingedlesbear · 8 months
Finally I put it into words
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I'm so sorry </3 I know I don't usually speak like this </3
My poor bestie gonna wake up to these texts in a few hours too
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sincerelymarner · 5 months
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it’s a love song
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onceuponamillennia · 1 month
Boiling Point Headcanon #1
jamie is aroace bc i said so. no i do not take criticism /lh
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rosynova · 20 days
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every day i'm haunted by the fact that this man is a whole foot taller than me
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fandomfrolics · 1 year
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1x10 || 3x01
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sulieykte · 1 year
Our delusional asses sneaking Jamie onto the set of Avatar 4/5
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jetskisonyourmoat · 1 month
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Gifs: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Love when Alex sits like this 🥰
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fraserstanclub · 11 months
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"I can bear pain myself, but...I couldna bear yours. It would take more strength than I have."
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thetarttfuldickhead · 7 months
But the day it suddenly occurs to Roy just how fun it would have been to play football with Jaime, if Jamie hadn’t been such a colossal prick back when they were on the team together? Like, of course he’s always known that Jamie was great and all, but the whole ‘makes me want to puke’ thing really obscured the fact that it could have been brilliant.
But it wasn’t, and then Jamie was gone and Roy retired and then Jamie was back and Roy returned as a coach and he never thought too much about what could have been, until one day when he sees Jamie and Richard or whoever pull some truly spectacular, nigh on telepathic shit on the pitch and he’s suddenly stunned by the realization that I fucking missed out on that.
It pisses him off a bit (as most things are wont to do), so he confronts Jamie about it, like, “Why the fuck did you have to be such a prick, we could have been fucking fantastic together?”
Jamie makes a face, because hello, random and uncalled for? “Um, why did you have to be such a nasty old bastard, mate? It takes two to tangle, like.” And before Roy has time to tell him that it’s tango, you dolt, Jamie adds, “Besides, doesn’t matter how nice I’d been about it, you’d still have been proper bitter about me being better than you.”
And that’s… a little bit true, maybe, because Roy did fucking love being the best on any team he ever was one, and he was fucking bitter about slowing down and growing old. But even so…
“Would have been fucking worth it,” Roy decides.
Jamie nods, slightly subdued, perhaps. It would have been. And it’s a sorrow, the fact that they wasted that opportunity on hating each others’ guts – but isn’t it a wonder, too, that they found their way past all that?
“We’re pretty fucking fantastic together now, Coach,” Jamie says, gently bumping his shoulder against Roy’s.
Roy grunts, in the way that means yes.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
favourite record opener track?
have you been to a live show? if so, feel free to share a photo/something particular that struck you about your experience!
humbug or tbh+c?
which member of the band would you most like to spend the afternoon with and why? how would you spend your time?
which album means the most to you?
if you had to pick one song from their discography to never hear again, which one would it be?
how long have you been a fan? tell us about your journey!
do you have any cool arctic monkeys memorabilia or keepsakes that are meaningful to you? (eg wristbands from a show, merch you’ve bought, signed stuff, tour posters)
what’s the first song you heard that made you fall in love with the band? where were you when you heard it?
what’s your favourite alex era hair? feel free to share photo examples!
have you ever created any fanart or fanfiction inspired by the band/involving anyone in the band? feel free to share a link!
do you have any arctic monkeys tattoos? if not, do you want any?
what are some of your favourite lyrics alex has written? (doesn't have to be arctic monkeys, can also include tlsp/ other artist collaborations/the submarine soundtrack)
do you own any physical copies of any of the albums?
favourite arctic monkeys b-side?
if each of the albums was a person, which one do you think you'd most be like and why?
favourite album cover?
if you could ask each member of the band something and have them answer honestly, what questions would you ask them?
what's your favourite quote said by someone in the band? feel free to share a link/clip!
favourite record ender track?
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handsomejack-ingoff · 4 months
hey man. if youre complaining about the actors in the borderlands movie being "too old" for the roles. i wanna remind you that in the trailer alone, for a bl1 based movie, hyperion is branded yellow and white instead of red and black, tina is the same age shes supposed to be in 2, krieg has escaped hyperion when jack isnt even supposed to be ruling yet, and fuckin. mouthpiece from bl3 was there. just off the top of my head. i could find more lore inconsistencies if i tried
frankly i think the only issue with the casting is how many of them are zionists and the fact that theyre trying to make roland a comedic character played by kevin hart when hes supposed to be the straight man. like. come on. roland is the only even slightly normal one out of the first games vault hunters (i really dont care that much at the end of the day, thats just my main gripe besides the zionism)
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thedeafprophet · 4 months
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Meetings At A Masked Revel - Part 2/?
Part 1
Elias belongs to @the-dye-stained-socialite
Hiram belongs to @esteemed-excellency
Adele belongs to @heymissstargazer
Cardiac belongs to @cardiacechoes
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Okay I’m going to say this and I’m going to say this once.
I do not like how the relationship with Jamie’s father was handled in season 3.
If they wanted to go the route of forgiveness they absolutely could have. If they wanted to go the route of his dad going to rehab they absolutely could have. Those are not inherently wrong or bad. It’s a show about forgiveness and I get that. It’s a comedy and Jamie is not the main character - I get that too.
My issue is this: the show went out of its way on multiple occasions to show just how violent and abusive James is. Just to give a few examples:
Repeated physical abuse
Repeated verbal abuse
Planning, funding, and likely pressuring the sexual abuse of his 14 year old son (a minor and below the age of consent in both The Netherlands and the UK regardless of the age of the girl in the red light district)
The willingness to beat Coach Beard (basically a stranger to him) with a metal pipe in a 3 to 1 fight in a back alley which could have realistically resulted in his death (and calling Beard “son” right before the final blow)
Jamie literally gave up his dream - a job as a professional footballer on a top hometown team - to leave the country on a trashy reality show just to get away from his father. The show traced a large portion of Jamie’s issues back to his relationship with his father. Not all of course - but that was a big theme of his growth and development.
So even if we entertain the notion that this stint in rehab was successful and James is sober - that’s great. That’s a storyline I wouldn’t mind hearing - IF we had the appropriate time to show it. But the thing is, we didn’t. This season was disjointed and rushed in many ways - and I’m not complaining - I still loved it. But if they’re going to tackle a topic this serious, they need to do it right. They need to be clear that alcohol was not the only problem James had and that sobriety does not absolve you of accountability. As important as it is to portray the message that all human beings can change, including addicts, it is equally as important to show the serious work that addicts in recovery put in to address the hurt that they caused through their addiction. It is not easy work to battle addiction and to mend relationships - sometimes part of recovery is accepting that you can’t mend things with everyone you’ve hurt and that is the right of the victim to decide how they feel.
We were shown none of this. What we got instead was:
A speech from Jamie’s mom about how he is still amazing despite his dad while still somehow crediting Jamie’s talent to his dad’s abuse
Ted telling Jamie to forgive his dad as he’s mid-panic about his safety and his dad’s location
Ted making a point to say the forgiveness was for Jamie’s sake, not for James - which was ALMOST good until they ruined it
Denbo and Bug suddenly supportive despite being just as violent as James in 2x09
James suddenly in rehab for 0.2 seconds
Jamie reaching out to his dad via text despite having no idea his dad is in rehab - something that is realistically compromising his physical and emotional safety
A quick clip of Jamie bonding with his father before the season/series ends for good
The reason I connected with Jamie so intensely from season 1 was the shared experience of abuse from my father. I want to be clear that I know I’m projecting - that’s what fandom is - and I in no way expected the show to end exactly as I wanted. However, this is what I would have liked to see as 1) an abuse survivor 2) a licensed therapist and 3) a person:
The message that you can heal without forgiving those who hurt you OR that you can forgive them and still not allow them back into your life (ESPECIALLY if it compromises your safety)
The message that sometimes people don’t change for the better and you can grieve that relationship while still fostering healthier ones elsewhere.
An emphasis on support systems and chosen family when someone doesn’t have the reality of a parent or partner getting better (we saw this with Bex seeking out Rebecca and Rupert’s assistant)
Instead of Man City suddenly cheering for Jamie, which felt insanely unrealistic, having the cheers of Richmond fans drown out the boos and verbal assaults of the Man City crowd - further emphasizing that despite the pain he has attached to Man City and his father, he has a home with Richmond.
So to wrap up this very long rant, I feel very disheartened by this part of the season. I still love Ted Lasso and always will - there were so many parts of this season I absolutely adored and wouldn’t trade for anything - but I feel that they dropped the ball on this one. Most people don’t get to repair relationships with abusive parents. Is it possible? Of course. Is it important to depict that it can happen? Absolutely. It’s a show about forgiveness. But they didn’t need to do it like this for Jamie’s storyline. They could have kept the speech about forgiving James for Jamie’s sake and deleted all of the rehab/texting afterwards. I still wouldn’t have been thrilled but it would have made more sense to me in context of the show. And it would have meant a lot more to me as someone who’s father is unlikely to ever stop being a risk to my safety.
This just felt bad. Jamie Tartt had one of the best arcs I’ve ever seen in media and he deserved better than that.
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charcubed · 1 year
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so Keeley ropes Roy and Jamie into dressing up as Barbie and Kens for Halloween one year right
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canary-warrior · 8 months
Watched Totally Killer yesterday and you cannot convince me that Jamie and Amelia aren't Stevie and Janelle
A blonde girl who is determined to find a murderer and her genius best friend who is smart enough to invent time travel??? It's literally them in another universe
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lunar-years · 8 months
Feel free to put the exact moment/further details in the tags if you’d like :) for me they had that flavor of chemistry as early as their s1 gala clinking glasses scene but I think it was “ugly ugly boy/you big dumb hairy baby twat” that fully sold me
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