#Anyways that’s just me rambling hope you guys enjoy your night :D
whereismyhat5678 · 10 months
Wanted to doodle with some gray colors. Like make em’ feel dark- and I did this when I made the background grey since I thought it’d fit 🤷‍♀️
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Peppino’s that are frustrated, I think the palette works well :] Also really like the white tank and hat how I turned them a nice grayish brownish cream color(?) I think it looks nice
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marksbear · 2 years
141 X Male Reader where they are surprised that Male Reader is older than all of them, (even Price) and still moves like he's 20 on the field and they all gush over him...
Sorry! For this taking so long i've been so busy in irl like it's killing me. BUT I hope you enjoy the fic.
141 Boys x older male reader
"Alright boys listen up I got someone y'all gotta meet."
Price says walking into the room where he called everyone to be in. "Everyone. Meet your newest member. C/n."
None of the members say anything just thinking in their own minds about the male. Y/n stands there awkwardly feeling everyone gawk staring at him until someone finally steps up.
"Names Gaz. Nice to meet you C/n." "Nice to meet you too." Gaz takes c/n hand and gives it a firm shake before the rest of the team follows suit.
Ghost sat away from everyone in the shadows staring and listening to the new guy not even making an effort to introduce himself. Usually Ghost wouldn't even care that much. But for C/n something was way different about him.
What really caught Simon's attention was the gruffness of his voice. It made him sound older than many people Simon met in a job like this.
He wasn't the only person to notice either. Soap had a feeling something different about the new member. Soap noticed the grey almost sliver locks in the mans hair.
The greys made him look 10x good well that what Soap thought about anyway.
Kyle was standing next to the man listening to the conversation him and soap was sharing. Gaz looked up and down at C/n checking him out. His eyes stop at the beautiful vintage watch he had on his wrist. The watch looked ancient in Gaz's opinion.
"What type of pawn shop did you get that watch from?" Kyle says catching C/n's attention.
Y/n pulled his hands out of his pockets looking at the watch. "Bought it when it first came out. I think the price was about seventeen dollars and a couple of cents." Y/n answers taking off the watch handing it to Kyle.
"Seventeen dollars!?! Sorry, but I think you got scammed!" Soap adds looking over the watch as well with Kyle.
"It's one hundred percent real. We can even get it tested if you don't believe me." Y/n adds.
"Nowadays a simple watch will cost you an arm and leg." Y/n says taking the watch back and sliding it back on his wrist.
"Things changed C/n from my time and yours time C/n." Captain says towards the older man with a slight laugh.
"Wait...Are y'all the same age?" Soap asks sitting down in his chair.
"Negative. C/n is way older than me. You can even check his file." John hands the group the file watching Ghost move his chair closer to the team.
"Y/n L/n... bla bla bla. Wait a second--- HES IN HIS SIXTY'S!" Soap shouts pointing at the old man. "He's been around since the dinosaurs." Kyle jokes handing back the file. "He's older than everyone here." Ghost adds in quietly.
"Think you can teach me some moves like how you fought the T-Rex" Soap jokes looking at the older man with millions of questions buzzing in his mind.
The whole team began to swoon and fall hard for the older man.
Y/n didn't know why he had everyone down at his feet.
For example they all founded little ways to get the older man's attention.
Soap will find loads of vintage stuff and old things for Y/n to explain for him. Like it was an old gun from Y/n's time he found. When he showed Y/n Soap listened for hours on end happily when Y/n was rambling about the gun.
Gaz would ask stories about Y/n's childhood and all that. And he will spend all night and day hearing Y/n's stories from ones that he was little all a way to the first time he fought in war.
Price would find himself asking Y/n about old wars and old Technics that soldiers would use during Y/n's war. Sometimes when Y/n was feeling it he'll show him a move or two. If Y/n's doesn't blow his back out trying to stand up.
Ghost didn't try like the others did. But he figured out a way that he will still be in Y/n's mind or attention. Simon will stand guard and protect Y/n from sudden danger. At first Y/n was a bit irradiated from having a guard dog, but soon to love Ghost's comfortable presence near his own.
Today is the day.
Team 141 was prepared for anything that was gonna happen or show in the field. The only thing the team couldn't really prepare for was about seeing in action.
They were worried for the old guy. Every single one of them. They all had bad thoughts about what was gonna happen like what happens if his "weak old bones break." Soap will constantly say that as a joke but the fear of it actually happening is in the back of his mind.
Y/n could feel the worried stares at his back as he drove. Y/n lets out a deep sigh before turning around.
"Jesus. Stop acting like this is my first time fighting. I know none of you ever saw me in action, but god stop treating me like i'm a weak old man."
Gaz opens his mouth to speak but gets cut off by Y/n adding. "If you guys are really worried just stand back and watch."
Y/n pulls the car over near the battlefield joining the other soldiers waiting for them.
The battle starts as usual nothing from ordinary until Soap gets caught off guard behind.
The Scottish man tries to fight back the two figures fighting hand to hand combat. Soap was on the verge of losing until Y/n saves his life by tackling the unknown man to the ground. Soap watches in awe as Y/n punches the man repeatedly.
Y/n gets off the man before getting his gun out and shoots the man dead. "Hey kid, try not to die without me." Y/n shoots soap a wink before heading out.
Soap mouth is wide open trying to form any type of words while his face is completely flustered. "I-I uhm thanks C/n!" Soap finally spits out earning a slight chuckle from C/n making him even more embarrassed.
After that close call Soap started to watch Y/n secretly. Seeing Y/n do all of these crazy stunts like Y/n wall jumping just to kick the enemy in the head just for shits and giggles.
Soon enough all 141 members were back with each other only missing one guy. C/n.
They all look around looking for the older man with Gaz suggesting that they should "Split up and cover more ground." Price had refused and went into a building they hadn't checked yet with the team following after him.
"C/n! You're here!?!" Price shouts getting ready to send the boys to look around the building. "In---fuck- In here captain!" Well they didn't like the sound of that and all ran to the sound of the Y/n's voice.
Everyone got their guns out aiming at the door. Ghost gives the team a quick look before kicking the door down as everyone swarms in the room. After the room is all clear they move to Y/n's at. "You alright C/n?" Gaz asks patting Y/n's shoulder. "Yeah...The fucker punched some teeth out i'll be alright." Y/n says reassuring the team. "Why were you all alone here?" Ghost asks looking around at all the lifeless bodies.
"What can I say. I like to have fun when i'm fighting." Y/n answers with a shrug.
"But aye. You all think I still look pretty even with a bloody mouth." Y/n says flirting with the younger men that's all circling around him. While everyone is blushing and flustered Y/n makes his leave. "Hey! The last one in the car has to do everyone's chores!" Y/n shouts at the group shutting the door behind him before taking off.
Soap and Gaz are quick to bolt off while Price and Ghost stay behind.
Y/n gives the two boys a little boost by stopping and waiting for them to pass. "Hey! The old man can't run for too long hes gonna pull something!" Soap says laughing out while Gaz laughs and says something under his breath.
"You two better run faster. Because i'm gonna end up in front of you at the pace you are going." Y/n says beginning to jog to the car. As soon as Soap and Gaz are in the middle where the car is parked Y/n begins to run past the two men. Soap and Gaz gasp and run faster, but sadly Y/n makes it before them.
"Aye? What was that about an old man?"
the end
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al-of-the-stars · 6 months
Can I ask for Lucifer X Reader where he has a crush on them and takes them to LuLu World to cheer them up?
"A cliché dork with a heart of gold"
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A/n: live laugh love Lucifer. He is so pookie but anyways, I hope you enjoy, Anon, and thank you for the request! Also, I keep forgetting to mention this but all the line dividers are hand-made by me! :D
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It was a normal day like any other. You felt like shit and didn't know what to do about it. One of the few things that brought you joy was your good friend Lucifer. Truly, you wished he was more than just a platonic friend but you had your doubts. He's literally the king of hell, so how could someone like him ever see you in a romantic way? Lucifer always noticed that you felt miserable and had always been upset that he couldn't do much about it. Today though, he had sparks in his mind. An idea came to him, so perfect yet obvious that he was kind of mad at himself that he didn't think of it sooner. He would take you to Lulu World! Perhaps that would also be the perfect way he would confess his love for you. He thought out scenarios over and over in his head of how it would go. “And then, I confess my undying love and loyalty at the very top of the Ferris wheel!’ He rambled to himself, playing out his plan using rubber duck replicas of you two. As the day got closer and closer, Lucifer got more and more nervous. You, however, got more and more excited. When the day arrived, you met him just outside the gates. “Y/n! You're here!- uh I mean.. Hello y/n, welcome to Lulu World,” he tried to compose himself. You just held back a laugh at his adorable attempt. The rest of the day went perfectly. You guys got cotton candy, played carnival games, and most importantly, you went on the Ferris Wheel. When your cart reached the very peak of the wheel, allowing you to stare out into the night sky, adorned by beautiful stars that resembled little diamonds. “Hey, y/n?”
“Yeah, Luci?”
“I… I love you,”
“Wait, really?”
“Of course,”
“I love you too,” You smiled and both of you leaned in closer until your lips connected in a loving kiss. Just then, fireworks exploded in the sky. You parted after a few seconds. “You planned those fireworks, didn't you?”
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hyuckbeam · 2 years
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hit or miss
you’re given a bet by your own best friend to finally earn you some kissing experience at the ripe age of 18, but what if he’s the one you’ve been wanting to kiss all along?
pairing | bff!haechan x reader
genre | fluff, just a bit of angst
warnings | y/n uses she/her pronouns, both y/n and hyuck are dumdums! kind of slow burn, curse words are explicitly mentioned, cousin!winter, i think that’s all but lmk if i missed anything!
wc | 4.3k words
note | this is pretty inspired by the webtoon “the kiss bet” because i currently have a hyper fixation on it and i absolutely love all the characters ;0; this is also way longer than intended but anyways,, i hope u enjoy! all rbs and likes are appreciated, thank you <3
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“in three, two, one, happy birthday, y/n!” your best friend, haechan announces aloud for everyone in your apartment complex to hear at 12 in the morning.
“come on! make a wish before the candles blow out!” winter, your cousin, urges you with a big smile on her face.
having just finished your night time routine and prepared yourself for a night's worth of sleep, you were rather shocked to see them with one of those trendy bento cakes and rainbow colored party hats adorning their heads.
despite your confusion, you walk up towards them with a grateful smile resting upon your lips. “seriously, when did you guys plan this?”
“oh, it was all my- ow, hey!” haechan gets cut off midway through his statement because of a nudge from winter’s elbow.
“what he was trying to say was it was all my doing. you’re welcome bubs!” your cousin beams, eyes creasing into crescents. “though i’d wish you’d hurry up. this cake isn’t holding itself up for you, y’know?” she adds on rather playfully but you can tell she truly meant it.
gathering a deep breath, you blow out the candles and cheers erupt from the people you deem closest to you. winter then sets down the cake on your coffee table in relief as your best friend slings his arm over your shoulder.
“sooo y/n, got anything planned for the year? a small resolution or something like that, i don’t know.” he rambles off, suggesting the idea of having a goal to work towards now that you were deemed an adult (though, haechan kept referring to this as the year that marks your jail-ability era).
you feel a little tingly from his touch, even when you know the two of you are just friends and nothing more. what you’re feeling is probably just a phase. it’ll go away.
“i’m not really sure, got any ideas for me?” you ask the two instead, eyeing them both in a back and forth motion.
“we can always work on that dating experience of yours- last i remember, it was up to the high number count of… zero.” your cousin chips in from the side as she slices the cake for the three of you to share, her tone sarcastic while she teases you.
it’s true, you didn’t have a lot (re: any) of experience in the dating sector, but perhaps that could change starting this year. “that… might not be such a bad idea.”
haechan’s interest seems to have been piqued — he’s making that look. that specific expression where the corners of his lips turn upwards, a brow raised, and that glint in his eye. oh, you know it all too well.
“come on.” you urge the boy. “start sharing your idea. i can practically see your mind ready to explode.”
“well, since you’ve asked me ever so kindly. how ‘bout a bet?” he starts, taking a few steps towards you with that cocky expression of his. “i bet you 10 dollars to kiss someone in two months. not that hard, right?”
“what- you want me to kiss some random person for 10 bucks?” you gawk out in surprise.
he only shakes his head, “i never said it needed to be a stranger. just, someone in general.”
you processed the idea thoroughly, running all sorts of possible scenarios in your head. wouldn’t it be much easier to kiss… haechan himself? that just seemed like the most plausible approach for you.
he wasn't a stranger — the furthest from one. you were comfortable with him. the kiss didn’t have to mean anything (though it might mean a tiny bit more to you), and in addition, you’d be making some cash.
everything seemed to check out. the only problem was that you had to ask him to kiss you. still, surely this was better than any other alternative, right?
“i’ll do it but… can’t i just kiss you and get it over with?” you finally voice out your thoughts, pretending to make your question sound playful in case the request backfires on you.
“you’re my best friend, that’s a little odd, don’t you think so?” haechan replies in the same tone, lightly ruffling your hair before going over to retrieve a slice of cake from winter.
ouch. way to have your first bit of “dating experience” be your best friend… friend zoning you. what a lovely start to your 18th birthday.
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a few days had passed since the bet you made with haechan had been established, but not one ounce of progress had been made.
to be fair, how were you supposed to kiss someone else when all you’ve ever wanted was for that kiss to be with your best friend? that’s tough luck.
you attending classes today doesn’t really help with your thoughts either, especially when both haechan and winter had been asking about said progress one after the other.
you’d be lying if they weren’t starting to give you a headache.
as if on cue, winter approaches you, some lecture books in hand and her bag slung on her shoulder. “y/n! how’s your progress?” here we go again.
“just as i told you yesterday, nothing yet.” you reply with a small sigh.
winter senses the frustration behind your words, encouraging her to suggest ideas to help you. “how about finding someone you like? it might make it easier for you know… to kiss them.”
“i don’t think that’s still a good- actually, you might just be onto something, minjeong.” your gears start to churn in your mind. in order to wash haechan off your mind, you might as well find someone else and maybe get an actual relationship out of it.
the idea was just perfect for you.
“have i ever told you how much i love you? i gotta go but i’ll see you after class, winter!” you excitedly bid her a goodbye, rushing to your classroom so you could better plan out your new gameplan.
though the most ideal situation was long gone, you now had a back up plan and you weren’t going to back down so easily from the bet.
you were now busily scribbling on your notepad, forgetting that a new student was to transfer into your class today. the teacher calls upon your attention and as you look up, your eyes land on a boy with great resemblance to a cute bunny.
apparently he’s the new transfer student.
the teacher gives him a moment to introduce himself. “hello everyone, my name is na jaemin. i hope we all get along!” so that’s his name, you thought to yourself.
surprisingly, he was told to take the seat in front of yours, offering you a small smile and a curt wave, one that you gladly return, before he takes his seat.
actually, maybe you really could forget haechan for just a teensy bit.
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a week goes by without haechan seeing you once. an entire week. was he always this eager to see you? to bask in the warm sight that is you? he thinks he must be going crazy.
the only time he ever gets updates about you is through winter which aren’t much to go on. he does remember a key detail she mentioned previously about how you’ve been spending time with that new student, jaemin.
what was so special about him anyways? well, he was surely going to find out soon.
as the bell rings to signal the start of recess, he dashes out of his classroom, taking big steps towards yours.
there, haechan finds you in his seat and he’s about to approach you until he sees you’re in the middle of a conversation with the one and only, na jaemin.
“this is how you do this, right?” jaemin asks you, directing your sight to a piece of paper that has a bunch of math formulas written on it.
“yeah! i’m surprised you got that rather quickly.” you compliment the boy in front of you with a small laugh.
your thoughts on jaemin have changed drastically since the first time you met him. he’s a sweet boy, someone you could never take advantage of. it just felt wrong to you so you just dropped your entire plan as a whole.
it was alright to lose the bet. at least you kind of made a new friend out of it, right? you smile to yourself at that thought.
to haechan, however, your smile is so bright in jaemin’s presence, it’s practically blinding everyone in sight. have you ever smiled at him like that? wait- why does that matter?
he doesn’t like you, no way.
you’re best friends, yeah. his love for you is as platonic as can be — at least that’s what he tells himself.
for someone as bold as haechan, he can’t seem to find the confidence in him to walk towards your table and steal your attention. instead, he steps out of the classroom, unnoticed by you.
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“JAEMIN DID WHAT!?” haechan yells into his phone, winter being on the receiving end of the call.
the girl tuts, “scream one more time and i’m hanging up on you. and yes, i heard he confessed to y/n. i don’t think she gave him an answer though.”
“sorry, look, i was just really surprised.” a deep sigh comes out from haechan before the call goes silent. he takes the time to process the situation, but the idea of you and jaemin being together just rubs him off the wrong way.
“doesn’t she see how bad he is for her?” he finally reasons out.
“uhuh, in what sense exactly?” winter retorts.
“he’s probably just using her to gain attention or something! can’t i look out for my own best friend?” the response is laughable, even to haechan, but he goes along with it.
winter laughs into the call, “are you even hearing yourself? that’s pretty baseless, even for you haechan.” she replies shortly afterwards. “seems to me like you’re jealous.”
“are you hearing yourself, winter? no i’m not! get your head screwed on properly!” haechan answers back in the same incredulous manner as she did to him just a few seconds ago. “who would i even be jealous of?”
“jaemin. who else? i think it’s pretty clear to most. you aren’t that great at managing your feelings, y’know-” the girl’s voice cuts off for a second, “-oh, i’m being called to dinner now but seriously, get yourself together haechan. i know you like my cousin. bye!”
the line goes beep and haechan tosses his phone onto his bed. she really did just leave him hanging like that. how could she after bringing that idea up?!
jealous? not a chance. haechan never gets jealous.
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haechan wakes up the next day feeling tired, having not slept a wink after winter’s words kept replaying in his head.
i know you like my cousin.
you like my cousin.
you like her.
and these same words follow him as he makes it all the way to school. perhaps seeing you in school would help him understand his feelings better.
he really just wants this to be over with.
with trudged steps, he makes his way to your classroom and luckily enough for him, there you were already in class before the first bell rang.
he blames it on the lack of sleep but you look so ethereal sitting down in your chair as you bop your head lightly to the music that’s presumably playing on your earphones.
the sight is something to behold- that is until he pivots his head ever so slightly and sees jaemin accompanying you. god, why does he have to be there.
so maybe haechan does get jealous. sometimes.
maybe that’s why he acts without thinking, swiftly dragging you from your chair and out to the school courtyard despite your protests.
“hyuck let me go-” you grumble, tugging on your arm but he doesn’t budge one bit. it’s only when you reach a bench in the furthest part of the courtyard he decides to get go of your wrist.
“seriously, what is wrong with you?” you scoff out in disbelief. “this is the first time we’ve spoken in days. i think you could’ve just asked me if you really wanted to talk.” with the addition of those words, haechan finally realizes what he’s done. he knows it was wrong but he isn’t going to back down from the argument that was brewing between you two.
“me? how about you? you’ve been so lovey dovey with mr. perfect all this time! don’t you have yourself to blame on why we haven’t seen each other in so long?” he spat out coldly.
your heart sinks, and yet, you can’t help but feel even more enraged. its true, you’re part of the reason for the lack of communication between you two. after all, communication is a two way system. but doesn’t that also mean he’s also to blame?
“i enjoy jaemin’s company a lot! is that so wrong?” you shoot back, biting your bottom lip before mumbling the latter part of your statement. “at least he isn’t as grumpy as the person standing in front of me.”
the boy hears this and gets ticked off even more. maybe it really is the lack of sleep but he seriously can’t understand her reasoning anymore. instead, he assumes she’s just doing all of this for the bet.
“do you really want to win the bet so bad? if that’s what you want, just kiss me and be over with it. i’m literally letting you win. you can stop seeing jaemin now.”
and that’s when it hits you a little.
why is he bringing the bet up all of a sudden when you just want a genuine relationship with jaem- oh. he couldn’t possibly see you as someone like that right? he said it himself! he doesn’t like you and even denied your request to kiss him a few weeks ago.
but, if that were all true, what other explanation would there be to his actions?
he takes your silence as a no, prompting him to leave you in the courtyard all alone.
you couldn’t seem to understand him at all no matter how hard you tried.
as soon as you got home from classes that same day, you rushed yourself back home and into the comfort of your bed and pillows — treating them as if they were your closest confidants and cried while you shared your troubles.
it wasn’t productive on your end but it was much needed for you to at least think straight. you’d been bottling your contemplations all day long after all.
here you are laying lifeless on your bed, using all your braincells to dicern what the fuck happened earlier this morning.
you know haechan doesn’t like you. you’ve said it to yourself so many times now.
maybe he’s just jealous you’ve been spending more time with jaemin because, although you have different intentions before, you realized you couldn’t see him in that way nor had the heart to just use him for your own gain.
haechan was a different story though. you feel flushed just thinking about him, knowing full well the both of you are in the middle of an argument between each other.
remembrance of the frustration hits, making you groan at the thought of having to remedy it. if you and haechan had anything in common, it would be the stubbornness you both share.
the last time you both got into an argument this big was back in junior high. neither of you spoke to the other for an entire month. it got so bad that both your parents had to call each other up to devise a way to get an apology out from the both of you.
though it would make the entire situation much easier, your parents no longer delve into these types of problems — and neither do haechan’s. you’re both all alone to fix this one yourselves and you wish you’d been more grateful to your parents for mending your relationship with haechan.
deep down, you already know the both of you will struggle to find the right timing, but you certainly hope that day would come soon. you didn’t exactly like being away from him either (even if he made you feel like shit for the rest of the day).
you decide to sleep off your worries for the night, hoping and praying that tomorrow would be a better day for you.
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tomorrow is not any better of a day.
jaemin and haechan both invited you to eat with them for lunch which quickly escalated into a light argument between the two. you couldn’t even bring yourself to butt into their conversation, seeing how they were fighting over something so silly.
“i’m her best friend, we do this pretty much everyday!” you hear haechan yell at jaemin, his frustration for the other getting the best of him. “plus, i need to talk with her. without you.”
“if the two of you are just best friends, then what gives you the right to dictate her answers?” jaemin fires back, keeping a calm and collected appearance throughout.
this shuts haechan up and the entire cafeteria goes dead silent. oh boy, did you want to curl up into a little hole. everyone was staring and you didn’t like that one bit.
nevertheless, you decided to be the bigger person — uttering a small apology to jaemin before walking off to the table you usually sat at with haechan — the latter following you a few steps behind.
neither of you speak as you begin to eat your separate meals, another sign the relationship between you two was starting to fade out into dust.
winter joins your lunch table shortly after witnessing the drama unfold, she looks at haechan with an unreadable expression and the boy stays quiet during the whole meal.
didn't he say he wanted to talk? an apology for the day before would have been nice.
you get fed up by the silence, placing your food back on the tray before picking it up. you mutter a quiet “i can’t seem to understand you at all.” directed at hyuck before leaving and switching over to the table where jaemin and his friends are sitting.
it all happened too fast and haechan didn’t realize you were leaving until you already did. he really did want to talk but how was he supposed to do that after having that situation with jaemin?
he wanted to calm down first but you had other plans. you really left him in shambles this time.
winter can’t help but sigh at the ongoing conflict. she silently wishes she wasn’t involved this much if it was going to turn out like this.
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haechan knows he truly has to make it up to you (including a long overdue explanation of why he’s been acting weirdly the past few days) but doesn’t know how to do that. apologies never came easy to him. his mind couldn’t help but go blank everytime he tried thinking of a way to approach you without making things more complicated than they already are.
the sheer amount of times he’s hit a brick wall has him calling the only person who probably knows more about you than he, himself, does.
he picks up his phone, searching through his contacts before landing on a single person, now waiting for the phone to ring.
“hello?” winter’s voice reaches him through the call. “i knew you’d call after what happened at the cafeteria.”
it takes a moment for haechan to answer, “maybe if jaemin wasn’t so aggressive–”
“you both were. now spill, have you gotten your feelings sorted yet?” the girl pushes his dramatics aside, getting straight to the point.
“i… think i do. you were right all along.” haechan finishes. although it was hard for him to admit at first, now that he’s actually said it out loud, it might be the first time he’s been feeling a sense of clarity after so long.
winter hums at his confession. “at least you’re finally taking a step in the right direction. now, to win her back…” she smiles to herself, already having a plan in mind.
you, on the other hand, have been seeing haechan and winter together often for the past week. naturally, your mind begins to wonder if your own cousin is the reason why haechan rejected you way back during your small birthday celebration.
the evidence matches up pretty well — he probably couldn’t reject you directly because she was in the room with the two of you that day. he isn’t spending as much time with you anymore because he’s spending time with her.
they look good together.
those words linger in your head more than you’d like to admit.
you feel cast aside by the people you’ve known practically your entire life but you don’t have much of a choice but to return to jaemin’s company. after all, you chose to eat the rest of your lunch at his table instead of the one that brought familiarity to you.
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day after day, the two of you just seemed to grow even more distant and you wondered if the end of your long-term friendship was nigh approaching. you barely saw him roaming through the halls of campus anymore, much less your cousin.
you didn’t dislike the new friend group you had (jaemin introducing you to his friends after you finally told him about your situation with haechan, but you couldn’t help but feel… dissatisfied with your current situation.)
as your class ends, you prepare yourself for another silent walk home. despite having those new friends, you felt lonelier than you ever had. you missed them. you missed him. and yet, life seemed to have other plans for you.
even trudging down these halls filled with other students made you lonely.
truthfully, you would do anything to have them back- a pain to your forehead snaps you out of your thoughts. you had bumped into someone. well, not just someone, but the person you’ve been longing for the most.
haechan. he was right in front of you after who knows how long it’s been.
you felt like crying on the spot but held in your emotions to appear like your life was anything but lost. haechan knew that look on your face, presuming you haven’t been well ever since the two of you have spoken. he takes your hands that have slumped to your sides into his, and the small gesture reminded you of the warmth he’d bring into your life.
“are you up for a short conversation perhaps?” you only nod and he takes that as a signal in the right direction, though, he isn’t used to you acting around him like this. oh boy, this was going to be more than a short conversation.
haechan leads you into the gymnasium and the two of you sit down by the bleachers with no sight of other students in the area.
“before you get mad- i wanted to apologize first. i shouldn’t have acted the way i did. i was childish.” he begins, holding eye contact with you to show his sincerity. “frankly, i was jealous. jealous you spent more time with jaemin, and you seemed to enjoy you time with him more than the times we hang out together. i shouldn’t have made you feel sad in any way, but i did and that’s completely my fault. i’m sorry.” you know his words hold both his feelings and the truth.
he wasn’t going to lie to you. he never once did during the time you knew each other.
however, what he admitted to had you flustered.
he was jealous of you and jaemin? it was a little hard to believe until you remembered the latter confessed to you the past week. oh god, did word of that spread out? nevermind that, what happened between you and jaemin was the least of your worries, the boy in front of you was. what if haechan got the wrong idea from the rumors?
“it’s not completely your fault. we both were pretty stubborn.” you reply, a soft chuckle leaving your lips to ease the tension between you two. “and if… if you’re curious, i never returned jaemin’s feelings back.
haechan gets pretty taken aback by your statement, now wondering why you brought it up. “oh… i know.”
“you knew? did winter tell you?” you question in anticipation. “i guess the both of you are pretty close now.”
“she did but i swear our friendship is nothing like that!” it was his turn to get flustered. “she could never replace your spot in my life.”
“i’m a little confused though after all of this…” you gesture out, referring to the situation that has just recently moved past you two. “what spot do i even have?”
he pauses, taking his time to think of the right words he wants to tell you but they all get stuck in his throat. the expression on your face showed how you took his silence negatively, prompting him to speak. “i like you. i couldn’t admit it even to myself for the longest time and-” having enough of his rambling, you inch a little closer and give him a kiss on the lips.
it’s brief, and yet, it continues to linger on his lips. “you kissed me.”
“why do you think i never gave jaemin an answer to jaemin’s confession?”
“so you were really saving it for me? i’m honored.” he chuckles out, playfully holding his hand to his chest.
“well, you should be.” you add on with the same bright smile he’s seen you flash at jaemin, except this time, it was absolutely for him.
“i guess that also means you won the bet?” he recalls, a brow raising at you.
you give him a light nudge on his shoulder while suppressing a giggle, “oh, shut up and just kiss me. you owe me 10 bucks by the way.”
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
Heeyyy, not sure if your requests are open or not... If not, no worries, feel free to ignore this, lol. But I gotta say, I absolutely adored your mk fanfics! They were just so good! And it got me thinking, you know? What if, in Steven's date episode (the one in the series), the reader showed up? Like, maybe she could be the waitress or just someone who happened to be alone at the restaurant and saw him there. What do you think would make her approach him? I don't know, maybe a sense of sympathy, or just wanting to be cool? Or maybe he's just really good-looking? Who knows! Anyway, sorry if I rambled a bit, and please forgive any mistakes in my English. It's not my first language. Once again, I LOVED your mk fanfics!
- Anon🐌
Chocolates and Wine ☾ Steven Grant × Female!Reader
your English is great, don't worry anon! :) im glad you liked my fics though! it means a lot to be honest, especially since i was hesitant at first to write for the moon boys. but you and everyone else who has liked and reblogged my work has made my days so much better :') thank you and i hope you enjoy! :) also, i ramble too, so you can ramble as much as you want!
Warnings: being stood up, the so-called date of reader has no specified gender
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You glanced at your phone and sighed when you saw it was now 7:30 and your date wasn't there. 30 minutes late and not one message to you saying that they were cancelling or at least letting you know that they were running late. Honestly, you were beginning to lose hope. However, when you turned around to see a guy looking a bit sad after getting off the phone, you felt bad. Had he gone through the same thing you were?
It was kind of unfortunate really. I mean, he was handsome. Not to mention that he looked good in black, but that was beside the point. You saw he had a heart shape box with him, and you quickly knew it was chocolate. The waiter walked over to him, and you quickly decided that there was no way you were going to waste this night and let him be sad.
He looked too good to be sad anyway.
So, you did what you thought was right and quickly ran up to the table and sat down across from him. The look of shock on his face was hard to miss and you let out a breath. "Sorry I'm late! I typed the wrong address and from rushing to get here, I forgot to let you know." The waiter smiled at you while the man in front of you was frozen. "Did you order yet?" He shook his head and you smiled. "Great! Can I get a glass of red please?" The waiter nodded and looked over that the man. "And for you sir?" He nodded and looked up at the waiter. "Y-yeah, I'll take the same. Thank you." The waiter left while scribbling the drinks down on his notepad. Once he was far, you looked over at the man, his dark brown eyes meeting yours.
"Sorry if I scared you, sir. I thought it was best if I joined you." He shook his head. "No worries. I saw you waiting and I thought it was for someone. D-Did you get stood up?" You look down at menu the man had and sighed. "Unfortunately. I don't understand why people do that, y'know? Did you get stood up too or did they have the decency to reschedule?" You scanned the menu before deciding what you wanted before passing it back to him. He took it and embarrassment was written on his face. "I got the days mixed up. Thought today was Friday when it's actually Sunday."
"Yeah, it happens. Especially when time goes by quickly, you lose track of days, right?" Something was written on his face as the waiter came back with the wine before putting it down and asking if you were ready to order. You and the stranger placed your orders and he walked away. "You could say that. Sorry, I'm Steven...with a v." You raised your brow with a small smile as you looked at him. "Nice to meet you Steven with a v. I'm (Y/N)." His embarrassment quickly faded, and a small smile crept on his face. "This date of yours, did he bail because he was nervous?" You shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Tried contacting them and they never responded, so I gave up and came to your table."
"Out of pity?" You took a sip of your wine. "Honestly? Maybe a bit, but I figured I would take my chances. You seemed decent enough to talk to." He chuckled. "Thank you...I think?" You smiled. "Plus, it was a bonus for me since you definitely are cuter than who my date was." He raised a brow. "A man?" You shrugged. "Male, female, gender neutral, doesn't matter. You're really handsome, Steven." He looked down at his hands and you tilt your head to the side. Did he not get compliments? Surely a man this handsome got compliments daily, right?
He gave you a shy smile. "I'm not used to flattery, so I'm sorry." You grinned. "It's fine," your waiter returned with the food and you both began indulging on the food, having a nice conversation. You found out he was an Egyptian mythology buff and you thought it was cute. He told you about how he wanted to be a tour guide for the museum he worked at, but his boss was, and you'd quote "a complete twat" which made you snort. You told him about your career and your different interests as well, causing him to look at you with so much focus that you honestly became nervous.
However, as quickly as this whole thing started, it came to an end; he paid and you gave the tip since he refused to split the bill, insisting that you did so much for him, the least he could've done was pay for your food as well. As you both began to leave, you traded numbers, agreeing to hang out again soon. He then looked at the chocolate box that was now under his arm and turned to you. "Do you like chocolate?" You were shocked by his response and nodded. He handed you the box of chocolates with a smile. "There you go, love. Enjoy, yeah? You did a lot for me today and it was great. Thank you."
"You're welcome, Steven. Do you need a ride?" He hesitated for a second before nodding. "Yeah, alright." With that, you gave him your phone so he could put his address in it and got into your car. Honestly, you were glad your date stood you up or else you wouldn't have met Steven. After Steven handed your phone back to you, you send the person a text saying that you wished them the best, but you were no longer interested in them. You deleted their number and went back to your navigation app and began taking Steven home.
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
Off-Button (My Hero Academia)
Pairing : Lee!Kaminari Ler!Bakugou
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A/N : oh my god who new scumbag could actually post again, it's a marvel. no but fr, i've been lurking around the tickle tags forever and reading all of yall's amazing fics and i couldn't help getting back into it, even for just one fic. this isn't tickletober, i do not have the patience for that (u guys having the willpower to make something new every single day is fucking astounding to me idk how u do it lol), but i hope u guys enjoy it anyways! as always, please like and reblog if u can bc i really appreciate the support :D enjoy!! &lt;3
Summary : Denki is incapable of being quiet during Bakugou and Kirishima's movie night they invited him to. Bakugou can't stand it, and decides to take matters into his own hands.
Word Count : 3359 
. . .
What the absolute fuck was Spiky Hair thinking when he invited that energy filled blabber mouth to their movie night. 
Denki hadn’t shut up since he got into the damn room, his mouth seemingly going for an exercise run when the movie started and he got to make his own commentary. Katsuki was hoping for a nice, relaxing time with his boyfriend, watch a horror movie or two so Eijirou would snuggle close for comfort, and just all around actually enjoy his evening. 
But goddamnit if Denki wasn’t just the right man for disturbing the peace.
“Holy shit, did you see that?! That head went FLYING! It looks like someone throwing a football to a field goal! Wait, is it a field goal? Kiri, what’s the difference between a touchdown and a field goal? I’m not much of a football man, more of a baseball kinda guy. Although, I’d never turn down tickets to the Superbowl if I ever got the chance. You know they have these huge performances in the middle of the game where famous singers take over the field and just go ham?! I’d go just for that! But not if-”
Katsuki was going to become the next serial killer in a blockbuster horror movie if Denki didn’t shut his fucking mouth soon.
He glared at Eijirou, who was grinning from ear to fucking ear. Oh he did this shit on purpose. He hangs out with Sparky way more than Katsuki does, able to withstand his constant rambling in a way the short-tempered teen has never been able to understand. 
It’s not that Katuski dislikes Denki, though he would never ever fucking admit that out loud. He actually finds him funny sometimes, especially when paired with Sero. The two would probably make a good stand-up duo if Denki wasn’t the type to steal the microphone away just to ramble about every stupid thought that popped into his mind. 
But overall, Katuski does enjoy his company…most of the time.
“-I mean I don’t hate vegetables, but I’m not gonna pick them if I have the choice, y’know? Like if I have the choice between a beautiful bowl of pre-packaged ramen and a fucking green bean, I’m going with the ramen every single time, no question. Oh, but fruit though? That’s a whole different story-”
“Holy shit do you have a FUCKING off button?!” Katsuki shouted to Denki’s spot on the floor, feeling Eijirou give his shoulder a tight squeeze in return. Katsuki whipped his head around to find a disapproving gaze that really pissed him off. “What?! This is supposed to be a movie night, but I haven’t been able to hear the damn thing for it’s entire fucking duration! He’s ruining it!”
“You don’t have to be rude,” Eijirou whispered with a frown. Denki had fallen unusually quiet, and though they couldn’t see his face from their spots up on the couch, they knew what that meant. Katsuki knew what that meant, and damn Eijirou for giving him the ability to feel empathy for others.
Katsuki sighed through a groan, pushing himself off the couch and onto the floor next to Denki. Both were quiet, just sitting next to each other and watching the movie together in an uncomfortable silence.
“I’m sorry for ruining your movie night,” Denki mumbled into his arms which were now propped crossed on his knees. Katsuki pinched his lips together, gaze refusing to avert from the screen.
“You didn’t ruin shit, idiot,” he said, his tone much softer than before. “ Our fault for thinking you could actually be quiet for an hour and a half.”
“Katsuki,” Eijirou threatened from the couch, his inflection enough to make Katsuki realize his mistake in words.
“It was a joke, relax,” Katsuki grumbled like a teen to a scolding parent. Finally looking over at Denki, he started to feel his guilt bubbling to a boil. He cringed hard when he realized what needed to be said, feeling the words practically squirming in his chest with utter discomfort. “I’m…sorry. Okay? I’m sorry,” Katsuki rubbed his face anxiously, basically covering his mouth like it would make his words unheard. “I just like watching shit in silence, alright? Nothing personal, you moron, just…agree to disagree, I guess.”
Denki sat there for a moment. He was letting Katsuki’s apology settle in his system like swallowing a pill he’d never taken before. Bakugou…apologized to him. Actually said the word sorry, and TWICE at that. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips.
Denki launched himself at Katsuki, throwing his arms around him tightly before Katsuki had the chance to realize he was fucking hugging him. Katsuki quickly shoved him off like he had a disease, but that smile never left Denki’s face.
“Don’t fucking touch me, Sparky! This changes nothing!”
“You like me!” Denki beamed, repeatedly poking at Katsuki’s arm like it would make him realize it himself. “You said sorry, you apologized to me! Kirishima, we’ve gotta throw a party or something, bake me a cake--shit, bake Bakugou a cake! This is a real turn of events, my friends, a real turning point in our friendship if I do say so myself,” Denki sighed happily, criss-crossing his legs and facing Katsuki with a wide smile. “You like me.”
Katsuki growled at the notion. He couldn’t even deny it, the bastard was right. But he didn’t have to be so damn smug about it. 
Then, like his guardian angel was sending him telepathic messages on how to fucking destory this loser, he remembered something. Something very interesting.
Last week, Sero and Denki had been roughhousing on the floor of the common rooms over something Katsuki couldn’t care less to find out about. All he knew was that Denki had been the annoying little shit he always is, and Sero was finally retaliating against it and winning. He had Denki in some weird wrestler hold, his arms held firm behind his back as he kicked and struggled and refused to apologize for whatever annoyance he had caused.
Then, there was a screech. A loud one, followed by bouts of hysterical laughter and far more thrashing than before. Sero was tickling at his ribs with his free hand, fingers never relenting from the one spot he had a firm ticklish grip on. Denki pleaded and begged, and eventually with enough persuasion, Denki apologized. 
Denki is ticklish, and apparently ridiculously so. This could be helpful. This could be vital.
“I suggest you shut your mouth right now before I find that fucking off button myself,” Katsuki threatened, his eyes peering through his brow in the way a predator would before striking its prey.
“Oh c’moooon, you wouldn’t hurt your best friend, would you?” Denki creened through a grin before giggling with his tongue stuck between his teeth. Such a little shit, he was really milking this for all it’s worth.
“Not gonna hurt you, fucknuts. But I am gonna make you regret everything you just fucking said,” Katsuki growled before shoving Denki onto his back, the electric blonde letting out a confused yelp as he went down flailing. Katsuki kept his hand pressed firmly on Denki’s chest, pinning him to the floor with ease as he clambered on top. 
“Woah, we turning this duo into a trio or what, KitKat?” Kirishima chided in, having been scrolling on his phone for the past minute before realizing the action that was happening right before his eyes.
“Can it, idiot. I’ve got business to attend to here,” Katsuki growled before turning back to Denki with an evil grin. “You ticklish, Sparkplug?”
Denki’s eyes went wide before immediately throwing his arms around himself to protect his torso. “Nope.”
“Ohoho really? You seem awfully nervous for someone who ain’t ticklish,” Katsuki wiggled his fingers in the air menacingly, like a predator about to strike. “And if I recall correctly, Sero had you pretty fuckin’ beat the other day after you tried your luck annoying the shit outta him too.”
Denki’s lips pressed together tightly, the corners wobbling in a vain attempt to keep from giggling already. He shook his head vehemently. “No idea what you’re talking about,” his words came out quick, curling his lips under his teeth as soon as his talking ceased.
“Oh yeah? Well how ‘bout I jog your memory a bit; get that pea-brain of yours back up to speed, huh?” Katsuki slowly moved his wiggling fingers down towards Denki’s sides, the electric blonde unable to keep his giggles in any longer as they flowed out of him through puffs of air through his nose and a bouncing chest filled with butterflies. He swatted slapping hands at Katsuki's quickly, trying to both fight back while also protecting himself at the same time. His elbows stayed glued to his ribs while his hands uselessly bat at the weapons of mass destruction easing towards his torso.
“No, nonono nohoho wahahait,” he giggled nervously, having yet to even be tickled but unable to keep it at bay any longer. 
“Nah, it’s too late for that shit,” Katsuki growled before finally striking, fingers pinching strategically at the boy’s sides right below his ribs. Denki screeched, back arching and legs kicking out behind his tormenter as he reached down to grip Katsuki’s wrists and try to push them away, but it was futile. Giggles poured from him with ease, interlaced with squeals when Katsuki’s fingers came just a bit too close to his ribs for comfort.
“Ahahaha! Wahahait, c’mohohon! Dohohon’t!” Denki shook his head, trying to find any relief from that torturously funny sensation Katsuki delivered to him through gentle pinches and scribbles.
That was another thing throwing Denki completely for a loop; Bakugou was being so gentle. He expected rough digging, hard squeezes that would leave him gasping for air and swirling punches. But instead he got agonizingly tame, insanely ticklish pinches that had him already nearly pleading for mercy. 
“Don’t? Please, you asked for this as soon as you tried fucking with me. I was even being nice to you before, idiot. But noooo, you just had to keep poking the damn bear, didn’t you?” Katsuki emphasized his metaphor by sporadically poking all over Denki’s torso, at his belly, then his sides, up to his ribs, and even his chest, which Denki didn’t know could feel as ticklish as it did.
Denki giggled hysterically, squirming like a worm with his arms pulled close, basically giving up the fight and letting Katsuki do as he pleases. He knew he wouldn’t win if he tried, so he might as well let it happen until Bakugou tires himself out with it.
That is, until, Katsuki’s thumbs found their way into the hollows of Denki’s armpits. Denki squealed loudly, his heels digging hard into the carpet with every kick as his head turned to try and smush his red face into the floor beside him. 
“Oh, sweet spot, huh?” Katsuki grinned, thumbs practically glued to that little spot under Denki’s arms that kept the boy cackling and squirming like crazy. “You seeing this, Kiri? Think he’s gonna keep messing with me after this?”
Eijirou chuckled, phone now beside him on the couch as he enjoyed the show before him. “Oh definitely. Guy’s a glutton for punishment.”
“Yeah, well, we’ll see about that after I’m done with him.”
Denki blushed deeply, turning his head towards Kiri and opening a single eye as best he could with his face all scrunched in laughter. “Kirihihieehehe! Pleheheease! Hehehelp me!” he gasped for air through giggles, talking through his hysteria quite the difficult task. “Mahahake him stohohop!” 
“Oh no, absolutely not. You got what’s coming to you, gigglebox, and I’m not interfering with him when he’s like this,” Eijirou couldn’t help but laugh along, the boy’s laughter too contagious to help it.
“You could always help me, y'know? Cause you already know what I’ll do to you if you don’t, gigglebox,” Katsuki sent Eijirou a wicked smile, fingers still tickling the boy under him relentlessly. Eijirou blushed, before getting up from the couch with a sigh.
“Sorry, Denks, nothing personal,” he apologized with a giggle, obviously not sorry in the slightest. He sat down above Denki’s head, giving his hair a little tussle.
“Nohoho! You dohohon’t hahahave to do thihis!” Denki’s squirming increased before letting in a big gasp of air as Katsuki’s assault finally relented, though his arms stayed glued tightly to his sides. “C’mohon, man, we’re friehehends!” 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re friends, man. And no, I don’t have to do this,” Kiri grinned before grabbing Denki’s wrists, trying to pull them up above his head. Denki tried hard to keep them down, unable to keep the giggles to himself in pure anticipation, repeating “nonononohoho!” as he felt Kiri winning the fight for his hands. They came to a standstill when his hands were near his face, Denki pulling hard to keep them down.  “But I kinda want to, y’know?” Kiri giggled, giving Katsuki a look. “A little help, love?”
“No problem,” Katsuki smiled before bringing his fingers up to flutter softly at Denki’s neck and ears. Denki squealed, high-pitched giggles escaping as he struggled to keep his strength, too focused now on trying to protect his neck with his shoulders. This allowed Kiri to finally pull his arms up above his head and pin them there by the wrists, Denki whining loudly and kicking his legs out in protest.
“Plehehease! I’m sorry, okahay, don’t tickle mehehee!” He pleaded, bringing his knees up to drum against Katsuki’s back.
“Don’t care, didn’t ask,” Katsuki said before bringing his fingers down to flutter softly against Denki’s armpits through his shirt, the boy squealing and screaming out a “no!” in response before falling helplessly into giggles and cackles. “Plus, this is kinda fun.”
His fingers fluttered and spidered for a while, relishing in Denki’s frantic laughter. Katsuki got bored of the flutters after a while, switching to pinching up and down Denki’s ribcage with gentle precision. 
“Nohohoho! I cahahahan’t, mahahan, plehehease! It tihihickles!” Denki shoved his face into his now raised arm, trying to muffle his giggles and hide his flushed face.
“Damn right it tickles, I’m tickling you,” Katsuki looked at Eijirou with a mocking shake of the head and a sigh. “This fuckin’ guy, amirite?”
“His face is so red, man. I think he’s embarrassed ~,” Kiri cooed down towards Denki’s face, giggling at the squeal his words brought.
“I’m nohohot! I’m nohohohot!” Denki shook his head into his arm, squirming even harder and screaming as one of Katsuki’s hands came up to flutter at the open side of his neck, the other still preoccupied at his ribs.
“He’s tryna deny it, Kiri,” Katsuki tsked before bringing his face closer to Denki’s. “You know what we do to liars around here?”
“Nohoho!” Denki cried, not sure if he was replying to Katsuki’s teasing question or just yelling out his preferred word to cry out in ticklish agony.
“Weeeeee…” Katsuki paused both his sentence and his tickling, his hands standing still in the spots they were last playing with. Denki continued to giggle through his panting breath, body tense in anticipation and eyes squeezed shut tight. Seconds passed and still, nothing. Curiosity killed the cat, but Denki couldn’t help opening one of his eyes hesitantly and looking up at Katsuki’s wicked grin. 
Then, he screamed when Katsuki’s hands shot down quickly to squeeze at his hips, falling yet again into helpless cackles. “...tikitikitikitikitickle them!”
“Ahahahaha gohohohod! Thahat’s sohoho- pppffttt hahahaha! -stuhuhupihihid!” Denki shook his head in protest, kicking and bucking his hips like he could knock off his tickler with one good throw. Obviously it didn’t work, and Katsuki continued to tickle him while staying put like he was riding a bull.
“Oh, you callin’ me stupid now? Do you really think that’s the smartest move to make when I’ve got you squealing like a little girl for saying some stupid shit earlier?’”
“I juhuhust said- gahahahaha nohoho! -thahat you lihihike mehehee!” 
“Yeah and how did that turn out for you?” Katsuki asked before scribbling his hands over Denki’s waist, the boy screeching and giggling frantically in response.
“Bahahahad! Sohoho bahahahd!”
“That’s what I thought,” Katsuki grinned before going back to poking around Denki’s belly, a much easier task now that Denki’s flailing arms were out of the equation. “How’s about we find that little off button we discussed earlier, huh? Maybe we can finally get you to shut your trap for once.”
Eijirou giggled with a shake of his head. “You are so mean, Katsuki.”
“Yeah, yeah, you love it,” Katsuki looked at Denki’s face, grinning at the blush he wore and the giant smile overtaking his features and making his nose scrunch up all cutely. “And from the looks of it, so does this little guy. You enjoyin’ yourself up there, dumbass?”
Denki’s belly bounced through his giggles, much softer than before now that he was just being poked at, but still frantic as his belly was very ticklish. “Nohoho!”
“I think that’s the word of the day. ‘No, no, no,’ it’s all you’ve said since we started this shit. You mean that? You want us to stop? Cause hey, say the word and playtime’s over, Sparkplug.”
For the first time since their little tickle fest started, Denki had nothing to say. Just a response of happy giggles and an even brighter blush that he yet again tried hiding in his arm.
“Well would you look at that! Seems like our friend here has some sense after all,” Katsuki smiled up at Eijirou, who rolled his eyes fondly. The redhead already knew Denki didn’t mind the tickles as much as he loved to claim he did, so he wasn’t surprised in the least to find him happily allowing them to continue the torment. 
Katsuki’s pokes never ceased, like they were still on the hunt. “So, about that off button…” He hummed curiously, his pokes traveling all around his belly, sides, and ribs like in a search. “Oh, I know. How about riiiiiight…here!” He stuck his finger in Denki’s bellybutton, scratching and poking at it gently but very obviously efficiently, as the blonde under him let out a loud squeal before his laughs fell silent. Just a bouncing chest and belly with occasional gasps for air to prove he was still laughing up a storm on the inside.
“Hehey, I think you found it! See, he’s gone all quiet now!” Eijirou boasted, looking down at Denki’s hysterical expression with a chuckle.
“Well ain’t that a relief,” Katsuki said, eyebrows shooting up when Denki’s cackles and shrieks returned in a wild new wave. “Guess we know how to shut him up now. Just a little tickle right in this off-button and we’ve got a nice night of peace and quiet,” he said with a hint of sarcasm, as Denki’s laughter had never been louder than now.
Finally, Katsuki’s assault ceased, giving Eijirou a nod to let his arms go. Denki brought them down over his belly protectively, rolling over on his side to curl into a ball of giggles when Katsuki got off and sat next to him.
“So, you still think I like you, numbnuts?” Katsuki asked, grinning proudly as his boyfriend rubbed Denki’s back.
“Ehehe…yeah, kinda,” Denki looked at Katsuki over his shoulder. “I mean, you did just have a tickle fight with me, man. Not really something non-friends do with each other.”
“Hey, not a tickle fight. I didn’t see you getting any jabs in there, did I?” Katsuki said with a poke to Denki’s side, the boy flinching with a yelp before scooting closer to Eijirou like he’d protect him from mean ‘ole Bakugou.
“Fine, a tickle attack then. Either way…” Denki tilted his head with a smug expression, a smile still very present on his face. “...you totally like me.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes before getting up and plopping himself back on the couch, grabbing his phone to scroll like nothing happened. “Whatever, idiot. Just know who you’re messing with.”
Denki giggled, looking up at Kirishima who shook his head with a fond smile. “Trust me, I am very well aware.”
There was a comfortable silence between the three of them before they all seemed to realize at the same time, it wasn’t actually silent in the room.
The movie was still on.
“Oh fucking hell you’ve gotta be KIDDING ME-“
. . .
A/N : hope y'all enjoyed! im working on another fic rn but don't plan on that coming out super soon, y'all know how long it takes me to write sometimes and i've kinda been drowning in schoolwork lately. college is truly a different experience LMAO. anyways, much love y'all imma go do some homework and hopefully get some sleep tonight.
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rogertaylorshbb · 2 years
"studio stress" roger Taylor x reader fanfic [part 1]
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hey, I just wanna say sorry if the ending of this part is sloppy to anyone, I wrote on half of it yesterday, and I was writing the other half today but I was eating spicy noodles at the same time lol. anyway hope you enjoy this and part 2 will be posted soon!!
You pulled up slowly in front of the studio parking outside. You were dreading going inside.  It has been a stressful week for you. You were so tired, sleeping less than 4 hours last night doing large amounts of paperwork and having to work the night shift at your other job.
You weighed your head down between your arms on the steering wheel, your eyes began to swell “dont cry dont cry, don't cry” you whispered to yourself whipping your cheeks with your sleeve. You looked in your car mirror, you hoped that when you went in the studio no-one would notice your red eyes and puffy cheeks. 
You shuffled into the studio seeing brian at a desk. “Oh hey y/n” he waved. You smiled shyly and walked towards Freddie with some printed lyrics. “Here- I- printed them last night for you” you said, slurring your words together like a drunk.
“Thank you” freddie beamed while taking a sip of his coffee. “Ok everyone lets record!”.
John walked over to you handing you a little cup of hot, black coffee, “here, looks like you need it”. “Thanks John, I do” you laughed, falling back into a chair. 
You couldn't bear to sit in that studio next to the producer while they were recording. The loud beat of the drums, the screeching of Brian's guitar, and John's repetitive bass playing. Your pounding headache and sensitive ears couldn't take it so you tapped the producer on the shoulder and told him you were gonna go outside for a break.
You sat outside on the scrub, dropping your head on your knees, your arms resting on your head. You could almost fall asleep but you knew you would get in trouble and just look useless and that the band would probably fire you.
After what seemed 10 minutes you heard footsteps coming towards you. 
“Hey, you ok” Roger asked sitting down next to you. 
You lifted your head up “yea, just- very stressed”.
“Oh well, I'm here if you want to talk,” he assured, placing his hand on your back. 
“Thanks roger but i don't want to annoy you with my problems you should focus on the band” you nodded at him. 
“You're just as important as the band y/n” he smiled. “Doubt it” you blushed, shaking your head. You and Roger talked for a bit, and Roger ended up rambling about his childhood cat.
“Anyway” he sighed. He stood up taking a deep breath and held out his hand “cmon, i'll let you try out the drums”.
You took his hand as he pulled you up, you stumbled a bit when you got on your feet, lucky he was there to make sure you didn't fall.
You both strolled into the studio and were a bit confused when none of the band was there. 
Only one of the guys that worked there was there. “Um hey, where is everybody?” Roger asked. 
“Oh they all went up to that fancy place up the street, they said they would be back in a bit” Mark said grabbing his jacket “I'm off my shift now though, make sure to close the lights if you guys wanna leave. 
Roger stumped his foot and shook his head “why didn't they come get us?! Idiots”. 
“Haha, it doesn't matter, I always pack my own lunch anyway” you chuckled, reaching for your handbag pulling out a sandwich. 
“Here, you can have half,” you said, handing him one half. “No no, it's ok” he waved his hands softly. 
You both sat down on the couch and you asked Roger to tell you a funny story about his childhood while you ate. “Funny? I don't think I have a lot of funny ones, annoying ones and ones of me throwing tantrums that probably made my mum wish she never had children, sure”. 
‘Well, go on!” 
Roger told you about some stories of him and his little sister. You nearly choked on your sandwich from laughing “woah woah, don't choke '' he laughed.
You claimed yourself down. 
“So, you were really a trouble maker huh?” 
“Uh huh” he smirked, stretching his arm out over the couch. 
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remyfire · 6 months
I return, halfway through season 7 and having watched yet another Sidney episode. I was so excited to see him show up in The Billfold Syndrome, even though every appearance is one less I have to look forward to in the future 😅 And admittedly I didn't find the hypnotism to be one of his best ideas, but I mean it worked! And the way he hugged that soldier once he figured out what happened just got me right in the heart, he's just the sweetest man I SWEAR 💕 I also just love his dynamic with both Hawkeye and BJ, he works with them so well and it delights me to no end. In my humble opinion, this show seriously underused Allan Arbus. Also, last time I sent an ask you mentioned you had some favorite episodes in S7 that you wouldn't mention yet, and I now request that you mention them! I like to look out for episodes I know other people enjoy. And I've definitely had some that I've loved--None Like It Hot was just so fun and light! And Point Of View was such an interesting take on the show, it was a fascinating way to mix up the standard episode format and show us something a little different yet still so in tune with the tone of the rest of the show. It also gave me the opportunity to experience BJ and Hawkeye smiling at me in a first person point of view, which, I'm not complaining 😂 Anyway that will conclude my rambling for now, but I also wanted to let you know that it made me very happy to know you enjoy my random appearances into your inbox 💕 I hope you're doing well, and thank you so much for all your contributions to this fandom!
HURRAY, I'm so glad the message was delivered :D And I'm happy to see you back and delighted that you're having such a lovely time.
Augh, The Billfold Syndrome is such an interesting peek into how Sidney's mind is working and how his craft is shifting, advancing, growing through the war. I always find it fun to remember that in the midst of the early '50s when he's operating, there really is a lot of stuff being thrown at the psychiatric wall to see if it sticks or not. Add in the fact that a lot of the more popular or "accepted" treatments involved a lot of violence being done against institutionalized patients without their full consent, and frankly it is remarkable what techniques Sidney works with in comparison. Like the hypnotism is a bit of a question mark in a lot of ways, especially to us modern viewers, but there is such a sense of compassion in him choosing to work with a technique like that and it softens me toward him even more. A surprise to no one, I'm sure.
No one is surprised either to know that Hawkeye, BJ, and Sidney are a HUGE rare ship of mine. I'm also obsessed with their interplay. They're so much fun to consider (especially given BJ who absolutely should've had sessions with Sidney and who never does, whether intentionally or unintentionally, oops who said that).
I really would've loved to see more Allan use also. I adore so many of the episodes he's in—a lot of them are my high high favorites tbh—and I always take some measure of delight in knowing that many people involved in the show clearly knew what a gem they had in him. I think a lot about Alan writing/directing Dear Sigmund and War of Nerves, for example, these episodes that give us interesting peeks into multiple characters but that really had Sidney at the center of them. They wouldn't have flowed so well without Sidney being the linchpin, and Alan clearly knew that as he was constructing them. Good on you, sir. Thank you for shining such a bright light on our special guy.
Oh man, S7, so many bangers (same with S8 and S9, PHEW, you're in a good run of them rn). I'm legit just gonna pull up the episode list here and go through all of the ones in S7 that I enjoy so so much for various reasons (some agonizing). I love Peace on Us, Lil, The Billfold Syndrome, None Like It Hot, Major Ego, Eye for a Tooth, Dear Sis, Hot Lips Is Back In Town, Preventative Medicine, A Night at Rosie's, and The Party. If I can be honest, I enjoy almost all of them to quite a high degree, but those are the ones that if I saw them gifsets or caps of them, I'd probably go !!!!! and be pointing emphatically at the screen. Also just fucking ones like They Call The Wind Korea, B.J. Papa San, C*A*V*E, like, FUCK, it's just a GOOD FUCKING SEASON AAAAAA wow wow wow. Did you know MASH is a good show?
Anyway, this is long enough, so I'll just thank you for being so incredibly sweet ;v; I love this show more than I can put words to and I know there's not a ton I can bring to the fandom besides, like, caps of episodes and my fanfics of many, many unexpected ships—I always wish I could do more—so you saying that really made my morning already. Thanks again!!
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
i wonder
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i wonder (if you remember the way we looked at each other)
— Living as roommates with your best friend is easy until someone fucks up and catches feelings.
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut fem!reader, and they were roommates, childhood friends!au, university!au, quirkless!au, modern!au, americanized university experience, alcohol consumption, drug consumption, the plot is for the sex AHA, womanizer!shouto, shouto and reader are bad roommates but seiji is worse, shouto has sex at 16 for the first time, vouyerism-ish, iffy shouto tendencies, jealous!shouto, jealous!reader, drunk sex so dubcon depending on you, nipplegasms, reader has nipple piercings, blowjob, switching, marking, biting, scratching, praise kink, missing tag ;)
word count: 20,141
a/n: this is for the roommates bnharem collab! please check out all the other amazing fics and art! note to self, dont get drunk the night before this is due and I hope you guys enjoy this!!! I had a lot of fun writing it!!! also,,, sorry if mobile doesn’t correctly format!
You cracked your eyes open.
The gentle white stream of light permeated through soft cotton curtains, lighting the room in pale stripes and careful touches. Dust particles danced within the shining light, bending and twirling with the flowing air and moving winds. You breathed in deeply, your body still tired, your head still foggy from a night of distractions and too many drinks. 
Your eyes are closed once again, your still hazy mind trying to ignore the bitter, rank taste of the alcohol and cum on your tongue and your hands scratching as your naked cleavage. There was still enough time in the day; it was Sunday after—
Your eyes flew open, your lips smacking each other as you confirm the awful, salty taste of cum on your tongue. Your hands swiping up and down your front to confirm your state of undress. Your heart starts hammering in your chest, your palms immediately sweating as you try to think about just who the fuck you ended up back in bed with.
Think, y/n, think!
A small grunt came from behind you, and you felt your entire body go rigid immediately. The soft expel of air fanning against your sticky neck is both welcomed and untrusted. With what can only be described as you, as stiff as a stick, peering behind your shoulder similar to a mother who definitely heard her child throw up on her bed but is somehow praying that she was hearing shit, you turned around.
A messy bedhead of red and white greeted you: unfocused, sleepy grey, and brilliant blue eyes staring back at you with fond familiarity and welcome.
“‘Morning, y/n,” Todoroki Shouto grumbles, voice husky, scratchy, deeply warm from his slumber. His next words are damning, though, the slight pride and knowing implications in the small breathe he uttered next. “Had fun last night?”
There was silence, a stroke of hesitancy, then crushing all-consuming fear.
You screamed.
At the top of your lungs.
O N E  W E E K  A N D  A  D A Y  E A R L I E R
“Who the fuck touched my fucking Angry Orchard Rosés?!” a voice snapped from the kitchen; the tone was fed up, seconds from blasting to smithereens.
You were in the living room, a pair of sweats on, your hair not put together, your face still bare. The music you played as part of your pregame ritual was practically vibrating the wooden floor as you sang along to your music. The telling glass bottle of deliciously pink alcohol swinging inconspicuously between your fingers as you drank it between verses. Despite your other roommate (who you repeatedly told your friends to be ‘like Bakugou but a gazillion times worse because you don’t and can’t like him,’) being seconds from trying to start another feud or possibly a lawsuit against you, your mouth dropped in mock shock before guzzling down the rest of the drink.
“I saw that you fucking skank!” Shishikura Seiji screeched from the kitchen; his stomps were long and heavy as he made his way from the kitchen to the living room where you were. “There were two bottles left in there! Don’t tell me your alcoholic ass drank them both! So help me, I’ll press on your damn chest until you’re puking out my drink.”
“Shishikura, stop,” Shouto spoke up, his own arm raising as he took a long, slow drink from the other missing rosé bottle. “These are 2% alcohol, you’ve had them in the fridge for months now, and you never drink them anyways.”
You grinned as you pulled the glass bottle from your lip, your face failing at the fake look of surprise, guilt, and sorrow for your unwanted and unneeded roommate.
“Sorry, they’re such girly drinks. I figured I’d take them off your hands,” you speak with distractingly bright amusement. “Alcoholics like me, we don’t care. Watch out; I might go for your mouth wash if you’re not too careful.”
“You do that, and I’ll poison you like a damn bitch,” Shishikura threatened, his voice in a menacing growl.
“Ooooo, you want me to bark for you, Shishikura? Want me on my hands and knees?” you taunt back, walking backward until you’re collapsing onto the couch besides Shouto. Your arm quickly sneaks between his, and you lay your head on his shoulder. Shishikura’s face is flushed red, his pupils beady as he trembles with concealed rage.
“She’s quite good at it,” Shouto chimes in, the corner of his mouth twitching into an amused smirk as he takes another drink of the weak liquor. He shifts on the couch, allowing you to curl more comfortably at his side; the both of you know just how much your incredibly prude roommate hates any sort of PDA. “Want to hear her bark? She’s also quite good with her tongue.”
As if to emphasize Shouto’s point, you stuck out your tongue, refusing to break eye contact with Shishikura as the tip of your tongue breached the opening of the bottle.
“The actual fuck is wrong with the both of you?!” Shishikura spluttered, his face somehow turning purple and green and red. A truly incredible sight to be had. “‘Childhood friends are great roommates to have’ my fucking ass, you both are monstrosities!”
Shishikura stormed out of the living room, his ears neon red as his purple hair fell to cover his face. As soon as he was out of sight, you turned to Shouto, your tongue removing itself from the bottle and back into your mouth as you began to laugh loudly.
Childhood friends to roommates, ah, what a remarkable story you had with Todoroki Shouto.
It was accurate to relay that you had known Shouto for more than seventeen years now at your current age of twenty-one. Seventeen years of being what is easily seen as the best of friends, the closest companions, and indeed a bond that would withstand time and situation. 
The two of you met during the first week of what was preschool. Although both of you could not remember a single instance of events during this time, your mothers had always been excited to relay this story to you for many years that you could remember. It was odd to try to remember it, but even as they painted a picture of your first interaction, you could do nothing but admit that it sounded exactly like how it could have gone. 
You couldn’t remember being four years old; you don’t recall what it was like to strain your neck to look up at your parents or how it felt to be so utterly dependent but to scream brazenly about your childish independence. Your mother smiles when she retells the story of your first interaction, of how you were holding her hand as she walked you to the building where your preschool was to be had. 
Your hand was so small in hers. Tightly clutching onto her fingers as you looked around at the other children who were also arriving or had already arrived. Some children were bawling by their parents, others aimlessly playing with toys, and some were attempting to talk to one another, but by the apparent looks of curiosity surrounding the babbling and rambling tangents that could only be understood by a firing toddler brain, everyone was getting along. 
A teacher greeted you kindly, squatting down to reach your eye level as they excitedly introduced themselves and asked for your name. You, of course, with your hands clutching the skirts of your mother’s dress, responded with hesitant confidence.
“You’re such a brave girl!” the teacher awed happily, stretching out a hand for you. “Is it okay if I take you from your mom and show you which cubby is yours?”
There was a moment of confusion, then clear understanding hovering over your little head. Your mom looked down with an encouraging smile and pushed you forward.
“Do I get a middle cubby? I don’t want a top one,” you admit, your hand stretching out to grab the teacher’s stretched-out hand. 
Your mother watched on happily as you removed your schoolbag and lunchpail and placed them neatly within the somehow middle cubby marked with your name. The teacher also helped you put on your white school slippers before gesturing towards the bright, colorful room, their mouth moving as if explaining every little detail before pointing at the corner. Your mother tilted her head, curious as she followed the teachers point to the corner of the room where a boy with exceptional red and white hair — split perfectly in the middle — sat quietly, with fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
(Shouto, although he can not remember this day himself, will argue with you and only you that he was, in fact, NOT crying.)
Trying to not allow the shock of the unnatural hair color affect her, your mother watched as you nodded to your new teacher and walked over with clenched fist confidence to the small boy.
She watched as you approached him, your jaw moving as you so obviously spoke, hopefully introducing yourself. The boy looked up at you with bright, wet eyes but seemed to speak right back to you. 
“Alright, parents! Thank you all for dropping off your children! Do not worry. We will take great care of them all, and they are in competent hands! First days are hard for everyone, so if you can exit quietly, I, and the rest of us teachers, would appreciate that greatly!”
Or at least that’s what Rei claimed the teacher said.  However, your mother was watching on with increasing exponential horror as she watched you throw a punch at the air before twisting around and pointing right at her and saying with a voice that was much too loud.
“Punch whoever made you cry, Shouto-chan! My mama says that it is okay to punch bullies!”
Thankfully no one but your mother heard you, and even though she scolded you on the way out, whisper yelling that you “better not punch anyone!” her relief was for naught.
When she would return in the afternoon, a bit late because there had been a hold up on the train, you were pouting sitting on the floor with a scuffled uniform, your arms crossed definitely. Next to you was the boy with red and white hair, equally scuffed next to a white-haired woman and an older white-haired boy.
“Oh my god, what happened?!” she shrieked, racing over to you.
“Y/l/n-san,” the teacher spoke with a tone that indicated disappointment with the subtle undertone of amusement. “Y/n-chan has something to tell you.”
Your mother had taught you many things, she will admit, in your very short life. But sass and annoyment was something not often seen in your household or in you, and to see it so blatantly on your chubby-cheeked face was quickly giving your mother greys.
“Shouto-chan told me that his stupid bully brother Touya was being a meanie, and so I helped him punch him back!” you said with tears in your eyes because you didn’t want to back down from your actions, but you also did not like being scolded. “I don’t regret it!”
“I don’t either,” Shouto-chan grumbled as your mother collapsed to her knees and began to profusely apologize for you to the woman who was undoubtedly Shouto’s mother. “Touya-nii was making fun of my hair again… y/n-chan helped me, though. Please don’t scold her!”
To say the most in the shortest amount of time, you were, in fact, scolded despite Shouto’s begging. Touya stopped making fun of Shouto’s natural hair. Rei accepted your mother’s apology. The teachers were given two bottles of sake.
And, of course, the most important, the most paramount thing to arise from this first day of school was that your and Todoroki Shouto’s friendship was now bound by blood, sweat, and tears.
Preschool became elementary school, which became middle school, and fading into highschool.
It was without saying that your relationship, your friendship with Todoroki Shouto, was probably one of the biggest, most defining parts of your entire life. He was there when your first tooth fell out, when he dropped ice cubes down people’s shirts, you two had bathed together when you were young, had sleepovers well past the age where him being a boy and you being a girl should have made things weird. You laughed when his voice cracked and dropped, he elbowed your chest plenty when you began growing boobs, you taunted his lack of body hair, he bought you your favorite ice cream and heating packs on your first period. You attended cram school together, went to the park and beaches on days off from school. You were partners in every school activity except under specific circumstances. He had listened to you when you told him excitedly about your first kiss when you turned fourteen, and you laughed when he said at the age of fifteen that he had still yet to kiss anyone.
Everyone always claimed, always asked, wondered, and whispered if the two of you were dating. Childhood friends still this close and not dating? Unheard of; practically illegal! Nevertheless, you ignored the disappointed frowns or the hopeful grins as you and Shouto both denied any sort of romantic connection.
Soon the both of you were in high school, and Shouto was mere days from turning sixteen. Much like when the both of you were when you were four years old, you seemed to be the one spouting many words — sometimes unnecessary words that wound you both up in trouble — of wisdom. You were loud when you needed, talking most of the time only to him and your surprisingly large group of friends. (You weren’t that surprised. Everyone wanted to be friends with the handsome, could easily be royalty or a model, Todoroki Shouto.) Shouto remained, for better or worse, quiet, reserved, and a bit awkward. He was a sweet boy, don’t get it wrong, and you would protect him until the end of your days, but the boy was a complete airhead and relied on you for interpreting social interactions.
“Camie-senpai wants me to go over to her house after my birthday,” Shouto explains, his hands exchanging his school shoes for his outdoor ones. “Something about wanting to do that one second-year first-year student project thing for the third years right away.”
“You have Camie?” you ask, slumping against the metal lockers with a slight thud. “Lucky, she’s so nice… I have stupid Agoyamato. Have you had a conversation with him? It’s actually the worst! He thinks he’s all that!”
“I’m sure it’ll be okay; you’re nice enough that he won’t be like… that,” Shouto smiles, slinging his bag on his shoulders before nudging his head towards the exit. “Ready?”
“Am I ever ready?” you ask with a whine but nevertheless proceed onward.
Time passed, and between cram school, actual school, some clubs, eventually January 11th passed and you held an ice cream cake that Shouto loved. You ate the cake together, relaxing as you sat in the warmth of his kitchen.
“Happy birthday, Shoucchan, never change!” you chirp, shoving his arm that rose to place the piece of cake in his mouth with your shoulder and watched as the sweet pastry splattered on top of the table. “...um?”
“I’ll give you ten seconds to run.”
“Only ten?! What about the happy birthday boy.”
“Oh, true. Three seconds to run.”
“It’s my birthday.”
An hour later, when your stomach hurt from laughing too much and the sickly sweet weight of too much ice cream cake, you lay snuggled into Shouto’s side as the both of you watched some old movie.
“Thanks for always being here for me,” you mumble, eyes growing heavy as the heat of Shouto’s body began to lull you to sleep.
“I’m always here for you,” Shouto softly responded, hand gliding up and down the curve of your spine. “We should get you home. Your mom yelled and nearly skinned us both the last time you fell asleep here.”
“Only cuz she’s scared that we’ll have some sudden revelation we like each other and fuck each other’s brains out,” you groaned, absolutely not content with having to move. With your face buried in your hands now, you missed the weird pattern in Shouto’s chest over that.
“Come on, let’s go.”
“...fine, just because it’s your birthday.”
The next day, when Shouto followed Camie home instead of you, there was something that made you feel off as you waved at them goodbye. It wasn’t jealousy, that much you knew, but something worse when you watched the way your never-been-kissed-before best friend was ignorant to the dark eyes Camie sent his way.
To be quite honest, you’re not sure if you should be as surprised as you are when you get a phone call at ten p.m. to the sound of a confused, suppressed, overwhelmed voice of your best friend asking if you could confirm if Camie had fucked him. You then stayed on the phone for Shouto until well past two a.m., your heart hurting as he recounted the memory over and over again. You weren’t sure as to why your heart was breaking. By the sounds of it, Shouto had actually enjoyed it, but with every stammer to his voice, you felt lightyears away.
Most shockingly, however, was the effects this had on Shouto and his overall persona.
From ages four until fifteen, Todoroki Shouto was someone who was quiet, observant, took things a bit too literally, at all times was entirely precious in the way he interacted with people, and most importantly, unaware of the female population who lusted after him. It worked well for you because it was fun to tease him about things, nag him about how he was sixteen, and hadn’t been kissed even though if he asked any girl at school to kiss him, they definitely would. 
But sixteen-year-old Todoroki Shouto was a new shift, a new paradigm for you to learn. It wasn’t that he wasn’t confident before, but now he emitted a sense of confidence that he was aware of, that everyone was aware of. He became mature, sophisticated, styled even. He was still at times quiet, always completely observant. He rarely took things literally and understood rhetoric and sarcasm and hyperboles. Long gone were the days of preciousness, and instead, there was a sense of a predator on the hunt that bled in the way that he talked to people. Most importantly, however, he was fully aware of the female population and precisely who was lusting after him.
He flirted with women and girls. You would find him leaning against the lockers talking with them, somehow trapping them despite not actually trapping them. A new girl was sitting at your table with him practically every week in high school, each girl asking for the hundredth millionth time that the both of you were not dating. Some girls were even bold enough to apologize to you for stealing your best friend — as if you wanted Shouto.
You had already seen his dick, thank you very much (although the last time you saw it was well before you were nine years old), you weren’t missing out on how it probably looked now! Honestly, you had no idea how Shouto never managed to run out of female students to fuck, the school wasn’t that large, and he seemed to go through a few a week sometimes.
But he was your best friend, your childhood friend, and no matter how many girls came crawling back to your lunch table, bawling to Shouto to take him back, soaking the fabric of your skirt to help convince him to take her back, you stayed. You stayed, accepting the fact that your best friend had become an awkward teenage boy and turned into some high school sex freak.
You stayed when his shaggy hairstyle was clipped and became short.
Overnight, just as he went from being a complete virgin to not one, he went from a scrawny sixteen-year-old boy to a leanly built eighteen-year-old hot-ass heartthrob womanizer.
High school wasn’t forever. Even though it took you about a year to accept and integrate Shouto’s new sex life and behavior into your daily lifestyle with him (he always left four of the three days open for you as all his relationships were casual only). Soon enough, the both of you relaxed and found your own relationship to be entirely the same, and when university exams and applications came about, it was decided that yet again, the both of you would follow each other anywhere.
Which is where you were now.
Tokyo University,  a third-year student, living in an upscale three-person apartment with your best friend, of course. Shouto plus someone who practically begged in the most unbegging way to live with you.
Todoroki Shouto and Shishikura Seiji in the same apartment as you made for an interesting combination.
You hadn’t wanted Shishikura Seiji as a roommate at all. Period. 
There were about eleven other people you only considered asking, but they all said no for their own reasons. Bakugou and Midoriya had found their own apartment closer to the University, and for much cheaper, Kirishima and Mina were RA’s and could not move in. Kaminari said he liked Sero’s couch too much to leave, and Sero couldn’t live in an apartment without a balcony. Momo said the room was too small, Jirou said she’d rather continue living with Momo, Uraraka said it was a tad bit too much for her to afford (to be fair, you didn’t have to pay because the Todoroki’s were paying for your housing, but you understood), Tsuyu and Hagakure said they were living at home. Iida said he would be too uncomfortable living with a couple.
Everyone you found on the street wouldn’t accept your offer. Hence, Shouto invited the meatball and rosé obsessed Shishikura Seiji to live with the two of you simply because he was Shouto’s lab partner in one of his advanced physics classes. Stupid chemical engineering nerd.
At twenty-one years, you can now say that you’ve entirely adjusted to Shouto’s womanizer ways. Too often do you find yourself sitting at the kitchen counter, a steaming cup of tea in your hand as you drink it in slowly, watching with much amusement as either a no-name girl leaves or a walk of shame Shouto enters. It happens at most five times a week; you were used to it. While the unease had finally left, you had to admit you were impressed your best friend could easily sleep around as he did and maintain his outstanding grades.
However, just because you were finally used to Shouto’s womanizer tendencies didn’t mean the world was. Even in University, your fellow students would ask with wide eyes and behind flat palms if the two of you were dating — specifically if Shouto was cheating on you or if it was an open relationship. You would each and every time, smile cheekily, shake your head and say with a roll of your eyes: ��No, we’re not dating. He’s not cheating, and no, this is nothing more than us being best friends. Sho is too much of a jealous person to allow for an open relationship.”
Somehow, the constant begging of approval and the erasure of any romantic connection between you and Shouto from the plethora of female students at Tokyo University wasn’t even the most annoying part of it all. No, not at all.
What really ground your nerves was a pattern you noticed when you were eighteen.
Unlike Shouto, you hadn’t had the chance to lose your virginity until you were eighteen. Most of the boys who liked you always assumed you and Shouto were dating, the ones who gathered the courage to ask you out anyways were boys you were less than impressed with. By some act of some higher god, your crush — the school's third-year baseball team's captain when you were a first-year — reappeared in your life and asked you out. It wasn’t your best decision, you can fully admit it, but he was friendly and sweet as he fucked you in his small bed.
You hadn’t expected sex to be like that, and if you had enjoyed this, you couldn’t help but wonder just how Shouto was in bed to have girls behaving like that.
However, the spell was broken when he helped you change back into your clothes, and he begged you not to tell Shouto he was the person you cheated on him with.
It was on this day that it clicked.
What went for him, unfortunately, went for you too.
Except where girls rose to the challenge to dethrone you from Shouto’s side (a shame because they were vying for a seat that you had no claim over), the boys lowered their head like some damn omega to Shouto’s alpha.
Even with the plentiful, plethora, consistent denial of your relationship with Shouto, even with the tally of girls, Shouto’s bedded (and more excitedly, deflowered — ugh!) rose consistently, no one ever really believed you weren’t dating him! Too many a time, you had been centimeters from making out with a guy for them to pull away, screeching that they couldn’t allow you to betray Shouto. The men who didn’t care were sleezebags, and thus, with a growl and a snarl, you found that you were only able to fuck men who thought jackhammering their fingers into your labia — yes, your labia — would make you cum.
You didn’t want to say you hated your childhood best friend for such duplicitous, selfish reasons… but you did.
But today was Saturday, a few months into the new second semester of the school year, and with school spirit once again high and workload low. The entire campus was brimming with parties, celebrations, alcohol drinking competition, sleazy dancing, and enough sexual tension to kill all celibate people.
So, we look back to where we started.
Shishikura Seiji running away as you nestled back against Shouto’s chest.
“I didn’t think he was actually going to drink these things,” Shouto sighed, spinning the last few remaining drinks of his rosé in his hand. “It’s been in the fridge for almost five months.”
“He probably made his meatballs again and needed something terrible to blame the flavor on,” you half joke half say in complete seriousness. You were not fond of Shishikura at all, and he was not fond of you either. He had a tendency to mansplain everything, which continuously ground on your nerves, especially when he had no jurisdiction to act so confidently.
He was a physics major, not a goddamn god.
Fuck off.
“I feel sorta bad,” Shouto sighs, his hand low and warm on your waist. “But I will admit, these drinks are practically like carbonated water.”
“2% alcohol,” you stress, your grin widening as you pull away from his chest to stare at him. Your gaze is bright, and his eyes are filled with amusement. “You’re either the world's lightest lightweight or a child with no tolerance to actually expect to get drunk off this shit.”
“I think you’re slurring your words already though, you sure you’re okay, lightweight?” Shouto teases, his soft smirk teasing.
“Who was the one who took three shots and passed out?” you wonder innocently, finger to your chin as if you were trying to remember.
“At least I don’t throw up when I crossfade.”
“Alright, bitch,” Shouto snorts, completely unattractively, “hurry up and get ready, yeah? We have a party we’re already late to, and we have no drinks for an actual pregame.”
You squeal excitedly, having forgotten the massive party that was being held a few blocks away. “I’ll be ready in ten!”
Typically, when you went out partying, you went with the group of eleven people you would have rather replaced Shishikura as a roommate. To get ready for said parties, you would always find yourself at Momo’s place with an outfit change, makeup bag, and hair styling items. You had made it a tradition with the other girls to get ready together. The only exceptions to which this wouldn’t happen was when someone had a work event or some family thing come up.
In your case, you had been stuck at a professor's office, diligently helping to put together their research journal as they were in their final steps of publishing their findings. Due to your friendly relationship with your professor, the time had been lost, and your ten p.m. call time to arrive at Momo’s had been missed with a quick:
↳ held up at work! go on without me, sorry! see you at the party!!!!
When you crashed through the front door of your apartment, you froze, seeing Shouto in the hallway by the mirror. Sometime between getting his haircut to be shorter and from this day, he had begun to style his hair by threading it back by his fingers, and boy, it looked fucking good. He was already dressed up for the party. Black joggers, a white t-shirt that was a bit too small if the tight, seductive way it clung to his muscles spoke of anything, and a hoodie he had no care about in case he lost it after taking it off once getting there. Shouto was practically immune to all weather types, he could be in both snow or fire without a single worry, but he knew that a large sweatshirt that smelled like him was enough to hook and line any truly desperate female.
Shouto had chuckled, taking in your frazzled state with years of practice and nudged toward the fridge, already knowing that you had missed your pregaming with the girls.
“Shishikura has two rosés left. Grab ‘em, and we can pregame together.”
But that was all unimportant and already said.
In the end, it took you thirty minutes to get ready.
You had practically smeared on your makeup, hoping the warm, crazy miscoloring would be hidden within the crazy light show the party would definitely be displaying. Your outfit consisted of a tank top that exposed your cleavage and a skirt that hugged your legs and ass just right.
You came stumbling out of your room, fingers trying to shove on your earrings, the rings on your fingers clicking loudly against each other. You smiled breathily, gratefully accepting Shouto’s sweater as you slipped on your comfortable heels at the doorway before hurrying out.
Shouto kept an arm around your shoulder the entire way out, the immense heat of his body keeping you warm as his sweater rested lazily, awkwardly, around your shoulders and arms. You didn’t want to put it entirely on to save your makeup, and in case anyone had any fucking thing to say about the show you and Shouto were putting on. Eventually, the bright and comical conversation between you and Shouto began to grow louder as the pounding of dance music began to ring in your ears. Soon enough, you passed a few drunk people, more and more, until you reached the house where the party was.
Shoving the sweatshirt into Shouto’s chest, you grinned as the smell of alcohol, weed, over-cologne men and women, the faint smell of puke, and the gross crawl of BO flooded your nose.
Ah yes, nothing like a university party.
Shouto laughs at your evident piqued excitement, and after he pulls on the light blue sweatshirt, he grabs your hand, and into the overcrowded home you go.
The intense heat of overcrowded bodies on a dance floor that also makes up a drinking game floor makes you grateful for your choice of clothes. Everyone around you is already drunk, sloshed, intoxicated off their ass as unknown drinks spill from their red Solo cups, sometimes even raining down on you. You grimace as Shouto continues to pull you through. You can taste the Hennesy on your upper lip and somehow know that whoever was drinking it was a freshman with a vendetta to kill his liver and love for drinking before coming of legal age.
“What do you want to drink?” Shouto yells over the nearly obnoxiously loud music. He has his sight on the drinks counter. “Mixed or the juice?”
“Fuck me up with the jungle juice!” you yell right back, pressing to his side as two dancing (see, vigorously dry-humping) nearly trample on top of you. “Parties are meant to be a non-sober event. I need to be borderline blacked out five hours ago!”
The agreeing chuckle from Shouto isn’t heard by you at all, but you can feel his chest give a familiar vibration as finally, he pulls you from the sea of bodies to where the floor is especially wet and sticky. You’ve reached the bar area.
Grabbing your own red Solo Cup, you watch as Shouto makes his own drink. Heavy on the alcohol, light on the mixer, and a good handful of ice (he’s always liked the cold better). His hand reaches for your cup and you offer your cup up as he opens up an ice chest filled with neon-colored jungle juice.
When the drink is returned to you, the both of you cheers and take a long drink.
“You’re finally here, you fucking slut! Getcha fat ass over here now!”
Your neck is twisted to see the absolutely plastered group of girls you considered to be your closest friends, and you laugh loudly.
“Seems like I’m needed,” you yell at Shouto, trying your best to act nonchalantly as he smiles knowingly at you. “Text me about what you decide to do if we don’t see each other?”
“Of course,” he simply responds before placing the curve of his cup back onto his lip as hands grabbed your arms and whisked you away.
In a matter of sixty minutes, you all had played five drinking games.
The girls felt it was imperative to get you to their level right away, so they started off with a game of King’s Cup. Not only was the deck rigged against you — you pulled all four of the four cards and thus had to chug four times — but you had drawn the last King and drank some weird concoction of jungle juice, a tequila shot, a vodka shot, and whatever the fucking hell Mina was drinking. How you managed to chug that and stay on your feet was beyond you, but it was without saying that you had utterly and inevitably caught up with the girls.
After the King's Cup came the Flip Cup game, your team won thankfully due to Mina’s one flip wonder as Kaminari struggled to down the shot in the cup.
After Flip Cup came Smoke or Fire, a game that had Tsuyu stuck on the bus for a record-breaking one round. No one could believe she did that.
Then came a round of Shot Roulette to end with what you were currently doing now, using a drinking card game Momo had made in her spare time to do embarrassing things at random.
Five games in an hour… you questioned if there was by any chance illegal substances in the jungle juice because it had felt like a whopping two minutes.
“It’s midnight!” Hagakure hollered, stumbling backward as she grinned in drunken, stupid happiness. She giggled before singing, “Midnight… memoriessss~!”
Mina groaned at the reference but completely perked up as the dance music changed suddenly from its slightly mellow, good vibe song to none other than Everytime We Touch by Cascada. By tradition, by applicable law by all and every god, when this one song played, everyone needed to stop what they were doing and immediately head to the dance floor.
With your hand slightly sticky with alcohol, and your mind absolutely clouded with alcohol, you whooped loudly as Mina dragged you to the dancefloor. 
You, seven girls, formed a closed circle, your Solo cups sloshing over with alcohol, and your faces scrunched tight as you danced and sang as loudly as you could. Each pounding beat of music vibrated in your chest, each offkey note sung by the party-goers making you feel light, happy, dizzy, and oh so perfectly drunk. For just a split moment, you lock eyes with Shouto, who’s across the dance floor, his arms wrapped around some girl you don’t recognize, eyes drinking you in. You smile for a bit before turning back around, arms rocketing up to the air with your excitement.
Although the song ended, the DJ continued to play bangers, and you never once stopped in your mirthful dancing and grinding against your friends as the night continued to carry on. But when you spun out from Mina, your entire world spinning with it, a pair of warm, heavy, large hands rested on your waist, and you laughed.
“Who is this?” you ask, head slamming backward to try and look at the person who had caught you yet hadn’t tried grinding against you. “Oh, Inasa? Hi!”
Yoarashi Inasa was one of your University's well-known jocks. He was a skilled runner, one of the best Japan has ever seen despite his body type telling you he was a bodybuilder. Immediately your smile of idiotic stupor became intentful, seductive, still bordering extreme intoxication. Was Inasa your type? No, not really, but you could reasonably and accurately say that he was a handsome man, with a fantastic body, not to mention a pleasant personality.
You also itched to know what his dick looked like.
This was definitely someone you could see yourself fucking tonight.
“Hi, y/l/n,” Inasa said, his naturally loud voice easily picked up on despite the music being blasted in your ear. “How’s your night going?”
You lick your dry lips, eyes blinking a few times before you turn in his arms, your arms stretching so that you could wrap them around his neck. “Better now that you’re here,” you smile shyly. “How’s yours.”
“Ahem,” Inasa blushes, his eyes staring straight at your cleavage before looking back up at you. “H-Hoping to get better from here! Well, I’m sure it will be.”
“Oh?” you ask, your confidence building faster and faster as you press further against him. “Anything you have in mind?” —you press your thigh suggestively against the semi-hard spot against his jeans. — “Anyway... I can... help?”
Inasa groans deep in his chest, his head knocking backward at your implications, the pleasant vibrations passing on to you. You grin, fingers scraping against the bottom of his buzzcut and bringing him closer, praying for a kiss. But as he returns his head back down, his gaze leaves yours for a split second, and you watch in horror as a sobering look washes over him.
“Actually… you’re here with some random dude, right? I don’t want to step on his toes. I thought I saw you come in with some guy; sorry y/l/n, I can’t do this.”
And just as quickly as he was against you, he was gone.
It took everything in you not to screech bloody murder over the fact that you were once again left horny with no man to take responsibility for it.
Calculated Rate of Not Getting Dicked Down When I Want to Get Dicked Down When Coming to a Party With Shouto: 78% Calculated Rate of Not Getting Dicked Down When I Want to Get Dicked Down When Coming to a Party Without Shouto: 22%
Walking home alone, cold, and with extreme bitterness towards Yoarashi Inasa was a sadly sobering experience. By the time you collapsed onto your bed, you were only slightly buzzed, boarding sobriety while not being sober exactly.
Fuck men.
Fuck their cowardness over a nonexistent romantic/sexual relationship between you and Shouto.
But also… you really wanted to fuck men right now.
The slicked horniness of the potential thought of bedding Inasa had made its unignorable appearance via your soaked panties. You hated yourself, hated your biological needs and lusts.
“I’ll wring Shouto’s neck in front of all of them next time,” you grumble to yourself. “Stage a fake breakup for an imaginary thing…”
Nestling further into your pillows, your eyes closed, body relaxing against the bed when a peculiar sound seemed to echo in your ear.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
Your eyes slammed open, your jaw-dropping at the very obvious, entirely embarrassing sound of Shouto having sex on his desk sounded in your room! Of course it sounded in your room. His desk was pressed to your wall because that would mean whenever he was his icky womanizer self, you wouldn’t have to hear anything! Your rooms were soundproof but apparently not movement proof.
The thwack of the wood desk slammed against the wall, and with your ear so close to the wall, you began to hear the shaky, intense breathing of Shouto. The whines, keens, and screams of the girl he was fucking as she begged for more. Sobbing that his cock was too much for her.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Your panties soaked even more, and with a brain that somehow retracted back into its state of stupor, your fingers brushed against your swollen, ready clit.
This was wrong, so very, very wrong, you thought, the sounds of pitched whining against the stupidly impressive, steady, consistent fucking.
Your mind was a drunken fever. 
Your eyes closed not all the way, yet blind to the wall before you as your finger danced and teased against your demanding clit.
You whined softly, matching the groaning of Shouto, who banged something other than the desk into the wall.
For a moment, just this once, you wanted to be the one desperately clinging to Shouto’s back, hips snapping and circling in tandem to his, allowing him to drill his cock deep within you. Your back arched, heat reaching your toes, buzzing filling your lips.
“Yes, fuck, right there, Todoroki!” the girl screamed, begged, and prayed. “Oh my god, yes, yes yes, right there, right the— mmph!”
You find your teeth sinking into your fist, trying to keep your pounding, horny induced brain from crying out. You wanted to know what he was doing to her, if he had kissed her silent, shoved his fingers in her mouth. Maybe he had fucked her so good she couldn’t possibly say more.
There is nothing from Shouto you can hear, no noises of praise, nothing except the occasional ragged breath that seems to permeate through the walls and whisper sweetly, teasingly, like a succumbs in your ear.
It increases, in noise, the wall separating your room from his beginning to rattle, shake in his conquest.
Your fingers are wet, entirely slippery with your conquest, your hips thrashing against your touch, clinging to a phantom memory of the last male you had managed to fuck. Then, as your stomach trembles with the orgasm that's mere seconds from blessing you with a release, you hear him—Shouto.
It’s not much. If anything, this girl should be so embarrassed she hasn’t been able to elicit a loud response from Shouto, but it’s a verbal gift from heaven above for you. His voice, tight, husky, drenched with a driving lust, whispers to you and only you, wrapping you in this blanket of solitude and need. 
With your back arching from the mattress, your hips leaving the soft surface, and your jaw growing slack, your moan is silent, unheard by no one but the heavens as you cum. Heat floods throughout your entire body, tickling and twirling in you until you can’t do anything but shudder, shaking as you fall back down on your bed, dizzy and completely satisfied. 
You don’t think about it.
Don’t try to unpack just what happened right now because the reality that you had just masturbated to the sound of your childhood best friend fucking some random girl is a bit too much. Even for you.
So you don’t think about it, and soon the thudding of the desk on the wall is nothing but a drumming lullaby, and sleep consumes you.
When you wake up, you don’t remember what you did.
You get up and trudge to the bathroom, your party clothes abandoned completely so that you’re wearing nothing but a large shirt you had stolen from Shouto years ago. You scratch your belly as you walk into the bathroom, eyes caked with your sleep still as you begin brushing your teeth.
As you brush your teeth, you begin to take off last night's makeup — well, whatever remained of it.
Spitting out the last foamy remains of the paste from your mouth, you rinsed your mouth before washing your skin. You looked much more awake now. Slapping your cheeks in an encouraging, ‘im a functional human adult taking part in some random face wash commercial,’ you exited the bathroom and went to the kitchen. 
Shishikura was already in the kitchen, his face expressionless, entirely dead to the world as he scooped some rice into a bowl and topped it off with some eggs.
“Morning,” you yawn, arms stretching over your head as you near closer to your unwanted roommate.
Shishikura sneers at you, but even he was more polite in the morning, sometimes.
“I heard the both of you get back last night,” Shishikura mocked, slamming the lid to his rice cooker with an unimpressed scowl. “You were thirty minutes apart. You know, if you two still want to be partying like a bunch of eighteen-year-olds, do it respectfully.”
Your smile back at him is as fake as he is, and you refuse to move out of the way as he tries to walk back to his room. He growls — gross? — and sidesteps you, grumbling the entire way back to his room as you roll your eyes at his retreating form.
What a child.
You entered the kitchen, fixing up your own things for breakfast.
Kettle brewing hot water for tea, rice cooker on for your own rice (you make enough for Shouto too), and you begin cooking some ham and eggs, readying yourself for a Sunday for going to the library and studying. You hummed to yourself, your phone plugged into the speaker as your music filled the quiet morning air.
You bobbed your head in rhythm with the music, your eyes concentrating on slowly cooking eggs as you poured the hot water from your kettle into the teacup. As you placed your teabag in, you looked up to the sound of a creaking door and grinned wickedly as a girl with light blue hair walked out of the hall you and Shouto’s room were in.
Her dress was rumbled, a few blooming red and purple marks sitting prettily on her collarbone, and her face flushed red as she began to scurry out.
“Bye!” you call out, laughing at the scared eep from the girl and the disgruntled groan from Shouto’s room.
You set down your tea, flipping the eggs in the pan as you heard more shuffling before finally, Shouto made his appearance. He was in nothing but grey sweatpants that sat so low on his waist you could not only see the band of his boxer-briefs, but you were entirely aware of the v-lines, the abs, the pecs, and the small happy trail from his belly button down. You also noted that there was not a single mark on his body, and you wondered if he had ever taken a single mark from a one-night fuck before.
God really cursed you with an objectively attractive best friend, huh.
“Morning, slut,” you sing, noticing with happiness that your rice cooker sang a merry tune, indicating that the rice was done. “Breakfast?”
“Mm,” Shouto grumbled, his hands rubbing his face as he trudged closer to the kitchen, taking a spot on one of the stools. “Depends. Did you make it?”
“...I always make it.”
“I think I like Shishikura’s breakfast better.”
You glare at Shouto, and in turn, his lips press to a comfortable, teasing smile.
“Fend for your damn self then.”
Shouto laughed loudly as you began to stubbornly fix yourself a bowl of both your servings. You ate far less than he did, but still enough to fill you until after three pm, so the size of your bowl was hysterical. 
“You’re such a horrible wife-roommate,” Shouto accuses, standing up from the stool and entering the kitchen to try and persuade you otherwise to give him his own food. “And here I thought that you liked cooking for me.”
“Go tell your stupid wife-roommate Shishikura instead,” you cry loudly, the faux sniffles from you stupidly fake as you begin to shovel a mouthful of rice and eggs into your mouth. “I’m shwure you’chll beh happ t’gther!”
“That’s absolutely disgusting, y/l/n,” Shouto accuses, his nose scrunching as he traps you in his arms, mouth trying to intercept the food moving from your bowl and into your mouth. 
With another desire to prove how unsatisfied in your roommate-marriage you were, you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue full of uneaten, partially chewed rice.
“Ea’ eh!” you mocked, your grin growing as Shouto’s initial instinct was to whip his head away from you.
But as always, because Shouto enjoyed being incredibly annoying, he went after your tongue, readying to eat the chewed-up food off your very tongue. 
Eventually, you gave Shouto back his part of the breakfast, laughing as the both of you chatted about who was going to repay Shishikura for the used rosés. Neither one of you could decide, and so it was something to be solved later. Noon, however, came and with a nod, you accepted Shouto’s hug goodbye, to which you twisted his nose triumphantly as you waddled out of the front door, clothed in your winter gear, textbooks, and laptop,
It was time to brave the world and get this paper done.
“Mina, I mean… absolutely no offense when I say this, but it still shocks me every time you say you’re a chemistry major. You just seem so…”
“You gotta be some kind of stupid to willingly take inorganic chem,” Mina laughed, balancing her textbooks on her head as the both of you climbed the stairwell to the library’s study rooms. “That's why I have the dance minor! Best of both worlds!”
“Could never forget about that,” you laughed as the both of you neared the top of the stairwell.
You didn’t mean to notice him. As a matter of fact, most of your failed conquests at parties never amounted to much anger from you, but seeing Inasa from across the way, his face buried in some aerodynamics textbook, anger boiled in you. On the way to meeting with Mina, you had realized your mistake last night and how you wouldn’t have made said mistake if it hadn’t been for Inasa! You could’ve been dicked down, slammed against your bed and wall as the giant of a man fucked you!
“I’ll be right back,” you sneered, eyes narrowing as you passed your textbook to Mina.
With fire following in ever long, powerful stride, you blinked and immediately found yourself before Inasa.
“Hi. Wanna explain what happened last night?”
Inasa reacted as if you had shot him, his knees coming up to hit the table, his body knocking backward, and he tumbled, crashing to the floor as you watched with a gaping mouth.
“Y-Y/L/N!” Inasa shouted, his face going through half a billion emotions before settling in anxiety-filled fear. You watched, horrified yourself, as he swung to his knees, his head crashing to the floor as he began apologizing to you. “GOODMORNING, HOW ARE YOU TODAY?!”
“Pipe it down, Inasa!” you hiss, your cheeks flooding with embarrassed heat as you garnered the attention of everyone on the floor. “I’m not going to hurt you! I just wanted to talk!”
“Aha, yes, of course!” Inasa laughs, a full belly laugh. He sits up and you freeze seeing the bloodied cut on his forehead. He stands up, completely unaffected by the gash on his forehead, and uprights his chair before sitting comfortably. “How can I help you?”
“What happened to you last night?” you try again, eyebrow raised, arms crossed definitely and awkwardly because yeah… you were confronting a guy who didn't want to sleep with you. “You were into me and then suddenly wasn’t.”
Inasa laughs more, although nothing you said, implied, or did was even remotely funny.
Irritation runs through your veins.
“Inasa, please,” you sigh in helplessness, your eyes annoyed, pleading, and hopeful that he would be the one to finally give you an actual reason.
“It’s… it’s not you. If that’s what you’re wondering,” Inasa finally sighs. His face turns uncharacteristically solemn as his tongue passes through his lips, his shoulders raising to a shrug. “Typically speaking, you are exactly who and what I want when I endeavor in less than chivalrous but still passionate activities. I wanted you last night, and I will not lie that even as I left, I regretted behaving as I did.”
“Well, you did it, and it sorta really sucked,” you laugh, your mouth taut in a frown as your feelings are genuinely hurt.
You keep being put down, and there’s no reason for it.
Why couldn’t you be as sexually active as you wish you could be?
“...Todoroki has a claim on you,” Inasa spoke slowly, his mouth dipping from a usual smile to a frown. “I know you guys aren’t together, but in a way, you two are.”
“No,” you say with complete certainty, anger burning in your chest, “we’re not.”
“Try telling Todoroki that,” Inasa shrugs, his fingers scratching through his buzz cut. “Listen, I wanted to have intercourse with you last night; I did. I also am aware that Todoroki is a womanizer, but he said you were off-limits for all of us.”
“He said that?” your voice is perfectly calm, not showing the raging fire in you.
“Well, no, he definitely did not,” Inasa sighs, the palm of his hands pressing tightly against his eyes. “He has never said it… but it’s the way he talks about you, how he looks at you. It’s a claim on you, even if it’s not a verbal one, and well, no one wants to defy him.”
Your nostrils flare in your irritation, and you find that you’re stepping into Inasa’s personal space, his eyes going wide as you step between his legs and press your hands on his chest.
“I’ll be going home in about five hours. If you still want to fuck me, wait for me,” you say slowly, trying to make sure he understands. “I don’t care if Sho looks at me the way he does; he is not my boyfriend.”
Inasa gulps, his tan skin sporting a healthy pink flush, “Yes, ma’am.”
Five hours later, you’re walking into your apartment with Inasa behind you, his warm, slightly sweaty hand clasped in yours. You make eye contact with both your roommates, Shishikura, whose eyes are rolling to the depths of his skull, and Shouto, who looks like a wall. You, despite the anger you’re feeling for Shouto, smile prettily, then grin wolfishly as you corral Inasa towards your room. You send your roommates a wink before closing the door with a decisive click.
Much like you assumed the night prior, your drunken hazed, lust-driven, anger-flared thoughts proved to be right. Inasa fucked you against the wall, deep into the mattress, he drilled and fucked you until his dick was wet with your slick, and his leg was trembling with his plentiful unleashed loads. But you weren’t done yet, too many times have you been denied, and even though Inasa was trembling, his voice shaking with desperate pleas to slow down or he would cum too fast, you rode him with powerful, swiveling hips.
Once he left, you felt light again.
Your head light, body glowing as you dressed your bruised, cum slick body in a robe as you trudged to the bathroom. You showered, letting the warm water and sweet-smelling oils drench your body before you eventually exited, your hair in a towel, Shouto’s shirt on your person again.
Waltzing to the living room, you grinned as you collapsed on the couch, every grievance you held when you walked in forgotten at the moment.
“Hello,” you smile, your head falling onto Shouto’s lap who was, at the moment, very interested in his phone. Shishikura was gone, undoubtedly leaving in case he heard something he didn’t want to hear during your little four-hour sexscapade. “I am a leaf flowing through the river right now, if you’re wondering.”
“Don’t need to wonder. You were perfectly loud enough,” Shouto grumbled, his eyes rolling. “Says something that I could, considering the rooms are soundproof.”
“I should hope so! After you, the girls rave that Inasa is the best fuck on campus,” you hum, still on a delirious high as you attempt to reach for your best friend's hand to grasp. But to your shock, Shouto jerks away from your touch, and he stands, letting your head fall roughly on the couch. And just like that, your anger is back. The emotion Inasa had managed to fuck out of you for a bit returned at full force. “Shouto?!”
“What?” he snaps.
“What the fuck is your problem?!”
“My problem is that you brought someone to fuck at fucking five p.m.,” Shouto explains, his expression like the void, empty, dark, menacing. “We agreed to keep it until past ten.”
Your face screws up as you push up off the couch, “Are you kidding me?! I’ve seen you constantly bring girls to fuck at any and all times of the day! Don’t suddenly bring that shit in when it clearly isn’t an actual rule in this apartment!”
“You were also being obnoxiously loud,” Shouto narrows his eyes at you.
“You are too!”
“When am I ever?”
“I literally listened to you fuck that girl last night against our shared wall!”
“You moved your bed to our shared wall?! When?!”
“Doesn’t matter! I would’ve heard it just fine on the other side!”
“The girl wasn’t even that fucking loud!” 
“You can’t ever remember the names of the girls you fuck! Do you know anything about them ever? Are you even using condoms?!”
“You only ever fuck men with questionable personalities.”
“Gee, I wonder fucking why!”
The two of you were nose to nose, anger flaring and near tangible between the two of you.
“What do you mean?” he grits slowly.
“I’m talking about you mad dogging any male human who so much as looks or thinks of me!” you snap, finger shoving between his pecs. “No one touches me because somehow they respect the way a womanizer looks at me.”
“I’m not looking at you in any special way,” Shouto squints his eyes, completely not having your accusations.
“Even if you don’t, this fucking behavior is pathetic of you!” you say, hands motioning between you two and the room. “I had sex, and you’re acting like some pathetic child! I have been putting up with your sex-craze tendencies since we were sixteen, asshole! Sixteen! If I want to gloat and float about having sex, then I fucking deserve to.”
His nostrils flare, his upper lip curling in a small twitch before he rolls his eyes and walks away.
“That’s right, Todoroki,” you laugh bitterly at his retreating form. “Walk away from a fight because you can never win them.”
It took a bit for the dust to settle, but as soon as it did, you realized in horror that you and Shouto had, for the first time ever, fought.
Being roommates with Shouto was always a fun thing. Having your childhood best friend right at your disposal meant that you could have dinner nights, movie nights, game nights, morning waffles, hikes, and literally anything whenever and wherever you wanted. He was a person to talk to when the days were long, and there was no one else in the world, the person who was there for you through thick and thin. But for two days, he had been locked away in his room, unwilling to look at you, refusing to be anywhere near you.
Your friends had noticed immediately.
The way the both of you hadn’t shown up together, the way you sat at opposite ends of the table, refusing to be trapped in a conversation together. Separate the two of you were, and the world acted as if Earth had dropped out of gravity.
You could care less right now.
You were rightfully mad at him! How dare he act so pettily over you having a sex life when you were expected to blink, turn the other way, and laugh when he would shower after a girl would leave before joining you on the couch to watch a movie. He was in the wrong, not you!
But even if you were unwilling to budge and he was refusing to see things the way they should be, you were now incredibly lonesome. So as you sat with your back on the mattress. Your butt to the wall, and your legs kicking against the wall, you thought of what you could do. With a bitter sigh, you rolled off your bed and scurried out of the apartment. Nothing but your wallet and ID on you so that you could get to the store on the first floor of the complex.
Holding the item in hand, you knocked on a door, your gaze already on the floor, embarrassed that you were going to do what you had to do.
“What?” came the annoyed voice of Shishikura, the door to his room opening as he looked at you unimpressed and very obviously unwelcomed.
“Truce?” you asked, raising the six-pack of Angry Orchard Rosé Cider. 
Shishikura looks at you, at the ciders, then back at you.
How in the world you’re drunk off of four rosé ciders is beyond you, but you are. You’re in the living room, laughing so hard that your stomach hurts as you’re trying not to snort the liquid from your mouth and out your nose. Shishikura is equally plastered off of one drink, his red a ruby red against his purple hair. He’s leaning against you, his breathing ragged, near asthmatic as he tries to once explain just how Shouto looked like when some girl slapped him across the face yesterday for ghosting her after sex.
“He was so shocked!” Shishikura squeaked out, his voice pitchy and incredibly high as he laughed more and more. “You should have seen it!”
Your feet kicked at the air, your face and lungs burning with a fire you hadn’t felt in so long as your laughter turned silent. You gasped for air, trying to contain yourself but failing hysterically.
“Do you wa’ another meatballsh?” Shishikura suddenly asked, his hands flailing to grab his plate of meat. “I think you want another o’.”
“I wan’ ‘ne!” you cried with a slight slur, tears of joy slipping past your eyes to which you haphazardly scrubbed them off your face. “They’re soooo good! I didn’t think they could be so… be so good!”
You find yourself eating another meatball, drinking it down with the cider and feeling happy again. Shishikura goes still by your side, and you hum in wonder, unfocused eyes trying to find what had caught his attention and falling onto the one man you were mad at currently.
Shouto was standing at the apartment entrance, dressed in ripped black jeans, a tight grey turtleneck sweater, and his backpack slung on his shoulder. It was, without a doubt, a studying-only outfit. You knew and have discussed too many times with Shouto about how he never trusted women to take his turtlenecks off without potentially ruining the fabric.
“Well, someone’s finally home... from a night of beddin mo’ women, huh?” a voice spoke, but you were completely unsure if it was you or Shishikura who said it.
Judging by the way Shouto’s eyes locked on Shishikura and not yours, it seemed it was him who said it.
“No, I was doing something,” Shouto retorted, his hand gripping the strap of his backpack, his eyes shifting between you and Shishikura. “A paper for class.”
“Sure,” you end up speaking up, your voice sounding completely sober. You sit up so that your elbow is resting on Shishikura’s nearest shoulder. You raise the glass bottle to your lips, drinking its content without care, never once breaking eye contact. “What was the paper's name? You going after your TA? Or was it a professor by chance?”
Shouto’s eyebrows furrow, his face completely unimpressed by your comeback, but he remains silent.
“He looks like he’s trying to cosplay that one Young The Rock picture, no way would a dignified professor or TA fuck him!” Shishikura laughed with a loud bark, and all of a sudden, that was all you could see too.
The both of you howled with laughter, laughing and slapping each other as you attempted to drink the last bits of the rosés as Shouto rolled his eyes and walked away.
“This is fun. No wonder why you guys do it to me so often.”
As time does, it moves forward.
It seemed as if the entire campus had tuned in to what had transpired between you and Shouto. No one the slightest bit sure as to what happened, but everyone knew something big had happened. There was no more walking together before classes or after classes, no weird Instagram or Snapchat stories of the other, both of you never having to excuse yourself because you had plans with the other. Even though they claimed to not care about other people’s business, the school was suddenly invested in the single speculation that Todoroki Shouto’s and Y/l/n Y/n’s relationship was over.
“Breaking News, it was never a real relationship!” you would scream the first few times you heard it, which only worked to make them whisper louder that you were in further denial.
For the last seventeen years of your life, you had never gone more than two days without talking or seeing your childhood best friend. Those two days happened when Rei had experienced a staggering, hospital-inducing breakdown from stress and had subsequently burned Shouto when you were five years old. The two days were because he spent four days in the hospital. The first two days, he was not allowed visitors as the hospital staff put him under a coma to help his body from entering shock and heal. Of course, the moment he was awakened, you were dragging your mother to his bedside.
That was the only time you hadn’t seen or spoken to Shouto consistently.
But since Sunday evening, you had only seen Shouto once when you were drunk with Shishikura. You had only spoken to him then too.
For the first time in seventeen years, you broke your record of not talking or seeing Shouto.
From two days to five.
It was weird.
You felt almost empty.
So when Mina and Uraraka placed their arms around your shoulders, their eyes dead serious, you knew that they had a distraction for you.
“The deltas are throwing a party,” Uraraka spoke with mystery. “It is on Saturday.”
“It is only right that we go, get our asses so drunk our blood is practically a distillery, and fuck anyone who looks at us a second longer than anyone else,” Mina agrees, her tone wise and knowing as she nods her head.
“Our question to you is:” they spoke together, their voices weirdly, obviously practiced, in synch. “Are you in?”
Your tongue is pressed between your lips, your fingers pressing against the textbook you were using to help support your essay’s thesis, and you roll your eyes.
You grin.
And as time promises each and every time, Saturday finally came.
“What is our objective tonight?!” Mina screams over the background music that Jirou is blasting in Momo’s larger-than-life bathroom.
“To fuck bitches and get money!” Hagakure, the only one currently not downing a drink, screams back.
“NO, WRONG!” Mina shakes her head, climbing onto the white marble countertops and pointing at Jirou. “Kyo! Your turn!”
“To beat that prick in the sound booth and prove that I’m—”
“NO! Wrong again! Yaomomo!”
“Um, to make everlasting mem—”
“INCORRECT, YOU GORGEOUS PRINCESS! Tsuyu, don’t fail me, babe!”
“Well, it’s to prove to Todoroki that y/n-chan should be able to fuck any person she wants.”
“A bit lengthy, a bit focused on the wrong parts of it, but YES! Tonight’s operation: get y/n a man — preferably Inasa — who fucks the negativity out of her!”
You laugh loudly, rolling your eyes as you lean in closer to the mirror. You hold a Mike’s Hard in one hand, and in the other is your eyeliner as you paint on your makeup. You’re not really hearing the conversations that the girls are having, your own mind too lost in the music, and the swaying you’ve picked up as the three bottles of Mike’s you’ve had in the past thirty minutes are calming down your still frazzled nerves.
You don’t pull away from your reflection until after you’re done smoothing over your favorite lipstick on your pouty lips. You look over at your reflection and see Mina dancing with an awkwardly stiff Jirou and a delightfully giggling Momo on the bathroom countertops. A smile forms on your face, happiness radiating in your chest, and you grin looking at your friends.
But Shouto still sat in your mind, and you couldn’t help but wonder why.
Why did it hurt knowing that he was avoiding you as much as you were him?
Why didn’t he just try to corner you?
Why did you care that he didn’t?
He was your best friend in the entire world, since your earliest memories, he’s been there, you reason, your whooping not quite as loud as you watch Jirou awkwardly be sandwich between a grinding Mina and a complacent Momo.
It was his fault you, you further reasoned, smiling widely at Hagakure, who was twirling around you, applying her lipstick as a super crazy never before seen talent of hers. He was the one acting like an idiot over the people you slept with even though you let all the people he slept with slide!
But why did you?
Your brows furrowed slightly, unfurrowing just as quickly as Mina pulled you and Uraraka up onto the countertop with her as Jirou and Momo dropped to the floor.
You fucking were in love with Shouto, damnit! Of course you let the stupid personal things go just to appease him! Your back straightened, your eyes rolling as you began to dance with the Kehlani music thumping in the background, but then you freeze.
You were in love with him.
You loved Shouto.
Not in a friendly, platonic, family way.
In an ‘I would date you if I could and marry you on the prettiest beach in front of the most beautiful sunset’ way.
You found that your body was dancing on autopilot as you began to reassess your thoughts, your actions, your wants with Shouto, desperately trying to disprove this love for him. But no matter what you did, you found that it was true no matter what angle you looked at it.
The bass dropped, and you went stiff, your body standing straight and tall although you felt incredibly, terribly small.
“I love him,” you spoke, although you’re not sure who to. Maybe it was to the laughing gods above you or the crying spirits around you. But the girls heard it for some reason, and they, as they were patiently waiting for these past six, nearly seven days, caught you as you went weak.
Finally, realizing that you were in love with your childhood best friend was not the conclusion you expected from a week's silence from Shouto and you. But as you were currently in a crop top with a mesh shirt underneath and the most ripped jeans you owned, chugging down a neon green and blue nearly toxic alcoholic drink, you realized that being at this party was the right way to conclude this circus of a week.
The rush of the liquid dropping down the beer bong was something you found yourself struggling to keep up with, and you felt some of the liquid pour out of your mouth as you grunt, trailing down your heaving chest, creating an image in your onlookers as you refused to choke or pull away. Swallowing the last bit of the drink, ripping the plastic tube out of your mouth, you threw your hands in the air, Tsuyu, who had held and poured the contents for you, screaming too as she lifted your arm in victory.
You couldn’t really hear the music anymore, much more entranced with the music you were singing on your own, and you were currently holding Mina’s face, touching foreheads with her as you spoke a mantra of your love for her.
“Ashido Mina, you are the baddest bitch in the whole wide world. I love your pink hair and your fat ass, and I would die for you. I love you… so fucking much,” is what you said. How it was actually said and how it was perceived is a whole other story because Mina laughed loudly and allowed you to hug her despite your sticky alcohol body.
Your twenties were the new two’s, it seemed.
“Yo, y/l/n!” a voice yelled, and although you let go of Mina’s face, your arms found a new home around her neck as you turned around.
Your terrible drunk eyes looked all over before falling on a man wearing a basketball jersey and joggers.
Shindou Yo, one of campus’ manwhores. He had a reputation similar to Shouto, you knew that very well, but you were aware that he was disturbingly creepy. According to many vital witnesses, the man slept with just about anyone willing regardless of gender, so not only did you know what the girls thought of him, experienced with him, there was a wider demographic not even Shouto had entered. Number one thing to be told was the fact that Shindou was into some heavy, dark shit to an extreme, his room reeked of sex, and he himself smelled like booze, weed, and BO. But a strong dick was a strong dick at the end of the day.
“Come play beer pong with me?” he asked, his hands shoved into his pockets as he smiled innocently. “I’ve heard some pretty solid shit about your skills, and I want to see how I add up.”
“I’ll play!” you agree immediately, jumping at the thought of drinking more. “Bu I don’t wa’ beer… ish nashty.”
“Anything for you, darling.”
With your arm still holding onto Mina, you accepted Shindou’s hand and allowed him to drag you off to where he wanted to play the game of beer pong.
The game of beer pong went without a single thing going wrong. You were paired up with Shindou, and Mina had managed to find Kirishima in the crowd before you got to your destination and demanded she have him as a partner and not Monoma.
It was safe to say that you were drunk, disgustingly out of your mind. It was an intense game of Cup Pong, the two different teams equally as bad in the drunken stupor, but finally, the two teams were down to a single cup and Kirishima — who was the only reason why they were winning!!!! — had the last ball. You watched in terrible apprehension, fingers digging into Shinsou’s biceps as Kirishima rose the wet ping pong ball to Mina’s lips and let her blow on it for good luck before bringing it back in and began a few steadying practice throws.
“You know, I’m glad I saw you at this party,” Shindou whispers to you, his head ducking down so that you and only you could hear that.
“Why?” you say a lot louder than you wanted, your heart hammering in fear that you would lose this game.
“Because you’re sexy as fuck,” Shindou spoke, his voice turning deeper, huskier, “and now you’re single.”
You blink, attention stolen from the game as you forgot about the final cup and looked at Shindou with a blank stare and an open mouth.
“Cuz you and Todoroki are over,” Shindou explains to you as if you’re a child. “You guys are over, right? That’s all everyone’s talking about, and all us guys are ready to fuck you whenever you’re ready.”
His smirk irritates you, the lust in his eyes angering you as you drop your hold on his arm.
“We weren’t together, and you knew that,” you say, eyes narrowing as the crowd watching the game explodes in raging cheers as Kirishima sinks the ball into the cup. “Why the fuck would Shouto be fucking every girl that walks if we were together? What makes you think I’d be okay with it?”
“You’re a cuck,” Shindou continues on, confidence unaffected. “Oh, are the two of you maybe changing roles now? Does the big guy want me to fuck you in front of him?”
Your fist makes contact with his throat before you can even stop yourself and the cheers quickly turn into gasps.
After apologizing profusely to the party holders, they decided that you could, in fact, stay at the party. Your knuckles throbbed in pain, the alcohol in your system buzzing in you in a way that wasn’t fun or relaxing as you made a simple side-step dance move in the middle of the dance floor. The girls, who had at the beginning of the party, drifted ways, had once more glued themselves at your side on the floor. You weren’t in a dancing mood as you took a drink of what you assumed to be a Moscow mule made by Mina for you to keep you at a high for the rest of the party.
Like hell you would ever let Shouto cuck you!
Let him fuck another woman in front of you?
You would go insane if he ever thought that would be acceptable.
“Down girl, relax!” Mina yelled by your ear. “I thought I was babysitting y/n, not Bakugou Katsuki!”
You startled, realizing that your frown had become a fierce snarl as you danced on the floor.
“Come on, babe, let’s get you feeling good again; let’s enjoy this night!” Mina exclaimed, her hands pushing your drink to your mouth and forcing you to chug the contents of the drink. The red Solo Cup is dropped to the floor as soon as you finish. She grabbed your wrists and began to fluidly move your arms — or as well as she could manage herself because she, too, was drunk.
But with Mina winking and smiling at you, the rest of the girls eventually throw themselves into your linked dance circle, your own negative emotions left and in came joy.
It took about another round of ten songs for the dance circle to be destroyed and to have all of you resuming a rave-like jumping and scream-singing as Jirou finally snuck her way into the DJ booth and succeeded to take over. You spun around at the end of one song, laughing completely out of breath as you clapped your hands together. You often forget that while Jirou only listened to a very specific genre, she was a musical genius who had banger playlists for every occasion.
It seemed frat parties were one of them.
However, the next song had your head tilting backward, your grin spreading even wider as you began to move your hips in slow, distinct movements. Dancing with your hips was something you had learned, something you instilled into your dancing category for as long as you could remember.
The beats were loud, deep, thumping deep in the ground and vibrating with great strength in your chest as you pointed a finger at Mina, who was also dancing similarly to you. Your lips moved as you sang the song quietly, the heat and humidity of the room suddenly pressing onto you like another person. You hummed, flicking the parts of your hair sticking to the nape of your neck off, grateful for the slightly cooler air hitting your sweaty skin.
As you rolled your hips down, your hands fanning yourself, trying to cool down your deliriously warm, alcohol-heated body, you froze for just a bit. A person pressed to your back, your ass pressing against a hot thigh, and a hand resting upon the curve of your thigh, keeping you in place. You might have cared, but the body against yours was a welcomed one. Your hips and ass continuing to move in tandem with the music, deliberate highs and lows, and you worked your way up and down the man's body who met yours with spinning accuracy that made you began to pant, your heart racing because this was hot to you. You raised your arms behind you, clasping onto his neck, keeping him on you.
His hair was soft under your touch, slightly sweaty but threaded and parted between your fingers just too easily. His left hand, which had found a spot on your stomach, was radiating heat, something easily felt due to you only having mesh cloth there.
It was slow.
Somehow familiar.
Absolutely mind-numbing.
His chest broad against your back, muscles strong and tight against you.
He was skilled, practiced. Someone you knew was not going to disappoint you, and as your lust-glazed eyes took in the entirely shocked looks of your friends, you finally turned to look.
Somehow, someway, you weren’t shocked at all to see Shouto’s clouded, dark eyes locking on yours. Your world seems to freeze as something between you and Shouto is so obviously broken between you, forever changing, no longer able to go back. It didn’t matter that this was the first time in almost a week you had seen him, had talked to him, he was there, and you wanted to feel his skin scorching against yours. His touch screamed of his want for you, your recognition of your love for him, and your current lust for him. You were angry, hurt, confused, but you were too drunk to care, too intoxicated on the spell the two of you created on this dance floor.
But even as your world froze, the music continued on.
Grabbing Shouto’s hand, you spun around so that his chest was now pressed against yours, your legs between his. You continued dancing, continued to roll your hips down as you sunk down to the ground as Shouto remained standing, his hand supporting and balancing you as you went down and up. He began to dance with you again, the world seemingly disappearing as the two of you ground and panted heavily in each other's ears.
He pushed forward, and you whined, feeling the blazing swollen heat of his semi-hard cock against your stomach, but you met him there.
Your fingers fisting in his hair as his hands found their way into your back pockets, gripping your ass, and your eyes fluttered shut as his mouth, blazing, intense, and intentful, mashed against yours. You kissed him back immediately, all defenses abandoned to that of your lust, wants, and needs. His mouth was a fire, his kiss a blaze that consumed you, drowned you, made you push for more.
It was a kiss that lasted who knows how long, but by the time you had separated, you could feel the familiar sting to your slowly swelling lips and the song that had ended.
His eyes were a near black, his cheeks flushed, and his arms kept you so close you had to think if you were in the privacy of your home or in public.
“I want you,” you whispered, your voice begging, pleading for him.
“I need you,” he responded, his voice equally wishing.
“Take me home,” you speak, lips pressing sloppy, desperate hot kisses to his neck. “Take me home and fuck me.”
“Fuck, yes, okay. Let’s go,” Shouto pants, his hands leaving your ass and grabbing onto one of yours before taking you and dragging you away.
It wouldn’t hit you until much later, but the very first kiss you had ever had with Shouto was in the middle of a dance floor, at a party where the male population had been ready to snatch you up after your relationship with Shouto was so-called over.
You were breathless.
No matter how deep you inhaled, you felt like you weren’t having enough oxygen flooding your veins, filling your lungs. You laugh loudly in the night, uncaring about the strangers you passed looking at you and Shouto, who chuckled and snorted with every giggle you made.
This felt crazy, insane, something serendipitous and not real even in the smallest of bits.
He kissed you.
He wanted you.
He said he needed you.
Wants and needs were different things, but he said need.
He needed you.
Just you.
Your feet ached from the running, but you could only focus on Shouto, your mind filling and swimming in the memory of his body pressed to you. The way his lips ghosted over your neck, and the way he danced against you — with you. The four-block walk back to your apartment seemed too far, and your eyes locked on a nearing alleyway.
With much more strength than you should have, you shoved Shouto into the alleyway, your mouth immediately pressing onto his.
Shouto groaned into your mouth, letting you drink his noises as you pulled him close, consuming him in a messy clash of teeth, spit, and tongue. You whined back, your legs slotting between his thigh and grinding down on the hard muscle. It alleviated the growing, scorching heat in your panties but also intensified it, making you want for more and more and more.
“You drive me fucking insane,” Shouto groaned in your mouth, shifting and guiding your rolling hips his thigh better, more fluid, more intense.
Your eyes barely cracked open, your mouth no longer kissing him put pressing against his in an open mouth pant. Your drunken breath saying nothing but implying the world.
Something Shouto was more than keen on giving you.
“Holy fuck,” he whispered for you to hear, so reverent, so holy. And so that you, the center of his world, the only thing he saw and believed in, knew how passionately, how ardently he believed in you, his mouth slid down your neck, and his teeth sunk in your flesh. He claimed you, praised you, making you a part of him.
“I’m still so mad at you!” you moan, voice pitched, whiny, and deliriously high. “I love you, asshole. I love you, and you sleep around! I love you, and I don’t care if you sleep around, but you care that I sleep around?!”
“I love you too,” Shouto mumbles against your neck, his teeth continuing to press into your skin that seems to explode with heat at the revelation. “I love, and I’m an idiot; I’m so sorry.”
And then he does something with his tongue against your neck, the soft of swipes, the wet tickling heat making your head slam back against the brick wall, and a mangled, strangled moan of unadulterated want emits from you.
“We'll talk about this in the morning,” you pant, fingers fisting in his shirt. “We can fix this, but right now, shut up and fuck me.”
“I’m horny,” you interrupt, hips sharply jutting into his leg. “You made me horny. Take responsibility.”
His eyes flashed dark, his nostrils flaring, and your words cemented in his head. He resumed his painting, his worship on your neck as you cried loudly in the alleyway, desperate, needy for more.
It was dizzying to have him on you like this.
For so long, you had only touched him in a few ways, had only ever felt a specific type of warmth. But this was unlike anything you’ve ever done with him, to him. It felt like you were burning and freezing, consumed by heat and energy and everything Shouto. His all too familiar cologne filled your nose, drowning your brain, invading your senses. His frantic heartbeat felt against your own body, telling you exactly how you were affecting him, how you made his heart speed and jump with every breathy whine.
“Fuck, I can’t do this. We need to get home now!” Shouto growls, his hands grabbing you by the wrist yet again and pulling you away.
His strides are long, quick, and powerful. You’re running to keep up, beautifully out of breath, staggering and stumbling to keep up in his objective to get back to the apartment now.
It doesn’t seem to take long before he’s pushing open the doors to the apartment complex, corralling you through the doors and into the elevator to get to the eleventh floor. The elevator doors are behind you, and with no one else in the life, you turn on him and immediately resume your own endeavor of claiming Shouto with your mouth, body, and soul. He matches your intensity, hands roaming from where the clasp of your bra sat to the curve of your ass. He grabbed you, pulled you in closer, the air in his nose staggering as you stammer against his mouth.
Teeth touch lips, tongues in each other's cheeks, and Shouto leads you out of the elevator backward, his one hand on your waist forever steady and the other one holding the key. Your fingers are back in his hair, pulling and tugging sharply on the soft, short strands with nearly disappeared gel. He gets to the door, fumbling with the key as you continue to kiss him, distracting him with the smallest of movements.
“Which room?” he asks against your mouth, pushing you through the threshold, his foot closing the door behind him.
The shoes are haphazardly kicked off and you’re now on your tiptoes to continue kissing him as you were. You tried to think, tried to figure out if you wanted to be surrounded by Shouto’s scent or to have him displayed in your room. His teeth then suckle on your bottom lip, biting down on the swollen, hot flesh just gentle enough that your mind draws a blank and your voice responds on its own.
You shriek then, Shouto swiftly picking you up off the floor and you panic, hands swatting and beating on him as you scream to let you down. He continues walking, holding you without a worry, his arms remaining strong and firm beneath you. But with your distraction, with your lips no longer pressed sinfully against his, Shouto’s mouth finds a junction point on your clavicle and sinks his teeth down again, claiming you once more.
“S-Sho—” your voice hitches, the feeling too intense for you to process all at once. You hear your room door open and close, and without warning, you’re soaring through the air before collapsing on the bed.
“You think I go to the gym to get muscles for fun?” Shouto taunts, his fingers hooking under the dark grey t-shirt he’s wearing. “Angel, I go to the gym to make sure I can fuck you in any position, against any surface or wall you want.”
Your body feels like it's scorching as he removes his shirt, his muscles rippling and moving seductively with the devious, intentional movement.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” Shouto asks, the shirt dropping to the floor, removing all traces of oxygen from your person. He steps closer, fingers circling around your ankle and suddenly pulling you in toward him until you were sitting at the edge, his lips hovering over yours. “Cat got your tongue?”
Your tongue feels dry in your mouth, but your eyes narrow before you push up and capture his mouth back with yours. He kisses you back deeply, bending down so that you begin to shift backward, allowing him the space to crawl onto the bed with you, and at the last moment, your leg wraps around his waist and spins the both of you. Shouto gasps as you pin him onto the mattress, your tongue invading his mouth, brushing and swirling against his, coaxing his own tongue back into your own mouth. With the wet heat in your mouth, your teeth playfully, just gently dig into his appendage and tug.
“No, but it seems like I got yours,” you humor him, your teeth releasing his tongue, and Shouto looks up at you like you were both the sun and the moon, and the stars were a gift to him.
It takes your breath away.
Shouto grins, shifting onto his elbows so that he’s closer to you before kissing you again.
The kiss is growing louder, both your mouths ever so consuming, trying to relay years of repressed, unknown emotions and feelings within a drastic, incredible touch. Your hips begin shifting against his crotch, humping his clothed erection, demonstrating yet again the power and grace you hold in your body.
Shouto’s hands move from your ribs up to your breasts, and with the hot, rough flesh of his skin, he squeezes your tender flesh. You moan into his mouth, hips bucking wildly against him at the sensation. It isn’t a powerful flesh, but a reminder, a demonstration of just what and where he could inflect passionate actions.
Your hands scour his chest, fingernails dragging teasingly down his firm, developed muscles, fingers flicking and teasing at his own exposed nipples. Shouto grunts into your mouth, hips bucking powerfully upward into your clothed cunt, and you splutter at the power behind it. But it seems as though Shouto is over the fishnet mesh shirt and crop top you’re wearing because he’s tugging it out of the waistband of your jeans and commands in a deep, lust-ridden voice: “Off.”
Goosebumps flash across your skin, bubbling and spraying across your sensitive skin as your shirt and crop top join Shouto’s on the floor. Your gasp loudly when Shouto rolls the both of you over swiftly, his mouth immediately pressing hot, viper kisses on your breasts. All thought and reason leave your mind as his teeth nip and pull. His fingers pushing the straps of your bra off your shoulders and shoving your boobs out of the bra in a firm hold.
“You have no idea how fucking long I’ve wanted to touch you, kiss you, fuck you,” Shouto whispers, his tone almost dark as his hot air fans against your already pebbling nipples. “Fuck, angel, you’re better than anything I’ve ever dreamed about.”
You whine loudly, fingers tangling in his hair as you desperately, wordlessly try to persuade him to put his lips around your attentive, eager nipples.
“I always forget you got these things,” Shouto says in wonder, his fingers touching the metal bars sitting so innocently, deviously on through your nipple. He tugs on the bar, and all the nerves in your breast fire and tingle, and your feet curl by his back as you whimper. “Fuck... I can’t believe I forgot…”
“S-Shouto, I fucking swear!” you almost screech, hands desperately pulling at strands of red and white, wanting his teeth and tongue and the suction of his mouth on your nipple. “Stop. Fucking. Talking!”
Shouto chuckles, his eyes of blue and grey flashing up at you dangerously, knowingly.
“Okay,” he says cheekily, and as if he read your thoughts, his teeth gently bit down on your all too ready nipple. Your head slams against the mattress, your chest feeling alive as if you had been electrocuted. He sucks your nipple, teeth tugging on the sensitive flesh, clacking against the metal in your flesh. His fingers taking care of your lonesome nipple, keeping it company with gentle, purposeful rolls as he has you sobbing his name.
“Please, please, please,” you beg, although you have no idea what you’re begging for. Your hips pathetically grinding into his clothed cock, trying to get yourself to cum while not having been touched. “Sho— Shouto!”
Shouto pulls away from your nipple with a loud pop. His breath panting, short, and overwhelmingly strained as if simply sucking your throbbing, needy nipple had given him the same amount of pleasure as it did you before consuming your forgotten one. Just as before, you melted against him, begging please, pretty please to him but never telling him what you were wanting. You didn’t know what you were wanting.
But unlike before, his hands leave their attentive position on your free nipple and slam your hips back down onto the mattress, keeping you down and still as he continued his ministrations until you were nipplegasming. You choked as the orgasm consumed you, your body going rigid and your eyes rolling to the depths of your head as his hot mouth was all you could think of. For a moment, the needy wet heat between your thighs was easily ignorable, something unneeded until Shouto was pulling away and kissing you again.
His chest was pressed tight against your own chest, your sensitive, overstimulated nipples rubbing against his chest with the welcomed friction as you let out a wordless, near-dizzy sigh into Shouto’s mouth. He kissed you with incredible passion, with dizzying heat, and consuming lust.
Your voice was so small, your voice easily drowned in Shouto’s mouth as your fingernails dug into his back and raked down pathetically, desperately proving that you were still here. Still fighting him on just who would win this night. Your fingers went down the curve of his spine, trailing down until you found the waistband of his sweats, and with his mouth everso distractingly on the swell of your breasts, biting, marking, and sucking hickies and his print on you for forever, he helped you slide the pants off.
In an almost dramatic fashion, his eyes burning deep into yours, leaving you stunned and a worshiper at his feet, he rose off your bed and let the pants fall. You shakily inhaled, your eyes suddenly transfixed and only seeing the hard, leaking dick that stood tall and proud against his twitching stomach. At the mere sight of him, you now truly, completely, and entirely understood just why the girls were obsessed.
From tip to the base, he was thick, the flush of his skin gorgeous, the curve of his cock optimal to fuck anyone. He was long, thick, and delicious—trimmed pubes of red and white and balls that had your mouth watering and going dry. You wondered, imagined, tried to visualize just how much it was going to hurt getting that in you. You’ve never had a man with a dick like that, never had to choke or fuck on something that looked like it would possibly render you stupid the moment you were impaled.
“Can I?” you ask, ‘can I touch you? Can I suck you?’ go unsaid.
“You owe me one,” Shouto says, his words teasing if it wasn’t for the way his voice betrayed him with the eagerness, the want and inexplicable tell that says if you don’t touch him, he will lose his fucking mind. “Please, do it.”
You’re dragging him back onto the bed, sitting him by your headboard, spreading his legs apart as you situate yourself between them. With a tentative, shaky hand, you reach out and grab on his dick.
His flesh is hot to the touch; it's hard and twitches just so at your grasp. Shouto lets out a gasp mixed with a whine, and you look at him with wide eyes and parted lips. Unable to help yourself, you lean in, your nose touching the underside of his length and nuzzling into the flesh. You look back up at him with hooded eyes, eyes dark with mirth, lust, and an overwhelming need to please Shouto. He stares back, eyes entirely too bright, almost scared, almost as if he can’t believe this is happening.
You smile softly, eyes breaking contact to look at the swelling cock in your hand, and then back at him as your tongue pokes out of your mouth and puts a long, wet stripe against his length.
And Shouto?
Shouto moans like a man who’s had warm food after days of starving.
You lick from base to tip, saliva mixing with precum as your mouth presses teasing, open mouth kisses down the length of his cock, tongue pressing against the sweltering heat of his balls.
“Fuck, y/n, stop teasing,” Shouto grits, his hips pathetically snapping into nothing, his hands desperately trying to touch you, to which you swatted him away each and every time. You tut, shaking your head. With both your hands fisting his dick at the middle of his length, your squeeze and pull in opposite directions.
The reaction is one that you were hoping for, Shouto’s head slamming to the headboard with a clash, his legs jumping just a bit, and precum coming out in even heavy drops. You laugh breathlessly at his display, enamored with how fucking easy he is to get to make noises. He’d never made noises before, no other girl had him the way you did, and that made you crazy with power.
Before you wanted to, your mouth consumed to head of his cock, allowing the musky smell that was completely and only Shouto to fully consume you. You sucked on his thick swollen head, tongue pressing on the leaking slit on his head as he choked on your name. You smile, taking him in further, straining against the weight in your mouth, the pressure on the back of your throat, and the stretch of your throat. As soon as you had him a bit way in, you were pushing out, his hips driving to find you but missing you. Shouto’s noise was almost broken, near needy, and your head spun with his noises. Unable to stop, you pushed in again, allowing the drive of his hips to send his cock further down your throat.
Tears filled your eyes at the action, his cock much too large, much too thick to be fucked into your throat as such. Your fists acted as a barrier as you adjusted, your throat humming, mouth moaning as Shouto lost himself to the heat of your wet mouth. You bobbed your head, fucking him diligently and intently with your mouth, driving him further down, your tongue and hollowed cheeks. You sucked his dick with the intention of ruining him, of making him fill your mouth and throat with him so he could never doubt that it was him you wanted, him you needed to consume. You let go of one hand, allowing it to fondle with his balls as his cock went further into your mouth, the sounds of your choking, gagging, and crying egging him on.
“You take me so good,” Shouto sang to you, whispering words that only you’ve heard. “Fuck, angel, take me all the way. I know you can do it.”
With his hands at the back of your head, your fingers squeezing his balls, and the shaky removal of your final hand on his cock, he drives his hips all the way up. Shouto curses loudly, and you choke, feeling the rush of cum shooting down your throat, and you’re let free.
“Swallow it all, don’t spit it up,” Shouto breathes, his body shifting upward, eyes intent, focused. “Let me see.”
You cough violently, mouth closed as you swallow the salty cum, only letting your mouth open to allow the drool and spit to drip from your flat tongue as you show him that you swallowed every last seed. He groaned, grasping you by the chin and pulling you back in for a passionate, all-consuming kiss. The taste of Shouto and his cum sat heavily in your throat, and you were shaking as he began to unbutton your jeans, shedding them off of you as he flipped you back around so that your back was resting against the mattress.
Salt sweat dripped down your neck, and Shouto left fingertip bruises on your waist, your knees and legs awkwardly kicking as you finally got your jeans off your ankles. You shuttered, feeling Shouto’s hot, spit-slick dick pressing against your stomach, your cunt flipping and twisting at the thought of taking him all in.
“You’re still, fuck… you’re still hard?” you gasp, Shouto’s fingers tracing the innards of your thighs, scratching at your ass, slapping it once, twice, leaving you pitched and shaking.
“How can I not be when you’re down beneath me?” Shouto asks, his eyes looking at you as if he was burning the very naked image to you in his brain for him forever. “You’re mine, right?”
The question itself, while unexpected, was not unwanted.
You feel yourself nodding, your fingers scratching up his flexed arms, “Yours and only yours.”
“Good,” Shouto smirks, leaning in, his entire weight on the one hand beside your head, making you groan as his lips were so close yet so far away. “I’m yours as you are mine.”
With that, his fingers pressed to your thus far, unattended to clit, your legs shaking, kicking the air as you howled in pleasure. But it was such an intimate place, something you never expected Shouto to ever touch, and so, in a voice so pathetic you couldn’t even recognize it as yours, you screeched: “D-Don’t touch that!”
Shouto cocked an eyebrow, his head tilting as his fingers swirled around your swollen nub, sending just enough electrifying pleasure through every neuron in your body. “Why not?” he asked, voice authoritative and curious and sadistic. “It’s mine — you’re mine. I can play with what’s mine whenever I want.”
The words make your entire will collapse, the words liquid heat in your ears and mind. You moan loudly, feeling Shouto adjust your hips, lining your spasming cunt with his cock, and with his tongue delving into your mouth, his lips pressing against yours, he slowly pushed into you.
Shouto was loud the entire way into you, the deep grunts, breathless moans, and mindless babble of how this was unlike anything he’s had before, better than anything he’s ever imagined. He bottoms out quickly, hands leaving purple bruises against your skin as you lay on the bed silent.
Your back is entirely arched, jaw slacked, voice dead on your tongue because the feeling of him buried deep within you is staggering. You let out a single tone noise, your mouth gasping for breath as your voice finally begins to come back to you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whisper over and over, your legs tight around Shouto’s hips, shaking with the feeling in you. “God, y-you’re so big, Sho… I’m—”
You can’t finish your sentence because he shifts just enough that his cock is meeting places in you that had never been encountered before. Your eyes roll back again, your fingers pressing ruby red scars to his back as you scratch and tear his back.
“You’re so fucking tight, shit,” Shouto pants, his mouth panting against the sweat on your collarbone, his own breathing heavy and spaced. “You’re perfect, y/n, so fucking perfect.”
You preen with those words, your mouth finding a home at his temple to which you kiss him, drag your lips down to his ear. You bite and nibble as you adjust to him buried deep within you. And he heaves a sigh and pushes up off you, eyes daring to stare into you as he huffs almost in disbelief of this entire night.
“I’m going to start moving,” he says, fingers scratching down your sides to your thighs. “Are you ready?”
Not trusting your voice, you nod. Shouto smiles, leaning back down for one last kiss to which you quickly returned, staying there as his hips moved backward before thrusting back into you. It's the first thrust of many, but your arms wrap even tighter underneath his own, your nails scarring his back as he goes again and again. You fucks into you deliberately, readily, with purpose and skill that speaks wonders and lives up to the many rumors you’ve ever heard.
His thrusts are powerful, slapping into your thighs with a mighty smack, making you whimper and wail into his salty neck as your hips lift up to meet his. It's a powerful dance, a dizzying cycle. His cock sliding up and down your puffy velvet walls, your weeping walls clenching him in a vice, unforgiving and unwilling to let go.
He speaks praises into your ear, your yours, your mouth.
“Such a pretty angel, moaning for me, crying for me, tell me you want my cock. Tell me you want me buried in your fucking stomach.”
You are converted to him in return, seeing him, speaking to him, devoted to him.
“Fuck, I want you more. Faster, harder! Don’t stop! I can feel you in my stomach, Sho! Fuck! Fuck me, fuck me fuck me!”
His weight is pressed on your thighs, spreading your thighs further apart, fucking into deeper, fucking you so powerfully, so desperately your soaked cunt squelches and drips your essence, soaking your bed and his legs. Your teeth sink into his skin, copper filling your mouth, and your vision feels missing as you are slamming your hips up, rolling them desperately to fuck back into him. You can feel his hand clutching yours, pressing it into the mattress as he somehow speeds up again, drilling you into the mattress, the bed creaking and bending under both your weight.
“More, more, more!”
And he gives, and gives, and gives.
You wail his name, the heat in your skin, tickling your clit and innards making you sweat, the alcohol on your skin sticking you to Shouto.
Shouto grunts your name, hisses your name, damns you heaven and back for having such a fucking grip on him. It's when he looks into your eyes, cock drilling into you at a speed and power that no human should ever obtain, one hand gripping yours and the other pinching and teasing your clit, you cum, bursting open at the seams.
Your orgasm is loud, clenching, all-consuming, and you drag Shouto down with you as he stammers, shudders, and cums deep within your womb. His seed spilling out of you as the both of you collapse onto the bed with breathless, thoughtless minds.
“Fuck,” he says.
“Right?” you chuckle.
And with your nose pressed to his sweaty, sex-lulled body, you fall asleep with his hands traveling up and down your spine. Hopefully, things would be well when you woke up.
To stop you from screeching so loudly you woke up the entire world, Shouto held his hand to your mouth, his eyes wide, terrified, and completely confused.
“Please stop yelling… my head hurts…” Shouto begs, his face completely exhausted but with that post-orgasm sleep glow.
“We had sex?!” you shriek, throwing his hand off your mouth. “We were mad at each other, and we had sex?!”
“Oh,” Shouto seems to remember, his head rolling before he sat up, bringing you up with him. “Right, we should talk about that, huh?”
“You think?!” you shriek, entirely overwhelmed with the fact that you had done so much embarrassing shit last night.
It’s quiet for a bit. The birds chirping outside an almost cheerful taunt as the both of you, for the first time in seventeen years, find it too awkward to talk. No one wants to speak first, to mention the elephant in the room, for once it happened, there really was no going back. Not that there was much to go back from.
“I’m in love with you,” Shouto finally says. It’s an admittance, a whisper that's strong despite it told in such a hushed voice as if you would laugh at him as he confessed. “I’ve actually been in love with you for as long as I can remember.”
Now that shocks you.
Your eyes are wide, and you’re staring at Shouto, unsure what to say, what to ask, but you know you need more answers.
“I know, hard to believe, huh?” Shouto chuckles, his hand running through his sex and sleep disheveled hair. “It’s true, though… I don’t remember not ever being in love with you.”
“No… no way,” you say, your body running cold, and you shiver. You remember then that you’re sitting up, and you’re very incredibly naked. Shouto notices and moves to grab a blanket at the foot of the bed and wraps it around you. “That doesn’t make sense,” you argue, your furrowed brows making your skin crease as you try to think back on all your years and memories, looking for signs in which Todoroki Shouto loved you. “You never showed it.”
“Camie said the same thing,” Shouto sighed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he shrugged nonchalantly. “Before I was sixteen… I don’t know; I guess I could understand why. I only ever talked to you, always paired up with you. I let you hold my hand, and I let you hug me… I thought me telling you that I had never been kissed before would make you want to kiss me, but it never did. I know I was awkward and a little different when we were younger, so when I was paired up with Camie… I thought she would help me.”
“By fucking you?” you asked, your frown deepening as you remembered your bitter feelings over Camie stealing Shouto’s virginity.
“She… she said that by being sexual, maybe you would see me as a man, and not the four-year-old crying boy in preschool,” Shouto smiled sadly, his fingers picking at one another. “Me having sex was supposed to show you that I was a man who wanted to see you as a woman in return, but it didn’t work.”
“Well, no shit,” you snort, relaxing a bit although you felt limp. You found yourself leaning against Shouto’s strong shoulders, your head landing heavily on him. “You went from a virgin to fucking anything with a wet hole.”
“...yeah, I’m sorry about that,” Shouto said with regret, his shoulders sagging just a bit. “At first, I thought I needed to fuck more girls to prove I was a man to you because you acted like nothing had happened after Camie… but sex was fun, it felt good.”
“Sex is good,” you agree with a soft chuckle to which he returned.
He shifted a bit, arms tightening and relaxing before he finally admitted, “It helped distract me from you because you looked at others the way I wanted you to look at me.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper back.
“No, don’t be,” Shouto speaks firmly, his arm wrapping around your shoulder and pressing a kiss to your temple. “It was my fault. I was never assertive enough, confident enough to simply confess.”
“So, does you being in love with me having anything to do with you driving the entire male population away from me?”
Your eyes look up at him, finding his embarrassed gaze before he glances away.
“That actually wasn’t intentional… I guess I just talk about you a lot.”
“Yeah, but still doesn’t mean you couldn’t ever deny it yourself!”
“I know.”
“Do you?”
“Apologize then.”
“Y/l/n Y/n, I am sorry for making the entire male population we’ve ever come across think we were an item and not telling them otherwise. I am sorry for keeping you from enjoying sex while I continued to. I am lousy, and my love for you should be unreturned because that was ass of me.”
You sigh, your lips pursed to keep from smiling as you looked back at his handsome face.
“Now, ask me the damn question, crybaby.”
“You finally admitted that you were, in fact, crying!!!!!”
If you asked Shishikura Seiji what the worst thing about being the third roommate to Todoroki Shouto and you was, he would give a million and three answers as to why it was the worst.
One: he absolutely hated how loud the both of you were. Todoroki Shouto was someone he thought was quiet and introverted, but whenever he was around you, he was loud. You were just plain old loud, and he thought it was annoying.
Two: he absolutely hated your rice. Call it petty, but after you fed him on his first night and tried putting him into a chokehold for saying the song your rice cooker sang at its end was the stupidest fucking thing ever made, everything you made taste like ash and dirt.
Twenty: he hated that there were biweekly karaoke nights. He would be studying away in his room and wanted to die when he heard the all too familiar sound of Mamma Mia’s Here We Go Again blasting in the living room.
Hundred fifty-seven: SO. MUCH. FUCKING. SEX.
Three hundred thirteen: SO. MUCH. DRINKING.
Five thousand: SO. MUCH. WEED.
Ten thousand three: you put his toilet seat up whenever you’re drunk, so he falls in when he goes to pee in the morning.
Five hundred: the way the both of you looked at each other, fucking disgusting.
To say the least, there were a lot of many different reasons scaling from actual issues to petty small shit, but Shishikura was not in any position to find a new apartment, so he stayed. To be quite honest, having been living with Dumb and Dumber (you and Shouto, respectively), he only thought there would be one thing that would make him lose his actual mind.
The day that would inevitably come and the both of you realized your feelings were, in fact, returned. He didn’t want to even imagine how the animalistic sex he often had to hear coming from your hallway would increase, or the sappy stupid romantic love he would see in the living room because as best friends, you both had no care for PDA and if you were allowed to kiss? Allowed to have sex? He feared he would have to wear a hazmat suit in every corner of the apartment. You both were already incredibly loud as a duo (see reason one as to why he hates living here); he feared the worst when the mutual love was realized.
But he exited his room a week after that Sunday morning with a fully loaded water gun just in case. His eyes narrowed, the hair on his neck raised as his beady eyes focused in on the living room.
Shouto sat on the couch, his back on the armrest, and you sitting between his thighs as you watched him play some game on his Switch, your smile large and annoyingly bright, but he realized that he couldn’t hear you screaming or speaking so loudly he could listen to the conversation.
No, as a matter of fact, Shishikura couldn’t hear a single word; the words being exchanged between you and Shouto spoke so softly, so intimately, it shocked him. Shishikura noticed with an almost awed surprise that even though your smile was as annoyingly bright as before. It wasn’t directed at anything but Shouto, and Shouto’s smile, while nowhere near as big, just as warm and full to you.
It was intimate, romantic even.
Nothing had changed in your relationship except now, finally, now, you were allowed to kiss and fuck each other like heat-driven animals.
Shishikura was shocked to his core, unable to comprehend the sight in front of him.
You nor Shouto paid him any mind, too lost in the game and in each other to look his way as he made his way into the kitchen for his lunch. Shishikura set the water gun on the counter, a small smile spreading on his face despite himself, and chuckled.
Maybe the two of you together weren’t something to hate on after all.
“Hey, is that a water gun?!”
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
I just recently discovered ur blog and let me just say...*heart squeeeeeeeeeeeeeze* SO SOFT AND ADORABLE AND WHOLESOME I JUST LOVE *squeal* HOW SOFT EVERYTHING ISSSS AHHHHH... anyway i REALLY I'm thriving for Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi reacting and what they will do discovering Y/N is pregnant^^
❥ BSD characters discovering that their s/o is pregnant
Includes Dazai, Chuuya and Atsushi
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ᴀ/ɴ: AHHHH I AM GLAD YOU LIKE MY WORK LUV 🥺 I hope you enjoy this one as well 💘 also I tried changing from headcanons to a really small drabble here :D
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Dazai Osamu:
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Dazai never wondered about how tomorrow will play out, he never looked forward to it. He never thought about his future unless it ended with him taking his life away. He never thought he would be committed to live let alone to someone.
But you came in and changed that for him.
First from strangers to friends, from friends to best friends, from best friends to lovers, from lovers to fiancé’s and from fiancés to husband and wife.
He never imagined being in a relationship with anyone yet here he was laying on the couch with you trapped in his arms while talking with a voice he always found music to the ears.
“Hey ‘samu..” your voice suddenly called out to him in a small tone while he tilted his head. Why did you get anxious suddenly? Did something happen? Why are you nervous? He couldn’t place his hand on whatever made you feel this way right now but nevertheless he wanted assure you.
He rubbed your back hoping it can give you a push forward and that you can tell him what’s on your beautiful mind. “...what do you think about having a baby?”
Oh. So that is what it’s about.
“It’s just a hypothetical question by the way!” you stuttered confirming his suspicions before he hugged you tightly and buried his face in the crook of your neck. “I am pregnant ‘samu..” you ended with a smile. “Thank you...thank you, thank you..” he kept repeating the same words like a chorus that he memorized by heart.
Dazai was happy, his heart is full. He didn’t take a life now, he made one. He made one with you, his beautiful wife and his loving belladonna. Eyes getting teary, he smiled against your skin. He pulled back and connected your foreheads.
“God I love you more than anything.”
He said with a tone nothing less than sincere and passionate. Had you expected this reaction? A part of you told you that he won’t like it, but another told you he will be the best father he can be and won’t leave you.
And then the mood turned 180 degrees as Dazai turned to his goofy self and started screaming “WE ARE GONNA HAVE A BABY!” And that’s how he started his mission of telling everyone in the ADA about the wonderful news.
But despite his exterior, you both knew that he was genuinely happy with it and it’s not his clown mask that is supposed to convey his true happiness authentically. That’s why what’s under the mask and behind the walls is only preserved for you.
His belladonna, wife and mother of his children.
Chuuya Nakahara:
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You felt somewhat confident and more assured about telling Chuuya about the two lines that changed your entire lives.
He had been having a baby fever lately, always glancing at the babies’ isle, sometimes trying to subtly make a baby laugh and feeling joyful when it does. It was another reason that made you know he is a wonderful father.
You heard the door of your house freak open with the usual “I am home!” of your dear husband. You smiled at the sound of his voice and felt a kiss on the top of your head. “How are you, dove?” He asked before hanging his coat and taking a seat beside you.
You giggled and assured him that you are okay then held his hand. “Chuu I wanna show you something.” You carefully let out, you had been planning this for a long time after all. He squeezed your hand ushering you to go on.
You got a box and placed it on the table. Chuuya started wondering if you got him a gift. Excitedly he looked at you then back at the box slowly pulling off the top of it. He pouted in confusion when he saw a pink shirt, nevertheless he took it out and saw the writing that said “Mama Chihuahua”
He blankly stared at the shirt and let out a mocking laugh “very funny, dove.” You encouraged him to keep looking and the next thing he got out was a blue shirt with “Papa Chihuahua” he furrowed his eyebrows starting to see a certain pattern.
He subconsciously hoped it was what his heart desired for some time now.
He lastly pulled out a yellow baby onesie with the writing “Baby Chihuahua” he then gripped the shirt tightly and looked at you in complete shock and disbelief. “Y/N you are-“ “ pregnant.” You ended with a soft grin.
Chuuya hugged you tightly and cheered, “HAHA YES FINALLY I HAVE BEEN WANTING THIS!” He started peppering kisses all over your face and chuckling, it truly fulfilled what his heart has been longing for.
Chuuya held your hand and kissed the ring on your finger and vowed once again but for a different person “I swear on my life that I will protect you and our baby from everything and anything.”
His eyes held a certain look of stern and honesty. Chuuya was always a loyal man to anyone who shows that they deserve it and he was one to keep his promises.
And until now he had kept himself true to his vows, and he won’t hesitate or fail to be true to the one he made just now.
Atsushi Nakajima:
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(Atsushi is aged up to 23 cause I am not letting you guys be teenage parents at 18 👩‍🦲)
Atsushi was always good with kids. It honestly reassured you that whenever you guys will have a child then it will be easy and nice for them to interact.
Despite rambling a lot about how kids are adorable and how he wants to squish their cheeks, He has never asked you if you ever wanted a child or suggested having one. Not that you were expecting him to since he does get shy quite often.
Even after 5 years of being together and being married just last year, kisses from your turn his face into a pink hue. Truly a lot of milestones have been placed in your relationship and you two enjoyed every single one of them.
Today however was a new milestone.
As soon as his eyes landed on the pregnancy test you forgot on the sink of your shared bathroom last night, he got overwhelmed. He held the test shaking and slid to the ground.
You are pregnant.
Happy tears flooded his yes as a smile cracked so wide reaching his eyes, Atsushi was strong when needed but right now he wanted to show even to no one just how happy two dashes made him be.
He stood up slowly not to wake you up and kneeled down to your bed. He kissed the top of your head, wiping his tears so they don’t fall on your face and wearily whispered “thank you...”
He held your body tenderly and a smile never leaving his face as he kept talking to your tummy hoping that even now his baby would hear him and know that his dad is already ready to welcome him with open arms.
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
616 notes · View notes
More than just a game
Warnings: dark elements including noncon and rape, oral, fingering, doxxing, stalking, and other explicit content. 
This is dark!Jake Jensen and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You find a new gaming buddy but he sees you as more than that.
Note: So this is my first Jake Jensen fic and it was lots of fun so let me know what you think and hope you enjoy. :D
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
Special shout-out to @navybrat817​ for helping me with this idea
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After too many nights scrolling through subreddits and searching for something to keep you distracted, you decided to bite the hook. Several other redditors agreed to hop on Minecraft and it had been a while since you logged in. You missed the almost relaxing ritual of mining and building.
You joined the chat, quick to hit the little microphone emblem as you listened to the voices in your headset. You learned long ago to keep your mic muted on the servers, especially with strangers. The last time you dared to speak up as a woman in a game chat, your DMs had become so overwhelmed you deleted and started a new account on Discord and changed your ID on Steam.
You were all given your tasks as players called out coordinates and you kept to chopping up the side of a mountain. You mostly worked alone, chatting through text instead of voice chat. As you placed a crafting table in your little mine, another player, JJ-Smooth, popped up and dropped some iron for you. 
He stayed close but you didn’t mind. A lot of players tried to work together the deeper they got and you were used to it. As you uncovered some lava, he dumped water before you could get burned and helped you hack up the obsidian. 
He thanked you on the voice chat but you knew any courtesy in return would earn you the attention of the entire server. So you dropped some gold for him and went on your way.
“I hear a zombie,” he warned.
You turned to hack up the undead before it could get you, only to be shot by a skeleton hidden on the next level. Another appeared and you died before you could hide, the bony villain killed by your ally as you watched your possession scatter over the death screen.
“Hey, I got your stuff,” he said as you loaded back up, “I’ll find you.”
You typed quickly in the chat, ‘sorry, mic busted, give me your coordinates and I’ll come to you.’
You waited as ‘JJ-Smooth is typing…’ appeared at the bottom and finally he sent the numbers. You hopped over the blocky hills and through the forests until you found the mine again. He was just outside and handed over all your tools and ration. He headed back into the mine and you followed him. This time, you began your own path in the opposite direction.
Before you knew it, you’d lost track of time. You sat back as you realised it was only you and JJ on the server. The silence should have tipped you off earlier. He was the host and you felt super awkward for staying so long. You typed that you were logging off for the night and thanked him. 
You hit the keyboard with your knuckle and yawned as you opened the screen, 
“God, it’s late,” you muttered.
“Hello?” he said.
Your eyes rounded as you looked at the mic symbol and the lack of red line made you cringe. You’d hit an extra button without noticing.
“Um, hi, sorry, I just--”
“Mic busted, huh?” he asked.
“No, I--” you didn’t know what to say, “anyways, I should--”
“So, you’re a chick? Is that why you mute?”
“Uh, well, it’s just… easier, sorry, I--” even if you weren’t trying to hide from gamer dudes, you weren’t the best at conversation.
“A gamer girl, nice,” he said and you sighed, “sorry, that sounded weird, didn’t it?”
“Mhmm,” you touched your bottom lip as you cupped your chin, “it’s late, I have to work tomorrow.”
“You comin’ back?” he asked, almost hopeful.
“I don’t know--”
“I won’t tell anyone,” he said abruptly, “promise, lips sealed.”
“I really don’t know if I can do this too much, I usually work early mornings so… yeah,” you said.
“I get it but you know you’re always welcome, hope you don’t mind if I send you an invite now and then. No pressure,” he offered.
“Uh, sure,” you shrugged, “okay, yeah, good night.”
You left the chat quickly and pulled off your headset. Shit.
‘I’m Jake by the way,’ a pm popped up, ‘gg.’
You typed back, ‘gg, it was fun’ and quickly logged out. You sat back and rubbed your eyes. Well, he didn’t seem like a total creep, maybe just a bit awkward but so were you. You shut down for the night and stretched out as you switched off the lamp. You were going to pay for your session in the morning.
A few nights later you got an invite to the server. You debated it but as it was Friday, you decided to make good use of the PC you’d saved up forever to build. You spawned in the middle of nowhere and built a bed before you found the half-finished settlement. You joined the chat but you must have been early as you were the only one there.
You headed back to the same mine, some work done since the first night, and laid your torches as you ventured into the depths. You jumped in your seat as a voice broke your peace.
“I don’t think anyone else is gonna join,” JJ-Smooth, or Jensen said, “you think maybe you’ll unmute?”
You stopped your mining and stared at the screen. You hovered over the mic button and re-read his name, he was the only other one there. You clicked and gave a strained smile to the screen.
“So, um, what’s the goal tonight?” you asked.
“Get some materials and go back to the settlement, keep building, oh, maybe we could try a portal, you ever gone to the nether?” he said but before you could reply he kept on, “shit, I shouldn’t assume, you seem like an experienced player.”
“Yeah, a few times, but I’m more a casual miner,” you went back to harvesting stone and ore.
“Ah,” he said, and it was silent for a moment, “so, you work again in the morning?”
“Not tomorrow,” you said as you focused on the game, “daycare isn’t open on the weekends.”
“A daycare, huh? That sounds fun, I love kids… not in a weird way but you know, I… urgh, I have a niece,” he said with a nervous chuckle, “nah, that’s cool though, sounds more fun than my gig.”
“Oh?” you turned and kept your axe moving.
“IT. You know, some people would be like ‘hey Jensen, why do you spend all your free time staring at a screen when that’s what you do at work?’” he scoffed, “well, who says I’m not mining there too.”
You wrinkled your forehead and gave a small laugh. He was rambling and it was kinda odd. You were happy for once not to be the strange one.
“But anyway,” he said, “I found lots of diamond over here. If we get some lapis lazuli we can build an enchanting table and get some sick armour.”
“Awesome,” you pressed your fingertips to your lip as you leaned on your elbow, “should try to head back before dark…”
“Hard to tell down here. How about you mine and I’ll keep an eye out for monsters?” he offered.
“Sure,” you agreed as he came onto your screen, “that works.”
Another week went by and you ventured back into the server a few times but not for very long as late nights did not mix with young children. The next weekend, you joined again on Saturday night and like the last few times it was just you and Jensen. You wondered why no one else was joining when the subreddit was so popular but you didn’t worry about it for long.
You mostly played in silence, Jensen did most of the talking and it was never about anything more than the game or his niece’s last soccer game. That night when you left the game, he kept typing on Discord.
‘I like playing with you,’ his message blipped up.
‘Same, thx.’
‘Really, you’re awesome.’
‘Thx :) Tired, gotta sleep.’
‘Sweet dreams.’
You changed your status to offline and dragged yourself to bed. You opened your phone as you laid in the dark and went to the subreddit, you scrolled through the builds and screenshots of other people’s catastrophes. 
You came to Jensen’s last invite post from that night but all the comments complained that the world code was incorrect. Hmm, you should tell him next time.
You blackened your cell and plopped it on your night table. You rolled over and buried your face in the pillow, the light still etched into your vision. You fell asleep quickly and woke the next day to another invite from Jensen.
‘How about some Fortnite? If you’re into it?’
‘Srry, can’t, my mom’s expecting me for lunch.’
‘2 bad, maybe later.’
You got ready to go see your mother for your usual Sunday afternoon visit and it went by like any other. When she asked you what you’d been up to, you didn’t mention the gaming, she was never a fan of it. When you got back home, Jensen was messaging you again. You didn’t open the notification and settled in to catch up on some streaming before another week of work.
Monday hit you like a train and you were glad you hadn’t spent the night mining again. If you had, you doubted you’d even be able to open your eyes. You got to the daycare centre and welcomed in the kids. You got them set up for the morning snack then cleaned up as Sandy took them over to the reading circle.
You wiped the tables and then did some painting before you went out for some play time in the yard. As you watched several of the children on the swings, you glanced around. There was a man across the street. You squinted through the chain link as he seemed to be watching but assured yourself it was nothing as he quickly headed for the corner and disappeared.
Inside, the kids were due for quiet time, some napped and those who didn’t, stared at the ceiling and yawned. You could have joined them but knew that wouldn’t be acceptable. The end of the day came and you helped the kids pack up their paintings and their sweaters. You waited in the yard with them as the parents showed up and handed them off one by one.
You waved to Danika as she clung to her mother and your eye was once more drawn beyond the chain link. The same faded grey jacket, the same glasses, and the hat with the frayed brim. It was a better look at the man. Was he looking at you? Why on earth was he hanging around outside a daycare?
“Sandy,” you turned and lowered your voice as she neared, “see that man?”
She peeked over and shrugged, “which one? The guy crossing the street?”
You looked up again and like before, he was walking away casually as if he hadn’t just been staring through the fence. You shook your head and huffed. “Sorry, never mind.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” she waved her fingers, “come on, let’s clean up.”
With the kids all sorted out, you went back in and tidied up the last of their mess. You and Sandy were friendly but like with any, you weren’t very talkative. You never really knew what to say but you were never unkind.
You pulled on your jacket and checked your purse for your phone and wallet. You checked the time and turned off the lights. You bid Sandy goodbye as she headed for her SUV and you took your usual route down the sidewalk towards your bus stop. 
You stopped short as the man was there. You were paranoid, he must just be waiting for the same route. You approached and he turned to watch you as you sat on the bench. He smiled and the dread sank deep in your chest. 
His rectangular glasses gave light to his blue eyes and a goatee trimmed his jaw. He was tall and well-built, you could tell even under his comic book tee. He was going to talk to you, another weirdo in the city.
“Hey,” his voice was chillingly familiar, “how was your day?”
You stared at him and blinked cluelessly. You looked around, it was only the two of you. You opened your mouth but you had to be wrong. He said your name and you winced.
“Jensen?” you breathed as you stood and squeezed the strap of your bag, “why? How--?”
“You weren’t answering me, I was worried,” he said, “just making sure you’re okay.”
“What the-- I don’t understand how--” He stepped closer and you backed up against the bench. “Don’t, I’ll scream.”
“Scream? Why? I’m just-- You know me, it’s me, Jensen.”
“You doxxed me?” you snapped, “what the hell?”
“No, I didn’t-- I’m just checking on you--”
“I don’t know you,” you said as your heart began to race, “so please, leave me alone,” you edged away from him, “and don’t message me again.”
You sprinted across the street and as you came up on the curb, you looked back at him. He watched you but didn’t follow. You could tell from there he wasn’t happy but the brim of his cap shadowed most of his face so you couldn’t guess if it was hurt or anger. You quickly spun away and continued down the next street to the nearest stop.
You couldn’t believe he’d just shown up like that. You couldn’t believe he would think that was okay. You couldn’t believe he’d think that much about you.
You blocked Jensen on Discord and left his world on Minecraft. That night you were shaky and nervous, afraid that he would show up at your apartment. Did he know where you lived? He must if he could figure out where you worked.
You didn’t open Steam that night. You paced your small apartment, jumping at every noise. Sleep didn’t come easily but in shallow spurts that left you even more tired. You watched over your shoulder as you walked to your stop and boarded with one eye on the door.
Work was little better as you found yourself distracted in the room full of toddlers. Sandy asked if you were okay as you kneaded play-do violently. You shook yourself out of your paranoia and assured her you were only short on sleep, not a complete lie.
You took out your phone when you stepped out for a small break. Your mom had called but you would have to get back to her when you had two hours to waste. There was another notification, that one from Discord, a friend request from JJ-NoRematch. It wasn’t hard to guess who it was and you declined it right away.
There were several others from Jensen, too. He followed your Insta, blocked; he followed your mostly empty twitter, blocked; and he even commented on your LinkedIn like a weird. You closed your phone and took a breath before you headed back into the kids, their voices rising in their excitement to go outside.
In the yard, you had another look around, expecting to see him there on the other side of the fence. You were slightly relieved when he wasn’t but still on edge. You joined a game of tag then watched several of the kids line up for the slide. You lost yourself in your job as you told yourself he must have gotten the hint, at least not to bother you irl.
Just like the day before, and every day, you left work and headed for your stop. He wasn’t there either and you sat down and phoned your mom, hanging up as the bus pulled up with a promise to call her again when you were home. At home, you felt almost normal again and checked your notifications; no more follows, no more requests, nothing.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday passed in a similar fashion. Each saw your anxieties less than the day before. You even resolved to open Steam and start a new world for yourself. You spent hours mining and almost fell asleep in your chair. When you nearly tipped over, you decided it was time for bed.
You slept better than you had all week and woke up before noon. You wanted to log right back on but you had life to deal with; groceries, cleaning, and of course, making that call to your mother you’d delayed the night before. After all that, you felt accomplished and you decided to treat yourself to take out, a rare divulgence.
You called the local Chinese eatery and waited eagerly for your feast as you turned on a new episode of your current binge. You played on your phone until the battery was low and had enough juice to buzz up the delivery man. You dug for your wallet as you went to the door and unlocked it without looking up.
“How much--” you asked as you opened the door.
Your eyes met a familiar pair, two blue gems behind a pair of narrow glasses. Jensen wore the same cap and held the paper bag of take-out with a smile. You grabbed the door and tried to swing it shut but he was too quick as he slapped a large hand against the peeling paint.
“It’s on me,” he said, “I love spare ribs.”
“What the--” you gasped as you pushed on the door helplessly, “please go away.”
“You’re not answering me,” he said as he stepped closer and forced you back as his body brushed against yours, “you blocked me and I can’t even get a hey, Jensen, how are you?”
“I don’t want you here,” you tried to shove him and he shouldered you away easily, “get out!”
He slammed the door and you flinched. He put the bag down on the corner table and reached back to twist the lock without a look. His eyes roved around your entryway and further into your apartment. He smiled as they stilled and focused on you.
“This place is cute… like you,” he said and you heard a slight hesitation in his voice.
You swallowed and backed away from him. You spun on your heel and ran for your couch. You reached over the back to your phone and unlocked it as the battery icon flashed. You had just enough juice to make the call. You dialed as you turned back to him.
“I’m calling the police so you b-better l-leave,” you warned as your voice and hands shook, “I me--”
He was quick and before you could pull away, he swiped your cell out of your hand. He scoffed and tossed it across the room. It hit the wall and landed screen down on the hardwood. You bit down and pressed yourself to the couch. You stared at him and kicked yourself forward as you tried to slip past him. He caught you and wrestled you back into the front room.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked calmly as you struggled in his grasp, “I’ve been nothing but nice to you.”
“N-no, you’re-- you-- let me go,” you stammered as he angled you around the couch. He pushed you down so you bounced on the cushion. You tried to push yourself up and he pointed his finger in your face and wagged it. 
“No, you stay,” he growled and wiped his other hand on his jeans. He was nervous, even if he was angry.
“Please, why-- what do you want?” you grasped the cushion and hovered at the edge of the couch.
He sighed and sat in the chair. He took his hat off and set it on the table as he ran his fingers through his short hair. 
“Good question,” he said as his jaw squared and his eyes turned to pinpoints, “better one, why did you block me?”
“Are you serious? You-- you--” you struggled to get your words out, your voice even more splintered by your fear, “you doxxed me, you came to-- to my work-- and…”
“I thought we were getting along. I thought you liked me,” he said with a frown, “I really did, you sure acted like it and-- I only wanted to make sure you were safe.”
“But why wouldn’t I be? I--” you shivered and crossed your arms as you withered beneath his gaze, “Jensen, this was only supposed to be online.”
He scoffed and stomped his boot on the floor. He shook his head as he looked to the ceiling and his anger bulged along his temple. He tilted his head and looked at you again.
“You know, for years, I have been a nice guy, I am a nice guy,” he pushed his shoulders to his ears as he threw his hand out, “I’m so patient and caring and you girls, you don’t even give me a second look.”
“No, really, I mean look at you, you’re no supermodel and yet it’s the same thing, ‘let’s just be friends’,” he spat, “but I watch guys all the time treat women like shit and they don’t have any trouble at all, they got them hanging off of them and I’m a creep for giving them a compliment or opening the door--”
“I don’t… know you,” you eked out, “you have to understand--”
“I don’t understand,” he stood abruptly, “I’m done trying to understand.”
He pulled his jacket open and slid it down his arms. You watched him sling it over the chair and as he turned back to you, you stood. He caught your shoulders and held you in place. His strength was plain in his grip as he squeezed then slowly moved his hands to cradle your face.
“I just wanna be nice,” he said as he leaned in. You tried to pull away but he moved a hand around the back of your head and forced your lips against his. He poked his tongue inside your mouth roughly as you tried to shove him away. Finally, he parted, his hands still firmly around your head, “wasn’t that nice?”
“Please,” you begged as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip.
His eyes searched your face as you stared back at him in terror. He sighed and dropped his hands back to your shoulders. He pushed you down to the sofa harshly and backed away.
“Fine, I won’t be nice,” he snarled as he took his glasses off and folded them carefully. He put them on the table beside his cap and twined his fingers together, loudly cracking his knuckles.
You blinked at him as your eyes grew glossy. You brought your legs up under you and pressed yourself to the back of the couch. You grasped the upholstery and turned as you launched yourself over to the other side. You stumbled as you landed on your feet and ran for the door.
You were yanked back as he snaked his arms around you and took you off your feet. You kicked out and screamed but it was cut off by his palm as he kept one arm around your middle. You scratched at his hand as he dragged you back to the couch. He pushed you face down onto the cushions and planted his knee in the middle of your back, slipping his hand away as he put enough weight on you to keep your voice suffocated.
“Listen, I know I look like some IT nerd but I’m a lot more than that, now don’t make me hurt you,” he played with your hair as he smiled down at you, “you try that again and I will shut you up and if someone hears you, I can take care of them too.”
You sniffed as tears pricked in your eyes and nodded frantically as it felt as if he would snap your spine. He pushed off of you and you stayed as you were, paralysed with fear. He sat and unlaced his boots one at a time. He looked up as he set them neatly beside the foot of the chair and he bent to catch your eye.
“Well?” he pointed at you and traced the line of your body in the air, “let’s go.”
You stared at him dumbly and he stood to pull his tee over his head. His torso was sculpted perfectly and his chest trimmed with hair that trailed all the way down to his pants. He stepped forward and tugged at the back of your shirt.
“You want me to do it for you, baby?” he purred, “I can help you.”
You swatted him away and sat up. You bent your legs to your chest and hugged them. “Please, I’m scared, just leave me alone--”
His hand rested on his belt and exhaled again. His fingers moved swiftly to unloop the striped belt and unbutton his jeans. He pushed them down, nearly tripping as he stepped out of them. He stood in his boxers, tented with his impatient excitement, and gripped his hips.
“It’s okay, baby, I know you’re shy, I am too,” he neared and you winced as he grabbed your wrist. He tugged on your arm and you resisted until he bent your hand back painfully and you cried out. He tickled your jaw as he looked you in the eye and tutted, “it doesn’t have to be like this, alright?”
You went limp and let him pull your arms apart. Your legs slipped down and your feet dangled above the floor. He got to his knees and pushed between yours. He slowly rolled up the hem of your shirt and bent to kiss your stomach as he bared the flesh. You trembled as he forced your arms up and swooped the fabric over your head. It fluttered through the air and to the floor as he cupped your tits through your bright pink bra.
“Is this so bad?” he asked as he nuzzled your chest and pushed your tits up. 
He glided the straps down your arm and slid your bra lower so that you popped out. He nibbled at your flesh and traced your nipples with his tongue. You sat rigid and let him explore your body, too terrified to move a muscle. He reached around you and struggled with the hooks, frustrated he snapped the clasps and the band came free.
He continued to play with your chest, his fingers crawling up and down your stomach and sides. There was a genuine curiosity to his touch and it sent a chill through you. His fingertips pressed to the top of your pants and he pulled at them as his lips travelled down to your hip.
He tugged on your pants and jerked your entire body. He tore them lower as he pushed you up and you lifted yourself to let him peel away the layer. He added them to the floor and toyed with the elastic of your panties. The little bow in the front drew his attention as he pushed your legs wider and ran his nose along the cotton.
He hummed and rubbed his fingers down your crotch, pushing the fabric to your folds as he teased you through them. You inhaled sharply at the tingle it inspired and he pressed firmer against you, flicking his fingers along your bud as he noticed how it made you squirm.
He gently pulled aside the cotton and you felt his hot breath against you. You pushed on his head before he could delve into you. “Please, don’t--”
“Shhhh,” he threw your hand away from his head and bent over you, “just relax.”
He dragged his tongue along your cunt and lingered around your clit. You clenched as it sent a thrill through you and he moved his lips against you, suckling at you bud as your breaths grew raspy. You pushed yourself against the back of the couch and dug your nails into the cushion.
He slid a finger along your cunt and circled your entrance. He rubbed up and down as he kept his tongue swirling over your clit and you swallowed back as gasp as he poked inside. He felt around and added another finger, stretching you as he carefully pushed them in and out of you in time with his mouth.
He lapped you up and you closed your eyes, desperate to resist the coil winding within you. Your legs tensed against the couch and you tilted your pelvis without thinking. He sped up, the noise of his mouth and your slickness filled the silence. You let out a puff and moaned as you slapped the couch. The waves rolled over your flesh and you came into his mouth with a pathetic mewl.
He stilled his fingers as he lazily teased you with his tongue. He pulled his fingers out and sat back, the heat between your legs cooling in his absence as he licked up your juices. He watched you as he sucked his fingers and stood. Your head lolled and you edged forward on the couch. You tried to stand but he caught you and flung you back.
“We’re not done, baby,” he winked at you as he grasped the top of his boxers, “go on, lay down.”
You murmured your refusal and once more tried to get up. You slipped onto the floor and shakily crawled away as he dropped his boxers to his ankle. He grabbed you before you could get around the side and lifted you easily. He turned you and shoved you down onto your back as he lifted a leg over you.
He straddled you and again his hands roved over your body. You smacked at his fingers weakly but he easily ignored you. He kept one hand moving along your curves as he stroked himself with the other. He groaned and shook as he stroked his dick. Your eyes followed his hand and you gulped, he was thick.
He moved his knees back and pushed them up beneath your thighs as he kept a hand planted on your chest. He ripped your panties down your legs and untangled them from your feet. 
He held you down as he ran his tip along your cunt, wetting himself with your coerced arousal. You groaned and grabbed the arm of the couch above you. You tried to pull away from him.
He pushed against your entrance and you looked at him in shock. You couldn’t stop him. His eyes were set between your legs as he inhaled and slowly eased into you. He gasped as he got his tip inside you and his muscles tensed. He bit his lip as he dove further in and you gasped as he filled you inch by inch.
“Shitttt,” he moaned as he reached his limit and you whined at how full you were, “oh, baby.”
His hand slid from your chest and he gripped your hips as he pulled back and thrust. You exclaimed and he did it again, slowly as he watched himself impale you over and over. You curled your fingers against the couch arm and your feet arch as you pressed your thighs around him. He lifted your pelvis high as he angled his dick even deeper.
“You feel so good,” he rasped, “oh, baby, you’re so good. Ahh-hh-hh,” his voice fizzled as your walls clenched him and you closed your eyes as you felt the heat building. 
He moved his hand along your thigh and stretched it over your pelvis, pushing his thumb to your clit as he kept his pace. He purred as you writhed helplessly against him and you panted through the rising ecstasy.
“Please, please, please…” you chanted, unsure if you were begging him to stop or for more.
He moaned as he sped up and you sucked your lip under your teeth as you neared your peak. You quivered as your orgasm crashed into you and you let out a strangled cry. He snarled and planted his hands beside your head as he leaned over you, his hot breath tickled your face as he pounded into you.
Your legs bent around him as his pelvis rubbed against you and the friction drove you to another climax. You held onto the arm of the couch as he fucked your harder and harder. He kissed you and nibbled at your lip as he groaned and hooked an arm under to hold you close.
“You’re gonna make me cum, baby,” he said against your cheek and you turned your head away from, “ah, here I--”
He spasmed and slammed into you. He took several long thrusts and stilled. He grunted and drew heavy breaths as he rested his weight over you. He grabbed your head and turned your head up as he pressed his forehead to yours. You kept your eyes closed as the flames slowly dwindled.
“Was that so bad?” he stroked your cheek and trailed his finger down to poke between your lips, “No, it’s what you wanted, isn’t it, baby?” he wiggled his hips and you hissed, “yeah, you want me.”
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sleepy-dreamers-inc · 4 years
Being Exiled with Tommy Headcannons!|| 🥀
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irl/ in-game
Genre| angst + comfort
h e a d c a n n o n s||
Both you and Tommy ended up getting exiled together.
Artist| OliverSonder on twitter!!
Warnings] mentions of manipulation, character death, spoilers for Tommy’s Exile Arc and the Season 2 finale!!
[can be seen as both platonic or romantic!!]
||gender neutral reader!!||
(also this was not grammar checked and im to lazy to watch through hours of footage so if anything in here is wrong blame it on the DSMP Wiki OKAY LETS GO-)
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So i think its pretty established that if you end up getting exiled with Tommy your one of two things.
- Really sweet and loyal friend that will stick up for in-justice and be there when someone needs you the most
- A total fucking gremlin that will steal your kneecaps and toes and eat your shower curtains in the middle of the night.
There is no inbetween here you guys.
I did end up going for Reader A, though. But you guys tell me if you want headcannons for a gremlin!reader because i will gladly do that!!
But anyways just... enjoy exile!
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- It was about his third day in exile when Y/N appeared through the nether portal, bags, pouches, tools, armor, etc. on their person. Tommy thought they either were here to beat him up or got exiled themselves.
- Tommy was pleasantly surprised when he learned that Y/N was actually there on their own accord, helping him through exile and being his shoulder to lean on. The first few days we’re rough, fighting back mobs in the night and farming crops all day. His clothes we’re starting to get dirty and torn by the time Y/N got there.
- Y/N ended up making a little bunker about 30 blocks from where they’re tent was, where they hid all theirs and Tommy’s valuables, such as armor, diamonds & iron, and rations. Although Y/N never gave into Dream and gave him they’re stuff, Y/N simply refused, they wouldn’t be giving in that easily.
- Most of they’re days are spent in caves mining away, chatting and fighting off Creeper’s as they tried to keep the moral high, always keeping Tommy company. Y/N never let him go anywhere alone, they we’re always with him, like his own bodyguard of sorts.
- One time they both find a Mineshaft though and got lost, they ended up at the surface two dayd later with torn clothes, cuts and bruises and we’re in bad shape. Thankfully Y/N had a brewing stand at they’re camp though, so Healing Potions we’re semi-easy to make/get.
- After the duo end up going to the artic though... things got... weird.
- Techno was not expecting to open his door to find the heathen Tommy and sweetheart Y/N at his doorstep shivering and begging to come inside, bags thrown on they’re shoulders as they teeth chattered from the cold wind and snow.
- Whenever Dream comes to visit Y/N always has to hide with Tommy, reassuring him that its okay and they’ll always be there for him, and protect him at any cost, which he highly appreciates.
- The ‘gapple-eating’ thing Tommy did was a cute, yet depressing thing. Seeing him hasitly munching on golden-coated apples was funny and caused giggles, but the meaning behind it always left Y/N with a lump in their throat and a hole in their heart.
- Whenever Tommy is in danger and calls for Dream, Y/N always has to stop him and bring him back to reality, making Tommy realize Dream isnt his friend, and never was. Many nights have happened where the two talk about Tommy’s feelings with Dream, not only for Tommy to vent and let everything out, but also for Y/N to understand whats going on in his head.
- When going into the Nether Tommy always grips Y/N’s hand, as his fear of lava and heights consumes him whole in that firey dimension.
- When Tommy gets up close to Dream in the cabin? Y/N is scared spineless, if people could see them, they’d see the palest, most terrified and worried being on earth.
- Y/N having a heart attack when Ghostbur slips up
- Ghostbur is just a whole thing and just. Y/N needs a break, okay?
- Y/N begrudgingly helping Tommy build his cobblestone tower outside of Techno’s cabin.
- Y/N apologizing soon after to Techno only for him to laugh and ruffle Y/N’s hair, saying he knows how Tommy can get anyone to any situation.
- Very rarely does Y/N ever leave Tommy’s side, when they do its usually to get supplies or visit they’re friends. So when Y/N was walking back to the Nether portal to see Tommy, Techno and Dream all standing there, looking like they’re about to slit the others throat, well...
- Nobody has ever seen Y/N drop kick a person so fast.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Y/N yelled, they’re sword at Dream’s neck, as he laid on his back, his mask covering his shocked expression.
“Answer. Me.” Y/N gritted through their teeth, pushing their swordfurther against the masked mans throat. Techno soon chimed in, reassuring Y/N that nothing to terrible happened.
“It’s fine, Y/N. He didn’t do anything, why not we head back home? Wouldn’t want that homeless man to be to scared spineless, eh?” Techno said, hand on they’re shoulder as he looked Y/N in the eyes.
The 3 walked back to the Nether portal, purple mist engulfing Tommy and Techno as Y/N stood in front of the portal. Back turned towards Dream, Y/N shifted they’re head and glared at Dream with eyes that could kill.
“Don’t do anything you might regret, you megalomaniac.”
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- When Tommy and Tubbo decide to go fight Dream, Y/N is both excited and scared. They hope Dream will finally be taken down, but they dont want Tommy (& Tubbo) to be taken down as well.
- So like any amazing best friend, Y/N brews up a bunch of potions of Strength, Healing + Regen, Invisibility and more. Even if Tommy thought he was going to be walking out of there alone, he wasn’t going to be. Y/N would make sure.
- Y/N watched from afar as Tommy got his disc out of the jukebox, laughing in success. All Y/N did was clap quietly, making sure they’re Invisibility didn’t wear off. They we’re making sure Tommy stayed safe, even if he didn’t realize it. Y/N loved him with they’re whole heart, and everyone knew that.
- At Dreams secret base, Y/N was just getting there as Tommy took Dreams first canon life.
“Tommy. Stop. Dont do anything you might regret.” Dream snarled, looking at the teenage boy, his blue eyes dull, yet full of passion and vigor.
All Tommy did was pursue forward, as everyone waited for what was to come. Tommy took one step to close though, because Dream had decided that he had enough.
Dream brought his arm into the air, hand curled into a fist, he was about to hurl his hand into Tommy’s face when Dream suddenly fell to the ground, arrow in his forehead.
Dream was shot by Y/N
Y/N stood there, enchanted bow in hand, infront of the nether portal that swirled with an eerie purple mist. Y/N lowered their bow, staring at the man who tortured Tommy for weeks now. Y/N simply stepped forward and towered over Dreams corpse before it disappeared in thin air.
Lets just say Dream wouldn’t be hurting the blonde heathen anytime soon.
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a/n: howdy everyone how we doing? Decided to do Tommy x Reader for this post, although i am MAJORLY simping for Wilbur atm and i have brainrot so that’ll most likely be the next post (if i dont do a pt. 2 for this one but even so WILBUR).
Anyways i hope i did racooninnit justice, i have no idea how to do headcannons since half the time i ramble (its the adhd) so this was new for me. Definitely not my strong suit but like you live ya learn. Also, sorry if i left out quite a lot, i might make a fic about this and include more events, but this is really long for headcannons (because of my layout) so i didn’t include to much. I dont want people scrolling for like 20 seconds to go to another post (i write on mobile so undercut is not a thing for me RIP)
Anyways have a lovely day and dont let Tommy eat all your gapples!!
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keerishima · 3 years
HELLO! I saw you were a new blog that needed requests and I was wondering if you could write head-canons for todoroki, bakugou, and kiri (separately) with a s/o that has a witchcraft quirk? TY
well hi! thank you for the request, it was so cool to write! now i’m assuming you mean like a quirk that works like potions and herbs/crystals and spirit summoning and spells which is the road i’m taking i hope that’s okay?
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now this boy is
when he first saw the mist swirling around your fingers as you fought the robots in the UA exam, a shock went through his body
what was that? 
okay he didn’t mean to stare- considering he was in the middle of an exam- but the way you moved and the glints of a crystals around your body was just so cool
time passed and he got closer to you, during the dorm competition your room was the only room he wanted to see and boy did he love it
the green ivy and plants in your room, the pots and white smoke curling from diffusers and shelves full of powder and inks organised in a neat row
your room felt like a whole new world- like magic
literally after everyone had left he was still in your room looking around like a meerkat assessing it’s surroundings
fast forward; you guys are dating and he was VERY curious as to how your quirk worked, and you explained how your spells and energy came from the crystals and jewels
each crystal gave you a different energy, which converted to your power!
kirishima literally watched in awe as you pointed at all the different coloured gems and jewels and the symbols on your walls
he even asked to touch some of them and asked where you got them
he also asked to see them in battle, and asked if you had any similar to his own quirk!
the both of you engaged in LOTS of different mock battles, which almost always ended up in a play fight rather than real training- just because he ends up enjoying watching you use your quirk too much to actually focus
once you two had engaged in a long, breathless make out session against one of the walls- what can I say? you wanted to see what it felt like to kiss kirishima in his red riot form and have him melt back to normal under your touch
yeahh...it was a bad idea to do that in the school gym, where half of class 1-B caught you two mushed together against a wall
back to the hc!
he asks SO many questions
sometimes just sits on your bed for ages and asks one after the other after the other, to the point where aizawa has to come and send him back to his side of the dorm
let me tell you now: if you are 1) planning to get anything or 2) NEED anything, don’t let him find out
you once let it slip that you were considering getting pouches to carry these crystals, and the sweet, sweet boy went out and bought BUCKETS of bags
yes buckets because he didn’t know if your crystals would be affected by material or size of the bag or- god forbid what if it did and he ruined your quirk in battle?! 
he’d never forgive himself.
like literally he’d be on his knees ready for punishment of how you saw fit because of his mistake
what can i say? the boys dramatic
but its endearing :,)
it ended up being the cutest date of you cuddled up on his bed wrapped in his blankets like you were drowning in them,
whilst he sat on the floor, presenting each little bag and pouch to you, all teleshopping style.
‘and THIS 🤩 gorgeous article comes with not just 1😱! not just 2 😱! but THREE 🤯🥵🥳🥳 buttons to clip close to ensure a tight, secure hold of your 😏 special package’
yeah he made a sleazy face
yeah you threw a plushy at him
all of them were bought with your costume in mind and how could you not keep some of the bags? with kirishima watching you with the biggest eyes and slightly-pouting-lips-but-he-would-never-admit-it there was no way you didn’t keep the most useful ones
you asked him to return the extra bags so he wouldn’t have wasted his money, whilst you repaid his kindness with lots and lots of kisses and cuddles
;) or more depending on how you want it
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todoroki is uhh...
emotionally constipated
but thats not his fault
sometimes it comes off that he’s not interested in your quirk in a general sense, but it’s only because he doesn’t know how to ask without seeming pushy
he gets shy (but doesn’t show it) but with time that decreases to a sort of dry affection
i’m not saying he’s a dry boyfriend but he definitely isn't as spritely as someone like Denki might be
the way you’d see that he wanted to know more was if he asked you to come and fight with him, train with him and study
this is where he asked about your quirk
he didn’t ask to the extent of kirishima, who said everything that came to mind, he asked precise questions that gave him all the information he was desperate to know because you are so cool it makes his heart burn needed
and he also knew you would add more information as you explained, which he loved because he loved hearing you talk so passionately
this time your quirk allowed you to control people to an extent, depending on different plants and herbs you used
the plants each had a special line, muttered as you dropped the herbs anywhere on your opponent for it to activate
best believe todoroki asked for one to knock endeavour out, literally out of nowhere💀
once, one night you had been laying on your bed, and todoroki had popped over to see you. it was still quite early on in your relationship so you weren’t expecting him to cuddle up beside you and tuck into your smaller body, chin hooked onto your shoulder whilst his eyes bore into yours from below todoroki loves eye contact
‘Do your plants have meanings?’
that’s it, that’s all he softly whispered in your ear
‘What do you mean?’ You whispered back
‘Like...like roses mean love...do your herbs have a meaning linked to what they do?’
okay now he was blushing, very gently because he didn’t want to annoy you, or ask you a question you’d never thought of and make you feel silly or insecure about his quirk
YOU on the other hand were smothering a dopey grin. you knew your boyfriend and his boundaries, and you knew that him asking you in such an intimate setting meant he was trying hard for you
you also knew that he’d just given you free reign to ramble however you saw fit
so you explained, how each herb did this, how if you mixed them they did that, if you made a liquid infused with them it helped with your application in battle and so much more
todoroki listened silently, but his eyes were gleaming
literally glowing in the darkness- I mean was that even possible? it had to have been considering how todoroki looked at you that night
after you were done, he replied with a similar thing about his own quirk, and both of you had a long long chat that went from quirks, to schooling, to life, to aliens and more
todoroki had the weirdest humour, he never knew he was being funny until your quiet giggles morphed into full blown laughter- and caused a knock from the next room over because you were being too loud
he would let out his own little chuckles and smirks, seeing you enjoy his company so much
it was a while after that day when something new happened
you’d sent him a message, whilst he was sitting right next to you, and your contact name flashed on his screen suddenly, catching your eye
‘my calendula’
you looked at todoroki
todoroki looked at you
you both blinked
‘calendula?’ you asked
‘yes’ todoroki replied
‘why calendula?’
‘because,’ todoroki blushed deeply, eyes flickering away from yours
‘because you said calendula means joy...you’re my joy. arent you?’
and god help anyone who tries to say you aren’t todoroki’s joy
because you would literally throw them to the ground
your heart soared at how todoroki loved you and your quirk so much
even though it wasn’t blatantly obvious, it was the little things he did for you 😍
he originally going to call you his basil until Bakugou came round behind him asking him if he was writing the dorms grocery list. safe to say that plan was aborted immediately :D
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sorry I just
bakugo amuses me, he really does he’s so entertaining
okay sorry back to the headcanon
I headcanon you’re REALLY strong
like STUPID strong
Remember bakugos reactions to all the students quirks and he was like ‘shit I cant beat them 😨’
And his reaction to todoroki? yeah he’d literally see you use your quirk and just
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no I’m joking
but I feel like as your s/o he’d be super obsessed with your quirk
he’d always want to train with you, he’d see it as an amazing part of you that he wants to help hone so you can be the best of the best
not better than him obviously but the best anyway
not that he’d SHOW all of this awe and pride to you, it’s normally delivered in a bunch of bakugo sentences:
‘oi your form is shit. do this instead.’
that means he’s realised a new way you can throw this punch, with much more force
‘tch, go train. you need the training.’
he wants to train with you. again.
‘....finally. took you long enough to learn that.’
you’ve just done something successfully and he’s trying so hard not to blush at how well you did it.
here your power is more destructive
you can create sigils using a your finger in the air and they create attack power
this with bakugos quirk makes a formidable duo, and if he doesn’t get partnered with you he will most likely throw a fit
but not a long fit more of a like ‘oi why is she over there we work better together’
but he realises as heroes you need to work well with anyone you meet, so he’s not too fussy
because of the fact that you draw the sigils, you have a habit of tracing out patterns and new symbols and any sort of designs subconsciously
this is done normally on any part of your skin, with a pen
bakugo being old man bakugo 🙄 got mad at you
he told you off for almost giving yourself ink poisoning and ruining your hand and making it all dirty drama queen
but throughout all of this bakugo had been clutching your hand, and best believe he wasn’t letting go
he used the hand he was holding to pull you along and sit comfortably, dropping his own palm into your lap and mumbling something that kind of, sort of, might have been along the lines of ‘use my arm dumbass’
now you had bakugos arm to scribble on to your hearts content.
you used this when you were stressed, worried that your nerves were causing you to forget things or simply because you wanted to hold bakugo close
in fact, bakugo himself had adopted this habit, and you’ll notice I said arm instead of hand
bakugo got nervous around you, and therefore sweaty, which therefore lead to tiny little explosions in his palms when you were near
but this habit had started to make him feel comfortable with his hands around you, it made him trust himself more
he knew his power was strong and he didn’t want to hurt you, your quirk was something that helped him with that
and he wouldn’t tell you that but he was grateful. VERY grateful
he once asked why you used pen, and not your finger on your skin considering the pen ink is toxic
you answered very quickly, by pulling out a sheet of people and sliding your finger across the surface in a sigil shape
promptly the paper burnt into a cinder :)
and bakugo never asked again
and that is the end! I hope you liked it and I did the idea of Witchcraft justice 😅 please do send some more requests!
god I loved this so much they’re all so cute :,) thank you for this request!!
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
After watching some anime, can I request the brothers and Side characters with an MC that makes really great bentos in their aesthetic with their favorite meals? MC could make Lucifer a fancy dish of steak done to his favorite temperature, side dishes are organized neatly, and the bento is red and black to match his design or she made pink/pastel treats for Asmo is a very cute bento that matches his style. I think it would make their day when they receive something so cute from the human
ABSOFRICKINGLUTELY! ANON! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! However, I write gn! Whenever possible, so I hope you don't mind. Also, I've only made bento once, so I did a tinny bit of research. Most of them stray from traditional bento, however I tried to make sure I had the four components, (protien, carbs, salad/veggies, and fruit) (except Asmo), and different cooking methods for each. Some of them I forgot to explicitly say what colour the box was, so I'm sorry about that. I didn't do Luke because he had a role in Simeon's, and I blanked. (Sorry) Also, some of them have links bc I started to lose inspiration and motivation to write the same thing over and over again bc brain juice went bye. Hopefully I did this justice, I may have gotten a little carried away...sorry for rambling.
MC Makes Bento For The Boys
Lucifer had been working non-stop for the past few weeks
You had barely seen him, as he was so busy going back and forth from the castle, meetings, and he had banned everyone from his office. It had gotten so bad that he would "postpone" his meals, but nobody had seen him eat in a while.
You had a lot of spare time, so you did meal prep for the whole week just for Lucifer.
It was a little past noon by the time you finished, (and made Beel swear he wouldn't touch the food because you would treat him at Madam Scream's later), so you decided to make a bento box for Lucifer's lunch today with some leftover beef and rice you had.
With your protein and carbs taken care of, you prepared some roasted asparagus to add some colour to the box as well as a couple of carrots. You also added an umeboshi plum on top of the rice to match the colour of the box. (A/N I personally don't mind umeboshi on it's own, but if anyone wants to try it, I highly suggest you eat it with rice or have water on hand 😂)(oh yeah, umeboshi is a small, sour, pickled plum.)
In the final box you arranged a couple of orange slices, strawberries and grapes.
Satisfied, you brought the box and a glass of water up to his study. You didn't even bother knocking, knowing he would just send you away anyways.
You were greeted by a low growl. "Get out."
You rolled your eyes. "No. You need to eat Lucifer, and I'm not leaving until I know you've finished this."
"I don't have time for this MC. I have to-" he was cut off by his stomach rumbling.
He blushed slightly, and continued to busy himself with work.
"Please? I hate seeing you overwork yourself like this. Have you looked in the mirror lately? When was the last time you slept? Eaten? Had something other than coffee? Have you even gone to the bathroom in the past 48 hours?"
He sighed, folded his hands under his chin and looked up at you through disheveled raven locks.
"...you really aren't going anywhere until I eat." It wasn't a question, rather a statement with a trace of relief in it.
You extended the bento box out to him once more, though this time he accepted it.
"....thank you MC.....this is quite delicious. Perhaps once I'm done my work I can take you out to Ristorante Six to show my appreciation."
You pushed his hair back and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"Once you're done your work, you're going to sleep. That's an order, sir."
He silently cursed himself as he felt himself blush again
You were planning to stay until he finished, but then you heard Mammon and Levi fighting.
"I'll take care of that love. Make sure you drink that water too. Also, I prepped meals for the rest of the week for you, so you have no excuse to not eat. I bribed Beel, so they should stay there, but as an extra precaution I got Satan to teach me a protection spell. I didn't tell him what it was for, so it should be fine."
He watched you close the door behind you and wondered what he did to deserve someone like you.
He was complaining to you because his actions finally caught up with him, and tomorrow he had to go out and repay some witches with time and favours, (being a bagboy), instead of money
He started belly-aching even more when you told him you weren't interested in joining him.
Luckily you were on dinner duty tonight, so you had a legitimate excuse to leave his pity-party
However while you were making dinner, you decided to show Mammon a little bit of sympathy, and set some rice and pork cutlet aside that you could use later.
After dinner, Mammon followed Lucifer, trying to convince him to give him money.
So you had ample time to continue working on his bento.
He had a three compartment wooden box
You scooped the rice into the box, put the cutlet on top, and two thinly sliced pieces of lemon on top.
You cut up some yellow, red, and orange bell pepper to put in the top left corner of the box
In the last compartment, you cut up golden kiwi, pineapple chunks, and a couple blueberries
You were about to put it in the fridge, when Mammon came screaming into the kitchen.
You sighed. "It was supposed to be a surprise Mammon! I made lunch for you for tomorrow, because you're going to be doing some running around and who knows when you'll get a moment to yourself? I was going to cast a spell on it to keep Beel from eating it, so it would have lasted overnight too... I just want to make sure you have something healthy to eat and so you don't have to spend money on take out. If you don't want it though, I'll just give it to Beel..."
He blushed furiously. "Ya don't gotta worry bout me, silly human. The Great Mammon can take care of himself! But-uh, I'll probably end up taking it anyways, because it's umm, it's free food! And Mammon ain't about to pass that up!"
He tried to grab it, but you pulled it close to yourself and turned, blocking him.
"You only want it because it's free? Ok. Fine. You'll have to pay me if you want it." You teased
He whined a bit. "Aw come on, ya even said ya didn't want me spendin money tomorrow! And ya said it was for me! MC, this ain't fair!"
"I didn't say you had to use money."
The next day while Mammon was out and about, trying to carry multiple bags of stuff for the witches, he happily ate his food, a light blush on his cheeks as every bite reminded him of the way you felt against his lips yesterday.
Levi had lost out on another draw despite having spent copious amounts of money on the tickets
As such, he had locked himself in his room to temporarily drown in his sorrows
You decided to make Kyaraben, character bento, for him. (Kyaraben can also refer to animals, real life celebrities, or natural settings)
(I would do Ruri- Chan but I have no fricking clue, so here's a link to a recipe for Pikachu Kyaraben because that's what you did instead)
Hesitantly, you brought your creation to his room and lightly knocked on the door.
"...I don't wanna talk to anyone right now."
"Levi, it's me. I brought something to cheer you up! At least let me give it to you if you don't want me to stay."
You could hear some scuffling and mumbling from behind the door. "I highly doubt there's anything a normie like you can do to help."
You tried to brush that off, because, ouch, but you knew he was upset so you tried not to take it to heart.
He was pouty as he opened the door, his demon form on display.
His expression immediately changed when he saw the bento in your hands.
"WOOOOOAAAHHH!!! THIS IS FOR ME??!! YOU MADE ME BENTO??!! This is something straight out of anime!!! Uh...uhm...d-do you maybe w-want to share it?"
The last part of his sentence had him blushing furiously, and he refused to look you in the eye.
"Sure. Maybe we can watch that anime you texted me about a couple days ago too."
His eyes lit up with joy as he used his tail to gently grab your wrist and pull you excitedly to his couch.
Once he had arranged everything to his liking, he sat down and bashfully accepted the bento.
At some point, he asked if he could feed it to you, however, there was only one pair of chopsticks
Blushy otaku very much enjoyed the bento, not only because it was like his anime, but also because it was you who made it.
He also got a couple indirect kisses, and could not focus on anything but that for the next few days.
You and Satan had been spending a lot of time together lately because he was helping you study for a test
Thanks to Satan's tutoring, you had managed to get a much higher score on the test than you had imagined.
As thanks, you wanted to make a kitten Kyaraben
You found him in the library at a desk, hunched over a book, studying some foreign language.
He was so engrossed in his studies that he didn't notice you right away, so you tapped him gently on his shoulder.
"Ah, MC. I'm afraid I missed you coming in. Are you alright?"
You smiled and nodded. You brought the box out from behind your back with your test papers on top, the mark clearly visible.
"I couldn't have gotten that mark without your help, so I made you some bento as thanks. I hope you like it."
His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh MC, that wasn't necessary. Spending time with you was enough for me, but thank you."
He slid the lid off the bento and chuckled when he saw what you had done.
"That's quite clever kitten. Perhaps next time you can show me how to make it?"
His pet name made you blush a bit, but that didn't stop you from agreeing.
You two spent the next few hours discussing different meals you guys could learn to make together.
Asmo had been taking you shopping lately, hyping you up and helping you destress with spa nights
In return, you decided to make a dessert bento box in a pretty pink container.
It was a square container split into nine compartments.
Across the top three compartments, you arranged a rainbow of mochi.
On the bottom three you arranged a rainbow of macaroons.
In the two outside compartments left, you put a mini Wicked cupcake in each
Finally in the middle, you arranged Hershey's kisses into a heart.
Satisfied, you made your way to his room and announced your presence at his door.
"Come in darling~ I'm just finishing up my nails!"
You let yourself in and settled across the table from Asmo.
"I brought you something. I just wanted to thank you for helping me out lately and show you how much I appreciate you!"
You placed the box next to him so he could see what you had done.
His squeal of excitement almost decimated your eardrums, however moments later you were enveloped in a very tight, heartfelt, "smooshy" hug, but his elated expression made up for your temporary loss of hearing.
"Ohh MC! You're so sweet!!!! These look delicious, let's share them!! Just let me take a picture first with my favourite snack!!"
You sat back and expected him to pick up a cupcake, but yelped as he pulled you into the frame.
"I said with my favourite snacc MC, and I meant it!!" (Yes, he still took a picture of the bento)
You wanted to plan an outdoor date for the two of you that wouldn't require you to excersize.
So you decided to try and make Koraku Bento, or picnic bento, but even bigger in hopes you would be able to temporarily satiate Beel's hunger
Because you were making so much, you needed multiple boxes, and a couple days to prepare, so you asked Simeon if you could work at PH so Beel wouldn't get to it early.
Of course, he agreed
Day one, you prepared five different fillings for the Onigiri you were planning to make: sha-ke (salted salmon),umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum), okaka (bonito flakes moistened with soy sauce), kombu (simmered kombu seaweed), tuna mayo (canned tuna with Japanese mayonnaise)
Day two you prepared three large protiens, (chicken, beef, and pork), each enough to fill about two containers each. You cooked each of them differently. You also cut up/prepared vegetables you wanted to use for tempura.
Day three you woke up early in order to be ready to take Beel out after his game. You made rice and finished making the Onigiri, (which Luke was adamant you let him make with you).
And Simeon helped you make the tempura and a beautiful salad to accompany everything else.
However, now there was a lot of stuff to carry and you wanted to greet Beel out of his game.
So the angels took care of transporting the food to the roof while you went to get Beel
"Why are we going to Purgatory Hall? Are we having dinner with the angels?"
"Not quite. The date I wanted to take you on had a slight change of plans. We just need to get to the roof-"
"Do you want me to fly us up there?"
You considered it for a moment then agreed. If nothing else, you would be avoiding Solomon.
Once you landed, appreciation for the angels swelled as they had laid everything out so beautifully.
"...oh. It looks like someone else is doing something up here. It smells really good, so we should probably go. I don't want to eat someone else's food and ruin their night by accident....again." He tried to leave, but you pulled on him gently.
"I'm glad you think it smells good. This is for you! I made it for you, and the angels helped me bring it up here when I went to pick you up."
His eyes widened. "...All of that...you made it for me?"
You couldn't help but smile and nod at his bashful expression.
He hugged you gently. "Thank you MC. I know that took a lot."
"It was worth it! You haven't even tried it yet. Come on, I'm hungry!" You giggled.
Beel's stomach growled in response, causing a slight blush to light his cheeks. You're so good to him❤
Belphegor (this has a bit of crack energy, I'm sorry. So will Solomon's😅)
"MC....can you pass me my D.D.D?"
"MC....can you give me a massage?"
"MC....can you switch my laundry for me?"
"MC....can you pass me my pillow?"
"Belphie, I love you. I understand you're the Avatar of Sloth. But what the actual fuck? Your pillow is under your arm, just move it under your head. I've already gotten up, like six times to do stuff for you."
He groaned. "But it takes too much effort!" He smushed his cheek into his arm and attempted to give you puppy-dog eyes.
"Sorry, only Beel can pull that off. If you want your pillow moved less than a foot, you're going to do it yourself. You of all people should now how frustrating it is to get up as soon as you sit down."
He groaned again and grumbled as he moved his own damn pillow.
You tried to relax a bit. Normally your time with Belphie consisted of cuddles, movie nights, planeterium visits, or just plugging into some music and enjoying each other's company, like you were trying to do now.
Until you made eye contact with him again.
He was going to ask something-
"MC........... can you get me a snack?"
Dear God, he was not gonna like this.
"Of course Belphie. I'd love to."
You made your way to the kitchen with new found energy.
You were going to make Shikaeshi Bento (revenge lunchbox)
Basically, it's supposed to be inedible or embarrassing, and be used to convey anger or overall dissatisfaction
So you grabbed his bento box, dumped uncooked rice into it, cracked an egg and left the shell in the box. You used purple food colouring to make a heart.
You brought the box up to Belphie, who was surprisingly still awake
"That was quick."
You grunted in response and walked out
"Hey why are you leaving?!"
A few seconds later, you heard, "MC! ...WHAT DID I DO??!! I JUST WANTED A SNACK!!...MC PLEASE COME BACK I DON'T WANNA GET UP!!"
So, usually Barbatos is in charge of making sure the Demon Prince eats
However, you told Barbatos that you wanted to make something special for Dia
"My Lord would thoroughly enjoy anything you made for him. He's been very busy lately, so I'm sure he would appreciate the kind gesture."
Barbatos graciously gave you precedence over the kitchen, giving you full access to everything you could ever need or want.
You decided to make him bento with your favourite protein
One compartment you filled with rice, using sesame seeds and an umeboshi for garnish
You arranged pieces of your favourite fruits in one of the smaller compartments
Then you made your favourite type of tempura, and prepared the sauce to go in the last two compartments
You asked Barbatos where Diavolo would be, and he escorted you to his office.
"My Lord, MC has come to speak with you."
Diavolo's head shot up and his face lit up with delight as he watched you walk through the door.
"MC! A welcome surprise. How are you? Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine! I actually just wanted to give you something." You gave him the black box.
"I made bento with some of my favourite things...you mentioned wanting to get to know me a little bett-"
You were cut off by Diavolo crushing you in a hug
"...My Lord, MC needs to breathe."
"Ah, my apologies MC. This is the most wonderful, meaningful thing anyone has ever given me. How can I adequately express my gratitude? Simply name anything you want, and it shall be yours."
Once you had regained your breath, you gave him a small smile.
"Anything? Could I trouble you for your time?"
"MC, Lord Diavolo must finish his work in a timely matter. I can clear his schedule for afterwards."
"Barbatos, could they stay long enough for us to share the wonderful meal they've prepared?"
Usually Diavolo's begging and sad eyes™ would be powerless against him, however the soft spot he had for you and your much- less-seen sad expression were enough for him to bend this once.
"My Lord, I'll be back in an hour. I'm afraid that's all the time I can allow."
He stepped out, and allowed a small smile form on his face as he heard the two of you celebrate, also knowing that later on he would be listening to a very happy prince recount everything you two talked about and how much he loved you.
You, the brothers, and the other exchange students had been invited to the demon lord's castle for another event
It wasn't for another day, but you felt your chest tighten as you remembered Barbatos
Did he even get to eat those days when everyone was there?
You didn't want to take that chance, and decided to set up a small, filling bento box.
It only had three compartments, so you stuffed each one.
One had rice and meat.
You made some sushi and tamagoyaki to go on top.
For the last compartment, you made a simple chickpea salad.
The next day, Barbatos welcomed you all to the castle, as per usual.
However, this time he stuck around once the brothers and others had left.
"I...Well you already know, but this is for you!"
He nodded and graced you with a smile. "My knowing does not take away from my appreciation MC. Admittedly, nights like this are very demanding. I will repay you later. Thank you."
He tried to walk away, but you yelled after him, "You're not supposed to repay someone for a gift! Just take it!!"
He smiled to himself as he started to eat some food.
Perhaps this night would not be as taxing as he thought
You had been experimenting new dinner recipes with Luke at Purgatory Hall; you were watching him while Simeon was away.
"If we leave these leftovers out, Solomon will get to them and ruin them."
"....why don't we make bento for Simeon? He's coming back tomorrow, isn't he?"
Luke beamed at you. "Okay!"
He went to get a small bento box divided into fifths (two large bottom compartments and three small top ones).
"Ok, so in one of the big ones, we can fit the rest of the rice."
Luke nodded. "Can I use this?" He held up a star-shaped cookie cutter.
"Of course!" You helped him mould the rice into a stable star shape.
He looked so happy designing stuff, you let him take the lead.
By the time you were finished, it was easily the most stunning dish you had seen.
"Wow MC! We should do this more often!" He was very proud of himself, and rightfully so. "I can't wait to give it to Simeon!....Is it ok if I give it to Simeon? It was your idea, so it's ok if you want to do it instead..."
You just smiled at him. "You can give it to him, you did most of the work anyways. For now though, you need to get to bed."
He pouted slightly, but complied.
The next morning you woke up to Luke speaking very animatedly to Simeon.
"Yeah! We tried a bunch of new things, and then MC suggested we make you a bento box with the leftovers, and it turned out really well so I can't wait for you to try it!!"
You leaned against the kitchen doorframe observing the interaction.
"Thank you Luke, it looks wonderful. Good morning MC. I hope you slept well. Thanks for ba- for helping Luke while I was away."
He smiled gently at you before Luke was trying to get him to try the bento again.
He took a bite and smiled at Luke.
"It's delicious. You guys must have put a lot of love into it, as always." He looked directly at you at that point, but Luke was too elated to notice the silent exchange between you too.
"Don't get mad at me! You agreed to test spells with me!"
"You asked me when I was half asleep Solomon! I also meant later, not right away!"
"Well, you're not a frog anymore, so I don't see what the problem is."
.... No, you weren't a frog anymore
That didn't mean you were happy about being a frog in the first place.
You texted Simeon, 'Who's on lunch duty today?"
"Me. Why?"
"I'll make us bento. We can picnic, the exchange students, that is."
So you spent the next little bit making normal bento for the three of you.
"Simeon said we should probably leave in five minutes" you thanked Luke and started on Solomon's.
You made Shikaeshi bento; you cracked four eggs and aligned their yolks into a rather phallic shape, added way too much fish oil, and threw a few sesame seeds on top.
However, once you made it to the picnic grounds, Solomon opened his box and gasped.
"MC, you know me so well!" And proceeded to drink right out of the box, the rest of you looking on in horror.
"I thought you were mad at me and you were going to give me something disgusting like Mac and Cheese. I guess all is forgiven. Thank you!"
At that point you couldn't even stay mad, that was just disgusting.
Aye, I hope you liked it anon, not sure if this is quite what you meant but....yeah.
Love y'all!
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topsytervy · 3 years
Late Night Walks ~ Drew Starkey
Synopsis: There's always a cute guy out on the balcony when you go out to walk your dog and he does it to make sure you get home okay
Word Count: 1,415
Warnings: little bit of smoking cigarettes, swearing (I think there's only one cuss word though), a creepy guy, spelling/grammar mistakes, i think thats it.
*y/d/n = your dogs name*
A/N: hi, im back. I've been working like 30 hours a week and have had zero time to write and when I do, I freeze up and overthink. So this is like half-written on my lunch break. Anyway, hope you like it.
It’s not like Drew was intentionally watching you. It just so happened that every time he went out on his balcony to read or just decompress, you were walking your dog. However, you only really walked your dog at night and that made him slightly anxious.
So maybe he was intentionally watching you just to make sure you left and got back to the apartment complex safely.
You, on the other hand, weren’t necessarily concerned. You had a decent-sized dog named y/d/n who was ready to protect you whenever you gave it the command and you’ve been walking the same route for a year and a half and everyone on that route recognized you and was sure to come out if you yelled for help.
And then he was outside your complex one day when you took your dog out.
You didn’t know who the man was but he knew who you were. He was older than you, not by a couple of months or years but by a good two decades and he gave off a weird vibe.
“Yeah. You’re always walking this little cutie.” He gestured to your dog.
You thanked him on your dog’s behalf and waited a beat to see if he would move on but he didn’t, continuing to say how liked this color on you more than the one you wore a week ago and how he was concerned when he didn’t see you for the past few days but remembered seeing you walk into this complex once while he was driving past.
You explained how you were just sick and you looked up, hoping that the dude who was always outside when you were was there. And sure enough, he was leaning against his balcony railing, smoking a cigarette.
Drew's eyes met yours and he noticed the somewhat scared look on your face, causing him to put out his cigarette and walk inside.
The blue-eyed man walked out the front door of the building as the man reached out and went to touch your arm, causing you to back up.
“Ah, come on. We’re not strangers. We could do dinner at mine or yours.”
You opened your mouth to speak but Drew answered before you could. “I don’t think she’s interested sir. Why don’t you move along?”
You looked over your shoulder to see Drew walking up and stopping next to you, his eyes settled on the man.
“I’m sorry. Do I know you?” The man asked.
“Then why are you here?”
Drew pointed up towards his balcony. “Cause from where I was standing up there, she,” he moved his finger to point at you, “was looking uncomfortable and I,” he moved his finger to point at himself now, “decided to come down and check.”
“Well, we’re fine so you can go back to whatever you were doing.” The man narrowed his eyes at Drew.
Drew turned to look at you. “Are you okay?”
“She’s f-”
“I didn’t ask you, sir.” Drew cut him off sharply with his words and a glare before looking back at you, softening his gaze. “Are you okay? Do you want me to leave?” You shook your head and Drew turned back to the older guy. “You need to leave before I decide to call the cops.”
The man stayed for a few seconds before Drew reached into his pocket, causing the guy to hold up his hands and back up. “I’m leaving. I’m leaving.”
Drew watched the man hop in his car and pull away before he turned to you, your hands shaking as y/d/n looked at you with concern.
“Hey, okay. You’re okay. Let’s just sit down for a minute.” He gently lead you to the steps, sitting you down as your dog licked your hands.
“I-I don’t think I can walk that route again. He sees me walk that route all the time. He lives somewhere along that route.” You panicked, your hands going to your temples before your eyes widened and you looked at Drew. “Oh my god. He knows the building I live in. What happens if he decides to come in and try to figure out what apartment I’m in.”
Drew held up his hands. “Whoa, slow down. I promise that there is no way that man is getting in here or coming near here again. I’ll sit out there the entire damn night if I have to.” Drew pointed up to his balcony once again. “And, if you want, I could...join you on your walks.” He dragged out the last sentence, thinking how weird that is to offer someone he hasn’t talked to before tonight.
You looked at the blue-eyed man. “Are you sure?”
Drew shrugged. “Why not? It’ll be refreshing.”
You nodded before offering him your now slightly shaking hand. “I’m Y/n.”
He smiled before taking your hand in his. “Drew. It’s lovely to meet you.”
And that’s how it started.
That first night he joined you and your dog on a walk, you got to know each other. What you two did for a living, how old you two were, where you grew up, etc.
It was a nice change of pace for you to have someone to talk with as you walked and it was a nice change of pace for Drew to be doing something instead of just sitting on his balcony and wait for you to get home.
He walked you back to your apartment and wished you goodnight before heading back to his two floors up.
From that night on, you two went on your walks at 7:30 because, to you, it felt more relaxing and got you and y/d/n tired out for bed.
It was maybe three months in when you laughed at the memory of seeing Drew just sitting on the balcony when you left and came home.
"What's so funny?" He asked, taking the cigarette out of his mouth as he grinned at you.
"I'm not going to lie, I thought you were kind of a weirdo beforehand." You admitted, blushing slightly.
"Oh? Do tell." He raised an eyebrow.
"Well. Imagine being me, a young girl, walking her dog at night and constantly seeing someone from her building waiting on their balcony each and every night and watching her leave and come back."
Drew nodded as he took a quick drag from his cigarette before exhaling. "I agree but I will have you know the first couple of times that happened was by accident and then it just became a habit. I wasn’t doing it to be a weirdo. I was doing it because a part of me kicked in that just told me to make sure you get home. I've got sisters and I couldn't even imagine what I'd do if something happened to them." He glanced at you and shrugged before smiling. "There are only two people who can pick on my sisters and that’s me and my brother, ya know. Like, yeah, I'll tease them about someone they like or take the last slice of pizza cause they wanted it but I'm not going to let someone be a creep to them."
You laughed, resting your head against Drew’s arm. "A true gentleman."
"I try." He grinned as the two of you rounded the block.
"Seriously though, I always enjoyed these walks and I find even more joy in them walking with someone else."
Drew threw his arm around your shoulder. "I enjoy them too. My favorite part of the day is hanging out with you two."
"Too bad it's nighttime." You smirked.
"Okay, smartass." He rolled his eyes as you approached the front of the complex.
He grabbed the door and held it open for you, you and y/d/n walking in as you thanked him before he walked in behind you guys. He walked you back to your apartment and watched as you pulled your keys from your pocket, putting them into the lock and turning them before you turned to face Drew.
"Do you want to come in? Have a beer and some leftover stirfry while we watch a movie? If you can cause you've got an early morning tomorrow that's totally okay, I jus-"
Drew cut off your little ramble. "I'd love to." He smiled.
You grinned back at him before opening your door and letting him inside along with y/d/n, closing the door behind you three.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
After my little hissy fit last night about not being able to write, I spent all day today doing exactly that. 5000 words later and we have this rambling fic. I had to fill in our Census today, so I figured the Tracys could too. It went places I did not expect.
There are a couple of anachronisms in this fic. It is based in 2060 for census reasons, but I mention at least two characters interacting with the Tracys from later seasons. Please ignore and enjoy anyway :D
There are also a couple of vague references to ship, but no real ship, I promise.
Thank you in particular to @katblu42​ and @willow-salix​  and the other members of Thunderfam who kindly checked on on me last night while I was bemoaning my inability to write. Sorry if I was exasperating. I have a degree in that. If it helps, no one gets more annoyed with me than I do ::hugs you lots::
Rambly, mostly brotherly conversations and doesn’t really go anywhere, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
How Gordon got there first was no mystery. Virgil was just too damned tired after three rescues in a row and Scott had been tied up with Tracy Industries for most of the day. Grandma could possibly have been on it if she hadn’t been filling in for John who had broken out his exo-suit to yank a couple of free floaters out of the sky.
He was still muttering about idiots and safety. His mood was not improved by the fact Grandma insisted he come down for the night so he could be counted.
Consequently, his muttering also included cursing bureaucracy even though Virgil knew census night was a favourite of the astronaut.
Perhaps Gordon got to the form first because he knew everyone else was tired and grumpy and needed a kick in the pants. Virgil had to admit with a fond thought that his little brother was prone to throwing joke bombs amongst them when the mood was through the floor.
Virgil had no issues wondering why Alan wasn’t the one poking at the form. Their resident teenager wasn’t interested at all.
“Okay, guys. What is our address? What did we put last time?”
Alan didn’t even look up from his game. “Tracy Island.”
Gordon, who was sitting at Dad’s desk, staring at the holographic form, hesitated. “Did Dad register that with the powers that be?”
“What?” Alan really wasn’t paying any attention at all.
Virgil sighed. He was sitting on the couch with one of his uniform boots on his lap attempting to pick out several penetrating objects out of the sole. His last rescue had been a collapsed factory and he was still trying to work out what exactly it was that they made that could penetrate his specialist footwear.
Fortunately, despite multiple incursions, he only had a scratch on his left foot, more an annoyance than anything, but these objects were frustrating and suspicious.
“Dad did all the right things. Tracy Island is the official name now.” The pliers weren’t quite gripping the piece of metal properly. The grip slipped and Virgil swore.
“Now? What was it called before?”
“Deserter’s Rock.” Scott strode in from the kitchen, a coffee in hand, and grimace on his face. His usually perfect hair was scruffy, as if he had been running his hands through it.
Virgil frowned up at him. “You okay?”
His brother took the steps down into the lounge and sighed. “Nothing a holiday won’t fix.” It was Scott’s turn to frown. “What’s with the boot?”
“Deserter’s Rock? Really?”
It was John who answered, very much like Alan, staring into his tablet and barely paying attention. “Really. Three sailors were stuck here for months. Only one survived. That’s why there is a cairn on Tracy Peak.”
“I thought that was a pile of rocks put there by Dad.” Gordon seemed genuinely surprised. “You mean there are two dead guys on the Island?”
“Along with their ghosts, yeah.” John still didn’t look up.
“Ghosts?” Alan did look up at that, eyes wide. “What ghosts?”
“The one’s who keep stealing my Bailey’s ice cream.”
“Oh.” Alan went back to playing his game, his eyes definitely not darting between John and Gordon at all.
“Okay, moving on…so where do I put ‘Tracy Island’ in this thing? It’s not a suburb, state or territory…do we have a postcode?”
“It’s a locality. Shove it in there.” Virgil grit his teeth and yanked hard at the piece of metal embedded in his boot. A grunt and a flex of heavy lifting muscles and…it didn’t move at all. What the hell?
“Okay, whatever.” Gordon half sung ‘Tracy Island, Kermadec Ridge, South Pacific Ocean’ to himself as he entered it into the form. At least he was being specific. Virgil glared at his boot.
“Next. Who gets to be head of household? Oh, the Householder?” A pause in which Virgil poked at his boot, Scott sipped his coffee with closed eyes, Alan killed three zombies with a grin and John sat motionless still staring at his tablet.
“Okay, then. It’s me.” Gordon grinned to himself.
Nobody looked up, but all four other brothers said simultaneously and in chorus. “It’s Grandma.”
Virgil flexed his hand and picked up his pliers again. Peripherally, he watched Gordon’s shoulders drop. Even the Fish couldn’t argue with that.
“Fine. It’s Grandma.” He reached up and touched the box to open that section of the form. “Where is she anyway?”
Virgil tried to get a better grip on another chunk of metal in his boot. “Yoga. Don’t disturb her.” Yoga was Grandma’s mindfulness time and after today, it was well overdue. “Leave her be.”
“I wasn’t going to. Sheesh. So, name. Sally Tracy.” He typed in her name. “Person two?”
“Scott Tracy.” Okay, so Virgil had a bit of a thing about this. His brother deserved acknowledgement for everything he had done.
Gordon glared at him. “And so I guess the rest of us are in age order?”
Virgil flipped his boot over. “Whatever floats your boat, fishboy.” A glance in Scott’s direction and he had to wonder if his brother had fallen asleep, he was that still. The coffee mug in his hand was the only proof of consciousness.
Virgil fought the urge to save it. “Scott, you wanna go to bed?”
“Wha-?” His brother sat up. “I’m fine.” Fortunately, he put the coffee mug down. The chances of Virgil having to treat burns tonight dropped significantly.
“How do you spell ‘Hackenbacker’?”
Virgil did not grace that with an answer as it was obviously a stupid question.
John was apparently on auto as he spouted off the required letters anyway while still staring at his tablet.
Gordon poked at the form in silence for a little while and Virgil wondered what on Earth he was entering. He trusted his brother. This was an official document, after all, but he was still Gordon.
“Okay, guys, I need your information.”
Beside Virgil, Scott ‘woke up’. “What, no questions about Grandma?”
Gordon frowned at his eldest brother. “I’ll have you know that I know our grandmother very well. We have a special kind of relationship.”
Alan snorted.
“What? You got something to say, sprout?” The fish glared at Alan enough to torch him on the spot.
“I’m just saying that after that time with Grandma’s diver’s license, you should know Grandma’s details very well. Her birthdate, her ancestry, her suit measurements…”
A starfish plushie suddenly had a very short career as a ninja star and bounced off Alan’s head. “Shut up, Alan.”
Their little brother only giggled more.
John, still staring at his tablet, raised an eyebrow. “Allie, Grandma baked some cookies yesterday. I think there are still some in the cupboard. Would you like some?”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Alan threw the plushie at his fish brother, missing completely, and went back to playing his game. There was muttering about Gordon making jokes but Alan not being allowed to.
Virgil sighed to himself.
“Scotty, what’s your age? It’s 2060 for reference. Oh, and your gender.”
All signs of sleep fell away and Scott sat up. “Gordon…” It was all warning.
“Hey, I’m just giving you the opportunity to offer an alternative. After all, tonight you look at least fifty-six.”
“I’m thirty-one and you know it.”
Gordon poked at the form. “Thirty-one years young. Got it.”
Scott grunted at him.
“Virg, are we telling the truth this time?”
“Depends on whether you want me to leave you in the ocean next time.” Why the hell couldn’t he get this out of his boot?
“To threat level already, you are grumpy tonight.”
“Gordon…” Virgil echoed Scott from earlier to the note.
“No one named ‘Johnny’ lives here.”
Gordon signed. “John Glenn Tracy, how would you like me to record your age?”
“If I say I’m thirty-two, do I get to go higher up on the form?” Alan looked hopeful.
“If you like.” Gordon moved things around on the display.
Virgil gave up. The locality of Tracy Island was destined to be a statistical anomaly anyway. At least it would be an interesting one.
Besides, John would probably hack it later and fix it. The fact he had hardly protested so far was eminent proof of that security factor.
“Scotty, are you the husband or wife of Grandma?”
Scott rubbed his face and didn’t bother to answer, picking up his coffee again and burying his face in it.
Virgil just wished he would go to bed. The man was a zombie.
Gordon took the hint and was quiet for a little while. Virgil went back to tugging on his boot. Maybe he should take this down to his workshop.
The thought of actually working more had his shoulders slumping enough to alert Scott. The concerned and questioning look shot in his direction had Virgil sitting up a little straighter to fend it off.
“John, where should we put your usual place of residence?”
“But you live in space.”
“So do you.”
“Pedantic much?”
“As necessary. Tracy Island is home. Thunderbird Five is merely in our astronomical backyard, not to mention secret.”
Virgil looked up at that. It was a simple statement, but it was good to hear that John still considered Tracy Island home despite his multiple protests over the years.
“Fine. Secret space station wasn’t an option anyway. I could flub it and use Global One but then that would spark all those rumours about you and that captain all over again.”
“Gordon, I can hack your bank accounts.”
“Go for it.”
“I can also hack your fish tanks.”
The aquanaut shot to his feet. “You touch my tanks and you’re dead, spacehead.”
John didn’t react other than to smile just a little.
Their space brother could be a right royal ass when he wanted to be. Virgil sighed. “John, you know the rules.”
He shrugged. “Didn’t break any.”
“You touch my tanks, I’m spicing up your atmosphere on Five. I’m not kidding. I have fart gas resources even you can’t find.” Gordon was still on his feet and actually appeared angry.
John shuddered. “TMI, Gordo. Not interested in your gas capacity, honestly.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Calm down, Gords, John’s not doing anything to your fish tanks. He knows the rules, don’t you, John.” He arched a prompting eyebrow at his brother.
“Never said I didn’t.”
Definitely an ass.
“Gordon, calm down. You can put John’s relationship to you in as ‘nemesis’ if it makes you feel better.”
“I can only put in our relationship to Grandma. I wrote favourite grandson in yours.”
It was Virgil’s turn to shrug. “I’m not going to complain. Sit down and finish the form.”
His brother didn’t answer, but he did sit down, albeit still glaring at John.
John had gone back to his tablet, doing who knew the hell what.
Definitely an ass.
Virgil turned back to Gordon. “What’s the next question, Gords?”
The glare switched to Virgil for a second before turning to the form. “Where were we born?”
“I know that. What about Grandma, Brains and Kayo?”
“Space.” Alan said it with triumph.
“Where John lives. Isn’t that what the question was?” Alan stared between his brothers.
“Go back to sleep, Alan.”
“Grandma was born in Kansas, Brains was born in India, and Kayo was born here.” Scott proved he was still awake by suddenly providing information enough to make Virgil jump.
Gordon poked at the form, but nothing further was said on that front. Everyone knew Kayo was sensitive about her past, and while she wasn’t in the room, she would find out and partially kill anyone responsible.
“Kayo is here tonight, isn’t she?”
Virgil yanked on his boot again, slipped and managed to elbow Scott in the ribs. His brother grunted.
“Oh, shit, sorry. You okay?” He shoved the boot aside and the pliers along with it.
Scott eyed him and rubbed his side. “That answers your question, Gordon. Kayo is on a conference call with Captain Rigby.”
Virgil glared at Scott.
Gordon eyed the both of them. “Is there something you two aren’t telling the class?”
“Shut up, Gordon.” Virgil glared at Scott a moment longer, enough to have his brother’s expression fall into one of concern. Grabbing his boot again, Virgil went back to wrestling with embedded metal. Damned specialised rubber was amazing when it protected him but when its tolerances were overrun, it was a pain to fix. Maybe he should ask Max to give it a yank. “What entertaining religion are you using this time, Gords?” Any attempt to get the conversation off this topic.
Gordon stared at him a moment, obviously still trying to work out what the hell happened there.
Scott was dead later; Virgil was going to make sure of it. Tired or not, he had crossed a line.
A sideways look in his eldest brother’s direction and it was obvious Scott realised that. Okay, maybe he could let it go. It had been a long day and they were all tired.
Probably should go to bed.
He went back to fighting with his boot.
Gordon was still staring but even the fish knew when to shut up apparently, because the next words out of his mouth were entirely religious.
“I’m worshiping Neptune this year.”
Alan frowned. “I thought you said that last time.”
“Dad wouldn’t let me.”
That brought the whole room to a standstill. Last census was ten years ago. Flashback to that time brought everything that had changed into the bright glaring light. The biggest change being Dad’s absence. But even more, ten years ago they were still based in Kansas, IR was in development, but not yet a reality. Alan was only six, Gords eleven and with his body still intact…it was a completely different time. Virgil was still in college and had to fill in his own census form in Denver.
Gordon broke the looming silence with a determined smile. “This time the government gets the truth. Scott bows to the sky gods, Virg worships molemen, Johnny is a god, and Alan is Satan.
“Hey!” It was said by multiple brothers at once.
Only John remained calm. He even had a smile. “In that case, I want bagels every Sunday.”
“You get bagels every Sunday. Virg sends them up all the time.” Alan glared at his space brother – Alan did not like bagels.
John grinned wider. “I’ll take that as proof that I have at least one faithful worshipper.”
“Next time you can get your own bagels.” Virgil glared at his brother.
Gordon snorted. “Yeah, right, you old softie. John could blow up Two and you’d still send him his bagels.”
Virgil found himself glaring at Gordon again. It seemed to be a theme tonight. “Short pier, long walk, Gordon, go for it.”
He got a smirk for that. “Don’t mind if I do. A little night diving is quite spectacular around here.”
Virgil ignored him and went back to his boot…which he had made zero progress on for all the time he had been sitting here, damnit.
“Does Virgil ever ‘need someone to help with or be with him for self-care, body movement, or communication activities’?” Gordon typed into the form. “Before coffee.”
Virgil ignored him some more as Alan took the bait and snickered. “Better watch it, Gords. Won’t be long before ‘before coffee’ time kicks in. Look at him, he’s already brewing.”
The piece of metal in his boot finally shifted a little. Thank goodness.
“Long term health conditions.” Gordon slumped in his seat. “Well, isn’t this cheerful.”
“Just fill it in, Gordon.” Scott’s words were little more than a sigh.
That left a gaping silence. Gordon tapped a lot at the keyboard filling in far too much. More for himself, obviously, but then there was John and his space issues, and they all had been diagnosed with something on the list hanging above their father’s desk.
Except Alan, who could not be left out. Virgil pretended to not be able to read the word ‘zombification’ next to his little brother’s name.
“Schooling? Oh man, John, you can write all the letters after your name. I can never remember them all.”
“Not a problem.” The astronaut poked at his tablet and the hologram in front of Gordon sprouted half the alphabet.
“Really? Did you get a new one?” He stared at John. “When did you get time for that?”
John shrugged. “Made time.”
“What’s this one for?”
“You were in the ocean. I didn’t know enough to help. So I fixed the problem.”
Gordon just stared.
Virgil, of course, knew. He had been the one to field John’s version of panic the day he didn’t know enough to help Gordon. John was practical. He saw a problem, he fixed it. Oceanography wasn’t an obvious topic for the starman, but he was a genius and that genius could be applied where he wished it to be.
If Virgil had found himself helping John at a few points that intersected with his specialities along the way, he was just going to take a little comfort from being able to return the favour after years of borrowing his brother’s brains for other topics.
And besides, it had meant he had been able to spend a little extra time with John. Always a good thing.
Despite him being the occasional ass.
Gordon was still staring. “Is that why you bugged me to take you out in Four?”
John shrugged. “Partly. Didn’t mind spending a bit of time with you either. Good experience to familiarise myself with Four as well.”
The stare continued.
“Be careful you don’t catch any flies with your mouth open.”
The stare became a glare. “We’re talking about this. You and me.”
Gordon looked like he didn’t know whether to yell at him or run over and hug his brother. Virgil was voting for the latter.
But everything was interrupted by a sudden snore and snort.
Virgil turned to Scott and found his brother startled awake, likely by his own snore.
“Scott, you need to go to bed.”
“I’m fine.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Do I need to pick you up and carry you?”
“I’m fine.” He waved Virgil away, sat up straighter and attempted to guzzle whatever was left of his probably cold coffee.
“Go to bed.”
“No. We need to finish the census.”
“Because why?”
“Because I want to.”
“Can you stop that?”
“Can you go to bed?”
“You need sleep.”
“I can manage my own health, thank you, Doctor Virgil.” He folded his arms across his chest. “I am an adult.”
Gordon let off a loud snort. “That’s it. I’m putting you two in as married.”
“Gordon!” Both of them, in chorus. It was apparently a theme tonight.
“Well, you both argue like an old married couple, what can I do?”
“You can shut up and move onto the next question.”
Gordon poked his tongue out at Scott, but he didn’t stop grinning and Virgil was forced to hold back a smile himself.
Bratty little fish.
He was still smirking when he said, “Employment.”
“Oh god.” Scott sank back onto the couch and rubbed his face with his hands.
There followed a book’s worth of employment activities.
“Rocket surfing is not an occupation, Gordon.” Virgil sighed.
“Why not? Both Scott and Allie surf rockets.”
“Alan rides a rocket sled and Scott is just trying to give me grey hair.”
“Has he succeeded yet?” Bratty fish.
“None of your business.”
“So is International Rescue paid or unpaid work?” Gordon was frowning at the form.
“Unpaid.”  Scott’s tone was sharp.
“So are we unemployed, employed or self-employed?”
“How much do you earn a year, Scotty?”
Their eldest brother paused as if calculating, but then threw up a hand. “Stuffed if I know.”
John snorted and rattled off a number.
“There isn’t enough space for that many zeros here, John.”
“Give me a moment.”
The display in front of Gordon flickered and each of their names received a variety of numbers…except for Alan.
“Hey, how come I don’t have any earnings?”
“You are a minor.” John spoke calmly, as if speaking to a minor.
“But I do stuff for Tracy Industries, I do.”
“All your income is held in trust, you know that.”
“Then who is paying for all that popcorn I bought this morning?”
Scott sighed. “Don’t worry, you’re not going to bust the bank.”
“We own the bank.”
Scott stared at John. “When did we buy a bank?”
“I bought it for your birthday last year but forgot to give it to you.”
“I’m writing obscenely rich next to all our names. Oh, except for you, Allie. You’re a pauper.”
“Hey! You suck, Fishbrain.”
“Remember who might need to lend you money in the next couple of years…”
“While Gordon remembers who lent him money in the past, who still helps him with his finances, and who also is the one to fish him out of the ocean after every mission.” Virgil pinned Gordon with his eyes.
Gordon blinked. “You have a point.” A pause as a smile crept over his face. “Who was that again?”
The hologram of the census form wobbled as a lounge cushion flew through it and hit Gordon squarely in the face.
“Right on target. Hmm, I’ve still got it.” Scott blew imaginary smoke off a finger gun.
Unfortunately, Scott may have still had it, but he wasn’t the best marksman on this census form. The cushion rebounded via aquanaut and hit Scott squarely in the face with an oomph.
This forced both Virgil and Alan to come to his defence and for a full ten minutes after that, it was an all-out pillow fight between the brothers. Even John was drawn in as Gordon came up behind him and tried to stuff one down the back of his shirt.
Which wasn’t advisable since his gravity support was still in play. But then John was king of the noogie and immediately grabbed a head full of strawberry blond hair, dragged it down onto the couch beside him and made sure it received the full-on noogie treatment.
Gordon did squawk quite a bit.
An extreme one-on-one joust erupted between Scott and Alan. It was that determined that Virgil had to back out. Alan, being the terrier he was, managed to get Scott on his back on the lounge and sat on him pummelling him with pillows.
Virgil had suspicions that the game was rigged.
In any case, he had to find somewhere else to sit and tinker with his boot.
Eventually, Gordon found his way back to the census form. Scott was still on his back and apparently Alan had decided he preferred that his big brother stay that way by sitting on him and playing his computer game. Scott at least had a remaining cushion under his head, but one foot had taken out a pot plant and the other was hanging over the back of the sofa. His brother really was too tall for lying on the seating arrangements, but he didn’t seem to care.
With a bit of luck he might fall asleep.
“Okay, let’s finish this. How did you get to work today?” Gordon grunted. “This form has no rockets, planes, submarines or space elevators on it.”
“Tick the ‘other’ box and let them work it out.” John let out a yawn.
Virgil eyed him.
John screwed up his face and poked out his tongue.
Wha-“ Virgil blinked.
“Hey, Virg, how many hours did you work last week?”
That distracted him enough to turn to Gordon. “How the hell do I know?”
“You worked them. I bet you know your flight hours.”
“Today’s. Not last week. That was last week.”
“Eos, send Gordon last week’s record?”
The AI chimed in at her father’s request. “Yes, John.”
Another document appeared in front of Gordon. “Wow, that much? Really?”
“The documentation is correct as recorded.” Eos sounded a little miffed. But then she never particularly liked Gordon on the best of days.
His fault, of course.
“Virg, you win, but only by a bit over Scott and that was because he twisted his ankle on Monday.”
“Sprained, you mean.”
“Twisted.” It came from the couch and was strangled by a little brother.
“Sprained. He should have been off for several days, but he’s an idiot.”
“You can’t talk, Mr Bruised-not-cracked.”
“At least I’m not Cracked-not-broken.”
Scott might have said more but Alan whacked him with a pillow. “You guys are idiots. Gords, John and I are lucky our grey hairs don’t show.” Alan growled. “I’m sixteen, for crying out loud, and I know more about hospitals than I ever wanted to. Look after yourselves, you morons.”
Silence hit the room again.
“Way to go, Allie. You tell ‘em.” Gordon’s words were honest.
Of course, Scott was devastated and immediately questioning all his life choices. Virgil wasn’t far behind, but Scott, in particular had a sensitive spot where Alan was concerned.
“Hey.” He reached out a hand and rested it on their little brother’s arm. “Talk to me, Allie.”
Alan growled again. “I’m fine as long as you two look after yourselves. We kinda need you, you know.”
Scott grabbed his little brother and dragged him down into a hug. “I’m sorry.”
Virgil sat with his boot in his lap needing to grab both his brothers but not wanting to interrupt their moment.
He shouldn’t have worried. A second later Gordon jumped over the back of the couch, landed beside him and grabbed him, dragging him sideways into an oomph of a hug. “Don’t worry, my dear wingman, we still love you even if you are an idiot.”
“Admit it, you want a hug.”
“Shut up.”
Gordon didn’t say anything further, but he did squeeze tighter.
“When you get to the questions on whether any of us looked after children, Gordon, tick yes for all of us.” John’s tone was as dry as a desert.
“Will do.” Gordon grinned at him.
Scott actually fell asleep after that. It was about time. Apparently, Alan made a great teddy bear.
Alan grumbled about that for days, but Virgil knew his little brother treasured his relationship with Scott and the fact he fell asleep as well was rather telling.
But that fact pretty much ended the census form filling for that night.
The next morning saw all of them out on an earthquake and it wasn’t until two days later that Gordon realised they hadn’t submitted the form.
Grabbing Scott and Virgil, he ran them through the last of the questions, landing on the definitions of their dwelling.
“How many registered motor vehicles do we have at this dwelling?”
“Er, none? We have no roads.” Virgil frowned at the obvious answer.
“Three rockets, two planes and a submarine don’t count?”
An arched eyebrow. “Does it say anything about planes? Tracy Two and Three are registered in Aotearoa.”
“Aotearoa is not the United States.”
“But they are still registered.”
Scott sighed. “Read the form properly, guys. It says exclude heavy vehicles.”
“Well, that strikes Virg off the list, but your ‘bird’s a pansy.”
That earned Gordon a mocking whack up the back of the head.
“Gords, just write zero. The intent is there.”
“Fine. We have no motor vehicles. Stupid form.” A sigh. “Okay, how many bedrooms do we have?”
Scott answered that one. “Ten.”
“I thought it was twelve.”
“One went to an art studio and the other to a music recording room.”
Gordon glared at Virgil. “Way to take over the house, bro.”
“And how many fish tanks do you have in how many rooms? Not to mention the chunk of vegetable garden we had to sacrifice for Rover’s pond?”
“Leave Rover out of this. That wasn’t his fault.”
Virgil snorted. “Not his.”
“Shut up.”
Scott sighed again. “We have ten bedrooms.” He scanned the rest of the form, which thankfully wasn’t very long. “We own the place outright, and yes, they can archive our information for our grandkids to access. Tick the boxes and get this sent so I can go get some lunch.”
“Yes, Commander.”
Scott growled but Gordon ignored him.
Boxes all ticked, he hit the submit button.
“This form has already been submitted. You may not submit it again.” Underneath was the date of the day before census night. “What the hell? How could we open it if - ” Scott hit his comms. “John!”
John’s hologram flickered up beside the misbehaving census form. “I’m between a hurricane in Bermuda and an avalanche in the Pyrenees. How may I help you?”
“Oh, the census form. Eos submitted that three days ago.” Their space brother was distracted a moment out of pick up range as Scott’s jaw dropped. “Needed to get it done before Gordon got his hands on it. Besides, we can’t guarantee we wouldn’t have been called out anyway, so I got it done beforehand.”
“Then why the hell were we going through the damned thing on census night?”
John blinked. “You had fun, didn’t you? We shared an evening together.”
Virgil joined both his brothers at staring at John.
The astronaut just smirked back at them. “You did a great job, Gordon. Thanks.” The smirk turned into a grin. “Thunderbird Five out.” His hologram disappeared.
Scott’s face curdled. “I’m going to kill him.”
Virgil let his shoulders drop and sighed. “You said that last time he did something like this, and he’s still kicking.”
“I’m soaking his underwear in saltwater.” Gordon had that fire in his eyes that usually preceded a Tracy Island Armageddon.
“He played me, Virg. He knew what I would do and played me. He thinks I’m predictable!”
“Yeah, but he obviously did it for the right reasons.”
Virgil found himself the target of two glares. “What? You want a group hug or something? C’mere.” And he grabbed the both of them, wrapping his arms around them. “Happy Census Night.”
The grumbling was worth it.
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